#nobody's allowed to make fun of my music taste
avourel · 10 months
1. Headstrong Earshot
Watch me fall Watch me break Watch me crawl
2. Body Crumbles DryCell
Finally I find When I lose control Inside my body crumbles It's like therapy for my broken soul
3. Throne Bring Me the Horizon
Remember the moment you left me alone and Broke every promise you ever made (...) So you can throw me to the wolves Tomorrow I will come back
4. It's not a Fashion Statement, It's a Deathwish MCR
The damage you've inflicted, temporary wounds I'm coming back from the dead And I'll take you home with me
5. Carnival of Rust Poets of the Fall
And more than ever, I hope to never fall Where enough is not the same it was before Come feed the rain 'Cause I'm thirsty for your love Dancing underneath the skies of lust
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gagegh0st · 6 months
Batfamily Kiddos And My Hc's Even though nobody asked for them
New series asshats! "-- hcs even though nobody asked for them will be a returning series you little shitfucks.
Dick Grayson
He has a really good music taste, loves a good jazz, funk, or jersey club song
Collects certain hand sanitizers because he likes the smell
He hoards magazines about himself so that once he becomes a parent, he can show them to his kids.
Has a soft spot for birds.
Night owl
Always wanted a parakeet but Alfie and Dad said no.
Really likes travelling to hot places
Cant swim, almost drowned the last time he was in a pool
Barbara Gordon
Really allergic to cats (Red eyes, hives, all the works)
She was a total nightcore kid back in middle school
Has multiple sets of joint problems that have been left untreated for actual years
Big fanfiction person
Collects plushies of bats because she likes them
Graphic novel addict
Dyes the tips of her hair different shades of red
Absolutely fucking hates tight jeans
Jason Todd
Been book buddies with Alfred since he was really young
Absolutely terrible at driving
Started greying prematurely, he dyes all of it but the white piece.
He takes melatonin before bed because of him having anxiety
Can't hold a girlfriend for shit, too promiscuous to stay single tho.
He had lots of pet fish growing up
He has a rose garden and is very proud of it
Wants to retire one day to be an old guy with a nice garden and literally a. single. child, that's it. All he needs.
Damian Wayne
Listens to way inappropriate music for his age
Thinks he's grown but he always has homework due
The bitchiest little sibling you will ever meet, he is a huge snitch too.
Always having an identity crisis.
Had really traditionally girly interests growing up (Ex: Fables, Flowers, Balet, and Barbies <3, what a sweet child)
Isn't allowed to have a girlfriend ever according to Bruce.
Laughs at inappropriate times a lot
Chronically wears vests because he thinks that it flatters his figure. (It doesn't, Alfred knows this but wants Dames to feel his best even if it makes him look short.)
Tim Drake
Was obsessed with wolves when he was young
Loves a funky-print suit
Really likes painting with gouache or watercolour
Big-ol Adhd brain
Wears the same coat without washing it for at least six months
Plays really funky indie games
Really likes feeling pretty, paints his nails, curls his hair, or even gets himself some new jewelry
Got his ears pierced when he was young, and has tons more ear piercings and plans to get his nose bridge pierced even though Bruce said he would kill him.
Stephanie Brown
Started coding at an early age
Collects old metal stuff
Special interest is welding and glass blowing
Very fond of bears, especially pandas.
A cheese connoisseur
Designs all the suits for the batfam
HTML is the love of her life
Aro ace and only Bruce knows, he's chill about it tho.
Cassandra Cain
Hearing problems GALORE
Uses some forms of AAC because of hearing problems and speech impediment (Lisp and Stutter)
More brooding than most of the boys
Really likes scrapbooking
Watches kids shows for fun because she had a really fucked up childhood
Absolutely never cries in front of the other siblings
Bruce is her shoulder to cry on because he gives such good advice
Crochets Before bed because it's a good stress reliever.
Duke Thomas
Haircut always stays fresh asf
Dissociates a lot
Always was a math person, didn't like reading growing up because of vision problems
Really loves chickens and has names for all of the chickens they own
Collects action figures of farm animals
A very faithful partner, he doesn't get into relationships with people he doesn't see a future with
Has a very fun textured closet but sticks with the yellow.
Collects cool pens and gives them to Alfred so he can have something cute to write with when he writes down groceries.
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cali · 2 months
the scene im answering this questions tag thing in is me and my clones are having a sleepover and we go on omegle as activity and @transgenderer relays to me these questions:
favorite color: black, gold, the most ultramarine blue tone u can make, nobody disagrees with anybody here, they all reign on equal thrones. 2 master carpenters were executed, one because a previous iiteration of the thrones was unequal in height and one because one of the thrones was a couple grams heavier than the others.
currently reading: im still on blindsight by peter watts i havent progressed much cuz i havent had the moods but next week i do a 13 hour train ride
currently watching: 1 episode of sopranos a day with 2 italians. they always giggle when they say italian stuff, or try to say stuff but butcher it badly. i saw it once 3 yrs ago but this is giving it a sweet new angle
last song: something off of lingua ignotas caligula. i downloaded the entire album as one mp3 file so now i dont know which one is playing. whatever song is at 52:42
currently craving: i ate much today, im scanning the grocery store currently for what else i could add ontop. um. something small,. i want these instant noodles, when i visit my parents my dad gifts me them sometimes, they dont taste comparable to many other things, long weird aftertaste, awesome af
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coffee or tea: coffee, a tea is ok sometimes but i made coffee really work for me by making it supersweet always and also only ever drinking it maximum 1 time a week and only ever if i want to draw with it. and the joy of drawing and sugar conditioned me really well into putting me into a good mood just by drinking a cofe, which in turn helps the picture
hobby i want to try: now the clones chime in again, i want to learn music making one day, i want to learn to sing better because its fun, third clone says spearfishing and we look at her weird. thats a hobby for when im like 38. yea i know its good to have a couple cards to play in the mid to lategame already set up in your mind.
the mentioning of spearing an animal triggers an alarm on summer transgenderers computer, no cruelty on this machine allowed and so it automatically disconnects from the call. we thought the questions fun and invite @dogheadhermitsshed @milk5 @swordoftheberserkgutsrage @claws10mileslong @cetitan i think that spreads the spores good. a good net to invite more from there on
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ink-flavored · 5 months
everything under preferences & emotions for the jumbo ask game? :3
woagh a beeg one
so my heart always wants to talk about Pride and Justice, literally all the time, for any reason. but i also want to shove Harlan and Yvonne in everyone's faces, as the new kids on the block. so to satisfy my extremely indulgent urges, i'm going to split this list in half and answer 5 for each couple.
Pride & Justice
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colors, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
Okay for Justice this is easy. He likes books and analyzing books (especially romance, especially in his book club), basically any animal (including humans), bright colors (yellow, light green, soft blues, lotta pastels in his wardrobe), soft textures, fruity scents (like in lotion and shampoo and stuff), his favorite season is spring, he likes overcast skies, and he'll listen to just about any music but has an affinity for classical and Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Beats To Study/Relax To.
On the other hand, Pride is so repressed that he does not allow himself to enjoy things for a hot minute because he's afraid of looking Weak and Vulnerable for Experiencing Joy. He'll admit to enjoying weed, alcohol, shoplifting, and inciting violence, but that's about it. Eventually, he comes to enjoy the punk scenes Ollie frequents and trips and falls into emo stuff (he also listens to pop-y club music when he's not at the club, but won't admit it), he can tortuously admit his favorite color is maroon, he obsesses over telenovelas with Sofia, he loves watching bad movies on purpose to make fun of them, he likes rain and snow, and his favorite texture is "Justice's clothes."
🍊 What is your OC’s favorite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes? What is your OC’s most hated food? Stuff they can’t stand to eat or drink?
Justice is partial to breakfast food in general, but simply cannot resist the opportunity to eat French toast when it's available. It's the first thing he perfected while learning to cook for the first time, so it's special in that way too.
Pride doesn't cook much (or rather, doesn't cook anything recognizable as human food), so his favorite things are made by other people or store bought. In general, he likes tart, sweet-and-sour flavors because it reminds him what his sin tastes like, and Ollie's weed brownies for exactly the reason you're thinking.
I haven't thought too much about what either of them dislike, so I'm pulling these out of my ass. Pride thinks yogurt is the weirdest, grossest food in the world, and Justice really doesn't understand the appeal of avocados.
🍑 Where is your OC’s favorite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them? Is there anywhere your OC hates to go to? Anywhere that stresses them out or have negative memories of?
For a while, Purgatory was Pride's escape. Nobody cares about Purgatory, nobody would ever look for him there, so it's where he went to cool off after another fight with Lust or to escape someone he pissed off. Relatedly, Hell is his least favorite place (shock, gasp).
On Earth, he kinda just goes to his room and curls up in his blanket nest when upset. Sometimes he will accompany this with extremely loud sadboy music. If he's just chilling though, he'll sit in the most space-taking position on the couch possible and watch Epic Fail compilations or something. Bonus points if Justice is there and he can invite himself into his lap.
Justice likes to sit on the balcony and be quiet, either with a book or nothing. It's his Thinking Spot, where he goes to brain it all out. It's important to him because he never really... had a place for that in Heaven. Everything he did was strictly regulated and controlled, so all his "relaxing" had to be done during his designated "relax" time, which he """shockingly"""" didn't get a ton of.
He hasn't been on Earth long enough to have negative associations with any particular place, but his memories of Heaven have been quite tainted by his recent rejection. He both wants to go back desperately, and hates that he wants to at all.
🧡 Who is your OC’s favorite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or role model or celeb can be someone’s favorite after all!). Who does your OC absolutely hate, the one person who they’d sell to Satan for one corn chip? Why do they loathe this person so?
Pride's favorite person is HIM!
In seriousness, Pride has himself on a pedestal because literally nobody gave a shit about him up until the events of the story happened. It was/is a coping mechanism, a survival technique, a way to rationalize all his actions away as Correct, because if he was ever wrong then that meant that everyone who had ever hurt him was right. As he grows, he begins to unlearn this way of thinking, but he never really lets go of that core idea. Pride is the most important person in the world to Pride, because he has to be. When nobody else is around, he has to truly, genuinely, earnestly love himself, not just to cope, but to like... be happy. But since he's not alone, and does have people who love him, Justice is his favorite non-him person for both character development reasons and extremely gay reasons.
As for his least favorite people, that could honestly fill a book. He is so bitter. God for obvious reasons, Lust for being abusive, Lucifer for lying about being better than God, but his hatred for Envy is I think the most interesting. In real life, the emotions of envy and (unhealthy) pride are very closely linked - people who have an unhealthy relationship with their pride are often envious of other people. Pride hates Envy because she's the concept of everything he can't admit to himself (he's envious of angels and humans who are happy, loved, and have God's affection), and Envy hates him right back for flaunting his confidence/dismissal of her sin as a concept at her and showing what she thinks she needs to be happy (and no longer envious). They're catty as fuck.
Justice loves Pride (for gay reasons and character reasons), but it's an extremely close race, maybe even a tie, for his sister Kindness. She's the reason for a lot of who he is, they intentionally modeled their human bodies so they would look related. Kindness really helped shape his understanding of how God's justice and God's kindness work together to create the Perfect Wholesome World of Heaven and is a big reason he believes what he does. Obviously when Heaven turned out to not be so wonderful and wholesome, he still took those ideals with him to Earth. One of his core philosophies is that justice should be guided by kindness, not the other way around, and she helped teach him that.
His personal antagonist in the book is Honesty, and he loathes her for extremely good reasons. She was his direct superior in Heaven, and made his life very difficult once he started suggesting that maybe Purgatory isn't the best way to do things. He has been under her thumb for ages, and him leaving Heaven was basically the excuse she was looking for to brand him a traitor. Justice does not wish death on anyone, but he's very close saying some very mean words about Honesty.
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun? What things bore your OC to tears and they couldn’t care less about? Why?
Justice LOOOOVES Blorbo From His Books. Pick up any book in his collection, he'll have hours of conversation at the ready. Even the trashy pulpy ones - ESPECIALLY the pulpy ones tbh. He's also a rules lawyer by definition of embodying God's justice, so he also enjoys having a friendly argument of semantics and creating the most busted TTRPG characters you've ever seen based on nothing but technicalities.
What Justice does not like talking about is... arguments for the sake of arguing? I guess? He doesn't like getting into fights, he just likes talking about rules, so anyone coming at him with like... real Stakes in the topic at hand with Furious Rebuttals immediately turns him off. He's just playing toys. Why are you so mad.
As previously mentioned, Pride doesn't really allow himself to enjoy things for a while, and even when he does, he doesn't like the idea of talking for hours about stuff. When he gets into art and starts painting, he doesn't really talk about it as much as he just... does it all the time, here's a picture. He'd rather show, not tell, and let the art speak for itself. Even with his bad movies and telenovelas, he doesn't have much to say other than "they're so fuckin hilarious, this one's my favorite, we should watch it Right Now, No Take Backs."
Pride finds SO many things boring actually. Don't talk about sports, don't talk about anything with numbers, don't bring up PROBLEMS in the NEWS??? It better be FUNNY or SEXY or VIOLENT or he is not listening to you.
Harlan & Yvonne
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC generally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
Harlan is definitely a happy guy by default, especially after starting magic HRT. He lives a very party-heavy college lifestyle around a lot of other party people, so he's very rarely in a situation where thinking about his problems is in the forefront of his mind.
Music pretty reliably makes him happy, and just being in a situation where there are lots of people having a good time also makes him want to have a good time, which is where the parties come in. The infectious energy and the drinking games and whatever party potions everyone is passing around, all that is where he wants to be, with the people he wants to be with.
Harlan is also very good at being your personal hype man? He will simply not let his friends get away with self-depreciation, and give you compliments until you agree that they're true.
Yvonne is a more subdued kind of happy. She's consistently homesick for her herd, but does her best to keep in touch and explore her big city lifestyle in Athendrolyn and make a new "herd" for herself.
When she's particularly homesick, she'll either go on a long walk/trot along the beach or the forest trails, or if the weather's bad, curl up with a warm drink and a blanket and watch nostalgic movies from her foalhood.
Her social battery for people she hasn't integrated into her "new herd" is drained quite quickly, but if she's mentally made you part of that group, you're basically family to her. She'll drop anything for her herd, no matter the situation, and is all around a very compassionate and loyal friend.
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
Yvonne is a centaur, so she has crippling horse anxiety. Which is to say, she's afraid of most things! When she was living with her herd, it was mitigated by being in a herd and having a community and a leader to follow, but when she moved away for access to magic HRT, it got worse. She's particularly afraid of unexpected loud noises, sudden movements, and can get pretty overwhelmed in flashy environments like parties or concerts. She definitely leans on the "flight" half of fight or flight, and will look for any escape route possible. Depending on what's causing the episode, just being in a quiet room with someone she trusts for a few minutes can be enormously helpful, but the most reliable way for her to not be anxious is for people to announce when they're coming into a room, explain whatever that noise just was, and not go to parties.
As for being scary, Yvonne is a Clydesdale, so I wouldn't put it past people to find her intimidating, but usually once she opens her mouth all that is put to rest. She's very friendly!
Harlan isn't a particularly anxious person, but does avoid the ocean whenever possible. He's terrified of the sea and most deep water in general. He can swim, he just doesn't like doing it, and it's pretty easy for him to be calm by not going near deep water👍ever 👍
He's not scary either, nor would he ever want to seem scary.
🍋 Does your OC act petty and jealous easily? What sort of things make them feel like this and do they experience guilt for getting so worked up? How do they deal with these emotions when they get them? If your OC doesn’t feel like this often, why not?
Harlan is definitely very petty. One thing that happens in the short story is that his friends tease him about making up Yvonne (because they'd never met her/seen a picture of her), and once she shows up he takes EVERY OPPORTUNITY to rub their noses in the fact that HHHIISSS girlfriend is here, and his REALLY AWESOME GIRLFRIEND is right there, and wow did he mention they're DATINGGGGG??????
He really hates being underestimated, or being made a fool of, which is why he reacts so strongly to things like that. He doesn't like feeling like he's second best, so if he feels like that's happening (even if it isn't), he asserts his "authority" basically with any straw he can grasp. Sometimes this is easy, like when Yvonne turns out to be real and not fake, but other times it's just... unrelated or insulting or made up. He's not good at impulse control, so usually he has to be told to knock it off.
Yvonne is not very petty or jealous because in general very calm and not very confrontational. She can be a little insecure, too, so in instances where she is feeling jealous, it's more internal, and she doesn't act on it.
When she does feel it bad enough, she can shut down and be kind of closed off. Usually someone can help talk her back out of it, and Harlan is especially good at this because he likes to hype her up at every opportunity.
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
Yvonne grew up pretty sheltered in a rural area with only other centaurs, so she's pretty out of her depth when she moves to Athendrolyn with its dozens of different creatures and customs and traditions. The culture shock made her pretty susceptible to being tricked, both in non-serious ways and worse ways, but she's definitely more vigilant now. She's very trusting, even after those unfortunate incidents, and will generally give people the benefit of the doubt.
Harlan is much quicker to call bullshit, but also quicker to go "yooooo no wayyyyy," about something that personally piques his interest, whether or not it's true. He tends to trust people unless they have a known history of being untrustworthy, and his fraternity (or whatever I'm calling it in this fictional world) can definitely spread news, true or false, faster than anyone can possibly outrun it, so if he's trusting someone he knows he can trust, but they got their info from someone else who got it from someone else etc... yeah.
On his end, Harlan is a pretty straightforward guy, but he does fib a liiiittle bit on occasion to seem cooler. It's why his friends jumped to "your girlfriend isn't even real" in the first place. It's more dramatic than the things he's done in the past, but it's also not not something he would do.
💛 In general, how in control of their emotions is your OC? Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them, not the other way around? What do you think is the reason behind this and is your OC ever concerned about their lack of or good control?
As previously mentioned, Harlan doesn't have the greatest impulse control, and will act on how he feels before he thinks through what he's actually doing. He really feels the need to prove himself among his peers and seem cool and interesting, and the party lifestyle that encourages impulsive actions ddddoesn't help? much?
He knows he has this problem, and does try to catch himself, but it's a process after acting impulsively for so long. Yvonne being a stable, calm presence in his life has tremendously helped him.
Yvonne isn't impulsive at all, kind of the opposite. She has a lot of anxiety, and that prevents basically any impulsive action, which can cause her feelings to rule her life in a different way. She can be closed off and wary of things that aren't already in her comfort zone, especially growing up so sheltered.
She actually didn't realize how closed off she'd gotten until she met and started hanging out with Harlan, and has been slowly trying to increase her tolerance of out-of-comfort-zone experience since.
[send me something from the jumbo ask game]
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proxythe · 5 months
What kind of music can you see the P3 cast listening too? Your latest post just made me wonder that. Also just curious, what music do you listen to normally? I ask everyone this lol
im kind of unbelievably horrible at knowing music genres, let alone trying to assign specific genres to characters but i’ll try my best 😭 guys plz dont cook me if its bad im not that big of a musichead plz plz
Anyways. firstly, since minato and kotone both canonically listen to the p3 ost, i can assign them hip hop/rap/pop off rip. if it’s in their playlist, i think we can gather that they enjoy it.
minato - alt rock, pop punk, gothwave, video game osts. i say video game osts bc i yhink minato would like sitting around in a video game afk just to listen to the background music. i dont think minato is a goth but i feel as if gothwave has a sound he’d find enjoyable
kotone - alt rock, hip hop/rap, pop rock. she loves to lip sync to it and u can hear the song she’s lip syncing to bc i also know kotone probably turns her volume to max so loud you’d think she’ll damage her ears someday if not soon
yukari - dance pop, new wave, pop. she’s one of those people who hates country and sucks at listening to music outside her preferred genre. secretly likes a few alt songs but she’d never put them on her main playlist
junpei - hip hop, r&b. probably also a pop enjoyer, but honestly he’d like anything if it were catchy. he loves to dance and it sucks bc he’s really good at it so nobody can make fun of him
fuuka - alt/indie, pop. she’d also enjoy video game music, like minecraft ost and she cries to it. i think she mostly likes slower music. music that makes her feel like her soul is leaving her body and ascending to a different plane of existence
mitsuru - classical. rich girl… but i also think the girls would influence her taste to expand more and she’d find herself enjoying the worst songs you’ve ever heard in your life. it’s ok tho since it’s her first time branching out. she’ll grow…
akihiko - whatever’s on the radio, mostly enjoys upbeat faster paced music that can easily hype someone up. he’s kinda that one pic that’s like “Gym Beast Playlist” and the first song is hi high by loona
shinjiro - death metal, old school hip hop. death metal came to me bc i was thinking about casual outfits for shinjiro and i really wanted to put him in a death metal shirt bc of the font lmfaoo. but i prefer more old school hip hop for him and occasionally other things like old school rock music. he hates that new shit
ken - pop, alt/indie. ken is a kid so his taste is just beginning to form. he only knows pop radio. i also think ken’s music taste is music where you’d hear it and be like “god how does anyone like this” but he’s a child so he’s allowed to get away with it. and i say indie bc i also think ken is the type of person to be sad so he listens to more sad music as if it won’t make his mood worse. he goes on youtube and types “sad music playlist” when he’s in a bad mood
aigis - feel like she focuses more on the lyrics than the sound 😭 it’s her first day on earth she hasn’t yet learned that u can listen to music for the vibe instead of the lyricism. even then, i think aigis would probably enjoy almost any kind of music bc she thinks the creativity is beautiful
koromaru - adding him bc i think he’d have shinjiro’s taste from how much he loves him. he hears death metal and it puts him right to sleep…
ryoji - similar to aigis, but he’d probably heavily prefer whatever music the protagonist also enjoys. he has his own thing for classical music as well. he plays the piano and stuff …
+ thanks for asking what my taste is. i personally prefer to listen to a lot of rock, punk, metal, etc. if my cutesy art doesn’t make it so incredibly obvious BUT i enjoy anything as long as it sounds pleasant to my ears ✌️
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vera-deville · 1 year
Vera's Hauntober 2023
Day 6 - Fog (Osamu Dazai)
09/23/2023 - 09/26/2023
Pairing: Osamu Dazai x Reader
Word Count: 1,044
Warnings: Dazai's shenanigans
Gender: Gender Neutral
Taglist: @animusicnerd, @leonistic, @pyroxeene, @savanaclaw1996, @thequeenoffishburrito, @ellssbellss, @reshi-galaxy, @hanafubukki, @hitoshislover
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It was a Monday morning.
A cold, chilly Monday morning. And it was 7:00 A.M. on top of that. And it was foggy as hell.
Dazai hated the fact that he and his partner had work to do so early in the morning when they could have just skipped work and stayed tangled up on the bed all day. But work was work, and with a fastidious partner like Y/N, it was a miracle he was even allowed to wake up at 5 in the morning instead of 4.
He also hated the fact that now that they were done with their mission, instead of going back home, they had to go back to the ADA. "For paperwork," Y/N had said. Grumbling to himself, he let his eyes rake across the figure to his right, the one driving the car. Posture upright, hands firmly gripping the wheel, eyes steadfast on the road, never wandering.
Until they noticed the chocolate irises staring at them.
"What?" Y/N asked.
"I'm not allowed to look at my lovely significant other?" Dazai replied, cheekily.
"Well you better keep you eyes on the road. As the person sitting at the passenger seat, you therefore have the responsibility of watching the road and letting the driver know of any and all obstacles that may occur."
"But why would I want to look outside when all there is to look at is fog and nothing but it?" Dazai said, pouting a bit. Making sure that Y/N was at least watching him from the corner of their eye, he continued, "Besides, there's a much better sight inside the car~"
"Put a can on it Osamu. We're working right now. Be professional." Y/N chided.
"Actually, we're driving." Dazai said with a smug grin.
"During work hours, while driving to work. There's no way around it."
Sometimes, Dazai wondered if perhaps Y/N was related (even if it was distantly) to Kunikida. It sure would explain a lot. The only difference was, it was a lot more fun to rile up Kunikida than Y/N. Y/N was way too stoic for Dazai's onslaughts of teases.
Bored out of his mind, Dazai rest his arm on the window, staring out into the cloudy nothingness. As though Y/N could sense the boredom radiating off him, and more importantly, decided to do something about it, they turned on the music. Dazai didn't have a particular favorite type of music. As long as it sounded good, it was good. But he did happen to favor Y/N's tastes in music. It suited them rather well. Well enough for him to lightly bop his head along to the beat.
That is until he saw something up ahead.
"Hey, what's that up ahead?" He asked, pointing off to the distance. Y/N slowed the car down to a stop, squinting, but barely being able to see anything past the hood of their car.
"Where? I can't see anything with all this fog."
"Right there, see? Just drive up a little further, and you'll see." Dazai insisted, no longer slouching against the window in boredom.
Still squinting, Y/N followed Dazai's words and drove further little by little until eventually, they also saw what Dazai was talking about. There was something up ahead (albeit, with some distance between them and the thing). "I can't tell if that's a tree or a person. They're not moving, so it's not helping. What do you think?" Y/N asked.
Hearing no response, Y/N looked to the passenger seat, only to freeze in their seat. The hands they kept steady on the steering wheel only tightened, the sound of leather being gripped falling on deaf ears.
Dazai was gone.
Nobody was in the passenger seat.
Flipping their head left and right and every other way, Y/N tried to find some semblance of their boyfriend somewhere. Nothing. Just the damned fog.
He wasn't anywhere near their line of sight, and just for a second, Y/N wondered if they'd just hallucinated Dazai and had been talking to themselves the entire time.
"Osamu?" Y/N managed to find their voice. "Where are you?" "This isn't funny Osamu!" By this point, Y/N had started trembling in their legs. Whipping their head back to where the figure was, up ahead, Y/N decided to drive a little closer to the figure, just to make sure that it was nothing but a tree.
Except as they were driving ever so slowly towards the figure, said figure started moving.
Towards them.
By this point, Y/N was shaking in their seat, but they still tried to make out the figure through all the fog. They couldn't see any distinctive features, but they could see one thing for certain.
It was human.
Y/N gave up on trying to search for Dazai, as they tried desperately to bring back the feeling in their legs and rev back, but nothing seemed to be working out in their favor. Looking frantically up at the figure slowly approaching them and back down at the pedals and back up at the figure and back down at the pedals and back up-
The figure was now bolting towards them.
"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Y/N screamed. It was nice knowing this world. Sure life had its ups and downs, but in the end, it wasn't so bad. It would have been nice to see Dazai one more time though. And the ADA. And Chuuya. He's a pretty fun guy once you get to know him. Not that she'd ever tell Dazai that-
Eyes scrunched painfully shut, Y/N waited. For what, they had no clue, but certainly death would have been the finale. Except, nothing happened. No sound. No doors being pulled off their hinges. No painful grotesque death.
Just, nothing.
Gently peeking one eye through the barricade they created across their face with their arms, Y/N looked ahead, only to see that the figure was gone.
Struck by another wave of sheer panic, Y/N whipped their head around like a rabid dog, searching for the figure, only to see a deranged mad man pressing his face up against the passenger side's window.
Y/N screamed again.
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Author's Note: Oh my hobgoblins, did I have fun with this-
I knew that I wanted to write some sort of shenanigan, courtesy of Dazai, for this fic regarding the fog and all. But the problem was that I had forgotten what shenanigan I planned on writing. Oops-
So I ended up asking a beloved friend of mine for ideas to write (he's also a BSD fan, courtesy of me), and he suggested this masterpiece. I've gotta admit, during this event, this is definitely my favorite fic so far.
Fun fact, but back when I was first planning this event, my friend actually gave me an idea for one of the future fics in Vera's Hauntober 2023 (spoiler alert, the fic idea he gave me was for Hitoshi Shinsou). Considering that this is my first ever BSD fic (that I've actually posted, that is), I've gotta admit, it didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would.
See you in the next fic!
Masterlist Hauntober 2023 Masterlist
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sakurachan7734 · 25 days
My SCP ocs and fan kids as dead by daylight killers
Killer: The rotting/jackson
Difficulty: hard
The rotting backstory
Growing up in a isolated cabin with its two fathers and little brother and baby sister Jackson’s dad taught it everything it needed to know about shooting a gun and how to hunt for its prey and it was taught how to cook what ever it catches and kills.
Jackson was never allowed outside without permission from its parents it never knew why but it was always told it was kept everybody in that house safe but Jackson would always find a way out of the cabin but every time it will be picked up and brought back.
On its 16th birthday Jackson received a ww2 gun from one of its dad’s first victim and was taught how to use it because it was different from the one that dad had 
One day after school it playing at the park with it’s little brother Max and baby sister Sarah until a mysterious fog warped around the playground Jackson didn’t think anything about it and continued playing with Sarah until some spider like claws came out of the fog and wrapped around Jackson and pulled it away so quickly max didn’t notice until Sarah started crying and Jackson was nowhere to be seen….
The rotting’s perks and power
Hex: mind picturing
You you were completely blind since birth but you were found out a way to picture wherever you’re looking at in your mind 
Every totem in the trial is a hex totem and if a survivor destroys that totem they are exposed and area is revealed for five seconds
Reveal yourself! 
You can use your other senses to find your pray
Every time you damage a generator any survivor within your terror medius will scream but your area will be revealed also
Scourge hook: You can’t hide!
You know how to make a terrified without you even being near them and you like
You start off the trial with 10 tokens and every time you hook a survivor you can see the areas of the other survivors for five seconds 
The rotting’a power: black goo portals
You can travel through solid matter with the use of portals that are made out of black goo that can burn human skin
You have 10 portals you can put around the map on the floors in the walls that you can fast travel throughout the map just by going in them and if a survivor walks on one they become injured and will move 16% slower for 10 seconds and if a survivors is near a portal their heartbeat will be revealed to you 
The rottings default cosmetic
Jackson(head): a teenager who wants to watch the world burn
Favorite jacket (body): a warm black and purple jacket
Old rifle(weapon): a old French rifle from ww1 that it connected a knife to the tip of 
Prestige cosmetic
Bloody Jackson(head): a blood covered teenager who wants to watch the world burn 
Bloody favorite jacket(body): a warm blood soaked purple and black jacket
Bloody old rifle(weapon): a old bloody rifle used in ww1
The rotting voice lines in the lobby
“I just know papa is worried about me”
“Is this a test or something?”
“Dad, papa, max, Sarah are any of you guys here?”
“Are any of my partners here?”
“I’m…..not used to daylight”
“Hmmm the days are longer here”
The rotting will sing a unrecognizable song in French nobody knows what this song is not even the entity can recognize it some people think that it made up the song it sings
Voice lines at the beginning of the trial
“Let the fun begin!”
“Time to practice those tricks dad taught me”
“dinner time!”
“I will make jewelry out of your bones!”
After getting stunned
“You will pay for that!!”
“You will be the first to die!”
“I will crush your ribs!”
After hooking a survivor
“I bet your lungs would taste great fried!”
“Stop crying I can do so much worse to you but the spider guy won’t let me!”
“Oh your cry’s are music to my ears”
After a mori
“I will make dolls of your skin”
“ finally caught you”
“Finally someone with sweet blood”
New map: old rotting cottage 
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7-dreamers · 2 years
18 January 2023, Dreamcatcher Interview with VIBE Magazine
Q. This is a ‘Special’ digital single release. What did you do to make it ‘special’?
지유(JI U) : We made it special by making it about the reason Dreamcatcher could exist so far. From the moment of our birth, nobody can live alone. We need the help of others, we learn from the wisdom of others, and that allows us to be part of the world. Dreamcatcher also exists thanks to the hard work of so many people and the special love given to us from the InSomnias.
수아(SU A) : More than anything else, the fact that it’s a song for the InSomnias makes it special. Just imagine, someone could listen to it reminiscing over the journey we’ve been sharing. Doesn’t that make it special?
Q. The title of the song is ‘REASON’. What reason did you mean by it?
드림캐쳐(Dreamcatcher) : As you can see from the line ‘Cause you are the REASON’, it means that everything we’ve been through -  Dreamcatcher’s 6th anniversary, the precious win, our contract renewals - was all for the fans. We thought it was the best way to express our gratitude.
Q. Lots of musicians express their gratitude and affection for their fans. Still, Dreamcatcher’s love for your fans seem to go a step further. What kind of bond do you have with your fans? What kind of energy do you get from them?
시연(SIYEON) : First off, they give us the strength to go on. Also, above everything, they make us better people. When I feel how loved I am, I find myself working even harder so that I can return that love many times over.
한동(HANDONG) : The InSomnias are more than fans to us, they’re like family. I think the love flows both ways in our case, and I know I was able to weather tough times and grow further thanks to the InSomnias.
Q. The song also commemorates your 6th anniversary. Looking back, what do you yourselves think of the last 6 years?
유현(YOOHYEON) : Sometimes I was peaceful and turbulent in others, but looking back, I was braver and shone more brightly than ever before. It’s my youth itself!
다미(DAMI) : It was like fire. It was intense enough to burn and hurt you, but I was able to be that passionate.
가현(GAHYEON) : Lots of tough times and happy times happened in the last 6 years. But being together made me happy!
Q. During the recording, how did each member interpret their part to bring out their own charm?
시연(SIYEON) : Personally, I got lots of parts that stretch outwards. So I vowed to use energetic rock vocal tones. It’s been a while since I used my head voice this much, so it was fun. Plus, since this is a fan song, I tried to sound dependable.
유현(YOOHYEON) : I utilized the rock vocal tones I learned from being Dreamcatcher to the maximum, and tried to invoke the overwhelming, diverse emotions that we experienced because this is telling our own story.
Q. The powerful rock aspect is one of the elements that set Dreamcatcher apart.The new song also contains intense rock sounds. What does the rock spirit mean to Dreamcatcher?
수아(SU A) : It broadened our musical horizons, and made us firmer on stage. Rock as a genre became our color, our strength - and it gives us a lot of energy on stage too.
다미(DAMI) : Rock spirit, to us, is the color. Every member has different music tastes, so we could mix in different genres with rock and create something uniquely ours.
Q. The song has a part that sounds like a crowd singing along to it in a rock festival. Imagine releasing a live version of the song, or performing the song with fans. How would you do it?
지유(JI U) : The song is incomplete. It will only be completed when we sing it with the InSomnias in a live performance!
한동(HANDONG) : I think it’s a song that everyone could enjoy at a concert. We would make the performance together, mixing in parts of our old choreographies!
가현(GAHYEON) : Especially for the encores. I want to sing along with everyone.
Q. Sometimes, the momentum you build up takes you to a completely different place than where you started from. As you said, as the fans are the energy source for Dreamcatcher, you could say the global fandom completes Dreamcatcher as an artist. From your current position, what is your new driving force, your goal moving forward?
수아(SU A) : ‘Just keep it as good as it was till now’ might sound bland, but even just keeping that takes a lot of effort. My goal is to keep giving people good music while communicating and supporting each other with the InSomnias - just like what we’ve done so far - for a long time to come.
시연(SIYEON) : Thank you for that sentiment! To be honest, I don’t think our goals have changed from the beginning. Showing our fans our best selves, becoming better singers, these are dreams that don’t have an end. As always, our energy is the InSomnias, our families and the members.
가현(GAHYEON) : I want our music to console and bring happiness to lots of people.
Q. Your music videos and visual content has been very consistent and very true to your team identity. Was there something you intended to really express in this new album?
드림캐쳐(Dreamcatcher) : Through happiness and through sadness, the InSomnias have always had our backs. Their endless love brought us this far, and the tower in the music video is an allegory of that journey. Dreamcatcher heads towards the top of the tower, and InSomnias offer to take our hands. That old friendship is symbolized by the 7 butterflies once seen in the ‘Fly High’ music video, one of our earlier songs.
Q. The great camaraderie and chemistry between Dreamcatcher members is also famous. Did you learn something again about each other or get a special story from the recording?
지유(JI U) : Before the recording, we talked to each other a lot about renewing our contracts. We learned once more just how deep and firm our love for the team and for each other was through that conversation. Our unified heart really shows itself in the music, I think.
한동(HANDONG) : In my part of the song, there’s a word that really moves me. That is ‘InSomnia’. I sang it thinking about the journey and the love we shared with the InSomnias.
유현(YOOHYEON) : Before we start recording, we get to hear the song to decide on how the parts will be divided. Because our members have been together for so long, we tend to speculate and discuss which part would suit which member the best. On this album, every member showed so much growth. They were so professional, beyond my expectations. That was amazing and admirable to see.
다미(DAMI) : There’s a group singing part in this song. When I was in the recording booth, I was listening to the recordings of the members who did it before me, and realized how alike we sounded. They say love makes people look alike, and I wondered if our voices were getting similar too.
Q. You are about to take your next step towards your next chapter. What does Dreamcatcher have planned next and what musical direction will you take?
드림캐쳐(Dreamcatcher) : Dreamcatcher has always tried new things and built new paths. We’ll continue to try different and new things so that we can keep bringing diverse acts forth and live up to the expectations. We will also include diverse messages in our music, continuing on our path as artists.
Source : VIBE Magazine
Translation by 7-Dreamers HojuneTL Please do not take translation without credit
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rayclubs · 9 months
okay okay who does bodyguard get along with the most (and the least while we're at it)?
OH THAT'S A REALLY GOOD QUESTION but also I'm lowkey terrified because I haven't even touched the idea of my OC interacting with actual canon characters. But. But! Okay, so.
They start out really liking Spy because they have a terrible taste in men. Spy hates their goofy vibes, rancid deodorant, and piss-poor French.
They try to fight Heavy for the first couple of weeks because, well, Heavy's break-in is why they got hired to guard the Administrator in the first place! Heavy, who normally has no moral qualms against fighting his teammates, decides that it's funnier not to do that this one time. Eventually he does concede, and Bodyguard gets their ass handed to them. They become friends after that.
Medic scares the FUCK outta her. It takes a week of continued joint pain for her to even talk to him voluntarily. Next day she gets top surgery.
Scout tries to hit on them and gets threatened at gunpoint immediately. The two of them bond later on account of their dads being assholes.
Soldier is mostly just happy to have someone new to yell at. Nobody tells Bodyguard that Soldier isn't actually in charge, so they spend quite a while thinking that he is. It works out because, save for his rare outbursts, Bodyguard is polite, agreeable, and enjoys little more than being useful.
She thinks Pyro is the coolest little dude and wants to be besties with him. Pyro immediately recognizes her as someone not to fuck with and keeps as much distance as possible. She is very persistent.
(Okay so for some reason Tumblr removed the fucking "edit" button off this post in my drafts? I have to finish it on my computer while on a lunch break and I want to eat frfr so this is gonna be a bit abrupt. Anyway.)
Demo thinks Bodyguard is fun for a teetotaler and wants to get him to try swordfighting. Bodyguard is eager but Miss Pauling won't allow it on account of his godawful anger management skills. She is completely right.
Sniper and Bodyguard exchanged a total of less than ten words for the first month of their acquaintanceship. They are best friends unless it comes to choosing music in the car, then they start cutting throats.
Engie likes them and they like Engie, but honestly, he'd make friends with a rock if it had a pair of darn sad blue eyes on it, so it's not much of an achievement.
To conclude: he gets along best with Soldier and worst with Spy and Pyro, though at no fault of his own. I'll give it more thought and maybe will be back with more headcanons, aye. KEEP THE ASKS COMING they are like food for me and without them I starve.
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redwayfarers · 10 months
(you) restless son - continued
Fandom: FFXIV Ship: Nika/Artoirel Characters: Nika Perseis (WoL), Artoirel de Fortemps Word count: 1533 Rating: Teen Note: Part two to this. Snippet was posted to Decembhyur. Here's the whole thing which, if I may say, is quite charming too.
Somehow, possibly through Fury’s grace alone, one of them had enough wherewithal to suggest moving from the salon’s opulent settees to have sex. The source of the proposal disappeared in the larger scope of the night’s events. Desperate kisses in the hallways that were suddenly too long for Artoirel’s liking, Nika’s surprised oh when Artoirel finally slammed the door shut behind them and kissed him with all the passion he had in his body mattered much more than who’d spoken the words first. 
Although, Artoirel thinks in the morning, it would’ve been so terribly entertaining if it was Nika. Reckless as the man is, maybe he does care about the Fortemps manor’s furniture. Even if he recalls how often Nika calls just about anything in the house overpriced. The furniture speaks of refined taste in Artoirel’s view, but Nika did not grow up in luxury. He speaks so little of his early life, but he’s said enough to suggest as much. 
Artoirel would’ve been annoyed with anyone else for such words, but there is no point arguing with Nika on it. It is what it is. 
Ironically enough, he is quick enough to cover himself in Artoirel’s fur coat on a mildly cold Ishgardian morning. It drags on the ground behind him as he sips his coffee by the window, a stark contrast against his white boots and the small pink cup in his hand. And yet, his hair blends with the darkness of the fur around the neck of the coat. Nika’s face sometimes breaks into a small, shy smile, only to disappear as soon as he notices Artoirel looking from his desk and later come again. It’s like he cannot contain it, try as hard as he might. 
Nika looks different like this, younger. He looks younger than he usually does, scowling and disinterested. Now, he resembles a young man - which he is, even if Artoirel isn’t old , for fuck’s sake. It’s as if a weight has been lifted from his shoulders for a little while, and in Artoirel’s big coat, with messy hair and a brightness in his eyes, Nika makes him want to come over and pull him to his chest, breathe in the scent of his hair and guard that private moment nobody really gets to see. 
And he almost does, when the realization dawns on him. There is chaos around Nika at all times, but it’s of a dangerous sort, one word away from breaking someone’s heart or attacking. This chaos, though, feels like winter's first tentative snowflake. And it fell into Artoirel’s hands. His chest warms up. Not that long ago, he wanted Nika dead. Now, he’s rejoicing in Nika’s small pleasures and whatever domesticity a chronic evader like him can have. 
“Why are you looking at me?” Nika suddenly asks. He’s looking deeply into the contents of his cup. 
“We have seen each other naked, Nika. Am I not allowed to look at you while clothed?” Artoirel leans against the table. His cheeks burn a little, from embarrassment and happiness both, and taps his nails against the surface in a rhythm. 
“‘M not talking about that,” Nika mumbles. “Also, that’s a very good beat.” He starts tapping against the porcelain in tandem. “That’s the song you wanted to show me last night?” 
“Yes. Of course, wood and porcelain are bad replacements for an actual instrument, but yes.” Artoirel clears his throat. 
“You’d be surprised what you can do with wood and porcelain. Not everyone’s fancy enough to have a grand piano.” Nika smiles. “Besides, it’s fun. I used to play with my mom’s pots like that when I was a kid. Before she’d take them away and shake a finger at me. ‘I need those to make lunch, Nika!’ ‘But we can eat music!’ Can we eat music, Artoirel? Can we eat music?” 
“Does.. spirit eat music? And literature, theatre, painting, and other arts?” 
“You tell me. You’re the one who grew up with those stupidly pretty Halonic chants. Me, I’m just a little bard of Gridanian tradition. The fact I have a magical voice is a side benefit.” 
“We have to go to the theatre sometime, Nika. Since you’re in Ishgard, you might as well enjoy the culture. I think an exception will be made for your hats, too.” Artoirel laughs, but Nika’s giggle echoes around the room. 
“Oh no, not the hats! I would have burned this whole place down ages ago if it discriminated against my hats!” 
Nika’s voice sounds young, Artoirel suddenly thinks. Young and happy. He looks him over, from the oversized coat, the high boots, the cup in his hand, the unbrushed mess of his hair, and the way sunlight hits his eyes differently, bright and creased around the edges. His scar creases, as well, around his nose and spreads to give way to a smile.
Artoirel’s chest feels tight and warm. There have been few times in his life where he’s felt like this. He recalls a then unmarried countess he had had a mind to court some years ago, of a striking beauty; she had a birthmark on her cheek, and he’d longed to kiss it someday. Nika’s scar is less graceful than the countess’ birthmark, but Artoirel wants to kiss it all the same. He wants to have Nika’s hand around his arm, by his side. He wants to kiss his hands, even if they are not gentle. Nika would laugh at flowers, but does one give flowers when courting a man? 
How does one court a man anyway? And more importantly, how does Artoirel de Fortemps court Nikita Perseis? 
“You’re doing it again,” Nika says. “Looking at me so intensely. Like I’m.. Like you’re in love with me, or something.” He laughs, awkwardly. “Are you in love with me, Artoirel?” 
Artoirel purses his lips and looks away. He stands up and runs a finger over the surface of the desk. “I am fond of you, yes. That much is obvious.” 
“Being fond and being in love are two completely different things!” Nika puts his cup down on the windowsill and rubs his face. “Artoirel, I.. You are not like everyone else. You are dear to me, and I care for you, and–” He takes a deep breath. “I care for you more than I should. And twelve help me, everything else I’ve done feels like– fucking foreplay for the main thing. Which is–” Nika waves his hands around. “All of this.” 
There’s something that goes unsaid. Us, Nika wants to say, but his throat seems to have closed up. Artoirel swallows. His heart beats wildly in his chest and he takes a step closer. 
“In Ishgard,” Artoirel starts, “to announce our serious intentions in pursuing someone, we court.” Nika squints. And Artoirel stands before him and swallows again. “Please let me finish, Nika. Ordinarily it would lead to marriage, and ordinarily we would not have slept together beforehand, but this is no ordinary situation. But I do wish to– to court you. To show you I am serious. We don’t have to say anything yet.” 
Artoirel reaches for Nika’s hand, yet allows his fingers to dangle in the air. Nika looks down, away, anywhere but Artoirel’s face, and pouts. 
“We can just try and see where this leads us,” Artoirel offers softly. “I want to think this meant something for you. I want to think that I mean as much to you as you do to me.” 
“You do,” Nika says after a while, almost inaudible. Artoirel’s hands itch to wrap around Nika’s, yet he refrains. Not yet. Not until Nika gives his consent. He will not force his affections on him. Yet, Artoirel can’t look away from the emotions that fight on his face, from the way he trembles. Artoirel trembles too, the patter of his heart drowns all other noise but Nika’s voice, and his stomach ties in innumerable knots. 
They sit like that for what feels like an eternity, on the precipice, ready to walk away or fall together. Eventually, Nika lifts his hand. Artoirel squeezes it. 
“We can give this courting thing a chance,” Nika says, breathless. “Because, I–we– yeah.” 
Artoirel breathes out. “Fury take you, Nika,” he mouths, and kisses him. Nika rises on the tips of his toes and kisses him back, draws him close, and Artoirel holds onto him, his grip strong enough to almost lift him off the ground. 
When they part, Nika’s eyes are wide and round, as they were last night. Artoirel’s cheeks burn like a furnace, but he doesn’t care; it’s his first day of courtship, as unusual as it may be. He can’t find it in him to let go of Nika, and if it were up to him, he’d rather see Eorzea aflame than let Nika go to save it. 
He knows Nika doesn’t like that anyway. 
Frankly, Eorzea doesn’t matter anymore. What does is the way Nika clings to him, and the way his hair smells, and the warmth of his body against Artoirel’s. What matters is them watching the city move about, away from it all, standing by the window together. Together. 
The rest of it really does not stand a chance whatsoever. 
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voidselfshipp · 2 months
Hello my dear friend :)
How's the dancing with the darksider bois?
Hey bestie!!!
Dancing with the nephilim babes:
Stiff as a board. Listen,he has 2 left feet. Hes huge and clumsy because of his size-He tries though. He catches up when I explain that dancing is like moving across a Battlefield,presice And calculated moves with certain ease.
Needless to say he finds his his footing soon enough. (He really likes to pick me up during dancing) (And if strife ever gets wind of this...lord help him hes not living it down)
She likes to dance with me,she doesnt dance otherwise. Its all fluid movements and very waltz/ballet like, she enjoys watching me dance and she simply lends herself as a tool for the more couple dances/moves that requires another person (think of ballet and that kinda stuff)
Unsurprisingly hes the best one at dancing,he enjoys being goofy and feel the music in his body. He likes twirls and more of a swing/square dancing kinda stuff.
His movements are swift,feather light and very fun. He can be romantic when he wants to,its usually slower which means he only waltzes with me during specific times/situations: after a long mission,he or I are going through a rough time, he missed me or hes feeling particularly romantic.
Given the fact hes called the spirit of eternal unrest, he can only handle a slow pace for so Long. But it just makes it all the more special when it happens.
He can dance,he chooses not to.
Maybe he danced back when he was a young nephilim,seeing his peers celebrate conquests and battles won. Now the concept carries a bittersweet taste to it.
Usually he just indulges me if we are alone,I need cheering up or he needs to take his mind off of his past. Unsurprisingly,he likes to slow dance the most. He'll goof off once in a blue moon (as a birthday gift,mostly. And we have to be ALONE. And im talking MILES OF NOBODY BEING REMOTELY CLOSE. HE HAS A REPUTATION TO MAINTAIN)
He slowdancing allows him to hearmy heartbeat,my breath reassuring him im there and not just a Fantasy in his head. It allows him to connect with me and his inner world in a safe way. He preffers to dance during the night and when it rains,he likes to have that ambient noise to remind himself that things are different now,that he can slow down and Open up.
Muria is a bit of a wild card. She likes the intimacy of waltzing,but she likes to goof off and allow herself to exit her pensive mindstate.
It all depends on the mood shes in. Either way,she enjoys herself and laughs a lot when we're both goofing off or taking it chill with a gentle sway.
Sammy here only knows the concept of dancing. Given his size he lets me dance in his palm and hold one of his massive fingers to "include him" and because he likes triwling me around.
But,when nobody is watching,he dances like a goof in his throne room. He likes to shake a leg every once in a while but you didnt hear it from me!
>thank you giz!!!
>only mutuals allowed to reblog.
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shpadoinkle-day · 1 year
Annoying Trey Parker
If you don't know who Trey Parker is, might I suggest that that huge, dark object over your head is a rock you've been under for three years and you should come out from under it? I've been a fan of Trey Parker and Matt Stone since seeing Alferd Packer: The Musical about four years ago. I missed out on South Park at first, but when I finally did start watching it, I had no idea it was also by Trey and Matt. It did make a lot of sense when someone finally told me...anywho, how did I get ahold of Trey Parker to ask him these questions? Well, back when I first started the old website, I had a bunch of South Park stuff up, and one of the things was a series of questions I'd ask Matt and Trey...but not really. They were mostly stupid things that were just jokes. Well, somehow, Trey found the site and answered all the questions. This is why he got out of my standard Bad Taste and Simpsons questions. Yes, I feel stupid, but since I am so good at looking like an ass, anyway, what's a little help from one of the world's best satirists?
Me: In the song ''Blame Canada,'' Terrance and Phillip are referred to as cartoons, yet they interact with the people of South Park. Does this mean that the people are all cartoons and aware of that fact, or was ''cartoon'' just a better word in the song than ''movie?''
Trey: Shiela said they are actors, but Cartman said they were animated, but the movie IS a cartoon, dude.
M: In the South Park movie, was Big Gay Al cast in an anti-Canadian role as a testimony to the fact that ANYONE can succumb to biases, or was it just a cheap way to bring back a popular character?
T: It's just funny that they like him because it's a gay guy at a USO Show, gay and army usually don't mix.
M: Since it hurts to do Cartman's voice, do you find yourself sometimes conciously reducing his part or writing him out all together?
T: No, Cartman is the one who says the politically incorrect stuff that nobody else has the balls to say.
M: Does it bother you that people are always curious if you're gay even though it has absolutely NO baring whatsoever on your work and is a completely meaningless, stupid thing to wonder?
T: They do?
M: So...are you gay?
T: No, you seem like a big fan, ever heard of Lianne or Toddy?
(Lianne is the horse in Alferd Packer, but I don't know who Toddy is...)
M: How come the South Park home videos are still censored?
T: The people at Rhino are dicks sometimes.
M: Was the re-use of the stage name ''Juan Schwartz'' on the Mr. Hankey CD a signal to long time fans that there will be a Cannibal 2, or was it just a way to try and hide the fact that you two do all the voices?
T: We have long time fans?
M: Why the fuck was Orgazmo NC-17? Was it the dog humping scene? Was that scene fun to shoot? If you had to shoot that scene again, would you pick a different breed?
T: There is an unrated version out there somewhere too.
M: Was South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut always going to be an attack on the biased, idiotic MPAA, or did that just evovle because they really suck?
T: Both, just another group we hadn't offended enough yet
M: Tell me, if a group is an ''advisory'' board for parents, giving out ''suggestions,'' how is it that NO ONE under 17 was allowed into South Park without an adult, when surely a suggestion implies that parents should not allow their children to see it, not that the theatres should become some sort of police state just to keep underagers from YOUR film?
T: Ask the wangs who sell the tickets.
M: Whenever Hitler appears, he is always speaking gibberish. Is this a statement that people will follow along with anything if it's said well, or merely an indication of your lack of German skills?
T: That is all Matt's fault!!
M: How annoying is it when fans spot ''goofs'' that are actually jokes and make a big deal about how you fucked up? Like if someone said that Mr. Garrison's history lessons are very inaccurate or something.
T: Some people are complete retards.
M: DVDA should release an EP or something. You've already got at least 3 songs down.
T: In our spare time, right?
M: I hope you didn't try to answer that last one, as it wasn't a question.
T: I hate you now.
M: Nor was that.
T: I want to hit you.
M: If you two could be any type of fish, would you prefer Scooby Doo or erasable pens?
T: I want to bitchslap you and shoot frozen paintballs at you.
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brightoakgame · 2 years
Halloween Short #4 - Patti
Patti’s ghost story is a little different, as I used an urban legend scenario for the base, rather than a specific written work. So for fun, I framed this short as the episode transcript of a misfit ghost-hunting podcast-- and in the process roped in the rest of the cast. Figures “Mayor” Patti would be the one to bring the town together, even if the brief was too silly for her tastes. 
As ever, editing and art credit to the wonderful Remnantation​
Notes: some minor swearing, references to alcohol, terrible jokes, and rampant silliness. Proceed at your own risk. 
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(theme music plays)
JOHN: Hello, and welcome to Nice to Meet Boo, the friendliest ghost-hunting podcast around! If you’re a first-time listener, the way it works here is that you submit your tales mysterious and strange, and then we trot off and attempt to answer the important question: is the source normal--or paranormal?
MARYBETH: Spoiler: it’s not ghosts.
JASPER: Apart from when it is ghosts, of course.
JOHN: Ah, thank you both for speaking up! For our investigations, we have assembled a--er--balanced team of experts: on the side of skepticism, we are lucky enough to include my sister here, Dr. Marybeth Forster. 
MARYBETH: I am a temp. I am not part of this team.
JOHN: Ah, right. Sorry, Sister Mine, allow me to try again: this is our temporary skeptic, Dr. Marybeth Forster, who is with us because she is presently otherwise unemployed and has nothin’ better to do.
JASPER: (laughs quietly)
MARYBETH: Go to hell.
JOHN: On the other side of the spectrum, we’ve got here Dr. Jasper Lee, who’s a medium!
JASPER: Metaphysicist.
MARYBETH: What exactly are you a doctor of? Y’know, since metaphysics is not a real science.
JASPER: (sighs) While technically a philosophy, Aristotle founded it as a way of addressing that which natural sciences and mathematics cannot--
MARYBETH: Oh, so you’re comparing yourself to Aristotle now? Ooh, or are you channeling his ghost? Can you speak ancient Greek?
JASPER: ἕκαστος δὲ κρίνει καλῶς ἃ γινώσκει, καὶ τούτων ἐστὶν ἀγαθὸς κριτής. 
JOHN: And our last, uh, ‘silent’ partner, if you will, is Sparrow, who handles all our gadgetry and gizmos and whatsits, from the microphones and cameras and flashlights, to the crystals and candles and whatever the hell else Jasper--
JASPER: Doctor.
JOHN: --Doctor Jasper thinks’ll help us connect with anybody or, uh, anything on the other side. Unfortunately for you listeners, Sparrow seems to think podcasts are public speaking, so you won’t hear much on that end, but hey! Say hello, Sparrow!
Sparrow: …
JOHN: Eh, always worth a shot. Can’t actually hear you waving, but points for effort--and um, thankfully nobody can hear that other gesture you’re making, either, so you can just go back to doing whatever it was you were doing, then. 
MARYBETH: Or alternately, you can take that finger and--
JOHN: So there we have it, folks! A skeptic, a medi--a meta--metaphystist--damn, just can’t get my mouth around that one!--our trusty support, and me! I’m John Forster, and I like to keep an open mind.
JASPER: More like an open bottle.
MARYBETH: (snorts) Now placing bets that the only one drifting blindly into walls tonight is John. 
(theme music cuts in)
JOHN: Wait’ll you hear what we’ve got in store tonight, because it’s a doozy of a tale, comin’ to us from listener Kit! But first, real quick: Marybeth, why do ghosts like elevators?
MARYBETH: I told you, I’m not going to--
JOHN: Because they lift their spirits!
JASPER: Ανόητος.
MARYBETH: Still channeling Aristotle, are you?
JOHN: Well, Sparrow laughed. Unless you wanna speak up and contradict me? Ha, thought not! Kit wrote us--well, if you’ll do the honors, Jasper? 
JASPER: (sighs) Doctor, Doctor Jasper Lee. But fine. Kit submits the following account:
Dear Nice to Meet Boo Team,
I stumbled on your podcast and thought you might be interested in a strange experience I had a few weeks ago. While traveling, I was forced to take a detour on a small mountain backroad. The area is beautiful, but very remote, and it had been well over an hour since I’d last seen any other cars or signs of human life. So I was curious when I noticed a structure ahead, just off the roadside. As I got closer, it became clear that it was an old, mid-century diner--and I could tell even from a distance it was long abandoned. I mean, who was around to go there? 
MARYBETH: Not ghosts! 
JASPER: (sighs again) I can’t tell anymore if you don’t believe, or are simply afraid to.
JOHN: Right, we can get to investigating all that in a minute, if you’ll just continue?
JASPER: I slowed the car a bit as I got closer, so I could get a good look at it--and then just when I was in front of the entrance, the car engine died! Which was scary not because of anything to do with the old diner, but because of how far I was from any kind of help. I’d been out of cell phone service for miles and miles at that point. 
Getting out of the car, though, I was surprised to hear voices. I couldn’t tell what was said, but they were clear, and for a moment I wondered if the diner was operating after all, or if it was maybe one of those abandoned places that get tourists coming through and taking pictures? I didn’t see any other cars around, but walked up to the door and tried to peer inside. 
There was a woman standing behind the counter. I was surprised, but the inside looked much better kept than the outside suggested, so I opened the door--which was unlocked, and even still had one of those little bells on it that chimes when it opens or closes--but before I’d even set foot inside, she was gone. The interior now looked completely different, too, and obviously hadn’t been used for decades. 
MARYBETH: Ugh. I hate these stories.
JOHN: Why? They’re great!
JASPER: I ran back to the car, jumped in--and it started up again without any issue. I drove on, and never looked back.
JOHN: I like this one! Thanks for sending it in, Kit! Hey Jas--Doctor J: why are ghosts terrible liars?
JASPER: What? I don’t find them to be markedly worse than--oh. (sighs irritably) 
JOHN: Because you can--
JASPER: --see right through them, yes, fine, let’s move on. Kit very kindly included enough information on the location of this diner for us to track it down with a little research.
JOHN: We found it, and now we’re here on location! Right at sunset, too, which is terrific ghost-hunting time, I think.
MARYBETH: Speak for yourself. It’s going to get cold, and I’ll bet it’s dark inside already. We could establish the lack of ghosts just as easily by daylight.
JOHN: Now where’s the fun in that? Wouldn’t be half as scary. Let’s get started!
(theme music plays)
(sound of a car door closing, footsteps)
JOHN: Here we are, strollin’ up to this empty husk of a building that looks like it’s probably held together by nothin’ but rust and asbestos and--
JASPER: It’s locked. 
(spooky music cue)
JOHN: It’s locked! Our very first event: Kit quite clearly stated the diner door was unlocked.
MARYBETH: Woo. Guess that confirms it was ghosts all along, and we can go home now. (hissing and a loud popping sound in the background) What the f*** Jasper, are we breaking and entering now?!
JASPER: Yes. Are you coming?
JOHN: The door is now unlocked! (a bell chimes faintly) Soon the secrets of the ghosts will be ours!
(spooky music plays over echoing footsteps)
JOHN: Smaller than I thought’d be. 
MARYBETH: What, did you think it’d be bigger on the inside?
JOHN: Maybe. Say, anybody hearin’ voices, or seein’ anyone behind the bar? 
MARYBETH: No, and you’re always seeing things anyway, Jasper. Normal people can’t see or hear anything, because there isn’t anything to see or hear. (a clunking sound, followed by mechanical whirring) What the hell is that, John?
JOHN: Glad you asked! I thought it was unfair that Doctor J gets to have all the fun communicating with those beyond the veil, and so I brought some equipment of my own this time!
JASPER & MARYBETH: (in unison) Oh no.
JOHN: You can just put that box over there. Thanks for your support, Sparrow! Okay, so this doodad creates a kinda radio static, and ghosts can sometimes speak through the static because--I don’t recall why. But let’s try it! 
JASPER: I don’t think--
(loud buzzing and static plays; at one point, it is disrupted by what may be a voice, and then immediately cuts off)
JOHN: What’d you go and turn it off for, right when things were gettin’ good?
MARYBETH: It’s giving me a headache.
JOHN: But you heard it, didn’t you? The ghost spoke!
MARYBETH: I heard a lot of static. 
JOHN: But the voice at the end! You heard it, right? Sounded like it said--
MARYBETH: …noisy. 
JOHN: Noisy! That’s what I heard, too!
JASPER: Shocking.
MARYBETH: But it’s just the human predisposition towards pattern-seeking. It wasn’t actually a voice. It was only--
JOHN: Fine, we’ll call it inconclusive. Next one, then! I got a flashlight.
MARYBETH: All of us have flashlights.
JOHN: Nah, this is one of the twisty-ones. I’m gonna set it over here on the counter, where Kit saw the lady standing, and I am gonna twist it so it’s almost on, but not quite, and we can ask her questions, and she can answer by turning it on or off!
JASPER: I really--
JOHN: Okay, let’s get this turned--wait. 
MARYBETH: What now? 
JOHN: Sparrow, you put batteries in this earlier, right? (inaudible) It won’t turn on. Got any extras? (some rustling)
(spooky music cue)
JOHN: We’ve got our second event! The flashlight won’t turn on, even with fresh batteries!
JASPER: Truly, a mystery for the ages.
MARYBETH: Yeah. John, I admit it freely: I’ve been wrong all this time, ghosts are real, they made your flashlight not work--right when it’s getting dark, I notice--so let’s wrap this up and leave.
JASPER: Leave? Already? But you can’t think Forster’s nonsense actually counts as--
JOHN: I got one more! Sparrow, bring in the--yeah, that thing.
JASPER: What now…?
JOHN: I don’t remember what this one is called, but the lights’ll change colors when a ghost gets close to it.
MARYBETH: Really John, haven’t we had enough of--ahhh!
JOHN: See? See? It changed color! Hey, Miss Ghost, could you get a little closer to the-- 
(a heavy crash, gasping, footsteps, and the bell chime all in quick succession)
(cue spooky music)
JASPER: Well. I feel we’ve now established that the ghost doesn’t like your nonsense, Forster. Knock it off.
MARYBETH: I don’t like the ghost. Nope, nope, nope. Ouch! Who pinched me? John, I swear--
JOHN: A major event this time! Sorry, ma’am! We’ll get that mess cleared up and--wait, where’s Sparrow?
JASPER: Sparrow has just now decided to wait in the van, I believe.
MARYBETH: So much for our support.
JOHN: Just when we’ve made contact, too. Poor Sparrow is gonna miss out. Well, what’ve you got, Doctor J?
JASPER: Thanks to your fumbling around, this may take a--(a breath) Oh. She’s here. She’s…not pleased by us being here.
(a pause)
JOHN: What’s she look like?
JASPER: Tall. Quite beautiful. She’s in a white dress, and has dark hair and eyes. 
JOHN: Does she like jokes?
MARYBETH: I’m no psychic, but I feel absolutely certain the answer is No. 
JOHN: Worth a shot. Uh, sorry about the bad manners, Miss Ghost.
JASPER: That helped. She’s very elegant, and I get the sense etiquette is important to her.
JOHN: Ah! In that case, allow me to introduce myself. I’m John Forster.
JASPER: I’m Doctor Jasper Lee.
(a long pause)
MARYBETH: I am not doing this. 
JOHN: And this is my sister, Doctor Marybeth Forster. This is, uh, quite an establishment you have here, Miss Ghost. Can you tell me, are you aware that you’re--
MARYBETH: Dead and not supposed to be here?
JASPER: Shut up.
MARYBETH: (laughs nervously) Oh, a rude ghost!
JASPER: No, that was me. She’s well aware she’s a ghost.
JOHN: What has you lingering on, then?
JASPER: It’s her diner.
JOHN: Right. So, a special attachment to the place? 
JASPER: It is her place, why should she not be in it? Of course there is an attachment. It is mine.
MARYBETH: Ooh, I really don’t like it when you do that. Stop it.
JOHN: Clearly you ain’t just some kinda recording of history, then. What’re your aims? 
JASPER: Ah--hm--peace? Peace.
JOHN: As in, you come in peace?
MARYBETH: Why don’t you rest in peace, then?
JASPER: I would like to be left in peace, por favor. 
JOHN: ‘Por favor’? She’s speaking to--er, through--you in Spanish, then?
JASPER: She’s bilingual, and what I perceive are better classed as impressions of her thoughts, so it is a mix. 
JOHN: Hmm… You ain’t that La Llorona character, goin’ around stealing children, are you? 
JASPER: She says, absolutely not. The question is quite absurd. What should I want with children? She does not want children, she wants peace and quiet. And John, that’s a terribly rude question--it’s on par on asking a stranger with a British dialect if they’re Winston Churchill.
MARYBETH: You’d really put that past him?
JASPER: Not every ghost or spirit is a celebrity. 
JOHN: Fair ‘nough. What about adults? 
JASPER: (sighs heavily) What about adults? I have said I do not want children, why should I want adults, or anyone at all? I want to be left alone.
JOHN: Gotta ask, because we heard from someone that was passing by and happened to see--
JASPER: Ah, them. They looked lost, I wondered if they needed directions.
JOHN: Got it. So you’re not the Weeping Woman?
JASPER: (laughs, uncharacteristically brightly) Only when I am sad. What, are you the Noisy Man, because you do not stop talking?
JASPER: You should not laugh. You are just as noisy, and less polite. 
MARYBETH: Shut up, Jasper.
JASPER: It wasn’t me that time. Though I agree with her.
JOHN: Just plain John’ll do fine. Can I ask your name, then, Miss Ghost?
JASPER: Claro que sí! I cannot seem to stop you from asking all kinds of questions. Her name is…Patti. Wait, no--Miss Patti? Apologies.
JOHN: Miss Patti, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. (a long pause) You still in there?
JASPER: She’s still here, she’s just torn between good manners and--well, I don’t think I need to repeat precisely what she just said. She wants us to leave, and is struggling not to say it outright. No, I have said it, again and again, quite politely, but you are not listening, and I am beginning to grow angry.
(gasps, a stifled shriek, something being dropped)
JASPER: Oh, okay. No more flashlights, understood. Um, we should go. Soon. 
MARYBETH: Don’t need to tell me twice. I’ll be in the van with Sparrow. (rapid footsteps; the bell chimes) Come on, John!
JOHN: All right, thank you for your time, Miss Patti. If I may, though, can I ask you just one more question? (a click) Oh! You turned the flashlight back on! Does that mean yes?
JASPER: I cannot seem to say No in a way you understand. Fine. Ask your question, but then leave, and take this nosy--oh, you mean me? Apologies, I didn’t--
JOHN: Last question, then we’ll go, scout’s honor: (a dramatic pause) Why didn’t the ghost dance at the party?
JASPER: Forster, for the--
JOHN: He had no body to dance with! Hahaha--ooookay, let’s go.
(rapid footsteps, the bell chimes, a door slams)
(panting breaths)
JOHN: You saw her too, right?
JASPER: I saw her the whole time, you damned--
JOHN: Dunno what I expected, but she looked nice, I thought!
JASPER: She looked furious!
JOHN: I’m pretty sure she laughed.
JASPER: I’m pretty sure you’re drunk.
MARYBETH: John! Thank god. You’re okay?
JASPER: He told Miss Patti a joke.
MARYBETH: S***, we’re going to be haunted for sure.
JASPER: I doubt it. She was quite ready to be rid of us. You believe in ghosts now though, correct?
MARYBETH: Well, I at least believe you and my brother are creeps who very well may have set up this whole--
JASPER: How? For what purpose?
MARYBETH: To scare me, of course!
JOHN: Oh! That would’ve been good, if I’d thought of it.
JOHN: Well, I’d’ve gone to Miss Patti’s diner, if it were still open. Sparrow! Glad to see you! Can you go back in to fetch our--oh, ah, that’s a no, I take it? Fine. Guess the next folks to visit can have it.
JASPER: It may be out on the front steps by morning. Miss Patti is an exceptionally… active ghost when it comes to protecting her space, it would seem.
JOHN: Well, maybe I’ll try and come by to fetch it then! Really feel there’s a lot of potential for--
JASPER: There’s a good chance she'll have permanently shorted all your ridiculous equipment. She really didn’t like it. 
MARYBETH: I didn’t, either, and if you try bringing more next time, I will break it myself. (a pause) I’m still quitting, though.
JOHN: To each their own. Well, Kit, I hope that this helps confirm matters for you: your diner is the place to eat, drink, and be scary! It’s definitely haunted by a real pretty ghost by the name of Miss Patti, and she’s in a bad mood. (cue theme music) Which leaves just one remaining question open in our investigation here, before we can conclude matters and head out to the next adventure: when does a ghost drink their coffee?
(groaning, a van door slams)
JOHN: In the moaning! (silence) Yeah, I--(an engine starts) Wait, dammit--Uh, thanks for listening, and we’ll boo back next week with more--now, hold up! Hold up, dammit, I--
(a bell chimes, faint laughter)
(cue theme music outro)
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livsoulsecrets · 2 years
Why are you naked?
Written for the @kinnporscheweek Day 6 prompt: “Why are you naked?” + fun
Also posted on AO3.
Summary: Pete decides to work out in his own preferred style, thinking he is home alone. Macau regrets every single one of his life choices.
Pete’s day had been good – surprisingly uneventful even, which was a rare gift when one was part of the Theerapanyakul family business. Vegas had taken to handling the meetings in the afternoon to let Pete rest for a bit, and, with Macau at school, he had the house to himself.
Realizing it had been a while since he had been able to enjoy any alone time in his home, Pete had  reverted to old habits: stripped down to a tank top and no underwear, he began his workout routine in their home gym.
His favorite playlist was blasting in his earbuds, and the exercise was working wonders to release the stress his body had retained. Pete was blissfully content and relaxed until-
“Fuck!” Macau’s alarmed shout cut through the loud music and made Pete jump where he stood, dropping a weight that nearly hit his foot. The earphones fell from his ears as he hurried to hide himself behind one of the vases they had decorated the gym with.
He thanked whatever Gods were out there for Vegas’ unique taste in decor that asked for such extravagant pieces.
“Wrong brother, P’Pete! Wrong brother!” Macau yelled, stepping back so forcefully he hit his back on a weight machine. He hissed an incoherent string of curses as Pete scanned his surroundings desperately in search of a towel. “Why are you naked?”
“Why are you here?” Pete screamed back, finally locating a towel that was quickly knotted around his waist with more force than needed. He tried to control the heat spreading through his face, to no avail.
“I live here!” Macau replied, flabbergasted.
“I meant, why are you here right now? You have class!” That did make Macau pause for a second, his eyes still pointedly avoiding Pete’s.
“I had a headache?” The younger one offered weakly, his face contorting into a grimace.
“Did you?” Pete retorted, welcoming the opportunity to scold Macau for skipping school as a chance to regain some of his dignity. “Does the headache explain why you used the gym entry to get home instead of the front door?”
Macau gulped, crossing his arms protectively over his chest. “Well… I won’t tell Hia if you don’t?“ He pleaded, dragging his eyes back to Pete’s face.
“That works for me.” Pete conceded, gaining enough courage to step away from his hiding spot. “Now, get out of my sight so we can pretend this never happened.”
Macau tightened the hold on his backpack with a full body shiver and murmured, “Nobody wants that more than me.”
Once he raced out of the room, Pete allowed himself to grunt as loudly as he pleased.
When was he going to learn that every time he decided to take some time for himself, it was just bound to come back to bite him in the ass?
“P’Pete?” Macau called out, his head popping up through the double doors that connected the gym to their house.
“What?” He groaned back, already dreading Macau’s next words when he caught sight of the smirk tugging at his lips.
“That was not part of some weird sex thing you have going on with Hia, right? Because if it was, I’ll go wash my eyes with bleach right now.” Pete closed his eyes and tried to recall his grandma’s sayings about how dealing with teenagers was all about patience and willpower.
“I’ll wash your goddamn mouth with bleach if you don’t shut the hell up.” He opened his eyes again and snarled.
The bastard had the audacity to laugh. “That wasn’t a no!” Macau countered, too entertained to Pete’s liking.
“Alright. That’s enough. One more innuendo and I’m calling Vegas.” Pete threatened emptily. It did make Macau raise his hands in surrender, at least.
“You’re no fun!” He complained, pouting. “I’ll be in my room calling my therapist to discuss today’s trauma. See you at dinner!”
Once Macau was finally gone, Pete turned to stare at his abandoned workout setup and wondered if it was too late to change names and move to the Indonesian countryside.
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itskatepaddington · 2 years
On the art of doing things alone
Doing things alone doesn’t come naturally to everyone.
Some people are content with their own company, and some people have it a bit harder when it comes to chilling with themselves. Some are incapable of doing anything alone, ever, and I can’t really blame them. After all, time spent on your own allows your thoughts to run crazy - as a highly anxious person who mostly likes her own company, I struggle with that, too. It’s not fun when you get stuck in your head, especially when it starts to have a heavy impact on you. And being independent is a blessing and a curse, really, but that’s a topic for a whole new piece of writing. But a lot of our attitudes around doing things without others have to do with what we see other people doing and how we've learned to live by gleaning at others. What if other people think I’m a loser? Will it actually be fun if I do it alone? 
A thing that my anxious brain learned when it comes to my leisure time and has a long way to go to learn everywhere else: no one cares as much as you think, and it’s for the best.
As an avid cinemagoer with several cinema memberships, I tend to watch a lot of films. Very often that means I want to watch things that others aren’t that keen on. I know my friends' tastes: I will ask if they want to come along if there is something that I feel they would like, or that they told me they wanted to see. But a lot of the time, I’m not shy to make five cinema trips on my own if there are some weirder or smaller films that others aren’t really into that I want to see, or to stack a day full of films on my own. Or to take a whole holiday to go to a film festival to seek out the films I maybe wouldn’t have a chance to see otherwise, which I have been known to do. 
Cinema is probably the least social of activities in the traditional meaning of the word. It is communal; you’re in a pitch-black room with many other people to appreciate a film. But it never struck me as something particularly social. Your attention is going to the work of art on the big screen anyway, you can’t (and really shouldn’t, cause if you do, you’re annoying) talk to others. And it’s lovely to have an informed conversation about a film afterwards if you enjoyed it. But is it really social in the same way that other group activities are, so it was rather shocking for me to find out that a lot of people wouldn’t go to the cinema if they had nobody to go with. 
How did I come to this conclusion? It all starts in the dark. I worked in the cinema when I was at the university, and the abundance of films I could see for free proved to bring me so much solace. As a girl without any support network at the time, I often went to the cinema to fill up my time, and I fell in love with it so deeply that I can’t imagine not paying back the debt to what it brought into my life for as long as I get to be on this planet. It picked me up so many times. It saved me.
That was when I discovered that a solo cinema trip is best for those days when you want to be among people, but you also feel like your soul could spill over and create a mess to clean up - an uncomfortable mess, sometimes. You buy a ticket, you sink into the seat, the lights go down and you’re ready for an episode of escapism served just for you - alongside everyone else who chose to be here and will likely laugh and cry at the same moments. At the cinema, it’s really easy to push that thought about everyone judging you out of your head.
What about things that are more overtly social activities? You can do them alone, too, but if you’re an overthinker, it may initially be a bit harder. Then again, you never know how much fun you’re gonna have until you go. And I have made the choice not to go before - and every time I regretted it royally. 
There is a band called Wolf Alice, who I wanted to see in concert several times. I’d really liked their music for a long time: I even had tickets to their shows, twice. So why haven’t I seen them yet? The first time, I had a row about going to the show with my boyfriend at the time, who couldn’t care less about going and decided to stay home instead of going on my own. The second time, I was set on going alone, but another guy that I was then seeing wanted to do something else. What could I do? I ditched my own plans in favour of what he wanted to do. Girls, listen up: boys are temporary, but gig memories are eternal. Go to that concert. I will certainly do that next time Wolf Alice tour. And let me tell you about one of the first times I did just that. 
It was early 2014, and Reading and Leeds festival was putting on the lineup of the century - or so my 19-year-old-self was convinced. Arctic Monkeys have just released AM, The 1975 made a lot of noise with their self-titled debut. Paramore was going to play a set, and so would Vampire Weekend, Imagine Dragons, The Hives and blink-182 as well as Queens of the Stone Age. CHVRCHES. Bombay Bicycle Club. The Courteeners and Metronomy and Temples and Peace and Hozier and Circa Waves and so many other acts I was listening to and super excited about were making an appearance. It was my music taste for years to come condensed into three days; I was desperate to go, but it was my first year in a new country, and finding friends who were into the same things proved a bit challenging. I was insecure about my English since someone made fun of my thick accent, and that stuck with me. That was why I rarely spoke unless spoken to or comfortable around someone, too.  I constantly felt stupid when what I wanted to say got dislodged between what I had in my head and what came out of my mouth in my attempt to express it. My self-esteem was at an all-time low. It wasn’t happening just yet.
The money was tight, too - I was a student begging for extra shifts at my part-time job to pay the rent and sleeping on a bunk bed in shared accommodation - but I just got a tax refund. I made a quick budget in my head: I figured that if I got cheap train tickets, ate one huge portion of chips a day and smuggled vodka in somehow, I could probably go to the fest and survive, and perhaps even thrive. But I was worried about going on my own. Music festivals are social events as well as places to appreciate music; and while cinema is easier to go into and lose that self-awareness, it’s technically way harder to do that when you are in a crowd of people divided into groups. I was a girl on my own, was that really safe? How would I entertain myself while waiting for the bands to come on if I had no one to talk to? Would I look like a massive loser? With generalised anxiety disorder in particular, these are real questions that you come up with on a regular basis that cloud your judgement and make you feel really horrible. 
I bought the ticket. I packed. I went. I saw most of the bands that haven’t clashed with others. Nothing horrible happened - I was sensible (mostly) and took good care of myself. I still ended up eating that one portion of chips a day, though, cause I spent all my money on getting there. Even if anyone thought I was a weirdo for going to a festival alone, nobody turned around and told me that straight to my face. Who would even pay this much attention to a stranger when blink-182 was putting on the biggest bloody show of all time?! Going to that festival is one of my cherished memories, and I think I would have regretted it if I hadn’t gone. I was going to gigs plenty of times on my own since and enjoyed them as much as those I attended with my friends. 
Two years later, the year was nearing its end. At that point in time, I haven’t travelled much. The first flight I ever got onto was to move to the UK to study. The focus for my life this far was on surviving and going places was never in the budget - we’re not even talking long-haul or exotic. But my circumstances have changed a little; I graduated and got a job. For as long as I remembered, I wanted to go to Paris, too. I signed up for alerts on some last-minute travel websites and looked at those religiously. One evening when I opened my alert, I saw an opportunity.
Click. Click. Done. No way back now.
I was going to Paris the following weekend, then. And it was incredibly short notice; my boyfriend at the time couldn’t ditch the shift, so I was going to do it alone.  
It felt freeing to be in a completely different city on your own, seeing all these things that you’ve once learned about in French classes at school. For someone with so little life experience, it felt like one of the most precious things that happened to me this far. 
I rarely got on public transport - I walked around the city, taking in everything I always wanted to see. I went to Montmartre and paid respects to Jim Morrison and Chopin at Pere-Lachaise. I took a stroll down les Champs-Elysees to see if there actually was everything I needed there. I sat down drinking wine at some smokey bar. I attempted to exercise my rusty high-school French and ordered milk instead of coffee by accident. I took a selfie with the Eiffel Tower and spent several good hours at the Louvre looking for Mona Lisa (really small, and always surrounded by people it appears!). I ate the most banging crepes of my life. 
And if I hadn’t gone, the New Year promise I made to myself a few months later probably wouldn’t have happened. 
I went to Amsterdam with friends later that year, and that only fed my hunger to see a little more of the world. I was back to working part-time again, so I figured I could potentially travel within my budget. The problem was, my boyfriend at the time would have trouble getting hours at his job if he was to be too picky, and he tended to get quite annoyed with the short notice nature of finding a good travel deal. He couldn’t possibly join me on all of these trips, but he was fine with me going on my own if I wanted to. 
Having discussed that, I figured out that European city breaks were within my reach. So as the year was about to start, I made a promise to myself: I want to visit a different country a month over the year. And frankly, I surprised myself with how quickly I managed to get really organised to make that happen. I’d booked cheap flights, hostels and coaches, and managed to do it with little money. I decided I would make a trip a month, the destination relying on cheap flights and accommodation I could get. And out of the twelve trips that I made that year, eleven were made all on my own. 
It can appear scary to travel on your own, especially if organised travel and package holidays aren’t your thing. But being on your own gives you so much freedom to choose what you really want to do. When you plan any activity with other people, you need to reach a compromise regarding what you want to do, or what pace is best for everyone to be moving at. To do anything different is dictatorial and selfish. And don’t get me wrong, it’s fun to travel with others, too; it’s a different kind of experience that is just as enjoyable. But on your own, you can make choices on the spot according to how you’re feeling, or plan it out to cater to yourself if you want to. You can spend three hours relaxing in one place, breeze through it in ten minutes, or not even go in at all. And if you spend at least some time thinking about what you’d like to do and throwing together a schedule that you’re not obliged to follow by all means, you don’t get lonely - there’ll be people around you. 
So, want to go paragliding with the people from that booth that you’ve just spotted? Hell yeah, go paragliding. Feel like booking a cheap hostel on a boat instead of something regular and possibly more expensive? Do that. Hungry and craving something specific? No problem. Feeling like a gig? Of course, who’s playing and where? And boy, did I perfect my airport security and packing light routine that year!
So this is a note to my anxious brain, really. Life is too short and we’re all mortal. And after all, you just don’t know. Plus no one pays as much attention as you think they do. Anything telling you otherwise is your anxiety. You will never regret doing a thing on your own, but you may come to regret anything you haven’t done because you were that little bit too scared. You will learn, and maybe eventually it will become so natural that you won’t have a problem doing it at all.
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longtaste · 2 years
Park and rec tampa
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Whereas other bars are dark, dingy, small, and intimidating, Parks & Rec is open, bright, and fun. They're small, intimate, and meant to drink with the friends you already have, not so much to make new ones (not that you can't). I wouldn't necessarily suggest Red Star Rock Bar or the Ybor City Wine Bar to a 21 year old. But if you are new to bars/drinking, and you're looking for somewhere to come with a big group of friends, I think this place would be perfect. And I think that my experience here is more so just me being old and bitter (and having three overpriced, weak drinks). "But Mark, you said there was a market." Indeed, I did. I think Reef Donkey was the only beer worth drinking in the entire place (they claimed to have draft lines somewhere, but I never saw them), but hey. I love the 90's, but every bar that wants to pull off this 90's theme seems to be scared to fully commit to it. Complete with a menu that uses the Saved by the Bell background, music that nobody in there is old enough to remember (and if you are, you probably don't care), and overall generic tugs of nostalgia (Look everyone, we have a NES logo floating on the wall! Remember when those were big?). Add to everything else, this incredibly goofy late 80's to early 00's theme. On top of the weak alcohol, and it is entirely possible I just came on an off day, but none of the staff seemed very friendly, and seemingly all of them looked like they'd rather be anywhere else. To give you an idea of how weak the drinks are, I had my buddy Brian, who hates the taste of alcohol, try one, and he was able to put it down without any issue. Their shots are $10.00 a piece, which wouldn't feel like as much of a slap in the face if they didn't taste like the bottom of a bag of sugar. Which wouldn't be as annoying if they weren't so expensive on top of that. I'm going to go on a limb here and say that the drinks that they make here have next to no alcohol. First, allow me to state that if I ask for a recommendation from a bartender, I don't really want to hear a "well, this is popular." especially when you don't even sound confident in the selection yourself.
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