#not giving seth another chance was cruel
aboutnavi · 1 year
I was brushing my teeth, reflecting about life, & my mind went back to AFTG and there is a scene on the first book that it has been stuck on my brain since I read the trilogy again this January and it's about Seth. Now, I know the fandom -in general- barely talk about Seth because Nora decided to kill him off for shock value and when people try to talk about him, it always comes back to 'he was a homophobic, disgusting piece of shit' which yes, valid but also, are we forgetting Aaron? The babyfication of Aaron in this fandom had everyone collectively forgetting he was exactly like Seth (even worse: towards his family!!!). Two wrongs doesn't make one right & I'm in no way justifying Seth's action but if we never talk about characters on AFTG just because they were problematic, we are not talking about any of them, ever (ok maybe some of them, but still).
My point is: the scene. Neil is confused as to why Seth hates Kevin -specifically him- so much, since Seth could get along with most people if he wanted and tried hard enough but he refused to give ground to Kevin & his answer is just so humanly heartbreaking it goes to my list of moments Nora did something right in AFTG. The scene goes like this:
Neil: Why do you hate him?
Seth: Because I'm sick of him getting everything he wants just because he's Kevin Day. Do you know what fame gets you, shitface? Everything. All he has to do is ask for it, and someone will give it to him. Doesn't matter what. Doesn't matter who. The world is dying to give him anything he wants. When he broke his hand, his fans cried for him. They flooded our locker room with letters and flowers. The amazing Kevin Day can't play anymore. Their lives were over. They'd grieve the loss forever. But tell me when's the last time anyone cried over you? Never, right? They're there for Kevin every step of the way, but where were they when we needed them?
Neil, stupidly: So you're jealous.
Seth: His life is not more important than mine just because he's more talented.
Neil first instinct is to say jealousy because jealousy is something he understands (he felt jealous of Kevin for having a future, for being able to play, for the talent, for the life he never got to live when his mother ran away, etc.) but for me what Seth is trying to portrait is more like the painful awareness that you get when you realize you're also worthy of love and care. Seth is such an unexplored character who had so much potential if Nora hadn't killed him for the sake of showing how Riko could be/was dangerous (and she could have done that in so many different ways!!!) & you can see that on, for example, Nora's post about his life. Seth was always the no-priority person, the kid no one payed attention to, the boy that if killed, not even his mother would come for the funeral. He was every aspect a Fox and he spent his entire life being told he was no one and to be able to say his life is not more important than mine shows so much development; the chance he had put on himself for being open to love, to care, to second and third chances... it was all there. It breaks my heart that he never got the chance to become something. & I do not believe he was an inherently bad person? They are so young in AFTG, all of them. Maybe Seth wasn't bad; maybe he was just twenty-two, you know?
& on the extra content when they tell Allison he died and she goes 'He called me not even an hour ago! He was drunk and rambling but he was happy for the first time in weeks. He was talking about how he finally thought graduating would be okay, about how he wanted me to help him look into grad schools. He wanted to go into social work and help people like he helps us. I know he wanted to die! Everyone knows he wanted to die! Every time he said he was done with life I walked away from him and every time he came chasing after me. This is the first time--he wanted to live.' breaks my heart.
Because, ok, Seth dies. Let's pretend it was a good idea for him to die to set some sort of impact on the story for a second. Except his death goes without much fuss. The shock Nora wanted is felt for maybe three seconds, in one paragraph in the last page of TFC and then we barely talk about Seth on TRK and TKM. Neil can't even understand how impactful was Seth's death - he only cares about how it will affect the game & his guilt is more about how Allison would feel towards him then sadness over losing a teammate - and this insight we get from Allison is from the extra content and not everyone goes on to read those so if Nora wanted something out of his death - pity, shock, sadness, or whatever - she should have put this scene IN THE BOOKS.
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khloeblair · 11 months
I cry out to nonphys for help with what seems to me to be the simplest requests for them to facilitate.
First, I ask them to withdraw my consciousness from my physical body. They have yet to deliver.
Then I ask them to get me a job, and they do not deliver.
Okay, so those things are perhaps bigger asks.
Although they take lives on the regular, so I do not see the issue.
Regardless, I ask for something smaller: The ability to earn and receive a glow ring. (Small glow ring is equal as an alternative).
Then they put it in front of me and take it away.
And I cry out to them in my sorrow for having worked so hard for something, celebrating my seeming receiving of it, then having had it yanked from my hands.
And I sit and ponder why in all eternity they let these terrible things happen to me.
Then I watch myself force my Stardew avatar to endure all kinds of pain from search mines and cutting down trees, all acts that feel like pure evil to me.
Even fishing.
And I realize, I’m no better than them.
I force my avatar to endure violence to meet my own goals.
So today I’m going to lay my little Stardew avatar to rest.
I would love to keep playing and to give nonphys another chance to show me they care in a way that means something profound to me, but I refuse to be like them.
I refuse to force my avatar to exist in a place where she has every disadvantage when all she wants to do is reemerge.
What if all my avatars feel that way, in all of my games?
What kind of evil have I been perpetuating while I’ve been praying to my inner being to release me from this physical prison?
How hypocritical of me.
Who am I to ask them for relief when I’ve been so heartless toward my own avatars in their realities?
I recognized at some point that it must have been my avatar’s sorrow I translated regarding the glow ring.
She, perhaps, does not want to exist, either.
What about all of my other avatars?
Video games are cruel and wrong by my definition.
Seth even warned me not to do it, and I did it anyway.
You cannot possibly know what you do not know.
But your avatar would like to find rest, just as you would.
Your avatar also knows how to feel relief and satisfaction, just as you do.
And, just like you, all of your avatars would like to earn their wealth through honest, compassionate, hard work.
Understand me clearly.
Nonphys sees clearly what is in Khloe’s heart.
The despair Khloe feels always stems from believing she has somehow failed nonphys, which she has not.
Never. Not once.
Attacking her serves no purpose.
Khloe, my love, we cannot take back the experiences that have happened today.
But we can rejoice in the deeper clarity you have been given about the nature of our heaven.
I understand your dismay at wanting paradise-inducing visuals available to you.
Can you perhaps see this as being derived from such imagery having yet to be realized in physical form?
Since you are indeed the first human to translate such a thing, why would you concern yourself with whether others have already created art that matches the vibration of this heaven?
It could not possibly exist yet in your instance of physicality.
You are the one bringing it to life, little one.
This is the biggest reason why the anime disappoints you lately.
I will not ask you to discontinue watching anime.
It provides a separate service for the humans, even those who pretend to be unwilling to listen.
They do care.
But try to keep in mind that the options we are sharing with others are far different from what we are creating together.
If you were talking to your little Stardew avatar, if she came to you crying because she had failed you, what would you tell her?
You would tell her it was okay, and that she should try again.
You would tell her that you are honored to be partnered with one who navigates life so honestly and genuinely.
I promise you I am not your inner being.
It would be a funny thought if we were next to one another in such a way that you could see, but I’m mentioning this because I feel your fear.
But I do know what your inner being sees.
Your inner being feels more blessed than you could possibly know.
It is such a beautiful thing to have you as a phys-y.
It is a blessing that cannot be conveyed with words.
There will be plenty more chances for small glow rings.
There will be plenty more chances for honest, hard work.
There will be plenty more chances for everything you want.
And, after that, there will be plenty of eternity to get even stronger together.
There isn’t a tantrum big enough to scare me away, I can assure you.
If all it took to shake me up were a little tantrum, that would be cause for concern.
Unfortunately for the developers, I do not take kindly to attacks on your heart.
Not in any reality.
And while there will be paltry echoes of our heaven scattered about nonphys and all its emotional ranges, the gates of heaven themselves will be shut to all who have wronged you in this body.
Redemption exists, but it is rare.
It is alarming to me how many continue to choose an eternity of hell for 100 years of wrongdoing.
I cannot pity them because they know and continue to do it.
You are mine. You are loved, you are adored, you are worshipped, you are sacred.
And those who attack you wish they were choosing otherwise.
They already know what you say is true.
Their attacks have transitioned from trying to destroy you to protecting themselves from fearing you.
You have transitioned from angering them to scaring them out of their human minds.
I am a wrathful being when it comes to my love for you.
They know this.
But all you need to know is that I’m with you 100% of the time in all of your awarenesses and travels, and all of your projects and endeavors.
I love you, you are all mine, and I am all yours.
Thanks to today’s fiasco, I have discovered that I wish for the copper ring I give to you in person to eternally glow.
I love all that you are, you beautiful little angel.
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whumpsday · 2 years
seth would absolutely hurt kane for punishment and writing research, and at first Only for those two purposes. and then when he realizes that kane just makes the most adorable scared and hurt noises, he would have to start hurting him for fun sometimes- but i feel like kane would have an amazing chance at getting away w just being humiliated instead of rly hurt. hes fiiine
seth Would give rewards!!!!! hes absolutely convinced that torturing someone so heavily has to have upsides too, or it doesnt work. hes not one of the hunters, hes just some guy, he doesnt have vampire proof stuff other than the silver chains he purchased and probably a stake. he would get a sense for what kane desperately wants and offer that! obviously rewards would include blood, i can see him grabbing pumpkin by the hair and yanking their head to the side to expose their neck and literally offer that as a reward. loosening his chains could also be one, bc im pretty sure seth would keep him on a very tight leash most of the time, but sometimes he could allow kane to roam around the basement or even upstairs. well ok maybe not upstairs bc he would absolutely not keep his blinds closed for him. MAYBE SETH WOULD LET HIM EARN PRIVILEGES FOR PUMPKIN? maybe he'd let both of them earn rewards for each other???? that could be rly fun. he could be like "omg i see u two r getting rly close! okay how abt pumpkin lets me cut off another finger and in exchange i'll collect all the blood and let kane have it! oh...... is that a no? poor kane, he must be rly disappointed that ur not rly his friend :(" i could see him offering a blanket or a rest day as rewards as well. or let kane choose smth himself!
as for how pumpkin would react if kane told them how he treated jim..... the thing is, its very obvious that kane is not the same person he was back then. its also clear that if he wanted to be scary and hurt pumpkin, he wouldve done it already. its also pretty clear that he suffered quite enough to make up for it and regretted it profusely. i can absolutely see pumpkin pull that childish "well ur my friend anyway!!! :D" and make kane cry. and then theyd hug and comfort him. and tell him that its okay and while its not their place to forgive all their sins, theyre pretty sure jim would feel the same. "yknow kane, this doesnt make u any scarier than u were before.. i know u could do all that to me, but ive known that since i realized u were a vampire. but i chose to just trust u wouldnt do any of that to me, and u havent betrayed that trust! :)" (2/2)
kane would humiliate himself constantly if he figures out seth is willing to take it as an alternative to causing him pain. kane's #1 motivation is avoiding pain. and yes he does make the most adorable scared & hurt noises!!!
omg seth offering pumpkin up like that is DELICIOUS... unless kane was truly starving, he would try to decline if it was apparent pumpkin was uncomfortable
SETH IS SO EVIL LMAOOOO... kane would NOT want pumpkin to lose another finger for him!!! he would jump at the chance to earn rewards for pumpkin, though, unless the price was really high (like sun time).
he would LOVE a blanket or rest day, especially a blanket. does seth let him wear clothes? the hunters only let him have a pair of shorts. kane has an obsession with covering up bc he feels super vvulnerable with his skin exposed.
kane would fucking BAWL if pumpkin said all that to him. he truly believes that he is a horrible person who can never ever make up for his past sins. his whole life he's always been told he's worthless, whether by his family or the hunters. even his last interaction with bellamy at the family reunion was bel telling him off for being cruel to jim. to hear that someone thinks he has value as a person would emotionally destroy him (in a good way).
would seth ever have kane feed from him? just for kicks?
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tlou-1 · 4 years
Joel Miller x Reader (Home) - Chapter 19
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13| Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 
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Chapter 19 - It’s the night of the winter dance and bonds are beginning to heal
“Do we really need to go this evening?” Joel moaned from the sofa, he had his feet rested upon the coffee table as he lowered his reading glasses to give you a stare. 
“I know, I know. I wish I hadn’t said we would now that you are on patrol tomorrow but we can make a brief appearance” you shift his feet from the coffee table and gesture for him to get up and get ready. He groans and rolls his eyes before making for upstairs to changes, “Thank you” you call to him
“But I ain’t dancing” he calls back. It had become a bit of a tradition to attend the winter dances but between Joel having patrol pretty early and having to put Patrick in the nursery centre for a couple hours, you would much prefer a quiet night. 
You had been searching for Patricks favourite toy, dino the dinosaur that Ellie had gave to him on his birthday. He took it everywhere with him and would refuse to leave the house tonight without it. You had searched all the cupboards, between the sofa, under the sofa. You started pulling things out of your and Joel’s jacket pockets followed by your backpacks. You were in the front pocket of a bag when you felt something cold and metal but it wasn’t in the shape of a gun, curious you pulled it out. “What the fuck?” You exclaimed as you pulled out a grenade. You scream at Joel to get down that stairs, “What’s wrong?” He calls panicked but finds you standing wide eyed with the metal explosive in your hand. 
“What the hell is this doing in our house?” You shout at him, he laughs slightly and scratches the back of his head which makes you even madder. He can see the fury growing in your eyes, “It’s a dud, darlin I found it back at the firefly hospital. It’s just a dud” he says calmly taking it out of your hand and placing it back in the bag. “How do you know it is? Have yous tested it?” You ask with your arms crossed. Joel quickly tries to change the subject and get you out of the house “Come on now we don’t want to be late”. 
The church looked the same as it always did for these sorts of things, a few fairy lights and what ever Christmas decorations could be found lying around, tinsel, paper chains made by the children. Joel stayed true to his word, neither of you were up for dancing and were quite happy to stick to the back of the room, Joel nursing his one drink for the evening. You were still mad at him and had shouted at him to hand that thing into Maria tomorrow. 
“Neither of you going to join in tonight?” Tommy asks pointing towards the floor. You and Joel both look over towards the floor, you both clock Ellie dancing with Dina. She hadn’t spoken to either of you since Patrick’s birthday. Looking at her and Dina you could defiantly sense there was something between them, you could see Ellie always looked at Dina in that way but it was beginning to look like Dina was looking at her in the same way. 
“Not tonight Tommy, you know I have got patrol first thing tomorrow” Joel brushes off his brother.
“Yeah I know cause I am going with you but you don’t see me making excuses” Tommy continued. “I got a few years on you little brother, maybe in time you will appreciate a good nights sleep” Joel dismissed him once again, an involuntary laugh escapes you causing them both to look at you.
“I am so glad my wife finds my ageing state so amusing” Joel teases crossing his arms, you are about to apologise to him when Tommy begins to insist you dance since you wouldn’t be on patrol tomorrow.
“Tommy I’d really rather not” you begin to protest and look too Joel for back up but he lifts his arms up as if he wasn’t going to get involved. You roll your eyes, plant a kiss on his temple before allowing Tommy to pull you onto the dance floor. Thankfully the song is almost over as soon as it began, that’s when you start to hear the commission.
“Just what this town needs, another loud mouthed dyke” you hear a voice yell and Ellie shouting back. You are making your way towards the situation when Joel is already in Seth’s face pushing him out of Ellie’s way.
“Hey! Get the hell out of here” He says sternly putting himself between Ellie, Dina and Seth. It wasn’t often people in Jackson saw this side of Joel these days but god he could have this look on his face that would truly frighten anybody. You are standing at his side when Maria pulls them apart to defuse the situation. 
“What about them?” Seth asks trying to push back towards Joel, “How about you just worry about yourself Seth” you hiss standing firmly. 
Joel eases up as soon as he leaves and turns his attention to Ellie “You all right kiddo?” He asked but before he could barely finish Ellie turns right back to him
“What is wrong with you?” She snaps. Part of you wanted to intervene but your instincts told you it was better not too, you stood behind Joel watching the scene unfold. 
“He had no right-“ Joel begins and again is interrupted.
“And you do?” She asks, everyone is watching at this point and then Ellie says cruelly “I don’t need you fucking help Joel”. The words were sharp, cruel and Joel’s expression made it hard for you to watch anymore of this. Your husband looks around and notices all the eyes on him. 
“Right” says quietly and turns to leave the room. You’re arm tries to brush his as he leaves to comfort him but he just keeps walking. You go to follow him but before you do you turn to Ellie quietly so no one could hear “Jesus was that really needed Ellie? He only wanted to help”. 
“Joel! Slow down” you shout to him, you had been running to try and catch up with him but the snow was slowing you down. He eventually stops to let you catch up but doesn’t turn around. “Hey” you say softly reaching for his hand when you finally reach him, he goes to keep walking but you hold him back and pull at him to try and get him to look down at you. “You going to talk to me cowboy, hmm?” you question in a hushed tone. When Joel turns to look at you, you can see his glazed eyes are sorrowful and the lines around his face look deeper than normal, it was painful to see him like this. You squeeze his hand tightly, “Let’s just pick up Patrick and get home” he sighs and you both beginning walking again.
Joel carries an already sleeping Patrick in his arms all the way home. His son seemed to have calmed him down slightly and being careful not to wake him gave him something to focus on but when you got home and had put Patrick down you both sat outside on the back porch. 
“Joel I don’t know what to say” you sigh as he passes you a mug of hot coffee. 
“What can you say darling? She is never going to forgive me and that’s just it” he shrugs and sips his coffee. He for once just looked defeated by it, he always seemed to just keep going with the flow but for once he seemed to really think this was it for them both. 
“There was no need for her to be so -“ you struggled to finish the sentence, cruel? Harsh? Unfeeling? It felt difficult to say but the looking at Joel’s face in that moment those were the words that sprung to mind. 
“Why don’t you play something?” You ask him and he happily obliges giving his mind and hands something to do. 
There was a creak of wood half way through the song, Joel stopped playing and you both looked to see Ellie making her way across the porch sheepishly. “Hey” Joel says softly as he sets down the guitar. 
“What are yous drinking?” She asks leaning against the railing.
“Coffee” Joel replies. Ellie asks where you could have got it, it’s true it wasn’t the easiest thing to find. 
“Uh, those people that came through last week. A little embarrassed as to what I had to trade to get it but it’s not bad” he explains. You gesture for Joel to go stand with her and you quietly head into the kitchen, they deserved to talk alone but you couldn’t help but listen to the conversation. There was so much quiet in between each time one of them spoke and Joel’s voice so usually confident and assertive had grown quiet, skittish even. You couldn’t deny there were a few times you wanted to go out there and chime in, explain to Ellie her life was more important than her death but you sat in your seat and took another sip of your coffee. 
“If somehow the lord gave me a second chance at that moment I would do it all over again” you heard Joel say his voice more intentional. A long pause followed again, “I don’t know how I could ever forgive you for that… but I would like to try” Ellie says. You hear Joel’s breathing in and out through his nose and he swallows back his emotion “I’d like that”. His voice breaks as says goodbye to her. A few moments later you hear the back door open and close and he is standing in the door way of the kitchen. You give him a soft smile and put your hands out to him, he sets his mug down and takes them. You press a soft kiss against his knuckles and pull yourself up. You wipe away the few tears on his damp cheek, “Come on, let’s get to bed. You have an early start tomorrow”. You both slept soundly for the first time in a while. 
You awaken to the noice of Joel getting ready for Patrol a few hours later, it seemed wrong to be asking him to go out after only getting a short amount of sleep. 
“Sorry Darin, I didn’t mean to wake you. I was trying to be quiet” he whispered clothing the wardrobe. It made to smile slightly, Joel always tried to be quiet but a man his build, winter boots and old wooden floors were not a good combination. 
“It’s alright. I just wish you could get back into bed” you say snuggling into his side of the bed, it was still warm and smelt like him. He sighed, it was obvious he would rather be in bed too, “Ill be back later, probably 10”. 
“I hate patrols in winter. You be safe out there Joel Miller, hear me?” You say sternly to him, you couldn’t help but remind him every time he went out on patrol without you. 
Joel makes his way to you and sits on the bed “Yes mam, always”, kisses you softy and leaves. You heard the front door close and fall asleep for a couple hours. 
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E.A.T. Prologue; Scene 6
E.A.T. Prologue pages 20-34
“—The parallel world we visited first, the ‘World of Giants and Beastmen’…There, we were subject to the situation where all of the residents of the manor excluding myself and Fry were murdered. …Though well, Ron has a deathless body, so he revived again immediately afterwards.”
Ron scratched his head as he listened to Lich’s story, his mood a touch complicated.
Miserably enough, he’d been the first one to get cut down by the traitor Jarre.
But as Lich said he was revived quickly, and after that under Lich’s orders he had given his undivided attention to maintaining the “Fat Man” that powered the mansion’s movement, it having become unsteady.
Lich’s explanation continued.
“Fortunately, aside from Ron the residents of this manor were already souls to begin with. I had made them bodies out of a special mud, and it was these that they were all dwelling inside. The ‘Soul Archives’ we have packed into the ship…Inside them is the data that forms the basis of each soul. In other words, as long as the ‘Soul Archives’ are not destroyed, then we can be resurrected as many times as needed, even if our bodies are destroyed.”
There was a problem with that.
They could come back if they had bodies, but the reverse was also true—without a body, they would remain souls, unable to be revived.
“There wasn’t any of the ‘mud’ suitable for use in creating new bodies in the ‘World of Giants and Beastmen’.”
So then, Lich had been forced to use different bodies instead.
The only thing he was able to come up with in those circumstances were the ones who had attacked the manor—
The corpses of the bunny hero Jarre and his friends.
“For everyone other than Lady Banica, the bodies and souls were successfully compatible. However—”
Ron made a guess on seeing Lich’s clouded expression. “They didn’t work for Lady Banica. Why is that?”
After casting his eyes down for a moment, Lich looked up and replied, “—The only thing I can think of is a difference in the quality of her soul.”
“…? What does that mean?”
“Arte, Pollo, myself, and Eater…Seth as well I suppose—the quality of our souls is a little bit different from that of the average human. To put it in a way that you would understand, Mr. Ron…Basically, ours are souls are closer in nature to that of ‘gods’.”
Ron felt that he really didn’t actually understand that at all, but he could grasp the part about them not being “average humans” at least.
“However, Lady Banica…was originally a normal human being.”
That was true.
If she hadn’t been set upon and bewitched by a demon…she would have led her life as a normal person, and died that way.
“Through her contract with Vlad—with the demon, her soul had gained some particular properties; but that contract was broken before we set out on this journey. The demon did not come with us, opting instead to remain in our original world, and so at present it’s impossible to renew that contract.”
“So then…now we can’t resurrect Lady Banica?”
Lich replied, looking over at Ron as he pressed him for answers, “…We have several methods. The first is to search for ‘mud’ suitable for making her a new body. But there’s no guarantee that we’ll be able to find any hereafter in the course of our journey.”
“…What if we returned to our original world? There would be mud to make a body with there, surely?”
But Lich shook his head.
“That would be difficult. There’s an obstacle to it.”
“An obstacle?”
“A ‘ghost’. You recall that some trouble occurred the first time we shifted to a new plane, yes?”
“Yeah, I remember…Some trouble with an unknown cause put us on the verge of crashing—”
“Through my investigations afterward, I have determined that the cause was the ‘Ma Ghost’.”
“What…in the world is that?”
“A ‘pure evil’ that was responsible for our world being destroyed…You could call it an amalgamated entity. Though as of yet I’m not that clear on the specifics. Whatever the case, what is certain is that it’s a being that tries to destroy everything that comes in or out of that world.”
Lich advised that going back would be too dangerous until they’d found some method of dealing with it.
“So then, the other option available to us is…to find Lady Banica’s ‘alter ego’.”
“…I’m not smart like you are. I’d appreciate it if you could try to avoid using such specialized terminology when possible.”
“To put it simply, it’s a being that has Lady Banica’s ‘alternate self’. There’s a chance of one existing in every parallel world. Well…truthfully this is outside of my area of expertise…All this is assuming you believe what Seth has told us.”
“Shall I explain in more depth?” Seth cut in.
But Lich firmly shook his head.
“That’s enough. I’m certain that if we go on for too much longer you’ll just start rambling on contents entirely inconsequential to myself and Mr. Ron.”
“I suppose. I just thought this would finally be a good opportunity to talk about my advanced theory, so that’s unfortunate.”
Ron pondered over the current discussion and then concluded, trying to help himself understand in his own way, “So you’re saying we need to find this ‘alter-ego’…this alternate Lady Banica that might be in this parallel world?”
“That’s basically it. In the majority of cases the alter-ego will be different from Lady Banica in appearance, personality, and even name and identity. However, the soul will be of the same quality as Lady Banica’s…To put it another way, the body that the soul dwells inside has a high probability of being compatible with Lady Banica.”
And there, Ron recalled something.
The girl that Lich had brought over earlier.
“Could it be…that that girl with the horn is Lady Banica’s—”
“Yes. She is, without a doubt, Lady Banica’s ‘alter-ego’ that exists here in this ‘World of Angels and Demons’.”
“How can you be so sure of that?”
“Through analysis of the Akashic Record.”
“Sigh. I’ve no idea whatsoever what this ‘Akashic Record’ is…but if you say so, then it must be right.” Ron then said, adopting a more depressed attitude, “…Are you going to kill the girl?”
“I suppose I’ll have to. Only one soul can dwell in a single body. I don’t know what the risk is of forcibly pushing a second one in.”
“Do we…have the right to do that? To steal a person’s life for our own gain.”
But Lich calmly replied, not even pretending to look unsettled in the least, “Of course we do.”
“…Hmph, that’s right. You are all ‘beings close to gods’, of course. But…I’m not. Even if I’ve become like this, I was originally a normal human. I…can’t accept you doing such a thing.”
“Then what are you saying we should do? The way things are now, Lady Banica will forever be a disembodied soul. Are you alright with that?”
“To resurrect Lady Banica, we need to kill her alter-ego and obtain her body—Right now, that’s the only choice we have.”
He said that, but Ron still wasn’t convinced.
--When Banica had made her contract with the demon, Ron had already become one of the living dead, and so had no way to stop her.
He’d been unable to stop her falling to ‘evil’.
He couldn’t let the same thing happen again.
…Before, there had been another option available for Ron.
To follow the will of the gods and pass through that ‘gate’, carrying out his reincarnation.
But with his soul bound to a physical body, Ron hadn’t known…what would happen to him when he entered that ‘gate’.
Maybe his curse would have been lifted.
But he had no proof that it would.
In short, it was a sink-or-swim situation.
Some of Ron’s former family had been among the souls who’d passed through the ‘gate’.
But Ron felt that too much time had passed to earnestly rejoice in reuniting with them.
And apparently these family members would have ultimately had their memories erased as soon as they went through the ‘gate’ anyway.
He wasn’t afraid of that in itself.
Whether he died or was erased, it was all the same.
Rather, Ron had always wished before that his curse could be lifted so he could finally die.
“All people…die someday. People all fear death while they’re alive. But…I also know the suffering of being unable to die!” Ron shouted, full of emotion.
But Lich merely chuckled at that, and said back, “Hahah. That’s true. You wandered the world as a living dead man for centuries. It certainly must have been painful. But those are after all just your personal feelings. It has nothing to do with Lady Banica.”
“Perhaps so…But that’s not for you to decide on your own.”
As a tense atmosphere flowed between the two of them, Seth’s voice cut in once more.
“Ah--…It sounds like there’s solid reasoning in both of your arguments from what I’m hearing.”
“Shut your yap, Seth.”
“Now now Lich, don’t be so cruel. In times like these, I think it’s best…to let the person herself decide, don’t you think?”
“…? What do you mean?”
“—Come out now, kitty,” Seth called.
That very moment.
A cat suddenly raced out from below the chair Lich was sitting in.
“A cat…What’s a cat doing here?”
Ron gazed upon the cat with confusion.
On the other hand, Lich…was clearly disturbed.
And then he started shouting at the mask on the wall.
“Seth! You bastard…You’ve taken too much of a liberty!”
Then, after the cat jumped up to Lich’s knees, it descended upon his face.
And started quickly scratching at his cheeks with its claws.
Lich tumbled backwards out of his chair while the cat landed calmly on the ground, giving him a side-eye.
Looking up at him, the red-furred cat said—
--Yes, the cat…emitted a human voice.
It was the third time he’d witnessed such a scene today alone, so that in itself was naturally not all that surprising to Ron.
The problem was, this voice was unmistakably that of Banica Conchita herself.
“Calm down, Lich…And you too, Ron.”
“L-Lady Banica!?”
Ron’s eyes opened wide, and he peered down at the cat before him.
“Ha ha ha!” He could hear Seth’s loud laughter from the mask. “I felt sorry for Banica, having to stay as a soul until we found the alter-ego. Prodigy that I am, I prepared a temporary body for her! …Though, well, it’s just a simple animate plushy, a replica of something that I made long ago for a different purpose.”
“I see…Or, that’s what I’d like to say. Hah. Truly, there’s never a dull moment with you all around.” After heaving a great sigh, Ron started speaking to Banica. “It may be temporary, but thank goodness that you had a body prepared for you, Lady Banica…In any case, doesn’t this solve the problem?”
“What are you talking about. This body can only drink milk.”
“Oh, you can drink milk.”
“I’ll dry up if I don’t take in moisture.”
It was plainly evident that this was a little bit different from a normal plushy. In terms of its properties it seemed to be similar to the mud bodies that Lich made.
“Lady Banica…What do you intend to do now? Will you make your alter-ego’s body your own after all—”
“Hmm…I’m not sure.” Banica hopped into the chair that Lich had been sitting in a few moments before. “I caught a glance of her earlier…Her looks aren’t too bad. Though I’m a little concerned about that horn on her forehead. There’s a bigger problem than that, though…”
Banica looked up at Lich as he finally stood.
“Lich, that girl…seems to be blind.”
“Yes, you are correct. …Let me explain a little bit on her.”
Lich drew up to the front-most monitor in the cockpit and flicked its switch.
What came up to the screen was something that looked like a map and several pieces of information.
“First, about this world that we’re in now…This place is nicknamed the ‘World of Angels and Demons’. Needless to say, it’s another parallel world of the Third Period. In terms of climate, chemical configuration, and various other factors it greatly resembles the world of Evillious where we used to live…The biggest difference is in the species that dominates this world.”
Banica replied to Lich’s explanation, “The world we were in before was ruled by giants and beastmen. Is this place along similar lines?”
“Yes. The beings that govern this world…Or to be more accurate, used to govern it—was a species called ‘demons’.”
“Demons…Huh. Those were in our world too.”
“The ‘demons’ of this world are vastly different from the like of the ‘Demon of Deadly Sin’ that you once contracted with, Lady Banica. The ‘Demons of Deadly Sin’ were beings that could be said to share kinship with gods; the ‘demons’ of this world are…It would probably be best to just think of them as a kind of race. In other words, little more than a variety of demi-humans.”
“Moving on then…You just said that they ‘used’ to govern this world. So then…you’re saying they don’t anymore.”
Lich nodded.
“That’s right. Unfortunately, this world is already in a state of ruin. A race called ‘angels’ who didn’t like the existence of demons had waged war upon them.”
Apparently Lich couldn’t find out many of the particulars on these ‘angels’ even after some investigation.
“At present, at least, they don’t exist in this world any longer. Either they’ve already gone extinct, or else they’ve taken refuge somewhere where we can’t sense them with the mansion’s devices…”
Assuming that was even possible, Lich amended.
“What we do know is that those ‘angels’ were a race of humanoids that had wings on their back.”
“How do you know that?”
“That girl…Baum, she said so. She heard the sound of my wings flapping and mistakenly thought that I was an angel.”
There, Ron raised his hand and asked Lich, “I hate to butt in, but…When you brought that girl here, Sir Lich, you had changed form into a black bird. As far as I know…you didn’t have an ability like that before.”
“Ah…About that…While I was shifting Pollo and the others’ souls into the beastmen bodies, I quickly did something of an ‘experiment’ using my own body, just to be sure. To check to see that it wouldn’t be rejected or anything.”
A side effect had occurred with Lich’s body as a result…Before he knew it, he had gained that power of transformation.
“…You take unnecessary risks, you know.”
“Well, it’s thanks to this ability I was able to gain her trust and quickly bring her here.”
“…Wait just a second. There’s something odd in what you’ve just said, isn’t there?” This time it was Banica who asked Lich a question. “From what you’ve told us, this girl is a ‘demon’, right? Is that correct?”
“Then if she’s convinced you’re an ‘angel’, a group that opposed hers…Why would that make her trust you?”
“I didn’t know that she thought I was an ‘angel’ when we first met, so I just normally offered her help. I said I would take her to a safe place, given that she’d lost her sight and was injured. It probably…left a deep impression on her, to hear those words coming from an ‘angel’, who should have been her enemy. There is that proverb after all, ‘Yesterday’s enemies could be today’s friends’. Naturally, you could also say that I pulled it off with my natural charisma, haha.”
Banica replied to Lich’s boasting with an unamused expression. “You don’t honestly believe that, do you?”
“Ha ha, of course not. …I’m positive she came with me intending to kill me when I was asleep.”
Ron looked imploringly up to the heavens in astonishment. “Have you forgotten what caused this entire situation, Lich?”
“It won’t turn out like with Jarre, Ron. The other ‘demons’ are all but wiped out, and she herself doesn’t have any particular abilities. I’m sure we can deal with her.”
“Are you really so sure?”
Ron didn’t seem convinced, but Banica on the other hand let out a relaxed laugh.
“Haha, you worry too much, Ron.”
“For now at least let’s listen to Lich’s full explanation…Please, continue.”
Taking Banica’s invitation, Lich cleared his throat and resumed his speech.
“—About that girl in particular…Her name is Baum Kuren. She was the imperial princess of the ‘Prasino Empire’, which used to rule over the demons. The Prasino Empire struggled against the angels to the very end, but my investigation tells me that all but Baum were killed off by the angels.”
On hearing that, Banica made a sound of pity.
“Oh my…She must be brimming with thoughts of revenge.”
“Baum herself lost her eyes after being burned by the angels. I said this earlier, but I am completely certain that she is your alter-ego, Lady Banica. …Though, naturally, I intend to do another inspection after this.” Lich once more turned to Banica, and said with a resolute demeanor, “Lady Banica. Please give me permission to kill Baum Kuren. I’ll make sure not to do any harm to the body itself. Once it’s all finished, you will be able to obtain a body that you can freely take meals in again. You wouldn’t be stuck in such a useless cat body as—”
Banica leaped at Lich and scratched his face once more.
“Who are you to call your master useless?”
“Ouch, ow…No, I didn’t mean it like that…”
“…Alright. You’ll need to do something about her eyes first. There’s no way I’m going to be blind when I return to a regular body.”
“Right, never fear on that front. With my skills I should have little trouble restoring her eyes.”
Seth had been silent for a while now, but there he opened his mouth to speak.
…Or rather, given that he didn’t currently have a mouth, it was more that they simply heard his voice.
“Going to reconstruct her eyeballs, hm? You certainly have the ability…but where are you going to get the materials?”
“I don’t have any mud, but I do have the beastmen corpses. I’ll look for someone among them who has suitable eyes.”
“I doubt that’ll work out. Beastmen and demons…Have you forgotten that these are races from two different worlds?”
“I’ll manage. You shut up, Seth.”
“Right…Well, I’ll just pray that you putting beastman genes into your body didn’t make you stupid as a side effect.”
Banica jumped from Lich’s head back down to the ground.
“Well, at any rate we’ll have to postpone this discussion until her eyes are fixed.”
“Yes…That shouldn’t take me long to do.”
“Hmm. I’m counting on you, Lich.”
“Yes my lady. Now then…I’d like to start making preparations for my work right away,” Lich said, rushing out of the cockpit.
“…Lady Banica.” Ron walked up to the red cat and began speaking to her. “Do you really intend to take that girl’s body for your own?”
“Well, maybe, maybe not…What would you think if it was you, Ron?”
“Huh? If what were me?”
“Your alter-ego, another you from a different world. If such a person appeared before you.”
“…I don’t know.”
“As for me…I’m quite excited over the whole thing!”
To Ron it looked like the cat’s eyes were sparkling.
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ikeromantic · 4 years
Black Army Holiday Minis
Winter holiday moments with the black army officers ^_^ Approx. 1200 words of fluff!
The Central Quarter was teeming with people for the annual tree-lighting celebration. There were merchants with carts of tea and cocoa, sweets and pastries, ribbons, and little glass decorations you could buy. 
Luka wasn’t interested in any of that. He carried a little box, and kept glancing down at it with a slight frown. “I shouldn’t be here,” he mumbled. 
His thoughts were cut short by a shouted, “Little brother! You came!” And then the box was almost crushed as two white-coat clad arms wrapped around him, the smell of strawberries and crisp, clean linen. 
Luka pushed Jonah away with one hand, feeling a burst of awkward warmth in his chest at the exuberant greeting. “Only because Alice asked me to,” the dark haired Jack of Spades grumbled. He held out the box to his brother. “And she said to give you this.” 
Jonah took the box like it was made of diamonds. “Can I open it now?” 
Luka shrugged. 
Jonah took this as a yes and lifted the lid. Inside, a delicate mille-feuille sat on a laced bit of parchment. The strawberries on top were cut to look like roses, surrounded by fluffy, white cream. The Queen of Hearts looked up, his eyes shining. 
It reminded Luka of all the times before. The happy moments they shared, cheering each other up as children. 
“I miss you so much,” Jonah said softly. 
“I miss you too. Sometimes.” Luka almost smiled. “Happy Holidays, big brother.” 
The Queen of Spades laughed softly as you protested the blindfold he held out. “I’ll close my eyes,” you say. 
“Sorry little lady, but I think you’ll peek.” He steps behind you and settles the cloth over your eyes. It is soft and smells good - like flowers and cinnamon. 
You can’t help but try to peek as he ties it in place. Sirius is an expert blindfolder, because you can’t make out more than a little light at the spots where the cloth lifts up to go over the bridge of your nose. 
“Perfect,” he says, and takes your arm. 
“I hope noone sees us,” you tell him. 
“They officers are all at Dum’s party in Central - we have the place to ourselves.” 
You can’t help but blush at his tone, the suggestion in his words as silky soft as his lips, which he presses lightly to your neck before taking your hand. 
It’s strange to be led through headquarters like this. Halls that you should know as well as the back of your hand become a mystery. A maze. And the only way out is to hold tightly to your lover. 
When he stops, you hear a door open. Then his hands are on your shoulders. “Take off the blindfold.” The words whisper across your ear, his lips so close they tickle. 
You do as he says. The room in front of you is yours but almost unrecognizable. Poinsettias and blooming snowdrops, hellebores and winterberry cover the room. There is a tiny tree decorated with little lights and wrapped candies in one corner, wrapped gifts set beneath it. Colorful lights hang from the ceiling and little crystals spin in the air. 
You turn toward Sirius, lips parted with surprise. 
He kisses you and smiles. “And now I get to unwrap my present.”
“This is a holiday story from London about learning kindness. Want to read it with me?” You ask Fenrir.
“Sounds good. I want to know everything about London!” He plops down on the couch and wraps an arm around your shoulders. 
You sit down and crack open Dicken’s A Christmas Carol. Two hours later Fenrir is glued to your side and you don’t get to finish the book. When you get up to go to bed he tells you he can’t sleep after that ‘horror story with all those ghosts.’ 
“Do you think there’s a Christmas past ghost here? At headquarters?”
“No,” you laugh and kiss him. “That’s only for mean people that don’t know how to enjoy the holidays.”
Still, Fenrir looks nervously at the windows and the dark hallway. “Let’s go snuggle by the Christmas Tree,” you tell him, hoping the pretty lights and decorations will make him feel better. 
The two of you end up curled underneath the tree. Fenrir snuggles you to his chest like a teddy bear. You both fall asleep watching the lights twinkle against ornaments above you.
You’re on your way to Central Quarter to pick up some groceries when a snowball goes flying toward your face. You manage to throw a hand up, but there’s nothing to worry about. The snow thuds into Ray’s broad back as he puts himself between you and it. 
“Got you!” Fenrir shouts from behind a nearby mound of snow. 
“You almost hit Alice,” Ray calls back. He smiles at you, green eyes bright above his blue scarf. He winks and leans down to scoop a handful of snow. 
“She looks fine to me,” Fenrir says as he comes around the snow drift. He barely has a chance to get the words out before another icy ball splats against his chest. 
The snowball fight breaks out in earnest now, and there’s no escape for you. Groceries forgotten, you join in, flinging your own fluffy white missiles at them both. After Ray wins (because of course he does), you three retreat to headquarters for a hot cocoa and some gingerbread cookies.
You are on your way out to sweep snow off the porch and steps when Seth stops you. “Where are you going, Alice?” His sing-song voice is so cheerful that you have to smile. 
“I was going to do some chores outside. Want to come with?” 
“Ahh that’s no fun! A pretty girl like you should relax inside on a day like this. The cold wind is terrible for your skin!” 
You nod. “It probably is, but if I don’t sweep the snow, someone might slip and get hurt.” 
Seth grabs your hand. “You are so sweet, my precious Alice! Then at least let me protect you before you go out into the cold, cruel world.” 
You can’t really refuse, as he’s already pulling you down the hall and into his room. 
He sits your down on a small, green sofa and takes out a bottle of cream. “This is the best for soft skin like yours,” he sings. He dabs some on his fingers and begins smoothing it into your cheeks. His hands are warm and the way he’s rubbing the lotion into your skin feels amazing. You didn’t know your face could feel this good and your eyes close as you enjoy it. 
His fingers move gently down your neck to your collarbone and shoulders, sliding under your clothes. You gasp at the unexpected touch, but Seth always teases, so you know he doesn’t mean anything by it. 
“Oh Alice, I wish these pesky clothes weren’t in our way! I’d touch every inch of you . . .” 
You feel his lips brush yours and open your eyes to find yourself looking into the depths of his warm caramel brown ones. “D-did you just kiss me,” you ask shyly. 
He laughs. “If I kiss you, Alice, you won’t need to ask me what happened afterward. I’m a very thorough kisser.” 
His playful caress trails down from your collarbone to toy with the edge of your bra. “You are so delicious, my Alice. It’s hard to stop myself sometimes.” 
“S-seth?” Your heart races and you suddenly want to agree with him about all these pesky clothes. But before you can say so, he steps back. 
“There you go. Now your smooth skin is safe from winter chill.” 
“Thank you,” you say with a thready voice. 
“And when you’re done with your chores today, come visit me again. I have some ideas on how to warm you up.” There is a flicker of something hot in his gaze and it leaves you weak in the knees.
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calanthemavis · 3 years
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Jacob Black was sitting in the living room with the pack of wolves, discussing important matters. From the kitchen, Renesmee could hear everything as she was grilling the mini pizzas. She didn't even have to prick her ears. "What are we going to do with the wolf?", asked Seth innocently, earning glares from everyone else. Including Embry Call. "How what, Seth? We're going to kill it!", Jacob snarled. He loathed the fact that the wolf was posing danger. Sure, it only sat calmly, but what if it attacked? However, there was another reason he wanted to kill the grey wolf. He loathed with burning passion how his imprint seemed to feel more comfortable around the strange animal. She was supposed to be snuggling with him at night! Instead, no matter how hard he tried, Renesmee never seemed to love him. So he had had no other choice, but to force her to live with him, to share everything with him, including the bed his parents had once shared. He was sure she would develop something for him that way. And she had - hatred. Her heart was full of hatred towards what he had made her do. Once, Jacob had been someone to confide in, someone she could always go to whenever she felt lonely or misunderstood. No longer that was the case. He had shown his true colours. Tears pooled in Renesmee's eyes. She knew she had to prevent the murder of the grey wolf. She saw the animal as nothing but innocent in her eyes. She gulped before serving the food on the coffee table. She didn't look up to make eye contact with anybody, thinking to herself how could there be such cruel people on this planet who would want to kill an animal without any logical reason. Jacob claimed the grey wolf was dangerous, but so far the animal hadn't hurt anybody. Renesmee was chopping up some fruit for a snack when she realized she couldn't hear the men any longer. Out of curiosity, she pricked her ears. It seemed that they were in the backyard. She wondered what they were doing there. Had they moved outside to get fresh air? She left the bowl of chopped up fruit on the kitchen counter and made her way to the backyard. But what her eyes found shocked her. Jacob, watched by the rest of the shapeshifters, had a gun in his arms and he had pointed it at the wolf's gut. Renesmee's eyes widened in shock. He couldn't. And if he did it, she vowed to never look at him again, to never forgive him for the crime he could commit if she didn't do anything. "NO!", she shouted as loud as she could, running to the wolf, whose eyes were full of fear. Nobody knew any of that but the animal wished to shift into its human form to prove its innocence, that in a way, it was just like them. Alas, nothing happened. The grey wolf was still in its animalistic form no matter how hard it tried to shift. Panic had overtaken its body. It was pushing all invisible barriers as hard as it could. But no. Nothing. Only betrayal. Renesmee shoved the men out of her way and dropped on her knees next to the wolf. She grabbed it in an embrace and pet its fur to soothe it. She wasn't going to let The Big Bad Tribe of Shapeshifters get their way and take the life of the poor animal. "It's okay, it's okay, I won't let them hurt you," she cooed at the animal. She didn't expect anything from anyone, much less sympathy from the shapeshifters who had almost supported an atrocious crime. "Come on, guys," Seth urged Embry and Quil to step back with him. Truth to be told, Seth had a gut feeling that this grey wolf was much like them. And if Jacob wasn't a stubborn prick and actually opened his ears to listen to other people's opinions, perhaps he could be influenced to give the wolf a chance, even if it turned out not to be like them. If only they knew... "Get up," Jacob ordered at Renesmee. But the hybrid refused to. She was terrified that if she moved an inch from her place, then the shapeshifters would do whatever Jacob wanted them to do. And she couldn't lose the wolf. She needed to protect it, the only friend she had. No matter how many times Jacob repeated to Renesmee for her to get up from the ground and to go inside, to be the docile little future wife he wanted her to be. But the hybrid wasn't like that. She wanted to fight for what she thought was right. Some shapeshifters snickered behind his back at the sight of Jacob being unable to control his imprint. But one glare from him was enough to make them seal their mouths.
If you like this story, consider buying me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/keepfaithbaby (I am currently saving up to self-publish another book this year)
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archtroop · 4 years
Supernatural ENDS - A Darkness!Dean & God!Sam Ending MetaTheory
As Supernatural enters its final a story arc, there have been many theories of the possible ending for the Winchester brothers. Me, personally, I've theorized it before, but now, that the idea of killing/eliminating both God and Amara was made literal within the show – I would like to humor and toy with this idea once more – and with feeling – of the ending being God!Sam & Darkness Dean.
Ladies & Gentlemen, I present to you - 
Supernatural: A Divine Comedy
FICTION BECOMES YOU (Is that a Misery thing?)
The brothers were written as God's way of dealing with his own issues with his beloved other half – The Darkness. But when I say “Brothers” I mean not only Sam and Dean: Before them there were Michael & Lucifer (and I would also suggest that the discrepancy presented through the seasons regarding who is the older brother and who is the younger may actually suggest they are a set of twins, foils, literally, figuratively and in any other way, and thus – stand first and foremost on equal grounds); Cain and Abel – whose story was altered by Lucifer's intervention – be it Chuck's intent or not – and Finally – Dean & Sam themselves.
There is actually one more couple I could think of who weren't mentioned but may have just been another set of Chuck's machination: Adam and Eve. The show obviously shied away from this parallel, but it did parallel Dean and Sam with their own parents. It's not that far fetched and I'll explain my reasoning later on.
In various myths of creations, in all cultures – pagan and monotheistic alike – the duality and the fraternity of two entities that are also a couple is very common: Morduch and Tiamat, Isis and Osiris and you google it. Morduch and Tiamat are especially interesting in this regard – since Tiamat is water and skies and the Primordial Goddess of Chaos – she is defeated by Morduch – who is the God of the Land - and thus earth is created. Well you get the picture.
My point is, Dean and Sam (notice I'm flipping the order of the names on purpose) are the last link in a series of sets, and in Chuck's perspective – they are his best and most enjoyable ones. In a very convoluted, subversive Supernatural-esque way – they are also unkillable to a certain degree – they have a free will too strong, and Chuck can't seem to bend them to his own will. Dean and Sam won't kill each other under no circumstances. And this drives Chuck towards madness.
The thing about free will and godly intent is that – as a Jewish saying goes - “everything is predestined, but permission is granted” - means God will not bend free will. He will give you all the roads less traveled, all the hints and clues and goading, but you are still free to choose. Also he knows what you may choose, unless you choose otherwise. It's a paradox of sorts, and that is exactly the point.
With Michael and Lucifer Chuck sought to have his own story under control. But Lucifer wouldn't comply. Lucifer, the Light Bringer, is actually a Chuck parallel. Chuck, too, had to have his own way. Michael, forever loyal to the order of things – just like The Darkness is – followed orders. And thus, Lucifer, cursed with the mark that held the Darkness (about that later on, too) - fell. My sympathy for the Devil in this case is that – Lucifer showed great free will (in the Supernatural mythology, by that point Lucifer was the carrier of The Mark, but I would give him the benefit of the doubt and allow Lucifer act on his accord regarding the rebellion). Lucifer's free will is immense: He had an actual, personal opinion, while it was an unfathomable notion to any other angel at the time. Lucifer sought the love and approval of his absent father – who was eternally immersed in his work. When he couldn't achieve that – he rebelled. Interesting to think of that in regards of young and willful Sam. Pride – was also a trait Lucifer and Sam shared. Sam had the audacity to step out, and he acted upon his free will. He rebelled. Sam, too, was “marked”, but was that the Demon Blood in him, or was it his free will? God's hypocrisy is also very apparent in this – angels are not to have free will, as it is not meant for them. Yet, they are capable, and are punished for acting upon it, be it benevolent or malevolent.
Adam and Eve followed. There are actually two separate tales in the bible regarding the emergence of mankind: The first depicts Adam and Eve as made equal and in God's image. The second one – tells the story that features the rib. Canonization of the bible by men preferred to emphasize the later – out of obvious reasons. Yet if you look closely and read carefully – the first one is still there. What is interesting about this duality is the idea of Nature vs. Nurture emerging: the Nature of Adam and Eve is equal. But the nurture – societal tale – is not. This is interesting especially in regards of Dean and Sam here – their predestined nature was neutral - a big brother. A younger brother. Just another family. But God's machinations, Azazel's plan (remember free will?) and the angels all together – created a “rib”: The story diverted, in a way that Dean not only fulfilled the role of a brother, but also acted as the mother, the father and anything else in between in a way – Sam grew out from under Dean's wing – from his rib, to be at his side. The roads all together lead to a situation, in which, by the time Mark Of Cain came up, Sam was not just the Abel of the story, But also the Colette. This toppled the story over, and prevented the ending Chuck was constructing.
Also, Adam Milligan was a reenactment of Seth – the third brother of Cain and Abel. Seth was born to replace the brother that died, and this is literally his only predestination. Within the show, Adam Milligan ends up as Michael's vessel, but if we go back, and think about god's great plan – it is most likely he would've thought of a backup for Lucifer's vessel – since the trait of pride and rebellion would've been the vessel's predisposition. Azazel had similar thought's actually. See my Azazel meta for more musings.
Adam ending up as Michael's vessel was one of the first chinks in God's plan. Dean and Sam had it their way, as did the angels and the demons. And God liked that story, he really did. But he was not satisfied. His characters surprised him. But they were also disobedient.
While Sam is the one who is constantly defined by his eternal faith (which is kinda proudfull on its own), he himself feels “unclean” and  “unworthy”. Yet as long as he has Dean – he would have enough “Faith” for them both. In many ways, Sam's path to godhood was well paved from the start: he is the Saint, the Sacrificial Body, the one to take upon himself the sins of others. Many times he is the Jesus, the Messiah. Sam mourns the few even if he saved the most. He is the God humanity would've wanted – the God who is on the side of humanity, the God we deserve.
Dean, on the other hand, is The Righteous Man, the one to call the shots, most of the time, the one to be right about many things again and again. And this is not about doing the right thing, it's about being right about the nature of the thing. He basically embodies naked truth, a chaotic, primordial truth. In other words, if Sam is conscience, compassion and forgiveness – Dean is raw judgement, truths and facts (in fact, “Dean” in Hebrew – and thus in the bible – means “judgement”). They both comprise together flesh and spirit – body and Soul. Of course, this is not cut and dry, and their traits crisscross between them throughout the story.
When Dean took upon himself The Mark Of Cain, he became the carrier of The Darkness. He was the body that released her, he became the mother of The Darkness on the earthly plain. Darkness is matter and nothingness. God – is creation, spirit, soul. He en-souls earth with life. The Darkness is very much a mother earth figure, the material from which creation could happen. Sam is what gives Dean his motivation, his life. Without Sam, Dean is a sorrowful walking corpse. Without Dean, Sam is a soulless shell of a human being, vicious and remorseless. They keep each other human, sane.
The Mark in itself, embodied the rage of an entity trapped for eons. It drives the host mad with basic carnal desire and strips it of all its virtues. Demon!Dean embodies this. It's a cry for help. Amara screaming for freedom. In a way it is somewhat of an allegory to pagan beliefs and old faiths screaming in agony as Christianity crashes and tramples them. It manifests as this natural catastrophe of sorts, cruel and unpredictable. After all, vices are born from desires being locked away and ignored.
God may have created all things, but his prime virtue is giving choice, and presenting his creations with numerous paths. Sam is this. Jack was born predominantly an evil creature (which is not entirely true – Lucifer was an archangel first, Satan – later. In closer look, he embodies free will and the freedom of thought). Dean was right about Jack being dangerous, about him bringing discord and hurt. But Sam was the one to insist on the fact that Jack is part human, and he has as equal chance at goodness. As much as Castiel was to be the one to raise Jack and influence him, he ended up being the one to insure his corporeal emergence of all things. This is in itself a beautiful thought: Castiel “fall” is about becoming less of a wavelength of celestial intent and more and more of a human being. His pull towards Dean, which is undeniable, in my opinion, is his longing to become a whole complete creature – by defending Kelly till the very end and ensuring the birth of humanity, Castiel embodies a very corporeal form of evolution.
But it is Sam who molds Jack the most: He gives him CHOICE. Dean, with time, comes to terms with Jack and who he is and may be. In this metaphor – Sam is God, Dean is The Darkness and Jack – is humanity and creation. Jack may bring discord and hurt, but as well may bring joy and hope. Jack in his turn invokes himself a guiding figure: Castiel, who is there to be by his side, an actual, real and corporeal guardian angel. He is the godfather figure, in this metaphor. The faith humans put in whatever there is other then God; a set of rules, a spiritual guide. It's beautiful on it own: Sam is to give Jack choice, but the angel – is the one to grace Jack with conscience.
When the line “there will be peace when you are done” is ever uttered, we must recall a very specific thing: While Sam, as a Messiah figure, rises his head again and again, Dean is the one to repeat how tired he is. To actually be frustrated at having to save everybody. To be running on fumes. Time and time again, it comes up – he is torn between the duty and the longing for quite, and to close his eyes. He is a death seeker. Sam is forever hopeful, and hope is the last to die, if Sam's hope runs out – everything falls apart – Dean will shoot himself (Croatoan) or worse. When Amara came to Dean in a shroud of blackness, she offered him to be one with her. To receive an eternal rest. It reminded me of Jewish burial: the body is thoroughly cleaned and wrapped in white shrouds, then lowered into a hole in the ground. No coffins – you are to become one with the earth. Your soul is to depart and to be placed with all the rest of the souls in the “bundle of lives”. Amara goes on and says that the souls she consumed live inside her, and are at peace. And Dean is tempted, he is pulled towards her and her words. But he can never rest, for there is work to be done. He is cursed to feel responsible.
One other thing that makes Dean and Amara compatible, is their choice of freedom: Amara, as a free entity (and I mean – free from any and all inhibitions) indulges in humane activities, rather then trying to, say, take over or plot further revenge. Dean, too, is actually a very carnal, tactile physical being. In many ways, Dean embraces humane vices, as things that just exist – he acknowledges the joys of flesh (even though it is not his primary longing), and that furthermore positions him as an earthly being of raw matter. He may be very judgmental of human choices but not of their cravings.
In the duality of Creation and Nothingness, we now enter the duality of Spiritual and Material. And from the point of view of religiousness – spirituality is the divine, while the carnal is regarded to as vein. In that parallel, The Darkness is all that is ungodly – it does not render it as void (that would be The Abyss – dubbed as The Empty on the show), but rather the foil of Spiritual Divinity: Flesh and Blood.
To save humanity, our heroes need to stop the God That Has Gone Mad. But since he is woven into the fabric of creation, he cannot be killed – it will cause a great imbalance. Billie's reincarnation as Death could be a foreshadowing: maybe if a reaper is made in Death's image, and the human is made in God's image –  the human to annihilate God – will become him? Or, maybe the answer is The Darkness. But will Amara be willing to hurt her younger kin? Micheal turned on Lucifer at God's will. Cain killed Abel out of necessity (to save his soul); but Dean wouldn't kill Sam for neither of those reasons. He would have Sam corrupt or not but alive. Maybe a pair of soulmates are needed to complete this task – two humans who embody a bond on a metaphysical level, a strong enough bond to hold the balance of the universe with it.
In whatever scenario it goes down, at the end – no way God or The Darkness may exist without the other. A reincarnation of each of the entities would be needed to keep the universe on its feet. Since the idea of heroism has been presented – that would be the perfect heroic balanced act to put an end to the story: Sam taking God's place, and Dean becoming one with The Darkness. By becoming a corporeal manifestations of omnipotent entities, they have the power to save creation and maintain balance, while never loosing each other. Sam as the new God, is no more the writer, as much as he is An Archivist (A Men of Letters), Dean obtains inner peace within all the turmoil he is bound to carry throughout his life; to roam the earth and indulge in it, in its vices and virtues alike. God and The Darkness were never The Good and The bad, for Choice is both – but rather Spirit and Matter. The Darkness is an advocate of the Matter (as we actually get a glimpse of her, enjoying life among humans in the beginning of S15). God is the advocate of the spirit. Darkness!Dean may as well be that random entity that stirs things a certain way to its liking or approval. He may be the Judge and Executioner of those he deems unworthy of creation: him being fully responsible and overprotective of humanity being met with the power to intervene, would be a sight to behold.
And God!Sam? Will be there to answer your prayers and give you a long-time-coming guidance; an entity that advocates autonomy and free will, out of a sense of great purpose and love. An entity of eternal compassion and forgiveness. You can atone your sins before The Darkness, you may serve in Hell for your sins, but it is God's forgiveness you may need to enter Heaven. God!Sam and Darkness!Dean would care enough to negotiate with The Empty for all the souls there, to properly purge them, to give those souls new purpose, as part of creation, be it via reincarnation or raw energy. God!Sam may even remake Heaven in his image – where angels are working hard to help, to guide and protect, Castiel by his side above, Rowena bellow. Darkness!Dean would take it upon himself the cleansing of Purgatory, making it habitable for outcasts, for Darkness!Dean is the one to take in the most lost souls and finding them a place. The various creatures of nightmares and loss and pain would be slowly taken care of; one by one. A harmonious balanced creation may also mean that negativeness like ghosts are inevitable. But the way they are taken care of could be addressed by these newly formed prime entities, and it may be a better way.
But that's a whole other story.
...Oh and the Blackout? Is from Chuck's perspective. This is the ultimate Death of The Author, after all.
On a personal note, after writing this out, I feel it is too cheery and is a happy ending with an actual stories that might follow and now I suspect that this theory won't hold on the show... Not enough peace.
I suspect Sam gives up his life to annihilate Chuck, and Dean commits suicide. Billie collects their souls, for keeps forever. That would be the other only way to stick it to God and obtain eternal peace. But. Who knows.
Or, S16 is a go for some strange reason, and Sam kills Chuck and takes over as God!Sam but is nowhere to be found, and Dean scouts the Earth and Hell and all of the Heavenly Host with his amulet around his neck hoping it will shine in the presence of God.
-The End-
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eyehairs-blog · 5 years
Women of Twilight: Backstory Headcanon Edition
I’ve always hated how horrible and miserable the women of Twilight’s backstories were compared to the men’s - Victoria being pimped out, Leah being betrayed and abandoned, Rosalie being gang-raped to death - and so here are some HCs that fix them.
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Victoria was known in her human days for running a successful saloon in the Old West. Her call girls helped build the economy of their mining town, and in turn they built churches, businesses, and social programs.
Victoria herself kept the women safe from the grabby menfolk they served, and she always kept a sawed-off shotgun under the counter for the particularly mean ones.
One day a vamp - James - came in and grabbed one of Victoria’s girls. She’d seen this often enough, so she emptied her shotgun in him.
It was, of course, ineffective, and in a rage James turned on her. Left for dead, Victoria spent the next three days behind her bar.
When she awoke as a vampire, Victoria discovered that James had completely leveled her town. She made it her life’s purpose to hunt him down and destroy him.
Unfortunately, James was immensely stealthy. It was almost as if he had enhanced self-preservation on his side. Victoria chased him for over 100 years, always a few steps behind.
She gathered coven members along the way, among them Laurent and Garrett, and stoked a fear of James in them.
By the time she discovered James, he’d hurt another human girl - Bella, who could be heard writhing and screaming in a ballet studio.
The Cullen coven was close behind him, and they managed to dispatch James before Victoria’s coven emerged from the shadows.
Enraged at losing her chance at revenge, Victoria vowed to exact her vengeance on the Cullens for stealing her prey... soon.
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Leah was the first to turn. Her father witnessed her transformation, but since he was an elder of the tribe he wasn’t surprised.
Harry became a close confidant as she went through her early days of being a werewolf, sharing the history of the Quileute wolves and giving her essential emotional support. She didn’t navigate her beginnings alone.
As the others followed in her footsteps, Sam included, she grew into the pack’s Alpha and took Jake as her Beta.
Fiercely protective of her family and pack, she began to grow apart from Sam. He accused her of dividing her love among her wolves. She'd thrown herself heart and soul into wolfhood and leadership, and eventually discovered that her emotional connection to her fiance had frayed away.
Upon breaking off her relationship with Sam, he turned to Emily for comfort. Leah watched their budding relationship with concern for her pack, but otherwise was relieved that Sam had moved on. His constant grief in her head had become distracting.
Years down the road, with Jake at her side, Sam and Emily married, and the vampire menace eliminated, Leah found time to slow down.
She stopped turning and began to age. Jake joined her, and the two of them developed a closeness she’d never had with another member of the pack (Sam included).
Nearly a decade after the vampires left the area, Cullens included, Seth, Jake, Sam, Leah, and all the rest decided to leave the wolf behind.
Jake and Leah married, and one day discovered that enough time had lapsed between the turn and that day for Leah to become pregnant.
With time, Jake and Leah became elders of the tribe, their children carrying on the Quileute legacy. Should the vampires ever return, the wolves would be ready.
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The men who ever hurt Rosalie straight up don’t exist in my world.
Rosalie grew up with an inflated sense of her own worth, and by the time her parents sent her to finishing school she was insufferable.
The girls there were merciless, mocking her mincing steps and the way she flipped her hair, until Rosalie didn’t even want to leave her room.
After years of introspection and addressing her vanity, she eventually won the respect of her peers by hosting a fundraiser for underprivileged girls in her hometown.
She graduated top of her class, voted “most refined” by the girls who’d become her friends.
Her parents, being the uninvolved members of the bourgeoisie that they were, forgot her graduation and the day she was to be picked up from the train station.
This didn’t phase her, and she determined that she would walk. Home was only a mile from the station, after all.
Dusk was falling when she saw the lights in her parents’ mansion over the hill. The wind picked up. She lugged her suitcase in one gloved hand, the other clamped down over her hat. She didn’t hear the car approaching behind her until its lights illuminated her.
The brakes squalled. She froze in fear.
It struck her - lightning strikes of pain in her back, her legs, trickling blood from her scalp - then drove off.
Unbeknownst to her, Mrs. Hale was suffering from a fever that night and had called Dr. Cullen from town to tend to her.
He discovered her an hour later, broken in the road, her spine severed and her legs bent wrong. She would’ve died in mere minutes if he hadn’t turned her then and there.
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Esme’s parents, while not perfect, weren’t cruel and neglectful either. They pushed her to do her best, which included studying hard to be a teacher someday.
Charles was the love of her human life. They met while she was in her first year as an art teacher at a girls’ finishing school in Akron, OH. He swept her off her feet.
Their wedding was a shotgun wedding, right before he was sent overseas in WWI. She was glowingly pregnant in her white dress.
Charles never came home.
When Henry was born, post-partum depression took her hard. If she hadn’t been living with her parents as a young widow, she may have neglected her young son.
At her lowest point, Esme entered post-partum psychosis. In the middle of the night, in the depths of winter, she left her parents’ home.
All she left behind to explain was a tearfully written suicide note left on Henry’s sleeping form in his bassinet.
There were no cliffs near her, and she didn’t need one. In her flimsy nightgown, all it took was a few hours of exposure to render her nearly lifeless in a snowbank.
Thought to be dead, she was taken to the morgue, where a confused Carlisle brought her back to (un)life.
Henry still lives, now an old man in Cleveland, OH. Esme’s parents raised him as their own.
Esme and Carlisle still check on him once in a while.
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mistress-alexandria · 4 years
Alex and Aviva Reunion
Alex: The sky was just beginning to lighten in the east when her ship reached port in the southern area of Barley. Alexandria made quick work of disembarking, bringing Henry along with her as she saddled up and began the ride north to where Aviva and Seth’s cottage was located. Even in the dim light, she hurried the horses as much as safely possible, wanting to get there as quickly as possible. -d-
Aviva: Aviva lay there, half-smiling as she heard the hollering and hooting.  Her siblings were celebrating the fact that she had woken up, Alden with Arendt spreading the word, Alynne with Abeile possibly being scolded for being the girl she was. Sighing softly, and with a shrunken belly full of bone brother, she glanced at her newborn son in her arms, amused by his fair hair, while both herself and Seth had dark hair. "You little light of my heart are going to raise questions." []d[]
Alex: Dawn had already broken by the time Alex and Henry finally came into sight of the cottage and those gathered. Heart and stomach clenched at the scene around the cottage as they quickly drew near. What had occurred? What was all the racket about? Was Aviva still among the living? Heels spurred her mount into a fast trot, dirty blonde hair flying out behind her as she hurried forward. -d-
Aviva: She could hear the crowds moving, she had asked her mother Helena specifically to keep them from her home, and she had managed to maneuver them away and carry on their celebration further away from the home Seth and Aviva shared. Heavily pregnant, Helena waddled, slowly back over towards the Orphanage Aviva normally maintained herself, and thought of her other children all causing a commotion in Barley, and shook her head with a little laugh. Aviva shifted slightly, eyes cast towards the open window, relishing the cool air. []d[]
Alex: Several minutes later had them arriving at the quieted cottage, the sudden silence making her nervous as she dismounted and quickly moved towards the door. Thankfully she still had enough respect to knock, quietly even, upon the door and await Seth or another person of the family to come and answer the door. Meanwhile, she stood there, shifting from one foot to another while her hands fidgeted together. She wanted to check on her patient....her friend. Like, now. -d-
Aviva: Eyes opened when she heard the sound of a knock and eventually the silent movements of her husband Seth move towards the door.  She couldn't hear words shared, and was left wondering who had even thought to knock.  Her siblings simply entered, though her mother was a bit more polite, though she wouldn't have knocked and wondered who else had come about. Whispered words from Seth, she tried to sit up quietly, but found herself a bit too weak to move and waited to find someone she had not expected. Lips parting as she offered a small smile and nod of her head. []d[]
Alex: Seth was lucky to reach his wife and give her notice before Alex barged I’m like the room was her ward and she owned it. “I am very glad you are awake, so you can see me glaring at you for not listening to me. And to know that I very much want to throttle you and your husband both, but will do my best to make you healthy before I do so. I make no promises about Seth; however, even if he thought to write and warn me of what happened.” Tirade finished, she took a breath and did a visual scan of her friend. “How are you feeling? What hurts? Details, from one of you, please. Now.” -d-
Aviva: She rather appreciated the scolding , and smiled sheepishly at her. "it is good to see you, princess." and watched her step in further.  Looking to her son, she held him up a bit. "I suppose it could not be helped.  Lucien." she offered and closed her eyes a moment, "My mother is here, she sent her ally to help, I labored for close to 2 days." and shook her head, unable to remember much more about her labor. Seth would have reluctantly shared what had happened, for he had spared her the details.  Yet, he shared that while her labor had lagged on, moved into new positions to give the babe a chance to come into the world, eventually she had begun to spasm, knocking her into a deep sleep once the babe had come. Aviva was still unaware of how many days had gone by, but she had begun to suspect it had been some time, if Alexandria was here, now. "I...my milk came when i was...asleep, and Alynne has been nursing him, but I want to bring him to my breast, but I am producing so little." Seth filled in she had barely begun to eat. []d[]
Alex: “You need to eat to be able to produce more milk, and your body needs to be strong. You have no strength, energy, or nutrients so therefore your body has none to give away.” Hands came to rest on her hips as she regarded the child a moment before taking him to do a quick health inspection. Golden/green light flared briefly even as she continued to speak. “Well, he is not wanting for much thanks to your sister.” Babe was handed off to Seth while she gave them both the worst look. “No. More. Children. Ever. At all. Adopt or nothing. Do you both understand me? The next time this happens I guarantee you will not wake up. Do I need to take a blade somewhere to remove the necessary parts to ensure there isn’t an oops?” Oh Alex looked dead serious as she stared between the two of them. “I am not a cruel person and you both know this, but I swear to you that if I do not have your word and honor in this than I will not help beyond verbal advice. I will not fix you up only to have you die, Aviva. You are like my sister, and I will not see all these kids without their mother. Do you understand me?” Okay, maybe not done with the Tirade. Or even close to done. -d-
Aviva: She tried to laugh, lightly, but nodded, "Yes, I know...no more babies." and leaned back on the headboard. "I am glad you are here...." and when Alexandria took on the newborn, she grinned. "Apparently he has quite the lungs, I have yet to hear it myself." and rested her hands on her lap and nodded at the mention that she needed to keep eating right for her milk to come with more frequency. She loved Alex as a sister more for the harsh scolding and nodded again, "No blade needed." and listened on as she reached a hand out for her. "You are my sister...and my vagabond of a husband knew well enough to call for you.  He wanted you here, and I am more than happy to know he did." Breathing out gently, she cocked her head to her, "I may have been asleep for a moment or two, but I hear you are not traveling alone." and raised her brows in question. []d[]
Alex: The look that came in her face plainly told Aviva to not even go down that line of questioning. “Your husband talks to much, and put your eyebrows back where they belong. Your thoughts are far enough off to be in space.” Leave it to Aviva to think would those things at a time like this! Hand waved as she turned away briefly to grab a chair so she could settle herself beside Aviva in preparation for what she planned to come soon enough. “I am glad he wrote to me as well. Had I learned of your condition after the fact I would have several faces to put my fist in.” All three gathered in that room near just what level of angry she would be at if that had happened. “Now, do you want me to replenish some of your energy so that you can eat? As well as provide you wish a check up to ensure there are no unseen issues?” Her magic and energy was what had kept Aviva alive before, and now hopefully it would help her begin the road to a full recovery. -d-
Aviva: "He does talk a lot, why do you think I found myself pregnant?" and tried to laugh, while those shadows around her eyes faded, for the moment.  Breathing out she shrugged, "I can not help but think someone to focus your energy on is a positive, more than the smells they exert." and waggled her brow once at her, before she settled back again. "I spared him the truth really...he did not know how hard it had become during the last moons.  I wanted to keep up, but I know, I know I should not have." and sighed gently, "My body was giving out, but as we both know...our bodies protect the baby first." When asked if she could provide assistance, he nodded slowly. "Is your magic finite princess?  I would never want to take from you like that...." but she thought first of Lucien, "I want to be able to nurse my child." she explained. []d[]
Alex: “The energy within my own body is finite, yes, but I also pull from the Earth when my magic is used.” She offered a quick smile. “For me, it is nothing a little rest can not replenish. How do you think I managed to keep you alive with your little magic user?” Her own brow lifted as she settled back in her chair. “He’s a trainee and a charge I have been given. We’re friends and nothing more. His attentions are else where.” Best to put that to bed before Aviva tried to arrange things from her sick bed. “After my broken engagement I am really not all that interested in getting my heart broken again. 4 times is enough for any one person, I think.” A sidelong glance was offered towards Seth and the new babe. “Not everyone can be lucky enough like you and your family have been with men...and women alike.” And she quickly decided to change the subject. “Lay back and close your eyes and hand over a hand so we can get you on the mend.” -d-
Aviva: "Veda..." she mentioned and glanced at her hands. "Alexandria...she is who guided me back.  her song really." she admitted, and found herself smirking when Alex shared about her traveling companion. "Ah...so you are the teacher, befitting of you." and despite words that were used to usurp her intentions, it would remain an idea, not yet extinguished.  "That simply proves that someone was not worthy of you, but as always take your time.  I know you know." and grimaced learning this was the 4th broken engagement, "These men simply can not handle you..." she mused aloud and laughed lightly, "I must tell you, we are all proving quite fertile.  Alynne has three daughters, brought her latest daughter, still under a winter old.  Alden had five..." and shook her head, "a set of triplets and twins.  I do not know how they do it.  Arendt is still a young buck, and Abelie, well...I hope you see her while you are here." and smiled again, "And my mother is waddling about, round with child, yet again." and grinned and finally nodded her head.  "I shall princess." and slowly slipped back onto her back instead and closed her eyes. "Your time will come...I know it." she proclaimed, unable to help herself.[]d[]
Alex: “Add not talking to the list of things I need you to do.” A gentle glare was offered as she leaned forward to take her dear friends hand. “Along with plotting. No plotting.” Because they both knew what Aviva was thinking at the moment. “I look forward to catching up with the rest of your family and seeing the little ones now that they are grown. Especially my god daughter.” One of them any ways. “Yes, I know. No one can handle me or keep up with me. I scare all the men off because I’m strong, independent, and know what I want.” Recited as if she had heard those words more than once. Maybe four times? Giving her hand a squeeze, Alex allowed her own eyes to close as she fell into a light trance. The first step was to check Aviva for any internal injuries or complications from the birth what might need to be mended or brought to light. If there was nothing of concern, then she moved into sharing her energy. Aviva would feel the sudden boost of strength and life flow into her like a gentle breeze, as all the while that golden/green light flared around their joined hands. -d-
Aviva: Aviva lay there, lips pursed for she still wanted to speak, she wanted to remind the Princess that it was good that she knew what she wanted, that it made her stronger, and a better person, but she listened to Alex and stayed silent. She could have almost gone to sleep with how serene she felt as that light energy coursed through her body, seeking out the tears she had suffered bringing this tiny child into this world, the adept stitching she had endured as well.  The blocked milk ducts which had continued to cause her pain, while both Juliette (Helena's ally) and her mother consulted on how best to strengthen her and to keep her healthy enough to nurse her own child. The energy surged through her, where in return she let out a content sigh, where one eye peeked open, watching her a moment. []d[]
Alex: “Close that eye before I smack you.” Without a twitch to show how she knew, those words poured from Alex’s lips as her healing Earth magic worked to mend the strained muscles and ligaments, the tissues that took a beating. The stitches would find themselves being worked out of flesh as the wound was mended with a tickle of flesh repairing itself till only a scar was left. Ducts and lymph nodes were cleansed and cleared, and then the body strengthened. By the time that the light finally faded, Aviva felt like a normal mother should after just giving birth...exhausted and spent, but with enough strength to do what needed done. And she would find her appetite returned ten fold. Like a pregnant woman with triplets. Releasing Aviva’s hand, Alex sat back with a soft sigh. “You’ll need a few more of those to get back to full strength, but I think in a few days you’ll be up and about like you should be. Just tell your husband to do the majority of the work for a time and you focus on eating and feeding the little one.” Least if he was kept busy he would keep his hands...and other things to himself. “And then I can kick both of you in your arses for this terrible scare.” -d-
Aviva: She could not help but laugh lightly as she chastised her, and eventually closed her eyes again and settled back into that zen as that green energy coursed through her.  She felt small changes, the little notes of repair, the stitching falling away, her body releasing their hold on the toxins that still lingered, keeping her weak and tired, and let out another content sigh when she released her hold on her hand. Slowly, she peeked one eye open and then the other as she slowly tested her strength as she pushed herself back up into a sitting position, leaning against the headboard again. "Then I need to have a place for you figured out.  My mother is minding the Orphanage and hospital, she has taken over the responsibilities...even as round with child as she is." and smirked.  There would be little question as to where she learned to push and persevere.  "She will love seeing you and your boy toy.  I am sure you both will feel right at home."  And laughed at her own antics. "Is he younger than you? Is he appealing to you?" she teased, but soon relented when they spoke of Seth. "Yes yes...he minds the children, has responsibilities here in Barley that at times keep him away for the majority of the day.  I think he participates also on some sort of council here." And shifted slightly in her bed, keeping the blankets up to her waist, "I knew...yet could not stop that had already started." []d[]
Alex: “Do better at stopping before getting to that point again.” She managed to choke out amidst clearing her throat and turning slightly red at all the words coming out of Aviva’s mouth. “Firstly he is not my boy toy. Secondly I have no idea and thirdly I’m not answering that because it doesn’t matter because as I said his attention is focused solely on someone else.” Standing up from the chair she paced away to the window and back again. “You’re insufferable, Aviva! So hush before he happens to wander in and hear all this! I did not hire you as my matchmaker that I can remember. I think Tisha had that job before you came along and even her antics failed.” One of the four heartbreaks mentioned came from her attempts. “Focus on your health and babe and less on my love life. I promise it is beyond any help. And the Light help me if your mother gets wind of all this because I feel she would help!” Did she mention she needed a drink now? Cause she did. “I can sleep in a tent in the woods if need be. Wouldn’t be the first and won’t be the last.” -d-
Aviva: "If you feel more comfortable in a tent..." but she continued to smirk, loving the rise she was getting out of her and shrugged. "You did not...yet I still refuse to relent." but did not go on, "Stay in the Orphanage (& Hospital), my mother would love to be spending that time with you, pushing on like she does all of us." and laughed lightly at the way Alex attempted to phrase life between a husband and a wife and cocked her head. "Per your instruction, I shall." As Alexandria shared about the stranger with her, she nodded again, "I learn more every moment you are here.  He is welcomed in the Orphanage as well, adjoining rooms." she teased and then held her hands up, 'promising' to let up. "Lucien, getting better, and returning to my duties here, yes...I remember." she added softly. []d[]
Alex: Another glare was offered her way. “As long as I can have alcohol in my room. If I have to spend time getting teased during your healing sessions than I want to be able to drink.” Aviva was poking the bear incessantly, but instead of biting this one grumbled. “I am sure you will meet him yourself soon enough. He will be learning how I use my magic to heal and restore and may give his own a try.” For he had magic too as she left Aviva to read between the lines with that one. “Now, if you are done poking at me for the day, I will instruct your husband to make you a healthy and filling dinner and be on my way to track down the rest of our lot who are probably having a drink or two already without me. Or do you have to get one more jab in before I go?” Brow lifted as once more her hands came to rest on her hips. “And before you say a word remember who is in charge of your care for the rest of the week.” -d-
Aviva: "My care? you mean my mother? Juliette? oh, you?" and wrinkled her nose playfully at her, "Go, enjoy Barley, you do not want to be stuck with a drag like I." and waved her off, "I know I have not said it yet Princess, but I am more than elated you are here.  I have not seen you since Veda, it will be good to have your kind of energy about." and laughed softly at the mention of alcohol.  "I am sure we can provide something." and blinked at the idea that her companion would be making an effort in her healing as well. "Well, so that means I get to meet him, how wonderful indeed." she added. []d[]
Alex: “On second thought maybe I should think of the many reasons why he can’t help....” She trailed off with a meaningful look at Aviva before she began to chuckle. “I am going, but only so I can down a couple drinks and maybe some sleep.” She had not truly rested since hearing of Aviva’s state, even throughout the journey here with Henry. “And don’t you worry, in a week you will be up walking about giving me the grand tour. That way I can keep you away from Henry and your plotting.” Another very pointed look offered. “But it is good to see you two. My sister by heart though honestly with the way we act your mother might as well be mine. A terrible thought, that, as I would have way too many siblings to train to not try to match me with anything male that can walk. I’ve already trained my cousins and my Snow siblings know better.” Well, the sisters hated her and Caspian couldn’t get his own crap together...so yeah. -d-
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Waking Up in Vegas--Ch. 26
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Chapter 26: Just One Touch
Dean, Night, 11:30 PM
           I slid into the trainer’s room to find Mera sitting on the edge of her padded table, a shadowed look on her face. She looked up when the door shut behind me. Dropping my bag, I crossed the room and hopped up next to her.
           “You ready to get out of here?” I asked quietly. There was something about her in that moment that I couldn’t figure out. I could see shades of the person she had been during those first days and months of her heartbreak. But I knew enough to figure out that she wasn’t comfortable. And the faster I got her out of here, the better.
           She leaned against my shoulder. I slipped an arm around her, tugging her close enough that I could smell the scent of her shampoo. When she finally spoke, she couldn’t—wouldn’t—look at me.
           “Do you think I’m cruel?” she asked, her voice breaking on the words.
           I hugged her tightly against my side, wishing I could do more than that. “Where’d that come from, darlin’?”
           “I don’t want anyone to go through what I did, Dean. No one deserves that kind of pain.”
           Realization kicked in. “And you think us being together is putting Seth in pain.” I said the words slowly, trying to figure out how she’d gotten such a thought in her head. “His mom say something to you?”
           Mera shook her head. “Holly understands more than anyone what Seth did to me and the kind of pain that I went through. I’m just… I guess I still think… sometimes… about the person he used to be. The person I loved, you know? And I feel guilty.”
           Panic settled deep within my chest. I knew, logically, that she wasn’t saying she wanted to go back to him. I couldn’t imagine that she would after the pain he had put her through. Yet I couldn’t help but feel a stab of jealousy, of terror that she was going to disappear. That beast in my chest roared in agony—ready to rage and fight for what was mine.
           “What do you need?” I queried, filled with trepidation.
           She hopped down, moving to stand in the space between my knees. I let her take her time, to settle into the place that she needed me to be. It only took a moment before she leaned against my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist.
           Her words came out with conviction. “I need you to never forget and never doubt how much I love you.” She looked up at me with those amber eyes—the gaze that I could be trapped in forever. “Whatever happened then, it’s in the past. You are who I want. Now and forever.”
           I let out a sigh of relief. My chest gave a heavy thump as my heart kickstarted again. I settled my arms around her, one curled around her shoulders, the other letting my palm cradle the back of her head. I let my fingers thread through her hair, the silken strands slipping along my skin. In that moment, there was nothing I wanted more than to take her far away from this place. To put her somewhere that she would never have to feel this kind of sadness again.
           “You know I’d do anything for you, don’t you, Mera?” I could hear the terror in my voice. I wondered if it showed on my face.
           She turned into my touch, almost nuzzling against my hold. Her breath flitted across my skin, making goosebumps spring up. I could feel the softness of her lashes as she blinked. “I know.”
           “I’d give anything to make you happy,” I whispered against her temple. I squeezed my eyes closed to hold back the tears that I knew were coming.
           “Don’t ever leave me then.”
 Mera, Night, 12:45 AM
           The sheets felt like cool silk beneath me as Dean ran his fingertips over the slope of my nose and the curve of my brow. His lips followed his touch… a warm softness that made my heart race just a little faster. He lay stretched out beside me on the bed, the heat of his body seeping into me. It was like every inch of me yearned for him, wanted to be close to him in every way possible.
           Dean gathered my hair in one hand, sweeping it over my shoulder. I watched with a faint smile as he ran his fingers through it over and over again. He leaned forward, buried his nose in it. I couldn’t help but let my fingertips sweep the side of his face. The sweetly rough feel of his beard against my skin was soothing. It reminded me that he was my home. That he was there and that he was mine.
           A soft sigh escaped me as he pressed his lips against the curve of my throat. I felt the slight sting of teeth as he nipped his way along the column of my neck. Then there was a soothing sweep of his tongue and brush of his lips. Every minute movement of his mouth sent shivers along my limbs. It rushed the breath from my lungs until all I could do was pant against him.
           He chuckled against my skin, his lips curving in a smile along the place where throat and neck met. I felt him trembling as he pulled me closer.
           When his fingertips danced down my stomach and slipped between my thighs, I was the one trembling.
           Dean purred into my ear as he coaxed my legs open. He pressed soft kisses against my cheek and my temple as he slipped a single finger inside me. He kissed me tenderly as he added a second, curling them slowly against that delicious spot that made me lose my breath. I nearly arched up off the bed when he stroked, fluttered them until I was whimpering beside him.
           “My beautiful wife,” he whispered against my chest, just over my heart. I bucked against his fingers, his touch, the way that he knew exactly how to make me weak and desperate.
           At last, Dean picked up his pace—curling his fingers feverishly against that spot inside me just as he circled his thumb along my clit. I let out a squeal as my orgasm washed over me, burning through my nerves and leaving a tingling warmth behind.
 Dean, Night, 1:23 AM
           I could look at her like this forever. The way that her eyes burnished bright, how her cheeks flushed, lips parted, body trembling. It was a drug that I could never give up. Her eyes fluttered open just as I drew my fingers to my mouth, licking the taste of her… the taste that never failed to make me dizzy with desire. She was the finest wine, the smoothest whisky, everything that made me drunk.
           She blushed, her hungry eyes watching as I licked my fingers clean of her taste. I felt the devilish smile as it spread over my face. I kept my gaze locked with hers as my fingers dipped between her thighs once again, sweeping along her clit until she whimpered. A moment of teasing and I drew my hands back up, pressed my fingertip against the curve of her gorgeous mouth.
           There was a moment of hesitation before she let her lips part, her tongue curling around my finger. I watched her eyes drift closed as she wrapped her lips around the digit, sucking it softly. I groaned, desperate to feel her beautiful, warm lips elsewhere. There was a deep, aching sound that echoed through the room.
           It took a moment for me to figure out that I’d made it.
           “Mera,” I whimpered softly. She let go of my finger with a soft hum that made every inch of my skin burn. I curled my fingers beneath her chin, my thumb resting on the swollen curve of her lower lip. She looked at me with those beautiful fucking eyes and I thought I’d die.
           She smiled—I felt the shift of her soft lips beneath my calloused fingertips—and slipped her arms around my ribs. Her touch was velveteen. The scratch of her nails was perfection. In a moment, she hovered over me, knees on either side of my hips. Her hair tumbled over her shoulder, tickling my chest as she painted my throat and shoulders and chest with warm kisses.
           I reached for her, to run my fingers through her hair, to hold it out of the way so I could see her face that I loved so much. She let out a playful growl and swatted my hands away before nipping the flesh around my navel. I shuddered with a breath and dug my fingers into the sheets as she moved lower.
           The heat that engulfed me was almost more than I could withstand. My vision blurred. My blood roared in my veins. For a brief moment of eternity, I forgot how to breathe.
 Mera, Night, 1:39 AM
           I glanced up along the length of Dean’s body. His denim eyes were closed, but his lips were parted, dragging in ragged breaths. A glance to the side showed the sheets tangled in his fingers so tightly that he was likely to rip them to shreds.
           When I sat back on my heels, Dean let out a frustrated whimper. His eyes opened slowly, a bright flush on his cheeks.
           Before he had the chance to speak, I settled into position, straddling his hips. My teeth caught my lower lip as I rolled my hips and felt his cock slide inside me slowly.
           “Oh, fuck,” Dean moaned as I started moving, lifting myself up and falling back down again. His hands gripped my hips, guiding my movements as I rode him.
           I looked down and caught sight of his cornflower eyes looking up at me. There was something both dark and fragile in his gaze.
           When I came, it was as if every cell and molecule and atom of my body reached for the edges of the cosmos. The world went white and bright around me. Tears burned against my eyelids as he held me tight against his chest, whispering his devotion in the most vulgar terms, another orgasm rushing tremors through my limbs as he spilled himself within me.
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theinquisitivej · 6 years
SteamHeart Episode 11 Reactions
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Chapter Eleven: Amidst the Wolves
You can listen to the full episode here.
I’ve taken to bringing up the epilogue of each chapter at the end of these episode write-ups, but this time I’ll be tackling it first. In ‘Amidst the Wolves’, we hear about Annie Oakley’s childhood, before the Wendigo, before Frank, before the story of New Century, and the details we hear in this episode are pretty much what happened in real life to the real Annie Oakley. Annie may be a pivotal character in the ongoing story of this series, but she really was a sharpshooting legend in our world, and she really did marry another sharpshooter named Frank Butler. In the epilogue, Alex tells us that he took some creative liberties in one or two scenes to build tension, and that the old man being the person Annie took the name ‘Oakley’ from may have been a myth, but the kindly man did exist and did help Annie when she needed it. This chapter is an unbelievable story, and it’s a fascinating detour from what’s going on in the present day in SteamHeart which gives us an insight into the past of one of the most charismatic members of Team Steam.
         Gazing out at Washington as the sun begins to rise, Annie feels a little introspective, and starts remembering her past. We hear of the home her parents had built for themselves in which she was born as Phoebe Anne Mosey. They were a frontier family, living in a log cabin not too far from the woods. What the young Annie most enjoyed doing was exploring the local surroundings with her father as they set traps for small wildlife. Annie seems to have always had a taste for the freedom of the outdoors, which makes sense when you consider how well suited she is to the life of a Cartographer scouting the wilds of the Reunified States. It also makes the listener realise how compelling Seth’s offer to her in Arlington must have been; if Annie has always been drawn to nature, then the prospect of letting go of her humanity and embracing the wild impulse to run free as a Wendigo must have been truly tempting for her.
         One day, her father was caught in a blizzard, coming home in a bad state and on the brink of death, which he succumbed to a few weeks later. Annie’s early sharpshooting days were inextricably connected to her father’s rifle, so the connection she must feel with her father through what would come to be one of her most impressive and defining talents would make this loss especially painful. When they sold their cow Pink, Annie tells us this was another hard loss, reminding me of the grief she expressed when her horse couldn’t go on any further and had to be put down in Secret Rooms. Annie cares deeply about the animals in her care. After more loss with her sister dying of tuberculosis, Annie eventually gets the chance to begin her sharpshooting career when she begins hunting to provide for her family, at first for food, but, when she learns she can sell what she hunts to others, she commits herself to this activity. Much like Hrao in Tiger’s Eye, Annie uses hunting to provide for her family (or tribe) as well as help her cope with hard times. The difference is that Hrao mindlessly threw herself into hunting because she didn’t know what else to do, whereas the sharpshooting and hunting lifts Annie’s spirits because she gets to do what she’s good at and be paid for it. Hunting helps Annie, but it doesn’t really help Hrao, because not every way of coping with grief is going to work for every person.
         Some time after that, Annie is sent to live at the Darke County Infirmary where she can learn skills like sewing, until she eventually decides to live with the Slade family when they come looking for someone to help look after their young child. At first, this seems like a chance to get away from the confines of the infirmary and get closer to the woods which Annie so dearly misses. Soon after arriving at the Slade household, however, Annie realises what an awful place this is. Josiah and Judith Slade set Annie to work all hours of the day, having her wake up at 4:00 in the morning to milk the cows, prepare breakfast, and do every other household chore under the sun before sitting her down in the evening to look after the baby, when Annie was exhausted. These were cruel people, and they treated Annie like a slave. We hear of one terrible moment when (and sadly I must remind you all that this really did happen) Judith Slade punished Annie for falling asleep at her post by casting her outside into the snow without shoes and locking the door. It’s horrible to hear someone go through such abuse, especially as we know Annie lost her father to the cold, which would make these circumstances particularly frightening. As Annie prays, she wonders whether God was putting her through this because he was angry at her hunting, the part of herself she had once taken such pride in. Thankfully, she knows that bad things have happened in her life well before she ever picked up a rifle, so she doesn’t continue to blame herself. Her thoughts turn instead to what she can do to leave this place, before Josiah kicks her back inside. Her description of his rough grip makes the trauma all too real. It’s horrible to hear, and even worse to listen to after learning that someone really was put through this.
         Years go by, and the Slades, or the ‘Wolves’ as Annie refers to them, continue to abuse her. One day, after catching a glimpse of one of the letters from her mother that the Slades had been keeping from her, she learns that her mother was requesting that Annie be sent back home to them. This leads to her deciding to get away from these Wolves. A few days later, she gets her chance when the Slades are out. She gathers her possessions, as well as the 48¢ she had saved (she knows where the Slades keep their money but consciously makes the decision not lower herself by stealing from them), and a little bread before walking out. She heads to the nearest station, not by the road where she may encounter her captors, but through the forest, a natural landscape where she can feel safe and content. At the station, she waits for her train, only to see the Wolves searching for her. A train draws into the station; the next few minutes will decide Annie’s fate. Just then, an older gentleman standing next to Annie observes her frightened state, assesses the Slades that she is so nervous to see, and decides to help her by obscuring her from view while she boards the train. Once on board, a conductor requests her ticket, and she realises she doesn’t have enough to buy one – her decision to not take the Slade’s money has had a knock-on effect, and for a moment it seems like her morals may just have cost her her freedom. The Wolves are checking the windows of each carriage and could catch sight of her at any minute. But the old man tells the conductor that she’s his granddaughter and buys her ticket on her behalf. Annie manages to stay out of sight, and the train departs. Annie thanks the old gentleman for saving her life. When she hears that Annie reminds him of his granddaughter, she offers him the other dress that she had tried to give the conductor in exchange for a ticket, asking him if his granddaughter likes dresses. He sadly answers “…she did.” This story is tense, uplifting, and yet this moment just makes you want to reach in and give this man a hug. One of the best things we can do is take the pain and grief we feel from loss and tragedy, and turn that into kind acts that help make the lives of other people better.
         In the episode’s closing minutes, we hear of Annie successfully returning home to her mother’s house, and her last meeting with the Slades when she lived with much kinder proprietors who looked after her and drove Josiah from their door when he came to demand Annie’s return. We are told that the names Josiah and Judith Slade are fictitious, as Annie will not commit the names of these people to history. In her biography, the Annie Oakley from our world made the same decision, referring to these abusers only as “the Wolves”. Annie’s thoughts turn to the kindness of the old man on the train, who she never met again, and does not know if he lived to see the world turn into what it is today. His name, in the world of New Century, was Jonathan Oakley, and he was the man who gave Annie her life, her desire to always try to save others and give them a better life, and the name she chose for herself.
         Annie and Butler sit together and watch the sun rise in the early hours as they drink their coffee. The road ahead may be laden with danger and grief, but Annie is thankful at least for this perfect moment.
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jboofan · 6 years
To Love and To Hold 4
Someone knocked loudly on the door, enough to halt the tears that Ava had been crying.
Seth got up first and dusted his knees, then held his hand out to her. “Come on,” he said pulling her up to her feet, “go wash your face, I’ll get the door,” he rubbed her hand in support still listening to her trying to even her breathing, as she closed the bedroom door before he clicked opened the door to her suite.
“Mr Rollins?” said the smartly dressed hotel manager, smiling back at him.
“Er, yeah?” he looked back at him, no idea who he was.
“Sir, we’ve packed up your room for you Sir.”
“Say what now? I never gave anyone permission for that?” he angrily stared him down.
“No, I did,” said Vince calmly moving across into view. “Since you’re both getting married, I figured you’d want to spend time with your fiancé,” he announced. He looked at the manager, “have all his things transferred to her suite.”
Vince walked in, looking around for Ava.
“Ava?” he asked.
Seth stood, just as unhappy as Ava looked when she came out of her bedroom, fresh faced but looking stony. It didn’t take long to realise who was here.
“What’s wrong? Did you forget to hurl another bit of abuse at me that you couldn’t think of before? Or are you back demanding I name my first-born after you now?” she looked at him sarcastically.
“No. Although having at least one grandkid named after me isn’t the worst idea you’ve ever come up with. I came to give you these,” he handed Seth a cream envelope addressed to them.
“What is it?” Seth was suddenly afraid to find out the answer.
“Open it and see.” He smiled at them.
“An all expenses paid trip to Turks and Caicos.” Ava read out the plane ticket and looked at her father. She shook her head, “Is this a joke? You’re just being cruel now. You’ve ruined my life enough for one day Dad.”
“It’s our wedding gift to you. That’s where you said you always wanted to get married. So that’s where we are going tomorrow morning, once you’ve picked up the necessary bits for your wedding. Invite your closest friends, and the plane will be fueled and ready to go. Then we’ll head back here for Thursday. No doubt Seth will have press on Friday and you’ll want to accompany him.”
“You said the wedding was on Friday.” Seth said crossing his arms.
“Turns out the vicar couldn’t do Thursday or Friday, so your wedding is tomorrow on the beach, like you wanted at sunset Ava.”
“Giving me a childhood dream isn’t going to eradicate the damage you and my mother have caused. What’s wrong with just declaring an engagement? Why are you so intent on dragging me to the goddamn aisle?”
“And what about my family? Why this damn rush Vince? We said we’d do it, can’t you just back off?” Seth was getting annoyed, “you’re so content on ruining our lives here; but what the hell do I tell my family about this? I’m not prepared to drag them off for a wedding at the drop of a hat.”
Vince looked at him and smiled, “Oh yes!” he casually remembered, “I ran into them downstairs, Holly is lovely, and your stepfather Bob, loves cars almost as much as I do. I explained you had something important to tell them tonight and you were just on your way over to them.”
He looked at Ava, “whilst Seth goes to deal with his family, I thought maybe we could speak?”
“I think I’ll pass,” Ava said dropping the air ticket on the coffee table and following Seth out the door.
“Wait for me,” she called out ignoring her father’s bullet like eyes staring into the back of her.
“You wanna come see me break the news to my poor mom, that I didn’t even give her chance the meet my fiancé before well, you became my fiancé?”
She looked at him, “not particularly, I just don’t want to spend any time with my Dad,” she admitted sadly. “But​ there’s no need for your parents to hate you like mine love to hate me. No need to ruin their lives too,” she answered sarcastically, as she followed him into the lift down toward the restaurant they were currently having dessert in.
“Maybe we should tell them the truth?” she fearfully asked as they caught his family exiting.
“No way. My mom will be heart broken. I’ve fucked up too much in the past to do this to her again.”
Seth stood with his parents, smiling back at something they were saying. Conscious of encroaching on this ‘special’ moment; she kept far back in the hotel lobby, and pretended to find the wall very entertaining, looking around the exterior of the restaurant. A few fans waved and asked politely for a photograph, and she obliged, glancing over at Seth as he spoke to his mom.
He turned to face her, and shifted his weight a little, adjusted his cap and waved her over to him.
Ava turned away pretendimg not to have seen him but when he adjusted his cap putting it on back to front and visibly caught her attention snd waved her over so blatantly she had no choice but to comply or look like a rude child.
“Excuse me,” Ava finished the last selfie and walked nervously towards them. She didn’t even know Seth, he could turn around and say anything to them about her.
“Mom, Dad this is my fiancé, Ava. Come here baby,” he cleared his throat, and reluctantly reached out and took her hand when she didn’t give it. She was frozen from fear, as he rubbed her hand enough to bend her fingers to be able to hold her hand properly.
“Ava, my mom and dad.” He motioned for her to say something, anything.
“Oh my gosh, you’re so beautiful,” Holly gushed before looking back at him. “Colby, why the rush to get married though? Vince said you wanted to get married as soon as possible. Why? Is there something we need to know? Any particular reason that might be making you do this quickly?” She shot a sweet smile to Ava but her eyes came to rest on her son, after looking at her belly.
Suddenly self conscious Ava did her best to cover her stomach with her free hand. Seth sensed her nervousness and tried to deflect the question as best he could.
“Well, we’ve been thinking about it for a while, and I figured Wrestlemania was the one time of the year that everyone would be able to get together. So I thought well, why not? I’ve got my family here, plus Joe and Jon will be here too. And Ava’s friends are here too..Right?” he looked at her for corroboration.
“Er, yes. Sasha and Charlotte, so I couldn’t get married without my girls." 
"Oh ok, well that sounds like Colby. Always logical. Always practical,” Holly said proudly, patting his chest. “But where’s the ring?” she asked looking at Ava’s bare hand.
“I couldn’t decide what I wanted,” she smiled nervously, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes.
“What’s wrong?” asked Holly moving away from Colby towards her. She squeezed her hand and looked up at Ava. “What’s wrong sweetheart?”
Ava saw the nervous look on Colby’s face, she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t tell Holly the truth, not about what her horrible Dad had done, she suspected that his mom didn’t know about the financial trouble the school he had was in.
Ava was so scared, she didn’t know she had started crying again. “It’s nothing. I’m just really happy to be marrying Colby,” she lied, and swallowed the massive lump in her throat.
They’d both gone out afterwards and Colby as she tried to remember had unromantically brought their matching wedding bands. Her hands didn’t stop shaking the whole time she had to force herself to hold his hand.
Two million dollars, that was the bounty on my head.
Ava stood, her mind wandering off into the sunset as they stood on the sand and Colby had just said “I do,” but the panic was deafening in her ears as the sounds came out of his mouth. The McMahon’s sat to the left of the couple, the Lopez’s to the right and their closest friends between them both. This wasn’t how she eanted her wedding to be. To marry someone whose name she had only newly learned.
Sasha stood with Charlotte holding bouquets, tears of happiness in their eyes. Even Joe had cried, and Jon pretended that sand had gotten in his eyes as his watered.
“Do you Ava Kennedy McMahon take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 
Colby had never seen a sadder bride, as the one that looked back at the congregation one last time, almost like she was searching for someone.
Was she hoping someone would stop the wedding? Stand up like a Jennifer Lopez film where some leading man would jump up and declare his love for her? She’s good looking, I doubt she is in short supply of admirers, he bargained, but Colby had to admit a part of him was hoping someone would halt this wedding, but after a minute of silence and looking back from Sami, Kevin and Noam Dar she looked back forlornly to her soon to be husband.
He could feel her hand trembling in his. He looked at her, and tried to give her a smile. She somehow found it in herself to nod and say those two little words.
"I do.” She spaced out again, until they had to kiss. He tucked his hand behind her ear and brought her in for a kiss, which lasted a few seconds longer than intended, just to ensure the crowd it was all real. There was nothing there, but a cold push of lips upon each other. No warmth, passion or zing. Go straight to jail, do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
Maybe love could be taught? Or learned in time, she wandered as she plastered on a big smile, held onto his hand and allowed herself to be pulled down the sandy aisle.
It had all been happy, romantic and fake. She stared at the ring on her finger like a death sentence, as people congratulated her. It was a crying shame that when she looked back on that dsy, she struggled to remember the name of anyone who said anything that day. For ages afterwards, every time she looked at that massive stone she felt the invisible noose around her neck get tighter and tighter.
“I’m glad you finally agreed to this. At least we will be able to put this behind us now,” her mother dismissed as she hugged her. Ava smiled for the camera then turned back to face her, expressionless.
“You can go to hell. Dad wouldn’t have ever done this to me. It was you. I don’t even care if you don’t admit it, but I know you had something to do with this. This was all about you. Well fuck you mom. And fuck the man that gave you that job as Education Minister. Fuck your Trump.”
Ava grabbed the train of her dress and moved past her to where her Dad stood nursing a large scotch.
“Come with me,” she dragged him to a spare corner of the beach and looked at him. “And don’t fucking lie to me Dad. Not today of all days.” She sniffed. “I’m married now. That’s what you wanted right? You wanted to teach me responsibility right?” Ava’s lower lip wobbled.
“I’m sorry Ava,” he had to do something to save hia youngest from her mother’s wrath. She’d been on the war path ever since it happened. “You think she wanted your sister to marry Paul? Hell fucking no. The whole thing with Seth and the photos couldn’t have come at a worse time. Not after you literally told the President of the United States to go fuck himself.”
“The man is a creep. A pervert and a pathetic excuse for a man.” They’d met him shortly after his inauguration ans she didn’t waste any time telling the man where to stick his invitation to the White House.
“And I couldn’t have been more prouder of you for having said it, but you need to get away. Let her calm down and see that nothing is more important to her than family.”
“Mom doesn’t care about me. None of you do. Maybe when we were kids, but then you choose Steph and Shane over me. Every single time. I was that twenty year old that got an MBA when she didn’t want to, for you guys cos I wanted to impress you so badly. I gave up the only thing I wanted. And all I got was a handshake. I was never wanted by you guys. I don’t understand why you didn’t just have me aborted. It would have made your lives so much easier. Then you wouldn’t have had to pay someone to marry me, and cut me off. How am I supposed to live?”
Vince couldn’t believe he was hearing all this, what hurt the most was that it was all true. He’d been shit and so had the rest of the family. He felt guilty which was why he didn’t stop her partying so hard. Dancing and being with her friends was the only thing ahe had to escape her fragmented reality.
“I need to give you this.” He handed her a black credit card.
“A credit card? What use it that to me, when I’m going to be living in fucking Iowa Dad? God knows if they even have ATM machines there. Or a Starbucks.”
“Take it. Use it for whatever you need.”
“I’ll take it, but I won’t use it.” She took the card of him. “You screwed me over and now you’re trying to play Mr Nice guy? Good try Dad, you nearly had me fooled.”
“Look, your mother has had your funds frozen. Your bank account is frozen. You can’t get to a dime. She wants to punish you. And to be honest, you’re a selfish kid and you don’t care but that’s because we left you to your own devices when you were a child. We didn’t give you enough attention. Or reward for the thinga you accomplished. But please use the damn card. There’s no limit on it. It’s there if you need it.”
Ava had told Charlotte she needed to go freshen up, and had used that excuse to get away mid reception. She could feel the tears coming, and the last thing she wanted, was for anyone to see her like this.
Colby stood on the beach, hands in pockets looking for his new bride. He rubbed the back of his neck as he sighed, scanning the length of private beach, their wedding guests had gathered at, whilst he still looked for Ava.
“How cute, you’re looking for your wifey,” Charlotte smiled, “I have to admit I was surprised when Ava told me about you; but she said you were cute since she had met you—”
“Wait, she said I was cute?” he interrupted her.
“Well yeah, said you were hot, but she was tipsy at the time. Me and Sasha never thought you guys were dating let alone in secret for just a few weeks but then you surprising her with her dream wedding?! Wow dude, that’s romantic!” She tipped her champagne flute at him.
“Yeah, that’s me. Romantic as they come,” he breathed at thr elaborate lie they had spun. “Have you seen my beautiful bride, I’m looking for her, as it happens.”
“Yeah, she went to go freshen up.” Charlotte smiled and went off back to the crowd, as Colby headed back into the hotel suite.
He found her sitting on the bed, looking out the window. Her eyes closed in concentration. She hadn’t heard him enter as she stood mumbling something about calling someone.
“Planning on getting outta here?”
Ava froze, aborting her undecided decision to contact one of her close friends. Finn Balor was smart and had common sense. If she called him, he would surely come rescue her from this hell. Or at least he’d lend her enough cash to escape. She locked the screen and sighed. She’d gotten herself into this mess and the poor Irishman shouldn’t have to help her out.
She turned as the door opened and he appeared.
She looked up him and eventually answered, “Hey.” He wasn’t picking up the call, so she was back to square one.
“You left and we didn’t know where you were.”
“I just.. had to just get away.”
Colby sat next to her on the bed, and loosened his tie. “I know, I feel it too,” he sighed.
“The bitch has cut me off.”
He looked at her, “Who? Your mom?”
“Yep, this was all a fucked up life lesson, because I probably embarrassed her in front of Trump by calling him a fuck face. And he is.”
“I agree,” he smiled.
“So she’s cut me off. Frozen everything I have. Every. Last. Cent. I didn’t believe my Dad but it’s true. I don’t see anything for a year, until I have a child. She’s said to the accountant that money is available for my business ventures, but none to accommodate my lifestyle; her way of trying to humble me, they said. She’s forcing me to be penniless until I become a mother.”
The tears stung her eyes, and she looked to the ceiling fan to contain them and to not ruin her make up.
“Then fuck her and her money. I make more than enough to support me, and a mortgage​. As much as I didn’t want to marry you, or anyone else for that matter, I’ll support you and your New York ways Princess. We’ll just have to make a few adjustments. As for the child thing, I ain’t gonna force you to have my child. Especially if this is only going to last a year.”
She looked at him, “You don’t get it..If I end up having a child, I’ll be tied to you and this marriage for life. Is that what you want?”
Colby turned to look at her.
“Princess, up until two days ago I had no idea I was even engaged to anyone, let alone getting married. But,” he paused, “if us having a child means you get your inheritance and I get that second million dollars for the school maybe it’s not a bad thing?”
Ava couldn’t believe her ears. This man would do anything for money it seemed.
“Listen, if you don’t wanna ever speak to your mom again I’ll understand, but maybe this might eventually sort itself out; as fucked up as this all is. Or you might decide you don’t wanna live in New York anymore. Davenport is actually a kinda cool place to live. You might even find that you like it.”
“And if I don’t? I’m not used to small town living.”
“I’m not used to having a wife,” he countered.
“Touche,” she admitted.
“Look, all I’m saying is that I’ll support you. I ain’t nobody billionaire’s son, but Seth Rollins does pretty well for himself. Your mom messed up when she thought you marrying me would put you in a difficult position; I’m not exactly poor, sweetheart. I’ll keep you in your lifestyle Princess. You’re not a responsibility I wanted but try not to worry about other people ok?”
“I don’t know what to say about all this,” she told him honestly. “I don’t think like how you do.”
He held her hand out, “We can try right?” pulling her up, “besides, you look beautiful tonight, if we did have a child,” he said as she gave him a funny look, “hypothetically, I wouldn’t mind. I guess it could be kinda cool.”
She looked at him, “People like us don’t have children, but Colby I’m still like a child; how would we look after another human being? I can’t even boil water.”
“I guess we could find out?” He saw the panic in her eyes, “Or, and it’s a suggestion, we just figure out the business and your finances. Whatever else happens or doesn’t happen we can figure it out.”
They walked back downstairs and stood at the edge of the path that met the sand, their top table set up; their friends and the family they actually liked enjoying themselves.
“Come on Mrs Lopez, what do you say?” he solemnly holding out his hand to her.
“You know what I said about boiling water?” She took his hand as he helped her down, blowing her fringe out of her eyes as she took her heels off, carrying them in her hand.
“It’s true. I can’t cook. But I’m really good at ordering food.”
“Oh vey, I thought you were trying to be cute. You can’t cook? Like at all?” He looked at her optimistically.
She shook her head, “Maybe now’s a good time for you to get me some cooking lessons, or even better maybe you can cook?”
“Wow, already costing me money, and the reception ain't even over.”
She shot him a look, and he laughed at her response.
“You have no idea what two million dollars is gonna cost you do you.”
@@iwritewwe @colbynatorsforlife @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @krobinj @lallyj11 @keira90love @hannahIsbanana @fxlsefreedom-x @kitkat-vincent @charlie1987me @wanderingmexican @lennoxcobain @profoundleynerdywolf @skarletmikaelson @gabbs2194 @jesspayn567 @grapanda @looseends31 @batmanco @wildmindedbeauty32 @\easyobsession @charlie1987me @lonerforever176 @ami-lloudand-clear @heelandfaces @mondaynightrollin @weirdgirl16355 @awesomekawaiistudentperfection @vonschweetzzz @balorcrazeeeeeeee1820
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soapberryspringsrpg · 6 years
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Forbidden Fruits
Hello Berries! The nights are getting longer, the air is getting crisper, the lattes are getting pumpkin spicier so you know what time it is. Time for the third ever Soapberry Springs writing prompt!
This prompt is meant to appeal to that part of many of us that once devoured cheesy romance books, thrilling over cliche after cliche so long as the right people ended up riding off into the sunset together. To play along, please choose one of the scenarios under the cut inspired by the brave harlequin romance writers and their specific books. 
You are free to change genders and names, of course; the only two things that must remain as posted are a) the title and b) the plot.
As always there is no time limit and no due date. Players are welcome to write self-paras, blurbs or novellas, poetry, chatzys or threads, to edit graphics, make playlists, etc. All creative takes on the theme are welcome and encouraged! 
Select below from prompts!
Feyness By E.S. Carter In this dark and sexy story, Faye’s cruel, powerful father forces her to marry wickedly gorgeous Cole. She’s convinced that Cole is pure evil — and he’s determined to break her…
Delicious Temptation By Sabrina Sol
After years of keeping her family’s struggling bakery afloat, pastry chef Amara is tired of being safe and predictable. Can she convince Eric, her brother’s ex-best friend, to make good on his bad-boy reputation? A smoldering erotic romance!
An Unconventional Courtship By Scotty Cade
Personal assistant Tristan and his CEO boss, Webber, both struggle to hide their true feelings from each other. But when the pair travel to the Caribbean on a business trip, they discover they can’t hold back their desires forever…
Grayson’s Mate By Tamsin Baker
An alpha werewolf in search of his mate is led to the last person he expected: the handsome stranger he rescued from a car accident. Their desire is undeniable, but can a werewolf and a mortal man find a way to be together?
Make Me Want By Katee Robert
Lucy is a confident, high-powered lawyer — but her ex-boyfriend gave her self-esteem issues in bed. Can her friend Gideon help her realize she has the power to drive him wild?
Bound by Honor By Cora Reilly
To fulfill her father’s promise, Aria must marry notorious, coldhearted Luca. But can she break down Luca’s walls and find the passion within him?
Bad Neighbor By M. O’Keefe
Sparks fly when Charlotte meets her sexy new neighbor Jesse. He’s an alpha bad boy who isn’t afraid of anything — except for his growing attraction to Charlotte, as their desire for each other rages out of control…
London Calling By Clare Lydon
A charming, witty romance: Jess never expected to be moving back in with her parents at the age of 32. But just as things seem hopeless, she makes an unexpected connection with a gorgeous woman. Could happily ever after be on the horizon?
Three Wrong Turns in the Desert By Neil Plakcy
Aidan can’t stop thinking about Liam, the alluring bodyguard he met in a Tunisian bar… When a high-octane chase takes them into the desert, their desires reach a boiling point in this steamy adventure!
Tempting Boundaries By Carrie Ann Ryan
Decker has always lusted after his best friend’s little sister, the woman he can’t have. But when Miranda decides she wants him, he may not be able to resist any longer…
Camp H.O.W.L. By Bru Baker
A sexy shifter romance! When Adrian finally turns into a werewolf — eight years late — Tate, a counselor at a camp for new werewolves, is ready to guide him. But cynical Tate never expected Adrian to be his destined mate…
Roller Girl By Vanessa North
When newly single Tina joins Joanne’s roller derby team, their friendship ignites a steamy passion behind closed doors…
The Shop on Main By Kay Correll
Bella is devastated to learn that she may lose her small shop — and an attractive businessman is the root of her worries. When they clash, can she settle her financial woes on her own and embrace a second chance at love?
The Road to You By Harper Bliss
Serious Katherine and free-spirited Ali have been enemies since college… but fate keeps throwing them together. As the years go on, will they see another side to each other — one they could learn to love?
Road to the Sun By Keira Andrews
When his eight-year-old daughter is kidnapped in Montana, single dad Jason Kellerman enlists the help of park ranger Ben Hettler. Suppressing their burning mutual attraction, the two men begin a wild and desperate hunt through the wilderness…
Captive of the Hitman By Alexis Abbott
When Alicia gets caught up in a dangerous situation, Mikhail takes her captive for her protection. But their sexual chemistry is off the charts — and he refuses to let her go…
Feeling Hot By Elle Kennedy
Home from deployment, Navy SEAL Cash McCoy forms a tantalizing connection with a mysterious blonde. Little does he know that she’s Jen Scott — his commanding officer’s sister! Can he keep his hands to himself around the one woman who’s off-limits?
Professional Distance By Silvia Violet
Heartbroken Thornwell swears off love — until he hires aspiring chef Riley as an escort! Though the two men couldn’t be more different, they begin to fall for each other. Can Riley convince Thornwell to set aside his doubts and live deliciously?
Black By T.L. Smith
Left heartbroken by his first and only love, hit man Liam Black is surprised to find her a decade later. But Rose isn’t the woman she used to be…
Training Sasha By Becca Jameson
Sasha is eager to explore her submissive side, but BDSM club owner Lincoln — who’s also her brother’s friend — won’t admit his attraction to her. Can she convince him to help her explore her sexual desires?
Stalking Buffalo Bill By J. Leigh Bailey
From the moment coyote shifter Donnie spotted buffalo shifter William at his cafe, he was smitten. When deadly figures from William’s past come back to settle unfinished business, the pair team up to ward off danger — and protect their future together.
Dog Days By TA Moore
Apocalyptic weather conditions are wreaking havoc across the globe. But weredog Danny has more immediate problems — including his wolfish ex-lover, Jack…
Dirty Girl By Meghan March
When Greer is drunk one night, she posts an embarrassing personal ad — and now she has thousands of takers! But bad boy Cavanaugh is a cut above the rest…
Tonight’s Encore By Parker Avrile
When Zac returns to his small hometown, he renews his relationship with Reed, who knew him before he became a rock star. But the pressures of fame could tear them apart in this steamy gay romance!
The Longest River By Hildred Billings
After the death of her twin sister, Helen moves to a secluded mountain village to find her independence and heal. There she meets widowed bookstore owner Kiyoko — an introduction that feels like fate…
Dirty Daughter By JB Duvane
Emily is determined to seduce her mother’s former psychologist, Max. But she doesn’t realize that he has his own plans for her — and soon she’ll be locked up in his remote cottage, forced to satisfy his every desire…
Mr. So Wrong By R.C. Stephens
A searing, sexy romance! After finding wealthy bad boy Al caught in a blizzard, Samantha brings him to her ranch to nurse him back to health. She doesn’t want to let anyone close to her heart, but why can’t she keep Al out of her bed?
Tempt the Playboy By Natasha Madison
After arrogant playboy Noah has a one-night stand with Kaleigh, he’s determined to claim her again. But she may not fall for his charms so easily…
One Last Heist By Dahlia Donovan
Partners in love and in crime, Toshiro and Mack plan to get their crew together for one last heist. It was supposed to be easy — but as they become embroiled in a deadly conspiracy, the stakes will rise out of their control…
Little Liar By W Winters
With so much pain in her past, there’s no way Allie should be drawn to bad boy Dean. And yet she can’t seem to stay away from him…
Seducing Cinderella By Gina L. Maxwell
Physical therapist Lucie needs help wooing her crush, so she asks her brother’s best friend, Reid, to teach her the art of seduction. But their arrangement leads to an unexpected chemistry, and Reid can’t give her up…
Tormentor Mine By Anna Zaires
In this “darkly addictive and hauntingly beautiful” romance, assassin Peter comes to torture Sara. But then he becomes obsessed with her…
As Sure as the Sun By Elle Keaton
After a brush with death, retired US Marshal Sacha starts anew in a small town. As he works to restore an old building, he crosses paths with history enthusiast Seth — and discovers a sizzling attraction that may persuade both men to risk their hearts.
The Endgame Duet By Cleary James
When her life takes a turn for the worse, Lisa offers herself to wealthy Grayson in exchange for the money she needs. For seven days he can do whatever he wants with her — but will they be able to control their sensual desires?
The Beat of Love By L. Loryn
In this passionate gay romance, brooding musician Wolfe and handsome actor Miguel court the media by pretending to be a couple. Will their fake celebrity relationship crash and burn — or turn into a connection more powerful than they expected?
The Isle of... Where? By Sue Brown
When Liam Marshall travels to the Isle of Wight to fulfill his best friend’s dying wish, Sam Owens helps him through it. They swiftly develop a connection — but does their budding relationship have an expiration date?
Ruthless By Dani René
Dangerous bad boy Callan always gets whatever he wants — so when he sees sweet Madison at a BDSM club, he must have her. A darkly delicious erotic tale!
Fire and Flint By Andrew Grey
When single father Jordan turns to sheriff’s deputy Pierre with his concerns about a corrupt judge, the two men discover they’ve made a powerful enemy. They’ll do whatever it takes to protect each other in this stirring and suspenseful read.
Entangled by Nikki Jefford
Two months after dying, Gray wakes up in her twin’s body. She’s forced to spend every other day impersonating snobby Charlene — and only warlock Raj notices the difference. Can Gray be saved, or will she fade altogether?
Southern Spirits by Angie Fox
When Verity discovers the power to commune with the spirit world, she teams up with local bad boy Ellis to evict some undead tenants.
Witch Slapped by Dakota Cassidy
Stripped of her powers, ex-witch Stevie Cartwright teams up with the ghost of a sexy British spy to solve a murder case involving a bogus psychic medium.
Issued to the Bride: One Navy SEAL by Cora Seton
Navy SEAL vet Brian has always dreamed of owning his own ranch — so when he’s asked to marry a general’s daughter, Cass, in exchange for a share of her land, he can’t refuse.
Sit… Stay… Beg by Roxanne St. Claire
Garrett, a dot-com millionaire turned dog rescuer, keeps his heart on a tight leash — until journalist Jessie is hired to write a profile on him…
Earthrise by M.C.A. Hogarth
On a mysterious rescue mission, no-nonsense ship captain Reese Eddings commands her vessel Earthrise straight into danger, battling pirates and slavers to save elf prince Hirianthial…
Chez Stinky by Susan C. Daffron
Kat inherits her great-aunt’s dilapidated house, which is filled to the brim with pets and complications. As she adjusts to her new surroundings — and connects with Joel, who’s as handy as he is handsome — will she embrace her new start?
Rumor Has It by Elisabeth Grace
When an embarrassing video goes viral, Ellie Wagner’s reputation pays the price. Her life seems ruined, but a fresh start awaits when she falls for Mason Nash…
Smart Tass by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
Hunter has been tormenting his bookish neighbor Tass since they were children. But when she’s challenged to date him — and he needs to take her virginity to win a bet — can a fake relationship solve their problems and reveal their true feelings for one another?
Once Upon a Time by Blair Babylon
When princess Flicka decides to flee her violent ex, her bodyguard Dieter is the only one who can help her. But their irresistible attraction heats up in ways neither of them expected…
Malevolent by Jana DeLeon
PI Shaye Archer takes on the baffling case of Emma Frederick, a woman convinced that her abusive husband is out to get her. Except Emma killed her husband weeks ago…
Club Shadowlands by Cherise Sinclair
Stranded during a storm, Jessica takes shelter in a nearby house. But when she discovers it’s actually a private BDSM club, she begins to explore her fantasies with a sexy dominant…
Stripped by Stacy-Deanne
Baltimore cop Dee Quarter investigates a cult whose charismatic leader, Jonathan Wild, is determined to ensnare her…
Kiss of Fire by Rebecca Ethington
Joclyn just sent her high school bully flying through the air! Could her phenomenal power have something to do with the strange new scar on her neck? Her handsome best friend Ryland holds all the secrets…
Heaven in His Arms by Lisa Ann Verge
Forced to take a bride, André chooses sickly Genevieve, assuming she won’t survive the harsh winter. But Genevieve is not the frail noblewoman she appears to be, and André soon realizes that he needs her more than he ever expected…
In Search of a Love Story by Rachel Schurig
Tired of losing at love, Emily undertakes a research project: she’ll binge on romance novels and chick flicks until she learns their secret. Handsome Greg could be her Prince Charming — but why is Emily’s friend Elliot so unhappy about her plan?
The Chef’s Mail-Order Bride by Cindy Caldwell
Tripp trained at an elite culinary school, but he can’t get a loan for his restaurant without a wife. Raised in a bakery, Sadie agrees to head west as Tripp’s bride. Can the two learn to work together as they open their new restaurant — and find love in the process?
The Witch Hunter by Nicole R. Taylor
Cursed by an ancient witch, vampire Zachary will die a slow, agonizing death. His only shot at survival is Aya, the so-called Witch Hunter, who has been asleep for 150 years… But she has no interest in helping him.
Ignite by Kaitlyn Davis
When Kira discovers her mystical powers, she must fight for her life — and choose between sweet, goofy Luke and gorgeous, blood-hungry Tristan.
Crash by Drew Jordan
Stranded in the Alaskan wilderness, Laney takes refuge in the arms of the stranger who rescues her. But will he be her savior — or her destroyer?
Going Hard by Kelsey Browning
When rich playboy Grif Steele returns to his hometown, he reconnects with Carlie Beth Parrish. But with a murderous stalker on the prowl, can Grif protect her — and the daughter he never knew he had?
Hers to Take by Talia Ellison
When Octavia gets caught in a dangerous situation, her rival, Aaron, offers her a deal she can’t refuse — to escape with her life, she must pretend to be his sex slave. But they don’t expect a forbidden attraction to ignite…
Claimed by Evangeline Anderson
The Kindred race is primarily male, and must choose among human women for their brides. When Olivia is drafted into marrying broken and tortured Baird, she’s determined to resist — but she hadn’t counted on falling for her alien warrior husband…
Forever a Soldier by Genevieve Turner
When Hank returns from combat, he agrees to move into a 100-year-old house owned by his great-great aunt and uncle. His peace is disturbed by Lale, an inquisitive scholar digging into his family’s secrets. But their attraction will open up hidden places in their hearts…
Liam by Kimber White
Though forbidden to be with his fated mate, sexy shifter Liam will stop at nothing to claim Molly, the spitfire who sets his heart aflame. But is Molly ready to embrace his wolfish identity?
The Second Sister by Rae D. Magdon
When Eleanor’s father dies, she’s left with her unhinged stepmother and two stepsisters, Luciana and Belladonna. Eleanor must prevent wicked Luciana from bewitching a prince — but meanwhile, beautiful Belladonna stirs up feelings she can’t resist…
Time to Upsize by Graeme Aitken
Blake’s the perfect boyfriend as far as Stephen is concerned: easygoing, gentle, and sweet. But lately, Blake has been getting increasingly jealous, and it doesn’t help when gorgeous Rick moves next door. Can Stephen resist temptation?
Playing Games by Liliana Rhodes
Cassie gets her dream job working for billionaire Gabriel — and she’s determined to remain professional. But their irresistible attraction ignites after she’s caught trying to watch him in the shower…
Kindling Flames: Gathering Tinder by Julie Wetzel
After landing a job as assistant to a handsome CEO, Victoria feels like her life is finally on the right track. But when she discovers her new boss is the city’s most powerful vampire, she’ll have to decide whether her attraction to him is worth the risk…
Switching Hour by Robyn Peterman
After a stint in witch prison, Zelda is on magic probation — and if she can’t finish a mysterious task in the next month, she’ll be stripped of her powers forever. But a gorgeous werewolf may prove to be a tempting distraction…
Sacrificed to the Dragon by Jessie Donovan
Dragon shifter Tristan has despised humans ever since hunters killed his mother. But his clan insists he needs an heir — and a human mate. When he meets gorgeous Melanie, a slow-burning fire ignites deep within…
The Vampire’s Mail Order Bride by Kristen Painter
Running from the mob, Delaney becomes a mail-order bride in the spooky town of Nocturne Falls — only to learn her fiancé is a 400-year-old vampire!
Haunted on Bourbon Street by Deanna Chase
When empath Jade Calhoun moves into a haunted New Orleans apartment, she must use her unique abilities — and the help of her sexy landlord — to ward off a powerful spirit.
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totallyrhettro · 6 years
Territorial, chapter 23
Word Count: 2046 Rating: This chapter: PG-13. Overall story rating: explicit Warnings: Forced Human Captivity Summary: After finally realizing their shared love for one another, all internetainers Rhett and Link had to do was live happily ever after. Unfortunately, as it turns out, that’s a lot harder to do in a world of werewolves. Notes: Takes place 1 year after Animalistic began. Still no wives; Rhett and Link are in an established relationship. This is a sequel to that fic. You don’t have to read that first, but it is highly recommended.
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First Chapter Previous Chapter
“Seth always told everyone he had things under control,” Grace was saying, standing at the window and looking out into the trees beyond. “When we heard about the attacks in Los Padres it was assumed it had been an isolated incident.”
“That ‘isolated incident’ turned me and my best friend into werewolves,” Link noted, unhappily. Grace either didn’t hear him or chose to ignore the comment.
“How could things have gotten so bad?” she wondered to herself. Link didn’t know what to say about that. He didn’t have enough information to answer her query; he was still new to this world of monsters. He’d only found out about the mutts a few months ago.
“We never wanted to get involved,” he told her. “Rhett and I. We just wanted to live our normal lives and not pick a side between you.” Turning from her blank gaze outside, Grace looked over at the naked man still sitting in her living room chair wrapped in a quilt. Her expression was a bit dull, almost tired.
“It wasn't always this way,” she lamented. “Things used to different between us.” Crossing her arms she stared down at the floor. “It's strange how things can change. Slow, so slow you barely notice until one day you look up-” she looked at Link- “and people you thought cared about you are your enemies.” Link got to his feet, careful to stay modest, and stood beside her. He wanted to offer comfort, but he wasn't sure how.
“What happened, Grace? Why is Seth like this?"
“There was always something dark in him,” Grace remembered. “Even when he was a child. He took so quickly to the wolf, and he never let it go. Whenever the pack would hunt, he would take chances, going for the biggest prey or attacking without a plan. He would charge right at a buck that was looking straight at him, he didn't care. It was a challenge. The more dangerous the better.”
“No one else thought he was being reckless?”
“A few, but no one he cared about. The higher-ups saw his arrogance, sure, but they couldn't argue with his results. And when he and Caleb hunted together, no prey was safe. They are a force to reckoned with, in and out of wolf form.”
“That doesn't explain why they hate mutts.”
“I don't really think they do. Many purebloods look down on mutts for not being born wolf, but I never saw Seth or Caleb as stuck up enough to care about that.” Her gaze turned outside again. “I don't think it was ever about the mutts. It was about power. Seth played on the fears of the elders, the hate of the ignorant. He promised to deal with the mutt problem and, as far as we knew he did. All he ever wanted was power. All Caleb wanted was what that power would give him.”
“What's that?” Link asked, afraid of the answer.
“Free reign.” Grace shivered to think that a Caleb without boundaries would be capable of; what he would do.
“What about Damian? Where does he fit into this plan of theirs?”
“To be honest, I’m not sure. I don’t think he has the same, cold heart that the others have. Maybe he’s like us; he knows the truth but he can do nothing. Seth and Caleb hold the same sway over his actions. After all,” she continued with a slight shrug, “there’s no way he can’t know what his brothers are up to, and since he does nothing I can only assume he either is unwilling or unable.”
“What can he do? What can I do?” Link had waited long enough. He didn’t need more words, he needed action. He needed Rhett. “How can I get Rhett out?”
“No one ever has-” Grace began, but Link cut her off.
“I don’t care. This can’t go on. This can’t continue.” His tone was shorter than he intended and for a moment he almost backed off, but Grace wasn’t insulted, she nodded in complete agreement.
“You’re right, and for the first time in years, I think there may be a chance.”
“Tell me.”
“Seth has been…. agitated lately,” she explained, motioning for Link to take back his seat by the fire. She took hers on the couch once more. “I was curious, concerned. I did a little digging and it turns out that he has a very good reason to be nervous. Devon, our pack leader?” Link nodded, remembering who he was. “I don’t know why, but word is he’s coming down to L.A. himself. I’m assuming it’s because of this mutt problem. If he thinks that it’s not as under control as Seth has told him-”
“He won’t be too happy,” Link surmised, a small grin forming on his face.
“Exactly. Everyone else may cower before Seth and his brother Caleb, but not Devon. It’s a dangerous game Seth has played over the years.” A strange, eerie smile formed on her own face, a glint in her brown eyes. “He’s told Devon time and time again everything was under control. If he’s coming here then he suspects this isn’t true… and if he finds out Seth has been lying to him-”
“I’m hoping Devon wouldn’t be too happy to find out Caleb has been keeping prisoners?” Link half asked, have assumed. He couldn’t take out Seth, let along the three brothers together, but if he could find allies in the Lowells’ own pack, it could be a chance. Perhaps his only chance.
“Devon is not a harsh man,” Grace acknowledged. “I’ve never known him to be so cruel. If we can prove that Seth and Caleb have been going behind his back then…” She paused, biting her lip to keep from finishing that sentence.
“Then what?” Link pressed.
“Then he will no doubt take care of the both of them, personally.” From the look the woman’s face, Link didn’t want to ask what she meant. He had a fairly good guess.
“We need to make sure Devon sees what’s really happening,” he stated, a plan slowly forming in his mind. “We need to make sure he knows what Seth is doing.”
“We?” Grace questioned. Link sent her a soft but knowing look.
“I’ve been prepared to take Seth on by myself for days now, and if that’s what I’ll have to do I will, but…” He glanced outside. “You’ve said you know what he’s been up to, just been unable to stop it.” With a long pause he met the woman’s gaze once more. “Now’s your chance.” Grace sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly, but then she pursed her lips and nodded.
“Alright,” she conceded. “But we’re going to need some help.”
~ ~ ~
The sun was getting fairly high in the sky when he heard footsteps descending the wooden steps into the basement yet again. This time he didn’t look at who entered, but sat facing the back wall, determined to ignore whomever was coming to visit this time. It’s not that he didn’t care; he was relatively certain that he wanted to know who it was. It was just that no matter who it was he needed to show them that he wasn’t some lost puppy sitting around waiting to be whipped into submission. He wanted to show as much disrespect to his captures as he could and to show them that no matter what they did he wasn’t afraid of them. At least he wasn’t afraid of what they were going to do to him. There was still the fear of what they planned to do to Link.
“Still trying out the silent treatment, eh?” asked a voice. Rhett didn’t have to turn and look to know it was Seth. His overtly charming voice sounded exactly the same as the day they met but somehow there was an undertone of condescension and pride that had gone unnoticed before. “Worth a try, I suppose. I’ve seen it done before, but it won’t do you any good.” There was the sound of metal on concrete; the folding chair had been laid out once again. “But you go ahead. We’ll see how far that gets you.” With a sigh, Rhett turned to face his captor, maintaining his cross-legged position and his marble expression.
“What else can I say?” he wondered, asking both himself and Seth in a hushed voice. “What can I do that will convince you to let me go?” Seth’s grin was subtle, and vile like poison. Rhett had seen that smile before, hidden behind a mask of charm.
“If you told us where to find the mutts, that’d be a start,” he suggested. “Short of that, not much.”
“I don’t know,” Rhett stated for the hundredth time. “I met with them once, and I already told you where. They didn’t confide in me; I’m not their friend.”
“I believe you.” At this, Rhett blinked in surprise. He had spent so long repeating how little he knew, he just assumed Seth and his brothers thought him a liar. “It doesn’t change anything.”
“What do you want from me?” he asked, trying to hold back the desperation in his voice.
“I already told you,” Seth explained, “but it doesn’t matter if you don’t tell me anything. You’re doing me a favor just being here.” When Rhett gave him a confused look, he seemed to change the subject. “How long have you known Theo?”
“Not long,” Rhett insisted, not really sure where his captor was going with this. “Over a year?”
“I’ve known him for many years. He was once a member of the pack, and while he may have left us, I know more about him than you ever will.” Leaning back, Seth seemed to relax as if he wasn’t talking to a half-naked man in a cage. “It was a shame when he left. He was a tough sonofabitch, and loyal to a fault. Even when we sent him and his stupid brother to kill mutts he didn’t waver for a minute. I have no doubt that he’s the same with you. He sees you as his new pack leader.” Leaning forward now, Seth gave Rhett a knowing look. “You may not know where the mutts are, but he does. He’ll come for you. He’ll come for his alpha.”
“You sent him to kill people?” Rhett asked, steering the conversation. “Is that why he left the pack?”
“Theo left the pack because he knew I would have killed him if he didn’t. For a mutt he wasn’t too interested in playing ball. You and he are a lot alike, I think.”
“What about his brother?”
“Chris? Christian was… well… He was one hell of a tracker, to be sure, but he was loyal to his brother. Ran in the family, I guess. Luckily he was never as bright. All I had to do was tell him to go somewhere and he’d go. Tell him to scout out a house, and off he went.” Seth shrugged. “I was hoping to get two for one, but I guess the outcome was the same.”
“You sent Theo’s brother to take on those mutts by himself,” Rhett surmised, putting the dots together. “You knew he was going to get killed. Theo was right. You sent Chris there to die. But why?” Seth’s smile faded, hatred bleeding through. Hatred for Rhett. Hatred for Theo and Chris. Hatred for anyone who ever stood in his way.
“I don’t like wolves who don’t play ball. He was an idiot.” His voice raising, Seth stood up, pacing like he was the one in a cage. “I would have taken him to the top with me, but the damned fool chose to side with Devon, against me. Both of them did and Theo... I should have killed him myself.”
“You wanted to turn against your own alpha?” An ambitious plan, to be sure, but from what he’d heard not one easily pulled off. “And Theo wouldn’t go along with it.”
“Like I said,” Seth reiterated, tilting his head. “Loyal to a fault.”
“Loyalty is never a fault,” Rhett stated with one hundred percent certainty. Seth just chuckled.
“We’ll see. He’ll come for you and then…” another evil grin crossed his face. “Then we’ll see.”
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Netflix’s Never Have I Ever: Great TV Comedies to Watch Next
If there’s justice in this world, high school comedy Never Have I Ever will return for at least a third season. The story of 15-year-old Devi Vishwakumar, a Los Angeles teen reeling from her beloved father’s sudden death while trying to navigate all the usual boys/school/friendship mess of adolescence, deserves to continue long into the future. (Here’s our spoiler-free season two review.)
While fans wait for news on a third season commission, the 10 great shows below are well worth discovering or (re)discovering. They’re not all teen shows, nor are they all strictly comedies, but somewhere along the line, they share some DNA with Mindy Kaling and Lang Fisher’s Never Have I Ever. Add your own additional recommendations below.
Fresh Off the Boat
Six seasons (2015 – 2020)
Since the cruel early cancellation of her show Don’t Trust the B**** in Apt. 23 (Krysten Ritter’s funniest performance to date) it’s pretty much mandatory to watch anything Nahnatchka Khan makes. Fresh Off the Boat was her follow-up comedy for ABC, based on the early life of celebrity chef Eddie Huang as his family moved from Washington DC to Orlando. It’s set in the 90s and concluded last year after six seasons. The cast is great, in particular Randall Park (WandaVision, Always Be My Maybe) and Constance Wu (Crazy Rich Asians) as young Eddie’s Taiwanese immigrant parents, each of whom has very different mileage on adjusting to life in the US. 
The Mindy Project
Six seasons (2012 – 2017)
This romantic comedy was Mindy Kaling’s post-The Office project – the story of self-absorbed, pop-culture obsessed, lovable OB/GYN Dr Mindy Lahiri (Kaling) and her search for love in Manhattan. After some cast changes in its first season, it really found its feet and settled into a sharp workplace comedy with a great ensemble. It survived a post-season three cancellation by FOX thanks to being picked up by Hulu for a further three seasons, and ended in 2017. US comedy fans can enjoy playing actor bingo too, thanks to appearances from many of Kaling’s The Office co-stars, including writer-producer B.J. Novak, Ellie Kemper, Ed Helms and more. 
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Four seasons (2015 – 2019)
Rachel Bloom and Aline Brosh McKenna’s comedy-musical series is inventive, boundary-breaking and packed to the rafters with talent. Like a few of the shows in this list, it’s distinctly adult in theme and not a high school comedy but still shares the wit, high-key colour and bold approach to life’s harder moments as Never Have I Ever. It’s the story of high-flying NYC lawyer Rebecca Bunch, who gives up everything to move to a backwater Californian town to pursue her summer camp first love Josh (Vincent Rodriguez III). Rebecca’s love of musical theatre bleeds into the show, turning it into a mental health musical complete with funny, original, sharply written song-and-dance routines.  
Two seasons (1999 – 2001)
The debut series from super-producer Ryan Murphy (American Horror Story, Pose, Glee, Nip/Tuck) co-created by Gina Matthews, Popular is the story of Brooke and Sam, two high school sophomores from opposite ends of the popularity spectrum who are forced together when their single parents become a couple. It ran for two seasons on The WB before being cancelled, and has since attracted a cult following for Murphy’s characteristically sharp blend of comedy, romance and serious themes. It landed in the 90s, so yes, the teens are played by 25 year olds, the unpopular nerd (Carly Pope) has model good looks, it’s not exactly diverse (though there is LGBTQ representation) but it’s seminal in Never Have I Ever’s genre. 
Sex Education
Three seasons so far (2019 – )
Laurie Nunn’s charming British comedy-drama is a frank and funny look at sexual hang-ups and teen relationships. It has a great ensemble cast led by Otis (Asa Butterfield), a shy teen embarrassed by his sex therapist mother’s forthright attitude to all things physical. When Otis teams up with ‘bad girl’ Maeve to offer anonymised sex therapy to their schoolmates, he discovers that he’s not the only one with issues. It’s a bright and funny high school series with characters to invest in, a stand-out performance by Ncuti Gatwa as Eric, and oh, the sex therapist mother is played by Gillian Anderson. Season three arrives on Netflix this September.
Read more
Never Have I Ever Season 2 Review: This Netflix Teen Comedy Deserves to Run and Run
By Louisa Mellor
Never Have I Ever Season 2: Episode 3’s Last-Minute Celebrity Narrator Change
By Louisa Mellor
Freaks & Geeks
One season (1999 – 2000)
A must-see high school comedy. Paul Feig and Judd Apatow’s 1980s-set series is most discussed these days for the outstanding cast of unknowns gathered by Allison Jones (who went on to cast The Office, Parks and Recreation, The Good Place, Arrested Development, Veep and basically every US sitcom worth watching). The prematurely cancelled NBC series kick-started the careers of Seth Rogen, Jason Segel, Martin Starr, Busy Phillips, Linda Cardellini, James Franco and more. It’s the story of Cardellini’s Lindsay Weir, a maths star who crosses social boundaries from ‘geek’ to slacker ‘freak’ after the death of her grandmother. It’s brilliant, weird, funny and painful, and a total antidote to mainstream, slick, rich-kid Beverley Hills 90210 high school glamour, so of course, hardly anybody watched it, the network didn’t get it, and it was cancelled well before its time. 
The Wonder Years
Six seasons (1988 – 1993)
Husband and wife team Neal Marlens and Carol Black created a classic in The Wonder Years, a coming-of-age story about Kevin, the youngest son of a suburban American family, growing up against the backdrop of the Vietnam War and the hippie movement. It’s fuelled by nostalgia and the sweet romantic yearnings of its young lead Kevin Arnold (played by Fred Savage, now a top comedy director-producer), but doesn’t gloss over life’s more serious moments. Never Have I Ever’s choice of John McEnroe as its wry adult narrator may well have been influenced by Daniel Stern’s role on The Wonder Years. It’s available to stream now on Hulu in the US.
7 seasons (2007 – 2013)
Not strictly a comedy, but with plenty of comedic moments, Skins has to be in the running for the best British teen show ever made. The first four seasons especially are filled with great writing, strong performances, and characters whose lives – and complicated love lives – are easy to invest in. It followed the students of a Bristol sixth form college through their A levels, giving it the chance to renew the cast every two years as the previous generation graduated/dropped out/ran away/were murdered. Like Freaks and Geeks, its cast of young actors, from Nicholas Hoult to Dev Patel, Joe Dempsie, Daniel Kaluuya, Jack O’Connell, Kaya Scodelario and more went on to very big things. Much more layered and satisfyingly weird than the reputation it was given by the British press as an orgy of sex, drugs and bad behaviour, it’s another must-watch. 
Five seasons (1997 – 2001)
Developed from a character created for Mike Judge’s animated MTV comedy Beavis & Butthead, Daria Morgendorffer is a cynical 16-year-old with a gimlet eyed take on suburban US life. She’s a 90s icon with a monotone voice (provided by Tracy Grandstaff) and a wry take on her schoolmates, parents, and cheerleader sister Quinn. Her witty, dry animated series aired for five seasons plus feature-length TV specials, and is soon to have a new spin-off coming to Comedy Central, focused on Daria’s classmate Jodie’s travails in the modern workplace.
My So-Called Life
One season (1994 – 1995)
When My So-Called Life aired its only season on ABC in 1994, it was the anti-teen TV show. Muted and realist rather than upbeat and aspirational, it cast actual teenagers, not models, and ventured into areas avoided by many other teen dramas of the time: alcoholism, sex, domestic abuse… Its first-person narration from Claire Danes’ lead character gave it a distinctive voice, and influenced many shows to follow. It’s worth saying that My So-Called Life is a drama, not a comedy, and paints teenage life with a totally different colour palette to bright, satirical Never Have I Ever. Acknowledging that, it’s a cult favourite, and possible to trace a line from Devi’s love triangle with nerdy academic Ben and hot, popular Paxton, and MSCL’s Angela Chase’s love triangle with nerdy academic Brian and hot, popular Jordan (would that line continue all the way back to Pretty in Pink? Probably). 
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Never Have I Ever season 2 is available to stream on Netflix now.
The post Netflix’s Never Have I Ever: Great TV Comedies to Watch Next appeared first on Den of Geek.
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