#now seriously I want to hear everyone's opinions so don't be shy
demon-country · 2 months
One thing I really appreciate about Helluva Boss is how well Stolas' abuse by Stella is depicted and how seriously it's taken. So often the abuse of men by women is overlooked, diminished, and scoffed at, and it's so relieving that the narrative never does that.
Like most abusers, Stella is shown to be very controlling. She's furious that Stolas ruined her reputation, she demands that he stops singing, she tries to hit him when he talks back, she threatens him multiple times, she's trying to take all of his assets and leave him with nothing, etc. It wouldn't surprise me if when the abuse is exposed (because it seems likely that it will be), it's revealed that she controlled him in other ways too, like dictating what he could eat, what he could wear, what emotions he could show in public, and what he was allowed to do outside of work. Because that's what abusers like her do.
It's no wonder that Stolas, who has longed for connection his entire life, still has no friends and no support system. Stella likely controlled who he associated with, and we see on screen how she loudly and publicly humiliates him without any of the people around her batting an eye. This is a common isolation tactic, serving the double purpose of wearing away whatever is left of Stolas' self-esteem and turning public opinion against him. And she's apparently done it for so long that not only is he resigned to it, the other party guests nearby either don't care or laugh at him with her. Notice also that even though everyone else is mingling in groups, no one is talking to Stolas and he's still standing near Stella despite how visibly upsetting he finds it to hear her mock the way he dissociated while she was sexually assaulting him.
Stolas finding the courage to leave her after making an external connection with Blitz, and now that Octavia is very nearly an adult, is also pretty realistic. Blitz is brave and brash and made Stolas feel alive and happy, things it's implied he's only felt with Octavia before, and that encouraged him to follow Blitz's example. Stolas goes from trying to placate Stella in Loo Loo Land, to stopping her from hitting him and telling her to get out of his house for good, even though the way he backs away as she approaches and then collapses when she leaves shows that he's still very scared of her. He's struggling to take control of his own life and has decided to fight back, despite how dangerous that is for him.
And it is, indeed, dangerous. Unfortunately, as is so common in cases of real domestic abuse, Stella attempted to kill him after he began trying to leave her, in an effort to control him once and for all. Escaping domestic abuse is hard, complicated, terrifying, and often incredibly risky for this reason, and I'm glad that they didn't shy away from it. It's well documented that the most dangerous time for an abuse victim is after they try to leave, so the escalation from being able to hide most of the abuse from Octavia, to being openly violent with him in front of Octavia when Stella's control started slipping after the affair began and he announced that he wanted a divorce, to her taking lethal action when he refused to call off either, makes it the most realistic depiction of intimate partner violence I've seen in a long time.
The writers also makes a point to show how witnessing abuse and its aftereffects hurts any children involved as well, which is important. Octavia was sheltered from witnessing most of the abuse for a long time, but once Stella became more blatant and open with it, it rocked Octavia's world and left her feeling deeply insecure. Fighting back against Stella was healing for Stolas, who was finally starting to feel alive and a little more control of his own narrative, but seeing the fighting did hurt Octavia. And we don't even know what the social fallout of the divorce will be yet, so it's possible that even if Stolas had made his escape when she was younger that Octavia still could have been caught in the crossfire. Generational trauma like that isn't always acknowledged, so I like how they show that abuse hurts more than just the direct victim, and that sometimes collateral is inevitable.
I have high hopes for where they take Stolas and Octavia's healing arc, since they've done such a good job with showing how Stolas' childhood neglect and intimate partner violence affects him and his relationships. The way his lifelong abuse has seeped into just about everything he does isn't something I've seen acknowledged too often in the fannish spaces I've been exposed to, but I have a feeling that we'll soon be getting to a part in the story where we're told more about it and not just shown it.
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sugaringinnie · 23 days
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Tyler x Fem!Reader
comfort/getting together
word count: 917
I'm currently in love with archie renaux/tyler so ^^
Everyone knows she likes him. Calculated words, a completely withdrawn and shy personality. And the eyes. Oh, the eyes never lie.
Yn can never hide when she likes someone. It's not that often. Her heart is too closed off to have so many people in it, but when someone catches her attention she can't help herself. She loves completely and fearlessly, she doesn't have to be reciprocated, she just needs to feel.
That's why she's happy with what she's felt for Tyler for several months now. They're not very close, and even when opportunities come along, she always misses them. Just thinking about being alone with him makes her nervous.
God, Yn, when will you learn?
So yeah. Everyone knows. Him included. But he's never said anything other than laugh at a few comments others have made. He never denies it, and he never defends himself. Tyler is nice, he would never embarrass Yn by exposing her very real feelings for him.
But Bjorn would.
Yn only half liked him, he was a tease, and rude.
But he was there in her social circle so what else could she do other than tolerate his jokes and laugh awkwardly when they were directed at her.
All of that led to the situation that was happening. It was late, the others drinking and Yn nodding off from sleep when Bjorn started with his comments.
'Yn is probably dreaming about Tyler' a normal joke, funny, but the boy had drunk whiskey that Navarro had changed with much effort, and his words became a little crueler. 'You do know that he likes Rain, right?' Everyone interrupted then, Kay, Navarro, Tyler, but Bjorn was not done with his stupid opinions.
'No matter how much you want to fuck him, he won't do you the favor.'
The poor girl was too sensitive to hear that, and she didn't like being seen crying.
Standing up and walking inside is pretty much everything she could do. She didn't live with them, but Kay was always willing to lend her her bed. Or anything really.
She's about to sit in it when a figure comes to view. It's Tyler, of course it is.
"Are you okay?" He asks, soft features, softer eyes.
Yn only looks at him. She is fine, just a little sad because Bjorn is right, even if he's drunk and saying nonsense. Tyler has never rejected her, mainly because she's never worded out her feelings out loud. But they're implied. In everything she does, in every little interaction she has with him.
"I'm sorry he said that. He doesn't know what he's talking about."
"Tyler, what do you want?" It's a loaded question to her. Why are you here, because you feel bad for me? Do you want to repeat what he said but in a pretty voice and layers of cotton?
Tyler glances at her, and he takes a few steps, allowing himself to sit at her side.
And he's so close, and so so handsome. So much so Yn aches for him.
He looks down at his shoes, plays with his fingers, seems undecided about what to say. He doesn't have to, really, Yn doesn't need an explanation from him. But Tyler isn't like that, he always wants to please, he always wants everything to flow correctly, without problems, without stumbling blocks. There's nothing Tyler can't solve successfully and without affecting others. How will he fix this? Reject a person close to the group without them walking away. Yn wouldn't do that, she knows a tantrum isn't worth it, she would never be in this situation on her own. Thanks Bjorn.
"I... I don't like Rain, anymore." He starts.
It's fine. It was the public humiliation that made me cry.
"I don't want you to think I like someone else, or that what Bjorn said is true." He sounds nervous, unsure. "I know you don't want to fuck me right away. I know you're sincere."
This might be worse than before. Who the fuck says those kind of things, seriously. But Yn doesn't say anything, voice shut down while listening to whatever Tyler wants to communicate. Yn won't interrupt, if he wants it to be a quiet let down she'll let it be.
"I am okay with you liking me, Yn. " Mellow, warm skin touching hers. "I don't mind, that's why I never say anything."
She looks at him. He's flushed and avoiding eye contact. Pretty.
"I'm happy that you like me." A confession. "You're everything good and nice there is in the colony.
"What does it mean?
"You're so unassuming, Yn. That's why I started to feel that way, but I couldn't just tell you." He's smiling a little, hands finding their way to hold Yn's. "You make me nervous. I'm sorry it took this long."
It's all implied. In the same way she does it. A series of incoherent words, out of context that wouldn't make sense if it weren't for this moment in which they're spoken, awkward and heavy, a volatile feeling in the air. They both like each other. Maybe more than that, but admitting it is something that Yn's heart can't process. Something that makes Tyler vulnerable.
Yet Yn wants to hear it, and wants to know for sure too.
"What does that mean?"
Tyler doesn't say anything for a few seconds, a grimace as he thinks about how to answer.
"I like you, Yn." For how you are with me. For how long you waited.
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zephyrfuse · 6 months
hiya! just wanted to say how i admire your confidence about your opinions on splatoon tumblr,, which can honestly be scary,,, but anyways i strongly agree with your opinions about frye!! i love her she deserves the world…. frye nation rise up let’s win a splatfest
Honestly that's real. I mean I was pretty vocal about my perspectives and opinions on twitter and weebs (as far as i'm concerned they were white) hated my ass for it so I eventually did leave cause that's a hellhole.
And for once this time, I don't blame a majority of the issue on the designers at nintendo who made Frye. It rlly is the shit bias of a large population of this planet.
Although I do blame nintendo's issue to first make less popular teams have a chance in splatfests and then immediately give frye the majority/child options: Family (seriously what % of children can celebrate solo or have the freedom to celebrate with friends) and saturday (the ease of appeal option, shiver of course got the workaholics with friday) I do wish they can give frye niche but insane options to actually utilize the new system better. Frye needs to absolutely win a splatfest but it's not gonna happen if they continue with the current trend with the newly balanced system.
If support for spoon 3 really is going to end 2 years from launch without frye winning more than 1 you know it's bad bad. It's already been bad bad and a lot of us seen the bias in the raw, but damn. And honestly, even if it sucks to look at and experience for a lot of people, once again it proves a point. I don't want to hear anymore "Stop making it about race" in splatoon after everyone seeing this. The only option is to move forward, you can't go back to ignorance anymore after this. The overall character design choices are going in good direction, it's just everyone hates to see it now that the dark character isn't shy and easily made into submissive fetish material. lol! I can only hope that whoever made these designs and approved of them, don't stop continuing to make those decisions that continue to diversify their cast. Again, splatoon 4 needs 4 fryes. I rest my case.
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poisonhemloc · 7 years
Okay I’m rambling for a bit about Masquerada and since I can’t tell if I’m being pretentious or not I’m putting it here rather than on the Discord channel. 
Some spoilers for the game under the cut, also this turned out huge.
Basically for some unknown reason after finishing the game again I got a subplot from 1984 stuck in my head cause I think it applies to Ombre pretty well. Specifically, the “cutting down the language” bit.
Those of you who have played the game might know where I’m going with this; Kalden, aka the only responsible parent of the group who Does Not Deserve What Happens/Happened To Him, is Talios; in game, this is the single overarching term for Masquerada who do not bear blood related children to continue their Legacies. And obviously in Ombric culture it’s seen as extremely bad (Side note: I don’t think the Contadani are included in the whole “Ombre dislikes people who are Talios” thing; they don’t get Legacies or really seem to have as much of a reason to carry on family lines like Masquerada so I don’t think they care as much).
So, here’s my thing; Talios is the single overarching term for people who will not continue their families Legacies, and we see it applied to a gay man. And the only information we get for it throughout the game is all in the context of “Kalden, who is a man attracted to other men, is Talios.” But, the codex entry says it applies to anyone who doesn’t have blood related children, meaning that gay/lesbian people fall under that umbrella, and so do bi and pan people who do not have a different sex partner (see the below bit about trans/genderfluid/agender folks below, it got too long), or ace people who don’t have or want a partner, or anyone who is infertile or cannot have kids for medical reasons. That’s a big list and I know I’m missing people in that. And there is one single word: Talios. That all being said, Kalden was in a devoted relationship with another man, ran an orphanage, and basically was the father to eleven kids. He has a family, and judging by Vint, his oldest, they all consider him and Jaxus as their dads. But they are not related by blood so he (and Jaxus) are Talios. His brother Razitof, on the other hand, had no partner (he never mentions anyone in his journal) had no children, and never seemed to want any, but is not considered Talios. So it’s possible that Cicero was tiptoeing around the actual definition of Talios in his codex entry with “will not continue the family’s Legacy” and it is the only term for Ombre’s queer citizens; but since I’d have to ask the development team that directly and I don’t want to right now, whether Cicero was beating around the bush or not is something we can also discuss, since that’s an interesting possibility.
So, to go back to 1984, no one under the Talios label can talk about their experiences specifically. You have one word to try and fit a dozen separate identities and some of them are because you’re queer and we can argue that some of them are because you don’t want kids or because you can’t have kids but the one word covers it all. In 1984, language is being cut down so that you cannot express ideas the state determines to be dangerous; it doesn’t matter if previously something was terrible, awful, a serious threat to one’s health, and so on; now it is all double plus ungood and none of those other words exist. In Ombre, there is only has one word to start with but there is no interest in expanding the vocabulary. If you have someone who is attracted to multiple genders and someone attracted to the same gender and someone who isn’t attracted to anyone and lump them under a single label with, and this is important, no other words to use, they are going to have a hard time talking about their experiences. As an example, it would be like if the only word we had to describe every identity and orientation was queer. Now, currently queer is a useful umbrella term; if you don’t want to explain to someone you’re a genderfluid panromantic asexual because that explanation will take a while if they don’t know the terms, queer covers it all handily. But if queer is the only word, and it’s covering you and you haven’t changed, but also it’s the only word for the man who is only into other men across the road and also the only word for the woman two houses down who doesn't do romantic or sexual attraction at all and all of you are very different but you are queer and that’s it? None of you can talk about your different experiences because there’s just the one term.
I’m not entirely sure where I want to go with this, beyond a deep wish to sit down with Kalden (...and Cicero, honestly, dude’s not straight. I’ve seen people say he’s aro/ace and I think he’s closer to homoromantic ace everyone’s head cannon is valid here) and talk about the words we have, if only so someone has the vocabulary to talk about this stuff and tell other.
Now, the trans* bit I promised: We don’t know how trans people are treated in Ombre. They are not brought up in game at all, which, I understand you’re not gonna out yourself while the Inspetorre is running around chasing Fey, but no mention in the slightest unless I missed some side characters talking to each other. Personally I’m leaning towards trans(and nonbinary, and agender, and gender fluid, and if I’m missing groups of people please tell me) people get a don’t say anything kinda situation and as long as you have kids you’re good, if you’re in the Masquerada. Honestly I think the Contadani and Mask Runners are going to have different views on everything compared to what the Masquerada think, if only because they don’t have Legacies to uphold and therefore, why care? Especially with no religious anything to misinterpret and use to attack people. They might have their own words, meet up places, their own culture but since we play the game with four members of the Masquerada and a (former) Mask Runner, we don’t get to see that.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
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Sorry the post reached its word limit so I have to add the undateables in a different post! Happy valentine's everyone!!!
Pt.1 = Demon brother's
Mini golf, it was both surprising and unsurprising
He was able to ditch the suit he wore normally to more comfortable clothes
Enjoying the strange golf courses Wincing everytime he shot one too far and completely lost the ball
You were getting better scores than him and he a better player!
"will you guide me on this one? I think I'm going to hit it too hard again."
You smiled, happily moving behind him and putting your hands on his
You helped him control his swing and to no surprise it was a perfect shot
"perhaps I should guide you every turn, you're a pro."
"if it isn't (Y/N), who's this? I don't think we've met."
"go away, I don't have time for you."
Dia immediately recognised your ex, hiding his annoyance behind a smile and shook their hand
"I'm their boyfriend, we're currently on a date, so if you'll excuse us."
He tried to usher you both along but your ex grabbed his hand
"let's not end this so soon, I was close with them, don't you want to share stories?"
"I'll go first, as an ex wanting to help you out! Don't bring up a single issue to them, they won't help you at all, they always told me I was overreacting."
You groaned, clutching your golf club tightly
"because you were, threatening to hit me over not wanting to hear you complain about your side girls not texting you back is an overreaction."
"always spinning stories! This what I mean, you just need to be prepared to be in that kind of relationship with them, they'd only Respond to yelling."
"you're the only one who would listen when yelled to and would just yell at me because you could, you're a horrible person and you should leave right now-"
You wanted to hit them with your golf club, fuming at how they talked about you
"they've been very good to me and I've never had to raise my voice at them, perhaps you were the issue."
His voice was still so kind that your ex almost didn't realize what he said
"such a shame they've already gotten to you - oh we need to move, watch me play okay?"
They winked at the demon, strutting off to their new golf site
"let's play but I won't bother you to guide me."
"it's no bother-"
Dia took a strong strike, the ball flying off and hit your ex in the head
But another flying golf ball was already being sent their way
"Sorry! You just look like target with seeing how much you open for mouth, here I'll give you my club as an apology."
He 'accidentally' did it too hard and sent his club flying in their direction, they just missed it
They screamed at him for being crazy but he just kept his sweet smile
"so you're actually a great shot on your own."
"guilty, I just wanted you to hold me."
Aquarium, it feels fitting seeing he's also a serpent demon .
You held his gloved hand, pointing out towards the colourful fish that caught your fancy
"there are remarkable species I'm sure you've yet to have seen in the Devildom, Perhaps I'll take you to see them."
"really??!! I'd love to!"
He admired the dolphins that swam across the open space around the hallway, watching the way it delved back into the water
"this is embarassing, is that really you?!"
"oh no...."
"it is! When I found you disappeared I thought it was because of me! But here you are and with you're- whoever this is."
"I'm the boyfriend."
He nudged you away from your ex, his mood already sour
"boyfriend?! Already...? What a shame you moved on so quickly, I've been thinking about you."
They caressed the side of your cheek but you just slapped their hand away
"yeah right, leave us alone - I don't want to be around you."
"don't even think about insulting them, are you really going to bring up the past as a way to hurt them just because they've refused you?"
"h-huh-?! What are you- I wouldn't do such a thing!"
"oh...? So you weren't thinking of bringing up the time they use to 'love' you Touching them and was just 'shy' about it? Knowing it'll get a rise because you know that they didn't like your touch."
"how did you-?!"
"I know alot about you and what you plan to do, it would best you step away now before I set your fate in stone - swimming with the fishes."
He towered over them, their back pressing against the tank glass,
their eyes glancing to the fishes behind them
They let out a nervous laugh
"right....well I'll be going then, goodbye (Y/N)."
A fire works show - meant you could spend the mornings doing whatever you want but the night?
That's when you two went Speeding
You kept your scarf close to your face, it being a chilly night
You kept your hand intertwined with your boyfriend's, in awe at the fireworks
"They're not very close are they? i could make fireworks."
He shook his star wand, you were thankful it looked like a toy
"Sol, you can't just use magic when there's a small inconvenience."
Soon enough fireworks came bursting out closer to where you two stood, still a safe distance away but seeing as you didn't get the best spot in the crowd
It was much cooler to see them closer
"No way!!! You're back in town?! I thought you left for good!"
It was almost hard to hear your ex over the fireworks
Solomon gave them the side eye as he clutched your hand
"I know have devastated you were after the breakup, seriously didn't think you'd disappear, I bet that you died or something!"
"do you have nothing better to do?! I'm trying to enjoy the fireworks with my boyfriend."
"Him?! You going for witchy hippies?! Wooow your taste has just stayed shit, hasn't it?! This is why you need me back, I actually gave you good taste!"
"You made me listen to country rap that all sung about beating women - I've upgraded!"
You shuffled closest to Solomon, ignoring your ex as they kept trying to pester you
"Can you stop being such a- are you kidding me?! You're never going to change- don't - ignore- you stupid bi-"
The more they began to yell the more powerful fireworks Solomon set off
Almost completely blocking out you exes screams
It got to the point there had to be a fireworks break due to how hectic it got
"this is dumb, I'm leaving." They huffed as you continued to ignore them
"how fortunate, I'm sure I could of started a fire from all that."
"like a fire would of stopped you, thanks for blocking them out."
He kissed your cheek, smiling
"my pleasure~"
He took you ice skating, unfortunately you were terrible at it whilst he was fine
You were both wrapped up warm as he helped you skate across the rink
Your legs wobbled and you slid to face your almost fell over
"hahah, you're adorable but don't worry, you'll be a master of it by the end of tonight."
You slowly got the hang of it, gripping his arm whilst he just smiled, enjoying being so close to you
"i think I got it-! Wait no no no don't let go!"
Just as your small victory gave you a big smile it immediately dropped when your ex skidded over
"What are you odds of you being here, I see you still can't skate."
"so what? You want to bother me about skating? Why not go back to your girlfriend and leave me alone."
They just laughed
"so insistent, if that's what you want~"
They skated past you, bumping into you and you immediately went flying into the ice
Happy you kept your hands close to your face as another skater zoomed by
Simeon hastily helped you back up, dusting Ice off you
"Let's sit down, maybe they won't be here for long."
He helped you off the ice and you both sat on a bench, he got you a warm drink before sitting down
But it wasn't over, your ex coming to where you were sitting still in the rink
"sorry about that, it was a total accident I swear - tell me (Y/N), what made you come here? I bet you were stalking my page again, wanted to see me?"
"no, I just wanted to have a date with my boyfriend."
"It would be best you left us alone, your presence clearly isn't wanted."
"neither was your opinion, from past lover to new, watch yourself because they will destory your heart and your life - nothing will ever be comfortable or happy with them."
"that is untrue-"
"really? Is it? We all know they just like to use people for their kindness and leave them because of a stupid mistake - don't you understand what parties do to people? Huh?! I'm glad I got with her at that party because she's a better partner than you ever were."
You pounded the side of your first to the table, glaring at them with tears in your eyes
"you cheated on me and blames it on alcohol, when I forgave you - it only made you feel happy to keep going back to her! Don't talk to me like you're the victim-!"
Simeon, rubbed your back, frowning at your ex
Your ex just scoffed, skating off
Your boyfriend suddenly stood up and began to march over to the rink
You tried to ask what he was doing but he didn't respond, quickly skating over to your ex
When he caught up he skidded so far they got covered in ice, grabbed your ex with a smile
And suddenly, you didn't see what happened but your ex screamed, darting off the Ice trying to get away from Simeon
When he finally came back he took a sip of your drink and smiled
"let's head back on the ice, I still have to make you a pro."
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
You Like Me Not?
{ Final Part }
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Pairings : Takami Keigo ( Hawks) x Reader
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warning : Cussing, Stalker Tendencies, Toxic Tendencies.
Word Count : 2947
Read; { Part 1 } , { Part 2 }
3rd Person's POV
A month has Passed. Yes a whole Month has passed and y/n was surprisingly doing well; in the surface at least.
Inside. Not so well but at least she's coping up a lot better than a few weeks ago where she'd often cry herself to sleep, even in the showers. The lingering pain was still haunting her like there's no tomorrow but now she's getting used to it.
After all, First love is usually the greatest and the most painful experience.
Instead of moping around and sulking, she began investing her time and effort into being a Hero. And the effort paid off greatly; her performance was improving and she's proud to say that she's on par with the top three of the class which mainly consists of Izuku, Todoroki and Bakugou.
She was finally getting the attention that she deserved, plus it takes her mind off of Keigo and his jerkass.
However, at the end of the day she felt so empty and devoid of something---someone she longs for. And she will never accept that it was Keigo she was looking for.
But she needs to stay strong and let go of those people who can't even appreciate the little things she does; she won't let them bring her down. No, not when she's finally seeing something big for her up ahead.
Unfortunate as the saying goes ; All good things will come to an end. And for y/n, that is today.
Their class was split in groups for an Activity. Y/n along with Kirishima and Mina and Izuku were paired up to patrol the busy part of the city where crimes are mostly committed.
And guess who their Hero guide is? Yup one of them is Hawks and the other one is Enchanting.
Y/n who had a smile on her face seemed calm on first approach but inside she was cussing her heart out for the terrible luck she's got.
It had to be two of her worst nightmare. How charming.
" You Kids doing fine back there? " Keigo asked, his eyes never leading the road and beside him was a bored looking enchantress.
The two were their Hero guides for today and everyone was ecstatic. Except for y/n.
" Yeah we're good! " Kirishima answered for everyone and y/n was thankful that she didn't have to exchange a few unnecessary words with Hawks.
Her attention was now caught by the Broccoli boy right next to her who was vigorously writing notes down on his notebook.
" Oh my gosh it's the Pro Hero Hawks " Izuku was becoming a mumbling mess as He continued to scribble. His pace was a beyond anyone y/n had ever seen and she was very much intrigued by Izuku's unwavering determination.
" You know Midoriya-san, you're actually really handsome up close" Y/n muttered and izuku froze on the spot; heat rising up his cheeks as he tensed. Slowly he turned to see the h/c haired girl who was smiling at him tenderly.
" I-I-I... Umm... T-Thank you Y/n-san... A-and... You're really handsome too.... W-wait I mean n-not handsome because you aren't a g-guy w-what I meant to say was... P-pretty.... You're really pretty" Izuku gushed out and as much as y/n tried to contain her laughter she couldn't keep a straight face and began laughing at Izuku's Adorable antics.
Izuku was going red due to his rising embarrassment as he began to stutter out another list of explanation why he accidentally said it.
But their little conversation didn't go unnoticed by Keigo and Enchanting.
" Wow, she moves Fast. Better try Harder Birdy. As far as I see it; she's sick of you and look she's a boy magnet. You're gonna lose if you keep this up " Enchantress casually gave her comment and Hawks gave her a narrowed look.
" Shut up miss ' I'm a hundred years old' you better hope she'll be mine by the end of the day, I've pulled a lot of strings to get her here and it ain't easy " Hawks kept a calm expression; his lips tugging up into a smirk as he continued " This was your fault to begin with. If I can't win her over today.... Well you're gonna get wrinkles starting tomorrow. I'm not a very forgiving fellow"
" We'll see Hawks... We'll see "
" Oh, we Will "
" Hey! You two lovebirds better stop flirting and Tell Kirishima here that Cats are better than Dogs! " Mina exclaimed and with how loud her voice was; she caught everyone's attention within her first attempt.
" I told you Mina, Dogs are Manly. And they earned the title of Man's Best friend. They're dedicated and Loyal but I wanna know who you guys will vote for" Kirishima replied as he glanced back at the still very flustered Izuku and A Smiling y/n.
" W-well.... I think I prefer Dogs than Cats... Sorry Mina " Izuku gave Mina an apologetic smile as Mina pouted before turning to y/n.
" Come on y/n you gotta be on my side on this one " Mina pleaded and Kirishima pulled her away.
" That's cheating Mina, don't pull the pity card on Y/n. That's so not Manly... But.. Well which do you prefer y/n? "
" Hmm... Well... I----"
" I vote for Birds. I heard Birds are very reliable companions miss y/n. I assume that you feel the same way? " Enchantress piped in and y/n gave her a raised brow but she managed to catch on to what enchantress was saying.
" Oh? Well I understand the reason why you Like Birds Enchantress; I do too... Well I used to anyways but to answer your question I prefer Dogs... Sorry Mina. I like how a Dog will be loyal to you till the very end"
" Hmm? So you're saying Birds aren't Loyal? " Enchantress chimed and y/n's chuckle made Kirishima, Mina and Izuku shudder.
Her laugh was cold and forced; her eyes landed on Enchantress and a teasing smirk was now displayed on her face.
" Well Enchantress, Upon Personal experiences... Then my Answer is No. Birds aren't Loyal at All" Everyone shivered at her response simply because y/n had took the risk of jumping straight onto a landmine. Because Hawks had a bird based Quirk.
The temperature dropped to negative and even enchantress seemed to be affected by the sudden change of the atmosphere.
" Really Now? You wound me Baby Bird " Keigo's smile was passive aggressive and y/n didn't hesitate to return it.
" Don't call me That Hawks. And stop acting like you know me"
" I'm very Hurt by your words... Especially about your opinion on Birds. I for one am very Loyal "
" Nah, I Love dogs but I also like Bunnies... Take izuku for example. He's cute, shy and smart like a Bunny. Not Cunning, Manipulative and Sly Like a... Hawk" Y/n countered as she placed her Hand on top of Izuku's Head petting him gently.
Her action made a growl rip itself from Keigo's Throat and everyone froze at his aggressive reaction.
" Sure, I may be Cunning, Manipulative and Sly... But you forgot one thing Baby Bird "
" And what is it Hawks? "
" Hawks are Birds of Prey... And They are Very Possessive " Keigo answered, his Fetagers began to Bristow and sharpen; eyes trained on y/n's figure as he slightly lowered his stance.
" Huh? Why would I need to know tha------ahhhhh! " A scream was heard as y/n disappeared from her place as well as Hawks.
Unfortunately she was brisked away by the said Hero at A speed far top fast for the human eyes to follow.
" What the!? " Kirishima , Izuku and Mina who were knocked down on the ground after the Aerial impact of the winged hero were stunned as they frantically looked around for their Female Classmate who had vanished into thin air.
" Let them Be kids " Enchantress muttered as she gestured for the teens to follow her.
" B-but--!".
" Let. Them. Be..... Seriously I don't want to have any wrinkles because of that damn Cocky Hawks .... So let them be or else "
" Hawks! Put me Down! " Y/n demanded, she was brisked away and slung onto his shoulders like a bag of potatoes and now Hawks was flying away and note that they are far from the ground.
" As you wish"
Y/n could practically feel the smirk in his voice and her heart dropped along with her body as she screamed for bloody murder because Hawks was being a Jerk and dropped her in Mid-air.
" Keiiiiigooooo! " Her scream was more of a threat and after 15 seconds of falling in Mid-air she was once again brisked away by the winged Hero who was smirking at her.
" God... I missed it so much when you used to call me by my name and not ' Hawks ' or ' Takami' " Keigo chuckled as he faced the girl who was holding onto him for dear life.
" Ah... Shit I almost died" Y/n hissed as she began shifting in her position, her legs were tightly wrapped around Keigo's Torso, her arms had snaked themselves around his neck and don't even get him started on how hard she was pushing her body against his.
" Easy baby Bird. Don't. Be too feisty with me... I might lose control " Keigo whispered bit he was met with a scowl.
" What is wrong with you? Can't you just leave me alone? If you think this is funny well it's not. I don't want to see or even hear you" Y/n spat out as her heart began pounding in her ribcage from both the adrenaline and embarrassment .
Hawks didn't answer and just gave her an intimidating glare that almost had her shrinking and burying her face on his chest.... Almost.
" Sure you don't want to see me... But really? Leeching yourself on every single boy who comes near you? You're driving me crazy Little Bird. I almost became a serial murderer because of you... Picture this... Pro hero Hawks; the first Hero to Murder a student because of Jealousy " Keigo bitterly laughed .
" Keigo... What the fuck are you saying? ---"
" I'm not done venting!, you think it's fun to mess with my head? Where the fuck were you over the past few weeks?! Seeing another man? While I stayed in my office drinking a huge load of bullshit? Driving myself crazy in that room anticipating when you'd show up again!? And now....now you have the guts to flirt with another man right in front of me " Keigo was pouring out all of his frustration right in front of her and he was far from being finished.
" For a moment there I almost considered the possibility of becoming a murderer... Just because he touched my Girl... He stole your attention away from me... I fucking waited and I resisted the urge to fucking drag you to the nearest alleyway y/n----"
" Cut to the fucking chase Keigo! "
" I Love you y/n! That's what I was trying to say Baby Bird. I Fucking Love you! " Keigo panted out and Y/n was more than speechless.
She didn't know what to feel, she didn't know how to react. After all that? And the effort she made to move on... Now... Now he's being so difficult and telling her he love her?!.
" Keigo, if you think a bullshit excuse like that is enough then you're wrong! Have you had any idea how hard and painful it was for me? How much I had to endure became I loved you? Damn well you don't and you don't have the right to slap this shit right in front of me you bastard! I cried myself to sleep and... And... You... ---" She couldn't finish her sentence when tears began to flood her eyes and was now cascading down her flushed cheeks.
She began sobbing and hitting Keigo's chest which has done absolutely zero no no damage at all.
Keigo's only response was to hold her in place and tighten his arms around her waist; letting her vent.
Of course he was awful to her. He was one hell of a fucking idiot to do this to the woman he loves.
He told her everything, it was true. He barely had any decent sleep and worked his ass off while waiting for her return. He didn't want to carry that habit of being an obsessive stalker. Of course he didn't tell her about how he had stalked her multiple times, he didn't want to scare her. But all of it was true. Including the jealousy part.
" I'm sorry Y/n....i really am--"
" Sorry ain't cutting shit you Jerk! Just when I'm moving on you stomp your way back in! "
" No y/n....don't ever move on. Stay here with me... I know this may sound toxic and shitty as fuck but hear me out... I know it hurts but bare with me... Don't move on.. Stay even if it hurts.. Don't leave me and give me every thing of who you are... No matter how painful it is "
" You selfish prick! Do you realize how greedy you sound! You fucking maniac! "
" I know! I know... But all my life I've been deprived of everything I actually wanted.. I was told to be this and not that... I never had the chance to actually have what I want so please y/n....allow me to be selfish when it comes to you... Let me be greedy and give me You. I don't care if I'm selfish because I'm only selfish when it comes to you.... So please. Beat me up, hit me, stab me... I don't care but just don't Leave me" Keigo growled; angry at his words and his selfish desires bit he couldn't help it.
Y/n who was still sobbing her heart out was listening to every word he had uttered. She fought back the idea of actually giving him a chance. She knew Keigo was sick to the bone but she's even worst knowing that this type of guy had attracted her and lured her to love him.
How... Why is she so soft when it comes to him? Is this how love really is? Because if it is... Then she doesn't give a shit. She wants him too. But she isn't going to make it any easier for him. If he wants her then he better earn her, No more miss nice y/n.
And He wanted her... He needed her and he isn't just about to let her go. He'll hunt her down even in hell.
" Keigo... You.... Ugh... I... Shit... "
" Is it working y/n...am I winning you over? "
" Only because I loved you Keigo you prick "
" Correction You still Love me...so be my girlfriend?"
" Whatever. Just so you know, I'm not saying yes to your proposal. You gotta earn me you fucking retard and it isn't going to be easy"
" I knew you were going to say something like that. And yes I'm ready to make those sacrifices for you, Just... No boys " Keigo smirked as he cradled the girl in his arms.
She still had her arms wrapped around his neck as he landed on one of the very few skyscrapers in the city.
" No can do Keigo... Your Baby Bird here is a Boy Magnet---" Upon seeing how fast Keigo's demeanor had shifted to something more gruesome she shut up immediately and nodded her head.
" You too Chicken wings... No girls for you"
" No can do, your Bird man here is a lady magnet " Keigo smirked returning her words at her.
Y/n rolled her eyes and reached her hand up to paw on his blonde hair; giving them a harsh yank but before she pulled him down, her lips meeting his in a rough and demanding kiss to avoid any form of kinky retort from Hawks.
Keigo immediately responded and took full control of dominance as his lips moved in sync with hers. Rough and passionate, but unfortunately Keigo was getting a little bit handsy; his hands made its way towards her thigh giving it a harsh squeeze but before he could do anything else she pulled away covering his mouth with her hands when he tried to catch her lips again.
" Nuh uh Keigo. We're Going slow "
" Ugh... Nice job being a Kill Joy Kid...tsk.."
" Fuck you Keigo"
" Why don't you do it yourself you Coward "
" Oh I will Keigo "
" Really? I don't mind breeding you right here if you wan---"
" Eww Keigo shut up. I was kidding. I want to be a Hero before becoming a Mom"
" Yeah, Good luck with that because I think you're gonna be a momma anytime soon because you said Yes to Me"
" I didn't say jack shit like that Keigo" Y/n snapped as she began squirming in his hold with Keigo chuckling and laughing at her poor attempt.
" Relax. I was Kidding-- "
" Thank Goodness for a moment there I actually thought you we---"
" Maybe "
" Keigo! "
End~? ♡...............
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jonginsboyfriend · 3 years
I want to know your opinion on this video about Jongin:
Jongin acted as a jelaous boyfriend towards Soyou because they were playing Girlfriend and boyfriend concept in today's episode of " The Devil Wears JungNam 😈".
When he saw that Soyou and JungNam CEO-nim were being too close and lovey dovey he acted jealous! Which is the first time to happen , we never see Ji being too comfortable and open with women on shows, but to the level of acting jealous over Soyou because they acted as boyfriend/Girlfriend seems suspicious to me?!
He even talked about dating in the very first episode and steps of dating a girl and holding hands, and when JungNam told him it's in his third date that he held hands with his GF and kissed her, Ji was so shocked and told him that he should take steps slower and that holding hands and kissing in 3rd date is very soon!
What I understood from it is that Ji is having a lot of dating experiences with girls, means that happened a lot that he started taking about 3rd dates and what to do on them ! because he was talking about how dates should be and what to do on each date and that third date shouldn't be about touching hands and kissing and that is so fast!
I mean if he is with Kyungsoo, means their first dates was long time ago 11 years ago! So why would he talk about third date as if it's a very recent event he had just experienced with his lover?? He seemed as if he was talking about a recent relationship, his expressions and everything he was saying as if he's living that experience very recently? LIKE NOW!! He was talking about what to do on third date and steps to take with the girlfriend to JungNam! And he was advising JungNam not to kiss his Gf or hold her hands on the third date and he said that's not what people do on their 3rd date! And he was being too detailed about what to wear and what to do on 1st and 2nd dates as if he lived them as experiences a lot of times! He said that during first dates he wears cute outfits because girls like Cute Guys ! He was telling his tactics to dating girls to JungNam! He told him you should wear a cute outfit because girls like Boys who are cute and shy at first dates ! So he knows what girls like and he does it! We know he wears his fashion in a cute boy-ish way rather than sexy and suit grown-up sexy Men fashion. He wears bear 🐻 clothes and cute beanies with 🐻 on it, and cute bears 🐻 everywhere on his pockets and 👜 handbags and cute bear 🐻 Hoodie in the shape of Bear ears 🐻. He is being a cute boyfriend material and we saw him doing that and changing his Sexy Manly fashion around 2015/2016/2017 to Cute boy-ish youngster boyfriend fashion with cut bears 🐻 everywhere in his outfits around 2018 until now! And he is advising JungNam to do the same! Like him!!
Please don't get me wrong, I'm not assuming that they're not real, I just have my analyzes and curiosities and this issue doesn't settle well with me.
If he was with Ksoo why would he start talking about their third date and what they did?? Which probably was in 2010 ? 🤷��‍♀️
Can you ask your followers to give me their analysis to this issue? I want to hear from everyone please 🙇🏻‍♀️
Advise me. Am I seeing things too sensibly?
Please don't hate on me, I don't mean to distrust kaisoo, Please don't misunderstand me.
Honestly i wouldn't take what they do/say on variety shows seriously. In that clip you linked he was very visibly acting for comedic effect.
And what you described with the dates is imo his knowledge as an idol of what fangirls would like. Fangirls always go crazy over the cute, boyfriend material look. He changed his image and fashion to being cuter because I think that's what the fans responded the most to. Since 2017 they have been pushing this bear image on him and he has embraced it.
I didn't watch the show but tbh the advice he gave sounds like general things he would know or assume about girls? Since sk is still a fairly conservative country maybe kissing/holding hands on the 3rd date can be surprising.
I saw another time on the show he said that he doesnt really know what are pretty clothes for women...I mean if he had so much experience dating he must have a pretty good idea of what fits women and what he would like them to wear? Idk. Plus being an idol I don't really think he has the time to go on so many dates and takes slow like he suggested. It may be how an ideal relationship would progress for him.
But yeah ultimately I really don't trust korean variety shows to show the personality of idols. They're usually very scripted, have to follow a certain format and cultural standards and most of the times idols put on characters when participating in order to make an impression.
If any of my followers wants to add/make a different response to this ask they are free to do so 😌
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Trying' : an new chapter for "The woman with an strange name" is out ! (Warning : NSFW +18)
"Trying" (NSFW +18)
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Chapter Summary : Talking with the sheriff & the priest about her doubts of her love for the women did make Bell an little bit confident but to fully know the truth, she may have to try that for real....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart , @smokeywhalee (If anyone want to be added, feel free to tell me, same thing for my main fic "Redemption of an Spirit in an Cold War')
This was now one of the main questions that Bell was asking herself : was she in fact loving womens after all ? In her life, she never got the chance to actually been with someone as she wasn't seeing herself as an wife of an husband and also because the guy that were trying to make their moves on her wasn't this polite and acting like jerks. That did caused her to stay alone for an large part but now, she grew up and she maybe wanted some company but....was she really thinking an future with someone else....another woman ?
She needed to know but now before trying to know, she decided to do the things she was thinking of : she came back to see the gunsmith Frank Woods to get her new Winchester 1886, some bullets with it and an special holstler for the rifle to put at her back and like she thought, she had to face the inevitable questions of him about who was the famous gunslingers that learned her to shoot but she always managed to keep the secret up when she left the shop.
After that, she was gone to see the doctor Sims for her horse and this time, she prefer to not ask him further questions about Adler and then, after that, she was going back to the sheriff where she could take her 'deputy star', unofficialy making her the newest & first female deputy in the city of Redemption before she returned to her hotel room to keep her new rifle in safety, only bringing it when she will be 'on duty', now waiting for the night.
The night came and it was sounding like an party in the saloon near by and of course, Bell was already looking interested so she left her hotel room and thinking to see the sheriff at his office, he wasn't. In fact, when she entered the saloon, she could see in the bar and he wasn't alone. There were also the doctor and the gunsmith and the sheriff was the only one to not drink.
"Seems that your deputy is here, Laz'" Sims signaled to him her arrival near the bar counter where she was already making an sign to the bartender that she wasn't going to order anything.
"That star is looking fine on you, miss." Woods complimented, pointing at the yellow star on Bell's white shirt while she was moving next to the sheriff.
"Thank you, Woods." She thanked him, putting her arms on the bar counter.
"So, how's things here ?" She asked to the three of them, looking at the saloon through the mirror behind the counter, seeing an lot of people here....also armed one...."Looking like the mayor is bringing another party." She thought to herself in an low voice.
"Like usual, trying to live normally when the situation isn't normal at all." Woods was the one to reply, taking another sip of his beer as Sims almost nudged him in an friendly way, warning him he was maybe speaking an bit up.
"Adler is making another party but don't put hopes up because it ain't for us." Azoulay explained to Bell, the only one that was also like Bell : not looking around, just blank stare in front of them through the mirror.
"I wasn't going to hope for that." She muttered, thinking about it because why Adler would celebrate the fact that he reinstated the sheriff here...something he is already controlling like this whole town now. "Is he here ?"
"Yeah and guess with who ?" The sheriff whispered, making an discreet sign with his head to show where Adler was and already knowing who was that 'who', Bell couldn't resist to peak her head discreetly and for one second to see Adler, his right arm holding Miss Park firmly on that couch....she was very lovely to look at but Bell might need to think of something else as she wouldn't want to reenact the events of three days ago. "I knew you couldn't resist."
"I was just curious." She defended herself, trying to stay cool and managing to keep her look on the boys.
"Everyone is curious here, miss Bell." Sims stated, his glass in his hands as he was knowing well that word....people are getting curious, that's something usual in this city. "If someone wasn't curious here, it wouldn't be normal." He added, laughting an little.
"He got that right." Woods exclaimed, finishing his beer before his eyes went on Bell. "Come on, miss Bell, tell me how did you learn to shoot ?" He demanded, still insistant on the subject and she rolled her eyes on it.
"Again ?" She mumbled in an funny way.*
"Just give me an clue of who could have teach all of this !" He suggested and it was an first as he was always demanding about the person that she has been teached the art of shooting with an gun and by the look of it, the sheriff & the doctor wanted to know too now.
"Fine, just one clue." She resigned herself to tell him one little thing about her skills. "You ever heard about the Gunfight at O.K. Corrall ?" She asked them with an smile on her face as eyes went wide on her, everyone was knowing well of that event because it happened in Arizona and the person who participated.
"No, you got to be shitting me, miss." Woods couldn't believe it and more when she shook her head to him. "Who is the one teaching you ?" He questioned her but she shook her head again as she had given an clue, not the whole response.
"An deal is an deal, Woods." She scoffed.
"She got that right." The sheriff repeated the same words Woods used before as he wasn't also believing this clue too but less curious than Woods. "Seriously, I can't believe that it was one of the participants of that gunfight." He added, speaking to Bell about this.
"It's the truth but I'm keeping the secret." She affirmed again, turning around to put her elbows on the bar, looking around. "You will maybe know if you stop been too curious." She claimed, precisely targeting Woods with her words.
"Fine." He groaned, putting his empty glass on the bar counter before he looked up at the first floor. "Seems that the girls are watching us." He stated, causing the three others to look with him to an group of prostitutes that were having their eyes on the group before they started to move to get down, Bell seeing one of the girls that was only focused on her....only her...
"Shit, don't blush !" She thought to herself as two of the ladies were walking down the stairs including the one who was looking at Bell.
"You looking fine, Sergeant Woods." One of the prostitutes started, already putting her hands on Woods left arm.
"Miss Petrov, you also feeling lovely." He stated, knowing her well....was it love in the air between the two ? By the look of it...yes ! "Are you free ?" He asked, sounding like an shy man.
"I'm always free for you, sergeant." She replied, putting her hands on his before she start to move away with him outside the saloon for fun maybe, now leaving the others at the bar counter.
"You seems an bit...blushing, miss Bell." The prostitute that were looking at Bell commented as Bell was really blushing here at the sight of the woman in front of her that was looking so lovely too.
"Miss Bell is an bit shy, Maxis." The sheriff responded at Bell's place, giving her name to the prostitute.
"Uhm...yeah....I'm....yeah, I'm blushing." Bell admited in an loss of words, speechless at looking at Maxis before suddenly, she could feel Maxis hands coming to grab hers..."Uhm..." She was looking an bit uncomfortable.
"I think that I can help you with that, where's your room ?" Maxis demanded to her, an smile on her face as Bell was like becoming red on her face, her blushing taking over.
"Come on, you can do this." The sheriff encouraged her positively since he learned about her doubts on her sexuality, giving some strenght for Bell to move and to react.
"Follow me." She ordered in an low & stunned voice, still holding Maxis hands as the two start to leave the saloon.
Oh...my... That was the first thought that Bell got in her mind when she saw that woman taking her hands in her own, feeling for the first time, the nice feeling of an woman skin along her hands and still, she was looking blushing all along the way by that. This night was maybe going to be her night where she will know if yes or no, she is in fact loving women and it was looking that this miss Maxis was willing to help without any hesitations in her head.
Also, she was feeling troubled about what the others could feel about this but she was mixed between thinking about it or mostly to not give an simple fuck to the opinions on the others about what she feels. Of course like she predicted, the hotel receptionist sighed at seeing her before getting an jaw drop when he saw her accompanied by another woman as the two were climbing up the stairs before they arrived in Bell's hotel room.
"Here we are." Bell spoke up when they were inside the hotel room, closing the door after letting Maxis getting inside her room.
"You're sounding very low, darling." Maxis notificed that by hearing Bell's voice. "What's wrong ?" She asked her as Bell decided to get sit on the end of the bed.
"It's just that...it's my first time." Bell responded honestly with her thoughts.
"There's always an first time for everything." Maxis reassured her, going in front of Bell still standing before she start to remove Bell's light brown hat off her head in an delicate way.
"Yeah but I never kissed anyone in my life and it's my first time with an woman, miss Maxis." Bell corrected as tonight is going to be an first time for an lot of things : kissing, be with an woman and now....seems that sex was also an part of it....
"Well, I'm glad to be your first experience." Maxis said before she put her hand on Bell's shoulder, gesturing to her to lie down on the bed, Bell complying to her orders and slowly crawling backwards ont he bed as Maxis was getting on top of her in an slowly & sexy way. "And...please, call me Sam, I'm your friend."
"Alright, Sam." Bell whispered as she was seeing Sam on top of her, both heads almost close each other and the two were looking at each other in the eyes until Sam...Maxis...decided to make the first move by pulling her lips on top of Bell's one, giving her first kiss in her life. Maxis was making sure that this kiss was going to be an good memory and it was working, Bell slowly moving the movement and getting her hands along Maxis's waist with her fingerless gloves....she was liking it. "That's...wonderful." Bell stated after the two broke the kiss after an minute.
"I like it too." Maxis affirmed as she was amazed by the taste of those lips before her hands start to slowly get on Bell's white shirt, touching her breasts before slowly unbutting her shirt. "I want to know more about you, miss Bell." She added, still doing her things.
"Yes, Sam." Bell breathed, feeling her shirt going off by Maxis, it was sure that she was slowly getting her emotions took over herself as she was really liking it.
"Don't worry, I did fucked with more women then man and honestly, women were always better." Maxis revealed to Bell in an normal voice after she finished to unbutton her shirt, seeing the little white bra covering Bell's breasts, putting her hands to feel them in it....god, those breasts were amazing to touch as Maxis thought. "In fact, I prefer to please women." She added, peaking her eyes to Bell's one, an smile on her face.
"Please me then." Bell's voice was cracking as she wanted to know, she was impatient...Maxis make her impatient and willing to try now..."Sam, just do it." She pleaded, starting to moan as Maxis were touching her nipples with her fingers.
"As you wish, Bell." Maxis smiled before she start to move her hands away to remove Bell's black pants away, thinking that it was in fact better to remove that type of clothes than the usual robes of the others women she had sex with. Of course, Bell moved an little to help Maxis to remove her pants, revealing the white underwear. "What an sight !" Maxis complimented Bell before she get her head near Bell's scrotch. "Don't panick, Bell, I'm here." She recomforted her as it was her first time, no need to go hard.
"Yes, Sam." Bell repeated again, breathless as she could feel Maxis head near her panties before feeling it get moved aside, now...her clit now been seeing by Maxis. "Oh..." She moaned when Maxis blow some air at her clit.
"Don't worry, I'm here." Maxis reassured her again before she start to move her lips on Bell's clit to make an little kiss and then, she start to slowly lick Bell's clit with her tongue and Bell was silently moaning, her hands grabbing the bed itself as she was getting excited to be able to discover the pleasure of another woman. She was loving it now more than ever. Feeling Maxis's tongue licking her clit was really new and so...nice to feel, even starting to put her left hand on her breast.
"Oh my god !" Bell groaned an bit louder as long as Maxis was continuing her business down there more faster than before and then, she was now feeling like an finger entering her clit, doubling the pleasure she's been given and excitation was getting higher until Maxis kept the finger she inserted and moved to get back on top of Bell, starting to kiss her right breast. "Sam !" She said, getting fingered and having her right nipple kissed by Maxis.
"Bell, you're wonderful." Maxis told her clearly, taking an second before continuing to kiss her nipples as she was still fingering her clit and like she was thinking about, more she was doing it, more Bell was getting close to squirt for the first time and that what she did. She removed her finger at the moment she saw Bell's face and the second after, Bell was squirting on her bed and an bit on the floor, her emotions finally taking over her. "Did I hurt you ?" Maxis asked, an bit worried.
"No...you were perfect." Bell replied in an low & lovely voice, bringing an smile on both faces. "I....I want to continue but..."
"It's okay if you don't want to continue." Maxis cut her gently, staying right on top of her but Bell shook her head.
"No, it's just that...it is possible to continue but not tonight ?" She demanded as she was looking exhausted after this long day and now, having been pleased by this lovely woman named Sam...Maxis..."I loved your passion & your style." Bell added, telling the truth.
"Of course, we can continue tomorrow." Maxis responded, landing an little friendly kiss on Bell's lips before she moved aside to lie down next to Bell. "If you let me sleep here...." She smirked at Bell, getting her arm around Bell's chest.
"Yes, Sam, you can." Bell agreed, looking at Maxis installing herself comfortably on her bed, her arms still around her as she was feeling so new & changed now. Her doubts in head weren't longer doubts and it was real for her....
She was surely loving women...she can feel it now !
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Light on me Ep 7&8
I know I'm late and all but whatever. I had a very nice vacation in the meantime and spend today catching up with "Light on me". Last week's episodes definetly have a different vibe than the ones before. There's a lot of posessiveness and pairings that won't work out at all. I just want to tell every character they are wasting their energy here but well, they have to learn their lesson by themselves. Sounds like I'm talking about children... but watching them sure feels like watching children find their way. Even though the story annoys me a tiny bit, I still have to give the writers all the credits. The characters act like high school students still trying to find their value and struggle with insecurities. For some people, it's better to live alone but they can't because they are too young to move out. Some people have to learn being all loud and noticeable is not always the best way to go. Some need to see they need to define themselves on their own and not let their personality depend on another person's. And some people have to open up more to the world in order to navigate through it. I just think all kind of personalities are mirrored here and it's what makes "Light on me" interesting to watch. Even the conflicts seem to be played out in realistic ways and disappointment is never misplaced, drama is always ready to follow and that happens naturally.
During these two episodes the motive of jealousy materializes itself more and more. Now, things become more serious and we all know, stuff will happen this week - more specifically, tomorrow. Feelings will be spoken of and tears will be shed, probably. All out of jealousy.
If we're talking about jealousy here, we'll start with So-Hee because she is the one who gets more specific and even addressees the topic towards Tae-Gyeong to bring her point across. Last week, it became obvious, she will be a problem or cause a mess. She likes Da-On a lot, even told him, but he doesn't take her compliments and confessions seriously, so she's stuck with him in the friendzone and doesn't know how to show him she's honest.
"I once knew everything about Da-On, but since you showed up, there are things I don't know."
Tae-Gyeong is a threat to her but at the same time opens her eyes that she needs to listen more to Da-On in order to win his heart. She just declared him as hers but she can see there are things Da-On is hiding from her. Still, she takes every chance to be next to him, but also to observe if he will ever give her his heart or not. She feels he doesn't see her anymore and this fear of Da-On slipping away is so grand, she shows up at Tae-Gyeong's surprise party to "congratulate" him. Da-On might believe that but the others all know that's not her original intention. Nontheless, Da-On switches seats with her.
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This way, she's a lot more in charge and takes every chance she gets. She even says "Da-On is nice to everybody" to lift the feeling of being someone special off Tae-Gyeong's heart. She's desperate to hold on to this idea in her head. But like Tae-Gyeong says "Da-On is not an object she can own".
So-Hee can hope all she wants, Da-On obviously has a crush on Tae-Gyeong but is too afraid to tell her because that would mean breaking her heart and her giving him a look of disappointment.
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Da-On is crushing n Tae-Gyeong so hard, it's so obvious, so nobody will believe this lie ever. Even Tae-Gyeong hmself knows. Still, I think this crush originates in admiration beause Tae-Gyeong doesn't hide and at the same time, Tae-Gyeong didn't know Da-On before, so he doesn't have an opinion about him. He doesn't know who Da-On is. He has no expectations thus he can never be disappointed of Da-On. That's what Da-On thinks at least, and he feels some sort of relief. Tae-Gyeong listens to him, pays attention, knows when to be next to him to support him. Also, he can tell Tae-Gyeong about his life without the fear of hearing something like "I'm sorry it's this way". Yes, Tae-Gyeong pities him, everyone would, but what's most important here is to find the right words and Tae-Gyeong does. "You can be honest with me. You're allowed to" is all Da-On needed in this situation. Still, he gives Tae-Gyeong too much hope and in the end Tae-Gyeong feels let down.
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Their bond surely is special. They both see the opposite of their own personalities in the other. It's like they both feel like they will learn from each other. Last week, I wasn't sure, if Tae-Gyeong would return Da-On's feelings because it was just Da-On touching him and not the other way around. Tae-Gyeong never made a move with the intention of touching Da-On. Yeah well, this week, that changes.
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And to talk about the endgame of Tae-Gyeong, we have to talk about Shin-Woo. He is so obviously jealous, it hurts Tae-Gyeong doesn't get it. Shin-Woo is just his weak spot, I guess. Tae-Gyeong is very curious about Shin-Woo, always seeking for a pattern in his actions and feels like he needs to solve this mystery in order to live in peace. The more he explores and discovers, the more he likes Shin-Woo. Shin-Woo liked Tae-Gyeong from the very beginning and is pretty direct for his whereabouts.
"I'm just nice to people I like."
At the same time, I think, he doesn't just pull away because he's shy but also because he has fun watching Tae-Gyeong figure him out.
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His face right here shows love, amusement and frustration at the same time. He goes the safe way and gives Tae-Gyeong a challenge. But since Da-On acts up more and more, Shin-Woo sees his position as a special friend on a leave and starts to act less discrete. When Tae-Gyeong is sad at the party because Da-On left and didn't come back, Shin-Woo ties his shoelaces to cast the attention on himself. To make Tae-Gyeong see him. To show Tae-Gyeong he is still there. That's why the moment after when Tae-Gyeong wants to leave and return Da-On's bag, Shin-Woo's gaze is so heartbreaking.
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He feels Tae-Gyeong slipping away and he made a last effort to convince Tae-Gyeong otherwise, to not follow Da-On that night and Tae-Gyeong knows that. He hears how desperate Shin-Woo sounds, how his face turns all sad and that it's not necessarily only about karaoke.
"I'm sorry. Next time."
Later, when they are all on this trip, Shin-Woo again, tries to force Tae-Gyeong's attention on him. He helps Tae-Gyeong carry the cartons, he goes to the souvenir shop with him, he eats next to him, he stops Tae-Gyeong's bleeding without even asking what happened. These are all signs of his jealousy. He makes sure Da-On sees him spending time with Tae-Gyeong.
In the end, we get this scenery:
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This is exactly picturing Shin-Woo and Da-On fighting about Tae-Gyeong and one of them has to let go in the end. One could see this scene as some sort of forshadowing. Tae-Gyeong arrives with an injury, Shin-Woo is the first to act and help. Then Da-On shows up, casting attention on him and claiming he will do it. But then Shin-Woo steps in again and talks him down, so in the end it's Shin-Woo taking care of Tae-Gyeong. I see a metaphor here guys.
To summarize, So-Hee likes Da-On but Da-On likes Tae-Gyeong. Shin-Woo likes Tae-Gyeong as well and they are all jealous of one another basically. The last person, Namgung, will be part of the mess next week, I guess. He and So-Hee will probably kiss or something because she is sad and he likes her no matter what he says.
For me, it's obvious Tae-Gyeong and Shin-Woo will be endgame as well as Namgung and So-Hee. I think Da-On has to be alone for a while. There's still very much pain behind the sentences "Nothing at home belongs to me", "My mother has a lot of things that are more important than me" and "I thought I was used to her indifference towards me but I guess I'm not". He has to heal on his own and accept himself. Not everybody with big insecurities about their personality is a quiet and shy person, it can be everyone and not every overthinker is silent, you can be anxious and just cover it with happiness and laughter, so Da-On is not obvious, but he needs to love himself before he can really enjoy he bittersweet feeling called love without having doubts everytime.
I'm excited for this week. Let's see what will happen. Jealousy will kick in with everyone of them.
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alyssa-orowane · 4 years
Fantasy tropes to avoid (and ideas to reinvent them)
Hello aspiring writers of Tumblr! How is it going?
This is my first post on here and I decided to dedicate it not only to the genre I am writing in, fantasy, but also to a crucial topic, which relates and affects every genre in different ways.
It's lazy to build stories on something that has already been written a million times before. I don't like tropes at all as a reader. If I wanted to read the same stereotyped story all over again I would just stick to the previous book I have read with that same plot, so I would also spare myself the trouble of learning the unpronounceable names of these new stereotyped characters.
On the other hand, as a writer it might be tempting to give in and use tropes. "Why not? After all everybody uses them and I am already SO busy writing the actual chapters of my story."
I tell you what: every time a trope threatens to slide into your story, crush the page and throw it across the room, yelling:
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Seriously, though: tropes are just general, undeveloped ideas. That's what you need to do, develop them. In this way only will you ever be able to unleash their hidden potential.
Without further ado, may I present you three of the most common fantasy tropes and hints to reimagine them.
*Keep in mind that this is only my personal view on the subject and you can either agree or disagree with it.
1. The chosen one
This one is the most obvious one and I am also quite sure that you expected to find it on the list. Interesting, Watson: I guess that it makes this article stereotyped too…
Well we all know those characters. Those characters that were meant to be the one. The prophecies had spoken about them long before they were even born. They might as well be the only one capable of using magic or wielding a certain weapon. This character is either the only one who pushes forward the storyline or that one protagonist who does everything except choosing anything actively in the plot. There is no in between. Either way, they only possess notable qualities. Of course there is no trace of flaws. I mean, they are the hero.
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Have a side-kick (or co-protagonist) be the chosen one instead
A great idea, if you really want to insert this trope in your story, is to use it to your advantage and surprise the reader with it. Who could ever expect that the protagonist was actually never the chosen one? Or that another character is the chosen one from the start?
To see this trope well recreated I recommend watching the BBC TV series "Merlin" in which a young sorcerer, Merlin himself, must help the future heir to the throne, the prince Arthur Pendragon, to fulfill his destiny and become the greatest king who has ever lived. Arthur has no clue of what has been foretold, nor that he even is at the centre of a prophecy. All of Merlin and Arthur's choices will determine either the glorious success or the tragic failure of the quest; all of this while Merlin hides his powers from Arthur and everyone else as magic is condemned in Camelot.
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2. Overused fantasy Races
...which translates mostly into putting Elves, Dwarves, Trolls, dragons and any of the Tolkenian elements and creatures in your own story. Now, don't get me wrong. Tolkien is one of my favourite authors, hence I am always captivated by those fantasy novels that display these Races in their stories. But I don't want to read a copy, I want to read your own masterpiece.
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That's exactly why you should:
Redesign the well-known fantasy Races and adapt them to your world and to your theme or just create brand new ones
Personally, I absolutely LOVE to craft new fantasy Races. I believe that it adds depth and realism to the world-building (which does not consist only of geography). Each civilisation brings their culture, their traditions to your story and that's what makes a world truly breathe. In my opinion, the purpose of fantasy is not to focus just on the epic deeds narrated or on endless battles enriched with magic and legends, though those are very important part of this genre and they must be just as equally developed. The reason why I write fantasy is to spread awareness around the vast variety of themes that coexist in our society nowadays, in the first place global warming, the racism that still today people experience, LGBTQ characters which are often unrepresented both in literary fiction and TV. What better genre than fantasy is there to represent diversity and multiculturalism? On these latter points I will never not be thanking and loving the works of Steven Erikson which are part of the high-fantasy series "Malazan Book of the Fallen". Diversity and the brand new variety of intriguing Races are a huge part of what makes Malazan such an awesome fantasy series. I refer to Steven Erikson as the main inspiration of my writing and I recommend you to give a try to his books, if you have the chance. I warn you though, that it is not any light or easy reading.
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The other option might be to reinvent the well-known Races. Tolkien himself did not "invent" the Elves of Middle Earth, rather he made a legend of his own after having studied the myths and ballads of ancient civilities. Then he developed their language, their history and their culture as if they were a real existing population. Every single aspect of Tolkien's worldbuilding can be read in his Silmarillion. I think it is a must-read for anyone who is looking forward to reinvent the traditional fantasy Races or just to know more about them.
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3. Unfailing magic systems
Magic can be anything you want. That doesn't mean, however, that it should be your escape point: stuff in your story should happen because of your characters, not only because of magic as it is simpler to put it that way. A magic system should be rational and engaging. The reader needs to be able to understand exactly how, when and why does magic work in your world. No, the answer should not be "because it's fantasy."
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Set rules, limits and costs to the magic in your world
How do character gain magic abilities? Is magic accessible to everyone or is it elitist? Is it taught in specialised schools or is it something that resonates from within? Are wizards free to practice magic or is it banned? Or maybe are there only specific areas of magic that are prohibited? What is its source? Does magic come from higher beings or are spells more powerful the stronger the mage's will? Does magic need a catalyst (such as a talisman, a weapon etc.) to be casted? If not, do wizard recite spells? Do they need to trace specific symbols? Otherwise is it necessary to make specific hand gestures in order to release their powers? Does it exist only one system for all mages to use or are there multiple kinds? Last but not least, what are magic users in your world called? It's all up to you to decide. Ask questions and let each question lead you to another one. You need to know exactly how your magic system works and so does the reader.
What I love about crafting magic systems is the freedom to establish the boundaries and the natural laws that apply to your world, as magic is a huge part of the story if you're writing fantasy. Well, this could also lead to another question: is your world actually ruled by magic forces or do magic abilities have just a marginal role in the world building?
Remember that magic should not be used as an excuse to fill eventual plot holes in your story. Your magic system should function correctly and it should always stay true to itself. In other words, it must be believable.
And I can hear you thinking "but it‘s magic!"
Then guess what? You need to make the readers believe that magic is real!
First of all, set the rules, the limits and the costs that apply to your system. Having done that, you'll have finished most of the work that concerns the use of magic in your world. Most, not all. If you are a bit of a perfectionist like I am, consider the importance of developing your system furthermore by asking yourself questions, such as the one I have written above.
Rules: decide what makes your system work and what magic can be casted for.
Limits: decide what kind of tasks your magic system cannot perform.
Costs: decide from what kind of source is magic obtained from and, literally, what does it cost to mages to obtain their magic from this source (as Rumpelstiltskin of OUAT wisely says: "all magic comes with a price.")
The most excellent and well-rounded magic systems I have ever come across are the ones created by Brandon Sanderson in this "Mistborn" trilogy: allomancy, feruchemy and hemalurgy. All three magic system permit the magicians to use a wide range of abilities based on the metals they can "burn". Magic originates in the Shards and from Preservation and Ruin, two god-like beings. If you're already interested, I definitely recommend you to check Sanderson's novels out: they are a useful resource of inspiration.
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I hope this post has somehow given you the inspiration to go and write right now. 
If you have questions about some of the points or requests for the next articles, don't be shy and send me a message! I will try to cover your topic as soon as possible and as best as I can (and I will also tag your profile, if you agree). 
Thank you all for your attention. Bisous^^
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axther · 4 years
[1/3]Hi! i'd like a BNHA matchup? I'm a INFJ-T, female, virgo. I'm 5'11 and very insecure about my height, because of that I'm very awkward around people even people I'm comfortable with. I'm very shy and reserved, frankly judgmental with people I don't know. it’s something I'm trying to work on. those who I feel are trusting enough or even really worth of me as a friend, I cherish completely. I'd do anything to protect the people I care about.
#1 is...Todoroki!
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Oh my GOD
Y’all judge each other, on the spot 
It wasn’t even intentional, of course
But you see him and it’s an immediate ‘oh god an emotionally constipated rich boy’ 
And he sees you and thinks that you just straight-up hate everyone 
So y’all don’t talk. 
At all. 
There’s a strange tension between you two 
It’s not hate, but you two aren’t friends 
Until the sports festival 
And he becomes more social 
It makes him become more aware 
He thinks about how he had prejudices about people
So rather than dance around it 
He just walks up to you and asks if you hate him
You panic!! Naturally!!
And you clear it up, fast 
He’s relieved, of course
But now he feels bad, and you feel bad 
So he starts sticking to you
You guys haven’t talked much, but he still hangs around you 
It’s a weird symbiotic relationship
Your friends become his friends 
And little by little, he starts realising that you’re really pretty when you’re open 
And he’s not talking the sort of pretty that makes heads turn
But it’s a soft comfort
You fret over everyone in your friend circle and it makes his heart flutter, just a bit 
And you’re so tall!! 
In my humble opinion, todo would absolutely DIE of joy if his s/o was tall 
(actually, i think all the lads n gals would die of joy but eye-) 
Not only do most of the fangirls not fuck wit you!! 
But big spoon big spoon big spoon!!!
Take some of the responsibility to protect everyone off his shoulders
Because as soon as y’all are on the bed, your arms wrapped around him, 
He’s out like a light 
The boy even dreams about you omg 
You wake up in the middle of the night to hear him murmuring something about your hair 
And then turns and nuzzles into that shit and oh my god 
#2 is...Josuke! 
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Now listen
Josuke’s the same height as you 
And considering that the average Japanese woman’s height is 5’2
As SOON as he sees you, he’s that one gif from parks and rec where they zoom in on Chris pratt
Like he can and will stop you in the street and strike up a conversation 
Because holy shit!! This Jupiter of a woman can look him in the eye!! 
When I say it’s love at first sight I mean it’s on sight 
He sees you and he’s enraptured 
And as soon as he realises you’re so sweet, albeit a bit closed off
He makes it his personal goal to be close friends with you, if not more 
Can and will flaunt you around 
There are several repercussions 
One, Okuyasu is jealous as fuck because his type is motherly and soft 
Two, Koichi is even more dwarfed 
Three, Jotaro is surprised but pleasantly so! 
Let’s talk about one of my favourite aspects of dating a JJBA Part 3 and forward character
And here we’re going to assume you have a stand (something i feel that would be kinda omnipotent and not physical, like having a third eye that can see into the future or smth) 
Crazy Diamond: Crazy 
Like CD will hang around you as soon as you’re in range 
Somehow, CD will find a load of little gifts, even if they’re a bit unconventional 
What’re you going to do with a tonne of shiny rocks?? 
I don’t know but it will break CD’s heart if you throw them out 
(guess it’s time for a rock collection) 
It comes to a point that if you and Josuke have an argument, Josuke’ll be stubborn 
But CD will wail and cling to you like glue 
It’s certainly nice because CD shows how Josuke’s feeling
So arguments and unspoken problems are resolved a lot faster
Josuke’s not embarrassed by CD’s clinginess!! 
He’s like ‘fuck yeah my gf knows just how much I love her!!!’
#3 (tied with #4) is…Jotaro (Pt 3)! 
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Tsundere boye 
Will refuse for FOREVER to tell anyone he has a crush
But you make him super soft 
You aren’t fangirl-y so it’s certainly a breath of fresh air for him 
You’re calm and quiet and not too short 
(remember he’s like 6’2 so you don’t have to worry about being too tall!!!) 
He won’t admit it until you’re actually in a relationship, but he’s super confused about why you’re insecure about your tallness. 
He thinks it’s incredible 
You were literally born to run faster, fight better, be stronger 
It’s the same way with him, so it does make him sort of wonder if his height is bad 
He gets over it relatively quickly 
As much as he’s big and mean, he’s also VERY VERY SOFT.
Smiling gently when you’re not looking? Being super proud of your work? 
Soft kisses on the shoulder and watching you sleep next to him once he confesses? 
Once camera phones come out you bet your ass that the only pictures on his phone are candids of you 
He loves you so, so much 
While he feels that he’s a bit unwieldy in the romance department, he’s always there for you!! 
And it absolutely makes his heart swell with love if you tell him how much you love him and what you adore about him 
And don’t get me started on Star Platinum 
S-Plat adores you on a whole ‘nother level 
Rather than rocks like Josuke, S-Plat will give you actual stuff like magazines and drinks
You so much as glance for half a second too long at a set of paintbrushes, or a trinket?? 
S-Plat is there with it in hand, and Joot’s got his hat tilted down with a furious blush 
S-Plat loves hugging you!!! 
He’s a cuddle monster, even though Jotaro won’t act like it for a long, long time 
He will hang off your shoulders and refuse to disappear unless you tell him to, something that bothers Jotaro a lot, actually 
Does that mean you’re okay if he did it? Are Stands technically sentient, but just obey out of obligation? 
S-Plat’s super protective of you, too
While Jotaro is scared shitless something will happen to you, he respects your space and lets you do your own thing 
But oh lord
If there’s a Stand attack and you get hurt, S-Plat can and will go apeshit. 
I mean this in the most literal sense possible 
Everyone will be howling for S-Plat not to kill the Stand user, not to hurt him anymore 
But Jotaro glances at you out of the corner of his eye and sees your limp body 
There’s a furious, cold steel gleam in his eye
He’s purely emotionless
But Star Platinum is screaming, sobbing, torn between taking care of you and ripping the Stand user to shreds. 
Everyone can see that it’s impacting Jotaro on an incredibly deep level
And that’s probably how most of the Stardust Crusaders found out, honestly 
Because when someone is ready to kill for you (and almost does), doesn’t that say more than enough? 
#4 (Tied with #3) is...Jonathan! 
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This king would treat you so well 
Folks call him a simp but they’re fools 
He would treat you so gently 
It’s almost like he thinks you’re delicate
Of course, you’re not, but it’s an incredibly cushy lifestyle 
Being pampered by your rich boyfriend who wouldn’t so much as glance at any other girls if you even vaguely mentioned it??? 
You paint him something?? 
The next time you visit, it will be front and centre by the staircase 
You write something for him? 
He has it in his pocket, constantly, and reads it when he needs a breather. 
He adores you endlessly and wants to marry you, 100%
He’s here for the long run!! 
After the first fight with Dio, he’s stressing to you how much he just wants to live well with you 
(personally, i write within the Eyes Of Heaven AU, and Jonathan lives, goddamnit) 
After the second and third fights, he drops as much of the fighting life as he can 
The last thing he wants is to die on you and leave you a widow 
You tease him on how big-hearted he is at times, but takes it all with an open mind 
He thinks that when you get upset, it’s adorable 
You’re much shorter than him, so he just wraps you up in a big ‘ol hug 
But if you’re angry at him, he won’t 
He feels like it invalidates your anger, and the last thing he wants is to make you feel bad 
The kind of arguments you guys would have would be like ‘You got me the best present!’ v ‘No, you got me the best present!!’ 
The amount of softness...its tangible 
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shinyrockalaska · 5 years
Male!Rowan x Bill Weasley
Word count: 2k
Day 4 of @hphm-rarepair-week
The Celestial ball was fun, but now it was over and everything was boring again.
With your brother still missing, the cursed vaults still a mystery, and all the school work you still had to do- you felt tired. But you had your friends, and you were thankful for everything you had.
"Oh man I can't believe the Celestial ball had passed!" Tulip groaned as you, her and Rowan sat in your dormitory and talked.
"Seriously, by the fourth year I thought I would go to the ball with a date.. I mean we're almost fifteen! Isn't that what we're suppose to do?!"
You shrugged. "I used to imagine it too, I think, but I'm too stressed over my brother, the vaults, school work and my own confusion about everything to care about dating" you said, "besides, we're still young. I think society is wrong by pushing romance on teens"
Tulip rolled her eyes, "pfft, your the weirdest boy I ever met.. and that comes from me!"
You laughed a little. "We're all a little strange" you said with a smile, feeling at peace.
Then you noticed your friend Rowan has been awfully quiet. Tulip must've noticed it too since she asked him "what about you, Ro? What do you think about dating?" Rowan blushed immediately but only you knew why..
"Nothing!" He said loudly, panicking, "I don't like him I don't like anybody!" You felt bad for your friend that accidentally spilled his secret. You knew it from the second year but Rowan made you promise him you'll never talk about it to anyone so you just dropped the subject.
But it was too easy to know who Rowan's crush was since Everytime Rowan was in the same room with him he would sweat and blush and act weirder than usual.
Tulip got excited, "ooo didn't knew you were gay but I guess that's kind of makes sense"
Rowan blushed even more now "obviously I-I'm noT gAy..!" He shout, embarrassed.
"You're a boy who's having a crush on another boy, sounds pretty gay to me" Tulip respond and Rowan sight, "you got me there.."
"Tulip, Rowan obviously doesn't want to talk about it.." you tried to save him from Tulip but now she got even more curious
"You two! I would've never guessed it!" She Laughed as you blushed just like Rowan. "N-no! Stop!" You said, feeling embarrassed, "it's Bill! okay? Not me!"
The room got quiet for a moment until Rowan screamed, "How could you?? You promised to keep this a secret!!"
"I'm sorry!" You apologized, ",I was too embarrassed I didn't thought before I talked.." Rowan sight again while you said "and it's not like you were subtle about it.." he rolled his eyes, but you knew he would forgive you anyway.
"Wait hold on" Tulip suddenly said "Bill as Bill Weasley? Charlie's brother? That Grifindor in the sixth year? Our friend??"
"Yes, tulip. It's him" said Rowan, angrily, "are you going to make fun of me now? To tell everyone?" Tulip was surprised, "no of course not! You're my friend why would I do that?"
"sorry I was just scared for a moment.. I don't want anyone to know about this. Especially not Bill.."
Tulip put her hand on his shoulder, "your secret is safe with me. But perhaps you should ask him out?" The last sentence made Rowan laugh, "yeah, right.. like a guy as cool as Bill could ever like an awkward nerdy boy like me.." then he sight again, "I'm going to bed guys. Don't worry about me. It's okay, I'll be fine. Eventually..." And by that he left the room leaving you and Tulip both very confused.
"Poor boy" said Tulip, without any sense of moking in her voice.
"Yeah..." You sight and by that the conversation died and both you and Tulip went to sleep.
In the next day, you knew what you needed to do. Rowan has been crushing on Bill for years now and you really wanted to help him out. So as soon as transfiguration class ended you went searching for Bill. You found him in the training ground, studying on the ground.
"So, bill" you said as you sat next to him. He raised his head, "oh hello! What's up?"
You ignored his question and continued anyway. "Do you like guys?" You asked, making Bill confused about your intentions with this conversation. "Why are you asking? Do you think you like guys?"
"What? No! I'm just, eh, asking for a friend." That wasn't a lie. "Hmm well, you already know I'm bi" he answered and you suddenly remembered how he came out to your friends last year as bisexual.
"Ah, right. That's good." You answered and continued, "and what's your opinions about Rowan?"
"Rowan? Our friend?" He was surprised.
"Is there any other Rowans you know?" You asked, sarcastically.
"He's a nice guy" Bill responded after a while, "I don't really know what he talks about most of the times but he seems cool". in your mind you started to imagine your two close friends having a relationship. And he just called Rowan cool!
"Well..." You continued, "would you like to go on a date with him?" You asked, making Bill raise his eyebrow. "Why would you ask that...?" You just shrug, "no reason. No reason at all..." You knew you sound suspicious but you really wanted that to work. "Maybe" Bill suddenly said, "I guess I might just say yes". Hearing this answer you immediately jumped, "okay good bye!" You shouted while running back to your dorms, to meet Rowan.
"YOU DID WHAT?! HOW COULD YOU???" Rowan screamed at you after you told him what you've done. "Now he hates me.." he said, tears running down his cheeks. You hold his hand, trying to calm him down. "I'm sorry, Ro. I just hate seeing you so sad. I really want it to work for you. I don't even think it's healthy to have one sided crush for that long..." You said, "and besides.. he said he would agree! To go on a date with you! So all you need to do is just ask him!" Your last words made Rowan panick, "WeLL I caN'T dO thAt!" He shouted, panicking.
After almost ten minutes of calming him down you managed to convince him to go and ask Bill. You were waiting for them across the hallway, watching Rowan awkwardly, but happily, talking with Bill. You couldn't hear what they were saying but they both seemed pretty thrilled with the conversation.
"So... How did it go?" You asked when he came back to you, still blushing. "I'm meeting him tomorrow night at the courtyard" he said and you immediately yelled "woohoo" but than he continued and said "but I didn't mentioned it's a date..."
"Nooooo" you groaned, "why didn't you?" Rowan shrugged, "it was stressing me out just to talk to him.. be glad I at least done that!" You could tell that he was still very sweating and stressed but still smiling, too. "Don't worry", you then said, "I'm sure it's gonna turn out for the best".
The next day, you sat with Rowan in your room, trying to find the perfect cloths for him. He was a nervous wreck and couldn't stop rumbling on how much he loves bill. You couldn't not think how helpless he is. So love sick, so pure. At this point you just agreed with everything he said. "Yes he does have the most beautiful eyes. Yes he does have the body of a goddess". After trying on like thirteen different outfits, you finally decided what would be the best for him for a meeting with a friend, that could possibly be a date. "Are you sure? It's more fancy than casual, isn't it?" Rowan asked, stressed, looking in the mirror. You rolled your eyes, "seriously, Ro? This is literally almost the same clothes you wear everyday.."
"hey, I like to think myself as fancy!" He said while still looking at the mirror. He wore his usual pants and buttoned up shirt but with a dark bow tie, instead of his usual house tie. He also had a black jacket with him, in case he'll be cold. Simple but different.
Now it was almost time to meet Bill and you needed to calm down Rowan again. "You've got this, Rowan. I promise it'll end better than whatever you imagine" you said, "unless, of course, you imagine your wedding like I do, then that's definitely what's going to happen" you said with a wink, and Rowan just nod, embarrassed.
When it was time to leave you heard him whisper, "what if.. after all this years he'll just.. reject me..?" He said it with tears in his eyes. "Then.." you said, putting your hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him, "you'll be free and you'll be able to move on." He nod and you hugged him, then he left you to meet Bill.
When Rowan came to the courtyard it was empty so he walked around a few times, trying to calm himself down. When he sat down next to the fountain, he finally saw Bill. He wore his usual cloths but you could tell that he spent much more time doing his hair. And you could tell that he was as nervous as Rowan, which made Rowan less worried, knowing he wasn't the only one.
"Hey" said Bill with a shy smile, his hands in his pockets.
"H-hey" Rowan immediately stood up as his face becoming pink.
"Well, uh.. you wanted to see me, right?" He said while sitting down next to the place Rowan sat before. "I mean it's always nice to see you of course! I'm just wondering.."
"Y-yeah" Rowan sat back awkwardly next to bill, "it wasn't my idea actually" they said and then realized it was a mistake. "N-nevermind! Forget I said it!"
"It wasn't my idea as well" said Bill, smiling. "But I'm glad we did it"
Rowan felt his Face getting warm, "I-its so hot out here, isn't it?? N-not because of you o-of curse! Ohh I shouldn't have said that!" Rowan hos his face between his hands as Bill laugh.
"It's okay, I know you like me.."
Rowan immediately lift his face, surprised. "You do? But how? Since when? I, uh-"
"Well it was pretty obvious" Bill shrugged, "what about you?" He asked, confusing Rowan. "I- well- since uh.. my first year.." Rowan was almost whispering those last words but somehow Bill still heard them. "Really?? For that long?? Oh wow.."
"I'm sorry I probably shouldn't have said that please just- forget it.."
"No, it's okay.." Bill said, aware of Rowan embarrassment, "I think.. maybe.. I think I want to try it"
"Try what?" Rowan asked, confused.
"Try us" Bill answered with a shy smile on his face, "I'm not sure how I feel yet, but I do like you as a person and I wouldn't mind you being my boyfriend so... If you want to, of course, I think I'm ready to give it a try"
Rowan was wordless. This was something they never really considered. Mostly because they never succeed talking with Bill for more than a few seconds, but also because he considered himself out of Bill's league.
"Rowan, are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you or anything I'm--"
Bill's words cut off by Rowan's lips crushing on his.
It was Rowan's first kiss and all he could think was, 'i can't believe I'm kissing Bill Weasley!' he was very proud of himself for actually making the first move and being in control of the situation. And he could feel Bill kissing back.
The kiss was short but it was everything Rowan ever dreamed of. His eyes were still closed when he heard Bill saying "I'll take this as a yes". Even with his eyes closed he could tell Bill was smiling.
"Shall I walk you to your dormitory?" Bill asked and Rowan finally opened his eyes, smiling and nodding. And so they did. Rowan could feel Bill's hand on his shoulder the entire walk and couldn't help but think how he is the luckiest guy in the world.
That's it! Not the best, but still something...
I kinda like them together and I imagine them having a relationship through Bill's 6-7 years at Hogwarts and then break up in good terms when he graduate (:
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alansparkshark · 6 years
Alright, this hit me like a Boarbatusk. Or a truck. Same thing.
So, here I am, happily making some RWBY OCs. I get to their Semblances and think: "What can I give them that's useful and connected to their character?" Cuz, you know,
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I don't quite get it from that explanation though, so my next thought is: "Well, let's look at the original cast, see what they got and how it pertains to their characters."
And yet the more I looked, the more a thought grew in me.
"There's aren't so much decided by their personalities as they are by their wishes."
Now, hear me out here. For most Semblances we've seen yet and have heard/seen the unlocking of, they seem to have appeared in a moment of need, a moment of physical or emotional stress.
And it always seems to pertain to certain desires the user has.
Alright, let's just start from somewhere. Let me explain my thought process.
I take a character who's Semblance we know of, then check their backstory and personality. Then I check if said backstory/personality could lead to a desire in said character. And finally, I try to see if that desire connects directly to the Semblance of the character in question.
Let's start with someone who's Semblance we not only know, but saw the moment they found it.
Lie Ren.
First off, we check their personality/backstory. Ren is a quiet, less emotionally expressive character. He seems to stay calm in every moment. As the story progresses, he grows more expressive - in current-day Kuroyuri, he is shown in a rage.
So far, it seems fitting that such a character gets a Semblance such as "Calmness", as I'll dub it.
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But it's the moment that he unlocks it that makes it interesting.
Up until that point, we've seen Ren as an excitable little boy. He went from store to store, trying to find something to buy his father for his return. He shows a lot of emotions at that point. When the Nuckelavee attacks and his parents perish, he is panicked beyond belief and is hiding under an archway. He notices Nora a little ways away, in a similar state. He wants to help her. He wants to take action, but he's too panicked to move. He wants to calm down , he tries and tries and- his Semblance activates. His desire to calm down activated his unique ability - to instill calmness despite negative emotions. His wish was to do as his father and mother did - be brave and inspire others to feel the same.
In other words, his Semblance was unlocked by his desire to be calm so he could be reliable to those he cares about.
Alright, next big example - Jaune.
His Semblance was first hinted at in "Forever Fall, pt.2" as Cardin attempted to give Jaune the good ol' knuckle sandwich, only hurt his hand after a bright flash of light (This'll be of importance later). The next time we see it is alllll the way in "Vault of The Spring Maiden", and this time it was fully unlocked. His Semblance of Aura Amplification is one that I personally feel really fits his character - he doesn't want to protect his friends. He wants to do as Pyrrha did for him at Beacon - bring them up, assist them in achieving new heights but not doing it instead of them. Notice how I again used "wants". His desire to do as a good leader should, bring up his teammates, is the basis of his Semblance. It's the same with when he blocked Cardin's punch - he wanted to bring himself up from the pitiful state he was in at the time, not just protect himself from the pain but have the strength to overcome it.
Alright, next up on the list... is Raven, surprisingly.
She was one of the easiest to piece to this logic, as she and Qrow have an irony with their Semblances. But back to Raven.
Her Semblance is "Connection", as I'll call it. It's premise is relatively simple - she can create a portal to those she has a strong emotional connection to. The list so far includes Qrow (brother & teammate), Taiyang (lover & teammate), Yang (daughter) and Vernal (right-hand woman until her untimely demise). We know about Vernal due to process of elimination - unless you wanna imply she actually had a connection to Cinder or her companions. And yet, her whole story is how she abandoned her daughter and her husband. She told Qrow "they owed everything to the Branwen tribe", strongly implying, if not confirming she feels a sense of thankfulness to the people who raised her when she needed it. She admonished Qrow for deserting the clan. She feels a sense of duty towards them. And yet, her Semblance is based entirely on emotional connection - something I doubt is of great importance in a bandit clan composed of "killers and thieves", in Qrow's words. I'd hazard to guess that a childhood in a bandit clan would easily stir a desire to form lasting bonds - something easily achievable when you can make portals. Despite her sense of duty, she still desires a strong emotional bond, devoid of power dynamics and a sense of "we may die any day". Something she had with Taiyang and Yang. Something she had with Qrow and Vernal, despite the circumstances. Really adds a layer to her character if you put it like that.
Alright, who's next... hm, let's put Qrow on the dissection table now.
His Semblance of "Misfortune" seems awfully contradictory to his character, that of a caring man who can barely stand to hurt those close to him, even if they're not family and friends. Why would that be his Semblance?
Well, he obviously didn't have a great opinion of the Branwen tribe. Who knows, maybe what Raven saw as being saved, Qrow saw as being used. Maybe he wished that they'd be caught by bad luck, that the tribe would just collapse and disappear. But that spite evolved into his current Semblance - everyone around him suffers while he's only really left with emotional scars.
Welp. That was depressing. Who's up for getting at Nora next.
Now, this is gonna be pretty short this time. There's not a lot to talk about. She sees Ren as her emotional anchor, her savior. She wants to give back for what he does. She sees he's struggling on the physical side (he's pretty low on the endurance, as evident multiple times throughout the show), so she desires to be strength he's lacking in. And look where that got her - her Semblance, "Charging" makes her grow exponentially stronger the more electricity she absorbs. She can even channel it into objects, like Magnhild or an Ursa. I'd say mission successful, you funky little Thor ginger.
Let's finish up JNPR with their resident apology machine - Pyrrha.
So, we know she'd been in many tournaments. She's the Invincible Girl. The three-time Mistral regional battle tournament winner. She's honestly a gladiator. And what does a gladiator crave? Victory. That's where her overpowered (in comparison to others) Semblance appeared from. She simply wanted to beat her opponents more easily. Well, until she didn't want all the fame that came along with her power.
Alright, who do we mentally lay bare... Hm, Velvet seems simple enough.
What's there to say - a shy, bullied bunny. She's a second year in the first year's history class. I'd say that would do some things to your confidence. And what's her Semblance? Well it just so happens to be "Movement Copying". She can copy a person's physical movements, even if she has not seen them, as shown in "Heroes and Monsters". Makes sense - her desire to be as strong as those around her shows both in her Semblance and her weapon (which is basically a weapon-copying camera). She doesn't have confidence that she's strong, so she (quite literally) does as those around her.
Hm, who next... oooh, how about Yang?
"...basically a temper tantrum", I'd call it "Rise Up". This also can connect to a desire. Yang, being repeatedly battered by one damaging event after the other - her mother abandoning her, her stepmother dying, likely a depression in her father and mothering Ruby. The girl has likely been brought down more than once. But she desires to get stronger from it, so much so that the desire has become a characteristic. She shows so when she decides to find Ruby, when she decides to start training again. She has done it again and again and she'll continue doing it - her desire is now another part of her personality that won't break.
Alright, we put Yang here, how about we make a Bumbleby combo and go for Blake next.
"Shadows", now that's a name I can get behind. She "leaves an empty shell, a shadow to take the hit while she runs". It's, all things considered, a kind of cowardly Semblance. It's basically "here, beat on this while I dodge away and escape the attack". And with the recent events, we've seen she doesn't wanna run anymore - yet she retains her Semblance unchanged? Makes no sense if it's connected to a personality trait. But if it's connected to a desire, then it would make perfect sense. Firstly, she's a Faunus. We know for a fact that there's Faunus discrimination (seriously, if the Adam short and Adam's scar aren't enough proof for you...) and that she was fighting against it in protests. And if our world is anything to go by... yeah, it's easy to see how peaceful any counter-protests would be. Not to mention Adam himself. From all those factors collected, well, the thought process behind the desire her Semblance is founded on becomes obvious - she realised the racists only saw an animal, nothing of importance where Blake stood. So she gave them just that - an empty sandbag to hit while she runs. I'm not gonna get into Adam, as I'm simply sick of the topic.
Hmm, who's left... Well, Weiss has a familial Semblances. The Schnee Glyphs aren't so much unique as the summons included. Really, the only thing unique about her Semblance is who she summons, as we've seen a Queen Lancer, a Boarbatusk and the Arma Gigas, unlike Winter, who we've seen with a flock of tiny Nevermores and a Beowolf. The show says the Schnee family Semblance is a very rare thing, a passed-down-by-blood power. So it's an understandable outlier.
Let's look at Ruby next... Well, she seems to be a very big outlier to this theory of mine. Her silver eyes have more to do with her desires than her Speed. Maybe she has a desire we have yet to see? Anyways, I don't quite have an explanation for Ruby, so I'll leave her aside.
Let's clean our palates with Sun, then.
His Semblance, "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu" (I know it's called "Via Sun", but I wanted to make an unoriginal joke), actually seems to fit my theory. We don't have much, if any, backstory, but in this case we need none. His desire, as we've seen many times throughout the series and which was twisted in Volume 4 & 5, is to help people. He wants to be there for those he cares about, like Blake and his team, but he realises he can't do it alone. So his desire turned into his Semblance, "One Monkey Army" - a way for him to help even if he's alone to do so. You can't tell me he hasn't used his Semblance to fetch something for someone at least once.
Hm, few people left. Let's go with Emerald.
Her "Hallucinations" are a nod to her growing up on the streets. A place you'd be begging people not to pay attention to you. Her Semblance, then, is born from the obvious desire to fool prey and predators alike.
Neo... We don't know much about her. No backstory, some personality, but honestly? The only idea I have at this moment is more of a headcannon. But I CAN connect her Semblance's evolution. So, before V6, her Semblance is simply making physical illusions. It's honestly similar to Blake's "Shadows", in some uses, but it's definitely a lot more of a multi-use tool. It can be used to make her look different, if not outright invisible. But it always shatters upon being hit. Fast forward to V6 and her fight against Cinder, and suddenly she can use the illusions as straight up puppets to fight for her. Her Semblance grew, to put it bluntly. But why in such a manner? Her illusions were fragile and immobile before, now they're tougher and mobile to the point of being straight up weapons. But why in that direction? Well, they can move and touch things without them breaking now. Guess who's started to get more headpats from her partner.
Alright, Hazel is up for the mental strip.
Honestly, despite our lack of major backstory here, his Semblance is pretty easy to trace back. Nobody likes pain, outside of masochists, so it's easy to understandable he'd have a Semblance that removes the feeling of pain.
Adam. Adam Adam Adam. He's surprisingly more similar to Hazel than Yang in terms of Semblance. Yeah, you heard that right. "He gets to dish out damage and not feel it". His Semblance is basically a self-loading gun - he can use the power of strikes to charge it, only to the unleash various empowered slashes. He refuses to feel pain, just like Hazel, but unlike him, he also desired to return what was meant for him straight back at his attackers. Hazel is relatively peaceful when the situation doesn't include Ozpin, but Adam? He's aggressive, always bloodthirsty. His desire was simple - feed his thirst for vengeance. A perfect Semblance for that wish, no?
Hm, well we only have Glynda left. I got nothing. I don't see how I'd understand her desire to have telekinesis without a backstory I doubt we'll get.
Well, that's it for that! I feel like I'm onto something.
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My Thoughts and Feelings About Sephiroth (Part 2)
There was originally going to be just one part about what I think and feel about Sephiroth, but it turns out I have more to say than I thought I did. You can say I'm passionate about Sephiroth. Not a day goes by without at least thinking about him several times. Lol Anyway, if you haven't read my previous post, here's the link because I will describe things I have said in the first part in more detail.
My Thoughts and Feelings About Sephiroth (Part 1)
As I mentioned before, I can identify with Sephiroth. At first I didn't consider him an idol considering how different we are, but I realized about the similarities we have, even if those similarities can be different. I hate mentioning my former friend, but she used to be someone that took advantage of me, a lot of the time without my knowledge. So I know how Sephiroth must have felt after discovering that everyone lied to him about his origins. Now his situation was extreme compared to mine, but the key thing is we were both betrayed somehow. It's difficult to handle, and we both took it hard, with Sephiroth taking it farther than me. Betrayal, whether big or small or somewhere in between the two, isn't pleasant, especially if those who betray you are people you thought you could trust. I know what that's like, and it's not an easy thing to just brush off as if it were nothing.
To further prove how Sephiroth and I are similar is our personality traits. For starters, we are both quiet. Now it's hard to tell online if someone is shy or outgoing, but believe me, I'm one quiet girl. I'm real timid in real life. I don't think Sephiroth was timid, and I bet he was just sheltered growing up. Be honest. Hojo sucked as a father, and Sephiroth wasn't treated like a human being. So Sephiroth may have been socially awkward, which can appear as timidity or coldness. I'm timid and I can get a bit anxious, but I hide it really well. I'm not a social butterfly, and neither is Sephiroth, but that doesn't mean I'm purposefully ignoring others. It's just I'm not good at socializing. I am socially awkward myself and people have to get to know me to know the real me. Others saw Sephiroth as cold and distant, but they didn't even try to get to know him. Angeal Hewley and Genesis Rhapsodos saw past this and became his friends. Sadly others see me as cold and distant as well, and to be honest it hurts. I bet it bothered Sephiroth as well. Or maybe he didn't care, I don't know. I'll believe that it did bother him. Of course, despite our shortcomings, Sephiroth and I do have friends (well, Sephiroth used to have friends). I may struggle to be social, but I can bond with others. I mean, hello! I have my boyfriend, his friends, my family, my own friends, and my online friends. Sephiroth had a few close friends, but at least it's something. Angeal and Genesis. I swear, if things didn't get so screwed up, they would have been best friends forever. Heck, Zack could have been a great friend to Sephiroth if he was given the opportunity. In a way, they could have helped Sephiroth back in Nibelheim, but the damage is already done.. What I'm trying to say is I understand this real well because I've been there. It just makes me want to give Sephiroth a hug and possibly a kiss to comfort him and let him know that I care. Though he might be annoyed by my affection. Lol
The next similarity we have is we're intelligent. Unfortunately a lot of people don't see me as intelligent, but Sephiroth's intelligence is what has me striving to prove to others that I am all while improving my own intelligence. They just see me as a girl with average intelligence and I was once accused of being an idiot. I wonder if Sephiroth had naysayers always doubting him. Looks can be deceiving. I'm not what others claim that I am, and it's annoying. This brings me to my next point. When Sephiroth was still part of SOLDIER, others might have perceived him as so many things, which includes being cold and distant and such. I've said this already, but this isn't just assuming that someone is cold or timid or whatever personality trait. It's about others assuming things about others that may be false. Sephiroth didn't consider himself to be better than everyone else (prior to Nibelheim of course). Heck, he didn't even show interest in fame to the point that he allowed Genesis to take it, possibly unaware that he was jealous of him. Maybe he tried to do that to ease his jealousy. Though Genesis should have handled his jealousy better. Before you assume anything about a person, either get to know the person or keep it to yourself until you see who they really are. Otherwise, it can be damaging to them. It was to Sephiroth. Something tells me all those soldiers had mixed opinions about Sephiroth, many of them potentially formed out of false assumptions and simple ignorance. Okay I'm getting too deep into this due to my own personal experiences, so I will switch to the next similarity.
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Sephiroth and I hate certain people. How else can I explain my former friend that I have mentioned plus other people? Although Sephiroth took it to an extreme and hates everyone, I can still relate. Now it doesn't mean I will be as destructive and cruel as Sephiroth, but I can relate. Everyone at ShinRa treated Sephiroth like an experiment without his knowledge. He was never told about his origins. He never knew his parents. Then again, never finding out that Hojo is his father is a blessing (unless he somehow found out already?). He was deceived and manipulated ever since the day he was born. Correction, he was manipulated BEFORE he was born! He has the right to hate those who mistreated him. However, that doesn't justify any of the horrible things he did. Now my case is nothing compared to Sephiroth's since I was simply deceived by certain people, but my dislike for them is reasonable. Seriously, who would be able to let someone pretend to be your friend only to harm you emotionally and verbally, try to control you, spread lies about you, and basically destroy you? That's what my former friend did, and I hate her. All the bullies I've encountered throughout school? I hate them too. But that doesn't mean I would try to hurt them back because that wouldn't make me any better than them. I was given one opportunity to tell off my former friend online after I cut off contact for years. I told her to get well because she was sick, but she was getting better. She insulted me, not directly, but she did imply it. I was furious. But what did I do? I kept my mouth shut, told her to have a good life, and bid her farewell. Telling her everything that she made me feel and how much I loathe her would have only caused trouble, and the last thing I need is for her to stalk me online or try to pick a fight with me since she's freaking insane. She got angry over tiny things, physically assaulted someone just for being rude, as in getting into a conversation between the skank and someone else. Like what the fuck?! She could have told him to wait until she was finished. She was not psychologically well in my opinion, but I'm not one to confirm it because I'm not a psychologist. I thought she had changed but I was wrong. All my suspicions I had about her have been confirmed. Everything. And I vowed to never speak to her ever again. So Sephiroth and I may have handled our hate differently, but it still counts as something we have in common. Looking back, I see Sephiroth as an extreme version of my hate, anger, and pain, making me picture what I would have been like if I had taken it too far. It's a bit terrifying for me to imagine, and I am glad that I have more good inside me.
Now the next thing is something that still affects me to this day, and it's this. Sephiroth and I have felt like we were different, that we didn't belong anywhere. Having an identity crisis isn't fun, and Sephiroth is proof of that. He's not like everyone else. He's the only one with long silver hair and green cat-like eyes, he's part-alien, he's the strongest of all, and he always felt different because of this. I feel like I'm different because I'm not as outgoing as many people, I get worried about what others think of me, I'm not as confident in myself and my talents, and people don't pay attention to a wallflower like me. So I'm trying to improve myself and find my own place where I belong. Sephiroth found his, albeit in a rather dark way, but I have yet to find myself. But I know I will soon, and I have loved ones who can help me.
With all of this that I've said so far, Sephiroth means a lot to me. He means a lot to me more than I thought, and just by typing this, I'm realizing that he's a character that I love and admire in the exact same level as Sonic the Hedgehog. And as silly as it may sound, I get defensive when others talk smack about my favorite fictional characters like Sephiroth. Why? Because he's someone that I can identify with, regardless of the myriad of contrasting characteristics that we have. Opposites attract!
Now what else I wish to talk about related to Sephiroth...Well, there's his current self. I can hear those that say he's a cruel bastard that will kill you at first glance in milliseconds. My boyfriend and his friends think so. Well, you know what? It's bullshit. If that were true, then why didn't he kill Zack, Tifa, and Cloud immediately? Why didn't he kill Cloud and his team right away during numerous points in the game (other than the fact he needed Cloud to get the Black Materia for him)? Because he's not just a one-track mindless killing machine! This may be an unpopular opinion, but really, Sephiroth doesn't go just "Kill kill kill! Stab stab stab!". You kiss him on the cheek, stab. You compliment him on his looks, stab. You try to join him in his cause, stab. You try to have small talk, STAB! It's boring, predictable, and annoying. Do you really think I would do that on my Sephiroth blog? I would have grown tired of it! I deleted the posts about this, but do you want to know how many characters, users, or whatever I've had Sephiroth kill in roleplays???........One. That's right. One, a character that a friend roleplays as here on Tumblr, in a span of....a year-and-a-half, I think? If I had followed the "logic" of Sephiroth the utterly mindless killing machine and does nothing else, I would have had him impale over 1000 characters, users, anons, etc., maybe 10,000. You get my point.
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This sort of thing strips everything about Sephiroth. He's cunning, arrogant, and manipulative, so of course I would have to implement that in his interactions if I want him to harm or kill a character, for example. And in some cases, I portray Sephiroth as just being intimidating, mistrustful, and bitter towards characters. In others, he is intrigued by who he's talking to, and he shows a range of emotions (as long as they fit him). I make him multidimensional. Really, try portraying Sephiroth as just a killing machine and nothing else and see how long it takes for you to get tired of taking out tons of people's muses in split seconds. I'm sorry if this portion became somewhat of a rant but it has been bugging me. Moving on to another Sephiroth subject.
Ahhhh, the theories. I almost forgot about them. Let's see, the lab rat theory is kind of possible, but ShinRa didn't blatantly abuse him. Otherwise, Sephiroth would have had serious psychological issues prior to Nibelheim. If he had endured severe physical and psychological abuse, he wouldn't be calm and collected. Of course he was abused to a degree, but the thing is he didn't know he was abused. He had no idea ShinRa used him as just a tool. That's clever of them. Cruel and despicable, but clever. They had to be discreet or else Sephiroth would have questioned their motives early on or tried to get away from them. Sephiroth was their puppet, which does explain why he referred to Cloud as his puppet. If others manipulated him to screw him over, he will do the same back at them. Sephiroth basically gave them a taste of their own medicine. Unfortunately, he takes it out on the whole planet. Think about it, though. He was deceived and manipulated by others, and this is his way of showing others that he will never allow himself to be controlled by anyone anymore. And this brings me to the next theory.
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Jenova possessing Sephiroth is a famous theory and I don't blame people for believing and supporting this. I confess that I used to believe this theory as well, but as I looked back at the events of Crisis Core and Final Fantasy 7, it doesn't make sense. First of all, after being used by an evil company his entire life, why would Sephiroth allow himself to be controlled by an alien that arrived to the Planet millennia ago? Yes, he was at the library at ShinRa Manor for a week reading endlessly about his origins without sleeping, and possibly eating or drinking anything. Obviously that must have left him vulnerable, but I don't believe Sephiroth would have been brainwashed easily. He was controlled by ShinRa, and he wasn't going to allow anyone else to control him again, especially Jenova. Sephiroth was the one who controlled her, not the other way around. If Jenova had gained control, that would undermine Sephiroth's reputation as the main antagonist of FF7. He is the villain, the real villain, not Jenova. Sephiroth burned down Nibelheim. Sephiroth killed many people. Sephiroth killed Aeris (or Aerith) in FF7. Sephiroth summoned Meteor to injure the Planet in order to absorb its life stream to become a god. Sephiroth created the Remnants to achieve his goal to claim the Planet as his own, become an unstoppable god, and bring despair to those who stand in his way. It's all Sephiroth. And besides, Jenova is a parasite. I doubt she would have planned all of this before trying to destroy the planet. I also doubt she's even alive. Sephiroth is the master of his ongoing desire to take back what he believes is his planet, conquer it as a god, and destroy anyone who stands in his way.
Alright then, this post has gone long enough. Now I'm not sure if this is all I have to say about Sephiroth. Well, I assumed that I did’t have much else to say in the previous post, and look! Here's another one. I like doing this sort of thing. It makes me feel good and I just love Sephiroth. I could go on forever if I want, but I’ll end it here. I hope you liked this and if there’s any more things that I haven’t said here, I’ll make sure to do a third part.
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