bpsmuts · 1 year
The Coachella Experience - Lisa
Lisa x Male Reader
Words: 1.522
Summary: Lisa always wanted to try something risky, Coachella seemed to be the best choice...
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After a minutes walking, you took a left turn and walked under a tent, back outside. It looked very pretty and one wall had a neon sign, reading "Pinkchella". "This is us! Finally!" sighed Rose as she fell onto a beanbag.
Jisoo and Jennie also sat down at a table and got out their phones, leaving you and Lisa just standing there. "So... what now?" You asked her.
"Whatever you want. We can go around the festival, chill here for a bit. Its up to you, I'll just tag along" Lisa responded, giving you one of her cute smiles.
"Let's explore then!" You say and before you could even take a step, Lisa grabs your hand and the two of you head out to the main festival site.
Lisa basically runs through the crowd, you trying to not break her wrist, follow closely still holding her hand. The two of you eventually arrive on a rather excluded location. You see maybe 10 people below the hill you're on.
"Where are we Lisa?" You ask her. "At the best and also HIDDEN spot on the festival site!" She says, putting special stress on the hidden part. "You see, the main stage is close enough for us to hear the music, but we're far enough as to not be disturbed by anyone" Lisa explains, whilst sitting down in the grass.
You sit down next to her, still holding her hand, taking in the view. "Wow Lis, this place is really cool. You can actually see everything from here"
"Yep, sometimes people come up here tho, to umm... you know. Be alone... and not be disturbed" Lisa says rather awkwardly. "Alone and not disturbed?" You ask, accidentally locking eyes with her.
"You know what Im talking about... 2 people... having some alone time" Lisa tries to explain. "I dont think I get what you're saying" You respond, having to laugh at your own stupidity.
"Sex! Y/N. People have Sex up here sometimes" Lisa finally says, still locking eyes with you.
"Ohhhhh... I get it now" You laugh. "Wait... You didn't get me up here to... umm.." You stutter for words
"Oh no no no Y/N. Like, I was just saying that people sometimes do that here." Lisa replies, finally breaking eye contact and looking away shyly.
After around 10 seconds of silence, Lisa asks "Have you had.. umm.. alone time with someone on a festival before?". She still didnt make eye contact, looking away.
"Umm.. No actually, you?" You reply. "Nope, I've always kind of wanted to try it, but I get so nervous" Lisa admits.
Not knowing what to respond, you sit there for a bit, before Lisa grabs your hand and gets up again. "Lets go back to the girls, I think we wanted to check out the festival together!"
The both of you stand up and start walking off the jhill, towards the festival site. You stop her tho. "You know, if you want to you know...-"
Lisa interrupts you "Okay, lets stop talking around the word. I want to have Sex at a festival!". "Okay, so if you want to have sex, but always end up getting too nervous, maybe you should start slow" You suggest.
"And how would I do that?" Lisa asks curiously. "A kiss.. or some simple touching." You suggest to her. "Hmm.." Lisa falls quiet for a moment. "Do you... want to kiss me Y/N?" She asks silently.
"Me?... Umm, Lis I work for you". "So? It wouldnt be thaat weird" She replies. "Plus, you've also never had sex at a festival before" She adds to her point.
"Okay, woah woah. Lisa. We just went from maybe kissing, to us having sex. What if someone catches us?" You ask her. "They won't and if its one of the girls, they wouldnt tell. Trust me Y/N" Lisa looks at you, with her cute eyes and smile.
"Okay, how about this. We kiss. Once. Here. Then think about it and see how we feel tomorrow. Deal?" You ask her. "Deal!" Lisa responds.
"So how do we do this?" You ask, getting nervous. "What do you mean? Haven't you kissed a girl before?" Lisa mocks you a little. "I have, plently, but never someone like you... on the spot like this" You say, trying to defend yourself.
"Someone like me? Whats that supposed to mean?" Lisa asks, as she slowly gets closer. "An Idol. A Superstar. A Celebrity". "Just pretend, that Im a normal girl. Which I am. I have Boobs. I have.." she gets closer to you and whispers "a vagina" into your ear seductivley.
"Haha, very funny." You say as you pull her closer. Now less than an inch are seperating your lips from her's. "I wasn't lying you know" Lisa says. "I know you weren't, but we have a deal" You respond.
"Deals are meant to be broken" Lisa snaps back. "Thats promises, Lis." You correct her, as the tension starts to rise even more between you two.
"Then I promise you, that I won't have Sex with you tonight" Lisa counters. "Ah fuck it" You respond, before pulling Lisa in and planting your lips on her's.
The two of you start to deepen the kiss and move to making out shortly after. Lisa takes your hand and places it on her boobs, leaving you squeezing and carressing them, earning you a small moan.
You break the kiss and ask "Do you want to do it up here?". "No, lets move back up onto the hill, I want a view" Lisa responds, pulling you behind her.
She lays down onto the grass, starting to pull down her skirt and revealing white lacy panties. After you get your pants off, you lock eyes with her. "White and Lacy? Wow, you really are a secret slut Manoban"
"I come prepared". You don't want to waster anymore time, so you help Lisa take her top off, giving you a site of her small but unbelievably beautifull boobs.
You fall back onto her, kissing her lips, before slowly moving down to her nipples. "A-Ahhh" Lisa lets out a moan of relief, as you start circular motions around her nipples, while your hand had moved further down into her panties.
Your head catching up, moves further down from her nipples, towards her panties aswell. "On or Off, Lis?" You ask her. "Off, they're yours now!" She says, breathing heavily.
You pull down the panties and lay them over your shorts next to you, before moving your head between her legs. You start by kissing her folds, before starting to lick them and eating Lisa out.
"A-Ahhh Y/N! AHH FUCK" Lisa cant hold her moans any longer. You continue to eat Lisa's pussy for a couple minutes, before moving back up to her face.
"Would the idol like to taste herself?" You ask her. "Yes please" Lisa says, completely out of breath. You kiss her, letting her taste her own juices on your lips.
Lisa breaks the kiss "I want you Y/N. I want you so deep inside of me. Please" You dont let her tell you that twice and line up your dick, before slowly pushing it inside her.
She starts to moan louder and louder, giving you a slight fear that others can hear you, but at the same time you didn't care. You were having Sex with THE Lisa Manoban... from Blackpink.
You continued and picked up the pace, to see Lisa's response and after a couple minutes, you could start to feel yourself get closer. "I'm getting close Y/N" Lisa said, like it was a perfect movie. "Me Too, Lis"
"Let's cum together Y/N" Lisa suggested inbetween moans. "Ready?" You asked her, getting a nod in response.
You could feel here pussy getting tighter as you let lose and felt your cum pump into her. "AH FUCK, Y/N" Lisa moaned as she orgasm'd.
After you both reached your climax, you collapsed next to her. "That was perfect, Lis" You told her, catching your breath. "It really was, Y/N".
The two of you both layed in the grass, enjoying the sun on your naked bodies. "Have I ever told you, that I actually really like you calling me Lis?" Lisa asked you. "Nope, but thats good to know" you respond.
"Yeah, makes me feel cute" Lisa laughs as she gets up and start to put her clothes back on, handing her white panties to you, as you do the same.
"These are yours by the way" she says. "Why? Don't you want some... protection... it is pretty windy and I wouldnt want anyone seeing a white substance run down your leg"
Lisa smirks, "No, keep them. Take it as a trophy... for having sex with an idol. Plus I have a backup in my bag by the tent".
You take the panties and stuff them into your pocket, before putting on your shirt. "Ready to go?" Lisa asks you. "Yes, Lis" You smirk.
The both of you walk off, hand in hand and make your way back to the tent.
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chuulyssa · 6 months
coffee? (l lawliet)
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↷ ASK ─ L and reader met at a cafe where L is a regular but reader is a new recruit at the cafe as a waitress who is being harrassed by some dudes and L steps in just to get feelings for her.
★ COUNT ─ 1.2k
!! TAGS ─ l lawliet x reader, slight harassment, catcalling, degrading (not by l), cliffhanger ending because im an asshole (also im a lazy bitch sorry)
★ PROLOGUE ─ stepping in to help without the security of a mask teaches a detective how to love
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L settled into his favourite spot at the cozy café. He felt the familiar sense of comfort wash over him. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft murmur of undecipherable conversation surrounded him, leaving him in complete relaxation. It was days like this that helped take his mind off murders and mysteries and sink deep within solace and peace.
He let out a content sigh and reached for his book, ready to lose himself in its pages, when a voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Hello, welcome to our café. My name is Y/N, and I'll be your waitress today. May I take your order?"
L glanced up to see a new face smiling warmly at him, your name tag proudly displaying your name. He couldn't help but return your smile with a small one himself, an action which was quite unusual, even for his own standards.
"Hello, Y/N," L replied with a nod. "I'll just have my usual, please."
"Um... your usual?" you blinked, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I'm-"
"Ah, it's alright, I figured as much," L waved a hand. "A black coffee."
You wrote it down on your little notepad. "Anything else?"
"Well..." L trailed off, thinking. He never really cared much about the other items on the menu. This time, however, to his own amusement, he found himself asking, "What would you recommend?"
"Huh? I- um," you were caught off-guard. In your defense, it was only your first day as an employee. How were you supposed to answer this customer now? "I suppose... a croissant?"
"Great choice," L nodded. "Please add that to my order."
After you left, L was left wondering why in the world he ordered a croissant of all things. He could already picture Watari shaking his head at the fact that a million croissants could have been ordered in a second if he had said so. Still, L shrugged and looked over at the counter, grumbling internally when he didn't find you there.
The soft clinking of silverware and porcelain from the kitchen reminded him of how empty his stomach was. L's gaze returned to his book, one foot tapping on the ground in a firm rhythm. As soon as you came back with his order, he took it without a word. He smiled, albeit slightly, before taking a small bite of the croissant.
"It's quite nice actually," he muttered watching you retreat to another table, surprised because he didn't usually compliment any kind of food.
Your evening shift was coming to an end. While you were packing up and getting ready to leave and call it a day, a sudden ring from the front door of the cafe signaled another customer. You sighed before throwing your apron back on and hurrying towards the table.
Upon reaching there, you realized that it wasn't just one customer, but a whole group of men, probably in their early 20s. You wondered why they'd be here of all places - in a cafe, that is, and not at some bar getting wasted. Still, pushing those thoughts aside, you bent over slightly to talk to the nearest person, inquiring about their order.
The group of men gave a few whistles and even a few catcalls as you conversed. From the corner of your eye, you could see many of them staring at your behind, and you immediately straightened up uncomfrotably.
“Well, well,” one of them snickered as he glanced you over. “If it isn't the new, cute waitress. Hey, why don't you come over here and join us? There’s plenty of room on this table.”
You blinked at him, trying not to punch him in the face. "I'm sorry, sir. We aren't authorized to be-"
"Ack, stop that silly talk. I don't understand nothin' of what you're trynna say," his words were slurred by the alcohol in his system, while you looked for ways to get out of this situation.
The rest of them were eyeing you up and down as they laughed amongst themselves, seemingly amused by their companion’s crude behaviour. Their eyes were like sharks circling their prey, searching for a chance to seize it.
“Ah, come on now,” another one spoke up, giggling. “You can take a break, right? It’s not like anyone’s going to notice if you’re gone for a few minutes. So what do you say? You join us, and we have some fun?”
"Um, I'll have to decline, sorry-"
"Hello," a quiet voice interrupted. The men turned to look at the new addition to their conversation, jeering.
"You want some fun too? It's alright, join us. We won't mind," one of the men laughed.
"Leave her alone," L was surprised at his own willingness to go out of his way to help you. After all, he had just met you, so there was no way he had already become 'attached' to you, right?
"Woah, woah, chill, mate," one of them said with a smirk. "Who are you - her boyfriend? Her bodyguard?"
The men laughed along, and another one added, "Yeah, man. Stop ruining the fun."
"She said no, alright? So back off."
The other men snickered. The air was filled with a tense silence as L and the drunkard stared intently at each other.
The drunkard scoffed, “Nah, man, for real though. What’re you, her boyfriend or something? Don’t even bother, dude. With a face like that, you’re obviously not the type the bitches want.”
L felt a strange sensation of anger and irritation as a muscle in his jaw clenched. Did he just dare to call you a bitch? He kept his face unreadable as he met the drunkard’s gaze again.
The drunkard smirked. “Oh? Did I hit a sore spot there? Do I need to repeat myself? There’s no way that bitc would go for a guy like-"
SMACK! The drunkard fell out of his chair, and you could have sworn you saw a few teeth fly off. L's foot had landed straight to his jaw and knocked the man off his feet.
The other three men sat still as they stared at L, a mixture of shock and disbelief written on them.
L looked down at the still unconscious drunkard with a stone-cold expression, as if he was used to knocking people out with his boots.
The three men looked at each other, unsure of how to react.
"W-we're leaving," one of them said finally, grabbing his drunk companion by the arms and dragging him out of the café.
Your hands were clasped onto your mouth, genuinely shocked, but also trying to hide a little smile that threatened to be seen by the others.
The café had fallen silent. It was only broken by the sound of the front door closing and the sound of footsteps outside.
L's gaze snapped up as he looked at you. It was like his senses were finally coming back to his body. He cleared his throat and turned towards you again, his demeanour shifting into its usual emotionless state.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-yea," you said, taking your hands off your mouth awkwardly. "That was a... um... clean kick."
L looked at you as if he could suddenly see you in a completely different light. Why did he step in to help you? Why did he lash out at your customers? Heck, why did he even stay that long in the cafe?
He frowned at the new emotion that was building up in him. What was this feeling that he, the greatest detective ever, could not figure out?
With a timid sigh, L closed his eyes briefly before opening them and mumbling a little, "Thank you."
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© chuulyssa 2024 - do not copy, plagiarize or repost my works on any platforms. do not translate.
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oreoov · 11 months
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kazuha x gn!reader / fluffy fluff / modern au <3
synopsis ─ you and kazuha seem to be more than friends, but at the same time, none of you have ever confessed so .. what exactly are you guys ..?
warnings : the word "hell", lots of and lots of teasing, kissing (idk how to put warnings so im just putting anything that sounds bad to some people LMAO)
notes : HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAZUHA!! (im very late but we dont talk about that) btw u guys should read my other kazuha fic because it didn't wanna show on tags and it flopped so bad!!! 🤬🤬
you were confused, puzzled, bewildered. kazuha has hugged you, yes. hold hands? always. cuddled? yes .. kissed ..? maybe once or twice but never on the lips .. but he never confessed or confirmed anything.
or maybe close friends just do that right ..? right .......?????
thats what you were trying to figure out for the past hour in this oh, so boring math class. you were too focused you didn't even notice kazuha staring at your gaze.
"are you okay? you know, its quite strange to me that you've been focusing on class a lot more these past days .." he whispers with a faint chuckle as he continues to look at you with the soft gaze of his.
ah yes, totally focusing in class .. if only he knew what you were thinking about this entire time!
"you should focus too zuha! stop looking at me like that .." you mumbled out quitely, a soft tint of red slowly came to sight on your cheeks.
"mhm .. my bad, its kind of your fault for looking so cute though." he teases you once more before finally turning away from you, proceeding to focus onto class just like what you told him to do.
you blushed even more by the comment .. ahahah .. close friends definitely don't say stuff like that. so why hasn't he said anything about it yet? you wanted to smack kazuha in the face for leaving it so unclear! or maybe you were just blind.
the bell suddenly rang, class was dismissed. both you and kazuha headed out of class, off to the cafeteria. and of course, he interwined his soft hands with yours.
because of this simple action, many rumors about you both possibly dating has suddenly appeared day by day. and yet, even you didn't know the clear answer to that.
the thought of dating him was never a bad idea in your opinion. is he cute, adorable, and handsome? yes. is he loving and caring? yes. is he smart? yes. is he too friendly with others? maybe ... but is he boyfriend material? yes, YES, YEYSYEYSS. (mb for simping)
do you like him? yes ....
"do you want anything? i'll pay for you!" kazuha interrupted your thoughts once again as he asked you with his signature soft, gentle smile that was only reserved for you.
"uhh .. not really hungry right now, thanks for asking though!" you returned a smile to him before looking away into your surroundings again.
"wrong answer, love. ill get you your fav okay? go find a seat while i get your food." oh, what a gentleman, but .. he. called. you. "LOVE"?!?
you wanted to jump out of this world!! your face was so red and your heart is bouta explode! you swear that this is gonna be your last straw and you are going to confront him right now!!!
"u- uh .. oh uhm yeah, ill go sit over there alright? uhh ..." ahahha .. yes, totally confront him ...
you turned back, face was still red as hell as you approached the empty table you're going to sit at. you took a seat and covered your face with your hands.
you need to ask him about all this sooner or later. you couldn't bare another day like this, but what if he actually doesn't like you? and he was just doing those gestures as friends ..?
your mind kept running back and forth from the only two possibilities that there could be ; "hes only doing that as friends ..." or "he literally wants me so bad."
you sighed as you watch him approach you with your food. you thanked him for the food and started to dig in, but he wasn't eating ...
"aren't you going to eat anything ..." i looked at him with a confused and worried look. what a hypocrite smh ...
"im not hungry right now, dont worry!" he responds with his soft smile again which always manages to makes your heart melt.
"y- you ... ughh ... here, lets just share .. you damn hypocrite." you scoffed as you pushed your plate closer to the center of the table.
he chuckles at you, but he accepts the food either ways to avoid you worrying for him. he only a ate a little though .. since he knows you hate sharing your favorite food!
you both ate over with a conversation, talking with him was always so easy. somehow, there was never a time where there wasn't a topic to talk about .. another reason to date him .....
"ah- wait ... i gotta get my book at my locker after this. you wanna come?" kazuha asked as he took his last bite, and so did you.
"ohhh .. sure, actually im gonna get my book too!"
"alright then, let's go" he reached his hand out for you again as he stood up. that simple gesture was enough to make you blush again.
he brought you along the hallways, which was quite empty, as everyone was mostly at the cafeteria. maybe .. maybe this is a proper chance to ask him ..?
your hands started to get sweaty as you got more nervous just because of one simple question. and of course kazuha notices ... because thats just how he is!
"are you alright? you seem quite nervous .." he stopped walking to check up on you.
your heart instantly dropped as he asked if you were okay. this is the chance to confront him, and to get this all over with!! just 1 simple question ... you can do it!!!
"i- uhm .."
"yes? you what ?"
"uhh, sorry but .. could you perhaps .. speak slower?"
you sighed as you had to repeat everything you said to him again!! your heart was beating faster and faster by every second, it was about to explode ...
"w- what i asked was .. what exactly are we ..? you keep confusing me with your actions since you know .. im pretty sure friends dont act like this, right?" you looked down as you were in a blushing mess. he was even still holding your hand oh so gently.
he chuckles softly, he didn't even blink. it was as if he was already expecting this question. and he was waiting for you to ask! "well, what do you think we are silly?" he chuckles again.
"i- i dont know!! thats why im asking you!! you're the one thats silly ..." you scoffed at him as you let go of his hand.
he couldn't contain his laugh as he took both of your hands again. "then ill ask a different question, what do you want us to be ..?"
uh oh ... things were not supposed to go this way and he was definitely not supposed to ask you this question!!! "u- uhm .. i- i guess more than .. friend's ..?"
"oh, come on dear, im not accepting that as an answer. you should be more specific to avoid anymore confusion! tell me, do you want us to be friends, or lovers?" he smirked, he was enjoying teasing you a little too much ...
"y- you ..!! i- i want us to be .. lovers. alright? i said it so stop teasing me now, this is so embarrassing!!" you were surely gonna die from embarrassment, and it was all because of kazuha ...
he chuckles at you, he couldn't help it. "alright, alright ill stop, im sorryyy, i couldn't help it! you were too adorable for your own good ..."
he continues "but, im also sorry for leaving it unclear, my dear." he pats your head softly as he embraces you softly.
"s- so .. were like, dating .. i guess? uhm .." surely it felt awkward for you, but you were also relieved! atleast now you know that he feels the same.
he laughs in amusement because of your constant confusion "yes, yes we are my love. you know what? how about i give you a proper kiss incase you're still confused? do i have your permission to do that ..?"
"f- fine .."
(insert kissing scene cuz idk how to write one LMAO)
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fandxmslxt69 · 6 months
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Hello friends!
As March comes to an end (my birth month wooo) I thought it would be a fun idea to have a little hang out during the last week! So from March 25 - 31 we are PARTYING !
Sort of!
My askbox is open to all sorts of silly dilly fun time! This is my first little hang out so PLEASE BE KIND TO ME i'm just a silly girl who wants to make friends and have some fun! I'm also hoping this might get me back into writing!
Yes, the poster is all Loki NO HE'S NOT THE CENTRE OF ATTENTION!! Here's a little info I guess (I am just winging this as we speak, it is not very thought out):
Rules & Info
The event will run from 03/25 to 03/31 - you can send in as many asks and hang out as much as you would like!!! No I will not kill you if you drop a hello in my askbox start of April - to be honest, I love friends so I won't ever turn anyone away
You can stop by my askbox to say hi, share some thoughts (or thots...) tell me anything, or play a game! (will talk about that in a bit)
Anyyyyoneeee is welcome I don't care if we aren't mutuals or we don't even talk, STOP BY AND SAY HI :D If you are rude or disrespectful in any way, I will kick your butt and break your nose.
This is a positive, fun zone. I just want to have my fun and mind my business, please don't be trying to cause problems. I'm a relatively small blog so thankfully no one really looks my way but I've had some bumps in the past.
Fuck, marry, kill - send me any three characters that you want me to decide a fate for....oh my god please don't make me kill anyone I love dearly....
Blurbs!! - send me a little prompt/kink/thought & a character and I will try SOOOOO HARD to put out a little itty bitty something of writing! Like 500 words or so!! Can be fluffy or smutty. Angst is not allowed unless its just a LITTLE sad and with lots of fluffy stuff after
Character Association - tell me about yourself and let me give you a character. This is literally my favourite game ever, and I swear I'm super good at it
Book Recs - tell me your reading vibes/popular tropes you like and I will give you FIVE (not one, not two, but FIVE!!!) book recs because I like talking about books. If you show up talking about non fiction, then sorry but I am not your gal at all.
Chat - Come talk!! Come chat!! Come say hi and giggle with me about anything!! Come be crazy with me over narratives and themes and character arcs!!! Tell me about school or your day, your OCs, latest WIPs or anything currently on your mind!
Okay that's all I could come up with but literally any and all games are free game. I am keeping this as chill and lowkey as possible.
You guys already KNOW my vibes and what I'm around and what I'm not, so feel free to send anything! I float around Marvel/DC (just send in any character and if I don't vibe with it I'll just let you know or leave it unanswered), I think it's obviously I'm Oscar Isaac obsessed....um. Pretty much anything. It's free game and I'll put my foot down if I'm down okay with something or don't want to answer :D
I'm..about to tag some friends...if that's okay...
@divine-knight-hand @romanarose @sarahscribbles @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @sailorholly @in-som-niyah @fictive-sl0th @mischief2sarawr @saturn-rings-writes @superficialdomina @planetwaynez...and I can't remember anyone else now I'm sorry LMAO
PS: If you're worried whether I'm comfy or not or familiar with a character or not, just send it in anyway and we'll figure it out from there!
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neuvisex · 1 year
Hiyaaa, i have a request but it may be triggering so if you dont feel comfy writing it, please let me know and i'll completely understand <3
If possible, may i requests scaramouche x reader who's um..like..struggling? with uhm..suicidal..like..this is hard to say but like. struggling with self harm..??? uhm. like cvtt1ng on their arms and thighs and they have alot of scars from it too and he finds out? fluffy ending..?? sorry..
im going through alot so uhm. yeah. but once again-! totally okay if you dont feel comfy writing it-!! i dont want you to feel like im guilt tripping you or anything too!! its all your decision <3
But anyways, Lots of love!! 🐈‍⬛💜 have an amazing day/night!!
♣︎ Immortality ♣︎
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You find yourself facing a dead end, and the one to help you out is none less than the last person you expected.
TWs: self-harm, suicidal thoughts, mild gore, unhealthy behaviors
Tags: angst, hurt/comfort, gn!reader
Summary: Scaramouche finds out reader is struggling with their own self.
A/N: I too struggle with SH, so this was kind of self-indulgent... I don't know if it's fluffy enough by the ending but, well, at least it's not tragic either...
Blood. Your house is filled with a hideous, stale odor that spreads through the walls and shakes the core of the structure. As soon as Scaramouche senses it, his heart begins to race in anguish. No, no, please, not blood. He runs across the room with his legs wobbly, your name leaving his mouth in stuttering words.
— Y/N? Y/N, where the fuck are you?!
When he gets to the bathroom door, his body freezes. Scaramouche falls to his knees in front of your haggard body leaning on the bathtub, his hands trembling in a loss of what to do. For the first time in a long while, he feels genuine fear. Your arms are dyed a terrifyingly familiar dark red, a discarded blade in the puddle that spreads, smearing the floor. The two of you stare at each other for what seems like ages, his desperate eyes meeting your downcast ones.
— Please stay with me. Come on, stay with me.
You open your dry lips to say that everything is fine. That this is just a habit, something you do to ease the pain inside.
— What…?
Scaramouche is useless. How had he not noticed before? Your clothes always long, covering your arms and legs. Your distant, sometimes even evasive, behavior. Your fake smiles, while your eyes were filled with suffering. He should have guessed earlier. Before you had done it again.
— Y/N, I… calm down, I’ll help you… I’ll help you…
The boy's voice cracks as tears roll down his cheeks. He rips off a piece of his own robes and uses it to stop the liquid seeping through your skin, pressing firmly against it. When you ask why he's doing this for you, Scaramouche falls silent. Indeed, why? Why is he, who had renounced human emotions a long time ago, lying at your feet, begging you not to leave him?
— …please don't do that anymore. Please. — he repeats like a prayer.
Night falls quickly. You lie on your bed with your arms bandaged as the blue-haired puppet watches you intently, his features puffy and reddened.
— Are you angry? — You ask shyly.
Scaramouche looks like he can't believe what he's hearing. Now that both of you are more stable, he lets out an emotionless laugh.
— I'm not…I'm just wondering…why? Why mistreat your own body? Why didn't you ever tell me? Why did you…
Your hands find his in an act of consolation. He seems reluctant at first, but eventually relents and relaxes under your touch.
— Listen, I… I'm not exactly the best person to talk about self-love, but you, I mean… yeah, life sucks most of the time, I won't deny it, but you're a valuable person. And if you don't see it yet, one day you might. While you are in this process… count on me. Take it out on me, lean on me, cry with me. Just don't do that to yourself anymore, okay?
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dayseedrawz2 · 8 months
Okokok, Its time to stop mentally preparing... (for Pomni AND me in this case cuz I sorta regret doing this-) this part is probably gonna be longer than the first
[also tagging @sm-baby again. I'm sorry if I'm infiltrating you notifications but if I tagged you in the first it makes sense to tag you in the rest of the parts]
Here is part one of the Fic:
Okay now here we go again...
☆Settings for two☆
Pomni, not having much to do while waiting for Caine and the others, just sat on the floor on the stage. Letting herself stare off into space, with the thought of escape still circling her head.
Caine was gone for a bit longer than she thought he'd be. She thought he would just snap his fingers and bring the cast out against their will. Ya know, like the oblivous AI that he is. Or at least he appeard to be to her... Then she heard the distant bustling and chatting of the others getting closer:
"Do we really have to do this for her??"
"I guess so. But I don't quite mind."
"Yeah, whatever. I just think it's stupid that he's involving us..."
"The only thing stupid about it is that he's involving you, Jax."
"Oh, settle down, guys! I think it's really sweet of him!"
"Shut up, Dollface!"
"C-can you guys stop arguing..?"
"Oh! Of course! Sorry, Gangle."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever..."
"Let's just get the day over with..."
Pomni got up as they all lined up side by side in the center of the room. But She was still a bit confused...
"What on earth were they talking about..?"
The thought lingerd with her, but it didn't invade her mind as much as the inevitable effect of her plan. But her train of thought again was interrupted by the voice of Caine bursting into their muffled conversations:
"Good morning again, my superstars!"
He swooped around the corner, approaching from the direction of the hallway.
"I hope you all are excited for today's adventure! This one is sure to be a doozy!"
He began to explain the rules of the adventure. "Something Something, the grounds, blah blah blah, Something about the Carnival? Or perhaps it was the Lake?" Not like she would know. She wasn't paying much attention. Again, all that was on her mind was the idea of leaving. When finally she tuned back in to Caine as he wrapped up his speach:
"Alright everyone! I hope you all enjoy the adventure! Stay safe and have fun!"
And POOF! Caine and the others was teleported to who knows where.
Execpt, for Pomni?
She started to panic a bit:
"Im still here!? Should've known not to get my hopes up... Maybe he set that door there as a trap like the others..."
Well, at least she was alone...
"Pomni!? What're you still doing here!?"
"Oh God..."
He snapped in attempt to fix what he thought was some sort of bug on his end.
Nothing happened.
Another snap.
He began to grow visibly frustrated, continually snapping as he spoke:
"M-my apologies, dear! There seems to be something wrong with-"
He turned to see the blue door slightly open. Pomni grew worried:
"Oh god... Did he see me in there?? Is he gonna do something to me??"
To her surprise, upon connecting the dots, he simply laughed it off:
"Haha! It appears someone got into the old settings room!"
"I told Bubble to quit messing with code without permission! I'll be giving him a stern talking to later..."
Though still tense, she let out a releived sigh:
"Sorry again, my dear! I guess this means you'll have to sit out of today's adventure!"
"I-it's fine, Caine. If that's all, I'll just head back to my room now-"
His response was a bit more panicked than usual:
"I-I'm afraid you can not go to your room at this time..."
This, of course, alarmed her:
"Wh- I- why not..?"
"You should be in the adventure right now, so even if you tried, the place would glitch like crazy!"
"Oh... well, uh- now what?"
"I... I'm not sure. This hasn't really happened before..."
It was a bit off-putting seeing Caine this quiet. Normally, he's always bugging her and the others with his antics. Not that she would prefer if he did, just- it didn't feel right that he wasn't.
Caine to must have realized just how akward it felt. He attempted to continue the conversation:
"Ya know, lately a lot of things have happened here that haven't happened before since you got here! It's pretty funny now that I think about it!"
"R-really? Like what..?"
"Well, if I knew, I would tell you! Haha!"
She wasn't quite sure what he was implying. "Was it some sorta joke? A reference?"
"S-sorry, what? I don't quite get it..."
"Well, as a not human being, I have been trying to learn as much as I can from you humans! I want to make sure that this place is as normal and comfortable as it can be!"
As he continued, he seemed more down to earth than he usually was:
"I tried to ask everyone for information about the human world, but either they say they don't remember or they just don't answer me at all."
This answer from Caine caught Pomni very off guard. She didn't expect him to open up to something like this. Especially to her.
"Gee, well- I-"
"But the feedback you gave me this morning, It made me realize. Perhaps I have been asking the wrong questions?"
She wasn't sure how to answer. Never has she been good at giving good feedback, but still she decided to give her best- "advice" You could say.
"You mean you should ask more about their personal issues with the place? Well- it might be different for everyone, but it might give you at least a few of the answers you're looking for? I-"
She was cut off by Caine rapidly shaking her hand:
"Why thank you again, my dear, for your feedback! Hopefully, this will improve everyone's stay!"
The rapid hand-shaking continued:
"Y-you're welcome?"
The shaking finally stopped, making Pomni almost fall forward:
"Well then, I suppose we should wait for the others' return."
"Yeah... I guess we'll be here for a while, heh."
He checked his WackyWatchTM:
"My! It's already almost over! They will be here any minute now!"
"Wait, really?"
"If my WackyWatchTM is right! It's as if it only started not even 5 minutes ago! Ha! That's one more odd thing that's happened since you've been here! Care to explain that one?"
Pomni had to think about that one for a moment. She hadn't had this sort of experience for a while:
"Well, if i remember, humans usually are unaware of time when doing something fun or being around someone that they enjoy being around."
This answer seemed to peak his interest even more:
"I am surprised that you are even willing to share this information with me! Is there anything else?"
As their conversation continued, Pomni thought:
"Huh... maybe this guy really does have good intentions..."
And there! Cut! End part! I can't write anymore-
Stay tuned for the third and final part!
(It is 1 am for me rn and I started at like 10 or 11 oh my goodness)
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wwenhlimagines · 1 year
For the fall fluff could I get Matching Outfits with Wardlow?!? Please and thank you. (Bonus points for hoodies!) lol
Fall Fluff Prompts
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"Babe, are you ready to go to Dynamite?"
"Yes, but you aren't ready yet."
"Oh no, what have you done now?"
You giggled as you threw a black hoodie at him, indicating he needed to put it on. He sighs and puts the hoodie on before walking over to find you standing in front of the mirror. He looks at the mirror and gets the full vision of the matching hoodies you were now wearing together.
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"Oh, okay, I'll give you this one. At least it is still on brand to an extent."
You hug him, and he wraps his arms around you before pecking your lips and then your forehead. You both grab your bags and leave the hotel to go to the arena to finally see your friends for the first time in months. Once the car was parked, Wardlow got his bag, and you grabbed your purse before his fingers interlocked with yours, and you walked into the arena hand in hand.
You said hi to a few of the backstage workers on your way in, but it was Kris Statlander who stopped you in your tracks. "Y/N! I've missed you so much."
You laugh and hug her before pulling back and letting her get a good look at your hoodie. "Now those hoodies are so perfect for you two."
Orange Cassidy was walking by trying to find Kris when he saw you all standing there chatting. He walked over and smirked before fist bumping Wardlow. The two of them shared a knowing look to acknowledge the hoodies, and he calmly spoke, "Good to have you back, Wardog."
Orange and Kris went to go find Chuck and Trent as you and Wardlow went to catering. You talked to a few other wrestlers before Wardlow leaned over and kissed your temple before heading to the locker room. Anna Jay walked over and sat at the table cooing over the interaction between you and Wardlow. "You two are so adorable. True Beauty and Beast couple."
You smiled and nodded. "My plan to get to be Belle for Halloween is working then?"
Anna smirked and leaned closer to you. "Oh, I think he is already halfway there. Just gotta find the costumes."
You showed her your phone screen, which showed you had just found the costumes online, and you giggled, adding them to your cart. "He won't mind as long as he gets to be seen as strong and protective of me."
Anna pats your shoulder as she stands up to walk away, humming the tune of Beauty and the Beast.
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Tags: @wardlow @wardlowsbabydoll @thesupreme316 @hooks-martin @legit9thlunaticwarrior @seeingstarks @plentyoffandoms @mycheersricochet @im-just-a-mississippi-girl
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ask-triangulum · 2 months
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[OOC: an ask and art blog for Bill Cipher, pretty standard! I may not get art for every ask, but I'll do my best! Follows back from coiled-dragon, mun is 18+ and is okay with mature asks. NOT a Roleplay blog, sorry!]
#Triangulum Entangulum - Answered Asks #Sharp Looking Fellow - Bill Fanart/Aesthetics #Visuals - Mun Art/Art Replies
More to be added when I think of them!
6-21-3-11 20-8-1-20 1-24-15-12-15-20-12
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quirkle2 · 4 months
in zombie au, what if the hypothetical situation where the gang does indeed run into Zero food supply, would zombie mob really eat either or both tome and ritsu :o (i literally laid awake last night imagining this scenario jwndjwndkwn)
oh and one more thing! i would very much like to know what goes on mob's thoughts when said hypothetical situation comes around :3
hogod . oh god i did this didnt i. i did this im so evil im so
ok. this is the evil timeline.we don't talk abt this timeline very much, it's evil. so this is prolly the only ask i'll answer abt it. warning for cannibalism, mcd, and suicide
in the not-canon hypothetical where they Do run completely out of food, mob would indeed get desperate enough to snap and lunge at one of them, and he'd go for tome first. she's less familiar, she's Not his sibling, and she's only been around for a few months
how ritsu responds to this sorta depends on the situation, but in that particular scenario from the previous ask and its tags ritsu probably Doesn't have it in him to shoot mob and he lets tome get killed. he feels like a Monster for it, but he's simply not going to kill his own brother for a girl he just met a couple months ago. he's going to choose mob every time
given that ritsu doesn't have any food for himself here, he's sorta trapped in a nightmare. if they leave after mob gets his fill, he'll feel like tome kinda died in vain, or at least smth close to it. through the fucking Raw Fear he's probably feeling after watching his brother eat another person, he's doing his best to grasp onto logic and say well we should stay here. bc that means shige will get rly well-fed. there's a perfectly good... food source right here. we shouldn't waste it
but ritsu has no food, and he literally can't resort to eating her bc that's tainted meat now. he'd just turn afterward. so they have to leave her. and that makes him so fucking upset in the grand scheme of things but rly, in the moment, he's glad to make that decision bc it means he can stop being in the same room as her corpse
now if it somehow happened Again and mob got that desperate a second time, with nobody but ritsu around? uhm.,,,,he would? i think. he would. as much as i'd love to say he wouldn't, he's a zombie. instincts takes over eventually. and then he'd wander aimlessly until exhaustion, a patrol, or starvation claims him. hashtag bad ending hashtag throwing tomatoes at the stage
to answer ur second question: after mob gets cured, in the middle of his recovery, he starts to remember bits n pieces of the journey, and while it's very fuzzy and it jumps around a lot, he Thinks there was somebody else w them at some point
so he asks ritsu. hey was there ?? anybody else with us? and like.whatthe hell do u say to that. ritsu knows that if mob knows, he'd lose his mind. he wouldn't be able to handle that. so he Has to lie, and he kinda panics and fucks it up a bit bc he says, "nah bro just us ^-^" and completely omits tome from the picture. fucked up but he panicked, okay
mob goes hm. ok. but then he remembers more. he remembers her face, vaguely, and her name, and at first he kinda chalks it up to brain weirdness in his recovery stages, but as time goes on and he gains more and more memories of this girl that ritsu claims was never there, he comes to the conclusion that ritsu Lying might be more likely
and if ritsu lied to his face about this, about a Whole Person being with them, what else is he hiding?
if mob ever did find out what exactly he did to her, or even to that man he mauls to protect ritsu in the canon timeline of this au, i think he'd lose it. he wouldn't be able to live w himself. i genuinely don't think he'd be able to go on after that
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beanxiv · 1 year
beanxiv's 100 follower bash ! ✩࿐
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hi guys 🫶 so first and foremost, i wanna say thank you all for 100 followers <33 i love you all and im super grateful to all of you ! second, i wanna say i'm sorry for taking so long to do this, i was trying to figure out what kind of event i would do 😭 i ended up picking just a prompt list that you can request from, (the simplest thing ever ik💔) but i hope u guys like it !!
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you can find all my posts for this event under the tag #beanxiv's bash!
obviously, my normal request rules still apply. (you can find them here.) if your request goes against my rules, i won't accept it.
i prefer if you request off of anon, so that i can tag you - but if you're still on anon it's okay.
speaking of tagging— if you want to be tagged in my work fill out this form!
i'll only do one character per request if its a scenario, but i can do up to 3 if they're headcanons.
you can ask for up to 2 prompts in your request.
you can make as many requests as you want though! just do it in separate asks please
specify the details of your request! (reader preference, any details about the request, genre– like if you want angst or fluff, etc)
also specify who you want to say the line-- for example if the prompt is "you make me happy," specify if you want the reader or character to say the line.
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these are the characters i'll accept requests for-- if you request for a character not listed here, i won't accept your request.
my hero academia: bakugou katsuki, izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, denki kaminari, kirishima eijirou, sero hanta, iida tenya, tamaki amajiki, keigo takami (hawks), touya todoroki (dabi)
obey me: lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor, simeon, solomon, diavolo, barbatos
haikyuu: hinata shouyou, kageyama tobio, nishinoya yuu, sugawara koushi, kenma kozume, kuroo tetsurou, oikawa touro, iwaizumi hajime, bokuto kotaro, akaashi keiji, suna rintaro, atsumu miya, sakusa kiyoomi
blue lock: isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, kunigami rensuke, chigiri hyoma, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, shidou ryusei, reo mikage, nagi seishiro, otoya eita
jujutsu kaisen: gojo satoru, itadori yuuji, megumi fushiguro, inumaki toge
attack on titan: eren yeager, armin arlert, jean kirsten, connie springer, levi ackerman
heroes of olympus: percy jackson, leo valdez, will solace, connor stoll
shatter me: aaron warner, kenji kishimoto
demon slayer: tanjirou kamado, inosuke hashibara, zenitsu agatsuma, giyuu tomioka, obanai iguro, uzui tengen
twisted wonderland: riddle rosehearts, ace trapolla, deuce spade, cater diamond, leona kingscholar, ruggie bucchi, floyd leech, kalim al-assim, jamil viper, idia shroud, malleus draconia, silver
the spiderverse: miles morales, miguel o'hara, hobie brown
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"i cant stop thinking about you... it's distracting.."
"are we really just friends?"
"sorry, you're just so cute when you're pissed."
"...i just realized how in love i am with you."
"i like listening to you talk."
"stay with me a little longer, please?"
"never say that about yourself when i know you deserve everything and more."
"you're so perfect."
"how could i ever say no to you when you look at me like that?"
"i made something for you."
"i miss you. so much."
"hey, why'd you stop? keep doing that, it feels good."
"don't leave me yet... please."
""is something burning??"
"i could die happy like this."
"i really want to kiss you right now."
"can't you see i'm trying?"
"i had a nightmare and i had to make sure you were still here."
"i'm yours. all yours."
"you drive me crazy."
"i'll kiss it better."
"let's spend forever together, okay?"
"you're taking up all of the blanket!"
"i'm scared, can you please hold my hand?"
"one more kiss, another, and another-- what? i can never get too many of your kisses."
"i'm going to marry you one day. i promise."
"you make me so happy."
"let's run away together."
"don't look at them, look at me."
"i'm a mess, but i'm your mess."
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childofapollo11 · 2 years
A Cold Winter's Day
George Weasley x (diggory! Reader)
(just fluff)
Also this is set when George and you are younger and not at Hogwarts yet!!
"Ced do you want to come with me to the treehouse?" My brother looks up from his coloring book. He pauses for a second to think about the question. Then he slowly shakes his head.
"Well tell mum that's where im going," I say. He nods and I grab my book and practically run out of the door.
If i'm being honest I was hoping he wouldn't want to come. The main reason I want to go so badly is to see the redheaded boy that keeps passing by.
The first time I saw him it was snowing and he had a colorful scarf on. He seemed to be playing a game, maybe tag because he was running. I only saw him for a second before he was out of view. The second time I saw him he was with someone else, who looked almost identical to him. They were talking about some kind of prank and laughing. The third time I saw him he was alone again, sitting under a tree. He had some sort of gadget that he was playing with. Every time I saw him I stayed quiet and hidden, barely peeking out the treehouse window.
The treehouse wasn't even technically on our property, it was in the middle of the woods. No one else seemed to use it, so me and Cedric decided to make it our own. Once I get there it is freezing. My mums heating spell must have worn off. 
It is a extremely cold day in December, a few days before Christmas. The ground is covered in thick, white, snow.
Despite the cold, I sit down on the wood and start reading my book. Well kind of reading it, but I am still focused on listening for the boy.
After about thirty minutes, I am about to give up. It is freezing and my body is growing numb, but then I hear something. Someone is running through the snow. I quickly hide in the corner where I can see out of the window without them being able to see me. It is the same boy. Today he is wearing a brown scarf and a green sweater with a golden G on it. I wonder if it stands for something.
The boy runs past the treehouse again, but then he stops and turns around. He walks to the ladder. What is he doing? I wonder. He then begins to climb up. I freak out and quickly grab my book and act like i'm reading.
I am very aware of when he makes it to the top, but I keep my eyes locked to the book. I feel him staring at me.
"Sorry, I didn't know anyone was up here," He says breaking the silence. I look up and notice he took of his toboggan. His hair is messy and his face is red either from the cold or embarrassment.
"It's okay," I reply a slight blush creeping up my cheeks. I've never been good at confrontation.
"I was playing hide and seek with my brothers and thought this place was empty, I'll leave now," he says as he starts to move toward the door.
"No, it's fine, I could use the company," I say quickly. I immediately regret my action and i'm surprised that I even spoke. I focus my eyes on my hands and start picking at my nails.
"Are you sure?"
"Of course."
He slowly moves to a spot in the floor beside me. I'm still not looking at him. "How long have you been up here?" he asks, his voiced filled with concern. "About half and hour, why?" I reply, wondering why he is asking."You're shaking and it must be below freezing in here." I didn't realize I was shaking I thought I had gotten used to the cold by now.
"Here take this, it might help."I finally look up slightly to see that he is taking off his scarf. He hands it to me and our fingers touch.
"You really are cold," he laughs.
"I guess I didn't realize how cold it was up here," I smile," thank you." He nods with a smirk as if it was nothing.
"George you win,"an annoyed voice yells. "Yeah George we give up," another voice shouts.
"Well that's my cue," the boy beside me hops up from the floor. I go to take the scarf off with a frown, it really is warm. As I go to hand it to him he shakes his head,"Keep it, you need it more than me." I thank him as I wrap the scarf back around my neck. He starts to leave and I immediately start to feel alone again.
"Now don't stay out here too much longer, I don't want to come back tomorrow to you frozen."
"I won't," I assure him. As he climbs down the ladder his words sink in. He said he would come back tomorrow.
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criticallyobs · 8 months
i was literally so excited to hear it you have no idea i checked spotify like three billion times today 🤣🤣🤣🤣
and it was so worth it!!!! im so glad M is an avid Day-Mom defender that part made me laugh so much. Z was all like "yeah shes dead to me" and M going "ah well you know the circumstances and emotions" and then in the end with the EyE DonATioN Z was (mostly) calm and M was just losing it ah good times good times
needless to say im vibrating with anxiety for next week. i'm with you guys that i would LOVE it if the surgery fails. like M says that amount of pain would be DELICIOUS. like if Morks realization that Day was now fully blind on the last twilight mountain was a 1 then that realization will be a full 10 on the Mork-Pain-Scale and i just grrrrrr i need to see him cry so bad so. hahahaha yeah im so normal. normal about this.
im a solid 90% sure that the surgery wont work. i had my doubts right after the episode but the more im thinking about it the more im sure it wont. or like you guys said maybe hes only going to be back to the one palm distance visuals.
(and fun fact we actually checked our organ donation cards after this episode and my friend actually wrote under organs she wouldn't want to donate "eyes" we are now debating whether to change that into just corneas but i dont want them to)
and now after you mentioned that we'll probably gonna get to see mee being born i cant stop thinking about mork and day holding their little niece hahahahahahahahahahah okay oaky now im leaving you alone I JUST NEEDED TO SCREAM AT SOMEONE.
have a wonderful week i'll see you at the next one
Thank you again for the lovely message, we are living for these.
We also can't wait to find out what they have planned for us. Will it be torture-light or hard-core pull out your spine through your breast kind of pain?
To help bide the time we have created a telegram group chat where we can interact with our listeners, we'd love for you to join if you want. Here is the link.
We thought it might be another great way for us to not only interact with our listeners but for you guys to be able to interact with each other too.
The great thing with telegram is you can send voice messages as well as text, this could be a place where your theories are discussed, where you could have live episode discussions and reactions, ask questions and follow-ups after podcast episodes, basically whatever our listeners might find most enjoyable.
We have our final Last Twilight podcast episode coming up fast, too fast. With only two more episodes left, we are planning to continue on from our Dangerous Romance podcast tradition and end this series with an extra Special episode 'Let's Talk Last Twilight'.
If you have any questions you'd like us to answer or topics you'd like us to talk about during the Special episode, they can be added to the telegram group chat under the Last Twilight topic. Just tag #Letstalklasttwilight so we can be sure to find them.
We also have topics for Dangerous Romance and Cooking Crush, which people can join.
❤️ Z & M
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maygrantgf · 1 year
temptation tuesday
tagged by @honestlydarkprincess 😘
another day another couple hundred ideas...will they ever become wips?? who knows!
buddie move into a "haunted" house crack exactly what it sounds like LMAO they move into a new house and its gonna basically be like
buck: babe our house is haunted that piece of furniture just moved RIGHT in front of us???
eddie: .... no i do not see it,,, im going to bed❤️
buddie first argument buck and eddie have their first fight and a couple and it leaks into the firehouse. chim and hen are nosy and want to know what they're fighting about (and bc they care!! like why are their friends fighting??) so they basically interrogate them separately and help them try to talk to each other like normal ppl
eddie buying anniversary present for buck cashier scares him with gambling story this is so sjfhjdks its really silly and came to me super randomly but eddie goes shopping with hen to buy an anniversary present and they come across this cute lil shop. eddie goes to pay and the cashier is VERY nosy and also VERY talkative. imma just say she tells eddie unprompted about her gambling addict (ex) bf who spent all of her savings and now shes broke but its so WONDERFUL him and his partner have been together 6 months happy anniversary!!!! eddie and hen leave the store like what the fuck? can we agree to never go back there?
buck is accused of murder or some other super serious thing uhh tbh idk if i'll ever write this its super angsty but im a sucker for this trope on tv soooo
buck disappears after almost running someone over OKAY so i pretty much have like more than half of this fic planned out i just. havent written it. u know how it is. y'all ready? okay lets do this under the cut:
this is def inspired by something ive watched before i just dont remember what. anyway. newly weds buck and eddie driving home from work (maybe) buck is driving. they're talking yknow shooting the shit and then all of a sudden this woman comes outta no where and runs in front of the car eddie yells "BUCK" and buck hits the breaks almost running her over but he doesn't. the woman has blood coming out of her eyes and she puts her hands on the hood of the car and tries to say something before she collapses on the ground. buddie get out of the car and try to help her but her heart stops and while eddie does cpr buck calls 911
so it goes the cops come and question them and buck is just sitting there like oh my god did I hit her? is it my fault she died and eddie is like um no !!!! it was obviously something else. anyway they get let go and they go home. there's an investigation n shit but no leads so the case goes cold. a few months later there's another victim and the 118 responds and it's the sameeee thing!! that happened to buddie and ofc they're freaked out
something something other things happen but I'm thinking buck somehow gets involved bc he's nosy and gets kidnapped by the baddie who did that to the other victims
the second part is the aftermath of his disappearance but imma leave it for another time bc this this is so loooong. hmu if yall want more tho !!
tagging @bigfootsmom @lovebuck @herodiaz @usercowboy @dollhousejee
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wooahaes · 2 years
dino soulmate au !! i don't have a specific trope in mind, but im curious to see which one you think fits him best :D
hii <3 hmm... technically dino was where i left off on my soulmate series (which is currently paused until i finish either sweet night (more likely) or under the sun (unlikely lol), then i'll try to finish out those fics before i start a new series), so i'll avoid what i've got planned for him there
(death tw, will tag the post w this as well)
ill play around w a lil bit of angst. reader has lost the soulmate that they were dating ever since they met in high school bc (insert cause of death here). not even minutes after he's dead, the name lee chan writes itself across the back of their hand. out of resentment for the universe immediately pairing you up right after you lose the love of your life, you resolve to keep the stupid name covered as much as you can and never meet this lee chan the universe is replacing your soulmate with.
elsewhere, chan realizes that there's a name written up his forearm that he didn't have before. a certain percentage of ppl are born w/o soulmates, and chan always thought he was one of them until now. he probably excitedly shows it off to his friends (only abt half of which have soulmates imo bc i like having a mixed bag there), and they promise to let him know if they happen to run into someone w his own name on them.
enter jeonghan, currently going through practicum to become a licensed therapist. enter, you on a summer day without a bandage on the back of your hand and his friend's name contrasting your skin in neat lettering. also enter the fact that jeonghan can't say/do anything about giving out your information because of violations, so he's stuck trying to figure out how he can lead you or chan to one another.
ultimately, he figures out a way: you mumble one day a week or two later that your favorite coffee shop is closed for renovations because you'd always treat yourself with something sweet from there, jeonghan asks if he can make a suggestion, and he pushes you toward one of chan's favorite places before immediately getting both seungkwan and vernon on the task of getting chan there. you end up sitting in the corner to kinda just people watch and chill post-therapy session and wait on your drink. your name gets called out, and you notice the way another guy's head snaps up immediately. you retreat to your corner with your drink, only to hear the name lee chan read out soon enough and you aren't taking any chances. you get up to leave, and immediately the guy tails you out and asks for you to stop before rolling his jacket sleeve back to reveal where your name is boldly written along his arm.
you tell him you aren't interested. he's immediately heartbroken by that kind of talk, but asks for your number anyway because he'd at least like to be your friend if nothing else. you give it to him after making it clear you aren't looking for a new lover, and then leave.
and idk insert more stuff abt you and chan getting closer until you finally open up and mention tht ur in grief counseling bc of ur soulmate dying and that you'd always hated chan (as a concept--you like him now as a person) because it wasn't even five minutes before his name appeared on you. he apologizes, you tell him not to bc its not his fault, and the two of you agree to take ur friendship slow.
insert chan feeling guilty as he falls for you. insert u feeling guiltier because you fell harder after that and you try to push him away again. fic culminates in you admitting to him or to a friend that you're terrified of losing another soulmate. maybe its w a family member of deceased soulmate who reassures you that he would want you to be happy before asking if it had been you, wouldn't you want him to move on one day? it ends w you crying on them and apologizing because you feel like ur betraying ur first soulmate, but accepting that its okay to move on.
its just a lot of talk abt grief and whatnot lol with a side of chan helping you heal because he wants to be there for you, romantic feelings or not. you confess to him that you've fallen for him and ask to take things slow now and the fic ends off with the two of you going to get coffee together or something
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heeracha · 2 years
alphabet game (copy paste to first account u see)
tag ur mutuals alphabetically and leave a short message for them :)
omg wait i suck but i'll try HSBFJHSBD
@atrirose — hi babes imy :( i hope ur doing well !! and if u arent yk where to find me so u can rant mwa ily
@bambisgirl — hi maria imy and ur works aaaaa <3 i hope ur doing good <3
@chiyuv — hi caelin i miss ur remarks hELP SJFDBHSD i hope ur doing good mwa ily
@deeznutsriki — hi kid imy ily lol hope ur doing good
@ethereal-engene — ASHIE DFJBFDSHK I LOVE YOU,,, thanks for the contents u send lmAOOO and i hope u dont get tired of the cat contents i send lmaooo ily
,,,,, i suck i dont have a f moot T_T
@goldenhypen — hi simp okay thats all,, jkjk no i rlly dont have anything to say we talk everyday T_T ig,, thanks for waiting for me whenever i ghost lmAO SIDBSHD
@honeyhuii — i love your works kai omg BSFHJSD i love your mind, i love you in general. thank u for not judging me and my weird ass
@iwonzzi — hi lily i miss u sm AAAAA i hope ur doing good <3
@jjunis — hi dani phantom hi beloved AAAAA been awhile since we talked but i hope im still the hee simp u remember lmAOO anyway i hope ur doing good ilysm
@kooksbliss — hi honey,, i hope ur doing well <3 aaaa imy :(
@lunaflvms — hi luna,,, higkey love ur wokrs esp the one where the reader is turned into a rock T_T luv ur crackhead <3 anyway hope ur doing good
@minluvly — hi bhie,,, shet AHAHA sigawan mo nalang si lino na mahal ko siya so much pag nasa con ka na HAHAHAHAHA LUV YOU
n — ,,,, i suck
@orpheyeux — hi cmas, imy <3 i hope ur doing great AAAAA i havent had any update bcs i havent been in the server im so soRRY OH MY GOD but anyway, ily <3
@precioussoulofmine — ,,,you. /j we talk to each other everyday too so,,,, i hope sunghoon posts and you dont miss it. thats all i can say lmAO ily
q — ,,,, i rlly suck at this
@rising-ashes — hello my love,,, im glad we havent scolded each other about the sleeping schedules in awhile now <3 i hope ur doing great and thank u for helping me in the dumb anaphy subj <3
@sungbeam — beam !! hi honey,, i hope ur doing great !1 and i will spam u soon with more cat stuff lmaOOO ily <3
@twilightau — maks, my love. oh my god, we havent talked in awhile, im sorry for ghosting the server AAJBSDHKDBS highkey shy now,, but i will return someday,,, hopefully vv soon bcs i miss talking to all of you but ofc especially you !! i love you mwa
u — ,,,, T_T
v — T_T
@wooyukh — ily and i hope ur doing great. i hope u stop bullying me soon. bye ilysm. im sorry for being a shit replier yk i love you mwa
x — T_T
@yeongwonie — I MISSED YOU OMG,, anyway i saw u were busy lately AAAAA i hope ur doing okay ilysm !! <3
z — T_T
okay thats all bye ilysm all of u. even though i havent mentioned a lot im sorry i love you all mwa
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drkcnry67 · 2 years
Would you like to make this permanent?
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Title: would you like to make this permanent?
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Single parent AU
Spn fluff: engagement
Tags: cock in pussy, demonic possession, exorcism by sex(yes I know it's weird but it fits), devils trap, engagement, kids, etc
Summery: not telling.
Created for @spnfluffbingo
Jensen: look I can't go right now, I can't leave my child here by herself she is only 2... my nanny just quit and so did my assistant I have no one to watch my daughter...
Robert: try the local ads for live in nanny, there's one umm her name is YN I already called her references on your behalf and she says she can start immediately. And she is a beautiful one at that...
Jensen couldn't believe it, his friend was being so helpful right then...
Jensen: thank you Rob, did you send her my address!
Rob: yep, she should almost be there... not to worry buddy I've got your back!
Soon as Jensen hung up the phone he was alerted to the sound of tires on the pavement. He carried his young sleepy daughter to the front door to greet whoever was coming up the walk...
Jensen: can I help you?
Yn: hi I'm yn I was told to come here to start Mt new job, are you Jensen?
Jensen snaps his fingers for the gardeners to help you with your bags... you got to the door and shoke jensens hand.
Jensen: you arrived just in time I know you just got here and are tired of driving and you don't have to, you just have to come with me to the office so I can deal with some stuff. And so we can set you up also as my new assistant.
You were confused...
Yn: I thought I was a live in nanny...
Jensen: dammit rob didn't explain everything did he? Course not okay here's the deal, my last assistant was also my nanny... she watched over my precious little girl, speaking of which this little cutie is Justice Jay, but I call her JJ for short! It's nap time plus she hasn't been sleeping well the last bit...
You strap your purse on your shoulder and recieve JJ in your arms. Her soft snores fill your ears as Jensen grabs some stuff and a backpack and leads you back out of the door.
He has you hand your car keys to the gardeners so they can finish unloading your car and move it into the garage.
You follow Jensen to his car, you lay JJ in her car seat and shut the door. You take a moment to breathe but don't notice Jensen coming up behind you.
Jensen: you okay?
Yn: ya I guess its just how do you know your trusting your assistants position and nanny position to the right person.
Jensen turned you to face him... your eyes glistened with the threat of tears to fall... Jensen wiped your cheek before speaking softly.
Jensen: I have a way with people. A way to see the good, a way to see that no matter what happens this is where you belong.
You touch his arms and feel him tense and hear a low hiss rip from deep in his core.
Yn: what's happening to you?
Jensen: im not sure, your the first girl whose made my inner demons react this way.
Yn: well then we will have to see if they make another appearance... now let's go do what we have to do and come back here so we can talk a bit I think we need to discuss some stuff.
Jensen: yes I think perhaps your right.
The trip to the office was long but once there you sat down to continue to cradle JJ who was still fast asleep.
You signed what you needed to, you clocked in for the time you were in the office, you went where you were supposed to you jotted down notes on an iPad while Jensen met with some people.
You clocked out when Jensen said it was time to go pick up dinner... you guys went back down to the car stopped and picked up Chinese and made a liquor store run to pick up some sweet fruity wine.
Once that was finished and you both were on the road back home, Jensen grabbed your hand and you once more felt him tense as you covered his hand with your other hand.
Yn: don't worry I'll help you, fight the demons I can do this and I promise no one else will ever suffer your fate again.
Jensen: so it is a demonic force...
Yn: yes it is and the reason why it keeps reacting to me is cause I can tell what it is and how it reacts, it's not the first demon I've dealt with.
Jensen just squeezed your hand he knew he was gonna deal with this one way or another.
When you guys pulled up jj woke up for a bit, long enough to have dinner, have a bath, play with you for a bit and then Jensen watched as you sat with her and read her a bedtime story and she fell asleep shortly after the story ended.
Jensen no longer sporting a suit now sporting sweats and a muscle shirt very relaxed comfortable look.
Jensen: I'll pour the wine and meet you in the living room.
Yn: I warn you though this treatment is not gonna be pleasant you and i will have to be alot closer and the demon will try to make you feel it as discomfort and displeasure but dont let it... oh and you might wanna get as comfortable as possible. Oh and grab a few blankets and at least 3 towels!
jensen: but how?
yn: just think about how the demon reacts to skin on skin contact between me and you.
you reach up on your tippy toes and place a kiss to jensens lips. and then you scamper off to your room to prepare. you grabbed the rosery, the holy water, the salt and the the devils trp blnket getting into a tank top and shorts removing your bra cause you didnt want to loose your favorite bra.
you then used your phone to text the maid that you and jensen were gonna be curled up in the living room watchin a movie that the maid had to listen for JJ in the morning she texted back saying that would be okay, she would be delighted to help out...
You had to do it this way, You had no choice but to catch this demon off guard, you had to play the coin... the ace as it were, you and Jensen had feelings for eachother that was certain but how strong were these feelings and would they be powerful enough to catch the demon off guard.
yn: alright are you ready for this...
you say as you enter the living room. you catch jensen now in his boxers and no shirt makes you breathe out small slow breaths.
jensen: you said comfortable... now what do we do with the blankets.
yn: well lets just say the demon is not gonna be happy and we are gonna need to build us a kind of nest...
you look at the pile of stuff jensen had on the couch and kinda giggle.
yn: an air mattress will certainly make things a bit more comfortable. ok so first things first we need to move the couch back and the coffee table back as well.
after that was done you had jensen set up the air mattress as you placed the flameless candles around in a circle. you then grab the spare blankets off the couch and place them on each side of the air mattress.
yn: okay the last blanket is for us to cover ourselves with, but i need to hear you say that you understand what i actually meant in what i said earlier.
jensen: i did understand that part of it thats why i wasnt being shy with how im dressed.
Yn: I am a little nervous this is the first time I've found a case where it has to be skin to skin contact.
Jensen: so this is...
Yn: my first time ever yes! And I couldn't be loosing it to a better man, Jensen your one of the good ones, your one of the most honest and decent men I've ever known.
Jensen: I know this is sudden and we only just met and we can't change these events nor can we go back in time to before this happened to me, but we are gonna make things right, I wanna make things right by asking you to make this position permanent and...
You place a finger to his lips and look him straight in the eyes.
Yn: save the rest of that question for after we save your life. Now undress me and remain as in control as you can while our skins connect and the demon reacts.
Jensen slowly traced every inch of your body lowering you slowly onto the air mattress, he slid off your tank top, he then placed soft kisses to your breasts as he slid off your shorts and then he moved to kiss your sweet sensitive wet pussy.
Yn: yes Jensen keep going, once you slide into me give me a few seconds to adjust to you, and then I'll put the blanket over us.
You moaned out as Jensens tongue flicked over your clit, which felt as though it might pulsate right off your body.
Jensen moved to sit up on his knees between your legs as has removed his boxers and is stroking his rock hard cock.
Jensen: get ready with the blanket yn, the demon is fighting me it wants to come out it wants to take over.
Yn: don't worry Jensen I won't let that happen. Do it...
Jensen slid right into you, your entire world shifted, you could feel the demonic force struggling within Jensen, you felt Jensen relax once you dropped the blanket over top of the two of you.
Jensen(demon): excuse me but you know that you just trapped me in this body in this position right...
Yn: yes and I would like you to leave peacefully or suffer the excruciating pain of me sending you packing back to hell. Your choice.
Jensens voice was disoriented dark and cruel.
Jensen(demon): my choice huh, well I choose to fuck you into the middle of next week and to fill you with my demonic sperm.
Yn: eww bitch how bout you enjoy your trip back to hell.
You allow your body to squirm free and you place your hands on his cheeks and start the exorcism...
Yn: Jensen if you can hear me hold on... fight it.. exorciamous te omnis immundus spiritus omnis satanica potestas omnis incursio infernalis adversarii omnis legio omnis congregatio insectas diabolica ergo dracto malidicte ecclesia secura tuam facias libertate te regamos audinos
With that last word you held down the blanket tight as jensens body exiled the black smoke the demon. And it was done.
You pulled jensens face to look at you.
Yn: hey stranger, how do you feel?
Jensens eyes met yours and he kissed you not wasting any more time as he started thrusting into you hard fast and rough, moans and screams of pleasure came as you both met your releases together.
Jensen didn't pull out of you instead he reached behind him onto the table and presented you with a ring...
Jensen: yn, look I know it's only been several hours but after what you just did and what probably happened here there is no doubt in my mind that your the one I want to have beside me for the rest of my life.
You smile but looking at the ring and then back at Jensen..
Yn: but how can you feel this way when we barely know eachother.
Jensen: look at what you just did for me and my daughter, and my company it's also the least I can do since the virginity thing plus if we did create life of our own this will make things right.
Yn: but we hardly know eachother
Jensen: and we will have plenty of time to get to know eachother as we do our long engagement! I want this and I want it with you!
You hold out your left hand and he slides the cool metal band on your finger!
Yn: its beautiful! Thank you for trusting me enough with everything after only a few hours of knowing eachother!
Jensen just pulls you closer to his form so he is proping you up to stare at him.
Jensen: I wouldn't have it any other way now we sleep, it's gonna be a new beginning and plus I'm sure JJ will want to show you all her toys and enjoy the trip to the zoo tomorrow! I know I will!
Yn: I look forward to it, Mr Ackles!
That was the last word you could speak Jensen had your lips captured in a ferocious kiss! After a few minutes you were covered in jensens arms and the blanket and both of you fell asleep.
Little to your surprise you both would be awoken by being jumped on by JJ... the maid running behind her.
Maid: im so sorry you guys, she insisted on waking you guys up early to start the day! Instead of having her bath...
Yn: its perfectly alright. JJ, how bout this, you go with the maid to take a bath and pick out your favorite outfit and we will go to the zoo once we are all ready to go and spend the entire day at the zoo! And there will be an extra special surprise in it for you if you get ready without any hassle. How does that sound?
JJ squeals in excitement as she takes off and running upstairs with the maid to her own bathroom and bedroom..
You turned your attention to jensen.
Jensen: that was very nicely handled...
Yn: it is the oldest trick in the book. Good morning by the way.
Jensen: mmm good morning. I guess we should actually get up and start getting ready if we are gonna keep your promise to JJ.
You kiss his lips and for that moment it was beautiful! You get off him and wrap your form in a sheet, before extending a hand to your man!
Jensen gets up and wraps a blanket round his waist as you both walk up the stairs and to jensens bedroom.
Jensen: Don't worry about the Sheet we Will haveto find you a better wardrobe
Yn: hmm I think I have a sundress in my bag, can I get it?
Jensen puts up 1 finger and you feel giddy as he walks out the door and into the room that was supposed to be yours and you watch as he brings your bags into his room.
Jensen: I don't feel that seperate rooms are necessary do you...
You shake your head as you go into the bathroom to check yourself in the mirror...
Yn: God I have bags under my eyes. Hey Jensen can you hand me that purple sparkly case?
Jensen hands you the bag and then wraps his arms around your waist from behind.
Jensen: mmm you are gorgeous bags under your eyes or not...
Yn: thank you Jensen but honestly this is just my toiletry bag... hairbrush face wash toothbrush etc
Jensen laughs and begins his daily routine, you begin to brush out the rats nest you call hair. Jensen trims his stubble and then uses his aftershave which makes you feel hot and bothered again.
Jensen: really your getting turned on by my aftershave damn, this is gonna make today alot more fun!
Yn: really fun is that what you call it...
Jensen: yes that's exactly what I call it and once we are at the zoo we will do this proposal question again for everyone to see...
Yn: why not a photoshoot for it not ask the question again but a photoshoot.
Jensen: hold that thought let me call a buddy of mine, he loves photography and we will get him to do a family photo shoot us and JJ...
Jensen says as he turns back to look at you as you finish straightening out your short rainbow leopard print dress, jensens eyes scan your form and it feels like he is trying to burn that dress off you with that gaze of his.
Jensen: when did you get this delectable dress
Yn: one of many many first dates that never happened... so it just became a dress I wear when I want to feel like I have a life that matters.
Jensen comes up to rub your arms as he smiles pulling your chin up to look into your eyes.
Jensen: you do and nothing is ever gonna change that again. Now would you help me pick something out.
Yn: show me your closet and then sit on the bed.
Jensen arches his eyebrow then does as told, he then is amazed as he watches you wiggle your ass as you put together a suitable outfit for the days events.
Yn: the black and sky blue will offset my vibrant colors.
Jensen: done. Go relieve the maid and find some drinks for us to bring.
You peck him on the lips before leaving the room. You relieve the maid and walk with JJ into the kitchen and you pack a backpack with a blanket to sit on, a few bottles of water and some snacks for JJ..
JJ: yn, what were you and daddy doing this morning.
You had to think quickly you couldn't tell her the truth, but you couldn't lie to her either though this technically isn't lying it's bending the truth.
Yn: yoga. We were doing yoga.
JJ sits in the booster seat eating a couple pieces of cheese and you finish sealing the backpack as Jensen comes out of the hallway
Jensen: hey monkey are you ready to party with the animals.
JJ throws the piece of cheese she is holding in excitement and you giggle at the sight of jensen now swinging JJ round.
You could feel the love you had forming for Jensen growing more and more by the second. You continue to watch as Jensen now sits his daughter down and asks her a question.
Jensen: JJ how would you feel if YN lived with us permanently?
JJ: does that mean we can go to the zoo more often...
You laugh as you show JJ the ring on your finger
Yn: as many times as you like princess... speaking of the zoo what do you say we get going...
You and Jensen watch JJ happily run over to the door forgoing her sandals and running out to the car.
She gets strapped in by one of the attendants. You grab her sandals, Jensen follows carrying the backpack. Before you both exit the house Jensen pulls you into an enchanting soft kiss.
Jensen: second thought I'd rather take you back to bed...
You chuckle as you tuch your hand to his cheek.
Yn: except we would be disappointing the very very excited little girl in the car.
Jensen sighs and groans as he realizes that your right.
Jensen: ugh fine we will go but you must promise me that we will find a moment or 2 to be alone just us while we are there?
yn: i think i can find one or 2 moments. now lets get this show on the road.
shortly after that you guys were in the car and on the way to the zoo. parking in valet and then seeing the line of people you watch as your fiance now is using the self ticket checkout...
you had to help him of course but once you all had your tickets it was amazing. JJ ran straight to see the first exhibit, course she was so excited she couldnt find the animal.
you and jensen helped show it to her, but you and Jensen were pre occupied by the sight of eachothers eyes. JJ was petting a sheep in the petting zoo, you and jensen were standing in watchful eyes set on her.
jensen: so the photographer should be here in an hour do we want to have lunch before or after the photos.
you had to think about this, you werent sure but you decided you would leave it up to him.
yn: maybe we should see if JJ is hungry that would give us a better answer of what to do about this...
The rest of the outing was pleasant, a nice family photoshoot done around the zoo, some nice couples shots of you and Jensen.
During dinner JJ started to nod off. You and jensen had tuckered her out, well okay she tuckered herself out.
Jensen: I don't think she is gonna make it through dinner.
Yn: JJ stay awake or your gonna miss dinner!
You say as she just groans lightly at you before her small soft snores could be heard clear as day
You and jensen kinda giggled. You got up to go talk to the server who was so good about it and only charged half the price cause your new step daughter was falling asleep.
But you and Jensen were able to bring the ordered meals home. Putting the containers in the backpack which Jensen carried and you carried JJ whose soft snores were ringing in your ear.
Jensen: damn yn you tuckered out my daughter you are getting extra points for this one.
Yn: ya well you sir I believe owe me more attention as you promised to do earlier.
You purr as Jensen pins you to the side of the car after strapping in the sleeping JJ.
Jensen: oh that's right I did didn't I... hmm well how bout this, take off your panties
Yn: what?
Jensen: take off your panties.
You felt him release one of your hands for you to wiggle out of your panties. You hand them to him.
Jensen: good girl, now sit in the car and don't make a sound no matter what happens.
You smile lightly as he opens the door for you and shuts it behind you. JJs snores fill the car before Jensen gets in turns it on and turns on the instrumental sounds he uses for JJ.
Yn: hmm and what kind of mood are we trying to set here...
jensen: one where i can make you cum before we get home... one that stimulates you more than you already are.
you instantly try to cover yourself not sure how to even react. but you feel his fingers tracing circles into your thigh, instinctively you open your legs and feel him slide his fingers across your dripping wet pussy.
Yn: oh my God, what are you doing? What if JJ wakes up?
Jensen: once she is asleep she is asleep throughout the night... she isn't gonna wake up anytime soon...
Yn: then make me squirt, make me know the reason why you are mine!
jensen didnt need to be told twice for he was already starting to play with your sensitive clit. the throbbing sensations through your body were electrifying.
jensen: squirt and cum for me baby, let me feel your juices all over my hand and fingers then when we get home you can ride my cock and we can cristen the car.
you were reaching your peak, you couldnt wait till you got home, you knew you had to do something. you reached over to undo jensens belt and undo his pants, he slid his seat back while the car was not even moving.
yn: fuck waiting till we get home, just make sure the sounds dont stop, now slid off your cargo shorts i need release. now!
you lift up your dress and over to straddle your fiance! the next sound was your stiffled moan as you slid down on your fiances hard thick cock!
this was the first time you guys had sex in a car, it was worse when JJ stirred a bit you both stopped and were ready in case she woke up but she didnt so you continued.
the climax hit you like a sac of bricks, neither you nor jensen knew it hit till you both felt the hot liquid pooling at the bottom of the seat. you got off him and grabbed the stack of napkins and helped kind of clean up the mess.
jensen: guess that takes care of that for now...
yn: i guess so. so we go home and have a glass of wine
jensen: curl up with wine on the couch and watch some sort of movie.
yn: perfect
thats exactly what happened. arriving home you carried JJ in the house and put her in bed once she was in a nightgown. jensen talked to the valet to leave the suv where it was for the night, and then to wash the front seats in the morning.
going back downstairs you find jensen in the living room with a blanket on the couch, wine in glasses on the table and choosing a movie.
jensen: any requests?
yn: nah you choose cause i know you wont let anything bad happen to me.
that was the beginning of your new life, the happily ever after you had desired for so long, the life you wanted it was finally yours.
~thats all for now folks~
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