#my uncle is sort of the exception but also I think I just broke him
curiosity-killed · 1 year
I bring a sort of “what up my body is brokennn (again) :D” AND “I know more than you so don’t try to start shit” energies to physical therapy that physical therapists don’t really like
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atmilliways · 1 year
Wrong On The Money (1-3)
parts 1, 2, & 3 of ?? | 888 words | Teen+
Blackmail fic on Ao3 | on tumblr
Wayne is sick and they don't have the money for the treatment he needs. Eddie, desperate and spread thin between school, a part time job, and dealing, spots Steve outside of a gay club and opts for blackmail. Steve, who has heard about Wayne through Dustin... just sort of lets him.
I started writing this while Ao3 is down. Haven't quite finished it yet, but I've got 6.7k written so far, so I should be able to do daily posts for at least a while!
Now also posted on Ao3.
Quick note, if it helps anyone who might be hit too close to home by Wayne's serious but relatively brief health scare. First, he's going to be fine. I love Wayne, I wouldn't do that to him. Second, Dustin's mind goes straight to cancer when he hears that it's serious serious, but Wayne's illness is never specified. The only symptoms described are basically a cough and general weakness/fatigue.
Dustin is really upset one day after school, the day he tells Steve about his dad. 
Steve had never asked, alright? It was family shit, and that kind of thing was. . . . Well, not sacred, he can’t even think that and keep a straight face, but definitely private. There could’ve been any number of reasons why Mr. Henderson wasn’t around. 
Turns out it was cancer.
And . . . it’s not insensitive to wonder, right? Steve doesn't know if it’s an anniversary or if someone’s been giving him shit at school about not having a dad or something. So, after a few bumbling questions about why this is upsetting him now, an explanation comes tumbling out.
The leader or president or whatever of the nerd club Dustin joined at the start of the year had to cancel their game this week. “Eddie never cancels, Steve,” Dustin insists, eyes red from crying and voice gone all squeaky. “And we were giving him shit about it, we all were, even the upperclassmen guys, and he. . . he j-just broke, Steve. Said his uncle is r-really sick, bad sick, and I know what that means. They don’t have the money for treatment. He’s Eddie’s only family, and he’s probably going t-to. . . .”
Steve regrets dropping Robin off at her house first today. She might not know what to say either, but at least they’d be in this together. “Dust, that’s. . . . That’s awful.”
Turns out he doesn’t have to say anything else, because Dustin thumps against him and bawls his eyes out. 
“It was awful, Robs,” Steve says, rubbing a hand over his eyes as he talks into the phone. “I haven’t seen him like that since after Starcourt, when we had to tell him about Hop.”
Robin’s wince is audible in her reply. “Yeah, that's. . . . That’s pretty bad.”
“Yeah.” He heaves a sigh, hoping it’ll get some of the constricted feeling out of his chest. It doesn’t.
“Steve? Are you okay?”
“I don’t know.” It’s just, he hates it. Hated it then and hates it now, because both times there’s no way for him to jump between Dustin and this thing. “Everything was starting to sort of feel okay again, and then suddenly there's Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson and his uncle, who I’ve never even seen in my life—”
“It’s not about the Munsons, Steve,” Robin says gently. “You and Dustin have that ‘you die I die’ thing. He’s like your kid brother who annoys the shit out of you, but you love him to death anyway. And right now he’s sad but you can’t do anything to help.”
Lifting his face from his hand, Steve looks around the room. He’s on the big comfortable couch in his big fucking house with too many rooms, all empty except for this one. His parents are never home, always away on business trips that got way more frequent after Barbara Holland disappeared from a party he’d hosted. They send money—not an allowance, not since he didn’t get into any of the colleges he’d applied to. But the utility bills are always paid up, and a gardener still comes around to do lawn maintenance every other week.
He wonders how the cost of maintaining a house they don’t live in compares to the cost of whatever kind of treatment Munson’s uncle needs.
Doesn’t let himself wonder if it would make a difference, but he knows that treatments don’t always work. It hadn’t, apparently, for Dustin’s dad.
“Yeah,” Steve agrees heavily. “I know.”
The nice thing about being done with high school and working weekends at a shitty retail job is, Steve can do whatever he wants on some weekdays. As long as he doesn’t have a shift that starts before noon the next day, anyway. Which he doesn’t.
So, a few days after Dustin’s revelations, Steve drives up to the nearest outskirts of Indy. Eventually he ends up in one of those clubs that he and Robin have been researching how to find.
He tells himself that he’s scoping it out before he brings her, but he wants to get lost for a while. Empty his head out of things he can’t do a damn thing about—the Upside Down, the monsters, the Russians, the Munsons, the memories of Dustin crying and, just for funsies, of Nancy calling him bullshit. Because that’s always somewhere in the mix, these days.
Fill it back up with music and movement. Not with drinks, because he still has to get himself back to Hawkins in one piece.
He goes and he dances and he sweats. Sometimes guys dance with him, and Steve goes with it. Who cares? No one knows him here, it doesn’t mean anything.
Turns out, it does mean something after all. 
When Steve finally stumbles his way out of the club, he finds none other than Eddie Munson sitting on the hood of the Beemer he’s been buying off of his parents in installments. (Their idea. It’s a ‘pay for it or lose it’ kind of deal.) 
The buzzing under his sweat-tacky skin—satisfaction at successfully getting out of his head—fizzles out. He keeps walking and stops when he draws even with the car. 
Eddie Munson, looking tired and prickling with restless energy, and exhales a cloud of smoke and vapor into the chilly air. “Hey, man. What’s a nice boy like you doing in a place like this?”
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green-fifteen · 8 months
Day 3: bandits, revenge, and mulberry jam
Prompt: Entertain Fandom: The Hobbit Pairing: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield Word count: 3,979 Summary: On the long road to Erebor, Bilbo and Thorin must keep their nephew entertained. (Reshirement AU) read on AO3 instead
for @fluffyfebruary
"Did I ever tell you my favorite story about your uncle?" Bilbo asked mildly as they bumped along the road to Erebor. They were on the open road again, finally clear of the murk and damp of Thranduil's woods. They weren't far from the mountain, now--they could turn their faces to see it whenever they wished--but the trip through the wood had not been kind to young Frodo, and it had lasted too long.
As if by some awful magic, Thorin grew ill just after they reached the Eastern boundary of the forest. No sooner had they stepped upon the Old Forest Road than he'd begun to sway on his feet as he walked and his slumber had been more and more difficult to chase from him in the mornings. Unlike the last time Bilbo was taken to the mountain, this time they traveled by cart--it was an easy matter to leave him on it to recover and let the ponies bear him hence. Still, this delayed their party by a number of days, for there was room enough atop the cart for Thorin to lie out, his head cushioned upon a sack of flour, only if Bilbo and Frodo walked along beside the wheels. At this slower pace, the three of them spent longer in the darkness than Bilbo would have preferred.
And now it was clear that Frodo had not been unaffected by their time in the Mirkwood. Even as Thorin recovered his health, sitting up and taking tea and cram at mealtimes, the little hobbit yet looked as pale and drawn as ever. Bilbo thought he might be coming out of his funk, but it was not happening very quickly. He had noticed the boy looking around himself with his usual awe the day before, as they cleared the cover of trees and darkness and saw the pink light of a sunrise before them. It had been beautiful, after so long in the woods--Bilbo was not ashamed to be brought to tears. His husband had handed him a handkerchief. Frodo also smiled just that morning, when Thorin nearly toppled from his seat in the cart after the ponies led them over a low boulder. He'd made such an outraged expression that the Bagginses in front of him could not be blamed for laughing.
Excepting these brief moments, Frodo had traveled the road from the Mirkwood to Dale in silent contemplation, something his guardians were unaccustomed to. Their charge was still young and viewed each new day with curious eyes. Meaning, they routinely answered excited questions about all manner of things, which numbered so greatly once they'd left the Shire that Bilbo and Thorin had begun a habit of turn-taking, signalling with a glance when one or the other of them should like to give up the responsibility. They'd been exchanging looks of a different sort since the forest, heavy with worry and care for their young nephew. It was Bilbo who broke the silence first, determined to lift Frodo at least a moment from his far-away mood.
"It's a good one, I promise," he continued. Thorin raised an eyebrow at him, but Bilbo did not mind him, his eyes fixed on the smaller hobbit.
"It was quite the adventure-- bandits, revenge, mulberry jam. And your own dear mother was there." Frodo tilted his head to the side. Choosing to take this as encouragement, Bilbo went on.
"It was before you were born, mind. Before the lass had even thought of marrying, I'd wager. Yes, this was a fair few years ago, when your uncle had first come to me, complaining about his sad old hill."
"The Lonely Mountain," Thorin grumbled. Frodo's mouth twitched up as it always did when they had this argument. It was an old one.
"Well, what's the difference? Lonely or sad, hill or mountain?" Bilbo affected a pompous academic air. "I think you'll find that a mountain is nothing more than a very large hill. Hobbits know about hills, you are aware."
Thorin leaned in. "And dwarves know their mountains, Master Hobbit."
The old hobbit tutted and wagged a finger. "Be that as it may, Master Oakenshield, there is a tale to be told. I'll not let you distract young Frodo."
At this, he leveled the young hobbit with a serious look. "However much I wish to tell this story, I must warn you: your uncle may come off a fool in the recounting. Do you still wish to hear it, knowing it may forever change your view of the dwarf who raised you?"
Frodo seemed to perk, humor finding him at last after days of malaise. Thorin huffed a laugh which he disguised with an annoyed look. The boy's response was all too predictable. "Well, I wouldn't want to embarrass him. But I respect your wish to tell me, and can have no objections." He was fighting a smile, matching his hobbit uncle's expression feature to feature.
"At least allow me the dignity to interject here and there, Bilbo. Your love of drama can at times surpass your regard for the truth, especially when you are telling this story," Thorin insisted. Bilbo nodded graciously, and then began.
"After the business with the dragon, your uncle wanted to return to the Shire and live with me. He had to stay in his kingdom for a while yet, as he was the king. But you know this already. What is really interesting is what happened the first time he came back to the Shire after he'd been settled with me for some time.
He was visiting friends and family in Erebor and he'd been gone nearly a year. I missed him terribly. Counting the days, nearly ready to hop onto a pony and fetch him back. This was Halimath, so I was growing worried that I would not see him again until the spring. The chill of those solitary mornings, looking out to my frosted tomato plants, was colder even than the bite of the icy wind."
"I was gone all of summer and into mid-autumn. I was home before the plows had even left the fields." Thorin's voice was dry as he interrupted.
"Yes, well, the sentiment remains. I was desperate to have you home again. Nothing was the same now that I'd known what it was to have you with me. The food I cooked never tasted as rich, the sun never came out as far. I think that was the grayest summer we've yet seen in Hobbiton."
"You never remember to open the curtains."
"Do you know what your dear uncle was doing, while I pined away to nothing for the want of him? In those last few days as I cried myself to sleep alone in our bed?"
Frodo's eyes were wide by now, taken in by his uncles lovelorn expression. "What was he doing?"
"He was losing a fight to Esmeralda Took in Buckland, that's what." Despite his tone, Bilbo was unable to resist smiling at his husband.
"Merry's mum?!" Frodo cried, nearly unseating himself as he fell backward. "Why were you fighting with Merry's mum?" He was looking at Thorin too now, mouth wide and eyes bright.
The dwarf shook his head. "She was nobody's mum, then, pebble. She was younger than you are now and likely to bite somebody's ear off if she wasn't minded close enough. A wild thing."
"Yes and, as it happens, Primula Brandybuck was charged with the minding."
"My mum!"
"Yes, the very same. But, you see, she had the misfortune of minding the entire lot of visiting Took children. Can you imagine it? The yelling and hair-tugging that went on? How was she supposed to keep track of each child that day? There were at least forty of them!"
Frodo made a face. "Uncle Bilbo, that can't be right. I don't even have forty cousins."
"I'm sure you do, don't forget you are a Took, a Baggins, and a Brandybuck. Anyway, it's about the sentiment, my dear boy. Do not let the facts distract you." Thorin looked at him askance.
"As one might predict, Esmeralda and a band of her roughest cousins slipped free of their handler. They roved north along the road to look for mischief and spied a traveler not very far from Brandybuck Hall. He was riding a pony and wore shoes on his feet, like a man. Something about this man told the children they had met their mischief at last. Everyone save Esmeralda hid in the Hedge, while she stopped him to tell him her sad story. What was it again, dear?"
"I'm dreadfully lost, won't you please help me get home?" Frodo smiled to hear him recite her words in his gruff and unimpressed manner.
"But, Uncle Thorin," he said after a moment. "What were you doing on the road to Buckland? You should have been on the main road toward Hobbiton."
"Oh, remarkably well timed, my boy. Go ahead and ask him what he replied."
"What did you say?"
Thorin gave his husband a withering glance. "I said, 'What a pair we make. I too am lost along this path.' I was trying to calm the poor girl. You did not hear the way she was wailing."
"Telling her you do not know the way may not have been the most reassuring course of action, had she really been so upset" Bilbo countered with a laugh.
"But what happened next, Uncle?" Frodo urged.
"Yes. Well, the young hobbit girl used her pathetic story to compel him out of the saddle, which allowed the other children their opportunity to strike."
"They struck him?"
"No, no. They robbed him! Untied his saddlebag like they'd done it a hundred times and went running on down the path toward Brandy Hall. Esmeralda showed him her tongue, and then flew away, too."
"Robbed him?! The bandits!" Frodo fell forward laughing. "Uncle Bilbo, I did not think you meant hobbit children! Did you retrieve your bag, Uncle Thorin? Bilbo mentioned revenge, too."
Thorin's face was soft and fond. "I gave chase to the beasts until I realized at last there was no hope. Although they were small, their legs moved faster than I could believe. Worse, they threw the bag to and fro among themselves, that I never knew which child possessed it."
"A classic game of keep-away," Bilbo agreed. "It was a hilarious success for the Took children in Buckland that day, who returned to Brandy Hall to stash their treasure. Thorin arrived not long after they'd disappeared back into the hall."
"Like rabbits in a warren," his husband grumbled.
"Yes, dear. They had utterly vanished by the time he came upon the hill. Your uncle had no choice but to knock on the front door, dripping in sweat, wearing his dirty traveling clothes and a great big scary sword. You can imagine how much he frightened them, but the Brandybucks were never the type to be terrified, especially in their own home. After they invited him inside, my cousin Gorbadoc eventually recognized him as my husband and took him by the arm to the dining room. To make him feel welcome (and Brandybucks are very much a welcoming group!) he sent in Primula with one of the children."
"Not Esmeralda!"
"Yes, your cousin Esmeralda came through the door and when she saw your uncle, her eyes went round."
"As the saucers on the table." Thorin chuckled.
"What did you do?" Frodo asked.
Bilbo answered. "He did nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing as course and affronting as accusing a Took girl of tomfoolery." The hobbits shared a moment of humor. "No, instead he allowed Esmeralda and Primula to bring him courses of fine food. They brought him sweet cakes and rich loaves of buttered bread. He ate fish and game and piles of seasoned potatoes. At the end, when they asked if he'd like a dessert, he looked at Esmeralda Took, who was almost certainly trying very hard to avoid drawing notice from the dwarf, and told her he'd like something special--the best thing they had in the house. Primula at once urged the girl to the pantry.
She returned with the finest Buckland jam you've ever eaten. Sweet and dark and without a single seed. It tastes like climbing a mulberry tree in Wedmath. Served warm on a crumpet with butter, it is more than a taste--it is a sensation."
Thorin sniffed. "I liked it fine."
"And although he liked it, your uncle ate only one bite of his crumpet, before setting it down again. 'This isn't what I'm looking for,' he told the girl. She and Primula hurried back to the pantry to find something else. They came back to the dining room with a nut pie."
Frodo groaned. "Oh, Uncle. I'm too hungry for talk of the food in Buckland." And Bilbo could see that he meant it. An uncomfortable-looking line was forming between his eyebrows.
"Never mind the pie. Never mind the next three dishes they brought out to please him. Know only that they tried five times to find what the dwarf was craving and five times he was not satisfied. When he refused the fifth plate, Primula finally spoke her mind. You can imagine how she esteemed your uncle by then."
"What names did she call you, Uncle Thorin?" Frodo asked between happy giggles.
"The kind that are best not repeated," he replied gravely.
"When he responded, he looked not at Primula, but at her young charge. He said, 'You know well that what I am looking for cannot be found in the larder or the pantry, although I am sure they are very well stocked with the finest ingredients. (By this time, he was aware enough of hobbit customs to know what an insult he gave and he did very well to try and soften it.) He pressed on.
'I believe you know what I'd like to find, little hobbit. Do you disagree?' he said to her. Now the searching eye of Primula Brandybuck was on Esmeralda Took, which is a frightful feeling for a person of any age or race." Frodo nodded in agreement. He could remember well enough. "It is no wonder the bandit Esmeralda gave up the act, then and there. She did try to run, but your mother had captured her arm before she even took a step. After some questioning-"
"And yet more of her false tears," Thorin added.
"-Esmeralda led Primula to the treasure. Your uncle did not follow. Why did you stay in the dining room, my love?"
"So that she might walk there and back to me. I will not waste energy in rushing to reclaim that which has been stolen, if I may instead let the thief bear its weight back to me." Frodo looked appropriately awed by this pronouncement, but Bilbo only cleared his throat.
"And the real reason, dear?"
After a moment, Thorin admitted, "There may have been a.. strategic aspect to my reasoning. For Brandy Hall is very large and I knew already that Esmeralda Took could run much faster than I. If she had outmaneuvered me again, in that tangled den of tunnels--"
"You did not want to get lost," Bilbo said, in summary. His nephew was grinning with delight, as he always was when they teased his dwarven uncle in this fashion.
"It is a fair concern," he insisted. "After all, Uncle Thorin can get lost on a straight road like the one from Bree to Hobbiton. What should happen to him in a place like Brandy Hall?"
"Precisely!" Thorin said, and then narrowed his eyes at Frodo. "That is to say--I should be at a disadvantage, in one of your great hobbit halls. Your people seem to have an affinity for dirt and digging holes, like moles. Or badgers."
Bilbo sniffed and turned his body away from Thorin. "Because Esmeralda Took had been to Brandy Hall many times since she was born, and not at all because she had the characteristics of any rodent, as some might claim, she was back again in very little time, your uncle's saddlebag in her hands.
Primula of course had shaken the entire story from her on the way and her shouting had even compelled a few of her relatives to tag along behind them. So it was that Thorin had his revenge on young Esmeralda--forced to trudge through the corridors, the criminal bearing evidence of her crime before her cousins, brought to trial in the only way a child can be."
He turned back to his husband and gazed at him admiringly. "He did not know it, of course, but it was just the kind of scheme that any Took or Brandybuck worth the name might enjoy. So after they fed him spirits and kept him laughing long into the night, they convinced him to stay another day. They had not heard enough about the brigands he'd faced on the road, they claimed. He must stay at least until lunchtime. What was the hurry? Indeed, he had nowhere urgent to be. His husband could wait another day. He had waited so long already and he did not have to know about the delay."
Thorin broke in. "They convinced me of nothing. Your strong hobbit ale convinced me to stay when I woke in my own grave the next morning."
"Your weakness in this regard is a fault I am still working to accept," Bilbo said, sighing. To this, his husband wrapped an arm around his waist and drew him in to whisper something in his pointed ear. Frodo could not hear what was said, so he did not know why his uncle blushed so deeply.* After coughing once or twice to clear his throat, the hobbit simply straightened and continued his story.
"And so your uncle dithered there in Buckland, while I thought of nothing else but seeing him come down the lane to Bag End. When he eventually showed his face, of course I asked him about the delay, for in his last letter to me, he said he would arrive before Trewsday and that day was Mersday.
'There was no delay,' he told me. 'I must have been mistaken when I counted the days before.' And then something about how the hobbit way of keeping the days is too confusing, I'm sure. In any case, I believed him. I had my suspicions, of course, but they weren't important. My husband had returned to me. The sun was shining on the hills. The fish I stewed that evening was the best I had ever eaten."
"So how did you find out about Emseralda?" Frodo asked.
"It came in a letter, from reliable old Gorbadoc. See, while your uncle was out of the smial a few days later, the post came for him--a message from Buckland. I was curious. And, you know, I'm a Took too, on my mother's side. It is in my nature to open intriguing envelopes, and who can fight their very nature? That evening, Thorin arrived at Bag End to find me reading over the letter for what may have been the hundredth time."
"I was only gone an hour."
"It was a short note. It was a simple benediction from my cousin and a brief line from the bandit herself. Do you remember the wording?" Bilbo asked the dwarf.
"Not as well as you do, I'm sure,"
"Yes, I did read it rather a lot. I still keep it in the study. I can show it to you sometime when we're home again. Just remember to ask, because it is totally out of sight--hidden from your uncle just the way Esmeralda hid his saddle bag! I often forget it's there."
"But what did the letter say, Uncle Bilbo?"
"Oh yes. It said, 'Dearest Cousin Thorin, After the to-do here at Brandy Hall yesterday, I am writing to inquire after your health and safety. I will admit to some concern, now that you have left us, that you may not find the way to Bag End on your own. When you fell from your horse today, I was truly worried I may need to call upon my cousin to fetch you himself. Simply remember this and you shall be home by tomorrow evening and, what's more, with all of your belongings!: Stay your pony upon the wide road to Hobbiton. Follow signs to Hobbiton. Do not stymie your own progress along any more side roads. Be assured--you shall be safe from little bandits if you do. Your friend and cousin, Gorbadoc Brandybuck'"
"And what did Esmeralda write?"
"She wrote, in the clumsy hand of a child: 'Please forgive me, Master Dwarf. If I didn't do it you would still be lost in Buckland. --Esmeralda Took. p.s. Please don't tell Master Bilbo about it, he is my favorite cousin.'"
The hobbit grinned as he finished his tale, looking from his husband to his nephew. "And then the truth was out, Frodo. He told me the story as you've heard it today."
"Not exactly as you heard it today."
"Close enough, I'd say. And all that really matters is that our dear nephew found it inspiring."
"Oh? Is Frodo inspired by tales of my misfortune?" he asked drily.
"When they're funny," Frodo said, covering his mouth with his hand. "You have to admit, Uncle Thorin--it is fun to imagine you chasing after little hobbits. And my mum!" He giggled anew. "She must have been so cross with you!"
Thorin smiled and reached to pull the young hobbit into his side. "She was, pebble. Your ears would have bled."
"I think I would have liked to see it," he said. "Imagine if my mother were here. She could tell us what they thought in Buckland after you left, and everything that happened with the rowdy Took cousins." After saying this, the boy went quiet for a long time, his smile dimming to a thoughtful twist.
"I am sorry I've been… distracted since the Mirkwood," he said at last, his voice low. Thorin squeezed his nephew tight against him. "I was only thinking… I have lost my parents once already."
"Oh," said Bilbo, scooting around to sit on Frodo's other side. "Did it scare you, when Thorin fell ill? It was scary for me too."
He nodded and cast his eyes to the straw at the bottom of the cart. "I could not help but think of the worst while we traveled in the dark. It got better when we left the woods, but I can still feel the weight of those thoughts even now."
"It is always that way, when one enters the Mirkwood," Thorin assured him. "It steals all the light from your mind, leaving your thoughts in darkness. I do not wonder that you feel ill at ease." Bilbo hummed in agreement.
"And if it will help you dispel the gloom--you must know that our dangerous days are over, nephew. Your uncle and I have faced a dragon once already, we are due our share of peace and safety."
"What about bandits?" Frodo said, his lips drawn up to one side.
"Oh, don't waste your time worrying about bandits. Haven't I told you how your uncle deals with that kind? We are perfectly safe there." He smiled back at him. "No, my boy, I think that he and I will be with you for a long time. You shall see."
Frodo still looked far too contemplative when he answered, but his smile was genuine. "I think so too, Uncle Bilbo."
*[Thorin whispered to Bilbo: "Strange. You seemed to accept this fault of mine with pleasure on the evening of my name-day." Basically: "Is that so? It seemed like you accepted it when you got me drunk on my birthday and couldn't keep your hands to yourself." ]
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earnmysong · 1 year
P F & T for the fic meme!
thanks so much for asking, lovely!
P: ARCHITECT - story built and planned out or GARDENER - story unfolds as you, and it, progress
i'm such a freaking gardener, MY GOD! there's never any planning ahead. i usually literally say to myself 'well, shit, [exhibits a-z] gave me feelings. what would it look like if...' then, i type a bunch of emotions into a doc and make my chaos mildly more coherent. you've saved my ass from myself a time two as well, for which i'm eternally grateful!
F: one of my favorite dialogue exchanges in my repertoire, with explanation
this rather lengthy snippet of 'experience has made me rich' holds a high spot in the rankings:
“Good God, Alexis! Were you mugged?” David’s concern manifests rather forcefully and in an extremely high octave. She startles, scrunching away from the noise and blocking her ear with an arm. The closest arm, sure, but definitely the wrong choice.
“Ouch, fuck!” she hisses, cradling her ice-chilled {also bandage-wrapped and currently about five times its regular size} wrist. Silver lining? She can finally feel her pulse! Except, it’s kind of, like, not where it should be, and it seems really angry and basically shocks her whenever she moves. She must not be exactly at her quietest, either, because Ted glances over, every feature of his face asking if she’s okay. She smiles, shoos him back to steadying their daughter on that murderous contraption. “Hey, David? I, um, kind of broke myself?”
“Mhmmm, yes. I did notice that. Sort of difficult to miss the striking resemblance between you and Anna Paquin after her car crash in that movie you always lose your shit over? Where she’s Mother Goose? And how exactly have we achieved this ultimate form of flattery and maimed ourselves so spectacularly this fine spring evening?”
“Okay, first of all? Shut up, David. Fly Away Home is fantastic and you totally got misty when Len held you hostage and finally forced you to watch over Chrismukkah. Don’t bother denying. Lying is beneath us now. Also?” She fluffs her hair, bracing herself to recount her harrowing ordeal. “Len’s got a shiny new itch to be a tinier, much more adorable Tony Hawk? Because of the Vans.” She growls the brand at him; he peers down apologetically – he’s probably wearing the traitors as they speak – and scoots himself slightly farther back. “She assigned me the role of guru, and I said: What the hell? It’ll be like surfing. But on solid ground.”
“I don’t think –” David grimaces at her misguided logic, nods in understanding. “That hasn’t ended well for you?”
Alexis treats him to a slow, shaky pan of her battered physique in case he requires assistance to arrive at the correct answer. “Clearly not, David,” she huffs. 
“Yes, well. To render the sting of your obviously declining athletic aptitude less sharp, I’ve just shipped you the largest, most expensive bottle of peach schnapps that a five-minute search can yield.” She flips him off. “I also took the liberty of having ‘Get Well Soon’ engraved on an ice bucket, to both commemorate the occasion and be available in the event of future mishaps. Whether these will relate to beverages or body parts of course remains to be seen.” 
“So much love!” Sarcasm edges her cheer, but her grin is genuine; she boops his nose through the screen. 
Then: “Mommy, I can almost land an ollie!” Len announces proudly, clambering up to sit next to Alexis as Ted mouths She can stay upright. “Are you alive? That was so much blood! And, see? I told you I memorized Daddy’s numb – Oh! Hi, Uncle David! Did Mommy tell you she taught me to skateboard?” 
David snorts in a ridiculously impolite manner, choking down the rest of his chuckle. “You could say that. The marvelous Ms. Mullens she most definitely is not, however. Oooh, have we added to our wardrobe without consultation?” 
Alexis listens to Lennox and David chat while Ted examines her mangled wrist. “Um, babe? Are you sure this – ” he’s pushing gently on various spots “- is the safest bet? Like, knowing something’s broken when I pass out in the park?”
“I’m not just going out on a limb, Lex. I have had practice.” Ted laughs, pressing his lips softly to hers, trading an unnerving touch for one flooded with comfort and calm; okay, yes, he might be, like, an expert at taking care of everything he encounters. 
“No. No.” David’s insistent scold cuts into their impromptu make-out sesh far sooner than she appreciates. “None of that, please. Your child is present and that fact alone should deter you. Because I am well-acquainted with your habits, however, I must also submit this for your consideration - my sister has wreaked enough havoc upon herself in a single afternoon to, quite possibly, last a lifetime.  Do we really want to put her further at risk, given some of the fun in which you’ve engaged in the past?” 
okay, so! my affinity for, and admiration of, dan levy et al. and 'schitt's creek' as a whole is storied and unrepeatable. typically, i would be terrified to attempt to capture the essence of a universe i value that highly. because i love SC as much as i do, still, i also wanted to see how close i could get. i'd already written two installments of the saga before this, but they'd only featured alexis and ted. here, david enters and the established tiny human speaks. i ended up coming pretty close to the mark, if i do say so myself, a fact that makes me smile, even a few years removed.
T: fandom tropes i can't stand
i don't necessarily understand when protagonists are paired romantically with villains who showed no glimmer of redemption in canon [carol danvers/yon-rogg, jyn/krennic, etc]. also? i'm not one for when violence extends beyond the action/fight sequence realm.
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percontaion-points · 5 months
Delicious Monsters chapters 35 & 36
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Click here for the rest of the series!
Chapter 35
I would swap abilities with King in a heartbeat. It was better to walk through the world unseeing. I couldn’t stand it. The dead were everywhere. Here was an exception, and I suspected it was because of the house. Normally, it was crowded. Shivers made things unbearable for hours. I wanted the ignorance that everyone else had. Out of the two of us, he had the better deal, from where I was standing. 
Always greener, man. 
“She tried to tell me what was going on in the house, and I didn’t believe her. And I’m sorry.”
 I was so over tiptoeing around things. “About the ghosts? You didn’t believe her about the dead? Or the house talking to her and torturing people? Or…?”
 Aunt Dione’s face flashed back on the screen. “What are you talking about?” 
I blinked at her, tears falling down my face. “What are you talking about?” 
“I’m talking about what Peter did to her.”
I KNEW that Peter did something to her. 
About my uncle and whatever it was that he did to Mom.
Chapter 35 summary: Daisy endures a shitty conversation with granny in order to get Dione’s address. It’s an hour away, and King agrees to take her. On the ride over, King talks about what little that he was able to see about Daisy… including her future. 
He also tells her that he saw some things about her relationship with Noah. It’s… kind of shitty, honestly. He apparently started to choke her in the middle of sex, which she didn’t like. But she also never told him no. King pointedly tells her that she needs to speak up about that sort of stuff. That he literally saw her CRYING. Daisy doesn’t think that it’s that big of a deal, but… come on. She was CRYING. 
Before they get to the house, King kind of hints that the conversation with Dione isn’t going to go well. But he also hints that Daisy is going to get into a fight with Grace because of this. Which… joy. 
Anyway, so Daisy goes up and rings the video doorbell. Dione is like “My niece Daisy? Go away. Wait, you’re staying at the house?” “Yes. Tell me about the ghosts, and all of the murders!” “Um… I was talking about what Peter did to Grace. Actually, never mind. Go away!”
Back in King’s car, Daisy asks if King knows what Peter did to Grace. He agrees that he does, but refuses to tell Daisy on the grounds that it’s personal as hell, and feels wrong to tell. Even if talking about it would probably help Daisy to understand Grace and the current shitty situation. But whatever. Keep your secrets. 
Chapter 36
“I was dating a boy in Toronto,” I mumbled. “Before we left. He broke up with me.” 
Mom turned to me, and her mouth fell into a slight frown. “Did I know him? A boy from school?” 
“No. To both.” 
She pulled in a deep breath and let it out. “You know, I always thought I would be a cool mom. The sort where you would just tell me that kind of stuff while it was happening, and we would gossip over it.” She gazed back at the TV. “But I guess it’s always going to be an awkward thing you don’t want to talk about with your parents.”
It’s not so much that there aren’t people out there who don’t tell this sort of thing to their parents. 
But it’s more like… If you want to be the kind of mother that your kid tells this kind of stuff to, you first have to be a safe place.
I hope I don’t have to explain to people that “constantly lying to and gaslighting, and then physically pinning your child down so that you can put maggots into their ears” isn’t a safe place. 
“I was ten and had sprouted these mosquito boobs that, of course, meant Mom got the signal to start criticizing my body.”
Once, Grandma told me I was so skinny that I looked like a full-on rectangle. It wasn’t funny or even particularly cruel. But I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Every time I passed a mirror, I stared and wondered if anyone else noticed. But Mom always got the brunt of it. She was beautiful by anyone’s standards, but Grandma could always find a way to call her ugly.
I’m seriously starting to understand where Grace got it into her head that the only way to raise a child was to emotionally beat them down until they were nothing but a shell. 
I’m not saying that it excuses literally anything. Do better than to continue the cycle of abuse. 
Mom let it crash to the ground. “[My mom/your grandma] didn’t believe me [that I was being molested].”
The woman who found it fitting to criticise the body of a nine year old didn’t believe the 14 year old when she said that she was being molested? 
Honestly, she probably saw all of the signs, and decided that it wasn’t her problem. Because that’s exactly what she comes off as. 
Mom licked her lips. “Did he seem like he was in pain?” 
“Yes,” I breathed. 
She smiled. “Good.”
Chapter 36 summary: After King dropped Daisy off, she walks to the main house and can’t stop thinking about Noah. And despite her obsession over him, she admits that being stuck on the same thought over and over isn’t exactly like her. 
She sees Ivy standing by the main house, but basically tells her to fuck off. She drops the groceries off and runs back to the guest house. 
There, she cuddles up with Grace under a blanket and confesses about Noah… and what he did to her. That she didn’t feel safe saying “no” when he choked her in bed. 
Grace then begins to tell her story. That her home life wasn’t great thanks to her emotionally abusive mother. She was happy to spend her summer away from all of that. Peter and Dione were ready to take their mother to court to get custody of Grace because of it. Peter was like a father to her. The last night before she left at the end of the summer, Peter came in and told her something about his piano lessons. But to keep it a secret, because it would only upset Dione. (We don’t know what this secret is.) Never having had a father, Grace thought that it was normal father/daughter stuff, and didn’t think anything of it.
When she came back the next summer, these secrets started up again. But then this was followed up by increasingly physical touches. A hug one night, a kiss on the cheek, a kiss on the lips, then clothes started to come off… It’s as I had predicted: this man had been molesting her for years. 
When Grace turned 14, she begged her mom not go to to Peter’s that summer. Her mum said no. And went so far as to say that she didn’t believe Grace when Grace confessed about the molestation. As you might imagine, being so open with somebody but having them say that you were making shit up didn’t exactly do anything for Grace’s confidence, and Daisy begins to understand why her mum is so closed off today. 
Grace also says that Jordan really is Daisy’s dad, not Peter. And that it was a fact that Peter was quite proud of. (Why is the bar set at “didn’t impregnate my teenage sister-in-law that I was molesting”?)
Grace then asks about the moaning that Daisy heard in the house. Now that Daisy can put it into some context, she understands that the moaning was always coming from what used to be Grace’s room. And that the man she saw was Peter. 
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daswarschonkaputt · 2 years
Oooooh so many choices. And I'm torn between asking about mpreg kinnporsche and teenage Porsche! I mean, we don't want you tire yourself out but if you're up to a little titbit... Either?
okay well i have some good news, there is already mpreg kinnporsche content floating around on my blog. the not!fic is here, and i posted a snippet here a bit ago.
teenage porsche... okay so i started this not!fic when i was working on sheets chapter... probably six? i think. and then i got sick, and had to pivot to focus on finishing the fic, so the not!fic just sort of fell to the wayside. i do want to finish it, eventually.
essentially, there was a line in between the sheets about porsche at seventeen -- which was something like this:
Porsche isn’t without sympathy. In the grand scheme of things, Porsche generally wouldn’t pit a seventeen year-old orphan armed with cookware against an experienced bodyguard carrying a top-of-the-line fire arm—with the exception of himself, at seventeen. As a teenager, he’d been – as Yok once said – feral. Porsche maybe wouldn’t have been able to take down Pete, back then, but he’d have probably left the man with one less eye, and maybe a few missing fingers.
and this prompted my readers to tell me they'd pay good money to read feral 17 y/o porsche and 20 y/o kinn ruining each other. and i was like. damn. that's a good idea.
so: feral, angry-at-the-world teenage porsche thrown headfirst at deeply unhappy just-post-tawan kinn. that's the fic's idea.
i'll give you a snippet of the not!fic, but exercise caution. content warning for implied/referenced underage prostitution (no underage sex takes place). let me put it this way: reading this, the group chat complimented me on the knives. so. take that as you will.
the premise:
Porsche is 17 and angry at the world. It’s been about five and a half years since his parents died in a car accident, and the grief has had just enough time to stew into a futile kind of adolescent rage. The world is cruel and unfair, and Porsche is furious at it.
Porsche works two jobs – three, if you count competitive taekwondo, which you probably should – and attends school full-time, when he bothers to show up. His attendance is shit, his grades are barely acceptable, and he’s literally always broke. On top of that, about 80% of his spare energy on any given day has to go to persuading his little brother (Chay, 11) that absolutely nothing is wrong. His stress levels are through the fucking atmosphere.
Porsche attends a fancy private school on an athletics scholarship – which he really wouldn’t bother with, if not for the fact that his scholarship means that Chay also gets to go to school for free, in the attached junior school to his high school. Porsche has a quiet side hustle where he steals shit off his wealthy classmates and gives it to Uncle Thee to sell.
He has no friends, no support system, and the only person he talks with semi-regularly is his taekwondo coach, who thinks he’s cocky and lacking drive.
Recently, Porsche has taken to sneaking out of the house to take part in underground fighting matches. If he’s honest with himself, it has less to do with the money – which is… not bad, but honestly, not the best – than it does with giving Porsche an excuse to hit something until it just—stops. Porsche is scrappy – the kind of fighter who always gets back up, when you knock them down.
It’s the aftermath of one of these matches, when Porsche is staggering through the streets of Bangkok. He’s beat to shit, frankly – his ribs are definitely bruised, if not broken. His kidneys are aching in the way that means he’s going to be pissing blood for a week, or so. He’s just having an altogether bad time.
Porsche is heading for Yok’s bar – well aware that he can’t show up in need of medical help at home. Porsche doesn’t know Yok all that well, at this point, but she has an open door policy for him after she found him passed out on a bench outside her bar, once, and brought him in and patched him up. Yok’s the closest thing Porsche has to an adult he can count on, and he doesn’t even know her that well.
He takes a break on his trek to smoke a cigarette on a street corner – and that’s when he meets Kinn.
This is Kinn. 20 years old, university student, mafia heir. He’s fresh off the Tawan betrayal – cynical about love, cynical about people, and even a little cynical about his family. He’s floundering, and he’s in pain – he’s looking for whatever he can to erase it. Alcohol, sex, oblivion. He’s reckless with his security, because he doesn’t know if he wants them to keep him alive. Miserable and self-destructive. He’s wearing a silk shirt, unbuttoned to the navel, and he stumbles out of a nightclub door, to the sight of Porsche. Porsche is—well, he’s pretty. He wears seventeen with none of the awkwardness his peers do – Kinn looks at him, and he wants.
the meet not-at-all-cute:
Kinn: How much?
Porsche turns and looks at this rich asshole who’s just stumbled dead-drunk out of a nearby nightclub, who’s mistaken him for a whore and his immediate thought is, “Fuck this guy in particular.”
Kinn: Ten thousand?
Porsche gives him a withering look. Kinn misreads this.
Kinn: Fifty thousand?
Porsche puts out his cigarette, ready to fuck off.
Kinn: A hundred thousand?
Porsche pauses. And it’s—it’s awful, but here’s the thing: a hundred thousand baht is… That’s a years’ wages for Porsche and then some. With that much money, Porsche could probably even quit one of his jobs, maybe spend a bit more time with Chay.
It’s kind of shitty, to realise that you have a price. Porsche turns around at Kinn – this rich asshole, blind drunk, throwing around a hundred thousand baht on what he thinks is a street whore – and he thinks, Well.
Porsche: 150.
Kinn agrees. Porsche makes a little beckoning gesture, like, Hand over the cash, and Kinn’s like, “I’m going to have to go to an ATM first.”
You know what’s awkward? Standing next to the guy who’s bought you, as he withdraws the cash to pay you. Porsche rocks on his heels, asking himself, Am I really doing this?
Kinn has the money, and hands it over to Porsche. Porsche takes it, counts it, and does his best to pretend like this isn’t the most money he’s ever handled in his entire life. He puts it into his back pocket. Kinn looks at him like, Well? And Porsche is like, Yeah I’m going to pretend like I do this all the time.
He leads Kinn into an alleyway, and then Kinn kisses him. Porsche lets him, and then he drives his knee straight up into Kinn’s groin. Kinn makes a noise like he’s been shot, curling over in agony, taken completely off-guard. Porsche goes to run, with the cash, not expecting Kinn to get his feet under him and fight back.
It’s—brutal. Kinn is drunk, but also incredibly well-trained. By comparison, Porsche is sober, injured, and fucking feral. He comes out on top, but barely. He manages to knock Kinn out, and just stands there, breathing.
He looks down at Kinn on the ground and thinks, You know what? This fucker deserves this. And then he steals his watch, too.
He manages to make it to Yok’s before the adrenaline wears off, but the weight of the 150,000 baht in his pocket is heavy, and he doesn’t go inside to ask for medical attention. Instead, he calls a taxi, and goes home to Chay and his uncle. Porsche gives his uncle the watch to sell, but doesn’t tell him about the cash, which he hides under a floorboard in his room.
Getting up the next morning is—weird. He feels like shit, but when he goes to check his hidey-hole, the money’s still there. His happiness is ruined when his brother comes into his room without knocking, and sees the awful bruising on his torso. Chay makes Porsche promise to go to the school nurse about it, and is generally just very fussy and worried about it all. Porsche capitulates easily.
Porsche spends the entire time at school waiting for the other shoe to drop. But it just—doesn’t. He gets home, the money’s still there. For the first time in nearly two years, he feels like he can breathe.
A week passes. Porsche begins to spend the money. He’s not profligate with it, or anything – but he buys a few things he might have put off. New shoes for Chay. Take-out for dinner one night. He gets on top of their bills and debts. Quits one of his jobs.
And then at school he’s called in to the headmaster’s office.
Headmaster is meeting with a fancy-pants donor who’s supposedly going to pay for a new scholarship at the school – and wants to meet the school’s most famous scholar, the national taekwondo champion. Mr Headmaster is basically tripping over himself to be nice to the donor – who turns around and smiles at Porsche.
It’s Kinn.
let the ruining commence:
This is so patently a power play that Porsche is almost pissed off about it – and the worst thing is that it still works, because Porsche is fucked. If Kinn tells the headmaster that Porsche scammed him out of a hundred grand, beat him up, and stole his watch – Porsche will lose his scholarship. Kinn is smug – he knows this.
Kinn executes a light bit of conversational manipulation to get the headmaster to leave him and Porsche alone. With the witness gone, the gloves come off.
Kinn: I have to say, I admire your bravery, if nothing else. It takes a particular kind of nerve to steal from me.
Porsche: I didn’t steal shit.
Kinn: [straightens his cuffs, just enough to draw attention to his watch, the one Porsche lifted off his unconscious body] What would you call the 150,000 baht of my money you ran off with, then?
Porsche: You gave that money to me.
Kinn: I gave you that money in exchange for a service to be rendered. That service did not include beating me unconscious and leaving me in an alleyway. I think we could make a case for breach of contract, at the very least.
Porsche: I didn’t sign shit, and I don’t owe you anything.
Porsche goes to leave, but Kinn catches his arm. Porsche throws off his touch.
Kinn: My money, Porsche.
Porsche: What about it?
Kinn: I’d like it back.
Porsche: I don’t have it anymore. [He goes to leave. Once again, Kinn stops him.]
Kinn: Then we have a problem.
Porsche: The only problem we’ll have is if you keep putting your hands where they don’t belong.
Kinn: The implicit contract was as follows: the money, in exchange for sex. As you have failed to uphold your end of the bargain, I’m going to have to ask for the return of the payment.
Porsche: I already told you, I don’t have the money anymore.
Kinn: Even gutter trash like you would struggle to spend 150,000 baht in one week. Return what you have.
Porsche: [Yeah, you know what? Fuck him.] I know your type – rich assholes who’ve never had to work a day in their life. Does your daddy know you spend his money on teenage rent boys?
Kinn: Is this a blackmail attempt?
The bastard sounds amused.
Porsche: Sure.
Kinn: Go ahead. Tell my father all about my twisted little proclivities. I think he’d be more appalled that I spent 150,000 baht on a mouthy little shit like you than the nature of my deviancy. [He steps aside from blocking the door.] My money, Porsche. You have 24 hours.
Porsche: Don’t call me, I’ll call you?
Kinn: Don’t get cute. [Hands Porsche a business card.] Call this number when you have the money. Someone will be by to pick it up.
Well, that’s Porsche’s day ruined.
Porsche thinks it over, and realises it’s probably just easiest to give Kinn back the 120,000 baht he still has from the affair. He goes back home and checks his hiding place, only to find it empty.
At first, he’s furious – he thinks that Kinn set all this up as some sort of twisted mind game. And then Uncle Thee comes shuffling in, surprised to see Porsche back from school so early. Porsche has this moment of hope.
Kinn had his watch back – which means that Arthee doesn’t have it. Did he manage to sell it? And Uncle Thee—hesitates. At which point, Porsche realises that Thee did manage to sell the watch, but something happened to the money. Which is that Thee gambled it away. He’d been trying to get a return on investment – but had lost big. He’d taken Porsche’s little money stash to the casino today to try and win back the money, but had lost that, as well.
Porsche stares at his uncle, and despairs. He’s—so completely devastated, and not even fucking surprised, that it wraps right back around to anger. He goes for Thee’s throat, throttling him, demanding to know what the fuck he was thinking—
At which point Chay gets home from school and pulls Porsche off their uncle. Chay’s mad at Porsche, without any of the context for why all this is happening, which makes Porsche even more upset. He storms out of the house, without thinking about where he’s going.
His feet take him to Yok’s bar, where Yok is accepting a delivery of alcohol. She sees him stood there, in his school uniform, after having trekked across Bangkok, and wordlessly takes him inside.
The entire story is too humiliating to tell Yok, so he lets out bits and pieces – that he owes someone a lot of money, that he had the money to pay them, and his uncle spent it all. He hands over the business card, which Yok inspects.
Bank, one of Yok’s bartenders, peeks at the card, and is like, “This is his card? This is really his card. Porsche, you’re fucked.” Cue a bit of background information about Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakul – and the extent of his family’s power. Bank is highkey amazed – how on earth did Porsche get tangled up with the mafia?
Yok’s immediate thought is that she can lend him the money. She asks how much it is, tells him he can work off the debt to her by washing glasses in her bar. But Porsche knows that 150,000 baht is too much for Yok – she doesn’t have that kind of money just lying around. He turns her down, tells her he can figure something out. Yok is hesitant, but Porsche is insistent.
the knives get worse:
Porsche leaves Yok’s bar, and calls the number on the card. He says he wants to talk about the debt in person.
Kinn sends a fancy car to pick him up. It’s driven by men in dark suits, who all look at Porsche like he’s gum they scraped off their shoe. Porsche gets in the car, and lets them take him to Kinn.
He’s taken to a fancy skyscraper in the centre of Bangkok. It’s all very grand, and Porsche feels like the worst kind of fraud, in his school uniform and ratty converse. He tries to pretend like the décor doesn’t get to him. He mostly succeeds.
Kinn is waiting for him in a fancy office. It has floor to ceiling windows and a light fitting that could be described as a chandelier. He looks up and down at Porsche.
Kinn: So, do you have something for me?
Porsche: [looks at the security detail] I’m not talking about this with them in the room.
Kinn: [pauses, considers] Big, leave.
Big: Khun Kinn—
Kinn: If he disables me, I’m sure you’ll catch him on the way out. Leave.
[They leave.]
Porsche: [clenches fists] You gave me the money for services to be rendered, right?
Kinn: I did.
Porsche: So if I rendered those services, I wouldn’t have to return it to you?
Kinn: [Eyebrows rise.] 150,000 baht in less than a week – quite the spending habit. What’s your poison? Drugs? Sex? Gambling?
Porsche flinches.
Kinn: Gambling. I see. But not you. The only risks you take are with your safety. A relative, then – probably not the baby brother. Your uncle?
Porsche: Do you want to fuck me or not?
Kinn: [Looks at Porsche.] I like my partners to enjoy themselves. I’m not convinced you would.
Porsche: [Clenches fists.] I can make nice. I can even moan your name, if you want me to.
Kinn: The last time I tried to fuck you, I ended up unconscious in an alleyway, missing my watch. I rarely make the same mistake twice. We’ll come up with an alternate repayment plan. [Calls out.] Big!
Big enters the room again.
Kinn: Take Porsche to Chan. Tell him to make him useful.
Porsche: I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me what’s going on.
Kinn: You sold me your body. Don’t get mad because I have other uses for it.
This statement makes Porsche think that Kinn is—pimping him out to whoever this Chan guy is, which is an awful realisation to have. Porsche considers running, before he spots the gun holster on every bodyguard around him. He’s fucked. He’s so very fucked.
Only—Chan doesn’t want to fuck him. In fact, Chan looks kind of pissed off about Porsche’s entire existence. Chan’s an older guy – middle-aged, but handsome – and he’s wearing the same suits and firearms routine as all the other bodyguards. He has Porsche fight against someone, and Porsche demonstrates that he’s scrappy, skilled, and absolutely impossible to keep down. Once Porsche has knocked the other guy down, Chan just sort of stands there, pinching his nose, like, Fantastic. Wonderful. Just what I want.
Chan then takes him to some sort of office? And has Porsche read and sign a contract – which is, to Porsche’s immediate relief, for a position as a part-time bodyguard. Then Chan drives him home.
Porsche started off the evening thinking he was going to lose his virginity to some rich asshole he scammed out of 150k baht. He’s ended it as a bodyguard working for the mafia. If he weren’t so fucking exhausted, he’d probably be more upset.
i have more, but i have to hold something back, you guys :P
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beifongsss · 4 years
the boiling rock [zuko]
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Pairing: Zuko x reader
Disclaimer!: The reader is Sokka and Katara’s older sister!
Requested?: Yes! By @thegirlwholikestomanythings​: “ Hi! I have a Zuko x reader request if you don't mind. Maybe something like the reader being Katara and Sokka's older sister and Zuko having a big crush on her after he joins in S3?”
Summary: Sokka goes to break Hakoda out of The Boiling Rock and is shocked to find you there as well. He’s even more shocked when he figures out that Zuko’s a simp for you.
this is based off of the boiling rock episodes but there are a few changed made! there’s also like a pov change halfway i’m sorry. TIS A LONG ONE!!
When Zuko defeated Combustion Man, Aang didn’t let him join the group until he gained approval from all of his friends.
“Toph, you're the one that Zuko burned. What do you think?”
The blind earthbender smirked, a sinister look on her face as she pounded her fist into her palm. “Go ahead and let him join. It'll give me plenty of time to get back at him for burning my feet.”
Satisfied with her answer, Aang turned to the Water Tribe boy. “Sokka?”
“Hey, all I want is to defeat the Fire Lord. If you think this is the way to do it, then, I'm all for it,” he said, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall near him.
“Katara?” Aang asked uncertainly, noticing the stony look on the Water Tribe girl’s face.
“I'll go along with whatever you think is right,” she replied, glaring at Zuko.
“Great!” Aang said, ignoring Katara’s reaction. “Then that’s settled. Welcome to the group Zuko!”
Zuko paused slightly, looking around as he noticed the absence of the other Water Tribe girl he had always seen with the Gaang.
“Not that I’m complaining,” the prince said, a questioning look in his eyes. “But isn’t there someone else you should be asking? Where’s the other Water Tribe girl?”
The group went silent at Zuko’s words as Katara’s face hardened and Sokka looked away, a sad expression making it’s way onto his face.
“She’s gone,” Sokka said roughly as he began to storm off.
Katara reached out for his arm, grabbing onto him as he passed her. “Sokka, it wasn’t your fault.”
“Not my fault?” Sokka roared, stray tears escaping his eyes as he faced Katara. “It was my invasion plan Katara! I should’ve taken the fall. Not her!”
He shrugged her hand off before walking off deeper into the Air Temple. Katara sent Zuko another glare before hurrying after her brother, leaving him alone with Aang and Toph. Zuko glanced at Aang uneasily, not wanting to ask about what had happened. With a sigh, Aang sat down looking at Zuko expectantly.
The prince sat down across from Aang as Toph sat to his left, the usually loud-mouthed girl abnormally quiet.
“The other Water Tribe girl that would travel with us is (Y/N),” Aang explained quietly. “She’s Sokka and Katara’s older sister.”
Zuko nodded in response before speaking. “W-What happened to her?”
“She got captured by the Fire Nation on the Day of Black Sun,” Aang replied, looking down at his lap. “You know about the invasion right?”
Zuko nodded once more.
“Well it was Sokka’s invasion plan,” Aang continued. Zuko’s eyebrows rose up in surprise, going unnoticed by Aang. “He came up with it and (Y/N) and Hakoda, that’s their dad, fine tuned it. They thought of everything that could possibly go wrong and when the day came, Sokka was the one leading it.”
Aang’s face suddenly turned into one full of guilt. “I-It was actually my fault that she got captured. If I hadn’t gotten distracted by Azula, we could’ve gotten away before the eclipse was over. Instead, they caught up to us before we could get back to the beach. Hakoda told us all to leave on Appa and to take the youngest members of the group but (Y/N) didn’t fit because we had Teo, Haru, and The Duke with us. So she decided to stay behind and take the blame for the invasion so that they wouldn’t go out and look for us. She said that they’d believe her because she was traveling with the Avatar and because she was the daughter of the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe and she had a reason to want to attack the Fire Nation.”
Aang couldn’t stop the tear that slipped out. “I guess she was right because we weren’t followed after we escaped.”
“C’mon Twinkletoes,” Toph said, leaning back on her hands. “(Y/N) knew what she was getting into. She’s not dumb. She’s strong, smart, and patient. In fact, I’m willing to bet she’s making those Fire Nation guard’s lives hell.”
Zuko observed Toph as she spoke about the missing Water Tribe girl. “How are you so sure?”
“Please,” Toph scoffed, cracking her knuckles. “She’s the only idiot here that can beat me in a fight. She’ll be fine.”
“Oh,” Zuko said, slightly surprised. “Is she a waterbender too?”
“Nope,” Toph said. “That’s how I know she’s okay. She can beat me in a fight, and I’m the greatest earthbender in the world! I invented metalbending.”
Zuko’s eyebrows shot up in surprise at Toph’s words. “She beat you without any bending?”
“She did,” Sokka’s voice rang out. The group (except Toph) turned around to find Sokka walking towards them. “Which is why we needed her here, not in prison. She shouldn’t be paying for my mistakes.”
Without another word Sokka climbed onto Appa, shooting Aang a look when the Air Nomad shot him a worried glance. “Don’t worry Aang. I’m just gonna clear my head. Yip yip.”
The conversation ended with Sokka’s departure and silently, Aang showed Zuko to his room.
“Hey, can I talk to you for a second?” Sokka asked, catching Zuko’s attention as he handed him a cup of tea. Zuko set down the tea and followed Sokka to where he was standing, softly petting Appa when he opened his eyes to look at them.
“So, what’s up?” Zuko asked, looking back over at the group before focusing on Sokka.
“If someone was captured by the Fire Nation, where would they be taken?” the Water Tribe boy asked, trying to look nonchalant. At Zuko’s suspicious look, he spoke again. “When the invasion plan failed, some of our troops were taken. I just want to know where they might be.”
“We both know this is about your sister, Sokka,” Zuko replied. “I can’t tell you.”
“What? Why not?” Sokka asked, mildly irritated. 
“Trust me,” Zuko said, turning to leave. “Knowing will just make you feel worse.”
“It’s not just about (Y/N)!” Sokka hissed, causing Zuko to stop in his tracks. “It’s my dad. He was captured too. I need to know what I put them through.”
“It’s not good Sokka,” the prince replied, not meeting his eyes.
Sighing deeply, Zuko gave in. “My guess is, they were taken to The Boiling Rock.”
“What’s that?”
“The highest security prison in the Fire Nation,” Zuko ignored Sokka’s horrified look. “It's on an island in the middle of a boiling lake. It's inescapable.”
“So,” Sokka said, trying to appear indifferent. “Where is this place?”
“Why do you need to know?” Zuko asked, eyes narrowing. “What are you planning?”
“Nothing!” Sokka tried reassuring the prince. “Boy, you’re so paranoid.”
Zuko rolled his eyes before replying. “It's in the middle of a volcano between here and the Fire Nation. You guys actually flew right past it on your way here.”
“Thanks Zuko,” Sokka said before letting out a very fake yawn as he stretched. “Just knowing makes me feel better.”
“Sure it does,” Zuko scoffed, watching the Water Tribe boy walk away. Noticing that everyone was getting ready to go to bed, he stealthily climbed up onto Appa’s saddle, gently shushing the sky bison when he once again opened his eyes.
At this moment, Zuko sort of regretted joining Sokka on his journey. After having successfully convinced him to take his war balloon instead of Appa, the two boys found themselves existing in awkward silence.
“Pretty clouds,” Sokka spoke first, slightly startling Zuko.
“Yeah...fluffy,” the Fire Nation prince replied before focusing on the fire again. Sokka began whistling casually, drawing Zuko’s attention. “What?”
“What?” Sokka asked, the awkwardness between the two boys palpable. “Oh, I didn't say anything. You know, a friend of mine actually designed these war balloons.”
“No kidding,” Zuko said with slight surprise.
“Yep. A balloon...but for war,” came the other boy’s reply.
“If there's one thing my dad's good at, it's war.”
“Yeah, it seems to run in the family.”
“Hey, hold on,” Zuko said, slightly offended. “Not everyone in my family is like that.”
“I know, I know,” Sokka replied, hands raised in defense. “You’ve changed.”
“I meant my uncle. He was more of a father to me. And I really let him down.”
“I think your uncle would be proud of you,” Sokka said, looking at Zuko intently. “Leaving your home to come help us? That's hard.”
“It wasn’t that hard.”
“Really?” Sokka asked in disbelief. “You didn't leave behind anyone you cared about?”
“Well I did have a girlfriend,” Zuko replied, smiling slightly. “Mai.”
“That gloomy girl who sighs a lot?” Sokka asked, trying to hold back his smile.
“Yeah. Everyone in the Fire Nation thinks I'm a traitor. I couldn't drag her into it,” Zuko explained before hesitating slightly. “Besides, I didn’t truly like her. Trust me, I know that sounds bad. When we were kids we liked each other, but we’re not kids anymore and we’ve both changed and things just weren’t working out.”
Sokka nodded in understanding before crossing his arms. “My first girlfriend turned into the moon.”
Zuko paused for a few seconds, looking up at the moon and wondering if Sokka was being serious before turning to him. “That’s rough buddy.”
Silence ensued again, the scene almost relaxing if it weren’t for the fact that the two of them were heading for the most high-security prison in the Fire Nation.
“So,” Zuko broke the silence, looking at Sokka uncertainly. “What happens if we get there and (Y/N) isn’t there?
The question caught Sokka off guard, causing him to scowl. “She will be.”
“But,” Zuko pressed, trying to make the boy understand. “What if she isn’t?
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there,” Sokka replied, crossing his arms and looking away as he tried not to think about Zuko’s words.
“Why don’t you just wait until after Aang defeats my father to set everyone free?” Zuko asked softly. “You’d have a much better chance then.”
“You just don’t get it!” Sokka yelled, looking back at Zuko. “See you and your sister might not get along very well but (Y/N) is the most important person in my life. She was the one who took care of me and Katara after our mom died. She was the one who basically led our tribe after the men went off to fight. She always knew what to say and what to do. We need her Zuko. I need her, Katara needs her, Aang definitely needs her, heck even Toph needs her!”
Zuko stayed silent as he focused on the fire, giving Sokka a few minutes to calm down.
“You’re right Sokka,” he finally said. “I don’t get along with Azula. We’ll find her.”
Sokka didn’t reply, instead choosing to look up at the moon, hoping that he had made the right choice.
Soon enough, they had reached The Boiling Rock. Zuko followed after Sokka, a bit disgruntled at the fact that his war balloon had been destroyed. They had somehow managed to get guard uniforms and sneak into the prison, a feat Zuko found impressive considering that Sokka didn’t have a fully thought-out plan.
“I hope these disguises work,” Zuko hissed, shoving Sokka softly with his shoulder.
“We just need to lay low and find (Y/N) and my dad as soon as possible,” Sokka quietly replied, rubbing his shoulder. “Ow!”
“Guards!” another guard ran past Sokka and Zuko, causing them to flinch. “There’s a scuffle in the yard. Come on!”
The two boys exchanged looks before running after the guard, eventually coming to an open space where a guard was harassing a prisoner. The rest of the guards were trying to keep the other prisoners away from the confrontation. Sokka subtly tilted his head, motioning for Zuko to join the other guards. They split up slightly, trying to keep the crowd in control.
“I didn’t do anything,” the prisoner in the middle of the platform stated, walking away from the guard. “I’m going back to my cell.”
“Stop right there Chit Sang,” the guard said, sending a fire whip towards him. “I’ve had it with your unruly behavior.”
One of the prisoners Zuko was trying to hold back began to slip past him and he reached out to grab them. His eyes widened when he made eye contact with the girl, who then promptly proceeded to shove him off of her and onto the ground. Zuko stared at the girl, his heart speeding up slightly and his stomach lurching as she shot him a glare and marched right up to the guard who had created the fire whip.
“Leave him alone!” she growled, stepping in front of Chit Sang. The guard simply laughed before stepping forwards.
“What are you gonna do Water Tribe scum?”
Zuko flinched as Sokka swatted him, tilting his head towards the girl. “That’s her! That’s (Y/N)!”
Sokka grasped Zuko’s arm tightly, knowing that he couldn’t jump to his sister’s defense. The two of them watched in anticipation as the guard shot out a blast of fire, aiming it at you. Zuko’s eyes widened at the sight. You weren’t a bender, you were going to get burned.
His jaw dropped as you gracefully slid underneath the blast before coming up and swatting the guard’s hand away. When the guard tried to aim at you again, you swept your leg in a graceful arc, knocking him down. You were amazing.
“Cuff her!” the guard barked, embarrassment clear on his face as all the other prisoners cheered. Two of the other guards grabbed you roughly, cuffing your hands behind your back and shoving you roughly in front of the guard you had knocked down.
“You think you’re tough, don’t you?” the guard asked. You didn’t look at him.
“Look at me when I speak to you!” the guard screamed. The yard went silent as everyone waited to see what you would do. Slowly, you lifted your head and met the guard’s eyes. His face held a smug expression, which was soon wiped off when you leaned forward and spit in his face.
The yard went wild again, the guards struggling to keep the prisoners under control. The bully guard lunged forwards, gripping your face tightly in his hand. He stared you down for a few seconds before tossing you to the ground. Scowling, he turned to Sokka and Zuko, who seemed to be the only guards not busy at the moment. “You two! Take her to her cell.”
Sokka picked you up and Zuko led them inside, stealing glances at you as you walked. At one point Sokka caught his gaze, giving him a confused look before his eyes widened in realization. He looked between you and Zuko before glaring at the prince and shaking his head furiously. Zuko avoided his gaze after that. They found your cell quickly enough and Sokka softly pushed you in before stepping inside and pulling Zuko with him.
He took off your cuffs easily enough and you stepped away from him, rubbing your wrists gently.
“What do you want?” you snarled, eyes shifting from one guard to another.
“(Y/N)!” one of them cried out, moving towards you. You sidestepped quickly, grabbing his arm and shoving him up against the wall. He groaned in pain as you pulled his arm back.
“What do you want?” you hissed, not taking your eyes off of the other guard.
“(Y/N/N),” the one you were holding squeaked. “It’s me!”
Your eyes widened at the voice and you stepped back, still keeping your hand on the guard’s arm. “Sokka?”
Sokka used his free hand to take off his helmet, a large grin on his face as he turned to look at you. “Yes! It’s m-”
His words were cut off when you yanked on his arm, pulling him close to you as you wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug. Sokka melted into the hug, wrapping his arms around you tightly as he held tears back.
“Spirits,” you whispered, pulling back and looking at your baby brother. “Sokka what are you doing here? How did you get here?”
“Uh, we took my war balloon,” the other guard replied. You froze slightly at the familiar voice, turning to find Prince Zuko standing there, waving awkwardly.
“You,” you snarled, stomping up to the prince and pushing him up against the wall. You held your forearm against his throat, staring him down. Zuko didn’t do anything in return, a dazed smile on his face as he stared back at you.
“(Y/N) what are you doing?” Sokka yelped, placing a hand on your shoulder. You looked away from Zuko, glancing at your brother in disbelief.
“What do you mean? Have you forgotten that he’s tracked us all over the world? Or that he’s tried to kill us? Multiple times!” you glanced at Zuko again, noticing that he was still smiling. “Why are you smiling at me? Sokka, why is he smiling at me?”
Sokka snorted softly, the scene in front of him reminding him of the first time Aang had met him and Katara. Shooting a tired look at Zuko, he gently pulled you away from the scarred prince. “I don’t know why he’s smiling at you but I do know that he’s part of the team now, so lay off okay?”
You looked at him in disbelief before whirling around and facing Sokka. “Alright but that still doesn’t explain why you’re here.”
“We’re here to break you out?” Sokka said, rubbing the back of his neck as he turned his gaze to the floor.
“Seriously?” you hissed, stepping closer to him and causing him to stumble back. “This couldn’t have waited until after Aang defeated Ozai?”
“I told you so,” Zuko mumbled, shooting a pointed look at Sokka.
“Stay out of this,” you whisper-yelled, pushing him back up against the wall with one hand. “You have to leave. Both of you.“
“Well you see,” Sokka said, chuckling slightly as he met your gaze. “We can’t exactly do that.”
“Yes you can,” you replied, grabbing Sokka and proceeding to push the two boys towards the door. “Just get back on your little war balloon and leave.”
Zuko and Sokka exchanged nervous glances at the mention of the war balloon, causing you to narrow your eyes at them.
“Don’t say it.”
“It popped!” Sokka squealed, bouncing away from you as he noticed your expression. “But we’ll get out of here, and you’re coming with us.”
You couldn’t help but facepalm at your brother’s words.
The guards had only released you from your cell when it was your turn to do the cleaning. You hadn’t heard from Sokka since he had left you, and you were worried that he had gotten caught. You were so distracted by your thoughts that you didn’t notice the other prisoner who was mopping, resulting in you bumping into them and falling down.
“I’m sorry,” the other prisoner said, extending a hand to help you up. You glanced up, making eye contact with Zuko. Your eyes widened almost comically and you grabbed his hand, simultaneously pulling yourself up and pulling him closer to you.
“Where is my brother?” you asked as you leaned in close, panic in your voice as you whispered in his ear. Zuko tried to ignore the blush on his cheeks as your close proximity, focusing on your question.
“He’s fine,” he whispered back. “It was just me who got caught.”
You let his hand go, stepping back and nodding subtly before going back to mopping. Zuko stayed close to you, pretending to be focused on his mopping as he stole glances at you. Feeling his gaze, you looked up and arched an eyebrow as you made eye contact. The prince flushed when he realized he had been caught, looking back down before speaking.
“I-I never introduced myself,” he spoke softly. “I’m Zuko.”
“I know,” you replied flatly, walking further away from him. Zuko stood awkwardly for a moment before inching closer to you again.
“So you’re (Y/N),” he spoke again. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
You snorted at his words, your eyes not leaving the ground. “Yeah I’m sure it is.”
“You’re a really good fighter,” Zuko continued, still trying to make conversation. “Even back when I was still hunting the Avatar you were the one that I was most worried about holding off.”
“Good to know,” you said drily, finally looking up at Zuko. “Look, Sokka may trust you but I don’t, okay? First of all, you haven’t really done anything but cause trouble for us. Second of all, you actually brought my brother here. I appreciate the sentiment but I’m not exactly thrilled at the idea of my baby brother breaking into a Fire Nation prison.”
Zuko swallowed harshly, looking away. “I’m sorry. But he was really adamant about rescuing you and your dad and-”
“Wait,” you interrupted Zuko. “I’m the only Water Tribe member here. My dad is still being held somewhere in the Fire Nation capital.”
Zuko’s eyes widened briefly before he composed himself. “Oh. Alright then I guess that means we can leave as soon as Sokka comes back to meet us.”
The two of you continued to mop in silence before someone suddenly grabbed your upper arm, causing you to stiffen and causing Zuko to get into a defensive stance.
“Calm down, it’s just me.”
“You really have to stop doing that Sokka,” you hissed, yanking your arm away from him. “Zuko told me about why you’re here. I hope you know we can leave now. Dad isn’t here.”
Sokka’s face fell briefly before he forced a smile onto his face. “He may not be but guess who is? Suki! Why didn’t you tell me she was here (Y/N)?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” you whispered. “Maybe because I was too busy freaking out about the fact that my kid brother and the Fire Nation prince broke into prison and don’t have a way to get out!”
“Shh!” Sokka hissed, putting his hand over your mouth. “Be quiet! And I’m not your ‘kid brother’, you’re only a year older than I am.”
Zuko stayed quiet as the two of you stared each other down before Sokka let out a yelp and took his hand off your mouth. “Did you just lick me?”
You didn’t reply, a smirk on your face as you crossed your arms. Zuko stifled a laugh at the scene in front of him, coughing quietly when you shot a look at him. The three of you stood still as a new voice interrupted.
“So, what’s the plan?” Suki stood near you, hiding in the shadows that the staircase provided. You exchanged a glance with Sokka, nodding in encouragement.
“So, listen, I think I have an escape plan,” Sokka began, a little nervous at being in charge of the escape plan. “I checked out the coolers again, and the point of them is to keep firebenders contained, right?”
“Yeah,” Zuko replied, unsure as to where this was going. 
“So, they're completely insulated and sealed to keep the cold in. Well, to keep the cold in, it also has to keep the heat out, right?”
Zuko and Suki exchanged confused looks before looking over at you, only to see you smiling widely as you caught on.
“Just get to the point Sokka,” Suki said, glancing around nervously.
“It's a perfect boat for getting through the boiling water!” you said, eyes sparkling as you looked at Sokka proudly. Despite the situation, Zuko found himself smiling at the sight of your smile.
“Sokka,” you said, leaning in close to your brother while keeping your eyes on Zuko. “He’s doing it again.”
Sokka scowled and smacked Zuko’s head, causing the boy to straighten up and ignore Suki’s smirk. “The cooler as a boat? Are you sure?”
“I’m telling you, it’ll work,” Sokka said, giving them each a serious glance. “I walked around the perimeter. There's a blind spot between two guard towers. It's the perfect launching point. I already tested it out. We'll roll the cooler into the water and just float with the current. It'll take us straight across. As long as we don't make a sound, no one will notice. And bing-bang-boom, we're home free.”
“But how are you going to get the cooler out?” Suki asked, a worried frown on her face.
“Yeah. How are you gonna get the cooler out?”
The four of you turned as Chit Sang landed next to you, causing Sokka and Zuko to stutter as they tried to tell Chit Sang that they weren’t planning anything. You rolled your eyes, stepping closer to Chit Sang before speaking. “That’s easy, isn’t it? We just need to get a firebender into the cooler.”
Sokka and Zuko gaped at you, shocked that you had given them away.
“Calm down,” you scoffed, patting Chit Sang’s back. “Chit Sang and I go way back. He’s the one who made all the other firebenders leave me alone.”
Chit Sang nodded before turning back to the group. “Look I won’t tell the warden about your plan if you let me come along.”
Sokka stared at you intently, the two of you having a silent conversation before turning back to the group. “Fine! But we need to get someone into the cooler.”
Sokka handed Zuko a wrench. “Here. You’re going to unbolt the cooler, from the inside.”
Zuko looked back at Sokka, confused. “How am I going to get in there?”
You grinned widely, patting Zuko’s chest as you walked past him. “I got this. Follow my lead.”
You picked up your mop, motioning for Zuko to do the same. You began mopping, casually walking around as you kept Zuko in your periphery. The prince didn’t dare look at you so he was caught by surprise when you bumped into him from behind.
“Hey!” you snapped, turning around and glaring at him. “Watch where you’re going.”
Zuko froze for a split second before realizing this was your plan. “You’re the one who bumped into me. How about you watch where you’re going?”
A smile played at the corner of your lips as you stared each other down. Zuko noticed and felt his cheeks grow warm as he tried to hold back a smile of his own. The two of you stood there for a few seconds, staring at each other until Sokka coughed loudly.
Tearing your eyes away from the prince, you lunged at him. He easily dodged your swing before throwing a halfhearted punch back at you. You rolled your eyes as you kicked at him, losing your balance slightly as he swatted your leg away. You recovered quickly and threw another punch, a soft gasp leaving your mouth when he grasped your wrist and twirled you around, your back pressed against his chest as his arm held you tightly in place.
You struggled for a moment, sighing in defeat when you realized just how strong he was. You tilted your head back slightly, your lips brushing against his ear as you whispered into it. “You have to firebend at me Zuko.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he mumbled back, causing you to roll your eyes again.
“I’m a big girl. I can handle myself,” you replied. With a grunt, you elbowed him in the stomach. He let out a soft ‘oof’ and you took that chance to break out of his hold. You dropped down and spun, your leg outstretched as you tried to knock him down. He jumped over your leg easily before shooting out a blast of fire at you. He held his breath for a second, sighing in relief as he noticed you roll out of the way.
“No firebending!” a guard shouted, roughly grabbing Zuko from behind. You sent him a soft smile, receiving a smirk in return. As he was led away, Suki came up to you, a big smile on her face.
“So,” she said, her tone teasing. “What was that?”
“Yeah (Y/N),” Sokka said, crossing his arms as he came up to you. “What was that?”
You rolled your eyes before walking past the two of them. “It was a fight.”
“That’s not what it looked like from my point of view,” Suki called out after you, causing Sokka to send a glare at her. You simply chuckled at her words.
You stood up from the floor of your cell, looking at Sokka as he stood outside your cell. “Yeah?”
“It’s time.”
Sokka opened your cell and threw you a guard’s uniform before quickly closing the door and allowing you to change. When you were done, you knocked on the door three times, fixing your helmet as you waited for him to open the door.
Together, the two of you made your way towards the cooler, trying to avoid any guards on your way.
You opened the door to the cooler, a small frown making its way onto your face when you noticed that Zuko was shivering.
“I can take you back to your cell if you’ve learned your lesson,” Sokka said, looking way too smug. You rolled our eyes and focused on Zuko as he looked up at the two of you. His eyes met yours as he let out a breath of fire, his shivering stopping completely. He sent you a cocky smirk and you ignored the flopping you felt in your stomach at the sight of it. (A/N: y’all know what smirk i’m talkin bout)
“Yes I have,” he breathed, showing you both all the bolts and screws he had removed. “Completely.”
“I got Suki and Chit Sang out of their cells a few minutes ago,” Sokka whispered. “They'll be waiting for us at the shore.”
“Someone’s coming!” you whisper yelled, letting out a small yelp when you were pulled into the cooler. The three of you barely fit into the cooler but that didn’t make it any less cold. Even though you had grown up in the South Pole, you found yourself shivering at the temperature, your breath coming out in icy clouds.
Zuko glanced down at you, a frown appearing on his face as he noticed you shivering. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around you, bringing you in close as your expression changed into a bewildered one. You opened your mouth to say something, but quickly shut it when you realized just how warm he was. Sokka, unfortunately, didn’t stay quiet at the scene playing out in front of him.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he screeched quietly, trying to pry the two of you apart. You quickly pushed him away.
“Sokka, shut up,” you mumbled as you wrapped your arms around Zuko, your teeth still chattering. “He’s warm and I’m freezing.”
Sokka’s jaw dropped as you casually buried your face into Zuko’s chest, a content sigh escaping you as you got warmer by the second. Sokka stayed quiet as the voices outside got closer, instead miming a throat slitting motion as he stared Zuko down, causing the prince to swallow harshly.
“...Yeah. new arrivals coming in at dawn,” a male voice sounded, catching your attention.
“Anybody interesting?” a female voice asked in reply.
“Nah, just the usual. Some robbers, a couple traitors, some war prisoners,” you and Sokka exchanged a disbelieving look.  “Though I did hear there might be a pirate.”
“No fooling!”
The voices faded as they walked away and you all took that chance to leave the cooler.
“War prisoners,” Zuko stated, his eyes not leaving Sokka’s. “Could be your father.”
“I know.”
“Well, what should we do?” Zuko asked. “Are we going ahead with the plan or are we waiting another night?”
“I don't know!” Sokka cried out, looking distraught. “Is it right for me to risk Suki and (Y/N)’s freedom, all of our freedom, on the slim chance that my dad is gonna show up?”
You stayed quiet, not knowing what to say.
“It’s your call Sokka,” Zuko finally said, trying to let the other boy know he was there for him.
Sokka thought about it for a moment, eyes focused on the ground. After a few seconds he looked up and scowled, crossing his arms as he glared at you. “You can let go of him now (Y/N).”
A bright blush erupted on your cheeks as you looked at Zuko, an embarrassed expression spreading across your face as you realized you were still holding onto each other. You stepped away from him quickly, clearing your throat as you did so.
The three of you had somehow managed to get the cooler down to the shore, not that it mattered considering the fact that Chit Sang had just taken your only means of escape. It wasn’t his fault really; it was you and Sokka who had been extremely hesitant to leave, not wanting to risk the chance of your dad being on the gondola the next morning.
Suki and Zuko had stayed behind with you, the four of you waiting in the blind spot for the gondola to arrive. It had almost been light out when alarms were set off, causing all of you to whip your heads to where the cooler had been floating off.
“The plan failed!” Sokka said sadly. “They got caught.”
“I guess it’s a good thing we didn’t go along with them huh?” you said, earning a dull look from your brother.
“The gondola's moving,” Sokka said suddenly, grasping your hand. “This is it. If my dad's not there, we've risked everything for nothing.”
“We had to,” you whispered back, squeezing his hand. The four of you now stood in the yard as you waited in anticipation, looking up as the gondola doors opened.
“Is that him?” Zuko asked as the first prisoner got out.
“My dad doesn’t have a nose ring!” both you and Sokka exclaimed, looking at the prince weirdly. More men came off the gondola, both you and Sokka shaking with anxiety as you kept an eye out for Hakoda.
“Where is he?” Sokka asked as the last man stepped off. “Is that it? That can’t be it.”
“I’m sorry,” Suki whispered, rubbing both of your backs.
“Hey you!” the guard called out, drawing your attention. “Get off the gondola.”
You waited with bated breath for the last person to emerge, your hand tightening around Sokka’s and causing him to wince. Your eyes widened as you watched the final prisoner get off, dark jaw-length hair surrounding a face that held tired blue eyes. You immediately turned to Sokka, tears threatening to spill.
“Sokka,” you whispered. “It’s dad.”
You had been pacing back and forth worriedly ever since Sokka had gone to join the other guards and quite frankly, both Suki and Zuko were tired of it.
“Please just stand still (Y/N),” Suki said, gently reaching out and grabbing you. “If something was wrong, we would’ve heard it already. Your brother isn’t exactly the quietest.”
You nodded in agreement and sat down, nervously biting your lip as you waited for Sokka to return. You barely flinched as Zuko sat next to you, Suki giving him a knowing glance as she wandered off slowly.
“Look,” he began, staring straight ahead. “I know you don’t like me, but I need to tell you this okay? As much as you can’t help but worry, you shouldn’t. Sokka’s smart and he knows what he’s doing...sort of.”
He chuckled at the halfhearted glare you directed at him. “I’m kidding. But really, Sokka’s smart and brave and he was so set on coming up here and breaking you out and I know he’s going to do it because he has heart. Plus he has you helping him out. So stop worrying so much okay? Also, never repeat any of what I just said to him”
You snorted at Zuko’s words before bumping his shoulder with your. “Thanks Zuko. You know what? Maybe you’re not as bad as I thought.”
The prince’s eyes widened in shock and he smiled down at you, blushing slightly when you smiled back. Your moment was ruined when Sokka came sprinting back, causing Suki to join you as well.
“(Y/N), c’mon! I found him,” Sokka exclaimed. Without another word, he grabbed your arm and dragged you away from the group. A wide smile was on his face and you felt yourself smile as well when you came to a stop in front of a cell.
Sokka slid the door open, looking around before ducking inside and draging you with him. “Thank goodness you’re okay!”
“Oh you’ll see just how ‘okay’ I am,” Hakoda replied, swinging at what he believed to be a guard. You stepped in front of Sokka before pushing Hakoda’s arm out of the way, ducking under it and pushing him softly before pulling Sokka out of the way.
Hakoda’s eyes widened at the familiar movements,searching the faces of the two guards standing before him. “Sokka? (Y/N)?”
"Dad!” you cried out in unison with Sokka, the two of you removing your masks as you smiled at Hakoda. His eyes filled with tears as he brought you into a hug and you couldn’t help but let a few tears slip as well.
“Where’s Katara? Is she okay?”
“She’s fine dad,” you said, tightening your hold on Hakoda. “She’s not here.”
“Where’s Bato?” Sokka asked, pulling away. “Where’s everyone else from the invasion?”
“The others are being held at a prison near the Fire Nation palace,” Hakoda replied. “They sent me here because I kept being difficult after they singled (Y/N) out as the leader and sent her here. But before I left, I met some young women who said they knew you. The...Oshinama Fighters? ”
“You mean the Kyoshi Warriors?” you asked.
“That’s right.”
“Their leader Suki is here,” Sokka said, a blush visible on his face. “She’s gonna escape with us too!”
“Good. We'll need all the help we can get.”
“And you know Prince Zuko?” Sokka asked, getting excited at the thought of finally leaving.
“The son of the Fire Lord?” Hakoda asked hesitantly. “I don't know him, but I know of him.”
"Well he’s here too!” Sokka exclaimed.
“That sounds like a major problem,” Hakoda replied, crossing his arms as his face hardened.
“Actually,” Sokka said, smiling nervously. “He’s on our side now.”
Hakoda shot him a disbelieving look, causing you to step in.
“I had the same reaction dad,” you said, putting a hand on Hakoda’s shoulder. “But he really has changed. He came here with Soka to break me out. He’s been a big help.”
Hakoda’s face softened at your words. You had always been a good judge of character, so if you approved of the prince, then he did too. “So, do you have a plan?”
“We had one,” Sokka said, looking down sadly. “But some of the other prisoners got involved and ruined it. I dunno if there's another way off this island.”
“Sokka, there's no prison in the world that can hold three Water Tribe geniuses.”
“Then I guess we’d better find two more to help me plan something,” you teased, making Hakoda laugh and earning a dull look from Sokka.
You sprinted towards the yard, having been distracted by another guard for a few minutes before all the prisoners had been let out. When you reached your dad, Suki, and Sokka, you were surprised to see Chit Sang speaking with them.
“Hey you! You're lucky I didn't rat you out,” Chit Sang said, staring Sokka down. “But my generosity comes with a price. I know you're planning another escape attempt, and I want in.”
You nodded at Sokka, telling him to go along with it. He sighed softly before facing Chit Sang. “Actually, we're trying to escape right now, but we need a riot. You wouldn't happen to know how to start one, would you?”
“You seriously couldn’t start a prison riot?” you asked in disbelief, looking at the three of them in disappointment. “C’mon Chit Sang, let’s show them how it’s done.”
The two of you stepped forwards, Chit Sang picking up another prisoner as you strutted up to one of them.
“Hey everybody!” you yelled, the yard going quiet as you spoke. Without hesitation, you punched the prisoner closest to you. “Riot!”
The yard exploded into chaos as people began fighting and throwing stuff around. You quickly fought off the prisoner that you had punched before returning to your friends.
“Impressive,” Hakoda said, looking around at all the chaos.
You turned and swung as you felt someone bump into you, the person letting out a loud grunt as your fist met their face. Your jaw dropped as your eyes met piercing gold ones, your hands coming up to your face in slight horror as you realized that you had just punched Zuko.
“Yep,” he said, clutching his face. “I probably deserved that after everything I’ve done to you.”
“I’m so sorry,” you choked out in between giggles, earning a smile from the prince.
“Zuko! Good, we’re all here,” Sokka said, drawing you all into a huddle. “Now all we need to do is grab the warden, and get to the gondolas!”
“And how do we do that?” Zuko asked.
Sokka hesitated for a few seconds. “I’m not sure.”
Zuko groaned, throwing his hands up in frustration. “I thought you thought this through!”
“I thought you told me it's okay not to think everything through”
“Maybe not everything, but this is kind of important!” Zuko cried out.
“Hey fella,” Chit Sang interrupted, tapping Zuko’s shoulder before pointing at you. “I think your girlfriend’s taking care of it.”
“You’re dating my daughter?” Hakoda asked, glaring at Zuko.
“W-What? No!” Zuko cried out, slightly fearful of the Water Tribe Chief.
“Damn right you’re not,“ Sokka said, crossing his arms before Chit Sang spun him around.
“Your girlfriend too buddy.”
All four males went silent as they observed both you and Suki. You swiftly made your way up the tower, effortlessly taking guards down as you inched towards the warden. Suki took a stance at the base of the tower, fighting off any other guards who attempted to rush to the warden’s rescue. She was a truly impressive sight, her training as a Kyoshi Warrior shining through as she took down every guard that came at her effortlessly. Sokka stood a few yards away, awestruck at the sight in front of him.
Meanwhile, you had successfully made your way up to the top of the tower. You made quick work of the remaining guards before finally facing the warden.
“You wouldn’t dare,” he snarled, getting into a defensive position.
“Watch me,” you quipped, lunging at him. You avoided his punch, grabbing his wrist and spinning him around before shoving him up against the railing. You grabbed his sash, tying his hands before knocking him down and making sure he was tied securely before smiling over at your dad. “You’re my prisoner now warden.”
Down in the yard, Hakoda, Zuko, and Chit Sang all stared at you in awe, Sokka still focused on Suki.
“That’s my girl,” Hakoda stated, a proud look on his face as he looked up at you.
“Do you think she’d want to be my girl?” Zuko muttered dazedly, unintentionally speaking louder than he meant to. When he realized what he had said, he looked up in embarrassment, being met with an amused glance from Chit Sang, a harsh scowl from Hakoda, and a sharp slap from Sokka.
“Shut up!” Sokka hissed before grabbing Zuko’s arm and rushing to join you and Suki.
You all ran to the gondola, making sure that the warden was still tied up as you dragged him with you.
“We’re almost there!” Suki cried out.
“Spoke too soon,” you groaned as a group of guards came across your path, immediately sending two blasts of fire at you. You yelped as Zuko pulled you out of the way before stepping in front of you and dissipating the blasts. He sent a series of blasts back at them before grabbing the warden from you.
“Back off! We've got the warden!“ he shouted, successfully stopping the guards. When they didn’t make any movements he grabbed your hand and tugged you along. “Let's go”
Suki was the first to make it to the gondola, holding the door open for everyone else. “Everyone in!”
You all clambered on and you glanced around, realizing that someone was missing.
“Zuko!” you yelled, looking back at the prince. He started the gondola and you felt yourself panic as the guards closed in on him. “What are you doing? Hurry up!”
“I’m making it so that they can’t stop us!” With a few kicks, Zuko managed to break the lever that controlled the gondola before sprinting towards you. You leaned out of the door slightly, watching him in anticipation.
“C’mon Zuko,” you whispered to yourself, biting your lip as the gondola left the platform, now hanging freely. Zuko sped up and jumped, his feet landing on the edge of the gondola. He wobbled for a bit before you grasped his arm, fully pulling him into the gondola and into your arms. Zuko looked at you in confusion before wrapping his arms around you as well.
“Are you sure they’re not dating?” Hakoda asked, his voice quiet as he addressed Sokka. Sokka sent Zuko a menacing glare, the scarred prince gulping and loosening his hold on you when he noticed.
“What were you thinking?” you cried out, finally pulling away from Zuko and slapping his head.
“Ow!” Zuko hissed, rubbing the spot you had hit. “I was thinking ‘let me get rid of this lever real quick so that they don’t catch us’.”
“You could’ve gotten captured!” you yelled at him, taking a step towards him.
“Way to think ahead,” Sokka commented, saving Zuko from another slap.
“We’re finally on our way.” Suki sighed, sharing a soft smile with Sokka.
“Wait,” Hakoda said, leaning out of the window. “Who’s that?”
You leaned out of the window on the other side of the gondola, resisting the urge to blush as you felt Zuko’s chest press up against your back as he tried to get a good look at the platform.
“That’s a problem,” Zuko groaned. “It’s my sister and her friend.”
“This is a rematch I’ve been waiting for,” Suki growled, cracking her knuckles.
“Get in line,” you scoffed, your eyes narrowing as you watched the princess approach. You climbed out of the gondola and onto the roof, being followed by Sokka, Suki, and Zuko.
Suki and Sokka turned to face Ty Lee as she landed onto the roof gracefully, quickly becoming preoccupied with the chi-blocker. You carefully observed Azula as she landed a few feet away from you, staring you down as she stalked closer.
“Well, well, well,” she spoke, her voice taunting. “If it isn’t the Water Tribe scum.”
“Don’t speak to her like that,” Zuko barked, stepping slightly in front of you.
“Aww, does Zuzu have a little crush?” Azula teased, pouting as she shifted her gaze to Zuko. “Snap out of it Zuko. We raided her village multiple times. She’ll never see you as anything other than a monster.”
“Still not over what your mother used to say about you huh?” you shot back, missing the hurt look in Azula’s eyes as she shot lightning at you. You swiftly dodged the blast and ran at her, sliding onto the ground when she let out another blast.
Zuko watched as you stood up, landing a solid hit on his sister before bouncing back and dodging the hit she sent your way. He tried to find an opening to attack Azula but eventually gave up for fear of hurting you. Instead he chose to jump into the fight and wipe out the blasts Azula kept sending at you, even if you were expertly dodging them.
Azula soon grew tired of the fight, and knowing that she couldn’t beat you in the moment decided to send a blast of fire at Zuko. She caught him off guard and although he managed to wipe out the blast, he ended up tumbling back and landing dangerously close to the gondola’s edge.
“Zuko!” you yelled, momentarily distracted from the fight. Azula took this chance to kick you down, punching you before kicking you once more when you tried to scramble to your feet. You were sent stumbling against the metal handle that attached the gondola to the cable, gasping in pain as you crashed against it. She grinned widely when your head hit the metal.
You blew your hair out of your face, wincing as you reached up to touch the sore spot on your head and sighing when you noticed the blood on your fingertips.
“You have nowhere to go,” Azula stated, stalking towards you. Blue fire danced at her fingertips, her eyes hungry with anticipation as you struggled to stand. “Such a shame, you could’ve been a great asset to me.”
“I would rather die than join you,” you shot back, finally managing to stand up.
“Fine,” Azula spat, the fire growing as she narrowed her eyes. “Have it your way.”
You closed your eyes and braced yourself, knowing that you were in no shape to block her attack. You felt the heat approaching before it disappeared. Opening your eyes, you gasped softly as you saw Zuko standing in front of you. He sent blasts of fire back at Azula before the gondola swung dangerously, sending them both stumbling.
“They’re about to cut the line!” Ty Lee shouted at Azula.
“Then it’s time to leave,” the princess smirked. “Goodbye Zuko.”
Azula blasted away as Ty Lee backflipped gracefully onto the other gondola. Zuko glared at Azula briefly before rushing to your side, reaching down and gently picking you up.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his face twisting with concern as you stumbled.
“Yeah,” you breathed. “Just peachy.”
You tried to walk on your own only to stumble once more and fall right into Zuko’s arms. You shook your head slightly, trying to walk off once more.
“(Y/N), stop,” Zuko said, scooping your legs up and fully carrying you.
“P-Put me down!” you yelled, drawing Sokka and Suki’s attention.
“Hey! Put her down,” Sokka cried, rushing over to your side. He was stopped when the gondola swayed again.
“Stop struggling,” Zuko hissed, tightening his grip on you. “You can’t walk without stumbling. You probably have a concussion.”
You pouted but stayed silent, knowing that the prince was right. Carefully, he made his way over to the edge of the gondola, noticing that Hakoda was leaning out of the window. Carefully, he handed you down to him, making sure that you were safely inside before swinging himself in as well. Sokka and Suki quickly followed.
“They’re cutting the line,” Zuko stated, exchanging glances with everyone else. “The gondola’s about to go!”
“I hope this thing floats,” Hakoda said, fussing over your head wound as you tried to push him away.
“Hey!” you suddenly cried as the gondola began to move. You glanced out the window. “Who’s that?”
“That’s Mai!” Zuko exclaimed, his eyebrows furrowing as he observed her fighting with the guards.
The gondola made it to the other side without any other mishaps. When you got there, Zuko carefully picked you up once again, making his way out of the gondola. Sokka kept his gaze on him, only looking away when he felt Suki grab his hand. She shook her head at him before looking at you and Zuko. “Calm down. There are worse people she could be with.”
Sokka rolled his eyes at her words before trailing after Zuko, a barely visible smile appearing on his face as he noticed how Zuko was fussing over you as well. Hakoda and Chit Sang tossed the warden back into the gondola before joining the group. They all walked for a while before Zuko paused, standing on the cliff that was overlooking the rest of the volcano.
“What’s wrong Zuko?” you asked quietly, your eyes not leaving his face as he scanned the landscape in front of him. At this point, everyone else had backtracked to where you were standing.
“My sister was on that island,” was his only response.
“Yeah, and she's probably right behind us, so let's not stop!” Sokka said, trying to convince Zuko to keep moving.
“What I mean is she must have come here somehow,” he replied, his eyes still looking around.
“There!” you exclaimed, pointing at a large airship. “That's our way out of here!“
The six of you all managed to make it to the airship quickly enough and Zuko quickly lit the fire and guided it away from The Boiling Rock. The atmosphere was lively as everyone tried to catch up with each other, the excitement from the day eventually leaving everyone as the sun began setting. One by one, everyone fell asleep until it was just you and Zuko awake.
You had been looking around the ship, smirking in victory when you found a first aid kit. Silently you wandered out to where Zuko was, trying not to startle him.
“Long night?” you asked, leaning on the wall next to him.
“Someone has to keep the fire going,” he retorted, a faint smile present on his handsome face.
“Can you help me?” you asked quietly, meeting his eyes as he turned to face you. He nodded and you handed him the first aid kit before sitting down in front of him. You flinched slightly as his hand grabbed your jaw, closing your eyes as you reveled in his touch, remaining oblivious to the way his heart was racing at the close proximity. His touch was feather light in comparison to the guard who had grasped your jaw in a similar way back at the Boiling Rock. You snorted softly as you recalled the incident that had taken place a mere day ago; it seemed like it had happened ages ago.
“I’m sorry,” Zuko whispered, tilting your head to get better access to the cut on your head.
“It’s fine, it doesn’t hurt,” you murmured back, eyes still closed.
“Not about that,” Zuko replied, cleaning the wound as best as he could with the supplies you had given him. You hissed softly as he tried to place the bandage on, breathing deeply to try and ignore the pain. “I’m sorry about everything. I’m sorry for hunting the Avatar down and chasing you all around the world. I’m sorry about your mother. I’m sorry for the raids that tore your village apart. I’m sorry that I kept causing you harm even when I had the chance to do good.”
You opened your eyes at his words, reaching up and gently grabbing his hand to bring his attention to you. He could’ve sworn his heart skipped a beat. You stared at him in silence, his golden eyes never leaving yours even as he fidgeted uncomfortably under your gaze. Your face softened as you realized just how full of guilt Zuko really was, your heart aching as you realized that you couldn’t spend any more time hating him. Not when he had already done so much to try and make up for his mistakes.
“No Zuko,” you finally spoke, guiding him to take a seat in front of you. “I’m sorry for being so harsh towards you. You did more than enough to prove that you aren’t the same bratty prince you were when we first met but I wasn’t willing to look past the fact that you were once our enemy. You left the Fire Nation to help Aang and I can’t imagine how hard that was-”
“Trust me,” Zuko interjected, laughing humorlessly. “It wasn’t that hard. My father and sister are horrible people.”
“Still,” you said, leaning in a bit. “They’re your family. Betraying your family isn’t easy, even if you don’t get along with them.”
Silence ensued as Zuko stood up and carefully finished bandaging your cut. He took his seat in front of you once more, watching the fire as you watched him.
“What?” Zuko asked, his cheeks heating up he realized that you were still staring at him.
“Thank you Zuko,” you stated, finally looking away from the golden-eyed boy.
“Don’t thank me,” Zuko replied. “It was Sokka’s idea to break you out.”
“I mean for saving me from Azula,” you whispered, looking back up at him. “She really had me backed into a corner.”
“I wasn’t going to let her hurt you,” Zuko stated, staring into your eyes. “Sokka would’ve killed me if we came all this way just to lose you to her.”
You giggled at his words, causing him to smirk in satisfaction as he realized that he had made you laugh. “He would’ve, wouldn’t he?”
There was another silence before you spoke up again. “In all seriousness, thank you. I never thought that I’d be calling Prince Zuko my hero.”
Zuko gulped as he realized just how close the two of you were. Neither of you made a move to back away and you flushed when you caught yourself glancing at the prince’s lips.
You blushed harder when you realized he had caught you in the act.
“Zuko,” you whispered, squeaking softly when said boy leaned forwards and connected his lips with yours. The kiss was soft and hesitant, with both of you holding your breath as you realized you were kissing each other.
Pulling away, Zuko’s eyes widened. “Oh spirits. I-I’m sorry. I can’t believe I just did th-”
You cut Zuko’s apology off with another kiss, this one a little less awkward. His hand came up and grabbed your waist, pulling you a little closer as his other hand cupped your cheek. Your hand came up to grab his forearm, your brain trying to comprehend the fact that you were kissing Zuko and wondering how in the world he was such a good kisser.
“I thought you said you weren’t dating my daughter.”
The two of you flew apart as you heard Hakoda’s voice.
“D-Dad!” you exclaimed. “We weren’t- I wasn’t-”
Hakoda held up a hand to stop your stuttering. “It doesn’t matter. He risked his life to help your brother break you out of prison which means he’s good in my books. Just please don’t kiss in front of me. And maybe don’t let Sokka find out about this just yet. Good night.”
You turned to Zuko in embarrassment as Hakoda walked away, making eye contact with him before the two of you dissolved into laughter.
“Well that’s one way to get the parent’s approval,” you muttered, smiling at Zuko as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into him.
The two of you spent the rest of the night awake, talking about everything and nothing, stargazing as Zuko kept the flame alive.
“You know, I used to know the moon spirit when she was alive,” you said smugly, glancing up at Zuko as he smiled widely at you.
“Oh really?”
“Yeah! In fact, she was Sokka’s first girlfriend.”
Zuko smiled and pressed another kiss to your lips, smiling softly when he felt your hand come up to his chest.
And in that moment, Zuko knew he had made the right decision by deciding to join the Avatar. After all, if he hadn’t then why would the universe have chosen to reward him with something as amazing as you.
@musicalkeys, @mywigglybaby​, @bubblebars​, @iguessthefloorislava​
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smallblip · 3 years
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You asked, I deliver! Part II of Accidental baby acquisition💖 I lost one of the asks 😩 but anon who asked about baby Udo, I named the baby in your honour! Saddle up cowboys! I’m not good with sequels but here we are-
the scandal that implies that a certain boy band member cheated on his partner (another band member) and had a kid even when the mom was never pregnant.
- urban dictionary
Reiner thinks things are alright. Life is definitely picking up. Pieck still sends him excerpts of her dirty fanfiction to proofread, Bertholdt is still doing all he can to “retire at 30”, Annie might have eloped with said boyfriend. But he’s seeing Porco on the regular now, he’s really cute, he’s got a nice ass. Reiner can’t complain.
He’s also recently donated his Levi Ackerman standee. Only because it’s getting increasingly hard to reconcile the fact that he has a life sized cutout of his colleague’s boyfriend in his room.
What he can complain about is said colleague (and friend) dropping bombs on him. He’s one of the moderators of one of the bigger No Name servers. Sometimes he wonders if that’s a conflict of interest because, well, he knows the guy on a first name basis. But today he has other concerns. He sees his notifications blowing up and decides to go on the No Name server. And lo and behold. There’s a paparazzi shot of Levi and Hanji with a stroller taking a walk in a new channel called “MYSTERY FAMILY?”.
He cancels his plans with Porco. “Don’t text me for the next few hours, got a fire to fight.” He clicks send, and feels kinda bad, so he sends Porco really dank meme to appease him. (That doesn’t stop Porco from doing exactly what Reiner told him not to do and demanding an explanation every five minutes).
He forces himself to take a deep breath before texting Hanji-
“Hanji… I don’t mean to be rude but…
So here begins babygate. A conspiracy theory that took the Internet by storm.
“Levi Ackerman had a secret marriage! He was keeping this from us from the start!”
“It’s a publicity stunt to keep No Name relevant during their hiatus!”
“It’s an elaborate scheme by the company to punish Levi for announcing the hiatus without their knowledge!”
“Levi’s mystery partner was sent by the lizard people to take control of his mind and produce half-lizard, half-human hybrid babies to take over the world! What a bitch!” (This is Hanji’s favourite).
And the internet’s favourite- this is all an elaborate scheme to cover up the scandalous love affair between Levi and Eren- the band’s guitarist.
“What the fuck?” Levi had said during dinner once, to which Reiner had to swallow his food and pretend he never read or actively looked up ereri content. Yes. Reiner knows the name of their ship.
Levi hadn’t been too worried before, but when pictures of them shopping for baby stuff leaked online, something snaps. Something snaps and Erwin tells him he needs more time to figure out the biggest PR crisis in No Name history.
It’s Levi. Levi is the PR crisis.
So in the meantime, no shock reveals, no more social media, (if possible) no more leaving the house with pregnant girlfriend in tow. “Don’t do ANYTHING.” Erwin had said, “especially not you!” Erwin had directed that at Eren, who suggested he makes an announcement. Erwin shudders. He remembers all the past scandals they got themselves into just because Eren, bless him, didn’t know when to shut up.
“I’m sorry…” Levi says to Hanji when they’re cuddled up on the couch watching a documentary on whale migration.
“Huh?” Hanji says, voice muffled through her incessant sniffling because “whales are delivered tail first, Levi! They wear their mothers like hats!”
He apologises for putting her through the mess that is him and his job. And Hanji smiles at him. He wonders if their kid will look like her. He’s hoping they would.
“Levi…” Hanji sighs, taking his face in her hands, “that night at the bar I thought to myself ‘this man has a face I would risk it all for’… I think this counts within the realms of ‘all’”
Levi scoffs, but a smile is threatening the corners of his lips. Erwin’s nagging over the phone fades a little and he sinks a little lower into the couch. He sighs one more time for good measure before saying-
“So… you wanna know which my favourite babygate theory is?”
“And you’re really not bothered by all this?” Reiner asks, in an emergency meeting that he had scheduled into her calendar. He hates that he’s packing things into her already busy schedule when she’s about to pop but, he figures it’s better now than when the baby’s actually out. He had booked a meeting room and everything, figuring if he projected some of the crazy shit they’re saying on the fan boards up on screen, Hanji would start taking this seriously. Because if Reiner knows anything, it’s that the fans will do anything to keep their ship afloat.
He scrolls past another post on the lizard people and Hanji gets him to pause.
“I mean… A little?” Hanji pinches her fingers together.
“Hanji…” Reiner sighs, “you and Levi discuss and rate babygate conspiracy theories you find online I don’t think you’re taking this seriously at all…”
Hanji looks at Reiner- an absolute state of panic. And she considers panicking for a moment. She’s read articles dissecting babygate and although they’re absolutely batshit, Hanji appreciates how well-researched they are. Which is a little scary. To be fair to Levi, he’s been trying to get her to worry. “I can’t keep you safe all the time, you have to be careful” like he’s going off to war somewhere. But it’s not in Hanji nature to worry about things like this. She’s a researcher at a lab who lived an ordinary life up until the point the universe hit her with a-
Sike! Levi Ackerman is your baby daddy! What are you gonna do about it?
And now she knows what headcanons and lemons are, and she really doesn’t know what to do with that knowledge. So Hanji decides, she’ll do nothing. She’ll go on indulgently long walks Levi in tow, she’ll talk his ear off about work. And like a good girlfriend, she’ll listen to his demos (and enjoy them) and tell him “are you sure anger rhymes with danger?”.
“I don’t really know how to worry about anything beyond our samples getting contaminated…” Hanji says, sheepish. Reiner sighs. He doesn’t want to be a wet blanket on Hanji’s life. He wants to be fun Reiner. Cool as a cucumber. Reiner who manages to make it through dinner at Hanji’s without having to excuse himself to hyperventilate in her bathroom because Levi is right there. And he’s so afraid that he might just be able to read his mind and find out he had looked up Levi Ackerman x y/n fanfiction once in his foolish youth (youth being approximately four months back)
Reiner shudders.
“Yeah okay… That’s um… That’s cool… Right?” He says.
Hanji shrugs.
So Levi Ackerman is your baby daddy. Now what?
You go into labour of course, with a matter of fact- “oh. Look Levi. The water broke.” All while refusing to leave the house until you demolish that amazing sandwich he made for you. You go into labour and you yell and grunt like a beast as you squeeze the life out of your baby daddy because he kinda deserves it. You both kinda deserve this pain. Take it as heavenly punishment for being horny and stupid if you will.
And in the middle of it Hanji thinks huh, this feels like a mix of a reality TV show from MTV and a badly written fanfiction. Except Hanji isn’t a teen mom and she’s too old for self-insert fiction that involves a lead singer of a popular band.
But Levi is here, and he doesn’t complain one bit even though he looks like he’s about to pass out. So as far as drunken one night stands go- this is pretty damn aspirational.
The baby enters the world with a huge cry.
“Kid’s got a huge set of lungs…” Levi says, but his own voice is quivering.
“Just like her dad…” Hanji smiles.
As he watches Hanji fall asleep with their baby on her chest, Levi thinks fuck it. Fuck keeping this under wraps. Fuck the fans and them enjoying how Eren gets on his nerves. Fuck Erwin and his “Levi. You’re giving me a headache. You are the cause of this headache.” Because the baby has Hanji’s nose and his eyes and he loves them more than anything in the world.
He snaps a picture of them and tags bigdaddyzoë-
“Welcome to the world, my love.”
Reiner can’t help the tears that well in his eyes after seeing the picture Hanji had sent him of the baby-
“He says hi to his favourite uncle!” Was the caption, and Reiner could only reply with a crying cat meme and an incoherent text that Hanji favourites.
He’s on the bus on the way to the hospital when his phone buzzes incessantly. It’s Porco.
He sends a reply at the entrance of the hospital-
“Welcome to my world”
Reiner thinks things are alright. He’s one of the moderator of one of the bigger No Name servers, so he can block and remove people at his discretion. Some days he lets it get to his head. It makes him feel like a king. But today, he’s putting out fires.
Erwin decided their PR strategy was absolutely no strategy, because “they’re zooming in on the pixels Levi. Once they doubt the pixels, they won’t believe anything we’re saying”. With that. Babygate has officially taken on a life of its own. Eren still sends Levi babygate articles to annoy him, and to Hanji because she asked very nicely. Hanji thinks Erwin’s strategy makes sense, Levi thinks it’s just lazy. But Erwin framed a certificate that says “survived a PR crisis (sort of)” that Hanji had insisted be hung up on their wall, so that closes one chapter. Besides, Eren has been spotted going out on dates with a mystery girl. Which has the double effect of diverting attention away from Levi and exacerbating babygate because “see? Told you the company’s doing all they can to prove they’re not together!”
“Can’t you keep it in your pants?” Levi had thrown at Eren, to which he had responded cleverly with a-
“Could’ve said the same for you!”
“See? That can’t be Levi! Look at how he’s smiling!”
“That can’t be a baby! Looks like an animatronic to me!”
“Do they even make animatronics that realistic?”
Reiner pins his “no slander” rule- one day they’ll get it. Or at least he would’ve gotten rid of all the people that don’t.
“Who’s this bigdaddyzoë anyway?”
“Maybe she isn’t real? Company probably invented her…”
“Heard she’s a crazy groupie who got knocked up…”
“Heard she’s hot…”
… several people are typing
“So… I heard from Reiner you were defending my honour in the server?” Hanji quirks an eyebrow.
Levi shrugs. Whatever goes down in the server stays between Leviackerman173810 (leviackerman and all 173809 permutations of said username had already been taken) and the hundreds of people who haven’t quite figured out he’s the real deal. Besides, Erwin has issued him three warnings so it’s best to lay low for now.
“My hero…” Hanji chuckles, pressing a kiss on Levi’s head. Below them, baby Udo wriggles and yawns against the fabric of Levi’s shirt. Cute.
So Levi Ackerman is your baby daddy. Now what? You look at your son and know he’s going to break hearts like his father of course. And if you’re Levi, you pray to god he never asks about babygate because Hanji has read up enough about it to be considered a connoisseur.
One day the internet will break when they find out the identity of bigdaddyzöe. But for now baby Udo has his parents wrapped around his tiny fingers and he doesn’t quite understand the concept of him being the spawn of every typical band member x y/n fanfiction. Or the centre of a very popular, very absurd, yet strangely believable internet conspiracy theory. Or the canon plot that has sunk one of the biggest No Name ships. And that’s okay.
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turtle-steverogers · 3 years
Mikey I’ve just popped over from the Steve discord but please please please I neeeed more of the Steve/Bucky playing family story. My heart literally broke reading your headcanon it’s so fucking good
Ok ok I literally have so many thoughts about this, because like many other things, "play" is a developmental skill that children need space, care, and support to build.
And growing up, Steve's home was always pretty unstable. Between a father who was drunk and liked to hurt him and his ma, and a ma that worked odd hours and was always real tired (and who was also being actively traumatized by his father), Steve never really had that space or support to learn to play. It wasn't a skill he built naturally-- especially when he was shamed for playing in his house by his father, who seemed to get real mad at him for being too loud or too messy, even if his definition of those two things seemed constantly changing.
So whenever he and Bucky would "play", Bucky always took the lead, and Steve was okay with that. He didn't need to be in charge, and he never really knew how to create the same sort of storylines Bucky seemed to come up with so easily. He liked playing, he just didn't really know how. Except for when Bucky wanted to play family. He hated those sorts of storylines, because he didn't know family the way Bucky knew family. He didn't have a whole lot of aunts and uncles and grandparents. He didn't have a ma that was always around to do stuff with him, or a father that wasn't drunk and was easy to act like. Family wasn't safety, and Steve didn't understand why Bucky didn't get that. So whenever Bucky wanted to play family, Steve would get all quiet, and sort of lash out. Throwing down whatever prop toy he's using and stomp away, saying something like, "I don't wanna play the uncle, I don't even know what uncles do." And leaving Bucky feeling a little scared and a little guilty in his stomach, because he didn't understand what the matter was. Becca loved playing family. Sometimes their pa even joined in if he was home from work!
After a while, Bucky stops suggesting it as a game, and they stick to pirates and such, but even so, I think if offered, Steve preferred doing other things. Like drawing and sitting in silence while they did separate things; maybe he didn't really get nurtured beyond the parallel play phase, so he didn't really know how to engage, or felt safest playing in that way. But I think that's also something Winnie and George noticed, and it clued them in even more to what they already suspected-- things weren't all okay in the Rogers' household.
This is especially confirmed when the only thing Steve would initiate play for was a game he called "hide" where either him or Bucky would be a "monster" and the other would have to find a place to hide, because kids also process a lot of trauma through play.
Anyway many thoughts. Many many thoughts on this, I could go on. But I won't, for now.
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xaibaugrove · 3 years
Everyone in the Krew is Problematic
I was inspired to go on this rant by someone who recently brought up a question in a server I’m in, asking why so many people in the fandom seem to hate Mako and Makorra and why. This wouldn’t be the first time I defend Mako and it most likely won’t be the last, but it might be the first time I tear him and everyone else in the Krew down in the process, only to bring them back up. Hear me out though.
I think I’ve totally accepted that a lot of people in this fandom will always hate Mako and that I will have to perpetually defend him, I understand that this is the relationship I’ve chosen with this world. But what I still will never understand are the reasons why people hate/dislike him because compared to how much they love other characters in the Krew who honestly aren’t that much better than him (in some cases, even worse!), it doesn’t make any sense.
Let me also preface this by saying, I love these characters with all my heart and soul, probably more than I should love fictional characters, but this is the life I live and with that being said, I am going to tear them apart just to prove a point. Okay, here we go.
Most of his detractors list the usual criticisms, which are valid when isolated. He cheated on Asami, he lied to Korra, he was a terrible boyfriend and essentially he treated the women he claimed to love or care about horribly. Gee, it’s almost like the man was a teenager with no experience in having long-lasting, healthy relationships and was raised in the streets by gangmembers while doing anything to survive and provide for his younger sibling after seeing his parents killed right in front of him and suddenly being orphaned…
I think Mako has been torn down enough, so I won’t get too deep into the tearing down part for him. It really does baffle me how someone can claim to be woke and not comprehend how someone coming from poverty could possibly be a product of their environment. Like, does everyone think that poor people automatically have hearts of gold and turn out like Little Orphan Annie? Why are people surprised that when someone has a shitty life, they might do shitty things?
Also, sooo many people love Zuko, who actively tried to cause harm to Aang, Katara and Sokka numerous times, and sympathize with his troubled past. But like, sure Zuko had an abusive father and his mother peaced out of his life for whatever reasons but at least he had his uncle. Mako had his parents for maybe 8 years before they were murdered in front of him and then had...no one for the next 10 years? Except for Bolin, sure, but no other parental figure in his life. Dude literally had to become him and his brother’s own parent and joined a gang to survive, and after all that, the worst he does is acts as a bad boyfriend toward Korra and Asami and he is instantly thrown to the wolves. Something doesn’t add up. It’s just...I don’t get it.
Yes, the way he treated people was bad, but people can grow? That’s a thing humans can do. And he was a teenager, my god. No, we cannot allow our past to be an excuse for how we treat others, but we have to be aware that there is a growth process to being human. And being human in and of itself, isn’t pretty. You think Mako is problematic? Don’t get me started on your fave.
Ok, I love this woman to death but she is ridiculously problematic. She pursued someone in a relationship and essentially forced Mako to cheat on Asami by kissing him against his will, that’s already pretty awful and shows a lack of empathy on her part, also kissing people without their consent is no bueno. But also I just have to say it for the people who might not know this. One of the fundamental reasons why Makorra didn’t work was because KORRA WAS ABUSIVE. Okay? It wasn’t just that Mako was inadequate at relationships and didn’t know how to people, it wasn’t that she was secretly confused and wanting Asami the entire time (biphobia at it’s best) one of the main problems in the pairing was that Korra was crazy abusive towards Mako. Seriously, why don’t I see this more often in those discussions??
If we need examples, I have dozens. Honestly, it’s really easy to see how terrible Korra was to Mako, I’d actually argue that she treated him worse than he treated her. I mean, they were both terrible to one another, but in Korra’s case she went through the motions of being completely infatuated with your first teenage crush, getting with said crush, then crashing and burning once you realize that you have no idea how to treat a romantic partner so after the butterflies wear off you subject them to all the wonderful aspects of your anger issues. Not only did she scream at Mako during every argument they had, she also threatened him with bodily harm if she got really angry. Remember how their relationship crashed and burned in Book 2? Here are the things that Korra did during that time. Let me reiterate, this was not okay.
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Mako is visibly shaken by this!
This woman burst into her boyfriend’s place of work and violently kicked his desk out from in front of him with all his coworkers present. That is not normal behavior. That is a red flag. And after she came back, had amnesia or whatever and forgot they broke up after that scene, let’s not forget that Mako was legitimately Afraid to break up with her again. Korra made her partner frightened that they might suffer bodily harm if they upset her. Again, and I can’t stress this enough, this is not okay!
The little scene in Book 3 when Korra is lifting Mako like 100 feet off the ground with airbending while he’s screaming in fear just to make Asami laugh is cute, right? I’ll admit, I loved that little moment too, it’s one of the only instances of Korrasami development that we got, but also, there were sooo many things wrong with that scene lol. Not only does Korra terrify Mako for literally no reason, it’s also sort of just her continuing to exercise some degree of power over him for her own amusement. Almost like a subtle reminder to him saying, “I am stronger than you in every way and I can break your femur like a twig if I wanted to… but I won’t, so look how much fun we’re having!”
Now of course, there are reasons why Korra acts like this. She was isolated for almost her entire life and never learned how to treat people and be around people. The Avatar is human because they must live amongst the people they protect and that helps them develop empathy and cherish life. The White Lotus deprived her of that fundamental aspect of her duty as the Avatar and it showed throughout the beginning of the series. Clearly, she was young, didn’t see how her actions could negatively affect others and hurt the feelings of not just her partner but also friends and family (she was really awful towards a lot of people in her life!). But as the series went on, we see her having less outbursts and learning to control her temper more.
One can only assume that she does not have the same behavior with Asami because for one, I don’t think Asami would play that shit, she seems like she would electrocute a bitch in a heartbeat and not hesitate if needed, but also Korra is not the same shitty partner she used to be as a teenager. Again, kids do stupid things. Adults do stupid things. And we learn and we grow. Korra will probably make some more mistakes in her relationship with Asami. I don't think anyone can have one bad relationship and suddenly learn all the lessons they can from it and have a perfect one the next go around. I can totally picture Korra losing her temper and raising her voice at Asami if she gets frustrated and forgets who she’s dealing with. Managing anger issues is hard, I know this from experience, and it doesn’t magically get easier. Of course, if Korra does pop off, Asami would definitely put her in her place because she’s a bad bitch who doesn’t take anyone’s shit, next character.
You know her, you love her, you fantasize about her and you probably have her on your list of fictional characters you would totally bang if you had the chance (I know I do), yes, even your best girl is problematic. It’s interesting to me that a lot of people sympathize with Asami and very few openly criticize her (so few that I’ve never seen anyone say a bad thing about her). What’s there to criticize though? The poor girl was cheated on by Mako, had her feelings disregarded by Korra, who claimed to be her friend but pursued her then-boyfriend behind her back and then made up for it by simping for her for the rest of her life? Also her mom was murdered when she was just 6 years old, her father threatened to kill her once and physically abused her, then died right after they started repairing their relationship, essentially making her an orphan at the ripe age of 22. Suffice it to say, Asami has been through it.
So, how could she be problematic, you ask? Why, of course, through the classic Bryke technique of romance progression in storylines called Kissing People Without Their Consent
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To be honest, I did gloss over this with Korra, simply because there were sooo many other issues with that woman and I just couldn’t go through every single one in as much detail but that doesn’t negate how serious this whole sneak attack kissing thing is. Sure, Asami is very emotional and lonely and sort of desperate too, (it's a little sad, really) but Mako is clearly uncomfortable and completely caught off guard by the kiss. This is also the second time this happens to him in the series! There are a couple factors that might contribute to why Asami does this and acts this way, maybe Korra’s general awfulness rubbed off on her (don’t make a dirty joke) but this is still wrong.
AND that’s...pretty much it. Kissing people without their permission is a big no no, though. Not wanting to gloss over that, but Asami really is a good person who just did a not-so-great thing. Getting burned by Mako twice probably made her a little less inclined to be as forward with anyone though, and it looks like she now takes her time and is patient in her relationship with Korra. It even seems like Asami is the only person Korra is afraid to upset, as Korra does seem more gentle and calm when around her. And who knows? Maybe Asami living a life where a majority of the time she got whatever she wanted when she wanted it might have also influenced her to be more assertive or even imposing within her relationships.
If anything, those three fools getting into relationships with each other just showed how not ready they were to be in relationships in the first place and also how not okay they were.
Originally I titled this as “Everyone in the Krew is problematic (except Bolin)” but then I remembered that Bolin totally kissed a woman without her consent so I deleted the shit out of that!
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This asshole looks genuinely pleased with himself after essentially assaulting Ginger. Not a good look.
Sure, Bolin is baby. He will always be baby to me. But that does not erase the fact that he also actively supported a fascist dictator. Not only was the kissing without consent thing bad, but there’s also that. No matter how many times people around him warned him about the fact that he was on the wrong side of things, that he was helping someone who was putting people into concentration camps...Bolin wanted to believe the best of Kuvira. He ignored obvious signs that the woman was a dictator committing human rights violations like crazy and you know, there’s gotta be a reason for that too.
Maybe Bolin wanted to feel like he was doing something good for once. When you think about it, with his role as the comic relief in the Krew, and sort of constantly being infantilized by his older brother, I wouldn’t be surprised if the man developed some insecurity in his ability to do anything good or useful for anyone without screwing it up in some way. In Kuvira’s army, it seemed like he was actually taken seriously, he felt like he was doing something that mattered. Korra had being the Avatar, Asami had her business and mindblowing philanthropy (honestly, her ability to be as charitable as she is profitable is insane) and Mako had his police work (ACAB, tho). Bolin had...the role of being a joke. A superficial actor. A former pro-bending meathead.
Bolin lived his entire life following after his brother that once they were adults and Mako finally decided to live his own life for once, it left Bolin completely lost. And lost young men are perfect recruits for fascists.
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So, in conclusion, my whole reasoning behind destroying the integrity of my favorite characters is to prove a huge point. All of these characters are problematic. They have flaws, some bigger than others (looking at you, Korra. Just...wow), but ultimately, even if your fave is problematic... that’s okay. A lot of people, mostly younger people it seems, are really obsessed with being right about everything that they do and stan. And that’s a wonderful thing, so much change has come about by the younger generations calling out people who do fucked up shit, don’t want or try to improve, and get away with it. But it’s also caused a lot of people to be unforgiving and completely unwilling to acknowledge when people do improve and try to be better.
Personally, I love my problematic Krew because having issues that you’re constantly working on internally is human. It’s human to make mistakes, it’s human to grow from those mistakes. And it’s inspiring to me, who is wholly imperfect, to see myself reflected in fictional characters who aren’t perpetuating unrealistic ideals of human nature, characters who are messy, crazy and ultimately human.
As one of my favorite manga artists and queen of impeccable character creation Rumiko Takahashi once said:
“I think that perfect people are not very interesting.”
And I will always wholeheartedly agree.
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i8jisoo · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 ⇉ skz with pregnant!reader
seungmin x reader | part seven of dad!skz
↬ genre; fluff & angst
↬ warnings; obviously pregnancy, talk of sex/condoms, talk of morning sickness, cursing, child-birth
↬ notes; i feel like my mental health is getting worse and it has been really hard to be positive but i finished this awhile ago, never posted it! just thought to post it today since i just reached 500 followers,, tysm everyone for the support on my posts and following me for content,, i’m waiting for enhypen debut rnnn, it’s really one of the only things keeping me happy n ready. my bias is jungwon :) he’s so adorable n cute i can’t wait + i hope to start writing for enhypen soon when i feel better,, ty guys <3
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the night was a one night stand
seungmin had no plans to see you after, you already gone by the morning so it made no different what he wanted afterwards
so with his number in your phone, you decided that texting him would be the best
you texted him your address, asking him to meet with you after u addressed who you were
the best maybe after twelve, seeing as how from nine to eleven you would be occupied with the toilet bowl, the morning sickness really weighing on you
hes there, ready to talk, looking great
ur just there in a t-shirt and sweatpants with slightly messy hair
you seat him on ur couch, pacing in the kitchen before actually beginning to talk
“it broke, or maybe you forgot. i don’t know but you, you got me pregnant.”
i honestly see seungmin being really innocent in this and he’s just made a bad decision which resulted in a baby
“wh-what? no, i used.. i..”
it dawns on him that he can’t remember slipping on a condom before
he’s turned white as a sheet, probably feeling more ill than you
he does the math, figuring you’re around two months, you’re not that far along obviously
“we don’t have to do this, you hardly know me.”
hes shaking his head quickly, “nono, i wanna.. i may never get this chance again. i might not ever meet someone again, so, if it’s with you? i’m fine with that.”
seungmin was there for the next appointment, fully supportive and stepping up
hes scared but so excited
he also moves out of the dorms, raising flags, but he keeps assuring everyone that he was just getting a change of scenery
he claims he got a dog but uh, there isn’t one
he actually moves in with u, an apartment that wasn’t too far away from the dorms and he will time to time spend the night if they need him to
ur actually really understanding of his career and u admire his adjustment
late night with him where u two go to a twenty-four hour convenience store and buy every junk food possible
u also acquired strange cravings such a pineapple and cream cheese or kimchi and chocolate sauce
that night however u rly had a craving for cheese and cheese only
it doesn’t last however, from three to five you are in the bathroom hunched over
he?? isnt?? actually?? the worst partner to get pregnant from a one stand with?????????????????????????????????????????
he’s pretty much a sweetheart
bless everyones heart though when they find out about you
“this is my friend, we are.. having a uh, baby!”
haha surprise...
u swore that jisung’s breath was lost when he said that
chan is fucken freaking out about this
“we’re gonna be uncles!”
everybody screaming and cheering which was a good sign
ur days are average and u guys just act like friends
friends having a baby lmfao
it’s a fine line between dating and not dating
seungmin reaaalllyy likes you but he has this bit of guilt in him for getting you pregnant
ur the one who uprooted your life and ur gonna have a kid for the rest of ur life with him and he’s still living his and doing what he loves
seungmin heart eyes motherfucker when u come to a concert, just there to see him n see what he does for a living
u guys get this cute ass picture of everyone lmfao i just imagine the boys and seungmin standing around and posing with ur small bump
he doesn’t get to go to every single appointment, so his first appointment he went to was when you were around six and a half months
he’s super excited and just super nervous
so many expecting moms its crazy
when your name is called and you two go back, he’s jumping out of his seat and going back with you
the doctor applies the gel on your stomach, the rounded bump sticking out prominently
his hand clasps around yours, fingers laced with yours and he gives you a warm smile
the screen flickers on and theres your baby
it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen
he can clearly see the legs and arms, theres the head!!! he can make out the toes and fingers
then u guys get to hear the heartbeat together
it’s so strong and he just,, wow.. this is real 😣
ur bearing his child, your guys’ baby,, he can hardly believe it
then the doctor asks if u two want to know the gender
“yeah.” 🥺🥺🥺
ofc u could’ve known before but u didn’t know if seungmin wanted to find out or wait n u just would feel guilty if u went ahead
he was rly trying to be as involved as possible, he had a busy schedule and u two weren’t even dating and this whole thing was happening secretly
they turn the monitor for you two to look at, pointing around
“there they are, we have a baby boy.”
seungmin is so taken aback, this all is so .. unreal for him
he’s ready to get the disc with ur ultrasound footage n the heartbeat but also the ultrasound photos 🥺 he’s so in love with your baby boy
u two are just sitting in the office after, ur wiping off ur belly n he’s just like
“i’m in love with you. you and our son — i know, we agreed to co-parenting and no feelings but,” his voice is so strained n he’s just so fragile n so utterly raw, “i couldn’t help it.”
ur fact at first is just frozen and slightly shocked
then ur like 😮🥺😣
“no, cause i was thinking the same exact thing.”
that seals the deal for u two pretty much, ur both emotional wrecks in the exam room
theres the boyfriend and girlfriend dynamic now — seungmin and you sleeping cuddled together
it wasn’t like you two didn’t cuddle before,, but it would usually end up with seungmin silently creeping out of bed or you softly removing his arm or you leaving him gently
u rely on him more, the final trimester hard on you and ur so exhausted and hurting
u two getting the nursery ready together which actually consists of u sitting down rather than actually doing anything
though u will have to teach this boy how to put away bibs and fold baby clothes
u two are young and u both have a lot of explaining to do to your own families, but they are supportive
they r more than happy to teach u two about children and giving tips on these things
blue nursery with lil teddy bears around and its just the cutest, props to room designer seungmin 🤓
baby boy is so stubborn, you’re past your due date and you both want him out
you two try a shit ton of things
name it all: pineapple, spicy foods, raspberry tea, daily walks around the block, literally everything
everything except for the obvious that had been recommended by your obgyn
both of you two hadn’t really explored in the topic of sex or anything of the sort, it was slightly awkward
you’re five days overdue now, which now you couldn’t even care
“please..! they said it works, even our ob said so!”
he is so cautious about this, but begrudgingly decides to proceed with this idea
he’s so sweet 🥺 but maybe a little too sweet because next thing you know is that two short hours later ur water breaks and u are in labor!!!!
both of you are vv nervous
his hyungs are right there to calm him down, asking you if ur okay and if u need anything
they rly adore their lil minnies baby mama & their lil nephew
seungmin is big daddy deffo
he’s so attached to u 🥺 it hurts to see u in so much pain and he can’t do much to take it away, but he will kiss ur forehead and wipe ur tears away
he personally finds u so angelic as u are quite literally coated in sweat and nearly breaking his hand
it’s finally over, you and seungmin both turning to the tiny baby that just came into the world, both of u crying while laughing at the beet red baby
theres your little baby boy in your arms, squirming at the new coldness and trying to move around in the blanket
all of the boys come in, excited to meet the baby
in amazement you made this adorable, small baby after one night
this experience was everything and more to you both, so glad you weren’t as careful one night and now had the greatest gift given to you: your small son who slept soundly in your arms
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©️ maysdiors 2020 :: all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
Jace, Kit, and Mina shenanigans
Jace was visiting with Kit; Clary was spending time with her mother and Luke, as she always did when Jace went on his monthly visit to Kit. And they would tell each other all about their day when they went to bed together that night.
Jace would never have said it out loud but he wanted Kit to rely on him and need him, he wanted to be needed by him. He wanted Kit to trust him, but more than that he wanted Kit to know he really did care for him.
Tessa had also recently had her baby, Mina. She had said Jace should come by and meet her.
Tessa and Jem were good people, and Jace just hoped Kit wouldn't be like he was and push away from his found family, and hold them at a far distance. But he remembered people had to follow their own journey and learn things for themselves. He just wanted Kit to be happy. But Jace also knew, like him, Kit had some baggage and it made it difficult.
"Jace?" said Kit. They were sitting at the kitchen table drinking tea.
"Yeah. . .?" he said, realizing he hadn't been listening for the last few minutes.
"You didn't hear what I said, did you?" Kit sighed.
"I was zoning out thinking of interesting things," he teased.
"Probably not that interesting, considering it's you," Kit shot back playfully.
Jace grinned. This kid would be just fine, he thought.
"So," said Jace, "you're a big brother now."
"Yup. And I'll be great at it."
"There you go. There's the Herondale in you."
Kit stared at him with amusement, then said, "Tessa says you should hold Min Min."
"Min Min? Is that a  another nickname of hers?" If so Jace had to admit it was very cute.
"Yes. She has many nicknames," said Kit. "Because she is adorable."
"Kids and babies usually are."
Kit looked up. "You like kids, don't you?"
"They're alright."
Kit looked at him suspiciously. "Uh, huh." He then asked. "Well, are you and your hot fiancée Clary gonna have any?"
Jace choked on his tea. "What—what?" He thought he was probably flushing, as Clary always made him do even when she wasn't around. And Kit calling Clary that should be weird but he wasn't wrong, Clary was hot and his fiancée.
"Just saying, I'd make an amazing babysitter," Kit winked. "And I could teach your children all about memes and the future stuff, as well as turn them into my side. along with Mina. of course. They would be the best generation yet."
"Pffft," Jace let out.
It's true Jace and Clary had talked about having kids, but it was never a definite serious talk. Though Jace did want kids. "Why are you asking me this?"
"No reason."
"Uh, huh," he said. That was their thing, 'Uh, huh.'
Jem walked in then, holding who Jace assumed was Mina. "Hello, Jace," said Jem. "How are you?" He was smiling the warm smile that he he always had these days; Jace had thought it was the kind of smile that made you want to open up and trust. Jem was that kind of person who radiated kindness and warmth and goodness.
"I'm doing just fine," he said. "What about you?"
"I am amazing," he exclaimed. "Silly melon, is so beautiful and precious." Another cute nickname, he thought. "Would you like to hold her?" Jem asked.
"I. . .uh. . .sure," Jace said, hearing the unsureness his own voice, not knowing why it was there. Jem placed Mina in his arms; he couldn't help but remember holding Max for the first time, remembering that for the first time he had been absolutely terrified. Babies had always seemed so small and fragile to him, and at that time he had no idea how they worked. Of course, after Max Jace figured out that as he had said, they were tough. Max was not so little anymore, and now was on about killing all the demins, Jace was a very proud uncle. He looked down at Mina, she looked like Jem, he thought, but he could see Tessa as well. "Hello, Mina," he said.
The baby opened her eyes, looking up at Jace with an expression of curiosity. well, he assumed that's what it was. "curious are we?"
"She is," Kit put in. It was such a sibling thing, he thought.
Jem was watching the three of them with fondness, and a little sadness. Jace wondered if he was thinking of his parabatai Will Herondale; Jem had told Jace about him, and couldn't imagine not having Alec or being alive without Alec. It had made Jace feel a deep kind of sympathy for Jem.
Jace repositioned Mina in his arms so he could look her in the eyes. "So," he said. "Are you going to prank and trick your big brother?"
Kit stuck his tongue out at Jace, and Jace rewarded Kit by sticking his own tongue out right back at him.
Mina giggled, Jace felt his heart skip a beat. He'd made her giggle. It reminded Jace of hearing Max giggle for the first time, it had instantly defeated Jace, in a sense. Blueberry had had a place in Jace's heart from the beginning, Jace couldn't help but want to protect him, it had been the same with Rafe, and even young Emma and her braveness. And Jace thought it would probably be the same with Kit and Mina; he had a soft spot for kids. He had also realized that he had cared for Max, his little brother, the same. But that was a place that Jace tried not to venture to, as it only broke his heart all over again. Jace remembered how Izzy had told him that Max died clutching the toy soldier he'd given him all those years ago, it had shaken Jace. Max's death would always leave a missing piece in their family.
"I take that giggle as a yes," he said.
Jem laughed softly.
"Or," Kit said, "we might prank you endlessly and be chaotic rascals that haunt you."
"Bring it on, Kittiroo," Jace said, using the nickname he had for Kit. Knowing it was longer than his actual nickname but he gave a nickname to kids he liked. And Kit liked it, but would never admit it, ever.
"Whatever, Jacey Jace," he said.
They laughed.
[ Two years later ]
Mina was now two, which meant her and her big brother Kit were up to no good when they came to visit or Jace went to visit them.
They both enjoyed playing tricks on Jace. And to think he made them cookies and tea. And played piano for them.
Jace was walking down one of the Institute corridors, looking through the open doors along their walls, trying to see if he could find the little trouble makers.
He was peering through one of the empty rooms when something came up behind him and said "Boo!"
He turned around, pretended to be scared as he saw it was little Mina. "Oh, you got me," he said.
She laughed. "I always get you."
He smiled at her. "Where's Kit?"
She shrugged.
"Little loyal one, you are," he said. "But if you tell me where he is, I'll give you a cookie."
Mina seemed to be considering this. "Come," she said.
Mina led him to another empty room, where they found Kit.
"Traitor!" he said.
"It's not her fault—" Jace began.
"Not Mina. You," Kit pointed. "I know you bribed her with cookies. You know we can't resist cookies."
"What can I say," said Jace. "I'm a master at bribery."
"Uh, huh," Kit said with a kind of sassy sarcasm. Kit also said 'Uh, huh.' in a way to say he is amused but very doubtful
"Hey, man. I can't help it, cookies are good," said Mina.
"It's not your fault, Min Min," said Kit. "It's the bad man's fault."
Jace gasped in pretend hurt. "The very implicaction of that is hurtful."
"Good," Kit said.
And Jace went over to lift the boy up. "You forget I'm bigger and stronger than you."
"No!" exclaimed Kit, but he was laughing, and Jace always liked to hear him laugh out loud.
"Fight him off, Kit," said Mina.
They ended up wrestling on the floor with Mina cheering for Kit like the loyal sister she was. Them when they were both tired they burst into laughter.
Kit, Jace, and Mina were sitting on a couch while Jem talked about reincarnation; 2 old Mina wore a serious face for her age.
"You see this is why I believe in it so strongly," said Jem, beaming.
"Yes, I see," said Jace.
"It is interesting," Kit said.
Mina nodded.
"Just think about it," Jem said, "you come back in a different form or something new after you die."
Jace wasn't sure he wanted to do this again, and by the look on Kit's face it appeared he felt the same.
"So is that why I'm so exhausted?" asked Kit, "because I've lived so many lives? And keep doing this shit again?"
It was a fair question to ask, Jace thought.
"Kit, no," said Jem. "And don't say that word in front of Min Min."
"Alec says something like that to me all the time," Jace put in. "Except it's usually 'Jace no!'"
"Yeh, well, you're both chaotic dum dums," said Mina.
They all looked at her.
"Wat?" she said.
Jem seemed to be wearing a look of amused agreement.
She was two and yet so smart, and had so many words at times.
"I prefer the term not afraid to take chances," said Jace.
"It's a Herondale thing," put in Kit.
Jace grinned at him. "There you go, bud."
Mina rolled her eyes, she also had a lot of sass for her age. Jem stared at them with a sort of affectionate exasperation.
Jace was sitting beside Kit while he showed him memes and what they meant. Mina came to sit down beside them.
"Jace," she said.
"Yeah, Mina?"
"So you're like my great kind of nephew, right?"
"Great great great or something, yeah."
"So than I am like your great something aunt?"
"Yeah. . ." This would never not be weird.
"Does that mean I get to boss you around?"
Jace didn't know what to say to this.
Kit looked up from his screen. "Wait, does that mean technically I'm your adoptive great something uncle, now?"
"I. . ." Jace had to admit he didn't know what to say to any of this. "Are you two trying to confuse me?" he asked.
They both grinned mischievously.
Jace sighed.
"Hey, dear Nephew," Kit said. "Make me some cookies."
"Dear Nephew," Mina added. "Get us tea."
"You two think you're hilarious."
"Wrong," said Kit, "we know we're hilarious."
"Yeah well," Jace said, pulling them both into the hug, "I'd like to see you get free from my hug."
"No!" They both exclaimed, then tried to get free which turned into laughter from them all.
Jace heard his phone buzz. He looked at it and saw that it was a message from Kit, he'd sent Jace a meme. Jace didn't always understand them, but apparently they were like jokes. He replied with laughing emojis. 
He exited his messaging app and stared his phone background; it was a picture of Max, Rafe, Mina, and Kit in the art room with Clary, who was teaching them to paint. He smiled at it. It was odd to say, but they were his kids in a way and he felt this strong urge to protect them from the world that would try to shut out their light.
He remembered the first time Kit had seen he'd taken picture and used it as his phone background. Kit looked surprised, as if he couldn't think of why Jace would do that. Jace ruffled his hair and quoted one of his memes to him that day. Kit liked to communicate with memes, and so Jace tried his best. Kit had also called Jace a mom a few times, though he wasn't sure why.
His phone buzzed again. This time it was Emma, her message said, "We need to form the sword-blondes club *winking emoji*" Jace couldn't help but laugh, then replied, "The world would've be able to handle that."
He had so many kids and young people who were dear to him now. Sometimes he thought back to his old self, who didn't have much of anyone and who believed that love was weakness. But now, when he looked at these kids, he knew that was lie. Now, he knew he was strongest because of love. He barely remembered it, but thought about the time he first met Jem, he'd been Brother Zachariah then. He'd told him, 'We fight best when that which we love is on the line.' or something along those words. It made Jace smile, to think somehow all this connected, the universe was a strange thing.
He then looked down at the engagement ring on his left ring finger. At some point him and Clary would work toward building a family, and have kids of their own. It both excited and frightened Jace; he wanted to be a father, of course. But he didn't want to snap one day and see his father come out, he didn't want his children to ever have to see something like that. Clary told him he wouldn't be like that, and she was always right, usually. These kids in his life now though, he felt were proof that he could be a good father.
He opened his phone back up and texted Kit a meme.
He was rewarded with, "Well, I'll be damed. He's learning!"
Jace replied with, "Watch your language."
"You watch your own language, Mr. acts like my parent."
Jace laughed. Kids were so odd yet so precious, they were the future, he thought.
Tagging: especially @khaleesiofalicante because she is having Jace and Kit feels, and I think she'll appreciate this. @chibi-tsukiko @spotsandclawsthings @megs-readstoomuch @magnus-the-maqnificent @replayfootsteps @my-archerboy @jazzkaurtheglorious @simply-ellas-stuff @bookfast-at-tiffanys
136 notes · View notes
believinghurts · 4 years
Their Daughter Pt 3
Warning: Arguing, insecurities, crying
A/N: I am planning on this being about six parts, but I’m not sure yet. Leave me some feed back! This also hasn’t been proofread so I apologize for that! Please don’t post my work anywhere else. 
The rest of the night before Ali left for Malfoy Manor passed slowly. She wrote her reply telling her aunt that she would be at Andromedas before she came to the Manor. Ali could hear the others moving around the house below her, but chose to stay in her room. After hearing her own father call her a snake she didn’t want to be at risk of getting called it again by him or anyone else. It was something she was used to at school, and often ignored, but hearing it from her own father hurt more than the others. She wasn’t a snake and just because she spent time with Slytherins it didn’t make her a bad person. She found it ironic that people in other houses say things about house unity and having friends from other houses, but none of them ever showed Slytherins much kindness apart from a few Hufflepuff's. Slytherins were misunderstood a lot and being sarcastic and rude was a defense mechanism for most of them was what Ali had learned from her time spent with them. Draco, for example, just wanted his father to be proud of him, while Daphne wanted to be seen as more than just her face and body. Everyone of the Slytherins has some sort of problem, they all realize this and that’s what makes them such good friends with one another. 
Ali shut her trunk lid before sitting on top of it blowing a piece of her dark hair from her face. She had packed a few things to take with her, though she already had quite a lot at the manor in her room. Draco told her to bring a swimsuit and leave the books in his letter, so she packed both. It had taken about an hour to pack everything she needed, so seeing as it was getting dark outside she looked at the clock. It was 6:00 meaning that it was almost time for dinner. She changed into a pair of black leggings before throwing a jumper on that somehow ended up being Blaise’s Quidditch jumper; it was always cold in the house even in the middle of summer. Shrugging she looked at her appearance in the mirror, she fixed her hair into a braid going down the side of her head before letting the growling of her stomach lead her downstairs. 
She noticed that all the noise seemed to be coming from the dining room so her plan of grabbing cookies and leaving was busted. From the sounds it seemed as though everyone was in there, but Regulus was so quiet she wasn’t sure if he was or not. Pausing she sent up a quick prayer hoping that Regulus, Remus or both would be in there. Conversations seemed to pause when she walked through the threshold. Sirius was talking with Harry and Ron, Molly was sitting with her husband and oldest two, Hermione and Ginny were looking at a book, Remus sat near Sirius looking thoughtful, while Regulus had his back to her talking with someone. He noticed some of the chatter had died down, he turned to see Ali and gave her a view of the person in front of him. 
Everyone’s mouths dropped when Ali took off faster than a snitch towards her Uncle Severus. She jumped on him, hugging him while he smiled at Regulus hugging his only niece back. “When did you get here? Why didn’t you come see me?” Ali pouted at her Uncle which caused him to shake his head, chuckling at her antics. 
“Regulus said you were probably packing for tomorrow and I did not want to interrupt. And as for when I got here it was about fifteen minutes or so,” He kissed her head before letting her step back. Severus bit back another smile when he noticed all his students and former students staring at him and his niece. “Isn’t there something else you could be looking at?” Directing his icy glare to Granger, Potter, and the youngest two Weasleys. Their heads whip down except Harry’s whose eyes went back and forth between Severus and Ali. Severus knew of the words Potter often said about Ali and the others in his house. Assuming that he was just going to keep staring at the two Severus turned his attention back to Regulus and Ali. “When do you leave for the manor?” 
Ali found it funny that her uncle had set the others in place, but she a;so got why they were looking. Severus was a private person; he wasn’t one for talking a lot or physical touch. Ali had only ever seen him hug one person and that was her. To everyone else he was a cold, rude Potions teacher, but to Ali he was her Uncle that brought her books, taught her Potions, and made the best tea in the world. She felt her fathers eyes on the back of her head, but pointedly chose to ignore him. “I leave tomorrow when Uncle Rem does.” 
“I still do not understand why you insist on going over there. They are not good company Alianova. Are you going to become like them? Become a Death Eater like Lucius and his son are? You were raised by one so it wouldn’t be a surprise,” Sirius sneered at his daughter. The look of disgust in his eyes hurt her more than the words. Ali knew that before Lucius was a Death Eater much like Regulus and Severus. But she also knew that they weren’t those people maymoer. Each of those men had decided that family was more important. It had taken a lot for Lucius to see that his ways were wrong, but the thought of harm coming to Draco, Narcissa or even Ali made him see differently. 
Ali’s blood boiled when sirius talked about her family like that. He didn’t have to like them, but she loved them and they loved her. He wasn’t there for her; they were. “They aren’t Death Eaters.” She stated firmly. 
“Aren’t Death Eaters? Are you draft? Draco may not be right now, but I know Lucius would never give up his ways. It’s only a matter of time before Draco is one as well. How old were you Regulus when you got the mark? Seventeen? Draco is almost there. Harry told me what he’s like in school, and what you're like. Stuck up, and prejudice just like the others. It’s honestly no wonder Harry doesn’t like you. Typical Black fashion to only hang out with Purebloods. You're going to end up just like Bellatrix I guarantee it if you stay hanging out with the Malfoys.”
“That is enough,” Regulus stepped in front of Ali. Everyone's eye bouncing between Ali, Regulus and Sirius. Ali felt tears brim in her eyes, and her breathing become heavier. Anger and hurt ran through her veins, battling one another. Sweat started to gather on her palms as she noticed the looks of pity coming from Molly, and Arthur after the shock of what Sirius had said wore off. Molly ushered everyone out of the room, Harry went reluctantly, beside Sirius, Remus, Severus, and Ali sensing that this was a private family matter. Remus stood, crossing the room to take Ali into his arms. She let out a shuddering breath before turning her attention back to Sirius and Regulus. “She has done absolutely nothing wrong to you or anyone for that matter. And you call her draft? Look in the mirror Sirius. She is your child for Godric's sake! Not Harry Potter. Ali is a good girl; she gets good grades, has manners, and above all she doesn’t care what peoples blood status is. You’re calling her prejudice? She is the least prejudiced person in this whole house. You have no say in anything that she does. None. You left her not just once, but twice. You can say that you didn’t know she was there all you want, but you know that anyone that had her wouldn’t have sent her anywhere else. You chose Harry Potter over her TWICE. And you never picked up the pieces; we did. Myself, Remus, Severus, Narcissa, Lucius, Ted, and Andromeda were all there for her when she was growing up. Remus taught her to read, Severus taught her how to make small potions on a potions kit, Cissa and Andy taught her took her shopping for girly clothes, Lucius taught her to ride a broom with Draco, and Ted took her to the candy shop everytime she got a good grade in school. What did you do? Nothing. If she wants to go and spend time with the people that helped raise her she can. You can’t blame her for how you're acting towards her. It’s like she doesn't even exist when Potter is around.” Regulus took a breath, turning to look at Ali who had tears running down her cheeks. His heart broke for his sweet little girl who deserved the world not this mess of a family. He pulled her to his chest, one hand stroking her hair the other tight around her back, rocking slightly to ease the sobs she was letting out. 
“That is not true. That is my daughter I love her,” Sirius started but was quickly interrupted by Remus. 
“You may love her sirius, but you don’t show it very well. Do you see what you've done? I love you Sirius, but this is wrong. Harry is your godchild, but she is your child. I think it’s best if you leave her alone for a bit,” Remus crouched down to be eye level with Ali, “Are you packed? I think it’ll be best if you go ahead and stay at Andy’s tonight.” 
Ali nodded her head before pressing a kiss to Regulus cheek whispering a love you and see you soon then doing the same to Severus who had Accio’d her trunk down the stairs. She wrapped her arm through Remus's, not even sparing a glance at the man who had caused her more pain the last couple of hours then in her whole life. Ali wanted her dad to love her like he loved Harry. She understood that she wasn’t a Gryffindor like him, but did that really make her so terrible? When she was little she had heard the stories of her father through her uncles, aunts, and a few teachers. She always thought that he was the coolest person to ever walk the corridors of Hogwarts. Often she would fanize what her life could have been like if James and Lily hadn’t died, her dad wasn’t in Azkaban, and her dad and Regulus got along. Would she be equal to Harry then? Would her dad still have favored Harry over her because she was a girl and a Ravenclaw? Those thoughts came to mind more times than she could count in the last couple weeks. 
She felt the tug of apparition in her belly for a few seconds before she landed on the Tonks’s doorstep. She felt the protection wards give easily around her as Remus gave her a one sided hug, kissing her head as she wiped her cheeks. Ali knew that once Remus knocked her Aunt Andy saw the state she was in with her puffy, red eyes, lounge clothes, and the fact that she was a day early Merlin wouldn’t be able to stop her from ripping Sirius into pieces. Remus waited till Ali nodded at him before knocking, he knew that someone would be home whether it was Andromeda, Ted, or Nymphadora. He silently hoped for the later two, but hope wasn’t on his side when Andromeda Tonks opened the door with her look of surprise turning into rage as she looked at Ali. Andy grabbed her nieces hand pulling her inside with Remus following before wrapping Ali in a hug that a mother would give her distraught child. Andromeda looked at Remus over Ali’s shoulder silently asking what had happened to which Remus mouthed out Sirius’s name. Andromeda was afraid of this when Sirius came back into their lives. She loved her cousin with all that was in her, but he was not good with priorities often not being able to sort them out even as children. Ali gripped tight at her aunt's waist knowing that she was finally going to be able to breath without having someone say something about it. 
Noise coming from the stairs caused Ali to look up. Nymphadora came bounding down only to stop when she saw her baby cousin's teary face and Remus gloomy look. She walked over to Remus standing on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek which made him blush and Ali giggle a little bit before wrapping her arm around Ali’s shoulders. “What’s up, pipsqueak?” 
Ali leaned her head onto Nymphadora’s shoulder taking in the smell of her lavender shampoo. “Not much. Mind some company for the night?” Ali was comfortable around Dora, they were like the sister neither of them got to have. Although Dora was seven years older than her, they were closer than just cousins. “Mind your company? Never. More like Dad and Mum should mind cause we are going to party it up!” Dora stated changing her hair to rainbow before poking Ali’s side to make her laugh. She knew her cousin well so she knew that they didn’t need to talk about whatever happened to make her cry. She would talk about it with who she felt fit and when she felt fit to do it. Dora knew that Remus and her mum as well as the others would take care of the issue, so all she had to worry about was making her baby cousin happy again. 
“Well I should get back home. Mainly to make sure that Regulus doesn’t murder Sirius, but if he did I wouldn’t mind too much right now,” Remus said walking to the two girls, kissing Ali’s head and Dora’s lips quickly. “Don’t cause too much trouble you two.” Remus loved the relationship that Ali had with Dora. It was often like watching his girlfriend and daughter together. Some said it was weird to be dating someone who was closer to your child's age then yours but he had learned to care a little less about people's opinions as time went on. He loved Dora and that wasn’t going to change and seeing her with Ali only made that love stronger.  Alianova was his daughter in every way, but blood. Remus gave Andromeda a nod before apparating back home in hopes that he wouldn’t have to hide a dead body. 
Once Remus left Dora guided Ali into the kitchen where Ted was cooking dinner still. “Hello darling, we weren’t expecting you till tomorrow.” He stepped away from the stove to give her a hug before the two girls hopped up onto the kitchen island while Andromeda leaned against the counter by her husband. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry about just showing up a day early. It was...just getting too much at home with everyone there and stuff..” Ali missed the way all the Tonks’s looked at each other since she was staring at the wringing fingers in her lap. 
“What happened, Nova?” Dora placed a hand on hers calming her fingers down. 
“Just Sirius got mad because I’m staying with Cissa for a week. He started saying some really mean things about them as well as said that I was going to become just like Bellatrix since I hung out with Death Eaters,” Ali sighed looking at Andromeda with tears in her eyes. “I just want him to love me. I don’t know why he can’t. I- I try so hard to make everyone proud of me, but he just hates me. What does Harry have that I don’t?” 
Dora wrapped her cousin up in a hug while Andromeda took her other side, “We are all so proud of you, sweetheart. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Sirius has always had his judgement clouded, especially when it comes to the Potters. You are so loved by so many people, don’t you ever forget that,” Her aunt whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek. Ali’s shoulders felt a little lighter that the thought of nothing being wrong with her, but with Sirius. 
“If he doesn’t quit being a tosser, I’ll hex him with the Boogie Bat Hex. We’ll see how he likes that.” Dora naturally had to make everyone laugh to ease the tension. 
Ted handed out a plates of spaghetti and everyone settled around the kitchen not even bothering to move to the dining room. Laughter filled the room as Nymphadora recalled a story about Mad Eye from a mission the other day. As darkness filled the sky everyone sat about the living room watching a Disney movie that Dora picked out. Ted and Andromeda sat on the couch cuddled up together while Ali and Dora shared the floor in front of them. Looking at her Aunt, Uncle and cousin, Ali couldn’t help but smile feeling content for a little while even if she missed her Uncle Regulus dearly the next couple of weeks. 
The following day….. 
It was late when Ali woke up. They had stayed up late the night before watching movies till Ted and Andromeda went to bed while her and Dora stayed up later talking. She felt the excitement coursing through her veins at the thought of seeing her other family that day. Knowing that Andromeda would be up soon to tell her about breakfast, Ali decided to write to Regulus before getting dressed. Grabbing parchment and a quill off the desk she settled in the window still and began.
Dear Uncle Reg, 
I hope everything is going better at home today then it was when I was there. I’m kinda sad we didn’t get to have a decent goodbye before I left. I’ll miss you the next week or so that I’m gone and I hope when I get back we can finish the movie series we were watching. Honestly you are a total Jedi, even if you say you aren’t. I leave for the Manor today so when you write back make sure to send it there. Oh, and can you feed Athena for me? I think I left my window open, but I’m not sure so sorry! Try not to murder anyone while I’m gone, and maybe come visit for a day or so just to get away from your brother. Hug Kreacher for me! 
Love your favorite niece, 
By the time she was done her Aunt was knocking on the door. “Good morning, darling. Breakfast is ready when you are.” Andy gave her niece a kiss on the head before straightening her bed, a habit she hoped to instil in the girls but it never took. “Dora already left with Remus, but they both said to tell you that they loved you and Dora said to not take any of her clothes when you leave, but if you do I won’t tell a soul.” Andromeda winked at her. 
“Okay, I’ll be down in a few minutes just let me get dressed.” Ali opened her trunk while Andromeda gave her some privacy. She dug through it to find a decent outfit knowing full and well that when she got to the Manor she would be going out with Cissa. She settled on a black and white plaid skirt with tights, white combat boots, and a black and blue Ravenclaw Quidditch tee that she had rolled the sleeves on. Throwing her hair in a messy half updo similar to Narcissa’s, she went down stairs. 
Her uncle had made pancakes and bacon for breakfast and she quickly settled in eating her weight in food before bidding goodbye to Andromeda and Ted using the Floo network to take her to the Manor. She didn’t use the Floo often since Grimmauld Place wasn’t set up for it per Moody’s request. Sputtering out a cough, Ali dusted off her clothes before she was wrapped up in the familiar rose scent perfume that Cissa wore. “Oh you're here! I have missed you so much darling.” 
Ali wrapped her arms around her aunt burying her face in her shoulder. Ali was closer to Narcissa then she was Andromeda. She loved her aunts equally, but since her and Draco were so close in age they spent a lot of time at each other's house. Narcissa had looked at Ali as a surrogate daughter whereas Andromeda had a daughter. Narcissa provided the motherly nurture that she needed in her life. “Okay, mother. Let her breath and give us a turn.” 
Ali could literally hear the eye roll in Draco's voice. Narcissa let her go, but not before cupping her face looking at her intensely. Narcissa was incredibly good at reading people and this was something she had done to Draco, Ali, and Dora since they were little to make sure they were okay. From the small frown on her face Ali knew that Cissa knew she was hurt. Cissa also knew they would talk about it later. Draco hugged Ali before spinning her around making her laugh. It was their ritual after a Slytherin won a Qudditch game and it extended to when they hadn’t seen each other in a while. Lastly Ali walked over to her Uncle who was looking at her outfit choice. She knew the words were bound to come out of his mouth in a couple of seconds much like they would Regulus’s if he saw what she had on. “Your skirt is too short Ali,” Lucius hugged his niece before raising an eyebrow at her. 
“Oh, Lucius, stop. It isn’t too short. She’s fine.” Narcissa grabbed her hand before calling their house elf to take Ali’s stuff to her room. “We were wanting to go to Diagon Alley, are you up for it? Lucius needs to get a few things, and we could get you and Draco some school things. But you would rather stay home. I'm sure Draco would keep you company.” 
“Please say you want to stay home,” Draco practically begged looking at his cousin. 
Ali’s smile held nothing by mischief as she looked between Draco and Cissa. She shot a wink at Draco, “I think I want to go. I haven’t been in ages.” Draco let out a huff which led him to receive a Narcissa scowl. 
“Wonderful!,” Narcissa ushered Draco and Ali to the fireplace, Draco grabbed some Floo powder before grabbing Ali’s hand, “Diagon Alley.” 
The pair were quickly followed by the elder Malfoys. Ali knew she needed to get a few books for the new school year so she dragged Draco with her to Flourish and Blotts, while Draco's family spoke with a wizard outside. The potions books were located in the back of the store, Draco started at one end while Ali at the other looking for their sixth year books. Giggles filled the aisle as Draco kept making jokes about the authors names, the two were so engrossed in their book hunting that they didn’t notice the three people standing next to them with amused looks. Ali had bent down to grab a book she would need for Arithmancy as she stood back up she felt a breath on the back of her neck, she quickly turned and nearly screamed when a face was only a few inches away from hers. “Boo!” 
Pansy, Blaise, and Draco were doubled over in laughter at the look on Ali’s face while Theo gave her an apologetic smile, “I cannot believe you just did that!” 
“I would say I’m sorry, but I’m really not,” Theo hugged Ali before stepping aside to speak with Draco. Ali was nearly knocked to the ground with the force of Pansy's hug. 
“Oh Merlin, I have missed you so much, Al. Honestly we cannot go this long without seeing each other anymore.” Pansy wrapped her arms around Ali’s shoulders while Ali went around her waist. Pansy and Ali became friends quickly on the Hogwarts express first year. They had sworn to each other that they would stay friends no matter the houses they got, luckily they both got houses that didn’t rival one another too much so they shared a dorm together more often than not with three other girls, but was only close with Daphne. Snape being the Head of Slytherin house Ali didn’t have to worry about getting into too much trouble if she was caught in the Slytherin girls dorms. Most people saw Pansy and thought she was a stuck up, rude princess, but Ali knew that she was really insecure and used sarcasm to hide it. Pansy was her best friend besides Draco and normally the two would have been at each other's houses over the summer, but with Sirius being out that couldn’t happen. The two were a perfect pair; where Ali was quiet, Pansy was loud, where Ali was the brains of the operations, Pansy was the executor. “I missed you, too. I am so sorry that I couldn’t hang out this summer. We had some family stuff going on.” 
Although the Weasley, Hermione, Harry and her family coud know of Sirius’s whereabouts no one else could until he was proven innocent. With Pettigrew being gone the likelihood of that happening right now was slim. Ali was just grateful that Draco knew so she could at least have someone to talk about it with. “Alright, alright, some of us would like to say hello too, Parkinson.” 
Pansy’s eyes portrayed a look that Ali would have to question her on later. Blaise was Ali’s other really close friend. He was quiet except when he was around his group, but even then he preferred to observe then join. Ali had always found him attractive, but she also knew he would never find her attractive when there were many more prettier girls than her. Blaise kissed her cheek before giving her a hug, “How has your summer been, Supernova?” 
Supernova had been the nickname he had given Ali upon first meeting her. He loved Astronomy, and said it just fit her. “It’s been good. Read a few books, spent some time with my Uncles. How was yours?” 
“Mother got married, again. So we are now onto husband number nine. What books did you read? I had been meaning to write to you, but mother had me busy with all the wedding stuff.” Blaise grabbed the book from her hand after turning it over and checking it out he tucked it in his arm. He was always the gentleman, carrying her bag, opening doors, pulling out chairs for her. She assumed it was instilled into him by his mother since Draco often did the same for Pansy. 
“Snape got me a Muggle set of books I had been wanting so I’m halfway done with those, and I read a few books on dragons. Ya know boring stuff. How’d the wedding go? Do you like him?” Ali twisted the gold ring on her finger causing it to catch Blaise's attention. 
“Not boring at all. If you still have the dragon books can I borrow them? You usually pick really good ones and I'll need all the knowledge I can to compete with you on scores.” He grabbed Ali’s ringed hand, inspecting it before letting it fall back down to her side. “That’s a nice ring, where’d you get it?” 
The ring in question was dainty with a gold band and light green gem surrounded by littler stones. “Oh, my Uncle Reg got it for me when school ended. Said it was for getting such good scores on my OWLs. I think he just thought it was pretty, but needed a reason to get it for me.” 
“Oi! Lovebirds, let's go check out these books so we can get on with our lives. I’m dying from watching that lovely scene you put on for us,” Theo said laughing while Draco smirked at his cousin. He knew that Ali had a crush on Blaise and that Blaise had a crush on Ali, but both would not admit to one another. 
“Oh shut it, Nott. You’re just jealous she likes me more.” Blaise sent her a wink before walking towards the front of the store with Draco. Ali knew he would be paying for her books and that he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Theo was distracted talking to Pansy so Ali decided to have a little payback for the teasing he just did. She pulled her skirt down a little to make it a little longer, before jumping up onto Theos back. Theo, having noticed that Ali was going to do just that, caught her around her knees helping her get settled before walking out of the shop. Pansy talked about her summer so far, stating that she would rather be back at Hogwarts then sitting at home doing nothing. Blaise raised an eyebrow at Ali's position before shaking his head at his friend's antics. 
“Ya know being up this high is super weird,” Ali’s comment caused all her friends to laugh. 
“That’s because you are super small,” Draco replied with an eye roll. Ali was the shortest out of the friend group by an inch or so and they never let her live it down. Outside the shop Narcissa and Lucius were talking with Theodore's father and Pansy's mother. 
“Find what you were looking for?” Lucius asked when they reached the parents. “Yes, father, we did as well as a few strays to bring with us.” 
The comment earned giggles and chuckles from the parents and Ali while Blaise whacked the top of Draco's head and Theo pretended to let Ali slip making her squeal in response and hop down off his back. “Draco don’t you need new Quidditch gloves?” 
Pansy and Ali shared a look while rolling their eyes. All three boys were members of the Quidditch team and while Pansy and Ali enjoyed watching them play, it was tiring hearing them talk about it constantly. The boys looked at each other nodding before Blaise and Draco grabbed Ali and Pansy's hands pulling them to the shop. Before they got out of range Ali stopped and looked back at Narcissa, “We are going to get ice cream after this if that’s okay?” 
“That’s fine darling. Lucius and I will go and get your robes, then head back to the Manor. Bring your friends along with you home. We are all having dinner together tonight. And make sure the boys pay for the ice cream.” Cissa sent her a wink before walking away with Pansy mother. 
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futurewriter2000 · 3 years
Little Secrets - pt. 2
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A/N: I couldn't found a perfect gif. Okay?! But this is the closest I could get. Plus, I really have to go to the bathroom, so this is the quickest gif I could find. I also spent three days writing this because I had about thousands of scenes in my head but I had to write only one. I love it. Hope yall love it too <3
All five of you have been sitting at the table; your father, James, Sirius, you and your mother, who had just brought some tea.
Sirius has been smiling at you. You had been smiling at him but not because you had pleasantly enjoyed his sudden appearance, though he was a quite fit young man, but because it was all so amusing.
"So you have a sister?" Sirius turned his head to James, quirking an eyebrow.
"Yes..." James smiled awkwardly. "My younger sister, (Y/N)."
"That you had never mentioned." you grit your teeth a little and raised an eyebrow.
"Why haven't you, son?" asked your father, meanwhile your mother went to get Sirius some warm clothes.
"...it... didn't come in conversation..." James shrugged.
Both you and Sirius let out a laugh, exchanging a familiar look, as if the two of you were old friends already.
"Does anybody in Hogwarts know that you have a sister?" you asked, getting more stiff and angry, though you pretty much knew the answer. "I mean, some purebloods surely have to know." your tone started to get louder, causing James to sink in his chair. "Or was the fact that you have a Squib sister put shame to your popular reputation?" you stood up from your chair, glaring at your brother and seeing his friend stare at you with wide eyes.
You were a Squib?
You ignored his expression and made your way up-stairs, going off to bed. You didn't cry and you didn't yell. You weren't really sad to cry or angry to yell... you were just confused. That's all.
A few days passed and you didn't much talk to James. You avoided him, called a few friends and went into town with them. They were all mostly Muggles and you didn't mind that. You kept your secret life separate but you did tell them that your brother was keeping you as some sort of secret from his friends and the only explanation you had was that he was some sort of ashamed of you.
"That's rubbish, Pea."
That's what your friends called you. A nickname from the first day of school all those years ago, there was a little accident with peas at lunch. Everybody called you Pea since then. Everybody except your family.
"Than what other explanation is there?" you started to get frustrated, digging your head into your hands. "I just don't understand!"
"Why don't you just ask him?"
"I did. He's determined to avoid the topic." you drank your coffee and threw yourself back.
"And his friend?" she raised one of her eyebrows.
"Sirius. What a name..." she started to tease you. "Is he cute?"
"He is." you smiled a bit. "Quite fit."
"Uff! What does he look like?"
"Well, he's tall, a bit shorter than Jamie but he's got a gorgeous face. Like if Aphrodite had a son with Kleopatra, he'd be the product of them."
"Hell, that good looking?" she rolled her eyes, thinking you were being your usual sarcastic self.
But you weren't. He was literally beautiful. "Okay, look. I am not in love with the guy. I just have eyes and my eyes love pretty things. He is one of those pretty things."
"Objectifying now, are we?" she continued to tease.
"You know what I meant."
"What about Alissa?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows and causing you to sink in your chair.
"What about Alissa?" you smiled sheepeshly.
"I saw the way she hugged you in front of school."
"Yeah but I don't know if she's into... you know..."
"Yes! It's so hard to tell. I mean, she gives me so many signs-"
"There you go. She likes you."
"- but then she also ignores me at times. Like this hot-and-cold energy."
"Oh." your friend frowned at the sight and slumped her shoulders. "How about we go to a party tonight? You and me-"
"Some friends." she grinned.
"Whiskey?" you grinned as well, feeling so much lighter at the proposition.
"There has to be whiskey. If not, we're leaving."
"Okay, let me just call mum. Tell her, I'm going to be a tad late." you winked at her and ran to the payphone at the back of the cafe. You spun the number and waited.
Your family loved the phone. Being a wizard, the communication usually fell through the letters but since you lived with one foot in the Muggle world, the discovery of the payphone has made you overly-excited as well as your parents. The communication was much faster and you could always call your home whenever you needed.
"Hello?" there was a foreign voice that only seemed to belong to one person in that house.
"Sirius? Is that you?"
"What kind of sorcery is this?!" he shouted into the phone. "Who is this!?"
"Sirius, it's (Y/N)."
"Oh! James' little secret sister."
"Yeah, that one." you rolled your eyes.
"Are you stuck in there?"
"In this tiny box? Do I have to call your mum to get you out?"
"Sirius, this is a phone."
"Oh! I've heard of those. It's a Muggle thing." he let out a laugh. "Foolish little thing. When you can just write something and poof it to someone's way."
"Well, I can't really poof it, can't I?" you smiled as you heard him gulp on the other side.
"Uh... sorry... I forgot."
"It's fine." you giggled, letting him know you are not offended from his reckless words. "Can you get mum anyway?"
"Because I have to tell her I'm going to come home late today."
"Oh." you could see him leaning on the wall and smirking at the idea. "Where are you off to?"
"Only a friend's house.
"A-ha." he doubted. "Friend's house." he continued to speak in a mocking tone. "Am I-"
"Oh, you've discovered the phone." you heard James in the background, laughing. "Who is it?"
"This thing is magnificent, Prongs. I can talk to her like she's here, though she's not in this tiny little box.... is she?" he whispered the last part, covering the phone.
"It's (y/n)? Is she still mad at me?" he leaned on the phone. "Stop being such a stubborn little arse and get over it!" he shouted, meanwhile you rolled your eyes.
"She says she's staying at a friend's house?" said Sirius.
"No, she's not." James laughed. "Her friend, Mandy, lives with her uncle who doesn't approve of (y/n) what-so-ever. She's going to a party."
"Am not!" you shouted through the phone, clearly lying. "I'm not going to Mandy's... I'm going to Zoe's."
"Zoe? I thought she goes to Greece during the summer."
"She's staying this summer. Broke a leg."
"Broke a leg my arse!" James shouted.
"Can we come too?" you heard Sirius through the phone.
"Maybe next time. I don't think I can manage James' face without punching it yet." you shrugged.
"Can I come then?"
"Oi! Don't be a prick."
"What?! It's a party!"
"Just tell mum I'm coming home late and that-" and with that the call got cut. You looked at it with surprise and then just shrugged. "They got the message."
You had come home, not drunk, not tipsy... just a little dazed. You wished you were wasted but a memory of you not being able to walk a few years ago due to some heavy home-made Scottish Whiskey, you had decided that getting wasted wasn't worth it.
You put your shoes away carefully and quietly before going to the kitchen. A simple walk home sobered you up. You could walk normally, feel lighter on your feet but wanting to collapse into your bed as soon as possible. Though you were starving, so the fridge was the first stop. Toast, mayo, baloney and cheese.
"Mmmmmm." you rolled your eyes back from the delicious flavor in your mouth, almost melting as it filled your stomach. When your eyes rolled back to the sandwich you felt like you saw a spark of light from the corner of your eye. You glanced back up and saw a familiar figure standing on the porch.
He was leaning over the fence, mind deep in thought, eyes far in the distance. Brushing your hands on your pants, you opened the door from the porch and peeked out.
"Peek a boo." you said casually but he didn't budge, only turned back calmly.
He gave you a soft smile and moved a little to give you space. "How was the party?" he said as he flickered the cigarette away, shutting up the grasshoppers.
"Eh." you shrugged, mimicking his position. "Wasn't really a party, more like a friendly gathering."
"Not really." you laughed. "There were all these random people, Muggles as you call them and I knew three or four of them. People kept leaving and coming, random people that I know from school but never really hung out with them, you know?" you looked at him and he smiled, listening on. "And I did talk and flirt with this guy, who kept coming onto me but all the time I kept observing others and by the end of the night, when I came home, there was only one person on my mind and it wasn't that guy- that random, thought quite charming and nice guy- but it was this girl from school with pretty bluish-greenish-brownish eyes."
"All three colours?" he laughed.
"They change colour a lot, okay?" you laughed. "But it's not even the colour, more like the way she looks at me- like she's in love with me but I don't know if she's in love with me because one day she's all for it and another moment she's ignoring me. It's so frustrating."
"So you like girls?"
"More or so. I don't mind guys either."
"Which one do you prefer?" he asked from curiosity.
Though it wasn't one of your favorite questions to hear, you still replied casually. "It's not the matter of preference, more like the matter of which I fall in love with. Guys are simple. They think simple and there's no secret meaning behind their words. You know when they want to snog you or shag you or when they want something serious or not serious. Simple."
"And girls are not simple?" he laughed.
"Oh, girls are so complicated!" you groaned. "Not all of them of course. Not me." you laughed and he chuckled as well.
"Not you?"
"No. I don't like to complicate things just because of how my last girl did."
"Your ex?"
"Not really an ex. It was an odd situation but listen up to this." you started to get more comfortable. "She and me have been writing to each other- she was a tough nut to crack to be honest. I was breaking the ice with that girl for like a year and a half. She was hot and cold with me. I never knew what she meant. One day she was giving me hints she was into me, another times she was completely ignoring me."
"Is this the same girl you talked about before?"
"No-" you stopped, thinking back a little. "Though it is a similar situation, isn't it?" you asked him, meanwhile he laughed.
"I think so."
"Hm... I'll get back to that thought." you pinned the realisation down and continued with the story. "Okay, so she was finally starting to open up to me- also she was tall and dark and gorgeous green eyes, super hot- I can't leave that out."
"No, you can't."
"She was getting to open up, telling me stuff about her family, her friends, which classmates she hated and I was getting excited because LOOKIE THAT! SHE MIGHT TAKE A FANCY IN ME." you said over-excitedly, throwing your hands in the air before your face and your hands fell back down. "And then I see her hugging a boy in the hall and suddenly they're both dating."
"Oh, bummer!" He laughed. "She was straight."
"Oh, hell no." you laughed. "That girl was definitely not straight but her parents were, so-"
"Oh, makes sense."
"Perfectly good sense. She's studying to become a lawyer."
"A lawyer?"
"Yes, a lawyer."
"Bet her parents are happy."
"Over the moon, I suppose."
"And you?"
"Eh. I moved on from her a long time ago. To be honest, I just liked the chase." you let out another laugh and he rolled his eyes.
"I always love a little chase or runner dynamic."
"So you're the chaser?"
"Or the runner, depends which one I'm feeling. Today was more like a runner but when I play the runner, they really give up easily, you know?"
"I actually do know." he shook his head a bit, pulled out another cigarette and lit it up. "Does James know?"
"He does but not about... you know... them. He just knows about it."
"What do you mean?" he started to laugh again. You were funny. He liked funny girls and from the way you reacted to James' little secret, he thought you'd be just like the others but you were so simple and funny with a tad of mystery in your eyes.
"He only knows bits of it."
"Bits of it?" he quirked an eyebrow. "I thought the two of you tell each other everything."
"Clearly not." you rolled your eyes and dropped your head back. "I'm a secret."
"A pretty secret." he blurted out before he could help himself. Noticing what he had said as he had watched you drop your head back, your hair flowing in mid air and your eyes focused on the distance, he really couldn't keep it in. James kept you a secret. A pretty little secret and he never understood why. He had known him for so long and he hadn't mentioned you once in all those years. Did Peter know? Or Remus? Or did really nobody know that James Potter really had a younger sister, who had no magical abilities.
"You think I'm pretty?" you smirked, quirking an eyebrow yourself.
He let out an embarrassed laugh and looked away just before his eyes locked with yours again, the blue that is bright in the day, now dark, almost black in the night. "I have eyes, (y/n). It's just a mere observation."
"Oh." you laughed as well, jumping down from the fence and putting your hand on his shoulder. "Than as a mere observation, I can say that you are extremely hot." you put your hand on his cheek and tapped it a few times just before you made your way to your bed. "Goodnight, Sirius Black."
He watched you walk away with his cheeks burning red. Bold, daunting- you were. Similar in a way with how James acted but he had to admit that you seemed quite more of an adventure than James. It sounded ignorant to say that. You were new, something hidden, now on the surface where he can marvel at you. He felt just a little bit more excited than the day he met James. Such a thrill, knowing that he has all the summer getting to spend with you.
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jumblejen · 3 years
Don’t Shoot the Messenger
Suptober21 Day 7: Young at Heart
Gabriel remembers dying, his brother’s blade burying itself into his chest, the fierce pull into nothingness, into the Empty. He hadn’t really known what would happen next. Sure Castiel had yammered away about the Empty and how he had been killed by Lucifer and then resurrected. It’s not that he didn’t believe Castiel, but it was one thing to hear a story and another to live it. Or not live since he was dead.
He doesn’t remember a lot from the Empty. He died and it was uncomfortable, like thinking through jelly until it hurt and hurt and hurt. He didn’t understand how there was so much pain when he was a) dead and b) non-corporeal. Still he woke up a little when a something ripped through the Empty. That was almost worse. The constant pain was one thing but it was a whole other ballgame of strange when he was both awake and asleep and, you know, still dead.
And then came the rip through the Empty that let the light shine in and he was all the way awake and then somehow he was an angel again kinda sorta among a host of angels and demons and he wasn’t sure what else and they all streamed through the jagged brightness cutting through the dark and into somewhere else. Mentally he had almost been torn to pieces but then there was a voice saying “Hello” and his pieces all coalesced and his nephew was there.
“Hey Jackie boy.”
“Hi Uncle Gabe.”
“So what’s new? Thanks for the rescue…not sure what’s going on…”
“Oh that wasn’t me. The Empty took Cas because he loves Dean and Billie died so Dean and Cas didn’t die. Except Cas did die because the Empty took him and Dean was sad.”
“Kid, I’m gonna stop you there. I really don’t need to know all about Cas and Dean and all their melodrama.”
“No, that’s just it. The Empty wanted to punish Cas but it didn’t work and it backfired and once he was out the tear didn’t heal itself so I came in and scooped everyone up!”
“So I’m just alive again like nothing happened?”
“Oh no. I mean yes. Well, that’s up to you.”
“Jack-o. Kiddo. I’m gonna need more words buddy.”
“Everyone from the Empty has a choice. You can be reborn on Earth. Or you can be an angel again. Or you can go on to the afterlife.”
“I thought the Empty was the angel afterlife.”
“It thought so too. But that’s just because Chuck didn’t have a very good imagination. And was a dick.”
“You’ve been spending too much time with Dean.”
“So what is your choice?”
“If I pick Earth do I get my old body back?”
“No. You’ll get reborn into a human body as a baby. And you won’t remember being an angel.”
Gabriel rubbed his chin only to find he didn’t have a chin at the moment. “Can we…”
“Oh sorry!” Jack stood awkwardly as Gabriel stretched his limbs. He also rubbed his chin just for good measure. The kid looked just as Gabe remembered if a little older behind the eyes.
“So are you the new Dad?”
“Yes. But also no.”
“Have you noticed you aren’t very good at answering questions?”
“It’s hard when you’re still building everything. And I’m having this conversation with a million others at the same time.”
Gabe laughed and scuffed a foot on the ground, mind racing.
“I really do need you to decide. The sooner everyone gets sorted the sooner I can rebuild heaven.”
“Give a guy a minute to think.”
“Why? You already know how you will answer.”
“If you already know how I’m going to answer, why even ask?”
“Because Cas says that free will is important. Just because I know the answer doesn’t mean I shouldn’t let you get there on your own.”
“You know that doesn’t make a whole lotta sense.”
“It does when you are me.”
“Alright kid. I’m picking angel. Which apparently you already knew.”
Jack’s face broke into a huge smile. “I’m glad Uncle Gabe. I hope we get to spend lots of time together.”
“So do I call you Jack or swear my undying devotion?”
“No. I’m still your nephew and you’re still my uncle. Unless you don’t want that?”
Gabe was surprised at the wistfulness on Jack’s face. It was hard to reconcile the idea that Jack was the new God with the fact that he was also still just a four year old vaguely raised by the Winchesters in all their dysfunction with a falling angel who preached free will. “No, no kiddo! You’re stuck with me. So what happens next?”
“Well I’m going to snap my fingers, since I have fingers right now and you’re going to appear in heaven. I figured you can be the first since your always heralding things in the bible.”
“You know ‘messenger’ was never my favorite angelic duty.”
“Don’t worry, it’s just for this one thing. You’ll know what to say when you get there.” Jack raised his hand and snapped his fingers.
Gabriel didn’t feel a motion of movement or of being rebuilt or created but here he was in heaven, a handful of angels turned in surprise at his entry.
“Behold! I bring tidings of great joy,” Gabriel couldn’t stop the words coming out of his mouth, “Jack has raided the Empty and liberated the fallen.” Gabriel closed his mouth. Several angels tittered and smirked.
“What?” Gabriel looked down at himself and realized he was wearing old-fashioned robes and lace up sandals like a low-budget low-accuracy biblical reenactment. “That’s not funny Jack!” Gabriel stalked away from the other angels and realized he was also sporting fake painted wings that flapped a little with every step.
“You’re right Gabriel. It’s not funny. It’s hilarious.” Gabe whirled to find Castiel standing there still in his unfashionable trench coat and twisted tie. He took out a phone and snapped a picture.
“How does your phone work in heaven?!”
“Jack likes playing Candy Crush,” Cas said with a shrug.
“How long do I have to wear the wings Jack?” Gabe said it as a prayer, and not at all like a curse.
“You can take them off whenever you want. Just wanted to make sure you knew that we like jokes in heaven,” echoed Jack’s voice inside Gabe’s head.
Gabe’s scowl slid off his face as he started smirking and then smiling and then laughing so hard he had to put his hands on his knees to stay upright, ridiculous fake wings flapping all the while. Gabe couldn’t wait to plan his counterattack. And figure out how to mess with the new angels. And the old ones. And definitely the Winchesters. Maybe Rowena would help him with that…
“It’s good to be back.”
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jtsfavslut · 4 years
Falling [G.D]
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Description: Just when Y/N thought she was over Grayson, he pops back into her life, making her wonder if you could fall for the same person twice. Inspired by ‘Falling’ - Harry Styles. 
Warnings: None, Just sad stuff lmao!!!
Word Count: 4K+
Also a special thanks to cole [ @blazedgraysons​] for keeping up with my annoying ass questions while I wrote this, and for helping me and giving me advice I love you <333
   Her small feet carried her body down the familiar street, cars zooming past her as her body softly bumped into the others around her. The loud sounds from the environment being blocked away by the soft, yet loud music that was coming out of an old pair of Airpods she had gotten for Christmas back in High School.
This was Y/N's daily routine. Get up early in the morning, do her business in the bathroom, get dressed, and walk over to her favorite cafe. The Beachwood cafe had become Y/N's second home ever since she moved to L.A, spending most of her time there, before and after class.
A smile lit up her face as the familiar blue door came into her view, a content sigh falling past her lips as she got closer to the door.
The strong smell of coffee hit her nostrils as she walked inside, music being paused as she walked fully inside, giving her attention to the cashier that greeted her every morning, "Hi Y/N, your stuff is on your table," she smiled up at Y/N before pointing towards her usual table.
It was the one by the window in the corner of the shop, the bright yellow and blue floor illuminated her small journey to the table, where her coffee and breakfast sandwich happily waited for her to approach. She sat down, hand reaching into her Yellow Kanken backpack, another Christmas gift from high school that she dearly took care of, she pulled out a brown journal and a pen.
A journal filled with memories and random thoughts that popped in her head. Y/N thought writing things down was good for the mind and body. She believed that writing things down would help you keep your thoughts safely, and lock memories into place without overworking your mind. A pen that has been through many journeys on the same yet different page.
All pages were the same until the pen went over it, recording things until the end of time. They were all the same until she wrote down her thoughts for the day.
Her small hand gripped onto the pen as she wrote down her thoughts from the previous night, coffee cup in the other hand as she slowly sipped the liquid.
Last night I thought of him again, just until I drifted off. I don't know why. It hasn't happened in months. Nothing bad, just a memoir of all of our memories together. Like the time we broke into the school's pool one night. Where he pushed me in with all my clothes on, then he jumped in and we made out by the stairs. Funny how we never got caught since cameras were around us. Or when we had our senior trips to the mountains in Colorado, and how he kept sneaking into the girls' room just to be with me. We were lucky we didn't get caught again. I tried to not keep thinking about him. I know it's time to finally drop it and move on, but how? How do I erase all those memories from my brain? How am I supposed to just drop it and move along? Just how? I don't need or want to know why just how.
She softly slammed the notebook closed, right before she could feel a slight burning in her eyes and a rock starting to form in her throat. The subject of her and a past lover that she was still holding onto, still being a deep wound to her.
She thought about and remembered Grayson every day. After all, he was her everything during her entire High School life, and he still was…...sort of.  Grayson and Y/N started dating in the 9th grade, right about in the middle of the year. He asked her out behind the school's bleachers during lunchtime, a mixture of flowers from his mom's garden that she shyly accepted from him after she said yes. That was followed by their date to the movie theater, where he held her close to him every time she faked being a little scared, not that he could tell, and three dates after he officially asked her out where she said yes again, and that was followed by an accidental kiss, he was leaning towards her cheek when she accidentally moved her head to the side, causing his lips to land on hers. Neither of them complained, just smiled at each other and carried on.
They went on for 6 years, all of high school and two college years, where he decided to break it off because of distance. He went off on how being across the country from one another was hard, and the fact that the time difference from New York to California was 3 and 4. She didn't complain. Didn't give a reason as to why not, even if she had trillions of them. She didn't try to change his mind. She simply said okay, and wished him the best. She still loved him though.
The words that her grandpa had spoken replayed in her brain every time she questioned why she still thought about him; "You never stop loving anyone sugar, you just kinda love someone stronger. If you stop loving them, then you never loved them to begin with" She thought about that, and that made her feel better. Maybe there was someone out there who she would love more than she loved Grayson.
With a quiet sigh, she put her journal away, switching it with a book she picked up at the library a few days prior, yet read a million times.
To Kill A Mockingbird is a book she read many times in school, mostly everyone has. It's the one book from school she actually enjoyed, so she picked it up from the book shop down the street from her apartment before work one day, and didn't get to read it until now.
She opened the book with a small smile, the sensation of the book against her finger bringing nothing but happiness to her, and took her mind off whatever was bothering her. She lost herself in the book, almost done with half of the book before her alarm rang, signaling it was time for work. She left a 20 on the table after putting all her stuff away in her backpack and walking out of the shop and towards her job which was a paid internship at a local hospital downtown, all she did was watch and help out with minor cases like cuts, sprains, X Ray's and the occasional stuff like questioning. She entered the hospital, sanitizing herself and changing into her uniform, walking over to her area, that being the Pediatrics Emergency room where her boss, mentor, whatever you might want to call him, Dr. Reyez, and the rest of the team were waiting for her.
"Morning everyone," she chirped at the tired yet awake health care workers, who all had smiles on their faces. "Morning Y/N, you're going to be practicing by yourself today, can you handle it?" Dr. Reyez asked her, which she just nodded her head with a smile. There wasn't a single ounce of doubt in her brain.
"I'm pretty sure yes! And I can just reach out to you guys if anything, right?"
"Yeah, just page us if anything. Your first patient should be here soon, just go wait by the desk," Reyez instructed her and that's exactly what she did. She sat on the desk for over 20 minutes until someone came in with a toddler covered in rashes.
"Hi baby, I just need to ask you and mommy a few questions, yeah?" She sweetly and patiently asked the 5 year old as his mom was filling out some papers, to which he just nodded his head.
"Okay, Xavion, did you eat something new today? Maybe something you've never eaten?" She asked and both the mom and son nodded their heads.
"Do you think he was allergic to something?" The mom asked, causing Y/N to shrug.
"Well, it depends. We need to get an allergy test for him. It doesn't hurt or anything, we just scratch and pour a drop of the allergen over it and see how they react. Mom, do you happen to remember what he ate today for the first time?" She replied by recording some notes down on her clipboard before telling a nurse to get an Allergy Antibody Test ready.
"He ate everything that he usually does except for some broccoli I gave him," the mom replied and Y/N nodded her head before writing it down on her clipboard and walking them to the testing room.
Once the results came back around half an hour later, Xavion was, in fact, allergic to broccoli, and other things that Y/N had to explain to the mother. She got about 15 minutes of break time before Reyez called her another minor emergency.
"It's an 11 year old, possible breakage or sprain to the leg, you can handle this one right?" He asked and she nodded her head, "Good, they're in room 217, good luck," he added before sending her off to the room.
She quickly made her way over to it, grabbing her clipboard on the way, "Hi, I'm Dr.Y/LN, I'm going to be taking care of you guys today! May I have the child's name and date of birth please?" She nicely asked as she walked inside the room, quickly walking over to the desk area that was in the corner and placing her stuff down.
"Uhhh, Caleb Dolan, August 17, 2008," a deep voice that she could recognize from anywhere spoke as she turned around. Her heart dropped at the sight of Grayson in front of her. She tried to reassemble herself, after all, she couldn't make any mistakes right now, Reyez was trusting her and she couldn't afford to mess the opportunity up.
"Caleb, August 17, 2008," she mumbled as she wrote it down on her piece of paper, "Caleb, do you mind telling me what happened, babe?" She asked with a smile on her face. Her smile turned into a small frown as she looked up at the boy who happened to be in pain.
"Me and uncle Gray were practicing for the soccer game that's next and I fell on the mud and hit my leg really hard," he explained as she walked towards him nodding her head.
"On a scale of 1 to 10, One being okay while 10 being the worst, how would you rate the pain?" She asked, walking over to the walk to grab a pair of gloves, putting them on, and walking back towards him.
"Uhh a seven," he replied and she nodded her head.
"Okay Caleb, just know this might hurt a little okay? It's just protocol to check if it's dislocated, broken, or sprained okay?" She asked and he nodded his head, a few tears falling down his face from fear. Grayson quickly leaned down to wipe off his face whispering a quiet 'you'll be okay' as Caleb grabbed his hand.
"Can you try and move your ankle for me? Just try and move it," she explained and he muttered at quiet yes before moving his foot in a slow circle, she nodded her head before placing both hands over his ankle checking for any bumps, which there were none to find, "Luckily for you Caleb, it's just sprained! There are no bumps meaning it's not dislocated, and you can move it meaning it's not fractured! Just to make sure, we're going to need an X Ray' just to make sure there are no hidden surprises yeah? Dr. Lindsey will do those with you, and I'll be right here when you come back," she smiled up at the boy before Dr. Lindey moved him to a wheelchair and took him to the X Ray room, leaving Y/N and Grayson alone in painful silence.
"So this is what you do? This is where you work?" Grayson was the first to speak after a couple of quiet seconds,
She cleared her throat and nodded her head, placing her hands inside her white jacket, "Yeah. It's a paid internship so it's basically a job, what about you? What are you doing here?" She asked to make direct eye contact with him.
"Moved here after me and E graduated, looking for some roles and an agent," he spoke, his voice not as deep yet shakier than when he first spoke.
"Any luck with that?"
"Yeah. We've landed a few small roles here and there," he answered and she just nodded her head.
"That's good! I'm glad everything's working out for you," She gave him a genuine smile before continuing to fill out Caleb's paperwork.
"Listen, I know it's been 2 years but-," Grayson began to speak before Y/N cut him off. "-Grayson just don't. I'm at work right now, and it's enough seeing you after 2 years, but I don't really need this right now. I'm sorry," She apologized before leaving the room to get some papers before walking back in, thankfully Caleb was already in the room when she walked in.
"I'm going to wrap your ankle up with this and then you're good to go, buddy. Make sure you don't apply pressure on it for two weeks. And carefully when you're playing any sport, I don't want you back here," she said while wrapping his ankle up carefully. She gave Grayson the discharge papers, their hands touching each other for a split second before she pulled away waving them off before walking to where her team was.
"That guy was looking at you intensely," Reyez pointed out, earning a glare from her.
"Don't even start," she rolled her eyes before taking a sip from her water bottle that was on her desk.
"Wait is that the?" Jacob, one of the nurses, asked and she nodded her head.
"Yeah, that's him," she sighed, shaking her head.
"Holly shit Y/N, I knew you said he was hot, but girl? That man is hotter than-,"
"Mackenzie, don't you dare," Y/N joked towards her other co-worker, "God why do you do this to me? I was almost over him and then you put him on my path again? The universe hates me,"
"I'd go for it again if I were you," Mackenzie encouraged earning a glare from her.
"Alright, leave her alone before she starts to crumble, Mackenzie go fill out reports, Y/N go take a breather," Reyez ordered them around and they all nodded their heads, going on their way to do what they were told.
. . .
Soft snores began to quietly run past her lips as she drifted off to sleep, all before a feeling of suddenly falling down an empty whole woke her up. She shook her head letting out a quiet 'fuck' before turning to look towards the clocks on her nightstand, 3:30 AM being brightly displayed on it. Y/N let out a loud sigh, knowing she wouldn't be going back to sleep anytime soon.
Her mind suddenly clouded with knotted thoughts and notions, too many of them just to focus on a single one. She pushed her body up, just enough for her to reach over and grab the small yellow backpack that she lazily threw on the floor, pulling her journal and pen out before throwing it back on the floor.
She clicked the pen and opened the journal, blank pages waiting to be filled up, her hand delicately moved along the paper as she scribbled letters and words on the empty pages, thoughts clearing out of her head, one by one.
I saw him today. He looked different. He's grown. After it all, it has been two years. His voice is deeper too. He wanted to talk, but I said no. Maybe if I did, I would fall for him again, or something. I'm doing just fine, so why did he have to move here. Anyway, Reyez finally allowed me to take care of patients by myself today. It was fun, I liked it, I guess. Luckily I'm free tomorrow because I can't sleep at all now. Maybe it's the repeating thoughts of him running through my mind, or just simply the lack of melatonin in my body right now. I'll probably go to the park tomorrow, stop at the cafe first then make my way there, but anyway, I'm going to try and sleep now.
It was a quick entry, nothing special, just her major thoughts being written down, just enough for her to feel better. She got up from the bed walking over to the kitchen grabbing a water bottle before leaning against the counter and sipping it. She crossed her bare legs over each other, looking out of the big window in her living room. Her favorite part about the apartment? It was the window that looked down on bright LA city. Y/N could sit there for hours and not notice the time pass by, she knows this because it happened before. She left the kitchen and walked towards the window, propping her body down on the small couch she had in front of the window. She laid her head on her hand, watching the few cars that sped down the street, the small yet bright red lights disappearing into the distance as her eyes followed them until they could.
Her eyes softly closed as she laid down on the couch, drifting off into another universe. The next morning she woke up at around 8 AM, doing her daily routine, except she stopped at the Cafe, picked her things up, and made her way to the park. It was an old park, there was an old playground that seemed like it hadn't been used in years. She sat down on an old bench drinking her coffee as she watched the scenery.
She didn't take her notebook out, her mind not having any thoughts, or at least no thoughts relevant enough for her to write down. She just took her time to take her surroundings in. She admired how the wind moved the trees, yet they were so strong they didn't crack. The way the birds lifted off whatever surface they were, and drifted off into the sky. She admired the rare butterflies that randomly appeared just to disappear once again. She simply admired the earth, something that she didn't do quite often; Always being too deep in her thoughts to actually study the things around her.
"They're beautiful aren't they?" Grayson's voice spoke out of nowhere, making Y/N do a slight jump in her seat as her heart raced.
She brought her hand up to her chest, a sigh falling past her lips as she glared at Grayson who was chuckling, "You fucking scared me,"
"Sorry," he sighed, sitting down next to her.
They both let out sighs. Both knowing that there was no escaping the conversation that was about to happen, a conversation that was long due.
"You could, hmm, you could go first," she spoke after a few moments of silence, throat dried making her clear it in the middle of some of her words.
"I'm sorry about yesterday. You were working, and Ummm, it wasn't the right place or time to talk about things. I'm also sorry because I never gave you an explanation as to why we should've broken up. After all, you didn't ask anyway," He softly spoke. He thought every word through, studied each meaning before letting them run past his lips.
"I didn't ask because it's what you wanted. Your decision was clearly made. I mean, I don't think breaking up with someone is a spontaneous thought is it? Your decision was made, and if you felt like I was holding you back, then I had to let you go, if I loved you, then I think I did the right thing." Her words were careful too. And quiet, so quiet feeling that if she spoke too loud the things around her would break.
"I didn't want to break up. I felt like it was the right thing to do, you know? We were always so busy, and we made time for each other, but it was exhausting. And when you were out with friends, I felt like I was annoying you or something," he sighed and she shook her head, the thought of her ever getting annoyed at Grayson's presence being absurd.
"Oh God absolutely not," she chuckled, "I thought I was annoying you. Like I wondered if you talked about me, or not. I wanted to know if I annoyed you because I felt like I did,"
It was true. In her journal, multiple pages were filled out with her question herself on whether Grayson talked about her or not. Even after the breakup, she wondered if he'll ever need her. Most pages were about him, all of her thoughts revolved around him, always.
"I did. All the time, to the point where I said your name subconsciously," he smiled, remembering the conversations he had with his friends about her, and how great she was.
"I did too, well not say but write," she sighed, leaning her back on the bench.
"You wrote about me?"
"Grayson you know I did, that's a dumb question," She shook her head, taking a sip of the coffee that was somehow still warm.
"Do you still write about me?" He asked and she stayed quiet, not knowing whether she should answer truthfully or not.
"Honestly speaking, I do. I write about everything that comes to mind, so sometimes? Yeah," she sighed, knowing that it would be easier if they just told the truth.
Maybe this was the closure that they both needed, yet never got. Maybe this was going to help her fully move on from him, and have thoughts that don't include her.
Or maybe not. Maybe this would help them reconnect. Y/N left it all up to the universe. She was a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and that you can't change your future since it's already written about. When she got home after a couple of hours she took a shower, lit on her favorite candles, and did the expected. She took out her notebook and wrote.
We spoke today. He told me the reason why we broke up. It wasn't an intentional meeting though, I was just admiring nature. I was looking at the butterflies I think. He randomly spoke. And I know it was long due and needed so I just told him to say it. It's better to just get it over with than to just keep pushing it back, I think. He told me why he wanted to break up, which right now, sounds like a valid reason. I just wonder why he didn't just say it back then. It would've saved me a lot of nights, don't you think? He now knows I write about him, and where I go to write about him. Maybe I shouldn't go there anymore. It sounds out of this world I know. But maybe, just maybe, I should just close that chapter in my life.
There are just too many memories of him at Beachwood. That's where he surprised me the first time he came to visit. And it's where I write about him the most. I could find another cafe near here, there's plenty.
I just wonder if we're ever going to see each other again. If I'll ever fall for him again, if that is even possible. Because I don't think you could fall for the same person twice, right?
That was the last page in her journal. All the pages filled with her delicate letters, her writing being eternal. Filled with on-going words until the end, where an unanswered question laid. The weight that was once on her shoulders began to fade, and for once in her life, the thought of her future no longer made her afraid.
 This is the first time I’m proud of a something I wrote, so if this flops, I will deactivate! Just kidding, sort of. Anyways, yeah, I feel like my writing has improved, and as always, if you have any tips, and/or constructive critism, please, please, please drop them in my inbox, and don’t worry, I won’t say your hurting my feelings lmfao!! 
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