#oc Fourty-Two
i-care-arts · 5 months
i4ll take a uhmmm a gay please with an iced tea
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Mayhem could make this easier, Fourty-Two thinks, but they don't
Here Vince, have some gays ! Mayhem (left) is @eruanee's 'Mage, the Ascension' OC hi hello dearie ! Fourty-Two (right) is my own OC for the same chronic, can't wait to start playing these dumbasses hihi
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tdfamilyreunion · 3 months
Algebralien OC jumpscare
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(Technically this is just my Sona but shapeshifted into a algebralien but uhh ig they still count as a OC)
Anyways this is 42 lol
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goofylad · 1 year
i have a newfound appreciation for people who make bracelets like these for a living
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filmbyjy · 7 months
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PAIRING > park jongseong x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS > Wanting to start a new stream series with his best friends, Jay had a bright idea of playing some simple Minecraft with them. Everything was normal, until he realises there is another person in the call with them. He quickly learns that it was ni-ki’s older sister, (name). Watch how streaming a simple game of Minecraft can dig up some interesting feelings between the main leads.
GENRE > gaming streamers au + minecraft series au / romance + angst + silly and dirty jokes. i like a lot of innuendos because it makes the series more interesting. teen boy humour bc I’m 22 everyone😍 well turning 22 this year💀
FEATURING > the whole of enhypen + my lovely anon's oc, yvette.
SCHEDULE > i have internship coming up so i'll try my best to update it :'D / pretty irregular
TAGLIST > series has ended!
START: 17 February 2024 | END: 20th July 2024
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PROFILES: broke people | twitch streamers
TWO: he’s broken
THREE: late night✨🌃
FOUR: tough luck
FIVE: *falls down stairs*
SIX: minecraft with the boys!
SEVEN: play the game
EIGHT: asscrack [written]
NINE: slander park sunghoon day
TEN: new era🌟
ELEVEN: *wink wink*
TWELVE: are you shitting me
THIRTEEN: tell me about it
FOURTEEN: my pretty girl
FIFTEEN: that man is a f*cking simp [written]
SIXTEEN: you’re sexy PERIOD
SEVENTEEN: thats’s depressing, hyung
EIGHTEEN: sudden move
TWENTY: no dogs out
TWENTY-ONE: I cook cream soup
TWENTY-TWO: his lips looks soft [written]
TWENTY-THREE: keywords “shirtless” “about to kiss”
TWENTY-FOUR: I have my ways
TWENTY-FIVE: the blue laced panties
TWENTY-SIX: I’m a werewolf
TWENTY-SEVEN: hoonie has a crush
TWENTY-EIGHT: the jongseong way
TWENTY-NINE: sad wet cat
THIRTY: let’s talk about this another time
THIRTY-TWO: you’ve been blocked
THIRTY-THREE: get the hair dye
THIRTY-FOUR: no invite?
THIRTY-FIVE: MineStream is back!
THIRTY-SIX: in love era
THIRTY-SEVEN: the ugly creature
THIRTY-NINE: lump of meat
FOURTY: sloshy sounds
FOURTY-ONE: watch your back
FOURTY-TWO: military wife
FOURTY-THREE: how do I get away with m*rder
FOURTY-FOUR: we’re okay now
FOURTY-FIVE: the d*ck is good
FOURTY-SIX: finale
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got any questions about the cast or the smau?
MineStream: asks
©️ filmbyjy | 2022
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borathae · 3 months
Man of the Hour
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“You love your best friends, which means that Jungkook will do anything in his powers to make sure that they are safe.”
Pairing: CEO!Jungkook x f.Reader
Genre: married life!AU, Comfort
Warnings: protective!Jungkook, one of OC's friends needs help and he is there for her, sexual harassment, he's the best hubby ever, mentions of sexwork, tears, he's quite frankly The Man
Wordcount: 1.9k
a/n: the header fucking ruins me. he is so handsome ngngn. also, i saw a tiktok about a woman's husband helping her bestie move out of her abusive ex's place and went "you know what? aaol!Kook would always be there for OC's besties" so i wanted to write something about it 🤍
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Six fourty two. Jungkook has a little over an hour left until he can finally go home. He doesn’t know that yet because he is currently lost in his work. He has concepts to write and contracts to go through. Jungkook has a very thorough and good team of lawyers which go through anything law related, but Jungkook still likes to check for himself. In his field of work, it is best to trust himself and only himself.
You are already at home, promising him dinner. His favourite. He can’t wait to get home to you. He will give you the tightest hug imaginable and then follow it up with a smooch to your face and lots of promises of his eternal love.
His phone rings. 
Jungkook looks at his smart watch, furrowing his brows in confusion. This is a caller he hadn’t expected to call. He picks up with a funny feeling in his stomach.
“Jungkook, thank fuck you picked up. I didn’t know who else to call, I need your help.”
At that his ears perk up. The distress is obvious in her voice.
“What happened? Are you okay?”
Loud club music plays in the background. Distorted voices are filling the chaos as well.
“No. I’m at Saturn and there are men who want to hurt me. T-they keep talking about taking turns on, on me.”
Jungkook straightens up in his chair.
“Are you safe right now?”
“I locked myself in the bathroom.” Loud banging. “Jungkook, can you please come and get me? They’re banging on the door. I’m scared.”
“I’m coming. Don’t go anywhere. I promise, I’m coming.”
“Thank you. Thank you so much.”
The phone call ends.
“Noona? Wheein noona?” Jungkook tries, ‘goddamn it, I’m coming.”
He leaves his office quickly, typing in your number to let you know what was happening.
“Bunny, hey there”, you sound happy about his call. “Are you coming home earlier?”
“Wheein noona is in danger.”
“She just called me that she is at Saturn and some assholes are trying to hurt her. She’s in the bathroom, safe for now, but I’m gonna get her.”
“Holy fuck, Kook. Please get her, please. I’m gonna call her right away.”
“Do that. See you later, love.”
“See you.”
The phone call ends. Jungkook gets into his car moments later, driving off as quickly as the law allows. He won’t let Wheein wait. He won’t let any of your friends wait. 
They lovingly call him their adoptive man of the hour sometimes because he will always be there for them if one of them needs male support. Be it something as innocent as moving furniture too heavy or hanging up curtains on a window too high, Jungkook will be there to help as best as possible. The same counts for the heavy stuff. Like rescuing Wheein from a dangerous situation because some men see a sex worker and think they have free range to do anything to her. Or stuff like letting Byulyi crash in his guest bedroom for a few weeks because her ex boyfriend turned out to be a piece of shit abuser and she needed to escape the situation. He even helped her move all her stuff, taking his biggest car so she wouldn’t have to go back to the place more than once. 
Jungkook cares and he cares honestly. Which is why he is officially the adoptive man of the hour for your girls. 
Tonight is no different. Jungkook hurries to the club bathroom as quickly as possible, pushing strangers aside with little care about how rude he might seem. Manners don’t count when one of his friends is in danger. 
The men aren’t in front of the bathroom anymore, but that doesn’t calm Jungkook down. They could still be hiding somewhere, waiting for a moment to jump Wheein if she ever comes out. 
He knocks on the door, calling out Wheein’s name.
“It’s me. Jungkook. The air’s clear, I promise.” 
Seconds later the door unlocks. Her face is messy because she cried off her makeup.
“Noona, hey there.” Jungkook steps closer, resting his hands on the doorframe so she was shielded from prying eyes and therefore safe. “I came as quickly as I could. How are you?”
“I’m sorry for calling. I didn’t know who else to call. You’re the only man I can trust.”
“Don’t apologise, noona. I’m just glad that you’re okay. Should we go home?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’d really like that.”
“Our place or yours?”
“Can I s-stay at your place for a while?” she stutters, looking smaller than normally. Anxiety is definitely shrinking her.
“Of course, you can.” Jungkook assures her and looks over his shoulder. A few men are looking at him. Is that them? He sends them a deathly glare, then looks back at Wheein with soft eyes. “Is it okay for me to put my arm around you? So I can keep you safe?”
“Yeah, please. I’m sorry, I know that’s a lot to ask.”
“Don’t worry. It’s to keep you safe. You can hide away in my side if you need to. I’ll make sure nothing happens.”
“Thank you so much”, she barely gets out and seeks safety in his arms, knowing that she won’t be hurt anymore. And Jungkook takes pride in knowing that he can help her leave this shady place unharmed. He won’t ever let any of your friends get hurt. He will protect them just as much as he will protect you. They are his girls because they are your girls. And Jungkook fights for his girls.
The strange men inch closer like hyenas. So Jungkook’s gist was correct.
“Where are you taking her? We were here first”, one of them tries to fight him, while the others gawk lustfully. Like fucking starving animals. Disgusting.
“I’m gonna punch in your face if you keep talking”, Jungkook spits and leads Wheein past them without giving them any more attention.
“Come back!”
They call after them.
“Don’t listen to them, noona. I’m here now”, Jungkook assures her and pulls her closer, “fuck, should I get back there and get their names? I’ll tell my lawyers to take care of them.”
“No please just, please just take me away”, she pleads because she is too scared to stay in this situation any longer. Jungkook respects her decision even if he really wants to punish them.
“Alright, I will. Don’t worry”, Jungkook promises, leading her safely out of the club and to his car.
He helps her inside and rounds the car, looking at the club one last time. The animals which call themselves men are lingering by the entrance, sending deathly glances Jungkook’s way.
“Fucking vermin”, he presses out and gets inside his car. He locks the doors and starts the engine. “I’ve got water in the door compartment if you need it.”
“Thank you”, Wheein whispers and relaxes in the seat just as Jungkook finally takes her away from the scary situation.
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You are in the parking garage, dressed in slippers and your loungewear and looking beyond worried, when they finally arrive at home. You run to Wheein the moment the car pulls in, calling out to her.
“Unnie! Oh god, I was so worried!” you hug her tightly. So tightly in fact that her brittle composure finally breaks and she cries into your shoulder. 
“I was so scared. So, so scared.”
“I’m sorry, unnie. Oh god this is awful, I’m sorry. Let’s go upstairs, I made tea.”
“Thank you. You have no idea how much I need this tonight.”
“Unnie, of course. You can crash here if you want to.”
“I think I do.”
“You can stay as long as you need. What happened? Do you wanna tell me? Oh god, unnie I’m so glad that you’re okay.”
“I was so scared. One of them recognised me from Paradis and, and then he and his friends tried to get me to fuck them and when I said no they followed me to-” She hides away in your arms. “I can’t.”
“It’s okay unnie, it’s okay. Just cry in my arms, I’m here.”
Jungkook lets you and Wheein talk, while he stands next to you and listens, rubbing your lower back soothingly. Wheein cries the entire elevator ride, telling you all about what happened while you curse at the men. Jungkook wanted to curse as well. He hates most of his fellow men a lot. He bears witness to how most act and think and talk when there are no women present. If Jungkook saved up each time one of his business partners made a misogynistic “joke” about their wives or women in general, he would be able to buy a house within six months. If he saved up each time he has one of them confesses how they are cheating on said wives followed by a “huh? As a man you should understand me” when Jungkook voices his distaste for such behaviour, he could buy a new sports car within seven months. Jungkook loathes most of his fellow men and how they carry their hatred for half of humanity with fucking pride. 
Wheein eats dinner with you, after taking a shower and borrowing some of your clothes. You sit by her side, holding her hand as she keeps repeating the story over and over again to work through it. Neither you nor Jungkook mind that she keeps repeating herself. Sometimes one just needs to keep talking about the same stuff over and over again until it finally stops hurting.
After dinner, you and Jungkook don’t really get to talk a lot because somehow the situation was so shocking that you both forgot to function until Wheein was truly safe in her bed. 
Jungkook is still in his suit, cleaning the kitchen after loading the dishwasher, when you return from the bathroom. He shrugged off his jacket and tie, but kept his waistcoat on. The main lights are off, only the stand lights in the living room are turned on and the light above the stove. Jungkook likes working in darkness because it is easier on his eyes. They get sensitive after a long day at the office.
You come up behind him, sneaking your arms around him so your hands were resting on his pecs innocently. Jungkook places the towel aside and leans back into your hug, caressing your lower arms.
“Thank you”, you whisper.
“Mhm”, he hums, closing his eyes. 
“Thank you so fucking much.”
He hums again. You turn him to you, holding his hands and pressing them against his chest. He looks at you, waiting for you to speak. The gratitude in your eyes is almost consuming them whole.
“You have no idea how much I appreciate what you did for Wheein today. What you keep doing for all of them.”
“They’re your best friends, which means I gotta be there for them. No, I want to be there for them.”
“You and I both know that not many think this way. Seriously, thank you so fucking much.”
He smiles, discarding you with a shake of his head.
“I’m just glad that noona is safe.”
“Me too. Fuck, me too”, you say, sagging your shoulders. You look up at him, pouting sadly to the point where your lower lip trembles. “I think I need a hug.”
“Come here.” Jungkook hugs you, rubbing the back of your head. “She’s safe now. I promise.”
“I’m so glad.”
“Me too.” Jungkook hugs you tighter when he hears you sniffle. “Let it out if you need to. I’m here for you.”
You melt into him, feeling safe. He is truly the man of the hour. Your gentle, good hearted man of the hour. 
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Misfits (yeah like the Arcane song) XLIV.
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Summary: From the dark musty cell of Stillwater all the way to the very base of Firelights, but where to from there? Guess you'll just have to let fate lead you.
Author's note: Guys the weathers going crazy rn, I mignt get flooded, not even joking. The power keeps going out, so, thats lovely. Also, would yall be interested in seeing some of my ocs? Anyway, how's your day? :]
Fourty third chapter
“I’m gonna have to stop by my room anyway, I’m not sleeping in the same clothes that I wore at the junkyard.” “Is that a no? Or…?” You chuckled and shook your head in disbelief, the tree, lit up by the last of this day's sunrays, rustled in the wind as you took your hoverboard off your back and threw it in front of yourself. The device started hovering before it hit the ground and you jumped on, motioning for Ekko to do the same. He slipped on behind you and hugged your waist, holding on as you flew off the ground and towards his little wooden balcony. “I still don’t know if you agree or not.” The boy whispered into your ear and rested his chin on your shoulder, making you freeze slightly. “Yeah yeah, I’ll sleep over, whatever.”
Ekko jumped off the board and you turned to fly to your room, quickly changing to something more comfortable and less dirty, before starting the device up again and flying swiftly flying up to his room again. A knock echoed through his room as you waited outside of his door, until Ekko scrambled towards it and let you in: “So, where am I gonna sleep anyway?” “My bed’s big enough for two people.” Your eyes widened and you raised your brows, just staring at him for a few moments, wondering if heard that right. “I’m sorry, what?” The boy simply shrugged and folded his arms in front of his chest, giving you an awaiting look.
“Okay, fine I guess, but if you use this against me one day I swear…” You motioned with your arm as you spoke, its movements accompanying your words, the other one resting against your hip, but before you could finish the sentence, Ekko grabbed the moving arm, stopping your thought process and shutting you up. All you could do was stare at him as he stood in front of you, holding your forearm firmly. “C’mon, when have I ever done something like that huh?” “I mean, the newest instance that I can think of…” You were silenced again as his other hand covered your mouth. The boy stood there silently with you for a few moments, before he sighed and pulled you gently into a hug, wrapping his hands around your shoulders and resting his head in the crook of your neck. “I missed you.”
“Missed me? I’m here every fucking day, how can you miss me?” Little protests came from your mouth, but eventually, you returned the hug, snaking your arms around his torso. “I just did.” He muttered into your neck, sending goosebumps down your spine, his breath warming up your skin as he spoke and softly breathed. “You’re weird.” The fact that the hug stopped Ekko from seeing your face made you very grateful for it in that moment, and you held him just a teeny tiny bit tighter, in hopes that it would stop him from pulling away and catching the sight of your red, warm cheeks. Why did your stupid body do that? “Is that a bad thing?” The boy muttered again, making your reaction the slightest bit worse. Your eyes darted across the room and you prayed that he couldn’t feel the heat coming from your face.
“No, not necessarily.” “I’m glad to hear that then.” Ekko chuckled quietly and slowly pulled himself away from you. turning his eyes to your face. He paused for a second and then a soft scoff left his lisp as they shifted into a small smile. YOu knew why he had that look on his face and quickly tried to think of a lie, before he starts asking questions. “Are you blushing?” He raised his brow and tilted his head slightly, you sighed and nodded, trying to make what you were about to tell him as authentic as possible. “You know, I’m not really used to getting hugs and shit, ‘cause, ya know, the inmates in Stillwater aren’t really the type of people to offer you some.”
“Okay, that makes sense yeah. So, you still have a problem with where you’re gonna sleep?” The topic shifted and the little adrenaline rush Ekko gave you with the hug left your body and you realized once more that the day spent pulling apart a junkyard took a toll on you. “You know, at this point, I couldn't care less.” Another lie, you still cared a lot actually. The boy hummed in response and fell into his bed, you walked over and looked down at him as he rolled onto his back and looked back at you. Then he suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you down, rolling out of the way, like he did before when you were training your fighting skill, but he underestimated the size of his bed and rolled right into the wooden wall. You fell on your face into the bed, lying for a moment, then pushed yourself up and looked at Ekko, who groaned and rolled his eyes. “Guess I had that coming.”
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velnica · 9 months
🎄 Happy Starlight 2023! ✨
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Thank you for all your support this year as I expand my OC & bard boys lore. It’s been a blast and a half, so let’s have even more fun next year!
Love ~ Vel, Fjora, Cora and the bard unit
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After the Final Days were thwarted and the various contingents returned home, the populace—soldiers and civilians alike—needed something positive to cling to. Not just hope on the ephemeral Warrior of Lights, but also something nearer and dearer to their heart: a return to normalcy. Thus for Starlight this year, the bard unit had been roped into performing on stage, and Sanson asked for every one of his team to join him and Guydelot.
They were supported by Fjora, Cora, and Haurchefant, who had settled—for now—in Gridania. To Sanson's shock and Guydelot's amusement, Commander Vorsaile had raised his hand to join the festivities, and who was Sanson to reject the chance for more merriment? Group assembled, they took to the stage, ready to share some Starlight cheer for one and all.
Individual photos and bio of the bard unit under the cut 💖
The following character bios are written to fit into my WoL's canon timeline and therefore will not reflect the game's information. Edit 25 Dec: I have updated some of their ages to a few years younger, to explain their absence from being conscripted at Carteneau.
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Warrior of Lights:
Fjora Swiftmane: A Rava Viera of fourty-eight summers who left Golmore in search of freedom, only to find it eventually trampled under Garlean ruthlessness. She joined the Dalmascan resistance for a time, though Livia sas Junius' massacre ended her involvement. Fjora left Othard with anger and grief in her heart, and Hydaelyn's calling to be her champion was the start of her healing journey. She is an Uhlan, a heavy-infantry lancer whose skill is now augmented by her Dragoon training.
Corentin Arceneaux: A Wildwood Elezen bard of twenty-five summers, born to antique trader parents in Othard. He became a ward of Rasho and Tansui after his parents were murdered by the Garleans for being undercover Resistance financiers. Cora stayed in the Ruby Sea until the liberation of Doma, when he decided to travel with his long lost sister/close family friend Fjora. His weapon of choice is his giant Hingan bow and his magic-imbued Sanshin. At present he is entangled in some kind of strange relationship to one Hancock Fitzgerald, to whom he owes money for breaking a priceless vase in his collection.
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The Twin Adder Bard unit:
Sanson Smyth: A young Midlander lancer who captains the Bard unit. He is steadfast with a strong sense of morality and justice, a trait that often puts him at odds with his Adder superiors. Yet with the support of Guydelot and Vorsaile, he vows to stay true to his conviction and lead Gridania to a better future. At twenty-two years of age, he still thinks himself inexperienced, despite the accolades that he is fast accumulating on his mantelpiece. He is in a long-term relationship with Guydelot.
Guydelot Thildonnet: A talented, wilful Wildwood bard who was infamous for his truancy and recalcitrance towards any kind of authority. In recent times he's seen a marked improvement in his attendance, and one might even say he's turned a new leaf into the straight and narrow, all under the stern command of Captain Sanson Smyth; a feat backed by the medal tally that the man cared little about. What most people do not know, however, is that the twenty-four year old bard owes this change to his genuine interest and commitment to this unit... and to Sanson himself.
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Karinae Béringer: Sanson's second in command ever since he was made Captain, Karinae is a skilled Duskwight lancer who's ready to defend her friends and comrades at any moment's notice, no matter when or where. Usually you would find the twenty-three year old in the Druthers, hustling free drinks out of any poor souls with her captivating charm—except for Dietrich.
Perinnault Deschamps: A novice bard with brilliant aim and a keen sense of tempo who joined Sanson's unit before the liberation of Ala Mhigo. At twenty and one summers, the Wildwood Elezen is eager to learn everything there is about being a bard, and is improving markedly with every mission that he undertakes.
Dietrich Eltz: Despite his splendid marksmanship, the twenty year old Midlander is a sensitive soul who is prone to crying at the drop of a hat when overwhelmed. His voice had been likened to the sweetness of a spring bloom, and his good looks had won him the admiration of many; yet all he wants is to learn how to become confident in his own skill, and to be admired by the merit of his battlesongs.
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Minh'to Zhwan: A twenty-three year old Keeper of the Moon lancer who was temporarily assigned to Sanson's unit just after the Ballad of Oblivion quest, Minh'to gained the utmost respect for the Captain after they survived and routed an Ixali skirmish. He asked to be transferred permanently and is now thriving under Sanson's leadership, which allows him to learn a myriad of combat skills from their joint Alliance training. He is fiercely protective of his twin sister.
Aemi Zhwan: Stuck in a rut at her previous unit with no pathway to improvement, the twenty-three year old Keeper of the Moon conjurer eventually asked for a transfer to Sanson's unit at the insistence of her twin brother just before Ghimlyt. After surviving the bloody battle, she vowed to support her newly-found comrades in any way she could, having been awed by Guydelot's prowess in the field. She was a sickly child growing up, and Minh'to stepped in to be her protector.
Dya Nakhiri: A studious conjurer, the twenty-four year old Highlander can often be found sequestering themselves in the corner of the Nest, surrounded by books on conjury and battle tactics. When the bards joined Sanson's unit, suddenly their horizon was expanded and now they are deep into research on how to better align the bards' songs with the conjurers' healing spells. Despite their stern countenance, Dya is quietly warm and welcoming once you endear yourself to them.
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Supporting casts:
Haurchefant Greystone: Stolen away by accident to the First at the moment of his death by Crystal Exarch, Haurchefant had been living and training there for nigh ten years, all to better support Fjora when she finally comes to save them all. After a harrowing reunion, they decided to rekindle their relationship, though the plan went awry when Haurchefant became tempered by Fjora's absorbed Light. After an intervention by Hydaelyn before she departs, his soul becomes stable enough to be housed in a Hannish simulacrum, crafted personally as a gift for the Warrior of Light. He now travels with her and Cora, ever ready to defend his friends and family once more. Counting his time in the First, he is now thirty and eight summers old.
Vorsaile Heuloix: The High Commander of the Twin Adders is no stranger to challenging authority, a trait that had served him well during his mercenary days. Ever since the affair with Gylbarde's Journal, the thirty-five year old Wildwood had taken a shine to Sanson and his upstanding integrity and despite not being his direct superior, he's been mentoring the Captain to be his protégé—in defiance to every Adders protocol that keeps him employed. He still grimaces when people affectionately calls him 'Vorsie' though he might be warming up to the nickname at the slowest of snail's pace.
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fareehaandspaniards · 8 months
Damian's little brother Jiri
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Jiri appeared in my head completely by accident, when I was trying to analyze why Damian is so loyal to Micolash. I had a variant of the idea - that Damian and Micolash share a common thoughts, ideas, philosophy, but to me it would not be enough, because then they are connected purely by business connection, and according to my headcanons - these two are intertwined by secrets, long-lasting friendship, love and faith in Kos. But how did Damian decide for himself that he would follow Micolash anywhere all his life, give him his best years of life and sacrifice everything just for him?
According to my headcanons Damian was a librarian in Byrgenwerth. He graduated from college, but he couldn't become a doctor, and he didn't want to go back to his home estate. When he met young student Micolash, he saved him from the rector's wrath out of the goodness of his heart (a little accident because of Micolash's curiosity). And so their friendship began. But there was something about the black-haired slightly unstable and very intelligent young man that tugged at Damian's heartstrings.
Thus came Jiri, Damian's late younger brother, whose image he holds deep in his heart and loves, even twenty and fourty years on from his death. He was supposed to be just a boy mentioned a few times in the fanfic, but the more I built up the image of Jiri and the circumstances of his death, the more attached I became to him. In the end, I decided to make a separate post for him. I doubt it will resonate strongly with those who subscribe to me - after all, Jiri is just my OC, albeit one that directly influenced who Damian became in the end.
And yet, the boy is too important not to write a post about him, at least for myself. Because when I write fanfic, I forget little details about him and it would be nice to have a peek somewhere. Well since there is also drawing, why not post xd
Jiri is a very ambiguous child. At first I wanted him to be 4, but after working with his image I came to the conclusion that 4 is too young for him to be the way I see him. So he is 6 (almost 7) at the time of his death. This is very important, because at 6 years old he already has his own views on life, his own opinions, the "whys and wherefores" period is over and now the attempts to interact with the world around him begin - in Jiri's case it is a rebellion against the world around him. Damian was 7 at the time of his death.
Jiri contracted consumption when he was very small, almost a newborn. Medicine in Yharnam at that time was quite terrible - the discovery of the properties of blood had not yet happened, and people were treated with herbs, a kind word and prayers to the old gods (And I believe they were. I'm pretty sure the Grand Cathedral, the Cathedral Ward -are all just remodeled cathedrals of the old Yharnam faith. It's just that Laurence and Willem were perfectly able to sweep away the former faith thanks to blood magic and the furor it caused). The doctors diagnosed that Jiri was going to die, sooner or later. Euthanasia was suggested. But the parents refused. I see Damian's mother as a cold and pious woman, living by rules and obligations, and his father as a strict but gruff man. But whatever they were, they were humans. And they did not want their youngest son to die, and at that time they still believed that he could survive.
The years passed, and Jiri grew up. He was very weak, sometimes the disease receded and sometimes it worsened. While he was very young, he was even mobile - he played at age 4 with the neighborhood children and Damian, listened to his mother's stories. He was an imaginative boy - in games he liked to build and break most of all, finding the most inventive ways to destroy. And despite the fact that Damian was a year older than him, Damian was an absolute crybaby as a child. He was very afraid of people, afraid of contact, and so all conversations with other children were taken over by Jiri, who was very responsible about meeting new people. He always introduced Damian first and then himself, and Damian would hide behind him or his mother.
Jiri always wore dark clothes. And slept on dark linens. So the stains from his bloody cough were less noticeable, and it saved his parents money (there was really a lack of money) for laundry and new underwear (by the way, white underwear and clothing is a very expensive thing, which historical fantasy authors often forget :/// It's a symbol of wealth, because white gets dirty very easily. And if you wear white clothes, you can afford to replace them. And when I see a "poor" character wearing white shirts, I just…. …. ……………….)
Jiri was a very perky boy, open, friendly. And his parents had mixed feelings about him. On the one hand - they were happy to have him. But they knew he wouldn't live long. And both were very afraid of the pain of losing him, to which they had condemned themselves. Damian and Jiri also had many older brothers and sisters. Besides the two of them, there were six other children in the family, two of whom died before Jiri.
When Jiri's disease began to worsen around the age of 5, his mom started telling him stories about angels. That one day he would fall asleep and be visited by angels. They would play with him for ages and he would be fine. She told him that only the best people go to heaven, so he should behave well. But she couldn't explain to her son why his older brother Damian (whom he called "Dami") wouldn't follow him. Jiri began to be afraid of angels. Afraid of the frescoes in the cathedrals. He began to wonder what death was. And through the efforts of his mother, who merely wanted to ease his waning life, he began to think that death was a good thing. Jiri even became cruel. He didn't hurt any other child, but he was cold in heart when someone died… And sometimes he tried to kill himself. He watched insects, animals die. He believed what his mom said and convinced himself that everyone would be okay in heaven. This scared Damian and his older brothers and sisters a little (a little, yeah).
Jiri had a rabbit. He was given it when his illness worsened, because Jiri loved rabbits very much and in all the games with other children he was always a bunny. Jiri believed that his rabbit was a miracle. The best there is. But his father often joked that rabbits were better served for dinner. He wasn't a bad man or heartless, he was just of a simpler disposition, to him a rabbit was food, and dogs or cats were pets. Jiri took great offense. And one day his rabbit, which had accidentally escaped from the house, was mauled by the yard dogs. And Jiri saw it. Another little trauma on his heart.
Jiri saw death. Jiri knew he was going to die. Jiri feared it to the point of tears. But in all this his sunshine and light was always little Damian. Damian was never rude as a child, on the contrary - he was very shy and very fond of reading. So he often told Jiri stories from books. After all, Jiri had never been taught to read - no one saw the point in it. The small circles under Jiri's eyes, his thinness, curls and intelligent eyes, his unusual thinking, though sometimes cruel - all this imprinted in Damian's heart an image that would later burn brightly when he saw Micolash.
Damian loved Jiri with all his heart. All his life he remembered how as a little boy he could not help him or realize that Jiri was dying lying in his bed. Damian played toys for him and told him stories. And then, as an adult, he dreamed of turning back the clock and saving him, even though he knew that Jiri would have died anyway.
They were bound together by true brotherly love. And Damian visits Jiri's grave even as an adult scholar at the Mensis School. He left his family, hiding from them in Byrgenwerth, and never wanted to see to his relatives, tho occasionally visiting them. They all died when the curse of the beast began, when the horrors started in Yharnam. But it is Jiri that Damian cannot forget and let go. And his little tombstone stands out very much among the others which are abandoned in the cemetery near Hemwick.
If Jiri had grown up, he probably would have joined the Powder kegs. I see the grown up version of him looking like the painter Karl Brullov,
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I don't know why. He would be a very interesting person! Open-minded, bright, perhaps one of the inventors like Archibald… And of course, a heretic. With his mind - he wouldn't like the idea of contacting Great Ones, but still would try to do it himself.
But these are all idle thoughts, for if Jiri had stayed alive - Damian's life would have turned out very differently in my vision. He wouldn't have gotten a wound on his heart, wouldn't have tried to forget his family by hiding behind his work in Byrgenwerth, wouldn't have suffered so much and wouldn't have followed Micolash with SUCH a passion, seeing him not only as a brilliant scientist, but also as his angel and little brother.
My little rabbit king Jiri :'(
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stardustandmeteors · 8 months
heart eyes | carmilla carmine x fem! oc
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note: Magik was nineteen when she died in 2009 and now she's biologically fourty-three (I'm just assuming Hazbin Hotel is set in 2024), and Carmilla is in her mid 40s-50s. (Her wiki said that anyways).  Magik is Abroromantic and Asexual. The only people she doesn't mind touching her are Alastor, Rosie, Angel, and sometimes Charlie (possibly Carmilla as well in the future).
This one shot is from my book on Wattpad, and it's an Alastor & oc (plus other characters, mostly Alastor tho), and I had really wanted to write something for Magik (oc ) and Carmilla, cause Carmilla is so cool and I love her design T-T Alastor and Magik have a brother-sister relationship, they're strictly platonic.
pairing: carmilla carmine & magik garcia (romantic)
Shit. was the first thought going through Magik's head as she gripped her hair in despair. Shit, shit, shit. Her ears flattened against her head as she groaned in displeasure. Angel and Husk both looked at her, the spider demon leaning over to talk to his friend. "Is she all right? She's been like that for the whole day." He asked the cat demon. He opened his mouth to reply, but Magik beat him to it.
"No, Angie, everything is not okay. Oh, this is so bad, why must it be me?" Magik cried in confusion, trying to understand how she even did this to herself. The two looked at her confused.
"What does that mean?" Husk questioned, raising his eyebrows, trying to figure out what she was talking about.
"I mean this," she turned to look at them, her golden pupils were shaped into pulsing hearts, "every time i look or even think about that woman, my eyes automatically do this." She spoke, her ears flicking in irritation as the small tail she had wagged furiously.
"Oh! Awe, you have heart eyes," Angel awed at his friend, his hand going over to pat her gently on the head, being mindful of her little antlers. She snapped at his hand.
"Do not "awe" at me. This is terrible! I don't know how this even happened, I'm never attracted to anyone," she said, turning to look back at the counter with her thumb in her mouth, trying to not have a mental breakdown.
"You know, it's not a bad thing to like someone, kid." Husk said, leaning over the counter next to Angel.
"Yeah, and who is this lucky person that's got you all worked up anyways?" Angel asked. Magik sighed, scratching her cheek.
"You promise you won't laugh at me, right?" She asked.
"No." The two said. Magik mumbled the name of the person she was crushing on, "sorry, you'll have to speak up kiddo."
"Carmilla Carmine." She huffed, hugging her middle as she turned her head away from her friends.
"Wait, seriously?" Angel spoke first, a light airy laugh leaving his lips.
"You said you wouldn't laugh..." Magik mumbled. Husk nudged the younger male, which had Angel look at him and be met with a glare.
"We're not laughing Magik, just surprised is all. She doesn't seem your type, her being an overlord and all." He shrugged, taking a swig of his cheap booze. Magik looked at both of them, her heart pupils still prominent and bright.
"I actually didn't think you could like anyone, with the way you always act. No offense, doll, but you're not that approachable. Especially when Al's around you." He admitted, taking the drink Husk had made him and took a small sip of the pink alcohol.
"Neither did I! I didn't even know I liked women! Oh no, what if people find out!" She gripped her hair again, worried that if people found out, she'd definitely be the laughing stock of hell. No one as high ranked as Carmilla would go for a low ranked sinner. And Magik wasn't even that much of a sinner. She still has a grudge against heaven for that one.
"Jeez, calm down toots. It's not the end of the world." Angel rolled his eyes.
"Yeah," Husk nodded. She looked at them and then banged her head against the counter and groaned again. Shit! she totally forgot the meeting she was supposed to go to with Alastor, yes, she wasn't an Overlord, but Alastor loved having her tag along with them. He always thought it was fun. With the new revelation of her pupils dilating into hearts, she wasn't very thrilled in tagging along with her brother figure.
"Magik, my dear, oh I missed you. How are you?" Rosie spoke as Magik came into the meeting room with Alastor next to her. The cannibal walked over to the jack rabbit demoness who wore sunglasses (very Crowley of you Magik) and gave the short adult a hug, bending down a little to reach her height.
"Hi Auntie Rosie," Magik said, using the title Rosie insisted on her saying. Rosie only grinned, letting her go and leading her to sit in between Alastor and herself. "And I'm all right, I'm a bit tired today. Eye bags are dreadful." She sighed, lying as she pointed at the glasses that hid her pupils. Alastor raised a brow at that, but didn't say anything.
The meeting started as she stared at all of the Overlords, most of them she didn't even remember their names. Then, her gaze went to Carmilla and her eyes instantly softened as she inwardly sighed. Oh, I hate my life. She thought, trying to fight the giddy smile that threatened to spread across her thin lips. Why did it have to be you? She was not happy right now. She knew her pupils had grown in size and knew the hearts would be a lot better to see if she had the glasses off.
"Is there something you'd like to say, Magik? You've been staring at me for quite a while?" Carmilla's voice brought her out of her head as she looked around, confused.
"What?" She asked, her ears flicking, the smile she didn't realize passed her lips quickly turned to a frown, though her pupils were still the same. "No?" She was confused. Why was everyone looking at her?
"You've been staring off into space, my dear." Alastor told her, his static filled voice catching her ears. She looked up at him.
"No I wasn't," she denied.
"Whatever you were doing, stop it." Carmilla glared at her. This demoness wasn't an Overlord, so she couldn't understand why Alastor insisted on having her in some of these meetings. Magik looked dumbfounded until she understood what she had done and her face turned red in embarrassment. Why me? smoke sizzled out of her ears which surprised quite a few of the Overlords as she silently groaned. "And why are you wearing sunglasses inside?" She asked.
"I uh... Have a black eye?" Magik lied in uncertainty. Rosie gave a tilt of her head.
"I thought you had eye bags?" The hellborn was clueless sometimes, and it usually made Magik's life a nightmare. Magik gave an unconvincing smile.
"That too... I'm a poor sleeper... Hehe..." Oh, kill me now. She felt like crying. All this because her pupils are hearts. Carmilla rolled her eyes and then they finally went back to the meeting, everyone momentarily forgetting Magik and her embarrassed state. Rosie however, had an idea what had happened, and her grin seemed to widen. She may be clueless sometimes, but she would know a little crush when she saw one.
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
Heaven & Arthur Visit The LaVeaus
@call-sign-shark CELEBRATES 1K
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This is part 1 of Heaven & Arthur visiting Mel and her family because I'm cutting it off at 2680 words. LOL
Modern AU
@call-sign-shark's OC Heaven and her husband Arthur Shelby travel to Louisiana to visit some military men Arthur served under and with in the military. But it is Heaven that gets the biggest surprise of the visit.
“We leave in an hour to pick up Arthur and his wife, Heaven, from the airport,” Cade entered the kitchen to let Mel know.  He dropped a kiss on the top of her head, then looked around at Mama Marie, Dontanion and Francios.  “You two, behave.” He pointed at the brothers with a serious expression.  Arthur was suffering from PTSD from the Gulf and the last thing anyone needed was the two LaVeau brothers being assholes and causing him to have some kind of attack.
“One wandering ancestor and we will forever be doubted.” Dontantion smirked and winked at his sister, as his shoulders raised. “One wandering ancestor who wandered in on my friend who was getting dressed for her wedding and gave her a death prophecy.” Mel rolled her eyes as Cade took a seat next to her and planted a kiss on her cheek this time.  “You are lucky she did not stroke out.” Casting a look over to her mother, “can you please make these two behave, mama?”
“Boys, do not make me resurrect your fathers.”  The smile she gave her sons made everyone’s blood run cold.  As loving and warm as Marie was, no one ever forgot she was also the scariest person currently walking the planet. Only Rasputin may have ever topped her, and she had far outlived him.
“Yes, mama.” Francois replied before putting a strong elbow into his younger brother’s side.  Even at over one hundred and fourty, Dontanion sometimes did not act a day over 16.   “No ancestors scaring Cade’s friend, or his lovely wife.” The look in his eye was serious.  Even if the death prophecy HAD come to pass, and they HAD hated Mel’s friend, and it HAD been hilarious at the time, causing a brave soldier still bearing the mental wounds of war further trauma would not be something they would partake in.  
“Please, he was over in the Gulf with me and some of the guys on the team.  He was under Alexander.  Has some bad PTSD, seeing spirits that he would think were hallucinations from there might just send him…” Cade raised his brows and tilted his head, he didn’t need to finish, both brothers were nodding.  “His wife, I don’t know much about but he says she is an angel and shy.  Her name’s Heaven.  She seems to have dont him a lot of good, he seems to be healing more.  Figured she and Mel would be the ones hanging out, maybe with Mama Marie too.”  He winked over at the woman who was like a second mother to him and who could make anyone feel welcome and loved.
“Of course, any of your friends are welcome here.”  Love and warmth emanated from Marie.  While she had immense powers, which she did not hesitate to use to protect those she loved; she was, at her heart, a mother.  All of Mel’s friends had been adopted as surrogate children.  None were turned away if they needed a mother figure, that was just Marie and the time she came from.
“Thank you, mama.” Love radiated off of Melania too as her gaze alternated around the other four in the room at the time, before her attention turned to Cade.  “When do the others get here?  I know Alexander got in last night and is still passed out in his room.”  
“Tomorrow.”  Cade answered, picking her hand up off of the table and kissing the back where there was a scar that lay across running from just below where her pinky met her hand to the crease of her wrist.  The last evidence of the whole ordeal involving Ambrose and Adama.  Even though it was long ago, it still made his heart clench and sometimes made him want to ask Marie to bring the assholes back so they could kill them again. “So you girls will have twenty-four hours before testosterone rules the house.”  He winked at her, banishing thoughts of the past.
“Lovely.  Just remember, Archibald can contain you all if you get out of line.”  The whole room erupted in laughter at the threat of having her pet albino alligator snack on people.  Not that he hadn’t been used as nature’s body disposal device before when required, but not on people they liked.
Louis Armstrong Airport in Kenner was a bustle of activity as Mel sat on Cade’s lap down on the first floor by the baggage claim.  It seemed the easiest place for Arthur and Heaven to find them.  Although, from what Arthur had told Cade over the phone, Heaven shouldn’t be too hard to spot with snow white hair and skin just as fair.  A statement that had apparently gotten Cade promptly cussed out for mentioning she should fit in with the aforementioned alligator in the swamp.  Mel had a feeling that her fiance was lucky he’d been on the other side of the ocean from Arthur at the time.  
They watched as the flight from Heathrow Airport flipped over from “On Time” to “Landed”.  It still amazed Mel that they had direct flights, and for no more money, not that money mattered to her family…with Ambrose and Nic “missing”, she had complete control over Meirs Enterprises Worldwide, which meant more money than she cared to think about.  For friends of Cade, money was NOT an option anyway. 
About 20 minutes later, Mel felt it, somewhere near was a powerful witch.  Her hand went instinctively to Cade’s, their fingers interlacing.  The signature was not one she recognized, the magic different, old world like her mother and brothers’.  Her eyes scanned the crowd as people descended from the second floor on the escalators. She could more than stand on her own, but after the past events, having Cade there without her family was not something she was altogether comfortable with.  If whomever possessed the magic was hostile, it could get ugly fast if they sensed her as well.  Not since Adama had she faced down a threat, and that…she closed her eyes and swallowed before the thought fully materialized.
“Do I need my gun, or is this something of the invisible sort, babe?” Cade’s chin rested on her shoulder as he spoke just loud enough for her to hear.  He knew her signs well enough.  When she was tense, it was never a good one.
“Shooting them is as good as dropping a house on them, I guess.  A lot easier when inside too.” She tried not to let her nerves show with some humor, but she was anything but lighthearted with the situation.  As they sat there waiting for Arthur and Heaven, she did not stop scanning everyone coming in their direction.   It was that scanning that produced what would be the biggest shock of the day, the revelation that the witch was Arthur’s wife.  “You are definitely NOT shooting the witch.”
Cade chuckled, having no clue what had suddenly changed the beauty on his lap’s mind.  “And that would be because….”
Mel stood as the pair approached them, “you must be Heaven,” she greeted the tiny woman with a bright smile and offered hand.  There was no way that Heaven couldn’t sense her as well, but seemed to completely not notice.  She then remembered that Cade had mentioned that Heaven was originally from France, and since Louisiana is a bilingual state, she had an idea to make the woman feel even more welcome. “Bienvenue en Louisiane où dans le bayou, les sorcières sont vénérées. Je crois que vous et ma famille vous entendrez très bien. Ma mère est une grande prêtresse du vaudou. (Welcome to Louisiana where in the bayou, the witches are revered. I believe that you and my family will get along very well. My mother is a high priestess of Voodoo.)” 
Heaven’s eyes widened at her words, clearly not having expected them. “Comment le saviez-vous?  (How did you know?)”  The woman looked absolutely confused, which was when Mel remembered she still had the talisman on that Dontanion had given her when they were hunting Adama that cloaked her magic.
“Parfois, une sorcière en connaît une autre. J'ai aussi deux frères sorciers à la maison. C’est en quelque sorte une affaire de famille. (Sometimes a witch just knows another one.  I have two warlock brothers at home too.  It kind of runs in the family.)”  Mel gave the woman a wink and then turned to Arthur and Cade who were both looking at her with rather confused expressions.
“What, can’t one girl fluent in French welcome another?  Do you know how often I get to use that?” She smiled, Cade giving her a look that said he knew better and she’d have to explain once  that they were alone. “You must be Arthur.”  She extended her hand to him, “it is such a pleasure to meet any friend of Cade’s.  You both are now family, that is how it works here.  We will spend a couple of days out on the Plantation, and a couple here in the Garden District.  My mother has been up since dawn cooking, so we best not keep her waiting too long.  Mama Marie is not one to be kept waiting.”  Mel laughed.
Cade knew his fiance better than that.  Those were far too many words for just a polite hello, and he did recognize enough to know that she’d found her witch.  But, he was a good boy and would say nothing.  Things normally worked out more in his favor that way.  “You’re discussing how to bankrupt us in the French Quarter aren’t you?” A brow rose and he nudged Arthur with an elbow. “I hope you brought all your plastic, bro, my girl can shop!”
Arthur for his part either missed what the exchange was about or was so entranced by his bride he gave not one fuck.  He did, however, growl at Cade’s remark, which told the fellow soldier that he probably had experienced a similar shopping excursion to the one Mel had more than once put him through.  Although, to bankrupt them, Mel would have to literally buy the entire French Quarter, as in the land it was sitting on and all the buildings.
"Can you not behave for two minutes?"  Mel’s brow rose as she looked between the two men, Cade trying not to laugh and Arthur about taken aback at her words.  “No growling.”  She raised both brows and looked pointedly at the Brit.  Heaven giggled next to her, which just had Arthur rolling his eyes. “Now, you boys do the heavy lifting of getting the luggage, Miss Heaven and I are going to go get the car from the garage and bring it around.  And you two can ride in the back.”  She dropped a kiss on Cade’s cheek with a big grin and a wink over to Heaven.  She already liked the striking and beautiful woman.  Wait till her family laid eyes on her!
From the airport, to River Road, Mel gave a guided tour to their guests of the historical context of each and every plantation along the road.  Her mother had been alive for the building of many, although she did not share that quite yet.  For Heaven, it might not have surprised her, for Arthur, he might have tried to exit the vehicle while at 60MPH.  The latter was more her concern.
Finally they arrived at Vita Pacis Plantation (Life of Serenity).  It had been renamed after Ambrose’s death, her mother choosing the name for what this now represented to them all.  It was a place of peace, of respite from the life they lived in Baton Rouge and New Orleans, from the missions they went on collecting artifacts around the globe.  It was to this estate, to the buildings that rested upon the land and had for over 300 years, that Mel and her friends returned to find peace and to be at peace.  It would be on this estate where she would marry Cade in six months.  
As they drove up the red brick drive, live oaks arching over it with their green leaves and the dangling spanish moss providing shade, she heard Heaven gasp as she got her first view of the grand plantation house mansion.  It was impressive with white limestone exterior and grecian columns that rose three stories, the floor to ceiling french doors that served as windows to the rooms were framed with dark red hurricane shutters.  It created an impressive picture when famed with the arch of the live oaks over the drive.  Just the guest house had four bedrooms and was a sight, but the grand mansion was something out of a movie.  Lovingly preserved by the Meirs family, and now the LaVeaus, it was a piece out of time and history.  The dark stains of the past that it held could never be erased, but they would be made up for over time.  Now it stood for the LaVeau legacy, and that was a strong, vibrant, and proud legacy.
Mel knew that when she had opened the wrought iron gates of the drive, it had alerted those within the guardhouse and the mansion of their arrival.  No one got onto or off of the property without being noticed.  If you tried to come on secretly, there were things seen and unseen that would greet you.  You had better hope the former got to you before the latter did.  So, when Mel pulled the large black SUV around to the back of the mansion, it was of little surprise that her mother stood flanked by her brothers, waiting to greet their guests.  She could not wait till they discovered the surprise that lay in store.
Once the car was stopped, and everyone was out, Mel led Arthur and Heaven over to her family while Cade unloaded the luggage from the back.  She could tell that all three of them immediately recognized in Heaven what she had and the adoring smile her mother cast on Heaven warmed her heart.  Marie was known for taking in anyone needing a mother and love, and it was clear she was already looking that way at Heaven, no matter if she had family back home or not.  
Marie was the first to speak, stepping forward and taking both of Heaven’s hands in her own. “Salve, fili mi, maiores te ad nos perduxerunt. Hic semper domum habebis. (Welcome, my child, it seems the ancestors have lead you to us.  Here you will always have a home.)” Then she leaned forward and placed a soft kiss in the middle of Heaven’s forehead.
Arthur tensed and Mel leaned over, “my mother adopts anyone she feels needs love.  She sensed that in Heaven and has welcomed her to always see this as a home.”  She kept her voice low as to not embarrass Heaven who was now tightly embracing Marie and she swore she saw a tear on the porcelain skin of her cheek. “You too Arthur, Vita Pacis means Life of Serenity.  Any friend of Cade’s is family here, where the mind can find peace when one needs.” With a soft and warm smile on her face, her eyes gently closed as she inclined her head.  
The stoic man just inclined his head in return before turning back to the scene where both Francois and Dontanion were further introducing themselves to his wife, who seemed to be taking everything in stride.  As dwarfed as the beauty was by her gruff husband, she looked absolutely tiny next to Mel’s brothers who were both well over six feet in height and broad shouldered.  “See, I told you this trip would be good for you.”  Cade finally made it up to them and clapped Arthur on the shoulder.  “And Mama Marie and the spooky bunch has adopted another stray.  I guess we’re brothers now, Arthur.  Wait till you taste her food!  We may never get you back to England.”  They all laughed as they began to head in to see exactly how big of a feast Marie HAD prepared.
@call-sign-shark @raincoffeeandfandoms @saltysupercomputer @blind-the-winds @sunset-a-story @touloserlautrec @aziz-reads @toribookworm22 @outpost51 @late-to-the-fandom @writingmaidenwarrior @spookyceph
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i-care-arts · 3 months
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if you're drunk on life babe, i think it's great
the dumbass mages are at it again, with Mayhem and Fourty-Two this time ! Mayhem is @eruanee's oc !
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esteemed-excellency · 9 months
English Breakfast, Pu-erh, and Matcha!
English Breakfast: What is your OC’s morning routine?
His ideal "morning" routine begins around midday, he's not a morning person and waking up can take a lot due to his sleeplessness. Sometimes he doesn't even try to sleep because he knows it would be a useless effort, he just goes straight outside after a soirée to have a walk around the city and get a late breakfast, only to return home around midday and sleep through the rest of the day. Most of the time he just sleeps through the morning ignoring everything and everyone.
He doesn't understand morning people. They've all been living in a cave for fourty years. 1900 is cancelled and the clocks are treacherous. You can do whatever you want forever. But some people insist on having a business meeting at 9 am. Why.
Even if he always tries to freshen up a bit, he usually ends up staring at the mirror in disbelief of being awake so early. Business meetings before 10 am should be illegal.
He prefers to have breakfast at some nice coffeehouse around town, but he also likes to overindulge in comfort at home having a lazy "morning" up until 3 pm.
Regardless of the time, his constant routine consists of: reading a few newspapers, drinking some tea or coffee, sorting through his letters, and spending a lot of time planning his outfit and accessories for the day. Every once in a while, he takes his coffee laced with a particular Brandy, and it's the only time he thinks mornings are not so bad after all.
Pu-erh: What does your OC do when they’re stuck indoors for a day or two?
He keeps himself busy reading, researching, playing the piano, and occasionally scheming. He gets easily bored though, he doesn’t like to be stuck at home for long periods of time.
Matcha: What is your OC’s preferred little treat?
Answered here!
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radio-ghost-cooks · 7 months
happy valentine's day!!! @s4turnpunk
hey so for some context for anyone who isn't Joey: we made a character based on the Slab species from Doctor Who and we paired him off with the Stig.
tags: oc x stig, stickers, Stickers, those are different tags, it's just so fluffy, italics are thoughts, tw falling from a tree, they're fine, helmet bumping as a kiss
The entire crew was running around like a bunch of headless chickens, scouring high and low in search of the Stig and Stickers. Stickers, who was going to be billed as Stig's cyclist cousin, was somehow just mildly weirder than Stig. Mildly. At least Stickers showed emotions. Stig normally just stood there, and if he wasn't just standing there, he was attacking things. Stickers, on the other hand, was a little ball of energy. And stickers. Somehow, he could make that motorcycle helmet of his seemingly emote just by looking at you in a certain way. At first it freaked some of the crew out, but they got used to it after a while. They were both supposed to be on in half an hour, but they were nowhere to be found. Great. Dandy. Wonderful.
     If the crew had looked about a mile into the woods thay surrounded the test track, they would have found Stig and Stickers with several sheets of star-shaped stickers and a pair of tweezers. But they didn't! The pair were blissfully undisturbed, surrounded by trees. An odd sight to find the Stig in, honestly. This wasn't Stiggy's idea anyway. Stickers had stumbled into a stationary store and made out with about 200 sheets of random stickers and he instisted on decorating Stig's helmet. Had it been anyone other than Stickers, he would have said no (and probably punched the fool brave enough to suggest it). But, it was Stickers.
They aren't really cousins. The fact that Stickers was always introduced as such made them both cringe. What they are is in love. They're also absolute dumbasses. The first time they bumped their helmets together (their version of a kiss), Stig nearly vomited in his helmet out of nerves while Stickers blasted "We Are The Champions" on repeat in his dressing room for the next three hours. Stickers's entire existance was a mystery to everyone including himself, but Stig didn't really care. He just loved Stickers from day one. Now, on day fourty-six, the two of them were sitting across from each other up on a low hanging branch, Stig leaning forward so the shorter racer could carefully apply a black star sticker just under his visor.
    The placement was much more purposeful than it would be if Stickers was decorating one of his own helmets. He just stuck a hodgepodge of things onto it until he ran out of room most of the time. There was still a slight theme to them, but nowhere near as neat as the way he affixed the simple black stickers to Stig's helmet. It was a miracle his hands weren't shaking given how thrilled he was when his boyfriend (his boyfriend!!!!) had agreed to it. Actually, it wasn't Stickers who was shaking at all. It was Stig.
He was wobbling back and forth like crazy, teetering on the branch before letting out a little surprised "eek!" and falling to the ground like a rock. Stickers sat there stunned, just staring at the other driver for a few moments before scrambling down the tree to kneel at his side.
Natutally, Stickers wad in a panic. He hadn't fallen from a particularly low branch; it was certainly high enough to break bones. "Oh," He thought to himself, "OH." It was from high enough to break bones?! This was not good. This was very much not good. It's not like he could just take Stig to a hospital! Who knows what they would do once they got their hands on him?! And first aid? There was no first aid guide for a genetically modified Sla-
Stig chose that time to sit up in a flash and put his hands on the sides of his panicked boyfriend's helmet. Like asking him to take a deep breath. Right. He was being entirely unreasonable. They were both indestructable. A little fall wasn't going to hurt.
Stickers chuckled and slinged his arms around Stig's neck, sighing as he calmed down. Stig pulled him in closer and hugged him tight, shoulders drooping and relaxed. Stickers finally got a good look at his handiwork on Stig's helmet. Not too shabby, if he could say so himself.
He gently bumped his helmet into Stig's. "You look good."
Stig bumped back. "So do you."
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karlachismylife · 24 days
Choosing what to work on?
Leaving this here before I go back to burning with my deadlines. Honestly I just need the fandom's validation, people here are so kind and talented, I want to spend quality time on something that will make people happy. A birthday gift - seeing what people are interested to read from me.
So. I have two WIPs. And two ideas.
WIP one: nearly finished (although I'm unhappy with it) steamy piece on Karlach x Soap exploring just how much Johnny loves Karlach's non-human features. Spoiler: a lot. One shot.
WIP two: a little (at least for now it's little) Karlach x Soap hurt/comfort inspired by beautiful landscapes and my love for the northern seas. Johnny needs a hug and he gets one and more. Karlach thinks she needs strength and realizes she already has it. One shot.
IDEA one: Smut as a logical continuation of this post. Solar eclipse is nice, bonnie, do you mind Soap seeing it a thousand and fourty-two times more while you ride him with his dogtags bouncing over the engine in your chest? One shot.
IDEA two: modern!biker!Karlach x Ghoap. Simon and Johnny finally move in together and find a nice apartment in a good low-key area, only for them to be deployed and come back in several months to the area's reputation sinking rapidly due to a certain crowd their new neighbour and their bike bring around. But come on, guys, it's not that bad; you know what they say: one gunshot into the air a month keeps the rent low. Multiple parts.
If nothing sounds interesting or you just have something else, requests are open for anything and everything involving task force 141 and baldur's gate characters, pairings, polyamory, x reader and x OC included. Send in and I'll think about it!
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shion-yu · 1 year
Day 8 - Seizure
Julian was aware that he may have gone too far this time. Whumptober 2023! I’m using the @ailesswhumptober's prompt list. This story is about my OC Shumei - here’s his profile if you’re so inclined: https://toyhou.se/23743470.shumei-tw. This one’s EXTRA dark, you have been warned.
TW/CWs: Medical abuse!!
Julian was aware that he may have gone too far this time. Shu was out of his mind with fever. It was so bad that his boyfriend couldn’t even get a sentence out. Julian was actually giving him full doses of medication and yet the fever still wasn’t breaking. He held Shu up in bed, his hands planted firmly on Shu’s forearms to keep him from falling to the side bonelessly. “Shu, darling, Shumei, look at me, please.”
Shu’s eyes sluggishly moved in Julian’s direction, but Julian could tell he wasn’t actually seeing anything. This was bad. Really bad. Julian was actually truly worried for Shu’s health and he didn’t like that feeling. 
Julian stroked Shu’s hot face gently, eliciting only weak whimpers from the delicate man in his arms. “Darling? Can you hear me?”
There was a long pause, the only sound Shu’s labored breathing until he grunted in some weak acknowledgement. Okay, at least Shu could hear him, Julian thought to himself. “Shu, I’m going to draw you a bath. Hang on for me, okay?” No response this time.
Julian didn’t want to leave Shu even for a second, but the master bath was connected to their bedroom so he was at least able to leave the door open and watch Shu while he filled up the tub. The sound of rushing water was now familiar - he’d given Shu many baths over the past year, but he’d never felt so anxious for it to fill up. It seemed like the water level wasn’t rising fast enough. He made sure it was lukewarm before he stopped the drain and returned to Shumei’s side. “Just a few minutes, Shu.”
Shu twitched in bed. At first Julian thought that was a good sign that he heard Julian - but then he didn’t stop shaking. His hands were balled into tight fists that pulsed tightly, and soon his boyfriend was straining his neck upwards. “Shu?” Julian asked. The tremors only grew stronger, more pronounced, and Julian realized Shu was having a seizure. “Shit,” he swore. He took the pillows away and pulled back the covers so Shu couldn’t get tangled in anything. He pushed Shu onto his side and started counting.
One... ten... twenty...
His boyfriend’s shaking grew more violent. Grand mal seizure, Julian’s brain supplied. If they were at the hospital, he could order an IV push antiepileptic right away, but they were just at home. There was no one else around. Usually Julian loved that it was just the two of them in the apartment, but for once he wished someone else were here to help him wait through this.
Thirty... fourty... fifty...
A minute had never felt so long to Julian in his life. Foamy, red tinged sputum began to form in the corners of Shu’s lips and Julian winced. Shu must have bitten his tongue. 
Sixty... seventy... eighty...
The smell of urine, blood and bile mixed in the air. All scents that Julian was used to in the hospital, but in their home it felt markedly wrong. He couldn’t go this far again, he told himself. He had to take better care of Shu, otherwise he wouldn’t have a boyfriend to take care of at all.
Ninety... ninety-five...
The shaking was easing up now, Shu’s body relaxing ever so slightly. Julian grabbed his stethoscope from the bedside table and listened intently, relieved when he could hear Shu’s airway had not been obstructed. His boyfriend’s lips were tinged blue, but his heart was beating strong and fast. He’d be fine. Oxygen would have been helpful, but Julian didn’t have any at home. He’d have to order some right away. 
Shu groaned weakly, no discernable words to be made out. “Shh, it’s okay, it’s over,” Julian said, wiping a trail of blood that ran down Shu’s chin with his thumb. “It’s all over.”
Julian stood and glanced back at the bathroom, which immediately prompted him to run to turn the faucet off. The tub had overflown, leaving a thin layer of water on the porcelain floor that soaked the bath mats. He swore and threw several dry towels down to at least make the bathroom walkable before he went back to the bed and undressed Shu. His clothes were damp with sweat and urine and clung to Shu’s skin; Julian peeled them off of his boyfriend and then carried his naked form to the bathtub. Not bothering to get undressed himself, he stepped into the tub and lowered Shu into it. More water splashed loudly over the edges of the vessel. He’d deal with it later; right now, he had to lower Shu’s fever before his boyfriend had another seizure.
The water was slightly cooler than room temperature, so while it wasn’t exactly pleasant, it wasn’t the ice bath that Shu’s body reacted to like it was. He cried out loudly, unseeing eyes flying open in panic as Julian held him in the water. He writhed in Julian’s grasp, but thankfully he was too weak to get anywhere.
“I know it hurts. I’m sorry, you’ll feel better soon,” Julian whispered to him. “Just hold on a bit longer.”
No answer. Julian hadn’t expected one. He cupped handfuls of water and ran them over Shu’s face. “I’ve got you, I’m right here.” The noises Shu was making broke Julian’s heart. He usually liked when Shu cried, but this was different. Shu wasn’t conscious enough to show the emotions that Julian loved - he couldn’t feel sad or needy or weak. He couldn’t feel anything except pain, and that wasn’t what Julian wanted. He wanted Shu to rely on him and him only - not be completely at the mercy of just anybody because he was too unconscious to tell otherwise.
“You won’t get this sick again, I promise,” Julian said softly, because he knew Shu couldn’t understand him. He rubbed the blood off of Shu’s face and began to drain the tub; the water was a sickly brown color that disgusted him. “I won’t let you. I’ll be more prepared next time.” He leaned forward and kissed Shu’s burning forehead. 
Once the bath was empty, Julian filled it once more while they were still inside so that he could rinse Shu off with clean water. Shu was shivering violently, but Julian felt that his temperature had lowered at least slightly, so it had worked. He picked Shu up and carried him back to the bedroom, the soaked towels on the floor squelching unpleasantly beneath his bare feet. He placed Shu down in the chair next to the bed, pulling a fresh pair of underwear on his boyfriend and pulling a t-shirt over his head. He covered Shu with a blanket then changed the sheets quickly, throwing the soiled ones straight into the wash along with the soaked towels and pajamas. There, things were back in order. He changed his own dry pajamas and then put Shu back into bed.
He held Shu’s limp form close to him as he called into the hospital pharmacy, requesting all manner of IV medications that normally would only be available to home health agencies. His assistant would bring it to his house - it  would only take a couple of hours to arrive. Home oxygen would arrive tomorrow, just in case.
“Ju... li...”
Julian looked down at his boyfriend in surprise. He hadn’t expected Shu to wake up yet, but Shu was tough, he reasoned. It was why he’d pushed him so hard - because Julian had watched him take so much already. 
He held Shu closer to him. “Yes, darling, I’m here.”
“My mouth... hurts...”
Julian nodded. “You bit your tongue. I’ll let you have some ice chips later. Not yet.” He didn’t think it was a good idea for Shu to try and swallow yet.
“So tired,” Shu mumbled, his eyes closing again. “I can’t...”
“You don’t have to do anything,” Julian told him gently. “I’m here to take care of you.”
Shu’s eyes fluttered open once more for just a second. “Thank you,” he whispered. Julian felt his heart swell and he smiled.
“You don’t have to thank me, Shu. I love you. I’ll always love you no matter what.” Shu fell asleep once again and Julian kissed him a few more times. He loved Shu more than anything else. Shu was perhaps the only thing he loved. Today had been scary; it’d gone too far. But the thanks he got at the end of the day had made it worth it. The look in Shu’s eyes - fully dependent and trusting in Julian - was enough to remind Julian of every reason why he was doing this. He meant it when he said he intended to take care of Shu forever and ever - for as long as he could make sure Shu needed him.
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bvannn · 6 months
Weekly Update March 15, 2024
Something is wrong with me today, but I’m not sure what. I’m keeping an eye on what I suspect it may be, although it’s more likely a sleep related problem. I’ll try to get to bed early tonight. I did a good amount of artstuffs this week, though.
First real significant thing I did this week was record a bunch of melodies for songs and covers. I’m getting somewhere on the main cover I’m working on, and I’ll be tweaking the vocals hopefully soon and possibly posting a WIP once they’re acceptable. I think I will need to chop up the wav file and add effects only to specific notes to add more bite, since vocaloid seems to not really be able to do that. That’s fine I’m a smart person sometimes I can get around it.
Other instrumental songs are going well too. Made good progress on an old Zelda medley/cover I’d been working on, and another instrumental character theme has a good outline. I’ll try to really push for them soon, and once I get the Zelda one done I’ll poke at mechanical license websites to see how bad pricing is and see what songs are even available. The vocal cover should be, since it’s from a mainstream band, but I don’t know if video game music will be available, we’ll see. I might also go in for more recording tonight to see if a bit of movement/exercise would help whatever physical problem I’m having today.
I also have been having awful insomnia, which I’ve been using the time to try chipping away at lyrics for the two ‘vocal’ songs I’m done with otherwise. I’m sitting down and doing one section per session, so with any luck I can get those done soon too.
Drawings are also going well enough. I’m getting weirdly self conscious about my art, since I haven’t really seen a lot of growth in interaction on any of the sites I post to except here. Thank you guys for sticking with me! I’m trying to pull myself together to do more small drawings, so you guys have a bit more to look at for now, although I also have been chipping away at that comic still. I need to write/thumbnail 2 more scenes and edit, then I should be good to make actual pages.
Aside from the initial pitch comic I’m thinking about the outlines for the rest of the stories a bit more now. I get anxious when I get insomnia so I’ve been trying to just write in general, so I can at least be productive with the time, and that’s included lyric stuff, TTRPG stuff, and a lot of OC story stuff. I’m always afraid to lore dump on here unless I’m explicitly asked, for fear of coming off as annoying, but all things considered people seem to like the posts that include lore a bit better so my fear is probably unfounded. Perhaps I will do more on my own, but if you ever really want lore never be afraid to send an ask. I also tag the names of my reoccurring OCs so people can search my blog for them if they want to see more of any specific character.
Also speaking of writing, am still chipping away at an Anime Campaign/Epithet TTRPG game. I put up a poll on the epithet subreddit, which was a cleverly disguised way to gauge interest in an epithet pre-written campaign, since people are more likely to interact with a poll than to upvote a post. There were fourty something people who responded, almost unanimously positively. I might throw another one up there to see how many would actually be interested in DMing, but if feedback comes back positive I might turn what I’ve been working on into a prewritten module for others to run as well. That’d also be a fun writing project, which will be nice because writing is lower effort and lets me rest more, and rest is what I think I need right now.
Good amount of stuff got done this week despite me being in generally poor health. I will try to get better. Focusing on more writing stuff with smaller drawings like headshots will try to be the focus for next week.
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