#no one pronounces the last part cuz. you can’t
boydykedevo · 7 months
k so backstory headcanons for this Taako doesn’t have a last name so Magnus takes his first name and hyphenates it. He’s Magnus Burnsides-Taako and Taako still does not have a last name
and before they had Iggy there was a moment when Magnus assumed her last name was gonna be Burnsides-Taako and Taako was kinda offended that he just assumed she wouldn’t inherit his last name (ie none)
So her official full name is Ignacia Burnsides-Taako-[ ]
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I need a new niche interest to obsess over and I’m not able to pick. Can you infodump about your own hyperfixations so I can adopt one of them?
Just to ask something here, because between the last ask about hyperfixations and this one I found out that’s actually strictly an adhd term, right? Cuz regardless of suspicions I kinda don’t really have an official diagnosis or anything, so answering this ask As Is seems a bit like indirectly pretending I do, which seems?? Kinda mean to lead you on like that?? So, yeah. Just wanted to clarify/apologize/make sure everything’s cool and comfy here
But anyways, infodumping! I mean, there’s the usual, the videogames, kirby, pokemon, Zelda, minecraft, etrian odyssey- but those are like half this blog anyways and minus the last one not very niche so I kinda doubt they’re gonna be interesting. Uhhhhhhh if the following isn‘t doing it for you please tell me and I‘ll try to find something else, but otherwise
Well not really. But I’m growing some right now and a) their leaves a *gigantic* and b) they’re very fuzzy but also kinda rough because of their hairs, while their stems are full on prickly- I’m guessing it’s a safety mechanism because the cucumbers grow very close to the stems so it makes sense, but having tiny plant-glass shards in your hand still hurts lol. Also depending on the sort, the cucumbers themselves can also have actual spikes. Their flowers are really pretty, they’re big and yellow with 5 leaves, kinda remind me of hibiscuses without the middle thingy. There’s usually separated male and female flowers (unlike tomatoes or peppers) but some variations are bred to only produce female flowers that pollinate themselves, and when they need the male ones for their seeds they make the plants grow those by using silver-ions, which sounds kinda metal ngl (pun absolutely intended). Also their tendrils? Twines? Are super strong for how tiny they are compared to the plant, if they feel something climbable they really latch on to that and don’t let go. They’re actually touch sensitive, kinda like Venus fly traps. Not as instantaneous though lol, it does take a bit of time.
I’ve also got two begonias that I saved from getting thrown into the trash, and apparently their flowers are edible…?? They are really pretty though. And change colors depending on sunlight! They’re apparently supposed to be sitting in half-shadows but mine are taking the sunlight pretty well and turns out if they get a lot, the plant gets redder- not just the flowers but also the leaves and the stems! They’re also male-female separated, with the male ones having differently shaped leaves (and I think I also counted 5 instead of 4?) that’re on top of a capsule holding the seeds, which are microscopically small! You can barely see them and gotta "plant“ them by brushing them like super fine sand. Also apparently another way of growing new ones is by just. Breaking off a branch and sticking it in the mud? Which is?? Super weird??? Because these guys are very fleshy and on normal difficulty, while the only other plant I know you can clone like that is my bow hemps.
And those guys are basically indestructible. Like, normally that credit goes to cacti but those need light. Meanwhile my big guy‘s been hanging out in my no-light-after-11am-room all this time and doing great. They only need water once a week normally but I forgot yet because it’s been sitting in shadows this guys been groovin though 3 weeks. There’s even a tiny baby plant growing! They only grow a single flower per cluster so the main way of getting more is by either chopping said babies away from the mother cluster, or by chopping leaves horizontally so you get stripes, and sticking those in soil. Apparently it can take months until something grows, though. Also when you use this method with the sort that has yellow stripes on the side, it‘ll lose those stripes? Even though the leaf stripe (and therefore the genes) has that yellow in it? Couldn’t find why that happens yet, but it’s interesting. The only way to really screw up with them is either bugs in the soil (though they can tank those too to some degree), or getting too much. Nutrients, but mostly water. It’s better to use pots that‘re a bit tighter and also have holes underneath because the biggest threat is rot, either root or stem rot. That’s also why you shouldn’t give them (or any plants that grow in this circle form) water from above, because it’ll get stuck inside the center and cause rot. It’s better to fill something up with water and put the pot inside, that way you also don’t risk giving them too much water and having it soak your entire floor/desk/etc. Also pots with holes are just better in general because all flowers got the same "too much water = drowned roots“ problem. (Except for my begonias for some reason which frequently get their entire soil drowned and still grow like nothing - even though they’re supposed to take it especially bad?? Not complaining though, just confused)
And tomatoes are berries which makes a lot of sense if you think about it but also feels horribly wrong since they’re neither sweet nor sour
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scripted-pleasures · 7 months
Fourth Wing Review
1.5-2/5 stars
I would like to thank everything for giving me the strength to finish this book. It took less than a week and 14.5 pages of notes but we're done! To put it bluntly, this book was bad. Like, garbage. After talking about it for a while I get so angry that I lose the ability to form rational thought anymore. Anyways, I hope this is entertaining and/or informative! This will be hidden cuz it's a long one!
I would like to start off by saying that even though I don’t agree with the general rating of the book, I can say that I see how people enjoy this book. If this is a first fantasy book for someone, it makes an ok low barrier to entry for the genre. I think this would be mid-fantasy? I will say I wasn’t a fan of the romance, even if Yarros took her time and saved the Big Bang for way too late in the book to try to ‘flesh out’ the connection. (Spoiler alert: it was wack). For better or worse, I’m a lore person so in terms of a meaningful story with solid characters, plot, and setting, it’s no more than a 2. I do have to give credit where it’s due, and there were some parts that I enjoyed (mainly Tairn) and if I wasn’t going into this so critically, I’d give this a solid 3. The story is fine, though it is full of contradictions and weird sentences that are hard to ignore even if I was reading for fun. Violet was more interesting at the beginning of the book and things got kind of jumbled together toward the middle whenever the focus wasn’t on how horny Violet was for Xaden. The flying scenes were fun when they were actually written out. As for characters, Tarin is the best by far, no competition. I know that was bland but that’s how I felt if you wanted a short review if I was reading for fun. Honestly, this book is nothing to write home about.
 Though, I am home, and I will be writing about it, so here’s the full 2 star (more like 1.5) review:
A major non-in universe problem with this book is the use of Scottish Gaelic words/names that are being bastardized. The name of the college, dragons, and some characters’ last names use Scottish Gaelic that, as confirmed by Yarros, are not pronounced properly and are instead pronounced however she finds easiest. There are wonderful creators on TikTok that have read the book and know of/speak Scottish Gaelic that air their own grievance on her use of the language and are a wonderful source of how to properly pronounce the names/words in the book. I urge all who read this to check them out.
I absolutely love the fact that Yarros is actively not following the rules that she set up! 
The earliest show of this is on page 21 where there’s a quote from ‘Major Afrenda’s Guide to the Riders Quadrant’ that says “there’s a misconception that it’s kill or be killed in the Quadrant unless there’s a dragon shortage or a cadet is a liability”. A similar rule is found on page 27 where the Codex states that ‘it’s unlawful for a rider to cause another harm.’ Both of these rules are broken literally on the Parapet where Jack, an antagonist, throws someone into the ravine below and suffered no consequences. Jack also killed someone in training for funsies and nothing came of that either. Most importantly, there isn’t a shortage of dragons, there’s too many riders. The school says rider candidates volunteer yet make no moves to control the amount of applicants when they know the amount of dragons willing to bond in advance.
There was the rule that states cadets with rebel relics can’t be in groups of 3 or more, otherwise it’ll be seen as a capital offense (pg 77) though Xaden tells the group to travel in 3s
On pages 159, Violet was surprised that Jack knew information about feathertails and wondered where he got the information despite spewing the same information earlier in the book
Violet wanted to get Jack angry so that he makes mistakes in the match (pg 293) despite this plan backfiring on her against Imogen earlier in the book
On page 356, Violet is given her saddle and says “When did I ever give you the impression that I give a fuck what people think of me?” even though the page before she was bemoaning how people are going to know that she can’t keep her seat (despite her falling a dozen times every lesson)
Minor thing, but on page 475 Violet is trying to keep Liam on Taiwan’s back even though her shoulder got messed up earlier in the fight though that wasn’t brought up again
Okay, this isn’t a specific pinpoint but it looks like Bás Giath is the military, college, the national archives, and also the church….? That’s not very clear which is a problem
Other than the inconsistencies, Yarros has a bad habit of telling, not showing and even not writing or acknowledging whole scenes. This is shown on page 310 where Sgaeyl, Tairn, and Andarna are supposed to train together with Violet and Xaden. At this point we had seen Tairn and Xaden interact, Violet/Tairn/Andarna, and a wee bit of Xaden and Sgaeyl but not Violet and Sgaeyl or Xaden and Andarna, let alone all of them together. This lost scene along with the majority of the Squad Battle on the next page, mind you misses an incredible amount of character interaction and growth that this book desperately needs. This story also lacks depth in any place outside of Bás Giath/Violet which can be seen in the beginning and toward the end. The furthest back this story goes is 5 years when the Sorrengails moved to Bás Giath and there’s no mention of their life before that. Like, even a little bit. Toward the end when Mira, Violet, and Rhinonnan go to Rhi’s village, the interaction with the family is completely cut out, focusing only on a conversation between the Sorrengails. We do get to see that Rhinonnan has a nephew and that’s as far as the meeting of the main character’s ‘best friend’s’ family goes before they run into Xaden as soon as they step outside. Fantasy really isn’t the type of genre where things are secular if there’s no good reason for it for which this story has none. Quite literally nothing happens in this book and I have no idea how this story will stretch across 5 books. I had a Science Fair project once where the project was to watch paint dry in various conditions and that was somehow more interesting and full of substance than this book.
Extra tidbit: The fact that she wrote white guilt into this story, was willfully ignorant of the idea that an oppressed people would want to revolt and side with the ‘enemy’ (aka. The only people who are willing to stand up against their oppressors), and thinking that any sort of militaristic choices are made ‘for the good of the people’ while War College actively tries to kill the students fills me with so much rage. This book is huge on social media, meaning tons of people are being exposed to these views where the book says these are the morals of the characters you’re supposed to root for. Dangerous and irresponsible. There’s also the fact that Xaden and Rhinannon, both of whom are noted as darker/dark-skinned the whole book are hyper-sexualized, feeding into stereotypes, shows that Yarros and her editing team (if she has one), have never met anyone darker than a cafe-au-lait and it shows.
All in all, I rate this a 1.5-2 out of 5 stars. The only reason why I don’t rate this lower is because there were moments where I did have fun and there were flashes of what this could be. Had I not been reading this as critically as I was or read only fantasy/sci-fi books, I could see the appeal for this. Unfortunately, Yarros might give new readers the impression this is how fantasy, beginner or not, is supposed to be and that’s a disservice to the genre. I’m almost 100% sure Yarros has no plans for this story/universe because Fourth Wing can’t stand on its own, answers no questions, and brings no inquiries. I’m happy for the people who like this book, really, but this isn’t the best it can be and I hope you find actual literature after this.
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catty-words · 1 year
So I’m new to the nhie fandom, watched for the first time like last month and with the teaser this is the first time I’m experiencing an active fandom for this show and not just reading a lot of fanfic and metas (thank u for your service on both fronts btw) and a part of me shouldnt really be that much surprised with how vitriolic fans of either “team” of the triangle would get with each other, cuz this isnt my first rodeo of ship wars and stuff, but similarly to you I really like both ships and have no hatred for either character and really dont get why anyone else would really tbh.
Still, I read a tweet a few days ago that I CANT get out of my mind no matter how much I try. A daxton shipper who said something among the lines of not wanting Devi to end up with her racist bully and like… I’m scratching my head trying to understand that. Bully I get it, dont agree with the interpretation, but I can see why someone would think that, but racist?? I can’t think of any moment of him being racist. Did I miss something? I’m genuinely asking cuz being a white latina who lives in LATAM is not like I know all the ins and outs of racial politics in the US, but like the only instance of racism that I can think of in Benvi interactions is the antisemitic comment Devi made in episode 2, but I dont think thats it.
ah, active fandom. a double-edged sword if ever there was one. i have curated my fandom experience to the extreme so i don't have to see uncharitable interpretations of either paxton or ben. bums me out too much tbh. also i'm not on twitter. that helps!
anyway, to answer your question, there are two major components to ben's racism (as far as i'm aware, could be there are more that i'm not sensitive to): ben's line about "it'll collect on your mustache" in 1.02 and ben calling devi 'david'.
the first plays into the way western beauty standards are oppressive to women of color. the second plays into the way any names that don't fit into a very narrow anglicization often get americanized anyway because white teachers and classmates won't even do the baseline work to pronounce people's names right.
now, the fact that the nickname undoubtedly contributes to a broader cultural insensitivity that affects real life people can and does exist alongside the writing itself having an affection for and therefore being unwilling to condemn the use of the nickname. speaking personally, i find it really easy to romanticize the nickname without losing sight of the fact that i have the privilege of finding it romantic because i've never had my name forcefully colonized.
now i'm gonna ask you a question, hopefully you don't mind! what was binging the first three seasons like? i'm mostly interested what stuck out to you, if you noticed the s2 tone shift that seemed/seems so drastic to me, if you have a favorite episode and/or season.
finally, welcome to the fandom! happy to have another person who can see the appeal of paxton and ben. 🌻
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butterflyinthewell · 3 years
Raditz headcanons!
(Warning: some nsfw text ahead! Scroll to the second picture to avoid it.)
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The funny stuff:
Raditz fucks. He calls himself a slut because he fucks often and he’s good at it.
He is happy to suck dick, eat pussy and eat ass for money. He’s not picky as long as the presented part is clean.
He’s proudly bisexual.
His dick is huge. Monstrous.
He loves to land on a planet he’s going to decimate and shmooze, go to bars, get drunk, say he’ll let them live if the sex is good, fuck whoever offers and kill everyone there anyway.
He rawed Zarbon’s brains out because Zarbon said he doubted Saiyajins could fuck. Zarbon still refuses to admit it’s the best dick he ever got in his life. All Raditz has to do is grab at his own crotch around Zarbon and that pretty jerk gets all flustered.
Raditz loves to be naked. He’s immodest and an exhibitionist, so he only wears clothes because he gets tired of people yelling at him to put some on.
He’s that guy who will eat the most disgusting food item or food mixture you put in front of him just to gross out everyone watching. Ice cream with toothpaste? Pop tarts with ketchup on them? Something alive and wiggly? Sure, he’ll eat it without flinching and watch you squirm.
He’s an expert troll. No, he’s a god-tier troll.
Once, he pranked the Ginyu Force by making Guldo stink. Guldo has no sense of smell, so Raditz smeared rotten meat all over the inside of his armor once while the little guy was in the showers. It took a week to figure the stink out, but nobody knew Raditz did it.
He can do a pretty good impression of Zarbon’s voice, so he once got a bunch of troops outside of Freeza’s room under “orders from Zarbon”. He got caught for that one and got his ass beat, but he’ll say it was worth it.
He draws things on the back of Nappa’s bald head while Nappa is asleep. Usually faces, but once or twice it was a dick or butt crack.
Once, he sent a dick pic to Freeza’s scouter during a debriefing and made the little bastard choke on his wine.
Another time, he got a dick pic onto the debriefing display and it ruined the whole meeting because everybody started yelling at each other. Raditz sat back and watched the chaos unfold with a shit-eating grin on his face. Yep, he showed the entire Freeza Force a picture of his enormous fully erect dick and he’d do it again.
And another time, he played the audio of Zarbon moaning and gasping all over Freeza’s ship, and Zarbon couldn’t do anything about it because it would mean confessing to letting Raditz fuck his brains out. Zarbon likes to project this image that he’s chaste and above such base desires, so being reminded of the time he had with Raditz embarrasses him so so sooooo much.
He jacked off into Freeza’s wine once. Freeza took a drink, spat it out and killed the guy who brought the wine. Nappa and Vegeta were in on this one, so the three of them snickered about it for months.
He taught Vegeta how to kiss by making out with him. It sorta broke his heart a little when Vegeta later said he wasn’t interested in him that way, cuz he had a bit of a crush on the Saiyajin prince.
Raditz might act cold and uncaring, but he has a big soft spot for kids. He wants to settle down and have some of his own someday. Unfortunately, life under Freeza doesn’t give him that opportunity. Plus, he’s a little afraid to for the genetic reasons about to be mentioned below.
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The serious stuff:
Raditz’s biggest struggle is his epilepsy.
He was born with a rare gene mutation called a Naeb deletion (or Naeb syndrome) that kills most Saiyajin babies before their second birthday. (It’s pronounced “naw-EEB”.)
There are four Naeb genes in the average Saiyajin, or seizure suppressor genes. All four have to be present or a Saiyajin comes out with Naeb syndrome. Raditz is missing two of these genes.
Some Saiyajins carry an extra (fifth) Naeb gene-- a mutation-- that causes these deletions in children. If only one parent has that gene, the chances of a kid with Naeb syndrome are fifty-fifty. If both parents have the mutation, all their kids come out with it and it's usually fatal. Bardock had an extra Naeb gene, but Gine didn't. That's why Raditz has seizures and Goku doesn’t.
Every Saiyajin with Naeb syndrome is missing their last set of molars, has two extra ribs, has denser than average bones and extremely long hair. Their brain development is also faster than average, which can mean it grows faster than the skull around it. Sometimes the skull doesn’t grow fast enough to keep up with the brain, so the brain is crushed.
Structurally, Raditz’s brain has all the parts it’s supposed to, but they’re in slightly different places. He has less cerebrospinal fluid than average, his corpus callosum looks like a ring from the side and his lateral ventricles are smaller because his brain had to fold in on itself more to fit inside his skull. There’s a spot in his parietal lobe that’s pressed right up against the inside of his skull, and his meninges and a few millimeters of cerebrospinal fluid are the only thing that stops his brain from lacerating itself. That spot is always spiking with abnormal electrical activity. It’s like a match striking over and over. His brain doesn’t like being so squished in his skull, so sometimes it misfires when that “match” strikes and you get a flame, which is a seizure.
Raditz has a few different seizure types depending on which parts of his brain react to the constant “striking” activity and some of his seizures have a few triggers.
Doctors call Raditz’s epilepsy “mild”, but Raditz disagrees and considers it severe because he’s the one affected by it and not them.
He’s tried many different medications and none work. Surgery isn’t an option because Saiyajins don’t tolerate brain surgery very well and the chances of developing new seizure sources outweigh the benefits.
His scouter records and logs his seizures. He gets the time of the seizure, the length of the seizure and a video of the environment he was in. (If something flashes, the flashing is removed.)
Flashing lights can trigger seizures. His scouter has special polarized glass that counter flashes whenever someone’s ki flashes, so he just sees a solid color in that eye. Blocking one eye helps prevent the electrical excitation in his brain that turns into seizures. This doesn’t work if he’s exposed to flashing lights for longer than sixty seconds though. This is meant to give him time to turn away or cover his other eye.
He can’t go anywhere with strobes because of his seizures. Bars are okay since most don’t have strobes, but nightclubs are inaccessible.
Focal aware seizures are his most common seizure type, and he can have hundreds of these a day. They’re twenty seconds long. You can’t tell he’s having one unless you know what to look for, which is a faint quiver in his eyelids when he blinks. Sometimes he closes his eyes until the worst part of it is over.
It’s hard for him to describe how these seizures feel. They start as a little tingling at the tip of his thumb that spreads to his wrist. It’s a very annoying sensation. Then he gets sudden vertigo like someone yanks the ground sideways. During that vertigo he perceives everything as being way too close and too real. He gets a strong sense of doom. That’s the worst part. Then it’s over. The tingling stops, his senses return to normal and his heart rate slows.
He learned to compensate for the vertigo, so he can still fly and fight while having a focal aware seizure and nobody would know the difference.
Atonic seizures aren’t his most devastating seizures, but they’re the only seizure that embarrasses him to have in public. His muscles suddenly lose tone and he blacks out for a split second. If he’s walking or standing, he falls headfirst to the ground. If he’s sitting, he slumps. If he’s flying, he loses altitude for a second or two.
His atonic seizures happen when he doesn’t get enough sleep. They tend to come in clusters of two or three in a row. They can mess with his memory, causing him to lose a few minutes or be confused about where he is. If he’s in the middle of a conversation, he might forget what was being talked about, but reminding him gets him back on track.
Tonic clonic seizures are Raditz’s most devastating seizures. These are the big bad seizures that can be triggered by flashing lights. He can have them spontaneously, too, and averages about one or two a week.
Spontaneous ones start with his usual tingly focal aware seizures. He knows it’s going to generalize if the tingle continues up his arm instead of fading away. The second the tingle reaches his neck, he goes. His eyes roll back, he gets stiff, he shakes and he’s down for awhile.
Induced seizures give him no warning other than a sudden, extremely intense pain in the back of his skull. Induced seizures are worse than spontaneous ones because they’re more violent and last longer.
Some of his other weird TC triggers are going into or coming down from an oozaru transformation, getting dehydrated, not eating enough, being awakened out of delta wave sleep and stimulants like caffeine.
Regardless of how a TC started, he loses several hours of memory and doesn’t get it all back. His worst seizure wiped out a month of his life and he never regained those memories.
If he just ate, he will puke as he enters the tonic phase of the seizure. This is a huge choking hazard for him. He doesn’t care if he pees or poops himself during a seizure, but vomiting is really bad. If he just ate a huge meal and feels a TC coming, he’ll stick his finger down his throat and get the puking done before the seizure hits.
He almost always wets or soils himself during the clonic phase unless he just went to the bathroom before he had it.
If he powers up as a TC starts, his power rises uncontrollably until the tonic phase progresses into the clonic phase, then he releases massive ki waves that destroy everything around him. He hits power levels he can’t reach while conscious and in control of his ki, but this is dangerous because he could power up until he explodes and there’s no way to stop it.
His instinct when he realizes a seizure is generalizing is to either finish a fight quickly or power down and go hide to have the seizure because he knows he’s vulnerable during and after.
The worst seizure of his life was caused by Captain Ginyu. He goaded Raditz into attacking without his scouter and flickered a ki ball right in his face. Raditz went down. The Ginyu Force kicked him around while he was on the ground seizing. Nappa lured them into a fight to stop the unfair beating and Vegeta dragged Raditz away to finish the seizure. It was awful because Raditz threw up and soiled himself and the Ginyu Force made sure he got covered in all of it.
Raditz doesn’t remember this and neither Vegeta nor Nappa told him what really happened.
Post-ictal Raditz will remove anything on his body that feels bad, so he often ends up naked. He won’t recognize friend or foe and isn’t going to react kindly to being crowded.
If he’s alone, he’s likely to sit staring at the ceiling or sky until he collapses into sleep.
His scouter shows him a picture of his attack ball if he’s on a mission and that’s enough incentive for him to go find it even while too confused to tell someone his own name.
After his post-seizure sleep, he wakes up kinda giddy and hyperactive as his unsettled brain chemistry tries to restore balance. He will be sore as hell, too, usually that’s how he knows he had a seizure.
Nappa and Vegeta have seen so many seizures. They take bets on whether Raditz will pee, poop or do both. Then they’ll flip him on his side and wait it out. Barring emergency retreats, they don’t let him leave an area until he can identify a scouter by name.
Yep, seizures messed up some of his slutty sexual escapades. Usually by killing whoever he was trying to fuck since the violent convulsions hurt other people and his immediate environment more than they hurt him.
And finally…
The loss of planet Vegeta isn’t something Raditz likes to talk about. He was on a scouter to scouter call with someone there when it happened and all he heard was a bunch of screaming. He still can’t handle listening to recorded audio of screaming people because it reminds him of hearing his planet die.
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6x13: The Gauntlet
Two enjoyable episodes back-to-back? I'm shook! Obviously 6x13 lacks the serious messaging and emotional weight of last week's episode but the silliness of it was actually entertaining. My thoughts:
- opening scene is a supercorp hug. christ y'all need to warn people! i was not ready. the way kara's face lit up when she saw lena, the way lena smiled back at her. the way they hugged fully pressed. my heart is full.
- kara n lena immediately whisking away to the fortress right after that for some alone time. i love where your head is at kara 😏
- look at dansen being all cute and shit! who gave them the right honestly?
- glad they continued with kelly still processing the stuff from last episode. and alex is really trying to do better. dansen is the example to follow when it comes to healthy adult relationships. i really didn't think this show was capable.
- it's getting harder and harder to like andrea
- i actually forgot willy was shot last season. and they worked through his trauma off screen. what was the point of showing him getting a blast of courage if we weren't going to see him face his fears and shit. y'all really don't like deep topics huh.
- andrea: where's the journalist i hired?
apparently crisis changed him from a stalkery dickhead to the nice baking guy he is now. sorry girl. valid question tho
- can i just say that everyone was looking exceptionally hot in this episode? like lena, kelly and nxyly in particular jesus help me.
- i haven't enjoyed j'onn this much in so long. he was hilarious. letting that mad scientist lady plummel him in the chest, saying "hold that thought", not moving away from the dragon fire.
- brainy possessed by veeta you could tell jesse was told to just have fun with it
- also did this kryptonian witch just say 'ya mon'?
- lena looking all smol and shit with her little white sneakers and soft clothes and her waterfall hair. kara! kiss this woman already!
- kara in the suit talking privately with lena. honestly never thought i'd see the day
- kara: you really don't believe in magic?
lena: i believe in you
- this seriously tho this is such a true statement. they both have believed in each other from minute one, when they had no reason to. and yea lena tried to hate kara for a little while but even then, she never stopped believing in kara's compassion and optimism and kara never stopped believing in lena's goodness and brilliance. just say the words 'i love you' explicitly please.
- interesting that kara's test of courage takes place during her rescuing alex's plane and not idk...all the times she was too scared to tell lena. she thinks it's that one random dude she didn't save and not the times with lena (something she admits terrified her). the only thing i can think of for this moment they chose is because yes kara embraced her powers that night but she didn't step out into the public eye as herself, as the last daughter of krypton. she wasn't vulnerable in that respect. because she was scared to be discovered. because she grew up with that fear and need to fit in (she talks about that in later S1). but i will only accept this IF the show ends with kara stepping out into the world fully and no longer having to hide or deny parts of herself. but i also don't see how you make the courage test about telling lena and not have that end with kara admitting she's in love with her so. that might be why.
- nxyly's courage test was actually very sad. i feel for her truly it's not fair what happened. but her being vulnerable about her feelings is interesting because kara still hasn't learned how to do that
- lena having some convenient device to contain the totem just cuz kara needs it. we love handy and resourceful girlfriends
- what was the point of having lena at the museum if she wasn't gonna be affected? y'all copped out!
- that device that was harnessing lightning also somehow made lightning? is that how it works?
- i ASCENDED when i saw alex and lena being the only ones at kara's bedside. like straight out of fanfiction wtf. how many more times are they going to establish that the two most important people in kara's life is alex (her sister and ride or die) and lena (her best friend and perfect partner). how many times before you make this shit canon?!?!
- 'a reluctant earth witch' it's a very interesting way to pronounce lena luthor
- but also, y'all are telling me that a human witch can tap into imp magic? reality warping magic? all-powerful magic? fuck, lena is really on her way to becoming the most powerful being on the planet
- kelly showing up because lena called. im gonna go ahead and assume this indicates that lena and kelly have also spoken about lena ignoring her message. and that they had a meaningful discussion about it and what happened at the ormfell. because as much as i love lena, she deserved to be dragged just as much (if not more) as the superfriends.
- kelly shielding alex was a good visual. kinda stupid but nice.
- dansen couch scene i stopped breathing cuz i swore kelly was about to propose. i love them so much
- supercorp couch scene is where i died because it came at me without warning. kara sans glasses in her civilian clothes. not performing as kara danvers or supergirl. here she's just kara, an alien refugee chilling with her best friend. which is all she ever wanted and she deserves it!
- kara handing lena her plate. stop it!
- but also lena is in the same clothes all episode. which means they left the tower together. and headed straight to kara's apartment. lena definitely slept over in kara's pjs. I'M NOT OKAY!
- this is the first couch scene we got since alex n kara in 6x08. where Kara admits she doesn't want to be alone anymore. and now she isn't because lena is back. god i actually can't.
- kara's face when lena tells her about being a witch. she's so smitten! they're in love your honour
- lena saying that kara is the epitome of courageous with such seriousness and intensity. even though kara tries to brush it off cuz she can't really agree right now, lena means it 100%
- lena's sad face when kara wanted to stay connected to nxyly even though she could get hurt. worried wife energy we love to see it
- poor nxyly must be confused asf
- but also it's canon that kara feels hopeful and happy around lena and no one can take that from me. and it's not just words. kara's behavior is different, she's smiling more, she's opening up. acting choices melissa explain yourself!
not bad at all. we were fed lots of supercorp after months of nothing. they better keep up this momentum. it was lighter episode in terms of emotions and what have you compare to pervious ones. seems like the season is officially kicking off now that lena is back. probably going to have a totem of the week kinda deal but hopefully they include kelly's storyline with the heights cuz i wanna see the conclusion of that.
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Friday Night Stabby best quotes part 29 (10/09/21)
so Pearl is still filling in for Joker and yes I did watch seven out of eight POVs for this session, that’s why this quotes thing is so long :)
Evil: I forgot how to play this game. Endless: Go to electrical and die, Evil. That’s how you play the game.
Skizz, entering electrical: Look at all these idiots in here. Endless: Hey! That’s not very nice.
Endless: I remember how to fix wiring. It’s not that hard. Can I do [shields] from here? I can. I did it. I figured it out. Etho: Good job. Endless: Thanks. Thanks, Etho! Etho: I never stopped believing in you. Endless: Your praise means everything to me, dad. *pause as Endless walks away* Endless: He’s not my dad.
Impulse: *reports a body* Impulse: Okay just hold on, I can do this. Ready? Skizz’s voice in a clip: DANG IIIIT! Impulse: Did you guys hear that? Evil: Yes. Brody: What is that? Impulse: That was the last thing I heard when I caught Skizz red-handedly killing Mrs Tango. *people laugh, then pause* Skizz: I don’t like you.
Impulse: Tango wanted to die so he could fix his overlay. Tango, dead: I DID NOT! YOU’RE A LIAR! Impulse: Someone did him a favour, I think. Tango, dead: >:(
Evil, in a monotone: I have wires to do. Skizz, snorting: World’s most bored electrician. Evil, slightly less monotone: More wires.
Astro: I also want you to know that I didn’t kill you, on purpose. Cuz it’s your birthday. But that was your one round of- Endless: Not my birthday. My birthday was- Astro: It was yesterday. Endless: -hours and hours ago. Astro: It’s still technically your birthday somewhere. Endless: I don’t think that’s how time works, but okay.
*last round, Endless spent a long time with Astro but didn’t kill him despite being imposter* Astro: Alright, Endless. This time, you can kill me. Astro and Endless: *laugh* Astro: Don’t throw me off like that. I thought you were all i- Endless: *kills Astro* *pause* Astro: ...thanks, Endless. Thanks. *laughs* Well, I can’t complain; I DID ask for it.
Skizz: Now if I die, you know it’s Etho (pronouncing it Eh-tho). Etho: Hey now.
Impulse: Oh whoops, I was muted that whole meeting. Tango: Aha! Exactly what a killer would say.
Astro, a ghost: Hey Evil, did you know that Impulse’s bone is not- not well right now? Evil: *snickers* Astro, a ghost: See I KNEW you could hear me, you imposter!
Pearl: Did you have a neutral role? Impulse: Yeah, I was jester. Pearl: Ahhh. Cheeky nugget.
Brody: Tango. Two people saw you leave the corpse of your wife. Tango: So what? Where is the corpse of my wife? Brody: Where is the corpse? Two people saw you, are you really gonna try that? Tango: I just passed you in the hallway! Nothing was there! Pearl: He’s gonna play dumb, it’s okay. Impulse: He’s still mad that she threw out his spices when they moved. Tango: IT’S THE OLD BAY, MAN! IT’S THE OLD BAY!
Endless: It was Tango in O2 with the lead pipe- No, that’s not- Different game.
Etho: I was with Brody and Astro but I’m… invisible, apparently. Astro: I- I said there was somebody else! I just wasn’t going to say something that I thought might make you seem suspicious. Etho: It’s been happening a lot and it’s a little weird, but okay.
*after the meeting* Astro: I’ll notice you next time, Etho. Etho: Okay, thank you. That’s all I want.
Skizz: It’s the purple guy! Endless: It can’t be the purple guy! Evil: It CAN be the purple guy. *votes are revealed, Endless is ejected* Endless: D’aww, you guys don’t even know how- that’s… stupid. *everyone laughs* Skizz, laughing: “Your Honour, this is very dumb”
*everyone skipped except Endless who voted for Impulse* Endless: I got your number, Impulse. *pause* Astro: What’s his number? Four? Eight? Nine? Six? Evil: Two. Endless, at the same time: Seven.
*Etho claims Tango killed Evil but can’t say how he knows for fear of assassination* Endless: So you saw it on admin and then came down to report it? Is that what that was? *pause* Etho: Exactly. *animation of Etho shooting himself plays* Etho: DANGIT!!!
Etho: Where we going, Tango? What we doing? Tango: I’m going to my grave is where I think I’m going.
Astro: Hey, Mrs T? Mrs Tango: Hi? Astro: I need you to do something really suspicious. Mrs Tango: Okay.
*after Impulse crashed out of the game but his body is reported* Skizz: That was the most epic kill yet. It happened IRL.
Tango: Dead, disconnected. It’s all the same thing. Pearl: For one, you get cut in half, but the other, you just go “poof”.
*Etho is suspected of being executioner against Brody* Tango: So Etho, you’re saying there’s two imposters alive. Who do you think is the second one? *pause* Etho: That, I don’t know just yet. Tango: An executioner wouldn’t need to know that though, right? Etho: Maybe Astro. *long pause* Astro: What?! Why have you gone from Brody to me all of a sudden?!
Brody: Astro, please don’t kill me. Astro: I would’ve killed you long ago. Brody: That’s not true. You love me. Astro: Not after you accused me of- Brody, chuckling: I haven’t accused you of anything. Astro: You accused me of breathing heavily earlier and I’m offended by it. Brody: You did, though. Astro: I can’t help that the air quality here is… dog crap. Brody: I know you well enough. I know you well enough to know when you’re, like, concentrating. Astro: Not my fault that I can’t breathe here right now.
Etho: [Brody] killed Impulse on the first round. It made [Impulse] crash. And then [Brody] reported the body. Next round, he killed another person and did another report. He’s a- He’s a self-reporting… Brody. *everyone laughs* Evil: This is the best you’ve got, Etho?
Evil: So here’s the question for everybody: do I tell Skizz what his minor tell is or do I keep it to myself? Skizz: You zip it! You got nothing! Tango: Keep it to yourself. That’s part of the fun; we can all learn each other’s tells. Astro: You mean like when somebody has heavy breathing when they kill somebody, Brody? Brody: Oh. Astro: I’m gonna have extra heavy breathing when I kill you. Extra… EXTRA… heavy breathing. Brody: ...I’ll remember that.
Skizz: I finally kill the banana and instantly I hear him be all “you crashed my game!” Astro: Wait, so when I said that if Impulse rage-quit it was Skizz, I was actually correct on that? Skizz: You were right, yeah. Impulse: Wow… Endless: Skizz was like “if you’re not gonna rage quit, I’m gonna rage quit for you!” Skizz: I killed you so hard your game crashed. That’s a KILL right there.
Brody: Yeah, I’ve been actually watching her teleport. Like “wait, did she come out of that vent??” No, she’s teleporting around. Tango: Hacks! Pearl: Speedies! Astro: The hacks are Australian ping.
Astro: Hey, Evil. Evil: Hi. Are you gonna kill me? Astro: Do you want me to or do you want me to let you live? Evil: I’d like to live, thank you.
Evil: *runs into electrical and finds only Pearl in there* Pearl, singing: Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose. Evil: I’m done with my tasks. Pearl: *kills Evil immediately* Astro, a ghost: *laughs* You got killed to Christmas music, Evil.
Astro, dead: Hey Evil, how did it feel to get Christmas carolled as you were being killed? Evil, dead: She took the happiest time of the year and destroyed me with it!
Pearl: I’m gonna go kill Etho. Shhh. Giant Skizz, in a deep voice: You do it. Rock and roll.
Mrs Tango: My cooldown was so long and nobody was alone. Astro: It’s okay, Mrs Tango. Your speedy laggy Australian friend was killing all the people. Pearl: I literally told Skizz I was gonna kill Etho and I did exactly just that.
Brody: I cleaned [Etho] out of a vent and I didn’t know you could even do that but here we are. Endless: That’s awesome! Brody: I mean- I knew it, I knew you were in there, Etho. Sucker.
Endless: I know of one person who didn’t do the kill. Skizz: Who? Endless, whispering: Me. I was downloading in weapons. Skizz: You’re not gonna vouch for yourself. That’s not how justice works. Endless: Oh. My bad.
*Astro and Endless win as imposters* Endless: What did you do, Pearl? What happened there? Did you try to sheriff Skizz? Pearl: Yeah, I wanted to take a stab. I was the sheriff. I thought it might’ve been Skizz. Astro: Ohh, YOU got the last kill, Pearl? Pearl: Yeeaaahh. That was me. Skizz: THAT’s how we died? Cuz Pearl sheriffed the wrong person? Endless: It gets better than that. Pearl asked me to move away so she didn’t accidentally sheriff me. ...
Impulse: We getting double killed in here? Brody: Hopefully.
Brody: I’m voting for Tango; he’s having too much fun. Evil: Tango’s not allowed to have fun, we know that. Tango: Shut that down, yeah.
Pearl: *votes for Brody* Brody: Pearl. Why do you hate me? Pearl: I just have reasons. Skizz, to Brody: Don’t tug at THAT thread. Brody: Would you like to tell people about those reasons? Pearl: Not particularly.
Brody: Mrs Tango, do you want me to put like a poster of me in your new office? Of just me looking at you? Mrs Tango: Uhhh… Evil: Only if you’re wearing the pink hat. Brody: ONLY the pink hat. That’s it. *pause* Evil: Okay, that… that got awkward.
Astro: So would you like to know a good story? It’s a fun story. Etho: I would love to hear a good story right now, Astro. Astro: The fun story is that Mrs Tango thought that the comms were out and she wouldn’t get revealed walking away from her archnemesis, The Endless’s body. Tango: Well then I’m not voting for her at all, even if she did kill him, cuz that’s good by me. Etho: Ohoo… Evil: WOW.
Astro: Mrs Tango, you basically won the round; you killed Endless, so… *everyone laughs* Etho: That’s all we can hope for in the world, right? Tango: You kill Endless, you pretty much win, right? That doesn’t matter. *pause* Etho: Love you, Endless.
*Brody and Mrs Tango win as imposters after Brody framed Evil* Skizz: Evil, I’m so sorry, dude! Evil: No you’re not. Brody: I’m not sorry. I needed that in my heart. I’m not sorry. I’m not sorry whatsoever.
Impulse: Come watch me scan! Wanna watch me scan? C’mon! Watch this! It’s gonna be the best. Come watch. Astro: No, because I know what you’re gonna say and I’m not gonna stand for it. Impulse, hopping on the scanner: I’m not gonna do it, I’m not gonna do it. But that was- that’s legit. You saw that? Astro: You’re a little to the left. Impulse: I’m not gonna say it. But you’re gonna kill me anyway, so I might as well say it. Astro: You need to go to the right. Impulse: Did you watch me scan? Astro: You’re a little- You were- Impulse: Watch me nae nae. Astro, laughing: -a little far to the left.
Astro: I was coming from lab. Somebody was nae-naeing over there. Impulse: *giggles* Astro: Won’t say who, but somebody was. Impulse: There’s only one person here who does that.
Astro: I’m gonna come back cuz I don’t trust you. Brody: *scoffs* Okay. Astro: You murdered me last time! Brody, deadpan: I wouldn’t do that to you. That doesn’t sound like something I would do. Astro: Right in front of Evil and everything. I couldn’t get through the door. Brody, deadpan: I wouldn’t do that to you.
Endless: Hey, I’ve gotta fix the- I’m rebooting the wifi, sorry if it goes down. For a few minutes. Or A minute. Or until I come back here and, uh, reinitialise it. Brody, walking away: Endless, do you ever just stop talking? Etho, laughing: Ouch. Endless, following Brody: Hey, Brody. Let’s hang out, SIR. Brody: *laughs* Endless: How’ve you been, Brody? How’s your evening going? Brody: I’m fine. I’m fine. Are you gonna kill me? Endless: Are you always a jackass? Brody: Usually, yes. Are you gonna kill me or what? Endless: No, I don’t- I can’t kill you. But next time. Next time.
Endless: I’m definitely going to take a break so that I’m the last one back, and that’ll teach them to leave me here to entertain you. Pearl: Okay. Enjoy your water consumption. Endless: That’s very sweet of you. I appreciate that. You enjoy whatever consumption you’re doing as well.
Skizz, being ejected: You can’t be mayor and imposter, can you? Tango and Endless: No. Skizz: Well, I’m all sorts of twisted. Tango: You’re all sorts of dead.
*after Mrs Tango assassinated engineer Etho* Mrs Tango: I super appreciate you calling Etho out for being the engineer. Etho: I didn’t appreciate it.
Astro: I can tell you one thing: Etho’s not the engineer this round. Etho: You don’t know that for sure. Astro: Oh I think I do.
Astro: Hey Impulse. Impulse: Yeah? Astro: I just scanned. You know what else I did? Impulse: *gasps delightedly* You didn’t! Astro: I… *pause* Astro: Nah, I’m not gonna say it.
Impulse: *reports Astro’s body* Impulse: So. Astro scanned. But he did not nae nae. Just saying. Endless: I don’t think that’s how the song goes. Impulse: So I came to give him a stern talking to. But his body was dead.
Skizz: I’m doing my tasks. Tango: Your task is to assassinate. Skizz: That’s right, baby. And I’m coming for you next. Tango: Mhm. Bring it.
Astro: I can vouch for Evil cuz he watched me scan, Impulse watched me nae nae, and-. Impulse: Oh no. You’re gonna die now.
Skizz: Impulse sampled the Skizz! *pause* Impulse: Ew.
Brody: I’m not sorry I voted for you, Endless. Endless: Well, I’m glad that Mrs Tango didn’t. Brody: It’s cuz she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. I will hurt your feelings.
Endless: I knew I got that wrong. Dangit. Simon Says- I blew it- I screwed it on the last… Brody: ...what? Endless: I feel like this should be the last game. I just… Tango: Are you having a nervous breakdown? What’s going on? Endless: Yeah, a little bit.
Endless: I voted for you, Brody. Cuz I hate everything about you. Brody: Thank you, buddy. I’ll vote for you also.
Pearl: Who we voting for? Brody: Endless. Endless: Brody. Tango: Why are we voting for Endless? Or Brody? Endless: Because Brody’s a jerk.
Pearl: This is awkward, cuz Tango was trying to get me to kill him. Tango: Do NOT pin that on me, my fair lady! Pearl: No no no, I’m not. Etho: Ooooh this is spicy :D Pearl: I’m pinning this on Skizz. Skizz just decided to walk by- Tango: Oh, okay. I’m good with that.
Brody: Etho, c’mere. Come here. That’s the second time you’ve ruined my fun. Etho: Were you sheriff? Brody: No. Don’t Starve- I say that and you ruin my fun and then Christmas music and you kill me. I just- Why do you hate me? Etho: I- I was just backing up my partner, y’know? Brody: Look, if you don’t wanna play Don’t Starve, you just say “hey man, I’m not into it”. That’s fine. See, you just say that. Etho: I like Don’t Starve. Brody: Evidently not with me.
Endless: It’s Brody’s fault for sussing me on that one. Brody: It’s not my fault you’re dumb.
Impulse: Keys or you’re sus! Brody: Keys or you’re… Impulse. Endless: Hey, I’M Impulse.
Astro, dead: Hey. Your wife killed me. Tango, dead: Good. Evil and Mrs Jerkface.
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adamarinayu · 3 years
Since I can’t draw right now (it’s like 1 AM) I decided I’d just write things down about Domestic DUno AU (I still don’t have a proper name for it!!) so here we go~
Info below the cut to spare the mobile users my ramblings~~
-Donald first became PK as a teenager (14 or 15), pulling petty pranks and avenging perceived wrongdoings. He ended up accidentally becoming a hero after stopping a thief and unknowingly saving a young girl’s life, and he realized he could direct his temper, anger and frustration not at making other people miserable, but at protecting others. Gyro, who went to school with Donald (Donald and Della attended a private school that would accommodate their adventure schedule; Gyro, being the absolute genius he is, attended on a scholarship) was there and ended up helping, being the one to inadvertently provide PK with the weapon he fended off the criminals with. PK talked to Gyro and the two became partners in crime-fighting that way.
-After deciding to become a hero, it was small-town villains mostly that he dealt with. Thieves, and the like. He didn’t start fighting mutants and those kinds of things until he was 17 or so, and the Evronians didn’t show up until he was 18. This is when Scrooge gave him a summer job at his newly acquired tower, figuring since Donald didn’t want to go with him and Della on a three-month adventure (as Donald was needed in Duckburg, he couldn’t be gone for three months!!) then he may as well work and earn a little money. As Duckworth was still alive, Duckworth was in charge of the manor, so Donald didn’t need to worry about upkeeping the mansion.
-Donald met Uno after a failed attempt to fight the Evronians, and they partnered up, with Uno providing Donald with otherworldly advanced tech that Gyro... would probably understand if given the time and chance (come on, he built a time machine out of a bathtub, he could totally understand future tech). After the first battle with the Evronians that Donald eventually wins, he realized that the game had just just 10x more dangerous. Between working on his doctorate and interning for Scrooge’s science department (something the scientists working for Scrooge were salty about), Gyro didn’t have much time to work on new and improved inventions for PK so when Uno contacted Gyro about him stepping down from helping PK, Gyro agreed, acknowledging that the mysterious Uno Ducklair would probably be a better benefactor for the hero. He didn’t know PK’s identity, though, so he didn’t take the memory erasing candy. Instead he focused on his work.
-Years passed this way, with Donald and Uno working together. Of course Donald had his other adventures, such as with Jose and Panchito and Mickey and all them lovely folks, but Uno was his closest confidante and biggest supporter. He was the one he vented his frustrations with Della and Scrooge to, and the one to give him advice on how to deal with it and talk to them about it all.
-At some point during this time, Gladstone finds out Donald is PK. Of course it happens in the typical Lucky way- him finding out saved Donald’s life. Gladstone is shaken up by the knowledge that his cousin/brother is in danger every day and has almost died multiple times. Gladstone becomes a sort of third member of the whole Crime Fighting thing, yep, you heard it right, Cloverleaf is real here. He figures if he’s out in the field with Donald, then Donald will never die because of Gladstone’s supernaturally good luck. Uno, while frustrated with Gladstone’s unpredictable and illogical luck, accepts this. Donald is less keen because he doesn’t want Gladstone in danger’s path but when the gander makes up his mind it’s made up, yo.
-PK and Cloverleaf (CL from here on out) and Uno work together for 3 years before the Spear of Selene incident, where Donald is suddenly left with three eggs. Donald’s priorities now shifted, he quits being a hero and buys the houseboat so he can raise the triplets without Scrooge’s influence. Gladstone does what he can to help while trying to continue to protect Duckburg, and while watching CL on the news Donald has the sudden realization that Duckburg still needs him- new parent or not. So he (metaphorically!!) throws the eggs into their pram, rushes to Ducklair Tower, begs Lyla to watch the eggs for him and rushes off to CL’s aid. 
-After the danger is over, Donald collects the eggs, thanks Lyla for her help, then meets up with CL and Uno on the 151st floor where they have a serious conversation. Donald acknowledges that Duckburg still needs PK, but Della’s children also need him. The three eventually come to the conclusion that the kids would be raised by PK and Uno there in the Tower, where they would be safe- and they would be trained so they’re ready for anything thrown at them. (Gladstone is actually the one who is like “nah cuz you be their dad I’m not cut out for that, I’ll be the cool uncle, I don’t wanna live in the tower! No offense Uno” so it isn’t like Donald just decided to leave him out of the parenting)
-The eggs hatch and Donald names them sensible (AKA not Della’s list) names (and pronounces Llewellyn correctly dammit) and Donald and Uno have a time learning hands-on how to be parents. (“I’ve read twenty different parenting guides in the last five seconds and they’re all saying different things, Donald, WHAT DO WE DO-”) The whole “raising kids together” thing brings them even closer than before and forces them to have a chat about their feelings, too. 
-When the triplets are small and starting to run around, Uno baby proofs everything. He has a hard time keeping them from escaping their playpen (which is essentially a huge room with an amazing view of the city, he doesn’t know why they’re so intent on escaping). Then eventually the inevitable happens- both Don and Glad end up stuck on the other side of the world for nearly a whole month, and Uno realizes taking care of three toddlers is much easier when you have a body. So while they’re gone, he balances his time between advising them on their mission, taking care of the triplets and building an android body that can handle an AI as advanced as him (throw out that “an AI who is only good could never make a full person” shit cuz Uno can be petty as hell, he’s a whole ass person even without Due yo). By the time Don and Glad get back he’s testing his prototype. Donald is thrilled, of course- his boyfriend has a body now!
-The triplets gain a sister! Everett brings a child to them one day, a little Coronan girl who was for reasons I haven’t decided yet cast out of her family and Everett, with his weird Enlightened Powers shit, went and found her and brought her back to the people he knew would take care of her well (considering his own past failures...). And so the triplets have a little sister who is an alien! Yee! Yes it’s Asveya (Ve). She came to them when she was ~2 and the triplets were 3 or 4, and as she didn’t have a name Donald named her after a friend he met as a child, when he regularly adventured with Scrooge and Della, and whom he ended up meeting again as a young adult.
-Uno perfects the body over time as he learns more things about being a person (he very purposefully leaves out pain receptors, though he includes the best parts of being a physical person ofc- he wants his cake and he wants to eat it too!). Everett decides now that Uno has a body, it was time to introduce him as his son officially and hand the business over to him (stating that it’ll be good for the kids if at least one of their parents had a proper job and income, since savings don’t last forever), and as the kids get older Donald begins training them so they’ll be able to take care of/protect themselves if need be. Uno creates a training field/obstacle course that is fun and age-appropriate, and by the time they’re ten they’re like little superheroes in training. They can give Webby a run for her money. Ve is less interested in being like PK and more interested in being like Uno- AKA the techie behind the gadgets.
-The triplets are already playing with some rudimentary pieces of tech Ve made, playing like they’re superheroes (or villains, gotta have someone to fight!). Uno finds out when he reviews the Tower footage and immediately confiscates anything that can be dangerous, but lets them keep the more innocent stuff.
MODERN DAY STUFF (AKA the time the show takes place)
-As the kids got older Donald and Uno allowed them more freedom, even letting them go out on their own (with the promise of being back before dark, not telling anyone what their parents did for a living, they all stuck together and they didn’t speak to strangers beyond what was necessary). When the triplets were 10 and Ve was 8 or 9, Uno learned that a powerful artifact (not the gem) was in Atlantis and that if a villain got their hands on it, it would be... very bad. So Donald decides it’s time to put on his metaphorical adventure shoes again and go get it. By this time Gladstone got trapped in the casino (Uno has been looking for him, after not hearing from him for over a week) and Uno had a Big Business thing to attend, real important too, so they talk about getting a babysitter for the weekend they’ll be gone. The kids manage to convince them they don’t need one, as they’ll be safe in the 151st floor (“We’ll be safer there than anywhere else, right, Uncle Uno?”). Donald tried to call Lyla but she was unfortunately in the field, so he agreed to let them stay home on their own until Uno got back (Uno did the math and figured he could stay for a few hours to just make a good faith appearance, talk business with some stooges and then come home the same day).
-Of course, the kids get caught. Uno had already left out for his business thing at like 5 AM, and Donald was about to head out to Atlantis in one of the Duckmobiles. He happened to check on a whim the back of the mobile, where he found his surprised ducklings staring wide-eyed up at him. He knew then that he needed to cash in on a favour- he called Beakley and then drove the protesting children to the mansion. (“Come on, Unca’ Donald!” “It’s a mansion! We wanna go to the lost city, too!” “Come on, we’ve been doing real good in training!” “Please, dad? We promise we’ll listen!”) The excitement over meeting THE Scrooge McDuck is overshadowed by the disappointment that they can’t go on this mission.
-Besides, who cares about a mansion and a rich adventuring duck when your parents and uncle are not only rich adventurers, but they’re also superheroes???
-Donald gives them a forehead kiss goodbye and heads off, and Scrooge has Beakley put the kids in that old room. “It’ll only be a few hours” they said. “Until Uno gets back.” Unfortunately, Uno calls Louie and tells the duckling there’s been a problem and he won’t be back until later- Donald already informed him of the changed arrangements and he’s already contacted Beakley.
-The kids decide to escape the old room, putting their hero training into action, but are ultimately swept up into Webby’s trap. Webby is super excited to meet them when she realizes who they are (though she has no idea who Ve is), and she cuts them down from the net without them having to escape themselves. The kids know they’re not supposed to let anyone know about the “hero family” thing so try to act like normal kids, though it becomes apparent Webby doesn’t know how to be a normal kid either.
-Through shenanigans, the children inspire Scrooge to adventure again, and Dewey lets slip about lost cities and Scrooge has a moment of realization. Thus, he drags the kids to Atlantis with him. While there, the kids each get a chance to show off their moves (which they’re SUPPOSED TO HIDE but you know, when arrows are flying at you ain’t got no time to hide). Donald is pissed when he notices them in Atlantis, and Uno is pissed when he calls Donald and learns the kids are in Atlantis, right where they are NOT supposed to be.
-Things pretty much follow the episode, though with the triplets able to hold their own and Donald gunning for a completely different artifact. When they escape and get back to the surface with their respective artifacts, they’re met by a livid android who absolutely chews Scrooge out for dragging four ten year olds and an eight year old to a dangerous place like that.
-Donald decides that it might be okay for the kids to visit with Scrooge sometimes, to get a little real-world experience, and at precisely that moment something crashes into the 151st floor of Ducklair Tower. Uno is absolutely furious (“MY TOWER???”) cuz that’s gonna take a bit to fix- at the very least it’ll appear to take a while- and when the kids question “what now?” Scrooge offers up some rooms in the mansion. The kids are excited cuz they’ll get to live with Webby and explore a new place. Donald and Uno say “just until the tower is fixed” (Gladstone had Donald’s boat at the time he went missing so Donald doesn’t have it) which is good enough for the kids.
-Scrooge being sus of Uno for like a whole arc cuz he’d never heard of Uno Ducklair before recently and also his nephew?? got married??? 
-Gladstone finally gets a message out to Don and Uno for help, and they go immediately- but not before Scrooge makes it a family adventure. Scrooge is disparaging of Gladstone, but Donald is just worried about his cousin. They manage to save Gladstone without pseudo-sacrificing anyone. Scrooge gets a little sus when they get back to Duckburg, and days later the missing Cloverleaf has shown up again. 
-HDLV ended up spilling the truth to Webby as she got closer with them, but they swore her to secrecy. Of course Beakley found out because Webby is a terrible liar.
**So basically Donald + Uno parents, a kid that calls them her dads, good Uncle Gladstone, Brotherly Gladstone + Donald, Competent Cloverleaf, PK + Cloverleaf teamup, little-hero triplets. Gyro will end up teaming up with Gizmoduck when Fenton takes up heroing, too, just like Launchpad teams up with DW (DW’s story for this AU will be different, also, just a heads up) and basically all their combined kids become a badass team of children (Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Ve, Boyd, Gos, and of course Lena and Violet join in later...) Gyro teams up with Gizmoduck because every hero needs a tech guy (even heroes who are also scientists....) and he’s not only very capable, he’s worked with a hero before so he knows the ins and outs :D
However it is now 2 AM and I need to sleep so I’m gonna end my musings here but I am thinking of them so much right now I’m
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tanakavox · 3 years
A look into the multiverse chapter 8 SAOA
Many thanks to my friend friend @bssaz97 for his work on the reactions. And TheGoldenBoy2188 for the strict for SAOA making writing easy. The next reaction will be a suprise so stay tune.
Amidst the streets of Mantle, Whitley Schnee walked towards a destination while wearing a disguise consisting of a coat, scarf, shaded glasses, and a flat cap. He had a mission and he would not waste this opportunity!
It was not every day that he could simply leave the manor without Father's permission or notice so he needed to be quick but not noticeable. He had waited months for this day to arrive. Whitley had pre-ordered the latest MMO game of his favorite game series a week before the initial release date and had come to pick it up. Having connections in the right places certainly did have its benefits. The only downside was he had to acquire his prize somewhere outside of his father's notice. So what other place to go than Atlas's sister kingdom.
Outside of his notice, a young white haired faunus woman with sheep ears followed close behind him. Fiona Thyme was out picking up some food for the rest of the Happy Huntresses when she noticed an unfamiliar person walking around. She knew almost everyone on this side of Mantle, so a new person popping out of the blue was very suspicious. Normally she would have reported this back to Robyn but upon further inspection she recognized who this person was.
It was the sole son of the worst man on Remnant and the newly appointed heir of the Schnee Dust Company, Whitley Schnee! Why was he here in Mantle?! Fiona determined he was up to no good and decided to follow him. Wherever the SDC goes, trouble usually follows!
Whitley finally arrived at the destination he was seeking… the Post Office! Now all he had to do was open the door, enter the establishment aaaaaand- stare dumbfounded as the inside of this place was a theatre.
"What the-? This isn't the post office. Where am I?!" Whitley shouted at no one in particular.
"Ah-ha! Caught you right where I- Huh? Where the hell? This isn't the post office!" Fiona also dumbfounded.
"Whitley?" Both Weiss and Winter stated in a mix of shock and disbelief at seeing their little brother. Maybe some hostility on Weiss part.
"Weiss? Winter? How-?"
"What the hell is this?!" A loud female voice shouted as four more people arrived out of nowhere. Consisting of two normal sized humans, a bunny faunus and a very large man.
"Coco/Velvet/Fox/Yatsuhashi!" Teams RWBY and JNR said collectively.
"Oh hello everyone! This… is a surprise! When did you get to Vacuo?" Velvet asked the group.
Fiona turned towards the new strangers, "Vacuo? What are you talking about? You're all in Mantle?"
"I'm most certain we're in Vacuo at the time." Yatsu spoke.
"You are in neither at the moment." Ozpin spoke up.
"What the- Teach? Weren't you supposed to be dead?!" Coco confusingly points out.
"I believe an explanation is in order."
*One short but informative explanation later*
"Wait so we were brought here to watch… alternate realities?" Fiona says after she and all the new arrivals had been told everything about the theater.
"We call them viewings but yeah pretty much." Ruby said.
"Hold on, I can understand why all of you were brought here, seeing as you all are huntsmen and huntresses. But that doesn't explain why I'm here." Whitley, having taken off his disguise.
"A great question indeed." Weiss mutters.
"I think I have a theory." Blake stepped forward. "So far now, I've noticed that the people who are here have at least some involvement in the viewings that we have been seeing. Remember that one viewing we saw of Whitley being stuck inside a video game?"
"I was stuck in a video game?"
"Also if you die in the game you die for real." Nora added.
Whitley's eyes widened at the implications.
"Well you're still stuck as far as we know. But apparently you're very good at the game so you might be fine." Jaune clarifies. Slightly feeling guilty that his alternate is the one who traps him there.
"Oh joy, now I'm trapped inside a place against my will in two realities!" Whitley throws his hands in frustration.
"Oh boo hoo! Is the rich boy gonna cry because nothings going his way today?" Fiona says in a mocking tone.
"Oh I'm sure you would know so much about crying and complaining about trivial things, thief." He shot back at Fiona.
"At least I think about the people of Mantle! When was the last time you thought of someone outside of yourself, Schnee!" Fiona retorted.
Winter sensing that this conversation was going nowhere stepped in between her brother and the happy huntress.
"Enough! None of us came here by choice so let's just stop this pointless arguing and move on."
Fiona huffed, "I couldn't agree more." She stomped away from the two siblings and found herself a seat in the theater.
Winter sighed, "It may not be ideal but as long as you are here Whitley, I would just suggest sitting tight and wait until you or all of us are able to leave this place."
"Hmph, very well. Thank you sister, it almost sounds like you care." Whitley took his leave and found a seat that was about four seats away from Weiss's team.
"Isn't there anywhere else you want to sit," Weiss practically hisses.
"Oh but Weiss it's the only seat that's close enough to you." Whitley affirmed.
Weiss groans in frustration, 'Hopefully it's only for one viewing…'
An acoustic guitar plays in the background as a montage of the events of and post-Episode 1 appears on the screen and a narrator began to talk.
" A month had passed since that fateful day. When everyone's world got all twisted, leaving them stranded in a castle in the sky. Since then, 2000 poor souls came to an abrupt and tragic end. Some by bad luck, others by sheer stupidity. I mean, really. Why would you just stand in fire? Anyways, that didn't bother The Kid none. He only cared about one thing, and one thing alone. Himself. 'Cuz in a game of life or death, you either live... or you die."
The scene transitions to Shirou leaning against a wall with an annoyed look on his face.
"What?! Two thousand of the players have died already!" Ruby yelled, tears starting to form in her eyes.
"Not surprising, seeing as many of them looked weak last viewing." Cinder coolly replies.
Many huntsmen and huntresses glared at the red clad woman. She paid them no mind.
"Well thank you very much Narrator, you're doing a wonderful job of explaining the total death count of this video game prison." Whitley commented dryly.
"Oh, WOW. What brilliant insight! It's so deep it loops right back around to being stupid." Shirou snarked.
"The Kid ranted at no one, it slowly dawning just how alone he truly was" Narrator continued..
Whitley's eyes narrowed, "Am I being sassed by the narrator?"
"Maybe you said something to piss them off." Fiona added.
"Wait, what was that?" Shirou asks, shocked.
"He asked the sky, like a preacher to his silent gods."
"What gods? What are you talking about?! It's all bullshit metaphors with you!"
"He cried, not knowing the difference between a simile and a metaphor. The tininess of his brain dwarfed only by the tininess of his di-"
Whitley's eyes narrowed and face twitched at how much of an annoyance this narrator was being.
Weiss was doing her best to conceal her smile but was failing and breathes out a laugh. She was enjoying the exchange that her brother was going through and found it amusing. Her team gave her a side glance while Fiona and a few others laughed at the roast session the young Schnee was being given.
"Narrator off." Shirou commands the system with an annoyed tone.
"Thank gods that's over, that narrator was extremely rude." Whitley sighed thankfully now that the narrator was silenced.
Weiss and Fiona grumbled that their fun was ruined.
Fade into December 2, 2022, on a strategy meeting led by man called Diabel. He gave a big smiled out to the crow
"Hey everyone. Thank you all for coming to our little powwow. Now, I know many of you may be discouraged by the fact that 2000 people have died so far."
" WHAT?!" A player screamed
" 2000 PEOPLE ARE DEAD?!" Another screamed.
"Pretty much, sucks to be you!" Mercury laughed.
"These are the people that have to survive this game. Honestly what was blondie expecting," Emerald facepalms.
"Hey! Just because they've lost numbers doesn't mean that they have to lose hope!" Ruby glared at the two assassins.
"And I know even more of you are a little down because we haven't even cleared the First Floor yet." Diabel added, trying to keep the smile on his face.
"You were saying." Cinder looked back at Ruby.
"Well…" Ruby trailed off, thinking of a way to defend these players.
Diabel's smile wavered
"Uh, you guys do know there are 100 Floors, right?"
"WHAT?!" A crowd of players yelled.
Diabels sighed a bit.
Ruby, despite her best attempts, also sighed and sat back down.
"Oh jeez, I am just making things worse. Point is, we found the Boss Room!"
The crowd gasps.
"Now, we've formulated a few strategies with some help from the beta testers-"
"BETA TESTERS?!" A voice yells out.
"Oh goddammit!" Diabel groaned argnily
A player named Kibaou jumps in.
Kibaou, what do you want? Diabel looked tired addressing this player.
"Beta testers? They're the reason we're stuck in this game!" Kibaoyu sneered
Many that heard this player's statement and quickly frowned at his blatant accusations towards these 'beta-testers.'
"This guy can't be serious, right?" Coco stated.
Dianel looked at Kibaou flatterausted at the stupidity of the statement he heard
"What?! Do you have any evidence to back that up?"
Kiabrou scoffed at the question. "Pfft! Evidence. I don't need no evidence. Isn't that right, Jesus?" He points to a player named "Jesus"
" It's pronounced "Hey-Zeus", and I don't know you."
"Wow, really selling your reasoning by having no one else to support your claim." Jaune stated while crossing his arms.
"Well, they still should have helped us newbies!" He exclaimed
"If I might interject...:" A deep voice called out.
A big muscular man gets up and comes to the stage.
Velvet taps Yatsu's arm excitedly, "Hey you're in this game too Yatsu! …oh gods you're in this game too."
"So it seems," Yatsu, doing his best to keep a straight face.
Coco lowered her shades along with a confused look. As far as she knew, Velvet was the only one who played video games on their team. Unless...
"And who the hell are you?!"
"I am known by many names.", "Closed eyed demon. The memory easer., "Hooked clawed tiger". But you? You may call me... "Velvet".
"Velvet huh? That's a... pretty masculine name." Kibaoru said adwarkley
"Shouldn't be. It's a woman's name." Velvet replied casually.
"Damn it. I had a feeling but I didn't want to be right." Coco cursed quietly while shaking her head.
"Wait, why would Yatsu have a character named after me? That doesn't- ...Oh ...oh my gods." Velvet's eyes widened at the implications, tears starting to build. That is until she felt a nudge on one of her shoulders. She turned her head and there was Yatsuhashi looking at Velvet with a gaze that said, 'It's not your fault.'
"Kay, I don't know how to talk to you."
"Good. Then you can shut up and listen. Does everyone here have this book in their inventory?"
" Yeah.
" Yes."
" No... Wait, can I change my answer?"
Velvet/Yatsushi held up a book to show to everyone.
" This book is full of tips and strategies on how to survive this game, put together by the beta testers. Everyone read it, yet some people still died. The beta testers did everything they could."
"Yeah, that means Mace Hair has no reason to blame the beta testers!" Ruby points out.
Many of her friends nodded and Yastu's team smiled at the sound defense his alternate presented.
" Actually, I didn't read it." One player chimed up.
"Yeah, I didn't read it either."
"I skimmed it."
"OH COME ON!" Many members of the audience shouted in agitation.
"What? Didn't ANY of you read it?! It is literally a matter of life and death." Velvet exclaimed
"Well, dude. It's like 80 pages." A player pointed
"2000 people are dead!"
"Again. These are the people that have to survive this game." Emerald reiterates.
Brief pause. Shirou looks shocked at their stupidity.
"I am so done with you people." Velvet mutters, walking off the stage.
" What do you mean "you people"?" A player asked a bit offended.
The Faunus in the room narrowed at their eyes at the implications made by that player.
"What do you mean, "you people"?" Fiona asks no one in particular.
Velvet and Kibaou take their seats.
Diabel continued with the meeting. "So, as Mister Hooked clawed tiger was saying, this book has some great strategies, including how to beat the First Boss, Illfang."
He clears his throat and starts reading from the guide.
"So as you enter the Boss Room, he's gonna throw wave after wave of disposable minions at you... and you must answer in kind."...?
"Uh, what?" A player asks, mirroring Diabel confusion.
Many in the audience reacted just as confused. All except Whitley, who had a good feeling where this was going.
Diabel continues
"Send the weaker players first. Good rule of thumb: If a player asks you for gold 2 seconds after meeting you, front lines."
"Ha, serves 'em right!" Kiaboru said with a laugh
"If they hijack conversations to rant about their political views, front lines."Diabel said with a smirk looking at Kiaboru.
Kibaou went pale. "Aw, shit."
"Ha! Serves you right!" Nora laughed.
"If they ask female players for pics of their boobs, front lines."
"OH BULLSHIT!" One player screamed out in rage.
"THAT'S DISCRIMINATION!" Another one howled.
Many of the women in the theater frown at the way those players reacted. Winter was more than certain that those players were the type that participated in the mentioned acts the speaker spoke on.
Diabel smiles and waves them down. "Now, now, people. I think there are some valid points being made here. Now, it goes on to say when Illfang's health goes into the red, he's going to switch from his axe and buckler to something called a "Talwar". At that point we should initiate a strategy called "The Final Solution" and- I'm just gonna stop reading! Jesus, who wrote this thing?"
Shirou giggles evilly.
"Of course Whitley wrote that book." Weiss sighed.
"Why sister, it sounds like that didn't surprise you in the least." Whitley pretending to act hurt.
"Please. The manipulative tone of the text almost makes one sound too much like you." Weiss bit back.
"Well I suppose you would know." A wide smile on Whitley's face.
Weiss scoffs turning her head away from her traitorous brother.
Team R_BY and Winter watched the exchange and sighed.
"Okay, so the guide's a bust. But it'll be fine. I'll come up with a great plan for us." Diabel smiles at the crowed.
"Like what?"
" Well... we... could... Uh... Uhhhh... I'm open to suggestions."
"Woah, guys, we could- we could, you know, like, group up and-"
"And hit it 'til it DIES!" Another yelled finishing the other player sentence
"Woo, nice!"
" High five!"
The two hive five.
"Well. It's something, right?." Velvet does her best to be optimistic.
Many of the more experienced members of the theater shake their heads.
"That's... a good start. But let's hear some other suggestions."
"I'd like to hear more about this "Final Solution"." A player in a german accent piped up.
"Fuck it, group up." said Diabel said tirely.
Shirou slides down the seats towards a girl, named Fiona, who's on her own.
Fiona blinks in surprise, "Oh my gods, that's me! I'm in the game! Hey other me, stay away from the Schnee!"
"You have my condolences." Weiss says to the sheep faunus.
"So, why aren't, uh, you joining anyone's group?" Shirou asked.
"I have my reasons." She said mysterioly
" Is it because you're a girl?"
"No. It's because... I don't know how to play."
"Because you're a girl?"
Many of the females and males who enjoy video games, such as Yang, Ruby, Velvet, Nora,, Jaune, Oscar, Ren, surprisingly Mercury and Emerald, along with Fiona herself, threw questioning glares towards the current heir of the SDC. Weiss and Winter glared at him as well but for other reasons.
Whitley looks around to see all the glares directed towards him. "Why are you all looking at me? I said nothing."
"No!" Fiona snapped. "It's just... I don't know how to open the menu."
"What?" Both Fiona and Whitley asked.
"Jinx!" Nora shouts.
"What?!" Shriou looked at the girl in shock. "But you can't do anything in this game without the menu. How have you survived all month?"
Cut to Fiona holding a piece of bread. She is staring at it intensely. "HOW DO I EAT YOU?!" She screamed at it.
Many laughs were had at the poor girl's predicament, despite some of them doing their best to not do so but could not help themselves.
Fiona slowly sank into her chair, covering her face in shame. Her alternate was the utter definition of a newb player.
Back to the present.
"It's... been a challenge…" She muttered before looking at Shirou. "What about you? Why haven't you join the others?"
"Oh, lots of reasons. Mostly because they're a bunch of mouth-breathing neckbeards who think "LMAO" is how French people laugh."
" Ha ha, that's so Le Mao!" Said one player far away causing to Shirou shudder.
Whitley in the theater also shudders in disgust. If these were the people that he would have been surrounded by inside the game, then he too would have avoided them like a plague.
"Wow. You certainly... speak from the heart."
"Funny, I thought I was speaking from my mouth. But, eh, shows what I know about biology." He said with a smirk.
"No one else wanted you in their group, did they?"
"Shut up! It was mutual!"
"And who would blame me? Have you seen the players of this game? I'm honestly surprised they lived this long."
"You're just saying that 'cause no one wanted a smartass on their team." Fiona smirked.
"I'm sorry, were you speaking Menu Girl?" Whitley nonchalantly retorts.
Fiona's face grew red in embarrassment and agitation. She wanted nothing more than to raise her hand and activate her semblance right now. 'Give me a reason Schnee, I dare you.'
It cuts back to Diabel smiling and clapping his hands.
"Alright, looks like everyone's grouped up. Get plenty of rest tonight, people! We leave at noon!"
A player groans "Noon?"
"That's so early!"
Diabel sighs. "Alright. What about 1 o'clock?"
" Dude, come on!"
" God, fine! We leave at the crack of... 2:30, I guess. Lazy butts…"
"Christ, I'm gonna have to set my alarm."
Everyone in the theater did not have high expectations for these players as they would face their first challenge.
Cuts to December 3, 2022 Floor 1: Illfang's Tower, 7:30pm. Everyone's at the Boss Door and everyone except Diabel is exhausted.
"Okay, so there were a few more stairs than we realized. Apparently real life athletic ability translates into the game. Good to know." Diabel looked out to the sad sight in front of him.
"Oh, god. I can feel my lungs trying to kill me." One player whined.
" Is this sweat?!"
" I peed a little."
" Jesus, this is sad." Diabel said with a grimace.
One player vomits.
"Congrats Jaune, someone else has now become the new Vomit Boy of this viewing!" Yang exclaimed.
Jaune rolled his eyes at her attempt at making him feel better.
"Fuck it. Why don't you all just take a Cheetos and Mountain Dew break, and we'll reconvene in an hour."
1960 Batman-Esque transition with Cheetos and Mountain Dew.
" Dammit, guys! I was kidding! You weren't supposed to actually take an hour!" Dibal said in a rage."God, we've lost so much time. Let's just do this already! You all know the plan!"
Illfang jumps into the center of the room and roars. Kobolds pop in, and an error message pops up on the third one that says "Error: "Sentinel_ " not found."
Ruby and Nora laughed at the mob that got glitched.
"Alright, men!" Diabel began,"Form up and-"
"EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!" A player screams
The armies converge on each other.
"Are they serious! You can't just go gung-ho in a boss battle!" Jaune exclaimed at the increasingly apparent, dim-witted players.
"What?! No! Goddammit guys!" Diabel begins to bark out orders. "Squad B, quit attacking the Boss and keep the Sentinels off us! C, D, stop attacking from the front! Do you even know what "flank" means?! Squad F, for fuck's sake! Stop playing Bejeweled! *Groans* Squad G, get in there and help A and B!"
"Got it!" Shirou said with a nod rushing in.
"Don't talk back to…" Diabel did a double take."l Holy shit, really?!"
"How is Whitley the most sensible minded player in this game?!" Weiss asked.
"Weiss, have you seen the other players?" Blake asked her in a deadpanned tone.
"...Yes you're right, that's actually too much of an insult." Weiss admits.
Shirou attacks a Sentinel, leaving Fiona to finish it off.
"Okay, Fiona! What you're gonna wanna do here is-"
Fiona lets out a Battle Cry and kills the Sentinel in one hit.
Fiona in the theater perked up at this display, "Oh my- I can fight! Oh thank gods I can fight!"
Shirou eyes widened in shock "Wow, I thought she was hopeless, but her technique is flawless. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she's even better than I-"
"Hey Shirou! I killed the thing and now it says I have XPs! Is that bad? Am I dying?! Fiona cried out to him in fear."
Shirou rolls his eyes"Or... maybe... not."
"Miss Fiona, either your alternate is very lucky or is very out of base with technology. I can't tell which it is." Whitley stated.
"Shut up Schnee, she's trying!" Fiona defends her other self.
Illfang's health drops into the red. He snarls at the players and he tosses his weapons.
"Alright, men! This last part's gonna take careful coordination…" Diabel ran towards Illfang. "which is why I'm just gonna do it myself!"
Diabel charges his weapon art. Illfang draws his Ōdachi.
Ruby's eyes widened, "OH NO!"
Shirou looked and saw the weapon and his eyes widened calling to Diabel. "Oh shit! Diabel, look out! That's not a Talwar! It's an Ōdachi!"
"What's the difference?!" Diabel ask still running towards Illfang.
"Well, a Talwar is of Indian descent while an Ōdachi is Japanese! While both are primarily slashing weapons, the Talwar was favored by cavalrymen, as opposed to an Ōdachi which was mainly used for dick measuring!" As Shirou is talking, Illfang starts jumping off the walls.
" What's your point?!" Diabel asked impaintely.
"Well if you let me finish, I was getting to that! You see…"
Diabel gets hit by Illfang, screaming in pain.
Many of the huntsmen and huntresses in the theater either gasped in fear or looked away at the surely doomed player.
"What's happening? Did I miss something?" Fox called out.
"Oops." Shirou sheepishly said.
Illfang hits Diabel again, sending him flying.
"DIABEL!" Kibaou yelled out.
Illfang pops down in front of Kibaou and roars. A message pops up "Bonus Item: Soiled Pants". Above Kibaou
"Hey, rare drop!' A player said cheerfully.
Mercury laughed at the joke while most of the others were disgusted by the fact that that achievement was unlockable.
Shirou runs over to Diabel and holds him up.
" I was trying to say an Ōdachi's a little bit longer than a Talwar, so it'll have more reach and do a bit more damage."
"And why couldn't you say that first?" Diabel asked weakly
"Yeah you dummy! You almost might've killed him!" Ruby cries out.
Whitley was actually taken aback by that statement. Sure he had moments of pride and arrogance, sometimes he looked down on people but he didn't believe he would ever intentionally kill someone.
" I like to think of myself as a teacher. Anyway, drink this."
Shirou tries to give Diabel a healing potion but he stopped Shirou shaking his head.
"No. It's better this way. I just can't do it anymore. I had such high hopes at first. But now? Our best player is a girl who thinks DPS is some kind of sex thing." Both turned to glance to Fiona.
"I know. It's weird, right?"
Fiona sulked more into her chair.
"You're clearly not like the rest of them. How do you stand it, Shirou? Where do you draw your strength?" Diabel look at Shirou like a sage.
Shirou sigh and drops his wisdom onto him. "I've been playing MMO's a long time, Diabel, and if there's one thing I've learned, it's that lions do not concern himself with the opinions of sheep. Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding... and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face."
" You are so wise. If only I'd met you sooner. Perhaps, things would have been different. You must lead them now. Show them this game can be beaten." Diabel let's go of Shirou wrist.
Weiss was taken aback that this man was actually willing to place trust in this alternate of her brother. This stranger who barely even knows him placed the lives of all the players into his hands. Much like how she tried to trust Whitley once… this caused a bitter frown to grow on her face in recollection. Even if this was a different version of him, it was still Whitley in her eyes.
Shirou smiles fondly at Diabel. "Another life... in another time... I think we could have been friends."
"I... doubt it." Diabel gasps out before turning to shattered glass, dying.
" Well fuck you, too!" Shirou said angrily his smile dropping into a frown.
Fiona slips in by Shirou's side and began to lay out a plan.
"Alright, Shirou. Here's what we'll do. One counters his blows to knock him off balance and the other switches in to attack. Rinse. Repeat. Victory."
Shirou looked at her with one eye. "You came up with that, but you can't open a menu."
"Shut up!" Fiona cried out.
Illfang roars and they take off running toward him.
"Alright, so you counter and I'll attack!" Shirou yelled to Fiona.
"What? No, it's my plan! I should attack!" Fiona yelled back.
"Fine, just get ready!"
Shirou makes a battle cry and counters Illfang's attack.
Fiona moves in and gets her cloak destroyed by Illfang before attacking revealing white curly hair and sheep ears.
" See? You almost got yourself killed! I'll attack him!" Shirou yelled again and began to attack Illfang.
"Oh, that was a fluke, and you know it! He's mine!" Fiona yelled back.
Fiona attacks Illfang.
"Oh shit. They're actually giving that boss the work!" Coco called out.
"He's mine!" Shirou yelled.
Shirou blocks Illfang's next attack, but Fiona attacks him before Shirou can do so himself.:
"Mine!" Fiona screams
Shirou slices Illfang and he explodes. Everyone is stunned. Lame party kazoo sound effect and a banner with the word "CONGRATULATION" appears.
"Yeah!" A player cheer.
This caused almost everyone in the audience to laugh. Despite the dark humor of it all, it was still pretty hilarious.
"What happened? Did they win?" Fox asks
"Oh yes, I'm sorry Fox! They beat the boss and a victory banner came out."
"...heh." Fox chuckled.
Shirou is panting. He gets an item as a reward for defeating the Boss.
"Congratulations!" Velvet said, patting him on the back. "That was even more impressive than that cat that learned to play."
Cut to a player with a cat's head, with another player staring at it.
"Huh what did you know?" Yang replied.
"Oh my god! You guys can see it too?! So I'm not crazy! Isn't that great, Jesus?!" We see things from the players' perceptive, with a giant hallucination of Jesus Christ looming over the crowd.
"That's right, Jeffrey. Now... kill them all." Jesus said, his voice growing darker.
"As you command, my Lord." Jeffrey whispered.
"Somethings very wrong with that guy." Qrow states.
"I honestly agree with you, Branwen… Blegh! That left a horrible taste in my mouth." Winter stated.
Cut back to Velvet talking to Shirou. The other players are applauding his victory.
"You've led us to victory, Shirou. These men and I will follow you to hell itself. Now... address your people." Velvet is smiling and pushing Shirou to the crowd.
Shirou gets up and smirks. "I always knew this day would come. Ahem. Fellow gamers! We have traveled far and up many stairs to get to this point. Fighting side by side, noobs, and leets, alike. I'd like to take a moment to say that I couldn't have done it without the help of each and every one of you."
"Aw, that's a nice thing to say-" Velvet was cut off when Shirou counties.
"Of course, I'm not a liar, so I'm not gonna say any of that."
"Oh shit."
"I thought as much." Weiss states.
Shirou grins look at the group. "I mean, really. I could've done this whole Boss Fight myself. But to be fair, I guess you did absorb a bit of damage for me, which was nice. You were an adequate meat shield, and no one can ever take that away from you."
"Fuck. Fuck! Shut up! SHUT UP!" Velvet started to say.
"So for those of you who came in late, and that one guy playing Bejeweled back there... shoot for the stars... it'll make it more fun when I kick you back into the dirt."
"You're not better than us!" Kiaboru said.
"Yeah! What makes you think you're so cool?!" Nora shouts to the screen.
Shirou equips the coat he got for beating Illfang and smugly looks at the group."My sweet-ass coat begs to differ."
"Dammit, he's got us there." one player muttered.
Shirou ascends the stairs out of the Boss Room. Fiona follows him and grabs him by the shoulder. "Shirou, wait!"
Those in the audience looked on at Fiona's alternate in hope. Surely she could turn him around after their excellent display of partnership.
"I want half." She said, staring at him blankly.
That hope was quickly squashed, shot at, and finally burned to death via gasoline and cracking a fire dust crystal.
Shirou turns to her confused. " I'm... sorry. What?!"
"I want half the coat. I did half the work, I should get half the coat." Fiona explain and extends her hand for him give it to her.
"No! It's not fabric I can cut! It's just a bunch of 1s and 0s!" Shirou was getting frustrated.
"Fine, then give me the 1s."
" Fuck you! I want the 1s!" He groans and open the menu. "I am not having this argument. I'm disolving this party." Shirou opens his menu and "Di-solves" their party.
"Shirou! If you walk away with my half of the coat, I will make your life a living hell!" Fiona screamed.
"You know what? Fine! I'll give you the damn coat! Just send me a trade request."
"A... what?"
Fiona's eyes widened as she watched from the theater, "No…"
Shirou grins viciously "Oh, it's quite simple really... Just open your menu." Shirou starts laughing maniacally as he walks out the doors as Fiona screams at him:"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" At him.
Outro Plays.
Fiona screams, "I can't believe the nerve of that-! GRAAAAH!"
"Can you please stop screaming! You're going to cause everyone's ears to bleed." Whitley said while using a handkerchief to rub his ears.
Fiona huffed then matched off, going to another place in the theater.
"Well that was interesting. So you all say there's other viewings where we see other worlds besides this one." Coco asked the group.
"Oh yeah, we've seen a couple worlds ourselves, but only a handful I'd say." Yang admits.
"Well as long as we're here, we might as well take time to catch up." Velvet smiled.
"Yeah, this will be great! It's almost like we're back at Beacon, right Weiss? ...Weiss?" Ruby looks beside her but noticed that her partner was not with them anymore.
In another side of the theater, the all three Schnee siblings stand together. Both of the youngest siblings look at Winter who brought them here.
Winter clears her throat, "I understand that there are some… tension between the three of us during this viewing. So I asked you both here so that we may come to terms with our situation."
Weiss scoffs, "Come to terms with him! I highly doubt that."
Whitley crosses his arms, "Yes it does seem like a lost cause Winter."
"Enough! Both of you!" Winter raised her voice causing both of her younger siblings to go rigid. "I'm not expecting you to get along or even apologize to each other at the moment. What I ask is if you two can at least act civil with one another while in the theater?"
Both Weiss and Whitley looked at each other and sneered at each other.
"Why of course I can be civil with Whitley. It is a virtue of a lady to be civil at all times." Weiss said with hidden venom.
"Quite true, but being civil is also a quality an heir of the Schnee family must cultivate as well. So I look forward to spending this immeasurable amount of time with you my sisters." Whitley said with his best presentable smile.
"Yes, how I enjoy us taking this time to reacquaint with each other." Weiss said while one of her eyes was twitching.
"Well then sister, shall we?" Whitley gestured for Weiss to go ahead of him. Almost would have been believable if one did not notice the glint in his eyes and his strained smile.
Winter watched as both Weiss and Whitley walked back to the auditorium where everyone else had remained.
"...This can only end badly."
Hope you enjoyed.
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ivushk · 3 years
Okay, SO. BUCKLE THE FUCKLE UP 'CUZ here's what I've got so far:
Nishiki and Kiryu are still orphans at Sunflower. They come from a tiny village just a few kilometres west from the orphanage. It's a very close and closed-off community. The boys' parents died in a fire when they were very little (which is a common theme for the kids at Sunflower and isn't that a crazy coincidence? *smiles mysteriously*), however the Nishikiyama family house wasn't as badly damaged as Kiryu's so it's just sitting there, waiting for its former residents to reclaim ownership as soon as they're able to (I imagine Kazama would help them with that).
In the next years it becomes a home for Nishiki, Yuko and Kiryu (and Yumi, too, though she feels like a visitor for the most part) in everything but name. It's their hangout spot, their "base of operations", their not-so-secret meeting place. When Yuko's health deteriorates so much that she can't stay at Sunflower anymore, the siblings actually properly move in to make arranging the doctor's visits easier.
It's Nishiki's 17th birthday and all three of them are celebrating and playing games and eating cake and having a good time at the edge of the woods not far from the Nishikiyama residence. They're young and loud and stupid (and ignoring the fact that several people went missing over the course of the last few months) and if Nishiki's heart beats a little too hard in his chest when Kiryu gives him his gift - a beautiful, heavy silver pendant on a slightly-worn leather cord - he doesn't think about it too much (and if he notices that Kiryu stares at him just a bit longer than usual without saying a single word but his gaze is so, so, SO fond-- he doesn't think about it either). (he leaves these kinds of thoughts for restless nights because thinking about his best friend in that way during the day... it hurts. the hurt is good sometimes but it's overwhelming).
They're drunk on the cheap beer they've smuggled from Gen-san's fridge and high on happiness. Unaware that the very same night it would all go crashing down.
At some point they all quiet down and go a little further into the woods than they normally would but no one pays any mind to that. And when suddenly their trio turns into a duo with the sudden absence of the birthday boy himself no one immediately starts panicking. He's been gone for ten minutes, twenty, half an hour. Kiryu tells Yuko to go back to the village, to gather everyone, make them start a search party or something while he keeps looking for her brother (the only things he'll find are the pendant he's gifted to Nishiki with the leather cord torn and the broken shards of his own hope). They never find him.
A year goes by and they hold a funeral for Nishikiyama Akira. Even though there's no body for them to bury. Yuko doesn't cry (she doesn't believe he's really dead). Neither does Kiryu (he used all of his tears up that night, the guilt choking him, and the night after that, and the night after that, and the night-). Yumi does, however. And the nice old lady who gave both Nishiki and Kiryu money for helping her do chores around the house. And the man who gave Nishikiyama a part-time job at his shop (to put at least something towards the cost of his sister's treatment, he felt so indebted to Kazama, and that debt weighed down on him). And a few of the girls and boys from Sunflower too.
Another two years pass. Kiryu moves away to the big city at the behest of Kazama. "It's important for you to continue your education," he says. ("It's important for you to move on," he keeps these words to himself). Kiryu really tries his best. Even makes a few friends (although he's still on the fence about whether he can actually call Oda his friend). It goes as well as it could have considering his circumstances. They say that time heals but Kazuma Kiryu never finds out if there's any truth to those words because he recieves a very short letter - an invitation, actually. To another funeral. But this time it's Yuko they're burying. This time they actually have a body to bury.
Tachibana offers his condolences. Oda offers him a ride to the village and back. Kiryu accepts both.
He can't help but compare this funeral to the last one he's been to. There are fewer people. Fewer tears, too. More flowers. It's quieter and feels something like closure (in truth, it's anything but). Yuko also left behind a will (more like a bunch of wishes since it wasn't an official document but the community decided to honour them anyway). Almost all of her possessions went to the kids from Sunflower, except for the Nishikiyama family house (which on paper actually belonged to Shintaro Kazama) which she left to Kiryu. He can't quite believe it when he hears it and feels his heart break under the onslaught of childhood memories. Still, he goes there later that evening. He finds that little has changed in the time he spent away from the house, from the village, from... all of this, really. There are the same pictures on the walls collecting only slightly less dust. The same books on the shelves and under the broken legs of the old pieces of furniture. The same medicine bottles and equipment in the bedroom, though doubled in quantity. Kiryu's not as devastated as he thought he'd be when he walks around what he used to call his home.
He goes through all the rooms, taking notes of every single thing he finds and every single thing he doesn't. He probably misses a bunch of things (he's not as good at that sort of thing, Nishiki's always had a much better eye for details). Once back outside, he looks for the secret stash they made back when they were teenagers. It's like going through a time capsule. There's a pack of cigarettes he and Nishiki once stole from the teacher's bag, copybooks filled with ugly doodles, dreams for the future and dried flowers and leaves, caps from soda bottles, rocks they thought looked cool, photos and birthday cards damaged by time and weather... the pendant Kiryu gave to Nishiki the last time they saw each other. And a small notebook Kiryu's never seen before. A diary of sorts, a recounting of their days together and their days apart. The handwriting is unmistakingly Yuko's.
It fills him with nostalgia, tears welling up in his eyes, unshed. His heart sinks when he finally reaches the pages where Yuko recounts the last few weeks before she-
She writes about her brother, which is understandable. What's less understandable is the fact that she speaks of him as though he was there, with her. Physically present. Kiryu could chalk it up to the girl being delusional in her dying moments but it doesn't feel right to do so. It's stupid, it's absolutely impossible, he's confused, he's hopeful, why would Yuko hide her notebook there?
The last page. A message. For Kiryu. "Please, Kazuma-kun, help my brother".
Against his better judgement, Kiryu decides to spend the night in the house. Sleep doesn't come to him but that's fine. He sits in the living room, trying to make sense of everything. He sits there until it's way past midnight, until the distant barking of the dogs quiets down, until the rustling of leaves stops, until the very air around him grows still and silent and somehow charged with strange energy. And then he hears it. Three uncertain taps against the window. Kiryu turns his head. It's him.
"Kiryu... Let me in. Please."
He does, without thinking. (He could never very well say no to Nishiki. Even if it got them both in trouble. Even if he's not real.)
The quiet is deafening. It really is him. His best friend (whom he thought dead). His kyoudai. Before Nishiki could say anything, Kiryu wraps him in a tight hug. The only heartbeat between them is Kiryu's own, thundering against his ribs. Nishikiyama doesn't let the hug last, putting some distance between them. He looks guilty, tired; looks at Kiryu with sadness, with longing and something else that he can't quite decipher yet (and it makes him scared but why?). Nishiki also looks older than Kiryu remembers. Not a 17-year-old boy anymore, no. About the same age that Kiryu is now.
Has his gaze always been so sharp? Have his fangs always been this pronounced?
They talk until their throats are hoarse. Until Nishiki pulls out a bottle with some liquid that smells strongly of iron and drinks from it and in that moment Kiryu believes everything his friend has told him. It's crazy, but he does.
Nishiki was abducted that night. Taken from them. By vampires. They hurt him. Forced him to fight other humans (just like him then) for his survival. They fed on him.
It went on and on and on... Days turned into weeks, turned into months, turned into years. Only thoughts of Yuko, and Kiryu, and Yumi kept him going. He wanted to see them again. He hoped he would. That hope was crushed when Nishikiyama met his match in the arena. No, not his match. Someone far stronger. He lost and was tossed out to die. But another vampire saved him. It was a woman, whose face he saw often among the spectators of his fights. She stood out from the crowd, since she never cheered for any of the humans. Never put any bets. Only looked at all that madness with quiet horror. "Reina" she said her name was.
She gave Nishiki blood. Her own blood, and the blood of the vampires that were much stronger and more powerful than her (but not wiser), and human blood.
He turned and it was even worse than the years of anguish he had experienced. The pain and constant thirst almost drove him mad until he was taught to deal with them.
Nishiki was given a second chance. He escaped. And ever since that moment he's been trying his damndest to help other victims of those monsters. Both, the poor imprisoned souls and the villagers who might have shared his fate otherwise.
also i don't remember the last time i wrote this much in one sitting and i'm tireeeeeed. i'm not cut out to be a writer and it shows nghghghhhhhh
but! but! but! i have a couple thoughts on where the story goes:
kiryu decides to stay in the village and help nishiki
they uncover the vampires evil plans and recruit a few other characters to fight on the side of JUSTICE (i.e. kazama, who up to that point has been kind of in cahoots with the vamps - hence trying to atone by means of creating the Sunflower orphanage; kashiwagi; yumi; reina; tachibana and oda; majima, and yeah he was actually the one that defeatead nishiki and unknowingly caused him to become a vampire, also majima himself turns into a vampire later in the story thanks to a certain mad simp nishitani)
yuko comes back as a vampire
at some point the scene from my fanart happens; something along the lines of kiryu and nishiki being found by the evil vamps and being attacked. then of course nishiki saves kiryu (who's still baffled that this shit is happening to them and vampires are REAL) and tells him to run which he doesn't but it works out fine in the end
the scene of nishiki drinking kiryu's blood is a MUST because i. love. that. shit. (it's also extremely horny dfjvhsdkfhiasdfhisd)
nishiki's personality is somewhere in between his ykz0 and ykz k*wami self (like, he's much colder now but he still cares about others and does things not just for the sake of his own ambition)
idk about the end but immortal boyfriends? sounds nice?
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kpopgirl1234bl · 4 years
Hey honey! can you write a part 2 for the scenario with Ciel with an ill s/o, where he finds the cure but is a super silly ritual, like she has to kiss the love of her life in a full moon night while holding a white dove (you can improvise whatever you want with this💙), and Ciel is afraid cuz if it doesnt work that would mean he isnt her real love (obviously he is 💙) thanks so much gorgeous writer 💙💙💙💙
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I absolutely love this idea!
I did something on my own, but I hope it didn't ruin the story
Hope you enjoy the story
Summary: Ciel finally found a cure for your family curse, but will it work?
Pairing: Ciel Phantomhive x fem!reader
Words: 1.420
Warning: a little angst but fluffy ending
Request: Yes
Ever since you had fallen ill and you told Ciel about your family's curse, Ciel never stopped looking for a cure for this curse.
After talking to several doctors and talking to Sebastian, and The Undertaker, Ciel finally believed he found a cure for your family's illness.
Ciel also learned during his research, discovered that you had a mark on your back, that would spread when the illness began taking over.
Luckily for Ciel, the illness hadn't started to spread yet.
When Ciel found the cure and told you about it, you laughed a little since it sounded kind of funny, but if the ritual worked, nothing could stop you.
You and Ciel started planning everything for the next full moon, where the ritual would take place. But during this time, Ciel started to doubt himself.
'What if it doesn't work?'
'What if I am not her true love?'
You saw this plaguing his mind and reassured him that you loved him and only him. You had loved no one like him before, and would never stop loving him.
In the middle of planning, tragedy struck.
While planning, you started to feel sick. You thought nothing of it until you looked in a mirror.
The mark had started to spread.
Ciel found you collapsed and crying on the floor, he rushed over to you and asked you what was wrong.
You told him that the mark had started to spread, after telling him that, Ciel felt his whole world stop and he felt completely numb for a moment.
'This can't be happening.' Ciel thought.
Ciel felt numb to the world, absolutely heartbroken, but yet he remained confident.
"Y/N." You heard Ciel say your name.
"Y-Yes." you sobbed and dried your tears.
"Marry me?" Ciel looked you dead in the eyes when he asked you this. You looked shocked at him, unable to speak a single word.
"I don't care if the ritual works or nor, I want to marry the woman I love," Ciel said, holding you close, close enough for you to hear his beating heart.
"Yes." You hugged him and clutched a fistful of his clothes.
Ciel pulled back and smiled at you, drying the tears that kept falling from your eyes. Ciel leaned in slowly and captured your sweet lips in a passionate and loving kiss.
You and Ciel began preparing the ritual alongside a makeshift wedding. Since the wedding was a last-minute decision, you and Ciel agreed on a small wedding and only invited the closest people to you.
The days slowly approached the ritual day, and Ciel spends as much time with you to make sure you were okay.
So far, the illness had not spread that far, but you still felt sick. But despite being sick, you found a beautiful dress you wanted to wear for the ritual. Ciel had not seen the dress, so you were excited to see his reaction.
The day was finally here. The day of the ritual was finally here.
The day was spend preparing the garden for the ritual/ceremony.
Later in the day, you and Ciel were lead into separated rooms and began to get ready for tonight.
"Are you nervous, Miss Y/n?" Mey-Rin asked you as she got you into your dress.
"Very Mey-Rin, I mean what if it doesn't work, what would I do." You said, and you felt Mey-Rin place her hand on your shoulder.
"Miss Y/N, love will always find a way, don't worry." Mey-Rin smiled and continued working on your dress.
You stood with Sebastian before the doors that lead into the garden, where Ciel was waiting for you two.
Instead of a bouquet, you were holding a pure white dove since the ritual called for a white dove.
"We are ready to begin the ceremony." Finnian ran up and told you. You took a deep breath, and you two slowly began walking as the doors opened.
You spotted Ciel immediately and smiled at him.
You now stood in front of Ciel, smiling as the moonlight shone brightly upon you two as the ceremony/ritual began.
"We are gathered here today to unite Ciel Phantomhive and Y/N L/N." The priest said.
"Bring the rings forward, please." The priest said, and Finnian stepped forward with the rings. You and Ciel took the rings and ready to place them on your fingers of each other.
"Now do you Ciel Phantomhive, take Y/N L/N, to be your partner in life and sharing your path; equal in love, a mirror for your true self, promising to honor and cherish, through good times and bad, until death do you part?" The priest asked Ciel.
"I do," Ciel said and smiled at you, looking deep into your eyes.
"Do you Y/N L/N, take Ciel Phantomhive, to be your partner in life and sharing your path; equal in love, a mirror for your true self, promising to honor and cherish, through good times and bad, until death do you part?" The priest asked you.
"I do," You said and smiled brightly.
"Ciel, please repeat after me. "I Ciel Phantomhive give you Y/N this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." The priest said.
"I Ciel Phantomhive give you Y/N this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you," Ciel repeated what the priest had said and placed the ring on your finger.
"Y/N repeat after me. "I Y/n give you Ciel Phantomhive this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." The priest said.
"I Y/N give you Ciel Phantomhive this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." You repeated what the priest said and placed the ring onto Ciel's finger.
"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." The priest announced.
You smiled at Ciel and looked down at the white dove. You felt Ciel place his hand over yours, holding the dove.
You both leaned in, and finally, your lips met in a sweet and passionate kiss.
You both pulled away, and you felt the dove squirm, so you let it go, and it flew towards the moon. Right after, you felt a pain in your back where the mark was. You bend down, the pain made it unbearable, and you couldn't breathe.
"Y/N!?" you heard Ciel shout. You laid on the ground, hyperventilating. Not long after, the pain subsided, and you could finally breathe again. You looked up at Ciel, looking at you concerned. You looked around, and you saw all the other looking anxious at you.
Just then, you remembered the pain were your mark had been. You grabbed Ciel's hand and ran towards your bedroom.
"Y/N! What's going on?!" Ciel shouted as he ran behind you, hanging on to your hand.
You opened the door to your bedroom and closed it after Ciel, and you ran over the mirror and tried to remove your dress.
"Y-Y/N!" Ciel blushed bright red.
"I-It's not what you think, please just help me remove this dress," you asked Ciel. Ciel reluctantly helped you remove your dress. When your back was unclothed, you turned around and looked.
The mark was gone, completely gone.
"It's gone." You whispered.
"What?" Ciel asked and walked over to for himself.
It was true. The mark was gone. Ciel brushed his fingers against your skin, where the mark once appeared.
"It worked Ciel, it worked." You felt yourself tearing and leaned your head against his chest. Ciel finally snapping out of his daze, wrapped his arms tightly around you.
"It's true after all," you said.
"What is my love," Ciel asked you.
"True love conquers all." You said and smiled at him.
"Indeed it does, my love, indeed it does." Ciel smiled and leaned and kissed you, which you gladly accepted.
'Finally, after all this time, she's finally mine, forever and always.' Ciel thought to himself as he felt your soft lips against his.
After getting you into your dress again, you went to tell everyone that the ritual had worked. Everyone celebrated and cheered.
Later on, you and Ciel retreated to your bedroom. Once you two had entered the bedroom, there was no holding back. You and Ciel rejoiced that from now on, you could spend every day and night in each other's arms.
And that's what you two did that night. Never once leaving or letting go of each other.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 266: Sad Naruto Flute Music
Previously on BnHA: Tamaki ate a horse; Dark Shadow punched Re-Destro through a wall; Gigantomachia didn’t want to wake up from his nap; Tokoyami climbed inside of Fatgum’s stomach like a little emo joey and mused about Hawks; Hawks was all “am I evil or no? history shall decide!” and sort of kind of maybe tried to kill Twice; and then Dabi showed up and set the two of them on fire before you could say “stop, drop, and roll.” All of this was a real chapter that really happened. Anyway but then Hawks saved Twice by pulling him out of the fire, which I totally didn’t notice during my first readthrough last week, so that’s nice. But then Dabi stepped on Hawks’s face and used his quirk again. So that was not so nice. We’re really having ourselves an arc, here.
Today on BnHA: Well you know the old saying. Save a man from burning and you feed him for a day, stab him while he’s running away and you feed him for life. Oh, the chapter? Right. Well Hawks is perfectly fine aside from getting a sexy scar for his troubles, which I’ll have you know I did predict. Twice however is not so fine, which, fun fact, I did not predict. If you’re just joining us. Yeah. I boofed it. Anyway so Hawks escapes Dabi using the power of mysterious main character logic, and then he stabs Twice, and Twice dies, very slowly and sadly and in Toga’s arms. That’s it that’s the chapter. You’ll love it. It’s full of feels. And death. Lol I’m in a mood right now I’m sorry guys. I’m gonna go write some healing Bakugou essays.
so as mentioned on the “previously” section above, Hawks saved Twice’s life! meanwhile Dabi apparently arrived in time to listen to Hawks’s “here I go... time to kill you... really gonna do it... here it comes...” speech for at least several seconds before he finally decided to make his grand entrance, as evidenced by him quoting Hawks’s “sentiment” line right back in his face before setting him on fire. so basically Hawks is still okay and villains gonna villain. this is my conclusion and 4 out of 5 dentists approve but you can form your own judgements as well and that’s fine!
(ETA: this is all your fault fifth dentist.)
anyway so before we begin, full disclosure, I was warned this chapter would make me cry. so that ominous pronouncement is gonna be weighing on my mind while we embark upon our weekly manga journey today, but alas such is life! at least life in March 2020. did we really expect any good news at this point. I want a refund on this whole year but apparently I should get in line
so here we go. someone is narrating and it’s not quite clear who
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but the “you’ve just been unlucky” part is a reference to what Hawks was telling Twice in chapter 264, so unless Dabi was listening in on that part too, I would think this would have to be Twice? even though Dabi’s the one whose face is so prominent here, all handsome and crazy
omg Hawks is holding on to his feather and using his tk to blast away while holding Twice
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what a fucking thing to do. is the fucking feather still on fire. and somehow he hasn’t instinctively let go of it?? THIS BOY I SWEAR TO GOD
and so he’s definitely going to have a scar there now it looks like! pretty sure this makes him an honorary Todoroki. aww
and also Twice seems to possibly be unconscious, so I guess that was Dabi’s narration?? you mean to tell me Dabi was basically sitting outside for like a full five minutes. were you fixing your hair. getting ready to livestream?? “hey there villain nation it’s me ya boi, so I’m here in the Hilton Gunga Heights and omg like a shitton of heroes have attacked us out of fucking nowhere, and now the number two hero is getting ready to fucking murder my bro Twice, and he hasn’t even noticed I’m here yet. shit is totally crazy, anyways before we go on just a reminder to click on the link below to check out our official league merch, and if you haven’t already, click on the button to like and subscribe, it really helps us out.” and then boom, just in time to save Twice from Mr. To Stab or Not to Stab
(ETA: now that we know it’s actually Twice what am I gonna do with all these Dabi social media jokes. huh?! Horikoshi you ruined everything!!)
oh this chapter is apparently called “Happy Life.” that’s fun I’m sure we’re going to have a really fun time here
(ETA: so fun the funnest.)
Dabi doesn’t really seem fazed though
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yeah he’s fucked we know don’t have to rub it in ffff
(ETA: Dabi. we underestimated him, Dabi.)
so Hawks is all “you nearly murdered your bro just fyi” and Dabi is all “smirk it’s fine cuz I knew you were going to save him cuz ~that’s ~what ~heroes ~do” wow you guys. I just realized that between Dabi and Hawks, this has the potential to be the single snarkiest fight we’ve ever had in this manga. my hype for this chapter just went up 10x
also even though I just summarized these last few panels I’m also going to post them so we can all shamelessly admire hot wounded Hawks
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hot damn. you were right, AFO. wounded heroes are the sexiest. I may be paraphrasing a bit
also two things, (1) looks like he called some of his feathers back (so then WHERE WERE THEY??), but it’s not much. and (2) he was wearing gloves this whole time that’s right I forgot. so maybe his hands are okay?? the hell are those made of, damn
oh my freaking lord
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this is one attractive chapter I’ll give it that. also raise your hand if you’re surprised that Dabi never actually trusted Hawks. yeah that’s what I thought
well shit looks like we’re finally getting some Hawks thoughts! unsurprisingly, they are all “I’m fucked”
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please note that while talking!Hawks is continuing to be all sassy, thinking!Hawks is busy tallying up Jin’s injuries. this is a good sign, maybe. I hope. lol
anyway but speaking of Jin, what is going on
oh lol he’s making a break for it
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this is so bad you guys. this is so so bad. if Twice lives that’s all well and good, but if he escapes, Hawks is 100% right about how dangerous he is. they could literally capture 90% of PLF in this raid and it would hardly even matter. also in the meantime the #2 hero is about to be roasted alive so that’s also not great for the hero side all things considered
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh no. I don’t like this. no no no
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why did we suddenly cut to outside and someone’s screaming (?) echoing from offscreen. I’m trying to think of not-terrible explanations for this and coming up short. uh
now we’re back to Hawks/Twice/Dabi, only I don’t see Hawks yet. but Twice is just barely dodging the flame blast, and meanwhile Dabi is all
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is he talking to Twice?
yep he’s talking to Twice
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that’s fine. that’s all I need. for Twice to “go wild” while my nine-year-old son is outside with his batteries all fried and innocently waiting for someone to lead him back to where his other child soldier friends are waiting for him. like. say what you will about Hawks and betrayal, but there was a fucking reason he was trying to take Twice out first
hmm but we’re getting this slow-motion panel now and FUCK ME I SWEAR TO GOD IF A FEATHER PIERCES HIS HEART OUT OF NOWHERE I’M GONNA LOSE IT
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? ??????????
well you sure have been made to look the fool now, Dabi. thought you’d won just because you had Hawks cornered in a narrow room and you set him on fire while standing in between him and the only exit. rookie fucking mistake. you scrub. you clod. you halfwit. how could you let this happen. wow I can’t believe Dabi let Hawks escape unscathed except for a sexy scar and that’s the end of the chapter
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oh my god. well good news everyone this chapter did indeed make me cry
(ETA: listen. I’m going to hell, I know. but it’s still funny as fuck.)
“he went outside with the blast... and flanked me?!” ...sure. sure let’s just go with that. seems reasonable
actually no, sorry, I literally went back two chapters to see if there was another way out of this room, and nope
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by the way that last panel is apparently from Dabi’s POV if I’m understanding this right. just standing behind Hawks waiting for youtube live to connect
but anyway. so no exit. meaning Dabi apparently torched a hole right through the wall and Hawks just sat there and was all “okay this hurts like a mother but if I wait it out a few more seconds I think I can... there we go!” you know, logic
so now there is a ton of action happening which I can’t quite understand, but also Dabi is shouting Hawks’s real name for some reason
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why do I feel like this is definitely the last page before somebody definitely fucking dies. shit. shit
oh thank god so far so good. and also, lol
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BECAUSE HE READ THE DATABOOK, HAWKS. that’s probably how he figured out you were a spy too. we’ve been had
oh snap?!
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don’t do this to me Horikoshi. don’t give me hope. don’t act like you’re gonna actually address this topic sometime before the heat death of the universe
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MY BABY OFF TO DESTROY PEOPLE. ;_; shitttt hahaha nervous laughter Ralph Wiggum sitting on the bus etc.
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I don’t want Twice to kill anyone but it doesn’t mean I want him to die either! just!! can’t I have it both ways?? please stop with this I can’t take it also what is Spinner doing. and also YAY GIRAN SIGHTING hot damn the sex appeal of this chapter is fast approaching critical levels
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fuck me. [eyes post from last week] the real announcer jinx was the metas we made along the way
well we’re cutting away again!! because of course we are!! Horikoshi won’t show violence unless it’s a dog exploding or a little boy accidentally murdering his entire family
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[taps megaphone] this thing on. all right then. [clears throat] NO ONE WANTS THIS
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oh damn but are they really captured though??
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forgive me for being skeptical. not to doubt you, Hungry Hungry Hippo Man. I’m sure you’re absolutely right and your sentence cut off at the end there because you remembered that they changed their name to Pliff, and not because you’re being stabbed or burned or impaled or whatever the fuck
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yes he totally lived and this definitely isn’t so that he can get one final scene with Toga before he suddenly keels over and dies. shit. at this point it’s fucking inevitable. you had to go and drag his girlfriend into this. I’m so sad you guys I can’t even deal with these emotions I’m just gonna stubbornly joke about stupid shit until I figure out what the fuck else to do
OH MY GOD!!!!???
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he’s already dead he’s already fucking dead fucking shit
ohhhhhh it’s pouring down sads now
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my bird son really went and fucking killed the sweetest little dumpling in the manga. I wrote like 5 thousands essays defending you, Hawks. we gonna have to get you a damn good lawyer now
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why is sad flute music from the Naruto OST playing
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he’s not gonna need it where he’s going Toga. because they already have plenty of handkerchiefs on the farm. and lots of room for him to run around and play with other villains too
lmao fuck
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I really did this to myself, why did I actually start playing Sadness and Sorrow fuck my life. real actual tears
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[sad makeste noises]
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your candle burned out long before
your legend ever did.
[mellow keyboard tones]
welp. ... 2020 ladies and gentlemen
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calpalirwin · 4 years
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Summary: Everyone got more than they bargained for when Ashton started dating Sam.
A/N: Ugh, this is such a bittersweet moment. The official end of my brain child with @creator-appreciator​ and our new trope: back up boyfriend (BUB). But what an appropriate note to end on: a wedding! If you haven’t read it, or need a refresher, be sure to catch all 5 previous parts of BUB under the miscellaneous portion of my masterlist!
Disclaimer: Not a poly!sos series!
Content: General bub tom-foolery wedding edition!
Word Count: 2k on the nose!
And away, and away we go!
Part 6
“Lazy day?” Ashton asked from his spot on the couch next to Calum when Sam came downstairs in leggings and a tank top.
“Nope!” she grinned at him. “Going dress shopping with the bubs and the girls.”
“Is it really a bub outing if I’m not there?” Calum asked.
“Wait, you’re not going?” Ashton asked, looking over at his friend. “What are you doing here, then?”
“Misery loves company?”
“Oh, you are not miserable!” Sam scoffed. “You’re just pouting because I told you you can’t come.”
“I don’t pout. I just find it unfair that you banished me from a bub activity.”
“It’s not a bub activity. It’s a wedding party activity. Of which, you are not technically a part of.”
“Princess, you’re forgetting a crucial piece of intel. And it’s that I am the party.”
“You’re still not coming, bub.”
Calum narrowed his eyes at her. “Have fun talking Luke out of glitter.”
“Have fun not knowing what the dress looks like,” she taunted back. Sam swiftly pressed a kiss to Calum’s cheek before kissing Ashton. “Have a good day, boys.”
“Bye, baby. Have fun,” Ashton told her while Calum sunk lower in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest.
“So, these are the colors,” Sam explained, pictures spread across the kitchen table, everybody listening intently. “The girls got their dresses and they are stunning! But all four of you still need to go get your tuxes. And when you do, take this color! This is the color!” She held up the photo in question, looking around at who she trusted most to hold on to it.
“I got it,” Calum said, snatching the picture out of her fingers. “Is there a different color you want Ash’s? Or mine for that matter?”
“No. Same color’s fine for you and Fletch too.”
“You don’t want him to match your dress?”
“Oh, her dress is beautiful!” Luke teased, seeing his opportunity and taking it. “Makes her look like a princess, Cal.”
“A queen, dumbass…” Michael sighed.
“Whatever. Point is, it’s a beautiful dress, and she looks amazing in it!”
“If you’re not this excited when we get married, I’m leaving you at the altar,” Sierra teased.
“You should leave him now,” everyone joked.
“Oh! And Fletch! The flowers. Can you give this to Bryce down at the shop?”
“Yeah, I’ll give it to him next time I see him.”
“Good, good. And when is your family getting here?”
“Not til like the week of the wedding, wh- oh shit, Harry’s suit. Uh, I’ll tell him to go to a tailor to get his measurements and I’ll bring that with me when we all go get fitted.”
“Which you’re doing when?”
“When would you like us to do that, baby?”
Sam grinned, “You're so smart sometimes, Fletch. Can you guys go soon? Like next week?”
“You got it,” the boys saluted her. “Anything else?”
“Fletch!” Sam hollered from the backyard.
“What?!” Ashton asked, running to her, only to find her sitting beside the garden he’d been planting. “What are you doing?” he giggled.
“Trying to teach myself how to garden,” she stated.
“Mhm… why?”
“Because, Fletch!”
“Do you need help?”
“Yes! None of this makes sense!”
“What do you mean it doesn’t make sense?” he giggled again, coming to sit beside her.
“This!” She flashed the packet of flower seeds in her hand. “Plant in the warm season. What does that even mean? It’s California! It’s always warm season!”
“Why is this something you want to do?”
“Because it’s something you like doing, and I thought I would surprise you by doing it with you.”
“Aww! You don’t have to.”
“But I want to! It can be our thing!”
“So, if I take you to Home Depot right now, we can put some gardening stuff I’ve wanted on our wedding registry?” Ashton asked hopefully.
“Who needs fancy china anyway?”
“God, you’re the best! Okay, let’s go.”
“Call the guys. We might need help.”
A half hour later Sam was talking the ear off of a Home Depot employee. “So he wants to plant like real stuff. Like tomatoes, you know? But I think other stuff would look really good too. Like regular flowers and such. So, my question to you, is what would be the best things to plant if we were going to plant them, say, later this afternoon? What would we need?”
“Uh… I can show you what’s popular?” the clerk offered, either feeling completely out of their element or intimidated by the woman with all her questions and posse of 4 giant Aussie men.
“Lead the way!” Sam chirped.
“Oh, um, you wouldn’t happen to have those scanners for wedding registries, would you?” Ashton put in as they all started walking across the store to the garden section.
“You want to register for your wedding at Home Depot, sir?”
“Yes, please.”
“You don’t want to register at IKEA, or like a Target?”
“Nope! You guys got some great stuff here.”
The wedding registry aspect of it proved to be useless as anything Ashton scanned, Calum, Luke, or Michael immediately grabbed with a “What? I want one too…”
“So, this is probably a crazy question, but c-can I be invited to your wedding? Like… nobody's going to believe me that this happened. That a couple registered here. I just… I gotta see what type of wedding would be thrown by people who register at Home frickin’ Depot,” the clerk asked as they rang everything up.
Sam hummed as she dug around in her purse, pulling out a small card and handing it over. “Yeah! Of course! I didn’t end up liking this design, but it’s got all the important information on it, so I hope this’ll do.”
“Holy crap, thank you!”
“Of course! Thanks for dealing with us.”
“You just carry invitations around in your purse?” Ashton asked Sam.
“You don’t?”
“I don’t have a purse… I have pockets.”
Sam rolled her eyes. “Just help the bubs.”
“Okay, my bachelor party and your bachelorette party,” Ashton started. “How do you want to do this? Cuz I know I have groomswomen, but I want my boys there too. And I imagine you probably want the same thing of wanting your bubs and your girls. So… separate weekends or joint party?”
“Joint party would just be a regular hang out.”
“Yeah but like… in a cabin in the mountains. Away from everything. Or separate weekends. You get everyone to do your thing with. Then I get everyone to do my thing.”
“But then we don’t get each other. And with a joint party we do.”
“I think the point of bachelor and bachelorette parties is so that way we’re not around each other, baby.”
“Then why’d you suggest a joint party, Fletch?”
“I didn’t. I was just laying out all the options.”
“Mhm… sure. A likely story.”
“Okay, I might be hoping that you pick a joint party because I think that’d be fun. A nice getaway with my closest friends and future wife. What could be better than that?”
“You do make a pretty good case.”
“So, joint party?”
“Joint party!”
The end of the month found the eight friends and Harry standing around in a cabin. “First order of business!” Sam declared. “Room assignments. Ashton and I get the master room. The rest are up for grabs. Second order of business! Once you find your room, come back with all the blankets and pillows so we can make our fort.”
“A fort?” Harry snickered. “What are you, twelve?”
“Aw, c’mon,” Ashton nudged his kid brother. “You’ve seen the pictures of our forts, haven’t you?”
“Oh, that’s like a for real thing? Thought it was a joke.”
“Fort Luke Sucks Balls is most certainly real. And for this weekend, you are an honorary member,” Sam told him with a bright smile.
“Uh… thanks? I think?”
“Mike… you were right,” Luke breathed as Sam turned around in her dress. “You do look like a queen, sweetheart.”
Sam blushed. “Thanks, partner.”
“You saw her try it on in the store last week,” Michael told Luke. “Idiot…”
“Well, yeah! But not with her hair all done up, and make up.”
“You’re right. Still an idiot, but you’re right. Wanna make a bet for when Ash starts crying?”
“Hmm…” Luke thought. “Tears up when she walks down the aisle, full on sobbing through his vows.”
“Oh, definitely with you on him tearing up when she comes down the aisle. But I’m betting he just does that thing where he clears his throat a lot rather than the blubbering during the vows.”
“Alright. So if I win, we have to change Fort Luke Sucks Balls.”
“And when you lose, a name change can never be proposed again by you.”
The blondes shook hands to cement the agreement, each one certain they’d win while Sam rolled her eyes. A bet the was rendered null and void when Ashton A.) teared up when Sam came down the aisle, and B.) cleared his throat a grand total of 107 times (Michael counted) before quietly breaking down during Sam’s vows.
“I now pronounce you Hubasaurus Fletch, and Wifeysaurus Babe,” Calum announced. “Now kiss your bride before you start crying again.”
Ashton gave a half sobbed laugh, before cupping Sam’s face in his hands and ducking his head down to give her the world’s most heartfelt kiss.
“Alright,” Calum said into a microphone, getting the toasts started. “Hi, everyone, I’m Calum Hood. The wedding officiant, and only guest speaker for this evening.”
“The sensation!” Michael called out loudly, his hands cupped around his mouth.
“The bodacious!” Luke joined in.
“Ccccccaaaaaalllllllluuuuummmmmmm Hhhhhooooooooooooodddddd!” the group of friends all whooped, drumming their hands on the table.
“Okay, thank you!” Calum said with a squishy cheeked grin. “So, as you can imagine we all love Ashton and Sam so much. And when deciding this part of the night, we all wanted a chance to say something. But, we ultimately decided that a lot of our stories would overlap and that it would be too long, so I’m doing it on behalf of all of us. So, it goes without saying Ash, that you’re like a big brother to us guys. I don’t think it’s a stretch of the imagination to say that we wouldn’t be the people we are without you in our lives. And we’ll never be able to thank you enough for accepting a random Facebook message from a kid you didn’t know and helping us become what we are. And then there’s Princess Sam. Sorry, Queen Sam. I have never been happier to be proved wrong in my entire life. I’ve never been happier to have been wrong about thinking you were just some girl that wouldn’t matter in a couple of months. And I deeply apologize for everything I did in those first few months. In these last 5 years I’ve gotten to know you, it’s very easy to see the woman that stole my best friend’s heart. Because you stole all of ours too. And if I say anything else, I’m gonna end up like Ash here, so I’ll just end this by saying that I’ll forever be grateful that you two found each other, because it’s been nothing short of incredible. Here’s to the best years.”
Calum raised his glass, everyone else following suit, while Luke and Michael hopped up on stage next to Calum. Michael grabbed the microphone out of Calum’s hands while Luke got situated with a guitar. “Perfect toast for a perfect couple, Cal. And perfect segway into the newly announced Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Irwin’s first dance! Hit it, Luke!”
While Luke started strumming the opening chords to Best Years, Ashton led Sam out to the dance floor, spinning her in a slow circle before pulling her close. “I love you so much, baby,” he whispered for only her to hear.
“I love you too, Fletch. So fuckin’ much.”
Tag List
@frontmanash​​ @goeatsomelife​​ @flameraine​​ @creator-appreciator​​ @cxddlyash​​ @1-irwin-94​​ @sparkling-calm​​ @tea4sykes​​ @youngblood199456​​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​​ @gosh-im-short​​ @aquarius-hood1996​​ @talkfastromance4​​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​​ @philthepegacorn​​ @ashtonlftv​ @miirandaaa​​ @karajaynetoday​ @myfavfanficsever​ @stormrider505​ @cashtonisruiningmylife​ @another-lonely-heart​
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deamon-castor · 4 years
Gah, I'd rather fight armies than grade these papers! And here I thought being a teacher/headmaster would be more fun than this. BY THE GODS THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE, THERE'S STACKS ON THESE STACKS REPORT CARDS! *Ding ding goes the doorbell, that's a bit weird since this apartment didn't have any doorbells, it's even more weird since he wasn't expecting anyone to come by... HOLD UP NO ONE EVEN KNOWS HE'S HERE! Welp guess this is the night someone dies. He gets up and very carefully walks over to the door. Disguising voice to a hire pitch he answered,* Who is it? I already paid last Thursday for the rent.
You probably don't remember me, but I'm the person who spilt coffee on you and you paid for mine, I came by to pay you back. *Well now Demonius is in serious trouble. The one hero that he tried to avoid the most somehow tracked him down and he's in the middle of paperwork for the school he had to think fast and get everything put away.* Come on I know you're here, I've been asking around and they saw you living here the past couple weeks.
*Welp if he's going to clean the place up he's gonna need to do it fast.* Just a minute, I'm uh tidying up a bit. *Demonius summoned a few gremlins and whirlwind demons and ordered them to quickly but quietly put everything in order. They zoomed all around gathering paperwork to put them in filing cabinets, cleaning dishes and sweeping up dust just to blowing them into the trash all while acting like a cleaning tornado. When they were done cleaning the place they disappeared and Demonius brushed himself off to try and look more presentable even though he's just in a white t-shirt and jeans. He unlocked the door and opened it.* Sorry about that, I wasn't expecting any visitors or anyone for that matter. Why'd you come here?
I told you, I came to pay you back for helping me out. *She says as she entered, she looked around and saw the place was allot cleaner than what she expected she could have sworn she heard a tornado pass through this room. She turned around and she asked bluntly.* So, who are you? You're certainly someone that would strike everyone odd, why haven't I seen you before?
Uh... You're a cop or something? *Going with the dumb but a polite smart cover should put her at ease, clearly she actually knows something about him but he's not willing to give up free information without a fight.*
Heh, funny but no. I'm really curious cuz funny enough you've been on my mind ever since I ran into you. *Looks like she's not giving up anything either, she looks at his aura and sees that it's exactly the same as Demonius, black and guarded.* (Gotcha now villain, there's nowhere to run from my truth telling eyes. You tell a lie and your aura will spike.) So can you tell me your name or are you nameless?
(Gods damnit she's just as stubborn, I'm gonna have to tell her something that's technically true) Well if you insist, the name's Deamon Castor. And as you can guess I'm actually new around here (those parts are not lies, I'm actually new around this part of town since I decided to live in an apartment). *His aura didn't spike or move differently than before, that made Skybright curse silently for not being more specific.* Well I gave my name, what's yours stranger?
*she hesitated for a second cuz she knows that she is possibly handing over her secret identity to possibly the most dangerous criminal there is, then again she did confirm that this is his new secret identity even if it's his old name, she steeled her will and said it* My name is Nya, Spelled N Y A pronounced nee-a. Make fun of that and you'll get dropped like a hammer on an anvil.
(Well shit, she has the same name) Then I won't, besides I couldn't really fight girls. Call that a weakness but it's a moral that I try my best to follow.
*that caught her by surprise as that did not make the aura around him spike but instead grow softer. She shook it off and decided to get back to the original subject.* Well here's my number, call me if you need help with anything and here's the $4.99 for the coffee as my thanks.
You don't really need to-
Just take it. I really don't like to owe favors, especially if it's someone with guarded secrets. *She holds them out as if she's giving away some part of her soul to something demonic, but the moment she hands the money and the cellphone number over the feeling vanished and got replaced by a feeling that she just found her old friend.
Well... Thanks, though I doubt that I'll need to call, except to probably chat. Thanks again.
No problem, I'll see you around. *she walks out the door feeling satisfied about accomplishing something for a long time. But then she stops and turns around and said suddenly without thinking.* Try to remember that power and strength alone isn't always the answer to every problem, so try not to be so reckless or you'll lose an arm. *It was Demonius' turn to be caught be surprise even more than Nya was after saying that* I'll uh... I'll see you later. *She hurried out and down the stairs that lead up to the apartment, leaving a very dumbfounded Demonius that sat down hard on a chair.
What did... What did she say? *He says out loud to himself, he couldn't figure out why she would say something like that without a reason, he thought and thought as he tried to reason through every logical explanation (is she stalking me, did she go through my stuff while I was gone!?). He clutches his left arm as his PTSD triggered his memory of almost losing it from an S class quest but thanks to GC from Magnolia, she was using deep personal magic to help him heal his wound and his soul at the same time. Probably the worst experience in his life as he confessed about everything he went through. He snapped back to reality and realized that things are not going to be easier from here on out so he will have to prepare.* Sorry GC, I know you may not like it but I can't easily let things go without fighting straight through my path.
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bailey41 · 4 years
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Picture credits variously to Madame Figaro & Francois Boucher (detail from The Nymph Callisto with Jupiter in the Guise of Diana,1759)
Soyez sérieuse / The Anniversary
on AO3 (X)
AU. The principal actors from Portrait de la jeune fille en feu / Portrait of a Lady on Fire, in a relationship. Paris, a summer night or two in Adèle Haenel's apartment in the 10ème. They are celebrating an unspecified anniversary, one that allows for breathy declarations, lots of looking back (!) and stuff. Lots of baise-tois too as these are *mad normal* modern French women. There's a lot of the Adèle attitude from the 120 BPM era.
“The sublime grants pure feeling.”
—Goethe, on describing the sight of the alps, in a 1778 letter to Charlotte von Stein.
A short tale of transitions, told in fragments: Between object and subject. Between regarding and being observed. Between thinking and feeling. Between listening and being heard.
“vous avez rêvé de moi?,” ou “vous avais rêvé de moi?” Between the present indicative and the imperfect indicative.
Or if you like, the change from minor to major key in Vivaldi’s “Summer: III. Presto,” that plucky violin solo in the middle that has Héloïse smiling triumphantly through her tears.
But as this is a happy Noémie Merlant x Adèle Haenel AU, the heavy notes in G Minor that resume at the end of that piece don’t ever come back.
Adèle half-mutters the word as she finishes replacing the last of the cooking pots in the cabinet beneath the kitchen counter.
She pushes the blue dutch oven further in, gently closes the door, and with a firm grasp on the lip of the marble top with her left hand, she springs erect from her crouch, and swivels in the direction of the too-large dining table. 
Just in time to see Noémie rest her empty wine glass. With a grimace, she’s dabbing intently at the dried spatter of gravy on the front of her dress with a spit-moistened napkin.
The stain had gone through the taffeta and onto the material underneath, and while not particularly salient against the charcoal and dark green of the silk placket, it is visible, and is causing the wearer a lot of consternation.
Adèle raises her left eyebrow to the seated woman, and she dutifully scrunches her nose in acknowledgment.
The main part of the meal ended more than two hours before. The dull, rusty streak would have passed without any mention had Noèmie not noticed Adèle stare down at something on her, halfway through some menial chit-chat over revisions to a screenplay for a small film set during the Algerian War. It’s to shoot in the autumn and seemed promising for a “message-movie” when Noèmie’s agent first sent it over. But she is very bored with it now, and had begun to wonder if it wasn’t too late to bail out on without a lot of hurt feelings.
Adèle knew much of tonight’s work blather was mere preamble to what her girlfriend really wanted to talk about, but there seemed to be no urgency for much of anything lately. It’s been a week since Bastille Day, and Noémie had just flown back from a quick, two-day photoshoot on the Basque coast for Elle, but the pair had yet to made up their mind to use the little time they had between jobs to go anywhere outside of the city. An oppressively hot July, they’ve mostly stayed in with the one main air conditioner groaning just to keep things comfortable on most days.
The nights have thankfully been cooler.
“Don’t mess with it anymore, or it will just get stuck in there, and then you’ll be really upset. Leave it with me and I’ll give it to Elie, the dude at the cleaners.
“But what if he can’t remove it?”
“I mean, those dudes, at Vuitton, they’ll get you a new one, no?”
“That is so not the point.”
The recipe she got from Tatiana, the chef at Le Servan, did call for less tomato paste and red sherry, but no matter. It’s not like she was gonna change anything the next time she cooked it for them. Noé loved the stew and that pretty much settled it. She made a mental note to add a few more prunes and sultanas.
“And what was?”
“The point?”
“You know I hate having to spell out this kind of thing, cuz you’ll give me shit later for being vain.” She cocks her head and uses both her long, bare arms to intimate the length of her not-too-short dress. “I wanted to show this off to you, to wear something brand new for you in my Biarritz tan, to look super nice for you and all, and now it’s all fucked…“ Still mid-pout, Noémie sits up from her slouch, her back now ramrod straight. “I was gonna have this nice little speech to cap off our little celebration, the lovely meal you made, and now it’s a bit fucked.”
“Oh my god. Baby, it’s ok…I’ll keep the apron on if it helps.” It’s a cheapish looking thing, a denim blue promotional one with the Pathé logo silkscreened in yellow over her chest.
“Ahhhh! This is such a stupid, stupid little thing, but It’s all about the moment, you know!” She pronounces ‘moment’ in English.
“You still look amazing in it, if it helps.”
“Oh… It helps. Much.”
“Let’s wash up and you can recite it all to me in bed? That would be a pleasant change of scene, no?”
“But I’m not really tired yet.”
“C’mon. Show me these tan lines. I know you wanna get out of that dress.”
Adèle turns her back and gestures for help with the apron.
Noémie gets up and unties the bow with one sharp tug, the sound cutting the air. Deftly, she runs all ten fingers over the broad pleats of the linen and grosgrain dress that the apron hid, smoothing them down as she cradles the small of her lover’s back. She slips her right hand in the gap she created between the coarse denim of the apron and the much softer fabric to feel the shape of Adèle’s abdomen, slightly swollen from braised lamb, couscous and way too much Coke Zero. She finds her navel and kisses her nape, drawing the first of her many rewards.
“You need to wear this number more often,” Noémie purrs. “It does it for me.”
“It’s by Alber, when he was still at Lanvin. He made it for me. It’s kinda old now but it means a lot to me. I’ll only wear it for you. From now on.”
“Would you let me wear it?”
Adèle turns around. “Would you like to try it on? Right now?”
It’s past 1 in the morning. They’re on the balcony, looking down the Friday-night hubbub on Boulevard Magenta five floors down. It’s not as noisy from that height.
Noémie is plucking the leaves off of a succulent on the patio table. Adéle swats at her playfully, but doesn’t stop her, instead shifting the ashtray to keep it from falling off the edge.
The leaves always grow back.
They both then turn their stools back towards the bedroom and away from the street, the aluminum feet of Adèle’s chair straddling the concrete floor of the exterior and the lumber of the room. Noémie shimmies her stool to create a little distance, well into the interior but still close enough to where Adèle was sitting. 
Noémie is anxious to take up where she left off an earlier conversation—post-prandial, post-coital, and one she needed to fully articulate, to solemnize the occasion. She composes herself, running fingers through her short-cropped hair.
Continues on AO3 (X)
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keeroo92 · 5 years
Commissioned fic request: V & feisty fem reader, friends to lovers w/lots of sexual tension leading to lots of spice. V being awkward; reader finds it charming. Maybe he roasts her for being a shorty. He loves teasing her but she gives him a run for his money because she loves messing with him too, a lot. Little does she know she’s asking for it. Prompts "The skirt is supposed to be this short","Who gave you that black eye?"(reader gets black eye XD), "I just like proving you wrong"(reader to V)
Thank you so much for the commission! You are officially the first person to do so. Since you gave me so much to work with, this will be split into a few posts. I couldn’t resist writing a nice, long story for ya! Enjoy!
(Takes place after the events of DMC5, in an AU where V survived even though Vergil still returned)
Word count - 2,999
True North Part 1
In a dark room somewhere in Red Grave City, a man tossed and turned as he did every night. The chilled autumn wind caressed his clammy skin and he grunted, his face strained in the moonlight spilling from his open bedroom window. His tattooed fingers clenched and a tear leaked from his closed eye, spilling into his already sweat-dampened obsidian hair. There was no one beside him; the tormented man slept alone.
V bolted upright with a gasp, eyes shooting open as if he’d been struck by lightning. The pounding of his heart refused to slow until he checked every corner of the room, despite how sure he was of his own safety. His nightmares often robbed him of his senses.
As was his ritual, he reached out through the shredded remains of his bond with his familiars, mourning them as if their sacrifice was only yesterday. He still found it difficult to believe; the three demons he’d fought to gain as allies ended up giving the last of their lives to preserve him. Trading what little power they had to anchor his soul.
As a consequence, he no longer had the means to fight demons alongside his friends. He had become ordinary, and while his friends still cared, they were busy saving the world. They didn’t have time to support him or help him heal, for reasons he understood despite the ache in his heart. So, while he survived the showdown, V still felt as if he’d lost everything.
In a way, he had.
V sighed and threw aside the blankets, airing out the portion of the sheets now soaked with his sweat. He shuffled to the small bathroom and splashed water on his face, taking comfort in the sting the cold fluid brought. He stared into the mirror, assessing the worth of the person he saw.
There’s still so much to atone for.
His hands clenched on the porcelain, remembering the many sins of his past. Every day he strived to make amends, but it wasn’t easy. Most of his crimes proved too terrible to counterbalance.
Mass murder. Conspiracy. Matricide. Theft.
Theft. He could fix that, couldn’t he? His emerald eyes shifted to gaze at the dresser where his now useless cane lied, remembering the day he stole it. To be fair, his circumstances at the time were… complicated.
Still, perhaps he could find that shop in the morning, pay for the broken case and for his thievery. It was better than nothing. He sighed again and returned to bed, lying on the side where the sheets remained somewhat dry.
Retracing his footsteps from the day of his birth turned out to be more of a challenge than he’d expected. The city had changed so much, many buildings damaged or destroyed entirely during the crisis. In some neighborhoods, the carcasses of the Qlipoth roots stood vigil as a reminder to the citizens. V clicked his tongue as he stepped over one particularly large root, disdain written on his every feature.
What a fool I was.
He walked two more blocks before he saw it – the paned glass door, the carved columns framing it. V swallowed heavily as he remembered breaking the glass and unlocking the doors, dragging Griffon inside by his feet. Desperate to stay hidden from the pathetic Empusa. He was weaker now than he’d ever been.
He shook his head. This wasn’t a trip down memory lane, there was no point revisiting the past. No point dwelling on pain. He pushed the heavy door inward and entered the scene of his crime.
It had changed little. A display of porcelain dolls to his left, a case of jewelry to his right. Ahead, a shelf stuffed with baubles and accouterments waiting for a new home. He would’ve liked to browse, but he was here for a reason. His gaze swept the room, passing over the paraphernalia to find a tiny figure carrying a stack of books, a nametag barely visible past the bindings.
I thought child labor was illegal?
He approached curiously and watched as you shelved the myriad of tomes. Eventually he got a look at your face and he chuckled to himself, realizing you were most definitely not a child. He cleared his throat. You spun to face him with an obviously false smile.
“Hi, can I help you find anything?”
He shuffled his feet and sighed. This may end with him in handcuffs.
“I need to pay for something…” he began. You stared up at him, waiting for him to elaborate. He held out the silver cane and gave you a sheepish smirk.
“I stole this a few months ago during the crisis. I’ve come to purchase it properly.”
Your eyes flicked from his face to the cane, then back again. A more authentic grin spread across your features and you snickered, holding a hand over your lips to hide it. V lowered his arms; by the time the cane clicked against the tile, your guffaws had reached a state of frenzy. He shuffled his feet in embarrassment and waited for you to calm.
“Are you for real? Dude, everything damaged during that bullshit got written off as a loss. You could’ve taken Elvis’ jacket and literally nobody would have noticed,” you said eventually. V clicked his tongue, unable to withhold his annoyance at being teased. Especially since he was trying to do something right!
“Regardless. I also broke in through the door and shattered the case that contained it. I may have damaged several other items during my encounter with a demon.”
You looked him over with a sly gleam of amusement and led him to a counter with a shrug.
“If you really want to pay for it, the owner won’t complain. I can get the cane sorted out, but the damage might take a while. Are you sure you want to do this?”
V grimaced. His job at a local bookstore didn’t pay well, and his work experience didn’t merit a raise. He’d have to take on extra shifts to cover the expense. More hours spent helping idiots find something to read on the plane, mindlessly stocking the shelves and pretending to have any deference for his boss.
I must make amends.
“I’m sure.”
You smiled and gestured at the cane, indicating you needed to see it again. He handed it over and you hummed.
“Well, you have my respect, then. Not many people would fess up to that.”
V didn’t respond. He locked his eyes on the floor, remembering how black it looked as Griffon dissolved right before he’d bonded with the mouthy demonic bird. It surprised him how much he missed the snide commentary and barbed insults.
No one left to insult me except myself.
“I think seventy-five would be a fair price,” you said, handing back the cane. V pulled his wallet from his rear pocket, finally having made use of the chain from so long ago. He handed you a few bills with a smile. The register opened with a sharp click and you counted out his change, even printing a receipt. The tiny scrap of paper in his hand lifted a fraction of the guilt from his shoulders and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“I’ll need your contact info for the glass,” you said, holding out a pen and notepad. He scrawled his name and cell, adding a note explaining his request. You peered at his writing curiously.
“Anyone ever tell you your handwriting looks like you’re five years old?”
V chuckled. He knew better than to mention how young he was, but it was tempting.
“Ah, I must be improving then,” he replied instead. You snickered and shook your head.
“Good one! I guess I’ll talk to you soon,” you glanced back at the pad, “V…”
As much as he loved literature, working in a bookstore left V extremely unsatisfied. Most customers were after whatever new young adult fiction was big this week, or the latest self-help book. Not a soul asked him about poetry or classics, and the lack of stimulating conversation gave him far too much time to think.
He spent a significant portion of time trying to figure out other ways he could repay his misdeeds. Rarely did he stumble onto any new ideas or insights, and the repetitive cycle left him melancholy. Not a good mindset for customer service.
And according to Michael, we just sold out of that drivel the kids like. This will be a long day.
Still, he plastered as much of a smile as he could muster on his lips and pinned his nametag on, striding out onto the sales floor like it was a battleground infested with Hell Caina’s.
If only…
“Hey, you work here, right?”
He turned to face a youthful blonde, knowing from the tone of her voice alone what she wanted. Why she couldn’t have bothered Cassie instead was a mystery, the two would’ve likely been best friends within ten minutes. The idea twitched his lips into a faint smile as he nodded.
“Cool, you have that new one by Cyril McNabb, yeah?”
His jaw clenched in irritation. The girl didn’t even pronounce the author’s name correctly, let alone know the title. He took a deep breath and responded.
“I’m afraid we’re sold out. Can I recommend something else?”
The girl sneered at him, flipping her hair over her shoulder with a scoff.
“What, you don’t have like, one more copy in the back?”
V hid his hands behind his back and clenched them, keeping the pleasant smile on his face even as he seethed in annoyance.
She pouted, puffing her lower lip out so theatrically he wondered how it remained attacked to her chin.
“Can’t you, like, go check? Cuz I didn’t come all this way for nothing.”
Her words echoed in his mind, harkening to that day in the Qlipoth. Nero had used the exact same phrase.
The shelves surrounding him vanished, replaced by falling chunks of rock and bloody vines. He was dragging the rash young warrior away from where Dante held Urizen in a stalemate, even as the boy screamed for him to let go. V’s rage had howled through him, lending him the strength to get Nero out even as he wanted to charge into the fray and finish it.
“Uhhh, hello? So, like, can you go check for me?” the young woman’s grating voice said, shattering the memory like glass.
He didn’t think, responding on sheer impulse.
“I suppose I could, but I will not. I happen to know we sold the last copy this morning, and your insistence on special treatment will not cause another copy to magically materialize just for you. I’d recommend an alternative, but truthfully the best use of your time would be a grammar textbook or a collection of poetry, and I doubt someone of your limited intelligence would make it past the first page.”
Gods, that felt good to say.
Even as he enjoyed a surge of self-satisfaction, he knew he’d fucked up. The girl’s jaw hung open in shock as she blinked back tears. Her lower lip trembled as the first few drops slipped through her false lashes. To make matters worse, Michael stomped out from behind the mystery novels with a scowl, having overheard every word.
“V, go wait in my office. Miss, please come with me and I’ll have another associate check for you,” the pudgy manager said.
Barely ten minutes later, V turned in his nametag and walked out the door. He brushed his hair out of his face and crossed the tree-lined intersection. Where could he work, with his lack of expertise in anything besides hell and demons? Life was so much easier when he didn’t expect to live longer than a month. Now, there were bills and rent to worry about, not to mention his car payment.
Granted, V had a respectable amount saved. He lived a modest life and made it a point of pride to set aside what he could. It may cost a great deal to atone, and it never hurt to have a safety net.
A buzz in his pocket stopped him in his tracks; his phone. He pulled it from his pocket to find an unfamiliar local number on the screen. His shoulders tensed and he braced himself for more bad news as he tapped the green dot.
“Hi, is this V?”
“Yes, what can I do for you?”
He stepped off the sidewalk to lean on a brick wall, allowing an old couple holding hands to pass.
“It’s Y/N, from the antique shop on first street?”
He smirked, adopting a teasing tone as he replied. “I believe so, are you lost?”
“Ha-ha, hilarious. The owner passed me the receipts today, total comes out to $3,274.55, including all damaged property. She wanted to say thank you and that you can make as many payments as you need.”
“Ah. I suppose I’m lucky Elvis’ jacket wasn’t damaged.”
You snorted in mirth. “Nah, just his wig. When can you drop by?”
V clicked his tongue. He needed to find work quickly, but if he didn’t have a minimum amount he wanted to make the first payment as soon as possible. Begin the process.
“I’m on my way,” he said.
You chuckled as you hung up, still stuck on his crack about Elvis. The man had a talent for one liners, you had to give him that much. Part of you hoped he’d make his payment in person, so you could exchange jokes with him, but in this era the chances were slim. You sighed and turned back to the thick stack of papers, re-reading the top sheet for what felt like the hundredth time.
Ugh, lame. I wish someone else could work on this.
Still, it needed to get done. You forced yourself to focus and muddled through a third of the stack before a soft voice interrupted.
“There’s a guy here to see you, should I show him back?” Peter asked from the doorway. You nodded and he vanished, silent as a mouse only to reappear seconds later with the tattooed man in tow.
A ruler marked where you left off in the accursed pile as you waved V inside with a smile.  He looked strange in khaki pants and an olive shirt, the look so different from the dark jeans and layered tees he wore when you first met. He sat in the only other chair in the room, a mere three feet away from you.
“So! V! Ready to meet the owner?”
He nodded, making a move to stand once again. You cackled internally as you reached out to shake his hand.
“Surprise! It’s me.”
His lips twitched into a smirk and he let out a single syllable of amusement, eyes scanning the cramped room. Cluttered cork boards lined the walls, various notices and a few choice comic strips pinned up. Shelves lined the walls all the way to the ceiling in the few areas left over, packed with detritus and binders you hadn’t opened in years. Your desk was the cleanest surface in the room, littered with the stack of papers you needed to finish reading, a few pens and office supplies.
“So this is your office?”
“Yup! Though I let a few people use it sometimes.”
He nodded knowingly, as if something became clear to him with your words. You stared at him quizzically until he broke the silence to answer your unasked question.
“I was wondering why you had shelves so high when you’re so small,” he explained. “Which begs the question, how do you stock the higher displays?”
You restrained the urge to roll your eyes. It was inevitable, especially considering he was so damn tall. How could he not notice how short you were when he had to look down to make eye contact? You’d heard it all before.
“Witchcraft. And a few piggy back rides,” you deadpanned.
“Also known as a stool, I assume,” he replied with a smirk, not missing a beat.
Damn, he’s good. But so am I.
“Stewart, actually. Though we had to let him go when he started hiding my pens on the top shelf.”
The two of you stared at each other for a moment before you couldn’t keep a straight face anymore, breaking down into laughter as V released a few quiet sniggers.  You couldn’t remember the last person you met who appreciated your sense of humor. Wit was a dying skill, in your experience. How nice to find someone who enjoyed it as much as you did.
You fought your lips into a neutral expression, folding your hands professionally on your desk. V’s sparkling emerald eyes nearly sent you over the edge again, but somehow you kept your focus. Business first, jokes later.
“So, how do you want to do this?” you asked, lips still twitching in rebellion.
He clenched his jaw, irritation radiating off him in waves. The change in mood wiped out the last of your amusement and you wondered if you’d offended him.
“I can do one hundred today, after that I’m not sure. I’ve just been fired,” he said tersely.
Oh my gosh, that’s perfect!
Wait. Slow your roll. Why was he fired?
You leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Why?”
He shifted his weight, matching your suspicion with plenty of his own. “What does it matter to you?”
You uncrossed your arms and smiled.
“Because I’m hiring.”
Part 2
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