#normally I hate it when people use third person for themselves
raydaviespilled · 2 months
is this a safe space to say I find it attractive when ray says ‘come to ray’ in live performances of art lover
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thatguywhofedme · 11 months
A lardy death to go
Chapter 1
The first experience
It was your first day on the job as a food delivery driver
You were excited for it and it was a job you needed, but you also heard about the horror stories a delivery driver could go through sometimes and you were expecting the worst
But you know there was also a good side to your line of work, seeing all the food you could get after work, getting to know your area more and especially when it comes to meeting new people, you never know what could happen and that was part of the excitement
Your first day went pretty well, you had your run of the mill customers (guy who doesn't tip, Karen's,etc.) But you had one final delivery that popped up and it was a big one, you had to park your car backwards at McDonald's just so you can fit the entire order in, then it was just a matter of following the gps
You thought it could have been for a party or something like a normal person would think, but my god you were wrong
You got in the driveway and realized that there was only one van parked in front of the house and thought it was weird but okay
You approached the front door and rang on the doorbell
You heard someone yelling "the door is uuuuff unlocked, you can bring it into the UUURRPP living room"
With that said, you opened the door and thought to yourself that the voice sounded out of breath just from talking which was odd to you
When you entered the house and went into the living room, that's when it all became clear to you
You saw someone sitting on their couch, demolishing what could have been the third kfc bucket and licking their fat finger after finishing the last chicken breast
"Aaaaahhh thank you for BOOOAARRPP coming in, I hate heaving my FFFFRRRRRHHHHHTTT fat ass from the couch to pick up my order"
It wasn't hard to understand why, with that fat face being lowered by a double chin that resembled a stack of pancakes, arms bigger than your own thighs, a belly that was resting between some jiggly, meaty thighs completed with a gigantic ass that was wider than the person who's on top of it
It was your first time seeing someone this big outside of sometimes watching "my 600lbs life", but you weren't hating it, on the contrary, you became really excited and horny by the sight of this behemoth
"Of course, the pleasure is all mine and I can understand not wanting to move after a good meal" you said after winking at them
They became flustered and started rubbing their big belly
"Well, I'm glad we can agree on this, but don't you think for a second this was a "good meal" for me, that was just an appetizer" they said giggling
"Well in that case, you better order up, we wouldn't want you to go hungry" you said as you slapped their belly
"I'll be back when you order something else, don't keep me waiting"
You left as they were completely in shock while being incredibly turned on, so much so they started digging into the order you just brought up and stuff themselves silly no matter how dirty they became
You got in your car and we're also in shocked, especially because of how you acted towards them, so confident, dominant and controlling
You kind of scared yourself a little, but you felt amazing and you couldn't wait for the fat whale to order more so you can tell them to eat up
Chapter 2
The routine
You became a regular at their house, delivering feast after feast each day for them to stuff themselves
You were also becoming an unabler to their diet, buying butter and lard to make the orders a "little" more fattening for your own pleasure
They told you they used to weigh 523lbs when they met you, but now, after 8 months, they were now at 612lbs, which they couldn't be more happy about
She explained to you what a feedee and feeder was after you asked them why they were willing to gain so much weight and that's when you realized you were a feeder And loving it
One night after finishing your delivery and realizing they were your last one, you decided to stay a little longer and see if you could feed them yourself
You opened the door and got into the living room where you saw them eating like the slobby pig they are
Their belly was enormous, almost reaching their ankle when they sat down
Their face has become even fatter, so much so they were now slurring their words sometimes because of how much they've grown
Their ass has become a new shelf, with packs of leftover food laying on it
Literally everything on their body has grown much fatter
"Heeeyy gorgeous… I'm sho happy to see UUUUURRPPPP your sexy ass in FFFRRRHHHTT aaaaahhh my living room"
Without saying a word, you go over and feed them the rest of their huge burger with some "small" sausages on the side
You didn't even wait for them to finish eating, you stuff bite after bite in their mouth whether their ready or not
You could hear them moaning and you also got a lot hornier as the minutes passed by
After the burgers, it was time for the sausages
"UUUUFFFF please, I'm…. not….. sure BUUUAAAARRRRRRPPPP I'll be….. able to finish all….. of this……"
"Listen carefully, because I won't say it twice
you wanted me as your feeder, you got it, you wanted me to personally deliver all your food, you got it
But now, I want you to finish everything I brought for you, otherwise, let's just say the food you see is not the only thing that's gonna go in your mouth, I found other ways of making you eat you massive pig !!!"
They couldn't believe how more dominant you have become and with what you said, you heard them almost yell, but realize they had just came on the sofa
"I'm sorry, did you just cum without me letting you ?"
They bit their lip and looked at you, face all red and sweaty with terrified eyes, they knew they had fucked up, even if they truly couldn't control themselves around you
"I…I…….yes i did"
You took the huge sausages beside them and began forcing them in their mouth one by one
"You better swallow every last one of them, you're already in for a big punishment, but I still want you to eat all of them you greedy pig"
Has they started to choke a little from the sheer amount you were putting in their mouth, their cheeks becoming so swollen they were turning red and with them struggling to breath, you knew you were doing the right thing for them to grow at the pace you want
After all the sausages have gone through their gullet, you saw them puffing just from having to breath because of how painfully stuffed their stomach was
you heard them yell at you as they couldn't speak quieter then that from how exhausting it would have been
You took their meaty, jiggly, cellulite riden thighs apart as much as you could and lifted their gut up with a lot of effort, but when your head went in between, you knew they were going to get it tonight, they couldn't have all this fat to play with and not have someone fuck them senseless
When you started doing your thing, you felt perfectly at home, you knew there had to be more, more fat to love, enjoy, fuck and jiggle
You simply needed to make them fatter, even fatter than in your wildest fantasies and you knew they felt the same way
Chapter 3
Life goes on.... For now....
It had been a year ever since you fucked them senseless and in that time, you wouldn't have imagined what would happen afterwards
You didn't just deliver to their house anymore, you're now their caretakers and live in their house
Helping them with everything 24/7
It could be something as simple as helping them get up from the bed using the railings connected to them and the bariatric walker, going in the shower with them as they put their wide ass on the shower chair that was specially fitted for them while you take a sponge and wash in between their many, many rolls of jiggly lard, as well as letting them know their doing an amazing job as your fat piggy with a little "helping hand" from under their now almost unreachable fupa
Or it could also mean helping them with the oxygen tank they need to have with them at all times if they don't want to pass out from the exhausting movement that is moving their near immobile body from one room to another by changing the bottles when their empty
In any case, you're there to make sure they eat more each meal and get fatter by the hours
Speaking of which, you've grown darker with every pound they've gained and every fantasy they told you
From getting treated like a literal pig by never taking a shower, eating from a trough, doing everything on the floor form eating to fucking and making piggy sounds to being so fat, their heart struggles and hurts all the time and to suffocate the pain they can only open their mouth and let everything flow through to relieve the pain
As you were preparing their next feast, you were mesmerized by the enormous sight on the broken couch
They had grown so much ever since you became their at home feeder
Especially since the last bariatric scale you've gotten, which had a capacity of 750lbs said "error" while trying to weigh them a couple of months ago
They were finishing up their second cake by hand like the good piggy they were, and even that was getting difficult from them as their arms were becoming really heavy with all that fat hanging and their fingers becoming too fat to make any kinds of movement
Their flabby chest hanging on both sides of their body while their stretchmarks riden belly was touching the floor as they're cellulite covered ass was taking the entirety of the couch
They were always out of breath no matter what they did, with all that lard crushing their insides, you could understand why they had their cannula at all times, but that's perfect, you thought they look beautiful with their unhealthy look, bite after bite nearing another heart attack
Yes, I did say another, two months ago, while getting funnel fed a lard shake and getting fucked by you, they started to say how tight their chest was becoming as they swallowed the liquid, but as they were about to finish, they started to touch their chest where their heart was
"HONN..UUUURRRPPP..EEYYYY…..my heart….it'sh beating really….fassht….I think…..FRRRTTHHH…thish..ish….it……AWWWWW FUCK"
You weren't scared at all, ok the contrary, you took the tube out of their mouth, took the pizza nearby and started force feeding them while their heart was giving out
"YESSS, that's the moment we've been waiting for
EAT !!!! I want you to eat everything I give you no matter how bad it hurts
I want to see your heart pop as you take your last breath doing what you do best, stuffing your pig mouth"
You heard a moan escaping their mouth as they were clutching their heart, swallowing as fast as they could as you fed them with no signs of mercy
But after a while, they seem to have regained their composure and their heart wasn't hurting as much anymore
"HUFFFF….you know…..what…that meansh…?"
"What's that gorgeous ?"
"I'm not…..fat …..enough …yet…..feed…BOOOAARRPP……me….more…please
Feed…me….into my….early grave…like the slobby….mmmh…disgusting……piggy I am…..oink….oink"
From that day on, you've been even more unforgetful whit your feeding method
You've been putting weight gain powder,lard and melted butter in EVERYTHING
They were all but too happy to oblige and take everything you were giving them
You both knew there was no coming back, you had to make them so fat justovijg a little would cause some the risk of another heart attack to appear
You had to close those arteries and cover their heart in unhealthy coats of fat
You had to make them as unhealthy as possible no matter what it took
This is your piggy and the fun was just getting started
Chapter 4
The fatal one
As you walk through the hallway with your trolley with gallons of lard shakes, you realized how lucky you are of having the life you got
You're the caretaker to an immobile piggy who hasn't moved in a long time, their health getting worse by the day just the like you both want, it's gotten so bad that you had to fit a mechanized crane on top of them if you wanted to clean them or fucked them
Their health was now a mountain of obesity related issues
Ranging from at least type 2 diabetes, hypertension that as gone through the roof, multiple strokes a year which they called "ooopsies" which was the cutest name for them, their breathing was now so bad, the cpap was struggling to feed them fresh air
All in all, you've done an amazing job of feeding them without any restrictions and they did their part of keeping that belly packed to the point of exploding at any given time
You both knew they were certainly on the verge of having "the big one" as you called it as you entered their fully furnished bariatric room and looked at the display on top of them showing "1126 lbs" in bright red
"Hello there piggy, hope your ready for me to turn the feeding machine back on"
They could only blink as they couldn't really do anything anymore
Their body so completely engulfed by fat even talking was a restraint as the fat was pushing against their vocal cords and their arms were standing up, not because they wanted to, but because all the fat surrounding them was keeping them up with how much of the stuff there was
Their belly was so impressive it was spilling on both sides of their bariatric bed which was an achievement on itself
You've grown them to such an epic proportion even the bariatric bed was creaking just from how much weight there was to support
The bed's side rails had broken a long time just from the sheer force that was pushing on them when they tried to adjust themselves on the bed one last time before you both decided it was best to let the piggy themed face mask, which was both a feeding tube and an air cannula forcing as much oxygen as possible just for their lungs to feel something to work with, at all times to make them bloated at all times
You saw that the feeding tank was nearly empty, so you started taking the containers and pour the unhealthy liquid one after the other
You knew it was working when you hear a small moan coming front them meaning the flow was much better
After you were done, you sat on a nearby seat and started talking
"I know you don't have much time and you could die at any given times, which is why instead of being your bad death feeder, I wanted to thank you
Thank you for being your amazing self and becoming the fattest person to wanna eat themselves to death
Thank you for being the best feedee someone could ever ask for, you just kept on stuffing yourself no matter how hard it got or how bad it hurts,
But mostly, thank you for giving me this incredible opportunity, I couldn't have dreamed of a better life and it's all thanks to you
I love you and I'm by your side no matter what happens"
Tears started coming out and when you looked at them to see their reaction
They were also crying, their eyes getting red, the heart monitor going even faster
they were also trying to say something that was muffled by all the fat surrounding their face
You got up and told them
"Sorry baby, I couldn't hear you properly"
And in a very low whisper they said
'i…………..love …………..you………….too………."
You smiled, lifted their mask which hasn't been turned on yet and give them a passionate kiss
You were so happy in that moment and nothing could have changed that
But then, as the mask wasn't on them
They started to breath in an even more unsettling way
Their eyes started bulging as the hear monitor became ballistic with bpm's of 196 started showing
THIS WAS IT !!!!!!
You started the feeding machine back on and the lard began pouring again as they were truly struggling to stay alive, you were hornier than you've ever been and started straddling as much of their big belly as you could
Their face became reder and reder by the seconds, then it became purple with lard coming out of their mask as they struggle to swallow with what was happening
Until you saw the life in their eyes disappear and the heart monitor do a "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee………" as you knew it had been fatal
Even as their body began turning white, you decided to let them machine on to finish the liquid
After 30 minutes, the tank was empty and the only part of their body with some color was their gut as you could see the redness of how bloated it was, but also surprised at the fact that it didn't explode from the inside
Unfortunately, after 9 years of being their feeder
it was all over
you were sad about it even if you knew this was coming a looooong time ago
You've lost them, but have accomplished your ultimate goal and their most important wish in life
feeding them to death
Chapter 5
Who's next ?!?
After what happened, you decided to go and not look back, not knowing what could have happened to you if you would have stayed until the police, medical crew and crane have arrived to lift their corpse out of their house
You kept it low key, out of the eye of anyone for 10 months, finding shelter in an old apartment building situated in a small town far away from where it all happened until you felt it was safe to go out again
You looked online for some news article about anything that could be related to you and them
Nothing ?
Surprisingly, no one as talked about it online, not even a news article
You were surprised but relieved at the same time
That's when you got out of your apartment and decided to go to the local grocery store for some supplies
You walked through the isles, looking for what you could have during the week
You were also reminiscing about your feedee while passing the lard on one of the shelves
You could never forget all the incredible experiences you've experienced while being with them
You smiled and chuckled remembering everything
Then, in one of the isle, your heart stopped
From the back, you saw a massive form on a mobility scooter, basket full of snacks and fattening food
You couldn't contain yourself from the sight of another morbidly obese person in front of you
It's been so long
You were craving it
The need to feed someone to another fatal heart attack
You found your next feedee and this time, you were going to make them even fatter
Even slobbier
Even more unhealthy
You had all the experience you needed and you were going to make this happen no matter what
This was the beginning to a new chapter of your life
You were more than ready for another piggy 🐽
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Warning: Angst, hurtfic, hints of cheating, slut shaming
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Reader, Melissa x Gary, Olivia Benson x sister!reader
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She hadn’t worked there very long only a month or so
Everyone loved Lydia the third grade teacher who almost bested Melissa Schemmenti.. almost but it was safe to say she made everyone swoon. Jealousy was an ugly accessory that both Melissa and Gary seemed to wear the couple both eyeing the new teacher.
Am I surprised to see you here with Lydia? Melissa thought as she entered the break room to see Gary and the woman. She’s oh so nice and easier to love than I the redhead wanted to slap her boyfriend for how easily his attention was given. As he eyed Lydia making her coffee neither noticing the redhead enter “how does Mel like her coffee?” She asked gently grabbing another cup down. “She should be in soon so I want it to be ready when she’s here” Melissa smiled at your kindness “im not sure” Gary scratched his head before refilling the vending machine.
But no, I won’t hold it against her
My baby, my baby the first person to love since she divorced Joe swooning over another woman so blatantly. Lydia always shrugged him off with a polite smile though you could see it in her eyes she hated it all the attention from him. “Don’t you want me anymore?” Melissa asked him once they were alone he avoided eye contact and that told her everything she needed to hear.
Her arms are warm the redhead smiled to herself as she relaxed in Lydia’s embrace both women standing alone in the empty classroom. Melissa let herself enjoy this moment of peace with her friend that she had just vented about Gary to.
Her legs are wide and so’s her smile even Barbara would be lying if she said she didn’t have a little bit of a girl crush on the woman. Lydia stood beside Melissa at the counter as she made them both another cup of coffee, she was the woman the redhead always wished to be.
She’ll take you on
Where I would slap you down and hide
Melissa hadn’t always been the badass Italian everyone knew it had taken years to grow her skin yet Lydia did it so effortlessly. Always talking back to the rude parents with ease and the sleezeball fathers constantly trying to start an affair. She had a confidence that captivated people that drew them into her so easily.
But no, I won’t hold it against her
Melissa was so used to having someone to smother to care for that once Gary drifted away she felt almost hollow. Though Lydia always promised there wasn’t anything going on and that the man loved her even if it burned to admit. Lydia loved Melissa but she wasn’t the type to break a relationship over such feelings so she stayed quiet and supportive.
Now wasn’t the time to jump into anything new for Lydia she was doing just fine being friends.
My baby, my baby
Don’t you want me anymore
My baby, my baby
Don’t you need me anymore
Her lips are cold it was now winter as Lydia walked into the break room in her layers lips having turned blue almost purple as she grabbed her mug. Melissa couldn’t stop staring at her smile the skin on her lips had begun to split slightly.
He talks too tired
To say goodbye
Gary would normally be almost bouncing off the walls just being near Melissa but now he seemed almost drained as he barely smiled at the woman. Barbara caught on she was a lot of things but she wasn’t stupid nobody could miss how he looked at you.
So take the time to reel me in and wash me out
But treat her right
And no, I wont hold it against her
Against her
Melissa knew when to call it quits Lydia had won a competition she didn’t know she was in and the redhead couldn’t be mad. The woman had done nothing she knew it all from her first marriage but watching as the pair quickly distanced themselves it broke her.
Lydia left for a while and nobody knew why she had just vanished for a week having Ava surprisingly cover her classes. It only lead Melissa to that sinking feeling that Gary and Lydia were going behind her back.
My baby, my baby
Don’t you want me anymore
My baby, my baby
Don’t you need me anymore
“Ms. Benson?” The young receptionist spoke softly as she entered the breakroom “yes dear?” Lydia smiled “there’s a woman here she said she’s your sister? She at the front office”. The woman nodded getting up from her seat unaware of everyone’s curious gaze.
You seemed to know all about them yet they knew nothing about you.
My baby, my baby
Don’t you want me anymore
My baby, my baby
Don’t you love me anymore
Melissa couldn’t believe Gary would even propose to Lydia without breaking up with her first she was heartbroken. Someone who became one of her closest friends doing that behind her back? She decided enough was enough.
Melissa had cornered both you and Gary in your classroom yelling about an affair that didn’t exist, slut shaming and name calling. She threw pens and pulled her hair, Gary didn’t know what to do and neither did you Melissa had herself convinced she didn’t care.
Angrily you stomped to your desk taking the small box out of the top drawer throwing it to Gary “i’m done” you laughed grabbing your bag and leaving. Only then did Melissa stop “Lydia was helping me to propose” Gary swallowed unable to meet Melissa’s eyes.
My baby, my baby
Don’t you want me anymore
Don’t you love me anymore
The next time Melissa saw Lydia was at the woman’s front door, the brunette sat on her doorstep tear stained and puffing a cigarette. The redhead felt guilty no she was guilty and she felt horrible to just assume such things and to act the way she did.
A little boy ran around the front lawn happily before another slightly older brunette woman walked out from behind Lydia. Melissa stepped out of her car warily as she made her way to the small group the other woman quick to meet the brunette ready to fight.
“Olivia it’s just Melissa” you waved off with a sigh Melissa? You never said her full name “what do you want?” You looked tired. “I’m sorry, I should’ve listened to you” Melissa played with the hem of her shirt “you’re sorry? Okay” you shrugged.
“I think it’s best if you leave” Olivia cleared her throat as she raised an eyebrow to Melissa’s truck in the driveway “she doesn’t need this at the moment”
Melissa lost Gary
Now she was losing you too
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superectojazzmage · 4 months
X-Men works best, I feel, when writers understand on at least some level that it's really basically a cyberpunk/biopunk horror story that just happens to also be a superhero comic.
X-Men is the story of the world entering a new epoch where any random person on the street might randomly get superpowers - ranging everywhere from green hair to mind control - simply because they happened to win(?) a genetic lottery as part of a cosmic process programmed into humanity in ancient times by ineffable star gods. All around you are people who are ostensibly still people, but are also inhuman entities with alien powers who are gradually developing their own subculture that tells them they are the future dominant species destined to replace mankind. Many of them are just normal folks... but just as many see you the same way ancient homo sapiens saw neanderthals.
X-Men is the story of fear and hatred rising in the hearts of men in the face of that new epoch. Corrupt humans and mutants alike use bigotry and xenophobia to divide the two peoples, pushing them into a war not just for politics, but for evolution and the planet themselves. Mankind begins altering themselves and building machines of death to keep up with the mutants, in the process creating a third race of humanity; transhumans and robots, that in time come to be no different from the mutants, superpowered monsters of society's own making that see the humans as flatscan wastes of genes at best, oppressors to be destroyed at worst.
X-Men is the story of humanity fighting amidst themselves in their senseless darwinistic war while their world tumbles through a swirling universe of terrifying eldritch threats. Out in the stars and spiritual dimensions are alien empires once like us now advanced beyond comprehension, legions of magical wonders and nightmares in equal measure, lovecraftian machine hive minds that eat planets, demons that feast on our sin, cosmic entities that have as much in common with us as we do ants.
And above it all, X-Men is the story of how recognizing each other's humanity, of embracing love instead of hate, may be the only thing that ensures even a hope of survival in the face of the unimaginable, mind-breaking horror of a world entering a new era whether it's inhabitants like it or not... or perhaps, the only thing that decides whether or not we deserve to survive.
The best X-Men writers are the ones who recognize this. Chris Claremont, Johnathan Hickman, Grant Morrison, Kieron Gillen, etc.. The writers who recognize that there's something profoundly and utterly, existentially TERRIFYING about what the series really boils down to (a self-defeating war between mechanical and genetic evolution with normals caught in the middle that may be the extinction of all three races) and reflect that in the aesthetics and tone by emphasizing a cyberpunkish vibe.
Emphasizing that this is a world where people - willingly or not - alter their bodies like mechanics alter cars and any random person you see on the street might be a mutant or Sentinel or something that can kill you with a look, and that random person is probably hiding from something even worse that wants to kill them just for being born.
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queenofmalkier · 2 months
Okay, I just have to say it to anyone feeling isolated or picked on or like the Main Character standing against Amazon's Wot-Show wrongs: nobody is mad that you don't like the show. People have different opinions! Different expectations! In a series this long there's dozens of things people will disagree on in terms of importance and that is normal!
You know what nobody likes?
The condescending, holier-than-thou attitude of some individuals who don't like the show who have decided that It Is Actually Bad And Terrible and anyone who likes it is Wrong.
Who constantly invade show-friendly spaces, who review bomb, who basically act like five year olds having a tantrum in the middle of Target.
People who I'm sorry to say don't seem to understand that there's no one way to adapt a series. Think of it like the works of Shakespeare and move on with your day.
The way I'd do it is going to be different than the way you'd do it, which will be entirely different from the way a third person will do it. That doesn't make any of us wrong - and YET you get mad when reasonable people point out that when you say the show is an Evil Bad Wrong No Good Bad Adaptation Without Question you are discounting those of us who think it's honestly not bad.
And then those same people wrap themselves up in a mantle of hurt and victimhood because everybody is being mean to them! Nobody understands!
Honey, we understand talking to you about the show right now is like talking down some drunk guy in a Denny's parking lot who is screaming at the curb. You aren't making rational points. You are Big Mad and trying to make it the problem of anybody who doesn't think the way you do.
I know I've made an effort to be understanding and empathetic about it, I've tried to explain my reasons for enjoying the show while seeing the point of others who hate it, but I'm tired of only receiving "that's cute you think that but Actually I Am Correct still" in return.
There's no growth, no learning, no further understanding. At this point it's bitching to bitch while pretending to be the only one knowledgeable on the subject. It's screaming about "that's not what I'm asking for!" while, actually, the complaints you're making are very much asking for a perfect 1 to 1 adaptation or some secret third thing that remains a mystery to me.
Either way, I love ya'll, I love WOT, I hope like hell this is a taken as the I Don't Know What Else To Do intervention, come-to-maker post it's meant to be but if it's not and you're angry maybe think about why.
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BAU team x Teen Unsub reader
So I jsut thought of this idea ans wanted to try an Unsub teen reader because I haven't done one yet and I really wanted to come up with a mo for the reader so this happend.
summary: Someone has been dropping bodies around Virginia in their own home ans the team have know idea who the unsub is, or that it's one of their own. They were killed in a way they haven't come across before.
Third person pov...
The team have been stumped with the same case for almost a month the Unsub they're chasing has always been one stepp ahead of them and hasn't messed up, all they know is the Unsub is a teenager and lives in Virginia.
How the unsub kills their victims is horrible so violent you wouldn't expect it from an Unsub so young, what he does is a taser to the them out and then they stab their victims through the heart.
After the victims are dead they physically take the skull and leave the rest of the body all 12 bodies have been found in the same lake.
This tells the team that this Unsub only cares about the skull ans nothing else, so far this unsub has killed 12 people and won't be stopping anytime soon.
Y/N had just finished taking care on their last victim who was a woman woth beautiful blonde hair like JJ, the teen was currently examining the skull when their phone rang, sighing softly the teen puts the skull down and picks up their phone it was Hotch.
Y/N nervously looks around them paranoid that they were being watched  but of coruse knowone knows where they are hopefully, the teen then puts on  a fake happy voice and answers the phone.
"Hey Hotch, what's up?" They ask sounding normal when speaking to Hotch, they playing with the blodd under their nails before hearing Hotch speak. "Y/N, I need you to come to thr police station we have some questions to ask you" he says, Y/Ns heart quickens 'are they getting somewhere'
Y/N swallows a lump in their throat and answers "of course be there soon!" They say before ending the call, Y/N puts down their phone and looks at the body, its been months since they started killing.
At first the thrill of doing it was amazing but now it was getting boring, but they can't stop themselves they need skulls, they love skulls because skulls are interesting ans they love learning all about Skulls they also collect the Skulls they get from their victims.
Y/n sighs, they're going to have to do something with the body, that's the part they hate the most, they only want the Skulls not the body, its not as messy.
Y/N then puts on their latex gloves and picks up the bloodied corpse. "I'm sorry" they whisper before dragging the body outside and to the small lake.
This place was special to Y/N and knowone knows about it or uses it so it was safe, once the body was dealt with Y/N wandered back up to the small hut and began clearing up they had to be quick otherwise Hotch would start to get suspicious.
Y/N then washes the Skull clean with disinfectant until no traces of blood could be seen, and puts it gently into their bag. Y/N then makes sure they have no blood on their clothes before leaving the hut with the skull in their bag filled with books and sketchbooks.
Satisfied Y/N leaves the lake and hit and begins making their way up to the bus stop to get to the police starion, soon they were on the bus, Y/N took the back seat farthest from everyone else.
They then opened their bag and smiled at the skull in their bag. "You are a beauty" they whisper, the teen couldn't wait to study the skull and sketch it, it's a odd fascination but Y/N loves it.
Soon Y/N has arrived where the team was Y/N then gets off the bus and walks into the building.
The teenager's heart was pounding as they stepped into the police station. It would be only a matter of time before the Team discovered their identity and arrested them.
The young teen had been responsible for months of terror in Virginia and the team was non the wiser.
The BAU had already interviewed dozens of people in the town-some were even the teen's friends and family. Everyone was pointing the finger of suspicion at the same person: the teen they had just called in for questioning.
The teen hesitated just inside the station, dreading what was to come. Deep down the teen knew that if they stayed any longer they wouldn't be able to keep their identity a secret much longer. The teen knew that if they admitted any hint of guilt to the BAU, they would be arrested and sent to prison.
The teen took a deep breath and squared their shoulders, gathering all of their courage. They had to try and make it out of the police station before the BAU figured out their identity.
Once they walk in the teen spots Spencer at the coffee machine, faking a smile Y/N walks over to the Dr. "Hey Spencer where is Hotch?" Asks Y/N, the young Dr turns around to Y/N.
The teen nervously picks at his skin, Spencer notices but doesn't say anything. "Yeah,Hotch is in the interrogation room over there" he says pointing to a room.
"Thanks spence!" Exclaims Y/N before they run towards Hotch being careful of the skull in their bag, when the get tocthe room Y/N knocks on the door and Hotch opens it.
He gives the teen a smile. "Y/N, thank you for coming have a seat" he says gesturing to the seat opposite him. Y/N takes a seat, leg bouncing.
They then put their bag gently down on the floor which Hotch notices. He then picks up the file on the table and looks at Y/N.
Throughout the questioning Y/N did perfectly, they didn't do anything suspicious or anything they wouldn't normally do, once they were done they quickly left.
Hotch walks out of the room suspicious and watches as Y/N leaves, he then walks to the room the team were using for the case. He sits at the table and looks to Penelope.
"What about Y/N?" He asks making everyone look over as if he was crazy. " what do you mean what about Y/N?" Asks Penelope, Hotch sighs "they were acting differently while in the room, it was strange like something happened" he says everyone is silent as they think about Y/N.
Spencer speaks up. "I noticed it too, they were picking at their nails, I saw something red when they did" he says everyone looks at each other before they get to work. "Garcia, what properties does Y/Ns family own in Virginia?" Asks Hotch.
Penelope sets to work. "Okay, I have a house in their name and oh oh no since their Grandad died Y/N got ownership over a hut by the same lake every victim had been found by" she holds back the tears and everyone leaves in SUVs.
Half go to the house and half go to the lake. "Oh no Y/N" whispers Penelope as she watches them leave, tempted to call Y/N and warn the teen.
Currently Y/N is at the lake, they are sat by the edge with the skull out and sketching it. By now the team have realised it was them and are on their way to the teen.
They are surprisingly calm as they wait, soon sirens could be heard Y/N smirks but doesn't move, no point in running. As they sit footsteps could be heard behind them.
Hotches voice is heard behind the teen, Y/N turns slightly and smiles at the team their family. "Hey guys what took you so long" they say as the team look at the teen with disgust.
"We know it was you Y/N, why why did you do it?" Yells Morgan Y/N was like his younger sibling. The teen let's out a hollow laugh before staring at the lake the sun was going down.
"It's actually quite simple, I was bored" they say, the teen is then handcuffed by the team and pulled up, they give one last 'innocent' smile before get put in the back of a car being drove to the police station.
JJ hugs Spencer, who the teen was closest to, the young Dr cries as he hugs JJ "why did they do it why" he whispers quietly he will never know the true answer.
The end!
Hope you liked thus oneshot, so sorry for not writing for ages, I haven't had the motivation. Sorry for grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word count: 1513
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The Darkling
Okay so this guy is the main bad guy of the series. He made “the fold” this barren wasteland of darkness and monsters dividing the land, causing like hundreds of thousands of people to die. He killed his mom. He psychologically manipulated his girlfriend (like, he caused her to hallucinate and a whole bunch of other crazy stuff). He made one of his followers (a young girl) use her body to slowly poison the king over time. He started a cult. He did a LOT of crazy stuff. However, we do see his backstory of him as a kid, and learn that he did all this in the name of equality, so people would stop torturing and killing the ‘grisha’ or the witches/magic users. Later, he fakes his own death and starts a cult worshipping him and acts as the leader of the cult, going by his old name Aleksander. He is a very complicated character. So tell my why everyone thirsts after him and is like “he did nothing wrong” HELLO?! He is NOT your poor little meow meow he is complies please please don’t sanitize him.
Mikoto Kayano
Mikoto is really kind and friendly, he gives people nicknames, and he tries to talk to everyone. He cares about his little sister and his mom; he doesn't want to worry anyone and will hide when he's really stressed out and try to act like everything is fine. He just laughs and hopes everything will work out. He overworks himself and thinks that he needs to keep working, even after he's already pushing himself too hard. He doesn't remember killing anyone and he's in MILGRAM because of it and he got voted to not be forgiven in the first trial which is making his stress worse.
Mikoto's characterization within the fandom is either sexy man or baby who couod never hurt a fly. Despite that in his introductory voice drama he folds a fifteen year old for several minutes abd the fact that he's now in a mystical prisoner for definitely committing murder. Like the entire premise of the series is contingent upon everyone who is in it killing a person. Mikoto has dissociative identity disorder the fandom uses this to basically go normal Mikoto the one Milgram arrested (the prison that can look into people's minds by the way) is the good one. He hates violence and I'd just a silly little office worker but the other one I'd the literal devil. An evil man who likes violence and just hates people real antisocial. The fandom is so bad at understanding moral ambiguity and dissociative identity disorder that despite his songs being called MeMe, Double, a line in the second song being literally "Just the two of us" and one of the creators puting out a statement after the seconds songs release saying "I wonder what will happen to the two Mikoto's now"- A good majority of fans have convinced themselves there is a third very normal and chill alter (because they seperate them by emotional states like this is fucking inside out for some reason) who is just a guy and consistently state Mikoto will be bad representation if there are only two. It's to the point that a good deal of the fanbase are fans of this character and not actually Mikoto. Only using his actual character for ship fodder to fuel their switch fetish. I don't know if it's not understanding moral ambiguity, just not knowing how to fucking read, or hating a minority of people simply based on how a dissociative disorder presents in them which is apparently a bias that the dissociative identity disorder community has had for a long time i.e treating people more poorly based on alter count but whatever it is I believe it's enough to qualify him for this.
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sage-nebula · 2 months
Things my fellow Salmon Run players do that are fucking annoying
Now that I've been out of Profreshionhell for a few weeks (meaning yes, I finally managed to hit EVP despite having to play in freelance), I feel qualified to talk about behaviors in Salmon Run that are extremely fucking annoying and made it very hard to get OUT of Profreshionhell (as well as hard to stay IN EVP). So without further ado:
If you do these things, hate to break it to you but you're annoying, please do better:
— Spamming "this way" for any reason. Whether it's because you're desperate for people to do nothing but squat at the basket with you (and we'll GET to you), because you're squatting elsewhere, or because you don't know what the fuck you're doing during a special wave, you're fucking annoying and you make me wish there was a part of the d-pad I could press to say "shut up!" If people aren't heeding you on your third "this way", they have good reason. Shut the fuck up, stop spamming, and do your damn job.
— Doing nothing but squatting the basket during normal rounds. Look, SOME Salmon Run bosses can and should be lured to basket. Scrappers, Maws, Steel Eels, Flipper Floppers — all perfectly lurable bosses. But squatting at the basket the whole wave is NOT the answer. First, not all bosses can be lured. Second, your teammates still need help with smaller salmonids. Third, if you're swarmed by lured bosses, you're going to die. Lure TO basket, kill, deposit, then go out and lure again. Don't just sit there, and for the love of god, DO NOT SPAM "THIS WAY" WHILE SITTING THERE.
— Squatting on eggs (often while spamming "this way"). There's this handy little feature that lets you throw golden eggs. If you get a bunch of eggs far away from basket, throw them as close to basket as possible and rejoin the match. Don't just sit there, doing nothing but spamming, guarding three eggs while so many more go unclaimed because we're effectively down a person, you clownfish.
— On the opposite end, killing a boss and then not taking even one (1) egg. I can't believe this is a thing I've seen, but it is. Apparently some people go into Salmon Run purely to kill bosses, because even when they kill a boss reasonably close to basket they'll just fuck off to the next boss and leave piles of eggs sitting there, unclaimed. Here's a protip: we don't meet quota if the eggs aren't in the basket, and if we don't meet quota, we lose. (Note: there are obvious exceptions like using Killer Wail to kill Stingers from far away and not risking going to get those eggs, but that's not what I'm talking about.)
— Squatting on specials until crew wipe. Someone started a trend of celebrating with specials, so now there are people who refuse to use them even when we're overrun and down to just them left on the field. Specials are there for a reason. Fucking USE THEM so we don't get crew wiped for fucksake.
— NOT luring bosses that can be lured. This happens most often with Scrappers, the most easily lurable bosses in existence, and it is SO maddening. It's especially maddening when I'M luring it and a teammate starts shooting it and I'm just like, hello? Did you not see me leading by example here?? Killing lurable bosses by the shore makes it more difficult to get those eggs to the basket. Lure them! If you are in Profreshional or EVP you should know this by now!
— Getting killed away from the action and then just sitting in that spot spamming "help me". Do you not know that your joystick works even when dead? Do you not understand that your teammates can't drop everything to get to you without dying themselves? Christ alive. When you die, it is YOUR responsibility to go to your teammates for a revival, NOT the other way around. And unless you have died at the basket, under quota, with golden eggs ready to be deposited and seconds to spare, DO NOT spam call for help, no one needs or wants to hear it.
— Ignoring what teammates are doing during special waves, particularly Tornado and Cohock Cannons. There are other special waves that are issues, but these two are the ones with the biggest issues I've seen in terms of people behaving illogically and just absolutely infuriating, probably because they require the most teamwork.
First, Tornado. Tornado needs a chain to deliver the eggs from the beach to the basket. It doesn't matter who does what, so long as we have a line of four people to throw the eggs along. Now, in my personal opinion players saddled with chargers or slow blasters should be the ones to make the final deposit, because they can't as easily defend themselves against the salmonids and are safest nearsest the basket. But honestly, I don't care so long as we can make an efficient delivery line.
But time and time again everyone wants to do every job, ESPECIALLY putting the eggs in the basket because they care about their final number at the end. And what ends up happening as a result is that we barely meet quota because chargers get killed by cohocks or everyone is going back and forth to get eggs because I'm the only one throwing them and I can only throw them so far.
The MOST baffling JUST happened to me on Marooner's Bay. So you know how Marooner's Bay has the basket way up high? And the lifts to get up there are far back? So the move (especially if the eggs are on the dock side) is to have one person up there while the others throw eggs to them?
I had the blaster, so I went up there. And someone in a BLACK SUIT (i.e. should DEFINITELY know better) not only kept spamming "this way", but REFUSED to throw the eggs up, instead taking the lift each time. So I said, fine, and hopped off the side to throw the eggs up to them. AND THEN THEY STILL KEPT JUMPING OFF THE SIDE TO GRAB MORE EGGS AND TAKE THE LIFT UP. MY FUCKING GOD.
Cohock Cannons can be similarly frustrating because ideally, you have two people in cannons and two people running eggs. Again, I don't super care who does what, but in my opinion those without melee weapons should be in the cannons. But so long as we are split 2v2, whatever.
But so often I'll see people completely abandon the cannons to run eggs even when we're doing just fine, or three people squatting cannons while I'm the only egg runner, and either we get overrun and crew wipe or we miss quota. Infuriating.
Anyway. I love Salmon Run, but freelance makes it hard to love it sometimes and I had to vent. Nobody's perfect, I have bad waves too (I literally beast moded too hard with Kraken Royale and went RIGHT into the ocean earlier), but the above behaviors get me like no other. Peace and love, you all who do the above are annoying as fuck, get well soon 💜
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hussyknee · 6 months
I really wanna know why both Jewish and gentile "allies" in the West are unable to step over a bar that is already in hell.
- Eighteen year old Israeli decides to do the normal person thing, chooses to go to jail than join the IOF. The sentence will be renewed every 30 days if he doesn't join. Usually this goes on for over a year until they get sick of them. Kid also writes a sweet, idealistic letter about Choosing Peace™ and that what they're doing to Palestinians is wrong. It's of course a very liberal Zionist speech that Condemns Hamas™ (sigh) and is very ignorant of the scope of Israeli occupation. But he comes from a Zionist family. This could be a start. It also undermines the whinging about the IOF being full of "kids who don't have a choice" other than dropping bombs on toddlers and shooting unarmed civilians in the head. Bar is in hell, but good for him. Let us move on.
- Or not. Within five minutes everyone and their dog immediately starts falling over themselves calling him a hero.
- Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims: Wtf? Our people are literally being killed for doing ANYTHING to protest our own slaughter? One guy willing to not take part OUR GENOCIDE is a hero?? He and his family are settlers and still part of the ongoing violence against us?
- Jewish "allies": omg just say you hate Jews! IT'S NOT EASY TO SIT IN JAIL ALRIGHT?
- Palestinians: As opposed to blowing our children to pieces??
- Jewish "allies": See, this is why you people can't get free! I bet you're feds!
- Western gentile "allies": I know bb they're so mean and unreasonable! Like are we supposed to blame our kids for having joined in our militaries too?? Antisemitism!
But I get their point. I'm sure Jews in the camps loved seeing gentiles hail Germans heroes for not joining the Third Reich, while calling the Warsaw Uprising terrorists. Not even after, mind. DURING. Children of slavers should have statues built in their honour just not joining the Confederate Army! (Actually they probably do say that, what do I know.)
I'm not Muslim or Palestinian btw. I'm speaking on my own behalf as someone who has also been terrorized by Zionists on this site way before I even knew what they were, enabled by both ordinary Jews and gentiles who didn't think Zionists were a real threat and more interested in policing BIPOC for calling them out. Meanwhile, Palestinians bend over backwards to never single Jews out and keep them safe. But I compiled that list on my pinned and I know exactly how many anti Zionist Jewish organisations and allies there are in the movement, and how many are either defunct, grifting or Two-State normalizers that speak over Palestinians, or just plain apologists like the one I now have to take off my list. Palestinians are still being let down by each one of you one after the other like dominoes. You cannot keep claiming credit for allyship this way. If you truly want to divest from Israel, you need to do better.
ALL you non-Muslim and western people in your nice unbombed homes with all your limbs and families intact appear to believe that the countries your people blow up with your votes and tax dollars should be grateful to you for speaking up for them. Stop policing the anger of victims. Know when to shut up. Or just stay home. All of Palestine's gains so far have been the work of Palestinians themselves, and of the armed resistance from the other Arab countries most victimized by yours. Israelis will never be key to Palestine's liberation, and their allyship have always been too expensive to be worth it. The master's house will never be dismantled by the master's own tools, much less the members of the master's own household.
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queerfables · 2 months
911 season 5 liveblog part 3
I'm finding it hard to believe these women are busy squabbling with each other when their husband has been blatantly lying to both of them
And they both have kids who are probably feeling very confused and upset right now maybe go take care of that
Lmfao Hen's advice about what Buck should get Taylor for Christmas. "Don't overthink it just make sure it's sweet and something she needs and also shows you know her really well" SO HELPFUL
Thank God for Athena telling these two women exactly what I've been wanting to say
Awwww they're bonding
Noooo lady ask him out you can do it
Awwwww he likes her too even though he hated the present she got him. Cuuute.
Oh NO Chris is freaking out about Christmas because he's worried about Eddie T_T
Oh jeeze Eddie so does not need a child frantically asking if his dad is dead right now
OK Buck's present to Taylor was crazy romantic
Oh no Eddie's leaviiiiing.
I'm sure Evan "Abandonment Issues" Buckley is gonna be super chill and normal about that
Lol at Hen's revolving door of partners
Oh God horrible??
This show has actually really desensitised me to TV injuries involving the bone showing, that used to be suuuch a major squick for me
Omg Eddie is doing 911 dispatch? Please. How long is that going to last. He's perpetually 0.5 seconds away from climbing out a third storey window to rescue a kitten. Eddie trying to keep himself out of danger by coordinating 911 responses like an alcoholic trying to pay for therapy by working at a bar.
Oh he's doing PR? That's so much worse. He'll be stir crazy in a week.
On one hand, Buck should probably not broadcast his scepticism over Eddie's career change quite so loudly. On the other hand he is meeee so how can I judge him.
It's very romantic of the wife to wanna take over driving in this Speed re-run for her husband but wasn't the whole point of Eddie's call that they can't switch him out?
Yeah so this is the kind of thing I mean though, how is Eddie supposed to watch from the sidelines while the people he cares about put themselves in danger doing the job he loves?
Oh no Eddie, left on the outside
Lol yeah Athena pegged it. Bobby's bullshit about trying to find the ~right person~ as if that has ever mattered so much before. Buck hated Eddie at first and Bobby told him to get over it.
I really love that Athena rides solo. Her being the only cop and the one who works without a partner, compared to all these firefighters who work as a team, and I don't know, I just think it shows up in some really well crafted ways in everyone's characterisation and the ways that Athena is a little different from the others.
Wow this lady is really hitting on Buck
Buck do not???
Buck stop this????
Oh he's so drunk
Hen you are giving Buck terrible advice
Yeah no that's better telling the truth is the only option but oof this is not gonna be good
I am having some thoughts and feelings about how Buck's spiral over Eddie leaving is manifesting as kissing the last person he jumped onto the roof of a car with
I'm gonna get weepy again, Chris is such a good kid and he loves his dad so much
Lol at how Eddie's response to Bobby benching him for his own good is identical to Buck's
Come on you'd done the hardest part she knew something was wrong and honestly in the grand scheme briefly kissing someone else is not that bad
But now it is VERY bad
You asked her to move in instead of telling her
At this point the only thing you can do is change your name, move to another country and pray she never finds you
Oh shit Lucy is transferring here isn't she
Buckley you are fucked
Maddie! I've just been thinking about how much I missed her
Oh Maddie honey
And Chimney!! Hi Chimney
Aaaah them finding each other again gave me chills
They're two of my fav characters I've really missed them
Oh no I just full on started bawling when Maddie started singing "the wheels on the bus" to jee-an. That song is one of my son's favourites and there were a few months where singing it was the only thing that would calm him down. I was already way too emotional imagining myself in Maddie's shoes and I guess that was the breaking point lol.
Then Maddie and Chimney started singing it together and I got teary all over again
Oh this is bad I cannot have a hair trigger weeping response to the wheels on the freaking bus that's so dumb
"We broke up" what the FUCK
Lol at Maddie and Chimney catching up on all the gossip from the 118 while they've been gone
Erg, the bends is my nightmare, it's one of those human body related things I'm squeamish about
Lol Buck you are being SO weird about Lucy it's very funny
Eddie really looks like he's not doing so hot
"Pain is just weakness leaving the body" for fucks sake. you would have internalised that, wouldn't you?
Well at least Buck knows it was dumb
Urg, spiders, another nightmare :/
Yeaaaaaah this is real bad Buck
Holy fuck the woman just dousing the mugger and then herself in gasoline
Omg the fact that Eddie is having a breakdown and Christopher is freaking out and the person he calls is Buck T_T
God this is awful for Chris though
Oh jeeze, Eddie. This is awful.
Man this is devastating but in some ways I'm happy Eddie finally reached a breaking point and let himself feel his feelings
I'm also really happy that Christopher had someone he could call. That kid has been through enough.
Oh Eddie
Buck drew a heart that's so cute
Buck you REALLY should have told Taylor everything. She is going to find out, you know that right? That's literally her job description
I'm really liking this arc for Eddie. I don't know, his primary coping mechanism seems to be to compartmentalise and shut down the difficult feelings and it's been good to see him externalise a bit more. It's shown a different side of his character I think.
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pigswithwings · 11 months
ramble abt ur ocs buddy. for me <3
I LOVE YOU. OKAY SO . basically . ill be rambling about some different ocs thank you :]]
first oc. my friends have heard ALLL about this guy but my proudest oc is nova.
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^ it looks like this and is incredibly shivering beast btw . hops under the cut
anyways the setting for nova is basically. it's many, many millenia into the future. aliens have been discovered (sick and rad). capitalism still exists (not sick or rad).
anyways the No Space Unexplored corporation, or just N.S.U, developed the NOVA project, which consisted of sending several intelligent humanoid droids (called Navigators) onto various habited planets by themselves, mostly to figure out whether they were profitable. whoops! some of the Navigators happen to be a bit buggy, and a few behavioural errors are noticed early on during some of the droids' first few days after landing on different planets. hopefully nothing happens because of that!
Flashforward a few weeks and the N.S.U becomes involved in a big old legal case that ultimately shuts them down. oh boy well what happens to their property and various pioneering space related projects? instead of being regular about the whole deal, the company just. destroys any old property. cuts off all contact with various rovers and projects because they're petty about it. the Navigator droids are shut down and presumed destroyed by any alien environments or animals.
oops. welll except for one. Navigator #4 sure did get cut off from any contact with Earth, but guess who lived, bitch? she did. built different.
and yeah Nova gets pronouns now (she/it). anyways Navigator #4 gets her name from the company project. she doesn't have a very good imagination or as much creativity as the average human because she runs on literal numbers, but she is pretty good at surviving on planet #5098 like she was designed to. although it does happen to have a varied ecosystem and several very large predator animals. but it's okay! it's living life pretty well and has settled into its (possibly permanent) residence on this planet. so thumbs up!!
OKAY SECOND OC. this is mike. he/him. unidyne microphone for a head but otherwise normal <- lies
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get it? anyways he's pathetic. he basically lives in a cartoon world. the cops hate him because he keeps trespassing as part of his work and also interrupting. he has horrible time mangement and does not sleep enough. forgets to take off his hat and tie before collapsing into bed.
now mike says he's a private investigator, but really he doubles as a sort of bodyguard for people who pay. and triples as "the guy who works part time at the grocer's, but only on the third weekend of every month".
he loves music but hates singing himself. humming is great, but he was born into a family of performers and always feels like his own singing isn't worth the effort or embarassment. hes my favourite and one of my oldest characters :]
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third oc! zero. or xeyr real name, which is 0000. uses xhe/xher and xey/xem.
they're a bit messed up! but it's good for xem because they are incredibly nihilistic. xhe is always, constantly, 24/7 aware of xher audience and the fact that xhe is being judged for xher actions. which can make a person both paranoid and aggressive when criticized.
this isn't to say that zero's actions are always 10/10 ethical, of course. xey work on a submarine researching the deep ocean and mainly help to identify/categorize species. one win for the science community! and as a side gig, xey are employed by some pretty shady people to conduct some pretty shady experiments. normal things :]
hope everyone enjoyed ... i have more tidbits but this is the general overview for some of my ocs !!!
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foreverfairytailfan · 6 months
Long rant. Like LONG long. Feel free to scroll on by but I seriously needed this off my chest so just be prepared if you decide to read it💀 also not trying to (and wont with all due respect) debate with anyone about the things I’ve mentioned below, this is just purely how I feel inside atm, plus it’s super sloppy and emotionally charged; I would’ve done a much better job at talking if it was a debate post, but it’s not lol. Debating stuff about FT can always happen another time on another day so hopefully this post isn’t misunderstood to be starting something, just a simple rant :) okaythanksforyourtimehaveagoodday
Mentions of death, as well as murder/killing
One thing I always see people complain about is how Fairy Tail hardly has any killings. First of all, wtf??? How have we become so desensitized that we want to see innocent characters to die? Like I get it contributes to good story telling by expressing the emotional process of it all, and I certainly know I’m not immune to a good and gripping character death when it’s done right, but come on do we really need to have people dying left and right ALL THE TIME?? If the story has to have so many deaths 24/7 to make it a good story, is it really a good story?
Second, there was in fact death in Fairy Tail; it’s just not enough death for people to mention apparently?? While the deaths are rare in FT, when they happen I think it hits harder, and it makes it much more personal because it’s not a normal occurrence. It affects you on a deeper level because you weren’t expecting it already, you know? It shows us that death shouldn’t be taken lightly.
Third, death is not gonna happen frequently for Fairy Tail. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARENT ACTIVELY FIGHTING CRIME!! THEY ARE NOT A GUILD ABOUT FIGHTING PEOPLE!!! They. are. not. superheros!! They are a magic guild that cares about family, their town and townspeople, and supporting one another. They always try keep the violence to themselves (aka roughhousing) and taking jobs that can have potential battles involved.
They don’t ask to be dragged into shit like guild wars, fighting literal dragons and crazies, and life threatening forces! They fight because they’re good people who want to protect the ones they love, innocents, and their planet. This is not a shonen about killing their enemies and bathing in their blood and victory, all they want is to have peace and fun with each other. There is more to the story than death. There are multiple tragic things that happen in the series that are just as heartbreaking as a death.
It’s a feel good series that doesn’t focus on the deep negatives, but how people overcome said negatives and use the power of the love for their found family to fight for what’s right. You say it’s a surface level series, but the truth is your not willing to look deeper under it because you can’t be bothered to see there is more to a series than many deaths, killings, etc.
there are so many shows and mangas like FT that don’t get a quarter of hate like FT does and I just think it’s incredibly stupid and unfair to target a show over petty reasons such as LACK OF DEATH?? It’s a wonderful show that is supposed to cheer you up and make you feel happy, why can’t we just have a series that’s exactly like that and still be considered a good story? And yes, Fairy Tail isn’t perfect; no series is. It has its flaws just like any other shonen.
My point is that FT is picked on way too much for reasons that other anime’s display as well, and that there’s a lot of hypocrisy in FT haters. I never understood why Fairy Tail was the scapegoat for all the hate when their favorite shows and mangas do the exact same thing! If Fairy Tail isn’t what you’re looking for, then move on without shitting on it.
The people of Fairy Tail are extremely important to me, as cheesy and cringe as that sounds. They raised me, taught me lessons that I still hold dear to my heart to this day. It has picked me up in times of need while still being able to evoke strong emotions from me. It just gets under my skin when so many people either pick it apart and don’t bother to dig deeper behind the meaning of it, or just sexualize the characters constantly without paying attention to the valuable lessons we could be learning from them instead.
I know it’s just a show/series at the end of the day, and I shouldn’t let it bother me this much; but I can’t help it, the characters are like family to me and have helped me process many emotions and gotten me through dark times. I just think if you’re gonna hate, you should do your research first and then come back with plausible reasons. I respect all opinions (as long as it doesn’t hurt others) and I never try to say that they’re wrong and I’m right blahblahblah because we all have our own preferences and that should be celebrated, as well as be able to have the right to express them; but let’s not over do it with hate outloud and in the open where people can be affected by the hurtful things you say.
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losrtphu · 1 year
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-Die what is your type in girls? and what type of girl do you not like?
if we're talking about personality, I think I like girls who are themselves, and I'm more interested when I talk to them and they're a bit strange. if I were to say it rougher I like girls who are kinda stupid (laughs) when they're not normal I'm more interested. it makes you want to know more about them right?
- I see, it makes it more intriguing. then on the other hand what girls do u not like?
someone who is strong-willed and people who lie. well, when I mean lie I mean lying about their relationships with other guys
- why do u not like strong-willed girls?
it's because I'm faint of heart (laughs), but that's also why girls who cry easily, or are just weak/delicate are also no good, I prefer feminine girls, girls who are boyish on the outside are fine too, but on the inside are feminine. but I easily fall in love.
- eh, really? like if they do something small you're easily charmed?
head yea exactly. but I can't pull the people that I'm into at all (laughs), I'm not purely talking about looks but that femininity or cuteness that person holds, that's what makes me interested. I don't really have a type, ah but, I'm not really into pretty model-type girls. I have this image that they're out of my reach. back in middle school, I was really quiet and there was this girl that stood out in my class and I wasn't able to get close to her. She felt special, she was like a flower on a high peak. you could say in my head I was constantly trying to get that flower.
-ehh~ you were a really shy middle schooler then.
I had always been since elementary, when I would talk to girls I would get butterflies. I was silent (illegible) and the type who wasn't able to raise my hand in class, so talking to a girl was unthinkable. in middle school, I sat next to a girl and she/I (not too sure sorry) said "Oh they finally laughed" It was rather simple (laughs)
- was that the same with the boys in your class?
yea pretty much. on the day of our entrance ceremony I wasn't the type to be the first to talk to other people I was simply too shy, so I waited to be talked to.
- so when were you able to talk to girls?
I think around when I entered high school. I was in English (illegible), and there were 10 guys and 30 girls. In those 3 years (illegible) when I looked forward or back it was all girls (laughs). but because of that I learned how to talk to girls, but even then I would still get butterflies.
- but you were still able to talk in front of a girl you liked right?
well, that's true but because of my shy personality it was rough. we went out for a month and she was a good person. I get nervous, it's pretty easy to talk with a girl who I'm not romantically interested in but once it's a girl who I like...
- so then even with the girl who you dated you didn't confess to her?
I was able to, still being nervous, but now when I think about it, it was like I fell in love with the feeling of being in love to put it in a cool way I admired the thought of it. which meant even when it was just us two we/I wouldn't talk, and when we would I would always be thinking "Ah- what are you saying!" or "I'm not funny at all~" and thought that it was all over and go home all depressed.
- for the 3 years you were in high school was it always like that?
yeah, ah, but in my third year, there was this girl I dated who was a super big fan of Yoshiki and she would always talk about how much she thought he was cool and I'd just respond like "ah~ yeah"(laughs). back then it wasn't like I was devoting my life to being in a band, so Yoshiki was a person in a completely different world to me. and then years pass and now I'm doing work with him. if that girl knew that now I wonder if she regrets, or something like that (laughs)
- she probably would a lot
yeah probably, I mean I/she (not sure) was the one who ended things *sorry unreadable once again*
- is that so?! I can't believe it.
no, but I was not that dependent because even I hated my personality, I was negative, it was even written on my school report card, "It'd be nice if he talked more positively".after all with girls, its better if you can have fun just by being together. like we're going out but I barely even talk. That's why I was jealous when a normal girl ended up with a confident boisterous guy
- I can't think of you as anything but the guy you've just described
right? Being able to be part of a band has changed me. I've met a lot of people and my opposition to speaking has gone. but I kind of still don't like myself now. it seems like I talk too much now.
- I don't think that's the case
well, it's still fun, but there are times that I want to pretend that I'm a quiet person. or pretend to have a cool character, the type of person with that atmosphere can say a few words and make it sound deep.
- but Die you have a personality that attracts others, so I think that's impossible. you wouldn't be able to take it and eventually start talking (laughs)
yeah probably, if I just met u and I wasn't able to speak I wouldn't feel satisfied(laughs)
- hahaha you'd be a completely different person (laughs). in that way aren't you happy that you're in a band now?
yea, and the fact that a became able to drink alcohol. like at parties when you get drunk you're able to freely speak right? I think that situation rubbed off on me
- and now you're better with girls
yeah, I've overcome it (laughs)
- I'm glad, then to the Die now, is love something that's important to you?
I think it I important, I think there's a lot to learn, things you learn from dating and things you learn from breaking up. it's just that I'm not the type to get obsessed with it. it's the band over girls. It's also business too, and because being in a band was my dream, the band is the most important to me.
- so you're a person who doesn't fully understand people who think love is the most important
yes. that's why if I was ever to go out with someone we would need to influence each other. I would of course take time to spend time with them but when I say im free/ on a break it isn't something definite. so a person who misses me a lot and wants to be together all the time is definitely out of the question. I want someone whos able to understand that the band is important to me, someone that will be relieved even after not meeting or seeing each other for a while, a bright person. deciding to go ahead with the band is my duty.
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cordycepsfem · 10 months
Pageboy Readthrough, Part Eleven
All the previous parts can be found here.
EP goes to Oregon and learns about Permaculture
EP is extremely closeted
EP gets shingles while making Inception
that's it
Chapter Fifteen
EP dates a woman who is very closeted
they have a wonderful, very closeted relationship
eventually they realize it's not going to work out
later EP sees her at a party with a man
the chapter ends with the line Someone will break your heart but you will break one too.
Chapter Sixteen
we jump back to EP's childhood; she asks to be allowed to play soccer with the coed league one extra year, which is granted
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"not precisely meaning it" but telling the truth all the same
EP talks abut moving into puberty and hating periods, needing a bra, etc., which I'm sure literally only affected her and has nothing to do with how almost every other teenage girl on the planet feels
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two things here: 1) "other boys" sure EP; 2) "euphoria" - using "euphoria" to describe oneself or one's gender did not start when EP was a kid and even so, kids don't think that way about themselves, as "euphoric"... that's a very adult, usually trans, way of looking at things and it's pretentious. Ask me when I've ever felt "euphoric" about my body and I'll probably say playing roller derby or swimming, or maybe running pushing my sister in a 5K, and even then "euphoric" seems far too grand and, again, pretentious, for what I felt. I felt confident, I felt powerful, I felt happy, and those were the words I'd use.
a third thing, I guess - it's distressing to learn that one's body no longer fits clothes one enjoyed, but life sometimes is like that, and one learns that boys and girls can wear shorts, pants, T-shirts, etc. This period of time didn't mean needing to give up wearing certain clothes or to start wearing other clothes. It just meant EP would have to purchase them from the dreaded "girls" section
EP talks about going to a friend's house and being permitted to wear swim trunks as a kid, which she describes in a tone nearly orgasmic
... y'know girls and women can wear swim trunks too, EP? I swim in them.
this regressive "gender is clothes" gets me every time I read this and for some reason I always forget how dumb it is
EP meets a gay man:
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you recognized yourself in a gay man? the kind of gay man who's on TV, so a collection of stereotypes? EP, even now you don't act like that, so what were you recognizing in this man?
(also, does this man know you wrote about him this way? I'd hate to find myself written about in this manner by someone I barely knew - "She was the kind of lesbian they showed on TV sometimes. The way she dressed comfortably, the way she didn't shave her legs, the way she talked about flea markets, the way she listened to Julien Baker, the way she moved... a lesbian person, you know, like a normal human woman." Jesus Christ. I'd want the book burned.)
EP goes to a water park with a friend:
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EP I swear to all that is good and holy I need you to stop referring to other people as "queers" without their permission. Don't ask me how I know, but I know this person would not want to be referred to as "a queer" in your book. Why the fuck would you do this? And you weren't "a queer" at age nine, you were a girl with short hair.
And yes, once again, women can wear swim trunks and in certain places go around with their chests out. I wear swim trunks and rash guards to swim. Once again, gender is just clothes.
EP goes into how euphoric she is to not have to wear a shirt and how she can wear swim trunks and swim and feel the sun on her body or whatever.
be careful with your scars, sunburns will fuck them up
I will admit here that this part, while so weirdly enraging and confusing like the rest of the book, made me feel unhappy and jealous for a couple of reasons. First is that my own BDD and dysphoria have made it hard to want to look at my own body or feel neutral, let alone euphoric, about it. When I'm swimming I don't care, because my body's in the water and it's doing things, but in general I hate everything around it - getting dressed in the Y locker room, peeling off my heavy, stuck swim clothes afterwards, etc. I am deeply jealous of someone who feels so comfortable in their own skin that way.
Second I'm unhappy because I wonder how things would have turned out if I'd been born just a few years later. I'm too old for a school-age diagnosis of autism, too old for knowing what "lesbian" meant in elementary school, too old for discussions about gender amongst my friends. I don't like to think that I would have been pushed in the direction of "trans'ing my gender" if I was among the youths now, but I don't know who I'd be, either.
I am glad that no matter how much I hate my own body from time to time, I know that no matter how much I change it, I'll still always be me. I'll still always be female. My body is more than the nebulous, unnecessary concept of "gender" - it allows me to do the things I want, to love the people I care about, to show up for work - my body is me. I have time to learn how to love my body for what it is.
This book makes me fucking maudlin.
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deathlygristly · 3 months
So the kdrama podcast that I used to like so much that I used to subscribe to their Patreon did an episode on Chicken Nugget today.
If you're not into kdramas and/or you didn't watch it, it's a fun little show about a woman being turned into a piece of chicken (not really a nugget but that was the English translation) by an alien machine, and the ensuing adventures of her father and her father's employee who has a crush on her as they try to get her back into a human body.
I was surprised that these particular podcasters were going to cover it, because they generally don't tend to like anything that's much beyond the boundaries of mainstream and acceptably normal. But they seemed to be excited about it and to be willing to actually give it a try, so I decided to listen to the episode.
Yeah, two of them only watched one episode and the third was the only one to finish it, and they were pretty mean about it. Despite asking people who liked it to not be mean to them.
Just personal rambling under the cut.
Then they talked about humor that they do like, and apparently one of them thinks the trope of the show's main couple doing a contrived fall and their lips meeting when they land is supposed to be funny? I've always thought of it as an awkward trope that's a product of trying to show physical attraction and contact in a very conservative culture.
Then they mentioned three shows as examples of humor they like, and I was like oh wow we are completely different and I'm not sure how I listened to you guys for so long without realizing this.
They mentioned Hospital Playlist and Reply 1988, which are by the same creative team. We haven't watched Reply 1988 but we did watch Reply 1997 and the first season of Hospital Playlist, and we were like oh, okay, these people make neurotypical shows for neurotypical people, we don't need to check their shows out anymore. To me and the spousal person, they were extremely boring shows about large groups of neurotypical extroverts socializing with each other, and we didn't get it or enjoy it.
They also mentioned the "banter" between the main couple in Wedding Impossible, which....yeah. We finished it last night and IIRC the spousal person said he'd put it in the "meh" category. Not in the worst shows we've watched but on the lower end. The posts in the tag cover how the gay character was treated pretty well, and the main couple themselves were nonsensical and weird to us. Like why suddenly decide to separate for a year when you were ready to die for each other after one date? None of the dialogue stood out to us, and all I can remember right now is the main dude, who at the time thought the main girl was engaged to his brother for real and not as a beard, telling her that he was going to seduce her? So funny, so smart. /sarcasm
Anyway, yeah, I was correct to unsubscribe from their Patreon and I should probably unsubscribe from the show too. I'll give them a few more episodes though. Plus if nothing else they do provide an interesting view of the thoughts of middle class neurotypical white women about kdramas.
Also an interesting view of where the stereotypical idea of marriage in posts on here comes from, from people whose parents are like the podcasters. Their husbands don't watch the dramas with them or talk to them about the shows much, and two of them shared stories about their husbands being injured and they laughed about it and how upset their husbands got because they didn't seem to care much about their injuries and how they were frustrated because the injury interrupted their drama-watching?
I sent one episode to the spousal person to listen to once a while back and his first reaction was "Do they actually like their husbands?"
Hmm. So on one hand it's interesting social information gathering about types of people that I am not around often IRL but who I encounter a lot online, and on the other hand I can feel myself becoming a hate-listener and I do not like that at all.
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ugetelynx · 6 months
And here I am putting it in an ask, three corners of anti-trans backlash:
Back in the day there were popular gay ships that people would write, but only if they gender swapped someone to make it hetro. It came off as really homophobic and so people might be seeing/projecting that. The whole limited representation thing?
They came here to see dicks, tyvm. In my case it's partially my own dysphoria. I am unfond of my own female body parts and do not like being surprised by reading them. With how people overtag it's hard to know if the trans character is in the ship or not. And sometimes they undertag.
And the third corner: They're just transphobic assholes and we should block them
I have thoughts about this ask that I’m gonna be putting in the undercut, thank you for sending it in cause this topic is very, not ideal
(Obvious disclaimer : this entire thing unless stated otherwise is in the context of a fic being tagged correctly)
Gender bending vs trans characters
- I very much understand where you’re coming from, I dislike genderbending fics myself, BUT genderbending is not the same as being trans and I think most people mix that up by tagging genderbending as trans or people conflating the two in general
- From how I’ve seen genderbending it was always a “mysterious force transformed this character into a woman/man and their partner who’s gave ‘fell more in love’ with them when they saw them” which gives off a very homophobic “you just haven’t found the right one” yet, yknow
- Writing a character trans, especially in my experience writing my comfort characters afab (cause i am), helps ease my dysphoria surprisingly enough. It helps make me feel less alone. A character being trans is more so either a realization that how they feel about themself isn’t normal or they’ve already accepted it and found a partner who loves them all the same (which typically is the character’s ship partner)
- In genderbending, at least the ones i’ve seen, the person being genderbent dislikes being in the opposite body and wants their old one back. However I have seen people use genderbending as a way to make a character realize they are trans and I think that’s really cute especially when their partner is supportive of them
Dysphoria: readers vs writers
- So like you said anon, sometimes people don’t tag a character as trans and it comes as a surprise and maybe that triggers your dysphoria and I think that’s a valid reason. Sometimes you prefer reading fics where they’re cis so getting jumpscared by one being trans and feeling dysphoric over it can happen
- However, you never know the author behind the screen (not in the case of untagged stuff) and writing a trans character, like myself, could help them with their own dysphoria. Or they just prefer one of the characters as trans because that’s how they personally see them! It’s all fair game since most characters are never explicitly stated to be cishet minus any that are confirmed
- I added that part because being dysphoric over your own body parts is VERY valid, but it should never end up an author’s problem (if they tagged appropriately) and I doubt that’s what you do anon! I’m just speaking out loud lmao. Nobody should be told they can’t write trans characters cause it might set off some people’s dysphoria or “people came here to see dicks”
- Me personally I used to hate my lower parts (idgaf about my tits tbh) because it made me dysphoric and uncomfortable; so I started writing my comfort characters as pre-op trans as well and it worked wonders for me. That’s why I assume at least one or two people who write trans fics are themselves trans!
- Now I obviously understand dysphoria isn’t really something you can control; trust me my own gets set off a lot by the stupidest shit sometimes 😭, but I think at the same time we need to be very careful of how we deal with it. Control what you can that sets it off (like personal relationships, asking friends to not use certain wording around/about you, etc), and block what you can’t.
- (Also, as an added note, I have seen a lot of stigma around afab parts in media, especially with trans characters, and it gives a very very small feeling of misogyny. Queer spaces are for everyone, pre-op trans people are queer and deserve to written too! Let transwomen have dicks, let transmen have pussies. Not everyone can afford or wants surgery, and they deserve their own little niche in fanfics!)
Now these are all MY personal thoughts, I’ll let my friends respond with their own !!
My final take on this: genderbending and writing a character as trans aren’t the same thing, one has a past of spreading borderline homophobic rhetoric. The other is simply adding more representation and helps people feel more seen especially in a place where it is very hard to find fics that you feel represented in; this can go for both x readers and ship fics.
I prefer ship fics cause x readers make me personally uncomfortable, and it’s just more fun to write my comfort characters like me
Transphobes can kiss my ass and gtfo queer people are going to write for other queer people and guess what; trans people are queer! We are going to write fics for us! Gtfo if you don’t like it!
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