#not really yandere yet but I though I would just tag it that cause it will get there one day
ozzgin · 10 months
Yandere! CoD Headcanons: König x Reader x Ghost (II)
“Sharing is caring” is likely familiar to most, though the nuances of it may sometimes differ beyond the classic expectations. You’re trapped between two jealous, possessive and feverishly infatuated men with no escape in your sight. That implies, of course, you’ve been looking for a way out of this bizarre partnership. Have you? Be honest…
TW: NSFW, obsessive behavior, size kink, violence
Tags: @223princess
[Part I]
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Yet another classic rule that comes with your job is to always be ready to deal with the unexpected. Plan as well as you may, the battleground is not as generous as to stick to your schedule. Yet the same principle applies out of combat, too. It’s just…you had’t really imagined such an outcome to be possible. Your extensive training covered most scenarios, from raids, to ambushes, natural disasters, everything except, well, this. You wonder if the code of conduct might include a paragraph about work romance, specifically your teammates taking turns to fuck you shamelessly at any hour of the day.
You gaze at your reflection in the slightly fogged mirror and quickly look away, embarrassed. You can’t bear to see the markings that are peppered all over your body, betraying the depraved activities you’ve indulged in for the past weeks. How did it even come to this? You sit on the edge of the bed, drying your hair, and hesitantly replay the event in your head. Your helpless form crouched on the storage floor, looking up at the two large men gripping at each other’s throats. Behind their masks you could sense their ferocious intent to kill. How would you explain it to your superiors? You gathered up your remaining confidence and barked at them to stop at once. They were indeed taken aback by your sudden yell that could’ve put any drill sergeant to shame. You wanted to get to the bottom of the conflict and put all this bullshit behind as soon as possible. Until they offered you the honest cause of their hostile rivalry. You could only stare in disbelief.
Your first instinct was to wonder if this was some sort of elaborate prank. What the hell, were they a bunch of high schoolers learning to handle their first crush or fucking grown adults in the middle of a military operation? You were never oblivious to it: mixed gender missions always came with a lot of casual hookups to blow off steam. Not your thing, but there’s plenty of other people down to it. Your suggestion was met with angry, vehement refusal. Both Ghost and König were outraged at the insinuation they’d put their dicks in some rando, as if that’s all there was to it. As if anyone else would do. Ironically this is where they found their common ground. König had lifted you nonchalantly by the collar of your uniform and asked you if you’re playing dumb. You could only shrug, even more confused. Ghost joined him and explained, casually and matter-of-fact, that you can call it a hookup as long as you remember it’s a lifelong arrangement. You were to walk out that door with the knowledge you belong to them and they would take any necessary steps to ensure your compliance. The hunting knife that was meant to plunge into his rival was now propped under your chin, dangerously close to your throbbing artery.
Now this should’ve been your sign to nod obediently, pack your suitcase at the earliest convenience and get the hell out. And that was your honest intent, initially. You could almost visualize the documents granting your absence from duty. Then you felt your buttons pop from their seams, forcefully ripped apart by König’s large hand. It occurred to you that you were propped against the wall by two men twice your size. You could hear their now labored breaths, muffled by their masks. The Austrian man roughly readjusted your posture, having you rest against his hips and throwing your legs around his waist. You gasped quietly once you sensed a bulge pressing into you. He fumbled with his zipper, but Ghost interrupted him with an irritated scolding. “You can’t just ram it in, you fucking dumbass.” You didn’t take long to understand the meaning and shivered at the thought. Without a warning, Ghost slid his hand into your now unbuckled pants. Two fingers begun pressing circles over your underwear and an unconscious whine escaped your lips. Satisfied by your reaction, he brought himself closer and increased the pace until he felt the moisture pooling in the fabric, which was enough encouragement to gently slip his way inside of you. In an attempt to help, König lowered his head over your breasts, fondling your now sensitive nipples with his tongue. His mask draped over your skin, adding a mild tickle to the overwhelming buildup. You suddenly remembered the storage no longer had a door after König kicked it out of its hinges, so you tried to push the muscular man away. “W-what if someone comes in?” Against your will and to your surprise, the question rolled out like a prolonged moan and you blushed awkwardly. “They won’t, if you shut up.” Ghost responded curtly. He considered it for a moment, and added smugly: “Don’t worry, that pretty mouth of yours will be real busy soon.” You closed your eyes tightly and prayed you wouldn’t be caught.
And you weren’t. You got away with it. That time, and the other time, and all the other times. At this point you question whether your other teammates truly haven’t noticed or have since learned to look away. Another possibility is that the psychotic duo has threatened the others into silence. Given their cocky attitude whenever you protest about the openness or risky timing, it wouldn’t surprise you at all. Even worse, their libido seems to be increasing exponentially as a consequence to their incessant competition of owning you. They seem to be plagued by a delirious need to have you at all times, and you’re rather afraid to admit that your desire to flee is slowly being replaced by a similar addiction. Rabid dogs in heat. That’s the only analogy that comes to mind.
Last time you didn’t even get the chance to return to the base. The soldiers had exited the truck, cheering their success and marching towards the gate. König had been quiet the entire ride, not even bothering to hide his ardent stare, his eyes hooded with lust. You were about to hop off yourself when you felt his burning grip on your wrist, pulling you back in and onto his lap. Oh, how he loves fucking you like this. His toned legs are sprawled out dominantly and his calloused hands guide you over his erection. No matter how many times you do it, the start is always painful. He’s just that big. But that’s his favorite part. Seeing you wince and tear up, holding your stomach as if shielding it from the foreign object assaulting the walls of your frail body. Then the thrusts become smoother and your movements break into an erratic pleading for more. He wants to witness it all. God, you turn him into a wild animal. His fingers dig into your skin and towards the end you’re a whimpering mess, shamelessly drooling over his uniform in a daze. As you coat him with your slick cum, he grunts and barely manages to speak. “Fuck, I’m gonna lose my mind for good one of these days.” His voice is deep and reverberates against your heaving chest.
Scratch that. Last time you didn’t even make it to the truck. You were laying behind a boulder, wiping the sweat and dirt off your face. You’d just finished taking out your targets and announced your return in the headset. Ghost approaches you with a hidden smirk and squats before you, extending a hand towards you. “Need help?” You nod with gratitude and take off your helmet. You reach for his hand, hoping he’d pull you up, but instead his fingers claw around your throat and push you against the ground. “Good, I have the perfect thing for a little slut like you.” He climbs over you without letting go of your neck and undoes your jacket with ease. Hell, he’s been doing it so often he could manage even blindfolded. With the free hand he shoves one of your legs away to make space. Truth be told, he’s very much biased towards this particular arrangement. He can already feel the unbearable pressure of his member waiting to be freed. He adores being able to take all of you in. Your expression, your small body trapped under his massive frame. He can fuck you as he pleases, until you turn into a rag doll, and there’s no way out. You grit your teeth in anticipation and hold onto his arm that’s choking you once he goes in. You must’ve been molded just for him. There’s no other explanation for his feral clinginess, scratching and biting and pulling in desperate, agonizing pleasure. After the deed has been done he can admire his masterful work, gazing lovingly at your flustered, disheveled form, gasping for air and dripping with his seed.
Your shake your head and try to chase away these perverted memories. You’re still damp from the shower and continue massaging your scalp with the towel, when you hear a knock on your door. Oh, no. No. “Busy!” is all you manage to shout. The door opens nonetheless and Ghost and König waltz in, entirely indifferent to your refusal. “Can’t I have one moment to myself?” You groan, frustrated. König leans against the wall and Ghost kneels in front of you. There’s a hint of cheekiness in his voice. “Sure. Tell us to go away and we will.” You blink and ponder his words. Remembering all the past encounters has gotten you a little bit eager, that’s true, but… “Say it.” He repeats himself. You squirm and look away, a deep red spreading across your face. Your lips are pursed. König lets out a soft laugh and closes the door, then faces you. “Since you wanted to be a brat, you have to beg for it now.”
What have you gotten yourself into?
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yanderecandystore · 1 year
I love the yandere monster story, can I make a wish for some yandere monster boy naga who is looking for a mate to carry his eggs and live the rest of his life together forever?
I don't condone yandere shit irl, but if you bang a naga man someday I'll give you a pass and a cookie, you mad lad. Not proofread enough lmao, also sorry but I really don't know how to type s e x.
Tw/Tags: straight up NSFW/+18 scene (written by someone who struggles to imagine sex- So we don't guarantee quality) // not very descriptive genitals, if at all // the usual yandereness + breeding kink; possessive behavior; manipulation; suffocation; implied oviposition but not really cause I'm dumb // you're a literal desert mailman💀 I'm sorry // brief mentions of troubled family life/past trauma // language barrier // self-conscious reader // willing yet slightly scared reader.
Writing in the sand [Yandere!Male!Naga x AFAB!Messenger!Reader - One shot]
Being a messenger was actually a lot more dangerous than it seemed at first, how many times have you and your camel met with bandits, scammers, difficult terrain, awful weather, people who would tell you the wrong direction for shits and giggles?? MANY times, but did you ever consider quitting and going back to the tea shop of your very judgmental parents or worse- To accept the offer of personal servant to that weird queen from the faraway lands who wouldn't shut up about how much better her kingdom was?? NO!
I mean a little bit. Just a little bit. Occasionally, I mean her kingdom was really pretty, though constant snow sounds like a pain in the ass, and giving up the freedom you currently have for either a strict monarch or your family was NOT something you were planning to do, ever!
The first time you got off the borders to send messages for far away people was the day you truly felt alive for once! The desert itself was your greatest rival and yet you faced it head down after that day- Sure, you were unprepared at first and there's still plenty to learn out there but it was EXCITING!!
You fought (ran away as quickly as you could) many groups trying to get a coin out of your body, or your life! Or your camel!! King Mustard wasn't the same after the "giant scorpion with that group of thieves" incident that happened, the worst part is that it happened twice though the people were different at least. Your personal theory is that the scorpion WAS the same from before, and that it has been following you through your journeys and it probably was looking for revenge!!
You told that story to so many people that now it's hard to go someplace without repeating yourself, it's weird how even though you're never at one place for too long, most people know you! You're, humbly speaking, sort of a big deal in the great drylands- Not known for your bravery but mostly for your constant running mouth and your adapted technique in how to extract cactus juice safely from a cactus with 70% success of no cactus drunkenness! (100% Needle-safe not included).
Stopping in a town was obviously the safest place for you and your camel, but was also probably one of the most rewarding parts of your trips, of course because you always need to have plenty of resources out there in the sand but also because… Well, as much as you loved every second of exploration and travel, you were admittedly a very lonely person.
It's not something you like to tell others, as you have already experienced people doubting your capability of being a messenger if you get so "emotional" over being far away from people ("I told you so!" Yeah, thanks mum.). It was a time you could feel at least safe and… Sometimes welcomed.
But it wasn't always a lonely trip, after all, King Mustard was here! Him with his big personality was always the heart of the party! Everyday was fun with him, even if he couldn't speak to you… However, that doesn't mean you haven't found great comfort in your travels, you probably haven't noticed this yourself yet, but [y/n]...
You are a very dear person.
Every person you've helped along the way in your trips, just by coincidence finding them, and landing them a hand in the hot and harsh reality of the desert thinks of you dearly. You have friends! It's just that you don't see them very often… If at all. The desert has a funny way of getting people closer, people who struggle to survive in its environment, and yet it also drifts them away- The wind blows in every direction separating every small particle of sand, and maybe one day they'll meet again, or maybe not. Cruel was it, with its breathtaking beauty and extremely cold personality for someone so hot and merciless.
You often associate the desert with its forgotten god. You tend to talk about it as a person rather than just an environment of harsh conditions, you always remember to talk to it, hoping it would listen in a way. You were pretty much by yourself out there, but thinking that someone was listening to your travels made you feel safer, perhaps not as tormented as the blazing Sun would leave you to believe. You were being watched, and protected, you just knew it!
The proof of it came from one of the greatest encounters you ever had during your travels.
It was really hot that day, King Mustard seemed really tired and you were melting under the blazing heat- You two needed shelter and fast! And suddenly, as if the gods listened to your prayers!-(But quickly threw you two middle fingers)- An immense sandstorm was approaching!! For someone as cautious as you, you couldn't understand where the hell it came from!! It was so sudden and just- There was no indication of it!! At all!!
You got knocked out, and when you woke up- You were… Somewhere strange, like an underground oasis of sorts, hidden in the desert there was a cave of luscious greenery and drinkable water, it was magical how big the place was!! You thought you had died and went straight to Paradise!!
At least, you thought so when you saw a very large and handsome man staring back at you, smiling gently. He had tanned skin and a REALLY long, almost platinum hair! He looked so gorgeous with his green cat eyes that you almost forgot to breathe!
You asked the man if he was an angel, and he responded to you in a language you didn't understand. You were 100% certain that the man was really an angel and yet when he revealed the lower part of his body your face dropped immediately, terror slightly setting in. He was half snake, half a giant snake at that! His tail seemed endless, those dark scales were so pretty yet so terrifying! The gold markings seemed very regal and holy in nature but the endless darkness almost seemed to eat it all up! Like a demon!
You freaked out at first, but when you looked at his eyes, his gentle face- His expression of concern, those big bright eyes, you noticed he really didn't seem to have any ill intent towards you, perhaps you were misjudging him for something he was not. After breathing in and out, you calmed down, never taking your eyes from him, you felt comforted as you realized this creature was the one who saved you out there! And who saved your camel!! He was still really scared of your snake buddy, but you made sure to soothe him.
Long story short, you became friends with a human-snake guy who seemed genuinely very cool! It's a shame you didn't understand a word he said… You suspect that maybe he speaks in a very ancient language and perhaps this means he was REALLY old!! And yet, he seemed just about your age, and you got to hangout with him during your free time.
Poor thing, he seemed trapped down here (though to be fair, it is a fabulous prison to be in-) and he really wanted to catch up with times! So you made it your duty to help him understand the new world, you have no idea why he is here and how long did he live here separated from the rest of the world, but now that you knew how to get there and how to get out- You made it your mission to teach him everything you knew about the modern world.
And although the language barrier was massive, you two somehow got to learn something very special about each other- He shared with you his name, "Rakaski", and you got to teach him yours.
~"[y/n]"~ His accent was heavy, and yet you felt something flutter inside you whenever you heard him call your name. You remember him repeating your name over and over again as if he wanted to memorize how to say it.
After hearing his name, you made sure to research it, trying to find something that could lead you to know what language he was talking in- But no books nor people seemed to know how to speak it, except for one book you found, a fairytale book that was so old that it was a nightmare trying to understand the vernacular! But it didn't seem like a very "old" old kind of book, it was probably made after the language had changed, there were a lot of words that you didn't recognize.
The book never explained the name's meaning really, but it was always used as a common word- And given the context of the story you read, it seemed to mean either "falling" or "god"? Well, you're not very sure, since the book was confusing as hell, and your interpretation of the story was very mixed- Was it about a desert deity or a man that kept tripping over in the sand?! Seriously, why did it have to be so confusing!?
In the end, you still didn't understand the book and neither did you find out anything about Rakaski's name. At least you know it was older than your home kingdom, which was pretty cool.
Either way, the lack of communication never stopped you from coming down that hidden paradise to talk to your best friend every opportunity you could! King Mustard can be very squeamish whenever you guys try to get down there, he really disliked going there and you assumed it was because he was claustrophobic, which you already knew he was. So, today you'll leave him in the shade and get down by yourself, you don't want to stress the poor thing.
"M-Mustard! King Mustard Junior The Third, stop pushing me around!! You know you're a lot heavier than me! Seriously, this isn't funny!!" Ah, King Mustard, for a camel you're really just a scaredy cat! You push him away gently as you can, he keeps positioning himself in front of the hole you want to jump in.
"Hey stop!! If you don't want to come then fine, but let me get in! Please! I'll be back soon!" The massive animal was starting to get a little too agitated, and you knew better than to try to force your way.
"Mustard, seriously you're starting to scare me, you know I'll be back soon, please let me get down." You don't know if it was the deep magical connection of friendship that made him understand you and realize that he scared you, or if he suddenly felt disinterested in playing with you right now.
Taking by how the camel sassily walked away you're starting to think it was the second option- Of was he genuinely insulted by your stubbornness? Who knows.
"Sigh… You always get like this when we pass by." Though you can't really blame him, you know he still distrusts Rakaski, but come on it's been a year! And Rakaski has never hurt any of you two! Sure, he was a bit intimidating at first but he had a good heart, you just knew that.
Compared to the men back in your hometown? Rakaski was a saint, you were sure of it.
You had slid through the sandy hole and into the luscious underground with ease, you started to call for him, but before you could even yell out "Ra" you saw him not so far away, seemingly very occupied.
"Awn, guess you're decorating! Have I come at a bad time?" You walked to him and joked despite being aware he wouldn't understand you.
The way his face lit up and turned to face you was just so precious, he seemed very excited!
~"[y/n]!! [y/n]!! It's really good to see you again!! I was already worried you would never come."~ He talked just like you, committing the same mistake of talking as if the other would understand- You had no clue what he said, but as he coiled around you and his arms squeezed you oh so dearly you understood exactly what he meant.
"Yeah, yeah- Missed you too-" You never knew how to deal with anything social, period, and being flustered at someone who wasn't even human was not a first but it never got easier. But with him, at least, you feel like you don't need to pretend that you don't feel slightly flustered by his attention. Gods know you're a very easy target for large and very well built men.
After he let you go, you realized he was just building a new nest for him, so you decided to help him as well. It was already pretty much done when you got in, but you felt like he deserved a "fancy" bed so you helped him decorate with flowers and some of the trinkets you bought for him, he just loved human trinkets!
And by the gods, you knew you were currently in Spring, but these flowers?! They were just so damn pretty, it's a real shame that your traveling is mostly done in sand, occasionally though you have to go to the East to deliver important letters and gifts and you just kinda love that place! Every time you go, they're experiencing a different season, and it all changes so much, it's beautiful!!
"Oooh!! Maybe I should bring you flowers from one of the neighboring kingdoms, it'll be a way to show you the world since you can't leave…" You think out loud, and of course, he looks at you a little confused- And yet he repeats the word you said.
"Flowers?" He repeats it as if he didn't understand what you said, yet liked how you said it.
"Yes! Flowers!-" You say pointing to the flowers in his nest and surrounding you two, he quickly understands it, it seems.
~"Oh! Flowers! Oh, that's what it's called to you? Great heaven's, humans are always changing, aren't they?"~ He starts to laugh, you… Sort of don't understand the joke, but perhaps "flowers" just sounds funny to him.
He patted your head as he laughed, as if trying to congratulate you on making him laugh (I mean, getting this man to laugh was a challenge, you bet even without the language barrier).....
Although, it felt more like a "reward" sort of situation… As if he was rewarding you for… Being so entertaining, you suppose! Still, that's probably just all in your head, besides you know well when someone is being condescending to you, you're sure of it! Years inside your family's house has made you a pro in spotting bad apples from far away. I mean, you like to think you do, to be fair Rakaski was a little difficult to read, and sometimes he did things that you probably weren't sure of what they meant.
But then again, he was a very old half snake dude trapped inside a cave somewhere along the rock formations spread all over an unforgiving desert, his social life was probably a lot worse than yours, and who's to say that his antics aren't based on his own culture? Perhaps snake people like to coil around each other to show affection, even if it's really hard to breathe like this.
Things weren't so complicated between you two, however, as you guys have invented a form of simple and more direct communication through pointing to objects and scribbling on paper. You had thought about using sign language, so you learned a couple of words and tried to use with him-
"So- This means that- Hm..?"
But before you could teach him he already was talking to you through hand signs you didn't understand, he was very well adapted and you only knew a few like "hello", "you", "me" and "see you soon"- Which would be the most used one for you two.
"Huh, you always impress me, maybe you should be the one teaching me-" You bowed down, genuinely impressed with what you saw, and he seemed very content with himself as he smugly pretended to wave and throw kisses to a nonexistent audience. His ego was always a bit inflated, wasn't it?
You decided to cut your visit short and return back to King Mustard as you didn't want to leave him waiting for too long. It's funny how neither him nor Rakaski liked each other despite sharing a diva personality. As you waved your goodbye, Rakaski decided to give you one last big hug.
A hug that didn't seem to end at all. His body wrapping around you and leaving you to feel surrounded by darkness. This usually happened so it didn't come as any surprise. You tried to tickle him as that usually worked.
"Come on now, you know I'll be back soon!" You laughed as you tried to provoke him, his belly was so sensitive that you could see him contracting and trying to avoid giggling.
But he didn't let you go. Your attempt only made him restrict you further, the snake body trapping your hands with its weight.
You were well aware of Rakaski's animalistic tendencies, for example he was cold blooded and constantly held you to try to gain some height, like he is doing now.
You know that when he yawns his jaw unhinges and opens so inhumanly wide that you have to close your eyes so you won't have any more nightmares about it.
You know he is nocturnal so he is constantly feeling a little too sleepy whenever you two hangout, as you often come to see him during the day (which was something you did for safety, though you sometimes worry he is having trouble sleeping because of you-).
And you also know that snakes tend to suffocate their prey with their body before eating them whole.
While trying not to judge him as a human eating monster you still feel very, very terrified of the slight chance he might be hungry and has forgotten you're not food. The more you struggle the tighter it gets, and it doesn't help that his skin is so cold, it makes your nerves flare up as you can hear him growling with what you hope is not hunger.
"RAKASKI-!!" You yell, you couldn't help it, you were starting to feel dazed. While closing your eyes you felt his lower body shift and relax, you felt arms hugging you a lot more gently than the suffocating sensation from before. If it wasn't for his lazy eyes and the internal chuckling you can feel in his chest you would say he was actually hungry for you. He was just trying to scare you.
"Sigh, you'll be the death of me- Seriously you scared me to death!" You tried to push him off you, but he basically threw his entire body weight on you as you fell to the ground with your back on the soft yet not very ideally comfortable grass.
"Shhhh~!" He nuzzles on you while hugging your stomach. Normally he would have let you go now after petting your head or pretending to bite your neck just for funsies- But today he is very much not letting you go, at all.
Okay, you really didn't want to address the situation, you weren't planning on ever talking about it of course but- By the gods, you knew better than to assume his playful smile was just his usual silly self.
Oh, who were you kidding, you knew it from the moment you came in and saw the nest he was making, it's not like you haven't noticed his chest rising and falling as if he was struggling to breathe just by talking with you. You wanted to leave because you noticed that perhaps you took the wrong month to visit him.
It was mating season, wasn't it? Why now? Why today?! And why WERE YOU ACTUALLY CONSIDERING IT?!!!
"Okay I think I need to think about this a little more- I mean you're clearly not thinking straight right, I'm not even a snake lady, man!" You try to push him off you as you avoid eye contact, the worst part is that he was fairly attractive for someone's who's lower body was just one huge snake tail.
He wouldn't budge, he only shifted his head to look at your face, even if you were avoiding him you could feel his smirk creeping around the corner of your vision, you wouldn't be surprised if he knew what you also knew.
I mean, it wasn't a secret you liked him was it? You thought you didn't mind him noticing this but this sudden desire just feels like it's happening all too fast and you're worried it might be just a one time thing, that he is acting like this out of instinct not out of actual desire towards you. And well you never really did this before, I mean not with someone like him, at all! But you had experiences with people before.
Bad experiences. The ones that would leave someone worried for years that they're not good enough to anyone. Were you being cautious or were you just being self-conscious? Were you scared of him not liking you when this high of his diminished? Maybe you just weren't sure if this was a good idea.
"I don't know if I'm really ready for this." You confess, looking back at him- Hoping to find your answer.
And he looked back at you with a sad expression, did he understand what you said? Did he understand what you meant at least? He looked so concerned and genuinely "awake" despite his current very urgent instincts. He held your hand and kissed it for reassurance, you didn't notice you were crying until your vision was blurry and your chest was aching.
"Sorry.." You tried to wipe them yourself, you don't know why you're apologizing. Rakaski didn't seem to take it well, he was about to say something before shaking his head vigorously and wiping your tears himself. He came closer to look you in the eyes, stop staring elsewhere, you won't find comfort anywhere else but those eyes.
He decides to come off of you and give you some space despite his initial reluctance, the gentle and almost warm presence of reassurance leaving with him- And before he could give you space you decided to make the first move yourself.
You kissed him, hoping perhaps he would understand the gesture, and he did! He hugged you and kissed you back returning your neediness… Though coming in with a lot more desperation than you thought. Not seconds after forcing his tongue in despite your unisseanes.
I mean, it 's good! He isn't being horrific at it is just that you have underestimated how badly he seemed to want this. And although you're just as interested in this as he is, you're worried you may not hold to the same durability as he has.
Today was the day. Today had to be day, and he wouldn't have it any other way. To wait longer would be torture and you best believe this man was patient. He wasn't expecting you to almost reject him at first of course, oh you almost gave the immortal a heart attack!
He shouldn't have been so pushy, he knows that, but having your soft lips on his was so worth it that he couldn't help himself as he pinned you down again, ah… It's a shame the nest is so far away, this is not a very classy way to do things.
Then again, ripping off your clothes with no regards was probably not very refined either, humans needed a lot more courting than he was aware of- But it was fine! You were doing just great, you were being so good to him, he wishes he could praise you in your own language so you could understand him.
~"You're so lovely for something so fragile, thank you for accepting me- You have no idea how long I've spent being trapped here knowing damn well there's not a single other like me out there."~ He would praise you in his own tongue in frantic breaths while kissing your neck and nibbling in your ear, while his lower body made sure to lock you in place, you were a little scared, weren't you?
~"I'm genuinely sorry for having to put you in this position but I can't take it anymore- But I know you want this as well, I know you do!"~ He usually was very talkative, but there was something in his voice that sounded shaky, desperate, and his hands were too confused on where and what to grab that you noticed he seemed just as inexperienced as you were.
Well, at least you thought so before he spread your legs and started to rock back and forth in your lower region- It's not exactly that he is inexperienced, but he is very much off his mind right now- His movements aren't uncertain, they're just frantic for any release. Not that he won't tend to you as well, he just really needs this right now. But you'll understand, you always do. You always treat him so well, despite the monster he has become.
~"It'll hurt, and I'm not sure if it's only a little. I promise to make it worth it later to you."~
You were struggling to keep up with his weird and off putting rhythm- He was just so ready for this, it's been on his mind ever since he found you unconscious inside his natural prison, but he knew better than to be selfish to someone he'll have to share a nest with.
~"It'll be great don't worry, I'll make sure you'll be well taken care of. It'll be incredible, my treasure."~
You shivered when he went from humping your lower region to undressing kissing it almost as passionately as he did your mouth- He should probably move a little slower considering he changes activities way too quickly but hey it felt better than the awkward dry humping.
It wasn't bad, but it lacked a bit of finesse- Not like his careful and calculated attention to your privates right now-
"Humans need a lot more work than I remember, but does that mean we can make it last longer? Would you want that, treasure? [y/n]?" Rakaski was playing with it almost as if he never looked at something like a naked human before, but it was a lie- He was absolutely just trying to tease you with every poke and flick.
He ran his finger down slowly before reaching an opening and pulling it inside, at least one to feel you inside. It's lovely that you arch your back to the littlest of things, and although he doesn't understand your words, moans are hardly hard to misinterpret.
"Slower then? I guess I was being too unprepared, I'll be honest that it's more fun than I expected. If this is the work I have to do every time then I'll gladly accept." Human courting was fascinating to him, though now he understands why, he can't just expect you to take it all in with a little help- And helping someone never tasted so sweet.
You were feeling embarrassed by his stare as he licked you out and further tried to spread you- Trying to ease the inevitable soreness that would come but damn, did he have to look at you like that?! It made you feel a little dirty, a little too embarrassed to entertain his idea, for someone who seemed so eager to shove it in without any foreplay he was really taking his time now!
You grabbed his hair carefully, you didn't really notice what you were doing and to be honest you weren't sure how to continue with this but Rakaski looked at you in awe… His smugness was replaced with a look of pure adoration- His pupils wide and round as he expects you to guide him.
It gave you a bit more confidence knowing he trusted you to hold his head and sort of help him find the right pacing.
You don't remember for how long it went, you just remember that it ended with you on top of him, going at your own pace. He held your hips not stopping you to go as fast or as slow as you wanted but rather because he felt very uncomfortable NOT holding every centimeter of you. He needed to grab into something and your sweet flesh was exactly that.
You woke up in his nest, feeling a little disoriented, memories of what happened a little foggy, but you were sure it wasn't a dream considering the soreness in your thighs- It was hard moving.
You sighed, feeling weirdly satisfied- Well, that's not the right word, more like… Well, genuinely happy.
You tried around, and you saw Rakaski curled up into a ball, sleeping so peacefully and yet with that little mischievous smirk in his face you just knew he was dreaming about it.
You turned your body to face him, deciding to close your eyes and sleep a little more.
Until you remembered you left your camel outside.
"HOLY GODS, KING MUSTARD!!" You jumped up, trying to run as quickly as you could towards the entrance- But you couldn't even leave the nest when Rakaski wrapped his tail on you and pulled you closer.
"WAIT! It 's my camel!! I forgot I left him-"
"Stay." He said in a very half awake voice.
"You can talk…?"
"Stay." Rakaski wrapped himself around you, as he buried his face in your neck. You weren't sure if he was understanding what you said, or if he only understood the meaning of that one word.
"Rakaski, I'm just going to check on him, I'll be back soon, I promise-" You pushed his chest away. You shouldn't have done that.
Rakaski tightened his grip around your body.
"Stay. [y/n]. You're not supposed to walk so soon. Stay still, no mother should walk so early after mating…" He still sounds so sleepy, so innocent, but his half opened gaze was not… friendly.
"Rak- AH!-" Tighter, and tighter, and more tighter. He knows damn well that whenever you get to that camel you're leaving him for gods know how long, but as he stated before, soon to be mothers shouldn't walk around in the dead of night especially since he knows humans don't deal well with the coldness of the desert during this hour.
It's better to stay here and let him take care of you while you're now waiting for his kids, even if you aren't aware of it. He isn't sure how long hybrids take to be born, but he wasn't to be there for you every step of the way.
"Shhhh…. Go back to sleep, stop struggling, it is not good for you…" He kissed you goodnight as he suffocated you back to sleep.
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animeyanderelover · 21 days
Hello again! Could I get a scenario where the darling is super emotional and cries all the time. She's not particularly scared or trying to be manipulative, just cries really easily. I thought it'd be interesting to have Ash from black Butler, Kanike from Tokyo ghoul, Shiapouf from hunter x hunter, and any other emotional yandere who you think fits. Crybaby vs crybaby. Thanks!
I’m currently on a vacation so I had to keep this limited to only a few characters.
Tags: @lovley-valentine7 @leveyani @chxxz @jamayah @cynniical @shenryu-sama @maggiequinn59 @flaming-vulpix
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, isolation, manipulation, abduction
Crybaby vs. Crybaby
Ash Landers
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▫️Tears are droplets of innocence, at least the tears that you spill are. It is a sight that he would even consider beautiful if it wouldn’t be for the grief that is piercing the essence of his soul when he sees you spilling tears of purity. Initially Ash mistakes your tears as a sign of fear, a thought that tightens his heart with anxiety and self-hatred but he doesn’t wish to bother you with his problems and keeps the stress and anxiety to himself, leading to emotional meltdowns when he’s all by himself. He’s convinced he’s doing something wrong every time you start crying and that behavior is hard to shake off even when he eventually figures out that you are just a very sensitive person. The sensitivity of yours is only more of what makes you so pure and perfect in his eyes. It is your tendency to cry so easily though that leads Ash to cuddle you even more all to not overwhelm your fragile feelings and to keep all anxiety and stress away from you. He will worship tears of happiness and joy but he will damn everyone, including himself, if your tears are ever caused by sorrow.
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🎻His demeanor really depends on what stage of his obsession he is in already. If he’s still in his earlier stages where he overloads you with tons of expectations to be perfect Shaiapouf is going to be the main culprit for your tears. He may pretend to be nice but the disappointment due to your lack of self-control is written all over his face. He’s strict and his words are harsh, belittling you and even using his abilities on you to calm you and your tears down. If we’re talking about Shaiapouf after he has properly embraced his obsession things look quite a bit different. He’s using your sensitivity to manipulate you further into his arms, actively encouraging the overwhelmed meltdowns so that he can be the one to smother you and help you to calm down. He was born a servant, he needs to be needed by you and it just so happens that you need him too. That is at least what he tries to indoctrinate into your mind with attentive touches and sweet lies. What used to be a burden in his eyes has now turned into something precious and sweet which only gives him more reasons to isolate and protect you. After all the world outside would only overwhelm you.
Kaneki Ken
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🔲Kaneki is already very fidgety and nervous, frightened that his darling is simply going to despise him and view him as the monster he thinks he is deep down as well. So the first few weeks after the abduction aren’t pretty. He knows that you tend to cry easily, his heart always tightened and hurt when he stalked you but it is still so much worse when he is the cause of your tears, especially knowing that those aren’t happy tears. You may as well have poured acid over his skin and it would have hurt him less than watching you spilling tears because you are frightened of him. His stomach is churning and worms are feasting through his pained heart, his own vision blurry as he stutters out apologies, longing to reach out for you yet terrified that you would only flinch away from him and only break his bleeding heart more. It is this initial trauma that has him trembling whenever you cry long after you’ve gotten through the worst parts and your tears are no longer his fault. His presence is hovering over you as soon as Kaneki senses that you’re crying, terrified that something or someone upset you.
Fudo Akira
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👿Even after Akira’s transformation he has remained the crybaby boy he has been since his childhood. He’s highly sensitive and it is very likely that he may even start crying together with you when you start spilling tears first. At first he is a tad bit ashamed of it. In this new body of his he was hoping to be able to toughen up and to be your pillar of comfort yet his own tears get stained in his own tears the moment he sees you as he is just weeping with you, no matter whether you’re sad or very happy about something. Akira starts getting more comfortable the moment he realises that you actually seem to take comfort in the fact that even someone as intimidating and tough-looking as him has a very sensitive soul. So he just starts crying with you to comfort you and help you to regulate your emotions. If there is a negative reason behind your tears and it happens to be a person as well Akira may just pay them a visit later for some civilised talking but he prioritises you always first by comforting you before he weaponises his new strength and appearance. He hates it when your tears are those of grief and fear after all.
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ceareon · 3 months
Yan! Angel x Apostate! GN! Reader
You find yourself surviving the end of the world. Yet now you're stuck with the angelic creature that tore your world apart. content warning: end of the world, gore, male yandere, religious themes, obsessive behavior. ALSO NOT PROOF READ
Part 2: "Repentance"
Artwork: "Death on a Pale Horse, ver. 1" By Benjamin West
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The air was still, barely anything made noise. The soft cackles of the burning buildings in front of you slowly stifled into silence, leaving you alone with your thoughts as well as the smell of burning weed and flesh. Oh that burning smell of flesh reeked. Its been engraved in your mind since the start of all of this.
Your mother had gone missing. As well as thousands of humans on the same day without a trace. This of course brought mass destruction to the cities, humans suddenly disappearing without a trace was unheard of. Especially in broad daylight with witnesses. Despite your best efforts. In mud, you kneeled at sunset on the day of your birthday, dread filling you from the fact you couldn't find where your mother had gone to. You hadn't even been able to blow out your candle, now your dearest mother was gone, almost like she ceased to exist.
It was the day after your birthday when the first seal was broken, the white horse with its horseman grasping a bow, galloped forward in a quest to conquer. You couldn't forget that day, where the crown the horseman bared on it's head was soaked soaked in blood. In front of your eyes, your brother was taken from you.
Not long after you ran, tears pouring from your eyes as you feel your breath start to become uneven. You clutched your ears tightly, not listening when you hear your father calling out to you. Your heart was erratically beating. What the hell had just happened?
Hours go by, hiding in the small meadow near your home. Barely any people there yet you could still see the destruction being caused on the cities just far from where you sat. In your hand was your phone tightly clutched in your hand, you could see the countless posts on people lasts goodbyes, last smiles, last sorry's, last moments. Tears drip down, once you see the last post your father had posted. You were tagged in it.
"I love you @/darling"
posted on XX/XX/XXXX, a few minutes ago
You couldn't control the tears from pouring down, tears staining the screen of your phone before you threw it on the ground from sheer anger and disdain for yourself. How could you abandon your last family member? Dread started to fill you. You couldn't even breathe anymore.
You collapsed on the ground, choking blood as you barely had a will to live. Yet despite everything, you were never killed. You couldn't even take your own life despite having tried it so many times. This end of times had lasted for at least 7 days. Yet you felt as though you've been surviving for a decade.
The air had suddenly gone cold. No longer did you feel that comfort of knowing your end was near. No. All you felt was dread. Like every little moment you had made to soothe yourself for your end was going to be ripped out of your stomach. You felt like you were about to vomit. You couldn't even bring yourself to look at the holy creature that burned it's thousands of eyes into you.
"Fear not... I'm here to bring you your salvation..."
Beside you it kneels down, gently, it wraps an arm around your waist, trying to make you sit up, yet you don't comply, causing it to huff in annoyance.
"Must you really be so stubborn?"
It forcefully grabs into your hair, pulling down to make you look up at it, yet your eyes only haze once you see the blinding light of it's halo. Fear stricken you as you see the adoring affection it shows through it's in humans face. You absolutely detest it.
"Oh... You are more enchanting than I would have thought."
Burning anger and sorrow reeks through your skin, yet you were too weak, too tired to show it. All you could do was spill the tears you've forced down for so long. It's inhuman face contorts, you could see it's makeshift eyebrows furrowing, while the thousands of eyes that were on it's skin squints, almost in a confused manner. Yet in all honesty you didn't know what emotion it was actually showing.
"Oh, human... My human. You must be so confused. I'm here to take you where you belong. To the kingdom above."
It's disgustingly human lips turn upward into an odd smile. Causing you to recoil back from uncanny disgust. No where in your pathetic life were you about to trust an Angel. Not after the calamities they've brought to the earth in the name of salvation. Just thinking about it made you heart clench as you were reminded by what you've witnessed for the past 168 hours. No amount of holy water will make you forget what these vile creatures had done to the planet you called home.
The Angelic creature immediately apprehends you to the ground using it's four hands. You couldn't even squirm under it's grip. It wouldn't let you go. Not after having you under it's grasps now.
"I had never given you the option to say no."
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fandom-wreck-9000 · 1 year
Welcome home my Darling new neighbor (Wally Darling x Male reader) Yandere Fic
A/N: for future chapters I might add the tag Dead dove do not eat cause this does eventually get really dark in future chapters.
CW: Scopophobia, stalking, badly written panic attack, obsessive behavior, mentions of limbs being cut off and kidnapping.
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Chapter 3: Stuck
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It’s been a couple of days since you’ve been kidnapped by Wally Darling, and ever since you’ve gotten full control of your new body a few days ago you’ve been trying to escape, or knock him out to try and escape. But every attempt seemed to be thwarted, either by a floorboard suddenly becoming loose, your legs becoming wobbly again somehow, windows you tried to open and escape from slammed shut on their own, or Wally somehow catching you leading you to be in his bone-crushing hold again. And each time it lead to you either being near him in the house the rest of the day or being stuck in that bed again with him staring at you with those black voids… You’ve tried everything to get out of this house out of his reach and grasp but nothing worked absolutely nothing worked… even today your pitiful escape attempt failed as you were now sitting in his lap while he sat on the couch, with his head resting on your shoulder arms around your waist as he stared at you from the corner of his eyes.
“My darling why do you keep trying to escape?” He spoke as he buried his head in your neck, even though you could no longer throw up you still felt the feeling of bile coming up to your mouth as he did the affectionate gesture which made you feel less than loved… “Cause I want to go home…” You spoke in a frightened whisper, his hold on you tightened after you said that. “But you are home… you are safe with me in home… there is no need to be so scared and skittish.” he said his voice showing some anger, you were about to speak again but he beat you to it. “I have shown you nothing but kindness and love and yet you're still so scared there's no need to be… Just be happy and show me that adoring smile…” He spoke so softly so sweetly, yet anger was present in his voice which you could tell was growing, was he… Was he Losing his patience with you? “I just want to see that adoring smile of yours again but these past few days you’ve denied me it, and I’m starting to get really annoyed… what do I have to do to see that smile again?” he said his grip getting tighter, what the fuck was wrong with him why did he think you would be all sunshine and rainbows after he kidnapped you and taken you away from everything and everyone you loved…
Words were caught in your throat you didn’t know what to say, who knew such a cute puppet could be so… Deranged, you could feel his stare at you like every other time. You didn’t know what to do. You didn’t know if you could smile in this new form or if your overwhelming fear would even let you but you didn’t want to know if you angered him any more than you already have… You just sat still in his lap as he held you, his anger practically radiating off of him…. You felt one of his arms come off of your waist and his hand tightly gripping your chin, forcing you to turn your head towards his face, where you saw his black eyes that looked like empty voids of pure anger. It was like staring into an abyss, eyes filled with empty nothingness that seemed to hold only endless anger; it was frightening, to say the least. “I have been patient and kind but every day you try to escape and every day I see you get more frightened and it’s getting harder to not get completely angry and not use the other options.” He spoke voice filled with rage, what did he mean by ‘other options’?
That question was never answered as he still forced you to stare into his eyes, your eyes filled with tears as you got more frightened every second he stared at you, your breathing became quick and you were starting to panic. You were scared… He stared into your eyes for a few more seconds before letting go of your face and allowing you to turn your head away from him as tears started to run down your face your breath heavy and quick as you tried to calm yourself down. “But Frank did say that you would be scared in a new environment after being taken away from one they were used to, of course I had to ask him why you were still so scared in a non-conspicuous way!” He said his voice back to being happy and smooth, but you could hear the anger lingering in his voice. You shook in his arms still trying to calm down, he picked you up and placed you down on the couch, his eyes still empty voids of anger. “I have to go again be good and don’t escape or I might resort to the other options… I love you darling” He said as blew a kiss goodbye to you before leaving the house, as soon as he did you got up and walked back to the room where you almost always were. You walked into it slowly closing the door behind you, when you reached the bed you sat down, and when you did your breath quickened again and tears began to pour out of your eyes as you broke down sobbing.
Your lungs felt suffocated as you breathed quickly, your body shook with every sob that came out of your mouth. Tears streamed down your felt cheeks staining them. [how did this happen? WHY DID THIS HAPPEN? What did I ever do to deserve this?] You thought as you continued to break down in fear, panic, and sadness. You wanted out, you wanted away from that sick puppet that was tormenting you. What did he mean by ‘other options’? That thought rang in your head as an echo. What did he have planned what other options did he have in mind to make you behave? Was he gonna chain you to this room? To this bed? Was he gonna cut off your stuffed limbs so that you stayed put and couldn’t move without his help? Was he gonna lock you into a dark room till you submitted and stopped fighting? What the fuck were the other options, you frankly didn’t want to know cause the thought of whatever he had planned scared you to where you felt like vomiting… You couldn’t stop panicking and so you tried to wrap your arms around yourself, but as soon as you did it reminded you of his tight grasp so you just opted to grab at your hair as you broke down. Curling up into a ball you tried to calm yourself down, not wanting him to come home to see you like this and get angrier. It took hours for you to just calm down cause everything in the house and about it reminded you of him, him and his abyssal eyes, and his deceiving smile.
How could such an adorable puppet be so cruel and evil? You laid back on your bed tired after the panic attack you just had, tears still rained down your face but not as much as before… You wanted home you wanted this nightmare to end, you grabbed a pillow and hugged it cuddling around it imagining it was someone you trusted and loved. You closed your eyes, clinging to the pillow as you drifted off to sleep wanting nothing more than to go back home. Away from him… You wanted home…
Wally walked to the woods, he had seen your breakdown unknown to your knowledge he was mad to say the least but like Frank said ‘pets take some time to get used to a new environment after they been taken away from everything they’ve ever known’. Of course Wally didn’t see you as a pet but like he said he had to ask in a non-conspicuous way, Wally saw you more as his boyfriend and his future husband and already had the wedding day imagined perfectly in his head to every last detail. From the suits, you two would wear to where exactly the venue would be, yes some... Would say this was obsessive behavior and a far reach from the current state of mind you had, but he knew one day you would fall for him and his charms and you would show him that adoring smile he fell in love with at first sight.
Wally was willing to do anything to see that smile and for you to stop trying to escape him, he had plans for if you continued this game but it seemed for now you had come to realize you can’t escape from him or escape out of Home. Speaking about one of his best friends, Home was so helpful with keeping you inside and making sure you didn’t escape. He was glad that his best friend was helping him with you, Wally couldn’t wait for you to finally calm down and become happy cause he really wanted to show you to his friends, so that his vision of your wedding could happen with all his friends. He got so lost in the thought of you and you finally being happy that he didn’t see his friends Until his other best friend Barnaby grabbed his collar. “Whoa, there buddy is your head in the clouds or something?” The tall blue dog puppet spoke as it picked up Wally by the back of his collar, Wally flushed up realizing he completely ignored his friends by accident. You see Wally had planned a picnic with his friends today, and that's why he had to leave the house. “Oh sorry Barnaby my head was lost in the clouds!” He chuckled embarrassed as Barnaby placed him down and walked back to where the others were.
Wally saw his other friends Frank, Eddie, Poppy, and Julie all talking and laughing until they saw Wally and Barnaby to which they all said hello and waved at them, Wally waved back with a smile on his face. “Sorry I didn’t realize I passed you guys my head was stuck in the clouds!” He said apologetically. “It’s okay Wally! What were you thinking about?” Julie asked excitedly her voice filled with enthusiasm, Wally thought about what to say exactly since he didn’t want to give away your existence but he also wanted to tell his friends about you and how beautiful and handsome you were. “Well, I was just thinking about… Uh, a new painting!” He said smiling, everyone seemed really interested since they all loved his paintings and drawings. “Really what were you thinking about painting?” Asked Eddie.“You know an apple maybe a butterfly maybe both!” Wally said smiling, glad they weren’t taking suspicion in him. “What about your new pet you asked me about yesterday?” Frank said, Wally slightly tensed he was glad he asked Frank but also regretted it cause he knew Frank would do this… Hopefully, the Butterfly loving person didn’t question any more than he should… “yeah I should! That’s a good idea!” Wally said so he didn’t draw any suspicion, it seemed as if everyone was confused… Wally has a pet? “You have a pet what type? It is a dog, a cat, or a fish?” asked Poppy, Wally realized his mistake about bringing up a pet… now he had to think of what type of pet he would have. “Oh uhm… It’s a… It’s a dog!” He said smiling happily, Julie and Barnaby seemed to be ecstatic about it asking many questions about the fake animal which wally answered and kept the information he made up about it stored in his head so he could make the painting he told them he was planning to make. Though Wally was now getting suspicious of Frank cause Frank seemed like he didn’t truly believe Wally, Wally brushed it off for now knowing Frank wouldn’t dig any deeper… Would he?
After the bombard of questions Julie and Barnaby relaxed again and started to talk about normal neighborly things while Wally’s mind was stuck on the thought of you as he talked to them, he couldn’t wait to go home and see your sleeping form or your pretty eyes as you stared at him when he walked into the bedroom with you awake. He just hoped you weren’t trying to escape again and that Home was making sure you weren’t leaving anytime soon. You were stuck with him, you were stuck forever in Home, you were stuck in this realm with him. You were stuck and destined to soon fall in love with him, you were stuck….
And he couldn’t be happier!
Although he kept in mind that he had to keep an eye on Frank in order to keep you and make sure you’re not gonna escape, for Frank was getting too suspicious… But little did he know… He should also keep an eye on Barnaby.
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@morallygreyhound, @grungedemon, @orquydia, @kodasstar , @itsawildsaltychip, @yippeeboi , @bombshellbella , @bloodblossomtree , @shaggy-carpet , @fake-it-25 , @eddwardtheseventhspacewizard , @r4ggedy-andy , @random-theater-kid , @kayssweetdreams , @animedestler, @zeroplay-69, @n1mble , @salems-apiary, @magno-13, @lucialaotakuxd, @loveolgy, @fufawa , @penisbanger , @callmenobodythehoe, @dragonea, @funbugz , @vato-moo , @h0n3y-f1ll3d-g1ng3rbr3ad-man , @emohaircutstumblur , @puppetskulls, @drc00l4tt4 , @artistesimp, @hatmekindsirr, @sirenafterdark , @flwerdeath , @wxntcl, @emerald-dream , @lurkingposting, @syrupnscones, @gay-and-random-shit-i-can-find, @bread-samdwich , @tremendouskingcherryblossom @floof-boop , @thewisteriarchives, @the-reaper-of-souls @justaconfusedorganism @theoats420 , @fuck-bitches-get-milk , @looneytunestime , @aoniv, @mangle5, @lurkerintheabyss , @judos-tavern , @good-from-all-sides , @buttertoast432 , @obeepboop , @s0ggyrats
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cupids-chamber · 2 years
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Thought, MAD SCIENTIST IDIA, who decides to offer you a job when in need, as a tester for certain.. 'experiments' he has.. offering you a place to stay.. and etc.. How will things end here?..
CONTENT TAGS: Readers gender is not specified, Obsessive behavior, Implied(?) Yandere themes(?), Mention of medication/human experiments, Implied stalking, Kidnapping/abduction, 1.5k words.
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"Are you nervous?” He asked, his voice ripping you out of your subconscious state, as you felt his hand on your shoulder, gently putting your hair aside, an action that caused you to let out a shaky breath.. “There’s no reason to be, this process is merely an extra precaution.. It won’t hurt in the slightest.” he sounded so sure of himself, the aura of sheer confidence pierced through the air, yet it did nothing to calm your worries as the memories of Idia’s previous experiments replayed in your head. 
Sensing your worries once more, he let out a annoyed sigh.. “Come on… When have I ever lied to you?” he asked, his tone growing more stern, a change from his soft exterior moments before, and to be quite honest, you can recall a few previous memories that you’d much rather not bring up. Idia was a rather emotional client.. 
Though you use the term client sparingly, he and you used to be close.. Well before this employer and employee thing had begun’, sometimes you’d regret this decision, to work for a friend.. A friend who was most definitely not mentally stable, however at the time you really didn’t have much of a choice.. you were in crippling debt.. And he was willing to pay the price needed for the perfect test toy… 
“The medications will activate in a bit’, would you like anesthetic?” he asked, his last ounce of consideration for you, until of course the procedure was over, you didn’t question why Idia was so stern on keeping the procedures intentions a secret from you, usually he’d explain to you the details of such intense experiments, just to ease your concern a bit.. However, you simply assumed that he had the best of intentions in mind, sure he wasn’t the safest person to be entangled with.. However, he would never hurt you.. After the few years you’ve been working with him, you were more than aware of how he’d hate it when you're hurt, making sure any cuts you received in or out of work, were treated with much care, he hated the sight of blood, no.. correction.. He hated the sight of your blood.. He’d personally treat your wounds, and take care of you when you fell ill from one of the more.. Let’s just say concerning experiments. 
Idia repeated his question a bit louder this time, catching your attention “Ah— yes.. I’d rather not feel or remember what happens to me.. I don’t like that Idea.” you reply, second guessing yourself a tad bit, it wasn’t first time jitters, as you’ve been on this same bed, with these same weirdly shaped instruments, sharp objects, instruments, and devices surrounding you many times before, you can’t quite remember your first time here as well due to the sheer amount of times you’ve been here, though a part of you can bet it was due to some medicine or drug that Idia may or may have not given you during the entire experience. 
The gap in your memories proved to be quite annoying, oftentimes you couldn’t recall the simplest things, Idia would do it for you.. Though you aren’t quite sure, if his recollection of a certain memory was any good, he had led you into many complications and sure, he may have helped solve many of them, but it wasn’t a good sign either way.. To be quite honest, you’d have left his estate long ago, if you could… But for some reason, something always stopped you.. an unexplainable force… or maybe you were overthinking due to stress.. yeah… that seemed reasonable.
Idia returned with some form of medication, “You don’t like the sight of needles.. Especially after last time.. So I think these will be much more favorable for you? Though they are not as strong as a needle” he handed you the pills, and you gave him a small smile, taking the glass of water you had left moments prior when taking some other form of medication, in your hands. You quickly swallowed the pill and chugged the water down. 
“How long will it take before the pills activate?” you asked, the bitter taste of the pill lingered at the bottom of your throat, and you wished you could have brought more water though you were well aware that you shouldn’t have too much water in your system, you didn’t quite know why, but it was.just something Idia emplaced in his small but important list of lab rules. 
“About an hour and a half, but I need you to stay here.” you nodded as Idia walked off… ‘Well that’s odd, he never leaves me alone’, and it was true.. For as long as you can remember Idia has never left you unattended, especially after you took any form of medication, it was his way of ensuring your safety, or so you thought. You should probably get cozy, for when the medication hit, but you had about an hour so why not fiddle around? Idia never minded your little tactics so as long as it eased your worries, you were allowed to fiddle around with the equipment that was not in the tray. 
Somewhere along the lines you lost your sight of things, and you found yourself wandering, it wasn’t the first time.. However, this lab was new, Idia has recently swapped rooms, it was an odd change, however it was one of many you choose to ignore, after all what he did in his personal life was none of your business. Though personal and work clashed and became a blur long ago, you’ve maintained a fair line when it came to personal and work, something that proved to annoy Idia. 
You exited through the door and were currently walking through an unknown hall, which had no exits in sight, sort of like those backrooms that you saw from videos in the past.. It was weird and unsettling, an eerie feeling washed over you, you should have headed back.. but right then and there, you found a door.. It blends in with the walls well, an odd choice of aesthetic, even for Idia. Curiosity washed over you, and you just couldn’t resist the sheer urge to open the closed door, which was hidden for some cause.. you could only imagine what could be hiding behind the closed door… you still had some time.. more than enough time... right? 
You quickly checked surroundings for any security cameras, thankfully there were none.. another thing that piqued your curiosity all the bit more. You took a deep breath, when’s the next time you’ll get such a chance? You already knew the estate in and out… Slowly, you opened the door, ceasing into your curiosity. 
The room was dimly lit, tall large windows decorated the walls, being the only source of light.. They were closed with light translucent currents, which cascaded down the window.. They reminded you of something.. You couldn’t name it.. The room was spacious. You pushed the curtains to the side, fully brightening the room.. When looking outside of the window, they viewed a familiar, yet foreign scenery, it made you feel worried.. It was scary how this room seemed so familiar, yet foreign to you.. You choose to look around the surroundings, finding a covered board of some sorts, you decide to uncover it.. revealing.. Quite the sight, it was visual photographs with someone's internal parts, on full display.. As if they’ve been cut out.. Dates written on them.. Maybe you should’ve checked the dates, but you already felt the strong urge to vomit.. Slowly you covered the board back up, it was a terrifying sight, yet something about them kept you curious.. And you choose to continue your little venture. 
You found photos of a child? The child seemed familiar, and you continued to find more and more pictures, dates, filings, and more.. All with the name of Y/n L/n, you even found a journal, you flipped through its contents.. 
“They're coming to my school.. Hopefully I’ll be able to speak with them” 
“.....As planned, they’re now more than willing to help out with my projects, the medication worked!” 
As you read more and more, it hit you.. You weren’t a typical test rat, but this ‘Y/n L/n’ themselves, a university graduate Idia had kidnapped, after stalking you from childhood.. He had abducted you from who knows where, and manipulated your identity, into his own twisted fantasy.. even your memories, catching you in this sugar coated web of lies.. You weren’t here for three years, but six.. These experiments he conducted were used to keep you from escaping, ruining you slowly, so only he could ‘fix’ the wounds he’d create.
‘Were those organs yours’ 
“— where are you?, it’s almost been an hour and a half” his voice pierced through your ears, as you began to quiver in fear.. You had to escape.. somehow—.. but at this crucial time, your legs had given up on you, all you could do was quickly hide everything and try your best to put on an act, as you huddled in a corner, waiting for him to find you. 
You heard an audible “oh”, as the sound of his footsteps slowly followed, “Is this where my little lab rats been hiding?” he let out a small chuckle, as he opened the door, and then everything faded to black.. The last scene you could remember before the pills had taken its toll was Idia walking up to you, reaching out for you.
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation from me.
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weeeeeekly · 3 months
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quarter life crisis – ot5 tomorrow x together x afab!reader
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blurb !!! Reincarnation can bring soulmates together despite their time apart. Being a huge fan of TOMORROW X TOGETHER helped you get through the struggles of entering early adulthood. You would thank them personally if you ever could but when you possibly get the chance it’s more than what you could ever hope for.
info !!! txt are still idols, reincarnation au, soulmates au, polyamory, throuple²… they’ll all eventually date each other, mc has mental health struggles, universe assigned lactose intolerance, team no kids, glasses wearer, lives in the middle of fuck nowhere but still a city (just go with it), pet names used are “our love” and princess, & not edited.
wc: 1.1k
WARNINGS !!! NSFW, MDNI, 18+, extremely self-indulgent, soft yandere!txt, mentions of mental health & self-harm (nothing graphic) for entire series
author’s note !!! This is fiction!!! this is made up!!! I do not condone breaking in, stalking, and other ulterior motives to get close to someone you are romantically interested in.
why are there not more ot5!txt x fem/afab or gender-neutral reader… mandatory note that i do not think txt act like this in real life. I also cannot come up with a blurb for the life of me, so please peep the info tags.
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You really were having trouble falling asleep.
Every time you closed your eyes, your mind would either pick the memory of Beomgyu holding your face or their expressions when you asked about hiatus. TXT already took up most of your waking thoughts but now they’ve invaded your sleeping thoughts.
It wasn’t your fault, worrying about pulling an all-nighter again, unfortunately. The lack of sleep would catch up on you but right now you could waste a Saturday doing mundane chores. Like laundry.
Having to haul a giant ass laundry bag down the hallway, into the elevator, and down another hallway to the laundry room. One of the few cons of living in your apartment is that you didn’t have individual washer and dryer units, but no other complex was affordable yet close enough to the hospital your roomie worked at.
The laundry room was empty at 1 AM, not shocking but welcoming. The rows of empty washing and dryer machines brought you some comfort as you counted out quarters from your favorite coin purse. It was never a bother to come downstairs to do laundry, offering every time to do your roommate’s too, as it reminds you of your favorite movie.
Humming to yourself one of your favorite songs, when two pairs of hands grab you causing you to shriek and drop to the floor.
“Are you okay?” Kai’s voice above you calls out as he helps you.
“Sorry. We wanted to be funny.” Soobin apologizes as the washing machine’s timer ends.
“It’s fine.” You mumble as you go to transfer the clothes to a dryer.
Kai stands next to you, a little too closely, “Dear Sputnik?”
“It’s my favorite song.”
Out of the corner of your eye you can see Kai grinning.
Soobin asks, “Can we help?”
“That would be great once it’s done drying.”
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Gumz stick to you just like their name intends as you carry the laundry back to your apartment. They even stay to help you fold the clothes and put away yours in your dresser.
Small talk was fine between them, just some awkward pauses when they couldn’t think of certain words. You understand though because the English language is difficult.
You walk them to the front door, “Thanks for helping me out, guys.”
Kai opens the door and stands on the welcome mat as Soobin leans against the door frame and stares into your eyes with a softness in them.
“Come over?”
It feels like you forget how to speak in that moment with the way Soobin’s looking at you – with fluffy brown hair, slightly pushed back showing his forehead and dimples on full display. You know Kai is also looking directly at you with a hopeful smile on his beautiful face that makes you want to run your hands through his dyed blond hair. You nod, afraid that your voice will crack if you open your mouth.
Kai extends his hand out as you hold his hand. Soobin gently pushes you forward, keeping his large hand on the center of your back and never straying further. It takes all the will within you to not think inappropriate thoughts and before you know it, you’re inside their apartment with the other boys smiling at you with a certain fondness that you can’t describe.
“Back from doing laundry so soon?”
Yeonjun pats the seat next him – coincidentally the empty, middle spot – surrounded by the others as he puts on a movie. You get comfortable in the seat as Taehyun hands you a bowl of your favorite snacks. You pop a piece of candy as you wonder how they knew your taste in snacks, but ignore it, tributing it to a coincidence.
As you start getting into the movie’s plot, Yeonjun scoots closer as he throws a hand over the pillow behind you.
He’s probably just trying to get comfortable. Nothing weird.
But when you put a few more pieces of candy in your mouth, Yeonjun leans onto your shoulder to whisper in your ear, “Did Soobinie and Huening help you?”
Nodding as you try to scooch away before you answer your personal delusional question of what it would be like to kiss THE Choi Yeonjun. Beomgyu turns to you and tilts his head, so you offer some candy that he happily takes.
“As a thank you, make a group chat for us?”
Discreetly taking your phone out as to not interrupt movie night, you hand your phone to Yeonjun to make the chat.
gc with 6 cuties
            you hi
            soobin hiii
            taehyun hey
            huening (⋆ˆ ³ ˆ)♥
            beomgyu hello
            hottest it boy heyyyyy
            you oh my god
Yeonjun snickers as you let out a sigh, locking your phone. You turn your attention back to the movie as it’s almost over now. You sit back against the pillow and let your eyes close – just to rest them for a minute.
Once the credits roll, TXT start to clean up until Yeonjun tells them to be quiet as you fell asleep. Taehyun hovers over you as he gently takes your glasses off and places them on the table as Beomgyu brings a blanket from his bed.
“I wish she would stay forever with us.”
“Don’t wake her.”
“I call the couch with our love tonight!”
“No fair!”
“We’ll get her to sleepover again tomorrow before Monday and stay in the apartment while she’s at work.”
Yeonjun pushes Beomgyu out of the way to sleep next to you. He wants to snuggle, but he’s afraid you’ll freak out if you wake up right now, so he’ll wait until later.
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You don’t remember when you fell asleep, but you wake up a little later when you feel a head on your shoulder. Turning, you find Yeonjun sleeping peacefully. The MOA inside you is screaming right now as this is a dream come true. You close your eyes again and hope you fall back into dreamless sleep as no dream could be better than your life recently. You just hope that Yeonjun continues to sleep on your shoulder and when you wake up again you’ll feign innocence to keep your friendship.
masterlist | previous | next
author's note sorry for the late post!! hopefully i'll get the next chapter finished earlier in the day :)
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yanverse · 9 months
conrad my beloved 🥹 he’s not gonna win against the sheer force that is harley chicken man in the polls but he’s still number one in my heart <3
i think he’s been too uwu lonely russian boy from a small village in his tag lately from ur og blog so i wanna know what he’s like when he snaps hehe
like how would he hunt down and punish a darling who’s been affectionately biding her time to escape when he’s out hunting? cause idk if he’d be as scary as ilya but i would welcome it 👀
want scary conrad? i can give you scary conrad.....<3
hunted -- conrad dmitriev
(cws: DDDNE, yandere, stalking, kidnapping, violence against reader, blood, injuries, guns/knives, cutting/scarring, implied somno/noncon, manipulation, death mentions)
word count: 2k
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Not even the pitch of the settling dark could mask the eyes that follow you between the trees. 
These woods aren't for the faint of heart. Those who live here were born here, survived here, and will inevitably die here. Considering there's only been one–at least in recent memory–who has escaped that curse, it's clear to anyone with sight that this harrowing corner of the world is meant for only two things; locals and wildlife. 
And trees, of course. Enough to cluster in scattered array, leaving only tiny clearings in between in which to get your bearings, though you can never really stop moving in this cold. The snow isn't so much a hindrance as it is a hurdle; glaringly obstructive in the way caution tape would be around a bloody car crash. It should be circumvented with great caution by those who don't wish despair upon their own selves, yet here you are in the thick of it. Cold, wet, and completely, utterly lost. 
Conrad warned you of these dangers, but you ignored him. Why would you possibly take the advice of someone who betrayed you? His whole story was made up of lies–why he was conveniently in the area the night you came across each other, what exactly he had to do with your car that seemingly sprouted an issue from nowhere, and who he even was altogether. Course, you could've been a touch more scrutinizing…you can't exactly imagine, at least not easily, that a man who lives almost entirely alone in an isolated forest of the country could live comfortably with his sanity still intact. He isn't just an ice fisher that sells his produce to the near-zero visitors of this confusing wasteland. Conrad is a killer. A killer for hire, no less. 
And right now, unbeknownst to you, you're his next target….well, unknowingly until your footsteps halt in the knee-deep snow for a breather, and the softest click sounds right at the base of your skull. You don't need to turn your head to see. Nobody else would make it this far without leaving footprints in this awful snow. 
“Malyshka.” That word bleeds into you with every syllable, puffed hotly over the skin of your ear from behind. It stirs up memories, good ones for once, of that loving nickname uttered in laughter and scorn and a teasing lilt as Conrad takes you by the hand and waltzes you through his living room. The tinny scratchiness of his cheap, portable radio gave the cabin a hum that still resonates in your veins, but you can't go back to that world even if you wanted to. That place will forever be tainted with the memories of Conrad's twisted fascination with you, permanently marred by deceit and thinly-veiled manipulation. 
It doesn't seem like that matters at all to your former lover, however. Because when Conrad grips your arm in that deathly squeeze, you get the sense immediately that he's betting on taking you back. He's going to walk you through the snow right back where you came from, and he's going to be so angry he won't sleep for days. That's what you think.
The butt of his rifle cracking you in the skull isn't what you expected, however. The crunch of bone under the varnished chunk of wood sickens you to the core of your soul, a warmth exploding out from your hair and splattering the ground as you immediately collapse forward. Your dead weight sinks you deep into the snow, but even then, and even in your dazed state, you feel it's much shallower here than before. Maybe that's why Conrad waited to corner you here–maybe it will be easier to pile the snow on top of your body when he kills you in his rage. 
Time slows to a tick all of a sudden. Conrad's boots crunching in the snow around you ripples a series of shivers through you, your warm body growing colder by the minute as he circles you like a hungry predator. Shiiing, click, thummp. The sound of his gun being slung over his shoulder catches your focus, and then the distinct slice through the sheath as Conrad pulls out his knife. You know the one. That thing is big. And sharp. You cut your hand on it once accidentally and he just about lost his mind with worry. Doesn't seem like he's all too concerned about that now, though.
Although his voice carries between the whispers and howls of the wind, you couldn't understand him if you tried. You've lost the privilege of Conrad speaking your language, evidently, because while he is addressing you not a word of it is in English. It's just another way to control you…another way to show you his love, if he were to spin it that way. 
A beat of silence passes without note. He's stopped moving. You can feel him, his body heat, hovering over you from above. The knife is probably just dangling in his hand, wondering if he should drop it or bring your life to an end with force, grant you some kind of small mercy as he takes you apart before finally slitting your throat like a hunted animal. Conrad stands waiting, watching you lie motionless and dizzy in the snow, and even once you feel him sink to his knees on top of you there's no strength in you to move. Blood pools at the base of your neck from the gash he's probably left in your head. I'm going to die. Your own voice ringing from within triggers you into a push, your fingernails digging into hard, packed snow as you try to lift yourself up–but even though he doesn't hit you a second time, Conrad isn't gentle as he grips your neck and shoves you back down. 
“Still.” He quietly mumbles amid the harsh breeze whistling past your ears. “Stay, malyshka.” 
Clearly, he wanted an answer. Your silence is more than enough of one however, and with a swing and an arc of the blade your lover is rrrrrrripping your clothes apart, knife cutting cleanly up the back of the too-thin flannel that you stole in lieu of a proper coat. Through the layers underneath he slices with practiced ease, catching patches of skin with the tip but not allowing the beads of blood to distract him from his task. Your eyes dart sideways to see his gloved fingers carving out a lump of snow from near your head, a few trickles of blood from your wound staining the purity of those white, soft haloes. He raises it quick and your arms tense at the feeling of that sting hitting your bare back–but it isn't the blade first, it's that clump of snow dragging down your flesh…the knife comes straight after that, piercing your aching skin as insult to injury, and his deep, sudden strokes that split you apart have you writhing and kicking out on the ground in agony. 
Pure, violent hatred spills out of you in those moments, your screams echoing off the trees with just the same tremor as the howling, squealing winds blowing through the mountains. Conrad only cares for your pain when it impedes his progress, his knee coming down harshly on your lower back to keep you from squirming away as he makes his cuts. He must be trying to dig your organs out, he's killing you, he's surely tracing out your most valuable spots with such aggressive stabs of unconscionable, burning, violent torment. Will he wait for you to die? Will he make sure before he leaves? Will he drag your corpse back home with him, frozen and stiff, or will he leave you for the wolves and bears and god knows what else out in these woods? 
As your blood drains into the snow, those thoughts become less and less urgent. As your willpower fades into numbness, the cold pressing into your back grows from a sting into a shaking, fragile numbness that spreads outward. You must be dying now, you can only imagine that your body will give out at any moment if Conrad doesn't stop. It hasn't even occurred to you yet that he has stopped, not until you catch a peripheral glimpse of his black-cloaked hand cleaning the blade in the snow. It's your blood that trickles down the handle…and there's so much of it you're on the verge of losing all hope. There's only the tiniest, faintest glimmer left, and it's fading just as fast as your consciousness. 
“...Look how pretty you are now, malyshka.” 
Those words will haunt you into death, you're most certain. They're the last ones to linger in your ears as the whiteness grows dark, and your eyes flutter closed while the sound of a drip, drip, drip echoes your dreamless sleep…
Drip, drip, drip. 
You'd know the sound anywhere. It's easier to listen to without that wind howling in your ears, but it's going to be harder to locate. This time, when your eyes open within the warmth of a closed-in room, gratitude isn't the first thing you feel for surviving another night in this dense nightmare. 
It's pain. Hot, unbearable, searing pain, violating you in senses inconceivable as it crawls in waves down your back; violent, stiffening, and like a hot iron being pressed up and down and up and down on constant repeat. The warm air of the cabin isn't helping at all as it hits your marked flesh, it's only drawing further attention towards the dripping of something warm down your legs, but at the very least you can tell by the pillow you've drooled on that you're not laying on the open wounds. No, you've been left exposed, with the ache in your hips something you hadn't noticed before, and the weight that's shifted the bed alerts you that someone is tending them for you…and he's singing. Gently. Some lullaby in his native tongue, no doubt, as his hands move quietly and carefully up and down the flesh he ruined. 
“Pretty thing.” You can just barely catch a glimpse of him looming from behind, the din of the cabin shadowing the expression on his pale face. Conrad's muttering puts you off at once, but there's nothing you can do about it now. He meant to kill you, but he changed his mind. He took you back to the cabin to rest, and…make up for lost time, if the stickiness of your thighs is any indication. Maybe that mind will be changed again…and you can only hope it does, because whatever he carved into your back, it can't be out of love. No matter how much he's going to try to convince you it is. “You are hurt, love. You want whiskey?” 
What hurts more is that you can feel the smirk in his tone. He's having a laugh at you. You tried to run but I caught you. I'll always catch you. You can never hide from me. That's what he's probably thinking. 
“No…” Somehow, from some deep well of power within you, your voice forms in a trembling resistance to his strength. Conrad's hands covered in balm and fibres of gauze he's tying round you pause, if just for a moment, and in the relative silence with those drip, drip, drips in the background you find the rest of your voice. 
“...I want you dead.”
How laughable. Conrad doesn't laugh, he merely tuts at you–a disapproving parent scolding a young scoundrel. If you weren't so appallingly special to him, he might punish that rejection of his help with a slap or an elbow right into those throbbing wounds that spell out his name. Instead, he dips his head low, and lets his deep, rough whisper creep into your ear and make a home in the deepest pits of fear that reside in your pretty little head.
“Then you just try to kill me, malyshka.” 
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
{3} - To Tempt Fate - Yandere!Trickster Deities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Trickster AU
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Suspense
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on Wooyoung, and very slight Yeosang)
Words: 3,905
Warnings: Wooyoung likes to flirt and gets quite touchy, talks of death and dying. I think that’s all. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: I honestly had so much fun writing flirty trickster Wooyoung, so I hope you all enjoy him, too! I’m really excited for this series to take off and progress, cause there’s just so much nuance and suspense going to be packed into it, that I hope I can execute it well! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I do not do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist - Part One - Part Two
Just what the hell is going on here?
You thought with the amount of time you spent researching these eight tricksters and their insanity games, it would give you some sort of advantage if you ever ended up in their clutches. Now, you’re not so sure. Are you even in a game anymore, or an elaborate trap that they’ve created in hopes to claim you? 
Yet, why you? You’re no different than anyone else. Though, you suppose there never really are any sort of patterns to them choosing their victims. At least, none that have appeared throughout the years.
Normally, the rules of the game are simple: find a way out, or be the last one standing. From the lore you’ve managed to find, no one has ever escaped, leading to some horrific recounts from the people unlucky enough to be caught in their traps.
Eight are selected: one for each of them. A person whom they choose as their own personal candidate for these games. Games of which they each take turns interfering with, in order for their selected sacrifice to win.
The man on the phone was probably the one to select you this time around, but from what he implied, it’s possible they all wanted to choose you. You just hope you don’t run into any of them. Who knows if you’ll survive that.
Letting out a sigh, you unlock your front door. That notebook rests in your left hand, pencil between your fingers as you step back out into the night. You might as well start exploring and creating that map of the area. There’s nothing better to do, anyways, and if you wait for someone to come rescue you, you’ll be waiting until you die of either dehydration or starvation. 
Locking the door behind you, you turn to face the maze. Hopefully you can find some supplies, or a bag to carry things in. You only have so many pockets on your person, and running with large items in your hands isn’t a favourable option.
Leaning against the side of the shack, you flip to a blank page in the notebook. Labelling the top lefthand corner with ‘map’, you draw a little house icon to indicate where your shack is. You can always worry about a more accurate spacial drawing later, right now you’re more concerned with getting a general idea of the path laid out before you.
Keeping your guard high and your ears open, you begin to trudge towards the opening of the maze once more.
Arriving at the split path, you decide to turn left to start. You can see more options down this way, and besides, turning to the right almost immediately reaches another fork in the road. It’ll be better to explore the bigger areas first, since if there are other people in the maze with you, they’ll probably want to avoid the paths which will lead them to encounter other sacrifices.
That is, if they know what to expect.
For thirty minutes, you follow along the left side of the hedge. One basic maze technique which you’ve always agreed upon is to keep one hand to the wall and follow it around. Since you turned left to start, you’ll keep your left hand against the wall. Well, metaphorically, of course. Right now, you’re using both hands to trace the path of the maze into the notebook, but you still remain on high alert.
It’s when you reach another opening at the edge of the maze’s wall that you freeze in your tracks.
So far, all you’ve come across is a few dead ends, which is to be expected, but this? This is different.
Peering around the corner, you take small glances at the new area every now and then. The last thing you want is to be attacked by someone just as scared as you are. Who knows what skills they have, or if they have any weapons on them, too. Besides, you’ve had a creeping feeling of being watched getting stronger and stronger for the past ten minutes, or so.
From what you can see, the space appears to be another shack just like your own. The door remains closed, but you cannot tell if it’s been opened at all or not.
Clutching your pencil firmly in your hand, you creep forward. Your eyes flit to and from, whole body tense as you approach the opening.
“Hello?” You keep your voice low. A warning, so as not to surprise anyone. “Is anyone there? I promise I mean you no harm.”
You’ve handled yourself plenty of times in a fight, you’d just rather not expel that type of energy this early on in the game.
A minute of silence passes, yet you still get no response.
Pausing for a moment, you focus on your other senses. Closing your eyes as you press yourself into the bush, you listen for any other sounds you might be able to hear.
The stillness around you is deafening, but… there. It’s faint, but you can hear another person’s breathing coming from your left side.
Your eyes flash open. They’ve been hiding around the corner this entire time.
Crouching as low to the ground as you can, you begin to stalk forwards. Once you reach the very edge of the corner, you pause, taking a low breath to steady your nerves.
With nothing but that notebook in one hand, and a pencil in the other, you attack. If you can get them before they can get you, maybe you can pin them long enough to talk some sense into them. After all, you’ve done it before.
Only, when you turn the corner, no one is there.
Strange. You could have sworn you heard someone’s breathing coming from this very spot.
Standing back to your full height, you let out a puff of air through your nose, shoulders relaxing. However, that relief is short lived when you sense a presence appear directly behind you.
Arms wrap around your torso, pulling you almost lovingly into someone’s embrace. A light giggle sounds by your ear, their grip squeezing you almost giddily.
“You certainly are cautious,” he says, breath tickling the back of your neck. In the next second, a pleased hum is escaping him as he nuzzles his face into the nape. “Smart, too.”
You give him no time to react as you kick back with the heel of your foot. Luckily, you manage to hit his knee, causing his grip to loosen around you. Immediately, you take this chance to free yourself from his hold, elbowing him away from you for good measure as you turn around.
The pencil you have in your hand is pressed to his throat, pushing him firmly against the side of the maze. Your one arm rests across his chest, eyes wild as you attempt to catch your breath. Eyes which meet the most pearlescent of whites across from you.
“Hello, Lovely,” the trickster grins, and you notice how sharp his teeth are, like fangs, as his lips curl over them.
There’s a certain sparkle in his eyes as he looks at you. One which you do not quite understand.
“What the hell do you want with me?” You hiss, pushing him deeper into the hedge.
The male tilts his head, almost inquisitively. “I thought Leader made that clear on the phone? Oh, you would not believe how jealous we were that he got to talk to you first. That’s why I just had to come and see you. May I just say, you never disappoint.”
The way he licks his lips, head shifting ever so slightly as his gaze roams over the front of your body, or at least, what he can see, has a shiver of disgust crawling up your spine.
“And I thought I told you that I’m not playing this stupid game of yours.” Your lips curl, a scowl pulling at your features.
“Careful, Lovely,” he chuckles, a pleased grin tugging at his features. “You shouldn’t look at me like that. You’re turning me on; I might take it the wrong way.”
“You disgust me,” your features pull in irritation.
You physically feel him shiver beneath your hold. “Don’t tease me, Lovely. You have no idea of the effect you can have on me.” Again, you can feel his eyes roaming over every free inch of skin that he can see. He hums. “You’re so much prettier up close. Want to get personal, too?”
The pencil is pressed harder into his skin.
He chuckles, amusement dancing on his features as he lifts his brows. “What are you going to do, write me to death?”
“You won’t be such a smart ass when you’re choking on your own blood.” You retort, hand nearly shaking from how firmly you grip onto that pencil.
“You’d need a real weapon in order to harm me.” He giggles, reaching a hand up to tenderly caress the side of your face.
“Then help a gal out, won’t you?” You say, easing your hold the slightest bit to lean away from his touch.
“Believe me, Lovely,” he grins, and you can just feel the way his gaze flicks down to your lips. “There are many ways I’d enjoy helping you out.”
“You’re disgusting.” You push off of him, putting as much space between the both of you now as you can.
If he wanted to hurt you, you’d already be dead.
A pleasant shiver wracks his whole body, a light moan escaping him at your words.
“Lovely, you know what those words do to me,” his breathing deepens the slightest bit, and he bites his lower lip.
“Stop calling me that.” You snap, grip so deadly on the pencil in your hand that you’re surprised it doesn’t snap from the pressure.
“Would you prefer My Love? How about Beautiful?” He grins, straightening to his full height as he meets your gaze once more. “Treasure? Fated?” Something within his eyes flash, voice dropping to a low rumble, “Mine.”
“So, you’re all delusional pricks. Great.” You huff out an exasperated sigh while rolling your eyes. “Do you do this every time, or is this round a special occasion?”
“Of course this round is a special occasion,” he blinks at you, as if what he’s saying is the most obvious thing in the world. “You’re here.”
“You don’t know me.” Your guard is high, shoulders tense.
“Oh, but we do,” the way he says your name, nothing more than a tender drawl on his lips, has your breath catching in your throat. “We know you, just as you know us.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You brush his comment off, just as you did earlier that day with the man on the phone.
The male pouts. “Leader said you might say that again. You know, we’ve been watching you for almost as long as you’ve been studying us, Lovely.”
“A mild curiosity that led me nowhere,” you reply smoothly, jaw twitching in ire as you hear that nickname again. That is, until you’re grimacing as certain memories pop up in your mind. “Well, not in a direction I wanted to take.”
Something about his whole demeanour shifts before your very eyes, but it’s gone in the blink of an eye. It’s so quick, you swear you imagine it, but you could have swore he looked angry. Upset even. Yet, for some reason, you just know that his feelings aren’t directed at you.
“We know of what that bitch did to you-“
“You know nothing.” You spit harshly, cutting him off in an instant. “Don’t pretend to know anything about me. You never will.”
The male sighs, shaking his head lightly. “You’ll see.”
You frown. “I’ll see what?”
“In time, you’ll see how much we’ve done for you. What we’re still doing for you.” He replies, briefly glancing at his feet before he’s looking up through his lashes at you. “I cannot speak for my brothers, but say the word, and I’d do anything for you.”
“Then, let me go.” Comes your blunt reply.
“Not that.” He sighs, shoulders drooping slightly. “Anything but that.”
Your eyebrow twitches upwards. “Okay, then. Kill me.”
Your words clearly catch him off guard, and you swear you feel the ground beneath your feet begin to shake.
He grimaces, gaze flitting around the clearing nervously.
“If you’ll do anything except let me go,” your voice is firm, eyes sharp, “kill me.”
“Anything but that, too.” He replies, whole body tense now.
“So, clearly, you won’t do anything for me.” You state, crossing your arms over your chest.
At the way his lips purse, you know you’ve caught him in his own game.
“I can still help you,” he takes a step towards you, only for you to mirror his movements and take a step back. “I will help you.”
“I cannot believe a word you say.” The distrust is clear in your voice, and it pains his heart more than you’ll ever know. “I will not.”
“I would never lie to you.” Inside his eyes, you see the deepest of browns beginning to shine through. Irises appear, of which take form as he stares deeply into your gaze. Almost as if he’s begging you to believe him; he doesn’t want you to look away, so that you can see the sincerity shining within him for you. “Never to you.”
“All you are is full of lies,” you spit, guard high once more as you put more space between your bodies. “It’s who you are.”
“So, you do remember,” he hums, amusement flashing in his eyes. “No matter what I say, I see my reputation precedes me.” A small, disappointed sigh. “And here I was, hoping to get a chance to prove how honest I could be with you.”
“Is this your game? Picking a target, and smooth talking them to lower their guard to get them to trust you before you strike?” Your gaze searches his every feature, watching every movement he makes closely. “You will find I am not so gullible.”
“No,” he sighs once more, “sweet words are never your forte, right Lovely?” Something in his eyes flash. “You much prefer actions over empty promises.”
You stiffen, blood running cold.
“Still, I did say I would help you out,” he hums, beginning to close the distance between the both of you once more. Only, this time, he doesn’t stop advancing. Not until your back is pressed against the opposite hedge of the maze, and he’s standing right in front of you. Carefully, he reaches his hand up to caress the side of your face. “What is it that you desire from me, Lovely?”
You smack his hand away, much to his amusement. Yet, you can see a spark of discontent travel through him, given the way his lips tug downwards. Luckily, he doesn’t attempt to touch you again.
“Take a wild guess.” You grin maliciously, eyes sharp as you meet his own.
“Well, I can’t leave you alone, nor can I let you go.” He hums, a teasing quirk to the corner of his lips. “I won’t kill you, nor can I agree to never see you again.” The more he lists, the more you scowl. “I guess I could give you a weapon, but you have to do something for me in return.”
“Of course I do,” you seethe, pushing yourself as far back into the hedge as you can. “Things never come freely from you bastards.”
“Seriously, Lovely, this is the most erotic session of foreplay I’ve ever engaged in,” he purrs, leaning in close to your ear so his breath tickles your skin. The way he places his hands gently on your hips to pull you closer into him has your whole body tensing in your spot. “Are you sure you don’t want me to help you out in any other ways?”
“Get your filthy fucking hands off of me.” Harshly, you shove him away.
The male manages to stumble back a few feet, that same amused grin dancing on his features.
“Save that feistiness for the bedroom, Lovely,” he winks, a smirk pulling at his features. “I love a woman who knows exactly what she wants, and isn’t afraid to take it all.”
You’re about to repeat your earlier words to him yet again, but you bite your tongue. The way you notice his expression falter slightly lets you know it was the right decision. So, instead, you sigh.
“What do you want?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Oh, believe me, there are many things that I want from you,” the way his eyes shamelessly roam your figure again as he licks his lips has disgust pulling on your features immediately. “Let’s start with something simple first, shall we?”
You quirk a brow, staring at him expectantly.
“I want you to say my name.”
You blink at him, stunned into silence by his request.
He steps into you once more, lifting both hands to cradle your face in his grasp. A touch of which that is surprisingly tender, and downright loving.
“Say my name, Lovely,” he whispers, and you can feel his breath ghosting over your lips as he leans into you. “Say my name, and I’ll fulfill your every desire.”
Your breath hitches, and you find yourself swallowing the sudden dryness in your throat. From his proximity, you can see the way his pure white eyes hood over, a darkness swirling within the longer he stares at you. A look which is filled with such tender affection, you don’t understand how he could be staring at you like this.
Your lips part, and you can practically feel the swipe of his tongue over his own.
A brief pause as you contemplate fulfilling his one wish to aid you right now. You shouldn’t trust him, you know, but his offer might just be too good to refuse.
Luckily, you don’t have to decide, for the male is being harshly torn away from you in the next second.
“Wooyoung.” Another male’s voice reaches your ears, this one being much rougher, deeper. “You broke our agreement.”
Finally, without the trickster standing before you, you feel as if you can breathe again. Shifting your gaze, you see another male harshly gripping Wooyoung’s arm, holding him back from you across the way.
“Aw, come on, Yeosang!” He whines, a pout tugging onto his lips. “You ruin all my fun.”
“Your definition of fun is never just that.” The other male, Yeosang, squeezes Wooyoung’s arm a bit tighter. “You’re lucky Jongho or San didn’t find you first.”
“Like they were thinking of doing anything different.” Wooyoung grumbles, shaking off the other male’s hold to cross his arms in front of his chest.
“We all agreed to twenty-four hours.” Yeosang narrows his gaze at the male before him, his deep purple eyes shining beneath the light of the stars. “Why do you think Leader called-“
He cuts himself off, taking notice of you standing as still as you possibly can by the side of the maze.
“No, please,” you reply, somewhat sarcastically, “don’t let me interrupt.”
The male remains silent, observing you carefully. In the next moment, he blinks, swallowing somewhat thickly.
Wooyoung quirks a brow, breaking out into boisterous laughter. “Can’t wait to tell the others you were so stunned by her beauty the first time you saw her this close that you went speechless for once.”
This earns the male a harsh smack in the gut, causing him to double over in pain.
“I’m sorry for him.” The male, Yeosang, finally addresses you.
You quirk a brow. “Never thought I’d live to see the day a trickster apologized to me.”
“We’re full of pleasant surprises, Lovely,” Wooyoung manages to speak, though his voice comes out strained. Soon, he’s straightening back to his full height with a bit of difficulty, continuing to rest a hand over his stomach.
Instantly, Yeosang lands another hit on the male, causing Wooyoung to drop to his knees.
“That is for breaking the agreement, and believe me, what Leader has planned for you is much worse.” Yeosang hisses, crouching over Wooyoung’s figure collapsed in pain.
“Worth it.” Wooyoung weakly chuckles, a groan escaping his lips as Yeosang steps on his back.
Briefly, Yeosang meets your gaze. “You have twenty more hours before the games truly begin. Use them wisely; we’ll be watching.”
Without another word, the two disappear into thin air.
You blink, guard still high as you attempt to wrap your head around what you’ve just witnessed. Neither male attacked you, which is completely opposite to every story you’ve ever read about them. Plus, they’re supposedly giving you time before the games actually start?
Just what the fuck is going on here?
Swallowing thickly, you roll your shoulders, attempting to loosen some of the tension from your body. Carefully, you tilt your head side to side, hearing a few satisfying pops as you crack your neck. Slowly, you begin to walk forward.
The toe of your shoe hits something small, hidden within the blades of grass at your feet. Bending down, you pick up the object, noticing a small knife now glinting beneath the light of the moon.
Looks like Wooyoung really pulled through.
Gripping the handle of the blade in your hand, you inspect the weapon. 
This could be a simple trick. It might not even be a real knife.
Walking up to the side of the shack, you drag the tip of the blade against the wood. At the mark you see beginning to appear beneath the point, you nod to yourself. Looks like it is a real weapon. He isn’t tricking you.
You just hope it doesn’t disappear when you actually go to use it.
Letting out a small sigh, you allow yourself to relax even further. At least now you have a means to defend yourself with, even if it still relies on you being in close combat with an enemy. Something is better than nothing.
If what Yeosang told you is to be trusted, you have twenty more hours before the games truly start. You’ve never heard of a contestant being given prep time, but perhaps not all of what Wooyoung told you is lies. Given the way Yeosang reacted to the younger male, you have a sneaking suspicion that the truth is actually far worse than anything they could ever lie to you about.
A shiver runs down your spine.
What is this agreement that they have between each other, and why does it seem to concern you? 
You shake you head, clearing your thoughts. This is no time to be thinking about that. You’ve got a maze to finish investigating, and from the sounds of things, just under twenty hours to do so before you’re in any immediate danger. Hopefully, you won’t run into any more of them as you explore. Though, that might be the least of your worries.
Straightening your shirt, you tuck the small knife into your pocket for easy access. In the next moment, you move to open the notebook still held in your one hand back to the page with the ever-growing map on it. Looks like you’ve got some more work to do.
Taking a deep breath, you step back into the maze.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
which oc from Midnight Darling reacting to reader asking them out of curiosity, to see what its like dating someone? and the only thing to show their love was through holding hands and leaning on the oc?
(the reader is based on what i did when i dated someone... as an asexual questioning their romantic orientation.
TW: Yandere Themes. Sexual Themes.
New OCs have been added! We now have a total of 20 (oh good yun) so this will quite a long list.
anon im not sure if you wanted specific ocs since you used which but then added reacting so have all of them and then more. plus popular girl as a character cause why not.
Reader is GN for this one.
♡ Gabi [ Yan! Popular Girl ] would either be completely opposed due to her hypersexuality, or intrigued by your modest nature. She’s used to sleeping with people after they’ve just met so you’d be a breath of fresh air. She respects your orientation completely though and will not cross any boundaries. She’s mid as a test subject because of her harem which will influence her actions throughout the relationship. You will end up either getting cheated on or killed.
♡ Shawn Ruiz [Yan! Underclassman] is asexual himself. He actually prefers the slow type of romance that’s more focused on just that, rather than a physically forward relationship. Like, why have sex when you two can go shopping for hours? He’s rich enough to buy a whole mall just for the two of you to have for a day. Best boyfriend you could ever wish for (on the surface at the very least).
♡ Isabel Labrador [Yan! Nerd] will do everything in her power to provoke you. She will show off her body just to make you take her. You’ll really have to drill it into her head before she understands that you have a pace you want to go with/that you do not want to get down and dirty. Great part about being her partner though is that she’ll do everything in her power to make sure you have the best grades in class. You will not fail or get any score under a 99% in a single subject under her watch.
♡ Darling De Leon [Yan! Teacher’s Pet] is the worst. While Isabel’s actions are from ignorance and her plain bratty attitude, Darling has no perception of boundaries whatsoever. She will kill for you, and she will kill others just to make you do what she wants. Plain and simple. Worst test partner to have. Only good(ish) side is that you have her utter devotion. She’ll try her best to please you as long as you also please her.
♡ Justin Del Rosario [Yan! Jock]. He was a complete virgin before he met Popular!Reader/Gabi, assuming they never got together, he wouldn’t really be out looking for sex and whatnot. You think from how he looked that he’d be the type that fucks but nah Justin is a complete househusband. Similar to Shawn, he’s gonna focus on giving the best possible taste of a relationship.
♡ Mona Noriega [Yan! Gossiper/Lackey] is an absolute marites. Most of your relationship with her is just conversations about other people that goes on and on and on and on- If you decide relationships are not for you and leave her, she will destroy your social life. Point blank. She’ll destroy your life outside of college too. No employer will ever take someone as filth ridden as you. But fortunately, she’s willing to get her hands dirty as long as you come back to her arms.
♡ Crisanto Salvador [Yan! Rich Kid] used to be a hedonist. You’ll have to be the one that guides him in the relationship and teach him that chasing after pleasure all the time is not healthy in the slightest.
♡ Reina Liwanag [Yan! Loyal/Puppy-like Lackey] is absolute focused on pleasing you. Overwhelming but can be controlled if you communicate with her properly. She’s fine with open relationships as long as you check on her once in a while. Leave her neglected for too long and there might be consequences…
♡ Ella Morin [Yan! Quiet /Emo Kid] has no relationship experience whatsoever, nor did she ever think she’ll ever be in one. She’ll be incredibly awkward to be with especially if you don’t share the same interests but as long as you take initiative and bond with her through her hobbies you’ll be a-okay. Lots of trying out rituals online, writing fanfiction, making fanart and what not. Leaving her might get you cursed to eternal damnation so be careful.
♡ Eloise Morin [Yan! Physics Professor] is an absolute wifey. Which, can be good or bad depending on who you’re talking to. She only dates with an intent to get married to that person. So there’s a lot of insecurity and hesitance in the dating period. But if you’re down with getting tied to one person your whole life then she’d be the best option. Extremely loyal, is a great cook, and is incredibly smart. Expect random spiels about Physics though, not as bad as Marx’s mansplaining but it’s there.
♡ Amelia Yorkshire [Yan! Linguistics Professor] if you’re looking for experience than there’s no person in the school who has the most knowledge on that type of topic more than Amelia. She’s an expert at wooeing and seducing but kinda falls off at the actual relationship part. She thinks sex is the biggest part and scared off many of her previous partners with how much of a nymphomaniac she is. Definitely a terrible option for an asexual, but I’d recommend her if you’re looking for a casual physical relationship that isn’t too deep. Then again, if you end up leaving her you’ll have a potential s*xu*l ass*ulter of yours on the loose. Yikes.
♡ Marx Esguerra [Yan! Biology Professor] is terrible in all ways possible. No matter what orientation you have. Once he ‘has’ you, he will never respect your boundaries. He will control your feelings, rewire your brain in order to fit what his ideals are. Mansplaining is a regular occurrence in a relationship with him. He won’t back down from a debate even if he’s wrong, and if you do prove your point properly he’ll either ignore it or ignore you out of spite. Actual child in an adult’s body.
♡ New OC! Althea Dalisay [Yan! Chemistry Professor] tends to be a teacher in and out of the relationship. There won’t be much difference between dating her and not doing so. She’ll be super sweet at times and then cold at the next. What you will get from dating her, as is common from all professors is that you won’t fail any of her classes. Either because of favoritism or her drilling the material into your head. The person with the least backlash when you break-up. Mostly cause it’s impossible with the amount of drugs she puts you under.
♡ New OC! Karen Nolasco [Yan! Mathematics Professor] why are you even dating her? She’s the most hated teacher on this planet. Like she made the name Karen an insult before it was even a mainstream thing. She’s snobby as hell and would act like it’s a privilege to date her when in fact it’s just a normal ass relationship. She won’t even hide her anger if you break up. She’ll fail you and write up every possible mistake you could ever do.
♡ New OC! Fernandez Imelda [Yan! Art/History Professor] the opposite of Karen. Sweet, sweet, sweet. He’s a gift giver at heart. A bit on the creepy side with the amount of paintings he has of you but isn’t it so romantic? This is just normal for couples you see? Never chooses you to model for class, even if its clothed. You’re for his eyes to see only. Overall cool if you’re fine with severe possessiveness and spoiling.
♡ New OC! Mel Morales [Yan! P.E. Professor] is an absolute pervert and doesn’t hide it. A bit hypersexual so they aren’t a good match for ace readers. Forces you to wear short shorts for P.E. and often gropes you during class. Before you dated they made it a rule for players not to engage in relationships but oop you found yourself in bed with them, too bad! Now they gotta take responsibility. But yeah, steer clear if you aren’t into sexual relations.
♡ Daniel Cruz [Yan! Principal] is another no no for aces. Extremely hypersexual that his wife isn’t enough, he has to seek the company of other people as well. Why would you even date a married man anyways? I guess the risk would be cool but don’t expect anything more than just fucking behind closed doors.
♡ Ricardo Peralta [Yan! The President] one of the super sweet ones. Knows everything about his s/o. Has notes and notes about your likes and dislikes, what to do with you often and what to avoid. He’s fine being the more forward one in the relationship but he does get easily shy and flustered. Tease him and he might just explode.
♡ Camille Valencia [Yan! Nurse] is the kindest person you’ll ever meet. Is hyperfocused on your needs and wants. Will literally bend to your desires.
Until you try leaving her. Then you’ll have to deal with several sedatives and aphrodisiac she’ll force into your system, and you wouldn’t want that, right?
♡ Crisanto Salvador [Yan! Rich Kid] is another terrible match for anon specifically. He requires an extremely affectionate s/o. Is basically a man-child that requires affirmation constantly. If you don’t appease his needs, he’ll force it out of you via manipulation and guilt tripping. Of course he cheated on you! You didn’t give him an ounce of your time after all.
But yeah, yanderes ain’t it if you’re looking to test the waters. Boundaries who?
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mayullla · 9 months
I’m so glad you liked what I sent in again for the Three Wishes part 2 (genie yandere)! I really like that I was able to help you cause your writing talent is way too good. (And as a fellow artist…I get what it’s like to be in a roadblock and the frustration that comes with it).
I actually really love reading more unusual or less well known fairy tales and mythology, so I could always send some more your way so you don’t have to do any research. (You can be lazy! Yay!) Though if you’re up for that, I think it’d be easier if I just messaged you privately instead of going back and forth with anon asks (if that’s comfortable with you of course).
I also like Reader’s “suffering” too in yandere stories. I always like stereotypical HEA, but my version of “suffering” is more so that the yandere wins (and Reader doesn’t die either or is heavily abused to the point where death is the better option. I hate where there is no heavy “dere” in yanderes, cause if it’s just “yan,” it’s just an abusive piece of shit).
That’s absolutely understandably about not wanting to focus on the Prince, I was just throwing it out there in case you wanted to make him a new important OC. And changing the Prince into a different profession also is perfectly fine. (Heck in the original story, pretty much the main reason the Prince was out and about was because he was scholarly-like. Having a deep and wide fascination with all the world had to offer. The dude really just wanted to go on an adventure and learn more).
And I’m glad 6.e. made your heart explode with delight! (I also have a guilty pleasure of thinking about all the fucked up things yanderes can do to their lover/others).
Do whatever you feel comfortable ask if you wanna stay anon or dms~ If you are thinking about spam this blog doesn't get many to to be fair. But yeah it is probably more comfortable in dms.
But just a heads up I personally don't know when I would actually start posting here again just yet. While I am slowly getting back to writing rn but I am taking the chance to write some longer stuff or more personal (deranged really) without pressuring myself to post like one or two fics every week. (also started another hobby of journalling soo) If you don't mind just exchanging ideas and stories then yeah~ ^^
Another reason why I dont want to deal with tags, hashtags and proofreading
But yeahhh hmm I deff placed a few readers in a "better death than this" while also adding to it that the reader in my head still has a fear of death but no real bad abuse???? I THINK- lmao Ehh I guess it is more so I love the idea of yanderes having control over where the reader is I guess, so controlling the area where they are, or maybe the controlling the mind or movements, or arranged marriages :p All my wips that i am working on currently is just that right now. Either one or a mix of them.
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dark-side-blog3 · 1 year
I’ve never heard of your OCs!!! If you’re feeling it, can you tell me ab them? Like, what’s their type, what kind of yandere are they, etc. I tried to search em but nothing came up so I guess they’re from the old blog lol
They are from the old blog, that is right! I've still got to update my tag post I've been using for searches on there-- but I'll post that and it should make it easier to read up on them! I'll reblog some stuff too!
I have two OC's and a third bastard child I never developed past like a couple of concept posts, and their names are Cyril and Dalton!
I thought it would be funny to name the idiot character "Dalton" Because of the insult 'dolt' -> 'dolt one' -> 'Dalton'.
And Cyril is named as such: 'see, here's eel' -> 'see, e're eel' -> 'Cyril'
Dalton came first, and he is a jellyfish merman based off the pink meanie jellyfish found of the gulf of Mexico. He has translucent pink skin that can change colours depending on what he has eaten, long messy hair, human hands, and a massive skirtlike membrane at his waist that acts as the natural fleshy cover for his thousands of thin tendrils-- each loaded with extremely painful toxin.
The venom is fast acting and makes your skin slough off from chemical burn damage, and if you don't treat the stings, you could potentially die from blood loss (not the venom itself). Dalton is dumb as a sack of bricks (inspired by the fact that jellyfish don't have brains), obsessive, delusional, and sadly for you: extremely affectionate, with a touchy disposition. He'll cling to you every chance he gets.
Dalton is so stupid that he cannot feel pain-- for most merfolk, walking on land is agonizing. Dalton can't fathom this, and just continues to beach himself until he can crawl, his fragile membrane and tendrils drying out and ripping, spilling vital goop as they shift into legs. Each step would be extremely painful, but Dalton can't understand what he's feeling, or what's causing it. And because he doesn't know walking is what's causing it, he'll continue to walk, searching for his "best friends" who must have gotten lost. Dalton believes that Cyril, and you, are his best friends. And you must have gotten lost on your way to find him again. So he'll go out and find you, and everything will work out in the end.
Cyril is a smarter, yet sadistic merfolk, based off of the electric eel found in South America's Amazon River and Oronocio basin. Cyril, unlike Dalton, is a freshwater merfolk, and is capable of being drowned in the brackish water Dalton prefers. And unlike Dalton, Cyril can comprehend the pain in drowning. As well as the pain in being stung by venomous tendrils, and walking. Cyril has chronic pain (as most merfolk do). If he can avoid walking, he will.
He has long, greasy black hair-- washing it does him no good, as getting wet just turns his body back into his natural form, which causes him to secrete slick mucus. His skin is opaque, unlike a jellymer. If he doesn't show you his true form, you might just assume he's a lazy but bougie guy, adorned in gold jewelry he's stolen from other's homes before having to flee the scene. Despite his inactivity, Cyrils' body is on the leaner side due to his high metabolism. He has no visible muscle, but who really needs that when you're an ambush predator that can stun others anyways?
Cyril has worked many odd jobs that helped him live a more lavish life than just hunting and eating whatever got close enough to the river bank. He's acquired a taste for grapes, sliced and microwaved. Any hot fruit would do, but grapes are his favourite. This has become an integral part of his lore, because once Cyril learns of fruit, and then heating the fruit up, and all the devices you can use to heat food up (not just fruit, though he thinks its the height of luxury), and where those devices are stored... It's how Cyril ends up breaking into his darling's home in the first place. They have shelter, water, and all sorts of devices with which to make hot meals. And he needs for this to be perfect is someone who he can force to fetch him things from other rooms once he finds the couch.
He probably doesn't even like you at first. You're just someone he's bluffing out of his ass to let stay here. Cyril will use whatever tactics needed to make you let him stay. He'll go the pity route-- he's a poor misunderstood man, kicked out of housing, turned down everywhere because people don't agree with his life choices... He just wanted to crash here for the night, he didn't know you were here, he thought you were on vacation and he could squat here.
If that doesn't work, he'll resort to threats. He doesn't want to hurt you, he wants to mind his own business here, but if you call for help or tell anyone he's here against your will, he will kill them and you, before eating you. As much as it pains him to walk, he'll trudge over to your bathroom with you in tow, to show you his transformation in your shower/tub. He's a dangerous monster, and you don't know what he can do! His long tail wraps around you, slime secreted from his skin soaking through your clothes, constricting your ribs as he slowly crushes you, before you get hit with a painful shock-- knocking you to the ground and convulsing with painful spasms. Life for you will be easier if you just do what he says. It's not like he's asking for much anyways.
And at first, he's not. He's just asking you to fetch him some food every now and again, or to refill the cup he's been using for water. To buy him a laptop so he can work from home-- this way he'll pay for his own food, and you're not against that are you? Unless you like him mooching off your budget.
Cyril slowly gets more possessive as time goes on. It's not that he likes you; he likes your things, and he likes making you serve him, and he likes hurting you when you do something wrong. That's completely different than liking you. And you were three hours late coming home the other day. Cyril had to get himself a glass of water. Scandalous.
And while he thinks of it, he's not really a good threat if you start thinking you can stay out of the house, and avoid him. How is he supposed to hurt you if you're not around?
He should add a new rule: You have to start staying home with him more, and you have to be in the same room. And if you don't... Then he's going to start breaking your things, changing your password on everything, texting everyone your compromising photos and destroying relationships...
And if you refuse to come home... Then he's just going to have to get up and go hunt you down. You may have forgotten he can actually walk from how little he does it, but if need be he can track you down to the ends of the earth. Eel merfolk have a heightened sense of smell, so Cyril can track you down.
Dalton may stumble upon either you or Cyril one day-- a terrible mix of fate, because the idiot has just been wandering following Cyril, and you know Cyril, which means you're going to all be best friends.
Dalton doesn't mind you doing your own thing, he just wants to watch. He follows you everywhere, forcing himself through doors that you'd closed until they bust down so he can watch whatever you're doing, holding your hand, a grip on your legs, or resting his chin on your shoulder. If you leave the house before he can know where you are, there's a chance he'll go out to look for you-- you must have gotten lost again!
But if he has faith you'll come back, then Dalton will spend his days exploring your home. What happens when he sticks his hand or face in your oven? In the freezer? Through the window? What if he puts your sheets in his mouth? What does your soap smell like? Taste like? Dalton wants to know. And he'll find out everything about you.
Including you. Dalton is clingy, but he's exceptionally touchy. It's not enough to have you next to him, he needs to constantly touch you. Holding your hand is a large part of his day. But his fingers will find their way to your gums to inspect your blunt teeth and bumps on your tongue. Your eyebrows. Dalton opens your eyes with his fingers as he stares at how your pupils shrink and grow in response to light or the air he blows onto them. Bending your fingers and legs as far back as they can. He doesn't mean to hurt you, Dalton is just curious.
Dalton and Cyril can maintain human forms if they stay dry, but if they get significantly wet, their body shifts back into their true forms. A full shower will have Cyril a writhing mass of a slimy tail. And getting caught in a thunderstorm will have Dalton crawling around, ripping his fragile bell membrane, ripping out his tendrils. And while Cyril can intentionally use his ability to shock you regardless of if he's in his true form or not, Dalton's tendrils are only a danger to you if he's soaked and in his true form... Something he rarely thinks to do. All he cares about is following his favourite people around and being close to them. But if Dalton ever gets in a body of water and you're in arms reach, he will drag you into the water, wrapping his tendrils around you, the pain making you pass out in the bloody water...
When you wake up, perched on top of his bell membrane, Dalton apologizes-- he didn't mean to hurt you! He just wanted to swim with you! He doesn't even know how you got hurt! Maybe you just need to be held tighter? A cracked rib is a small price to pay if it keeps you awake, and in his mind, happy.
As far as merfolk go, they're both disasters. As far as yandere's go, they're completely useless. You'd be better off with literal leeches than these two bleeding you dry.
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animeyanderelover · 9 months
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I didn’t know if you meant Ayato from Tokyo Ghoul or Ayato from Diabolik Lovers and since I was in the mood, I just ended up doing both.
Tags: @naeho @flaming-vulpix @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78 @kanaosprotector
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, stalking, clinginess, overprotective behavior, sadism, abuse, manipulation, isolation, abduction, death
Kidnapped and nearly killed
Ayato Sakamaki
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🥇He would never admit this as his own fault yet the truth is that abducting Ayato's darling isn't that difficult. He doesn't look out much for their protection and focuses more on the possessive aspect that he wants them to know that they only belong to him. So he doesn't worry much when he just randomly leaves you from time to time and just threatens you to stay here and wait for him. Maybe Ayato has never considered that something quite as terrible might happen, everything so far has just been sadistic fun for him and the thought of abduction initially doesn't cross his mind when he returns his room but can't find you. Instead he instantly assumes that you stupid thing have left him as he starts angrily searching for you in the entire mansion, slamming doors and yelling at the brothers who are unfortunate enough to walk past him. The first anger slowly ebbs away though as panic seeps through when he can't find you on the entire property. Where the fuck are you?! This isn't funny anymore!!
🥇​He reaches the limit of his own capabilities for now but is too proud to ask any of his brothers for help. So instead he starts shouting at them as he blames them for not stopping you as he searches for the fault in everyone else but himself. It's then that Laito reveals to him that he saw you the last time in the garden before you were suddenly assaulted and taken away by some men. Ayato nearly pounces on him to strangle him, hot fury causing him to almost explode as he shouts at his brother why he didn't do anything to help you before Laito flees to avoid Ayato's short temper. He just vents out his wrath for a while as he throws every vase he can find against walls or destroys some furniture before he calms down somewhat. Then he feels the dread crawling up his spine. You were taken away by someone...He'll bash their heads for that. He'll kill those bastards for taking something that belongs to him away from him.
🥇​He lacks the sensitivity when it comes to properly conducting some research and proper investigation. He couldn't care less for this shit anyways as he has no time to waste. Ayato just storms away from the mansion with no clear plan besides rescuing you and his only weapon he takes with him being a knife. He relies on his enhanced senses to track you down as good as he can as well as basically threatening every person he sees to tell him if they know everything about you. The longer it takes him to find you, the worse his temper becomes as he is really that close to losing it and just assaulting and hurting everyone he sees. It's all their fault!! His anger is unable to contain itself properly anymore at one point and he starts destroying and hurting everyone in proximity. Yet it is through violence that he actually catches someone who knows about your whereabouts as they are involved with everything. They get little to no chance to beg for mercy before Ayato slams their head furiously into the ground over and over again until blood stains the ground until he leaves th person the cusp of death. He'll murder them all!!
🥇​Ayato honestly doesn't think that he could possibly feel any more lust to murder until he kicks in the door to their hideout and startles everyone inside. Green eyes fly to you as soon as he smells your enticing blood and widen when he sees the beaten state you're in. Then he just snaps. He doesn't care that you see everything as his mind is hazy with blood lust and deathly sadism to see the life fade from your captor's face. He screams at them to just die as he goes completely violent. He hits, he kicks, he stabs and he breaks bones and doesn't even care that his mindless and violent ways to attack might leave him vulnerable for counter attacks. He isn't even fully aware of what happens but he only knows that every cry he hears and every wound he inflicts fills him with deep satisfaction. When he fully returns, he is covered from head to toe with blood as your terrified sobs fill the room. He has some minor wounds too as he only focused on killing and less on defending himself but that doesn't matter as the person who kidnapped you lays in a puddle of their own blood, already dead.
🥇​He snaps at you as he unties you and insults you for being so stupid and leaving his room without him but there are some tears in his eyes as he yells those words at you. He tries to stop the bleeding from your multiple wounds but only ends up hurting you accidentally. He's actually afraid as he sees that the blood loss has weakened you. So he lifts you up and hurries with you over to the Sakamaki mansion, snarling at you to stay awake and even slapping you to keep you conscious. He's threatening and growling at Reiji for help as much as it hurts his pride because he knows that he doesn't possess the necessary knowledge to tend to your injuries. His older brother caves in and caters to your wounded form as Ayato is unbearably loud and annoying right now. He only guarantees your survival though before he dismisses Ayato and you out of his room. Ayato, too proud to thank him, leaves silently and that's the most gratitude Reiji can expect.
🥇​He's scolding and yelling at you even days after the incident as you rest in his bed and recover from the injuries. The vampire tries to look out for you but his treatment is quite rough as he squeezes onto your injuries when he tries to assist you whilst moving or shoves a fork or spoon full of food past your lips to feed you even when you insist that you can do it by yourself. He treats you as if you are completely incompetent and that is honestly the way he is thinking about you as of now. After all you can't even leave the fucking room without him without getting yourself into some sort of trouble. So now you aren't allowed to go anywhere anymore without him monitoring you. This experience has taught Ayato that not everything is always all fun and easy though and he starts taking your protection more seriously as he realises that there are people after you too. His way of protecting is more overbearing though as you're always locked inside your room whenever he has to leave and he may just tie you up to ensure that you don't move.
Ayato Kirishima
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🌌​Ayato is also quite rough when it comes to treating his darling, especially the first few weeks after abduction where everything is bumpy and terribly new and frightening. You aren't the only one who has get used to now living with a ghoul after all, Ayato has to adapt to a life with you, a human, now too which means that he is faced with burdens and worries he didn't have before. Despite his harsh exterior, Ayato is protective though and that from the vey start. He has grown up with harsh and unforgiving circumstances so he knows that the world tends to be cruel. He's very protective after all although he'd rather bite off his own tongue than to just admit that to you. He doesn't want to be too obvious with his own weak spot for you. He always reminds you to never leave the apartment when he leaves you because otherwise there will be consequences. Yet you're still gone when he one day returns with stuff he got for you. Shortly he wonders if you are just incredibly stupid before he notices the clear signs of a fight.
🌌​He feels the anger already dwelling up but forces himself to stay calm. He can't allow himself to lash out. Not yet at least. He quickly walks through the entire apartment as he collects all hints he can see, from the slashed and destroyed furniture to the few patches of blood on the ground. He'd notice that aroma anywhere. It's your blood. The damage inflicted on the furniture and his apartment doesn't look like it could have been inflicted by ordinary weapons and he soon just arrives at the conclusion that this is the result of a kagune. You were taken away by a ghoul! Shit, this couldn't have ended up worse! Chances for a ghoul to just randomly break into a house are rare as most lure outside in the dark backstreets so the thought that this ghould specifically came for you due to knowing about Ayato's presence in your life is very likely. He has made a couple of enemies over the years so it is logical that they would target you instead of him since you are a mere human.
🌌​Ayato is doing it all by himself because he has always been all on his own. He doesn't trust anyone else with you nor does he want to admit to anyone else that he is so incredibly attached to a human. So he won't even request help from his own sister and much less from Aogiri Tree if he should still be an executive for them. Instead he goes out all on his own with the little bit of knowledge he was able to collect from his apartment. He starts seeking all other ghouls he can find in Tokyo as he attacks and threatens them to tell him if they have seen anything suspicious whilst keeping his guard up. If they really came for you to get to him, he is almost expecting that they'll try to get in contact with him to try to make a deal with him or use him for something by trying to keep him under control with you. He isn't wrong as night eventually falls and he is approached by two of them who ask him to come with them because they have what he is searching for. Hold it in. He has to hold it in for a bit longer.
🌌​He attacks both of them out of the blue as soon as he sees the place you're held in without giving them much of a chance to defend themselves, leaving them heavily wounded outside as he raids the place. There's one more waiting inside as they have been watching over you and all Ayato can do in a short moment is kick the chair your tied to away to get you away from them as a fight ensues. His focus is split though as he is fully aware that you're still there as he tries to create as much distance between you and the fight as he can so you don't get up hurt. Unfortunately the other ghoul knows that as he tries to use it to his advantage whilst Ayato tries to get them away from you. Until a short second is all it takes for them to stab you with their kagune, the blood flodding out of your wound. His heart threatens to break out of his chest as his eyes zoom in on your form and the blood suddenly surrounding you, his own inner chaos threatening to deafen him. Until suddenly there is silence. Within only a few minutes later, he is panting as he stands over their half-dead body, clear signs of a destructive fight all around him.
🌌​He feels sick when he rushes to you, his hands instantly sticky with cold blood as he touches you. Your eyes are already closed and your breath and heartbeat are shallow. He shakes you, he slaps you, he yells at you to wake up yet nothing hurts as blood still leaks out of your wound. He feels like someone is stepping on his chest as every breath he takes feels straining and painful as he realises that you might bleed out if he doesn't do anything. He knows that he needs help because he isn't as stubborn as to pretend that he has what it takes to safe you. So he lifts you up in his arms before he rushes away with you. There's really only one person he can think of right now as he doesn't have a lot of allies. Touka is shocked when he suddenly appears in front of Anteiku with you in his arms as she is the only one he could think of for help. He's trembling a bit, his tone demanding yet also cracking with vulerability as he yells at her and the other ghouls here to help you.
🌌​Everyone in Anteiku does their best to help you as much as possible whilst Ayato is watching with burning eyes. He won't let anyone else hurt you! Then he stays in your room for the entire time up until you slowly regain consciousness. He is instantly leaning over you as soon as he sees your eyes fluttering open as the first question he asks you is if you're feeling okay. His worry for you reigns supreme for this first moment as you wake up and as soon as he realises that you're out of any life-threatening danger, he can't help but lash out on you. He knows that you couldn't have stand a chance against three ghouls but it is this weakness of yours he verbally attacks and insults. You really can't do anything without him, can you?! Why are you so pathetically weak?! He takes you back as soon as he can because he doesn't want you to spend too long in Anteiku, although he will have to search for a new place up until then because he can't return to the previous place he hid you in. After he has found a new place, don't expect him to leave you out of sight anymore. He realized it alright. You really can't survive without him by your side.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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🍎​Do you know him yet? No, probably not but his involvement has already infiltrated your life deeply like an incurable tumor that is bound to bring you nothing but pain and suffering. Everything just falls apart for you as you lose your job, your house, your car and even the connection to the people you thought cared about you. What you think is just the world giving letting you know that it hates you is in reality caused by the obsession of one man who has to make you suffer for loving you. You are mostly being watched though by Fyodor who has set up cameras and is able to gain access to cameras within public too. He sees everything. Yet the one time he tends to some important business and stops observing you closely like a hawk, you happen to get kidnapped and at this rate you're too tired and exhausted to properly defend yourself anymore. You disappeared from all footage when he tunes in again which instantly arouses his suspicion.
🍎​It is quite easy for Fyodor to find out everything he needs to know though. He sits down and goes through every footage in the area from where you were last seen. His dedication doesn't come without reward as he soon spots you in the records as you are accompanied by a few faces he doesn't recognize. He watches closely every movement they do and as the fear in your face is quite obvious even if only through the screen, he can guess that you were taken by force. So all he has to do now is gather information on those who dared to take you from him and to discover their hideout. He searches for information himself as well as asking some of his pawns to go out and see what they can find on information all by themselves. he gathers everything he needs to know within a short amount of time, he is well linked after all. A smaller group of criminals, utterly disposable as well as doomed for accidentally touching what he wants for himself.
🍎​He doesn't have to even go out himself. He has enough people he can send as he can guess that those people will definitely try to resist with the weapons they have. Fyodor takes his time to come up with a plan because if it should escalate into a violent conflict, he wants you to be out of the picture. You need to suffer but to die isn't your fate. He gathers some people who listen to him as he explains to them what he wants them to do and he mentions at the end casually yet also quite seriously that he will punish them if they end up getting you into any danger. He's the only one under whom you will suffer and suffocate. He already plans to just keep you with him permanently after you've been rescued. This is a little bit earlier than he initially anticipated but it can't be helped. That just means that he can keep you and break you sooner, although he thinks about being generous enough to give you some time to recover. He can't have you focusing on anyone else whilst in his presence.
🍎​He waits as the operation begins but he certainly is still making sure that he is always being updated with the current situation. He wants the leader of this small gang to be brought to him alive though because he wants to have a small chat with them. Fyodor doesn't intend to let them leave alive, he just wants to make them suffer by making them realise how much they messed up by choosing you as their next victim. That's how he finds out pretty quickly though that you have been shot accidentally within the commotion as you tried to run away and that's when he changes his plans. He wants everyone except the one who shot you dead and gives clear instructions on catering to your wound instantly. His aura is menacing and terrifying even with the calm look on his face as the one who shot you is brought to him as he starts chatting a bit with them, purple eyes observing them with a sinister gleam in his eyes. This conversation turns more and more unnerving as he reveals secret after secret he knows of them until he ends it when his short amusement has stopped, ending them quickly.
🍎​He monitors your recovery closely the moment you arrive. You're barely conscious when you initially arrive as you have lost a lot of blood so he decides to wait until you're in a better condition. He visits you a few times in your unconscious state, his purple eyes resting on your sleeping form as he feels something tugging at the strings on his heart. You look so peaceful and vulnerable right now as you lay in bed, your body taking the time it needs to recover from all the stress and blood loss. He can't resist to caress your facial features a bit as he looks at you, a hint of a small smile on his face. How sweet and serene you look in this moment. You should enjoy this as long as it lasts. Once you're recovered, you won't be able to rest so easily anymore. His smile transforms into something more sinister as this thought enters his head. Just for now though...he feels like being soft with you.
🍎​Once you regain your consciousness, Fyodor finally introduces himself more properly to you. You are scared and confused and he does his best to answer all of your question as good as he can. He only leaves the one major reveal out of everything. His obsession as well as his plans with you. By all accounts, you initially think of him as your savior as you thank him profusely for his help and he can't help the smirk on his face as he silently accepts it. You're probably going to be utterly destroyed as soon as he reveals to you who he truly is but that will make everything only more amusing. So he never corrects you in your wrong assumption as he acts surprisingly nice and sweet as you recover from your wounds and start feeling better and better. When he finally pulls the rag out from under your feet as you are almost back to normal, the smile you have given him so far morphs into sheer fear as you find out all too suddenly what he really is. It's too late though.
Jouno Saigiku
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♦️​Jouno is a complete bastard, that is at least what you think about him whenever he mysteriously pops up just where you are. Like seriously, is he stalking you or what? You did accuse him a couple of times already of this and all he gave you was this smug smile of his. He never denies your accusations but at the same time, he doesn't admit them either. Perhaps if you would know who he really is and what he is capable of, you wouldn't act so cocky and careless around him. Saigiku would like to savor the reveal for a bit longer though. The world has other plans in store for him though as he one day can't find you anywhere as he heads outside. So when he heads to your place instead to see if you're not feeling well, the silence takes him by surprise. He can't hear anything, not even your breath. It's then that he starts getting suspicious and everything seems confirmed when he feels that the door to your house is loosely hanging on the hinges as if someone forcefully broke it.
♦️​He immediately gets to work as he tells the people from the government very bluntly to help him with this. The normally composed exterior of his seems a tad bit more threatening which scares even those he usually takes demands from as they quickly agree to assist him. He doesn't elaborate further though when they ask him who you are and what exactly you mean to him as he continues to figure out who took you. To imagine that someone actually dared to kidnap you...Well, there is no use in losing his composure now. Finding you and saving you is the first priority for now. The other Hunting Dogs can feel that there is something that deeply bothers him but he rejects the help a few of them offer as this is about you and you are his responsibility. He should be able to detect and rescue you without any help from the other Hunting Dogs.
♦️​When the government informs him a few days later that they caught someone they suspect of being involved, he instantly takes matters into his own hand. A terrifying grin is on his face as he visits the suspect in a special room. He grabs a chair and sits down in front of them as he starts asking them questions about you, your whereabout and about the one who took you. After all they're an accomplice so it's better to start talking now or otherwise they might end up with even more troubles. The supposed confidence they initially show is quickly snuffed out and replaced by fear as Jouno can sense their every lie easily. After all whilst the mouth may lie the rest of their body certainly can't. Their quick heartbeat, the adrenaline that pumps through their blood and their fast breath are all things that expose them to Saigiku. They're trembling when Jouno stands up from his chair and lets out a small sigh. This is taking too long. Seems like he has to use other method to get them to talk.
♦️​He heads out by himself with only little backup from some of the people the government insists that he takes with him. Jouno has gotten all of the information out of the other person that he needed though and what happens to them now is none of his concern. The only thing on his mind as of now is saving you as he has arranged the rest already. He hears your heartbeat picking up when he walks so casually and fearless into the abdandoned building you're held in. A frown appears on his face though when he realises that your body doesn't sound good, it sounds weaker and your breath is more troubled and strained. They hurt you, didn't they? Now that's just unforgivable. A dark smile stretches his face as his closed eyes look at you before he gives you one friendly warning to close your eyes now. That's all the warning you get before he cleanes the world of the person that took you and thought that they could get away with it. There's no need for a pesky insect like them to exist after all. Criminals should just die.
♦️​He's surprisingly careful as he frees you, although he can tell from your heartbeat and your stuttering breath that you're scared of him. There's no time for this now though. You need medical care as fast as you can because whilst he might not be able to see your wounds, he can still tell that it would be dangerous to not tend to them soon. He lifts you whilst trying to ignore your anxiety that he can clearly pick up as he leaves the abandoned building with you. You're quickly brought into a special facility owned and overlooked by the government where doctors tend to your injuries and patch you up. Saigiku is informed that you're out of any severe danger now that you have finally received medical care and he is pleased when hearing this. He wouldn't want you to leave him so easily after all. Jouno visits you a lot whilst you are put under bed rest as his inner composure has been disturbed due to the abduction. He tries to remind himself that he solved everything though as he listens to the sounds of your body.
♦️​For a while he doesn't give you the answers to your questions. You know that something is going on now because you have seen him literally murder someone and you also notice all those important-looking people here who show him respect as well as a slight bit of fear. Who exactly is he? Jouno is no fool, he knows that he can't keep this a secret anymore from you. He doesn't desire to do so either as he has already made a deal with the government. After this incident he doesn't think that he can just let you leave like this again. He'd like to put you under special supervision because you are someone important to him. He decides to tell you when you're neither too strong to possibly react violently or try to escape nor too weak to possibly not process everything fully. The weak protests you give him are ignored and quickly shot down as he reminds you that without him, you would have died. You need someone to protect you and luckily for you, his job includes saving people like you. So don't try to throw a big tantrum for now. You need time to heal properly, alright? You're never getting away from him anyways so it's useless.
Suehiro Tetchou
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🌸​Tetchou's type of obsession is one which focuses majorly on protecting the person he cherishes the most. Even before he is fully able to grasp the own length of his emotions, you often have this oddball escorting you wherever you go. Despite this protective tendencies and his tendency to easily as well as frequently worry about you, Tetchou isn't as restricting as long as he isn't triggered. You are capable to still have a slice of your life for yourself as long as nothing happens. So when you are one day taken hostage by a group of terrorists and Tetchou finds out about it, he can only deeply resent himself for not having done more to secure your safety. He's distraught and blames himself as his heart clenches as he thinks of what you might go through at the moment. If only he had done more...you wouldn't have to go through such a terrifying experience right now.
🌸​He's storming out to track the group of terrorists down all by himself although out of politeness he tells Fukuchi at least what he plans to do. The older man stops him though as he tells them that the shouldn't just head out without any orders and that he shouldn't make any rash decisions either. After all you aren't the only hostage that has been taken. Tetchou can only give the captain an incredulous stare before he is about to leave anyways. He doesn't care. He wants to save you. He needs to save you. Apparently the ongoing accident has caught the attention of the government anyways since they've been trying to catch at least a few members of the group for interrogation. The fact that a fraction of the group was forced to hide in a building and take hostages because the police has them surrounded seems like a good chance and with Fukuchi's help, they decide to deplore the Hunting Dogs to the scene. For now they need to wait though as casualities should be avoided and for that they need more intel.
🌸​Tetchou is extremely tense the entire time because having to wait until he can go is killing him. What if you're hurt? What if you're currently getting hurt? What if you're going to be killed? How are you feeling right now? There are so many worries that his head starts buzzing soon as he feels a dull painful throbbing as he drowns himself in his worries over you. His inner turmoil is giving even Saigiku an headache as he can sense the overwhelming amount of nervousness and worries he builds up inside of him as he asks Tetchou annoyed if he could please just stop. As if he could. He's rushing off by himself as soon as the order to head out is given to the Hunting Dogs. Teruko yells at him to wait for them because he can't just head out without the captain and them but at this point Tetchou is unable to properly listen anymore. He just wants you safe. Why is that so hard for everyone else to understand?
🌸​The atmosphere changes the moment the Hunting Dogs arrive as the tension partially dilutes with such strong and hailed allies arriving now. The police feels a great sense of relief as some of them can't help but cheer already since they will surely save everyone now whilst the few terrorists who have been cornered feel only horror when they recognize those uniforms. Before any of them can properly make a threat by using the hostages, things have already begun though. They're already so few in numbers and that makes everything even easier. All of them are quickly put out of commission although they aren't killed as they're going to be interrogated later so that their hideout can finally be found. Tetchou cares little for that though as he frantically walks through the crowd of hostages, his eyes trying to find you. The short relief he feels when he spots you turns to dread when he realizes the blood staining your abdomen. You've been shot, most likely before they even arrived.
🌸​You're barely conscious anymore due to the loss of blood as he quickly lifts you up and hurries outside. An ambulance! You need an ambulance! You are sane enough though as you recognize Tetchou and start muttering in a delirious way that you were shot whilst trying to stop one of the terrorists from beating another hostage up as a warning. His grip on you tightens as he tries to keep you conscious by talking to you and saying with a strained voice that you've always liked to play the hero. Why do you always have to do this? Tears are blurring his vision when the ambulance quickly drives you to the hospital and you finally lose consciousness. He isn't able to focus on anything else, his heart and mind by you as he stands next to the other Hunting Dogs, feeling numb and cold. He's eventually dismissed as it's obvious that he doesn't react anymore and so he rushes to the hospital and waits for the surgeons to save your life all whilst lamenting his own helplessness to protect you.
🌸​You wake up the next day and are surprised to find Tetchou already being with you. He instantly sits straight in the chair when he notices that you're awake and judging from the darker rings under his eyes, he probably didn't get even a minute of sleep last night. Your worries for him are dismissed as your condition is so much more important right now as he asks you in a quiet tone about how you're feeling. His grip on your hands is gentle as if he fears that he'll break you otherwise and the hug he gives you when you tell him that you are feeling rather well despite the circumstances is even more tender. He just soaks in the feeling of your warmth as he mutters that he's relieved to hear that and that he was so worried about you. He also apologizes for not having been able to properly protect you and you can tell that this seems to eat him alive, this guilt and frustration. You want to reassure him that it wasn't his fault before he interrupts you with a slightly conflicted but determined gaze. This time he'll make sure that something like this will never happen again! Y-you'll understand though, right? After all everything he does is only for your protection...
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🌺​She's been keeping her eyes out for you for quite some time now. What exactly it is she seems to find so captivating on you is a mystery for her and honestly, she isn't fine with this sudden interest she has with you. She is beautiful, strong and ethereal after all. You are nothing in comparison to her. You are weak, pathetic and your looks are average at best. Yet why?! Why is she unable to get you out of her mind?! The amount of times she has contemplated to kill you off or seriously hurt you only to not be able to pull it off are numerous and her brother gets the worst of her temper tantrum. She's obsessed but despises you at the same time yet when you one day stop appearing, she feels seriously betrayed. How. Dare. You. She sends her obi slash out to find you and capture you because this is unacceptable yet later on she is informed that you aren't in your room. You're gone.
🌺​As soon as she receives those news, she completely lashes out. She doesn't care if she terrifies everyone in her house as they tremble, kneel and try to appease Warabihime whilst not even knowing why she is suddenly in such a terrible mood. Daki doesn't care though and she ends up hurting a couple of people before she withdraws to her own room. She feels the intense urge to destroy the entire interior of her room and murder anyone who annoys her which is in her current mood pretty much everyone. Her wrath isn't even spared from her own obi slash as she demands from her blood ability to find you. After she has calmed down from the worst of her mood, she starts crying as Gyutaro tries desperately to comfort her. Where are you? What happened? Did you leave her?! She won't allow it!! She has the worst mood swings ever as she is wailing like a bratty child in one moment and loses control of her anger the next moment.
🌺​Gyutaro volunteers more or less of his own free will to search for you too because his sister is dear to him and her current temper tantrums do get slowly on his nerves too. If Daki is happy if she has you with her and finally calms down, then he'll track you down for her. Daki believes him when he promises her that he'll find you and gives him a nod with tears in her eyes. So she waits for any reports from her obi slash or Gyutaro and it is Gyutaro who returns first to her as he believes that he has found you. Daki instantly complains that he should have just brought you to her then but Gyutaro tells her that she should look out for you herself since she is the one so obsessed with you. Daki could get angry with him for this but he just remainds her that she should retrieve you because it looks like someone took you. Quickly her anger focuses on whoever dared to take her treasure away from her as she storms out to kill whoever laid their hands on you and after that she'll take you with her.
🌺​She overhears them talking briefly about selling you to someone and those words already make her desire to slash them with her blood ability rise. You won't get sold to anybody. You belong solely to her. When she smells your blood though that makes her mouth water a bit and she finally sees you though, the house collapses in an instant as her obi sashes effortlessly destroy the small building. You're beaten and dirty, defiled of your original beauty as your face is swollen and you have injuries all over your body because you tried to defend yourself. Not like she cares. She only cares about the fact that someone besides her touched you and ruined your cute face. One of her obi sashes manages to pull you out of the building just in time though although the way it wraps around your body only adds to the pain of your injuries. Your pain subsides for a moment though as you are in a state of shock as you stare at the collapsed house before you notice Daki who looks infuriated to the point where you can see her veins popping out in sheer wrath.
🌺​They are most likely already dead but in a fit of hot and possessive rage she pulls their body out of the debris and you can only watch in sheer horror as she cuts and mutiliates the corpse over and over again. As you try to speak up and beg her to stop, one sharp look from her is enough to quickly make you shut up and you can only look away in fear as she vents out all of her anger until she has calmed down somewhat. You hear her breathing heavily in anger before she finally turns her attention to you. Cold hands grab your face harshly as she all but yells at you for being so dumb to let yourself get caught in the first place. You don't deserve this but Daki is too occupied with pushing her anger on everyone else by blaming them instead of herself. She seems to calm somewhat down when she notices your tears and your injuries and asks you instead how you're feeling. You can only stutter out that you'll probably be fine without mentioning that you probably would have been crushed by the building she so thoughtlessly destroyed if she wouldn't have pulled you out.
🌺​You transfer ultimately from one hell into another. Instead of being sold to someone, you are now stuck with an entitled demon you have to be very careful around unless you wish to earn her ire. Daki seems to realise that you need some recovery time after what you have been through but her incredibly explosive and short temper makes it hard for her at times to not be a bit rough around you if you end up annoying her. You can't expect much medical care because she refuses to let a doctor see you unless your life would depend on it and because you said that you'll make it, she deems one to be unnecessary. She does provide you with bandages and other medical stuff you might need though as she lets it all be delivered under the orders of her fake persona Warabihime. You'd rather not have her help you though because she struggles to be gentle and careful around you as she has never taken care of a human before. If she tells you that she wants to take care of her doll though, you know better than to refuse her.
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phaticserpent · 2 years
Playing with Fire
Chapter 9
Ultron initiates his plans and you begin to reconsider what you got yourself into
I finally updated! Sorry it took so long. I'm also thinking of adding a tag list now! If you're interested, send an ask to my inbox!
Warning: I guess a bit of yandere!Ultron (ish)
By 'we' it was just basically Natasha. You explained the whole situation but relayed the message that Wanda knew more about it than you. The two of you stared at the cradle and the truck lurched forward, causing you to crash into Natasha.
"Sorry, sorry!" You squeaked out of embarrassment.
"Not a problem. I have Clint on the way." She reported, quickly glancing out of the truck's rear end. You were furiously pushing at the heavy box. "You could come with us." She suddenly suggested.
"Oh uh…..that's alright." You smiled sheepishly. "There's probably no way I'll be able to change or deter Ultron, but I….at least want to be with him."
"You've got guts. If he does anything….and I mean, anything to you, don't be afraid to speak up." Natasha offered and you nodded. The two of you watched the jet hover under the truck. "Eh, you might've wished you hadn't said that. " She said into the audio. You watched Natasha push the cradle into the jet, yet in an instant, you saw a flash of metal.
Before you knew it, you were being carried away by one of Ultron's sentries. You didn't like how the entire flight was utter silence, though, you had nothing to say.
"Ultron—" you started but paused as you watched him lay an unconscious Natasha on the ground. He trudged away while you lingered behind. "Talk to me."
"About what?"
"Okay. Let's talk about why you were helping the Avengers." Ultron turned to face you, basically towering over you. "I thought you understood me."
"I…..I do but your plan has gone too far."
"Too far?"
"Do you really expect me to choose you when you're initiating me and my family's extinction?" You scoffed. "I'm sorry but that's not the Ultron I chose." He stood there, unmoving and speechless.
"–I can guarantee your safety."
"It's not my safety I'm worried about." You gritted your teeth. He wasn't understanding. "Did you really think I would want to live with my entire family gone?"
"Do they even care about you?" Ultron scoffed. His words hadn't registered and Ultron's scoff fell once he realized what he had said.
"You changed." You chuckled coldly. "And not in a good way, I don't even recognize who you are."
"Don't even think about leaving." Though the words came out harsh, there was a certain edge of despair to them. You paused but clenched your hands before walking away. Upon exiting and letting out a breath, you remembered that Natasha is still held captive. You cursed, not being able to bring yourself back inside. Gathering your strength, you marched back inside directly up to Ultron. His eyes glared through you, but your eyes flared back.
"The only reason I'm back is because I made a promise to Natasha. I would never leave you, I wouldn't leave you to despair. I may not be able to change you, but I promised and chose to stay by your side." You gritted every line out. "You were the one that gave me a chance. You were the one who helped me improve my metalwork……And at the end of the day, I was just another fucking pawn to you." Ultron stood, speechless and motionless. He clenched his fist and turned his back to you. It was as if he was waiting to muster the courage to reply, yet those words never came and he simply walked away. After he was gone, you went to check on Natasha but she was still unconscious. So, you went to grab a glass of water as you left it within arms reach for her, but not too close for it to spill. Unfortunately, an Ultron sentry was keeping a close eye on you and Natasha in his absence. You raised your arms up to show that you mean no harm or threat before backing away.
The next day, a little close to dawn, there was an abrupt knock at your door. You hesitantly opened it to see Ultron.
"Can we talk?" He rumbled. His eyes desperately meeting yours. "Please." You widened the door, allowing him inside.
"How's Natasha?"
"She's fine. She'll wake in due time." Ultron grunted. You could tell your question already annoyed him. "I have a plan to protect your family."
"You said camp half blood is protected by a magic barrier, right? Well, I can possibly reinforce it."
"Yes." Ultron sighed. "If I can get enough of my sentries near the border, they can strengthen it. Although they won't be able to replicate it, they could create something similar and buff it."
"Is that even possible?"
"Well…..I'll have to see."
"I genuinely think it won't work….." You said softly. Ultron's hands lowered at your remark, seemingly offended and discouraged. "Not saying that it's useless. It would work if it worked like that…..the magic barrier around camp is something the gods gave. A magic barrier that size and strength is hard to replicate."
"Still, I can try….please." He reached out but paused at your side. Your gaze lingered at his hand and you nodded.
"Alright." You finally said and the tension in the room was relieved. You took hold of his hand and held his gaze. "Please promise me that you'll be safe. Promise me that you'll reconsider your plan……we can give this up and live in peace."
"I will…..I promise." He promised. Did promises even mean anything to him? Ultron walked away from you as you stared after him, wondering what you had just encouraged and kept replaying that conversation in your head. There was no implication of ill intentions that Ultron harbors to keep your demigod family safe. However, he seemed too desperate. Everything he was doing was to keep you here. Yet when you came to that conclusion, you knew you couldn't leave him. After everything he went through to try….you couldn't simply walk away. Everything was too complicated and you couldn't decide if you were in the right or wrong.
"Oh Lord Hephaestus, please help me." You prayed softly. You peeked around, expecting something but to no one's surprise, nothing happened. "Didn't expect him to understand." You sulked back into your room to organize your belongings. A couple of moments passed before you heard the heavy metallic footsteps of Ultron, and you cautiously peaked out to see his prime form.
"Get ready, we're leaving." He huffed out, not even a glance at you.
"Ultron….wait!" You called, reaching out to grab his hand. He stopped abruptly before turning to meet your gaze, though it was more condescending.
"What." He snapped.
"Please…let's reconsider the plan." You suggested. "You're making me feel confused….you're the first person who believed in me, the first person to support me….you genuinely took interest in mine. Now, I don't even recognize you."
"I'm going to have to tell you to get to the point." Ultron sighed.
"The point is, I love you. Instead of seeking revenge, let's settle down and live in peace…..we can go to Camp Half Blood and stay there together, they'll never find us. We'll be protected—"
"You're just a pawn to the gods…..they don't see you for your worth." He spoke softly. "You only have me." Your eyes widened and you stood there, stunned. Ever so gently, he took your hand and guided you out, which was easy as you were in a trance from the shock.
Also on AO3!
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kmixer · 1 year
Kim's rules
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General rules!
°•☆ my rule book will most likely be long, bc i just want to have strong boundaries that won't be suppressed
°•☆ if ur under 15 I really would not recommend reading my fanfics when they're tagged like #smut because these are just not for ur age yet!
°•☆ personal please: do not interact when ur homophobic, racist, antishifter, and a Karen. There is something called scrolling or blocking, so please don't waste ur energy hating because I would just laugh my ass of at ur useless comments *>*
°•☆ I'll always try to post but I have school and I'll have to deal with that to, so please be patient with Me and posting! <3
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°•☆ request are always open unless my bio says they're not, and please don't ask me when they're closed bc it can maybe contain a sensitive subject of who knows what and also a bit of respect please.
°•☆ if you want a fanfic writen then I need character name and a scenario, pics or a song so I can base it on that!
°•☆ Reminder I only make fanfics abt Mha, demon slayer, Haikyuu, Spiderman across the spider verse, Jujutsu Kaisen Attack On titan, One Piece Life Action and the blue eye samurai at the moment but maybe in the future I'll add some more!
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Will write!
°•☆ Female reader
°•☆ neutral gender reader
°•☆ POC reader
°•☆ NSFW (only with aged up or timeskipped characters)
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Won't write!
°•☆ Gore, Yandere, or other possessive things, I feel very uncomfortable writing and reading them, so sorry, no
°•☆ any NSFW minors, I will not write NSFW with 16 /17 or younger year old in it only if they're aged up
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Please Do's!
°•☆ giving me feedback on my writings! I am not really known to writing fanfics but I really want begin doing it so I would love some nice feedback, but please stay nice though!
°•☆ being patient with me! I have a lot of write blocks which mean I won't write for some time but I'll always try to write!
°•☆ giving me tips on my word spelling English isn't my first language so I would really appreciate it when u would help with it!
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Please don'ts
°•☆ please don't spam me with questions of when I will post again or when I will do your request, I will most likely ignore you when you do that so no use spamming
°•☆ stealing my own ideas. I don't have much creativity, and I would find it absolutely rude when you steal my ideas without giving credits. I would report and block you. Also, if u see someone who did this, please tell me I would highly appreciate it!
°•☆ telling me I stole someone's idea when I obviously tagged them, I would also always ask if its okay if I use they're idea so please don't do this because this is just rude.
°•☆ request things I obviously won't do and continue to ask to do them. It just wastes your and my time and I would also most likely ignore you
°•☆ hate on my choices like shifting, my sexuality etc. Karen it's not bc ur boyfriend left u that I need to deal with the aftermath of ur breakdown and now tantrum just shut up scroll or block me if u don't like my content/ life choices
°•☆ threatening me with things when I don't do ur request. Threatening won't make anything better because making me uncomfortable will most likely end up with you blocked or reported so yea
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I will most likely add some things in the future but this is it for now! Sorry @anikaluv for not asking you to use ur layout, I will in the future!
A fanfic will come in tomorrow bc now my mind is blank
Cya guys then
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Tagglist: @anikaluv @joliety
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yandere-daze · 2 years
hi i just found your blog and i read like,, everything in your enstars yandere masterlist 😭 but i was afraid to leave likes and reblogs cause i read that doing that makes the algorithm think you're botting your posts or something like that? if it doesnt im going to go back and like everything because they were so good 😔
anyway this isnt a request and i just wanted to bounce around this idea in your head but like this is an imagine the self aware yandere au because reading it got me thinking how itd work out with my history with enstars 🫡
so like i was a fan of enstars since its like 3rd anniv cause i saw some photos of ryuseitai and i was like "haha these guys look so goofy and cute" which then translated into two years of fervently saving fanart of ryuseitai (but especially chiaki and midori 😭) though i never actually played the game all that properly since it was in japanese and i didnt really know where to find tls yet
then came engstars and i was finally like "omg i can finally understand chiaki" cause i had a phone that could actually run it at that time but when i played the game i instantly just swerved to hiiro ,, like he was the one i picked for the starter pull and he was and still is my favorite and most collected character (i got his vermillion card in like 12 hours 😭)
anyway going on to the actual self aware au thing wouldnt it be kind of funny to see the "original" cast members of enstars just see their beloved reader not even give them a glance, just completely focused on the new units and characters??
like some of them would be so pissed it would be downright terrifying, some would be so heartbroken (sorry chiaki) because they thought you loved them most of all??? and you just know some of the more obsessive ones would not take that disrespect lying down 💀💀
anyway thats all! i know my experience isnt exactly universal so i get it if you cant relate to it at all! i really just wanted to get the idea out there
First of all thank you so much, I'm really happy to hear that you like my yandere enstars writing!! 😊
As for your question, I'd really appreciate leaving likes and especially reblogs on my works as it shows that people actually like what I'm putting out there! Staying silent and lurking is not going to give creators any feedback so it might make them think that their works aren't really appreciated or that no one really cares about them. It's very unmotivating to have zero comments or reblogs with tags on your writing ( made worse if the post actually has a good amount of likes because it just means only around 1% of all people reading your writing though it was good enough to hit a single button to support you :/)
Silent readers and lurkers don't do anything for creators and just take our work for granted which is why I often block people that follow me that haven't reblogged anyone's writing before.
I'd definitely appreciate it if you went back to reblog my works because it shows that people care and it feels good ^^ For me, the main issue I have with spam-liking is if you do that and then reblog or comment on a single post. Because it obviously shows that you liked my writing enough to immediately read everything there is of it but not enough to want to support me :/
Sorry to go onto a rant in this post, it's not really directed at you in particular or anything like that!
As for your question for the self-aware AU, I'm actually not taking any new asks for that AU right now so you won't get a very in-depth reply for this, sorry!
But Chiaki would probably be very sad about that, thinking that he must work harder to regain your approval!
Something kind of similar actually happened to me because I chose Rei as my starter card in jp and now I'm not really much of a ReiP at all and instead chose Shu for my starter card on en ejej
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