#not some kid who has no control over the fact that his dying mother is a zionist
hjartasalt · 4 months
Are people off tikok aware of the lady who is dying of cancer and signed off all her rights to her latest single to her 7 year old son in the hopes that she'll have some amount of money to leave behind for him and initially her song was taking off and getting a lot of streams until someone pointed out that she follows the IDF on instagram so now people are debating over whether or not it's morally correct to stream her song even though the money exclusively goes to her son what stage of capitalism is this
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crobones · 1 month
[kicks open the door I just closed] AND ANOTHER THING
when a ghoul is turning feral, they say their name. they repeat it, over and over. "Roger. My name is Roger." like a chant. to remind themselves who they are. to hold onto the last bit of humanity they have left, because maybe if they hold tight enough, they can beat it. or maybe they can just hold on until help comes.
Cooper wasn't just distracting Roger so he could get a clean shot. He was reminding Roger of something good. BlamCo Mac & Cheese. His mom's apple pie.
When someone can't be saved, you don't want them to just focus on the fact that it's over. It's done. Waiting in that anxious fear for their every breath, because they don't know if it will be their last. Or, in Roger's case - and the case for any Ghouls out there still surviving - their last moments of control.
The sad fact of the matter is that, feral ghouls are still alive. They're not zombies. They hunger, they drool, they eat, but they can hide, too. They can gather. Being feral isn't dying, it's worse. They've not even just gone to base instincts - they've lost any and all sense of self preservation. They can sprint and throw themselves at prey because the body has simply become a vehicle for that hunger.
They don't hide or gather to stay safe. They do it because it's easier to take down someone if they're surprised and outnumbered. So yes, a feral ghoul can think. But only insofar that they can find a way to feed that hunger.
But even animals have some sense of self-preservation. (Unless, of course, they're rabid.)
To be feral is to experience such complete ego death that a person has no sense of identity outside of hunger and fear. So they try to hold onto control by reminding themselves who they are. "I am Roger." And so, it's not too far of a stretch to say that a person's humanity lies within their memories.
Cooper asked Roger if he remembered what food tasted like, back when he could taste. Before the radiation and necrosis. As most people know, certain senses like taste and smell can trigger a stronger memory than any words or chants.
What Cooper did to Roger was a mercy. It was simple. It wasn't a countdown or closing his eyes, just so that the last thing Roger could feel is fear. He reminded Roger of something good, like the taste of apple pie. Of his mom. Of being a kid again. Ghouls are people, but for those last few seconds, Roger was the most human he'd probably been in twenty-eight years.
And so what's going to happen when the Ghoul runs out of vials? Not Cooper, but the Ghoul. The character. The facade Cooper Howard has been wearing like a second skin. It's wrinkled, irradiated, and necrotic, but it's tight. It's safe. It's kept him alive. To survive, he willfully distanced himself from his humanity and became a monster. Cooper Howard didn't die. He's been buried alive in a coffin for centuries, feeding off of scraps. But he put himself in there.
So when the Ghoul runs out of vials, he'll do what they all do when they're trying to hold on. They'll hold on to their humanity by tooth and nail. "I am Cooper."
It'll be the first time anyone who didn't know him before the bombs ever hears his name. The first time Lucy connects who the Ghoul is to who Cooper Howard was, back when he was human.
It clicks in her head, subtler than a light switch. She should be happy. She should be ecstatic! She's meeting her favourite hero from her childhood! But all she can feel is sadness. She saw what her mother became, and she quickly proved to the Ghoul that she can put him down when the time comes. If she can do that for her mother, she can do that for him.
But how will she give Cooper those last seconds of humanity? Does she think he deserves it? Fuck deserving it, she'll decide to do it just because it's the kindest thing to do. But she didn't know him before. Didn't know his favourite tastes and smells. But she can probably guess.
Maybe it's the scent of his wife's perfume. Maybe it's the taste of hot coco. Or maybe it's Janey. Just Janey. In any form, any memory. So Lucy does that for him. And after two centuries, Cooper Howard finally remembers how it felt to be human. If only for a few moments.
[record scratch]
I don't want to end it on that. It's too much, even for me. Cooper Howard remembers his humanity and holds on long enough. He's saved. (Hey, Maximus carries RadAway, maybe he can carry other drugs.)
Now Cooper has to sit and deal with the tidal wave that is his humanity fully resurfacing so strongly after several lifetimes. The Ghoul has done a lot of things Cooper would disapprove of. More bad things than any good things he ever did when he was human. But they were all choices he made. Cooper's always been there. Just below the surface. He buried himself in that coffin. And what's more monstrous - to kill and be cruel to survive, or to hide from the responsibility and act like it was someone else all those times? Who is the monster, the Ghoul or Cooper Howard?
meanwhile, Lucy can lose sleep over the idea that you should never meet your heroes. That maybe she likes the monster, better - but she doesn't know which is which either. They find themselves. They find each other. They find themselves inside of each other. Cannibalism, vore, allegory, etc, etc. they find his dick inside her. Happy ending. fuck you. fuck me!
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writing-frenzy · 9 months
Mob Protag Ichigo and the Puppet Master (UraIchi Isekai Idea :3 )
So yeah, for anyone who's read my first idea with the Kurosaki Fam Isekai, they'll know all the stuff that has inspired this and that I've already mentioned an idea with a Mob Character!Ichigo and a Puppet Master Benihime (AKA Urahara Kisuke)
Let us set the scene :3
How will Ichigo go to a fantasy world, especially with how he is? Well, as Ichigo was growing up, one of his sisters was really, really sick; they weren't sure if she was going to make it tbh. Ichigo did all he could, but being a little guy, there wasn't much he could do. One day, he came upon a weird being who said they could grant wishes; Ichigo immediately asks if they can make his little sister healthy. The being said yes after a moment, but it will cost him a peaceful afterlife. Ichigo takes the deal, the being is admittedly touched by this child's goodness and unselfish desire, because for such a sweet child, they know of death and the loss it brings already. So the being actually doesn't twist the wish like so many others he does, letting the children live out their natural lifespans in peace.
All is well, until a 17 year old Ichigo saves his other sister and her friend from dying to a truck. Our World's Divine Being is like; damn, you still had way, way more life span and time than you should have to had died now... but since you have a contract, I can't just let you survive :/ eh, I'll use it to at least give you perks to survive your reincarnation in that hell hole. (not to mention how they too are actually touched, they're a sucker for loving families)
Ichigo: wut
Godly Being: *throws a book series and some powers at him* Wish you luck out there!
After feeling just a bit violated and like someone was digging around in his head and blood, Ichigo wakes up in an abandoned house in some modern looking steampunk like city. Looking around he doesn't have much but some basics for survival, weird as heck items, and a book series. Not much to do, he reads the series, which answers a whole lot of questions even as makes Ichigo scowl like a thundercloud.
See, this is a very, very dark fantasy like series, it's gonna have all the canon Bleach fighting and gore but with magical surprises and such, with a very, very bittersweet ending. It's kinda like a modern setting meets with a very eco-friendly way because the world will crush those it sees trying to abuse it (mother nature don't play around here) so it's kinda steam/water/wind/solarpunk. Don't know who I want as the OG Story's protag to be, maybe Rukia or one of the Karakura Kids, but it follows them in a world were contracts/pacts/deals with spiritual beings is over everything; it can be with weapons, it can be with bloodlines or any such. Not all pacts and such are unequal, some in fact are real and true bonds, the pact bound loyal to their contractors to obsession... others, it is is very much a thing of slavery and torture, which can go both ways depending on what was exactly contracted.
Ichigo goes about trying to figure out his own contract/pact thing, which while so long ago, is just something he has never been able to forget, seemingly inscribed onto his very soul in a way. He knows he was picked because his soul was the most compatible for the spirits the being wanted for him, and he already knows its going to change his body as well, but it still confuses him.
(maybe something like;
A mix of holy power and darkness that would find most be consumed,
Flames properly controlled that can reach the moon,
Cut it from the sky and devour it if so desired,
But yet all one wants is to protect their own wary lost and life tired,
For One such as you a power so great is to be entrusted,
It will find you, change you, leave your life chain broken and rusted,
In Time it will be shown if you can make this power your own,
But already, your fate has sown.)
(LOL, this is Ichigo, he's gonna break his fate and make friends with his Hallow and Ossan, because I love the idea of the three together again in this au :3 later tho)
But yeah, so Ichigo is figuring things out, especially with controlling his body once more because his strength went a bit wonky, but I also like the idea of a different weapon Ichigo if that makes sense? Like, he will still be an op power house, but the thought of him using spells and martial arts makes me grin evilly? Like, with his Hollow more bonded later, he can make claws come out to rip soft bellies apart and such. And Ossan just insists he learn a bow for those times he needs long range and such, even if he gets a bit despairing when Ichigo occasionally gets too frustrated and just throws the damn arrow (all three in Ichigo's head are quiet whenever the move proves highly effective, which is always.) Oh, but now I can't help but think of Childe from Genshin Impact's fighting style :D maybe instead of blades though, Ichigo switches to a hand to hand with bracers of some sort covering his arms that are hard as fuck, easy to move around in because of magic.
But ah, getting sidetracked again, this all comes later down; for now, Ichigo is still figuring shit out, avoiding protagonists and co because yeah, people not protected by plot armor tend to die really, really messily around them and he still can't do jack right now (doesn't mean he doesn't do what he can, even if its just simple things like helping the elderly, making sure kids get home safe, or even knocking out some regular thugs harassing some ladies.
Ichigo, despite all his scowls and looks, still draws people in with his kindness and protective nature in this dark, lonely otherworld.)
Its as he's helping someone shopping, this sweet little lady who goes on and on about her sweet grandbaby, that Ichigo goes to the Urahara Shoten for the first time; not much gets his attention, besides the fact that the protagonist has only been here once or twice in the early chapters for some odds or ends, this place being some mixture of candy/pawn/tea shop.
But then something in the shop resonates with him; with his very soul. Looking around, Ichigo tells the sweet grandma he'll be right back, and call him when she's done, to which she gives a cheerful reply before Ichigo goes off, looking high and low before he finds a strange book and block with it, like a set. Picking it up, it just feels so damn right... till he looks at the price tag and cringes. While he has odd jobs here and there to help him out, it's just enough money for him to live with since he doesn't have to worry about rent with his questionable abandoned house, covering his food expenses and the public bath fee.
"Find something you like dear customer?" is said from behind him, which makes Ichigo jump like a few feet into the air, clutching his book and block set to his chest, before turning to the one who startled him.
And so thus the first meeting with Urahara Kisuke, Geta-boshi as Ichigo likes to call him. After a bit of back and forth between the two, Ichigo admits he can't afford the book and block set, too which Urahara merely hums, eyes oddly shadowed from his hat as he considers that. one thing leads to another and somehow Ichigo not only gets the set but even a steady job at the shop, even if his paycheck will be cut because of said set. And sure, Geta-boshi is sus as fuck, but Ichigo doesn't sense any ill will from the man, not too mention the man even helps him with understanding the book, a soul book as its called, which strengthens souls and their contracts, enabling them to get a growing weapon called an Asauchi that transforms with the soul. Its not bad.
On Kisuke's part, he is actually pretty intrigued by Kurosaki, this youth who carries the potential of a predator but the heart of a protector, actually reacting to the soul book and Asauchi Kisuke had made more for curiosity and boredom then to actually make a functional weapon. Not to mention just how much fun it is too mess with Ichigo, the boy shows he has a clever mind and a strength that just seems to constantly grow more and more. Kisuke is actually considering just how he can possibly use this youth for his goals, wondering if he can be the chest piece he needs to finally topple the king in this game between Puppet Master Benihime and Greater Lord Aizen.
Ichigo does know about Puppet Master Benihime from the story, they were a neutral character only focused on making sure the world would not collapse, no matter the amount that would be needed to be sacrificed in the end. But in the story, it only ever showed Benihime herself, never even mentioning that she was actually contracted, and 100% loyal to said contractor, so Ichigo has no clue about just how scary his mentor is at first, besides when the man actually did finally spar with him and Ichigo couldn't even get a hit on him. In this world, these two have a bit more time, a bit more room to act, and with it they bond, much to Kisuke great surprise even as he still plans to use him.
So things happen, things are reveled, discoveries are had, and Kisuke goes to Ichigo, confirming that he knows.
And then he kneels before this youth; he kneels and apologizes, thinking and knowing in his soul he's done something unforgiveable, thinking he won't be forgiven and fine with that as long as Ichigo still lives well... only for Ichigo to actually forgive, just like that, just because he could tell Kisuke meant it, scowling still but most of all accepting.
Its a good thing Kisuke was already kneeling because that alone would have made him bow just from the sheer acceptance and warmth Ichigo just seems to shine with. Ichigo has no idea just what he's done, who's utter loyalty and trust he has secured, and Kisuke will kill, die, and live for this boy, he just has to say the word. Even with all the people Ichigo has gathered, from villains to protagonist, people who are loyal and true if to no one else but him, Kisuke feels blessed he can be included, can be trusted even over the others to always remain at Ichigo's back and protect it no matter what.
In return, Ichigo looks up to Kisuke as both a mentor, ally, friend, and after an interesting dream, a damn annoying crush he can not get rid of, going strong for years (no longer a crush then but let him deny it for a bit). Parts of him wants to devour this man whole, never share him with the world, but Ichigo is such a being of freedom he could never dream to rip such a thing from someone else. (Kisuke being Kisuke wouldn't mind if its Ichigo tho >:3 All Ichigo has to do is ask, and this man would give him the world, Benihime right behind him.)
I feel like this story would be a slow burn but not if that makes sense? like, there is a tension from the very beginning of the story to Demi-romantic/sexual Ichigo's awakening of shit, so that's what that feels like (Fight me on this, I will defend it to the grave Very Demi!Ichigo)
But yeah, so far that's it for my Bleach Ideas :D hope you enjoyed them and stuff.
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herharmonyenemy · 3 months
ACOTAR Headcanons
Has had a skincare routine since he was a teenager. His mother taught him. 
And hair care (gels n everything)
Has like 15 university diplomas. 
Has the highest bodycount. Everyone wanted to sleep with the crown prince (then highlord), and being as arrogant as he was, knew he had the females (and males) head over heels for him.
Plays piano because he’s a rich spoiled old money kid
To this day he sometimes blurts out some unchecked spoiled comment without realizing it. Cassian punches him as part of the deal. Once the archerons caught on, they also take turns. 
He once got a face piercing (nose/lips) just to spite his father. He got punished but kept it until he became highlord. 
Did a lot of things to spite his father actually. Including but not limited to: growing his hair out, dying his hair, getting a diploma in something not very legacy/bloodline like (sports medicine?), painted his nails (black ofc), got drunk in poor people bars like Nesta (when she learns about this…), and started wearing his shirts open to show his chest (which stuck until present day). 
Does in fact read smut. The best way for him to learn is by reading, so teenage rhys decided to read about sex to be better. It worked, but he got an interest in smut and still reads from time to time. Nesta never lets him live it down for the rest of their lives. 
Is the kind of person to correct your spelling and grammar. However, someone once did it to feyre and he responded that as the person to teach her to read, he is the one to correct her. 
Gift giving is his love language. 
Would watch game of thrones in modern and criticize every move. 
Doesn’t know how to do any chores. Feyre forces him to learn 
Doesn’t like animals only because he formed a bond with a dog when he was younger and when something happened (died/ran away) he cried and his dad told him to man up and it’s only a dog 
Out of all the highlords, he’s the worst at controlling his beast once it’s out but he’s the best at keeping it in 
Knows other languages (as hofas proved)
Is actually religious. 
Is a clean freak. Doesn’t even sit on the bed with his everyday work clothes unless sheet are already going to be changed. 
Had a stuffed animals that he brought to the Illyrian camps when he was 8. Cas learned and threw it off a cliff. Cas gave another stuffie for rhys’s 18 birthday, which was put on a shelf for the next 5 centuries. Nyx now plays with it. 
Picky about food. Feyre jokes that it’s a red flag. Once Rhys learn human slang and what a red flag is, he fixes it. Although Feyre laughs when he makes a face at the brussels sprouts.
Gets his fashion sense from his father, who also likes high quality pieces. 
Also gets his eyes from his father. 
Has toxic dating history that az and cas disapprove and hate 
He was like Simon from Bridgerton as a child: He learned to speak very late, which is why his father was borderline abusive and didn’t pay attention to him. He didn’t learn to speak until right before he went to the camps. Only amren knows, but rhys told feyre after nyx was born. 
Actually the nerd of the group but he hides it 
Wins the prize for best mouth action
Insecure about his ears since he grew up around Illyrians 
The first to learn how to tie shoes, so he was the designated shoe tie-er. Many jokes were made about the crown prince on his knees, mainly through Cas.
least body count - but he could actually hold a relationship for longer then one night.
As we already know, the kindest bat boy
Also got piercings with rhys so he wouldn’t be alone. 
Writes in all caps 
Doodles when he’s doing something on autopilot 
Knows hand placement 
Drinks way too much coffee
Had the most pimples as a teenager. 
He was the most romantic out of the three. While cas and rhys were going through their “never getting married, forever the bachelor life” phase, az was still after romance. 
Loves bread 
Loves loves loves traveling 
Is good at gymnastics 
Very good at winged eyeliner. When it’s eyeliner time, everyone goes to either az or feyre
Wins the price for best downstairs action
Likes watching the sunset
Always wins the scavenger hunts cas organizes 
once had a buzz cut. Happened because of a dare but he ended up being fine with it. 
Au natural
Has worst handwriting but doesn’t care. Rhys complains that it’s so bad he can’t read it (he can) 
Wears a chain necklace from time to time. After mating, he doesn’t take it off. (Nesta likes when it swings in her face) 
Out of the three, has the highest rice purity score. Az is kinky, and rhys is up for anything. 
Makes the most dad jokes 
LOVES fruits. And veggies. Eats the healthiest out of the three. 
Morning person. He used to wake up rhys and az at the crack of dawn to go hiking. 
He has a hair care routine - more complicated than rhys. Those locks aren’t just magically there. He oils his hair at least once a week. 
Wins the prize for best hand action 
Insecure about his nose 
Best at making scavenger hunts 
Has slow metabolism so whenever he eats really fast he falls asleep right after the energy high
Once used az’s toothbrush to annoy him, ended up using rhys’s. Being the clean freak he is, this started a war among them. 
100% takes dramatic showers like those scenes in movies
All three: 
on the camp, there was another trio that was everything they weren’t (pure blood illyrians from a noble line, got favored). The day comes when those three meet the archerons and the girls think they just want to be friends and the boys get jealoussss
Rhys takes them shopping. He’s up on the mini stage getting measured and tailored and cas is drinking on a couch. This is their gossip and complain time. 
They all speak Illyrian when they want to speak secretly. They never taught mor no matter how many times she asked because “it is a boys club” thing 
The archerons catch on and they eventually learn with help from bat boys, who then momentarily regret it because they don’t have a secret language anymore, but it’s the archerons who know crack the dirtiest jokes in Illyrian. 
When they were younger, they would share notes via this charmed journal that would winnow to whichever one wanted to write in it. Centuries later one of the archerons finds it and the boys jump over each other to get it from the girls cause it’s filled with teenaged thoughts (another headcanon)
They have a synchronized dance 
They used to have beach days but gradually stopped. They started again once the sisters said they have never been to the beach
They used to share a bed when they were younger. It was a hard fit, but rhys slept in the middle since he can disappear his wings. 
Cas and az didn’t leave rhys alone the first week he was highlord. Even in moments of silence. One of them was always within arms reach
They slap each others butt. At first it was a joke, but it became a competition of who could surprise slap the hardest. 
Once, az’s ex made moves on rhys, and rhys took the chance. This lead to the biggest fight between the two (up until the elain situation) until cas asked if they were going to let a girl get in between them. They made up and the next day rhys found out she was only with him for the power. Az comforted him when he cried. 
Engaged in locker room talk. Shared tips on sex. 
Rhys and az wear eyeliner/kohl on special but informal parties. Cas always smudges it so he’s quit. 
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lullaebies · 10 months
" pride and the patriarchy killed him, and has been killing him for a long time" this is a very interesting interpretation of his character could you elaborate more ?
Mhm, I can try. Disclaimer this is all my take on the books and how I fill in the blanks for Aegon. I often make no secret to friends that I think King's Landing is a shithole. Now this is an extreme statement to start it with, but when I say Aegon is the product of his environment, this very much relates. From the moment he is born he is designated to be the son who should sit the Throne, by his maternal family and plenty of Green lords fitting into it. He learns he should be in power, in some capacity, and this is pride that he is goomed to believe in by the patriarchy too. But he withers and grows sullen, when this fact he was drilled to believe in is dismantled for his sister. The Greens at court see Rhaenyra still continuing to be heir in disdain, and Aegon suddenly grows to believe that actually, there is something wrong with him, my dad doesn't like me, my dad doesn't care about me or my mother - because frankly in a world where the majority of the continent goes by male progemiture, he feels singled out. It makes him falter. He watches Viserys putting Jace on his lap on the Throne, telling him he'd be king one day - and with the stigma of bastardy, the fact Viserys chooses Jace over him hurts him further. Viserys marries him off to Helaena, and later on he realizes even for his children (who are immediately labeled upon birth lesser than expected of Targaryen prince and princess, in the history books) he won't be able to give them something to inherit either, though people (read: patriarchy) told him he should have like whole 6 Kingdoms to give to Jaehaerys. He rages and is more absent and seeks control elsewhere (in sexuality for example, he spirals). Everything's eating at him and it is in fact his pride speaking, out of what he was groomed to believe. And then there is a push for him to be crowned when Viserys dies, and he takes it after tussling with himself. He knows his father said this is his sister's throne, but people once more remind him of the standards of the time, remind him that other people wouldn't accept Rhaenyra. It would hurt him, it would hurt his brothers; his sons. (Mind you, here he has a reasonable fear. Still cemented in the patriarchial society they are all locked in, but it's a reasonable fear). He is pushed to take the crown, by those who crowed around him since he was young he should be king, he should be proud, he should be everything. No matter what, he's in line to be slaughtered here. And then everything falls around him. Jaehaerys dies. He gets completely burnt and broken. Maelor dies. Helaena kills herself. Aemond dies, Daeron dies. Sunfyre dies. He is dying, living on painkillers. His pride and hatred are the only things keeping him going. He is a dead and mad man by now, and his trajectory was set from the start. And even when he clings onto his pride, standing last among his siblings as king, the new council of men around him, kill him off with poison. And one could say he was poisoned from the very beginning, from the moment he was born, made to sit the throne only to be stabbed by it. Because it was for him, but never for him. because he could've learned to be a better king, but he wasn't raised from it beyond what people told him. Poisoned, from the very beginning, by misogyny that prevailed since Jaehaerys I and before. so tl;dr: the kid was collateral; he was born to die, in his circumstances.
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Giving context to things in Shadows of Rose that really needed context because I didn’t like them and they barely got context.
1) The Winter’s separating: it’s very much established they would not willingly separate. Mia loves Rose. There’s no way she’d willingly give up another family member after being widowed. Plus, Chris OF ALL PEOPLE should not want to separate the family. Literally the whole theme was about family. Hot take but there’s 3 of them.
2) Chris saying he would protect Rose and then asking her to join the squad: I refuse to believe Chris would go against his dying friend’s wishes. Putting someone in a fight isn’t protection
3) Rose barely knowing anything about Ethan: I mean…come on. That’s your dead husband and your dead friend who basically made you the godfather. There’s got to be a reason, right?
So…enjoy me fixing all of that by saying things Capcom loves to leave out
Mia raised Rose in the beginning when she was a kid, with the help of Chis. They were close. She was very paranoid about her safety and did everything she could to help Rose live a normal life considering they were under even stricter protection than before. Because of this and the fact that Rose would be too young to understand at the time, Mia and Chris were very selective about what was said. They told her things like “your father loved you” “he died protecting you” “he would’ve loved to be here”
The two of them wanted her so do to school because she needed socialization. Unfortunately she had a very hard time. Chris and Mia did their best to be supportive but it was a very tough situation for all of them.
Eventually when she got a little older the higher ups realized how much at risk the Winters were (and also for selfish reasons because Rose powerful. I mean…let us not forget Sherry ;-;), decided it would be best to separate the two to “protect” them. Be it by boarding school, training, etc. It’s kinda unclear but it happened.
Mia hated this. She couldn’t lose Rose but ultimately didn’t have any power over the situation. Chris hated it just as much also tried to prevent this but he too couldn’t change it.
Chis contact with Rose given his job and was the bridge between the two but as time went on things got more complicated and messy.
Eventually Chris got to a point where he wanted Rose by his side more often and to be the one in control instead of the higher ups. So he wanted Rose to join his squad so she could defend herself and not belong to some shitty government thing. At least this way it was easier…at least in Chris’s mind. To him it was protection. Was it the best idea? No, but to him it was.
After the DLC, they learn Ethan is still present in some sort of way. It motivates Chris to try fighting once more for the family to be together again.
Rose remembers everything she saw in the Megamycete’s recreation of her old house and how both of her parents loved her…and sees the mother on the bus reading a book to her kid.
Now both motivated to try again they’re successfully able to get visitation between Rose and Mia.
It starts off slow but eventually it happens more and more. It’s hard because it’s been so long, but they work to reconnect. Since Rose is older and has context, Mia (although very hesitant and needing some encouragement. Plus taking a few meetings for it to even happen) explains their family history to Rose piece by piece until the story is complete.
As for Rose joining the squad?
She joined because she knew her dad fought to help her family. She, like her father, is a kind person. She wants to help protect people and make sure they don’t suffer the same fate as her family. One more good soul to combat a corrupt world. She’s at an awkward age at a very emotional time. Her decisions might not be final but it’s giving it a try. She might stay or she might not. She might like it or she might hate it. Only time and experiences will decide that.
While things aren’t perfect, the Winters are at least together. Just like what Chris tried to do, and just like what Ethan wanted.
It’s not perfect, but I tried my best with what was available and worked within the confines of the story. I loved the DLC, but it does have flaws that annoy me. So I fixed it UwU.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Ashes- 141+ Los vaqueros
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This is based on a request:
GN!Reader, mutant AU, angst?
It has been a known fact that you are one of the mutant soldiers Captain Price carries in his team. The men that work with you have been curious as to how you became who you are today. For you it was never easy to explain who you were. You wish you just picked up a gun and joined the military. But your past held knives. Too sharp to just throw a blanket over them. The conversation was never brought up, yet.
As a child, your mother and father were the most powerful mutants in the world. They knew the risks of having a child would be bigger than anything they’ve fought. But they knew that if they raised you to be kind and understanding that maybe you’d be some sort of hero to the mortals. As a mutant, it is impossible to age. Your mother was a few hundred years old, your father too.
You were born in 1926. Since then your body remained at the age of 28 years old. The government was aware of you and your family. So by age 12, you were sent away to train your powers. Helping those who needed it. By 1954, you reached your full potential. Although you hadn’t reached all the powers you fought in WWII. Becoming a secret helper for the troops, you met your now enemy. He betrayed you and some kind of village that was hosting you both.
You since then swore to always be of help. And to seek revenge after he murdered the whole village. For decades you looked for him, always following close. He always escaped. Until tonight.
This mission was going to be difficult, you all knew that. The enemy held a 'secret' weapon. But for you, this only meant another mutant would be involved. Very few countries held the remaining mutants. You were all a dying kind. The UN decided that your generation would be the last to be made. Multiple governments fought for your kind. It was never easy to keep any of you around. Especially you.
Price made sure his men trained every day with you. This helped their powers become stronger, and it helped them understand how to move and fight against mutants.
All those who became superhumans have 4 abilities under their control, yours were:
Shadow Manipulation
You didn't use them as often as others, but they became handy for sure. Shapeshifting was your favourite, it allowed you to do anything and never get into much trouble.
Tonight the teams are set to land in Portugal. The enemy is hiding there and tonight would be the perfect opportunity to take them down. When you all land down, you take the form of a local you saw by a stand. The team leaves to set base, and you start to walk around, listening to locals. "I heard tonight is the night, the boss is waiting for precious cargo." one man says in English. "same place?" "yeah."
With the small but significant information, you head back to base. You go back to your true form. Soap is right in front of you as you do this. "steamy Jesus," he places a hand over his chest and takes a deep breath. He was always the one who you freaked out with your powers the most. "sorry," you tried not to laugh. "S'alright, you heard anything?" he asks, trying to look you in the eyes. You nod, "not much but it's something." he nods and motions for you to follow him. The team is inside a small room, and the men gather around a table. Price was talking about some plan he was coming up with. He turns to the door as Soap and you walk in. "got anything kid?"
"they are expecting some cargo, if our source is telling the truth, they will be at their main base." You look at the room and then back at the map.
You knew this one could be more impossible to complete. But after hours of working on a detailed plan, the team got in their trucks and drove to their positions. You stayed behind, as usual. Waiting for the perfect time to strike the enemy. Once Ghost gives you the signal to move out, you carefully step into the city. Hiding in plain sight.
Soon later the team started to have a very serious and dangerous gunfight with the enemy. You know they were prepared for anything, but it’s haunting knowing there are others like you who like to cause harm.
When you stepped into the new battle field you spotted the other mutant. He had a dark green glow surrounding him, this person can absorb power from others. Fuck, you thought. “Everyone stay back!” You stood up from your position, and you threw your gun to the side. “Kid no!” Ghost tried to get a hold of you, but you quickly moved aside, a shadow pushing him to the wall.
The man started to walk towards you. “If it isn’t r/n, how lucky must I be.” You always hated him, he was the reason your entire family went into hiding, because of him you were held captive for years. Some shadows tried to trap him, and his men withdrew from the scene. Hiding elsewhere. Dark thick vines started to crawl up his legs, he looked down at you a sinister smirk on his eyes. He moved his fingers and you went flying. Before you hit a wall a dark shadow broke the fall. You stood up, “I can do better.” In your hands, you held a pebble. You turned it and soon thousands of rocks went flying in his direction. It took some of the enemy out, something Price was pleased about.
Bolts went flying in the direction of your team, and a large dark hole appeared in front of them. Your back started to burn, it was one of the downfalls. A young soldier was hit, and Rudy held him close, trying to keep him awake. “Don’t you ever mess with my family? Not again.” You ran towards him, he jumped and landed behind you. You quickly turned around. Water from the nearby ocean rose up. Your hands pointed at him, and the water went rushing towards him. He nearly drowned. As he was on his knees trying to catch his breath, you walked up to him. You pulled out a knife from your pocket. You grabbed him by the hair and made him look at you.
“Don’t. You. Ever. Fuck. With. Them. Or. Me.” The knife was now at his throat. You leaned in and whispered, “Don't you know? With great power comes great responsibility.” You slashed his throat. His hands tried to stop the blood. But soon he lay on the ground, and you rushed to your team. “What was that?!” Soap panicked. It wasn’t known to mortals of how many powers your kind could control. “It was nothing.” But the men all just stood there, scared and panicked. You walked to Rudy and gently nudged him to move away from the now-deceased soldier. You looked down at him and then at the team. “What happened here stays here, don't go around asking me for this kind of favour.” You look back down, your right hand placed on his heart the other at his head.
Alejandro kissed the cross chain on his neck. “Dios mio.” You opened your eyes, bright light shining through them. You looked up at the sky and then back at him. There was a reason they called you Reaper on the field. One thing that wasn’t known is that although you can bring people back to life, you can also take their lives, their souls become a part of you. Forever haunting you.
You closed your eyes and the solider soon gasped for air. You held him close, his head on your chest. “To sleep. To wake up by the morning, to not remember what you saw in the afterlife. To live as if you never died.” You whispered only for him to hear. You walked away, your vision becoming blurry. The energy was drained from you. Ghost followed you, he watched as you held onto the walls. A shadow soon moved in front of him and as it disappeared you were gone.
He looked back at the huge explosion. The enemy was now dead. “What the fuck” he walked back to the team. From the corner of his eye, he saw you, lying on the floor, your body near the enemy. Price ran to you when he too saw you. Your body is weak, nearly pale.
It was the side effect of bringing people to life. When you were younger it was much harder to not pass out, today you are still getting stronger. But back when scientists poked around and extracted your blood and injected other superhuman blood in you, you died, every time. Your mother the best superhuman to exist, she brought you to life every time you trained your powers. She was known as Angel.
Your father was the last of his generation to be made. He unlike your mother was made in a laboratory, he had all the powers anyone could want, and he went into hiding during the Great War (WWI). They were immortals, much like you.
“Kid, c’mon wake up.”, price shook your body.
As you looked around an empty room you found your mother and a young child. She was dressing them up in a superhero costume. You approached them. The young child jumps into its father's arms. When you blinked you were alone in that room. And then the men and women you had saved and killed started to walk to you. Their souls forever burning. “Take me to my family.” “Is Shelia okay, she was pregnant.” “You murderer!” “Take me to my body!” “Murderer” “You killed my husband.” “Your mother shall die at dawn.” Then their appearances changed, they were pilgrims now. Holding torches as they dragged you to your final destination.
“R/n, c’mon wake up.”
Your eyes opened, and you were met with Price's arms around you. “You okay kid?” You hugged him, your breathing heavy. “It’s okay, m’here.”
“What happened?” Your eyes scanned the room to find the entire time staring at you. “You fainted,” Soap answered.
“What was all that back there?” Gaz had a nasty scar on his face by now. Gosh, what the hell happened?
“I.. I don't know, I used to need just five minutes to recharge my energy….Where’s Ghost?!” You quickly panicked. He was your human connection.
It was said that when you found a human you trusted, you and they had to connect your souls together. If the human was injured, you’d be injured with them. If they died, your energy would be drained it would be impossible to recharge in time for anything else. “Your shadow attacked him the second you fainted. He is ok though, just needs an ice pack. Poor guy.” Price still holding you near him. “I- didn’t mean to do that.” You got up from the table and walked to him. “M’fine.” He knew you better than anyone else and knew all your secrets.
After the teams were gathered around, they asked you about your abilities. “No soap, for the 5th time, I won't fucking kill ya.”
“But if you do, I will haunt you.” Air pushed him back into the wall. He looked more offended by that. “Alright anyone else?”
“How exactly did you become…this,” Gaz asked. “I was born with one of them, inherited I guess.”
“Are they…alive?” You assumed Alejandro asked about your parents, and you nod, “Yes, my mother is helping Interpol and my dad is in hiding, for now.”
“Why?” Rudy asked, his arms crossed on his chest. His eyes studying you. “Before the Great War started, they tried to...well, I guess suck all of his powers away. By the 70’s he started to understand that you know maybe they forgot about him, and then by the 90’s i was captured. So he went into hiding again.”
“Does he know he is safe now?”
“No, he is a stubborn one. Much like Ghost.”
“Oí, quick it aye.” His harsh accent makes you laugh a little.
“So how does the whole necromancy thing work, or the thing you did with the water.” One of the younger soldiers asked. It pleased you to know they weren’t going to attack you. You smiled because there was still some fear radiating from their bodies. It was funny to you.
“Did you see how the fucking veins moved too, shit seemed fake.”
“I can control elements, whether it’s fire, water, air, plants or anything like that.”
“Like a fooking avatar?!” Gaz spoke up, it made you chuckle at his childlike questions. He was by far your favourite little human.
“I guess so.” You answered.
“Wow, that is so cool.” His eyes lit up, you just wanted to squeeze his cheeks as if he was a little boy. “And to answer the whole necromancy question, I can at times go back and forth between this world and the other world. I used to bring back animals from the dead and let them be free. At times I would sneak into protests in America and resurrect those who died at the hands of racists.”
“They must write a movie for you.”
“Nope, never, it is my job to protect you all. Much like your job in the military.”
“So this is just a job to you,” Rudy spoke up. He was always the one you worked to build a relationship with. Mean with his words at times.
“No, it was just an example. I love doing this you know. I adore the adventure, to meet new people and to love those who I trust and work with.” You looked at Ghost.
————— Months later,
Your life was hanging by a thread. The team far from you, Ghost had been injured badly, and it was now you both paying the price. You turned to face him. “I’m sorry I failed. I tried to keep him safe.” You looked up, ghost not knowing to who you were speaking to.
“Darling, it’s okay. You don’t have to be sorry.” She caressed your face. “I took an oath to protect them all. And because of me..” she hugged you. “Shhh, it’s alright. Take a deep breath.”
The night his whole family died, you were there. It was a cold night in Manchester. You had been on your way back home, you heard screams and you rushed to the home. Only to find them dead. You cried for strangers. Then the cops arrived. At around this time, mutants were still a secret. But before you ran away, his mother's soul reached out to you. She held your hand and told you about her little boy. How he would need someone to have around.
“Take care of him, I can’t do it anymore. Please take care of my little boy. He doesn’t deserve any harm.” Her voice was so gentle and sincere. You nod, and as you scan the room you look for a picture of him. And there he was, a young little boy with what seemed to be his brother. You turned around and found Tommy on the ground. A child and a woman by him. You gathered a few items and ran away. Hiding in the darkness.
A year after looking for him you found him. But he wasn’t Simon, it was the Ghost you found. A scared little boy within him. He held a gun to your head. A balaclava hiding his features. But you studied the picture for years, and even though he hid himself behind it you could recognize him.
“Your mum sent me for you. M’r/n. I am only here to help.”
After much fight, he believed you.
After years you still held onto your promise, to always protect her little boy. And all though you have seen him without his mask, you still carry a picture of him anywhere. After meeting the team and then changing their title to your family, you also carried pictures of them. In a small box you had pictures of them with their wives and kids. The small little charms their children made for you had become your favourite little awards.
The night you met Price, you saw your father in him. He was severely injured. You approached him in military gear. “With us?” You nod. He was losing a lot of blood. He took a picture out and held it near. You remembered this all too well. “If I don't make it, tell her,” he shows you the picture. “I love her and I tried to make it home.” Tears of defeat now leave his eyes. “You’ll make it home old man.” You dragged him to a safer place and since then you vowed to protect him till his very last days as an old man.
Soap was much more of a sad encounter. He was a young soldier when you encountered him. He had gone back home for a visit. His father was drunk. What a surprise. Poor Soap tried defending his mother and siblings. “Dad don’t!” But the man started throwing punches. You were walking home after visiting your father. A bouquet of flowers in your hand as you prepare to visit a graveyard where all your past friends and lovers stayed. Buried to never be found.
You ran inside the house after you heard a woman scream. “Johnny! What did you do to our son!” The door was locked, but you broke it. The poor young man lay on the ground, blood spreading fast. The children holding their brother in their arms. You took the man outside and beat him senseless. “What is wrong with you?! That is your son!” You punched him again. “You never hurt your own.” And then he was unconscious. That was the evening Johnny met death for the first time. You rushed in and held him in your arms. After bringing him back to life you sat there, his mother held him in her arms by now. After a few minutes you stood up, “m’sorry, you deserve much better. Here” you gave her a card. It contained an address to a home somewhere safer in the country. “Take all your important documents and take your kids there.” You soon walked away with a picture of Johnny when he was a teen. Giving the camera a cheeky grin.
The morning you met Gaz was one of his worst days. His sister had gone missing. You founder her a few hours later. He cried in your arms. She was the one thing he had left in this world. You discovered later that after a successful mission as an officer, a mob held his sister as a part of a deal. The way he looked you in the eyes. His tone was so cold, hinting at weakness in between words. He was a reminder that all thought you are kind and do good, but most of the time it won’t be reciprocated. His sense of humour and nature made him your favourite. You never understood how he ended up with the team. Always told him he deserved to live in the country side and meet a nice person and just grow old with them. And now you were here, looking at the scar on his face.
Alejandro and Rudy were your most kind meet-up. You visited Mexico as part of a recruitment for those who might have powers. Las Almas was heard to be the centre of this. You saw a young boy running around with his friend. They were giggling as others ran behind them. The first boy tripped, his friend dragged him to a safer place, and that’s when you met him. “Ale estas bien?” The other boy spoke. You stood there, trying to understand the situation. “Si,” Alejandro spoke up, there was blood dripping down from his knee. You kneeled down, “can I?” You asked, he looked puzzled, you took out a band-aid and a bottle of water. “Here take this.” You handed it to who you now know as Rudy. You washed your hands and then cleaned the dirt and blood from Alejandro’s knee. You placed the band-aid on the injury. A small smile on your lips. “Mejor?” You spoke, your poor accent making the boys giggle. He nods and thanks you. Rudy walked with his arm around his best friend. They turned back and waved as they disappeared into the streets.
The team found you two. Ghost would be okay. But you? You were far from being okay. You resented yourself. You were meant to be their protector. Not the other way around. “M’sorry.” You spoke up. Price rushed to your side. Ghost was in the bed next to you. His hand reached for yours. “Don’t be sorry. Ever.” He held you close to him. “We love you.”
Gaz nods as he plants a kiss on your forehead. You nod and slowly close your eyes.
A/n: this is so long but gosh did i fucking enjoy writing it.
So i wrote this before i went on that small break and never posted it so here it goes.
Tags: @warenaim
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iamumbra195 · 14 hours
If the Graveyard kids were demigods, which Greek god would they be the child of? (Riodanverse AU)
For Ashlyn, I believe she would just be another of Apollo's kids, keeping to herself most of the time. Nobody really paid her any mind because out of the dozens of Apollo kids, there wasn't anything particularly remarkable about her. She wasn't the Head Counsellor or anything. She liked it that way. Ashlyn discovered she was a demigod when she was young and spent two full years at the camp to fully prepare for living as a demigod in the mortal world before becoming a summer-only kid. Her sensitivity to sound is one of the strange abilities she inherited but isn't fully able to control, which is why she wears enchanted earplugs that keep sounds at a more tolerable level. Beyond that, she was a pretty average Apollo kid. She was good at the basics like Archery and Music but not beyond that of a normal Apollo kid. The only thing that really stood out was her dancing. It was her special interest, incorporating it into her daily life as a demi-god as often as she could. Her fighting style was based on ballet in canon and she preferred fighting with her legs over her hands--even going as far as putting a weapon in her shoes so she could still use her legs to attack. So she is an average demigod overall. Until one day she discovers that she was one of the few to inherit Apollo's nosokinesis, the ability to create and control diseases (like her ability to open rifts and trap people in them in canon). There's also the fact that her name literally means 'dream' or 'vision', so considering the fact that Apollo is literally the god of prophecy, I think being a child of Apollo fits her very well.
For Logan, I feel that for a long time, he would just be another unclaimed kid. He didn't know anything about his real parents and his grandparents were always super cagey about it until he was older and got attacked by a monster and they finally took him to the camp. He still doesn't know who his biological mother was. Then one day after being pushed too far by bullies, he snapped just like in canon, and was claimed by Ares, the god of war. Much to his and Barron's (another child of Ares) dismay because what the fuck do you mean this dickhead is my half-brother?! He had initially believed that his parent was related to his love for space and astronomy or maybe even his intelligence and love for math but Ares?!
For Aiden, I think being a child of Hermes suits him best. I've done some tests and got answers like Ares or the Big Three, which I don't think those really fit him. But for some reason, I like the idea that he has the favour of/is a legacy of Hades or Hecate from his dad's side while being completely unaware of it until much later (the unexplained connection his dad has to Maverick). Children of Hermes tend to be more hyperactive than other demigods and are often referred to as a jack of all trades and I think those things really suit Aiden. When he was younger, his parents sent him to camp year round in hopes that it would help him and he came back with dyed blond hair, red eye contacts and a reckless streak a mile wide.
For Ben, I believe that this kid is and always will be a child of Apollo. His deep love and talent for singing and music, his rage and hurt at having this taken away from him. His knack for medicine despite only having experience through taking care of Aiden. He only discovered he was a demigod after his voice was destroyed so he never learned that he could heal people with his voice/singing until one of the others, maybe Taylor, were fatally injured and he had no supplies to save them so as one last attempt to comfort them, he breaks his years of silence and sings for them. To his complete astonishment, they started healing and were able to stay alive long enough to get the medical help they needed. He felt pressued to sing and use his voice after that because it could heal people but Aiden or one of the others nipped that in the bud and told him he didn't have to do anything he didn't want to. The idea of him also having premonitions when something bad is going to happen is cool, especially if it's the reason why he ends up catching little details the others fail to notice (a little nod to Canvas Ben for being so goddamn observant). His relationship with Aiden is also cute because children of Apollo and children of Hermes tend to get along, although not all of them do (Aiden and Ashlyn lol).
For Taylor and Tyler, I believe the twins would be children of Hephaestus. In some cultures, identical twins are treated as one entity/soul that was separated into two people and the same could be said about the Hernandez twins in this AU. Although they are different people with different interests and goals, that is how they are perceived as mortals. On the divine side of things, however, they are seen as a single soul split into two. That's why their connection goes far beyond that of regular mortal twins. Their abilities also reflect this. Taylor is a brilliant craftswoman and has a way with technology that separates her from the rest. She's also extremely fire-resistant, which proves to be useful considering her brother has the ability to manipulate fire. Tyler, on the other hand, has the basic skills needed to be a mechanic due to growing up with Taylor but it isn't instinctive in the same it is for Taylor. He is one of the few children of Hephaestus to have pyrokinesis, something he had to learn to master on his own because there wasn't anyone to teach him. They complete each other.
Although Aiden and Ashlyn spent a year or two in the camp, their paths never crossed and they were just another faceless person in the crowd of campers until they officially met when Ben and Aiden began to go to her high school in her sophomore year. Aiden clocked her as a demigod as soon as they met at the bus and was excited to meet another one of them outside of camp. He was also curious to know if she figured out what she was yet and if not, he could protect her from monsters and lead her to camp! Ashlyn recognized both Aiden and Ben as demigods but preferred to avoid mixing her mortal life with her mythological one so she avoided Aiden's needling to the best of her ability. When Ben finally told Aiden that she was another child of Apollo at camp, Aiden doubled down on the pestering which irritated Ashlyn beyond belief. Unfortunately for her, this wasn't the last she was going to see of him.
Mid-way through the first semester, Ashlyn received a prophecy from the Oracle stating that she and five others were to go on a quest. It was a shock to her and everyone in the camp because she was pretty unremarkable yet she was the one that had to go on the quest? It was ridiculously vague beyond the fact that she specifically had to go to Savannah with a group of five others. So she had to pick five other members for her team.
Nearly everyone tried to volunteer and because Ashlyn didn't particularly care who went along, names were drawn out of a bowl. With her luck, Aiden and Ben's names were both drawn out of the bowl, along with the Hernandez twins and Logan. She wasn't particularly happy with those chosen but she supposed it could be worse. Especially when she considered the fact she could've been going with him.
Barron was throwing a fit about how an unclaimed coward like Logan couldn't have possibly been picked but Tyler told him that no one would even want to go on a quest with him considering the only thing he cared about was glory and honour for himself.
And so, the six of them packed their things and started their journey to Savannah, Georgia where it all went to hell.
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universaln0b0dy · 19 days
Adding random ocs into Twisted wonderland
day 1: Uni from Universes connect.
Look, waking up in a coffin isn't the weirdest thing that happened, which still doesn't stop her from almost killing Grim with her portal powers. But what was to be expected, Univer Versails Nohbodie didn't go through all that trouble of rebuilding her empire just to end up in a school?!?
Because she is already 26 and way to old to be sorted into a form, Crowley employs her as an assistant/ therapist. Uni can't get taken advantage of easy and tells Crowley of at needed times, another thing is that she still has all of her magic powers from the other world, which honestly scares Crowley occasionally.
She meets Ace and Deuce because she hears they and Grim have caused so much trouble they have to enter the dwarves mine. Uni being the good assistant she is helps them survive the mine by teleporting them out of it before they can get crushed by its stones.
After this Ace and Deuce start to idolise the teacher from another world, who seems to be able to control her magic in every single aspect.
Uni is honestly pretty strange to look at, with her purple skin, eyes and hair, her freckles that glow like stars, but poking fun at her will hand you the worst disappointed mother stare in the existence.
During Riddles Overblot she is the teacher that manages to show up on time and to help the students. She also becomes Riddles therapist after this doing a job that should have done way before this.
Leonard's Overblot stays the same pretty much.
Azuls Overblot is a bit different , as Uni doesn't make a deal with him until he actually becomes a threat to her.
Floyd and jade accidentally find out about her past and because of that grow wary of her, because she admits to the fact that Azul taking her current magic wouldn't do alot, as it would require blood, lots of blood to work properly, since he never underwent the training she did and her magical system quite littarly being blood magic doesn't help.
She makes a deal with Leona that if he helps her in stopping Azul from going berserk she would teach him how to use his blood (which she found out shares quite a few components with her magic infiltrated blood, but needs extra training to be awakened)
She doesn't have a lot to do with the scarabia problems until she realises what Jamil was up too and decides to help the poor students.
She grows closer to the students in NCR, to some becoming an aunt, or in riddles case a (better) mother figure.
During the 5th book, Uni also meets the Diasomnia squad through Carter, because he knows their vice dorm leader, who invites her to tea, because they found out they have something in common. (Both have children and are war veterans) And manages to eat Lilias cookies without dying, shrugging it off with she has eaten worse.
She also actively helps with the vdc, watching over the students training, she also cheers the hardest during the contest because she is a supportive aunt.
She goes berserk in chapter 6, like the mother in Mitchell's and the machines when fighting those super robots. You can imagine that exact scene when she starts fighting, cuddling grim before going back to mama bear mode.
During Malleus Overblot she only gets awakened because they all decide that awakening a few staff members couldn't hurt, her dream is a mixture of her childhood, her life before NCR and NCR in which they find out that she was actually designed to fight against magicians and dragons, though she stops then finds her kids yada yada yada.
In this au Uni is actually the one to find a way out of Twisted wonderland and they don't hear anything from her till a year later her son comes to the school as an exchange student, with a few others (you guys get to choose who will go to Uni's universe with them)
An event she is in is during the tsum and camp vargas. An event I made for her is: "Mirror of age" in which her past self accidentally comes into the world by switching the place with current Uni. So they have to deal with an angsty teenager ready to kill them on sight :^D.
This was it so far! Because I lack male ocs this will have mostly female ones, though i of course try to include some of my male ones^^
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lazarus-rose · 1 year
My thoughts on why Chuck won, how The Winchesters could fix it and, therefore, why we need to #SaveTheWinchesters
All of Team Free Will's endings were predictable. They were what the characters, in fact, had predicted for themselves. Dean died young, cleaning up yet another one of his father's messes. Sam left the life behind and grew old without his brother or his best friend by his side. Cas returned to Heaven to clean up the mess that had been made of it. And Jack 'saved the world,' as his mother said he would.
Something else notable, all the original members of Team Free Will are split up. Dean and Cas are in Heaven, but Cas is mysteriously absent, while Sam is on Earth (and yes, he does die eventually but now we have evidence from The Winchesters that there may have been a bigger gap between Dean dying and Sam dying than originally shown).
And that brings me to The Winchesters.
In The Winchesters, the characters are defying their fates. Most notably, John and Mary. They're breaking out of the cycles that screwed over Sam, Dean and Cas so many times. And I think that's because of Dean.
Dean, who is no longer a rat running around a maze, but one of the beings capable of tipping over the dominos to get the story rolling. Except, Dean isn't Chuck. Dean cares about free will. While Chuck's actions were made to rob Sam, Dean and Cas of their free will (even if the effectiveness of those actions was occasionally questionable) Dean makes his moves in order to provide the characters with a choice, a chance, to get themselves on a better path. He's not controlling them, not like Chuck did with him.
But then Jack shows up, to pull Dean away. And, come on, he's dressed JUST LIKE CHUCK. So, that's a bit suspicious. And he threatens to THROW DEAN INTO HELL (and not even in the fun sexy way Cas did it).
Also, Jack, for some reason, doesn't give a shit about the Akrida, which, apparently, are a threat to all of existence? Jack, the kid who insisted they go back for Kaia, despite only having met her once, who willed Castiel out of the Empty, who burnt off his soul-saving his friends and family, even though he had been warned of the consequences?
And, in addition to that, Cas is supposed to be with Jack, helping him. And Cas cares about humanity, the Winchesters and, more specifically, Dean, more than he cares about himself (okay, admittedly that might be because of the self-esteem issues) and certainly more than he cares about Heaven. So why isn't he telling Jack to destroy the Akrida, or even doing it himself?
I don't know what I think has happened to Cas, maybe he doesn't know about any of the issues currently plaguing the universe, maybe he's been brainwashed into believing that everything is fine, or maybe he's still in the Empty. But what I do know, with absolute certainty, is that, if Cas knew Dean was in danger, he wouldn't just sit idly by.
So yeah, I think Chuck is still controlling the story (and 100% possessing Jack, which is a dick move) and that he's still trying to force his characters to do what he wants. Except, he made a mistake. He killed Dean, and now, Dean's driving around Heaven, searching for his family and, maybe, about to figure out (or already knows) that they haven't won yet. They've still got work to do.
So, in conclusion, we NEED to save The Winchesters
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sometimesrosy · 1 year
The 100 2023 rewatch ep 1.4
Murphy's Law
Man I wish Wells had survived. I wish we could have seen who he became. :(
The wall has been built. Good for them. Clarke is outside it in the growing graveyard, mourning Wells. Finn sneaks up on her telling her what to do. (shouldn't be out here) says the guy who spent another night exploring out in the woods. Oh he got her something did he?
And she's charmed by the art supplies. It makes her remember Wells who was trading his own stuff to give her supplies. NOW she starts blaming her mother. I mean, fine it's her mother's fault, but oh she realizes what she can do to make her "feel it." Vengeful child. And feel it she does. The first terminated signal in over a week. She is freaking out over Clarke maybe dying.
Meanwhile, Monty needed a working wristband for the comm signals. "Well be talking to the Ark by nightfall." Monty's such a sweety and so competent.
Look at those delinquents working hard building walls. Look at Murphy being a dick to the kid who stumbles. Look at Bellamy being dad bellamy and teasing little Charlotte. OMG WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU MURPHY??
I forgot he peed on that poor kid who wanted a water break. WHAT A DICK. How in the world did they redeem him. But they did.
O is leading Jasper out into the woods. And she gets grabbed. By one of the Johns. Then he trips and sees Wells' severed fingers. Hello Trauma capital T.
Dick Kane is tracking Abby and wanting to know why he's going to Mecha. She lies and says someone has strep. "We don't want another outbreak." And he backs off. She lies again saying she'll keep him informed. Mecha has Raven fixing the tincan. No pressure regulator and they can't ride in the shuttle.
The metal knife from the drop ship. The grounders didn't kill Wells, it was one of us. Bellamy points out there's more than one murderer in the camp. Ooooh. Bellamy and Clarke conflict. he wants the news quiet. Keep people afraid and they'll work for him. Fear of the grounders is building the wall. Don't even know who's knife that is.
OH really? JM. John Murphy. The people have a right to know. SHe goes RIGHT to Murphy and blames her for killing him. He of course denies it because he didn't. AND BELLAMY believes her. "I don't have to answer to anyone!"
Come again? Asks bellamy. And he says the knife and fingers were found together. Poor murphy. He really didn't do it. The kid he peed on wants him floated. "It's justice." She says revenge isn't justice. WOW that's a lot of delinquents jumping Murphy. O wanted to stop it. She was a lot less blood thirsty in season 1. I wish we coulda stuck with that.
Clarke is saying they can't string him up
Oooh. this is graphic. Clarke says Bellamy can stop this and the peed boy says Bellamy should do it. They start chanting his name. And Clarke says she saw him in the woods and she knows he's not a killer.
OMG they actually drop him. THat is awful. Awful. WOW>
HOLY SHIT. I forgot how HORRIBLE that was in the immediate reveal that Charlotte did it.
Horror on top of horror on top of horror. That's how this show dragged us in. We never had a chance to recover or even process one horror before finding another.
Meanwhile Bellamy REALLY does not want to do this, but he's going with the crowd. He's NOT in control, but he's afraid that if he stands against them he'll lose control.
Nigel's "little bird" needs a pressure regulator. What for? Regulating pressure. She says she has her mother's sense of humor. And she doesn't move machine parts. How bout some moonshine and herb. She tries to pimp Raven out to the chief of electrical. Her mother would have taken that deal. In fact, she did, many times. We forgot about Raven's history, didn't we.
"I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me."
Little girl never learned about metaphors and symbolism. What that little girl could have used was a good ENGLISH TEACHER!!! That's right, an english teacher could have saved Wells. lol
Bellamy blames Clarke. If she didn't tell then those idiots would still be building the wall. Meanwhile he wants to save Charlotte the actual murderer. "Giving the people what they wanted."
Now Murphy is trying to get the delinquents to string up Charlotte. "It's okay to string me up for nothing but when this little bitch confesses, you wanna let her walk." And Murphy slams Bellamy and tries to get the girl. This is jam packed.
Clarke and Finn run off with Charlotte into the woods.
UH OH. The arc medical unit. There's a lot of kids not doing so well. Oxygen deprivation. Raven can't get the part. Nygel has the part, and Abby is going to take care of it. I actually always wanted to see Nygel on earth. She would have been GREAT as a villain. Trading morphine for a pressure regulator.
Charlotte tries to hold Clarke's hand and Clarke is MAD. "Clarke she's just a kid." "She's a killer. Look at me, you can't just kill someone to make yourself feel better."
Finn found a bunker for hiding.Art supply store. "I can't believe you kept this place quiet." Clarke agrees with me. Repurposing and sharing with the group. He bribes her with colored pencils. Jerk. They're using a shit ton of candles. Wasteful.
She thinks if she hadn't told none of this would've happened. Finn says she couldn't have known. "Bellamy knew."
Kane's mom Vera. It's funny whose names i remember. The magic earth tree. It's just a bonsai. Nygel tells Kane about Abby. She sucks. Great villain. He calls her a plague on the ship.Oops theres the morphine.
Clarke fell asleep on Finn's shoulder and she grins, she's got a crush on the worthless jackass. And Charlotte's gone.
Bellamy has found her. It's Charlotte hunting season. Bellamy is trying to help her. "I'm not your sister." She's got your number B.
"Listen to me Charlotte. I. Won't. Leave. You."
She calls for Murphy.
Raven and Abby fixing the shuttle as we wait for Kane to come. She finds out that Kane knows the morphine is gone. They're gonna be here in five and Raven needs 20. "Only one of us needs to get to the ground. 300 people will die if you don't." "They'll float you." "Then they'll float me."
Bellamy is carrying Charlotte over her shoulder before running into the cliff. Here comes murphy. He's ready to take a few of them with her. Clarke arrives. "This has gone too far."
Murphy grabs her and holds a knife to Clarke's throat. A trade for Charlotte. She wants to trade herself. She's feeling guilt. So she jumps over the cliff.
Bellarke's first lost child.
Now Murphy is like, "bellamy..." and bellamy is going to bet him to death. "he deserves to die."
"NO! We don't decide who lives or dies, not down here."
This is when they become partners. "We need rules."
"And who makes those rules? YOu?"
"For now WE make the rules. We banish him."
Bellamy is with her. Threatens him if he ever sees him in camp again. And says the other four can be with him or die with Murphy. THey choose Bellamy.
Finn is all emotional. And useless I might add.
Raven racing against the clock to regulate pressure. And Nygel gave her a bum part. Great villain. She sees a space suit. oh that will work.
Abby tells Kane that she's trying to save "all of us." He arrests her and continues the search for Raven Reyes WHO has just taken off in a rusted tincan. She floated HERSELF bitch.
Clarke and Bellamy speaking to the collected Delinquents and nodding to each other. Partners.
Monty has gotten the wristband working. Morse code. OH no. It fried every last wristband. Fried them all? Then how did they use the wristband in season 3??? Oh it might have been one of the ones the took off before.
Meanwhile O is rewarding "brave" Jasper with a kiss. He picked the wrong girl to have a crush on, I tell yah.
Oh UGH. Finn is destroying the bunker because "we're dead to them." we're not alone. YOURE Not alone. No it was Finn who kissed her not Clarke who kissed finn. Now they have their love scene. Meh. Short.
With his girlfriend Raven coming down AS they're doing it.
Rude. Honestly what a soapy mess. Clarke and Raven shoulda gotten together and left Finn out completely. Damn right.
Anyway. That's a jam packed episode. Very dramatic. High stakes. Life and death on the small scale with the delinquents and the large scale with the Ark.
The hanging scene was BRUTAL. Like it was really violent. And the Charlotte reveal was a gut punch. The acting has stepped up big time. (I still don't love O and Jasper, I never really did, but everyone else.)
Murphy is absolutely despicable in all conceivable ways. Clarke is desperate. Bellamy is floundering. Finn is just standing around doing nothing while Bellarke does it all... sorry, he's judging. He does that. Raven is a super star. Abby is determined. Kane has a stick up his butt but he honestly does think he's doing the right thing, although he's still a dick. Monty is a genius. Jasper is terrified. O is a lot kinder in this episode. She loses that later, too bad. We got a lot of worldbuilding for the Ark in this episode with the politics and blackmarket and health crises and Raven's backstory.
I'm actually really enjoying watching this show for story OUTSIDE of Bellarke. There's a lot that I've forgotten.
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drumroll 🥁🥁 you got Luka Verity!
His Spotify Playlist
he's one of my favorites that I've ever made tbh, I've had him since? the 5-6th grade but he's gone through a lot of changes but I'm fairly happy with how he is now.
He was created for a literal years-long roleplay of me and my friends originally as a side character but he eventually became one of the mains.
He's 15 currently and uses he/him pronouns. He attends the school in our roleplay "Rise Up High" on a scholarship. The roleplay itself is set in a realm of angels and demons, and he's a demon. He has a girlfriend, named Julie, who he started dating about a few months into the 10th grade, but he knew her for about a year/year and a half before. (his backstory will be under the cut because of TW's)
Some random facts for him:
1. He was originally made to be a creep so we'd have some backstory for him, but in our recent redoing of the roleplay, he was made to be nicer as a side character and like I said eventually became a main.
2. He's autistic (projecting? never)
2a. To more expand on that, kind of a reason he was developed as a creep at first was more people misunderstood him more than anything else. He tiptoe walks and doesn't make eye contact, which sometimes led to extreme eye contact to try to "fix it" or people thinking he's staring at somewhere else and thinking he's being inappropriate. But when he met his current friend group, they got more understanding of it and it eventually led to him meeting his now girlfriend.
3. His powers! He is a demon like I mentioned and every demon/angel in this verse has a power. His power, he's able to summon chains out of thin air and use them. This has its drawbacks though, if he overdoes it, it leaves him in pain for a few days after because of it.
The first picture is him for around the entire year in the 9th grade. Over that time he grew his hair out and for half of 10th grade it was like the second picture, but halfway through the year he cut it short again and dyed it blue.
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And another random picrew I did for him
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tw for abuse and suicide
this is his backstory copy and pasted from a doc that I wrote for him (if there's mistakes I apologize I wrote this at? 3am a while back and never went back to fix mistakes or inaccuracies so some might be outdated lol)
Link if y'all want it
The Christmas kids and their parents were always
well known around the town.
Roman Christmas was the only demon in town that could control water; it made him popular with the kids who enjoyed his tricks and gimmicks he always did to make them smile.
Lucy Christmas, while a stay at home mother, was loved as well. Whenever their son or daughter had kids over she was always described as caring and motherly, bringing food and drinks and playing with the kids as well.
They would be your average nuclear family, as far as demons went. Their family was full of love and laughter and joy. It had always been this way, as far as Luka could remember.
Luka always had mostly fond memories of his mother. Her smile and her hugs and how she made the best food. How she always came into his room at night when she thought he was asleep to check on him. It had always been like this for as long as he could remember, the whole 8 years of his life. Everything was good.
He didn't have very many memories of the day his mother died. He remembered it was just him and her in the house; his father and sister were on a trip. He remembered being hungry that day. He remembered going to ask his mom when dinner was going to be done. He remembered the chair on the ground, the ringing in his ears, the silence of his world collapsing around him. He wasn't a dumb kid. He knew what this meant.
He remembered going to the phone and dialing his dad, but he doesn't remember much after that. He lived the next few weeks in a foggy haze, just little bits and pieces. He remembered the day of her funeral, having to hold himself together while his father sobbed on the ground and he held his little sister.
He remembered everything that came after it. After a few months, his father had their names changed. He was no longer Luka Christmas. He would forever be Luka Verity. It was apparently his father's old last name before his parents married.
He always remembered the house being clean and bright, but after his mother died it never was again. The blinds were always shut and there was always stuff everywhere. Homemade dinners were a thing of the past, the kids always ate whatever Luka could find in the cabinets and cook for them. That was one thing she left with him. The knowledge of cooking.
His father changed after. He was no longer the soft and loving dad he had had for the first part of his life. He was cold now, sharp and cruel. Loving words and soft touches turned into spat out sentences and bruises. He vividly remembered the first time his dad hit him, screaming that it was his fault and that Luka wasn't his son anymore. That was the first time he cried since his mother died.
Shortly after, they moved. Somewhere more rural, away from the town of judging eyes and gossip and pity.
As Luka entered his middle school years, he shut down from the rest of the world. His sole purpose was to get a job, make money and move him and his sister out of the god forsaken hellhole that was where he lived. His worst years of abuse were endured there.
When his scholarship for his high school was sent, he considered it the best day of his life. An out, he considered it. It was amazing.
…until it wasn't.
He wasn't allowed to bring his sister. He had no way to leave then. Shortly after he accepted his fate that he wasn't going anywhere, his life changed yet again. An aunt he somehow didn't know about showed up, proving that their dad was unfit to take care of them and earning sole custody of both him and his sister.
His life was somewhat back on track. His sister was safe, and he left to finish his teenage years in peace. (Hopefully…)
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pjsks · 1 year
Grave of the Fireflies Blog Post
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Barefoot Gen broke me, but at least Gen and his mom lived on with hope for the future. Going into Grave of the Fireflies KNOWING there wasn’t a happy ending though? Devastating.
Wartime forces children to grow up so quickly. Seita, though young, ends up as the guardian to his preschool-aged sister Setsuko. Even Setsuko, through her many (justifiable fits), displays signs of early maturity. For example, when they are almost out of candy, Seita shakes the tin until the last bits come out. There’s three pieces stuck together and another slight fragment. Setsuko chooses the fragment so she can save the rest for later, knowing it’s the last of the stash. Now, most kids her age would go the route of instant gratification and eat all the candy right away, but Setsuko doesn’t do that. Setsuko, to some degree, possesses self-control and delayed gratification on her own without a parental nudge, which is impressive for her age. Setsuko also is able to accept her mother’s death and has a grasp on the meaning of death and how unfair the deaths in the war are, as shown by the scene where Setsuko makes a grave for her mother. She also throws less and less fits throughout the course of the movie—choosing to quietly cry and comfort Seita when she can. She also would rather Seita eat and “not leave her alone,” implying she’d rather starve and have Seita alive than have him starve on her behalf, which is a very unselfish way of thinking for such a young child. Seeing Setsuko delusional and weak from starvation and on the precipice of death was so heartbreaking because even as she lay dying she wanted to share with her brother.
Seita also seems to cling onto patriotism as a coping mechanism—probably stemming from the fact that his dad is in the Navy. He talks in disbelief when Japan surrenders, talking very highly of the “empire” and never blaming Japan. We talked in class about whether the Japanese people blamed Japan or America. In Barefoot Gen, we observed a family who blamed Japan and was skeptical of Japan’s actions. On the other hand, Seita clearly has a lot of pride in Japan as a whole.
There are recurring symbols of maggots and flies along with other insects representing death throughout the movie. Maggots squirm all over their mother’s dead body, and an ant crawls on Setsuko’s cheek just when she is on the precipice of death.
However, the fireflies represent something a little bit different. Though death is still represented by them, they also represent light in the darkness. According to others’ interpretations, the fireflies also represent the fires in the bombings. The fireflies show up throughout the movie several times. The dead fireflies also represent the lives lost.
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akindheartfulfills · 5 months
Going to the supermarket was one of Matteo’s favorite things to do. A supermarket was full of possibilities. There was no limit to what he could make if he brought home a few of this and a few of that; in no time he could plate a multitude of flavors. Matteo quite enjoyed the supermarket’s environment; the shuffling of rickety shopping carts, the rustling of bags, quiet conversations serving as background music. The supermarket he preferred—and only ever went to an hour after opening, bright and early—was mostly occupied with mothers who were too focused on what coupons to match than to care about a tired man who always seemed to be feeling out of place. The half blind seniors tended to creep up on him, seeing him as an employee, asking for assistance to grab a loaf of bread that was just a little too far up for them to reach. Toddlers would ask him if he was a spy. He’d freeze, the corners of his eyes tensing up, but the kids would always continue, asking if he worked with the president or for a secret superhero agency that protected their city. It’s because you’re so big mister, they’d say. Look at your humongo’ muscles! At least no one was trying to kill him.
He usually went shopping with Luz. She’d pick him up in her flimsy gray car and on the drive she’d ask him what he wanted to have that week, if there was any big occasion he needed to prepare for. There never was but he’d always tell her he’d be thinking about it. As soon as they arrived, Luz would pull her small notebook out of her purse and start listing what she needed and what she thought he needed; not really asking him, just writing. The first time she did this, Matteo had felt like some uncomprehending elder that Luz thought she was caring for and he’d tried to stop her. When they’d been inside, piling up the cart, he realized that it was her strange way of taking initiative, so as much as it bothered him, he never messed with her notebook habits again. Either way, he didn’t mind sitting under the shade of a tree—his eyes closed and the windows down—with the soft rumble of the engine buzzing around him. It’s not like he had to wait long either, since the list never took more than five minutes, and the scratching of Luz’s dying pen and her exasperated breaths would leave as quick as they came. Whenever her pens died, she’d go scrambling, looking for a functioning pen in the depths of her purse, in every compartment of the car. It was starting to happen a bit too often for his liking, and Matteo had started carrying a fresh pen in his coat pocket, alive and ready to burst, but he never found the right time to give it to her. She’d always give up and tell him that they would figure it out inside.
Luz was a bit of a control freak, making extremely logical decisions on what foods to buy like her life depended on it. She’d grab boxes of cereals, take note of their prices, expiration dates, nutrition facts, and compare them. Frustration would rage her and she’d demand that Matteo cast the vote. The first time it happened was one of his favourite memories of her.
“It isn’t even about how good they are for me anymore, Teo. It’s about what tastes good. And maybe I shouldn’t even be buying this because, when have you ever seen me eating breakfast? Huh?” She paused. He didn’t answer. “Almost never. Is this a waste of money?” She shook the boxes, turned them forward and back, scrutinizing every inch of them.
She moved a pink box into his line of sight. “Look at this one, it has strawberries. They’re delicious, and they don’t affect the flavor once they're soggy,” she said. Matteo made a face at her, but she was too busy placing the box back on the shelf.
Reaching for the cart, Matteo pulled it closer to him. He looked over the two boxes she had yet to reject, narrowing his gaze on the stark difference between them.
“I’d say choose this sugary cereal,” he said. “It looks sweet. You like marshmallows, don’t you?”
Luz turned, looking surprised. She opened and closed her mouth, halfway through saying something and at the same time deciding against it. She pointed at the multicolour box and almost desperately asked, “Are you serious, Matteo?”
Matteo knew she was a fiend for sugar, that she had the world’s biggest sweet tooth. She loved treats. All she ate were pastries upon desserts upon candies. He also knew she didn’t like to make it obvious. Luz was still staring at him and he would’ve dragged the silence out longer if he wasn’t itching to grab some actual food.
Far too quickly, Luz dispersed the last box back into its place on the shelf and took the marshmallow cereal out of his hands. She held it up for a moment, mirroring a mother presenting her child to God, before placing it into the cart and happily moving out of the aisle.
— JAN 18-25, 2024 // WC : 875 // INCOMPLETE —
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jupitermelichios · 3 years
So I’ve been playing a lot of skyrim lately, because it’s video game comfort food, and I decided it was time for my Redguard Dovahkiin to settle down. (Actually I specifically just wanted to be able to adopt some of the random orphans you meet because I felt guilty about them, but you need to be married before you can do that so that there’s someone at home to take care of the kids while you’re off galivanting).
So I travelled around a bit, chatting up likely looking npcs until I found one I both liked and didn’t feel guilty about marrying (I feel bad if I marry one of the warrior adventurer types, making them be a stay at home mum) and settled on an obnoxiously cheerful argonian called Shavee because her life was frankly shit, and I thought she’d probably be good with kids.
So off I go to Riften to the Temple of Mara to arrange the wedding. I book it in for the next day, realise I didn’t bring anything nice to wear, and spend the night before the wedding robbing every house in the city in the search for something to wear. Eventually decide everyone in Riften has terrible fashion sense and break down everything I stole into raw materials and use them to craft myself an outfit and some jewellery that i’m pretty happy with. I even carefully pick out my fanciest looking sword to wear.
(don’t know why I bothered, frankly, shavee turned up wearing a shirt covered in suspicious stains and weilding a pickaxe, it’s like she doesn’t even care about this marriage)
(also for comedy purposes, bear in mind I play with survival mods that mean my character needs to eat and sleep to live, and I literally spent the entire ingame night on this and forgot to eat and drink anything either and then just downed four bowls of wolf stew right before entering the temple so I didn’t starve during the ceremony. also I discovered during the wedding that I am dying of rockjoint, which I contracted from sleeping in a pile of hay on the floor of a skeever infested cave, so even being six foot tall and jacked can’t make up for the fact that I am exhausted, running a fever, and probably covered in wolf which I spilled because my joints are slowly atrophying, and even the fanciest clothes in the world aren’t going to cover that up)
so I enter the temple, and my finance is there, and Lydia my housecarl, and some random NPCs the game thinks are my friends because I did fetch quests for them
One of the random NPCs is Lisbet. Atfter I did her fetch quest, I then did another quest in which I discovered Lisbet is secretly a cannibal and part of a demonic cult that worships the daedric prince of decay by kidnapping priests, sacrificing them, and then eating their corpses. Raw. I think the raw meat is the sticking point for me here honestly.
I ultimately decided not to sacrifice the random priest to a daedric prince in exchange for one magic ring and all the raw human I could eat, because frankly, that doesn’t sound like much of a deal to me. I was expecting there to be some kind of dialogue choice where I could nope out at the last minute, but it turns out there isn’t one, so after they drugged the priest and tied him to the altar, I just got out my sword and started swinging.
I killed most of the cult (including the town butcher, because I had brought meat from him before and was extremely pissed off that he might have been secretly feeding me humans) but a couple of them got away, which I figured was fine because they weren’t trying to kill me.
Except it turns out, if any of them escape, then every time you see them in the future there’s a random chance that they’ll fly into a violent rage and try and murder you.
Lisbet is at my wedding. Lisbet decides that clearly me marrying this random argonian woman with two lines of dialogue is the happiest day of my life, and she cannot allow me that happiness, when I’ve taken so much from her.
So she tries to kill me. Only she can’t, because I’m stuck in a pre-rendered wedding animation, and also she’s sitting next to Lydia, my faithful retainer and owner of a really big axe.
It also turns out that Lisbet is essential, meaning she can be knocked unconcious but not actually killed because she’s needed for some quest or other. And the minute she wakes up from unconciousness, she tries to kill me again, so Lydia knocks her unconcious again, and I’m stuck, I can’t move, because I’m supposed to be in the wedding animation.
Except Shavee has, not unreasonably, see all this and decided that she doesn’t like me enough to risk getting murdered, and has done a runner, leaving me at the altar, but more importantly, leaving me trapped in a broken pre-rendered animation, so all I can do is stand there at the altar, staring at the space where my fiance was supposed to be, listening to the sounds of Lydia trying and failing to beat a cannibal to death behind me.
Okay, I think, clearly this wedding isn’t going to happen, I’m going to go for the registry office option and complete the wedding using the dev commands. I do this. The priest gives me a wedding ring, and I can finally move again. I chase after Shavee, who has an impressive turn of speed on her, and eventually catch up right by the city gates. I try to talk to her.
Apparently using the console has completed the wedding for me, but not for her, because she still only has the same 2 lines of dialogue she usually has.
Clearly this is working, I can’t leave my kids with someone who can only say 2 things and doesn’t even know she’s their mum, that’s irresponsible.
I try loading from inside the temple. I get the same problem.
Eventually I figure out that I need to use the dev controls to disable Lisbet’s entire existence in the universe.
Shavee and me get married. As the priest reads the vows, I stare at Shavee and wonder why she couldn’t even be bothered to put on a clean shirt. I wonder what kind of mother she’ll be.
Once the ceremony is over, and I’m happily married to the dirty green lizard of my dreams, and we’ve agreed that until I can make her recognise my extremely nice modded house exists I will share her single bed in the unheated flophouse in Windhelm she calls home, I re-enable Lisbet, because I’m worried I’ll forget if I leave it too long.
Fun fact about skyrim, it loads in quite a lot of npcs and objects by dropping them from the sky. I have no idea why this is the case, but it’s objectively the funniest way to load in objects.
I re-enable Lisbet. She falls from the sky, clips through the roof of the temple, and lands in the pew beside Lydia, stands up, draws a knife, and is immedately beaten unconcious.
I no longer care, because Shavee now has all the exciting new spouse-only romantic dialogue options like “Could you cook something for me” and “have you made any money lately”, and I know she’ll be a great mother.
I limp to the door of the temple, while around me the guests not involved in the Lydia-Lisbet murder cycle scream and duck for cover.
I open the door to the temple, immediately collapse and ragdoll down the steps, which is how I discover I am dying of rockjoint.
I limp to the orphanage down the street, adopt two kids, and then finally remember that I’m carrying garlic bread, which as we all know, cures all known illnesses.
When I emerge back into the street, full of the joys of motherhood and garlic bread, I find the town in disaray. Lydia is chasing Lisbet through the streets with an axe and a dragon is circling overhead, burning npcs to death. People are running for shelter, screaming, while the guards try to take down an entire dragon using only the worst bows and arrows in the game.
I decide that as a parent, I have to think of my own safety first and leave them to it.
I head out of the city, intent on returning home and figuring out why Shavee refuses to move in with me. A man hanging around the stables challenges me to a boxing match. For want of anything better to do, I agree.
Halfway through the fight he dodges at the wrong moment and I punch one of his horses in the head.
Two guards attack me while I desperately try to surrender. My kids will miss me, but I’m prepared to go to jail for my horse crimes, I’m an honest citizen. Also my horse crimes seem somewhat less important than the dragon.
The guards refuse to accept my surrender. I am stabbed to death. As I collapse in front of the indifferent horse, Lisbet exits the city, followed by Lydia. The last thing I see before I die is Lydia swinging her axe at Lisbet’s face.
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I wanna talk about Janet Drake
I’m not against exaggeratedly evil versions of Tim’s parents, tbh. It’s fanfiction, if we can depict an Exaggeratedly Good version of Bruce (which we can, and I do, and I love) then we can depict the Drakes as Exaggeratedly Bad. As someone who personally identifies with Tim, and his brand of complicated parental abuse in particular, I find it cathartic to uncomplicate that abuse and rescue him from the Obviously Evil Bad People. 
That said, since much of comics lore is passed down word of mouth, the oral tradition surrounding Tim has developed this idea of Janet as The Worse Parent between her and Jack that was never really present in the comics. We see much LESS of Janet, and we have 20 years worth of comics depicting Jack as a neglectful hotheaded idiot who ultimate does love his son. More importantly, Jack isn’t very much LIKE Tim, so there is a habit to attribute Tim’s traits to his mother... and, as someone who really really identifies with Tim, Tim has... some negative traits. Tim can be a bitch sometimes. He’s fiercely intelligent and sweet and kind, with a strong sense of justice, but he can be cold and judgmental and unthinking - he fights those traits, but he does have them. 
And it is perfectly fine to depict Janet that way. I’ve enjoyed depictions of Cold Calculating Janet Drake, but it’s not the ONLY option, and I want to challenge fans to consider different avenues. Tim could pick up these traits from anywhere: a nanny, Mrs. Mc Ilvaine (”Mrs. Mac”), a teacher, tv, Sherlock Holmes novels, Bruce Wayne himself. Tim is capable of not being like EITHER parent. 
So, what do we KNOW about Janet? (I’ll also touch on Jack, but only in scenes he appears with Janet.) 
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When Janet was first introduced she was depicted as a gentle but “modern” woman. This was written in 1989, told by a 13 year old Tim, so this theoretically was meant to take place in 1979. I’m not here to give a lecture on the history of sex discrimination in the united states, but much of the legislation protecting women in the workforce or surrounding women’s bodily autonomy would have been very very new in this initial depiction. 
Here, Janet is shown to be encouraging, emotional, maternal, and projects her own feelings onto Tim. Jack is shown to be slightly sexist, possibly discouraging, but not overbearing. And the artist is shown not to know how to draw children. 
To insert some speculation, I think it’s important to note all the Drakes witnessed a terrible murder/accident that day. I point this out, because this is the last time Jack and Janet are depicted this way. It’s possible they changed as a result of this event specifically. 
However, this is also a story being told by Tim. It’s also possible these events aren’t really “real” at all, and Tim is misremembering what his parents were like as a three-year-old, possibly projecting a more palatable version of his parents into the narrative. This is entirely up to personal interpretation. 
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In fact, the Drakes are shown in Legend of the Dark Knight attending Haly’s Circus, and the artist knows what a toddler looks like and they’re depicted as already having a slightly strained relationship. Jack is clearly on the defensive, and Janet seems to be passive-aggressive, though she could just be attempting to explain the situation to her toddler honestly. The intended tone isn’t especially clear. 
I do want to point out, in this depiction, Tim isn’t being carried like he was in the previous one. He’s walking ahead of his parents, which isn’t a terrible horrible crime, but could be dangerous in a crowded place like the circus. Might be a subtle hint to his parents overall neglect. 
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Back to A Lonely Place of Dying, in Tim’s memories of the night he discovered Robin and Dick Grayson were the same person at nine-years-old, his parents are home, and watching TV together while Tim played... trucks, idk, in the living room with them. (This is semi-interesting, because you could say “oh, Tim liked vehicle toys as a kid” or you could extrapolate that this is another subtle indication of Jack’s sexism, providing Tim with appropriately “boy toys.” Either interpretation is valid. If Tim was assigned female at birth, would they have been given “girl toys,” or allowed to play with whatever they wanted?) 
This is, to my knowledge, the only panel of the Drakes when Tim is between ages 3 and 13. They’re all together, which might indicate that the Drakes were home more often when Tim was 9, only later going on business trips when Tim was “old enough” but... 
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This is Tim’s boarding school when he’s 13. While most boarding schools in the US are for grades 9-12, Tim is clearly not a freshman at age 13; look how much younger the other kids in this panel are. In the US, the youngest you can attend most boarding schools is 7. 
That means Tim could have begun going to boarding school anytime between 7 and 13. He most likely spent all of middle school in boarding school, at least. There are an almost infinite number of possible ways the Drakes handled having a business that required lots of international travel, an archeology hobby, AND a very young child. Janet staying home until Tim was 7, 11, 13, is equally possible as the Drakes having a nanny until 7, 11, 13. Tim just doesn’t talk about that period of his life very much.
(”What about Mrs. Mac?” - it is unclear when Mrs. Mac begins working for the Drakes. We only see her when Jack comes out of his coma. She could either be a long standing staff member, or a recent hire.) 
Note: I’ve seen it said that it’s canon that “According to Tim, when his parents were home, they made a point to try and include him in their activities, bringing him along to events that were normally adults only.” I have never seen this panel, or I don’t remember it, so I cannot confirm, but I also cannot debunk this because... comics. 
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By the time Tim is 13, Jack and Janet are away on business trips a lot, with limited communication, and no firm return date. If I’m feeling generous, I’d say it was harder to communicate internationally in 1990 than it is today. If I’m not feeling generous, I’d say the Drakes are extremely wealthy, and international communication was easier than ever before in the 80s and 90s. They’re not even going home to see Tim in a week or two, they’re going home and calling Tim at boarding school in a week or two. 
Even Bruce thinks its weird, though he doesn’t say so to Tim’s face. It’s written almost as if Tim’s parents’ neglect was meant to be a plot point that just got forgotten about. 
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Tim’s parents are fighting at this point (their poor assistant), but Janet still goes with Jack on these business trips. And she’s clearly involved in the business, somehow, but the comics never SAY what Janet’s JOB is. We’re told Jack is the exec, but Janet is ONLY ever referred to as Jack’s wife, though they’re later described as the “heads” of the company, plural. 
Just to be clear, this is Jack’s business. There’s a perception that Jack is a bad business man because he and Janet fight over company decisions, and Jack looses the business after Janet dies, but Jack looses the company YEARS after Janet dies, and maintains it for about a year after No Man’s Land at that. We’re not told how Jack looses the business, but he’s got to be doing something right. Janet isn’t necessarily the “real brains” of Drake Industries. 
And I’m not... gonna... touch the... exploitation and racism because... I’m not qualified to do that. But, here’s the panel. The Drakes sure seem exploitative and racist in their business decisions. Someone else can... analyze that with more nuance. 
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Regardless how how long they’ve been fighting, when their lives are in danger, the Drakes fall back into a loving husband and wife. Their marriage may be falling apart, but they do care about each other. 
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I want to show these panels because it shows that Tim and Jack do have things in common. They’re both level headed in a crisis and can be somewhat cold in their practicality. Janet meanwhile and silent. Jack is later willing rant and rave at their captors, but Janet remains silent. 
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That is, until they’re alone, and she finally lets herself fall apart. 
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God, Jack can be obnoxious. Janet just looks miserable and resigned. I actually think Tim takes after his parents in this respect in equal measure. Tim can have a temper, but he can also be fairly melancholy and defeatist. 
Jack keeps reminding Janet to be strong and in control, which could be period typical sexism? But Jack seems so practiced and ready with the words of encouragement, and with Tim’s history with depression, I wonder if Janet has an inclination towards it as well. 
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As the end approaches, when Jack brings up Tim, Janet seems to have a lot of regret. She talks about “wasting” the good things, and I don’t think it’s too big of a stretch to assume she’s talking about time spent with her only child. 
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From this point on, Janet is at times spoken of, but not seen. Like here, when Jack says Janet wouldn’t approve of him and Tim being so “far apart.” He says this after he tells him he takes back his threat to send him back to boarding school, which might imply Janet was against the idea of boarding school? Though she obviously lost that argument when she was alive. 
Jack will of course renege on this later, but that’s Jack Drake for you. 
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Or here in Tim’s illness induced dream, where he gets everything he wants. Though, since this is a fantasy of Tim’s, where his father and girlfriend are both more accepting and understanding than they are in real life, I would take this depiction of Janet with a grain of salt. 
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After loosing Drake Industries, Jack thinks about Janet (though, they call her Catherine/Cathy for some fucking reason) during his depressive episode. And... uh... 
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Hallucinates a Valkyrie???? Is this symbolic of suicidal thoughts, or is she... real? Or is he seriously hallucinating? 
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Anyway, we’re not here to discuss Jack’s mental state, the fact that he forgot Tim’s birthday, or that concerning “I was going to knock some sense into you but you’re still bigger than me” statement from Tim, we’re here to talk about Janet. And even though this entire arc is about Jack mourning his first wife, they don’t SAY anything about Janet herself at all. I mean, they don’t even get her name right, so I guess what was I expecting. 
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Then there’s Origins and Omens, which also doesn’t say anything about Janet, except that Tim’s memory of her is faulty - Janet was poisoned, her assistant Jeremy’s throat was slit on television, but Tim seems to have conflated the death he did see with the death he didn’t. 
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The only piece of canon to suggest that Janet might be cold, is Tim compares her to Thalia. And even then, he’s really just saying Janet was protective of him. It’s kind of a scary look to make at your kid, but Bruce does the same thing, so. 
I do want to say... it’s not 100% clear if Tim is even talking about Janet. He could be talking about Dana. Dana was observably protective of Tim, though I don’t think he’s ever called her mom. He PROBABLY means Janet. 
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And finally we have Tim visiting his mother’s grave (in a duel Christian/Jewish cemetery, make of that what you will), where Tim says she was ��a little religious.”
And that’s it! That is all we know about Janet Drake in New Earth. Hardly the Mom From Hell, but she isn’t perfect. I’d be interested in seeing some alternate depictions of her within the fandom. 
I’m still gonna eat up Terrible Parents From Hell like a starving puppy dog, though. Just some food for creative thought. 
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