#none of thats true ofc
sinsofsinister · 2 years
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sᴏʀ'ɢᴀʟʟᴇɴ | ᴅᴇᴇᴘ sᴇᴀ ᴍᴇʀᴍᴀɪᴅ
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istherewifiinhell · 1 month
i need to go eat but b4 i forget again this week. PPL OF THE DASH. tell me ur movies. ideally non series movies pre 2010. no other requirements really. i think ive got something lined up for this week but ive been struggling remember and then find places to watch movies. so if u got a movie u want to subject a person to. i will write it down and i may watch it in the future
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hi, ash! i'd love to hear about your ffxv s/i and your ship with gladio! also, what does iris think about your s/i? :O
YAY!! I love talking about this kind of stuff!!!
(Some talk of death, injury, drowning, a bit of blood + spoilers for the game)
F.FXV Ash was born in the Crown City to two members of the Crownsguard (eventually the Kingsglaive). Ever since she was young, Ash was always fed this idea that her kingdom was amazing. She loved her home so much and she wanted to grow up there forever with her parents and her sister. It all changed when she was 16. She parents were killed in combat.
(In Episode A.rdyn, there's a boss fight against two soldiers... Those were her parents.)
Ash stayed in the city long enough to graduate high-school, but after that, she just couldn't keep going. She felt hollow and empty inside. The murder of her parents shattered her in every single way possible, wrecked her faith and her love to kingdom, ruined her life. She's messed up.
And so, Ash leaves. She makes a name for herself as a monster hunter, drifting from town to town and protecting the people. She comes to be known as Eos' Rose. Beautiful, but with thorns too. She didn't choose to be called The Rose, it's just that part of her outfit is a long, red coat. I still need to work out the details of her outfit and all that, but she has a red coat and quite a few earrings. She has a chain threader going through two lobe piercings on one ear, and a dangling rose earring on the other. Both silver.
(Whenever she was about 20, she met a lonely chocobo chick. This chocobo stays with Ash for a long time. She is a green chocobo named Sage. Sage is Ash's companion and best friend. Sage is very friendly to everybody, but she has a distaste for Gladio and has tried to bite him on multiple occasions. She succeeded once, but more on that later.
Again, Sage is naturally green. Prompto asks about this once.
"Hey, Ash! Why is your chocobo green?"
"Well, I dunno, Prompto. Why are you blond?"
It gets a good chuckle out of everyone.)
Anyways, early into the game, the Chocobros run into Ash! She actually draws her sword on Noct at first and then she realizes "holy shit, you're the prince. Oh my god, I tried to kill the prince. Oh no, oh no, oh no-"
It's a bit of a funny moment, but she ends up allying with the bros and she gets especially close with Gladio. They get along really well, both protectors of people and absolutely dorks too.
Ash is a gamer, so she gets along well with Prompto and Noct. They actually all played Kings Knight together online! So it's a bit of a "WAIT WE'RE KINGS KNIGHT MOOTS?!" whenever they finally meet. She gets along really well with Ignis too! Ash is very close with all of the gang. It's not long before her and Gladio are falling in love, kissing and sharing Cup Noodles under the stars.
And as for Iris, Iris ADORES Ash! Looks up to her as the big sister she never had. Iris thinks Ash is so cool and strong! And she tells Gladdy that if he breaks her heart, she'll kick his ass! Ash really loves Iris too. She was always the youngest in her family too, so it means a lot to her to be able to be an older sister figure to someone. Ash teaches Iris a bit about how to use a sword too.
Anywho, back to the plot.
Ash accompanies the bros whenever they go onto the boat to Altissia. Her and Gladio have a sweet, romantic date there. But that happiness doesn't last. It's been a bit of a running joke that Ash doesn't know how to swim.
The last thing Gladio expected was to lose her.
As Altissia falls, Ash sacrifices herself to save Gladio and Prompto. They both have to watch as Ash falls from a bridge and into the water. They watch as Ash dies. But there's not enough time to save her. Prompto sobs, Gladio screams in horror. Ash is content. She's going to die protecting the people she loves, right? It's not that cute and her almost drowning to death was the scariest moment of her life. She's choking and gasping for air, trying to grab any rubble she can just to stay alive.
Ash isn't seen again for a while. It's part of the reason why Gladio lashes out on the train—he's mourning his girlfriend's death. Whenever he's sitting there across the table from Ignis, you can hear him crying.
However, a few chapters later... Guess who comes back. She's injured, has scars on her face, and her coat is in tatters. Gladio hugs her and cries, Ash tells him to loosen up a bit since she has a few cracked ribs.
"What's the matter? Not a fan of ghosts?"
Gladio tells her that this isn't the time to crack jokes, but he hugs her so tight. She was alive. She was okay.
(However, during this time, Gladio actually found Sage and told her that Ash was dead. Sage bit him hard that day.)
But... How exactly did Ash survive..?
That gets explained in Episode Ignis. I won't talk about Ash's involvement in every DLC just to not make this to lengthy, but in Iggy's... Ravus sees her drowning. He grabs her out of the water and onto land. He's not gentle about it, and the impact of being thrown against rubble isn't great for Ash's bones, but she's alive. Ash is nursed back to health by the survivors of the town. There's a lot more detail there, but that's the gist of what happens.
Ash's relationship with Ravus is fascinating. They bond quite a bit and have a chat under the stars much later, right before Ash reunites with Gladio. I had to dig through like two years worth of discord messages for this but it went something like this
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Oh and you know that level that's just Gladio and Ignis? Yeah, Ash is there too. She cusses out Ardyn actually. Although I really like Ardyn, my S/I doesn't. He makes a comment that she's quite grown up now. You know how he gets those flashbacks of peoples' memories after he kills people in his DLC? He saw an image of a little girl with red glasses. And here she was, a grown woman.
She breaks off from the group before the Ravus fight. I don't want her to see him like that.
Anyways, then timeskip rolls around. Whenever Noct arrives at Hammerhead is met with a familiar "kweh-kweh!". Sage greets Noct after ten long years, and then Ash runs over. They have a cute hug scene.
However, Ash's outfit is different. Not only is her hair curly (pre-ts Ash had it straightened), but she's wearing... Kingsglaive armor?! Her outfit is vaguely inspired by Crowe from Kingsglaive, but Ash had become a soldier. Not just to follow in her parents' footsteps, but because she had spent her whole life feeling lost and she had finally found a purpose. Traveling with Noct and Co had made her realize that her life had a purpose. She wanted to spend her life protecting her kingdom.
After her parents died, she didn't know what to do with herself. Noct was both her best friend and her king. Noct says that the Kingsglaive outfit looks good on her. It makes her smile. Ash had finally come home to Insomnia, and she had finally found what she was meant to do.
Before the gang leaves, she gives Noct a long hug and tells him to come back alive. She gives Gladio a kiss too.
And that's basically it!
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etherealkissed88 · 5 months
just give up : a motivational post 🥰
there reaches a point where your so tired of not getting what you want in the 3d and you feel like you want to give up. my advice is just give up.
give up trying to get shit in the 3d. “jani does this mean im not gonna get it in the 3d :(“ if you ask this question that means you dont understand the law.
by law, whatever you assume to be true in imagination will harden into a fact. if you have it in imagination, it will reflect in the 3d period. thats inevitable. thats the law. when i say “give up on getting it in the 3d,” i mean stop trying to manifest, stop trying to see change. when you try and try, you fall behind on what your actually supposed to do. your only job is knowing its done in imagination.
leave the 3d alone. when you focus on seeing change in the 3d and it clearly isnt there, you start assuming shit like “i cant manifest” and then the 3d will reflect that. it isnt in the 3d! its fine to admit it! the 3d is none of your concern! if you start actually looking towards imagination to experience what you want and focus on satisfying yourself, you will realize that the answer was self the whole time.
trying to change the 3d wont do shit. changing self will change the 3d because the 3d only looks at self for the next steps.
i promise you that fulfilling yourself and returning to that fulfilled state whenever you feel lack will make you feel so confident in the fact that its already done! and ofc it will reflect because you are changing self to someone who has what they desire
imagination is the source so your goal should be knowing its done in imagination before even thinking about it in the 3d since imagination literally molds the 3d - simply decide its done. do techniques for fun because its already done
satisfy yourself. satisfy yourself. satisfy yourself. fulfilling yourself will always be my favorite piece of advice.
therefore, give up on forcing it in the 3d. change self first. your focus should only be on imagination. you dont see it in the 3d? -> realize it was already done in imagination and enjoy it there. feeling lack or experiencing negative thoughts? -> realize its already done and satisfy yourself within. if not, have fun getting anxious and frustrated bc you still dont have it in the 3d🥰
heres an example of when i manifested something i wanted only when i left the 3d alone and actually fulfilled myself in imagination: 🎀 (if you cant see the full thread, try logging in or just get the twitter/x app)
stand on fucking business, get off these apps and change self. its already yours.
kisses, jani ☆
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
beginners guide to manifesting⋆.ೃ࿔*:・⭐️
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the definition of manifesting (the law of assumption) is simply, whatever you assume to be true, is true. we are ALWAYS manifesting subconsciously. your beliefs/thoughts are what u experience. therefore if u change ur thoughts , then you'll experience differently.
3D/4D - the 3D refers to ur physical. what you're experiencing physically. the 3D acts as a mirror, and reflects whats in the 4D. the 4D refers to ur mental. ur beliefs, thoughts and assumptions that u continuously think. whats in ur 4D will reflect in ur 3D. not the other way around. this is important to remember when manifesting. if u want a change in the physical, a change must first be made in ur mind.
an analogy to help understand it is, if ur looking in the mirror, and u see that u have lipstick in ur teeth. if u wiped the mirror in hopes that the lipstick stain would disappear, would it disappear. no ofc not. u would have to wipe the lipstick off of your own teeth first, then when u looked into the mirror, you wouldn't see the stain. its the same way with the 4D and 3D. u can't expect to see change if u dont wipe the lipstick off of ur teeth. trying to change the 3D/wipe the mirror won't do anything for you.
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WAVERING - wavering is flip flopping between two different stories that u tell urself. it's important to persist in one story and not flip flop between "i have it/no i dont". if u affirm that ur rich but ur continuously thinking thoughts like "ugh i'll never be rich" or "im so broke/i never have money" ur self sabotaging. stop that.
THE RULES OF MANIFESTING? - there is none. ur assumptions are true. therefore ur the one who puts the limits on ur manifestations. do what u will with that information. but the rules and limitations are made BY you, FOR you, bcuz its ur reality.
LAW OF ASSUMPTION VS LAW OF ATTRACTION - these are two distinctly different things.
law of attraction if im not mistaken focuses more on things like ur vibrations, making ur vibrations match what ur trying to manifest. like its name suggests law of attraction focuses on ATTRACTING ur desires, the idea that ur constantly putting energy out into the universe, and negative thoughts and emotions -> will manifest negative outcomes. (pls correct me in the comments if this is false)
law of assumption is whatever u assume to be true is true. whether u prefer law of assumption/attraction, the law of assumption is still proven true regardless. thats because its literally science and how the universe works. it focuses on changing ur assumptions -> to therefore change ur experiences. there isnt any outside validation (the universe etc) everything that u need is within u already.
personally, i prefer the law of assumption bcuz it gives me control and it ALWAYS works.
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AFFIRMATIONS - affirmations are thoughts that you'd think if u had ur desire. repeating ur affirmations familiarizes ur brain with having ur desire which makes it SUPER helpful when manifesting something consciously. the thoughts that u have every single day are ur affirmations and thats whats being proven true to u in ur everyday life. FOR EXAMPLE ; "the sky is blue" is an affirmation that is proven true everyday bcuz you manifested it (subconsciously not consciously). if u create a new assumption, then that'll be proven true too. ur thoughts today = what u experience tomorrow
IN A NUTSHELL - controlling ur thoughts and mind -> manifests whatever u want into ur life. there are no limits except for the ones that u put on urself. whatever u can conceptualize is possible (so dont go and ask ppl "can i manifest x,y, and z" bcuz YES U CAN) ur only task is to : affirm/saturate/visualize, whatever ur bag is -> use repetition when u have doubts/limiting beliefs -> persist regardless of what u see in the 3d and dont waver -> reap the fruit of ur manifestation.
go and manifest whatever u want, the world is your oyster
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pcheyes · 2 months
okay im not good at all at making reqs and stuff but do u think u could do like a sunghoon highschool au thing where the reader n him are bestfriends but hes slowly realizing that hes catching feelings for her and like hes noticing that little things she does for him or just in general are starting to give him butterflies and stuff? just like cute ass stuff (ofc reader likes him back) i hope this makes sense 😭💗
snow angel
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pairing: sunghoon x fem!reader
synopsis: your longtime best friend park sunghoon simply cant ignore his feelings for you anymore, especially on a special day like this.
warnings: none really? skinship, fluff, barely proofread
word count: 420
song suggestions: heart attack-chuu, must be love-laufey
back to the archives !
this wasn’t supposed to happen.
sunghoon swore on his holographic charizard that this wouldn’t happen to him, but you were too captivating.
at first, it was small things, you tugging on sunghoons sleeve to direct him in the right direction, you tutoring him and getting a little too close to him.
but everything changed that one afternoon.
it was a chilly afternoon, with pinkish hues gracing your cheeks and nose. you had a scarf (sunghoons) wrapped around your neck as you guys walk together, occasionally spotting a stray cat or dog and stopping to pet it.
but today, today happened to be the first snowfall. the first snowfall is usually very symbolic. theres a supersition that the first snowfall you witness with the person you like, true love will blossom between both and it will be long-lasting. sunghoon usually takes these first snowfall walks with a photo of his celebrity crush, his family, or he avoids it all together. but this snowfall just had to happen when he was walking home with you.
you guys eventually ended up chatting about teachers and homework, when suddenly, snowflakes started to grace your face. you spealed and tugged sunghoon the nearest park to play around.
i think thats what he liked most about you.
you always did whatever you wanted, as long as it brought you joy, but when you started hanging out with sunghoon you did stuff that made him happy too. you made him feel like it was you and him against the world. 
once you finished playing in the snow and taking photos you grabbed your bag but paused.
you reached to get a snowflake out of sunghoons hair.
and thats when it happened
“you’re so beautiful” 
you stare at him as you slowly retract your hand.
“you, you think i’m beautiful?”
“i think you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever met. everything about you is beautiful, from your hair,” he says as he takes a bit of your hair in his hand “to your pretty outfits” he then fiddles with the hem of your shirt. “everything about you is beautiful and every day i wish you would be mine” you inch closer to sunghoon and put an arm around his waist.
 “i’ve waited for forever for you to say that” you pull him by his collar and feel the soft sensation of your lips connecting in a loving moment. you break apart and put your forehead against his while giggling. “i love you sunghoon” 
“i love you too, more than you’ll ever know”
general taglist: @unikivrse msg or comment to be added
authors note: hope u liked this anon !! i originally wrote this when it was still really chilly outside so this has a winter theme. (also sunghoons coquette pictures are so cute😽)
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senbbonzakura · 27 days
heyy! im the "types of kisses" anon, could you do the main three with a short!cutesy!reader? she likes stuffed animals, kittens, cartoons and everything cute, it doesn't necessarily have to be hyperfeminine.
Alsoo, if it's not a problem, can i be 🧃 anon?
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main 3 with a short cutesy reader
🗯️ tw : none
💭 a/n : ofc 🧃 anon!!
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Stan :
thinks its cute bc ur literally like the opposite of him
i feel like he would like stuffed animals too
he just likes to have something to hold onto if ur not there
SPOILS u with plushies
"baby, look, im in this store and theres like so much sanrio stuff.. do you want something?"
weird way of proposing but yes
Kyle :
doesnr get all the hype
thinks ur kinda childish.. but he enjoys that
yk how in all friendgroups theres a "mom" of all the other friends that act childish?
he likes to play that role, especially with you
like taking care of u n stuff
"my love, thats a 5th plushie you want and it's just the second store we've been to."
"but it's so cute:("
cant resist you
Kenny :
if u also dress like all cute n pink, kenny once probably said that u look like a true princess
"guys, did you know i fw y/n"
"isnt she like 13😐"
cartman nags him abt it and calls him a pedo even tho ur both like the same age lmao
he puts on that "im in love with the minors" sound and says that it's kenny's theme song
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spideycatt · 10 months
Cat & Mouse Part 2.5 || MM x F!READER
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You see Miles at a party after a mishap
Now playing:
Yea, I said it // Rhianna, Astrothunder // Travis Scott, Slow Motion // Don Toliver
Warnings: Cussing, BLACK reader, aave (Ik its in like every fic i write but its how i talk dont come for me), partying, bumping n grinding on the dance floor oooo, Mentions of drinking, Use of n-word
Not rlly warnings/ A.N: Mentions of Gwendolyn Stacy🙄, the dancing scene popped up in my head after listening to the linked song on repeat so ofc i wrote about it!!, Just a lil sumn sumn before i close off this lil series
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“Oh my GOD Miles just shut the fuck up! I dont care if you and that bitch Gwen got something goin on because you’re not my nigga! Everyones right. Im not gon trip over you and whatever hoes you might have because obviously- this ain’ gon work. I’m over here stressing over finding a new roommate, I’m not gonna stress over someones who’s not my nigga, too.” You scream, staring at Miles as he stood in your doorway, both of you breathing heavily from raising your voices. You shook your head as you slam the door in his face, making sure to give him a pointed look before it shut.
You sigh at the memory of you and Miles’ fight from two days prior. He hadn’t come back to talk to you, and that only made you feel worse for slamming the door in his face like that. But it was true. You two weren’t dating, so you wouldn’t think it over too much. Hence why you were at a some 90’s themed party with your friend right now.
(“You need to bring someone home! Forget about Mr. Lame out there. Have some fun!”
“Girl what? I’m not even thinking bout boys right now.”)
“I’m gonna go get us some drinks! Remember what I said- let loose!”
You nod your head at her, nodding your head to the sound of Travis Scott bouncing off the walls. Which, wasn’t very 90’s, but as long as you were dressed up did it really matter?
You start walking to see where your friend went, but got stopped by someone grabbing your waist. You whip your head around to see who had the guts to touch you like that, and was met with a random guy you’ve seen around school. ‘Kinda cute.’
“Wanna dance, baby?”
You cringe inwardly at the nickname, being so used to Miles saying it to you. ‘You’re literally here to forget about him. One dance won’t hurt!’
Your friend comes back as soon as he starts tugging you away, you shrug at her as she gives you a questioning look.
You both move to the make-shift dance floor as Let’s chill by Guy starts playing. His hands on your hips as you sway your bodies to the music. You were getting really into the song, you were caught by surprise when you look up and see none other than Miles, staring at you two from across the room like he wanted to kill the guy behind you. You roll your eyes, continuing to dance on the boy behind you, when you felt him get pushed off you suddenly. You whip your head around for the second time tonight to see Miles and the guy almost chest to chest.
“Dude what the fuck?!” The guy yelled over the music, looking up at Miles with furrowed brows.
“Hands off my girl.” Miles quipped, looking down at the man with a mean look on his face, making the guy quickly back off.
“You’re crazy.” The boy huffed out, putting his hands up in surrender, quick to run off into the crowd.
Miles turned to look at you, grabbing your hips and pulling you close with a smirk.
“Miles, what the fuck.”
“Hey, Moss. I missed you.” He said, trying to lean in for a kiss, but you put a finger over his mouth.
“You dont get to ‘Hey, Moss,” me right now. Is that a durag on your head? Who the fuck did your hair?” You question rapidly, pushing his hands off you.
“Chill, baby,” he whispered in your ear, placing his hands back on your hips, and kissing down your neck. “My homegirl did them yesterday.”
“I don’t like that.”
“I knew you wouldn’t. Thats why I did it.” He smirked, spinning you around to hold you from behind. ‘Typical.’
“Y’know ma I like this style on you. You really turning me on right now.” He grabbed your hips and moved them along with his, dancing to the song currently playing.
“Don’t think you can make me forget about you and Gwen.”
He sighed in your ear, throwing his head back as he grinds into you. “I already told you baby, it wasn’t like that. She had a thing for me, and I fucked up by not putting her in her place. You know I only want you, ma.”
“No. I don’t know, Miles. You out here letting girls touch on you and do your hair ‘n shit. And that’s making this very hard to believe.” You spat, glaring at no one in particular.
“You’re so sexy when you mad, ma.”
You stay silent at that, slowly bringing one hand up to wrap around the back of Miles’ neck, and putting the other hand over his, which stayed on your hip.
“So do you forgive me baby?” He muttered, rubbing his thumb over your jean skirt.
“Why would I forgive you if we’re not even together?” You counter, tilting your head to the side.
“Oh it’s like that?” He raised a brow, mouthing over your neck.
“Lets make it official then, yea? Let me be yours. And you can be mine. Just mine.”
“You’d better to tell your ‘homegirl’ to keep her hands out ya hair if I say yes.”
“When you say yes. Y’know you can’t act like this forever.” He turned you back around and smirked down at you, making your tummy fill with butterflies.
“Forget you.” You kiss your teeth, looking away from him as he spreads a hand over your ass cheek.
“Nah. I know you want me, too. Así que dime, Moss. Whats up with you?” (so tell me)
“Ok, ok. Yea.” You sigh, pressing yourself against Miles, hugging his middle and resting your head against his chest.
“What was that baby?” He said smugly, rubbing his hands up and down your sides.
“Don’t make me change my mind, Miles.”
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roseworth · 1 year
do you think jason was fridged? i see a lot of people talk about it and i wanna know what you think
the boring answer is no, he was not fridged because the term was created in reference to female characters and jason isnt a female character
but that answer sucks. so lets look more into it!!! (trigger warning for screenshots of alex dewitt & barbara gordon's respective fridgings under the cut, also screenshots from death in the family but none of the graphic ones)
i make jokes about jason getting fridged all the time bc there is definitely an argument for it but i think my answer is. no but with feeling
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i can definitely see where people who think he was fridged are coming from. jasons death was entirely used to further bruce's grief and joker killed robin just to get back at batman, not to mention starlin was writing jason out of character so he could have an excuse to kill him. then ofc after jasons death there was the glass case & the fact that he was only brought up with things like "jason died because he didnt take it seriously" or whatever so the case for fridging is there
but the reason i dont consider it fridging is that he had a good amount of agency in death in the family. the story was ABOUT him, and he made choices in the story that led to his death in the way that other fridged characters didnt
ofc we have to look to Miss Refrigerator herself alex dewitt <3
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alex was attacked because of kyle, she didnt do anything to cause major force to attack her, she was a character that was killed just so kyle could be upset about it. she had no agency in the story, and he killed her so hard they had to make a new word for it
then ofc there was the same thing with barbara
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the only agency she had in this moment was that she chose to answer the door and. thats it. she wasnt even shot for being batgirl, she was shot because she was jim's daughter and it was entirely intended as a way for joker to use her injury to hurt jim
jason on the other hand! the story was about him (as much as it could be for a side character) and before i get into this i want to clarify that i am NOT saying that he deserved it because of his choices. that is not at all true. all im saying is that he had agency in the story and it was about him in a way that it wasnt about alex or babs
in death in the family, jason had plenty of agency. his death was about finding his mom and saving her. he died after he chose to protect her instead of listening to bruce
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also?? bruce isnt mentioned once in the scene where joker beats jason until its already done and joker doesnt want batman to find out
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so overall its not really a fridging!! he has a lot to do and a lot of focus within the story, and he was killed during his effort to save someone :( once again thats not to say his death was his fault, but he had a lot to do in the context of his death that it was still about him up until he died
his death was because of bruce because joker wouldnt have gone after him if it werent to get back at batman, but jason still had a lot to do in the story and it kinda goes against the whole point of the fridging trope. fridging isnt "side characters getting killed is bad" its "established characters getting no agency in their own death is bad (especially when said characters are women or minorities)"
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aceymazy · 7 months
Could you write an Orpheus x reader fic where the two of them are unknowingly pinning over each other? Have a wonderful day/night too!
OMG. yes. tysm.
+ Halloween special?? (it dosent have any halloween things. i actually planned to post this yesterday)
Pairing: Orpheus (IDV) x GN! Reader
Warnings: None really, just some oblivious mess of a fic lol. And some grammar mistakes ofc
Word count: Idk man i aint counting this shit... (i only know this is probably my longest work yet...)
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You arrived at the manor a few weeks prior, and so far, it's been nice. Most of the other survivors were nice, teamwork for matches were there, (even if sometimes it didnt really work out and you and the 3 others had a shameful lose.) it felt better than your old life to be precise.
But there was this one survivor that had peaked your interest. That survivor being none other than Orpheus himself. He was a quiet individual, sure, but whenever he spoke his voice felt like silk, something you could listen to for hours and hours without a stop.
You wanted to get closer to him, to get to know him better. But you didnt want to come off as rude or obnoxious. So you did what any other normal person would do who's afraid of making the first move. You wrote a letter.
The handwriting was 'neat' in youre opinion, the contents... probably okay. You were just waiting for his response.
You werent sure that if he took you up on the offer to be friends, or he would just nit-pick your wording and grammar, but your heart told you it's worth a shot.
And indeed was it worth it.
At first it was obvious he was hesitant to meet, but after a few meetings/'hang outs' as you called it, he realized you werent so bad after all.
You two quickly clicked. You two had similar interests, similar type of 'humor', and it just felt so perfect for you.
And you hoped it would be the same feeling for him too.
You're head perked up as you heard his beautiful voice. Your name rolling perfectly off his tounge.
"Yes, Orpheus?"
You question.
God, how much he loved your voice.
At first he wasn't that much of a fan of you, but now, he would do anything to just merely be in your presence.
"I have a question for you."
You raise an eyebrow at that. What does he have to know?
"Hit me."
You respond
"What is youre favourite color?"
"Uh... [Favourite color]. Why?"
"Oh nothing. I was just curious."
He responds.
In reality, he just wants to learn about you. Anything in general.
Whatever you say he memorizes. Or writes it down somewhere. It may sound stalker-ish but when you're stuck in a manor where you're being hunted down by monsters and where you might go nuts, it dosen't really matter.
And most of the days just went like this. Orpheus or you popping up in eachothers spaces to ask questions about eachother, or just talk.
The other survivors were practically begging you to get together with Orpheus, appearently you and him are 'All over eachother', which is not true!
You two only hang out. And talk all the time. And team up during matches. And save eachother without a second thought even if it meant one of you'd lose the match. And share food with eachother-
Okay now thats pretty sus in reality...
And that's when you realized for once. (And finally.)
You like... No. You love Orpheus.
After you realized... you... kind of kept a distance between him and you.
You just didnt know what to do with these new feelings. They are foreign. New. Whatever you want to call it, but its not familiar.
And of course, this action did not go unnoticed by Orpheus, see, he is a really attentive person, he 'knows these stuff', as you told him once
Whenever he called your name, or even tried to get in your personal space, you moved away or just simply ignored him.
Which did not sit right with him at all.
You two got along so well, what happend?
Did he do something wrong?
Did he offend you with something he said?
He knows he can be blunt but did he hurt you??
Needless to say he was confused. Very confused.
So one day, he decided to write a letter.
If he wrote you didnt have a chance to runaway... right?
And the letter was... detailed. Way too detailed.
He wrote about his worries that he offended you, he asked why are you ignoring him and if he did something wrong, and he said he misses you.
When you read the letter that got pushed trough the small space under your door, you didnt know how to take it.
Did this mean he likes you too? Or what does this mean..?
Let's say you wrote a letter back. But you were way bolder.
You poured out your heart into that letter, you told him how much your heart aches whenever you cant see him, but you realized these strange feelings that kept bugging you.
That you love his silky voice, whenever he talks it felt like a lullaby to you that you could just sleep on without a care in the world.
And when HE read the letter he was flabbergasted. No better or worse word to describe it.
After thinking deeply and reading your letter over and over again, he realized it too.
What he felt inside his stomach whenever you two were close wasn't only friendship. It was love.
He finally realized, you did too.
So he wrote a letter back, again.
Confessing that he felt the same, and that you two should meet up already because he misses you.
In the end... You two confessed the same way you two's friendship started to bloom.
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seeminglydark · 11 months
(punk) rock facts
i just wanna say, i really love all the low-key Elder Punk asks ive gotten over the years with this comic, here and on instagram too (especially when directed at Johnny its sooooo cute and i love it even though 'elder' makes me go ahhh a bit i suppose to a degree thats true!) its really fun for me to relive that part of my life a bit and divulge some of the things we did in the 90's, at least in my neck of the woods. i am not by any means any kind of an authority, nor was i the punkest punk who ever punked, and theres a hundred dif ways to do punk things, but i do remember being scared to ask folks how they did something, so i just wanna put it out there that you are always free to ask me, and ofc johnny, if you have q's on how-to's or diys, or things you see me put in my art and are curious about. unforch i have to have anon off For Reasons, but yea this is a safe, none-gatekeeping place for you!
i also might put up some diy tuts myself like patch-making and shit, so stay tuned i guess!
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radioroxx · 2 months
Which is your favourite Undertale Yellow route ending? I personally love True Pacifist, but I also find the Flawed Pacifist Route ending extremely intriguing and heartbreaking.
i have an obvious love for pacifist bc. yeah. you all know. its been a long looong time since a game has made me cry so it has a special place in my heart. and plus ausughhhggg my sillies
but also the reveal that neutral had,, finding out the whole thing was just a time loop and than none of them had any power to stop it and theyre forced to live out the plot over and over again because silly flower said so….. and plus you know im a flowey fan so…. the extra content with him was nice
(not to mention. the whole neutral fight was so so so cool)
flawed pacifist is tragic ofc but, i dont have the same appreciation for it jgkg its not as ‘big’ as the others, so it had smaller impactssss but also thats the point?? i think????? so ahakdjfk
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ryemackerel · 1 year
in my funny headcanon au (it still doesnt have a name RIP…), i find it so sweet that the youngsters from benchtrio look up to tntduo as inspirational figures. of course since benchtrio are still teens, tntduo are already well into their adult years, like early/mid 30s.
tubbo, tommy, and ranboo are all naive ol folks. all of them being younger than 18, none of them know any better. and ofc being a bunch of dumb kids, usually they love making mistakes, LOTS of them. however, their past traumatic experiences put all of them in a position where they can’t properly enjoy their teenagehood, stripped of their innocence really.
ranboo struggling with recollecting his past and facing the heartwrenching possibility of being an escaped lab experiment, even though for years theyve always believed they had a true family back at his homeland. however, they struggle with knowing that they never did.
tubbo shielding himself off from his loved ones, avoiding intimacy and masking his emotions as much as possible, heavy memories stemming from his rough childhood living with schlatt.
tommy still recovering from the grief of losing his older brother, overwhelmed with the thought of his family splitting apart again, and recovering from his own death from years back.
although their lives have improved so much more now, their pasts still dwell in the background. as teens, these three always strive to seek others that can truly understand them, find some common ground and relatability with others that have dealt with issues just as difficult as theirs. i feel like that’s why benchtrio bonds so closely with tntduo and attaches to wilbur and quackity so much.
being old as they are now, wilbur and quackity have gone through so much. wilbur with post-revival, quackity with openness, both with rough pasts. in a way, i feel like all of them got along because of these shared experiences.
tommy has always stuck with wilbur since the day tommy was born, basically siblings of the same blood that you can never break apart. wilbur was the very person that raised tommy until they found phil. she helped tommy through his worst times as a kid, and after revival it was tommy that helped wilbur out of the mess he was in.
both tubbo and quackity dealt with how schlatt treated them. tubbo almost looks up to quackity as a father because of how much he understands him.
ranboo doesnt look up to a specific person in particular, but has always wanted a place to fit in. after meeting the sbi, tubbo, and quackity, thats where he started feeling like he truly belonged.
i have no specific name for this au, but i love to think about the connections all of the characters have with each other, and thats been the main subject of the au. like one huge hub of folks that have found ways to get along, almost slice of life-ish, where although everyone still has their own issues, theyre all trying their best to enjoy their lives and recover. healing au? revival? i really dont know if i can find names that arent already taken, might need some help BWHAGAH! thank you lots for reading! :)
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Usually as I find more and more unflattering lore about my blorbos it cures my obsession but for some reason w/ Nico it just makes me even more intrigued. It's not even always apologia lol sometimes I just think "thats horrible" with no "but it's ok". Also by the way I've noticed you're very keen on Max (and I'm not) so I'm eager to see if you can convince me of that too (as you did with brocedes)
this is a really interesting ask! one thing about me is I'm for haters rights. I'm a hater myself, and sports needs antagonist to your protags -- it's simply more fun, and I'm here to have fun. I've got people here who hate macks, lewis, lando; and that's fine by me. you like who you like. if you hate Nico it'll probably be a bit awkward but yeah lol... I'm going to essay because you've caught me in a Mood so buckle in
I'm not necessarily in the business on converting people either... I think people are just attracted to other passionate people... the love for a blorbo is infectious. i follow so many DR girlies that he's like a son-in-law to me. so this won't be me converting me but in true max fashion I will be maxplaining my thoughts that no one asked for while you're stuck captive 😈
onto unpleasant lore. there is simply no one with a perfect, unblemished history. Nico's greenwashing, privileged, tone deaf, not even gonna Touch the 💉, a little bit manipulative girlboss slay. even the very best of the grid are ultimately filthy rich, sportswashing, and hypocritical -- esp if they're climate activists. none of our blorbos are immune
i think it also helps with Nico that he's retired, beyond talking shit he doesn't actually pose a threat to your blorbo on the grid. Max is the world champion so he's everyone on the grid's pain in the ass rn. I think there's a lot of fair reasons to hate max, and then there's a lot of unfair reasons that's more popular narrative. how I got into Nico was I saw a bunch of people on twitter hating him and I was like lol who's This guy 😂🤣 let me learn more about him so I'm an Informed hater🤓 and then... well 🥴
if you don't like macks, that's okay! you don't even need a "valid" reason. i wanna punch Lance Stroll in the face, I don't have a reason for it. we don't choose our blorbos.
why I enjoy max is cause
a) sick racer. seriously, generational talent. there's this idea that he's some super unsafe crash happy driver but that's really not true, and that narrative is from 2016 -- when he was a wee baby 17 year old. Imagine you're defined by how you were at 17 🫥 I would die. we are watching history in the making: and we'll be seeing him on the grid for many more years inshallah. sexy ass racing... and no it's not cause he's got the best car. i think just how much fun he had wheel to wheel racing with a broken car against Mick in France showed that. this dude just loves racing the way you and I will never love anything
b) he's just Some Guy.
there's a lot of narratives about how evil he is.... but my understanding of him is a dude who doesn't care to play along with the PR optics of a situation. He's blunt, he's honest -- it can be off putting to some, but I find it really refreshing. if you ask him if he's scared of Marc's straight line speed, he'll just say no. yes king give me nothing!! he is the ultimate what you're seeing is what you're getting. he's simply max :)
what I love about him is his innate self belief. he had a dad who projected all his failed ambitions on him, and the post linked by bella does a good job of explaining the parental abuse. I also speak about it here. fandom ofc cannot handle a topic that nuanced, which leads to the worst fucking takes of all time. max is not defined by his abuse, rather time and again he's shown how much so much more, so full of love. he was practically groomed to be a racer, but he's so much more than the weight of the expectations put on him since childhood. there's this interview of baby teen max asking if he thinks he'll be a better racer than his dad and he just says "I am." you need to have that kind of faith in yourself, and prove it!!!!!!!
his whole circle is friends from years back, his mom and his sister, and his gf/her kid. he's literally 24, rich, successful he can have or do anything he wants, and he just likes chilling with his family and playing the sim 🥺 a family dude through and through
beyond that, he's truly just Some Dude. he's got a dry sarcastic sense of humour, has mommy issues, likes to be in the arms of other stronger men, he comes across as a dude with a decent head on his shoulders. yes he bitches in the car and swears a lot and breaks his DRS button pressing it 50 times, and then goes to say he thinks he's pretty calm lolol I love unreliable narrators. it also says a lot that most of the grid likes him, Daniel, Fernando, Lando, Carlos, Charl, he's capable of being a normal dude off the track who isn't untouchable.
C) tits and thighs
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before I got into f1, I saw this black and white video of max from Abu Dhabi celebrations, drunk as shit, in some dude's arms singing "we are the champions" I knew NOTHING about him beyond he just became the world champion of ??? something, and he seems so, so happy. and for me that's all it took. that's my golden shoe boy.
I think he's simply lovely :)
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lost-tardis-room · 2 months
hello mack my friend, i hope life is treating you well! i have a couple questions from the fandom asks if you want: 22, 16 and 12 :)
hello mandy!! i'm doing pretty good hehe :D
22 - headcanons for a character
the tenth doctor listens to björk i know this is true in my heart <3
16 - do people irl know you participate in fandom?
yeah but idk to what degree.......... i went to a fan convention as ten just the other day (my first one!!! it was really fun i got an autograph from catherine tate and got t ask her a question about wild blue yonder!!) and i show friends my fanart sometimes but i dont think they know just how Into It into it i am. but a lot of them are really invested in fandoms for other things that they talk about all the time so it's not that i'm hiding it from them or anything just that none of them are as wild about doctor who as i am. ALTHOUGH i do have one of my friends to thank for getting me into good omens which led me into doctor who and literally changed my life hehe <3 and ofc my family knows cos i never shut up about it lol
12 - what's the funniest or craziest au you've ever come up with?
WELL i'm currently writing a fic based on a dream that @bygollybymerlinsbeard / @/oramgetardisscarf had about ten and rose getting stuck on a planet where the twelfth doctor has gone mad with grief, but like literally half an hour ago i thought omg what if missy was there......... if twelve is so wracked with loss and missy is beside him nudging him into destructive activities cos it's what she's always done & she gets a sort of validation out of knowing he can be bad the same way he hopes to be validated by knowing she can be good and the layers of guilt that come with that.............
which isnt funny or crazy but i'm not generally one for au's. but thats what i've got lol.
OH BUT catherine tate said at the convention (obv not my idea but i'll say it anyways) that she thinks nine and donna (as characters, not her and chris eccleston) would do a good production of taming of the shrew and i think i know what roles she meant....... ninedonna shakespeare........ ough................... but tbh you'd have to change the ending of the taming of the shrew donna is Not getting tamed nosirree hehe
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astro-break · 6 months
Thoughts on the 12th ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
Season 1 | Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3 | Ep.4 | Ep. 5 | Ep. 6 | Ep. 7 | Ep. 8 | Ep. 9 | Ep. 10 | Ep. 11
I love these two they're so stupid and cute ofc they're fighting about what place they're gonna open akira's ideals vs satoru's flashyness. i like how satoru is the one who dreams big between them while akira is more down to earth and focuses on the things that can make others happy too
ah so this is how they originally got arrested huh? metaphorically and literally stepping on their dreams damn
thats a tone shift damn i hate that this anime made me care for two gay dead people (so much that i accidently wrote a fic for them whoops)
genuinely i wonder what the IVs are for, it has to be important enough for kaibyakumon to hide them in his projections
like theres four of them. what do you need so many iv bags for mdude?
i still think the who will answer my questions is on par with roxas being a looser
like damn chiaro is very gay living on within his totally platonic bro friend who is modeled after the guy his original died with
good for him honestly, radical change very rarely comes from peaceful actions
damn another leader unit song? suckssss was looking forward to a nigumi
ah no fake out
oh heay hifumi got his jacket back and is straight to complementing his bestie
I like how MTC is taking a more leadership role in this since it is more military focused and they are quite literally the military unit
that would have been more poignant if we Saw how much shinjuku meant to him
Amanda squeakkkkkkkk shes best character ever
soccer idiot what a meathead
also i love the fact that jyushi thinks that the ball is jiro's friend
oh look at that thinking, Scuro does have have some brains in there
OH THEM!!!! ITS BEEN A WHILE I MISS SECRET ALIENSSSSSSS Iris being slay as always never flinching from samatoki shes such a badass
oh i do not miss rex www iris is as sassy as ever and i love her
i like how the villains are playing these smart, its good. just as i type that kaibyakumon does something idiotic by hiding in the most obvious place
oh wait there was that shadow in like ep2 or smth. that was him. that was kaibyakumon. H U H
ww i thought only gentaro got in
suprised that they all survived gett in blown up by a bomb without any injuries wow
HAHAHAHA JYUSHI oh you lovable boy
haha kick like soccer ball
damn sheer dumb luck saved them huh unfortunate but at least best boy was the one to show the way
oh gods this is the chuuni group and i love it i love how gentaro is just playing along
with the power of music and gayness he will prevail!
damn hes doing it by himself no holograms needed! oh im proud of himmm what a strong boy!
i like his rap tbh its very much about unity and experience, everything he as both chiaro, scuro, akira, and satoru together make up who the person is, they will have their just revenge, they have learned from their mistakes and they will fight for what is theirs. its really good
also he refrences spawn camping www their combined version does seem like the toxic type of guy who would
awww the heroes too have the power of gay and music by their side
i find it hilarious how jyushi enunciates his team name www its true tho none of them have an ass to speak of
honestly? this one is better than the 3gumi one
oh he holds the mic to his heart …
damn ripp the artificial gays they were good. i liked them :((( wish they stayed alive D:
oh those eyebagsss they're heavyyy hes haunted by les horreurs!
oh he loves them, he loves his boyssssss hypmi really be burying their gays and letting their father mourn
lmfao did aliens really just knock out the chuuoku girls driving the plane and fuck off to bukuro love that iris is the one driving tho, love that for her
hah, not a bad episode, i didn't hate it but it wasn't great either. I enjoyed the gay things and the Secret Aliens cameo but overall just no much really popped out to me unlike ep 10
also i just noticed that sasara's suit the pattern is just overlayed on top of the suit not drawn on. cute
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