#no but seriously you can tell i wrote that before we saw all the shit ace put nico through in chapter two
thefandomenchantress · 8 months
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…Well that aged poorly.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 7 months
Hiii I was reading your So’lek relationship headcanons and got caught up when you mentioned that he doesn’t trust Eetu to keep his hands to himself…and in the game I know we all heard him get jealous on the comms after we tell him we’re going to learn hunting from eetu…
Do you have any headcanons on jealous so’lek and flirty eetu?
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Pairing: So'lek/Na'vi!Reader, Eetu/Na'vi!Reader (not gender specific and can be Sarentu)
Warnings: jealousy, possible spoilers for AFoP, mention of canonical character death
Taglist: @mooniequeen @avatar-lover @neteyamsyawntu @taronyuhunter
When you first tell So'lek that you'll be learning how to hunt from Eetu of the Aranahe clan, he was immediately stating how he should be with you.
The very mention of Eetu's name makes So'lek growl irritably.
From his run-ins with the Aranahe, So'lek knows Eetu as a young, overconfident warrior who appears very loose and unbothered by anything.
Whereas So'lek is older, toughened by war and great loss (that Eetu will only feel after losing Zomey).
So'lek isn't an idiot. He sees the vast difference between himself and Eetu and knows that Eetu's personality can be found charming under particular circumstances.
So if you end up charmed by the Aranahe, So'lek was just going to have more reasons to despise the young hunter.
One of his main concerns is Eetu inability to take things seriously. What if something happens? What if you get hurt? Would Eetu know what to do, or would he even take it seriously?
If you return to HQ and talk to him about Eetu, you better expect So'lek to be a lot grumpier than usual.
He'll want to see all that Eetu taught you, and if your skills have actually improved, he'll begrudgingly admit it. If not, he's going to blame Eetu and immediately takes over teaching you.
So'lek might take it easier on Eetu after Zomey's death. He wouldn't wish that sort of pain on anyone, not even Eetu. I'd imagine So'lek saw a younger version of himself in Eetu, seeing that grief and pain so fresh and evident in the young taronyu's eyes. The two of them will have a more courteous conversation for the first time ever after that.
Despite knowing that Eetu is easier to get along with, So'lek is far more mature.
Eetu is flirty and fun, so he would be a breath of air, but he doesn't strike me as the type who would take a relationship seriously yet. He might slow down and treat you right if he was serious about courting you, but he's got a bit of growing up to do before then.
So'lek, on the other hand, WILL treat you right and WILL take everything about your relationship seriously because he cares so much, even though it's hard for him to show it. He knows he's not the most charming and charismatic man, so he considers himself grateful if you chose him regardless. He would never take advantage of it. He'll make sure you never regret your decision, but why would you?
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gremlinmodetweeker · 1 month
A Very Bad Movie Night
I'm sorry, but movie nights with our favourite Austrian giant are either nice and cuddly or downright terrifying, depending on who picks the movie.
It's not that his movies are bad, he's just into really extreme horror and always searching for the scariest movies he can. He's not just pure 'blood, guts, gore' either because he's really into psychological thrillers and cosmic horror. He just loves to get his heart beating in his chest. He loves the scariest he can get, and he's especially into found footage or atmospheric horror. Don't get me wrong, he's down for a good slasher or a gory film like Saw, but if he can get a movie like Blair Witch Project or As Above So Below? He's very happy.
He has seen all the Guinea Pig movies. He won't force you through them (thank God for that), but you gotta know that sometimes this guy watches some fucked up shit.
He's a man built for war. He'll be cute and give you back massages and make pastries for Disney movie nights, but just remember that this guy has seen the worst of humanity, and it shows.
Anyways, I know it's a dumb little fic, but I wrote a little example of you trying to get 'The Big Boy' tm to try and open up about his favourite movies.
TWs: Gore (not described in detail, but talked about) and scary movies
Story below the cut
A Very Bad Movie Night
The tv remote on the coffee table acted as an effective wall between you and König.
On one side, you sat with a bowl of popcorn and a blanket. On the other, König sat armed with a bag of chips and a bottle of pop. Between you, the tv remote sat, awaiting its ultimate fate.
“We watched your movie yesterday. It is my turn,” König leaned his elbows on his knees.
“You always want to watch the same movies,” you pointed out, “we’ve watched Blade Runner three times this month.”
“Was? Nein!” König snapped, “we only watch the same movies because you can’t handle my favorite movies!”
“Are you seriously trying to pull that card on me?” you scoffed.
“I’m not ‘pulling a card’, I’m telling the truth,” König sniffed.
You rolled your eyes. Every week, you had this argument, like clockwork. It was a never ending struggle between the two of you. König insisted you couldn’t handle his movies, you told him you would, he would poo-poo your suggestions, and then you’d be stuck rewatching some old movie he approved. That ended tonight. Tonight, you would pull on your big kid pants and show him what’s what.
“You know what, try me,” you sneered.
König looked at you as though you were an angry baby rabbit.
“I can handle it!” you insisted defiantly, “I can!”
“You are not very…” König tilted his head to the side, “brave.”
“I’m not what!?” you snapped.
König winced, then carefully took your hands in his, “You are not well equipped to handle horror.”
You looked at him for a good long moment. After a hearty pause, you broke up laughing.
“You’re saying I can’t handle horror?” you snickered, “that’s what you’re worried about here?”
“I am not worried,” König told you flatly, “I know.”
“But you don’t!” you complained, “you don’t know at all! I’m great with horror! It’s like, my favorite genre!”
Okay, the last part was a lie, but he didn’t have to know that.
“Then why do you always want to watch your Disney princess movies with me?” König glared at you like a displeased parent.
“Because they’re cute and I like being cute with you?” you told him like it couldn’t be more obvious. You thought it was, but he seemed to disagree.
“If you want cute, we can watch Unicorn Wars or something,” König offered.
“Isn’t that the one where teddy bears kill unicorns in war?” you asked carefully.
“Ja! That’s the one!” König cheered.
You grimaced and König rolled his cold blue eyes.
“See? See that right there. That’s why we don’t watch fun movies,” König threw his hands up in dismay.
“What no! We watch fun movies!” you argued, “didn’t you like Howl’s Moving Castle?”
König was about to snap back before hesitating. With a tired sigh, he slumped in his seat, “Yes, that was good, but that silly ice woman movie? I did not like that.”
“You’re just dumb.”
Your eyes widened as König slowly raised his head to lock eyes with you. Even behind his black sniper’s hood, you could see the gears clicking together in his head as he stared you down.
“I’m dumb?” König chuckled darkly.
“Not dumb, just…” you gestured with your hands, “not that educated?”
König nodded, gesturing for you to keep going.
“I mean it’s not that you’re uneducated, you’re just not that knowledgeable? Wait wait wait hold on, stay with me for this one, I have a point I promise-No I really do don’t look at me like that!”
König raised a single bushy blond eyebrow.
“Listen to me!” you clapped with your words, “I’m just saying you’re not up to date with the times!”
König crossed his arms over his broad chest and leaned back into the pleather sofa.
“So you’re calling me old.”
“I’m not calling you old, I’m calling you out of touch!” you spat before immediately reconsidering your sentence.
König’s eyebrows raised as he let your words sink into the living room.
“No don’t look at me like that!” you spat as you desperately looked for a way out, “I’m… You know what? I’m standing by what I said. I’m right. You’re out of touch. You’re not even forty and you act like you’re ninety. You’re a grouchy old man.”
König nodded along as you spoke, amusement creasing in the corners of his eyes.
“Your back cracks when you touch your toes,” you could feel yourself digging your hole with a drilling rig, “and you keep saying you’re ‘too old for all this’ when you hear about your nephews’ talking about memes on Tiktok.”
“Tiktok is a mistake,” König grumbled under his breath.
“It’s a mistake, yeah, but you’re not making this any better for yourself,” you argued.
“I am only thirty-five,” König pointed out.
“Still getting up there,” you countered.
“So you think I’m old and out of touch, ja?” König laughs coldly, “and that’s why I don’t like your sweet pretty princess movies?”
“I think that’s a pretty significant factor, yeah,” you retorted.
“That is not why I dislike those movies.”
You snorted.
“Oh yeah?” you leaned in on your knees, “then what’s really stopping you from hopping on the Disney train?”
König sighed and rolled his eyes, “It’s not that I don’t like your Disney movies, it’s just that I prefer something… Grittier.”
“Like what?” you asked, intrigued.
“Like…” König closed his eyes for a moment, then nodded and looked at you with a menacing glare, “how about we watch a movie?”
You buried your face further into König’s chest. The screams were too much for you to bear. This was König’s favorite kind of movie? What kind of man did you marry?
“This is a funny part,” König laughs, “she wakes up and her fiance’s head is sewn into her stomach.”
“You think that’s-” you spluttered before giving up, “this is awful.”
“This is fun!” König teased you light-heartedly as the woman screamed bloody murder.
“This is fucked up,” you grumbled and dug further into his side.
He laughed heartily at your response. Rubbing your side lovingly, he asked (over the screaming), “This is all fake! It’s not real!”
You groaned. You didn’t know if you were more frightened by the movie your boyfriend put on or the fact that this was the movie he put on after telling you ‘it’s one of the easier ones to get through’. On one hand, it was a fantastic true crime mockumentary, on the other, you were going to have nightmares about this for weeks.
König hadn’t pulled any punches, or so you thought. You’d realized pretty quickly that if this was what König considered ‘light’, then you had a whole lot of work to getting used to this. As much as the movie horrified you, the story was terribly compelling.
“I just hope they catch the guy,” you were practically behind König at this point.
“Nein, this movie is not so nice,” König chuckled, “but I understand your feelings.”
“Wait they don’t even catch the guy?” you balked.
“Nein! Don’t you remember the beginning?” König scratched your hair affectionately.
“Wait…” you trail off as you realize he’s right. God, this movie just kept getting more and more fucked up.
“It’s alright,” König pressed a kiss against your shoulder, the closest thing he could reach with your head being burrowed into the sofa behind him.
You grumbled, but the movie played on.
By the end of the movie, you’d decided that König was now your favorite sociopath. You wouldn’t stop loving him, but how this was a good movie to him defied any and all logic. Well, the camera work was good, and the story was well-written, and the acting was impressive, and-NO. No this movie was awful. There was no way you were letting König win this time.
König crawled off the sofa, freeing you from the ending credits of The Poughkeepsie Tapes once and for all. When he turned and saw your terrified form, he barked another laugh before sauntering over and ruffling your hair.
“My little liebling,” König picked you up into his arms, “was that too much for you?”
You huffed and turned away with a pout, drawing a deep belly laugh out of your pet sociopa-sorry, boyfriend. He apologetically pressed a kiss against your cheek and carried you to the bedroom.
“Does my little liebling need me to keep the lamp on tonight?” he laughed as he tucked you into your side of the bed.
“No,” you scoffed petulantly.
“Then you should be fine when I..” he flipped off the lights, “do this.”
Immediately you scrambled to turn the lamp on the bedside table on.
König mercifully tugged on the light, casting a soft warm glow over the bedroom.
You glared at him, but thankfully he didn’t tease you any further.
Over the course of the night, you woke up several times, but thankfully, König held you close, lulling you back to sleep with his soft snoring and warm arms around you. When the morning came, you’d need to figure out some sort of revenge, but that was in the morning. You had all night to stew.
PS. The Poughkeepsie Tapes is a very intense gory movie about a man kidnapping and killing people, told through detectives documenting the data and uncovering the tapes the killer makes. It's very good, but also, very scary. I would watch at your own risk! Make sure to check the warnings on that movie on https://www.doesthedogdie.com/ which is a great website to check for trigger warnings in a movie you want to watch.
Story Masterlist
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Can you write something about the outsiders gang with a trans guy reader whos supper dysphoric. Or maybe coming out to them? I don't know just a thought
Yesss ofc! I decided to go with headcannons bc I can do a little section for each of the boys, I hope that’s okay. I wrote this pre-existing to the book/movie btw.
Transmasc! Reader x The Outsiders gang HCs
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•_Johnny Cade_•
Johnny is one of the first people you come out to
He’s generally the most accepting of the group at first
He helps you figure out how you’re going to tell everyone else and reassures you about it
If someone is upset or unaccepting towards you, he’ll make his disappointment in them known
And if Johnny is disappointed in you, you know you’re in the wrong
So he gets his point across very easily
Don’t let him cut your hair-
He will fuck it up so bad
We all know what happens when this boy tries to cut hair
Offers to get (possibly steal) things like men’s cologne or other little things for you
If you’re having a bad dysphoria day, call him. He usually knows what to say or how to distract you from it.
•_Ponyboy Curtis_•
A little confused at first
Not upset or anything, just confused
You’ll have to go into depth a little for him to understand
But once he gets it, he’s supportive
He already saw you as ‘one of the guys’ anyway, so this isn’t really a big difference to him
If he has some shirts or flannels to spare, he’s definitely letting you borrow them
He will also offer you a haircut
I wouldn’t trust him with hair either
He wouldn’t even bother with scissors, he’d just grab any blade and start hacking away
It’s the thought that counts
Not the best with comforting words, but he’ll listen if you need someone to talk to or hug you if you feel like shit
•_Dallas Winston_•
Really bad initial reaction, unfortunately
He’s really confused about it
He known you’ve never really been into all the typical girly things. Like makeup, skirts, all that
He knew you’d rather be caught dead than in a pair of pumps
But for some reason he still doesn’t seem to be able to wrap his head around the fact that you’re a guy
At first he sort of thinks you’re joking and doesn’t really take you seriously
But he comes around eventually (not without Johnny having to talk to him, though)
Once he kind of realizes how big of a deal this is for you, he becomes a little more protective over you
He’ll act really casual about it, but he secretly worries about you a lot
If anyone so much as looks at you wrong, he’ll take ‘em outside
•_Sodapop Curtis_•
Probably the second or third person you tell
Similar reaction to Ponyboy, you might have to go into detail a bit
But regardless, he supports you. He doesn’t really care what you do, as long as you’re happy
Like Pony, he’ll also offer to let you borrow his clothes. He knows it makes you feel a lot better to actually wear men’s clothes, so he’ll give you some of his
He really wants you to teach you how to do your hair if you end up cutting it short
He’s so going to teach you guy stuff, like he would love to
He’s in the room when Pony attempts to cut your hair. He immediately stops him before he can cut anything off, he already knows it’s gonna end badly
He’s also a little protective of you. If you’re around a lot of people in public, he stands next to you in case anyone decides to be rude.
•_Darry Curtis_•
You have Soda and Pony in the room when you decide to tell him
You aren’t really sure how he’s going to react, so you’re a little surprised when he’s supportive of you
Since he’s basically had to become a father figure to his younger brothers, he feels very protective over you now
He’s gonna give you a talk about how rude people are going to be and how you have to be careful (like you don’t already know)
He’s really worried about you. He knows how stupid people can be, and he doesn’t want anything to happen to you
If he has a say in it, he won’t let you go anywhere alone. He’ll always have Soda or Pony go places with you or walk you home
He’s gonna offer to get you a switchblade if you don’t already have one
He’s just very worried. He’s stern and overprotective sometimes because he cares, it’s the same way with his brothers
It’s just his way of showing love and that he cares
•_Steve Randle_•
Sodapop probably tells him for you, just because he’s not sure how he’ll react
He acts like he doesn’t really care, but he does
He honestly slips up with your name a lot in the beginning
Deep down he feels really bad about it, but he acts like he doesn’t care that much
He’s trying, I promise
He would steal things for you if you asked him to. He’ll act like it’s no big deal, but he’s glad you’re actually asking him to
It makes him feel like he’s helping or making things better in some way
If you’re younger than him, he’s definitely going to call you ‘little man’ to annoy you
He’s there to listen if you need someone to talk to about things, but he really won’t know how to be supportive. He’s not the most empathetic person, but he’s sympathetic to your situation
•_Two bit (Keith) Matthews_•
When you come out to him, it’s like probably the one time he’s ever been serious in his life
He even paused the TV for it
But after that, it’s back to his usual joking and tomfoolery
His way of ‘guy bonding’ is offering you beer and cigarettes every time you hang out
He kind of assumes you’d want to smoke and drink like rest of the guys, so if you decline he’d be a little surprised
If Steve isn’t calling you ‘little man’, he absolutely will
He’s going to have so many new nicknames for you now, just wait
Mister man, stud, boss, things of that nature. It’s not to make fun of you, he just thinks they’re funny
He’s for sure going to go make fun of you if you’re short, though. Unless it bothers you and you ask him to stop. But if you aren’t super bothered by it, he’s so doing that
Thank you for the request, I hope I wrote something you liked:) this is not proofread so lmk if there’s any typos as always.
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luvworld1889-blog · 1 year
This is from my old deviant art!! I think I wrote it in like 2016 or so!
Jealousy games (Law x reader)
“You guys can not seriously think this is a good idea? Right? Bepo, tell them.” You looked pleadingly at the white bear. In response the bear simply looked from the two men and back to you before muttering out a single, “sorry.”
“Come on _____, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed that the captain treats you differently from the rest of the crew. We just want to test our theory is all.” Shachi said with a shit-eating grin.
You looked at him with a half hearted glare before replying, “Yeah, he treats me differently because I’m not a complete moron like you two!”
Penguin shot you an offended look before chiming in, “What’s the worst that’s going to happen? If he doesn’t have feelings for you then it won’t bother him or anyone else and if he does…. Well that’s a problem for future us” He paled slightly thinking of what could happen before giving Shachi a nervous look.
To which the red haired man simply rolled his eyes and said, “Man up bro! Ok here’s the plan….” he trailed off before tapping his chin in thought. “....Ok there is no plan, but basically we’ll all flirt with _____ until captain reacts or until we get bored and fuck around with something else.”
You groaned at the hope bubbling up in your chest, maybe just maybe, this insane plan would cause your stoic captain to reveal some hidden feelings. You made a noise imitating a beached whale before finally agreeing.
Attempt one.
You were sitting in the kitchen with the raven haired captain by your side, reading up on the latest medical technologies on an island named Isola. You then heard a loud bang of the door slamming open and blinked as you watched Shachi saunter in. He sidled close to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders as he feigned interest in your book.
“What’cha reading?” He spoke lowly in your ear. You blushed brightly not being used to the close contact and stuttered out an explanation. Cursing yourself you glanced over at the tattooed male who did not look the slightest bit concerned. You watched as the captain abruptly got up and made a hasty exit. You looked at Shachi accusingly to which he just gave you a grin.
Attempt two
You were struggling to get something to eat from the top shelf of the pantry and groaned as your fingers just brushed the out of reach cereal box. You suddenly felt a body behind you and a hand reach up to grab the box. You jumped in surprise and turned to see Penguin with a sheepish smile on his face.
“Thanks Penguin!” You smiled brightly at him to which he replied “No problem.” Law had been walking down the hallway and walked into the kitchen to witness the whole exchange. He felt a stab of annoyance when he saw your smile directed at someone other than him. He walked towards the fridge and slammed the door open with an expression that gave nothing away. You and Penguin jumped at the loud noise created by the pirate captain and looked at each other in question. Law simply grabbed an apple and brushed by Penguin harshly almost knocking him to the ground.
Attempt three
Bepo gave a smile as you cuddled into his fur.
“Bepo, you’re the softest, best cuddler in the whole entire world.” You sighed happily rubbing your face against him.
Law came up on this scene and before he could stop himself, barked “What are you two doing? If you have time to be cuddling, you’re wrong. Get back to work.”
You looked at him with a shocked expression as he normally never raised his voice at you or Bepo. You awkwardly cleared your throat and left the room quickly leaving Law and Bepo alone.
“Ok, this isn’t working. Maybe we were wrong and captain doesn’t have feelings for you after all. If anything I think we just made him grumpier than usual.” Penguin said sadly. Shachi sighed and nodded in defeat. Bepo just sighed and went to take a seat before bumping into you with enough force to send you flying into Shachi. He watched in horror as Law walked in and just in time to see you fall and slam your lips into the red haired man’s on accident.
“What is going on here?” Law had a terrifying look on his face as he saw you still in Shachi’s arms. You didn’t get a chance to explain as you heard “Room.” You closed your eyes waiting for the slice of Kikoku and the loss of body parts before landing softly in well muscled arms. You gasped as you opened your eyes and found a pair of silver eyes boring into your own. He growled lowly in your ear, “I’ll deal with you later.” Without another word he tilted your head and attaching his lips to your neck. You let out a soft whimper as he sucked harshly on the skin leaving a large purple and red bruise. The trio of Heart Pirates looked on in shock not knowing exactly what to do as they watched the scene unfold in front of them.
“You three, get out.” Law growled out. And without another word the three of them fought their way to the door to escape the former warlord’s wrath. You gulped as he set you down on the table. He let out a huge sigh and leaned his forehead against yours.
“You are driving me insane. I hate it when other men touch you.” The messy haired man begrudgingly said. “I thought my feelings for you were clear but let me make absolutely sure.”
He looked at you earnestly with intense silver eyes. “I’ve lost everyone I cared about and I’m not about to lose you. So ____, I love you and have loved you for quite some time. Will you be mine?”
You beamed at him and wrapped your arms around the tall man and replied with a simple, “always.”
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drifloonz · 2 years
General dating headcannons for Red or Steven plz🥺👉🏼👈🏼
MY FIRST ASK FINALLY ( ok there was one before this but i didn't see that I'LL GET TO YOU LATER SORRY ) hiii . i can do that 4 u. idk if u meant glitchy or Normal Red so i'll just tack them all in one big post. we love champions who are slightly deranged ( and also red. who's like. just normal. relatively. ) i can write so much for these 3 you will regret it. some of these became general headcanons but i hope this feeds you for at least a week.
because i wrote way too much. Like. Way too much. I apologize in advance theres so much
dating headcanons for red, steven, and glitchy red!
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♡ of course, he's mute - whether selectively or he just literally can't speak ( or almost literally never chooses to speak ). i prefer the ladder bc red speaking feels wrong. due to this, if you know sign, he can communicate that way - but he's also really good at just like.... gesturing. it may be harder to understand at first, but the more you get to know him the more you learn certain expressions or gestures. he also makes noises, grunts(?) of affirmation, hums, things like that. he really likes making those sorts of noises actually, especially if you're dating him. he's actually pretty expressive when he wants to be, so he's not that hard to understand.
♡ on a related note, he likes to hold you ( being the big spoon... he likes making you feel comfortable and protected ) and hum against you, making you sorta feel his chest vibrate a little bit.
♡ his form of affection is very much physical, he loves to hug you and to hold your hand. even if he's the champion ( or an ex-champion? it's unclear, nobody's really stated to dethrone him iirc, he just takes breaks, vacations, and does tournaments sometimes ) he won't care about giving you physical affection in public for the world to see. especially if it flusters you but you don't seriously have an issue with it, then he loves to give you just little kisses on the cheek. when your face is red ( pun semi-intended ) it makes you look cute, to him.
♡ if you have a pokemon team of your own or are in any way interested in battling he'll love to show you the ropes or help you get better at it. he won't fight you immediately if you're not that great, but he will tell you what pokemon he thinks you'd like ( probably just . showing you ones in his pokedex or googling them idk. ) . he just loves to teach and help people get better at things bc you know battling and catching mons is this dudes special interest all the way. he even probably knows and cares about IVs and EVs and natures, but doesn't teach you about those immediately since its more advanced stuff.
♡ also yea he's autistic. All of these 3 are actually. Massive win for the autism community.
♡ if we're making strangled red canon to this red's timeline the reason he's so interested in pokemon training and battling is bc he looked up to steven who Also loved that shit to death. steven at his prime was arguably even more competitive and good than red was. to be determined though since he fucked off, but he was probably an undefeated champion until the incident. This is more of a general red hc than a dating one and also more of a steven hc but it's semirelated. if not, he probably had a lifelong interest in this sort of stuff via watching the other champions in other regions on his tv, in the news, or something like that.
♡ sometimes if you explicitly agree to it ( bc he doesn't want to give you things you don't want or don't wanna be responsible for ) he'll randomly just... give you a pokemon he caught. he just gives you it and goes 'thought of you when i saw this.' in sign.
♡ his pokemon are also naturally protective of and like you too. give them pets and treats and they will be all over you. they might even be more affectionate with you than red sometimes. red doesn't take serious offense to it, he thinks its funny tbh.
♡ his idea of dates are either entirely regular things like going to a cafe or having a picnic or it's shit like hiking up mt. silver or flying on the back of his massive fucking charizard and just seeing where the wind takes you two. he's an adventurer at heart, and if you like that then you'll love him bc one month you'll be in kanto in his house and the next you'll be in fucking galar or something. never a dull moment, really.
♡ massive cuddler. as said before. big spoon, although he won't object to being the little spoon if you really wanna. will Not let go of you unless you really want him to as well. he snores a little in his sleep, but not to a disruptive degree. it's cute. alternatively, if you don't wanna cuddle him he'll probably have plushies or a pillow he holds in his sleep instead. me, my boyfriend, and his 500 poke four-foot tall pikachu plushie
♡ he's not too much of a fashion guy but he does find matching outfits cute. honestly, he'd buy you the same or a similar hat/vest as his just bc he thinks you'd look really cute in it.
♡ he's probably taller than you. not comically, but noticeably. likes to pat your head sometimes. he finds it funny if ur shorter than him like damn. How's the weather down there.
♡ gives so many kisses. doesn't give many on the lips, actually? especially in public. he Will but not as often. he really loves kisses on the cheek in particular, giving and receiving. the loverboy...
♡ overall A tier boyfriend. big teddy bear type of guy. amazing cuddles. 10/10.
♡ assuming this is far past all 3 of his stories ( post miki and mike death, post whatever the hell he did in doors open and strangled ) how the fuck did you even start dating him
♡ regardless of the way ( i like to think that you stumbled into his home out of curiosity and he just was sort of irritated but let you stay and then became attached ), i'm assuming this is past all of that, and therefore steven has become a little less fucking murderous. if you met him earlier while he was still in a very easy to anger state, he'd probably've killed you. he knows this and he's always going on horrible thought processes of 'oh god what if i hurt them too' and that sorta thing.
♡ 100% taller than you. he's like 6'5" or taller. perhaps even Inhumanely Tall due to like missingno or something. he's usually slouching all the time due to this and he has horrible scoliosis and back problems probably. but when he stands up to his full height. jesus christ. he will def tease you, usually wordlessly and with actions, by just like. leaning on you or putting his hand flat on yours to emphasize the height difference. he thinks its funny.
♡ steven, like glitchy, is actually really social despite how he looks and acts. or at least, craves being social - or socialized with. he used to be looked up to, he used to talk to people and often, and he used to be a champion. of course, he was still a man of few words back then as well, but not as few as he is now. due to this, he'll mostly give you straightforward answers or sentences, and slowly become a bit more talkative as the relationship progresses. still, he does prefer to just listen to you talk and nod along or hum in approval... your voice comforts him.
♡ you also have to be decently far in the relationship to coax him into doing this, but he may even go out with you. like. Like out into the world. he's been so scared of how everything's changed, and of course, he does go out sometimes but he tries to avoid society as hard as he can. Do not ask steven how the fuck he got into bell tower he probably just snuck in there one night after flying to johto w miki or some shit. i like to think he himself either requested all of his info be just sort of swept under the rug after he lost miki due to feeling like he didn't deserve to be a champion without her, or the kanto league intentionally tried to make everyone forget about him after his dissapearance - since it's been so long, this has been relatively successful. only red, blue, daisy, and oak would probably know him nowadays along with some older pallet town and kanto residents probably. therefore if you wanna take him out into the world maybe avoid pallet town since it's oughta be cause for a lot of concern to the townspeople, and he really doesn't want to worry them all.
♡ despite this he does worry about the remaining residents. he never got to see red or blue go on their own journeys since he became a hermit before that happened, so he's worried about their safety. if you tell him they're fine he'll be so fucking relieved. Alternatively, they're not ( snow on mt silver and or blue tears, among other pokepastas that could've happened ) but you know. don't tell them if they aren't fine, he doesn't want to know. either way, he also feels extremely awkward about the whole daisy thing as he never officially broke up with her, he just sort of left. but obviously, he's in a relationship with you now - he just can't help but worry about her as well sometimes.. mostly just hoping that she's had a better life than he has.
♡ his voice is gruff and rough and a little scratchy from not using it that much. this won't change too much but if you're into that then well. good news for you ig. please give this man tea with a lot of honey he needs it. and he also probably likes tea more than coffee anyways for various reasons.
♡ he sometimes has nightmares about The Incident ( both miki's death, which is scarred into his brain, and murdering mike. possibly also him killing two unrelated people who were probably kids in doors open and strangled as well, but much less than his nightmares about murdering mike and miki dying. he has a lot lying on his conscious ). he'll wake up silently, probably sweating and trying not to wake you up, but if you do wake him up, just talk to him - take his mind off of it or relax him. he'll appreciate it. he'll happily do the same for you.
♡ hugs you really tightly. is not aware of his own strength or grip until you ask him to do it less. he hugs you like you'll die if you escape his arms, essentially. due to this he will also hug you a lot while cuddling, especially in bed. he doesn't want you to leave his embrace, and may even be a little tentative to let go if you ask him to.
♡ type of dude to wake up early morning, grumble something about "five more minutes," sleep in and then fall asleep with you again and then the two of you wake up at like 5 pm with major bedheads. he has a nonexistent schedule. he doesn't even sleep that often, usually opting to just stay up until he physically can't keep his eyes open. he sleeps... for very long periods of time.
♡ he likes to take walks and just roam. he did this a lot more before he killed mike but after miki died, just roaming and pacing endlessly across kanto since he had nothing else to do, and now he sort of doesn't do it out of fear of someone recognizing him.. but if you say you're gunna go on a walk he'll happily ask to join, just... expect him to not follow if you go into an area that's too public. it overwhelms him + fear of being recognized or perceived in general by people that aren't you.
♡ he has PTSD, depression, BPD, and probably more. be patient with him. he can sometimes moodswing or close himself off from you because he's scared he'll hurt you and may even intentionally push you away as a sort of mental self harm method. just give him time and be patient. he never wants to hurt you when he's like that, he's just scared.
♡ it's funny how we've gotten this far without mentioning miki that much. anyways! miki. steven still has her, still is very overprotective of her, and that does not change with you. of course he's mostly sure that miki can hold her own so he's more scared of how she might react to you, but she's perfectly fine about it. steven will often allow her to just wander on her own accord around the house, so you might have some Unintentional Miki Jumpscares, especially since she likes to follow you sometimes. going to the bathroom and then exiting? face first into colliding with miki's stomach. she's like a cat. she really likes you and is also very curious about you. steven will often allow you to take her with you if you go outside as a defensive method, even though you probably have your own pokemon. even if you don't want her to come with you she'll usually follow you outside like a dog who wants to go on a walk - or a fly - really badly. she'll also offer you random things she finds lying around like rocks or sticks. steven will often not be far behind either if you and miki are outside, since he's both very worried about you and miki to a pretty equal degree. he finds her attitude towards you very cute though, and is happy that she takes to you quite well.
♡ if you're affectionate with miki, steven will find it very cute. especially considering her whole... condition. which steven was worried about you seeing. but if you're fine with it then those worries calm down a lot. steven loves to talk about her as well - it's one of the few things you can ask him that actually will prompt him to say much more than a few sentences at a time. he will ramble about how wonderful and powerful she is and how him and her were undefeated champions of kanto... at least until the incident. miki and you are sort of the last things he has that can make him smile genuinely anymore and he loves both very much.
♡ he may talk to you, probably in one of his sort of unstable spiralling states, about the Incidents(tm) and how you should stay away from him and that he's a monster. he'll genuinely sort of break if you still show him affection after how much he tries to push you away in his unstable states. it does reassure him, but he's so confused as to why you're still even with him sometimes. all he can think of is... why would someone want a murderer like him?
♡ a lot of his skills wore down since he self-isolated for years and years. he does cook well though. just buy him groceries so not every dinner and lunch between you two is a microwave or oven meal and he'll cook for you. he's especially good at making dinners. type of dude to wear an apron with kiss the cook on it. his eating behaviors are very unhealthy ( he doesn't eat that much ) so doing this also sort of helps him get back into that. if you also have bad eating behaviors he'll try to help you out as well.
♡ fucking loves pokemon battling and being competitive, which has obviously taken a backseat since The Incident(s), but he'll be happy to help you with anything pokemon related, similarly to red. he's such a massive tryhard, or at least was, when he was still on his journey that he knows almost anything and everything about how to make your pokemon the strongest they can be - he was allegedly an undefeated champion after all. he'd happily battle with you, if uh, miki didn't have the high possibility of accidentally killing your own pokemon. and he released all of his Normal Pokemon. so. but he'll help you catch pokemon and will be happy with treating your pokemon like his own as well. he just hopes they'll all get along with miki...
♡ similarly, if you have any plans to do the gym challenge in kanto, he'll raise an eyebrow in intrigue and help you but will give you a warning of "It's been a couple years, so things might not be the same, but from what I remember..." and will straight up tell you all of their teams and everything he remembers abt each gym battle. those days were very memorable and happy for him so he remembers each triumphant victory him and miki had against each gym leader and elite four member happily.
♡ if you become the champion - of either kanto or a different region entirely, or were already - it would make things a little complicated, considering most people treating champions like celebrities and steven did Not want anybody to know you were dating him nor wanted the publicity, as it'd cause complications probably. but he'd be happy for you. it'd be very ironic though... a champion dating an ex champion... he is attracted to people who were strong though, and you were no doubt strong if you became a champion.
♡ reaaallly loves hugging you. especially backhugs. he likes surprising you with a backhug, since he's honestly pretty good at sneaking around. thinks you getting scared is a little funny, admittedly, but he'll stop if asked. like red, he also loves being the big spoon and humming so you can sort of feel a vibration from his chest. very comforting and good to go to sleep to.
♡ he sort of just... follows you around wherever you go, really. doesn't have much else to do.
♡ a fact that many people forget is that steven is canonically a gamer for better or for worse. he has so many stocked-up consoles and games and i like to think he collects them too. due to this he will happily play games with you or watch you play them happily. he will try to impress you w how well he plays certain games bc he's a bit of a nerd. he also knows glitches in a lot of games he owns #lol
♡ i like to think that pokemon cards exist in universe and he probably also just collects those. he has every charizard card to date. don't ask him how he got those, he'll just give you a Look and refuse to answer ( either paid way too much or stole them or something ).
♡ continuing the whole collecting thing he has all of his trophies and badges and adjacent stuff lined up somewhere near his bed. will happily brag to you about how he got each one in hopes to impress you, and also to reminisce on the better times. He also probably has a charizard plushie or two.
♡ if you wanna style his hair he'll allow you. feel absolutely free. he really doesn't do much with it other than lazily wash it nowadays anyways, so he doesn't mind. he likes the sensation of your hands in his hair as well... it's comforting. just try not to tug or yank his hair.
♡ he's a little overprotective and he will often try to keep you in his home. he's worried about losing you if you go outside, and he isn't too willing to follow considering his urban legend reputation within kanto. things like asking you to stay just a few more days, but he'll always say that when you mention needing to leave. if you're persistent enough, he'll let you go, but he's just worried... and very clingy. be sure to at least send him messages ( if he even has a phone ), if you intend to be gone for longer than a day.
♡ if you have a pokemon team, which, you probably do, he'll be happy to learn about and get along with each and any of them. as long as they get along with miki or are at least willing to, he's fine with them.
♡ overall very depressed man but he's also a big teddybear and loves you sooo much he just isn't good at expressing it. 10/10 ( <- clearly biased )
Glitchy Red
♡ glitchy, on the other hand from red, is Very fucking talkative. red and glitchy are like... the opposite of eachother which i find very funny. not entirely, of course they share similarities due to being generally the same person, but being trapped in a game so long made him desperate for any sort of touch, any sort of contact, any sort of socialization of ANY kind. which is why he's talkative - he may stumble over his own words or trip up on them since he's only used to speaking through textboxes, which embarrasses him. don't comment on it or he'll probably just not talk for the rest of the day.
♡ sometimes if you touch him you'll get that static shock . he'll apologize a lot if he ever does this because it's usually unintentional and just a thing that can Happen due to his whole... state. happens more often when he's upset, happens less when he isn't.
♡ his glitches seem to stutter to a sort of rhythm sometimes. if you're observant enough, these usually give away his current emotional state. he gets glitchier the more upset he is, obviously, and he gets more stable the more happy he is. so around you... he's usually pretty stable.
♡ really likes holding your hand. it assures to him that yes, you are real... and you are with him. any form of contact makes him happy, but holding his hand is just simple and nice and it grounds him.
♡ if this isn't in the pokemon universe, then i'd like to think you can play pokemon games around him and he'll just commentate on it and won't be too bitter as long as modern red doesn't show up. he probably unironically likes a lot of the pokemon he's never seen, but will just go like. "tch. whatever. pikachu's better." under his breath, since he never wants to admit he likes anything pokemon related past certain gens. he's that type of dude who'd get so unnaturally angry about dexit.
♡ he's also very judgemental about the way you play games, especially pokemon lol. he's a fucking backseat gamer oh my god. he's honestly not that actually genuine abt his comments hes just very used to bitching abt the way ppl play games due to Being in one for so long. he did it to annoy people and make them stop playing and it worked. if you get a little angry at him about this he'll notice and mumble an apology.
♡ like steven, he'll just follow you around and hang around you for most of the day. he legitimately doesn't have anything else to do, so.
♡ he doesn't need to sleep or eat, but he can still feel the sensations of taste and touch and he fucking loves finally having self-agency and the ability to feel these things. everything in his own world became extremely dull, even the pain after a point. plus he never ate food in there, so yk. due to this will eat a lot of food and will touch anything he can, intaking their textures.
♡ has autism, probably ptsd, misophonia ( especially with fucked up game noises they'll make him go into a state of pretty raw anger ), bpd, and prob more.
♡ loooves cats and cat pokemon and anything adjacent and im definitely not taking this headcanon from like several artists. really likes litten and skitty, particularly.
♡ if you let him, he loves to just touch you all over. just like. rub your cheeks. pat your head. run his hands through your hair. he's so unused to feeling any of this that he can get absolutely lost in feeling how ... real you are.
♡ he's the type of guy to chug cans of monster and then wonder why his bodys reacting poorly, glitching all over the fucking place as he has a sugarrush like response to it. he didn't even know that could Happen as a bodily response so he's just so panicky when he intakes too much sugar or caffeine until you explain that to him LMAO
♡ he'll take up like several hobbies and then drop most of them out of impatience and disinterest, but he'll try almost anything once. he does like idly cooking or cleaning since they're useful to the both of you.
♡ loves to go outside and explore. it's the red in him. if you allow him to he loves to just take your hand and walk around wherever you live. if you get tired, he'll carry you, since he doesn't really get tired - if he does, not as quickly as you do for certain. people may give him odd looks, but he could care less.
♡ his kisses feel like electricity but in the best way
♡ on a related note, kiss him all over. he'll get so flustered and he'll stutter out cute little embarrassed noises and then he'll just pull his cap over his face to hide his expression a little.
♡ ... admittedly, he's like the only guy on this list who prefers to be the little spoon, but he'll default to the big spoon just because he likes to make you happy. but the second you have your arms around his body he'll never want you to let go. he's insanely touchstarved. he's like a cat that constantly is rubbing against your leg for attention after this. please hug him throughout all times of day.
♡ despite being so talkative theres some days where he just doesn't feel like saying too much. mostly because he's tired, in any sense of the word, or overthinking or something. just be patient and loving with him.
♡ it's actually pretty easy to make him flustered or to make him smile. give him any form of compliment, praise, or touch, and his face will be red ( pun intended, again ) and he'll be smiling so large. it's really cute.
♡ his hair is sharp to the touch if he's unstable and stressed, but if he isn't it's very fluffy. run your hands through his hair and take his cap off and he'll fall asleep so quickly.
♡ speaking of, like red, since theyre... yk the same person for the most part, he also snores. it just has a sort of glitchy tone to it like his voice does. it is comforting though, and he snores a lot louder than regular red.
♡ wouldn't it be funny if he could enter your dreams while you sleep too like at the end of the og pokepasta. if you have a nightmare he just notices somehow and beats the nightmare to death and just cuddles you and helps you feel better. either that or he just gets so lonely that he just visits you in your dreams sometimes to talk to your consciousness. he probably has a lot of sleepless nights where he'll just enter your dreams to have something to do.
♡ overall, very easily embarrassed and flustered touchstarved boyfriend. he's a little moody but he's very cute. 10/10. i am never ranking one of these mfs under 10/10 because im biased.
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mattnben-bennmatt · 3 months
Matt Damon presents Ben Affleck with the Santa Barbara International Film Festival Modern Master Award (February 2013)
MATT: [Emphatically praises Ben's skills as a director and a filmmaker, telling how Ben was a great problem-solver since they were teenagers discussing movies, and how this made him both a great writing partner and also take on problem-riddled scripts in the early days of his career, as Ben could always see their potential. But it's only when he was able to implement his vision as a director that his mastery came to light, and that Ben, as the director, is the one responsible for how great his movies came out, that it didn't happen by chance. He then emotionally calls Ben to the stage to give him the (seriously heavy) award.]
BEN: [Proceeds to spend the next 3 minutes praising Matt, repeatedly calling him "brilliant" and a "genius". Explains that he knows Matt's a genius because he's known him for more than 30 years and has seen him "do about everything you can do. Including [...] in the shower", has seen "the entire range of his personality, his emotions, his life experience". So when he doesn't recognize Matt in a role he's playing, Ben's "humbled" and "completely blown away". That Matt has worked with all those great directors because they have seen greatness in Matt. And so has everyone in the world.] And so have I.
MATT: I'm not getting the award! Jesus!
BEN: I guess I'm just riffing! I've got nothing written, so. [...] I am lucky because I saw [Matt's greatness] before all of you! So thank you very much to Matt. Now onto my 10-page written remarks. [Laughter]
[Full transcript under the cut.]
LEONARD MALTIN: He just flew in tonight to do this, please welcome, ladies and gentlemen, Academy Award winner, Matt Damon.
MATT: Thank you. Thank you. This thing is seriously heavy. This is a serious award, man. So, a Modern Master. Okay.
I'll tell you what. When we were kids— we started really looking at movies when Ben was fourteen and I was sixteen. And we'd go to Somerville, as he said, to the Assembly Square Mall, they had the big pictures there; or Fresh Pond; or in Harvard Square. And it was usually the same little group of guys: it was Ben, and me, and Casey. And our other friend who Ben mentioned tonight, Aaron Stockard, who wrote Gone Baby Gone and The Town with Ben. And then a few other friends of ours. But predominantly, we all became screenwriters, either on purpose or by accident.
And we'd come out of these movies— and we saw all kinds of movies and we just loved movies. We worked in a movie theater, actually, one summer; tearing tickets and serving popcorn for— the only movie they played was Dead Poets Society, which is a movie we both auditioned for and didn't get. I don't know, some form of bizarre self-torture that we got jobs at the movie theater that was playing Dead Poets Society, and had to watch the exiting crowds weeping every night.
Anyway, we loved movies. But we'd come out of these movies and we'd say, "What'd you guys think?" and we'd have a little note session in the parking lot. And inevitably, "That was stupid, I didn't like it." We'd have these kinds of real adolescent notes. And then we'd get to Ben—who would have been quiet to that point, uncharacteristically—"And what do you think?" And he'd go, "Well, it didn't quite work for me. But had they done this, this, and this at the beginning, what you could have done in the middle was you could have a scene where you did this, and then they could have a great scene at the end, where you could have done that." We'd go, "Holy shit! That's a really good movie!"
This is a skill that he had, and I don't know if he was born with it, but he had it when he was fourteen when we started going to movies together. It was just that thing, where he could lift up the hood and look at the engine, and get in there and take it apart, and put it back together, and the whole thing would run smoother. It's what made him such a great writing partner. He could problem-solve. And so much of filmmaking is just that: it's just problem-solving and decision-making in real time.
And that's the same skill that got him in a lot of, well, mediocre movies for a patch there. Ten, or fifteen years ago I'd read a script of a movie he was doing—he'd signed on to do the movie—and I'd read it and I'd go, "Why are you doing this? Horrible problem in Act 1, and they don't solve it in Act 2, and it gets worse in Act 3." And he goes, "I know, but if you do this, this, this, and this, this movie is gonna be fantastic!" And I'd go, "You're absolutely right!" The problem was he wasn't directing the movies. And in our business, the director is god. And the director is also your boss. And like a good soldier, he would he would plead his case, but eventually he'd do what the director wanted. And the problems that were evident to him at the very beginning, were evident to him at the premiere.
So here he is now. He's made three fantastic movies, one better than the next. And one thing I've learned is that you cannot make a great movie by accident. Anybody who makes a great movie is a great director. Period. [Applause] That's true. Because the director is responsible for literally everything. Everything. The framing of the shot; where the camera is; what the actors are wearing; the color of the walls; the color of the drapes; the color of the scarf around the leading lady's neck; the way she says that line. Everything. It's all manipulated. Every single decision. These directors are making hundreds and hundreds of decisions a day, over hundreds of days. You just can't do it by accident. It's literally impossible.
And Ben's made these three great movies. And this last one Argo is legitimately a great movie: that's already nominated for Best Picture, and it's already won the Golden Globe for Best Picture, and for Ben for Best Director, and no one's gonna be surprised if it wins the Oscar for Best Picture. [Applause]
And so here I am, with my— my buddy is, without question, a great director! And so when I was contemplating this whole Master thing, I guess the only thing I could say is, please welcome... Please welcome somebody who is undeniably two things: my very old friend and a very young master. [Applause]
It's heavy, man!
BEN: Thank you very much. This is indeed a lot. I want to say thank you to Matt Damon, who when he gets this award, I hope will invite me here to give a speech about him. Mine will be a bit more of a roast because so many of the brilliant characteristics of Matt are so blatantly self-evident.
Matt Damon actually is brilliant. We traffic in these adjectives and in hyperbole in this business an awful lot, so it's rare to actually know a genius. And I know that Matt's a genius because I know him, and I've known him for more than 30 years. I've seen him do about everything you can do. Including—we played sports together—I even saw him in the shower. Which is why that was a nice speech. Because you don't roast somebody who's seen you in the shower.
But what I've seen about Matt is who he really is. So I know and I've seen what I consider to be the entire range of his personality, his emotions, his life experience, more or less. So when I go see a movie that Matt's in, and I see a fully realized, deeply nuanced, completely complicated person—who not only have I never met, I've never even seen! Not for a second!—I am humbled and I am completely blown away.
Matt talked about directors. There are a lot of things that I would have cause to envy Matt over. The one thing I probably envy him the most is: Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, the Coen brothers. [To Matt] Help me out! A whole shitload of directors who are geniuses. Clint Eastwood, twice. Cameron Crowe. I mean, on and on. Matt has worked with basically all the great directors who can still get up out of a chair. And the reason why is because they're great directors and they can recognize greatness. And they've seen it in Matt; and so have all of you; and so has America; and so have international film-going audiences; and so have I.
MATT: I'm not getting the award! Jesus!
BEN: I guess I'm just riffing! I've got nothing written, so. [To Matt, unitelligeable.]
I am lucky because I saw it [Matt's greatness] before all of you! So thank you very much to Matt. Now onto my 10-page written remarks. [Laughter]
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imzsuzsis-blog · 5 months
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The last time I saw Lando was a few days ago, even after the tennis final, a blond-haired whore didn't get off him, but in the end, in a strange way, Holge told him to leave him alone, he's probably going home now, just as he'll have time to pack his stuff and take the dog, and then he'll go train for the race. Well, I think the roommate stopped there to say that it was a dog, and so did I. "Where did he get it from?" "Guards took in the beauty from a shelter." ,,Beauty? A girl? Damn, didn't he have enough Uno? Now he has another one pulled up next to him, I'm talking to him. don't send him anywhere just friends. I don't know what's wrong with him in Melbourne, he even took a pregnancy test and told me that he might be pregnant because he missed it." "Kids, stop, there's worse! By the way, hello, mother will cut off him ears and eardrums for this." ,,Cic hello! He's crazy since he says he's pregnant." ,.He says so? He's really pregnant, he seems to be taking a minimum, he's trying to cover up what he told Max and Pietra, Max's reaction I'd rather drive your sports car before the fetus gets hurt, even though he already knew Pietra froze, I was there Callum couldn't bear to spit and swallow, he just blinked when he found out that the boys they can also be pregnant."
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"What the hell??? I got my ears pierced???? Where do you get this from again????” I looked at the secret chat group on my cell phone and it was full of people arguing about it, sometimes jokingly, sometimes seriously, the older ones seriously, how to take it out, it doesn't look good, the ones my age are jokingly, it's very good. Only I knew the answer to this, I took a photo and wrote it down, it's a fucking pimple that grew in the wrong place, stop it, it hurts and it's big, and this fucking breast is embarrassing, that's why I'm constantly wearing a fish tank because it's bothering me. "Honey, why are you angry? That's when you're cute, right?" Loki lay next to me and caressed my upper arm, then he lay on his side and looked at me. "There's gas, everyone's focused on my hormonal acne and they think I've pierced my ears." "Are these normal? Who was?" My sister, "Well, if it was meant as a joke, it wasn't a good joke." I lowered my head and asked Loki for a sad kiss, which came in handy as the twins were very fond of each other, but one of them resisted. When Doctor Yin told me, I burst into tears, I'm not a big cryer, but we really expected them to be sick, but they felt this was a trick and that's all I told Max, he didn't take it well last time.
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"Well, it's getting weirder, it's not a pimple, it's a piercing." I hung up the phone after I wrote back so that he could finally do the truth about this shit, because he sure did. em acne because I had it too, I don't even admit it, it's fucking embarrassing and sometimes it hurts, this is how life has to be put up with. "Oscar, what's wrong? I know you shouldn't tell your girlfriend everything, but I can tell you everything." "What the hell is this?" I looked at my picture, it looked like a small tattoo that one's child plays pranks on after a drunken night. "I think an embarrassing tattoo that you can get drunk on guys is the slut tattoo." "Maybe this will be fucking new to you, but Lando is pregnant, you American bastard!!!! This isn't the series How I Met Your mother, you stupid person."
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,,What??? They're getting dumber. Loki You have to see this.” I admit, yes, I have a bitch tattoo, but I did it last year on New Year's Eve, drunk in Bali, not exactly legally, and sometimes it can hurt during the day, and I also have a navel piercing. I was sixteen when I did this out of rebellion with a group of friends, so I don't keep in touch with any of them anymore, they became exterminating jerks when it turned out that I was gay. That I'm smitten with the ex of the mistress, who is a boy and right, we went to an art history and finally got together. Berdon is my first boyfriend. and the first boyfriend I told that I love him, so far I told a boy named Alex. It all ended badly, it was written in the lyrics when I heard the first one from him, I could sob for hours, but I wasn't the stupid one as it is, he was because he cheated on me with another boy.
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I caressed Lando, it was very nice the last few days, especially the girl, what's in him ear? He thinks the girl talked to him, a fucking bitch, even a WAG, and it would be shit, the dog and mine, I don't understand what's the trial lesson in chat, it's secret I'm in the WAG chat and the problem is how big I wrote that my daughter and a beauty should be called I'm hoping for a baby... The air here is also freezing, a lot of questions from who is pregnant... I wrote from Lando Ollie Bearmann... Freezing... But Lando boy questions... Answer In one word, he's not intersex and he told me he'd already given birth and ended up in a bad place because of him father... Anger...He was still a teenager then but he could have done it but him father wouldn't let him, now he's an adult he feels he can do it and leaves him alone and he wouldn't want him there it would be only the mother when the little one was born. ,,I'm trying to stop here too, but Kelly..." I kissed him hair and sniffed the poor thing because it was more and more obvious that he was pregnant, but it didn't bother the cameras, and the fact that he's with a boy instead of a girl, which freaks out the girl fans even more, is lately, the poor thing just cries, I can hardly comfort him, I even brought my dog ​​beauty to make him happier, but not as often as he goes out on the street, the paparazzis are screaming after him, where is the beautiful girl Norris. "It doesn't work for me, I prefer to cover myself and myself on the weekend. This is not a situation. I always knew that I loved boys and not girls. It's bullshit what they write about me."
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Sis.. now you know I’m going to need your very elaborate thoughts on Jungkook concept photos 👀🫨🫢😳😱🤯🫠💃🏻🕳️⚰️
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Look, if you need me to do something you can't be sending me gifs of Jimin raising his eyebrows at me. It's distracting as hell.
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Okay so first things first: the word coincidence needs to be BANNED from Jikookers' mouths. Like completely deleted. Obliterated 1300% It needs to not exist anymore. No seriously, how long are we gonna keep using the word 'coincidence' and Jikook in one sentence before we all collectively decide to agree they do this shit on purpose?
"You are me I am you" can only go so far. That's for them having the same moles in the same places, them being born in Busan. Things like that, that are out of their control. Not things like this!
We know, like even if you're an anti you know JK has studied FACE. @jigokuhana and I were just talking about this, JK has everything about FACE memorised. He is prolly a bigger fan than all of us combined. And don't forget he saw everything before we did. So he knows what he's doing. Knows that we will catch similarities btwn FACE and SEVEN. Armys have noticed many things that Jikook (n members) tried to hide from us and I know over the years they have to have seen us noticing some of these things. So how will we fail to notice something that's right infront of our faces? And he knows this. Of course he knew we would notice.
So first we've all seen these floating about
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Those alone are already like, crazy 😏 But then let's talk about the thorns/spikes/shards.
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I mean, what are the chances??? 😳
When u support Jikook, u discover that they are actually really sappy/corny motherfuckers so you inevitably start to get corny yourself sometimes too. This is what my friends (one of them being @lovelysmyleyes) had to say about this. I'll just copy paste them, coz I absolutely agree.
The spikes being directly on Jimin's body feel like it was a more direct hit. JK wearing the spikes on the jacket is more of a defensive maybe? Like a by-product. Almost like He was acting as a shield.
The 'shots' weren't directed at him so even if they hit him they would not have pierced the skin. Whereas it was directed at JM and meant to go deep.
It is understandable, The first thing you want to do is protect your partner the best you can.
Or it can represent keeping others away from them. Roses have thorns on them to keep people/living life forms away, after all.
They got kinda deep y'all. Which brings me to the part that blew my mind;
Mud from LC
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Mud on JK's trouser;
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The pants. I think he is hinting that he helped pull Jimin out of the mud...or at least he was down in the mud with him when he was at his lowest. He was there supporting. Someone catch me cuz I am once again falling into that delulu train headfirst 😭😭😭
He he hee... thats so fucking deep y'all. But seeing as there's no other explanation for why JK would have "dirty" trousers (yet) i'mma go with this assumption for now. #feels 🥺🥺🥺
Like, its not even that far fetched though. When Jimin was going through what he went through JK saw it all first hand. Isn't that why we assumed he kept skipping LC in the beginning? Coz it reminded him of that time and it prolly wasn't pretty. He didn't like to remember Jimin in that bad place.
I for one believe JK was there for Jimin every step of the way. Jimin said members were there for him, I'm sure his family was too and most importantly, so was JK.
Thats why he wrote letter. He said it was his turn to be grateful. His turn to give back.
I know it's obvious
So that it's not taken lightly
Let me tell you this properly
Baby, don't leave, just stay with me, yeah
To you who saw me greater than my little self
So that I can only deliver as much as I received
I can't y'all... help 😭😭😭
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Okay but this tweet tickled me 🤭🤭
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I know some Jikookers work very hard in trying not to be delulu (not me. I jump in head first, always. Ha haa) and I applaud that. I do. But these are way, way too many similarities. Even the most clear headed Jikooker has got to find this sus.
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canirove · 7 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 22
Author's note: Can you tell when I wrote this chapter? 🫣😂
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"Val, this just came in the mail for you."
"For me?" I say, looking at the big envelope Silvia is giving me. 
"Yep. It's from your boyfriend."
"Oh, thank you" I say, opening it. "Oh my God."
"What… Valeria! Is that… is that him?"
"I think so."
"You think so? Val, you probably are the person who has seen adult Pedri naked the most! Apart from his teammates and himself, of course."
"All the moles are in the right places, so… yeah, it's him."
"Holy shit" Silvia laughs. "He didn't look like that when I saw him shirtless after your first night together."
"He did not, no" I say, looking at the magazine in my hands, a shirtless Pedri on the cover.
"Can I have a look?"
"Yeah, sure" I say, giving it to Silvia.
"Oh, it comes with a note. Happy early Christmas, Val. Hope you like my little present ;) I don't know if you like it, but I certainly do."
"Should I worry about my best friend thirsting over my boyfriend?"
"Nah. You two are too obsessed with each… Holy mother of Jesus, Valeria."
"Now what?" I laugh.
"Look. Look!" Silvia says, showing me one of the photos.
"He looks ridiculous."
"Ridi… what? He looks fucking hot, Val."
"And ridiculous. Who wears a beanie while shirtless?" 
"He does. And he does it so well… I don't know if I'm gonna be able to look at him the same after this, Val. Holy shit."
"You already said that" I laugh again.
"You are such a lucky bitch…" she says while flicking through the magazine. "A fucking lucky bitch." 
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I think your early Christmas present has broken Silvia
What? 😂
Next time she sees you she may jump at you
Ok 😂😂
What about you? 😏
What about me?
Will you jump at me too?
Meh 🤷‍♀️
Seriously, Val? 🙄
You look ridiculous 😂
What? I look fucking hot!
Ridiculous. A beanie while shirtless? Who does that? 😂
I do. For you. 
You love it when I wear one
Yeah, but when you also are wearing clothes
I thought that was going to be your favourite photo. Because besides the beanie, I'm also showing those things you love so much 
Things? What things? 🤔
The ones on my hips that take you to your favourite place in my body 😏
They have your name 😏
What? 😂
They are a V shape… V for Valeria
I'll print that photo so you can have it on your bedside table and be the first thing you see every morning when you wake up and every night before going to sleep
No thank you
You prefer the real thing, I get it 😌
You'll have him soon 😏
Right now the real thing can stay in Valencia tbh
You are so mean, Val. 
I give you a present and get naked thinking of you, and look at the way you treat me 😔
🤷‍♀️ How have your teammates treated you btw? I'm sure they are laughing in your face 😂
They are a bunch of jealous idiots 🙄
So they have made fun of you, haven't they? 😂
Poor Pepi 🥺
Love you too 🤍 And speaking of teammates… Anything new about Ferran?
He still wants to leave during the winter transfer window
Yeah… And I get it. 
He isn't playing, and his head not being where it should be isn't helping him. 
I think being away even if it's just for 6 months will do him good. 
Personally and for his career
Yeah, I guess… 
It will, trust me
Wish I could be there to hug you right now tho 🥺
I can hug the magazine.  Isn't that what you wanted? 🤗
Instead of printing a photo you should get me a pillow with your face on it or something 😂
And what are you going to do with that pillow? 😏
Always thinking about the same 🙄
I'm horny, I haven't see you in a week
Then use your hand, Pedro
You do it better 😏
The moment we arrive from Valencia I'm driving to your place. 
Tell Silvia to leave if she doesn't want to hear certain things
I don't think she'll mind if she gets to see you shirtless in the morning 😂
Like after our first night together? 
That's what she said when she saw the photos.  You've improved since that day
And not just physically, have I? 😏
I have and you know it. 
And I will be showing you how much very soon 😏
If I let you in
You don't have to let me in for me to show you how good I am 😛😉
Jesus Christ, Pedro 🙄
Yep, that's what you will be saying 😏
Love you too, Val 🤍
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deeptrashwitch · 5 months
A Haunting Past (pt.3)
Tw mention of extorsion, allusion and mention of torture, metion of PTSD, (I'm not sure I wrote it accurately, my apologies in advance for any mistake) mention of a panic attack.
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She was basically running through the base, without even think about the fact she wasn't in Black Tomb nor the damage to her reputation, she just had in mind one thing. Go and save Elías, go amd avoid him to have the same destiny as her. But while the call tried to connect with three tones, someone snatched her phone from her hand.
When she turned around, ready to fight for the phone, Edward stared back at her. He hung the call as he holded her gaze, without any expression but tense and ready to fight if it was needed. And when she gave a step foward, the pilot gave a step back, this time putting away the phone.
"Give it back" she demanded with a frown
"No can do, you were about to do something stupid" he answered with a neutral voice "and if you even think to fight me for this, then be sure I'll smash it before smacking some sense into you"
"Is that a threat?"
"We both know I would loose my time if it was, can you fucking react once and for all?"
"Excuse me?"
"You were trying to do a deal with Golden Empress, are you crazy?!"
"I have no option"
"You do! Damnit Alicia, I just ask you not to sell your fucking soul to that woman!"
"Edward, hear me out..." she growled, just to be interrupted
"Hell no! You aren't thinking straight, so YOU hear me out!" he snarled, surprising Alicia "think about it! Even if Xiao Chen agrees, since when she does something for free?! What will she ask you in exchange?! Are you willing to pay?!"
"I will-"
"No, you won't! Stop saying stupid shit! She's way more ruthless than you! She won't ask for money and you know it!"
Alicia frowned again, but stopped for a second, with the fear fog clearing for a moment, sending a chill down her spine. He was right, Xiao Chen wasn't someone to give without taking, and if she asked her for a favor so big...it wouldn't be good for her. She blinked in silence, but kept quiet, just thinking while he continued talking, well...scolding her.
"And think for a second about where we are! This isn't our base! What the brazilian authorities will say if they see you this unstable?! They won't take seriously Green Chameleon if you show them that you aren't in your right mind!" he shouted, grabbing her by the shoulders "do you want him to get away?!"
"Edward is right" Noah commented, leaning against the wall, just watching everything "Cap, I don't know what happened and it isn't my place to ask. But please, think coldly about it, don't do anything you'll regret"
"Listen, whatever happened, we'll lead with it when we're back at home" Edward murmured, letting her go "but don't do this to yourself. Just...try to stay calm"
She nodded, but inside she was thinking that it would be more difficult to do. Anyway, she ordered to prepare the plane to go back as soon as possible, the time was running and she won't waste any second. Edward nodded before walking away with a sigh, meanwhile Noah said that he would tell the others to pack, leaving Alicia alone.
She started to walk again, now feeling unable to breathe correctly while her head started to spin. Soon she had to lock herself in a bathroom, leaning against the metal door and slowly slinding to the ground, sitting in the cold floor. Even if she tried to control it, the flashes attacked her without any mercy.
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"Please no! NO!" Hope, no, Kate pleaded when she saw her being dragged outside of that dark cell "wait!"
They dragged her throught that aisle towards that room where the hell awaits, she wasn't even able to resist with all her wounds, she just prayed to anything to end the suffering. Once they were there, it was the same thing again, handcuff her and tie her to that metal chair before starting with the interrogatory. Every cut, every punch was harder than the latest, and it just broke her mind a bit more.
"You can stop it, Guardian, just say it all" the blurry face made her look up "only tell me what Orisha needs to know"
"Go...to...hell" she whispered with difficulty
"You really are irritating me, why can't you be useful?" the person said with a growl "I'll get rid of the useless crap then"
The knife was put over her cheek while the person hummed, and slowly the pressure over the sharp edge stung her face, and a little blood rolled down her cheek. And with a fluid movement the person slashed it down, just stopping when the cut reached the jaw and they smiled when she screamed in pain. Without another word he continued, cutting over her nose, her lips, her other cheek, and crossed another cut side to side.
Soon she was sobbing, but she didn't say anything, just stared down to the floor. But she tried to squirm away uselessly when she saw the syringe in their hand, and once the tip was pushed into the wounds...the scream echoed through the walls.
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She snapped back to reality and had to stumble towards the toilet, dumping her stomach inside with trembling hands. Barely she could contain the sobs and the screams that were threatning to go out, but soon she started to sob as she felt dizzy and how her head just wasn't in its place. Alicia tried to stand up and go, but she gagged again while she felt an acute pain over the scarred wounds, and it started to tingle.
For a second she put her hand over the burn scar, feeling the temptation of scratching it as it started to burn again. Then the little whispers, that old voice, appeared on the back of her head, the pleas, the apologies and the sadness. She only went back to her senses when a sting pain on her neck brought her back, and she started to breath deeply with her eyes closed telling to herself that everything would be okay, opening them again when she didn't feel in danger anymore.
Alicia looked her hand, now with some blood under her nails, and then stared at the mirror. For a second she had a flash or a hallucination, she wasn't completely sure, and during an instant...Allicia saw how the scars reopened and her reflection looked back at her with that dead eyes. With a deep sigh she looked away, hating that image that will never go away, because she was the living reminder of what happened.
"Why can't you leave me alone?" she whispered while she washed her hands
After that she composed herself, walking to her temporary room to go pack, now feeling a void of fear. Thinking that Elías could pass for the same shit...no, no, he won't, that's the only thing she will never allow even if she had to do the unthinkable for that. Once she was inside the room, she took her medicine and swallowed a pill while thinking...when was the last time she took one of those?
Lastly she cleaned the little wound on her neck and put a bandage over it, anyway it wasn't anything to go to the medic bay, that could wait until they are back. And when it was time, she took her bag and went to the plane, thanking and saying her goodbyes to all the soldiers that helped them during the mission. She sat in silence, just staring at the tied bags without noticing Jackson's frown, but just looked by the corner of her eye when someone sat down by her side.
It was Luke, just as always, but this time there wasn't any jokes nor chit chat, instead they were in absolute silence. And maybe it was better like that, Alicia said to herself, right now she was in a loss of words and even if she wasn't...she wouldn't know what to say to him. Like that the plane took flight while Alicia started to play with the dog tags, thinking on what was happening, the past was repeating itself and maybe now everyone she knew are in danger.
Those were eighteen long hours until they arrived to Killeen, to Black Tomb as well, and once they were there...Alicia stayed behind as she waited for everyone to go. And once she was on her own, she walked towards the conference room where she knew Wraith was waiting. By every step she gave, her expression became darker and darker, filled with anger and hate until she arrived there and walked inside.
"So Fowlett gave you the news" Dominique said while she looked at how Alicia threw her bag into a chair "how much time do you think we have?"
"Two weeks and four days"
"That's surprisingly exact"
"If these bastards are doing it again, then we have two weeks and four days before they kill them all" she answered with her eyes lacking of any kind of shine "or until they press enough buttons"
"What does that mean?"
"Wraith, do you really think I'm the only one who can do what I did? Don't be naive..."
"You wanna stop another Broken Statue"
"Exactly, and this time isn't only me"
And once she said that, a call entered, and before Wraith could check the number...Alicia answered. The face of a man, similar to the Captain, maybe a bit young looking, stared back with a frown.
"August" she said with a stone face
"Alicia, I guess you heard what happened" he murmured, with worry hidden behind the anger in his eyes "what will you do?"
"Isn't it obvious? They'll pay for taking him"
"Good, how long will it take?"
"As fast as I can"
"Don't give me that look, anyway, I need a favor"
"What kind?"
"Don't tell anything to our grandpa"
"...I don't know what do you mean?"
"Oh, you don't? Don't take me as stupid, last time you told grandpa and he was this near of intervene" Alicia said with a little smile "he isn't prepared for those news anymore. If it's needed all our cousins and my siblings will help, but leave our grandparents and parents out of this"
"You sound so sure about this"
"I did that kind of rescue before, and I'll do it again"
"If I trust you with this, how are we sure you'll succed?" August said with a sigh, but then just shook his head a bit "forget it, stupid question, good luck"
"Thank you...y'know, he'll be back for you dad's birthday, I promise"
"I hope so"
The call was finished and for a second none of them moved, but Wraith then put a hand over Alicia's shoulder without a sound. She sighed and grabbed the agent's hand, squeezing it as a 'thank you' gesture, trying to keep her head clean. Then the Captain turned to look at her, tired and worried, a sight Wraith hadn't seen in a long time.
"When can I go to rescue him?" Alicia asked
"If everything goes right, then right after you and the boys go to eliminate Black Swan"
"So Shanghái is the next step"
"Yeah, I hate to send you there because of that bitch, but we don't have any other choice"
"I know, I don't blame you" she said with a sigh "eliminate, huh? Why not capture?"
"Green Chamaleon is pragmatic and will cooperate to avoid as much punishment as he can, but Black Swan is a brute who only has good memory for money and the people they've took from"
"I heard it, they extorsions them and kill them if they don't pay. Even make them sell everything they have just to get the money"
"Exactly, they have the little towns under their thumb"
"But why the Chinese government allows it? I don't understand"
"They go for little towns far away from the center of the province or they find corrupt people, they always have a thing to hold into"
"They followed Chen's steps"
"Just like that, that's why she's so worried about her things"
After that Alicia nodded, taking again her bag, now going to the armory to left the guns she used. She started to clean the guns, just doing it in automatically, then passing to her karambit...so shiny and sharp, but she hasn't used it, she hadn't need it yet. Then someone sat down by her side, scaring and startling her, but she got relaxed when she noticed that it was Luke again.
"...How you feeling?" he asked with a worried face
"Tired" she admitted before sighing and leave the rifle aside "sorry for my reaction before, I was stressed"
"No need to say sorry, I noticed it" he said with a little smile that dissapeared in a second "I'm sorry for doubting you"
"You joking? C'mon boy, you had and have all the right to doubt me, there are many things I haven't told you...and maybe it'll take time for you to learn about it"
"Then I guess it's good that our deployments are long as fuck"
"How funny"
"What happened? You seemed scared when we were in Brasil"
"That team of the 10th...it's my cousin's, they captured him and I'm fucking scared that they'll pass for the same I did. And the place where they are, is one I rather to forget" she murmured with a deep sigh "and now we have to go to lead with Black Swan, everything is just...going worst and worst"
"We'll found them, and kill Black Swan" he said hugging her by the shoulder "don't worry, we'll figure everything out"
"I really hope you're right"
"Hey, would you let me take a look of that wound on your neck? Seems like you don't want to go and hear Jackson's scolding"
"...It isn't anything to take a trip to the medic bay"
"Still, I know your luck"
Alicia chuckled tiredly, but peeled of the bandage on her neck, allowing Luke to see the wound. The red-haired bit his cheek to prevent himself of saying anything stupid, but he took the first aid kit he brought and started to clean the wound. It was a long line that stopped bleeding not so long ago, surrounded by many little scratches, and Luke knew in a second...that was made by human hands.
With a sigh, he put another bandage over the wound, then looked at her hands. In silence he gave her another bandage for later, trying to ignore the little red in her nail.
"Let's go, we need to prepare everything for the next mission"
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tia-amorosa · 5 months
🌴Lucky Palms🌴
A Summary of Gameplay - Part 3
First a bit long text. I already mentioned at some point that I like playing with the story progression from Nraas (with some associated addons). And she tells me a lot. Since there are already interesting households and relationships between some Sims in Lucky Palms, this little program makes everything a little spicier. I either let myself be inspired by the messages that pop up from time to time or I ignore them if they don't particularly interest me. But with one person there were a few things that made me go to her and accompany her for a while... unfortunately I couldn't avoid falling into story mode. The little pixels just give me so much incentive. And there will be several parts. Well, enough talking… Let’s take a look.
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As I announced, the next household I am visiting is Marisol Loera. She is a young adult, a writer, and lives in a nice big house with a hot tub. I immediately set about making a few rooms a little nicer/cozy. Then I put the young lady through the CAS and I was able to concentrate on the essentials.
Marisol has a romantic interest with Donnovan Steel, that's right from the start when you start in this city. But Donnovan still seems to be interested in other women, according to Progression. I saw Marisol have the “cheated” symbol in her mood section.. And then there's someone else playing a role in Marisol's life. Her best friend Clark Bellamore, who is the leader and singer of a band. And the two of them got closer one day (or rather one evening). and here is the place where the story mode began.
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Marisol learned from a friend that Donnovan had apparently gone over the top again. "Don? It's me… No, don't hang up now, okay? I have questions… But I don't want to talk to you about it on the phone. Do you have time? no, I don't care, please come over"… And Don came by… Quite quickly actually, he seemed to have been nearby.
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The doorbell rang a little later "So, what do you want to talk about?"/ "I'm sure you can guess. Naomi called me…"/ "uh… So… I can explain…"/ "I'm looking forward to the explanation!" .(ironic tone of her voice). Marisol let him into the house. But she couldn't look at him. "Hey, about Naomi… It's nothing. It was just harmless flirting, you know I like to flirt sometimes."/ "It wasn't just harmless, you groped her even though you know she's with Jaycen"/ "I didn't grope her, okay? What you did was probably a lot more blatant, …" (Marisol spoke to Don after spending time with her best friend Clark after a concert, the rest will be explained in more detail later).
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"I haven't seen Clark for a long time, so I met up with him that evening after his concert". Don made a disgusted face. "Yes, you met him, got drunk and then fucked with him… Have you forgotten what I wrote to you, do you want me to show you again?". Donnovan's voice was a little sterner. "No, I… I just wasn't quite myself at that moment"/ "no, but he was in you… Man, Marisol. I like flirting with other people, but those words were meant seriously. I would have liked to have had you with me that night, shit, really…"
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Marisol looked at him wistfully. "Why didn't you say something about your feelings before? You always wanted something casual, you said……"/ "Would that have prevented you from sleeping with him?"/ "Most likely yes, Don. Clark and I, we've known each other since school, we're best friends, and that night … we really drank and talked a lot…"/ "don't blame the alcohol, okay?"..,
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"You must find something pretty great about him, best friends or not…"/ "That's not true, he… He's not really my type at all, but he's a nice person and…"/ "Yes, and now you're pregnant, but certainly not by me,…"/ "I know, Don…". Marisol and Donnovan also had longer conversations with each other and they agreed to sleep together with contraceptives because it was too early for them to have children… "Man…does he know about this yet?
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She shook her head. "No, I haven't told him yet… Don, I really don't want anything from him"/ "But now you're having a child with him and what about him? Does he have feelings for you?"/ "No… No, I don't think so, he had a guilty conscience because he had taken advantage of the situation that night. I went straight home the next morning". Donnovan shook his head, annoyed. "He may be a cool singer, but he's never had any luck with girls, he's a klutz and he's always on tour with his band. The most he gets is the occasional shag with groupies…". Marisol looked at him reproachfully because of his words. "Don't be like that. But I have to tell him anyway…and what about us now?"/ "I'm not really keen on bringing up someone else's child".
End of this Part
The conversation between Donnovan and Marisol continued for a bit, but overall Don was annoyed that he wasn't the father of her child (really?). And he once again explicitly stated that he was serious about her. Well…there was always a certain undertone in his voice, but she didn't really notice it. Anyway, a few days later she wanted to talk to Clark and inform him that he was going to be a father. You'll see that next time.
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feyre-darling92 · 2 years
I am here. I listen.
Cassian Andor x reader
A/N: This is just a stressful period for me and I really can’t cope and everything is just a mess so I wrote this because this is my only comfort, sorry if it sucks.
Also, I want to say something important. Eveyone’s problem is important. No matter how serious it is, no matter how easily it can be solved, for them it might be too serious. So please listen to them. Don’t tell them that it’s nothing serious. And vice versa. If you have a problem please talk to someone about it. No matter how serious it is. Don’t keep it inside.
You can send me anytime if you want someone to talk. I am here and I promise I will try my best to help you.
T/W: anxiety, angst, uh sad?? I can’t think right now, let me know if I miss anything.
Word Count: 565
Taglist: @stanny-uwu​ , @hollymac79​ ,  @triumph-of-form-over-content​ ,  @michelle-l-a-k ,  @lovepeaceorelse​  
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The last month was shit.
You had worked too much, you had gone on a mission that was a close call, you had been yelled at because you messed up with a plan and your anxiety had reached its peaks but you couldn’t do anything because you were sent to another mission.
This day though was the worst.
You had just returned, the mission had failed. And as if this wasn’t enough, two members of the team were seriously injured. It was your fault. It was clearly your fault, you didn’t say it was an ambush and didn’t have the time to run.
You were in your room, curled up in a corner because your thoughts wouldn’t caml down.You wanted to scream, cry, and ask for help but it was worthless.
It was worthless because every time you asked for help everyone told you the same. That you’re a grown-up and everything is in your head. Everything is in your mind and you should be the one to fix it, not ask for help.
That it wasn’t anything worth asking help for.
That everyone had more serious problems.
And in the end, you believed so yourself.
A knock on your door put you out of your thoughts. You got up and took a deep breath before walking to the door and opening it.
“Are you ok?” Cassian asked worriedly when he saw you.
“Fine. Just a little tired” You replied with a tired smile. You were tired but not from the mission.
“Alright” he kissed you on the forehead,
“We need you for the report”
You followed him, hand tightly holding his, maybe too tightly, but even if he noticed he didn’t say anything.You stopped before the door.“
Are you sure you’re ok? We can do this later” he asked again. He could tell that you weren’t fine but didn’t want to pressure you to talk.
“Let’s just get this done. Better now than later” you sighed and entered the room
“You’re dismissed”
At the sound of these words, you just ran away from the room. You almost broke down in the middle of the report.
You walked fast, trying to breathe when you heard a voice from behind you “Y/N, wait!”
Cassian had followed you till here.
“Just leave me alone, Cassian” your voice was shaky and the first tears had already fallen.
“Please, just talk to me” he begged and you turned to face him.
“You won’t listen! No one listen’s to me!” you sobbed and took a step back. “Everyone keeps telling me that it’s my fault but it’s not! It’s not! These are my thoughts but no one listens!” you were yelling but you didn’t care.
Cassian let you talk, let you scream and cry because he knew that all you wanted was to tell someone who will actually listen. And he did.
“They don’t listen” you broke down crying and he slowly approached you and gently wrapped his arms around you, “I am here” he whispered, “I listen”
You hugged him back, actually held onto him as if you were afraid that you’d lose him.“I am sorry” you muttered after a few minutes, your face buried in his chest, “I am sorry”
“You have nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart” he kissed the top of your head, “I am here” he repeated, “And I will listen to whatever you want to tell me”
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hkblack · 1 year
Hi! I hope you are doing well! I decided to spend my evening like Crowley, asking an important question from fellow GO writers! What's your current favourite story you yourself have written? Tell me why you like it!
Not gonna lie, I saw this and went "MIRJAM WHY ARE YOU SENDING ME ASKS!? you can just dm me on discord you fool" but then I saw what the ask was and got all excited. Thanks darling, this is delightful.
Right now my fave fic from my catalogue is:
Ever-Fixed E, 19,552
Aziraphale Fell had a plan. Go to school, get his degree, and start his life with his beloved at his side as man and wife. Until one day Crowley disappears. Decades later he meets a man, and finds the love of his life again. Anthony J. Crowley, suave, cool, masculine, in control, unflappable, has spent decades building himself up. He refuses to let his confident facade disappear for Aziraphale, who once almost tumbled down the stairs to certain death because his nose was stuck in a book. It’s just sex, and they’ve been dating for months, this time around. There’s no need to get his knickers in a knot. But the past isn’t easy to let go of, even if you’re both avoiding it. A story about love, intimacy, and finding each other again. (Alternatively: Tender smut, but then I wrote love story flashbacks, and now it's just emotional and there's plot in my pornography)
So why?
First, context: this was written for Fandom Trumps Hate 2023 for Andromeda4004. We went back and forth and I almost went "no wait no, I'm not trans I can't write a transman Crowley. oh no. I'm not good enough to pull this off" and then I got bit by a bunny and couldn't not write it.
It's my favorite, and I think it's going to be my favorite for a while because it's the best writing I think I've done to date. It's incredibly emotional and tender. And sitting with this Crowley has been good for me as a person. He's got a few more stories about him he's trying to pull out of me, so actually if you've already read this fic, go click the link and subscribe to the series I dumped it into in case I cave and do write some of the slice of life shit he's calling for. But... in making sure I wrote something that was respectful and joyful for the people who can immediately see themselves in Crowley (as a transman), I not only did a lot of research, and listening, and fretting at my amazing sensitivity reader because oh god writing with no pronouns at all is SO HARD (yeah, YEAH, go reread those flashback scenes folks.), but I also did a lot of soul searching.
Am I trans? No. Nonbinary? Don't think so. Cis? Eh. Probably?
This is something I sort of felt before writing this fic but now, hanging out with this version of this character and trying to do right by him, I'm a bit more comfortable in my Gender Fuckery (or lack thereof depending on the day). And I think that personally I keep rereading this fic not only because this Crowley is seriously not done living in my head shouting ideas at me, but because it's got the soft tender romance that I absolutely live for, and a Crowley who knows who he is, and is comfortable with himself, and is excited for you to get there too. And I appreciate him for holding my hand and letting me tell his story. Also fucking Aziraphale in this fic is a PUMPKIN. ABSOLUTE PUMPKIN. We don't get to live inside his head as much as we do with Crowley, but let me tell you. He's ultimate supportive partner. He is rub your feet unasked for after a long day cause it brings him joy. He knows your favorite color down to the exact shade. He is bought you VIP tickets to your favorite band he doesn't really like, but he likes how you sing their songs in the shower. PUMPKIN.
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moonlightguidesky · 8 months
Heyyy!!!! New chapter released (wrote like weeks ago, please just go with it.).
Anyways, as always let me know what I can improve on. Repost if you can, as always have a good day, afternoon or night.
You have been warned about the contents of this chapter.
Chapter 2: The kid Problem
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Marc wakes up gasping for air, his chest rising up and down heavily as he panted.
He sat up quickly before he looked around his apartment, the apartment itself barely looked homely.
A couple books and maps he had traded with ration cards. The only real color in the damn place was the couch which was blue.
He sighs as his heart calms down now, another nightmare.
"Always the damn same one."
He grumbles under his breathe as he gets up and walks to his small kitchen before he feels a hard tug on his ankle and the next thing he knows he is flat on the ground as his cheek burned.
"Steven! Again, seriously!?"
Marc exclaimed as he pushed himself off the floor, a scowl making its way onto his face.
"Mate, you had it coming. You broke your promise, you know I hate it when you do that."
Steven surfaced as Marc looked at the dirty mirror they owned with his eyebrows furrowed.
Steven had his arms crossed against his chest with one lifted eyebrow clearly not sorry about what he did.
"Look, it wasn't that I didn't want you to front. Just, he needed me Steven."
Marc tried not to get angry, he knew he screwed up, he always does.
He looked at the cuffs that were on his ankle and already went to look for the keys. He lifted the floor board and there was the silver key to his freedom.
He uses the key and gets his ankle out of the cuffs before he got up again and rubbed his head.
The smell of liquor still hanging in the back of his throat. He overdid it again, he always does when it gets bad again.
"So, was the whiskey worth it?"
Steven said almost scolding knowing that this was hurting not only him but Marc's body.
"Can we not talk about it, I already have a headache."
Marc sighed as he felt like shit right now and didn't need a reminder of how shit it was to be like this.
"I wonder why."
Steven mumbled as his head lowered and he shook his head as he left the mirror into another space, Marc's jaw harden as he tried his hardest to not punch the mirror with his fist.
He tells himself that he doesn't want to have to replace the mirror again, also he didn't want to be alone.
Steven and his relationship was damaged after everything that happened in the last 15 years.
Fight after fight yet by the end of the day they had each other and that's all they really had.
Wendy and dad weren't in the picture anymore. The smacks and vemoned words that came out of the women they called their mother left her mouth he knew she would never be the same.
Steven,eventually, after lots of convincing had finally gave into to the fact that they had no mother anymore. Their dad was not any better honestly, he tried to keep the beating to a minimum but it could only hold on for so long.
So when they turned 18, they went to join FEDRA and stayed employed for a while before he got into a nasty fight and was terminated from the job.
It's been 14 years since they last saw the people they once called parents. Every once in a while though he would just follow them, more his dad to make sure no one tried to hurt them.
Eventually Layla came into their life for a while and things were to some type of normalcy, domestic even, of course they had to skrew that up too.
Both went their separate ways after a nasty argument and haven't seen each other in a year. Both men still worried about her, they know she is capable of taking care of herself, it's one of the reasons they fell for her.
Still, that didn't mean their wasn't any worry that she could have gotten killed of murdered after they separated. She had left England to go to Egypt.
Her strength was something they admired, how reliable she was, how she always had their backs. But more than anything it was her heart, how even after everything she has been through she was able to still love them for wow they were and how they were.
Sometimes they wished they could have worked it out better.
"Ey, hermano, door."
A voice called out and there was Jake, they had figured out Jake a couple years into their time in FEDRA, he took over when an invasion of infected managed to escape. He kept them alive and they were thankful for that.
"Shit, who?"
Marc whispered as his head pounded again at the noise of his door being knocked on.
"Marc Spector! "
A voice boomed, a familiar sense of dread filled the apartment. It was Khonshu, fuck.
"I'm coming! I'm coming."
He shouted as he walked over to the door, he really didn't want to but didn't exactly have much choice since he knew the damn man wouldn't stop the banging.
He took a deep breathe before opening the door and in came Khonshu, the man had platinum white hair and his eyes were empty with almost not shine to them like he had no eyes.
His clothes match his personality honestly, he was wearing some black jeans with a white button up that had grim and some pink splatters which he knows where it came from.
His jacket has a patch of a moon on it.
"Where were you yesterday night, we had somewhere to be!?"
The man shouted as Marc closed the door and locked it, he knew what was coming, all of them did.
"Look, I just got sidetracked, okay? Something came up and something was going on with Ste-"
He didn't even get to finish before the sound of Khonshu's cane hit the floor of the apartment was shaking slightly.
"You swore he wouldn't be a problem, that he would cooperate with this. Maybe you should have had Lockly front more often, that is a man who can get the jobs done quickly."
Khonshu retorted as he looked out the window and turned to Marc before motioning for him to come closer.
Marc looked at him before he walked over to thw window and seeing people, just people.
"You see these people, they rely on us to keep them safe. You are in debt to me Marc Spector, I saved your life and therefore you must now save theirs for me."
Khonshu said with no hesitation, sure Khonshu could be an asshole but he was okay every once in a while like this.
Sure he had imprisoned Marc and the alters in his escapades of "saving" people but he really did want to just help, he was just really shitty at doing it.
"Fine, fine. I promise it won't be a problem again."
Marc finally replied as he sighed and Khonshu only hummed as he made his way to exit the apartment building.
"Let us see Marc Spector, tick tok. Make sure not to skip this times patrol, I will see you then."
Khonshu finally said before he closed the door behind him. Marc sighed, he really hated the guy sometimes.
"He's an asshole."
Steven remarks, Marc holds back a smirk.
"One thing we can actually agree on."
Marc shakes his head as he goes and starts to get ready for the day of labor he's gonna have to do.
"El tiene razón."
Jake voice echoed in the back of their head. At least this is something they could all agree on.
Jake shoveled the ashes from the firey pit that raged on, buring their skin but not enough actually do damage.
"Ey, Marc. Got a minute."
A man called out, Jake's eyes went to the back of his head as Marc fronted. Marc blinked as their eyes focused again and turned around to face the man that called for him.
"Yeah, what's up?"
Marc answered as he pulled down the bandana that covered their nose and mouth from all the ashes that were made from the burned body of infected and Ammits followers.
"I have a job you might be interested in."
The man whispered as he slipped a paper into Marc's hand.
Marc sighed as he pocketed the note into his jeans.
"I told you I don't do that type of work anymore."
He whispered back as he bent down to "tie his shoes" and the man looked down and did the same action.
"It's good pay man, lots of ration cards and maybe even a bit more."
The man said as he tried to convince Marc to do the job, he and this man didn't really know each other very well but the guy did owe him something for saving his life.
"Look man, I told you I can't take the job. No matter how good the pay is."
Marc remarked as he got back up from "tieing his shoes" so that he could back to work.
"Just, just think about it. Alright."
The man muttered before he went to the other side where another hall of bodies came in trucks to be burned.
He sighs as he grabbed the shovel again and starts to dig the ashes and putting them into barrels.
Her brown eyes watched as the water leaked from the floor above and dropped in the wet puddle that formed.
"Nomas querría ir a dormir, es mucho para pedir."
Katalina groaned as she looked at the chains they put on her, her ankles and wrist were starting to bruise red from the amount of times she tried to slide them off.
She slouched on the wooden walls as the rumble and sound of FEDRA trucks were coming and going.
The places wasn't the best, but honestly better than the hole or cells they put the orphans if they couldn't follow the rules drilled into their brains.
The sound of the door opening got her attention as she scooted back into a corner and got up from where she was sitting.
Two people walked in, one male, one female. The female had a sort of limp on her left foot, her eyes seemed lively yet so dull.
The man had a scar across his face, a mustache and a beard to compliment it as well, his eyes seemed more glossy along with slight puffiness to them.
"We are here to test you again."
The women's started as she has a clipboard.
"How many more time do I have to do this?"
Katalina asked as her eyebrows furrowed with both frustration and impatience. She has been here for 3 weeks now in this room and it was starting to get to her.
"Just until we know."
The man came forward slightly which made the girl take a small step back, the two adults noticed and took a step forward.
"Why do you always have to get closer?"
The girl asked not really as a question but more as a confused threat of some way.
"testing something."
The women said and she clicked the pen and started to take notes on the piece of paper stuck to the clipboard.
"No soy tu maldito guinea cerdo."
She grumbles under her breath as she picks at her nails, she's been doing that alot. Honestly she has nothing better to do right now and it went on like that for the weeks she's been here.
"What was that?"
The man spoke up which startled the girl for a second before she looked at the guy and responded.
The guy sighed as he rubbed circles at his temples.
"Alright, let start. One hand steady and coun-"
The lady started before she was intrupted.
"Count from 1 to 10, I know. We've done this hundreds of times already."
Katalina says as she puts her arm out and starts to count, she finishes quickly.
"Alright then, now speak sp-"
"Spanish, I get it. Don't need to keep repeating it."
Katalina remarked .
"Me nombre is Lisa, tengo trece años."
She replied as her boredom and tiredness was kicking in.
"Alright, that's it."
The man said as he put down something from behind his pocket, it was good for the evening. A can of peaches and water.
"Great, a feast for a queen."
Her sarcastic remark gets her a look before she put her hands up as of saying "I'll back off.".
They look at each other before a knock takes their attention away, with a small "Come in." was heard and suddenly a man with cane came in.
He was dress with red button up shirt and brown pants to help contrast the tan color jacket he had on.
His cane made small noise as it the ground softly he came into the room, his hair was pretty long and almost looked slight disheveled.
"How is she doing?"
The man said as the others hand him the clipboard and he starts to read it before he nods and they nod back before leaning in and whispering something she couldn't make out.
The other two left the room and it was only Katalina and this man who looked over the clipboard again before looking back at her.
"How are you doing then, Katalina?"
Her heart skipped for a second, how the hell did he know her name?!
Never once has she given out her actual name.
"Como sabías es-"
The man chuckled lightly before he sat down across from her.
"I know a lot of things child, many, many things that many wished they could possess."
The man said as he reached behind his back was pulling something out of his back.
Katalina senses went off and she closed her hand into a fist, her nails dug into the palm of her hand, her knuckles white.
Then man noticed this.
"It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you, just wanna return something that I believe is yours."
The man said as he pulled out a picture, a locket, and a small switchblade.
Katalina eyes widen at the sight of her most precious objects, the only picture of her family that was given to her, a locket that her first love bestfriend gave to her, and the only weapon her parents left her with.
The man gaze was on her reaction, he got what he wanted.
"Do you want them back?"
The man had said softly as he looked deep into her brown eyes that were slightly softer, more emotional.
"Y-yes, yes I want them back."
She stuttered for a second but quickly regained herself.
"You can have them."
He simply said, she was hesitant and skeptical on his words that lingered in her ears.
Have them?
She can just, take them?
No consequences, not "but" or "if"?
"Go on, take it."
The man encouraged as he gently laid them on the ground in front of her, easy for her grab.
Her breathe hitched, she reached out for a second before looking back at him, nothing, she couldn't read him.
"I don’t bite, I swear."
He adds as his gaze lingered on her.
She is quick to grab the things before he second guess to grab her things and held them close to her chest, to her heart as it thumped hard for the return of something that truly only belonged to her.
She puts the necklace back on and the locket is tucked into her shirt, the picture is in her clutch and the switchblade was in her back pocket of her navy jeans.
"Who are you?"
She asked as she looked at the man, really looked at him, he had slight eye bags, his posture was almost straight but also crouched, the cane had a wooden carving of a crocodile on its handle.
The man smiles.
"My name is Arthur Harrow, I am the right had man of the organization that's gonna save and clean the world."
Arthur answers as he puts his hand out to shake hers.
She can't really understand why she a little scared of him, he hasn't done anything really since talking to her so why does she have a sense of dread in her stomach.
She slowly leans in and shakes his hand, the sleeves that covered his arm was slightly lifted and the tattoo of scales is there or from what she can make out.
"Your timsaeh people?"
She stated as she takes back her hand.
"I am indeed."
He answered back as he lifted the sleeve up to show the scale in full. He seemed proud to be called that almost.
"I am sure you have multiple questions."
He says as he scoots a little closer and puts a hand on her shoulder.
"I will try my best to give you answers to any question you give me."
They looked at each other in the eye for a long time before she is the first to look away down at the ground, she thinks.
And thinks before nodding and looking back at him.
Jake huffed as the sound of the alarm went off to tell everybody that working hours were over.
He pulled the bandana off and walked over where the rest of the workers were heading to get their pay for the day.
The holder said as Jake was next and waited for the guy to give his ration cards of the day.
The holder grabbed a 20, two 5, and four 1's.
"Here's your pay."
The Holder said as Jake took them and counted them, less than usual.
"Any better paying jobs tomorrow?"
Jake asked as he put the ration cards in his small wallet that they had managed to find in the garbage one day, and in good condition too.
"Probably the one with the shit, if your up for it?"
The man said looking up at him for a response.
"Really, shit. No way we are doing that job, that would take weeks go get rid of the smell! We barely even get rid of the smell of burned ashes off our clothes."
Steven said in the back of the mind, Steven was willing to work hard, they all know it, but even then there was a line he crosses and it was this.
"Any other trabajo?"
Jake sighed as he put one hand on his hip.
"Well, there is one with electricity, dangerous but pays better than this."
The Holder says as he looked up at Jake who is deciding, it's better pay but it would put them in danger.
"I'll go with the shit."
Jake says and the Holder nods before ripping a slip off and handing it to him.
"Take that tomorrow to sector 5 and they will give you a position to work at."
The Holder yelled for the next person and Jake left, he knew Steven would probably complain and maybe even Marc but it would pay better and less dangerous.
"Why did you take the job!"
Steven exclaimed as his image slid on and off the mirrors and window that he passed.
"Because the amount we are making isn't enough hermano, nosotros necesitamos otro trabajo que pagarán bien."
Jake says as he looks at pair of gloves that caught his attention.
They have enough to make trades and for smuggling still, so he buys it the gloves for 2 ration cards. He thanks the seller and put the new gloves on putting his old ones in his pocket.
"Did you just spend 2 ration cards on another pair of gloves, I swear you ware those our way too fast man."
Steven comments.
"You have your books, I have my glove, Déjame en paz Steven."
Jake says as he walks into the allyway and makes his way to the place where smugglers thrive on the ones willing to pay the right price.
Jake finally leaned against his usual spot where people can find him usually, he waits and not a second later as a FEDRA soilder comes over looking almost new at this whole thing.
"Your the guy with the goods, right?"
The man asked in a hushed tone, Jake could see this guy was new to this, he wanted to mess with him but was too tried right now.
"Yeah, I am. What are you looking for?"
He ask as the guy slips him a piece a paper.
What was it with people slipping paper to them?
Jake took the paper and opened it, the guy fidget with his vest before looking around.
"So you got it or no man?"
The guy was getting inpatient now.
"Sí, le tengo."
Jake answered putting the paper in his back pocket.
"Does it look like I know Spanish man!"
The guy was getting on his nerves but he tried to calm himself down. There doesn't need to be drama right now.
He pulls out a baggy from the pocket of his jacket and out came the blue pills.
The man sighed in relief about to grab the bag before Jake moved it away.
"Gotta pay Hombre, can't give you it until you pay."
The guy eventually scoffed before digging into his pants pocket and pulls put a wad of ration cards.
"How much?"
Jake saw the ration cards, enough to maybe get them through a couple months.
"Three 20's, six 5, and eight 1's."
He said as he put his hand out, the man just nodded before handing him the pills and Jake takes the ration cards.
"I'm gonna need the bag back though."
He added as he counted to make sure it was the right amount, it was. The man may have been new but he has what they need to keep them afloat and some what comfortable still.
The man dumps the pills into his vest pocket and gives the plastic bag back, Jake nods in a silent thank you before the man comes close.
Jake get ready the beat the absolute shit out this man before words were said.
"Don't come out for a couple nights, FEDRA soilders aren't right in the head right now. Might make a mistake, easy to make one in the dark."
The man whispered before walking away, Jake looked as the man walked away. He unclentch his jaw and fixed the shirt.
"Maldita sea."
He grumbled under his breathe as walks away, it's almost time to get to patrol they need to get moving before Khonshu yells at them again.
"This is Cameron, Cameron this is Lisa."
Harrow says as he introduced Katalina to another one of "helpers" of the place.
They have walked around for a whole now, she kepted rubbing her wrist as she nodded in acknowledgement, she needed an out.
She can't stay here, FEDRA will kill her if they find out she left. Maybe they would hung her, beat the ever living shit out of her even just to get the anger out.
"And here is the cafeteria where we keep the helpers fed, are you hungry?"
He asked as he got a plate and handed it to her, she slowly reached out for it and took it as she got into the line and he got behind her as his hands were on her shoulders.
"Give this young lady our best please Beth."
The man said to the younger looking lady who just smiled and nodded before grabbing a big metal spoon and scooped up a chunk of soup.
"Thank you."
Katalina whispered as she looked at the soup, looked like tomato soup, haven't seen that one in a while.
He gave a small nod in thanks before pushing her slightly to start moving which she did, slowly her tray filled up with 2 biscuits and an apple.
How the hell they had fresh fruit and biscuits was a damn mystery to her.
Soon they sat down at a small table near some statue, it was a statue of a crocodile that held a scale in one hand.
She looked at it before she looked down at her food, this was the most food they have given her in the 3 weeks she's been here.
"You can eat, no one is gonna take it away from you."
Arthur said as he pushed the tray closer to her, she was skeptical about it though, everyone is hungry. She could see that people were staring at her and him.
He notices and looks at the people who look away immediately and go back to their conversations.
"They just haven't seen you before, no need to worry."
He said as he nudged his head a little to signal to look at the bowl of soup and not the people looking at her, their eyes burned into the back of her head to her body.
She picks up the spoon and holds it close to her mouth before looking at everybody else, they were eating fine so she takes a bite.
The soup was rich and flavored to the right amount or as much as soup can be flavored. She hasn't had anything this nice in, well, never?
She says as she eats more going for more of the soup, they sit in almost comfortable silence.
She feels a little bad for being skeptical about the guy, he hasn't done anything to her yet, maybe.
"Aren't you hungry?"
She ask him as she shallows the warm soup down and wipes her mouth with her hand.
He hands her a napkin before he responding.
"I am alright, thank you for worrying about me."
She grabs the napkin and wipes her mouth with it, she nods before thinking. She has one more biscuit to spare, she already full anyways.
Grabbing the biscuit gently and held it out for him to grab.
"Here, you can have this. Estoy llena."
She reassured as she pushed the biscuits towards him for him to grab.
He took it from her hands and smiled softly, it was nice.
"Thank you."
He said as started to eat the biscuit and she looked around for anything or anywhere there was a weak spot here.
She couldn't stay here, she has to go back.
30 min later...
They were walking up a hallway, they had made their way back to where she was kept, she kinda was glad as messed up as it was.
She was use to, this. Even if she hated the damn leaks it was something she was familiar with.
"I will come by later to come check on you, alright."
Harrow said as he opened the door and Katalina looked at him for a second before nodding and went inside the room.
"Buenos noches Katalina."
Was all he said before closed the door behind her not even noticing the way she turned around, a chill went down her spine.
That usually was a nice thing to say, even a more enduring thing to say. The way he said it though didn't feel good, didn't have the warm essence to it.
She didn't even know how the hell the man managed to make those words sound like soul less lies.
She sat down on the floor and looked out the window that showed the evening sky, the colors of orange and yellow coming together to make a warm essence over this dull gray world she was brought into.
She laid on the wall and pulled herself up against it a little so that her back hit the wall.
Taking off her sweater and using it as a pillow, she wasn't given much of a living space to really get rest but the corners were comfortable.
1 hour later...
The room shook as Katalina was woken up by the sounds of gunshots and screams of people.
The sound of a thousand of footsteps were everywhere that she could almost feel them. They made her stomach turn.
Maybe 5 minutes later it was silent, completely and utterly silent.
She feels for her switchblade and gets ready to fight if she has to, she knows she probably will have to.
Slowly walk towards the floor as it slightly creaks with every contact the shoes and the floor has. She leans in and can hear footsteps, two to four people are still here.
She hears one is getting close, she'll just stab them and then get out of here.
Once whoever was on the other side was close enough she opened the door and gets ready to stab whoever was on the other side.
However she unsucessed at it and got thrown to the wall, her back stung now. She needed to get up before whoever she tried to stab now tried to return the favor back.
She looks up to see a man, his hair was curly and short and his eyes were like hers, or whatever she remembers since the last time she looked in a mirror.
The brown eyes started back at her confused before looking down and seeing the switchblade, she saw it too and tried to grab it but he got to it first and kicked it away.
She grumbles as she pulls herself up and looks at the guy who eyebrows were furrowed and he had a gun.
He has a gun, she now noticed the blood on his fist, the beaded sweat that was falling from his forehead.
His attire wasn't something she had seen before but has heard, a man with white attire would come during the night and "protect" the different divisions of the QZ.
They called him Moonknight due to the fact most his weapons were the shape of moons.
Maybe calling the guy who looks like he went through hell an asshole wasn't her best idea.
The man still has the gun pointed at her and she just stares at it, the hole in the middle pointed to her chest.
If he did shoot her at least it wouldn't be too painful and end quickly. She puts her hand up in surrender.
They just stare at each other, brown on brown. Both had slight eyebags to compliment each other.
"Who are you?"
The man said as the sound of footsteps were heard, both heads turned to the direction.
"Marc Spector."
They both recongnised the voice, Harrow.
Another sign of footsteps appeared and a man in almost just white and back came in with a gun.
"The 4 and 5th floor have been cleared out, Spector we must leave. FEDRA might be here soon!"
The man said as he turned around to see the scene of Marc with a gun pointed to a teenage girl who seems confused and her hands up above her head.
Then there was Arthur with one of his men.
"Arthur Harrow."
"Khonshu, Marc."
The whole thing was awkward, everything about this was confusing, they had history but Katalina wasn't sure how.
"Me, now what in the fucking hell is going on?!"
She exclaimed as she put her hands down in exhaustion and honestly tired of people in a whole.
"I strongly urge you to point the gun away from the child, Marc."
Harrow said as he stepped closer which in turn got two guns pointed towards him instead.
He slowly put his hands.
" Keep that gun at me, not her."
He says as he looked at her and she looked at him with clear annoyance in her eyes.
Marc looks at her one more times before looking at Khonshu.
"So this is who that maggot went to trade our supplies for! The Che Guevara of Cairo."
Khonshu retorted as he stepped forward, now next to Katalina and Marc who watched the interaction.
"How I haven't misses that voice. Let just say that he didn't like the response he got from us when we saw what he brought to us."
Harrow says as he winced and put a hand to his side, Katalina finally could see that small drops of blood that had fallen from him.
"Oh, shit."
Her voice softer and eyes filled with concern as she took in the injured man, her eyebrow furrowed as she was about to get up.
Harrow looked at what she was about to do and shook his head which made her falter.
"On another note though."
She speaks up on which attention is all on her again.
"I agree with the old man over here, FEDRA would have heard all that gun fire so maybe get this going or we are all going to die like this."
She states as she stands up and rubs her shoulder, it wouldn't really bruise but it would be sore for a while.
"Old!" Khonshu exclaimed.
"The child is right. We we're gonna have her out of here tonight."
Harrow says which caught her attention.
"You never said anything about moving me?!"
"Sorry kid, thought you'd run."
She sighs and rubbed circles on her forehead.
"What does this have to do with us?"
Marc asked as he ans Khonshu looked at the girl and then back at Harrow.
"We don't have a group to go and protect her like we had planned, so now I am think you both are gonna do it."
Harrow says as he gets a paper out, it's bloody but still legible.
"Wait a minute!?"
"I'm not gonna go with him!?"
Marc and Katalina shouted at the same time, their reluctants overlapping with each other.
"Listen, if you do this we can not only give you weapons, but also much more. We can show you if want but you have to take her away from here."
Harrow says as he stares at the three who just stand there in shock.
"We aren't babysitters parasites."
Khonshu said as he took a step closer now infront of Marc who is still standing there with a gun held up towards Harrow.
"Not asking you to do charity for me Khonshu, I need you guys to move cargo cause that is what she is to you."
Harrow said as he looked at the girl who eyebrows were furrowed.
"You show me the reward we get for this then I will give you a response. Marc, take the girl back to your apartment and keep her there until I return."
Khonshu said as he lifted his cane and hit it on the ground causing the ground to shake slightly.
Katalina flinched at the noise for a second and so did Marc.
"We are seriously considering this."
Marc whispered to Khonshu as he looked back at the girl who hasn't really moved since getting up.
"Do this before I make you."
Khonshu hissed back at him which made Marc falter.
"Go grab your bag."
Harrow said as the girl just looks at the three men.
"Su pinche madre."
She grumbles under her breathe making sure they still heard her as she goes back into the room she came out of.
They waited until she came out the room again. She comes out with a green jacket and her backpack, she looks at Harrow who just sighs.
"This is for your good kid, trust me. It's better you go with them than with me, for better or worse I am aware of what they are capable of and know they won't let anything happen to you."
Katalina stared at Harrow for a while then at the man next to him, she really has no choice in that matter anyways, it was all planned for her.
"What are they capable of?"
She ask as her eyes stay at him.
"Alot, many things someone your age shouldn't see."
Is all Harrow says to her.
Her gaze goes to the floor before she shakes her head along with a dry chuckle.
"Little too late for that."
She turns around and grabs her switchblade and walking towards the stairs walking over the dead bodies that laid there.
The blood now on her shoes as she see the bloody footsteps that were being left behind now.
Harrow sighs.
"Show me the weapons now."
Khonshu said as he stared at Harrow who nods before walking to another hallway.
"Follow me."
Is all he says before he dissappear.
"Make sure to not let that child out your sights you three, understand."
Khonshu orders as he walks away and follows Harrow.
The men sigh, it was a long night already.
The followed where the girl had went as their shoes were now painted in red sticky blood.
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This is the end of chapter 2!!!!
This one took a little longer but I am happy with how is came out!
Anyways, see ya in the next one!!
-Sky 💜
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honeybear-yammy · 2 years
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Warnings: cursing, punishment, unprotected sex, daddy kink
Pairings: Kol Mikaelson x Female Vampire Reader
Summary: this is just some dirty shit so lmao.
"Say it. Out Loud." and "Don't think I'm letting you get away with that, darling." and "You're gonna regret that sweetheart."
Requested: yes
© Honeybear-Yammy, please do not steal, translate, copy, or transfer my work.
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You and your boyfriend Kol were at the Mystic Grill together and you were just getting ready to leave when Kol said he would be right back and headed to the washroom. You sat at the table the two of you just ate at waiting for him.
As you were waiting for Kol, you saw a guy that you didn't know walking over to you. You huffed quietly since you could tell what he wanted then offered him a small smile when he arrived at your table.
"Can I help you?" You asked politely.
"Yeah, maybe you could." The man said with a smirk. You tried so hard to not roll your eyes and say some snappy comeback. You wanted to try to just get him to leave politely instead of starting a scene and getting Kol furious.
"I have a boyfriend." You said. You saw that the smirk still stayed on the guys face which made you sigh quietly.
"Can't I at least have your phone number, mama?" He asked. You sighed and just gave in. If giving him your number is what it took to get this creep away from you then, you decided that you'd be better off just to do it.
You wrote your phone number down on a napkin and then handed it to him but, little did you know, Kol saw you give the guy your number. The man left after that and you saw Kol walking over to you. You smiled and stood up when you saw him.
"Ready to go love?" You asked.
"Did you seriously just give that fucker your number?!" Kol snapped slightly making you jump a little. 
"I- Kol.. I had to, he wouldn't leave me alone." You said. "It's the only thing I thought of doing at the time." You said. Kol just growled under his breath.
"We are going home now." He said. "And don't think I'm letting you get away with that, darling." he said. Your eyes widened and you gulped when he said that. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the Mystic Grill as you fought a little.
"Kol I told you I did what I fucking had to do!" You snapped.
"Shut up." He growled still pulling you to the car. You finally pulled away from his grip and he turned back around with a glare on his face. "Stop being so difficult." He snapped.
"Fuck you." You snapped just from being angry in the heat of the moment. You and Kol were both hot-headed so when you guys got into arguments it usually turned into screaming matches before it became angry sex.
"You're gonna regret that sweetheart." He said with a growl as he threw you over his shoulder and carried you to his car before putting you in the backseat. You huffed and crossed your arms as Kol got into the front seat and drove off. 
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Once you and Kol got home, he got out of the car before pulling you out of the car. He once again threw you over his shoulder and carried you inside, upstairs to your shared bedroom. Once he got into the bedroom he tossed you onto the bed. You sat up on your elbows and watched him. 
"Strip. Now." He ordered. You did as you were told and stripped out of all of your clothing until you were fully bare. He walked over to the bed and then sat down on the end of the bed. He pulled you over to him and threw you over his lap. He grabbed your ass roughly, making you jump. You knew exactly what was coming.
"Count." He said as he began to spank you. You counted each slap until he finally finished and took you off of his lap. You sat on your knees waiting to see what he would do next. You were both nervous and excited.
He got off of the bed and stripped out of his clothing until he was fully bare. He then got back onto the bed and gently pushed you down so you were laying on your back. He spread your legs wide and then positioned himself between your legs.
Then with zero warning he thrusted into you. You gasped loudly and your back arched off of the bed. You both moaned out as he slowly pushed into you, stretching you out. He didn't give you any time to adjust before thrusting into you.
His thrusts quickly got fast and rough. You moaned out loudly and tried to hold onto him but, Kol pinned your hands above your head. Your eyes rolled as he fucked you at an unforgiving pace. 
"Who do you belong to?" He asked with a slight growl.
"Fuck! You daddy, I belong to do!" You moaned out. 
"Fucking right." He growled. "I own this fucking pussy." He said. "Have I ruined you for anyone else?" He asked as he panted. You just nodded. "Say it. Out loud." He growled. 
"Shit! Yes daddy you fucking ruined me!" You yelled. He smirked and with one hand he held your hands above your head and he used his other hand to wrap it around your throat. He gently squeezed which made you moan out more.
You felt that familiar knot bubbling in your stomach and you knew that you were going to cum any second now. You clenched around his hard cock, signaling to him that you were about to cum. 
"You gonna cum, baby?" He asked with a smirk.
"Fuck yes! I'm gonna fucking cum! Can I cum daddy?" You moaned out.
"Fuck yes, fucking cum on my fat cock." He said with a growl. With that your eyes rolled back, your legs began to tremble, and a scream tore through your throat as you squirted onto his cock. He thrusted into you a few more times before coming himself, shooting his load deep inside of you, painting your walls white.
You gasped and tried to catch your breath but then Kol flipped you onto your stomach and positioned himself behind you. He smirked when you looked back at him with a shocked expression.
"Oh baby, did you think we were done?" He asked and then chuckled darkly. "I'm just getting started, darling." He said with a smirk.
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Author's Note: tysm for reading!
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