#nerodivergent positivity
puerileaccismus · 1 year
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Empathy means the ablity to feel someone else's emotions. It doesn't dictate wether or not someone is a good person.
Lacking empathy doesn't mean someone doesn't care or is unkind.
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alreadysoltye · 2 years
from some notes i was taking on my hyperfixation
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pixelbee-3 · 10 months
I honestly find this funny (in a bittersweet way)
If you are trans you'll normally think about being other gender/somewhere in between
Nerodivergent people think they are of some form Nerodivergent while others that are not never think about it
Same goes for neglect being queer and more
The normal amount of times someone thinks about if they are something is never
Case in point most are actually said thing and even if not it's an experience
No one should limit themselves for society expectations
Stay true, stay weird
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r0seart · 10 months
I love adding my own personal flare to Harry Potter, one of the many joys of autism. Your special interest/hyperfixation becomes a part of you and so you put a piece of yourself in that work.
When I change things about the canon, assume it’s not out of malice. It’s just my way of expressing myself.
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systemotes · 2 years
This may be niche;
Here's a recent Pronoun set we are proud of. We did come up with it but unsure if something similar might already exist(which happens). The flag is the oldest dragongender based identity we could find.
If you want to use or test out these Pronouns
Drae, Draem, Draeir, Draeirs, Draeirself
Dray, Dray-m, Dr-air, Dr-air-s, Dr-air-s-elf
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clipclopcod · 1 year
This might sound like some basic thing where people say their proud of you just because, but I actually love people SO. MUCH. just to be clear: I’m still an introvert, but like-
The gays? So sweet and pretty they make me kick me feet, lesbians? SO beautiful and majestic makes me head hurt, trans people? Either the most knowledgeable confident gods, or the sweetest babies you’ll meet, Enbys? OMG they are so beautiful and smart and crunchy!!!, very squishable 11/10!!!, aroace peeps? They are insane and smart and I love them, the entire lgbt? Literally so loving and kind it’s insane I’d fight for them until I die, poc? DONT GET ME STARTED they are so pretty!!!!, Asians? They are so amazing and confident and sweet it’s hard to describe. Neurodivergents? My fellow friends! They are so accepting and helpful and cool I’d give a kiss on the forehead 11/10, Chubby people? So amazing and grrrtgrerr aaaa pretty!!! Want to bite!!!! (friendly), Slim people? I love them! ,!,,,!,!11! Lil scrawny dudes!!! Very sweet!!!, disabled people? They are so confident and pretty no matter what!!!, you can’t change my mind!!!,!, women? So confident and beautiful I’d can’t comprehend it!!
and everyone in between too! Everyone out there is so amazing and wonderful and I wish I could love y’all so much and make y’all happy UGHHHGGG!!,!!! 😭❤️❤️
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r0sensfw · 7 months
Hate to start some discourse but it’s becoming harder and harder to stay silent on my feelings regarding kink and fiction. I watched my sister isolate herself from the Mandela Catalogue fandom as they made her feel like shipping two characters was a hate crime against the creator. (I’m not looking for drama, just talking about fandom experience)
I’ve somehow become more insecure over what will get me harassed on the internet. One of those big things being my views on kink, fanfiction, and shipping.
I’ve been told all my life how I’ve been meant to feel
Man in the gimp suit is dangerous
Human pups, handcuffs, pegging, bondage, S&M are punchlines and shock value
Fanfiction is for stupid gross teen girls to fetishize gay men or for pathetic adults to project their worst fantasies onto
Shipping isn’t queer, it’s homophobic in fact
Who would ship two best friends, NOTHING IS SAFE!!!
I’ve been told, years and years and years how I should feel about sexuality, how I should feel about my own sexuality.
I’m creating my own space, one free of what my mom and the other neroutypical cishet adults told me my sexuality had to be!!
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revjackgraves · 2 years
I love my crazy erratic family more than words could ever fully describe. Through them I have learned so many important life lessons and have gotten to witness the world through their perspectives. From my autistic and nonbinary 9 year old who is so creative and so head strong and knows exactly what they want out of life. To my best friend and brother in law who is the most creative, artistic, and humourous free spirit. And finally my lovely husband who is an amazing sewist and makes me realize how lucky I am to be married to him everyday. Each of these people made me have to learn to communicate and grow as a person. Each has helped me down my journey of shadowwork . We are all a little crazy and dysfunctional with our individual personalities and neurodivergencies (all of us being somewhere on the ADHD or autism spectrums) but we work together and have bonds that I don't think could ever be severed. I found and built my family after going no contact with nearly all of my bio family and the bonds I have now are truly stronger.
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cobwebears · 2 years
The correct way to bond with someone is to go bat shit crazy over a character you both love.
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janedoewrites · 8 months
Hello! I just wanted to ask is Lily autistic/nerodivergant coded? When I first read about Lily I saw myself in her and I'm autistic. :) Not sure if it was intentional or not, but you've captured the experience of what it's like growing up with autism lol
I'm not going to tell people what they can and can't read into a character. That's the fun of reading/watching/interacting with any medium, making what you will of it and relating to it in the way you want to.
I am not here to tell people what to think or what to do. And I'm glad you related to the book positively!
The Answer
No, that wasn't my intention.
I did no research to write a neurodivergent/autistic character and as someone who isn't neurodivergent or autistic myself it's not really a story I feel I can adequately tell without either much more research or personal life experience.
So, if she's coming off that way, it's really more of a coincidence in that much of Lily's colored by her background and history and the very strange world she grew up in in comparison to who she is as a person.
But again, I'm glad you had a positive experience with the book and I'm not here to tell you what to do and what to read or not read into characters, just that it wasn't my intention.
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sangaverage · 2 months
About Me I guess
that being said, I do post about VTM and VTR on occasion.
Please get yourself an icon and some posts behind you (not likes, though I will see if they are semi consistent) otherwise you may pass as a potential bot and get yourself blocked, thank you
(porn blogs are blocked if it's irl nudity and makes me uncomfortable, I'm all for body positivity but some things I would rather not see grace my dash!
Nsfw text and not real nudity is acceptable but I will block of I feel it makes me uncomfortable!)
I do try to keep it as light-hearted as possible over here! But Things May Happen...
I currently do not have a job due to my neurodivergence giving me issues with most if not all work environments, Therefore Also, I unfortunately am unable to donate money to any causes or charities. I am sorry about that! do know that I am generally upset about the same things going on as you are! but please please please, do not try to peer pressure me to donate money! Not only that but I don't trust alot of people I don't know on the internet with money because sometimes you honestly cannot tell what is legitimate and what's going to clone your bank information, (Again) be careful folks! It's unfortunate but it does happen and some people are more than happy to take current events as an excuse to swindle the weak or vulnerable!
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-First things first despite what you may be thinking I am an adult lol.
-I reblog More than I post usually, But You'll Know Its A post of mine as ill sign off with an Ankh (☥)
-I'm rather eclectic and into many things but this blog is just/Mostly for the Vampyre part. any non vampire, autumn or demonolatry related posts will be marked as "Not vampire related" or if from me titled "not a vampire post..."
-other things include But are not limited to: VTM, VTR, Hardstyle Music, Metal Music, Anything Gothic, Halloween (like all the time lol), Autumn/Fall (its may favourite season), Bats, Crows, Monsters (In general), Video Games, Books (bonus points if there witchy or Vampire), Animal crossing, Monster hunter.
I am a and Accept/Respect:
-Sanguinarian(s)/Psychic(s)/Tantric Feeder(s)
-Nerodivergent person(s)
(Especially anxiety and autistic spectrum)
-A-spec(s) (both Autistic and Asexual, I'm Demi Myself)
-Witchcraft practitioner/ eclectic witch(s)
(but please be mature if it's something you don't practice please That being said however:
-Demonolator(s)/ LHP Practitioner(s)
-Vulture Culture Collector(s)
I'm not but will accept/respect:
-Lifestyle Vampire(s)
-Any LGBTQ+ that I haven't mentioned yet that is legitimate (No MAPs)
-All Races (this should not have to be said but hey)
I'm not sure about this, but I still like you, You are Welcome here:
-Therian/Otherkin/Alterhumans/ Voidpunk etc
im not sure this blog is the best place for you, but you are welcome to stay if you insist:
-People who aren't into Vampires
(why are you here then lol)
-Roleplayers/Roleplay Blogs/ Kin for Fun
(you are welcome here but bare in mind this blog is serious about its topics, minus the occasional post often VTM, VTR or tagged "just for fun")
-Minors, you are welcome to stay but please be safe!
(I only say this due to some more mature discussions such as Medical Blood consumption Etc)
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NOTE 1: I personally see my vampirism as Spiritual as well as a completely normal side of myself, I didn't choose anything, I awakened and this is and always will be me. (your vampiric experience may vary)
I consider myself a "Ronin" Vampyre as I'm not a part of the larger VC (vampire community) due to too much squabbling in most Houses/Groups/Orders or just general disagreement over what that group stands for Vs what I stand for.
I'm not hurting anyone, call it escapism if you wish, don't like it, that's cool you don't have to, just don't be an ass about it.
(I also Have a YouTube, but that is a hobby and does not earn me anything right now!)
NOTE 2: As this is primarily a vampire blog, there will inevitably be some posts that contain Blood, mild gore, written (fake) violence etc! I do apply trigger warnings in the tags As "tw ______" but I shall re-warn you here!
Note 4: I Consider myself semi Antinomian, (definition here) do note that while I may not be a religion you are, I do accept you being that religion (unless its Nazi in any way sorry, I really shouldn't have to mention this) We all have different paths for different reasons, I respect that and so should you!
there may also be the occasional post that I will be unsure of the maturity of... if I feel or deem something is up with the image that certain eyes may not wish to see, I will tag it as "Nsft?"
-End Rant-
I would just like to share (again) that I also have a YouTube, It Has the same name as my blog (SangAverage) And covers stuff on Vampyres and also magick, Mostly from a Sanguinarian and slightly Spiritual Vampyre Perspective as well as somewhat Medsang.
You are welcome to come over and see if it's for you or not (Just pretty please behave yourselves either way! Comments are mostly on but moderated)
Here's your Link: https://youtube.com/@sangaverage-yt?si=1n15zrQiV1seOOJi
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Userbox and Divider credits:
-sangaverage (just for fun lol)
^ icons for my userboxes are Mintaka code and found on SAVCC so credit to them
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Don't be afraid to mutual me! I Don't Bite
(at least without Consent)
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Thanks for your time See You all Across the veil In The Realm of SangAverage!
Or not whichever!
Enter Freely And of your own Free will!
And Sanguinarians: there's some useful resources for you in a dropdown menu if you go to my actual URL here!
I am trying to make my posts and anything I Reblog more inclusive to those who have a hard time reading/ Cannot read small text/ are visually impaired by adding notes to posts I seem important enough as "Screen reader ID (example text here!)"
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apricotbuncakes · 1 year
I love my partner’s mom more than my own parents and I’ll tell you why.
She met me before i had come out, and has only messed up a few times on my pronouns and name (something that my mom and dad didn’t even try with for over a year).
When I ramble to her about my hyperfixations and special interests she listens to me I stead of just brushing it off as being childish. She may not remember all the details, but she listened even if she’s not particularly interested and she engages in the conversation instead of just sitting and doing something else. She also does not talk down to me or patronize me when I ramble. She engages like it’s a normal conversation.
I stim a lot with my hands, especially if I’m excited and she doesn’t make fun of me for it. Even though I’m undiagnosed with autism, she doesn’t tell me it’s weird. She recognizes that it’s my way of showing excitement when I can’t formulate words. She accepts the attributes of my nerodivergency instead of giving me the “Okaayyy” with a side eye like my mom does. And if I explain the same thing to her twenty times over because I keep making a loop of myself she listens to that patiently too.
She also mimicked my stims to show my partner what I was doing while talking to her at dinner about my cool art that I made! She mimicked my stims in a positive way! (Meanwhile my dad did similar things to make fun of me or mock autistic people).
She is letting me live with her rent free. She helps me get to work on time (since it’s currently outside walking distance). She doesn’t judge my makeup or my clothes even though they are pretty feminine. My parents would question me over and over about my feminine style and insist that I was trying to be difficult just because I could, that my gender expression was bad because it ‘conflicted’ with how I wanted to be addressed. My partner’s mom has never once told me anything of the sort.
Also her cooking is fucking amazing. Her cooking is just so much better than either of my parents and i actually like having family meal time with her.
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sketch-pencilpoint · 1 year
OK, here we go
Long rant time as I've been keeping a sort of happy persona here but
I am not happy often.
As someone with nerodivergency, I struggle to deal with ecces or overly annoying noises. This is a bad thing as everone in my school, from my YEAR 11 CLASSMATES TO COMPLETE STRANGERS ARE CONATANTLY MAKING THE MOST IRRITATING NOISES. These include humming noises (not really humming but it's the best way I can put it), saying things in a really infuriating and r-worded tone (not gonna say the word but you hopefully get the picture), some gross half gluping sound, even grosser slurping sounds, and for the strangers either their unwanted semi-flirts or the ones who just say (or YELL) my name at me despite me not knowing them.
I feel trapped. The teachers don't seem to hear them, my mother and her stupid husband are no help when I vent to them and the only reason I have yet to kill myself is because both my dad would be distraught and I would be in eternal purgatory as a result as I love my dad to death and because I have art to do, projects to work on and dreams to pursue.
I am constantly either miserable or really angry and no one will give me a break. Day after day, annoyance after annoyance and its building up until I feel fit to burst and scream and maim and kill and hurt others and I don't feel as if I could talk to someone who could help me. I also just feel afraid that I'll either be judged or put on a list or worse still.
I feel as if up until now on this hellsite I've been a happy and weird little fandom artist who was never really afraid to do or post what he wanted to, and I'm always there if you need someone to talk to and such, but I'll feel as if I'm not. I'm overly negative, I've always got something to winge about, and nowadays it feels as if actually enjoying myself or displaying my positive aspects is more of a rarity.
Also when I say my mother and stepdad are no help, is that they always make me feel as if I'm being unreasonable or rude and I always come away more upset as I feel made out to be the villain even if that wasn't their intention to what they were saying.
The only real solice I find is in drawing and when being through what I've been through as myself day after day after day after day after day its hard to find a real motivation to draw. It's hard. It's really hard. Not to mention I also have to worry about the future and all the adjustments I now have to make now that I am of to college. And I fear that it may suck almost as much there.
No comforts bring much comfort though, like how it will all be over soon. I want it over now. I won't end my own life though. I feel that is to far.
Sorry for this, I just, needed to get some things of of my chest.
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Pinned Post / Intro
Kinky & Subby Little + SelfShipper
I will make content for your selfship!
-Type of Posts-
Little Space Art
SelfShip Art
Art Requests
SelfShip Activities
LittleSpace Activities
General Positivity
SelfShip Journal Prompts
LittleSpace Journal Prompts
Reblog Games
Ask Games
LittleSpace Resources
Paci Edit
Caregiver Headcanons
LittleSpace Headcanons
Kink Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
___ is Proshipper/Caregiver/Little/Dom/Sub/Switch
-Do Not Interact-
I block freely, don't take it personally
Minors/Minors in Kink/Ageless Accs
Agere/Petre/Dreamre/NonCommunity/SFW Littles
Pro Harmful Contact/No Consent Paras + MAPs
Anti Kink + Anti Ageplay/DD/MD x LG/LB
Think kink is only sexual or that it can be SFW
Against sexual littles
If I go against your DNI
Generally hateful people
-Admin Info-
Name: Bonnie, Bon, Bunny, Bun, B
Age: 19
Birthday: 8/10
Feminine Presenting GNC NonBinary Trans Masc Demi Boy
Bisexual + Polyamorus + NeroDivergent
24/7 Fluid Little & Middle
ABDL / Diaper Lover
Pro Kink & ProFiction
Kink Lifestyle with 24/7 Dynamics
In a relationship with IRL partner and F/Os
IRL Partner is my Caregiver & Dom
-My F/Os- (I love sharing, its on you to block if you dont want to)
Cartman (South Park)
Alastor (Habzin Hotel)
Rosie (Hazbin Hotel)
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel)
Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)
Stan Pines (Gravity Falls)
Ford Pines (Gravity Falls)
Bender (Futurama)
Monty (FNAF SB)
Freddy (FNAF SB)
Moon (FNAF SB)
Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)
Pete (Human Resources)
Jeff the Killer (Creepypasta)
-My Other Accounts-
Main: @Skelebun--Adventures
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idk-my-aesthetic · 5 years
ok i was gonna write a funny self deprecating post bc i spent ten minute trying to figure out how to spell the word “drawer” but actually fuck that. its 2019 were done with negative self talk. im a smart person who like has trouble with stuff others dont bc i’m nerodivergent and have adhd and thats okay. im still smart and valid
and that goes for everyone. no matter what u have. if u struggle with “easy” stuff bc ur nerodivergent, guess what. your not lazy or stupid or weird or any of those other things your brain says bc assholes around you told it you were. 
if you manage to accomplish those things that are hard for you, then ur incredible and im so freaking proud of you. no matter how small or insignificant that thing may seem. and even if you’re struggling, and haven't really been able to do those “easy” things, im still so freaking proud of you bc ik you've accomplished a thousand other things like that a thousand times before. ur amazing and im proud of you
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northlight14 · 3 years
If you’re seeing this, this is your invitation to either reblog or go into my asks and info dump about whatever it is you’re currently passionate about.
Don’t worry about bothering me because I promise you won’t be. I love hearing about people’s passions, even if I don’t know a lot about them!
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