#not going to say anything positive or negative about it being a new year cause uh well you know but yeah
guardian5tiger3 · 1 year
The next phase of your life.
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Pick a picture, tarot + intuitive messages :)
Group 1
Page of cups, ten of pentacles, ace of pentacles, temperance
So I'm seeing success in family and support from eachother. That could be anybody cause on the ten of pentacles there was two dogs that caught my eye. Could even be spirit ok. The page of cups is coming off like a well nurtured child so that could be you because of this going on in the future feeling like this or you should be proud of a child in your life. If any fighting or I wanted to say bickering is going on, spirit wants everyone to calm down and get along and at least be civil. I am feeling lighthearted so the fighting could be lighthearted but someone just said to me "chill." So yeah. Really positive energy but I did get behind the scenes it of course isn't perfect but I say while you're transitioning into the new energy just look on the bright side and try to be the person that initiates a peaceful energy.
Group 2
You guys and or someone around you is choosing love over something else. I felt really light in my chest earlier so this is going to naturally get rid of a lotta negative attachments. This seems subtly life changing. For most of you no this is not romantic, some of you it is but for a lot of you if anything this is first self love and love for everything around you which is the realest form of true love you guys. This will make you generally really content and nothing will feel so serious and possibly damaging. I didn't get the fool but damn it's almost like fool energy.
For those who this is romantic! Someone from your past is choosing love or you are and you guys are simply gonna get back together :) . 💗
And for all of you, romantic partner(s) will come in after you've balanced out this energy and got settled into it.
Group 3
You guys must have cut someone off or something I suppose that was causing issues and it feels like, ahh finally peace. Well that's honestly about that. Nobody has the right to take advantage of your time and energy. You're moving onto better things and I think you guys already know what that is and with six whole piles you all feel completely different and special.
Eye of the tiger came on the radio . Been my favorite song since I was probably like 7 years old so I love you guys that must have something to do with something regarding some of you. A lot of you must be focusing on something important..
Group 4
So you guys the song playing on the radio is called like a prayer by Madonna. I'm being told and the cards are also showing that you guys it isn't really just faith by any means but you guys are so well off because you carry this energy with you that you know the universe and what it's about and you all are just blessed I can't even put it into words but I think you guys know. I see y'all being obedient to a higher power and they're guiding you to an energy that almost is like a rising sun. You seem to trust anything you lost or will lose is in your favor and the favor of the highest good of everything and everyone. I'm seeing that you're being guided to go exactly. I repeat exactly. Where you need to be. I'm getting something like nourishment for your soul. It kind of seems like a lot of you have to be strong and let go of certain people and you know it's ok. Just remember not to worry. You are being guided. Bless! I'm not being told anymore but I do hope this helps.
Group 5
I'm getting something about math or spiritual laws maybe first and foremost.
I think your souls know exactly how things work and how to manifest new things. It seems like currently the manifestations are coming from your heart.
Ok lol so the song that just came on the radio is the one by queen that goes can anybody find me somebody to lovee.
You guys don't have to physically do a damn thing. Whatever youve been wanting all of those things that are truly favorable for you are gone come in right after some type of ending that's happening to clear the way I feel. It seems like not only that but you're receiving different options , a lot of them, and they're going to almost snowball meaning more and more of this energy is gonna keep coming in which really hints to me this has been blocked for a while. Cause I'm getting the vision of water, like a small river building up until a dam breaks and it all coming through.
Group 6!
Uhh you guys rock. So for an example for you all to interpret into your own situations, say someone has been practicing guitar for the longest time and they're feeling a certain groove and they go and just rock the hell out. A lot of you are showcasing talents yall have. Others of you are just super in a rhythm you guys have had your fair share of bs it seems so if that's the case for you this is definitely true. Other people are also going to be supportive of you so say you go on a stage people are gonna rock with you. Or people around you will just reciprocate your energy. I'm thinking about when I'm in a happy mood and walk around outside a lot of strangers I see will have good fun conversations with me like they feel the same way! You guys are kinda giving off , can't nothing break your stride! Definitely roll with that.
Love you guys. Peace
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about simon’s social media plotline
instead of deleting it, why didn’t simon just temporarily deactivate his instagram/make a private account?
all season, simon has been trying to find workarounds to his worsening situation when it comes to outside pressures and an increasingly stifling environment. he tries to find ways to still be himself and have some sense of freedom, even with all the criticism and negativity being hurled his way.
he’s hit with a barrage of hate comments everywhere? fine. he’ll reply to some of them, just to make sure that everyone gets a sense of who he really is. but he soon finds that when he does so, he’s only met with even more hatred and people coming for his throat. and wille himself tells him replying will only make things worse, so he should try to refrain from doing so.
okay, then. he might not be able to directly comment and tell the world who he is and how all of this is making him feel, but he can show them. so he uploads the video of him singing, the thing he loves most in the world, and he expresses himself through that original song. but that doesn’t work either, and wille tells that simon shouldn’t be posting those things on social media because they can easily be misinterpreted and cause harmful speculations and media attention. and to make things worse, there’s a whole new barrage of hate comments, this time leaning into more sinister territory.
but simon is not going to give up so easily— even if tons of people online are telling him that he’s a golddigger and pathetic and chasing fame, he knows that those aren’t his intentions. he’s with wille because he loves him, and he’s not looking for fame or wealth out of it. and all simon wants out of life is to make some positive change in the world. so of course he can’t help himself when he adds himself to the post of the picture he took with the younger boy who looks up to him. he’s hopeful and a little giddy about it all, because he is making a change. he is helping and inspiring others. he wants to share that with others.
and then simon goes home to find that an anonymous stranger has thrown a rock through his window, into his house.
simon loves his family dearly. he would do anything for them. and someone he likely doesn’t even know hated him enough to threaten his family’s safety, his mother’s safety, by finding his house and breaking the window with the rock. being harassed on social media and in person by reporters fucking sucks, but in simon’s mind, at least that’s only affecting him. but this? this is too far. this is his family, and they’re unintentional targets now, too. they aren’t even safe in their own home anymore, where they’ve lived in the last fourteen years.
so when jan olof and farima come by and tell simon to delete his social media accounts for his own safety— not temporarily deactivate, not make private, specifically delete— simon does it. because private accounts and deactivations are workarounds, and to simon, workarounds have only made things worse. it’s not just him on the line anymore, it’s his family and safety and his relationship with wille altogether, so he does exactly what the royal court says and deletes his accounts. workarounds just aren’t worth it.
okay, but why is deleting his instagram account such a big deal? he can always make a new one, so why does it matter?
one of the first times that we get a deeper look into who simon is, not coincidentally, through the contents of his instagram account! when wille is lurking on simon’s profile, we get a solid introduction into the key aspects and people in simon’s life. he he has two best friends who he adores, he loves his sister and his mother, and even his bio says “music makes my world go round”.
but looking past that aspect for now, we also get to see who simon is outside of social media and these close relationships: he’s very outspoken, doesn’t let others silence him (even in his very first scene, he sings louder when vincent makes fun of him), is unafraid to call others out on their bullshit and has strong values that he’s quick to share.
but throughout season three, as simon is faced with more and more pressure and cruelty on behalf of the public and royal court, he starts losing himself. he finds that singing isn’t as enjoyable anymore, he becomes quieter and quieter. he initially fights back when he feels that the royal court is being unreasonable, like when he was first told by wille about being careful on social media, but eventually just reaches a point where he stops and just takes it. he ends up going against his own values just for the sake of not fighting with wille during the sit-in, despite clearly being bothered by it. and of course, this isn’t helped by the fact that he’s not on speaking terms with sara again until much later and his relationship with his mom is strained until mid-season, so a integral part of his support system isn’t able to help him until he was a little too deep into all this.
so looking back at the social media aspect, simon deleting his instagram accounts is the nail in the coffin. he publicly displays his unabashed love for his family, friends, and music through his posts, all of which are essential to his sense of self and who he is as a person, and we see him literally delete it all. this drives home the point that simon is deleting himself, and marks one of his lowest points in terms of losing and changing himself to try and fit into a space that will never be made for someone like him. square peg in a circular hole.
so yes, realistically, simon deleting instagram is a sad thing to see, although not necessarily earth-shattering. but metaphorically? it’s everything.
why were there only hate comments? sweden is very progressive in terms of queer rights and social acceptance, so it couldn’t have been that bad.
of course, i can’t speak for lisa and the rest of the team, but i feel that this was an intentional detail. because the truth is, there probably weren’t only hate comments! we even see the initial response after simon posts the clip of him singing, and it’s positive.
but as an overall society, we tend to take criticism harder than we do compliments. you likely don’t remember that one time last week where a stranger complimented your hair or outfit or handwriting, whatever it may be, but you probably do remember the last time someone told you that your efforts weren’t enough. you probably remember the last time you got a bad review or a bad grade on something you tried hard on, or when someone made fun of your interests. and speaking as a teenager, i can confirm that this is a huge thing to us as well— we want to be accepted and complimented, we want to be wanted, and when we aren’t, it feels like it’s the end of the world.
so of course simon would take all those disgusting comments to heart. anyone would, especially when they haven’t had any time to prepare for it. so as more and more hate comments roll in, it’s harder to pay attention to the positivity that may also be there. from simon’s point of view, the hate is everywhere and too much to ignore, so that’s what we get to see. we see criticism and threats and people being mean, because those are the responses and the view that affect simon the most.
tldr; simon deleted his instagram because he felt that using another workaround in deactivation/private acc would be a risk, it’s a big deal because by literally deleting his social media the writers show that simon is deleting himself, and there’s mostly hate comments because through simon’s pov those are the ones that are the most impactful.
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brambleghastblast · 2 months
i think a depressing truth of the internet ill always hate is that negativity is what leads to success
negativity, in forms of content creation, leads to comments of people arguing or saying "but i like that thing". comments lead to the algorithms of social media boosting said piece of comic. algorithm favoring your stuff leads to more views. views get you money
often times, i think most youtubers and tiktokers and people on twitter and whatnot actually force themselves to be negative out of necessity. because its the quickest and easiest way to get a post out there. and its really become a norm in social media thats made the internet suffocatingly bad lately
like.. take pokemon for example, youtubers and tiktokers and twitter users such talking about pokemon will complain to no end about graphics, taking the worst possible screenshots they can get or setting up elaborate glitches so they can take a picture, put it next to another game with the prettiest picture they can get, and then go "WOW CAN U BELIEVE GAMEFREAK MAKES STUFF LIKE THIS" which then starts arguments and spreads like a wildfire because people are pointing out "wow you really took the worst picture you could huh" but then random people desperate to argue go "UHHH GAMEFREAKS NOT GONNA MARRY U DUDE LOL" blah blah blah
or take some specific youtubers for instance, like videogamedunkey is a critic who usually lies about video games he dislikes, makes up stuff or complains about really little stuff, or tries to get glitches to happen to pretend the whole games like that. a reallyyy scummy youtuber but thats literally what he has to do to make money and that sucks! or like... alpharad whos kind of just an obnoxious jerk all the time and thats how he gets his attention because being a jerk gets you comments and comments get you views etc etc
the youtube channel gamexplain got exposed for not paying employees and fell off HARD.. but they made a full recovery and comeback. they used to post informative nintendo and other games news, but lately theyve just been posting negative memes or complaining about really little things or posting negative news with a clickbait title. like.. nintendos doing some reconstruction at their headquarters. so gamexplain posts this
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its... just reconstruction. but the big letters, the sad mario, it looks Worrying and causes clicks and comments. its literally just reconstruction. but oh wow with a thumbnail like this they can fearmonger and milk it
it stinks too because generally positive youtubers are... Rare. most positive youtubers fall really hard and barely get any views compared to the big bad youtubers out there, cause theres not a ton to comment on without negativity. and thats so.. sad. (bumping a youtuber i love a lot here; nekolacey is a really great and positive pokemon youtuber and i love her videos!!! but her videos dont really get a lot of views compared to other channels which i find so sad. shes awesome!!)
i think the only generally positive gaming youtuber i know of who actually had a big following was chuggaaconroy, and he was making videos on youtube for MANY MANYYY years to even just get 1 million subscribers.
and then he got cancelled because of... uh... a chatlog from 2009. and... uh...... some out of context discord messages from some youtuber whos been known to falsely accuse autistic people to get allegations on them. and.... apparently some randos named antdude and missfushigaming made up allegations to get some clout but they got proved false... uhh... and also chuggaaconroy went to therapy, apologized a ton, asked everyone to please not harass the accusers, and has been deeply working for years to work on himself because he did have a geniune falling out with masaeanela over him not following set boundaries.
but.... yeahhhh its. uh. when you point out "wow did anything bad happen beyond a falling out with masaeanela" you're kind of just quickly hushed by a bunch of random people and to accept it and quit. they can't afford for that positivity to change the way things are, they need negativity to thrive.
its.. the internet trying its hardest to push down one positive creator who made it so they can hype up a dozen negative ones.
i think the internet has always awarded negativity but it was never really bad. like.. many youtubers back in the day would make top 10s, listing something like "zelda bosses" or "gen 4 pokemon". these were great because they got to gush about something they like, BUT they'd get comments and arguments because of things like "well i would've put ths boss over that boss" or "why isnt crobat on this list!". it worked great because they got clout from comments, but they weren't being actively negative
or, talking about an internet show i LOVE, death battle! this is a fun show where they take two fictional characters and make them fight! and they research to see who wins and have really great animation!
it thrived because not only is it super good, but it causes arguments. most viewers dont care about the real reasoning and numbers, they just want their prefered character to win. so if there preference loses, even if its right, they will get mad and argue, causing comments which cause views which causes success.
unfortunately, the positive ways to get comments just... hardly last. its sad but in the modern internet, being mad and angry is literally how you succeed. its near impossible to make it online if you arent angry or doing stuff to upset people.
it sucks. so much.
and it sucks even more because people trying to make a living on the internet Have to be negative. thats how they make a living. they literally have to complain to make money and survive and it sucks!! so much!!!!!!!!!
i think overall success on the internet always depended on causing arguments and negativity, but its really become suffocating in recent time. everyone tries so hard to be mad they've geniunely become mad. positivity is rare and out of style, negativity is what everyone wants. its.... so....... miserable honestly
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
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On a normal day and considering what’s been going on for years & years, I wouldn’t want to address any negative press about Yibo. I would rather spread positive news and showcase his talents but i’m making an exception on this one. I am writing this as a Yibo fan who has watched a lot of his interviews and shows and feel like I have a good sense of what type of person he is. A fan who is sick and tired of people using the fact that he doesn’t have a college degree against him. There is really nothing that disgusts me more than those who feel superior just because they have a piece of paper. I accept people’s criticism of him but this is obviously beyond that so I wanna talk about it.
Sadly, he is at a disadvantage as casual people will only see a cut video or a certain post and will tend to run with it. add the fact that the general public don’t have much good point of view towards celebrities. I’m not going to discuss the alleged attack from yyxq’s side or the fan war going on cause that’s just too messy. and well, organized black propaganda is expected cause everyone can’t fuckin comprehend how Yibo is embarrassing everyone else with how good he is at acting and making money for companies that invest on him.
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I thought this was gonna pass naturally but today “Beijing Youth Daily” shared the article called : can the desperate illiterate perform well?
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The reason is that the lead actor of a Chinese New Year film was interviewed during a road show. When asked about his impressions of the work and the characters, he didn’t know what to do. Netizens dubbed him “desperately illiterate”.
This first paragraph clearly talks about WYB and the incident at one of HB’s roadshows. This is the whole article and it goes on to talk about literacy in terms of being an actor and all that, trying to make their article into a legitimate thinking piece. Take note that WYB is not the only one “mentioned” here but the title and the intro is about Yibo so he is at the center of it.
In fact, "illiteracy" in this context does not mean to engage in academic discrimination. We all know that there are specializations in the art industry, and the level of education and professional ability are not necessarily directly linked. The "illiterate actors" that everyone refers to often refer to those actors with low cultural reserves, empty heads, incomprehensible scripts, and incomprehensible characters.
This has been going around weeks ago but today, there were lots of verified accounts sharing it. I’m seeing talks of this is a fake account, organized verified entertainment accounts reposting or whatever, it doesn’t matter. the point is — this is out there. People have read it. Some have talked about it. I would have loved to see them actually name Yibo if they are really so brave, but I guess not really. They can only hide in their accounts like the cowards they truly are. This should come as no surprise, trending today of all days because it was officially announced that HB’s cinema run will be extended. Also that HB is at the #2 spot with only a meager 7% of the slots. It’s only a matter of time before HB overtakes everyone and that’s bad news for a lot of people. Also HB will be released in North America this week.
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Coincidence? I think not. We all know what’s going on here. 💀💀💀
Now let’s see the Q&A portion that sparked this talk of illiteracy:
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Q: In another time and space, if you met Mr. Ye, what would you say to him?
Wang Yibo: "Are you asking what will I say when I meet the character? First of all, I think this question is meaningless. I don't want to say anything, and we won't meet."
Q: Yibo, who is Mr. Ye in your mind? Do you think you shaped him and wanted to show him to the audience, what do you think is the most difficult thing about him?
Wang Yibo : In fact, I really don’t know how to answer this question ..
( He tries to answer this but the host and CE end up speaking in behalf of him )
As a Yibo fan, this kind of answer is not new to me. This is not the first person on a Q&A that Yibo has shut down if he doesn’t like to answer. He’s always been honest, sometimes, painfully so and may be misinterpreted by those who don’t know him. I can explain that he’s already tired of all the roadshows or the question itself was too much etc etc but as i said in the beginning, I CAN ACCEPT CRITICISM. I understand why certain people was put off by this answer. Especially if this your first exposure to him after hearing about Hidden Blade or watching it. There is nothing more that I wish for Yibo, than to be appreciated by the General Public and his popularity to extend to more than just his fans. I wanna say that this may be a learning experience for Yibo. This is his first roadshow experience. Promoting a movie is totally different from what he did with Dramas. He has two more movies, and I hope he will be more prepared. The Yibo i know and support will not be screaming and playing the victim because of this, he would learn from it and bounce back. He will be better.
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What I can’t accept are the people who obviously are insulting his whole being because of this 1 thing. Don’t mind all the good things he said in other cities or other times — let’s just rally behind this and attack him. The thing is, they don’t have much negative things to say about his performance in the film or how it’s doing in the box office so they will find something to make him look bad. and this is it. It’s also too much to say that he is ILLITERATE. I don’t think someone who is illiterate can host, memorize/choreograph dances, memorize scripts, be considered a language genius, act scenes, understand directions from directors etc.
It’s so unfair cause there are people like Yibo who need time to articulate their thoughts. Or those who prefer to reply in shorter sentences. It doesn’t mean they are illiterate. they are not stupid. All the comments saying “of course he is, he didn’t graduate college..” not only on weibo but on international platforms. It’s always what they say. I wonder if they actually believe it and like how do you sleep at night with that poison in your head? It’s not like Yibo chose to not go to college cause he’s lazy. He had work to do. He had a career that will leave no time to focus on studying. He is clearly not stupid cause he got high marks while studying in Korea. It’s so ironic, especially those people in China who are saying this cause they know a college degree does not even guarantee them employment. Even a Tsinghua University graduate will end up as a tutor just to make ends meet. It’s the same thing all across the board — A College Diploma alone does not guarantee success. but of course people will just happily insult him and it’s fine, at the end of the day, Yibo is thriving and will continue to do so.
The next coming months, as BTF & One/Only gets released, expect more attacks. I hope we don’t get distracted and just let the positive be louder than the negative. 🙏🏼
To the people behind the scenes working to bring Yibo down, well, I hope they turn purple in anger cause this is only the start of his success.
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sageistrii · 13 days
This is why I'm kinda angry that hybe is not doing anything about it. Denying the rumours won't be too much for them would it? If it's not them dating currently then what's stopping you from denying it? They have had denied some bs rumours about RM and JK back in 2021 that no one even knew about.
The girlie ain't stopping any moment, she's getting attention from tkkrs, KTHs, jjks and she's loving it. Saw a ss from a tkkr whom i don't even know but they posted ss of her being on live (seems like she was on live yesterday) and this woman literally pinned a comment saying "why are you dating jm, keep pretending to be jimin's gf till end" ig she also responded it with "some people might take it in negative or positive way" like does this look like she's stopping any moment?? She keeps involving him. plus the time when she posted those old jm videos she had multiple stories and for one of the stories girlie used a song from "gray" who she also made rumours with years ago and the guy denied it yet she's being like this.
And Tkkrs are the ones that are making those videos with 300-400k views and the whole comment section being disgusting about it and saying what not about jm, even going as far as to say she's pregnant with jm's child. Plus some totally saying that she's dating jm and she was involved in burning sun (she wasn't involved she's cleared it in the past but there's articles about it like her denying and pic of her with seiungri) so people should treat jm the same way like others involvements. They're blocking the comments who's trying to take jm's side or saying the rumours are not true. The only thing that's frustrating me is him name getting attached to unnecessary scandals.
This is what's making me more angry on hybe like denying it won't hurt you like what's the fking point of you taking action when shit gets too far? We know how tkkrs get's engagement and even blinks are involved in dragging him, like imagine now them doing same on twitter how bad it will be for jm and you know kpopies just wait for jm's name to be in a tweet to gang up in there. It's not even like the company doens't know cause there's plenty of navar articles, ig kmedia articles too, heck i even saw someone posting an article from Indian news paper about their dating rumour.
Many are dismissing it saying she's just attention seeking, and no one's paying it attention when article are being written about it alot, the company gonna get him dragged then take action like what's the fking point? It's been more than 2 years and she hasn't stopped yet. I'm glad that pjms aren't giving it too much attention like others got but still these tkkrs are ain't stopping and are just spreading lies on every sns.
One thing I've never understood is stans acting like people saying their fave is dating someone is hate. Relax and take a deep breath. This should never even be added to list of things Jimin has gone through. It's a dating rumor which is normal.
What hybe does concerning this doesn't matter to me because I don't think it's that serious. Jimin's name is only being linked to a woman, we'll live I think.
Should a statement be made because you want to be reassured that he isn't dating her? If hybe and other BTS members never spoke out about Jimin being harassed for years over a fictional relationship then I could care less about them making a statement just because he's being linked to a woman.
Stuff like these are only weaponized by people like tkkrs when stans like you make a big deal of it.
I don't think Jimin is dating her, but imagine a reality where he is, what would you do then? Make posts asking to report people who are talking about it? Tkkrs talking about it doesn't do anything to Jimin and it doesn't make tkk real.
Dating rumors are not defamation, he's only being linked to a woman not being accused of a crime.
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pastanest · 1 year
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @dreatine - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x she/her!reader
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Secret Admirer
He really doesnt know how you dont notice. The way he laughs at any joke you make, how his eyes follow you around the room wherever you go, how nothing can possibly distract him from you because he’s distracted by you constantly. Doctor Spencer Reid, 99% of the time the highest IQ in any room he walks into, and you have him completely baffled.
He doesnt even need to look up to know it’s you that’s just walked in. It could be you or Derek since you are the only two not yet at work, but some part of Spencer has a sixth sense for you, and his eyes immediately abandon the pages of the book in front of him. There you are, strolling in like a goddess, that same gorgeous smile on your face that you greet all your coworkers with. He waits just a few seconds, and that very smile falls on him.
“Good morning Spencie!” You call out.
He grins back at you and lets go of his book with one hand to wave at you. Spencie. People have referred to him as Spence before, but Spencie? That was something entirely unique to you. For a while, Derek and Rossi made fun of it and referred to him as “Spencie”, too. It was no discredit to you, it was purely because Spencer was never embarrassed to hear you call him that, which all his professional profiling friends knew meant one thing: he liked it, and that was cause for some light bullying. At first, Spencer was mildy irritated by it, but they never made the jokes when you were around, and because you were never given the chance to potentially take offence, it didnt take long for him to discard all negative reactions, and his friends realised his positive feelings towards you were stronger than they thought.
Of course the entire team knew. Did he really think a room filled with profilers wasnt going to pickup on his big fat whopping crush? Spencer knew they’d figure it out eventually. What shocked him most was your obliviousness. He made no real effort to hide his feelings towards you, he couldnt. He gave you at least one compliment a day, whether it related to something you said on a case, remembering someone’s coffee order when they didnt even ask you to get them a coffee, or regarding a new hairstyle you’d tried out. He got very protective of you whenever a case turned dangerous and you were at risk. Spencer knows you are trained and can take care of yourself, but that doesnt mean he wont fear for your safety. The only way he could make his feelings more obvious would be to walk up to you and tell you he’s in love with you, which he couldnt possibly do. He’d rather get shot. Again.
“You should do something for her on Valentine’s Day.” A quiet voice speaks from behind him, Emily.
Spencer tears his gaze from you and clears his throat, staring back down at his book. Even though the entire team knew, he wasnt just going to admit it.
“I dont know what you’re talking about.” He says.
Emily sighs. “Sure you dont. All Im saying is, the tradition of being something synonymous with confidential adorer, might be your best shot at figuring out if she’s interested without just asking her out.”
Emily walks away from Spencer before he has the chance to reply, even though he probably wouldnt have, given that his mind has been blown by what she just told him. Something synonymous with confidential adorer...secret admirer! That might not be a bad idea! And with a week until Valentine’s, he has plenty of time to plan this one out.
Despite Spencer Reid’s brain being a working miracle, he decided to note down his plans, just to make sure he didnt forget anything. Even though it is literally impossible for him to forget anything, unless it traumatises him to the extent of needing a hypnotist to unlock memories for him. But that was years ago.
Red roses. Those were on the list, but he couldnt buy them in bulk. He would have to buy the first ones individually for his first idea, the final dozen were the last part of the plan.
For the next week, everyday when you walked into work, there was a single red rose waiting on your desk. On the first day, you laughed and picked up the rose, looking around and asking who was pranking you. When nobody joined in your laughter, you realised that someone had left you a rose with intent, and that everyone on the team knew that. Spencer analysed the reason behind your laugh, and based on previous conversations with you in which you admitted you’d never been anyone’s Valentine, he concluded that you didnt believe anyone could have enough of an interest in you to treat you that way, because it had never happened. On the second day, you were shocked and silent, blushing and quietly sitting down at your desk, twirling the rose gently around your fingers. On the third day, you walked in and just grinned from ear to ear the moment you saw another rose waiting at your desk. On the fourth day, the team was called in at 4am, and you ran in, hoping to catch out the mysterious rose-deliverer, but even then there was a rose waiting. Your tired eyes teared up at that. On the fifth day, you squealed and jumped around everyone’s desks, clutching the rose and running to Penelope’s office to show it to her. On the sixth day, your entire being lit up at the sight of the small piece of paper sitting next to the rose. Spencer studied how you immediately attached yourself to his words, the fact you hadnt received a note with any of the previous roses put so much weight on the few words.
You are the most beautiful person in the world, to me, and to everyone that has ever met you.
Your back was to him when you read the note, but he heard you sniffle, then take a deep breath and hold the note to your chest, before you tucked it away carefully in your bag. Though you got plenty of work done that day, your eyes drifted to the rose beside you every minute or so.
On the seventh day, Valentine’s Day, you walk into the office slowly, almost hesitantly. When you see the rose there waiting, you smile sadly. Spencer frowns as you pick it up and hold it to your chest.
“The last one.” You chuckle, and Spencer understands. You think that‘s it, it‘s over. He smiles to himself and glances back down at the files on his desk, reassuring himself that later on today, that sadness will disappear. Or in fact, in a few seconds.
This time, the note is in an envelope, which you gently tear open, as though even the envelope is precious because it’s from the rose-sender.
Happy Valentine’s Day, gorgeous.
Instead of making everybody else a coffee, why dont you just make yourself one?
You freeze, and Spencer can practically hear the cogs turning in your head. In seconds, you speed over to the coffee machine, and sure enough there’s another note.
We’ve worked on many cases, some were a botch, but if you really want to know who I am, maybe you should ask…
“HOTCH! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!” You shout as you sprint to his office door.
Aaron laughs and opens his door, handing you another note with a smile.
Although you’re only finding out about this now, my affections for you have lived far longer than a year. If you want to find out more, visit the person whose surname rhymes with “year” (but only if you pronounce “year” with a British accent).
He admits those poems are not of the highest quality, but he was nervous! Not to mention, he wasnt exactly worried about iambic pentameter, more so making sure you could figure out what he was saying.
You burst out laughing. “PENELOPE GARCIA I AM ON MY WAY!” And then you’re running to her office.
Spencer cant see your reaction to his next note from where he’s sitting, he cant make it obvious that he’s the culprit so he has to stay in his seat. However, when you return to your desk with a pouty face, Rossi asks what’s wrong before Spencer gets the chance to. You show him the note you got from Penelope.
Im afraid that when it comes to being confronted by you in the daylight, Im a vampire. But trust that you will see me soon. In fact, you’ve already seen me, countless times.
“How can I trust them when I dont know who they are?” You ask the group as they form a circle around you.
JJ wraps an arm around you reassuringly. “Whoever it is, you know them and you trust them, you know that, you just havent linked their personality to these events.”
You nod slowly. “I guess you’re right, it just sucks. I want to know who it is so bad, it’s keeping me up at night!”
Thankfully, the rest of that day is spent writing up reports and filing, nobody has called the team and demanded they get on a flight to wherever. These days arent common, but they’re possible, and Spencer couldnt be happier that one of them has arrived today. He cant help thinking luck might be on his side, or maybe Hotch has somehow scheduled this perfectly for him. Either way, he’s very grateful.
But the end of the day comes sooner than expected, and he finds himself packing up his stuff with shaking hands. You’re distracted, in the middle of a conversation with Rossi, thank goodness. Spencer darts out of the building, getting everything in place in exactly the amount of time he’d predicted he could do this in. 23 seconds. By the time he’s hidden himself, you’re just pushing the building doors open.
You approach your car, eyes immediately locking onto the envelope on your windshield. Now your hands are shaking just like his. You reach for it, opening it so slowly it’s painful for Spencer to watch. Once it’s open, you unfold the page in your hands and start to read.
You captured my heart from the moment you first smiled at me. You introduced yourself with bubbliness that I was so sure wouldnt survive in this job, but you proved me so wrong. Every single day, you walk into work with the brightest smile on your face. You make it your mission to improve the lives of every person you meet, I dont even think you try, it comes naturally to you. Trying to resist falling for you was futile, and so instead, I revel in it. My feelings for you are not hidden, everybody else can see them. You wouldnt believe the amount of people we’ve met on cases who have pulled me aside and told me to just ask you out. You are the sunshine of the BAU, not the crown jewel, but the crown itself, because without you none of us would make it. And seeing you light up everyday this week because of a simple gesture like a rose, it brings me more joy and pride than anything else ever could. Though you arent aware that my heart is yours, you handle it with such care, and if my only way of returning that favour is to make you smile with roses, I’ll deliver them everyday, until my last breath.
I didnt want to come up with rhymes for Derek, David, JJ or Emily, and send you on an unnecessarily long goose chase, so I suppose all that’s left to say is...hello, it’s me, your secret admirer.
“A-Are you here?” You ask without turning around.
“Yes.” Spencer replies, and he notices your body beginning to tremble as you slowly turn to face him.
“Spencer.” You breathe, your hands immediately covering your mouth as though his name is new to your lips. You had never suspected it was him, but now you see it couldnt have been anyone else.
Spencer steps out of the shadows, a bouquet of a dozen red roses in his hands. He holds them out to you, and you slowly take them, before launching yourself at him. To avoid crushing the flowers, you hold them in one hand and keep that hand at his back as you hug him, crying into his shirt. Spencer wraps his arms around you in a state of shock, feeling his heart swell in his chest.
“Th-Thank you!” You sob, and Spencer shushes you quietly.
“You dont need to thank me, you deserve romantic gestures like this and so much more.” He coos.
You pull away from him to wipe your eyes with your free hand, and Spencer cant help noticing how adorable you look, smiling through your happy tears.
“You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever known, Spencie.” You tell him, and he beams at you.
“Thank you, (Y/N).”
Your eyes widen. “I have something for you!”
Spencer’s eyebrows furrow in confusion as you awkwardly fish through your bag with your free hand, until you retrieve a piece of paper of your own. You pass it to him, and he’s about to open it, but your phone beeps.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding.” You groan in frustration, throwing your head back dramatically.
“What is it?” Spencer asks.
You shake your head and put your phone away. “I love Hotch, but Im about to disembowl him for this timing. Wheels up in 30, come on!” You grab Spencer’s arm and drag him back into the building.
As much as Aaron may have tried to avoid a case on Valentine’s Day, this one couldnt be avoided. It was one of those “this is so urgent I’ll brief you on the jet” cases. By the time the brief is over, the team all but collapse from exhaustion. The flight is a few hours, people can afford to have a nap. Spencer, though, is wide awake. You’re curled up in the seat beside him, the blanket you always bring on the jet is shielding the entirety of you, apart from your head, which is resting on Spencer’s shoulder as you sleep soundly. Not wasting another second, he takes your note from his pocket and unfolds it, his curiosity has been eating him alive for so long he feels like a skeleton.
I honestly dont even know where to begin with this. I have no idea who you are, but I hope. Because if it isnt who I hope it is, this cant go anywhere, I’ll have to let down anyone that isnt him. And it cant be him, can it? The impossible man, the genius with a heart of gold, the encyclopaedia of endlessly fascinating facts that I could listen to forever. I dont make a habit of putting people on pedestals, but him? How could I not? He’s an angel of a man. And as much as I dont think Im worthy of his affection, it would be an honour to be loved by him, and for that, I hope. I hope, because Spencer, if it isnt you, I wont know what to do. But hey, just in case it is, maybe I should keep this with me if you ever reveal yourself? Jeez, look at me, living on nothing but hopes. But for you? If hope’s all I’ve got, even that is a dream.
Spencer blinks away the tears in his eyes. Of all people, you only hoped for him. And the way you described him, you adore him in the same way he adores you. He looks down at your face, sleeping peacefully on his shoulder with a delicate smile. Without tearing his gaze from you, he folds the note back up and slides it in his pocket. Spencer smiles down at you, lifting his hand to ever so gently tuck some stray strands of hair behind your ear, before leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead.
“Thank you for letting me be your secret admirer.”
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beesmygod · 3 months
do you mind talking about what made effexor so bad for you? also where can I read about this streamer fake death lol
all the stuff on thedarkid is on SA in the sagas thread lol. i would prefer not to post a link bc the quality of new posters is at an all time low on that website and i dont want to contribute to the problem.
AS FOR EFFEXOR: i am prefacing this with the fact that this is my personal experience as a result of my body chemistry. effexor might work for some people with different body chemistry. my suggestion would be to try everything else first before resorting to this one and to be ready to feel really, really bad when discontinuing it.
i got off effexor because the negatives of taking it finally outweighed the positives and the problem i had been taking it for was no longer relevant. this will make me sound ridiculous so keep in mind i took crazy meds for this exact problem, but after we bought and moved into the house, i started having nightly panic attacks and weeping fits over both the decadence of my new non-renter lifestyle (which was materially going to impact the quality of my work and how i viewed reality) and the fact that i had taken a really big step toward commitment without having resolved the source of my deep social anxiety. i could realize how i was behaving and reacting was not normal and until i could get a therapist to address it, i was going to have to put a bandaid on it.
effexor flattened my emotions and my affect lol. this is really, really good for when you cannot reach a baseline of normality. this became bad when that flatness turned into apathy and started sliding into my day to day life. doing basic household chores became a daily struggle. then i started not making my deadlines on time because i completely lost the will to draw, which actively began to terrify me. and then once i started struggling to bathe and brush my teeth i was like "okay. something is really really wrong". so then i started the process of getting off.
that's the broad overview. i did not realize the extent of the damage it was causing me until i started getting it out of my system:
my sleep schedule was destroyed bc it gave me terrible insomnia.
night sweats. NIGHT SWEATS.
theres been a rash on my face for over a year that ive thrown EVERYTHING at to try to get rid of, thinking it was anything from lupus to a yeast infection. it turns out its just caused by the pill. it goes away when theres less in my system o_o
my lip was also split for a year. my gums were covered in sores. and the inside of my nose felt like someone put a weed whacker in there and sliced it up. huge scabs. constantly in tiny flecks of pain. miserable but not unbearable, you know?
pussy felt like sandpaper.
i didnt even notice this until later but it also made me fail to derive pleasure from the touch of another person. but like i wanted to. if someone held me or squeezed my hand it felt almost painful. shit made no sense but you just think "this isnt how its supposed to feel? whats wrong with me?". but like that's over. it stopped. it feels good again.
food tasted bad. and i dont mean no flavor i mean BAD. i say this a lot but i cannot understate how fucked it made my palate. its normal again thank god. i have a bag of coffee that tastes different depending on when the last time i took a pill was. i spent the last year complaining about how bad processed food tastes now like all companies decided to make their product bad instead of something being wrong with me specifically. but when adam's cooking started to taste bad i was like "wait. what? thats not possible". lol thanks honey for helping me realize....
this one is really weird: it would cause specific parts of my body to feel stiff. the worst and most chronic part was the small of my lower back, which felt pulled taught so tight it was uncomfortable. then it spread to the fingers of my right hand, causing me to have to stop every few minutes and scrunch my fingers to try to alleviate it. this symptom only returns after i take a dose now. it makes me thrash like a fish trying to get comfortable at night
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avpdpossum · 1 year
you have avpd and npd at the same time? if im nosy feel free not to answer, how does that manifest for you? i have avpd and im doubting whether i also have narcissistic or histrionic traits but they seem to be such contradictory pds i think im might be overanalyzing myself
i thought the same thing at first but, at least in my experience, they're honestly not as contradictory as they seem.
a lot of people think they're essentially opposites because they think that npd means having a super high self-esteem while avpd means having a super low self-esteem, but that's an inaccurate (or at least incomplete) picture of npd. in reality, npd is really more about having a super fragile or volatile self-esteem than a consistently high self-esteem, and that definitely can coexist with the characteristic low self-esteem of avpd.
for me, my avpd symptoms tend to be far more outward-facing than my npd symptoms. my internal monologue probably sounds a lot like other pwnpd, but i don't show it as much as some people do because avpd means my go-to coping mechanism for any internal state is avoidance. here's what that might look like:
i, like many pwnpd, can't stand not being the best at something. it totally wrecks my self-esteem. but instead of that manifesting as me being really competitive, i just quit at things really fucking easily, and i'll usually avoid competitive situations at all costs unless i'm with people i'm super comfortable around or i know there will be people who do worse than me. i've been known to stop doing an activity for literal years if i have one single experience of not being as good at it as i expected and even having panic attacks when forced to do it; i rarely do competitive things like board games with people aside from being able to play certain kinds of games with a handful of people that i'm a bit more comfortable being bad at shit with; when i learn new skills, i have to either teach them to myself totally alone or learn alongside other people who are also probably going to be really bad at it, because if there's even a chance i'll be the worst one in the room, i physically cannot make myself do it. i have that classic npd feeling of "i must be the best at everything and i will convince myself that i'm the best at everything and if anything proves that wrong i will go crawl into a hole and die", but the outward expression of it looks very classically avoidant because having avpd means that's always what my brain defaults to when dealing with current or potential distress.
one aspect of npd is incorrectly estimating the effect you have on other people. most people tend to assume this means either overestimating how much of a positive impact you have on people or underestimating how much of a negative impact you have on people, but for me, it often actually shows up as overestimating the negative impact i have on other people. as in, if i say one thing wrong and it seems like it made the other person uncomfortable at all, i'll immediately assume it was the worst thing i possibly could've said and that they'll never get over the trauma i've just caused them by opening my mouth. while a pwnpd doesn't have to have avpd to experience that symptom in this way, i believe i'm probably more likely to than most because having avpd means i'm already predisposed to vastly overestimating the impact of anything negative in an interaction.
the effect that npd has on my ability to feel empathy and generally form social connections is basically just one big vicious cycle that feeds into and is fed into by my avoidance. my sibling once described me (before i knew i had npd) as "bad at caring about other people". i very rarely feel empathy for other people, and i find it really hard to be emotionally invested in other people's lives, even people i enjoy having around and genuinely care about in my own way. the relationships i do have (which aren't many) are selfish in one way or another because my brain doesn't really know how to emotionally connect with people if there isn't something in it for me. all of that tends to create distance between me and other people, since it makes me very bad at forming the kinds of relationships that most people expect, which usually involve some level of empathy and emotional investment as a given. it also makes me distance myself from other people intentionally on top of that, because i know that's something a lot of people see as bad and that a lot of people wouldn't want to be friends with me because of it. it takes the perpetual avoidant anxiety of "if i let someone get close it'll only be a matter of time before they realize i'm a horrible person and leave" and turns it up to 100. so my npd actually ends up making me more avoidant, rather than contradicting the avoidance.
because there are some ways that avpd and npd contradict themselves, and particularly because i tend to stick with avoidance as my coping mechanism of choice, my brain is basically in a constant state of frustration. i want to pick fights and prove that i'm right, but the attention it gets me is torture so i either just sit there and quietly implode or say something, inevitably get negative attention for it, and retreat into my little avoidance hole in a panic to quietly implode (but worse). i want to stand up for myself when i feel like i'm not being treated the way i deserve and make other people treat me right, but the idea of them even knowing i exist (or, god forbid, disliking me because of how i want to be treated) is so unbearable that instead i just go through the world constantly feeling like i'm being mistreated and can't do anything about it. i want to follow all these grandiose fantasies i craft for myself about my future and be the best at everything ever, but i know deep down that there's a chance i won't be that good and not being that good feels like total failure, so instead i end up letting opportunities fall away as i avoid pursuing them and having to just sit there knowing i could be capable of way more, thinking about all of the delicious attention and praise i'll never get for it. i want to act on all of these npd thoughts and feelings, but because they're incompatible with avoidance and that's literally all i know how to do, i just torture myself internally instead.
those are just a few examples, there are definitely more ways they overlap, interact, and butt heads in my daily life, but those are the ones that come to mind as i'm writing this.
basically, i don't seem like someone with npd because my avoidance likes to take over most of the time when it comes to my outward behaviors, but internally i'm just one big chaotic mess of avoidant and narcissistic traits amplifying, combining with, or crashing into each other.
i can't speak as much to hpd because i don't have it, but i assume it's similarly not as contradictory as one might think. a disorder that's (at least in more simplistic conceptualizations of it, i don't know all about it) based around an unbearable need for attention may seem incompatible with avpd, the disorder that's makes you terrified of being known by anyone ever. but avpd also tends to involve really wanting relationships with others to a painful extent, even if you can't make yourself pursue them, and i imagine that has the potential for overlap with hpd.
good luck figuring it all out!
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dinosaurzzz · 4 months
Hey, I have a question even though it's idiotic (also because I came back to the Undertale fandom thanks to underverse and it triggered my short circuit that I like the two of them together) but… why do you like xvials? I mean you have self proclaimed yourself CEO of that ship and unlike my experience of other fandoms (my misfortune/blessing ¿? I like weird ships xd) you don't act so…. obsessive and see a lot more perspectives that may border on canon and that actually intrigues me.
If there's history involved as to why you like it, let me be the old gossipy one and say, "yeah I totally agree xD".
no question about xvials is idiotic to me, even when its about my opinions and ideas towards it.
but oh, man okay. i had NO idea xvials existed when i was first into undertale, roughly 2015-2017, maybe even 2018. i didnt know who cross or xgaster was, and the first time i saw cross in passing fanart i thought he looked fucking STUPID. 😭😭😭 now, hes my fucking DUDE and i adore cross.
but i was first introduced to underverse late september 2022 bc of one of my longtime friend, and i watched xtale before i watched underverse, and that is whole heartedly what influenced the idea of ink and xgaster being together. i dont know if it would have been different if it was underverse that i watched first or not, but im just happy to say xtale turned me onto it.
like. you dont just see those two for the first time, interacting with each other, watching XGASTER HAND HIS SOUL TO INK and think. oh! theyre enemies. they hate each other. ink manipulated xgaster. NO!!!!!! you look at them and see some sort of platonic, romantic, qpr, aroace bond and go BONKERS.
the xtwins are gagging at how much theyre flirting. cross and papyrus think ink is their dad. like. theyre TOGETHER like how someones uncle/aunt wouldnt actually be related to you but is actually your parents best friend that stuck around forever.
im not sure what you mean by obsessive, because i AM obsessed with them. in private i talk about them at least once, every day !!! they are my everything. i honestly dont particularly care enough about the other aspects of underverse, and that might be considered "bad" in a way, but i honestly think the most IMPORTANT part of underverse IS ink and xgasters relationship.
jakei has said that she made xtale to be a place for ink. ink has influence over xgaster, and it's very VERY visible, especially when he tells ink not to do anything stupid.
and ink THEMSELF trusts and has influence from xgaster in this very moment TOO !!!!! he told cross that XGASTER WOULD BRING HIM BACK. WITH NO HESITATION HE TOLD HIM THAT XGASTER WOULD KEEP HIM SAFE. and what did xgaster do? he brought cross back.
the way i see xgaster is this man who would do anything for his family, who was once, just the xtwins and ink. he loved them so much he destroyed himself, broke himself down to give them something they would cherish and love for years to come, whether he died or not wasnt the question, it was the desire to give a perfect little life for them.
but it completely dissolved because he lost himself in trying to make something so perfect, so happy, so sad, so uniquely negative and positive that it just. crumbled between his fingers. he saw a future he wanted to attain and made it happen and lost the entire point along the way.
ink is an entirely different story. a person who had seen that a creator was going to kill himself and leave them with no one again. they hsd to save him. a last resort that turned into something beneficial to them. something that gave them a family, a home. a place that they could rest their head if they so desired. xtale was for them as much as it was for the xtwins.
the only problem was that they were oblivious to xgasters struggles. they wanted to encourage him to keep going, to try new things, unaware of the pain and heartache it caused the xtwins and everyone else in the timelines. they were so focused on the creator that they didnt even realize the very human and very much alive creations and people he toyed with.
i do think ink cares about xchara and xfrisk and cross (and xpapyrus?) but they themself was blinded by the desire to stay alive themself. to help a creator believe in himself so much that they would never feel alone and abandoned again.
the codependency is strong with these two but it can be fixed, managed. theyre just two dads trying to figure out their world for their kids only to fuck up so horrendously bad that it only leads to heart break.
i honestly dont know what jakei plans to do with xgaster and ink. i dont think she would kill xgaster off at all, but i do hope that maybe she will let ink try and stop him. give them a big ass fight where in the end ink just holds onto him as tight as they can because god damn it xgaster what are you fucking doing??????? hurting ink??? your kids??? everything around you just because you could???????????? youre lost. you need someone to help. you cant keep repressing all these emotions hoping they go away. you can't be like ink because the only way to be like ink is to tear your soul apart and DIE.
and here ive gone and gotten so carried away with this that its now so fucking long i will have to put a read more thing so i dont bug everyone 😭😭😭
i think. a lot of my views on xvials stems from my own personal issues (re: daddy issues), and just the fact that ink is my absolute fucking favourite character in the whole multiverse, and the ONLY place i actively see him used and utilized WITHOUT ERROR AT THEIR SIDE CONSTANTLY is underverse, even if hes not portrayed "good enough" for people. ive scrolled and scanned through every reaction that xgaster has to his enviornments, read so deeply into his dialogue that i say things with full confidence because thats just what i think is the truth and a lot of the times. im just. right. in my own head at the very least.
uhm. but yea. im sure this isn't quite what you asked but i just. i love talking about them. i love having people ask me about my scrunglies and i want people to know how important they are to me bc !!!!! look !!!!!! they have so much chemistry im so shocked that they are void of content.
i also want to say i dont hate error or errink either. i get bitter sometimes bc its more popular than xvials but i think error would actually like xgaster for several different reasons, and that theyre in a silly polycule in my imagination.
anyway enough talking, hope this was good enough for you :')
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(from jakei's twitter)
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nazmazh · 2 months
Started on a new anti-migraine drug today (ajovy). Also have had terrible sleep - Especially today, but, like, all year. Also, y'know the migraines.
So not 100% sure if certain things are side-effects of the ajovy or just y'know, my body being upset with many things going on in its life - But more to the point: Should I be concerned with anything that I'm seeing/experiencing?.
Trying to google side-effects is sure a fucking trip, though.
Official company line on their site seems to be "Some swelling/irritation near injection site" is likely the only side-effect confirmed to definitely be from this medicine. Anything else? Well, that must be someone else's problem.
Various reddit posts of peoples' experiences with the medication - Mostly neutral-to-mildly positive. A lot of not-outright-negativity, but disappointment or frustration about the tradeoffs vs benefits. But the side-effects definitely vary wildly in type and intensity. The ones I'm curious about are topics of discussion that have come up with some degree of frequency.
Various interaction/drug rundown sites have much more comprehensive lists, but also include a warning that the ones I'm looking into may be serious/concerning and I should consult my doctor about them right away. Which, like, doesn't seem to be the tone regarding them anywhere else. So, more confusion as-to who's out of step here.
Meanwhile, the pamphlet that came in its box actually does have a more comprehensive list of possible side-effects. Doesn't list severity other than obvious "If experiencing anaphylaxis..." or other obvious emergencies/serious stuff, then go to ER/phone doctor immediately. Everything else listed is just sort of "This could happen" without any level of how concerned you should be.
The ones I've noticed are heartburn (Unusual for me without certain types and timings of trigger-foods, but not impossible to be something else going on that's unrelated to this). And notable joint-stiffness (hands and feet, especially on the same side as my injection), with a touch of joint pain. Both of those are in the "might happen in ~1% of patients" group. Which, hey, alright. That's fine. They're known to have a connection, echoing what the reddit posts were saying. From the tone in the pamphlet and on reddit, I probably don't need to be concerned unless they worsen or persist for a very long time.
Uncommon doesn't necessarily mean alarming, though I am curious as to if there's any correlation in the group of people that experience them. Any factor that might predict it, or explain why they're causing this reaction, y'know?
Okay. Good. No need to panic. Probably should sleep though. Less than 4 hours in the last 48 can't be good for me.
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tayloralison · 5 days
kam's post had a broken link in it, i imagine that's why it was taken down. but of course people would rather come up with conspiracies, lol.
face it: taylor doesn't care about palestine. she doesn't care enough about it positively to speak up even in the wishiest washiest doctors without borders aid donation way without even condemning the idf/israel's government, BUT she also doesn't care enough about it negatively to force her dancers/staff to delete their support for a ceasefire.
there is really no need for all this discourse. people just can't accept that their fave celeb doesn't share their priorities or morality or whatever. no one is forcing anyone to give this woman money/time/support! if her ignorance re: palestine is a deal breaker then you can just not be a stan any more. i've unstanned plenty of celebs for similar reasons, it's not difficult to just be normal instead of having a meltdown about a complete stranger not being the person you want them to be.
i think a lot of people need to ask themselves why her silence on this issue in particular is causing them so much mental anguish and not her silence on all the other genocides and human rights issues going on around the world. taylor has never be political. she has never done anything to help uyghurs or congolese people or iranian women or yemenese kids or even afghan women after the taliban ceased control. this is who she is, this is who she has always been. it is nothing new. every single person who stans her has known that all along. and if that is for some reason the deal breaker, then so be it, unstan, it's fine. but don't pretend you all went into swiftiehood thinking she would speak up. you all went in knowing full well she was apolitical and wouldn't say a word about anything outside america. you've changed, she hasn't.
you can still adore Taylor, want to support her, and still want her to be more vocal when that is something she herself has said she wants to do (miss americana and that one interview where she said she loves coming on tumblr because people talk about what they think is unjust).
she said she was in a terrible place in 2016 and didn't speak up about the election that year. she also said that she didn't know about the "aryan goddess" allegations until after, because she was so disconnected from the internet. so now, in 2023/2024, when she's the most successful woman in the industry, and touring the world, reach the billionaire status, what's stopping her now?
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uniquelyuncanny · 4 months
The Hate on Hazbin Hotel
A little thing I wanted to say my piece on is, the hate on Hazbin Hotel.
First off, if the subject matter, story line, character design, or general premise of the show, doesn't appeal to you, then just don't watch it. NO ONE is forcing you to engage with a piece of media, it's your choice to do so, but please, you've got far better things to do with your time than hate watch something, or watch it purely so you can give an 'informed critique'. The second thing, a 'critique' used to mean (and I'm taking the direct definition here) a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory. But moreover, it's supposed to be a fair judgement, meaning you weigh BOTH the positive and the negatives of something, and deconstruct why that may be (usually including a little self analysis if you want to get extra credibility points.) A critique DOES NOT mean, I'm going shout from the rooftops about this thing that I don't like, go out of my way to spread my negative opinion on the show everywhere, and vilify anyone who disagrees or who doesn't outright agree with my opinion.
The thing here is, it's new, and the marketing team has done their very best by putting it everywhere to get people to watch it. That's their job, they wanted to expand their audience for the premiere of this new show that's been in development for around 4 years now, in the hopes of making it's launch a success. Blood sweat and tears have gone into this show whether you find it appealing or not, and it's changed a lot along the way from what it used to be, both for better or worse.
Now, I'll admit, I'm not a down in the trenches fan. I watched it, I thought the songs were nice, I enjoyed the show but I'm not overwhelmingly invested in it. But I am a fan of animation, heck I even did a degree in it cause I loved it so dang much, and what I hate is for people to claim 'bad animation' cause it 'didn't click' with them, or they think it's an eyesore/ugly.
You watched, you didn't like it? Good, now you have a better understanding of what you do and don't like, move on. Cause regardless of anything, the context for what makes something good, is typically very subjective and often agreed upon after the initial fanfare has died down.
Let those who DO enjoy it, do so without your burdensome criticism. You're not beholden to engage with something you don't want to, if you do, THAT'S ON YOU not the shows creator, not the animators, the advertisers, the voice actors, the music writers, the score composers, the spreadsheet managers, the pre-production crew, the overly pushy streaming service you're watching it on, or even the team behind Spotify marketing management. Just you. The rest, are doing their jobs, the least you can do, is let them do it in peace without making it all about you, and your negativity.
The other main 'booing' point I've seen is 'bad writing', and I'm sorry but that's so funny to me cause like, they JUST released the first season. THE FIRST SEASON. As in, hopefully, the beginning of a story. Not a complete story, more like a chapter, a starting point, a general introduction if you will, of where the development team (writers included) get to set up the ground work for the REST of the story to play out in. (While also hoping that it gets renewed so they actually have a chance to continue it). You can't KNOW that it's bad writing, cause you don't know where the story is headed or how it's planned to play out. How many shows or books, that were presented as being the first of something, have you indulged in, where after you have finished the first season or book and gone, well that was a completely satisfying experience and all the story line points were perfectly executed and made complete sense in a delightfully fascinating manner that kept me engaged with the thrilling story? Cause I know I haven't, and I'd love to have more stuff like that, (so if you genuinely have any recommendations please do send them my way).
The thing is, if you don't like the ultra brand spanking new show animated show Hazbin Hotel that's currently being talked about on social media, that's perfectly okay. Wait a month, there'll be something new for the internet to fixate on to a nauseating degree soon enough. There's nothing wrong with you if you didn't like the humor, or the characters just didn't do it for you, or the character design made it a bit chaotic to get invested in. Those are all perfectly valid points and opinions, and you are welcome to share those opinions in spaces where people have similar opinions as you. But for the love of all things good, don't spread that kind of nastiness onto people, or into spaces where people clearly do not share that opinion.
A little bit of consideration for the people who actually like and enjoy the show, especially those who worked hard to get it out to world, would be lovely, cause again, no one is forcing you to be here or indulge in this media, you're making a conscious choice to be an asshole if you deliberately spread overtly negative opinions about something to people who clearly love it. It's nasty human behavior, and is reminiscent of adolescent bullying tactics and the need to present yourself as 'cool' and 'different' simply by hating the newest 'popular' trend.
It's actually sad, boring, and overall, uninteresting discourse that I'm honestly over seeing pop up in fan spaces.
My end point is, this kind of behavior? Not new. I remember hearing and being flooded with the same discourse over, The Simpsons, Futurama, Teen Titans, Young Justice, Bojack Horseman, Cowboy Bebop, (and many others I won't waste time naming) and literally every single animated show that managed to get a chance in the spotlight over the years.
So you don't like Hazbin Hotel? Good for you, don't watch it, don't talk shit about it, leave it for those who actually like it and find something that brings you joy that you actually like to spend your limited time on earth with. It costs you nothing to be kind, and not every opinion needs to be heard by the masses, it's actually okay if you don't talk about something that's popular, I promise. Rant over.
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thedreadvampy · 9 months
I am so fucking tired and tbh I think I have to start looking for new jobs because I'm genuinely worried I'm having a very public mental breakdown that's obvious to everyone except me bc I am very good at filtering out knowledge of any extreme emotions.
but tee bee aitch people at work have started looking at me the same way people on my Masters and in my final year of undergrad did when I express negative emotion. which is to say. deeply worried and a little frightened for me. like I am clearly being more angry and more vocally upset than I think I am. and I am so goddamn sick of everyone on my team constantly asking if I'm ok or how I'm doing when I am trying SO FUCKING HARD to keep it trucking and stay silly.
but I have just fucking. Lost any sense that a) anything about the work I'm doing right now matters or helps anyone and b) that there's any chance of that changing. not just cause I've got this shit fucking manager in post until June-July and however hard I try we seem to both bring out the worst in each other but also cause like. I WENT for a management job and I didn't get it and there is no chance of that post opening back up any time soon. Attempts to bump me up to a junior management rank have failed. this is. pretty fucking evidently. as high as I go here. £28k and getting called insubordinate if I try and push my work in a direction that's important to me. I think. I need to jump ship and go take up a position as a Comms manager in a way smaller organisation where I have maybe 1 or 2 people in my wider team max and maybe 20-30 in my organisation. bc this is fucking untenable I cannot do this forever.
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railingsofsorrow · 2 years
[spencer reid × reader]
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summary: reader is reluctant about accepting the new reality so she just pretends nothing really changes, while emily keeps trying to shake her up and spencer is really bad at noticing stuff.
a sequel to the mess is mine oneshot
pairing: s.r × f!reader
w.c: 2.5K
warnings/content: hints at divorce; tw!pregnancy symptoms (especially vomiting!); firearms trafficking scheme; tw!descriptions of violence; usual criminal minds stuff; tw!anxiety; y'all like criffhangers? cause i do; allusions to tw!drowning.
A/N: bold means there are messages being exchanged. bold and italics means it's the other person, only bold without italics it's Y/N.
A/N: I revised this FIVE TIMES, guys. you'll probably still find some spelling mistakes huh
➶ ➷ 
Morning sickness was definitely the worst symptom Y/N had to deal with after the sixth week of seeing the dreadful confirmation on the pink stick.
She couldn't hold down food. Any type of food for that matter. She craved coffee all the time. Probably because she had an awful tendency to desire things she couldn't have. And she could not have coffee. Emily wouldn't stop bugging her about it. It would be bad for the—
Y/N was trying to say it. She really was. But it was still something that stayed at the back of her mind. Especially with an important case like this one.
“What's the address?” Derek inquired, arriving at Garcia's left side as Y/N was on her right, pointing at something on the screen that the blonde should go over.
“Already sent you, my cupcakes.” Penelope replied, eyes not leaving the screen in concentration.
“Great.“ Emily clasped her hands together, gaining everyone's attention. “Morgan and Reid can go to the Henley's, while JJ, Rossi and I will follow to the Zara's house.”
“Good luck with making them cooperate with anything.” Y/N made a comment. She had tried getting some answers out of the family before, but it was no use. You'd think with their daughter being missing they would make the FBI's job easier.
“I can get into their files...” Garcia singsonged, the clash of typing loud in the room as she worked. Y/N smirked, leaning on the desk.
“It won't be necessary.” Rossi said with a warning glance.
Y/N couldn't help but think the people she was working with resembled a family in some way. Even if she had not been present years before, she had heard from Emily and Spencer about the dynamics everyone shared. They cared deeply about each other. She figured with the hardships they have to go through in every case, it shouldn't be any different. Y/N admired that.
She also admired the fact that despite Spencer being a profiler—a great one at that—, a self proclaimed genius and an extremely sensitive person; he could not see what was right in front of him.
Or maybe, he was simply giving her space to deal with her stuff. It was not that he didn't know what was going on, but that he didn't want to push her to talk about anything she did not felt comfortable with.
Yet, she had not said a thing to him since two weeks ago, when Emily cornered her in the bathroom and made her buy a pregnancy test.
She bought five. Just to be sure.
One negative and four positives.
If Emily wasn't by her side when she took each of them, Y/N would've took the negative one as the only that mattered and moved on with it.
“An appointment will ease your worries.” Emily advised, pushing a glass of water into Y/N's shaky hands. “I'll go if you want me to.”
“Please. I'll probably pass out when I get the results.” She croaked out, taking a sip of water to rest her head against the cool tiles of the bathroom wall. She knew the results, deep down. But she still had to read them in an official trusted test, not a pharmaceutical one.
After the doctor's appointment, she decided to dial a number she had memorized by heart. During the ride to her apartment she had planned out the entire speech.
She hung up as soon his voice said hello.
A wave of nausea overcoming her and her anxiety did not make it any better. Y/N was a mess. She was aware of that.
Still married. Currently cheating on her husband with her best friend's coworker. Nine weeks pregnant.
What could get worst?
Ah, yes. Not telling the father of your child that he was going to be a father.
Besides being a mess, she was a fucking coward.
She felt as if she was on a non-stop riptide. With no sight of land for a safe forthcoming.
Her phone vibrated as she was telling Garcia another file code they needed to see. Keyword being need. It was extremely necessary for the investigation, alright? Not that the rest needed to know how they got into the servers.
Or how they accessed the files.
“We need to talk.” The message sent from her husband read. Y/N sighed softly and blocked the screen, shoving it in her back pocket again.
Last night she asked for a divorce and he wanted to know why. He wanted to know why. Couldn't it be more obvious? Both inside the marriage are cheating, clearly unhappy for years, and he still had the guts to ask why?
“There's nothing to say. Have you signed the papers?”
“We can fix this.” He wrote back.
“Sign the divorce papers and we'll talk, Jack.” She hoped that had put an end to the conversation.
“Oh, my. Y/N, look at this.” Penelope pointed at the computer screen. Y/N looked up, “Look at how many weapons are out of the system. Look at the numbers... What are they doing?”
“Trafficking.” concluded Y/N, squinting her eyes at the screen on the side when she saw a familiar name. Her phone already forgotten. “Penny, what's this purchase here? When it is from?”
Penelope clicked on it so they could see it better.
“Miron Zara sold around 145 million weapons to Raymond Henley and a Carlos Stewart in twelfth of March,” Garcia interrupted her out loud explaining, narrowing her eyes as another set of lists appeared on the screen.
Y/N wasn't paying attention anymore. Not since she heard the name of Carlos.
That couldn't be her partner on NBS. Her friend?
“... since 2017— Y/N? Are you alright?” Noticing the distraught gaze of her friend, Garcia quickly stood up and moved closer. “Honey, you're a bit pale—”
The annoying vibration of her cellphone made her come out of her inner turmoil.
“Call them.” Y/N requested, standing up although still shaking with the earliest revelation. “Call the team. We need to go over everything before they question the Henley's and the Zara's.” Garcia watched her warily.
Y/N sighed, brushing away a strand of hair from her cheek. Her tone was soft as she begin to explain. “You know how I told you that I covered my tracks when I did the research on the softwares? The data... It's all in my servers.” Penelope nodded slowly, “Carlos Stewart helped me cover my tracks. He works at NBS for years and has been my partner for half of those. He knows about my investigation and what it is really about, not the cover-up story we told to keep from compromising.”
“Oh, my god. Y/N, he is in the scheme!”
“Which means he has been accessing my stuff for years now. That fucking bastard.”
Once Penelope called everyone and they were updated on the news, a new path had been cleared. But one thing was still unclear for Y/N and she needed to free her mind.
“I found a possible address of the girl!” Garcia exclaimed, eyes not leaving the computer. “Already sent them— Where are you going?” She frowned when she saw Y/N grabbing her stuff to go to the door.
“I need to go to my office. It will be a minute.” Before Penelope could question her further she leaves the room.
“I know what you're thinking. Don't confront him.”
Spencer's name lightened up her phone on her desk as she connected a harddrive to her own computer.
“I should've fired him from the first slip up. Look at what happens when I don't follow my gut.”
She sent as the device uploaded.
“Please, tell me you are in the BAU.” Spencer sent.
How did he knew she wasn't at their floor? It would always send shivers down her spine how Spencer knew her behaviour. He was a profiler, after all.
“Y/N, I'm being serious. Everyone inside the NBS floor is in danger, including you. Go back to Garcia's office.”
“Stop ordering me around, Doc. I'll be fine.”
Yes. That was the best she could come up with. She stopped paying attention to the upcoming messages when the upload reached 91%.
“Fuck, just go.” She whispered, eyeing the door continuously. If he got in, which he could very well do, then he would definitely know he was being investigated. It would blew up in the whole FBI.
Y/N expect that not so literally.
“I did not expect to find you here.”
Her body froze entirely when the voice reached her ears.
“Didn't thought you'd be stupid enough to come here willingly.” A cold metal was pressed gently against her temple, and she closed her eyes momentarily. Is this where she was going to die? In her office? Her boring office?
“Turn around and don't even try anything. It wouldn't be a pretty sight to have your brains splattered out here, would it?” Carlos sneered, grabbing her forearm with such force that it would certainly bruise later.
Now she couldn't see the screen anymore. Still, she held herself back in a way that the harddrive upload would be complete by the time she stepped away from the front. If he saw it, then it was her end.
“Move, bitch!”
He cornered her to a wall, causing her forehead to throb with the action as she groaned.
“Stewart, we can talk about this.” She pretended to reason. There was no time for that anymore; she was just trying to buy some time for her.
The hand around her neck begged to differ.
“I always did find you a pretty girl, you know?” His other hand pressed the gun against her hip in a kind reminder that it was there and it wasn't moving any time soon. She felt herself getting sick. “When you were oblivious to everything, of course. Couldn't have you messing around with a good thing I had going on for a while, could I, sweetheart?” The difference from the sweet man that worked with her was colossal.
Her ears picked up a click when he lead them towards the door.
“Don't do this. Don't do this, Stewart.” The desperate tone that left her lips was not Y/N's. An inner voice took over as soon as the gun threatened her back. “You can get out of this. We can help each other.”
“Oh, I know I can get out of this, baby. You? Not so sure.”
Saying that he had a good thing going on for a while was a complete euphemism on Carlo's part. Stewart, Henley and Zara had a squeme worth fifteen billion dollars in firearms trafficking.
“Put the gun down, Agent.”
Emily's voice silenced all the nervous commotion inside the FBI. Y/N felt Carlo's snicker on her ear as she turned her neck to stare at the eyes of three within the BAU team, since the rest were probably following the address Penelope had given of Aaliyah. Her attention caught calculated eyes of a person that held a gun like they wouldn't do in his early years of FBI; with an unexpected good aim and not even a spasm of shaking muscle.
Spencer didn't even glanced in her direction.
She hoped he aimed right into Stewart's head.
“You shoot me, she gets a bullet in her pretty brain. Is that what you want?” His warm breath clinged onto her cheek and she swallowed a lump in her throat. If she didn't throw up right now she was convinced she had become superwoman. The will to do it was just so strong.
“What's the use in hurting an Agent?” David Rossi raised an eyebrow when he finally got Carlo's attention. This is when Y/N tried to talk to Emily through a look. She would get her. She had to get her.
Emily stared at her and then Carlos, lowering her weapon. He flinched behind Y/N, pressing the gun against her back strong enough to bruise. She winced. Spencer tightened his hold on his gun.
“You want more years in a maximum security prison? Because this is what will happen to you. A young man. Full of life. With all the reputation you've build for yourself over the years—destroyed. Just like that.” Carlos' didn't move. He seemed to freeze suddenly. Y/N wondered if this was the right moment to pull his arm away but with only a look Emily warned her against the decision.
The Unit Chief was slowly moving towards Y/N's office.
Until a shot was fired.
And each trained Agent in that room aimed towards Carlos Stewart and his partner that had just arrived.
Emily Prentiss got the hard drive with all the relevant information Y/N had kept over the years. Once she left the office, the scene made her wish she hadn't.
Y/N Y/L/N was on the floor. A growing pool of blood drawing the path from her stomach to the white tiles. Someone yelled to call an ambulance instead of simply staring at the gruesome scene.
Spencer was hyperventilating as he pressed his hands against Y/N's wound. He couldn't concentrate on anything. How rare was it when Spencer couldn't concentrate on anything? He always focused when he wanted.
“'M fine.” Y/N choked out, frowning when she tried to move because it hurted. God, why does it hurt? “Spencer—”
“Don't move.” He said shortly, feeling his fingers slip with so much of her blood. Her blood. There's so much of it— “It's okay. The ambulance is coming. Just-just hang on, alright?”
Y/N stared at him with a deep crease between her eyebrows. Confusion written all over her face, despite the obvious dizziness she couldn't point out where it came from. Why was she even on the ground? Wasn't she being held at gunpoint only a minute ago? Did she missed a chapter of that play?
“What—” She lifted her arm to grab his hand. When her eyes found the crimson red she couldn't look away. “I'm- I'm fine, Spencer. What is this? Are you hurt?” A groan left her lips when her vision became too blurry to see. There were loud voices. Then, far away sounds she couldn't comprehend anymore. “Spencer,” She felt her body being lifted and the world turned dark.
She could still faintly hear her name being called from afar. But everything was so fuzzy… Like drowning. The riptide had finally reached her, hadn't it? Oh, she was so tired from swimming away from the waves.
A question haunted her brain until she gave up to darkness: why is nobody helping Spencer if he's bleeding?
Y/N thought Spencer was the one bleeding. She thought he was the one that had been hurt. She thought he was dying as she was suddenly losing all the focus around her. Why couldn't she see him? Why are the lights out? Where is Spencer?
And Emily couldn't move.
There comes a moment where you have to stop swimming. Just let it take you. You'll feel the peace enter your body, penetrating your bones and embracing your heavy soul.
Stop swimming.
Let it go.
sources used:
about morning sickness
about the trafficking of weapons
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jaxxartbox · 2 years
Hi, I have a question about your post about not pressuring fic writers for updates and I was hoping to get a bit more clarity. Not being demanding is something I’m (possibly too) aware of when complementing fics and I end up holding myself back from commenting at all because I don’t want to say anything that can be misunderstood especially cause it’s hard to tell tone through words. Right so my question is, is it alright to say that you’re so excited for the next update (or their next work if it was a one shot or a completed fic) I may say that I can’t wait to read but I don’t literally mean I can’t wait haha. I am wanting to convey my excitement about the story and that people are reading it and appreciating their talent but worry this comes off pushy and may cause stress, am I over thinking it or should I write a simple “nice update” and leave it at that so I don’t make them more stressed. Fic creators do so much for free and I want to let them know I’m out there hooked on their work but like you said I don’t want to be part of the problem where it becomes a demand. Anyway if you chose to reply thank you I appreciate it
Hey there! Personally, I’m not a fic writer and my post was more on the general side of a PSA after noting a few authors becoming distressed about the comments they’ve been receiving from readers. But I’ll do my best to address this ask ☺️
I think there’s a hard line between “I’m excited for the next update!” And “why aren’t you updating?/post the next update/I’m disappointed that the next update hasn’t arrived/when is the next update”. Showing excitement and investment is easily doable without coming across pushy and/or entitled.
When I comment on fics, before I hit the “post” button, I read it back to myself to see whether I would take the comment in a positive or negative way if I were the author. Personally I think it’s a habit I picked up while working in corporate but it’s a good habit to have! Whether you’re a fandom creator or reader, I think it’s important to constantly keep in mind that there’s another human being on the other side of that screen that you’re talking to. “Would I be upset if I received this kind of comment?” Is a question we all should be mindful of as members of any online community, fandom or no.
In saying all this, don’t hold yourself back from showing as much love and support as you want to the author! I’m sure all the flailing and the screaming and the hyping up helps authors feel good, especially when they might be going through a huge rut. I’ve seen fics that hadn’t been updated in years be updated because of a new comment 🥹 convey all the excitement!!
And so I open up this conversation to the actual authors here: if you have a different opinion or perhaps would like to add onto this discussion, please feel free! x
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Fecto Elfilis the irredeemable completely evil Rat
Unlike most Kirby villains who either has a tragic backstories even for a cult leader and colonizer rich man for some reason? Or No personality and the most basic levels of villain. 
Fecto Elfilis neither of these things, some people try to say that Elfilis when they were Forgo was screwed over by their ability to be kind, but outside of the fact that they were already evil before the split and they became one again the did the same thing again. (Mod’s note: the rest of this, along with mod’s response has been placed under the cut since this gets a little long >w<)
A part of the quote of the split in Japanese from Elfilis’ gotcha figure is described like this credit to syzekrom:
“Left behind in his ambitions of invasion, his tiny, compassionate heart split off, and Efillin was born.”
You see that?! That RAT so wanted to invade again for ambition that they choose out of their own chose to left the tiny bit of kindness (which didn’t stop them invading start with) in the trash causing it to be unable to be with a rat so plagued  meaning the rat king holds full responsibility for everything it did as a rat fetus.
The second thing is that some believe it did nothing really wrong before invading the new world which is a complete lie!
This partial translated quote from the Kirby discovery guide book credit to omgwtfhax_ : 
“roams space, consuming the life forms of the planets it encounters.”
Aw yes the same consuming that terrified Kirby the same Kirby who beat god and sucks others up is disturbed by this rat’s consuming.
Also to keep in mind that Fecto Elfilis is called the invading species by the game itself and Elfilin who came from Elfilis is considered a child even after the new world became ruins meaning Elfilis must have lived a long time and consumed a endless amount of lives during that time while at the same those lives never being freed and doomed to be  assimilated.
And also after getting defeated as Chaos Elfilis in Japanese them joining with Elfilin was a result of Kirby causing them to be reborn, not changing their ways so … yeah best Kirby villain and should have become the main villain of this franchise.
Mod’s Response: Mod was stumped for a while after reading this. They weren’t sure if this counted as anti-propaganda (which is tentatively accepted, depending on the wording used), because the way you worded this seemed kinda negative (but mod could just be misinterpreting the tone >w<), and mod didn’t want to just delete this, so here’s mod’s attempt at trying to make this more positive! Keep in mind this is just from what mod has gathered from playing the game and checking other sources, so take what mod says here with a grain of salt since they could be wrong about a few things >w< /lh
Mod decided to check WiKirby, since you didn’t really say anything about Fecto Forgo (link to Fecto Forgo’s Wikirby article here.) “Before [the New World civilization] left, however, a “warp-experiment incident” caused Fecto Elfilis to split into two beings: one of which was the remnant Fecto Forgo who remained in stasis, and the other of which was Elfilin, who managed to escape, but with no memory of his previous connections or power.”
Looking further in Fecto Forgo’s WiKirby article: “It is implied (and directly stated in the Japanese, Chinese, and Korean versions) that this form of Fecto Forgo is unstable, and would quickly dissolve if it were to leave its capsule…” Talking about the larval state (when it was still trapped in the capsule). This means it’s possible Fecto Elfilis didn’t choose to split into two beings, or whatever happened might’ve been a more conscious effort to survive whatever the incident was, resulting in Elfilis splitting. /lh
Mod isn’t going to fully check your second quote, since trying to look for the person you’re crediting seemed to not lead to a person’s account (when mod checked it said that that blog didn’t exist on tumblr, so it’s probably on a different social media site), but in mod’s opinion, Fecto’s backstory is sad. Yes, they might have been evil before their capture, but being stuck in a capsule, completely conscious and experimented on, only to eventually be left by yourself, incomplete, for over 30 years is definitely going to have some sort of negative effects on a person. Especially if we take into account that Elfilin held most if not all of Fecto’s positive emotions/compassion. /lh
Mod doesn’t really want to touch on your opinion about how Fecto Elfilis should’ve become the main villain of the franchise, since they don’t want to start any arguments or debates >.< /lh /nm
That’s all mod can think of to say here! If anyone else wants to leave their thoughts on this, feel free to do so! ^-^ (/not forcing)
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