#the shots he took ended up crystal clear when he went to process the
“Do you want to dance?”
Damian looked up from his perch on the the building’s ledge at the voice that startled him.
Lazarus eyes and white hair that flickered candle at the tips. He gently swayed in the air to the song the band on the stage set high above the park.
When the family had heard rumors early in October of a city wide haunted party that was to take place on Halloween night, they were all on high alert.
The thought of the dead being brought back and raising hell on the streets constantly on mind and in the possibility of rouges ruining the night close behind.
Until they met Phantom.
“It seems that the party is what one would call a success.”
Danny hummed as he joined the bird on the rooftop,
“Thank the ancients for that. Has there been anything suspicious?”
“Nothing abnormal,”
Damian glanced at his family participating in the crowds. Richard swung from Greyson to Greyson, with each twirl and flip through the air a smile graced his face. The three Greysons once again in the air together.
“though with how badly you intimidated the villains I can not particularly blame them for mostly hiding away.”
Danny snickered as Damian found Jason twirling around one who he could assume to be Catherine Todd looking like a fool.
“Yeah, well, what can I say? Being the King of all afterlife has some perks.”
The young king sighed as another song came to a close,
“But seriously, why aren’t you having fun? We worked out butts off to have tonight go down flawlessly yet you haven’t joined the rest.”
The Drakes were chatting to the side under an elm, the faint glow of the Specters bounced off the old camera around his neck.
Come morning the prints would most likely deteriorate into nothing but blurs but the sentiment was there.
“So,” Danny cocked his head to the side “penny for your thoughts?”
Bruce waltzed with Damian’s grandparents with this adoration in his eyes that made Damian look away, into the eyes of the silent monarch.
“It just felt.. crass for me to join the festivities. I was an assassin, a trained killer once. I have blood on my hands and I did not want to cause a stir.”
“You act as though you are the only person here tonight that has blood on your hands. In your family alone assassin trained in not an minority.”
“Even still, I am not clean, I have killed hundreds and still have troubles holding myself back at times, it could cause unnecessary stress on your subjects,”
Damian sighed,
“before my father’s absence the only death I had encountered were the targets and the people who ‘failed’ in the league for one reason or another. I never had to grieve, and those who I know that perished most likely would not have been allowed in this visit anyways.”
“Even still, there is no reason to mope. You can’t help who you come from little birdy. What matters is that you have came to terms with your past actions are are working hard to make up for them.”
Damian glanced back to the ghost as he felt a cold hand mesh with his.
Surprisingly, he did not seem to mind.
The two sat like that in silence as the gleeful participants continued on unaware.
“You know, for what it’s worth… I have had a blast in Gotham with you these last few weeks. If the high king of the infinite realm can look over your upbringing than I think you might be selling yourself short Robin.
“My- my name is Damian.”
The ghost let out in an unnecessary breath before a gentle smile graced his lips,
“Alright Damian, my name is Danny. Would you care for a dance?”
Put your head on my shoulder
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fggtwrmz · 3 years
✞ pretty little sinner ✞
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Hihi!! Taz here with this accounts first ((technically second)) post! This ones a full fic so it’s v lengthy
warnings: dubcon, noncon is you squint, size kin, dirty talk, talk of breeding, oral, religious themes, degradation, dumbification, dacryphilia, talk of corruption, did i mention degradation? cus we went a lil ham on degration, very rough in general, no like seriously kuroos hella mean here
please mind the warnings and leave if your uncomfortable with any listed!!
wc: 7.6k
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The whole small town that you had lived in had known you and your parents as the perfect catholic family, and why would they have any reason to not believe that? After all, you were always such a good girl. The pride and joy of your parents’ lives, you did good in school, never complained about chores, and attended church every Sunday. That’s right, you were the perfect little catholic school girl. 
That's what drew you into him. 
You looked so innocent, so pure, so breakable, he just had to have you. 
And that cute little cross necklace you wore to show your faith? He just wanted to rip it off of you. Have you worship him instead. 
When you had spoken to him you didn’t imagine what he would actually be like. He’d put up such a sweet facade. But that's all it was. 
A facade. 
“What’s someone as pretty as you doing in a place like this, Dollface?” Came out the velvety voice of the walking personification of temptation himself; Kuroo Tetsuro. 
You had heard about him through whispered rumors throughout the halls. He had an infamous reputation. But rumors were just that. Rumors.
So you humored him. 
“At….The corner store? I’m getting snacks, what does it look like?” You had to giggle. It was such a foolish question. So foolish that you didn’t know the weight that it had held. 
He had you hook, line, and sinker, you were just too innocent to realize. And he had been oh so sweet to accept your invitation to church on Sunday! Of course, you had to ask him, the house of God was as good a place to get to know someone as any. Much better than a dingy corner store anyway. 
His words were sweet and charming, even for just a small chat. There was a look on his face that made you suspect something, but the way he spoke pushed your suspicions. 
So when Sunday came and you saw him waiting for you at the door, in what appeared was his normal attire, you still gave him a big smile and waved him over to where you and your parents were. 
“Kuroo! You made it!” You wanted to embrace him in a hug, but you felt that would be a little too familiar for someone you had only met yesterday at a convenience store. “Of course I made it, I wouldn’t blow someone as cute as you off.” He spoke, caressing your cheek. 
Of course he wasn't nervous about being too familiar. 
You felt the warmth rush to your cheeks, the affection catching you off guard. 
“Sorry if I seem a bit underdressed.”  He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, though it seemed as if he didn’t care. His attire could be deemed inappropriate for a church setting. His ripped jeans, loose-fitting button-up shirt, Jordan Retros, contrasting with your pure white short sleeve blouse, frilly plaid green and black skirt, and shining black Mary Janes, and of course that shiny cross necklace that hung so prettily from your neck. 
You giggled, “No worries! I’m sure if you had shown up naked the lord wouldn’t turn you away.” 
And there you went again, going on about how the lord would love anyone, sinner or saint. He’d wondered how you would react if you knew the sins he had committed, had planned to commit. 
He wondered what filthy sins such a precious girl like you were hiding under that short little skirt of yours. 
He couldn’t wait to find out. 
You had taken your seat in the far back pews, opting to sit in between him and your parents. You’d been paying attention to your pastor, up until you felt a warm, calloused hand rest itself on your thigh. 
You looked up with a curious look, but Kuroo seemed to be more focused on the word of the holy father than you, so you relaxed at his touch. Keyword; seemed. 
And that wasn’t all he was planning to do, unfortunately for you. 
He rubbed up and down your upper thigh, occasionally squeezing the soft flesh between your skirt’s end and your thigh highs beginning, pushing your skirt just a little higher up your thighs to get more space. 
At that moment you thought you'd absolutely die if your parents looked over at the sinful act that was going on between you two, but when you looked over they were both too caught up in the pastor’s prayer to notice anything. 
His hand moved inward, causing your breath to hitch. His fingers practically brushed against your core, causing you to let out a gasp. It was loud enough for just him to hear but low enough to where your parents wouldn’t suspect anything. 
You placed a hand on his wrist, signaling it was not the time for this. He simply flashed a smirk, never looking down your way. His fingers made their way to your panties, gently rubbing against your folds, you ended up dampening the garments in the process. 
You sucked in your breath, now holding onto his wrist with a feverish grip, notifying him just how on edge you were. 
“Time for the communion! Everyone, form a line, children, teenagers, then adults.” Father announced.
You let out a breath you weren't aware you were holding in. 
Your pastor had just saved you from eternal damnation. 
You and Kuroo walked in line, behind a couple of kids and in front of a few more teens. He rubbed down your shoulders and arms, sending chills down your spine. 
You held your hands behind your back as children took their crackers which were symbolic of the flesh of Jesus, their “wine” symbolic of the blood of Christ, and scattered back to their seats. 
When it was your turn, Kuroo made sure to keep a keen eye on the way your head tilted back ever so slightly when you had opened your mouth for the cracker to be placed on your tongue. 
He wondered what other situations you would be in such an arguably compromising position. 
You ate the cracker and took the small, plastic shot glass-like cup with you back to your seat. 
“Nah,” Kuroo shook his head, declining the offer of the cracker, and took the cup, downing it and throwing it in the small trash bin next to the pastor, walking back to his seat, not looking back. 
He sat back down next to you, his hands in his pockets this time. You stared ahead, waiting for anything to happen, the tension between you two was so thick you could cut it with a knife. 
Suddenly, he leaned down to your ear, so close you could feel the warmth of his breath on your neck. “By the way, you get so fucking wet. It’d be pathetic if it weren't so adorable.” He hummed, sending heat straight to your core. 
You gasped at his words, looking up at him as he leaned back up. “Kuroo!” You whispered. “You shouldn’t curse in the house of the lord!” 
He looked down at you and chuckled slightly. 
“Oh princess, if it were just us here I’d do so much worse.” He teased, making your eyes widen. Heat rushed over your body, causing you to break eye contact with him. His gaze became too much to bear. 
Your parents and pastor had warned you of temptation before, but you had always thought it would be easy to overcome. You would have never thought that it could be something like this. His words and gentle touches felt like too much yet not enough all at the same time. 
You wanted it all to stop, but yet you wanted to beg for more. 
But you had to keep your composure, God's eyes were on you, you reminded yourself. 
But all you could feel was his eyes on. They were fixated on you. The thought alone of that insatiable look in his eye made your thighs pressed together and your throat run dry. It all made your head reel. 
And just like that, it was over. 
You had been so lost in thought that it took Kuroo shaking you to make you notice everyone getting up and gathering outside for the weekly catch-ups that turned, “just a few minutes dear, and then I swear we’ll leave,” into 30 minutes and plans to babysit Mrs. Johnson's grandsons next weekend. 
“Is it time to go?” Kuroo asked you, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“Only the adults are leaving, the teenagers and children stay for Sunday school, that’s why I’m wearing this outfit.” You whispered to him. 
He went silent until he proposed an idea that caught you way off guard. “We should go back to my place for bible study, I might be able to show you a different type of God.” 
Your eyebrows raised at the sudden invitation, you didn’t know what he meant by that, but you know it’d be rude to decline such an offer since he had come to Sunday worship despite his belief in this “other type of god”. 
Before you could answer he tapped your mother’s shoulder, catching the attention of both of your parents. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but can I speak to you for a second?” He asked politely. Your parents said their goodbyes to Sister Elise and stepped away with you and Kuroo. “Yes?” Came the voice of your mother. 
“Would it be alright if me and your sweet daughter here, a real angel if I do say so, could go back to mine so we can go over the Psalms? I would offer to do it over the phone but the lord’s word can only be understood in person.” It’s like he had the good Christian boy next door role down pact. 
Your parents looked at each other worriedly. “I don’t know, will there be a guardian to watch over you two?” Your father asked. “Yes sir, my fathers at work, but my mother will be there. I promise I’ll have her home at a reasonable time.” He promised.
Oh yeah, he has this little act down to the T, not like you could see through it though. You were so naive and thought that you could bring out the good in him with the help of good. How foolish. 
Your father looked at his watch. “It's five now, so have her home no later than eight. Understood?” “Crystal clear, thank you, sir. Shall we get going?” He asked you, a perfect and pure smile plastered on his face. 
He was too perfect, your parents already adored him. 
Too bad it was only to get in your pants. 
You were on his bed. His room smelled of pinewood and lavender. You drowned in the scent, loving every second of it. 
His room was nothing like yours, he had deep red walls, wooden floors, and everything looked to be either black or red, barely any other colors being seen other than the clothes in his closet, and some other things you couldn’t identify, but he shut it before you could get a good look. 
“Sorry if my room is a bit dirty, I didn’t think about cleaning up before inviting you.” He apologized, closing the curtains. 
You loved the way he spoke, it was like his words were coated with chocolate. His luscious and velvety voice made you think things, things the lord would frown upon. 
“No worries! Nobody’s perfect.” You kindly reassured him with a polite smile. 
He’d think differently, you were a goddess in his eyes. Every part of you, even everything he couldn’t see, not that he’d be in the dark for much longer. 
He chuckled, his eyes wandering down your figure, undressing you with his eyes, as you sat innocently on his bed waiting for whatever he might do. 
“So where’s your mom?” You asked innocently, catching him off guard. “What?” “You said your mom was here, where is she? I didn’t see her when we walked in.” 
He’d already forgotten. Typical. 
“Oh, she’s probably taking a nap.” He lied with ease. 
He didn’t think he'd be able to forgive himself if he was in the presence of his mother while thinking about such ungodly things. He planned to defile you, and he wanted to be the only one who even got close to experiencing you in such a state.  
“Oh well-uhm...I’ll be sure to be quiet so I don’t disturb her.” 
He held in a chuckle. There was no way that you would be quiet, no way you could be quiet when he got his way.
“So…. While I have no real interest in changing faiths, I have to ask about the god that you worship.” 
He had you right where he wanted you. 
He hovered over your frame at the edge of the bed, him standing and towering over you. He’d lifted your chin to look up at him with the tips of his fingers and said in a delightfully sinful tone, 
“Oh baby,” He leaned in close to your ear, you could feel his hot breath on your sensitive skin. “I’m the new god, and you're gonna worship me like I’m your true creator.” 
You felt yourself shrink, yes at the way he was menacingly towering over you, but at the way he describes his God—no, himself. 
“You-you’re...the god you were talking about?” You stammered, your hands on his chest, trying to make some distance between you and his dominating presence. 
Sadly to no avail. 
“Mhm, and you’re going to be a good girl and obey me, understood?” 
 "Y-yes, sir." 
"Awe look at you, using your manners without me having to tell you. Keep that up and you just might get a reward." He cooed.
You felt a familiar heat pool at the pit of you. 
What was he going to do to you? What were these sudden temptations? And most importantly why did you want more. 
This was god testing you, and you were failing miserably. 
You wanted so badly to give in to your desires. To leave behind the life of that sweet innocent angel that everyone once knew, you wanted to give yourself wholly to your new one and only savior. 
You were really doing this. 
You were abandoning the only faith you’d ever known for some stranger. 
For all you know he could be a demon from hell himself, here to stray you away from the path the lord had originally sent you to. No, he couldn’t be a demon. He was so sweet when the two of you had first met, and he was so polite when addressing your parents. 
You felt like Eve, being tempted with such a delicious specimen by the devil himself. So when he pushed his lips against yours harshly, like Eve, you gave in. 
His lips molded perfectly against yours. Your tongues were dancing in an elegant waltz that could only be described as heavenly. His lips tasted so sweet on yours. If this was the forbidden fruit you would happily taste it again and again. 
His hands roamed your backside, hiking your skirt up so he could get a feel of your cotton panties. Your breathing sped, feeling him caress your clad ass. You’d always been told to never let anyone touch you like this unless you’re married, but I guess your god was the only exception. 
That’s right. Kuroo was god now, and you had to let him do whatever you want.
Suddenly, he roughly pulled your skirt off, throwing it behind him. You whimpered, afraid he might’ve ripped your skirt. 
Feeling his rough hands run up your sides and into your shirt, he stopped kissing you to look down, causing you to let out a whine, missing the feeling of his lips on yours. 
“Awe baby, don’t look so sad, I’ll get your mouth back to work real soon.” He whispered, trying to unbutton your shirt. Trying. 
You could tell he was getting frustrated at how the buttons wouldn’t come undone. 
He groaned loudly, grabbing an open hole of your blouse and ripping it open, making the buttons of your shirt fly everywhere. You gasped, whining because now you didn’t have anything to come home in. 
“Kuroo! How am I supposed to go home without a shirt?” You whined, hearing him chuckle soon after. 
“Hush, you’ll be fine don’t worry, you won’t be needing it anytime soon.” Kuroo reassured with a smirk.
He unclipped your bra and threw it behind him, looking down hungrily at your tits, admiring how perfect they were. He cupped one of them and proceeded to place the other in his mouth. You let out a soft moan, awakening something fierce in him. 
“Oh fuck, I can’t wait to hear more of those sweet sounds, princess. That’s right, let it all out for me baby.” 
He kissed up your chest and to your neck, peppering kisses and bite marks on you. Claiming you. 
He bit down on a certain spot, making you moan out, your fingers getting intertwined with the back of his hair. Your legs clung onto his waist as he abused the spot with his mouth, leaving dark hickeys. 
Your moans became needier when he brought his knee up to your cunt, grinding it right against your clit, making you wetter by the second. 
You felt high on ecstasy, the pleasure becoming heavenly, but what made everything pure bliss was his words. 
The way he’d call you his baby, his princess in between kisses, and the best of all, his little sinner. 
Being called his sinner made you feel a different type of feeling. It felt wrong, you could feel the heavens looking down on you in disappointment with each response you gave him. 
Yes, you’d be giving up your oath to stay pure until marriage, but if it’s your god taking your virginity, what harm could be done?
When he lifted up off you, you were snapped from your pleasure. 
He was looking down at your body and you resting upwards on your elbows, wondering why he’d left. 
“Get on your knees.” It wasn't a request. It was an order. One that you, of course, didn’t even think to disobey. 
So there you sat. All pretty and kneeling in front of him as if he was an alter. 
 You looked like such a perfect slut in his eyes. Who knew that such an innocent little virgin could look like the perfect whore. 
He wouldn’t tell you that though. No, he wanted to warm you up first. Call you such sweet names, make you feel like his precious baby girl and then let you know just how much of a dirty slut he thought you were.
Knew you were. 
All you needed was a push in the right direction. And he would provide that push. 
“Now you want to know how to appease your god, don’t you?” 
You nodded from in between his legs enthusiastically. 
“Well, first, you have to atone for your sins. Now how would we go about doing that?” 
You didn’t answer. You didn’t know what to say. 
“C’mon baby, be a good girl and use your words. How would you atone for your sins? Think about the position you're in before you answer.” 
You looked down at your legs which were folded underneath you and looked back up at him. 
He couldn’t help but laugh at your innocence. “Oh princess, so innocent even in such a vulgar position baby. You’re gonna atone for your sins by sucking me off. You don't want me to be mad, do you?” 
Of course you didn’t. You didn’t even understand what sins you had even committed, but if Kuroo says you’ve sinned, you'll let him do anything to make you holy again. 
He stood up and unzipped his pants, pulling out his cock and waving it teasingly over you. 
“Now stick out your tongue.” 
You did as you were told, eyes never leaving his cock. It was the only one you’d ever seen, and the only one you ever wanted to see. It was a good 7 or 8 inches and about 4 inches wide in girth. 
It had the drool pooling at the bottom of your tongue before falling on your thigh high socks. It felt every bit as sinful as it looked and it had your panties soaked. You'd grinded against yourself for some sort of friction. 
“Awe, so pretty for me, now listen to me, you're gonna take everything I give you, ok princess?” 
You nodded, feeling as if your voice would betray if you tried to speak. 
“What’d I say about using your words? Such a shame, you were being so good earlier.” 
“Sorry sir, please don’t be mad, I promise I’ll-I'll take it all. I'll be so good for you.” The words were coming out faster than you could control. If someone would have told you that you would be in that predicament about a week ago you would have laughed in their face. But here you were, begging for him to do something, anything. 
You sounded absolutely brain dead and he loved it. 
“Ah, yeah that’s it, that’s my good girl.” He said grabbing you by your hair and gently guiding you down his shaft. 
“Fuck baby, ‘gonna train this throat so well you’ll be ready to worship this cock with your mouth anytime of any day.” He growled, lowering your head down faster, soon hearing you gag over his length. You felt tears prick your eyes as he finally thrusted his full length in your mouth, going well past your limits. 
He lets out a dark chuckle, suddenly being cut off by a throaty moan. 
“Ah f-fuck princess you’re being such a good girl, now remember to breathe through your nose.” He reminded you, resulting in you looking up at him and nodding, letting him know you understood. 
Your parents would disown you if they knew what you were doing. Your pastor and priest wouldn’t even think of speaking to you. You’d only have Kuroo, but that doesn’t sound too bad. After all, you had devoted your life to your religion in the past, so what would be so different now? You’d just be able to indulge in such fine luxuries as getting facefucked after church. 
He put his other hand on your head, roughly shoving your head down, matching the bucking upwards of his hips. The action erupted a loud groan from him, throwing his head back. 
You could feel him all the way down your throat. 
“Oh yeah, that’s my good girl, fucking hell baby girl,” he moaned, you could feel his thrusting start to get uneven, your throat not having anymore time to adjust to his size and abuse. 
His pace was absolutely brutal but you sat there, taking everything he gave you.
On the inside you were smiling, happy to please your god, you felt so proud of yourself for making him feel good. Being his good little girl. His obedient little worshipper. 
Your eyes became watery, the way he roughly thrusted into your mouth made your throat hurt, which made your eyes water. 
He bit his lip, lowering the sound of the grunt he let out. “Mmf, baby you look so pretty right now, such a pretty fucking princess for me.” He grunted. 
You didn’t feel pretty, though. Your face was covered in tears, sweat, makeup, and ran down mascara. Your hair was under Kuroo’s grip, messily overlapping his hands. Strings of drool were hanging from your plump lips onto your thighs, not to mention your soaked panties. 
Kuroo on the other hand looked heaven sent. Hair messily askew and face tinted slightly red. Biting his lip while sweat slid down his forehead. He looked like he was graced by God.
He looked like he was graced by God.
You felt ashamed at how wet you got by just looking at him, but fuck was he sexy. 
He shoved your head down quicker and quicker, thrust harder into your mouth. “Fuck, fuck baby you’re gonna-you’re gonna make me—” His groans became more and more breathy, and his working became more and more sloppy, until you felt a warm, thick, sticky liquid coat the insides of your mouth. 
The foreign substance tasted bitter and you wanted to spit it—
“Ah ah,” he sang, grabbing your chin to make you look up at him. 
You looked disgusting. He wanted to see you like this more often.
 “Be good and swallow for me, baby girl.” 
You gulped down the liquid, feeling it still in your throat, but it didn’t bother you enough to where you couldn’t breath. 
“Di-did I do good, sir?” You sounded absolutely broken, and it was like music to his ears. 
“You did amazing, I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard. Does your face feel alright?” He cooed, tucking himself back into his pants. 
“My jaw hurts, and so does my throat, but I’m glad I got to make you feel good.” 
Kuroo smirked, admiring what he molded you into. Such a dedicated disciple, you deserve an award. “Now it’s your turn. Come on, hop up on the bed for me,” he commanded, patting the spot on his bed beside him. 
You did so eagerly, not wanting to break your obedience streak. You sat on your feet, your hands resting on each of your thighs, smiling with the light shining beautifully in your eyes. 
Even as the mascara ran down your cheek, you looked so beautiful to him. 
“Lay down.” He softly said. You obeyed, as usual, keeping your legs closed in the air. You had no idea what he was thinking of doing. 
“Spread them for me, babes.” He commanded. You were confused, why did he want your legs spread? 
“Wait, why?” You asked innocently. His eyebrows furrowed.
 “Because I said so. You’re not really denying the word of your lord, are you?”
Of course you didn’t. You were completely devoted to him, so without further hesitation you spread your legs. He pulled your drenched panties up off you and threw them somewhere in the room. 
He ducked himself inbetween your thighs and planted your thighs on the side of his head with a secure grip. 
“W-Wait!” You squeaked out. 
“What’s wrong baby? You’ve been such a good girl, and good girls deserve rewards now don’t they?”  He acts like this is for you, when in all honesty it’s all been for him. This whole time he’s only been fulfilling his desires of turning you from a sweet and innocent princess into a filthy fucked out whore and he knows this will only speed the process a bit, you just so happen to be getting some pleasure out of it. 
“Yeah I gue- Ah!” A moan cut you off when you felt him lick up your wet folds, moaning your legs jolt up and your back arch. 
He plunged his tongue into you, his thick tongue thrusts into you, making your moans come out in squeaks. You felt absolutely amazing already. 
His tongue circled around your clit, pushing his tongue in and out of you in patterns; leaving his tongue in, out, for a second, then in again going back to sucking and circling.
Your moans became higher and breathier each time his tongue circled your clit, it drove him absolutely crazy.
He was...spelling something? You could feel it as he kept making the same trails around your cunt. 
“Mmph, Kuroo, more please…” You moaned tugging at his hair. He slid his thumb up your thigh, rubbing your clit as he pushed his tongue deeper in you, prodding your sweet spot.
The sudden action made you cry out in pleasure, tugging at his hair. He moaned from under you at the sudden mix of pain and pleasure on his scalp.
Kuroo stuck his tongue in and out of you, continuing to rub your clit with his thumb. You felt a tingling sensation grow low in your stomach, making your grip tighten on Kuroo’s hair and while your other frantically grabbed at his sheets, the foreign feeling traveling through your entire being. 
You moaned his name, wanting to ask him what the sensation was, but your mind only focused on him, making barely anything come out other than moans and his name. 
His fingers sped up as his tongue explored your walls. The sensation made you tighten, sending chills through your core as the pressure became too much to process alone.
Your legs twitched as your orgasm rocked through you, your eyes rolling back, gripping his hair tightly.
All that you could think of in that moment was Kuroo. KurooKurooKurooKuroo. It was a repeating mantra in your mind.
Your walls tightened around Kuroo’s tongue, a moan squeaking from your throat. Your grip tightened as you came, covering his tongue. You came from your high slowly, allowing you to let out a satisfied sigh. 
You smiled peacefully as he hungrily lapped at your clit, making sure not to let a single drop of your cum slip from his tongue. 
As he pulled out his fingers and lifted up from your body, you relaxed, your legs falling and your hand bringing itself to rest upon your stomach. 
He came up and captured your lips in a bruising kiss, making sure you could taste yourself on his tongue. You tried pushing him away, not liking the taste of yourself, but he slapped your thigh, taking your hands and holding both of them above your head. 
You whimpered squirming, uncomfortable with him holding you down. You shook your head in the kiss, trying to get away, but he only took this as an invitation to slide his tongue into your mouth. 
You moaned into the kiss, feeling your body temperature rise as he rocked against you, grinding against your thigh. The foreign feeling felt weird, but knowing you were giving him pleasure did cloud your mind with a hazy fog. 
He parted ways from the kiss and looked down on you. 
You looked so fucked out, and the real fun hadn’t even started yet. He wondered how you would be able to take him all the way, the thought of you not being able to handle all of him snuck its way  into his mind and making him groan. 
You would look so cute crying that it was all too big, how it wouldn’t fit. The money he’d pay to see that, he’d bow down and pray to any god to see that image and keep it in his mind forever. 
He leaned up and loomed over you, caging you with his hands on either side of your head. His eyes were dark with lust. It struck a tinge of fear in you. 
He unzipped his pants, pulling his cock out, and spread your legs once more.
Leaning down, he whispered in your ear. "Do you think you're worthy enough for my cock princess?" 
"Awe, what did you think was gonna happen sweetheart? You thought it'd be that easy to make up for your sins—"
"But you said—" you felt tears prick your eyes. You didn't think you were ready for such a big step before marriage. You two weren't even dating!
"But you said—" He mocked in a whiny voice. "I know what I said, and now I'm saying," he pulled you by the cross on your necklace. 
"That I'm gonna fuck you until you’re too fucked out to even think about anything else. I'll turn you into such a pretty whore that you'll feel dirty even thinking about stepping foot in that church. Do you understand slut?"
Whore? Slut? Where was this coming from? He’d been so nice to you. You wouldn’t think he’d call you such degrading names. It was like a switch had been flipped inside him. 
You looked down at his size, causing you to whimper in fear for your small body. 
Kuroo squeezed your cheeks in one hand roughly, making you whine, your eyes watering. “Use your words, you dumb bitch. Do you or do you not understand what I’m saying?” He repeated. 
You nodded. “I-I understa-stand.” You hiccuped, hugging your arms.
You we’re borderline sobbing at this point. This wasn’t the smooth and sweet guy who chatted you up in the convenience store. This wasn’t the sweet christian boy your parents knew. This man was Lucifer himself.
And now, your new lord and saviour. 
You didn’t know what you were getting yourself into. You should have never given him the benefit of the doubt. Everyone was right about him. He was just a mean playboy jerk who treated women like shi-
“Awe don’t cry sweetheart. You were doing so good just a minute ago.” His sweet and comforting tone snapped you from your thoughts, and you felt your mind become just a bit less panicked about the whole situation. “Although, you do look awfully pretty when you cry… hm… How bout this; I’ll just make you feel so good to where your instant reaction is to cry. That way I get to see that cute little tear-stained face, and you get to have my expert cock. How does that sound, princess?” 
You nodded, feeling like if you opened your mouth only sobs would come out. 
“What did I say about your words?” He quickly chastised. 
“S-Sorry. Yes sir I-I’d like that…” 
“That's a good girl,” The praise made your chest bubble with joy. You were happy that you could be seen as good in his eyes after all the disgusting things he had just called you. 
“Now here’s the worst part.” 
And that was all the warning you got before he rammed his cock into you. It was the worst pain that you had ever felt. The agonizing stretch, the unfamiliar feeling of being so full, it all was too painful to bear. So you did exactly what he planned and cried. 
He thought of going slow, he really did, but then he wouldn’t be able to see you and those absolutely gorgeous tear streaks. 
“Kuroo, it hurts! It’s too much! Take it out please!” You sobbed out. 
He laughed at you. “Aww poor baby, is it too much?” 
“Good.” He said with another slam of his hips. “You seem—fuck— to forget what we’re—oh god your so fucking tight—doing this for. You were acting like a bitch in church. In the house of your—shit—precious lord.” He said the last point in a mocking tone. “And now you're just paying for your sins to your new god.” He breathed out while continuing to thrust into you at a brutal pace. 
You could only cry harder as he fucked you with such vigor. The stretch was so painful and with every rough thrust he hit your cervix dead on. It was absolute torture. 
So you 're confused as to why the pain slowly subsided and turned to pleasure. Were you… enjoying this? No. There was no way. You didn’t even get a real say in what was happening. So why we’re tiny gasps coming out faster than you could stop them? And why did your hips start to move down to match his thrusts. 
“How do you thi-think your parents would react to your sinful actions right now? Huh, you dumb slut? Bet they’d be so disappointed to see that their precious little girl is nothing but a pretty little sinner huh? Say it! Fuck- Say you’re a sinner, and make sure the neighbors can hear you say it.” 
“B-but your mom..!” 
“You actually believed that?” He laughed. His laughing consisted of grunts and groans, making his laughing time out. “You’re such a fucking dumbass, you know that? I wouldn’t be touching your disgusting ass if my mother was home.” He growled, making more tears stream down your face. 
You whined, covering your face because of the absurd amount of embarrassment you felt. 
“Oh no no no, don’t cover your beautiful face now!” He grunted, taking both of your wrists and holding them above your head. 
With only the bottom half of his cock fucking into you, his thrusts were long and deep, making sure you felt it in your stomach. Your eyes rolled back with each agonizingly painful and deep thrust, your nails ripping off your skins from balling your fists. 
“Oh fuckkkk you're so tight for me.” Kuroo groaned. ”How’s such a slut like you got such a tight pussy?” 
It was obvious that the question was rhetorical as he started to slow his thrusts but put more force behind them, bruising your cervix. All you could let out were little “ah ah ah ahhhhhhs”. 
He slowly stopped, looking down at your trembling body. He let out a breathy groan, shaking his head and biting his lip. 
He let go of one of your wrists and grabbed hold of your hand, bringing it down to your stomach. 
“Princess, do you feel that?” He asked, rubbing your hand over a bump on your stomach. You looked down with him, seeing a slight bump stand with attention below your belly button, making your eyes widen and your breath quicken. 
“Ka-ka-Kuroo! What is that?!” You frantically questioned. 
He looked up at you with the most agrivated, most dumb founded look on his face. “What do you mean, ‘what’s that’?! That’s me, dollface.” He spat, making you jump. “Y-you..?” 
He groaned, slamming into you again, causing you to scream out again. “Ya’ see that moving in your stomach? That’s me, fucking deep into your tight tight pussy.” He growled. You look down again, seeing the bulge in your stomach move with each sharp thrust Kuroo sent through you. 
It made your head feel fuzzy. 
Your body started adjusting to his size, finally. You lifted your legs to cling onto the side of his waist, but they quickly fell spread for him. Your arms also stopped struggling, relaxing under his grip. Your eyes slowly rolled to the back of your head. With each animalistic thrust of his hips you could feel the bed shake. You could barely hear the frame hit the wall over the sound of your high whines and moans and his low groans filling your ear. But you could still faintly hear it, reminding of how rough he was getting. 
“Alright princess now open your mouth and stick your tongue out.” He commanded from over you. 
You opened your mouth and leaned your head back being sure to lol your tongue out.
You felt a cold liquid settle near the tip of your tongue, it was Kuroo’s spit. He’d let it fall like a fountain. Licking his lips when he’d finished. 
“Now swallow like a good girl.”
You closed your mouth and gulped. Letting the spit slide down your tongue. It should have grossed you out, but instead it made your eyes roll back. 
“Aww, look at you, all pretty and fucked out.” he shrugged, thrusting upwards into you, hitting a spot that made you scream out in ecstasy. 
“Kuroo, right there! Fuck, Kuroo yes right there!!” You moaned, arching your back and throwing your head back. 
That was the first time you cursed. Ever. 
“Such a dirty vocabulary you’re discovering! I’m such a good influence on you, your parents would be so proud.” He sarcastically exclaimed in a low and gravelly voice. 
Your parents. You were so caught up in your pleasure that you completely forgot all about them, and the time limit they'd set for you. You were sure you’d past it, it was fairly dark outside. 
You whined, feeling more tears of disappointment roll down the side of your face. “Do-don’t talk about them right now…Ah-I’m gonna-Kuroo fuck p-please!”
He only thrusted harder faster. “Awe baby, do you think you're the one in control? That’s so cute.” He pulled you by your necklace for the second time that night. “You’re atoning for your sins, and I’m using your body for my own pleasure. So you’re gonna sit back, and make sure the only thing that comes out of that pretty. Little. Mouth,” He punctuated each word with a harsh thrust. “Are those pretty. Little. Moans. You got that princess?” 
“Y-yes sir. I’m so sorry sir.” 
“Awe look at my baby! Using her words like a good girl!” He deeply cooed. 
You bit your lip, holding back the moan you desperately wanted to let out, but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of your voice. He noticed and started to pound faster. You couldn’t hold back anymore. 
“Fuck! Kuroo! Ple-ase! Fuck you’re so good. Sosososo good. Pleeeeease!” 
“Listen to you! You sound downright pathetic!” He laughed at you. It felt humiliating, but you felt yourself getting wetter from the whole situation. The intensity, the humiliation, Kuroo’s groans, they all were filling up your senses, and you could feel yourself nearing your climax. 
“Look at you, you’re getting tighter. How much of a- fuuuuck how is it possible that your tighter- slut are you? You're really getting off to me calling you a slut? You like that? Huh? Go on, answer me whore.”  
“Yes! Yes Kuroo! I’m your whore! Fuuuuuckkkk!” Your moans were high and breathy. 
He pulled you by your necklace one again and snatched it clean off of you. 
You gasped, snapping out of your lustful trance. “Kuroo!!! My dad gave me that!!” You cried. 
“I don’t give a fuck, I’m your god now, you don’t need a stupid cross, I’ll let everyone know you’re mine.” He huffed, dangling it in front of you, before throwing it out his window. 
The window. The window! 
 “K-Kuroo, how long has that be-been open?” You asked. 
He groaned, slowing down his thrust. “The window? It’s been open since this morning.” He shrugged, fucking into you sloppier and sloppier. 
You felt embarrassed, heat rushing over your being as you held onto Kuroo to hide your face. “O-oh…” you moaned, scrunching your eyebrows together in embarrassment. 
“What’s wrong baby? Are you embarrassed? Are you embarrassed that my whole neighborhood can hear how bitchy, and pathetic you sound? Fuck- Good, fucking cry about it like the stupid bitch you are.” 
Each insult brought you closer to that edge. You forgot all about your previous embarrassment and basked in the bliss of Kuroo’s rough thrusts. 
“Holy shit- Did you get tighter from me reminding you of how much of a—shiiiiiitttt—of a fucking slut you are?” His voice sounded so breathy. You could feel him twitching inside of you. 
And then the dam broke. You could feel your orgasm sparking through you like electricity. 
“Kuroo! Kuroo! Im cumm- Im cumming! Oh Fuck! Fuckfuckfuckfuck! You're so good!”
He revelled in the profanities spilling from your mouth, knowing that before this you probably would have never thought about saying such vile things. 
“Oh thats right baby who’s making you cum on his cock like a dumb bitch in heat? Who’s your god? C’mon, say it, princess.” 
“You! Shit! You're my god! Oh please- It’s too much! It's- It’s too much!” 
He laughed at you. “How many fucking—Fuck baby you feel so good—How many times do I have to tell you this isn’t- Shit- This isn’t for you.” The last part came out as a dark growl. 
“Y-Yes sir! I’m sorry.” 
“Yeah that's a good girl, oh you're such a good slut for me. Shutting up and just taking it. Yeahhh that's a good fucking whore. You want your god to cum inside you? Breed you and fill you up so nice? That what you want princess?” 
Your eyes widened. Nononono he couldn’t! He had to pull out! 
“N-No...Please...” Your voice sounded so weak and tiny. 
“Oh no baby, that was rhetorical. You're gonna sit back and let me breed this little pussy like a good girl who stays in her place, because surely- fuck- you remember your place and wouldn’t talk back, now would you?”
You knew it was useless to deny him. You don’t even know why you tried. 
After a few more thrust there was a particularly hard one. The force of fit knocked you back a bit, but he pulled you back by your thighs so he would stay fully buried inside of you. 
Suddenly you felt nothing but warmth filling you. He was cumming inside you. You could feel him shooting spurt after spurt. You had never felt so full, his thick cock splitting you accompanied by his come pushed you to another orgasm. Your legs shot up and you let out a loud whiny moan. 
“Oh god! Oh fuck! You feel so good filling me up Kuroo- Fuck!” 
“Aww you came again from me cumming in you? What happened to you not wanting it?” He teased. You couldn’t respond, you still hadn’t come down from your high. 
You woke up in an unfamiliar location, dark red walls and black sheets were unlike your pastel blue walls and baby pink sheets. You panicked, until memories of your earlier actions came back to you. You weren't completely calm though, you were sure you definitely passed your curfew and Kuroo was nowhere to be found. 
“Kuroo! I need to get home like— now!” 
He entered the room and laughed. “Oh calm down you big baby, I called your folks and said you’d passed out cause you were so tired. Took some convincing, but they’re fine with you spending the night here.”
You sighed, releasing a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. “Oh, thank god.” 
“Speaking of,” He came closer to you. “You down for round two?” 
You felt warmth flood your face and threw a pillow at him. “You pervert!” 
“How am I the pervert when you're the one naked in my bed?” 
He was right, you did feel a cold breeze brush against your cold body as you pulled the covers up. 
“Well then where are my clothes?” 
He winced, itching the back of his neck. “Ya’ see...your skirt is still ripped, but I put your underwear and skirt in the wash. You could wear something of mine though!"
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
Most Marvel post-credit scenes hint at the future. Loki opted for a blunter approach: the God of Mischief would return in season 2.
Based on the final turn of events, there was really no other choice: Loki (Tom Hiddleston), having journeyed to the furthest point in spacetime with his variant Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) to meet the founder of the TVA, a scientist-turned-survivor-of-multiversal-war known as He Who Remains (Jonathan Majors), finds himself zapped into a new reality when his lady self slays the omnipresent being. The mind reels!
Creator Michael Waldron takes delight in the endless possibilities of Loki’s core premise. And as a veteran of Rick and Morty, he knows what anchors a mind-bending show, and what will keep Hiddleston’s character hurtling through his chaotic, rewritten future. Below, Polygon talks to Waldron about landing on the key choices of Loki season 1, what to expect from season 2, and a bit on his next project, the wrestling drama Heels, which is set to premiere on Aug. 15.
Did you know there’d be a second season of Loki from the beginning or was that choice made later in the process?
Michael Waldron: We always knew that it was a possibility. We always knew that we wanted to propel Loki and these characters out into the MCU after this, into further stories. But that didn’t really crystallize as a sure thing until we were in production and everything. And as we were really figuring out the finale.
So you were still cracking the ending as you shot the show?
There was a hiatus due to the pandemic. So things were constantly being retooled because of that. I think, by and large, everything with He Who Remains and the Sylvie-Loki conflict was always there. But that cliffhanger was the sort of thing that suddenly became a really appealing opportunity, a chance for that to lead into a second season.
What element of the series helped you crack the macro story of Loki, and made all the other pieces fall into place? Each episode almost feels like a standalone adventure, similar to Rick and Morty, but what helped it all click?
The first couple of weeks in the writers room was just laying out the individual episodes. It was very important to me that each episode stood on its own, and you could say “This is the Lamentis episode,” “This is the apocalypse moon episode,” “This is the Void episode.” I didn’t want it to just be cut up chapters and have one long continuous story. Obviously, we had to figure out the time travel for things to slot into place. I think a big idea for us was the way you get around the TVA by hiding in apocalypses. That felt like such a big, cool, exciting idea that it drove the action of episode 2, episode 3, and in a way it’s like Alioth is the ultimate apocalypse that He Who Remains is hiding behind. That sci-fi idea cracked a lot open for us. I know that after we had that I went home and I slept a little sounder.
Did adding the multiverse to the Marvel Cinematic Universe feel like blowing something up or expanding it, in terms of narrative possibilities?
In the same way that after the first couple Iron Man movies, and with the first Avengers, suddenly these movies were kind of going to space. Then we had Guardians. I think of the multiverse as another version of that. It’s new ground to cover, and particularly interesting because characters meeting other versions of themselves and other versions of people they know is... cool. That’s just a cool sci-fi concept! But I think with anything, as you expand outward, it only works if the humanity remains. It’s exciting to watch characters dealing with big crazy multiversal conflicts because we can see ourselves in them. I think you just have to hold on to the humanity that makes these stories work in the first place.
Did you go back to the Thor movies for Loki? Was there anything to find in the past of Marvel as you were paving the future?
Absolutely. I mean I watched them many times, contrary to what Twitter might think because I did some bits on there saying that I’ve never seen Avengers and I upset some people [laughs]. I have seen it many times. “Confirmed: Loki writer has seen Avengers and saw it before writing Loki show.”
In fact, I was watching all these movies on a loop in the writers’ room. I gleaned so much because you watch the evolution of the character. Avengers was particularly informative because our story picks up Loki right after that, but I also I found a lot of inspiration in Thor: The Dark World, a maybe sometimes maligned movie that I actually really enjoy. I just think there’s great stuff with Loki being tangentially responsible for the death of his mother, how he reacts to that. That is the start of his journey of that version of Loki’s redemption, so I was inspired by that.
What’s propelling the characters into season 2? Where are you headed in basic terms?
In season 1, you saw a lot of characters reckoning with and questioning their own glorious purpose, and that glorious purpose changing, [characters] realizing that that can change. Everybody except for Sylvie. I think she holds onto hers, which is vengeance, and to the detriment of us all, perhaps. And we’ve got a Loki who, at the top of our show, assessed himself as a villain and, I would argue, at the end of our show, has become a little bit of a hero. There’s nothing more heroic to me than fighting for the right thing and losing. You see that washing over him as he’s there back at the TVA, after Sylvie has knocked back there. And then he gets up because that is what heroes do — they keep going. So I think that you’re gonna see a Loki that looks at himself in a different way certainly that at the top of this.
Do you hope to explore more of Sylvie’s backstory in season 2?
I guess we’ll see. We certainly have our own rich backstory for her, stuff that didn’t get to make it into the show. Elissa Karasik, our episode 2 writer, wrote a lot of amazing backstory for Sylvia and everything. So those ideas exist out there.
And her version of Thor?
Tune in.
How did He Who Remains come about? Did you bring the character to Marvel or was that a character Marvel hoped to introduce?
I was pushing and our team was pushing early on in the writers’ room that it should be a version of Kang up in that Citadel, sort of fusing the mythology of He Who Remains with a little bit of the Immortus mythology. And that was a thing we were excited to do. And it became clear that it actually made sense for our story. The only way we were going to do it was if it made sense, but it was like, who had a better argument for creating the TVA to prevent other versions of themselves from existing then a guy as evil as Kang the Conqueror?
You wrote the upcoming Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness — did Marvel hire you for that after Loki? Does the movie feel like a continuation of the show?
Yeah, that opportunity came as we were getting ready to start production on Loki. It was a pleasure. I got to work with Sam Raimi, a hero of mine. I was in London for five months making that movie at the top of this year. We had a blast. I think that it’s a continuation in as much as ever every Marvel movie is to some extent a chapter in an ongoing story, but these things are meant to stand alone and the most important thing about Doctor Strange too is making the most kick ass Doctor Strange movie we could.
Is Loki a two-part show now or are you invested in telling a longer story with future seasons beyond season 2?
Time will tell, but I do my hope is that season 1 stands on its own. We always wanted to tell a complete story there. And in whatever the next chapter may be will stand on its own as well.
Your next show, Heels, is already on the way. We got a big preview out of Comic-Con this year, but I’m curious about the scope of this story. You’re starting with two brothers running an independent wrestling franchise, but you’ve dropped the name “Vince McMahon” a few times — is this about the building of an empire? Would you liken it to The Godfather or Breaking Bad?
I always thought about it a little bit of a Scorsese-sort-of rise, and we’ll see if there’s a fall. Starting from humble beginnings and trying to build some crazy. Wrestling was certainly not always the empire that it is and that’s what’s interesting, to watch the evolution of a family-run wrestling business from something you do in your small towns and perhaps a national, even global empire. That would be a really compelling arc for a show over the course of several seasons. I’d be excited to explore that.
What’s the most dramatically fulfilling wrestling moment you’ve witnessed? What’s the bar for the wrestling drama of Heels?
It’s gotta be Hulk Hogan turning heel in the WCW. There was an invasion storyline, these guys from WWF, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, came over and they were the bad guys. It was at a Pay-per-view and and they were beating up on the good guys that you love, and here comes Hulk Hogan in the yellow and red and he’s the hero. “The Hulk’s gonna get ‘em! The good guy’s here!” And then the Hulk just leg drops Randy Savage. That was the original Red Wedding. I just think about the boldness of turning him heel. To a little kid... I wasn’t even like a massive Hulk fan, but he was just such a mythological figure. What a chance that Hulk Hogan took as a performer, as a bankable kind of movie star at that point. That was bold, risky storytelling and it set off two years of amazing storytelling with Hogan just playing a craven, cowardly heel and just being so evil. I really respect the hell out of them for doing that. That was a great storyline.
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writingdumpsite · 3 years
That’s because she’s shy (g.w.)
Summary: George Weasley doesn’t think you fancy him and decides to prove his point. What he doesn’t see coming is your reaction.
pairing: George Weasley x fem!Reader
words: 3k
A/N: just something I wrote these last days inspired by some lines from one of my favourite films. yes, a couple of days ago I rewatched Pride and Prejudice for the millionth time and the scene where Darcy proposes to Lizzie hit as hard as usual.
   “Oh c’mon George! Can you please stop looking at her and listen to what I’m trying to tell you?” Fred groaned once he’s seen his twin brother staring at her, yet again. But George couldn’t help but stare at the entrance of the Great Hall. To be completely honest, he thought she was one of the most beautiful girls he’s ever met. She was talking to Hermione, too focused on her to sense his piercing eyes on her figure. Her soft features seemed even softer thanks to the light that invaded the Great Hall. Her eyes were shining while discussing animatedly with Hermione. George supposed it was something rather interesting. At some point – he couldn’t tell when, though – she has even started gesticulating.
A loud smack on the back of his head brought George back to reality. When he turned his head towards a smirking Fred he felt his cheeks reddening. Fred was not the only one smirking but Harry, Ron and Lee were there, too. The knowing looks were enough for George to be sure he wasn’t getting away with some lame excuse. But he stayed silent, not exactly knowing what to say to his friends. And now that he thought it through, what was he supposed to say? That he fancied Y/N? That seemed pretty obvious. Harry and Ron chuckled but decided not to torment him any further. Instead, they excused themselves and went to their next class.
  The silence made him feel uncomfortable but he didn't want to speak first. George sighed in relief when Lee finally decided to open his mouth. “Don’t you think it’s time to say something to that poor soul?” The boy shook his head “I don’t think she fancies me. I mean, we’ve known each other for years. All I've been doing for months now is flirt with her any chance I get.”
“Are you sure you’re flirting? Eye contact and light touches here and there aren’t enough sometimes” Lee nodded at Fred’s words. And deep down George knew his twin was right, that he should tell you instead of subtly flirting once or twice a week. It’s not that difficult. Once you find her alone, you take her somewhere more private and shoot your shot. The plan in his head, though simple, seemed rather effective.
  But she was so out of his league, even for the most famous prankster of the entire school. So smart, genuine and kind that nobody was worth her undivided attention. Her grades were stellar and the hobbies she had were unparalleled and far from George’s. She was an artist. In her free time, she was always doing something creative, like reading, playing an instrument or knitting. He knew that because he has been bothering Hermione to get to know pretty much anything he could on her .
  He didn't notice the girl turning her head towards the boys at the Gryffindor table. Y/N is quick to catch George's eyes and shoot him a gracious smile. Oh c’mon you idiot, do something. She’s flirting, she’s definitely flirting is all is repeating to himself. But before he could wave at her, she starts to approach the boys at the table, Hermione right behind her.
  “Hello boys” she greeted them with the same smile she shot George a minute ago. With that, the idea of her flirting with him faded together with his hope of being his type. Again.
He didn’t pay attention to the greetings she received and avoided the conversation she started with Fred and Lee. Until she said the word “cracker”. His eyes shot up to the girl in time to catch the remaining of the discourse. “My cousin sent me some crackers after I told him about the situation with the Umbridge. They’re nothing like yours, of course, but I reckon the pink toad knows nothing about how these muggle ones work.” The conversation went on for a couple of minutes. She told them how to use them and George found himself mesmerized by the girl’s knowledge on the topic. “I’m not a fan of crackers and I'm not going  to use them so if you ever needed them, let me know. I’ll be more than happy to get rid of them.”
She was out of sight when Fred cleared his throat and announced to his twin that if he didn’t ask her out soon, he would. George laughed at that but knew that he needed to end his agony. He spent all day pondering the options on the matter but they seemed so stupid the more he went through them.
It was at dinner that Ron suggested something interesting. “You could always try and make her jealous. You know, you could pretend to date some random girl and see her reaction”. At first, George thought it was a bad idea. He would have to convince someone to pretend to date him. But he also thought that, if the plan worked, Y/N would make a move on him, tell him that she's always fancied him. And they’d finally be together. But if that didn’t happen, if she didn’t show interest at all, that would hurt him even more. Yet, the more he considered the plan, the more he convinced himself that was the right thing to do. So the next day he asked his good friend Alicia to fake-date in front of Y/N next Monday at breakfast.
George needed to get a reaction from the girl. He wanted to know if what he felt for Y/N was unrequited ad he had to give up and forget her, or if she fancied him as well.
What he wasn’t aware of was that Y/N has fancied George for a while. Yet, if he looked for proof, he wouldn’t find any. She was pretty good at disguising her feelings as kind gestures, such as smiling or waving. She sometimes would try and speak to him alone, laugh at his jokes or ask questions if she was chatty that day. And that wasn’t flirting, was it? Plus, everyone knew she was always the quiet one who didn't mean to sound flirtatious. She was aware that she was shy and not good at showing affection to her loved ones. So, she never considered she was acting like a flirt. She was sure she was being rather subtle with her pining but she was wrong, of course. On that day, Hermione explained what she knew about flirting and dating. She resolved, what Y/N was doing was flirting, even if almost non-existent. After that, it didn’t take long for the bright witch to learn what Y/N felt for George Weasley. And that lead to hours of telling her to confess, to make a move, to make it crystal clear that she fancied the prankster. Otherwise, someone else would find a way to his heart.
The process lasted less than imagined. Only a couple of days of distracted expressions and head in the clouds. It also coincided with the weekend and Y/N was not planning on crying her eyes out because of a boy. So, she postponed the whole “profess-your-feelings-to-George” idea to Monday. She was sure that having time to let everything sink in would be good.
All weekend Y/N expected second thoughts or any other impediment to happen. But on Monday morning, there was nothing that could prevent her from her original plans. So, nervously, she got changed and mentally prepared herself to face George.
“So, are you going to do it?” asked Hermione as soon as Y/N met her in the Great Hall. “If it’s of any help, Ron and Harry told me George has been talking non-stop about you for weeks. I'm pretty sure he likes you.” Y/N smiled and tried to stay calm, but everything inside her was screaming. “I’m not sure I’m ready but I'm doing it anyway.” she stated. Then, she took a big breath a continued on a funnier note. “And if it goes wrong I’ll drown myself in the huge pile of homework we have to do”. Hermione laughed and then patted her shoulder to show her support. “I’ll be here in case you need me”. Y/N ’s face softened at her friend's words. After taking another big breath, she stepped into the crowded Great Hall.
Her eyes meticulously scanned all the faces in search of George but it seemed like he wasn’t there.That’s odd, he’s never late for breakfast she thought. Fred was already there, surrounded by everyone she could think of, except for the one she was looking for. Maybe it was a sign. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. Maybe some kind of guardian angel was trying to send the message that it was not a good day to profess her feelings.
She went back to reality when someone lightly bumped into her shoulder. Y/N ’s eyes, until that moment, fixed on the Gryffindor table, landed on the couple who passed her. They were holding hands and Y/N couldn’t help herself imagining what holding hands would be like with George. But she didn’t have the time to indulge too much in the thought because something ginger caught her eyes. The “something” turned out to be George’s hair.
All she wanted to do was to divert her gaze, forget what she was going to do that morning. But her eyes seemed glued to the scene unfolding in front of her and incapable of focusing on anything else. The couple was now standing mere feet away from her and George was leaning in, as if he wanted to kiss the girl. In the end it was a simple kiss on her forehead but the act itself was enough for her. Y/N felt her heart sinking and before she could do anything to prevent it, tears formed in her eyes. And the more she saw, the more she wanted to slap herself. How could she be so naïve and mistake some kind gestures for interest? George was being so nice to her because it was in his nature and because she hung with his little brother’s friends a lot. How could she not see it?
She was so focused on the scene in front of her. So much that she didn’t notice the tears starting to stream down her face or George’s head turning towards her. But she wasn’t going to show him any of her feelings, so she turned around and run out of the Great Hall as fast as she could. Her run came to an end when something – or rather, someone – pulled her robes and made her turn around. Hermione was now standing in front of her, a sad expression on her face, and Y/N knew that her friend knew. She still wanted to say something, anything to try and justify her run but couldn’t. Instead, she felt her cheeks turning even redder and new tears forming. She had no idea how it happened but a moment later, she felt Hermione's arm around her. And as her head fell on her shoulder, she started sobbing.
Where did it go wrong? Were they happy tears or sad tears? You idiot, obviously they were not happy tears. George couldn’t shake Y/N ’s tear-stained face out of his mind. He wasn’t expecting this reaction. He didn’t do anything completely wrong, either. He didn’t snog Alicia or proposed to her in front of Y/N , he simply kissed her forehead. That meant nothing, either for him or for Alicia. He did what he did to prove his point that Y/N didn’t fancy him. To get a reaction, to see what she felt. He was so sure she would understand that and make a move, it didn’t matter if good or bad.
“So, how did it go?” asked Ron when George took a seat next to him. Across from him, Fred and Lee stopped planning their next prank and turned their head to hear George. He was still studying Y/N ’s reaction, pondering words as not to sound more confused than he already was. “I didn't think I'd made her cry” blurted out the boy, pouring himself a goblet of juice. But before anyone could make any type of comments he added “I’m not sure if that was the reaction I was looking for, though”. “Well, now you’ll understand if she fancies you or not” stated calmly Ron “And decide whether what you’ve been doing for months was flirting or pining” added a smirking Fred.
“Excuse me?” Hermione’s voice snapped behind George. The boy went white as he realised Hermione has been there long enough to find out about the plan. One by one, the other boys decided it was best to return to their breakfasts. That left George to deal with the girl alone. He could see she was fuming so thought it best to stare at her, letting her rant about how stupid the whole idea was. “How could you do that to her? She’s a sobbing mess because you didn’t have the guts to confess your feelings. Among all the options you had, you chose to risk hurting her to not deal with your heart being broken. I wonder why she fancies you. Yes, she should have admitted her feelings for you as well, but she didn’t do something like this just to get a reaction.” The whole situation, Hermione lecturing him, made George feel like a young boy again. Always trying to defend himself when accused of something. But at that times, it never mattered whether it was his fault or not. This clearly wasn’t the case.
“I didn’t know what to do. I panicked because she’s so out of my league. And I didn’t want to make a fool of myself in case she wasn’t interested.” he tried to resonate with Hermione, wording out loud the thoughts that have been floating in his mind for weeks. But the moment he spoke, he came to the conclusion that the whole plan was stupid. “Plus, it seemed like she was completely indifferent to me and my flirting” that was his last resort. Blaming her for not noticing all along only angered Hermione more. “That’s because she’s shy. Y/N hardly shows her true feelings for me. We’ve been friends for years now and I have seen her cry only once when she got bad news from home." An uncomfortable silence fell and George could see Hermione pondering her next words. "Also, if it is of any consolation,  a couple of day ago I found out she likes you.” George stayed silent, letting Hermione’s words sink in his brain. “I really fucked up” was all he admitted before getting up and running out of the Great Hall to find Y/N .
“There you are. Ron thought you might be here but I wasn’t sure I should listen to his suggestions this time.” George has been looking all day for the girl, but it seemed impossible. She always managed to find alternative ways to go to class to avoid him but they both knew she couldn’t hide forever. When she didn’t show up for dinner, Ron hinted at Y/N ’s favourite spot. And there they were, right outside one of the greenhouses.
Y/N didn’t have the strength to find an excuse to sneak away. She was exhausted, both mentally and physically after hiding from him all day. At this point, whatever he needed to tell her, she was ready. “What do you need?” she sounded tired and even a little unpolite but she didn’t care. She forced herself to look up at George’s face. Sparkling eyes and a loving smile looking at her. George  
“I’d like to apologize for how I behaved this morning. Alicia and I are not dating, we’re just friends. I actually asked her to help me. That scene this morning was supposed to get some kind of reaction out of you, I never wanted to hurt your feelings.” he stopped to catch his breath. He’d never admit it to anyone but he has been rehearsing this whole speech all day so that he wouldn’t make mistakes. Y/N smiled and nodded weakly, encouraging him to continue. “The thing is that I like you, a lot. And I've tried so hard to make it obvious but it didn’t work. I know I am out of your league. I mean, you’re gorgeous, kind, talented and smart, but I’d be honoured if you’d go out with me”. He couldn’t believe he said that. It was a piece of cake, why didn’t he do it sooner? Silence fell between the two, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. George knew Y/N was thinking it through. He didn’t want to pressure her further and so turned around and mentally prayed that everything would turn out fine.  
“You know, it hurt. A lot. Today I wanted to tell you the very same thing you told me. But what hurt wasn’t the act itself but the fact that I thought I was late to tell you that I liked you.” George turned to face the girl, who was now smiling. “All day, I've wanted to slap myself because of that. It seemed like, the only time I decide to speak clearly about my feelings and overcome my shyness, I get there late. So, it’s me who’d be honoured to go out with you” her smile was wider now. And though it was dark outside, George saw her cheeks turn red. “Friday night it is then. It’s a date.” it was difficult to contain the happiness now. Before he could stop himself, he felt his arms wrap around Y/N’s figure in a tight hug. The girl grinned and reciprocated. “It’s a date, then” she confirmed and lost herself in George’s arms.
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sukiglycerin · 4 years
starless fairy tales || keigo takami, katsuki bakugou.
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* pairing: keigo takami (hawks) x reader x katsuki bakugou (gender neutral!)
* genre: it’s a sandwich: angst on the top, fluff in the middle, and angst at the end :) not fantasy DLKFSF IM SORRY
* words: 5.2k, somehow
* warnings: angsty, reader is wary of hawks at first, tokyo skytree!! so don’t read if you’re terribly afraid of heights, a reference to blood for a small metaphor, a reference to the league of villains ;P, cliffhanger ending that i’m not sure i’ll resolve
* original request from @bien-sur: hey, saw you wanted requests and I read through some of your work, really loved the Hawks one shot!! i’m a sucker for enemies who make out. i’m feeling angsty so uh maybe, if you want, a bakugo one-shot where he kind of uh cheats on the reader...? or maybe just hurts her feelings very badly? maybe the reader feels numb for a while but is comforted by Keigo, and the reader realizes they deserve better? so sorry if this is out of your comfort zone or it’s dark content(?) anyways I like your writing so i’ll read a few more of your works before going to bed :)) thank you, i appreciate u taking the time to do requests regardless of whether you do mine :)
* a/n: ENEMIES TO LOVERS IS SUPERIOR!! i was so excited to write an enemies piece with hawks. this showcases the soft, kind side of hawks so i hope you enjoy it !! thank you sooo much for being so kind in your request! this request is completely fine. i added much more plot than i’d expected, and learned sooo much about tokyo skytree. i couldn’t do infidelity because it hurts me too much and i love bakugou too much. i tried to keep the angst.,., but happy birb..,., this might become a multi-chap fic, as i do have a plot jumbled in my head because of the cliffhanger, and i’d like to develop more aspects of your request! for now, it’s up to your interpretation! biggest thing i got out of this: i now really, really want to go to tokyo skytree.
* synopsis: you had a fairy tale love with bakugou until your prince became the villain for vague reasons. in a moment of serendipity, you find a new prince, hawks, who just might take you high enough to reach the stars you’d so longed for. sometimes your dreams are only a train ride and a couple elevator trips away.
love was like a fairy tale. at least, that’s what you’d believed. love, with its ornate leather cover and soft golden embellishments. the pages would be worn but so cherished; the black ink printed in a pretty font, telling of charming words and whispered promises under the shining moonlight and twinkling stars. it was supposed to be your security, a castle hidden in the lush forest away from the horrors of the world. your castle would hold you and bakugou for an eternity, kept away in the pages of a pretty love story. 
alas, even the strongest of castles fall, and the most beautiful of forests mangle. yours just happened to be a bit quicker. contrary to the illusion bakugou had painted in your fairy tale, your castle was not of stone nor brick nor iron. it was not of anything but sand, waiting for its turn to be washed away by the sea. your castle slipped through your fingers; the once elaborate stronghold now swept into the depths of the cerulean sea. what had once been painted seashells of wondrous hues and crystals that illuminated the night were now pebbles and corroded versions of things that had once been. it had slipped through your fingers so easily without a passing thought; now here you were, in your deserted kingdom, playing the fool. 
like the sand past your fingers, love had once come easy for you and bakugou. it was always there, drifting in the air as you walked or swirling above your heads while you bickered. love was supposed to be easy, like how your hand just fit in bakugou's as if sculpted after many lives with him. love was supposed to be easy, like how bakugou aced his tests in school and nonchalantly taught you math so you wouldn't have to attend cram school. love was supposed to be easy, like how it had been for forever with bakugou. but your fairy tale was now coming to a close, velvet curtains falling and pages turning to dust. 
you wondered if there were any fairy tales on the shelves of books bakugou had. contrary to popular belief at ua, bakugou was an avid reader. it was clear by the shelves that lined the wall in his dorm and the stacks of unread books on his nightstand. you never touched them, though bakugou had said you were free to pick them up whenever you wanted. the only time you’d touched a book from his bookshelf was when he pushed a book of yosano akiko’s to you. 
the colored spines of the books on his shelf in your shared apartment all blurred like paint on a palette as you stared at them, bakugou’s voice becoming a fading afterthought.
“y/n? y/n, please…” the voice which had so held you in its tight warmth went cold and unfamiliar. a light flickered out in your castle, and so started the crumbling.
“say…” you started, your throat clogged with disbelief, “it again.”
“please, don’t make me…” his voice trailed off. you could feel his deep scarlet eyes trained on you. “i just…. i’m not in love with you anymore, y/n.” his voice cracked. “you’ve got to understand. please.”
your hand trembled in your lap, your vision shifting out of focus like a faulty camera. 
“i tried to feel something, i really did. but…. i can’t.”
“how- how long?” your voice shook.
he paused. “a month… or two, by now?” he reached out to take your hand in his, but it no longer felt right. it was as if his hand was no longer yours to hold. you tensed, moving your hand away.
a light went out in his eyes as he understood and receded his hand. a tower fell in your castle.
“okay,” you said, turning away from him. tears dripped down your face silently and you quickly wiped them away with your sleeve. you stood up from the couch. “i’ll get my things,” you hollowly said, walking toward your shared room with him.
“you don’t need to,” bakugou said. the voice emitted from his throat was no longer his, but the shadow of a stranger’s. “not this fast, at least. don’t force yourself.”
“what makes you say that?” you snapped a bit too harshly. “sorry,” you added quietly.
packing your things was a numbing process. you left the photos of him and you on his nightstand, on top of his pile of unread books. you shoved it all in a backpack you had lying around; your clothes, your phone, your books. you took one last glance around the room and left. bakugou was still sitting on the couch wordlessly, not bothering to say farewell to you as you opened the door and walked out. not that you would’ve responded anyway. 
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you realized you may have made a miscalculation as you stood cluelessly in the lobby of the apartment building. you had nowhere to go. you fumbled with your phone in your backpack and pulled up your contacts. you knew of no one in your contacts who’d let you stay; they were either on vacation or far away. in truth, bakugou was your closest friend since childhood. he was your map, your guide, your destination; where were you without him?
the wind brushed your cheek as you stood outside the entrance, watching cars pass. the world felt so big compared to the mere side character of you, who buildings loomed over like menacing shadows. it was a somewhat comforting moment, being an alone speck in the grand scheme of things. like this, it was for only a moment you’d forgotten why you were out here in the first place. you’d forgotten the warm feeling that once nestled itself in your heart, instead enraptured by the freeing breeze that rustled in it. 
red. then a breeze. that’s all you saw, eyes widening and stepping back. a man no older than you stood in front of you, hands in his pockets. vermillion wings protruded from somewhere on his back, arcing slightly over the man.
“heyyy….” he said lazily, shadows falling on his face. you started walking backward, hands discreetly feeling for the door behind you. “wait! i’m a pro-hero, i swear! i’m hawks, look it up!” he lifted his hands up in surrender, backing away from you. 
“who…. what do you want?” you asked cautiously, hand on the doorknob behind you. 
he sheepishly scratched the back of his head, laughing nervously. “i, uh…. got lost…. tokyo’s such a big place, y’know?”
“where are you from?” you couldn’t really discern anything of an accent on him, other than a slightly rougher tone of speaking.
“kyushu, fukuoka…” he gestured vaguely. that explained the slight accent. “i’m in tokyo for a bit of work. business trip, y’know how it goes. haven’t visited tokyo in a while, honestly. what’s a good place for a bite? a bird is starving.”
“uh… there’s a place down the street to the right…” off the top of your head, you pointed out a cafe you and bakugou had frequented. 
“it doesn’t have chicken wings, does it?” hawks asked.
“chicken…?” you looked from him to his wings. “no, sorry.”
“don’t sweat it! ‘s fine. hey, i might as well treat you for wasting your time. where’re you heading off to? i could pay for a cab, if you gotta go.”
“ah, thank you....” you said bashfully. “i’m not really in a rush anywhere.”
“really?” he looked excited, innocently so, almost like a puppy. “can i treat you to something?”
“uh… sure,” you replied, strengthening your grip on your backpack. “sure.” 
“great! off we go, m’liege!” he pointed toward the cafe and started marching. he was a sight to behold on the street, red wings standing out a mile away. you followed somewhat reluctantly, grabbing your phone to google exactly who the pro-hero “hawks” was. the name sounded vaguely familiar, but you weren’t one who knew their heroes. yeah, it was definitely him; what was your luck, meeting such a famous pro-hero on the street after being dumped by the love of your life?
he hummed a tuneless melody, turning to the cafe. he held the doorknob waiting for you, opening the door for you first. the homey cafe was decently packed for lunchtime, the quiet chatter of people filling the atmosphere. the scene reminded you of so many other times you'd gone here with bakugou; it gave you chills as you stood next to hawks. 
"hey," hawks said quietly. "you okay? you seem tense." 
you gulped and shook your head. "nah, i'm fine. just thinking about what to eat," you lied. 
he nodded, seeming to buy into the lie. stepping toward the menu, he said, "the toasted sandwiches look good."
"uh huh," you agreed absentmindedly. your attention was on the bout of people who'd turned to look at hawks, some snapping pictures on their phones. he did stand out pretty well with his wings. 
"'scuse me-!" a little girl, no more than 6 or 7, approached the hero. she had a distinctive accent; it was slightly hard to understand her. "can i 'ave a photo with ya?" her eyes got all round. "yer my big brother's favorite hero!"
 "'course, darlin'," hawks smiled. his voice somewhat mimicked hers, his dialect becoming apparent. 
once he'd taken a photo with her, more and more people started following suit, crowding him. you stood awkwardly to the side. some people didn't even know who he was, from what you could tell. you debated ordering a latte and leaving, but decided it'd be unfair to hawks. he was kind to everyone he interacted with, unlike most celebrities who just wanted fame and disregarded others.
after some time, the crowd finally dispersed, leaving you and hawks together. 
he glanced at his watch. “ah, sorry, that took a while…” he apologized. “do you have somewhere to be? i must’ve held you up…”
“nah, don’t worry about it.” you waved him off. “i, uh, actually… was just dumped by my boyfriend…” you nervously shuffled your feet. “i don’t really have a place to stay at the moment… so i’m free the entire day, i guess.” you laughed nervously.
he blinked at you, bird-like eyes wide. “you must be starving.”
you felt your face warm and you laughed - this time, a real, genuine laugh that was a missed sensation against your tongue. “yeah. yeah, i am.”
“hey, dove.” his voice suddenly got close to you, gentler. “you’re crying.”
“oh…?” you felt your cheek with the pad of your thumb. “sorry. i have tissues in my backpack, hang on…” you unzipped the front pocket and started to rummage blindly through your belongings, groping for something vaguely feeling like a packet of tissues.
“here,” he said, handing you a tissue. you turned to him gratefully, accepting the tissue and wiping your face. 
“it’s just… weird,” you said after a pause. “he’s been there all my life - my ex, i mean.” ex. such a strange name for the man you so adored; ex, crossing off the relationship you thought you’d built with him. 
hawks nodded, guiding you to a booth in the cafe. 
you continued, “sorry. you probably didn’t want to hear this today… you’re busy with your hero duties and whatnot.”
“don’t worry ‘bout it, feather,” he reassured you. “he didn’t kick you out, did he?”
“oh, no,” you clarified quickly. “i… left,” you said, abashed. “i shouldn’t’ve been so sudden, but… it was an instinct thing.”
“why’d he do it so suddenly?” hawks asked. “you didn’t see it coming, right?”
“no, i didn’t… but maybe i should’ve…” you think about the part couple months with bakugou. nothing seemed different - you’d gone on dates like normal and spent time together like a couple that loved each other. his interest in you never faltered and nor did the sparkle in his eyes dull; what had happened? what had gone so wrong? 
you realize the silence that’s fallen between you and hawks. the hero was looking at the menu behind you intently. 
“ham and cheese…” he muttered to himself. “no, teriyaki… so yummy… with coffee…” he suddenly seemed aware of your eyes staring at him. “oh, what did you want to eat?”
“i’ll probably have the teriyaki,” you said. it was your go-to sandwich choice at the cafe. you reached for your backpack to retrieve your wallet, but hawks stopped you.
“let me,” he said. “i already caused you so much inconvenience.” 
“ah, okay…” you said meekly. “thank you.”
he shrugged. “what wouldja like to drink?”
“uh… orange juice,” you said. 
“alright!” he saluted you. “your wish is my command.” he got up to order, pulling out his wallet from his pocket. the cashier was particularly animated talking to him, initiating a conversation about aerodynamics with the pro-hero from what you could hear. 
he returned with the sandwiches (made at the fastest time you swore you’d seen them prepare food) and set yours in front of you. 
“let’s dig in!” hawks said, biting into his sandwich. you agreed, taking a bite of yours as well. 
“what’s your name, by the way?” he said in between bites. “i don’t think i ever asked.”
“y/n,” you said.
“pretty,” he commented. “i’m hawks.”
“i know,” you blurted. “i googled it.”
“you did?” his pupils widened. “what’d it say??”
“uhh…” you pulled out your phone, finding the tab you used to google hawks. you turned your screen to him.
he studied the screen. “not fond of that angle,” he mused to himself. “so, why’d your boyfriend dump you?” 
you were taken aback by his candor. “he… said he didn’t love me anymore,” you admitted.
“all of a sudden? out of the blue?”
you shook your head. “he said he’d tried to endure it for a while.”
“how long?”
“a month or two,” you sighed, thinking about the sight of him sitting dejectedly on the couch this morning.
“he didn’t say anything before that?” hawks gasped. “the nerve. how long have you been together?”
“four… or five years now?” you’d been dating him since your days at ua, even when most high school romances - between childhood friends, no less - were especially rocky. he was your promised forever. 
“and he gives up after two months?” hawks set his sandwich down. “wow. some boyfriend.”
“i think there was something more to it,” you said thoughtfully. “we’ve known each other for a long…”
“you still love him, don’t you?”
“i mean… yeah….” you hadn’t given it much thought; bakugou was a habit your heart couldn’t stop thinking about. it was like depriving your heart of oxygen: foreign and wrong. “i do.”
“i’m sorry, dove,” he said. 
“your sandwich will get cold,” you said in an attempt to divert the conversation topic.
“you’re right.” he picked up his sandwich and started eating again, eyes still on you. “this place has good food.”
you hummed in agreement, distracted by the cars going by outside the window. 
“where will you stay?” he asked, halfway done with his sandwich.
hawks voiced the concern plaguing your subconscious from the moment you stepped out of bakugou’s apartment building. it was definitely not the most thoroughly well-thought out plan, and you didn’t want to come back knocking on his door in the night. besides, you weren’t sure if you could stand being there again, in the presence of a liar and someone who felt so foreign to you. you wondered how much you truly didn’t know about bakugou; were there any other lies he’d blossomed behind your back? 
you knew you might be able to stay at a hotel for a couple nights, but not for long. going back to bakugou’s place… as much as you so dreaded the mere thought, you knew it might be your absolute last resort. 
“i’m not sure,” you finally replied truthfully. hawks appeared to have come to a conclusion of sorts.
“tell ya what,” he said, leaning forward slightly. “explore tokyo with me.” he took a bite of his sandwich. continuing, he said, “‘s not often the commission puts me in the big city. i’m off today, so…”
the offer was somewhat bizarre, but what did you have to lose? you agreed, under the terms you wouldn’t be out too late. as you walked out the door, you greeted the cool outside breeze with the hope this would help you put the past behind you.
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walking through tokyo with a pro-hero proved harder than it sounded. for one, people kept approaching hawks; after all, he was like a walking light-up sign that said “LOOK AT ME!” with the size and color of his wings. after every time a fan asked hawks for an autograph, he sheepishly apologized to you, and offered two autographs to you. you always laughed and declined; the trip was a reward in itself, you supposed. each acquaintance made you appreciate all the responsibilities of a pro-hero. he was charming, though. he really was, so you didn’t mind.
“skytree! let’s go there!” was the first thing hawks had said walking out of the cafe. you’d been to the skytree a couple of times in your childhood, and it was a nice memory; the tall building stretching, touching the tip of the sky. your parents had told you that stardust flecked the very top of the skytree, for it was so tall. you’d never actually reached the highest floor; it felt like a distant fantasy, as you’d always get tired before reaching the top or circumstance would interfere.
it was a five minute walk to the nearest station, and it’d be another forty or so to skytree. hawks didn’t seem to mind, though, happily promenading down the street like a kid in a candy shop. he pointed excitedly to random buildings that you hadn’t given a second thought about and rambled about the facts he knew about skytree with an accent tingeing his words more than usual. he reminded you very much so of a child going on a field trip, and his giddiness only boosted yours.
“we’re here!” his eyes glistened with anticipation when you reached the station. you’d visited the station dozens of times, but looked at it with a new light when you realized how excited hawks was. “i’ll pay; i dragged you here,” he said immediately when you started to pay for tickets. 
“really, i can’t-” you started, but he cut you off.
“let me. it’s my off day! please.” he took the two tickets he paid for. “here.”
“i don’t really have a choice, do i?”
“nope!” he was already walking away, smiling back at you and waving his ticket.
“hey- wait!” you started running after him. “wrong way!”
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forty minutes later, two transfers, and one circle around the station in pursuit of skytree, you stood at the entrance of the tokyo skytree. hawks’ mouth watered at the sight of the line of restaurants in the breezeway you’d passed prior, and you had to stop him from ordering the seasonal special from mcdonald’s before turning to skytree. 
“but you just ate!” you exclaimed as he stared longingly at the ice cream being advertised on a poster. 
he pouted. “but i’m hungry…”
you took his hand (which momentarily shocked him) and guided him to the entrance. it was a bit crowded, but not overtly so. hawks was looking everywhere once you’d entered; darting from here to there, sometimes carrying small souvenirs or drinks when returning to you. you were out of energy by the time you’d reached floor 340, though hawks told you there were only 29 floors total and the name was referencing the height. it certainly didn’t feel like an exaggeration, your feet dragging on the ground as you stepped out of the oddly fast elevator. 
you begged hawks to let you rest at the cafe you saw. the cafe felt like a little oasis of tranquility, uncrowded on contrary to the other floors. it was relaxing as you stared outside the window and up at the sky. it brought you to your parents words of stars and magic, though something as modern as the skytree must be strange to intermingle with magic. in the moment you were suspended; the still sky surrounding you and the ever-moving cars below. you swore you could just reach the clouds in front of you and float, so serenely in an eternal bubble of quietude to yourself. everything else was forgotten in that moment; things were the way they always were. it was always you, in the end.
after leaving the cafe, you watched people stand on glass flooring overlooking everything below. some jumped on the glass, while some frightenedly stuck a foot on the glass and jumped back. 
“quite the view, huh?” hawks mumbled with a mouth stuffed full with chocolate cake. “i usually have to fly so far to get this view.”
you nodded. “it’s amazing...” 
“so… where d’you wanna go after this?” he asked you. 
“actually…” your thoughts went back to the stories your parents told you. “can we go up to floor 455?”
he showed a hint of surprise on his face. “really? i know we bought the tickets to do it, but if you’re tired, we can just go down.”
“no…” you cleared your throat. “it’s been something i really wanted to do.”
he took this answer and smiled, grasping your hand. “let’s walk into the sky!”
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the train ride back did not go as smoothly as you hoped. the adrenaline of being 450 meters in the air had worn itself out, and the pitting realization that bakugou was no longer yours dawned on you. the sapphire sky in your fairy tale story seemed so far now, stars shattering and crumbling. you reached for a piece of a star, but each piece dissolved above your head, light that would never reach you. 
“feather,” hawks said quietly. the intense look in his eyes looked like he was building up to something important. 
“yeah?” you asked. you fixated on him.
“do you want… a badtz-maru eraser?”
you stared at the spiky-haired penguin in the palm of hawks’ hand. 
“sure…?” you said. hawks happily plopped the eraser into your hand. 
“feather,” he said again in the same tone. “you should visit bakugou, you know. tonight, to make things straight with him.”
that was what he was building up to. bakugou. you hadn’t dwelled much on the thought of the man; the skytree filling most of your thoughts for the day. but it was still light out.
“i know,” you replied softly, looking down at your fingers. these were the hands that held your heart as you gave it to bakugou, the hands that bakugou held tenderly for so many days and nights. they were the same hands that held your heart now, returned by bakugou shattered and clinking to the ground. the rest of the train ride was silent.
you could now hear your thoughts echoing around the train compartment, deflecting off walls and still making their way to your heart. you wondered what words were left unsaid by bakugou, painful truths untold hidden in the recesses of his heart. you wondered if he remembered how he’d first nervously asked you on a date in high school, words rough but fingers softly fidgeting with each other. it was in may, near the end of the day. he shoved a small box of chocolates towards you, muttering something about “weird hair” making him do it. he’d aggressively stuttered his way through a confession, barely making eye contact with you. the memory brought a fluttering to your heart, but with it came a sore pain for the first time. you wondered if he felt the same or if he was just numb, like how he now felt about you. what did it feel like to fall out of love? 
you wondered if he remembered the many times he’d walked you home (only for your sake, of course, not anything else). you wondered if he remembered how fondly he looked at you then. his heart was on his sleeve during those times, the perpetual blush on his cheeks disclosing his very vulnerable feelings towards you. 
even on the most draining of days, bakugou would always be there for you. even if his eyelids were closing upon their own accord and legs were sore from a day’s work, he made it a point to be there for you. while children might’ve had their security blankets, you had bakugou. your heart dropped realizing those days of coming home to bakugou were gone.
what had happened? now, you were alone on a train that felt so cold and without the love that had so warmed your heart. why had things ended up like this? why did you numb bakugou’s feelings so? the wave was slow at first, but once it had reached the shore, your tears fell hot and unyielding as you toppled off the edge of being okay.
hawks was by your side wordlessly, a wing around you and leaning you close to him. the feathers were soft. you cried unabashedly in his embrace, sniffling as he soothed you. you tried to say thank you, but all that came out was another sob.
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your feet, on instinct, took you to bakugou's apartment without any problem. it could’ve been any other day; you, coming back to the apartment after running errands. it was your hand that hesitated as it hovered an inch away from the wood of the door, the only sign that something had changed. you liked to pretend it hadn’t. you wished that when you’d open the door, you’d hear a light chatter from the tv and a familiar voice saying, “welcome home, idiot.” you wished that the air that enveloped you as soon as you opened the door was that of liveliness and comfort, of warm orange and yellow hues. you wished that the atmosphere didn’t feel so dead, dull, and musty; you wish it hadn’t drowned in shades of blue and gray. you wished you didn’t have the key to the apartment still.
you wished that bakugou would say something, anything, rather than sit on the couch with his head bowed. you wished that you didn’t miss him so much and that you had him, all at the same time. you wished you turned back as soon as you heard the knob click and pushed open the door; you wished not to see all that you had in what was once your apartment.
you wished you didn’t revel in his presence next to you on the couch. you wished you didn’t almost lean into his touch because he was your home, and you wished your eyes didn’t well up the way they had. you wished to have sat in that silence for a while then up and gone; you wished he hadn’t said anything at all.
“hey, idiot,” was a cracky and raspy thing coming out of his mouth, words familiar but so foreign at the same time.
“hey,” was what you whispered back, quiet enough for only you to hear.
“where’d you go?” but it wasn’t a question, just a fragile plea devoid of hope.
“skytree,” and you felt you’d break the mood.
“did you reach the top?” his response surprised and killed you at the same time.
“yeah,” you said quietly. “i did.”
“i could never alone.”
“met a pro-hero by chance.”
“your true hero, huh?” it was a bitter tone, venom biting you.
“no,” and your heart sunk because it was the truth.
he scoffed. getting up from the couch, he said, “you forgot something.”
your eyes followed him as he disappeared into your once shared room. he returned quite fast, as if you’d left it on the dresser, carrying a decorated shoebox. you’d almost forgotten about it entirely, eyes wide as nostalgia hit you. 
it was a memory box you’d made the last year of high school. it was supposed to be for school memories, but it really just became a box of mementos of bakugou. you could barely see the contents inside, too busy trying to hold back the tears in your eyes. you thumbed through photos and polaroids of you and him, some with his friends and some with yours. oh, what you’d give to have those times back. though it was all blurred, you could feel the moments so vividly: feel the cool summer breeze and hear the sound of people conversing with each other at a festival; hear mina’s excited ramblings and bakugou’s grumbling at the supermarket; smell caramel and vanilla at a movie night, pressed against bakugou’s body warmth. you dropped the photos back into the box and picked up a scorched pencil. a pressed rose. a neatly folded sheet of notes you’d sent back and forth with bakugou during class. 
and then it was all gone, shutting the box.
“keep it.” you regretted the words as soon as they left your lips, but you wouldn’t take them back. you handed him the box, staring at the floor and wiping your wet eyes. the memories were no longer yours to keep.
bakugou was silent, taking the box and leaving to his room to put it away. 
“is that all?” you tried to make your voice sound strong, impatient. like you had better places to be without him. you hoped he couldn’t tell how it was more of a beg to stay.
“yeah.” cold. emotionless.
you stood for another second, looking around. everything seemed different, as if the glass which surrounded your universe had shattered. “bye, katsuki.”
your footsteps were light, but each step felt weighed by metal weights. you wished he stopped you from leaving. you wished you looked back at him. you wished you weren’t crying.
you shut the door quietly, weakly, behind you. it all came out in the hallway, tears and desperate sobs. you prayed he couldn’t hear you; but you knew, even if he did, he wouldn’t care anymore. he was numbed, no longer the firework you’d known.
“hawks,” it came as a quiet plea as you felt for your phone and dialed his number. he gave it to you right before you walked into bakugou’s apartment.
“please pick up, please pick up,” you muttered, trying to wipe the tears from your cheeks as quickly as they came.
“hey, birdie? are you okay?”
“hawks,” you sobbed. “hawks, no, i’m not.” 
“hey, are you still at the apartment building? i’ll be right there, chickadee, alright?”
you nodded, sniffed, then said meekly, “yeah.”
“stay on the line. talk to me, birdie.” his voice was soothing.
“hawks, it hurts, everything.” you felt as though you were pouring out your heart, spilling scarlet on the carpet. “hawks.” tears dropped onto the carpet. “hawks.” your knees almost gave in.
“what floor are you on, dove?”
“third,” you hiccupped. 
“i’m right there, feather.” you saw hawks emerge from the stairwell. his hair looked windblown. he looked relieved to see you at first, then his face fell to that of sympathy. “oh, birdie,” he said softly, running up to you. “i’m here now.’
you weren’t aware bakugou was listening to you cry on the other side of the door as you sobbed into someone else’s shoulder, not his. with dark eyes and trembling hands he couldn’t calm, he dialed a number on his phone.
“well, tomura? i did it.”
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belleta · 3 years
The Forest - Part One
Consists: Supernatural, SKZ as different SN creatures, adventure, romance, drama, action, ......still trying to figure out all the details....lol XD
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"Come on Y/N!", I was racing around the house. Trying to make sure I had everything for this trip. "Omg Y/N, let's GO~!" I swear to the universe she's going to thank me later. " I'm coming child!" I screamed back. Alrighty I just need my retainer. I bounded up the stairs and glided down the hallway with my cotton socks. Bursting into my room, I quickly scanned it for the sparkly emerald case. I caught sight of it out of the corner of my eye, "Boom!" I ran forward and snatched it off my windowsill. While leaping for my door, I paused and turned back to what I call my sanctuary. Call me paranoid but I'm kinda afraid of camping in the middle of the woods. Ever since I watched "The Blair Witch Project", I've been creeped.
It doesn't help that Jazzy forced us to watch the film, previous to this morning. I was drifting in the fairy floss clouds of my mind when a loud honk poured water on them. I sucked in a breath, blowing raspberries. Padding back over to my bedside, I grabbed my Ice Bear plushie. Giving it a quick squeeze and finally deciding that he's coming with me. Galloping back through the house, I made it out, locked the door and hopped in the back seat like a spring rabbit. "What took you so long?" I gazed up through my fringe at my girl bestie Jazmine. She had long beautiful honey blonde hair, and a mousy nose. Her blue eyes were alike with pebbles under a lake, with cheeks connected by a dash of light freckles. "I swear I just aged waiting for you" and Danny, our guy bestie. I've been best friends with Danny, since 3rd grade. Jazzy moved over during the 5th grade. All three of us have been with each other through thick and thin. Daniel was Hawaiian Japanese descent, had perfect colorful nails and absolutely gorgeous eye makeup. We were all dressed in casual, comfy clothes for the trip. Jazmine, or Jazzy as people call her, as the oldest. She was driving Danny's dad's truck. It was spacious and definitely was fit for the environment. Danny, second eldest was in shotgun and I, being the "baby", was in the back. "I was just making sure I have everything." The two rolled their eyes. Danny looked back at me "Girl, you need to chill. We've got everything and more" the boy stated. "I know, I know.....I'm just paranoid, you know.....being in the woods for a week" I looked down at my feet and played with my fingers to cover my embarressedness. "Awww, is the baby scared", Jazzy giggled, imitating a child. I swatted at her, "Let's just...finally go" I grumbled, reaching inside my bag to pull out my headphones. "Fine" they answered teasingly. While Jazzy was pulling out, I fastened myself and slid my headphones on. Bluetoothing them and unlocking my phone, I scrolled through my YouTube Music playlist finding the one named 'Bell Mix'. After that, I went back to the truffula trees and fairy floss. Just listening to my music and thinking about things. There were a couple times, where I thought I might get sick, but I had remembered my motion sickness bracelets. In your face! It's better to set out a little later, rather than having our vehicle reeking of my insides. 2 or 3 hours went by, or something. I'm not really sure, my brain doesn't really have a sense of time when I'm inside of it. We stopped to use the bathroom, get food and fuel at a gas station, maybe 2 hours away from the forest. "Can I, can I, can I, can I PLEASE?!?" I had been begging Jazzy to let me buy a bag of Haribo for 10 minutes now, and she was starting to break. I'm very persuasive as you find out, and I happen to be a very prominent weakness to many throughout my life. She finally gave in and I bounced away to the candy isle with glee and happily picked out a bag, promising to share. Jazzy just rolled her eyes and paid for our things. We trotted back to the car and continued our journey. It was nearing the end of 2pm when we finally arrived at the edge of the forest. It's lushes were absolutely perfectly splendid. The road continued for a hot minute, until it gave away to dirt and rocks. We didn't want to stray too far from the dirt road, so we slowly kept moving in until I suddenly exclaimed at the sight of a pretty little clearing. It had a few little bushes marking the edges, thick but soft looking grass, and a little dirt patch at one side that should be perfect for a firepit. We pulled over to take a look around, flattening a few bushes in the process. As soon as the truck came to a stop I shoved the door open and sprung down onto the flourishing forest floor. The first thing I did was take a deep breath to soak in the sweet scent of the untouched earth. I reached up, stretching and cracking a few of my bones in the process. Then I raced through the trees and undergrowth, toward the beautiful glade. It felt so nice to get away from civilization, I had always loved
getting away like this. Being able to recharge away from annoying people and sounds, my fears of the night were long forgotten. I was two steps away from the grass when I suddenly tripped over something. Tumbling forward and scratching my cheek. I landed on my face, but on the bright side it was luckily with no rocks around. The dirt however spared me at nothing, crawling into my fresh scrapes, was a sharp and quick stinging as I grabbed my face. "Seriously Y/N, we haven't even completely left the car yet and you've already managed to hurt yourself" Jazzy declared. Danny chimed in, "Did you hurt yourself at all?". Quickly inspecting myself, I responded "Yes, a tiny bit on my cheek, hands and knees", I could hear them muttering to themselves about how reckless I was sometimes. They started toward me and as I waited for them to catch up, I decided to look around and figure out where to put things for these next few days. While ogling the decently wide stretch that was conveniently shielded by a mighty sugar maple. I thought I saw something in the undergrowth a few meters away from me. I grabbed my glasses and narrowed my eyes, but right when I thought I saw whatever it was, two flashes shot in the opposite direction between the ferns and disappeared. They were kinda hidden but I could sorta make out one of the shapes was darker and slightly bigger. The other was a little bit easier but still was difficult, it was kinda brown, or maybe reddish? At that moment I felt two hands on my shoulders, "Let me see", it was Jazzy. She inspected my injury. "It'll be fine, just wash it off", "Okie-Dokie-Artichokie", she laughed and ruffled my hair. I gazed back at where I saw the two shapes but not even the bushes were still moving. "Hey!" I cocked my head back to the voice "Can you help me?" Danny was struggling to unpack from the back. "Sure thing Danny-O" I quickly stood up, maybe a little too quick. My vision went funny and I almost stumbled. "Oh my god Y/N! Be careful!" Jazzy scolded, "My bad!" I was a little all over the place at the moment. Finally we were on this trip! I mean, I waited 6 months for this and it's finally here! I'm not all childish, I'm actually very 4D. I'm just really excited okay? I more carefully walked back to the truck, where Danny was struggling to keep ahold of what appeared to be the tent. Over the course of the next hour and a half we set up everything. Goofing around and laughing. Danny had been pulling too hard on our sleeping bags, to wedge them out of the trunk. And had accidentally fallen onto the slightly wet dirt, causing a very prominent brown streak across his gray sweatpants and sky blue tie dye hoodie. I was currently on my way to find the stream that is supposably close by, with a screenshot of google maps and a compass. Service wasn't exactly a 5 star out here, but I didn't mind too much. I brought a portable WiFi router with me, so if Jason Vorhees just decided to pull one, we could call for help. Every so often I would hang a wooden heart ornament on one of the tree's branches, so if this was the correct way then we would never get lost. Also so that I didn't get lost right now. I had been making these last night, for these exact reasons. I swear only dumb people don't mark their surroundings, this is one of the main reasons why people disappear and are never found or get lost. There are no traces of where they've been, like these fruit loops really-...... After about another 20 meters I started hearing the sounds of water. It became louder and louder really quickly. Is there a waterfall here? I pondered, while quickening my pace with curiosity. 35 seconds later I came across a thinning in the trees and beyond a clear water stream. I finally broke out of the shelter provided from the thick leaves, the sun kissed my skin with it's warm touch. I looked around and sure enough, there was a small waterfall that looked straight out of a fairytale. It had multiple uneven levels, with smoothed boulders everywhere. And to top it all off, it had little water plants scattered around it. Absolutely
beautiful.... I scanned around and spotted a few giant boulders poking into the stream. I carefully picked my way over to them, clutching onto Danny's muddy clothes. Hopping onto the sunlight warmed stones, I positioned myself perfectly so that I could reach the water but wouldn't fall in. I reached into my pocket for my zip lock of natural soap, of course I didn't want to hurt this literally untouched land. I leaned down to dunk the fabric into the stream's crystal-like water and kneaded the brown smudge. It was decently cold, just perfect for a stream. I turned back to the small bag with a green bar wrapped with brown paper and a little herb decoration. I unzipped it and reached for a tiny hand towel I brought with me so that I would have a better grip on the soap, even if I got wet. After dunking the clothes in I took the bar of soap and swiped it all over. I dipped it into the water once to help the bubble come, then I started aggressively rubbing it. Once the outfit was foaming with suds, I slapped it into the brook. Holding onto the sleeve I rub it harshly all over to get the stains out. It was relatively still easy because the events of cause were only moments before. I was starting to disappear into my thoughts, getting deeper and deeper and deeper....... And just then a crash and from the trees, followed by snarls and barks. I was so lost in my thought that this jolted me into the canal. The water suddenly became ice cold, my scream had been washed away. A surge of water filled my lungs from the way my mouth was open to yelp. I could still hear the sounds of fighting every so often, when I would surface. My head was hurting, my skin was stinging and my lungs were screaming. Someone.....please help..... It was hurting so much, I was trying not to panic. So I could find the surface and get back to shore. I would break through it's crisp arctic clutches every so often and would cry out for help but then get cut off by the now frosty darkness. I was giving up to the stream and submitting to the coldness. Letting it swallow me whole. I was numb, I couldn't feel my body being thrown around anymore, Is this how my story ends? No! I don't want to! I still have things to do! I need to graduate, and find my passion! I need to find a man who will love me as much as I do! I need to birth young and care for them! I want to grow old with my partner happily! I can't die yet! I just can't! But it was just so cold. I had stopped moving violently, so I guess I had been poured into a lake or something. I didn't care anymore. My blood felt frozen, I couldn't even bend a finger. That's when I felt a force near me, it parted the waters. Moving me in a different direction with its power. Then not long after I felt something grab hold of me in an awkward way. I was starting to be pulled into another direction, as the water streamed around, parting to let me and whatever that was saving me through. Then I broke through the surface and that was the last thing I felt before slipping into a comfy unconsciousness.
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writerwrites · 4 years
Little Town Street
Pairing: Andy Barber x Reader
Summary: A college fling with Andy Barber is rekindled when you move back to Boston and you’re both single. 
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: Smut 18+, language, tinge of angst, Defending Jacob spoilers / all the warnings that would go along with the series, fleeting mentions of divorce and bad breakups
A/N: *THIS IS A ONE SHOT* This is the Week 3 prompt to the Optimistic Captain Donut Challenge created by @captainchrisbaby, @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho , and @donutloverxo​ || The Week 3 Prompt was based on  All Too Well by Taylor Swift || I’m only 3 months late, minimum || Fall dividers by @firefly-graphics​
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Boston. Your heart raced just thinking about getting back to the place you went to college. The glide of the tassel across your cap and the memories of late night conversations over pizza and beer while elbow deep in a tort. You’d loved the smell of law books and the haze of the green lamps on the library’s oversized and ancient oak desks. The magic of that place was lost on you while you were there, as was the magic of the few relationships you managed to establish while getting your law degree. But here you were, the little suburban town just out of the city, boxes piling up in the empty living room as you settled into your newly single life at a small firm that liked your big New York City success. This was a needed change after a painful breakup. This was your clean break.
Covered in sweat with your hair in a messy top bun, tank top slithering up the steep curves of your soft sides while the sun kissed the back of your bronzed skin, you heard a honk at the intersection in front of your house. The unexpected sound jolted you and the heavy box of books slipped from your fingers and landed on your foot. Hopping to the steps of your new brick home, you looked over at the intersection. It was a near-accident that was the cause of the ruckus. Both cars now at a standstill at the center of the four-way intersection. It took a minute for you to process the shock as you rubbed at your aching foot, but there he was, thick brown hair and bright blue eyes looking at you through the windshield of a black Audi A6. Andy Barber.
With such a public court case and the subsequent car accident, every news-viewing American knew who he was and knew a little too much about him. The problem was that while you’d sat in your own office in the Big Apple, trying to put yourself in Andy’s shoes, you watched a person you once knew in a new light and while your now-ex kept bringing up the commentary of obvious guilt, you couldn't help but sympathize with the collapse of his life. It was too easy for you to slip into the heartache of a family stalked and ruined, a person left so completely exposed and judged by everyone that you’d trusted. It was, after all, why you’d left New York. It was a miracle you’d gotten your fresh start, the Barbers certainly didn’t. You could picture it, but you never speculated, never stayed on the channel when the case came on. Every fiber of your being couldn’t look at him, not because of what broadcasters said but because of the too real memories of a love lost.
You were the one that ended the stare-off, your foot aching more with every passing second. Jaw clenched and lips pressed into a line, you were just about to convince yourself that there was no way Andy Barber, your biggest competition in college and your first love, was outside your new home… and then you heard him say your name. God, it always sounded so good coming from his mouth. The last time you’d heard it he was asking you not to go, drunk outside the bar you’d had your first date telling you that what you two had was bigger than the careers ahead. He didn’t see the tears streaming down your face once you turned away to get in your cab. Maybe, after all this time, he thought you didn’t hear him scream your name.
When you opened your eyes Andy was there at the bottom of your driveway on that little town street, brows knit together with concern as he locked his car that was perfectly parked on the steep driveway like he’d done it a million times. “Don’t look so worried about me, Andrew. You’re the one who just nearly crashed a bajillion dollar car.”
He laughed, despite noticing how you’d used his full name like you two were standing on opposite ends of a courtroom- and maybe you were. But that laugh, the warmth of it wrapped you up and you were thrown back through the magic and memories of that romance once more. The plaid shirts you stole in the middle of the night to run to the kitchen for a midnight snack. Your skin was covered in goosebumps despite the heat as you remembered how Andy had peeled you out of his shirts to warm you back up with his skin on yours, the metal of the fridge pressed to your back. Every moment with him was crystal clear in your mind the smells of autumn and taste of cider and beer when your tongues met, the feeling of his beard scratching your thighs, and... It took his hands on your chin to pull you out of the pain and want of those happier days that you’d ignorantly run from scared of settling. “Are you sure the box didn’t land on your pretty little head?”
The sound that passed your lips was practically a damn purr, you mentally cursed him for pulling it out of you with familiar ease. Opening your eyes to look up at him, you wondered if the emotions of that tumultuous relationship sat at the forefront of his mind too and if it was written on your face. “Nope, definitely landed on my foot.” Swallowing at the sandpaper in your throat, you looked at the swollen discolored mess. “You didn’t have to see if I was okay.”
“First, yeah, I did. It’s been fifteen or sixteen years since I’ve seen you. Second, I saw you hop over here clutching your foot. I can’t leave a wounded deer on the side of the road, can I?” His hands were stubbornly placed on his hips and that’s when you noticed the pale indent of a missing wedding band on his left hand’s ring finger. His blue eyes followed your gaze and he rubbed at the spot like he’d not gotten used to the absence of the cool metal. A similar thin, faded line from a discarded engagement ring on your matching finger. “I guess we’ve both been through it.”
Offering him a small smile, he helped you up and as Andy’s strong hands clutched your waist you wondered if he’d remembered just how ticklish the space between your ribs and hip were when he was careful to not touch you there. When you grabbed at the perfectly tailored coat trying to hop around the man let out an amused grumble and scooped you up. “Aren’t we a little old for grand gestures?” Your head rolled back as you laughed and he turned to get you through the door without smacking your injured foot on the frame. “Jesus are you hitting the gym and benching thick girls, Barber?”
The laughter filling the house was only amplified by his unceremonious dropping of you onto the love seat. The crooked smile looking down at you made you melt. That look, it was a drug that you’d had you first taste of in a mock trial, when he knew he’d won his case and looked back at you in the seats behind him, taking notes. “Other than the box on the lawn, are there any more?”
“You don’t have to..”
“But I’m going to and I want to. Besides, you can’t.” Andy was already pulling off his coat, loosening his tie, and buttoning his shirt before you could protest... not that you were capable of it. He bit his lip when he caught sight of you drinking him in. The slacks and the undershirt that clung to him. “Like what you see?”
“It’s rude.” You stated matter of fact, gesturing to all of him. Andy raised his hands as if to apologize, heading to the door to get to work. Closing your eyes, you could perfectly picture that one picture of the two of you at your graduation. Inadvertently, you mumbled to yourself. “I miss looking that damn good.”
If your eyes hadn’t been closed maybe you would’ve seen the way he froze in the doorway, biting his tongue before stepping out. It wasn’t until you heard the hefty thunk of a box on the hardwood floor that you peaked your eyes open. A clear sheen of sweat glistened on his brow and you bit your lip, the heat running over your body was hardly from moving boxes or the summer heat pouring in the front door. “Please tell me the rest of it isn’t boxes of books, Legal Beagle.”
Scoffing at the old nickname you sighed, “Nope, it’s just bottles of wine and liquor and pictures. The remnants that I didn’t want to break or misplace in the moving truck that came a few days ago.”
“You’ve been here for days and you didn’t call.” His tone was surprisingly wounded.
“Well, Legal Eagle, you didn’t exactly shoot me an email either.” Andy’s eyes burned into you when you used his old nickname back, but you couldn’t decipher what that look really meant. Before you could ask or apologize he was turning back out the door, leaving you there to chew the inside of your cheek raw.
Andy made quick work of the boxes in your car while you nursed your bruised foot trying to unravel the feelings bubbling to the surface of your mind in memories and regrets. When the front door shut, you couldn’t even bring yourself to look up, eyes fixed on the bruise while you thought about the emotional bruising you’d caused each other. It wasn’t hard to really know why he hadn’t emailed, nothing funny in the broken pieces you bother were left to pack up and move on from. When had you started crying? Cheeks wet when his hands cupped your face, forcing you to look up at him, thumbs brushing the tears away. “Hey, if it hurts that bad maybe we should take you to get it looked at.”
Reaching up you grabbed Andy’s wrists, but you found yourself hanging there, incapable of pulling him off of you. Instead, your thumbs brushed across the inside of his wrists just applying a little bit of pressure before skimming your hands up the firm muscles of Andy’s forearms. Each of you tried to translate the signals the other was putting off. If it hadn’t been for the haze of being so close to him, maybe you would’ve had the sense to pull away. With a sniffle and apologetic smile you shook your head ‘no’- or at least to the best of your ability when he was still comforting you like no time or pain had passed between the two of you. How long had you been holding on to this first love?
This close you could see it, the little creases of age at the corners of his eyes and a little salt and pepper in his beard. Despite the way those lines seemed to crease his face like words of chapters you’d not been privy to, his blue gaze was unchanged and every welcoming detail of them looked at you like you hadn’t changed either. The moment his knee pressed between your thighs to your core you realized just how needy you were, whimpering and parting your legs as he lowered himself onto you. His hands moved down your neck to your breasts and a firm squeeze and the brush of his thumb over your nipples elicited another breathy moan from your lips. How long had it been since anyone had looked at you like that? How long since you’d gotten off?
“Andy,” The weight of his name on your tongue was dizzying, but the way he said your name back was just as heavy. You pulled his mouth to yours and he parted his lips to wrap around  your bottom lip. His beard scratched at your chin, sending shivers down your body.
Picking your hips up from the couch, you satisfied the ache between your legs on his thigh. Smirking against your lips Andy pressed harder into your core. “You missed me.”
“To the bone,” The confession passed your lips and all you wanted was for him to stay, the thought alone so wholly selfish. Your eyes fluttered open, scared that it had been poison on his own tongue, noticing how he’d pulled away ever so slightly. “That wasn’t fair.”
Though it seemed like a poor apology, Andy was already shaking his head to reassure you that it wasn’t. That quiet, it wasn’t a trait in him you recalled. His hands moved down your frame and he pulled you onto his lap, careful to let you move your legs to straddle him and not hit your foot along the way. “Did you think I wouldn’t care that you were coming back?”
Before you could answer, he stole your air again. Andy’s lips pressed to your neck and he hummed as he tasted the salt on your skin. Then he found the spot he used to always mark, that spot that always seemed to peak just a little out of your favorite courtroom blouse. Gasping, your nails scratched softly at his sides. He took it as a hint and pulled off his undershirt, throwing it at the boxes that had his tie, coat, and button up. “Andrew. I’m trying not to assume anything here but…”
He looked up at you so sweetly that it erased whatever logic you were trying to pull on him with that one dopey smile. “Tell me this isn’t home.”
“I..” Your mouth bobbed open and you looked at him with wide eyes. Did he mean Boston or this moment on his lap like pieces were falling into place since you’d left.
Squeezing your thighs in his palms he repeated the question. “Tell me this isn’t home. Tell me you don’t remember the promise you broke. Tell me those boxes with pictures don’t have the pictures of us all over this town.” Was this a call out? If he hadn’t been looking at you with such heartache you would have looked away. “Maybe I asked for too much and maybe I was just as scared as you were about the future I saw for us… but tell me we didn’t just find our time.”
The tips of your fingers moved up his chest and settled at the sides of his neck, innocently tugging at his beard. Leaning forward you pressed your lips to his forehead and slipped off of his lap though your whole body seemed almost unamused by the cruel neglect of his warmth, your legs staying draped over him and one arm still linked through his. Looking over the boxes you found the stack with the bright blue sharpie, ‘winter clothes’ sprawled across the top as it sat halfway between the bottom of the stairs and the closet by the front door. “Grab that one.”
Andy untangled himself from you with his fingers burning across your skin, reluctantly slipping off the couch to grab the box. When he came back with it you noticed a hesitant look on his face. His eyes moved to his discarded clothes and you sighed and pulled him back to the small couch. “Want to tell me why you’re avoiding my questions?” Ignoring him you peeled the box open and moved a few things out of the way while you pulled out exactly what you knew you needed. “I don’t break over honesty anymo-”
Words seemed to escape him the moment he saw his scarf from the first time he’d gone home with you to meet your family. He didn’t do the meet-the-parents charade and the relationship had been new, but yours had welcomed him in and made him want his own one day. Andy never thought he’d settle with someone else, but that’s exactly what he’d done when you didn’t call, write, visit, or move back… he’d settled. That little trip was a memory he’d revisited often in the torment of waiting for you to come back. The pair of you had spent most of the holiday either studying for exams on your twin sized bed or pouring over old photographs from your childhood. Now you could practically see the memories flooding back as he reached for the scarf and brushed his fingers over the soft fabric.
So, it was your turn for a confession, an apology even. “I remember it all. I miss it all. We may have been young, but we weren’t wrong. No one knew me like you did. No one ever has. We grew up, but you lingered here.” Your fingers combed through his hair and tapped his temple before moving down his body to his sternum, tapping at his pulse, “... and here.” Andy covered your hand in his, drawing your fingers lower to the buckle of his slacks. Your cheeks went red and you nodded a ‘there too’ without being able to form the words.
“Do I get a hundredth chance?” The hope in his eyes was mirrored in your own, your racing heart no longer felt like a warning sign.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” A shaky laugh passed your lips. Andy wrapped his arms around you, tender, before he laughed too, his body shaking against yours. “Oh, this is a prank? Well, damn. That’s embarrassing.”
Andy looked at you and lunging forward, mouths ricocheting in a deep kiss, tongues hungry for the lost time. Only when you came up for air, the pair of you now buried in the couch cushions, did he speak up, “You deserve all the hell I’m going to give you for waiting this long to let me love you.”
“Does that mean you’re going to stay and rub my skin raw with this beard?” Squirming under him, the pair of you frantically reached for every clasp and zipper until there was nothing left between you. His lips moved down your frame and you surprised yourself, pulling him back to your mouth. “You’re staying with me Andy Barber.” Your fingers wrapped around his length and pumped him, brushing the head of his cock against your slit, already dripping. “You’re staying so beard on thighs can wait.” Pressing your mouth back to his as you continued to tease him you whimpered, not even needing to say it but recalling how much he used to love hearing it. “I need you. Don’t make me wait anymore. I need to feel all of you. I miss-”
The begging and pawing, he couldn’t take you slowly, not yet at least. Andy rutted himself into you, growling when your tight wet heat wrapped around him. He buried his forehead into the curve of your neck as he thrust into you over and over, savoring the way you gasped at his every slight movement. Andy worshiped the new softness of your frame and none of this felt like strangers trying to figure out how to get each other off. His thumb brushed back and forth across your swollen clit and, unlike anyone else, you stuttered his name as you got closer, clamping around him, hips bucking off the couch to meet every deep thrust as he slowed his pace to draw this out for both of you.
You loved the look on his face, the way he bit his swollen lips between a million kisses left on your sweaty skin. The way he lost focus when you said his name and how he gently grabbed your chin as you stuttered his name again; so close, so wet for him, so ready to finally get off. Permission, your legs shook and you whined as he kept you right there at the tipping point, building himself up to his own orgasm while he edged you. “Come for me, lover.”
The words were so welcome, just enough to push you over the edge and quickly chased by you begging him, “Stay inside me.” Andy throbbed inside you as you pulsed around his cock, your fingers digging into the meat of his thighs as your orgasm didn’t seem to stop, the room seemingly silent as the echoing thrusts and calling out of names tapered out to the sticky collapse of you both tangled up on the love seat.
Your eyes closed, exhaustion settling in, and Andy watched you breathing. Softly, Andy nuzzled his nose against the top of your head. “If you fall asleep, I’ll fall asleep.”
With a hum you nodded, reaching up to his hand that had settled on your breast, patting it, “Would that be so bad?”
More to himself, voice so low you almost couldn’t hear him. “I can’t lose you again. Can’t lose anyone else.”
“There’s probably a lot we can’t talk about, but this isn’t a dream, Andy.” Pivoting just enough to look at him you held his hand and kissed his chin. “I can’t lose you again either. I already lost a foot.”
There it was, that cheeky little smile. You both sleepy laughed and you watched his body relax. “You almost cost me my car.”
“I couldn’t run away again, even if I wanted to.” Crinkling your nose you smiled, brushing your finger over the smooth part of his skin where the missing ring marked him. He did the same. The scarf hung over the back of the sofa and looked up at him. “I don’t want to, if that wasn’t obvious.”
His blue eyes closed, his smile went soft, and Andy Barber fell asleep in your arms. If someone would have told you that this would have happened when you left New York you would have run back to Boston and spared the pair of you a world of pain. Though you were scared of bridging the gaps caused by the many roads the pair of you had taken to get here, you shut your eyes and smile at the reality that all those roads led home- to him. Like kintsugi everything seemed hopeful, incapable of breaking like the last time, stronger and made beautiful through the healing time of quiet apologies, verbal and physical.
It had been him all along, no denying it. Neither of you would ever have to ask the other to stay again.
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shinidamachu · 3 years
Do you have thoughts on the Aang/Ozai showdown at the end?
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Zuko: please. The real hero is a random rock the Avatar.
The final battle was amazing, from an animation poin of view. The colors, the fighting sequence, the symbolism, Aang finally mastering all elements. Just very exciting and satisfying to watch, because it was something that the audience was hoping for since episode one. And they delivered it.
From a writing point of view, though? It was less of a showdown and more of a cop-out. See, I'm not saying, by any means, that Aang should have killed Ozai. Quite the opposite. Not only because it was a children's show. Not only because Aang was a traumatized, non violent, 12 years old. But also because it made sense for the character and for the core themes of the show.
Don't get me wrong, Ozai one hundred per cent deserved to die. Aang himself stated that the world would be a better place without Ozai in it. I just don't think he should be the one to do it. At the same time, is on his hands that Ozai's fate lays and no one else can make that decision for him.
So if killing Ozai off could turn him into a Fire Nation martyr anyway and Aang refuses to do so because of his pacifist principles, what's the other option to defeat the guy and end the war? The authors went with energy bending and, honestly, I thought it was brilliant for a series of reasons.
First, ending Ozai's life seems like the obvious choice, an easy way out. I love the concept of Aang refusing to do what's expected of him and choosing instead to finish the war on his own terms, without compromising who he is, because in theory, that would mean he would have to go out of his way to find a different solution, in a perfect shout out to Bumi's words in The King Of Omashu: "you must master the four elements and confront the Fire Lord. And when you do, I hope you will think like a mad genius."
Second, in a show where bending is intimately related to one's very being, the questions begs to be raised: how much taking someone's bending away is better, more ethical or less cruel than actively killing them? Because it's a fundamental part of who they are, of their soul. Ty Lee had the abiliity to block chis, temporarily making people unable to bend. And it was a terrifying thing for the people she used the technique on.
Lastly, it ends the "killing Ozai would turn him into a Fire Nation martyr" for good, because (ATLA COMICS SPOILER ALERT) Aang let him leave without his bending and a significant amount of people still worshipped the guy to the point of planning coups on the down low and sending Zuko death threats left and right, so we basically got the same result, but Ozai remained an ever present threat to the peace Aang fought to achieve.
The problem, as people smarter and more eloquent than I have pointed out countless times, wasn't the energy bending solution, it was the way it was introduced and then executed.
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Aang: hey! Look at these weird Lion Turtle things.
Looking back now, this scene from The Library was obviously foreshadowing the finale, so the Lion Turtle reveal wasn't pulled out of thin air. It had a purpose. Considering that this episode, from Book Two, mentioned the Lion Turtle, who would later teach Aang how to energy bend and that The Guru, also from Book Two, introduced the arc of Aang having to let go of his attachment to Katara in order to master the Avatar State, I can only assume that the original intentions of the writers were very clear:
Aang doesn't want to kill Ozai but he also doesn't want to let go of Katara. That's the catch! To "energy bend" his way out of murder, he has to master the Avatar State. His conflict here, is much greater than before because now Katara is a factor in the equation as well. He either kills Ozai, keeps his attachment and gives up the Avatar State or he masters it, defeats Ozai by removing his bending but has to let go of Katara in the process. It's awesome because it's the hardest possible choice a character like Aang could be forced to make. And we knew he would ultimately do the right thing, but regardless of what he decides, he still loses something important to him, he still has to make a huge sacrifice.
Of course, none of that happens. This was the first and only time the Lion Turtle was brought up. The “letting Katara go” arc was unceremoniously killed alongside Aang the second Azula shot that lightning in Ba Sing Se, but differently from the Avatar, whom Katara ressurrected, it was never brought back. And it’s a shame. Because The Library was the perfect episode to expand on the Lion Turtle and energy bending mystery. 
And the finale? It was the perfect episode for Aang to do what he failed to do in Ba Sing Se: to let Katara go and achieve the Avatar State by his own merits, sacrificing something he wanted for the greater good. The way he hid into a cocoon of rocks? It would have been a great call out to the little crystal tent he made in his fight with Azula when he decided to give the Guru’s advices a try. And it would also symbolize rebirth in the same way Katara breaking him out of the iceberg did. Because now he had finally reached the other side of the river and he is no longer the same person he once was.
But the narrative decided, instead, to rob Aang from any growth, from any substancial change, from any interesting arc. They went with the “love is the most important thing” approach to justify him honlding on to Katara. And I could have bought it if they hadn’t been so dishonest about it.
First: if you love someone, you let them go. Attachment and love are two very different things. No one ever told Aang to stop loving Katara. He was told to let her go. And it makes sense because he was attached to her in a way that wasn’t healthy for either of them, and was keeping him from achieving his full spiritual potential, something he should care a little more about, given his upbring.
Second, in the person of Iroh, arguably the wisest character in the show, Aang is told that he is right for choosing love over power. But this is a false equivalence because it’s not what Aang is doing. The scene makes it look like he is seeking power for the sake of power. That’s not the case. The Avatar State is an inherent power, meaning Aang already has it. It’s part of who he is. He just needs to unblock it and learn how to control it. And he has to do that not for personal gain, but to put an end in the war.
A war that took almost everything from Katara, the person he loves. Aside from Aang himself, she is the person who would benefit the most from him learning to control the Avatar State, since she is the one who has to calm him down every time he accidentaly triggers it and winning the war is a very personal goal of her. Now, this is just conjecture but I firmly believe that even if Katara was secretly in love with Aang (which I don’t buy), she would be the first to tell his it’s okay to let her go. But alas, she wasn’t even aware of this conflict. A conflict she played a key part in.
That being said, I do think that the Ozai dillema was introduced too late. It should have been explored before the Day of Black Sun, giving Aang plenty of time to search for a different solution. It also never made sense to me why killing Ozai wasn’t a problem then. Apparently the explanation that I was supposed to stick with is that Aang was naive. He didn’t know people expected him to kill the Fire Lord until Zuko asked him what he would do when he faced Ozai, since violence wasn’t the answer. But I honestly struggle to accept this because, yes, Aang was naive. 
But not that naive. Not at that point. After episodes like The Siege of the North and The Avatar State, I just don’t buy he didn’t know what people wanted him to do. Plus, Aang has an evasive fighting style, based on always being one step ahead of his opponent. To do that, he has to plan beforehand. What was his plan to confront Ozai in the Day of Black Sun, after everything he went through? Talk to him? Arrest the guy? If that’s the case, shouldn’t it at least be discussed with the gang? It’s never addressed.
Then comes the finale. Aang’s moment of truth. The event we’ve all been hoping for. The one that will turn him into a legend. And Aang is losing. He can’t win without killing Ozai or controling the Avatar State to take his bending away. What will he sacrifice to become a hero? His morals or his attachment? Answer: neither! Because the writers decided he should have everything without give up nothing. So they miraculously make a convenently sharped rock hit the exact right spot in the perfect time unblock his chakra, allowing him to enter the Avatar State.
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I’m not even gonna talk about how this is most definitely not how chakras work, because it’s not really my place. But I am gonna talk about the tragic (not to say hilarious) fact that, by trying to make Aang have his cake and eat it too, the writers ultimately made a fucking rock the responsible for Aang’s success. Not his cleverness, not his hard work, not his altruism: a rock. If that rock wasn’t there, in the right place, at the right time, then what? Would Aang finally have done what he had to do, or would he be killed, allowing the war to continue?
That’s my issue with it. That, and the fact that they had no trouble addressing delicate topics, but didn’t have enough courage to let the 12 years old protagonist end up alone. Because, of course, children can’t understand the hero not getting the girl. Right?
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Aang managed to defeat Ozai and get the girl even though there was a whole season dedicated to build up an arc in which he would have to let her go to succed. Even though their last one on one interaction before their last kiss was Aang screaming at her and storming off, while Katara reprimended him for walking away from the issue. Even if he had been acting more and more possessive and entitled when it came to her affection. Even if Katara had shown no real interest in him that way before she suddenly does. But what do I know? Maybe she was hit by a magic rock too.
Aang and Katara happened at the cost of Aang’s character development. Fandom might think the rival ship was harmed the most by it, but that’s not true. Aang was. And it’s really sad. He is an amazing character and he deserved to be the hero of his own story, to have his beliefs tested and to come out of his journey irrevocably changed, not locked inside a plot armor.
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hoseokmylovesworld · 4 years
I Knew It Was You | Jungkook One Shot
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Requested: Anonymous: 
“A wolf college au where yn and jk are both the popular students but they’re not really acquainted with each other? theyre actually mates but they dont know that yet. Their friends always hint that theyre basically so compatible with each other and so they start to develop feelings for each other. One day, yn was in her wolf form just hanging around the forest and she met jk’s wolf whom she didnt recognize and they ran and played together. So, theres this other girl who likes jk and tries to make a move and kisses jk but jk immediately rejects her but yn was hurt when she saw and like jk could feel it through their mate bond? and they eventually confess and well realise theyre mates and start dating :D also like soft smut scenes in between especially when they finally officialized their mate bond :) also, jk is the alpha of his pack and is usually cold to outsiders and hes typically only soft for yn :D”
Genre: Wolf au, College au, Fluff, Smut
Length: 9,029k Words
Warnings: Strong language, Underage drinking, Drunk-con, Smut, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, vaginal sex.
1. My first ever request! Thank you so much!!! I hope it is the first of many ;D.
2. First time writing Wolf AU, I kinda just made some stuff up...actually I made a lot of stuff up, but who doesn’t.
3. Thank you for being so specific and creative, it really helped. I hope I did it justice.
4. P.S. Listening to Dance For You by Beyoncé on repeat kind of inspired the last bit. 
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“Is there a reason why Jeon Jungkook is staring at you right now?” your best friend, Camille, whispered in your ear from the desk behind you during class. Your gaze shot up from your notebook and focused straight ahead, processing what she just told you. Your eyes then drifted to the desk, that you knew very well, positioned five rows to the right of you, where Jeon Jungkook was indeed looking in your direction. Once your eyes met, his eyes suddenly wandered down to his own notes, a devilish smirk could be seen on his perfect lips. You did a double take because you couldn’t believe it yourself, but the proof was right there, he had definitely been caught staring. You couldn’t help, but chuckle to yourself. You quickly shrug in Camille’s direction to answer her question, down playing the encounter that made your heart skip a beat. 
“Mmhmm.” You heard her unconvinced hum from behind you and chuckle at her meddling behavior. As soon as the professor announced the end of class Camille, of course, was hounding you about the incident. 
“So did I miss something, or did something happen between you two?” You look at her in confusion. “No, nothing happened.” You say as you continue to pack up and head home for the day. 
“Well, why the fuck not?” She asks animatedly.
“Um, maybe because we don’t know each other.” You throw out with a laugh.
“Of course you do. You guys go to the same parties, I’ve seen you talking. You even have some mutual friends.” 
“Well, yeah, but that’s about it, isn’t it? Other than that, we just share a class together.” You tell her as you both walk outside of the building. 
“Okay, fine argument, but you realize that’s not the first time he’s been caught staring at you?”
“Everyone stares at me, Camille. They stare at you too. It’s because we’re fucking beautiful.” You smile at her and she can’t help, but smile back at the compliment. “So no, I didn’t notice.” 
“This is different Y/N and you know it.” 
“I don’t know anything.” 
Just as you spoke, Jungkook came into your view walking on the path that intersected with yours. A classmate you know as Crystal was walking beside him, her words falling on deaf ears as Jungkook was not paying much attention to her. He looked up and you locked eyes again. His blank and cold expression was replaced with a warm smile and he even went so far as to wave at you. You hesitated, but quickly lifted your hand and waved back. Before you could warn him, Jungkook collided with a student on his path because he was looking at you and the cold expression was back again. By now you stopped walking and just watched the scene play out. 
“Watch where you’re going, yeah?” he grumbled at the boy. The opposite student was speechless and hurried off without an answer. Jungkook looked back up at your slightly shocked expression and a quick look of regret flashed across his face before he took off in a fast walk, Crystal struggling to keep up with him. 
“But this isn’t different?” Camille asked with almost perfect timing. You glare at her before continuing your walk. “No. It’s not. And if it is...so what?” 
“So what? You’re hot, he’s hot. You’re both popular, you would be so good together. You know you guys have more things in common than you think. Jimin told me he loves singing and video games, too! Everyone on campus would be so jealous.”
You stop in your tracks once again, realizing what Camille wasn’t saying.
“Are you and our friends trying to set me up with Jeon Jungkook behind my back?” You ask seriously. Camille froze, her head snapped up and her eyes widened like a deer caught in the headlights. 
“Um...not in so many words.” You raise your eyebrows at her accusingly and she breaks. “When you put it that way it seems bad, okay—” 
“Don’t bother.” You offer as the two of you begin to walk again. You actually began to feel a sort of pull towards Jungkook recently, but ignored it because: “He seems like a bad boy type anyways.”
“Why don’t you find out for yourself? I hear he’s not actually like that and you never know, you might like it. You’re nineteen and you’ve never even had a boyfriend before.”
Because a werewolf girl dating a human boy would never work. 
“Thanks for the reminder Camille, I’m aware.”
“Look, you’re going to the basketball house party this weekend right? He’s gonna be there. Why don’t you give it a chance?” Her question is only met with silence.
“At least talk to him. Get to know him more. And then you can judge for yourself.”
“Fine. But only because you won’t leave it alone and he is really hot.” You finally gave in. Camille laughed and shouted in triumph. “Thank you. I just want you to find some happiness, you know? And who knows maybe he’s the one.”
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The weekend has finally arrived and you really needed a break from studying and work so you dressed to impress and came ready to have a good time at the basketball house on Saturday night. As you approached the house, the many drunk bodies on the porch all greeted you by name, whether you knew them or not, they were all very excited for your and Camille’s arrival. It was the team's captain, an upperclassmen named Yoongi, who opened the door to the house and welcomed you into the crowded living room. “Y/N! Camille! You’re here!” He drunkenly shouted, making both you and your best friend laugh. “Hey, Yoongi! How’s it going?” You asked him, having to talk directly into his ear to be heard over the music. 
“Great! Let’s get you girls some drinks though! Have whatever’s in my fridge ‘cause I love you guys and if you run out of booze, come see me.” He walked you both to the kitchen with his arms around your shoulders. 
“I’m sure that won’t be necessary Yoongi, but thank you anyway.” Camille said, giving Yoongi a kiss on his cheek. You did as Yoongi said and helped yourself to whatever closed, untouched beverage caught your eye in Yoongi’s fridge and once you felt just tipsy enough, you and Camille hit the makeshift dance floor and grabbed everyone’s attention as usual. After a few more songs and a few more drinks you were feeling a bit beat and suddenly wanted a place to lay down that was quieter. Seeing as you were separated from Camille and weren’t in the position to use the best judgement right now, you decided to travel upstairs and find a nice bed to fall into for the time being.
You stumbled through the wide hallways of the house and settled on the third door on the left. You swung the door open, laid eyes on the large freshly made bed and prepared to flop belly first on top of it, but you noticed a person sitting in an armchair near the window. You straightened yourself up as much as you could at the sight to realize it was Jungkook. 
“Hi.” Your hoarse voice spoke quietly.
He wore an expression of pleasant surprise and cleared his throat before speaking. “Hi.”
You shook your head in embarrassment and scrambled for an excuse. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think anyone would be in here. Yoongi usually says the second floor is off limits.” 
“Then why are you here?” He asks playfully. 
“We’re good friends and I thought he wouldn’t mind.” You play off innocently. “Why are you here?”
“Same.” Is all he said before a silence came over the two of you.
“Well, sorry again. I’ll just go.” You go to leave, but Jungkook stands and reaches in your direction.
“Wait!” He said. You step back into the room again and face him. “Stay.” He said hopefully.
“Why should I do that?” 
“Because these parties are not my style and I could use someone to talk to.” He settled with a smile. The pull you felt for him was making itself known and at this point you couldn’t leave now even if you wanted to. 
“Okay.” You shut the door, make your way to the bed and face him. Once you were closer to him, you got a proper whiff of his scent. There was the pleasant waft of fabric softener and his expensive cologne, but the coaxing aroma of cedarwood and lavender practically called to you in a refreshing and comforting way. You couldn’t for the life of you begin to understand the feeling, but if being this close to Jungkook brought it on, then that’s what you would do. 
“So, if these parties aren’t your style then why do you always come to them?” You ask curiously. 
He sat back down in his chair and took a swig from his beer. “Because my friends come and I have nothing better to do on a Saturday night.” He flashed his bright, perfect teeth and you let out a nervous giggle. 
“Seriously?” You asked, not knowing whether you believed that answer. “You’re not even with them, you’re in here by yourself.” His smile slowly morphed into a thoughtful line and he let his head fall to stare at his fidgeting fingers in his lap. 
“There was no one there that I wanted to see.” He said quietly. 
“But there was someone up here that you wanted to see?” You said sarcastically with a laugh.
“Well there wasn’t before, but there is now.” He looked up with a timid smile and your breath caught in your throat for a split second. You cleared your throat and decided to change the subject due to how warm your insides suddenly became. He doesn’t seem all that bad, maybe you should actually get to know this guy.
“So, while we’re here, avoiding the rest of the world, maybe we could...get to know each other better. I feel like we barely talk.” You offered, following through with Camille’s request. You were suddenly aware of how heavy your head was. Your weighted eyelids dropped and the world went dark before Jungkook was suddenly back in your sight once more, looking pleased with your previous words. It was obvious you were still pretty intoxicated and needed to carefully monitor what came out of your mouth.
“Um, okay. Yeah, uh...what kind of music are you into?” He laughed at his own question, probably thinking it wasn’t interesting enough. But music happened to be your favorite thing to talk about.
“Oh, I listen to everything. I am lacking a little country and heavy metal on my playlist, but I’m sure it’ll pop up sooner or later.” You shrugged.
“So you’re, like, legit.” He gathered his thoughts aloud. 
“As legit as they come.” You responded, earning a laugh from Jungkook. The sound was enough to warm your insides ten fold. The two of you went from one topic to the next, sharing your likes and dislikes. You were being respectful of each other's opinions, but the playfulness was still in full effect. Jungkook even moved from his chair and joined you on the bed to sit beside you so that your knees were touching and your legs dangled over the side. 
“You can’t honestly sit here and tell me that Far Cry: Primal is better than Far Cry: New Dawn.” You accused, genuinely shocked. 
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you.” He defended. 
“Well—No! Just no. New Dawn’s gameplay and story is so much better.” 
“That is a lie and I won’t stand for it.” He crossed his arms and put on his most serious face. 
“Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?” You bated him, leaning forward so that your faces were closer than before. You couldn’t justify your actions, not hardly. All you could think about was Jungkook’s irresistible scent filling your nostrils this entire time and clouding your judgement. Along with the alcohol of course. 
Jungkook’s eyes flickered with understanding of your new intentions and his eyes moved back and forth from your lips to your alluring eyes before he too shortened the distance between you. He reached out to cup your cheek and you instinctively leaned into the warmth of his hand. He guided your mouth to his and it felt like a flame was ignited inside of you when your lips touched. Both of you released small moans of pleasure while exploring each other’s mouths. Hands began to wander and you could feel Jungkook guiding you onto your back as he climbed on top of you, your lips still connected. You ran your fingers through his soft hair and let out a whimper when he began to suck on the skin beneath your ear. 
His hand glided up your torso and stopped carefully over your breast. He lifted his head from your neck to look into your eyes. “Is this okay?” He asked barely above a whisper. You quickly nodded your heavy head. You had never experienced anything like this, but it felt good and natural so who were you to refuse? You had to admit you were pretty excited about how this night was turning out. 
Jungkook continued to fondle your breasts through your shirt and kiss you breathless, the two of you slowly grinding into each other all the while, legs tangled together. Your skirt riding up as you ground your heat into his jean clad thigh, instinctively seeking your own pleasure from him. To your disappointment, Jungkook pulled away to press his sultry lips to your exposed torso while making meaningful, heated eye contact with you. As if he were asking permission to keep going lower. You didn’t need any convincing. Jungkook was so intoxicating and you were so turned on that you didn’t want to say no to him. You wanted to experience what all your friends already have and spoke so highly of so you nodded at his silent request. 
He only looked back down and rolled your skirt up to your waist in response, revealing your black joe boxer panties. He caressed your thighs before gently pushing the fabric to the side, his breath wafting over your core and sending a chill up your spine. He spares one more heated glance at your eyes before licking a delicate stripe against your clit causing your breath to hitch and your body to jerk slightly. 
“You taste so good.” He suddenly rasped. All you could do was nervously giggle and cover your face out of embarrassment. His kisses and licks against your sensitive clit turned rougher and more driven so that your back was arched and your hands were fisting the sheets of the bed. 
You were a moaning mess at his mercy and your head swam with alcohol and the pure bliss that came from Jungkook’s mouth. The feeling of flying. He suddenly inserted a finger inside of you, only adding to the white heat surging through your veins right now. You instantly place your hand on his head and give his shiny hair a gracious tug. He then moans into your clit at the feeling making you lose it even more. 
He adds a second finger and moves his hand even faster while he continues to eat you out like a man possessed. “Oh, f—sss. Jungkook.” You whined, feeling your abdomen and your muscles tighten around Jungkook’s fingers. You knew your orgasm was fast approaching and you were desperate for Jungkook to give you what you needed.
The pleasure Jungkook was giving you was too good to be true. This was the kind of thing you only thought you could experience with your future mate. Your eyes suddenly shot open and you were thrown out of your euphoric stupor. You shouldn’t have let this happen, you should have been strong enough to resist temptation to save yourself for your soulmate. 
But it was too late, your orgasm slammed into you with a force that knocked the wind out of you. You forgot how to breathe and your whole body tensed with violent waves of pleasure. You let out a broken cry and unknowingly clamped your legs around Jungkook’s head, who was still very persistent in his actions, hands and tongue never letting up through your orgasm. You had to pry him off of you once you got too sensitive to take it anymore. 
“Jungkook, stop, stop, stop, stop.” He finally got the message and sat up again. Your juices covering his mouth and chin, which he wiped away slowly and smeared on his jeans. You both attempt to catch your breath, you especially, before you wordlessly adjust your panties and fix your skirt. You then positioned yourself at the edge of the bed beside Jungkook as you were before.
An awkward silence hung between you before Jungkook spoke. 
“Did I do something wrong?” He asked, looking down. Your head whipped in his direction at the query.
“What? No! No. That was...amazing. I just..I guess I just wasn’t expecting all that. It was my first time.” And you’re human. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought...we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” He reassured you. You let out a heavy sigh and grind your teeth at his words.
“Thanks, but...I don’t think we should do that anymore. Or anything like that.” You all-but whispered. His eyebrows furrowed and his head cocked to the side in confusion. 
“Wait, w-why? I thought—” 
Because, sadly, you’re not my mate!
“I just think maybe we might be better off as friends. I’m really sorry about this.” You said as you hopped off of the bed and put your shoes on while he sat frozen in one position. You place your hand on the door handle and open it before stopping and risking looking back at him in this state.
Not knowing what else to say, you said “I’ll uh, see you in class on Monday. Bye” and closed the door swiftly, scurrying down the stairs and rejoined the party. 
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Monday came sooner than you had hoped and you weren’t ready to face Jungkook. You met up with Camille for lunch in between classes at the café. While you ate, you kept thinking about how you would have to man up and soon because you spotted Jungkook enter the café and without meaning to, you locked eyes with him. You froze, but held eye contact out of fear. Whatever he did next, you deserved for what you did last night, you thought. To your immense surprise, Jungkook dropped his permanently cold gaze, smiled a friendly smile and waved at you. You didn’t waste anytime smiling and waving back, hoping that last night wouldn’t get in the way of your friendship. 
He made his way to the register and ordered. He leaned against the wall of the waiting area and pulled out his phone in the meantime. He’s keeping his distance, that makes sense, you thought whilst checking him out. While you eye his figure from across the room, you didn’t notice your best friend eyeing you from across the table. You only had eyes for him in that moment. You didn’t try to conceal your staring even as he made his way to the exit. He smiled and nodded in your direction again on his way out and you smiled sweetly back. 
“Okay, did something happen between you two or am I blind? ‘Cause I know it’s not the last one.” Camille asked eagerly. “And where did you run off to during the party? I never asked.” 
You snapped out of it and faced her once again. “Well, I got to know J.K. like you said.”
“J.K.?! Are you guys on a nickname basis now?” She exclaimed frantically. You glared at her, sending her a message to lower her voice. 
“Yes, he said I could call him that. We met up in one of the bedrooms at the party and we talked. Turns out you’re right, he’s not so bad.” A warm smirk graced your face at the memory of your conversations.
“I. Fucking. Told. You. Don’t forget to thank me at the wedding. Never mind, I most definitely will be thanking myself. No need to worry.” Camille babbled. 
“Well, you don’t need to worry because I ruined it before it could even be…an it.” You frowned, aimlessly pushing your salad around with your fork. 
“You wanna tell me what you did this time?” Your best friend rolled her eyes at you from across the table.
“We may have kissed—” 
“You did what?!” 
“Calm down and let me finish!” You whisper-yelled causing her to attempt to gather herself.
“We talked and then we kissed and then we were on the bed and...he may have eaten me out.” You say that last bit at a slightly lower volume.
“WHAT?!” Camille shouts, causing almost every head in the café to turn to her. “Camille, you need to calm down, okay?” You say, not actually giving her a choice this time. 
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry, but what?!” 
“Yeah, that happened and it was amazing, but it didn’t exactly end well.” 
“Why? Did he...did he try to force you?” Camille leaned in. Her voice was definitely lowered now.
“No, nothing like that. He was sweet. I just—I ended up leaving because...it didn’t feel totally right. I mean it felt right, I just, I got the feeling that he wasn’t the one.” 
“So you gave up good sex? Boyfriend or not, anyone would kill to have their first time with that guy. Especially that Crystal chick that’s obsessed with him.” The thought of Jungkook with another girl sent a pang of anger through you, but you wouldn’t let Camille see that. It was over, you didn’t belong together.
“Yeah, well no one said anything about murder. Anyway, I backed out, it’s fine. I’ll find my soulmate someday, I’m destined to.” Literally.
“Hey, well if you’re good, I’m good. Now quiz me. I have an exam later.”
Thanks to your encounter with Jungkook, your following class was a lot less awkward than you thought it would be, but you felt the need to apologize one more time.
When class was over, you told Camille to leave without you and you waited outside for him. 
“Jungkook.” You called when you saw his mop of hair leave the classroom among the other heads. His eyes found yours instantly and he approached you.
“Hey, Y/N. How’s it goin’?” He asked with a sunny disposition that you could see right through, now that you were face to face.
“I’m good. How about you?” 
“I can’t complain.”
You nodded, looking for the words to say. “I just wanted to apologize again for Saturday. And thank you for not treating me like dirt today. I really shouldn’t have done any of that.”
He laughed lightly. “It’s all good Y/N. No hard feelings. You just know what you want and if you only want to be friends then that works for me. I think you’re a great girl and I just wanna know you.” He admitted genuinely. You were touched, but you were almost bothered by how okay he was with everything.
“That’s really sweet J.K. Thanks. I’ll, uh, see you around then.”
“See ya.”
Well that was way too easy.
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Despite all of your attempts to expel your Jungkook from your thoughts, the boy and his sinful mouth wouldn’t leave your mind. You begin to wonder if you’ve made a mistake with the whole friends thing and it seems there was only one thing left to do. Finally you decided to hunker down and call your mom.
“Hey, sweetie! How are you?” Her bell-like voice flowed into your headphones.
“I’m good, I think. I just called ‘cause I have a question. About our kind.” 
“Oh, I’m all ears, shoot.”
“H-how do you know you’ve found your mate?” You sputter the sentence quickly, hoping you wouldn’t have to repeat it. 
“Oh, honey. Are you seeing someone? And you didn’t tell me?”
“No, mother. It was just a question. Don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“Mmhmm. Tell me about him first, then I’ll answer.” You sighed, realizing you had no choice.
“He’s really nice, and funny and good looking.” Your mother giggled over the phone. “But we only shared a moment. I promise, it’s nothing major. That’s my issue.” 
“Well, it’s not easy to put into words, but I’ll try. It’s like realizing everything you’ve done has led up to that moment. The moment you meet. It’s like gravity is pulling you towards that person, but you do go willingly to them. All you can see is that person and you would do or be anything that they needed you to be.” This all sounded familiar, but there was one thing missing. 
“And they definitely have to be a werewolf too, right?” 
“Of course, you know that. And sometimes you can’t even tell they’re your mate unless you meet their wolf. It’s rare and stupid, but I’ve heard stories and I don’t make the rules.” You laugh at her word vomit and continue to catch up properly. 
“Things have been just a little stressful over here, but nothing I can’t handle.” You told her.
“Well when’s the last time you stretched your legs?” You tried to think back to the last time you actually let your wolf roam free and you couldn’t remember. “I don’t even know.” 
“Well, do! Go down to that creek we found the last time we visited and just run, but make sure no one sees you.” 
“Yeah, I’ll do that. Thanks mom.”
“Of course, sweetie. I love you.”
“Love you, too. Night.”
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You finally found time in your hectic schedule to get away to the woods near the creek you talked about with your mom. You told Camille you were visiting your family last minute so you wouldn’t be back until Sunday afternoon, giving you a solid day and a half to yourself and getting back in touch with your inner animal. You parked your car on the outskirts of the woods, grabbed your backpack full of clothes and necessities and made your way into the trees. 
You found a good spot deep enough into the thicket and far enough away from the trail that you were sure you wouldn’t be seen by humans. You hid your backpack in a few bushes and readied yourself for the transformation. 
Even though it’s been quite a while it’s like your wolf knew exactly what to do and you were a light gray, seven foot tall werewolf in no time. You could smell all the scents in the forest. You could hear the trees and the moving water from the creek. But you couldn’t hear any people nearby so you knew it was time to start running. 
You dug your paws into the soft ground, admiring the natural earth before dashing off into the woodland. You felt free of all the worries you came here with and found yourself forgetting all about midterms and professors and projects and you could just be yourself. 
You suddenly stopped on a dime when a familiar scent caressed your nose. Cedarwood and lavender. It was extremely potent and had the collective smell of the forest woven into it, making it one hundred times more appealing. Without your permission, you immediately took off in pursuit of the scent and knew that you wouldn’t stop until you found it. It was calling to you after all, you felt you couldn’t ignore it. 
The closer you got to it, you could hear another set of paws pounding at the earth moving with the same urgency as yours. You thought to stop out of fear of making an enemy, but it wasn’t up to you. You had no free will at this point, your wolf had to find the source of this scent. 
Your body finally stopped when you came to a clearing, face to face with another wolf. It was dark brown and slightly taller than you. Your body immediately makes itself slightly smaller from the amount of confidence that exudes from the dignified looking wolf. He must be his pack’s alpha, you thought. You both stared at each other from across the clearing and that’s when it happened. The words of your mom from before flood your mind at the sight of the brown wolf in front of you. He’s the one, you thought. Once again your feet begin to carry you to him without much thought and the brown wolf does the same. 
You meet in the middle and neither of you hesitate to get familiar with each other’s scents and nuzzle the other, marking each other with that scent as well. You continued this show of affection with your new mate, rejoicing in the fact that the wait was over and you’ve finally found the one you're destined to be with for the rest of your life. 
You are interrupted when you feel a large, wet tongue run up the side of your face. You open your eyes to see your mate with his front legs stretched out in front of him with his bum in the air and his tail wagging back and forth quickly. You understand that he wants to play and you assume the same position, waiting for his next move. Seeing this, he took off into the woods and you instantly chased after him. 
It took longer than you were proud to admit, but you finally got close enough to tackle him to the ground and the two of you sparred playfully, rolling around on the ground and pinning and nipping at each other. You both carried on like this; chasing, playing and nuzzling until the sun went down and came up again and you tiredly walked back to your backpack in the bushes with the brown wolf on your heels. 
Just as you reached your belongings, you heard the footsteps and voices of two hikers. Without thinking, you took off into the forest, as did your mate, but in the opposite direction. You made sure you couldn’t be seen by the hikers and watched as they walked by. But you knew even though they were gone, it was dangerous to be back out in the open at this time. Two humans was enough to cut your roaming time short. Your mate obviously had the same thoughts as you couldn’t smell his scent nearby anymore. 
You shifted back into your human form and got dressed in the bush. Cursing those hikers for scaring your mate off, you got in your car and headed back to campus. You didn’t know when you were going to see him again. The thought depressed you, but you promised to be back next weekend at the same time and tried to stay positive as always. “Back to writing papers and dealing with dealing with dickheads again.” You lamented. 
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As if this week couldn’t get any worse, Camille was sick; meaning you would have  go to class and eat lunch and dinner alone, and Jungkook is no longer answering your text messages. He decided you were a shitty person after all, you thought on your way to the local café for your lunch break. As you approach the wall length windows of the café you can see Jungkook sitting at a table right against it with Crystal. Well, there’s your answer right there, you thought venomously. You stop and just watch the two, wondering why this was such a devastating sight when you’re not mated to Jungkook and you’re the one who made him look ridiculous. 
As you were standing there looking like a total weirdo and feeling sorry for yourself, Crystal reached across the table to cup the cheek of an oblivious Jungkook and kissed him on the lips. Your eyes widened in horror and your jaw dropped. The betrayal, no matter how unworthy you were of it, felt like it speared a hole through your chest. You didn’t understand why you were ready to collapse in complete agony over someone who didn’t belong to you, but regardless it felt like he ripped your heart out and stomped it into the ground in front of you. 
Jungkook pulled away almost immediately with a look of disgust on his face and turned to face you instantly, as if he knew you were there. You locked eyes with a stunned Jungkook and took off without a second glance. This was awkward enough, you didn’t need to confront the situation. 
Without warning you begin to feel this crippling guilt and anxiety, even though you didn’t do anything wrong. At least you didn’t think so. You’re distracted by your sudden rush of emotions when you hear Jungkook call your name from behind you. You glance at his desperate, running form before facing forward and continuing on your way. Wherever that was, you didn’t exactly know yet. 
He was faster than you thought because in the next second he had his hand on your shoulder and was turning you to face him. 
“Y/N! Wait, just wait a second. Let me explain okay?”
“Why? What do you have to explain to me? We’re not together.” You finally admit.
Jungkook cocks his head to the side and squints his eyes in confusion. “How can you...do you not remember?” He asks desperately, needing an answer.
“Remember what? The party? Yeah, all too well.” You say ashamedly.
“No.” He said firmly before thinking aloud. “Was that not you?” He nearly whispered. With your enhanced hearing, you heard clear as day. 
“Was what not me?” You were starting to get a little annoyed now.
“Do you not feel that? That pull?” 
You look at him, floored. “How do you know about that?”
“Have you had any emotions that weren’t yours recently? Strange feelings at least? I have. I could, I could sense you back there—”
“Okay, what? How do you know that?” You asked, getting overwhelmed. There’s only one way he would know a thing like that, but it couldn’t be. 
You allowed him to slowly lean in and take an audible sniff at your neck. “You still have my scent from Saturday.” He said in a satisfied tone of voice, causing you to freeze. 
He continued. “And oranges and rosemary.” Another sniff. “And red oak.” It was all starting to make sense. Lavender and cedarwood. You could suddenly smell it all over him, igniting all your senses. He pulled back so he could look you in the eyes deliberately. 
You looked back with a new fire behind your eyes. You were too blinded by anger to realize that your mate was standing right in front of you. “I knew it was you.” You said softly before throwing yourself into his arms. He laughed freely, wrapping you in his strong arms. 
“You had me doubting myself for a moment.” He said into your neck.
“I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” You pull him into a heated kiss to seal the deal of officially finding your mate and it feels like nothing you’ve ever felt before. But then you’re reminded of why you were in a mood to begin with. You part from Jungkook and slap his shoulder.
“Why didn’t you answer my messages? I thought you were mad at me.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket to show you. “I got a new phone. My contacts didn’t transfer and I wanted to talk to you in person after this past weekend. Took me all of Sunday to put it together, but I finally figured it out. Thank god one of us did.” He said teasing you. You slapped his arm once again. “I wanted it to be more romantic than this obviously, but I guess we can thank Crystal for that.” He said looking up apologetically. 
“Don’t worry about that, if she tries it again I can handle her.” 
“Then let’s get out of here, boss.” He wraps an arm around your shoulders and walks back in the direction of the café.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Okay, my sweetest darling.” He replies.
You cringe before you speak again. “Better, I suppose.”
He laughs loudly. “I could get used to this.”
“Oh, spirits, What have you gotten me into?” You ask the sky jokingly. 
You enter the café and Crystal is still sitting and waiting patiently in the same spot. Her eyebrows raise at the sight of his arm around your shoulders. 
Jungkook stands in front of the table and reaches for his wallet while Crystal watches attentively. Jungkook put some money on the table, said goodbye and the two of you left the café once more. You could see her wide eyes and embarrassed, flushed cheeks through the window as you walked away. Jungkook didn’t look back and that brought an impressed and touched smile to your face. 
“I’m thinking this calls for a celebration. What do you say to skipping class for the rest of the day?” He asked, placing a kiss on your cheek for...incentive?
You think about it. You only have one more class left, Camille wasn’t here to tell you not to and this was pretty worthy of celebration. You finally found your soulmate and you absolutely adore them. It was a good enough occasion for you. “You know what? Fuck it. Let’s skip.” You say with a huge carefree smile. “Whoo!” Jungkook howls with excitement. 
“Alright my lady. How about I actually take you to a way better lunch than the local café?”
“Like on our first date?” You ask sheepishly.
“Exactly.” He says, stopping in front of you on the sidewalk. “Y/N, will you go on a date with me?” 
“I mean, I don’t know. I just saw you kissing some other girl, what’s that about?” You fake cringe. Jungkook sighed and closed his eyes. 
“Please don’t do this to me.” He begged, making you laugh.
“Of course I’ll go on a date with you.” You grabbed his hand and you both took off in search of a restaurant that suited both your tastes.
He took you to an Italian restaurant nearby, which happened to be your favorite. “Oh, yeah, Jimin told me you liked it once.” Jungkook said when you mentioned it. You laughed at how naïve you’ve been these past few weeks.
“I still can’t believe our friends really tried to set us up together.” You laughed across the table from him as you waited for your food to come. 
“Haha, yeah, I guess they knew something we didn’t. Man, we really were late to the party.” 
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The following three weeks consisted of you and Jungkook making up for lost time and spending time with each other as much as you possibly could. You found out that Jungkook is actually the alpha of his pack, which includes his room mates, Hoseok and Taehyung. They weren’t psyched you were stealing Jungkook away from them all the time, but it was necessary. It made for a true honeymoon phase as your wolves craved the presence of their mate constantly. 
You got excited when he invited you anywhere, both of you knowing that you would always accept. This was partly because your wolves desperately wanted to mate with each other and that fact made you incredibly nervous at times. Thankfully, no matter what form you were in, there was nothing forcing you to do anything, but the feeling would always be there, especially when you were together. 
Despite a close call in your dorm room, you both had gotten pretty good at ignoring it as you weren’t ready for that step and Jungkook was perfectly fine with waiting. You figured it would happen when it was supposed to and when it did, it would be perfect because every experience with Jungkook was. You just wanted to spend as much time as you could together before the semester ended. 
As you both had a test coming up, Jungkook invited you to his campus apartment to study. You jumped at the opportunity to spend the day with him and get some extra help in the course. You both sprawled all your materials on his king sized bed, that you were incredibly jealous of, and sat on opposite ends just focusing on your respective flash cards. 
Both of you would ask the occasional clarifying question or make a joke to break up the tension in the room. You were always comfortable with your mate and vice versa, but the air had taken on a fervent energy that you both noticed. After a while, you began to sweat slightly even though the temperature in the room was perfectly cool. Your eyes glance up at him and away again; you wonder if hanging with Jungkook in his room with his perfectly comfortable bed was the right way to go, especially after what happened last time. Jungkook cleared his throat, getting your attention, which was laser focused on the notebook in front of you to avoid thinking about him taking you on this bed.
“What do you say to a little study break? I’m starting to get a little burnt out over here.” He offered, fanning himself with his shirt. 
“Oh, yeah, me too.” You agreed.
“I’m gonna break out those snacks you brought.” He said getting up and walking to his desk where you left them, stealing a kiss on your cheek on his way there. You smile down at your lap as your heart skips a beat. His sweet behavior still gets a reaction out of you even after all this time spent together and you relished every moment of it. 
Jungkook fetched some chips and candy for the two of you and sat in front of you tailor style. You talk about school and make plans for next weekend when Jungkook leaned forward and placed a kiss on your lips. You felt your body temperature rise and that intense need that you’d grown so familiar with in the past few weeks appeared again with a new ferocity. 
Your body leaned right back into his and you savored the kiss before cutting it short, not wanting to lose control. You dropped your head and shook it apologetically. He rubbed your arm comfortingly and gently grasped your chin in his hand, tilting it up to look into your eyes. “Hey, it’s okay.” He uttered.
You look back into his dark brown eyes, wondering what you did to deserve a mate like Jungkook. How blessed you were to end up with someone as generous, charming, respectful, caring, sexy and talented as him. He never failed to act like a complete gentleman towards you and always let you know just how much he loved you, whether it was through words or eye contact or the way he caressed you. 
You wanted to show him how much you appreciate him, how much you were legitimately dedicated to him and that you wanted nothing more than to be with him for the rest of your life just as he has. You wanted to show him how much you truly care for him, how much you understand and value what he has to say, how much you love him. You wanted to show him how good he made you feel that first night at Yoongi’s party.
But you allowed your inexperience and fear of the actual event to hold you back from this stage in your relationship that you both obviously wanted. Why am I so afraid? You thought to yourself. Still lost in Jungkook’s eyes and his touch, your need for him was bordering on feral and growing stronger by the second due to the close proximity. 
What am I afraid of? We’re literally destined to be together, we both love each other, we’re basically mated for life anyway. Why not make it official? Your thoughts raced around in your head as your eyes fixated on Junkook’s soft lips and your body subconsciously inched closer to his. Your breaths were becoming heavier and more noticeable with the silence in the room.
Something in your mind clicked and you were on him in a second, wrapping your arms around his neck and feeling his lips on yours again. Jungkook obviously had zero complaints as he wrapped his strong arms around your waist and returned your less than gentle attack on his lips with just as much passion. You climbed into his lap, your body seemingly on autopilot as you rocked your hips back and forth on top of him slowly causing Jungkook to grunt into your mouth. He lets out a small moan when your mouth finds his jaw and travels down to the side of his neck. Without warning, your canines extended and grazed Jungkook’s skin; a sign that your wolf was ready to claim him as yours for life. 
You realized what you had almost done when Jungkook separated your mouth from his neck and looked into your eyes carefully, searching for any traces of regret most-likely. 
“I’m so sorry,” You rasped out. “I didn’t know I was—” 
“It’s okay.” Your mate assured you, placing a hand on your cheek and rubbing his thumb against it tenderly. “It’s more than alright. I just...Is this what you want?” 
You nod firmly. “I love you, Jungkook. I want this.” You said softly, playing with the silky hair at the nape of his neck. He nods, searching your eyes for doubts for the last time then you were kissing again. This time, you had no intentions of stopping. Jungkook clumsily pushed all of your notes and materials off of the bed with one hand before helping you to straddle him as he lay down at the head of the bed. 
“Oh, I love you too.” He added quickly against your neck. You giggle at the insertion and grab his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. 
“I know, dummy.” You whisper gingerly before pressing your lips to his, hoping that he could sense the passion and desire you felt for him in this moment. He smiled fondly against your lips and got to work on your shirt and bra, vocally praising your body all the while. 
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N.” He muttered into your skin, hands caressing your entire body. 
You get rid of his offending shirt and toss it behind you without a care in the world as Jungkook’s six pack has stolen all of your attention. As your hands explored the expanses of his newly exposed body, your feral nature returned. You and your mouth made the leisurely trip from his neck to his navel, gladly eliciting the occasional moan from Jungkook. 
When you reached your destination, you helped him remove his pants. But before you could attempt to take off his boxers, he flipped you so that he was on top and immediately began planting kisses all over your body making you squirm in the best way. 
“Jungkook, please.” You whine after he removes your bottoms. 
“Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna make you feel good.” He breathed directly onto your center, causing you to shudder slightly. Your underwear joined the graveyard of clothes littering the hardwood floor when Jungkook spread your lips and lightly ran his tongue along your clit. You couldn’t help, but gasp and twitch at the brief spark of electricity that his actions brought. He held your thighs open to accommodate his head while holding your hips down right before dragging his tongue against your clit in a much more aggressive manner. 
Your hand instantly covered your mouth out of shocking pleasure. “Oh, fuck.” You mumbled against it. Your eyelids slowly fluttered closed as Jungkook continued to lap at your clit vigorously. It got harder to breathe as he carried on, pulling all kinds of sounds from you, both human and nonhuman. You finally thread your fingers through his now sweaty hair and grip it so that you could properly grind into his face. You could feel his extended canines grazing your flesh occasionally and the idea turned you on further.
“Oh my God, yes, Jungkook.” You moaned, sensing that your climax was well on it’s way. He suddenly slid a finger inside of you, grazing your g-spot, causing your back to arch immediately. “Oh my God, just like that.” You groaned as He inserted another long, thick finger into you, scissoring them this time. 
“Oh, that feels so good, please don’t stop, baby. Please make me cum.” You babbled in your lust filled stupor, hoping that sweet release would come soon. Jungkook focused on finding your g-spot repeatedly and never letting up on your clit, his face was literally buried in your pussy as if he didn’t need air to breathe. The sight in itself was enough to set you off. Your legs shook as you silently came all over your mates face. 
When it got to be too much you finally let go of the breath you were holding and let out a short shriek. Jungkook finally came up for air, continuing to scissor his fingers inside of you to make sure you would be stretched enough for him. He kissed you immediately, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue and lips, but you didn’t mind one bit. 
He separated himself and withdrew his fingers from you to remove his own underwear and find a condom. As he made his way back to you, you sat up and reached for his hard member in your second attempt to pleasure him, but you were pushed back on the bed for Jungkook to situate himself in between your legs. 
He took your chin in between his fingers and stared deeply into your eyes keenly. “We got the rest of our lives for that, but right now, I need to be inside of you.” He growled from deep within his chest, sending even more wetness between your legs. You only nodded showing you understood, sensing that Jungkook was in Alpha mode and just submitted yourself to him, allowing him to do what he wanted to you. 
He brought you closer to him, kissing you breathless while lining himself up at your entrance. 
“Are you ready?” He asked, making heated eye contact, his hand supporting the back of your neck to keep your foreheads pressed together.
“Yes.” You whispered with no hesitation at all. Jungkook inserted himself into you slowly, savoring the divine feeling of your velvety walls wrapped tightly around his cock. You on the other hand were trying not to let it show how much pain you were in. You felt every inch of him stretch you out, but the kisses that Jungkook peppered all over your face distracted from the pain. 
“You okay?” He panted, placing a kiss on your ear. 
“Yeah.” You decided after the pain dissipated. “Why do you have to be so big?” 
“That’s just what the spirits blessed me with, babe.” He laughed. 
“Just shut up and fuck me.” You breathed seductively, reaching down and grabbing his bare ass in your hands, pushing him into you at the new found pleasure. 
You both let out a satisfied grunt and Jungkook continues fucking you at a slow pace, both of you savoring the moment for as long as possible before you both grow impatient and frankly ravenous. 
Jungkook kneeled upright on the bed, his muscles rippling and covered in a sheen of sweat, his face contorted in pleasure above you. He guided you onto his cock at a rapid pace with his strong arms and hands gripping you at the waist, sure to make bruises in the near future. You couldn’t care less about the rest of the world around you, let alone bruises as you stare up at the glorious man above you in awe and adoration. You were both grunting and growling as you chased your highs together. Your inner wolves are nearly satiated from all these weeks of torture, it was so close you could taste it.
“Fuck, Jungkook, I think I’m gonna cum.” You rasp as you fist his sheets so hard that you think you heard a tear. 
He bends down to your ear and growls, “Let go, baby. Come for me. Only for me.” in the most beautifully fucked out voice you’d ever heard and you were seeing stars. You held his waist as close as possible to you with your legs and your eyes rolled back into your head at the amount of electricity running through your veins. In the midst of your mind shattering orgasm, Jungkook attaches his mouth to your shoulder and bites you, marking you as his mate, adding to your pleasure. Your body shook uncontrollably and you could swear you saw white at one point. 
As you were coming down, Jungkook’s thrusts were getting dicey and irregular, giving you a sign that he was close. You grip his face and stare into his eyes passionately.
“That’s it, babe. You fucked me so good. Only you make me feel so good. Now come for me, baby. Give it all to me.” You whimpered.
“Ugh, fuck, Y/N!” He shouted. You felt his dick twitch inside of you and you bit him on the shoulder as he came inside the condom, causing him to groan loudly and gaining you some extra thrusts toward the end as he was coming down. 
The two of you go on to kiss all over each other’s lips, faces and necks lovingly in post-coital bliss until eventually he rolls off of you and you lay side by side under the shredded covers, just staring up at the ceiling. Or so you thought. You turn your head to find that Jungkook is staring at you and you turn to face him. 
“I love you.” He says genuinely with a wistful expression on his face. You reach your hand out to stroke his cheek with a warm smile on your face. 
“I know.” You say as your eyelids become heavy. You snuggle into him, wrapping your arms around him and preparing for the best nap of your life. “I love you too.”
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Dream Come True
Colin Shea x O/C Corinne MacAdam
Multi-Chapter Story - Complete
Summary: Colin Shea and his band Rock the Cradle are finally making it big - until something unexpected happens. When he meets a girl that makes him reconsider his player ways, he thinks his life may be coming together, until she blows it apart.
Warning: Bad language, smut, suicidal ideations - no one under 18, please
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please do not read if you are underage. I do not own the character of Colin Shea; the rest are my original characters. By reading beyond this point, you understand the disclaimers as posted.
Chapter Two
“Hey Colin, you’re not the only one on the court! Pass the ball!”
Colin Shea dribbled once, jerking his head to the right, totally duping the defender trying to keep him from the basket. He took advantage of his opponent taking the bait and drove left, hitting a perfect layup.
“I believe that’s the win, gentlemen,” he said confidently, hands on hips, a broad smile across his handsome face. His spiky blonde hair was damp with sweat and he wiped his face on the front of his t-shirt, revealing defined abs.
“Come on man, best of three.” The other team was already lining up to start a new game.
“Fine,” he said, flashing the smile, ocean blue eyes sparkling. He tossed the basketball across to his opponent.
Colin’s team huddled up. “Look, I know you’re the leader of the band, but we’re supposed to be a team out here,” grinned Kevin, one of his teammates. His whole band was here – Mike, Evan and Spencer rounding out the five. “Let’s show them the razzle dazzle this time.”
Colin grinned. He loved razzle dazzle. At their meeting yesterday, the guys had agreed playing hoops was the best way to kill the nervous energy they all had for tonight, their first real shot at a recording contract. They’d played the same three bars for several years, developing a local following but never attracting any attention from anyone that could help them get further - until last week, when a producer from National Records had stopped in to Finnegan’s for a beer while in town for a conference. He was immediately drawn to the band on stage – young, full of energy and great musicians. The song they were singing was catchy but not familiar – could it be an original? They were almost too good to be true.
He’d caught them after they finished their set and got their story – high school friends that all had some kind of music in their background, and all believed they were good enough to live off their talent. They’d formed a band junior year of high school and had been together since. They’d all finished college but stayed together and continued to play. Their biggest claim to fame was playing the birthday party of the daughter of one of the Red Sox. Other than that, it was the three bars, some parties and lots of hope.
Tonight they’d discuss the potential to start the process of recording five original songs to be marketed by National. They’d tried streaming their music before, but this would give them an incredible boost. The next step would be a tour – the producer was considering hooking them up with two other bands that would head out for the summer. Come June, they’d be seeing the country on National Records’ dime. All of their hard work would finally pay off.
The other team inbounded the ball to start the third game, all of the players hyped and vocal. Spencer slapped the ball away from the opponent, bounce passing it to Kevin.
“Razzle dazzle!” he yelled, throwing the ball high to the hoop. Colin swooped in and reached up, dunking the ball with force. He saw Kevin throw his fist in the air just as he caught an opposing player with his leg, throwing him straight back. He landed flat on the cement, and everything went dark.
Serene. That was the only word Cori could use to describe it. She was surrounded by serenity. Soft golden light, crystal blue water and silence. Total silence. She began to walk towards a cliff, water as far as she could see sprawled across the horizon. She felt light, almost like a feather. Her steps were slow and steady. Only a few more and she’d finally be free of all the pain.
She reached the edge and stared below. Turquoise water, calm and inviting. The sky was golden. The air was warm. It felt as though she was enveloped in comfort. She imagined for a moment how good it would feel to sink into the still water below and readied herself for one last step.
She stopped for just a second to steady herself and lifted her foot but felt something on her arm. Looking over her shoulder, there was someone. Her view was a little hazy. A guy, she thought. He was tall, with blonde spiky hair, a sweaty t-shirt and baggy gym shorts, and the most beautiful blue eyes she’d ever seen, more beautiful than the water below. The shirt bunched up around strong biceps. It sagged at the neckline, revealing the definition of his pecs, a silver chain and a tattoo with a few unreadable words peeking out. His nose was angled, a little crook at the top, and his lips were those of dreams – pink and pillowy. He was beautiful.
She took him in for a minute and assessed the situation. Was this the afterlife? Perhaps there really were angels. He certainly qualified. Maybe he was escorting her to the end.
“Don’t.” His voice was a deep baritone, just as sexy as he was. “Don’t take this step.”
She looked into those eyes and sighed. “Why?”
He hesitated – “it’s not time.”
She thought about that. He was mistaken. “It is,” she said. “Past time. Please let go. It’s what’s best, trust me.”
He tightened his grip a little, gently pulling her back toward him. “Not yet.”
She turned her body so she was facing him and she had to look up at him, taking in his broad shoulders. His hair was damp, his cheeks red like maybe he’d been running.
“Thank you, really, but I have to go. It’s ok.”
“No,” he said more sternly, pulling her a little closer.
She wasn’t angry or frustrated, just determined. “I have to go. It’s what’s best.” She tried to pull her arm away from him but she found herself in his embrace. She looked up and her nose was inches from his. His full lips were set in a grim line, his eyebrows scrunched with concern.
“Please,” she breathed softly. “I know you mean well. I just need to go. It’s too hard to stay. It hurts too much.” She felt a tear run down her cheek. Taking this last step would finally make the tears end.
He relaxed the frown a little, his face suddenly etched with concern. “What if this is just what’s easiest? What if there’s something you haven’t done yet? You’ll miss it.”
She let her head drop, the tears now flowing freely. “There’s nothing. There’s nothing for me,” she said, a soft sob escaping.
“I think you’re wrong. What if you’re wrong?” He pulled her a little closer, his strong arms now cradling her tightly.
She rested her head on his chest. It felt so good, so comfortable. His arms were so secure. He was warm and soft and despite the sweaty shirt, he smelled musky and masculine. It would be so easy to just relax into his embrace. But she didn’t deserve that.
She looked up at him and mustered a half smile. “Thank you. But I know. There’s nothing else for me. It’s all gone. I just want to go.” She tried her best to break out of his embrace but he wasn’t letting go.
“Not now. It’s not time.” He freed a hand to cradle her cheek, then pulled her face to his, his lips on hers. His kiss was warm and sweet and she felt as if she was floating on air. She leaned into him, deepening the kiss even more, wrapping her arms around his neck, fingers digging into his damp hair. It suddenly felt as if lightning was striking all around them. He pulled her so close she thought she might have become part of him. Her entire body was bathed in warmth, and then a chill enveloped her as he faded away –
“Clear!” She felt a jolt go through her, snapping her back to painful reality. Bright lights shown down on her. Every inch of her hurt. The pain was unbearable. She let out a scream and fell unconscious.
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fandomimaginesftw · 3 years
Under Certain Circumstances
(Part One)
Summary: Dean and Y/N were the best of friends. Always hanging out, talking, drinking, spending many late nights together. Sam, Dean, and Y/N were the best hiunting team out there. That was, until, Dean started becoming angry with Y/N with seemingly no reason. Months of fighting finally came to a point, which ended in a big fight between Dean and Y/N that lead Dean to speed off. When Dean is discovered to have amnesia, Y/N has to take care of him while he heals. Will this time and healing process between them fix everything or tear them even further apart?
Pairing(s): Dean x Reader, Some Sam x Reader
Word Count: 2,163
Warnings: Language, Lots of angst, Slow burn romance, more angst, mentions of a coma, hospitals
Send me an ask if you would like to be tagged! :)
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“Guys, come on. Enough with the fighting already, we need to work together and get this case done, alright?” Sam just about pleaded with Y/N and Dean. His brows were furrowed in that certain way that would tell anyone stress was taking over him. Dean and Y/N rolled their eyes, quickly followed by a cold glare to one another.
“You know, Sam, that would be a lot easier if your brother wasn’t such an
,” Y/N spat, trying to pick the lock of the abandoned house that the ghost they were all hunting was inhabiting. Dean sighed, pushing them out of the way, grabbing the lock pick out of their hands so he could do it.
“Well, maybe if you weren’t so bad at picking locks this would all go a lot faster, Y/N.” Dean sent them a sarcastic grin, unlocking the door within a few seconds. Y/N fought the urge to kick him in the ass and opened the door instead, shoving past him to get inside. Sam sighed softly, shaking his head as the trio made their way inside the cold and damp home.
“Whatever, just stick to the plan. You two go down to the basement and destroy the amulet, I’ll stay up here and keep her distracted.” Dean and Y/N shared an eye roll before nodding, heading down to the door that led to the bottom floor. The stairs creaked under their footsteps as Dean held up the flashlight, Y/N keeping their gun full of rock salt pointed and their eyes peeled. Dean started looking through some of the old boxes while Y/N did the same on the other side of the room, their voices silent as neither could think of something nice to say to the other.
“Find anything?” Y/N spoke up, glancing over at the older Winchester as he was still rummaging through cobwebs and moldy boxes. He shook his head, looking up to meet their gaze. He turned back to what he was doing, leaving the already thick air between them to get even thicker. Y/N sighed, mumbling something about him being an ass before going back to looking. After a few minutes, Y/N noticed a red crystal on a long silver chain, their eyes lighting up. They grabbed it, turning around to show Dean. Instead, they were met with an apparition with a very angry look. “Shit!” Y/N went to grab their gun, tossing the amulet towards Dean, telling him to destroy it.
Before Y/N could shoot, they were suddenly sent across the room, their body colliding with the cold cement wall. All of the breath left their body as they fell the rest of the way to the floor. Dean called out to them before shots fired, the echoes being the last thing Y/N heard. Dean grunted, his face twisting into anger as he shot through the spirit with some rock salt. He worked quickly, setting the amulet on fire and throwing it onto the floor, shattering it. He watched as the pieces burned, then ran over to Y/N, checking their pulse before lifting them up into his arms. Sam raced down, calling out to them before running to help get Y/N out of the house.
Dean and Sam rushed Y/N’s unconscious body into the backseat of the Impala. They were both scrambling to make sure that they were still alive, then drove off to the motel that the three of them were staying in. Y/N started gaining consciousness while Dean and Sam were talking about them, fighting over whether or not to take them to the hospital. Y/N groaned, their hand immediately going to their head, fingers covered in a light layer of crimson. They sighed, sitting up slowly, looking at both of the brothers. Their brows furrowed, both of their panicked voices making their head pound.
“Guys, please, my head is killing me and your screaming is only making it worse.” Both of them turned towards the hunter in the backseat, relief and confusion furrowing their brows.
“You took a pretty bad hit from what Dean was telling me, Y/N, maybe we should take you to at least get checked out,” Sam suggested. Y/N shook their head, protesting the hospital.
“No, no way, I hate hospitals.” They glanced at Dean through the rearview mirror, raising a brow. “Did you gank the bitch?” He locked gazes with them through the small mirror, nodding before looking back at the road.
“Of course I did. She could’ve killed you, you know? You gotta be more careful, Y/N, you know that. What if I hadn’t been down there with you?” Y/N scoffed, letting go of the seat in front of them, their back slamming against the seat they sat in. Sam looked at Dean, hitting his arm lightly and shaking his head, telling him it’s not the time.
“Well, you know, maybe if you were actually watching my back, I wouldn’t have been thrown across the basement. You were supposed to be watching, Dean, but yeah, it’s completely my fault.” Dean gripped the wheel tightly, his knuckles losing color as he sped down the road.
“You were also supposed to be watching, Y/N. You knew what we were up against, you have to keep your eye out all of the time, no matter if you have someone with you or not.”
“Alright guys, enough! You two have been fighting like this for weeks with no breaks. You both need to chill out and start getting along again. I, for one, am sick of hearing it all the time. Now it’s starting to affect our work, and we all know we can’t have that. Do whatever you need to do, but do it soon.” Sam vented, then looked out the window. Y/N and Dean shared a look through the rearview once again, both sighing softly before Dean turned up the radio, blasting Led Zeppelin very loudly as they sped to the motel.
Not another word was spoken between the three throughout the rest of the car ride. When Dean pulled into the parking spot, Sam and Y/N moved to get out but Dean stayed put. Sam gave him a look before grabbing the door key, glancing at Y/N as well before going inside. Y/N got out, going to sit in the passenger seat next to Dean. He tensed up slightly, keeping his eyes ahead as the Impala rumbled.
“Dean, Sam’s right. We have to stop fighting like this. I’m not sure if I did something to piss you off or what, but you gotta tell me so we can fix it. Tonight was bad and we both know it could have been avoided if there wasn’t this weird hate thing between us.” Y/N frowned slightly, moving closer to him. His eyes snapped over to them, so many words going through his head but none of them willing to come through his lips.
“Y/N, I don’t hate you. I’m not mad at you.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
“Nothing,” Dean muttered, making Y/N boil with anger. Sam didn’t lie, this arguing and fighting with Dean had been going on for weeks with no breaks. They had been the best of friends until Dean just suddenly turned on them, becoming cold and pushing them away. Their hand slammed down on the dashboard, making both of them jump. Dean frowned, grabbing their wrist. “What the hell? What’s your problem, Y/N?”
“You! You’re my problem, Dean. Everything was going great! We were the best team of hunters out there and now we’re falling apart! I didn’t do anything wrong, but you’re treating me like I screwed you over. We used to stay up and talk all night, go to bars together while Sam did research, I used to be your freakin’ wingman, for fucks sake! What did I do, huh? What the hell did I do to make you treat me like this?”
“Jesus, Y/N, just drop it! I’m not mad at you, I’m...I don't know, I guess I’m just mad at the world, okay?” He sighed, and Y/N just gave him a look of disbelief. They reached for the door handle, grabbing it and opening the door forcefully, their anger fueling their movements. Before they closed the door, they ducked down, looking at Dean who wouldn't share their gaze anymore.
“Fine, Dean. Once we get back to the bunker, don’t expect me to be there long, alright? You’ll be free of me and maybe that stick will finally get out of your ass.” Y/N slammed the door, angrily marching to the motel door as the Impala burned rubber, speeding off down the road. Sam looked up from his laptop, glancing outside to watch the car race off. He sighed, handing an unopened beer to Y/N, who gratefully took it.
“I take it the talk didn’t go well?” Sam gave a sympathetic smile, Y/N scoffing and sitting down across from Sam before taking a very long drink from the cold bottle. They cleared over half of it before setting it down, looking at the taller Winchester.
“What gave it away?” They both chuckled, starting to talk about anything else other than what had just happened well into the night. Eventually, Sam had gone to sleep, dreaming away as Y/N sat at the table, keeping their eyes outside of the window. They checked the time periodically, starting to get worried about Dean. They figured he had probably spent the night at some random bar wench’s house, but they had a sinking feeling that something was wrong.
Soon, Y/N figured that Dean was tied up in someone’s bed, so they collapsed into his. Their head sunk into the pillow, a deep sigh relaxing their body. Their mind was racing with Dean, something in their gut telling them that something was wrong. Before they faded off into their dreams, they grabbed their phone and texted Dean, apologizing and asking that he updated them if he’s okay. As they waited for a text back, their exhaustion took over, forcing them into their dream state.
Sometime in the night, Y/N was shaken awake by Sam, panic in his eyes once again as he rambled on about something. Y/N woke up quickly, their reflexes taking over as their gun was suddenly in their hand, ready to shoot. Sam put his hands up, telling them it was just him. They apologized, putting it away before asking what was wrong.
“It’s Dean, he’s in the hospital. Apparently, he crashed into a pole or something. Come on, I got us a ride, we have to go.” Sam continued to ramble as Y/N processed what he said. As soon as it hit them, they jumped up, grabbing their coat and going out the door, Sam frantically following behind them. The car ride felt like it had gone on for two hours before they finally got to the hospital, Y/N wasting no time to find Dean. Y/N rushed into the room, any breath they had leaving their body in an instant. Dean was in the hospital bed, tubes going every which way and doctors speaking amongst themselves. The guilt that shot throughout Y/N’s body was almost enough to drop them right then and there. They raced over to his bedside, cradling his lacerated face with a gentle touch that one would use for fragile glass. Sam talked to the doctors, trying to figure out his condition as Y/N whispered apologies into Dean’s ear, tears welling up in their eyes.
“Y/N,” Sam called sadly. They lifted their head, frantically wiping away the tears that had escaped. “They said that he was in pretty bad shape when he came in so they put him in a medically induced coma. But he’s stable now and they should be able to take him out of it in a few hours.” Sam walked over, placing a hand on their shoulder with a sad smile on his face. “They said he might have some brain damage but they won’t know for sure until he wakes up. And only one of us can stay.” Y/N nodded, pulling the chair that sat behind them up to Dean’s bedside.
“Then I’ll stay, okay? You go take care of the Impala, you know more about that stuff than I do. I’ll call you when he wakes up, I promise.” Sam sighed, reluctantly nodding before pulling Y/N into a tight hug, resting his cheek on their head.
“This isn’t your fault, Y/N. Don’t beat yourself up about it, alright?” Y/N nodded into Sam’s chest, exhaling a shaky breath before pulling away. He cupped their cheek, tracing their cheekbone with his thumb before leaving the room, trying his best to hide his tears. Y/N sat back down, lowering the bar on the side of Dean’s bed so they could lay their head down beside him, their hand resting on his chest. Whispered apologizes filled the silent air along with the beeping of machines, an eerie lullaby that eventually led Y/N back to sleep.
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kingangelrose · 4 years
RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 2 Recap
“Refuge” ----------
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At the Atlas prison, Qrow, who looks at the bloody talisman of Clover, listens to Robyn Hill says to Jacques Schnee that this is all his fault, saying all she wanted was to bring Atlas together, to give them a chance at a better life, but he stood in way of that. Jacques replied by saying that he was a victim, he admits to being tricked and used, also going on to say that although his hands are figuratively not clean, at least he is no murderer, referring to Qrow.  
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Robyn tells Jacques that Qrow didn’t kill anyone, and she wasn’t going to be lectured, calling Jacques “a snake with a mustache” who helped Arthur Watts tear Mantle apart. Watts, who was laying down on his prison seat, says that they are all stuck together now, Jacques replies by saying that he knows the right people and knows that his son Whitley Schnee, is calling them as he speaks, but before he could say another word, Robyn punches the hard light cell by Jacques, yelling at him to shut up.
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Just then, three Atlas guards arrive to Watts’ cell, when they got, Watts asked if they realized they caught me, and one of the guards hits him with the back of their gun, knocking out and taking him away. Robyn says that she hates not being able to do anything, Qrow then says that they can do something, by killing the man that brought them their, that being Ironwood.
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Speaking of Ironwood, he was on the news, the Atlas reporter says that the people of Mantle are scared and perplexed by the sudden withdraw of military personal, especially with a massive Grimm horde outside the kingdom, saying that it feels like the end of days, just then, Joanna walked by and took the microphone from the reporter, and looks at the camera, saying to everyone in Mantle that Ironwood has abandon all of them, but the Happy Huntresses have not, telling them to gather as much food and supplies they need to stay warm and head for the Mantle crater, saying that with the Grimm making their way into the city, they can hold the line if they all come together, if not, then they will all just be targets for the Grimm outside the kingdom. “It’s time to show your teeth, Mantle” - Joanna Greenleaf.
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Team Yang made it to Pietro’s pharmacy, and when they opened the door for their new equipment, it made Yang have a big smile on her face saying that Ruby’s team is really missing out. Afterwards, Yang and Oscar were riding on a hover bike, in which she did a flip loop trick with him holding onto her, but tasting a bit of her hair in the process, all while Jaune and Ren were riding on their own.
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Team Yang tries to evacuate a part of Mantle, suddenly, screams from citizens are heard as they run away from two Grimm, Jaune then activates and throws a device that holds up a hard light shield, blocking the Grimms path and giving Ren the chance to strike them down. “Way better than a hover bike” - Jaune Arc
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Oscar asks Yang if the Grimm have already pushed that far into the city, she says that she thinks those two were just from the other night, she then asks Ren if Jaune uses his Aura Amplification on him, could he mask everyone’s emotions there, Ren says that it’s worth a shot, but a long trip through Mantle. Jaune approved of the plan, saying that it will be a Grimm free journey all the way to the carter, however, one lady asked Yang if they really need to sack up with those “animals in the slums” and that she would feel more safer up in Atlas, Yang says that she is sure that the lady would be, but “the people up top” decided that her along with the people of Mantle, aren’t worth the trouble, saying that the Faunus on the other hand and willing to help any way they can, regardless if some people deserve it or not.
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As the now masked emotion people of Mantle, along with Team Yang while Ren and Jaune were controlling it, the lady from before kept complaining softly, Oscar says to himself, or rather to Ozpin, that it shouldn’t be this difficult to cooperate, Ozpin replies by saying that it’s something that he is really concerned about, Oscar didn’t want to hear this voice at the moment, Ozpin goes on to say that Oscar, along with everyone else has every right to be upset with him and that he apologizes for leaving, Oscar says that he wasn’t upset that Ozpin left, he was upset that he came back, going on to say he started to feel like himself, not who he was before, but who he is now, and that felt like he was apart of the team, Ozpin says that he understands, even though it didn’t feel like he was with him, he was never truly gone, and that Oscar is gaining control of his remaining magic, recollecting his lost held memories, meaning their souls are still on the path to becoming one soul, Oscar then says that he doesn’t want that, and Ozpin replies by saying neither does he. Ren’s semblance started to fade, Jaune asked if he was okay, Ren says that it’s just a lot to focus on, Jaune tried to cheer him up, but Ren says that he doesn’t need a pep talk from him, just focus. Ozpin then says that they need to find a way to work together, not just him and Oscar, but all of them.
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Meanwhile, May Marigold helped Ruby’s Team get into the shipping area, Nora thanked May for coming with them, May says “don’t mention it”, saying that once Robyn knew about Amity Tower, she wouldn’t shut up about it and she would want them all to get it up and running and get the world talking again, also saying that Fiona Thyme is helping Team Yang in her stead, which left Nora feeling a bit uneasy.
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Weiss explains that Snowshoe Shipping is a Schnee Dust Company subsidiary, where the drones there report to the company itself and not Ironwood, the pneumatic tubes help dust crates to go straight to Atlas, and all the team has to do is find the one to the military, Blake jokingly asked Weiss if there was any building in Atlas that Weiss’ family doesn’t own, Weiss says that that isn’t relevant at the moment.
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Ruby went to check on Penny afterwards, Penny tells Ruby that she doesn’t like when friends fight, but when Ruby thought she meant with Yang and the others, she meant Winter and Ironwood, she says that they were their friends, but then the Ace Ops attacked them. When Penny mentioned what Ironwood said about people dying because her, Ruby immediately said that it was a lie, that he was just trying to hurt her, Penny says that she was the protector of Mantle, but she is more than that now, and she wishes she wasn’t. Ruby holds Penny’s hands and says that Penny is still Penny, and by becoming the Winter Maiden, she did protect Mantle, Penny smiled and thanked her as the two f them hugged. 
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Nora wonders how the tube system works, Weiss demonstrated how simple it would if someone to lay back on the tube, which she did, but before she could even say anything else, Nora pressed a blue button that sucked Weiss through the tube to Atlas.
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Nora wanted to try it out herself from the looks of it.
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Meanwhile, while evacuating, Fiona contacts others in Mantle to help out in anyway in each sector, noticing that Fiona is tired, Joanna says, while putting fire dust crystals in a furnace, that Robyn would be proud of Fiona for her hard work, Fiona feels like Joanna should do the work after “flexing” on the news earlier, Joanna laughs and says that she was just trying to get the word out, and that it looks like its working.
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Team Yang arrived with the other citizens of Mantle, Fiona said it was great that they cleared Sector 7 so quickly, she said honestly that she didn’t think they would make it without their teammates, which made Team Yang feel uneasy and causing Ren to walk off, Yang says that they’re doing just fine, Oscar asks where are all the people going, Fiona says that her, along with the rest of the Happy Huntress are working to get them into house or shelters, also using old mine shafts which a large portion of community is trying to make a living condition. Joanna says that looting the SDC refineries is their best source of the dust, the fortunate part is no one is getting arrest during all of this and it was an uneasy feeling knowing all the Grimm were out there circling, wondering what they are waiting for. The old man from before, who was Fiona’s uncle, tells Fiona that there was another fight breaking out between the citizens, which Joanna volunteered to break up, Fiona then gets a notification from Crimson, another member of the Happy Huntresses, saying that him and his group have spotted Grimm in the East, in which Team Yang would volunteer to take care of.
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Afterwards, Yang was luring a flying Grimm to her, attacking it while riding the hover bike, while Oscar and Ren were on the other side of the block, waiting for the signal, when Yang and Ren rode where the bridge was, the flying Grimm swooped down from under the bridge, trying to attack them, but before he could, Oscar threw a dust bomb under the flying Grimm, causing it to hit up under the bridge, giving Jaune the chance to deliver a final strike, finishing it off.
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Yang informs Fiona that they’ve taken care of the Grimm of the East, but Fiona says that there are Grimm now in the West, and that the huntsmen could use assistance, Yang says that they’ll take care of it, Oscar says that it’s the negativity in the atmosphere, Salem’s forces may not be moving, but that’s enough to attract straggling Grimm, Ren tiredly says that they’re not finished as they all see three Grimm headed for them, but before they could even fight, they all stopped and ran the other way, Team Yang wondered why they would do that, and that they’ve never see Grimm act like that before.
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Then suddenly, out of nowhere, the Grimm that Salem sent swooped down and attacked Oscar off the hover bike, Oscar kicked it trying to break free from its grasp, but it was useless as this Grimm was too powerful, attacking Oscar, depleting his aura, this was no ordinary Grimm, Yang, Jaune and Ren tried to rescue Oscar, but the Grimm used him as a shield giving it the chance to counter their attacks, Jaune says that Grimm aren’t that smart, Ren then ordered The Grimm to give Oscar back, but the Grimm.....
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The Grimm said no.... The team was shocked to hear a Grimm speak, then it started to transform, sprouting wings, grabbing Oscar by its jaws and flying away to Salem, Yang, Jaune and Ren rush to the hover bikes to rescue him, Fiona asks what was going on with the West sector, Yang said to Fiona that it was an emergency, when Fiona asked Yang what kind of emergency is it, Yang just said that she wouldn’t believe her if she told her as they chase down this new abnormal Grimm. -------- What is the new abnormal Grimm? Or rather, who is this new abnormal Grimm?
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by anonymous; liberties taken with Gavial and the Great Chief Returns’ plot)
“We’re going to Acahualla?” Gavial beamed at the mission dossier. “I haven’t been home in awhile.”
The Doctor shrugged, looking around the room of gathered Operators. “I figured it’d be a nice place for a vacation.”
“Vacation?” Ceobe was confused - weren’t these brown envelopes supposed to have work in them?
“Yep, a vacation.” He stretched his arms behind his back, letting out a long yawn. “I’m not getting any younger, and you only get so many chances in life to romp around in the jungle with your friends and coworkers, so I figured I’d make up an excuse to take some folks with me to Sargon. Gav’s from Acahualla, so we’re going there. Any other questions?”
Blaze raised her hand. “Should we bring swimsuits?”
“I will literally buy one for everyone here who doesn’t have one. Yes, Utage?”
“We’re still bringing our weapons, right?” The Nue patted her sword, leaning against the table next. “It’s not a vacation if I can’t take Shishiou with me.”
He chuckled. “I mean, if we don’t, Kal’tsit might catch onto us, so don’t forget your gear...but I know I’m changing on the plane to save the time later. Anything else? No? Alright, we meet at the airstrip at 0900. Let’s make this a ‘mission’ to remember!”
Of course, things didn’t entirely go to plan - for one, a certain fat-tailed Archosaurian managed to locate a rocket launcher, and for another, she managed to land a shot on RI’s expensive airplane - but despite the crash landing, the group did end up roughly where they wanted to be, in Acahualla proper. All they had to do now was get to a lake and-
“GAVIAL IS BACK!!!” Unfortunately, the natives had other plans.
“Hey, put us down!” The Doctor couldn’t really be heard over the roar of excited Archosaurians, to be fair. “Hey, Gav, are you really this popular?”
Being right next to him in the crowdsurf (by choice), she could easily reply, “I guess they missed me...Unless-”
“Gavial!” A particularly thick-tailed Archosaurian approached, leading to the crowd setting their ‘guests’ down.
“Damn.” He turned to the Medic. “Friend of yours?”
She nodded. “Tomimi. I’ve known her for a long time now.”
“Gavial, you’re back! Who are these folks?” The newcomer gestured to the arrayed Operators.
“They’re from the company I work at, Rhodes Island. We’ve got Ceobe.” Here the Medic started going down the line. “Blaze, Utage, Lancet-2, Dylon, and my fiance.”
At ‘fiance,’ the Doctor waved at Tomimi. “Nice to meet ya.”
“...Fiance?” The Caster cocked her head, tapping the stick in her hand on the ground a few times.
“Is that a problem, Tommy?” She looked back at their plane and frowned. “Hey, where are those guys taking our engine?”
‘Tommy’ pointed at the Doctor with her stick. “I’ll fight you for her.”
“You. What.” So many things for Gavial to pay attention to, so little time.
To his credit, the challengee was game for it. “Sure. Right here, right now?”
“No, it’s not the right place.” Tomimi looked at her cronies. “We’ll take them to Mahuizzotia.”
“The Mahuizzotia?...Do you all still not have a chief?”
One of the guards walking next to Gavial shook his head as they began the escort mission. “Since you beat everyone, and then left, we haven’t had one.”
“Hmm.” The Medic glanced around their group. “Anything stopping me from teaching Tommy a lesson, then?”
“Yeah: I wanna do it.” The Doctor cracked his neck as he said it.
She sighed. “Doctor, no offense, but you’re not a brawler.”
“I’m not?” He chuckled. “So last night wasn’t a brawl, then?”
“Not the way it would’ve been if I was serious.”
It was at this point that a smaller group of Archosaurians, along with a few Pythians, sidled up to Tomimi’s human procession towards the back. “Hey, you. Come with us.”
“Me?” Dylon couldn’t look ahead, thanks to the number of tails in between him and the Doctor, so he looked at Lancet-2. “What do you think they want from us?”
“Data insufficient. Excuse me, but where will you be taking us?” The robot turned her camera to the one who’d asked for them to split off.
The Python gestured behind them. “Chief Zumama loves machines. We think she’ll want to talk to you. She also has your engine.”
“Our engine?!...Hey, Doctor! Lancet and I will meet you back at the plane when you’re done!”
“Sure, Dylon!” The Doctor had more pressing issues on his mind. “So, Tomimi, you think that if you win, Gavial will want you instead?”
The Caster nodded. “That’s how it works.”
“Uh-huh. Who told you that?” A sideways glance at his fiance told him she didn’t know.
“I read it.” That elicited a stifled gasp from Gavial. “Inam’s given me all kinds of books to read.”
The Medic groaned as the dots connected. “Of course it would be her.”
“Gotcha. This is gonna be a straight hand-to-hand fight, right? A proper duel?”
“I was gonna use my stick,” Tomimi admitted, “but we can do that. As long as I win.”
The Doctor smirked. “Now that’s a tagline if I’ve ever heard one...Speaking of, where’d Kay run off to? Blaze?...Utage?”
“Did they all leave?” Gavial didn’t think it was that easy to get lost in the jungle.
“I guess so. Ah well.” He looked back ahead to the Caster. “Say, Tomimi, what’s your favorite thing about Gavial?”
The Gavial in question gave her fiance a sideways glance. “Doctor.”
“I...How do I choose?! Wh-what’s your favorite thing about Gavial, Doctor?”
“Her attitude.” She elbowed him, and he chuckled. “What? I’m serious. You’re the kind of person who knows what they want and doesn’t beat around the bush. Besides, no matter how tough you are, you’re a total sweetheart, too~”
Tomimi nodded. “She really is. Back when we were younger, she saved my life.”
“Ohhh. So this is who you were talking about all this time, then? Huh. I can definitely see it.” The Doctor laughed at the dagger-eyes his fiance gave him.
“She talks about me?” Tomimi’s procession stopped in its tracks to hear the answer. “What did she say?”
The Medic shout-whispered, “Don’t do it, Doctor.”
“Gavial told me the reason she became a medic was because she realized after saving your life that helping people was much more worth her time than hurting them - even if she does plenty of that still. Oh, and she mentioned your tail, which now that I’ve seen it for myself, I can see what she meant, but Gav, I still stand by what I said.”
“You really went there.” She sighed. “Just so you know, Tommy, the Doctor’s a thick-tail guy.”
Where the procession had stopped to listen in before, they were now stopped to freshly hash out the debate as the Caster turned around to face him, knocking over two of her tribesmen in the process. “You are?”
“Any tail’s a great tail as long as the person it’s attached to is awesome...but if we’re talking about preferences?” He’d caught himself staring a couple times on their walk already, and he didn’t stop himself now (partially to make his point...partially).
“O-oh.” Tomimi looked from one to the other before settling on the Doctor. “B-but isn’t mine too much? I mean, it’s so hard to make it look good.”
He cocked his head. “You think so?”
“You don’t?”
“A thick tail’s a beautiful thing on its own - no offense, Gav.” The offense had been taken before this conversation started, don’t worry, Doctor. “I imagine it’s a burden at times, but...can I touch it?”
As the Caster gasped, Gavial smacked him on the back of the head. “Babe!”
“What? As if you didn’t tell me about all the times you did.” Now they were facing each other, enthralled in an old argument.
“So? I used the past tense for a reason.” She glanced over at Tomimi. “Then again, it has been a while...”
Then the Doctor, surrounded by brawling Acahualla natives and in full view of his fiance, walked over to their ‘captor’ and lifted her off the ground. “Wow. Gotta be real careful where I put my hands, I guess.”
“Eeep! You’re a lot stronger than you look!” Tommy was holding onto him in turn - because she was scared she’d fall, of course! No other reason!
“He’s the kind of guy who just sweeps you off your feet if you’re not careful,” Gavial admitted. “Hey, are we going to Mahuizzotia or not?”
Tomimi and the Doctor looked each other in the eye as he told his fiance, “I don’t think we have anything to fight about anymore. Say, Gav...Can we take her back home with us?”
“You want to introduce the rest of RI to your vacation girlfriend?” The Medic had to admit, it would be nice having her around again, but honestly, could he be more obvious right now?
“Girlfriend?” The Caster’s eyes lit up. “If I’m Gavial’s fiance’s girlfriend, does that mean...I’m also Gavial’s fiance?”
Her carrier looked back to the third party in this negotiation. “I mean, she does make a fair point, Gav.”
“...Alright, but only because it’s her, okay? This wouldn’t be okay with anyone else.”
“I wouldn’t dare with anyone else.” The Doctor licked his lips. “This is a very special case.”
At this point, Dylon and Lancet arrived with another contingent of Archosaurians and Pythons led by another person that made Gavial gasp. “Great news, Doctor! We got our engine back!”
“And we recruited someone. Zumama, this is the Doctor, and you said you know Gavial already?”
“I do.” The engineer looked from her to her fiance, whose attention was entirely on their new third wheel. “They told me the designer of this amazing Lancet is back at Rhodes Island, yes?”
The Medic shrugged. “Pretty sure that’s Closure, yeah. You’re coming with us, then?”
“Mhmm. Is she?”
“Mhmm.” Man, everything was coming up Gavial today. “Well, now that that’s figured out...Doctor, you wanna find a pool to cool off in?”
He nodded. “Whoever can take us there, lead the way. Except you, Tommy.”
“Okay~” Why would she want to, anyway? She was perfectly content where she was.
Zumama took charge, leaving her entourage to take care of Tomimi’s crew (most of whom were unconscious by this point) while taking their guests to a waterfall with a crystal-clear pool beneath it. “Here we are.”
“Awesome.” The Doctor, who’d carried the Caster all this way, finally set her down. “Can you swim in what you’re wearing now? I have a couple spare swimsuits if you need one.”
“Will any of them fit me?” Her tail slapped the ground, sending dust flying as it did.
The Medic waded into the water, followed soon after by Zumama, Dylon, and- Ceobe? “Oh, Kay, there you are. Everything okay?”
“Thirsty.” She dunked her head into the pool for a bit before shaking herself off. “Thirsty.”
“Oh, hey, there they are!” Blaze and Utage cannonballed in from near the waterfall, followed by a Liberi and a few others.
Gavial looked around the gathering before focusing on her fiance. “This the vacation you were hoping for, Doctor?”
“Hell yeah!” He was waiting by some trees for- ah, there she was. “Everything feel alright, Tommy?”
“It was made for me. I...I feel pretty.” She twirled around, knocking over a thin tree in the process.
Best. Vacation. Ever.
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smediumsmeatbae · 4 years
Done With Nice Guys
PAIRING: Frank Adler x Reader  WORDS: 1964 SUMMARY: You're just trying to get some respite from a terrible day when a dude wont leave you alone.  WARNINGS: angst, mentions of injury, swearing, drinking, fluff at the end A/N: This is another submission for the #shamelesshoesforchris challenge by @navybrat817 and @stargazingfangirl18. I seriously cannot stop writing these. 😀 I used the prompts: White knight moment with the quote “We’re not done yet” I want to shout out @what-is-your-plan-today for being so kind and letting me play with her characters a bit at the end of this piece. She wrote an amazing series called Riding High that features Frank Adler and is currently continuing that series with Riding On. You guys might get to see the below story through Frank’s eyes later on… 👀👀👀 Please do not repost this anywhere else without my permission  Likes are amazing. Comments and reblogs are better.  Tags will be in the reblog. Enjoy!
Ferg’s. The local watering hole of St. Petersburg. It lent itself to a certain type of atmosphere on a Friday night. A relaxing spot; it was a place where people could grab a beer, watch the game, play some pool, maybe throw some darts as well. It wasn't pretentious and flashy, as most new bars were. It was cool in it's own way when it didn't try to be anything else other than a dive bar by the beach. And while you didn't spend a lot of time in the establishment, much more preferring the comforts of home, you did tend to end up there when you'd had a particularly bad day. This was one such kind of day. 
You sat at the bar near the far end where it was less crowded as you took a sip from your drink and surveyed the people surrounding you. You wanted to be alone that night, just process the day, and decompress. Maybe figure out if giving two weeks at your hell hole job was worth it. Rolling your neck to get out the cricks, you shuffled for your phone in your bag. You shot off a couple of texts to sympathetic work friends and started scrolling the internet. There were a couple of news articles that had caught your attention at lunch and now you actually had time to read them thoroughly. 
You hadn't noticed the banging of chairs, and the barks of laughs that were coming from the other side of the bar just a little too loudly. It was all white noise as you read through the news articles. You perked up your head for a second and looked around to a group of guys seeming to shuffle out to the patio. They looked to be in their early 20’s and probably from the community college down the way. Well at least they appeared to be leaving. You settled back towards your article, almost finished reading it. You didn’t see that not all the guys had gone out towards the patio and that he had noticed you.
“Hey. Hey, baby. Lemme get you a drink.” You heard a slightly slurred speech seeming to be coming your direction. "Hey, sweetheart!"
Internally groaning, you hoped that the advance wasn’t actually aimed at you. Your anxiety was already beginning to spike. You tried to look away from the noise, hoping to avoid them, but the only thing next to you was the wall. You made it your mission to make it the most interesting wall you had ever stared at. No such luck though, as a broad hand plopped on your shoulder and you felt him sit down at the bar stool next to you.  
“What’re you doing sittin’ all by yourself?” 
You could smell the cheap beer and cigarettes practically rolling off of him as he leaned towards you and you were able to get a good look at him. He would have been a reasonably attractive guy, had he not been on his way to being trashed. He had a muscular build and a strong jawline. Dirty blonde hair sat atop his head which was messy, but you weren't sure if that was because of hair gel or because of the alcohol. He had chocolate brown eyes that had a bloodshot hue to them. His face looked like it hadn't been shaved that day and had a slight fuzziness to it. You looked down at his hand that was still sitting on top of your shoulder and you were getting increasingly uncomfortable by the second. He stroked your shoulder lazily with the pad of his thumb, getting himself too comfortable around you. 
“I just like sitting by myself." You answered as calmly as possible. "Thank you for the offer, but I had a long day and just…” “Sweetheart, I just wanna get you a drink, get to know you. Don’t be like that.” “I don’t even…"  “Dave!” He called over to the bartender. “Get me another beer and whatever the pretty lady was having.” “No, don’t get mine.” You called out, a small, irritating tinge beginning to form in your words; tightness beginning to form in your chest. “Hey” The guy scoffed. “Just chill out, it’s one drink. You’d look so much cuter if you took the stick out.” “Excuse me?” You looked at him incredulously. “You interrupted me, you drunk ass.”  “Why are you being such a bitch?” Anger now lacing his words. He turned around to look at Dave and asked him to add that drink after all. 
Well, this guy was really checking off all the boxes on the Nice Guy™ checklist. You were starting to get scared and discreetly grabbed your bag. You hated confrontation; loathed it, in fact. The introvert that you were made you that way and you hoped that you could get yourself out of the situation as quickly as possible while he wasn’t looking. Bag in hand, you went to go past his chair so you could get to the outside, to your car, to freedom, but he snatched your upper arm before you could make it past him. For someone so drunk, he sure had quick reflexes still. You yelped out and winced, gritting your teeth from the sting. 
“We’re not done yet.” His eyes were blazing fire and black, looking at you now with a sneer on his face. 
You swallowed down hard, trying to get rid of the dryness in your mouth, and struggled to pull your arm away. Terror, real terror ran through your veins.  You were picturing yourself ending up on the eleven o’clock news, murdered by an asshole with a cheap beer problem. 
“Yes you are.” You heard a male voice beside you. “Let the lady go, man.”
You looked over to see who your would-be-protector was. You weren’t sure why but it was someone who looked vaguely familiar. You had probably seen him at Ferg’s at some point with friends... Maybe playing pool? You couldn't quite place a name with a face. Unlike the stumbling guy clutching onto your arm as if it was a life force, his stance was steady, unmoving. His body language read the surety of his actions- shoulders tense, eyes focused. His eyes were clear crystal blue and brown brows were furrowed. 
“Mind your business, dick head.” He snapped back. 
“It became my business when the whole bar could hear your conversation.” The man retorted, not losing his cool. “Let her go. Now.” 
Reluctantly, the guy did loosen his grip so that you could remove your arm from his hand and that left you to get out of the way. You wanted to make a break for it, but your conscience told you to make sure the guy who had stood up for you made it out ok. So you went to the opposite side of the bar, nearest the behemoth that was Dave. With you out of his sight, that left his attention turned to the man who had confronted him. The drunk began to stand up, albeit a bit wobbly at first, from his chair. Was he really going to try to stand up to this guy? Yes, the inebriated man was built, he probably had a good 20 pounds on the other one, but your would-be savior had a solidity about him. He looked like he worked hard with his hands for a living. His arms and chest were well covered by taught muscle. 
“What are you, some kinda knight in shining armor?” He snorted. “Fuck you, man!”
Before your protector had time for a rebuttal, the offender made a run for him. Your eyes went wide with paralyzing fear as you looked on. Someone let out a scream. You weren't sure if it was you or another person in the bar. Luckily, soberness was on your hero's side and he easily sidestepped the intruder. Not being able to stop, drunkie smacked into a chair, catching his head on the adjacent tabletop. He groaned out in pain as he held his head on the ground. 
“Jeff! What the hell is going on?” His friends finally came back in from outside of the patio. 
At first, you feared there was gonna be more trouble as they helped their friend to his feet but Dave, the bartender, was quick to jump in. 
“Get him outta here! Your friend is drunk and startin' fights in my bar. Get the fuck out before I call the cops.”
The guys were fast to act, quickly shuffling ‘Jeff’ out and cursing at him for ruining their night. He was going to have quite the headache tomorrow; nursing a hangover and a nasty bump on the head. You didn’t envy him one bit. Your body was shaking from all the adrenaline pumping through you, something you failed to notice a moment ago. Now that everything had slowed down, you were feeling the effects. You sat down on a chair, folding your arms to your stomach. 
“Hey, you okay?” Those ocean blue eyes were now looking at you and you found kindness and worry in them. 
“Yeah, thanks to you. Thank you for helping me. You’re like my hero.”  You let out a nervous laugh as a pink blush settled on your cheeks.
“You’re welcome but I was just doing what any person would do.” He smiled at you, looking slightly embarrassed at the compliment. “My name is Frank, by the way. You want some water?”
You told him your name and nodded for the water. He looked over at Dave who provided you with the drink. Sipping slowly on the water, it calmed your nerves and cooled your body down. Maybe it was the adrenaline still coursing through your veins, maybe it was that he was standing there being so chivalrous, so perfect, so... hot. You had to ask him out, right? You sat down your drink and cleared your throat, looking back up at Frank.
“So, Frank. Is there any way I could thank you for your bravery? Maybe treat you to a coffee sometime?” 
You reached forward and put your hand on top of his forearm gently, searching to see if maybe he felt the same. He bristled under your touch and moved his arm quickly away from you, a cough rising from his chest. 
“I… uh, thank you for the offer, but not sure my fiancée would appreciate that.” “Oh, god. I’m sorry.” A crimson blush flushed your cheeks as you pulled your hand quickly away as well.   “Frank!” A voice called out. You looked to see a long auburn and blonde haired woman walking towards him with a worried expression on her face. “Are you okay?” “Yeah Lissy, I’m fine.” Frank wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to him, kissing her temple lightly. 
Of course he was engaged. How could a guy who looked like that and who acted like that, not already be taken? You shook your head and smiled, taking your water back up and drinking it down. Frank turned to you and introduced you to Fliss, his fiancee, breaking you from your thoughts. You smiled cordially and shook her hand. You couldn't help but notice how cute they were together.
"Well, I think I've had enough 'fun' for the night." You laughed dryly. "I'm gonna head out. Thank you again, Frank. It was nice meeting you Fliss. You've got quite a guy." 
You didn't miss the pink that was on Franks cheeks as Fliss nodded, agreeing with you. 
The breeze coming off the water felt nice on your skin as you walked toward your car. You would never forget Frank and the way he saved you. Maybe one day you'd be lucky enough to have a guy like him.
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saiilorstars · 3 years
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Ch.4: The Mind Intruder
Chapter summary: The mind is a very tricky thing but Mamoru seems to have the right abilities to get in.
Fandom: Sailor Moon (Crystal)  – – [Rewrite of season 2, AU-ish in that there’s new OCs and the fusion of plots from the manga, crystal and the og series]
Pairings: Eventual OFC x OMC, Usagi x Mamoru
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel @stareyedplanet @perfectlystiles
{If you’d like to be added to this OC’s taglist, let me know!}
// Story Masterlist //
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 
"Miss Keena?"
"Hm?" Azula looked up to find her teacher, Miss Nano, standing impatiently in front of her desk.
Azula sheepishly hid her notes with an arm and watched as her teacher put down her last math exam. She nearly fell out of her seat when she saw the ugly red '30' at the top of the paper. "WHAT!?" she picked up the paper and nearly crushed it against her face from how close she looked at it.
Miss Nano went on to continue handing out the class exams back. Azula kept blinking as if the grade would go away in one of those. This had to be a mistake!
"Miss Nano, please!" she trailed after the tall blonde teacher around the classroom after school, begging for a second review of the exam. "I don't know what happened…" Well, actually she did know. She had been focusing on Sailor Hemera, Senka and the Shadow Crystal mystery…but Miss Nano didn't need to know about that. "I know I can do better!" Azula followed the teacher towards the door and quickly scurried outside first to block Miss Nano's way.
"Well you really should have," Miss Nano said like she really lamented having to grade the exam. She knew Azula to be a well studied student and couldn't understand what happened. "I expected better than this. I thought you understood the material-"
"-but I did!" Azula exclaimed, though she stuttered to give a reason on her poor work. "I-I just h-had a, um, a th-thing that I had to do that, um-" she gasped when the teacher returned to her classroom and shut the door. Azula blinked and stared down at her exam that really seemed to be burning her fingers the more she held it. "I don't get 30s!" she said just a tad loud for the passing students to hear.
"You got a 30? In Nano's class?"
This was truly the last thing she needed right now. She turned to Mamoru and violently pointed a finger at him, forgetting for a moment that he wasn't used to her usual behavior when she was upset."I don't need this right now from you!" she went up to the closed class door and continued to call for the teacher. "Miss Nano, please. The only way I'd get a 30 in my life is I was...dead!"
"Then I suppose you're the walking dead," Mamoru remarked smugly.
"Oh my God!" the red haired girl whirled around in his direction. "You're still here!?" Azula was very used to their old sibling-like relationship that the words and sarcasm just tumbled out of her mouth. It most certainly did not help that she was possibly at her worst moment right now.
"I was on my way out," Mamoru, surprisingly, remained calm and merely pointed at the doors at the end of the hallway. "But then I saw you shouting and I figured I'd like to see how this plays out. Heard Miss Nano can be difficult."
"You're not funny, and I'm not laughing," Azula stood with a straight face.
With such a straight face it would be impossible to feel anything. But then again not everyone was a reincarnated Earth prince.
"Usagi, c'mon, this is simple math!" Azula rubbed her face in frustration. The blonde in question had let her head fall to the table, over her math book to be precise. "Get up, c'mon!" Azula gently hit Usagi's foot with her own under the table.
Usagi slowly raised her head off the book. "Why do I need to know this again?" She was startled when Mamoru lowered himself beside her, having just entered the cafe. He put an affectionate hand on Usagi's back.
"So that business people like her-" he shot Azula a look, "-don't take advantage of you."
A sarcastic smile spread across Azula's face. They always joked Azula would end up taking over her family's business, except she didn't find it amusing. "You're not funny, and I'm not laughing."
Azula recognized that remembering face on Mamoru's face and was tempted to slip away before he came back to the present. Besides, Miss Nano would have to see her tomorrow anyways. But just as she turned away, he called out to her.
Crap! she thought with eyes shut before she turned back. "Yes?"
"Th-the blonde girl who was...who was with you the other day…?" Azula was sure that not even he knew what he wanted to say. It looked like he was still trying to process whatever he saw.
He probably means Usagi. She's the only blonde I know. And Azula severely doubted he meant Minako. Though that would make it easier...
"What was her name?" his question pulled her back to the present.
Azula cleared her throat and whispered the answer so low it almost seemed as if she didn't want to answer. "Usagi…"
"Have you ever tutored her at the Fruits Parlor Crown?" Mamoru seemed afraid to even ask the question.
"W-well, yeah…" Azula wasn't sure what the hell was going on but she knew he was starting to remember things. She had tutored Usagi on several occasions on her math in that cafe and many times Mamoru had come in to see how things were doing. Azula thought it was more to distract than to help. Usagi was all for distractions.
"Okay, I-I…" Mamoru rubbed his face, frustrated with himself. What the hell was he doing? Was he really asking a random girl about another random girl?
"Are you okay?" Azula felt the need to go check up on him. Whatever was happening to him she was sure wasn't meant to be happening. She walked up to him and reached to touch his arm. As soon as she did they both saw something.
"Here," Azula set a pink milkshake in front of Usagi and sat down right across from her. "It's exactly what Mamoru would order for you right?"
Usagi whimpered and buried her face in her hands. Azula sighed when she heard the small sniffles.
"If it's not right then I can ask Unazuki for something else, or…" but Azula trailed off knowing this wasn't the problem. She rubbed her forehead and stared at Usagi for a moment in silence before speaking up. "Look, Beryl might have taken Mamoru but he will come back, alright?"
"How do you know?" Usagi lowered her hands for a second, her sparkly blue eyes now red and glossy. "I couldn't save him…"
"Give yourself a break, Usagi, you just realized who you were in a previous life. You're not God. But you are a fighter and even though you spend half your days crying over something as petty as a broken cup, when the going gets tough...I have confidence you get tougher."
"You think I can be strong?" Usagi's lip quivered, doubt etched all over her face.
"Mamoru does," Azula said softly. "And though I like to purposely disagree with him just to annoy him, in this case he's actually right. You are a strong girl and I know you will get through this."
 Azula gasped deeply and pulled her hand off Mamoru's arm, the latter quite stunned by what they saw.
"How did I…?" but he didn't get to finish the question because Azula began to back away, and fast.
"I-I have to g-go!"
"Wait!" Mamoru called in vain. Azula was gone in a flash and all he was left with were strange feelings and new images in his mind.
~ 0 ~
"No you don't understand - he was in my mind!" Azula flopped on a park bench. Luna and Artemis hopped the bench and each rested on one side of the girl. "I-I felt him actually in my mind! I didn't even know he could do that!"
"Well, Mamoru isn't a Sailor Scout but he was the guardian of Earth and thus given powers he might not have developed yet," Luna said, rather reasonably and calm too. It was nothing to how Azula was reacting.
"He's remembering," she said, truly destroyed just by the thought. "You two said they wouldn't remember anything."
"Minako and the girls remain the same…" Artemis said thoughtfully, "...but none of them have the psychometric abilities that Mamoru does. Rei does, in a sense, but she's another story-"
"Not helping, Artemis," Azula cut him off. "So you think because of Mamoru's powers he'll be more likely to remember?"
"He's connected to the Earth because of who he was in the past and so by extension he's connected to everyone on the planet. This memory wipe works best on humans, specifically…" Luna trailed off, leaving Azula to make her own conclusion.
"Sailor Scouts," Azula finished with a small sigh. "So, basically, because Mamoru was the prince of Earth back then he's more likely to figure things out. That's just...great," she gritted her teeth together.
Luna affectionately pawed at Azula's uniform coat. "Don't fret, Azula, please. You are taking this far too serious-"
"Luna you don't understand," Azula calmed somewhat. A despondence slowly took over her facial features. "Back when Sailor Moon and the Scouts were active my only job was to look at the perimeters, stay on the computers...I couldn't help them out there. When they went off to fight Beryl and Metaria I had to stay here and just...wait. My job was to literally wait and see if they would come back alive."
"That wasn't your fault. You would have put yourself in grave danger if you accompanied Sailor Moon and the others…"
"It doesn't make me feel any better," Azula said glumly. "I was useless to them. I thought - I thought that now since everyone lost their memories and Usagi wanted to be normal...that this could be my job now. I would make sure they were all normal and safe. It's stupid, I know, but...it was my job this time to protect them." Azula paused for a full minute, her sadness overflowing. "But now Mamoru is beginning to remember and...now there's a Sailor Hemera and a stupid shadow hellbent on getting a crystal no one knows about."
"Azula," Artemis hopped off the bench and turned to look up at the girl, "Luna and I can keep an eye on the girls and certainly on Mamoru, but you can start to live your normal life as well. You shouldn't burden yourself with problems that we can solve. You just live a normal life..."
Azula snorted at the idea. "Normal? I'm at the park talking to cats - yeah, that's normal."
"Azula-" Luna began but Azula had gotten overwhelmed and rushed away.
"I'm going to go check on Minako," Artemis said after a couple of seconds. "And maybe we should patrol the other girls tonight just to see if any of them are remembering anything too."
Luna acknowledged his idea but preferred to stay back a little while longer. It was crazy to think that even now things still hadn't gone back to normal. Usagi was living her life as she wanted but outside of her blissful bubble things were beginning to get worse again. This time there were no Sailor Scouts to defend the planet from the evil trying to find the Shadow Crystal. Sure there was a Sailor Hemera but they still didn't know who she was and what her intentions were. Luna didn't know whether to feel grateful that Mamoru was remembering little by little because then that would mean he would be able to help a little...or should she be further concerned because now a second person had managed to avoid the memory wipe - it was still a grand mystery how Azula did it first.
Luna thought about this as she hopped off the bench and started her way back to Usagi's home. Usagi had been questioning lately where her dear old cat kept wandering off to and Luna didn't want to jeopardize her close position with Usagi. It was simply a challenge having to act like a true Earth cat all the time. It was why she often found Azula to keep conversation and her personal mind stimulated besides Artemis.
As Luna went off, a tall girl with long, brown and straight hair walked up to the bench where Azula and Luna had been. Her dark brown eyes glimmered golden for a second. "So you know where the Prince is…?" a smirk tugged at her pink lips.
Azula shivered as cold wind drew into her room from the open window. She went over and closed it then turned back. There were various newspaper clippings on the grounds with her own notes attached to it. Sailor Hemera and Senka needed to be stopped at all costs. Azula felt like she didn't have the luxury to get emotional. She took a seat on the floor, in the middle of the papers, and began sifting through them to reread what she already knew.
One hour later, her step-sister Keiko opened the door. "Hey, Azula, dinner's read - woah," her green eyes landed over the mess of papers around Azula. "What are you doing?"
"Homework," Azula supplied the excuse quick as she reached for another clipping.
Keiko caught site of some of the headlines and made a small whistler. "About that weird cloud thing and the Scout? What class is this for?"
"Communication - uh, intro to communications," Azula glanced at her sister with a small smile. "Journalism might be fun."
"Though you always wanted to work in something related to space, or something...?" Keiko left the door open so Azula could follow her out. "Sorry, you talk a lot sometimes and I tune it out so-"
"-Dad?" Azula blinked at the sight of her father already sitting at the kitchen table. "What are you doing here?" he was usually tied up with the business that he was rarely home for family meals. Kaito Keena was a man of business, and since he owned the Game Center Crown which was very popular in the neighborhood...he had a lot to do.
"I live here, remember?" came the black haired man's answer. His sarcasm made her playfully roll her eyes. "I'm also the one who pays the rent, so..."
"Okay, okay, I get it," Azula took her usual seat at the other end of the table. "I just didn't hear you come in, that's all."
"You never hear anything when you get into your work," Keiko pointed out.
"Oh, a lot of homework tonight?" Kaito asked.
Before Azula could answer, Keiko cut in with what she'd seen. "She was looking into that creature and the mysterious Sailor Scout who've been making appearances around the city."
Kaito's eyebrows shot upwards, making Azula dread what he would say about it. "Really? Well, makes sense since you always talk about the galaxies and whatnot. You think they're aliens, then?"
"Um..." Azula cleared her throat and put both her hands on the table. "I mean, the Scout looks humanoid. But that shadow thing probably is."
"Oh, but you know what I learned today?" Keiko excitedly asked. "It's actually funny what they name themselves. Hemera is a Goddess of day and light while Senka means 'shadow'. Can you believe that?"
"No, I...I hadn't considered the etymology of the names," Azula blinked rapidly.
"I just wonder where these aliens come from," Keiko went on, "And I'd definitely would love to know what a Shadow Crystal was."
"Yeah, that would be nice," Kaito agreed. "It would certainly help get the two out of the city before anyone gets killed."
"I should have asked that cute little fortune teller at the shrine…" Keiko said wistfully.
Azula raised an eyebrow. "What fortune teller?"
"Oh from the local shrine," Keiko leaned away from the door. "What was her name? Hino Rei? I went in to ask whether or not I'd get the school secretary job I applied to a couple days ago."
Azula blinked. Rei. How could she forget about Rei and her mind abilities? Mamoru wasn't the only one with mind tricks - Rei could sense danger! Sure Rei's mind was cleared of anything Scout-wise but her ability had come way before she awoke as Sailor Mars.
It was a stretch, but Azula would take it.
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thorne93 · 4 years
The Stars Made Us (Part 32 - FINAL)
Prompt: In this world, you’re one of the “lucky” ones who got a soulmate, but what if the universe gives you more than you bargained for?
(Prompt challenge – You live in a world where your soulmate can write on their skin and you will get the writing on your own and vice versa. Where they can wash away the ink on their own skin, however, the writing is forever scarred onto your skin until you meet face to face)
Word Count: 2578
Warnings: angst and language throughout
Notes: This was supposed to be for @sorryimacrapwriter​​​​​  and their challenge like a year ago, I think? I still loved the prompt though and have been working on this story for quite some time. This aesthetic was made by @dontshootmespence​​​​​, thank you so much! Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes​​​​​, couldn’t have done it without you, as well as @carryonmyswansong​​​​​ and @arrow-guy​​​​​ and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​​
Also, I’ve never really liked the whole soulmate AU thing idea, but this felt so right and it was amazing to write. I hope y’all love it too!!
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"There you have it, gentlemen. A world without Y/N. Get used to it," Rebecca said from behind her spot in the small room.
"You have to leave that room sometime," Stephen said as he looked at her through the two windows. 
"Oh, that's the beauty of it, see I can leave and you never even know--" 
A crackling noise caught her attention. Her eyes flashed to your form as the stone started to crumble away from you.
Stephen narrowed his eyes in response. "Uh, Charles," he started, not taking his eyes off your form. 
"What?" he choked out through a sob. 
"Look at this," he instructed. 
"What?" he repeated as he started to turn around, getting up and wiping his face. "What--What's happening?" he asked, confused.
"No, no," Rebecca suddenly said. "No, no it can't be. No!" she roared.
The stone continued to crumble away from you for another moment before finally, all of it was gone and you saw your two soulmates, a look of relief on their face. 
"It isn't supposed to end this way!" Rebecca yelled, distraught. 
Her voice set off something inside you and you pulled against your restraints. They suddenly disappeared, vaporized off you. You jumped off the bed and turned to face her in the small room.
"You--You can't come in here," she said shakily as she picked up a gun. "I have precautions!" 
Your blood boiled at the sight of her. You aimed your hand at the door and fired a shot of what looked like fire at the door -- it ceased to exist. 
She began to turn away from you, to what you were assuming was an exit door.
"Not so fast," you said, conjuring a whip and grabbing her with one hand. The other hand conjured another whip, grabbed the gun out of her hand, and pulled it into your hand. As soon as it hit your hand, she looked at you with fear. 
"No, please, don't," she begged, the conjured rope still wrapping her tight, keeping her put.
You disintegrated the gun giving her a look filled with hatred. Your eyes filled with black as you stared at her.
"Don't worry, I'll just do to you what you did to them," you said, gesturing back to your loves. "I'll take your world away." You focused your power, this new instinct on her. You let the rope go from her as your other power bled into her. 
"Wha--what's happening to me?!" she screamed as she looked around, horrified. She held her arms out just as someone would who lost their sight. "I--I can't hear anything, I can't see anything!" 
You smiled at her, putting a hand on her shoulder and forcing her to her knees. You looked up at the glass window that separated you from Stephen and Charles. You fired at it and it ceased to exist.
"What did you do to her?" Stephen asked. "What... What happened to you?" 
"I don't know," you admitted. "I just emerged from that stone and... this all feels so... natural. All I did was rob her of her senses. She can't hear, smell, taste, or see right now."
"Well, that's impressive, but what are we going to do with her?" Charles asked. 
Stephen and Charles helped you get her into the elevator and all of you went above ground as the authorities were called. They had arrived, you lifted your powers and they took her away. 
"Charles, can I have a moment, please?" Stephen asked as he got extremely close to you. 
He looked at you and you nodded so he nodded as well, walking away to talk with some of the police. 
"I'm so happy to see you again, even if I did almost die," you said with a bit of a smile.
"Why is it, every time we meet, someone is having a crisis?" he asked with a laugh, one that you returned.
"I don't know." you admitted through chuckles. 
He put his hands on either side of your face. "Y/N, I love you."
"I know," you said, wondering why he was telling you this.
"Will you be mine?" 
You looked down. "Stephen, I can't go do this again. I've already told you that I can't choose--"
"I'm not asking you to," he suddenly said, cutting you off, making your eyes go up to his. "I'm saying, will you be mine and his? I want to know if you'll be mine, as well as his?"
You felt like you lit up a million degrees inside. "What? Yes, of course! Absolutely!"
He smiled a thousand-watt smile and picked you up, holding you tight to him before kissing you. 
"What made you change your mind?" you asked when he sat you down.
"Charles did. We talked on the way up here, and he made it very clear that you love both of us, and I shouldn't worry about you choosing one or the other, or favoring one, or leaving one. He made me realize that so long as we love you, and you love us back, everything will be okay and I can live with that. I've seen you almost die too many times, and I don't want to live another day without you being mine."
All you could do was hug him again before kissing him. 
“You do know what all that entails, right? You won’t get soul rights to me. I am free to come and go as I please.” 
He smiled, nodding and laughing, he said, “Yes, yes, whatever you want, just please, be with me?”
“I like the idea of whatever I want,” you mused in a low voice before giving him a chaste kiss. 
As it turned out, you were an Inhuman. Charles and Stephen sought to find you answers, to see what Rebecca had released on you and why you emerged with innate powers. They found a group called Agents of Shield that had information on the crystal and the process you underwent. This would mean your parents were Inhuman as well, but they didn't know it because they hadn't been exposed to the Terrigen mist. 
Once you knew what you were and that it wasn't some odd side effect or something that could harm you, Charles worked with you on getting your powers controllable and seeing what all you were capable of. 
A year went by and you were the happiest you'd ever been, you were sure you were the happiest anyone had ever been. Time with Stephen and Charles was perfect. You spent your nights between the Mansion and the Sanctum. With Stephen able to open a portal between the two hour time gap wasn't even an issue. If you wanted to see him, he'd open a portal for you. If you spent the night and needed to get to work, he'd portal you there. If you wanted to go back to Charles, he'd send you there too. He was just thrilled to see you.
Balancing life between the two seemed oddly easy. There wasn't really a set schedule but for the most part you spent every other day with each man. Most of the time dinner was reserved for Charles and breakfast was reserved for Stephen, it just aligned with their clocks and schedules better. 
On a few occasions, Stephen still teleported you two exotic places for dinner, or lunch, or just to sight see. Charles had picnics with you. In a surprising twist of events, a few times, Charles drove you to the city for all three of you to have a day together. He knew Stephen couldn't leave the sanctum much so he tried to keep things close to him. Not only did they have a few dual dates with you, sometimes you caught the two of them at each other's place, chatting. It turned out they had quite a bit in common, that wasn't too much of a surprise. Both rich (or at least were), doctors, genius-level intellect, both were a bit arrogant and cocky, but above all else, both were very good men who just wanted to help people and two men who loved you with all their beings. 
Charles and Hank began to re-open the school, at your insistence. He was beyond thrilled to have the children in the house again and you promised to help keep the image of the school in a positive light. Stephen was learning everything he could about the mystic arts and you helped him every chance you could. Your practice was in full flight and you were doing exceptionally well in your field. 
One hot summer day, July 4th in fact, you walked into the foyer of the mansion.
"Charles? Darling? I'm home!" you called out. "I got everything we need for the barbecue tonight." 
Charles appeared from his office. "Hello, love. Here, let me help." He took a few bags and you went into the kitchen. You began to pull everything out when Charles grabbed your hand. "Would you come with me a moment? I'd like to show you something." 
"Oh, sure, just lead the way." 
He pulled you gently by the hand to the back patio. When you got out there, Charles stepped to the side and you saw Stephen. You glanced to Charles with a bit of happy surprise painted on your face.
"Stephen? What are you doing here?" you asked, before you ran full speed into Stephen. He picked you up and spun you around. "I didn't know you'd be coming." 
"Well, we wanted to surprise you," he informed. 
"Consider me pleasantly surprised. Oh I am so happy," you said as you watched Charles come over to stand beside Stephen. "I'll go start making the food right away so we can start the party." You started to turn but both men reached out and grabbed your hands. 
"One second, darling," Charles said. 
You peered at him with a curious look.
"Two years ago, out here in my backyard, on this very day, I told you I loved you for the first time. You and I kissed for the first time. It was long overdue, but I cherish it all the more because we waited until we were together in person, and in the right state of mind," Charles said.
He looked over to Stephen, as if passing on the turn to speak to him. A confused look crossed your face but you remained silent. 
"And one year later, in Nepal, you and I did the same."
"That was July 4th?" you asked, astounded. "I had no idea."
"I know, but luckily for us, I was keeping track of the days. Not to mention, how could I not remember the day you and I first said we loved each other and consummated our bond?" 
You hummed happily at the memory.
"Guess July 4th is kind of my lucky day with you two, huh?" you asked, a bit amused. 
"We hope so, because you have been a gift to us," Charles said. 
"You loved us when we couldn't love ourselves. You saw us through the darkest times and put up with us when we weren't the easiest to be around, let alone love," Stephen added. 
Charles continued, "You are selfless and bend over backward for everyone you meet. Although our situation isn't quite what most expect, or even understand..." 
"It works, and we wouldn't have it any other way, because it makes you happy," Stephen said.  
"We couldn't dream of living without you. You complete us, and we hope we complete you." 
You smiled at them. "What is this?" you asked, curious and amused. 
The two of them traded a mischievous look, smirking at each other before they looked back at you. The two of them reached into their pockets quickly before both of them lowered to one knee.
"Will you marry us?" they said in unison, peering up at you with love and adoration as they exposed rings that reflected their unique personalities. 
Your hand flew to your mouth. You were completely blown away. Your heart was racing. 
Finally, you realized you hadn't said anything. You said, "Oh my god, yes, of course, yes! A million times yes!"
Fireworks began exploding on the horizon as they grinned and got to their feet and wrapped their arms around you. You took turns kissing them quickly before they slid their rings on your finger, looking perfect side by side. Just as they were in your life -- completing you in ways you never knew you needed. All you had to do was trust the stars.
Forever Tag:
Charles Xavier
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