#not too dark of thoughts
fairydrowning · 2 months
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– Noor Unnahar, Instagram account "noor_unnahar"
[TEXT ID: / [Lemons] / My father's mother loved lemons. Years after her passing, / we run out of everything, but never / lemons. / Nothing else shelters grief / better than memory. / It's my father way of saying, / even in your absence, you will be / cared by me. / END ID]
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letmelickyoureyeballs · 7 months
why do all the bad thoughts come when the sun is down, dark thoughts appearing when its dark
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verflares · 6 months
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(click for higher quality!) draconified link concept ive been chipping away at this past week ..... here's my funny little compendium concept for him:
"A heroic spirit has taken the form of this bestial dragon. Unlike it's kin, this creature exhibits an extremely aggressive disposition. It appears highly territorial, and will relentlessly chase down those who disturb its skywide patrols - of which it seems to be endlessly searching for either a long-time vassal or foe. Unfortunately, it seems the spirit within has long since forgotten exactly who it was looking for…"
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iwillwringyourneck · 4 months
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
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As much as I love angst I think it would be funny if he just didnt give af
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gh0st-b0und · 1 month
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thinking abt how i wanna draw the goat hmmm
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monstermonger · 1 year
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A Night Sky in the Woods
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ninjasmudge · 4 months
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i regret to inform you all that my crack au became a real au so heres sin lamb. they performed a sin ritual that turned out to be way more powerful than they were used to after ascending to godhood. realising that much sin would kill any of the regular followers, they gave it to themself and then they just.... never absolved themself of it.
the crown calls it 'falling to temptation' and they started off using the sin like a wrath berserker mode in battle, and then it was just a way for them to cut loose. theyre still in their right mind, theyre just much more impulsive and if they want something, they get it. god deserves whatever they want after all.
narinder is... extremely intrigued by sin lamb.
semi related heres sin narinder, something that can only happen during sin rituals (thats not blood hes just patterned like that)
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myoonmii · 4 months
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He watches him like a ghost
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daughter-of-war · 2 months
Something I think about a lot is how the 13th Doctor clearly has dyed-blonde hair. She has visible dark roots. This can mean two things: Either Time Lords can just... regenerate with funky, non-natural-human hair colours (perhaps like how Time Ladies always seem to regenerate into a full beat of makeup..), OR that the regeneration energy of 12 to 13 fried her otherwise naturally brown / black hair into a blonde.
Of course, the latter leads to so much potential. Does the Doctor now have to upkeep her dye job? Does she disappear sometimes for "five minutes" only for Yaz to stare disapprovingly at her grown-out roots? Has any of the Fam ever taken her to a hair salon or does she bleach her hair in the TARDIS console room with a jug of water and some totally-safe-don't-worry Space Bleach that nearly sets the console on fire when she bumps into it? Where is all the art of 13 with dark hair?
I need answers.
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charliemwrites · 10 months
I’m going to continue obsessive Johnny on lunch break BUT I need to get this out because the smut audios are smutting-
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Serial killer ghost who’s all set to kidnap you, torture you, and murder you. He marked you from the minute you walked in the bar and bumped into him. Mumbled something he couldn’t make out, and then got dragged off by your friends.
He watches you get drunk, nearly abandoned by your more outgoing friends. Sees you make your excuses and head outside. Sees you rub your eyes with a sigh when you see that your phone is nearly dead - no Ubers for you. No walking either, it’s pouring and you’re not dressed for early November.
He offers you a ride. You hesitate like a good, sensible girl should. But you’re miserable and tipsy enough to take the chance. It’ll be your last.
You climb into his passenger side, buckle in saying thank you and then grimacing.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I’m getting your seat wet,” you lament. “Do you… have a spare towel? I don’t want to ruin it…”
“It’s fine.”
You hum and settle in. Tell him a street (but no address, too little too late, but good try). There’s music on the radio that you tap your little fingers to in your lap.
“Oh, by the way - I think I bumped into you earlier? That was you, right?”
He grunts an affirmative.
“I tried to say sorry but my brain messed up and I ended saying ‘sorry’ and ‘excuse me’ and it came out ‘sarcuse’ for some reason? And then Addy yanked me away but - I mean, I’m sorry. Like, so sorry. I know i spilled your drink everywhere. If it makes you feel better, I think it stained my tights?”
He doesn’t know what to say, so he just grunts again. You speak softly for a drunk person - like you’re too aware of how inebriated you are. You sit quietly, shiver a bit in the cool air of the car but don’t ask him to turn on the heat. Just sit and nibble on your lip as the lights pass.
When he’s one turn away from your street, you perk up.
“Oh, can I get you gas as a thank you? Or like.., a coffee or something? I know you’re not a taxi service so I appreciate the ride.”
There’s a gas station up ahead. Curious to see if you mean it, he pulls in. You hope out, fiddle with the cap and the machine, rocking on your reasonable little heeled boots.
“Ooh, do you mind if I run in for a snack? We barely ate before going out.”
“Be quick.”
You don’t seem bothered by his shortness. Leave the gas running as you trot inside. You come back with granola bars, a bottle of water, and a muffin.
“Okay I don’t know what you like, so if you want anything I grabbed, have at it.”
He doesn’t. You’re careful not to get muffin crumbs anywhere, holding a napkin beneath your mouth to keep things tidy. Fold it up and shove it in your pants pocket to deal with layer.
The gas tank is full. You smile at him as you buckle in again.
“Thanks again for the ride!”
Hes going to take you anyway but… damn it you’re too nice to die.
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gummi-ships · 9 months
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cats-obsessions · 11 months
Banite-Bhaalian cultural exchange: Gortash attends a ritual sacrifice, Durge gets dressed up and goes to a ball. Gortash helps assassinate someone, Durge commits tax fraud. Gortash dissects a living person, Durge learns about bureaucracy.
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monerelluvia · 4 months
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🩸 I ask god to send a swordsman, and god says "look at your hands"
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
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theonevoice · 6 months
Dark as a Lake
Don't you just wanna wake up
dark as a lake
smelling like a bonfire
lost in a haze...
This one is on you @waitingtobebroken - here goes my night of non sleep...
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Also: I have been thinking about Crowley's fix for extravagant watches and I have come to the conclusion that his alarm clock cannot be anything less than the onboard clock from the dearly departed Mir Space Station.
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