#gonna need to get an ipad to go with it... oh god
k-hotchoisan · 11 months
Yunho smut with his hands? 🥴
Oh god I love his hands I want them around my neck so bad. My choking kink is off the fucking charts whenever Yunho’s hands are present. Here’s something for you, pretty. Enjoy Yunho and his pretty little hands.
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Synopsis: what are the odds of getting a tattoo and getting fucked by your tattoo artist because you cannot stop staring at his fuckin hands
Warnings/genres: tattoo au!, mention of needles, slight size kink, choke kink, unprotected sex, hands kink, cream pies, fingering
A/n: I am so sorry for the amount of typos. I fucking swear this isn’t what usually happens omg
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You stood before the apartment door, double checking that you got the right address—yeah you definitely did. He did mention that it was a home-based studio. Your first tattoo appointment and you were so nervous because you don’t know what to expect. Hongjoong had assured you to just go with an open mind. You didn’t know much about your tattoo artist, only knowing that his name was Yunho, nonetheless, you did really like his art style, and you soon settled on him with Hongjoong’s advice.
Back to present, you pushed the doorbell, and it echoes through the apartment. There is a silence before the doorknob clicks. The door pulls back, and before you, stood a really tall male. His sharp eyes make him look very intimidating and for a moment your heart races, and you wonder if you stopped into the wrong house.
“You are?” He asks, and rumbles you even more because his voice is so fucking deep for no reason.
You manage to find the voice stuck in your throat, as you reply, “y/n, here for a 7pm tattoo appointment with Yunho?”
His face softens immediately as his eyes brighten up. “Ah right! Yunho’s client! Come in. I’ll get Yunho in a bit”. He ushers you in as you remove your shoes.
You step inside, soaking in the interior of the apartment. It was definitely a shared space—the common areas were spacious, maybe just spacious enough to serve for two people. It was a pretty clean looking, monochromatic layout.
“Oh right, my name’s Mingi. Song Mingi, but you can call me Mingi”, he introduces himself brightly, his smile contagious. “I’m his room mate.” You smile back.
“Please excuse the mess by the way”, he laughs as he leads you through the corridor, and the both of you are standing in front of a wooden door. Mingi knocks the door before saying “Hyung, I’m coming in” with a raised voice. He pushes the door handle down and the door opens. The subtle hint of lavender hits you from the humidifier and it instantly relaxes you.
On the cushioned rolling stool sat your tattoo artist, his frame is as tall as Mingi’s, messy brunette locks tussled on his head. He’s in simple black shirt but he still looks so fucking good. He’s absorbed on his iPad, still sketching out the little details of what seems to be your tattoo.
You feel your heart beat a little too quickly the moment your eyes land on him because you did not expect him to be that attractive.
And you are gonna be stuck with him for at least a couple of hours together.
Mingi raps the door again, and that’s when Yunho looks up, and you take a good look at his face. He doesn’t look like whatever you expected him to look like, well, not that you had any pictures to reference him from to begin with. But definitely, he is pretty fucking good looking. You stay rooted at the entrance of the door, mooning over your tattoo artist in a tight black shirt while he eyes you up and down with a soft smile.
“Oh right! My apologies”, Yunho finally speaks and he sounds like honey, and it suddenly makes you slightly thirsty. “Hey. I’m Yunho. We finally meet”, he greets with a hand up.
His fucking hands. Oh my fucking gods. He has a silver ring cuffing his index finger. Then he beckons you to go over to him. Mingi tilts his head to Yunho’s direction before saying that he needs to leave, giving you a small nod before shutting the door.
You have no choice but to inch closer to Yunho, who’s smiling at you like a fucking golden retriever, and you wonder to yourself ‘this dude is a fucking tattoo artist?’ Yunho beckons you to take seat on an empty stool across him as he mentions to give him a couple more minutes to finish up the design draft. You nod, even if he doesn’t see it since his attention is back on his iPad. You quietly stare at the way he makes his strokes with his Apple Pencil.
And you get a closer look at this long, slender fingers. You’ve never met anyone with such pretty hands before, yet the way he holds the pencil is so gentle, and almost attractive for some reason. It’s especially the way his fingers are veiny and long—his joints are angled in such a way it frames his fingers so fucking prettily. Yunho looks up and catches your gaze, and you flinch slightly, thinking you are caught in the act.
“Eager to see your design?” He asks playfully, a small smile tugging the corner of his lips. Oh thank fucking god.
“Yeah of course. I wonder what you came up with”, you quickly say, pretending to peek over at the iPad.
He brings up the iPad higher to his eye level and it’s the way his fingers curls around the tablet. He flips it over to you and you soak in the design he drew out for you. It’s what you wanted. You also don’t miss out how clean and neatly trimmed his fingernails are.
“Is it to your taste? Got any last minute changes you want before I print it out?” He asks, as he stands up and walks over to the printer. You shake your head slowly, trying not to swoon at how deliciously tall he is.
He beams. “Great! Then I’ll print a couple of sizes out. Take your pick okay? I’ll go grab some water for you.” You nod as he disappears out of the room through the door. The printer starts up and it begins to print out the stencil.
You look around the room. Despite it looking small, it was pretty cozy looking. The room has comfortable lighting, with lamps, which you assume are for the tattoo work. There’s a small space just behind the empty stool you’re seated on, with smaller studio lights pointing towards the wall, which you deduce is probably where he takes photos of his finished products. His tattoo machine sat near to the tattoo bed, which was cling wrapped for sanitary purposes, including the pillows. Finally, a small desktop computer set up was against the wall, perpendicular to the small studio lights, with a printer at the side. The door knocks, a short pause before it pushes open, and it’s Yunho with a drink in hand.
He walks over to you and hands it to you, his fingers brushing against yours and it takes you so much nerves to have any wild thoughts. You take a sip to distract yourself as you hear scissors cutting through the tracing paper. As you open your eyes, Yunho is so fucking near your face that it makes your heart jump.
“Oh gosh! Did I scare you?” Yunho laughs as he takes the cup from your hand. “My apologies.”
You shake your head. “It’s fine. You just move so quietly”, you joke. Yunho smiles in reply as he places the cup on his desk.
“I need you to lift your shirt up for me”, Yunho instructs, staring at your abdomen.
Fuck, for a moment your mind plunges into some unknown territory. You forgot that your tattoo placement was above your hip. You roll the fabric up high enough, and you fucking jump when you feel Yunho’s fingertips brush against your skin, on your waist. “It’s here right? The placement that you wanted?” He confirms, his touch not leaving your skin. “Yeah”, you manage out.
He cuts a piece of tape to adhere the stencil onto your skin before bringing you over to the full length mirror right by the bed to let you confirm your placement. After a few adjustments (and hell of of him touching your waist with his bare hands which was definitely giving you insane haywire thoughts), you came to a placement which you are satisfied with. He sticks the stencil to your skin, much like a temporary tattoo, pulling out the tracing paper and letting it dry, before having you lie down in the bed as he prepared his inks.
“First tattoo?” He asks as he checks his gun.
“Yeah”, you reply, playing with your fingers from the nervousness.
Yunho chuckles. “That placement might hurt a little though. You’re a brave one.”
You only release a nervous laugh—wondering if it is for the tattoo or because of Yunho. He turns to you, tugging against his ring to remove it before snapping black latex gloves on before pushing your shirt higher. You bite you lip.
How the fuck does his hands look even better gloved? The black latex only enhances the length and shape of his hands, which curls around his tattoo gun.
“I’m gonna start now. Let me know if you need a break, yeah?” Yunho assures. You know it’s probably a customer service thing but god, why did he have to be so attentive?
He switches on the gun and it buzzes. He begins tattooing and sure enough, the placement you picked definitely hurt quite like a bitch, but you force yourself to pull through it.
“Is this okay? Does it hurt?” He asks before continuing.
“It does, but I think I’ll be fine”, you reply, thinking of something else to distract yourself from the pain. Throughout the session, Yunho makes conversations with you, making you laugh when you probably shouldn’t because he was stabbing needles at your waist but still. He was amazing at breaking the ice, especially in such a seemingly intimate space. You feel yourself unwind a little, and although it still hurt, you don’t feel so tense anymore. Nonetheless, you could not shake the thought about his hands running down your body every time you glance at Yunho doing your tattoo.
“Yeah, I don’t know why I even wanted to get a tattoo when I have a shit pain threshold”, you say in between soft giggles to cover up the pain and soreness that was starting to sink in.
“But you’re doing so well for me”, Yunho replies absentmindedly with a smile. Your head spins the moment he says that, butterflies were invading your stomach. What the fuck was that even? Now your stomach in twisting into knots when he’s praising you like that.
“We’re almost done. Hold on a little longer for me yeah?” He assures again, as you bear through the pain. It’s over quickly as he smoothes over your tattoo with a final swipe of the paper towel. He moves back a little to admire his work. He looks satisfied. He pulls his gloves off and sits you up gently, your stomach still fluttering as his fingers brush against your skin. He brings you to the full length mirror, and there you admire how gorgeous the tattoo looks.
“It looks amazing” you gasp, turning your side to have a better view of it. Yunho looks proud. He has his phone in his hand now and requests a few photos, which you obliged to of course. He adjusts your shirt before snapping a few pics.
“I really like how this turned out,” you gush. “Thank you Yunho.”
Yunho shakes his head. “Thank you for entrusting me to it, especially as your first tattoo.”
You laugh in response, and you don’t realise that he’s kneeled down at your waist, preparing to stick on the second skin. He sticks it on and instructs you on proper tattoo care before making another appointment for a touch up. You thank him and left the apartment, heart still beating in your ears.
You’ve developed a way too big of a crush on your tattoo artist now.
The touch up appointment came way too quickly than you thought. To be fair, you were still not over it, and as much as the tattoo scabbing and itch , it couldn’t compare to way Yunho’s hands kept brushing against your waist, as he checks on your tattoo. But in the past month, all you think about was Yunho and his fucking hands. Even now, when he’s only taking a look at your healed tattoo, your mind in swimming in the most dirtiest places you wanted him to touch.
You shut your eyes and bite your lip so no weird sound comes out from your mouth. You feel Yunho’s breath right at your waist as it tickles your skin, a soft sigh escapes your lips as your tattoo artist continues to rub against the tattoo.
And it doesn’t go unnoticed by Yunho.
He could very easily just tug your pants down and you would let him because fuck, he’s all you can think about now. Yunho stands up, and definitely notices how flushed your skin is looking, and he decides to test waters. He traps you at the tattoo bed, and you hear your heart in your ears as he inches closer. Now he’s pretty much towering over you as his fingers are tracing against your waist, sending goosebumps down your skin. “Your tattoo healed so nicely”, he says, hooking his index finger and thumb to your chin so you’d meet his gaze. Your gaze travels down to his pretty lips and he takes it as a sign to cup your neck and pull you in for a starved kiss, sending your mind into a fucking frenzy, and fireworks to go off in your eyelids. He tastes even better than you thought. Your eyes flutter open as he pulls back, catching your breath.
“Won’t Mingi hear?” You ask. He shakes his head. “Not anytime soon, doll.” His little pet name making you flush even harder, and it all goes down to your pussy, which is getting wet enough already, no thanks to your little fantasies and the fucking kiss.
“Now, stop thinking about him when I’m here.”
His hands touch your waist again, as he lifts you onto the tattoo bed, the plastic crinkling beneath you. You watch him breathlessly as he tugs against your bottoms, and your clothing articles drop to your ankles. Yunho doesn’t let them touch the ground, instead, he folds it hastily onto the other side of the bed, before turning his attention back to you, or your wet and sopping pussy.
Yunho licks his lips, before stroking your thighs to coax you to spread your legs open, and you do, your eyes following the way his fingers are stroking your thigh, alongside the ticklish feeling it was sending straight to your cunt.
“Such a pretty pussy, doll”, he compliments, his fingers trailing down your slicked cunt, before stopping right at your hole. He hears your little whimpers and cries, and it goes right to his hardened cock that’s pushing against his pants. But he knows being patient reaps the best rewards. He can be patient for you. Yunho’s fingers slowly plunge into your cunt, and your back arches in pleasure, because oh my fucking god, his fingers are long enough to hit a spongy area and it was sending fucking stars beneath your eyelids. Shivers tickle your spine as Yunho’s lips land soft kisses against your skin on your neck. His finger fucking was sending you into the heavens.
A kiss on your cheeks makes your eyes flutter open, and you meet Yunho’s gaze.
“I’ve noticed”, he sighs, slowing down his finger fucking in you. “That you seem really entranced by my hands since our first session.” Then he plunges his fingers in again, another cry leaving your lips as your eyes roll back.
Fuck. He found out.
“You have such pretty hands”, you admit, hiding your face with your arms, wondering what was more embarrassing—the fact that he found out about your fixation with his hands, or that he’s fucking your cunt with said fingers.
“So I should make really good use of it, right?” Yunho chuckles, adoring the way you’re squirming under his touch. He pulls your hands off your face and holds them down, and oh god, he was truly trying to drive you insane. He picks up the pace and every time his fingers press against your g-spot, your moans only grew louder and more desperate, and Yunho is progressively losing his rationale. He wants to fuck you so bad right now, and the thought of him railing you on his workspace only heightened his arousal, because he has never done that before.
Your orgasm only builds up even more quickly when he thumbs your clit after releasing your hands. Your hands are clawing his arms.
“Yunho, please. Oh god. That feels so fucking good. Gonna cum.”, you cry, lifting your legs higher, and that only encourages Yunho to pick up the pace, and the words that leave his lips-“cum on my fingers baby. You know you want to”- and a whimper escapes his lips the moment he feels your walls clench against his fingers, as moans pours out of you when your orgasm floods your senses. Yunho lets you ride your orgasm out, slowly pushing his fingers in and out again, enjoying your cunt squeezing his fingers. He pulls out slowly and you barely catch your breath, as your gaze meet his. His fingers are full of your slick and cream, and plasters it on his lips, giving them a lick before sucking this pretty fingers, covered in your arousal, fucking clean. That does nothing but throw your head into a frenzy, and your cunt clenches at nothing, as you struggle to keep your composure.
But now Yunho is the one starting to lose it, as he haphazardly wipes his fingers on his slacks before hastily pulling his pants down, his cock springing out, glimmering with precum already, very evident thanks to the studio lights. God fuck, as if his hands weren’t pretty enough, his dick is too. Yunho bites his lip, staring at how fucked out you looked, especially since he hasn’t even fucked you good yet. He pushes your knees to bend even more, before lining his cockhead to your hole before sinking his cock right into you. You couldn’t even keep your eyes open at this point. Your cunt feels slightly sore, and your walls are hugging his cock so well that Yunho is fighting not to just fuck you senseless. Yunho groans at the sensation, but he leans in for another hungry kiss with you, before his hand snakes around your neck.
He pulls back. “I’m sorry. I really need to fuck you so bad right now. Fuck.” You can’t help but find that so endearing that he’s holding back. Your fingers tug your folds open more, letting him sink his cock further deeper into your heat, which makes him squeeze your throat. It feels so fucking amazing to have Yunho choke you out like this, and you make it even more evident by clenching around his cock.
He doesn’t hesitate this time, and starts fucking you so deep and good, that you fucking swear you see a bulge below your belly button every time his cock hits your cervix. The sensation of Yunho’s cock stuffing you full every time he thrusts into you paired with his hands around your neck—softly squeezing and letting go—is only pushing your second orgasm to hit you.
“I would have never guessed that you’d get off my hands this much”, Yunho hums, looking at the way your eyes are rolled back as his balls slap your ass every time he fucks into you, your hands grabbing onto his arm, clawing again from the bliss he’s fucking you into. “Do you like them that much?”
You fight every nerve to focus on answering him, eyebrows scrunched. “Y-yeah. Fuck, I fantasise you choking me out like this since that day. I dream about letting you do whatever you want to me with your han-“ getting cut off from a sob as his cock fills you up again—or did he just grow even bigger in you? Ah, fuck, it doesn’t matter.
“Naughty girl”, Yunho mutters with a smirk, his free hand slapping against your ass, the sound rippling through the room, making you arch your back even more.
“Yunho, p-please’, you stutter, the knot in your stomach so taut. “I think I’m gonna cum again”. Now you’re sobbing. This only encourages Yunho to tighten his grip around your neck as his strokes become harder, and you snap—broken sobs leaving your throat as your cunt fucking squeezes Yunho’s cock, the sensation of his hands around your neck only amplifies your orgasm as stars burst in your eyelids, and you cream so fucking much, that it gets onto the cling wrapped bed below you. Yunho immediately loses it, his thrusts becoming straight up ruts. He releases his grip from your neck, and the oxygen returns immediately, leaving your heaving. Yunho is leaning into your ear, as his both hands are now on your waist as he fucks desperately into your overstimulated cunt.
“You’re so fucking adorable, y/n. I’m cumming too”, he grunts, as he ruts a final time before a soft moan hits your ears, then a flood of his warm cum right into your spent pussy, and oh god, did that feel amazing. Yunho stays by your side for a moment, before straightening his back, and pulling out, not missing a beat at the way his cum just trickles down your inner thigh, out of your hole.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry. This is your work space and all”, you panic, taking a handful of tissues that Yunho had offered to clean yourself up. Evidently, that doesn’t get to him because Yunho immediately rushes over the moment he notices the red marks around your neck.
“Shit, did I choke you too hard?” He asks rather frantically, lifting your chin up, rubbing against your neck gently. You shake your head, suddenly wanting to just kiss him again, but you hold yourself back. “Also, don’t worry about this. My next appointment isn’t until 4pm. I have time to clean up. You alright though?”
Fuck, why did he have to be hot and gentle? It was genuinely driving you nuts. “Is it okay if I use the toilet?” You ask, fitting your clothes on. Yunho immediately nods, rushing to the door to leave it open for you, as you gingerly head to the washroom.
You sigh as you leave the washroom, wondering if it was about to simply be a one time thing, because you were falling for your tattoo artist, hard and fast. Your gaze meets Yunho’s the moment you shut the door behind you, and Yunho has cleaning supplies in his hands. Suddenly your face flushes again, thinking at the mess the both you made.
Yunho’s smile doesn’t falter though, and you see a tint of red colouring the tips of his ears, which you could have definitely missed if you hadn’t noticed closely. There’s a strange air of silence between the both of you, that is, until Yunho speaks.
“My 4pm client is my last one for the day. I’ll text you when I’m done, if you’re down for dinner?” He asks, rubbing the nape of his neck shyly. Oh my fucking god. You laugh softly, because, holy shit, you never expected this outcome, and then you nod. “I’ll be waiting, Yunho”, you reply.
Yunho steps forward to you and strokes your head. “I’ll see you to the door then. And then I’ll see you tonight.”
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 2 months
Okay so imma need more twin Zuku hcs for my mental health✨
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when I say ride or die I mean you’re prepared to flee the country together if need be
two peas in a pod fr
Inko has a dozen photos of the two of you in matching Halloween costumes and stuff
all through your lives, you’ve always had Izuku’s back whether you have a quirk or not, always there for him when the world was beating him down
so when he got One For All from All Might, he saw it as his chance to return the favor
also if you do have a quirk, he’s got at least 2 whole pages dedicated to it like whether it was directly inherited from of your parents or maybe it was recessive, etc.
not to mention the twin esp it’s like your shared sixth sense
your allergies also act up at the same time
heavens forbid one of you start to cry because then the other’s gonna start crying and that’s just gonna be a mess
you may not have the exact same interests, but you share the same passionate spirits
Bakugou is… not necessarily scared of you, maybe intimidated is a more appropriate word
because you’ve been willing to square tf up with him in junior high
also you’re the only other person he allows to call him Kacchan
one time All Might called for “Young Midoriya” and you both turned your heads at the same time
it was as adorable as it sounds
when Izuku enrolled at UA but you were going to a different school, you both had to learn to cope with the separation, especially when he moved into the dorms
when you come to visit, he just casually carried you around on piggy back for a little bit because he didn’t wanna let you go (also cuz he wanted to show off a lil bit how he was now able to carry you w/out breaking a sweat)
also by the time you finally get around to meeting his classmates, it’s almost as if they’ve met you already because of how much your brother has told them about you
when Aizawa found out about you, his immediate thought was oh my god, there’s two of them.
upon realizing class 1A’s problem child had a twin, he could practically feel his first grey hair come in
my lord if one of his classmates developed a crush on you :0
his reaction heavily depends on who it is
but that’s a story for another time 😉
he makes sure to grape juice far away from you tho
one time you two fell asleep snuggled together on one of the couches in the common space while watching something on your ipad
Mina took a bunch of pics and Ochako almost cried
Kirishima admires how strong your guys’ bond is and thinks it’s super manly how you two always come through for one another
you 🤝 Iida : willing to do anything for your brothers
if you’ve got a fav pro hero, Izuku will do his best to get the opportunity for you to meet them
one of you gets seriously hurt, look out world
the league of villains is honestly kinda hesitant to target you and that’s saying something
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joeys-babe · 10 months
Joey B Blurbs: Drive My Car
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Summary: You still haven't learned your lesson… and are back with a Joe prank! Now it's calling your poor husband to tell him about your discovery of “Christmas gas”.
Warnings: Fluff, slight illusion to smut
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Into The Mystic
December 12th, 2023
I still don't know how Joe isn't tired of me and my tricks yet. After all of the pranks I've pulled on him I just keep finding more.
Bored in bed since Joe was gone, I found a prank I could do on him over the phone and immediately got down to business.
He was at his parent's house helping his mom build a new dresser like the amazing son he is while I stayed at home with Tyson and Miles. They weren't awake yet so I could put Joe on speaker while recording with his iPad.
After making my hair look decent I pulled Joe’s contact up and called him.
In usual amazing husband fashion, he answered in less than two rings.
“Hey Joey.” - you
“Hey, Mama. What's up? Do I need to step outside for this.” - Joe
Even though I loved Robin with my whole heart, I really didn't want her to think I was a ditz who thought diesel was “Christmas gas”.
“Uhm, yes.” - you
“Okay gimme a sec.” - Joe
A few moments later you could hear the back sliding door shut and Joe told you to keep going.
“Okay so the other day I saw this TikTok about this thing called Christmas gas and I wanted to try it. So I did. Now my car barely even got home and it was making a weird sound.” - you
“Baby… what? What the fuck is Christmas gas and where did you get it?” - Joe
“The gas station we always go to! It's just gas that's supposed to smell like pine wood for the holidays.” - you
I had to mute myself because I was dying laughing. Joe sighed and groaned out of pure annoyance before clearing his throat to speak.
“You actually put it in your car?” - Joe
“Mhm. Should I have not of?” - you
“I don't know, y/n! I've never heard of damn Santa gas or whatever the hell!” - Joe
“Christmas gas! It’s a limited edition!” - you
“Limited edition… baby why would they have limited edition gas?” - Joe
“I don't know. It was like three more dollars a gallon though and didn't even smell like pine wood.” - you
“Oh my god. y/n, was it coming from the green nozzle?” - Joe
“Yes! You have heard of it!” - you
“y/n, that's diesel babe! Did you put diesel in your car?” - Joe
“No, I put the Christmas gas in.” - you
“The green nozzle is diesel, y/n. That's why it was 3 more dollars than the regular gas, and why your car isn't working, because you put diesel in your gas car!” - Joe
“Are you sure? The gas station was decorated for Christmas and the green pump even had lights on it.” - you
“Yes, I'm sure! I'm gonna have to call the mechanic and take your car in when I get home later. Hopefully, your engine isn't ruined.” - Joe
“Is my car going to be ruined, Joey?” - you
“I don't know baby. You have to stop doing those stupid TikTok trends, y/n.” - Joe
“I’m sorry Joe. If my car’s ruined don't feel like you have to get it fixed.” - you
“That's BS. Imma get your damn car fixed. Just promise you won't do stuff like that till you run it by me because it might be a scam.” - Joe
“Okay, baby. I love you.” - you
“I love you too, just don't use your car till I get home. If you need to go somewhere before I do just take one of mine.” - Joe
“Thank you, just one more thing to tell you before you go.” - you
“Please tell me you didn't get your oil changed with reindeer piss.” - Joe
I busted out laughing and Joe giggled along with me, proud of how he was quick enough to make a funny joke.
“No! But… this was a prank.” - you
“Oh my god y/n! So your car is fine?” - Joe
“Yes. I haven't even left the house… or even the bed yet today.” - you
“Shit babe, you had me worried for a minute. Well, I'm gonna go. I love you.” - Joe
“I love you too! Kinda sad I won't get to see you play sexy mechanic though.” - you
“Pregnancy hormones?” - Joe chuckled
“They’re through the roof.” - you giggled
“I’ll help when I get home.” - Joe
I could practically hear his smirk in his lust-laced promise.
“Bye, Joey.” - you
“Bye, Mama. Don’t be buyin’ any gasoline from elves ya hear?” - Joe
“Yes, sir.” - you laughed and Joe hung up
That gorgeous man is a saint for putting up with me.
Authors note: this is my favorite thing ever?! Saw this request in my inbox and IMMEDIATELY started writing.
Request for this fic;
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bellarkeselection · 3 months
Could you do a will halstead x reader where they’re engaged and she’s a detective in intelligence, she’s been having stomach pains for about a week but put it down to cramps or stress whenever someone asked especially when Will asked but then at work she collapses and when they take her to med they find out the pain was appendicitis and Will’s like why didn’t you say something before
Didn’t Want You to Worry
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“Y/n, are you sure you're okay in there?” My fiancé Will asked on the other side of the door. We had both gotten dressed and ready for work, me as an intelligence detective and he an ED doc. Unfortunately I felt harsh pain hit me so I went and sat down in the bathroom waiting until they went away.
I assumed it had to be cramps or something like that. Except I didn't think my period was supposed to come for another two weeks. “I'll be fine, Will. It's just some cramps is all. If you need to go to work that's fine.”
“Okay. You know I can stay home if you want to and take care of you if you're not feeling good.” He explained through the other side of the door.
Pushing myself up off the ground I felt them disappear allowing me to open the door and give him a half smile. “Seriously it's nothing. My period is probably coming earlier or it's just stress from the long case we've been working on.”
“Okay just call me if it's gets any worse.” He leans forward planting a kiss on my forehead before he left our apartment.
Making my way to work I was simply sitting down at my desk moving through fingers files on the computer till another wave of pain shot through my body. “Ah! Son of a bitch.” I winced gripping the wood of my desk underneath my fingernails.
Voiets office door opened and Will's brother Jay came out coming over to talk to me. “It's crazy to think you're going to be Mt sister in law in a few more weeks. Hey are you alright?”
“Just some pain stomach pain today - are you bringing Hayley to the wedding?”
Jay sat down on the edge of my desk scanning his eyes over me. “Do you want me to get you some advil?”
“No, I can get it myself. I have some in my locker. I'll be right back.” Standing up from my desk chair I had managed to walk into the hallway before my eyes grew heavier and my body fell forward where I collapsed into the nearest door.
I could hear Jay holler my name, coming around the corner to see what had happened. “Y/n! Oh geez. Voiet call an ambulance.”
“Jay - I'm - okay.” I croaked out barely able to keep my eyes open.
He brushed hair out of my face seeing I was struggling to stay awake. “Just hang on, Y/n. We're gonna get you to Med.” After that I must have blacked out because the next thing I knew I was waking up in the ED, laying on one of their hospital beds.
I began looking around the room noticing that there was an iv in my left hand and the screens were popping up with all different kinds of numbers clearly reading my vitals. “Where is she. Where is she, Msggie!” I recognized Will’s voice coming down the hallway.
“She’s in here.” Maggie drew open the curtain to my room.
Will bolted inside the room rushing to my bedside. “Y/n! Oh my god I knew something was wrong this morning. Why were you trying to act like it wasn’t?” His eyes scanning over mine almost a mile a minute.
I shake my head wishing he wouldn’t worry. “Will, I just got light headed. I'm probably dehydrated. Just give me some liquids and I'll be on my way.”
“Y/n, Jay told me you collapsed st work. That isn’t something minor.” Will spat me with worry in his voice.
I huffed crossing my arms over my chest seeing the curtain move again and Dr. Manning enter the room with an iPad in her hands. “Hi Y/n, how are you feeling?”
“I'd feel a lot better it I was out of - he-ah!” I gasped holding my stomach trying to curl myself into a ball on the bed.
Will rubbed my lower back keeping his other hand on my shoulder eyeing his friend. “Nat, what's wrong with her?”
“I wish I could say it was something minor but it’s not. You are actually going to need surgery. You have something wrong with your appendix. That’s why you’ve been feeling so much pain for the past couple of weeks.”
Will sent her a look asking. “Can you give us a minute, Nat. Y/n, why didn’t you tell me sooner and just have been lying about it.”
“I didn’t want to worry you. You already have enough on your plate with getting the wedding venu and everything else. I didn’t want to add onto the stress when I really believed it was my period cramps or stress myself, at least until this morning.”
Will closed the gap between us, cupping my face in his hands kissing me deeply. “I’m gonna be your husband, babe. You don’t have to keep things from me. I’m always going to be here for you.”
“Thank you, Will. I - I really appreciate you saying that to me,” I sniffed through happy tears relieved that he would be for me no matter what came our way. Our jobs in day to day life was hard enough, but we’d get through everything together. “I love you, Will Halstead.”
He smiled down at me, kissing my forehead sweetly. “I love you too, soon to be Mrs. Halstead.” I must have gotten pretty lucky to end up calling him my husband for the rest of my life.
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emo-batboy · 2 years
thoughts on battinson with his like seven kids and they have to suffer through everyone wanting to fuck him cause have you seen him??
Alright so this response kinda works in a competely separate realm of canon than what I usually post. I’m gonna preface that right now, but BOY do I have thoughts :D
So when I think of Battinson and his (non)accidental orphan acquisition, I see Battinson as being on a much more even playing field emotionally than most other iterations. He’s not really as stoic and put-together, so having kids (especially multiple) would cause a LOT more chaos and drama. So in this case, I like to think that it happens at a very rapid rate. (Again, I’m saying this because this require straying from the film’s canon to a much larger degree than I usually do.) SO by the time he’s 32, he has an 11yo Dick, a 9yo Jason, and an 8yo Tim. And they probably grow with him much like teen parents do with their kids. He’s not as authoritative as most parents. Instead, he starts out as like half older brother, half dad, then graduates to the roll of batdad after his whole vengeance era.
Dick, older brother and the leader of the “Save Dad and Our Childhood Innocence” brigade teaches the three everything there is to know. He is the most experienced with these awful public events like galas and charity auctions, so he is in control.
And it is SO much easier to get the creepy suitors to back off when they work as a team
Dick talks everyone’s ears off. He’s the golden boy (getting perfect grades and gold medals in his school’s gymnastics team) so he EASILY gets away with distracting people
Dick will insert himself into adult conversations all the time, and Bruce always lets him, which allows Jason and Tim to wreak havoc on whatever target they chose.
Whenever it isn’t too obvious or it’s late enough in the night, Jason will fake a cold or a headache sometimes (he’s prone to falling sick) and Bruce will insist that he take his kid home and tuck him into bed himself, very fatherly
Tim uses his Youngest Child points to woo the nicer ones and direct them away from Bruce, but it doesn’t usually works on the gold diggers (and thank god because Tim HATES acting cute) so he’ll use it on Bruce instead
When those three plans don’t work, the three gremlins start getting Creative TM
Jason, taking a swig from some wine glass and proceeding to spray it all over Vicky Vale’s white dress: “This isn’t grape juice!”
Tim, resident iPad kid and (despite popular belief) The Most Evil of the Three, sees some lady touching his batdad so he finds her phone number on an online directory and prank calls her every time she gets too close
Suitor: “Your father is very handsome.” Dick: “My father’s dead :(” “…” “Oh wait, you mean Bruce! Yeah, he’s nice.”
One lady starts hanging off of Bruce, but he needs to run off to say hello to an investor. Jason appears from nowhere in his dapper little tux and the lady just says, “So uhh, you like the Wiggles, right?” Jason: “Nope! Have you ever read Crime and Punishment? :)”
Dick “accidentally” slaps some obnoxious guests with his wild hand gestures “Oh no! I’m so sorry :(( Let me get you an ice pack” and pulls them away while the other two hide their laughter
One of the ladies who is WAY too comfortable and forward when flirting with Bruce is forced to sit down with Tim and he goes in head first “what are you doing with my dad?” “oh you know what adults do, honey. Messing around, having fun” and he’s like “well My dad doesn’t look interested” “of course he is! who knows? Maybe we’ll hit it off and make another one of you one day” which gives Tim intense psychic damage, but he’s a horrible little brat so he doesn’t give up. He hits her with the innocent doe eyes and asks in the cutest fucking voice “Where do babies come from?” she BOOKS IT (they never see her again)
Anyway, to answer your question: they are little terrors. and Bruce knows they’re little terrors, but he doesn’t care because he hates the creepy attention even more than they do, but this way it comes with a show :D
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funtheysaid · 4 months
IWTV 2x01 Initial Thoughts (Stream Of Consciousness)
- That title card for Delainey felt very stage play to me (ahhh I adore the theatrical elements for this season)
- Ooh I love the idea that vamps can take on the emotions of whosever blood they’re drinking - it’s like the vampire equivalent of when werewolves can smell ppl’s emotions and fears through chemosignals (a la Teen Wolf iykyk)
- “Disregard” is the funniest shit ever 😂 Oldmaniel they could never make me hate you
- There’s a Real Rashid OMFG ??? Lol imagine he’s not actually Rashid and they pull one over on us again I’d fucking shit myself
- “Your love was in a box” OH MY GOD EAT HIM UP DANNY BOY
- “Quite fucked” 😏😏😏
- “mon amour” “mon cher” “love” IM GOING TO EXSANGUINATE MYSELF ISTG
- The singular finger on Louis’ chin 🥲 so delicate so soft so bad for my mental health
- I like Emilia
- “They are not used to seeing man with good looks” OKAY I know they’re just racists BUT she also wasn’t lying bc beautiful Louis is canon god bless you Jacob Anderson
- Lol Morgan a little fruity
- OOH memory is a monster! They be redoing scenes as Louis “fixes” his memories !!!! That’s gonna show up again for sure :))))
- “Stupid Halloween costume” Daniel Molloy the brat that you are (is okay, Armand likes brats) *cough cough*
- I’ve never seen someone *elegantly* close an iPad before. Armand, you have bewitched me.
- The fucking sexual tension between DM is stifling 🥵😶‍🌫️ Um if this is us “not getting Devil’s Minion” then I think imma be okay
- Claudia pushing the little racist boy 🤪🥹 we can’t help but to stan
- WTF AMC you can’t just jumpscare me with a Grace photograph :’)))
- so the makeup department really put their whole sfxussies into that decrepit ass abomination
- Louis: Alexa, play Mr. Steal Your Girl by Trey Songz
- Claudia calling Louis Daddy in S1: ☺️🍭👼 Claudia calling Louis Daddy in S2: 😖🤢😟
- I’m dubbing Louis “The Rat Prince”
- “If he can’t take you ballroom dancing and call you pretty” ICONIC.
- “the motherfucker” it’s on sight Bruce or Killer or whatever the fuck your name was 🤕🥊
- “her hand twitched like yours would” why was that line lowkey out of pocket. My mans has Parkinson’s Louis !!!!
- that wasn’t even acting that was some REAL shit. Get Jacob Anderson his Emmy or Oscar or Tony or whatever the fuck I just need him to be awarded for his talent
- Daniel’s soft compassionate side: rare but that much more meaningful when it makes an appearance
- LOUIS you did not just do Emilia dirty like that TF!?! She helped you dude.
- “Human affairs. Their problem.” Not you listening to Lestat now of all times
- “Catfish with teeth” Louis can really read a bitch to filth can’t he?
- Oh shit he’s a kid okay I’m sorry for calling you an abomination earlier. That was mean.
- Woman vampire, you standing precariously close to that fire 👀
- Delainey’s facial expressions are the perfect blend of innocent and slightly unsettling
- What the hell is a bacon triptych am I just stupid don’t answer that
- Armand you ain’t beating the iPad kid allegations
- “It’s his drug” He said that with such malice. Is this a “he needed me but he needed drugs more” plot line???
- So Dubai Loumand is chilly frigid tepid frosty glacial
- Free feet? Okay im sorry
- “We can have him saying what happened next in no time” okay wait hold up why you making it sound like YOU don’t know what happened next and you need him to tell you???
- oh danny boy whistling while the couple he’s counseling walks in… is this a comedy or ?
- Daniel: yeah? 🤓 Armand: yeah 🫦
- “the mother of New Orleans” oh he misses home
- LMFAO Daniel interrupting Armand before he can start soliloquizing
- Louis and Claudia in a truck full of art which they belong in bc they too are pieces of art to me
- hard words. soft words. 🥺
- “a shit life beats no life” god damn this monologue feels like Louis is speaking directly to my soul
- “as long as you walk the earth I’ll never taste the fire” If this is foreshadowing I- I- I don’t know what I’ll do but it’s going to involve a baseball bat and a waffle iron and my head
- “it would be enough” pan to Lestat 💀 you can’t be fucking serious right now you just cannot
- okay it’s over and the teaser for the season just started playing and I just have to shout out the score bc damn if those violins don’t get me every god damn time
(Stutter) That’s all, folks! 🐷👋
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romaevelizz · 4 months
Crush Culture˖ ࣪⊹
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VII. Warmth
sum: him being patient as he waited till he could feel her touch again.
warnings: fluff, long distance,not proofread, dramatic reunion.
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.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
Laying on his back as he stare up at the ceiling, they had been texting for days. Constant calls, as they talked about any this even sitting in silences as they did their own thing the phone propped up. His eyes scanning the picture he’s collect if her through face time, may it be her sitting down doing her make up, washing her face, eating or drawing. How when she sat in her bed her legs crossed and she leaned over her iPad then complained that her back always hurt. How she’d answer the phone at any hour he called her, her sleepy voice echoing through his ears.
She learned that maybe he was a bit more clingy then he showed himself, him softly saying he missed her voice or wanted to see her face. How he asked over and over when she’d finally be down so he could see her.
Yamaguchi loved asking Kei about her asking how she was, watching as his best friend would grin softly giving him vague answer that soon turn into a small story, his smile never leaving his face. This didn’t go unnoticed by his family either how kei would walk down to the kitchen his face in his phone, a small giddy grin on his face that when mentioned he’d always say it was nothing. How he’d have his phone sitting on the table watching a messages she would send, god he missed her.
But he never voiced it maybe in subtle ways, how he’d ask when she’d come down finally getting a date out if you. That shed be coming up 4th of July weekend, he just had to wait a few more days. He wanted to tell her that he missed her but he couldn’t, he couldn’t wait till his stomach filled with butterflies when she kissed him. He couldn’t wait to hold her hand and touchher face again.
The ding of his phone made him sit up quickly grabbing his phone from the table next to the couch.
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shit.. she talked about him a lot, why did he like. Why he said was bullshit. He did talk about you, to his dad.. wierd maybe but he knew he wouldn’t make a big deal out if it and constantly be in his business. As much as he loved his mother… he just couldn’t go to her but not he really didn’t have any other choice.
“Mom..” he hummed leaning on the arm looking at his mother who sat next to him curled up in a blanket as they watched a movie together.
“What’s up Kei?” She asked smile over at him.
“I need to tell you something, promise you won’t like freak out.” He muttered playing with his hands.
She shifted her position her back leaning against the arm, “what’s wrong honey?” She asked her tone a bit worried now.
He took a deep breath, “I’m talking to someone..”
“You have a girlfriend!” She spoke coving her mouth quickly after watching his face. “Sorry oh my gosh sorry! It exciting news when can I meet her when-“
“She’s gonna be up visiting from Tokyo tomorrow, she’s the reason I’ve been all in my phone.” He muttered pulling at the lose skin on his fingers.
She smiled “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before just nervous I guess, but I really do like her. She’s.. she’s really nice to be around and I like her attitude, I think you’ll like her a lot. She’s very family oriented, outgoing, pretty, smart and I could go on. But umm, she’s from Nekoma which is why she visiting, her and her family are coming up for the festival and staying with some family friends.” He spoke, he could feel his mother’s happiness radiating off of her as he did.
She knew her son’s perspective on relationships and girls and then hearing this made her happy. That he wasn’t afraid to let someone in, that he was willing to open himself to something new to a new person. That he really did like her, how his face flushed as he spoke about her. “Can I see some pictures?” She asked. Kei looked up, nodding as he grabbed his phone.
Showing pictures of her that he’d taken those ones either of her eating or some showing of an outfit, she was pretty. Her smile big in every photo he showed her, how her shoulder lifted when she had her hands on her hips. Others some she had sent him, her dark complexion so radiant, her eyes wide and a gorgeous smile plastered on her pretty features, her hair almost always styled. Her confidence in her own body and looks were so strong through a simple picture. Then in the other few her face was relaxed as she did whatever she was doing, Kei taking so pictures while she drew or baked her natural hair framing her face perfectly.
“She’s gorgeous Kei..”
“I know..” he said looking at the photos before looking back at her.
“Stop, mom don’t cry!” He panicked watching his mom’s lip quiver.
She waved her hands whipping her face “I can’t wait to meet her Baby.”
A subtle ding ring through her ears making her turn her body, picking up her phone she read
“My mom thinks you’re gorgeous by the way.”
A smile crept on her lips, ‘am I a girlfriend or someone you’re talking to.’
She watched as her phone began to ring picking it up his voice spoke up “You’re my Girlfriend.”
“Oh am I?” She giggled.
“Yes, and don’t be to disappointed, but I will ask you probably but I hate saying your someone I’m taking to because you are much more than that. Best fix. You’re my girlfriend.” He said.
“I’m perfectly fine with that..” she hummed pausing, “I can’t wait to see you.”
“Tomorrow evening right?”
“Yes we’re riding the train up.” He could hear her smile.
“So I’ll meet you at the train station?”
“I would love that..” she said “I would like that a lot..”
“Good, you better get to sleep..”
“Goodnight kei.” She muttered.
“I’m sorry who?” He sassed, earning a laugh from her.
“Goodnight Stalker.” She scoffed.
“Mm goodnight brat..” he said. The line dying once she hung up, a big sigh leaving his lips as he fell back onto his bed.
He would get to see her tomorrow, all he had to do was wait. And god would waiting be worth it, worth watching her face light up once she saw him dropping her luggage before running over to him. Him smiling as she ran over to him his smile like a frown smile. The feeling of her weight on him as she latched onto him her arms wrapping around his back as he lifted her off the ground a bit. His hind on her becoming tighter as his head fell into her neck taking in her sent. God he missed her smell, the warmth of her body. She pulled back smiling kissing his face, as he hands held him gently.
“Ugh I’ve missed your grouchy face!” She smiled.
“ I’ve missed you too..” he muttered his eyes meeting hers, he watched her eyes look down to the flowers in his hand.
“They’re for you!” He spoke nervously handing her the flowers, a pretty bouquet all of her favorite flowers.
“They’re gorgeous,” she smiled taking them, her eyes meeting his. “So this is yo lil Boyfriend!” A women said from behind her.
“Kei this is my older sister Vanessa,” she sighed.
“You ready to meet everyone else?” She asked grabbing his hand.
He gulped nodding.
Shaking hands with her dad was the scariest part, he was by no means a small man he was well over 6’3 big and burly, his arms decorated in tattoos, his head bald. But even when her father gave him a smile he still wanted to shit his pants. Her mother was also a bit nerve racking, but she was kind offering him a kind smile from the beginning. Her older brothers trying to be intimidated but came off as dicks only to apologize after. Her two older sisters smiling teasing poor kei, then her younger siblings, Caleb being rhetorical only one who glared at him for a minute shaking his hand he watched as he gave you a side glace causing you to punch him. The two youngest were just polite having manners they new they needed with new people.
“Not that bad hm?”
“Your dad definitely made me piss my pants same with Michael..” he muttered.
“Please Micky is harmless!”
She laughed watching the blond sigh he head falling a bit, as he grabbed her bag. Her hands grabbing his face kissing his lips softly, before they began to walk. God it was so easy to make his heart flutter.
“Do you have a friend Kei?” She asked suddenly looking up from her phone.
“Well the family friend I’m staying with is my best friend butttt I wanna hang out with you, but she also wants to kind hangout with me so she asked if you had a friend so she wasn’t third wheeling.?” She smiled.
A double date, hmm. Doesn’t sound bad plus he’d get to spend the evening with her and he just had to drag Tadashi along.. “I’ll ask. But I could make it work what time do you wanna meet up? I know you’re close to me.”
He nodded “yeah we could head down to the night market I know the have some carnival stuff going on for the festival. Rides, games hella food!” She spoke happily.
“Yeah I’ll get him on borde.” He spoke the feeling of her fingers linking with his making him stutter.
“Perfect then! It’s a Two Man!”
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oscconfessions · 26 days
being a normally offline person in the osc is so difficult because i don’t understand what half you folks are yelling about. i’m over here still trying to figure out how this app works and i’m met with somebody’s college thesis on how the taco stole the ipad’s indigestion pills or something like that… oh jesus… it’s okay to feel frustrated over something you’re passionate about, look i understand. but if you keep engaging in all this gnashing of teeth, all you’re gonna end up with is a dentist bill AND less enjoyment for these passions of yours. i know it sounds counterintuitive, but you’re gonna have to get in the habit of ignoring all this baloney. because listen even i still catch myself letting internet strangers get under my skin sometimes. people have trailmix for brains these days thinking they’re gonna gain something from all that passing judgement… it’s INFURIATING i KNOW but you gotta remind yourself: this is the internet. it’s different from the real world, and if someone on here makes you upset then you don’t need to go through all that effort of confronting them, trying to prove them wrong because 1. they don’t give a rat’s ass what you think cause all they’re thinking is “me me me im right no one else me im right” these folks are STUBBORN i tell you what. and 2. it doesn’t matter. the fact that you’re upset matters of course, but the situation itself is Not going to have any impact on your real life whatsoever. there is no point in confrontation if it is not going to resolve the conflict. i’ll say that again. There Is No Point In Confrontation If It Is Not Going To Resolve The Conflict. i swear one day you’re gonna be like 70 sitting on your front porch in a rocking chair thinking to yourself “why on god’s green earth was i so ruffled about that” because none of this Truly Matters. if you start blocking and ignoring, it will be so much easier to just forget and move on. if you throw yourself into an argument, it’s just gonna be plaguing your memory, furthermore adding negative connotations to the things you enjoy. and it pains me to see people unable to properly enjoy things because they bunched their lettuce up over what some gaggle of boneheads rambled about. look, you are not here to prove yourself. you’re not here to prove anything. you’re not here to preach gospel. you’re not here to entertain anyone. and it’s okay to be wrong sometimes. sorry if none of that made sense i haven’t had coffee yet let me get my butt out of this bed🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️
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avenging-fandoms · 9 months
Airplane - Harry Styles
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In which Harry and Yn have been divorced for a while, but they both booked a trip to Paris at the same time and are sat directly next to each other.
idk if i love or hate this. i wrote this on goodnotes w a prompt i got from google in non fanfic form turn fanfic form. so enjoy or hate it idk
**fem pronouns
Yn sighed contently as she sat in the First Class seat, a pod directly next to her on the left. She took in her surroundings a bit before bending down to grab her phone, iPad, and anything else she needs as the long plane ride begins, not realizing the person sitting next to her was entering the pod.
Harry just saw the back of her head as he put his bag on the floor, running his fingers through his hair and putting his other bag in the overhead bin. Yn sat up and Harry’s eyes widen with his stomach swarming with butterflies and his mouth went dry. Yn slides her headphones over her head, doing a double take and dropping the headphones around her neck as she looks up at her ex husband.
“Oh my God, Harry, hi.” Yn smiles, standing up and the two hug over the barrier. “You’re heading to Paris?”
“Uh.. yeah. Just.. need to clear my head.” He nods. Yn can’t help but scan her eyes over him. It had been 2 years since the divorce and nearly 18 months since they’ve last seen each other, so they both took their time checking one another out subtly.
“Well, I’ll leave you to your head clearing. Enjoy your trip, H.” Yn smiles and sits in her seat putting her headphones on. Harry sat in his seat and smiles, grabbing all the things he needed for the beginning of the plane ride. Once in the air and it was allowed, Harry opened his laptop to work on some music.
Yn got up to put her sweater on and couldn’t help but peek over at Harry who worked intently on his laptop. Yn sat down and bit her lip, pulling down the divider and Harry pulled a headphone off his ear.
“I’m sorry to bother you, and I have no business as your ex-wife to ask, but can I please listen to what you’re working on?” Yn bit her lip softly and Harry smiles, sliding his headphones off and hand them to her.
“Of course, Peach. You have all the business asking, you’re my number one fan.” Harry winks and she blushes, sliding his headphones on. “I’ll pick something for you.” He took a minute scrolling before taking a deep breath and hitting play. Music filled the headphones and Yn sits back with a smile, but her smile doesn’t last for long as she list. He’s singing about being the love of his life and not knowing what is lost until you find it. Tears streamed and the song stopped.
“Really good.” Yn compliments as she wipes her cheeks and Harry shifts in his seat.
“It’s.. not finished. “I have others to play.” Yn nods with a sniffle.
Harry loved watching her reaction to the songs, especially since most were about her.
“These are beautiful, Harry. You have such an amazing talent.” Yn boasts and it was Harry’s turn to blush.
“You’re my muse so it just naturally flows out of me.” Harry looks at his laptop and the two fell silent. Yn looks at the plane screen and saw they have 10 hours. “Why did we divorce?” Harry asked.
“Well.. I wanted to start a family,” Yn looks at Harry then back at the time they have left. “And you wanted to focus on your career.” Harry’s lips fell into a thin line. “We talked about having kids. We were gonna have 2, maybe 3. Buy a big house, one with a pool and a big backyard for them to play together. I had so many ideas.” Yn smiles to herself, her eyes going blurry from tears once again. She looks down at her hands, flexing her fingers in and out slowly.
“Yn..” Harry starts but she cuts him off.
“No, really, I’m okay. I’ve had a while to get over you. Maybe I’m not there but I’m getting damn near close. Besides, I don’t blame you for choosing your career, look what’s happened. I’m so happy I didn’t hold you back from it.” Yn put the divider back up and headed to the bathroom, taking a few deep breaths.
Harry sat in his seat, staring at the light blue divider. A few people looked over and he just clenched his jaw. He knew he was wrong, he know he broke the marriage. It was his fault.
Yn looks at herself and takes a deep breath before doing her skincare and brushing her teeth. When she left the bathroom the cabin lights were dimmed, meaning people were heading to bed. Yn quietly heads back to her pod and accidentally made eye contact with Harry who quickly looked back at his computer before she sat down.
Yn opens her phone and sees 20 text messages from Harry. His demos. She smiles widely and hearted every single one. Yn brought the divider down once more, Harry already looking at her.
“Thank you Harry.” She grins and he nods.
“Go on a date with me.” Harry blurts and it catches Yn off guard.
“Harry, what? We-”
“What? We’re both going to Paris, it’s perfect. We can see the Eiffel Tower after dinner or get lunch then go to an art museum.” Yn blinks a few times and looks at Harry. “Go on a date with me, Yn.” Yn tries to bite back a smile.
“Yes, Harry. Yes, I will go on a date with you. In Paris.” She giggles and he slaps a hand over his heart.
“Beautiful. Don’t worry about anything, I will take care of everything.” Yn nods with a chuckle. “Sweet dreams, Peach.”
“Goodnight H.” Yn slowly put up the divider and put on her headphones, playing Harry’s demos as she slept while Harry got to planning.
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jesterofcringe · 3 months
Hii!! ^^ feeling anxious,, could I request maybe Misty and Nat (platonic or romantic I don’t mind) helping reader get over their anxiety of summer being over/going to the next grade? Doesn’t help reader has summer work to do—
You're gonna be fine!
MistyNat x Reader
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It occured to me halfway through writing this that you probably meant adult timeline so sorry if you did 💀
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★ You sat on your bed, bouncing your leg and chewing on your pen as you glanced over your summer school work that was nowhere near finished. Six problems in your math packet were done, and four pages of your summer reading had been read. That packet wasn’t getting any slimmer and “Lord of the flies" wasn't reading itself, though you could hope. And hope you did all summer. Now school seemed to be just around the corner, and you weren't any more prepared than you were when school closed at the beginning of summer.
★Try as you might, you couldn't prevent the anxiety slowly creeping into your system. To be quite honest, you tried to by taking time for yourself to best prepare yourself for the upcoming school year. You really only delayed the inevitable because now not only were you stressed about the school year, out you we also stressed about your pile of school work. It was quite the chaotic combo, so you did the only thing you could think to soothe your anxiety.
★You called Misty.
★You and Misty were pretty close. you liked her a lot actually. She was really smart, and always more than happy to help out. So naturally, she was ecstatic when you asked for her help.
★"I'd love to help! We could have a sleepover and knock out that math packet overnight!"
★"Do you really think we could manage that?"
★"Oh for sure! The reading isn't that bad, you could read it in the next few days leading up to school- oh, I know! I’ll stop at the store and get some snacks and a movie for us to watch after.”
★"You'd really do all that for me?"
★"Of course! That's what friends are for :)"
★Although you knew everything was going to be ok, you had let your anxieties bubble up to the point that you knew you'd need a good cry to let it out and start from scratch. You knew you could count on misty to take a little while at the store as you let all of your emotions out through the tear ducts in your eyes.
★What you didn't count on was another blonde spontaneously tapping on your window in the middle of your pity party
★You knew how Natalie's parents could be, so you gave her permission to swing by whenever things got rough. As such it wasn't out of the ordinary for Nat to just appear like this, you just wished she picked a better time.
★You opened the window with one hand while wiping your eyes with the other. As Natalie pulled herself through your window, you walked to the other side of your room in hopes that she wouldn’t hear you sniffling.
★“Hey is it ok if I stay the… oh my god what happened?”
★Natalie was immediately by your side, wrapping her arm around your shoulder so she could guide you to your bed and get you to sit down.
★"Just stressed..." you cried into your hands. She gestured for you to rest your head on her shoulder, her hand combing through your hair, “I guess,”
★ "About what?"
★"This next school year! Harder classes harder teachers, harder tests - l' mean, I just don't know what I'm gonna do!"
★"You're going to take it slow is what you're going to do,” Natalie said with a comforting smile, “I mean, you're one of the smartest people know. Don’t stress about things that haven't happened yet, deal with each thing as they do and you'll be fine, I promise."
★You weren't sure how to respond to people comforting you, so you just nodded, "Alright."
★She tilted your head up, wiping your tears with her thumb, "You're gonna be fine, trust me. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.”
★Natalie roughly pat your shoulder and ruffled your hair. You couldn’t help but to giggle, "Thanks Nat."
★"Anytime," you sat up and once you were off her shoulder she flopped back onto your bed, "Anyways. this might be a bad time but is it ok if I stay the night?"
★"Yeah that's ok but Misty is also sleeping over-" as if magic, once the words fell out of your mouth your bedroom door opened, Misty holding a bag of goodies on the other side, "-Just so you know."
★"Damn" Natalie snorted, "Speak of the Devil."
★"Oh," Misty smiled half heartedly, "Am I interrupting something?"
★"No, not at all," you walked to Misty's side, and she handed you the bag, "What did you end up getting?"
★"A few snacks, some candies," Misty said as she sat on the edge of your bed, "I also got-"
★"- The Princess Bride?" you interrupted as you fished it out of the bag, "Haven't you seen this a thousand times already?"
★ "Well yeah but it's so good! You don't mind, do you?"
★"Fine by me-“
★"I mind!" Natalie sat up, propping herself up on her elbows, "Isn't there a blockbuster near here? We should get Army of Darkness, Van says it's funny"
★Misty frowned, "We don't have time for that, they need to finish their summer school work."
★"Oh shit I forgot to do mine too," you had to cover your math with your hard to stop from laughing, "Misty do you have the packet?"
★“I had to do it last year, but I think it’s in my room somewhere.”
★"Isn’t your house on the way to blockbuster?”
★"That's what I was thinking - Misty and I get our packets while Y/N gets Army of Darkness.”
★"No no no wait you guys can't just copy my work that's-" she paused, pushing up her glasses as she searched for the right word- "Academic fraud!"
★Natalie Shrugged, "We won't copy your work we'll just..." she trailed off, looking towards you for help
★ "Check our answers against yours?" you tried and Nat nodded with approval.
★"I guess it couldn't hurt -"
★"Hell yeah Misty!" you fist bumped her and she grinned, "let's all go together though, a walk seen nice right now.”
★"We have all week, we should get a few movies-"
★" Not Army of Darkness. Let’s get Heathers instead."
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My redneck neighbor Doug watches 'The Return'
Doug and I have made up for our disagreement regarding Montana. I did not, in fact, go to his St Patrick's Day party (due to the fact I was busy with my daughter's Scout pack being in the parade), but we bonded over the insane weather in our region recently.
He had a lot of strong opinions on this, and it was a little scattered. Kind of like most TV shows, I guess.
CW: Doug Doug's on and continues to have Feelings about Certain Geographic Locations. Enjoy!
Episode 4: “Redneck Family Bonding”
You know how I know them clone boys is from Florida?
Because the show opens to Little Orphan Blonde sleeping in their busted work van wearing a puka shell necklace while her brother Daddy Warcrimes is shooting fruit on the beach all while their adopted mutant dog chases critters away from the trash can.
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Yup. Average day in Florida. 
Of course Daddy Rambo is sitting on the ledge, watching Daddy Warcrimes and mumbling to himself. Do you think he peeps on the neighbors in the other part of Space Daytona? He totally does. Daddy Rambo, you need a girlfriend, make that fruity robot wear a skirt and take it out on a date or something. 
Hell YEAH, my boy Toaster Strudel is BACK! Look at him hugging everyone. Good man. Love him. Why is Daddy Warcrimes still wearing that fisherman sweater, is it St. Patrick’s Day still? Where’s Rex? Oh well. 
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And they’re chilling out on Hoops’s porch, chugging the man’s liquor and eating his sushi. I would, too. Oh man, they’re referencing Ryan-from-Accounting. I’m sad now. Where’s Church Lady? Probably realized she was too good for Ryan-from-Accounting, or maybe she found his bitch wife Laura and now they wine buddies. I guess. 
Aw, Mutant Jimmers is friends with the monkeys. God damn, I love Mutant Jimmers. 
No one can hack into the iPad Little Orphan Blondie took from her internship at the Museum of Science and Industry. Little Orphan Blondie’s a kid, make the kid do it! All kids know how iPads work! 
They still kept Daddy Warcrimes’s armor with the Georgia colors and the skulls! And that’s why Daddy Rambo won’t look at him–look at Daddy Rambo’s colors, man’s a Gator fan and the SEC decides everything now don’t it. 
So…they’re going back to Space Wyoming? Oh man, I remember this dump. I hope they threw THAT BLOND JACKASS’S body in a dumpster and let the bears eat it. 
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Back to the walk-in refrigerator where Daddy Warcrimes hung out with….oh. Oh. Sassy Park Ranger. Oh. But hey they found an ATM! How else are they gonna buy weed out here? 
You know it’s a redneck family vacation because someone’s gotta get out of the trailer and turn on the circuit breaker cause there’s no power and they gotta watch the Saints play. At least they ain’t hot wiring the HMS Search Warrant to power shit up. Actually, it would be great if they did–that’s some redneck engineering right there and it’s good bonding for those angry boys. 
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Oh the daddy fight! Daddy Warcrimes and Daddy Rambo need the therapy and they ain’t gonna get it so they gonna do what rednecks do when they upset and need to talk…go outside the trailer and scream and shove each other while the dog barks at everything. Someone needs to trip on a rusty rake now. I feel like I’m watching my own family on Christmas.
Of course, turning off the power means the critters are coming! Is it gonna be a snow gator? No? Oh man it’s one of them worms from that sand movie that Bobbie Lee keeps talking about! 
Go go Daddy Warcrimes go! Save Daddy Rambo! 
Once again, they rednecks, because nothing solves a problem like shooting a gun repeatedly into the ground. Don’t none of these folks have a taser? Some bear mace? Come on, there’s a Wal Mart on Space Daytona I know there is. 
Mutant Jimmers is helping everyone out! Go Mutant Jimmers go! When does Mutant Jimmers get her own show? 
Toaster Strudel bitching at everyone as he gonna do. I agree Toaster Strudel, I agree. 
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Man look at Little Orphan Blondie go and there’s Julio doing all the work while being chased by the snow critter. Why does every animal on earth wanna mate with Julio I swear to God. 
And they turned the power back on and boom no more critter chasing. This is the most redneck show I swear I’m watching a show about my idiot brother in law and his friends in Wyoming. 
Nothing brings the family together like going out to an abandoned trailer, searching for the power, shooting guns, getting chased by critters and a screaming shove-fight outside while the dog chases a big-assed animal away from the garbage. Yup. Space rednecks. They all need NASCAR shirts. 
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Well, they got the iPad working again….back to Space Florida! And they all getting along.
Meat Muffin, why did this episode make me so happy?
Tagging Doug's fans because yes: @skellymom @cdblake1565 @megmca @sued134 @eyecandyeoz @amalthiaph @yeehawgeek @eelfuneral @thecoffeelorian @lightwise @archivistofnerddom @askyourfox @heavenseed76 @totallyunidentified
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lnfours · 2 years
A blurb about y/n surprising tom a bouquet of flower for Valentine’s day 🥺 I MEAN ITS LITERALLY GOALS !🥺
STOPPPPPPPPPPP i wanna get him flowers and ask him to be my valentine 😞
send me tom asks !
you had seen on social media that all girlfriends wanted their boyfriends to ask them to be their valentine, even though they were already together and it was clear that they were going to be each other’s valentines anyway.
but the gesture was cute, it’s still nice to be asked to be someone’s valentine.
tom had been so busy with work and filming, most days he forgot that it was already the new year. you knew he didn’t realize valentine’s day was coming up, which was alright. it just meant you got to do a role reverse and ask him to be your valentine instead of the other way around.
you had run errands earlier in the morning, stopping at the grocery store to pick up a list of things you needed around the house when the idea dawned on you. you glanced over at the flower section, smiling at the pretty red and pink rose bouquet. you even stopped to grab a card and few of his favorite candy and a pack of beer, your excitement boiling because you hardly ever got to surprise him with something.
he was in the living room when you got home, reading over some lines on his ipad as he was leaving for a new movie in the next month. he was sent the script and got the role last minute, which meant he didn’t have as much time to prepare as he would’ve liked.
“you need anything, baby?” you asked from the kitchen, putting the items away as you kept the flowers hidden in the reusable bag. he shook his head from the couch.
“not unless you can come up with an idea on how i can memorize these lines in 3 weeks.”
you frowned from afar, knowing he already struggles due to his dyslexia and now with the added pressure of having to know what he’s supposed to say in less than a month, you couldn’t be much more help then what you were doing right now, “i wish i could be more help.”
he leaned down and pet tessa on her head as she slept on his lap, “‘s alright, i’ll figure something out.”
you got the flowers out of the bag and grabbed all the candy and displayed it on the counter, writing in the card and sealing it up before writing on the white envelope in the neatest, prettiest handwriting you could conjure.
you quietly made your way into the living room, coming up to him behind the couch as you covered his eyes with your hands. he let out a chuckle, putting the ipad down on the other side of the couch, making sure not to disturb the pup on his right.
“what’re you plotting?”
you hummed, “mm, nothin’. just come to the kitchen with me.”
you knew he was playfully rolling his eyes underneath your hands, smirking as he gently moved tessa so she could go back to sleep. with your hands still covering his eyes, he let you guide him into the kitchen.
“are your eyes closed under there?”
“mhm,” he hummed, “the darkness is quite nice, actually. if i was standing i could fall asleep.”
“okay, i’m gonna move my hands but you have to keep your eyes closed, okay?”
he hummed back again and you moved your hands, smiling as he stood in front of you with closed eyes. you grabbed the flowers off the counter, holding them in your hands.
“okay, you can open them.”
he blinked, eyes adjusting to the light and he smiled, pulling you into his body by your waist, “what’s all this?”
you leaned up, smiling at him as your eyes met, “well, i figured i’d ask you to be my valentine.”
his face dropped slightly, “oh my god, i didn’t realize it was valentine’s day. fuck, darling, i’m sorry-“
you shook your head, cutting him off, “no, no, i wanted to do this. i wanted to have the chance to ask you to be my valentine for once. plus, you’re busy, i get it. really, i’m not mad.”
he looked at you with a small smile, “sure you’re not upset?”
you shook your head, “i don’t need you to participate in a stupid holiday that promotes the sales of chocolates, cards and flowers for me to know how much you love me. you tell me everyday, you show me everyday. i figured it’d just be fun to surprise you with all your favorites, because i love you.”
he smiled wide down at you, taking the flowers from your hands before pulling you into his body again, this time closer and tighter as he kissed your forehead.
“i love you, thank you.”
“of course, i love you, too, tommy.”
he leaned down and kissed your lips sweetly, gasping after breaking apart. you looked at him confused as he reached behind you and grabbed the packet of gummy bears.
“you got me gummy bears!”
you laughed, shaking your head as he opened the package. he offered the open end of the package to you, which made you giggle and take a gummy out and pop it into your mouth. he smiled, throwing down the gummy bears before picking you up off your feet and throwing you over his shoulder.
you laughed loudly, “what’re you doing?”
“treating you right for valentine’s day.” he said, making his way down the hall and to the bedroom.
“what about your script?” you giggled, squeezing the top of his buttcheek as he laughed.
“i can use a distraction,” he smiled as he placed you down on the bed, “especially if it’s you.”
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ashlingiswriting · 1 year
do i know you? chapter five
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[ 3.5k words ] [ prev chapters: one, two, three, four ] [ masterlist ] "when are you gonna fucking learn?" richie jerimovich x reader, past mikey berzatto x reader, slow burn
you smash your alarm and kick off the sheets muttering fuck you fuck you fuck you in one long vicious chant, heart racing. this is your new wake up routine, it seems. you fight the urge to get up and do something, anything, to save him. anything, no matter how stupid. you get so sick of your own anxiety that you finally turn on a lamp and write him a note, just three sentences, the least number of words you could possibly use to say what you need to say. 
you won’t give it to him, of course. you just had to get it out of your system.
if only richie would die in your dreams, then you could wake and have them contradicted by reality. but in your dreams he is always alive and holding a gun in readiness for tomorrow. no reality can disprove tomorrow. 
though of course, he’s fine. that much is evident as soon as you see him. 
he saunters in complaining about the new host of a local sports station, ted, nasally little bitch, and when you say you never listen to the radio, he calls you a real mcdonald’s number two, you know that?
no, richie, i don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
and you’re off. no slumping on the concrete, no vacant eyes, no philosophy. 
today’s a bit of show and tell, little lectures exchanged. you start with napoleon and josephine, because any history that’s not about chicago or world war two is news to him. you’ve stocked up on anecdotes with some library books, so you’re going full blast, and richie ends up thoroughly enjoying the batshit french lovers.
still not as good as the boston molasses flood, though, he says.
that’s his favorite of all the stories you’ve told him. twenty-one casualties and he’s charmed, the macabre little bastard.
when it’s his turn, richie shows you a whole album of eva on his phone, the full range of her five years on earth. from the photos and stories, you find out that eva is blonde like her mother, stubborn like her father, and where she got her brown eyes, nobody knows. the great obsession of her life is a cartoon about a family of australian dogs, although if the ipad is denied to her, then dancing, drawing, and doll death rituals are acceptable. 
on a delusional note, you’d like to think that he put the album together specifically to show you. on a slightly less delusional note, he might be showing her to you because you expressed a willingness to kill for her. 
as he flips back in time, eva gets smaller and smaller. there she is sitting in a huge pot. there she is in a tiny lacy hood. there she is lying on his chest with her head tucked just under his chin. 
god, i love babies, you say.
really? his eyes rest on you, half-amused, half-doubtful. 
you raise your chin, tilt challenge. why, do i not exude a nurturing, motherly aura?
nah, you exude—he lingers over the word exude so you know he thinks it’s unnecessarily frilly—the smell of newports and disapproval.
you gesture as if to say, duh. that’s motherhood.
richie half-laughs, half-scoffs. guess it depends on whose mother, he says.
you look at him, venture a question with one quick glance that he chooses not to answer. 
so you really like babies, huh, he says instead, and there’s something so comfortable in it that you reply, yeah, i almost became obstetrician about it. 
there’s a split second of silence before he says, but then? 
goddammit, you’re getting sloppy. that’s as much as admitting to med school.
decided it was too much work, you say. why suffer my way through the mcat and med school and residency when i could just not?
he sucks air through his teeth in agreement. my thought process exactly. otherwise i would’ve become a doctor too.
uh huh. and what kind of doctor were you gonna be?
oh, same as you, he says airily. pussy doctor, doctor of the pussy. turns out no training needed, i’m a natural.
so yeah, richie’s fine. 
it doesn’t stop you from dreaming, but at least now you know.
another night, you wake up before the dream gets bad, so the dread doesn’t have too strong a hold on you. that’s a much-needed relief. if you’d woken up at your worst, richie’s miserable little face would be setting you off like crazy. 
as it is, you come to stand next to him and say, what’s up? a touch friendlier than usual. this time of winter, the cold bites you anyplace it can: forehead, nose, the place where your glove isn’t properly tucked into your coat. you ignore it. 
tonight fucking sucked, richie says, putting his chest in the last word. we got killed today, absolutely fucking shattered. syd’s digital system broke carmy’s tiny little brain, he went off like a block of fuckin c4, and now we’re down a baker and a sous. 
oof. they both quit?
yup, he says bitterly. 
you expect a string of blame to follow, some insults for syd and marcus, or maybe even a rant against carmy for driving them away. but instead, there’s just silence. not all silences are bad, but this one is. for all his rivers of whinging about millennials and change and syd in particular, you can’t help but get the feeling that he’ll miss them both.
marcus was a good guy, he says eventually. and syd, syd’s not really replaceable.
that one stings, but it shouldn’t. you determinedly ignore it. 
you want to offer comfort, but you’ve got nothing to hand. maybe pride would work? it’s hardly encouraging his better self, but you’ve got no other ideas.
you would never quit, you say.
he exhales smoke slowly. as he does, his eyes don’t move, but they change, and you wish you hadn’t said anything.
nope, he finally says, real quiet, bitter and sad. i never fucking do.
when he’s on his last cigarette, he just chucks the empty package at the trash. it misses, bouncing off the rim and landing on the sidewalk. fuckin a. 
after a second, he stoops, picks it up, and throws the trash away. 
you reach into your jacket and produce a full box of sapphires. glance at him like, two can play at that game, right? he takes one and offers you back the rest. 
don’t insult me, you say, but you say it real nice. 
he nods, lights up, and lapses into silence.
you can feel yourself leveling out with every passing minute he stands by your side. it’s peaceful. it’s deadly cold. he and carmy might be a little fucked tomorrow, but tonight you’re with him. things aren’t good, but they’re good. 
i just don’t know what we’re gonna do, he says.
you shrug. it’s not dismissive, it’s practical. if he doesn’t know what to do, and more importantly, if carmy doesn’t know, then there’s no way you’ll be able to think of any useful suggestions. 
for now? you say. go to bed. 
his sideways look is a question that you know how to interpret.
don’t wallow in it, you say. clarification. you’re not telling him to fuck off, you’re telling him to take it easy. 
he nods. i’m gonna be late tomorrow.
how come, anything fun?
fun, yeah, fun. he scoffs. we’ve got a bachelor party, favor for cicero. bunch of fucking animals, those guys. 
well, don’t be scared, just stick with carmy. he’ll protect you.
and there it is. such a small smile, but you still got one out of him. night.
once you’re inside, you glance back at him through the glass of the apartment doors, and only then do you notice that he’s limping a little as he walks away. it’s probably nothing, it’s probably a funny story, he wouldn’t— 
shut the fuck up, you mutter, thoroughly sick of yourself, and go upstairs.
the next night, the dreams get bad and he doesn’t show up. 
the thing that kills you isn’t the cold or the fear or the feverish overanalyzing. no, as the hours pass, you realize: if anything’s happened to him, you’ll have to live with this for the rest of your life. you had so many chances, but in the end you still did nothing. you had so many chances.
when are you gonna fucking learn?
you wake up on a memory, the way richie rubbed his forehead wearily and said, it was a nice poem. heartsick and sluggish, you turn off your alarm. 
your apartment looks different with sunlight streaming in through your thin curtains, like you accidentally wound up in somebody else’s place. with gold light staining the fake wood table and the weak hanging watercolor, all the default decor, this place looks like a home.
it’s fucking weird. 
then you remember you set an daytime alarm for a reason. 
half an hour later, you’re picked up by a car and dropped at your destination, a tree-wrapped house that looks like it belongs in the suburbs. as you knock on the door, you replace your scowl with a look of neutral attentiveness, completing your transformation into a professional woman: white button down, navy slacks, caffeinated straight to hell. if you’re going to get fired, you can at least do it in dignity.
to your surprise, the door is opened not by a maid, but by alessandra herself. she glances out at the idle street over your shoulder before she says, come in. under any other circumstances, you’d be sweating a little. she’s got the natural grace of a gazelle and the faultless skin of a cover girl. you wouldn’t expect anything less of jack’s wife.
she leads you through the foyer into a sitting room, where linda is waiting, ensconced in a gigantic armchair. it would be a funny sight—with her short height, bouffant blonde hair, and blue eyes, linda makes you want to say, you see this tweety bird looking motherfucker—but richie’s not around to hear you and this is your boss’s wife. you keep it proper with a simple hello.
julie, thank you for coming, linda says, as though the invitation was one you could’ve turned down. can we get you something to drink?
you perch across from her on the sofa. no thank you. 
are you hungry? she says, but she doesn’t wait for a reply, adding to alessandra: the pastries. and a half dozen of the mini quiches. thank you. with that, alessandra is gone.
do you know why you’re here? linda says. 
so—okay. maybe you have been obsessively texting every single contact that you have within the caruso organization, every single night, trying to get any news you can about your carbon monoxide patients. maybe it’s not completely professional behavior. but they’ve all been ignoring you, and that’s hardly professional either, is it?
i assume the number of survivors has gone down from nineteen, you say. or maybe they all have crippling brain damage? you can punish me however you want, but i don’t know how i could’ve done a better job and none of this would’ve happened if jack just let me do a hospital dump. you try and fail to not look resentful. i guess he considers it a virtue to be tightfisted with merchandise. 
linda eyes you like you’re somebody else’s misbehaving child. they’re not our merchandise, julie, they’re our customers. we provide services to people as well as goods. do you really want to know the details?
and there it is. you’ve never wanted to know the details. you’ve only ever wanted that one midnight hour of crisis in which the rest of the world falls away and your mind turns into a perfect beam of concentrated light. 
to be fair, you’ve also wanted a place to live, and for them to not kill you and drop you in the fucking river. you’re not in a position to request much more. 
no, you say. i just want to know if my patients are doing okay.
linda evades you with ease. you did very well, julie. that’s not what this is about. 
she knocks twice on a little doily-covered side table. alessandra glides in through the doorway and sets the tray of food down on the coffee table in front of you. the sitting room smells richly of eggs and butter, but you’re not at all hungry. you should be fast asleep right now.
to your surprise, alessandra sits in the other armchair. no more babies, she says, serenely, in italian. you weren’t expecting her to say anything at all, so you barely catch it. 
we would like you to administer an iud, says linda. and whatever fertility treatments you think might look convincing.
for fuck’s sake.
just so we’re on the same page, an iud would prevent any pregnancy, you say. a fertility treatment wouldn’t be able to overcome it. they’d be working at cross purposes, but essentially, the iud would win.
yes, says linda calmly. 
you’d really rather be fired than get caught up in some intra-family intrigue that you have no business touching. you ought to be getting extra hazard pay for the psychological warfare of it all.
and this fertility treatment should be convincing to who? you say, after a second.
an eastern method would be best, says linda. maybe herbal. 
okay, so that’s either old caruso or little caruso you’re trying to fool, or both. jack would never believe in an herbal treatment, he’d definitely demand pills. 
uh-huh, you say, looking over at alessandra. she looks perfectly serene. it’s unnerving. permission to speak frankly? it’s annoying, how the old jargon still pops up in you at odd stressful moments.
of course, linda says.
there really is no polite way to ask the question, but if there was, it might sound like this. 
activity has been lower than ever, even before little caruso went to the hospital. i don’t know why beth wasn’t available to help with the carbon monoxide thing, but that’s a bad sign, and i haven’t seen or heard from her since. the only sedatives they could scrounge up for me was some stuff meant for horses. the only good news we’ve had all year is that jack is out, and i haven’t heard shit from him, so he could be back in for all i know.
and now you’re pulling me into lies inside the family? you’re deceiving either your husband or your son, i don’t know which is worse. so when i ask you how bad it is, i would very much appreciate a truthful fucking response! 
just how bad are things right now? you say. it takes a huge effort to refrain from cursing, but you layer in all your meaning in that one simple question. 
linda’s blue eyes glint as she weighs her response, and then she says, things are going well, thank you for asking. there’s nothing else we need your help with. we’ll procure the iud and schedule an appropriate time for the procedure. are you able to procure the fertility treatment?
you hesitate, and her eyes bore into you like remorseless twin drills.
 yes, you say, defeated. it’s gonna be looseleaf tea, the cheapest you can find. 
do you have any more questions or concerns?
the fucking temerity of this woman. yes, actually. yes, at this point, you have become one gigantic, stress-filled ball of questions and concerns.
no, you say. 
thank you for coming. the car is waiting outside. 
in the car, you watch chicago passing by you, more brightly colorful and bustling than you’re used to, a different city. 
the dread is slowing to a numb simmer, as dread tends to do over time. of course linda would claim that everything is fine, what did you expect her to say? oh, you’re right, julie. the business has been going downhill for months. and now you, my people, my family, and my would-be grandchild—we’re all well and truly fucked.
michael’s heartbeat is finally wearing itself out, depleting the last of its weapons grade chemical thunder. he’s pretending to be asleep, but there’s no lying to you like this. the body always tells. you’ve got one ear plastered to his sweat-damp chest, an unconventional but effective way to measure pulse. 
you’re pretending to be asleep too, curled up and using him as a pillow, eternally seeking his warmth. he’s got his hands behind his head and his head half a mile down the street. 
at last, his heartbeat has leveled out. that’s your job done. at times like these, you don’t feel like a woman. maybe you’re a weighted blanket, maybe you’re a pill. 
he lifts your head gently in one hand, then crawls out from under you. 
the bathroom door hinges creak. you hear a thin stream, a flush, and running water. his apartment is bigger than yours and only a couple floors up, but you’re not surprised that he chooses to use your bathroom over his. you get the sense that he avoids his own apartment as much as humanly possible, except to sleep. 
it’s stupid hot in your apartment, because your landlord considerately roasts all her tenants alive rather than let them freeze to death. still, you move over so you can soak up the warmth he left behind in the mattress, and you place your head where his left an indent on the pillow. 
you can hear his footsteps as he pads back towards the bed. probably left his phone behind, you think, and then the mattress dips under his weight, gravity trying to bring you together.
he’s warm against you, but no longer sweat-sticky. he must’ve toweled off in there. you’d like to turn over and worm your way into his arms, but that seems greedy, tacky, wrong. you can’t track if you’re still supposed to be asleep.
c’mere, he says. 
you’re barely touching him, but it still seems like you can feel his voice, throaty and a little rough, like it’s coming from inside your own chest. 
you turn over on your side, facing him, and lay your head down again just below his collarbone. this time, his hand descends on your hair and strokes in a slow rhythm, like how you would pet a beloved dog while thinking about the events of the day. this time, you don’t bother to close your eyes. 
the watery light coming in through your curtains turns everything blue. his stomach, the sheets, the far wall. there’s a small, uneven tattoo of a black rose above his hip. he’s never explained it to you before, but to be fair, you can’t remember if you’ve ever asked about it either.
you’d like to ask him what’s wrong. people aren’t kind without reason. but you’re greedy still, and you take what you’re given without question. 
it’s not so much the hand on your hair as it is the tenderness, it’s not so much the tenderness as it is the fact that he stayed. 
you’ve always believed he loves the woman he’s with when he’s inside her. that’s easy. endearments fall from his mouth like rain and you soak them up as silently desperate as the desert and just as willing to blossom, presumably just like all the rest. he says them like he means it. baby like he’ll care for you, honey like he’ll lick every drop off his lips and consider himself lucky. 
but he’s saying nothing now, he’s not fucking you now, he’s reached the end of his high, and still his hand moves tenderly over your hair. nobody caresses a pill or a blanket. you have proof. 
proof of what, you won’t think too hard about. his fingers brush the skin at your temple with every stroke.
you falls asleep before he does.
it’s evening. you’re sitting in bed, still thrumming with caffeine and stress from linda, picking away at your last good memory with michael like it’s a scab, when you happen to look out the window and there he is. out of place in the light of dusk, with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. the last thing you expected and the first thing you wanted to see. 
you’re out the door in a second. then, when you’re jabbing repeatedly at the elevator button, you realize you don’t have any shoes on. the deterrent isn’t the cold, it’s the knowledge that richie will roast you mercilessly, so you turn around and dart back inside your apartment and shove on your shoes. 
the deja vu is so overwhelming, it prevents you from feeling any relief. this sudden righting of the world, this crash of of course everything’s fine, it was all in your head, you’ve played this tune before, and the thing is: it never lasts. you can't keep going up and down forever, it’s making you sick of yourself. 
you grab your coat, your keys, and the note.
[ chapter six ] [ masterlist ]
note: this was meant to be combined with chapter six, but i had to split them because the final richie and reader scene got so long it turned into its own chapter. so i released both chapters on the same day <3
@garbinge, @narcolini, @drabbles-mc, @beingalive1, @eternallyvenus, @cerial-junkie, @jackierose902109 — if anyone else wants to be tagged, let me know.
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forjongseong · 1 year
tus gafitas // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader (minisode part 12 of the series)
genre: office!au, fluff // warning: older reader; Jay calls reader “Boss” // wc: ~1.8k
previous (and upcoming) chapters:
(it's getting long so I'm just gonna link the whole masterlist here!)
summary: you've just returned from a long flight, and things aren't going your way, but luckily your recently-hired secretary was having one of his more dependable days.
author’s notes: and with this release, the number of minisodes has officially exceeded the number of full-parts! oh my oh my god.
I know I did a poll a couple of days ago and I promise Bite Me is in the making but somehow I paused writing that and ended up cooking this... I am still gonna release Bite Me, though, don't worry!
I'm taking you back to Jay's rookie days, except here instead of messing up he's doing a lot of good things and we love a capable secretary, don't we?
and for the song inspiration:
it translates to "your glasses", so... take a shot every time you read Jay fixing the glasses on his nose
taglist: @thots4hee @jayked @end-hyphen @nyanggk @yoursjaeyun @maggstar @bucketofhiros @dimplejaehyuncutie @excusememissiloveyou @shinkenprincess-oh @mochimchimo @jongseonglogy
(send an ask if you want to be added or removed)
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The sound of suitcase wheels rolling on the airport floor sort of acted like ASMR for you, and you were dying to get into the comfort of your car and sleep until you reached the office. Your flight home happened to be scheduled wrongly, and you wanted to blame your secretary for it, but you were sure he had enough on his plate already.
That very secretary appeared in your sight, and he was waving at you in hesitation, trying not to attract too much attention from other passengers. When you rolled your suitcase up to him, he stood up straight and greeted you with a smile.
“Did you have a good flight?” Jay asked, taking your luggage from your hands.
“Does it look like I had a good flight?” You asked back, taking your sunglasses out from your jacket pocket and putting them on.
Jay pressed his lips together, knowing well not to answer your rhetorical question. He then fixed the glasses perched on his nose as he cleared his throat, and it made you turn to look at him.
“What?” You said, stopping in your tracks. “What did you mess up this time?”
Jay awkwardly placed a palm behind his neck before he licked his lips and started speaking. “It’s more of a transportation situation, Boss. Mr. Lee called me early in the morning and said that there was something wrong with your car. It wouldn’t start, so now he’s at the shop, and I’m here to take you to the office by taxi.”
Your eyes were squinting but Jay couldn’t see them behind your shades. He knew, though, that you were mad and tired.
“You couldn’t have told me earlier?” You asked, now taking your phone out of your purse.
“When I got the call, you were still on your flight,” Jay replied with almost a pout. “I apologize.”
“No need,” you responded, holding your phone tightly. “We should go. Don’t want to be late for the first meeting of the day.”
You started walking ahead of Jay at a speed that startled him, and he rushed to catch up to you, dragging your suitcase with him.
Jay sat back beside you after he told the taxi driver the detailed address of your office. He looked to your side to find you massaging your temple, your sunglasses pushed back up your hair and your jacket already taken off and on your lap.
“Everything okay?” Jay asked carefully.
You nodded and stretched out your hand to him. “My iPad, please.”
You heard some rustling before you felt the iPad in your hand and once you did, you unlocked the screen and began reading your schedule for the day. You then opened the presentation that you were supposed to give at the meeting, but halfway through you hissed and let the iPad flop onto your lap.
“I can’t do this,” you muttered.
Jay looked at you in confusion. “Do you want me to push back the meeting?”
“No,” you replied straightaway. “You do it.”
“I beg your pardon?”
You chuckled a little at Jay’s sudden formality. “You do the presentation. I’ll be right beside you. I just don’t feel like talking to a bunch of people in this condition.”
Jay reached out to the iPad on your lap and carefully retracted it back to his side. “Are you really okay?”
“Just sleep deprivation and a massive headache,” you replied. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
Jay frowned as he began thinking hard about what to do. He then straightened his glasses again and flipped through the presentation. He began murmuring the contents of the slides, and you opened your eyes to check on him once in a while. When he was done, you quickly closed your eyes again.
“I know about pressure points,” Jay said, locking the iPad and placing it beside him.
You scrunched your nose and turned to look at him. “What?”
Jay made a gesture and pointed to your hand. Your eyes followed his movements.
“May I?” he asked with one hand hovering over yours.
You lifted your hand slightly and he took it in his hands. His fingers grazed your palm, and you felt a shiver down your spine when he adjusted his position. He began pressing parts of your hand with his thumb and stretching your fingers with his, doing some sort of massage technique that you were not aware of but seemed legit.
“You can sleep if you want,” Jay said calmly, not taking his eyes off your hand. “I promise you’ll feel better when you wake up.”
You were in no position to protest, even if you had the authority. Somehow, giving him the chance to make you feel better did not sound like a bad thing, and you were already giving him enough to do with the presentation later.
“Wake me up five minutes before we arrive,” you said, leaning your head back and closing your eyes.
“Will do, Boss.”
Only two hours later, you were already in a meeting room surrounded by more people than you can count with your fingers. After a moment of exchanging greetings, you turn to Jay, expecting him to start the presentation. He nodded at you once before looking down and fixing his glasses.
“God, help me,” he whispered.
Jay was sure his voice was soft enough so nobody could hear him, but you were having a hard time hiding your smile. You straightened up and began listening intently, nodding to his words whenever you felt they needed emphasizing. However, he kept looking at you instead of the other attendees, as if seeking validation, so you had to tilt your head to signal him to make eye contact with the other people.
After you wrapped up the meeting, you left the room first before anyone else, and Jay tailed behind you. Your pace was fast since you were desperate to get a longer lunch break before the next meeting, and Jay mistakenly understood your hurry as something else.
“Boss,” Jay said, after walking into the elevator and almost having the door close on him. “I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?”
You shook your head, and you heard a sigh of relief from him. “Next time look at the people you’re presenting to, not to me. I already know what you’re saying, so I don’t need convincing.”
“Right,” Jay said with a firm nod. “Thank you.”
You both walked back to the office and Jay quickly took his place back on his desk, setting the files from the meeting beside his computer. As he saw you about to enter your office, he called on you and took a couple steps closer.
“Any special requests for your lunch today, Boss?” he asked with his hands behind his back.
“Something light and easy to eat, and just get it from the cafeteria,” you said, pushing your door open. “And while you’re up there can you get me a cold drink?”
“Of course,” Jay said, making a mental note in his head. “What would you like?”
“I don’t know,” you paused, leaning slightly by the doorway. “Just take a picture of the menu and send it to me. I’ll decide then.”
You closed the door before Jay could say another word and he just stared at it blankly. After a couple of seconds, Keeho walked in with Yeji and the two of them exchanged glances after seeing Jay’s perplexed face.
“Hey, Park,” Keeho called. “Is it lunchtime for you yet? Let’s go together.”
“Yeah,” Jay said after collecting himself. “Yeah, let’s go.”
After queueing with Yeji and Keeho and getting his own lunch to go, Jay stood by the beverage area and snapped a picture of the menu three times before he deemed the picture to be in focus, and then he sent it to you. Your reply to him came in an instant, and he was relieved he did not have to stand there like a lost boy, but what you said made him groan a little too loud.
“Just pick a drink for me. And hurry up, I’m hungry,” your text said.
“Is the boss giving you a hard time?” Keeho asked, holding his tray close. Yeji trailed beside him.
“What is it?” Yeji said, peering in and trying to look at Jay’s phone.
“She wants me to choose a drink for her,” Jay said in a low voice, pushing his glasses up his nose. “This is it. I’m gonna choose the wrong drink and she’s gonna fire me.”
“Whoa,” Keeho replied after chuckling. “Not so fast.”
“I’m sure any drink is fine,” Yeji replied. “Just don’t make it too sweet. I know she’s not a fan of sweet drinks or dessert.”
“Thanks, guys,” Jay said with a repressed smile. “Do wish me luck.”
When Jay arrived at your office, you were busy typing away on your computer. You gave him one look and saw that he was carrying a paper bag and a cold drink in both his hands.
“I got you sushi and a couple of onigiris,” he said, placing the paper bag right in the middle of your desk. He then walked towards your side and placed the drink very carefully to the right of your hand. “And your drink.”
You paused typing as you caught a whiff of Jay’s scent when he pulled his hand back to his side. He then took a step back to look at you.
“What drink is it?” You asked, grabbing it and looking for the label.
“Blended dark chocolate with a shot of mint,” Jay replied.
“No way.”
Jay froze in his position after adjusting his glasses. “Boss?”
“I love mint chocolate,” you said calmly, taking the straw out and taking a sip of your cold beverage. “Thank you.”
Jay’s nostrils flared and he pressed his lips together, trying not to feel too proud of himself. “You’re welcome,” he mumbled before walking away and heading for the door.
“What perfume are you wearing?”
Your question made Jay halt by the door. He was taken aback, and it was as if someone had asked him what his favorite song was. He couldn’t think of a reply.
“I, uhm,” Jay stuttered as he fumbled with the end of his sleeves. “It’s from Diptyque.”
You gave an acknowledging nod before you tilted your chin, telling him to leave and close the door. Once out of your sight, Jay let out a huge sigh before he sat back at his desk.
Meanwhile, you began thinking about when exactly your mood started to get better. Was it when he gave you a hand massage? Or when he managed to deliver the presentation smoothly? Or maybe simply because he managed to guess one of your favorite drinks correctly?
You then realized that it didn’t matter when, what matters it that he did make you feel better that day, and maybe for the first time you were genuinely thankful that you had hired him as your secretary.
© forjongseong 2023, all rights reserved
SECRETARY!JAY will return…
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sencubussubs · 8 months
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hi lovelies <3
I am a little late to the start of the year but let’s talk VISION BOARDS!
oh my gosh i LOVE vision boards. Every. Single. Thing. i put on my vision board last year manifested - and boy i was NOT good at manifesting (i was overthinking, spiralling, constantly dipping out of believing in manifesting and myself.)
Low effort and loads of fun i absolutely recommend vision boards.
I mentioned in a previous post that part of how vision boards work is by familiarising your brain with seeing the people/places/objects etc on your vision board and partly with emotions! feeling like its all yours now.
So, how can we put an effective vision board together?
Well first, what do you want your year to look like?
your vision board can be for any amount of time, but i think year long ones are most common <3 (it doesn’t mean the manifestations will take a whole year!)
You can start with a pen and paper (or notes app) and write down what you want the next year to look like:
It may help to have some headings to organise sections of life. for example:
Experiences/ events
Material Goods
Then you can find specific people/places/things you want to manifest such as a specific career, car or ipad. A specific type of love language e.t.c.
Second lets get some useful apps:
- Pinterest (of course!)
- Picsart (or any photo collaging app or website)
(OR ALTERNATIVELY you can print out individual photos, cut, organise and glue down your photos on a piece of cardstock/paper or poster board- the world is your oyster baby!)
Apps in tow we can move onto the Third step
finding good pictures!
In my vision board from 2023 i didn’t think too hard about pictures - i found pictures that represented what i wanted, i whacked em where i thought they looked good, printed that baby out and slapped it next too my desk where i looked at it all the time. Not purposefully because i took the time to, but rather just because i would automatically be pulled to look at the bright colours whenever i went to sit down at my desk (and when i would die in my games and need to look away from my screen :P ).
While deciding to do a vision board for 2024 -only during this process did i check my 2023 vision board and realise everything manifested- i watched lots of youtube videos from people whose vision boards were successful. it gave me motivation and enthusiasm to make my vision board and i learned a couple handy tricks along the way:
due to my copy and paste not working on tumblr for some reason, i am going to list the youtubers at the end rather than linking them.
- Using pictures from YOUR point of view
select pictures where it looks like you are already in it - e.g. wanting to read loads in 2024? pictures of someone (with your skin tone) reading with the book in their lap (example pics at the end)
You can also take this further and cut out your own face and put it over people in pictures - sounds silly but it worked for Tam Kaur! (check her out)
- Find pictures that truly invoke the emotions you want to feel
want to be given flowers? don’t settle for any picture of someone giving flowers, find the one that makes you feel the way you feel when you imagine it happening. The one that makes it feel real and heartwarming.
- Make sure you enjoy looking at the pictures/ layout you use!
you are gonna look at this and ingest it subconsciously all the time, so make sure it looks nice! Hopefully the emotions you feel from the pictures will already help this - but we wanna make sure the underlying subconscious message is “this is all already mine” not “oh god i hate this thing”
- Putting it somewhere you often look
if you’re like me, you might not have a manifestation routine and don’t want to consciously decide to spend five minutes staring at the vision board. I placed the vision board next to my desk and schedule, i looked at it every time i sat down - especially because i liked the photos so much it always caught my eye - and whenever i looked away from my screen. This allowed me to subconsciously familiarise myself with all the people/places/things on there! I also had a wallpaper on my phone with another small vision board so i looked at it even more often :)
- lastly, your vision board is yours - you don’t have to share
Honestly i truly believe in keeping my manifestations to myself till after they materialise in the 3D, mostly because of the stress of having other people think you’re crazy - i know that this is also my fault due to everyone is you pushed out, but i feel like for a lot of baby manifesters this is a familiar feeling. Manifestation is your own journey - do not let anyone take away your belief or chip at your self concept!
I am going to make a post soon about addressing people asking about manifestations! <3
Final step: HAVE FUN
Enjoy the process and embody the version of yourself who is receiving all of this, It is done, this IS your 2024!
the list:
Here are all the youtubers whose videos i watched while creating my vision board for 2024 <3
- Tam Kaur
- Anila Sita 101
- Hailey gamba
- The Gem Goddess
I hope this helped and enjoy making your vision board!
bye lovelies!
Seeing people’s successes really motivates me so i might also make a post on the things i successfully manifested in 2023 with my vision board <3
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huffle-dork · 6 months
Swap Across the CrystalVerse Chapter 1: SepticHeroes Revisited
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs | Read Septicheroes
Read SITCV | SITCV SepticHeroes Chapters | AO3 Link
The swapboys have once again found themselves in the Brody Brothers’ apartment. Jackie Mann sits on the edge of their armchair, kicking his feet. He has a backpack next to him as he fastens a bracelet on his wrist. “The kids were so bummed you wouldn’t let them watch this happen at our place, Alt.” He laughs. 
Alt rolls his eyes, “Well- I’m not sure they’d react too well to seeing their dad just * pop * out of existence right in front of them. Even if they know about magic.” He goes back to checking over the TRVLR settings. 
Jackie holds up his hands with a laugh. “Alright, alright! Fair point!” He smiles, “They’re with their mom anyways~! Since this is a quick visit- I’m sure they’ll hardly miss me at all!” 
“Then why did you pack such a big bag, dude?” Chase laughs, pointing at the backpack. 
Jackie laughs, “Please! Between all the injuries I sustain and you two? This thing is a necessity- it’s got extra snacks and a med kit- bandages, water, chargers, an extra jacket for me-“ 
“Oh my god Jackie if you need anything they have stuff there!” Alt says with a laugh. 
“You’re taking a bag too, Alt!” Chase points out. 
Alt turns red and turns away, “I’m bringing my iPad and my… art and stuff…” He adjusts the headphones around his neck and his usual mask. “So I can you know- have something to do while you all geek out about heroes and junk.” On the subject though Alt does double check that he has what he needs- his spellbooks, iPad, notebook, pens, and… the tracking bracelets he made for all of them. The brown leather bracelet is tight on each of their wrists, with runes inscribed on the inside and a turquoise gem on top. 
“Please Alt- don’t act like you’re not gonna join the hero fun!” Bro grins. Alt rolls his eyes but doesn’t respond, readjusting so everything fits right in his backpack. 
“See though? Alt gets it! Better safe than sorry! Take it from a dad- it’s better to be prepared for anything!” Jackie says with a grin. “I even have those little plastic ponchos for if it rains!” 
“Oh my god-“ Bro bursts into giggles. “Well besides being cautious- are you excited to meet these guys, Jackie?” 
Jackie’s eyes light up and he excitedly stims, “Hell fucking yeah!!! I get to meet me! As a hero!! That’s so fucking cool! Ohhh I’m gonna be such a dork I can already tell oh jeez what if I embarrass myself or talk too much or fall off a building trying to look cool and-?!” 
Alt turns to the others and laughs, holding up the now powered TRVLR. “You’ll be fine, Jackie. Windstorm is super cool- you’ll get on like a house on fire.” 
“Yeah bro! We instantly clicked- he’s just like you! ‘Cept he can fly- and he’s not a dad-“ Bro says. 
Jackie laughs, shaking his head. He jumps off the couch and hoists his backpack onto his shoulder. “Well then- l-let’s jet before I lose my nerve! If you’re all ready, Alt.” 
Alt grins, “Yup! One superhero universe all locked and loaded!” He then looks to Jackie and Bro, “you guys remember how the tracking bracelets work right?” 
“Yeah yeah!” Jackie says, “You touch the gem and say… looney-“ 
“Loonu, Jackie,” Alt laughs.
“Oh yeah- and then those wisps pop up and tell us where to go!” 
Alt grins, “Good, you got it!” 
“LessGOOOO!” Chase cheers, wrapping an arm around Jackie’s neck and pulling him tight to his side. Jackie bursts into laughter. Alt laughs too and grabs Jackie’s hand and then presses the jump button- heading to UA-1212021SH. 
And for once- Magnificent doesn’t try to stop them. He’s actually home- asleep with his panthers, unaware his usual annoyances were traveling to other worlds without him. 
And yet, as the group pressed the jump button, Mag is woken up by a sudden falling sensation and green light. A ripple spreads through the Space In-Between.
Jackie lands by himself in a room. The falling sensation lingers with him for a bit--strange, did it do that before?
Jackie rubs at his head and groans, “Ugh… how are they used to that…?” He mumbles.
 Well, this isn't the time to dwell on it. 
"Holy hell!" 
He's landed in a bedroom with yellow-painted walls. There's a window with curtains drawn and two doors, one of which is slightly ajar to show a connected bathroom. The room is faily bland. The furniture-- a bed, a dresser, an armchair, and a nightstand--are more functional than decorative. Pretty much the only thing that has any personality is a TV stand across from the bed, with a television and game console that are currently on. Two people are in the room, each holding a video game controller and staring at Jackie in shock. One is a man in a button-down shirt who has a distinct mustache. He is sitting in the armchair. The other is a person with longer hair wearing a pink sweater. They're lying in the bed. Both of these people have identical bright blue eyes. 
"Jays, I thought your friend was a flyer, not a teleporter," says the one in the bed. 
The other shakes his head and puts the controller down to sign, He isn't. I don't think this is J-hoodie. I think it's something else. 
Jackie blinks up at the two people and quickly gets to his feet. He waves awkwardly and stiffy, lifting his hand up really fast almost like a salute. “Um hi! I…I’m Jackie! J-Jackie Mann cuz um- you probably know another Jackie who looks like me but isn’t me uhhhh my f-friends Alt and Chase- well Bro Fantastic-! They wanted me to come visit and- fuck I knew they said we landed in random places but I thought I’d land near other me…!” He then blinks. “…fuck I’m talking too much aren’t I? S-Sorry for interrupting… this-“ He gestures vaguely at the room and the tv. 
The two people blink. And then the one in the bed laughs. "Don't worry about it, love. We weren't really doing much anyway. JJ, is that, uh, Bro Fantastic guy the alternate Chase you told me about?" 
JJ nods. He smiles at Jackie. So you're their Jackie, are you? It's nice to meet you! I'm Jameson, and this is Dahlia. He spells out all the names so there can be no mistakes. My sister. She wasn't around when your friends fist visited. 
"Nice to meet you!" Dahlia says cheerfully. 
Jackie blinks in surprise and then grins. “oh sick- my JJ has a half-bro, not a sister! Crazy! S’nice to meet ya too, both of you!” 
"Well--I was his brother," Dahlia says, a smile twitching at her lips. 
JJ raises an eyebrow. That's surprisingly open of you. 
"Well, if he's another Jackie, I think he's a good guy. And maybe like our Jackie, ifyouknowwhatImean." 
Jackie blinks and then his eyes widen. He points at Dahlia with a Pog face and goofy stance as he fumbles to spin his bag around. Then he points to a trans patch stitched on the side. “I’m too!! Trans that is!! Female to male!” He grins sillily.
"Yeahhhh!" Dahlia throws her hands up into the air. 
Dahlia, careful! JJ says, using her name sign of flower-time for the first time. 
"I can put my hands in the air, JJ, I'm not made of glass." But she does lower her hands. 
Anyways, Bro and Alt managed to get home, then? Good for them! JJ says. 
Jackie rocks on his feet and adjusts his backpack and nods. “yeah! Though I think they said they had a bit of rough go of it after they met you all. But, now Alt’s pretty confident in his jumping so! They thought I’d be nice for me to meet some other mes!” He laughs.
Dahlia grins and JJ can't help but smile back, then he looks at Jackie. Well, our Jackie isn't here. It's just the two of us and another friend in the house. Schneep is staying here too but he's out right now. We can contact him, if you want. 
"Are you here by yourself, by the way?" Dahlia asks. "Or do we need to watch out for more of you guys?"
Jackie messes with his hair with a nervous laugh. “Oh well- that makes sense! Uh Alt and Bro are here too! Chase was so excited to see everyone again- and Alt is too but he’s being Alt and trying to act like he’s not.” He laughs. “Oh but! We have a way to find each other this time!” He shows off the bracelet on his wrist. “Tracking spell~!”
"Tracking spell?" Dahlia asks. 
That's some of the magic in your world, is it? JJ asks. How does it work?
Jackie grins. “I just gotta say the word and then this magic orb-y stuff shows up and will lead me to the signal of another bracelet!” He raises up his sleeve and whispers to the stone at the top of the bracelet, “Loonu!”
The green-blue trail appears, pointing diagonally across the room and going out the window. JJ stands up and opens the curtains, revealing the cityscape outside. 
"Ooo, flashy," Dahlia says, impressed. "We don't have that here. Or if we do, I've never seen it. Where's it going?" 
It's pointing to the center of the city, JJ says. Which doesn't mean much. Henrik figured out last time that you all appear near people you're close to. So that COULD be pointing to Jackie, Chase, Henrik, or Marvin. 
"What about the, uh... Anti, was it?" 
If Anti counts, then Alt and Bro could be anywhere. 
"Hmm. True. Well, maybe contact Jackie's flat first, see if either of them are there."
“Yeah- that’s the issue aint it? At least for us we only gotta worry about the two. Alt saidddd blue means close- green means far away. I think-“ Jackie shrugs. “If you guys wanna ring your friend that’d be brilliant! I don’t wanna interrupt anything. But I also… don’t know where I am at all so-“ He laughs.
JJ shakes his head. it looks more blue than green, so that's good. I'll text Jackie. 
Jackie grins, rocking on his feet again. “Thanks dude! ‘Perriciate it!” 
"I belieeeve we're sort of on the edge of Daindover," Dahlia says slowly. "Near the East SepTech location. Though I suppose that means nothing to you.”
“It does indeed mean Jack shit to me.” 
“Uh, we're in JJ's boyfriend's house." 
We're not dating, JJ says stubbornly. 
"Yet," Dahlia adds with a grin. 
I can't believe you of all people are encouraging me to date S-heart. 
"Ehhh could be worse." 
Jackie’s eyes widen and then he grins, “Oooh a boyfriend~?” He tries to tease- then stops himself. “oh wait. I probably shouldn’t tease you- you aren’t my Jay. I would give him such a hard time if I found out he liked someone.” 
"It's okay, I'll tease him for you," Dahlia says jokingly.
Jackie bursts into giggles. “Deal! I like ya, Dahlia!” 
 "Though to be honest Jays doesn't get teased easily." 
I'm just still shocked that you approve, JJ says, then takes his phone out of his pocket and starts texting. 
"Like I said, Soren could be worse. And I believe him when he says he's turning over a new leaf. And if he's lying, I can beat his ass." 
“Oooh Soren~? That’s a fancy name- must be a fancy dude- someone as sophisticated as J’s mustache!” The father giggles more.
JJ grins a little at the mustache comment. 
Dahlia laughs as well--though she stops quickly as it gains a wheezing edge. "I guess you can say that. He had a big, important family--though it's pretty much just him and his niece's family now. I suppose you don't know him in your world. If he's there at all." 
“Oh neat! Yeah I don’t think we know a Soren- but that makes sense. S’abig universe out there! Lots of people to meet!” Jackie grins. 
Then, after a moment, JJ nods. Jackie, Jackie says that one of your friends is at his apartment, he says, differentiating the two with slightly different name signs (J-hoodie, J-visit).
Jackie beams at JJ and laughs at the sign differences. “Oh neat! Sign name! J-hoodie must be your Jackie! But yay! One mystery solved!”
JJ grins. One mystery solved. Now we just need to figure out how to get you together and figure out where your other friend landed. 
Jackie looks up to think and then digs out his phone, “oh yeah- I could just… text them I think. Maybe- …my plan miiight not work across dimensions.” 
"You guys can go out, it's fine," Dahlia says. 
JJ shakes his head. I don't want to leave you alone. 
"Jays, like I said, I'm not glass." 
But you are still recovering. 
Dahlia shrugs. "Soren is still here. If I need something, I'll ask him.”
That is... SO strange to hear coming from you.
Jackie blinks, looking back at Dahlia, “oh- are you… injured or something?”
Dahlia sighs. "Yeah... I was in an accident a couple of years ago. Got knocked out, and when I woke up it was two years later. As you can expect, that has some lingering side effects." She makes a face. "I started growing facial hair again." It's a joke, but it's clear that there's real sadness beneath it. 
Jackie winces at the mention of the accident then, “Nooo! That’s awful!” Jackie says with complete sympathy to Dahlia’s last statement. He gets it. He’d be devastated if any of his features started going backwards!
"Thanks, Jackie." Dahlia smiles gently. "I'm getting used to it. I can heal faster than most people, but this is a lot of damage. It'll be fine, though." 
Jackie gives her a sympathetic smile and nods. 
JJ walks back over and gives his sister a side hug. Then he looks at Jackie. You can try texting if you want. I know that Alt's phone connected to the Internet last time.
Jackie blinks at Jj then smiles, “Right! Letsss see-“ He texts Alt: Alttt! I’m alive! I’m by this world’s Jj and his sister! :D 
Jackie giggles, “This is insane- texting my friend to come find me like we’re meeting up at a shop- but it’s in another universe… fucking wild man.”
Jackie's text doesn't go through right away. But after a while, it does, with a little sent through WiFi notification attached underneath the bubble. 
I can imagine it's very strange, JJ says. But it's good to meet you! Strange, but nice. I hope we can spend time together. 
Jackie blinks and smiles as his text goes through and he pockets his phone. “Yeah! I hope so too!” 
Alt falls through the dark space, feeling it ripple slightly, and then appears somewhere that he--after a moment--recognizes. This is Jackie's place--the hero Jackie's place, the one he shares with this world's Chase. Speaking of whom-- 
"Whoa!" Chase jumps. 
Alt blinks around and smiles as he immediately recognizes the place. Then he jumps and glitches back to hide slightly behind the closest furniture he can find. 
Chase is sitting on the sofa with Frosty, who barks when Alt appears but calms down when Chase pats his head. "Who the hell--oh! Oh! Y-y-you're uhhhh--fuck, I'm so bad with names. One of the guys from the other world! Hey!"
Alt blinks up behind it comically and then smiles shyly. “Heyyy! Other Chase hi! Um- Alt. That’s me- um… s-sorry to just- drop in!”
"Alt! Right." Chase nods, giving Alt a bit smile. "It's good to see you again! You, uh, stopping by? Oh, hang on." He twists to the side. "Jackie! The guys from the other world are back!" 
Footsteps rush down the hall and Jackie appears. He's wearing a red hoodie and the lower half of his supersuit, either just about to leave or just returning from hero duties. 
"Hi!" Jackie waves at Alt excitedly. "Hey! Welcome back! Where's your brother? Oh right, you guys didn't appear in the same place last time, you probably didn't this time, either. Anyway. How are you? Did you guys figure out how to get home?" 
Chase laughs. "Give him time to answer, bro."
Alt blinks and glitches a bit in surprise at Jackie's appearance. But then he laughs and glitches closer, grinning wide. "Hey man! Good to see you two again!" 
"okay to answer questions- I dunno where Ch- Bro is but I can find him quicker than last time! I'm good- and yes! We got home... relatively okay." He grins, lifting up a finger for each question he answered.
"Oh cool! I'm glad you guys could do that." Jackie grins. "Why are you back, then? Stopping by to visit? Sounds great if you are! We can show you around the city!" 
"Yeah, that'd be fun!" Chase says excitedly. 
Alt smiles. He stuffs his hands into his pockets and adjusts his mask. "Yeah- to visit! And also, we brought our Jackie along this time! He's dying to meet you all." 
Jackie's eyes light up. "Oh! Other me! Cool! I'd love to meet him too--hope he didn't appear too far away. Ooo! Maybe we can get the whole gang together! Do you think Schneep and JJ will want to come? I know they might be busy, but they're more likely to come than Marvin, right?" Jackie laughs.
Alt laughs at the Marvin comment. "If they're up for it- Jackie's pretty excited to see stuff. But, of course we don't wanna get in the way of anything too!"
“uhhh, we've kinda hit a dead end in our investigation. Last we saw you guys we promised to kick Anti's ass but uhhh... That's a bit difficult, turns out." Jackie smiles. "We can use a break. If heroes never take breaks, they collapse." 
Alt looks excited at them being free. "Shame about the trail going cold but! That means we can hang!" 
"Hell yeah," Chase agrees. "In that case, should we start calling people to see where other-me and other-Jackie are?" 
"Mm-hmm." Jackie nods. "Lemme text some people real quick." He takes his phone out of his pocket and starts texting. 
Alt grins happily, pixels buzzing in the air around him. "Bro will be so happy. And Jackie!" He then blinks and looks to his phone, checking the screen. He laughs, "Speak of the devil- the timing is insane... My Jackie is with JJ... and his... sister? What??"
"Oh yeah!" Jackie grins. "We didn't get time to tell you last time you were here!" 
"Well to be fair we were still adjusting to it, too," Chase says. "Yeah, JJ has a sister that he didn't tell me or Jackie about at all." 
"Bit of a complicated story," Jackie says. "She was a hero, too. Not a capital H Hero, just a hero in that she was helping people out. But then she was in an accident. and got put in the hospital for a long time." 
Chase nods. "I was there, too. A building collapsed. And, well, that's why I need Frosty." Frosty wags his tail at being mentioned. 
"Anyway, we got her back recently, but she's still recovering," Jackie continues. "Her name's Dahlia. She's great."
Alt looks between the both of them in surprise. "Woah- that's... intense." But, then he smiles. "But, I'm glad she's better. That must be making JJ very happy... is he still in hiding? Him and Schneep?"
Jackie sighs. "Unfortunately. I keep pushing the police to review the Puppeteer case but they're so slow. I'm hoping that now that Anti's out and doing stuff they'll move faster." 
"We're being a bit less cautious with phones and stuff, though, as you can see," Chase says. "It just got exhausting so we decided they're worth the risk." 
"Well that will make stuff easier~" Alt laughs. 
"Anyway, if Jackie's there, where's Bro, then?" Jackie asks. "He must've showed up by Schneep or Marvin, right? Assuming Schneep isn't also in Soren's safe house right now." 
"Text the doc, maybe he'll answer." Chase shrugs. 
"Yeah, I'll do that." Jackie nods and keeps texting. "He's been bad at answering texts lately, though. I wonder what he's doing..." 
"In the meantime, feel free to hangout, Alt!" Chase says cheerfully. "We'll figure out how to get everyone together once we're sure where everyone is." 
Alt glitches over to an armchair and sits down- not getting comfy, just balancing on the edge. But like- that's kinda big for him. 
He texts Jackie back: Sick dude- I'm with other Jackie and Chase, we'll figure out where you are soon, hang tight.
Bro falls a few feet and lands on the flat roof of a building. No, it's not a roof. The building is still under construction, with beams and scaffolding extending high above. But this is the highest floor that's been completed, so it's basically the roof. Across the street is a glass and concrete triangular building with the words SepTech glowing green across its side. And Bro doesn't land alone. Somehow, there's someone else with him. Magnificent has arrived in this world as well.
Bro pushes himself off and brushes himself off, adjusting his costume so its just so. He had to make a good first hero impression! Yes, he'd been here before but now it was official cuz he's actually in his uniform! He grins and starts to look around and then yelps as magic is thrown at him from behind. 
"What the-?!" Bro jolts into the air and then stares at the angry face of Magnificent crouched on the ground. "M-Magnificent?!" 
"Why have you brought me here, hero?!" Magnificent snarls, throwing another barrage of magic at him. "Where is that idiotic cub?! Don't you two know better than to bother a villain when he's scheming?!" 
"What are you talking about?!" Bro yells, dodging the magic. "Did you hitch a ride with us again?!' 
"What are you talking about?! You-" Magnificent's face falls for a second as he looks around. Then, he slowly starts to laugh. "Oh... I see... you and your brother are playing dimension hopper again, are you? And yet it seems... the universe still chose to include me~" He grins at Bro his eyes lighting up bright green as he chuckles. "And how unfortunate for you, hero." He spits. 
Bro backs up, looking around for any sign of Alt or Jackie around. Shit shit shit! This was supposed to be a fun adventure! They warded and cast protection spells! Alt was gonna be pissed... 
"Now- tell me Hero... where did you bring us this time, hm?"
Before Bro can answer that question, there's the sound of footsteps. The unfinished building has an unfinished staircase leading up to this floor, and the sound seems to be coming from there. But... there's no one in sight. Even as the footsteps sound like they come up onto the floor Bro and Magnificent are on, there's still no one there. ...But Magnificent can hear a faint voice come from that direction. "Schiesse," it curses. 
Bro blinks and looks around- the complete opposite way the footsteps are going- thinking he's missing something. 
Mag hears the curse and he grins, going to try to teleport behind the invisible super and try to grab him.
There's a yelp, and a person flickers into view. They're wearing an outfit that seems to be shifting colors, disguising most of their features. Magnificent manages to grab him--but not for long, as the person quite literally slips out of his grasp, passing through his arms. "Y-you! What are you doing back here?!" If it wasn't obvious who it was before, the voice gives it away. Schneep. 
Magnificent curses as Schneep literally slips from his grasp. 
He backs away from Magnificent, then looks at Bro. "Ah! Um, h-hello, ah--What the fuck?!" He points at Mag.
Bro makes an 'i dunno' exggerated shrug then points at Mag with both of his arms. "I dunno bro!! We tried to make sure he wasn't gonna follow us this time!! Alt was so careful!!" 
Mag laughs evilly, "And yet~ here I am~!" He giggles and then sends a blast of magic out at both of them.
Schneep doesn't move--not processing the magic as a threat until it slams into him and knocks him down. He yelps, forgetting to concentrate on his intangibility and slamming against the floor. "So that... is an... energy attack," he says as soon as he gets his breath back. "Noted..." 
Magnificent laughs loudly and builds up more magic in his hands. "There's more where that came from, Henrik~! I have yet to taste that delightful power of yours~" 
"Ew why you gotta say it like that??" Bro makes a face then gets hit out of the air by Mag's magic. He hits the roof and skids before trying to get back on his feet. 
Schneep gets to his hands and knees--and then shouts out "SPITIFRE GET UP HERE!" 
More footsteps from the staircase, and now someone else joins the fray--the brightly colored costume and cat mask makes him easily recognizable. Marvin's eyes lock on Magnificent. "Motherfucker!" 
Mag's eyes light up with delighted manic glee at seeing Marvin. "Well hello again!" He throws out magic his way, "Do me a favor and die-!" He growls out.
Marvin's eyes widen. He conjures up a shield to block the magic but Mag throws it with such force that the attack still knocks Marvin over. 
Schneep gasps and scrambles to his feet, rushing over to help Marvin up. 
"Why don't--you die?" Marvin says through gritted teeth. Before Schneep even pulls him up, he shoots a beam of orange energy at Magnificent.
Magnificent grins and throws out a shield that shimmers like murky pond water. He throws out his hand and then tries to douse the water on top of Marvin and Schneep.
Schneep looks up and turns intangible, the water going right through him. Marvin gets doused, but all it does is make him annoyed. "Do you think I'm made of fire?! Idiot?!" He makes a blade of yellow energy and throws it at Magnificent, spinning end over end and getting longer as it gets closer.
Magnfiicent cries out as the blade grazes his arm. He glares at Marvin and hisses, "Principles of magic have to apply somewhere here." He bunches up his hand and then sends out a blast of freezing magic at Marvin. 
Bro yells out and tries to tackle Mag away.
Mag just teleports out of the way of Bro, making him fly past him and back into the hard floor of the roof.
"Magic doesn't fucking exist here you pri--" Marvin is so busy yelling at Mag that his reflexes aren't quite as sharp as they should be. The magic blasts him before he can finish conjuring his shield and frost coats his skin as he falls down again. Schneep also collapses. The magic blast passed right through him, but he can still feel the temperature change, and the cold is so shocking that his knees buckle right away and turns him tangible again. "J-jesus fuck," Marvin whispers. 
"W-we have to retreat!" Schneep gasps. "Get the others!" 
"Not yet!" Marvin's skin...glows? and the frost covering him melts away. "We gotta take this fucker down!" And he aims another beam of red energy--but not at Mag. At the floor beneath his feet, cutting through it, aiming to collapse it.
"You're not going anywhere~!" Magnificent cackles and attempts to teleport to try to grab Schneep again- he doesn't notice the floor until it cracks. He yells out and manages to catch himself on the edge, tearing at the floor desperately with his claws. Then, he falls. 
Bro hurries up to his feet and back into the air. He rushes over and holds out his hands for Schneep and Marvin. "H-Hurry! I can fly you out of here!" 
They glance at each other, clearly a bit nervous, but they both take Bro's hands in unison. "I better not dangle," Marvin mutters. "That's so undignified." 
"Take what you can get," Schneep snaps.
Bro laughs, "If you don't wanna dangle I might have to hold you like a baby- I dunno which is worse." He hauls up Marvin and pulls him to his chest and then grabs Schneep and tries to load him on his back. Then, he rockets off into the sky, just trying to get them as far away as possible.
"OHJESUSFUCK--!" Marvin shouts, surprised at how fast Bro goes. Schneep doesn't say anything, just holds on tightly. 
The cityscape passes beneath them. Bro is heading deeper into the city, where the buildings get taller and shinier, occasionally interspersed with older-looking townhouses. Soon the construction site--and Magnificent--is out of sight. 
"I-I think we can go down now?" Schneep says, voice almost lost in the sound of rushing wind.
Bro laughs and nods, finding the closest place he can. He almost wants to set them on another rooftop but... heroes are common around here! He finds an empty looking park and sets them both down. "Sorry about that, are you two okay???"
Marvin staggers for a bit. "M...my face is cold," he says, sounding mildly surprised at that. He pushes off his mask briefly to wipe his eyes. "I-I didn't realize flying was so cold?" 
"The wind makes it so," Schneep says. He fared better than Marvin; between his goggles and his mask most of his face was covered. "But I-I am fine. It was a bit more... tall... than I thought. But I'm fine now." 
Bro can't help but laugh, "Yeah it gets kinda chilly. That's why I have my jacket!" He says, lifting up his arms to show off his signature Bro Fantastic jacket. 
"Yeah, just... wasn't expecting that." Marvin shakes his head. "Anyway. Hi, other Chase. Why?" 
Bro bursts into even more laughter as Marvin's bluntness. "Ha ha! No yeah- It's a fair question!"
"Don't be rude," Schneep mutters. "But Marvin has a good point. We are happy to see you again, but why are you here? With Magnificent?"
Bro straightens back up and then frowns, "....Magnificent wasn't supposed to be here. Alt made sure he couldn't! But... we wanted to come see you guys again... and we brought our Jackie to come meet you- and the other him." He then blinks and then narrows his eyes at the two of them, "...but... what were you two doing at an abandoned construction site? In your super get up?" He raises an eyebrow.
Marvin blanks. "Uhhhhh..."
"We can tell him, he is also a hero where he comes from," Schneep says. 
"Right." Marvin nods. "Nice outfit, by the way. Uh, well. We were staking out that building across the street. The East SepTech location. Last time we saw you guys, we talked about that villain who made JJ do all that terrible shit. Anti-Virus." He laughs. "God. What an appropriate name." 
"It turns out that Anti-Virus was part of SepTech," Schneep says. "Very... integral to it, in fact. But now, Anti is gone. We are not sure where. Or how to search, in all honesty. But we figure that keeping an eye on SepTech locations is a good place to start." 
"In case Anti returns," Marvin agrees. "There's a... long history between them." 
"Oh okay- I thought you were maybe trying to steal shit- but considering it was like- abandoned that now seems dumb." Bro laughs. "That bitch Anti is just gone? Fucking coward..." He shakes his head and sighs.
"I'm sure Anti is planning something," Marvin mutters. "Calculating bitch..." He shakes his head. "But we should handle Mag first." 
"Back to what you said," Schneep says. "You just came to visit, but Magnificent somehow came along, is that it? So... Alt and your Jackie do not know he's here."
"Yeah... they wouldn't know. It seems like Mag was surprised to be here too... which means... he wasn't planning it." Bro scratches at his head. "... last time we used the TRVLR- he like... messed with it and its power... maybe that had something to do with it?" He looks back at the other two, "The point is though... He wasn't planned. But... I dunno how much trouble he'll be... we all seemed to really kick his ass last time!"
Schneep frowns. "If he messed with your universe traveling device, that is not good. Perhaps he found some way of... attaching himself to it? I don't know. Your world's powers are strange." 
"But Bro is right, we can kick his ass!" Marvin agrees. "Well, Jameson was a big part of that, I think. And he does not want to leave the new safe house much. Wh-which, I understand. Now that Dahlia is back, he does not want to leave her in case something happens to her again."
Bro tilts his head to the side, "Dahlia? Who's that?"
Marvin's eyes widen. "Oh shit! Right, we never mentioned her! Schneep, you tell him." 
"Dahlia is my cousin, and JJ's sister," Schneep explains. "Anti kidnapped her to force Jameson to do things for him, and Jameson agreed because Dahlia... is a hero. W-we found her, and she is awake from the coma she was in, but she is still quite weak." He takes a deep, shaky breath. This is clearly an emotional subject for him.
Bro's face falls with concern, "Oh... fuck. I... I'm sorry Schneep... I mean... at least she's awake now! That's good!" He tries to smile. "I know I-I heal really fast... maybe its the same for some supers here!"
Schneep laughs. "Th-thank you. Dahlia has said she heals faster. Which I believe. Her powers are strong. And so are Jameson's. Really, their whole side of the family got lucky." 
"You're pretty powerful, too, Henrik," Marvin says. 
"No, I am not. I have done the research, my powers are not stronger than any other super who can become invisible or pass through things." 
"Well you use them really well, so that counts." 
Schneep laughs again. "If you say so."
Bro grins. "No I agree! Powers are only as strong as the people who wield them! Anyone can be strong- anyone could have power. But, the people who learn to use them well and for good are the strongest!" He then looks around the city and sighs, "Well... guess its another race to find my brother and now Jackie... i hope they ended up somewhere safe. Sounds like it's all been kinda calm though- before Mag showed his ugly tail."
"Pretty calm, yeah." Marvin nods. 
"Oh! We started using phones again, perhaps they have texted me," Schneep says, reaching into a pocket in his outfit. 
"How many fucking pouches and pockets do you have?" 
"I was a thief before this, they were necessary." Schneep pulls out his phone, then yanks off a glove with his teeth and starts tapping at the screen. He nods. "Yes, they sent messages. Your Jackie is with JJ and Dahlia, and Alt is with our Chase and Jackie." 
Bro relaxes slightly, "Oh good- they're safe... that's... that's good."
Marvin raises an eyebrow. "Do you think they could've appeared near Anti? Would've been helpful to know where that center of operations is." 
"Probably dangerous for them, though, so let's be happy. I am letting them know Bro is with us. Should I tell them about Magnificent?" 
"Ummm... maybe I should tell them- let them... just be happy for a second." Bro says with a wince. "We can... deal with that in a bit. I don't think Mag will find us all right away..."
Schneep nods. "Very well, then. I think we are closer to the safe house than the apartment, so I will ask if we can meet there." 
"Can't Alt glitch pretty far distances, too?" Marvin asks. "He can probably bring Jackie and Chase to the safe house. Unless he needs to have been there to do that?"
"Ummmm-" Bro thinks, "It's easier for him to glitch to places he's been to but like... I dunno. He got us to Jackie's apartment building without ever being there last time- I think he can sometimes be pulled places as long as someone has like... a visual or something."
"That is good, then. Jackie definitely knows what the house looks like." Schneep nods, finishing up his text message. "We should make our way there now, then." 
"Are we gonna take the train in outfit, have Bro fly us again, ooooor walk the whole way?" Marvin asks. "Honestly, none of those sound ideal to me."
"Is riding the train dressed in uniform so bad?" Bro laughs, "I thought supers were more common around here!"
"Well yeah--but we're wanted supervillains," Marvin says. 
"... oh. That... didn't get brought up last time." Bro says, blinking rapidly. But, who is he to talk? Alt was a villain for a bit too. 
"Spitfire Cat is pretty recognizable, in particular," 
Schneep adds, gesturing to Marvin. "So, can you change quickly, Marvin?" 
"No," he grumbles.
Bro looks at the small bag he brought with him, containing a change of clothes for him in case he needed to be out of uniform. "Uhhh i got... a jacket, shirt and some... jeans? If you'd like?" Then he looks and smirks at them, "Or- flying is faster."
Marvin hesitates, then quietly takes the offered clothes. "We can take the train," he mutters. "I'm putting this on over my clothes." As he does, he continues to talk. "And don't worry, we're not going to attack random pedestrians or anything, Chase. We're not those types of people. Schneep just steals stuff from large businesses and my crimes are more... symbolic. I don't hurt innocents." 
"Hey I'm not judging. I already know you two are cool." Bro grins. "I try not to judge without knowing the full story- if i can help it. I learned my lesson about doing that..." He sighs, refluffing his hair under his hat.
Marvin grins. "Heh. Windstorm--Jackie had that same sort of journey, too. Learning not to judge, I mean." 
"Learning that two of his friends were criminals helped on that," Schneep says. 
"Alright, I'm ready." Marvin takes his mask off and hides it in his jacket. The only weird thing about him now are his gloves, but those can be brushed off. "The nearest train station is that way. Come on. You two will get stares but the ride won't be long." 
Schneep abruptly vanishes from view. "What stares?" his disembodied voice says jokingly. 
“Cheater." Bro laughs as he takes off his mask and shoves it in his pocket.
"Ha ha." Marvin rolls his eyes. "Just keep up, Schneep, we don't want to lose you." 
Bro looks over himself. It's not perfect but, no one in this town knew him. It'd be fine. He follows after the other two towards the train. 
“Hey Alt, your brother ended up with Schneep and Marvin," Jackie says. He's sitting on the sofa with Chase now, still half-wearing his suit. "Schneep wants us to go to the safe house where JJ and your Jackie are. He says that Bro says you can glitch us there?"
Alt looks up at the others and then glitches to his feet, stretching. "Sure thing- I'm decently powered. You all have been there before? That helps~" He grins.
"I have a few times, but Chase has only been there once," Jackie says. "Is that a problem?" 
"Nope that should be plenty." Alt shrugs his bag back on.
"I want to come," Chase says, pouting a bit. "All I did last time was talk to you guys on the phone and then get hypnotized." 
"Will you have trouble taking Frosty, Alt?" Jackie asks. "Chase needs him."
"Mmmm no I don't think so! I glitch with my cat all the time. That's how she got her name." Alt smiles. "We just need to link up! So like- as long as we all have a connection somehow."
"Ohhh yeah your cat!" Jackie awes. "I wish we could meet her!" 
Alt laughs, "I feel like she'd get into trouble on these trips- but I have about a million pictures. Despite the fact she's a little void and i wear mostly black." 
"You can show us the pictures of your cat when we get there." Jackie chuckles.
Chase laughs too. "Alright, let's link up, then. Focus on the house. Or, uh, I think we should aim for just outside the house. I don't want Soren to suddenly shoot us for intruding." 
"Shoot us? He doesn't have a gun, Chase." 
"Look me in the eyes and tell me he wouldn't figure out how to get one."
"... I both like and dislike what I'm learning about this Soren guy-" Alt mutters. 
“Soren is a mixed bag," Jackie mutters. 
Alt offers his hands out to the others, green-blue magic pulsing in his eyes. 
"Whoo!" Chase makes sure to grab Frosty by the scruff. "Let's go!" 
Once, the others have linked up and Chase has a good  good hold on Frosty, Alt concentrates at they all zip away towards the safe house.
Magnificent falls down one floor, delaying him slightly. But it's enough of a delay. By the time he recovers, that annoying hero and those two infuriating supers are gone.
The world flashed to white as he head hit the floor hard- and for a good long while all he can hear is ringing in his ears. Magnificent springs up once he has his bearings and then teleports back up to the roof- but... its clear that they're all gone by now. 
He curses and kicks at the floor and then starts to pace. "Okay... collecting my thoughts... we're back in the world with the supers... which I had a hard time stealing power from... but its possible. And my annoyances are here... so... hmm.... What to do...." He laughs to himself, his eyes glowing bright. "I want to end all those annoying supers. Drain them for every ounce of power in them and lord over their corpses... they will not humiliate me again... I need to find this world's Jameson... he will be the first one I destroy." He looks out over the edge of the unfinished building towards the city, arms behind his back as he searches around. "Now... where would my little kittens be hiding~?"
"How very vicious." The voice comes from behind Magnificent. There's something floating just beyond the other edge of the unfinished building. It's... that black flying robot from last time. It floats closer to Magnificent. "I see you've returned," says that same computerized voice. "Do you remember me?"
Magnificent jumps in the air like a startled cat. He whirls around, magic bright in his hands. But, once he realizes who this is, he slowly grins. "Well Well... Anti, wasn't it~? I do remember you." He glances around and then tilts his head at the robot. "... why are you here?"
"Those supers were staking out SepTech for signs of me, so I was stalking them in turn," Anti says. "They had no idea that what they were looking for was right under their noses all that time." Part of the robot slides open, revealing a small device. Its use is revealed as it projects a life-size hologram of a person. ...Wait. No, it's not exactly a person. It's a 3D animated model, depicting a man wearing black robotic armor and a hood. The man's face is replaced by an LED screen with a simplified face: two red circles for eyes and a curving red mouth. "But then you arrived. And that other one. And now I wish to talk. Face to... not-face, as it is." The model gestures to his LED screen.
Magnificent's eyes widen as he sees the hologram. He prowls around it and studies it with interest. "Impressive... very impressive." 
"Thank you. I did work hard on it." Somehow, Anti's robotic voice sounds smugly proud. 
Mag stops to stand in his original place and smirks, gesturing at Anti. "Well, let's hear it then~"
"You wish to take out my nuisances. I wish to do so too. So far I have preferred hiding and concentrating on my plan. But this is an opportunity I cannot ignore. What if I aided you once more? More... directly this time."
“Oh? In the flesh?” Magnificent giggles, “How bold of you, Anti!” 
"Oh, if only in the flesh. Unfortunately, I am... limited." Anti's model gestures at himself. "This is the best I can do. But I have several of these Semi-Automatic Machines equipped with combat features. They can act as backup for you." 
“Ah I see. Well- I can work with that.” Magnificent hums. His face falls to something deadly serious in a blink, his eyes flashing dangerously. “I want those wannabe heroes dead. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
The model tilts his head. "I know where they are hiding from the police. And everyone is heading there. All of those from your world, and the supers from mine." He chuckles. "Though it is funny that you call them all 'heroes'. I can promise many of them have less than stellar records."
Mag chuckles and shrugs, “On the rating of heroes to villains- no one tops me in villainy~! I bet those records mean nothing.” He giggles and then tilts his head back at Anti, “do we have a plan, Anti, dear? Or are we charging in, machines blazing~?”
"'Machines blazing' is what I was thinking, in fact," Anti says. "They know I have been laying low. They won't be expecting it. I will gather my Machines while you head to the house. Its address is 78 Ivy Lane. In that direction." The model points to the north.
Magnificent hums and then giggles in manic delight. “Alright. I can do that~” He laughs and tilts his head at Anti, “This will be one hell of a collab~!” Then, in a blink and buzz of static- he teleports off the roof to search for the heroes.
“Indeed.” The hologram of Anti disappears as the Machine flies away, ready to meet up with others of its kind. 
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