#not tagging non important characters are you crazy
omegaverse-bfdi · 2 years
ii + blixemi lyrics
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sonicblueartist · 11 months
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Bullfrog x h!reader
Request: A scenario where he gets cold and just wants to seek warmth cause he feels like he could hibernate
A/N: This idea is so cute 😭 thank you for telling me! @viney900 (he might be a bit out of character omg so sorry for that) I hope you like it. And sorry it's a bit short and rushed 💦
Word Count: 1.6k
Taglist: @blorbostation
Btw does anyone want to be in the tag list?
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It was mid-December and it was snowing like crazy. Everything was white as far as the eye could see. You were wearing your warmest clothes while watching this beautiful view with a cup of hot chocolate in your hand. It was your favorite time of year as all these piles of metal were covered in snow, it was a new sight. Finally something natural and organic.
You sipped your hot chocolate with a delighted smile and looked towards the couch, "Hey, do you want to go outside and play in some snow?" No, of course you weren't talking to your couch. You weren't that crazy yet.
A muffled, unamused grunt came from the other end. Bullfrog spoke unhappily from where he was wrapped in blankets, "I'd rather stay inside, Miel. Don't get me wrong. I'd love to have fun with you, but—" You could literally hear him shudder when he heard the word snow.
You chuckled at that, "Oh, come on. A little snow won't do anything. What's wrong with having a little fun? It's not like it can eat you." Your smile faded slightly with concern when you didn't hear a sound from him. Your thoughts were intruding again, "It's not that cold at home and you're still wrapped in a bunch of blankets. Aren't you sweating in there? Don't tell me you're..." Your voice trailed off.
“Non, I am not sick, stop worrying.”
"I can't help it, you know." You approached and leaned back on the couch. You watch as he slowly sips his own hot chocolate. His half-closed eyes had been staring at the silent program that had been playing on the television for some time. The show kept ending and repeating itself.
"Well, if you are not sick and want to have fun with me, do you not want to get your clothes wet in the snow or do you hate the cold or something?" You had a feeling it was more than that. You knew he wouldn't mind getting cold or his clothes getting wet and dirty if it meant the two of you had fun. But... this time the 'cold' seemed to bother him further then he was letting on.
He rubbed his eyes, “I…” He sighed. “I don’t hate it—“
“You just don’t feel like it then—“
"You don't need to be around me all the time, you know. If you want to play in the snow, you're free to do that." He thought you weren't having fun because you were staying with him, and you know he felt guilty about that. But it was your choice and frankly you would have preferred to stay with him. You weren't staying with him because playing alone wasn't fun, you were staying with him because you just wanted to be around him. And that was reason enough. It was better to sit quietly with him than to run through the snow and possibly get sick afterwards anyway. You chose to stay warm and comfortable. So you were understanding him.
"My free will chooses to stay with your sick body." You patted his head.
“I am not sick— peu importe…” He grumbled.
You jumped over the couch and sat next to him with a grin, "Fine. You're healthy as always."
Bullfrog didn't seem to understand what you were saying and neither of you spoke for a while, continuing to watch the TV idly as you sipped your hot chocolate. Instead he seemed to be having a fight in his head, "You know what? I changed my mind. Let's go outside. If I keep sitting like this, I'm going to fall asleep."
You turned to him, surprised, "Really? Hey, you don't need to force yourself. It's okay if you're not comfortable. It's fine with me, you know."
He gave a dismissive thumbs up, "No, it's okay, don't worry. Let's go." He freed himself from the pile of blankets he was wrapped in and jumped down to the ground. He quickly finished his hot chocolate and placed it on the coffee table. As you looked at him in surprise, he abruptly grabbed your arm and quickly dragged you towards the door while you yelped in surprise, "Let's go!"
You stumbled, trying not to drop your own hot chocolate, "W-wait. Slow down! I'm gonna fall!" You put your drink aside and quickly took your coat, and before you could wear it properly, you were already out of the house and being pulled up the stairs. He had already put on his own coat before you started getting dressed.
He dragged you up the stairs and you walked out of the building and onto the rooftop. You heard him let out a small breath when his feet came into contact with the snow. He trembled and muttered a few inaudible French words.
The two of you walked to the middle of the roof and observed the white world. Bullfrog looked tense and stiff. You could see that he was trying hard not to shake. He looked like he was torn between whether to stay or run back inside.
You decide that you can help him get out of his misery. To your surprise he seemed to have chosen to slowly escape. While he turned back and tried to walk towards the door with shaky steps, you took a handful of snow and formed a ball. He was muttering about what a bad idea this was.
“Hey, Bullfrog. Are you running back inside so quickly?” You didn't know what was going on inside his head, but you were sure he had to win whatever argument was going on and forget about it for a moment. He just needed to relax. You knew he could have fun too.
He stammered, mostly out of embarrassment, as you can guess, "I'm sorry. But it seems like this isn't the right mood for—" He cried out, losing his balance as you successfully hit him in the head with the snowball, and fell face flat down.
Your eyes widen, “Holy shit." You were actually expecting him to sense the incoming attack and dodge or catch the ball or— do anything else. He's never done this before. Now you're worried. There was definitely something wrong with him.
You rush to his side, “You okay?” He shakily got up to his knees.
"I shouldn't have let my guard down. It's my fault." He laughed weakly at his mistake. But you knew there was more to it than that. After not getting an answer from you for a while, he slowly looked at you. He swallowed with your serious face. It seems like he can't evade the questions anymore.
"What's your problem?" Your eyebrows furrowed in seriousness and concern. A simple question but difficult to answer. A question that heaved his heart.
He frowned, “Rien, nothing wrong—“
"Are you ill?" You repeated the same question that worries you again. Because if he was really sick, you couldn't let him tire himself out like this. You gently caressed his cheek, and pressed the back of your hand to his forehead. His weak arms almost give out with your warm touch. He fleed from your touch, not letting herself melt, and sighed, "I told you I wasn't."
“Then what’s wrong with you?” He stood up shakily with a grunt. He heavied a sigh and watched his warm breath come out in a visible small cloud, "I...I'm going to hibernate." He sulked.
“You… what?”
He dismissed it, "It's not a big deal. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner... I just couldn't find the right words to inform you." That felt like a big lie "And I'm sorry for ruining your fun, I'm... going back now."
You held his shoulder, "Wait a minute. Are you going to hibernate? Now?" How could he say this wasn't a big deal? He'll probably sleep for about a month or two and that doesn't seem like a big deal? This is really important for his health and it seems like he's been ignoring it for a while! Why does he keep himself from hibernation!?
He glanced away, “Uh… non… Not right now. I can’t… I can’t sleep yet.”
“And why is that?”
He frowned, “You know why. I shouldn't sleep. I have lots of work to finish.”
You crossed your arms over you chest, with a raised brow, “I thought you said you were free until—“
He quickly interjected, "That's right! I said 'until'. And at any moment, someone can give me an important task. So what happens if I don't do it? I can't leave anything unfinished using the excuse that I was just sleeping." As the two of you stared at each others eyes for a while, a light breeze passed by and you noticed that it had started to snow again.
You saw that his shaking was getting worse, he is vulnerable right now, so you approached him without furthering the discussion and easily picked him up as he looked in surprise. "H-huh..."
“Let's go back home before you get actually sick. We'll talk about all this there." He sighed in defeat and let your warmth envelop him, finding it useless to resist. He pressed his face into the crook of your neck as he let it all happen.
You closed the door behind you and looked at him. You took off your jacket along with his and dropped it on the floor. At that moment, he was using all the energy in him not to fall asleep while in your arms. You smiled slightly at this. He was just like a little child stubbornly resisting falling asleep in his mother's arms. How long had he been resisting hibernation? All his life? Is this even possible?
"I understand your concerns, but hibernation exists for a reason. It's for your own g—"
"Please, you don't have to tell me that. I already know." He mumbled, sighing sleepily. "Please put me down."
You hummed, "Fine. I'll put you down."
He stammered when he noticed you walking towards your room, "W-what are you doing?" You didn't answer, instead you walked into your bedroom and laid down on your bed with him. You wrapped your hands tighter around his body and didn't let him escape from you. He didn't struggle much and exhaled tiredly.“Dors avec moi” you mumbled, causing his eyes to widen with your words.
His cheeks changed colors with that, "I told you I am not going to sleep." This time it was you who flustered him.
"Sure. Don't. But I will. And you are not leaving me while I sleep." He tried to push you away in protest. You finally let out a deep sigh. "Please. Bullfrog. I promise to wake you up if something happens, okay? Just focus on resting for now." He froze. He thought about it and glanced up at you, "You promise to wake me up?"
"Of course I do! When did I lie to you?"
His eyes softened. He moved a little closer to you and sighed, "Bien..." He couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and closed them with a relieved smile. And with surprising speed he fell asleep immediately. You watched for a while as his chest slowly rose and fell as he soundly sleeped. Maybe you shouldn't have taken off his coat because even though you covered him with a blanket, he was still slightly shivering, holding on to you like his life depended on it. You slowly took his hands off you and left his trembling body silently. He quickly curled into a small ball to protect himself from the cold, causing you to smile. You quickly ran to the living room and collected all the blankets he left on the couch and went back inside and wrapped him even tighter with the blankets you brought and laid down next to him. He had somehow managed to find you and cuddle up next to you.
"Bonne nuit" You whispered as you closed your eyes to rest with him.
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boxofbonesfic · 2 years
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𝒪𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝒰𝓅𝑜𝓃 𝒜 𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒…
I’m Bones, and I’m celebrating a huge milestone—10k followers! I am so honored that so many people enjoy my work, and I am so grateful for the friends and relationships I have cultivated here, and what better way to celebrate those things than with a challenge? I think we all know that the sanitized, kid-friendly version of most fairytales are nowhere near their grim, grisly original tellings. For this challenge, I would like to return to those bleak, terrifying roots, and come up with something darkly fantastical! 
For this challenge, I would like to both pay homage to my own roots, and the theme of my blog. Participants will pick one of the following 10 fairytales (or, to be fancy, you can use the spinner I made!) and then turn out the lights. This is a dark challenge, and, more than their originals, your entries should have a dark twist. Use your imaginations! Maybe Cinderella doesn’t get what she hoped for in her Prince Charming, or perhaps the story of Rapunzel that we know is not how things truly happened—it’s up to you! But your story must be dark—whether that is explicit, or revealed slowly through the events of your story, is, again, completely up to you! You can use the Roster of Accepted Characters to choose your fighter (lol)! Now, onto the rules!
18+ ONLY. This is a dark challenge, and while smut is not a requirement, I think the general subject matter, as well as the themes, will be inappropriate for minors. Smut is not necessary, but it is encouraged. 😏
Challenge opens 4/01/23, and will continue until the end of summer! September 1st! end on my birthday! 06/09/23! (The first of April to the ninth of June for my folks who do D/M/Y instead of M/D/Y lol)
YOUR WORK MUST MEET THE CHALLENGE BRIEF. If your work does not meet the challenge brief (A DARK retelling of a classic fairytale) I will not be reblogging it, and it will not be included in the challenge masterlist. I will not be making exceptions ❤️
You must place your work under a cut at 350 words. 
There is a 10k word limit. Go crazy!
You ARE allowed to use fairytales not included on this list, please just let me know in my inbox! 
Tag and warn appropriately. It is exceedingly important that we tag and warn our works to best of our ability, so that readers know what they are getting into. (Obviously don’t tag to the point where you spoil your plot, but, you know. Use your best judgement.)
Please, no: DD/LG, RPF, Toilet-play, Bestiality (but monsterfucking is a-okay), and no minors in sexual situations.
This must be new and original work. You may not submit previously written work, or work written for other challenges. It’s fine if this is part of a pre-existing series, but this specific piece must be a stand-alone, able to be read and understood without reading any previous work.
Three entries per person. You can submit three separate entries, or a mini-series with three chapters, but each piece must be beneath the 10k word limit.
Please use the roster to select an MMC. It’s okay if you want to use a character who isn’t listed, but please just check in to make sure it’s a fandom I’m actually into 😅
We are all working underneath the same constraints. It is not plagiarism for another author to use the same fairytale, or similar tropes as you. I will not tolerate false accusations, and will block anyone who makes them. 
Have fun! This rule is non-negotiable. If this challenge is not sparking joy, it’s okay to sit it out, there will be more!
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝒶𝒾𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒶𝓁𝑒𝓈
✨Rapunzel ✨Little Red Riding Hood ✨Beauty and the Beast ✨The Little Mermaid ✨Peter Pan ✨Sleeping Beauty ✨Cinderella ✨Rumplestiltskin ✨Goldilocks ✨Snow White
𝑅𝑜𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇:  (Or spin the wheel here)
Steve Rogers
Joel Miller
Ari Levinson
Eddie Munson
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker
Eddie Brock
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Dennis Baker
Ransom Drysdale
Lloyd Hansen
Andy Barber
Steve Kemp
Nick Fowler
Lee Bodecker
Arvin Russel
Clark Kent
Geralt of Rivia
Have fun everyone!
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greetingfromthedead · 1 month
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Welcome to a new world of lust and desire!
This is a series of smut oneshots taking place in an Alternate Universe where our beloved Trigun characters are dragon shifters. There is a loose sub-plot connecting the chapters to one another, but there is really no need to read any of this for the plot.
Attention: This is a Trigun x succubus!Reader collection with different partners, both male and female!
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The Trigun characters here are all dragon shifters unless said otherwise. Generally they are much larger than regular humans, hovering at around the 8ft mark, unless they are Meryl, who is still small compared to the others, now more like a regular tall woman. The dragons have their own affiliations (Vash = Sun Dragon, Knives = Moon Dragon, Wolfwood = Storm Dragon etc) and that comes with its own quirks. They can also shift at will (partially or completely), but they do always keep their horns. You are a succubus (human sized), feeding off their lust and growing more powerful as you get fucked by those delicious creatures. Your presence alone drives them crazy and you are well aware of it, taking advantage of it at every turn. Your goal is to make this nest of lust even more potent as that's what gives you life.
My version of the characters and their dynamics is a bit of a mix of all the different iterations, but their descriptions are generally kept vague enough so you can imagine whatever version you want and add your own HC to it as you please. Occasionally I am self-indulgent, like physically describing Wolfwood as a softer, untoned, tanned, hairy man. And Vash has a skeletal prosthesis cause I like the look and have plans for it.
All the dragons of the world have been pushed into living in one small area, focused around a mansion built into a mountain. Faced with their dwindling existence, the last remaining shifters indulge in each other, seeking passion and relief from each other's bodies in a messy polygamous dynamic. This lustfulness sends ripples through the fabric of the worlds, accidentally summoning you, a succubus from a hellish plane, into their midst to sow even more desire and mischief.
This is a work of fiction. Duh. Don't take it too seriously. For all intents and purposes, all the sexual acts are consensual!!! Any dub con is fictional and play pretend. If it makes you feel better, they had the talk behind the scenes and the safe-word is "hullaballoo". Obviously I do not condone any non con or dub con irl, leave that shit in fiction and if anyone disagrees, they can fuck off to Hell. Do read the tags and TWs of the fics, but be aware that my tagging skills are "meh" and I occasionally forget things.
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Oneshots (in order of events)
The oneshots are connected, but there is no need to look for a plot, feel free to read what you want in whatever order you want.
Drop of Lust (M/M/F ft Vashwood, 5k) - as Vash and Wolfwood have their way with each other, they accidentally end up summoning you into their world, but you don't get to watch them for long as they are drawn to you and include you in their fun. You make sure they both understand just who you are by bringing them unmatched pleasure and allowing them to fuck you into heavenly bliss.
Ignorance Brings Bliss (Vash, 2.6k) - Vash wants to take care of you by giving you the option to use the large Roman style bath and bringing you food, but due to some misunderstandings, you both end up wet and wild, finding alternate uses for some of the food items he brought with him.
Seduction (Knives, 3.2k) - You seek a warm embrace to spend the night, following the music through the mansion. You find a grumpy Knives playing the organ in his room and use your arts of seduction to completely wrap him around your finger, making him desire you more than anything else in the world.
More coming soon...
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Didn't get your fill or not quite what you're looking for? Check out my MASTERLIST for more PG and Explicit Trigun content!
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A:tla - fire meta and theories
Zuko and opium
Azula and non-benders
Zuko, Azula and Aang - height
Zuko is not hateful
Fireball in the face
Audience with Azulon
Zuko and Azula's Agni Kai - lightning
Zuko covering his face from the fire
Referring to Zuko as a "prince"
Zuko's pose
Zuko is both cool and awkward
Zuko protecting Sokka
Was Ursa scared of her husband?
Difference between Ozai and Zuko's childhood
On Ozai abusing Azula
Ozai, Parenting, and Abuse
Firebending during eclipce, night etc
Zuko's redemption arc
Azula's thoughts on Iroh
Azula's bending
Abusive father Ozai (pt 1 - Zuko, link for Azula is down there)
A parallel. Just as Roku did with Sozin, Zuko spares his father.
Asian view on heirs, sons and daughters
Zuko & Azula: Eyes
Azula is not the most powerful firebender in atla
Azula’s downfall is foreshadowed
Zuko should just follow the cabbage guy
Zuko is a theatre kid
Azula, conditioned love etc
“The Beach” in terms of Azula
Long meta about Azula
Zuko is not tall (as well as Sokka)
Zuko and Iroh's prison dialoge: the great directing
Zuko is being cared and healthy
Yon Rha and Iroh crimes
Zuko's scar camera framing
The fact that Zuko even considers having Katara heal his scar is probably a red flag for him siding with his sister
Zuko and Ozai camera framing
“You can’t treat me like Zuko!”
Ozai and Zuko - talking with father
About Iroh and Ozai's past and characters in general
Modern!AU Zuko and Azula
Ozai is very concentrated when bending - screenshots
Iroh and Ozai - Azula and Zuko (parallels)
Why does Iroh talk to Zuko in metaphors
Ursa’s departure caused Ozai to become worse
Aang and Zuko talking about Ozai
Iroh: "She's crazy and she needs to go down" line
Do we ever see Ozai actually care about stopping Aang?
How important firebending is to Ozai
Ozai: what having your bending taken from you must entail
Ozai is objectively speaking the worst firelord
Was it just “speaking out of turn”?
"Good" and "bad" guys in Fire royal family
Zuko and Iroh: waiting all night
Zuko Centric-Morality and the Fire Nation
Is Zuko is a better bender than Aang?
In defense of Mai and Maiko. Let’s talk about seashells
Ozai did cared about his family in the past
Iroh and Zuko’s wanted poster; there’s a specific line
Why Azulon had a second son in tags (I personally love the first and the last ones)
Zuko is canonically bisexual
Zuko, Jet and Jin: flirting
Zuko falls for Jin, restaurant scene part 2 (part 1 link is in the post)
Evidence that Zuko looks like Ozai
Zuko can find almost anything, a list
How many places Zuko has broken into (Zuko being competent while thinking he is not)
Iroh spends the whole show vibing with everyone
Why Zuko's redemption arc is so good
Zuko: it is so much easier to believe in the impossible than it is to believe that your father is a monster
About Zuko's trauma
Two Zuko's least popular hairstyles (spoiler: blame Iroh)
And a bit more about Zuko's ponytail
Firebending study: Why Ozai is the top Firebender in ATLA
How sexist is the Fire Nation?
Post-war economy in the Fire Nation
Fire Nation cultural inspiration
Mai can't say "I love you" (but she really loves Zuko)
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chipmunkweirdo · 2 months
hii, idk if u take requests but if u do, what are ur chipmunks (just Alvin Simon and Theodore) headcanons??
I do take requests! You’re in luck! Thank you for messaging me!
Oooh boy, I have SOOOO many headcanons for them. Let me copy and paste the list I made that used to be on my Twitter.
Simon secretly loves going on adventures, but as “the responsible one” he’s expected to be the killjoy. Sometimes, he’ll let Alvin go through with a scheme and tag along on the adventure without telling an authority figure. You only live once.
He tends to be crazy prepared for any situation that could possibly be thrown at him. This includes government spies. He even built an underground tunnel system underneath his house and his family uses it to hide out when the situation calls for it.
His memory is incredible and allows him to memorize lists of facts and statistics.
Because of his good memory, he holds grudges for a long time. He will make you pay for that time that you wronged him even if you forgot what you did or said and have since moved on.
The power of his mind is so important to him that he tends to forget it’s not the only thing that defines his character. He fears Alvin becoming smarter than him.
Simon wants to protect people and keep them safe. As a result, he often violates their rights to privacy in the name of safety. Good examples would be putting tracking devices on every bike in the neighborhood and putting a tracking device in Alvin’s cap.
He can’t figure out how to make anything he cooks taste good. This irritates him because he strives to learn all the useful skills he can and this one is no exception. He really doesn’t appreciate all Alvin’s jokes about his meals causing “Simon-ella” poisoning.
(Then the show implied Simon was a god tier cook better than Theo in season 5. I didn’t love that episode.)
He enjoys watching The Big Bang Theory and feels like he can relate to Leonard. He also deals with an annoying egotistical roommate. (Alvin) Now that Alvin is 2.0, he sees even more of Alvin in Sheldon. He teases Alvin sometimes by calling him “Shelvin.”
Although he has a soft spot for sitcoms and sci fi, he prefers non-fiction to fiction.
His favorite non-fiction shows are anything on the science network or the discovery channel. His favorite non-fiction books are encyclopedias and anything science related.
When Dave tells him an invention or experiment is too dangerous, he does it anyway. He disobeys Dave in his pursuit of knowledge and Alvin disobeys Dave in his pursuit of a fun time. However, Simon believes that he’s in the right and Alvin is in the wrong.
He’s a hypocrite.
It irks him that he can no longer be snide or passive aggressive without Alvin 2.0 eventually realizing it.
He’s so farsighted that he’s basically blind without his glasses. He finds glasses to be a nuisance sometimes, but is accustomed to wearing them and prefers them to contacts. Besides, they are a big part of his casual look.
Simon is a closeted brony. He watched My Little Pony with Jeanette once and became a Twilight Sparkle fan. He is deeply embarrassed by his love for the show because he thinks no one will take a scientist who loves MLP seriously.
Simon does not possess a lot of lower body strength. His strength is the opposite of Alvin’s, concentrated mostly in his upper body. He’s gotten pretty strong from lifting power drills, chainsaws, heavy metal robot parts, and stuff.
He can beat Alvin 2.0 in an arm wrestle.
Simon enjoys basketball and plays it quite frequently in his spare time. He joined the basketball team once, but then he couldn’t handle the peer pressure and switched to a basketball club instead.
Theodore eats more whenever he’s feeling stressed, but if he’s really feeling angry or depressed, he won’t eat as much....if at all. If he says “I’m not hungry.” You know he’s in a bad place.
He’s gotten over his fear of one clown. However, he still has nightmares about being chased by a pack of clowns sometimes. He also has nightmares about disappointing Dave and being stuck in a box.
He loves to cook for people. He enjoys helping Eleanor most, but he will still cook by himself, provided Dave allows him to use the kitchen.
He likes to be the one to make refreshments for school events. This can get overwhelming, but Eleanor helps him cope with the stress.
His naive and young demeanor helps to shield him from Alvin and Simon’s fighting.
Talking Teddy is his favorite show because it’s a distraction from all the pain and suffering in the world. He lives in a figurative little bubble and he chooses what he lets in and out.
Although he hates dealing with real drama, fake drama on TV is a-okay in his book. He enjoys watching Spanish soap operas and uses them to practice his Spanish.
Theodore is a part of the school drama club as well. He likes showing off his range as an actor.
Alvin’s change hasn’t affected him as much as it affected Simon. Unfortunately, Alvin has gotten really wordy and hard to understand. Theodore is occasionally forced to look up words in the dictionary if he wishes to have any idea what Alvin and Simon are talking about.
When Brittany needs someone to help her finish all the extra duties for the principal, Theodore steps in to help. His need to stretch himself and help as many people as possible sometimes causes him to burn out. He needs to learn that sometimes it’s okay to say “I’m busy.”
To prove how he’s matured since the events of the Alvinnn pilot, Theodore now has access to the keyboard Simon tricked out for Talking Teddy. He frequently types in responses and pretends Teddy is talking to him, even though he knows he’s just talking to himself. It doesn’t hurt to pretend if it’s a coping mechanism.
His love for Talking Teddy boarders on obsession at times. He’s gone to the live show, owns the videogame, has a huge DVD collection, has seen all 4 movies, and owns more than one Talking Teddy doll. Teddy, backup Teddy, and mini Teddy the backpack clip, to name a few.
More mature Theodore does have a bit more of a backbone than his alternate universe counterparts. He gets second and even third opinions before agreeing to certain things. He’s even started developing an ability to sense if a situation is “fishy” or legit.
He’s extremely proud of his musical skills and especially his drumming skills. He’s always begging Dave to add drum solos to songs so he can show off his skills. Alvin and Simon get their guitar and bass solos. He wants his time to shine too.
He knows a large number of dances and he’s even invented his own dance moves. He likes freestyling the best. When the boys took ballet, he picked up on the skill faster than Simon and Alvin. It helped that Eleanor encouraged him in a nicer way than she did the other boys.
Sometimes Theodore pushes the limits of what his cuteness can do, such as scoring free candy by making puppy dog eyes. In addition, Alvin uses him as a secret weapon to bring out the inner goodness in people.
Theodore hates being thought of as stupid and naive. He doesn’t want to be a “genius” like his brothers though. He’d like to be thought of as a person with average intelligence. And he especially wants to prove to Officer Dangus that he’s not dumb.
Theodore’s habit of sensing things more strongly than other people is one of the reasons that he almost always notices Eleanor.
His five senses are very in tune with the world around him, especially his senses of smell of taste. Sight’s better than his brothers’ obviously. Both of them wear glasses and he doesn’t need glasses.
Alvin was a closeted nerd, but as Alvin 2.0 he’s connected more with that side of himself. He’s still getting used to the way it’s changed how people react to him.
He’s an excellent artist, even though he failed art class 3 times for not following directions. He drew comics and did his own projects instead of actually doing the assignments. “What? I’m making art, right? And this is art class....so I should get an A.”
Alvin is a tetrachromat, meaning he possesses 4 different types of vision cones for processing color. He can tell apart even the most subtle color variations. This is why he gets so picky about describing colors.
He is ambidextrous. He can do things equally well with both his right and left hands. He was originally right handed, but he broke his arm and had to learn how to function with his left. When his arm healed, he started using both and has continued the trend ever since.
He’s very absent-minded and puts sticky note reminders all over to help him remember important things. He also has a bunch of reminders programmed into his phone.
When he really needs to focus, he leaves his phone and his videogames in another room, so they won’t distract him.
He’s physically weak in his upper body and most of his strength is concentrated in his lower body. His legs can move faster than all of the other Chipmunks’ and Chipettes’. He excels in any sport or activity that requires running quickly.
He likes academic subjects, but that doesn’t mean he’s thrilled with the idea of school. He’d rather learn the subjects on his own. Teachers have ridiculously high expectations of him and there’s students who bully him. It’s tough.
He has ONE teacher who understands him and makes school tolerable. It’s that very same teacher that helped him discover his interest in physics. He takes an advanced placement class for no reason other than to be able to see this amazing teacher named Dr. Wilson almost every day.
He’s an honorary member of the Mathletes. He sometimes attends meetings if he isn’t busy. His codename is “Al-gebrainiac.” (This will make more sense if you’ve see the season 2 episode called Members Only)
He likes meeting new people and is very sociable. The change didn’t affect his extroverted tendencies. Sometimes his sociableness gets him in trouble.
He has a tendency to get involved in dangerous and risky situations when his curiosity kicks in.
Beneath all his new traits, he’s still got a wild side. He will always try to justify his rebellious actions with a logical reason, but it’s kind of obvious the actual reason is “he wanted to have fun.”
Ever since his transition, he hasn’t been keeping up his looks as much. (Though he is still somewhat vain and sometimes concerned with his appearance) He stops putting gel in his hair on occasion, which causes it to do whatever it wants. His messy unkempt and appropriately named “Einstein hair” gives him a sort of absent minded professor vibe.
He both loves and fears meeting new Alvins from the multiverse. He’s interested to meet them and make conversation, but he fears they won’t see past his nerdy exterior and big vocabulary.
Due to his tendency to talk a lot for long periods of time barely stopping to breathe, Alvin suffers from severe dry mouth. This may also be why his speaking voice has a noticeable raspier and older sound to it than the voices of his alternate counterparts.
And there you have it! My headcanons for the boys!
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goodluckclove · 5 months
Tag Game - Questions for Fellow Writers!
I was tagged by the talented @mushroommanchanterelle but I'm going to be a dingus about this, just you wait.
Last book I read: I'm reading an encyclopedia about birds that I got from a used bookstore because it's little and cute and I wanted it to get inspiration for Edgar in Songbird Elegies. I'm also reading The Dead Beat, which is a book about obituary writers. It's pretty good!
Greatest literary inspiration: I definitely get a lot of Vonnegut and maybe Hemingway in terms of accessibility in prose? One of the most important things to me in what I write is making sure that language is beautiful, but simple enough to be easily understood. I think the highest praise I've gotten is from non-native English speakers like my beloved compatriot @ivaspinoza who still really enjoy the excerpts I post.
Maybe also Palahinuik with some of the content and narrative gimmicks? Lil' bit of Kerouac, but like before On the Road? Does that sound like anything?
Things in my current fandom(s) I want to read but I don't want to write: My greatest shame of mine is that I don't really actually have a fandom. I don't like to admit that because it makes me sound like some hermit who only fixates on their writing, but that's...not entirely inaccurate. I consume a lot of media, but nothing that I'd consider myself part of the fandom of.
But I still want to be included because my friend Mushy wants to include me, so I'm making up a fandom. It's a TV show called Jonathan's Food Truck, staring Don Cheadle as Jonathan Fudtruk, a man with aspirations to start a food truck.
I really want to read an AU of Jonathan's Food Truck where he has to sell the food truck. What would happen? Where would he go? Imagine the outage. He fucks that food truck. I'm a Jonathan/Food Truck pro-shipper.
Things in my current fandom(s) I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: a whump fic where Jonathan is forced to operate a brick and mortar restaurant and also he can't stop pissing himself.
You can recognize my writing by: Apparently elaborate food descriptions. I think my dialogue is pretty distinct from what I've been told. Kind of experimental and not super literary. I don't really know how to answer this, maybe you guys can tell me.
My most controversial take (current fandom[s]): The analog horror ARG for Jonathan's Food Truck was not as bad as people say it was. And since it came out before The Mandela Catalogue, they're actually the originators of religious trauma in modern online horror.
Top three favourite tropes: Pathetic characters, abstract narratives, radical softness
What’s your current writing mood? (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut) I mean it's mildly annoying to me but I'm deciding to put aside Book Two for like a week or so and re-edit Book One for a final run before I consider it fully ready to publish. But I'm down for that so - 10?
Share a random frustration: Itch on foot. I don't have one right now but I don't like when I do.
I tag @mercuryytheraven and @rkmoon and @ratracewriting, and I highly encourage you all to make up a fandom like I did because it's a very funny additional challenge.
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venndaai · 2 years
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This year is a pretty special one in the Imperial Radch/Leckieverses fandom! This October will mark the 10th anniversary of Ancillary Justice's publishing date, and this June we're getting a new Radch universe book, Translation State! So it feels important to run this exchange once again. I'm excited to get hype.
(The Republic of Two Systems Independence Day is a holiday mentioned in the Preface to the Traveler's Guide to the Two Systems. Ms. Leckie has told us it can probably be celebrated the Monday after Easter Sunday, when Peeps are cheapest. This year, that's April 10.)
NOMINATION PERIOD: until February 26, 11:59 PST. NOW CLOSED.
SIGNUPS: Closed. February 27 - March 6, 11:59 PST.
WORKS DUE: April 7, 11:59 PST.
WORK REVEALS: April 10, 12:00 AM PST.
AUTHOR REVEALS: April 17, 12:00 AM PST.
MATCHING: OR matching, on both characters and ships. (The signups should be simpler this year, now that I understand AO3 exchange tags better.)
MINIMUM: 500 words or a sketch on unlined paper.
Go here to nominate tags!
There are three fandoms for this exchange: Imperial Radch, The Raven Tower, and Crossover. Characters/ships from Provenance, Night's Slow Poison, and She Commands me and I Obey go in the Imperial Radch fandom. Characters from the godsverse short stories go in the Raven Tower fandom. For Crossover, you can nominate crossover relationships between Radchverse and godsverse characters, relationships between Leckie and non-Leckie characters, or solo non-Leckie characters you want to see in a Leckie universe. Please put the second fandom in parenthesis after the character. For example: “Breq & Murderbot (Murderbot Diaries)”. 
For easy matching, all nominations will be Relationships. To nominate a solo character, write "Solo: (Character)". For example, "Solo: Medic". Relationships can be romantic, indicated by a “/”, or platonic, indicated by an “&”. For example, “Breq/Murderbot” would indicate a romantic or sexual relationship, while “Breq & Murderbot” would be platonic.
I've added general Worldbuilding tags for Radch and Raven Tower, but feel free to nominate more specific ones, like "Worldbuilding: genitalia festival".
We are a small and crazy fandom. There may be some injokes and OCs in the tagset. If you want to nominate something weird & obscure, go for it.
If you miss the nomination deadline by a couple hours, just message me and I’ll reopen the tagset for you. 
You will need to make at least 3 requests, and 4 offers. For each request or offer, pick at least 1 fandom, 1 relationship tag, and one medium from the dropdown tagset. You can group your requests however you like; you could make 3 individual requests, each with one character, or three requests each with 20 characters- up to you.
If you only want to receive or create works based around worldbuilding, rather than characters, request/offer the “Worldbuilding” tag.
The way the matching works, you will be matched with someone who used at least 1 of the Fandom tags, 1 of the same Relationship tags, and 1 of the Medium tags as you. The work you create only has to use one of the requested relationship tags. 
You can pick “Any” for both offers and requests! Just remember that really does mean “Any”, and be prepared.
If you’re fine with both Art and Fic, you can check off both boxes, or just pick “Any” for that section. 
If there are things you very much Do Not Want in your gift, please list these in the Optional Details box for each of your prompts. For example: “DNW any appearances by spider mechs.” You are required to make a good faith effort to not include DNWs in your recipient’s gift. 
You’re encouraged to give your gifter some prompts! You can put these in the Optional Details box, or paste a link to a letter into the URL box. Optional Details are Optional, and your creator isn’t bound to follow them, outside of the DNWs. Only DNWs in your signup are enforceable, so put them there, not just in a linked letter.
You are allowed to mention characters and ships that weren’t nominated in your optional details, but remember, your creator matched on the tags you chose and isn’t obligated to include anything else.
If you are 18+, you can ask for or create NSFW, but your creator isn’t required to give it to you, so it would be polite to provide some SFW prompts as well. Only give someone NSFW if they ask for it in their prompts. 
ASSIGNMENTS: everyone will get an email through their AO3 account once I’ve run matching. The email will have your assignment in it. 
It’s possible there will be some people who won’t have anyone they could create for. I’ll email them through their AO3 email asking them to add more offers, and if they don’t respond in 24 hours, their signups will be deleted. If this happens to you and you don’t see my email in time, don’t panic! Just contact me and we’ll work something out.
Please don’t tell your giftee who you are. If you have a question, let me know and I’ll convey it to them. 
When you are creating your work, make sure you include at least one tag from at least one of your giftee’s requests, and don’t include DNWs. You only need to create one work, and it only needs to include one of the tags in your giftee’s signup. 
If you can’t finish your gift, no worries. Just click the “default” button on your assignment page. If the person assigned to you also defaults, you may not get a gift. 
If you need an extension, just message me and let me know! If the posting deadline passes and you haven’t posted anything or contacted me, I’ll assume you’re defaulting. 
If you’ve posted your gift, and your creator defaults their assignment, a pinch-hitter will create a gift for you. Everyone who posts a gift will get a gift. 
Please post a finished work of 500 words or sketch on unlined paper by the posting deadline! You can continue to edit and add to your gift until the 10th, but you need to have something that could work as a gift by the 7th.
To post your gift, go to your Assignments page on AO3, and click the “Fulfill” button. Your gift will be automatically given to your giftee, but it will be hidden until the reveal date on the 10th. 
REVEALS: Works will be anonymous for a week after they are revealed. 
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I'm pretty sure Squid Sisters were already pretty popular back in the Splatoon 1-Splatoon 2 days. After all, their relationship, agent lives and family drama was the main focus of the plot (among saving the squid society). And even nowadays, people still love them. They're THE Splatoon icons. Have you forgotten how people went crazy over the Reporter Callie outfit? There were fanarts everywhere!
Off The Hook are also really interesting - they played a huge part in Octo Expansion (you know, the DLC with the biggest, darkest, most liked lore and aesthetic?) and in Side Order, we also know their backstories (especially Marina's backstory is pure fanfic material, people love the angsty deserter trope + she was a breath of fresh air and a mystery as a first important non-enemy octoling character ever). Not to mention that they're literal canon lesbians with healthy and interesting dynamics.
What do we know about Deep Cut?? They've got nothing going on. They were villains in the Splatoon 3 storymode but mind you, not even the main villains. They grew up together, they come from some prestigious families that aren't mentioned ANYWHERE outside of the Sunken Scrolls, we know nothing about them. They don't have backstories, they don't have interesting dynamics (they're just 3 random people and their bond isn't even shown to be that strong, of course people prefer the SS family drama or OTH lesbian romance). Deep Cut is boring, of course people don't care about them, don't blame us, blame Nintendo for neglecting them.
Also, stop acting like you're better than others because you don't care about the icky romance and give deserved equal attention to every poor idol that gets overshadowed by the lesbians. People DO care about other Splatoon characters. There are fanarts of the Agents (Agent 24 is problably the second most popular ship right after Pearlina), non-idol Splatbands, even Craig Cuttlefish and Octavio! Maybe you'll see all this content if you stop exclusively browsing only the pearlina tag. Also accept that Deep Cut is boring.
ooh, another one.
Okay, I don't have all the time to type up an entire essay (tbh I lowkey admire the effort of writing four paragraphs just to bitch on me for having an opinion), so I'm gonna summarise my result.
I don't follow the pearlina tags. The only Splatoon tags I follow are Splatoon and the promo kids tag. Used to follow more but I have my reasons for unfollowing the other ones. (They were mostly agent ships, for clarity.)
I know other people care about the others. I'm just saying that when stuff like this rolls around it's never seen because everyone talking about pearlina gets top spots on this site and no one gives attention to anything else, so everything else is hard to see. This is mostly a recent development with grandfest, but even so Pearlina overshadows a LOT. For me, the Callie suit was actually a rare case of the community not focusing on them.
i know the Squid Sisters were popular in their first games. That's the point. Y'all are sitting out here talking about the old idols and ignoring the ones we're supposed to be paying attention to.
So what if the deep cut members don't have much lore to their names? I'm in the promo kid fandom! They have literally only their names and people don't have a problem coming up with headcanons and engaging stories for them. Just be creative. That's what fandom is for.
Believe it or not, I know Pearl and Marina featured in side order and octo expansion. I know they have a healthy dynamic. Surprise surprise, I've played the games too. I have both DLCs and have completed both. I know. That's not my point.
i also know that there are poeople out there caring about other characters. Like I said, I'm in the promo kid fandom. It's just that whenever pearl and marina appear on screen, any trace of that is immediately overshadowed and made ten times harder to find. And I rarely have the time to go hunting through tags.
I'm not trying to act like I'm better. I'm not guilty of pearlina posting, but I'm not much better either. I'm just stating how I feel and how i see things. If you've got a problem with that, great, but don't insult me for my feelings. It's your choice how you react to things. If you've got nothing nice to say, don't say it.
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butwhatifidothis · 1 year
It's just so genuinely frustrating to me that almost every single other female character always gets pushed aside in this discourse. Doesn't matter what you think of or how you treat any of the other women, some of whose morals could be discussed just as extensively, the only opinion that matters to judge you is Ed3lgard and Ed3lgard only.
You really just gotta look at how they treat Rhea to see how shallow their care for misogyny is.
Rhea is someone who went through unimaginable suffering and due to that suffering did things that were indeed morally questionable, but (other than Fhirdiad) never cruel. She did everything she did because she wanted to make sure that everyone in Fodlan was safe, and mostly left the humans to their own devices (save for when either the Church was directly threatened or they asked for her assistance). She is someone who puts her own life and safety on the line to protect her people, up to sacrificing her own life to do so.
She gets called an abuser. A tyrant. Crazy. Because when her trauma is not simply left untreated but actively attacked and she reacts poorly to that, that is when her "true" character comes out to Edelstans. Everything she ever does, ever, in any context, gets deliberately misrepresented into being villainous.
Edelgard is someone who went through unimaginable suffering and due to that suffering did things that were not just morally questionable, but undeniably cruel. She did everything she did because she wanted power and wanted Fodlan to go back to how it once was (completely under Imperial control), up to attacking people who went out of their way to stay out of her way (the Alliance). She is someone who won't just endanger the lives of her citizens, but will outright have them killed if it means she can gain more power, by her own admission and as shown in her actions.
She gets called a liberator. A hero - the hero. A victim of a world who hates progress. Because when Edelgard says that she's doing it for "the weak" (ignore that she will sacrifice them as soon as it would help her), because she says that she wants to get rid of the importance of Crests (ignore that Plain Jane inheritance-based systems, which are arguably even more unfair, are still around in her endings), she must be telling the truth! Because Edelgard would never lie!
Even if we were to do a No No and fight in their pit wrt Rhea's characterization, the way that they portray Edelgard is literally no better than how they portray Rhea. She also sacrifices people "for the greater good," she also lies to keep up a certain image to her people, she also colludes with murderers because it suits her wants, and she also rules Fodlan tyrannically - everything that they accuse Rhea of doing, they portray Edelgard as doing, only with hoards and hoards of excuses and Fine Print and Um Ackchually's tagged on.
And that's their main like, way to say that they totes fr fr care about misogyny; villainizing Rhea as a devil while uplifting Edelgard as a pinnacle of morality and heroism, and "debunking" any defense of Rhea/criticism of Edelgard. It's not out of a genuine care about sexism against women, but just a tried-n'-true Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card to pull out for their fave.
So it's like, I'm sorry, but at this point unless a non-bot, non-troll, actual person comes out and vomits shit about Edelgard needing to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen or some garbage, whenever anyone says that they found a misogynist talking about Edelgard? I'm just gonna assume that the "misogynist" said something like "oh they must have said that genocide is bad," because that is how wrung out and insincere they're made their usage of the term out to be. Especially when they can't be bothered to treat actual breathing women with any kind of decency the second we say something Mean About Edelgard, which is its own conversation by itself
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Red Peafowl - Assumptions and Theories
Now that I am semi-confident that there won't be any more important announcement for Red Peafowl until the 25th (because I think the last two mystery announcement were the Main Character and Main Love Interest) I am ready to write up my Red Peafowl assumptions/theories/wishes post.
Edit: There has been another update with the plot and some images of either the pilot trailer or the actual series link here. Once again thanks to @mysterygrl20 for putting the post with the google trnaslation here on tumbrl.
Going to use as basis for my information @blmpff post here; @mysterygrl20 individual posts tag here; and the mdl plot synopsis here; along with the synopsis I read on cast announcment articles that goes like this: The drama tells the story of Lu Yi Peng, a former police officer who decides to live with Shuai on an island, raising birds. However, he realizes that the person he once had a relationship with is a powerful mafia boss.
Also going to tag @respectthepetty for helping me narrowing down the leads (YinWar/MossBank) and for sharing my madness over this crazy ass BL already.
Going to start by saying that I think the three mystery characters are the villain, the hero and the love interest. I am also going to work under the assumption that while the last two will be revealed on the 25th (I am leaning on YinWar at the present thanks to a comment made by @amos-reviews-main [hope you don't mind the tag] under the last announcment) the third one our villain will stay a mystery.
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Let's beging
Given that there seems to be a significant event in the past we are either getting two timelines (similar to kiseki dear to me but more evenly split between past and present) or the events from the past will be a mystery to the viewers to be slowly revealed using flashbacks.
Both of the plots hint at this, the character description for the hero and the fact that some of the stuff in other character description also seem to hint that they were part of what happen in the past.
If the second non mdl plot is more accurate something brings our hero back to town and into dealing with the mafia. Which leads me to
Cooheart character will be intrumental to bringing his brother our hero back into the fold. His character description hints at him being the biggest point of the contention between our main couple and that he has some kind of accident.
Another character that has an accident is Gun's character.
Also there is a doctor nurse in the cast list.
Edit: Cooheart's character accident is the past, and it has left him with a disability. I do still believe that he will get someone involved in all of this.
Either Gun's accident involves Cooheart's character (not on purpouse) in the present or Cooheart's character had an accident in the past and is now seeing a doctor regularly.
Like I mention earlier I think our third mystery character is the villain. His body dissapeared = No body no murder = he is still alive. That is just the biggest writing rule ever.
If the actor for that character doesn't get revelead it means that one of the other actor is actually that character pretending to be someone else (probably one of the cops or a character that doesn't interact with the love interest for obvious reasons). If they do have a seperate actor that probably means that at least one if not more of our big cast is secretely working for him.
There are only two genres that benift from having such a big cast and making sure they all have identifiable characteristics and fan anticipation: Mysteries or Something with a high body count.
It means that our cast of characters are either Suspects or Victims or Both.
EDIT: It's a mystery. I do still believe some of the people from the big cast are going to die.
Either way I do think that a lot of the new people will end up dying at some point during the series.
Themes. If this show has decent writing I can already ID 3 themes.
The new tendency in bl fandom to romanticize the mafia. See Lee's character being a human trafficker and our lead being potentially not that great either.
The cops, and how they are not there to protect and serve and how much the crime fight is really a sham. See Frank's character being an undercover cop (a plot line that usually has a the undercover cop come out on the other side with a semi-broken relationship to his job)
Toxic Ships (a la: Kinnporsche, Hannibal and Interview with the Vampire)
About the last one: I have a personal metric on wether or not I enjoy a toxic "problematic" ship
Do you get the sense/vibe from the writing that the creator/writers of the show knows this is fucked. And I don't mean a lampshade comment with someone saying "This is not healty" and everything resuming as normal.
Is there a point in which the dynamic becomes more equal. As in no matter which character is objectively "worse" is there a point where it feels like the characters are on equal footing, on the same side, Hannibal does this really well for example.
Some ships that don't pass the test are: Twilight, 50 Shades, R*ylo; TharnType and every ship on Love Syndrome (do not ever watch that BL I am serious)
FrankLee are obviously our second couple. They are both super relevant to the potential themes, they are obviously trying to pair braind (this is their third BL) and they were also announced first.
Boun and the Doctor are giving me crumbs ship vibe. They are both potentially important chartacters. But I feel like with all of this their relationship might have the least ammount of dedicated screen time.
Now the last one is less of an assumption and more of a wish really.
Max-Coohearth > now listen I know that Cooheart has a love interest already, Rome one of the first new guys announced in the cast. But Listen the fact they are already dating doesn't bode well for them. Cooheart is a super important character and it makes sense that his "proper" love interest would be someone in the mafia proper.
Plus Cooheart deserves it ok. I loved both of his major roles (uwma and my only 12%), but he wasn't allowed to be a proper sexy queer guy in either of them. Have you seen his instagram feed? It's picture after picture of him in sexy outfits. Let this man be in a high heat realtionship, put in a skirt. He deserves it and so do we.
Also Max from iconic pair MaxTul pair with Cooheart will heal people. It would totally fix me. And if they give this to me I will forgive anything and everything this show does wrong seriously I will be like: I was wrong on everything and the plot is not that good, but they give me MaxCooheart so 10/10.
Also the character description for Max's character makes me think that catchphrase they mention might be something similar to the English phrase: "Who's Your Daddy?" and [this is @respectthepetty's fault, I didn't use to have such glee about a possibly daddy kink] seeing Max Nattapol uttering the phrase Who's Your Daddy and potentially having a DaddyKink relationship with Cooheart is something I didn't know I needed but now I desperately desire.
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haiii, could h pls match me up w a pjo character (male) ?
Im Indian n have pretty dark skin, dark brown eyes n black wavy/straight sometimes hair. I have like 3 freckles total on my face and chicken pox scars from like 3 years ago that refuse to go away 😭 i have bony hands that look lowk creepy in the shadows and im 5’7!
my likes: music 24/7, occasionally drawing, doodling, reading (fantasy !!) arts n crafts even if im bad at them, cozy games
dislikes: being left out, rude judgey people, slimy n icky stuff, sports/athletics
my personality type is enfp-t n it seems accurate enough, im in the hypnos cabin n i love making fake scenarios (i need them to sleep 😭😭) i’d say im pretty nice but i hate having to be in charge but also if im js overlooked ill cry ykwim? Im kinda clumsy n i have scars on my legs to prove it 😞 i have a nail biting problem n im a master procrastinator and if i like a certain food ill eat in non stop for a week n forget abt it (repeat cycle)
N idk what else to add!
hi thi!! thx for the request!! (check the tags pls pls)
Your PJO/HOO match is...
Percy Jackson!
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He's literally the best guy ever.
He thinks you're so fucking pretty. He is genuinely so down bad for you.
Percy may not be a huge reader himself but it's crazy how he is so interested in what you have to say about the book you're currently reading.
He absolutely loves to do arts and crafts with you. If you think you suck, get ready for this guy. He's just goofing off and laughing the whole time.
Trust me, you will not feel left out when Percy's around.
He always makes sure you feel included in everything and listens to your opinion on whatever. If you're ever feeling overwhelmed with decisions, he'll definitely help you out.
I can imagine you guys vibing to your music. Music is super important to both of you so I'm sure it's always playing. Your music tastes sort of rubs off on each other and soon you might randomly realize you added one of Percy's favorite songs to a playlist even though you've never really listened to it on your own.
If you're a cuddler you're in luck.
Percy likes to play with your hands, for sure.
He's a procrastinator himself, but you both try your best to help the other actually get shit done. But he knows how hard it can be to start something, which can be a breath of fresh air. Since he also has the same experiences, his reminders can feel genuine and probably less annoying than it might from some other people. He just really cares.
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crow-raven-crow · 9 months
☾ ⋆ 𝐔𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝟑 ⋆☽
𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨, 𝐝𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 <𝟑 - tldr at the end of this post xx
i figured i'd give a little update since i'm back for a little bit. i have SO many requests, and thought i'd share the next set that i'm going to be working on
these are the ones that are currently in my notes, but the ones that i'm focusing on will be on my masterlist
a new page is on my pinned called "In the Works" to keep you all up to date on what im working on
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
★ In terms of requests, I have (in order from top to bottom):
𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮.. - Brienne of Tarth x Reader !!, fluff ehehe, small angst because im crazy, soft smut, Brienne comes back after being away for a while - this one.. ok im not far in Game of Thrones so accuracy is kinda meth but like im excited hehe - 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - Larissa Weems x Reader, Larissa finding out reader has nipple piercings, reader has an innocence about them so it comes as a surprise, SMUT, 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝
𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 - Larissa Weems x Reader, soft, cute, fluff yayay, reader stops taking antidepressants for a bit but goes back on them, really bad serotonin syndrome, concerned Larissa, 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝
𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 - Larissa comfort fic, TA reader, reader fails drivers test, crying, anxiety, big on comfort, 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝
𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐆𝐚𝐳𝐞 - Alcina Dimitrescu x Tall fem!Reader !!!!, smut, sub!Alcina, alci has been trying to get readers attention, deals with jealousy and anger, alcina finally gets readers attention ;), 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝
what is above is in the request. this may be the order in which posted, but if i choose to focus on different ones out of order then the order in which they're posted may vary. i do this so i don't burn out on a specific character
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i did get a few requests that i am making the decision to not write. this is either due to the request being EXTREMELY vague or it contains something that goes against my requirements & notes for my requests.
most of you have seen what i can do with the requests i get and choose to write - make sure to keep those in mind as examples if you ever request something
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★ 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬:
since these are all established plots, all their titles will appear on my masterlist
look at my requirements before submitting requests. i've since updated a few things and will continue to do so
my posting schedule is still non-existent lol
there are other requests in my inbox that were not listed above.. that doesn't mean i'm not going to do them, it just means they're not in the current section of focus. i'm getting there, i swear
if you wish to interact with me more, i’m very active on twitter
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i have ideas for series and one shots, but those will come out when they come out. focusing on requests has been fun to me thus far, so i know my own ideas will have their time soon
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𝐭𝐥𝐝𝐫: 5 things in the works! 3 Larissa, 1 Brienne, 1 Lady Dimitrescu. descriptions above, may follow that order may not. some reqs were skipped/discarded due to not following requirements
Any questions like these/any posts containing updated will all be under the same tag (second tag down below)
~ 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
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arshem · 5 months
thank u @archonfurina for the tag + questions! this was a v fun way for me to secretly pass time at work <3
‧₊˚ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ soft ask game ‧₊˚ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
01. a character you love.
Lee Gyu-Hyuk. i think about him every day. i listen to songs that make me think of him and make lil music videos in my head. he is... what can i even say ㅠㅠ very vague general non-spoiler spoilers, but everyone in Buried Stars Game ™ has their issues and Gyu-Hyuk is no exception, but he works so hard to take care of others and he's so kind and caring IT DRIVES ME CRAZY ACTUALLY hahahaha i am SO normal about him...
02. your favourite food from your culture.
i have been pondering this for days and i just dont know TT i dont want to act like because i'm from the US i have no culture but also it's hard for me to figure out what our cultural foods are. umm i guess i really like pumpkin pie? also pizza my beloved. i know pizza is not exactly an american thing but also. the way we do it is, so. i shall count it. pizza my beloved
03. what your dream apartment / room / house is like.
ooh okay. it's definitely gotten a bit smaller as i've gotten older, but it'd be nice to have more room than i've got now. not to go toooo wild but i'd love a 3 bed 2 bath single level house with a garage/shed and a porch?? with enough room for both me + my partner to have nice pc setups. also barely related but... i want a nice desk so bad 😭 my dad had one that's sitting unused in my mom's house and i dont have room for it at my apartment but it's so nice and sturdy and i journal a ton and would fucking LOVE to have an actually nice space to do it
04. your personal style or aesthetic.
tried thinking about this on my own and could NOT come up with an answer, so i asked my sisters for their input and i got "stinking cute" and "turbo punk with pop overtones" so take those how you will
05. a happy memory.
when i was a teenager, most thursdays i would go to a roller skating rink with a few friends. we'd skate for hours and pester the dj to play marina and the diamonds songs. then afterwards we'd go to the huge 24-hour grocery store across the street and buy ice cream and/or doughnuts and we'd sit in the car eating and talking for hours.
06. your favourite way(s) to spend time.
i am. such a homebody. i like doing all sorts of things but i honestly love just being at home with my partner and playing video games. oh. also i love eating. it is a hobby <3
07. story behind your url / title / quote / description / icon.
cryborgs i believe kinda came from VIXX's "Error" mv, not any type of direct reference, but just the vibe. my blog title is a slightly weirdly translated line from We Best Love, a bl drama that infected my brain for a while in 2021 (i still love it ok im not over it). i never know what to put in my description so i usually just put the media i'm currently watching/playing but also i dont update it so it's almost always wrong 💀 annnnd my icon is my beloved Han Do-Yoon from Buried Stars Game ™...... i love him.....
08. something that comforts you or brings you joy.
i dont watch it regularly anymore, but Running Man. regardless of what bad things are going on, i know i can turn on an old ep and be happy for 1.3 hours. it's gotten me through so much school stress, family issues, and general mental unwellness, it'll always have a place in my heart.
09. what you're looking forward to.
i started writing this a week ago and the thing i was looking forward to already passed soo um,. i really don't have anything too notable right now? i am looking forward to being done with my 6pm meeting -_-
10. something else that's important to you.
hmmmmmm i have this brain problem where sometimes i get pedantic about the meaning of words so right now i am like, "important" ?? what is it,,,, for somethign to be "important" .... anyways i think journaling is something that probably fits the bill? it's something i enjoy doing and i really like having a written record of things to look back on, and being able to see how i felt about things in the moment they were happening. i also journal about video games a lot and it's so fun to look back at the times Before big twists and reveals... ah my innocence...
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kakusu-shipping · 1 month
for your mha s/i
🩺Doctor: What is the worst injury that you/your self-insert has sustained in canon? If so, what was the cause and did you recover? What was your f/os reaction?
🔥Flame: Do you/your self-insert have an enemy? If so, who is it and why are they so hated? What was a particularly heated moment between you two?
I actually have FOUR My Hero Academia Self Inserts, none of which I've talked about sense I stopped watching the show a while ago... So to make up for it I'll talk about all four of them!!!
Thankyou so much for your ask!!!
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🩺Doctor: What is the worst injury that your self-insert has sustained in canon?
Hero - Luckily a lot of his injure have been pretty minor compared to Taishiro's. Not to say he hasn't been injured, both as a Hero and a Pro Baseball Player, but nothing that really stands out as too impactful. Taishiro plays it tough but he's a big ol worrier when someone he cares about gets hurt, so he'll fuss over Gumball if he so much as sprains and ankle though.
Villain - Complete opposite of Gumball, he's sustained so many Critical Injuries it's rather difficult to pinpoint on of importance. AFO found him both easy to fix and rather entertaining to break. When he started living with the League his rate of injury decreased, but the amount of worry increases. Jin especially freaked out when he as so much got a paper cut.
Student - This S/I is still sort of a WIP but if I were to guess, his worst injury would probably be something caused by the Hero Commission, probably while tagging along behind Hawks for training, before he was adopted by Nezu. He probably doesn't talk about those times much though, so neither Nezu nor Ojiro know about it.
Civilian - This S/I is also in WIP even though they're the oldest MHA S/I I have, they're probably the least finished just due to proximity to a Main Character combined with how far behind the series I've fallen. I image they might be injured during the War Arc for some reason but.. That'll just have to wait and see. Sorry for the non-answer!
🔥Flame: Do your self-inserts have any enemies? If so, who is it and why are they so hated?
Hero - Less of an enemy and more of a Rival; He and Shishido don't get along, much in the way Shishido and Gang Orca don't get along. It only got worse after he stole one of Shishido's Interns, Shoda, after a HLB match. He thought the kid made a good pitcher, what can he say!
Villain - MANY. Comes with the Villain territory. While he never actively met him, he does share the rest of the League's hatred for Kai Chisaki, both for killing one of his son's beloved friends, but also for being responsible for his brother's death. He was also the one set to keep eyes on the UA spy, and while he doesn't consider them enemies, he wouldn't be surprised to find out they think of him as such. He wouldn't blame them for it, either. (he's also constantly ready to throw down with Endeavor, though the opportunity never presented itself)
Student - Like Nezu probably the Hero Commission in General is Enemy number 1 to him, but the one person he puts the most blame on is Hawks, just do to proximity. Nezu's tried to convince him Hawks is like them, a victim of the Commission, but that's a hard pill to swallow when you're 14 years old and were constantly threatened if you couldn't keep up with someone twice your age. He'll probably be bitter about it for a long time.
Civilian - His wonderful beautiful person son, Neito Monoma's, parents. He's of course, very polite and calm and put together on the outside, but they drive him crazy. That's his perfect son boy boy son. They don't appreciate him like he does. If there wasn't an active war going on he'd fight them for custody and win. Neito pretends not to see the cracks in his not-legally-adopted father's patient smile.
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fishshit · 2 years
i truly think the "a good show makes you crawl on the floor, cry and suffer" mentality tumblr (2010-2016) created is STILL affecting our perception on what is a blorbo or not.
so first of all, let's look at the urban dictionary definition of blorbo:
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NOWHERE on this page is saying a blorbo should be:
you should have a love-hate relationship with them
i'm definitely NOT saying that a blorbo shouldn't be all those things, but these are not necessary for a character to be a blorbo. [Miette (from real life) is a perfect example of this. she's our beloved blorbo and yet she's strong, a genius and non-toxic.]
now, i know most of yall know why i'm writing this. we all are aware of the active warzone tumblr has got going on. now to get to my point,
i know voltron fandom went apeshit over ships, created langst tags and stuff. (tbh i've learned all of these recently) but let's sit and think why. i've mentioned in one of my posts or rbs that the only thing i vividly remember about voltron is the queerbaiting and i know for a fact that queerbaiting was one of the biggest factors of these... actions. now when we look at yoi, we see a rather more peaceful fandom. is it because the show had a weaker chokehold on its fans? absolutely not.
i can assure you if yoi queerbaited us the way voltron did, there would be a chaos. and i'm not saying it in the way fans going crazy is funny or shit, no. i'm saying this as in real life chaos, like fans would threaten the creators or create their own reality. they WOULD remake yoi. there aren't any ship wars because victuuri (victor nikiforov x yuuri katsuki) is the ultimate ship, like there aren't any other possible options. nearly every single fan fell straight for victuuri. now think about how many fans are there and how many of them ships victuuri like they're praying to god itself. victuuri made me cry for DAYS, the plottwist was absolutely brilliant and no, none of these emotions were negative but god knows no show on earth made me feel the way yoi did. i'm not saying yoi is the best show ever or it's flawless. we all know our shows (blorbos are from) are generally not the best medias ever. but the way me and so many other fans bonded with this show, these 2 characters (or maybe 3, i don't like yurio that much) and that ship is indescribable. after watching yoi, i've realised that your favourite show doesn't necessarly need to make you feel like you've been stabbed in the chest bazillion times and suffer. no, it also can make you feel like you're on the verge of exploding with the white and shining happiness and love. i'm also pretty sure that's what most of the yoi fans feel, and also sure that no other show would make me feel the same way i felt while watching yoi.
yuuri katsuki, the man who made me feel all those things along with his husband victor nikiforov, is:
a canon bi king who had a crush on probably the prettiest girl in his childhood town and then got engaged to his lifelong idol (also probably the prettiest man in figure skating and,, the world)
anxious disaster (like, it's canon that he has anxiety and he was quite relatable and important for the fans with anxiety) who manages to say the MOST ridiculous stuff and yet tries his best to communicate with people about his needs and weaknesses
world's one of the best skater yet he's unaware how much of an pride he is for his country, fans and family and how good he is. STILL breaks his idols (literal legend of the figure skating) score
made irl queer people cry over him and figure skaters fall for him
my point is, just because a character doesn't go through hell or make you feel like shit doesn't mean that he isn't a blorbo. you still can think that lance is more of a blorbo, good for you! but i really don't think we need fantasy to feel good.
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