#ny favorite snack
love-my-rat-boys · 2 years
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What's up with my glico man 😭😭😭
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sectumsempraaa · 2 months
Taking a flight with the Slytherin boys (headcanons)
i wrote these while delayed for several hours at the airport yesterday 🫶🏼 a lil something for y’all while i work on requests!
feat. Draco, Mattheo, Theo, Blaise, Lorenzo x reader
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- is extremely confused why he has to take off his shoes at security
- threatens the TSA agent during a pat down
- refuses to eat airport food
- pays his way into one of the airline lounges to get away from the public
- doesn’t “trust” the muggle pilot- asks if he can fly the plane instead
- “Draco this is a Boeing 747 not a Nimbus 2000”
- upgrades you both to first class and orders you expensive drinks
- aisle seat kinda guy
- booked a car service for y’all to be ready immediately upon landing
- asks his dad if they have a private jet bc he literally never wants to do that again
- oh no
- where is he
- you’re not even there for 10 minutes before you lose him
- you find him signing up for Clear bc he hates waiting in lines
- sets the metal detector off bc he “didn’t know” that knives are prohibited on planes
- buys way too much stuff at the grab and go store bc he doesn’t want y’all to be hungry
- teasing you with his hands between your thighs before takeoff
- falls asleep on your shoulder for the entire flight
- big time nuzzling his face in your neck
- airport dad energy
- gets y’all to the airport 3 hours before takeoff
- has everyones documents photo copied in a physical folder
- if the whole group is there he is doing a headcount every 15 minutes
- puts airtags in everyones backpacks in case someone wanders off
- orders you a fancy meal on the plane. this man won’t let you settle for snacks
- makes sure you’re extremely comfortable (seat all the way back, borrowing his pillow, adjusting the air temp bc he knows you get cold)
- not a fan of heights!! plays with your hair to distract himself
- showing up to the airport with minutes to spare
- checks all your bags bc he won’t let y’all carry that crap around
- knows your coffee order and is also a caffeinated king
- downloaded a carefully selected line up of his and your favorite films on his ipad
- buys you both painfully cheesey matching airport merch (ie: I ♡ NY shirts)
- if your flight gets delayed he is buying y’all mimosas at the airport bar
- buys the third seat so it’s just you guys in your row (so he can makeout with you whenever he wants)
- mans is dressing SO comfy
- hand on your lower back at all times
- staring at your ass all day, he lovesss when you wear those yoga pants
- gets yelled at for trying to go through the metal detector with you
- striking up conversation with strangers who have service dogs
- taking pictures of EVERYTHING
- mega turbulence anxiety but tries so hard to keep his composure for you
- definitely curated a soothing playlist for the flight
- “Y/N, you’re missing the safety demonstration”
- asks for a blanket and drapes it over both of you bc this man wants to cuddle until the wheels hit the ground
- 100% tries to sit on the actively moving baggage claim carousel
ALL of them refer to you as their “wife” for fun whenever talking to strangers or employees. “my wife would like a glass of champagne.” “a blanket for my wife and i, please.” “me and my wife are headed back home for the holidays.”
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lovelykei · 2 months
BNHA as dads
I did smaus for haikyuu but I thought it’d be fun to try to write for bnha again 🙂‍↕️ excuse any typos *all characters are aged up* obvs- and enjoy 🤩
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If he had to describe himself words like attentive, kind and loving probably wouldn’t be the adjectives he’d use
It’s 1000% what you and your baby girl would use tho
Bakugo Hina [or Hime like her father calls her] is a spoiled little daddys girl.
“Daddy I can’t reach”
“Daddy my legs hurt”
“Daddy! daddy! Kiss”
Katsuki follows her around following her every wishes and you sigh complaining he’s raising a menace😫
“Daddy! Daddy! Let’s go over there” the toddler pulled her father to yet another toy store. If it was up to Katsuki he would buy her everything she desires and then some, you however were resolved to raising an acceptable citizen for society. “Hima you are not getting any more toys, your dad already bought you a toy”
“But mommy- what if there is something even better here?” Hima exclaimed and Katsuki looked at you as if your little girl had made a reasonable argument. “Then you save that thought and buy it next time” you gave Bakugo a pointed look, urging him to agree with you. “Your mum is right Hime, you have to appreciate everything that you have and you already have tons of toys” you managed to steer them away from the store and back to the escalator to start moving home. “Daddy I know what I want” Katsuki raised his eyebrow at his princess. Hima stretched her arms towards Katsuki and he quickly reached down to pick her up. The little firecracker leaned over and gave her daddy a kiss, and that’s exactly how she kept your husband wrapped around her tiny tiny finger.
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Keigo loves flying, soaring through the sky is where he felt the most at peace besides your arms
When you had just started dating he had picked you up and flew across the town
Which was fucking terrifying at first
He really wanted to share that with his little girl so when she was just a baby he would strap her into her baby carrier and take her flying around town
Sometime you would hear her little giggles around town when hawks would take her for a ride, other times there would be soft snoring as she found peace just like her dad
Keigo was used to flying, so if your baby had to soar through the sky nobody felt like a safer bet than Keigo
Throwing your baby several meters into the air only to hopefully catch her before she goes crushing down into the ground did however not feel like a safe bet.
“C’mere ny little hummingbird” chubby feet softly slapped against the floor as your daughter did her best to run towards her father. “Dada” her giggles filled the room as Keigo picked her up and spun her around. “You finished early today babe” you walked over to Keigo and gave him a swift kiss. “That was too short so we are definitely circling back to that later dove” he winked at you and even though you had been together for so long he could still make your heart race. “Bring Sakura to the backyard babe, I set up a picnic blanket” On the grass outside you had placed a picnic basket filled with Keigo and Sakuras favorite snacks. Keigo did spend a lot of time with his daughter but lately there had been an increase of villains so he had been working long days where he left before Sakura woke up and came back long after she had gone to sleep. That’s why you wanted them to enjoy their time together while you got the last few things ready for the picnic.
It couldn’t have taken you more than- idk maybe a minute before you could hear sakuras babbling to her dad. It was barely decipherable but her dad understood everything his princess was telling him. The babbling was followed by loud laughter and happy screaming.
Scream is what you did when you walked out with a pitcher of juice and Keigo had thrown little Sakura high up in the air. You closed your eyes as she started descending but judging from the laughter her dad had caught her. “ook mama! I fly” she said as her dad once again threw her in the air. “KEIGO” he caught her again and laughed at your face. “She’s alright dove, I got her” he kissed her forehead and Sakura kept saying something that could only mean “again”.
You really did prefer the strapped in and safe flying 😭
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pampanope · 1 month
~7-11 Lore~
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Name: Efren Torres Aldrich
Alias: 7-11, Cerberus, Shadow Company’s Dog (Konni)
Affiliations: Shadow Company, USMC (former)
Age: 34 yo
DoB: May 7 1990
Height: 6’1
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: filipino/white
Born in: Queens, NY
Pronouns: He/him
Gender: cis man
Orientation: panromantic homosexual
• Former Marines Force Reconnaissance operator
• Deep reconnaissance with qualifications in parachuting and combat diving (MOS 0326)
• Profficiency as a sniper and rifleman, at intelligence collection, mountain warfare, CQB, and small squad tactics.
• Dutiful Shadow babysitter
• Graves whisperer (usually)
• calm, quiot, generally easy going; speaks in low even tones
• observant, pays attention to the goings on of those around him, and completes tasks efficiently.
• treats fellow Shadows with warmth, courtesy, and long-suffering exasperation. Takes some time before he feels comfortable enough to freely goof off with other people.
• Has a playful side; likes to harmlessly tease other Shadows to a certain degree but is all business when working or on an op
• sees all of Shadow Company as his family; their success and well-being are his top priorities.
• this devotion towards Graves and SC has a possessive slant to it; he’s willing to destroy anyone and anything that threatens his family
Physical Description
• lean, fit overall build
• dark brown hair and dark sleepy looking eyes
• mole beside left eye
• very light stubble
• scars on left arm (IED shrapnel), wrists (rope scars), around fingers (balisong flipping) and upper left side of torso (gunshot wound)
• Usually wears neutral dark colors, mask, tactical gloves, combat boots and baseball cap
• the loss of his parents at a young age, years of instability, and military training have led to the creation of a mental coping mechanism that can be described as “a feral hind-brain creature” that views individuals as pack, predator, prey, those who need protection and those who need to be cut down.
• 7-11 understands it’s not normal to look at the world in such a way, nor is it normal to want to sink his teeth into the throats of his enemies or into the flesh of those he cares about, in the hopes that he leaves a mark that they’ll carry even after they’ve gone.
• he keeps this part of himself carefully contained within with the majority of Shadows non the wiser,
Love Language: Touch, Gift Giving
Prefers affection via: Touch, Quality time
• loyal
• diligent and efficient
• puts his subordinates before himself
• smooth operator on the field
• stays calm under pressure and in the face of unusual situations
• thoughtful and empathetic
• can fall asleep anywhere
• can be stubborn
• tends to forgo personal safety and care if he thinks it’s necessary
• has abandonment issues
• guilt-ridden
• may be vengeful, especially so on behalf of someone else
• photography
• karaoke
• balisong flipping
• sparring
**• Graves**
• cuddles and head scritches
• SC gossip
• collecting large, huggable plushies
• napping in warm cozy places
• training Shadows (usually)
• getting ragdolled and tossed around like a salad
• displays of physical strength
• training or games that allow him to hunt down others (or be hunted)
• incompetent and callous leadership
• humidity
• the sun (this boi burrrns)
• watermelons (tastes like sugary wet sand)
• Shadows or Graves getting hurt
• being cornered
• Shepherd
• disorganization
• Losing everyone and everything
• not being enough
• substance abuse and addiction
Fave Color: Blue
Fave Season: Autumn
Fave Music: 80’s rock and power ballads, most of 90’s and 2000s
Fave Animals: Crows and cats
Fave Food: savory snacks, burgers, lumpia, kare kare
Favorite Plants: blue orchids and monstera
Coffee or tea: coffee (once a day)
Night or Day: Night
Idiosyncrasies & Random Stuff
~ named after his mother’s favorite billiards champion (Efren “Bata” Reyes)
~ He’s always had a blushing problem; doesn’t matter what emotion it is, if it’s strong enough, he gets flushed.
~ started out wearing a mask to hide the blushing and hide his expression; it’s fun keeping fellow Shadows guessing
~ likes to make up reasons why he wears the mask all the time
~ eventually realizes that he got so used to freely making silly expressions behind a mask that he can’t school his features without it anymore
~ which is fine, it became habit anyway; he enjoys any rumors among the Shadows about him and why he stays masked when others remove theirs outside of ops.
~ there are way too many benefits to wearing a mask for him to quit
~ Biting is a very valid tactic, on and off the battlefield; as an offensive move and form of affection (but he doesn’t bite out of affection as often as he’d like because he doesn’t wanna scare the other Shadows lol)
~ kinda short circuits a bit when handled roughly
~ Tore a man’s throat out with his teeth on Grave’s behalf; Graves **really** liked that and decided to give him the callsign Cerberus and collared him (it’s a pleasant grounding presence around his neck)
~ will start growling when stress levels are maxed out or if very sleep deprived
~ keeps a cork board of photos in his quarters; photos of Shadows past and present
~is banned from the kitchen(s), no, not just SC HQ or bases.
~ grabs ahold of anyone or anything that comes into contact with him while
sleeping; he’s like a bear trp that way
~ he’s seen the effects of substance abuse and addiction first hand; it’s why he limits alcohol intake, drinks one cup of coffee a day (hence the regularly scheduled naps), and avoids gambling and smoking
~ deeply misses his parents and his childhood; often wonders if they’d even recognize him as their son
- Voice claim: Isaac Clarke (VA: Gunner Wright) (Dead Space games)
7-11/Efren is one of Graves’ most loyal Shadows and considers himself a vanguard of the Company.
After losing his parents at 13 to a vehicular accident (for which he blames himself for) and the subsequent abuse and neglect from his uncle, Efren spent most of his teenage years feeling untethered, numb yet seething with anger and guilt.
He spent his early years working part time jobs to make ends meet while getting into fist fights with the local gangs to release the deep seated fury within.
A final altercation with his uncle drove Efren to seek structure and a place to belong in the Marine Corps.
There, Efren, while excelling at every aspect soldiering, would often be easily goaded and provoked into brawling with other recruits of his cohort.
This led to his first meeting with Graves, a cocky, silver tongued, MARSOC operator in his mid twenties.
Graves issued a challenge to Efren, which ended with Efren being so thoroughly *humbled* that it altered his brain chemistry, quieting his feral hind brain to a dull roar for the first time in what felt like forever.
Fixated on Graves after that meeting, Efren joined Force Recon with the hope of providing crucial intel to support his fellow Marines (especially Graves).
He always kept an ear out for news of KIA personnel; thankfully Graves was never one of them.
After years of serving in Force Reconnaissance, Efren was faced with making a decision whether or not to re-up to continue his service or to move on into civilian life.
As if summoned, Graves appeared after so many years, and whisked Efren away to his new Shadow Company, where he world finally find a new home.
The irony of feeling at peace in a PMC was not lost on him.
Wherever Graves went, he would be his Shadow and support. For Efren, it was the least he could do after the man gave him everything.
((May add more as i go✨))
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capitalisticveins · 10 months
I don’t like making hcs on my phone but Friendsgiving yesterday rlly motivated me to just do it
— Caelum likes to chew on his shirt when he’s bored
— Dear has 5 umbrellas even though they live alone
— FL has no idea AI art exists
— Dear likes to buy Lasko ties
— Caelum thinks cats are adorable but is absolutely terrified of them
— Gavin is shit at golf, bowling, and basically every sport in existence except for gymnastics, cheerleading, and table tennis
— Huxley can flex his tits
— Lasko buys every fan except Lasko brand fans
— Dear hasn’t played Mario Kart before but when they first played with Lasko they decimated him
— Damien’s favorite kind of animals are the hairless ones
— Caelum can’t hopscotch
— FL can’t be trusted to go grocery shopping for people because they have shit willpower and no common sense they will buy the wrong brand of item you want and buy 3 packs of pizza rolls for themselves with the person’s money
— Huxley can’t jump rope properly because the rope can’t go around his body
— Damien has a schedule of what to wear and when. He wears specific shirts on SPECIFIC days of the week.
— FL has a child safety lock on their computer for Caelum and Gavin
— Everyone has to tell Damien where they’re going whenever they leave their houses
— Dear somehow got everyone’s number before Friendsgiving and asked everyone to point out Lasko’s use of Mahogany/Burnt Sienna on the letters
— Gavin isn’t allowed inside Max’s Rustic Pizza anymore
— If Damien would let him, Huxley would touch lava, like seriously slap it
— FL likes to dress up as Aang for Halloween
— Lasko and Damien are the only ones to own a bidet
— Huxley owns a mermaid dress
— Gavin owns a fur coat
— As a kid, Huxley was too shy to ask his moms to peel his oranges for him so he just sorta ate them with the peel on until he was 11
— Gavin is banned on tiktok
- and twitter
— Caelum’s wings flap like a hummingbird’s
— Huxley is the only member to buy proper sweet snacks. Lasko buys offbrand and Damien doesn’t buy sweets
— Gavin’s favorite cartoon character is Bugs Bunny
— Despite popular belief, Damien is willing to wear an itchy ugly christmas sweater
— Dear owns a border collie
— Lasko writes fanfiction
— Huxley’s luck is fucking amazing when he plays DND, so much so that it pisses off Lasko and now whenever they campaign with others he makes Huxley the dungeon master
— Damien doesn’t know how to skip
— Gavin can make his own alcoholic beverage at will
— FL isn’t from Dahlia. They’re from NY, but have never been in NYC
— Dear has a very strong opinion on Dasani. I don’t know if they strongly dislike it or strongly like it, but they feel very strongly about it.
— Huxley heard the news about the Summit online, saw it was hosted by Vincent and Lovely, recognized Lovely’s name, and went “wait a minute—”.
— Damien has thought about burning his baby pictures when Huxley found them.
— He attempted to do it when Gavin found them.
— FL has a sweet tooth and since Huxley is the only member to buy sweets, they sneak into his house and consume most of it.
After Damien moved in with Huxley he once woke up at like 2am to get a glass of water and saw FL hunched over sucking the frosting off of the mini cupcakes Huxley buys and chugging milk out of the container, their eyes were glowing in the dark and there was a ton of containers on the floor.
Damien went back to sleep without saying a word. When he woke up all traces of FL being in the house were gone and they don’t recall the night ever happening. No one believes him.
The only reference to the night happening is that all the snacks he saw FL eating were gone.
Lasko believes him but FL won’t let him tell Damien he believes him (it has happened to Lasko too and that’s why he buys offbrand).
— Gavin has accidentally killed someone with a rift.
— Caelum too but he doesn’t know.
— Dear is gonna buy Lasko rash ointment for Christmas with no malicious intent whatsoever.
— Damien owns the same amount of shoes as Milo.
— Gavin can’t swim. Gavin’s bad at a lot of things.
— Caelum can swim with water wings. Caelum’s good at a lot of things.
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
imagine a puppy love type crush between Cheka and Bitey! Child!Yuu like i think that would be adorable. like he shyly gives them flowers when he visits or small gifts or random things he finds that they would like and all the while his dad is like their number 1 fan. also "gotta bit them all NRC" in the tune of the pokemin theme came into ny head.
Puppy love hc with the bitey child!Yuu and Cheka.
Warning(s): cussing, not edited
A/N: ok... i don't rly see this happening but at the same time if it did happen,,, its rly fuckin cute!
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
first things first
he hated that your two were friends
but now he finds out from his brother-
cause we all know he's never actually kept an eye on you two
at least on that close of one
- That the little brat Cheka had a crush on the little shit Yuu
and he is not pleased at all!!
now- normally he wouldn't give a shit cause he couldn't care less what two crotch goblins think of each other
but now Cheka would be coming over more, and what's worse
Falena is going to come along too!
he wanted to see the small child and talking fire cat Cheka kept talking about.
Anyway, let's move on from Leona being placed in his own personal hell and go to the cutesy stuff.
As I said in one of my other hcs, Cheka comes over whenever he visits Leona
the ghosts make you three snacks and introduce you to a whole bunch of old board games
you show him all the cool old trinkets and clothes that are hidden in ramshackle
hide and seek is def one of your favorite games
you almost always win, knowing where all the crawl spaces and hidden rooms are ramshackle really gives you a one up.
He always sees his parents give each other presents so he wanted to give you some too
so you get a bunch of cute childish presents like some of his toys, some baked goods he made with his parents
omg! could you imagine Yuu and Cheka playing in the ramshackle garden during the springtime and Cheka shows Yuu how to make flower crowns
and they make them for each other all the time!!!
。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚。
that's so f ing cute!!!
Before winter break he would insist on you staying with them
if you accept his offer he will literally jump for joy
sweet bby is so happy to have his bestie and crush staying with his family for so long!!
Leona is once again in hell
if you decline he's going to be sad but gets that ramshackle is your home and being away from home makes you sad
Leona just breathed a deep sigh of relief.
Overall I think yall are going to grow up besties for the most part, maybe when your older he'll realize his little crush and tell you but for now yall are just ganna keep being so freaking adorable!
oh yeah and obv Falena and his wife are all for this! in the lion king I'm p sure they were childhood friends so they this its so cute that history is repeating itself.
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iantimony · 3 months
listening: idk, stuff on my phone on shuffle. some more coral bones youthemism i guess. friends at the table sangfielle, episode 3; i might not actually relisten to the rest of the arcs i already did and just skim the transcripts.
no children (ska remix) by sad snack: im back in my ska era. really funny song to have an upbeat ska tone.
the mountain goats deserters fan album: have not listened to the whole album yet but god, what a cool and unique thing that i don't think could really exist for most other bands. Five Fucking Hours
reading: Polynesian Tattooing Tools, linked from Fairhaven comic
why gen z is obsessed with point-and-shoot digital cameras: it's funny because a few months ago i was considering getting a cheap point-and-shoot to fuck around with. looks like i am not the only one who was thinkin about it.
i'm working my way through le guin's 'the left hand of darkness'! i bounced off it the first time i tried reading it a few years ago but last year i read a le guin short story anthology that had some stories set on karhide and i think that gave me a good enough primer on the world/her writing style to get it to stick this time. i'm enjoying it! it's a good book!
watching: mina le - booktok & the hotgirlification of reading: some good background video for crochet etc. bernadette banner - hand sewing regency stays should be quick...right?: oughhhhh so pretty. bernadette banner - this regency court gown is probably my favorite project ever: i won't lie i got a little misty-eyed at the artisans getting to sign their names on the robe.
rewatched the gay and wondrous life of caleb gallo. i forgot how good it is, it really holds up and is still funny
also, continued doctor who watch/rewatch. i'm ngl i think the way rory and amy were shoved off screen was...really stupid. "he can't go back to that specific year in ny :(" ok, before amy gets zapped back you just go "yo go to new jersey in a few days" and go pick them up. really silly imo
playing: fallow. did buy miserichord, omori, and slay the princess in the steam summer sale. i have signalis, voyager 19, and a short hike in my cart as we speak. more games that i haven't played to feed the steam library let's goooo
making: crocheted some granny squares.
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pattern for the yellow one is this lantana square...if anyone has any interesting looking granny square patterns that would be good in one solid color send em my way!
thinking of getting this pattern too.
i realized this past week that my urge to Make has been very stale and derivative the past few years, if that makes sense. like i don't feel Creative, i see something and mimic it - i do paintings based on photos i took, i follow knitting patterns, i come across something ceramic and decide to make one of my own, i find reference images to copy. but no actual, like, Inventing on my own end. i think that's why i haven't done a lot of fanart or fanfiction as well, just no ideas. i know that's just part of the cycle of creativity and i'm just in a "hunter-gatherer" period of amassing skills and references but idk. i'm tired of it. i want to create more meaningful things but i have no actual ideas, the well feels dry, and i'm not sure how to fix that.
eating: fallow
misc: stares at my mom and brother doing politics doomerism re: supereme court ruling in the family group chat. looks away. chants 'nothing ever happens' to myself like a mantra.
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Hanging out at a Cafe after school:
Marc: No, y/n. We need to finish this before the deadline, you know that.
Y/n:I want my lunch break!
Marc: You've been daydreaming about him all day y/n!
Nathaniel, walks in with drinks and snacks: Hey guys I got the-
Nathaniel:... I think we can take a break.
Marc: Nate No!
Y/n:Nate, yes!
Y/n: I knew you were my favorite! *kisses cheek*
Y!/n:I call dibs on the croissant! *runs away with croissant in hand*
Marc:OH no you don't! *runs after her*
Nathaniel, hiding his face in his hands: *embarrassed boi noises*
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kaz-playz · 6 months
I have come to rob you of NY hc's 🔫👁️👁️
*don't feel forced or rushed to answer this!!*
I was supposed to answer this two days ago mb gang 💀
He has bleached a section of his hair ONCE and when it grew out he cut it off. The only ppl w more virgin hair than him are the littlest and utah (not sure if he counts bcs his girls convinced him to kool aid dye it)
Detests fake flowers for obvious reasons and because he can never keep them whole (illinois, NJ, and the littlest pull them apart even when he glues the ends) so they make a mess and they feel gross
Definitely the kind of person to just grow new vegetables out of scraps
Saves his eggshells (his blender blades thank him)
Genuinely likes raw egg as a snack. He takes em like shot (cant do it w US eggs bcs they taste off and they make his stomach hurt)
Ur gonna hate me for this one, if he knew what danganronpa was his favorites would be Fuyuhiko (after his character growth) and hajime bcs theyre the most sane
Likes to go to parks and lay down face first on the picnic blanket. The ducks walk on him.
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Player Profile: Lynn Williams
It’s my personal favorite forward (this is Tumblr imma be a little biased okay), I present to you newly engaged, go bats baller, Lynn Williams.
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Position: Forward
Hometown: Fresno, CA
Age: 30
Jersey Number: 6
Previous World Cups: 0, one of the 14 newbies!
USWNT Caps: 52
USWNT Goals: 15
Club Team: NJ/NY Gotham FC
College: Pepperdine University
Star Sign: Taurus
Nicknames: Lynnie
Fun Fact: Lynn used to work at Chipotle and co-hosts the best podcast in the history of sports, SNACKS, with Sam Mewis.
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jackalopescruff · 1 year
seagulls are unironically one of my favorite birds. i grew up along the st lawrence river in NY and would eat lunch at the local docks and just vibe out watching the seagulls and toss them a snack now n then they legit were just funny dudes
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brandycranby · 2 months
💋🍧 ?
hi aud!!!
💋 - what’s your favorite accent?
hmm so if it's american, i like your standard ny accent, your fran fine, your linda belcher. im from the tri-state so it's both funny and homey to me hehe like you think ppl who talk like that are mean, just on the outside, we're all soft underneath. im generalizing ofc there are a lot of second languages informing the accent and it differs but the vowel pronunciation makes me happy. the boston accent is similarly familiar, also non-rhotic but with a more open vowel sound. that's why you get a lot of those -ah instead of -ar in stuff like "car" or "park"
🍧 - what’s your favorite treat?
oo i like a lot of treats but i guess saltines with maltose syrup sandwiched in between!! my mom taught it to me when i was little. they're considered a retro hong kong snack now. idk you can buy it prepackaged but it's worth a try. it's salty and sweet at the same time
unique pink asks
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fantasy1njection · 20 days
90s MLB!Jschlatt
Age: 23
Height: 6'3”
Weight: 237
Jason was at college for a baseball scholarship, but also showed an interest in computer sciences. He was then drafted up to the MLB when he was only 19. Recruiters saw the potential in a skinny lefty pitcher with a serious slider and powerful outfield drives. He's now in the running to be a top pitcher, and is number 11 for the New York Mets. Jason was originally drafted for the Yankees, but his choice to keep his facial hair as it grew in got him transferred to the other NY team after his first season.
Occasionally, his coach will have him play left field if the team is up against a team that tends to hit drives out to left. He's fairly famous on his team, but his energy tends to run low, and his humor dry, making him not quite the favorite to interview. However, he's very into the game, and does manage to get the team loosened up emotionally before games and will crack jokes during practice.
His mustache and mutton chops, along with the one time he headbutted someone who pissed him off at a bar, earned him the nickname, “The Ram”. He was contracted out to Japan for the year after the incident at the urging of the owner, who thought that keeping him would be bad publicity due to his attitude. However, the nickname it earned him only made him more popular both locally and overseas. Though it was supposed to be a punishment, his time out did improve his attitude since he actually really enjoyed his time in Japan, delighting in the differing culture, even if he was seen as gaijin.
His go-to baseball snack is sunflower seeds, and he enjoys some bubblegum before the game starts, which has been a tradition of his since he was a kid. He's very family centered, loyal and religious, thanking God and his parents for his wins each time. But can and will be caught staring after Mrs. Met.
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lingy910y · 1 year
Tag Game Tuesday
@energievie & @mmmichyyy tagged me :D
name: ling
birthday: september 10th
where in the world are you? ny
when did you join tumblr? november 2018
do you have any sideblogs? no
mobile or desktop? desktop
your perfect sleeping conditions: closed doors, lights off, fresh-out-of-the-washing-mashine duvet that is up to my chin, and i sleep in the fetal position
a movie you think everyone should see at least once: everything everywhere all at once
what shoes do you wear the most often? sneakers in the colder seasons, sandals in the warmer seasons
describe your keys to me: one golden key to my apartment, a silver key to the inner unit where my family and i live, and my dad's library card that i use
find the book closest to you. turn to page 7. what's the 7th word? philip 🤔
what's your favorite snack?
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i wouldn't mind if these are the only chips i can eat for the rest of my life
one of your aspirations: my dream job is to become an author
and finally, tell me a random fact about yourself: i can't wink
ok tagging @deedala, @michellemisfit, @lupeloto, @grumpymickmilk, @ardent-fox, @tanktopgallavich, @juliakayyy, @jademickian, @vintagelacerosette, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @too-schoolforcool, @depressedstressedlemonzest & @heymrspatel sry for the frequent tags these days </3 too many fun games
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beastie-bones · 1 year
Idk if this is gonna be to obscure but may I please have a care package for a Honeypot Ant please? :D
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Here you go anon! 🍯🐜
Links below ⬇️
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aceontheline · 2 years
WTTT Headcanons: New York edition!
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New York is actually a softie. Well, when you get to know him better anyway. He's the kind of guy to check in on you during the day just because. If you're not doing well, he brings some pizza & yours + his favorite snacks//beverages.
New York takes cooking very seriously. If he's not allowed to help in the kitchen, he'll lose it. He loves Italian cooking, but will more often than not default to seafood or American cuisine. He shows his love//appreciation for people through food.
New York doesn't like taking off his beanie very much. He's very prideful in his team, yes. He also doesn't like it because he's too used to having it on. He only takes his beanie off in front of you if he trusts you.
New York, if he likes you, will become a hugger. You won't see it coming, but one day, he'll hug you so close to him. He really only hugs someone if he senses immense distress from them. Or, just if he feels like it. Of course, he'll back off if you tell him "I don't want a hug".
New York and California? Best friends. He won't admit it to the others, but NY actually really likes hanging out with CA. He's even let California play with the rats every now and again.
New York has MAJOR Social Anxiety. He covers it up by putting up the cold, distant front. Once he gets to know you better, he'll slowly let it down. Eventually, you'll get the real NY. Florida, Massachusetts, and California are the only ones who know about his Social Anxiety.
Massachusetts will lay New York down on the floor of an empty, quiet room & bring in NY's rats. They all scatter & scurry about, or climb on top of him. New York really likes this method.
Florida just gives NY noise canceling headphones and takes him to an isolated area. He'll check on NY every 10 minutes or so until he says "I'm good".
California takes New York to a private beach, along with some meditation music. New York also likes this, as the beach is warm & calming.
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