#next part should b fairly short
pleistocene-pride · 1 year
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Happy Fossil Day. Happy Fossil Day! Brontosaurus is a genus of herbivorous sauropod dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late Jurassic period some 156 to 146 million years ago. The first remains consisted of a fairly complete skeleton was recovered from Como Bluff Wyoming in 1879 by William Harlow Reed who named its Brontosaurus excelsus,  meaning "thunder lizard", from the Greek brontē meaning "thunder" and sauros meaning "lizard", and from the Latin excelsus, meaning "noble" or "high". Despite being one of the most complete sauropod skeletons known at the time, the brontosaurus type specimen along with another found in 1880 lacked skulls. In 1903 Elmer S. Riggs argued that Brontosaurus was so similar to Apatosaurus that it should become a synonym. However, when the first skeleton of Apatosaurus was mounted in the American Museum of Natural History in 1905, it bore the name Brontosaurus, in additional confusion because no skulls where known from these animals a faximilally was constructed based off of other sauropod skull remains now know to be Camarasaurus and brachiosaurs which gave the mount a truly bizarre head. This one mounted skeleton is the reason why so much controversy would exist for this dinosaur over the next hundred years. It was not until a 1975 study by John Stanton McIntosh and David Berman re-describing the skull and jaws of Apatosaurus and Diplodocus was published that things would really get moving for more accurate reconstructions. In 1995 the original Brontosaurus mount from 1905 finally got a skull revision to be like that of Apatosaurus, and was also now named as Apatosaurus excelsus. It took the best part of a century to reveal the true shape and form of Apatosaurus, and for most of this time the majority of paleontologists agreed with the opinion of Elmer S, Riggs from 1903 that Brontosaurus should be a synonym to Apatosaurus. One notable exception however was Robert T. Bakker, who in 1998 argued that Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus were distinct. Bakker would be proven right in 2015 when an extremely in-depth sauropod study conducted by Emanuel Tschopp, Octavio Mateus and Roger Benson found that the Brontosaurus type species B. excelsus was infact a valid genus. Reaching 62 to 72 (19 -22m) in length and 30,000 to 38,000 (13,600 -17,250kgs) in weight, brontosaurus was large, long-necked, and quadrupedal with a long tail terminating in a whip-like structure. The cervical vertebrae are notably extremely robust and heavily-built, in contrast to its lightly built relatives Diplodocus and Barosaurus. The forelimbs were short and stout whereas the hindlimbs were elongated and thick, all signs that brontosaurs was remarkably strong and muscular. Brontosaurus would have likely lived in loose herds  acting as a nonselective browser feeding upon ferns, cycads, ginkgos, and horsetails, as it coexisted with with a menagerie of other morrison taxa such as the Diplodocus, Barosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus, Dryosaurus, Camptosaurus, Allosaurus, Torvosaurus, and Ceratosaurus.
Art Used in this video belongs to the following creators
Brontosaurus excelsus: Paleoguy https://www.deviantart.com/paleoguy/art/Brontosaurus-excelsus-526754288 https://www.deviantart.com/paleoguy/art/Brontosaurus-780543420 https://www.deviantart.com/paleoguy/art/Brontosaurus-Allosaurus-570575957
Brontosaurus is Back: tuomaskoivurinne https://www.deviantart.com/tuomaskoivurinne/art/Brontosaurus-is-back-526656913
Brontosaurus through the ages: Nix Draws Stuff https://nixillustration.com/tag/brontosaurus/
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mistkisbiggestfan · 1 year
Pidge x reader | White Lion - Part I |
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A/N: Okay so this has parts of dialogue of "Dangerously Yours", it'll have a part 2, and btw my requests are open! Word count: 2k
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You were not ready for failure of any kind. As a white paladin of Voltron your soul mission was to protect other paladins and people around you. A medic was what you were, a brute by nature and a pacifist by force, all you could do was save, even if you tried to charge into battle you were quickly pushed off – back to the sidelines. “Y/N! Get out of here! It’s not a place for a medic!” They yelled. Voltron was fine by itself, no medic was required, you were a so-called “Plan B”, you were useless, healing pods were more handy than a medic. Everyone neglected you, not as a friend of course, but as a valuable fighter and defender of the universe. 
The only one treating you fairly was your love, Pidge. She actually appreciated any kind of help she got from you during and out of battle, that was, to your dismay, cut short. As war with Galra raged on, everyone forgot about any other struggles disregarding the threat across the universe. Soon, Pidge began to share the view about you with other paladins, bit by bit. – You should be more careful! – She said, but quickly, those words turned into. – Just stay out of this Y/N! We don’t have time to waste!
Waste? You thought. Waste? Is that what they see my effort as? A waste..? And like that, the overthinking pursued. No one even noticed you staying out of conversations, blindly following orders, no one noticed because it was making everything easier – Who would have thought that disregarding your feelings would be so convenient? Nobody, that’s why no one realized something was wrong. 
And there you were, in the middle of the ashes of a once proud planet, now left dying and naked of its natural beauty and resources. While the other paladins were fighting a Galra ship, basically above, you were left to seek refugees and help them. People shied away, some openly running out of your sight. You left your weapons hidden, leaving only a red, cross marking on your armor standing out. You looked forward, a camp stood out of the dead surrounding, a medical camp. You quickened your pace, rushing into the tent. 
– Hello? – Everyone sulking in silence suddenly looked up at you in horror, some closing their eyes, as if you were there to collect their soul and send it away from this world. – I saw the crosses on the tent, do you need help? I’m a medic and—-- You were cut off by a few people gasping at your confession. An old, wise looking alien granny rushed over to your side and guided you inside. – We’re glad you came here, indeed we are, but there’s no time! We need to act quick, please, help us. – She looked at you with hope in her eyes, the medical staff, consisting of three other aliens, gazed at you. You just nodded in agreement. 
– Y/N? What’s happening there? – You heard the confused voice of Pidge on your intercom, you muted your mic and popped off your helmet, pushing it into the corner of the medical camp. – Alright, let’s get to work. – You said quietly, no one said a word, they just led you into the other part of the tent. 
In the next hour you operated on at least four people, crushed, stabbed, or just dying in general. You sighed and washed off the sweat from your forehead, you turned to another patient but before that, a middle-aged woman grabbed you by your shoulders. – Please, god, save her. I can’t do it without her, please, you kind people are the only hope we have left. Not even Voltron is here to guard us. – She said breaking down in front of you. – Where were they when we were dying? – She asked, and like that she fell to her knees as one of the other people inside took her away from the place you were operating in. You looked at the girl in front of you, her life was in your hands now. She turned to you and whispered – Don’t blame yourself if I don’t make it, if I- I actually won’t wake up tomorrow, tell that girl that I will watch above her… – She closed her eyes as you ran to save her. 
The battle outside died down, you were sitting under a dimly lit light with a cup of strange coffee in front of you. And like that your mind wandered off. Your helmet beeping obnoxiously. 
Beep. Voltron just missed this place? While they were fighting in the sky, innocent people were dying on land. We could have stopped this, they could have stopped this. Beep. What kind of heroes are we if we can’t even save the people we’re fighting for? Beep. What’s the point in this? Today, I helped more people than I ever did in Voltron… Did they even notice I was gone? Beep. Lord, all of those people had families, lovers, children, lifes to come back to after the war. Beep. You looked up, the beeping seemed to be more frequent then before, you sighed annoyed and turned your intercoms on. You heard a few familiar voices echoing through the mic, your tired and beaten down gaze softened. 
– Y/N? Y/N? Are you there? – You heard the soft voice of Pidge, you smiled for a second at the thought of her. – Ugh, Pidge, come for your food! – Lance shouted in the background. 
– Um, sure, just let me make this one message and—--
– Pidge! Come on, you know how the Mx. Lone Medic Wolf acts like, they’ll be back, please, what’s the worst that could’ve happened? They were on land, no battles you know. 
– I- I guess you’re right, I’m just a bit worried.
– Have you forgotten? They’re not a fighter, it’s not like they could be hurt doing a pointless check up on land.
– Yeah… It doesn’t sit right with me though, the whole “creating a pointless task to get Y/N out of battle” thing, you know?
The rest of the conversation was muffled, you couldn’t keep up with the words leaving their mouths, the sentence left you numb to your surroundings. You heard Pidge shuffle around, presumably standing up and getting out of her room to get food. You stood there frozen, shocked, sitting still and aimlessly staring at the dark abyss in front of you. You felt tears flowing down your face, but you made no noise. Everything was too loud and too quiet at once. You silently took off your helmet and put it in front of you, sitting in the dimly lit room, with cold coffee as your company. Is that what they think about me? You thought. 
Suddenly, someone walked in, their feet shuffling on the floor, you didn’t move, still staring numbly forward. – A- am I interrupting something? – You heard the person say, it was one of the medical staff you worked with today. You stiffened and spoke up. – No, not at all, but I must ask, why are you here? – You grabbed your mug and relaxed into your chair, the person walked in and sat slightly on the table in the small room. 
– I just wanted to thank you for today, many great people were saved because of you. – The seemingly way older woman told you. Your head dropped to the table as you hid your face with your palms. She looked at you, worried.
– But too many were lost, tell me, what was this effort for? What did I change? – You said, your voice cracking. She walked over to you and put her hand on your shoulder. 
– You saved lifes. – She said.
– Did I? How sure can I be that they’re going to make it to see the daylight? 
– You can’t be sure, all you can do is wait. – That left you speechless, not out of rudeness, just purely out of things to say. It seemed like all the words you could muster out were said, but then, she spoke up again.
– I’m sorry but I came here to ask you something… – She said quietly, you nodded for her to go on. – Are you, by any chance, part of team Voltron?
– I- I’m, yeah, yeah I’m part of Voltron… – You said, almost ashamed. But why? You thought. 
– I saw your reaction to that young lady breaking down in front of you, and I wanted to tell you that you shouldn’t go hard on yourself. – She said, almost like an older sister giving you great advice. 
– What are you trying to tell me..? – You almost cried out, looking at her with your bloodshot eyes, gazing at her through the gaps between your fingers. 
– There’s really no way of winning this, you know. You can't fight woth yourself forever. – She said, taking her hand off your shoulder, bitterly smiling at you, with such sympathy you haven’t seen in a while. – Take your time, kid. 
The door shut behind you, the ear-splitting silence was killing you, your breathing stopped for a second when you heard Pidge’s voice on the intercom. I didn’t turn off my mic. 
– Y/N..? – You heard heartbroken Pidge on the other side of the mic. – Y/N please… I know you’re there. 
– Have you heard everything? – You asked, feeling drops of sweat rolling down your back, awaiting for an answer. 
– I- I did, and did you..? – She asked with hope that you didn’t, your answer crushed the little hope she had left.
– Yes, I did. 
– Look, Y/N, I’m sorry, please just listen, I- can explain—-
– No! I can read you like a book now, you're not so wise after all.
– You don’t know what you’re saying Y/N! 
– You never loved me did you? You knew that I loved you and you used that!
– Y/N please, just listen to me!
– No! I'm done, you saw me as an useless waste of space, didn't you? – The silence after your sentence was deafening. You sighed tiredly into the intercom. – You want my heart to constrict with agony?  My hands to shake? You want me to plead for my place in Voltron, you want to hear me beg for a chance to be useless trash laying around again? You want that so you can make a generous gesture and spare me..? – Your tone shifted drastically. – Sorry Pidge, I don’t seem to be in a mood for prayers tonight. – You bitterly smiled to yourself. 
– I used to think that I was a Paladin just like you all, but now, the mere thought of it makes me ashamed. I should wish you good luck, shouldn't I, huh? I guess, this is a goodbye, isn't it Pidge..? – You said sadly, sighing once again. You brought your hand up and rested it on the mute button. – I- No, I don't have anything else to say. Don't look for me, Voltron won't be us welcomed here as you wish it to be.
– Y/N just please, wait! —- The conversation ended. You took a sip of your cold coffee and closed your eyes to recollect yourself. You rested your head on your hands and cried quietly, sobbing stopped only after you passed out from exhaustion that finally caught up to you.
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mbta-unofficial · 3 months
I am getting flak for my opposition to the north-south rail link and want to clarify: The commuter rail isn’t set up to move you from point A to point B unless point B is Boston. This is because of the economy of scale. Given the practical reality, you should probably drive most short trips in MA unless you live in Boston because very few single town pairs have sufficient gravity to warrant a mass transit solution. This isn’t to say that more or better trains aren’t an overall good, but a system that is overbuilt is going to limit its own ability to effectively serve the public, and cars are, practically speaking, a more autonomous and therefore efficient mode of transport in zones of uniform low density.
When greater Boston has trains and buses that serve significantly more demand than they do now, a north south rail link could be a logical next step, but for right now the corridors that would represent the greatest increase in T Benefit are Everett, chelsea and SoWa/Roxbury/Dorchester and it’s not close.
The tool I have to measure this is a gravity model, which doesn’t give you an absolute number of trips but can give you a comparison between two city pairs.
Population (x) x population (y)/distance^2
Let’s look at some pairs:
Boston population (in thousands): 675
Hingham population (in thousands): 24
Distance: 17 miles
Score: 56
Concord population (in thousands): 18
Distance: 18 miles
Score: 37.5
Distance: 31 miles
Score: 0.44
These three pairs show that while only slightly fewer people are likely to travel to boston from concord than hingham, people are 100 times less likely to make a trip from hingham to concord than boston. These are fairly characteristic of commuter rail communities, and transit should reflect that. The commuter rail is organized to get people to boston for a reason. Now, compare that to boston-cambridge or boston-brookline.
Brookline population: 63,000.
Distance: 4 miles
Score: 2,657
Cambridge population: 118,000
Distance: 3 miles
Score: 8,836
These are well connected, peer urban areas with light or heavy rail in proportion to their weight. But now look at Everett:
Population: 49,000
Distance: 4 miles.
Score: 2,064
logically, It should have nearly as much transit as Brookline, which has two and a half legs of the green line. It doesn’t, although the T is fixing this with increased bus connectivity. SoWa/Roxbury/Dorchester is the hardest one to look at here because it’s actually part of boston, meaning I have to change some assumptions about distance and population. I have been up to this point using government center as my boston location, and I’ll pick franklin park as my location for dorchester. I’ll be subtracting the dorchester and roxbury populations from the boston population to get an estimate.
Dorchester pop: 100,000
Roxbury Pop: 60,000
Adjusted Boston Pop: 515,000
Distance: 4.8miles
Score: 3,576
Now, depending on location, these residents might be served by the red or orange lines, but the scores are much higher and there is still nothing like the connectivity of brookline or cambridge. This is a major result of boston’s historic redlining, which I’ve discussed before.
These communities, with scores in the thousands, are desperate for better transit. There are ten thousand trips made on that kind of connection for each trip made between Lowell and Foxborough, and until those communities, who are disproportionately minority, have access to good transit, I won’t worry about the rail link.
There’s a reason this is called a gravity model: it’s an inverse square law, which can be generalized with calculus to cover a whole two dimensional field. Someone who is better at math than me probably already has mapped MA in this way. But the force of gravity between any two communities outside of Worcester-Boston-Springfield-Providence is probably going to be weak, or at least much weaker than the gravity pulling those commuters towards Worcester-Boston-Springfield-Providence.
So with these numbers in mind, who is the rail link for? Which communities are driving the demand for large scale movement of people not to Boston, but past it? Why should the MBTA take on the entire downtown MPA and MASSDot and the Legislature and try to build through the very land government center is on to link north station to south? Why not instead build from Fields Corner to Back Bay and give transit access to one of the most populous transit deserts in the city? Or From Maverick To Malden by way of Chelsea and Everett? It’s just such a low priority for me, and I think it should be for you too.
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nrcnewspaperclub · 6 months
Day 4 of getting banned from every dorm.
So I’ve tackled heartslabyul and pomefiore, which I assumed would be the easiest. And also Ignihyde of course, then again I was never officially banned but I have been staying at a friends dorm and no one from Ignihyde has welcomed me back so. Yeah
I wasn’t sure where to head to next, so I decided, yeah Octavinelle should be pretty easy.
So I’d say im fairly close friends with Floyd, I’d consider him one of my best friends at the school. So I decided to text him about my endeavors and see if he’d be willing to help me get banned from Octa, and I knew it’d completely depend on his mood. I was either gonna get ratted out to Azul, ignored, or he was gonna comply. And perfectly enough, I received back just what I wanted. After some conspiring we came up with a plan. Well, two plans.
Plan A was to play the long game and get a job at mostro to try and get banned that way, buuut I’m impatient and that has a low success rate. Plan B however was more my style
So I rolled over to mostro this morning and I was sure that Floyd was waiting and Azul was present, and I was correct. I was met with Floyd begrudgingly waiting tables and Azul conversing with some juniors near the bar.
I slid into a table and Floyd immediately beelined to me, and we went over our plan once more. My plan was to guilt trip Azul into giving me free stuff throughout the day, then pull off some crazy stunt to make him regret it.
The guilt tripping is the hard part. I’m not a theatre kid, I’m in basketball, so I can’t take cry or come up w some dramatic sob story. But I am friends with Jamil so, I do have some skill of manipulation from observing him, however Azul is also a master manipulator so he’d see right through me. Thus, why I have a Floyd
We sort out a story and Floyd calls Azul over, and after a minute he comes over with his octo-swagger
So I start my story, TL;DR is that I made up a lie that Ignihyde was short on food becuase Idia was refusing to take responsibility for his own dorm, so I wanted to get a day or so’s worth of food for my friends to help in this trying time, but I was low on cash. Azul was skeptical and kept egging me on for more details, eg. “cook it yourself,” “have ortho get some food,” etc, all of which I had an argument locked and loaded.
Azul still wasn’t believing me, so Floyd pulled out the Floyd puppy eyes.
“Awwww, Azuu!! Orca-chans just trying to help her dorm outtt 🥺🥺 can’t you spare him a couple things???? 🥺🥺”
Then Azul decided he was feeling charitable, and he’d give me discounted things. I was gonna accept this but then Floyd jumped in again, he’s more dedicated to this than I am-
“Didn’t you hear them???? He doesn’t have any money!!!! We have enough food for some freebies, his dorm is starving!!!”
Azul then let out the longest and loudest sigh I have ever heard, I think everyone in the restaurant turned around, before he said smth to affect of “I suppose I’ll find it in me to be charitable” and agreed to give me two free meals so long as Floyd cooked them, and that I eventually pay him back in some way, be it throufh money or labor.
I accepted the food and offered to pay for a coffee cuz I’m a nice bitch but Floyd payed for the coffee for me, so now I owe Floyd money too cuz i wanted some fuckin mud water
Anyway obviously Ignihyde isn’t starving so me and my friend just shared the free meals over lunch.
This isn’t where this ends tho. I came back to mostro for dinner, and this time I’d gotten Jade into it as well.
I didn’t intend to involve Jade, but it so happened to turn out that way cuz Floyd had informed Jade what was happening and he decided he was in on it
I managed to flag down Azul and speak to him for a bit, eventually going back into my story after thanking him an unnecessary amount of times to butter him up for a higher chance of free shit
Then out of nowhere liek some gods descending from heaven the leech twins materialized behind me in a flash of light and started joining me in my manipulating but they’re wayyy better than me so it was more convincing
Azul put his foot down tho, and said he wasn’t allowing me any more free stuff, especially not before I’d payed off the other ones. I pointed out that if I’m in debt now then the meals weren’t free, to which Azul got all offended, then Floyd got offended on my behalf, “Really, how could you do that to her????”
Azul started sputtering and not being able to form words, so I decided I’d “let it go.” Then goes into phase two of me and Floyd’s original plan
I slid into the bar and ordered a mocktail, which Floyd made perfectly, as per the norm. Hwoever, as he was bringint it to me, he ‘tripped’, spilling juice all over Azul’s nice leather barstools and wood countertops.
Azul looked pissed, and was very sternly scolding Floyd, to which he whines, very convincingly, “ORCA TRIPPED ME UP!” And points accusingly at me
Jade catches on and plays along, “my my, it seems Floyd is correct. I do recall seeing (my name) try to catch Floyd off balance, I do wonder why they’d do such a thing…” to which Azul tells me to get out.
That was a couple hours ago, I walked by mostro just a few minutes ago and I am on the banned list posted on the door! Why they have a banned list, I don’t know, but Rook is also on it!
Four down, three to go. Where next?
this feels like reading a fan fiction from the early internet, but, like, in a good way.
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trans-duckling · 16 days
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For Them to Have Your Eyes: Rei (part I)
The first night they spent back at their house —two days later, when Kakashi’s incisions were good enough to leave the hospital—, Gai and him didn’t sleep. Saying they were not tired would be a lie, but as shinobi they could stay awake for days. This was not precisely a mission, but neither of them felt capable of moving their eyes away from Rei for more than a couple of minutes.
“Are they still breathing?” Gai asked over his shoulder.
“Yeah, even breaths at good rhythm” he informed, holding himself to avoid touching the baby while they were asleep. “You should try to sleep.”
“I’m good, rival.”
A low huff caught their attention, both looking at the open door of the bedroom. There, eight ninken were waiting to enter.
“You told us to check the perimeter because you wanted to feel safe while sleeping, boss” Pakkun said. “If what you want is to make sure Rei is safe, we’ll take turns to watch them while you sleep.”
The dogs spread around the room, Bull letting himself fall next to the crib. For such a big animal, he barely made a noise when his body collapsed against the floor.
“B-But” Gai started to mumble, “we like watching them.”
“We all do, but you two need to sleep.”
Kakashi moved his eyes from his child to the summon and took in the conviction on the ninken’s expression. He had been telling the truth, when accusing him of just wanting to make sure Rei was safe. If being honest, the Hatake was fairly sure shinobi made the most paranoid parents. He was simply terrified of all the things that could happen to them as they slept. And still, he nodded at Pakkun’s suggestion.
There were eight pairs of eyes shining in the darkness of the room, completely alert and ready to launch themselves at any intruder crazy enough to appear. Whenever he had been scared as a child, he knew his ninken would protect him against anything. And they had done so. More times that anybody else, not even Gai. As long as they were there, no harm would come to his family.
“Let’s try to rest, Gai” he said, pushing the other man down to the mattress. “We’re going to need the energy if the child is just a bit like you.”
With a complaining whine, the taijutsu master let himself fall on the bed and they quickly arranged a comfortable position for both of them. Medical ninjutsu was rather useful when you had a c-section, your body able to go back to what it was before the pregnancy in about a week, but only if care was done correctly. Therefore, Gai’s hands held him meticulously, a relaxing feeling running down Kakashi’s body as he felt their skin come into contact.
There, with Gai hugging him and his eyes set on Rei sleeping in the crib next to their bed, he closed his eyes to rest.
Meeting Sasuke
Kakashi was having difficulties to concentrate that morning. It might have been because his child was looking at him with doe-eyes from behind the fences of the baby park he had at the office. He didn’t bring them in a lot, normally some of Gai’s and his friends and students available for babysitting, but that day he didn’t have a choice. Not that he was complaining.
“I know, I’m bored too, Rei.”
He had been checking documents for an hour while the six months baby entertained themselves with some harmless toys in the park, but his focus had run away once Rei started to ask for attention. He was a sucker for his kid.
“What do you say about helping me?” he said, getting up to approach the baby park. “It’ll be just as fun as with papa at the Academy.”
He was lying, of course, as he was sure the baby would prefer bouncing attached to Gai’s chest over any kind of amusement he could offer in that office, but he decided to ignore it. At the moment, Gai was on a short mission with his team, so their child would have to conform with him.
As expected, Rei giggled as he lifted them up from the baby park, holding them with care before removing his mask to kiss the baby’s forehead. Then, the fabric slipped back up and he went back to his desk.
“You’re gonna help dada with these very important documents” he stated, offering Rei a stamp to hold. “Here, hold it like… This.”
Putting the stamp in the right position, he guided his child’s hands to the ink to wet it and then to the first paper, pressing down on it and then lifting up.
“See?” he said, pointing at the new symbol on the document. “You’re a natural. Next one!”
Rei had motor skills advanced for a baby of under a year —which was rather normal in shinobi kids—, so they were able to lift the stamp, wet it and put it on each folder Kakashi offered without making a mess. Sure, there were some stains here and there from time to time, but the kid was laughing and doing his job for him so the Hatake was not going to complain.
Sometime later, there was a change in the atmosphere. The arm holding Rei around their chest and belly pressed them against Kakashi’s body, the other one bringing up a kunai in less than a second. Under the mask his mouth was slightly open, fangs showing out of instinct.
The spiral of the Kamui appeared about five steps away from his desk, and even though he knew only one person could use such a jutsu at the moment, he threw the kunai anyways. Of course, Sasuke’s hand caught it with ease as he stepped out of the portal, expression unchanged.
“You know doors exists, right?”
“I never saw you using one.”
Kakashi was about to respond with another sarcastic comment, but then Sasuke’s eyes focused on Rei and he frowned.
“There is a baby on your lap” the Uchiha pointed out.
Said baby giggled as they put a second and then a third stamp on the same document. Oh, well, nobody said the damn papers couldn’t have more than one. As long as they were readable…
“Very perceptive.”
“Well, Gai is out on a mission and…” only then Kakashi realized. Chuckling, he changed the sentence for a presentation: “Sasuke, this is mine and Gai’s child. Their name is Rei.”
Kakashi smiled at the loud participation.
“Yes, that’s your name, very well!”
As expected, Sasuke’s expression went over several stages of confusion before coming back to his neutral face.
“Congratulations” he said.
“Thank you.”
He was about to say something else when another chakra signatures caught his attention.
“KAKASHI-SENSEI!” a well-known blonde screamed as he almost kicked down the door. “What is this new mission you needed Team…? UH?! SASUKE?!”
Behind Naruto, Sakura and Sai came in at a more normal pace, although they were equally surprised by the presence of the other member of their team.
“Nice, you’re all here now” he said with a smile, looking down at the paper his baby was filling with stamps. “And Rei had given to your mission instructions enough approval, so everything is ready.”
Animal Family
When Rei was three four years old, she had to explain to another kid why her ‘close family’ was more than dad and papa. After she finished her very long discourse with a proud expression at how well she had talked, the boy laughed at her and then Shiba and Akino chased him through the park. She just shrugged, knowing she didn’t have to care about what other kids thought of her.
Still, Rei remained frustrated the rest of the day.
“What is it?” Dad asked after picking her up once he came from work.
“Nothing” she pouted.
Her dad rolled his eyes, pocking her in between thick, grey eyebrows.
“Do I have to torture the truth out of you?”
“No torturing before dinner!” Papa screamed from the kitchen.
Rei giggled.
“A boy at the park laughed at me when I tried to explain why your dogs and papa’s tortoises are my family, too” she said, trying to not show her true annoyance. “Shiba and Akino chased him after.”
All the ninken lived with them, so it was not strange for her to see her dad look for the mentioned dogs with his eyes. When he found them, she was able to notice the smile under his mask.
“Good dogs” he simply said, making them wag their tails.
“Why people don’t understand that they’re our family as well?”
“Because people are difficult to deal with.”
“Dad!” she pouted, grabbing his mask and pulling it down. “That’s not an answer!”
When her dad smiled, the four long fangs normally hidden under his lips came out, sharp and shiny. Sakura had said she would most likely develop them, too, but right now she had normal puppy teeth, just a tiny bit sharper than other kids’. Enough to draw blood if she bit them during a fight.
“Well, Rei, not everybody in the village has summons, or live with them if they have” his dad said, squatting to let her on the ground. “For that people, they may be just animals, or weapons for a combat, so they cannot understand what you, papa and I feel about them.”
She tried to think about it, not having dogs or tortoises around the house, or accompanying her wherever she went. Only seeing them if she had to kick some kid at the park. It simply didn’t make sense.
“I don’t understand” she mumbled.
Her dad chuckled and shuffled her grey and wild hair.
“That’s ok” he said. “You don’t need to.”
Shrugging, she turned away and ran towards Akino and Shiba to hug them. Soon, the other ninken were coming closer as well to receive some pets and, as the tortoises were not as fast, she moved around the house to scratch all of them on the neck just as they liked. If her dad said she didn’t need to understand, then she didn’t need to worry about it. She would just keep telling the truth to whoever asked her about it.
She was Maito-Hatake Rei and her family was big, with a lot of uncles and aunts. However, those closer to her would always be dad, papa and their summons. They were the ones she remembered having by her side from the beginning. Deep black eyes looking at her during the night, always watching. Big, hard bodies offering a surface and a shadow to rest. They were in her memories just as much as her dads and she loved them just as much.
Extended Family
Dad and papa had always made clear she had a big family. It was first her, and them and their dogs and tortoises. But her dads also had friends and students that were all Rei’s uncles and aunts, and their children were her cousins. At five years old, she had a clear conception of each one of them.
She liked Tenten the best, because she let her run around with real kunai and shuriken without keeping an eye on her. And not only that, but she also never said ‘no’ whenever Rei asked her about training or playing together.
Lee was almost like a big brother. She remembered him staying over for lunch and dinner when she was younger, but not so much after he got his own baby. Still, Lee was always there to practice taijutsu or tell her amazing stories about his papa.
With Naruto, Rei got to break all the rules papa and dad set for her. Whenever he came to visit or take care of her, they would play with the sharp weapons, eat lots of ramen and stay up late watching the TV or —if she convinced him— reading animal books. They were rarely caught, but the last time it happened dad had the whole pack chasing after Naruto for an hour as a punishment. Rei laughed a lot.
She didn’t remember a lot about Sakura or Sasuke, his dad saying it was because they left for a trip when she was too young. They came back eventually, but by then they had their own baby and so they didn’t babysit Rei a lot. However, she would sometimes visit their home or even been dropped there so Sasuke could take care of her while Sakura and her dad and papa worked. It was fun, then, because Sasuke let her play different games and never complained if she did something wrong. With Sakura, it was more complicated. Rei liked her because she was nice to her all the time and she was also very strong, but at the same time she was her doctor and that sometimes meant she put injections on her or gave her awful medicine if she was sick.
Sai was also somebody Rei enjoyed spending time with. He would follow her anywhere without saying much, even if she ran deep into the forest. Of course, eventually he picked her up and brought her home, but then they would paint together for hours. There were even days in which, if Rei asked nicely, Sai would bring their draws to life and she got to play with them for hours.
Papa and dad’s oldest friends —her uncles and aunts— were also fun, even if sometimes Rei didn’t understand their jokes or why they were laughing. Kurenai was nice but strict, teaching her about genjutsu whenever she asked. Genma once gifted her a box of senbon for her to practice, but dad took it away as soon as he found out, although at least Rei got to see how they worked as he threw them back at Genma. And she had so much entertainment with Yamato! He was possibly her favorite adult because, even if at the beginning he would refuse to fulfil her wishes, whenever Rei put puppy eyes he ended up doing it. That was how he got a tree house. And a big dog house for herself in the back-yard. And a tortoise-shaped bed. And… Well, if being honest, she didn’t remember all the things he had gotten from Yamato, but she knew they were a lot.
Finally, Rei’s third favorite person in the world —after papa and dad, clearly—, was Mirai. She was a year and a half older than her, but they still got to play and train a lot together. Lately, their parents had even allowed them to go out without supervision because Mirai was already at the Academy and they trusted her. Evidently, they still broke a lot of rules. Naruto said it was fine as long as they didn’t get caught, so…
There were more people in Rei’s life, but those were the closest to her at the moment. She loved them all. They made her feel safe and free at the same time, their presences accompany her as she grew up, offering a hand if she fell and a push if she was unsure of continuing forward.
At five years old, Rei knew she had a big and unconventional family, but she wouldn’t change it even for her own ninken.
“Papa” Rei called while setting the table.
“Yeah, honey?”
“Do you think we can look at the stars together after dinner?” she asked.
“Uh? Are you sure, Rei? You start the Academy tomorrow, and you have inherited the difficulty to get up from bed from your dad…”
At seven years old, she had perfectioned his father’s technique of rolling her eyes in annoyance.
“I’m sure you’ll wake me up on time, papa.”
The man laughed, showing all his white teeth to her.
“You’re right, Rei! Let’s see what dad says about it, ok?”
“Yay, thanks!”
She had finished setting the table as they talked so, happy with the response she got, the girl ran towards the sofa of the living room to hug Biscuit, who was resting there. Gai found funny the fact that, whereas the tolerance of the dogs to other people had reduced during the last few years, they still let Rei do almost anything with them. Including squishing their bodies as if they were fluffy toys.
Glad to see her peacefully entertaining herself with the ninken, Gai continued checking on the dinner every few minutes. He had picked up Rei from Kurenai’s house about two hours ago once he finished working at the Academy, and surprisingly Kakashi was still at the office.
Just as he was thinking about sending one of the dogs to check on the man, he heard the front door opening. The reaction was immediate, eight dogs barking and running towards it at the same time as a couple of naked feet hit the floor.
Rei jumped over Kakashi without more warning than the scream, but he was too used to her antics and caught her on time with one arm. Once she was safely held underneath it as a sack, he bent down to pet his dogs.
“Daaaad!” their daughter complained with a laugh. “Let me go!”
Moving up again, the Hatake grabbed Rei from the back of her t-shirt —as if she was a dog being held by the scruff— and looked at her with a lifted eyebrow.
“And why would I do that, pup?” he said. “You’re the one that assaulted me at the door so I would pick you up.”
Groaning, Rei started to kick her legs, trying futilely to reach the man. No doubt smiling under his mask, Kakashi used the index finger of his free hand to boop her nose. A second after, the girl moved her head and bit said finger.
“Ow!” the Hatake complained, letting go of her. “Damn you and your puppy teeth, Rei.”
Laughing, their daughter showed him all her teeth, a few places already empty.
“I got them from you, dad.”
“Yeah, yeah… Somehow all you do always ends up being my fault.”
“Well, she inherited a lot of your traits, rival” Gai interceded, rolling his wheelchair to the entrance.
“As if the crazy amount of energy doesn’t come from you” the Hatake accused, bending anyways to kiss him while removing the mask. “We’re both at blame.”
“Hm… ok” he answered, smiling against his lips.
“Ugh! Stop it, dads!”
In a nice display of her character, Rei climbed over the wheelchair to put herself in between them, forcing their bodies to separate. Apparently, she had reached that wonderful part of childhood in which seeing her parents kissing was disgusting. Unfortunately for her, Gai didn’t think that was enough reason to stop, and Kakashi just ignored her.
“Do you need help with anything?” the Hatake asked, looking around the house.
“No, rival, dinner is done and Rei settled the table, so we’re ready to eat.”
Nodding, Kakashi turned to finally get rid of his shoes and robe, letting out a tired sigh while Gai led their daughter to the table before bringing the food. They ate while sharing stories about what they had done that day, Rei giving a lot of details about how she had being training target shooting with Tenten in the morning and genjutsu with Kurenai in the afternoon. She put in her words the same emotion Gai did whenever he talked about his students at the Academy, which always brought a smile to his face.
Once they finished, Kakashi helped to clean the table and then left the girl rinsing the plates while he went back to the living room and Gai. Now that the child was out of sight, he didn’t have to worry about anybody complaining of his behavior, so the Hatake sat on his lap and bent forwards to properly kiss him. Gai responded in an instant, smiling and enjoying the quiet moment. Since having Rei, they had become very comfortable with displaying affection, although Kakashi still refrained in public.
“What do you think?” his rival asked once their lips separated. “Will Rei go to bed early so we can enjoy some time for ourselves?”
“Ah… I don’t think so, my love” Gai said, remembering the conversation before dinner. “I think something worries her… She wants to look at the stars with us once she’s done.”
“Oh? Did she say anything else?”
“No, but… Tomorrow is her first day at the Academy so, maybe…”
The words hung in the air for a bit. Rei was not a ‘genius’ as Kakashi had been called when he was her age, nor did she show any especial capability towards taijutsu as Gai. Yes, she could use some low level of ninjutsu and genjutsu, and she was decent at using taijutsu, but… Well, that was it.
They couldn’t care less, of course. If their daughter would have chosen to be a baker instead of a kunoichi, they would have supported her anyways, but… They worried. Because they had heard the comments coming from other people —especially adults— about the expectations set on her as the child of two notorious war heroes. Kakashi and Gai would crush anybody that tried to diminish her self-confidence, but they were not naïve enough to think some of those comments wouldn’t reach her.
Moreover, even if peace was still in perfect place after so many years, nothing lasted forever. A part of them was scared of sending their daughter out in the world with mediocre abilities, because in their time those were the first ones to die. It was difficult, trying to raise Rei without putting too much pressure on her, at the same time as they panicked about the idea of losing their only child.
“She will be fine” Kakashi said, even if his voice didn’t sound completely convinced. “She’s our daughter, after all. And if somebody tries to bully her… I promised you: exile.”
Gai chuckled. He doubted that would happen, at least coming from her classmates. She had made several friends that would join the Academy that same year, and Mirai would no doubt take care of her younger cousin. Besides, Rei was too wild to let other kids bully her. Maybe it was because of how they had raised her; to always be proud of who she was and know that she would have the family’s support whatever happened. It was probably related to her own character as well.
But even high confidence could be broken if enough effort was put on it, and that was when their job as parents and adult figures started.
“Ugh, dads!”
And… She was done rinsing the plates.
“I told you to stop being all lovely-dovely at home!”
“Mm…” Kakashi hummed, looking at her from Gai’s lap. “Nope. This is my house and my man, pup, so your suggestion will be rejected.”
To emphasize his words, the Hatake kissed him again, his body moving to reciprocate without thinking.
“Papa! You promised me we would look at the starts together!”
His daughter’s frustrated tone was enough to separate him just a bit from Kakashi, although the other man refused to let go of his hold around Gai’s neck.
“That’s true, Rei! Come up, then, and I’ll take us to the garden.”
Smiling, the girl jumped over the Hatake and placed herself comfortably on the spot, his father sliding one arm down to hold her as Gai rolled them out. Eight pair of paws followed the wheelchair as well, the whole pack leaving for an evening stroll as they enjoyed the warm weather.
It was not until about twenty minutes later, when Kakashi and him were sitting on the grass with Rei in between them, that the taijutsu master made the question he had been thinking about since before dinner.
“Rei” he called, “are you nervous about tomorrow?”
Surprisingly, their daughter didn’t answer right away, instead shrugging and looking up to the stars in the sky.
“Not really” she said. “I know I don’t have the same level as my friends, but I don’t care. I’m going to become a kunoichi as strong as dad and papa.”
Smiling, she turned to look at them.
“That’s my self-rule!”
Kakashi chuckled. Gai started crying. They really had the best daughter.
Some years later, they would attend Rei’s graduation with tears in the eyes, her hard work having paid off and making her one of the best shinobi that year. Tenten would become her sensei then and her adventures as a Konohan kunoichi would take fly, the world unprepared for what Maito-Hatake Rei was bringing to it.
First Mission Out
Rei was pacing around her room, stopping to check the bag she would be taken for the next day mission every five minutes. Did she have everything she needed? She had initially refused her parents help because she was old enough to prepare alone, but…
Sighing, she dropped over top of the bed, making Pakkun bounce on it.
“You’ll be fine” the ninken yawned, closing his eyes again.
“Will I, though?” Rei asked, turning on her belly to look at her dad’s summon. “I’m still behind my teammates’ level and Tenten-sensei has to help me most of the time.”
As if wanting to check the severity of her complaint, Pakkun opened only one eye to look at her before sighing and sitting up.
“Look, kid, you’re doing your best, and even if you’re not strong alone, you are with your team” he said. “Think of them as a pack. Just take me as an example; I could not take a big enemy all by myself but, with the others? We could tare almost anybody apart.”
Taking a few minutes to think about his words, Rei ended up nodding. She knew Pakkun wouldn’t lie to her, and she knew her teamwork was excellent.
“You’re right, thank you.”
“Of course I am, you’re the second pup I raise, I know how to deal with all this already.”
Just to annoy him, Rei took the ninken in her arms and hugged him as strong as he could until Pakkun bit her arm. She bit his ear in exchange.
Papa and her had dinner by themselves that night, since her dad had a late meeting to attend too. It was not something usual, but whenever deals were being made across the countries he always came home late.
“Do you have everything ready for tomorrow, Rei?”
“Yeah, papa, my bag is packed.”
“Perfect! Then you should go to bed” he said as they finished washing the plates. “It’s important to have a good rest before such an important mission as this one!”
“It’s a C-rank mission, papa, you go around doing A and S-ranks every few weeks.”
Instead of adding another happy or supporting comment, her papa left the last plate on the cupboard and then bent down on his knees as well as he could with his orthosis. That way, their heads were almost at the same height, but the size difference was still gigantic. While her papa was bulky, she seemed to have inherited the body distribution of her dad.
“Listen to me, Rei, it doesn’t matter if it’s a C-rank or S-rank, once you leave this village the danger increases tenfold” he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Remember what Kakashi told you about the first mission he had with his team out of Konoha. Any mission can change ranks, so you have to be cautious, understand?”
It still felt strange sometimes, to see such serious expression on her papa’s face. It made her forget about his usual light mood at the same time as it brought up a warm feeling from inside. As if he was changing so much because she was the most important thing in the world to him.
“I understand” she nodded.
Just then, the front door opened and Rei immediately turned her body towards it. Truth was, she had wanted to wait until her dad was back before going to bed. There was something she meant to ask him and, in case he said ‘no’, then she wanted to be able to properly say goodbye before leaving.
“Dad!” she exclaimed, running to meet him.
She didn’t jump as she used to do years ago, deciding she was too old to do that. Instead, Rei awaited at the entrance while her dad got rid of his shoes, left the robe hanging and greeted the ninken that had come running upon hearing the door.
“Hello, Rei” he said, messing her wild black and gray hair as he passed her. “Shouldn’t you be in bed? You have an important mission tomorrow.”
“I was waiting for you, I… I have something to ask.”
Her voice trembled a bit at the end, but she shook her head and looked up at her dad when he turned with an intriguing expression.
“Well, that sound magnanimous” he commented, bringing down his mask. He was able to read her dad’s expressions without a problem even with it on, but since she was young Rei didn’t remember seeing her dad covering his face at home. “What is it?”
She breathed in and out. No matter what the answer was, she would take it as the kunoichi she was, feelings aside.
“I know you’re the Hokage and you cannot show preferences” Rei started, looking straight at him. “However, papa will come with me tomorrow to the village’s doors to bid me goodbye, and I would like for you to be there as well. Of course, I’ll understand if you have more important duties to attend to, or…”
Before she could finish, Rei found herself trapped in a hug. If it was strange for her papa to be serious, it was even stranger for her dad to display such an affection gesture out of the blue. When he finally let go, he separated their bodies but kept his hands on her shoulders, looking at Rei with eyes full of love and loyalty.
“You’re the most important duty I could ever have, Rei” he declared, smiling. “I know other Hokages showed less impartiality in these cases, but when you were born I promised myself I would not follow their steps. Even if there was a Kage summit tomorrow, I would still go saying goodbye to you.”
Rei was a big girl. A teenager, they have started to call her. She was a kunoichi. A weapon of Konoha.
Rei had also been raised with love. She had been taught to not hide her feelings.
She jumped to hang from her dad’s neck while tears fell down her cheeks. The strong hold around her, which was soon joined by her papa as well, told her she would always be the first priority to at least two people in that world.
Gai was holding back the waterfall threatening to come out of his eyes while he waved goodbye to Rei, as she walked out of the village with Tenten and the rest of her team. He knew she would be safe; the mission was simple and short, just to get and bring back an expensive object from a near village. She would be gone for only two nights. Still, deep down he was terrified. Out there, anything could happen, even if they were at peace. They could potentially lose her.
A slim hand slipped around his and Kakashi’s fingers interlaced with his without further thinking. It was a natural gesture for them at that point of their lives. Even if his rival was still not a fan of public displays of affection, he would take his hand from time to time if he felt like it. Obviously, this occasion was a good enough reason.
“Are we sure she packed everything?” the Hatake asked as Rei and her team became small dots in the background.
“Pakkun helped her, and I went over it while she settled the table” Gai nodded. “I’m sure you did as well.”
“Yeah, once she fell asleep” his rival sighed. “I still think I should let one of my ninken tag after them. Just in case.”
“We promised not to” the taijutsu master reminded him. “We have to trust her, rival. Besides, Tenten will protect them with her life.”
“You almost don’t sound worried.”
“Oh, I am terrified, my love, have no doubt of it” Gai nervously laughed. “But Rei is a good kunoichi and our daughter. She will be fine.”
“Yeah” Kakashi said, even if his anxiety was yet evident. “I kind of wish she would have chosen to be a baker, still.”
This time, Gai’s laugh was real. Tugging at the other man, he managed to move him enough for them to turn around and start their way to the Hokage’s office. Their daughter and them were walking in opposite directions that day, but they had to have faith they would end up meeting at the same place.
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honeylikesyanderes · 1 year
nsfw alphabet- bhodi 'bo' falor
18+ mdni!!
enjoy!! (and tell me who i should do next)
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
very gentle and nurturing towards his darling after sex, but he can also be a bit needy himself, so darling has to take care of him as well.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
bhodi likes his hair and hands (because they're soft and pretty)
on his darling, he likes their neck and stomach.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
bhodi likes to cum inside you but if he cant, he likes cumming on your stomach.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
when he's being pegged, he enjoys being degraded and spanked.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
bhodi is fairly experienced, not superrrr experienced, but he knows what he's doing and he's good at it.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
missionary. he likes to see your face.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
it depends. if he's in charge then he's a bit more silly/sweet, and giggly. he'll smile and shoot you winks and try not too take sex too seriously because he dislikes nervous tension.
however, if you're in charge and you want him to be serious, he has no problem being that way for you.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
bhodi is a fan of manscaping, so he's mostly hairless everywhere. but if he lets his pubes grow out a bit, you'll realise that they're also blonde like his eyebrows (a darker shade of blonde).
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
like i said earlier, bhodi is super sweet and a bit silly during sex, but he's also so romantic and really tries to savour the moment.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
has a high libido, so jerking off is necessary for him. he kinda likes jerking off and usually will text you if you want to see. if you can, he'll facetime you; if you cant at the moment, he'll record it and send it to you as a vid :)
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
bhodi enjoys rough sex when he's in charge. mostly because he likes the fact that you're sore the next day and it gives him a reason to baby you.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
anywhere, anytime. when you're ready, so is he.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
everything you could possibly do makes bhodi hard.
you smile at him? bricked up. you laughed and put a hand on his chest? stiff af. you sat in his lap? might cum. he had a fleeting thought ab you at work? he's running to his private bathroom to rub one out.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
impact play to the point where you're sobbing, scat and vomit.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
loves to give oral and can do it for hours without expecting anything in return. will give oral till his jaw aches. will give you oral till you're overstimulated and begging for him to stop.
as for receiving, he's pretty thick so he's a bit careful. he doesn't mind receiving ofc, he just doesn't want you to hurt yourself.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
depends on the day and who's in control. he prefers rough most times, but it mostly depends on what his darling wants.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
bhodi prefers proper sex because foreplay is his favourite part, but if you're horny in public and you wanna do it, he doesn't mind giving you a round or two in a nearby bathroom or closet.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
bhodi is pretty open minded and doesn't mind experimenting but when he says no, it means no fr.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
bhodi can last about 3 short rounds of proper sex, however, he does draw out foreplay for a long time as that's his favourite part.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
ah yeah, bhodi has quite a bit of toys. he uses them on himself and on his darling. would love if his darling used some of them on him tho
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
bhodi can tease sometimes, but he's more into overstimulation. so rather than you begging him to give it to you, he prefers you begging him to stop bc you're overstimulated.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
bhodi is so loud. grunting, moaning, whimpering, begging (if thats the case), praising, degrading. he's loud and he loves it and so do you. he wants you to know how good you are and how amazing you're making him feel.
bhodi is 100% the type to moan while giving you head.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
period sex.
thank you
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
wee woo
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
high libido. second horniest oc after avanti tbh.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
bhodi prefers for you to fall asleep first before he falls asleep. he's pretty used to staying awake after cumming tho, but since he loves you, he'll cuddle and drift off after you have.
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aurora567 · 1 month
Pandora's Gift Ch. 26
Warning: this story will contain mature content such as but not limited to sex, cursing, blood, violence, breeding kink, A/B/O themes ect.
Summary: Sakaki and Bakugou end up in yet another argument.
Word count: 3171
Last Chapter Next Chapter
Returning to the agency later than normal the duo was finally finished their patrol. Sweat and soot covered both bodies. Sakaki was rolling her right shoulder wincing slightly at the new pain that shot through her. She had collided with a wall fairly hard while fighting a stupid purse snatcher. The action had been a stupid mistake on her part, and of course after that Bakugou was up her ass about the mistake. Refusing to let her engage in the next villain encounter on their patrol. Which had pissed her off and as such they argued while fighting villains and there may have been another close call had Bakugou not nailed the villain with a little more power than was needed. And the villain was close enough to her that she caught the tail end of his explosion. Causing dust and a little soot to gather around where her mask sat around her face but otherwise she was mostly fine, though it’s not like she would admit if she wasn’t anyways. So now with it pulled down to rest along her neck she had a line following the outline on her face where clean skin hidden under the mask met the dirty skin from the fighting. The two were oddly silent as they walked into the agency forcing the beta woman sitting behind the front desk to arch an eyebrow though neither of them seemed to be paying her any attention. Sakaki was tired of arguing with the blonde and knew if she opened her mouth again it would only respark the arguing and temper from earlier as the two already had their screaming match during their patrol. And Bakugou stomping around like a pissed off toddler had quickly grown exhausting to deal with.
Silently she headed for the locker room wanting nothing more than to shower and throw on comfortable clothes before having to turn what little energy she had left to the paperwork awaiting her. Parting ways with Bakugou had a sigh of relief escape her as she walked into the private female locker room. The man was more hot and cold than Todoroki’s quirk was.
One minute the two actually seemed to be able to hold a decent slightly civil conversation, then the next the two seemed at each other’s throats. It was exhausting and yet she never backed down either. Which just seemed to irritate the blonde man even more. It was confusing to say the least. Then there was the fact the two had spent a number of days being far more intimate than they should have ever been. At first she had thought that maybe there was something between them. But then after today's patrol she wasn’t sure. He treated her like some no name extra as he did everyone else.
Fearing that the last week had been a mistake it made her omega incredibly sad. She quickly blamed her annoying omega instincts for her feelings as she felt the cloud of doubt and self loathing hanging over her shoulders. Showering swiftly she tossed on some shorts and a sports bra before walking out of the locker room and heading towards the one room she knew for sure had some workout equipment. Stepping into the large gym-like training room it was almost nostalgic remembering how just two weeks ago she had walked into this room and came face to face with Bakugou for the first time in at least seven years.
It seems though even seven years since graduation the blonde was still an annoyingly, self centered idiot. She had worked so hard to avoid him back in high school for this exact reason. He would never notice or return any feelings she had for him. And that just filled her with a new rage and irritation at herself as she walked over towards a punching bag. She knew she should have wrapped her hands to keep from injuring herself. But in that moment of pigheadedness she didn’t. Instead she turned this array of emotion into punches aimed at the poor punching bag that had never done a thing to her.
The pain in her body was non-existent as she let her emotions take the form of her fist colliding with the bag. The pain in her knuckles was ignored like everything else as she wailed on the bag. Being able to take out her frustration had been soothing and eventually relaxing as her breathing was heavy, sweat ran down her spine. She stopped her attack on the bag to wipe the sweat from her brow but she paused as she raised her right hand moved up and froze it in front of her face. She sighed softly at the notice of a bit of blood from the split skin. Well seemed that was done for the time being as she stopped to clean the blood off the bag. She didn’t care about her hands. Instead she still felt too restless to leave yet. So instead she turned her attention to the treadmill as she walked over and quickly broke out into a swift jog.
Of course just as things seemed to start to become peaceful, that peace was shattered as the door to the training room was ripped open and an all too familiar set of blonde locks was visible. Maybe it was childish but she ignored him and silently hoped he would go away. Of course she couldn’t catch a break as the blonde made his way towards her. Even as he walked up to stand beside the treadmill with his arms crossed over his chest she continued to look ahead of her and run. She refused to allow her eyes to drift over towards him as he now wore a dark t-shirt that clung to his body in a way that should be illegal.
“Okay! Dumbass what the hell are you doing?” Was the booming voice that broke what had been such a peaceful silence.
“What does it look like? I’m working out,” She said simply not stopping her running nor even turning her attention over to him as she listened to him snarl as that was apparently not the answer he had wanted.
“I can see that moron. No, what the hell are you doing stinking up my agency,” was the elaboration she received which did the job and had her arch an eyebrow and look over at him before a quick glance at her wrists told her that after her quick shower she had forgotten to put her scent blockers back on. Her inner turmoil was being broadcasted wide and far to everyone probably in the building. Slamming her hand down on the stop button the machine jolted to a stop.
“What ever I’ll go put some scent blockers on and spray a little scent remover in the air and your agency will stink of alpha real fast again,” she growled back at him as her own snarl seemed to escape her as she turned to glare at him before stepping off the treadmill. Of course a large hand was quick to wrap around her arm preventing her from being able to run off.
“What the hell crawled up your ass during patrol?” He asked recalling how much more relaxed she was this morning but now her sour scent was driving him nuts. He felt the need to sooth the omega in front of him.
“Oh I don’t know. Maybe being pushed to the side lines every time we come across a villain is quickly getting irritating. We are both pro hero’s, there's no reason for you to take on every villain while I’m standing beside you. I know how to be a hero so stop telling me to stand back and just help civilians or do nothing,” she growled at him as she turned on him getting into his face. And for once the tall blonde was speechless as he wasn’t sure what to say to her that would soothe her. Between his need to be the best and the need to protect her he had been trying to keep her away from the fighting. He should have known she would lash out at that. Now how to fix the issue?
“What are you bitching about, you never listen even when I tell you to stay out of my way. You know what fine just do whatever you want,” he growled at her with teeth bared as she quickly mirrored the action. Okay that was not the best way to be handling this situation but the words were out his mouth before he could stop himself.
“Fine. Then I’m working the graveyard shift from now on. I will be patrolling at night, and I will either work alone or with a partner of my choice,” she growled at him fully expecting him to blow up and that was what he did as she watched his face grow red.
“Hell no. You’re not patrolling alone,” he blew up yelling at her.
“Then I’ll pick a partner of my choice to patrol with but it damn well will not be you,” she growled, reaching up to poke a finger into his chest. Had he not been so pissed off he probably would have been hurt, hell his chest still tightened as she said she wouldn’t patrol with him any more.
“Fine!” Was the single word he had been able to growl out before ripping his hand away from her arm letting go of the woman that was standing in front of him. Though he was not at all happy as he tried to take some deep breaths and not blow up any of the equipment in his training room.
He truly wanted to keep yelling at her, but clearly the two were more likely to try and claw each other’s throat out as the arguing continued. Oddly enough the blonde was actually being the bigger person and had shut his mouth. Had she not been so angry she would have been surprised. But at that moment she could only focus on how upset and irritated she was at him trying to keep her from doing what she did best.
Was it the stress of her early heat? The feeling that the media was now looking for her? Maybe her sour mood was linked to the fact that she wanted to drag Bakugou back home with her and cuddle up against him. She expected with the way he nearly ran out of her home once her heat and his rut was done he must have had no desire to return. Why did it upset her that he had not stayed longer? Or that he would not come back with her. Her bed would be cold and empty. Nothing but pillows waited. No warm smoky scent to fill her nose as she burrows her face into his chest.
As he let go of her she forced her body to take a step back and away from him. No matter how badly she wanted to throw herself into his arms. Maybe getting on a different shift away from him was a good idea. She needed to distance herself till she could get her mind sorted out and her thoughts and feelings in order.
With that she turned and nearly ran from the training room. First stop, the front desk.
“Whoever is working the late shift now has me joining them starting tonight,” she barked at the poor receptionist. Sakaki was going to owe the woman a warm coffee after the end of her night shift as an apology for her attitude.
“Huh oh okay well Archaic is working 10pm till 6am,” she listed off thinking over it before adding in, “Kirishima’s time is 1pm till 9pm now that Dynamite is back to 7am till 1pm. Kirishima is patrolling alone. He could use the assistance more,” The woman was trying to keep the omega from working the dangerous hours with the less than top ten pro that worked the overnight hours.
“Let Archaic know I’ll be joining him for tonight’s patrol,” she said simply as she pushed off the desk and was ready to turn around and head back to the locker room wanting to shower and get her scent blockers back on. She didn’t like being such an open book to anyone with a nose in that moment.
“Huh? But you already did a patrol today. That will clock you in over twenty four hours,” the receptionist called out as the dark haired woman turned around, not stopping in her beeline for the locker room.
“Perfect,” she yelled back before throwing open the door to the locker room heading straight towards the small little showers. She didn’t even care if she would be stuck reusing her still wet towel from earlier. She stripped down and jumped into the shower to wash away her scent and then throw on some scent patches as soon as she stepped out.
Though she had no desire to leave the locker room knowing that Bakugou was still hanging around the agency. It also didn’t make sense to head home only to come back in a couple of hours. No instead to try and soothe herself she emptied all of the dry clothes from her locker, and tried to find the best corner in the locker room as possible which was a corner where the lockers didn’t go all the way down the wall and into the corner and she throw her clothes onto the floor before quickly kneeling down to rearrange them the best she could. It was not great, it wasn’t anywhere close to comfortable. But her instincts screamed at her to nest during this stressful time.
Had she completely meant everything she said to Bakugou? No? So why did she say it? She was sick and tired of feeling like he treated her like an idiot at work. He wasn’t nearly as bad outside of work. But still she did not enjoy being treated like she didn’t know how to do her job. She had completely missed the fact that he was trying to keep her out of danger so he could keep her safe. Instead she wondered if he thought she was useless? That made her both sad and irritated. Tucking her knees into her chest she curled herself into her makeshift nest and tried to take deep breaths and stop her mind from thinking. She needed to nap if she was going to have any hope in hell of surviving the night shift with no sleep.
No one disturbed her during her attempt at a nap, though she wasn’t sure anyone had even entered the locker room. Though she knew there were at least two female sidekicks working for the agency. Whatever the reasons, Sakaki was still thankful no one had stumbled upon her and her makeshift nest while she was attempting to sleep. As for the nap, well it really had not been much of a nap as it had been laying there in a near sleep state but her mind still refused to shut off even as it felt like she had come and gone from being fully concussion.
Though hearing the alarm she set on her phone go off she groaned softly unwilling to move her incredibly stiff body. The injury to her shoulder aches when she moves it, she never even noticed the dark bruising earlier though she never bothered to look for any either. Then the pain in her legs screamed at her as she forced herself to her feet. Running on the treadmill and then curling up into a tight ball had been a horrible idea without doing a proper cool down.
Slower than she wanted to be she forced her body to move as she slipped her custom back on. She paused for a second at the lingering scent of Bakugou that clung to the fabric from that morning before she forced herself to clean up her makeshift nest and cram the clothes back into her locker. Brushing her messy long hair into a ponytail she forced her body to move as she left the locker room to spot a man standing there waiting. He looked a little bit older than her, probably in his early thirties. And the smell of alpha clung to him, though that wasn’t surprising a large chunk of heroes and sidekicks were alphas. Betas were a smaller chunk, and omegas like her were a rarity. Making up even less than 1% of active heroes and sidekicks.
Pulling her mask up her face she was quick to block out the disgusting scent of alpha as she walked towards the man. Pushing away all her worries and her natural instincts she steeled herself for the patrol to come.
“Archaic I assume?” She asked as she approached the dark haired man as he pushed his glasses up his nose and gave a nod of his head. He almost reminded her of Iida though his face was more rounded and maybe a bit shorter than she recalled the former classmate being.
“Yes. And I assume your Pandora?” He asked as she watched his eyes roam over the skin tight suit she was wearing.
“Yes. So your patrol route? Where do you typically go?” She asked glancing over at the front desk to notice that the female beta was now replaced with a middle aged man. She couldn’t smell him from her spot away from the desk. So he was either beta or wore scent blockers.
“Dealing with night patrols I stick around the busy bars. Drunks tend to be the biggest amount of calls during the early hours of the mornings. Even during weekdays,” he said as the duo turned and started to walk out of the building. That sounded about right, she dealt with her fair share of drunks on night shifts.
“Alright sounds like a typical night patrol,” she said with a nod of her head as she followed the man out of the agency and started down the sidewalk. The thought of getting back to something that felt so familiar was a nice and welcoming feeling, it helped bring a little pep into her step. Though she ensured as she walked beside the man that she remained well out of his arms reach. He may have been a fellow hero. But he was still an alpha and a stranger at that as well. She couldn’t deny her instincts screamed at her to stay away and be careful. But she always felt that way when she was around a strange alpha. And yet her mind ached for Katsuki and his company. Sure she had been on edge during her earlier patrol. But still the blonde provided an odd sense of comfort, one she didn’t realize until she was walking down the street with this stranger.
This patrol was going to be both exciting and stressful in an all new way for the dark haired woman.
Next Chapter
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parttimedragonslayer · 10 months
10k training updates. I haven't been great at putting the updates here, but I have been keeping a diary, even if I might not write the entry til a day or two later.
Day 9 (Day 11) - Completed 10 November 2023
I swapped today’s cross training and tomorrow’s rest day because I’m going hiking tomorrow. So today was rest day.
Day 10 (Day 12) - Completed 11 November 2023
Cross training today (swapped with yesterday’s rest day). Some girls I met from Okayama University took me to visit Smile Rock, one of the local sites. I wasn’t sure what to expect as it was called a hike, but it also seems pretty accessible. I prepared for a serious hike so I was a little disappointed when it was just a bit of a walk around for about 40 mins. I suppose that technically meets the needs of my cross training, but I do feel like a little bit of a slacker. All that said, the actual sightseeing part of the trip was amazing. Great views, a cool rock, a bunch of cats and I even hung out with people and managed to be somewhat social and not entirely awkward the whole time. 
Day 11 (Day 13) - Completed 12 November 2023
This was the first run that was starting to get close to the types of runs I was doing before. 2 mins on 1 min off. The run felt pretty easy and I ran for about an extra 5 mins at the end. I found a loop that I can run that makes a 5.5km circuit. So PR for distance today too! Part of the route I took today is the actual 10k race course. I want to scout the entire course on my bike soon. I know vaguely where it goes, but I want to follow the actual path as much as possible while training to get used to any hills. 
Day 12 (Day 14) - Completed 13 November 2023
Cross training today and I went to the gym for a weights session. It’s been almost 2 weeks since I last did weights as I’ve had other things to do for cross training. I did 10 mins on the treadmill for warm up, deadlifts and the push press machine. I started on some lunges but was saved from having to finish them by Steve finishing up his workout at that point. I hate lunges. It’s been almost three weeks since I’ve done deads so I think I’m going to feel it tomorrow. 
Day 13 (Day 15) - Completed 14 November 2023
Really pushed myself to run in the morning before work today because I don’t like taking away from evening hang-out-with-the-husband time to run. Also I have four classes today so there’s a good chance I’ll just be too tired or have a headache at the end of the day and chances of bailing are high. 
So I did the morning run. It was very cold. 5 degrees. It wasn’t too bad though once I got going, which is promising. I’ve been a little worried about running in full winter. The run itself was easy. I only did the prescribed amount, no more. I surprised at how short the 30 second rest breaks felt. 
Started feeling the DOMS from deads later in the day, so I have another reason to be glad I ran in the morning. The idea of running in the cold evening with post deadlift DOMS, ergh…
Day 14 (Day16) - Completed 15 November 2023
Scheduled rest day. I’m wondering if I should run though as I have English Camp the next two days which I think means early start and late finish. There’s a high risk I won’t run because of that so maybe I’ll run tonight instead. 
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Day 15 (Day 17) - Incomplete 16 November 2023
I should have run yesterday. As predicted I didn’t run today because a) I had to get up early for English camp, and b) when I got home I was super tired and didn’t want to, so I didn’t. 
Day 15 (Day 18) - Incomplete 17 November 2023
Didn’t run again because of English camp. These camps really take it out of my, mostly because a lot of my day is spent around the other ALTs and I just can’t deal with people anymore. Especially noisy Americans. I end up drained and headachey. 
Day 15 (Day 19) - Complete 18 November 2023
This run was scheduled for 8 intervals of 2:30 run, 1:00 min walk. This was about what I was doing before starting the program so I knew this would be a fairly straightforward run, and it was. It was super cold too, probably the coldest I’ve ever been running, about 5 degrees, I think. I’m going to need to get some gloves and a headband that can keep my ears warm for future winter runs. My poor ears were so cold they were hurting.
Day 16 (Day 20) - Complete 19 November 2023
Cross training today was hiking and it was amazing! We headed out to the local hiking mountain where we’ve been before, with no expectation of how far we’d climb. It’s been a long time since we went there and the last time we only made it to the halfway point. But today we made it all the way! It was such a fun hike too, with some actually difficult bits here and there where you actually have to scramble up rocks and use the ropes that are placed there in order to pull yourself up. It was so much fun! I can’t wait to do it again.
Day 18 (Day 21) - Complete 20 November 2023
Decided to skip rest day and try to catch up a little. Today was the first day of the conference and I got home a little early so I went out as soon as I got home. I took a slightly different route to what I have been lately. I’m glad it was still light because it ended up being through some windy back roads that I hadn’t expected. 
The run itself was easy - only 8 intervals of 1 min on, 1 min off so I tried to push a bit on the run intervals. I also finished with some extra running, about 12 mins straight, which I’m still surprised I can even do. 
Day 17 (Day 22) - Completed 21 November 2023
So today ended up being rest day instead. I had fully intended to just continue on and do a cross training session today, but I didn’t. It’s a pretty lame excuse too. Steve messaged me about 4pm saying he was heading to the gym. I had been planning to go with him when I got home, but even that slight change was enough for me to say “my plans are ruined, might as well not even do anything now!”, because that’s just how I am. 
Day 18 (Day 23) - Incomplete 22 November 2023
I intended to run today, even though it’s cross training day, but I didn’t. I don’t really even have an excuse. It was the last day of the conference so I think my mental battery was just completely drained by having to socialise so much. 
Day 20 (Day 24) - Complete 23 November 2023
I know my next session was meant to be cross training, but I felt like running today instead. Today is a national holiday so I have no excuse. It was sunny out, actually a little warm so I only had to wear a t-shirt, I didn’t need to worry about long sleeves. This last week or so has just been a bit squiffy training wise, what with switching days around and English camp and conferences. 
This run was the first time it’s really pushed me past what I’d already been doing before starting this program, so I was a little apprehensive, but still pretty confident that I could do it. It was 6 intervals of 4 mins run, 1 min walk. I was worried that I’d be out of gas for the 4 min intervals but I was mostly ok. The last two intervals I was starting to feel like it was a push but I got through it ok. I felt more drained at the end of this run than I have any so far, so I think I’ve found the point where this program is going to start to get hard. There’s some big jumps coming up - like 5 min intervals, to 10 minutes, to 3km no stopping all in the space of a week. This might be where I tap out. Not that I want to, but historically that’s what’s happened. The program makes a big jump that I can’t keep up with and I quit. This time, if I can’t keep up with the intervals I’ll just repeat days as much as I need, or add intermediate steps in there. Like 7 min intervals, or 2kms without stopping. I have extra time - there’s 65 days left of the program and 92 days until the race, so that leaves me room to slow things down and add in additional training if I need it. What I shouldn’t be doing is using those days for extra rest days, unless absolutely necessary. 
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raindropsonwhiskers · 2 years
Okay, this is going to be. A little incoherent. But I blame @rearranging-deck-chairs for Daemon-posting and getting me in that headspace of rotating the blorbos with some Creachurs. That being said, it's time for a vague AU that smushes Pokemon into Doctor Who and resultant Spydoc Thoughts (also, plot spoilers for ScVi's late game)
So, Thirteen's team is very... haphazard. She didn't put thought into planning them, they just kind of happen to her. There's very little rotation, just occasionally giving breaks to team members.
Togekiss - Twelve had a Togepi for a while. Like, a Very long while. Hell, Clara probably got her for him (not that he knew that for a time), and it took until Bill for the two of them to become close enough that she evolved into a Togetic. Usually, the Doctor puts aside their old team upon regeneration, but Twelve specifically wanted to pass her along as part of his wish that his next self would carry that hope and kindness. It... doesn't always work out, but Thirteen can't quite make herself give up on that. Togetic gets evolved into Togekiss sometime during season 11, after Thirteen properly accepts that she's travelling with her fam.
Porygon - I just adore the idea of Thirteen with a Porygon, okay? The whole line suits her very well. She picks it up fairly early - while she's still stuck on Earth and building her little teleporter post-WWFTE, most likely. Could she evolve it? Easily! Will she? Eh, probably not. It enjoys hanging out in her sonic and making friends with the TARDIS and eating Ryan's data (when it can)
Absol - She gets an Absol stalking her sometime during season 12 (pre-FOTJ) and can't shake him, so eventually he becomes an unofficial team member. He's not trying to be a bad omen, really, he just can't help but sense disaster around her. Flux is... a bad time for him
Beldum - This one is in the same boat as Porygon, where she could evolve it but never sees the point. She picks it up on a junk planet pre-Tsuranga and it just vibes with her. It gets along with her Porygon quite well
Helioptile - Just. Just look at it and tell me it doesn't scream Thirteen. Funky little electric lizard friend. The Doctor catches her sometime in season 11 and names her Tiny in honor of the P'ting
Sandy Shocks - My reasoning behind this one is twofold. A) it's fitting that the Doctor would have a paradox mon, and this one suits her vibes best. B) if any Doctor deserved a Pokemon that's the result of experimentation by an unethical and obsessed scientist who is also a deeply shitty mother, it's Thirteen. She picks this one up late - barely pre-Flux, some solo adventure with Yaz where they find one and it takes a shine to her (and vice versa)
Silvally - As with Sandy Shocks, this Pokemon suits the themes of Thirteen really well. She finds them during Flux, most likely, as a Type: Null that Tecteun kept (analogous to the Ood?). The two of them don't have all that long together, in the grand scheme of things, but they evolve relatively quickly
For the Master, he did plan his team much more deliberately, and he actually does some rotation.
Zoroark (Unovan) - Is this obvious? Yes. Will that stop me? No. He's trying very very hard to cultivate an appearance of over the top evil for the most part, and underlining how much of a deception O was with a Pokemon known for deceit is very in line with his actions
Lycanroc (Midday) - What his Zoroark spends most of its time illusioned as when he's O. Might well have belonged to the original O, just to drive the point in
Meowscarada - It's a dramatic magician cat that's part Dark type. He chose this on purpose and honestly, it's probably a shiny to boot
Farigiraf - He probably chose this one for the Psychic typing and good resistances, but the whole 'secondary head overtaking the primary upon evolution' thing feels like it should be a metaphor
Tyrantrum - Gives that Rock type coverage once he ditches Lycanroc, but its vulnerabilities and short temper fit him a little too well
Toxapex - Solid type coverage for a lot of things he's weak to, and it has the patience a lot of his other team members lack. Sometimes you just need to lay your plans and be able to sit back and wait
Aegislash - This one is almost purely for the sake of decent team comp. That being said, I feel like it fits well with Toxapex; willing to play the long game and adapt to the circumstances
Iron Jugulis - As with the Doctor, it makes sense for the Master to have a paradox Pokemon. One of the robotic future iterations made most sense, given the Cyberium, and a futuristic Hydregion - a Pokemon I can't help but associate with Ghetsis, and thus Immense Suffering - felt apt
Mimikyu - There is no Pokemon more suited to this vaguely upright bundle of identity issues shaped like an approximation of a Time Lord than this. He's probably aware of this but it latched onto him and they relate to each other. He makes it little Doctor outfits while he's Rasputin-ing
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mrstsung · 2 years
Some kuai liang sub zero self ship abcs i did.
I hope you guys like them. I put a lot of thought into it. Maybe a bit more than i should have but i love them.
Cw: some nsfw content. Fluff too. So if you dont like that. Plz dont read. As always 18+.
A - Act naturally (to play naturally) - How do they behave when they realize that they are in love with you? How do they act when they find out that you have feelings for them?: ok i hc kuai isn't as stagnant or stoic as some proclaim. At least after a certain point. Especially when the lin kuei were restored and the cyber automation projects were shut down. He saw thru the errors of previous grandmasters,his own even. He knew a new way had to be made. One with more understanding,and less bitter chill towards the future students and members. Many who traveled and sought refuge from the harsh cold mountains of the tundra. Could rest and seek sanctuary in the lin kuei temple. Some traditions survive. Some reformed anew. Like a fresh virgin snowfall. But kuai is that type if he found someone. He would be rather sweet,honest with his feelings. Not to say it wouldn't be awkward,i would be no exception. Because of past traumas. But he's moved past that for the most part. I hc he was just upfront. Nervous to hell. But honest and direct. He seems like the direct,no bullshit type guy. Honest and sweet tho. When he found i felt the same. You could see him smile. His face was warm and radiant. It could melt the coldest glaciers.
B - Broken heart (broken heart) - How will they behave if they find out that you cannot love them back? That you're in love with someone else?: now. I aint that kinda girl. If i was with kuai. Im a down,ride or die binch. But if some how. For some reason it had to end. Oof. He would take it fairly well at least on the surface. But deep down kuai would be hurt. Eventually he will come to terms. But it would always hurt him that there could have been something more. Honestly why would anyone hurt this mans heart is beyond me.
C - Communication - How do they communicate with the one they are in love with?: he actually communicates well with me. He makes sure that I've slept well,ate well,hydrated,etc. He also makes sure I'm well emotionally,mentally,etc too. He is good husband material ok? He also makes sure to let me know when he needs to have time for himself and also when its time to train his students. And any other lin kuei affairs. He isnt perfect tho. He does have messy days. This is where i help him lighten the load and take over for a short time if needed be to the best of my ability. Or even have him genuinely get some much needed r&r. But overall he tries his best to keep communication open.
D - Damage  (damage) - How will they react to your wounds or bruises?: honestly kuai kinda like hanzo gets worried easy. Who did this to me?! Where are they? But unlike hanzo. Kuai i feel wouldn't get as well heated. But you can feel still the anger seething from him,but he would tend to my wounds and discuss if he wants him to pursue the person or not. But if it was by accident,or even my own doing. Kuai i feel would be much more calmer. He would tend to the wounds. Kissing them tenderly. Tell me to be more careful next time.
E - Excuse (forgiveness) - Which of you is the first to ask for forgiveness after a quarrel?: look its not often we fight. If we do its over something that might be reasonable. But we do actually have healthy communication. I made that clear as ice for him when we got together. I wanted kuai to feel safe to trust and honestly given the shit he went thru. Yeah. Communication is hella important to him. Always touch base. Even if its simple as "hey i dont have the spoons to deal with this rn maybe later" thats hella sexy of him. But it would more likely be me but it could be both. Depending on the situation. Overall we never stay mad. (I honestly don't think i could no matter who im with)
F - Furious (furious) - How easily can they be pissed off? What can they do in such a state?: ok look don't piss off kuai. I mean for the most part he's a chill dude. But don't push him. His anger is cold,precise,and deadly. He'd never take his anger out on me tho.
G - Gaze (stare) - How often do they watch you? How do they react when you look at them?: he is the type to stare when im not looking. But oh boy is it full of love and admiration. If he caught me tho,he'd be a blushing mess. But he still loves it.
H - Hugs (hugs) - Do they like to hug? How do they hug?: kuai used to be a bit iffy with hugs before me. But now he's actually quite accepting to them. And hugs as often as he can. (Again like hanzo,kuai had to learn to feel love and compassion again. But for him it was hard because he had to unlearn that cold emotional shoulder that was taught to him for so many years. Oof) he still always asks tho. Because he's polite. But he gets a bit giddy when i wholeheartedly accept. He has bear hugs and despite being a cyromancer. His hugs are warm and comforting.
I - Intimacy (intimacy) - What is your intimate life with him?: ok sexy times or general intimacy? A sexy times hc is kuai likes temperature play. He will form a smal ice ball and run it up n down my back. Or just use the tip on his finger. But his fave thing to do it lightly blow a bit of cool air on my pussy when he eats me out. Or on the back of my neck. Non sexy times hcs is he like to cuddle together in our bed chambers and read with me. Sometimes he likes to watch me doodle too. Asking what im drawing. Sometimes we doodle together and play fun drawing games. Or even do puzzles together. He actually got a chessboard from Johnny as a gift. He was very greatful for it. Uses it all the time. Even solo. Sometimes he mourns to play with his bro bi han. But these feelings can come n go.
J - Jealousy - Is it easy to make them jealous? How do they behave in this case?: tbh kaui isn't the jealous type truly. But if he does feel these feels. Its fleeting. He wouldn't act upon it tho. But he will give an ice cold stare at whomever decides to earn his anger.
K - Kiss (kiss) - How often do you kiss each other? How do the characters kiss?: kaui kisses are sweet,passionate,and invigorating. He tries to give kisses as often as he can. His fave kisses to give are hand kisses,forehead kisses,a quick cute kiss on the cheek. And if he's in a more private setting. Then kisses my lips. Not that he couldn't in front of others. He just likes to be private to be more intimate most of the time. (Again i hc kuai over time became more lax with the restoration of the lin kuei when it came to affection. Because he had to unlearn that trauma from the old grandmasters. But especially after he got in a relationship)
L - Letter (letter) - Would they dare to write a love letter? What would he write about?: i. Think he would write a cute love letter. I dunno what it would be about specifically tho.
M - Main (main) - Who will have a dominant role in your relationship?: we both are equals. There is no power play here.
N - Need - How much do they need your presence and touch?: kuai can do without. But he doesn't enjoy it. He actually craves physical affection a looooot. He may not always say it. He will ask for it if he can. Look he's baby ice guy ok? Kuai is baby bro. (Bi han was waaaaay more tsundere)
O - Objective (goal) - How will they pursue you?: he was unsure how to feel at first. But he actually found me endearing. And everytime we had a conversation,sometimes he would get lost in thought. Any cold feet he was getting would just melt away. After maybe of a month or so, i hc kuai was very upfront about his feelings. Nervous but also ok even if he got rejected. He didn't but still. He was quite happy when he knew i liked him back.
P - Pace (tempo) - How fast can they get close to someone?: it takes him a bit. But be patient with him. He's trying. Again he needs to sort things out. Give him at least a month. He's hella open with me tho
Q - Quizzcal (quirky) - How often do they joke? Do they like to have fun?: tbh before he met me he wasnt much of a joker. But over time he got to losen up a bit. He's a big teddy bear deep down. Tbh he loves snowball fights. And to make ice sculptures. Sometimes to show off. Sometimes because he wants to train with me. Look he tries. He's tired a lot of the time.
R - Relax (rest) - How often do they rest? How do they like to relax?: he tries whenever he can. Hot spring baths,meditation,and if im around sometimes he will ask for a massage. But if he's really stressed,a nice romp will work.
S - Saviour (savior) - Will they be able to protect you in case of danger? What will they do if your life is in danger?: he would most definitely. Tho i am capable of handling myself for the most part. But honestly if he was that pissed. And someone done fucked up bad. He would stop at nothing to end that person who hurt me.
T - Teach (teach) - Can they teach you something? Who will take the initiative?: oh course. We both have something to teach each other.
U - Uncertain - What is their reaction when they find out that you doubt yourself?: he actually is very sweet. He talks things out with me. He gives solid advice. But he knows i love hugs and physical affection when im not feeling so good. Also humor gets me thru. So he tries to make me smile. Dad jokes galore. You'd never know but he's actually quite funny.
V - Vaunt (bragging) - How often do they brag about something? Do they like showing off to you?: he's not the bragging type. Tho he is very proud to call me his lover. If he shows off its more in a private setting.
W - Who is first (who is the first) - Who is the first to confess their feelings?: i hc actually he did he was upfront about it. But we both had mutual pining. Lol. I confessed after he did.
X - Exxx (ex) - How will they react when your ex shows up all of a sudden?: ok in this au i dont have one. But hypothetically he wouldn't be angry or harsh. He would keep a close eye. But like i said he isnt the jealous type. Nor would he do anything unless i am am obviously in harms way or he needs to step in.
Y - Your teasing (your teasing) - What activities make them turn on? How can they turn you on?: a surefire way is actually subtle and sweet things. Or a simple wink. I hc He actually is hella touch starved. So hand holding,stroke to chin as you pass by,really gentle somft things. That makes his heart melt. But its not easy to make him come undone in front of others,not impossible but difficult. But in private. Oh boy. As for me its not really that difficult.
Z - Zzz (sleep) - How do you prefer to fall asleep?: kuai always loves a cooler room but tons of blankets. He likes to cuddle. He's a big teddy bear like i said. He's almost always big spoon. But sometimes he's little spoon. But that's usually when he needs a little tlc. But if he's in a good mood for the most he's big spoon. He has fuzzy blankets. He has a small throw that's made of snow hare fur. Its uber soft and silky.
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walkswithmycamera · 22 days
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Italian Escapade: revised aka Plan 'B'
If you follow my account on X (formerly known as Twitter), you may recall I mentioned we were doing some juggling of our itinerary...
Plan 'B' image source: Unsplash
The accommodations are booked!
NOTE: links to information in the blog post are in blue.
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The Arrival 🇫🇷
NCE Airport, one night due to a late arrival and in readiness for the Flixbus journey to Genoa 🇮🇹 the next morning. It takes approximately 3 hours, depending upon your chosen departure time.
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Next Stop: Genoa
Flixbus terminates close to the Piazza Principe train station in the centre of the city and from here, we make our way across (probably by Metro) to Piazza de Ferrari with its fabulous fountain.
Arriving in Genoa a little after 13:00hrs, means we should arrive at our next accommodation in perfect time to check-in to our private room with an internal bathroom at Marathon Beds and Beer Hostel.
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We've never stopped in hostel accommodation even though we have been travelling together since the early 1990s.
It took me 2 days before I showed it to my husband - but we both agree it seems to have a good vibe and it's in the perfect position for the short time we have in the city.
We made our reservation through Booking.com but it's also listed on Hostel World too.
As I'm writing my 'Trip Plan' I just came across this Free guided tour on Get Your Guide.
It lasts approximately 2hrs and, I believe the process of free tours is the participants are expected to leave the guide a Tip at the end.
It sounds interesting but we will do some more reading on it, before coming to a decision.
We will depart Genoa around lunchtime the following day for our next destination (this is the Plan 'B').
The hostel is a few minutes walk from Brignole train station, which is very handy as our next stop is a direct route by rail.
Day 3: Rapallo (5 nights) 🇮🇹
Finally, we arrive at the destination where we will explore Cinque Terre (5 Lands), famous for their multicoloured buildings which line the rugged Ligurian coastline and are scattered over a fairly short distance from each other along a popular hiking trail.
We changed our plans completely for this part of our trip as we had originally booked to stay in La Spezia for the Cinque Terre.
We began to realise we were overstretching ourselves to make the journey directly back to the Cote d'Azur, before taking our flight back home.
It would have impacted the overall enjoyment hence, ruling out La Spezia.
So, we decided to treat ourselves to an accommodation in a most scenic spot 👇
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We completed our reservation using Hotels.com as part of the OneKeyCash rewards scheme.
Here's what TripAdvisor says about the Hotel Italia e Lido:
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What is the Cinque Terre?
A series of storied coastal towns on the untamed Italian Riviera coastline is known as Cinque Terre.
The five towns that comprise the Cinque Terre: Rimaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia not accessible by boat, Vernazza and Monterosso were first fortified settlements during the Middle Ages. Each was shielded from Saracen raiders by a castle that overlooked the sea. You can expect to see vibrant colourful houses and vineyards clinging to steep terraces in each of the five towns; fishing boats moor in the harbours; and trattorias serve up seafood specialties and pesto, the region's signature sauce. The Sentiero Azzurro hiking trail connects the villages and provides panoramic views of the sea or; you can opt to visit most of them by boat.
What Else?
Well, we're not entirely all planned out day by day, we like to make things up as we go along. 'Travel' for us - is not all about schedules and ticking boxes of 'must see' places.
But, we do know we want to pay a visit to Portofino - mainly caused by a TV period drama series a year or so ago "Hotel Portofino."
We hope to reach Portofino by one of the local ferry routes, but a lot will depend upon the seasonal weather, which will dictate the sailing operational times. If not, there's always a bus!
Back to GENOA:
Oh yes, we haven't quite said 'arriverderci' to Genoa just yet.
We've bagged ourselves a rather nice 2 bedroomed apartment, via Booking.com even though we were really looking at budget accommodation for this part of the trip - but our hearts were stolen by places we wanted to live in - permanently!
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And this my friends, is why we've steered quite clear of Italy for many years - we absolutely know, it's going grab a tight hold and not let go. We're assuming there will be lots of revisits in between our other trips.
So perhaps we will get to experience that 2 hour guided tour after all... We will be located in the Centro Storico area of Genoa, which means heaps of wonderful building architecture to feast our eyes upon!
Final Days:
We finish up back in Nice, on the Promenade des Anglais where we will have a couple of days to explore an area that will be a 'first' for us both.
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It provides us with the opportunity to wander along the promenade, or travel on the trams into the Nice Ville and Vieux Nice as well.
Nice is the second-largest French city on the Mediterranean coast and the second-largest city in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region after Marseille. It's situated at the base of the French Alps, on the French Riviera, the southeast coast of France on the Mediterranean Sea.
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It's also around 13kms distance from Monaco, which I have visited, but many years ago when I was in my early 20s.
If we like, it's an easy enough destination for us to reach from our favourite UK airport - so we can always hop on a two and a half hour flight whenever the fancy takes us.
That's all folks and thank you for reading.
The next updates will arrive during and after our travels.
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
Get Out Bike Lane #shorts
If you know her or not this kind of disturbance is illegal he's walking from her car you have to walk there and a stupid son of a b**** is required to go around her and you should be arrested but he probably won't because he's displaying your a****** stuff too that's right we know who this guy is and I'm going to adjust his medication as you guys are always saying about our son cuz you're ridiculous f****** morons and it's like 200,000 of you on our son they were going to take you to task I don't get a grill each one of you until you break everyday over and over and see how you like the treatment that you're giving to our loan son who's stuck here with you and your foul mouth and your foul demeanor your asinine feeding and you're seeing your two four to pay him and expecting all sorts of inventions you got squat you too busy in your altruistic in-fight and you're hilarious your invite does nothing just running around the a****** b****** screaming at each other like your fourth grade children in your house and your family or something we found it to be so detestable that we can't stand looking at you anymore and we're going to ask you to leave tonight if you're here tomorrow you're going to get beat up every day every hour until you leave and we don't care by who we need you to hell out of here you suck very badly as a matter of fact I'm putting hits on you right now for you doing right now we're going to take care of you we're going out to your territories your stuff we're going to take more command of the program and you'll have absolutely no recourse at all fairly soon you're already a bunch of toddlers and wimps and you don't have what it takes and you're losing ground rapidly and pretty soon you won't have any ground and you're obscene how are you people are obscene I've never seen people behave as badly as you dumb assholes wants to God you really need to leave and we're going to force you out some other people coming in that can handle it like O'Connor and stuff and you gave him a ton of s*** at work about you but if this is the start of it or if we're halfway through them starting to grow or if they're growing what is tomorrow going to be like as opposed to today and he said you were right about something we have a problem and I don't know why maybe they have a schedule like the max 2 and they are hooked on it in other words to are repeating history but the max do it in order to defeat them the next round and their intelligent so he looked at it he said that's what it is he wants to know why you're smart or whatever so they know about the plan they're repeating schedule and the revolutionary war for the most part it's really a big chunk of it and they run around saying it's our plan too a massively arrogant humongous arrogance it's gigantic so then you have this guy John remillard then it says cheeseman will be a regent and will serve under him and he hears about our son and he flips out and he absolutely cannot handle it so son says it's not really his rule over the Earth steps back and he says oh yeah it's really the max so he's trying to figure out where their house is castles are and you can't quite get it
The guy finally gets the schedule in the past and he forgets it and he's a nightmare and he's stupid and a lot of people see the schedule and are working on it and they know the master up to stuff and they're trying to intercept it and they're doing it have to some job but this guy is doing nothing he's in the way of everything we are going to start doing projects that attract them and there are several they are kit cars and we have a bunch and we can't do anything with them around even regular cars are a pain in the ass so we are going to beat them with tons of these things and big crowds come by the way and perfect that's what we need he says and she says and we need it now so we can send out for it and we're going to get going on it
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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fiveminuterice · 2 years
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askagamedev · 2 years
Why Devs don’t respond directly to good player feedback in a timely manner, even though we ask for it
It should be well-established that players providing reasonable, well-written feedback about what they (dis)like about a game and why is the best and most actionable way to see real change enacted in the game dev process. I’ve had many productive development conversations with coworkers that came about (and several actually initiated real change behind the scenes) because of useful community feedback. I can’t remember a single instance in my entire career where I’ve ever participated in a serious development conversation brought on because of petitions, boycotts, or review bombs. 
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Unfortunately, the big problem with the way things work is that, from the outside looking in, the engaged community players get the exact same results from both approaches - radio silence. This happens in no small part because we work on a different time scale than most player expectation. Unless the problem is some kind of literal service-interrupting game-crashing issue, chances are good the players won’t see the results of our work for another three to six months at earliest. For most live service games, we’re often working one or two patches in the future - if the live game is on content patch A, we’re usually testing, fixing bugs and locking up in content patch B for cert/submission while developing new stuff in content patch C. If we receive community feedback and make changes based on that feedback, it will almost certainly go into the patch that’s still in development - patch C. Because most patch deliveries happen every three months, this means that it is often anywhere from three to six months before the community gets to see the results of their feedback in game. The topic du jour of conversation will likely have moved on by that point.
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This assumes that the feedback is for changes that we can make fairly easily, like game balance and adjusting data values. For more resource-intensive requests like asking for better representation for LGBTQIA+ or people of color in the game, I would assume that the community asking for this would want it done right rather than quickly. In order to gather those resources, create the content and validate it, and push it live properly and respectfully, it would take a significant amount of time - especially if we can’t do it all in-house (e.g. if it requires licensor sign-off, voice acting, new animations, etc.). Content created as a result of resource-intensive feedback is likely not to see the light of day for a year at the earliest even if we really want to do it, and even then likely not until the next game (or major expansion) which may be multiple years in the future.
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This unfortunately all looks exactly to the community an awful lot like radio silence. We can’t read the community in on what’s going on behind closed doors - things get cut, designs change for a variety of reasons, goals and targets change. When the players are faced with mostly radio silence no matter what they do, joining a collective action with other players like signing a petition, adding to a review bomb, or declaring participation in a boycott can certainly feel a lot more validating and appealing than writing reasonable feedback into what feels like the void. This is really unfortunate because I can promise you that the reasonable feedback is far, far more useful to us as developers and also far, far more likely to result in actual change than any boycott, review bomb, or petition ever will. I’m not sure there’s a good solution to this problem. If you can think of one (that doesn’t involve us spending significant dev time reading forums instead of developing the game), I’m all ears.
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smashy-headcanons · 3 years
a spooky Halloween vampire infection spreads, which smashers are the least to most dangerous
My ranking (only tiers are ranked, otherwise similar fighters are grouped next to each other):
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The tiers:
S Tier: If they have their sights on you you're basically free food
Enderman, Sans, Meta Knight, Ness, Sheik, Zelda, Palutena, Mewtwo, and Greninja (albeit with some minor limitations) are all capable of teleporting.
Sonic is the fastest person alive, no way in hell are you getting away from him.
Toon Link has the Command Melody; he can wave the Wind Waker and literally make you walk over to him if he so desired.
BotW Link has Stasis, which can freeze you in place for a short period of time.
A Tier: More dangerous than most and weak points are minor or nonexistent but they still have to actually get to you
I would argue Kirby to be more of a threat than King Dedede in any other circumstance, and for the most part they match up here: both are extremely powerful forces with a dangerous appetite and the ability to float. What Kirby DOESN'T have is extreme tankiness or an army of thousands, including flying units or units impervious to every form of damage.
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Captain Falcon and Yoshi are both really fast and have other beneficial attributes, but not enough to be in S-tier like Sonic.
Snake and (I think) Joker have stealth on their side and they don't have any glaring weaknesses either.
Kirby, Sora, Bayonetta, and Rosalina are all floaty with other good abilities.
Shulk has Monado Arts and Vision, meaning he can go fast and also see into the future in certain circumstances; not unstoppable but a definite threat.
Lucario can sense auras so he can see you through walls (a la Subspace Emissary).
B Tier: They all have at least one major weakness but would be terrifying to deal with otherwise
We've heard it again and again, Little Mac isn't an air fighter. But on the ground? Nothing short of terrifying. He's the third fastest character in the game behind Captain Falcon and Sonic, and in his home game Little Mac is capable of wiping the near entirety of Donkey Kong's health bar in ONE punch. The speed of his rapid jab in Smash? Yeah that's not an enhancement he just fucking does that in his own game.
Charizard and the Inkling have their own unique skills (flying and stealth respectively) but they share a weakness to water.
Piranha Plant and Ivysaur, like Charizard and the Inklings, both have unique skills that would make them dangerous, but they share a vulnerability to fire.
Bowser and Bowser Jr., like the above, have different skills which would assist them but being Koopas they're both rendered helpless for a while if you knock them on their backs.
Banjo & Kazooie spend enough time together that they can be considered a package set. They have dangerous approach options, being able to fly and use Wonderwing to render themselves invulnerable. Both abilities are limited in that they require red and gold feathers respectively, so without those they're little more than groundbound.
Without a god or goddess the Pits don't have much more than the average Smash fighter, but if they do have one on their side they have impressive speed in the air.
Ridley's a dangerous predator, but his weakness is, funnily enough, his size. He has a lot of difficulty reaching people in a small space.
Jigglypuff is floaty and can put you to sleep, but she's fairly slow and light so as long as you keep an eye out for her (or wear headphones) you should be fairly okay.
Kazuya is slow but he has options to stun you and get closer.
King K. Rool is able to tank many attacks with his belly armor, but if an attack is too powerful you'll leave him stunned.
Min Min's arms have a lot of reach, but they're slow and she has lots of difficulty reaching in the air.
C Tier: If they have special abilities they don't help too much for the purposes of being a vampire, but no particularly exploitable weaknesses (feel free to move characters in this tier wherever you think would be a better fit)
D Tier: They can be dangerous but they aren't going to be outclassing anyone
Squirtle, like Bowser and Bowser Jr, can be flipped over on its back, but while its speed isn't bad it isn't great either.
Ganondorf and Dr. Mario are both slow, but neither of them have much in the way of slowing you down.
Zombie is slow and also already undead, sooo...
Incineroar is slow like Ganondorf and Dr. Mario AND is weak to fire like Charizard and the Inklings--it definitely goes at the bottom of this list.
E Tier: Vampirism is essentially a non-issue with this tier
With how much garlic he eats Wario is essentially walking vampire repellent, more so than even the Belmonts. He's not getting bitten by anyone. If he happened to be the first infected rather than getting it from someone else, then he'd probably be in A tier.
Due to their status as Blades I don't know if Pyra and Mythra could even become vampires in the first place.
R.O.B. and Mega Man are robots. Also R.O.B. doesn't even have a mouth.
Good luck biting through Samus's armor just sayin.
Olimar and Alph are both difficult to bite, but also they'd both arguably be unable to actually bite anyone because they require space helmets.
I started on this last night but it was way too late for me to finish it so happy late halloween folks
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drwcn · 3 years
continuing on the fem!lwj thought experiment. previous posts are here → [x]  [x].
俗话说的好,寡妇门前是非多。Translation: as the old saying goes, troubles are aplenty upon the doorstep of the widow. Which really, is more of a reflection of society's bullshit than of widow's character because a) in a society where women aren't allowed means to financially support themselves, when their husbands kick the bucket, they'd have to rely on other men in their lives to survive. If these men aren't their immediate family like son, father, or brother, then they incite gossip/scorn from others; and b) fuck the fuckbois who try and take advantage of widows who they deem easy prey and fuck the busybodies who go around sniffing out a widow's secrets.
Previously, I threw out the idea of Badass Rogue Cultivator Lan Wangji, going where the trouble is, helping people, a literal beacon of light, the renowned but mysterious Hanguang Sanren, accompanied by her sole disciple/son Sizhui — but now, consider this. For the first couple of years after she left Cloud Recesses, in order to avoid detection and to heal from her discipline lashes, Lan Wangji camouflaged herself and Sizhui and straight up became a peasant. A young, widowed peasant with "limited" means and a young son.
(here are some nice peasant aesthetics bc we don't really get those: [x] - the hair of this one; [x] [x] the outfit style of this one; [x] - a variation of a headscarf of this one.)
Lan Wangji found a mid-sized village and a small abandoned house with a modest yard that looked like it hadn't been inhabited for some time. The reason was rather obvious - the place was a haunted. But luckily it was an entry level ghost (and I mean really entry level, like this ghost isn't even getting paid, probably a ghost intern) and a short exorcism later, it was perfectly safe to settle down in. A-Yuan wasn't even fazed; boy grew up in the Burial Mount where ghosts probably read him bedtime stories.
LWJ: 阿苑,从今往后,如果有人问起你我的事,你该怎么回答? A-Yuan:嗯。。。阿爹死了,就剩下我和阿娘了。 LWJ:好,好孩子。
LWJ: A-Yuan, from now on, if someone asks about me and you, what should you tell them? A-Yuan: Hm...a-die died, only a-niang and I are left. LWJ: Good, good lad.
Literally the next day, the local Aunties™ arrived to sus her out. Early that morning, they had seen steam coming out of the chimney and thought it was local boys causing mischief again but was surprised to find a young woman and a small child. The fact that the young woman was the prettiest thing in a 500 mile radius was not lost on the village Aunties. Lan Wangji introduced herself as Qiu Er-Niang 邱二娘 (Qiu being her mother's last name, and #-niang being a fairly non-classy, peasant-esque way of referring to women) and A-Yuan as Jiang蒋 Yuan (not the same Jiang as Yunmeng Jiang but pronounced the same and still a very common last name, a nod to WWX without it being very explicit). She spun a very simple story of how her village was devastated by bad harvest and disease and that her family, including her husband, had all perished. She was not much of a liar, but the injuries she carried on her back was fresh, so she did appear genuinely fragile and gaunt.
The Aunties were suspicious but could not find a flaw in her story. One of them was nice enough to give her some rice and flour. Not that Lan Wangji really needed it; Lan Xichen had made sure she had plenty of funds for the road, which she was initially reluctant to accept. Leaving Cloud Recesses, she wanted no part of her clan in her new life, but her brother had convinced her after he reiterated and stressed on A-Yuan's needs as a growing boy.
Second day into her new life as a peasant, Lan Wangji realized her problem. For the first time in her life, she had noisy af neighbours who were all up in her busy. Pushing aside the obvious need to hide her cultivation, she could not be blatant with her finances either. The villagers saw a sickly widow with a child; they'd expect to see her struggle with food, with clothing, with keeping it all together. If she strolled up to the nearest town and bought all the things she needed...that would be way too suspicious. Besides, she'd have to do something to make a show of "earning" her living, at least for a little while. She did not plan to stay in this village forever. Once she was fully recovered, once Gusu Lan Sect's initial searching frenzy passed and they exhausted their means, she could leave and be free. For now...she'll just have to play her part.
One of the Aunties of the village told her that one of the richer households being to a landlord of some kind was looking for female staff to do the cleaning and washing and cloth-fending. The Auntie pulled some strings with the women working there and got her hired. Lan Second Jade of Gusu never washed a single sock in her life Wangji found herself faced with Laundry Duty, Jealous Landlady and Co-Workers, and Lecherous Overlord.
Fuckboi #25: How pretty you are, sweet thing. Poor you, working with those slender hands. If you marry me, you wouldn't have to slave away for money. I'll take care of you.
LWJ: *silently contemplating how to slit the man from nape to navel*
A couple times a week, Lan Wangji worked, and during her free time, she taught A-Yuan to read and write and began his training with the sword. Beyond that, Lan Wangji put every second of her free time not taking care of A-Yuan and not playing Farmer McPeasant into cultivation. For the first time in her life, her days were simple. There was nothing to distract her, no other bullshit or duty to family or clan to restrict her against her will. She left the headband in Jingshi, and Jingshi in the past.
And when the night is dark and A-Yuan is asleep, Lan Wangji seals the house with a barrier talisman and goes into the forest to play Inquiry.
Wei Ying never answers, but soon the village starts a rumour of a Lady Ghost haunting the woods with her song.
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