#Tim’s photos actually ended up ok
“Do you want to dance?”
Damian looked up from his perch on the the building’s ledge at the voice that startled him.
Lazarus eyes and white hair that flickered candle at the tips. He gently swayed in the air to the song the band on the stage set high above the park.
When the family had heard rumors early in October of a city wide haunted party that was to take place on Halloween night, they were all on high alert.
The thought of the dead being brought back and raising hell on the streets constantly on mind and in the possibility of rouges ruining the night close behind.
Until they met Phantom.
“It seems that the party is what one would call a success.”
Danny hummed as he joined the bird on the rooftop,
“Thank the ancients for that. Has there been anything suspicious?”
“Nothing abnormal,”
Damian glanced at his family participating in the crowds. Richard swung from Greyson to Greyson, with each twirl and flip through the air a smile graced his face. The three Greysons once again in the air together.
“though with how badly you intimidated the villains I can not particularly blame them for mostly hiding away.”
Danny snickered as Damian found Jason twirling around one who he could assume to be Catherine Todd looking like a fool.
“Yeah, well, what can I say? Being the King of all afterlife has some perks.”
The young king sighed as another song came to a close,
“But seriously, why aren’t you having fun? We worked out butts off to have tonight go down flawlessly yet you haven’t joined the rest.”
The Drakes were chatting to the side under an elm, the faint glow of the Specters bounced off the old camera around his neck.
Come morning the prints would most likely deteriorate into nothing but blurs but the sentiment was there.
“So,” Danny cocked his head to the side “penny for your thoughts?”
Bruce waltzed with Damian’s grandparents with this adoration in his eyes that made Damian look away, into the eyes of the silent monarch.
“It just felt.. crass for me to join the festivities. I was an assassin, a trained killer once. I have blood on my hands and I did not want to cause a stir.”
“You act as though you are the only person here tonight that has blood on your hands. In your family alone assassin trained in not an minority.”
“Even still, I am not clean, I have killed hundreds and still have troubles holding myself back at times, it could cause unnecessary stress on your subjects,”
Damian sighed,
“before my father’s absence the only death I had encountered were the targets and the people who ‘failed’ in the league for one reason or another. I never had to grieve, and those who I know that perished most likely would not have been allowed in this visit anyways.”
“Even still, there is no reason to mope. You can’t help who you come from little birdy. What matters is that you have came to terms with your past actions are are working hard to make up for them.”
Damian glanced back to the ghost as he felt a cold hand mesh with his.
Surprisingly, he did not seem to mind.
The two sat like that in silence as the gleeful participants continued on unaware.
“You know, for what it’s worth… I have had a blast in Gotham with you these last few weeks. If the high king of the infinite realm can look over your upbringing than I think you might be selling yourself short Robin.
“My- my name is Damian.”
The ghost let out in an unnecessary breath before a gentle smile graced his lips,
“Alright Damian, my name is Danny. Would you care for a dance?”
Put your head on my shoulder
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nightwingbb · 4 months
When Damian and Jon first get together, how do the shovel talks go? Does Kon actually manage to intimidate Damian, or is he the one who leaves afraid? Which of Damian's brothers talks to Jon, or is it a group effort? Feel free to make that a story instead of hcs if you want haha, your writing is awesome!
thank you so much, anon! and i gotta say, damian "i swear to you, i will never put your son in harms way" wayne would take a shovel talk waaayy too seriously
"if you ever hurt my brother..."
"i would cut off my own hands before i ever hurt jon."
"ok bro chill"
jon probably isn't much better since he also lacks chill when it comes to damian LOL
also, your question about kon inspired the ficlet below!
"Does Damian have access to Kryptonite?"
That effectively pulls Tim's attention away from the case reports he's reviewing. "What?" he asks. "Why?"
"That wasn't a 'no'..." Kon says warily from the other side of the couch, where he's been scrolling listlessly on his phone.
Tim shrugs because, well, all of the Bats have the access codes to a certain lead-lined vault in the Cave, but they're not supposed to actually use the codes outside of wold-ending catastrophes.
"Why do you ask?" Tim presses.
Kon flips his phone around so that Tim can see the screen, which is lit up with a post from Jon's Instagram.
It's a photo of Jon resting his head on Damian's shoulder, grinning widely while Damian looks at him with a small, content smile. The caption is a single red heart emoji.
"Jon hard launched. They're officially official," Kon says. "Per the Older Brother Rule Book, I believe it is now time for me to give Damian the shovel talk."
"Okaaay," Tim says slowly. "And... The Kryptonite?"
"Yeah, I won't lie, Tim. Your brother terrifies me. If he has access to Kryptonite, I don't care what the Older Brother Rule Book says, I'm not even going to attempt a shovel talk."
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e-dubbc11 · 9 months
Omg congratulations on 400 followers you so deserve it! Your stuff is amazing and always puts a smile on my face!
I’m not sure how this works exactly (plz let me know if this is wrong) but I’d be reallllllyyyyyyy excited to ready anything you’ve got!
I was hoping for a song request for Billy- Cruel Summer Taylor Swift
Something about the bridge just screams Billy to me
Butttttttt if TS isn’t your style I have a few other ideas
- Coming Down- Halsey, Hate That I Love You- Rihanna, Beautiful Mess- Diamond Rio
@pikachuondrugs thank you so much for sending this request in. You actually picked a Taylor Swift song that I like, she’s normally not my cup of tea but there are a few that I like and Cruel Summer is one of them.
Thank you for following me and being a part of my celebration. I hope you like what I did here ♥️
Safe with You
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: Drinking, tipsy reader, maybe a swear word? (I don’t remember, is that bad? 😆) fluffy bunnies and unicorns, love confessions
Word Count: 2.8k-ish
Summary: You meet your friends for a girls night out and have a little too much to drink so you call your boyfriend to come pick you up.
A/N: Loosely inspired by the bridge of Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift, book quotes from The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien. It’s one of my favorite books and one I think Billy would love also ♥️
As you watched the sun get lower in the sky toward the horizon, the colors of the sky turned shades of fiery red and orange with the colors of lilac and pink bordering the fluffy white clouds.
You recalled that saying “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning” and if there was any truth to that saying, it would be a nice day for your trip to the beach with your boyfriend tomorrow but tonight was about girls night out.
Your vanity sat next to the window so you could watch the sun go down while getting ready for the night. It had been awhile since you had seen your two best friends so you were excited about dinner and drinks tonight but it was your fault you hadn’t seen them in a couple of months.
They said they understood. “Hey, you have a really HOT reason for not hanging out with us at all this summer! It really is ok, y/n because he is super-HOT!” Sabrina had said.
She wasn’t wrong, Billy was incredibly handsome. They had only seen pictures of him, they hadn’t met him yet but they’d love him…just like you did but he didn’t know that yet.
You didn’t know it at that moment, but he would know exactly how you feel about it by the end of the night.
The month of May had been unusually warm and that particular day you hadn’t even planned on going anywhere but it was such a nice day, you decided to go for a walk to get a cup of coffee and stop at the bookstore on your way back.
The bright early afternoon sun warmed the tops of your shoulders as you walked the crowded city sidewalks. People in business attire hustled past you, trying to get back to their offices after enjoying their lunch break outside.
You were thankful to be off from work on such a beautiful day.
Because it was such a nice day, you put on a flowy white tank top, jeans and put your hair up in a messy bun. You weren’t going to be out very long so you put minimal makeup on before leaving the house and headed out.
Sure, there were plenty of genres you enjoyed reading but you kept coming back to the classics which is where he first laid eyes on you. With your back turned, you sensed someone behind you before he said,
“And I thought I was the only nerd who still read the classics.” His voice was soft with a slight New York accent and you could tell he was smiling even before you turned around.
When you turned around, you saw probably the most handsome man you’d ever seen. He was dressed in a designer suit with dark brown hair, a well-groomed beard and eyes as dark as freshly turned soil. You suddenly felt underdressed even though you were just in a bookstore.
“What do ya got there?” He asked with a perfect smile stretched across his lips.
He gently touched your wrist to pull the books you were holding closer so he could see and heat rose to your cheeks as his long fingers wrapped around your wrist.
“The Count of Monte Cristo and The Things They Carried. Both fine choices.” He extended his arm and hand for you to shake. “Maybe I should have introduced myself first before snooping around your book choices, Billy Russo.”
You shook his hand, trying not to blush in the process. “It’s nice to meet you Billy Russo, I’m y/n. I’ve never met anyone else who’s read The Things They Carried before. My copy is old and falling apart so I needed a new one.” You said.
“The bad stuff never stops happening: it lives in its own dimension, replaying itself over and over.” Billy quoted. “Another quote I love is…’They carried all they could bear, and then some, including a silent awe for the terrible power of the things they carried.’”
And at that moment, you were smitten with him.
That was three months ago, you had spent your free summer nights going out on the most romantic dates with him and he really knew how to show you a good time but he wasn’t just a handsome face.
Billy was sweet, funny, well-read, smart and strong but also…guarded, stubborn, jealous and a little possessive. But with all his faults, Billy always made you feel safe which he said was the best compliment he could ever receive.
He was a little disappointed he wouldn’t get to see you tonight but he knew you hadn’t seen your friends in awhile.
A text from him came through while you were getting ready for the night.
Have fun tonight, beautiful. Be safe.
Just a text from him brought a smile to your face, you made sure to reply. Billy would get nervous if you didn’t text back.
Thank you, handsome. I will.♥️
As the evening sun was setting, it cast long shadows on the ground as you walked to meet your Uber, you were ready for an exciting night.
After fending off some rather aggressive bar patrons, three karaoke songs, and a shot of tequila, you and your friends were able to catch up with each other’s lives but mostly laugh with each other and they wanted to hear more about Billy.
“Is he good in bed?” Sabrina asked.
Your jaw dropped which turned into a loud burst of laughter.
Valerie slapped her on the shoulder. “That’s a dumb question! Do you really think y/n would still be with him if he wasn’t?”
You shrugged your shoulders and nodded. “Val’s right, I wouldn’t have stuck around if he wasn’t.” You said, taking a sip of your drink.
“Do you love him?” Asked Sabrina, changing the tone of the conversation for a minute.
The corners of your mouth dropped and your lips pressed together in a straight line before letting out a long exhale. You gave them both a warm smile before saying, “I do…I really do but I haven’t told him yet. I’m scared to but hey if we keep drinking, that could change. Cheers!!”
The three of you reminisced of when you all used to work together, you missed it but you needed a job that paid better, they eventually left too, also maybe it wasn’t a good idea for three best friends to work together. You were convinced your boss threw a massive party after the three of you left.
“…Even separating us didn’t work, remember?” You said through fits of laughter.
After a few more rounds and many, many laughs later, the three of you decided to call it a night but you felt a little too drunk to even get in an Uber and get safely home.
“H-hey, w-will you guys ride in the Uber with me? I might fall asleep before I get home.” You asked with slightly slurred speech.
Sabrina and Valerie exchanged a look with raised eyebrows like they were hatching a plan telepathically.
“Whyyyyyyy don’t you have your boyfriend pick you up?” Valerie asked, exchanging another look with Sabrina. “We’ll wait with you until he gets here.”
“G-good idea!” You exclaimed, pulling your phone out of your purse and pushing the “call” button.
Billy answered on the second ring.
“Hey sweet girl. Everything ok?” He asked.
“Hi handsome! I-I really h-hate to bother you buuuuuut, can you come get me? I’m afraid I might fall asleep in the Uber.” You asked.
Val leaned in to the phone. “Hiiiiii Billy!!!” She yelled into the phone followed by a cackle.
Then you started laughing. “Oh my god, what is wrong with you?!” You said with your mouth away from the phone, Billy could still hear you though by the way he was chuckling.
“Baby, just text me where you are and I’ll be there as soon as I can, ok?” He said.
“Shut up, guys!” You said, followed by more laughter. “Ok, b-baby. I’ll t-text you as soon as I get off…he-he…get off.”
“Real mature, y/n!” Sabrina yelled.
Billy tried to stop himself from laughing but couldn’t, all he managed to get out was, “I’ll see you soon, beautiful.” And he hung up.
You were waiting for about 20 minutes when the balmy summer air hit the back of your arms. You were facing away from the door when Billy walked in and your friends pointed him out that he was there.
“Somebody is here for youuuuuuu!” Val exclaimed.
You turned around and watched him walk over to you, he had on jeans and a black t-shirt.
Sabrina “whispered” in your ear. “How is he even hotter in person?”
“You’re n-not w-whispering, ya know.” You giggled. “Billy, these are my friends, Valerie and Sabrina.”
Billy flashed his perfect smile at them as he wrapped his arm around your waist. “Nice to meet you ladies, I’d love to chat with you more but I really should get her home.” He said.
Valerie shooed the two of you out of the bar. “Go on, get outta here you crazy kids. You guys would have beautiful babies, by the way.” She said.
“What?!” You yelled.
“What?! Who said that?!” She said. “Ok, goodnight! Love youuuuuu! Nice to finally meet you, Billy!”
“You too.” Billy said with a warm smile, opening the car door. “Wanna lay down in the back, baby?”
“Y-yesssss, I do.” You slurred.
Billy had been driving for about 10 minutes when he asked, “You ok back there, beautiful?”
You sat up and stuck your head in between the front seats. “Oh y-yeah, I’m good!”
Billy just smiled and shook his head back and forth. “That’s good, baby. I’m glad you had fun tonight. I know you haven’t seen them in awhile but that’s my fault. I’ve been monopolizing your time and I’m sorry.” He said.
“But I love spending time with you, Billy. Actually, I-I t-told my friends a s-secret earlier.” You whispered. “Sssshhhhhh!”
Acting surprised, Billy chuckled and responded with, “Oh really? And what secret did you tell them, baby?”
“Well I can’t tell youuuuuu, cuz what if?” You trailed off and suddenly tears welled up in your eyes.
Concerned, Billy asked, “What if what, y/n? Ya know there’s only room for one emotionally stunted person in this relationship and that’s me. Tell me, baby.”
A single tear streaked down your cheek and Billy wanted nothing more than to catch it but he was driving and he couldn’t. You wiped the tear away and whispered, “I-I t-told them that I’m in l-love with youuuuuu.”
You thought you saw the corners of Billy’s mouth curl up into a sly smile in the reflection of the rearview mirror.
“I knowwww, I know you p-probably don’t feel the same way…Imma go back to sleep now, night night. Just shove me out onto the sidewalk when you get to my apartment. This is so embarrassing, I shouldn’t have said anything.”
Billy never did relationships but he couldn’t stay away from you. It was easy with you and it was the first time in a long time, or ever, that someone had told Billy he was loved.
You felt the car come to a stop and the engine turn off, you must be home.
“How ya doin’, beautiful? Can ya walk?” Billy asked sarcastically.
You narrowed your eyes at him as you sat upright and he winked at you in the rearview mirror.
“Yes Billy, I can walk. I’m d-drunk but I’m not THAT drunk.” You said.
Billy exited the car and opened the door to the back seat for you. His hands were chilled from the air conditioning and felt cold against the warm skin of your wrists, more than likely because of the alcohol. You felt his lips plant a gentle kiss on your forehead which made you smile and caused your stomach to flutter.
He really did care about you.
“C’mon baby, let’s get you to bed.” He said softly against your ear.
Swaying a little as you walked toward the entrance of your building, you grabbed a hold of his t-shirt and held onto him for balance, with his hand wrapped around your waist and guiding you into your building.
Once inside your apartment, you tossed your purse and keys onto the table and headed straight for your bedroom, leaving Billy to lock the door behind him.
He knew for the most part you were ok to change by yourself and get into bed so he went into the kitchen to get you some water and pain reliever.
Listening carefully, he heard the water from the bathroom sink running. You were brushing your teeth and washing the makeup off of your face. Billy found you curled up on your side, nestled under the blanket, waiting for him to come in.
“Ah, ah…before you close those beautiful eyes of yours, sit up and take these.” He said in a slightly scolding tone.
“Alright, alright. At ease, soldier. You don’t hafta yell at meeeeee. But it is pretty sexy when you do.” You said with a half-smile on your face.
Billy chuckled as he watched you swallow the two pills he gave you. He sat on the edge of the bed and moved a stray hair away from your eyes while you inched closer to him.
With your hand resting against his cheek, you started to gently brush his beard with your thumb, he kissed the heel of your hand and gave you a warm smile.
“Thank you for coming to get me tonight, Billy.” You said softly.
“Anything for you, baby. Now get some sleep, ok?” He said.
Nodding, you easily rested your head against your pillow and immediately felt your eyes get heavy and the last thing you saw before falling asleep was Billy’s handsome face smiling at you and felt him gently drawing circles on your back with his long slender fingers.
Yes, you were very much in love with him.
Rays from the early morning sun shone into your bedroom, warming the side of your face that wasn’t resting against Billy’s chest.
He stayed with you…he didn’t have to do that, but it warmed your heart that he did. Lifting your head slightly to look up at him, you thought about everything you said to him last night. You didn’t have any regrets, you meant it when you told him you were in love with him.
“Good morning, beautiful.” Said Billy, still with his eyes closed.
“Hey there handsome. You stayed with me.” You said.
His agile fingers danced up and down the exposed skin of your arm. “Of course I did, sweet girl. So, did you really mean what you said last night?” He asked.
You propped yourself up on one arm and gazed into his endless brown eyes. “Yes I did, Billy. I am very much in love with you. That wasn’t exactly how I wanted to tell you for the first time but, well, I can’t take it back…and I don’t want to take it back. I-I love you Billy.”
Billy had a stoic look to his face for a brief moment which felt like time was standing still waiting for a reaction before a warm smile crept to his face and his lips collided with yours.
Suddenly, you were pinned underneath him as he kissed you aggressively, all teeth and tongue before tracing his lips down the hollow of your throat and the side of your neck. The bristles of his beard tickled your skin which caused you to giggle and playfully call out his name.
He stopped and gazed down at you with slight sadness in his beautiful dark brown eyes that looked like two pools of black ink. Billy closed the gap between your bodies so he could rest his forehead against yours.
“I love you too y/n, very much. Ya know, I find myself staring at your picture when you’re not around, I smile when I see that you text me, I love how you say hi to every single dog we pass walking down the sidewalk, you make me laugh which isn’t easy to do, and I probably fell in love with you when you told me that…that you felt safe with me.” He said as he gently pressed his lips to yours.
His words sent shivers down your spine causing you to let out a long exhale.
“Billy, I never feel safer than when I’m with you.” You said with a warm smile, cupping his cheek.
“You’ll always be safe with me, baby.” And he kissed you again. “How do you feel this morning?” He asked.
A big smile played across your lips, a feeling of warmth flowed over your heart, it was beating so rapidly you thought it might beat right out of your chest, and you desperately did not want that feeling to go away.
Yes, you loved him.
“Never better, my love. Never better.”
Tag List: @mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @xdervyxccgh @mattmurdocksscars @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialams @idek-what-to-put @anastasianeedstoread @ratsys @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @russosafehaven @mrsbillyrusso @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend
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debunkingtherightwing · 6 months
Tim Pool waxes poetic about biology, "sneaky fuckers", and masculinity....it's about as dumb as you might expect.
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This promises to be painful (Photo credit; Timcast on Youtube)
If there is one lesson we all learnt on this blog in 2023, it's that Tim Pool might be one of the dumbest political commentators in recorded history. I figured what better way to wring in the New Year than watch one of his recent videos and fact-check them and laugh at the stupidity along the way!
Tim has thoughts on masculinity in this episode, unfortunately they are all very stupid ones. So, let's get into it shall we?
00:00, Tim Pool: "Oh boy we got a viral video of a young woman saying that when she went on a date with a bro, a mans man, and he paid the bill, whoo, she got all hot and bothered and felt the feminism leave her body."
Alright, so this video was making the rounds in the griftersphere recently. It was a video of some woman saying that after she went on a date and a guy paid the bill, she "felt the feminism leaving her body". The opinions of griftersphere commentators have been mixed, for example professional sociopath Matt Walsh didn't like it and said some predictably dumb crap about how woman are only motivated by money or something. Tim likes it because it lets him rant about "masculinity" for 20 minutes.
First of all, there is absolutely no way to verify the legitimacy of some anecdote that an influencer said in a TikTok video, that's why you don't see legitimate news organizations covering this story (that and the fact that nobody outside of these losers care).
Secondly, who the hell cares? This may come as a shock to Tim and Co but some random woman on TikTok isn't the net voice of every single woman on the planet.
Gee, it's almost as if women are all individuals with their own thoughts and feelings and stuff. But that can't be true! Woman all like the same things because some woman on TikTok told a probably made up story for likes.
How long is this crap I've decided to watch anyway? Can't be more than five minutes right?
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00:19, Tim Pool: "It started making me wonder about maybe the reason a lot of young women have these politics is because they aren't around actual men."
This take is stupid on multiple different levels.
So, according to Tim feminists are feminists because they haven't met the "right guy". To reach this conclusion you have to be extremely ignorant of feminism and really women in general. The feminism movement is about equal rights for women, some examples of some of the things a feminist might strive towards would be ending gender pay gaps or reducing sexual violence against women. Saying that women are feminists because of a lack of masculinity is essentially reducing all the challenges that women face due to a misogynistic society while also saying that women don't have autonomy outside of the men that they are around.
Tim is also categorizing men into "real men" and "fake men". This mindset has been pervasive throughout our society and has done nothing but damage the self-esteem and mental health of young males who don't fit that extremely linear idea of what a "real man" is. The fact of the matter is that not all men fit that idea but that's ok, there are many different paths to being a good person and if you are a good person that's all that matters at the end of the day.
0:52, Tim Pool: "I think a lot of younger women are surrounded by these low-t loser guys who are super effeminate and think that the media tells them what women actually want, in that they go on dates and say 'do you wanna split the bill?' and women are like 'sure'."
Some people are just naturally born with lower testosterone levels than other ones and that's ok, you can't just categorize somebody as a loser just because they have lower testosterone or are more effeminate.
Besides, the ideas of masculine and feminine men are just made up social constructs anyway. The day we start to judge people by their character and not these constructs of masculinity and femininity is the day society improves as a whole.
The media is also not telling men that they should split the bill, I'm pretty sure it's still considered good form for a man to pick up the tab on the first date.
01:21, Tim Pool: "Now in biology this term is called 'sneaky fucker', I am not making that up, it is quite literally the actual academic term."
The term is actually "kleptogyny" and the term sneaky fucker is more just an expression used to describe it (although I've also heard it applied to kleptogamy, shows how relatively obscure and unused the term sneaky fucker is in academia) . Tim is also using it completely incorrectly.
kleptogyny is a zoology term where males with less attractive characteristics copulate with a female in a harem while the male who is running the harem isn't looking. Couple problems with Tim's usage of it here.
The most obvious issue is that women aren't herd animals who don't have individual personalities outside of the pack, women have individual personalities and sexual preferences. Some women might like quote on quote "effeminate" men and some women might like the type of men that Tim seems to think that every single woman is into.
This term only applies if Tim thinks all women are dumb herd animals and if that's the case he's a detestable person. I personally think what's going on here is a little of Tim being a misogynist and a bit of Tim being a dumbass talking shit, not that that makes it any better.
1:30, Tim Pool: "So in biology they have this idea of the attractive male, the female seeking the male. Ah cardinals cardinal, you've seen cardinals, beautiful birds, very red. Ah but alas only the males are red. Why? The bright colors are to show off and attract the female. The females tend to be brown, more plain looking. But there's another reason why the males are bright red, to attract predators. You know I wondered about that, it's winter, there's snow everywhere, and there's these red birds everywhere that easily stand out. Because when the predators seek to strike they are drawn to the male and not the female and the female has the babies, the babies survive."
I am slightly used to Tim Pool's inane ramblings after I listened to one hour of him for this blog and it nearly broke my brain, however I ask again; WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! Why the hell are we talking about cardinals?!
This kind of stupid tangent is how Tim distracts from the fact that his points are completely ridiculous and have no basis in facts or even basic reality. While he isn't one in the kleptogyny sense, Tim Pool is a sneaky fucker (as are all of the grifters and hacks we talk about on this blog).
Anyway, he's right that scientific evidence backs up male cardinals being red to attract mates but he's completely off base about it being a way to attract predators. I found absolutely nothing saying that which makes me think that Tim just pulled that "fact" out of his ass.
How is this supposed to apply to human males by the way? So we're supposed to wear bright colors to attract females and uhhh....hope those bright colors attract muggers and criminals so that they kill you and the females babies are protected? Stepping in and protecting your partner is something I can get behind but dressing up like a pickup artist and not fighting back against an attacker are both stupid.
02:12, Tim Pool: Now in biology you also have the concept of the sneaky fucker. That is, there is a high value male that dances for the female, you know (how) birds do those dance, I love watching those nature videos where the birds are like they dance, it proves their value or whatever. But then you have the very strong males and they win over all the females and reproduce. The sneaky fucker is the lesser male who in the middle of the night sneaks in a lay to pass on it's genes."
I mean, kind of. Kleptogyny isn't necessarily sneaking in during the middle of the night, as a matter of fact it's mostly scene when the alpha male of a pack is distracted by another rival.
This again doesn't really apply to human males unless you assume that women are all attracted to the same type of male and that human males are sorted into objective categories of good men and bad men.
What would a human example of kleptogyny even look like? All the made up examples I could think of were dumb because they immediately remove any and all human agency from the equation from both the males and the females. It also ignores the existence of LGBTQ+ people who aren't only interested in male + female like straight people are.
02:44, Tim Pool: "I'm imagining this, I'm wondering I should say, if this young woman, she looks like she's in her 20's, has only been around sneaky fucker types. Male feminists, low-t weak men lacking passion and ambition. Men who don't get up, don't exercise, don't improve themselves and she thought 'this is what men are'."
So, those types of men don't apply to the definition of kleptogyny. The closest application I can think of would be a man who slips a woman a date rape drug while her boyfriend is distracted and rapes her and that's WAY too evil of an act to simply be labeled as kleptogyny.
Come to think of it, paying for a meal isn't even an alpha male move in Tim's imaginary cartoon version of reality. Any male can do that, even the ones that Tim described.
What's wrong with male feminists by the way? Would Tim rather we go back to the 1950's style "get back in the kitchen" way of treating woman? Not every male feminist is a whiny loser like Tim seems to think.
Tim's thought process whenever he sees a male feminist seems to be "Respecting women? Psh, loser."
3:04, Tim Pool: "Perhaps one of the big reasons many women are claiming to be LGBTQ is because they're not feeling strong attraction to males because they're not actually encountering real masculinity for which they're attracted to."
That's not how sexuality works. A woman doesn't become attracted to other women because she hasn't met the kind of male she'd be attracted to. The internet exists for one, odds are those women would find footage of the type of guy they are attracted to and realize that they are cis women. It's also extremely unlikely that those women would be alive for 20+ years and never meet the kind of male they would be attracted to. For this to work you'd have to say that you can just switch your sexuality whenever you feel like it.
Man, Tim is truly one of the dumbest guys in the griftersphere.
Tim then plays the TikTok so the next couple comments are him reacting to it.
04:43, Tim Pool: "Ok, I'm gonna pause right there. I've never had that negotiation about who pays, never. That's just me. Every date I've ever been on, every time I go out, I just throw my card down."
Congrats Tim, do you want a medal? Seriously, most guys do this, it's the polite thing to do. Paying for a meal on a date isn't some alpha and macho thing to do.
I doubt this TikTok's legitimacy the more I watch it. You're telling me that a lifelong feminist suddenly decides that she doesn't believe in feminism anymore because a guy paid for her meal at a restaurant? That's extremely stupid if true, which again I doubt it is. Her usage of the term "liberal snowflakes" at the end of the video also indicates to me that she's trying to appeal to right wing grifters like Tim for attention.
08:22, Tim Pool: "I'm not gonna speak for every single woman, women like different things."
"That's why I titled my video 'Women LOVE masculinity NOT male feminists', because I'm not speaking for every single woman."
By the way, the reason that you are seeing large time skips is because Tim spends a lot of this episode talking about nothing. Here's an example of what most of this episode is like.
12:04, Tim Pool: "If you ask a lot of guys, they'll say they don't like makeup. I don't know if it's the majority, but most of the people I know don't like makeup. Me personally, I think it's gross. I really find it gross and then I hear this from women all the time, they're like 'You don't really find it gross, your just saying that' ladies it's gross. I do not like makeup, it's gross."
Guys, I am just gonna go out on a limb here and say that Tim thinks makeup is gross. He's so subtle about it thought that it's honestly hard to tell.
12:38, Tim Pool: "Women dress up not for other men but for other women."
Tim doesn't really elaborate on this beyond "Oh yeah, I hate makeup so every other guy probably does as well so that must mean that women wear it for other women." He also contradicts this later in usual Tim Pool fasion.
13:10, Tim Pool: "Here's what happens. You get a woman like this and she says 'Look at the guy I'm gonna date with'. The other women say 'He's not socially acceptable because he's a Trump supporting chad bro' and they're like 'Oh, better not date that guy because he doesn't have social status.'"
In the history of things that has never happened with women, this is one of the most never happened things.
What does the guys politics have to do with this by the way? We don't even know what this alleged guy looks like, forget who he's voting for in the next election. For all we know he could be a democrat Biden loving male feminist who just happened to pay for her meal, maybe he doesn't have strong political opinions at all.
This is absolutely just Tim catering to his fanbase of conservative MAGA guys. "Hey guys, guess what? YOU'RE the hot chad-bro's because you like Trump or whatever."
13:54, Tim Pool: "Because I think what women are attracted to but what is socially acceptable is split, and so you have women on social media being like 'No no, Dylan Mulvaney, that's the person you wanna be with!'"
Tim Pool is legitimately obsessed with Dylan Mulvaney to an almost unhealthy degree. He manages to mention her once every other video.
By the way, who died and made Tim the expert on women and how they interact with one another? I don't see how women in a certain social group would know a guys politics unless he's extremely obnoxious about them and that's a total turn off.
15:32, Tim Pool: "100 men 100 women, 99 men die, that one man can make a whole bunch of babies in 9 months. A lot of work for that one guy but it's possible. 100 men 100 women, 99 women die, your done. You get one baby in nine months, ya ain't gonna be having a lot of babies, that woman's gonna be working more than any woman's ever worked to save their village. For this you have the expendable male, if a man dies society can still survive."
This is ignoring a lot of things, for example what if that one male is impotent? Or what if out of those 100 women, some have fertility issues, some miscarry, and some are LGBTQ+, the number of babies is slashed pretty quickly. Maybe this mythical village that we shall call "Strawmanville" could call in more women or men from neighboring villages and as a result they have more people to help with population growth. Or maybe the residents of Strawmanville can go to another village, get engaged, and then come back and repopulate Strawmanville with their new spouses.
That's not important though because this viewpoint is also harmful for both men and women. It makes men completely expendable and worthless in society and women only worthwhile for child rearing. Since our planet has 7.8 billion people on it, the situation that Tim is describing will never take place and thus has no bearing in reality.
Tim talks about how wolves were domesticated, it's super long and rant-ey so we'll skip straight to his point.
18:22, Tim Pool: "So how does a dog come to be? Social pressures created social behaviors, environmental pressures created social behaviors. The same is true for human beings and eachother. Human's that would send their women to go hunt likely would not last that long, so women end up not hunting."
Interesting that Tim would bring up women hunting since there is actually evidence that contradicts his statement. For example, a recent study found that 50% of prehistoric big game hunters were in fact females. Another paper published by the peer reviewed journal PLOS ONE showed that 79% of past and present foraging societies have had female hunters.
In essence, women have hunted for centuries.
19:09, Tim Pool: "What colors women wear, dresses, yeah that has nothing to do with social pressures."
Wait a minute, wait a minute, back up the bus. Didn't Tim say a couple minutes ago that women "dress up for other women"? So which is it Tim? Does the way a woman dresses have nothing to do with social pressures or is it influenced by the social pressures of other women?
Whenever I watch Tim Pool I find myself wondering how he is able to get away with being this bloody daft on his own show to an audience of over a million people. Do people just have that little critical thinking?! I just don't understand why he's successful.
On the Daily Wire side of the griftersphere I kind of see why they all have some success. Matt Walsh just allows people to indulge their personal prejudice with the thin veil of an "intellectual" (read: narcissistic ex shock jock) saying bigoted linguistic vomit and Ben Shapiro at least pretends to be a legitimate political commentator, Michael Knowles is simultaneously dumb and boring but again at least he kind of tries to make sense and not many people watch him anyway. I don't know enough about Candace Owens to comment, but we will talk about her at some point. As for the others we have talked about so far; Ezra Levant is just the Lite Canadian version of Alex Jones and Charlie Kirk and Dave Rubin are also really dumb but for different reasons and at least they can stay on track most of the time.
Tim? He's annoying to listen to, goes on long and stupid-ass tangents about nothing, and regularly contradicts himself over the course of single episodes. I just don't get it!
19:16, Tim Pool: "But of course, the reason why women weren't working, the reason why women weren't voting was absolutely because men were involved in external affairs and war, conflict, hunting, et cetera, and women stayed in the camp raising children because they're the only ones who can."
Of course, how could I have been so foolish? Here I was spending my life thinking that the reason why women weren't working or voting was because they literally weren't allowed to, boy was I sure wrong there! The reason was because they were in "the camp" where they belong raising children.
This is so idiotic. If I were to directly talk to Tim about this episode I'd ask him if he thinks women being allowed to vote is a good thing or not, because it sounds like he doesn't from where I'm sitting.
Alright, so what have we learnt? Well, as is always the case when I watch Tim Pool stuff for this blog, I feel like I actively have lost brain cells watching this video. I certainly have learnt that Tim possesses the amazing talent of being able to stretch out coverage of a TikTok video into 21 minutes and I learnt that he likes saying the word "fucker".
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Time for an update with an AU I totally forgot to talk about here beyond a single photo a new AU! This is a LONG ONE, I have a LOT to talk about here, there's a reason I'm just doing a separate post and linking it to my AU master post later, so buckle up
Glitch Master AU: Basically just a Pokémon AU. BEN's team is comprised of glitch Pokémon, save for one. She is kicked out of the league around the 4th gym (still haven't decided when) due to getting caught cheating with a 7 Pokémon team by hiding their Rotom in their phone until battle. He then dedicates his time to just rescuing other glitch Pokémon. Other notable figures are, of course, Toby, who is mostly just into exploring the region, Tim, who wants to live in the deep wild with his Pokémon and be spoken about in the nearest town among hushed whispers like a cryptid, Brian, a Contest Star, and a friend's OC and 3 OCs of mine that I'll get to in a minute. Have BEN with his team to break up the long ass post a little.
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This one actually has some plot to it! BEN essentially teams up with @dr-viles-laboratory 's OC, Morrigan, a Pokémon researcher in this AU (he's an entirely different brand of Fucked Up (affectionate) but he's not my OC to ramble about, I'll leave that to my buddy :3), and they just kinda explore the region together at first, meet new people, etc. They meet up with a set of triplets, August, Dillion, and Anthony. August is a violent and hotheaded bastard (we hate him here :3), Dillion is super shy and an absolute sweetheart, and Anthony is intellectually and physically disabled, but so, so kind and energetic. They become VERY important later.
There's a somewhat loose plot idea, but it follows a lot of themes of unethical experimentation. It starts off with just Pokémon that Don't Seem Right, some glitch Pokémon that BEN, as a glitch Pokémon expert, KNOWS have been suffering. BEN and Morrigan explore a couple of abandoned labs, sometimes with others joining them, sometimes alone. One of the labs, which is explored with the triplets, has a suspicious amount of Yamask and Phantumps CRAWLING through the crumbling halls, and they realize it's faintly familiar to them.
Then it comes out that the TRIPLETS are experiments, they're living as best as they can in hiding, but Dillion and Anthony reveal that they've been spliced with Pokémon, Dillion with a Lillipup and Anthony with a Rockruff. August was the control specimen, but came out of it especially psychologically disturbed compared to his brothers (this is still a Creepypasta AU, after all, we love to see needless angst here for funsies :3). All of these instances of experimentation are connected, different stages in a nebulous plan. I don't have GREAT refs of them all, but I have Something™ (I KNOW Anthony doesn't reflect Rockruff this is his normal design outside of this AU, I only drew Dillion in this AU, and I only have a HELLA outdated August ref, it's what I have ok 👉👈)
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August becomes absolutely FURIOUS as the group piece together his and his brothers' pasts, and he storms off impulsively to track down the people responsible.
Y'all ready for it to get REAL fucked up?
He walks right into a trap by the researchers, eager for one of their escaped subjects to return back, and he becomes the test subject in the FINAL stage. First was creating glitch Pokémon in a lab to practice cloning them reliably, then was splicing children and Pokémon together to see if it could be done without killing the subjects. And finally, with August walking right into their trap before the others can catch up to him, they can achieve their final goal: creating a home-grown Legendary Pokémon, easily controlled by the researchers, but with the intelligence and will of a human. A lab grown God in the palm of their hand.
(side note, I have a sketch for the design of the August Legendary Pokémon, but it's pretty body horror and religious horror, so I'll put it under a read more at the end of the post)
What they DIDN'T account for was that August was probably, like, the absolute WORST person to try this with, he's vindictive and violent and selfish as hell, so rather than a benevolent God created to look out for the good of humanity, they have a traumatized, vindictive creature that's sadistic to his core, furious at everything he's been through and it STILL not being over, and way, WAY too powerful to easily defeat. Plus, ya know, the constant pain. That doesn't help.
There's an epic boss fight, of course, his brothers are pulled into the fray to appeal to what little compassion he has left, and essentially, it ends with them all trying to gather whatever is left, the entire group is battered, bruised, they've been through and seen horrible things, August is OBVIOUSLY not the same, but all they can do is pick up the pieces of whatever is left and continue on.
As promised, here is the design I came up with for August post-experimenting. The inspiration came from Arceus, Nina Tucker from FMA, and a bit from the Amalgamates and Photoshop Flowey, both from Undertale. IDK how much or how little of each comes across, but hey. It's subject to change a bit if I come back to this AU in a major way again, I might add even MORE eyes than there already are <3
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brittlebutch · 1 year
I’ve finally finished MH—and I loved it—but I didn’t understand the finale at all.
Was everyone who was supposedly dead actually fine? Was The Operator just fucking with things? Was entry 87 possibly from an earlier point on the timeline? (Was it the sort of thing where they left it that way as the hook for another season, and then the plans fell through?)
Or is it just one of those mindfuck endings where there isn’t really any explanation because it’s not supposed to make sense? 😂
!!! congrats on finishing the series; i'm glad you enjoyed it!!! i am so excited to answer this question; i'm putting it under a cut for both Length and Spoilers!
OK. So i'm going to go ahead and cover the whole final arc of the series, starting with entry 73 because that's when the first threads start to come together! Since you've already finished the series, I'm going to go ahead and refer to the Hooded Man as Brian throughout just bc it's less letters to type lol.
Couple things to keep in mind though: 1) a lot of this series is ambiguous, and there aren't Exactly Clear Cut Intentions in what you're meant to interpret from what's shown. I have clear interpretations and biases, but they aren't necessarily The Singular Correct Way to interpret the events/motivations, yk? 2) Extremely important to remember that the linear numbering of entries means NOTHING wrt the actual timeline of the show <- What gets posted to the MH channel is decided and done by the Characters, but the entry number titles do not necessarily correspond with linear events (ie; the footage shown in e76 was filmed before e33 was posted which happened Way after e52 was filmed.) When something was FILMED and when it was POSTED do not correspond; but hopefully I'm able to successfully provide context to help delineate these things. anyway!!
In e73, Brian goes and breaks in to Tim's house again - he's done this before on a variety of occasions, usually to steal medication as he's doing in this entry. While he's there, he showcases a tape that Tim has tucked away in a box, and discovers that Alex has been squatting in Tim's attic for an unknown amount of time. Alex has been watching the MH channel since its inception, and knew that Tim and Jay were out of town but didn't know when they'd be back - he's been hiding inside the house in the hopes of getting the edge of surprise against them when they come back. Important: Brian is the one who posted this entry (denoted by the inconsistencies in the title/description/text cards.) He's broken into the MH account several times, usually to highlight information he Needs Jay to pay attention to - this is his way of warning Tim and jay that Alex is in the house and still a threat.
in e75, Jay and Tim return to Tim's house, ready to face Alex because they caught Brian's warning. By the time they get there though, Brian has already made his move against Alex - attacking him and spiriting him away to the address he'd left on the back of Alex's photo of Amy. Jay's attention is snagged irrevocably on the tape that Brian had highlighted in the previous entry, and tries to look for it, only to realize that Tim had already grabbed it and hidden it in his pocket. Jay fails to be rational about this, steals the tape, and runs off on his own.
e76 is the footage that was on the tape Jay stole, which picks up from the events showcased all the way back in e32/33 - when Jess and Jay finally realized that they Were in a connected room for a reason bc they were both experiencing the same (Operator induced) symptoms, they briefly split up to pack their things so they could leave the hotel for a safer second location. They were interrupted before they could leave though - Jay goes into her room and finds nothing but the note with the code to the safe and then gets chased off from the hotel by Masky. e32/33 is Jay's footage of this event, e76 was Brian's footage of that same day.
Jessica wasn't in the room when Jay looked for her because Tim and Brian conspired to get her out of there before Jay could talk to her. Jessica was not embroiled in the thick of things like Jay and the others were - in essence, there was still time to save her before she got a chance to truly devolve; Jay really does mean well, but his intent was to explain what was going on and interrogate her version of events, which would have made things worse for her, so totheark intervened to prevent this by kidnapping her. They were interrupted by Alex, who attempted to kill Jessica again in his attempt to spare her (Alex is also ultimately well-meaning, but we'll get to this later), and Brian and Jessica wind up split up bc Brian stayed to beat Alex back and Jessica ran off on her own, where she encountered the Operator and collapsed.
[Part of the Operator's influence is its tendency to cause seizures/collapse in people, and another aspect is its spiriting away of their bodies. All of the College Era footage of Alex attacking the other cast members - it's more or less clear that they did not die. There is some ambiguity in this, but I don't believe Alex successfully killed anyone in that first brush with things though I do think it's likely he was Trying to. A very significant aspect of what the Operator Does is the Ark - this is the pitch black place we've seen Tim wind up in in e65. It's unclear exactly what that is or what it does, but it is intrinsically linked to the Operator. In the comics it's implied to be alive and hungry, a place both the living and dead are able to enter, Brian (and Tim) are especially implied to have been able to navigate the ark with some success, although it's also shown that going there At All means leaving some part of yourself behind. In essence, the Ark is always taking bites of the people inside it, but there are ways to avoid being Swallowed Whole. When the Operator takes people - and it's taken corpses, unconscious people, and conscious people - it takes them to the Ark. When Jessica disappears at the end of e76, that was the Operator taking her, but this does not mean she is DEAD.
In fact, Tim entering the frame at the end of the entry is significant. The timeline of season 2 is extremely difficult to navigate, because as you watch videos it seems to fold back on itself. Jay wakes up in e27 with no memory of how he got there, he leaves the hotel in e33 with the tapes from the safe, and then basically every entry from 35 to 52 is Jay uploading OLD footage that took place BEFORE e27 was ever uploaded. This is important with regards to Tim - although we see Tim and Brian working together/separate in entries like 35 and 45, we don't really get any indication that they're doing anything over the months that Jay spends reviewing that old footage and posting it to the channel. This is because they'd been separated.
Tim isn't lying when he says he has no memory or awareness of working with totheark. Regardless of whether you interpret him under the mask as a System Alter (as in DID) or believe he was working under his own volition, but experienced memory loss just like Jay did, Tim does not know what's going on. The expression he wears at the end of e76 is because he doesn't know how he got in the forest - either because he Switched OR bc he had his own encounter with the Operator that night and wound up with memory loss from its influence. BUT it's important bc he was in the same vicinity as Jessica - when she escaped the Ark, it's likely they would still be in the same vicinity. A core aspect to Tim's character is his drive to help people; regardless of whether or not Tim understood anything that was happening, if he'd run into Jessica (panicked and lost in the woods with no memory of how she got there - sounds familiar, right?) he would have reached out to help her get help.]
Briefly cutting ahead to e82 bc it contains footage from this point in the chronological timeline. Jay has just watched the tape that Tim was hiding and discovered that Tim knew that Jessica was alive and arguably knew where she was <- again, if Tim had encountered Jessica in Rosswood after the events from the e76 footage he would have helped her, and later, he would have known that despite Jay's best intentions Jay would not be good for her and would try his best to keep them separate, playing dumb and making sure that Jay didn't know anything about that possible connection. In this e82 footage, Jay calls Tim and agrees that Tim made the best choice by doing this, admits he's confused and extremely disoriented, and apologizes and says they should try to meet back up and work together again. The Operator interrupts him, and he collapses. Tim specifies he never received that call/voicemail.
e77 is the direct follow up event to Jay's collapse from the e82 footage. Despite his phone call where he apologized and said he understood, Jay is now acting paranoid and aggressive again - this is because of the Operator's influence. He attempts to attack Tim with the knife, and Tim restrains him and says he's going to check out the college alone because Jay is behaving erratically and can't be trusted. He plans to return to let Jay out afterwards.
in e78/79, Brian breaks into Tim's house and lets Jay out himself. He wants Tim and Jay both to confront Alex in Benedict Hall (the address left on Amy's photo). Jay follows Tim to the college, but Jay can't get into that particular building and settles for watching across the street.
QUADRANT is a significant upload. There's ambiguity in it like there is in all totheark uploads, but I believe that this is Brian's attempt to warn Tim and Jay that he's officially lost control of the situation (of Alex in particular) - they all need to bunker down and stay in place bc he doesn't know what's going to happen anymore and that means they're all at risk
[What, exactly, Brian wants to happen between Jay, Tim, and Alex is extremely unclear, personally I'm not even sure he knows. It's a running thread throughout the entirety of the series that Brian wants Alex dead - the two of them were Best Friends in college, but when Alex attacked him in college as shown in e51 (56-42 tape) the betrayal left him broken in a myriad of ways and he's never forgiven Alex this. Brian hates Alex, he says it constantly, BUT despite his constant threats and promises to kill Alex, when they're in the same space together he never seems to be able to follow through. Instead, most of his tangible plans seem to be putting Alex in Tim's path <- Tim is not easy to predict; sometimes he'll react by throwing punches first and asking questions later, and sometimes he'll refuse to lift a hand to do anything other than offer it as Help. I don't think Brian can actually bring himself to kill Alex on his own, which is why he didn't do so during the months he had him successfully restrained, and I don't think it's insignificant that he chose Tim as an alternative tool when Tim is statistically more likely to try to help someone than kill them. That's interpretation though.]
But, the problem with Quadrant is the problem with most of the totheark uploads - it's extremely difficult to parse (even I might not be interpreting it correctly). Whether this is intentional due to apathy or a side effect Brian can't help (as i've speculated before), the messages are difficult to understand. If this is a warning, it's not one that succeeds in its goal - neither Tim nor Jay are adequately prepared.
in entry 80 Jay enters Benedict Hall on his own and encounters Alex. Alex shoots Jay. Jay dies. The Operator takes his corpse into the Ark.
in entry 83, Brian attempts to team up with Tim again. They'd worked together before - although Tim can't remember it - but seemed to have had a permanent split somewhere around Season 2.*** Since Tim doesn't have any genuine context for Why Brian would be pursuing this, and because Tim blames Brian for not warning them properly that Alex was loose, and because of the potential that Brian had something to do with the 'YOUR FAULT' / papers surrounding Jay's displayed body in Tim's house (Personally, I think Brian seems too stumbled/taken aback in the hallway for it to have been him), Tim rejects this and the two of them get into some Operator Induced Looney Tunes bullshit, and when it seems like Tim might genuine move to strike Brian, Brian seemingly chooses to fall to his death instead. Brian dies. The Operator takes his corpse into the Ark.
[***At first this was likely solely bc of Tim's memory issues. However, around that time is also when Brian discovered Tim's medical history - the fact that he'd been potentially encountering the Operator since he was a child. It is canonical that the Operator is like a disease - it's spread from person to person - and whether it was intentional or not, Tim seems to have been ground zero - the way Alex reacts to the glitch in the camera in the e84 footage from Marble Hornet's initial auditions can confirm this. He seems irritated and surprised by it, like it's the first time he's seen something like that happen, immediately after meeting Tim for the first time. Everyone thought Alex was the one who brought the Operator into the ring - even Alex thought this - but it was following Tim. After discovering this, Brian can't forgive Tim of this either, any trust he had towards Tim has been shattered, but there are uploads he makes where he seems almost sad about this. Almost bereft now that he's working alone and watching Tim and Jay work together, but despite that he can't get over the perceived betrayal enough to genuinely attempt to reconnect.]
E84 is mostly the footage from the tape Brian was carrying in his pocket when he died - of the initial Marble Hornets film project auditions. I find it particularly devastating to dwell on which tapes characters chose to keep close to them throughout everything. The 56-42 tape of Alex attacking Brian in college, Alex kept in a hidden compartment in the desk by his bed in his apartment (despite the fact that he'd burnt or gotten rid of seemingly every other tape he'd filmed from that era). This e84 audition tape that Brian kept in his pocket. If I think about it too long I go insane. BUT Also just funny to note that Tim is the one who posted this entry, and even though he seemingly left everything else untouched, he went through and cut out the whole of the footage from his audition. Fun little character detail lol.
E85 is footage of Tim idling around, seeming a little lost now that Jay and Brian are both dead, and he doesn't know where Alex is. He seems to realize after a while that Alex will probably eventually come looking for him at his house, and resolves to watch it from across the street instead. Proven right when Alex does indeed show up and intends to burn Tim's house down [side note: confirming in a way that Alex was the one who burned Jay's old apartment down as showcased in e25. bc of the ###### upload, a lot of people assume that totheark burned it down, but that upload is actually a kind of twisted way of getting Jay to leave the place and be too paranoid to return, which is why he's safely in a hotel when his apartment burns]. Alex admits he'd also thought he'd been the source for the Operator, but now knows it was Tim the whole time. Attempts to goad Tim into staying in the house to burn to death, but also says Tim should go find him if he won't so that they can end things.
e86. OOF. Tim has indeed gone out to find Alex to end things, but despite the fact that Alex is still trying to kill him, Tim attempts to reason with him. This is where Alex explains that he's been doing everything he'd done in an attempt to cull the infection - he doesn't truly understand what's going on, but has been able to tell that the Operator is an influence that spreads from person to person and causes massive life-interrupting symptoms, and so Alex finally fell to attempting to kill everyone Half to stop the spread of the Operator before it could infect new people and Half to stop the progression of the illness in everyone before they could wind up hurt worse (mercy kill, in a way). Alex is not working for/with the Operator, he is actively attempting to work against it BUT, whether due to his own ignorance or possibly the Operator itself distorting his ability to think clearly, he has also been making things worse in his own way.
[Think it's important to denote here that basically EVERYONE involved was making things worse in their own ways. Jay's insatiable need to find answers was wreaking havoc and making things worse - his stalking of Tim and Alex caused more conflicts than it ever would have solved, he would have dragged Jessica back into the middle of everything without sparing a thought to the consequences, and even he acknowledges that continuing to look for answers is having a negative effect on him, but he still can't make himself stop. Brian I think was attempting to help, but his unclear motivations and his inability to communicate clearly tended to make the others more paranoid, which fed into the conflict and prolonged things. Alex was trying to stop the Operator, trying to keep the infection contained and prevent the suffering of those already infected, but the conflict he caused made the situation worse instead. TIM, though, is more or less proof that there is a way to continue living life while infected while also minimizing the symptoms - all honesty currently I do not believe this is due to the medication he takes. Brian is also taking these meds throughout the course of the series but they do not seem to make a big impact for him. Tim says he was 'doing fine and getting better' during the GAP he caught between the events of e76/33 and Jay finding (and stalking) him again in e53 <- I think that's because Tim was not actively embroiling himself in the midst of the Operator's influence by seeking to understand, or find answers, or seek revenge; he was going to work, and minding his own business, and keeping himself busy. ANYWAY]
Despite the fact that Tim is doing his best to reason with Alex in e86, Alex's dogged attempts to kill him means that he's having to try to fight Alex off physically. This leads to Alex being stabbed once. After that, Tim backs off for a moment, wavering, but when the Operator shows up in the room, Tim drops the camera and begins stabbing Alex repeatedly. This is due to the Operator's influence (hence why I'm not convinced Tim's medication does anything significant in fending it off, the meds are more or less placebo to me - the Removal of yourself from the midst of conflict and Rejection of the impulse to tangle yourself back into it is what I think makes a difference. Like how with quicksand, fighting it tends to wear you out And drag you deeper down inside of it, whereas keeping calm and stable gives you the opportunity to get out and free yourself. Or maybe like Radiation - the further you get yourself from the Source of it the less Damage you're dealt by it). When Tim finally stops, Alex still pleads with him to get rid of whoever Tim implied Alex to have missed earlier and then kill himself, because he still believes that's the safest course of action. Then, Alex dies. The Operator takes his corpse into the ark.
Tim collapses on the steps at the end of the footage. This is due to the Operator's influence still. Tim is not dead. Marble Hornets isn't a movie, and the channel exists inside the canon of the series - essentially, the way the story Works, the Creators Behind Marble Hornets aren't uploading the entries, the Characters Inside Marble Hornets are (hence what makes it unfiction). We know that Tim isn't dead at the end of this entry because Tim is the one who goes home and uploads the entry to youtube so that the audience is aware of what's going on. Tim is still alive. He is the only one left alive.
BUT. Entry 87. This is where it's Confirmed that Tim did seemingly encounter Jessica after the events showcased in the e76 footage. When Tim woke up lost in the woods, he likely ran into Jessica also lost in the woods, and helped her find her way out and got her an appointment with a doctor just like we saw him try with Jay in e75. Jessica did not die - she's the one Tim was referring to in e86 when he tells Alex 'you missed someone', because Alex also thought that Jess had died and listed her as dead in his monologue. Jessica is alive, and has been getting better because Tim was able to successfully keep her separated from all the bullshit - that's why he tells her that Jay moved. He knows that telling her Jay died would only bring her right back into the midst of things, send her searching on her own quest for answers, and send her spiraling again, so he lies.
We don't know what happens to Tim though. Entry 86 and 87 were uploaded in very close proximity to each other, so it's possible that his seeming set back in symptoms (coughing fit, collapsing, possible seizure) is because he's too close to the center of things. It's also possible that he's struggling to even try pulling himself out of the center of things - that maybe he can't bring himself to cope with the Operator's influence and reach 'remission' at all anymore. It's ambiguous, that's kind of my interpretation of the crossroads at the end of the entry - the one that cuts Right before we know what road Tim took. He could be planning on going back to a 'regular life' - keeping himself out of the conflict and keeping his head down and hopefully succeeding in 'doing fine, and getting better'. OR it's possible that he'll wind up in his own cycle - just like Jay, and Brian, and Alex - making things worse and spiraling and being unable to move on or escape the Operator's influence before it's too late.
Personally though, I do think Tim succeeds at getting better. I think he's done it too many times successfully (after he left adolescent inpatient care, and again after college, and again around the Chronological timeline of season 2) to fall into the glue trap at this point. I think he left Jessica on her own bc the proximity would be too much of a risk in creating a kind of feedback loop, and went back to work, and got a new house, and lives a quiet life as healthily as he can (albeit grieved by what he's lost).
(On the other coin though, in the sequel comics, Jessica is certainly wiggling her way right into the lure all over again ;3c)
!!! And that's the end of Marble Hornets!! I hope this long winded explanation helped to clear things up, and if there's anything that I forgot or something you're still confused about never in a million years do you need to hesitate to ask!! I would be more than happy to explain some more if you'd like ;3c
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
( Plaintext: Tamil botches headcanons!!!)
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[ ID: Closeup of Jimothan Botch from Smile For Me the game's moustache. It is large and curling upwards. End ID]
( Plaintext: You telling me this moustache isnt south indian!?😭( sobbing emoji) )
VANNAKA.....No one says that informally XD (laughing emote) so ..instead...
Hiiii Machi!
Eppa ennadu kadhaia kellunga! ( Now, hear my story!)
OK, first of all, Jimothan Botch isn't ACTUALLY his birth name. He changed it. Why, you ask? Well he watched a crapton of Westerns in the theatres of Chennai in his youth, roaming about with his gang. He was so impressed with those rope-slingin' cowboys, he EVOLVED INTO..
He thought it was cool OKAY?!!!
As for Parsley well it all went wrong when they named the dog Senthilkumaran and him Parsley. Whoops! Can't change what the dog answers to. It's a Kanni breed. His Mom really likes the silly name too so it sticks.
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[ ID: Photo of a brown and black Kanni dog, a sighthound breed that is very lanky and long with a curving stomach and elongated snout. End ID]
I like to think that's like the dog in that one ingame poster but HEJDGG
Either way the dog keeps appearing around the Habiticians even if they're in different places, suspiciously before significant events, like an omen. It remains to be seen if Tim Tam and their "shortcuts"( AKA TELEPORTING) is somehow involved in this.
On account of Parsley continuing to be a difficult child for Jim to raise though, for his shark-like biters, explosive hellfire surge Moments( due to demonic heritage on his Mama's side ) as well as his thieving tendencies etc-- He calls Pars "Rowdy Ranga" sometimes, MY MOM CALLS ME THAT LMAOOOOOO
Since his Mom's a Carnivorous Ungulate Monsterthing I think it'd be SO SWEET if she called him like " attukutti " in rare affectionate moments. That means " goat kid" :] ( smile emote)
Yeah, Parsley had it kind of Rough too. His Mom( I'm still figuring out her 'human' name. Her real one would make mortal's tongues go mad twisting in their mouths trying to form a language they were never meant to speak ) and Dad( or "Appa" HEEHE. Hes just a. Guy. Who coincidentally keeps crushing for vampires and demons I GUESS ) really fell into a disaster of a time raising him. They could never agree on what he should do, how he should be raised, where he should go, what to learn...
An example of that is that his Mom is Extremely Stern, being a prosecutor in The Underworld Court and stuff where things are generally corrupt and sometimes draconian. She's been trying to make a change in it, and that requires that sort of strength. Jim, though, Jim is casual and forgiving to the point where his kid later grows up to be a callous ( and packed with guilt for it. You know whats in that ham's suitcase? Baggage. ) sort, having spent much time with him.
So yeah, his parents split( though they were not married), and Pars' core of self hatred due to it never quite heals fully.
I'm kind of getting off course but BACK TO IT
But yeah Parmesan Bunches does a lot of stuff ( forgery of papers, still stealing stuff, lying whenever, procrasinating for extremely long times to everyone's detriment, bribing etc...TBH it's not like EXTREMELY bad stuff. It's just that taking this route a lot causes problems anyway, and in this case gives him low self- confidence ) that'd make his parents Displeased in the process of trying to build his own identity through all that turmoil and be independent for himself, though he buckles under his own pressure as well. Sure he's winning every case he takes on through the shady means. But at what cost??
He's got Enemies. And Mom's one of them.
[ This is all still W.I.P BTW so as I get more info things may change!]
Jimothan at most shows his disappointment and expecting an apology through a tried and true tradition.....
"No earthquake felt in my house. The tectonic plates know very well that if they shift a little, my mom will place Rava upma in them as well."
-- courtesy of @i-hate-upma
(Plaintext: "No earthquake felt in my house. The tectonic plates know very well that if they shift a little, my mom will place Rava upma in them as well." -- courtesy of @ i-hate-upma )
That's right. BEHOLD. The only Edible food Jimbo can make.
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[ ID: Photo of Upma, a thick porridge packed with vegetables, lentils, nuts, herbs etc. It looks like a somewhat solid lump. End ID]
I'm kind of sad he'll never be able to taste the goodness that is Curry instead BUTTT since he's friends with Kamal, and highly likely he's visited his house-- He can get some Paro Manxho( Pigeon meat curry) there.. it's not exactly chicken but hot curry is hot curry! I've heard it is hard to make and since they're in the US, the ingredients would be harder to procure too. I'm sure Pars is flattered someone would take all that trouble, jsjsahsjsjd. Stuff like this is why him and Kam are such close friends. They aren't just hi-hello-bye. They're deep, guys. Going all the way back to when Pars was a tee-and-baggy churdidar-pants wearing stressed college student, roped in as a guitar player for ten-mice-in-a-cool-leather-jacket wearing stressed college student Kamal's band. Coming all the way back to deciding to stay longer in this creepy "self-help resort" hes definitely getting a bad feeling about Not Sueing To The Ground Instantly, because...Kamal's there. Pars calls him machan, so that should tell you everything. ;-) (winky emote)
(Plaintext: I have too many ideas just to put in this one post dhjdjd)
So I'll end on some design ideas!! Not quite solid yet but here ya go.
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[ ID: Traditional fanart sketch of the artists interpretation of Jimothan Botch. The style is semi realistic. It's mostly a headshot with a fading bust. He is a skinny aging man with salt-and-pepper hair sweeping across his forehead and growing down the sides of his face in a more orderly manner. His eyes are squinty and he has a long, slightly big nose. He smiles, showing some wrinkling, his upper lip totally covered by a very big moustache that curls at the tips, fanning into even more curls at their bottom edges. He wears a bartender's suit and tie. End ID]
You bet he twirls off that thing and laughs LIKE REALLY LOUDLY coughing fit fucking show off and Habit is so in love with him SHUT UP SHUT UP Even if they are good cowbuddies their level of homoeroticism is YEEHAW
( Plaintext: Buff Parsley Jumpscare Motherfucker )
I will use He/Ham pronouns for Pars in this one and explain why later! Actually JK I'll tell you now. He accidentally said " my pronouns are he/ham" but he found he suspiciously very much liked being called a ham and not a man all the time and so it came to be!
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[ ID: Traditional fanart sketch of the artists interpretation of Parsley Botch. The style is semi realistic. The main sketch is colored digitally and stops at the starting of the thighs. Parsley is a strongly built person with a stocky upper body. His skintone is a warm medium brown. Hams face is like a softly edged downwards rectangle. He has red-sclera eyes with somewhat prominent brows. Nose is similar to Jimothan's. Along with regular teeth ham has two bigger gold-plated canines. Parsleys red hair is a sticking-out bedheaded mess that falls to his shoulders. Some are cut in a more orderly way down the sides of his face. He wears a light red shirt, darker tie, dark blue business suit.
His hands are behind his back and he looks off to the side and frowns, looking dejected. Beside ham, coming from ham, emanating soft yellow waves with a red centre hold the lyrics to " heaven knows I'm miserable now" by The Smiths. It says "In my life...why do I give valuable time....to people who don't care if I live or die?"
A few more reference sketches are seen beside the main sketch, left side. One is of canon Parsley as a head saying 'bro' and a note of his head shape being a square. More below is written ' Comic book inspo" and a cut-off "mutton chops". Beside these there's Parsley's frowning mouth drawn, teeth showing, regular and gold-plated. "Smile?" is written questioningly. At the bottom is a digital exported and blurred canon sprite of Parsley. End ID]
OK weird story. Muscled Parsnip first caught my imagination with, a, um, this story where he crushed a suitcase with his abs in court or something like that. I'm pretty sure it was written as fetish stuff now( I didn't know!) but GOD was it HILARIOUS to read. So there you go. Demonic metabolism, or something. I would play the drums on his chest. Dum Dum Dum. Or smash Randy's goddamed pickle jar( actually tried this in game, didn't work).
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mrchalamet-mrstyles · 2 years
Please bear with me, as this may get a little lengthy, but I wanted to respond to some of the ridiculousness that I’ve been seeing.
Firstly, it is very obvious that Timmy is extremely sweet to his male fans. There are videos and pics of him hugging male fans, kissing them on the cheek, detailed accounts of him being kind, patient, etc.
Additionally, there are many stories of Timmy also being extremely sweet to his female fans. There are videos and pics of him hugging female fans, kissing them on the cheek/head/arm and detailed accounts of him being kind, patient, etc.
It’s also clear that he takes his cues from the people he is meeting. With the recent “big cookie guy” encounter, she mentioned that he asked if it was ok before putting his arm around her. There’s also factors of an encounter that we don’t see in a photo (what was going on around them, how much time they actual spent to take the pic, etc).
I say all this because of course I’m seeing the usual suspects equating recent fan pics as somehow being indicative of his sexuality. I mean, are they serious? Contrary to what they seem to believe, a person’s sexuality doesn’t drive every encounter/decision/etc that they make. A guy can be gay and take a cute pic with a girl, just like a guy can be straight and take a cute pic with another guy. It’s gotten to the point where a certain contingent will latch onto ANYTHING they can to further their agenda, and I’m almost at my wits send.
Also, I wanted to debunk the myth that the 2 photos (both adorable) that were posted yesterday were from the same day, because they WEREN’T.
The girls’ photos WAS from yesterday, out on the streets of NYC. As with most street photos, both parties are usually in motion heading somewhere, and encounters are usually flybys.
The guys’ pic was from last week (Friday), at the restaurant where Timmy was at dinner with Josh Safdie. When fans meet him when he’s stationary at a location, the photo is generally more posed and encounters can sometimes be lengthier.
Just wanted to put that context out there, as I’m seeing certain people comparing the photos in derogatory ways. 🙄 Ok, end of rant!
Rant away, anon, because YES to all of this! But may I also add the current "climate" may also play into how Tim interacts with female fans. As we see daily, its way too easy for someone to read something into a gesture or touch that could have a negative connotation. Tim is nothing but aware of how easily that happens and has always reacted accordingly with female costars and fans alike. As you mentioned, he's careful to ask for permission so in these cases where its a quick meet up on the street, he more than likely plays it "safe".
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its-tiamat · 3 years
Hello! Just wondering if you could do a mha headcannon where y/n is really clingy? (Like, in a cuddly sorta way.) by the way, your work is incredible and I think you have a great talent for writing! Have a great day!! :)
The first request is here! I myself am kinda clingy, so this was embarrassingly easy to write ahahah <3 hope you'll like how it came out. Also, I added Hawks last minute because yes.
Pairings: kirishima x reader • todoroki x reader • kaminari x reader • hawks x reader
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You being so clingy doesn't really bother him that much. Actually, he kinda likes to show you off.
Absentmindedly holds you close to his chest while talking to his friends.
When he's studying, he tends to focus all his attention on what he's reading to the point of not noticing his surroundings.
You like to distract him :) hug his back and talk softly to him, he may finally snap out of the page he's been staring at for the last 10 minutes.
"Huh? What?"
"I need affection huh"
"Yeah, you always do. Though I could really use a break too right now"
Bold of him to assume he will ever go back to study after your break.
You two end up cuddling on the sofa and eating chips or whatever you could find in the kitchen.
If he tries to get up, just cling to him and don't let go.
He'll lift you up and bring you around the dorms with him. It's not a rare sight, the one of him carrying you around while you're still sleepy, wrapped up in a blanket and holding food in your hands.
Mina has a collection of photos of those moments, and others sends them to her when she isn't around.
"They're at it again lmao I'm sending you the photo"
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He was a bit startled by you always hugging him or asking for kisses on the cheek. As he never received or gave this much affection to people. So he does feel a bit embarrassed.
"What's wrong? did I do something? ah no. you want kisses. ok."
It's not that he doesn't like cuddles, he just forgets he can come hug you whenever he needs it.
You like to surprise hug him and to make him flustered with kisses 24/7. His face always gets a bit blushy when you kiss him.
His right cheek is always cold and his left is always warm. The center of his forehead is at the perfect kiss temperature™.
Not much of a PDA guy, especially if you're around his family. If they're around, he may even ask to tone it down a bit.
Will absolutely make up for it later when it's just you two. He wants you to know you're more important than them, but he still doesn't feel like letting his guard down with them. So for once you won't have to be the one to ask for cuddles.
"Sorry for before, I didn't want to turn you down like that. I just wasn't really in the mood. I love all the affection you give me, I swear. Can I somehow make up for it?"
You lay on top of him and he strokes your back. He may kiss the top of you head and your hands, whenever he's able to reach for them.
"Shoto can I have another kiss?"
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You think you are clingy? nah
This boy will change your mind. Nobody is clingier than him
If he could he would literally wrap himself around you all day long
PDA all the way
His friends get annoyed at you two being all lovey-dovey at random times. Bakugo keeps rolling his eyes into oblivion at your shenanigans
"Y/n! where are you babe?"
"Living room, darling"
"Can we cuddle?"
Even when you are in a situation in which can't goof around, somehow you're always touching each other. Holding hands, using the other as an arm rest, holding arms, sitting close on the sofa. Silently reminding yourselves you are there for each other
You have currently stolen 12 of his t-shirts and love to sleep in them, he doesn't seem to mind it
Charges your phone whenever it falls under 50%, and loves to be rewarded with kisses on the forehead
The only moment he doesn't want you around is when he's training. He's so scared of hurting you
You love to go to his training sessions and cheer for him from a safe distance
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Teases you all the time
"oh come on, more kisses? You are so clingy my love"
He's actually super needy when it gets to attention, but likes to play it cool
Will gladly wrap both his wings around you, and loves when you fall asleep beneath them
You call him constantly during the day, even if you know he's out doing heroics, and he answers whenever he can
Sometimes your calls only last a few seconds, but his voice is just so soft when he talks to you
"Hey y/n! How's your day going?"
"I miss you, how long before you come home?"
"As soon as I can. Lemme just put another couple of these bad guys in jail and I'm coming home, ok?"
When he's got free time, you like to cuddle on the sofa and watch series for hours and hours
Even if you fall asleep on him he won't move, he will just send a couple of his feathers to take whatever he needs
You once slept for 5 hours and woke up with a bucket of fried chicken and his laptop on your back, and he hadn't moved at all
You kissed him and fell back asleep
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milky04moo · 2 years
Lock Screen~ T.D
prompt: ‘Am I your lock screen?’ ‘you weren’t supposed to see that’ ‘Kiss me’ word count: 912
Tim had been your best friend your entire life, he was always there for you no matter what and even when he moved in with the millionaire Bruce Wayne, much to your surprise nothing changed between the two of you and even when he took up the mantle of Robin and started working at WE he still managed to make time for you despite being severely sleep deprived. when you first took up a vigilante mantle like him he was not to keen on the idea of you running around beating up thugs like he did but he soon realised that you were perfectly capable of holding your own in a fight but this didn't stop the fear in his heart every time you slipped on your crime fighting costume and headed out onto the rough streets of Gotham. 
Over the years you had known Tim you had obviously grown more fond of him as you grew up but over the last couple of years that fondness grew into a small crush. You dealt with the small crush for a while pushing down the small feeling of hope that he reciprocated your feelings whenever he grabbed your hand to pull you down the busy school hallway or when he would pull you down the hallways of the Wayne manor rambling on about wanting to show you something in his room which you knew was code for his brothers were getting on his nerves. You secretly hoped that Tim felt the same about you but sadly you knew that wasn't the case.
Friday nights were always for baking cookies and watching movies and Tim never missed your movie and baking night even if he had patrol or a meeting at the office he still made it. So here you were making a mess in the manor kitchen like always, a mess that you would make sure you would clean up so Alfred wouldn't have to in the morning not that he would complain about it of course apparently he loved having everyone at the manor climbing it made it ‘see more alive and less depressing’.  
Music played loudly from Tim’s phone blaring through the kitchen and probably reaching the other rooms in the manor. You danced around while Tim mixed the cookie mixture with his hands balling them into the perfect shape and placing them onto the baking sheet. Everything was going as it normally did until a song that you didn't particularly like came on so naturally you went to skip the song that was until you stopped in your place when you saw his lock screen. 
It was a photo of the two of you asleep cuddling on the sofa you weren't sure when it had occurred as you had no recollection of you two cuddling, sure you had both fallen asleep on the sofa together but you weren't aware that you actually cuddled. 
You felt your face heat and tried to ignore it and skip the song before Tim got concerned but clearly it was too late. Whilst you were in your little daze he had snuck up behind you. 
‘Hey, you ok?’ he questioned putting a hand on your shoulder as you turned to face him. 
‘Am I your lock screen?’ you asked, a small smile playing on your face and once again you had to push down any hopes of him liking you so you wouldn't end up getting your feelings hurt. 
‘You weren't supposed to see that’ he muttered, reaching to take his phone out of your hands but you were too quick and pulled it away. You were fully aware he could easily take it out of your hands as he was quite a bit  taller than you were. 
‘I think it's cute, though I don't have much memory of that happening.’ you laughed. Now it was his turn to blush as he looked away from you for a moment. 
‘Listen, I’m just going to admit this and if you don't feel the same way we can just forget about it and continue being best friends ok?’ he said seriously, turning to face you again.
‘Admit what?’ you questioned 
‘(Y/N) I like you, like in more than a best friend way and I get if you don't feel the same we can just forget it.’  he admitted and his shoulders slumped as if a huge weight had been taken off of them.
You stood shocked by his statement and your stomach flipped as you leaned closer to him, your noses almost touching.
‘Tim.’ you whispered, pushing his hair away from his eyes. ‘Kiss me’ you whispered against his lips.
He pushed his lips onto yours. After a while you both pulled away for air and he pulled you into a tight hug, the two of you stayed like that for a while before he broke the silence between the two of you.
‘Does that mean we’re together now?’ he questioned
‘It better bird boy’ you joked calling him the nickname you knew he hated. ’Now come on lets put the cookies in and pick a movie to watch’ you suggested remembering what you were doing previously. 
Needless to say the rest of the night was spent cuddling and the best part was this time you actually remembered it and what you didn't know was that Alfred and Bruce had snapped some more photos of the two of you which later became your new lock screen. 
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geowrites03 · 2 years
Tim Drake x Kyle!reader
Summary: Tim Drake is her soulmate but she’s on a job to kill Red Robin. After she finds out Red is her soulmate Tim she backs out of the job and needs some money and she remembers an account she has on a specific platform. And one or two posts leads her soulmate to reach out to her.
A/n: we’re just going to forget about the fact that OnlyFans is banning explicit content (not sure if they even are banning it anymore lol) for this I’m also not entirely sure how it works but I did google certain things I wasn’t sure about.
It wasn’t hard to find Red Robin, just some simple tracking. The only hard part was my next order, I wasn’t sure if I could carry it out or not. I had to kill him, but I’m no murderer, I only kill them if they deserve it and Red Robin does not. If it was Batman I could have actually considered it but not Red Robin.
I’ve had a soft spot for the vigilante ever since he let me go free after I had been caught red handed at an assassination crime sene that got a little messy. It feels like I owe him now, like I’m forever indebted to him. If it wasn’t for the name on my wrist I’d probably say that I owe him my life, after all it happened multiple times. I would look at him with a guilty expression and covered in blood, he knew I did it and that I felt no remorse but he still let me go, every time.
I sighed looking at the name of my soulmate on my wrist knowing that if I kill Red Robin nobody else would let me walk away from a crime scene and that I would be locked up on the spot. I didn’t want a life in prison and not even knowing my soulmate, well I already knew one thing, he was one of Bruce Wayne’s adopted sons. I got up from my position on the roof of Red’s apartment building and jumped down, I can’t do this.
I got back to my apartment and dropped my equipment by the door making a mental note to put it away later. I quickly made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and sat down on my couch to watch a random movie. Halfway through the movie my phone rang, I looked at my phone to see who it was and saw that it was my mother so I quickly picked it up.
“Hey, just checking up on you to see if you were okay?” I chuckled knowing that she already knew I was doing just fine and just wanted to see if I found my soulmate, I wouldn’t tell her anything about him, not even his name.
“Yes I’m ok. And before you ask, no I have not found my soulmate.” She sighed frustratedly on the other line.
“Selina, come back to bed..” I heard Bruce, her soulmate, mumble from beside her.
“Gross. Goodnight.” She chuckled at the disgust in my voice and rolled my eyes knowing her next words ‘It’s going to be you and your soulmate soon.’
“Hey! It’s going to be you and your soulmate soon. Goodnight.” Called it! With that she hung up and I threw my phone next to me on the couch. If I was going to end up like that with my soulmate I don’t want it.
When the movie ended I started to flick through the channels until the news caught my eye. The reporter was talking about the theory of Catwoman and Batman dating, I scoffed but then they showed a photo of them kissing but my mom would never cheat, so that meant that Bruce was Batman.
If I put the pieces together properly it also means that Red Hood would be Jason, Nightwing would be Dick, Robin would be Damian, and Red Robin would be-
“No.” I quickly ran to some weapons that I haven’t bothered to clean yet from my most recent encounters with Red Robin and got some of his blood when I scathed his arm and ran it through the computers.
Tim Drake. I looked down at my wrist to see his name then back to the computer to also see his name. I couldn’t believe this, well actually I could it just should have been easier for me to see. My phone rang again but it had a no caller id, knowing it was most likely the person that hired me to kill Red.
“Why hasn’t it been done yet!?” He yelled at me but how on Earth was I supposed to explain that I can’t kill him. I couldn’t straight up telling him that he was my soulmate then he would come for me to figure out his identity.
“I’m taking back on the deal.” I quickly transferred him his money back and heard his phone chime on his line. “That’s your money coming back in.”
“Well you better have some connections you can give me to get the job done.”
“Yeah sure, I have a guy. His number is *** *** ***.” He quickly hung up after I gave him the fake number. But now I have no money to make it through the week. Shit.
There wasn’t much I could do about money besides getting a part time job but there’s no good work places in Gotham. I was screwed. Until I remembered my OnlyFans account that I forgot about awhile ago. It’s also on pay-per-view not monthly subscription so even if I just post a few things now I will get a bit of money from it.
I looked at my old content and noticed that I never posted a shower photo or video, but now that I needed money it seemed like a perfect opportunity. Plus I needed a shower after the day. I got in the shower and lathered some soap on my boobs and torso while recording it and making sure my face stayed out of frame. I also got another video of me masturbating with the adjustable shower head.
When I got out of the shower I posted the videos with a pit in my stomach and mixed feelings about how I’m choosing to make some quick money. I made it $20 to watch the masturbation video and $10 for the soap video.
When I checked in the morning 20 people already paid to see the soap video giving me $200 alone and 24 people paid for the masturbation video giving me an additional $480, $680 altogether. I didn’t expect this much money over one night. I put enough money for my rent in a seperate bank account and kept the rest in my main account to spend on groceries and other things.
After transferring the money I got a message on Instagram from Tim. He could finally be making his move, we both follow each other on social media but were too nervous to talk to each other. When I clicked on the notification for his message the first thing I saw in chat was a screenshot of my masturbation video with my wrist circled.
Tim: I thought I was crazy and hallucinating when I saw your name on my wrist, but I guess this confirms it.
Y/n: So did I, but did you watch my videos Timmy??
Tim: Oh definitely not. I just got the photo from Damian’s phone.
Y/n: Is that sass you’re giving me Timothy Jackson Drake?
Tim: It’s called sarcasm, I believe.
Y/n: Well whatever it’s name is I don’t like it, it almost made me cry.
Tim: Really? Did it? Do I need to call the wambulance?
Y/n: Oh most definitely. Yep tell them to get here right now.
I wasn’t expecting him to joke along with me but he did and we continued to talk for awhile. Since we were soulmates our relationship evolved pretty quickly. When I told him that I knew he was Red Robin he said he knew I was v/n.
I asked him if he still wanted to be with me even though he was a hero and I was a villain, he didn’t miss a beat on saying that it didn’t matter that we were on opposing sides and that he loved me either way.
It was a bit of a shock when he said he loved me mainly because we still weren’t too far into our relationship plus the only times we see each other is when we’re behind the masks. Nonetheless I said it back and he asked to meet up at either mine or his place, I instantly said his because I have not cleaned in forever.
“Hey y/n!” He answered the door when I knocked. He was so much cuter without the mask, I haven’t seen him without it in awhile.
“Hey Tim.” He moved out of the way of the door so I could come in. We both made our way to his couch.
“Would you like anything to drink? Maybe some coffee?” He got up from the couch and took a few small steps into the kitchen. “I was going to have some anyways.”
“Sure, I won’t say no to coffee two sugars please.” We chuckled and he started to make us our drinks. We were having small talk and when he was done he came over and sat next to me on the couch and passed me my drink. Jumping from topic to topic, we ended up talking about our jobs and money.
“If you don’t mind me asking,” he paused and shifted to face me. “If I know right, assassins make a fair bit of money, some just over enough to survive. So why do you have an OnlyFans? I mean it’s fine that you do, I’m not judging and I’m fine with it, I’m just curious and you don’t have to answer.”
“Um well, it’s kind of just there if I don’t make enough from my ‘jobs’. In this case however what I’ve posted throughout the past few weeks was because I had a big job so I booked myself out saying I couldn’t take anymore jobs for awhile. But I pulled out last minute and I couldn’t get anymore jobs.” He nodded along while I told him but he still looked like he wanted to know more.
“Is it okay if I ask why you pulled out of it last minute?” I nodded and thought about how I could tell him or if I could just make up an excuse but he would know if I lied.
“I-i don’t really know how to say this.” I still needed some more time but he gave me a nod and a look telling me to take my time. “Well this particular client wanted Red Robin dead. At first I was down, he offered 4 million, and I also had no idea you were my soulmate.”
“If you didn’t know that it was me at the time why did you still pull out? I mean 4 million, wouldn’t it have been hard to walk away last minute?”
“It was because you would let me go from a crime scene and I know that nobody else would, and I didn’t want to risk it. I didn’t want to go to prison without knowing who my soulmate is.” I looked up at him with teary eyes and he pulled me into his side and asked me with his eyes if it was okay to ask one more question, I nodded.
“How did you find out I was Red Robin?”
“Well it was when I turned on the news and saw that somebody had caught a picture of Batman and Catwoman kissing. I already knew that my mom was Catwoman but I was slightly confused because she would never cheat on her soulmate, so I figured out Bruce was Batman then I managed to figure out that Nightwing is Dick, Red Hood is Jason, the current Robin is Damian, and that left Red Robin and you.”
“So let me get this straight. You found out that I was Red Robin through a photo of Bruce and Selina kissing in their suits?” He laughed and so did I.
“Pretty much yeah.” We were still giggling and our eyes met looking at each other with a mischievous glint in them. “Wanna cause some drama?”
“What kind are you thinking about v/n?” He leaned down to kiss my lips.
“Well, Bruce knows that your Red Robin, obviously, and my mom knows I’m v/n, how much of a shock will it be if they happened to see a photo of us on the news like their photo.”
“Mmm I don’t know…” He chuckled I knew he was still going to do it. We both knew.
That night we got our phones blown up from messages but we only discarded them at home while we went out for an expensive dinner. Courtesy to my OnlyFans payments.
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daughterdooley · 2 years
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[ID: a photo of gunpowder tim from the mechanisms, next to him are a variety of different clothing and accessory items that fall under the j-fashion style lolita.] styling lolita coords based on fictional characters i like part 2 of y'know i think it's vaguely amusing that tim is my favorite crew member and yet he's not the first i made one for. full image description + piece names + notes under the cut.
[extended ID: a photo of gunpowder tim, a white person with long brown hair and a beard dressed in brown steampunk attire, he's leaning over some sort of barrier, he's editted next to a bunch of clothing and accessory items, from top to bottom, they are a frilly deep green bonnet, a brown wig with loose curls that reaches below the shoulder, an off-white blouse covered in lace with loose, princess-style sleeves, a pair of goggles, a pendant with a heart-shaped enamel charm depicting an eyes, a deep green dress decorated with military badges, along the border of its skirt there are cats dressed in uniforms marching in a circle, it has black ribbon straps and a black ribbon waist-bow, a pair of thin black lace gloves that fan out at the edges, a ring version of the pendant, a small cross-body black leather pouch, a pair of calf-legnth off-white socks with lace ruffles along the edges, and a pair of black heeled boots with a scalloped top. END.]
baby the stars shine bright - velveteen torchon lace full bonnet, notes: i originally had a giant black bonnet with built in car ears here but it overpowered the rest of the coord. rest in peace cat bonnet.
unknown indie brand - unknown wig, notes: i found this one on devil inspired and there was no brand listed, i do really like this wig though and have been debating getting it for myself
unknown indie brand - unknown blouse, notes: once again this is a blouse i found on devil inspired with no listed brand name, that being said i do plan to get this blouse to coord with a jsk i recently preordered
alice and the pirates - steam rabbit goggles, notes: i intend for these to sort of hang around the neck of the wearer instead of sitting on the head so as to not crowd the bonnet
automatic honey - my lover's eye ring + pendant, notes: you'd be surprised how few eye-themed pieces there are out there, i'll tell you that much
lyre-ivy - military cats jsk, notes: ok i found this while looking through military stuff for the toy soldier's coord, i'm nothing if not constantly in awe of the lolita dedication to putting both cats and cupcakes into literally anything
moi-même-moitié - lace gloves with teardrop charm, notes: moitie my BELOVED, i don't have much to say here save for that the designer was in a couple bands that i think mechs fans should check out bc i think y'all would at least like moi dix mois, he's such an icon i love him sm
alice and the pirates - cogwheel of time mobile case, notes: i originally had this vivid image of a pochette similar to aatp's coffin style pochette that had an eye embroidered on it but apparently! i'm not lucky enough for any! sort of eye bag to exist across all of lolita-dom! i'm going to have to start my own brand or something.
angelic pretty - toe shoes lace knee socks
jane marple - scallop trimmed lace up boots, notes: i can't wait to be off this mechs series so i never have to look at a jane marple piece again. sorry they're just so plain i subscribe to the hime substyle and this physically pains me.
ok so. i started the last one out like that didn't i? anyways, tim. i started out by stumbling across the military cats jsk during yesterday's coord and in that moment i went "oh! tim mainpiece!" i Could have went full military lolita with this coord but tbh? after all he went through with the moon war i think he needs a break. i think he deserves to have the coord inspired by him to be flouncy and covered in lace. i think i deserve to put together a coord that's flouncy and covered in lace before i tackle the rest of the crew bc steampunk isn't actually a lolita style so lolibrary (lolita database) isn't going to help me and a solid half of 'steampunk lolita' coords out there are ita (lolita slang for coords in violation of the rules of lolita or that are generally tacky). at least i have raphaella and dr carmilla to help me prepare myself for the inevitable (scrolling through archives of aatp pieces until i find something that makes vague amounts of sense).
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bioodorange · 3 years
||The Pastas At The Beach||
this was originally like an entirely different post but ehhh this ways better!
disclaimer Im setting this like, at a beach with a boardwalk and such next too it? Public beach, small time vacationing!
and that they conviently like..pass as human
I hope you guys enjoy!! remember too check out my announcement board!
taglist: @frozensriracha @creepy-bi-day @capricornartistsstuff @krayolacolor
Jeff the Killer
Jeff doesn't really do much at the beach
The salt water irritates his skin and he burns easily, doesn't want too deal with it
Spends most of his time asleep
Hogs all the damn towels by sprawling out all over all of them
Gets sand over everything that they brought with them
Forgets how wind works and it gets everywhere
When its time for some of em too go get food, he always fucking goes
Wants too walk around and do something, and maybe not get blamed for all the fucking sand when everyone sits back down
He wears one of those like protective long sleeved shirts? and red swim trunks that are just somewhat obnoxiously bright
While getting the food he has a brilliant idea
Befriends the fucking seagulls
Lures them back too their umbrellas and just vibes with his bird army
atleast he's not alone anymore?
Ben Drowned
first off I know like he doesn't go swimming
but imagine if he did
his fucking goggles get filled up with blood
gets weird ass tan lines from the blood on his face like, when he's not swimming
has too wear the goggles when he puts on sunscreen-
ok ok thats it
fucker wears like mountain dew swim trunks
and those arm floatie things despite not going anywhere near the water
He tries too sit around Jeff but that gets boring fast-
Just walks the fuck off without telling anyone, on a journey for adventure
Will spend literal hours sitting underneath the boardwalk until someone finds him
After that they get him like one of thise beach toy kit things
Sally's nice enough too fill the bucket with water too, so they can make sand castles and stuff
She walks along the shore line with him, gets pretty shells too
Also if Ben were too go in the water
He's a fucking shark magnet with all that blood-
But don't tell him that, he won't come back too the beach
Ticci Toby
Toby is very excited too go to the beach
He didn't get out much as a kid
Siked as hell too get in the water
Drops his stuff off as soon as possible and runs right into the water
And thats when he realizes he can't fucking swim
Awkwardly flaps his arms around until a wave moves him along too back where he can stand
Everyones kinda confused when he comes back like "?? You were so excited, what happened?"
"I can't swim :(("
Cody volunteers to teach him right away, like the great brother he is
The thing is Cody is a horrible fucking teacher
Another few minutes of Toby getting owned by some waves and Cody just screaming stuff like
"Use your arms Toby- no not like that how I showed you- no I'm not going too help how are you supposed to learn-"
That's when Kate drags him back too shore and Doby and Brian teach him instead
In a bit he learns and ends up having a lot of fun
I feel like Toby would really like boogie boarding?
A lot easier then surfing but still a good time
Also they have too tie a red scarf around his arm so they don't loose his ass in a crowd, or in the water
Third Base
so far, Doby's the only one on this list who actually came prepared
I feel like he'd use one of those face lotions that has SPF 30 in it already?
Smart enough so he doesn't have too smear sun screen around his face, can just use the spray stuff and get going
Also has shoes and sunglasses too go with each like swimsuit/outfit he brings
Mans is put together
Really likes collecting shells and stuff
Walks with Sally, shows her how too find them
Wakes up kinda early as it is? So its easy for him too go too the beach early and find the shells before the tide pulls them back out
It's one of his favorite times, actually
The suns just rising, a few shops are opening, only a handful of people are on the beach
Does it everyday as his "alone time" before everyone else wakes up
Spends most of his time with everyone kinda relaxing?
I can see him really liking those beach volleyball games
Or just playing frizbee in the shallow water!
Really, really enjoys making sand castles
Builds a moat and everything so it stays up when the waves start coming closer
Cody, another kid who never got much beach expierence
But acts like he did
Buys one of those waterproof, phone lanyard things
Forgets too fucking close it properly
Doesn't have the first idea of what seagulls are like
"Oh come on buys its fine-" gets fucking owned for his cheesestick
Lowkey scared of them after that
Refuses too eat on the beach after that
Sits with ben under the board walk and curls around his chips
Spends most of his time in the water
Wants too see how far he can go before the lifegaurd calls him back
Finds it funny as shit too just slowly go deeper while grinning at them
Until a wave slaps him in the back of the head
And then he gets scared of the deepwater too
After he looses Swimming Coach privellages gets really fucking salty and sulks on the beach
Kate takes pity on him and walks around the boardwalk with him
But he also didn't know you have too reapply sunscreen after you go swimming
Gets really really bad sunburn
Jeff, Ben and Toby take turns slapping it whenever he gets too cocky
This is gonna be a Dad Tim one, fight me
Really has no idea what the fuck is going on, but still manages too keep everyone together?
Tells the same story, atleast twice a day, about the killer wave that almost took his shorts off
Gets in fights with seagulls whenever they get realitively close too the group
Also buys one of those crappy beach wagon things too put their stuff in
Buys a mug and cheesy beer koozie
Doesn't enjoy the beach that much but gets excited too go?
Ends up sitting down for most of the time unless he gets dragged on walks
Might just kinda walk until the water is at his knees and just kinda stand there, and nod a little
Giving mother nature his approval
He takes Sally out and holds onto her stomach, lifts her up over the waves whenever they come
Asks her what she can see, before he drops her back down
Tries it with Ben, gets kicked in the gut-
Favorite time is when it's dark and they go
Not for a long time, just a few minutes too walk along the shore before it gets dark
Designated photographer
Is supposed too be taking photos but mostly gets footage of the stupid shit that happens
Like Jeff not being able too figure out the dishwasher or Clockwork wrestling with her dresser where only half the drawers worked
Just kinda sits back and watches things go up in flames
He's the designated like playlist guy too? On the drive over, whenever he got bored just
"Hey what song should I play?"
And watches chaos ensue
His vacation is watching everyone else have a bad time
Makes up for it though, saves them a shit ton of money by making dinner every night.
I feel like he genuinely enjoys late nights on the beach, like Tim
Gets some beautiful photos of the water, and people taking walks that he's pretty damn proud of
Maybe once or twice he'll join Doby for a walk too get pictures of the rising sun
Likes getting small things from the gift shops
Shark teeth, maybe a cheesy snowglobe
Something silly but nice too remember the trip by
Eyeless Jack
first things first, ya know those double-lens glasses? Like you flip up the sunglass part and theres normal lenses underneath? Someone gave him those
But their are crappy eyes painted on the normal lenses
He's very confused but its just ridiculous enough for him too like
The beach isn't his favorite place, I HC him as nocturnal and most things are open during the day
He takes too the rides and crappy carnival games that are open late at night
He can't see everything super well but makes up fun things for himself
Enjoys going on rollercoasters that he has no idea what the hell the drops look like
Fucking hates bumper cars
Can't tell where everyone's coming from or when
More nerve racking then fun
Whenever they go to the beach beach he just kind of chills
Akwardly curls up on a towel because he's big as shit
Where ever they stay he walks around, uses his echo location shit too find out all its quirks
"This walls more hallow then that one- those support beams in the lobby are doing a very shitty job of keep things together"
Loves sitting out on the balcony and just smelling the salt air, listening too people laughing and the ocean waves
Just the small details a lot of people miss
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verymuchimmortalcat · 3 years
As You Were Once
For Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month Day 14: De-aged
Marinette was waiting at the airport for her dad, Cass, Damian, Tim and Steph. Lucius had said that there were some important things to handle in the Paris branch of WE and had insisted upon Bruce dealing with it himself. Then the others wanted to join him, leaving Dick as Batman for the week, Signal, Red Hood, Oracle and the Birds of prey to protect Gotham. Alfred had decided to go on a vacation when most of the Manor's occupants were coming to Paris and Duke would be staying with Jason for the next week. 
The five of them had promised that they wouldn't interfere in case of an akuma attack. Though Marinette was sure that they weren't going to sit back if they decided their help was needed. But hopefully they wouldn't deal with anything too severe this week. 
She waves as she spots her siblings, all of them with the exception of Steph trying not to draw attention to themselves. 
“B’s still getting everything sorted at customs and immigration,” Tim informs her once she’s finished hugging all of them.
She frowns, “was there a problem with something?”
“He’s keeping up his cover,” Damian states.
“He’s being unnaturally friendly to someone he hasn’t done a background check on,” Steph says.
“It was starting to get creepy,” Cass adds.
Marinette probably would have run away too. Galas were one thing, everyone there had been through an extensive background check but the whole Brucie Wayne act in front of people he knew absolutely nothing about was a completely different level of strange.
Their conversation turns to everything she’s missed since their last conversation. She gets a very detailed update on Damian’s pets 
They weren't waiting long before they were joined by B. Though he had to leave almost immediately to WE apparently whatever he had come for had been more urgent than they had realised. 
Once her dad is gone the five of them head to the bakery, while there wasn't space for everyone to stay at the bakery, all of them had wanted to spend time with the Dupain-Chengs. 
They're all at the bakery when the screaming starts. All of them immediately jump up but before any of them can join her she stops them and tells them to cover for her. Tom and Sabine don't know her identity and her siblings can't risk theirs over what’s probably a simple akuma attack. 
Promising them she'll call if she needs help she transforms and heads in the direction of the akuma. Adrien's already there but the others aren't supposed to transform unless needed. It's pretty close to WE. Marinette hopes her father actually remembered his promise and didn't become a target. 
She stops to rescue a larger number of children then she'd normally have to. Why are there so many children outside during an akuma attack?
It's only when she stops in front of a boy who appears to be about seven who looks exactly like the photos Alfred has of her father at that age does she figure out what the akuma's powers are. 
De aging. 
Marinette asks him anyway, there is always the possibility that a random Parisian child looks exactly like a seven-year-old version of her father.
It is not a random Parisian child. Marinette is the holder of the miraculous of good luck, you really would think she’d have better luck.
She crouches down so that she’s at his eye level, “I’m going to take you somewhere safe. Is that ok with you?”
He looks unsure but he nods. Picking him up, she swings back to the bakery as fast as possible. She calls Nino, Alya and Kagami and tells them there's a family emergency and to take care of the akuma and to bring it to her so she could purify it. 
Landing in an alleyway near the bakery, she de-transforms. She doesn't bother with telling him to keep her identity a secret. He already knows in the future and he's definitely not going to talk to someone who doesn't already know who she is.  
Holding his hand she leads him to the bakery. She tells Damian to get the others up and takes her dad (wow, is it strange to think of an approximately seven year old as her dad) to the living room.
She tells Tikki to give tiny Bruce something to occupy his time while she and her siblings figure something out. As they all join her upstairs, she sees as each of them realise what's happened and go from shock to laughter. 
"He doesn't remember anything. The others are taking care of the akuma. Figured you’d need help taking care of him," she says before Tim can ask. 
"Hasn't happened yet," Cass states. 
The laughter from a few seconds ago is gone. They all know what she's talking about. This Bruce Wayne hasn't lost his parents. 
This Bruce Wayne also seems to be glaring at them, he also looks scared. She can’t blame him, he wasn’t offered much of an explanation before she brought him here.
"Where are my parents?” he demands, “The girl who brought me here obviously seems to be some kind of superhero. Who are the rest of you?"
None of them look shocked that he knows that she’s Ladybug but none of them are dwelling on that. He asked for his parents what could they even tell him? They obviously can't tell him his parents are dead but they also know it wouldn't be fair to lie to him. 
"Would you like to talk to Alfred?" Tim asks suddenly. They all sigh in relief when he nods. 
Marinette calls Alfred but doesn't hand the phone to tiny Bruce immediately, it would definitely be more painful for Alfred than any of them to deal with him in this state. 
As soon as he picks up, Marinette starts speaking, "there was an akuma and dad became small and he's asking for his parents and we offered to call you instead."
Alfred being Alfred remains calm and asks her to hand the phone to tiny Bruce. All of them are staring at him as he talks to Alfred over the phone. Even though they can hear only one side of the conversation, tiny Bruce seems to calm down. 
Once he ends the call, he hands the phone back to her and says, "Alfred says that some kind of magic made me small and that all of you are very important to me when I become big."
"You're strangely adorable," Steph says. 
He frowns at that and he’s never before looked more like Damian.
“So, what do you like to do when you're bored?” Marinette asks, bending down in front of him and they all watch as one of the world’s greatest heroes rambles on about something his mom showed him last week.
This is the most they’ve ever heard Bruce talk about his parents and Alfred. They’re all listening intently about the woman who was their grandmother right now. Neither of them want to ask for more information. It wouldn't make sense to not know his parents if they were close to him. Alfred mentioned once that Marinette looks startlingly similar to Martha Wayne, Tim wonders if B’s picked up on it yet. Even if he has, Tim supposes, there wouldn’t be any reason for him to dwell on it as far as the Bruce in front of them is concerned his parents are alive and well.
They’ve all snuck pictures of him talking animatedly, he’s too carefree to notice, has no reason not to be. He’s already sent a few to Alfred and the others and immediately switched off notifications. Marinette and Damian do it too when their phones start blowing up, Steph’s just ignoring it and still taking photos and Cass is spamming them back. 
He goes back to watching Bruce talk without the weight he’s been carrying in all the time Tim’s known him.
It's strange, Cass thinks, to see him like this. The closest he's ever been to this relaxed is when all of them are at the manor for something other than a gala or bat business. 
She's alternating between listening to Bruce and tormenting her brothers who stayed back in Gotham. She’s sure if patrol wasn’t starting soon, they would’ve been here already for varying reasons.
She wonders if he’ll remember any of this when he comes back to normal, she’ll have to ask Marinette.
They moved to Marinette’s room in case the Dupain-Chengs check on them. Father’s taking a break from talking and is going through Marinette’s designs, Stephanie and Cassandra are with him. Drake seems to have taken on the responsibility of tormenting the others remaining in Gotham or he’s just texting his boyfriend, Damian doesn’t want to know.
He’s watching as the three of them go through Marinette’s designs, and watches as she gets progressively more flustered as they bury her in compliments, well mostly Stephanie, Cassandra and Father aren’t as vocal but it’s also the most he’s heard Father compliment someone sincerely.
It’s strange to think of the child in front of him as his father. He smiles a lot more and even laughed several times.
And then Stephanie mentions that Damian draws and Father’s asking him if he could look at his drawings. Damian offers him a small smile and unlocks his phone and shows him the recent painting of Titus, Alfred, Ace and Jerry and watches as his Father analyses the whole painting.
Maybe the child in front of him is not the father he’s gotten to know but it is nice to see him all the same.
Marinette’s starting to get worried. It’s been an hour and the others haven’t returned with the Akuma yet. They can’t keep tiny Bruce occupied forever. She’s considering transforming and checking it out when Tim pokes his head out from where he’s sitting on her bed and says, “hey Mari, delivery for you.”
Alya’s standing next to him with the akuma in a jar, looking confused. Marinette sighs, explaining this is going to be interesting.
She climbs up and heads to the balcony before transforming. Alya hands her the jar and Marinette purifies the akuma, calls for her lucky charm and throws it up in the air.
“So…” Alya starts, “wanna explain what that was about?” 
“Family emergency. I’ll tell you about it later. Bye!” and then Marinette’s back in her room. Her siblings seem to be panicking and her dad’s not there. The Miraculous Ladybug should have taken him back to where he was. He’s probably standing in the middle of the street completely disoriented.
Detransforming she joins their discussion, or more accurately panicked argument, to let them know what happened. They’re all on their way to the Paris branch of WE in a few minutes. She’s sure one of the employees is bound to have found him and explained things to him but they’re still going just in case.
He’s attacked by hugs when they find him in the lobby of the building, he looks confused as to why but none of them offer any explanation. Steph’s the first one to pull away when her phone starts ringing.
“Shit. We forgot to tell Alfred everything’s fine again.”
Letting go of her dad, she checks her phone and there at the very top of her notifications is a missed call from Alfred. Just one, he’s not anything like the rest of the family as proven by the hundred notifications below that. Steph’s already picked up the call and handed it to B. Marinette sends Dick a message to let him know that everything’s back to normal and to please not come to Paris once patrol’s done.
There are people staring at them, which isn’t surprising but makes her uncomfortable all the same and she knows the rest of them probably feel the same, though Tim might've gotten used to it. They watch in silence as B finishes talking to Alfred and hands Steph’s phone back to her.
He looks over the bunch of them and asks, “did you have something to tell me?”
It feels like forever that they stand awkwardly looking at him before Marinette says, “nope! Nothing important,” and drags her siblings out of the building and back to the bakery. They can talk to him later and Damian’s yawning on their way back. It’s been one hell of a first day in Paris for them, she can’t wait for the rest of the week.
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lifewithdavefarts · 3 years
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DaveFarts - Episode 1 “FartsApp” [Episode List] Since he’s a gassy nerd, Dave teases his friend Tim via WhatsApp by sending him a series of short videos of him farting.
Being gay with a fart fetish is really hard sometimes.
For me at least.
While the world is definitely getting more open-minded about homosexuality, I can’t really force it to accept this weird fetish (to be honest, all fetishes are kinda treated like taboos, regardless of the sexuality involved). I had to settle for YouTube videos or websites devoted to this whole fart-sniffing thing; not that I’m complaining: it was good to discover that so many people actually had this fetish.
Cue Dave. Well, sort of, actually. He doesn’t have a fart fetish and he’s not even gay. Dave has been my best friend since forever. Unlike me, however, he’s straight and is currently dating some (lucky) girl.
Around my age, he’s like a brother to me, and we’re actually well-known because of how much time we always spend with each other.
Dave is a great guy, a great friend, very open-minded and, dare to say it, actually quite hot.
Not surprisingly, being the brother I never had, he’s the first friend I came out to, the only one who knows about my homosexuality. Actually, it’s not like I told him… he found out on his own, in the worst possible way (for me).
During one of our nerdy game-nights, being “that one gassy friend”, Dave started to rip -as usual- tons of farts, fueled by some junk food, until he ripped one directly in my face (and boy it was amazing…). Everything went downhill from there… kinda. For some reason or another… he just accepted all at once not only my homosexuality, but also the fact that I found face-farting… hot. He just laughed about it and honestly gave me some encouraging words about my peculiar situation, proving that he’s indeed the best friend ever. Oh… and he also literally farted for me after that, in my face, letting me sniff and enjoy his amazing rips; he can also fart on command apparently: got a taste of his talent that same night.
That one, surreal night.
I still can’t believe it happened.
Felt like a confused dream. Like one of those nights where you drink too much so you don’t clearly remember what happened. But it was all true.
Dave, my best friend, was perfectly fine with me, my fetish, and all this weird stuff.
Yes: I know how lucky I am.
It’s been 4 months since he found out.
And, believe it or not, I’m getting face-farted so often that I’m almost forgetting how beautiful it feels.
Seriously: Dave simply accepted it like I’m living in someone’s crazy fetish dream and, when we’re alone, he just casually farts in my face (without me asking for it). Not always, but very often.
Surprisingly enough, despite the fact that my nose spends a lot of time brushing against his denim-covered butt, our friendship didn’t change at all though: we still hang out with the rest of our friends and generally spend a lot of time together.
Sometimes I’m so in disbelief about how easy-going he’s been with me, that I randomly ask him “You sure you’re OK with… this?” (I say, gesturing all of me), but he just smiles or rolls his eyes annoyed, tired of hearing the same question over and over again. What can I say? He’s perfectly comfortable with his own sexuality I guess, so he doesn’t have any problem with my fetish.
Sometimes though -sorry I say this- I kinda wish he did…
No, I’m definitely not complaining. That’s the best possible scenario for me, but sometimes he can get a bit too… inopportune. Dave is not really a prankster, but he loves teasing his friends, just for fun, including me.
I was in the middle of an important exam once, one of these pop-quiz thingies that make zero sense, and I felt my phone vibrate. I checked my FB private messages and all I saw was this YouTube link sent by Dave. Since I’m a fool apparently, I clicked on it, and one of those popular YouTube fart videos popped up and played, one with really loud farts. The first fart actually echoed in the room and other students glared at me: never felt so embarrassed (not including the night Dave found out about my fetish).
“Dude! Stop sending me this stuff!” I texted him. “I’m in the middle of an exam here!”
I scolded him for this, but the truth is that I couldn’t ask for a friend more open-minded than him.
The fact that he teases him with fart videos like he teases our heterosexual friends with those “shock” porn pics made me feel more… accepted.
But still… I was in the middle of an important exam so he had to stop.
And he obviously didn’t.
He sent me like 10 other links, just to annoy the sh%t out of me.
I mocked him by texting something like “Those videos are quite hard to find. Guess you’re gay too then!” but he would reply with “I had a great teacher!” and send me one of my awkward photos from Facebook.
Other times, since our friendship didn’t change a bit, he even made random references to my homosexuality or even my fart fetish when messaging me to make plans for the night (especially during the weekend). This mostly happens on WhatsApp:
Dave: “Dude, you have to come with us. Stop being a whiny little bi*ch and get up from that couch!”
Tim: “Sorry, man. I don’t think I’ll be joining you tonight…”
Dave: “You know what? If you don’t come with us… you’re gay!”
Dave: “Sorry, I mean… if you don’t come with us, you’re a fuc*ing heterosexual!
Dave: "U ride pussy, don’t you? Fuc*ing straight people!”
He was obviously being sarcastic, but I just loved how he adapted his… uhm… “humor” to my situation.
One time, however, things got a bit… hotter for me…
Dave: “Dude, come over. We have a lot to study…”
Tim: “Sorry, really can’t today. Aren’t you with Dana right now anyway?”
Dave: “I need somebody to focus with, not focus on. You know me and Dana always end up in bed after like 20 minutes.”
Dave: “It’s awesome but this stuff ain’t gonna study itself…”
Yep. Dave and his girlfriend Dana apparently had a very active sex life.
Glad he was getting laid. And Dana was pretty cool to be honest.
Tim: “Dave, sorry. Maybe tomorrow, k?”
Dave: “Dude! Come on! I’m farting like crazy today!”
Did… did he just try to “bribe” me using his farting abilities?
Dave: “Seriously. I just ripped one that was like 10 seconds long. What a waste of farts!”
Tim: “Dave… are you crazy?”
Took a couple of minutes to reply to that one, and then I got two messages at once.
Dave: “Oh yessss, Tim, crazy for youuuuuu!” he wrote, with a heart emoticon at the end (again, he’s a sassy bi*ch as usual).
I then saw that WhatsApp was loading a video sent by him, an actual video, not a link.
It was Dave, a smirk drawn on his face while staring at the camera. He was wearing a simple black shirt. The view soon moved and I saw his slightly sagging-butt in jeans sitting on a wooden chair, and then heard this big fart echoing in his living room (he was alone), rumbling loudly and hard on the wooden surface. He even turned the camera to his face while he was forcing the “classic”-sounding fart out, making funny facial expressions; indeed, the fart lasted almost 10 seconds, and I obviously loved that: biggest farts I’ve ever heard from him in awhile! It was like watching those funny fartvines on… well… Vine, but having my best friend as the funny/hot farter this time.
Dave: “Hope that convinced you…” he then texted.
I was kinda… “offended” by that last message.
I mean, yeah, I seriously wanted to be there, but I always love spending time with Dave, farts or not (that’s why we’ve been friends since… forever).
Tim: “Are you seriously using farts to buy my friendship? It’s not like I don’t want to study with you. I just can’t today!”
Was that too harsh? Should I have added a smiley face at the end?
Only thing I was sure of, is that I never thought that a sentence like that would even make sense someday.
And I was still bewildered by how Dave was so comfortable with the fact that I loved farts.
Tim: “You don’t need farts to convince me, Dave. More like… you’re making me suffer!” I joked, finally breaking the ice myself with a reference to my embarrassing fetish, proving that I indeed wanted to be there with him, enjoying those farts.
Another couple of minutes passed.
Was he making another…?
Dave: “I know you’re suffering, Tim. Don’t worry. That’s why I’m sending you this.”
Oh boy, another video. Should I play it? Was he aware that I was getting a boner from all of this?
I literally pitched a tent in my pants.
There… it’s Dave again, this time sitting on the couch. The video started with his face winking at the camera with a sly smile; the camera then moved between his legs and slowly panned towards his butt in loose jeans (he probably put his legs on the small table in front of his couch, to make his butt more visible). Now I had a rather unique (and hot -for me) view of both his butt (and part of his crotch) in jeans and his face. He grinned wildly and the fart began, ripped right in front of the phone. The sound and the views were perfect; Dave moved the camera towards his butt as the fart kept going strong, sounding like a deep trumpet; I could see the detailed blue fabric of his jeans as the funny sounds continued. What a lucky phone!
It lasted around 8 seconds and it was simply the hotness.
The video ended with Dave laughing at the camera and all went pitch black.
Tim: “You’re insane, Dave!” I joked again, enjoying how crazy he was about this. And for me I guess.
But I had to tell him.
Tim: “Dave, you do know that all of this gave me a… well…”
But as I was halfheartedly writing the second part of the message, Dave wrote more stuff.
Dave: “Then go beat your meat! I can’t do everything for you, Tim.”
Dave: “And please don’t act like this is some kind of big deal…
Dave: "Wow, Tim got a boner! How impressive!”
Dave: “Let’s all bow to Tim, the mighty guy whose penis can turn bigger!”
Dave: “Behold, the Great Tim! The guy who once had a boner and had to tell everyone!”
Further proof that Dave was being the best friend ever.
He was clearly being sarcastic; he was joking. That was his way of telling me “Nah bro, it’s all good”. And I was kinda surprised that he was so… chill about this stuff. I literally had a boner because of him and he just… didn’t care. As I said, he’s very open minded and perfectly comfortable with his own sexuality, so he didn’t have the irrational fear of “turning gay” when doing this stuff with and for me. I also appreciated that he trusted me with those funny, but otherwise embarrassing videos.
After one or two minutes, I’ve received one big audio file and I just knew what I was going to get when I clicked the triangular-shaped button to play them.
I heard Dave singing my name like he was some kind of serial killer trying to find me.
Dave: “Tim… come here…”
I then heard a series of muffled noises, as if the camera was being put under something, and it was clear what: I in fact then heard the loud, audio-glitching sound of one big fart that lasted around four seconds.
Dave: “He’s waiting for you…” he sung again in that creepy tone of voice.
Another fart, just as big as the first one.
He was on fire that day!
Now I was both laughing like an idiot and having the biggest boner.
Tim: “Dude, you’re on fire! But… to be honest, that was kinda gay…” I chuckled.
Dave: “Says the guy who gets a boner when he hears a fart. You fuc*ing hypocrite.”
He then sent yet another audio file, with him singing that meme-song “I’m gay, gay, gay, I love long big c*cks”, but slightly changing the lyrics. He even put a karaoke version of it on his computer while recording the audio file.
Dave: “You are gay, gay gay, you love long big farts. ‘cuz you’re supah-super gay, and you love big…”
Fittingly enough, a huge fart from my best friend took over the last part of the song. Loud as usual, sounding like a deep chainsaw. I could just imagine how beautiful that was. But the best part was probably the fact that he was definitely farting for me. I know, not your usual “hot sexy” scenario… more like a “sweet” one, in a very twisted way of course.
I wasn’t obviously offended by that “gay song”, since I knew that Dave was just being silly as usual and his mocking words were definitely not mean-spirited.
Tim: “Aren’t you supposed to be studying right now?” I asked.
Dave: “I don’t know, aren’t you supposed to be here right now?”
Tim: “Dude, seriously. Thank you! But I’m serious… I really can’t today.”
Dave: “Alright… alright… cya tonight faggot…” he wrote, with a heart-shaped emoticon at the end.
I just rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit, then drove my attention to my own books.
This was going to be a long afternoon. But after only one minute of silence, my phone vibrated wildly: it was Dave and he was calling me. Very unusual in that moment.
“Uhm… Dave? Hello?” I picked up.
I was greeted by a series of “Dude, sorry!” and I was really confused.
“Dave… what?”
It was just Dave being adorkable I guess.
“Dude, sorry about that 'faggot'… that was bit too much, sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
I laughed in disbelief. “Bro, it’s OK. I’m not offended. I know you didn’t want to insult me or anything…”
“No, Tim. That one word is not a joke and I shouldn’t have used it, sorry.”
I was just… wow. Dave went from “dominant friendly farter” to “adorable/awkward confused puppy” in mere seconds. Further proof that I was the luckiest guy alive (fetish or not): Dave cared so much for me that he even apologized for the “f-word”, which admittedly is a very bad word for a guy like me. But this time it was coming from Dave, my best friend, a guy who cares so much about me that he would even “censor” his language just to avoid unfortunate implications.
Ironically enough, the roles were switched, and he was the one saying a rapid-fire series of “sorry!” this time.
“Dave, quit with the apologizing. You’re the best.” I chuckled. “We’re bros, that’s what we do: we insult each other!”
“Alright… you sure? Not going to use that word ever again though.”
“Dave… it’s OK. You’re the best.”
“OK… OK. See you tonight. Take care.”
And he hang up.
He just wanted to make sure that he didn’t accidentally offend me by calling me a “fag”.
I would have been, if it wasn’t coming from Dave.
But then again, he also said that he was going to kick in the face whoever dared to insult me.
And he said that before he found out the truth about me: he’s always been quite protective.
“Oh come on!” I shouted, almost annoyed, merely five minutes later, when I heard the phone vibrate one more time.
It was Dave. Again.
He sent another video.
I tried to scoff at it but I was obviously loving all of this instead.
He was lying on the couch, the camera focusing on his butt in jeans. I could see both his face and butt, at the same time. It was like he filmed the video imagining my POV when he farted in my face, and I absolutely enjoyed that.
“Alright, Tim… Sorry for calling you a faggot.” he spoke in a “comically” serious voice. He truly was “sorry”, but it was clear that he was trying not to laugh. “I’m really, really sorry, believe me.”
Keeping a straight face, he ripped an incredibly loud, deep fart at the camera. He didn’t bat an eye, blink or smile. He eventually lost it towards the end of that 6-seconds long blast. He chuckled a bit and then turned “serious” again.
“That was a sad fart… we’re both sorry.”
He then closed his eyes and made a funny face, signing in relief as he ripped another long fart, the lucky camera slowly panning towards the seams and textures of the blue denim covering his powerful sagging butt. It lasted almost 10 seconds: truly a fart master. And those weren’t even on command!
“Oh my…” I whispered, staring in awe at the amazing video.
“This one was on the house…” he chuckled, right before turning the phone to his butt one last time and ripping a short series of toots, grinning wildly, clearly forcing those smaller farts out just for me. And that was it.
My boner was definitely wet now as bits of that well-known white substance poured from the tip of of my “standing” dick, slightly dampening my boxers and pants. It was like a volcano going to explode. A volcano that, just like me, couldn’t take it anymore. I rushed to the bathroom and furiously beat my meat, almost strangling my rock-hard penis with a firm grip. I didn’t last much: I literally peed sperm, thinking of Dave’s farts. The best part is that I didn’t need to imagine anything: it was all real. I laughed in relief just as I felt my penis deflating like a balloon, after it vomited its white substance. It felt good, not “masturbation good”, like “life is good”. And it was.
My best friend, Dave, was this fantastic guy who, in his own, twisted way, was taking care of me, accepting me, making me comfortable with my fart fetish. A gassy, open-minded, mildly disgusting “bro” who only wanted to preserve our friendship.
And I couldn’t be happier.
End of Episode 1
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
My Life is One Complication After Another 3
Cursing Ahead 🤬
Ao3 *** First *** Previous *** Next
Ever since Mari's classmates stopped talking with her, they also stopped asking her for favors. Along with a blocked and rotating schedule for patrols meant that she actually had a sleep schedule. Sure she didn't get nearly enough but that was what coffee is for.
That was how she found herself down in the bakery with her papa. Roy had called her and the four of them talked and it was comfortable. Mari was the one who opened and was watching the front. She was still talking with Roy, but now it was on a headset, as he was out patrolling In Starling City.
"So as I was saying before we were oh so rudely interrupted." came Roy's voice in her ear. "So Ice cream and movies?"
A soft laughter escaped her and a smile on her lips.
"Sounds gre..." the bell at the door chimed. "Hey guys come in," she greeted the Waynes.
"Let me guess the bats?" Roy supplied as Dick bounced towards the counter.
"Good morning Marinette!" Dick practically sang loud enough for even Roy to hear.
"God how the hell is he so chipper so early." she heard Roy grumble.
"God damn morning people," she grumbled. That elicited laughter from both Roy and Jason.
"Amen to that!" Tim seconded in a monotone lifting a coffee cup. "Maman I'm going to take the Waynes up." she called poking her head into the kitchen. Her Maman nodded so she picked up her phone and walked towards them.
"I'll Let you go," Roy was about to hang up.
"Wait how about we give the Bats a heart attack." she smirked changing to the ancient language of miracles.
"I like the way you think, I'll catch you later." he responded in the same tongue.
"See ya then." she smiled, switching back the language. Ending the call and removing the ear piece. “Are you guys coming or do I have to drag you guys?" she turned back already at the door. Granted most of them showed confused faces and side eyes, but she smiled. They followed her without saying a word.
Once they were in the apartment she excused herself to change into more appropriate gear. She activated Kaalki’s miraculous, who then silently portaled out.
That being said she changed into a pair of black skinny cargo pants with red combat boots. A black long sleeve shirt under a cropped red sleeveless hoodie. Her hair was half down with red and pink streaks and a mini white gold backpack with three patches in the same white gold finished her outfit. She grabbed four parcels and went down.
"So we can either do the boring ground tour or," she held up the bundles. "we can turn up the speed."
"I like the way you think Pixie Pop." Jason stood and she handed him his.
"Roy sent me you guy's sizes, so I altered and customized a few things." she smiled. "bathroom is over there and the guest room is next to it." Dick looked torn between excited and horrified when handed his stack.
Tim seemed awake, but she knew better, "go change and I'll have a fresh pot of coffee ready." He nodded robotically as he got up.
She set the last bunch next to Damian, who was looking like an angry kitten. She sat down next to him and leaned in.
"What are you.." he started but Mari whispered in his ear.
"The jacket has a hidden sling for a katana, which will be practically invisible when on." His eyes widened slightly and there was a bit of slack in his jaw now. Before turning into an amused smirk. "Use my room up the stairs and through the hatch." she finished as he headed up the stairs.
"I'm impressed he let you close without struggling," Bruce broke his silence, as she finished prepping the coffee maker.
"Well he would have if," she began as Damian practically crashed down the stairs and all but tackled Bruce before rushing out the door. The closest she had ever seen her baby brother smile, which effectively made her smile.
"Holy crap! What are you?!" Dick made himself known.
"More importantly what the fuck did you do with Demon spawn!" Jason shouted from next to Tim, who was being propped up by both Jason and Dick.
"Tt. I am right here Todd." The scowl reappearing on his features. "It is adequate Dupain-Cheng."
"I'll take it as a compliment on one condition."
"And that is?" he rose a brow.
"You call me Marinette not Dupain-Cheng. I'm your sister aren't I?"
He seemed to war with himself for a moment before stating. "That is acceptable, Marinette."
At this point all the bats in the room were playing a game of ping-pong between Marinette and Damian. They were trying to figure out what magic spell Marinette must have used, when in reality she just seemed to fall into Damian’s good graces automatically. OK so maybe Marinette being the holder of the ladybug miraculous as well as being the great guardian of the order has that affect on most people, a sense of respect and trust that seems to permeate her aura.
She was handing Tim a huge mug as the front door swung open to reveal her Maman.
"Hello Bruce," Sabine greeted.
"It is good to see you Sabine," was his response.
“Maman," Mari pulled her mother's attention from her biological father. "These are Bruce's boys and my brothers. Tim, Jason, Dick, and Damian." she motioned to each one respectively.
"It's nice to meet all of you." Sabine smiled, "why don't all of you get something from the bakery before you go."
After finishing their small breakfast in the park Mari pulled out a map and a marker.
"So what do you guys want to see?" They listed off places that she marked down. She added a few to the list to fill it out, marked the route and took a picture and sent it to Roy. "Okay so this will work." she glanced at her phone. A quick look on social media showed no one has found Andre yet. She pulled out a case of comms and added, "Also keep your eyes out for Andre."
"Who is that?" Dick asked taking the earpiece.
"Andre's Ice cream cart, the best ice cream in Paris." Marinette answered.
"Then why must we look for him?" Damian added.
"Well he changes locations daily and turns it into a game of tag of sorts."
"Alright, lead the way Pixie." with a smirk she dashed off her brothers close on her heels.
Yes this is the best way to get to see the city, but this was also a test to see how the bats did without their toys.
Getting to Notre Dame was uneventful. Dick kept up a steady conversation with her, just a step behind with Damian, Jason brought up the rear but would constantly toss in quips and questions. Damian and Tim were mostly quiet, unless they were trying to get one of their brothers to stop a particularly embarrassing story.
Getting to the Louve was even more entertaining. Now that Dick had a feel for the Parisian roofs he would do flips and vaults to make her laugh. In the Louve is another story.
They had accidentally ran into some of her classmates, quite literally. She and her brothers were taking goofy 'walk like an Egyptian' group photos on the second floor of the Egyptian exhibit, the mini Ladybug camera was reattaching to her phone charm when Tim began asking her questions about it.
"Well my best friend loves anime, and we kinda sorta binged the entire Dragon Ball series and when we saw the ladybug camera. He said it would be impossible to create and maintain the quality of the image. So I kinda sorta made it out of spite." she mumbled the end.
"Hell if you weren't my sister I would beg Bruce to adopt you," Tim stated. "Do you have the files I would love to look through them. Maybe send them to Babs or Cy!"
"Sure I think I have it on a flash drive." That was when a tall body, walking backwards slammed into her, pushing her into Jason. "oof."
"You okay." Dick was in full mama hen mode fretting over her.
"I wasn't watching where I was going." the figure spoke as he turned around. "I'm sor." the words died on his tongue, Kim.
Max, Alix, Nino, Alya, and oh kwami no Lila, who were now all snickering.
"I'm fine Dick," she smiled to reassure him. However her classmates were shocked.
Lila of course was the one who broke the silence, by beginning to cry. "I'm so sorry about her. I know she hates me but to be so rude to a complete stranger!" her sobs breaking the sentence while her lackeys went to console her, glaring daggers at Marinette.
"Seriously girl," Alya began to scold her. "Your little out burst not only made Lila cry. Your insulting someone who is just trying to be nice."
She and her brothers were now standing awkwardly being scolded by a teenager. After three minutes of trying to figure out what they were being scolded for and why the guys hadn't apparently left.
"What the fuck did she do that your yelling at her for?" Jason finally broke Alya's rant. Now it was the five Parisians and the Italian to stand there confused.
"She called him a dick," Alya sighed exasperated.
"Yes." Dick answered confusing them further.
"Dick."Tim now called.
"Dick!!" Damian, Marinette, Tim, and Jason all called, and immediately began laughing.
"What? Oh, oh," a sheepish smile now on his face. “Names Richard but I go by Dick,” he explained to those who weren’t laughing, smiling at them.
"Tt. this is why I call you Grayson." Damian rolled his eyes. "Besides this one still has not apologized." he jabbed a finger to Kim.
"It's not worth it Damian,” Marinette shook her head. "We should head back to the bakery anyways. Maman has probably finished scolding Bruce." she smirked.
"Damn I wish I was a fly on the wall for that conversation" Jason lamented.
"Well..." she held up the ladybug charm and flipped it over showing an empty space.
"Two!" Tim shouted.
"Anyone who beats me back gets a copy," she smiled.
"Your on." Jason nodded as he vaulted over the safety wall from the second floor. Damian and Dick sprinted in opposite directions.
"Sorry Mars your gonna loose." Tim shouted as the last to leave.
"We'll see," she shot back. "Bye," She turned to her classmates as she grabbed the railing above and flipped up and over to the third floor, running to one of the secret zip lines the miraculous team set up.
"What the fuck" was faintly heard behind her, all but Lila and Max shouted by the sounds of it, as she jumped from the window.
She made up quite a bit of distance and seemed to be on Damian's heel. She had passed Tim and Dick was a few steps behind. Jason was just out of arm reach. So with a burst of speed both she and Damian were shoulder to shoulder with Jason.
The three of them simultaneously practically crashed into the side door of the bakery.
"I won."
"In your dreams Todd."
"I beat both you and Pixie"
"Check your eyes, or do you need the camera installed in your helmet." Jason's gaze hardened at Damian's words.
"How about we call it a three way tie and you both get a copy." Mari interrupted. "We should head up." Laughing Marinette opened the door and went up.
Lunch was rambunctious, but she was coming to expect that with her brothers.
“Too bad we couldn’t find that ice cream guy Mari,” Tim spoke up once everyone had finished eating.
“Oh let’s see if anyone has posted where he’s at today!” She went to check her phone but a message ended up distracting her.
Andres in your favorite spot I’ll meet you there at 7 your time.
"Cool he’ s in my favorite spot in all of Paris which just happens to be the last spot on our list today," she announced, sending off a text, setting her phone down, screen up.
Can't wait Katniss
"Why don’t you all go and Mari can get to know Bruce," Sabine offered.
OK granted it’s a good idea, maybe I should get to know my biological father but am I ready to? Do I want to? Am I yes, yes I want to get to know my biological father, yes I want my family to grow, my brothers are such protective goofballs and I love them already.
"Sounds good," she smiled.
That was when her phone lit up from a message. She went to pick it up, but she was to slow.
Jason was the one who snacked her phone. "Message from Katniss says see ya then Peeta. So who's Katniss Pixie."
"Well..." she started but she began to blush furiously.
"That would be her boyfriend," her Maman decided to add before heading back down to the bakery with Papa.
Dick pounced asking a million and one questions, Bruce physically froze but she could tell his mind was racing because that look was much the same as hers. Jason was pensive, while Tim and Damian just seemed bored or tired.
So that was how she found herself talking about Roy, blushing furiously. While simultaneously avoiding his name and details that would tip any of them off. After about a half hour of her answering questions did Dick start telling her about his fiancée. How they were planning on setting a date for the wedding.
After that the next few hows was spent sharing stories and tidbits of themselves.
However, thanks to Dick a design was swimming in her mind. so she did the only logical thing and ran up to her room. Grabbed three drives, her tablet and pen and ran back down. She tossed the red drive to Tim, and Jason and Damian each a black drive. Plopped down and began stretching out an Italian suit with a nock lapel. A rough coloration of a midnight blue offset by a sapphire. Accents of golden thread, emerald buttons and an Osiria rose in the lapel. She signed the design 'Mira Luck' and handed Dick the tablet.
"So I couldn't help myself," she begun to fidget. "But in my defense you told a designer about a wedding and my brain wouldn't stop screaming at me until this was on something. So what do you think? I know its rough but."
"Holy Shit your Mira Luck as in M, Jagged Stones personal designer. You are M as in the designer for the Lucky Spot!!" Tim screamed lunging to take the tablet from Dick.
"That's me," a blindingly bright smile lit up her features.
"So what do you think?" she asked again.
"It's amazing we were actually hoping to talk to you about Kori’s dress." Dick smiled. "I could call her it's not too late there."
"Perhaps it would be best to discuss it in person when Marinette next goes, that way she can get to know Gotham." Bruce interjected.
"That actually might be sooner than you think," she responded.
"I was actually accepted to be an exchange student for the next semester at Gotham Academy."
"Wait you’re willing we going to Gotham to study! You ’re going to Gotham willingly. Bruce I think your daughter might be a little crazy." Jason surprisingly brought up.
"I might be but but it’s no crazier than Paris and it’s a Akumas. Besides I would love to design your fiancée’s dress and we should head over to Andre’s ice cream before the sunsets that way we can watch the lighting of the Eiffel tower." She got up and called out. "Hey Jason mind passing me my backpack."
"Yeah sure," he went around he couch to grab it and toss it to her but before he did he finally seemed to notice the patches. "Wait are these The Outlaws."
"Yeah Red Hood, Arsenal, Star Fire, and Bizarro." she was smiling.
"Why choose The Outlaws?" Tim brought up.
"Honestly it was because Roy mentioned something about Arsenal and Red Hood and I ended up liking of the logos, so I made them into the backpack," she shrugged. "Besides unless you’re looking at it close enough you can’t tell which is always fun to see if people pay attention to it, let’s go."
At that the six of them walked out of the apartment, away from the bakery towards the Palais de Chaillot.
"So what's so special about Andre's Ice cream?" B asked.
"Personally I think he is a meta. But what he does is he can either see your true reflection or that of the person best suited to you."
"So he sees souls?" Tim added.
"Not quite, more like he sees the main qualities of you or your go." she tapped her chin.
"But he is meta,” Tim tried to figure.
"That's the only explanation I can come up with but I have no idea." Marinette shrugged.
"So how does he do it." Tim was now fully invested in this.
"Well you either ask for love or self and he usually does three to four ice cream flavors and gives a short reason."
They were now at the top of the stairs at the Palais de Chaillot looking out at the Eiffel Tower. They stood there as the last of the light faded from the sky. The city was dark for a moment as the Eiffel Tower lit up and slowly the lamps lit up.
"So that's why this is your favorite spot Minnie." A voice behind her chuckled. She turned around and nearly tackled him.
"Hey speedy." she pecked his cheek.
Not a second later did Jason scream, "Roy!"
"Ready for that movie?” Roy asked her an arm around her shoulders.
"Of course," she smiled. "See you guys around."
"What the fuck are you doing in Paris Roy!?" Jason screamed.
"Um... Date night," he answered. The Waynes were now practically surrounding the couple.
"What?" Apparently it was Dick's turn to yell.
"Seriously. I thought you said the bats and birds were detectives." she spoke just loud enough for them to hear. "It's kinda hard to believe with the big bat having a heart attack over there." Sure enough Bruce was seriously hyperventilating.
"Oh mind giving this to LB?" He handed her a small nondescript red box.
"Sure," Marinette took the box, "Au Revoir."
From there they left and oh kwamii did she wish she could replay that again, oh wait I can.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @miraculouspenta
Taglist: @dolphin-ghost @unabashedbookworm @bookgirl14 @laurcad123 @mochegato @vixen-uchiha @jjmjjktth @deathwishy @toodaloo-kangaroo @stackofrandomstuff @megaafangirl @trippingovermyfeet @chocolatecatstheron @nathleigh @nyx-in-line @indecisive-mess-named-me @ichigorose @maribat-is-lifeblood @user00000003 @gimpedmercy @el-zabethh @mickylikesstuff @a4-machete @stainedglassm @greatcatblaze @lady-bee-fechin @adrestar @moonlightstar64 @corporeal-terrestrial
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