#night vigilantes au
xmikaelx · 8 months
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I LOVE the human desings of 2012 boys of @indieyuugure
So, i draw them with my boys for fun!!! Silly guys, bless my soul
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shih-coulda-had-it · 13 days
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need you guys to know that the OFA band AU's 'bus' is referring to this kind of car (1960s Volkswagen Transporter 2). please imagine if you will nine people's worth of luggage (the music equipment stays INSIDE the car) comically stacked up top. this thing supposedly seats 7 to 8, but everyone manages to cram inside anyways.
nana signed onto OFA on en's recommendation (as yoichi focused more on vocals than bass guitar), but she insisted that she couldn't leave her partner behind. sorahiko threw in his suped-up, for sure illegally modded VW in to sweeten the deal.
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“Do you want to dance?”
Damian looked up from his perch on the the building’s ledge at the voice that startled him.
Lazarus eyes and white hair that flickered candle at the tips. He gently swayed in the air to the song the band on the stage set high above the park.
When the family had heard rumors early in October of a city wide haunted party that was to take place on Halloween night, they were all on high alert.
The thought of the dead being brought back and raising hell on the streets constantly on mind and in the possibility of rouges ruining the night close behind.
Until they met Phantom.
“It seems that the party is what one would call a success.”
Danny hummed as he joined the bird on the rooftop,
“Thank the ancients for that. Has there been anything suspicious?”
“Nothing abnormal,”
Damian glanced at his family participating in the crowds. Richard swung from Greyson to Greyson, with each twirl and flip through the air a smile graced his face. The three Greysons once again in the air together.
“though with how badly you intimidated the villains I can not particularly blame them for mostly hiding away.”
Danny snickered as Damian found Jason twirling around one who he could assume to be Catherine Todd looking like a fool.
“Yeah, well, what can I say? Being the King of all afterlife has some perks.”
The young king sighed as another song came to a close,
“But seriously, why aren’t you having fun? We worked out butts off to have tonight go down flawlessly yet you haven’t joined the rest.”
The Drakes were chatting to the side under an elm, the faint glow of the Specters bounced off the old camera around his neck.
Come morning the prints would most likely deteriorate into nothing but blurs but the sentiment was there.
“So,” Danny cocked his head to the side “penny for your thoughts?”
Bruce waltzed with Damian’s grandparents with this adoration in his eyes that made Damian look away, into the eyes of the silent monarch.
“It just felt.. crass for me to join the festivities. I was an assassin, a trained killer once. I have blood on my hands and I did not want to cause a stir.”
“You act as though you are the only person here tonight that has blood on your hands. In your family alone assassin trained in not an minority.”
“Even still, I am not clean, I have killed hundreds and still have troubles holding myself back at times, it could cause unnecessary stress on your subjects,”
Damian sighed,
“before my father’s absence the only death I had encountered were the targets and the people who ‘failed’ in the league for one reason or another. I never had to grieve, and those who I know that perished most likely would not have been allowed in this visit anyways.”
“Even still, there is no reason to mope. You can’t help who you come from little birdy. What matters is that you have came to terms with your past actions are are working hard to make up for them.”
Damian glanced back to the ghost as he felt a cold hand mesh with his.
Surprisingly, he did not seem to mind.
The two sat like that in silence as the gleeful participants continued on unaware.
“You know, for what it’s worth… I have had a blast in Gotham with you these last few weeks. If the high king of the infinite realm can look over your upbringing than I think you might be selling yourself short Robin.
“My- my name is Damian.”
The ghost let out in an unnecessary breath before a gentle smile graced his lips,
“Alright Damian, my name is Danny. Would you care for a dance?”
Put your head on my shoulder
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provoiceactor1 · 10 months
Begins with a slash and dissolves away into this digital purgatory, let us continue to question its guardian for answers...
Once again, thank you @skeletoninthemelonland @behindthecodes for this amazing comic (I’m seriously honored to have a chance to try and bring them to life ^^)
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superherospinoff · 1 year
au where jason comes back normaler and just decides to go live his life and bruce doesn't find out about it until one day the joker dies from natural causes and he gets this in the mail with jason's fingerprints on it
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[Image ID: A photo of a rack of cards for various occasions. Under the label “sympathy loss of loved one”, there is a card with brightly-colored balloons that reads “The countdown’s over-- YAY!”]
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nemo-draco · 9 months
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
(No pressure if you don't want to though!)
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This is the first thing that comes to mind. It's a comic page for the Vigilante AU, featuring @kkolg 's version of Bendy and my own characters for the AU, including a version of Dewey.
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This one is a drawing set in a future chapter for my Ups and Downs fanfiction, which is an off-shoot AU from the Henry and the Ink Machine AU from @thelostmoongazer . Bendy having gotten out of the studio but unfortunately this comes with new hardships, but at least he's not alone and he has a bed to crash in this time as he heals.
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This series was for a comic set in my FNF AU, Sing Together, which I'm still in the process of writing. The comic admittedly features characters that don't appear just yet, but when I saw the Psych Port for the Whitty Mod, the idea wouldn't leave me alone.
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I woke up and he was screaming.
I’d left him dreaming.
I roll over and shake him tightly, and whisper “If they want you, then they’re gonna have to fight me,”
(Oh, fight me)
This one was for the Friendly Globetrotter AU, which also features characters from Cuphead given that its a crossover pile-up to end crossover pile-ups. Heard the song and immediately what came to mind was Bon Bon comforting Djimmi following a nightmare about what the majority of the Isle had been through with the Devil, Djimmi especially given that he has precognitive powers in this AU and probably got a few warnings about what was going to happen to him specifically. Either way, not a fun time.
And, well, this right here is what got me back into fandom after a long time away, and also sparked a lot of really great friendships, so couldn't not include it, y'know? This is the actual fanfiction referenced in the drawing of Bendy above, and pretty much details a year in the life of a group of toons and their animator dad. Still working on it, hoping to update soon.
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yuki4amano · 2 months
Midnight Musings. Whimsical Ideas.
In Izuku Midoriya's cozy living room, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of determination and camaraderie as Izuku, Yuki, Shinso, and Denki gathered to solve the misunderstanding between their friends. While Izuku was busy jotting down practical solutions in his notebook, Yuki was animatedly pitching ideas that ranged from bizarre to downright absurd.
"I think we should organize a surprise romantic dinner for them!" Yuki exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she bounced in her seat.
Shinso raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Um, Yuki, I don't think that's—"
"—practical at all," Izuku finished, giving Yuki a fond smile. "But I appreciate the enthusiasm. Maybe we could consider something a bit more low-key?"
Yuki pouted playfully, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine, be that way. But mark my words, someday someone's going to thank me for my genius romantic gestures!"
Izuku chuckled softly, his heart swelling with affection for the girl beside him. Despite her unconventional ideas, there was something undeniably endearing about Yuki's earnestness and creativity.
As they continued to brainstorm, Izuku couldn't help but be reminded of the time he had hidden under Yuki's bed, listening to her act out her daydreams with a fictional character named Mikaela. It was a memory that still made his cheeks flush with embarrassment, but also filled him with a sense of warmth and nostalgia.
Lost in his thoughts, Izuku found himself stealing glances at Yuki, marveling at the way her eyes lit up with passion and excitement as she pitched her outlandish ideas. She was unlike anyone he had ever met, a whirlwind of contradictions and quirks that never failed to keep him on his toes.
As they worked together to find a solution to their friends' problem, Izuku couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over him. For in Yuki, he had found not only a friend but a kindred spirit, someone who accepted him for who he was and challenged him to be the best version of himself.
With a smile, Izuku turned his attention back to the task at hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with Yuki by his side. For as long as they were together, he knew that anything was possible.
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bobbinalong · 11 months
I assume Steph never temporarily "dies" in the "keeps the baby AU" but does she ever become Robin? I figure it goes way differently if it does happen cause her relationship with Tim and Bruce is way different but id be interested in knowing what you're thinking about that arc
I have actually been thinking about how I wanna deal with Steph's continued vigilante-ing in this AU, because, like. Ya can't just leave a baby alone. But I also can't see her giving it up completely. For the first few months I think it'd mostly be a lot of "Mom, I'm going out with Tim, can you watch Allie for a few hours?" and she does go out with Tim, just, well, as Spoiler.
For the Robin thing I'd have to re-read that arc properly, which I do not currently have the brainpower to do, but I did go over the wiki, and I'd think there'd just be. Less drama around everything? If Jack finds out Tim's Robin in this AU, I think Tim might suggest Steph to Bruce himself as a replacement. They're more secure in their relationship; Tim revealed his identity himself, he spends a lot of time at the Browns and their parents know each other. He's basically step-parenting her kid, not that he's fully aware of that yet.
I also kinda like the idea of a dual-Robin situation? Like, Steph still wants to be a vigilante but she's also very aware of the dangers that brings with it, much more so now than before she became a mom, and Tim's like, maybe you should go out with Batman and me more, then, not fly solo as much. And she's like, it's Batman and Robin, not Batman and Robin and Spoiler, and he goes I'll put in a good word for you, and from there things just fall into place. Batman and Robin (lucky break) and Robin (picked up from the street). Bruce is ecstatic (not).
And she definitely doesn't die in this AU. For one because War Games sucks, for another because while she is still a teenager and she does still stupid and impulsive shit, she is not risking her life for Batman's approval. As much as she'd maybe want to. Again, there's a baby waiting for her at home.
And those are all my thoughts for now, but feel always free to send me more asks.
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rillette · 7 months
Bit more about my au that's still being worked on:
First up the dc friends ;
Bruce Wayne is a retired wrestler, trained the bats a bit (that's really their only connection here) , but he's doing commentary now. Has a very clear rivalry with one of the other commentators.
Ted Kord does more of announcements instead of commentary. He'll be down with the other two when he feels like (which is most times honestly) ((pretty much he says this person is here and stuff))
Jason Todd is a wrestler. Uses the name Red Hood (@livingzombie is his handle). Pretty much his deal is. He got bored so took an unannounced vacation that last a few months. He comes back w/ a new costume and a tan. Fans start saying he was risen from the dead as a joke and he goes "that's actually hilarious. I'm doing that" and starts leaning more into being a "zombie" during matches (does like decaying flesh make-up with bones showing) ((his matches get blood sometimes))
Astra Logue is aged up to be an adult (like in legends of tomorrow) and part of the women's wrestling. Her whole ordeal is that she's "brutal but pretty" and has a gf on medical. Uses the name "Hellstar Astra Louge" (her at is @hellstarlouge)
And our marvel buddies;
Matt and Mike used to be part of a tag team called Daredevil but matt got severely hurt + he was loosing his ability to see quicker then he wanted too so.had to leave. But mike stayed and took Daredevil as his name and makes it clear he's fighting for his brother's sake
Tony Stark is the 3rd commentator. Has a rivalry going on with Bruce. Has very clear favorites too. Also used to do wrestling but got too old for it. He didn't want to leave so like. Yeah
Peter Parker is one of the younger wrestlers here. He's a lot stronger than he looks (ppl laughed when he came out into the ring. Then he body slammed jay)
Marc Spector is just. He's brutal and in trouble most of the time. He bites be careful about that. Has been forcefully removed by security MULTIPLE times
idk if pro wrestlers have walkout music like ufc does but jason's should absolutely be living dead girl of rob zombie fame. this au is so so so fun!! laughed at marc's paragraph
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dizzycloudzzz · 3 days
most of the time I have ideas that make sense in my head, they seem good but for some reason when I tell my friends it's like:
"okay, in the Deadwardian era, everyone's a witch and Hunter have a possessing spirit of a bard-oracle person in the cursed harmonica he found near a palistrom tree, every time he plays it he revives dead beings and when Belos discovers this he pressures Hunter playing the harmonica to revive Caleb, but in reality CALEB WAS THE SPIRIT ON THE HARMONICA, so when Belos didn't get what he wanted he broke Hunter's harmonica and enlisted him in the navy to give up on his dreams. I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT BELOS HAS A CAGE STORE AND THAT WHEN HE DIES HE'LL LEAVE THE STORE AS INHERITANCE TO EVELYN (he was the one who supported his sister-in-law and didn't want to leave her with nothing after death. oh and Hunter is Caleb and Evelyn's son) WHO HIRES HUNTER TO WORK THERE SO HE HAS A PLACE TO LIVE AFTER LEAVING NAVY, ALREADY AN ADULT, OH AND BELOS REINCARNATES INTO A VULTURE WHO CHASSES AND DISTURB HUNTER EVERY TIME HE TRYS TO GO OFF THE TRACKS BELOS DECIDED FOR HIS FUTURE"
then my bff called me ugly names and block me just 'cause I sent a 9 minute audio explaining the AU 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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I don't think I've ever drawn Belos before lol, everything has a first time
help I love tumblr sm
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xmikaelx · 9 months
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Los amo mucho ustedes no saben lo feliz que me hacen,,,
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 1 month
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sphnyspinspin · 1 year
Hey…uh…can I ask you guys something? Let’s say-hypothetically…I made a sorta-Rescue Vigilante AU for the RBA recruits. Here’s what I’m picturing:
Medix got exposed to Synth-en and is a mad scientist medic by day and DJ by night
Hoist is stuck in Dino mode and starts having a couple of anger issues, but is still an amazing engineer
Whirl has microbot scraplets that make her slightly crazy and shape-shift but is still a great detective
Wedge is in contact with dark energon and communicates with the dead and has strength and speed
Hot Shot is the reincarnation of a prime and was nowhere near prepared for the amount of emotional turmoil he had to go through illusions, tests, full on memories of trauma that kept flashing in front of him
And then they all became outcasts because they all felt that they weren’t rescue bot material but they kept training at the academy.That’s right, they stayed at the academy in this AU, but they couldn’t become rescue bots. So they looked in other places once they graduated. Were they all looking for jobs? Was there a mission they all got paid to do? Were they all just bored and did something spontaneous? Are they all trying to find someone to help them with their situations? Did they all just bond over their shared internal struggles?
I honestly have no idea yet.
All I know is that they become a vigilante hero team, sooner or later, who do their best to help others on Cybertron or Earth or both. Even though the “system” or something, deemed them too…out-of control. But, their teachers have their full support.
Then blah blah they all grow as healthier individuals with each other’s help, blah blah blah, they prove themselves to be great heroes to Cybertron and Earth, blah blah blah,they all accept their own unique traits that make them special, blah blah blah eventually become renowned vigilantes without becoming rescue bots, blah blah blah, while all their peers who supported them, who never gave up on them at the academy cheered them on.
I just wanted to visualize the gang being all angsty, like transformers prime level angsty, but not too disturbing. I want them to be under spark crushing stress but not too completely traumatized. You know what I mean? I could’ve made this AU way darker, but it wouldn’t really make too much sense with how inconsistent the first draft was. Yeesh. It was a horror show I tell you.
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xkriskrossx · 5 months
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Pizza peril
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seas-storyarchive · 7 months
Frank, Carl and Joel were close as kids.
Frank had Anodite powers. Joel had Plumber weapons. Carl had anger issues and a baseball bat.
They lived in Bellwood, where soon aliens started to invade as world of their parents home came up among the aliens that the Plumbers put in jail. Hence why the boys had weapons.
The original Team Tennyson, if you will.
And obviously the kids know all about the Plumber stuff - Max might have been very careful at hiding it, but Gordon and Betty Jean weren't as such.
Which is how the trio ended up with three plumber badges that linked up to each other like walkie-talkies as well as tailored Plumber outfits (Betty Jean might have made them herself, but shh we don't discuss that) and weapons they kept on their persons that could not be easily set off.
Frank was training himself in how to use his alien powers - which he kept from his parents out of spite. Joel and Carl would help but also just be idiots and run at each other with buckets on their heads.
When the boys grew up into men, they gave the Team Tennyson equipment back to Gordon and Betty. Joel was joining the military but planned to join the Plumbers after a tour or two. Frank was going to college to become a lawyer. Carl was in therapy while also going to trade school. They did keep the walkie-talkies, which still worked to this day and even over long distances.
Ken (in the au he's Camille and Joel's son, not superpowered, same age as Ben and Gwen), Ben and Gwen become the new Team Tennyson- this time with Grandparental Supervision. Ken has a baseball bat and Plumber weapons, Gwen has magic/Anodite powers and Ben has the Omnitrix.
Meeting up at Joel's and Camille's wedding anniversary party was awkward as Gordon and Betty never really got along with Camille. But when Mr. & Mrs. Mann cause trouble and try to break everything up, resulting in the original Team Tennyson to come back together for this one occasion, it's fun.
Afterwards, Gordon and Betty see that they were wrong and accept Camille and ask for forgiveness - which Camille in turn apologizes for her parents and the two parties forgive each other.
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kkolg · 1 year
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Yeah this was them pretty early on, it never really amounted to anything and now they’re just bros 😜
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