#oh crap I forgot to sign
breizhbaguette · 2 years
He's precious
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He's 💖baby💖
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spdrwdw · 9 months
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Art by peachypie
Pairing: Miguel x f!Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff
Summary: You and Miguel attend a Christmas party at work where you receive the best Christmas gift you could ever hope for.
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Decided to whip up a quick little Christmas fic. Sorry for it being posted last minute lmao. Hope everyone has a happy holiday!
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It was the week before Christmas and the bakery where you worked was just bustling with people. Nonstop orders were coming in as you continued baking various breads and pastries. 
Your face and apron were just covered in flour and frosting and who knows what else. You just looked a hot mess, honestly. But, on the positive side, you being busy with orders made the time just breeze through, and you were thankful, because everything was hurting by the end of your shift. Arms, legs, neck, back. Everything ached. 
“I could really use a massage right about now,” you sighed as you began your clean up routine after the doors closed. 
Miguel, your coworker and best friend, was up front counting the till for the night. 
“Yeah? Hmm, well, I happen to be pretty good at giving massages, you know. If you want some relief,” he replied, shooting a smirk and a wink your way as you walked past him. 
You rose a brow at him, feeling your cheeks heating up at his words before finally shaking your head at him. 
“Why do I feel like you mean something completely different by that?” You questioned. 
“Maybe you should get that mind of yours out of the gutter,” Miguel shot back at you, causing you to flinch. 
“Rude,” you muttered under your breath as you headed back into the kitchen. 
Once Miguel had finished counting the funds made that day and finished cleaning up at the front of the store, he made his way to the back to help you with whatever else you needed. 
“Don’t we have that Christmas party going on in two days?” You then asked, trying to remember when the shop’s Christmas party was going to be held. 
Miguel nodded his head as he cleaned up the mixers. “Yeah. It’s gonna be on Saturday. We’ll be closing shop early for it. We’re also doing Secret Santa during the party, too.”
“Oh, crap! I honestly forgot about that! Crap crap crap!” You hissed, shaking your head as you swept the floor. You definitely had to drop by the mall and buy something for Jess. You really forgot all about the Secret Santa thing. You were so preoccupied with school and finals that it had just slipped your mind.
“Well, you’re welcome for the reminder,” Miguel snickered.
You rolled your eyes at him, however, grateful for the reminder. You didn’t want to attend the Christmas party without your secret Santa gift. 
Once everything was cleaned and checked off, Miguel closed up shop for the night. 
“You’ll be okay getting home?” Miguel asked as he locked the front doors. 
“Yeah, I should be alright. I can catch the last bus home,” you assured him as you zipped up your jacket and stuffed your hands into the jacket’s pockets. 
“Alright. Keep your phone on you and text me when you get home.”
Miguel may be a pain in the ass at times. But, he was still your best friend and he always looked out for you.
“I will. Promise. Have a good night, Miguel,” you smiled up at him, nodding your head.
It also didn’t help that he made your heart skip a beat sometimes when he acted so sweet towards you. Just fueling the silly little crush you had for him since you both met during your freshman year of college, 
“Good night,” he smiled back at you as you turned at your heel and began to walk the opposite way.
Miguel watched you for a moment before you turned the corner, waiting a couple of minutes before he walked the opposite  direction to head home. 
As promised, you texted him once you got to your apartment, even sent him a selfie of you at the front door, sticking your tongue out and giving him a peace sign before you opened the door and stepped inside. 
The next couple of days were a blur. You did not remember the events that happened during those days that had led you to the day of the Christmas party. 
All your coworkers were there. Including Miguel. Of course, he would be there. 
Everyone was dressed up, either wearing ugly sweaters or Christmas themed clothes. You settled for a cute Santa dress. 
People brought in food, either store bought or homemade. You decided to bake some gingerbread cookies to bring in. You did work at a bakery, after all, and everyone seemed to enjoy them despite constantly being around baked goods. 
The party was going well. Everyone was mingling, eating, drinking, and even dancing around in the shop. You were talking to Jess and MJ, sitting down on a booth over at a corner of the shop. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Miguel staring at you, or possibly at the table. 
Since he was your best friend, he sometimes acted like a sad puppy when he wasn’t allowed to be part of the ‘girl group’ that was you, Jess, and MJ. 
You couldn’t help but smile in his direction. He caught your expression and smiled back at you before moving his attention back to the conversation he was having with Peter and Ben. 
While things continued to go great, something else had caught your eye. Ben. 
He was staring at you. You noticed he had been staring at you the entire time. You didn’t think anything of it at first. While he wasn’t a close friend of yours, you did talk to him from time to time. Either during work or if you ran into him on campus. 
But, it had gotten to a point that it made you feel a little uncomfortable. You were aware of his crush on you. And you did even go on a date with him one time a while ago, but it just didn’t click. You didn’t like him like that. And him staring at you at that moment, made you cringe a little.
Miguel seemed to notice it, too. And he didn’t like it. Not one bit. He knew why Ben was staring at you. It was your outfit. While there was nothing wrong with what you were wearing, you looked absolutely cute in it. 
You were wearing the red santa dress, and you had put on some makeup to match the outfit. While you did wear makeup every now and then when you were up to it, you usually didn’t wear it as you did today. It made you look..different. In a way in which Miguel just couldn’t describe. It made his heart skip a beat every time you caught his gaze and smiled at him. 
However, your outfit had caught Ben’s attention as well. And while Miguel was good friends with Ben, he wasn’t going to have him staring at you, either. 
“What are you looking at, Ben?” Miguel asked, trying to divert the blonde’s attention. 
“Hmm? What?” Ben hummed, still looking your way. 
“What are you staring at?” Miguel repeated, with a tiny hint of aggression in his voice. 
Ben raised a brow as he finally looked over at Miguel before shaking his head. “Nothing.” 
Ben shrugged. “Okay, maybe I have been staring at the girls over there, but I mean, dude, can you blame me?” Ben slightly nudged over in your direction.
“She looks really good in that outfit. Don’t you think? Like..damn,” Ben chuckled a little. 
Miguel simply grunted in response. However, he didn’t like how Ben kept staring at you. It made him feel some type of way. He wasn’t possessive of you. He had no right to be. But, it did irk him a bit when other guys stared at you. And he lowkey wanted to punch Ben at that moment. His hands were already clenched into tight fits, getting ready to strike.
“Yo, Miguel. Helllooooo. Earth to Miguel!” Peter waved his hand in front of Miguel, trying to catch his attention. 
“W-what?” Miguel blinked as he was snapped out of his thoughts, looking back over at Peter. 
“Sorry. What was that?”
Peter rolled his eyes. “I asked if you were gonna want another beer? I was gonna grab some more from the cooler,” Peter repeated. 
“Oh. y-yeah yeah. Sure. Thanks,” Miguel nodded his head as Peter and Ben both went into the kitchen to grab more beers. 
He then looked back over to the table and noticed that you were no longer there. Where did you go?
“Miguel? You okay?” You asked, appearing beside him, causing him to jump a bit in surprise before looking over at you. You simply looked up at him, head tilted slightly in curiosity. 
“I noticed you’ve been a little out of it today. You alright?” 
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine,” Miguel assured you, giving you a gentle smile. 
“You sure?” You asked, not really believing him.
“Promise,” he nodded just at Peter and Ben made his way back out. 
You then nodded your head and took a step back before making your way over to your other coworkers to talk to them for a bit. Miguel could hear everyone complimenting your outfit. He realized that he hadn’t said anything about it yet. He should bring it up before the night ends. 
About another hour or so had gone by, people were a little more loose, a little more rowdy. The music was louder, the conversations produced more laughter, and people were just a little more bold and daring. 
You had gone into the kitchen to grab yourself some more food, feeling your stomach growling. You grabbed a plate and began to load it with food, humming softly to yourself along to the music that was playing on the other side. You didn’t notice someone entering the kitchen, approaching you. 
“Still stuffing your face with food?” Miguel smirked as he appeared beside you, causing you to flinch slightly in surprise. You pouted and glared up at him before rolling your eyes. 
“This is nothing compared to your sixth helping of this entire table you had a couple minutes ago!” You pointed out. 
“I can’t help it. I’m a growing boy,” Miguel joked, shrugging his shoulders. 
You rolled your eyes again before going back to serving your food. “You want me to get you anything?” 
Miguel shook his head. “Nah. I can grab my own food. I appreciate it, though.”
The kitchen fell silent for a moment. The only thing that could be heard was everything going on on the other side. People were still chattering and laughing, music still booming. Yet, it was dead silent in the kitchen. A sort of tension then filled between the two of you. You could feel your heart beating against your eardrums. 
You were about to open your mouth to say something before you felt Miguel pressing himself against you from behind , but not hard enough to hurt you. You still had some wiggle room to turn around. And you did just as Miguel leaned down closer to you. 
“I hate what you do to me sometimes,” MIguel practically growled as he grabbed you by the arm, squeezing just a bit, but not hard enough to hurt you. 
You looked up at him with wide eyes, caught completely by surprise as you gave him a confused expression. 
“What? What are you talking about?” 
Miguel’s nostrils flared as he exhaled, looking at you with darkened eyes. 
“You make me feel these feelings that I feel like I should not be having.”
“Miguel..I really don’t understand what it is that you’re trying to tell me,” you stated. Which was true. You had no idea what he was talking about or why he was looking at you like that. Yet, you could feel your heart racing a bit. Was it excitement?
Miguel let out a frustrated sigh. He knew he wasn’t making any sense at that moment, but he really did hope you caught on to what he was attempting to spew out. 
He was terrible at explaining things anyway. However, this was the one thing that he didn’t want to be terrible with. 
“Just..come here for a moment,” he said as he pulled you away from the table, pulling you deeper into the kitchen over to a more secluded area. 
He then took your hand and placed it over his heart. Your eyes widened when you felt his heart racing against your palm. 
You then looked back up at him, meeting his eyes. He had those puppy eyes that made your knees buckle. 
“Miguel I-”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he interrupted, shaking his head. “I just..wanted to let you know.Or..let you feel, rather.”
He let go of your hand and took a step back, biting his lower lip. It made your heart skip a beat. 
“Look. I know you may not feel the same. But, I just wanted to let you know. I’ve..been feeling this way for a while. And..I don’t know why I waited this long to tell you. But, seeing how Riley was looking at you the entire time made me feel some type of way. I know you two were somewhat of a thing before and it kinda made me feel a little jealous..” he rambled. He was honestly really cute when he did that. 
He then awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck when you didn’t answer. What were you supposed to say after that? You were completely stunned that you just couldn’t find your voice. 
But, as he began to take a step back, your hand shot forward and you grabbed hold of his wrist, pulling him back closer to you. You were like a robot. You had no control of your limbs or movements. 
Stretching up on your toes, you hooked your arms around his neck, pulling him down closer to you until your lips touched. Again, you had no control of your movements. It was as if your mind had stepped into another room in your brain. 
Miguel’s eyes widened in surprise, obviously stunned by your sudden reaction. However, he quickly shook it off and wrapped his arms around you, pressing you closer to him.
You two kissed for what felt like hours. At one point, he had picked you up and placed you on top of a stack of boxes so neither of you would strain your bodies. 
Eventually, you had to pull away for air. Your cheeks were warm, and your body felt jittery. You couldn’t help but to look away shyly. Yet, Miguel caught your chin with his fingers and had you look up at him. His lips were swollen from your heated kisses. There was also a twinkle in his eye. 
Before you could get a word out, his lips were on your once again. This time, just a little softer. A little sweeter. Gentler. It made you melt into his arms. 
He pecked your lips a couple more times before taking a step back, but never let go of you. 
“Had I known you felt the same I would’ve done that a lot sooner,” he chuckled, giving you a shy smile. 
Your cheeks warmed again and you nodded your head in agreement. “Yeah. Same here.”
He helped you back down, taking your hand in his. 
“Also. Ben and I were never a ‘thing’. I only went out on one date with him. He’s..not really my type,” you shrugged your shoulders, looking up at him with a slight smirk. 
“I like them a little more rugged. Like more..jackass,” you teased. 
Miguel’s jaw dropped for a second before letting out a laugh, shaking his head a little bit. 
“Not sure if that’s something to be proud of,” he pointed out. 
“Didn’t say I was,” you countered with a shrug before grinning up at him. You felt butterflies in your stomach, and you couldn’t help but to feel excited. Stretching back up on your toes, you gave him another peck on the lips. 
Remove his hand from yours, he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close before grabbing your plate of food from the table. 
“Come on, let’s go sit down so you can eat,” he said as you two made your way out of the kitchen. 
“Oh, by the way. You look great in that outfit,” Miguel complimented. 
“Yeah?” You beamed up at him. You’ve been getting compliments all night. But, you didn’t think you’d get one from Miguel. 
His cheeks turned a little red as he nodded his head. “Yeah. I couldn’t stop staring at you. You’re like a Christmas present. Mind if I unwrap you later?” He then smirked. 
You gasped and lightly smacked him, causing him to burst out laughing. 
“Absolutely not! Pervert!”
Miguel continued to laugh. “I’m just messing with you, muñeca. I’ll wait until Christmas Eve to unwrap you.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Peter suddenly appeared in front of the two of you as you exited the kitchen. His mouth was stuffed with food and was a little red in the cheeks. He may have been just a bit drunk. 
“Nothing.” You and Miguel both said in unison before passing by Peter. 
Still. You couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas gift. Miguel had confessed his feelings to you. And shared a set of kisses with you in the kitchen. It was all surreal. It felt like a dream. 
“Look! It’s snowing!” MJ called out excitedly as she stood by the window. Everyone gathered around the windows to look outside as the snow fell. Including you and Miguel. Your food was now forgotten on the table as he kept his arm wrapped around your waist, the two of you looking outside for a moment as if neither of you had seen snow before. 
“Merry Christmas,” Miguel whispered softly to you. 
“Merry Christmas, Miguel,” you whispered back, leaning against him as you continued to watch the snow fall and coat the streets in white. 
Yeah, this was definitely a Christmas you were never going to forget. 
“Also, if Riley stares at you like that again, I’m going to punch him,” Miguel muttered. 
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homicidal-slvt · 2 years
Your First Valentine's Day Together
Creepypasta Head-Canons
Warnings: None
Jeff The Killer
Forgot it was valentine's day and last minute grabbed something from the gas station. Thinks most Valentine's stuff is over priced and cheesy anyway.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Y/N." "Is this... A bag of chips..?"
Jane The Killer
Absolutely loves spoiling you and doing cute things for you, so there's a day dedicated to that??? Sign her the fuck up! She arranges to take you to a cute cat cafe and insists on paying for everything, seeing you smile is worth every penny.
"Jane you really didn't have to do all this!" "I just love making you smile."
Nina The Killer
Best. Day. Ever. She will be so excited to surprise you with a bunch of clothes she ordered online that's your style! Doesn't want to get any stereotypical things for you for Valentine's, only stuff she knows you'll enjoy.
"Ahhh! Y/N look at this cute shirt I bought you! I can't wait to see you wear it!~" "Another one???"
Toby Rogers
Is bouncing off the walls excited for Valentine's Day. Is VERY cheesy about it and probably absolutely buries you in every cute stuffed animal he could find. Will curl up and watch cheesy romance movies with you all day while munching on the chocolates he got for you.
Teases you if you want to celebrate Valentine's Day, calling it cheesy and too lovey dovey. However secretly she loves it, but she's not going to tell you that- at least not yet. So, you're in charge of planning your date together.
"Oh really? You go for that cheesy crap?" "Come onnn! It will be fun! Please!"
Eyeless Jack
Jack doesn't get many chances to act like just a person anymore, so when Valentine's Day rolls around he wants to take the chance to just act like a normal couple would. He plans a quiet dinner just you two in his room, enjoying feeling human again. Just for today- you are just two people in love.
"Do you like the candles, Y/N?" "I love them. It's perfect."
Laughing Jack
This clown has no earthly idea what he's doing. He just straight up throws you a "Valentine's Party" like it's a birthday. It's sweet though. He's trying his best- even though he invited everyone so you two don't really get any time alone.
"Surprise Y/N!!!" "AH! Is that heart shaped confetti?!?"
Ben Drowned
Simply plans a gaming date for the two of you with lots of gummy worms. This really is just a normal day with him but he claims it's special because he won't hog all the gummies this time.
"C'mon! It'll be fun! Why go out when we can just stay right here?" "Fine... Move over."
Hobo Heart
Tries to plan something special for you two but has no idea what to do. He just wants you to love it! Finally settling on just a nice quiet coffee/tea date with just you and him. Cuddled up in the library reading books.
"Romance or Fantasy, Y/N?" "Why not both?"
Doesn't fully understand the concept of the holiday but isn't going to pass up a chance at treating you. He plans a lovely romantic evening in the underworld with dinner and wine. The man is a complete gentleman.
"Is this alright, Y/N?" "It's wonderful."
You want to spend Valentine's Day? With him? He finds the idea amusing at first but finally gives in, taking you out on the town in the underworld. Showing you off and buying you fancy clothes.
"Everything simply looks stunning on you!~" "Oh hush..."
Nathan The Nobody
He hasn't the faintest clue how to celebrate Valentine's Day with you but he knows he wants too. He simply comes to you and asks what you'd like to do.
"Want to just watch movies together?" "I'd like that very much, Y/N...."
The Puppeteer
Brushes off Valentine's Day. What's the point in something like that? You already have the perfect gift, getting to spend time with him! What more could you want???
"Pup, please!!! I just want to do something fun with you!" "This IS fun!"
Judge Angels
Takes the holiday very seriously, almost too serious! She insists she must make it absolutely perfect for you because you deserve it. Expect a fancy date and lots of dancing lessons, she loves dancing with you.
"Take my hand, Y/N." "You really went all out, didn't you?"
Bloody Painter
He makes you both some tea and you two spend a whole day in his studio. Laughing and cracking jokes while he paints a portrait of you, even offering to give you painting lessons. You just enjoy a lovely date full of giggles and messy paint.
"Aw, Y/N. You got paint on your nose." "Oops-"
Nurse Ann
She doesn't really talk much so she expresses her love for you through lots of hugs and attention. Quality time means the world to her so you two end up in the kitchen cooking together, after all a meal always tastes better if it's made with love.
"....." "I love you too, Ann."
Kate The Chaser
She doesn't exactly celebrate the holiday. She kind of just awkwardly offers you whatever she found in the pantry and hangs out with you for the day. It takes a long time for her to open up.
"Thank you, Kate." "..... No problem."
Homicidal Liu
He loves you dearly and wants you to always know that. He plans a beautiful picnic date at night, that way you two can gaze at the stars and tell each other what you see. Expect a dance in the moonlight, the crickets serving as your symphony. It feels like it's just the two of you in the world.
"This is so beautiful, Liu." "Almost as beautiful as you."
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base0h · 24 days
a/n - so this was kinda inspired by the one piece swapped au :) but yeah basically it’s just them meeting you, a professional volleyball player for Japan that they’ve idolized their entire life and aspired to become like you 🫶
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, famous volleyball player reader, this is not an x reader thing!!
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are they having a seizure? A stroke? A heart attack? Maybe all three?? | “OH MY GO—“ they’re frozen mid sentence
.✩ hinata (when is bro not tweaking when he meets someone remotely cool?), nishinoya, tanaka (you made him and nishinoya freeze midair like when they saw johzenji’s manager), koganegawa, goshiki, yamaguchi, bokuto (he’ll unfreeze and then yap about how cool you are), yamamoto, inuoka, kinoshita, himekawa (he might’ve died standing up)
you’re scared of them because why are they just staring at you like they wanna murder you? | they want an autograph but are too afraid to ask you
.✩ kageyama, asahi (he doesn’t mean to bro 😭), aone, sakusa (bro doesn’t want germs on him but he also thinks you’re cool so he’s torn)
they’re so sweet, and they walk up to you with so much adoration your heart legit melts | “You’re so cool— you’re the reason I started volleyball and I’m so glad I did!”
.✩ hinata, nishinoya, kanoka, michimiya (she’s literally so sweet 😭), natsu, akane (she got into cheering because of you not her brother don’t tell him)
they’re all calm on the outside but inside they’re tweaking | “Can I have an autograph?” OH MY GOD IT’S Y/N L/N HOLY SHIT—
.✩ hoshiumi, kuroo, yaku, suguru, futakuchi, konoha, terushima
probably the most normal acting fans out of everyone | “Can I have a selfie with you? I’m a big fan of yours :)”
.✩ tendou, sugawara, ennoshita, iwaizumi (bro does not know how to smile for pictures tho), oikawa (he’s gonna do those finger heart things), matsukawa, hanamaki, daichi (also does not know how to smile for pictures plus he can’t figure out how to flip the camera), semi, aran, kai, komori, hirugami, akaashi
they don’t even look like they like you but they really do | “Can I have an autograph?” they say that as they’re looking at you like you’re a piece of trash
.✩ ushijima, kunimi, kenma (you’re his fav streamer), suna (his rbf is so bad) washio, shirabu (I don’t think he’s ever looked friendly in his life)
they’re very nervous and they legit cannot ask what they wanna ask without forgetting who they are where they are and what’s happening 😭 | “Uh— what’s my name for you to sign? Oh! Right— yeah my name is uh— crap what is my name?”
.✩ yamaguchi, hinata, kindaichi, himekawa, kinoshita, yachi (it’ll be a miracle if she actually is able to ask for a picture without dying of anxiety), kanoka, asahi (he forgot what he was gonna ask you too)
you’re a fan of them so now you’re tweaking because they’re asking YOU for an autograph/selfie | “Can I have a self—“ “YES.”
.✩ kenma (you’re literally a premium patreon), alisa, lev (bro him and his sister are so pretty), little giant, timeskip hinata (ninja shoyo bro 😭🙏)
you’re scared because why are they as tall as the BFG | “Can I have a selfie?” “Yeah sur— HOLY—“
.✩ hyakuzawa, tsukishima, ushijima (“hello there” bro has the high ground 💀), hakuba (that one dude in kamomedai), koganegawa, hirugami (not the kamomedai guy his older brother), lev, meian, sokolov (I have no idea who this is I just know he’s 6’7), barnes (also don’t know who this dude is but bro’s 6’9), taichi, tomas
they’re so chill and friendly that you become friends
.✩ fukunaga (he’s hilarious dude no wonder he’s a comedian post timeskip), kai (the guy is a saint 😭), aran, sarukui, konoha, tendou, kiyoko, sugawara, matsukawa, hanamaki
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a/n - fukunaga is underrated guys he’s hilarious
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halucynator · 11 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Mattheo x shy!eader( Female if possible) Where she wants to get a piercing/tattoo but she's very scared to. Mattheo comforts her and helps her pick out the piercing/tattoo design. Also the piercing can be anywhere you choose.
Now or never
Hii! So sorry I totally forgot about this request xx thank you sm for waiting!! I love this idea <3 this is a short blurb bc if I extended it it'd be a drag. I might make a longer version if uni gives me the time lmao
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of needles, not proof read and my writing lmao
Also I totally have no idea what a piercing place is called so excuse me using "piercing studio" to describe it if you know the word PLEASE tell me I beg of you. And in my heart mattheo is the type of person who pretends to like to be lonely but actually hates it and fears it.
Summary: reader decides to get a piercing. her somewhat rational, mild fear of needles doesn't help.
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You stepped into the piercing studio, immediately regretting your decision. As you see that all the staff are busy, you take that as a sign to leave the place. As you turn around you bump into someone. Oh right. Mattheo came with you do you wouldn't chicken out like the last 6 times you went.
"Where are you going?" He asked "the piercing studio is here"
"oh erm they're overbooked." you said
"don't you have an appointment already for 5?" He question.
"yeah but I don't want to bother them" you replied pretending to be nonchalant.
"alright y/n what's really going on?" he asked fed up of your crap.
"okay fine you want the truth? I'm gonna sound so pathetic. I hate needles and this is probably gonna be really painful and this is not my first time coming here and trying to leave because I'm a coward and don't have the guts to get my helix pierced."
"woah woah. Slow down. You're not a coward! Everyone has fears!" Mattheo said trying to comfort you.
"you don't."
"yes. I do."
"oh and what's that?"
"erm i-" Mattheo's voice dropped down to a whisper. He hesitated before saying "I am afraid of being lonely"
"that's not irrational." You said.
"neither is a fear of needles. it's sharp. It's painful. But you can't hide from it forever." Mattheo said. "if you want it, go for it. it's now or never"
Hearing Mattheo's reassuring words you entered the shop and got your helix piercing. To your suprise it didn't hurt that much.
"oh that's beautiful" mattheo replied at your choice of piercing. "Did it hurt"
"not as much as I thought."
Mattheo's previous words of encouragement ringed in your head and you did something else that you were trying to hide from.
"Mattheo i- thanks." You said. And then "I like you" you blurted it out as if it wasn't a big deal.
"y-you do?" He questioned.
"yeah and I've been hiding from it and I think it's dumb but I didn't want to wreck our friendship and-" before you could finish your sentence and process what was happening, Mattheo's lips were on yours.
Sometimes in life you just have to go for it. It's now or never.
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writing-for-life · 5 months
Considering this is a site where so many people have aspirations to become professional authors or artists, I think it’s really astounding that many (often the same) people encourage book piracy. And by that I mean: They don’t just do it behind closed doors (whatever, do what you have to do and keep it to yourself)—they actually package it as some act of immeasurable kindness in the name of “social justice”. And I’d say: If you’re not a professional author and have no experience in or with publishing, hence don’t really understand what it means to make your living as a writer, maybe just… don’t? And if you ever want to sell your books, maybe also just… don’t?
It’s not some cool subversive thing in the name of social justice you’re doing. You’re really hurting authors with it, and it’s in no way comparable to “fighting the big bad streamers.”
Yes, Neil Gaiman will be okay, but if you’re saying it’s okay to do it to him, you’re also saying by extension it’s okay to do it to lesser known authors. And those authors make up the vast (and I mean vast!) majority of authors. But maybe you’re one of those people who think that all artists are minted and picture them in La La Land, entirely possible. If that’s the case, maybe educate yourself what the median income of authors is, be very surprised and wake up. Sometimes, it really helps to think before hitting post. And if rants are not your thing, this is the exit sign because I’m not going to mince my words…
Here are a couple of really good comments from *that* post that people should maybe inwardly digest before they prioritise being oh-so-understanding and supportive of every Tom, Dick & Harry who “can’t afford the book” via piracy (how about buying them one instead if you care so much. No? Thought so) over supporting authors, artists and, yes, libraries:
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(Re the last comment: Or use online libraries—they’re also free. That was also part of above post btw. Libby, Hoopla etc exist for a reason.)
If that’s all too hard, then let’s at least stop pretending on here that we care about supporting authors and artists while vocally supporting book piracy. Because really, it’s the same in all arts, even if the symptoms are slightly different—take it from one who is both a published author and used to be a stage performer.
And to say it quite frankly: These “ideas” are probably held by the same people who were tearfully blabbering about the arts being what kept them going during the pandemic and then forgot about it all when lockdown was over. Or maybe they are the same people who think that art is a “jolly pastime”, and that everyone should just be content to “do it for the love of it and give their art away for free because awwwww, so amazing, here, buy food with my exposure bucks.” Go on then, write and consume fanfics and create fanart, problem solved. Just don’t ever ask for the pro art that inspires it again. Ah no, I forgot, it’s all made for money and soulless anyway, innit? Why oh why then do you want to consume and pirate it though?
You’re not progressive and/or supportive of artists. You just have no clue how making a living in the arts works and think your comfort (= “I have to have all the things even if I can’t afford them”) matters more than someone’s livelihood (namely that of the people who devoted their lives to creating that art for you), and it really shows.
I don’t care about anyone’s Google history and even said so several times on here when people asked (this is the latest one, and yes, I see the people who had a “reaction” to this one or the reblog above, but I bet that’s “coincidence”). Do whatever you want to do, it’s your choice, keep it to yourself. But stop pretending that piracy means “caring about the noble cause”, because repackaging entitlement as social activism is performative crap…
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skamenglishsubs · 1 year
More Young Royals locations!
It's summer, I'm in Sweden again, and I was actually here while they were wrapping up filming out at Kaggeholm, but I'm too classy to crash a location. (I forgot about it, or I totally would have!)
Either way, I've since visited twice because the weather was kinda crap the first time, and I managed to snap some hopefully new and interesting photos in the hopes of receiving undying love and gratification from the internets. Enjoy!
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Signs schmnigns! Oh okay, I'll go around, then.
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As revenge for that bad, no-good, terrible sign, here's a super unflattering shot of the school building from behind.
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The last remains of the shoot, a forgotten location sign.
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A classroom! Maybe even the classroom!
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Behind these windows are the dressing rooms for the gym. I am very classy and did not try to get any shots through them. Also, they're frosted.
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The gym!!!
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Not quite the same light as in the evening rowing scene in season 1, but a pretty view nonetheless. Oh, and they've built a new dock!
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And here's an unflattering shot of the grounds between the school building and the dock. Any middle managers wanna play padel on the lake?
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Anyway, back to the castle! The fluorescent sign says "The castle has been rented out for the summer, please respect the privacy of our guests." Don't ask me how I know.
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The "small" house Wilhelm banished Malin and the rest of his security guards to.
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A better shot of the ritual tunnel from season 1.
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The castle is rather pretty in the setting sun!
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Here's the statue they were moving around in preparation for the royal visit in season 2.
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And here's the statue they tied Wilhelm to as part of his initiation in season 1.
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I also quickly visited two of the churches that's been used in the show. The top one is Skå kyrka, and the bottom one is Ekerö kyrka, but both were only used for the interior, and I actually don't know which one they used for the exterior shots at the end of season 1 and the start of season 2.
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I also went to the place where Marcus takes Simon for a pizza lunch on the hood of his car in season 2. The view would have been great had the weather been better...
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I only got a bad shot of the gas station from season 1 last time I was here, so I decided to get a few more this time. Gas is a lot more expensive now than when season 1 was shot.
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And finally I drove by the grocery store where Simon buys the tabloid in season 1, and I noticed that they're actually tearing it down, so this might be the last photo of that location!
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charetchi · 1 month
people who make lineless art have my respect ngl
it's always like this i swear
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"oh crap tyrone i need more layers, 42 is not enough"
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*adds 8 quintillion more layers*
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"well hey my pc is now vaporized and is in ashes by the sheer monster task of making a million layers for a drawing but at least i finished👍"
"wait i forgot to sign my drawing-"
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scruffyplayssonic · 2 months
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80’s/90’s syndicated cartoon? Episode 66: Summary (part two)
This is part two of my summary and conclusion to my blog series investigating how the ArchieSonic comics were remarkably similar to the format of a syndicated cartoon from the 80’s and 90’s. If you haven’t already, you can read part one here.
Okay, back to it!
Episode 40: The one episode that’s unique to the show’s premise and characters
I chose four arcs for this one - Mecha Madness, Return to Angel Island, Iron Dominion, and Spark of Life.
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Episode 41: Recap origin story in yet another clip show
They didn’t do it as more clip shows, but the origins of the series were further explored in new stories multiple times in both pre-boot and post-boot. Perhaps the most memorable instance is from Sonic #43, in which King Acorn was trapped in his memories and reliving Robotnik’s coup.
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Episode 42: Haunted house
We got this in the Sonic X comics, with issues 13 and 14 bringing in King Boom Boo from Sonic Adventure 2 and that one episode of the anime. Oh, and he was possessing everyone he could get his non-corporeal mitts on.
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Episode 43: Hero suddenly becomes elderly
This one happened in Sonic Super Special #8. It wasn’t pretty.
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Episode 44: Hero suddenly becomes six-to-eleven years old
This is another one we didn’t get in the comics, unfortunately. I used that episode as a good time to talk about the Sonic Kids comics, which gave us stories from when the Freedom Fighters were younger.
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Episode 45: Boys vs. girls
I feel like this episode is supposed to be about boys and girls on the same teams turning against each other, so for this one I’m going to say no, that didn’t happen in ArchieSonic. The closest we got was that one time in Sonic #14 when Robotnik and Snively kidnapped Sally and Bunnie because they thought, “lulz girls are weaksauce.” They got more than they bargained for.
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Episode 46: Unusually serious “drugs are bad,” episode.
Sigh, yes. The Chaotix Caper in Knuckles #13 - 15 is infamous.
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Episode 47: Evil alien invasion
In pre-boot there was the Xorda in Sonic #124 - 125. In post-boot there was the return of the Black Arms in Sonic Universe #59 - 62. 
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Episode 48: Benign Alien Visitors
The most memorable example is Ceneca-9009 of the Bem, who came to Mobius to change all roboticised Mobians back to normal. After first testing champions on both sides, of course.
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Episode 49: Hero becomes blind. Magoo jokes aplenty. Ableism ages episode horribly.
Another one that didn’t happen in the comics. The closest instance was in the godawful Sonic Super Special 15, which featured ten freaking pages of Sonic wandering around in the dark or in a blizzard and unable to see crap.
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Episode 50: Major event that dramatically shakes up status quo. Turns out to be a dream. 
I’m going with Sonic #37 for this one. Some might argue that Bunnie’s nightmare wasn’t really that big an event, but I would argue that one of the main characters slowly becoming a robot and turning on her friends definitely counts.
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Episode 51: Villains team up
Oh, so many times. So many times in fact that I had to make a second post for all the examples I forgot. Let’s go with that time in Sonic #62, when a whole bunch of locked up villains thought Snively had been responsible for their jailbreak and signed up to work with him.
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Episode 52: Rashomon homage
Yes, in Sonic Super Special #5. Sonic, Sally and Antoine all argued about how they each single-handedly defeated a combot that had attacked them.
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Episode 53: Henchman joins heroes for one time only.
Snively did team up with the Freedom Fighters in a couple of issues when Robo-Robotnik invaded Mobius before agreeing to work for the new Eggman. He would later join the Freedom Fighters for awhile, starting in Sonic #152. He eventually went back to the Eggman Empire again, of course, because he’s awful. Post-reboot he had left Eggman's forces and was supposedly working for GUN, but was secretly plotting his own conquest from within their ranks.
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Episode 54: Random child rescues hero. The episode’s all about them now.
There weren’t really any good examples that fit this one. Hope Robotnik and Ken Penders’ son and niece from the Sonic Live! special certainly had prominent page time in the stories they were involved in, but they never actually rescued Sonic, despite what this cover might have you believe.
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Episode 55: Invisibility potion
Yes, but it was so effective that everyone (even Sonic himself) thought that he was dead.
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Episode 56: The Writer’s Barely Disguised Fetish
Oh god, where do you even start with this one? Let’s just say yes, it happened on multiple occasions, and leave it at that.
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Episode 57: Can’t eat favourite food
Weeeeell, I guess so. There was that one time in Sonic #11 where he ate too many chilli dogs before bed and had a trippy nightmare. When he woke up he decided to go on a diet for about thirty seconds. (cue canned laughter)
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Episode 58: We have to save the environment, and so do you!
A lot of the early issues focused on stopping Robotnik from destroying the environment, but the best example of this one is probably the nuking of Robotropolis. Sonic managed to trick Eggman into turning on his city’s forcefield after the nuclear missiles were already inside, meaning that all the destruction and radiation was safely contained in an impenetrable bubble. In later issues Eggman and other villains would try to penetrate this shield, to release the radiation out into the surrounding environment.
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Episode 59: Stranded in the ocean
I’m going with Waves of Change from Sonic #260 - #263, where Sonic, Amy and Rotor had to go to the underwater city of Meropis on their quest to restore the shattered planet.
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Episode 60: Stranded in the desert
There are two instances here that fit this one best. The first one is Sonic #62/63 again, where Sonic and Tails crash their biplane in the desert and are “rescued” by the inhabitants of Sandblast City, who worship Sonic and refuse to let him leave. The other is the Knuckles mini-series, in which Knuckles and Archimedes were yeeted into the desert by Enerjak (something that seems to happen a lot with the various Enerjaks, I noticed).
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Episode 61: Stranded in the snow
Continuing right off from Sonic #63 when Sonic and Tails escaped from the desert, they ended up trapped in the snow in the very next issue when their biplane failed them yet again.
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Episode 62: Stuck in an elevator
I wasn’t able to find any instances of specifically being trapped in an elevator, so I broadened the category to its base trope, which is two people, usually enemies or rivals, being locked in a room together. There were lots of cases of this, such as when Dr Eggman and Dr Wily were locked up together during the Worlds Unite crossover.
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Episode 63: Clip show to set up two-part finale
Well, Sonic #283 was a set-up story for the finale of the Sonic Unleashed adaptation. It had two stories - the first featured Sonic and Sally calling their allies around the world to explain their plan and ask for help, and the second featured Eggman watching the pirated footage of that video call and making a counter-plan. Is it a clip show? Not exactly, but it’s close enough.
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Episode 64 - 65: Two-part Finale
I cited various finales (or planned finales, in the case of Endgame), including the end of the Knuckles series, the end of the Super Specials, the end of the Sonic X companion series, the end of the pre-reboot era, and the end of the post-reboot era. As I said in the final post, in my mind the proper finale of ArchieSonic is Sonic #287, despite the cancellation of the series not happening until three issues later and the fact that the last ArchieSonic comic ever published was actually Sonic Universe #94.
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So out of the 65 episodes listed, we didn’t get the hiccups episode, the Wonderful Life parody episode, the hero has a cold episode, the origin recap clip show episode, the hero regressing to childhood episode, the boys vs. girls episode, or the hero blinded episode. That comes to only seven out of sixty-five episodes that we never saw happen in the ArchieSonic series. But does this mean that the comic wasn’t really a comic at all, but actually a syndicated cartoon? Well, let me just quote myself from the very first post I did regarding this topic.
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So there you have it - of course ArchieSonic is a comic book series, there was never actually any doubt. 
Before I finish up, I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who has read this series, especially those who commented with encouragement, ideas and suggestions. 
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In particular I feel that I once again owe a big thank you to former ArchieSonic contributor Aleah Baker, who not only read and commented on my pieces but also gave her precious time on more than one occasion to offer behind the scenes insight and answer my questions about certain issues or characters. She was incredibly generous with me and I’m extremely grateful for all the help. 
This has been an extremely interesting topic for me to explore, and I’m going to miss writing about it. I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to do with this blog after this. A few people have suggested that I go into a full commitment to review the entire series rather than just portions of it like I’ve been doing with this blog series, and I have certainly been considering doing that. But on the other hand there are so many others who have done that so well - a few of my personal favourites are @robotnikholmescomicblog (who has branched out to video essays after finishing his initial reviews on Tumblr), the ArchieSonic Digest podcast, and of course, Bobby Shroeder’s @thankskenpenders. If I was going to do a full ArchieSonic review series, I would want to find a way to put my own spin on it rather than just rehashing what they have done. So I’m going to have to keep thinking on that. Thanks again for reading, everyone, and take care!
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sethmp3 · 8 months
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Just A Game?
a/n: also available in wattpad.
“For God’s sake please just play it–”
“Fine I will, just don't expect me to play it everyday.”
You sighed, admitting defeat. Your friend has been bickering as you work in your bakery. Something about a game she found in the app store. You continue to serve customers as she rants on how you should download the game.
“Finally, you know how many days it took to make you download the game? I mean can't you see how all the characters have a unique design and lore?! It's just like Dead by Daylight but less scary I guess?” They bickered, as they took a bite of some of the pastries you baked. Relishing the flavor.
“I love you and all. But can you not shout? My customers are starting to get disturbed by your loud demeanor.” You whispered in their ear, pointing a bit to the people who were staring at you. You muttered sorry to them and looked back at your friend.
“Ah right…Sorry. But still the game is so good! The skins are amazing and you can decorate your room here..!” They shove their phone at your face making you back away a bit. You see one character and a room that you're guessing your friend decorated. Making you a bit interested now.
‘Is it that good that I have to play it too?’ You wondered, chuckling a bit. You watch her show other characters and explain the game's mechanics and such. You clean your bakery while you listen to your friend. Humming a little song as you sweep the floor.
“Say…You should hear me out on the characters…I mean look at them!” They giggled, making you raise your eyebrow and look at them curiously. You scoffed at their comment and sighed.
“Do you really think I'm gonna hear you out? They’re puppets! I'm sure if you see them in real life you would not like them not one single bit.” You said, looking at her unamused. You finished sweeping the floor and put your broom and dustpan at the corner of your bakery.
They groaned, rolling their eyes at you. They grab the coffee they ordered and take a sip looking at you with a deadpan expression. 
“You're still as boring as ever.”
“At least I'm not delusional and desperate.”
They rolled their eyes again as they finished their cup of coffee.
“Besides, you shouldn't worry about me not playing the game. You should worry that its your last days of college. You're also gonna have to go through finals week. Maybe you should study rather than playing Identity V.” You said taking their empty cup to wash. You look at them as they widen their eyes after realizing the finals are about to come, making you stifle a chuckle.
“Oh crap I forgot about that! And I haven't studied! I'm gonna have to make a review…unless…” They look at you with puppy eyes.
“Y/n, My friend, my love, the most attractive person i have ever met will you–”
“I'm not making you notes. I'm not even in college.” You sighed, looking at them with a stern look.
“Well it was worth a shot.” they mumbled, they grabbed their stuff and put them on their bag.
“Welp, I guess i won't be playing Identity V for a while.” They walked to the exit of your bakery. You follow them to wave goodbye.
“I'll be going now, I have to take notes and make a reviewer because you don't wanna make a reviewer for me you meanie.” they pouted, you rolled your eyes unamused.
“Yeah yeah… Bye bye now, I promise I'll play that game of yours once I close the shop.”
You get back at the back of the counter and continue to serve customers.
‘I wonder what's so good about that game..?’ you wonder to yourself as you hand out the last pastries and clean the place to close.
After a few hours of cleaning the bakery, grabbing some disinfectant to clean the dirty tables and windows, while changing your menu up a bit to add tomorrow's special. Counting how much money you just earned for the day. 
As you were counting the money, you saw a woman in the corner of your eye. Making you raise your eyebrows in confusion.
I clearly switched the sign to say closed. Did she not notice? You questioned yourself. You approached the lady with a tired smile.
“Dearly sorry ma’am, but the bakery’s closed..! Maybe you should come here tomorrow–” You said pointing at the sign where it clearly said closed. But the lady interrupted you, shushing you with a slam on the countertop. Making you flinch at the lady’s sudden demeanor.
“Do I look like I care? Come on, bake me some pastries! Unless the people who recommended this runned down of a bakery lied about this having customer satisfaction?” She said sternly, glaring at you like knives stabbing your body. She has rather long black hair, with a luxurious outfit that you always dreamt of having, she had many jewelry complimenting her pretty looks. You narrowed your eyes a bit at her, realizing that this woman probably has a high status or is born from a rich family.
You were quite bothered by the lady, wanting to kick her out from having the audacity to even barge in and order you around. You calmed down taking a deep breath, you looked at the lady with a calm demeanor.
“well  ma’am, I guess I can take one more customer…what pastries would you like me to bake?” You said, faking a smile. You grabbed your notepad to write down the things she ordered.  You look up and down at the lady to see if she was joking. She indeed was not.
“Bake me ten croissants, fifteen creampuffs and eight donuts that are in various flavors, make sure they're filled with your finest cream and fruits! Make sure they're not too big, not too small, not too bland, and not too flavorful! Also bake me a cake with three layers, butter cream and white fondue. Also deliver it to my house in five days!” She demanded, making you widen your eye in surprise.
“P-pardon?! I'm sorry but I just can't–”  you tried to protest, but she interrupted you.
“You dare try to talk back to me?! Do you think I came here just to joke around? You better bake or else!” She shouted, slamming her hands on the counter, making you flinch.
“I'm sorry but I can't just bake that many pastries so suddenly! I might have to close off shop because of your order!” You explained, trying to resolve the conversation between you and the lady. You were sweating a bit from nervousness.
“Does it look like I care?! Do it or else ill make sure this bakery of yours will fail! I will make sure your career will end. Am I clear?” She threatened, her last sentence making you shiver. 
You were speechless, you didn't know what to do. You don't want your bakery to fail because of not fulfilling such an absurd quest. Your family had this bakery for generations and you were not gonna mess up because of this lady. You were definitely not gonna let this woman humiliate you like that.
You sighed to keep yourself from not shouting.
“Alright then, here's my contact number so we can talk about it. Ill be sure to deliver these pastries in time. You said with a small smile, giving her a small slip of paper with your number.
“Hmmp, ill make sure of that! Now I will be going now. Do not disappoint me.” she walks away, and goes inside her car. You continued to smile until she left, and when she left you groaned.
“God this lady is annoying! This is infuriating. The next time she bosses me around I'm pulling her hair out” you mumbled angrily to yourself. You decide to make the dough before closing, you want to finish this as quickly as possible and go back to your happy life.
When you go back to your clean kitchen, you can still smell the scent of dough and baked pastries. Making you calm down a bit. You grab one of your bowls and decide to make the dough for croissants first. You grabbed some all purpose flour, some granulated sugar, fine sea salt, some cups of warm water, dry yeast, cold unsalted European-style butter you grabbed from the fridge, and some whole milk.
You decided to use your phone to play some music, your music playlist was rather random. You didn't have the time to organize them and you don't really mind if the songs went from sad to happy.
You first start to mix the dry ingredients, you set them aside and pour in warm water, yeast and a teaspoon of sugar and let it stand until foamy. You grabbed some butter and microwaved it on high until melted, you added the melted butter and milk to the yeast mixture. While the mixer was running at low speed. You gradually added the flour mixture to the yeast mixture. You beat the dough until it's smooth, elastic and tacky. You shaped it into a ball and flattened it slightly. You place the dough on a lightly floured large plate and wrap it tightly in plastic wrap. You shoved it in your refrigerator.
You stared at the notepad where you wrote the lady’s order. You sighed, rubbing your eyes from exhaustion.
“This is gonna make me go home at night…” you whined, you quickly grab other bowls to make the other doughs.
You finally locked your bakery, putting the keys in your bag as you walk home to your house. You take a deep breath taking in the cold air.
Winter is finally coming, I'm gonna have to buy some food and drinks to keep me warm. you thought to yourself looking around at your familiar surroundings. You've been in this town ever since childhood, making you smile slightly from nostalgia.
You decided to help your friend with their exams, you were feeling guilty a bit from not helping them. You also decided to try out the game, she recommended you.
After some time, you finally reached your house. It was a normal house, nothing special about it. But you didn't care. You grabbed the keys and unlocked your home, you removed your outdoor shoes and put them on the shoe rack. You put on your slippers and turned on the lights. You went to your room and lay down on your bed. Laying down a bit more to take a rest. 
After a few minutes, you grabbed your laptop and downloaded Identity V. As you wait for it to completely download, you decide to call your friend.
You hear a few beats until you see your friend making you smile.
“Hey..! Y/n! I'm telling you I hate this! Why the hell did I even choose pre-law?” your friend groaned, banging her desk on the head, making you laugh.\
“Hey you chose this path, you gotta finish it.” you said encouragingly, looking at her with a tired smile.
“Hey…you seem tired..? You alright? Was there an annoying customer?! I'll beat them up!” the said, straightening their back. You nod.
“Yep, some rich lady barged in my bakery and proceeded to make me bake so many pastries in five days.” you rolled your eyes at the thought while your friend frowned.
“Are you serious? Does she think you're a robot or something? Want me to help?” they said with worry.
“It's fine…besides I don't wanna burden you. You're already stressed about exams.” you said, reassuring them. They sighed at your remark.
“God, you never let me help. You're always like this.” they whined, making you chuckle
“Either way, want me to help you make your notes?” you questioned them, which they shook their head.
“It's fine! I already made one. I felt bad since you always make notes for me every semester.” They awkwardly chuckled.
“Wanna play Identity V?” they said, wiggling their eyebrows. You rolled your eyebrows.
“Alright alright…but dont i have to progress the story to even play with you?” you said tilting your head.
“Oh darn…you're right! Well, share your screen. I wanna help you. I'm a pro at this game!” they said proudly, making you look at her unimpressed. 
“Alright alright” you share your screen, you play through the stories. Your friend guiding you on who the characters are while also making some off handed comments.
You were quite interested in the characters, you find them all to be unique and have some diverse looks. You had to admit they looked cool.
When you were done with the story. You and your friend decided to play a match together. With some stock knowledge you picked your most comfortable character and played with your friend. Least to say, you were decent at it. You've played games like this, preferably Dead By Daylight and Flee The Facility. You also realized what terrorshock is, your friend cackling when you were confused how you immediately got downed when you were vaulting a window.
Both of you were having fun, you played as hunter and you were getting destroyed by your friend. They kept stunning you, annoying you a bit, but you terrorshock them, making you laugh.
After a few hours you both decided to sleep. You closed your device and went to your bathroom to brush your teeth and clean your face.
You lay down in your bed and sleep. Your eyelids slowly get heavy, succumbing you to sleep.
.̶̼̃̋̎̓̈́̔̕.̶̧̧̜̤̱̦͔̤̼͗͋̎̑̃̑̍͝.̴̘͖̀͑͐͠.̵̦̈́͒͆̓͗̓͘͝͠.̴̠̀̋.̷͍̙̏̓̍̃͘t̵̢̘̩̠̩̙͔̲͈͆h̸̛̺̯͂̂̏͘͝e̶̛͎̟͚͔̥̓̎̇̀́͑͌͘ͅ ̴̥͎̙̠̙̣͍͙̳͗̎̚͘̕͝͝<̷͖̝̻͉̖̽̍̕͘̚y̷̯͊̋̚<̴͓̒ͅ|̶̹̲͍͑̉̈́͋̇͊̓͊͝3̴̛̟̺̪͔̆̆͘͝ ̸̛̠͖̌͋͗͆̇̕͝1̷̨̧̠̱̣͕̓̐̀́̈́̇̔̕ͅ3̵̛̛̬̱͒̒͐́̋̃ ̸̡̡̝̳̖̩̞̤̔̀̔̐͆͐̐͐̒ͅ3̶̡̪̮̻̺̥̘̠͍̿͑͛͘̚͝T̷̗̜̮̺͔̄̈́̐̒͆͘ͅ@̶̫̪̠͉͇̼̇͛́̕͝r̵̫̪͔͒̐͊̈́̐͠͝ť̵̫͙̳̜̃̆̈́̎̀͋̃͗|̶͕̺̼̻͈̳́̒̋͆̕^̴͎͍͎͇̂g̷̼̤͍͙͉͔͑̒͝ ̵̢̘̫͈̤͉̾͜@̶̖͎͈͂̕g̸̯̞͙̗̟̙̦̦͙͒͝͝@̵̢͙͎̳̹̈́̓̀̌̚͝͠ͅ1̷̻̤͚̞̝̄̆͂n̵̯̂̋̓̈́̓̋̌͒.̶̧̢̰̦̜̗̰́́̇͌͗̌̃͒.̵̦͑͑̇̽̽͑͒.̶̨̘̫̪̦̝͆̈́̒̍̀͆̈́̚͝.̸̼̿̃̋̄̽̎́̋̓
̷̧̛̝̳̥͎̱̀̃̀̀̓̏n̷̞̙̘̖̜͕̥͓̈́͆͂̿̂̋͘͝0̶͎̓̈̃̂Ţ̷̲͉̝̺͇͒̆̂̒̀͐̓̏͠ ̶̤̖͚̞̇͐͑@̵̨̨̰͍̻̺̺̄͂̀̐̓͛̚͜͠͠ģ̵͈͔͕͔̤́͜͜ͅ@̴̨̘̽̄̈́̈́̈̚1̶̣̤̲̟͇̰̿̈͆̽̄͆̔͘̚n̴̰̬̖̠̜̼͑́͛̈́.̶̪̩̳͍̱̹̦̀̄̅̽̀͠ͅ.̷̢̛̥̪́̄̒͛̊͝.̵̭̯̭̰̽͛͒̃͝
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commenter2 · 9 months
Charlie and Vaggie trailer quick breakdown
Just wanted to go over a few things about the latest "trailer" with Charlie and Vaggie. While making this I discovered another one for Angel Dust and Husk came out today, meaning it looks like we will get more over the next few days, but I won't be going over them unless something big is seen in it.
One thing I took notice was that scene of Vaggie suggesting Charlie should command more respect from people since she is the princess of Hell, only for Charlie to say that would be mean. Along with being another example/joke of how pure Charlie is, I feel like this shows that Charlie might not like being that royal.
I could see Charlie seeing her royal status being a burden (maybe its also connected how this is related to how she canonically doesn't like wearing dresses XD) like maybe she always just wanted to be treated like everyone else but for her it was hard to tell who liked her for who she was or if they were doing so out or obligation or using her for fame. That last part could be another good reason why she broke up with Seviathan von Eldritch. Another reason I bring this up is that we will likely see Charlie struggle with doing this until near the end of the season as seen with that makeshift army she makes of her friends and Rosie's people she recruited via singing which does seem to make Charlie a bit confident.
Another thing a lot of people are pointing out is how when Charlie introduces Vaggie to her father Lucifer, he is surprised. There have been many reason to explain what is going on there, so here is a list of what I hope/don't want it to mean.
Im hoping his reaction is due to him thinking something like "oh crap I forgot about Vaggie/her new girlfriend and what Charlie told me about her, just be cool and try not to show you forgot" or "Aw man this going to make things really awkward between me and Charlie when I suggest she stop her redemption plan".
I DON'T want it to be because he and Charlie haven't talked for so long that he never knew her daughter started dating Vaggie/broke up with Seviathan, or worse he never knew she was bi. I'm also hoping that Lucifer doesn't hate all humans/sinners, maybe in the past he did but over the past several millennia (and more so because of Lilith if she is part human/sinner in the show) he has become more okay with them as shown with the Overlords in Hell's hierarchy.
I sadly do feel like this is going to lead to a scene showing that Lucifer is a pretty bad parent, which I've been really against having him and Lilith being. However along with how it could still be at tolerable levels unlike what we've seen in Vivzie's other works, I keep forgetting that this is the first season of Hazbin Hotel so I could see Lucifer changing over the course of the series, same with Lilith if she turns out to be a similar chase. Keep your fingers crossed if you agree with me about Lucifer and Lilith NOT being bad parents like how Crimson, Paimon, or Cash are.
A small thing but it looks like Charlie and Vaggie go to get Angel when he goes back to Val during the Val debut episode. They'll tell Val to leave them alone, but it just leads to the fight in the episode as shown in the last trailer. Hopefully after all of that Angel does something that makes Charlie and Vaggie proud of him/accept an apology, while showing signs that Angel does truly want to change.
This trailer also makes me wonder if Charlie and Vaggie's relationship will go through some challenges at some point this season? Looking at this and past clips, their relationship looks like Vaggie gives up more to make Charlie happy while Charlie doesn't listen to her as much as she honestly should. Hopefully it's a kind of thing where just by having Charlie agree with Vaggie about punishing Angel after he does something wrong fixes it or reminds them that they are perfect together.
What are your thoughts in all of this?
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verdemoun · 4 months
hehe hows seans fathers day experience
oh. oh this is PERSONAL. because you know what. i am stealing your own damn post and overanalyzing the crap out of it.
Darragh Macguire died in June. why am i providing evidence i don't know i have just thought through this question so hard. we don't have many confirmed dates in rdr2 but colter takes place in early spring (march?), few days here and there, few weeks moving camps, blessed are the peacemakers yada yada ya did you know it's entirely possible sean died before June. he died so young he died before the 10th anniversary of Darragh's death.
and then maybe, maybe he's so bamboozled trying to learn modern era keeping track of dates is not a priority. maybe it's the start of autumn/fall. all the leaves are going orange and gold and brown and he loves fall and in panic remembers wait i lost my da in summer. he remembers quietly, in a kind of somber in a way that to most don't associate with the irish terrier and it feels weird. almost wrong. it's been 10 years since da died. technically been over 110+ years.
hey what's the date today
he missed the anniversary of his da's death. and it bothers him so much he has to pull up that wall of i'm the unstoppable sean macguire so high that no one knows whats bothering him. if anything, they think sean is just his usual loud self to such an obnoxious extreme because he just really loves fall and crushing leaves and sprinting through parks alone and going to parties and hanging out with other young people outside the gang and drinking
just losing weeks of time being young and his own personal brand of reckless until he can will himself to forget he's a terrible ungrateful son who's da died, was murdered, trying to give him a new life and he forgot to do anything on the anniversary of his death
give it a year. it's been a year in modern era. he's got hosea, lenny, kieran, arthur. known bessie for a year and she's pretty damned cool. he's learned about da is a folk hero and been back to ireland and seen and learned so much about his da, the self-educated genius, the rebel, the politician and activist who is remembered by history.
june's coming up and he's ready. he knows exactly what he's going to do he's going to go to a bar and have a pot of beer the proper irish way and a smoke by himself on a warm summer night and just remember his da and how much he loves him and how much darragh loved him.
but then bessie's quietly preparing for father's day. which is a new concept to the gang. first time people even spoke about father's day was 1910 it wasn't a thing in gang era and it takes place in june. bessie explaining oh it's sort of a silly thing but it's a day for celebrating and remembering fathers most people buy a little present or knick-knack of some kind just as a way of showing they love and appreciate their fathers
sean immediately softening to the idea. thinks it's awesome. knows exactly what he's going to do. gives her some cash to buy something nice for hosea from him but he needs a little bit of bessie's help. she's much better at planning things even though he wants to do it alone and she knows all about darragh and understands why he wants to go all the way to boston.
gets on a flight all by himself because he might hate flying but being on a bus for multiple days would similiarly drive him insane. gets to land in boston and it's not. the same. like some things are familiar he can see a few old brownstones from the 19th century but he's walking around just kind of looking at things. looking at street signs and finally walking a street that's completely changed. not even sure if it's that street anymore or if the whole layout has changed or if he didn't remember it as well as he did but walking past the completely changed location he lost his da.
he finds a nice park to sit in. gets out his things. a clumsy bouquet of flowers half squashed in his bag because that's what you take to graves (darragh not having a grave because his body was taken by the british agency), a beer for him, a beer for his da, some brain puzzle keychain they were selling the father's day section that he thought darragh would've loved if he was there. lights his cigarette and just gets to mourn but also celebrate all the good things he remembers about his da
ends up having to run from police because you can't smoke or drink in public parks in modern era and cackling because how else would sean macguire end up celebrating father's day if not running from police
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hanquokkasgirl · 18 days
Will We Last?
Chapter 2
"Excuse me, Miss Hart. We're landing in 30 minutes." I felt a poke on my shoulder waking me up from my slumber. Whoever said that redeyes to anywhere were a good idea is lying.
I yawn. "Thanks. Could I get an iced coffee with two sugars and cream please?" I said while I adjusted my blanket and taking off my eye mask.
"For sure, in just a moment." She leaves through some curtains. I decide to go to the restroom, and do my skincare. And by skincare I mean moisturizer and cleanser because I forgot everything else. I also reapply deodorant and a bit of perfume. As I get out and walk back to my seat, the coffee was waiting for me. I chugged that motherfucker because man did I need it.
After a couple more minutes, the landing announcement came on and I started looking out the window. I still couldn't believe that I moved here, far away from everything. My anxiety was already a bit on overload but the excitement helped mask it. As I was taking in the beauty and being the cliche that films the plane landing, a million thoughts rushed into my head. What if I don't fit in? What if this whole deal was not actually legit? I mean, this whole thing sounded too good to be true, a great job straight out of college in a whole new country that pays my housing and a salary? What did I get myself into? And with that last thought, the plane landed.
I got off the plane and went to baggage claim. This airport looks amazing, so modern yet classic. Can I fall in love with an airport? I think I can. Once I was able to grab my bag and head to where I was supposed to get picked up, I saw a bunch of girls behind barriers with their phones and banners that said "Ateez", were they waiting for someone? Is that a singer's name? Well, anyway... I make my way to the door when they all start screaming and I see a bunch of camera people coming at me. Then because of the flashes and screams, I get dizzy and confused, I ended up crashing into someone and fall ass flat to the ground... great.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" said the guy helping me up... right before a security guard pushed me out of the way. "Hey hey, let me help her. It's fine"
"Thanks. I'm sorry too. I was just trying to find my exit." I look up after getting my stuff and we kept walking outside. He was tall... like really tall. Wearing sunglasses *indoors well that's a fashion choice*, black leather shirt and a black tank underneath, a spiky silver necklace, and he smelled so amazing.
"Well, good luck, and sorry again." And he left outside some doors, right then its when I see someone holding a sign that read Ms. Y/N Hart.
"Annyeonhaseyo.  Jeoneun Y/n Hart-imnida" I tried my best with my korean... truth was that it was really rusty because I never get to practice it.
"Welcome Ms. Hart. I will be your driver today." okay english, good. Not embarrasing at all. "I'll be taking you to the company and then dropping your luggage off in your apartment." My driver said while opening the door. What a service. I feel like the queen of England... rip.
I get on the car, and he closes my door. But all I keep wondering is who was that guy? Even though with sunglasses, the vibe I felt was like nothing I felt before.
Okay one thing we gotta get straight, I don't believe in love at first sight, all that "I looked into his eyes and I just knew" bullshit, no I don't believe on it. Relationships take work and if one of the parts in not willing to put in the work, then that relationship is over. That's why my parents split up, they didn't work. They always talked about love at first sight, until my dad fell in love with his secretary. They still think I don't know, but I know. My family life all went to crap about a year ago, and my parents have been trying to keep it to themselves all this time... unsuccessfully. That bimbo that works as my dad's secretary is even younger than I am... about a year younger but its still significant to the implications and consecuences this brings to all of us. I was, and still kind of am, pissed at my dad but until they decide to tell me there's nothing I can do. So that's why maybe I decided to take this job and get away from all that drama. I mean I am 23 years old, but still they are treating me like a 5 year old.
We arrived to a building that had the letter KQ posted at the entrance. New beginnings here I come. I was just about to open my door when my driver did it for me. "Thanks...uhm..."
"Mr. Kim, ma'am. I'm the one that mostly will drive you to important events with the rest of the crew."
"Thanks, Mr. Kim." I got off the car with just my purse and important stuff, meanwhile the rest left with Mr. Kim to my new apartment. I may be exhausted but it is like noon here in Korea so, gotta get some things started right away I guess.
I walk in into the building and I get greeted by the security guard at the reception. I walk up to him and he looks up from his phone. I was about to say something when he pressed somethings on the phone and called someone, something nim, that wasn't part of my vocabulary. I better get into some korean classes soon.
"Ah, Ms. Hart! Glad you arrived safe. I'm Ms. Jung, head of international relationships and your boss for the time being. Please follow me." Ms. Jung was very attractive. Like any guy could fall in love with her, I would be lying if I said I wasn't feeling self concious right now. I mean, to be a stylist and make up artist, I look like a homeless person with a slight better fragrance than most. I mean I have my Air Forces Ones and wearing the sweatpants from Louis Vuitton that my dad gave me last Christmas. Airpods Max and my Iphone... not an Android person... still not the looks for the future stylist of whoever they assign me to.
"Do you know who am I being assigned to yet? I liked to be prepared for whenever my first day starts." I tell her while we were in the elevator going to the last floor.
"Sure! You are being assigned to one of our most successful groups and with your designs and innovation of ideas, we feel here in KQ that you will be a great fit." She said letting me pass once we arrived to our floor. "Now we will go to our conference room and sign the last contracts, will get your ID badge information ready... do not worry your photo will be taken tomorrow once you go and pick it up from the reception." We stopped and she opened a door to let me in. "Then I'll give you the code to your new apartment." Code? What about the keys? "Korea uses a coding system instead of keys, its just safer that way." She reads minds too, wow. "Here's your new T-card. You'll use it to move around the city, we'll give you an assistant as well who will double as your roommate, and everything else you're schedule will be all set in this contract which of course you will have a copy of." Ms. Jung handed me a pile of papers that seemed like a million miles to read, but the excitement of this new city took over me and I was signing right away.
"All done, Ms. Jung. If its not an issue I would like to go get settled at the apartment now." I said standing up and grabbing my stuff from the table.
"No issue at all, Ms. Hart. We'll let Mr. Kim know to take you there so you don't get lost. Now take the elevator all the way to floor 1 and Mr. Kim will be waiting for you." Ms. Jung grabbed the stack of papers I just signed my life away to, and walked to one of the offices on this floor. I just made my way to the elevator and put on my headphones, it was a good idea to download some music before the trip. I put on my favorite song to date Lost in Japan by Shawn Mendes. There's something about that song that always makes me wanna dance, y'know.
I noticed after a bit that I had gotten to the first floor. I was about to get out when I crush into someone...again. I really do have to start looking up, at least this time I didn't fall. I looked up to apologize to whoever this person was... it was the same guy from the airport.
"Oh my god its you" Suddenly that thought slipped my lips and said it aloud.
"And it's you... you're here"
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dozing-marshmallow · 2 months
Can you make Don x co-host!reader (nonbinary) where reader was once Chris's co-host, but because he treated them like crap they decide to quit him before they start working together with Don? It's more like a platonic scenario, but if you want, you can make it romantic
Ohhh of course! Hope you enjoy!!
Just to clarify, I haven’t watched the Ridonculous Race and I don’t plan to, but I have read up on the cast and the premise so excuse me if there’s any inaccuracies with Don’s character.
Tumblr media
Underpaid and mistreated (Y/N), your boss Chris McLean ordered you to conduct one of the interviews for the next season host position.
You forgot why you even wanted to work here.
"Start by working with someone who's more experienced" they said "You'll get your chance at fame in no time" they said.
Fame. Hah. Good one.
You walk down to Ground Floor and saw an unfamiliar man sitting in the waiting lobby. His hair was a neat chestnut colour, he had a clean face and wore a tidy suit.
You approach him,"Hello, you must be the candidate for the new season host."
The man glances up and stands tall,“Yes, that would be me.”
“Excellent. This way please.”
He follows you into the office.
“I must say, it’s a great honour to be interviewed by you.” the gentleman claims as he sits up straight in the chair.
“Oh, thank you.” you’ve done this long enough to keep a straight face whenever someone attempts flattery,“Alright, so good morning, I hope you are well. As you’re aware, I am (Y/N) (L/N), current co-host of the Total Drama show and I will be conducting your interview today. First and foremost, have you watched Total Drama and are aware of what it involves?”
“Of course.”
The rest of the interview went as expected until the end.
"Finally, do you have any questions for me?” you asked, your tone still devoid of excitement.
“Yes." The man, whose name was Don, answered,"I wanted to ask if you’re happy with your job.”
“Huh?” you gaze up from your note taking to meet Don's attentive, geniune one.
“Yeah, uh." a jocund smile breaks out on his lips,"You don’t seem very delighted, especially when we were talking about your boss. I must say, you don’t seem too fond of him.”
...This took an unusual turn,“Who, Chris? Nah, he’s fine. He’s just got a lot of flaws, but we all do.”
He leans in marginally,“Well judging by your expression, you seem like you could use some new company.”
“Is this your way of trying to charm me into getting you to be more considered than other applicants?” you ask, piling the papers up and hitting them on the table to even them out.
“Not at all. All I’m saying is that this job, is a pretty big deal and should I be lucky to get it, I wanna take you with me.”
As if this interview couldn't have gotten weirder,“Why? This job description mentions that a co-host of any sort will not be necessary.”
“When was the last time your boss gave you a vacation?”
Good point. Chris never pays you enough to miss a day or two for yourself.
“Look, I’ll even add it at the bottom of my contract.” Don declared and he did, as much as he could fit.
You smirk,“Well, alright then. Sign it whenever you’re ready.”
"You have my word." he affirms, scratching his signature on the line of dots,"I'm specifically keen on sticking to rules and deals."
It sounded too good...“Just so you know, this decision is ultimately up to Team Total Drama.” you remind, making it clear you could not promise anything.
His ambition did not fade a bit,“Influenced by the feedback you give.”
Why hadn't they hired someone like him from the beginning?
Better late than never.
Yep. He was hired!
When you heard it, you immediately revoked your contract with Chris; although a very insulting farewell, it didn't stop your feeling of freedom nor how Ridonculous Race was like World Tour, but a gazillion times better.
You thought it was just you, but one day, a few months after the full season was aired, you had an encounter with Don that would change everything.
"Would you look at that! This year's season of Total Drama has gained more fan approval than the three seasons Chris hosted in the previous years combined!"
Your eyebrow perks up in surprise,"Really?"
He nods, proudly showing you the numbers on his tablet,"It's quite the sight!"
You take a glance. 
And another.
You couldn't believe it. These ratings were phenomenal. Just phenomenonal. You thought it was a joke, but after confirming the legitimacy of the site to yourself, your jaw drops.
"You know what this shows?" Don asks, holding the tablet to his side.
"What does it show, Don?" the mesmerised repeat left your tongue rhetorically.
"One, the network was completely right about accepting a new host this time around." he triumphantly lists,"And two, I was completely right about bringing you alongside me."
You couldn't resist the smile on your face at the beauty of how well things turned out,"Well, colour me impressed."
"It seems like our former host lost more than he bargained for." he grins, curling his arm around your neck,"You're not planning on going back to him in case he gets another season launched, are you?"
You granted him a heartless laugh, fingers reaching to his hand,"Never again."
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 9
THE WARNINGS oh my god ooh ma gad im excited for this but im scared after last chapter
OH MY GOD HE IS WEARING THE SLUTTY GLASSES 😋🤤😩🥵 the smut is understandable
Uhm…not really, but do you have to? mood💀
ooh vampire books, she is trying to connect stuff i see u gurl
omg the tension is still there even after a week damn
If he messes up the little markings you put in there, you will personally end him. PERIODT
oops joon was here to study welp or is he?? 👀everything is sus here, its soo sad ........... i love it (jimin is such a slytherin for saying that xd)
Oh dear, really?” Namjoon gasps. hunty i can hear the fakeness through a screen and thats saying something
Don’t read this, it doesn’t make sense” oh so this is the one that might be true huh
This story however is claimed to be the babbling of a drunken person did jin make it haha
oh my god im cringing and dying please joon go away, get a stomachache or something and go to the toilet, let there be an earthquake, urgent phone call aaah😭😭
as if someone else was controlling it for a moment while your consciousness is still trapped inside and is trying to escape. But it can’t, so you have to do what your body tells you to do whilst panicking inside. no, but similar one is anxiety attack from the moment you woke up, your consciousness all confused cuz there is nothing to panic but ur body does anyways
list soo long, she wrote it down damn 😭😭
is joon genuinely shocked about the bite marks NO SHE TOUCHED HIS CANINES I-
my canines were really sharp when they were new, and i bit a girl cuz she accidentally choked me and there was 1 deep puncture and small puncture on her hand 😭😭thankfully it didnt get infected
holy shit now we dont know if he is lying or not
nah yall aint gonna study, its going to be jimin pt 2
Namjoon’s steps are silent another sign yall
holy crap, I literally can’t remember.” did joon do that, or is it all jimin and tae's "good night's sleep"?
im losing my mind seeing her losing her mind and joon just scaring both of us AAAAH
I thought you were a complete snob, but you are actually really sweet aHa aHa 😃
they just look a little intimidating. they do until u see them for more than a minute
“Oh ___, you are adorable im starting to think anyone saying this is weird
I’ve talked with you enough to know that your mind has enchanted me OH MY GOD AJBFQ XLAH;CWOUIRA he is not weird/scary and im not scared TAKE ME DADDY IM YOURS
STOP WE U APPEARED IN FRONT ME STOP LYING AAHAHHAHAJ she is having the same conversation again gosh aaah what power does that screaming have? shit its wednesday and she doesnt know fuck
im more confused and scared and pls just hang out 2seok and kook bye 😭😭😭😭😭
OH MY GOD HE IS WEARING THE SLUTTY GLASSES 😋🤤😩🥵 the smut is understandable
lmaoaooaoao ME FR jfjasdjf also a black turtleneck. the smut is understandable.
Uhm…not really, but do you have to? mood💀
fjdasjf me when men
ooh vampire books, she is trying to connect stuff i see u gurl
omg the tension is still there even after a week damn
akdfkasj me fr like he could get it so hard
oops joon was here to study welp or is he?? 👀everything is sus here, its soo sad ........... i love it (jimin is such a slytherin for saying that xd)
JDFJAJFS no but what was he doing there fr??
Oh dear, really?” Namjoon gasps. hunty i can hear the fakeness through a screen and thats saying something
JFJASDJF he is like *acts shocked* oh no
oh my god im cringing and dying please joon go away, get a stomachache or something and go to the toilet, let there be an earthquake, urgent phone call aaah😭😭
lmaoao the fear is understandable
as if someone else was controlling it for a moment while your consciousness is still trapped inside and is trying to escape. But it can’t, so you have to do what your body tells you to do whilst panicking inside. no, but similar one is anxiety attack from the moment you woke up, your consciousness all confused cuz there is nothing to panic but ur body does anyways
fun fact? i took inspo from my panic attacks JFAJDFJ help me god
list soo long, she wrote it down damn 😭😭
like she is so clever for that though
is joon genuinely shocked about the bite marks NO SHE TOUCHED HIS CANINES I-
"genuinely shocked" HAHHAHAH yes indeed very shocked indeed. also her touching his teeth is so funny like HFHADSHF
my canines were really sharp when they were new, and i bit a girl cuz she accidentally choked me and there was 1 deep puncture and small puncture on her hand 😭😭thankfully it didnt get infected
honestly deserved cause why is she at your neck?
holy crap, I literally can’t remember.” did joon do that, or is it all jimin and tae's "good night's sleep"?
mhmhmmh indeeed mmhmhmmh
im losing my mind seeing her losing her mind and joon just scaring both of us AAAAH
me fr
I thought you were a complete snob, but you are actually really sweet aHa aHa 😃
“Oh ___, you are adorable im starting to think anyone saying this is weird
NO BUT YOU AREN'T WRONG FOR THAT JFASJDFAJ imma stick with Yoongi who is rude af to us JFJADSFJ
I’ve talked with you enough to know that your mind has enchanted me OH MY GOD AJBFQ XLAH;CWOUIRA he is not weird/scary and im not scared TAKE ME DADDY IM YOURS
jfajdsjf felt.
BRO NO JOKE ME FR lmoaoa you losing your ass over the smut is so me like if he wasn't so weird about it, i'd be on my knees gobbling him up
STOP WE U APPEARED IN FRONT ME STOP LYING AAHAHHAHAJ she is having the same conversation again gosh aaah what power does that screaming have? shit its wednesday and she doesnt know fuck
im more confused and scared and pls just hang out 2seok and kook bye 😭😭😭😭😭
honestly?? she should really do that cause 😭
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twoidiotwriters1 · 6 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Something about Nico, he will always choose violence (when it comes to Ara) -Danny Words: 2,204 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Sign of the Times' -by Harry Styles
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XXXII: *Sobbing* I'm Fine!
Leo is waiting for them at the top of the gangplank, he grins and waves at the group, then his eyes focus on Frank and her. The moment she reaches his side and Leo has to look up to meet her gaze, he flushes to a cherry tone Ara has never seen on his face.
He speaks in a strangled voice. "Ares?"
"Mars. I don't know, I doubt it matters," Ara says, self-conscious about their height difference. "How does it look?"
"You could crash my skull with your thighs," he blurts out.
Hazel gasps, fanning her face scandalized at his comment. "Gods, I hate you," Nico groans, guiding his flustered sister away from them.
Ara hurries past Leo and goes to her cabin to check her reflection, her breath hitches at the sight: she looks exactly like Arachne's tapestry minus the cape and hair. Yesterday she had baby fat around her face, her abs were a soft belly, and now she looks like a high school senior who never misses a workout. Arms toned and longer legs—she barely fits in the mirror, since it was designed for a girl that was 5'3.
"Holy crap," she breathes. Someone knocks on her door, and she finds Nico standing there, waiting to be let in. "I'm tall," she states in shock.
"Congrats. What was the fight about? The one you had with Lily?"
Ara knows this will bring an argument, but if it doesn't happen today, it'll happen at an even worse time. "I told her we couldn't trust you."
Nico visibly tenses. "I'm not surprised."
Ara turns to face him properly. "I had a good reason, you know what I'm talking about."
Nico's eyes darken. "My dad forbade me to talk about it. One of your patrons—your main patron, or did you forget?"
"How can I? Ever since that day, I've been the babysitter of his little prince."
"I told you I wanted no part of your stupid camp, but it was you who promised—"
"You needed a place to live—"
"You expected everyone to act like I don't creep them out."
"Oh, cry me a river," Ara walks past him. "I've got more important things to do than to listen to the same complaints on repeat."
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"Crap!" Ara struggles with the damaged oar, she hisses when it scratches her palm. "Leo, I forgot my gloves, can you toss them over?"
Leo seizes her Octopi bag and rummages through its contents. "You didn't grab them? That's basic gear, Ara."
"I don't do basic," she responds.
Leo looks over the railing. "Say what?"
"It's like maths," Ara squints when she looks up. "Unnecessary."
The boy holds onto the handrail as he leans in dramatically. "You think is what?"
"Oh no..." She mumbles and tilts her head. "My scolding senses are tingling..."
Leo scowls. "Get your ass back here—and be careful."
He doesn't reprimand her like, ever, not even tries to, but his job is the one thing he takes seriously, so Ara climbs back on deck and dusts off her hands expecting the berating of the week. 
Leo spots the scrape on her hand and searches for his tool belt. "You almost lost an arm last December and you think being careful is unnecessary?"
"Oh, that was different," Ara watches Leo heal her. "Silly things—"
"Silly?" Leo looks up and his eye twitches. "Fixing the oars and giving Festus an upgrade ain't like changing the batteries of a TV remote, sweetheart. And maths? You need maths!"
She laughs nervously. "You okay?"
"Arae Jackson, that's negligence!" He exclaims. "Is this why they call you Dr Frankenstein back in camp?"
"Oh, you know about that?" She asks unbothered.
"That's it, you're not allowed to work on the repairs."
Her mouth opens in shock. "Leo, you know I'm a good repairperson, don't do this!"
"You heard me," he tries to take the harness off her, muttering grumpily. "Don't do maths, seriously..."
"Hey! Stand back!" Ara keeps him away. Leo is smaller than her now and he was never strong to begin with. "I'll finish the task whether I'm wearing the harness or not!"
"You're not helping yourself!" Nico speaks out of nowhere, both teens looking up to see him at the top mast.
"Stay out of this!" Ara seizes Leo's wrist. "Stop!"
It's kind of cute, seeing him angry over this. Reminds her of Mike a bit, which makes her feel kind of guilty. "Promise you'll be careful in the right way, not yours!"
Ara rolls her eyes. "Can I have my gloves, then?"
"Put them on before you go back," Leo crosses his arms. "I don't understand why Beckendorf made you Cabin Nine's right-hand girl if you ignore safety procedures."
"Beck had the knowledge, I had the spirit," she puts the gloves on with an amused expression. "Anyway... I need insulation stuff—the spongy one? And Industrial glue, and the..." She makes a gesture as if holding something and puffs some air out of her lips. "To fuse the bronze to the hull..."
"Insulation foam, industrial glue, metal welding kit—and bronze-welding rods to reattach the frame to the hull," the boy turns to get the goods.
Ara beams. "And welding goggles."
"'Course," Leo grabs stuff from his toolbox, the rest are from his magic belt. Ara stands there waiting. "Anything else?"
"Your hand in marriage?"
"Dang it, woman! You can't make me forget how irresponsible you are by love-bombing me!" Leo exclaims, handing the tools to her.
Ara puts the goggles on. "Seriously, Cabin Nine kids can tell what I'm talking about after a few tries, but you don't even think about it, that's awesome."
Leo looks away to hide his blush. "Your brain works similarly to mine, that's all. It's why we're attracted to each other in the first place."
It's nice to hear that's what Leo thinks about their situation. "We're soulmates." She says it so matter-of-factly that it makes Leo light up as much as the sun. Ara clears her throat and steps back. "Well, I'm going..."
"Yeah," Leo mumbles, a little smile playing on his face. "I'll be watching, my soon-to-be fiancé."
Above them, Nico groans again, but they both ignore him.
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Leo has long forgotten he's supposed to be checking Ara's work while installing Festus's upgrade. Instead, he's just eyeing her, trying not to be obvious, but doing a terrible job.
He can't even hate the fact that she's taller than him by a lot. She's the only demigod that looks god-like in his eyes, Ara's beauty grows with every blessing, no smudge of dirt she gets from her hard work can take it away. When she moves, her body gets framed by the dying sunlight in a way that makes Leo lightheaded.
She's wearing the hair tie he made for her, holding her shiny brown locks in a loose braid, and the way she scrunches up her nose in concentration, the tip of her tongue poking out... The more he looks, the more his heart races. 
She was once out of his league, now she's out of everyone's orbit. She's skillful and experienced, and Leo has a hard time understanding why she would love someone as inconsequential as him.
"You should be careful."
Nico's voice comes to remind him not everything is perfect. Leo jumps out of his skin and swears in Spanish, he glares at the tall boy standing behind him. "Dude, can you not do that?"
Nico doesn't apologize before adding to his comment. "Ara's fool's gold."
Leo frowns. "What?"
Nico glances at the girl, he's angry at her for trying to convince Lily, his only friend, to stop trusting him. Two can play the same game. "She looks good, then you get closer and realize it's all pretend. You call her a doll, right?" He laughs shortly. "That's accurate. Ara likes playing with boys like you."
Leo's fists start to smoke. "Don't you mean boys like us?"
Nico's taken by surprise, a creepy smile forms on his face when he understands what Leo is insinuating. He won't clear up the misunderstanding, Leo has the same arrogant air Ara has when challenged, and is always far more entertaining to watch those kinds of people trip over their feet.
Nico steps closer. "I can get under her skin like no one else. Have you ever asked her why she loathes having me around? You should. She doesn't like to be questioned, so you'll get to see the real Arae."
"She's the General," Leo replies tensely. "You're not supposed to question her, smartass."
Nico's smirk grows. "I see why she likes you." The boy turns to leave. "Ask her."
"I know why she hates you," Leo says confidently, which causes Nico to laugh again.
"No, you don't," he reaches the stairs. "Ask her about the curse."
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Ara takes a look at the finished product. "Good as new, right?"
Festus blows out steam and Ara recoils, feeling the air around her get hotter when he does that. She takes off the goggles and dries the sweat off her brow. 
"I'll take that as a yes."
The moon is high above but very thin, so Ara has a bit of trouble finding her way back to the deck, she doesn't notice Leo until she's right under the handrail. The boy's watching in silence with a scowl on his face. 
She jumps over the railing landing on both feet, then dusts off her hands, and nods at Leo. "Hey."
He walks over to the control board. "Hey."
"I'm done," she announces proudly. "I was very safe the whole time."
"Good job," he checks the monitor. "Festus's stable, so are the oars." 
Leo looks at her doing a quick scan. Ara is covered in sweat and grime, her cheeks are flushed... he can't think of any girl who would look better than she does like this, but Nico succeeded in his attempt to plant a seed of doubt, and Leo can't shake off the feeling that Ara has been lying to him about something.
Besides, he once overheard Percy and Ara talking, and her brother mentioned an old crush she used to have on Nico... Leo panicked and sneaked back to his cabin after hearing that, but the words stuck in his brain and he couldn't take them out.
Ara sighs. "I promise to be careful from now on, I'll use a calculator and everything..."
Leo's seen the way she looks at him lately, like it hurts to be near him. At first, he thought it was guilt because she'd decided to leave her camp, but now... What if the love's fading out between them?
"I..." he starts quietly, swallowing the lump in his throat. "How do you feel?"
"Great!" She smiles. "I'd missed it, getting my hands dirty reminded me of home, it made me feel useful."
"You're always useful," he replies. "But you definitely have a natural aptitude for mechanics."
"I was fated to," Ara replies casually. "Thank you for letting me do this."
"You don't have to thank me. You're the General."
"Yeah, well..." she continues, now trying to ignore his weird vibes. "I'll go take a shower before dinner."
Leo blurts out the first thought in his mind. "I didn't know someone could make me this stupid."
Leo would rather jump into Tartarus than tinker with something that doesn't need fixing... but what if it does? Sometimes a machine doesn't look broken, but it malfunctions anyway. He can't deny that their relationship feels... unbalanced. A creation jumpstarted without all the necessary precautions, and there's a buzzing coming from it that Leo can't identify, but it's making his skin crawl.
Ara is unsure of where this is going. "What's wrong?"
He can't think when her eyes are on him like this, he has this urge to make her smile, and he doesn't know where that comes from. Sure, he loves making people laugh, but with Ara... it almost feels like an obligation.
He struggles to form a proper sentence. "I think you're lying to me."
Ara pales, which is not a good sign. "What?"
"You wanted to jump off the cliff," he continues. "And you tried to leave us when Reyna cornered us at the Fort—"
"Let me finish," he presses anxiously. "You weren't surprised when Nemesis gave you that weird warning, and you've been acting even weirder since we rescued di Angelo—"
"Don't lie to me," he demands. "Your prophecy mentions a curse—The curse of love. Does that mean—"
"This is Nico talking," Ara's eyes darken. "I thought he was ending his shift, but he came to taunt you, didn't he?"
Leo feels like throwing up, but more than that, he feels insulted. "So what if he did?"
"He wants us to get into an argument," Ara steps forward. "Don't let him do this!"
Leo steps back. "Then answer my question."
Unexpectedly, her eyes brim with tears. "I can't."
Some part of him that he's not even aware of triggers, Leo is too distraught to think, his heart is breaking. "You said promises were important to you, but you're not keeping yours."
"There are things that I need to keep under control," she speaks with a trembling voice.
"What things?" He asks bitterly. "Me?"
"Don't say that!" She squeezes the gloves in her hands. "We've failed too many times, Leo. I can't risk it. As your General, I'm telling you to stay out of it."
Leo doesn't like how she says that, her voice weighs like it carries centuries of painful memories, and it sounds like Ara thinks Leo will ruin her plans, and that stings.
"Chiron was right," he says aghast. "Your ambition blinds you. No matter what the outcome is, it's never enough, is it?"
Ara can't stand another second of that conversation, so she abandons it, and Leo doesn't stop her.
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Next Chapter –>
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