#nothing happened or anything but this is kind of based of me 💀
itsjustbowsart · 7 months
I don’t wanna jumpscare anyone (except for pro Israelis) with my pfp but it’s suppose to be Mukuro stepping on Israel’s flag
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themeatpit37 · 1 month
Something’s Wrong With Sunny Day Jack Random Assorted Headcanons
This is just a fun little collection of random headcanons I got! Mostly showing these since I have been wanting to write for a while but either haven’t had the energy or any idea of what to write. Enjoy!
❤️💛💙☀️Sunny Day Jack☀️❤️💛💙
I have a lot of headcanons for Jack but one of them is that he LOVES it when people run their fingers through his hair. He will practically melt into their touch like he was starved of attention and hold your arms so they don’t stop. His hair is VERY soft too so it’s heavenly to touch! A win win scenario!
Jack is very much a physical guy. If anyone gives him permission, he will absolutely take the opportunity. It also has to do with his need to be seen since you can’t really forget someone who practically clings onto you! But seriously please let him hold onto you, he needs physical contact.
HE. LOVES. KISSES. Doesn’t matter where, when, or why just give them to him. He does prefer giving passionate and soft kisses though because to him they show how much he loves whoever he’s kissing.
Very much prefers honey on his pancakes over syrup. He’ll still use syrup but will use honey when it’s available. The natural taste honey has fits better on pancakes than maple or pancake syrup does. He does love a good blueberry syrup though!
Shaun is very easily excitable in my eyes. You’re hyped about something? He is immediately hyped too! You could be explaining the history behind the creation of dishwashers or something and as long as you are happy, he is fully listening and engaging as much as he can all while hyping you up!
Attends furry conventions whenever he can. Is he a furry? No one knows anymore but he does know a few too many inside jokes though.
Canonically, I am pretty sure he is a monsterfucker but in my opinion I feel he likes “weird” monsters the most. Like yeah werewolves and demons are cool but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t have at least one erotic dream about Seth from The Fly.
His favorite fall drink is apple cider! Hot cocoa is nice but a warm mug of spiced apple cider just hits different especially with a squirt of whipped cream!
To me, I always read Ian as a very emotional guy. Wears his heart on his sleeve type. It’s kind of a side effect of his home life and the way people treated him as he got older.
His favorite flavors are cinnamon, brown sugar, matcha, and pistachio. Flavors for what? Anything really. But mostly in either baked goods or drinks. Speaking of, his favorite milk flavor is a tie between strawberry milk and banana milk.
I get the vibe that on social media, he follows mostly cute animal accounts, food blogs, and aesthetic pages of many varieties. His favorites are the ones that post outfits or accessories for outfit ideas.
One of his biggest fears is spiders and most insects! Something about them just makes him freak out, especially if they got lots of legs like a centipede. Even caterpillars freak him out sometimes, but he rarely ever kills them. Most of the time they get put under a cup and released.
Due to us not knowing much about him, most of this is based off nothing but vibes. He is 100% a collector though. He has a whole binder of Pokémon cards, multiple blind bag toys of his favorite games and expensive figurines sit on his shelf, posters are all over his room walls, and his collection is constantly growing.
Very superstitious. If he learns about an urban legend from another country, it becomes part of his beliefs like hiding your thumbs in your pockets while passing cemeteries to keep your parents safe or throwing salt over your shoulder after spilling a salt shaker.
Sometimes when he is alone with his dogs, Pico and Cheese, he’ll have full on conversations with them like they’re people who know what he’s talking about. Usually it’s a rant about someone annoying he had to deal with or explaining what happened at work that day.
Naps often. If you give him an opportunity to nap, he will take it. Even if he gets the best night of sleep in the whole universe, he’ll always be ready to take a nap. Bonus points if it’s with someone he likes or if his dogs are there.
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doggoboigaugau · 1 year
Stray dog (Part 3)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4 / Part 5
Pairings: Ghost x Soap x Male Reader
Long story short: my old acc got terminated for no reason so I'm reposting all this💀👍
Summary: Soap invited Male Reader to join Ghost and his favorite documentaries about dinosaur fossils :D (Ghost very loves dinosaurs y'all cannot tell me otherwise).
Word count: 1950
Warnings: Nothing. It's all fluff this time.
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You lost track of time and ended up stopping only when your whole body screamed at you to rest. Looking up from the training gears, you realized that there was no one left in the room. It was a habit of you to ignore everyone and everything surrounding you when it is not necessary, or maybe it’s more like a coping mechanism, since this little tricky skill prevented you from taking in redundant information, such as a close group of men joking around with each other.
This very common sight in the military and especially in the training ground always succeeded in rendering you uncomfortable, and a vague but stingy feeling prevails over your chest, sometimes so badly that it even made breathing difficult.
No matter how hard you tried to brush it aside, dismissing it as something trivial and irrelevant, you knew damn well the cause of it: You once wished to belong to a group of friends that were so close that you all would spend time doing everything together, going on mission, training, drinking, and getting drunk together at the bar. Obviously, it had never happened. It never would, judging from how every time it was only you who got left behind, drowning yourself in overpriced alcohol and your own overwhelming emotions.
It was pitch black outside as you left the training centre. You dragged your fatigued body back to the base of your Task Force, but surprisingly, in contrast to your current physical state, your mind felt empty for now. In a good way. No burdening streams of thoughts, not a single fuck given about how others saw you. You felt kind of free.
‘Guess it’s a good point for not being around people.’ On your sweat-strained face drew a genuine smile. Some people would think that it was weird to smile over something like this, not having any close people around you and just spending your entire day loitering around, doing something you considered to be productive but by no means enjoyable. To them, you were not living a life. You were only surviving through it.
Not that you would complain though. Nor were you in the position to be able to complain about it.
Your blurred vision and the dull pain in your chest reminded you that you hadn’t eaten anything since lunch, which was almost 10 hours ago. Slowly making your way to the kitchen, you decided to turn a blind eye to the kitchen sink and approached the fridge, hoping that they’d be kind enough to leave you some leftovers.
What greeted you in the fridge confounded you as you looked at a carefully prepared dish wrapped in aluminum foil with a sticky pink note on top of it.
‘want to call ya 4 dinner earlier but ya seem to enjoy the training a lot. plz eat this when ya done with the training~’ was written on the piece of paper together with a little ugly and distorted heart shape, which made you chuckle. It was not difficult to guess who left this for you. You shook your head in amusement while putting the dish into the microwave oven.
Sitting down at the empty table in the dimly lit dining room, you slowly enjoyed the meal that Soap had saved for you. Then again, amid the quiet atmosphere that was free of any stimulations, your mind began to do the thing that it excelled in, drifting away. Your unusually calm thoughts appeared like a grainy film rolling before your eyes, replaying every delightful moment that you had shared with the Scottish and other team members, like when you, Soap, Gaz, and Roach pulled a whole prank on Price during your team’s vacation while Ghost sat behind and watched with amusement in his eyes. Or when you and Roach hid one of Price’s hats unknowing that it was a piece of memorabilia of his old teammate, and as result, making that poor old dad all stressed out finding it everywhere. Or when Price decided to catch you two and make you face the consequences of your actions that time and you were so scared that you never run that fast out of battle before. Or when you had no choice but to hide behind Ghost as he was watching his favorite boring documentaries, and he looked down at you obviously contemplating whether he should help you or not as you tried to convince him with your big puppy eyes. Or when you disobeyed Price’s orders to turn back and save Soap when he fell into the enemy’s trap and was pushed into the corner.
You laughed to yourself at this point, remembering vividly what a mess that time was. You two almost blindly fired your guns at the swarm of enemies circling you. As you barely escaped, Soap cursed very loudly in Scottish while his hand threw bombs toward your enemies. It was a mission that you would never forget, a piece of memory that you’d take to the grave, not only because of how badly injured you were and the prolonged period of time you had to spend in the hospital, but also because of how Soap looked at you. After that near-death experience, whenever your eyes and his met, his eyes evidently softened, and you enjoyed every little second of it. It made you feel like, eventually, you were special to someone, like you weren’t just anybody, but someone unique that was closely linked to a hardly forgettable remembrance. It raised your hope–something that you had thought to never regain, since at least when you died, there would still be one person who would keep the image of you inside one of their billion fragments of memory.
Of course, after the certain mission, both you and Soap were heavily reprimanded by Kate and Price, you for the obvious reason of disobeying orders, and Soap for his stupid addiction to blowing things up, which worsened you two’s already horrendous injuries because at the time of the explosion you were still too close to the spot.
“What are you smiling about?” You jumped at the sudden voice that broke the room’s silence.
Soap laughed at your reaction, “Why are you so tense?” He sat down, being so near to you that your thighs touched each other. He threw his big muscular arm over your shoulder, grinning broadly, “Temme, what is so fun that you smile like that?”
“It’s nothing.” You blushed at how close you two were, silently praying that the light of the room was too feeble for him to notice.
He pinched your face, causing you to grimace, “I don’t believe ya. It’s so rare to see ya smile so cutely like this. Must have some special reason.”
Definitely you could not tell him that you were thinking of the team, and especially him, so you decided to keep silent and enjoy your meal. Maintaining eye contact was like torture to you, so your eyes were just glued to the plate until you finished. Therefore, you also missed his eyes, along with how he looked at you.
From Soap’s point of view, all that he could see at that moment was how lovely his boy was. The way his big puppy eyes widened when he suddenly talked. The way his body which was athletic but so slender when compared to Soap’s trembled slightly as he jumped. How the faint blush quickly deepened and then spread from his handsome adorable face to his delicate neck. The nice and warm feeling that Soap’s fingers felt when he pinched the boy’s cheek. And also how his long eyelashes shadowed his eyes as he looked down at his plate of food. It was so lovely that Soap volunteered to be trapped in this moment forever.
As you’d done eating and washing the dish, you came back into the dining room and saw Soap still sitting there.
The Scot chuckled at your expression, “What is that face, Y/n? Are you that annoyed because I’m still here?”
You unknowingly pouted, which only made you look even cuter in his eyes, “No.”
“Ghost is watching his stupid boring documentaries again. Wanna join?”
“You came here from the TV room?”
“Yeah. Now do you come or not?”
You scoffed, “Are you inviting me nicely or just gonna coerce me into it anyway?”
Soap didn’t reply, just amusingly shrugged his shoulders.
“Fine, I’ll come.”
“That’s my boy!” The older man approached you, then threw his arm over your shoulder again. Judging from how you barely kept up with his pace in this awkward position, he definitely coerced you into this by all means.
When you two arrived, the light in the TV room was turned off, and the only source of light left was the TV screen. Ghost was sitting on the sofa alone, eyes glued to the screen that was playing some kind of dinosaur fossils, while Price was sleeping in his favorite spot–the single couch. You swiftly looked around to see if Gaz and Roach were here or not, only to find the two idiots hugging each other on the carpet, drooling and snoring loudly.
Ghost turned his head to look at you and Soap as you were literally pushed into the room by the Scot. His out-of-nowhere eagerness strangely made you laugh.
“Daddy chill.” You jokingly said and sat down beside Ghost, completely overlooking how Soap’s flippant expressions froze for brief seconds.
“Finished your dinner?” Ghost suddenly spoke up.
You were taken aback simply because the masked man hardly ever cared what others were doing with their life outside of missions, particularly for some trivial things like taking care of your daily needs.
“Y-yes, Sir!”
Soap burst into laughter, so hard that he fell to your side, hugging his belly.
“LMAO! What was that, Y/n??? You’re scared of Ghost that much???”
“What? What???” You frowned in confusion. You were even more confused when you heard a soft chuckle from the masked man that was sitting on your left.
“Why are you two laughing? There’s nothing funny!”
“It is funny! Do you see how you shudder like a puppy under Ghost’s glare? I wish I had recorded it!”
“Gosh! I hate you Soap!” You growled under your breath as you launched your whole body into him while Soap was still barely able to put himself together from his stupid sense of humor.
You two soon began to fight each other, giggling like two mischievous kids, completely forgetting that there was Ghost right next to you, who probably got accidental punches and kicks continuously by the unaware manchildren. However, the masked man was not mad at you two for disturbing him from enjoying his favorite show at all; instead, he often stole glances at you two with pure delight in his eyes. Seeing you finally being able to relax among the team was a sight that he wanted to witness all his life. It would take more time for you to pull down the walls you had built around yourself and let them come inside, but for now, this was already enough.
After a while, the giggling and fighting noises abated. You were sleeping soundly, face on Soap’s broad chest and arms around his waist. Soap’s eyes softened as he looked at how peaceful you were at the moment, before looking up to meet Ghost’s. The two men stayed in their position, didn’t move an inch, until Soap fell his eyelids become heavier and fell asleep as well, and Ghost turned off the TV, thereby extinguishing the only source of light in the room. He rested his head on your lower back, slowly drifting off.
To be continued...
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emeritus-fuckers · 10 months
the papas/seestor with an accident prone crush or s/o? inspired by the fact I kept getting hurt while sewing today, I need to watch what I'm doing 💀
- 🎠
Fun fact: all the dumb ways reader got hurt (in the ones I wrote) are based on dumb ways I've managed to get hur. Though I didn't react that dramatically lmao - Jez
All bar one of the incidents I wrote are inspired by my own tendency to trip over things, the other well you’ll see :) - Nyx
Papas and Sister Imperator with an accident prone s/o
You had good intentions. You really did. You just... got distracted.
You were supposed to help Primo get the plants on top of his shelf so he could water them.
But neither of you were tall enough to actually reach it. So you got a stepping ladder, took them off, he watered them and you put them back up. So far so good. You even got off the ladder safely!
So what happened? You picked it up without folding it all the way to the end first.
And so it kind of just... slammed on your thumb, pushing your nail into the flesh hard enough to make you bleed.
And that fucking hurt.
You ended up dropping the ladder to the ground, whimpering and holding your thumb in pain.
"Show me, show me." Primo urged gently, taking your hand in his with worry evident in his eyes.
"Ah, it's nothing too bad. It'll stop hurting you soon, my beloved." He promised, gently kissing your wounded finger.
You tried explaining to him that you're fine and you have to take the ladder back, but he already forgot all about the ladder, bringing you to the bed.
"It's alright, my darling. Would you like a bandage for reassurance?" He asks. He knows you don't need a bandage, but perhaps it would reassure you? He remembers his brothers would always need a bandaid for the smallest cuts when they were little, otherwise they would not live down their big, scary wounds.
So for years now, he'd always have band-aids and a small first-aid kit on hand.
So you explain to him that you just have a "tendency" to get into accidents.
He would chuckle softly at it, kissing your forehead.
"Don't worry, my dear. I will always be here to patch you up if you get hurt." He promised, kissing all of your fingers, being especially gentle with your hurt thumb.
Sewing seemed like a great idea when you started, but now your fingers were more like a pin cushion and you’d once again misplaced the needle and thread.
“Amore, what are you doing?” Secondo raises an eyebrow. “Is this shirt to be dyed red by your own blood? I admire you commitment, but surely some red dye would be quicker and less painful?”
He goes over to you and gently kisses your hands. He pays particular attention to your bleeding finger. His lips brush over them soothing the pain.
"I feel I must step in and stop this masacre, come to bed with amore." His kisses move from your hands to the side of your neck. Then he’s kissing your lips, passionately insistently.
The next day he goes out early, coming back with a box to keep all your sewing stuff in. He then holds out another package wrapped in brown paper with a green ribbon. A silver thimble. “To protect your fingers, please use it from now on" He places it on the tip of your finger and grins.
You find you get much less sewing done, he'll just come over and seduce you, saving your hands from anymore injuries.
He realises you are accident prone from that event and the time you tripped over a small step.
So if there is anything where you are likely to have an accident he will sweep you up in his arms instead and carry you. When the danger is past he’ll put you down with a kiss.
"Just to clarify..."
"You put your hand into the pocket of your jeans..."
"Yeah." you nodded.
"And you managed to cut you finger on a loose thread while doing that?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Per l'amor di Satana, mio ​​caro…" he sighed, watching you put a bandaid around your cut finger like completely nothing happened. Like this was normal.
He thought he was clumsy with how often he tripped and fell, but considering how absolutely unothered you were, it seemed like it really was normal for you.
And so he starts to ask questions. And you tell him how you just always just kind of... got into accidents. They were never anything too bad, just very inconvenient.
And he takes that personally.
From now on, he makes sure you can't get into anymore accidents.
You still do, but you appreciate it anyway.
He first realised you were accident prone when you fell over the living room table. Book clutched to your chest water bottle in one hand you just walked straight into it. Shins hitting first and then you fell forward. With no way to stop yourself you ended up landing facedown on it the wind knocked from you.
Shock gave way to pain and embarrassment. You lay there laughing and crying all at once.
Copia appeared in the doorway, silk dressing gown on, eye mask pushed up on his forehead and his hair dishevelled from having been asleep.
“Cara mia! What happened?” He is straight over to you. Checking you over earnestly. “Are you laughing or crying?” He wipes your tears away.
“Both” you say now more embarrassed. Thankfully you’ve escaped any serious injury as he looks at the table.
“Bad table” he gives it a smack with his hand and looks back at you grinning “is that better Tesoro?" You start to laugh properly, smiling and nodding.
Now he always keeps an eye out for any possible mishaps. He is getting very good at catching you when you trip while out walking together.
He wants to bubble wrap his whole room to keep you safe, but thats a bit impractical. So he’s had the Ghouls make sure there are no sharp edges you can walk into (like the corner of the kitchen work surface, which is hip height, and very painful that one time you did).
Old Nihil
You had joined the band for a sound check. What could possibly go wrong?
He is surprisingly fast, for an old man.
He even drops his saxaphone as he sees you, inches from the edge of the stage.
He grabs the front of your t-shirt as you start to fall backwards. He then gets his arms around you pulling you close to him, and holding you tight. He takes a few steps back to safety.
"You can't die before me." He says panicked, he doesn't let you go.
You are in shock as you realise what nearly happened. He strokes your hair, and shhs you to calm you down. It's slightly awkward but he's doing his best.
"My father fell off the stage, his father, his father's father, his father's father's father" His voice goes to mumbling as you place a hand over his mouth.
"None of them died Papa. But you have saved me from a nasty fall. Thank you" You kiss him on the cheek and the mubling stops. When you pull your hand away he is grinning at you.
"Yessss cara" he turns you away from the edge of the stage. "Yesss you are right." He gazes at you totally besotted.
Although he was fast enough to save you then, he knows he won't always be. So he tasks the Ghouls with keeping watch.
Whenever you get near to having an accident a ghoul appears from seemingly nowhere and saves you. Most of the time.
If they can't, they are getting very good at cuddling you, and helping you with any injuries.
Young Nihil
"I mean... how is this even possible?" Nihil's shoes are all you can see as he stands in front of you.
"Owwww" is all you can say as you lie on the wet grass. How you ended up face down on someone's front lawn is beyond you.
It's Halloween, Nihil likes to go out dressed as himself and scare people.
"You fell over a decoration" He helps you sit up and points behind you. There is a skelaton's hand bursting out of the ground.
"Did anyone see?" You rub your sore knee as Nihil passes you a hip flask, sitting down next to you.
"No just me." He puts an arm around you and starts luaghing.
"It's not funny." You take a large swig of his vodka. It numbs the pain, but it makes you more likely to fall over again.
"It is a little" he grins at you. Such a goofy one you can't help but laugh along.
He lifts the hand up and waves it in front of your face making ghost noises "bewaaaare the dead Papa's of the past, they will emerge from the ground to pull you down to them, to drag you down to heelllll!!" he giggles like a little kid.
You roll your eyes, and stick your tongue out at him. You've forgotten the pain, the embarrasment.
"Come on" He says with a smile you just can't resist. He tosses the hand behind him. "Let's go and find a party." He's up on his feet holding his hand out to you. "Let this current Papa show you how life should be lived." A lacivious smile replaces the mischevious one, and you are pulled to your feet.
Young Sister Imperator
"How did you even hit yourself on that? It's always been there. You know that."
"I didn't." You whined, rubbing the back of your head after you hit in on a shelf.
"You helped me put it there." She chuckled, observing you from her desk.
"Is bullying me funny to you?"
"A little bit."
You'd pout at her and she'd chuckled before she finally got up and wrap her arms around your neck, pulling you for a sweet kiss.
She'd tease you about it, calling you hopeless or a baby, but she'd also take care of you.
She'd order someone to get you your favorite hit drink and your favorite snack.
If she's not too busy, she's gonna let you lay your head on her lap as she plays with your hair.
If she is busy, however, she gets you a small spa trip until she has more time.
Old Sister Imperator
"Oh, darling, I told you to be careful..." She sighed softly, yet seemed slightly amused.
"I was trying to help you." You pouted, rubbing the back of your head.
A pen fell from Sister's desk and you went to pick it up... Only to hit your head on the very edge of her desk. It was a miracle you didn't bleed.
"Yes, and I appreciate that. Now come here, let me see." She chuckled, and you obediently moved to kneel on the floor in front of her as she checked your head. "Well, thankfully, you don't look too damaged. How do you feel?"
"Like I banged my head on the edge of the desk..." You pouted, a few pained tears slipping down your cheeks.
"Oh, you pour baby..." She cooed at you, wiping your tears and kissing the top of your head. "How about we watch a movie, hm? Would you like that, dear?"
You nodded, so she carefully guided you to sit on the couch while she prepared a movie night for the two of you, abandoning her work for now. After all, who would scold her? Nobody. Not a single soul would dare.
And besides, she needs a day off. You need to be taken care of. Two birds, one stone.
Papas II, IV, old and young Nihil written by Nyx.
Papas I, III, old and young Sister Imperator written by Jez.
Taglist: @sirlsplayland @firefirevampire @mamacarlyle @thatoddboy @ouijaboardemo @lightbluuestars @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @lunarsromantichomicide @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @natoncesaid @igodownjustlikeholymary @strawberriiblossoms (send an ask if you'd like to be added! read the pinned post before asking!)
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moonystoes · 2 months
if you stomp and step on people intentionally, then you are right, I do not like you. One day she is going to seriously hurt someone. Doesn’t matter if people just get up and shake it off. Again, if we on social media hadn’t blown this out of the shop, it would not have been a problem with MT posting that picture. Honestly, I don’t see either MT or LJ doing anything wrong in this situation. We are the problem. And another thing, you need to be able to call out people on their bad behaviour without the racist card being thrown every time. Why is it always ok for people to lash out at McCabe for how she plays, but as soon as LJ is involved in anything people are being racists? Yes, some people are assholes and can’t criticise players objectively, but when someone comes out with an objective meaning of a situation, you get the “you are just picking on her because of race” bla bla bla
Wow what a bunch bullshit you just said. I feel like I need to discuss every point you said because none of them are valid.
1) "One day she's going to seriously hurt someone":
But...did she? How do you know she'll seriously hurt someone if she never did. You're just assuming that based on nothing. She hadn't harmed anyone, so this is irrelevant 💀💀. So let's go harass her and claim her as a aggressive player that injures them when... that never happened? Okay!
2) "if we on social media hadn't blown this out of the shop, it would not have been a problem with MT posting that picture.":
We? Who's we? Cuz that seems like its you and the racists that are bashing LJ for something she didn't do because of a picture withOUT context. 'We' are standing AGAINST the people that are blown this situation. That are actively claiming LJ is some fucking terrorist or something for wanting a fucking BALL. And yes, without YOU racists existing that picture would've been okay. But racists exist, and dumb idiots like MT postes pictures of her OWN black teammate that is experiencing racism for breathing and liking comments of something that never happened is a problem.
3) "I don't see either MT or LJ doing anything wrong in this situation.":
Well start seeing then tf💀💀. I don't even know why MT thought it was a good idea. Turner is in the wrong, be serious.
4) "We are the problem.":
Nope. That's you, not me. Bot us that's standing against racism in sports... don't label me as your kind.
5) "why is it always okay to lash out at McCabe for how she plays":
...is the lashing out in the room with us?? 👀 Because last time I checked, Katie's foals are funny, quirky, crazy, hilarious, and silly. Edits of her fouls are on tiktok and people say shes iconic and funny. The only people that I have seen that spoke against Katie's aggression are Chelsea fans. And that's because they see the HYPOCRISY coming from white supremacists and racists that hate on LJ for being aggressive but support Katie.
6) "But as soon as LJ is involved in anything people are being racists?":
Exactly yes 😘😝, yayy finally you got it 👍.
The reason why this situation is based on racism is because the issue they claim literally never happened. What MT posted never happened, but LJ is getting harassed when she NEVER did it. What happened against Nigeria, did you see me defend it? No, in fact I was shocked and disgusted by it. But this situation? Absolutely RACISM 😝😝!! Because when Le Tissier literally pushed Mayra Ramírez and elbowed faces like she's some fucking rugby player, no one was speaking about it. Everyone is crying about a 'headlocking' that never happened, when poor Mayra was injured and treated like shit in the WSL as well as her not even knowing English.
Lastly, fuck off and never come here again. And if you do, remove the anon so I can block you.
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hay1ock · 8 months
Sure just rip my heart out and stomp all over it. Only Friends Episode 10.
It only took 10 episodes but they’ve finally done it and made me feel sympathetic to Top’s situation lol. I’ve clearly gone through my character arc 😝, that or they just made me more annoyed at other characters involved in their part of the story than I am at Top. Boeing, I am looking at you. Mew, you are pushing it. But in all seriousness, I had said I was trying to look at Top more positively, as I have seen him change from Mr Smugface Top Tier to a Mew simp.
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I get why Mew would be annoyed to find Boeing at Top’s place and how it maybe set things back in his mind after deciding to give Top a second chance. Boeing was happy to stir the pot and I’m not really sure what he’s hoping to achieve other than annoy me and Top, and probably Ray and Sand too based on the preview. Is it just revenge at being dumped? Does he want Top? Mew? Sand? Is he Boston 2.0 so if he can’t be happy then no one can? Him pushing up his glasses at the end of the scene in Top’s apartment gave me full on anime villain vibes lol.
And then there’s Mew. Omg accidentally liking one of Boeing’s insta posts💀Like I said I get Boeing’s appearance probably upset him all over again. But I had thought revenge era was kind of over after everything that happened with Ray. The talk at the hostel and pushing Top in the pool felt like things were settled about Mew giving him that second chance. But then suddenly inviting Boeing to the wakeboarding… Now, maybe he’s got some trick up his sleeve and is somehow playing Boeing in some way, or maybe he is testing Top, because trust is a hard thing to win back and there’s no way he would want to be taken for a fool all over again (Though from a viewer POV we have seen how Top interacts with Boeing and there’s nothing between them). I don’t know what he’s up to. Also, I feel like he let Boeing’s lips touch his for way too long lol. I just feel it ignited my sympathy for Top in wanting Mew to make a choice. Either commit to the two of them and give Top that chance properly with no games or tests, or let it go, call time on him and Top and find a (healthy) way to move on.
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And so onto Boston and Nick. Boston certainly had a tough time while Nick was exploring things with Daddy Dan. I knew Atom was a little scary but to straight up lie and imply Boston took advantage of him… Ugh. I’m not Cheum’s biggest fan but I can’t blame her for believing her brother over Boston, especially considering the whole pursuing and manipulating Top thing that just happened recently. I didn’t like everything she said, and Mew seemed to enjoy the moment a bit too much with his little pat on Boston’s shoulder, but as Ray brought up, and Cheum later focussed on, regardless of anything else, Atom is her little brother. And though it really isn’t anyone’s business if they’re both consenting adults, it isn’t really the done thing to shag your bestie’s siblings. I know Boston tried to dissuade Atom a bit, but considering how strained the friendships already were, he probably should have took a hard pass on sleeping with Atom. Kicking him out the project too was a bit rough. It seemed as if Ray wasn’t quite down with everything that was happening, and I certainly felt bad for Boston. He did something shitty to Mew, but he doesn’t deserve this bullshit scenario Atom has created. But we’ll have to see where things go, if the truth comes out, or if Boston is left abandoned and without a way to graduate, and so goes with his back up plan of moving to New York.
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Boston had already seemed to be having ‘feelings’ about Nick. First, looking at his picture and then last episode after seeing him with Dan. Whether it’s love or just fondness/familiarity, missing his company, after all he does say he missed him, it’ll be interesting to see where, if anywhere, he and Nick goes. I do at least feel as if he’s being genuine this time rather than dangling hope-shaped relationship carrots in front of Nick. Their scenes in the store and on the roof were really good and I did feel like I could get on board with them again. I mean, it’ll come down to if they can be honest with each other about what they really want their relationship to be as to whether anything between them is going to work. I don’t know if Boston can, wants to or even should change his sex life. Obviously, there were a couple of people he should have definitely not had sex with, but in general having multiple partners and enjoying sex isn’t anything bad or wrong. I don’t know what he can actually offer Nick in the end. I mean, their sex scene certainly showed a hell of a lot more care than anything we’d seen before. Hopefully, Boston can figure out what he wants and what degree of a relationship he is able to commit to. I would prefer him to be honest about what he can offer Nick, be it an attempt at being boyfriends or just their old agreement of friends with benefits, and then it’ll be down to Nick to make an informed decision. And whether he needs to have a little chat with Dan as to where exactly everybody stands.
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And finally, Ray and Sand. Argh, it hurts. First punch to the gut - I just don’t want to sing at your funeral. Second punch - how fucking cute Ray and his donut was lol. I’m glad Ray didn’t force Sand to reveal himself to his father and gave him an out even if it was at the last moment. Who knows how the guy might have taken the news. Sand had been going to the bar on a number of occasions so deep down he probably does want to tell him, but it was right of Ray to not pressure him by making it a condition of him going to rehab in the end. Rehab/therapy, I’m glad Ray went that first time, even if he was doing it purely because Sand asked him to. I can understand his reluctance to talk at that point. He’s kept everything buried beneath alcohol for years. There’s that fear of if you start talking, be vulnerable for even a moment then everything will come tumbling out and you’ll have to face what you’ve been forcing down. The same goes for stopping drinking. Ray has numbed himself to his trauma for a long time, without alcohol there’s going to be a hell of a lot of feelings coming to the surface as well as withdrawal and shifts in mood.
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I think Ray’s father having asked Sand for help in getting Ray into rehab had been the most likely end to that conversation from episode 7, and of course, Ray overheard them. I’d been so proud of him for putting the bottles of alcohol in the bin. If only he’d had a bigger bin he might not have gone downstairs maybe in search of garbage bags (also I’ll assume the maid would empty the bin and recycle those bottles lol). The scene at Sand’s place though. God damn, it was so good and hurt like a bitch. As soon as money was involved, Ray couldn’t believe Sand had ever cared for him. Threw back some of what Sand had said about ‘doing anything for money’, ‘liking jobs that pay big’. The way he broke down, feeling betrayed and used, and thinking all the times he’d been happy were nothing but lies. My heart. And of course Sand. He could have easily screamed and shouted right back and yet he did his best to treat Ray gently and calmly, despite being emotional. Ack, and the frustrated cry after he broke down once Ray left, the realisation that he was asking Ray to quit alcohol but could just as easily enable him by having alcohol in his home and him throwing that jar of plum wine. I wonder if we’ll see an on screen reconciliation or skip forward? There’s also Boeing to possibly cause more problems, though I want to say I have faith Sand wouldn’t go back there, though if it’s at a time when he and Ray aren’t back on good terms… I know Sand seems to have it out for Top, but I’d assume he wouldn’t be all that impressed with the ex that cheated either.
And then another impressive performance from Khaotung as Ray. I’m glad Ray’s father cleared things up, though the way he speaks to Ray at the start, honestly, I get why Ray wouldn’t want to listen and gets defensive. I wonder if he’s always spoken so harshly or if their communication broke down over time as Ray spiralled lower? Ray looked tired and done with everything after the situation with Sand was revealed and I’m kind of happy we see him going straight back to the therapist. If he wants a relationship with Sand, it’s in his best interests to start facing his demons. I’m sure Sand will do what he can to support him, but he needs to do it for himself not just because Sand told him to. This time he has attended rehab, yes still for Sand, but this time because he wants to, he chose to go, he chose to take the steps to stop hurting the person he loves. It’s a step on the road to recovery.
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Being with me requires patience - as soon as he said that all I could think about were the comments from people who were so against Ray these last few episodes. His character indeed needs patience and understanding. Because of drink and drugs he’s not always in control of his actions, because of his past he doesn’t always behave appropriately or as you want him to. He’s emotional and he’s a mess. But he can also be adorable and kind and loving and make Sand smile. For those moments, Sand has put up with a lot. Like I said last episode, if Sand is strong enough and indeed has the patience, then I want for him to support Ray in getting better and continue to love him. Because yes, Ray deserves to be loved and happy.
Overall, this was a fantastic episode. I’m confused over Top and Mew, hopeful for Sand and Ray, and willing to support Boston and Nick in figuring out what they want to be to one another. I would like for the truth to come out about Atom, and for Boeing to get lost and just do one lol.
I’m really excited for the next episode. I can’t believe we’re so close to the end.
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compacflt · 1 year
pre-publishing notes for slider (actually i meant to poast this yesterday i just forgor 💀), just to put them out there
as per usual i peddle an extreme amount of mis- and straight up disinformation about the aerospace & defense industries in this one. as a general rule of thumb if it sounds like i researched it poorly and/or made it up, that’s because i researched it poorly and/or made it up. like every scene i was like ‘that wouldn’t happen :D’ and wrote it anyway
this one-shot renders my third one-shot (about ice & hangman) entirely obsolete, as if the rooster one-shot didn’t already do that. so just ignore the hangman one. (i only wrote that one cause i felt bad about tagging my fics hangster when they’re barely in it.) Also, this one-shot kind of directly contradicts the end scene of “debriefing” in pretty much every way. i don’t really care, because this is a much stronger ending, but just throwing that out there—this one-shot doesn’t really jive with my other writing for plot/character arc reasons & im too lazy/sick and tired of my other writing to go back and retcon any of it
i only research things i am mandated to by school/a job/journalistic code of ethics, or that i think are interesting, or that i know will not depress me. divorce depresses me so i did not research divorce. Also im pretty sure marriage doesn’t work the way i described it “sign the papers & that’s it” but idgaf . shrug. im having fun
something i Didn’t make up, though: the thesis that iraq/afghanistan went so poorly in the long term partly because our armed services & especially that generation of commanding officers were prepared for total warfare with a near-peer (like the ussr) instead of counterinsurgency tactics against mountain-based guerrilla warfare-stratted forces (like Al-q*eda etc). that’s a very real thesis that ive read in multiple mil history books (“the generals,” ricks; “mil history for the modern strategist,” ohanlon) & co-opted because it’s kind of, in a fucked up way, a good metaphor for ice’s whole deal—he’d been expecting a traditional officer’s life with a woman etc (aka traditional warfare against the ussr, the us’ sworn enemy) and instead found happiness in the weirdest of places, another dude (aka guerrilla warfare) and no one taught him the right strategy for dealing with that; so, pigheadedly, like some US commands in the Middle East for a decade, he just dug in his heels & refused to budge/change his "total traditional war/heteronormative"-based strategy even if it obviously wasn’t working.
In a similar vein just so i can beat the allegations that im strategically dumb, the “strategies” against the ussr the boys are playing with in the usna section are intentionally the most dogshit strategies on earth. do not invade russia in a land war. especially not when nukes are on the table. the point is they’re ALL bad at strategy (strat as a metaphor for interpersonal communication).
i get the words “moderate” and “modulate” confused a lot. there’s a couple times in this one when I use moderate and mean modulate. Now it’s too late to edit it. by which i mean i am too lazy. editing anything on ao3 is a Sisyphean task. not worth it.
there's a lot to be said about my ice & maverick's respectability, which is to say, as slider points out, their life together is incredibly normie and boring and regular, except that they're two guys. like there's nothing super subversive going on here. "in the grand scheme of things is this really so bad?" is the question. politically this is a little funky. for metatextual character-arc reasons ice has to agree to an official marriage to prove that by the end he's not afraid to legally legitimize their relationship, but the heteroflexible/straight-passing/socially conservative ice & mav that I have written also probably aren't the kind of guys to acknowledge the struggle & strife & subversiveness of the queer community before them that fought for them to have that right. to quote from an essay by Lauren berlant & Michael Warner ("Sex in public"): "Respectable gays [ice & mav, distancing themselves from other gays] like to think that they owe nothing to the sexual subculture they think of as sleazy. But their success, their way of living, their political rights, and their very identities would never have been possible but for the existence of the public [visibly queer] sexual culture they now despise." just throwing that out there as something that is weighing on my mind having now finished writing this. I think that issue (ice & mav's relationship with/debt to the lgbt community) could be explored with a character like rooster, who might be much more a part of that struggle (especially pre-dadt-repeal)...but idk where or how I would write about it. just something to chew on. I keep finding different ways to politically interpret what I myself have already written which then keeps leading to more fucking one-shots. This slider one for instance was a reinterpretation from the 1980s Cold War politics lens of nuclear doomsday & how that affected a generation of men making shitty/suicidal decisions about their lives. an endless cycle for me. "just one more interpretation...i swear just one more..."
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7m7n7 · 4 days
@cosmicjoke you absolute braindead mf, how do you fucking post that and think it makes YOU look good 💀
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(order is totally fucked, pretty sure some messages are missing but anyway)
So, am i the one giving a vitriolic knee-jerk reaction bc of your post or are you doing that bc i disagreed with you?
There are SO MANY people who talk shit about you with "how you think you're the authority about Levi". Exact words. Not mine! :) I thought they were wrong before, actually. But you wanted to prove them right, huh?
"im not saying his stoicism is fake except im saying his stoicism is fake" - you
"im not woobiefying him except i'll write a paragraph woobiefying him after i block you" - you
"trauma has to define his entire personality" - you
"oh no you disagreed with me so now im gonna have an entire breakdown in tags acting like you killed my dog and throw out accusations based on absolute nothing except my butthurt" - also you
it's not my fucking problem you took my criticism of eruris personally just bc you ship eruri and you have been seething for moooonths without ever expressing anything to me. you've been having discourse w them on no ends and criticizing their fanon and that's the reason i followed you, as i said, i always knew you shipped it bc 1) i saw you say it looong ago 2) YOU HAD YOUR AO3 LINK IN YOUR PROFILE LMFAO????? if you were SO bothered, you could have always blocked, SB'd, or told me that you didn't vibe with my eruri hate. anyways, i don't have any problem with eruris who don't reduce levi to erwin or degrade him to derive ego wank, which unfortunately, happens to be %0.000000001 of eruris and that's the problem :') clearly i agree with some of your levi takes, also clearly disagree w some, but i didn't think it worth mentioning until a new post got shoved right into my face where you call his stoicism is a coping mechanism, which is a heavily questionable hc to begin with, let alone acting like it's canon (and you did). Yes, it is objective woobiefication. Shoving words in my mouth like "blah blah homophobia sexist blah blah no respect for traumatized men blah blah femininity" the biggest fucking projection ive seen in my life. Where the fuck am i being sexist or homophobic? Acknowledging his personality is a problem now? And if you're making someone's entire character revolve around their trauma then you're the one being disrespectful. Why sexism? Do you think it's feminine to have emotions? Or do you want him to "have emotions" in a feminine way and you're just projecting?
"levi is an emotional man" Well, he isn't. Levi has emotions, he's passionate, kind, heroic, idealistic. "Emotional" has different connotations.
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The only thing that would apply to levi is being passionate tbh (which i don't think you're going for, somehow :^))
So, I agree w all of that: he's kind, cares about people, deeply affected by deaths - but you pretend that i don't, bc your problem isn't that anyone acknowledges levi has "emotions" or not, what you want is something else entirely and people not validating that obviously bothers you very, very badly. also, i've never seen anyone argue levi is emotionless yet ive seen 429894234 posts trying to prove he's emotional and it's always the same type of person. Now why's that?
oh and the source
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blueberry-gills · 2 months
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April 2, 2024, 9:45 PM
Topic: Missing Kid Alola School Trip
[celadontoast:] What the title says. Anyone remember that case from 2023 with that kid on a field trip where he just went missing? I remember reading about it back then, but I don’t know if there was any follow up. Did they ever find out what happened to him? Here’s the main article about it I could find: https//www.hauolidaily.com/articles/student-still-missing-after-stor…
[>earlypidove:] oh yeah. I don’t think so? It’s a cold case now or something.
[>aerlaceventura8:] ^^^ Guy’s just presumed dead iirc. But yeah there was a bunch of media coverage for that, especially cause of the school trip thing and all.
[>toxicSTep!:] Why’s this under the UW tag?
[>>celadontoast:] Because that was the leading theory- the kid fell into one
[>clefairyfables_:] Feel really bad for his family. Doesn’t help that a lot of cases involving wormholes just...stay unsolved :( I don't think they'll ever get closure
[>>skip76:] its honestly really sad how ineffective the government is with shit like this. weve known about wormholes for like a decade now and they still cant do anything outside of say ‘oops the wormhole got him, nothing we can do’ like??? what about that recon squad they were talking with? professor burnet? hello?
[>>>toxicSTep!:] It’s more than that. Research like this takes time. It took us.... (Read more)
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[>xXdarkmattergengarXx:] Remind me to never go to Alola LOL. Honestly if that kid was going to that nepobaby school he probably deserved it
[>>loadeddiceenjoyer:] what does him going to bb have anything to do with this
[>>>xXdarkmattergengarXx:] How did you know I was talking about BB? Sounds like you’re one of those Blueberry Bitches yourself 💀
[>>>>loadeddiceenjoyer:] maybe its because i read the fucking article? it says right there what school he goes to. and even if i am one of those 'blueberry bitches' literally what does it matter. grow up. no one deserves this kind of shit
[>>>>Roaring_Moon_06 (Admin🛡):] A reminder that Occulture does not tolerate bullying or harsh language of any kind, especially when discussing a case involving a real person. Please keep it civil.
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watmalik · 3 months
I was looking at tags and i think you're the first person I've seen to actually suggest maybe Eddie's cultural heritage and upbringing accounts for his sassiness and expressive face and body language, so thank you for that. When everyone just says "it's because he's gay!" (which is pure fanon so far) it feels to me like it's kind of erasing his Latino-ness and personality 🫤
I’m going to approach this with a reality based type of answer, anon, as well as a care free type/wholesome answer. Apologies for the essay. I gave an intro/general context around the subject, my reality type answer (based on canon) and what I know as latino and my genuine answer of what I hope to see ( I call it wholesome answer). And just as a heads up, I disagree with you thinking buddies are trying to “erase” Eddie’s Latino-ness, but more like people tend to just mention/talk about things they know about, everything is answered under the cut and I hope it makes sense sense :)
Majority of the users here are perhaps of mainly European decent and/or just African/Asian only background (I don’t want to say white/black/brown, as it’s just colours that can fit within minority communities as well and not someone’s ethnicity) and majority of tumblr users are not emerged into Latino (Hispanic) culture as much as the next person. Although, there’s no feature in tumblr that could prove my statement regarding everyone’s ethnicity, I’m just speculating as a rule of thumb and things I’ve picked up along the way. The top 5 countries that use tumblr are not even in LATAM, nor Hispanic, and yes, although a majority of users are from the US, and yes there’s plenty of Latino (Hispanics) from there…they’re still minorities. So as rule of thumb, in tumblr? we’re minorities here as well.
Context: as a Latin@, born and raised in Latin America, I would say that Latino men are very affectionate with each other and when do these things majority of the times it means absolutely…nothing regarding their sexual orientation.
Tbh I’d compare Latino men to frat boys, majority love fútbol, hugging excessively, fake kiss, touching, don’t know what personal space is, and being the ultimate smart ass (depending on which regions they’re from lol) and don’t get me started if they’re the youngest of their family bc boy they sure are sassy 😂 and my god can they dance/twerk on anyone 💀
Women are pretty similar with each other like this, but they do portray it differently ofc. We literally hold each other to go shopping (link arms), we kiss each other’s cheeks as greeting, fake kiss when were drunk and that don’t mean anything most of the time.
(A/N:Everyone is just super affectionate and huggy (ugh I’m kinda glad I don’t live there no more, I hate this sometimes 🫠)
And they are just heterosexual people, but then there’s some of them that are not.
End of context.
Now with that in mind, let’s go in with Buck and Eddie. I’ve actually met people similar to Eddie in my life, the one’s that’ve done big gestures for friends, hell my uncle (who’s not blood related to me but is my father’s best friend since forever, is my godfather, and literally was my neighbour growing up bc he wanted to be close to my dad and their friend group. He promised to my dad and mum, if something were to happen to them no matter my age, he will take care of me as a daughter).
Keep in mind, Eddie is also an army man and that level of camaraderie is quite unique as well and now going to a fire house on top of this? When you risk your life with others, it creates this big connection, specially as a single guy and parents that are… certainly special on their own ways (derogatory).
His and Buck’s relationship is quite beautiful and there’s no hint in the show that’s goes into say either of them are anything but heterosexual.
That’s my serious answer.
Now going into my wholesome, care free answer, anon.
It be awesome if they turn their story around into a romantic one, I can see why others will view them that way and tbh? The story is there. If you flip everything I’ve told you about Latino men and what we know about them, and let’s say if Buck or Eddie did this for a woman? It would look like an actual romantic relationship under society eyes. So, I see the double standard here.
I tend to ship those relationships actually, rivals turned to great friends turn to lovers, and also…some of those looks they give each other? Gosh, it may be from what I said earlier, but it could also be something else. And hell, even though neither of them have been in relationships with men before (that we know of) sometimes you catch feelings from someone you didn’t expect out of nowhere yk? And that’ll be cool to see. The chemistry is there.
Sometimes, it’s fun not to take things so seriously. It’s fun to ship characters!
That being said, I genuinely don’t think buddies are trying to erase Eddie’s bg but I think because majority of tumblr users are not of Latino ethnicity they tend to, not forget about Eddie’s Latinoness (like you’re calling it), but will like to relate him to with what they know. And what they do know is being queer (again I’m assuming based on polls I’ve seen and as a rule of thumb, there a big sum of people who are queer and are also buddie fans/tumblr users), and just like everyone in this world, like every minority, they want to be represented :)
Representation for minority groups is always good. There’s not a lot of Hispanic/latino queer representation in TV and if we were to get it, I know that’ll make someone’s life better out there. Maybe not life changing but perhaps tell them that they’re not alone and that everything is and will be fine. Specially for those who unfortunately are not allowed to be their true selves. It gives people hope, that there’s some sense of belonging, out there, and that they can relate and feel included.
Sorry for the long post and thank you for the ask 🫡
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saltynsassy31 · 11 months
Tho mostly what I've thought involves Skipper 💀💀💀 but it can still be true without him, I try my best to make my characters who are romantically involved not depend on one another to be who they are, its good to depend on others but also be your own person lol with your own interests and friends outside of the other lol
Anyways, that aside, I didn't talk much with my friend on angst and more of what his preference is based in who he is shipped with
And I had realised a pattern between the guys he's shipped with and the very few girls he's shipped with
So here is what i found, in great summary so I don't go on a 5 page rant on this
Basically, his type in partner is someone who strong willed, determined and knows how to stand up themselves
"But how does this relate to Emp angst?" You may be asking
Another detail would be that he likes people who seem to break his pattern, okay most popular ship, Gloves
The guy was very different from whoever else he fought, he fucking insulted the guy and he still managed to come out with a smile and more determination than ever, he lost, but to him, he had won and you cannot tell me that didn't peeked Emperor's interest
Another ship, Specs. He's a more strict guy, stickler to rules and all that, but he's determined still and he is willing to listen to his teammate’s and try something knew, even at the risk of their winning spot because he trusts his teammate’s, his friends and again, you cannot tell me Emperor doesn't admire that part of him, hell, I believe he even uses Specs as an example to be a better leader 😭😭😭 (the dork)
Then there's Goggles, tho I don't ship them, it is still sorta of a popular ship nonetheless, and I can see why! He's a bit of both when it comes to Specs and Gloves, he's determined to do better, nothing can really strike him down in terms of motivation and he'd trusts his teammates in a heart beat! Tho something unique to him is that he's so ready to do the impossible, so ready to try new things just for the sake of fun, losing has no meaning if by heart you have won
These three made him face the fact that maybe he had more to learn in being a leader (tho, the real kicker was his brother, the final straw I could say), I doesn't even have to be shipped! But these people have definitely peeked his interest and surely made him reflect
At first, he probably would feel guilty, very guilty, terribly guilty with how he had treated his teammates, especially his little brother. Seeing how well Specs got along with his teammates for example, even when they lost they just kept going, Specs never put pressure in his teammates (tho he did so to himself but that's already another angst train) and let them have fun
He probably grew up only knowing success, it was his ego that kept him afloat, but what happens when someone shatters that? From what I remember, Emperor took the loss better than i thought he would have? Hell, I feel like a part of him was even relieved, weather he noticed that or not, and when he realised it I'd imagine him going "why do I feel so relieved?" [Insert identity crisis]
Having to reconstruct your whole beliefs from the ground up after it got dismantled has to be one of the hardest things (trust me, I know it from experience) and you almost don't want to, you rather have the shattered pieces then get a new one
But, seeing how his actions affected his teammates friends, and his brother? Gosh, that must have been gut wrenching, they probably had a long talk, and if tears were shed? No one said anything, soft apologies whispered in the dead of night for only those close to hear
Now, that also begs the question of how he grew up, I know it's easy to make his parents abusive, but I like a little bit more...nuance to it? Or a different kind of abuse, its easy to jump on the verbal abuse train, but I think neglect can be easily used here too, I'd like to think his parents were absent, maybe a video call here or there. He knows they love him, they are just very busy people! And he has to be the one to continue their legacy, maybe if he took some of the work they'd be less busy, right? If he took care if Prince they'd have one less thing to worry about, if he took on the public apperance of their name they'd have one less thing to worry about
He won his first turf war
And they're proud, they're so so proud, they praised him and even did a celebration for it! So he did it again, and again, and they celebrated it less often because why celebrate something that has become the norm?
They visited less often as he got older, he's an adult now, he should be able to care for himself now, and he does, without fail
Until he doesn't
And what would they think of him? He wouldn't know, they don't call him anymore
And when they did, they said nothing about it, just "do better next time" and that was it
They never told him to do any of that, they never pressured him to do anything, they never yelled, punished or hurt him, for the first few years of his life they were very caring and even when they called they never blamed him, they were nice to him and would ask about his life and how things were doing, they never did not care, infact, he was free to do as he pleases as long as it didn't tarnish their name, it's him who decided to do all of that, and for what? For praises of people who he barely even knew besides a familial title? Psh, that's so stupid
And he's stupid for falling for that
But maybe, there is more to life than winning, right? Losing felt so....New, and he liked that, what other new things can he feel? It's so gosh darn thrilling, isn't it?
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ladyhindsight · 1 year
CC is clearly biased for Herondales. She tries really hard to make the reader find Herondales attractive the truth is I never felt more dry reading about Jace, Stephen, Will and James. They do nothing for me. They all have the same personality except for James who has next to no personality aside for being constantly horny for Cordeila. I dare any person disagreeing with my statement give me 5 difference between Will, Jace and Stephen personality wise. Despite all her efforts to make us like Herondales I always found the other characters more attractive. Jem over Will. Anyone over Jace. Michael over stephen. Anna over James honestly anyone over James. Kit is a mini jace no originality. Freaking Manuel from TDA came off as more attractive than Jace and that says alot 💀.
Oh and can someone please tell me her obsession with eyes, weird ass body proportions and no one mentions the way shadowhunters walk sounds hilarious ngl like what what do you mean they walk like cats or lions or dancers. If shadowhunters's walks are like cats does that mean Jace walks are cattier cuz of all the extra angel blood. I try to picture Jace's walking and all I can imagine is Andrew tate's looney tunes fruity ass walk.
Her books are the fast food of literature as a booktuber described it as.
I said sometime before that the side characters are more interesting because they aren't (as) surrounded by Clare's bias or manipulative narration. Therefore more likable because I am not force-fed how great and amazing they are, I just get to take my time with them and get familiarized with their characters on my own. Problems also arise with Jace having problems more important than the others, that his issues are the grandest and most highlighted. Also Jace, Clary, and Simon are the only necessary characters whose stories are tied to the main plot. Even their romances (Clary with both Jace and Simon) have plot relevance. Others not so much.
As Clare's writing has always been more or less mostly telling than showing, it's not surprising that she needs to tell how amazing the Herondales are instead of actually basing her pretense on actually showing. Instead the readers are just offered this premise in every story, every other character is written just admiring and loving them, so it must be true? Just have characters fawn over someone and you bet the readers will also. Right.
Clare seems to think that other characters telling things is showing.
Clare's attention strips any side character of all intrigue and turns them into what Clare's protagonists usually are. Then they become all looks and hair and eye colors and wear white shirts through which their marks shine through (like Jace literally in every TMI book). Some concepts which Clare presents in her series are complex and complicated, I can agree with that, but her writing is unable to capture any depth or meaning of any of them. Attributing factor to this is her always ending up focusing majorly on love, especially the romantic kind of the main couple, as the motivator. I've read amazing pieces of TSC fan fiction, the kind of thoughtful and honest looks on the characters that Clare is unable to acknowledge on her part.
Her writing only presents the shallowest of emotions. Her writing on grief, loss, or love aren't really thought-provoking, just more cookie-cutter ideas on top of the previous ones. Not that all writing absolutely needs or has to be insightful, it's just that people pretend her writing is deeper than it actually is. Like people think chopped-up sentences are anything but surface-level poetry when in its essence poetry as an art and craft is more than that.
Everyone is so right on money with James' lack of personality. When he got furious with Grace (rightly so BUT) I felt really weird about it. Your message really helped me figure it out though: I had no idea of his personality nor any prediction on how he may react to more controversial happenings. Well, that's not true. Everyone on the Righteous Side of things in TSC always react with fury, roasting the antagonists crisp with their verbalism. But still I had no idea. Who is this guy calling Grace a criminal and a fiend? I don't know him at all.
And what makes the Herondales great really? I don't see why James or Will are anymore heroic than Clary, Cordelia, Emma, Simon, Alec, or Isabelle. I don't think Tessa as particularly heroic but that's also my faint memory of TID and disgust of her talking, so this is not to be entirely trusted.
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jgnico · 8 months
the 'lost fight = bum" thing with powerscalers is SOOOO ANNOYING. Rn with Kashimo, and I saw similar w gojo when 236 dropped where dudebros saying shit like "he got low diff'd trash character" in the comments of stuff not even about powerscaling. Powerscalers act like it's illegal to enjoy a character after they lose a fight. The way they switch up on characters over exclusively loss/wins is such a painfully shallow and bland way to approach the story (and kind of ironic considering how strength is treated in the narrative...)💀
The thing that annoys me the most is that they refuse to think of anything happening in the story that leads to a character losing. Like even ignoring the elephant in the room of Kashimo because Gege practically gave us nothing when it comes to scaling his released form (I would have liked something, but I can also accept that him losing the way he did speaks more toward Sukuna's ability than it does Kashimo's), you have characters like Jogo that they'll call weak, when in reality he's incredibly powerful but had the misfortune of fighting the two strongest characters in the verse as his only showing. Does that mean he couldn't have mopped the floor with most of the characters in the series at the time? Absolutely not, but you'd never get that from the vacuum that most powerscalers seem to operate in.
As someone who enjoys deep diving into fights and the details of the power system, I find it incredibly boring and annoying to not consider any external factors when talking about a fight. There's so many seemingly little things that can lead to a character winning a fight that they shouldn't have from a purely ability-based perspective. Did they prep beforehand? How does their ability interact with their opponents? Are they getting help from another character or a tool? Are they being buffed or nerfed by anything prior to the fight? Are they injured? Were they caught by surprise? Etc, etc.
Take Toji, for example, who powerscalers love to hold up as a powerhouse probably more than he deserves. (Which isn't me saying he's weak, he isn't, but I feel like some people do overestimate him in terms of ability, despite how much the power ceiling has been raised since Shibuya.) Toji planned so much for his mission to kill Riko and his fight against Gojo. He used other sorcerers to wear Gojo out for three days straight before he felt comfortable to step in and still used cursed tools and curses on top of it. Does that mean he couldn't have done anything if Gojo was fresh at the time of their fight? No, but it certainly made it easier. Toji doesn't blow through Gojo as easy as he does without prep, but people will look at their fight without any additional info and use that as a definitive scale of where Toji is compared to everyone else in the verse.
I don't know, I have a lot (and I mean, a LOT) of issues with how a majority of the fandom talks about JJK that isn't just the issue of powerscaling, but at a point it becomes me beating my head against a wall with nothing to show for it but a headache. Like, if anyone wanted to read me rant for a couple thousand words, bring up the fandoms general perception of Sukuna being a bum despite the heaps of info that we have to the contrary. Even the most recent chapter highlighted how ridiculous he is in terms of strength and understanding of cursed energy and sheer ability, but people are still saying he only won because of Mahoraga.
At what point is it not worth it to argue with that? Cause there's always gonna be someone that's wrong and loud about it, but when that becomes the majority of fans about multiple aspects of the series, it starts to kill the enjoyment of the series for me. I don't like being in a state of seeing bullshit takes every time I try to engage with the fandom. It's tiring.
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yellowlaboratory · 2 years
brizz my love, as with all things I do, I tried to make this as short as possible and I failed miserably aksdjfhlkasdjf i hope you don’t mind
💖 What made you start writing?
In terms of, like, writing in general, I don't really know what made me start! I was always writing stories, but I really got into writing towards the end of middle school, and I think I "finished" my first story in eighth grade, when I had an English teacher who made us write a journal entry every day, and instead of writing anything about myself, I wrote a story about a character (i think she was a mermaid? I can’t remember)(also $50 to whoever can guess my favorite coping mechanism 💀). But, after middle school, I had a bit of a falling out with writing, and I put myself in a position to either do engineering & math & science related stuff, or do writing related stuff. Idk why I thought I couldn't do both, but obviously, I ended up becoming an engineer, and while I wrote a little bit in high school, I completely gave up writing in college.
Then, covid happened at the end of my senior year of college, and I suddenly had, like, a renaissance lmao. I had nothing to do and so much time to do it, and then I ended up watching the first season of Outer Banks nine times through (yes I know I’m insane, but we move), showing my family and then various friends during zoom parties, and I became obsessed with figuring out Kiara's story. I had a doc full of questions based on throw-away lines and I don't know when it turned from "conspiracy theory about kiara carrera's background" to "actual legitimate story (kind of)", but it helped me A LOT when I was going through the early pandemic. So, I guess, obsessing over Kiara Carrera got me back into writing?? lmao. also having a lot of feelings over the pandemic and being locked in my hometown and isolated from my college friends while being much, much closer to my middle/high school friends?? idk. I clearly had a lot of feelings to wrestle with tho aksjdfhlkasjdf
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
LMAO yes!! I think almost everyone guessed just about every plot point in pltc, which is very expected when I was literally writing it to fit as well as it could into canon. I also had a few other fics where I read people's comments like "ah yes at least my foreshadowing works" 💀 I think there were a lot of those comments especially with like daisies underneath! 
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
for you, Brizz, a snippet from my upcoming fic for the music festival au space on my bingo card!
There’s something kind of thrilling about having him so close. She knows her makeup is beyond fucked, and her hair is in disarray, and she has a string of plastic gems trailing down her cheek that are worse off than they were last night, but it doesn’t matter. The music is too loud for them to maintain the sort of distance that she would normally expect from a complete stranger, and he leans in close, his blue eyes fixed on her with a piercing gaze.
She doesn’t know a lot about him, but she can sense how momentous it is to capture all of his attention for any period of time, like her body had cataloged every distraction he had found throughout the day and now marvels at the singularity of his attention. 
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lilmaymayy · 5 months
hey friends! this is just a quick intro post in case you want to know a bit more about me/the blog🤭
PLEASE BE KIND in this blog i will not entertain ANY hate/aggressive/mean interactions THEY WILL BE DELETED OR IGNORED, in the past where i did respond, it never left my mind and i never knew how to react, leaving me to be negatively affected by someones fleeting thoughts. so to avoid anyones displeasure please be respectful and conscious of your actions and words!! if not- 👉🚪we dont need that energy here
*im also on mobile so apologies for any bad formatting😭😭
hello! my nicknames may and i use she/her pronouns. when sending any msgs id appreciate a quick hello but as long as your being polite i will gladly respond. feel free to address me as may or any other (kind) phrase (e.g queen/baddie?? anythings fine as long as youre being nice)
do u see the theme😘
i like to keep my age off of here simply for privacy but i can assure you i am not a minor, but if you are, you are welcome on my page any time just be aware i do swear and the content that i reblog can be nsfw, but ultimately you are responsible for the media you decide to consume.
i do not write fics(i always reblog them tho😉/also beta! so if youre a writer in need just lmk) idk if i ever will(write)but i dont realistically see that happening😭.
in the search bar for my page you can see all these hashtags, i typically tag “give it a read💋” for any fics ive betad and “she speaks🗣️” for any post thats just me yappin💀
and any character names (like finnick odair, peter parker etc.) are the bulk of fics that i reblog and you can find works for that character under those tags!
im a full time student based in sunny california😍, my favorite things have to be fruits(tops gotta be strawberrys, cherrys anddd green grapes), fics, and folklore (3 fav f’s💋) (and yes i am a swiftie). last time i took the personality test i got ISTJ, but i swearr im still an infp. every single test i took told me i was a hufflepuff (were not lame i swear), and even though i swear up n down that im a laurie.. i might be an amy😔( i want to be great or nothing😫) and a song that i just feel for is probably a three way tie between teenage dream by olivia rodrigo, this is me trying by taylor swift and dreamer by laufey(not someone i typically listen to but whenever spotify puts her song i always love it)
favorite artistss gotta be the big three taylor, lana and ariana (nothing offish theyre just my most listened) and drake.. and bad bunny.. and olivia.. and sza.. and beyonce.. and the weekend.. and rihanna
- if you want a grasp of my music this is a LINK to my most played playlist
- this is a LINK to my more lovey/ sweet songs, its all in the description💋
*if u give em a listen and u wanna put me on.. msg me!! id love to hear your recs
my hobbies include playing music, i play guitar(kinda goodish) and i wanted to pick up piano too (idk if ill ever get to this😭) i also found that i love to do puzzles, and i wanted to start scrapbooking (looks fun af lowk). a few other things i love is definitely just jamming out to my tunes, sleeping😫😫, watching movies, playing w legos😭, PLAYING WITH MY DOGGIESSS (i have two, rocky and lily both are maltese poodles💋💋), baking (hate the clean up tho) i also love selfcare, its always good to prioritize urself but i mean the cassie method of everything showers, lotions, body oils, body mists/ perfumes, face masks, skin care (allllllll the goodies) just to finish the day off with a fic (its deadass my nightly routine to shower, get ready for bed/unwind, tumblr)
-CELEBRITY not character, but if i missed any lmk😝
-this is a long one so bearrrrr with me
my top 5 currently is🥁🥁🥁
1. sam claflin (been obsessed, still obsessed, i dont see this changing *unless timothee wanna quit playin🙄)
2. tom blyth (tbosbas was life changing.. hes so💋💋)
3. andrew garfield (im considering moving my man up to 2 bc hes an og for this list likee hes been on my brain since he was fan casted as our remus lupin and will stay there😌)
4. jacob elordi (newest addition, saltburn edits is the sole reason why hes here plus hes so fucking tall like i deserve that height difference *for reference im 5 ft😈)
5. timothee chalamet (i love him so much BUT HES DOWN HERE BC OF KYLIE😭*he would be 1 otherwise🥲)
for other hotties ..
OSCAR ISAAC🥵🥵😫-i need this man in bed rn
charlie brushnell😘-new addition but again he is taking over just like pjo is
tom holland- zenny baby he is all yours but that man shirtless? YUMMYYY
tom hiddleston- only rzn to watch the thor series
theo james - YOU THE ONE FOUR ME hes so fine i watched divergent (still a great series) for him n i was not dissapointed
aaron t— johnson- i do not want to mention his 🤐 but he is so fine his calvin klein ads?? KICKASS??
ben barnes- shadow n bone.. YUMMY YUMMY🤭🤭also sirius? likeee runaway to my house?
cillian murphy- ik he lowk looks like he got a bad case of botox.. BUT CMONNN PEAKY BLINDERS???
callum turner- i knew i was hooked since that harry potter movie he has like 10 minutes in🥰🥰
dylan o’brien-ima be honest im not DIE HARD in love but this man was fine since maze runner and teen wolf n will be till hes in the graveee
henry cavill- enola mf holmes.. INTRODUCE ME TO YOUR BROTOHER LIKE😍😍😍 i need this man to investigate all my internal organs
hugh laughton scott- hes just so pretty i just😘
harrison dickinson- love at first sight of darkest minds😍😍( its a discontinued movie (supposed to be) series) i need him in more shit
joao felix- my bestie pmo fifa AND HE DOES NOT DISSAPOINTT
josh hutcherson- i could not make this list without pookie
matthew gray gubler- i need him to read me to sleep, sing me to sleep, talk about anything so i can sleep, he brings me so much joy with that smile and hes so sweetie pie i could go on forever
drew starkey?- idk his name but hes the hottie who plays rafe cameron IVE NEVER WATCHED THE SHOW (or anything hes in) but holy shit that man is tall and pulls off ANY hair cut
well if youve made it this far thank you for taking the time to read this! if you want to know some more about me msg me in any way and ill respond, maybe ill add that info here. thanks again for your attention! love you all😘
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joelsgreys · 1 year
Hi Vee, it’s your check-in anon! I feel awful I wasn’t there to remind you how extraordinary you are during your time of need. Your emotions are valid and I think social media has really jaded how we view and value ourselves based on numbers. I think every person who’s ever used social media has had that feeling. And it can be crushing. There’s nothing abnormal about that feeling.
On that note, I hope you know that those numbers don’t matter. While I do think that your talent should be seen by the masses, that doesn’t mean that you aren’t talented because you aren’t getting those numbers. You have such an incredible way of getting into the hearts of your readers. When I first found you, I read To Do the Right Thing. And I cried hard! I felt the ache that your character was feeling, I felt the pail Joel was feeling watching the reader feel that way. It was like a fire was blooming in my chest and my tears were literally the only thing to put that out. Believe it or not, it is so hard for a writer to create that visceral of a feeling. It takes so much talent in order to do so. Even harder, you were able to do so in a world that was established by other writers. You didn’t make it feel out of canon at all, it read like I was watching the show. Anyway, you continue to do that kind of incredible writing in each of your pieces. I am a glutton for your writing. You have never disappointed me or any of your readers when you’ve published a piece. When I do get the chance to get on Tumblr, your blog is the first I go to read anything and everything you have written that I could’ve missed.
I hope one day I see your name on shelves in book stores across the world. It’s easy to doubt ourselves in a world that only cares about numbers. Your feelings are valid, but that doesn’t make them true. And when in doubt, just imagine a very spunky two year old boy yelling “you okay!” Over and over until you’re okay again - it seems to work for my son (and me most days hehe). I hope you never forget how amazing you are, both as a writer and a person. And I hope you never stop writing. Much love to you always!!
Hi my sweet lil check in anon! I hope you and your lil chicken nuggets are doing well 🤍 please don’t feel bad or awful, tbh ya girl was just an emotional train wreck in a depresso episode, unfortunately it happens and sometimes I can’t cope. This was one of those times where the anxiety joined in too lmao. But it was my own little serotonin deprived brain doing a lot of the talking for me and tbh I’m still low key embarrassed everyone witnessed me having a meltdown 💀
I let numbers determine the value of my work and it was such a big mistake because I know that I’d never EVER want any of my fellow writers to do that. It’s so easy to let ourselves (at least for me) get trapped in that feeling of “oh if it’s not super popular it’s not good” but that’s simply not true. I just couldn’t see that for a minute there.
Thank you so much for your kind words, I honestly truly value your opinions my lil check in, and they mean so much to me and any time I see you in my inbox it’s a guaranteed smile on my face 🫶🏼
Much love to you and your babies 🤍
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