#oc: clone trooper rift
mire-draws-things · 14 days
The best blorbos to have are the ones your friends come up with, so I did what I do best and made art (does it count as fanart??) of each of @the-bad-batch-baroness Phoenix boys (I love them all, your honor).
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vod of the day (pt. 1/2) : Ratchet! He is one half of the IT/Repair department of the 142nd! he is a commando class but he doesnt care about that. hes too tired for that. he manages all the ordering and inventory/logistics for the 142nd.
ratchet (he/they) CC-2002 surge protectors (IT) department
<-thetra's office chair for the vod'e to sit in whenever
"no, mau. we don't have the room or the ability to look after a litter of tookas. besides, you five are already enough."
he has long hair because i was listening to hozier while drawing him
-double brewed caf -all-natural eyebags (thanks to the cluster and them being reckless and destroying the BRAND FUCKING NEW equipment he ordered for them.) -reading smut on the work datapad. leave him alone. its raunchy bounty hunter stuff (like those cowboy eroticas. fucking hilarious) ->hes the type of mfer to read fairy smut tbh
the cluster & rest of the 142nd donate half of all their caf rations to him as an apology-in-advance and a plea for forgiveness all in one.
(it doesnt work. he's still the one that places all the orders for it.)
-he has a big ol scar across his face going from the bottom right of his jaw to the top left of his temple. -has a shitton of freckles
he just wishes that his vod'e would stop headbutting those clankers with their band. fucking. new. helmets. (looking at you specifically, clank.)
he and fox get along well because ratchet actually files his orders and reports correctly.
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calamity-aims · 2 years
Hi Cal mwah, 30 for Drift please? Thank you <3
(MWAH MWAH MWAH also this is the first appearance of Rodi in a fic! Momentous!)
“Whatcha thinking about?” Rodi asks. Bright blue Zeltron eyes flash towards Drift curiously; his thigh presses up against Drift’s armor plating. The clink of his lightsaber against the plastoid is lost amid the constant sounds of traffic.
Drift takes a breath.
It’s hard to feel doubt or fear at the current moment. They’re up on the roof of the Jedi temple, sitting with their lags dangling above the dizzying web of Coruscant. This is Rodi’s favorite place, and Drift’s too: a long-forgotten alcove nested in the temple walls. Maybe it had been a sleeping porch, once, or just an outside access, but now it was filled with greenery and soft pillows, bits of art and Rodi’s books that he largely ignores. The overall effect is chaotically calming, much like Rodi himself.
It’s Drift’s favorite place in the galaxy, with his favorite person in the galaxy, and yet-
“What if,” he starts, then cuts off. It’s stupid. It’s a stupid thought that he shouldn’t burden Rodi with, not when there’s more important things going on, not when their time together is as rare and precious as Corusca gems.
Long red fingers brush over his cheek, tracing the lines of his tattoos. “Tell me,” Rodi says.
Drift could never refuse him anything. He leans into the touch, presses a kiss to his Jedi’s palm. Rodi waits, cupping Drifts face, until finally he says, “What if there’s no happy ending for us? What if - what if you die, or I die, or-”
Rodi laughs - not cruelly, never cruelly - and says with easy confidence, “Is that it? Aw, Drift, that’s not going to happen.”
“How can you know?” Drift asks. His voice almost breaks on the last word. How can Rodi be so assured, when Drift second-guesses every action? How can Rodi be so confident in the future when Drift can’t even remember parts of the past? 
The gaps in his memory are getting more and more frequent, and the Corrie medics don’t have an answer. Drift put it down to brain damage, from the spice and the circuit boosters and everything else he used to do, but Remedy said it wasn’t.
Remedy wouldn’t lie to him. Not even to spare Drift’s feelings. He’s not that kind of medic.
“I know because I’ve seen it,” Rodi’s saying. He taps the side of his head knowingly. “Visions, remember?”
Drift remembers. Rodi doesn’t talk about his visions much. Drift knows they’re hard on him, yet still he presses. “But do you ever get bad ones? Ones where we lose, or we die, or-”
“Sure I do,” Rodi says, easy. Casual. “But those are not going to happen.”
“They’re not, Drift.” Rodi’s voice has gone sharp. Blue eyes blaze into Drift’s own. “They’re not. I won’t let them, ok?”
“Ok,” Drift whispers, and lets Rodi kiss him, fierce and desperate.
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Who Wants More Clone OCs???
For those of you enjoying my Infectious series, I've decided to give you more information about the clone trooper cadets I created! Because I don't know if they'll be back or not in the fic.
Adding the fic series tag list in case they're interested: @nahoney22 @bethtizda @skippyhopperwisdom @drafthorsemath @idoubleswearimawriter
Meet Phoenix Squadron:
The leader of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name from the metal used in TIG welding, tungsten.
TIG welding is an artistic form of conjoining metal and requires a great deal of concentration, patience, dexterity, and finesse, to which Tungst has all of those qualities.
He has a big heart, loves his squad, and will gladly die for each one of them.
He is usually level-headed, but can become passionate, overzealous, and protective of the ones he loves.
He has an incredible sense of justice and becomes immovable when he dedicates himself to a cause.
The glass-is-half-empty member of Phoenix Squad.
His original name was Brat, because he would complain about absolutely everything and annoyed Tungst every spare moment he had.
He eventually grew out of his bratty ways and his name was changed to Brett, however, he never lost his pessimistic outlook.
He enjoys weapons the most and wants to be the heavy-gunner of the squad.
He will agree to anything as long as it doesn’t require any effort on his part.
He is incredibly loyal and will follow Tungst anywhere and into anything.
The most sensible member of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he drools in his sleep and his brothers make fun of him for it, but he’s a good sport about it.
He is the voice of reason for everything, even though Tungst is the leader.
He is the one with the checklist to make sure they haven’t forgotten anything.
He is sometimes referred to as a “worry-wart” or  “always prepared for the end of the world”.
He is anxiety coded.
The most laid-back member of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he would consistently leave out important or key details when telling stories or relaying information.
His tendency to “gloss over” things has gotten the squad into heaps of trouble on numerous occasions.
He is soft spoken and doesn’t enjoy conflict. 
He’s a bit spacey at times, but he has a vivid imagination and is very artistic.
He keeps a sketchbook with him at all times and will draw anything, including his brothers.
The jokester and prankster of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he would start petty squabbles between the clones by planting false information, then sitting back to watch the outcome.
He caused so many “rifts” between brothers that he was labeled a menace amongst the cadets, but in reality, he was just bored.
He’s the brainiac of the squad without even having to study.
He likes to keep a rock in his pocket because he’s a chronic fidgeter and fidgeting with blasters does not work out well.
He is ADHD coded.
The beloved “youngest” brother of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he enjoyed making bets with his brothers and he always won, every single time.
He was incredibly studious and you could almost always find his nose in a book.
He was training to become the squad’s medic because he couldn’t handle seeing his brothers hurt.
He was more emotional than the average clone, but none of his brothers ever said anything about it.
He unfortunately perished during the invasion of Tipoca City.
Extra Info
After Chance’s death during the invasion of Tipoca City, Tungst refused to replace his “little” brother and chose to leave the squad at five members.
Phoenix Squad has matching tattoos over their hearts of Chance’s name, a phoenix, and the words “morior invictus” underneath, which means “death before defeat”.
Gloss is the one who designed the memorial tattoo.
During the events leading up to the Infectious story line, Phoenix Squad formed a bond with the reader because she reminded them of their little brother Chance who wanted to be a medic.
Reader is aware of Chance's death, but it happened way before she ever got to Kamino, so she never met him.
Tungst likes to share holo-pics of Chance with the reader to help keep his memory alive and also because he misses him.
In Chapter 1, when Gloss mentions that the reader should join their squad as their medic, he was not joking.
They unanimously agreed that the reader could join their squad, which is one of the reasons for Tungst's disdain of Clone Force 99 in Chapter 2.
Tattoo Art
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Made by the extremely talented @commander-sunshine! Thank you, babe 😘
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airlockfailure · 2 years
This isn't a question about a specific OC, but I was wondering what kind of traditions your characters come up with as free men? Do they celebrate "clone" holidays, on dates that are significant, like the anniversary Fox defeated Palpatine? Do they develop wedding and adoption traditions? Just give me all the details please!
So you actually have a head canon I love regarding clone courtship and gift giving. Where a clone will present their love interest with an object of some significance and if the other person accepts it means they're accepting the courting. (I have butchered this summary.) Ever since you posted that, I've had it stuck in my mind that, yes, this is how clones might initiate courtship. I also like the idea of armor being incredibly important for them. A lot of the early ones were trained by Mandalorians after all, and I feel like a lot of those armor based, berserker fighter attitudes and traditions would trickle down, albeit through the filters of Kamino.
Which is why it's so significant for Fox to paint the armor of his shinies, and why it means so much to have them paint his when he's unable to do so. Swapping an sharing armor is an expression of love, maintaining someone else's is an expression of devotion, but it doesn't necessarily have to be romantic devotions. The context is important. Vaughn swapping his higher quality officer's armor with Sterling's faulty shiny armor in order to protect Sterling is a direct expression of romantic love.
Cue wearing his armor all the time, even when he doesn't have to is significant as well. He doesn't open up to people. He doesn't know how. By being allowed to remove his helmet, Delphi is symbolically allowed to intrude on that stoicism and self-restraint. He doesn't have to open up, because she will meet him where he is.
Knockout prefers to remain clothed, armored, etc. as much as possible, with the exception of medical personnel and Howzer. Knockout "playfully" hands over part of his cybernetic arm, which is both practical, because his lightsaber is in there, and an attempt at bridging the rift between them. "I trust you to hold onto what's important to me. It's not armor, but I still require it to function." And of course Howzer gives it back, but he didn't grasp the significance of the gesture because Knockout's older than him, and as I mentioned before, traditions learned by the older clones were filtered through the Kaminoans, who didn't want them to have anything for themselves.
Vaughn notices this more obviously with Sterling. Vaughn is one of the oldest clones, and Sterling (at the start of NAT) is one of the youngest. Vaughn behaves a lot more like a Mandalorian, and an individual, than Sterling does, to the point where Sterling doesn't even know how the clones mourn each other. (Otto later teaches him the Mandalorian remembrance customs.)
Embree found out the date of Dawn's decanting and decided it was going to be celebrated as his birthday. Embree remembers his own birthdays, and knows they're meant to be fun celebrations, and tries to replicate that with the help of the neighbors who are fond of Dawn. Dawn, in turn, plans Embree's birthdays, and they celebrate their children's birthdays as well. But a lot of the clones, unless they were exposed to cultures that celebrated birthdays, wouldn't know what that was, because they were created in labs.
As for holidays... I haven't given them as much thought. I know Fox would not consider his fight with Palpatine something to celebrate, it's a painful, terrifying memory for him. He would probably celebrate the end of the war itself, and the anniversary of clones being granted rights. I could also see Bail, as Chancellor, making both of these events official galactic holidays, so it wouldn't be just the clones celebrating.
Again, I think it would come down to what the individual clone has been exposed to. A line trooper with the 501st will probably celebrate whatever holidays Anakin Skywalker observes, if they ever witnessed Anakin observe any holidays, as they were at war, and I don't think Anakin is the type of person to put things on hold for a party. Ahsoka, who is more likely to notice troop morale, I could see teaching the clones about various holidays celebrated by the Jedi/on Coruscant. So within the Invictus AU, the 332nd clones know a lot more about holidays and celebrations in that context.
Fox was formally adopted by Aren as a Mandalorian, and when he and Riyo eventually adopt children, Fox will use the same Mandalorian custom for them. Pantoran culture is coming slowly out of feudalism (in my mind a strange mix of stuff from medieval Europe and feudal Japan), thanks in part to Riyo herself and Papanoida's desire to be more involved with the galaxy as a whole. Adoption on Pantora is more to preserve family lines and inheritance than it is about raising children and as such, the adoption of adults into failing family lines is quite common. With the growing of Pantora away from feudalism, that is slowly changing, because we all know how Riyo feels about protecting people who have no means to advocate for themselves.
A lot of the clones would want to adopt the cadets and tubies from Kamino. Most of the clones' experiences regarding nat-borns is negative, or at least neutral. It has always been that the clones look after each other, because they all recognize they can't rely on outsiders. Even after the war, among the former CIS planets, there is a great deal of anti-clone sentiment. And plenty of the loyal Republic planets believed clones were just droids shaped like men.
Commander Colt and Shaak Ti (along with the rest of the Kaminoan Security Team) are responsible for ensuring the cadets and tubies are adopted into homes that will actually protect and raise the clones, and aren't just some nat-born weirdos or heaven forbid, slavers. Anyone who is there for nefarious purposes is escorted out (sometimes arrested). This does mean that it will take a very long time to adopt out all the clones who need families. But as I mentioned, the clones have always taken care of each other, whether that group is small or large.
Uhh, and then my brain died. Time for more coffee LOL
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mandoposting · 3 years
☕️ what do they order at starbucks? For any and all of your OCs (or for Aran if you only want to choose one)
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so i may have um. gone overboard with this :')
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oc ask meme but it's utter chaos
Taglist: @ct-9904, @xviii-themoon, @twisted-falcon @findhimfives, @the-dreamy-space, @fake-fullbuster, @parkotedarasuum, @beckettsmeckett, @icanbringyouincold, @limeyartspinningtales, @persaloodles, @dilfyoda, @1-or-a-0 dm/send me an ask if you'd like to be added/removed :)
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she is not getting paid enough for this
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the-silentium · 2 years
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Featuring New Friends
Pairing: Crosshair x Reader, Hunter x Reader
Words: 6513 words
Warnings: Swearing, O66 mentions, angst.
A/N: I owed Kayden to have his final chapter done after it slept in my WIPs for 9 months. Now everyone has closure so I can think of a new horror/suspense story.
Also, big shoutout to @clone-rambles​ who let me use her OC Rift Squadron for Kayden’s prank. You can read more about the Rift Squadron here! 
Taglist: I didn’t tag anyone on purpose, since I don’t want to bother anyone with a story that is so old. BUT. This is fully dedicated to @clone-rambles​ and @haloangel391​ cuz you two stayed with me for the long run and I can’t thank you both enough! 
"Holy guacamole." Kayden breathed in awe at the sight of the raging storm beating the white facilities as the door opened. "This storm is crazy!"
You overlooked the rhyme to shush him as an officer made her way over from a more crowded part of the hangar. It wasn't your first time on Kamino, but the feeling stayed the same; you already wished you could turn back around and go. It wasn't just that you knew this place had been hell for the people you called your family, you had seen first hand the disdain they all received from their fellows and this time, the heavy atmosphere that floated around the place was disturbing to say the least. 
It was understandable, given what the clones had recently endured, that they were down and gloomy, Crosshair had been that way for the biggest part of the trip until you let Wrecker take your place and went with your lover at the back to hush his demons. You had not anticipated that they would look like dead men walking. 
Some of them had their helmets off, showing their dull eyes and haunted gazes, whereas a majority of them kept their helmet on.
"Squad name, trooper." The officer inquired once she was close enough so the engines of the arriving ships wouldn't drown her words. Her gaze was glued to her datapad, its blue screen illuminating the bags shadowing her tired eyes. 
"Commando Squadron Clone Force 99." Hunter answered with a frown. He quickly looked around the busy hangar, taking in the effect of what happened to Crosshair, but in its bigger scale. 
Officer-- you looked at the name tag over her heart-- Vega scrolled through an extensive list on her device, muttered some words under her breath and finally stopped over your squad's name. She quickly checked the box and finally met Hunter's eyes with a sharp nod. 
"Have you, or anyone of your squad, been injured or induced injuries to anyone around you during the mind-controlling episode a day ago?" She asked in a monotonous voice, as though she already knew the answer. She was already going for the red box when Hunter shook his head.
"No. We did not receive any transmission." 
The story you all agreed on was plausible as no Jedi General was assigned to your team and only a select few officers had your commlink number. It also helped that you used the Core to remove every trace of your injuries, all that remained were emotional and mental scars that would take time to heal, both for you and Crosshair. 
Despite your expectations, Crosshair wasn't as stiff as a board at the reminder, his tight fists were the only sign that he was affected. He had hurt you. They all knew. You noticed Crosshair's hands twitch right before he suddenly opened his fists to press his palms against his sides. Closing them felt wrong, he had told you on the ship. You remembered the feeling of being strangled and he too remembered the feeling of your skin under his fingers. 
"Lucky lads. More squads are expected in the following hours. Until everyone is accounted for, please remain in Tipoca City." With that said and the green box checked, she wandered off to another arriving team. 
"I guess we'll be stuck here for a little while." Hunter sighed.
"Ain't that bad news!" Kayden's snickers could be heard from your side, yet he remained invisible. 
"Keep quiet until we are alone." You reminded him, already on edge because of the ambiance. 
"Come on. Let's get to our quarters and relax while we can." A hand fell on your shoulder for a second and Hunter took the lead, his hand falling back at his side. 
Wrecker was undeniably excited to be back on base, Tech seemed unfazed, Echo was lost in some memories and Crosshair kept his helmet on. You chose to walk by his side, not too close so you respected the space he asked you to give him, but close enough so he knew you were still there to help and that you still didn't hold a grudge against him.  
You knew how to make a difference between them. Soulless Crosshair and Real Crosshair weren't the same in any way. It was unfortunate that he had a hard time differencing the two. You simply hoped that between you and his brothers, he would finally see that he wasn’t as bad and detestable as he projected himself to be. This goal, you knew, was achievable with time, patience and love. 
Your feet froze at the last second, avoiding a sharp collision with hard plastoid. You stood in the entrance, taking in the familiar mess and the strong scent that reminded you of your shack back in the dark confines of Alryan. The boys were already walking towards their respective spaces, leaving you and a now visible Kayden to look around the area. 
"Reminds you of something?" You asked Kayden with a jab in the side that went right through his form. It was his first time here after all and he clearly made the same connection as you, the glint of familiarity lightening his eyes giving him away.
"That small shanty of ours." He chuckled. "How could I miss the resemblance?" 
"It was messy?" Tech wondered, surprised that your organized self lived in a disorganized environment. 
"And smelly. All thanks to this guy." You pointed to the brunette who was looking at the carved lines on the wall by the door. "I stopped trying to clean everything up after a while. An hour later, all the junk was back where it was."
"Don't know what you're talking about." He shrugged nonchalantly. "And this place is already bigger than our shack." 
"True." You ventured towards Crosshair's bunk seeing as Hunter was busy looking through his storage and you didn't bother to create a space for yourself like you all did for Echo as you usually shared a bed with one of your boyfriends. You took a seat beside him, both your back leaning on the wall. His head turned slightly to acknowledge you before he went back to cleaning his rifle. Kicking your boots off, you grabbed the fluffy blanket-hoodie you forgot at the foot of his bed during your last trip here to put it on and wrap your arms tightly around your form. 
This damn rainy planet was obviously wet and added to the air conditioning keeping the city at such a low temperature that no bacteria could proliferate, you had no chance to keep yourself warm without an additional layer or a warmth buddy. You moved to the side so you faced Crosshair, your legs folded at your side and your head rested on your shoulder that leaned on the wall. 
Each movement of his hands was performed with utmost precision. Countless hours of practice had led him to master his art and you knew for a fact that he could accomplish his task while looking somewhere else, at your lips for example, or while you tried to distract him with a make-out session. He had a talent to mentally map everything perfectly, it being his very prized rifle, the Marauder during lights-out or your body, and venture their surfaces without any inconvenience despite his best perk being unavailable at the moment. 
Everyone was doing their own thing, Kayden, you noticed, had already disappeared somewhere. You didn't want to think about what it could lead to, let him have his fun while you enjoyed the small break before chaos fell over your head again. After all, Hunter hadn't been opposed to his shenanigans in the condition that no one saw him.
A chuckle unconsciously escaped your lips, thinking of all the possible tricks Kayden could play on the Kaminoans. The Gods knew what this man was able to create in that twisted mind of his and you were certain that this was another reason as to why he found his way back to you. 
The night before that fateful day you met the Batchers, you had thought about whether to bring Kayden with you and play outside like brainless kids, be yourselves again for half a day where no one could see the two of you, and spit insults your way. It would have been a soul-lifting experience. The major problem was Murphy Day in itself. Kayden was not a skilled hunter and the jungle being wild and dangerous in its normal days, it would have been right down suicidal to bring him along. He could have died and you were not ready to survive being the village’s scapegoat alone, as selfish as it may sound. It was still one of your biggest regrets to think that he had to live your worst nightmare, one that he reassured was forgiven and forgotten many, many times. 
Having Kayden with you that day and him meeting the Batch in their vulnerable states would have been a whole new experience. Everything that happened- the outcome wouldn’t have been the same with your best friend there. You wouldn’t have found a new family, wouldn’t have found two of the most important people in your life, wouldn’t have discovered who you were and how to become the best version of yourself. They would have become a story that you and Kayden would reminisce with a laugh during the bad days to cheer yourselves up, just clones who crossed your path, needed help to get out of their unfortunate situation and went on their way because let’s be honest, they would have had enough of Kayden after two minutes in his presence. 
Warm fingers softly lifted your chin and you realized your eyes had closed on their own. You pucker your lips at the intervention, morphing your dreaming expression into a questioning frown. Crosshair had to lift the hood that fell way too low on your head in order to meet your eyes. 
"What are you thinking about?" He paused cleaning his rifle to focus on you and that simple gesture brought a small smile to your lips.
Your brain short-circuited for a second. What were you thinking about indeed? Oh. Right.
"I was thinking that what should have been the worst decision of my life turned out to be the best." You shuffled a bit closer. "And how I found and saved my two handsome loves, and one of them twice, on that same day." You poked his stomach playfully to remind him of his misadventures on Murphy Day. 
He snorted to hide the slight wince that contorted his features, certainly at the memory of the fruit that made a whole mess of his body. "We got even pretty fast." 
You hummed, clearly remembering the worst fall of your life. “That’s true. And then I saved your ass again.” 
His forehead met yours in the softest of contact, the grunt resonating from deep within his throat proved that he remembered the crazy experience of being carried right and left in a kid's cage. “Have I ever told you what I’ve heard from your soul?” He smirked. He knew he never told you. But now you were curious. And mortified. What had he heard?
You pulled back to see his smug self looking down at you. “What did you hear?” You knew it would be embarrassing. That shit-eating grin was only reserved for such occasions. 
He laughed deep from within his chest. “I’m not tellin’.”
You whined. “Crooooooss.”
He returned to his task at hand, ignoring all your whines and pleas to know what he managed to hear back then with the smallest of smirk on his lips. 
At least he didn't push you away like you feared he would. There was no way you could go back to him barely acknowledging your existence with his subtle nods or grunts, not when you had a peek inside this man's heart and saw all of his hidden sides. 
You loved him and if you needed to tie him up to a chair and tell him those three words a thousand times for him to understand then you'd do it in a heartbeat.
With a pep in his steps, Kayden wandered the maze of identical corridors with the crest around his neck. He didn't like the atmosphere. It was too sterile, too organized, too perfect. It woke up his instincts to kick something over just so something was misplaced. Perfection. Kayden cringed at the word crossing his mind. It was everything he was told he wasn’t. He always did everything wrong and apparently excelled at it. It came to him naturally and thus, he decided that it was his nature. 
You were the organized one and he was chaotic. Both imperfect beings that completed each other perfectly. 
Speaking of his chaotic personality, Kayden decided to mess with whoever would see him in this less-crowded hallway and pop in-and-out of their physical reality, sometimes walking right through doors or flicking some lights here and there. Those hallways, he noticed, were long and he was so far from the hangar that there was very little activity. He was about to do a ghostly break-and-entering into what he supposed was a barrack if the heavy buzzing of souls on the other side of the door was anything to go by, but a holler kept him from entering as soon as he rendered himself immaterial. 
"Hey! Ghost! Come back!"
At first, Kayden wanted to ignore it. Someone finally noticed him in the hallway, yay! Although it took him too long to do so, therefore Kayden now had something else in mind. Something better with much more reaction than a holler. 
Despite everything, Kayden was a curious one, always had been. He turned to take in the clone who bravely yelled after a ghost and stopped before going through the metal, too surprised by the sight of a very detailed set of armor. It was so much more interesting to look at than the usual standards of the clones; the plain white or small customization using their squad colors was boring after a while. This guy, though. He understood the assignment and Kayden couldn’t wait to see the rest of his brothers. 
In hope of finding some entertainment, Kayden appeared back with a grin. "Wassup?"
The brown-haired clone jumped back slightly, surprised by their proximity. He recuperated in a flash, his surprise replaced by excitement and wonder. The clone looked at him up and down several times, his eyes taking in his Alryan outfit and the crest around his neck. 
"Wait- wh-? You're real? You're not a hallucination from sleep deprivation? Or a mind trick?" He finally asked. He even went as far as pinching the skin at the base of his neck which got a small laugh out of Kayden. 
"I mean.. yeah I'm real. Dead as a doorknob though." He added while passing his hand through his own shoulder to demonstrate. "Can't do more dead than my ass." 
The clone watched in awe as Kayden repeated the motion. "Wh- shit. Oh man this is scary but so cool! So you're really a ghost?"
"Spot on." Kayden beamed with pride. 
The soldier shook his head in amazement. His next words were cut short by the beeping sound of his comms going off. With a huff, the soldier answered the call of his superior calling him back to their designated room. 
"Hey, I gotta join my squad and my brothers have been shits lately. Would you mind scaring the shit outta them? Could do pranks or anything?" He asked with mischievous hope right as he was about to leave. 
Recognizing the look in his eyes, Kayden immediately jumped onto the opportunity. "You're talking to the right ghost! Prank is my middle name and believe me, I got even better now that I'm dead."
"Can't wait to see what you can do!" He laughed. "I'm Slice, by the way." He offered his hand for a shake. 
"Nice to meet you, Slice." He grabbed the outstretched hand and gave it a firm shake. He smirked at the shudder shaking the man. "You can call me Kayden." 
"Likewise, Kayden." Slice smirked and turned around to head for his barracks. "Sooo, you're not a clone. How did you end up here?" He asked, sending him a side glance. 
"I'm linked to someone that was called back here so I thought I'd explore a bit since it's my first time here and I'm sure things will take a bit to settle."
Kayden looked at the clone right on time to see the clone's eyes darken. Even though he didn't know his story, Kayden knew it must have been hell. From all the broken souls he felt in the hangar and Crosshair's distress during the event, he had a good idea of the torture they endured. 
"Still want to prank your brothers?" Kayden inquired calmly. He would understand if he wanted to cancel everything and would not press the matter. Those men who fought every day of their life deserved respect and rest. They surely were in a fragile state of mind and he would hate to break one of them. 
Slice took a few seconds to think over the question, meanwhile, Kayden disappeared from view as two Kaminoans turned down their hallway. "Is it bad if I do? I hope this will take their minds off the matter." 
Thankfully, Slice noticed his absence only when the long-necks had already passed them, so they missed how he stopped mid-step to look around like a lost puppy. Kayden reappeared for a moment to wink before disappearing again in hope that the man would understand that he was still by his side. With a reassured nod, Slice continued on his way. 
"No, I think it's thoughtful." He smiled despite being invisible to the clone's eyes. Kayden recalled having used similar tactics on you whenever you had one of those execrable days. All he had to do was hold back a little. "Any preferences?" 
They both stopped before a door that Kayden assumed led to Slice's barracks. With a quick peek in, Kayden confirmed his assumptions. His squad's souls felt slightly less affected than others. Maybe they didn't have to kill anyone they liked and respected. 
He couldn't stop himself from noting that despite being of the same team, each of their armor was so incredibly individualistic. It was clear that a piece of their personalities was illustrated on their person and as a wood sculptor, Kayden could only admire the details and quality of the artwork.
Yup. He needed to meet them. 
After pranking them, that is. 
"Can you do stuff like in horror-holos?" 
"Can I-? Of course." He smirked, now fully visible. "Get inside, I'll follow in a minute." He told him and presented a closed fist. The clone bumped their knuckles and slipped his poker face on before entering the room. 
Kayden shook his hands to his side, ready to do what he did best. He managed to control his excitement for a grand total of fifteen seconds before the wait became too much and he had to engage. Now fully immaterial, Kayden peaked inside the room once more to ensure no one stood close to the door and once the coast was clear inside and outside, he slammed it open. Several clones jumped, one nearly fell off their bed and Slice, oh Slice. His eyes were wide, like he got caught by surprise, but Kayden could see the corners of his lips shaking slightly upwards.
Game on. 
For more dramatics, Kayden waited a few seconds for confusion to set in and for some clones to get angry before he closed the lights and slammed the door closed again, plunging the room in a near-complete darkness, the only light in the room radiating from the three datapads across the room. 
"Haha. Very funny Slice." A strong voice came from the opposite side of the room. The irritation that dripped from his tone was music to Kayden's ears. 
"I'm here, it wasn't me." Slice replied from the other side of the room. 
"I'm here too." 
While humming a low tune under his breath, Kayden found a discarded shirt and threw it at the closest clone that jumped back with a yelp as soon as the fabric draped over his shoulder. The lights came back on, courtesy of a pissed-looking short-haired clone. 
"Who's doing that?" He sharply inquired in that authoritative tone that reminded him of Hunter. Oh, Hunter would have been so mad had Kayden done this to his squad… Good thing he wasn't there then. 
"Who threw me the shirt?" The spiky-haired clone looked around, accusing his brothers with his eyes. 
Meanwhile, Kayden got closer to a soldier with trees painted on the bottom half of his armor. As best as he could, the ghost pulled himself onto the top bunk and exhaled right by the man's ear who jumped right off the bed and crashed onto someone else. 
"Did you guys hear that?" The clone with green highlights shakily asked, frightened eyes looking right at Kayden without seeing him. A concert of "no" echoed around the room, increasing the man’s fear. 
Seeing as everyone was on edge, even Slice who looked around in apprehension, Kayden decided to perform his grand finale. He returned back to the entrance and slowly started making his way towards the pack of clones regrouped at the end of the room, making sure to flick his visibility on and off sporadically. 
The first ones who noticed his flickering form gasped in surprise before jumping back, nearly sending Kayden out of his act. He struggled to keep his face neutral and not react to the man who threw a datapad through his immaterial form. The datapad crashed on the floor right as he stopped moving. He stared at them with his best lifeless expression, feeding off their scared expressions. 
One of them furiously leaped forward to land a hit on his face, but only managed to lose balance as his swing never made contact. 
Then it became too much and he burst out laughing. The sudden noise caused the courageous clone to jerk backward. "No touchie, pal." Kayden grinned, hands lifting to rest on his hips. "Got y'all good, didn’t I?" 
The fear slowly morphed back into confusion while Kayden waited patiently for the first reactions to assault him. 
"Who are you?"
"What in all karking hells?" 
Satisfaction filled Kayden's chest. His mission was accomplished with success, no one was traumatized although a bit shaken, but none of them held the darkness that was once plaguing their minds and hearts. 
"That was convincing." Slice's laugh covered the rest of the questions. He joined Kayden in the middle of the room, a grin of his own adorning his features. "Better than what I imagined."
“Slice.” Snapped the one who tried to punch him. “What’s all this?”
"Just a small joke, sir." He explained. "To lighten up the mood." 
The look he received told everything Kayden needed to know. Time to take his leave! 
"Gentlemen, this was a pleasure." He snickered with a slight bow. "But I should go now, got more people to spook, ya know how it is." 
"Oh no you're not leaving. I don't know how you did that, but I want to have a word with your superior." The man who Kayden started thinking was their CO, approached him menacingly. 
"I don't have one, perk of being dead and all. See ya!" He wiggled his fingers before disappearing from their view. He remained in the room for a minute, enough to hear the wave of questions being thrown at Slice who sheepishly avoided looking at his leader. 
Then once again, Kayden was on the move. The hallways were more quiet now, with even less people walking their length. He spotted a lone window beaten by the rain outside. With all the excess of energy out of his system, Kayden walked up to the glass, made himself tangible and placed his hand on the cold surface. He applied more and more pressure, not to break the glass but to prove to himself that he was still there. He was dead, but he was still there. 
He wasn't dreaming in some after death world. 
He was real. 
"Who are you?" Kayden froze at the voice calling from behind him. 
Slowly, he turned, thinking a Kaminoan found him, but to his surprise, found a young girl frowning up curiously at him. Looking around, Kayden didn't spot anyone else, so she really was talking to him. Would it be bad to terrorize a kid by ghosting away? It probably wasn't a good idea, kids got marked for life easily. Plus she seemed quite friendly. 
"No one in particular." He shrugged. "People who like me tend to call me Kayden and those who like me very much call me Dimwit. Whichever you prefer." At her disbelieving frown, he added, "Don't worry, it's a term of affection." 
She chuckled. "I'm Omega. Are you lost Dimwit?" 
He beamed, pleased with her answer. "Yes, but it doesn't really matter. I'll find my way back eventually." 
"Or I could guide you." She kindly offered. "Which battalion is yours?" 
"Clone force sixt-" He choked on his saliva. "Ninety nine. The defective ones." 
She perked up, eyes widening slightly. Oh. Did she not like them like the rest of the regular clones? "I know them. They're like me!" 
"Like you?" It was Kayden's turn to be confused. 
"Yes. Clones with mutations!" 
He knew it was in his head, but Kayden felt the time stop. She was a clone? A mutated clone. Mutated to be female. From what Kayden gathered over time, the defective clones had been created with a purpose, so what was hers? Her feminine wiles? Could that be a new war tactic? Charm their way into enemy forces? 
Despite everything, Kayden found himself smiling mischievously.
"You don't say…" 
They made their way to the Batch's barracks. He insisted Omega walked before him so he could make himself disappear whenever someone else crossed their path. Once they arrived, he quickly picked her up under the armpits, right before the door opened and ran inside with the kid at arm's length. 
"Look what I found!" He yelled as the door closed behind him, waking up Crosshair who had started to drowse off on his bunk. 
Tech as usual ignored him whereas Wrecker stopped looking around in a crate on the ground to look up at him, brows furrowed in a deeply confused way. He looked at the tiny being like she was an unknown creature. 
"What's that?" He asked but you cut him off fairly quickly. 
"Good Gods Kayden. Did you kidnap a child?" You gasped from your spot cuddled up against Hunter's side, your horrified face contrasting against the CO's surprised one.
That managed to catch Tech's attention who dropped his little project to approach the new subject of interest. 
"No! I found her!" His excitement was bubbling up by the second in anticipation of dropping the bomb. 
"I found you first." Omega pointed out, still mostly limp in his arms but trying her best to look back at him. 
"Details, kid." He tutted her. "And she's not any child! She's another defective clone!" 
"She's a what?" Wrecker was the first to recover from the shock. He got up and approached the three of them, Tech still looking at her from different angles. 
"A clone. Like you." Omega smiled at the giant and Echo who joined them.
"They make you guys in girls now too!" Kayden exclaimed, lifting Omega slightly higher to show his point. He almost wanted to say that she was friendlier too, but decided against it. Not everyone was a grumpy ass, Echo was quite nice and Wrecker didn’t have an ounce of wickedness in him, if you don’t threaten his brothers’ life, that is. 
"Kayden." You called him. "Let the poor girl down." 
He slowly did as told and before long, you were at his side and presenting yourself to the kid who excitedly took every information you offered.
"This is unheard of." Tech shook his head. "Why would they change an already functioning sequence?" 
A scoff resonated from within Kayden's chest. Really? It wasn't his goal to hurt anyone's feelings and thus he kept his mouth closed but… the regular clones were performing quite well on their own. The Bad Batch's very existence was probably due to an error or scientific curiosity, so why creating a female clone would be that difficult to entertain? 
"What does that mean?" You turned to the engineer. Confusion, disbelief and frustration crept to the surface, showing on your face. Of course.
"Clones are engineered to be soldiers. Men-" 
"I'll stop you right here mate, for the sake of your nose." Kayden cut him off in a hurry. Oh, how he remembered a certain stormy day in Alryan when thunder wasn't the only thing exploding everyone's ears and rain mixed with droplets of blood. The hunters had it coming though.
"No Tech. I wanna hear you out. You like to talk, so talk." You challenged him, not only with your words but your intense gaze locked to his frenzy ones searching for an escape. 
"It's based on fact-" 
"I wasn't meant to be a soldier." The kid intervened right on time, just as Hunter put a hand on your shoulder to keep you from doing anything stupid, saving Tech from something harder than a pillow to the face.
"What were you meant to be then?" Echo asked from his place at the back of the group. He was amongst the calmest clones of the room, right alongside Hunter who was still analyzing the information presented to him. 
"I assist with pretty much everything happening here." She shrugged. 
"Soooo, are we keeping her?" Kayden tried his luck. From what he saw so far, the kid was polite and fairly calm which was definitely appealing behavior in someone her age. What was even more appealing was the possibilities that the child represented. A friend? Someone other than you who would listen to his rambling and stories? An art partner? Surely at her age and after passing her entire life on such a boring planet, the kid would be as impressionable as a puppy. He could use his ghostly skills to show off and gain a partner in crime out of her. 
"What? No. She's a kid and-" Hunter hurried to crush his hopes with a sharp shake of his head. 
"You all are overgrown kids!" Kayden pointed out. "What's the difference? You don't know, maybe she's just a teeny-tiny one? Maybe she has reverse-Wrecker genes or something."
"Saying that she does not have the physical growth accelerating gene would be more accurate." Tech corrected him with a disapproving frown. 
"Saying that we don't care about the specifics would be more accurate." Wrecker parroted which got a laugh out of the ghost. 
The debate was only starting when an officer knocked on the door to announce their presence. Kayden fully disappeared just as the door slid open and she ordered them to move to the East hangar for a briefing before quickly walking away to knock on another door. The clones briefly looked at each other. 
"Ya heard the lady." Hunter shrugged and opened the way towards the door, the rest of the team soon following, letting behind a confused Omega who kept looking around for a missing brunette. 
Kayden laughed internally at her lost expression. 
"You realize that you saved the clones and the Jedis with your god powers, right?" Kayden popped out of thin air right next to your ear in a clear attempt to make you jump, but this trick had stopped working months ago. 
You clicked your tongue in annoyance, eyes fully focussed on the vast space beyond the cockpit of the Havoc Marauder, your hands busy with the commands of the ship
"Kayden, we talked about this, stop with the god thing. It's the rock, not me." You reminded him for the millionth time. 
"Rock that doesn't work without you." He pointed out. 
"Kayden's conjecture is correct." Tech piped in and you could feel the smugness emanating from your fellow Alrynian. "Thousands of regs under a third party's influence would have been able to overthrow the Jedis which would have led for this Empire to take control of the galaxy. A new ruler that killed every peacekeepers before taking the reins would, without an ounce of doubt, mean that the galaxy was going towards a period of darkness. Your actions saved--"
A high-pitched gasp cut him off mid-sentence. That was definitely not a gasp that could ever escape one of the boys of this ship. 
Like they all shared one body, the Bad Batch and their pest turned to stare at the kid from earlier, a shining Back-Up trying to climb from her shoulder to her head. Maybe it was the sudden silence, or even the crushing weight of everyone's gaze onto her, but the kid looked up from the lizard and her expression changed from delight to sheepish. 
"Hi." She waved shyly, her voice so small that you nearly missed it. "So gods are real?" That one though was much clearer. 
You facepalmed. "Not another one." 
"Kid, what are you doing here?" Hunter stood from his seat to approach the child crouching behind a crate that Wrecker never put away. She scratched the back of her neck. 
"I wanted to be with you all."
He looked around to meet his men's gaze, each of them mirroring his own confused frown. You rolled your eyes and concentrated on piloting the ship. Was it too hard to entertain that someone might want their company? 
You could only snicker internally. The very same situation happened to you, where you didn't think yourself deserving of their friendship and they had to drill it into your head that you were. They deserved people to look up to them and want to be around them. You did. Why not the kid?
"You can't. It's too dangerous. We'll get you back." You blinked at Hunter's words. Too dangerous? The war was over. The only dangerous thing in the ship was the hazard that were Crosshair's discarded toothpicks lying around everywhere. 
Sure, you got what he really meant, that a kid her age didn't belong with a troop of soldiers like them, and at the rate the squad was growing, they would need a bigger ship. Plus they still hadn't discussed what they would do next. 
"But the war is over. There's no fighting anymore." 
"Exactly." A pause followed, so long you thought he had closed the conversation right there, but he had more to say. "You should not attach yourself." He said somberly. 
You bristled. What did that mean? Fear and worry overflowed you and you weren't piloting anymore. A grip tightened onto your shoulders. You followed the arms to Crosshair who looked at the floor. The hardness you found in his eyes made you anxious. You dared look toward Hunter who shot you a side glimpse, sadness in his own eyes. They won't be terminated after this, right? The Kaminoans, no, the Republic can't do that to their soldiers! They fought tooth and nails for a war that wasn't even their own! 
You had stopped all of this to save them, not for them to be killed! You wouldn't let them even if that was their plan. You won't lose your family. The clones won't lose their lives. 
Tears of indignation gathered in your eyes and you reached up to grab at your boyfriend's hands while maintaining eye contact with your other partner. You would always have their backs. 
"I don't see why not. They're talking about rights for the clones." The kid broke the heavy atmosphere with the innocence that only a being her age could muster. 
That development was unexpected, but was not unwelcome. Your anxiety level decreased at the prospect of your men having the right to live their lives as they pleased. 
"Who are?" Echo looked at her in disbelief. 
"The Jedis."
The ship came to a full stop as even Tech left his station to stare at the girl. Was she real? Was her information reliable? Even Kayden was stunned into silence. Knowing him, he might be overwhelmed by all of the deep emotions emanating from everyone around. 
"That is unexpected news." Tech joined in softly. "But we also can't get her back before addressing what she overheard." Tech pointed out.
"It's a kid." Crosshair nearly sneered. "We can't trust that she won't talk about it to anyone." His hand closed on yours and you had a strong feeling of déjà-vu.
"She can't unhear it, Cross. It's not like we can make her forget." You stroked the back of his hand with your fingertips. 
"We can't, but you can." Your movements stopped at what he implied. He wanted you to use the Core to make the kid forget. 
"No. I'm not doing that." You instantly rejected. You weren't about to play god any time soon. Yes, you might have used the Core to alter the clones so they could overthrow what was controlling them, but that was different! Something was hurting them! 
"I won't tell. It's not the first secret that I've had to keep." The kid assured. She started to sound less confident and more worried. 
"Which are?" Kayden asked from his spot on the floor as his body was shaking from all the emotions exposure. 
"Secrets." She frowned. 
"She's good." He turned to look at the group, eyebrows lifted as if he was genuinely impressed. You sighed at his antics. 
"I don't want to be an experiment in a tube." She cut Hunter off, a light mist forming in her eyes. 
"But you won't be. Not if every clone has rights." He tried to reason her. 
"They'll find a way. I'm too young to take care of myself alone." 
At that your mind was set. You had been on Kamino a handful of times and each time you nearly ran to the ship as soon as you entered the hangar. 
"You and thousands of other trainees." Crosshair remarked. It broke your heart even more. 
"But they're not defectives." She played with her fingers, her gaze now fully focussed on them. 
This shut them up. They all knew what she was going through. The Batchers wore so much pain on their faces that you knew you would never let anything like what they endured on Kamino happen ever again. You gave a last squeeze to Crosshair's hands before letting go and approaching the kid. You kneeled to be level with her. 
"What's your name?" You smiled when she met your gaze. 
"Don't worry, Omega." You presented her a hand that she gladly took between her two smaller ones. "Everything will work out just fine. You have a goddess on your side after all."
“Frickin’ told ya.” Kayden snickered under his breath. 
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Reader/Clone OC drabble, maybe I’ll make a fic idk
After a while, it starts bugging you. You’ve been chatting with the trooper for a while, and sure he’s funny and nice. But he still hadn’t removed his helmet. You decide to order drinks for the both of you. This ought to make him take it off, so that he can join you on drinking.
Your assumption is wrong, as the clone only tips his helmet enough to expose his chin and lips, quickly downing the corellian whiskey in one gulp before pushing his helmet down again. You’re growing weary of this game, and you decide to be direct about the issue, bringing your hand to the edge of the white plastoid helmet.
“When will you let me take a look at you?”
The clone goes stiff at your touch, sharp breath sounding like hissed static out of his filters.
“Don’t think you want to.” he replies, gently grabbing your wrist to pull it away from him
“I do.” you insist
The clone sighs, turning his gaze away from you.
“Just picture any clone’s face. S’just more of the same.”
You pause for a moment to then frown.
“No, it’s not. They are them, you are you, each one of you is a different man. And I want to see you. Please?”
The clone taps his fingers anxiously on the table for several moments to then speak in a defeated tone:
“Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
His hands move up to grab at the sides of his helmet, slowly easing it out of his head.
His face is similar to his brothers’, yes, but you can see he’s been through more than most of the clones you’ve seen before; there are scars spreading all over the tan skin, stitch marks crossing the lines where skin had been split before. The wide patch of lighter skin over his right cheek, stretching all the way over to his ear, most likely caused by extreme heat or fire.
His golden-brown eyes stare at you with a shy look, moving down to the table’s surface after a few moments while you stare at him still, silently counting every stitch and line drawn on his skin, committing them to memory. You notice that your mouth had dropped open, and you prompty shut it, faint blush coloring your cheeks.
You mean to ask about them, but at the same time you worry that you might sound rude, or like you’re prying on something he’s already made clear that he’s uncomfortable with.
Before you can gather the right phrasing, however, the clone speaks with his now unfiltered voice, which is deep and slightly raw:
“Death wish.”
You wonder for a moment if he’s somehow justifying the scars and the damage that caused them, and how he put himself in harm’s way often enough to make himself a patchwork of battle scars, but he adds:
“That’s my name. Deathwish.”
You offer him a small smile.
“How did you get it? The name.”
Deathwish smiles back at you only for an instant, eyes still low.
“I’ll let you guess.”
You get up from your seat at the booth you share, walking around the table and sinking on his seat beside the clone. Deathwish swallows down, eyeing you nervously. You bring a hand up close to his face.
“May I?” You ask, and wait; he seems uncomfortable enough as is, and you don’t want to trespass any limits
Deathwish looks at you for a moment, swallows down again to then nod. You cup his jaw with your hand, thumb brushing over a large scar that marks his cheek, stretching over his lips and down to his chin. You can feel the thin rift where skin had been broken, try to imagine the circumstances that caused it. You gently stroke his cheek once, twice.
Your eyes drift up to Deathwish’s, and his own eyes are lidded, long sigh easing out of him. It almost looks like he’s been wanting to be touched like this for a long time. So you keep caressing him very gently, moving your free hand to touch the burn scar on the other side of his face. The skin there is smooth, in a strange way almost, but you brush your thumb there too, mirroring the movements of your right hand.
Deathwish hums, and you’re glad the 79’s isn’t as busy and noisy today as it usually is, or you wouldn’t have heard it at all. It’s a beautiful sound, full of longing. He looks up to you, and he looks more at ease now.
“You can ask about them, if you want to know. The scars.”
There’s something almost tired in his voice, and you pick up on that.
“I don’t know if you’re okay with being asked about them. Besides, unless you wanna talk about this, I don’t really care. I do want to know the end of that story about your squad and the very angry droid trying to hit you all with a wrench.”
Deathwish’s eyes go wide, and after a few seconds staring at you, he smiles - and he looks so damn beautiful like that.
“Okay, so there we were, stuck in a sand planet with our general and his damn weird droid, and our sergeant call it a terrifying tin can while the thing is within earshot...”
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deepseacritter · 5 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: ⭐ Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: OC CT-4525 | Rift/OC Blank, Original Clone Trooper Character(s)/Original Clone Trooper Character(s) Characters: OC CT | Dinge, OC ARC-8313 | Hatch, OC CT-4525 | Rift, OC Blank Additional Tags: tagged as mature because i’m not sure yet how it ends, hatch holds a grudge against rift, breakfast talk turns bad, clones can and will gossip, not everyone knows the background story, i borrowed blank for this Summary:
Hatch was all for having a nice breakfast, but overheard conversation caught his attention. New information opens up old wounds, and Hatch can’t quite believe it.
@letitrainathousandflames I finally posted it
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mire-draws-things · 1 month
Beach Fun!
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Commission done for the bestest @the-bad-batch-baroness of the beloved boys of Phoenix Squad (go check them out if you like OCs full of personality and the best interactions ever, I love them so much!)! Thank you for trusting me with them, I had a blast <3
Closeups under the cut!
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vod of the day (pt 2/2!): Clank. he got his name by headbutting the first clanker he ever saw. their helmet against the droid's head made the worst noise ever; the vod'e have never let him live it down, hence his name.
he was in active duty for a few battles, but eventually was put out of commission and transferred to the surge protectors instead.
clank (he/him) CT-1206 surge protectors (IT) department
he does a lot of mechanical work, like fixing up the outer shells of the armor n stuff. or the jetpacks n such.
he met ratchet once (1 time) as a little tiny cadet and immediately imprinted on him. ratchet didnt feel like shaking off the little leech so they eventually became ori'vod and vod'ika.
he always has some sort of grease on his bucket. they've never gotten him to clean it off. ratchet gave up a long time ago.
he got a horrible concussion and some brain damage from headbutting the droid, causing him to develop epilepsy.
c: ratchet! i fixed the remaining jetpacks!
r: that's great, clank.
-burner helps him with his hair -single piercing. gayass. -grease smudges -has a toolbelt
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(will be updated; don't reblog bc it will likely not be relevant by the next day 💜)
[if you want my natborn sw ocs, find them here !]
#vod on a log in a bog : daily clone trooper oc
#142nd clone trooper battalion (sorted by designation) (highlighted in red haven't been posted yet!)
#clone oc lieutenant burner #clone oc lieutenant root #clone oc arc trooper calico #clone oc arc trooper ragdoll #clone oc arc trooper mau #clone oc arc trooper mane #clone oc commander ratchet #clone oc commander caspian #clone oc commander weld #clone oc medic cadavre #clone oc medic estes #clone oc medic ghoul #clone oc trooper clank #clone oc trooper benzyl #clone oc trooper boots #clone oc trooper dropkick #clone oc artillery trooper grizzly #clone oc artillery trooper sunny #clone oc artillery trooper ursus #clone oc arf trooper jam #clone oc arf trooper honeytone #clone oc arf trooper notch #clone oc arf trooper groove
#142nd litter vod
#clone oc arc trooper calico #clone oc arc trooper ragdoll #clone oc arc trooper mau #clone oc arc trooper mane
#142nd rift vod
#clone oc commander ratchet #clone oc trooper clank
#142nd cub vod
#clone oc artillery trooper grizzly #clone oc artillery trooper sunny #clone oc artillery trooper ursus
#142nd rem pod vod
#clone oc medic estes #clone oc arf trooper honeytone
#142nd surge company #142nd surge protectors division #142nd ground troopers #142nd recon division
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mandoposting · 3 years
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@purgetroopercody gave me the absolute best request of my life: recreate a famous movie poster but with your OC squad!
sorry if this is a basic choice but it was just too perfect
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sorry this quality is trash lmao
Taglist: @ct-9904, @test-the-blood, @twisted-falcon, @findhimfives, @the-dreamy-space, @fake-fullbuster, @purgetrooperfox, @beckettsmeckett, @icanbringyouincold, @limeyartspinningtales, @persaloodles, @puirell, @dagobahbound, @howie-ner-cyare, @a-disaster-named-milo, @moon-khat, @ahsoka1, @craziest-in-the-guild, @secretlyatimelady, @spaceydragons, @1-or-a-0 dm/send me an ask if you'd like to be added/removed :)
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mandoposting · 3 years
🕴for the oc ask game!!
🕴what kind of embarrassing phase did they go through?
Rift - ~Edgy lone wolf phase~
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Hacksaw - Obsessed with Coruscanti Hyperpop
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Puck - "Camo" paint job
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Aran - Stanning Pre Vizsla
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??? - Jedi Fanboy™
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more detail under the cut!
oc ask meme but its utter chaos
Rift - ~Edgy lone wolf phase~
With the nature of being a commando, he often found himself working alone or with relatively small squads.
This gave him a bit of a Complex and while he's not as Shadow the Hedgehog as he was, he's still working on being less self reliant.
Thanks goodness he moved to the 117th, those colours make him look like an angry teletubby.
Hacksaw - Obsessed with Coruscanti Hyperpop
What can he say, it just slaps.
He followed the latest charts obsessively and once almost got tickets to see his favourite band live but they moved off-world before the date of the concert.
He still knows loads of lyrics and if you listen while he's doing menial tasks, he's probably singing them under his breath.
Puck - "Camo" paint job
Early into his deployment, Puck decided he needed to be more ~stealth~
So he took it upon himself and painted his armor.
Needless to say he's not allowed near paint anymore.
Aran - Stanning Pre Vizsla
He doesn't like the New Mandalorians. And Jaster Mereel has been out of the picture for a hot second. Can you blame him?
Needless to say, after learning more about the actions of Death Watch he moved past this phase.
??? - Jedi Fanboy™
All clones have a certain level of respect and awe for Jedi, but he was on another level.
He consumed every available resource on Jedi in the Kaminoan databases. He had picked out his lightsaber colour and fighting form.
His batchmates bullied it out of him (affectionate), but he still retains a certain level of fascination.
Taglist: @ct-9904, @xviii-themoon, @twisted-falcon, @findhimfives, @the-dreamy-space, @fake-fullbuster, @parkotedarasuum, @beckettsmeckett, @icanbringyouincold, @limeyartspinningtales, @persaloodles, @dilfyoda, @dagobahbound, @howie-ner-cyare, @moon-khat, @ahsoka1, @craziest-in-the-guild,
@1-or-a-0 dm/send me an ask if you’d like to be added/removed :)
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mandoposting · 3 years
hi do cresh squad know i would die for them
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they do now
Taglist: @ct-9904 , @xviii-themoon , @twisted-falcon , @findhimfives , @the-dreamy-space , @fake-fullbuster , @parkotedarasuum , @beckettsmeckett , @icanbringyouincold , @limeyartspinningtales , @persaloodles , @dilfyoda , @dagobahbound , @howie-ner-cyare , @1-or-a-0 dm/send me an ask if you'd like to be added/removed :)
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mandoposting · 3 years
🥑 which vine sums them up best? For Cresh Squad? I'm very curious
Puck - "Cause I'm under your spell, uh uhhhh uhhhhh~"
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Rift - "I can! I CAN!!! I did one this morning!!"
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??? - What the heh- fuck is going on
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Hacksaw - We all die. You either kill yourself or get killed
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Aran - That one friend that's always cold
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Thank you much for the ask!!! Sorry if this format is annoying jsdfnjsdf i just like to include they faces :)
oc ask meme but it’s utter chaos
Tagline: @twisted-falcon, @limeyartspinningtales, @the-dreamy-space, @fake-fullbuster, @parkotedarasuum, @beckettsmeckett, @icanbringyouincold, @persaloodles
205 notes · View notes