#my starters are almost always beasts
flosalatus · 1 year
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@divinepunishment | Eldritch Plant Breakout | Design elements heavily drawn from HERE
He's been here as long as he can remember.
He doesn't even know where here is, but he knows he hates it. It's dark and cramped where he lives, and when they let him out its loud, violent. It always smells of damp and copper. They shove him into a brightly lit ring, a crowd of voices yelling and jeering and he's not allowed to leave until the other in the circle stops moving.
Every day the same. Agian and again, only allowed to rest when he can't keep going. Too valuable to let die, he hears them grumble, like it's a hardship, a burden.
Vash wishes he wasn't so valuable to these humans sometimes. He misses when they were afraid of him, worshiped him. Before they found out he wouldn't fight back if they forced him to do what they wanted, found out they could chain and use him.
He want to see the sun, something he's only ever imagined. He wants to have the space to let his wings spread to their full length without brushing a chilled stone wall and fly away from here.
And he wants to take him with him.
His only light in this place, Wolfwood, Nico. The boy he grew up here with. The only one who didn't fear, hasn't hurt him.
Instead he treated Vash with kindness, warm hands and gentle words. He'd be there to help care for his wounds when he was old enough to start fighting, sit and talk to him for hours, bring him extra food.
Nico was the one to teach Vash to speak, learn to translate the clicks and whistles that came naturally to the Plant and patiently built a language in the middle, all their own. They bonded over the years, understanding eachother in a way no other could. Nico is the first an only human to let Vash into his mind, and Vash was all too happy to open his own in turn, warmed by the feedback loop of their connection, even if he'd hated how it had hurt the human at first.
Vash would never dare to even attempt to leave anymore if he wasn't certain he could safely bring Nico with him. He'd never let them get seperated, he was Vash's bonded, his human and he wouldn't let anyone part them.
So it was no wonder his absence currently had Vash on edge, pacing the length of his cage with an agitated stride. His wings rustled as he shifted them anxiously, pulling at petals and feathers in a descructive, self-soothing motion, leaving little piles on the floor.
Nico was late. Vash may have had no way to tell the time exactly, but he'd developed an internal clock for their routine, it was always the same, something he'd come to rely on, taking comfort in the monotony.
Changes in the routine meant trouble, danger, something was wrong.
Vash whined, a loud warbling call from the back of his throat, only flashing his fangs at the burly human who whacked a stick at his door and snapped at him to shut up.
He didn't care how pissed off his noises made them, he was worried, he needed Nico.
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brittle-doughie · 3 months
Can we get a evil Y/N cookie attempting to corrupt White Lily? I have a starter story if that's alright.
The silver domain was filled with merriment and the sugary smell of sweets. In honor of White Lily Cookie taking up the role that Elder Fairy cookie had left behind, The fairy cookies insisted on celebrating. White Lily Cookie was against the idea first Y/N cookie promise to be by her side during the event...And yet, they seem to be absent. Not wanting to disturb the fairies party, White Lily Cookie excused herself to try and locate her closest confidant, clenching her staff tightly as her anxieties let her small quest.
Finding herself wandering the silver the Faerie Library, White Lily Cookie sees a familiar silhouette sitting in a nearby chair and begins to beam almost immediately. She calls out your name while running over to you, but her steps quickly slow as she feels something twisted in the air.
You speaking before White Lily Cookie has the opportunity to ask what's wrong, sympathetic eyes focusing on you as you speak.
Y/N Cookie: “Do you believe freedom is a good thing, White Lily Cookie?” You say in a ominous tone, one that White Lily Cookie rarely ever hears from you, continuing to stare out of a nearby window.
White Lily Cookie: “Huh? of course, Y/N Cookie! Freedom is what allows cookies to be who they are! It allows them to love and create, as well as discover brand new things.” White Lily Cookie's answer was somewhat hesitant, but still filled with as much conviction as it had been the first day she had received her soul jam.
Y/N Cookie “is that truly what you believe? The ultimate conclusion you've come to despite everything you've done?” A slither of malice lingered on those words
White Lily was taking aback at this strange hostility, But before she could begin to question it you continue.
Y/N Cookie: “The haunted blueberry academy, The deal with the legendary red dragon and...Dark enchantress herself. The more and more stories I hear, the more I question if freedom is really a virtue...and not a curse”
White lily Cookie: “Y/N Cookie...I had no idea you felt such a way. You had always been so supportive...I never thought you had such thoughts" her words had begin to shake, So she took in a breath before continuing. "I've done...Many unforgivable things, But the light of freedom allows me to try and repent for my mista-”
Y/N Cookie: “Enough already! All you ancients "heroes" ever do is rely on your virtues, But where is that led you!? All you've done with your "freedom" is destroying!.....How can I trust you, let alone be at your side when everything around you crumbles away?”
Each word was like a sharp knight penetrating White Lily Cookie's heart. She had these thoughts hundreds of times, But have a cookie so close to you say it with such...Hatred. whatever words white Lily may have wanted to use to defend herself, dissolved away in a soggy clump of despair...Could this be his doing?
You finally get up from your seat, the sudden action causing White lily to flinch. You begin to approach the anxious ancient, causing her to step back a few steps as you close the gap and only leave a few feet between the two of you. The damage that your words had done were visible on her face, trying her best not to cry at such heinous words from the cookie she had gotten so close to...You find it strange that you can feel sympathy for a cookie with such godly might, This is the only way to make it to your solution.
Y/N Cookie: “The light of freedom has proven itself to be far too dangerous...I might have a solution” her face of mystery turns to Confucian and you take this as your cue to continue. “Freedom allows cookies like dark enchantress and the beasts to do horrific deeds, for cake monsters to consume other cookies...And for evil to run wild.....But what if...We use the power of your soul jam to establish order?”
White Lily's eyes widen with terror...How could the cookie closest to White Lily suggest such a horrid thing? Taking freedom away from anyone, regardless of how evil they were was...monstrous. This simply had to be the work of Shadow Milk Cookie! M-Maybe she didn't seal the tree as well as she thought she did.
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But White Lily will come to a very conflicting realization that, no, Shadow Milk Cookie had no involvement with her cherished friend and their way of thinking, you had simply seen way too many bad things happening to cookies around you in this bid to obtain the power of Soul Jam.
Hollyberry and Dark Cacao Cookie were right, y’know? Wars have started because of Soul Jam and far too many tragedies have occurred to get these “little stones”.
You know White Lily Cookie, you know that she ultimately wants the cookies of the land to be safe and without worry. So can she not see that this plan to bring order with the power of her Soul Jam could ultimately be beneficial in the long term.
White Lily Cookie is free to not consider you her friend anymore or even tell the others about what you’ve said. You stand firm in your beliefs, and nothing was going to change that.
Much to White Lily Cookie’s sorrow. She would hate to have to leave behind a friend she’s known for a long time…
She wishes there was another way. Another way that didn’t involve controlling others, yet also a way to still have you as her friend…
She doesn’t know what to do…
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“Alright! Let’s just quickly go over your answers to our questionnaire in your application.”
As far as job interviews went, this one was rapidly moving up the list of utterly strange ones. For starters this was the fanciest office he had ever been in, and this was supposed to be an animal sanctuary. The amount of decorative pillows piled onto the chair he was currently trying to sit on would have been more appropriate for a lounge in a posh hotel.
The sanctuary manager – at least that’s how she had introduced herself – peered at the printed sheets of paper.
“So you have experience with animal handling?”
“During several internships, yes.”
“Wonderful. And horticulture?”
“I know how to keep a healthy habitat.”
“Excellent. And do you have any siblings?”
There it was, barely three questions in and already off the deep end. “Yes, three.”
The woman fixed two keen, dark eyes on him. “Three including you?”
“No, three besides me. I’m the second oldest, if that matters.”
“Ah! That’s alright then, Second of four, very good.”
By now he was looking at the manager with unrestrained wonder, eyebrows almost disappearing under his fringe.
“Well that all seems to be in order, just one more question—are you comfortable?”
He faltered, blinking. “I...well, to tell you to truth this chair could do with a few less pillows.”
To his amazement the manager’s face lit up with genuine delight. “Oh that is very good to hear. I do apologise for all that nonsense, but there’s rules against asking people about the circumstances of their birth, you know. Here, let me.”
He got to his feet, still rather stunned, and watched how the manager removed three pillows and, from underneath them all, a small green pea from his chair.
“There we are! Now, we’d be very glad to have you, you certainly meet all our qualifications, and I assure you we offer excellent terms and benefits. You clearly have plenty of experience with amphibians and birds, but you will need some on the job training, because apart from the usual frogs, swans and ravens, we also have clients in some of the rarer categories.”
“Clients? I thought this was an animal sanctuary,” he stammered.
“It most certainly is! Except our residents have not always been animals.” The manager smiled meaningfully. “You’d be surprised just how many people, especially royals, decide they would rather stay enchanted.” She looked a little embarrassed for a moment. “Which is of course exactly why I need to take certain precautions with my employees, you understand.”
He was pretty sure he did not at all understand, but he wasn’t about to admit that now. “Right.”
She peered at him again. “I do still need you to promise me not to fall in love with any of them.”
“Why on earth—”
“It’s happened before,” she said gravely. “We also have a couple of private parks, with a more human enclosure, I mean house, because we do get the occasional beastification.” She shook her head. “The last person we hired, well, our client was kind enough not to file an official complaint, on account of the whole finding his true love thing, but it was really very embarrassing.” He sat very still for a moment. “So, how many of those are there?”
“Beasts? Only two at the moment, since that unfortunate incident.”
“And your other...residents?”
“Hmm lets see, seven swans and seven ravens, three frogs, a stag, a hind, a fox and a bear. Well, and the cat, but she’s an exception, she lives in our head quarters and mostly looks after herself.” She gave him a rather worried look. “I haven’t scared you off, have I?”
He gave her a weak smile. “You promised me five weeks paid time off, so no you haven’t. But I am going to need some more information.”
“Wonderful,” she sighed. “In that case, let’s start with giving you a tour.”
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maxknightley · 5 days
respectfully where do you like. start with touhou
gonna copy and paste what I said to my friend sara when she asked for suggestions:
you can either start with the manga or start with the games. the games are generally short, light on plot (but they still have solid characterization imo), and really fun. BUT they're almost all bullet hell games so that's definitely gotta be your Thing
most of the games have a difficulty selection and you can just play on easy if you want. it's fine. some of the really old ones won't let you play the final stage on easy but those ones are largely overrated anyway
if you want a starter game I'd recommend
TH7, Perfect Cherry Blossom: first of the touhou games to really have, like, characters and ideas in a way that matters. pretty simple, very Iconic. it's a little flat in my opinion tho
TH10, Mountain of Faith: this is where the games really hit their stride, and it's the start of like. one of the two multi-game arcs in the series. it's not too difficult, it has some fan favorite characters, and I like the music a lot
TH14, Double Dealing Character: my personal favorite. it's tricky to get used to, especially because there's a gimmick that works best once you've played the game several times and are starting to memorize the stage layouts through repetition. that said it has My Blorbos in it and I think it has some of the best patterns and characters in the series
TH17, Wily Beast and Weakest Creature: it's for furries and it's one of the easiest games in the series. it's basically the start of the second multi-game arc
you can find all the games at moriyashrine.org. to get them translated to a language other than Japanese, look up thcrap on github.
IF you end up not liking how the games play but you want to read the story & dialog, that's all available on https://en.touhouwiki.net/ The wiki's original writing isn't always the most reliable, but it has the official character profiles & all paths from all main games (plus some fangames?) fully translated into english, so that's always reliable. it also has text from some of the written works.
as for manga: forbidden scrollery and wild and horned hermit are typically the recommended entry points, and I'm inclined to agree.
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darlingshane · 2 years
the bet
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Griff x F!Reader
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 1,2k
Summary: You should know better than to bet against your boyfriend, Griff. You fall for it every time without missing a beat, no matter the consequences.
Content/Warnings: explicit, smut, betting, making out, fingering, overstimulation, handcuffs, squirting.
A/N: This was made for Wet Wednesday @bernthirst-events, and was mostly inspired by this picture.
– Read below or at AO3.
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As a general rule, you try not to bet against your boyfriend Griff. He's a sore loser and a smug winner and, no matter the outcome, you always end up regretting playing his games.
Tonight the stakes are high, however, and you really couldn't let this opportunity pass cause If you win he has to remove the horrendous teardrop tattoo off his face that you cannot stand looking at; and if he wins, he gets to pick your next tattoo.
There's absolutely no doubt that you have this in the bag, because the bet consists in whoever comes first during sex— loses.
History can tell that, with a few exceptions, out of all the times you've fucked 98% of those Griff has always reached climax first. You know exactly what he likes, and you just have to use all your charms and dirty tricks to get him there quickly.
For starters, you indulge him for a moment and let him pick up a sharpie to draw the design he wants you to ink directly on his chosen spot, your ass, if he wins.
After laying on your front, he straddles the back of your thighs, and pushes the elastic of your pink panties to the side, exposing your butt cheek. Right on that space, he traces a heart with an arrow and a ‘G’ for Griff inside the heart shape.
You stand up for a moment to take a look at your temporary tattoo in the mirror. There's no chance in hell you're having that permanently inked on your skin, so you better bring your A game.
So going back to bed, you take off your shirt as you crawl over his lower half until you're completely lying on top of him, and start making out casually, lowering his defenses while slightly waving your hips against his crotch, only covered by a pair of boxer briefs.
His rough fingers slide under the waistband of your underwear, molding your ass to the shape of his big hands, pressing you harder against him.
Keeping your focus on the prize, you disregard his bulge growing bigger between your legs, and keep exploring his mouth for a while, giving him just enough to crave more and more. When he’s fully hard, you pull back, straighten your torso and tap his lips with your index finger before running your finger nails down his chest.
As you mark his skin, taming the beast, he heavily exhales and twitches underneath you. It works every time. He grunts louder when you do it one more time, and lean forward to use your tongue on his nipple. Aware of how wildly turns him on, you trace the small circumference with just the tip of your tongue before using your teeth to nibble gently.
“You’re so dirty,” he grumbles as your mouth travels across his clean-shaven chest to the other nipple.
You let out a small chuckle, sticking your tongue out to draw the shape of that hard peak resting on top of his toned pectoral. You flick it, lick it, and bite a little harder this time.
“So fucking dirty,” he keeps protesting, but the erection tucked against your core tells you how much he’s enjoying that.
“Yeah? You don’t like my methods, hotshot?” biting your lower lip, you pull back, and brace your palms on his abdomen, waving your hips sensually against his.
“I like’em alright. Just don’t complain when I use my tricks on you.”
“Tricks? You don’t have any tricks,” you scoff.
“We’ll see about that. C’mere, baby,” he licks his lips as his eyes viciously roam all over your body before pulling you down to your former position on top of him.
One of his hands cradles the back of your head, as he captures your lips with such force that almost knocks all the air out of you. Then, you feel his arms locking around you as he swiftly shifts your body, so you’re the one laying on your back instead.
In that position, he’s the one in charge now driving his hips against your pussy with nothing but wicked perversion, as he eagerly defiles your mouth. Your panties get soaked in seconds, and it’s just the perfect opportunity for him to use that as a distraction. Getting lost in the dizzying swirling of his tongue, you fall right into his trap like an idiot and don't even register at all when he grabs your wrists and brings them over your head to cuff them to the headboard. It’s when you hear the metal closing that you break the kiss and tilt your head back to see your hands tied to the bars.
“What the hell are you doing?” you complain, trying to yank your hands free while he swiftly slips your underwear off you.
His lips turn into the most devilish of grins you have ever seen, “showing you my tricks, baby.”
Your brow creases as he brings the delicate fabric of your panties up to his nose, lewdly humming as he inhales your scent, “hmm, you always smell so beautiful.”
Then he tosses them away and soothes the plane of your thighs with his palms, parting your legs before having two of his thick fingers shoved into your opening.
“Griff… this wasn’t on the rules,” you moan, trying to kick him, but he uses his free hand and one of his legs to keep you from doing so.
“What rules? You didn’t say anything about rules,” his fingers working you with a hard steady pace, “you said, and I quote– anything goes.”
“You’re a fucking jerk, Griffin!” you cry out as your back arches, when his thumb starts rubbing harshly on your clit.
“Look at you, so desperate already. You thought you could own me, huh? That’s cute.” He laughs like the asshole that he is.
“Shut up,” you mutter under your breath as his fingers keep sinfully fucking you, unwavering, going in and out, caressing your walls, pressing in your g-spot, collecting your slick, and building your orgasm quickly.
“You want me to stop? Say it and you lose. Last more than five minutes, and maybe I’ll let you win.”
“Start counting, asshole,” you utter between clenched teeth, accepting his challenge.
Maybe you were too cocky earlier. Right now– you’re doomed. It’s too much to hold and all you wanna do is burst, but you try clenching every muscle for as long as you can until every inch of your body aches.
When you reach a point where you feel you’re going to pee over his hand, you can only squirm and curse at his name as he stops rubbing your overly sensitive clit, and doubles down, putting all his power on pressing on that sweet spot inside to free that orgasm from the prison that is your lower abdomen.
The obscene wet sounds that come from your cunt being vehemently finger-fucked fill the room, along with the unbridled sounds of lust that fall from your mouth. He then releases your leg and presses his other hand on your mound to quicken the process until you completely fall apart and all your fluids gush out unexpectedly, squirting all over his hand and arm and the sheets beneath your body as you're taken by a torrent of pleasure that courses through every cell of your body, elevating you to a higher ground.
He might have won the bet, but you clearly take a victory on basking in that intoxicating buzz as you come down from your high, knowing that there’s no chance you’re fucking him tonight now for playing that dirty.
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broken-everlark · 7 months
Welp my dumbass decided to make Wednesday pokemon trainer cards instead of updating my WIPs. Which I'm going to do after I post this🤣
I'm not fully happy about Tyler, eugene, and the xaviers teams. Those may change.
Almost everyone always gets a legendary/mythical.
I know literally no one will read this or care. But I figured I could post it anyway.
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I gave her Skorupi because of Nero, so he's her partner.
Gliscor because he's just a beast of a mon and reminds me of a scorpion/bat that fits Wednesday's dark theme. Tyler had given this to her as a present. On their first anniversary, it immediately became a favorite.
Corviknight because Wednesday is referred to as the Raven, and he just seems like the most raven mon (even though he's a crow). Wednesday found this pokemon back when it was a Rookiedee. It had fallen out of its nest. Instead of feeding it to her mother's Pyroar, she kept it.
Hydreigon because he's just a dark dragon, and I feel like he fits Wednesday's style. Wednesday had found him as a deino, the poor blind Dino had injured himself. She decided to take him in and raise him to become a terrifying dragon.
Dusknoir because he's a big scary ghost that eats souls in his chest. Out of all the ghost types, i feel like this one fits Wednesday the most. This mon snuck up on Wednesday and followed her throughout a haunted graveyard, not giving up until she caught him.
It was between Giratina (the underworld/antimatter legend) or Yveltal. Her legend I chose is Yveltal, He's the legendary of Death, basically destroying everything in sight.
(I feel bad for doing this to Tyler)
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His partner - Cubone - because they both lost their moms. Cubone wears his mothers dead skull on his head. Tyler's mother had given this to him just before she passed.
(Might replace.) Bewear - literally because Tyler is sweet & adorable on the outside, but on the inside, he's hiding a dangerous monster, just like bewear.
Mimikyu - because the creature inside the suit just wants to be loved, just like Tyler. So he hides behind a suit made up of a beloved pokemon. But everytime it's trainer looks underneath the suit, they die.
Scovillian - because it's a funny play on Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Two faces, two different personalities.
Garchomp - Because this mon is anger filled and very hard to tame also very powerful. Kinda reminds me of the hyde.
His legend is Mewtwo. A legend made by humans and hates humanity. Reminds me of Tyler's tragic past, hating others who don't understand what he's been through.
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Her partner is a shiny Spheal - Honestly, I just feel like Enid would love every single pokemon that's adorable.
Shiny) Politoad because he's just a very happy frog, and I feel like it matches. It Enids a very bubbly personality.
Arcanine - i feel like even though it's a big scary dog, she loves it because it's Fluffy and loyal. Just like Enid.
Lycanroc (Day form) just a little nod to her wolf form.
Dragonair - Honestly, it's just a beautiful mid evo that I feel like Enid would love
And her legend is Mew. It's just a cute, sweet cat that has all the DNA of each pokemon. Something I think Enid would take care of and love.
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So Ajax's starter is Ivysaur - because the bulbasaur line is famous for smoking grass
Ekans because of Ajax being a Gorgon and his little snakes poke their heads out sometimes.
Slowbro because it seems like a good pokemon to get high with.
Hisuian Typhlosion because he just looks like a depressed cool boy like my baby Ajax.
Noivern - because I just see Ajax being the chill guy at parties and noiverns ears remind me of speakers.
His legend is a shiny Rayquaza just because he's a giant space snek noodle🤣
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Eugene's starter is a shiny caterpie, figured he'd just be a bug type trainee.
Beedrill - because of his powers to control bees.
Heracross- same as the caterpie. Just figured he'd have a bug army.
Dewpider because he's just an adorable bean like Eugene.
Appletun because I just feel like he'd love chunky pokemon. Because chunky pokemon are the best.
wobbuffet because its a psychic pokemon and it's insane ability to use counter and I feel like Eugene would need a happy mon to keep him company.
Yes Eugene doesn't get a legend. Just couldn't find one that fit.
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Her partner being Primarina - has to do with her being a siren outcast. Her partner looks like a mermaid and sings like sirens and mermaids are known for.
Being the popular girl at school, I'd imagine she'd have tons of beautiful pokemon. A florges. Being a bouquet of flowers fits that perfectly
Again, Hatterene fits the popular girl status perfectly. Another beautiful fairy type to add to Bianca's team
Bianca would also have a shiny Altaria, it being her pride since it's a rare golden color.
Beautifly - a rare evolution of Wurmple, being very beautiful & every time it flaps its wings, sparkly pollen falls with each flap.
I chose Meloetta fighting form for her mythical pokemon. It has unique singing abilities, and being strong but beautiful would fit Bianca perfectly.
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Xavier surprisingly got a card. I didn't want to download a picture of him into my phone so he gets no picture.
He gets a shiny muk as his partner. Because he looks like throw up. Just like how I feel about Xaviers character.
He gets an Exeggutor because it's derpy in a stupid way🤣
Grafaiai because he's an artist.
Garbordor - because it's a pokemon made of trash.
Xavier does get a legend. But it's the worst one. He gets regice because it's a trash legend.🤣
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fierymcmes · 2 years
Once Upon A Time 1x12 "Skin Deep" Sentence Starters
(feel free to change the pronouns and wording how you see fit)
Sir, there's news from the battlefield.
Sir, there's news from the battlefield. [Name] has fallen.
If only he had come...
Ogres are not men.
We have to do something, we have to stop them.
They are... unstoppable.
He could be on his way right now.
It's too late, [name/term of endearment]. It's just... too late.
Well, that was a bit of a let down!
You sent me a message, something about, "Help! Help! We're dying. Can you save us?"
Yes, I can protect your little [place]... for a price.
What I want is something a bit more special.
I'm not looking for love!
I'm not looking for love! I'm looking for a caretaker... for my rather large estate.
As you wish.
I forbid it, [name]!
No one decides my fate but me!
It's forever, dearie.
You have my word.
You cannot go with this… beast.
The deal is struck.
Oh, congratulations on your little war!
Well, this is just perfect.
Stop! You've gotta let me sell them!
I'm gonna leave you two to continue this conversation.
Oh, this is no way to do business, [name]!
That was quite a show back there.
[Name] is just having a bad day, happens to the best of us.
I've been meaning to talk to you about something…
The moment you have something I wanna discuss, we'll have that little chat.
Is there something eating you, dear? Something you need to get out in the open?
Is there something eating you, dear? Something you need to get out in the open? 'Cause it's gonna have to wait, please.
Oh, you got the book!
I can't wait to see how it ends.
(might be said by a NPC) I can push the tables together if you guys…
When people are supposed to be together, they find a way.
He misses you! A lot! Trust me, I'm with him, like, six hours a day!
Let's have a girls' night!
I'm not really in the party mood, but you guys can all go and have fun!
It appears I've been robbed.
Funny how that keeps happening to you.
I'm a difficult man to love.
Where are you taking me?
You can't just leave me in here!
That one was a quip. Not serious.
I've got it from here.
I have a feeling you don't wanna be behind bars.
A short time ago, we had a little disagreement over [topic].
Let's just say, bad things tend to happen to bad people.
It's almost spring, we should let some light in.
So, job well half-done, then.
Why did you want me here?
The place was filthy.
I think you were lonely.
If I'm never going to know another person in my whole life, can't I at least know you?
Perhaps... perhaps you just want to learn the monster's weaknesses!
You're not a monster.
You think you're uglier than you are.
What made you choose to come here with me?
You know, there aren't a lot of opportunities in this land for women to show what they can do. To see the world, to be heroes. So, when you arrived, that was my chance.
I always wanted to be brave. I figured, do the brave thing, and bravery would follow.
Do the brave thing, and bravery would follow.
To me love is… love is layered. Love is a mystery to be uncovered.
I expect I'll never see you again.
Pace yourself, [name].
This is my first night out since [event], I am making up for lost time.
Have fun moping!
Two Valentine's. Sounds like a complicated life.
Well, you are fortunate you have someone that loves you.
Love. It's like a delicate flame. And once it's gone, it's gone forever.
Now, you see, here's the thing… I don't normally let people get away.
Did my [vehicle] splash you?
You know, I'm tired of riding. Let me stretch my legs and walk with you for a spell.
You're running from someone. The question is, master or lover? Oh. Master and lover.
So, if I'm right, you love your employer, but you're leaving him.
I might love him. I mean, I could, except... something evil has taken root in him.
Sounds like a curse to me, and all curses can be broken.
I would never suggest a young woman to kiss a man who held her captive. What kind of message is that?
If he loves you, he would've let you go.
True love's kiss will break any curse.
Oh, you're back already.
Come on, you're happy that I'm back.
I'm not unhappy.
And, uh, you promised me a story.
And since [event] you've loved no one, and no one has loved you.
Why did you come back?
Kiss me again, it's working.
You think you can make me weak? You think you can defeat me!?
This was you! You turned her against me!
I knew this was a trick. I knew you could never care for me.
Is this you being the hero and killing the beast?
Why won't you believe me?!
No one could ever, ever love me!
Well, that is... fascinating. Truly fascinating.
I'm gonna let you breathe in a second, and you're gonna say two sentences. The first is gonna tell me where it is. The second is gonna tell me who told you to take it.
Now, you see, that is not a good first sentence.
You shut her out. You had her love, and you shut her out!
She's gone. She's gone forever. She's not coming back.
And it's your fault! Not mine!
Girls' night's really working out for you.
I mean, what's the point of being together if we're not together?
Loving someone you can't be with...it's a terrible, terrible burden.
Look, this was a bad idea. I should… I should go home.
*hands a Valentine card that says* "[Name], I woof you."
You got a funny definition of lucky.
You have a funny definition of justice.
You really don't wanna cooperate.
Look, we're done here.
Actually... No, we're not done. You're under arrest.
Go. I don't want you anymore.
You could have had happiness if you just believed that someone could want you. But you couldn't take the chance.
You're a coward, [name]. And no matter how thick you make your skin, that doesn't change.
My power... means more to me than you.
You've made your choice. And you're going to regret it. Forever.
You know, I still owe you that favor. Nice fatty pastrami. Delicious way to clear the books.
Well, I don't need a reminder that you owe me a favor. And when the day comes that I make my request, it'll be for more than half a sandwich.
You want me to leave you alone with a prisoner?
You really wanted that little chat, didn't you?
Now when two people want something the other has, a deal can always be struck.
I merely suggested that... strong men take what they need.
We used to know each other so well, [name]. Has it really come down to this?
So... now that we're being honest with each other, let's remember how things used to be, shall we?
I'm the one with the power around here.
Don't let these bars fool you, dear. I'm the one with the power around here. I'm gonna be out of here in no time, and nothing between us will change.
*after breaking into somewhere* Flimsy locks.
I'm not dealing today.
Are you angry with me? What is it this time?
You can keep trying, [name], but you're never gonna beat me.
Well... you can rest assured I had nothing to do with that tragedy.
So she needs... a home?
Fine. I have other calls to make.
Hmm. The place is looking dusty, [name]. You should get a new girl.
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dryad-rowan · 1 month
First Impressions || Open Starter
Rowan took a deep breath as she stood at the border of the Destarin Forest. You can do it, she told herself. You've been preparing for this. Your mothers have prepared you. Just...blend in. Act like you belong.
The green dress one of her mothers gave her trailed down to mid calf length and she was without shoes, as usual. She'd combed her blonde and green hair to be out of her face, framing some of the vines and flowers that also grew there like a crown around her head. Parts of her skin were green with moss, some were as pale as milk. She was too young for her skin to look quite like the bark of a tree, but her tree was still clearly present among her body in green patches and little flowers.
She took her first step out into the world and was suddenly overwhelmed..however, she made herself take one step after another. It was time for her to make a life for herself outside of the safety of the forest and the beasts within who had been her friends since she'd emerged from her tree 23 years ago. She was timid and shy, but also very curious, her large blue eyes were like saucers as she took in the world around her. For a second, she looked back. What if I can't find my way home...? she asked herself before turning back, giving a shake of her head and continuing on. Her tree was always with her, it's location would be a beacon when she needed it most.
Her eyes caught sight of a carriage parked near the walkway people were using and she stopped, a smile on her face. Something familiar, she told herself. It was in her nature to love any animal she came across. They'd been her only friends for so long, after all. She didn't realize she was taking up to much space and not letting people thorough until someone collided with her and almost knocked her off her feet. Her shoulders rose up and her eyes went wide. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention," she stuttered. She wasn't sure if the person would be amenable to her pleas or not, but she'd give them all the same.
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artistibatt · 4 months
TLDR: I’m shiny hunting a shiny pokemon I lost years ago due to not saving when I should have-
I don’t know if I ever told y’all this story
But once upon a time, I played Pokemon White. This story takes place many, many years ago with one of my first playthroughs of the game (or possibly, my first playthrough but I don’t remember)
I was on route 5, to the left of Nimbasa and I was goofing around in the grass like every kid. Then, suddenly, a pink sparkling pokemon came out of the grass. A shiny minccino. I scrambled to get my poke balls and catch such a beautiful creature. And… I did it! My first ever shiny pokemon! Its pink and yellow look reminded me so much of cake, though I wouldn’t be able to explain why.
Back then, the shiny odd was 1/8192, though little me probably didn’t know much about shinies. Though, the celebration couldn’t last long. As I… had… forgotten to save the game. And that shiny was lost to time.
From then on, I always remembered to save. Though I lost shiny pokemon due to disappearing games and synchro machines.
I got a shiny torkoal from a silly mistake, two shiny herdiers from training for the Unova E4, a shiny hawlucha with pokerus from the now dead online system of the 3DS.
I found a shiny pelipper and almost didn’t notice due to my dark surroundings and the rain in game. I found a shiny Indeedee when looking for a shiny flareon. My first shiny of Legends Arceus was a snorunt near the entrance of the Alabasta Icelands. I noticed a shiny pichu in Kitakami. I found two shiny sylveons in an outbreak. My first shiny legendary I ever hunted was Palkia in Shining Pearl.
So many shines collected… but none could ever bring back my minccino.
Though… this is will change soon. Of course, in Shield, minccinos make their homes and I have the elusive shiny charm in that game due to my little Pokédex Project inspired from the great professor Laventon.
But I also had a similar project in Violet. In that game, I got every pokemon. From every starter from every gen to all paradox beasts, even the ones who are scarlet exclusive, to every form of vivillion (with the exception of the pokeball wing pattern)
Safe to say, I’ve spent WAY TOO MUCH time on this game. But it shows my dedication and desire to complete a task. And a task I always told myself I would do was… that I will soon reunite with my shiny minccino.
It would take far too long to try to get one in the region we met. So we go to the switch where my shiny charms are. We go to the switch to find that shiny minccino. The one who escaped me many years ago. That will be my ultimate challenge. With a sparkling lv3 sandwich and a dream, that pink minccino will be mine. And I will cherish it. As I wish I had done many years ago.
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fireboots4all · 6 months
A Final and Fiery Vacation:
A Fictional Extreme Fantasy Story by Fireboots
Ah the warm, smoggy air of Mexico City in December. It is cooler than I thought, low 20s, pleasant but not hot. I’ve packed very lightly for this final vacation as I plan on spending it nude and finish it in a blaze of glory. I’m heading for a rendezvous in a forested area even higher than Mexico City. As planned my driver Anna-Maria was waiting for me.
She is a striking woman, with a full firm Latino body that I love but with crystal blue eyes slicing out from her tanned face. She is wearing an oversized black sweat shirt belted around her waist with fanny-pack purse and very little else. The shirt has a print of a nude woman reaching up surrounded by flames on the front, and a rear view of the same woman in flames on the back. The woman in the flames looks very much like Anna-Maria herself.
“Well hello Mr. Boots, we finally meet in the flesh, so much better than on-line web chats even with a web cam. You look like you lost a lot of weight and firmed up in the last year.”
“Oh yes Anna-Maria, I want to put on a good show for my final performance.” I replied.
“I see you haven’t packed much, perfect you won’t need a lot. This is a one way trip for you. We are in that Land Rover over there. The road to the camp isn’t much of a road but that old beast makes short work of it.”
I throw my small travel pack into the Land Rover. I notice that there are several jugs of fuel in the rack on top.
“I hope you aren’t planning to use that on me! I want a wood pyre.” I ask.
“Not initially, except a little for starter, but once you are well done the fuel will help reduce what ever is left to ashes and dust. That is what you want isn’t it, a slow “execution” followed by a huge fire to finish the job. ‘Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust’.”
“Oh yeah, that is the way to go. Nothing left but ashes and dust.” I feel instant arousal at the thought. I am going to fulfil my ultimate fantasy. My excitement is showing as a bulge in my shorts.
“You can’t wait for this can you Boots? Neither can I.” Anna-Maria says as she looks over at the bulge in my shorts. “You should take those shorts off before your cock splits the zipper”
Not needing a further invitation, I quickly undid my shorts and dropped them to the floor of the Land Rover. Anna-Maria was pleased with my gesture and pulled up her sweatshirt to reveal what I suspected outside the airport, she was totally bottomless.
“It is going to be a rough ride, but I think you will enjoy it.” Anna-Maria says as she pulls the Land Rover out from the airport.
The drive out of Mexico City was not pretty. This is an amazing City, bustling with life and excitement. From the Land Rover I could see incredible wealth and incredible poverty but I’m not here to explore this great City, I’m here to fulfil my ultimate fantasy, to be burned at the stake nude. Anna-Maria knows these streets intimately and soon we leave the sprawl of the City and start the long climb up the mountains that surround Mexico City, above the smog and into the crisp mountain air.
“This is going to be so exciting!” Anna-Maria was getting chatty, “Mexicans are big on burning people alive but now they usually just pour fuel over them and turn them into human torches. I’ve seen lots of “narco” executions, a couple of vigilantly lynching burnings, and more than a few self-immolations. Very exciting but too quick.
“Two women and a man immolated themselves on the ranch last year, it was a great show. One of the women really wanted to burn at the stake properly over a wood pyre, but she decided to go the quick route with a jug of gasoline. Too bad, she had a sweet body that would have been wonderful to watch in a slow stake burning. I’m so glad that you want a traditional burning at the stake.”
“Oh yes do I ever want a real stake burning Anna-Maria, I dream about my own execution almost every night. I always get a raging erection that needs to be relieved. I regularly roast my butt and cock over fires. I finally decided that I need to fulfil this ultimate fantasy. That is why I connected with you.” I replied, my hands caressing my swelling cock.
“I’m so glad you did, I’m totally looking forward to watching your bare butt slowly burn. I do wonder why you want to burn facing the stake? Traditionally people were burned with their backs to the stake.”
“Burning facing the stake goes back to the origins of my BATS fetish, a print of Heaven & Hell in Mother Superior’s office in my Catholic School. Hell was full of naked people burning, lots of bare bums getting licked with flames. I really wanted to get my bum burnt. If I burn facing the stake I can hump the stake as the fire licks my butt”
“Yes, I did read your stories. You really do love butts, female and male. Did you really get tied to a stake nude and have your butt burnt by those boys at summer camp?”
“Yes! And I’ve never cum so many times in one night as I did then. Part of me really wanted them to finish the job.”
“Well we will finish the job! And I promise you will cum a lot! We will give you some special Mexican aphrodisiacs to keep you going a long time. It will be a great show!”
The conversation continued for the several hours as Anna-Maria described to me other burnings in detail and how I was going to be burnt. Anna-Maria gave me a folder full of prints of actual burnings. Almost all of the victims were nude, and most of the men had huge erections as they burnt, except the ones that had been castrated first by the narcos and vigilantes. Many of the women looked like they were in sexual ecstasy.
We climbed into the high country, having long left the main roads. Finally we pulled up to a sturdy fence and gate. Anna-Maria gave me a set of keys to open the gate. I stepped out of Land Rover, now totally nude except for my glasses and boots and opened the heavy gate. Man it was cold! I desperately wanted to warm up by a fire.
“Get back in Boots, I want to take you to where you are going to burn. I think you will like our preparations.”
I closed the heavy gate behind the Land Rover, my cock swollen again thinking about my coming execution.
The road wasn’t really a road anymore, basically a trail, but the Land Rover had no trouble. After almost a half hour driving through a fairly thick forest the Land Rover came to an opening. In the middle of the field stood the stake where I would burn. On either side of the stake were piles of carefully stacked firewood. This was real! I’m going to get my ultimate fantasy fulfilled! I couldn’t wait. I jumped out of the Land Rover and ran over to the stake wrapping my naked body against it. I wanted to burn right away!
“Patience Boots, your butt will feel the flames soon enough but first you need to clean up to get ready for your sacrifice to the Sun God. Lets walk over to the hot spring.” Anna-Maria said as she stepped out of the Land Rover. She was also totally nude, having left her sweat shirt in the cab.
How perfect is this, a beautiful natural hot spring high in the mountains of Mexico, a clear night with a waning full moon, a beautiful naked woman as your escort, and a stake waiting for you to be secured to it and slowly burnt to death. Heaven!
Anna-Maria’s firm butt was looking so tempting as she stood under the steaming water fall in the hot-spring I had to indulge myself. I slipped up behind her and rubbed my cock between those wonderful cheeks. Anna-Maria reached back and grabbed my cock guiding it into her anus lubed with the slippery water of the sulphur hot-springs.
“I know how much you love girls bums from our chats and I love anal sex.”
Well what is a boy to do, I thrust hard into her. Deep full strokes that quenched both of our over heated drives. We collapsed into the warm steamy waters.
Anna-Maria broke the awkward silence: “Boots, when you just fucked my ass, were you making love to me, or thinking about getting your ass burned?”
“Both” I replied. “I’ve been so horny since I got off the plane thinking about actually getting burnt at the stake that my cock has been ready to burst. Then when I saw your perfect bum with the hot-springs running over it I couldn’t resist. I’ve become very fond of you since we met on-line over a year ago. What is there not to love in someone willing to fulfil your ultimate fantasy, especially such an extreme fantasy as mine.”
“Boots, did I tell you that this is going to be a very public execution? We have a lot of guests coming to watch you burn. As soon as I confirmed that you were for real, and really wanted to burn at the stake. I contacted a village elder with strong ties to both the Aztec shamans and the Catholic Church. He was totally thrilled to preside over your “sacrifice”. He is bringing his entire congregation to watch your fiery sacrifice.”
“We do have some work to do first.” Anna-Maria” continued. “We need to attach the manacles and chains to secure you to the stake so you can get your butt burned the way you want it.”
We set to work, carefully positioning the fasteners and making sure the firewood was well placed to focus the flames on my butt. The work done Anna-Maria looked over at my re-engorged cock and started to stroke it.
“A firm cock like that shouldn’t be wasted.” Anna-Maria said as she dropped to her knees taking my cock in her mouth. Soon she was on all fours offering her pussy up to me. I accepted the offer. I was a little worried that I wouldn’t have anything left for when I get burnt.
Finally I hear the sound of people coming up the path. They are in a festive mood, wanting to see the sacrifice to the Sun God. They are carrying torches, and even more bundles of firewood. At the head was a tall man wearing an Aztec headdress.
“Quick Boots, drink this.” Says Anna-Maria, handing me a steaming cup of well spiked Mexican Spiced hot chocolate. “This will turn your pain in uncontrollable lust”. I took a long drink of this wonderful potion, and I quickly found that my lust was fully restored. Anna-Maria noticed too.
The crowd of people walk in a circle around Anna-Maria and myself. They are all well dressed for this cool night except the “Priest”, who is almost nude except for some decorative clothing.
The Priest speaks up: “So you are Mr Boots, Anna-Maria has told me how much you want to burn at the stake. It would be such a shame to waste such a desire on a simple lustful suicide when you would make for a perfect sacrifice to the Sun God. It is so rare to have any voluntary sacrifices, let alone one by burning. Do you accept this offer Mr Boots?”
I was puzzled by this offer. The Priest already knew how badly I wanted to burn at the stake. What was he offering?. I replied to his request: “How could I refuse such an offer, my strongest desire is to feel the flames consuming my naked flesh, and it only improves it to be a sacrifice.”
“I knew you would accept Mr. Boots. For my part of the deal I’ll offer you some special Aztec chocolate tea to help carry your through your time in the flames. Please drink up and enjoy.” He poured a large mug of the steaming spicy chocolate drink and handed it to me.
I took the cup in both my hands, which were in desperate need of warming in the chilly night mountain air and drunk lustfully from it. What a wonderful drink, similar to the one Anna-Maria just gave me, but it had something else in it. My head was feeling very light and my mind very open.
“Well Mr. Boots, you must be very cold standing around naked, same for my dear Anna-Maria. I think it is time to heat up this celebration. Are you ready to fulfill your ultimate fantasy Mr Boots?” the priest says as his eyes fall on my swollen cock.
“Oh I’m more than ready!”
“I can see that Mr. Boots. Go to the stake to meet your fate. I promise you that you will be in great pain for 20 or 30 minutes, but I also promise you that you will enjoy every minute of it as your body and brain turn all that pain into ecstatic sexual stimulation with the help of that drink you just had.”
I walk to the stake and wrap myself around. Anna-Maria and I had already fixed manacles and chains to the stake at perfect heights so when I was secured my butt would be sticking out while my cock was pressed against the stake. I locked my own wrists into the manacles mounted high on the stake then Anna-Maria secured my legs around the stake, giving my already swollen cock a few loving caresses and kisses. Anna-Maria then went to work carefully arranging the firewood around the base of the stake behind my waiting buttocks.
Anna-Maria stood up and said: “Well that should be enough to get things started Boots. The fire should just get high enough to lick your lovely bum then we will slowly add wood to keep the flames hovering there until you pass out.” Then Anna-Maria took out a jug of fuel.
“Hey Anna-Maria, I told you that I want to be burnt to death with a wood fire, not immolated!” I yelled.
“Don’t worry Boots, the fuel is just to make sure the wood catches evenly. Also, to make this a truly voluntary sacrifice, and a self willed death, you should light the fire yourself. The only way you can do that is to drop a torch onto the fuel which will carry the flame to the wood behind you.”
“Oh Anna-Maria, I like the way you think, but shouldn’t the priest light the sacrificial fire.” I reply.
The priest pipes in: “I’d be glad to light the fire, but the effect will be so much better if you light it yourself. Please take my torch, then drop it into the fuel soaked straw when you are ready. I’ll help tend your pyre until your soul flees your body, then I’ll invite the guests to add their wood to finish the job and reduce your body to ashes and dust.”
“That works for me, hand me a torch” I say as I try to reach my manacled hand out.
I hold the torch high with my manacled hands as the gathered crowd start to chant something in a something that wasn’t Spanish or English. I drop the torch onto the straw. I hear a whoosh as the flames circle the base of the stake, then I hear the crackle of the kindling as it catches fire. Finally I feel the heat on my waiting buttocks.
I can’t believe the sensation, my already swollen cock has grown so hard I think it could cut through the stake. My buttocks are clenching in pain as the first flames reach them. I smell my body hair burning. I’ve started pumping against the stake like a dog mounting a bitch in heat. I am starting to scream in pain.
Then I feel the flames falling back as the kindling burns down. I look around and see Anna-Maria still nude stroking herself. As soon as she sees me she says: “Sorry I need to add more wood.”
Anna-Maria starts to rebuild the fire under my bum, and the priest is lending a hand. Soon the flames are back up caressing my bare buttocks. I’m in ecstasy and start to cum. The crowd cheers!
It’s too soon, I don’t want to lose the stimulation and only have the pain, but wait I’m still fully aroused. The potion that Anna-Maria and the priest gave me is working miracles. I smell my flesh burning, I am screaming and writhing in pain but my mind is somewhere beyond the pain. The crowd notices my still swollen cock pressed against the stake and is very pleased. I can hear them murmuring in Spanish. I can make out enough to tell that they are enjoying the show. My buttocks are being fully covered in flames now, I feel them bubbling a blistering, yet the pain is manifesting itself in a very different way.
I feel the flames drop again. Then I feel something very different, the arms of a woman around me. Anna-Maria has joined me on my pyre. I hear a voice in my ear: “I couldn’t let you have all the fun!” then I feel Anna-Maria press her naked flesh against me and hear a click as she fastens handcuffs around the stake. I feel the weight of fresh firewood pressing against our bodies. The flames are climbing fast now, we are engulfed in a circle of fire. We are breathing in the super heated air and coughing between our screams. I feel my blood heating up at a fantastic rate and rushing into my head. Anna-Maria is trying to wrap her legs that aren’t bound around me. I feel her pelvis pressing against my burnt butt. If we were reversed my cock would be buried deep into her pussy or anus instead of against the now burning stake, but that is the sensation I’m feeling as my body braces itself for the on coming rapture. Finally I release a thick powerfully propelled stream of cum that spews out beyond the stake and onto the fire that now surrounds us. I surrender to the flames and leave my tormented body. I am not alone, Anna-Maria is still clinging to me as our spirits rise above the flames.
We look down on our now charring corpses. We watch with only a hint of regret as the spectators pile more wood around the lifeless bodies. They will keep their promise. In a couple of hours all that will be left of those burning pieces of meat and bone will be ashes and dust!
My Rapture is Complete!
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mysticstarlightduck · 7 months
Hello hello
8 Oldest WIP
25 Favourite part of writing
42 How do you feel about love triangles?
Hello! Thank you so much for the ask, @i-can-even-burn-salad!
8. Oldest WIP
My oldest WIP that I'm currently still working on, is The Last Wrath, a book series that I started around 3-4 years ago. It's a story that I'm very excited about seeing published, though it is currently on a small hiatus as I am focusing on my other WIPs (mainly Enchanted Illusions and Of Starlight and Beasts)!
As for the oldest story that I ever created (and am no longer working on) that could be considered an actual WIP was a book I started - and never finished lmao - when I was 10 years old, if I recall it correctly the book was a story about three sisters who were rebel princesses trying to save their kingdom from their uncle, or something along those lines! I had created many, many, many stories before that one (ever since I first learned how to write I was already creating fictional worlds and stories), but that one was the first I can consider an actual "book" or WIP, even if it never got finished!
25 Favourite part of writing
Creating backstories! That is my all-time favorite part of writing any book or creating any character. For me, backstories are especially fun to write because they're the moment the character finally "clicks" in my mind, that's the moment where I truly understand a character's history, motives, beliefs, and what made them into who they are in the current events of the book! It's like a puzzle piece finally coming into place, and it's a really satisfying part of any first draft or outline for me! Plus, backstories are the heart of most of the main internal conflict a character can have - every misbelief, fear or insecurity always has a starting point, and that starting point is almost always hidden somewhere in the backstory.
42 How do you feel about love triangles?
Hmm. Tough question! For starters, I would say that the traditional "love triangles" (where, for example, two guys are in love with the same girl and she is in love with them but "can't choose which one". The typical YA Romance Trope. It feels very awkward, IMO, on both ends and a bit objectifying, both for the girl and the boys - it's more of a "love corner" than a love triangle) are one of my personally least favorite tropes, and it's one I never write and don't think I ever will.
HOWEVER!!!! A variation of a "love triangle" (I don't know if it can even be considered that, but bear with me) that I do adore writing, is when, for example: Person B is in love with Person A, and Person C is in love with Person A too, but the love between Person B and A is actually requited and mutual (Person A is in love with Person B too), while Person C's infatuation with A is more of an obsessive, unhealthy crush than anything, and surely is not mutual (Person A doesn't love Person C in any way, shape or form). Person B and A end up together, while C usually spirals into a villain that eventually defeats themself.
For a better example: In my WIP, Enchanted Illusions, Augustus and Harriet are very much in love with one another, and clearly in a relationship (think of them as Person B and Person A in that scenario). However, Liam has been pining for Harriet since they were teens, and despite her explaining many times that she isn't interested in a relationship with him, Liam still harbors an unhealthy "love" for Harriet - believing that one day he can get her hand in marriage through political arrangements. (In this case, Liam is Person C). Harriet loves Augustus, not Liam, but Liam is obsessively in love with her. Throughout the story, Augustus and Harriet must deal with the threat of Liam's increasingly dangerous attempts to ruin their relationship so that he can marry Harriet. When that fails, Liam becomes an antagonist who is hellbent on having his revenge on the Sharppe family.
Another example of this would be the movie Megamind, where Roxanne and Megamind fall in love, but Hal Stewart (holding an obsessive love for Roxanne) thinks she needs to be his girlfriend. Or Beauty and the Beast, where Adam and Belle are in love and Gaston is just obsessed with Belle.
I don't know if this is even a variation of the Love Triangle (since one side of the triangle is two characters who are indeed in love and the other is just unrequited pining by someone more obsessive than they should be) trope, but it is infinitely more interesting for me than the actual original trope. Like, there's more room for growth, conflict and tensions there - how do Person B and Person A respond to the constant pressure of C's pining for one of them? does this affect their relationship or do they remain as close as ever? how far will the misguided Person C go to achieve their goal? would they lose themself in the process or understand that they were in the wrong? SO MANY OPTIONS!
I hope I can explain this jumbled mess of a thought in one post! But that was a great question (:
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bearman0800 · 7 months
Topic 3... Real vampires
For starters, vampires aren't actually called "vampires". They're called vampru and they come from a demonic past. The first man to ever summon what we now call vampires, was a man named Molach(Mo-lock). He was a warrior who soon wanted to ramble in the dark arts, specifically demon summoning and demonology. After years of studying demons and taking the necessary "precautions" to summon one, he soon brought about a spirit called a vampru. He let it go into his own body and tested the limits of what one can do. He was just like a shifter, but his power was dulled down. One ability in particular that stood out among everything else was an ability called compulsion. Btw, this isn't like the vampire diaries and you can just mind compel anyone you wish. You have to dominate their mind first in order to dominate their body and control it. Days after it resided in his body, he started to notice he wasn't himself and he couldn't control his actions. So, one night while his family was asleep, he slaughtered his wife, let other vampru spirits go into his children who later died, then killed himself when it was over. The vampru left and went into other bodies. One thing that I forgot to mention is that when a spirit leaves a host, it can leave a piece of it in you and the majority of it can still go to another body. Kind of like venom left a piece of himself and went to another body, which later become carnage. As mentioned in my last post about shape shifters, once you and the spirit become one, it'll be able to share some of its abilities with you. I.E supernatural strength, speed, healing, durability, etc. The only thing that's different from them is that their cunning and they don't just have to feed on human flesh/blood. They can feed off of any energy they come in contact with. By cunning, I mean they're able to "sweep you off your feet" and get you to do their will without you even knowing it. The end goal is always the same. Either feed on your energy which leaves you tired in the end, but you'll be alive. Or they use all of their abilities on you and eat you bit by bit. Their appearance is also different from humans and shifters alike. When they use their version of "shifting", their skin becomes lighter like a dead body, their eyes change colors, they have fangs, and they can roar. Yes, they can be in the sun, garlic makes no difference, holy water doesn't do much, and no they don't move so fast that they become a blur. Most importantly..... THEY'RE NOT IMMORTAL. Everything lives, everything dies. And if some of you are asking, yes. Shifters do beat vampru almost everytime only because of body weight and specifically on what type of beast shifter their fighting. As for their true form (as a spirit), they look more like a bald, demonic monster with very large fangs and a skinny body.
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shimmerbeasts · 10 months
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@weavertali gets a small experimental starter set in a hypothetical Star Guardian Verse.
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The one aspect of being a Star Guardian, which Jinx had never really been able to warm up to properly was the whole duty part. "You have a responsibility to protect the world." "Star Guardians kill monsters. We do not harm people." "You must learn to temper yourself, Jinx." "Star Guardians are not chaotic." Blah, blah, blah! Boring! Super boring! All Janna's drivel ended up meaning for Jinx was: "We hate you being you. Stop being you and start taking things more seriously."
On some particularly bad days, Jinx thought it to mean: "You do not deserve those powers. You do not deserve to be a Star Guardian. First Star must have made a mistake when it chose you."
Today's training session had been a disaster. It probably hadn't helped that Jinx had been paired with Janna out of all people. Whose idea was this?! All the veteran Star Guardian had done was complain about Jinx's form and her 'enthusiasm for violence', giving some stupid vague warnings about darker impulses leaving you open to corruption. Horse shit! Janna was full of dinosaur doodoo.
Eventually, she had gotten so sick of the constant berating that Jinx had used her powers to quickly half-teleport and half-fly away. She needed to be alone. She couldn't handle Janna right now. She couldn't handle Poppy either. Miss World Hero had stared after her as she had flown away like the very idea of leaving training was somehow punishable by death.
They could all go to, well, not really hell. More like a starless night. Wherever Star Guardians go after they die. The void? Double void? Was that a thing?
Jinx had settled down on the brim of a chimney, her feet dangling precariously off the edge. The chill of the night air kissed her bare skin but the First Star's power was like being your own heater. Jinx barely even shuddered. Shiro and Kuro were circling the guardian, noticing her gloomy thoughts. Despite the lack of wings, both magical mediums were more than capable of flight much like their mistress.
Unlike other magical mediums, which were soft and fluffy looking, maybe even cuddly, Jinx's creatures looked more like the beasts of a horror tale. Shiro had settled down beside her, his white skull with glowing red eyes making the slim ocelot-like creature so very hard to read. Sometimes, he looked even less physical, safe for the bones of his face. His white pelt was dotted and sprinkled with pale grey or silver dots, markings and stripes.
Kuro, meanwhile, had a long serpentine body, though Jinx always swore his hide felt more like touching a shark than scales. Even his black fur was so dense and fine, it seemed to blend into his hide. Sharp claws prickled her shoulders as the cat's upper body craned sideways and peered up at Jinx. Kuro's tail wrapped around her body in a tight hug. Much like Shiro, he had not shut up, softly meowing and purring at her.
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"I am not in the mood, guys", Jinx said with a defeated sigh as she snuggled against both mediums. "Kuro, your idea with the firework is cute and all, but my heart ain't in it. Why did anybody think making me spar with Janna was a good idea? She was just gonna pester me anyhow."
She cupped each of her cat medium's horrific chins and fondly looked into their eyes. "You think I am a good Star Guardian, right? There is nobody who wreaks carnage quite like me. I mean who needs starlight anyway? Just tell me what has to be blown up." She laughed and the mediums laughed alongside her.
However, Shiro suddenly got up and floated into the air. Growling, he put his ears back, his weird feathery decoration around his neck bristling. Kuro looked up too, snarled in alarm and swiftly turned himself invisible. Even around other Star Guardians, her rocket launcher rarely showed itself. Almost as if he knew Shiro created enough problems of his own.
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Mistrustfully, Jinx rose too and reached up with her hands. Shiro swiftly morphed into her trusted Gatling Gun, which the Loose Canon of a Star Guardian was now directing at the approaching figure. She called out: "Whoever you are, I may have skipped training today, but I can still whoop your ass!"
Her fingers flexed around Shiro's trigger as the figure came closer and closer. It took every ounce of the miserable pile of patience, Jinx possessed, to not give in to the urge to fire wildly at the approaching assailant. Jinx had never taken the whole difference between friend and foe seriously.
However, it paid off that she had waited for as the figure came shooting closer, Jinx recognised a fellow Star Guardian. The pale, rose-coloured hair, the fair brown skin and that whitish-pink dress with its long golden and rose-coloured bands attached to the sleeves were easily recognisable.
"Taliyah?", Jinx called in surprise and lowered Shiro, however, she did not allow her rocket launcher to turn back just yet. Kuro's claws dug deeper into her skin as his eyes bore deeply into the other Star Guardian, still completely concealed. "What are you doing here? Did Janna send you?"
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
It All Comes Down To You || Kilindi & Maul
Starter for @mutatiio
The Haxion Brood is a force to be reckoned with, not because they are particularly intelligent or calculating in their attacks, but because they are violent and many. No matter how many times Kilindi faced one of them– or a pair, as they often travelled in pairs: an augmented bounty hunter and his modified droid, they kept coming. They truly lived up to the 'brood' part of their name. They are like insects. She kills one and it takes barely a few days before two more come after her. She still can't quite understand why they had it out for her. Cradossk and Sorc Tormo don't particularly get along, it's normal for there to be conflict between the county hunter Guild and any crime syndicate that takes bounties. But Kilindi was merely another one of Cradossk's pawns– one he kept on a tight leash, yes. But still a pawn. There were far better targets to get back at Cradossk with whatever petty revenge Tormo had planned.
This logic doesn't stop her from ending up in the bowels of the asteroid stronghold known as Ordo Eris, her weapons taken away- she was also stripped from any sort of armor or covering with the exception of her pants, her top and her boots. They even took the metal decorations that had previously decorated her head tendrils.
Kilindi didn't need to be graced with any sort of explanation to know that she was prepared for Tormo's fighting pit.
Still, one of Tormo's goons took a lot of pleasure in telling her in graphic detail just how eager everyone is to watch her get ripped apart by the Brood's beasts as she is pushed towards the elevator that led to the arena. One of them said something about there being a visitor, some to-be associate of Tormo's, and that the spectacle has been prepared with that in mind.
Reaching the elevator, Kilindi is finally left alone. But she finds no comfort in this fact, as the elevator buzzes to life and starts taking her up. The music and yelling is loud, and the lights are blinding. Her body goes from a dull green to a splotchy red and her tendrils flare up the moment she sees the giant holographic depiction of Sorc Tormo light up right in the center of the arena, sharp teeth exposed through a growl just from seeing him face to face– or face to holo, because the coward would never dare to actually set foot on his own pit. But she doesn't move, doesn't set foot in the arena just yet. She won't make this easier for them.
"Ah, finally she arrives!" came Tormo's voice as his hologram paces. Kilindi knew that, somewhere, he was watching her. "We have something special planned for tonight, ladies and gentlemen. A survivor of the Orsis Academy massacre!"
The wall behind her starts moving forward, it connects with her back and pushes her forward until she's forced to stumble into the spotlight, eyes narrowing as they adjust to the lighting. The crowd gets even louder, more intelligible.
"I must admit, given that I have an important guest here today, I was hoping my guys would bring me a Trandoshan-"
"I can rip you apart just as well as one if you come down here!" Kilindi called out.
"Oh, baby, I'm sure you're dying to get your hands on me~" his voice was a mocking, almost flirtatious purr. It made Kilindi feel sick. "But I have something very special planned today, and I'd hate to bring anything but a memorable performance. That is why, my guys have provided a repertoire of the galaxy's deadliest beasts. But why tell you when I can show you! Someone give baby a toy."
A vibroblade is thrown into the pit with her. Kilindi barely makes it to it before the elevators scattered around the arena buzz to life. The first creatures released in the pit with her are womp rats. Large and hungry ones. But that last part is no surprise. Sorc Tormo always makes it a point to make sure that his creatures attack the moment they spot a moving target, and it is no different for Kilindi. But womp rats are easy, a mere warm-up to give people an idea of just how skilled she is in combat, gives them something to bet about instead of blindly throwing credits. Next comes a bear spider. Tormo wasn't lying when he said his guys had gathered quite a repertoire of beasts just for the occasion, a bear spider was a hard find, hard enough that Kilindi almost felt bad about killing it, but she had no choice. It made her wonder just who this 'guest' of Tormo's was, and why were they worth all this theatrics?
She doesn't have time to wonder about it, because the beasts don't wait for her to be done theorizing who she is 'performing' for. They keep being released into the pit with her as soon as she kills their predecessors. Round after round, she prevails and the corpses pile up, but soreness turns to exhaustion sooner than she's happy to admit. By the time Tormo has resorted to throwing one of his goons into the pit with her, and said good also lies dead in the arena, Kilindi's chest rises and falls with labored breaths and her legs shake as she steps to face the hologram.
"It's always great to have such great warriors fight in my humble pit," he sighs, something wicked in his smile. "It is even greater to have such a great warrior die here. An honor, even."
Kilindi wants to bark back that she's not dead. But as Tormo keeps talking, it dawns on her that, perhaps, the thought alone jinxed her.
"My new friend is from a very special place, a mysterious planet travellers have nicknamed The Rancor Planet," Tormo enunciates. "So, I'm sure everyone agrees with me that it is very fitting to end this on a note that hits close to home. I know we usually bet on how many rounds someone will last, but tonight, I have a new game."
This time, it wasn't one of the relatively small elevators that brought the beast forth into the arena. Instead, one of the walls opened to reveal a beast that Kilindi had only ever seen in holos, and had hoped to keep it like that for the rest of her life. The monster steps into the light with a roar- the lights alone are enough to anger it. It grabs what's left of the hunter Kilindi killed, splits the body in half with one bite, then spits the torso out because, as it turned out, augmented humans with more metal than flesh don't make for a good snack. Then, it focuses its eyes on her. All color drains from Kilindi's face.
"Quick, everyone, make your bets! We don't have much time!" Tormo encouraged. "How long do you think it'll take the rancor to get its snack?"
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gemkun · 1 year
@autymns said: ❛   you stain the pages with yourself.  ❜   (beast verse) ↬ quotes that broke me starters
      ⸻       in   a   literal   sense   ,   chuuya’s   statement   strikes   true.   but   factually   speaking   ,   the   executive   is   gifted   with   blissful   unawareness   (   attributed   to   his   handiwork   and   bitten   tongue   )   ,   which   resultantly   categorises   his   sentence   as   yet   another   goading   insult.   though   ,   he   supposes   he   should   amuse   the   leader   every   now   and   then   —   sparingly   ,   of   course   —   with   the   precision   of   a   calculated   sprinkle.
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  ❝   oh   ,   are   you   poking   fun   at   my   signature   now   ?   ❞   glancing   ,   anthracites   focus   on   etched   approvals.   furthering   antics   ,   a   head   lofts   to   the   man   situated   by   his   side.   he   blinks   curiously   at   first   ,   then   with   lips   ajar   ,   he   extends   his   reel   of   scrutiny.   ❝   is   this   not   my   job   ,   chuuya   ?   ❞   hm.   veiled   ,   ebonies   fade   behind   lowered   lids.
  if   he   were   to   ever   express   the   truth   ,   the   machinations   behind   all   his   orchestrations.   the   core   ideal   as   to   why   he   was   preserving   it   all.   then   it   may   very   well   become   undone   before   the   first   syllable   leaves   the   tip   of   his   tongue.   that   wasn’t   to   discount   the   thought   had   ever   crossed   his   mind   ,   however   ,   for   on   several   occasions   ,   dazai   had   experienced   it   in   passing.   gratefully   ,   it   had   been   dismissed   almost   immediately.
  sticking   to   the   script   ,   will   always   be   the   safest   route   ,   he   concludes.   ❝   perhaps   ,   you’d   like   to   take   over.   ❞   the   glimmer   in   his   eye   sparks   a   challenge   ,   drawing   the   bud   of   crimson   back   into   his   grasp   ,   lest   silly   little   thoughts   plague   his   silly   little   head.
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justmybookthots · 1 year
The Stolen Heir
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4.5/5 stars
I am shaking as I write this. Ms Holly Black, WHO ARE YOU AND ARE YOU REAL?!?!
In any case, I finally finished this book. After putting it off for months, I made myself start it yesterday—I told myself I must once I was done with Six of Crows—then finished it today. The first time I tried reading it months ago, my brain was caught in a reading slump, and I couldn't get into it. This time, I was immersed. About a third into the book, I couldn't stop turning the pages. 
(How BEAUTIFUL is this edition, by the way? I want to get my grubby hands on it so bad)
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I can't believe how much I enjoyed this book. I went in with not-high expectations because I felt nothing could best Cruel Prince, which was Holly Black's magnum opus in my opinion—and most of the reviews seemed to echo that they found this installment lukewarm—but now that I've read it, I disagree.
It was like the main gripes I had with Cruel Prince were addressed here. I always found Cardan a little too weak, a little too uninvolved in the storyline compared to Jude, but Oak wasn't like that at all. For one thing, he could fight. I was veritably agape when that was revealed. He was a beast with the sword, and unlike Cardan, he was actually bloodthirsty. He was basically Jude—excellent swordsman, excellent strategist, very manipulative—along with Cardan's strengths: charming, silver-tongued, wry.
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I saw reviews complaining that Suren stood out, and Oak did not, and now I can't wrap my head around those reviews. 
If anything, Oak hogged the spotlight for the first half of the story for me, a great deal because he was an excellent combatant against their foes. Suren, despite her sharp teeth, was of little use in combat, but that's not to say I disliked her. I do like her, though I have mild gripes with some of her choices and characterisation. For starters, I don't get why she took Oak hostage at the end. I don't like it; it felt irrational and too emotionally driven. The better revenge would just be to send him home to let him stew, and sit with what he'd done. (In her defense, she definitely was emotional. I just wished there was some logic to excuse what she was doing, like trying to seize control of her court using Oak. But I don't get how keeping him hostage would help her with anything other than causing unnecessary war)
She also embodies a major trope I dislike—the Chosen One vibe. One of my criticisms of the story is how glaringly obvious the 'plot twist' was; I saw it coming the moment they introduced the heart. The "unmaking" was such a glaring hint. And the moment the hag talked about making a body out of snow and sticks and animating it somehow? Come on. 
But I didn't care. Almost everything else was lovely. Oak's cleverness really made me SCREAM, specifically when he stole the bridle and casually continued his conversation with Suren like he wasn't at all up to no good, as if he hadn't just caught her in the act. And how, without even chasing after her, he got her to walk back to him. 
Perhaps a large part of my love for this book is Oak's characterisation. However, I did enjoy the quest storyline, which I know isn't for everyone—but I was having such a blast when they entered the Court of Moths and Suren had to solve those riddles to save the prisoners, followed by Oak's duel and all those machinations surrounding that. The plot only dragged a little when they entered the Stone Forest, which I didn't care for, but once they were inside the Citadel, I was ENGROSSED. 
I did not expect the tongue-ripping, and I can't believe Holly Black had the balls to go through with it. I LOVED it. 
Also Hyacinth's reappearance made me GAPE. I totally forgot about him, and it was so satisfying seeing that piece of the jigsaw puzzle come to place. (Sorry, my thoughts are all over the place right now.)
(Edit: I also want to mention that the flashbacks to their little moments in the past were so fun to read. And that's coming from someone who generally doesn't like flashbacks in books)
Anyway, I saw someone write that the leads are just another universe's Jude and Cardan. I find that yes, Suren does come off as scheming as Jude, but it's clear she isn't as clever because there's loopholes in her control over Lady Nore. And it's true Oak does have mannerisms very similar to Carden, to the point that I had a hard time reconciling him with the little boy in the original series. But his upbringing is so different—he let himself appear like a coddled, spoiled, weak prince, but he was so much stronger and tougher than that. I love Cardan to fucking pieces and he owns my heart, but Oak was what I always thought an enhanced version of Cardan could be. (Still not sure how I feel about the goat legs, though, lmao. Maybe minus points for that.)
Of course, all this remains to be seen. Oak's characterisation can go downhill in the next book, due to be out next year (how am I supposed to wait?), and I'm in equal parts dreading and looking forward to it. Before I conclude this entry, I do want to say it's interesting to see the leads' roles reversed: Cardan—who has powerful magic—and Jude—a consummate swordswoman—compared to Suren, who has the magic, and Oak, who's excellent with the sword. 
I know a lot of people were complaining about the lack of Jude and Cardan in this book, but come on. Oak and Suren captivated me to no end. Still… I think we will almost definitely see Jude next book, when she comes to the Citadel, raging war for Oak. 
If Holly Black hadn't cemented herself as one of my favourite authors of all time before I read Stolen Heir, she has now. This was everything I had hoped for, and more. 
- 25 July 2023
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