stephscanvic · 2 years
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142 francs… 1200 Euros… En tombant sur cette plaquette vantant la retraite complémentaire pour les artisans (on notera leur virilité magnifiquement résumée dans la Trinité clope / picole / bagnole), que je reproduis ici en guise de capsule temporelle, je me dis que le gouvernement a vraiment pas su nous vendre cette belle "réforme de gauche" qui ne veut que notre bien… Il aurait peut-être suffi de la traduire en émoticônes sur ce modèle ? ⚰️⚱️🪦💸🖕 Mais qu’est-ce que 2 ans de vie ? Le temps d’une crise Covid ? Le temps d’un BTS ? Le temps d’un long congé parental ? Le temps d’indemnisation maximum au chômage ? Ah non, pas ça, non. Ça, ça a changé et personne ou presque n’était dans la rue pour s’en indigner. C’était pourtant un préalable bien dégueulasse à la je-te-la-fais-à-l’envers macroniste du moment… Parce que oui, on sera vieilles, vieux, fatigué.e.s et pauvres. Pour une femme ce sera pire & ça l’a toujours été, entre maternité & ménopause, elle est courte la période où tu fais envie à un.e employeur.se… Et je m’étonne qu’on ne relie pas plus souvent dans les médias cette réforme bidon d’esclavagiste qui déteste son peuple de Gaulois réfractaires avec l’avènement de Chat GPT : plus besoin de personne à part quelques nerds programmateurs.ices de robots, Chat GPT te moulinera tout, du code aux formules Excels & à ta dissertation ou ton Power Point de pro de la comm’ en 5 minutes. On ne servira plus à rien nulle part, pas que derrière des caisses enregistreuses… Et surtout au moment où toute la planète part en couilles (plus qu’en ovaires, faut avouer), on n’aurait pas mieux à faire de nos vies que faire la manche ou du présentéisme pour remplir les quotas de l’index senior ? Comme le soulignait très justement l’amie Fanny, "apparement sur son lit de mort jamais personne n'aurait encore émis de regret sur le fait de ne pas avoir assez travaillé". - Est-ce vraiment trop ? - Oui. "Will you still need me, will you still feed me When I'm sixty-four" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HCTunqv1Xt4 #retraite #enfinneditespasilesttroptard #thesoonerthebest #nofutur #thebeatles #whenimsixtyfour https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfnDk-N6HT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mercantedispezie · 2 years
E niente, altro giro di anonimi fra i miei follow. Sta volta un tizio scrive dal nulla ad una amica, chiedendo se le avesse mai "uscite a qualcuno".
Sbagliando il verbo. "Ai", senza h.
Una volta questi erano le macchiette sceme dei film, l'idiota di cui ridere. Quello che serviva da contrappeso per capire come comportarsi.
E oggi invece rimorchiano pure! Cos'è successo durante il percorso?!
A donne, ma che cazzo fate?! 😂
Si fa pe ride dai...
(no, per niente, ma ok).
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saturninemysticthreads · 11 months
Rate this from 1-10! We value your feedback.
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rohisato · 1 year
【3DCG clips】サークルシュプレヒコール の No Future (SPRECHCHOR Doujin of No Future )
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sweetdrinkz · 2 years
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🍽️ Este domingo sale la segunda parte del recopilatorio 2023 del sello @nofutureb3rl1n, donde se incluye mi track “Songo Bong”. Es uno de los que ya se pueden escuchar (también se puede hacer pre-order). Disponible en Bandcamp y Soundcloud de momento, pronto en Spotify y otras plataformas. . . . #dj #deejay #djlife #djlifestyle #sweetdrinkz #djlover #djset #djing #music #djproducer #nofuture #berlin #electronic #music #zaragoza #compilation (en Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpS0rVNqdVh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wordart-in-german · 2 years
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You’ll never walk alone (=you are not a lost sheep)
a sheep stands in a meadow and looks into the camera, in the ear is a pin with the inscription: "You'll never walk alone"
Download image (via Dropbox) (without registration - keine Registrierung notwendig, ggf. das Fenster zum Registrieren rechts oben [x] wegklicken)
see all my English images here
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nueveoscuro · 2 years
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radicalrakesh · 2 years
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Once you’ve made the decision to move on, don’t look back. You will never find your future in the rear view mirror Happy Weekend @radicalrakesh #decisions #moveon #lookingback #nofuture #rearview (at Delhi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkzU2gXJ_Ow/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yoka-pict · 10 months
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NOFUTURE : death death imitate Xmas sticker draft
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Parker Snarker??
What is with the insults? But yes yeah Mr. Stark says I can be snarky, but he’s literally Mr. SNark so I don’t know what to tell him
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chiefatticcreator · 1 year
Rangiku and Yoruichi, by NoFuture
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pixiv link
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maybetonystark · 3 months
Yo Tony, I'm your biggest fan, man! Can I see the Iron Man suit?
No way. That tech is way too expensive and valuable for your eyes, not that I can't afford it. Plus, you'd probably damage it. And I guarantee you aren't my biggest fan.
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gametriprant · 1 year
Fun & Games
Was tagged by @being-john-malkobitch (muchas gracias!)
Your name?
Your star sign?
Last thing you listened to?
What are you wearing?
Grey comfy pants and black t-shirt
How tall are you?
1,72 m
Had one on the left side of my lower lip for 7 years, but I removed it to not damage my gums.
I have the Summoning Dark (from Terry Pratchett's Thud!) on my arm:
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Not yet
Last drink?
Black pearl tea
Last thing you ate?
French toast with banana
Lulu and Nana^^
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Do you have a crush on anyone?
Yeah, I get lots of little crushes all the time, I think that's normal.
Fave fictional characters?
Cannot pick just one: Miles Vorkosigan, Susan Sto-Helit, Sam Vimes, Granny Weatherwax, Angua, Death, Death of the Endless, Delirium, Aloy, Sarah Kerrigan, Victor Hargreeves, Harry Dresden, Molly Carpenter, Harry Dubious....and plenty more, really.
A movie you think everyone should watch? 
Hard to say again....There's lots of nice movies worth watching. From what I've seen recently, Everything Everywhere All At Once, for the importance of optimistic nihilism and general message in life.
A book you think everyone should read?
Just to pick one is always horrible. I'm gonna go with Good Omens.
I tag @duckland, @mncqvq1, @starfishlikestoread, @cat-charmer, @noisycoconut, @somewherebehindthemusgo, @h00kisback, @amarantoo, @miisd, @dying-of-the-light, @lorraineblack90, @peter-nautico, @louwitcher, @doomwhathouwilt, @ovrottenbloodspells, @disyuntivo, @ohfortuna, @nopast-nopresent-nofuture, @just-burning-out, @littlecocodrila, @angienott, @riveroflonging ,@porlapaty and anyone else who'd like to do it and I missed.
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imaginalstudio · 3 months
In the way that we use reflective surfaces and the perspectives of others to gain insight into parts of ourselves that we cannot see, i wonder if reality itself is doing the same to itself, with itself, manifested as "sentient beings" and matter in general.
If a human can have a spiritual awakening, can a community? A planet? A solar system? A Galaxy? The universe? Reality itself?
Is reality itself, meditation meditating on itself resulting in perpetual metamorphosis of energy?
Words suck. Language is so imprecise and toothless when it comes to communicating transpersonal experiences much less the nature of reality.
Which leads me to this tangent everytime. can we, as a species exponentially improve language? Not just a new tongue but a new way of creating language that allows us to see and talk about objective reality with more clarity? I'm not just talking about regarding sciences and spirituality either. The language you speak determines the way you process and interact with reality. For example people who use nofutured languages on average save 31% more per year and have 39% more wealth by retirement than ppl who speak futured languages. The way you perceive time and the way you communicate it has substantial effects on the quality of your life.
We are no where near as intelligent as we could be as a species. I have faith that we have not witnessed peak humanity yet.
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rewritechinchilla · 2 years
Music Game
Rules: shuffle your “on repeat” playlist from spotify or the music service of your choice and post the first 10 tracks - tagged by @sleepylilangel and thank you for that 🙏🏽
My music taste be everywhere lately. Was expecting pure Shoegaze or hardcore.
I never know who to tag on these but:
@nopast-nopresent-nofuture @fruitbatfanclub @dumplinngg
I’m never to sure who’s still on here but take a swing regardless!
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thechosendreamer · 2 years
Was tagged by @nopast-nopresent-nofuture and @somewherebehindthemusgo Thank you!!
Relationship status:  Single
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(Useless fact: Zoe is dating with one of the twins of 'Property Brothers')
Favorite color: Red
Last song I listened to: She's on my mind - JP Cooper (Guitar Acoustic)
Last movie I watched: Avatar. Not bad actually. I expected something much worse.
Top 3 tv shows: This is Us, Brooklyn 99 and Dark.
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Top 3 characters: Penélope García, Paquita Salas and Annalise Keating (It's impossible only 3 characters but I have to choose)
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What I’m currently reading: The patient by Juan Gómez-Jurado
And I tag....@duckland @mangryel @besosconsal @belladone7
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