#neem oil time?
consolecadet · 2 years
Spider mite infestation in the plant hoard :(
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maxwellatoms · 3 months
I bought a Gartenmeister Fuchsia plant for my birthday back in January. It was a centerpiece all winter long, but recently it started looking a bit sickly. I'm not a "green" gerdener anymore (haha), but I am also by no means a master. I think it was infected with powdery mildew, but I also convinced myself it was spider mites. I try to keep things all -natural out there, so I dried it out and sprayed it with some neem oil after pruning it back a bit. I really should've pruned off all of the infected bits, but I didn't want to lose the flowers.
I did that a few more times, unable to commit to a hard prune because I kept telling myself "I don't know what I'm doing, so maybe it's not sick. Maybe it'll fix itself. Sure would be nice to have those flowers back." I finally gave up and cut it to the bone yesterday, but yesterday was too late. I had to remove every single leaf because I dithered for too long. It's probably not going to make it.
I feel the same way about our culture. US culture. Western culture (though its really a global problem). The Entertainment Industry. The Media. It's sick. We probably need some rather serious surgery to fix the problem, but we just will not see a doctor. To see a doctor would be to admit there's a problem, and for some that is the greatest sin of the 21st Century. Maybe some of us are just hoping the system will recover on its own so we can have our pretty flowers back.
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For me, it was around 2010 or so when I first started to smell something "off". The symptoms had certainly been around a while. This was just when I noticed. This was when I got my first, "Hey, let's not make fun of corporations" note. It's when The History Channel stopped airing stuff about history in favor of aliens because that's where the money was. And rather than rebranding, they just left it as "History", encouraging future generations to believe whatever they felt like. This was also about when traditional news outlets started skewing to clickbait in order to compete with sites that were clearly 100% not legitimate news sites. Again, as long as the money is right it's "just entertainment" and you' can're welcome to believe it if it means you'll watch more.
I'm all-in on Dead Internet Theory now. The disparity between what major news media outlets will report and what you see from actual people on Tumblr or Threads or Reddit is pretty shocking. And those sites are already compromised by bots and bad actors. The tools exist now to actively bamboozle millions of people, and I have no doubt we're already seeing some of this now. In six months or a year you'll find out it (whatever it was) never happened or was generated by an LLM. The time to stop listening to anyone online was a year ago.
Trust no one.
Not even me!
It's cultural rot. It's spreading faster and faster, and I'm not sure what happens when we get to the end of this ride. Actually, I AM sure what happens. If we don't prune back hard now, then the rot takes over. Best-case, you clip the infected branches off too late and it takes years to recover. Worst case? Nature soldiers on but the plant succumbs to infection and dies completely, replaced (eventually) by something that can actually hack it in that spot.
When humans produce art and information, and then comment on that art and information by producing more art and information, we call it "culture". We're moving toward a time when the vast majority of art and ideas we get out eyes on won't be created by humans. Or at the very least won't be created with the purpose of commenting on or enriching the organic human experience. When that happens, what will we call it? What will remain of our culture?
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kedreeva · 25 days
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My grape vine I planted like 6 years ago finally has grapes. I sprayed the plants with Neem oil early in the season because the damn beetles have chewed them up year after year. Seems to have worked, so for the first time I'm gonna get to try some wild riverbank grape fruits.
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anipgarden · 1 year
Un-Actions, or Restriction of Activities
This is my first post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert--just an enthusiast--but I hope something you find here helps! 
There’s a good handful of ways you can help increase biodiversity in your yard that don’t require buying things--in fact, these may actually help you save money in the long run! They may seem small and simple, but every bit counts! Whether you can do these in totality, or just limit how often you do these actions, it’ll make a difference.
Not Mowing, or Mowing Less Often
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Turf grass lawns are considered a monoculture, meaning they don’t provide much opportunity for insects to find habitat--so few other creatures find them enjoyable either. An expanse of turf grass is, in many ways, a barren wasteland in the eyes of wildlife--too exposed to cross, with few to no opportunities for food or shelter, leaving them exposed to blazing hot sun, freezing cold, or any predators that may be lurking nearby. A place to be avoided. The simple act of letting your grass grow unbothered gives a chance for wildflowers to grow, and for your grass to grow taller--providing more habitat for insects, which then provides more habitat to birds and other creatures that feed on said insects. Wildlife want nothing more than to skirt by unnoticed, so even leaving the grass tall along the edges of a fence or yard can help a little. Even restricting mowing to every other week, or at a higher blade setting, can be a huge help. If HOAs or city ordinances are fussy about lawn length in the front yard, you can likely still keep grass higher in the backyard. Or, you can create a ‘feature’ where grass is allowed to grow long in a specific area. If it looks purposeful, people are more likely to accept it. Not mowing under trees or close to shrubs not only leaves space for wildflowers to grow, but also means you don’t have to deal with mowing over bumpy roots and other difficulties. Cutting different areas at different times can be an option for letting grass grow long in some areas while still having available places for play and entertainment. I’ve seen some people plant flower bulbs when pulling up weeds, so in the future they'll bloom in early spring before mowing is usually necessary. This could be another fun way of adding biodiversity to a lawn without--or before you--begin mowing in spring.
Not worrying about mowing, or doing it less often, saves you in time, money, and energy. You won’t have to buy as much gasoline for your mower, and Saturday afternoons can be free to be enjoyed in other ways aside from being sticky and sweaty and covered in grass stains. In addition, you’ll likely be lowering your own carbon emissions!
If you do have to mow your lawn, I’ve got ways you can use your grass clippings to boost biodiversity later in the post series!
Not using pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.
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One of the next-biggest non-actions you can do asides from not mowing is using fewer fewer to no herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides in your yard. This’ll easily allow for more biodiversity. Allowing more insects and a wide array of plants to thrive will feed back into the entire food chain in your area. In addition, these types of chemicals have been tied to algae blooms, death of beneficial insects, harm to birds, fish, and even humans. Soil is supposed to be full of fungi, especially fungal mycelium that essentially acts as a network for plants to communicate, share nutrients, and support each other--fungicide kills that, and typically makes all other lawn problems even worse in a negative feedback loop. It may take awhile to see the benefits of avoiding these chemicals, but once you see it, it really is astounding.
However! I can’t lie and say that there haven’t been points where I needed to use pesticides at some points in my gardening journey. In these cases, try to use products that are organic--like diatomaceous earth, neem oil, etc--and use them accurately, correctly, and sparingly. Follow instructions on how to apply them safely and responsibly--for example, on non-windy days and during times when bees and other pollinators aren’t likely to be out and about. With some pests (read: oleander aphids, in my experience), a simple jetstream of water is enough to force them off the plant where they’ll be too weak to get back. Eventually, you should have a balanced enough ecosystem that no one insect pest causes a major issue with the work you’re doing to boost biodiversity.
If you can bear to, try handling pests manually. Squishing pest bugs in your hand is a pretty foolproof way to get rid of some problems, or spraying them with a mix of soap and water can do the trick on some insects. Alternatively, picking them off your plants and into a bucket of soapy water is also a valid option. You’ve heard of baptism by fire, now get ready for… baptism by soap?
But also! Try reconsidering what you consider a pest! Tomato hornworms are hated by gardeners, for devouring the foliage of beloved tomato, pepper, and potato plants. But killing the tomato and tobacco hornworm means getting rid of sphinx moths, also known as hummingbird or hawk moths! Hawk moths are vital to the survival of many native plants, and are sometimes even the only species that pollinates them. If you can bear to, consider sacrificing a few tomato plants, or growing a few extras, so we can continue having these beautiful moths for years to come. After all, they may not even do significant damage to the plants!
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With that in mind, be friendly to your natural pest managers! Lacewings, ladybugs, praying mantises, wasps, birds, bats, and more will help manage pest populations in your environment! Encourage them by planting things they like, providing habitat, and leaving them be to do their work! Avoiding pesticides helps make your garden a livable environment for them, too!
Letting Weeds Grow
Many of the plants we know as 'weeds' are actually secondary succession species and native wildflowers. Milkweed was regarded as a noxious, annoying weed for a long time, and now people are actively trying to plant them after learning about the important role they play in our environments! Weeds are adapted to take over areas that have been cleared out of other plants after a disaster, so they're doing much of the initial work in making a habitat for other creatures. In fact, many of them will simply die back as the environment repairs itself.
An important thing to note is to please make sure that your ‘weeds’ are not invasive species. Work on learning how to identify native and invasive species in your area, and pull out what’s harmful to leave room for what’s good!
Don’t Rake (Or At Least Don’t Bag Your Leaves)
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Many insects overwinter in piles of leaves that we often rake away and bag up in the fall and winter. By doing this, we are actively throwing away the biodiversity of our neighborhoods! If you can, leave the leaves where they fall! 
If you do need to rake, put the leaves in places wildlife can still access it instead of bagging it up. Move your leaves into garden beds to serve as mulch, or along the edge of fences to rest while keeping egg cases and hiding bugs intact and free to release come spring.
Leave Snags Where They Are
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Snags are dead trees/dead branches on living trees. They provide an important wildlife habitat--many birds nest in them, or use them to seek cover from rain, and many insects will also live in snags (making them an additional food source for birds and other creatures). Tree cavities are used as nests by hundreds of bird species in the US, and many mammals use them as well, such as bats, squirrels, raccoons, and sometimes even bears. Some trees form cavities while they’re still alive, but in conifers they’re more likely to form after death. Crevices between the trunk of a dead tree and its peeling bark provide sun protection for bats and amphibians, and leafless branches make great perching areas for birds of prey to hunt from above. The decaying wood is home to insects and fungi, who then feed birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles.  Do check on the snags regularly to ensure they don’t serve a threat to any nearby structures, but whenever possible, leave them be! 
Keep Your Cat Inside
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If you have an outdoor cat, consider making the adjustments to have it be an indoor cat. If you have an indoor cat, keep it as an indoor cat. Free ranging cats impact biodiversity through predation, fear effects, competition for resources, disease, and more. Keeping little Mittens inside does a lot more to help than it may seem from the outside.
That’s the end of this post! My next one’s gonna be on things you can add to your space that aren’t directly related to growing plants. For now, I hope this advice helps! Feel free to reply with any questions, success stories, or anything you think I may have forgotten to add in! 
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dark-corner-cunning · 8 months
The Magickal Properties of Carrier/Base Oils
In ancient times, our ancestors revered the power of oils, utilizing them in sacred ceremonies, rituals, and magickal workings that spanned centuries. Today, we have the privilege of carrying on this tradition by creating our own blends using the same flora & fauna that have been cherished for millennia. The practice of crafting sacred oils connects us to our roots, offering a meaningful way to honor the past while enriching our present-day experiences.
Carrier/base oils play a crucial role in the world of magick and holistic practices. These oils, derived from plants, seeds, and animal fats, are believed to possess unique energetic properties that can enhance the potency of essential oils and other magickal ingredients we add to them. Whether used in aromatherapy, massage, ritual work, or spell work the choice of carrier oil is significant, as each oil is associated with specific magickal attributes, such as grounding, protection, or amplification of intention. Understanding the magickal properties of carrier oils can empower practitioners to create custom blends that resonate with their intentions and desired outcomes, adding an extra layer of enchantment to their craft.
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Magickal Properties of Carrier/Base Oils:
These plant and seed-based oils come from my own grimoire based on my own traditions and practice.
Almond: Prosperity, Money, Wisdom
Apricot: Happiness, Contentment, Love
Argan: Healing
Avocado: Love, Lust, Sex Magick
Borage: Higher Mind, Truth, Clarity, Legal Matters
Canola/Rapeseed: Neutral Base
Castor: Protection, Absorbs Negativity
Coconut: Purification, Cleansing, Protection
Corn: Abundance, Luck, Divination
Evening Primrose: Psychic, Glamour, Clarity
Flaxseed Oil: Beauty, Protection
Grapeseed: Fertility, Money, Strengthening Mental Abilities
Hempseed: Meditation, Psychic, Healing
Jojoba: Healing
Meadowfoam Seed: Protection
Neem: Fortifies, Protection
Olive: Healing, Fertility, Protection
Peach Kernel: Fertility, Love, Fae Magick
Peanut: Grounding
Pomegranate Seed: Divination, Love
Pumpkin Seed: Health
Rosehip: Self-Love, Beauty, Glamour
Safflower: Sex, Baneful
Sesame: Hope, Faith, Positivity
Shea Butter: Calming, Longevity, Patience, Healing, Soothing, Beauty
Sunflower: Happiness, Health, Wisdom, Sun Magick
Vegetable: Neutral
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h3artstain · 2 years
A list of (realistic) things you can do to be more environmentally friendly
(from an earth-loving horticulture student.)
Use bar soap instead of soap bottles
Use old toothbrushes for cleaning surfaces
Try exploring and researching some homemade face/body/lip products
Use ice sleeves, sunglasses, and caps instead of sunscreen (Edit: I’ve seen people say that it is safer and even necessary to wear sunscreen at all times so try to use eco friendly sunscreen instead! In my country it’s pretty uncommon to wear sunscreen often as we usually wear ice sleeves which is why I did not know this oof)
Use coffee grinds or homemade tumeric masks instead of cosmetic products with exfoliator beads
Invest in a metal ear cleanser instead of cotton buds
Try placing more importance on skincare instead of contributing to exploitative beauty companies by buying makeup
Use cosmetic products that do not contain palm oil
Try as much as possible to rewear your outfits at least twice before washing them
Actually WEAR your clothes! I know some of y’all just wear them once for your Instagram post and let it rot in your closet forever. Stop doing that!
Thrift, stitch up holes in your clothes, and use second hand clothing instead of supporting fast fashion companies like SHEIN, H&M, Zara, etc.
Cut up your old clothing into yarn and do macramè with it
Cut patches of old clothing to turn into reusable cotton pads
Learn how to knit, crochet or stitch your clothes!
If you use tampons, try menstrual cups or discs instead. If you use pads, try reusable pads or period underwear. (Trust me, it works). Also, use reusable panty liners instead of disposable ones. They may seem expensive but you will end up saving a lot more in the long run
Plant seeds/cuttings in your old bottles, jars, and containers
Propagate your plants and exchange cuttings with your friends instead of buying new plants
Make your own soil mixes instead of buying soil mixes
Better yet, don’t use soil for your indoor plants and try getting into hydroponics or semihydroponics instead. This saves so much water and doesn’t contribute to mining of soil
Fertilise plants with fruit peels, coffee grinds, and tea leaves. (DO NOT use chemical fertiliser on soil)
Plant more legume plants in your garden instead of using nitrogen fertilisers. (Look up the nitrogen cycle if you need an explanation on this)
Avoid pesticides unless really needed. Try sprinkling cinnamon powder on soil or spraying neem oil on plants and soil to keep away pests.
If you have a lawn, try looking into rain gardens and consider making one
Let the (non invasive) weeds in your lawn/garden grow! They are there for a reason!
Stop killing earthworms and millipedes in your garden. This also applies to snails native to your region. They are there for a reason.
Water used to wash fruits and rice can be used to water plants
Use the caps of jars as soap holders
Use recycled paper/notebooks
Wash and dry your glass/plastic items before throwing them in the recycling bin
Keep any plastic bags for future use
Use eco friendly or reusable dish sponges
Use reusable straws and cups
Invest in a fabric cup holder
Bring a water bottle with you wherever you go
Drink more water and less sugary drinks
Bring reusable bags for buying groceries instead of using plastic ones
Always keep a folded up tote/shopping bag with you in case you spontaneously decide to buy something
Set a timer on your air conditioning instead of letting it run throughout the night
Better yet, use a fan instead of an air conditioner
Open your windows! Aerate your home!
Allow natural light to enter your home during the daytime, so as to avoid turning on your lights
Switch to LED lightbulbs instead of regular lightbulbs
Turn off any switches in your house when they are not in use
Collect the water from your air conditioner/dehumidifier condenser and use that to water plants, clean surfaces, steam ironing, and flushing toilets. Do not drink it though!
Delete your all of your unwanted emails
Delete your inactive social media accounts
Try not to post excessively on social media and stop scrolling excessively too. This not only reduces energy usage but also improves your mental health and productivity
Try to keep to one social media app instead of having so many
Reduce your internet usage
Save your eBooks on a thumbdrive instead of on cloud
Use Ecosia instead of Google
Stop being influenced by social media trends that only just contribute to consumerism
Download music instead of streaming
Reduce online shopping
Reduce intake of processed foods
Reduce intake of fish, beef, and dairy
Try eating vegan or vegetarian foods at least once or twice a week
Cook your own meals instead of eating out
Bring your own food containers when taking away food from stores
Beeswax wrap instead of cling wrap!
Buy loose-leaf tea or plastic free tea bags instead of regular tea bags
Eat more mushrooms, vegetables, and fruits and drink more water
Support local farmers
And finally, educate yourself more about ecology and the environment!
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lua-magic · 11 months
Afflicted planets in charts and their remedy.
If anywhere in the chart Mars is getting afflicted, best remedy is to light fire lamp in the south corner.
Another best remedy is to start exercising or do some yoga.
If Mercury is afflicted or giving bad results then practice breath work.
Breath work helps you to enhance your focus.
Afflicted Mercury could give skin disease as well lungs problem.
If suffering from skin disease then best remedy is to use "Neem or Margosa oil".
People with afflicted Jupiter has sweet tooth, and sometimes over consume the sweets causing digestive issues.
Such natives should avoid eating too much sweets specially after meal, as afflicted Jupiter slow down your digestion.
Afflicted Jupiter also give bad liver, hence, native should be careful about cholesterol problems.
Saturn represents your legs and teeth.
Afflicted Saturn would cause you frequent leg pain.
Native should always go for morning or evening Walk for sometime.
Natives are also advised to massage your legs specially before sleeping.
Saturn Moon combination people could use coconut oil to massage feet.
If Venus is getting afflicted in chart best remedy is practice dance
Specially, for people with Venus and Mars combination must dance to stabilise their energy.
If south node is giving trouble or is afflicted, then remedy is meditation.
If North node is causing problems the practice letting go and detachment.
If sun is afflicted or in water signs, then follow good morning routine and take sun bath daily.
If too many planets are sitting in twelfth house and is effective your sleep then follow good night time routine and avoid using your cellphones one hour before sleep.
If problems are coming from eitgth house planets then consume more anti oxidant rich foods and fruits.
If moon is afflicted my malefics like Mars, Saturn, rahu and ketu then remedy is to take bath often and spend more time in water.
Native can also do moon meditation and try always to stay near water.
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oceans-goddess · 2 years
Tyler Galpin x Reader Series Pt. 2-- Pizza Shop
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Summary: You cross paths with Tyler Galpin again, and he is just as smitten with you as last time-- not that you notice, of course. Enjoy!
Link to Pt. 1
Link to Pt. 3
“Y/n, what in the world is that smell?” Your roommate, Lydia, asked as she walked into your shared dorm room. You looked up at her with an apologetic smile and said, “Sorry, I had to spray my plants with neem oil today, and it can smell kind of funny.” Lydia giggled, her watery blue eyes flashing.
“No worries, just open the window, I guess,” she replied, and you started toward the large bay window across from the door. From your bedroom, you could see most of the lake. It rippled in the wind, a glossy blue mirror that invited you to sit down on its banks and stare into it for hours.
“How was your day?” Lydia asked, dropping down onto her bed and looking up at you.
“It was fine,” you answered honestly. It had been about a week since your embarrassing trip to the Weathervane, and you’d desperately hoped that you-- and Tyler-- would both be able to forget about the small garden you’d managed to cultivate at your feet while you were there. “Same old, same old,” you finished, walking back to sit on your bed facing her.
You often smiled inwardly at the shocking difference between your sides of the room. While Lydia’s walls were covered in band posters and framed concert tickets, and her floor was littered with broken drum sticks, scraps of paper, and dirty laundry, your side was covered in plants. Succulents, palms, lilies, marigolds, vines-- you name it. You kept as many plants in your room as possible. Books, loose pieces of paper, and pens were also scattered across your floor and furniture. The room was cluttered, but it was a comforting kind of chaos. Lots to look at, lots to surround yourself with. The room you shared with Lydia felt like a big hug each time you walked in; it was a room full of both of your favorite things.
“Well, if you wanna change it up a bit, a bunch of us are headed to Jericho in a few minutes. You should come!”
You squinted your eyes in suspicion.
“Did one of the dorm parents put you up to this?” you asked, assuming this to be another one of Nevermore’s plans to get you out of your room. Lydia laughed once more.
“Ha! No, I just thought you’d wanna come hang. I know it’s not exactly your thing, but people enjoy hanging out with you, y/n.”
You hesitated for a moment. What if they wanted to go to the Weathervane? You weren’t sure you could face Tyler again after the trouble you’d caused him. What if he kicked you out for making such a mess and leaving him to clean it up? He’d think of you as a classic Nevermore kid: always the problem, never the solution.
“What would we do in Jericho?” you asked quietly. Lydia clapped her hands as though you’d already agreed to join.
“A few of us wanted to hang out at the park, and then we thought we could all meet back up for pizza before coming back to the dorms,” she explained with a proud smile on her face. You pondered the plan, then, going against your gut, said yes, you would come. Lydia hopped off her bed and jumped around excitedly, wooping loudly.
“C’mon, let’s get ready. Ugh, I’m so excited! You’re gonna have a great time, I promise, y/n.”
You could only hope.
The group of Nevermore students in front of you chattered the entire walk into town, and you felt like you couldn’t keep up with the conversation. At times, you envied Lydia for her ability to mingle so easily. But you didn’t want to impose, and just shoving yourself into the conversation would be incredibly awkward, you were sure.
That was until Lydia pulled you into the conversation.
“Yeah, y/n just finished that book! Right, y/n? What did you think of The Hobbit?” Your stomach jumped into your throat at the sound of your name being called, but you smiled wide at Lydia.
“Uh, yeah, it was okay. Kinda slow, but a sort of comfortable read. It was cute,” you reported, and Lydia’s siren friend Mina fell into step next to you, telling you about the page she was currently reading.
The rest of the walk was nerve-wracking, but it was a nice change; you weren’t used to talking to anyone other than Lydia and a few others. Once you all reached the park, you, Lydia, and a few others waved goodbye to a group that wanted to check out some of the shops.
“You did great!” Lydia whispered into your ear. “See? You’re a natural. Nothing to worry about with any of them.”
You smiled back at her. “I know, I just-- thank you. For inviting me out. This is great,” you said quietly, hoping she knew you meant it.
The small group of you laid out a large blanket and watched the sun set over the trees just outside of Jericho, laughing and chatting the evening away.
“Ugh, I’m starving!” One boy said. He had telekinetic abilities and had run out of gold fish to plop into his mouth without touching, or even looking, at them. You wished you had such mastery over your own power. With every laugh, the wildflowers around you grew a little taller, bloomed a little brighter. And though they were beautiful, it was embarrassing to know that your feelings betrayed you so easily all the time.
“Let’s go find the others and get dinner,” Mina suggested from next to you. The group agreed and gathered their things.
After about twenty minutes, everyone was grouped in front of a busy pizza shop. Inside smelled of garlic and oregano. You couldn’t wait to order.
Once everyone was seated and eating, it was easy to get lost in the commotion. Listening to everyone tell hilarious stories and whine about homework put you at ease-- why hadn’t you tried this before?
Then, as you got up to grab some napkins from the counter, you were suddenly reminded why:
“Uh, hey, y/n,”
You jumped and turned at the sound of your name, only to meet eyes with Tyler. Red-orange marigolds immediately began to spring up from inside your socks.
“Hi, Tyler,” you breathed, and then you quickly put your hands up, as if to surrender.
“Listen, I am so so so sorry I left such a mess at your shop. It was a mis--”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. It was actually very impressive,” the brunet said gently with a smile on his face. He was looking at you calmly, but you felt pressured by his gaze and swept your eyes across the room. Moss spread over the stack of napkins you held, and though you hardly noticed, Tyler watched it grow in amusement.
“Those are your friends?” he asked, looking up at the other Nevermore students. You nodded.
“Well, sort of. They are my roommate’s friends. They invited me out for dinner,” you explained, your eyes still not meeting his.
“That’s cool of them. I’m here with my friends too,” Tyler said, motioning behind him to a few boys sitting quietly in a red booth. All you could do was smile, unsure of what to say.
“Y’know,” he began, shoving his hands into his pockets and shifting his weight a bit. You raised your eyebrows and tried to look at him how he was looking at you, but with the way he was looking at you, all you could manage was to train your eyes on his collar.
“I was sorta hoping you’d come back to the Weathervane, but it’s been a while. I hope my hot chocolate didn’t suck too bad,” he finished with a laugh, but your ears were practically ringing; he had been hoping you would come back to the Weathervane? You were in such shock that you didn’t even have the sense to stomp at the lobelias sprouting at your heels.
“Oh, I’m-- I’m so sorry, the hot chocolate was great, really great,” you spluttered. He grinned, and finally you plucked up the courage to look him in the eyes. They were soft, his dark brown irises captivating. 
“Great,” he said softly, “then maybe I can make it for you again soon.”
Soon?! The purply-blue lobelias shot up and wrapped around your shins tightly. He wanted you to come back soon! Tyler wanted yo--
“Hey, y/n, can you grab me a few of those napkins while you’re over there?” one redheaded girl called from your table across the room. The sudden distraction from your excitement-- and the stunted growth of the plants at your feet-- was a relief.
“Uh, sure thing,” you called back, and grabbed a few more napkins from the stack.
“I shouldn’t keep you. Have a good night, y/n,” Tyler said, the moment over. You hated yourself for getting so caught up in conversation with the boy, but the emotion ebbed when he smiled at you one more time.
“Um, yeah, thanks, Tyler,” you said slowly, shooting back an awkward smile before shuffling back over to your table. Setting down the napkins for everyone, you shifted your gaze to Lydia, who wiggled her eyebrows at you as if to say, Who was that???
You smiled sheepishly, knowing that you were in for quite the interrogation when you got back to the dorm.
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tomorrowsgardennc · 7 days
today, let's talk about
✨️ aphids ✨️
specifically, when you have a basic greenhouse enclosure (aka not a commercial-built high tunnel with all the accessories).
aphids will be a problem. guaranteed. this is due to lack of airflow (like, legit airflow from wind or a very robust intake/exhaust system). i have a fan or few for my greenhouse tunnel contraption, but it's more for to help prevent stagnant air and keep the temperature uniform. i'm not at aphid-prevention level of airflow yet. and that's ok, because over the past few years i have learned the signs and what to do about them and today i am sharing with you.
✨️ step 1: finding ✨️
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there is one tell tale sign that indicate you are in the presence of aphids. just like other pests, the sign you'll see is poop. for aphids, this looks almost like white and clear glitter on leaves. on the soil, it will look more like white glitter. the leaves will also be very sticky. sticky, glitter poop.
✨️ step 2: locating ✨️
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ok, we found the pest poop. now to find the pests.
aphids nom on two parts of the plant: the newest growth, and under the leaves. as you see here, the very tip of this pepper plant has some babies. now when we get to the next stage, keep in mind that since the aphids are here, you already lost the game. there's no hope in this new growth unless you do the following and final step.
✨️ step 3: elimination ✨️
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no no, put that neem oil down. neem oil kills any and all bugs. it does not detect which is good and which is bad. no no, dish soap and water legit does nothing except wash the poop away; ignore what pinterest and the influencers say about that combo. ok, army of ladybugs bought at the local hardware store is good, but we gotta do one more thing before we unleash them. and that's 𝓼𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰.
legit, the only way to remove an aphid infestation, regardless of what stage of infestation ("beginning", "haha, i'm in danger", or "HELP I'M DROWING IN GLITTER POOP") the most effective way to have any hope of saving the plants is to squish the aphids. this will not happen all in one day, nor two days, or three. day three is when you unleash the ladybug army, though, and i'll explain why in a second.
day one you'll be in shook and overwhelemed, and squish to your hearts content. but you will not get every single one nor any eggs. day two will show progress. day three is now manageable, and all the subsequent days afterwards will be to ensure you got every. single. last. one. including the eggs that hatch.
✨️ final step: release the hoard ✨️
sadly i can't find my video of releasing ladybug hoards in the greenhouse in years past... so i'll just scatter ladybugs 🐞 as i type this 🐞 part out to help with the ambiance.
ladybugs and other happy 🐞 bugs love to eat aphids. why not 🐞 have them do all the work?
well, think of your favorite cake. like legit the most perfect cake you could ever imagine. mine is yellow cake with chocolate mousse frosting and sliced fresh bananas. mmmm...
now imagine 20 of those, 🐞 and they're capable of reproduction. don't ask how, but they do. at a rate of 10 cakes every 🐞 other day.
🐞 how long will it take for you to be able to eat all those cakes before they can stop reproducing??
also, keep in mind when you purchase a pack of live ladybugs, only about 2/3rds actually are alive in the packet 🐞 by the time they make it to freedom and the remaining will either die very shortly from the last bit of energy to be free and fly away or just fly away and enjoy being elsewhere because they're an 🐞 introvert who was just stuck in a bag for a month or so 🐞🐞🐞🐞 and fuck everyone and everything they just want to leave regardless of the buffet at their feet.
that will leave you with approximately 10 ladybugs. and now that 🐞 you have done all that squishing, they will keep the aphids in check and make sure they don't pop up ever again. now your plants will attempt to regrow and leaves or new growth they lost and be happy.
✨️ the end 🐞✨️
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gardeningforfun0714 · 3 months
Hi everyone I’m sorry I haven’t updated as much as I planned, but I thought I’d share pics of how everything’s going in my garden (6/23/24)
The tomatoes have exploded and there’s lots of flowers. I’m hoping it’s not too hot and we actually get fruit this year (last year got so hot our tomatoes didn’t even flower during the normal growing season).
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Next is the corn, which are also doing really well. It’s the sweet corn variety. Funny story, I planted the corn seeds without knowing you kind of need a lot to get a good crop because it’s wind pollinated. However, we have about 10 mature stalks and I’m hoping to get at least a small harvest. A few of the stalks are taller than me (5’3”/160cm) and one of the ears growing already has silk growing out of the ear.
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Next are the cucumbers. One of the plants has a few eggs on the bottoms of the leaves so I used some Sevin dust. I’m hesitant to use neem oil because I’ve noticed lots of ladybugs in the garden and don’t wanna kill them.
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The carrots are doing well after being transplanted. Unfortunately I don’t remember when I started the seeds so I’m not sure if they should be farther along by now (I believe I planted around late April/early May—late for seeds I know but I’ve got a long growing season and few frosts).
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The various fruit trees/bushes/shrubs are doing well. Pictured are a thorny blackberry vine, an olive tree, a papaya tree, and a babcock peach tree. Everything is doing amazing. The blackberry is producing, the 4 peaches are growing and changing color while the olive, fig and papaya have been putting in some major growth/establishing.
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Last is the melon patch. It’s also exploded and there are so many watermelons throughout the whole patch of varying sizes from bb-sized to the one pictured with my hand. I didn’t see any cantaloupe yet, but there’s lots of flowers. I haven’t actually gone into the patch due to how crowded it is (I’m hoping if we do get some we’d be able to see them when they get big enough). I’m estimating we have between 12-15 watermelon at least so far.
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However, not everything is doing so well. The rabbits have been so destructive, they killed my producing pole bean, the peppers I transplanted into the ground and most of the radishes, leaving 2 left for us (I did start new seeds though because radishes are some of the quickest vegetables you can grow from seed to harvest).
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For things I didn’t cover like the grapes, blueberries, raspberries, guava trees, the apple tree, the lemon tree, various flowers, onions, potatoes, and pineapples, they are all doing good as well. I also wanna add that I did start new bush beans/pole beans as well as various kinds of peppers (jalapeños, hot salsa blend peppers, golden bell peppers) in containers to make up for the ones that got chewed. Hopefully those will make a nice fall harvest. The potatoes are almost ready to be harvested and the blueberries and raspberries have had berries ripen one at a time due to how small they are (this is the first year for berries).
As for other things I have planned, I have a few art pieces I’d like to post if that’s something y’all are interested in. I also would love to talk about my experience with gardening and mental health but any and all posts related to that will be labeled with appropriate trigger warnings.
Thanks for all the support with likes/reblogs. Feel free to come lurk, talk, vent, ask, whatever. I just wanna inspire others that think they cannot grow things that they can. If you’d like to talk I mostly would like to talk about gardening/plants/mental health and how it impacts us as humans.
Happy growing🌱🌿💙
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nightbunnysong · 1 month
5/50 Day Productivity Challenge
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1. Exercise
rest day (too hot to workout)
went on a walk with my dog
2. Reading
3h (finished one book and started another one)
3. Studying
30 min Botany
4. Personal Growth
today i visited my grandmother, and i was happy to spend time with her and my mom. it was really too hot, but despite that, i tried to get everything done and help around the house as much as possible. of course, the heat makes it easier to get irritable, and that's something i want to work on.
5. Random chores
treated the garden against the bugs with neem and lavender oil, watered the garden in the evening, accompanied my mom to do some grocery shopping.
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holyshonks · 3 months
I put down some potted plants to see if I could get away with it (technically, none of the outside space is for my use but I'm the world's most annoying tenant) but bc I can't do anything halfway it's turned into a production.
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I planted some wildflowers with each batch. Technically none of my plants need a pollinator, but my apartment complex loves to have gigantic, barren lawns and kills all the native plants before they have a chance, so this is a freebie for the bees.
The cages are bc every fucking squirrel in the tri state wants to dig in the pots and uproot my seedlings
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AND someone has helped themselves to my broccoli rabe(!!!!!!), so I spent the morning spraying my plants with neem oil.
I have three varieties of tomato bc i can eat a tomato like an apple and my favorite kind of basil: purple basil!!!
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It tastes just like regular basil but it's purple, which I will use to make purple pesto :3
I definitely like the idea of having a garden more than tending to it, but thankfully my spouse (who was initially disinterested) has become enthralled by the miracle of life so now he waters them. The downside is he makes me go outside and look every time something grows a new leaf.
And my cat, who is disturbed that I am somehow in the forbidden Outside Lands:
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We're makin leaps and bounds with this whole sustainability thing since we moved from our apartment a few years ago. Whenever i feel like im not doin enough I lay out all the tiny swaps we've done on the table
we no longer by styrofoam cups and reuse the ones we have
We no longer use plastic plates, we either use glass or compostable ones (and throw the compostable ones in the compost)
Our building has solar panels for electricity
Our soaps are zero/low waste
My mother and I started our loc journey so its much easier to find all-natural, plastic free hair care
I use reusable pads
I don't buy new clothes often if at all, 4 shirts in the last 7 years
3/5 of us eat strictly plant-based bc we're vegan,
We have an indoor hydroponic system growing leafy greens, tomatoes, peppers and fruits, and we bought seeds in bulk. We're planning on swapping rockwool cubes with reusable and compostable hemp fiber cubes
Since the hydroponic system is so bright, and the led lights last for 5 years at a time, we use the living area lights much less, opting for natural sunlight if the hydroponic system is not enough or is off.
We have a bokashi indoor compost bin for food scraps, and an outdoor cold compost bin for the scraps that cant go in the bokashi bin to make our own soil
We started a kitchen garden, and a pollinator/tea garden, and as of 2023 we now have a plum tree, a grapevine, two blackberry bushes, 5 reusable grow bags, 4 big planters and 2 big raised garden beds, lookin forward to fruits and vegetables in the spring, summer, fall and winter. We're planning to buy one more steel raised bed to ensure that we are cycling through what we're growing each year to limit pest-control methods, even neem oil, and planning on purchasing a lot more perennials and native perennials/annuals.
This fall Im gonna purchase a mushroom growing chamber kit for more low waste vegan meat alternatives and to add some healthy mushroom soil to the compost cycle
Our laundry detergent is environmentally safe
Our washing machine is water-efficient
We have a fridge with a water filter for cooking and drinking water
We have reusable grocery store bags
Im gonna try to grow lufas next year to replace our kitchen sponges and steel wool scrubbing pads,
Our property is small, and our neighbors are not as social/gungho about bartering or Co-Op food gardening,
but I'm proud of wat we've done so far, and I can do a lot more, and I plan to do so, so any advice would be welcome
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acidmatze · 4 months
The fucking spider mites have returned and Hey There Delilah is not looking too good. Very floppy... i put her under the newly aquired sunlamp cuz the weather just fucking sucks major ass and its extremely unlikely to change for the next month so... ugh... I also keep spraying them all... With the neem oil mix, not the chemical stuff. I only used that today the second time on Hey there Delilah only. I hope she wont die but im not exactly optimistic here
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dark-corner-cunning · 6 months
Communing with Fire & The East Road In Appalachia: "Fire on the Mountain" Protection Oil
The arrival of the Spring Equinox in the Appalachian Mountains heralds a time of transition and renewal, where the earth awakens from its winter slumber and bursts forth with new life. As a traditional mountain practitioner, this shift in seasons brings a change in focus and direction along my crooked path.
Spring is aligned with the energies of the East Road, representing dawn, the rising sun, and the Red Spirits of Fire. It is a time of awakening and transformation, where the chthonic fire of the Red Serpent/Dragon ignites the landscape with its primal energy. The song "Fire on the Mountain" echoes through the hills, carrying the power and vitality of the season.
In the tradition of Old Mother Red-Cap, Spring is associated with power, protection, purification, and defensive magick. It is a time for working with candle magick, solar magick, and tapping into the potent energies of sexuality and desire. The inner flame of witch fire burns brightly, fueled by cunning and will.
The tools and regalia of Spring include the knife/athame (some say wands), symbolizing the cutting away of old patterns and the clearing of obstacles and protection; the broom, representing purification and the sweeping away of negative energies; and the lamp/lantern/candle, serving as a beacon of light and guidance along the path.
As I embrace the energies of Spring in the Appalachian Mountains, may I harness the power of the season to manifest all my desires, protect myself and my loved ones, and walk my crooked path with strength, courage, and cunning.
"Fire on The Mountain" Protection Oil:
"Fire on the Mountain" is similar to a Fiery Wall of Protection Oil, which both have protective properties and folk magick associations. Both are rooted in the tradition of creating a shield of defense against negative energy, psychic attacks, curses, hexes, or jinxes.
Fire on The Mountain is designed to establish a barrier of protection around oneself or a space. It serves as a potent tool for defensive magick and is infused with fiery herbs and ingredients, helping to ward off harm and create a sense of safety and security.
As with many folk magick rituals, there are numerous variations of this type of protection oil, each with its own blend of ingredients and methods of preparation. These variations often reflect the unique practices and traditions of different cultural and regional groups. This blend is one from my own personal sources.
Readers Note:
If you decide to use the carrier oils/base oils listed... I suggest sticking to more of a Castor oil base with a few drops of Neem oil blended in for protective & fortifying properties. Neem oil plain stinks and is pricey! Personally, I also don't suggest rubbing this oil on any walls or surfaces that can easily stain...Castor oil is crazy thick and will leave a forever oil stain on any porous surface you apply it to...ask me how I know lol. A "Nailing Down" ritual or protective enchanting of a ward, or candle magick is great for this oil. As always, you are welcome to stick to a neutral base instead if you don't want to use the suggested oils. (Check my "Carrier Oils Post" below for other oils and their properties)
Make sure to ground your Dragon's Blood Resin well before blending. I know Dragon's Blood is wickedly expensive but I will say a little will go a long way. Plus, dragon's blood is one of those ingredients you just can't beat and it stores super well, and for a long time after... the more it's used, the more of a protective shield it creates... think the wall part of "fiery wall of protection". Personally, I like making this oil smell great... so I also include a few drops of Dragon's Blood Fragrance oil. When I sell this oil, the fragrance is one of its most complimented features.
Now for an optional 2-punch combo, you can add a pinch of Sulfur and Ash to your master jar or bottle... Literally just a pinch of each!!!! Too much and it will muddle your oil and the sulfur will have your oil smelling like an eggy fart lol. Also, make sure to use Brimstone Sulfur... you can get it on Amazon. Many gardeners use sulfur for their plants. Sulfur can be used as a baneful ingredient but it is also great protection and a hex-breaker. Ash is used in this oil for the suffocation of any malevolent energy being sent.
You can make this oil with whatever ritual you would like... On a Sunday in the hour of the Sun, On a Tuesday in the hour of Mars, Under a Full Moon in a fire sign, Under the noon Sun, during a fire ritual or ceremony, or just make it with no ritual at all. It's really up to you. The ingredients and herbs have their magick.
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nancypullen · 3 months
Winds of Change
I think I've had about all I can take from the ol' Denton library. I have poured myself into this job and, quite frankly, it's sucking the life right out of me. Without going into detail, I'm just going to say that I gave it six months and 100% of my effort only to understand why they have such a high turnover rate. C'est la vie. I'll let you know when my departure is final, you'll probably notice an increase in nonsense on this blog. With that out of the way, let me tell you about my latest treasure. I've mentioned the auction house just up the street from us, and that every Monday night there's an auction. It's usually estate sales, and can be either loads of junk or some really lovely finds. Last week it was about fifty-fifty. BUT, there was an item there that I really wanted and because I am cheap frugal I decided to set my maximum bid at $15. I know, I know, Diamond Jim, right? The whole point of an auction (for me) is to get something for practically nothing. On Monday night I was watching my piece like a hawk, hoping no one else displayed interest. I ended up bidding against just one other person and winning THIS for just $7.75!!
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Isn't she gorgeous?? I'll put her in my craft room because I can always use more storage and those shelves are perfect for my art books. I felt like I hit lotto when I won for less than ten bucks! Of course, we all know that I'm about to spend thirty bucks on paint and foo-foo stuff to turn her into a show girl. Right now I'm thinking Irish Garden (left) and Peony (right) because I'm a girly-girl and proud of it.
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Maybe a shade or two deeper than the Irish Garden, but I haven't made up my mind yet. I have to take into consideration the wall color (might be a bit too close to Irish Garden) and the furniture and décor already there. Any way you slice it, I'm going to have fun with this. I mean, look at these drawer pulls. Just take my money already!
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In other delightful news, my Zepherine Drouhin climbing rose is climbing and blooming!
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She's a beauty! I'm so excited. When she arrived she was just a stick with a couple of scraggly roots. Look at her go! That pic was snapped while I was spraying neem oil to keep the hungry bugs away. Why do bugs love roses so much? I'm happy to share bits and pieces of my gardens with insects, but they go after roses like piranhas. Everything else is chugging along just fine - zinnias and sunflowers are going to make the east side of the house glorious in a couple of weeks. Some of the zinnias are already blooming, it'll take the sunflowers quite a bit longer. The German Pink tomato plant that I picked up in Pennsylvania at an Amish market is thriving. It's got lots of blooms and each one promises a juicy fruit. Crossing my fingers. The kitchen herbs are all in good shape. As usual, the basil is practically a shrub. The dill is full, the rosemary is coming right along now that I moved her, and there's parsley in a pot out front. All of the various blooms and ferns are happy and healthy. It looks and feels like summer. We're going to have the full Strawberry Moon (it'll be hanging low in the sky) and the summer solstice at the same time. That's reason for my witchy heart to celebrate. Time to play my favorite song!
I loved that song in the 70's when King Harvest released it (I think I was 10), and loved it even more in the 2009 when Toploader cut their version. Know what's sad? I heard it the playing a couple of days ago in a commercial for retina medicine. I'm old. Time for me to head upstairs and soak in the tub. Tomorrow is a work day and I swear if anyone looks at me cross-eyed I'm outta' there. There's one coworker, someone I have to work closely with a lot, who is always in some sort of emotional turmoil and can't work. Normally I'd be very compassionate for anyone going through a tough time- but hers are self-inflicted and/or manufactured. It's exhausting. She's also a gossip and I don't like being put in the uncomfortable position of receiving another's private info that she shouldn't be telling me. Even worse, she's management so I can't complain to management. Not that I would, I'm an advocate of putting on my happy face and just getting the job done. It does make for long days, though. There are some truly lovely people who work there, but I do understand why so many have left. Ugh. Taking it a day at a time. That's why I'm going upstairs to soak in the tub and relax, to brace myself for whatever is coming my way tomorrow. It's always something - an OD, a coworker having a meltdown, something disgusting in the book drop, or just spicy patrons. A half hour in some hot water with a bath bomb recharges my batteries. I probably need these earrings too.
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Anywho, I'll be reading in bed, covered up in cats, by the time the mister comes up. I think my reading material makes him nervous. This week's selections...
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He probably sleeps with one eye open. Good night, my darlings. I hope that your days are happy and your nights restful. I hope that if things are topsy-turvy or stressful that they settle soon. And trust me, they will. Something that I tell myself about my less than satisfying life right now is that this is just a chapter, not my whole story. It ends, and something new begins. Always. Sending out lots of love tonight. Take what you need. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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