#no legit I understand everything they talk about and know what’s going to happen
quibbs126 · 2 years
You ever replay a game after finishing and realize just how much foreshadowing is in the opening area?
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tocomplainfriend · 8 months
THIS ITSELF DOESN'T TALK ABOUT THE SCENE! But the surrounding context.
So I really hate everything about how this has being treated. I am a SA victim and wanna talk about some stuff. If you didn't know, in episode 4 (I think) there is an exploration of Angel Dust SA, before going to do that lets see some stuff first:
She made a "cumming" joke about the song Poison (that accompanies the SA scenes)
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This person over here worked on HH/HB (draws r-pe/non-con)
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BLURRED AND CUTTED IMAGES: (Some are more or less explicit)
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You know, that whole thing of shipping, and drawing porn of the canonical sexual abuser with the victim?
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They also left this comment, under a comic where Val threatens brutal r-pe on Angel.
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This person also worked in/directed the scenes of Angel dust Sexual abuse in the episode. The person that ships a r-pe ship and does all this shit is the one to work in this scene?????
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Like??????? What happen here?
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(The pinkie pfp person is 15 here too)
Why does Angel sexually harrases Husk non-stop (which is acknowledged by Vaggie)? Why is Moxxie SA by the succubus played for laughs? Same with Chaz or Blitz harassing him sexually or touching him without consent? Why did Stolas do so many unwanted advances towards Blitz, and that's literally the endgame couple of the show? (All of this are jokes, or by the Husk x Angel shit "ship moments"
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And yes you are "correct", something like Hypersexuality Trauma-should not being shamed. You are not a bad person, for dealing with this. BUT HEY, that doesn't mean you get to sexually harass people like Angel does to Husk or anyone.
Also, the problem is not having an SA victim's story. The problem is how it is treated and all the context that surrounds it. All of this above is that context! Why is so much SA jokes in Helluva? Why is that funny? You want to tell a story of SA, and anyone calling out the problems with it is deleting victims feelings and stories... YOU AND YOUR STUPID FUCKING JOKES DO THAT ALREADY. WHEN SA IS A JOKE FOR YOU, YOU ARE DIMINISHING SA AND R-PE.
This is also not a scenario where there was a realization of the problems in HB with all those jokes and the harassment, so it was trying to be fixed with a serious story in hazbin. NO, THAT'S NOT IT!!!!
If there was an apology of how the sexual assault was treated in previous works! "We'll make up for it!" (the fact of that was a thing in the first place, it's still bad). That would be a little different. BUT NO, IT'S NOT! IT'S HYPOCRITICAL AND GARBAGE BULLSHIT.
I think purely by the context already given here that I think the representation it's bad. I don't feel like it comes from a good place, due to the hypocritical shit, the comments, and the artist who directed it.
We could go really back and forth with the direct scenes of the episode. BUT THIS IS ABOUT THE CONTEXT SURROUND IT rather than the scenes themselves. (Which is partly connected to the fact that it's incomplete)
Here is the scene "Tuca and Bertie". Is Bertie telling her friend of her assault. It's amazingly respectful and well written. It's not graphic, and tells the story really well.
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rh3maji · 2 months
Lil rant abt Caine
Caine is just a lil guy, despite it all. From a design standpoint I thought I was gonna absolutely fucking hate looking at him because those chattering teeth toys make my skin crawl- but the art direction really helps make him look more appealing and whimsical than a disembodied pair of talking dentures sounds on paper.
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The thing with Caine is I didn't initially like him that much after the pilot. While his interactions with Bubble were quite funny, that one episode left me feeling like he'd just end up being kinda one note or at the very least one note in a way that'd get on my nerves. Then everything changed when Pomni Wake Up Time to Go On an Adventure! attacked
The comedic timing throughout that announcement video was so fucking funny and thanks to his line deliveries and animation/model [?] upgrades- CAINE LOOKED AND SOUNDED SO ADORABLE!!
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Legit it wasn't until this came out that I realized I actually could be on board with Caine as a character and it's been uphill from there. Episode 2 was better than the pilot not only comedically and visually but also in terms of showcasing just how actually unsettling Caine can be as an antagonist. Not because he's vengeful or malicious, but because he's so oblivious to how people work. His mind's always buzzing with terrible ideas and he's so so eager about these adventures, but at the end of the day he really really doesn't get the circus crew. Try as he might to include them, keep them engaged [ZOOBLE WAIT!], or even give them what they want [Exit doors] he doesn't realize how traumatic and distressing their current situation can be. The very nature of being trapped in a digital world is bad enough but it's especially rough here bc not only does its god have limited capabilities, you also are very well acquainted with him, and he can't fully understand your pain nor can he truly save you from it. He won't mourn your abstraction. He will not attend your funeral. He will not understand the distress of your arrival, nor the weight of your departure.
This isn't just sad from the pov of the circus gang, it's also very sad for Caine- not because i think he'll ever feel sad about it himself necessarily, but instead because the situation is sad. New members appear over and over, you craft adventures and games and distractions like [i'm assuming] they'd asked you to, but over and over, one by one, they abstract. They stop laughing at your jokes. They don't like you. They want you to leave them alone. It's confusing and maybe even inconvenient.
Where I'm hoping the series takes Caine is that this dissonance between Caine's intentions and the distress of the circus gang gets worse and worse and worse until something's got to give. I'm hoping that maybe at some point a character will try to sit down and talk with him and for it to either sorta get through to him but completely backfire in some form because he misinterprets what the others want from him OR i'd also be down for him to listen, but not understand any of it and proceed as tho nothing happened. I don't want Caine to come around really, it'd be interesting to see how Goose would go about having him come around to being a better host that empathizes more with humans, but personally I do prefer him to keep on keepin' on being this oblivious and eager antagonist.
My favorite Caine lines/line deliveries so far:
"You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders, where anything can happen!…e-except for swearing."
"And here we have THE GROUNDS! Drown yourself in the digital lake, or engage in ridery at the digital carnival!"
"What do you think of XDDCC? You're right, terrible, LET'S TRY THAT AGAIN!"
"Kaufmo abstracted? Why didn't anybody tell me?"
"Bubble you can't say that"
"Why are you all just standing there?! The- The Canyon- C-Candy Canyon Kingdom needs you now!" [according to his VA, this was an actual line flub but hoo boy am i glad they use it bc it's hilarious]
"I know you guys love your NPCs, but if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC, who knows...what. could. happen..."
That last line there specifically surprised me the most because up until he said that I was under the impression Caine was linked to every single NPC. I even thought he could see through their eyes if he so chose thanks to his "hundreds of all seeing eyes" line in the pilot. Him saying this here implies lots of things. Has Caine forgotten before? Is someone in the circus secretly an NPC ooooooooh~
"Who knows what could happen..."
Honestly, when Caine first said this I did immediately theorize Jax as being an NPC but now that it's been *checks calendar* three months since I watched episode 2, I don't think this is the case anymore. Jax being an NPC would be...something. Jax not knowing he's an NPC would be interesting [i like it when ppl's realities get shattered], but honestly I think this line was a way to telegraph to the audience that no Caine isn't actually all knowing. He didn't know Gummigoo was coming through that portal until he saw him with his own two eyes. My theory is that Caine is only able to teleport, create, censor, transform, and destroy the world around him, but isn't able to see all of it at once unless he tries to. I think Caine's default state is one where he only knows what he sees directly in front of him/what he himself has left waiting for someone else. And rather than implying someone in the gang is an NPC, I think that line in episode 2 was mainly implying Caine can be tricked, that it's possible to hide something from him, to surprise him even. Though I'm not opposed to an NPC we haven't met trying to join under the guise of being human, it'd potentially create some fun tension assuming the audience was given enough reason to care about them.
Jax is actually my favorite character in tadc, but i couldn't fill an entire post with things to say abt him. Caine seems to be- at least as of right now- the easiest of all the characters to try and wrap my head around. I'll probably have a lot more to say about Jax as he exists in canon as the episodes come out [EPISODE 6 MY BELOVED]
but uhhhh yeah, that's all the things i had to say abt Caine. Pls go watch/listen to the fansong Digital Land bye!
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cod-dump · 11 months
A Married Man
(Inspiration struck me in the dead of night)
Soap had been flirting with Ghost for a while, and the man had returned most of his advancements with jokes and more flirtation. But then things started to get serious and there was something obviously bothering Ghost.
Finally, he sat Soap down one evening, nervous and having a difficult time holding Soap’s gaze.
“Johnny, I have something I need to tell you. I should have told you already and I can’t avoid it any longer.”
Soap grew nervous, worried, as Ghost spoke.
“What is it? You can talk to me about anything.”
“I… God, there is no easy way to say this… I’m married.”
Soap stares at Ghost, expecting laughter because this had to be a joke. This was a fucking joke.
“You’re married?”
Ghost was quick to explain, making Soap realize that it was in fact not a joke.
“We got married years ago! We were deep undercover, shit happened, and we got married. It was to keep our cover so we had a legit wedding… and we haven’t gotten a divorce yet.”
Soap blinks, “Mission? Are you married to someone I know?”
Ghost shrinks, “Yes…”
“What the fuck— And you both had been keeping this from me?! Who is it?”
Ghost chews on his lip as he turns away, “I should’ve told you with him. He would’ve been able to explain it better…”
Soap blinks before it hits him. He stares blankly, not sure how to respond. Ghost was obviously nervous, now refusing to look at Soap. Soap looks away from him, staring at nothing in particular as he processed everything.
“This… oh my god-“
Soap gets up and Ghost starts talking again.
“I should’ve told you long ago! Fuck- We should’ve ended the marriage by now!”
Ghost stands and Soap turns to him and hugs him.
“I need to process this, okay? I’ll- We’ll talk tomorrow.”
Ghost is stunned as Soap pulls away and leaves the room. Soap couldn’t think about anything other than the situation. He knows Ghost is losing his mind back in his room, but Soap couldn’t think of much other than the fact that the man he’s been seeing was married. And married to—
“Oh my god-“
Soap stops when he sees the man in question right in front of him. Minding his own busy, Nik talking to him about something rather unimportant. Well, it was unimportant at the moment.
Price and Nik stop walking and turn. Price blinks, taking a good look at Soap before he understands what is happening. Nik looks at Soap before looking at Price and just grins.
“Nik, not now-“
“When were you going to tell me?! Just carry on like nothing- Like I haven’t been fucking dating your husband?!”
Price looks around them, “Wouldn’t you rather have this conversation somewhere more private?”
“I thought you were married to Nik?!”
Price sighs as Nik continues grinning, the man deciding to cut off Price from speaking.
“On all levels except legally, we’re married.”
Soap stares at Price. Price groans as the man silently presses for him to say something, anything that would explain everything.
“Let’s go to my office. Except you, go to bed.”
Nik pouts , “You’re forcing me to miss the fun?”
Nik sighs dramatically before he leaves, snickering as he continues down the hall. Soap doesn’t take his eyes off of Price for a moment as they head to his office. As soon as the door closed, Soap cornered Price.
“What. The. Fuck?!”
Price was acting much calmer than what Ghost had, though given they were in two very different positions given their situation, “What exactly did he tell you?”
“That you two got married during mission to keep your cover.”
“Hm, yea, that sums it up.”
“How long ago was that?”
“Six-seven years. Though we lived together during that mission for three, married for the last year.”
Soap had to sit down, unable to stand. He chose the couch given it was closest and sat down, leaning against it with his jaw hung open. Price, still keeping an annoyingly calm composure, sits at his desk.
“Wales, 2016. Small shit town with some terrorist crawling all over it. Had to get in and figure out exactly what was happening. Simon and I were placed together by Morris and clearly he didn’t think of how suspicious two fit, military men were showing up out if nowhere and moving into a house together. So, we decided to play as a couple wanting to start a life together.”
Soap blinks, “And that worked?”
“Surprisingly. Though after a year and a half of less than good acting, people started getting suspicious. So I decided to make a showy proposal to get things back on track.”
Soap couldn’t help but let out a laugh, “God…”
“Bought a fucking expensive ring, too. Silver, black diamond-“
Soap sits up straight, “No fucking way- He fucking wears that thing all the time!”
Price blinks in surprise, “You’re joking.”
“No! On leave, on our personal days, on our fucking dates-“
Price wheezes, “Guess I did a too good of a job finding something his taste! I thought he would’ve sold the thing by now! Good few thousand on that ring.”
“He told me it was custom.”
“It was. Go big or go home, and a proposal must be big.”
“God you’re extra.”
Price smirks, “What Kate says. You should’ve seen the wedding.”
“Fuck… Can’t believe it… I’ve been fucking the captain’s husband.”
Price laughs and Soap groans out. This was a lot to take in.
Price calms after a good bit of laughter, sighing and leaning back in his chair, “God, can’t believe it took this fucking long for him to tell you! Wait… where is Simon?”
Soap’s eyes widen and he jumps up, “Fuck- Talk to you later! I left him stewing too long!”
Soap runs out of the office without another word, running all the way back to Ghost’s room. He didn’t knock, just barged in and surprised the fuck out of Ghost. One panic attack after a narrowly missed thrown knife and Soap is curled up with Ghost on the floor, his blanket pulled off the bed and wrapped around them.
Ghost was clinging to Soap, head tucked under his chin as Soap held him close.
“Shouldn’t have left like that…”
Ghost mumbles against Soap’s chest, “It was a lot to handle… should’ve done it with Price.”
“God… I still can’t believe you two assholes kept the fact that you’re married to yourselves this long!”
“I didn’t feel the need to say anything if Price wasn’t worried about it.”
Soap hums, “Fair… I have to know something… Did you two ever-?”
Ghost bites Soap and his sentence is forcefully cut off by a surprised yelp.
“Fucking feral shit-! STOP BITING-“
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axeoverblade · 1 year
Ayo can I request a platonic 1610 miles x older fem reader. Like she acts like an older sister to him and she visits him in his dimension. Bonus if his parents love her.
Dynamic Duo
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1610 Miles x Platonic fem! reader
Synopsis! Miles never really cared for having another sibling until he met you
Genre: fluff, just fluff.
Warnings: mentions of dead sibling, foul language
Word count: .7k
Authors comment: THIS WAS THE CUTEST THING EVER IM CRYING. Two posts about Miles in one cause why not? ENJOY <3
Do not copy! All rights reserved to ©axeoverblade
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•when you first met Miles you two clicked immediately
•He reminded you of your late little brother
•even though it made you sad at first to be around Miles cause of the nostalgia of it, you grew extremely fond of him over time and vise versa
• Bad habit of calling him youngin and he gets SO PISSED
• “what’s good youngin” “I’m not even that young shut the hell up”
• would get in trouble often with Miguel because you two “weren’t using your watches properly”
•apparently traveling dimensions to have ice cream together was against the rules
•still did it anyway
• he tells his mom about his friend “who left town” who was like his big sister and indirectly how much he admired you
•he would never ever tell a soul he looked up to you even though it was very obvious
•like bro legit mimics half the things you do unconsciously
•You notice it but don’t say anything
• you are so unconsciously over protective
• like you sometimes forget he’s a spiderman too
• he does the most stupidest things to impress you like a younger sibling does
• “Hey y/n look!” *cue Miles hanging upside down from a bridge doing stupid dangerous poses* “Miles! Get the hell down before you kill yourself” “But ’s cool right?” “…that’s besides the point”
•or just those understanding looks you two give each other when you both see something stupid
• randomly pop up in his dimension to surprise him
• you two swing around the city together for the fun of it
•He rants to you constantly about his home life, finally feels safe enough to speak about everything that’s going on and how he feels to someone
•calls you when he has anxiety attacks. even though he would never outright say he’s having them, you know
• call it big sister senses
• always change the subject to something you know calms him and suddenly he’s laughing telling you about something that happened a couple of days ago when he was on duty
•Makes you happy he has an outlet he feels safe talking to because you know he can't do that with anyone else.
• “yah so then-is that my jacket?” “…noooo?” “Miles I swear I'll kill you that’s like the fifth one this month”
• Always wants to be around you
•like lil bro is always just around trying to hang out with you or go on your missions when he can cause he thinks it’s cool to see you in action
• he even copies your moves for when he fights villains
• You finally met his parents
• at first they were very skeptical of you but after seeing how you two interact they grow very fond of you
•asks you to visit more often and cook for you whenever you do come
•you three talk about Miles whenever you think he’s not listening (he is) and how proud you are
•both you and his parents get on his ass about random stupid things he does
•legit tag team him all the time and there’s nothing he can do
•you visit so much you have a little bag of things in his room for when you come over
• you have your own personal relationship with his parents. They see you as one of their own and you see them like a second pair of parents
• they have their own nickname for you
• you are so close they add you to the family gc
• you and Miles bicker all the time about the stupidest things
• “shut up that’s why I’m the favorite kid” “you’re not even their kid!” “Your just proving my point further”
•you act like a real siblings. Like you would give your kidney for him but if he asks to borrow your charger? Hell nah
• overall he genuinely loves you and really appreciates you and you can say for the same for him
•will always be there for each other just like real siblings because in a way, you two are and always will be
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i was thinking about how ariel from the little mermaid is criticized so harshly for "giving up her voice and family for some guy" when there was definitely a lot more to it than that.
ariel had dreams outside of eric. she wanted to see the world, she wanted to get acquainted with humans and human traditions and she wasn't satisfied with her life underwater. that was the whole point of "part of your world", she barely mentions eric in it. he was just a bonus in her new life, not her entire purpose.
why am i talking about a random disney movie? it's because i was thinking of lumity, and how amity also rebelled against her family for a new life. except.. amity really only mentions luz (and "the others" because let's be real, she did not give a shit about willow and gus at that point). amity's sole reason to go against her family's values was luz.
this, if anything, could be considered "giving up everything for a love interest" but people don't see it that way because amity's parents were shitty to begin with. but if you look at the little mermaid from a different perspective, you could argue that king triton wasn't a very good parent either.
he literally throws a temper tantrum just because his teenage daughter has a crush on a guy. ariel is legit terrified in that scene, and regardless of whether triton had good intentions or not, he made his daughter feel unsafe and turn to an impulsive decision in a moment of emotional distress.
all of this to say, you could argue that ariel had no reason to stay with her family either, given that her father lacks emotional sensitivity and does not sit down and try to communicate with his child, instead of destroying her collection and scaring her away.
coming back to amity, i can understand that luz inspired her to actually do something about her abusive parents, and that's sweet. but we never get to see what else amity wanted. since they never established a friendship arc between amity and gus or willow (she apologized to willow, sure, but the rekindling of their relationship happens much later on), all we know is that amity is tired of being abused and she wants to be with luz.
from an abuse victim's perspective, amity standing up against her parents was powerful. but unlike ariel, amity doesn't seem to want anything besides luz. and she never explores what she wants to do, now that she has successfully cut herself away from her mother's influence. her whole life revolves around luz after that.
there was that abomination brawl episode but even that ended up being about luz. the brawl was just a quick montage, it only existed for the emotional drama that came later on. in fact, even when the plot was focused on amity, it was more about her relationship with her father rather than her autonomy and personal interests.
there's a reason why a lot of people liked the mean girl version of amity. she had personality, she had interests and goals, she had CHARACTER. it was all fake and a result of trauma, but it was there and it helped flesh out her character. but after she is redeemed? there's nothing left of the old amity, not even the more positive/neutral traits, and her only personality is "luz's awesome girlfriend".
amity's arc should have been about exploring what she wanted outside of her parents' wishes. abuse often turns you into a shell of a person and recovering from years of trauma isn't as simple as getting a romantic partner. it takes therapy (and that is canonically an option in the boiling isles, let me remind you), it takes self-reflection, it takes giving yourself the permission to choose your own destiny and explore yourself outside of your abusers' expectations.
and amity gets none of this. her trauma and arc was resolved too quickly, even for a show that was cut short. they just gave her a makeover, got her into a relationship with luz and called it a day. the only reason people aren't giving her the ariel treatment is (probably) because lumity is a queer ship.
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m1ssunderstanding · 7 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 2.3
Yoko, you're hilarious. Sirens going off in her brain. “Alert! They're into childhood bedroom crush confessions territory. Redirect! Redirect!”
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But also I find them so ridiculous. All the men in this. Is it just a case of men always assuming women are talking more than they are? Because I am definitely not hearing Yoko talking for John here. Or is this a rare case?
Paul’s scouse getting progressively thicker as the argument intensifies. Trying to finish his point as John's interrupting him. “But. Bot! Boot!! I do think –”Ugh it's so sexy. Sorry, anyway. 
Paul's pep talk to John is super cute, but what does he mean, exactly? “we would actually all have dug to see you kick that telephone box in.”  What is this metaphor? What does he want John to break? Or does he just mean John should act out more?
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Okay but in this interview, she's definitely doing 90% of the talking even when the interviewer specifically asks just John. So if that's how they are in meetings or whatever then okay I could see that being frustrating. 
Ow. Fuck. Hate that moment.
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John: another Lennon/McCartney original entitled “All I Want is You”. Paul: Allan Wanna Too . . . Al Aronovitz. John: Al Aronovitz if you'll Aronovitz. We'll both Aronovitz together. Ugh sometimes you can just hear the voices in their heads being like “no don't tell him you like his song, that's pathetic! God, you're such a loser for even thinking it.” And sometimes . . . It's this. There's no in between. 
John knows if Paul's singing “Darling” he's talking to him. Look at his expression as he's watching Paul sing “stand by me Darling, Darling.”
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“Dig it” is actually insane. Paul: if you want it, you can get it. You can get it if you can dig it up. John: I can hardly keep my hands still. John: if you want it all you gotta do is ask for it. Paul: (intermittent with John, starts a crescendo of “yeah. Yeah! Yeah! YEAH!” and “want it. Want it. Want it. Want it.”) John continues: Nicely. Say pretty please and you're gonna get it. You're gonna get it alright, you're gonna get it. This time you're gonna get it good!
The looks as they're making fun of something important to him. Poor George. 
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See and here's the thing. If George knows basically what happened in India (which from this quote that's what I'm deducing) then Paul knows. You know?
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Okay you know the “I love you, blue” moment from Get Back? I was feeling so devastated for John that there was no response to that and someone very smart pointed out in the tags that this moment could be interpreted as Paul's coded reply which I think is a lovely idea. And seems legit especially since John responds with song lyrics. 
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Paul: no that's good, that one. John: okay, tick it. Paul: I Love that one. John: thank you. Paul: I really do. John: I enjoy it too sometimes. 
Peter Jackson why didn't you include these bits in your film? Huh? Huh? Was it because it was too homosexuality for you? 
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John's voice singing “you can imitate anyone you know” over teeny clips of Paul doing about fifty different impressions. It's so phenomenal. 
John's “pleeeeeheeeease” actually makes me want to cry. He's begging with everything he's got. It's like he's a baby, really truly, and it physically hurts. If I was the one he was talking to in that song, I don't know if I could survive. 
But Paul is sure. They're stuck. He can't give John what he wants. 
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Yoko tries to give John a kiss and he's so harsh. “Stop it!” If my boy ever talked to me like that . . . Let's just say I wouldn't be sitting with him at work anymore. 
And then he's laying with his head in her lap, laughing madly with Paul. See what I mean? If Paul would just let John lay in his lap, I guarantee Yoko would not be there.
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A coded exchange PJ left out. You can tell when they start to talk in code just by their tone. Suddenly they're a bit more even-keeled, a bit slower, clearer in their speech. Paul: achieve something every day. It may in theory sound silly, but . . . John: in practice . . . Paul: it's even sillier. But in practice, it's all there is. John: this is where it's at. Paul: this is where it's at unless that is where it's at. John: this is where it's at now. Paul: teamwork. A good defense. John: you play ball with me and I'll play ball with you. Paul: could be learning something instead of this you know. 
There's a reason Let it Be is played at funerals, folks. 
Is it just me or has Paul literally never looked uglier? Linda's a babe, though. John and Yoko both look cool and hot ASF.
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Again, the song choices. “Goodbye (Paul's Version. From the Vault.)” Played over the double wedding footage? Okay. Goodbye, my love. 
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realchemistry · 3 months
About Maddie's reaction to ~the incident
One of the things I think is important to point out, because I haven't seen or read anyone talking about it, is Maddie's reaction when Buck told her the truth about the basketball incident. When Buck first arrived, she was all smiles, probably happy to have Buck there. Then she asked about how Eddie was doing and Buck said he hadn't talked to him because what happened on the basketball court was not an accident.
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Buck confessed that he might have meant to hurt Eddie because he was pissed, felt left out, and he guessed he was trying to get Eddie's attention (I’m not gonna go Buddie here, but he legit literally said exactly this which !!!).
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Her face started to morph, the change in her whole demeanor, the horror of it all... she was really really mad. I don't think JLH got the proper credit for it. It's truly remarkable, her face spoke volumes about everything that was going through her head at the moment. You could see Maddie thinking about her past, about Doug, about how he hurt her and the terrible ways in which he justified that behavior as she was telling Buck that you do not hurt people to get their attention and not to do it again.
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The episode didn't make that connection explicit (they had her babbling about Sarahs instead, more on that in the last paragraph), and I KNOW that if roles were reversed, part of the fandom would've lost their mind, since they love to portray Eddie as violent and abusive towards Buck when there's nothing in canon to back that up, quite the opposite as of this episode actually. Since Eddie was the one who got hurt, it was no big deal, it was pretty much forgotten immediately after. I thought it was a huge deal, I thought tptb didn't really address how problematic that was. I thought the only one who reflected the gravity of the situation was Jen, maybe thanks to her character's past.
BTW, I don't think it's in character for Buck to do this, I think he does know better, and he really isn't and hasn't ever been the type to resort to violence. Having said that, that's what tptb decided to do on screen, maybe as a way to show he was struggling with his identity... But that’s kinda terrible, like, he’s confused at this point about his feelings so his first instinct is to harm his friend out of jealousy? Also, we didn't get to see anything else on the matter after. It was such an odd choice, tbh, cause yes, Buck and Eddie probably talked about it for a second and then made up offscreen, but to have a character be violent towards his friend just to push a storyline forward, a storyline about bisexuality of all things, disregarding everything about said character and then not acknowledging it... Some very bad choices were made. Once again, I think tptb prioritized moving the plot forward over making sense and that's just something I truly hate with my whole heart.
Characters cannot have their choices and actions dictated by the plot or, at least, it can't feel that way to the audience. That's just bad writing through and through. Tptb did this a lot this season, and I understand that time was pressing because of the strike and all, but they need to do better. They are professionals getting paid to do a job, the least they can do is actually make it all make sense for the fans and stay away from toxic portrayals of LGBTQ+ characters (Hen cheating, anyone?).
The whole story about the Sarahs was really kinda ridiculous, honestly, I think they just had to give Jen more to do but a follow up without it would've been much better. Of course, seeing as their intention was to completely ignore the gravity of the situation, they simply couldn't mention Doug at all cause that would've required Buck and Eddie discuss this seriously instead of completely forgetting about it.
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yujeong · 11 months
Ok, Ok, I think I need to lay down. Yes, SandRay floored us today. Yes, Khaotung wanted to personally kill me with his acting and First with his huge eyes filled with tears. Yes, whatever the fuck TopMew had going on this episode had me pull my hair in frustration in a good way, because Mew is a hilariously horrible person and Boeing is unhinged. BUT. Listen. BostonNick stole the episode for me. That scene. That fucking scene. Everything that happened before that scene was the perfect set up. Atom setting Boston up. Cheum and co going to his house to shame him and denounce him as their friend. Nick and Dan. Their encounter at Nick's shop. It was all delicious and perfectly executed but it could never prepare me for this. We see Boston looking sad at the distance and Nick coming to him to talk (after he saw Boston's feelings about him through the fucking phone wallpaper pls, I'm not OK). He asks him and Boston is defensive but then Nick insists and Boston, in his need to have someone comfort him FINALLY, says what happened. At first Nick responds by telling him how things are; seems legit, he says, given what you've done. Boston tells him to cut it off but not in his usual way, he's not cruel or rude, he's simply asking to not be shit on rn. Nick listens and apologizes and he means it and I love it.
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But Boston feels weird and cannot understand wtf is wrong with him and it's real and I love that he trusted Nick to ask him about it. And Nick's answer is perfect for Boston, because sure, for us, the audience it seems so obvious; of course Boston is doing fucked up shit in his desperation to be loved and accepted, but Boston doesn't know that. No one TOLD him that, no one SHOWED him that.
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Boston's answer to that is even better, because he still doesn't understand. And he needs a more valid reason than that.
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Nick's answer? Oh, my beautiful nasty little boy. He was so real for it. He needed to gather himself to say it. He needed time to utter those words. "I also did nasty shit to you, Boston" he tells him. "Maybe we belong together" What Boston said next was breathtaking. I love him for that.
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He might as well have said "I love you" here. It has the same weight as that phrase. That's why Nick breaks down. That's why he kisses him like that, crying uncontrollably and telling him he missed him too. Because we already knew about Nick's feelings towards Boston. We knew the guy had an obsession turned love towards him. But with Boston it's different. And Nick thought so too before this phrase was uttered, before Boston basically confessed he has feelings for Nick, or more precisely, that Nick is special to Boston. And he proceeds to say it AGAIN, after Nick says it. He says AGAIN how he missed him and he THANKS him for staying by his side with TEARS in his own eyes. They hug while crying together, please, I'm too weak for this. And then they make LOVE. They don't just fuck, they make sweet love to each other while staring at each other's eyes and kissing and being cute and I fucking DIED right there. BostonNick is all I ever wanted and more. I need MORE, please, I can't handle myself. This episode was SO GOOD, I can't DEAL with this.
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mavkarants · 2 months
Sometimes I wish westerners could read ruzzian. Or at least use google translate when writing articles about ruzzians and their opinions.
"Russia believes they have a right to invade a foreign country because russian speakers are being bombed."
But what ruzzian news says is...
"Ukrainians and Ukraine never existed. This is our historical territory. We need to flatten "ukraine" and take back what is ours! They are all dogs and bugs anyways!"
And that is news channels with millions or ruzzians watching and supporting. They will legit say the most rancid dehumanizing shit possible about Ukrainians and western media still tries to "portray the situation evenly". They still say "innocent russians in russia dont know! They have no idea whats happening! They dont support the war!". I'm sorry they have no idea? All their news outlets are covering the war and talking about how Ukraine is their land. ruzzians still have access to other media. They CHOOSE to support and believe that Ukrainians are subhuman and deserve to die because they dared not to be ruzzian and dared not to speak ruzzian.
Why aren't westerners covering what pootin says? What he actually says about Ukraine and Ukrainians? Most articles never bring up the batshit crazy things he says out loud about Ukrainians. If we compile the shit pootin says about Ukraine and Ukrainians then you will not be able to tell the difference between him and hitler or mussolini. Or even the north American churches when they spoke of natives. If anything with how much he says out loud he would probably come off even worse.
My friends dad even said that "she [me] doesnt know everything about whats going on in Ukraine and Russia." His claim was this was actually all about resources. Guess how many languages he understands? One. English. Me? The holy trinity. Ukrainian, Russian, and English.
They are completely ignorant of how much moscovites hate us and for how long they have been appropriating our history and culture. They have no idea how many excuses under the sun moscovites will use to push away and hide the real reason for all of this.
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
the whole ‘why is he here’ thing is 95% of the reason i don’t understand where tf BT shippers are getting all of this from. ‘tommy’s so kind to buck’ ‘they’re so smitten’ ‘they’re made for eachother’ ‘buck’s so happy with tommy’. okay, but where?? show me in canon, read me dialogue, point out specific scenes, SHOW ME exactly where the show had told or shown you that these things are true. and they can’t! because there has been nothing on screen to suggest this, no development, no certainty about their relationship, no discussion about their relationship at all actually, no emotional connection… sure buck is smiling and happy but it’s not like buck has never smiled or never been happy before? ‘buck’s grinning!’ that’s literally how oliver smiles! he cheeses!! the show is giving absolutely nothing but then the shippers run with it and headcanon and make things up out of thin air and decide it’s canon fact to shove in people’s faces and delude themselves into believing they’re getting more than they are. either season 8 breaks them off and treats him as the fairly unimportant plot device for buck’s bisexuality realisation that they decided to keep around for a bit longer because he was getting them clicks and attention, despite the fact that they had no idea what to do with him… or it actually makes an effort to prove to us ‘why he is still here’. i know which option i’d prefer…. but my point still stands. sorry for the paragraph!
Don't apologize, I'm giving you a standing ovation. The whole Buck is happy, he's grinning thing if funny because he was like that with every girl before? He was grinning like that at Ali, he looked smitten by Taylor up until the point in 5a where they decided the relationship has been enough, everyone saw how he was smiling a Natalia at the coffee date or during 618, even the cemetery while talking about her and no one was screaming endgame even tho Natalia was played out to be his endgame in case of a cancellation. And the whole T is so kind to Buck, sure, the flirting can be cute in 704, BUT Buck is an unreliable narrator, so I kinda eye everything that happened there wondering how much is true and how much is Buck's rose colored glasses, but even in that scene, T was in no position to excuse Buck from hurting Eddie, and he actually asked Buck out after kissing him out of nowhere instead of running away like Taylor, but it's not like Taylor set a very high bar. Then maybe the way he tops Buck's beer on the date? But that gets overshadowed by the way he calls a car and leaves Buck on the curb, only communicating he's leaving when he's literally in the car, when he could've talked to Buck before? Also the closet joke to Eddie when he knew Buck wasn't out was ?????? And then we have the coffee that i still don't understand why any of that happened, because why would you agree to go to someone's sister's wedding after half a date you walked off? Then the party, if he was so great he would've dressed on theme????? He literally needs to change into a uniform because he shows up at the hospital in said uniform, so he could've put effort into his outfit. The way the hospital scene could've been cute if he had helped Buck clean his face or at least told Buck his face was dirty, and they could've walked in holding hands or something. The ceremony had nothing, Buck's hand was even in his pocket because there was nothing about that conversation to indicate they were more than friends. And the dinner in the loft had Buck being vulnerable, and the weirdest tone shift leading to a kink joke that feels very out of place given the circumstances. That's it. That's every scene. Tell me where are you seeing them being made for each other? I honestly feel like T comes out as callous and condescending every time he opens his mouth. I can't find anything to like about him or about him when it comes to Buck and I legit don't understand where the hype is coming. Like, seriously. The show gave me nothing. Let's see how the show handles him next season, I guess.
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
SPOILERS for Across the Spiderverse, ganna rant about Gwen’s character and the unnecessary hate she gets. 💀
After finally seeing Spiderverse, yeah…I don’t trust Gwen haters. Like holy shit, I have seen SO many people get on her ass. And I get it. She lied to Miles, she let him down, she screwed up. I think what just ticks me off is that people today just love making everything so fucking black and white. This film isn’t one note, it’s complex. You feel for BOTH sides, not just Miles. I never thought some people would need to have it spelled out but….Miles wasn’t the only character going through something. Gwen does too, and this film explores that, like it legit makes me wonder if people just…turned their brains off whenever the film focused on her, which was legit most of the first half.
Not only was she still carrying the weight of her friend’s death while also feeling guilt of leaving him, but her own father is a cop who is out to get spider woman, believing that she is a criminal who let Peter die. It isn’t easy on Gwen, the opening scene of her trying to get lost in playing the drums and shutting down her band mates shows that she wants to avoid her feelings. Miles was the ONLY friend she had, she didn’t make any other close friends other than Peter. She felt alone, she felt trapped, and once her identity was revealed to her father, the moment he tries to arrest her is her breaking point, it’s why she joined Miguel and the others. She had nowhere to go, she felt like she couldn’t go back and was utterly alone until the spider crew accepted her.
When it comes to Gwen and some of the other characters, some of y’all need to see their perspective. They all lost someone they loved, someone they cared about, and Miguel comes to them and tells them that their trauma happened for a reason. It made them stronger, it made them move forward and created who they are today. They all felt alone at one point, only to realize that they weren’t. They also know that you can’t save everyone, and wether Miguel’s point of view is morally corrupt or not, everyone felt they were doing what was right.
In Gwen’s case, she WANTED to see Miles, and she DID see Miles. She wanted to hang out with him so badly but couldn’t, and you eventually see her guilt for not telling Miles the full story, how he wasn’t supposed to be here, how his dad is going to die and he can’t do anything about it. She felt like she had no choice, Jessica was strict on her (for good reason) and Gwen knew she had a job to do, she like everyone else wanted to save the multiverse and protect everyone, even if it meant breaking Miles, and his dad’s death. I don’t want to make it sound like I’m excusing Gwen, but I find it so funny that people beg for complex and flawed characters, and then when we actually get them, they’re targeted for making mistakes. Cause yeah, god forbid a teenage girl feels alone, doesn’t know what to do, and makes a mistake.
And what’s even more insulting is that Gwen actually REALIZED her mistake. She knows she fucked up, she KNOWS she hurt Miles and let him down, her line of “we’re supposed to be the good guys”- is important because that’s her realizing just how far Miguel took it to a bad level. We all see how utterly broken she is when Miles tells her he should have never come, and broke her web off. In the end, she switches sides and decides to GO AFTER Miles. That’s her making a choice, realizing she was wrong and doing the right thing. Gwen is still a good person guys. She cares for Miles, she’s not a snake or malicious. She’s a troubled teen who wants to be a hero, but was split between two sides, along with the weight on her back regarding her father and her friend. This movie begs the question of saving one person or making sacrifices to safe others. You understand BOTH sides even if Miguel went about it the wrong way.
Speaking of Miguel, the last thing I want to talk about is the obvious sexism going on, cause I feel like that mostly stems from why so many people hate Gwen, cause MAN do people lose brain cells when they’re horny. Like…let me get this straight, y’all get on Gwen, a teenage girl btw….call her a bitch, a snake who doesn’t deserve Miles and a horrible person, but praise a grown man who ridiculed, chased down, clawed, and body slammed a 15 year old kid, calling him a mistake over and over again all because he wanted to save his father???? Yeah okay, if you’re someone who doesn’t like Gwen, fine…but if you hate on her and praise Miguel, a dude who needs therapy and beefed with a 15 year old……then you’re just sexist…I don’t know what to tell you. Same goes for Jessica Drew. Like so many people are quick to say Miguel is complex and that they get where he’s coming from, but when it’s Gwen or Jessica?? They’re just bitches apparently. 🫤
So yeah, regardless of if you like her character or not, Gwen deserves better fr. I for one can’t wait for the next film and to see her mend her relationship with Miles, because they do genuinely have a good relationship, they just need to fix it. That’s all I wanted to say…oh, and one more thing, the way the animators on the movie got treated was NOT okay and the film better be delayed. No way in hell is it coming out next year. Do better Sony/Phil Lord ect, treat your animators right. Kay bye.
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tuliptic · 2 years
“You keep me awake at night,” they said, But why? How?
Piles go from up to down, pictures are drawn by me, everything is literally by me. And I do not consent to my work being used by third parties in other websites as well.
Now. Breathe in with me, and then breathe out. Picked your pile? Let’s find out what are the answers. PAC idea by @nikolaiiy btw I need to give my niece some recognition here too.
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. 
Content warning: Mentions of sex without details. Just to let y’all know beforehand.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Kawaii Tarot Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck, self made decks.
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Pile 1
Hey Pile 1! Your person thinks of you as their whole world, and that you’re their source of joy and beauty. You bring colours into their lives but this person of yours but they just… Don’t know how to deal with it. See, they have a lot of conflicting thoughts, and sometimes you guys have arguments that can be pretty harsh, creating discomfort between you two. You both have legit points but sometimes it just happens. And in late nights when they’re all alone, they will be replaying the scenes, trying to see it from your point of view, trying to see how they can make it up to you if it’s their mistake.
You remind them of their childhood, probably their ideal type when they were a kid, since we have a childhood card here. They probably had a dream of dancing with their future spouse and just wanted to ask you out for a dance some day, though I have no idea how and when but yeah. Or maybe you can ask them out for a dance in the living room with some nice music playing. That would be great too!
Your person doesn’t tell you their thoughts, their fantasies they have for you cuz they’re afraid of you judging them, so there’s this fear that I’m seeing where they worry if you leave them, since you’re such an amazing person and there may be other suitors who are interested in you. They’re a sensitive person and can be slightly low in their self-esteem, questioning how someone as wonderful as you would be interested in them.
Dear Pile 1, I hope you understand that these MAY be the thoughts that goes through the mind of your person, and I wish and pray that you’ll be able to give them the assurance they need and help them little by little with their self esteem. As someone who’s been through that, personally, I know that self esteem is something that can’t be built overnight. Your person is also working on it with the Magician at the bottom of the deck. It will work if you both work together.
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Pile 2
Hello Pile 2! Your person is a huuuuuge sweetheart who’s deadass thinking of getting married to you. They think of you as their whole world and just want to proceed into the next stage of life/relationship with you even in the earlier months of dating. I honestly have no idea what else to say. The cards flipped themselves out and just wanted you to know that your person loves you like there’s no tomorrow, as the Lovers and Two of Cups came out. These two cards are one of the best to pop up when there’s a love related reading and… Here they are!
Not to mention there’s also Juno, a card that talks about partnership, which further solidifies my suspicions of them wanting to marry you. They honestly can’t wait and may even practice marriage proposals inside their head. They are imagining how the lives of you two together may be, how it’s like for them to be walking into a new future with you, how it is like to achieve a common goal (family) together. 
You make them weak. The thought of you just makes them have giddy smiles all over, not giving a single care if anyone sees them looking like a starstruck fool. It makes sense tho, seeing how you’ve freed them from whatever that has been holding them back, allowing them to charge forward to pursue you.
Your person is shy to ask for the reciprocation of their feelings. It’s like… They love you a lot, and a little love from you can keep them continuing to love you more and more as the days pass by. They won’t feel defeated as long as you’re by their side. Remember to love them as much as they love you okay?
For some reason, it feels like your person has an air of authority and mystery over them? They’re probably someone who’s also authoritative at work or the more dominant person in the relationship, steering and guiding you through the ups and downs of this relationship.
Dear Pile 2, I can see your person is really reaaalllllyyyyy wanting to marry you You’ll need to remember to voice out your thoughts if you’re not interested in marriage, or you’re not ready for that yet.
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Pile 3
Yo Pile 3! Not gonna lie, your pile is giving me sexy and nsfw vibes. Your person is probably someone older than you and much experienced in you in any and every way, life or even sex. This pile literally made me have that 👀 eyes cuz the cards are giving me that energy (cues KAI’s Mmmh). They wanted to do so many things to you, but they had to hold back, because they know you’re still inexperienced. They had to stop themselves from thinking about it cuz it makes them slightly upset that they got to take things slow even when they love you so much, but they’re willing to wait. They’re willing to court you. They mean it. They love you so much that they’re willing to put their wants aside.
You make them weak in the knees, they’re literally weak for you. There will be some indecisiveness on thinking where do they want to bring you, or what y’all should do for the next date, or what to eat when y’all hang out the next time. This is because they want to give you the best, not to mention that you’re always in their head. In the end, they’ll just stop being indecisive and decide that doing all of them would be the best option.
As smart as they may be, they’re always imagining scenes in their head and practicing the words they want to say to you. It’s like they have no idea how to really charm you with their words when you’re with them and they’re determined to do it better. The best way to do it? Imaginary practice. Though they still might fail cuz I have a feeling that you’re the type to act slightly different from what they expected.
Dear Pile 3, you are their source of fun, their source of joy, and they just want to achieve every single happiness and to enjoy them with you, their beloved. They just want to experience everything with you and want you by their side to be participating in their life. It’s a cute energy yet a hot one at the same time I don’t know how this is possible.
Thanks for reading until the end! Feedbacks and reblogs are appreciated!
Y’all can drop by my Instagram here if you’re interested as well! I’ll be posting different types of PACs over there in the future but will also post more here I guess lmAO
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miimo96 · 1 month
Thoughts on TBHK Chapter 117
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Ok I'm starting to think you guys love torturing or something because once again you didn't remind me that a new chapter was out, I mean it's already hard enough trying to keep up as it is without spoilers, So you guys could at least do me the favor and cut me some slack by letting me know when a New chapter is out, I mean you guys KNOW how I feel about this series and that I wanna talk about it just like everyone else, So Why F$#K DON'T YOU GUYS REMIND ME!? like c'mon guys 🥺 also I see that we're back to using the original font style tho so that's a plus at least, I wonder shenanigans we're gonna get up to in this chapter tho, ooh! I wonder if well see hanako or if yashiro will even talk about what happened with him being a teacher now or that she even had an encounter with him, I highly doubt it because she knows how much Akane and teru hate hanako so maybe she'll keep it to herself, welp only one way to find out
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Ngl I was a little caught off guard at 1st with them calling her Akane instead of Aoi, maybe because I'm So used to the anime calling her aoi and him Akane, but eh it's whatever tho 😅
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I completely forgot that in this timeline he and Aoi are in a relationship, so his reaction to her texting him is So Hilarious to me, it's just like "Oh shit, I forgot 😀" 🤣🤣
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I KNEW IT! I knew she would be conflicted with leaving things as it is and maybe even not wanting to Rest the timeline, OMG I ABSOLUTELY CALLED IT RIGHT ON THE EFFING MONEY YEAH! *Does happy dance*
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Omg i didn't even think of it like that, but yeah who's to say that everything that happened in the previous timeline, won't just happen again, like a Canon event or something, Omg Aidairo's understanding of time travel is really Amazing, Iike the way it just plays with all the concepts and rules without making too confusing is just Genius, and ya know what it really does bring into question of "What if this could happen " and "would this lead to that" like omg aidairo well done golf claps all around 👏👏👏 Also no offense teru but I don't think hanako would really care that much, because hanako's whole thing is about making yashiro happy, like even if he couldn't be with her or if he had to do something drastic like killing one of her friends to extend her life like he tried with aoi, he wouldn't really care because as long as she's alive that's all that matters, I mean sure he would get lonely, but as long as she's happy, he couldn't ask for more
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Omg this Panel is so GOOD like look at it OMG I want this to be animated sooo Baaaadd!! 😖
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OMG Teru is such a bitch for this, he legit called her to make it look like Akane and yashiro are a thing, which would never effing happen to begin with, but all in the name just to fuck with him like Omg teru, you're such a bitch like Wow just Wow, also I love that even tho she's with teru, she still gets jealous if she sees.Akane with someone else, like it just shows that she really loves him Awww 😊
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Phff 🤣🤣🤣 they legit hit the "ewww no he like a brother to me" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Also i love how aoi is immediately wanting to know about yashiro's love life, She's such a gossip Girl Lol
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Omg Now THAT is a confession, yashiro needs to take notes, Holy shit was not expecting this, Hell yeah Aoi Aoi is back! ^^
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Yo I effing hate this dude like I just wanna Slap him at times like bro shut yo ass up, like how do you go from being so clutch and awesome last chapter but such a dick in this one like this is what I don't like about this guy, like I'm starting to think he's bipolar like LOOK AT HIS FACE, LOOK AT HIS FUCKING FACE!
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Wait we're going to the Red house, Omg the Next chapter can't come any sooner like I'm So excited, I wonder what changes have been made or if THAT is never meant to change like what if This is what teru was talking about how things are eventually meant to happen, Oh my gosh I can't wait ^w^
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My initial reaction to this scene was "ah this is nice, just 2 of my favorite character's having a nice stroll and being an absolute adorable couple" before IMMEDIATELY turning into "WAIT I RECOGNIZE THAT STREET!" Because if you have an encyclopedia knowledge of this series like I do, then You'd KNOW exactly where that street leads, Ah Shit I'm really starting to think that Kou's earing might be bad luck or something because this the 2nd time this has happened to him, ya know maybe that's why mitsuba hates it so much, Omg I hope it isn't what I think it is, but the fact the he said it had a Red roof is already confirming my suspicions *bites nail* 😰
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F%#$k I KNEW IT! Omg these 2 can't catch a break like WTF also I SEE that it has the keep out sign at that it's looks pretty abandoned almost burnt so i guess teru was right and things eventually Are meant to happen, Ah shit I'm so scared for Next chapter, Damn it Aidairo leave them ALONE PLEASE!? Welp, looks like shit's going to go Down next chapter, and I guess I'll be right here to cover it ^^;; wait a minute I just realized something, we haven't seen Sakura or Natsuhiko yet so could next chapter finally be them and confirm my suspicions of Sakura being a ghost or Kannagi and Natsuhiko being her protector!? OMG NEXT CHAPTERS GONNA BE AMAZING!!!
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
A Later Problem
Y'all, so much happened today. I got a new piercing, the Drs stole my blood and a creep harassed me on Snapchat. It legit took the poor Dr three tries to get my blood and I think she was super surprised when I didn't yell at her. Good day overall.
[[summary]] All Natasha wants to do is get your fever down. All you want to do is argue with her. (natasha x reader)
Word Count: 1223 -----
For some strange reason, she wouldn't let you shower fully clothed. You really didn't understand, but then again you didn't have any idea what the hell she was talking about. She kept trying to take your shirt off, and she scolded you every time you pulled it back down.
"C'mon Y/N, we need to get you into the shower, and to do so, we need you to take off that sweater." Natasha crooned, her voice showing none of the frustration that she must have felt. You were difficult when you were sick. It wasn't on purpose or anything, you just didn't understand what was happening.
"My shirt..." You mumbled, staring up at her blankly. She smiled gently at you and nodded.
"Yeah baby girl, your shirt. We have to get it off so that we can get your temperature down." You furrowed your brow and placed a hand on your forehead. 
"'m cold Tasha..." You mumbled, garbling the pronunciation. Natasha's eyebrow furrowed and she reached up to touch your head, removing your hand. 
"Your body's making you feel cold, but you're actually burning up." She explained, brushing a few stray sweat-soaked hairs from your forehead. You nodded, because it made some amount of sense. Your body felt heavy and you were pretty sure your nose was running. You'd probably been sick for about three days, but you really hadn't cared. 
Natasha, the woman you most admired, had cared. She had burst into your room earlier that day proclaiming that you were no longer in charge of making decisions regarding your health. Apparently, the other Avengers had been making bets on how long she would last before giving up on waiting you for take care of yourself. 
"Why...no shirt?" You were having a rather hard time holding up your head and ended up resting it on the redhead's shoulder breathing unsteadily. Everything hurt. Regardless of everything, your caretaker was neverendingly patient.
"Because if you get into the shower with a wool sweater on, you'll fall over. What we're going to do is get you in a tank top and shorts, okay? We already got the shorts on, all I need is for you to take off this heavy shirt." She nodded enthusiastically as you blinked slowly at her, trying to comprehend the words she had said. She was talking too fast.
“Your face is nice.” You replied, studying every beautiful feature on her face. The way her lips arched a bit as she smirked at you, the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled, the laugh lines that were forever etched into her skin despite the lifetime of horrors that she had endured.
“Thank you Y/n, your face is nice too.” Tears filled your eyes and you felt a smile spreading across your face as you stared in absolute wonder at the assassin standing before you. She thought your face was nice. Natasha Romanoff thought your face was nice. 
“Sweetie, as adorable as you look right now we’ve really gotta get that fever down. Please, I promise I won’t make you stay in too long.” The woman was getting desperate. She knew that you were stubborn but this was a whole nother level. 
“M’kay. You too?” Natasha let out a sigh of relief and nodded as you finally let her take off your sweater, leaving you in a bra and underwear. Those would stay on. She did the same, willing to do just about anything if it meant getting you in the damn shower. 
She held your wrists and helped you into the shower, wincing at the sound you made when the lukewarm water hit your skin. You had let out a mix between a whimper, sob, and yelp which absolutely broke her heart. The second she stepped into the shower you practically fell against her, your body wracked with sobs. 
“I know, I know Y/n/n. Just breathe, it’s all going to be okay.” She hummed, holding you tightly as you wept in her arms. You seemed incapable of holding yourself up anymore and had given all control over to Natasha, your fuzzy mind not letting you focus on anything except the icy cold and the pressure of your body against hers. 
“Shhh, shh. I’ve got you, sweetheart. I’ve got you.” She kept murmuring soft reassurances to you until you had finally calmed down, having run out of tears. 
Natasha only kept you in the shower for five minutes before shutting off the water and realizing that you were practically asleep against her chest. Your breathing was soft and wheezy and you were clearly struggling to keep your beautiful eyes open. She smiled slightly and lifted you out of the shower, holding you in a bridal carry. 
She toweled you off as quickly as she could, not wanting to wake you in fear that you’d refuse to go back to sleep again. Your fever was down, the warmth of your skin having diminished from that of a roaring fire to a simple dull heat. 
Once you were dry, your hair was still slightly damp (she hadn’t wanted to risk the blowdryer scaring you, she knew that you could be sensitive to loud noises) she scooped you up again, and carried you to her bedroom, wrapped up in a towel. In her rush to get your temperature regulated, she had forgotten to get you a change of clothes and the others were sweaty and gross.
Natasha set you down on her king-sized bed, nestling you amongst the many pillows she enjoyed sleeping with. It felt good to be surrounded by fluffy pillows, it made her happy even though the others would tease her for it. You never had. In fact, you loved her room and wished that you could stay there though you may or may not have had a slight ulterior motive. 
“What am I gonna do with you moy dorogoy?” She asked, stroking your hair back away from your forehead. You stayed asleep as she helped you into one of her old, oversized band t-shirts, flopping uselessly against her with little unhappy sounds. You weren’t quite awake, but you were present enough to know that something was happening.
The assassin stared down at you as you relaxed back against the mattress, letting out a contented sigh. She smiled down at you, wondering how much of your shower conversation you would remember. She truly hoped that you would remember all of it, that would make it a lot easier for her to confess the feelings that had been building ever since the two of you met. 
Regardless of how much she wanted to have the conversation, how much she wanted to be able to hold you and hug you and kiss you, she knew that it would have to wait until later. At least until your fever broke, but probably until you were entirely better. The last thing she wanted was for you to feel pressured into anything. 
It could wait. All that mattered was getting you better. Natasha climbed into the bed beside you, planning to watch TV while keeping an eye on you, but your unconscious mind had other plans. You cuddled up against her and she smiled slightly, tucking you back under the blankets. Even if you didn’t remember any of it, at least she would. 
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ckret2 · 9 months
Your goldilocks cipher stuff gives me an unreal amount of dopamine (maybe i just like bill a lot idk) do you have any fun tidbits and details about the au that wouldn’t be too spoilery?
Thank you!! Here's a bunch of random trivia:
The (English) name of Bill's language's written script is Plaintext. Like, y'know, plaintext:
In cryptography, plaintext usually means unencrypted information pending input into cryptographic algorithms, usually encryption algorithms. This usually refers to data that is transmitted or stored unencrypted.
Which is ironic, since Bill's the ONLY person to whom the text is unencrypted. But then, from his perspective, it's the only "unencrypted" text he ever actually sees—all the languages he uses in day-to-day life are foreign languages to him.
In the Bill Cipher AMA, somebody asks Bill what he thinks about all the fangirls he has, and Bill says they should all go to the Nevada desert and assemble a throne to wait for him. In fic, I've decided it'd be funny to give him a women-only cult in Nevada. The leader of the cult is named Mary and the underling most often referenced is Sue, because—and I say this with love and affection—if "fangirl who's put in a fic so she can meet her favorite tumblr sexyman" ISN'T a textbook Mary Sue, I don't know what is.
Bill really likes monster trucks. He's convinced himself that he'd be a TERRIFIC monster truck driver, because he can see the future, so obviously he'd know how to avoid any car crashes. He's probably wrong about this. It's a more physically taxing job than you'd think, and a human body is more easily taxed than he's used to.
Current favorite human food is nachos with sprinkles on top. Gotta be triangular nachos. If the chips are circular or rectangular it will legit depress him. Also plain old cheese is boring, give it some texture, it's gotta have peppers hot enough to kill a toddler.
Sometimes Bill talks to Waddles as if he's speaking to the Temporarily Genius Waddles and expects him to understand what Bill's saying.
If Bill's watching a show/movie and doesn't want to spoil the ending for himself he has to fight NOT to glance into the future to see what happens. Imagine if every time you read a comic book, all of the pages automatically separated and spread out across the table so you could see every page at once, and you had to keep resisting the urge to glance at the last page to see what happens. That's what trying not to glance forward is like for Bill.
Nobody's commented on this yet, so idk if anyone's caught it, but in chapter 2:
He carefully positioned himself directly in front of the trio, glancing down at the floor as if looking for the right mark to step on,
and in chapter 3:
Mabel considered his feet thoughtfully before spray painting an X where she estimated he’d been standing before.
“You got lucky—” he cast a dirty look at the X spray painted on the ground, “—but luck changes.”
In chapter 2 Bill saw the X on the floor in the future, and assumed he was going to leave it for himself so he'd know where he should stand for his big dramatic moment—which means he deliberately planted himself RIGHT on the mark where the twins were set up to tackle. (Even though he can see into the future, his time vision is pretty near-sighted.)
Bill NEARLY invaded the M Dimension mentioned in Journal 3—he was playing "muse" to a whole bunch of scientists and governmental types who were all collaborating, everybody liked him, nobody suspected anything, they were thrilled by the idea of opening up interdimensional travel to his totally-harmless-and-not-at-all-nightmarish realm so their muse could visit... the only reason he hasn't already conquered the M Dimension is because everything there, even the laws of physics, are based on the letter M, and for the life of him he couldn't find a way to adapt the portal blueprints to work there. The math's impossible.
Bill's the only member of the Henchmaniacs who's unable to leave the Nightmare Realm. (As in, physically can't leave. Legally, most of them are pretty trapped there for lack of another safe place to go; but like they could leave if they chose to.) Sometimes he sends his Henchmaniacs on errands for him to other dimensions; and sometimes they go on day trips outside the Nightmare Realm without him. When they leave he tends to sulk and insist he isn't sulking.
Nobody in the shack knows about Ford's embarrassing neck tattoo. (And it was REALLY hard keeping that secret on a boat.) Nobody, that is, except for Bill, who spent last summer stalking everyone in the shack and who can see through walls, seeing through a turtleneck is nothing. Someday he's gonna start casually humming All Star and strike terror into Ford's heart.
There's a handful of human languages Bill can't speak because the speakers cursed him to be unable to speak them. I don't know which languages yet, I'd probably need to do a lot of digging to find languages about which there's already "demons/monsters/etc can't speak/understand this language" folklore I can slap on him. But it's a joke I'm prepared to use if I find a language that fits.
Bill thinks it's weird that humans want their hands and hair to smell like food, but then don't even want to eat them. What's the point of strawberry-scented shampoo???
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