#naval combat games
defensenow · 2 months
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kalscattergood · 3 months
"I never stream on Saturday, come on Kevin, you should care more about my life.
Wow, that may be the most conceited thing I've ever said."
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Console Strategy Tactics Games of 1993 - Compilation Part 4
Compilation of strategy tactics games released on consoles in 1993, this is part 4 of 4 and features Shining Force II, Super Battleship The Classic Naval Combat Game, Super Godzilla and The Mahjong Tōhaiden as well as Honourable Mentions for Tenka Tairan, Arslan Senki, Battleship, CD Battle: Hikari no Yūshatachi, Dark Wizard, Eiyū Sangokushi, Jangō World Cup, Kisō Louga, Mahjong on the Beach, Mega Schwarzchild, Pirates! Gold, Sexy Idol Mahjong, Super Real Mahjong PIV, Sword Master, Tadaima Yūsha Boshūchū and Third World War. 
0. Intro 00:00 
1. Shining Force II 00:15 
2. Super Battleship The Classic Naval Combat Game 11:09 
3. Super Godzilla 21:24 
4. The Mahjong Tōhaiden 30:35
5. Honourable Mentions 39:01 
6 Outro 44:21 
For Other Compilation videos check out this playlist 
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marvinparnada777 · 7 months
The Ultimate Guide to World of Warships Vladivostok
Are you ready to dominate the high seas in World of Warships Vladivostok? Look no further, as we've got the ultimate guide to help you master this powerful ship.
The Vladivostok is a Tier VIII Soviet battleship known for its strong armor and impressive firepower. It boasts nine 406mm guns that can deal massive damage to enemy ships.
When playing the Vladivostok, make sure to position yourself strategically to maximize the effectiveness of your guns. Utilize your armor to absorb damage while dishing out punishment to your foes.
Keep an eye on your team's positioning and support them as needed. The Vladivostok excels at leading the charge and engaging enemies head-on. Don't be afraid to push forward and show your enemies who's boss.
Remember to manage your cooldowns effectively and use your consumables wisely to gain the upper hand in battle. Communication with your team is key to securing victory in World of Warships Vladivostok.
Thanks for watching this guide on the Vladivostok. If you found this video helpful, don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more World of Warships content. See you on the high seas!
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tabletopbellhop · 1 year
New #Boardgame #Unboxing
Seas of Havoc: Sea Monster Edition from Rock Manor Games
This is a mash up of Naval Wargame, Deck Builder and Worker Placement Engine Builder that manages to blend all that extremely well.
Check out what you get in the box!
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kinokochouchou · 1 year
just finished ac odyssey and while it's a solid game, my grip with it is abrupt ending to quests. like, all of them. they feel like we're done here? OK, next. I can't explain it well
but overall the game is around 8/10 for me
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mornyavie · 1 year
D&D is a common TTRPG and for a lot of people the first or only one they hear of. This leads occasionally to a phenomenon where people will try to use it for a playstyle it's deeply unsuited for, because they don't realize that there's systems better designed for their favorite version of playing pretend with their friends. Thus "there are other games" has become a somewhat common statement / joke.
As someone who does like D&D, I do feel that the "there are games other than D&D" sentiments occasionally start to act as if all other games are just better at everything and people only play D&D because they're brainwashed. This is silly, and I think the phenomenon is often overstated.
I was on a forum recently and
We're starting a no magic 3.5 campaign with all characters are level 2 with 450 gold, but masterwork items cost 5x as much as normal. This campaign is mostly going to be taking on a pirate ship, and I was wondering if you guys knew of any useful little mundane items that can be bought/made cheaply?
WHY are you playing this in D&D????
I've never said this before but I think GURPS would be a better option.
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linuxgamenews · 2 years
Waves of Steel to face brand new threats in v1.0
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Waves of Steel naval combat sim game launches on both Linux and Windows PC. Which is the result of the labor thanks to developer TMA Games. Which is available on Steam with 89% Very Positive reviews. Waves of Steel is the build your own battleship (BYOB) arcade naval combat sim from TMA Games. Which has successfully navigated the waters of Early Access. Today, it finally docks at v1.0, bearing a weighty cargo of new over the top naval combat gameplay. Doing so after nearly four long years. The developers originally started working on Waves of Steel back in 2019. Then hitting Early Access in July 2021. Which was due to be a relaxing project for down-time between jobs. Needless to say, things got a little out of control. But the important thing is, the game is complete. Venture into v1.0’s single player campaign, now including the debut of the final 7 of the story’s 33 missions. Confront brand new threats, including ships that can transform into Gundam-inspired mechs. Also, the overwhelming power of “The Biggest Gun”. Equip ships with beyond cutting edge weaponry like railguns and plasma torpedoes. Test out special abilities that let a 50000 ton warship dance like a fighter jet.
Waves of Steel launch trailer
Upgrade your mighty vessel by collecting the remains of fallen foes. ANd also discovering hidden treasures. Customize the more than 50 different playable ships with over 450 different ship parts. Make any ship as historically (in)accurate as you want with custom flags, paint jobs, and decals. Take advantage of the Waves of Steel extensive accessibility options. So you can customize controls, set any or all weapons to autofire, and change the HUD’s colors. Even tweak the game’s speed. Set up grand melees in Free Play mode against your choice of ships from across the entire campaign. Anyone and everyone can take to the captain’s chair. Then conquer the cartoonishly dangerous waters of Waves of Steel. Streamer captains can put fate in the hands of viewers. All thanks to Crowd Control integration. The audience can call down raining meteors and orbital lasers, or scramble your controller. They can activate cheats like Big Head Mode. Even turn individual enemy ships into specially named minibosses. Waves of Steel naval combat sim game launches on Steam. Along with a 25% discount, dropping the price to $14.99 USD / £11.61 / 12,59€. Along with support for Linux and Windows PC. Plus the games also Steam Deck Verified.
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dailyadventureprompts · 9 months
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Dungeon: The Narrow Out
Looking to slip past the imperial naval blockades, you and your fellow strangers have paid for passage aboard a smuggler’s ship. Something's gone wrong however, you were supposed to meet at the mouth of the old sea cave but the person who was to be your guide hasn’t shown. With no hope of turning back, your only chance of escape is to press onwards into the dark.
This adventure starter is intended as an intro for a group of newer players and provides an introduction to a campaign full of mysteries, hidden motives, and nautical swashbuckling.  It lets you get a group of unrelated characters together, give them a starting point to begin constructing their backstories (why they need to leave the land under blockade), and familiarize them with the game’s mechanics (whichever that game might be) before sending them out into the world for larger adventures. 
Challenges & Complications
After some brief introductions at the mouth of the cave (perhaps asking how everyone is dealing with the chill of the evening, and the stress of trying to slip past the military blockade), you can send the party into the mouth of the cave with the shared understanding that their contact is long overdue. Finding their way through the caves is essential to them obtaining their freedom, but solving the mystery of what happened to their contact will prevent the same from falling into a similar fate. 
The initial leg of the journey through the cave is full of darkness, dead ends, and the usual denizens of any low level dungeon. The idea here is to teach your party the basics of game mechanics ( combat, skill challenges etc) before they get into exploration proper. These early tunnels are little more than various natural caves that the smugglers use as a buffer between their hideout and the outside world, sometimes creating false trails that lead would be interlopers into traps. 
The interior of the smuggler’s lair is an old fortress built into the walls of the cave itself, a secret dock constructed during the Grey Duke’s Revolution (or whichever conflict fits your campaign backstory)  and lost in the subsequent shift of power.  Since then it’s become a place for the smugglers to store their ill gotten good while blocking off several sections for being too dangerous to utilize, which just may prove to have unclaimed valuables. 
The smuggler’s ship, the Singing Eel is awaiting the party at the dock, all decked out and ready to sail but with no one apparently on board.  It’s an eerie sight, made all the eerier by the discovery that several of the innocuous statues stashed away in the cargo hold are in fact former members of the crew, victims of the flock of cockatrices the smugglers were transporting at a noble’s behest who managed to escape their cages and now lurk in the ship. 
While the party’s contact is stone dead, the rest of the crew is hold up in one of the old fortifications, ordered to hide by their all too cautious captain who’s scared of the beasts attacking.  The cockatrices haven’t left yet because one of their number, the lone rare female is still stuck in her cage, kept alive by the males foraging for her and passing food. The smugglers are on the edge of mutiny, some want to bolt, some want to try and fight, some want to recover their deadly cargo for the rich payout they were promised, and the party can have a strong impact depending on which side they talk up. Alternatively, if enough of the party are proficient in sailing, the thought might occur to them to cut the smugglers out of the deal entirely and take the ship and/or the surviving cockatrices for themselves and risk the blockade. 
While they’re exploring the old dock ruins, the party can come across a number of documents which might include maps of the dungeon, clues to hidden treasure, backstory on the cockatrices, blackmail information on the crew, as well as a hint of treasure in the location they’re headed off to. 
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theresattrpgforthat · 1 month
Do you have any recommendations for games with fantasy pirates and tactical combat? I've really been enjoying running Pirate Borg, but I'm missing my crunchy strategy mini games. Thanks for everything you do for the community!
Theme: Tactical Pirate Fantasy
Hello friend, so by ‘tactical’ my best guess as to what you’re looking for is games that provide your characters with multiple options when it comes to resolving conflicts, with some options being better than others. This may or may not include maps in combat, but I think it might also include environmental considerations, buffs or de-buffs for using specific pieces of gear, and accounting for range or position when firing a gun.
However, really tactical games are much harder for me to find, probably because there’s so much math that goes into them. I did my best to give you a range of options, but I’m not entirely sure how well any one of these pirate games match your definition of ‘tactical’.
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Bilge Rats, by Games by Cass.
Take to The Sea of Mischief and gamble your life away on high seas adventures as ratfolk pirates. Chase buried treasure, hunt wannabe pirate lords, and engage in some all together unsavoury action in Bilge Rats: A Sea of Mischief. This 78 page guide has everything you need to get your adventures on The Sea of Mischief up and running--except for the d6 dice, cups, and pencils you're gonna need. So, dust off your tricorn caps, get your cutlass shined, and get ready to set sail!
Bilge Rats’ form of strategy is probably unlike what you think of when you think of a tactical game, but I think it’s interesting and worth taking a look at! The basic system is centred around a game called “Liar’s Dice”, which involves rolling, bluffing if you don’t succeed, and calling other’s bluffs. You roll a pool of d6’s, with the difficulty being determined by a) the minimum number to beat to be considered a success and b) the number of successes you need to do the thing. As a player you’ll have to decide when a roll is worth bluffing, and if you enter PVP, it’s also about determining when your opponent is bluffing - challenge someone when they’re right, and you’ll pay the cost!
That being said, I think the most tactical part of this game comes into play during naval battles. Your character type is called a “Duty”, which determines your role upon the ship, your order of initiative, and a number of skill values. You’ll also have to consider wind speed, wind direction, and the roughness of the waves every time you engage in combat on a boat, so making strategic choices to improve your odds is probably pretty important.
The Runed Age, by Stormforge Productions.
In a world where magic and technology have fused together, where the limits that man is capable of have been broken, where a man can destroy the world with a stroke of a pen, the poor starve and the rich prosper off the blood of innocence. A world that should be a utopia has been turned by greed and pride into a battlefield where the poor wage war in the shadows for the ambitions of the wealthy. You are one of these scoundrels, these rogues, these pirates who struggle for the sport of the rich to achieve the glory, the riches, the power to break your chains and surpass the limits of The Runed Age.
The Runed Age is built on the Sigil System, a robust d100 roll-under system that allows you to play as narratively or simulationist as you want. The d100 genre of systems is a tried a true roleplaying method, and what sets the Sigil System (and thus the Ruined Age) apart from the rest is its combat and wounds system, which reflects the stresses and rigours of combat on the body to make combat as realistic as possible. This means that every fight in the Runed Age is a gritty, epic and lethal struggle for survival where you need to be prepared to do your best just to outlive your opponent.
The Runed Age is saturated with magic, using Runes as a mechanic to write your own spells. The openness of the system means that players have a lot of control over what they do with their magic, but the game definitely rewards system mastery because every time you try to write a spell, you’ll have to consider fiddly bits like power, range, and control.
When it comes to rolling dice, the system is heavily inspired by Call of Cthulhu. One review I found for this game mentions a possibility for tactical play, so I’m assuming that combat is more survival than CoC. If you want magic to be a significant part of the game, you probably want to check out The Runed Age.
Blood & Thunder, by Black Flag Printing Press.
You are a cutthroat aboard a pirate ship, seeking the fortune and glory that awaits those strong enough to take it. Brave the waterways of Erda and get rich or die trying in this nautical piracy TTRPG.
Lethal combat meets reactive gameplay at the infantry scale. Board, capture, or sink enemy vessels with naval play. Boasting rules for three dimensional range-finding and movement, even a regular swim in the ocean can become a deadly hazard as you're ripped apart by sharks, sea monsters, or something far worse.
Blood & Thunder is definitely fantastical, just judging from the races that you can choose from. Like D&D, your character choices are pre-packaged with stat bonuses and special abilities, but unlike D&D, you us a d100 for most of your rolls. Difficulty levels range from 0-100, with a limit on what you can even attempt to do depending on how high your skill rating is. If you can roll, you’ll aim to roll under your max skill rating.
Character levelling is also strategic; you need to meet certain requirements to take specific careers. Combat is also pretty dependent on a grid map, which I interpret to mean that range and positioning are two factors that you’ll have to consider, as well as an action economy that ensures that you’ll have to make your moves count.
Pirates and Musketeers, by Andrezj Buhlak.
The 17th century was rich in interesting events, political intrigues, bloody wars, and sea voyages. This book is a gateway to this fascinating period of history. If "dry history" is not enough for you, you can spice it up with fantastic assumptions, including vampires, werewolves, sea monsters and ancient ruins.
Pirates and Musketeers uses the Year Zero engine, which provides you with a number of d6s to roll that come from your base traits, character skills, and character gear. You have the ability to “push” your roll should your initial effort fail, which you will likely do often, as only 6’s are considered a success. However, should you “push” (or “re-roll”) your roll, any 1’s that you roll will also inflict penalties, doing damage to a stat or your gear. This means that in many stages of game-play, players will be balancing how much they value success against how many consequences they’re willing to face.
Language-wise, I’m not really a big fan of the way the game uses the term “savages.” The time period in this game is at the strength of many colonial empires, and some of that definitely bleeds through, so pick up this game with caution.
Caraval Crew, by iotsov.
A low fantasy TTRPG that focuses on sailing ships.
Right now, as far as I can tell, Caravel Crew is untested, but it has a lot of pieces for you to pick up and fiddle with. Combat has a lot of different kinds of options for your characters to exploit, with different outcomes if you bash, stab, shoot, parry, grapple, etc. There’s different weapons that are useful for different skills, and getting new weapons costs gold - an important resource to track. You’ll have a number of resources that you’ll need to keep track of and monitor, including hit points and something called EP.
On top of that, there’s also social and survival rules, so if you want a game that gives you engaging combat while still giving thought to other parts of the game, maybe pick up Caraval Crew and take it for a test drive!
24XX Skeleton Crew, by Jonah Boyd.
Dead men DO tell tales… on the other side. Skeleton Crew takes place in the sailor’s purgatory, Davy Jones’ Locker. When one dies at sea, their soul is brought to the Locker for a vast voyage to judge their fate. Some sailors only spend a few days in the Locker, but many form swashbuckling crews to preserve their non-lives for weeks, months, or years before judgement calls.
24XX games are another approach to the OSR (the same house of game design that fuels Pirate Borg), but use different-sized dice to represent a larger skill. I think there’s still more chance than strategy here, but again, this is a game that you could probably pull things from and then put into another system if you’re looking flavour.
The few fiddly bits that do exist in this game are things like different kinds of ships and different toys to put onto the ship - two things that you might be able to tack onto a game that doesn’t currently think about them, and thus opening up more pieces to consider should you get into a fight. Your ship could also come with flaws - what happens if you get in a fire-fight with a ship that has misfiring cannons? How might that complicate the battlefield?
You can also combine this game with another similar 24XX game, such as 14XX Golden Age to broaden your character origins or give yourself a few extra rules toys to play with.
Islands of the Far Sea, by Kindred Spirits, and Lilliputian, by ManaDawn Tabletop Games.
Islands of the Far Sea is a pirate-themed hack of Chris McDowell's Into the Odd, taking place in the Islands of the Oddworld. Play as one of seven Failed Careers in your new days as a Treasure-Hunter!
Lilliputian: Adventure on the Open Seas is an adventure game about exploring the vast and expansive ocean,  filled with uncharted islands, hidden treasure, weird weather and unspeakable horrors. Character creation is fast, fun and random, classless, and relies on fictional advancement. It is based on Mausritter by Isaac Williams, Into The Odd by Chris McDowall and Cairn by Yochai Gal, as-well-as so many more.
Into the Odd and Mausritter use the same bones, and both of these game books acknowledge that inspiration, although Lilliputian also draws quite a bit from Cairn. I don’t consider either of these games to be tactical games - but what they do have is possibilities that can be imported into other games. The Failed Careers from Islands of the Far Sea are packaged skills and gear that you can give a character to start with. They will then have to figure out how to make their kit work for the problems they walk into.
Lilliputian also has specific rules for naval combat, as well as lots and lots of random tables. I think more than anything it communicates a specific vibe, but taking a little bit from one game and a little bit from another is one way to customize your experience - as well as give your players more options when trying to figure out how to tackle their next salty obstacle.
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defensenow · 1 month
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
Detailed tests on the damage capability of kinetic energy weapons against US military armour have found it could be possible to take out a tank in one shot – even if it does not look like any damage has occurred.
That was the conclusion of Chinese scientists who conducted the in-depth assessment of kinetic weapons through experiments and numerical simulations.
They found that a solid sphere, weighing 20kg (44lb) and hurtling towards its target at about four times the speed of sound, could spell disaster for advanced tanks manufactured to US military standards.
The kinetic energy carried by such a projectile would be around 25 megajoules. This value may seem large, but when converted into electrical energy it is less than 7 kilowatt-hours, scarcely more than the energy it takes to cook two turkeys for Christmas.[...]
it was found that bolts connecting important equipment to the inner cabin wall could fracture. Even if the crew survived the impact, they would be unable to return the tank to its normal combat state.[...]
“Under high-speed kinetic projectile impact, certain typical locations in the armoured target exhibit impact response spectrum lines with amplitudes at certain frequencies exceeding the safety limits recommended by the US military standard MIL-STD-810,” Huang’s team wrote.
“Components at these locations have a high probability of failure due to overload damage,” they said.[...]
high-speed kinetic projectiles have the potential to achieve lethal damage even upon grazing contact, and their launching methods can be diverse.
Chinese naval scientists recently claimed that they have installed an electromagnetic coil gun on to a land-based wheeled platform and conducted rapid consecutive firing tests. This coil gun has the ability to accelerate heavy spheres to incredible speeds in the blink of an eye. Photos of this new weapon circulated on Chinese social media, sparking much speculation and excitement.
While the mobile coil gun might have appeared primitive, just as the early tanks did, some military experts believed it to be a game-changer. If electricity replaces gunpowder as the driving force behind lethal weapons, the landscape of future warfare will never be the same.[...]
Tank crews often point the front of the vehicle towards the energy, as this section is designed to be the most rugged and able to withstand the most firepower. But a kinetic projectile hitting this section would send destructive stress into the tank’s interior, potentially causing catastrophic damage to its firepower capabilities.
“The grip of the tank gun stabiliser console can be shaken off, the wiring base of the console pulled out completely, all connections between the fire control computer and the turret severed, resulting in a substantial loss of firepower,” the researchers said.
1 Jan 24
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maryangelex · 1 year
To Be Alone With You
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Simon “Ghost” Riley x f! Original Character
A/N: Hello!! This is my first time writing fanfiction ever and I'm so obsessed with Ghost I thought I'd give it a shot. This is written with an OC in mind, but I'm writing it with nothing descriptive so it can be read as reader-insert, only mentions callsign "Angel" and some character background for plot purposes. Unless y’all would like to read about my OC! Anyways, enjoy, and let me know what ya think!!!!
Summary: A new member gets added to task force 141, and Ghost can’t keep himself together for long.
Warnings: NSFW! MDNI! Third-person POV, Smut, p in v sex (fantasy), masturbation, strong language, horny ass pining, descriptive language, combat injury, blood, military inaccuracy, game inaccuracy, OOC Ghost (?), not proofread, first fic
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The 141 Task Force was a well-established team, led by Captain Price, Lieutenant "Ghost" Riley, and Sergeants "Soap" MacTavish and "Gaz" Garrick. As a team, they dove head-first into danger, every risk necessary to be taken, and they did a damn fine job every time. Regardless, Laswell thought this new mission in Las Almas called for new additions to the force.
"She goes by 'Angel'", Laswell states, sliding a file across the table to Price.
"Right," he responds, opening the manila folder with extensive records and information on the new member. "I can see why with a face like that. Looks like a sweetheart," he scoffed.
"She was top of her class in the Naval Academy and a Navy SEAL, one of the handful of women on the job," she started, "She's just as skilled as your boys Garrick and MacTavish, maybe better. She's taken down guys the size of your Lieutenant"
Laswell would've only noticed someone with actual talent, and Price knew this, he trusted her well enough to know she was a no-bullshit kind of woman. And given the information in the file in his hands, Angel sure was an ironic callsign.
"I trust you, Kate, so I know this dove's not gonna disappoint", he said glancing up at Laswell.
A lot of hope and expectations laid on her shoulders on Price’s behalf. Ghost had been notified about the new member upon his arrival with Soap in Las Almas. The two of them emerged from the evac and touched down on their new base. Friendly introductions were made between their other two new members for their time being in Las Almas, Rudy and Alejandro; then she came along, introduced by Price to the task force.
Soap looked like a kid on Christmas morning, fawning over her all giddy and jovial. It was like he’d never seen a girl before, she thought. He made multiple charming and flirtatious remarks at their first introduction, no shame in that one that’s for sure. But she liked the amicable dialogue, she knew they’d get along with him bringing some light to being in the suck.
Meanwhile there was Ghost, stoic and rigid. He shook her hand and gave her a cold yet approving handshake and introduced himself. Of course she already knew all about him, or at least what the gossip and folktales about him said he was; a direct, quiet, intimidating bloke that could kill with a glare and had an arsenal of skills, absolute killing machine with only his whit and sick dry humor saving him from being nonhuman. All she did was gawk at all 6’4 feet of him and get sucked into his expressive yet mysterious eyes. She’d never been so starstruck by a man before yet she kept her composure in front of him. Yet her mind couldn’t help but wander like a high school girl catching the first glimpse of her crush.
Ghost was a man of few words in general, but especially with people he’d just met or started working with. He kept it professional and distant, mainly because he never knew how long they’d last in a mission, so he kept his expectations low for everyone. Angel was an exception though, she piqued his interest. He had read her file handed over to him by Price prior to meeting her, and they both shared the same interest in her and her skills on the field: sharp sniper, close quarter combat expert, trained medic, the list went on with what she was capable of. The difference was how much more intensely Ghost had looked at her file. He would never admit it, but in reality he was captivated. In a professional level of course, nothing else.
Missions together went smoothly. She proved her skills and more time and time again. She made a good pair with Soap since they were out to work together the most often. Same as her with Gaz, they were a match made in heaven when it came to recon and agility missions. The three of them were insufferable, though, pestering and bickering with each other like triplets both in the field and off duty. Ghost was being driven mad, he already had enough with MacTavish annoying him through the radio, now he had to deal with Angel adding fuel to the fire. She did make him smile, though, sometimes even made him hold back laughs but God forbid anyone in the team knew he was a bit keen on her. Thank God for his mask hiding that away from everyone.
The team was cohesive with her as a new member for the months to come. Ghost didn’t think much of anything, not much of her besides quiet admiration and camaraderie, especially since she mainly worked with Soap. No big deal.
Except, after a mission gone awry and things getting sticky making the team struggle to get out alive, and Price having to chew out Angel and Soap for being careless, he decided it was best to change partnerships. Now, Soap was assigned to work with Price, and Angel with the Lieutenant, to teach her a thing or two and keep both of them in check under better supervision.
This is when shit hit the fan for Ghost, when he first stepped into the murky waters that were his feelings, the ones he didn’t even know he had.
Working with Angel was odd to him. He expected for it to be like how he worked with Soap, coordinated with the occasional friendly and comical banter they shared over radio. And it was like that with Angel in the beginning, the two made an amazing pair given their similarities in skill, traits, and resourcefulness.
It was too good of a match, though. Things were starting to get heavy for Ghost. He was starting to care too much about her, to get too protective of her in the field, the distance was getting shorter between them each mission.
On a supposedly easy intel mission, shit had gotten ugly really fast and really badly for them.
“Fuck, L.T.,” she panted, the two of them hiding behind a column of the building they were trapped in, getting shot at from all directions. “I’m hit, get my med pack will ya?”
“Fuckin’ hell, kid, you’re the medic, not me” he growled, rummaging through her gear for the first aid kit.
“No worries L.T. it’s not even that bad” she said with a breathy chuckle. The wound was oozing and spurting blood from her abdomen, her hand pressed against it keeping the pressure as best she could. She looked up at Ghost, who was fumbling with the kit finding a bandage to replace her hand on the wound with. He returned the gaze but his was colder and reprimanding, as if saying this is not the time to fuck around.
He pressed his much larger hand on her abdomen and although not visible he was concerned, a bit scared even. What the fuck was this? He’s never been this scared about a partner. He’s lost enough to not care as much anymore, to be used to it by now. So why was he so breathless and shaken by this girl’s injury?
“I’ll guide you, Ghost. The bullet went through. It looks real ugly with all this gushing but it hit my flank. See? Nothin’ important got hit” she said to him reassuringly, lifting herself up from the floor and lightly twisting to show him the hole the bullet went through on the right side of her waist. The two meet their gaze, his softened by her reassurance.
The two made it out of the building and back to the evac. Angel had guided Simon to tend to the wound and patch her up, and in return he basically carried her out of there.
That night back in HQ had Simon stressing, not because of the mission, not because of Angel’s injury, but because he was so god damn confused about what was clouding his mind so much. This new feeling he had. He felt restless and dazed by it. He felt like he failed that mission entirely by allowing Angel to get hurt, a new instinct to protect awoke in him. That night he couldn’t sleep, no amount of cigarettes out the window of his dorm calmed him down or made him make sense of these newfound feelings and fears.
From then on he was her shadow, and their distance became shorter as a result. Cheeky remarks, overly friendly banter sometimes escalating to flirty insults and jokes. Then came the light touches between the two, accidental of course. And his symptoms got worse each day.
His sleepless nights went from worries and memories of the battlefield to that of what a teenage boy would worry about.
He wanted her, and it was so hard for him to admit that to himself. He wanted her closer to him, he wanted the light touches between the two to become more comfortable, heavier, needier. He wanted her carnally. He thought about the times she was paired up with Johnny, how the two of them clicked and it sent him into a spiral. What if she laid awake at night the same way as him, but thinking about Soap? Or Gaz? Hell, even Price? Or none at all, and he was just horny and pining for her like a creep.
He thought of the softness of her skin when they touched, when she tended to his wounds how feathery her fingers felt in comparison to his calloused ones or the cold ones of any other nurse back at the base. How he hair swung in a braid when he was watching her back during missions. How she smelled when she was close to him, she smelled womanly with the salty tinge of her sweat from busting her ass on the field. It made him feral to think of her at the hands of another man, but he felt so stupid for it because it was the most plausible thing to happen, more so than for her to reciprocate his feelings, or at least for her to let him fuck her, at least once to get it out of his system.
Simon’s new nightly routine was of pacing around HQ finding something to busy himself with like paperwork or a smoke outside. He made his way back to his dorm after enough busywork and attempts to tire himself out. When he went to open the door to his room, she was there, leaning against the arch, and standing there as if waiting for him, with a sly smile plastered on her face.
“Can’t sleep?” She questioned.
“I could ask you the same thing”, he said, standing parallel to her.
She moved from the door as if inviting him to open it, which he complied with.
“Maybe we can help tire each other out”
Next thing he knows she’s sitting naked on his bed, baring herself to him. He’s standing at the foot of the bed looking down at her, admiring the sight in front of him. She’s putting on a show for him, caressing her breasts, down to her stomach and the space between her legs.
“Open your legs, sweetheart,” he says huskily “I know you want me to see.”
She spreads her knees, exposing her soaked cunt that she tenderly and slowly strokes. He’s salivating at the sight, as she slides her fingers through her folds, teasing herself, with her other hand massing her breast, taking a nipple between her index and middle finger. He watches her moan and throw her head back as she circles her clit, slowly, applying the right amount of pressure that sets her body alight.
She goes at it for some time before dipping her fingers in her hole, saturating them in her slick before reaching out to his unmasked mouth which he takes in with a low hum at the taste of it.
Except none of that actually happened, which is proven by Simon waking up alone in the darkness of his room in a cold sweat. He’s in pure terror, his face hot and red under his mask. Fuck, did he just dream that? He’s even more mortified by the tent his rock hard dick is pitching under his sheets.
Fuck, this can’t be fucking happening.
He gets up from his bed immediately, beelining for his en-suite. There’s no fucking way he’s caving into dreams like that, he feels like that’s disrespectful to his teammate, like his body’s betraying him. He removes his mask, turns on the cold shower and steps in, ice cold water hitting his scalding skin. His head sinks between his shoulders, hands placed against the wall in front of him as he lets the water hit from above, as he looks down at his erection.
It’s not helping, it’s not going down.
All he thinks about is the image of Angel sat pretty and baring herself to him in his bed. Of her hands traveling over her body. He brings two fingers to his lips, imagining hers, imagining how sweet she must taste. He closes his eyes and he’s taken back to his dream.
Fuckkk, he thinks. Now it’s not just his body that’s betraying him it’s his whole damn self, he’s giving in completely as he wonders what’s next. As he wonders what would happen if he took those dainty tender hands with those pretty painted nails and wrapped them around his thick throbbing cock. What would happen if he let her stroke him slowly with a mix of her slick and his spit.
Simon brings his own hand in the shower down to his cock and he strokes himself with that scenario playing in his mind behind his closed eyelids. He relishes in the feeling of his hand stroking himself, slowly at first like he pictures Angel would, then increasing the speed.
He thinks about what it would be like to have her mouth on it instead. Oh her full juicy lips, red and smooth, how they’d stretch around his girth, inching down from tip to base.
“That’s it, pretty girl”, he whispers with his eyes still shut and his hand still relieving his cock in the shower.
He thinks about her gagging on his length as he’s encouraging her to take more and more in until the hilt, until it’s encapsulated by her throat. He squeezes his dick thinking about it as he strokes it some more, picturing her bobbing her head at the same rhythm and speed as he’s using on himself. He’d put his hand on that braid she’s always got and grasp it firmly as he commands her head and dictates how deep and fast she can suck him off.
He’s a mess in the shower, moaning lowly and groaning to himself. He lets his head rest on his forearm against the wall, the water running down his back and his hand squeezing and pulling at his cock. His mind wanders some more and now he’s picturing his spit-covered cock lining himself with her pussy, slowly spreading her open, loosening up the tightness of it, molding her to his length. She’d make the cutest noises, they’d drive him insane. Her moans and mewls shooting straight to his cock, making him twitch inside of her. She’d feel so warm, wrapping his dick in her sopping cavern, making him feel whole like she’s a missing piece to his puzzle.
Simon’s stroking himself faster now, panting under the water, cupping his balls with his other hand as he imagines pounding into Angel, imagines the sounds he can pull from her and thinking of the sight of her splayed out under him as his dick is buried deep inside of her, then pulled out and rammed back in, keeping up the speed of his hand.
He’s at it for a few moments more, moving his hips and thrusting himself into his own hands as if he was fucking her. Until he starts to feel that burning pressure at the pit of his stomach, as his balls feel tighter with his release about to happen. And then he snaps. White hot ropes of cum shoot out of his cock, dripping into his hands and out onto the tile of the shower, flowing down the drain. He’s gasping and groaning, cursing at himself as his thighs vibrate from his orgasm. His mind a haze but fuck, he feels good. Like a moment of catharsis.
Now the struggle is gonna be looking at Angel without thinking of his late night activities. Now he’s given into his desires and carries more of the burden of wanting her without being able to have her.
A/N: WELP… Please leave some thoughts if you got this far, thanks for reading <3 divider credit to @cafekitsune
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Console Strategy Tactics Games of 1993 - Super Battleship The Classic Na...
Released on both the SNES and Genesis in 1993, Super Battleship The Classic Naval Combat Game is a video game adaption of the classic board game Battleship as well as a new take on the board game Super Battleship.
Developed by Synergistic Software and published by Mindscape and Playtronic Industrial, Super Battleship is one of many video games adaptions of this classic board game. Classic Battleship is one most of you will know, a square 10x10 grid where you place your ships and choose a square where you think an enemy ship is located until either your own or your opponents fleet is destroyed. 
Super Battleship features 8 different levels with a total of 16 missions, each varying from sinking enemy ships in a certain number of turns, escort missions, destroying enemy bases and defending certain locations from enemy ships.
The gameplay of Super Battleship is the same as regular Battleship, with the game playing out turn based with players able to move their ships around the map from a top-down perspective. When in range of an enemy ship a small mini-game takes place where the player and enemy ships trade broadsides until one is either sunk or retreats from the fight. 
1. Intro 00:00 
2. Gameplay 00:15 
3. Outro 10:18
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Console Strategy Tactics Games of 1993 
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I want naval battles in the next game. Give us amphibious mounts, movable boats, and a lot of island nations with large canals, rivers, and extensive docks for water-based combat
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racefortheironthrone · 9 months
Related to military academy question, how is it with around 15 years of peace by the time of Wo5K breaks out (barring one mostly naval campaign), you don't have more armies falling apart due to complete loss of institutional memory with logistics? No professional NCO or career officers, no war games or annual field exercises with levies, just knights and lords who try to keep up their *personal* skills like swordplay and jousting. How have the generals' skills not turned to rust?
Well, keep in mind that you're dealing with a premodern military regime in which there were no standing armies, relatively few professional NCOs (essentially just your men-at-arms and serjeants), and an officer class as opposed to career officers.
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As Bret Devereaux has pointed out, premodern militaries had very different standards when it came to training and especially when it came to logistics. You would have infantry drill as part of the day-to-day duties of household troops, you would have a version of cavalry drill in hunting and hawking, and you would have small-scale "war games" in the form of mêlées.
And then of course, you would have real-world experience. Now in ASOIAF, there has been nine years of peace (let's not forget that the Greyjoy Rebellion involved quite a bit of amphibious operations and sieges as well as a couple of naval battles), but there are also the near-constant private wars that don't rise to the level of meriting royal intervention, which would be a place where soldiers would gain combat experience in between major conflicts.
However, it was pretty much accepted that armies would consist of a motley of affinities and levies, different mercenary units, all loosely under the banner (remember, pretty rudimentary chain of command at this point) of officers whose last formal training in tactics and strategy was during their teenage years.
But "you are green, it is true; but they are green, also; you are green alike."
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