#ngl little bit scared to post this
skitskatdacat63 · 2 years
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2005 - Pit crews acknowledging the camera(because I think they're really endearing)
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cgetbrmj · 10 months
anyway do u have hcs on cg!Sejanus and little!coryo? I’ll probably be back stalking ur inbox to shove my hc for them in your face but I’m curious of yours and if we have any mutual ones??
peace n love and I’m sorry again for harrassing you-
hahaha never harassing me, I promise!! I adore getting messages in my inbox!! I'm also very hyped by having a mutual who is just as excited about tbosas agere as I am lol please feel free to send your hcs my way I love hearing them
ugh cg!Sejanus 😍😭 I have so much love for him - and Little Coryo is a massive guilty pleasure at this stage. I do have some hcs on them - mostly assuming this is in a littles are known verse (though I do have a couple vague fic ideas on an age regressing Coryo in a non-littles are known verse if anyone cares to hear about that)
Probably gonna put a break here because I'm probably gonna ramble about them for ages lol - this ask has been a great excuse to post hcs on them so - you're getting more than you signed up for lol!!!!!!! Sage feel free to message me that I'm doing too much haha, hoping that you won't mind the rambling but idk just lemme know if it's too much - and also if you like any of the hcs/agree with any!
Despite Coryo being the person defending Sejanus more often than not, Sejanus is so loyal to Coryo and Very protective of him, no matter the circumstances.
Early on (pre tbosas/early academy days) Sejanus is more concerned with protecting big Coryo's representation than he is with considering caregiving for Little Coryo, and totally helps to hide that Coryo is a Little from everyone.
Absolutely found out that Coryo did not have anything for Little him and absolutely immediately started sneaking him gear.
Probably tries to do it in a way that Coryo won't notice and argue against it - gives him a paci when he's practically asleep, hands him a stuffie to keep when he's already started slipping.
sneaks him bite size snacks periodically across a long time until he's confident Coryo's eaten enough to get through the rest of the day without realising Sejanus has caught on to his food problem.
(If in a verse with any kind of headspace suppressants) Sejanus refuses to let Coryo ignore/supress his headspace - will do anything for him but let him hurt himself.
Is really big on hand holding. They're going anywhere? Sejanus is interlocking their fingers immediately. Is Little Coryo much of a runner? Not at all. Is Sejanus giving him the opportunity? Nope. That boy is constantly at LEAST in eyesight of Sejanus.
LOVES playing with Coryo's blonde curls. Mostly only gets the chance when they're both half asleep already but it's such a soothing and comforting thing for Sejanus to do.
I feel like Sejanus would be the type of caregiver to give daily affirmations. Especially with how obvious it is that Coryo overthinks every moment of his life. I can see him trying to get Little Coryo to repeat positive affirmations in the morning and before bed.
I see Little Coryo as an easy crier. He's just so overwhelmed about everything and has barely processed any of it. When things don't go his way, he tends to break down easier because of that.
Not much of a tantrum thrower - but Little Coryo is Very petulant. He's pouty and fussy and whiney, and thinks he deserves anything and everything he could possibly want, and he Will be devastated if that doesn't work out (for like 5 minutes and then will absolutely have moved onto the next thing)
Little Coryo adores Tigris and definitely thinks she's the boss of everyone and that anything she says is always 100% true and never doubts it. Tigris is far too kind a soul to take advantage of this.
Little Coryo is definitely touch starved but also definitely does not realise it or believe it.
Sejanus tries to comfort him by hugging him and totally thinks he's made things worse for a second with how emotional of a response he gets from Coryo from doing it.
Coryo is extremely adamant that he's an independent big kid who doesn't really need Sejanus help with anything - right up until he's a little bit tired and sleepy and has decided that he's done with whatever he's doing, and then he's just about the clingiest thing ever and wants to steal every drop of Sejanus's attention.
Sejanus loves reading to Little Coryo - picture books, children's novels, poetry, (if Coryo is tired/little enough to allow it - touch and feel books/ anything interactive).
Coryo is either very talkative or barely verbal - Sejanus narrates his every movement though and fills in the silence most of the time
As I said - kind of used this ask as an excuse to dump some very random hcs on these two - I definitely have a lot more but that's heading into plot for some fics I'm currently working on territory sooo...
Sorry if this has been unintelligible or a nightmare to read - I am incredibly tired and basically writing this asleep haha but I loved rambling for a bit <3
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night-dragon937 · 2 years
why do i only get motivation at night TwT
cleaning, organizing, cooking, responding to emails/texts/calls, filling out paperwork, doing art or crafts, filming tiktoks- 10am? no chance. 3pm? that's funny but no. 6pm? ehh that's pushing it, probably not. 2am?? fuck yeahh let's get it all done right now!!
i need help and also someone to tell me that the project i want to start working on (will take a minimum of three hours) is a bad idea to start now, at 2am, when i need to get up in like eight hours
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yandere-sins · 3 months
You know how, irl, people get fascinated and turned on by the IDEA Of a yandere? And how a yandere, ofc, stalks and learns as much as they can about their darling? I just imagine the Yandere using that to their advantage and to their Darling's horror. "Oh, but you like this don't you? You've read so many smutty tumblr stories about being taken and taken and held hostage. You reblogged so many headcanons about a character killing your bully or that co-worker you hate. I know all your questionable porn tastes. I know all your deep, dark secrets. I know your violent vent posts that I got to enact for you, Darling! I've given you everything you've ever fantasized about, so of course you'll love me. <3" And of course, the yandere fails to realize that any of those behaviors or actions in real life is absolutely, gut-wrenchingly horrifying. But they think they're giving their darling everything they could ever want, and they'll continue to do so until they stop playing hard to get.
Ngl, probably one of my worst fears for the future, but thanks for requesting because it makes good yandere content :'D
I'm imagining a really smug yandere, you know? One that thinks they are doing you such a big favor and give you all their love by expressing it this way. But in reality, they don't even realize how messed up it is.
They were just breaking into your home after you went to bed to admire their darling from afar for a little bit. They are not daring to stir you from your sleep when they can stand beside you and watch. It is enough; they won't be greedy. But they couldn't have known they'd find the holy grail of smut and depravity on your bookshelf when they started browsing as their curiosity got the better of them. They are almost appalled by their darling, if not for the fact that when they browse through the pages of a random book, the words kidnapping, stalking, love, murder, and quite a few more seem like a temptation made for them especially.
So, you actually like that kind of stuff, huh?
Someone following you on a dark street, their steps noticeable but their face masked as they are always just five steps behind you. You run, they run. There's a red rose on your windowsill the next day. It scares you, but they know now that you are just pretending. That your heart is beating faster now, elated by the chase and the promise of love it brings. The fact that you have your own mad person excites you. The yan continues to borrow one book after the other, annotates them, and takes notes for themselves before putting them back onto your shelf for you to find one day, horrified to see lots of "I'd love to do this to you," "How about I kill the coworker you hate—would that make you love me?" and "Love this, love you, always you" in them.
They thought being a silent observer, loving you from afar, was the way to be with you. But they can't help but masturbate to the sex scenes, thinking about how they'd reenact them with you. Your books will be devastatingly ruined by stains and tears in the pages as they have either ripped out a scene to save for later or bit into the book as they've hit their orgasm. Your bookshelf was a collection of dark romance before, but now it is literally the remnant of a massacre of the once neat collection.
But of course, they won't stop there.
Everyone gets sick of reading books someday, even though it's been nice doing it sitting next to you—part of the yan hoping you might wake up and they get to act out some of the scenes you read about. However, there are more things to uncover and learn from. Your public social media they've stalked so far was nice and dandy, but the favorites and posts you hide on your private computer have so much potential to learn from.
The yan can learn about all these little desires of yours. The masks you like, how you want to be taken, cared for, and loved forever. You seem to believe in soulmates—crazy! They do, too! If the yan is delusional enough, it turns out that you two are so similar to each other—a perfect match. Even the kinks they didn't share with you before can be arranged with enough dedication to you. They'll make preparations so you'll be able to ease into these depraved things that you kept hidden from them. You might have been afraid to act on your desires, but the yan is ready to let you live them out to the fullest.
Never mind that you cry after being chased home, it's what you wanted, right? It doesn't matter how you actually feel when they harass and stalk you, leave you little notes and flowers everywhere, because they are just doing what your book-partners would do (it worked for them, after all). You wanted the yan to be possessive over you; why are you sad that no one wants to be your friend when the yan went to the trouble of making sure everyone would be too scared to approach you? And really, aren't you grateful for the yan taking care of your coworker problem? Was sending you their pinky not enough proof of their love?
How come you don't love them yet? When will you love them like the protagonists of your books?
Haven't they done enough? Are you seriously saying you don't like their gifts and dedication to you? Or perhaps you are just trying to play hard to get... of course! That must be it. You are so lovely; you must know that you deserve to be desired immensely. Only they can desire you as much as to go to such lengths, but perhaps it hasn't been enough yet. You deserve more. You are waiting for the yan to prove their undying, absolute love for you. It must be something big, something extraordinary. Something that will show you just how much they care about your interests and especially you.
They will take you and give you the life you want—you deserve.
Even if you hate them for it.
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cheeseceli · 3 months
When they have a crush
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Pairing: ot7 BTS × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: headcanon, fluff
Request: types of dumb or random things bts members will do while they are crushing on someone and wants their attention?
Warnings: mentions of food at jin's
A/n: I feel like I'm getting better at making the layout of these posts :)
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‌This man ain't even trying to bring out his boyfriend material
‌He's going for the husband material
‌Cooks for you quite a lot
‌Always bringing you some lunch or just a few baked goodies (and never allowing the boys to eat it beforehand)
‌Runs errands with you because he "has nothing better to do" when in reality he's just desperate to be with you for a while
‌He even has "cleaning dates" with you😭
‌I see him to be a huge fan of domesticity ngl
‌So if there's anything he can do to bring out this side in your relationship, even if you're only on the friendship stage yet, you can bet that's what he's gonna do
‌And he 100% expects your friends to make the "you seem like an old married couple" jokes because !!
‌That's precisely his goal!!
‌Once he gets to know your family, he even wants your family to be expecting the day you'll both start to date
‌Jin is just the definition of husband material and he knows it, that's how he tries to make you look at him
‌Stick to the end and hear me out
‌I know how that sounds but I promise you it makes sense😭
‌Yoongi is the typa guy to be effortlessly (and questionably) funny
‌Like that one time the staff said "whoever has the ball wins" and he replied with "then we are all winners"
‌However !
‌He keeps on doing those jokes like he'd always do
‌But now he unconsciously looks at your direction
‌Would you laugh? Would you find it weird? Did you even pay attention?
‌If, after developing this crush of him, he notices that you actually laugh at his jokes
‌You can be sure he'll do them a lot
‌But it's so subtle you don't even notice he's doing it to make you laugh/have your attention
‌However, he does pay attention to you quite a lot so he can always be the first one to notice your smile growing
‌Endless excuses to see you
‌He will purposely "forget" his things at your place just so he can go back there (and forget some more things)
‌It's an infinite cycle
‌Sometimes he will accidentally leave his sweatshirts with you
‌And then he'll be like "could you give it back to me? We can go to that restaurant I was telling you about and then you can give it to me"
‌But then he will tell you that the night is cold so it's okay if you want to wear his sweatshirt while you're both out
‌And then he also forgets to take it back
‌Wow who would ever imagine this could happen
‌So now you both need to see each other again because he really wants that sweatshirt
‌Bro is still trying to grow the courage to properly ask you out
‌So even if you do catch up on his small antics, please engage on it
‌He just needs a little bit of impulse 😭
‌Whenever he wants your attention, he starts to talk
‌And with that I mean he TALKS
‌Won't shut up for a second
‌And he won't even make sense, bro is talking about the dumbest and more random things you could ever imagine
‌ "I wouldn't want to live in mars, it sounds depressing. Neptune sounds cool though, don't you think?"
‌Like?? How do you want me to answer to that hun😭
‌But it's kinda sweet because he becomes a professional yapper to gain your attention, but once he gets it he let's you do all the talking
‌He didn't really want to talk, he just wanted you to be there with him
‌So you can talk all you want, he will pay attention to every single word with a little smile on his face
‌Deadass stares at you
‌Not in a creepy way tho, just in a "please look at me I really want your attention right now"
‌And will keep on staring at you until you give in
‌Heavy on physical touch as well
‌At this stage of your relationship, everything is friendly of course
‌Because he is scared of letting you know he's in love with you💀 even if that's pretty much the whole point
‌He still craves a lot of your touch
‌Hugs all the time, holds and plays with your hand, the same goes to your hair...
‌Sometimes you can't even go somewhere without him following you like a shadow
‌Trust me, if he wants your attention he will find a way to have it
‌He will ask for it
‌Like, literally
‌I see him as a very straightforward person so he'll just be like "y/n pay attention to me"
‌Multiple times, until you actually do stop whatever you were doing and look at him
‌And his reaction will be like 😄
‌I see him doing this slightly more subtly when he's trying to get your attention from someone else
‌If he feels you're talking to Jin, for example, for a very long while now, he won't hesitate on sitting next to you
‌And kinda throwing himself on top of you
‌lmao scratch what I said, that's not subtle at all
‌But at least he doesn't say what he wants from you out loud ig
‌You think this man is competitive?
‌That's because you haven't seen him trying to impress you
‌Are you watching the dance practice? You can bet that Jungkook is giving 3 times his all
‌Are you watching the recording? Bro becomes Mariah Carey in two seconds
‌The boys' biggest fear is when they are playing basketball or something like that and you're watching it
‌They KNOW they are going to lose
‌It can be a 6×1, nothing is stopping him from impressing you like that
‌But if you're the one playing against him? He's probably gonna win the match no matter what, but he's going to be extremely soft at least!
‌Please do compliment him on how he was, he needs to know it was worth it😭
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: when you're rejected by your crush
Thank you for reading <3
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans
Credits for images 1 , 2 and 3
Dividers by @k1ssyoursister
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 10 months
More Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley and Taskforce Moments With Little Ghost
+ Featuring Los Vaqueros Uncles, Meemaw Laswell (and her wife?), Peepaw Nikolai, Aunty Farah and Uncle Alex
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Did I use the same pictures as I did with the last posts? Yes, because these pictures are so Ghostie coded. Also there's like a slight ✨sprinkle✨ of Angst in there, good luck <3
Tag list: @puff0o0 @simp4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @shadofireshinobi @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @cutenote @connorsui HAS THE BEST FREAKING COMMENTARY AND IS SO SWEET, SHE MAKES ME SOUND LIKE I'M SOME AUTHOR WHO WROTE A FAMOUS BOOK, ILY CONNORSUI <3 (ngl, I go back to read her commentary over and over again because if how nice they make me feel 😭)
Pairings: Ghost x Wife!Reader
This is my personal AU, I don't think anyone has written on little Ghostie before I did. Not to say that there aren't any works on Dad!Ghost and his kids however Ghostie is a character of mine who holds such a special place in my heart, especially after I started writing more about her and how she acts around everyone.
Possible ships: Farah x Alex (Faralex)?? Alejandro x Rudy (Alerudy)?? Price x Nikolai (Nikprice)??
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I know Halloween season is over but y'all can't do anything about this, it's been cooking in my brain for a while now. (Some of these are just regular scenarios though) Ghostie is back y'all!!!
❥ Ghostie who simultaneously made her way into convincing the Taskforce to go with her trick or treating, having her little army uniform that was commissioned for her, a bit visible underneath her pink puffy jacket. Yeah I don't think she's going to stop wearing it unless she's outgrown it, in which case, that would just break her big heart :((
❥ Simon holding little Ghostie's hand while she toddles, she would NOT go anywhere without either her dad's, her mum's or her uncle Gaz's hand. Having her tiny chubby fingers gripping onto two of her dad's fingers as he guides her up big steps. Catching her when she accidentally slips on the slippery steps.
❥ The rest of the Taskforce being behind her like a bunch of guard dogs, ain't nobody is gonna try and scare her because of the big burly men next to her. Photo was provided by my favorite artist last Halloween, @puff0o0:
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❥ Ghostie having the sweetest voice ever, she so polite, so much so that she makes the her dad and uncles chuckle at her. (This is how I imagined her voice to sound like)
"Say trick or treat.." Gaz whispers, coaching her from behind as someone from the house opens the door. Two women in costumes, holding a big candy bowl.
"trwick or trweat.." Little Ghostie mumbles, far too shy and almost hiding behind her uncle.
"What a cute costume you have there, here, take these ones" one of the women said, adding the candy to Ghostie's little basket.
"Thank you!" Ghostie exclaims, making the two girls awe at her politeness and eagerness.
❥ Yeah Ghostie definitely pronounces Halloween as "Ha-Hoween".
❥ I can't help but think that they came across that one house with a sign that said "leave your single dad's number if he's attractive" and as a joke, uncle Gaz threw in a piece of paper with peepaw Price's number on it, only to have peepaw Nikolai fish it out of the candy bowl when he thought no one could see him.. but Ghostie did.
Not Halloween related:
❥ Safe to say that when uncle Gaz doesn't like someone, neither does Ghostie, if you all can recall that cutscene from mw3, Gaz did NOT even bother to acknowledge Philip's existence. That being said, Ghostie gives the nastiest side-eyes to him the moment he even opens his mouth. (Yeah she got from her dad)
❥ Ghostie absolutely loves getting head pats and giving them, to her, it's one of the best forms of praise. Anyone gives her head pats gets to witness her absolutely adorable reaction, the way her eyes light up, those little lips curling into a smile causing her chubby cheeks to be prominent and her eyes squinting. Mostly loves doing it to uncle Soap, because the mohawk is fluffy.
❥ Maybe at some point, when Philip decides to behave then he can earn the head pats from Ghostie.
❥ Meals with the Taskforce and Ghostie are a certified hit, she has quite the appetite and she shows it. Simon takes it upon himself to always does what his wife does at home when he's out with Ghostie, bringing her silicone bib and baby utensils. (Even the bulky ass highchair attachment that he keeps in that back of his car/truck)
"More please..." Ghostie says, making grabby hands, in the middle of chewing after observing that her plate is yet again empty.
Price chuckles, looking at Simon who was now careful about the amount of food to add on Ghostie's plate because the toddler is on her third round of food.
❥ Ghostie enjoys clapping her hands and anything as well, especially after eating and being satisfied.
❥ Ghostie is into tea, her dad got her hooked on it.
"Aye, what about you Ghostie? What'd you like?" Soap asks the little one who's currently keeping herself busy with her custom coloring book.
"Tea!" She says, looking up for a bit to Soap before focusing back on her coloring.
"You heard her Johnny, make that two.." Simon says with a pretty firm pat on the back for Soap.
"Fuckin' Brits..."
❥ Auntie Farah and uncle Alex are the babysitters when uncle Gaz, uncle Soap and peepaw Price ain't around. Farah loves that kid to death, if she was being honest, she saw a lot of resemblance between Simon and Ghostie. Of course there are looks were, she's basically a carbon copy of him but also mannerisms;
❥ Ghostie who copies her dad, being adamant about being cleanly and tidy, oftentimes catching people surprised that she tidies up after herself immediately after playing before moving onto another set of toys, coloring books and coloring materials. She notices and mirrors how Simon is consistent in keeping things tidy and out the way.
❥ Whenever Ghostie is at home with her momma (you) and Simon had to run errands, she always wakes up first, seeing how her dad gets up early too.
Ghostie rises up with a soft yawn, rubbing her tiny eyes with her hands, she looked around at the still dimly lit room. She turned her head from side to side looking for her dad.
She was met by him standing and dressing himself up in a black hoodie to go out and buy something. She gives him that cheek to cheek smile before leaning her cheek and closing her eyes, mandatory kiss from dad before he left.
"Alright pumpkin, dada's leaving now. I'll be back later, be good and don't give momma a hard time.." Simon reminded her after giving her cheek a kiss.
"Okay dada- promise.." Ghostie yawns mid sentence.
❥ Ghostie who, ever since she way younger, loved to cup her dad's face and nuzzle her nose into his. A tradition that Simon doesn't know if he's ready to see it go when she grows up. Neither is he ready for her to start correcting the words she's been pronouncing wrong;
❥ Dad!Simon whose heart broke once he realizes that the "I love you"s will slowly start to be less and less when she becomes a teen, he's silently wishing to himself that it won't be reduced to not being said at all. You had to reassure him that it won't happen, not when Ghostie's the sweetest little girl anyone could ask for and Simon is the best dad anyone could as for.
❥ Uncle Alejandro and uncle Rudy being the seasoned uncles who happened to be absolutely adored by Ghostie, not as much as uncle Gaz but let's be real here, no one is on uncle Gaz's level.
❥ Uncle Alejandro and uncle Soap having bets and arguments on who gets to reach their language to Ghostie while she just sits there on uncle Rudy's lap, sipping on her apple juice, quite entertained.
❥ YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT RUDY ISN'T RESPONSIBLE FOR GETTING HER TO SLEEP OR NAP, that man is a walking heater. I can just see him standing there while holding her in his arms while she's trying her hardest not to fall asleep, yawning "Uncle Rudy.." before immediately snoring, snuggling her face into his soft blue hoodie shirt. (@icarustypicalfall is living for this, I just know it)
❥ Alejandro who gets smacked in the back of the head by (his husband) Rudy for being too loud and almost waking Ghostie up. (Alerudy when? This is a joke to y'all Alerudy haters, I like the ship, it's cute. Not sure if it's canon here in my AU, up to you guys to decide)
❥ Laswell and her wife absolutely fucking adore Ghostie, shit she makes them want to have kids, she has almost the same effect on almost everyone. Silently making her uncle Gaz wish that he isn't single.
❥ Let's be real here, peepaw Nikolai was the one who Ghostie jammed with while listening to heavy metal. He also got her this mini leather jacket that matched his, with her nationality country/countries flag/s embroidered patch on the side. I can just imagine her little head bangs that peepaw nik taught her 🥺😭.
❥ Also Ghostie has access to almost everyone's prized stuff, uncle Gaz's and peepaw Price's hats, uncle Soap's medals and even peepaw Nik's jacket which looks like she's swimming in it when she's wearing it.
❥ This pic is so Dad!Simon and Ghostie coded:
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❥ Something tells me that Simon would send you this pic and you'd probably have a heart attack, your husband isn't the best driver after all but you trust him since he won't put your daughter in imminent danger.
❥ I think most of the time, Ghostie is in her uncle Gaz's arms and/or lap while he sits on the passenger seat, doesn't really matter who's driving.
My past works on Ghostie, in case you haven't seen the posts before this one on my most favorite mini Ghost:
Little Ghost (Drabble)
TF141 Interacting with Little Ghost Hcs
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This was far longer than I expected, I just love Ghostie so much and I just have a lot to say regarding her.
A/n: This is now an official taglist for most of my generic CoD works, none of these people asked to be tagged on my mediocre content and I understand that, if y'all wanna be removed from the taglist then y'all could tell me privately or on the replies if you guys prefer it :))
Sidenote: Is it normal to be so excited over something you bought? I literally bought my first ever concealer today, a mascara that I've been looking for and lip oil. I was so excited that I squealed when I got home and immediately used them. Any makeup tips that you guys have? Sort of a beginner at this stuff.. Also does anyone whose had viral posts ever feel like their popular strike is over because none of their works get as much attention? Looking at all my recent posts and hyperventilating because the numbers are lower by so much.
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scruncheduppaper · 5 months
okay ngl im kinda mad about that one post about labru cannibalism symbolism being racist or whatever. like its not. why does everyone keep acting like shipping labru or even enjoying kabru in any sort of way is racist or whatever this is literally so dumb. op literally said that he was south asian coded “but ohhh same thing applies” like well that just changes literally everything you brought up oh my godddd if you want more poc in media to be appreciated stop holding everything to the same boring ass fucking morally correct standard. let kabru be a little freaky abt it
“oh you only ship labru because you want laios or whatever you’re making kabru’s only trait as being obsessed with a white guy” 1. why would you assume that. are poc not allowed to be gay anymore. whatever. 2. its the other way i around i want kabru and i kin laios like i like laios but whatever. 3. also i think their relationship is interesting asf like even outside of shipping lr whatever
ofc theres racist dumbfucks out there but in general i think people should be a little bit more lax. like people are so scared of falling into stereotypes and stuff they’re terrified of even approaching making shit about poc. just fucking relaxxxx people oh my god
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yogsbloodbag · 5 months
One of my friends had requested this but she doesn’t have tumblr but I thought I might as well post it on here.
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the greasers/gang reacts to how you hug them out of no where.
Just a slight bit of cussing and a lot of fluff. Enjoy!
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Darrel Curtis
- oh lover boy
- would kinda freak out ngl
- but he enjoys your hugs
- he’s not really affectionate himself but he can and also will hug you back if he had the meaning too
- he thinks it’s really sweet of you to just give him a hug like that
Sodapop Curtis
- he is probably DYING to get a hug from you
- once he did, he was happy, like very very happy
- he couldn’t explain it
- just like Darry, he enjoys your hugs, a lot
- not to mention but bro is the type of one to have you in a death grip, and won’t let go until you can’t breathe
- Stan Sodapop, he’s the type of one to grab YOUR ass while hugging you 😭
Ponyboy Curtis
- just a hug of reassurance would be good for once in a while
- but this time it wasn’t out of reassurance
- it was out of love actually
- that boy was shocked
- he loves your hugs, he wishes he can stay in your arms all day
- but, he can’t:c
Johnny Cade
- this boy would do ANYTHING to get his hands on affection but he is somewhat scared someone is going to hurt him after what his parents did to him
- you hugged him and told him that everything was going to be okay, and that you weren’t going to let no one hurt him anymore
- he struggles to show how he feels so you randomly hugging him out of no where lets him open up a bit
- he loves your hugs too much to be honest, he’s so affectionate starved
- but is careful around other people when you hug him because he doesn’t want to get you NOR him jumped because that’s his biggest fear
Steve Randle
- god, can you handle the Randle?
- I sure as hell can’t
- giving this man a hug is like asking for a death wish
- he’s just like soda, he’ll hug you back but when he hugs you, it’s like you’re gonna die from suffocation
- but he’s really sweet about you giving him random hugs
- he thinks it’s adorable
Two-Bit Matthews
- hehe you like giving hugs to Two-Bit Matthews
- he’s so sweet and passionate about it, you can’t get over it- what???
- craves your touch fr
- he’s always talking about you to the rest of the gang about how you just give him random ass hugs out of no where and he won’t SHUT UP.
“You know, my girlfriend gives me hugs randomly- and I love them so much, just like the feeling of her on me makes me wanna scream- and I can’t explai-“
- yeah and it goes a little something like that
Dallas Winston
- Dally, Dally, Dally.
- he hates affection. (No he wouldn’t have a soft side for you. Unless it’s out of character.)
- but he likes them, somewhat.
- it’s kinda confusing to tell if he likes them or he’s just cringing
- sometime he needs that hug too no matter what he’s going through
- but he doesn’t like the feeling, of love actually after what happened with him and Sylvia.
- there’s a slight 5% chance he’ll hug you back but most of the time he will just wrap an arm around you or he doesn’t hug back.
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A/N: thank you for reading this as it my first headcannon post. Normally when I post these, it’s on Wattpad or something else, but this one just kinda felt special with me, you know? anyways, bye!!!
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sh0tanzz · 6 months
Who in riize do u think would like a partner who’s slightly older/younger than them, like a year or two age difference? N then who do you think would prefer someone who’s older and has more life experience? (Basically kinda in a who would want to be taken care of by their partner vs them being the one to take care of their partner type of way)
hmmmmm this may be a bit controversial I fear
RIIZE OLDER VS YOUNGER based on astrology~
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reminder this is based off of MY opinions of their birth chart placements + aspects and is not exact fact unless I knew them myself and I am not a professional astrologer 🤍
a lot of people think Seunghan would have a younger s.o but ngl..he'd probably like someone more older or at least a person that has more experience/more mature. I say this because the things he'd want the most I feel like he'd expect or more easily get from someone older. He wants someone that would be independent + confident in their place in the relationship, has experience in life in general (including partying/vices), and ngl he might want more tasteful luxury gifts so lowkey sugarmama/older gf vibes 😭.
I don't think he cares about age at all bc his chart doesn't indicate physical attributes minus the stereotypical feminine things (bouncy healthy hair, sweet perfumes, pretty nails) but I feel like he'd be best suited with someone older yk..like that would be best for him. Reason being, personality wise he wants someone mature, ambitious, independent, doesn't need to be babied/taken care of 24/7, can guide him, financial stable which is something you expect from a more mature/older person right ?
Middle Ground
alright ikik all my babygirls are wondering wtf Sungchan and Eunseok are doing here instead of the younger category but..walk with me....🤫
50/50 bc I feel like he can get what he wants from either age group. He has a cancer moon + leo venus so he may like reciprocity and for him and his s.o nurture or be attentive with each other OR he's ok with taking care of a younger/immature s.o & would be fine with being taken care of by a older/mature s.o. He likes someone to be educated, lowkey a little wiser and put together BUT he likes to wear the pants and be the lead/doting counterpart of the relationship. I just think he can get what he likes from either group and he probs is into cap risings.
Eunseok..probably just doesn't care LMFAO. As long as you're tall, hot, confident and charming he's all in. IM KIDDING OFC . but he can adapt to either relationship trope. He likes someone with a mature seductiveness thats independent and gives good concrete wise advice..BUT he also likes someone thats goofy and surprises him and has a teasing "hard to get" aura to them. So imo he'd go after either one as long as they were compatible with him.
(crazy I know)
Sohee is typically the one being doted on and seen as the "cute" one and I just think he'd want to explore outside of that trope through his partner (sag venus tings). Plus I'm ngl Sohee's big 6 placements and his sun/uranus + mercury/mars aspects makes me feel like he'd feel kinda slowed down or restricted with an older/overly mature/serious partner. This is about to be contradictory ik but I feel like it’d be easier if said older partner had a more immature “cute” image
Wonbin probably likes...cliche dynamincs ngl..his taurus mars makes him feel more driven to the traditional/stereotypical dynamics yk so he's the masc and provides like the typical "oppa" type shit ykwim. Plus his Pisces Venus probably makes him idealize that type of stereotypical trope more. I also feel like an older partner would make him feel a more serious sense of responsibility and scare the shit out of him 😭😭.
Shotaro has a capricorn venus and I said in one post his ideal type could go either way and transition between being more playful+immature or sophisticated+mature I feel like he currently likes immature/younger partners (see how he dotes on Sohee/Anton the youngest members) but in the future would prefer someone more mature because that's just what I typically see in cap venus men,,they start with one ideal type and the older they get they switch to the other.
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hayleythesugarbowl · 1 year
Could you do headcanons for dating Shayne Topp from Smosh? I’m kind of obsessed with him rn lol
shayne topp x reader headcanons
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。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist • shayne x reader fic 。⋆୨୧˚
a/n: ok, sorry this took so long and i hope you enjoy!! im kinda obsessed with him too ngl but shh 🤫 🤭🍒💌
dating shayne would include…
ok so like when you were a new member at smosh he was the first to show you the ropes as the sailors say
you became friends with all of the cast really quickly 
and maybe developed a bit of a crush on shayne 
you and courtney hung out often and talked about it 
shayne immediately started liking you and constantly tried to impress you 
he was honestly so scared to ask you out 
but eventually he made the first move
everyone says that they all saw it way before you guys did 
like they placed bets on when you’d get together ian won
the man is a perfect boyfriend 
ever the gentleman
any time you even mention it being a little chilly he’ll give you his jacket 
which definitely smells like his cologne tell me I’m wrong
or put his arms around you 
he takes you out for picnics 
and long walks where you just talk 
you and shayne read together too and it’s so cute
like imagine resting your head on this man’s chest just reading into the night 
you and him and damien hang out all the time obviously 
so many game nights 
he definitely got you a card once that said “you’re my favorite pizza place”
he takes you on so many fun little adventures
posts about you constantly
he always tries to cheer you up whenever you’re upset by making you laugh 
and it works 
always rubbing circles on your back 
like you’ll look over and he’s just admiring you 
he thinks (and tells you) that you’re such a creative, talented person 
he definitely played music on the jukebox at a restaurant one time and insisted you dance with him 
much to your embarrassment 
but you loved it
he actually loves it when you run your fingers through his hair 
you make each other laugh constantly 
definitely calls you babe 
he said i love you for the first time on camera because it just slipped out
he then assured you afterwards that he really meant it
“i think I’m falling in love with you y/n”
your first time reading the bible (if you got that reference i love you) he was so sweet and gentle 
he always says he’s so lucky he found you 
“No seriously, you saved me from dating. I don’t know what I’d do without you” 
he loves playing with your jewelry 
you two always win at couples games 
loves getting you gifts that are really specific and thoughtful 
he definitely lost a bet once and, dressed up however you wanted, went out in public and smiled the entire time  
he gets kinda flustered performing in front of you and everyone thinks it’s so cute 
like you’ll watch his old acting jobs together and he’s nervous about what you’ll think
but amidst your teasing you assure him he’s so so talented
you guys will fall asleep together on the couch and it’s so adorable that your friends almost don’t wake you up with an air horn and tease you for it
he just loves you so much and you’re so happy together <3
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you enjoyed!! i really hope this is what you wanted (and please keep in mind that it’s after 2am as i’m finishing this lol) let me know if you want any other smosh headcanons <3🎀
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quillpokebiology · 1 month
Hi! I was wondering what a Serperior with a Lurantis father and a Mawile with a Breyloom father might look like?
I can do Mawile and Breyloom in a different post, but here's Serperior
Pokemom Crossbreeds: Orchid Vine
Orchid Vine is the name for members of the Snivy line whose fathers were Fomantis/Lurantis. The breed was named after the pink leaves they have gain, resembling the orchid-like leaves on Lurantis. The breed is a popular showbreed for their gentle appearance.
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Orchid Vine Snivy gain a little hair poof and pink highlights due to the Fomantis genes, and the vines they use have little pink petals on them. Snivy and Fomantis have very similar behavior, so not much changes behavior wise. They sleep more often however, and they need and open area to bask in the sunlight.
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My personal favorite of this line. Orchid Vine Servine gain petals across their body and their hands turn into that if Lurantis. They lurk in the Meadows in forest clearings, using their orchid vines to hunt their prey. The healthier it is, the more vibrant their leaves.
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Orchid Vine Serperior keep the pink petals along their body. This breed was beloved in the past for their regal appearance, and many nobles and kings had them in their gardens. In the wild, they slink through flowered-covered trees and flowering meadows, hunting their prey and using their glare to scare off any threats. Orchid Vine Serperior are known to be harder to train due to gaining Lurantis's stubbornness and Serperior's ego, but many trainers say that it's worth it.
//My designs can be used by anyone if you credit me for the original design! Talking about designing process under the cut
This was such a fun one to draw for me. I like a lot of fantasy elements, and to me, this line has the vibes of something you'd find in a magical fairy forest or something like that.
Ngl, Snivy was the most boring one for me to do, but I still find it pretty cute. The hair was added bcuz I felt it looked bald, and I added some neck fluff because Fomantis has it and I thought it looked cute.
Servine is my favorite on here, mostly because I like the color scheme. It was also easy to add a lot of Lurantis traits since most of it involved petals and claws. I think the ears are cute and I love them.
Serperior was my favorite to draw because I like snakes and fantasy, and this reminds me of a beast you'd find in a swamp. The sketch was a bit difficult to trace since the part where the collar starts looked a bit messy to me, but overall, I like it. I'm probably going to do a lot of grass type crossbreeds because 1) they're easy to come up with names for and 2) all of them have fantasy vibes to me
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
If you could indulge me, can I ask for something with The Amazing Digital Circus gang, with an s/o who is seen as an anchor for the others? They are strong willed, happy go lucky, supportive, a mediator and ect. Well, could they stumble upon their s/o just having an episode, just crying in frustration and like punching a wall to calm down and go back to acting like nothing happened?
I have a thing with strong willed characters hiding their weakness for the benefit of others.
TADC cast x emotional anchor!reader !
oh ho ho you silly lil fella, you have literally just described my TADC oc down to a T, i am going to have so much fun writing this because im literally just. going to use my oc as a place holder for the reader, just without describing any lore bits unique to them and their design ngl i think i went insane with this one, tally hall music is doing something to me
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if you thought you were good at hiding your human despair just know that caine already knows. the only reason i feel he wouldnt initially come to you in your lesser moments of weakness is that he can acknowledge that youre trying to hide this part of you. does he go comfort you, and risk making you try harder to surpress your feelings; risking you to just blow up one day and have your mental state just totally collapse in one go? would you feel put off at the knowledge that in this world you never really have full privacy? that definitely wouldnt make you feel any better. but when it gets to the point where you're screaming and crying in your room and punching the walls he would step in. drags you away from the walls, and if he has to this man will restrain you if it means making sure you stop swinging. hes seen the downfall of many people within the circus, but seeing it from someone he so deeply cares for hits a different way. he may be an AI, but he can still simulate feeling. its a harrowing sensation as he lets you cling onto him. i think he makes an effort to make in house adventures less overwhelming and intense, too scared to push you over the edge but also too scared to leave you with nothing to do to distract you. i think he would stay with you for the night, too
as selfish as it sounds, pomni cant help but feel.. something in her chest. seeing you, the groups beacon of light falter fills her with some kind of fear and despair that she cant put into words. it reminds her that no one is above helplessness, and that at the end of the day youre just as capable of abstracting as everyone else. i think, when she finally sees your fake demeanor finally slip when you thought you were totally alone, she feels bad. i mean shes your partner, and she didnt pick up on any hints that may have indicated your true state of health. i dont think she would try to force you to speak, as much as i want to say that she would try to push for you to talk about how you feel i think her attempts to reach out to you would fall on deaf ears. i think she would put her hand on your shoulder, making you jump back to the present moment. its an awkward gesture, with the jester herself being a little lost with these new feelings... i think you two would just sit in silence
similar to pomni, he feels this intense and unexplainable pang at the sight of the most hopeful and brightest person in the circus crumble. ive already said it but ill say it again, its like being splashed with cold water, with how hard that sinking cold feeling hits him. makes half hearted attempts to cheer you up. its not that he doesnt care, its that hes stuck in the shock of seeing the happiest person he knows flip into... this.. for a split second he thought you were abstracting, that pit his stomach becoming colder for a second before he realizes whats going on. ive said this before as well, but jax is not the best comforter, in fact i think he might be one of the worst out of the main cast. but i think so far for the characters ive written for this post, he makes an effort to try to pull you up out of your hole. at least he lets you cry your feelings out, and he wont make you feel bad for doing so
stands there in shock like pomni, before immediately rushing to your side and tugging you away from a coat stand you were kicking and beating. hands on your shoulders she tries to snap you back to the present moment, trying to tell you that shes here. any feelings of the helplessness that she shares with the previous two characters is shoved down. this isnt about her, its about you. runs her fingers through your hair, if your digital body has any, and just. rocks you. when you finally calm down enough to be able to form clear words, she reassures you once more that shes here for you. the two of you stay in that position, holding onto one another for the entire night. i think it should be said, but for most of these theyre going to try to keep a closer eye on you and make it a point to ask you how youre feeling. ragatha especially.
it reminds him of queenie. the sight brings back so so so many terrible memories. for a second he doesnt even register that hes standing in the present, standing in your doorway. stuck and frozen for a solid minute before you finally notice him, and you hold each others gaze. finally, you crumble. what was the point of hiding your mounting anguish now that it was discovered by the one you care for most? at the sight of your crumpled form i think kinger would snap back, and rush to your side. he's pause, afraid that you would abstract like the queen, before forcing himself to push through that fear in the back of his mind. a moment where he is not fumbling with himself or shaking; be it because he wants to be there for you or perhaps he still holds some guilt aimed towards himself for not being able to save his old queen, he refuses to leave your side even if you tell him to leave. theres this caution in his actions, mixed with this sort of determination to make sure you're okay. like ragatha, he would make it a point to make sure you're okay long after this incident
zooble would probably be the only one who doesnt make their presence known to you while you're in that state. not because they wont care about you, in fact they care about you a lot. but theyre so unsure of what to do, that they give to you what they would have wanted for themselves, if they were in your shoes. they want to grant you privacy, and to at least keep a shred of the now ruined façade you had been putting on for everyone. if it means keeping it will give you comfort, then they wont take that away from you. they wait outside your door, waiting for the height of your episode to pass before cracking the door open. they dont say anything about what they had just heard, but you seem to know that they know.. i mean they came in so soon after you had calmed yourself down enough.
"are you okay?" a dumb question, but what else was there for them to say? you so obviously werent okay, and you likely werent for a long time. they offer to leave, to give you some time to pick yourself back up, but they also make it clear that they wont go anywhere if you dont want to be alone. the night is tense and awkward, filled with conversation before they eventually broach the topic... i think you guys would develop some sort of secret code. i mean youve been hiding your true feelings for so long, and outwardly saying you need help would compromise that mask you put up for yourself. be it a certain sentence or arrangement of objects, you two come up with a indirect way of asking for security
she feels so helpless, the most out of everyone. she tries to get your attention, but her words fall on deaf ears, if they even manage to pry themselves out of her mouth. far too weak to pull you away and keep you from hurting yourself, but too soft spoken to bark out a word to draw your attention to her. truly, she feels useless. she isnt able to capture your attention until you finally notice her. similar to kingers part, you fall. she takes an unsure step towards you, hands half raised in front of her as she debates if you want to be touched or not. she settles to sitting in front of you, just barely holding eye contact... she looks down when you tear your eyes away from her. finally finding her voice, i think she would ask if you want her to stay, or if you need anything. she tries to word it the best she can, but she lets you know that she doesnt think any less of you for your outburst. it happens to the best of us, really it does. if you want her too, she wraps herself around you and tries to soothe your shaking form
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fisshbones · 8 months
Things genshin women do that are annoying.
[Furina, Mona, Lynette, Lumine+Paimon, Yomiya] gn! reader. Fluff, kinda crack ngl
a/n: im gonna post my works here instead of my main page because it’s less cluttered here. Also first real attempt at writing.
Furina: 🍰
You know the annoying birthday tradition where you’re blowing out your birthday candles, then someone comes up behind you and smashes your head in the cake? Yeah she does that. Yet she HATES having it happen to her. What a hypocrite 😒 She gets a back up cake though if that makes you feel better.
Yoimiya: 🧨
Accidentally set you on fire once… maybe twice or more.. 🔥 Look it’s not on purpose so I forgive her !! Sometimes she just doesn’t realize how close you are to the firework :( I personally hc that she’s got poor depth perception. And that comes into play here. It’s annoying but it’s forgivable 😕 She loves you and fireworks, sometimes she just overlooks the fact you’re a little bit too close to said firework.
Mona: 🌌
Burps loudly then blames it on you. You decide to take her to a nice restaurant because she’s broke and you’re a good s/o. How does she pay you back? By letting out the loudest stankiest burp then blaming on you. 🤢 People are whispering to each other how it’s so rude of you to not even say “excuse me” especially in a fancy establishment. Thanks Mona.
Lynette: ☕️
Probably the least annoying offender here. She sneaks up behind you constantly 👻 She’s not doing it intentionally, she’s just a quiet person yk? But nonetheless she’s still scares tf outta you sometimes. You’ll be outside gardening or something and she’ll quietly put her hand on your shoulder to pull you towards her. Now you’re thinking about get kidnapped by some of her enemies. 😓 Panic attack aside… Happy to see you Lynette!
Lumine: ✨
Okay Lumine doesn’t embarrass you (often), but Paimon does. And since they come in a package, if you want her you’re also going to get Paimon too.👩‍👧Between the micro aggressions with the people of Sumeru and constantly walking into your guy’s intimate moments; she is constantly embarrassing you. But Lumine adds on to the embarrassment by NEVER CORRECTING THAT FLYING LAVENDER MELON 🍈 Just tell her to stop being so rude sometimes and let me live in peace!!!
likes and reblogs appreciated <3
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headcanonenthusiast · 9 months
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Alex Keller NSFW headcanons 
This was made with both masc and fem readers in mind. This man really has absolutely no content out there, so I'm here to provide for y'all 😎 Enjoy! (Also, sorry if this is a little dry. It's my first time posting headcanons 😔)
(I completely understand that this type of content is not everyone's cup of tea, and that's ok! But, please scroll and ignore if this type of content isn't your thing as opposed to leaving any sort of negative comments.) 
NSFW under the cut
-An absolute GOD at oral sex. He'll eat the pussy/suck dick as if he were famished
-Please smother him with your thighs when he eats you out/sucks you off. He'll be absolutely devastated if you don't. Doesn't care what your body type is, do it and he'll be happy for the rest of the week
"Fuckin smother me with those thighs, baby. What? No, no, don't you worry about me suffocating. If I do, then at least I'll die a happy man." 
-And if you look at him with any hint of unamusement, he'll chuckle and kiss your inner thigh. 
-Pays special attention to your clit/tip. He'll kiss at and slowly run his fingertips over it while complimenting your body. 
-"Look at this pretty little pussy/cock, baby. So adorable." 
-HEAVY on praise. Everything that falls from his mouth is either a moan or praise for you. 
-"Aw, fuck, dolly. You're taking me so well. Such a good girl/boy." 
-Prefers handjobs as opposed to head. Doesn't think you're bad at it or anything, just wants you to be able to respond to him when he talks.
-May not be big on head, but kiss his cock while your hands are wrapped around it and he might just cum right then and there. 
-Not very kinky at all, but he may have a bit of a breeding kink ngl..
-Mostly because he actually wants kids. Whether you can have them or not, he'll beg to fill you up. 
-Absolutely not a degrader. He'd feel way too bad. 
-If you really begged him, he might try degrading you, but that'll all melt away in five seconds as he gently kisses your face in apology, even if you're getting into it. 
"Oh, sunshine, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it. Just don't think I could degrade someone so gorgeous/handsome." 
-Very vocal, but mostly with talking. He 100% talks you through it 
"Lift your leg up a little bit for me, baby. There we go, good girl/boy." 
-If you're insecure about your body in any way, he'll carefully run his fingertips over whatever's making you insecure while fingering/jerking you off in front of a mirror. 
-"Look at that amazing body, sweetheart. Takes me so well, makes me cum everytime..so beautiful/handsome. How could you hate a body like that, hm?" 
-"Hell you mean you're too chubby/skinny? You're the perfect size for me, darling." 
-Kisses and caresses any scars, stretchmarks, birthmarks or anything else on your body you may feel self-conscious about.
-If you space out at any point, or if he just wants your eyes on him, he'll click his tongue to snap you out of your thoughts. 
-Constantly asking if you're alright. If you ever start crying during the act, he'll stop in his tracks and fuss over you. 
"Oh God, are you okay? Did I hurt you, sunshine? Too rough?" 
-Then when you convince him that you were just crying because of how good he's fucking you, he sighs in relief and chuckles a little. 
"Silly girl/boy. Had me all scared for a sec." 
-Will leave hickeys on you and will let you do it to him, but always somewhere noone else will see. You're his precious dolly, afterall. Why would Alex ever embarass you over making those marks visible? 
-Besides, with the way he's got his arm snaked around your waist in public, everyone knows you're his 
-Leaves hickeys on your chest, thighs and stomach (will definitely leave more on your thighs/belly if you're chubbier.) 
-Tickles your neck with his facial hair on purpose and smirks when it makes you giggle. 
-Has a lighthearted mindset about sex. Not opposed to making jokes and giggling during, before or after the act. As long as you're both feeling good, he's happy.  
-Tells you that your pussy/dick/ass is the best in the world. Genuinely can't get enough of it. 
"Shit, baby. This fuckin' pussy/ass is gonna make me cum..you wanna make me cum, baby? Yeah? Keep riding me then..just like that." 
-Favorite positions are ones where you're on his lap. It feels so intimate and loving, the way he can feel your grip tighten on his shoulders and see every reaction you make as his cock smoothly fucks you. 
-Mostly quite gentle. Will go harder if you want, but he's very cautious not to hurt you at all. 
-Can easily be top or bottom. Just depends on his partner wants. If you're a top? He'll gladly let you do whatever you want. Bottom? He'll take care of all your needs and desires. Switch? He's happy to flip-flop around until you're happy. 
-Makes you use your words. Rarely does things without you begging for it beforehand. 
-"Come on, darling. You know you have to beg for what you want." 
-Honestly a bit of a teaser. He'll get a big smirk on his face when you just whine to get fucked instead of asking properly. Clicks his tongue and gives a super dramatic shake of his head 
-"Oh, baby doll. That's not how we ask for things. Speak up, love. Loud and clear." 
- Can't deny you for long, though. The moment you beg he's all over you. 
-Big on eye contact. Will turn your face towards him and give you his best puppy dog eyes until your eyes stay on him
-Your pleasure always comes first 
-4 inches soft, 6 inches hard and fat asf (lord have mercy 🙏🙏) 
-Aftercare is just as good as the sex. He'll run a warm bath/shower either you alone or the both of you and carefully wash whatever he can reach while sitting behind you. 
-"You did great, baby. You alright? Not sore, are ya?" "Good, good. My perfect princess/prince." 
-Then when you're both done washing up, you'd better drag your ass back to bed for one (or more) of the following: 
-#1: Cuddles
-#2: Movie/show marathon 
-#3: Round 2 >:) 
My first headcanons done! I'm sure y'all can tell that I'm an Alex girlie but honestly this man is so FINE 😫 how can I not be? I'll def make some SFW and Alex x chubby reader headcanons later, dw.
Let me know who I should do next! 
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When you're scared of the dark
pairing(s) : eyeless jack/reader, jeff the killer/reader
reader : gn, reader is a human, reader isnt a creep, unspecified everything body-wise
cw : power outage, creeps live in a mansion, jeff is kind of an ass but he makes up for it, jack purrs bc im predictable
Eyeless Jack
a little miffed, if he's honest
i mean- you live in a mansion of killers
despite that, the moment the power in the mansion goes out, your fear scent permeates the room
the two of you were chilling in his nest when the power kicked the bucket, leaving the two of you with no light but the crack of lightning outside jack's windows
you frozen before cuddling against him tighter, shaking lightly
he's not dumb, he knows what's going on. he just doesn't understand how this is the thing, of all things, to get to you
his tail sweeps over your tangled legs and curls around your thigh, and he held you securely to himself
a deep purr rumbles to life in his chest, his accent heavy as he mumbles comforting words into your ear
the occasional boom of thunder serves as a backdrop
he holds you until you've calmed, continuing to rub your back until he hears light snores from you
he makes a mental note to keep more candles in his room. also to get a nightlight, since he realized now why you had your own
overall he's sensitive about it. he can see in the dark but he understands why it might freak you out- especially with all the monsters around the mansion. you're only human after all
Jeff the Killer
he's goin to be a lot more of an asshole about it im ngl
at first, when the power shuts off and he hears you yelp, he laughs
he teases you a bit, but when he hears you start to sob he freaks
like,,, holy shit did he do that? fuck this is his fault he shouldn't have laughed he felt like such an asshole right now and-
he heard you shifting in the dark, trying to get up off his bed. panicking, he shot up to grab your wrist and pull you back
this doesn't really help your current issue, but at least the cool feeling of his undead body helps to ground you
"im sorry babe-- its okay, promise, nothin will getcha"
he continued to try his best to reassure but he's bad at this lol
brings you down to the common room and lights the fireplace to bring you both light and warmth (being that the heating went out too)
sits with you in front of it and plays something on his phone
probably one of those weird mobile games or some youtube video
p much anything to distract you from the current situation
overall, dont go to him if you want to be laughed at. but once he realizes that you're serious he does his best
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songfell-ut · 6 months
Songfell anniversary post, pt 1
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Eyyy so four years ago today, I posted the first three chapters of my story on AO3, having seen an unfinished comic and gotten permission from the artist to write a fic using her premise. This here is the first piece of Songfell art ever, commission from the OG comic creator, @lostmypotatoes 👌
So! I am not posting any new content for the moment. My mom has been having health problems, including me having to help take her to the ER (she's fine, just needs to stay in bed for a while), which delays actual writings a bit. What I am doing is reposting art from four years of Tumblr! C'mon down memory lane, wheeeeee
(Part 2, Part 3)
This is going to be in VERY VERY approximate chronological order as it depicts stuff in the story. Stuff with no set place in the story will be guesstimated because I have that power ah ha ha ha ha
Disclaimer: I've pulled all of these from posts or reblogs made by this specific blog. If I didn't see or repost any Songfell art you've done, especially for the videos, I did not leave it out on purpose. I threw in exactly one image from Discord for the sake of completing a set, but that was it.
In cases of multiple...okay it's just the fork scene that has multiple iterations because everyone liked it, but besides the opening one here (which is still my AO3 pfp!), the one that was the first piece of non-commissioned art I ever got will be first. Enjoy!
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This was the first non-potatoes art in the videos, I believe, done by the superlative @venelona (probably the most prolific of the arts on here), when somebody realizes he's gonna lose 😘
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The collection skips ahead to Sans contemplating killing the nice lady and then totally randomly thinking of Kris instead, by @mambourin D: But whaddya know--
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See? That's the sound of losing, son
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That's the sight of losing, by @sharkowskii, whose work speaks for itself. Here's the whole thing, colored fantastically by Vene.
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Know what else they did together, and happens once he's been knocked out?
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(Look at this so good holy shit) Frisk's had a bit of a tired, scared cry in the hall, and it's time to face her new guest head-on.
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I lost my mind at least a little bit when I first saw these, ngl. I can't find the next page that she did for the compiled "movie" video 😢 But now we're coming up on a fun bit of Songfell lore!
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I was scrolling through Tumblr and glanced over what looked like a picture of my Frisk ha ha that was kind of VENELONA DID A THING WAIT WHAT
First ever fanart, that's what. We have a High Priestess who is completely done with his goddamn nonsense, and
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Pictured: goddamned nonsense. N-Not like he LIKES you, baka
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Aaand here's my Discord pfp, by @xxkoichiixx (who seems not to be on here anymore D:).
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And here's a very plausible alternate outcome by @vafro1.
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Though this was a bit more like it, thanks to @naomyart.
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Oh look a distraction after he was stupid what are the odds (Catler1!)
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Last and never least (none of you are >:( so there), puns are dumb and it turns out they're into it. The End...for now
Bonus outtake recording illustration from @dale-the-human
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