#neo shroud
poisoned-pearls · 8 months
Vintage Halloween Costumes
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Zoom in for detail!!!
Oh god I’ve been working on this for… god what three/4 months now??? I took a break during December but she’s done now!!
Fankid runthrough under the cut
(From left to right)
Vivienne Schoenheit (rookvil), Faraja kingscholar (Leona), Ellie felmier (epeldeuce), Samir Al-asim (silkali), Nami Ashengrotto (Jamiazu), Neo shroud (idikei), Emil schoenheit (rookvil), tamaki leech (treyjade), mallerie Draconia (malleyuu), malick draconia (malleyuu)
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revivemyreverie · 10 months
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hidden twitter doodle dump hrrtgr
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bunniescribbles · 1 year
wallpaper requests are open again!
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all I need to know is what character or characters you want, as well as the colors, and shapes. Also shapes can be anything, from triangles and squares, to roses and seashells
here’s some examples of those
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Oh and I also make headers, and phone wallpapers, it’s the same rules, you just need to specify what you want
here’s examples of those
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Oh and I can also go in a do some extra editing to the actual photos of the character to change up the colors, but you really have to specify what you want for it
and here and some of those examples
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madmarchhare · 11 months
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 3 months
Just saw your thunder empress and besides wanting more of her, there's a character i really wonder what they would do in that situation. What if it was Cinder that went back in time? Would she even want to come back to remnant? Would she mellow down?
But i still also want more Nora
This may be my greatest Alternative Rusted Knight yet!
Blake: *Raising Gambol Shroud* Cinder.
Weiss: *Readying Glyphs* We don't want to fight-
The Wildfire Mage: Then I would be most gracious if you were to lower your weapons!
Yang: *Guarding Ruby* What? Why would we do that?
The Wildfire Mage: *Brushing the hair out of her face* Because I am not this "Cinder" you speak of - That name is familiar, but I cannot recall where i might've heard it before.
_WBY: *wary glances at each other*
Ruby: Are- Are You okay?
The Wildfire Mage: I ... my memory is, as always, somewhat faulty, but putting that aside for the moment, I am quite well! More than that, despite your mistaken belief that I am "Cinder", I am quite happy to see more humans! The last two I met were so ... So ...
Blake: Do you think more people than Alyx have fallen down here?
Weiss: Well ... We did?
Yang: She's just been staring into the distance for a minute now.
Ruby: Uhm, excuse me? Miss Mage?
The Wildfire Mage: Hmm? Oh! Yes! You four! I should count myself Lucky to meet such prolific Hunters given the seeming Multiplication of Jabberwockers! It's very well, given Lewis and ... And Alyx ... uh ... were ...
The Wildfire Mage: ...
The Wildfire Mage: They were but Children! They should not have had to escape such horrid beasts, much like the kind they informed me of from their home! With so many Deadly being running about back there, I see not why they would want to leave the Ever After and return to "Remnant!"
The Wildfire Mage: After all here is safe, sound, and protected from ... from ...
The Wildfire Mage: ... Uh, again my apologies, My mind is scattered as ashes to Wind! perhaps we should head to my home - quickly, before it becomes too dark to travel!
~In the Punderstorm~
Reflection: What are you doing ...
The Wildfire Mage: Why do you follow me? Hear your voice in those moments-
Reflection: We are strong now ... Need no one ...
The Wildfire Mage: To be alone is to suffer; I know you know that.
Reflection: Alyx ... She wrote lewis out of her story ... She is like us-
The Wildfire Mage: She may be like you But I am no liar, nor a Deciever! You are a cruel, injured being. Leave me be.
Reflection: I am you.
The Wildfire Mage: By what means?
Reflection: I am your Truth. You Restrain us, when we are strong enough to do whatever we want!
The Wildfire Mage: Indeed We are, And I quite enjoy the freedom to be kind.
Reflection: Kindness is WEAKNESS.
The Wildfire Mage: It is as much as solitude.
~The next day, after getting attacked by Neo and her Jabberwockers~
The Wildfire Mage: So many souls ... Those - Those Jabberwockers are chasing you!
Ruby: I- I-
The Wildfire Mage: What? YOU WHAT?
The Wildfire Mage: All you ever do is get in my way! You ruin all of my PLANS You PETULANT, SELFISH GIRL!
The Wildfire Mage: You help EVERYONE but ME!
The Wildfire Mage: And of course NEO-
The Wildfire Mage: ... Neo ...
_WBY: *Ready weapons*
The Wildfire Mage: I ... I remember you all now ...
Cinder: ... I ... I remember myself now ...
Cinder: ... Leave. I don't know how to get to the tree. I don't care. Here? In the Ever After? No one is after me - No one was ...
Cinder: I'm sick of this. I'm sick of facing you. Leave.
Weiss: Really? Just like that? After everything you've done to us-
Cinder: Yes. Now go before I change my mind on fighting you.
WBY: ...
Yang: *Collapsing Ember Celica* Fine. We'll go.
Blake: ... Thank you for not fighting us Cinder.
Weiss: Are you two Serious! She's nearly Killed me before!
Yang: Adam Nearly Killed us! If we fight her, someone isn't making it out of here! I- We- I don't-
Blake: *Taking Yang's hand* We don't want more blood on our hands Weiss. Even if we win, we just prove her right.
Weiss: ... Fine. Ruby Where do we- Ruby? RUBY!
Cinder: *Making Tea for herself*
Reflection: They could use our assistance.
Cinder: Shouldn't you be locked in a punderstorm?
Wildfire Mage: We are strong enough to do whatever we desire. I do not wish to be heard in lacking moments.
Cinder: Fine. Why Should we help them?
Wildfire Mage: They need it.
Cinder: They've never helped me.
Wildfire Mage: You've only hurt them.
Cinder: Well that's just not fair for me to have to help them when no one's ever helped me!
Wildfire Mage: It is not. Alyx was an active hinderance - you lied and deceived them into believing you were Me, so that you could follow them on their story, to escape.
Cinder: ... And?
Wildfire Mage: Your heart is full of rage. Justified against the world, but not those you've hurt most. So many have fallen by your hand, so many that lived good lives, that, if they were given the chance, would've saved you.
Cinder: ...
Wildfire Mage: You hate the thought of kindness because you never experienced it. It infuriates you because it's given to all others.
Wildfire Mage: Every burning thought has been brought about by those that control you. Your arm was as much a collar as Madam's, burning and binding you to your master's will.
Wildfire Mage: You have no master now, aside from yourself.
Cinder: And why should I listen to you.
Wildfire Mage: I am your truth. They restrained us, and now we are strong enough to do whatever we want.
Cinder: ... I want to be free ... I want freedom ...
Wildfire Mage: Then kindness will be our strength, but only if we share it with them, and they share it with us.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 8 months
The Battered Dragon
Buckle up, buttercups. This is a long one.
Jaune: Soooo... (continues looking around at the "forest" around him) where do you guys think we are?
Ruby: I don't know. I honestly didn't think I'd find anyone that quickly. Even if half of the group was tied up my a village of mice.
Weiss: (plucking a thorn out of her sleeve)They were... craftier than I would have thought.
Blake: (ears wilt) It makes me wonder where Yang is, or if she's okay.
Weiss: (places a hand on Blake's shoulder comfortingly) I'm sure we'll find Yang. You have to remember that this is Yang we're talking about. If anyone can manage surviving in an unknown world filled with random dangers, I'd place the charred remains of the Schnee fortune on it.
Blake: (ears perk up slightly) Yeah, you're right.
Weiss: (watches as Ruby and Jaune discuss what steps they should take next) You know. When we find her, it might be a good idea to have a bit of a heart-to-heart with Yang.
Blake: (ears spring skyward) I-I don't know what you're talking about.
Weiss: Blake, you almost jumped off the platform after Yang. I dragged you off the literal brink, and you immediately went feral on Neo afterwards.
Blake: I'm that obvious, huh?
Weiss: To everyone except Yang herself... (watches as Ruby trips over a random tree root and pulls Jaune down to the ground with her) And maybe those two.
Blake: (chuckles softly)
Jaune: Hey! Do you guys think we'll see the Lively Carpenter or the Battered Dragon???
Ruby: The Battered Dragon? I don't remember that character from the story.
Blake: The Battered Dragon was a strong warrior that fought back the night in a fiery blaze, but was always warm and kind towards the people in the book.
Weiss: We're not in a storybook. But! If we were, I wouldn't mind meeting the Lively Carpenter. They were so sweet in the story.
Jaune: I remember the Battered Dragon was like a barbarian of sorts. Super cool and strong who fought with her fists.
Ruby: I don't remember Yang ever reading that character. Actually, I don't remember her reading me that story at all.
Jaune: Huh... That's odd. I would have though- (draws sword) INCOMIIIIIING!!!
Jabberwalker: (bounds through the canopy into the clearing and slashes at Jaune)
Ruby: Jaune! (pulls Jaune out of the way)
Blake: Ruby! (throws Gambol Shroud, wraps the ribbon around Ruby, and yanks her back)
Weiss: (glyph attacks Jabberwalker and blasts it back)
Jabberwalker: Seeking - Searching - Contacting - DEVOURING!!! (leaps towards the group and slashes at the group wildly)
RWBJ: (get tossed to the ground)
Jabberwalker: (tail whips Blake to pin her down and leaps onto her)
Blake: (blocks claws with her sword and struggles to keep the claw from her face)
RWJ: Blake!
??? : I said I wasn't done with you yet!!!
-Burning fireball of stone barrels in and slams against the Jabberwalker's head, shattering into a million smoldering pieces as molten rock oozes over spiral horns-
??? : (rugged, dark brown leather adorned with intricate patterns and fur trims, well-worn trousers and boots, tanned leather tank top with tatters at the hem where the bottom has been torn off, revealing muscular abs and a few battle scars, and a blazing heart tattoo on a well-endowed chest. Scarred left arm is on display, muscles rippling as powerful hands grab the Jabberwalker's horns, while a paint chipped, slightly rusted metallic right arm glints dully in the sunshine. A purple bandana tied off where the metal meets flesh. Black and brown leather hand armor and pauldron adorn the left shoulder and hand with golden brown/grey whisps of fur protrude from under the plates. Burning golden hair burn out in a long trail behind a scorched, wooden dragon mask)
??? : Did you honestly think I'd let you hurt anyone here? (punches Jabberwalker a few times in the face) Then you're crazier than I thought! (throws Jabberwalker over to the next acre)
RWBJ: (stare in shock)
Jaune: (gasps like an excited child) Oh, my gosh! It's the Battered Dragon!!!
Blake: The Battered Dragon! In PERSON!
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Weiss: We're actually in a fairytale....
Battered Dragon: (panting before squaring her shoulders and turning to RWBJ) Dammit! (takes off her mask, revealing one lilac and one crimson eye and three scars on her jaw) You guys weren't supposed to be here.
Jaune: Is that...?
Weiss: Yang?
Ruby: (walks up to the Battered Dragon) Yang?
Battered Dragon: (shakes her head, dislodging the tears in her eyes before nodding firmly) Yeah, Rubes. It's me. And you guys weren't supposed to-
Ruby: (grabs Yang's hand tightly) If you didn't think we'd come looking for you, then you must have forgotten who raised me.
Battered Dragon Yang: (sniffs and holds Ruby's hand) Right. I'm just... glad to see you guys again after all this ti- PUAH!!!
Blake: (tackles BDY to the ground and hugs her tight) Yang~
Battered Dragon Yang: (shocked eyes glance at Blake briefly before tears slip from her eyes, her nose wrinkles in an attempt to keep from crying, and she breaks. Arms wrap around Blake like a lifeline) It's actually you....
Weiss: (after a few minutes) Yang, what happened to you?
Battered Dragon Yang: It's... a long story...
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greenyvertekins · 2 months
Now THAT’S interesting.
According to an early Sonic Heroes script, Robot Storm bosses were originally “Egg Hermit Crab” (Casino Park/Bingo Highway) and “Egg Sea Anemone” (Hang Castle/Mystic Mansion)
Neo Metal Sonic also originally transformed by shrouding himself in a silver egg and had Chaos’ silhouette.
Shadow’s profile explicitly states that Gerald was the greatest genius of the 20th century, hinting at the time frame the series takes place in.
Metal Sonic’s drive to transform himself started with self-doubt.
Tails’ and Knuckles’ states alongside Super Sonic are explicitly referred to as Super Forms.
Such intriguing details.
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artsandculture · 2 months
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The Birth of Venus (1483-1485) 🎨 Sandro Botticelli 🏛️ Uffizi Gallery 📍 Florence, Italy
The painting was commissioned by Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de’Medici, a cousin of Lorenzo the Magnificent. The theme was probably suggested by the humanist Poliziano. It depicts Venus born from the sea foam, blown by the west wind, Zephyr, and the nymph, Chloris, towards one of the Horai, who prepares to dress her with a flowered mantle.
This universal icon of Western painting was probably painted around 1484 for the villa of Castello owned by Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de 'Medici. Giorgio Vasari saw the work there in the mid-sixteenth century – along with Botticelli’s other well-known Primavera – and described it precisely as "showing the Birth of Venus." The old idea that the two Botticelli masterpieces were created for the same occasion, in spite of their substantial technical and stylistic diversity, is no longer accepted. However, rather than a birth, what we see is the goddess landing on the shore of her homeland, the island of Cyprus, or on Kithera. The theme, which can be traced back to Homer and to Ovid’s Metamophoses, was also celebrated by the great humanist Agnolo Poliziano in the poetic verses of his Stanze. The Venus of the Uffizi is of the “Venus pudica” type, whose right breast is covered by her right hand and billowing long blond hair partially shrouds her body. The goddess stands upright on a shell as she is driven towards the shore by the breeze of Zephyrus, a wind god, who is holding the nymph, Chloris. On the right is the Hora of springtime, who waits to greet Venus ashore with a cloak covered in pink flowers.
The seascape, stunning for its metaphysical tone and almost unreal quality, is illuminated by a very soft, delicate light. Like Botticelli’s other masterpiece, Pallas and the Centaur, the Birth of Venus is painted on canvas - fairly unusual for its time - using a technique of thin tempera, based on the use of diluted egg yolk, which lends itself particularly well to give the painting that aspect of extraordinary transparency, which brings to mind the pictorial quality of a fresco. The figure recalls classical sculpture and is very similar to the famous Medici Venus found in the Uffizi, which the artist certainly knew. The real meaning of this dreamlike vision is still under scholarly debate and investigation but is undoubtedly linked with the Neo-Platonic philosophy, widely cultivated in the Medici court.
Like the Primavera, the Birth of Venus is also associated with the concept of Humanitas,or virtuous Humanity, a theory developed by Marsilio Ficino in a letter to the young Lorenzo. According to the interpretation by Ernst Gombrich, the work depicts the symbolic fusion of Spirit and Matter, the harmonious interaction of Idea and Nature. Nevertheless, the interpretations of this painting of extraordinary visual impact are numerous and diverse. The divine ethereal figure has been viewed as an allegorical representation of Humanitas upon her arrival to Florence, while the nymph holding out the cloak of flowers for the goddess may perhaps be identified as Flora, the same depicted in this masterpiece’s “twin”, the Primavera, where she may be seen instead as the personification of the city of Florence. From this work emerges clear evidence of Botticell’s strive to reach perfection of form that could rival with classical antiquity. It is for this reason that the humanist Ugolino Verino in his work Epigrammata, presented in 1485 to the King of Hungary, Matthias Corvinus, likened the Florentine painter to the legendary Apelles of Ancient Greece.
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pinkaditty · 9 months
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hihi this is my Masterlist/Info post!!! I figure I've written enough posts at this point, so… why not organize them? and why not properly introduce myself?
this is a long post!
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hi! im pinkaditty! you can call me pink, pinka, pinkadit, pinkaditty, or just by Malibu!
20 ☆ femme presenting tmasc ☆ aroace ☆ gyaru ☆ studying biomed and working in a lab ☆ black ☆ gemini sun ☆ spiritual ☆ physically disabled ☆ he/they and pink neos!
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im spiritual and a learning witch. i do tarot readings sometimes,so if you'd like one,let me know! im also gyaru! the style totally changed my life about two years ago, and I've spent a long time practicing and preparing myself for becoming full gyaru! im nearly there, and will often repost gyaru content!
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anyways! im really really into writing for Obey Me SWD/NB, Twisted Wonderland, and What In Hell Is Bad! I plan on writing for Arcana Twilight, Tears of Themis, Ikemen Prince, A3!, Love Unholyc, Blooming Panic, and maybe some various animes! Ill update when I've decided.
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What I will write:
mostly anything you guys ask tbh
fem!mc, gn!mc, and masc!mc, but im mostly writing gn!mc.
dom!mc (my bias as a domme sorry)
MOSTLY NSFW BUT!!! occasionally ill do a little sfw hc post maybe
bdsm aspects
black!mc (guess why.)
alternate universe settings
hair pulling, spitting, penetration, pegging, toy use, pet play, d/s dynamics, roleplay, dacryphilia, yandere/pervert, etc etc yk the works.
honestly just ask. I'll probably write it (within reason!).
What I might write:
sub!mc (once in a blue moon or as requested.)
bodily fluids not including ejaculatory fluids (blood, sweat, saliva, discharge, etc.)
leather/spandex suits for bdsm purposes (i will if asked but it's slightly uncomfy to me)
piss (it's not as gross as scat so maybe i can work with this.)
What I will NOT write:
incest. never in a million years.
teacher x minor student ships (adult student ships are okay so long as they are both consenting and there is no power imbalance nor grooming.)
just to be clear, nothing proship. not writing that. ever.
scat (nope! can't do it! sorry!)
and anything else i deem too gross or in violation of the law.
Want to submit an nsfw request? Click here for the specific guidelines! (CLOSED at this time! Must be 18 or older to submit a request!)
Sfw asks do not require the guidelines.
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Pervert (Pt 1; Demon Brothers)
Pervert (Pt 2; Side Characters)
Pervert (Pt 3; Newspaper Club)
Pink Slush Preview (Solomon x MC x Barbatos)
How Will the TWST characters react to you having to leave? Part 1
Rook after-sex headcanons
Cater Diamond falling in love
Idia Shroud falling in love
Leona Request (Breeding, Dacryphilia, Omegaverse)
Beauty (Rook Thirst)
Sitri Thirst
Facesitting headcanons
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this post will be updated as i go! thank you!
no tags bc this'll hopefully be exclusive to my blog
dividers credit to @/kawaiimaterials!!!!!!
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poisoned-pearls · 7 months
PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT YOUR FANKIDS THEY ARE SO CUTE.... do they have unique magic?? what are their family dynamics (with their parents, grandparents, etc.)???
AH OKAY SOOO- I have quite a few (I’ll tag them all so you can scroll through their tags- despite not having an organized blog I do have it organized for them) BUT I shall focus on Nami, Enzi, Faraja and Viv because. I’m in a mood for my girls rn-/lh
Nami is an only child, spoiled to hell and back by Azul because look at that man. He was made to be a girl dad spoiling them. She can do no wrong to them and they will defend her and her actions until the end of time. BUT she is the more generous kind of spoiled (if she likes you. If she doesn’t then get slapped by octopus tentacle motherfucker-) where she will give you something like that because she’d always just get another one
she’s the only one to have a fully thought out um (because god why do they take so much brainpower to think of)- Sirens Song. If she wills it, she can use her voice as a tool of mass hypnotism. This ability goes as far as her voice does, so as long as you are in earshot of her voice, you are susceptible. (Which sucks for beastmen with good hearing)
in general though she is very close with both of her dads and admires both of them to an absurd degree. She wants to be just like them, if not better. She is ADORED on Azul’s side (because in my lore, octo babies are RARE. You will only ever probably have one, or maybe two if you are insanely lucky. It ties into their magical prowess) but on Jamil’s side it’s basically just Najma and Jaddah, but she barely sees her (in my lore Jamil’s mom isn’t a bad person, she just was stuck in a bad situation and was very mentally unwell. Jamil and Najma were both ripped from her arms right after she gave birth and it messed her up. Jamil let her hold baby Nami and she cried)
(Design wise she pulls from Ariel and Vanessa. And a bit of jasmine)
Enzi is also technically an only child, but it’s only ever been her and ruggie. She was quite literally plucked off of the street and she’s been with him ever since. She grew up side by side with Faraja, constantly having play dates and such. But overall, she just, loves her dad. They’re a lot more like friends then a normal parent kid dynamic because ruggie understands that as she gets older she wants more respect (and hyena gender roles come in a bit). He taught her things from his culture though (HISPANIC RUGGIEEEE-) and she is fully considered apart of their community. Even if she’s a grey hyena in a sea of blonde and brown.
Faraja is… oh god she is my angst baby. I’m so sorry girl- she is an only child as well. I swear I didn’t mean for this to happen- her other parent.. isn’t in the picture. One day she was at Leona’s doorstep with a note saying she was his, and a week later, after the tests went through, she was. Cursed with being a bastard in a royal family (despite how fucking upset about it Leona was and how much he fought her treatment) she was basically ostracized from the rest of the family except for farena’s wife and Cheka. Leona loves her though. She never got a royal budget so he works as a local magical history professor and gives her his budget instead. Her hair is used throughout her storyline to express her feelings and I have a post detailing some of her angst
Vivienne is Not an only child, she has her brother, Emil- and she’s a musician (a la Taylor swift- said somewhat jokingly) but she only started performed when she was 16, because Vil was absolutely not going to have her have the same childhood he did. Instead she was tossed over to rook and taken out hunting. She has a crossbow in her skirt enchanted to compress at all times. She’s close with her little brother (tho he is annoying. Like all siblings) and she’s pretty close with both of her parents. (She also loves her gf Faraja which was a uh. Shock for Vil, at first.)
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paintedscales · 5 days
FFXIV Write 2024 :: Day Eighteen
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Prompt: Hackneyed Characters: Nomin tal Kheeriin, Ruyah Tchuvu, Francel de Haillenarte Word Count: 697 Notes: Neo-Ishgard / Steampunk AU; also not exactly the happiest with this one, but hey. It's done.
Master List
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“This hair clip has a linkpearl?” Nomin asked, picking up the decorative opal clip, its shape that of a crescent moon. Appropriate for that of the Keepers of the Moon.
“Indeed. With it, I’ll be able to hear everything that you are party to, and I shall be able to guide you in discussion with the others with things I would say while remaining perfectly safe here,” Ruyah replied, sitting back in the chair. Her tail curled as a smile spread over her lips. “Lucia put it together, you see. She has quite the way with little things like these.”
Indeed she did…
Nomin sighed, though took the hair clip. She would have to figure out how to put it on after her glamour took hold.
Ruyah -- or rather, Nomin glamoured as Ruyah -- was dressed for the event, sporting an emerald green dress with fetching white adornments to accent her ensemble. In her hair was an opal hairpin, a veritable treasure there upon her head to make her look all the more striking for the evening. She had a fan in one of her hands. It was unfolded and hid the lower half of her face as she walked about the area.
“I hear Lord Francel close by. Approach him.”
Nomin looked around before she spotted the bright green of Francel, and she slowly walked over, fanning herself all the while. She did her best to mimic what Ruyah showed her.
The linkpearl whispered into her ear again, and so the act of being a puppet began. Nomin had been thankful that she had plenty of practice listening and speaking at the same time so that she could regurgitate the words as quickly as they were given to her. A spoken script.
“A fine eve to you, Lord Francel,” Nomin greeted, picking up part of her dress before offering a brief curtsey. Another practiced form.
“Lady Ruyah!” Francel greeted, bowing in kind. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
“I’ve been informed your brother, Lord Stephanivien, would not be in attendance tonight. An unfortunate circumstance to be sure,” Nomin recited, a sigh escaping her lips in her act of disappointment. “I was hoping that I could bend his ear and ask some questions about his inventions with the Skysteel Manufactory.”
“Ah, yes…” Francel gave a brief nod, a sheepish look crossing his face. “I understand that some of these drones he’s been creating with some Garlean influence must seem like a threat to those who neighbor so close to us in the Black Shroud. My Lady Ruyah, please allow me to assuage any concerns: my brother does not seek to allow these works to threaten the rest of Eorzea, merely work in repelling any Dravanian threat.”
Nomin snapped the fan shut, a frown creasing on her lips with the severity of the words that were given to her.
“You must ask your brother to reconsider his inventions if they are meant for violence,” Nomin said. “Be they for good intentions or no, I must stress that espousing the hackneyed rhetoric that is proliferated throughout the whole of Ishgard is simply that. I want the Council of Menphina to be on good terms with House Haillenarte, but I simply cannot agree with such inventions. For if they are as powerful as we have seen samples of, it worries me and my people that it may one day be used against us.”
Francel looked shocked, and then a sheepish expression fell upon his face.
“I…I can see your concerns, Lady Ruyah…” Francel sputtered. He was not terribly fond of being confronted, it seemed. “I…can pass along your sentiment to my brother. He desires what’s best for Ishgard and her people. But I greatly doubt he would want to jeopardize the relations between our people.”
Nomin relaxed, unfolding her fan once more and covering the bottom of her face. Her eyes crinkled with a smile. “Very good. And if at all possible, I would very much enjoy a meeting with him so that I might talk to him in person one of these days.”
“I can see what I can arrange, but I can’t promise you anything.”
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discord-emote-customs · 8 months
Pinned Post/Info!
Welcome to my emoji drawing side blog! Here you can request for me to draw any discord emotes you'd like. Everything is free to use for its original purpose, if used for other purposes please credit this blog!!
Will not draw: NSFW, slurs (reclaimed or not), heavy gore, non-emoji people, discriminatory emojis, backgrounds to emojis (does not apply if it is the emoji itself), asl/hand emojis, and animations.
Will draw: Basically everything else, but this can change! This includes wordmojis, emoji people, animals, pride stuff, and anything disorder/neurodivergent/mental illness/medical condition related. Will draw religion/belief related emojis.
Everything will be tagged accordingly, so if you see something you don't like, don't complain! Simply block the tag!
I can and will refuse anything I don't want to do, so please don't take it personally.
Main blog: @arunningjoke
About me: You can call me Zen/Chara/Knife/Vela/Zaniah/Mira/Fulu and my pronouns are she/they/it/he with any neos (no emojipronouns!)
DNI: NSFW/kink/paraphillia/fetish blogs, no LGBTQ+phobia, ableism (of EVERY kind!!!), and those with gacha/Noelle Holiday (Deltarune) profiles (just request with anon, gacha is a trigger for me and Noelle makes me extremely EXTREMELY uncomfortable T^T")
The emoji archive carrd
Other stuff to know:
If you send me anything to base an emoji/emojis on and dont give a creator + don't have proof of permission, I'll either ask for creator/proof of permission via private answer, or if you're on anon, I'll just delete your request.
If you want to edit/recolor my emojis and put them anywhere but discord, link the post the original emojis you are using are in. When using for Discord, put EDITED or NOTMINE in the name. If someone asks who made it, link the post the original emojis you are using are in. Never never NEVER edit my emojis for hate speech or harassment or anything in my DNI. It's absolutely unacceptable behavior no matter what/who you are using them for/towards.
If you want to send in a lot of requests at once, please wait. At least one or two days between each request. On the other hand, you can put a bunch of stuff in one request. If it gets to be too much for me I'll post a bit and then reblog later with more/the rest so that people get their turn.
Requests are currently closed!
What I'm currently working on:
More samoyeds
Happy goldfish & taiyaki
Little holding highland cow plush
Little holding fox plush
Little cuddling mary meyers marshmallow stegosaurus plush
Little holding personal plush frustrated/overwhelmed/happy
Event stuff:
Frodo Baggins & Hobbit stims (ears, kicking feet) (Lord of the Rings)
Cupid (Kaitou Joker), Yatterchat
Marcy Wu (waving & hand flap stim) (Amphibia)
Martin & Jon (Magnus Archives)
Young Greg (basic emotions) (Steven Universe), Don Lothario (Sims 2)
Kangel (Needy Streamer Overload)
Zim (Invader Zim)
Sherlock Holmes (autism smile (???), "what's wrong with them"), Draco Malfoy (sipping coffee/tea in muggle cup), Agata Katsuhira ( "numb right now") (Kiznaiver) Noriko Sonozaki ("too much pain") (Kiznaiver), Lucifer Morningstar ("I'm better than you") (Lucifer Show)
Sprinkle & Blue (stims & wags) (Blues Clues)
Xion (hand flapping) (Kingdom Hearts)
Solar drinking out of a cup with a comically large silly straw (will make extra silly for friend)
The Shroud Siblings & Ortho Shroud (Twisted Wonderland)
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stevethefishdotnet · 2 months
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Argo Nauts 1:72 Y-Wing sofubi build update August 7th, 2024
I had posted a scan of this kit's box a few months ago. This is a sofubi (soft vinyl) kit with some brass, pewter, and resin pieces. The main body is vinyl, the disk ventrals at the tail ends of the nacelles are resin, the nacelle beams are brass, and the guns and landing gears are pewter (I think).
This picture above is a quick dry fit of what it looks like so far. I didn't tape the pieces together or anything, but just quickly assembled it for this picture. I later realized that I had hastily attached the nacelles upside-down. I just threw this quickly together to take a photo.
The kit does not come with any decals, so I gave it my own, unique paint scheme. This is a Blue Squadron Y-Wing and I am happy with the stripes I fashioned on my own with masking tape. I painted the vinyl parts with V-Color paints, which are made specifically for painting sofubi kits and toys. This paint is great because when applied properly to vinyl, you cannot scratch it off. It's extremely durable and flexible paint.
I first mixed Light Gray in with Black to make my own German Gray color which I used as an undercoat. I splotched Mr. Masking Neo in areas with a sponge for paint chipping, then went over it with Light Gray. I used Blue and Pastel Blue for the trim, and Orange Yellow to have one panel be a replacement. For the non-sofubi parts, I used Mr. Color 325 (JASDF Gray, IIRC) which is a good match for the V-Color Light Gray. The engine cans were painted a mixture of V-Color Gloss Black and Silver, resulting in a nice gunmetal color.
I later decided to not go with the pastel blue trim for the nacelle tips and re-masked and re-painted them with the matching medium blue I'd used on the cockpit fuselage, which you can see in the photo below. It was a bit tricky, but I also added a small ring of Flesh 1 color on the sensor domes. V-Color has its own clear Smoke color. I made sure to use the Smoke to stain the area around the proton torpedo launchers on the underside. After applying that and a clear gloss top coat, I applied a wash. You cannot use enamel paints on vinyl since they do not react well to each other. Instead I used some Turner Acryl Goache paints, some black with a bit of gray mixed in. Turner paints can be found at any stationery store here in Japan and elementary students use these paints for their classroom art projects. (The jibungous Tsutaya mega bookstore in Maebashi has a great hobby section that has a wide selection of these paints as well as artist oils, pastel chalks, and plenty of other hobby supplies.) I thinned it with Mr. Hobby's Weathering Paint Goache Solvent. (I don't know what "goache" means because I forget... Go look it up if you care.) This is made for making a wash out of acrylic paints. Simple water or acrylic thinner can cause the paint to dry in splotches, but this solvent is made to help the paint run into contours and stay still instead of spreading into splotches.
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There is no flat clear V-Color paint, so I had to create my own with Clear and Flat Base and tested it out on some spare vinyl until it looked right. I think maybe it might be a bit too flat, but I'm alright. After this flat coat, the blue looks considerably subdued and blends in better with the light gray.
The photo above is just another sloppy dry fit. Thus, it doesn't look straight. So far I have only glued the nose cannons to the cockpit pod, the sensor array domes to the nacelle tips, the engine cans and the exhaust shrouds that cover them to the engine pods, and I have glued the disk vectrals to the support pylons at the ends of the nacelles. I have yet to secure these beams to the engine pods, which are also not glued to the engine pylons. Nor have I glued the fuselage, cockpit, canopy, and such.
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To quote Han Solo, "Here's where the fun begins." While this kit provides brass rods for the support pylons, you have to provide your own wires for the piping and bend them all into shape. If I don't get this part right, the model won't look good. So, I am a bit nervous. I am using Wave's C-Line brass rods. Since I have seen some Y-Wing builds in which the pipes were painted a metallic color, I think I might just leave mine unpainted. A viewer on YouTube suggested to me to paint the wires a metallic color for scale, but I think it looks fine as it is. What do you think? They look a bit too shiny since the fluorescent light is shining directly onto them in this picture. I will apply a wash on the brass rods and I was thinking that I will hand-brush Mr. Metal Primer since it is clear and the enamel or whatever should stick to it better after that. Maybe I'll use that Games Workshop Nuln Oil as a wash over the pipes. The pipes should add the bonus value of acting like pins to keep the pieces together. 
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So far, my only complaint is the cockpit canopy. It was difficult to cut out the windows and I think it really should have been molded in resin. The Astromech was painted V-Color Gloss Black and masked off. I will paint its trim with Mr. Hobby Aqueous Gloss White. I also need to paint the cockpit instrumentation with various colors too.
I'm really enjoying this build and as a result I'm getting back into the three Nadia sofubi kits by Tsukuda that have been languishing for years as shelf queens. I've made good progress with those and I will post an update on those soon. I've also begun working on a Deedlit sofubi kit by Kaiyodo.
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bestworstcase · 10 months
the tree does not kill, it resurrects and rebuilds.
cinder alludes specifically to grimms’ cinderella (which: lol) -> salem is therefore not her fairy godmother but the white bird, a reincarnation of her mother who lives in the hazel tree planted over the grave and watered by cinderella’s tears.
looks into the camera like i’m on the office. ok.
well it probably doesn—
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i’m sure it’s n—
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[wheezing] coincidence—
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don’t worry about it
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really. don’t.
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this force of pure destruction could not destroy a being of infinite life, so it created a being of infinite life with a desire for pure destruction. oh and by the way, one of her principle narrative allusions is involves reincarnation through a tree. how about we all stare at a wall for a little while.
she will not rest until humanity crumbles at her feet, says raven.
our souls transcend death, says salem.
we ascend, says the cat.
“you’re not nearly as interesting as the others I’ve met.” -> “well you never asked, silly! it was always ‘alyx this’ and ‘alyx that.’” -> “and what truly remarkable things they accomplished, whenever the brothers’ creations have come to the ever after.”
were alyx and lewis truly the first?
“one small kindness in one small moment led to such a marvelous transformation.”
the jabberwalker was “brutal, and effective.” the god of light destroyed him; dark brought him back. they fought, decimating the acre. in the present, jabber—the real one, not neo’s facsimiles—is feared but not, in any sense, brutal. he doesn’t attack blake; he grabs gambol shroud to prevent her from hurting him while he scrutinizes her. he runs away when the girls corner him and pleads with neo to stop when she sets her facsimiles on him. “fix!” he says. “find!” he says. neo’s facsimiles act like the monster he’s supposed to be, but jabber himself does not.
what—or who—incited that change?
“for it is in passing we achieve immortality; through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. i release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee.” <- thats ascension.
“we could become the gods of this world. our powers surpass all others; our souls transcend death. we could mold these lands into whatever we want […] create the paradise the old gods could not” <- also ascension
The people with the strongest faith leapt from the boat immediately and splashed in the shallow water toward the shore. Those who stayed behind on the boat watched their brethren transform before their eyes, each of them acquiring an animal trait: ram horns, rabbit ears, cat ears, monkey tails, and more. By the time they reached land, they were something new to Remnant—both Human and animal at the same time. “This land is no less hospitable than where we came from,” the people on the beach said. “But here at least we have control of our fates, free from the influence of others.”
<- ALSO ASCENSION. and also literally just what salem did. thinking emoji
aura is a manifestation of the soul, a life-force that runs through every living creature on remnant. says salem. in-character. over, uh:
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the truth is there but sometimes in disguise
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melpherno · 2 months
A Brotherly Reunion
A simple scene between Falcon and his Lost brother
Summary: One should operate alone in the desert. Especially in a place like Eden, where life struggled to survive; where predators roamed about the dunes, prowling around to pounce on any incoming mercenaries. People, who consider themselves lucky enough to take down a sandswimmer and curse their being by becoming NEOS, are usually stuck together as a group. No doubt there were several benefits such as health aid, food supplies, and many other things which easily lured other NEOS in, but to remain a lone wolf in an apocalyptic world truly required serious talent and courage. Falcon, a mercenary known for his marksmanship and talent for easily dealing with those monstrous beasts, was one of them.
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No sound other than Falcon's footsteps echoed through the desolate ruins of Eden. For a place that was about to morph into a bloody battlefield just moments later, the deafening silence felt ironic almost. With each step Falcon took, his awareness increased. He couldn't exactly tell what, but something was wrong, as if he were being watched from the shadows of every crevice of this rundown building; which didn't help as the entire place was shrouded in darkness during night. Usually, he'd easily detect any potential danger or an approaching Lost and immediately take them down with just a single shot, however, this time, he failed to exactly detect his danger. Frantically scanning his surroundings as he moved, his eyes darted here and there, checking for the slightest hints, however, he still failed to detect any. Internally cursing himself, he quickened his pace, the sooner he found the thing he was looking for, the better.
Falcon navigated his way through the desecrated hall, cautiously moving over the rubble and debris. At the end of the hall, he discovered a stairwell, leading downstairs to the exit presumably. Though the medicines and first aid he was assigned to fetch hadn't been retrieved yet, his instincts were telling him that it'd be best to leave.
Though he had been a lone mercenary, he never hesitated to lend a helping hand to those who needed it. That included being stubborn enough to throw himself in danger's face if it meant saving his allies. However, trepidation made him surrender in such dire circumstances; he would've stayed longer if it was a different situation, but now, he felt greatly unease.
Falcon turned around to check if anyone was behind him, and as it turned out, there seemed to be nothing but a daunting darkness spread across the empty hall. He even looked up at the ceiling, noticing thin cracks crawling by the worn-out sheen of plaster, all being illuminated by the faint moonlight seeping through the cracks of the barred windows.
The door to the stairwell remained blocked by a few wooden planks at the bottom, which Falcon easily climbed over. As he descended, he noted the broken banisters, the missing edges of the stairs as well as the dark green moss that carpeted the ground and clung to the wall like tapestries. He even noted the clear Onyx Street outside through a broken window, the silver moonlight gracing the dark place like a torch of hope in a desperate time. Falcon turned away, picking up his pace. Only when he was about to take a step down the stairs did he take note of some sort of liquid dripping from above.
How strange. Certainly, it's impossible to rain indoors.
With brows creased in annoyance and cautiousness, he looked upward. And as he was expecting, his eyes met with the hollow yellow eyes of an Arachnid Lost. Supporting on its bony legs it clung to the ceiling above. A ghastly scene indeed, which Clarence had gotten used to during his stay in Eden. Nevertheless, a certain detail still managed to make the mercenary subconsciously take a step back. Usually, most Arachnid Losts had their face unscathed, but this one in particular had its jaw covered in blood – as if it didn't have a portion of its jaw at all!
Falcon's hand slowly reached for the gun in his holster, his eyes focused on the Lost as it tilted its head to the side to observe his moves. The Lost's head jerked in sudden motions as it slowly moved its "legs" to crawl closer, without making the slightest sound.
Within an instant, Falcon brought his gun out, turned off the safety trigger and pointed it toward the monster. "Don't," he warned in a sharp tone as if the Lost could understand him.
The Lost stopped as it remained on the wall, yes, but Falcon still noticed it moving its head side to side as if scrutinizing him through the hoarse groans it let out – it almost sounded... Disappointed.
"█▀▄..." It spoke, through sputters and hushed whispers.
Falcon tightened his grip on the gun, moving back slowly. It wasn't wise to shoot now, neither was it to run away in such proximity.
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cuntess-carmilla · 2 years
Goth music for Evanescence fans
Are you an Evanescence fan (casual or avid) interested in finding actual goth music?
Well, here's a playlist full of like 98% female-fronted goth songs that are mostly Rock-based with dark emotional themes, dramatic riffs, creepy yet beautiful atmospheres, the occasional symphonic element or classic piano, and haunting vocals. The few songs with male vocalists tend to match the particular dark and miserable vibe of Fallen + pre-Fallen Evanescence.
What qualifies me to make such recommendations? I may be an Evanescence hater now (sorry), but they were the band that introduced me to dark alt music when I was 14 in 2006, and were my absolute favorite band for two years before that (special interest level obsession) until I discovered real goth music in early 2007.
Disclaimer: Before ANY goth comes at me for having included Theatre of Tragedy songs in a goth playlist, you cannot convince me that Aégis specifically ISN'T a Gothic Rock album plain and simple. It sounds NOTHING like their Gothic Metal. You can patently hear the Sisters of Mercy influences in songs like Poppæa or even of The Banshees in Samantha. Some songs in that album are even more Ethereal Wave than Gothic Rock such as Siren, Angélique or Cassandra.
Evanescence fans should try out everything between Theatre of Tragedy's debut and Aégis tbh, even if only Aégis is goth. They were SO good and Liv Kristine's vocals are both angelical and technically pristine. She sounds even better live.
Bands I particularly recommend to Evanescence fans interested in goth music:
Die Laughing: I fell in love with them in 2009 because I instantly thought "This is how Evanescence would sound if they were actual Gothic Rock". Beautiful soft mezzo-soprano vocals, full melancholy, epic compositions.
(old) Dead Souls Rising: Darkwave with hints of classical composition (the vocalist is also a violinist), haunting mezzo-soprano vocals and a persistent preocupation with romanticized death.
Diva Destruction: Extremely brooding Darkwave by a pianist and dramatic alto singer. Intense atmospheres, good balance between synths and Gothic Rock guitars. Songs about heartbreak and betrayal.
Virgine Dramatica: Gothic Rock and Darkwave with delicate and emotional soprano vocals. PURE romantic doom with beautiful keyboard arrangements and highly melancholic atmospheres.
This Ascension: Between Gothic Rock and Ethereal Wave. Gorgeous, sometimes nearly operatic mezzo-soprano vocals, can go almost neo-classical or downright so in some tracks. Poetic, dark romantic, masterful musicianship.
The Shroud: Started out as Gothic Rock with hints of Deathrock, ended up Ethereal Wave. Delicate mezzo-soprano vocals, poetic, gloomy and brooding lyrics, a fixation with literature and all things antique and romantic.
Autumn: Gothic Rock with guitars a bit heavier than most of the genre. Lyrics about despair, dramatic alto vocals, intensity and darkness. I think they represent even more what Evanescence would sound like if they were actually goth than Die Laughing does.
Requiem in White: Legitimately operatic soprano vocals. Shredding Deathrock guitars with Ethereal Wave influences. Brooding, extremely romantic and atmospheric.
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