#oh boy i hope there's no more mistakes and i don't have to change them and do all this again! <clueless
hiperspoon · 5 months
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I've been reading Yotsuba lately
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Individuals below if you care +doodle
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chaeyoei · 2 months
Helooo, I’m back with more Jing yuan food. Imagine a Jing yuan that turned into a cat because some assassin accidentally mixed up the poisons with a transformation potion. So you have to take care of him since well…ur his partner. If I was taking care of cat yuan, I’d tie a red ribbon on him just like his human form. Cat yuan food fur u. Bai <33
Lmao you're keeping my mediocre writing spirit up oh well. Grammatical mistakes obv.
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"Honey.. where are you?" You searched through your house. Getting slightly concerned as Jing Yuan was nowhere to be found. He could be in his office due to an emergency but he took a day off today.
That startled you. Did he bring home a cat?
You opened the bedroom door to be greeted by a white cat standing ontop of an unconscious body.
"Jing Yuan!" You rushed forward thinking that the person was Jing Yuan but upon getting closer and closer, your brows furrowed and your steps hatled.
It was a man dressed in black, not to mention he had a weapon. You crouched near it, trying to see the face underneath. There's a chance it could be him.
"Meow!" The cat jumped on you. Occupying your plam by jumping on it. It was so befuddling.
Something told you that this feline was your husband. The suspicion rose when you realise that cats don't have an eye covered by their hair. "Jing Yuan?" You hoped that this cat could understand you and he actually nodded with a meow.
Well whatever that was, you called the Knights and the man caught was an assassin. It took a day but you connected the dots and confirmed that the white feline was indeed your husband.
Cat Jing Yuan.. oh boy. Im going to keep it short because I have to sleep.
After coming to the realisation you had no choice but take care of your now cat husband. But for Jing Yuan..
This was a vacation he never knew he needed.
Getting to lay in your wife's lap all day, getting hugs, kisses and pats and having to not worry about work. Sign him up.
"Meow." The cat purred feeling your fingers glide through his fur.
"You're really enjoying this, huh? The assassin that mixed the chemical is being held in the shackling prison."
Honestly, he loves that stupid assassin now for giving him a free vacation. Maybe, he can ask the dude for one more....
Fu Xuan and Yanqing.
"Lady Y/N, do you know where General Jing Yuan is?" The blonde child asked, in search of his master.
"He needs to get back to work. Everyone's asking where he is." The Master Diviner grumbled, distressed by the intense questioning she has to answer.
"He... umm." You glanced at the cat who shook his head no. "So, Jing Yuan was poisoned by an assassin in his sleep, he's in no state of working."
"What?!" Both of them shouted in unison.
"General is bed ridden?" Yanqing was concerned.
"..That's not good." Fu Xuan sighed. Her frustration having turned into somewhat sympathy. "I need to keep my omnisa activated every now and then."
"I'll tell the other generals about that situation." She added.
Watching this in your arms, Jing Yuan felt a little guilty. This was becoming his guilty pleasure at this rate.
"Oh Lady Y/N, did you get a new cat?" Yanqing changed the topic.
"..Strange. It almost looks like him." The Lady Diviner was catching on.
Now to the thing you were talking about.
"..Jing Yuan, would you mind a red collar?" You asked the fluffy feline occupying your lap. You had to ask because it would look cute on him but did he want it as well?
"Meow." He agreed after a minute.
You giddily put the collar and ofcourse had to take a picture. Maybe you can collage the photo of human him and cat him and use it as phone wallpaper.
Lingsha. Idk why but I had to do it.
"Hmm.." The lady giggled. "Almost amusing to see the Loufu general be reduced to a mere cat."
"How long do you think the postion lasts, Lady Lingsha?"
"It's been 2 days, you say. The potion's effect lasts for a week so 5 more days remain until the Loufu General becomes himself." The Cauldron Master answered with an amused look.
Fu Xuan.. Again.
"So it was you, General." Fu Xual glared at the cat. Jing Yuan hid behind your figure.
"I apologise for lying, Lady Fu."
She sighed. "I suppose there's nothing to be done. How more until he turns back?"
"4 more days."
The pink haired woman shook her head in defeat.
I know it makes no sense.
People were beggining to question you as well. It was a bit overwhelming at times. But luckily, your cat husband was there to be your plushie.
Things he doesn't like as a cat.
Now being pampered is fine and all but it started to get boring when he had nothing to do but laze around. He also couldn't embrace you or keep you in his arms and lap anymore (obviously). It was.. irritating to say the least.
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Yep I'm not happy with this. I'll update this if I can.
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Naga boyfriend head cannons
Gender neutral reader
Warnings:light NSFW, brief mention of kink choking, biting, mentions of eating rodents, snakes
Minors Don't Interact!
You are his personal heater I'm sorry I don't make the rules. Your body is warm and he wants that warm. It's a bonus that it comes from you, he loves you.
Ha you have cold hands? So does he don't worry about it.
Oh you have warm hands? Let him hold them. Hold his face in your hands he will melt into them this poor touch starved man.
At the start of the relationship he couldn't stand you touching him. It wasn't that he hated when you touched him oh no no no he absolutely loves when you touch him. He's just scared he's not used to being touched so gently before and he's terrified that he'll hurt you with his large size and not realize it. It doesn't help that once he started to get sexual feelings for you everytime you touched hin turned him on. Your pinkie could have lightly grazed his shoulder and he would hve grown aroused.
Further into the relationship he knows how much you can handle you and will absolutely man handle you. You'll be walking past him and he'll use his tail to swoop you in so he can cuddle you. He still gets turned on real easy but it's more tame now. Doesn't mean he won't be tame when having sex though.
Home boy is kinky will choke you if your also into and biting is a must. If it's agreed too and he's not venomous he'd love to bite you, really sink his fangs in. There will be times you'll be completely wrapped up in his tail will he fucks you.
If you manage to top him he'll be leaning on his own tail draped out on it begging and panting. He didn't know he could be so sensitive before.
Times he's being a grumpy pants he'll snap right out of it if told you'd top him. Instant good mood.
Whenever it gets even slightly cold he's super clingy. Will do grabby hands at you until you set down whatever your working on and come cuddle him.
Owns 700 heating blanket, hope one or both of you have a good paying job cause the electric bill is oit if this world.
Don't insult him by offering to feed him mice or rats thats gross. Guinea pigs have more meat on them any way. Just give him a BLT you weirdo he eats normal foods.
Hates broccoli though. Introduce him to cheesy broccoli and it's a whole new ball park for him.
Will be so confused on why you have a pet reptile, doesn't see the appeal.
Pet snake you say? Your mistake that's your guys child. Will refer to as himself as dad when talking to the snake.
"Now Junior be a good boy for dad and let me change out your water. Junior? Junior please get out of your water... Yes I see you blowing bubbles it's very cute."
The snakes name isn't junior he just keeps calling him junior.
Will get himself a shirt saying number one dad and wear it any time he picks the snake up.
Loves soaking in the tub, join him he'll love it.
He'll wash your hair and die from bliss if you wash his it feels so good.
Shedding is a cranky embarrassing time for him please be patient he's feeling very uncomfortable. If it's early in the relationship he won't want you near him, it's not you it's him he's not comfortable enough to have anyone bear him during this vulnerable time. If it is further into the relationship he'll be more comfortable with you being around him but just don't get to close to him, just be there for emotional support. Now if the relationship is a good amount of years in he'll act all spoiled asking you to peal his shed off for him after he soaked for a few hours at the least. He'll get all whinny and clingy demanding cuddles and snacks.
Bundling in a ball with way to many heated blankets on, this man is a fire hazard. Fire men hate him.
Can't cook for shit. Will order every meal out if you let him. Hates doing the dishes but he's good at vacuuming and dusting. Likes tidying up, not a fan of messes. He'll make sure he does his fair share of the chores and if he sees your having a bad day he'll take on more chores. Will buy your your favorite foods and snacks in hopes of making you feel better.
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rainybubbles · 1 year
How do you meet COD men ?
Price, Soap, Rudy, Ghost, Gaz, Keegan
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written or if they're OOC. )
P R I C E :
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-"I'm going to die," you say to your friend.
-"What ? Why would you die ?"
-"I sent a pregnant Shrek cake to a military base."
-"Why would you do that ?!"
-"This guy ordered a cake for his soldier's birthday, but I also had the order for a prank and...
-"You mixed up the two boxes."
-"So, actually,....a soldier is opening his box and..."
-"And he will see a pregnant Shrek cake."
-"...It was good to know you when you were alive."
-"You're supposed to reassure me !"
-"Oh sorry. You will die fast, don't worry. It's their job"
-"Fuck you."
-"How was the guy who ordered ?"
-"Like he could crash my head between his arms"
-"But he was handsome, I guess."
-"Guess your last view will be nice, at least."
-"Shit, how do I even excuse myself for that ? I can't go to the base and say "sorry I sent a Shrek cake, but it was a mistake can you let me in ?"
-"I guess you just say it," a man says.
-You gulp when you recognize the Captain who ordered you the cake.
-"Sir, I'm so sorry, I swear it's not on purpose, I just mixed two orders and..."
-"And you made my boys laugh after a rough mission."
-"So thanks. Of course, it was not what I planned for a birthday, but seeing them happy was nice."
-"You're..welcome, I guess ?"
-He smiles.
-"But don't ever do another pregnant Shrek when I order from you, next time, please."
-"Next time ?"you say surprised.
-"It was delicious, I don't plan to change a good baker," he smiles.
And that's how you gain a regular after offering a pregnant Shrek cake. (even though each time he sees green on your hand, he seems scared when he takes the box.)
S O A P :
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- He drew you like Gollum.
- I know, it sounds horrible, let me explain.
- You needed money, and you offered your services as a model for art classes.
- Soap was one of the students.
- During his leaves, he often took art classes to relax.
- And usually it goes well.
- But when he saw you....he thought he could never do justice to your face.
- He felt so self-conscious about his skills that he ended up doing a horrible portrait of you.
- And it could have ended up here, but the teacher decided to show everyone's pieces of art to analyze them
- So you saw Soap's piece where you looked like Gollum.
- And you knew it was from him.
- Everyone has a smile, while he was terrified.
- Usually, he's self-confident, but it's on the battlefield, in his life. The art was the only place where he was not sure he belonged too.
- At the end of the classes, he decided to talk to you.
- "I'm sorry for what happened today, I felt anxious and I ended up doing a bad portrait. It doesn't look like you at all."
- You looked up at him and smiled.
- "Why do you apologize? It was fun to see me like this, plus you need to start somewhere, no? You can't be a fucking Leonardo Da Vinci from the first day."
- He was too stunned to speak.
- "John or Johnny," he said.
- You looked at him confused.
- "Name's John, sorry, it seems you really blew my mind."
- You chuckled. "Nice to meet you, John. Hope next time your mind will be more confused for the next class."
- He nodded.
- Wait, did you say the next class? But it was nude models…
- Hope he won't draw a stick figure this time.
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- You were an author.
- Well, it was not your main job since you only sold four books this year, but you considered yourself an author.
- And you had a hater. Someone who left a hateful review on each of your books.
- You knew that the next day after publishing your book, he would leave a bad review.
- So when your boss at the library told you that someone was regularly buying your books, you knew it could only be this hater, since the other person who bought your books was your mom.
- And you had had a bad day. So when your boss told you he was there, you were about to confront this hater.
- Maybe to understand what he didn't like or to know if he was just a coward.
- So you strode towards the spot your boss pointed at.
- "Hey, you," you said, not sure what to add after. When the man raised his head, he looked fit, and you knew you couldn't stand a chance in a fight if he decided to fight.
- "Wait, are you the author Y/N?" Rudy asked, with a sparkle in his eyes.
- Wait... A sparkle?
- "Hm, yeah, it's me," you answered, not sure what was happening.
- "I love your work. Your last book was really amazing. I have followed you since your debut."
- Your mouth was open, because :
1. one, your mom had lied to you when she told you she had bought three copies of your book.
2. And second, you had your first fan in front of you.
- "Thanks," you almost said, tears of joy welling up. "Sorry if I sound harsh. I thought you were that hater."
- "Oh yeah, I saw those reviews on your page. He's always there, but don't worry, I'll leave positive reviews to balance it. I'm Rudy, by the way."
- "Nice to meet you, and thanks for loving my work."
- "No need to thank me. I just appreciate good books."
- "What's your favorite, if I may ask?"
- Rudy smiled, and you both started chatting about books that afternoon. Maybe your reviews would improve after this, not just because of your writing, but also because he found you stunning.
G H O S T :
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- Ghost scared people on the battlefield.
- However, the people who were most scared of him were the mechanics on the base.
- Ghost was a horrible driver, and everyone knew that.
- So, each time he went to the mechanics, they knew it was because he had done horrible damage to the cars.
- A game was organized whenever Ghost approached – you played rock, paper, scissors, and the loser had to fix his car.
- However, you were new to the base.
- When you saw this guy standing and waiting, you went to him without realizing all this.
- But when you saw his car, you understood why no one else was coming.
- He had a bowling ball in the trunk, the roof was broken, all the windows were shattered, and one tire was burnt.
- "...did you take this on the battlefield?" you asked.
- "No." He said shortly.
- You blinked. "Then why is it in this condition?"
- "There was a grandma on the road."
- "...so, because of a grandma, you have a bowling ball in your trunk?"
- "Because I swerved to avoid her and ended up hitting a bowling alley."
- "How did you even get a driver's license?"
- "The examiner was too sick to see me again for the ninth time, so he just gave it to me."
- "I guess I'll fix your car, but please don't drive if you don't need to, sir."
- "Sure."
- The next day, he was there again with a hole in the car because of a bird. How ? You didn't know.
-But it seemed you had become his official mechanic without even knowing it.
G A Z :
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- When he hears your voice in a café, he recognizes you.
- The problem is, he can't come to you.
- Because if he knows your voice, it's because of your streams.
- Your ASMR streams.
- Being a soldier means your sleep schedule isn't really regular, and to help himself sleep, Gaz discovered ASMR.
- He found out about your streams, then your Patreon, and... let's just say your ASMR is spicy.
- So yes, if he says he's a fan of yours, it implies he has to reveal he listens to that in front of his teammates.
- And he's not ashamed of it.
- But he doesn't want Price to know he likes spicy ASMR, just like he wouldn't want to know what Price's fantasies are, or what Ghost likes in bed.
- (He wants to forget Soap's idea about Ghost in pink lingerie and a thong, and the day Price wore latex pants.)
- It's a line he doesn't want to cross.
- But he's also your biggest fan.
- So he tries to walk near you.
- But you're with a friend.
- And he doesn't know if your friend knows about this.
- So he ends up just glancing at you.
- Shit, how does he approach someone who does +18 things, without saying he knows they do this?
- Maybe if he waves... or just says hello? Or maybe if he asks for a selfie or…
- "Are you trying to imitate Ghost?" Soap asks.
- "What? No. Why do you say that?!" Gaz says, looking away.
- "Because you're staring at this person like they killed your dad and ate your mom, then burned your house and kidnapped your dog."
- "...it was really detailed for a scenario," Gaz says, confused.
- "So?"
- "I just know them, but I don't want to disturb them." Gaz says, trying to lie and tell the truth at the same time.
- If Soap finds out the truth, he'll never hear the end of it.
- "Do you want me to call them?"
- "NO. Absolutely not, don't do this, mate."
- "Why not?"
- Because they'll think you listen to their spicy ASMR audios, he wants to say, but he remains quiet.
- God, he feels like a teenager.
- But suddenly, he sees you walking towards them.
- You sit next to them, and... you wink at him, pointing to his key ring on his bag.
- It's your merch.
- Meaning... you know he's a fan.
- "Thanks for supporting me," you whisper before returning to your friend.
- Gaz doesn't speak until he gets back to base, too embarrassed but also too happy.
K E E G A N :
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- You were tired.
- The rush had finally ended. It was now 11 PM, and there was this one client who had just ordered 10 Happy Meals.
- You wanted to slap him. He had ordered at 22:57, and the fast food closed at 23:00.
- So you didn't have a choice but to serve him.
- You looked at your colleague, who was sighing, and you nodded.
- You were preparing the trays, ready to see 10 kids running around and getting everything dirty, but…
- It was only one man with a mask.
- When you saw him, you were ready to raise your hands and give him money. Why the heck would a man with a gun and a mask be at a McDonald's at 23:00 buying 10 Happy Meals?
- But he just took them and ate.
- One after another.
- In silence.
- In five minutes.
- And then he left.
- You looked at your colleague.
- "Guess it's as weird as people who order a burger without buns," your colleague said.
- You nodded and thought it was just the one weird client of the day.
- But every Wednesday, he was there, in silence.
- Maybe he hated Ronald McDonald, so he planned to run out of your stock of Happy Meals?
- Or maybe he collected the toys?
- You didn't know, but he was there.
- And you saw him eating those nuggets and fries without sauce.
- He didn't touch his drinks. My, how dry it must be.
- But one Wednesday you took a day off. So when you came back the next day, you joked with your colleague about the Happy Meal guy.
- But they didn't laugh.
- "Who?" they asked.
- And just like that, you realized that when you weren't there, the Happy Meal guy wasn't there either.
- You were scared.
- Maybe he thought buying Happy Meals seduced you, or it was his way of warning you before he would kill you, like a threat, "You'll end up like those nuggets."
- So, when you saw him enter, you sent your colleague.
- However, your manager decided to give you your break at that moment, meaning it would be only you and him in the place.
- You tried to act normally, but you noticed how he seemed not to like his food yet still ate it.
- You sighed and sat next to him, offering him some sauces.
- "It's better with these. You know, you can have them for free in the menu next time."
- He looked at you and nodded.
- He then tried it and smiled.
- That's when you noticed his dog tags.
- "We have a discount for military personnel, so you could take a real meal instead of a Happy Meal if you want to."
- He looked surprised and nodded.
- Next time, he ordered 2 Happy Meals and two regular menus.
- So you smiled.
- Until his other masked colleagues ordered 20 Happy Meals because they liked the skull toys in them.
- Maybe it was just military men who had a problem with Happy Meals.
If you want more : my COD masterlist
And my masterlist
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malereader-inserts · 1 month
Be Your Boy
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Spencer Reid x Male!Reader Summary: Spencer and you are smitten like a pair of mittens; you do wonder how your team are qualified profilers. Word Count: 1,682 A/n: I hope this read well, I feel like it's all over the place. And as a present for hitting 9K followers, sorry for the empty promises or returning, i'll be there, just when you don't expect it. All the love ❤️
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You and Spencer have been dating for almost eight months; if you have ever been in a serious relationship - eight months might not be a long time or even a big deal; but it was sort of a big deal because it's eight months of dating this Doctor in secret.
It wasn't because the two of you were ashamed or embarrassed to be out in public, but there was something about the thrill of sneaking around like teenagers. Plus, it was somewhat concerning for a bunch of profilers not to even clock on to the fact that you feel like you and Spencer have been painfully obvious. It doesn't diminish the option that they do know but not getting into your business; but at the end of the day - they're not just a team, they're friends outside of work, and you guys are very close together.
"Any plans for the weekend, pretty boy?" Morgan asked Spencer, who looked up from his paperwork.
"Yeah, (Y/n) is hanging around, planning to try and do a Harry Potter marathon."
You look up upon hearing your name, Morgan looks over to you as you flash a smile and a thumbs up. Morgan simply smiles and turns back to his work. You look at your boyfriend, who stares at you, both of you (promptly) shrugging your shoulders and returning to work.
It was almost a weekly occurrence that one of you two would slip up and make it obvious that you two are dating.
"When did you start wearing hoodies?" Penelope asked Spencer, pulling on the hoodie strings as Spencer swats her hand away.
"It's (Y/n)'s."
"Oh, that's nice of him, I know you can get cold easily."
You stood behind Penelope with a baffled look that she had not connected the dots. Spencer sighs out a chuckle before changing the subject.
"Cute lockscreen."
You looked up from your phone to see JJ next to you with Emily, who peered over to look at your lock screen, which was a picture of you and Spencer with your family dog between the two of you. You could mistake it as a friend picture, but what type of friends have their temples touching and basically cuddling up together?
At this point, you gave up. It was much more funnier to see them be more confused as to why you and Spencer spend so much time together. But, sometimes, you are thankful that you and Spencer can enjoy each other's presence without being teased and hounded by your team. It was nice to have each other and be each other's escape from reality.
"So, Spencer," You hummed, lying in your apartment, which was bigger than his, "I was wondering when you wanted to move in?"
He looks at you, eyes shimmering like a child on Christmas day, his heart is thumping loudly against his chest as he can't help to feel the heat rise to his cheeks. You couldn't help but smirk at his reaction, booping his nose as a tease causing Spencer to smile so bashfully.
Your apartment was bigger than his and a lot more cosier; he was most often than not at your place, he had started bringing his stuff over and leaving at yours; slowly he was invading your home, but you loved it.
"I like the idea of that."
You shrugged your shoulders, snuggling closer to your sofa as you looked at him. Beautifully lit under the warm lamp as he read his book, and to you, he had looked like a piece of art, upon seeing him - you couldn't help but smile to yourself; wondering how you got so lucky.
Spencer thinks the world of you, from an outsider, most often not, you are the one to protect him. You were the more threatening-looking one, you were always blunt and sometimes rude, but he still thinks you are one of the most sweetest person he has ever met. You have been there for him, you know him so well, and you've been there on the days he struggled the most. You are so understanding and patient, he couldn't believe you're his boyfriend.
Like Frida Khalo said: 'Take the lover who looks at you like you’re some kind of magic.'
"You're soft," Spencer teased, lying in bed with you, you turn to look at him in the dark, and he can't help but notice that you, once again, have taken his breath away from your darling eyes.
"I'm soft?" You mused out, a slightly humourous tone to your voice, "I am soft in the way the fabric of a tattered blanket is soft. I could be ripped to shreds and still hope someone finds comfort in me."
"You are comforting," He reassures you, you let out a breathy laugh, as you bring your hand to caress his cheek.
"Oh, to be your boy, Spencer Reid," You gently say, sending shivers down his spine, tenderly placing a kiss upon his lips, "Turn over, we gotta sleep and I want to cuddle you.
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"I heard that (Y/n) is ill," Morgan says during lunch break, the team sitting about around Spencer's desk.
They had noticed that Spencer have been on his phone more often than not. He looked worried sick and every hour he seemed to be checking his phone; it's not usually like him. The team were sharing concerned looks and usually, the person who could calm him down was off ill.
"Hey, Spence, are you going over to (Y/n)'s later?" JJ inquired as Spencer looked up as he heard your name, "If you don't mind, I'd like to tag along, (Y/n) isn't usually ill and I get worried sick when one of us gets sick."
"Awh," Morgan had a playful tone, "You care about us, JJ?"
"Maybe not with you," JJ playfully snapped back before looking at the young genius with a questioning look, "Well?"
"I mean, I guess?" Spencer finally responded though he debated with himself whether or not to inform you.
"Great!" Rossi says, Spencer did not know that he was listening to the whole conversation, "We can all check up on him!"
"Er.. I don't think-"
"Nonsense, Reid," Rossi interrupted, giving him a look, "You need to learn how to share."
Spencer was rendered speechless before making the decision to message you that he couldn't stop the team from tagging along with him to check up on you.
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You had completely forgotten that the team was also coming along with your boyfriend, you had spent the better half of your day lying in front of the television catching up on your series as you battle the winter flu. You hear the door unlock as you tiredly sit up from the sofa.
"Babe?" You called out, though it was hoarse and you tried to clear your throat, but to no avail, you were inevitably going to lose your voice.
"I'm home, baby."
The sound of your boyfriend's voice was so comforting that you slunk back into the comfortable position on the sofa.
You sat up almost immediately as you realised that was not Spencer's voice, then remembered that he had brought visitors. You internally groaned, not wanting to be putting up with the antic of your team. You slowly got up as you stood in the arch way that stood between the hallway and the living room, the blanket wrapped over you.
"What are you guys doing here?" You croaked out, it was so pitiful, you turned to look at your boyfriend helplessly. He put his hands up in defence.
"I tried to tell them no," You hummed in disapproval as Spencer sighed at your state, "You look worn out."
"'Cause I am."
He gently place a kiss upon your forehead, and you had to stop yourself from letting out a coo. You just couldn't help but slink yourself into the comfort of your boyfriend's arm.
"Hang on, you two are dating?" Emily asked, she had an offended tone and you know why she would be offended.
"I mean, we haven't exactly made it sublet," Spencer says bluntly as you snort, he looks at you with an annoyed expression but that was soon washed away and replaced with a fond expression, "I spend too much time around you."
"You love me, Spence," You teased, a playful twinkle in your eyes.
"Well, why didn't you tell us!" Morgan says afterwards, almost pouting, "I'm your best friend, Reid!"
"Like he said, we haven't made it sublet, we just didn't think we needed to tell anyone, plus Hotch knows."
"Aaron knows?" Rossi asked, surprised that their stoic team leader had not said a word about the pair of you.
"He had caught us making out in the cleaners' closet at work," You answered dryly, "He's known for about five months, we go on double dates with him and Beth every so often."
"Five months?" Penelope exclaimed, it makes sense why Hotch declined the offer to come to check up on you and it makes even bigger sense that he had teased Spencer about it afterwards.
Spencer nodded, ushering you back to the living room so you could rest, "We've been together longer than that, about eight months."
"It was after a night out we all had, we got drunk, stupidly confessed our feelings and the rest of history, to put it short."
"Well, I don't want the short story, I want the details," JJ demanded, sitting on the other sofa that was adjacent to you as you sent a glare to Spencer.
"This is your fault," You mumbled, as Spencer rubbed your shoulder, you couldn't really be mad at him.
"You love me really..."
You really did love him and loving him was so easy. You love being his boy and you love to call him yours. Eventually, the rest of the team was going to find out about you two, at least it was now and not when you planned to propose to Spencer down the line - but, Spencer doesn't need to know that, for now anyway.
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pumpkinbxtch · 6 months
a request please, jaosn x reader, how do percy, poseidon, hera and tyson react if jason apologizes to them because the adorable blonde superman dreamed that he kissed the reader without permission (he hasn't confessed yet) and thinks he's a pervert :D
I dreamed about that today, my younger sister was scared because apparently I laughed very hard in my dreams at dawn.
guilty ๑⁠´ blurb
— jason grace x daughter of poseidon!reader
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summary: practically what is above. Jason being a silly in love
warnings: none, maybe swearing.
a/n: heyy. dessert is served. hope you like it. Jason asking for forgiveness and taking responsibility for everything is the most roman thing. so sweet too. i love him. 😭
—I made a big mistake.
Everyone's expressions changed completely. Coming from Jason, a confession like that couldn't be taken lightly.
“What would he have done to bring two gods?” Percy wondered as he looked at Tyson. And why did he want them to be there too?
Hera cleared her throat and straightened her posture.
—Jason... what are you talking about?
— was not my intention.
His voice sounded shaky and his cheeks struggled not to turn red.
— what wasn't your intention, boy? Should we call my brother? — Poseidon stabbed his trident into the grass and looked askance at Percy for an explanation, but he was just as confused.
Jason's skin crawled and he shook his head.
— I don't want to put my father in disgrace.
Hera touched her chest and encouraged Jason to continue as he took a seat at one of those dining tables at Camp Half-Blood. What would her champion have done so wrong that he sought refuge in her first rather than her father?
— Nept... Poseidon.— Jason bowed before him. Then he bowed to Tyson and Percy too. The brothers saw each other out of the corner of their eyes. Totally confused.—I dreamed of her daughter, desecrating her lips with a kiss.
Nobody said anything for a few seconds, those sounds of nature became more intense in the dining room, but the air was filled with disbelief.
The tension disappeared from the god's shoulders and he looked at Hera confused. She let out a whimper and rested his forehead on the palm of her hand as she shook her head. If he was right in his suspicions, that action indicated an "Oh, not again."
Jason deepened his reverence before the god.
— I beg your forgiveness. Although I know I don't deserve any after committing such an atrocity.
Gods, what?
Poseidon held back the urge to laugh but Percy, his son, didn't help him when he burst into laughter. Tyson imitated his brother without knowing why he did it, but he seemed funny. That's when the sea god let out a laugh, still very polite.
Hera scowled at him but she couldn't deny it, it was a complete joke.
Jason looked at them with his eyebrow slightly raised as the three of them laughed and Hera sagged in embarrassment.
What had he done wrong?
—boy, have you already told my daughter that you like her?
Jason's cheeks flushed, his pale skin not helping him hide it at all.
—No sir. That is why-
— Do it. Stop the nonsense. — He pointed the trident at him and Percy looked cautiously at his father, taking care that he didn't overdo it with his friend — And if you do anything to my baby... you'll die.
—Poseidon! — Hera screeched.
He laughed — No, it's not true. But be careful boy. You almost gave us a... again, what's that phrase?
— A heart attack— Percy said, rolling his eyes.
— Heart attacks are not fun — Tyson muttered and Poseidon agreed.
—They're not fun — he repeated and gave Hera a look. —Your boy has a very tough sense of responsibility.
— He is Roman, Poseidon — Hera said, moving her hands with disdain and giving Jason a longing look. — My champion is in love.
His expression immediately changed to a serious one.
—Jason, I already told you that you don't have to apologize for everything.
—But it's the rig-
— The right thing, yes. But this time it was a dream about kissing Poseidon's daughter. We don't care, even less if you can have other types of dreams... — she raised her eyebrow and Jason felt like he was going to explode at that moment. Even some hairs rose with electricity.
Hera waving her hands to calm him down.
— Ew! She is my sister! — Percy screeched with a disgusted face. Jason smiled.
—Jason is in love with our little sister—Tyson said between giggles.
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Saw alotta dis so uhh.. Is aether an option by any chance?
The creator had:
Twin blonds
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WC: 900~
I actually really like aether, I tend to characterize him as rather wholesome, at least in his traveler form.
I'm sure that traveler aether would be so much shier about his attraction that you would have to start any intimate interaction while abyss aether is more forward with his attraction.
“Thanks for the help traveler, without your help we wouldn't be able to hold the celebration” Aether is famously known across teyvat for how helpful he is, always so eager to take the load off of anyone's shoulders.
“let me give you a reward"
“Hm? Ningguang already gave me the reward” looks at you curiously, maybe there was a mistake while arranging this? After all, the commission was a last second thing.
“I know that, I meant a more personal reward, only if you wanted” finally noticing the innuendo he swallows hard, swiftly looking over at paimon to find her swallowing canapes and desserts but seemingly the time he spent thinking about it made you think it was a refusal “oh, well, nevermind, let's enjoy the party” you pass bye him towards the entrance but he stops you, a firm hand around your arm.
“I didn't mean it like I don't want, I just… Didn't expect it, I guess” seeing him so cute you can't help yourself and lean forward, your lips half open, an invitation that he soon takes.
A while later you both appear in the party, alibis pointing to each other being somewhere different.
“didnt expect you to come here so soon” as you open the door you see the prince standing in the middle of your room, an almost indistinguishable shape amongst the shadows.
“I would say the same. I would have expected you to stay in the party for a while longer, your grace”
Your hands signal a burgundy splatter on the top “drunkard's accidents. I came to clean myself” you walk the the wardrobe, pulling another tunic from there “I also saw a hydro mage in the garden from one of the second floor windows and guessed your would be here or arrive soon”
He sighs sitting down on your bed “I held some hope they would be more careful with this mission but seems I was wrong. I hoped I would be able to talk with you when you came after the party”
“almost everyone is drunk and I greeted everyone important, I can spare some minutes"
“I will make sure to use them wisely then”
“Won't you even tell me where your lover is from?” Nahida is sitting criss-cross playing stacking cubes with the blond children, a set of twins.
“I’m sorry but I won't” you see her shoulders slouch while she builds a block tower with the twins, almost disappointed.
“Could it be kaveh? They are blond like him” she pops up an idea, seeing how fixated the girl twin was with building the tallest column and how the boy was focus.
“Fine, will tell you he isn't from Sumeru” even if she seemed bummed out about it at least she sighed and stretched her legs.
“Well… technically his mom is fontanian now so maybe...”
“It's not kaveh.”
“Such energetic toddlers” Raiden watches from the top of the stairs, two eleven month olds trying to learn how to walk and repetitively failing and rising to try again.
“Yes, I had to get a nanny for each if them, whenever I left them in their playpen at least one would sneak out and start crawling around, I was worried they would try to go up the stairs and hurt themselves”
“Ah!” The boy yelps as he manages to stand up for a second but falls down after attempting his first step. Before he starts wailing his sister pats his back.
“ I will miss him” Nahida pouts, her eyes almost glassing over. The twins had reunited at last and left, not without giving all a hug, yours being particularly long and specially melancholic.
“You know” you say as you put your hand on her head, the archons standing alongside you “we will have something to remind us of him” she looks up at you curiously with her wet eyes.
“indeed, the changes they produced in our nations won't be easily forgotten and we will be able to remember him because of it”
“That might be true, zhongli, but I meant something else, something that will grow alongside us” nobody said a word, the meaning totally understood by all of them. Nahida hugs your leg and zhongli rests a hand on your shoulder blade.
“Prince did you manage to make the purest grace to agre with our plan and make the nations surrender?” a cryo mage speaks the next morning, rubbing his hands together.
“I didn't manage to cramp that in, when their grace wasn't present people started looking for them”
“I understand…” even if he wanted to doubt him what he did in that while he knew that wouldn't end nicely for him.
“Aetherrr”paimon whines over his shoulder, tugging the loose hairs behind his ears “we spent 20 minutes looking at toys”
“I want to give nice and thoughtful gifts to their grace's children” aether ignores her, still wondering if buying more furniture for their dollhouse or a Natlan sport ball. Both of them play doll house and football but which would be best?
“Just give them whatever, I doubt anyone would spend so much thinking about their gift. Just because they are twins and you are a twin doesn't mean you share any special link”
“yeah, you are right” it's not because of that reason that he is so focused but at least it works as a common excuse of seeing himself and his lost sister in them.
“Now will you hurry?”
“Haha, no”
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nogenderbee · 4 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕀𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕕 𝕞𝕖... ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: HAII can i req the pjsk boys having an argument with their sensitive gf saying smth like "if u loved me u would understand" and reader be like feeling rlly guilty, maybe some comfort at the end? srry this a little long, take ur time and thank uu 🫶🏼
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hello!! I see you picked angst~ 😈 oh boy I love angst!!!
But I did small comfort as well at the end, a bit shorter but still some comfort! So hope it makes up for it!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ angst, fluff
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✧ Akito was always bad with handling his anger... bursting out at you for smallest mistake after hard day...
✧ in short, fights weren't a rare thing in your relationship, but all that mattered that you two got your comfort at the end and forgived each other
✧ but right about his singing career were rare... but how could you just let him be do careless and push himself when it's clear he's gonna ruin his voice?
"You can take one break! RAD WEEKEND won't run from you!"
"You don't understand, I already slacked off with practice yesterday! I can't do that AGAIN!"
"Yes, you can. It's for your own good!"
"No! You still don't know what I'm talking about, do you?! If only you loved me, you'd understand what I mean..."
✧ his words hurt and he knew it, because you suddenly stopped answering and instead looked at him with hurt eyes... and he did nothing but walk away
✧ he just didn't felt like continuing this argument when it was clearly over, so he left you alone, standing in your place
✧ this time, he knows he messed up but his apology doesn't come as fast... so if you won't be the first one to apologize, it might take some time...
✧ but once he does, he has heart-to-heart conversation with you, surpassing RAD WEEKEND is important to him but so are you... and he doesn't want to loose ant of those things
"I'm sorry, I know you love me. I just... I said the things I didn't mean that day. It's just.. really important to me."
✧ for once, he has no harshness or irony in his voice, he's soft and not his "good boy persona" softness but honest one~
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @hayillaaaaaaa @stellas-starry-stove13 @nenes-numberonefan - come get your pancakes lover!
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✧ Toya is rather more of a sweet boyfriend... you never have heated fights with him
✧ if there even is a problem between you two, you usually solve it by calmly talking together
✧ so why did that changed? He just got a bit mad for you standing on his father's side... he didn't wanted to leave you for stupid piano lessons after all!!
"That's not what I wanna do."
"I know but... if he'd stop complaining maybe it's worth a shot?"
"*sigh* If you loved me you'd understand. I'm not changing my opinion."
✧ he said it so calmly and with confidence... it was hard to believe he didn't mean all he said
✧ he didn't flee immidietly after saying it, he stayed in case you'd want to talk about anything more, but when he's met with silence, he just says farewell for now and leaves your place
✧ but he always was the first one to apologize... so after one day, he's already at your doorstep with flowers, no matter if the weather is sunny or rainy
✧ he's feeling so bad when he remembers how he treated you and that he let the argument happen in the first place
"I'm sorry, I didn't meant my words. Believe me when I say I love you and... I simply don't want to leave you for something I care way less."
✧ if you'll be still on him going with his father's will, he will do that but with big reluctance. Though as long as you forgive him, he doesn't mind
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @toyaslove @bl4cktourmaline @r4wrclwz @stellas-starry-stove13 - come get your cookie lover!
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✧ maybe fights with Tsukasa happen but luckily, they're not that often... and you quickly get back together after them!
✧ it's honestly either you or him apologizing first, but if you're slow with apologies, it's more likely that he'll be the one who usually apologizes
✧ your fights aren't usually serious either! If anything it's smaller topics and you usually don't yell but more like speak louder... you usually discussed serious topics
✧ so what changes now? Simple, he was tired and he wanted to rest, yet you presented him 1000 ideas of what you wanna do together... yes, he is a socialable person but that much can even tire him
"I just wanted to have a little date with you! Why fant we go..??"
"I told you, I'm tired!! We can do that tomorrow!"
"Tomorrow's not gonna be a good weather for all of that... we need to go today or the ocassion's gonna run from us!"
"Why can't you understand I want to rest?! I feel like if you loved me in first place, you'd definitely understand!!!"
✧ he was a bit grumpy at that time so he quickly waved his hand at your stunned expression and went to his room, shutting the door after himself
✧ if your fight happened at his place, there's high chance Saki will take the initiative of comforting you and talking to him for you
✧ even then, he can't stay mad at you for long when it's so clear to him it's his fault for messing up
✧ he comes to you not only apologizing... but ready to get down on his knees if it meant you forgiving him
✧ he's sorry for his sudden outburst and he's not afraid of showing you exactly that
"Y/N, I'm really REALLY sorry for what I said and did... I know being tired is not an excuse but please forgive me... I promise I'll never treat you this cruelly ever again."
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @bad-the-an-enjoyer @yulikesminori @alicewinterway18 @nenes-numberonefan - come get your future star!!
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✧ Rui may be a bit sensitive due to his past relationships and friendships...
✧ maybe fights with him were extremely rare, and if they happened they were more of a heated discussion, but you also could see that he was often worried...
✧ so you could say jealousy got into him and one day, he began to he a bit more ignorant towards you
✧ so of course you asked him about it! But what you didn't expect is to hear his voice full of hatred and worry
"Why are you so mean today? I just wanted to talk!"
"Oh? Well I don't think there's anything both of us can talk about."
"You know there is... just tell me what's wrong."
"I believe if you truly loved me, you'd already know answer on that question."
✧ his answers were blunt, on top of that, he just looked at you with his eyes, not his head as he crossed his arms
✧ it was obvious he was mad but didn't wanted to talk about it, and you soon didn't saw meaning in continuing this conversation so you just stopped
✧ it definitely takes a while for him to realize it's him who messed up, but once he does realize that, he feels so bad with himself...
✧ he probably has to get small kick from his group to finally confront you and apologize properly
✧ also probably brought you flowers, chocolates or anything else that you may like and he might even go on one knee to show he's truly sorry
"I'm so sorry... I let my feeling carry me and I known now I should've never assumed the worst of you... Could you ever forgive me? Please?"
✧ and when he apologizes, you may finally get explanation on why he acted that way! So when you know that, please give that bot some reassurance!
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline @r4wrclwz @superstar-ethereal @stellas-starry-stove13 @alicewinterway18 @nenes-numberonefan - come get your crazy inventor~
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
Ehhh totally understand if you don't post this because it's depressing af. I'm choosing violence today. I was awash with lovey dovey feelings for our couple after re-watching L&N interviews, re-watching B3, re-watching BTS footage. I was full to the brim with LOVE. These guys had me in a choke-hold. Actually had me reviewing and reflecting on my life and relationships, adding so much joy and self-acceptance, reflecting on my self-worth, improving my world view. Allowing me to breathe in deeply, and expand myself in ways I didn't expect it to.
BUT yesterday was a mess. For so many reasons, not just because of L&N-related content. There were some bad vibes circulating. Then I made a really poor life decision last night. I decided to do some stalking of third parties, which I don't normally do. And of course, it had to be the night where said parties were posting and I saw all things unfolding in real time. My predictions were coming true in real time. It was like the granting of a wish in reverse. And look, I'm not naive to think that these things aren't happening, but when you see it unfold in front of you, it just hits differently. These people are so. fkn. toxic. It drains the life from me. The same occurred this morning when I awoke to see a timeline of HBS. I knew about it, but seeing it, with receipts, fkn disgusted me to my core. It was a visceral reaction. All of a sudden, what looked cute and puppy dog became unsafe and ugly. My empathy dissolved. The thing that gave me the most discomfort was the possible connection to the young dancer who was in B3. It made me think such awful things. (the worst being, is he just a fuck boy who was starved during tour?).
But why, why does it have such an effect? I don't interact with these people, no real relationship. So why? I think because we have been sold a certain narrative, through B3 and the press tour, that being authentic, having depth, focusing on 'the real bones' of people is paramount. Beyond the aesthetic. 'The truth will set you free' kind of thinking, right? And here we have the literal antithesis to that. People who promote and value aesthetic over substance. People who are egocentric and appear to have a very limited worldview. People you expect more from given they sold that 'depth narrative' looking you in the eye. People who are old enough to know better. People who choose to surround themselves with younger folk so that personal growth is disallowed. People who care more about their shallow life fulfillment, their hedonistic desires, than the feelings of others whom they purport to love and care about. People who hide behind ignorance, as if that negates them from consequence. The stereotype celebrity. It's truly deflating. I expected so much more.
And my original thinking of 'oh it's ok, he needs to grow and learn from his mistakes, he needs to find himself...", well, I'm finding it more and more difficult to believe. Because why give him grace? Why is he deserving of grace? Because he acted real well? What does he add to society? What do these fked up people add to this already fked up world? You've got N literally changing a whole landscape, waving her wand and creating light in darkness, urging us to think deeply while laughing at the same time. And no, we don't all possess that kind of magic, but hell, shouldn't we all be striving to be authentic, kind, thoughtful people? Shouldn't we try to promote these things if we believe in them?
Look, in this life, people are always showing you who they really are, telling you exactly what they value, what fills them up, and it's up to us to really look and listen. I'm disappointed in myself for not properly seeing what was in front of me all this time... You can't change those who do not want to be changed. My respect and my fucks given need to be earned, and honestly, we need to reflect on our own self-respect if we are willing to fawn over or idolise someone undeserving. As always, I have hope for people, but I'm no longer holding my breath.
Please, give me that Xanax and wake me up when September ends.
#fkeverything #ohthereyouareteenangst
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mysticficti0n · 4 months
It's been so long
Hello my beauties, I was looking through my inbox and saw around like 9 people asking for a Phil Wenneck fic and I rewatched all 3 hangover films and this idea came to my head, my 500 follower special is still in the world as I want it to be perfect. I've wrote this in like 4 hours and only skimmed it so if there any spelling mistakes ignore them- love you 😘
warnings- 2009!Phil wenneck x y/n Y/l/n, (he's single and has no kid either), swearing, mentions of underage drinking, pet names, p!inv!, sub/readerxdom/Phil,
words- 7.9k
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"Dylan are you ready?" I called waiting next to the front door, swining my car keys around my finger "Dyl come on you're gonna make us late and mom will kill me if we are late!" I yelled losing my patients
"I'm here" he spoke coming down the stairs "why don't you just don't tell them we were late" I hummed actually taking in his idea
"good idea- well anyways come on" I answered getting into the car. I started the engine and began the short drive to his school, the roads were busy and that meant that was making us later and later
"god- when's your meeting?" I spoke turning to my little brother
"erm.. 5:45pm" he said after looking at a sheet of paper that he pulled from his pocket "and its now...5:45 Y/n"
"Shit-" I spat "oh sorry Dylan" he laughed as I slapped a hand over my mouth "well lets just hope this doesn't take much longer"
finally after another 15 minutes we made it, hurriedly we walked into the school, Dylan had my hand pulling me through corridors until we made it to room 7L and he knocked on the wood "come in" a voice sounded and Dyl pushed the door open "ah Dylan, you're here!"
"Hello sir" my brother smiles going towards a small chair put out in front of a desk "this is my sister, Y/n" I followed behind him and placed my hand bag on the floor before turning to face the teacher
"hi, I'm so sorry that we're late the traffic was ter-"
"Y/n?" the mans voice cut me off "Y/n Y/l/n?" even in heals I wasn't as tall as him, so as my eyes met his face I knew who it was straight away
"Oh my god Phil- I can't believe it!" I laughed, I knew Phil all through school, from Pre-k to collage, and he hadn't changed a bit since we had left, chiseled jaw, sun kissed skin, his brown short hair flowing effortlessly around his face and a smile that was always imprinted on his lips "you haven't changed a bit Wenneck" I spoke as we pulled from a hug
"Neither have you Y/n- you look great- erm please take a seat" he grinned as he took a seat behind his own desk "woah- well Dylan it's great to see you for the second time, and also you Y/n, great to see you again too"
"how do you two know each other?" My brother inquired giving me a confused look
"Me and Mr Wenneck went to school together, well we basically grew up together, he was one of my best friends" I answered shooting the man a smile, Dylan nodded getting a grin across his face
"okay well- lets look at everything shall we?" Phil pulled open a folder and his finger traced down the page and then tapped "here, so Dylan by the looks of things you are doing amazing in all classes with b+'s and some A's which is great for a boy your age..which is 9 but 10 In a few weeks if I'm right?" Dylan excitedly nodded, a cheesy smile coming across his lips, my hand patted his shoulder seeing his smile grow bigger "and your behaviour... no detentions, or warnings this year little man, much better then when your sister was in school" he joked
"excuse me- you were a lot worse then me, remember what you did to Jake that day?" I asked raising my eyebrow
"he had that coming, but I wont say much more, need to professional" I shook my head laughing at him as we both remembered the day in high school-
_____ 12th grade (1992) _____
Me, Sasha, Lauren, Stu, Phil and Doug sat in the bleachers laughing about whatever random things we could think off "and what about that time Lauren fell over the curb when we went to that party?" Stu laughed getting a slap from the red head
"I was drunk okay- and like 15 so that doesn't matter" she angrily spoke trying to stop the smile from going on her lips. the six of us kept talking while we sipped on our drinks we brought from the lunch hall. Soon the break was over and we all went to head back in, I stood up, straightened my skirt around my legs and fixed my top around my shoulders, and grabbed my bag from the seat in front of me
"Nice rack Y/l/n!" I herd a voice call from the bottom of the steps, I stood straight back up covering my front with my hand and my eyes immediately locked with those of Jake Casey "its alright babe don't need to hide them from me- oh and nice panties too girls, down there had a great view- didn't it boys" he joyed blowing me a kiss as the three guys around him shared a laugh
I quickly stopped down the steps, coming face to face with the creep "what did you just say?" my voice was low as I got into his face, his friends oh'ed; clapping there hands
"I said-" Before he could even finish his sentence my hand slapped across his face "Ow! what the fuck is wrong with you!" I went to walk away until the feeling of his hand fixed on mine "don't you walk away now bitch" he seethed, his other hand wrapped around my waist pulling me onto his body
"Let go of me you perv" I yelled, desperately trying to free myself, but in an instant, Jake lay helpless on the ground, his grip on me replaced by Phil looming over him like a dark storm. Soon Phil's fists crashed into Jake's body relentlessly, each punch harder then the last, and those three friends from before were not to be seen as the dashed across the field to get away from Phil who wasn't stopping his beating
"don't- you- ever- fucking- do- that- again" he warned as he hit the boy again
"OKAY, OKAY, I'M SORRY!" A shattered voice pleaded, but the brunette remained unrelenting. "PLEASE, GET OFF!" we all watched as Stu and Doug forcibly tore Wenneck away from the now bloodied and battered man. quickly Jake pulled himself up whipping around and running off to join his group who were half way across the track. Phil backed off, dusting himself from the dirt that lay on his jeans and fixed his sun glasses to begin back on his head
"Thanks Phil," we said in unison as we approached, the two girls going to stand with Stu and Doug as they talked about what had just happened. "You okay?" I asked, brushing his arm where he had a faint red mark.
"I'm fine. How about you?" he replied, his concern evident. I nodded, showing him the small mark on my wrist. "Does it hurt?"
"No, I'm okay... Thanks for stepping in again," I said again, I got the feeling like it was just the two of us in that moment, drawing closer, Phil's hand landing softly on my waist the warmth overpowering the heat from the Los Angeles sun. "I—" I started, but Stu interrupted with his usual humour.
"Come on, you two! We'll be late if you start a love story now after all these years!" he joked, pointing at us "flirt after class is done" I couldn't help the red from painting my face as the whole group fell into a laugh
"Shut up, Price," Phil said, rolling his eyes as he put his arm around my shoulders instead of my waist, pulling me closer in a simple yet meaningful gesture.
_____ end of flashback _____
"and Dylan- how are you finding school?" Phil asked, grabbing a pen off his desk looking back to him with a warm smile
"good- I have lots of friends and a girlfriend!," Phil oh'd looking to me as a we laughed " and I like my lessons, and I'm in the soccer team!" he talked "and the homework is okay, Y/n helps me a lot because she's smart"
"stop it" I laughed scruffing the young boys fluffy hair
"well that sounds good then, I have some of your books here for you Y/n if you want to have a look through and also his end of year report" I grabbed the small pile of books from the mans hand and began looking through while listening to the two talk about soccer and things, I looked to the page with the title 'my family' and saw a family tree scribbled with crayons and our faces drawn in: Mom, Dad, me, him, Grandma, Papa, our cousins and aunties and uncles too.
"Dylie your work is really good!, especially your family tree, you've got everyone!" I cheered. After I finished looking through all the pages I set them back on the desk and Phil finished up his convocation with Dylan
"is there any questions you have Y/n?" He asked looking to me, his face warm
"I don't think so, I mean he's doing great and thats all I can really ask for, he seems to have a good teacher too" I spoke seeing Phil smirk at me shaking his head
"great, that ends this then- Dylan, Y/n thank you for coming to see me and I'll see you on Monday little guy, and don't forget the trip money" Phil stuck his hand out to my brother who's little hand shook it back and I watched as the blonde waved walking to the door
"Y/n! Sam's out there can I go say hi?" he asked excitedly looking to his friend out side the window
"sure" I replied seeing him hurriedly open the door, he shouted a quick good bye to 'Mr Wenneck' and quickly left us behind in the class room "again sorry for being late Phil- just everywhere seemed to be busy" I laughed grabbing my bag from the floor and placing it on my shoulder then getting Dylans report off the table
"its fine don't worry- you two were my last appointment anyways, and as its you I don't mind either" he smiled coming round the front of his desk and leaning against it "but honestly Dylan is a great kid, I don't even like teaching but kids like him make it worth it you know" I nodded listening to him
"I never thought you be a teacher you know, I mean you hated school" he laughed rubbing the bridge of his nose
"Yeah I know but life happened" he said looking back to me "erm well I was wondering- do you wanna go out for dinner tomorrow?" I was a little taken back, in a good way though "it's fine if not, but we could have an actual catch up you know? I mean I haven't seen you since we were 20 ish and were now old "
"thank you very much for reminding me- but yeah what time?" I agreed, I watched as a smile spread along is face
"I'll come pick you up at 8?" I nodded "cool well erm- I'll see you tomorrow Y/n" he stood up leading me to the door, before I left I pulled him into another hug
"see you tomorrow" I whispered before letting go and walking out to grab Dylan who was happily chatting to his friend and his mom "hi Carol" I waved
"hey sweetie, how'd it go?" she asked
"good, Dylans doing really good- how's sam doing?" she shook her head and her smile dropped "oh"
"I got told he beat up another kid the other day- I don't know what to do, I mean when Charlie was younger he was nothing like this, and I remember when you were little and your little friends, you guys were never in fights- well not when you were 9! but Sam always is" her voice was full of anger
"mh, It's very odd- must be something triggering him" I spoke
"maybe I'll take him to see your mom when she's back, she's a therapist so maybe she can get to the bottom of it" Carol laughed "aways we must get off- Samual come on" the two boys said their goodbye and we walked out
"Night Dyl" I whispered leaving his room, I walked down the stairs to the living room, falling onto the couch and flipping on the tv to a random channel, I couldn't get over that Phil was teaching my little brother, my old best friend teaching my brother... life was weird. It reminded me, I needed to get someone to Have Dylan over the weekend, I knew he would enjoy staying at our grandparents so I picked up my phone and began calling my Grandma
"hello Rosie" she answered
"hi Grandma, how're you?"
"good poppet, is everything okay?"
"yes thank you, I was just wondering if it was okay if you had Dylan tomorrow night please? I met up with an old friend, well actually do you remember Phil?"
"Oh yes Phil Wenneck, of course how could I forget Philly! he was always with Doug, Stu, you, Sasha and Lauren wasn't he" I hummed agreeing
"well I found out he's Dyls teacher! and were going out for a catch up tomorrow night"
"aw thats lovely, of course we can have Dylie, Sofia and Ryan are sleeping tomorrow so its no issue"
"thank you so much, I'll bring him at about 5:30 if thats okay"
"yep thats fine, see you tomorrow lovie"
"night, love you" I came off the phone and saw a dot on my messages, I clicked on seeing -Phil- 1 new message-
'Hey Y/n, just checking (and I hope this isn't weird) are you at your moms house, just I know you're watching Dylan for the two weeks, he was telling me x'
'Hi Phil, yeah I'm here, and bless him I had a feeling he'd be telling everyone, he was saying we were gonna throw a party and everything x' I answered
'I mean if they were anything like your parties, I'm coming x' I laughed
'yeah gonna sing bah bah black sheep with the kids? x'
'of course, it's my favourite song x' I rolled my eyes
'I bet- see you tomorrow Wenneck x'
'night x'
"thank you so much again for having him Grandma, papa" I crouched down pulling my brother into a hug "I'll come get you tomorrow, go have fun and I'll call after okay, before bed" he nodded hugging me back then running to play with our little cousins "see you later" I hugged my grandparents then quickly drove back home to shower and get ready for seeing Phil.
I decided on a black dress, it wasn't to much, just around my thighs, some black heals, smokey dark make up and a dark red lip, my hair straightened down my back and some silver jewellery. I sprayed L’Interdit Rouge and grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder
I went into my kitchen, hurriedly pouring myself a glass of water and chugging the glass trying to suppress the anxiousness I felt rising in my stomach. The sound of the door bell rang through the hall and into the kitchen, I took one more deep breath before walking and opening up the door. I pushed the handle down and pulled the door open
"Hi Phil" I sounded as my eyes met him, he was dressed in a black suit which blended into the night perfectly, it fit his figure amazingly, hugging his muscles in all he right ways, his button up was only done up to the third one and the last two were left open showing of his toned chest, my eyes reached his face, his hair messed graciously behind his head and his sun glasses perched on his head "you look amazing" I spoke not realising I had been staring doe eyed for what felt like a life time
"I could say them same- look at you" he smiled "oh I brought you these" from behind his back he pulled out a bunch of roses, blood red- my favourites
"Phil! you didn't have too- these are beautiful!" I giggled like a child being given a lollipop
"almost as beautiful as you" I herd him chirp, my gaze snapped back to him
"careful" I laughed "come in, I'll grab a vase for these" I walked away hearing him follow behind after shutting the door
"god this place hasn't changed at all- holy shit I feel 17 again" he breathed coming into the kitchen "Its the place I first took a shot how about that" he reminisced
"yeah mom kept basically everything the same though she was going to change it all, then Dylan was born in 2000 and then she just kept it this way" he hummed leaning agains the kitchen counter
"how come your mom had Dylan- is that a weird thing to ask?...I- you don't have to answer that" he awkwardly laughed
"oh well Mom and Dad divorced erm 97' as you know, and mom got with this guy called Michel and then accidentally got pregnant, and we didn't know if he would make it because obviously mom was a lot older then most women who have children but they both made it and Dyls 10 soon" I explained
"oh wow, your moms a strong lady so I get why she made it through, I think thats why I was really shocked to see you yesterday because his name isn't Y/n/l Its Lee"
"yeah, I mean I didn't even know you were his teacher because he only ever called you Mr W or Sir" I spoke "and mom wouldn't have actually met you because this was his first parent teacher thing huh"
"yeah, anyways not that this isn't great we need to get going" he spoke checking his watch "so if you please" I walked towards the man and linked my arm with his as he led us out the house. Phil pulled open the passenger door for me and I gently settled myself into the leather seat, I watches as he went over to his side and slid in "ready?"
"Mhm" I smiled as we began our drive
The car stopped at a restaurant with the name 'Le Rouge', The two of us stepped out the car and immediately my arm hooked on his "wow this looks- beautiful" I breathed. The door was opened by a tall man who shot us a quick smile as we stepped through the threshold. To say I was taken back was an understatement, a soft, red glow washes over the space, enveloping it in an aura of intimacy. The dim lighting, like flickering candlelight, shone a warm hue. The décor, a careful balance of simplicity and refinement, features rich dark wood accents and sumptuous red velvet curtains that drape gracefully, adding to the sultry, moody ambiance.
"Good evening Sir, Madam- how may I help?" a sweet looking girl cooed, her hands quickly grabbing a paper that lay in front of her
"hi, I have a booking should be under the name Wenneck" the girl nodded checking down the paper until her eyes seemed to find the name
"okay- if you two would like to follow me" the blonde began trotting through the many tables full of customers until she stood next to a small dark wood table for two, one candle and flower sat as the centre piece and two menus lay in our places "Erin will be your waitress tonight, and she'll be over soon to take your orders but would you like to get started on drinks?" Phil looked over to me giving me a quick nod telling me to go first, hastily I lifted the drinks menu from the side and scanned the paper
"I'll have a....Cabernet Sauvignon please" I answered seeing her write it down quickly, I turned to look back to the man sat across from me who's eyes flickered down the same menu as me
"make that a bottle and two glasses please" soon the girl disappeared with our orders "so what do you think?" Phil asked, his gaze landing back on me
"you've out done yourself Wenneck, it's gorgeous in here- I bet this place is really expensive though so I can pay-" before I could even finish the brunette chirped rolling his blue eyes at me
"shut up- I asked you out. I pay. let me treat you, I haven't seen you in years so this is the least I can do for making up for the fact that you haven't seen my face in so long" he smirked fluttering his eyes
"oh yeah of course" I laughed pulling my chair in closer "so, how have you been since I last saw you, and I don't mean from just yesterday" I gave a warning look hearing him titter
"well, we all left school I was going to work with dad in the car place but we got into this huge argument and he said I was choosing the 'easy way out' so I proved him wrong and became a teacher, then I got a job at Dylans school in 2007, been working there since, but erm I was with this girl after we left school- her name was Shannon but erm she cheated on me and I haven't actually been with anyone in god 6 years this year" the man sadly laughed "but you know I'm doing okay, I have a home and a job so thats all that matters" without really thinking about it my hand reached across the table taking his softy, I watched as his sad smile got replaced with a warm one, his eyes growing softer "what about you, what have I missed?"
"ah well- we left school obviously and I started working for a few people as a PA, worked on a few sets during like 2004 and 5, but it wasn't really enough money so changed and stared working at this bank place 2 years ago. I can't say I love it but I bought an apartment West Hollywood but I've taken the next 2 weeks of to watch Dylan but I'm looking for a new job again, hopefully back on the PA thing because I enjoyed that" he nodded, listening to every word "I was also with a guy, Jackson for a good few years but we broke up on my birthday actually, he said he was bored and needed a 'new spark' so I guess I wasn't that interesting to him" I chuckled, I looked down to my one intwined hand, the feeling of Phil's soft padded thumb swiped on my skin
"who needs those people though, I don't doubt that one day a good guy will see you and think 'damn, she's beautiful, talented, interesting, funny, beautiful'"
"you said that twice" I spoke in almost a whisper
"Its because I mean it" I felt my face heat up a ferocious red colour, before I could say anything else a wine bucket was placed onto our table and two glasses placed with it "ah thank you" Phil spoke with a smile, our hands broke away leaving mine cold. "do you want some?" the blue eyed man spoke, his voice filling my ears bringing me back to reality, I hummed holding my glass to him, the work popped and soon the red liquid began to flow into the glass until it nearly reached the rim, he filled his own then steadily placed the bottle back on the ice "to old friendships" his hand clenched around the neck of the glass, lifting it up
"to old friendships" I cheered, I let the wine cool my throat, taking all the red blush away with it, I could still feel the pricing blue gaze watching me over the table, not in a menacing way- but a adoring one. I tuned my attention back to Phil whose eyes fixed to mine "what are you going to have?" I asked seeing him look to his menu
"stake maybe, or lamb- you?" I checked down the list, until my eyes found my favourite "let me guess- filet mignon?" I nodded, a grin spreading on my lips "still know you well then"
"well I mean its been a good few years Wenneck- you sure?" I pondered, chewing my lip "do you really know me?" my voice lowered, and I couldn't help but watch his expression falter from being confident to slowly becoming more soft
"whats changed about you- tell me love" hearing the nickname nearly knocked the breath from me, something about hearing It in his voice, from his face, on his tongue
"you'll have to find out yourself" I challenged, his stare narrow
the meal was one not to be forgotten, and the bill was another thing I would also never forget "Phil stop it- split it with me, you can't pay $250!" I snapped trying to pull the bill from his grasp
"Y/n I am a grown man with my own money- fuck off let me do this- I'll be paying tonight" he demanded
"next time I pay" I sassed, shoving my card back into my pocket, I watched as his eyebrow lifted, questioning my words
"a next time huh?" he responded with a smirk, I shook my head staring away from his eyes as he paid the bill "come on gorgeous lets go" He was killing me- the nicknames, the watching, the smirk.. I felt like a teenager again... the first time I fell for the stupid boy
"watch it Wenneck" I quipped, he brushed me off by taking my hand and leading me from the building, it was a warm night, the sky still a ink blue but a darker colour than before
"wanna go see something?" Phil's voice broke through the silence "it's only down there" I followed his out stretched arm that pointed to a small cleaning in some trees, in my head I kept thinking of the negatives but in my heart, as cheesy as it sounded, I knew if I was Phil I would've been okay.
"okay" I agreed and soon we began moving toward the narrow entrance, he pushed some branches out the way with his free hand, his other still softly holding mine "where are you taking me?" I asked, a soft laughter leaving after I saw him look back with his signature smirk. Soon we stopped as we came to a opening
"welcome to the most cozy place" I looked round the mans figure to see a small pond littered with lily-pads, and pond grass, lit by the moons glow, it was very romantic and every girls dream place to sit after a night like ours
"Phil how do you find these places?" I questioned taking in the view, he gleamed shrugging off his jacket and laying it on the floor next to the water "careful it'll get dirty"
"Y/n it can be cleaned- just sit down" without wasting anymore time, I perched myself next to him on his jacket, our legs bumping as we relaxed into the floor. I stared out in front of me, watching the small movements off the trees as the wind blew past, and the ripples that bounced in the water "tonight has been so amazing Phil, thank you" I said sincerely, my look changing to face him "really" in this light he looked heavenly, his outline illuminated by the light cascading from the sky, his eyes shining into mine, it felt like it was just us again in the world, only me and only him
"Y/n, can I ask you something?," I hummed, slowly nodding my head because no words could leave from my lips "can I kiss you?" every good emotion began wizzing around my heart, butterflies flitted in my stomach and my brain turned hazy, none of it felt real
"please" I breathed, feeling his gentle touch as his hand caressed my cheek, drawing me closer to him. My heart raced as I wrapped my arms around his neck, surrendering to the warmth of his embrace. Slowly, I settled onto his lap as his other arm pulled me onto him, our bodies fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. Our lips met in a tender kiss, igniting a spark that had been smoldering between us for years. A sweet hum escaped my lips, a melody of longing and relief, as the weight of unspoken words lifted from my shoulders..
Reluctantly we both pulled away, taking in each other movements, my lips curled into a smile which Phil quickly mirrored, his hands finding my hips as he sucked for a breath "god I've waited so long to kiss you Gorgeous" he muttered, the pads of his fingers drawing random shapes as he spoke "why did we wait so long?" he questioned
"Phil, kiss me again" My voice trembled slightly as our mouths met once more, a surge of desire mingling with passion, flooding my senses. In an instant, Phil shifted our positions, his form now looming above me, casting a shadow over us, swallowing us in darkness.
"Fuck, you look so pretty like this," his words pierced through the intensity of our kiss, but I couldn't bear to be apart from him for a moment longer. With urgency, my hands pulled him closer, silencing any further words with the press of our lips. His knee parted my legs as he leaned further into me, his wight laying on his arms that caged my head between them; his lips slipped from mine and began traveling down my jaw, to my neck, to my collar bone
"Umph Phil" I whined unexpectedly, my eyes fluttered open seeing the brunettes gaze shift to a darker, hungrier side, his lips began another assault on my skin, sucking and peppering me in little butterfly kisses as I tried to stop myself from making any noises that the outside world could hear.
Phil pulled away, smiling at the view of me, I copied his expression as my hand carefully tucked back a fallen piece of hair "you should let me take you out more often" he laughed softly, his hands found mine and pulled me up to meet him, my legs felt uneasy from the moment but I forced myself to stand although my head only met his chest, the hands that once lifted me began to drag up my side until the two cupped my jaw "you okay?"
"yeah... I think just still in shock, I don't think I've ever been kissed like that in my life" he hummed, a suggestive look painting his features "what?" I asked looking up to him
"I just think you look really hot right now," he spoke with a amused smile "like, really hot" Phil repeated, his head bent so our mouths were basically exchanging air "can I kiss you again- please" It sounded almost like a beg but how could I refuse?
"you don't need to ask" I replied as once again my arms tangled behind his head. Though this kiss felt different than the last ones: hungrier, more passionate, wanting, pleading for more. My one hand knotted into his hair pulling a handful of strands causing him to lift slightly from the kiss
"ugh- fuck Y/n, don't do this to me" his voice croaked in a moan "or I'll take you home right now" I felt a rush of excitement run through my veins hearing the words leave his mouth
"do it then" I commanded pulling away to stare into his blue eyes that seemed midnight black all of a sudden. In one swift movement Phil lifted his jacket off the floor and grabbed my hand leading me back out the wooded area and to his car, the lights flashed as we climbed in and in seconds the engine roared. I couldn't stop my face from heating up as I watched his knuckles whiten from their grip on the wheel as we turned out from the restaurant parking lot back to my house.
His hand hadn't left my thigh the entire drive home, it drew small circles on my bare skin and I couldn't help but fall into the rhythm, I watched as we turned into my street and the car came to a abrupt stop on my drive way. We exited the car and rushed to the front door, I dragged my keys from my purse and slotted them into the lock and after a few tries the door swung open
I spun around to face Phil, my heart pounding with anticipation as my arms wound around his neck, pulling him closer. Through the doorway, our bodies collided, a rush of heat and longing coursing between us. My back met the wall, but the world around us faded as our kiss deepened, the intensity building with each passing moment.
Our shared desires spilled into the air, mingling with the soft sounds of our breath and the gentle rustle of clothing. In the haze of passion, we fought for control, our bodies moving as one in a dance of longing and need. As we finally broke away, gasping for air, our faces flushed with desire, I closed the door behind us, turning my back to the man that now stood behind me, softly I felt his hands creep around my sides, his breath climbing up my neck
"I need you gorgeous" he whispered, his lips brushing the lobe of my ear, without another thought I grabbed his palm and led him up the stairs. I felt like a teenager again, messing around with my crush for the first time. We made it to my room and I knocked the door open but soon my attention was torn away and all I could think of was Phil, Phil Wenneck who's hands were holding my body as his lips pushed against mine, Phil Wenneck who was laying me on my bed and holding himself above me. Phil Wenneck.
"Take this off me," I whispered, my gaze locked with his, my voice dripping with desire. As he obeyed, his fingers trailed down the small straps of my dress, exposing my chest to his hungry gaze. I felt a shiver of anticipation race down my spine as his touch ignited a fire within me.
His hands caressed my skin, teasingly light, sending sparks of pleasure dancing across my body. I watched in rapt fascination as he cupped each breast, his touch firm yet gentle, kneading them as if they were dough in his palms
With a soft groan, his lips left mine, blazing a trail of kisses down my body, each one sending waves of pleasure coursing through me. I arched my back, offering myself to him, my breath hitching as his mouth hovered tantalizingly close to my aching nipples.
As he took one between his teeth, a sharp gasp escaped my lips, pleasure and pain intertwining in a heady mix. "F-Fuck," I hissed, unable to contain the overwhelming sensation coursing through me.
"Like that, don't you?" Phil's voice was husky as he released me, his gaze smouldering with heat. I could only nod, my body trembling with need, words failing me in the face of such intense pleasure. He repeated his actions, each touch sending me spiraling further into ecstasy. His tongue traced delicate patterns on my skin, leaving me trembling again and again, his kisses a gentle reminder of the tender passion that consumed us both.
I began to feel the heat between my legs grow hotter as I watched him draw himself down my body, my dress slowly coming all the way off and pooling at my ankles leaving me in just my black thong "you look- just woah" he grinned, his hand petting mine
"you still have too much on" I flirted sitting myself on my knees in front of him, I let my hands trail up his front till I met the first button and I pushed it undone, then the next, then the next until his top was bare revealing his tanned torso, and tanned muscles that decorated his front. I pushed myself closer to the man, my lips pressing against his peck until I reached his collar bone, my tongue poked out from between my lips as I licked a line up his neck to his ear "I need you to take these off for me" I sighed
"do you?" he purred, standing from my bed his hands unfastened his buckle then popped the button letting the material fall to the floor leaving him In his boxers which outlined his boner leaving nothing to the imagination "gonna keep staring or come do something about it" he asked with a smirk
"not if you act like that" I answered slyly as I kneeled at the side of my bed in front of the man, his hand reached for my jaw propping my mouth open, dipping his thumb into the wet
"be a good girl and lay back for me, hm gorgeous" I pulled off his finger with a pop and lay myself down, my thighs parting to show him stood just in front of me, his palm stroked my heat, the friction sent waves through my body "so sensitive already" I hummed, trying not to grind myself against his flat hand. His fingers dipped behind the material and hooked the thong away, pulling them down my thighs then to the floor, softly his hands once again parted my legs, showing him my already went cunt "look at that" he praised
"please do something" I begged, in a matter of seconds I felt his fingers brush over my skin, a few digits pushing through my folds "agh- oh Phil" I whimpered at the touch
"god if you say my name like that again I'll cum right fucking here" I smiled looking up to the man who's finger began slipping down my wetness again "deep breath baby" he spoke. I sucked in a breath which was harder then anything I had ever done before then felt a finger push through the threshold, dipping into my cunt
"Angh" I cried as Phil began a agonisingly slow pace, the pad of his finger narrowly brushing my want "a-another- another please Phil- oh please" I pleaded
"already? such a good girl gorgeous" I nodded but soon my body was stuttering at the feeling of another digit sliding in
"Nagh- tha...nk you" I breathed, my hips moved involuntary at the pleasure- my eyes screwed shut, I hadn't got the power to force them to look at him, my voice was stuck in my throat as the knot in my stomach tightened "Phil-holy... I'm gonna-" before I could finish my own sentence I cut myself off "Ooh- fu....fuck fuck my god Phil" I called, my hands blindly reached for something to hold, trying to stable myself but I couldn't reach a thing
"you're okay- come on you're alright" he cooed, his free hand stroked my head as I slowly came down from my first high, my eyes finally opened and my first look was at Phil "there we go, hey gorgeous" he smiled
"hey" I greeted back, our lips connected again and I couldn't stop my fingers from going back to his hair, small pieces caught between each digit as I pulled him closer
"hmph- Y/n gentle with me" he joked breaking the kiss, I rolled my eyes turning my gaze away from his face to his body that sat above mine, I couldn't help but notice the tent in his boxers only looked larger. Slowly I lifted my leg letting the bulge sooth over my knee "agh.. mh you think your funny don't you?" he taunted
"no- I just really want you inside me Phil" I purred as both my hands held his face "please Phil" the man moved quicker than I have ever seen a man move before, his boxers were pulled away from his hips and down his legs revealing his length. My eyes widened- he was huge, no wonder girls in school jumped at the chance of a night with Phil, now I understand.
He knelt behind me, lightly pumping his cock before brining it up to my entrance "your safe word is Mexico okay- you say that and we stop" I murmured an 'okay' and he started to come closer, his warm tip stroked through my split "ready?" I hummed, steadily he pushed in, breaking through my entrance inch by inch before pulling out and repeating his action until he was fully sank into me "god baby you're so tight" he grumbled, I nodded not being able to speak because of feeling so full "want me to start moving now?" he spoke breaking the silence.
"mhm- slowly, you're so big" I welled watching a smirk plaster his face, Phil agonisingly pulled back until only his tip sat in me "Phil don't tease" I whined "need you to...fuck me so good" i was breathless already
"no problem gorgeous" he snarked before slamming his hips back and his full length pushing back inside me, I yelled at the force as he found a pace, our bodies hitting together in a rhythm only gods could create
"Oh Phil...Feels so good in me" I chattered, eyes fixated on him, I couldn't tare my gaze away as his shoulders tensed to keep himself up, a sheen of sweat building on his skin, his hair becoming unruly on his head as stray strands fell
"You feel so good around me- ugh fuck Y/n- such a good girl Y/n" hearing my name fall from his mouth only made me needier, it sounded so right
"fuck Phil- I feel so fucking good, shit- you fill me up so well Wenneck" I panted, my hands digging into his shoulders, nails scratching his skin
"fu-fuck you say it so well baby, I only wanna hear my name out your mouth" he moaned pressing open mouth kissed on my neck "I feel close- are..are you?" his voice trembled
"mhm- I was trying to hold off for you" I spoke, to brain numb to stop the truth, I could already feel his cock twitching inside me as he pounded my g-spot tirelessly
"cum with me- fuck baby" he hissed as I felt his thrusts get faster, our moans started to sync, I never thought I could fall for Phil, but seeing this side, hearing his voice, his moans, his venerability, I couldn't help the feeling "Y/n I need to come so bad" he begged
"shit- i...I- Oh my god" I hiccuped feeling the tie in my stomach rip apart and a swarm of warm blanketing me everywhere, then the sensation of my walls being painted with ropes of cum as the man above me faltered
"mgh- ah, holy fuck" he gulped, his head falling to my shoulder "I've never came that quick in my life" a small laugh escaped as he caught his breath while pulling out
"neither...Jesus Phil" I breathed, our eyes met again and we both had a new glow about us "you look pretty like this" I spoke brushing my fingers through his hair
"you've always been beautiful but right now," his lips tenderly met mine, the kiss was sweet and meaningful making the moment only better "Y/n can I say something?"
"yeah" I agreed, he shifted to be lay next to me, his palm sliding down to rest in the crook of my waist "what is it?"
"I really love you, I did all through school and, when we left I regretted not telling you but yesterday, seeing you and all, then today, I remembered how I felt," I blushed, hiding my face with my free hand "that was so cheesy but I don't even care anymore" he chuckled
"I really love you too Phil" our lips caught each others again, smiling into the make out, we pulled away letting our foreheads rest against each others "we waited so long"
My eyes fluttered open to my sun kissed room, the light stripping against my walls, I hummed letting my head nuzzle back into Phil's chest where I'd been lay since the early hours of the morning, my fingers drew up his stomach and scratching softly over his peck, I felt him stir at the touch, pulling small faces at the feeling "what are you doing" he yawned
"nothing" I hummed pressing a kiss to his skin "but it is time to wake up" he sighed rubbing his face with the hand that wasn't wrapped around my waist. Finally he opened his eyes and faced me, though I had already been watching for a while
"morning gorgeous" he sounded
"morning Phil" he pulled me close laying a kiss to the top of my head then propping his chin against my forehead "I've gotta get Dylan soon by the way" he hummed again, I could tell he was falling back to sleep, so quickly I sat myself up pulling the cover away from our bodies
"Y/n come on! five more minutes" he sneered "please baby" his voice begged as morning still lay thick on his voice
"no, come on Wenneck- I remember when we were kids you would say that then not move for another hour so up" I demanded taking his hand and pulling him from the bed. He rose up, towering above me
"you're mean" he commented as he loomed down on me
"but you told me you loved me last night" I played, my finger teasingly running down his front
"I do," he grinned leaning closer "but I also think you're mean" I rolled my eyes wondering away as he sat himself back on the bed falling back.
Quickly I got showered, washed my face and brushed my teeth and changed into jeans and a jumper in a few minutes, Phil on the other hand had just managed to brush his teeth and stick his shirt back on as he continuously groaned about being awake so early on a Sunday, though it was 11:30am
"okay well I need to go get Dyl now, he's got a soccer club to get to at 1 and I need to clean the house and things" I moaned, leaning my head against Phil, soothingly his hand ran down my back comforting me as he laughed
"why don't I stay and help? I have nothing better to do, and I can stay with you a bit longer, make dinner, be like another date" he asked, and I couldn't help but smile at his idea, having him around would make things better
"sounds perfect, now come on we've gotta go get Dyl"
My hand pushed the doorbell and soon enough the shuffling of slippers appeared on the other side "afternoon sunshine" my grandma beamed pulling me into a hug "and who's thi- Oh my lord, Phil Wenneck, look at you!" quickly she came out grabbing his face, inspecting all his changes "Philip aren't you so handsome!" she cooed
"thank you, you look lovely yourself, haven't changed a bit" he spoke as she stepped away laughing
"stop it you, anyways let me grab Dylan, he's been playing with the dog all morning- Dylan Y/n's here!" she called wandering back into the house
"Y/n!" a voice called as the noise of shoes tapped down the hall way and soon hands wrapped around me "you didn't call last night like you said!" he complained though still with a smile on his face
"I'm sorry, I got a bit busy last night Dyl" my gaze changed to Phil who was stood smiling at us
"Mr Wenneck?"
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reds-corner · 4 months
Updated demo May/24
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Oh, wow!
It took me a really long time to connect some scenes. And boy! did that code make me suffer! But finally! After so many months! It's here.
I do have some bad news tho, I haven't figured out how to write a non-binary MC and I'm debating whether to include one. I don't know if I could depict them because I would want to take a different approach so it doesn't feel copy-pasted. I hope you can understand if I’m not able to add it.
It's a short update but I count it as a victory because of how hard it was to do it with everything that happened in real life.
Again, I did some minor rewrites to what was already in the game, but don't worry It didn't change the essence of it. Just made it feel more natural.
As always, thank you for letting me know when there's an error or grammar mistake.
Please, please keep sending me your questions, I love answering them.
Enjoy! and let me know what you think!
Updated Link: 19,800 total word count
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mhsdatgo · 6 months
Do you think the show is biased against the Greens vs. Team Black? If so, how should the show have demonstrated that both teams are awful, in your opinion?
Hello anon!
I've got a lot to say on this one.
First of all, yes. I totally think that the show had some obvious kind of bias towards the Blacks. Not necessarily with the way the Greens were treated as devils with no likeable qualities except for Alicent (even if there are several instances of them doing so) but more because of the way the Blacks were whitewashed.
Look, you'll never catch me not expressing my contempt for this woman, no matter the fact she was brought up by a man who did nothing but spoil, enable and indulge her in everything and anything she says and does. I can see the path they're taking in the show by adapting her as an irresponsible woman who flees at the minimal inconvenience and cowers to her dad at any minor inconvenience, but literally everything that makes her Rhaenyra Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen, is removed.
She just looks like the next girlboss Targ Dragonrider queen after Daenerys. They basically made GOT season 8 and sent show!Rhaenyra as an apology. But in doing so they basically made her... Boring. Her and her children, which I don't love or hate. (The closest one I am to "liking" is Jace, I guess, but the leaks are just making me rethink everything again.)
I would've loved it if they had given us ONE pre-Dance book!Rhaenyra scene that would've made her appear more ruthless than what we have on the show, and not just the time when she offered 10 year old Aemond to be tortured. Make her ask Daemon to go after Vaemond (sorry pookie) like she did in the books, make her feed his corpse to her dragon. Sure that wouldn't have made me change my mind about how much I dislike her bUt it WOULD'VE made me go "damn she stands on business."
I wanted her to act out of grief and insist on going to war when she miscarried Visenya and lost her father, because although I don't think that the Greens did kill that poor little girl (she had dragon features and was likely going to die anyway) I do think that Rhaenyra should've been allowed her pain and the irrational and impulsive thinking that comes with it.
Where do I even begin with this one?
Olivia Cooke SLAYED. Lemme just start with that. She took the whole cake and ate it too and left no crumbs. The direction they've taken with her is a realistic one, at least for the actions and decisions she's taking. Reckless, for sure. Risky, deathly even. Her fear is realistic, even for someone as Alicent Hightower no matter how much determination had protected her from dread.
What I don't like is the way she was treated as everyone's object and her shutting up about it. From Rhaenyra to Larys, everyone uses her for their own disgusting pleasures or outlet of frustration. And she's made to take it without fighting back even once. The one time she does, bless her, she's treated as a woman who's gone mad.
Now, I would've been fine with her taking all these hits if only they knew how to make Alicent change properly and completely from there. If it was me, the incident at Driftmark would be my start to revenge. No longer would I look at Rhaenyra with hope to reconcile with her. No longer would I bear any more of Viserys' shit when it's clear his first daughter (the image of his first wife) bears way more importance to him than me and all the four kids he forced me to have combined.
They'd have to nightly talk me out of suffocating him with my pillow a minute more for every wince and ache my now eyeless son suffers, for a month straight if not more. I wouldn't eagerly stand by his side and listen to his last words only to mistake them for permission to go along with my plans. I'd stand there passively at best, waiting for him to be done, before leaving the room.
Everything else can just be left the same way it was. Her fear when she realizes the effect Viserys' death has on her and her children is realistic. I'd break down for a moment too. I'd act as soon as I could too. I'd cry tears of relief, dread, grief (depends on how you interpret that scene) too. After letting his stinky ass rot for a fortnight. I would've preferred this to be a "there was a plan, but we weren't ready to act it out" situation more than a "what the fuck is going on" situation.
I'd also slap that "you toil in service of other men" dialogue from Rhaenys right back in her face (sorry grandma) since if we're talking about the show, it's literally the only thing she has done throughout the season.
House Velaryon.
HEAVY on this one. They have been done so wrong on so many levels. Every single one of them.
Laena was made to "pursue" Daemon, she changes from a precious, small and shy little girl to a confident, seductive young woman (teenager for fuck's sake, screw everyone who thought making her change this way would've been good) and later on a side piece, "the one Daemon settles for because he can't have Rhaenyra" even if it was known that she was the only one he was never unfaithful to, "she's made her peace" (WTF???????).
It apparently never hits Corlys that the bitch who he believes has made him childless (I AM TALKING ABOUT DAEMON) deserves no support from him and his house or that Luke should actually become a ward there at Driftmark if he's so adamant on keeping this farce that he's a Velaryon and the next Lord of the Tides.
Vaemond is seen as the odd, evil and power hungry one for pointing out that his house is falling into an OBVIOUS bastard's hands whether this kid likes it or not (even as my support for this claim goes as far as questioning Luke's parentage) and to add insult to injury he's made to say Rhaenyra is a whore, which never happened in the books.
The Silent Five are removed completely, Vaemond's sons as well (@redrosesandcharmingsouls knows I was FROTHING at the mouth waiting for Daemion Velaryon to make an appearance but the motherfuckers couldn't even give me that) so that we don't have any kind of reason to believe an execution so brutal and unjust had any repercussions on the support House Velaryon has on the Blacks overall. They are made into Rhaenyra's cheering squad through and thorough, even if they have every reason to be anything but.
The Laenor situation is actually really fucking funny. They made him leave instead of killing him to not bury the gays and they aren't aware that this has totally fucked everything up. Like thanks for telling me ALL of Rhaenyra's children are bastards. Cool, HOW THE FUCK TO YOU HANDLE SEASMOKE NOW?
Aegon II.
No this isn't an apologist post. I'm actually slithering on the ground on my knees for TGC daily but Aegon is a clusterfuck right now, no matter how you look at it. They tell us he's a psycho drunken rapist and he likes to watch children fighting every Sunday and when you actually see his adult version he's a crying love starved bitch of a man and he winces and frowns when Vaemond's head is cut off.
Instead of taking the throne to protect his children, he takes it because he's forced. And that makes Alicent the villain in everything once again. Now it doesn't matter if you look at the book version or what we see of the show version, everywhere you look this is just out of character.
It's inconsistent. He's made the worst thing ever so people can say "See??? They believe a rapist is better to put to the throne than our girlboss virtuous heir!!!" you either make him a psycho or a touch starved baby, why make both?
So yeah, I think this is all. For now. We'll have to see how this show progresses to see if I change my mind in any way.
Thanks for the ask!!!! ^_^
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Chicks & Candy
WARNINGS: pregnant!reader, a slight misunderstanding, fluffy fluff, flirty wives ofc, not smut but a little soft/steamy make-out sesh
WORDS: 1,104
PAIRING: Natasha Romanoff x f!Reader
A/N: felt #emo while writing this oopsies !!😹😹😹
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Sure, you had your reasons to be mad at her. You were pregnant and it was probably the hormones, but she still majorly fucked up with her innocent wording. On top of it, the summer heat always put you on a tightrope just waiting for you to fall, her accidental words just pushed you off of it.
She had come back home from a meeting at the Avengers tower and saw you waddling her way with Alex strolling behind you. “Hi darling!” you draped your arms on her shoulders, “hey you cute little chicken.” she smiled. Oh, how naive. She didn't mean for you to take it the wrong way. You furrowed your brows in confusion, “chicken?” oh God. She heard the change in your tone as you questioned her. “No– it's just that y'know you're like.. a mother chicken and– Alex, he just followed you like a little baby chicken. I–” you glare at her and move your arms off her shoulders, crossing them over your chest. “So, you're saying I look like a bird? A stubby bird with feathers that can't fly properly.” she was done for.
So here she is, contemplating her life decisions as she sat in the car parked in front of the house. “Mama why no home?” the toddler asked Natasha. “It's because.. mommy is upset at mama, buddy.” she huffed as she looked down at the candy in the shopping bag. Blue, green, red, and purple colors of fruit flavored hard candy. You mentioned craving jolly ranchers right before she left for the meeting, and here she is, hoping you forgive her little mistake over candy.
After a few minutes, she decided that you might have calmed down and she left the car with Alex. “Mommy I' home!” that dumb little– Nat, that's your son. Shut up. He padded through the hallway and snuck into your bedroom, “hi sweetie! Mommy missed you, c'mere.” he gave you a gummy grin and crawled into your arms. “Ugh, I hope this one is gonna be as chubby and cute as you.” you mumbled against his cheek as you squeezed him tightly. “I‐ can't breathe–” you let go of him and pinched his chubby little cheek. “Mommy! I' not a baby anymore. I' a big boy!” his complaints and huffs turn into giggles as you tickled him. “Babe?” you peered up at your wife at the doorway. Completely ignoring her presence out of pettiness, you continued tickling the toddler.
“Baby?” you chewed on your inner cheek as you attempted to ignore her once more. “Detka?” you couldn't hold in the laugh that escaped your mouth at her desperation for forgiveness. “What is it, Natty?” you finally met her eyes, “I'm.. sorry. For calling you a chicken.” she handed you a green apple flavored jolly rancher. “It's.. it's okay, darling.” you stifled a laugh as you popped the sweet candy into your mouth. “Alex, honey, there's some candy in the kitchen. Go get some buddy.” he gasped and jumped out of the bed, running towards the kitchen.
“Natasha.. you dirty little– close the door,” she smirked and shut the door close. “I'm sorry for being overly emotional.. I wasn't feeling this way when I was pregnant with Alex.” you spoke up as she sat in bed next to you. “It's okay, moya lyubov, don't apologize.” she grasped your hand and gave it a light squeeze. “I hope you know that Alex is.. distracted by a toy car set I left for him in the living room.” she whispered as her gaze flickered down to your lips. “mhm..?” you move over to her lap, “yeah.” she smiled as she nipped at your lips. You felt her tongue glide over your bottom lip, “you're so beautiful, detka..” she rasped as she pulled you in for a slow kiss, tasting the sweetness of the candy in your mouth.
“You think?” you mumbled against her mouth, “well why else would I have gotten you knocked up?” you roll your eyes and lightly punch her on the bicep. It did nothing considering her strength. “oh my God, do you always need to ruin cute moments, Tasha?” she whines as she pushes your body closer to hers, “is the moment back?” she said as her hand rested on your thigh, slowly creeping upwards. “Maybe..” the corners of your lips quirk up into a soft smile. “'Maybe'?” she snaked her arm behind your waist, pushing your breasts against her chest. A silent moan slipped past your lips, “Natasha..” she had a cocky grin on her face as she groped your breast through your clothes. “mm..” she cocked her head to the side and spoke up, “what about cute moments being ruined?” God, why is my wife so insufferable?
“Nat.” you gasped softly as she snuck her hand under your shirt. Well— her shirt that you for that, but she can't get upset at you for that, you being pregnant with her 2nd child is a good enough excuse. You let out a sigh of relief as her cold palm gently rubbed your stomach, soothing your overheated skin. “Does that feel okay? Am I hurting you?” she asks as she continues her gentle movements, “y-yeah.. it feels good, don't worry. Keep going.” you gripped onto her muscular shoulder as her other hand went up your bra. “Natasha.. darling, be gentle.” she peeked up at your face, understanding that she was touching your sensitive areas. “I will, babe, shhh..” she lightly kissed your neck, slowly sucking at your pulse point. You whimpered quietly as your grip on her shoulder tightened.
“Have I ever told you that you look sexy pregnant?” you groaned at her words, “yes, yes you have. My annoying, mood ruining, wife of mine.” she feigned a dramatic gasp, “I don't ruin the mood.” you scoffed. “Two years ago, when I was pregnant with Alex. It was hailing outside and—” you get cut off with a pair of lips over yours, “yeah, yeah, shut up.” she squeezed your waist and locked her lips with yours. Natasha, you bitch. I love you.
“Can someone play cars wif meeeeee?” you heard Alex from the other side of the door. “Nat. Go play cars with my cute little chicken.” you muttered against her lips. “Chicken? So you were pretending to be mad at me.” you giggle as you move off of her lap, “maybe I was, who knows? Now go give our son attention.” she chastely kissed you before leaving the bedroom. “I love you so much.” you smile, “I love you too.”
You wanted him back. Your cute, chubby little chicken.
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epiemy · 7 months
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader from our reality! Pt. 2
Warnings: just cursing (you’re a crazy bitch and Jason too)
Part 2 of 5 - Part 1
A/N: I missed this app so fucking much but I’m back :) hope you like this part of a series project.
Sorry for Grammar mistakes, enjoy!
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"Oh boy, we are going to have a big job with this one." Words from a tired Jason.
“Hey, I’m still here, you know that?” You speak in disbelief. It still felt like a dream, where else would you get to see your favorite characters? You had never been able to shift before, so you faithfully doubted that was the case.
Jason just rolls his eyes saying “Unfortunately I noticed, you won't shut up for a single second” - and there goes your sympathy with him.
“Why are pretty people always jerks? - You're an exception Dick, shush” You say but stop as soon as you see Batman's cloak coming towards you, no longer able to control it, you end up smiling more than you've ever seen in your life, after all he was her childhood hero “My gods, Bruce Wayne? Batman? I could pass out!”
“Jason, no!” Dick speaks in warning before the youngest even opens his mouth, but even so he lets out a sneer and says:
“I could make YOU pass out” Jay mutters and you give him the middle finger “You already did that, idiot”, turning your attention to Bruce.
“Why is there a teenager in the cave, who apparently knows our secret identities? I'm only going to ask once” Batman speaks monotone and looks at the boys with his arms crossed and his mask removed.
“Ehm… well… funny story” Tim starts to say while scratching his head lightly, but Jason rolls his eyes.
“I brought her here, I heard some druggies talking about a girl falling from the sky and I went to check it out. I don't know how a demon can fall from the sky but there she is” He speaks ironically and you just stick out your tongue, murmuring that the only demon in this house was him. The boy continues “When I got close to her, she was cursing more than a sailor and had a fangirl attack shouting “Jaaaaason”, I erased her and brought her here. History end"
Bruce raises an eyebrow at Jason and sighs deeply, rubbing his temples. He honestly needed a break from all this, he couldn't take it anymore. “Currently, Barry informed us that there was a rupture of some barrier between universes caused by some meta, it turns out that she was brought from another reality and that is possibly why she knows our identities. Am I correct, miss..?”
“Y/n, and yes you are right. Finally someone with neurons- no offense Timmy” You mutter and the boy just shrugs, then continues talking “If the kid idiots had listened to me instead of fainting, I would have told them that in my reality you are all characters from a brand , so I theoretically know everything about each of you.” There was a silent pause “That seemed kind of scary, my bad.”
Minutes later, Bruce releases you from the place where you were tied up “As long as we don't know what happened, you are welcome to stay in the mansion, Alfred is already aware of this conversation and will prepare a room for you” He speaks calmly, you he just nods with a small smile in gratitude. He turns to his children “You. I want everyone in the mansion during this time, apparently you don't have an alternative version of her in this universe and she will have to stay here for some time, so we need to train her” He says leaving the Batcave.
“Soooo… Dick, can you and your nice ass show me my new room?” You say with a wide smile and you only hear Jason snort in the corner “What’s up, red bird? Do you want to show me instead of Richard? Come on come on, take me then” A hand sign is made by you, as you walk towards some stairs where Bruce had gone but Jason grabs your waist, changing the direction to the left “Oopsie, thanks kitty” You hear the laughter behind you.
“You’re going to be the death of me,” Jason says, walking up the correct floors with you.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK Radio Stationhead 1 October 2023
And a little more as well...
cr./and huge thanks to the translation accounts I used in this post.
I think this was the most interesting Stationhead we've had so far with JK. JK was chatty, informative (well, to an extent), I would maybe even say combative? Maybe that's a little too strong a term to use, but I do think he came to show that he is unbothered by the shitstorm going on and clap back just a little bit. And he knows about that shitstorm, make no mistake.
I see Jikookers falling for this hateful campaign against JK. Not only are they perpetuating it, but they are also adding to it, embellishing it, and spreading it.
By now JK has had several girlfriends named, he's a baby daddy (she was pregnant in Feb, so...), he's going on double dates with his mate Tae, trucking (censorship issues had me change that - you know exactly what it's meant to be) her with the windows and curtains open for all to see (after telling us he's aware he's being followed around including home). All this he managed to get done before he sat down and did hours on end of JM dedicated lives, calling him his fan, flirting with him online while in bed for all of us to see, and going on a 4 day private trip with him.
A very wise blogger once said: (@ourwinterspring, hope you don't mind me quoting your wise words):
Rumors are created by haters accepted by fools and spread by idiots
That. Just that!!!
People that called themselves Jikook supporters (I'm not talking about shippers, they are in this for their own self gratification, while supporters are supposed to be looking out for JM and JK and supporting them both individually and their relationship, which btw is still considered tabooed in their own country), they are rushing to conclusions, and aiding in the spread of these lies.
K-army laughed them off.
Chinese army are fighting them off.
And I army are just spreading them like wildfire.
Why this long winded introduction?
Because Jikook are in an impossible position really. They are a closeted queer couple in a country and industry that would not accept their relationship if it would become publicly known. As long as the door is open for deniability they are ok. Taking that step through that door and out of the closet, that is one hell of a step with many consequences, to them and to those who surround them.
JK is about to release his 1st solo album, and he's in the midst of trying to infiltrate the American and Western music market. To do so they are selling a very certain image, and being queer is not part of it.
They are also both before enlistment to the military.
Them going: "hey bitches, the stories are untrue, we're in a long term loving relationship", is not a realistic expectation. And no matter what JK would say otherwise, the rumours they are just gonna keep coming, cause this train, this coordinated smear attack, it's not finished. And if and when that would be done, we'd be back to Yubi and Rose and Lisa (oh, oops, she's with Freddie), and Miju. Ehm, she's married. But wait, since when has that stopped anyone, eh? It didn't stop the Nicole stories, which, btw, are still rampant, including among some Jikookers (?) - what the actual truck is wrong with people???
So, no Jikook announcement.
A company one? Kind of feel that one won't come either. Again, JK 3D promotions and upcoming album in mind. Not to mention, and this my friends is me being super cynical right now, other than the harassment claims, the company doesn't have a problem with these rumours, given it solidifies his bad boy, truckboy, heterosexual image they are selling right now. There, I said it.
But Jikook, JM and JK, they aren't happy with this. They can't be happy with this. As much as this image is a price to pay, on the way JK is sending us constant hints that it ain't all that you see. That he's a complex being. That he might appear one way in 3D, but another in Seven and another in his CK and Vogue photoshoots (the latter with him being the artistic designer and bringing along some outfits and/or accessories that he wanted himself), not to mention someone else all together in his long lives with us. He tells us this is him. Who we see. But those that only see that image in 3D are just not looking at the full picture he's painting.
This is him:
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But also this:
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And this:
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And this:
And this:
And this:
They are all pieces of the puzzle that is one Mr. Jeon Jungkook. And I'm sure there are pieces we have yet to see.
It's funny that JK is singing 3D (basically having phone sex and wishing for more) but at the same time he's telling us "this is me in 3D". Not one dimensional. A complex grown up human being.
Btw, I kind of feel like I need to link this post again, seeing that so many are still thinking that having muscles, tattoos and piercings makes you heterosexual or at least bi. Cause, I mean, you must be sexually attracted to women if you are super masculine, and get tattoos or pierce your body, right?
Oh boy, this is a long one. I haven't even started with Stationhead, lol.
So, JK is trying to show us he's a complex human being. This is him. Not one MV or song he chose to sing. The full picture. The shoots he chooses, the concepts for his songs (do I have to remind of his Seven concept shoot?), his lives, what he shared with us (as in past tense cause Idk how much more he will with everything that's going on).
And in the midst of this, knowing you are in a committed relationship, having your integrity, your good name smeared, being with the person you love and knowing that the world not only doesn't see how dear you are to each other but also thinks you're being sexually intimate with multiple others. Not to mention, having to deal at this young age with the knowledge that there are people out there that hate you enough to want to hurt you on such a level, to ruin your good name, your career. It can be paralyzing. And they put on a brave face. JK says he knows people hate him and good for them, he'll continue to live his life. But it's hard, it's hurtful, and these two, they are the kindest sweetest people out there, they don't deserve this.
OMG, when will I finally get to the point?
I think about now would be a good time.
So, no speaking up. No announcement. But at the same time they don't want to just sit there and take it.
Phew, here we go?
JK came today, 1st October (or more so 1st Jimtober) to Stationhead after his 3D dance practice video landed (same day).
And by some strange coincidence (no coincidence at all), JM released his second #ThisisJimin dance clip to Dominic Fike's Phone Numbers with these lyrics, coincidentally:
Woah, Kenny! Why you not here with me? Can you break bread with me? Why you switch phone numbers like clothes? Why you can't answer me? (Yeah) 'Cause I got more coming
(Not a love song)
Using a prop. Wait for it...
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Oh, and the outfits that happen to be kind of similar and sticking to the black and white.
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I feel like I'm repeating myself here, but you know, sometimes you need to in order to hammer the message in.
And JK, well he also posted a selfie on Weverse (while on Stationhead).
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1st Jimtober with his fave Jack Skellington.
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So yeah. The little things. Those little codes that say "we are here, we are ok, all is well, this will definitely not break us."
Yes. I get all of that from those little things, lol.
But, it didn't end with that.
And here we are.
Finally at the precipice.
Well, not precipice per say. That's being a little dramatic. But I am finally going to get to JK on Stationhead, as in what we got from him during the show.
I guess with this long introduction I should start with the Jikook related, right?
Let's start with JK repeating the endearment JM used in his IG post for 3D.
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And then JK basically confirmed that he and JM were together when drawing the cloud whale drawing JM shared with us on IG telling us JK drew it.
Making sure we know that they drew the whale together.
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You don't have to understand Korean to hear the amusement in his voice. We don't know when this was taken (CT or perhaps more recently... although my initial thought was CT I'm kind of leaning to it being more recent, like very recent), but we know they were together. We thought so and now JK confirmed it.
Enjoyed confirming it.
He also brought up JM's birthday being this month. Yes, he could be reacting to comments, but we've discussed this multiple times in the past. You know. Choices. And in this case, his choice which ones to answer, right?
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Once again, it's all in the way it's all being said. The "I know something you don't" tone of voice. The "a-ha, yeah, Uhah" while supposedly looking up if he's doing something on the day. The "I'm going to be busy...I see I have a schedule..?" ending with a question mark? As in "do I really?" Lol.
The way he was talking, the man has something planned. I really don't want to have any expectations here. But man, he's making it hard for me not to have them. Lmao.
And another JM related comment he chooses to answer:
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This time you don't get the sassiness or teasing in his voice like we did with the JM birthday answer. Idk why they aren't doing each other's challenges. It's for them to know. We know JK was showing/teaching JM Seven moves. We know that JK knew SMF pt. 2 moves. I guess it's something they just decided between them. Or perhaps schedules didn't and aren't aligning. Who knows. And who knows, we might just get a surprise. Next phone song JM does could be 3D, lol.
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Ok, so he saw his parents. He goes on to also talk about his mother's cooking (oh, that man is so in trouble with his mom calling her cooking bland, lmao). Kind of gathering from it all that JK was in Busan for the holiday. Could that photo JM shared, you know, the one JK made sure we know they both drew the whale on, have been taken when they were both down in Busan for the holiday? I wonder...
This here is, I feel, JK clapping back a little at the haters. But also telling us, once again, that he's an adult and does adult things. Knows how to work hard when needed, and when to "play hard", as in relax and have a good time, when allowed.
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This one isn't about Jikook (well in a sense maybe it is, as it's about shooting down TKKs hopes and prayers, lol). JK clarifying Tae's story about him recording a song at JK's place and JK directing him.
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So, no pre-planning, JK's reply "and I was like "suddenly"? And also letting us know Tae didn't record the final at his place. Burn, lol. Also answers (again - like in the Inkigayo live) a question about karaoke with Tae. More or less same answer. More or less "that's a no"?
And this I already shared with you guys:
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This is basically JK. Again, when he says I'm showing you my true self. It's not the image of the hunky guy with the sexy expressions doing that sexy choreography with the female dancers hands on him. Well not only. It's the shy introvert that feels awkward when these women are touching him. And just to be clear here. This isn't me saying anything about his sexuality. But it's definitley me saying he is not this careless truckboy people are so badly wanting him to be. Being an adult and having sex (let's call it rex from now on), a lot of it, enjoying it, doesn't make it the core of who you are as a person, doesn't mean you are having rex with multiple people for the only pursual of physical gratification nor does it mean that the rex you are having is necessarily with a female even if you are singing a song saying girl in it, to which the lyrics were not written by yourself. JK also sang a song about having rex 7 days a week, but with that one person, in his words, wanting to be all the time with "the love of my life". See, that was a little slip of the tongue by him, lol. But very revealing. Thank you ever so much for that one JK.
Do you understand the difference here?
One being lyrics to a song he's performing, him being a singer. Lyrics he didn't write himself.
The other is his explanation, his take on the meaning of the song he is singing (also not written by him). Inserting that little very personal touch.
Do we get it? JK isn't the lyrics, the lyrics aren't JK.
Oh, and by the by, JK's lyrics aren't referencing multiple partners. If we are being all about "but he's singing it, so it must be who he is". The multiple partners, the truckboy image, that's Jack Harlow's bit. JK is still talking to one person.
But again, I stress, the song doesn't represent JK as a person or his character. And those that are making that leap are simply...
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Moving on.
JK's asked which he prefers more? 7 or 3D. Very diplomatically makes sure we know that at the time he liked Seven and now it's leaning more towards 3D. Well duh, this is him promoting it. Then he combines the two to 7D.
"What's your favourite part of 3D?" Him asking the listeners.
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JK talked about eating chicken, being busy practicing all the time (I am curious to know what for), finishing up and going home to workout, shower and sleep.
He also talked about GCF and his appreciation for Army.
Asked about music or variety show, and the answer is probably not, it's hard for him (this is where the shy introvert part of him wins, I guess). It's easier to be alone on a stage in front of thousands performing than have to interact one on one with people that you aren't as familiar or comfortable with. On stage you go after much practice. Small talk and interviews and socializing means having to be focused (neuro divergent prince here) and it's so so hard for a shy introvert to deal with. Key word ALONE.
Although he's asked about further plans he's adamant not to give spoilers (well, more so afraid he'll be told off by the company, lol).
He misses the old days I guess. Of Kakao Fancafe. The intimacy of it. The safety of it perhaps.
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He also wants to cook for army.
I feel like him telling us he is pulling back on the lives, allowing for the mystery, well he's also missing those lives. He needs that connection with his fans. Maybe even more so with this path he's going down, disconnecting from the idol and becoming the mega star. He needs that emotional connection with his fans. But at the same time, a more intimate setting, where he can really connect with them, is something he prefers.
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And again, the connection with Army.
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About the members:
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F u c k , this is getting way too long. I can't talk about it all. I will add a couple more things and leave it at that. My apologies.
So, this is another clap back from JK:
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Oh, and this was curious.
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Ooh, one last thing.
He finally tells us where he got the scar on his shoulder from. Well, not too glamorous, lol. He slipped and fell while running in the car park shooting the CK ad. Hurt his finger as well, but that has healed already by now.
JK ending with:
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Funny how the little things just added up. All very little perhaps inconsequential actions as of themselves, but add them together and you get a message.
One you will see if only you wish to.
Oh, and end comment. This is utterly disgusting and childish and I'm at a total loss for words here.
We have 2 more of these coming, if I'm not mistaken. Will be interesting to see what we get next.
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kurooandkenmasslut · 11 months
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𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐅!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Warning!: contains mugen train spoilers! Character death, gore, blood, fluff, mention of alcohol (mentioned only a few times) & depression. This isn't accurate, so I used my own words and changed it a lot, so please understand. Two endings!
'...' ɪᴛᴀʟɪᴄ ᴍᴇᴀɴs ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ɪs ᴛʜɪɴᴋɪɴɢ. ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sᴇʟғ ɪʟʟ ᴜsᴇ ɪᴛᴀʟɪᴄ sᴏ ɴᴏʙᴏᴅʏ ɢᴇᴛs ᴄᴏɴғᴜsᴇᴅ. ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴠᴏᴛᴇ!! 💓
Sorry if there's any mistakes!
7390 words!
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You were the tenth hashira. The Wisteria Pillar to be exact. You were proposed to by Kyojuro Rengoku. And you were planning your wedding.
Kyojuro had been called for a mission, apprently, according to his crow, many people had been seen entering the train, but never coming back out. They had sent out demon slayers, but none of them came back either.
"(Name)! Do you wanna accompany me on a mission?" "Oh sure! When are we leaving?" "about hmm... Less than an hour, but I wanna visit Senjuro and my father before I leave! Do you also wanna come with me?" "Of course! Your brother is adorable!" you laughed and so did he.
After your short journey to the Flame estate, you caught sight of Senjuro outside, sweeping. "Hey Senjuro!" you yelled, making Senjuro look up and wave with a shy smile on his face. Kyojuro smiled at his younger brother's shyness. Senjuro then jumped in Kyojuro's arms and swung him playfully, making you all laugh.
"Do you two want something to eat? I was already making lunch for Father and I think I might have gone overboard with the cooking because I had so much food and I don't think he and I could eat it all by ourselves!" he said, scratching the nape of his neck in embarrassment, but you only grinned. "Of course! Your cooking is amazing, I don't think I could ever decline your cooking, Senjuro!" Kyojuro cheered, and you only nodded in agreement.
There was laughing, the crunching of the food, and the happy era in the room. "I'm going to say goodbye to Father before I go, be right back!" Kyojuro smiled. He walked confidently down the hallway where Shinjuro, His father's room door was in front of him. He knocked before waiting a few seconds and then walking in. Shinjuro was sitting out at the Engawa, a bottle of sake in his rough hands. Ever since his mother, Ruka, a loving mother who cared for her three boys, caught an untreatable illness and unfortunately passed away, leaving Shinjuro in a state of shock and rage, it seemed to keep his sadness at bay, had could drink them away.
That was until Kyojuro caught sight of the clock and immediately stood up. "it seems that (name) and I have to go unless we're gonna be late for the train!" he exclaimed playfully ruffling Senjuro's hair. He drank the rest of his water before setting it back on the table.
"wait! I'll walk you two to the gate!" and so he did. "Senjuro, lunch was lovely! I really hope sometime we get another chance to have some more time with you! You also need to tell me your recipe for that onigiri." You said, Senjuro blushing at the compliment and nodding confidently.
Kyojuro held your hand as you bid your goodbyes before Kyojuro and you ran to the station where the train sat. You merely made it in time as you and Kyojuro stepped onto the train.
You sat down and Kyojuro sat across from you, he sat with his arms crossed with a big smile on his face. You started to talk but was interrupted by a waiter on the train, asking if you wanted something to eat, to which you nodded and so did Kyojuro. It will be a long journey after all.
"Umai!" munch.. "Umai!" munch.. "is that really the flame hashira?" "he looks like an idiot." "inosuke! That's rude! And zenitsu, it is. He looks like an admirable person."
"u-um... Mr. Rengoku?" "Umai!" "Kyojuro! Someone is calling you! It's the boy with the demon sister!" You said, lightly hitting him on the arm to get his attention. He turned his head towards the three boys. "Ah yes! Kamado, my boy! Come sit here!" He grinned patting the seat next to him and Tanjiro nodded and sat next to him.
"Kyaaaaa!! A pretty lady is in the same place as meeee!! Can you please marry meee?! I don't wanna die alone!!!!" Zenitsu cried, clinging his arms around your waist. You looked away in awkwardness. You felt Kyojuros burning gaze on you, so you adverted your eyes to him, his smile dropped a bit, eyes looking stern.
Could he be.. Jealous? The thought made you laugh, and Kyojuro's stern face was replaced with happiness and love when he saw you laugh.
"That's my fiancé, Yellow boy." "WHAAATTT?! I... YOU... HOW?! EEEEHHHH!? NEZUKO-CHAN!! SAVE ME!!" "Zenitsu, stop it."
"Come and fight me!!" "Settle down now, pig boy." "I AM NOT A PIG!! I AM KING INOSUKE!" "You are so embarrassing Inosuke!" "Shut up monitsu!" You sighed and shoved the two boys onto a seat on their own, tired of their behaviour already.
Kyojuro and Tanjiro we're talking amongst themselves, something about breathing styles. While you looked over at the boys to check on them, but regretted it when you saw Inosuke trying to stick his head out the window and Zenitsu trying to hold him back, calling Tanjiro for help.
The ticket man came around looking for people's tickets. As he came to you, the once happy space had now become a dark, gloomy era. You noticed his appearance, he had very dark eye bags under his eyes, and his eyes were blank. You reluctantly gave him your ticket, your suspicion raising, and it seemed like Kyojuro had the same. You stared at the lively smile he gave the man, just admiring his beauty. It's funny how the other hashiras call you both 'love birds.'
The click of the ticket removed you from your trance. You shook your head, trying to get rid of the thoughts that blasted through your head.
A few minutes passed and you felt sudden drowsiness, your eyes struggling to stay open. You thought it was weird, but didn't think much of it since you hadn't got much sleep in a while.
You opened your eyes only to be big green eyes starting back at you. Feeling a little frightened, you let out a squeal, before the person jumped up, but then you noticed it was the Love Hashira, Mitsuri Kanroji, also known as your best friend.
"(Name)! (Name)! Get up! Get up!" She squealed, shaking you by the shoulders a bit too hard. "Hey, hey, hey! What's wrong?! Is it a demon?!" You yelled, ready to get up and grab your sword to fight in your pajamas if you must. "It's your- a demon?! Are you silly?! Today is your big day!" "Mitsuri-Chan, I'll handle it." you heard a voice say, and Mitsuri stopped shaking you.
Shinobu Kocho, The insect Hashira, also known as your best friend, along with Mitsuri stepped out and helped you out of bed.
"What's happening?" You asked confusion on your face. "You're getting married to Rengoku-San, remember?" She asked, her thin eyebrows furrowing. You widened your eyes and started pacing around the room.
"but I need a dress! What ifidontlookgoodandhesaysnoatthevowsandrunsaway-" "(name)!"
After many almost mental breakdowns, you finally got your dress on, Suma and Makio & Hinatsuru Uzui worked on your makeup, and damn, they made you feel like a goddess. Mitsuri, Shinobu, Aoi, and the three butterfly girls worked on your dress compartment as your dress processes some errors while they fixed them. Nezuko popped up with small flowers in her hands, putting them into your hair beautifully. Kanao then came, placing a small butterfly clip in your hair. You then cooed, almost crying because of their cuteness.
But to your surprise, a familiar head peaked in, almost making you sob and ruin your makeup.
Your family passed a few years back, and you've just finally faced reality to accept it, but all the years you've survived without them, but as soon as you saw her face, you felt the need to be with them again.
"Oh my sweet baby... (Name)... You look gorgeous.. Oh my dear, don't cry!" Your mother cooed, smiling at your face.
The ladies then finished your look, which you squealed at and hugged them all. Mitsuri then had to hold back her tears, she felt so happy for you that she started crying, and soon enough, your mother joined in, claiming that you "grew up so fast."
"Oh come on Kyojuro! Don't be so nervous, it'll be alright man." Tengen laughed at his best buddy's face. Kyojuro kept worrying about his hair, and constantly asking him if he looked alright, but tengen only laughed and nodded in response.
"Hisssss..." "Yeah, I wonder how Mitsuri looks as well. I'm she she'll be as stunning as always." "Are you talking to a... Snake? What the fuck." "Shut the fuck up Shinazugawa. Mind your own business." "Obanai, Shinazugawa. Do not fight on this special, holy day." "I agree. It's a special day for Rengoku-san and L/n-san." "Shut up Tomioka. Nobody asked for your opinion." "I simply said that do not fight on Rengoku and L/n's special day. There is no reason to get upset." "What the fuck? I'm out of here." Sanemi said, storming out of the room.
"Why am I here again..." "To celebrate Rengoku-san and L/n's wedding, Tokito." "What's a wedding... And who's Rengoku and L/n..." "Nevermind, Tokito. We must go now." "Go where?" "Just follow me, boy."
The flower girls were up, Which was the three butterfly triplets. Sumi, Naho, Kiyo throwing petals on the floor. Some people cooed at their cuteness.
It was time for you to walk up to your soon to be husband, holding your fathers arm as he smiled at you gently, he was a little emotional about today since his daughter was getting married, which made you giggle. It felt like a dream come true to you, honestly.
But then you finally looked up at him. He looked so, so, so good. His hair was in his usual, small ponytail, hair still on his shoulders, Swiftly blowing in the wind, You blushed. He looked at you, in shock, a warm blush complimenting his lovely face. He quickly came back to his loving smile, his hands getting a bit clammy, going over his vows in his head while trying to look at his soon to be wife. You noticed that his other two family members, Shinjuro, His father, and Senjuro, his sweet little brother looking at you with a gentle smile on his face, his eyes almost telling you run up there and say 'I do!'
Then you saw all the male hashiras by his side, Tengen, Gyomei, Obanai, Giyuu, Sanemi & Muichiro. Most of them looked like they didn't wanna be here, except Gyomei and Tengen, while sanemi looked at the bush at the side, giyuu staring into space, obanai staring at Mitsuri, wishing that it was him and her and Muichiro looking at the clouds, slowly floating past in the bright blue sky.
You finally made it to where Kyojuro was standing, your sandals making a small 'click' due to the added platform. (im trying to say heels but in a sadal way?)
While the priest was talking, you tried to quickly glance at the wedding setting but your (e/c) eyes caught something.
Your wedding setting plan was a lovely garden, greenery everywhere, ponds and lakes everywhere, flowers growing in the perfect spots.
But the thing that caught your eye was.. Someone was in the pond? It almost looked like you, but you ignored it, looking at your husband, thinking it was just your imagination.
You both then said your vows, making you giggle as yiu recall the times you spent together, leading up to this moment. He then said his vows, a smile on his face.
The priest then turned over to you.
"Miss L/n, do accept Mr Rengoku Kyojuro as your loving husband?" He asked you.
"I do."
"Mr Rengoku Kyojuro, do you accept Miss L/n as your loving wife?"
"I do!" Kyojyro said enthusiastically, making everyone laugh.
"Any objections?"
....... ....... .......
"You may kiss the bride." after he said that, kuojuro pounced. He grabbed your waist and leaned into your lips, you then wrapping your arms around his neck, screams and yells booming through the air. Screams mixed with Mitsuri and the girls and your parents and yells mixed with Tengen, Shinjuro and Senjuro.
After the kiss, he started twirling you around, laughing loudly, making you squeal in delight and shock.
"Why hello there, Mrs. Rengoku!" Kyojuro said and kissed your cheek. You booped his nose. "Hello there, Mr. Rengoku~!" "Okay, Okay we get it lovebirds."
Tengen then grabbed Kyojuro. "Mind if I take him for a bit?" "Nope! I don't mind!" You said, smiling and Tengen dragged him over somewhere.
You then saw fish jumping over at the pond, so you decided to take a closer look. You then kneeled on the grass, but made sure the dirt didn't stain your dress. You then looked at your reflection.
"This doesn't feel real.." you mumbled. You could of sworn that you were on the Mugen Train, sitting with Kyojuro and the Kamaboko Squad. As you thought you didn't realise a face starting back at you, but it wasnt just any face, it was your face. You jumped, today was feeling odd, and now this was feeling very strange.
You then realised that... You.. In the water, was trying to say something, so you looked closer to hear what you were saying, only for your arms to get your actual arms and pull you into the pond. Feeling panicked, you tried to swim back up but you held a deathly grip.
"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" You screamed, bubbles forming around your mouth. You then disappeared somewhere into the water, making you feel even more uncomfortable.
'Wake up? Wake up? From what? From what?!'
"THE BRIDE HAS FALLEN INRO THE POND! SOOMEONE HELP HER! SHE ISNT COMING UP!" Someone screamed, and you felt a rush of hands trying to grip your arm, but no luck. You weren't thinking straight. 'Wake up? I'm so confused! Is this... All a dream?..'
"I'LL GET HER!!" Someone else yelled before you heard a big splash of water and someone pulling you up. As your head finally got above the water, you suddenly needed air, so you took big gasps of it.
The person who you recognized is your now husband, his eyebrows furrowed. "Are you okay my dear? You need to be more careful." Kyojuro mumbled and you nodded and hugged him. You were so confused, one moment you were on the Mugen Train and now your at your future wedding with Kyojuro? This has to be a dream.
You then excused yourself to the bathroom, looking yourself in the mirror, trying to process what just happened.
You then saw your blade in the corner, in your eyes, it's almost glimmering, as if it's the only thing you see in the room. You squinted your eyes and walked over to it. You picked it up, unsheathing the sword from the case.
Suddenly, multiple voices in your head started swarming in your head. Whispering and muttering "𝐂𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐊." "𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐊."
Panting, you hands shakily brought the sword up to your neck, closing your eyes shut.
'maybe, maybe, it will get me out of this dream, as much as I wanna stay, I have to get back to reality, especially since I'm vulnerable asleep.' she thought, you clenched the sword and screamed, swiping the sword against your neck.
Your body collapsed on the bathroom floor, unknown to you, someone heard your scream, and came rushing in, collapsing himself at the sight of your dead body on the floor.
But in reality however, you snapped your eyes open, and the first thing you see is some purple things on the train ceiling, making you jump and get into action, quickly slicing it. But to your surprise however, it was consuming the whole train, whatever it was. You noticed Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Nezuko and Kyojuro disappear, making you worry a bit.
You ran, slicing the purple guts that went into your way within a second. Slamming the door open with a bang, you saw your firey fiancee using his Flame breathing on a demon, making you sigh in relief. As you looked around, you noticed that everyone was asleep, so you suspected that the demon's ability was to make someone's dream come true and never wake again to the real world.
Kyojuro seemed to notice you after he finished the demon. "(Name)! It seems you have awoken, to my relief. Are you alright?!" He yelled and sped walked over to you, cradling your face in his hand, while his other on held his sword. You smiled and held the hand touching your face.
"I'm fine Kyojuro. Are you alright though?" You asked softly, wiping the small droplets from the demons blood on his face.
Kyojuro did his signature smile and kissed your cheek. "Of course I am! Now, let us defeat this demon and go home! I am looking forward to stay home with you after this is over! Do you wanna go to the festival after this actually? I promise it this time!" He said, the last time he said that he had to go to a mission when you two just got ready, making you sulk. You giggled and shook your head.
"I'll take care of the two cars while you take the other two!" Kyojuro yelled and you nodded, you two separating once again.
Soon enough, Tanjiro and the others defeated the main body of the demon, but after they did, the train tipped over, but none of the 200 passengers were killed. When the train tipped over, people's heavy luggage and belongings toppled over you, making you bang your head aggressively on the wall, making you fall unconscious with a bleeding head and some small bruises on your body.
When you opened your eyes again, your vision was hazy, seeing the moon shining down on you. Your ears started ringing and you closed your eyes as a headache started forming. When you opened your eyes again, you saw a pair of firey eyes starting back into yours, making you yelp, but realising it's Kyojuro's.
"Are you alright honey?" He asked softly getting on his knees and bandaging your head with the bandages from his haori.
You managed to mumble a 'yes'. But his warming presence didn't last long.
The mist and smoke from the train was still in the air, making it foggy, but you could somehow manage to spot a figure, aiming towards... Tanjiro?!
You tried getting up and aiming for the demon that was heading to tanjiro, but it seems Kyojuro had gotten to him first. The demon quickly recoiled, licking the blood of his arm as it regenerated in a blink of an eye. You wondered, why it regenerate so quickly? Not even a lower rank demon can regenerate that fast.
"Nice blade you got there." The demon spoke, opening his honey-coloured eyes. He had long eyelashes. You were shaken to the bone as you read his eyes. The writing in his eyes read...
U..uppermoon three? Kyojuro was incredibly strong and fast, but this is uppermoon three, no human has survived him, ever. But you prayed that he would be okay.
"My name is Akaza, uppermoon three, what's yours?" "Rengoku Kyojuro, the Flame Hashira."
"Oh! A hashira? This is getting exciting! Not to mention, A flame hashira, I think I've killed a few!" Right after he said that, you could tell Kyojuro tensed, grabbing his sword in front of him more tighter, much after he did before.
Kyojuro saw Akaza's eyes flicker to you, so we started moving in front of you, blocking Akaza's vision of you.
"I assume she's a hashira aswell. You two sure look like the perfect couple, are you perhaps married?" Akaza asked, and Kyojuro tensed even more. If he didn't answer, it's only longer to get this over with.
"Yes, soon to be." "ah, I see." Kyojuro's eyes narrowed at him, gritting his teeth slightly. Akaza put his hands up in defence.
"don't you worry there bud. I don't eat or hurt women." That assured him, a bit, but that doesnt mean he'll go off guard when he comes close to you.
"Why don't you become a demon, Kyojuro? You look incredibly strong. Instead of having this one battle once, we could have it multiple times! That is, if you become a demon of course. You could train and live for a hundred years! No, two hundred years! You're strong enough to be an uppermoon, I can tell clearly. Now come on! Be a demon Kyojuro! Why live in this human form when you can be a demon and live forever?!"
"Because dying is life. It happens to all of us, you must treasure life before it ends. And that's what i'm gonna do. I have friends, and I've got family waiting for me home, and I have my soon-to-be wife fighting along side me, battling evil creatures like you. So, I decline your offer. If I die tonight, I will be remembered as a human who refuses to be a demon!" He yelled, getting passionate and angryier by the minute, making Akaza smirk and get in position.
Akaza dug his feet onto the ground, making it crack and break under him as he muttered his blood demon art.
"Technique development... Destructive Death: Compass Needle!" Akaza yelled, a snowflake shape under him, running straight and fast at Kyojuro.
And so, the battle began. You could hear the clashes of Kyojuros sword and the grunts coming out of his mouth. You narrowed your eyes, starting to get up, and it seems Tanjiro had the same idea.
"Kamado, (Name)! Don't get up! Your wounds will reopen and there is a high- chance of you bleeding to death! Let me handle this!" He yelled, focused on the battle before him. You looked at your surroundings. Zenitsu was lying there, unconscious, and you hoped it would stay that way, he was a very emotional boy and if he found out the situation he was in, he would start panicking and screaming, making your headache worse.
Tanjiro looked lost, he didn't know what to do. He didn't know if he should listen to Kyojuro, or if he should help him. I put my hand on his shoulder, giving him the best reassuringly smile you could pull, giving him a look 'leave him be.'
You heard Inosuke in the distance, yelling something about the ticket man under the train. Apparently, the man had stabbed Tanjiro with some sort of weapon. You knew he looked suspicious. Tanjiro replied, telling him to help him, Inosuke grunting and grumbling in response.
Your (e/c) eyes followed the fight again, trying to make out the figures. You head loud clashing of swords, making your eyebrows furrow as worry had made onto your features. You clenched your hand around the hilt of your sword, if Kyojuro ever turned his head and gave you the go ahead to join in, but he never did.
The sounds stopped and you heard Kyojuro panting. Your eyes managed to look to his face, blood was dripping down his mouth, blood dripping onto his forehead, and he seems to have crushed his eye badly. You quietly gasped at his wounds, feeling the urge to run at him and take him away, before he got killed. But you knew better. Kyojuro never, never, ever, ran away from his missions, nor the scariest demon, he always fight back, never backing down. He would never run away.
"Kyojuro! Become a demon! You are in the verge of dying, if you become a demon now, you will be healed within a blink of an eye! Don't go dying now! That's pathetic!" Akaza yelled, veins popping out of his face.
"I... I refuse... I refuse to become a demon! I would never... Become murderer, killer, ugly creature like you!" Kyojuro yelled, blood dripping down on the right side of his face now. The more blood he shed, the more you worried. The attacks never stopped, the two never stopped for a moment.
"let's fight more. Don't die on me, Kyojuro!" Akaza yelled, now frowning as Kyojuro's blood dripped onto the ground.
The two were a few meters apart, and Kyojuro was panting. He then pushed his foot back, the dust lifting from the movement.
It was as if his body lit into flames, his haori was blowing in the wind. The flames stopped, and Kyojuro swung his sword over his shoulder, his two hands on his sword.
"Set your heart ablaze, go beyond your limits."
"I will fulfil my duty! I will not let anyone here die!" He yelled, his eyes bursting with flames, determined to finish him. His face was covered in blood, yet, he still wore his signature smile. You only wished for him to be okay.
"Flame breathing... Esoteric Art!" He yelled, his thick eyebrows furrowing in anger and focusing on Akaza, his smiling dropping for once. Kyojuro's sword lit up in flames. Akaza seemed shaken and had a look of disbelief on his face.
"what a tremendous fighting spirit!" Akaza gasped, giving his evil and mischievous smile.
"You have to become a demon after all, Kyojuro!" Akaza grit his teeth in excitement.
Tanjiro looked at you worriedly, clutching your hand to bring you some sort of comfort.
"𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆.. 𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌... 𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐎𝐊𝐔!" Kyojuro cried out, grasping his sword tighter then he did. The ground shook underneath him, and he lunged at Akaza, who was wearing a smile. He preformed his blood demon art, and the two collided.
You could hear yelling, blood gushing, Akaza's laughing, the both of them yelling. You covered your mouth, as you hoped for the best. A cloud of dust formed everywhere, and ground stilled.
The dust was fading away, slowly uncovering the scene before you.
The sight was the sight you never wanted to see in your life. All you wanted was to go home, hand-in-hand with your lover, not scratch on him and prepare your upcoming wedding. Was that too much to ask for?
Akaza's arm... Was impaled in Kyojuro's stomach. Blood dripped from Kyojuro's mouth, his white teeth stained with his own red blood.
You gasped, your whole body shook, your brain went blank, and big salty tears were already sliding down your face. Your voice was stuck in your throat, only sounds of disbelief and sadness groans coming out. Tanjiro grasped at the dirt beneath him, struggling to get up. Inosuke stood there, baffled at the scene before him, he didn't know what to do.
"Say that you'll become a demon Kyojuro!" Akaza shouted, his arm and the gashes had already regenerated while Kyojuro's was permanent.
Before Akaza spoke another word, Kyojuro gritted his teeth and aimed his sword at Akaza's neck. The demon groaned out in pain as Kyojuro dig his sword deeper into his neck, yelling in fury.
Akaza got his other hand and aimed it at Kyojuro's face, but luckily, Kyojuro stopped it with his other hand.
'he stopped it?!' Akaza thought, his eyes bulging in anger.
The veins popping out of their heads. They both screamed out in pain, and anger. Kyojuro digging his sword deeper while Akaza still had his hand in his stomach and trying to fight off Kyojuro.
'Damn! It'll be daybreak soon! I have to kill him and get out of here! I have to get out of here!'
"Out of my way!!" Akaza shouted, ripping his hand out of Kyojuro's grip and tearing out his hand from his stomach, leaving his sword stuck in his neck and hands ripped off him.
'I have to find refuge from the sunlight!' Akaza thought, fleeing from the sun and into the dark forest. Tanjiro was quick to get up and follow him.
He unshealted his sword, using his breathing to throw it at the pink-haired demon deep in the back.
"don't run away, you coward! Don't run away!"
'i'm not running from you, im running from the sun!'
"don't run away, you bastard! You bastard! You coward!" Tanjiro cried out, tears running down his cheeks. Your vision was blurry and you were unable to move. But you eventually wanted, no, needed to go to Kyojuro.
"Kyojuro!!" You screamed, wobbling over to him. You felt heartbroken that you lost most of your strength, almost like a half of you is fading.
Tanjiro limped over to you two as tears came down his face.
"Kamado, my young boy. I have high hopes for you and and your sister, I wish you two well. I hope that your sister turns human soon. The breathings we were talking about... I believe my father has a book of the type of breathing you seek. Go to the Rengoku residence, I'm sure my brother can guide you. Remember, set your heart ablaze, go beyond your limits. I believe in you." He managed to murmur out, turning his gaze to you.
"Ah, (name)... I'm.. I'm sorry. I wasn't able to make you happy, I wasn't able to make you my wife in time. I love you so, so much. After I die, I want you to never forget me, but... Find love... In another person.. I don't want you crying over my death..." "Kyojuro..." "(Name), Make sure father is okay, don't let him drink too much, and comfort Senjuro. He's too young to experience this.. I love you. I must see my mother soon...I... I think I see her... I don't think it's possible for me to live, again, i'm... Sorry. It was not... Meant to be this way." He said, whispering the last part as his life was being taken, slowly in front of your eyes.
He began to look behind you and Tanjiro, his eyes widening, and his mouth curling onto a smile. He must of seen his mother.
"Kyojuro... I love you so much, don't ever forget that, 𝐦𝐲... 𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐧-𝐭𝐨-𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝."
"I love you too, 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧-𝐭𝐨-𝐛𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞."
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
"Good morning Kyojuro... It's a lovely morning, isn't it? I'm sure you would love it as much as I love it. We miss you, honey. I miss you. Maybe in another life, we could have our happy ending. I guess fate just didn't wish for us to be together." You murmured, placing flowers on the grave.
"Shinjuro-san has changed after what had happened, he has stopped his drinking habits and has opened up to me a little. Senjuro-san is also starting to heal, but very slowly. He misses you very much, my love. Tanjiro-kun and the others are working very hard. They are currently staying at the butterfly estate."
"I don't know how much I can take without being with you. I haven't taken my ring off at all. Everything has reminded me of you, Kyojuro." You weeped, covering your face.
"𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞. 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞, 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞. 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡, 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞."
"I love you too, My husband."
∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇  ∇
"Kyojuro! I..i'll help you!" You yelled and Kyojuro widened his eyes. You were one of the fastest hashira. Trying your best not to hurt him, you carried Kyojuro in your arms while you yelled at Tanjiro on what to do.
"Tanjiro-Kun! I'll get Kyojuro to help! Make sure you and everyone else is safe and check for any injuries!" You yelled, focusing on getting Kyojuro the medical help. You knew the kakushi's would come eventually, but by that time, it would be too late. So your legs sped faster then ever.
You went to the nearest hospital in the town. People stared at you weirdly. First, the man is in the woman's arms and second, Kyojuro is on the verge of death, and third, you both have swords. But did you care? Of course not, you only cared about Kyojuro.
Luckily, the best doctors there were available and got to work immediately. You sent your crow to the group of boys to see what's happening on their end. Kakushi's probably landed by now.
You sat in the waiting room, waiting for the white door to be opened. You didn't even have to appetite to eat and your leg constantly jumped on nervousment. Due to the nevousment and the lack of sleep you've gotten, you eventually fell asleep in the uncomfortable chair.
"Miss? Ma'am? Can you wake up please?" The nurse spoke, shaking you softly. You blinked your eyes opened repeatedly, still half asleep. You wanted to go to sleep, closing your eyes again in tiredness.
Realizing your surroundings and why your here, you shot up.
"K-Kyojuro! Is he okay? Is my husband okay?!" "Oh uhm, yes Mrs, He is okay. His eye got crushed, so we wrapped bandages around the eye. His ribs and fingers are broken. And obviously, the hole in his abdomen was deep. It might take a long time to fully heal. You are lucky you got here fast enough, or else we couldn't have saved him."
"M-May I see him?" "You may. He is currently resting and I may inform you not to wake him up. He had struggled not sleeping next to 'Y/n' he said." your eyes softened at what she said. Oh, how you adore him.
You sped to his door, not bothering knocking in case he'd wake up. The state he was in, was bad. He was covered in bandages all over, especially his abdomen.
You couldn't help yourself as tears pushed their way through your eyes, now rolling your face. Limping over to his form, you crawled in beside him, careful not to touch any of his injuries. He looked so peaceful sleeping. He was like an angel sent from heaven just for you. He was your sun, he was your life. He was everything to you, for you. He was like the other half of you, if he ever passed, you would feel empty, broken.
You touched his face, looking at his closed eye. You kissed every part of his face, a little happy that he still has a chance with him.
His body shuffled a bit, making you jump and a bit worried since you weren't supposed to wake him up.
His only eye opened, adjusting to the room. He felt another presence beside him, so he looked next to him.
What... What am I doing here? What happened... All I remember is... Fighting Akaza, the pain of my injuries, the pain in my abdomen... Am I... Dead? Will I get to meet mother again? No... I left Father... Senjuro... Y/n... I never got to forfil my promise of marrying you and making you happy.
No, I am not dead, I still feel the pain... Over my body, my fingers, my abdomen... Then who is next to me?
I look over to my left, only to see my lover lying next to me.
"Y-Y-" "Shh my love. Don't waste your breath. Please rest. I wasn't supposed to wake you up. I love you, my love."
Did she... Save me? I... Survived..? All thanks to her... My lover... If I haven't loved her enough, I love her more than ever.
I nodded and she wrapped her arms around my neck since my body was full of cuts, bruises and broken bones. I was comfortable in her arms, I always have been, forever.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
After a few months, I healed, except the hole in my abdomen hasn't healed fully. I go to Kocho's butterfly manor for checkup's now.
My wedding with Y/n is tomorrow. I have my suit ready. I am very happy to get married to my lover and I'm glad that I could be her husband. We don't want anything to happen to each other. I have retired from being the Flame Hashira, and she continues to be The Wisteria Hashira.
My father and Senjuro were happy to see me, but a sad that I was on the verge of death. Shinjuro has treated me, Senjuro and Y/n better and has stopped his drinking habits, thankfully.
I'm glad Father has gone back to his old ways, back to caring about us again. I understand that he was emotionally and physically upset about my Mother's death, but drinking alcohol is not gonna help in any way.
Tomorrow came and I was nervous. I mean, what if I mess up? What if she has her doubts? What if she says no? What if- no. I shouldn't think like this. She's gonna say yes and I know it.
The male hashiras and friends, Tengen, Shinazugawa, Obanai, Gyomei, Muichiro, Giyuu, Kamado, yellow boy and Boar boy.
"Oi dude! I need to fix your hair!"
"My hair? I-Is something wrong with it?!"
"Yeah. I need to put flashiness into it!" tengen said, pointing to something.
"...Tengen. We are not putting glitter in my hair. I'm getting married, not being a gliterbomb."
"Psh, whatever. Kyojuro, there's a stain on your ass! Did you shit yourself?!"
"WHAT?! I- HOW?-"
".... I'm not Makio! I swear!"
Makio quickly opened the door, grabbing Tengen by the ear, and dragging him out. Hinatsuru and Suma only giggled before heading to (Name)'s room.
I only shook my head. Tengen was not helping. Tanjiro and the two boys then spoke up.
"Rengoku-san, You look amazing! I hope the wedding goes as plan. Y/n-san is very lucky to have you. You two look like the very best couple!" Tanjiro said, giving a closed eye smile. I smile back with enthusiasm, even though the nevousment is still bubbling in my stomach.
"Thank you, Kamado!"
"Erm, ew, no. I am not putting on the suffocating killer of a thing."
Tanjiro's sweat dropped, while I smiled at the scene. The boar boy sure knew how to make noise. Tanjiro then said a goodbye, shoving the two out the sorry, yelling a 'sorry' as I didn't hear him mutter a sorry the first time.
Senjuro then came in, smiling up at me. He was growing! His head was about to my shoulders! I then ruffled his head.
"Brother! You look good. I'm sure Y/N thinks so when she sees you too!"
"Haha! Thank you Senjuro! I am quite nervous! I hope everything goes as planned." I say, giving a smile down at him. My father then came in, putting his hands on my shoulders.
"I'm proud of you son. Remember, I want some grandchildren as well." He winked and my face heated up at what he said.
"I will ask Y/N on how she thinks on that idea! We will only go at her pace!" My father only laughed, tugging Senjuro softly.
"Well, Me and Senjuro are gonna get into place. After all, I am walking Y/n down the aisle. We don't wanna be late, do we Senjuro?"
"Well then, I'll see you later, Kyojuro." "Okay!"
Looking at myself in the mirror, I wonder how she's feeling right now...
I am so nervous! Mitsuri and Shinobu did a wonderful job, as well as the butterfly ladies and the Uzui ladies. Only this time, my family wasn't here. But I've learned to accept that. I'm sure they're cheering me on, even if it's from above. Shinjuro-san is walking me down the aisle. He was like a father figure to me, apart from Master of course. His illness has gotten worse, so he unfortunately couldn't come. He sends his blessings and his apologies.
"Thank you guys. I love you guys so much. Thank you for doing this all for me!"
"Now now now, Mitsuri-chan, we wouldn't wanna ruin your makeup now would we?~"
"well then. I'm gonna get back to Tomioka-san while Mitsuri-chan goes with Iguro-san. It's almost time for you to walk down, Y/n-chan. We'll be right here for you. I'll be right next to you, okay?"
"O-Okay!" You stuttered, trying to be confident. My palms were sweating.
It was time to walk down.
The scenery was beautiful, flowers decorated the place. While you and Kyojuro were friends, you two discovered a lovely waterfall on a mission, it was actually the same waterfall place where he confessed his love. Kyojuro and you thought it would be amazing to have the wedding here.
(ᴀ ʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴘɪᴄ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴇᴅᴅɪɴɢ)
Flowers were everywhere, which you loved. When you were walking, you noticed all of your friends and the people you call family, noticed you walking, standing up. You saw Shinjuro, hooking your arms with his.
He then leaned in close in your ear, whispering that you look beautiful, which you replied with a thank you.
Looking up at Kyojuro's face, you noticed his pink tainted cheeks, and the loving smile he always gave you.
Tengen looked at Kyojuro's face with a smug smile, sanemi looking bored, thinking he could slay over 100 demons in this moment. Giyuu had a small smile, aswell as Gyomei. Muichiro snatched one of the flowers, staring at the flower, no thought behind his eyes.
Tanjiro smiled at the two of you, Inosuke was busing himself with food, the crumbs sticking onto his face. Zenitsu having love hearts in his eyes while staring at Nezuko, aswell as obanai. He gave you a few looks, but moving his different coloured eyes to Mitsuri lovingly. As if it was their wedding.
Mitsuri wore a big smile and blushed, Shinobu kept her small smile, as well as Kanao and Aoi. Nezuko smiled behind her muzzle. Suma was covering her mouth, trying to prevent her from squealing, Makio had her hands on her hips, smiling while Hinatsuru kept her hand on her wrist, smiling gently.
Making it up to where Kyojuro stood and letting go of Shinjuro's arm, giving a shy smile across to Kyojuro. While the preist was speaking, You looked at your surroundings, taking in the scenery. This time, you didn't see anything, making you sigh and relief. A soft smile replacing your shy one.
You stared at his fiery orbs, while the priest spoke.
"Miss L/n, would you take Rengoku Kyojuro as your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"Rengoku Kyojuro, do you take Y/n L/n as your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do!" Kyojuro yelled, making everyone laugh. Just like your dream.
"you may kiss the bride."
Kyojuro wasted no time, quickly grabbing your waist and kissing your lips. The crowd cheered in joy.
You were glad that this wasn't a dream. Being a Rengoku wasn't a dream, at last.
You and kyojuro lived happily ever after.
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