#oh in saying as likely to roll a 1 as a 20 i meant that in the sense of being as likely to roll either of them as any other given number
pathetic-gamer · 2 months
my favorite ongoing tradition in the fire emblem subreddits is new people showing up to ask why the displayed hit rate %s never actually add up (e.g. a 90% hit rate hits more than 90% of the time while a 20% hit rate hits less than 20% of the time), because they invariably get two answers:
someone explaining mathematics behind double-RNG and how it makes for a better player experience psychologically so while the devs obviously want to provide a challenge that still has some degree of luck, they also want people to not rage-quit, and
someone saying it's bc it's funnier that way
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joekeeryswife · 5 months
arranged marriage 2 - f.c
hello angels! oh my goodness thank you all so much for the love in the last chapter, i cannot express how grateful i am to all of you! Felix is 22 and reader is 20.
here is chapter 2 (there may only be 1 or two chapters left 😔) of my short series! here is y/ns ring, if you don’t like it you can change it, there is also going to be a link to a few dresses and again if you don’t like them you can change it!! there will probably be some mistakes so bare with me lol, enjoy reading🩰
taglist🩰 (add yourselves here): @hummusxx @lalademie @kikiandbella @anamiad00msday @saltburntt @livvy256 @gee72sstuff @edogiscool @real-lana-del-rey @cel3stel0v3r
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it had been almost three months since your engagement party and a lot had changed. you and Felix were not getting along at all. your parents had thought it was best if the two of you moved in together and it had been the worst decision they had ever made. all you would do was fight and argue.
today, luckily, your mum, Elspeth and Venetia had decided that it was best for you to start trying on wedding dresses which meant you wouldn’t have to see Felix. “how are things with you and Felix going?” Elspeth asked, the three of you were sat in the back of the car almost at the wedding dress shop.
“not good. all we do is fight, i’m seriously considering not following through with this marriage” you rolled your eyes at the mere thought of Felix. “he’s being a dick head. sorry about him y/n, it’s like he’s on his period” Venetia apologised for how her brother was acting.
“oh no y/n don’t think like that, it’s just nerves. the two of you are going to have a very extravagant wedding and he gets nervous with those sorts of things” Elspeth said as she ran a hand through her hair. “it will get better i promise” she finished, showing you a sweet smile.
“surely you’re excited to try some dresses on? you might even find the one today” your mum finally spoke up. she loved the idea of you in a lovely white ballgown, walking up the isle arm linked with your fathers.
she had been dreaming about you getting married for years. “i hope so. how do you know if it’s the right dress for you?” you questioned, both women had been married and been through this exact same experience as you.
“you just have a gut feeling. i mean with me i had two dresses. i had one for the ceremony and then one for the party, god i wish i could relieve my wedding. it was the happiest day of my life” Elspeth said and your mum hummed, agreeing with what she had said.
“you’ll know if it’s the right dress, don’t worry about that sweetheart” your mum grabbed ahold of your hand and squeezed it gently. you nodded, giving her hand a squeeze back. “oh look, we are here” Elspeth said as the driver pulled up outside a fancy wedding boutique. “well, here goes nothing”.
“oh that dress is ravishing” you heard Elspeth say as you looked at yourself in the mirror. “it’s elegant, fits your body nicely, you look beautiful. what do you think?” she continued as she looked at the dress. this was the fourth dress you had tried on and you were beginning to think that this bridal shop didn’t have anything for you. “well, it’s a pretty dress. but i think it’s a little too plain” you mum agreed “it is a little too plain. very pretty but you need some sort of design on there” Venetia nodded her head, indicating that it was time to try on yet another dress.
you walked back to the changing room with the stylist and she helped you get into the next dress. this one was beautiful, it looked like a princess dress and that was something you loved. however, the dress was still plain. you walked out and stood in front of the three of them, their gasps were loud. “oh my goodness, this dress looks absolutely perfect on you y/n” Venetia said as her eyes trailed over the dress.
“y/n, you look so beautiful sweetheart” your mum said as she looked at you in awe. “i love it but it’s still plain, i want some sort of pattern on the fabric. i love the way the dress is and i would have picked it if it had a pattern” you said as your hands brushed over the dresses skirt. your bridal stylist Amy spoke up “you do look gorgeous in this dress style but i think i have one similar to this with a pattern. why don’t you go to the dressing room and i’ll bring it through?” you nodded, a smile appearing on your face.
you made your way to the dressing room filled with nerves and excitement. hearing that she had a dress similar to this made your heart beat fast. after a few minutes she came into the dressing room with the most perfect dress you’d ever seen. it was exactly what you wanted.
she helped you put the dress on and your heart fluttered, this was your dress. you walked back out your mums eyes filled with tears and both Elspeth and Venetia gasped, i’m awe of how beautiful you looked. “y/n i seriously have no words. you look so radiant and elegant, i am praying that you have picked this dress” your mum said, the dress was absolutely perfect.
“i can’t see any flaws in this dress, i think if i was to ever design my wedding dress this would be it” you turned to face the three of them, you’d never felt like this before. “that dress is just absolutely gorgeous. you look like a bride” although you were mad at Felix, you were excited to get married. not because you were marrying him but because you could party like no other in the most beautiful dress with your family and friends.
“i think my brother might fall in love with you when he sees you in this dress” Venetia somewhat joked, she knew her brother would at some point fall in love with you and this dress would make it 100x easier. “i think it’s time we buy this dress and go celebrate” Elspeth said which you all agreed too.
you had been out all day and it was now 7 at night. you hadn’t heard from Felix at all and you were not looking forward to seeing him. you opened the door to your house. “Felix, are you home?” you called out but got no response. you walked round the house saw him sitting on the sofa watching the tv.
“hey” you spoke as you sat down on the sofa next to him, you put your bag next to you and sighed. it had been a long day and finally sitting down felt amazing. he ignored you, his eyes still fixated on the tv screen. “how’s your day been?” he shrugged at you and you sighed, rubbing your forehead in frustration. “we can’t live like this Felix. this is no life” you looked over at him.
“y/n, have you ever thought that maybe i don’t want to live here with you?” his tone didn’t shock you, he had been in a bad mood for weeks. “i’m sorry but this wasn’t my decision either. do you really think i want to live here when you’re in a bad mood all the time?” he was silent.
“maybe think that i’m trying to work this out for the sake of our parents and whatever this relationship is and you’re just throwing it back in my face” he stood up, his tall frame towering over you.
“y/n. this isn’t a relationship. we are being forced to marry each other” you stood up, you weren’t going to let him intimidate you. there was an uncomfortable distance between you both.
“what is your problem Felix? why is there such an issue with you marrying me. i get we don’t love each other but am i really that bad?” you hated to admit it but even though Felix had been awful to you, there was a part of you that was falling for him.
there was some days where he was okay and the two of you got along, having Felix be nice to you was what made you somewhat fall for him. “don’t try guilt trip me y/n. you hate me just as much as i hate you” he scoffed but you just shook your head.
“what? i have been nice to you since after that talk we had in the bathroom at the party. i’m sick of you blaming me for absolutely everything when i’m reality it’s you who is the problem. i don’t think you realise how you make me feel when you treat me like shit” you could feel yourself getting upset.
“don’t pretend like you really care. you never cared about how it made you feel before so what’s changed now?” you shook your head, embarrassed that you were even about to admit this.
“what do you think Felix?” he looked at your confused. “there has been some days where you’ve been so sweet and it’s hard for me to not catch feelings for you” his eyes widened and you looked down at the ground, way too embarrassed to even look at him.
you could feel your eyes welling up with tears of embarrassment and frustration at the fact you had just admitted to Felix, the one person you’d thought you’d hate for the rest of your life, that you had feelings for him. and you knew that he didn’t feel the same. you could tell by his energy when he was around you.
it was silent, it felt like an eternity waiting for him to say something. when you felt like you’d been standing there long enough you decided it was best for you to leave, you’d embarrassed yourself enough and you just wanted to be alone. you grabbed your bag and started walking away from Felix who was still trying to process everything you had just said.
“y/n wait, don’t leave” he noticed that you were heading for the front door and was quick to follow you. Felix was never good with expressing how he felt and spending this time with you, living with you, made him realise that he was falling for you and that scared him. he’d been in love once before and it ended horribly and he didn’t want the same thing to happen with you.
“i’m going to my parents house don’t follow me. i want to be alone” you continued walking and looked for your car keys in your bag, he could hear the waver in your voice as you tried your hardest to keep your tears at bay until you weee away from him.
Felix continued following you and when he was close enough he grabbed your arm and turned you to face him. in one quick motion Felix pressed his lips against yours. it took you by surprise, it was filled with passion and love.
you quickly kissed him back and dropped your bag on the floor. your arms found their way around his neck, pulling him in closer. you’d been in one relationship and had your fair share of kisses in the past but it was nothing like this.
he pulled away, both of you breathless “please don’t go. i’m sorry i upset you. i am just scared” his eyes looked deeply into yours and you felt your heart flutter. “i’m scared that one day you’re going to find someone better than me because let’s be honest we haven’t gotten along, well, ever” his cheeks flushed a bright shade of red as he confessed his feelings.
“at first i didn’t want to do this marriage but now, it’s all i can think about. i see us getting married, travelling together, having kids together and growing old together and i’ve never felt like this before” you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, Felix Catton the one boy who truly hated was confessing his feelings for you.
“do you think maybe we could start over and try make this work? not like we did the last time in the toilets” you semi-joked which made him smile, you hated to admit it but his smile was beautiful.
“come on, let’s go back inside it’s freezing out here” he said, pulling away from your hold but he grasped your hand and squeezed it softly. “i can’t believe you dropped your birkin bag for me” you picked it up and looked it over. “you’re lucky, it has no marks on it. looks as good as the day i bought it”
the two of you made your way back inside hand in hand, happy that you both finally expressed your feelings for one another. the only thing left was for the two of you to get married.
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jomgiiu · 1 year
The king of Hawkins high, Steve Harrington asks you out on a date but not for the reason you think. After that night, you learn who the real Steve Harrington is.. or so you thought. 
paring: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
CW: ANGST ANGST ANGST, i guess bully!steve?, steve being a douchebag, king steve taking effect, swearing obviously, mentions of wounds/blood not to major. 
A/N: i wrote this one a whim, got carried away it’s not the best but i need feedback to see what i should do next with it lol. i liked writing season 1 steve, i made him meaner than in the actual show but ofc i hope you all dont mind! enjoy and reblog! (not proof read and poor writing oops)
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Last night was the worst nights of your life, you got stood up by Steve Harrington. He'd asked you on a date during lunch and you obviously said yes. You and your friends were giggling and whispering about it all day, they gave you advice about what to do and say, what to wear, how to do your makeup, they seemed more excited than you. The moment you got home you got ready. He said he’d be there at 6 and it was already 3, so you had enough time to plan everything out. You put on your favorite record, pulled out your lucky socks, and got ready. The outfit you picked look like it came out of a magazine, so elegant and beautiful; Steve was definitely going to fall for you. At least that’s what you thought.
Sitting on the couch, you waited and waited and waited. 6 o’clock rolled around and the butterflies in your stomach would not stop.  
6:13. He's just running a bit late.  
6:28. Maybe he had car trouble?
6:41. Maybe he actually meant 7!
7:15. Or maybe he didn’t mean anything at all.  
7:35. You were nothing to him.  
Your parents didn’t get home from work until 8, so you decided to go up and change to save yourself the embarrassment of them asking about anything. Feeling like you came out of magazine just to feel like you were a thrown-out magazine because it’s the wrong issue. You went to sleep that night, crying over a stupid boy and a stupid date. It was stupid.  
What felt like forever, you finally got to your locker. Fumbling with the lock, you got it to open and put your things away, grabbing stuff for your classes.  Laughter was heard a few lockers down, glancing over it was Steve and his idiot friends. You sighed and shut your locker. You didn’t want to confront Steve but you had the right too. Confidently, you walked over to them but that instantly left when Carol whispered something to Steve, making him snicker. Your stomach felt like it was twisting and winding, you felt sick.  
“Hey, you!” Carol greeted; her words were sweet but was sour coming out of her mouth. You gave her a small wave and went to focus on Steve. He had on a blue polo, Calvin Klein jeans and a dark windbreaker complementing his outfit. His hair was perfect as always, he spent more time looking at himself than he did anyone else.  
“Can I help you?” He asked.
“Um,” the words were stuck in your throat. His stare was burning you. Either you chicken out or you confront him.
“Where were you last night?” the words came out in almost a whisper.  
“Huh? What was that?” he put his hand behind his ear, leaning down a bit to you. “What did you say?” Steve’s teasing was cruel, he has a smirk planted on his face waiting for you respond.
“I think our friend here asked about your date last night.” Tommy commented.  
“Ah.” Steve moved his hand away from his ear and resting it in his jean pocket. “Listen, I was planning on going but I got wrapped up in somethings. I was going to call. Promise.” The sympathy in his voice was forced.  
“Yeah, Steve was too busy studying anatomy with Nancy.” Tommy teased, making Carol slap him on the chest playfully. Steve smirked and looked at you.
“Tom, pay up man.”
You tried to process what was going on. You watched Tommy give Steve a $20, shoving it in his pocket looking so proud of himself.  
“Why did-”
“Oh gosh, for being a straight ‘A’ student, you really are stupid.” Carol said.  
“Tommy over here told me if I asked you out, I'd get the 20. I did and I got the 20.” Steves words felt like a knife to the heart.  
“You put a bet on me?”
“Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!” Tommy exclaimed, making everyone laugh.  
“You really believed that Steve would go out with you!” Carol snorted.
“Listen, you seem like a great girl, I just don’t think you're up to the Steve Harrington standard. Nancy on the other hand, well she is. Don’t get me wrong, she just like you but more put together you get what I mean?” Steve’s words were harsh but said with ease.  
You began to shake, you tried to hold the tears back forming in your eyes letting one fall down your cheek.
“Aw are you crying?” Carol pouted.  
“I just thought you wanted to actually get to know me.” You choked out.  
“Get to know you? I’d rather talk to a freak than talk to you. But I guess that’s what I’m doing now huh?” Laughter erupted around you. People stopped and stared at you, all eyes were on you, people where whispering and giggling.
You quickly walked away from them, tears clouding your vision you didn’t want to go anywhere else but out. Your friends tried to stop you but you ignored them, you were just trying to get to your car where you could be alone. Getting in your car, you finally let it all out. They humiliated you in front of everyone, Steve placed a bet on you, everyone knew why. You were a loser. You’d never be Nancy Wheeler and you’d never be with Steve Harrington. Going home that day felt awful, you told your parents that you got sick and just needed to be home for the day, or the week. Thankfully, they took the bait and let you come home early and stay home for the week. Your mom went to the school to pick up your work you missed and that kept you occupied for the time being but didn’t distract you from your feelings.  
It didn’t help either that one of your friends called you, basically screaming at you that Steve asked her out on a date and she was calling you from the diner payphone that they were at right now. Your heart almost about blew up when you heard that. The day he does that to you, he asks one of your friends out? You told her congrats and when she briefly asked about your date, you just told her that you canceled because you didn’t feel well, hence why you left school today. She instantly bought it and told you that she’ll update you later and hung up. Of course, everyone had a crush on Steve and everyone wanted to be Steve. You wanted Steve but you didn’t know his personality, you didn’t know who he was as a person until now. Every girl he’s been with was ranting and raving about him and the dates he brings them on, you just wanted to experience one. You knew you were pretty, smart and you had a pretty decent reputation, why would he do that to you. Steve made you feel like nothing. He made you feel ugly, stupid and a loser. Steve Harrington was an asshole and no one knew that expect for you.  
Tuesday finally came. You begged your mom to stay home again, since you did Monday. You tired the fake puke trick but she saw right through it. Your mom convinced you if you went to school, you could buy something out of a catalog. You couldn’t pass that opportunity. If you were coming back, you were coming back looking like you haven’t been crying for the past week. You threw on the cutest outfit you could find, made sure the tear stains were off your face, kissed your mom goodbye and headed to school. The moment you walked in, the counselor grabbed you by the throat and dragged you into her office. Ms. Kelly was a nice lady; it was clear she cared about the students but it annoyed you because you didn’t want to talk. She asked how you were doing and what you plan on doing to keep your grades up. You explained that you have all your work, you just need to turn it in.  
“Wonderful!” she said.  
Ms. Kelly looked down at her paper, dragging her finger along until she stopped.  
“Ms. Click has actually requested to see you, I told her I'd send you down to talk to her. She couldn’t wait until your period. You can also take your work for her class and turn it in then.” She said, writing a hall pass. “Just come back here when you’re done okay?” You nodded gripping your history work, taking the hall pass and walking to Clicks. You liked Click, she was nice to you and you had her 5th period which was such a calm class, you liked everyone in there. As soon as you opened the door to Clicks, everyone's eyes were on you and even pair you didn’t want. Steve Harringtons.  
“Oh, perfect timing! Class, turn and talk about the question on the board I'll be a moment.”  
You walked into the classroom more to Clicks desk. She smiled at you and offered you a little candy. How could you say no. You handed her your stack of papers as she sat down at her desk.
“How have you been. 5th hour hasn’t been the same!”  
You glanced around the class to see the people. Steve was still looking at you. You began to fiddle with the hem of your shirt.  
“Oh, I've been sick. Flu season I guess.”
“Ah, I see. Thank you for doing your work while you were sick. Not a lot of kids even do their work in class.” you nodded. “I called you here to obviously see if you were alright but also to see if a student can borrow your notes. You did them perfectly and I think it would help them. Don’t worry, he’ll give it back to me so you can have it back.” Click began to look through another pile of papers.  
“Sure, who’s using it?”
The color drained from your face. God was not on your side today. You didn’t want the cause of you missing school to look at your notes, it’s his fault he’s stupid.  
“Ah, here we are,” She pulled out your notes and handed them to you. “Give those to Steve please and you can be on your way. We can talk more in 5th hour!” She smiled. You grabbed your notes and have her a tight-lipped smile. Turning away from her desk, you walked to Steve’s. He clearly wasn’t doing the assignment, just goofing around and flirting with the girls around him. Making it to his desk, he stopped talking to the girls and instantly looked at you.
“Ms. Click wanted me to give you my notes to help you out.” you interrupted, holding out the notes to him.  
“Pfft, I don’t need your notes. I don’t want to read mistakes.”  
Hold it together.
“It wasn’t my choice. It was Ms. Cli-”
“Does it look like I care about what she has to say? No. Do I care what you have to say? No. I'm surprised you even came to school today looking like this.”
The girls around him started giggling and whispering to each other.  
“I think I look fine.”  
“Well, I'm glad you had the confidence to wear clothes from the salvation army.”
Don’t cry.
“For your information, I got an ‘A’ on these notes and Ms. Click said I was the only one who got an ‘A.’ And I got these from a catalog and I'm sorry my daddy doesn’t buy me every new thing like your ugly BMW you drive and at least I'm not a wannabe dickhead.”
Steve put his hands over his chest, having a shocked expression on his face which quickly switched to a smug look.
“Wow! You got me there! You showed me!” Steve scooted up closer in his seat, resting his arms in front of him looking right at you.  
“I'm not the wannabe sweetheart, you are. You want to have my money and BMW so bad but here you are driving your run-down Ford Escort and thinking that catalog clothing is going to save you. It’s not. Sure, you think you're all smart but looks will do you better in the future. Remember that.” Steve snatched the notes from your hands and started to talk to his friends again. 
You left the classroom so fast, before you could say goodbye to Ms. Click. The whole day you were worried about what Steve said. About how you looked and how looks will get you places. You knew it was bullshit, you had colleges already begging for you to go to school but it’s the way Steve said it. Worse of it all, you went to 5th hour, hoping for a good period. Until you got your notes back to notice he scribbled all over them, writing things, drawing crude things on all your work. You frantically began to look through the notes until one comment stood out to you.  
‘When you walk out of school, make sure to wear the bag on your head I left you at your locker. You need it.’
Tears filled your eyes. You shot up from your seat and ran out of your class. Ms. Click was yelling for you as you ran down the halls until you got to your locker. There you saw a paper bag with eye holes cut out of it, tapped to your locker. You ripped the bag off your locker and fell to your knees, sobbing into the paper bag. Why was Steve being so mean to you? You should be ruining his life; he shouldn’t be ruining yours. This all started with a date that turned out to be a joke and then ever since your life went downhill. Classmates from your period found you and tried to comfort you of what happened. You broke and told Ms. Click what happened and what Steve did which led to Principal Higgins getting involved and calling your parents and Steve's. He got a suspended for the rest of the week which was a relief to you but didn’t help the situation. Now since this situation, you were known as the ‘Cry baby.’ Your friends tried to help you feel better and stood up for you when the time was right. You were grateful to have a support system but not grateful for Steve Harrington.  
It’s been a few months since the whole Steve situation and some forgot about it and moved on to other things like the Byers youngest boy going missing and Barb Holland also going missing, making the whole town worried. Steve was still a dick but he didn’t pay any mind to you though, he was too busy dealing with his goons and his dream girl, Nancy Wheeler. A part of you still had a crush on him, just the smallest he was still cute but he was still a dick. You had to go see Ms. Kelly every Friday since what happened which you didn’t mind but it was still annoying. It was the same bland conversation about your week. If there's any people giving you a hard time, grades, college, just boring, stupid conversations that waste your time during 6th period but you got to leave earlier which was a plus. Before you left, Ms. Kelly told you that your mom called and wanted you to stop by Melvald’s to grab some more dish soap so that’s where you are now, looking for dish soap and Melvald’s. Why are there so many soaps? You never paid attention to what one you used it was just soap.  You notice someone move at the conner of your eye, you paid no mind to it until you noticed who the someone was. The navy-blue jacket, the blue jeans, the green shirt, the hair. Yeah, it was him.  
Oh god not here.  
Focus on the soaps.
Glancing over at him he was looking at the band aids and ointments he looked dazed, squinting at labels trying to make it clear. Then a pair of hazel eyes fell on you, making you quickly look at the soaps. You swore your heart was going to explode it was pounding so fast, it felt like someone was squeezing your whole body you couldn’t breathe. Was this really happening? Why was he here? How could you not see his BMW in the parking lot? Anxiety riddled your body as you heard someone shuffle up to you. God don’t let it be you.
Frozen in place, you moved your head slightly to look at him. You were taken back by the way he looked. The right side of his face was bloody and bruised with the wound already scabbing over, his right eye swollen, a small cut settled on his lip following one on the bridge of his nose., going slightly down to the right of his cheek.  He looked awful. You tried not to stare at him too much, you didn’t want to be rude but it was impossible to look away. Who did this to the king of Hawkins high?
“Sorry to bother you. I just--I can't really read this. Is this the right ointment?”
Your eyes trailed down to the box he was holding making you huff out a laugh.  
“Well, if you have hemorrhoids then yes, but otherwise no.”  
“Uh, no. Not necessarily.” His face turned a light shade of red. “I need something for um,” he pointed to his face rising his eyebrows. “This.”
“I’ll help you. Hemorrhoid cream definitely isn't gonna help that.” you kicked yourself for that and made your way to where he was before. Steve stood watching you look through the hundreds of creams and ointments on the shelf. You eventually found one and replaced it the original ointment in Steve's hand for the new one.  
“Zemo will help a lot it does wonders; it makes it less itchy and heals quicker. You'll thank me later.”  
Steve looked at the medicine and looked back at you. There was no hatred in his eyes, no cruelness. Just hurt. He was hurt inside and out; he was guilty for what he’s done to you and so many others. He’s guilty for hurting the only girl he loves. He’s hurting.  
“Thanks.” that’s all he could say to you in this moment. A simple thank you, not anything else.
“Have you cleaned them?”  
“Uh no, just had an aspirin and a cold coke to put it on.” Steve shrugged.  
You sighed.  
“Okay, just get that, I'll finish what I need and meet me outside okay?”
The stinging sensation of the alcohol covered cotton pad on the open wound made Steve wince, making him pull his head away from you. You muttered a sorry and he just huffed and let you clean him up. Never in a million years you would be sitting here in the Milvad’s parking lot taking care of Steve Harrington. He watched you carefully as you take your time with him, carefully moving so he wouldn’t be in as much pain as he already was. It took someone to beat the absolute shit out of him for him to realize how much of a dick he was. How miserable he made people feel. How miserable he made you feel.  
“Sorry, this happened to you, I can't imagine how much it hurts.”
Steve scoffed at your sincerity.
“I deserved it, you out of all people should be happy this happened to me.”
“A little part of me is,” you admitted. “Who did this to you?”
You put the cotton pad down and grabbed the Zemo putting a glob on your finger and gently rubbing it in over his wound. Steve hissed at the contact.  
“Jonathan Byers.” Steve mumbled.  
“Oh wow.” You were quite shocked that a quiet boy like him could rock Steve’s shit. Steve was fit, he had to be for basketball and baseball so you assume he could win a fight. You finished applying the Zemo and giving it to Steve.
“Make sure you put this on twice a day, and only once if you shower. It should help the itch and the scaring a bit. You'll be healed in no time.”  
Steve held the Zemo in his hands and watched you clean everything up. You were really pretty up close. Yeah, he looked at you close up a lot of times but this time he noticed every detail of your face, every curve, every wrinkle, every texture, he was scared of looking away because he didn’t want to forget it. Steve thought back to the paper bag he taped to your locker, Tommy and Carol thought it would be a funny idea and so did he at the time. When he was in the principal's office with his dad with you and your parents, he glanced at you and his chest was tight. Your head was hanging low, tears falling down your cheeks and landing on your hands, silent sobs coming from you. Steve recoiled when heard let out sobs after him and his dad left the principal's office. Mr. Harrington made it clear if he pulled that shit again, he would be kicked off the basketball and baseball teams, he wouldn’t get into an ivy league school and end up as a drug dealer on the streets. Mrs. Harrington told him that’s no way to treat girls, there’s no reason to bully girls anyway. She was disappointed in her Stevie and Stevie was disappointed in himself. Of course, that didn’t stop him from being an asshole, if he didn’t get caught then he wouldn’t have to go through that whole fiasco again so he moved on from you and started being an arrogant prick either way to everyone around him. That ended up getting beat up, ditching his “friends” and getting taken care of by the girl he bullied.  
“Thanks for doing this, you didn’t have to you know?”
“I know.” you responded.
“Why did you?”
You sighed and looked at him. He looked so vulnerable, his hazel eyes soft and looking at you. Steve looked like a lost puppy; in some cases, he was. Now he was. He had no friends anymore, he was hurt and lost, no guidance, nothing. You seemed like the only thing keeping him afloat at this moment.
“Unlike some people Steve, I care. No matter what you did to me, how you treated me, you deserve some type of -- I don’t know but I was always taught to help people that needed it. I know you know what's right. I know what you have to do, so do it. You're better than this Steve Harrington.”  
You walked towards your car, quickly getting in throwing the stuff in the front and driving off before Steve could say anything to you. Deep down, you knew Steve was a good person he was just around bad people. As much as you hated it, you knew he had to apologize to Nancy, he had to make everything up to her and even Jonathan but it was selfish to think he’d do the same to you.
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signedkoko · 4 months
i want to request you headcanon when Y/N is manipulated by a demon hostile to Vox (which may not be Alastor) to try to physically harm Vox against Y/N's will.
I'm sorry if my sentence has something wrong (_ _;) 
i'm Japanese so i don't have enough English skill
Vox X Reader [Romantic]
In which a demon manipulates you into trying to harm Vox. Reader is genderneutral.
Warnings - Attempted drugging | Vox yells at you for a bit </3
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You've been together for many years now, long since you shared vows and became a celebrity couple all of hell wish they could be
You'd developed a schedule together, waking up in each other's arms, taking turns cooking meals, and planning your next date night, vacation, outing, whatever distracted you both from the work ahead of you
Many people came and went in either of your lives—too many to track—so you came to trust those closest to you
Velvette and Valentino never went; the three Vees flourished while you watched, one of the many moving parts of the machine that pulled their franchise above all others
Neither of you would have expected it to be someone so close to you trying to ruin it all
Valentino had many people come and go in his romantic life, but only one returned again and again, no matter how much you and Vox hated him: Dia
He was Valentino's assistant, one that was obsessive—you knew it was unhealthy, but Valentino liked that sort of thing, so you stayed out of it
Every time you spoke to Dia, they always got too close, too personal, asked you if you were cheating on Vox, if you wanted Val, and if you'd ruin his relationship
It always escalated from there, so you avoided them
But obsessiveness doesn't go away so easily, and being Valentino's personal toy meant they had all the drugs they could ever want on hand
Even the kinds only demonic princes could handle
" Oh! Hey! "
Dia called out to you one evening as you were just entering the building, home from running some errands
They handed you a gift box, seemingly in a rush
" Val says its for Vox! "
Your curiosity was piqued, but you knew better than to go snooping into anything Val did
So you did as per with any mail and sat it on Vox's desk since he was out
His office was on a separate floor from where you lived, but you knew he was more likely to get more work done before coming to see you
Hours later, while cleaning up from a hobby of yours, Vox slammed into the house, startling you to the point where you dropped your things
" Did you think that was funny? I could have died! What the hell is wrong with you!? "
You were so caught off guard by his screaming that you were completely silent
" Had my auto scanners not gone off, I would have eaten that; it would have melted me from the inside out! Are you crazy??? "
" Vox please! What are you talking about? "
" I already saw the footage of you putting this shit in my office; you put your name on the tag and everything! The chocolates? "
" Chocolates...? "
You managed to connect the dots, covering your mouth
" Check the lobby footage, 1:20 pm-ish, please Vox! "
When he eventually rolled it back, he was just as frustrated
Hes a swearing mess for a moment, until he apologetically pulls you into him
He feels absolutely horrible; of course you wouldn't do that to him- hell, how would you even get your hands on hydrofluoric acid?
But as the guilt subsides with your comforts, he becomes more than frustrated
Fuck, he's absolutely livid
Not only did they almost kill him, but Dia tried to frame you
He can't imagine what might have happened to you had they been successful
" Stay home and don't let anyone in. I think it's about time Val gets a new side bitch. "
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Author's Note - I hope I understood your request well! My requests were closed when you sent this in, but I liked the prompt a lot so I'll let it slide this once... Thank you 🖤
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brbsoulnomming · 8 months
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 27 (final part)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | AO3
rating: explicit
In the morning, Jonathan and Steve and Argyle make breakfast together, and Eddie watches them move around each other kind of bemusedly. He's not sure how, but somehow, it works, and the end result is a spread enough to feed even this hoard.
They trickle out sometime after that, most of them checking on Eddie and Steve one last time. Robin hurries some of them - Dustin and Mike - along, saying Steve has to help Eddie with his physical therapy.
"Wayne's dropping me off at home," she tells them, when it's just her and his uncle waiting in the truck left. "That's my gift to you - you get the weekend to enjoy your physical therapy."
She waggles her eyebrows meaningfully, cackling at them as she leaves.
When it's just them, and the house is utterly silent, they look at each other.
"I'll lock up downstairs," Eddie offers.
"I'll take upstairs," Steve agrees, already running towards it.
Eddie checks the doors and windows, just to be safe, then books it upstairs.
Steve's already sitting on the bed, eyes scanning what looks like Eddie's discharge paperwork.
He looks up when Eddie walks into the room, his expression lighting up in a way that makes Eddie's heart beat a little quicker.
"We need to talk," he blurts out, before he can let himself get distracted by the urge to kiss Steve senseless.
Steve's face falls. "Oh," he says. "Um. Yeah, okay, sure."
"About Jason," Eddie adds hurriedly. "And everything that happened."
"Oh! Right, you're right. Of course." Steve sets the papers aside, scooting up on the bed so Eddie can come sit across from him.
Steve immediately gets his hands on Eddie's knees when he does, leaning into his space. "How are you doing?"
That's not what Eddie meant, but he lets himself think about the question anyway.
"I don't know," he admits. "Can we come back to that?"
Steve makes a face at him. "That won't work forever," he warns him.
"I know," Eddie says. "Does it help if I say this time, at least I knew I wasn't alone?"
Steve considers that. "Does it help you?"
"Yeah," Eddie says slowly. "Before - when I was in the boathouse, or on the lake, or in the woods alone, or even in the Upside Down, there was a lot of times that I thought for sure I was going to die. But last night? I believed I'd be okay. I knew you were there, I knew you all had my back."
"We always will," Steve promises, tipping his head to kiss him.
"That's the other thing we need to talk about," Eddie says. "You always being so ready to be the one to take the hits."
Steve rolls his eyes. "Why does everyone keep bringing that up? I'm not trying to get hurt."
"You still do, though," Eddie points out. "Every time. You think we don't worry about you? Look, if you can look me in the eye and tell me it's a hundred percent not because you think you're worth less than the rest of the party, or that you're only as good as what you can do for them, then I'll drop it."
Steve's jaw tightens, throat working as he swallows.
"Thought so," Eddie says when Steve's been silent for a while.
"I don't exactly think I'm worth less," Steve says.
Eddie waits, but there's no lie, so he relaxes a little.
"But I guess I do think this is what I'm good for," Steve continues. "This is how I can help them."
"Stevie," Eddie whispers, his heart breaking a little. "There's so much more to you than just that, okay? You're more than that to them. To us."
He knows that Joyce said it last night, and he's pretty sure that Robin must have told him it at least a dozen times, but he's also pretty sure that Steve needs to hear it as much as possible.
Steve gives him a bittersweet little smile. "What else am I supposed to do, Eds, sit on the sidelines? Let one of the kids get hurt instead?"
"That's not - okay, look, I'm not going to ask you to stop. No when it's for the kids, and not when we all make plans for Vecna. I get it, I do," Eddie says. "But I don't want you to do it for me."
"Like you weren't going to do the same thing when Jason had the gun pointed at you," Steve says.
Which -
"Okay, fair," Eddie concedes. "But if I don't like it when you do it for me, and you don't like it when I do it for you, where does that leave us?"
Steve frowns. "I don't know. I guess - I guess we work as a team?"
Eddie scrubs a hand over his face. "We did okay once we actually got on the same page?"
Steve drums his fingers on his knee. "I think this is a conversation we need to have with Robin here," he admits.
"Good call," Eddie agrees.
Steve's quiet for a moment. "But I hear you, okay? I do. I know you and Robin don't like it. Like I told her, I - I'll think about both of you before I do anything."
And that -
Yeah, actually, he thinks that's all he needs right now.
"But you have to do the same," Steve adds. "No more like what you did with the demobats."
Unlike when he promised Dustin he wouldn't do that again, he actually thinks it through this time.
"If it's Dustin or me," he says slowly. "It's going to have to be me."
Steve looks at him pointedly, and Eddie winces.
"Right, I know, it's the same for you. But I-" Eddie cuts off, trying to figure out how to say this and be honest without being too vulnerable.
"Eds," Steve murmurs, thumbs rubbing over the inside of his knees.
Right. It's Steve, his soulmate. He can be vulnerable. More than that - he thinks he needs to be vulnerable.
"I wanted to be brave," he admits. "I didn't want to run anymore. I know you don't think I had anything to prove, but I thought I did."
"What about now?" Steve asks.
"I don't know," Eddie says. "I don't think I'm an NPC anymore. But this is - I'm not like you guys, I don't know what I'll do next time. If I'll run again."
Steve frowns. "What's an NPC?"
Eddie huffs out a hollow little laugh. "Non-player character. It's the side characters in a D&D campaign, the ones that no one actually plays, they're just there to facilitate the story and then disappear."
Steve's face smooths out into understanding, and he leans in to kiss him, just the softest brush of their lips together. "Yeah," he says when he pulls back. "I figured you felt like you weren't really one of us, and that you weren't going to make it. But you don't anymore?"
"No," Eddie says. "I don't really know what to do with it, but I know this is it. This is where I want to be. You, uh. You're it for me, too, Stevie."
He'd already accidently fessed up to overhearing Steve and Robin's conversation, after all, so he might as well go all in.
Steve huffs out a little laugh, kissing him again. "I love you."
"Love you, too," Eddie whispers. Then he pulls back, arching one eyebrow. "So how about that physical therapy?"
Steve pulls Eddie's discharge paperwork back out.
"Wait, you - you actually wanted to do the stupid stretches? I thought that was a euphemism!" Eddie says, disappointed.
Steve bumps their knees together. "If you don't stretch out that leg first, you're going to cramp up in the middle of something you really don't want to be cramping up in."
"Oh. Oh! Okay, I'll take it." Eddie flops onto his back on the bed, legs sprawled out. "Okay, Stevie, you're the jock here. Get me stretched out."
Steve laughs, scooting over to get his hands on Eddie's leg. He spreads the paperwork out next to him, looking at it for a moment before he dives right into it.
Eddie lets out a surprised grunt as Steve maneuvers his leg, one hand cupping his knee and the other on his thigh. He can feel it deep in his hip as it rotates nice and slow, can feel the stretch of his thigh, but no there's no sharp pains like he might have expected.
"Tell me if it hurts," Steve says, glancing back at the paper and then moving him again.
The diagrams hadn't been all that helpful when Eddie'd looked, and he'd figured he'd have to actually read through the written instructions a few more times to make any kind of sense of them. But Steve moves his leg around easy as anything, his guiding hands gentle and firm and every movement nice and fluid.
Eddie props himself up on his elbow so he can get a better look at Steve. "You're pretty good at this. Hey, I bet you'd make a good physical therapist."
Steve hums noncommittally.
"No?" Eddie asks.
"I mean, sure, maybe, one day. For now? I might get the Family Video job back, or somewhere else around town that's still open, but until Vecna's down for good, my full time job's gonna be - what'd you call it? Being a paladin."
Eddie can't exactly refute that, but shit, everything about that statement sucks.
Well, almost everything.
"You know, I can see the barbarian side of you, too," Eddie teases.
Steve rolls his eyes. "Fine, full time paladin, part time barbarian."
Eddie snickers. "You're already multiclassing."
Steve scoffs, but his expression is unbelievably fond. "I can't believe how into it I am when you're being a giant nerd, it's pretty embarrassing."
It makes Eddie's insides go all warm and gooey, Steve looking at him like that, and yet -
"You are, though, right? Into it?" he finds himself asking.
"Eds," Steve murmurs, leaning in closer. "I'm into everything about you. It's you."
Eddie tries to just accept it. It's clearly not a lie, but something about the way Steve says it like it should be obvious makes him hunch in on himself a little.
"Right, who wouldn't be into a nerdy, virgin, drug dealing super super senior?"
Steve frowns, pulling back to look at him. There's a scrunch between his brows that says he's thinking hard about something, and Eddie wants so bad to reach out to smooth it out.
Now he can.
Eddie presses his thumb to the little spot, rubbing it like he's rubbing away whatever Steve's thinking about that's making him make that face.
Steve huffs out a laugh, batting his hand away. "All right, let's look at this," he says, rocking back on his heels and holding up one finger.
"First - in case you haven't noticed, all of my friends are huge nerds, man. I'm kind of a nerd, I just look like much less of one compared to all of you. Second -" Steve puts up another finger. "All right, I'm not super thrilled about the drug dealing when it comes to the harder stuff, but you did what you had to, and I'd be a huge hypocrite if I complained about the weed. Third - it's high school. Weren't you the one who said it feels like it's a lot less important now in the face of everything else?"
"That's different," Eddie mutters, feeling a little bit overwhelmed. He's not used to having someone systematically refute almost all of his points about himself like that, and he doesn't know what to do with it other than focus on the one it feels like Steve doesn't understand. "That was social conformity, this is - this is fucking graduating, man."
He's not sure what he'd do if Steve brushed it off again. Fortunately, Steve just shifts a little, laying down on his side next to him.
"Will you tell me?" Steve asks.
Eddie turns to face him more, hand coming up to fiddle with the hem of Steve's shirt. "My dad never graduated," he says finally. "Dropped out after junior year when they told him that it wasn't looking good for him to be able to graduate, said there were bigger and better things out there than high school, anyway. I don't want to be like him, I don't want to give up."
Steve brushes his hair back, tucking it behind his ear. "You fought Vecna with us. You stuck with us, even now. You decided to work with me on making our bond romantic even when you thought Robin and I were together. You aren't the give up type, Eddie, and if graduating is important to you, then it's important to me, too. I know you can do it."
Eddie slips his hand under Steve's shirt, thumb rubbing over his waist. "Yeah? You gonna cheer for me at graduation?"
Steve quirks a little grin. "I'll yell for you and Robs so loud you'll hear me over everyone else."
Eddie kisses him.
"Noticed you didn't say anything about the virgin thing," he jokes when they break for air.
Eddie doesn't actually think that's an issue for Steve, not after how he'd reacted when Eddie first told him, but when Steve doesn't say anything, it makes him frown a little.
"Steve?" he asks, pulling back to look at him.
"It's not like that's going to be true much longer," Steve points out, but there's something about the way he says it that makes Eddie narrow his eyes at him.
"Steve Harrington," Eddie drawls, delighted. "Is that a thing for you? Do you have a virgin thing?"
"I don't have a-" Steve starts to protest, then amends it to, "I don't exactly have a virgin thing."
"Oh, but you have a sort of virgin thing?" Eddie teases. "You're into it, aren't you, popping cherries?"
Steve shoves him as Eddie cackles, and before long Steve's giving a little snort of laughter too.
"Shut up," Steve says. "I just - I like being able to make someone's first experience a good one, okay? I like that someone's trusted me enough to be their first time. And - maybe I really like the idea of being that for you."
"Yeah?" Eddie asks, his voice softening a little. "You gonna make it good for me, Stevie?"
Steve props himself up so he can lean over Eddie, dropping a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "You gonna let me?" he asks, just as soft.
Eddie swallows. "Yeah. Yeah, I'll let you."
Steve hums in response, kissing along the line of his jaw.
Eddie grunts when Steve bites him just under the edge of his jaw, his hips bucking up involuntarily at the sensation of Steve's tongue soothing over the sting from his teeth.
His hands push under Steve's shirt, fingertips scratching through the hair over his stomach as he pushes the fabric up.
"Off," he mutters, tugging insistently, until Steve finally pulls away from his neck to strip off his shirt.
Eddie groans, finally getting to openly stare at him the way he couldn't do the last time Steve was shirtless. He reaches out eagerly, palms sweeping up Steve's ribs before he pushes his fingers through the fucking lush mat of hair on his chest.
Steve grunts as Eddie skims over some of his soulmate words, eyes going wide. "Fuck."
"Right?" Eddie agrees, sliding one hand back down to do it again.
Steve shoves his own hands under Eddie's shirt, manhandling him a little to get him sitting up enough that he can pull it off.
Eddie's dick twitches, practically straining against his jeans - yup, Jesus Christ, confirmed that is definitely a thing for him.
When it's Steve, at least.
He expects Steve to get his hands on him, the way Eddie's still stroking possessively over Steve's chest, but instead Steve dips down and gets his mouth on his collarbone, sucking a mark into his skin.
Eddie makes a choked off sound, something between a moan and a curse.
"That okay?" Steve asks quietly.
One of Eddie's hands abandons Steve's chest so he can push it into his hair instead, tangling in the soft strands so he can hold him right where he is.
"So fucking okay," Eddie says.
Steve huffs out a little laugh, the puff of warm air against his collarbone sending a little shiver down Eddie's spine.
He doesn't dive back in immediately, though, leaving Eddie squirming and arching his hips up.
"What're you waiting for?" he demands.
"Looking for something," Steve replies.
Before Eddie can ask what, Steve dives back in, tongue dragging a line over his sternum.
Right where Eddie knows it says I don't think you're brave.
If Eddie thought it was overwhelming before, having Steve's hands on his words, it's got nothing on his tongue. The wet heat against his chest seems to have a direct line to his dick, and when Steve's lips brush over another line of words on his stomach, he feels it fucking everywhere.
Eddie's not entirely sure how, but somehow, they manage to get both of their jeans and underwear shoved down and tossed aside.
There's so much fucking bare skin, and Eddie's greedy for it, reaching out and touching anything he can reach as Steve practically makes out with every bit of soulmate ink he can find.
Eddie throws his head back as Steve sinks lower, tongue carefully tracing one of raised red lines of his mostly healed bite marks without quite touching it, teeth grazing along one of the bisected words instead.
His hands tangle in Steve's hair again, grip a little harder than he means to - but Steve gives this punched out moan, and fuck, okay, Eddie's going to assume a little hair tugging is on the table.
Steve finds the words on the inside of Eddie's thigh, the ones that say I don't care about my soulmate, too, and I won't do anything to keep them safe, and if Steve's hands weren't on his hips, Eddie's pretty sure he would have hit Steve in the face with how hard he bucks up when Steve bites him there.
"Steve," he manages to get out. "Steve, I'm gonna-"
"Yeah," Steve says, getting one hand around his cock and stroking over him. "Come on, Eds."
His grip on Steve's hair tightens so much it has to hurt when he comes, spilling all over Steve's hand and his own stomach with a strangled shout. Steve strokes him through it, like he's trying to get every last bit of sensation out of him that he can.
Eddie's panting harshly when Steve finally lets go, and his hands slip out of Steve's hair as Steve pulls back to sit up.
His brain is practically mush, and he's not sure he can even feel all of his limbs, let alone move them, but he still makes a greedy little noise when Steve rocks back on his heels and Eddie gets his first good look at his cock.
"Gimme," Eddie mutters, hands twitching as he tries to reach for it.
Steve laughs softly. "Next time," he says.
Instead, he takes one of Eddie's hands in his, lacing their fingers together. With his other hand, Steve jerks himself off, stroking quick and rough, and Eddie's fucking mesmerized by the sight.
It doesn't take long for Steve to come, too, and Eddie's feeling pretty fantastic about that. Steve is so fucking beautiful when he comes that Eddie's spent dick gives a little jolt, and he wonders how quick Steve could be ready for that next time.
Steve drops down next to him when he's finished, and they press together as close as possible, trading kisses that are more like panting into each other's mouths than anything else.
"I love you," he murmurs in Steve's ear, when he's finally got enough breath left to speak.
Steve holds him closer, burying his face in Eddie's neck. "Love you," he returns.
They lay like that for a long time, as Eddie slowly feels his heart start to calm down - as it sinks in that this is fucking real.
"You okay?" Steve asks after a while, voice soft.
"I'm fucking fantastic," Eddie replies.
Steve hums happily, finally tipping his head up so he can kiss him. "That was a first for me, too, you know," he admits quietly.
Eddie smiles. "First boy Steve Harrington ever slept with, that's a pretty good achievement."
Steve rolls his eyes. "First and last," he points out, which -
Okay, apparently that might be kind of a thing for Eddie, too.
"Ruined you for all other men, didn't I?" Eddie asks smugly.
Steve snorts, pinching his side.
Eddie just grins at him, wide and gleeful, until Steve huffs out a little laugh and kisses him again.
"You're lucky I really like seeing you like this," Steve retorts.
"What, all fucked out?" Eddie asks.
"Nah. Like seeing you happy."
"Stevie," he murmurs, gently pushing his fingers through Steve's hair.
Steve tilts his head into his hand for a moment. Then he smirks. "Besides, that wasn't anywhere close to what I plan to do to get you all fucked out."
Eddie's dick twitches again.
"So, uh. How soon can we have that next time?" he asks.
Steve grins at him. "Lunch first, then round two?"
"Hell yes," Eddie agrees.
It's going to be a fucking fantastic weekend.
Robin Buckley and Nancy Wheeler graduate with the rest of their class that year.
And this time, finally, so does Eddie Munson.
Graduation doesn't happen until July, with all the delays, but Eddie is right there among the class of '86, wearing Steve's jeans and one of his uncle's button ups and all of his rings and chains under his cap and gown.
Robin's name gets called first, and Eddie joins the near deafening roar that comes from all of the people cheering her in the bleachers. He can faintly hear Steve shouting "That's my girl!" over everyone else, but Eddie's not sure if that's because Steve's actually louder than all of them or because he's listening out for Steve more.
When it's Eddie's turn - he honestly doesn't know what to expect. It might be dramatic of him, but he wouldn't be all that surprised if he got tomatoes thrown at him.
What he gets, though, is a roar just as deafening and a fucking standing ovation from two rows of the bleachers. He can hear his uncle shouting "That's my son!", a whoop that sounds like a battle cry coming from the party, and Steve damn near screaming, "That's my boy!"
Eddie can't resist throwing out a pair of devil horns after he takes his diploma.
Vecna is still out there, and Hawkins is still a shithole, and Eddie still doesn't have any more of an idea of what his future holds than he did when he was still in high school.
But he's got two soulmates, and a boyfriend, and a family big enough to fill two rows of the bleachers, and as long as he's got them by his side?
They can handle anything that comes for them.
And we have officially reached the end! I do have a little bit more planned in this verse eventually - a couple of B side things and some prequels from Steve's POV, and a one shot of the campaign they all agreed to play, but for now, this is completed.
I wanted to give a huge thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged, and commented! The response to this honestly astounded me a little, and I wouldn't have been so motivated to finish this without reading everyone's comments and tags in their reblogs. Thank you all so, so much, and a massive thank you to the Steddie fandom in general!! I'm definitely not done with this pairing, and I hope to have more done for them soon.
Tag list: @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
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pairing: greg house x f!reader
description: wilson knew house had the hots for you, because every time you visited to have lunch with your best friend he seemed to make an appearance. so, after growing increasingly fed up of just watching his two best friends pine, he decides to do something about it.
warnings: swearing, maybe a tiny bit ooc for house at some points but i got a bit of writers block at one point and couldn’t get the flow so i hope it’s ok! other than that, not much else!
author’s note: i kinda wanna write some wilson imagines after this too hehe so if you have wilson requests please let me know ! i hope you enjoy <3
“Y/N’s coming for lunch today,” Wilson hummed, pulling his lips into a thin line to prevent the smirk threatening to grace them, “Around 1:15, I believe.”
House’s head snapped up from the pile of papers in his hands, but he tried to make it look like he was just astounded by something he’d read and not pleased he may get a chance to see you today.
“And you’re telling me about your lunch date, why?”
Wilson scoffed, “Because for someone who likes to joke that I was having an affair with her, you also seem very fond of flirting with her every chance you get.”
House rolled his eyes, waving his hand in the air dismissively, “Jealous, much? If anything it’s your mistress that’s taken a liking to me, I’d say.”
He wasn’t wrong — your lunchtime visits got more and more frequent once House had started imposing himself on your lunches.
Wilson was your best friend, and since you’d only just moved back to the area after a hell of a break-up and you worked nearby, you’d made a habit of coming to grab lunch with him.
You were both so perpetually busy of late that you rarely saw each other in your free time, so your lunch meet-ups were the perfect way to stay caught up… And to ogle at his other best friend as he brooded away in the corner.
“Sure, that’s why you’re always conveniently free at lunch when she’s visiting,” Wilson replied, shaking his head at him.
House pressed his hand to his chest and feigned a gasp, “Wow, so serendipitous. Maybe we are meant to be! I’d better go and buy a ring!”
It was Wilson’s turn to roll his eyes now, knowing that House wasn’t going to budge.
And that was when his plan was concocted.
Two hours later, at just around 1:20, House ambled past the cafeteria pretending not to be scanning the room for his best friend and you.
When he turned to leave, not spotting either of you and assuming plans had change, he collided with you and your hands flew to his chest as you steadied yourself in panic.
“Oh Greg! I’m so sorry,” you flushed crimson as he chuckled, leaning on his cane but placing one hand on your waist to help steady you too, “I was about to leave because James wasn’t here still and I assumed he was still busy with a patient.”
You were well aware of how his hand lingered on your waist still, and yours was still flush against his chest as you watched each other carefully.
“Strange. He seemed very excited about lunch today and he’s never la— ah, I see what’s going on here.” House deadpanned, finally moving his hand from its spot against you.
You mirrored him, moving your own hand back to your side as it clicked in your mind too just what was going on here.
“That little shit,” you laughed, “I should’ve known.”
You took a small step back, acutely aware of how close you were and how intensely he seemed to be watching your movements.
“You don’t, uh, have to have lunch with me,” you gazed at the floor for a moment, “I’ll grab something on my way home. I’ll just text him and let him know I’m heading off.”
“No,” House stayed still, barely a hint of a smile on his face until he seemed to consciously realise that and force one, “I’m starving. Might as well. You’re a much less insufferable eating companion than Wilson usually is anyway.”
You shook your head with a laugh, “Much less insufferable. Wow, House, anyone might think you’re actually in love with me. You’re just too kind.”
His lips broke into a small smile now too, pleased that your reaction had been in jest too.
He liked that you never took his jokes the wrong way, and maybe he should admit that Wilson was right to think he had feelings for you.
But admitting them made things much more complicated, and so he was more than happy to just continue flirting with you.
On the other hand, you were more than aware of House’s past thanks to Wilson, and though you’d suspected he may reciprocate your feelings for months now, you also were unsure of whether to bring it up.
You joined the cafeteria queue in a comfortable silence, sinking into your seats opposite each other minutes later and spending a moment just watching each other carefully.
As a small smile graced his lips, you couldn’t help but begin to feel brave.
“I like it when you have lunch with us,” you grinned, taking a bite of your food to punctuate the point you were making, “James thinks I enjoy it too much. It’s no surprise he’s done this, really. Sneaky asshole.”
House stared inquisitively at you, thinking over what he wanted to say in response, “I like having lunch with you too. Much more without Wilson here, surprisingly.”
You smiled softly across at him now, an unspoken undercurrent to his words that sat firmly in your chest and made you feel warm.
“I’m glad. I think it’d be nice if— if,” okay, the bravery was waning now as he continued to watch you carefully, a twinkle in his eye, “If we got food together, like, out of here sometime.”
His eyebrows raised for a split second as though he’d not expected that from you, but he leaned forward to rest his chin on his open palm as his elbow found the tabletop, “You do, hm?”
You nodded once, only quickly, as if afraid to confirm what you’d said any more for fear of embarrassment if he declined.
“Are you asking me on a date, Y/N?” he teased, and now you just blushed crimson again and looked down at the table with a small whine, “Greg!”
He shook his head, laughing at his own teasing and taking a bite out of his sandwich as if to deliberately keep you on edge waiting.
“I think a date with you sounds good,” he shrugged, as though entirely nonchalant about it, “If nothing else it’ll get Wilson off our backs, hey?”
You heaved out a sigh, no longer feeling the warm fuzziness you had been and instead just growing irritated.
You usually liked his dry sense of humour, and his tendency to play down every emotion or make light of every situation — but now you just felt mortified.
He seemed to realise this, shaking his head again and leaning forward even more, “Sorry— no, I’d actually like to go for dinner with you, Y/N. Because I want to, and have for a while. Not because our moron of a mutual friend has been trying to set us up for an infuriatingly long time.”
You felt your stomach flip at these words, hope reigniting a fire in the pit of your stomach as he continued eating his food.
“You’re not fucking with me?”
“Not before our first date!” he joked, feigning shock before chuckling at himself and then relaxing his face, “No, I’m not fucking with you. I’d like to take you on a date. This week, maybe.”
You took out your phone, opening up your contacts and pressing “Add a contact” with a blissful grin on your face, “Put your number in, then. And I’ll call you.”
“This isn’t one of those ‘“I’ll call you’’ and then you never come back for lunch and don’t call me’ moments is it?” you knew he was joking, but there was a small part of him that was genuinely unsure you were serious about this as he took your phone and entered his number.
“Why, happen often? Do women not swarm to you?” you giggled, taking back your phone and letting your hand linger on his for just a moment too long.
He cocked his head, “Don’t you know tortured souls with legs that barely work are like, so last season?”
You chuckled at that, “Well, I’m a last season kind of girl. And I’ve got to get back to work, but I will call you.”
“I’ll be waiting by the phone,” he joked, before softening his expression and rubbing a thumb over the back of your hand where it rested on the table in front of him, “I’ll see you soon, Y/N. Have a good day.”
You sent him a wide smile in return, standing up and discarding your rubbish in the bin on your way out as you waved a final goodbye.
As you reached the edge of the cafeteria, you finally saw Wilson’s tall frame approaching and shot him a knowing grin, shaking your head slowly at him as a smirk graced his lips.
“Oh, Y/N! I thought I’d missed you. Have you seen House?”
“Nope, no sign of him,” you sing-songed jokingly, almost failing at your charade until you watched his face drop under the belief that his plan had failed, “I’m joking, moron. We’re going on a date. Thanks, Cupid.”
The smirk returned to his face then, his eyes lighting up at the victory, “Ha! I knew it.”
You pulled him into a hug abruptly — because though his scheming was annoying, you were immeasurably grateful for his push because you’d never have had the courage to ask Greg fucking House on a date without it.
“Thanks, man,” you hummed, pulling away and ruffling his hair, “I just asked Greg House on a date because of you… What the actual fuck.”
“You asked him— no, actually I’m not surprised,” he shrugged, “I’m glad though. It was getting annoying watching you both silently pine, so I had to do something. I’m happy you’re finally doing something about it now.”
“You’re a pain in the ass, but I love you,” you gently shoved his shoulder, resting your hand on it for a moment before noticing your watch on your wrist and realising you needed to rush off, “Shit, I’d better go. I’ll text you later. Have a good day!”
“You too, Y/N,” he waved you off with a smile, blissfully relieved that his plan had worked and his too best friends were finally beginning to admit their feelings for each other, “Now to go and grill House!”
thanks so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed — sorry it’s been a while since i’ve posted as well. if you’d like to send in any requests, please feel free! and in the meantime, here is my masterlist!
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elliereject · 2 months
ifhy .2
* in which ellie’s obsession relationship with you begins to sour as your romance with your new boyfriend seems to flourish. it seems she’ll stop at nothing to ensure your happiness, (which you’ll find with her, obviously) even if it means hurting you in the process.
* lowkey obsessive ellie, ellie beats someone up, angst + comfort (next chapter(s), infidelity, unrequited feelings yet also mutual pining (just read it like, idk idk I forgot how to do these),lmk if I missed anything!
* HELLLLLOOOO!? oh my god 100 likes on part 1 and over 100 followers??? ty? so much?? <3 the next parts almost done so I gotta tweak some things but I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! I meant to post this like 2 days ago but I fell asleep editing…
* mdni
* wc ~ smth like 1.8k
pt .1 here ★ pt .3 coming soon
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“Are you seriously wearing that?” You sighed, flopping back on Ellie’s twin bed.
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Ellie asked, eyeing her worn skinny jeans and a black oversized hoodie.
“First, there’s a hole in the side of your hood. Second, you wore that 3 times this week already.”
“No, I didn’t. These are different jeans!”
You groaned, “Ellie it’s a party, live a little.”
She let out a small laugh, “Says you, you were literally on the verge of throwing up like 5 minutes ago. Did whatshisname text you?”
She crossed her fingers in hope that he hadn’t.
You rolled your eyes, “You know his name, and he said he got there about 20 minutes ago and’ll meet me near the living room.”
“Cool, cool.” She said stiffly. “We should probably get going then.”
You jumped up from the bed, practically skipping over to the door. “Finally, you take a surprisingly long time to get ready.”
She didn’t. She was just trying to drag out the amount of time she had before she saw you clinging to your boyfriend and laughing at his stupid jokes.
She was still trying to find a way to show you that he was a dick and she was what you needed but all the ideas she had ended up with him dead and while she was considering it, you probably would have a hard time forgiving her.
The two of you trekked down to the elevator and while your back was turned she couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to slip her hand into yours. How would you react? Would you recoil? Or would you squeeze her palm? Ellie was never really a touchy person yet she made some exceptions when it came to you, however nothing as intimate as hand holding.
And something screamed at her, begging her to try. Her fingers itched by her leg and before she knew it she was stretching out her arm.
Close…so close she could feel the warmth radiating off you.
In a moment you whipped around and she didn’t have enough time to retract her hand.
“What are you doing?” You asked, tilting your head in a way that made her heart ache.
“You just had a uh– a piece of lint.” She lied easily as she picked nothing off your sleeve.
“Oh, thanks! Easier to get rid of then a hole, huh?” You let out a giggle and stuck your finger through said hole, she forced a laugh.
The rest of the ride down Ellie urged herself not to have any more daring thoughts.
Once down, you cracked jokes about your professor and weirdos in your classes, and Ellie tried her best to laugh along, all the way to the frat where the party was being held. Once you made it, you shoved past the sweaty bodies in the living room to look for your boyfriend whilst Ellie shrunk into the kitchen to confide chat with Jesse who was busy chugging a twisted lemonade.
“Jesse. I want you to thank God you aren’t a lesbian.” Ellie groaned, pulling the drink from his lips and taking a swig herself.
“Shit. What happened now?” He sighed, reaching past Ellie to grab another. Ellie’s been moping about you to Jesse for a while now, although he doesn’t really know it’s you because she doesn’t wanna fuck up the way her friends view your guys’ relationship.
“I was walking behind her earlier before we got into the elevat— classroom. And I was like 5 seconds away from grabbing her hand.”
“And why’s that a bad thing? I thought you liked her.” He asked in between sips.
“Because she has a fucking boyfriend! And that would’ve been so embarrassing I think I would’ve bit off my tongue and killed my self right there.”
Jesse let out a low whistle and Ellie crossed her arms. “Don’t you have any advice for me, or are you just gonna stand there?”
The man shrugged, “You’re not gonna like what I have to tell you. Have you tried talking to Joel about any of this?”
Ellie shook her head with a sigh, “He’s busy with work as is, I don’t wanna bother him with this shit when I barely even get to talk to him.”
“Well then, you should prob—hey! ★ what’s up?”
Their conversation was cut short as you walked into the crowded kitchen. With no luck in the living room, you decided to retreat there to talk with your friends while periodically checking your phone for any missed calls or texts.
Ellie noticed the worried look on your face. “Hey, hey. He’ll call. And if he doesn’t he’s a fucking idiot.”
She urged you to try and live in the moment and reassured you again that’d he’d call soon, even though she hoped and prayed he didn’t.
You gave her a small smile and muttered “I guess.” Before taking the red solo cup she offered you and downing it. Eventually, Dina joined your little trio and you temporarily forgot all about him since you were having so much fun chatting with your friends.
Ellie, still smiling, excused herself to the washroom after announcing she had to piss and thank god she did because the scene she stumbled upon literally made her laugh with joy. She had been looking for a reason to beat the fuck out of your boyfriend and did she find it.
After mistaking one of the bedrooms for the washroom—since every fucking door in that house looked the same—her eyes immediately landed on the familiar lanky figure who was shacking up with some tiny brunette bitch.
“No fucking way!” She guffawed, completely amused.
“Please, it’s not—“ Your boyfriend started, pulling his lips from the girl and straightening out his shirt.
“I’ve been looking for a reason to beat your sorry ass! This is just perfect.” She laughed manically as she stomped into the room, slamming the door behind her and cracking her knuckles.
The girl he was previously with was shaken to her core, and practically sprinted out of there. Before he could get out another word, Ellie’s fist was already crushing his face.
“You dick, God I knew you were an asshole but this is just—wow! Cheating on her when she is most definitely the best you could ever do?” Another punch and he was on the ground.
Blood was leaking from his nose and his lip was split. Suddenly she was on top of him, her fists flying. His glasses were broken and tears ran down his face pathetically.
She’d bottled up her emotions for so long; her love for you, her jealousy towards him, her anger at the entire situation, that it all muddled together and bursted the bottle, sending shards everywhere.
Ellie has always been an innately intense person, but this, pummelling something that deserved it, someone that she’d been fantasizing about beating the shit out of ever since she’d met them. It felt good.
“Pl-please stop.” He begged, and she halted her fists, but only for a moment.
She scoffed. “Stop? Stop. Man, I should rip your tongue out. Maybe that’ll finally shut you up.”
His eyes widened as he scanned her eyes for any sign of sympathy, of mercy, but all he found was icy green.
“You’re fucking crazy!” He shouted, trying and failing to shimmy her off him.
She shrugged, “Maybe.”
She was about to throw another fist but she heard frantic footsteps speeding toward the room.
“Shit..” She tapped the side of the guy’s face harshly as he was beginning to black out. “Listen, you’re going to get up. Hop out the window and take your ass home, if someone asks what happened say you got jumped. You’re not going to look at ★ again, text her, call, or even breathe near her. Transfer out of her classes and if I even get the idea that you’re thinking of contacting her again, I will find you. And I will rip your tongue out, got it?”
He nodded wildly and she finally got off of him. She watched as he scurried toward the window and hopped out, it was only a few feet, he’d live.
Ellie wiped her stained hands on the inside of her sweater and opened the door just as the brunette from before was about to, she was standing next to one of the frat guys.
“What’s going on?” Ellie said easily, putting a charming smile on her face and hiding her hands in her pocket.
“Where is he?” The brunette asked worriedly.
“Who? It’s just me in here.” Ellie said looking around confused.
The frat boy looked behind Ellie and them at the girl before sighing and turning back around, “Don’t bother me again. Just enjoy the party.”
“B-but—“ She immediately shut up when Ellie shot her a malicious glare.
She strolled out of the room and back toward the main floor to see you sulking on the couch, checking your phone.
“What happened?” She asked, sliding next to you and resting her arm behind you on the cushions.
“He still hasn’t answered.” You pouted.
And for the first time in months she shot you a genuine smile, despite the fact you were talking about him. “I wouldn’t worry about it, don’t think you’ll hear from him anytime soon.”
You smiled at her and she shot you a weird look, “What?” she asked.
“Nothing..you just seem a little happier than usual.” You said, leaning into her arm.
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
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tagz ଳ (send me a message to be added!)
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phantomgrimalkin · 15 days
@moonwatermicrofics May 20, Gifts Soulmate Shadow AU-  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 Words: 950ish, Rating: G
“Ehm, Sirius?” Remus asked nervously one evening in early December. They were getting ready for bed, and Remus was shifting uneasily. “I, ehm, there's something I was hoping you could help me with?”
“Hm? Sure, what's up, Rem?” Sirius asked, tilting his head to the side. Remus almost never asked for help, even when he clearly needed it.
“I, erm, I asked mam to send over some books for Regulus, as a Christmas present, but I know you aren't allowed to have them at home,” Remus explained, opening his chest and pulling out a thin box that had a set of seven books in it. Sirius stared at it, his mouth going dry. This was one of the most thoughtful things that anyone had done for his brother. “I was hoping you could help me disguise them so he won't get in trouble?”
“Oh,” Sirius said, staring at the books.
“Is it stupid?” Remus asked, biting his thumb.
“No!” Sirius said urgently, swallowing around the lump in his throar, “No, it's not, he'll– Reggie'll love it.” 
“Oh,” Remus said quietly, biting his lip around a smile, “Good.”
“Er, so, it's easier now we have wands. The, er, the best thing is to transfigure them into something that our parents won't be suspicious about and no one's likely to throw out…” Sirius said, taking the box in hand. It had ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’ written on it, with the author listed as a C.S. Lewis. 
“I think transfiguring each of them into a roll of parchment, like class notes,” Sirius suggested.
“I have some of my notes from last year, if that would help?” Remus suggested.
“Yeah, I think so,” Sirius said, grinning, “We'll need some books from the library but I think we can do it. The biggest thing is making sure he can easily switch them back and forth.”
“Do you think we can work in, like, a password on it? You say the right thing while touching it with your wand and it transforms?” Remus asked, and Sirius bounced on the balls of his heels, excited. 
Then he groaned, “Ugh… We can't get started until tomorrow,” Sirius complained and Remus grinned at him.
“What's got Black in a snit?” James asked, throwing a pillow at them from across the room. 
“Project for Lupin, but we can't get started on it until tomorrow,” Sirius explained, “It's past curfew and the library's shut…”
“Well,” James said, looking at his friends thoughtfully, “Can you lads keep a secret?”
Sirius and Remus exchanged a look and smirked at each other, then Remus ducked his head shyly and nodded while Sirius snorted. Peter nodded fervently, sitting up in bed and watching curiously.
James chewed his lip for a moment, then appeared to come to a decision and grinned brightly, “Well then, lads, I've got a solution.” He opened his trunk, pulling out a large piece of shimmering fabric.
Sirius had not wanted to return home for Christmas. But Regulus was afraid of upsetting their parents, and none of Sirius’s friends were staying, so he sucked it up and got on the Hogwarts express that cold, December day.
Remus had been too anxious to give his present to Regulus himself, insisting that it was meant to be opened on Christmas and besides Sirius, James, and Peter had helped so much it was barely his gift anymore. That was nonsense, of course, but it wasn't worth arguing and Regulus would probably write Remus a long thank you note that the bookish Gryffindor would appreciate, so Sirius dropped it.
Their first night home, Sirius snuck into Regulus's room the way he had many times, grinning and carrying seven scrolls of parchment with him.
Regulus took one look at what was in his hand, frowned, and asked what was going on.
“These are from Remus,” Sirius said, bouncing, and Regulus’s eyes lit up before he saw they were old, random notes, and his brow furrowed.
“I don't understand.”
“Put your wand tip to one and say ‘C.S. Lewis’,” Sirius said, then paused, remembering something Remus had said, “Hang on, he said this is the second but most people read it first…” Each of the rolls had a number in the top left hand corner in fresh ink, indicating which book in the series it was. He handed Regulus the one marked with a ‘2’, which was an essay on Cornish Pixies.
Regulus pursed his lips, placing his wand tip on the parchment and grumbling, “‘C.S. Lewis’? What nons– oh!” 
The younger wizard gasped as it turned into a paperback book in his hand. He stared at it in awe, then immediately grabbed the other parchments from Sirius, repeating the process until he had all seven books laid out in front of him.
“These are from Remus?” he asked, his hand pressed firmly over his mouth and his voice wobbly.
“Yeah,” Sirius said, wrapping an arm around his brother's shoulders, “He knew our parents wouldn't let you have them so he asked our help coming up with the spell to hide them.”
Regulus’s eyes widened and he stared at the books in awe.
Sirius touched his wand to the seventh book, The Last Battle, and said, “Mischief managed,” and it rolled back into the scroll on Mandrake care. “That one was James's idea,” he said with a wink and Regulus rolled his eyes, taking the scroll and returning it to the book, continuing to survey them with wonder.
a/n- Regulus would like to make a formal complaint to whoever assigns soulmates that Remus doesn't have one because there has *clearly* been a critical error in Remus not being his soulmate and Regulus would like to fix that.  🤭
Next Part
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ladykailitha · 10 months
Royal Pain Part 21
Hello! We're back with more Royal Pain. For the person(s) that thought the kiss meant the nearing of the end of the story: NOPE! We still have a bit to get through plot wise. Plus I don't usually go through past them getting together, and wanted to explore that a little before the end.
Also, where have my commenters gone? I used to get 10 or so comments a post and the last part of "Well Met By Moonlight" only had one. My usual commenters just didn't. If I have suggested in anyway that I don't like comments or don't appreciate them, know that I really, really do! And I miss it when people who used comment don't anymore. I'm not going to name names because this isn't a callout post, just a concern, I guess.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Today we have a replay reaction to the kiss by the Royal Pain crew, Wayne being wise (and mention of a ring that has always been a thing in the story, I just forgot to put it in before this oops!) and Chrissy getting some advice.
To say that Steve was practically squealing from joy when he got to his car would be an understatement. He put his bluetooth earpiece in his right ear and immediately called Robin.
“Are you okay?” she asked as soon as she picked up.
“Eddie kissed me!” he giggled excitedly.
“No fucking way!” she gasped.
“Not yet anyway,” he said slyly, pulling into traffic.
“Steven Joseph Harrington!” Robin squeaked. “You don’t get to make dirty puns like that unless I’m in hitting distance.”
Steve laughed. “Joseph isn’t my middle name.”
He could hear her snap her fingers. “I’ll guess it eventually.”
“It’s been nearly a decade and you still haven’t guessed it,” he reminded her. “I can make it harder though...”
“Don’t you dare!” she hissed. There was silence for a moment. “You can’t make it harder, can you?”
He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “I can actually, but you told me not to.”
He could feel her narrow her eyes from across town as she weighed her options.
“Go ahead,” she said haughtily. “I don’t think you can.”
Steve grinned. “I have two middle names and you’ve never guessed either one.”
“You do not!” Robin hissed. “There is no way!”
“My parents were super traditional,” he told her. “My middle names come from each of my grandfathers.”
“Oh my god,” she said, “that makes so much sense.”
Steve licked his lips and waited. Five, four, three, two–
“Don’t you change the subject, Steven!” Robin came back. “Eddie kissed you.”
“He did indeed,” Steve said, “and I will tell you all about it when I get back to the shop. I’m like three minutes away.”
“I want to know everything!”
“I promise.”
Steve got to the shop and everyone was standing around the front counter, chins propped up on their hands, blinking at him expectantly.
He shook his head. “Menaces, the lot of you.”
Erica batted her eyelashes. “Yeah, but you like menaces.”
Steve tilted his head to the side and then nodded. “Yeah, yeah. But first I have to tell about my lunch with Wayne.”
Erica and Chrissy groaned, pushing off the counter and rolling their eyes. Robin and Argyle stayed in position though.
“Trust me,” Steve said holding his hands up, “it’s relevant to the story.”
“This better be good, Harrington,” Chrissy snarked.
“Oh it will be,” he said with a smile, “I promise.”
He started telling them everything. Wayne’s approval, the confrontation with Quinn, Eddie coming to the rescue, the kiss.
“Lunch was definitely relevant, dude,” Argyle said. “Getting parental approval is super important in a relationship. Especially if they’re close.”
Steve nodded. “So does the story live up the hype?” he asked the girls.
Robin rolled her eyes. “I suppose.”
Chrissy giggled. “It was so cute, Stevie. I’m happy for you!”
Steve waited for Erica, who sat there tapping her lips for a moment. She cocked her head. “Ehhh...it was all right.”
Everyone protested, talking over each other.
She burst out laughing. “God, you guys so easy. Of course it was awesome. Super sweet, too.”
Steve opened his mouth to say something when the bell over the door sounded, announcing the arrival of his next client.
He turned to greet them as everyone but Robin scattered. As much as he would love to gossip about his newly minted love life, he had clients that wanted tattoos.
Eddie kept licking his lips the whole way to his apartment.
“What made you change your mind?” Wayne asked. “About dating Steve? Him saying ‘I love you’?”
Eddie bit his lip and shook his head. “I had made the decision before that. It was just with Seth stalking me, I didn’t want to get Steve hurt if Seth thought we were together.”
Wayne nodded. “If Seth would threaten Steve over being your friend and tattoo artist, I shudder to think what he would have done if your relationship was more serious.”
“In fact I was going to tell him before Seth threatened him,” Eddie said with a sigh. “We had plans to have dinner at his place and I was going to tell him then.”
“But then Seth showed up?” Wayne asked.
Eddie nodded. “And then that night, I was going to at least let him know that after the whole thing with Seth got resolved, I was going to kiss the hell out him, but that didn’t work out either.”
Wayne tilted his head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“That was the night he ran into an ex,” Eddie explained. “The ex. The one that broke his heart. Found out a whole bunch of other shit that night, too. I spent most of the night trying to console him.”
“So the stars finally aligned today, then?” Wayne asked.
“About god damned time, too,” Eddie agreed fiercely.
Wayne hummed. “He’s good for ya, Ed. I don’t think I’ve seen you this happy in a long time. Even when Seth was breathing down your neck, you were more solid. You had your friends, but with Steve standing beside you, you looked like you could handle whatever the world threw at you as long as you had him.”
Eddie blushed, annoyed that driving kept him from ducking his head or shoving hair in his mouth to cover the flush on his cheeks. “He makes me feel brave, because he’s been through shit too and he’s still standing. Still moving forward each day. I love that about him.”
They drove the rest of the trip in silence. When they got back to the apartment they chatted as Eddie helped Wayne pack for his journey back to Hawkins.
“I want to see you both come Labor Day,” Wayne growled. “No excuses, you hear?”
Eddie nodded. “Yes, sir.” He gave him a jaunty salute.
It looked absolutely ridiculous coming from a long haired metalhead and Wayne’s snort cinched it.
Eddie grinned but gave him a gentle shove. “Steve wasn’t lying when he said that was the plan, by the way. We had been talking about taking him down to meet you since the first week of us becoming friends.”
Wayne nodded sagely. “I understand that he’s not close with his parents.”
“It was big ole mess,” Eddie said softly. “His parents are very recently divorced, like it was finalized last month, recent.”
Wayne hummed. “I remember you saying something about that,” he said. “At least you had an uncle who cared when your parents decided to be shit, it doesn’t seem like Steve had that option.”
“He was close to his grandpa though,” Eddie murmured. “On his mom’s side. He was really broken up when the man died.”
Wayne zipped up his suitcase. “How old was Steve?”
Eddie shrugged. “Young. Eight or nine. His grandfather got cancer before his mom met his dad. His grandpa had struggled with the disease before it finally took him. Steve said that it had ravaged so much of his body that his death certificate was like a laundry list of possible causes of death. Heart failure, kidney failure, cancer...you name it, it was probably on the damn thing.”
“That ring he wears all the time,” Wayne asked, “that his grandfather’s?”
Eddie nodded. “His dad tried to take it for years, saying it inappropriate to leave to a little boy.”
“Only he wasn’t going to stay a little boy forever,” Wayne said. “I guessing that since he still has it, his mom interfered?”
“Maureen Harrington wasn’t going to be winning any best mom awards at any point in Steve’s life,” Eddie scoffed, “but she did do some shit and hiding that ring was one of them.”
“I’m glad he had someone looking out for him,” Wayne said. “I’m sorry it wasn’t all the time. But he at least had something some of the time.”
“He’s not jealous of me or Robin,” Eddie said, “Or anyone of his friends that have a good home life. He’s happy with his found family. He loves them as though they are blood.”
Wayne smiled. “I’m happy for you, Ed. You’ve got something real special with Steve.”
Eddie blushed. “I love him.”
“I think the whole world knows it’s mutual at this point,” Wayne said with a small shake of his head.
Eddie just grinned.
Steve grinned as Chrissy wandered out of her room for the third time today. The first time was that she forgot her purse in her car. The second time it was because she had a question for Robin (completely made up and not something that was essential at all to her job). The third time it was because she wanted to ask Robin if she wanted anything from the deli on the corner for lunch.
Could you tell that Vickie was being trained by Robin today?
Vickie put her hand on Robin’s arm to get her to slow down in her nervous and very rapid fire explanation of the phone system and Steve thought Chrissy was going to explode.
Chrissy was wearing a pink blouse with spaghetti straps and white lacy cardigan over the tightest jeans Steve had ever seen and he’s been to a lot of Corroded Coffin shows. Her hair was up in an artfully messy ponytail and her makeup was tasteful and very pink.
Steve was just grateful she hadn’t paired the outfit with anything high heeled and instead chose white ballet flats. He was always worried someone was going to sprain their ankles in high heels walking on their hardwood floors.
He winced as Chrissy’s poor attempt at flirting fell flat.
“Oh,” Robin said, “Steve already ordered him and me Chinese, sorry.”
“I’d love something though,” Vickie said brightly. “Do they have a turkey club?”
Chrissy sputtered for a moment before she nodded meekly. “Yeah.”
“Great!” Vickie continued. “Just let me know how much and I’ll wire you the funds.”
Chrissy nodded again and with a squeak, dashed back into her room. Steve watched as Vickie’s smile turned knowing.
He shook his head and went to go talk to his apprentice.
“Someone’s got a crush,” he said, leaning against the door frame, with his arms folded.
Chrissy threw her arms in the air. “At least you noticed. I don’t think she has.”
Steve chuckled and made his way over to her, swinging the door shut behind him.
“I love her,” he said sitting down on her client lounger, “but she absolutely loses her head when a pretty girl is around. Gay, straight, bi. Doesn’t matter she becomes an absolute mess.”
“I’ve noticed,” Chrissy said bitterly. She thought about Vickie and Mandy and how Robin was just goo around them.
He hummed, knowing exactly what she was thinking. “Here’s the thing though, you are one hundred percent ahead of the game compared to the other two girls.”
Chrissy scoffed. “What makes you think that?”
Steve grinned. “Mandy has a boyfriend, soon to be fiance and Vickie could be bisexual. But she could also be straight. Robin knows you’re a lesbian. You have the advantage of her knowing where she stands with you.”
Chrissy blinked. “Oh.”
“You want to get the girl?” Steve asked. She nodded. “Then you’ve got to step up your game. Time to woo her and not just flirt with her.”
Chrissy chewed on her lip. “But how do I do that?”
Steve shook his head. “Well for starters, paying attention. Robin and I always get Chinese on Fridays.”
She blinked for a moment, pulled out her phone and then the light bulb went off above her head. “Oops.”
She took a deep breath. “Do you think I have a chance?”
“She thinks the cheerleading thing is scary hot, so...”
Chrissy grinned. “It’s short skirt, isn’t it?”
Steve shrugged. “And the cute little socks.”
Chrissy laughed. “Can’t forget those.”
He turned to walk away, but she stopped him. “Thanks for this, Steve. I know you didn’t have to.”
Steve just smiled softly and then walked out of the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Thoughts on how to get the girl of her dreams.
Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​ @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @aizawa-emma @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @archermightbegay @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95 @novelnovella
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You Don't Love Me Anymore?
Words: 4139
Warnings: angst, references to sex, breakup, hair long enough to run hand through?
STRANGER THINGS Masterlist Main Masterlist
I almost named this "Like We're In Love?" because of Steve saying it to Nancy in Season 2 and this was lowkey based off of it.
Can be read as a Part 1 for I Still Love You (Part 2) and 1,000 Yellow Daisies (Part 3)
This also was originally written for my OC Drew Henderson (Find info on her/original story on this account @imnotobsessedwfictionalchracters )
I also know that this isn't that well written, it was done on my phone when I was *lowkey* overheating in my moms car while driving to my friends DCI competition last Friday (the 15th)
Steve and other characters are PROBABLY OOC (as I suck at not being able to keep them from being OOC)
Anywho, enjoy
Y/N rolled her eyes at Robin’s comment on the Return to Oz. “Yeah, it was ‘scary’ and ‘off putting’ but that’s what I liked about it Robin.”
“Y/N, the evil-lady literally took her head off. How the hell is that not horrifying enough to not watch the film?”
“Robin, let us remember that I actually enjoyed The Black Cauldron. Unlike the majority of audiences.”
“Sometimes I seriously wonder how you and Steve get along. You two like completely different things it seems like sometimes.”
Y/N glanced over to Steve, who was checking a customer out. “Yeah...so do I.” 
“Hey,” Robin’s voice was full of concern, “I know it’s like, none of my business, but are you and Steve okay? Things have seemed tense between the two of you lately.”
Y/N looked back at Robin and shot her a small smile, “Yeah, everything’s fine!”
And she could tell that Robin didn’t believe her by the look on her face, but Y/N chose to ignore it. “Okay, if you’re sure Y/N.”
Y/N nodded, “Yeah, I am.” She looked at her watch and cursed as she saw the time. “Damn, I have to go Robin.” She placed the movie in her hand where it was supposed to go quickly and quickly ran into the break room to clock out for her break. She grabbed her jacket and keys and raced out the door, but as she did, she gave Steve a smile, “I’ll be back in like an hour with Dustin.”
Either he didn’t hear her or he ignored her as he didn’t make any acknowledgement to her comment. She tried to ignore the sting it caused her to feel as she opened the door and ran out, trying not to slip on the snow ridden ground. She ran to her car and unlocked the door, she plugged the key into the ignition to start it. After turning the heat all up, she tossed her jacket off and left the parking lot of Family Video and made her way to the High School.
By the time she finally made it, she was nearly an hour late. She was meant to pick him up between 3:10 and 3:20 and it was nearing 4 o’clock. She groaned as she saw her brother standing with his friends in front of the school. She pulled up in front of them and opened her door, got out, and walked over to them.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up. I know I’m late. I got sidetracked and completely missed the time!.”
“If you would’ve been a few minutes later Elder Henderson, I was going to kidnap your brother.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and Eddie’s comment, “Oh and I’m sure that Dustin would have loved it.” She turned to her brother, “I’m seriously sorry. A bunch of people decided to return their movies today so Robin and I were stalking the shelves.” She gave Mike and Lucas a smile, “You two good? Have a ride home and then to Hellfire?”
“Actually, Nancy’s sick, so could you take me to Hellfire?”
Y/N ran a hand through her hair, slowly becoming aware of the cold air around her. “Yeah, yeah I can. But I can’t take you home beforehand.”
“I don’t mind staying in the back of Family Video!”
She sighed, “As long as you’re sure.”
He nodded, “I am.”
“Then you two get your shit into the car.” She looked at Lucas, “You good, Sinclair?” He gave her a look and she rolled her eyes, “Alright. Follow the other two.” And as he went to put everything in the back she looked at Eddie. “You didn’t have to stay with them.”
Eddie shrugged, “True. But what kind of idol would I be if I did?” He stuffed his hands in his pockets, “Besides, it’s fucking cold outside. Didn’t want them to freeze to death due to someone's negligence.”
“Well that someone has a fucking job.”
He lifted his arms up in defense, “Didn’t mean to upset you.”
She sighed, “You didn’t, Munson.”
“You seem stressed. Everything good? Need anything?”
She rolled her eyes at the last comment. She had already known Eddie before Dustin joined Hellfire. Bought some weed off of him her Junior and what would be his first fail at a Senior year, a few years ago.  “I quit that, Munson.” She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, “But I’m good. Just tired and shit. Y’know, the holidays and things.”
Eddie nodded, “Well, need anything, I’m open Henderson.”
She gave him a soft smile, “Thanks.”
“Anytime.” He looked behind her, “Probably should let you go. Don’t kill my protége with your driving.”
She rolled her eyes and she began to walk away from him, “Yeah, I would be killing my brother in a car crash. That is not how I plan on killing him.” She dropped into her car, “See you later, Munson.”
He smiled at her, “See you later Henderson. And you too Henderson, Wheeler, and Sinclair. Don’t be late tonight.”
And on Eddie’s final words, she pressed the gas and drove back to Family Video. She numbly listened to her brother and his friends talk about Hellfire and the end of their recent campaign being tonight. Her thoughts were more focused on what Eddie had said. Was it really that obvious that everything with Steve has stressed her out from hell? But what showed it? She knew that her makeup hid the dark circles that she had gained due to the lack of sleep from worry. And the tear stains weren’t visible because of the makeup, once again. And he hadn’t thought that she had lost much weight from barely being able to eat. But maybe she was wrong. Maybe that was it. Maybe she looked smaller than normal.
She found it funny. She was perfectly healthy. But if Junior year her were to have seen what she looked like and weighed, she would have had a heart attack. Would have said she was ‘overweight’ and that she had to run to the bathroom. It sucked. And it was ironic that Steve was who helped her. He always did. That was how he was. Always helped her when she needed it. 
She felt like shit. Just like she did 3 years ago, just before her Sophomore year. When she lost Steve. God did she just hope that this feeling would go away and that she wouldn’t feel this way forever. And that nothing bad was going to happen with her and Steve. That everything would be okay.
But God did she know that would be a lie.
The second she pulled into the parking space she knew she was gonna get yelled at. She went 5 minutes over her break time. But she honestly could care less. She knew full well that they weren’t gonna fire her over that. She made Dustin grab her jacket as she shut her door. When they all entered, she tried to hide the pain when she saw the large smile on Steve’s face when he saw Dustin.
She sighed and walked to the back, but when she went to clock herself back in, she saw that she already had been. She turned back and walked over again. She was going to ask what happened since it was only her, the kids, Steve, and Robin in the store, but she saw the look on Robin’s face. She shot her friend a grateful smile and mouthed ‘thanks’. To where her friend merely shrugged.
She walked over to the kids, “Alright, backroom children. Don’t wanna get in trouble cause of y’all. I get off at 6. So I’ll take you guys back for Hellfire straight after.” She ignored the protests from both her brother and boyfriend and gave Dustin a look that literally told him to listen or else he wouldn’t like what she would do. As the boys exited into the backrooms, she smiled at Steve. “So I was thinking, we get off at the same time, and I’ll have time before I’ll have to pick them up after Hellfire, what if we rented a movie ourself and have a little movie night?” She pushed a strand of hair from her face, “We haven’t done that in a while.” And she tried to keep the pained look from escaping when he flinched away from her hand that was moving to touch his arm. “Steve?”
“I--probably not. I have things that I need to get done when I get home.”
“Oh,” She tried not to sound disappointed, “Right. Yeah. Um...what about Christmas? Are you gonna come over?”
He shrugged, “Maybe. Not really sure.”
She nodded, almost numbly. “Okay...well I’m gonna help Robin finish stocking the films.”
He didn’t even acknowledge her final comment and she just nodded and walked away. She tried to keep the tears in her eyes, but couldn’t help that a few fell as she silently restocked the rows. Thankfully it wasn’t enough to mess with her makeup, but it was still enough that it messed with her mood for the rest of her shift.
But even unknown to her. The three Freshmen sitting in the backroom saw all of that. Lucas turned to Dustin, “Is everything okay between Y/N and Steve?”
Dustin shrugged, “I don’t know. He hasn't been around as much, which really sucks. Plus, she’s rarely on the phone with him, which is weird! I’m used to them being on the phone until mom yells at her to get off of it cause she either needs to use it or it’s getting late.”
“Did they break up?”
Lucas looked at Y/N as she placed the movies on the shelves, “I don’t think so. I mean, y’all know how it was whenever Max and I did. This is different.”
“I love Steve, but if he hurts her, I will not hesitate to murder him.”
And on that note, Lucas and Mike stopped talking about how tense everything between Y/N and Steve were. And for the last hour and a half of her shift, Y/N did all that she could to avoid looking at Steve. She talked to Robin some, but not much. The most she spoke was to a customer asking which movie she should rent for her and her kids to watch over Christmas. Of course Y/N suggested A Christmas Story. That movie had a soft place in her heart. Her, Jonathan, and Nancy took their siblings (plus Lucas) to see it when it came out 2 years ago.
But when she looked at her watch and read that it was 6, she quickly walked into the backroom and clocked out. She didn’t even tell the kids that it was time to go. They just knew from her walking in and grabbing her keys. She waved goodbye to Robin as she exited the store. She unlocked her car and just like it was when she left earlier, she made sure the car warmed up and made her way to the school.
After she dropped her brother and his friends off at the school and made sure they made it inside, she drove home. She noticed the lack of her mothers car in the driveway, signaling that she still wasn’t back from her work trip yet. She sighed as she unlocked the front door and was instantly greeted by the angry meows of Tews. She leaned down and pet the cat affectionately as she shut the door.
She dropped her keys in the key bowl and walked into the kitchen and silently made Tews his supper. One she did that, she walked into her room and shut the door. She clicked the power button on her radio and the sounds of Christmas songs began to fill her room. Currently it was the middle of Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses. She dropped down onto her bed and buried her head into her pillow. 
She had no idea how much time had passed when she heard the shrill ringing of the phone. She groaned and leaned over to grab it. “You’ve reached the Henderson household. This is the daughter Y/N Henderson speaking.”
“Hey, it’s Steve.” 
And any inattentiveness quickly faded away and she made sure she was fully listening. “Steve. Babe. Hey. What's up?”
“Could you come over?” His voice sounded slightly desperate.
“Thought you were busy?”
She heard him sigh over the phone, “That was a lie.” She heard shuffling, “So, what do you say? You gonna come over? I just wanna talk.”
Talk. Oh God. He was going to break up with her.
She swallowed the lump in her throat, “Y-yeah. I-I can. Just give me a few and I’ll be over there.”
“Okay. Good. See you in a few.”
“Yeah, see you in a few.” And after a quick second she began, “I love--” But was cut off by the sound of the other line being dead.
She ignored the pain she felt and sat the phone back down on the receiver. She got off her bed and as she exited her room, turned off the radio and the light. She shut the door and walked into the living room. She rolled her eyes at Tews, who was sitting on the couch. And muttered a “Lazy cat.” as she grabbed the keys to her car and her wallet. 
So once again, she was waiting for her car to warm up before she left towards the Harrington home. She hummed along to the songs playing on the Radio. She drove extra carefully due to the snow falling from the dark sky onto the already slick road. The normal 10 minute drive turned into a 30 minute one due to her caution. 
As she drove up the driveway, Last Christmas by Wham! was playing. Which should have told her enough to just turn back around and not do this. But she ignored it and turned off her car and got out. Immediately cursing herself for not bringing her jacket with her. She quickly ran to the door and knocked. Jumping from left to right in an attempt to not freeze to death. 
When the door opened and revealed Steve in the soft blue sweater that she had bought him last year for Christmas she smiled. But not a fake, forced one. A genuine one that she didn’t realize had grown on her face until it was there. 
“Y/N, get in here before you die of frostbite.”
She had forgotten how cold she was due to the warmth she was feeling from seeing him. “Oh right.” She slipped past him but stayed near as he shut the door. She placed her keys and wallet on the little table next to the door. She turned back to him and the two stood awkwardly in the foyer. 
He coughed, “Wanna go upstairs?” She nodded silently and as he turned to go to the stairs. She instinctively reached for his hand. And this time, when her fingers grazed his skin, he didn’t jolt away. No. In fact, he flicked his hand to slip it into hers. The warmth from her body never fading. Any hint that she was just freezing from just being out in the snow, was gone as her hand laid in his and they walked up the stairs to his room.
Once they made it to his room, she acted out of instinct and sat in his bed. And God had she wished she missed the look that had flashed over Steve’s face. The look of someone who was about to do something incredible stupid. The look that someone would give if they knew that they were going to regret what they were about to do. 
But she still ignored the pain in her chest. Screaming at her to leave. Screaming at her that if she stays, she needs to do it first. The warmth that she had felt moments ago, it was still there. But it was slowly fading away and she was struggling to grasp onto it. 
And now it was her turn to cough in order to stop the tense and awkward silence. “So what did you wanna talk about, Stevie?”
He sighed, “I don’t think that this,” He motioned back and forth from him to her, “Us, can work anymore.”
She tried to hide the hurt, “What do you mean, Stevie?”
He looked at her desperately, “Please Y/N. I know you’re not dumb. I know you know what I mean.” She refused to look at him now. She dropped her head and stared at her hands. She felt the bed dip and soon saw his hand reaching for hers. She flinched away and ever so slightly moved further away. “YN, please. Say something.”
The tears were threatening to fall from her eyes. “This is bullshit.”
Either he actually didn’t hear her or he needed to hear what she said again since he asked her, “What was that?”
Her voice, barely louder, spoke again. “This is bullshit.”
“What is?”
“You doing this.” She finally looked at him again. “You, pushing me away for weeks on end, calling me that you want to talk. Open the fucking door wearing a different fucking shirt than you were at work. You-you wearing the fucking sweater I bought you for Christmas last year.” She sniffed, “It’s fucking bullshit.”
He looked away. “I’m sorry. I’m just tired of pretending, acting as if we were in love.”
Any resolve she may have had to fix them faded away. That warmth she had clinged to following it. “As if we’re in love?” She stared at him. Hurt, betrayal, and pain was all that could be seen on her face. “You-you don’t love me anymore?” He said nothing. But she knew from the look on his face that he meant it. And she tried as hard as she could to keep her voice from cracking. “How long?” He stayed quiet. “How. Fucking. Long. Steve.?”
And now his own voice was barely above a whisper. “Since around Thanksgiving.”
She nodded. Since their stupid fucking fight. “So you haven’t loved me for nearly a month now?”
“No? You haven’t? Has it been longer? Have you never loved me at all?” Once again Steve stayed quiet and she stood up angrily. “Or do you not know?”
“No. I don’t know.” And as she went to walk away he spoke again. “Not that I didn’t love you! I did! I-I did love you! I just don’t know when I stopped.”
She nodded and walked over to his bedroom door. Her hand floated above the doorknob. She turned back to him as the tears finally falling from her eyes. “Fuck you, Steve Harrington.” She opened the door, “Fuck you.” And she slammed it behind her. She ran as fast as she could down the stairs. She went so fast she didn’t even register that she forgot to grab her wallet. 
She felt like fate was against her cause the moment her Radio turned on, Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney was playing. The same fucking song had played a year ago when she gave him the fucking sweater he was hearing. 
Y/N laid her head on Steve’s shoulder. Their backs against the couch. The sound of Wonderful Christmastime playing in the background. She smiled as Dustin opened the gift she got him. It was a new DnD dice set. One he had been begging their mom to buy him. He smiled at her and attacked her in a hug. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him.
“Now that Dustin got all of his presents.” She turned to Steve, “It’s your turn.”
He smiled, “You didn’t have to get me anything.”
She smiled as she grabbed the small wrapped box. “Yeah, but I wanted to.” She handed it to him and he carefully unwrapped it. Once he got down to the box, he took off the lid and she spoke again. “You mentioned how you needed a new sweater. And I was out with Nance and I saw it and thought you would like it.” She bit her lip nervously, “Do you like it?”
He smiled and kissed her. “I love it babe.” He pulled away from her slightly. He looked around, her eyes ended up following his. Dustin was already on the phone with someone and her mom was asleep. He kissed her again and she smiled into it.
This time when they pulled away, they laid their foreheads against the other. And the words fell out of her mouth before she could even think. “I love you.”
She felt herself biting her lip the second she realized what she had said. He brought his hand up and ran his thumb over her lips, lightly pulling her teeth off of them. “I think,” He looked into her eyes lovingly, “That I love you more, sweetheart.”
She smiled and kissed him again and then whispered against his lips. “I highly doubt it.”
She was confused as she opened her bedroom door. When had she gotten home? She shook her head and went to the phone and dialed the number for the Wheelers.
It rang for a few minutes before she heard Nancy and Mike’s mom’s voice over the phone. “This is Karen Wheeler.”
“Hey Mrs. Wheeler, it’s Y/N. Dustin’s sister.”
“Y/N! Is everything okay? Is Mike alright?”
“Yeah, I-I think so? He was when I dropped him off for Hellfire.”
She heard the elder woman let out a sigh of relief. “Then what do you need dear?”
“I really hate to do this, but do you think you could bring Dustin home when you pick Mike up? I’m not feeling well, I might’ve caught whatever it is that Nancy has.”
“Oh! Of course, dear! Does he have a key?”
“He should.” She sighed, “Thank you so much Mrs. Wheeler.”
“Of course dear. I hope you feel better. And don’t hesitate to call if you need anything. I understand that your mom is out of town.”
“Of course, Mrs. Wheeler.” Y/N ran a hand through her hair. “I’m gonna go now. Probably sleep some. Have a nice night.”
“Yes, get rest. I’ll pick Dustin up and make sure he gets in safely. Get better soon.”
Y/N didn’t even mess with saying anything else and just dropped her phone back down. She didn’t even change and just closed her eyes, falling asleep fully clothed. Completely tired of everything that just happened
Tired that she had basically just wasted the past month hoping that he would get over their stupid fight. Tired that she shouldn’t have ignored her gut. Tired of being tired.
Y/N groaned as she heard a knock on her door. “Y/N!” It was Dustin, “It’s 3! Aka when you were gonna take me to get presents for my friends!”
Her eyes snapped open and she turned her head to glance at her clock. Sure enough Dustin was right. She stumbled out of her bed and opened her door. “Give me like, 30 minutes, got it?”
Before she was able to close her door, he spoke again . “You look like shit.”
“Wonderful observation.”
“Like you’re hungover. Wait, are you hungover? Is that why Mrs. Wheeler picked me up yesterday?! You got drunk?!”
“I did not get drunk, Dustin. I was dealing with my own fucking shit.”
“Like what?”
She sighed, “It’s none of your business, Dustin.”
“What? Was Steve here and you two slept together or something?” She felt the tears prick her eyes when Dustin mentioned Steve’s name. She saw the look of surprise on his face. “Woah! You okay? Did something happen? Are you pregnant or something?” His face turned to one of horror. “Oh please don’t be pregnant. I’m too young to be an Uncle.”
She shook her head and wiped away the tears. “No. I’m not pregnant.” She wished she was. That would be easier to explain than the truth. “Steve um...Steve and I broke up.”
“We broke up last night, Dustin. It...it was mutual.”
“Sure as fuck doesn’t seem like it.” He placed a hand on his hip, “I may love Steve, but I’m gonna best his ass for this.”
She laughed at her brother's comment. “It’s okay Dustin. I knew it was coming anyways.” She gave him a small smile, “I’ll go get dressed and then we can go out.”
“No! I’m calling Robin. You two can have a...girls day?”
She laughed again, “Nah. I’d rather spend the day with my little brother.”
His mouth broke out into a large smile, “Really?!”
She nodded, “Really.” She started to shut her door, “Give me an hour, tops.”
“Yeah, yep!”
She smiled as she shut her door. Yeah, she was heartbroken over Steve, but at least she had her brother to cheer her up.
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rorywritesjunk · 5 months
I can’t tell where the journey will end But I know where to start
Prequel to my Kid Buggy fic, set about 11-ish years before that story.
Buggy meets you by chance when he needs his buttons sewn back onto his jacket. He’s young, up and coming, and he thinks everyone should cower before him wherever he goes, but all you do is smile at him.
Rating: PG-13ish just for some swearing. Warning: Buggy’s in his early 20s. I also gave him some anxiety and stuff because while he's in love he doesn't believe someone could love him back. He just has a lot of uncertainty with romance. A/N: I think this is going to end around chapter 20. I'm working on 18 right now. There will be one shots, however. Sunny and Buggy aren't over, just the main story.
Title comes from “Wake Me Up” by Avicii.
TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @ane5e @kingofthemfingpirates @the-angriest-angel @tiredemomama @valen-yamyam16 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @plethora-of-fickleness @uhnanix
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 + Chapter 16 + Chapter 17 + Chapter 18 + Epilogue
Chapter 14
“You have everything?”
“Yes, Miss Pins.”
“You know, you can come back if you ever need to.”
“I know, thank you.”
Miss Pins shot a glare in Buggy's direction. He was waiting by the door and straightened up when he caught her glaring at him. He crossed his arms and glared back.
“If I catch wind of you mistreating her, I will bring hell down upon you, Buggy.” Miss Pins warned. Buggy rolled his eyes but couldn't help but feel a bit unsettled by the intensity of the old woman's glare. “Do you understand? If you even so much as make her cry I will find out.”
“I would never!” Buggy shot back. 
“I'll be fine, Miss Pins.” You insisted. “Really.” You looked over at Buggy with a smile, and when he saw that he relaxed just a bit as he started blushing. “You know he's not like any other pirate you've met.”
“That's definitely true.” She agreed. Buggy frowned at that, wondering if that was meant to be insulting.
“Listen here you old-”
“Buggy! We should get going, yea?” You said as you gave your boss a hug. “We're heading to my parents for the reunion. I haven't written to tell them the news.”
“Oh, so you're going to surprise them with… him.” Miss Pins said as she pulled back from the hug, gesturing to Buggy. “Well, it will definitely be a surprise.”
“Yea! A wonderful surprise.” You said as you looked back at Buggy. “They're going to love him.”
Miss Pins didn't say anything else, just crossed her arms as she glared at Buggy. She was happy for you, of course, but why Buggy over every other man? What on earth did you see in him that made you start to fall in love and agree to marry him? She couldn't understand.
Benji was up in his room moping, having already said his goodbyes. If he came downstairs and saw Buggy there’d be no telling what he would end up saying to him. He didn't want you to leave, he wanted you to stay forever, but that wasn't possible.
You went to grab your things but Buggy grabbed them first, shooting a glare at your boss while you opened the door for him. You gave her one last wave before you stepped out of the shop one last time. 
It was going to be an adjustment for the two of you. Buggy wanted to treat you like a Queen, feeling you should do nothing and just relax all day. You, on the other hand, already cleaned his room, organized his wardrobe to make room for your things, and already knew where everything was in the kitchen to the point you knew what was on hand before the cook did. All within a week of living on the ship.
He couldn't understand why you didn't want to just rest and relax for a while. 
You started a mending basket for the crew as well, telling them to put things in there that needed any fixing. That shocked Buggy. You were not a member of the crew, you were going to be his wife and you shouldn't be working at all for him.
You also unearthed those photos that he showed you while drunk on his birthday.
“You said his name was Shanks, right?” You said after the first week while you made him dinner. The cook was fine to let you cook Buggy's meals now, it was one less person to worry about. Buggy had just taken a large swallow of his drink before choking at your question. He managed to spit it out, coughing and sputtering before looking at you, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. You pulled a picture from your pocket and set it on the table.
“Where did you find that?!” He demanded as he grabbed it and stuffed it in his own pocket. “You don't need to see that!”
“But you were so cute as a kid, Buggy!” You insisted as you checked on the potatoes that were boiling on the stove. “And you mentioned that you and him were on a ship together once, and I'm curious what ship it was.”
He narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he took a cautious drink. Buggy wasn't sure if he wanted to talk about it, but he was in love with you, it was kind of fair that he tells you somethings about himself (when he's sober), so he sighed and finished off his drink, slamming the empty bottle on the table. You replaced it with a fresh one within seconds and his eyes widened slightly as he looked up at you lovingly.
“Okay, what do you want to know?”
“Just the ship name, honey.” You chuckled as you kissed him on the forehead. 
“Fine.” He mumbled. He opened the bottle and took a sip before responding. “I was an apprentice on the Oro Jackson.”
“Really?!” You looked impressed by that and Buggy straightened up in his chair a bit, grinning up at you as he tipped the bottle back, swallowing some drink before setting the bottle down on the table.
“I was an apprentice under Captain Roger.” He continued. For as flashy as he could be, talking about his past wasn't something he was keen on doing, but the way you were looking at him spurned him on. “For a while, until the crew was disbanded and he was caught.”
“That's amazing, Buggy!” You said, smiling brightly. “No wonder you're an amazing pirate, you worked under the King of the Pirates himself!”
His cheeks burned at your compliment and he looked up at you with a frown. There was never any ill intent with your questions and curiosity when it came to him, but he couldn't help but feel a bit guarded. You lowered the heat on the potatoes before checking on the meat that was roasting. Buggy kept his eyes on you as he took another drink of rum.
“Why didja wanna know the ship’s name?” He asked. You looked over at him, confused by his question. “Why didja wanna know about Shanks?”
“Because you showed me those pictures on your birthday.” You reminded him as you checked on the potatoes next. “And you said the two of you were best friends as kids, so I got curious about you when you were younger.”
Buggy looked away from you, gripping the beer bottle tightly. “Don't ask about him.”
“Don't.” He hissed, tone catching you off guard. You paused for a moment, considering your next actions carefully, before you walked over to him and touched his shoulder gently. He turned his head and looked up at you before straightening up in his chair to wrap his arms around your middle. You put your hands on his shoulders and sighed softly.
“I won't ask again, Buggy.” You assured him. “I'm sorry I upset you.”
He shook his head, mumbling against your stomach as he hid his face against it. This had become his favorite way to hug you, sitting down so you stood over him, rubbing his shoulders or his back, sometimes running your fingers through his hair. His favorite place was being in your arms in some way, and since moving onto the ship and into his bed he made sure he falls asleep and wakes up in your arms each morning and you've yet to turn him down. 
It took a few weeks to get to your parents. As the ship drew nearer, you became more excited about seeing your family again and introducing Buggy to them. The size of your family was quite intimidating but you assured him he just needed to meet your parents and that no one else mattered. 
And while you were excited, he was nervous, though he tried not to show it. What if your parents refused to let you marry him? What if they didn't think he was good enough, or thought he was a joke? You had mentioned your mother had served under Red Leg Zeff while she was a pirate, so was she going to be judging him and his own successes? Would your dad like him or would he think Buggy should pack his bags and move on?
And as the island came into view and you squealed in excitement upon seeing it, Buggy tried not to fall apart right then. He waited until you were getting ready for bed the night before you were going to arrive and when he told you how he was feeling, he thought you would tell him to suck it up, deal with it, he was meeting your parents and that he needed to be on his best behavior or else you wouldn't marry him.
Why did he always think the worst with you? Because no sooner that he finished freaking out, your arms were around him and holding him tightly to you, letting him slump against you as he tried to take a deep breath.
“Just be yourself, Buggy.” You told him as you kissed his cheek. “My parents will love you.”
“But what if-”
“I'm sorry you're stressing over this, honey, but my mom isn't going to judge you, if anything if you tell her you knew Gold Roger she'll be impressed.” You assured him as you tightened your arms around him. “And you do not have to get their blessing to marry me.”
“You sure?” He mumbled, tilting his head up to look at you. You nodded, smiling softly as you gave him a kiss.
“Promise.” You said. “You say I'm nice and that's why you fell in love with me, well, my parents are just as nice, Buggy, so please don't worry.” You put your hand on his cheek caressing softly before leaning down to bump your forehead against this gently. “If it becomes too much at any time, we can leave.”
Buggy frowned. You would leave your family reunion for him? Why? You talked about it almost non-stop since getting on his ship and he knew how much it meant to you, he couldn't ruin it. He needed to get it together. Why was he so nervous anyways? He could meet your family, impress them with tales of adventures on the sea; he was a pirate after all while your mom was retired from the life. Surely she'd be impressed.
He cocked his head to the side and grinned. “Nah, babe, don't worry about me. I can handle it.”
You looked at him with a smile, reaching up to twirl a lock of his hair around your finger. He was so cute sometimes. You wanted him to have an out if he needed too, because even you got a little overwhelmed by the size of the family, especially with you being the eldest cousin. Buggy had no idea what was in store for him once the ship arrived.
“I know you can, honey, but I just want you to know I'm okay if either of us need a break.” It was hard to stop playing with his hair sometimes. Since you had first asked him to keep it down the day after his birthday, he often would whenever he was around you, though he kept it under a bandana while he was out on deck to keep it from blowing in his face during the day. Right now, as you were about to get into bed, he had it down which meant you wouldn't stop touching it. “You're very sweet, you know that? Thank you for coming with me for this. I'm so lucky to have you, Buggy.”
He turned as red as his nose, avoiding eye contact as you showered him with praise. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be used to it. You gave him a kiss after each compliment, calling him sweet, lovely, handsome and he thought he was going to die from the over abundance of love you were showing him right then. 
To him, he was the lucky one to have found someone like you who cared so much for him.
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angelsarewatching · 2 years
KÖNIG Headcanons (NSFW at the end)
Born in Austria, but moved to Germany when he was like, seven.
Suffers from the most severe amount of anxiety you've ever seen. Like. Not the cutesy, blush, "imscawedtopresentinfrontofclass" thing you'd see on a cute anime girl. Nope. This man is a severe
He is absolutely NOT pure but he's like. The awkwardest bitch to ever exist. Why. Why. Who gave you anxiety my love.
Not cinnamon roll either, these are skilled, deadly operators we're talking about.
Gets flustered for no reason ever and gets the most random anxiety attacks for what he calls the "smallest" things ever.
His brain goes FULL alert and alarm mode when there's a very small problem that will not affect his life at all and when there's an actual BIG problem in place, like life-ending missiles?
His brain takes a sip of vodka and then goes like "yea it be like that sometimes"
Bullied in grade school, high school, not college. He enlisted into the army when he found out being built like a mountain also meant that it was harder to knock you down. In combat, I mean. But it's easier to knock him down mentally..
would have actually went to college if not for his crippling anxiety kicking him in the gut every time he tried to go out for a walk. someone passes him by and it's immediately "shit shit shit shit shit shit shit they hate me i'm actually so fucking worthless like-" i wish i was exaggerating but no. he was just really fucked over mentally as a kid.
grew up being bullied like HELL because of how tall he was. like. it wasn't normal. it wasn't even bullying it was just some people laughing at him from time to time about how large he was. this actually hurt him severely and sometimes refused to go out and if he was forced to. he would cry
severely sensitive about his face. he looks Fine. not attractive or ugly but. just a regular german guy. but with very sad eyes. for some reason.
seems. apologetic. his resting face is a man wanting to apologize.
definitely suffered from depression for a few years in his high school days. just not wanting to go to school and it being difficult for him to even get out of bed.
he also suffers from extreme self-esteem issues. he hates his face. Very much. has tried to cut it on Very bad days. a few scars here and there but no scarring that's too extensive.
prone to self harming. due to overthinking and extensive blaming and self-deprecating thoughts.
not as bad as ghost but. still Very bad
on a scale of 1 to 10 on how much of a pathetic wreck of a man he is? he's a solid 20.
wears a mask because he is Sensitive. very. he hates his face, he hates mirror, he hates his reflection. very very thankful for his headgear and how it hides his face because he hates his face so so much
cries a lot too. will just break out crying sometimes when he pent up Too much emotion and silent tears will come out of his eyes. but you won't see it. because it's hidden
yeah he literally thinks Everyone hates him just at first glance. he tries not to though. he tries to just focus on the job but he can't help but tremble sometimes.
you'll catch him shaking or stammering on his words too much and he'll just. ignore it if you point it out. and then slam his head on a desk inside his room when you're out of earshot
super critical of himself and his actions. TOO critical.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Need I say more.
sometimes he just. can't help it. but. suddenly he will feel like his life TRULY is on the line if he doesn't flick the light switch twenty times and blink his eyes five times so that he's safe and all his loved ones are safe and-
too clean of a room. too clean. no dust anywhere. reorganizes four times a day. indecisive. Cannot be trusted to make decisions. absolutely not.
he's OK in the battlefield but outside of fighting and shooting......... he's pathetic.
oh damn he's HORRIBLE at bed. this man's dick game would've been rock bottom if not for his massive -
yeah of course it's massive. why wouldn't it be. he's embarrassed of it because it hangs weirdly if he doesn't wear the tight enough boxers
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 ao3
They end up watching Casablanca thanks to Robin bringing the VHS over. For the majority of the movie, it’s not a serious watch at all; they’re all happily talking over scenes, slapping each other’s hands away whenever one of them gets too close to another’s pizza order.
It’s comfortable, like they’ve known each other for years and years: instinctively able to tell whenever someone’s wrapped up in the movie and falling quiet accordingly, before launching back into chatter again when the moment’s passed.
Eddie silently entertains himself with imagining how he would react to all of this only a few months ago—not the whole alternate dimension related horrors, just the fact that he’s having a ‘Casablanca impressions contest’ in Steve Harrington’s living room, in which Robin Buckley is beating him soundly.
“Steve,” she says, still in Rick Blaine’s drawl, “I gotta ask you something.”
It seems like Steve can’t hear her, but Eddie knows it’s an act when he briefly presses his tongue against the inside of his cheek to stop himself from laughing.
“Oh, sorry,” Steve says, exaggeratedly turning from the T.V to Robin, “it’s like he’s in the room with us.”
Robin throws a cushion at his face. Dropping the voice, she says, “I forgot I didn’t bring anything to sleep in.”
This time Steve doesn’t try and conceal his smile, though he does turn to Eddie, mouths bullshit.
Eddie hides his laugh with a well-timed bite of pizza; Steve keeps smiling like he saw it anyway.
“Sure, go ahead.” Steve gestures upstairs with a nod of the head, sighing like it’s a chore. “It’s not like you do this every damn time.”
Robin jumps up in triumph. “Steve,” she says, the drawl returning, “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”
Steve throws the cushion back at her; she dodges it with an uncoordinated leap before bounding upstairs.
“She thinks I don’t notice whenever I’m missing a shirt,” Steve mutters. He rolls his eyes as he says it, but the fondness is obvious, and he must catch something of Eddie’s thoughts on his face, because he says, “What?”
“Nothing,” Eddie says—thinks once again about how natural Robin and Steve are with each other, like siblings; that such a closeness is never a guarantee, but it’s a choice they’ve made, one they keep on making, rather than being born into it. “Just noticed that you didn’t put your hat in the ring for impressions.”
Steve laughs. “That’s cause I knew Robin would win.”
“Well, guess we’ll never know…”
Steve shrugs. “Guess not.”
Eddie scoffs, mimes casting a fishing line. “You’re meant to take the bait, Harrington.”
Steve opens his mouth presumably to retort, but the sound of the phone ringing interrupts him; Robin calls from upstairs, “I’ve got it!”, and he shouts back, “Sure, thanks!”
“That’s what she did with our phone call,” he adds to Eddie, “probably sneaking around in my room so she could find a shirt she wanted.”
It’s said with affection, like he knew that’s what she would have been doing all along.
The phone call must be a short one, because Robin’s back downstairs in less than five minutes, dressed in a royal blue shirt that’s faded with age. Steve softens when he sees it, and as Robin gets closer, Eddie makes out yellow letters across the front: Free Concert Central Park.
Steve catches Eddie’s eye, smiles like they’re sharing a secret.
Then Robin makes for the couch they’re both on: Steve at one end, Eddie at the other. She flops in the space between them, tips over so she’s upside down, feet dangling over the top of the couch, head lolling down halfway towards the seat.
Eddie gently prods her foot; she’s got one threadbare sock on, a hole at the big toe. “What’s up, Buckley?”
“It was Nancy,” she says. Her head tilts in Steve’s direction when she adds, “She asked if she could come over tomorrow, like, late afternoon? And if it’d be okay if she brought Holly.”
“Yeah, ‘course it’s okay,” Steve says. “She didn’t need to ask.”
“Yeah, I told her you’d say that.” Robin sighs, long and heavy. “She was… quiet. I… I hope I helped—”
“Rob,” Steve interrupts, not unkindly, “you will have, don’t—”
“It’s just—” Robin breaks off with another sigh, hands flexing like she’s grappling for the words. “Sometimes I worry that—okay. Do you ever get the feeling… kinda like stage fright? But more… I remember in middle school, a girl in my class phoned asking for my help with homework, and all I could think was oh, now it’s my job to be the Homework Girl, I’ve gotta my lines right. You know?”
Steve frowns, says, “I mean—” at the exact same time that Eddie says, “Yeah.”
Robin rises at Eddie’s agreement, moving until she’s perched upright on the top of the couch.
“It’s like… it’s like I can sense so badly that she needs… I don’t know! A friend, or just someone to tell her…” Another sigh. “See, that’s the thing, I don’t even know what. I’m, like, so focused on the fact that she needs something, that whatever I say, I can’t mess it up, and then whatever I do say is… useless.”
Eddie’s eyes dart between the two of them—Robin’s uncertainty, how Steve’s frown makes him seem… conflicted.
“Robin, I get it, but it—it won’t be useless. Promise.”
“At least she phoned,” Robin goes on, pensive.
“Yeah,” Steve says. He looks off to the side, and he goes somewhere—Eddie doesn’t know where, but he can tell somehow that it’s not about the night he saw the clock, or at least not entirely.
Robin must sense it, too, because she goes still on the couch. “Steve?”
Steve breathes out, rubs a hand over his mouth. “There’s… there’s some stuff I wanna say,” he says hesitantly, “but it’s… complicated. It’s—it’s not mine to—it’s hers, but…”
His eyes drift again, this time over to the windows; the only thing to see outside is the pool, the water covered with tarp and a thick layer of leaves from last fall. When he turns back, he takes another big breath like he’s steeling himself.
“Look, this is… in, like, confidence, all right? It’s… I don’t think she’ll ever talk about it herself. And obviously I know you won’t, um, bring it up to her, but I think—if she’s… it’s something you might need to know.”
There’s something about the way he phrases it, like he’s walking a tightrope. It makes Eddie think of a morning in 6th grade where a kid’s mom had died the night before, but she was going into class anyway, and the homeroom teacher had warned them in advance before she’d come in late. That the instruction to be extra kind to her, to only talk about the whole thing if she brought it up felt woefully inadequate, but also all they could do.
“You kinda got an… abridged version of everything,” Steve says, eyes on Eddie. “So, back when… um, with Will, and… Barb. Barb Holland died. And she—she—”
“It wasn’t a chemical leak,” Robin says. There’s a tone to her voice, Eddie thinks, like these are suspicions she’s already had; but the way she’s looking at Steve with wide eyes suggests it’s never been talked about, not really.
“Right,” Steve says softly. “Nance, she—she got this journalist to, like, expose Hawkins Lab because… Barb’s parents, they still had hope, y’know? Nance wanted to go further than the cover-up story, but she had to fight even for that, so…”
Eddie recalls Murray’s voice down the phone: “Got enough leverage to take a story, water it down until it’s just ripples in the pond, softly softly, yeah?”
Understanding sinks heavily into his stomach, like rocks hitting the bottom of a creek.
“Barb… she died here, in the pool.”
The rocks in Eddie’s stomach turn to ice.
He sucks in a sharp, horrified breath; as Robin, if possible, becomes even more still, Steve keeps talking.
“Not—it wasn’t… Shit, sorry. We didn’t see what… but eventually, we. We knew. And it—it wasn’t like how it was with Chrissy, or… There wasn’t a Gate. There wasn’t anything.” Steve looks outside again, says quietly, “Trust me, I checked.”
“Jesus,” Eddie whispers.
“But Nance, she… It was after Barb’s funeral in ‘84. Before… I know it was before Christmas, but I don’t… Anyway, I came home from school, and the front mat was lifted up, and the spare key was gone, and… It was Nance. She was in the pool.” Steve swallows. “She’d turned off the heating. And she—it’s like she couldn’t hear me. She just kept diving down to the bottom, kept feeling every damn tile. Her hands, they—I had to jump in and pull her out.”
Eddie glances at the pool, and it doesn’t matter that the cover and leaves obscure it in reality; in his mind’s eye he can still see the ghostly glow of the water. Can see Nancy repeatedly trying to dive, Steve desperately calling her name—both of them shaking from the cold.
He thinks of Steve insisting that he’d make the dive at Lover’s Lake. “It’s gotta be me.”
“God, it was awful,” Steve says. “She just… she just went silent, most she talked was fucking apologising for using some towels to get dry. Then she left and—that was it. Never brought it up again.”
There’s a heavy pause.
“You know how we were during Starcourt?” Robin says, fragile. “Like, when everything was… spilling out.”
Steve’s face screws up a bit. “In more ways than one.”
Yeah, Eddie thinks, really hate how all that’s a casual reference point for you two.
“I think Nancy might be… the opposite,” Robin says slowly. “If there was a drug that made you just… go quiet. And I think she’d—” Robin exhales. “She’d put the needle in herself.”
It looks like the sheer weight of that hits Steve all at once. He closes his eyes. “Shit,” he breathes.
Eddie wants to hold him through it. Desperately wants to make it better. Knows that he can’t—that the only thing that would fix it would be Nancy and Steve never needing to dive into a freezing pool.
The movie keeps playing through the long silence. It’s almost over.
“But I’ve got a job to do, too,” urges Rick Blaine. “Where I’m going you can’t follow. What I’ve got to do you can’t be any part of.”
Eddie looks away from the screen, tries not to think of Steve staring out into the road. Fails.
They’re almost too far away to touch. But Steve manages to press his foot against Eddie’s.
I’m here.
Eddie feels Robin shift along the couch, feels her hand gently squeeze his shoulder. For a moment, it’s like they’re all connected through one touch.
And they breathe.
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mi-rae07 · 2 months
Park Seonghwa : His Sunshine (Part 1/?)
Pairing : Park Seonghwa (Ateez) and named character (Lee Byeol)
Synopsis : Lee Byeol is known as the star girl of the magic world, her beauty, wit, wisdom and power second to none. Her smile could make the hardest of men melt, her sparkling green eyes having the power to enchant anyone. Her presence itself radiated glory and royalty.
Park Seonghwa was the opposite, a morally grey man in most ways. Cold, mysterious, private, powerful and hard. His jet black eyes considered similar to his shut off heart of steel. His powers were the only ones that could possibly compare to byeol's. If hers were emerald green, his were jet black.
And now byeol is out to find a husband for herself, in order to acquire her estates. Seonghwa is meant to find someone for her, but what if he doesn't want someone else to have her?
What if he wants her to himself, all his?
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The second Lee Byeol had walked into the party at seonghwa’s family manor he had understood why everyone called her the star girl of magic world. With her bobbed ginger hair, sparkling green siren eyes, hourglass figure, exquisite and expensive taste in fashion, rich and powerful family background, he could immediately guess what kind of a person she was. The kind of person that had that aura and confidence that made everyone want to be with her, friend or enemy, just be with her. She seemed to be flawless.
Keyword, seemed.
Seeing the way she smiled at people that came up to talk to her, shaking hands and pretending as if she hadn’t killed two of the most powerful demons that once cursed this land at the mere age of 17, seonghwa knew there was something inside her that she let no one see. Considering as how Seonghwa had killed 5 of those demons before he reached 20, that kind of power and magic came at a price. It required something, something dark.
Seonghwa watched as he saw san recognize him, quickly ushering byeol towards him as he said excitedly
San : seonghwa, this is lee byeol.
Byeol looked expectantly at seonghwa, waiting for him to take her gloved hand and kiss it like every gentleman in her life did. It was a custom, a sign of a well brought up man. But she probably didn’t know seonghwa didn't care about those customs, he did not engage in those kind of things either.
He did not believe that the sign of a well brought up man was that of kissing a lady's hand. And so he stared right at byeol before saying in a cold tone
Seonghwa : yes, good evening miss lee.
Byeol raised her eyebrow in amusement as she smiled before saying
Byeol : park seonghwa, yes? The one who killed-
San : ugh yes four greater demons. No one ever gets tired of that do they?
Byeol : how many have you killed again, mr choi?
San : it’s because I didn’t know, alright? I was uh…sleeping at the time, yes. If it was in the morning I'd have it done within seconds.
Byeol chuckled as san’s eyes widened at something far from them, excusing himself shortly before rushing off somewhere. Byeol turned to face seonghwa again as she eyed him carefully before saying
Byeol : I’ve heard you’re the classic type of man, morally grey they call it. Cold, mysterious, angsty, private, what not?
Seonghwa : I take that as a compliment, thank you.
Byeol : back where I come from we take that as an insult, mr park. A man who cannot engage in human conversations and live as such in this world is considered…insecure, out of touch even.
Seonghwa : well, thank the angel I don’t come from Italy then.
Byeol's lips quirked up in amusement as she asked
Byeol : oh? So you researched about me?
Seonghwa : Beatrice Byeol Lee, heiress of the richest most powerful magical family in all of Europe. Known for her charms, beauty, wit, wisdom, and other things I didn't bother paying attention to. It got quite boring.
Byeol rolled her eyes as seonghwa said
Seonghwa : san told me all about you, he’s trying to set me up with you it seems.
Byeol hid the disappointment.
Byeol : he has taste.
Seonghwa : last lady he dated was a secret vampire. Almost drained him of all his blood while he was sleeping before he managed to rid himself off her.
Byeol squinted her eyes as she smiled and said softly
Byeol : so you’ve killed 4 greater demons, yes?
Seonghwa just nodded at that
Byeol : well there’s another one coming, and you’ll let me impress the folks here as it is my first time with them, yes? Be a gentleman?
Seonghwa frowned as he felt sudden demon energy around him, his hand instinctively going to the blade sheathed in his waist. He was just about to pull it out as precaution when byeol held his hand instead, bowing down as she kissed it before whispering with a wink
Byeol : I owe you one, mr park.
Byeol swiftly turned around and walked towards the ground just as the demon appeared, making the people around gasp as their hands all went to their blades as well.
Seonghwa sighed as he leaned against the pillar, deciding to just watch byeol. He supposed intruding now would be quite low even for his standards, plus he was intrigued to see what the fuss about her was all about.
Byeol clicked her heel against the other as the heel part changed into knives, making seonghwa scoff. Was she really going to fight with knife shoes? He couldn't imagine landing on those without tripping and fracturing a bone.
The demon snarled, walking closer to byeol as no one around dared to enter the fight. They were all interested to know how byeol would handle this. The demon wasn’t really a greater demon either, but it did have considerable amount of magic in it. Seonghwa wondered if byeol would be able to manage it unprepared.
Byeol brought her right hand out as her family sword appeared in it magically, it's green flames sparkling. The necrosword, the world's most powerful sword ever made. It had enough magic in them to be transformed into a bow, knife, two knives, swords, whip, anything the owner required it to be. The sword chose it's bearer, and it had always remained in the Lee family for decades.
Seonghwa watched as byeol leaped towards the demon, ducking it's blow as she slashed the sword against it's back. For the next few minutes she fought against the demon, seeming like she was delaying the process just to give the people a show.
Seonghwa now knew what the fuss was all about, she was not only good at talking to people and making them follow her around but she was also good at dueling, too good even. The precision with which she used the sword, her speed, good thinking at the right time, she was a natural warrior. Her moves were sleek, elegant, even lady-like. But it was swift, deadly, and quick.
Seonghwa was now impressed.
Finally byeol decided it was enough as she summoned up her magic into the sword, green flames dancing around her as she leapt up high into the air before bringing her sword down onto the creature's head with force. It let out a gargling sound as it burst apart, disappearing into whichever realm it came from.
Byeol landed right on her feet effortlessly without a single glitch as the sword disappeared, her eyes going right towards seonghwa as the others clapped. She raised her eyebrows at him as seonghwa rolled his eyes, letting out a breath as he turned and walked away.
Byeol felt a smile spread on her lips as she looked at the others that were clapping, impressed. She gave them all a small bow, but all she could think about was the fact that park seonghwa had been impressed. It gave her a sort of satisfaction.
Seonghwa : what?
Seri : there's a storm, son, and lee byeol cannot be going back home tonight. It is unsafe, you know demons and humans alike come out during the rain for bad reasons. Hence she'll need somewhere to stay and I decided the best place would be this manor. The hotels here aren't…safe either.
Seonghwa scoffed, leaning back against the chair in annoyance as he asked
Seonghwa : and if the storm continues? Then what, she'll continue to stay, eomma?
Seri : seonghwa, it would be an honor to have someone like her in our manor-
Seonghwa : I don't want her here.
Seri frowned, sitting up straight as she asked
Seri : what? Has she done something wrong?
Seonghwa : her presence annoys me.
Every other man was head over heels for her, anyone else would've been ecstatic to have byeol here. Why was seonghwa being like this?
Seri : okay, why?
Seonghwa : it just does, she seems uncanny eomma. Someone cannot be this…perfect. There has to be something wrong, something off.
Seri chuckled, patting seonghwa's hand as she said
Seri : so you don't like her because she's too perfect, that just seems like you're annoyed by the fact that you're falling for her.
Seonghwa laughed at the ridiculous thought
Seonghwa : falling for her? Never in a million years would that happen, she's the embodiment of everything I hate.
Seri raised her eyes as seonghwa stood up and walked past her, muttering under his breath
Seonghwa : I'll let her stay, but tell her I don't want her bothering me or my work. If that happens, you can find her some place else to stay. Safe or not, I do not care. She's well than capable of taking care of herself.
Seonghwa opened the door as he stepped out into the hallways, climbing up the stairs to the third floor which was where his bedroom was located. As he neared his bedroom he saw a figure opening the room opposite seonghwa's, making him walk faster towards it before holding the person's hand as he banged them against the wall. A pair of green eyes glittered against the dark, making seonghwa's hold on the person loosen
Byeol : finally you've come around?
Seonghwa stared at byeol who was looking up at him with a glint in her eyes, her hot breath falling against seonghwa's neck as he whispered
Seonghwa : miss lee.
Seonghwa quickly let go of byeol's arm as he stepped back, frowning as he asked
Seonghwa : what are you doing here?
Byeol : trying to open my room, of course.
Seonghwa : and who told you this was your room?
Byeol : I did, I liked this room most so I decided I should sleep here for the night.
Seonghwa scoffed in disbelief, looking away as he muttered in annoyance
Seonghwa : unbelievable. You cannot sleep here, get out.
Byeol : and why is that?
Seonghwa : because it's opposite my room.
Byeol stared at the door in front of her, it's doors different and more grand than the other room doors. It screamed seonghwa's room, she had known it the second she got here.
Byeol : I figured.
Seonghwa : you will sleep in the south wing, or west or east. Just not this wing.
Byeol : I prefer this room.
Seonghwa : this isn't your call to make.
Byeol : I am the guest.
Seonghwa : this is my manor.
Byeol : and? You offered to let me stay here.
Seonghwa : my mother did.
Byeol : basically the same thing.
Seonghwa let out a breath in annoyance as he said
Seonghwa : can you just stop being so difficult and leave?
Byeol : no?
Seonghwa : miss lee, leave.
Byeol : I said no-
Byeol cut herself off as seonghwa banged her against the wall once again, glaring down at her as he said
Seonghwa : this isn't Italy, miss lee, and I am not someone who will go according to your ways and deal with you being such a spoiled, pampered brat. You can throw that away while at my manor, for I don't care about the fact that you're rich, or beautiful, or whatever. This is my manor, my estate. Here you will go according to my rules-
Byeol : you think I'm beautiful.
Seonghwa paused as byeol smiled that victorious smile, patting seonghwa's cheek as she whispered
Byeol : have a good night, mr park.
Byeol walked past seonghwa as she stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her and locking it as seonghwa just stood there, blinking his eyes in absolute shock.
What the fuck was this woman.
Seri : it seems this storm could last for a week, at least.
Byeol smiled as she chewed at her breakfast, seonghwa rolling his eyes as he looked at his mother through the newspaper he was reading before saying
Seonghwa : get her to the nearby hotel.
Byeol : I heard it's unsafe.
Seonghwa : I heard you were capable of fending after yourself?
Byeol : but would your manly conscience let a lady like me endanger herself at such a dangerous hotel?
Seonghwa : easily, yes.
Byeol : so yo-
Seri : you lot should just get married already.
Seonghwa : ew-
Byeol : I already discussed that, as a matter of fact mrs park. The lord does not seem to appreciate the idea very much.
Seonghwa : I'd rather cut my heart out than spend a night together with you.
Seri : seonghwa!
Byeol smiled as she took another bite of her salad before saying
Byeol : it is alright, mrs park.
Byeol smiled sweetly at the maids around as she stood up, saying in that same voice that annoyed seonghwa to the core
Byeol : the breakfast was just wonderful, thank you so much.
The maids around bowed at the rare compliment, seonghwa rolling his eyes again as he said without taking his eyes off the newspaper
Seonghwa : it is their job.
Byeol : well your job is to make sure I feel at home in your manor and you don't seem to be doing that properly.
Seri’s hand came to her mouth quickly as byeol smiled, walking past seonghwa as she let her hand hold seonghwa's shoulder for a second before saying
Byeol : you'll give me a house tour now, won't you mr park?
Byeol : do you not have any hobbies, mr park?
Seonghwa : none that you need to know about-
Seonghwa cut himself off as byeol suddenly held his hand, bringing it in front of her as she eyed it for a second before saying
Byeol : horse riding.
Seonghwa snatched his hand away from byeol's with a frown as he asked
Seonghwa : so you can just look at people's hand and tell their hobbies now?
Byeol : some of them. Your hand show marks of having held the reins, having pulled it hard enough to bleed, to scar. Such callouses cannot be gotten from battle, there is a difference.
Seonghwa let out a breath, looking away as he said
Seonghwa : do not do that again.
Byeol smiled, looking through the manor courtyard as she said
Byeol : what, read through you? Has no one ever done that?
Seonghwa : I have never let anyone.
Byeol turned to look at seonghwa as she said
Byeol : the manor is beautiful, it makes for a nice house. But not a home, it's too cold for a home. Can't you…plant some nice flowers? Buy nice paintings-
Seonghwa : they're a useless waste of money.
Byeol : they're comforting, makes you feel less alone.
Seonghwa : I do not find comfort in inanimate objects.
Byeol : so then where do you find comfort in?
Seonghwa : do I need to tell you my entire life?
Byeol shrugged, looking out the manor as she smiled at the workers around who bowed at them as seonghwa and byeol walked past them. She noticed how seonghwa did not even look in their direction. She crossed her arm as she suddenly said
Byeol : I came to Korea in order to find a husband.
Seonghwa paused on his tracks, making byeol chuckle as she stopped too and looked at seonghwa before saying
Byeol : what, are you afraid I'm going to propose to you right now?
Seonghwa : I do not wish to marry.
Byeol : ever?
Seonghwa : ever.
Byeol gave a low whistle as she said
Byeol : many ladies are going to have their hearts broken at that news.
Seonghwa : no lady is stupid enough to want a future with someone like me.
Byeol : mm. everyone likes a little bit of a mystery man, it's appealing to want to fix it.
Seonghwa stared at byeol as she smiled, shaking her head before saying
Byeol : I for one have no time to fix a man, don’t worry. I am not a therapy center. I need a husband, a man that has enough influence, is magically and physically strong, can give me an heir and leave me alone when required. If you have someone in mind, you can tell me.
Seonghwa : what about love, care, protection? All those things that ladies usually want?
Byeol snorted as she said
Byeol : we both know I'm not going to find all that in this life. I just need a husband to fulfill this prophecy my grandmother believes in, she refuses to give me the estate and manor without a husband. She's a bit old-fashioned like that. So a manageable husband who doesn't care about whatever I do, that's all I want for now.
Seonghwa watched as byeol unfolded her arms, giving seonghwa a smile as she said
Byeol : thank you for the wonderful tour, mr park.
Byeol walked past seonghwa as she said out loud
Byeol : and fret not if you wish to give your own name to me in matters of marriage! I do not think I would mind having you as a pretend husband, you would give me a handsome heir at least.
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megamindsecretlair · 1 year
It's a Little Warm, Part 1
Cross posted on @megamindssecretlair
Read Part 2 | Read Part 3 | Read Part 4 | Read Part 5
Pairing: Bucky x Black!Fem!Reader / Plus Size Reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. There is some making out, unresolved tension! Mentions of private parts but really mild. Cursing. Mild age gap. Reader is late 20s and Bucky is mid 30s. Soft Bucky. Part 1 of 5. Slow burn to smut though. Some sentences are intentional AAVE.
Summary: Sam Wilson is your play uncle and has invited you and Bucky to stay at a cabin with him, Sarah, and the kids. Bucky was sweet enough to help with your bags. You also found yourself up in the wee hours of the morning with him.
Word Count: 4,221k
A/N: I've been reading a lot of age gap fics at cabins and wanted to try my spin. Apologies if I miss any warnings or this is super corny. But here we go! While likes are awesome, please consider reblogging and commenting to help support writers!
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“Kinfolk!” Uncle Sam yelled and shoved past people in his quest to scoop you into his arms and spin you around. You yelped, not used to anyone swinging you around like a doll. You were short but far from petite and the sudden loss of your feet firmly planted to the ground made your stomach flip. 
“Put me down!” You yelled. You slapped at his massive arms but that only made him chuckle. Mercifully, he stopped turning and set you on your feet. “Look at you!” 
You rolled your eyes. “I just saw ya’ll last week!” 
His chuckle was quick as he threw his head back. “You barely come out of the house, I got to comment on the special occasion.”
You twist your lips and roll your eyes. “I see being Captain Chocolate has made you even cornier,” you said.
Uncle Sam laughed and threw his arm over your shoulder. “Oh, see you got jokes. I see working for that newspaper ain’t help with them lame ass nicknames. I thought you had a better vocabulary than that?” 
“Somehow I always forget it when I come around ya’ll,” you said. Uncle Sam only chuckled. “Where’s your bags?” 
“Got it in the car for now,” you said. 
Uncle Sam frowned. “Give me a minute, I’ll come help you,” he said. 
“I’m perfectly capable of bringing up my own bags,” you said. 
“That ain’t what I said. C’mon and say hi to Sarah. She’s glad there will be another woman this week,” he said. You follow Uncle Sam through the cabin, weaving through close friends of his and Aunt Sarah. 
The cabin had an open plan for the living room and dining room. People milled around watching a football game and sitting on large, comfortable couches. The dining room was cottage chic as a few of the elderly people sat around it talking and fanning themselves. Kids nearly pushed you over as they ran through the cabin.
“Say ‘excuse me’ next time!” Uncle Sam called after them. A chorus of “excuse me’s” rang out as you waved them off. Finally, you made it through the sea of people into the kitchen where various aunties were passing around bowls and spoons and tinfoil. 
They smiled at you and you were passed around like the last piece of pie as everyone got in their hugs and kisses and well wishes. The last person to hug you was Aunt Sarah. She hugged you just as hard as Uncle Sam did. 
“Damn, ya’ll would’ve thought I died or something,” you said. 
Sarah laughed. “Oh my god! I’m just so happy it’s not just me staying here this week. Sam gets his puppy, I should get one too,” Sarah said and laughed, pushing her braids behind her ears. 
Before you could ask what she meant, a booming grandfatherly voice called out for Sam. He told them that he’d be right back and headed out of the open side door towards the backyard. Smoke rose into the air as a full barbeque station was being managed by an elderly man with a cap and New Balance shoes on. You shook your head. Every time.
You opened your mouth to ask what Sarah meant by the puppy comment but movement to your left caught your eye. A man entered the kitchen in a soft burgundy shirt and jeans and large dusty boots. He scanned the room before spotting Sarah and broke into a wide grin.
He was simply gorgeous. It was the type of smile that could stop traffic. Perhaps even cure cancer if he grinned hard enough. His eyes crinkled in the corners as he approached. 
“You must be Sam’s niece,” he said and extended his hand. 
“Uh yes, nice to meet you, Mr. Barnes,” you said and took his hand. His hand was rough and calloused and slid across your soft palm, making your hand tingle. 
He smirked and shook his head. “Ugh, Mr. Barnes makes me sound old. I’m not that old. Bucky is fine,” he said.
“You are that old, you old dinosaur,” Uncle Sam said, materializing right next to you. He clapped you on the back, making you jump. “He’s so old, Moses asked him to lead the choir,” Uncle Sam said and laughed.
The group laughed and Bucky rolled his eyes. “At least I don’t have any gray hairs,” Bucky said. 
“Ay man, you take that back. That’s hurtful,” Uncle Sam said and smoothed down his faded haircut. 
You couldn’t take your eyes off of Bucky Barnes. It had been wild hearing about the man from Uncle Sam and Aunt Sarah, but seeing him in person was an entirely different experience. 
Aunt Sarah leaned her hip against the counter and looked between the two men. “See, Sam gets his puppy and I get another human being to talk to. Once you get these two started, they keep going on and on,” she said. 
You narrowed your eyes and tilted your head. “Bucky’s staying with us for the week too. It’s rare they come home at the same time these days. So we’re gonna make a thing out of it,” Aunt Sarah explained the unspoken question lingering in the air.
“Ah, gotcha.” 
“Hey, we bring the sunshine and the good vibes. All day, baby. Now, pass over the keys,” Uncle Sam said and held his hand out. 
You shook your head. “I can get it, it’s not a big deal.” 
The cook for the festivities called for Uncle Sam again. He groaned and nodded towards Bucky. “Wrestle the keys from her so we can help with her bags and take it upstairs. She’s stubborn.” 
“Stubborn doesn’t work on us, doll,” Bucky said and turned that mega-watt smile on you. You sighed and fought to keep all kinds of dirty thoughts out of your mind. Could super soldiers read minds? 
“Hey, hey, hey! None of that. Paws off!” Uncle Sam said.
“Oh my god,” you groaned. Your cheeks instantly flamed and you were grateful for your darker skin. It hid the obvious signs of a blush. You turned to Aunt Sarah for help who laughed and shook her head. She gave you a pitying look as if to say she wouldn’t be any help. She looked Bucky up and down and winked at you. 
“You’re not really my uncle, you know,” you said. 
“I’m your uncle in the ways that matter. Don’t make me bring a hose in here. It’s hard enough keeping the aunties off of him.” 
The cook called out for Uncle Sam again. He gave them a warning glare before you turned back to Bucky who held out his metal hand. It had intricate designs etched into it and seemed really, really advanced. You half wondered if it was from that famous Wakanda. You’d just about die to have a chance to go there one day. 
“I can get it myself. You don’t have to bother,” you said. You backed away, bumping into random partygoers talking in the kitchen. The press of bodies seemed to double as you backed away towards the front door. You knew you should have brought your things inside earlier. But you were already running late and just wanted to unwind from the long drive. 
Bucky stalked forward, patient as a hunter, with his arm still outstretched. His grin turned into a patient smirk. 
“Right, being stubborn doesn’t work on you,” you said. 
His answering smirk was enough to melt your panties. You looked away from him. If he couldn’t read your mind, he could at least read your facial expressions. And none of your thoughts were holy. 
You dug into the back pocket of your shorts and slapped your keys into his hand. “Thanks, doll,” he said.
You had, hand to god, actual shivers run down your spine. His voice had the right amount of gravel in it to skate over your nerve endings. And you weren't even standing that close to him. 
Bucky held out his hand for you to lead the way and you took the opportunity to calm your racing heart and nerves. He was a solid wall of heat at your back as you maneuvered your way to the front door. Your sandals slapped against the hardwood floor but even with his boots, he was silent. You felt like a bull in a china shop. 
You gave yourself a pep talk. Somehow, someway, you were supposed to survive an entire week with that. You supposed it was true. You should never meet your idols. You might get the overwhelming urge to climb them like a tree. 
Okay, thoughts like that weren’t going to help. You supposed you could limit your contact as much as possible. Hide out in the room or down by the lake. Anything. As long as it meant you weren’t right next to the man. 
You led Bucky outside and towards the makeshift parking lot. A dizzying array of nearly every make and model crowded the rented cabin’s lawn and rocky driveway. You had to park a little ways away and walk down to the cabin. Making it to your beat up Honda, you waved to it. 
Bucky smirked and popped the trunk. You had two suitcases, plus your laptop bag. You moved to grab one and Bucky tsked at you. He tsked at you as if you were a child! 
“You don’t like people doing things for you, do you?” Bucky asked with a smirk. He bent down to retrieve your bags. He didn’t even grunt at the weight. This was your poor attempt to pack light. But since you were a big girl, your clothes didn’t roll up all cute and tiny. You had to adjust and shove things until they fit enough for the suitcase to close. 
“I’m not used to it. Makes me feel weird,” you said. 
“Why’s that?” 
“I don’t know. Makes me feel useless. I feel like I should help,” you said. He got the second suitcase down and slipped your laptop bag over his shoulders. You closed the trunk.
“So you were going to haul all of this to the cabin tonight by yourself?” 
“Yes?” You hadn’t meant to make it a question, but he asked as if he were scolding you. You fought an eye roll and bit the inside of your cheek. He was being nice. But it still grated. As far as the City of Nawlins was concerned, you were a full growed adult. 
“It gets pretty dark out here. It could’ve gotten dangerous. A random car could hit you or a wild animal could trip you up,” he said. 
“You always so fatalistic?” 
“I’ve had reason to be,” he said.
Right. Doofus. “I am so-”
“Don’t be,” he said with a smirk. “Once you fight scaly purple monster-aliens, it’s hard not to see danger everywhere. Just because you can do things by yourself doesn’t mean you can’t accept a little help. Okay?” 
You nodded slowly, feeling like a proper idiot. Of course the man was fatalistic. You didn’t know everything about him. Most of it came from Antman’s book or Uncle Sam’s stories, and it wasn’t the whole story. Still, it was enough to know that Bucky had more than enough reason to be wary of potential danger. 
You took a deep breath and avoided looking at him. He carried your bags into the house and up the stairs. He nodded towards a door a few paces down the hallway. You opened it to find a spacious room, decorated with a nautical theme. You smiled at the blue and white scheme, the anchor pictures on the wall, and the goofy full sized bed. 
Bucky gently set your bags on the floor and your laptop bag on the small desk. As he leaned over, his shirt rode up a bit revealing creamy skin and subtle muscles. 
“What’s that, doll?” Bucky asked as he straightened. 
“What?” You asked, a little too loud. You looked at him and he put his hands on his waist as he surveyed the room.
“I thought you said something,” he said. Did he have to draw attention to his tiny ass waist? Seriously. This man couldn’t be real. It was like he stepped out of a smut book. He was the definition of sexy as sin. Everything he did was seductive. 
“Figured you’d get the better room,” he muttered with a sigh. But you got the sense that he was teasing. You looked around and noticed the huge window. You went to it and peeked out over the backyard. Uncle Sam was leading the group dance along to a Tupac song. 
You turned with a smile to tell Bucky but you noticed his eyes dart up to your face. Was he…?
No way. You shook your head. “Where’s your room?” You asked.
“Right across the hall. Just holler if you need anything, I’m a light sleeper.” 
Your mind wandered to how he would look asleep. His dark hair tousled and floofy. You bet he slept without a shirt on. He seemed the type. Plus he was like a furnace. He probably got hot. Which meant…
“Uh right. That must suck. I sleep like a little brick,” you said. Your cheeks burned again. 
“I haven’t slept that well since before the war,” he said and shrugged. “You okay?” 
“I’m fine. I probably just need some water. It’s a little warm in here. I mean outside. I mean today,” you said with a laugh. You looked at the floor and closed your eyes. Yup. Operation Avoid Bucky At All Costs commenced now. 
“Well come on. We better get downstairs before Sam steals all the ribs like last time. I thought food lasted longer at cookouts?” Bucky asked. 
You laughed. “Rule number one of cookouts: make your to-go plate before your real plate,” you said. 
He backed out of the room with a grin. You followed and closed your bedroom door behind you. 
“You’ll have to explain that one,” he said. 
You explained the intricacies of cook out etiquette as you headed down the stairs and on the way outside. Bucky listened and didn’t interrupt no matter how many side stories and funny anecdotes you told. Once outside, Uncle Sam waved from the dance area. 
Uncle Sam moved and shimmied his way through dances, making everyone around him laugh. He wore long, navy shorts and a light blue shirt. You shook your head as he tried to twerk and made everyone nearly fall out with laughter. 
You stood side by side with Bucky as you watched. You kept all of your focus on Uncle Sam. You absolutely did not notice how heavenly Bucky smelled or how he blocked the sun for you. 
Aunt Sarah called your name and you looked behind you. She sat at a table and waved. She pointed to a plate she made for you. Your stomach chose then to grumble. You waved back to acknowledge her. 
“I better…” 
“I’ll catch you around,” he said with a small smile. He headed off into the swarm of people with ease saying hi and clapping people on the back. 
You took a deep breath. Maybe food was exactly what you needed. If you were too busy stuffing your face, you didn’t have time to think about Bucky Barnes. 
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You were burning up. For such an open room, the southern heat was eating you alive. You had already kicked off most of your pjs, leaving nothing but an oversized T-shirt and your panties. In a minute, you were going to take that off too, but you desperately needed some water.
You got out of bed, fumbling around in the dark. You stubbed your toe on the corner of a dresser and bit the inside of your cheek to keep from yowling. You danced in place until the sharp pain subsided.
You had no idea what time it was but after the party, cleaning up, and trading stories around the kitchen table, everyone peeled off for bed around two or three in the morning. The sun wasn’t yet up so you only managed to get an hour or so of sleep. 
Your tongue was dry and thick. You moved it around, trying to get your spit going. That last tequila shot definitely did you in. You sighed heavily as you padded down the hallway and the stairs. 
The silence was near deafening as you crossed the wide open space. The cabin was dark but there was enough ambient light from the open curtains letting in moon light. You could see enough to cross the living room towards the kitchen.
You opened the fridge door and bent over to look for leftover water bottles. You danced a bit as you tried to focus long enough to find a bottle. The fridge blew cold air that washed over your flushed skin. You scratched absently at your bonnet. 
Finally finding some water, you uncapped it and stood up to down nearly half the bottle. You turned around and screamed, jumping back into the fridge door. Bucky sat at the kitchen table. The light from the fridge gave him an otherworldly appearance.
Bucky stood up instantly and crossed the small space towards you. He held out his hands to steady you. “You okay? I’m sorry,” he said. 
You slapped him away and scrambled for the nearest light switch. “You scared me half to death!” 
Miraculously, you drank too much for the water to slosh out of the bottle so none of it spilled. You clutched the cool bottle to your racing heart. Your hands shook and you took deep breaths to calm down. 
Bucky had the good nerve to wince before closing the fridge door. “I’m truly sorry,” he said.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked.
Bucky chuckled. “Well, I wasn’t trying to scare you. A random voice in the night would’ve scared you more,” he said. 
You flopped into the nearest kitchen chair. You were too hot and too shaken up to care that you wore a bonnet around Bucky. There was no need to avoid him now. You were about as sexy as a paper clip. 
He dropped back into his seat. Now that you were calming down, you noticed that true to your daydreams, his hair was pleasantly tousled. He didn’t wear a shirt but he did have dog tags hanging from his neck. His metal arm gleamed in the low light. 
“Couldn’t sleep either?” You asked.
He smirked. “Not really,” he said. 
“Nightmares? Want to talk about it? I’ve been told I’m an excellent listener,” you said.
He absently rubbed a spot on the wooden table. “Wasn’t a nightmare this time. Actually had a dream. For the first time in a long time.” 
You looked at him as he held a smirk, but there was no humor in it. You sat patiently, giving him the space to talk about it or not. It didn’t seem like he was inclined, so you sipped your water and listened to the subtle animal sounds from outside. 
“It wasn’t anything fancy. Quite boring actually. I dreamt I was back in Wakanda. It was peaceful there,” he said softly.
A million questions danced in your head. But you nodded and smiled at him to continue. “There was a small lake where I used to sit for hours and just be. I didn’t get a lot of chances to do that in my life. Being here just made me miss it, I guess,” he said.  
“I get that. Dream freaked you out enough to come sit in the dark by your lonesome?” You asked.
He chuckled and nodded. “I can’t always trust what’s in my head. Sometimes I need to ground myself and I’m still getting used to how soft beds are these days,” he said.
“Oh, they make them firmer. Like sleeping on an ironing board,” you said. 
Bucky chuckled and shook his head. “I’ve slept on worse,” he said. 
“Ugh, no thank you. Give me the softest bed you can find. I wanna disappear into an infinite void of clouds and pillows and blankets,” you said. 
Bucky grinned and looked at you. “Don’t you have to be this tall to even climb into the bed?” He held up his hand to exaggerate how short you were. You stuck your tongue out at him. 
“Next to you, everyone’s short,” you said.
“And yet you’re still the shortest,” he said and laughed. You leaned up and slapped his regular arm. 
“You’ve been hanging around Uncle Sam too long,” you said.
Before you could pull back, Bucky grabbed your wrist and prevented you from moving back. He rubbed lazy circles as he looked at you.
“Why do you call him Uncle?” 
Your heart rate sped up for different reasons. His touch was feather soft and sent all kinds of crazy signals to your belly. 
“I grew up around their family for years. But when Sam joined the Air Force, I called him Uncle Sam as a joke. Kind of stuck. He already saw himself as my older brother so we kept it. Sarah felt left out so I called her Auntie,” you explained.
Bucky hummed and nodded. He glanced down at the circles he was making on your wrist. 
“Where’s your family?” He asked.
You shrugged. “Deadbeat, emotionally abusive parents. I ditched them a long time ago and I don’t talk to them.” 
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“S’okay. Good riddance. Sam and Sarah and the boys are all I need. If you’re gonna keep coming around, I guess that includes you too,” you said.
Bucky chuckled and finally released your wrist. “You should probably try to get some sleep. Apparently, Sam has plans scheduled for the whole week,” Bucky said softly. 
“Sam loves his plans. You gonna get some rest?” You asked.
“I’ll try,” he said. 
You nodded. You stood up and moved to walk past him. But you stopped and bit your lip. You reached up and stroked his cheek. 
“I hope you get some sleep,” you said. You didn’t quite want the spell to break yet. It was early morning and the house was quiet. In the moments you spent down here, your body had cooled. However, standing so close to him while his clean soapy scent enveloped you, your body heated up for entirely different reasons. 
You slid your fingers under his chin and made him look up at you. His lips parted as he looked from between your eyes to your lips. He sighed as he trailed his fingers along your thighs. You made a squeak as the cold metal of his arm touched your heated skin. 
He skirted his fingers up and beneath the hem of your shirt, but he didn’t press further. He drew more lazy circles into your skin. 
Fuck it. You leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He sighed again, against your lips, and tugged you closer until you were straddling his thick thigh. You braced one hand on his other thigh and the other around his metal shoulder. 
He devoured you in a strong kiss, teeth clashing against each other. His tongue swiped against your lower lip before you opened for him. His tongue dived inside and slid against your own. 
His metal arm wrapped around you to keep you steady. His hand was better than a brace as it kept you from slipping off of him. His other hand came up to stroke your jaw before wrapping around your neck.
Not even you could keep the needy moan from escaping your lips. His lips moved over yours with expert care. Your hands came up to feather into his hair and trail down to the nape of his neck where you lightly scratched him.
A shudder moved through him that you felt all the way to your pussy. You shamelessly grinded on his leg. There was nothing but his sweatpants and your panties keeping you from skin on skin contact but you were sure he could feel how damp you were already. You’d be embarrassed except your thoughts were consumed with him. With touching him and feeling your nipples rub against his bare chest.
As soon as the kiss started, Bucky pulled away from you. Your harsh breaths mingled with his as you both panted. He plucked your hands from around his neck and held them in between you like a silent prayer. He got a faraway look in his eyes as he stared at your hands. 
He leaned down and kissed your fingers before leaning back and staring at the ceiling. Almost as if he were staring straight into Uncle Sam’s room. 
“You should go back upstairs,” he panted. 
You wanted to be angry. He didn’t get to just dismiss you. You practically threw yourself at him and that realization was enough to dump ice water in your veins. How embarrassing. 
You got up slowly and nodded. Without saying another word, you left the kitchen. Cool air hit the sweat along your face and neck and you shivered from the lack of heat. His heat. But you were a grown woman. You would be okay. 
You trudged all the way to your room and closed the door before falling face first into bed with a soft groan. 
What, the actual fuck just happened?
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Read Part 2 | Read Part 3 | Read Part 4 | Read Part 5
There is now a follow up! It's a Little Cold
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wibixthecowboy · 2 years
Play the Song: Part 1: Meet the Flash
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Task Force 141 needs a new sniper and despite their complaints, they're assigned Flash, a joke-making, ABBA-listening, 20-year-old sharpshooter with better aim than the whole team combined. In other words, Ghost is practically handed the love of his life but he needs time to adjust because she's a firecracker.
Warnings/Tags: Age gap (20/30-32), gore, descriptions of injury/blood/wounds, swearing, weapons, literally only fluff and banter, minimal angst, soft baby girl Ghost, asshole Soap, lighthearted, I can fix him he just needs a hug, warning for an excessively bad taste in music, slow burn, protective ghost, family dynamic, big brother soap has an attitude problem, father figure Price, Gaz is just there because he’s on the wiki I have no idea who he is, eventual smut, praise, thigh riding, unprotected (wrap it up people), idk I’m sure it will get dirtier as I go, shifting POV
Side note: All of these characters are fictional! Please don’t be weird about their real life actors, leave them out of this and be respectful! 
A/N: I have been resurrected from the tumblr tombs once again to write about a man that I’ll never have. I have no idea how cod or war in general works and I don’t care enough to learn so enjoy my bullshitting.
Words: 1.5k
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 4  Part 5
  ★ Ghost
  It was a hot day in Las Almas, with the temperature pushing almost 100 degrees, Ghost’s single shirt has stuck to the sheen of sweat on his chest beneath the annoyingly thick Kevlar bodyguard and left him second-guessing his faceless persona in desperation to rip the damp mask off. 
   Their sniper was down, and much to Ghost’s displeasure they were on their way to pick up a new team member fresh off the academy grill. The manila folder in his hands was thin, but the few sheets inside were enough to sell her to the coordinator, he had to admit that she seemed impressive but the minimal amount of field experience would have immediately disqualified her as a candidate if it was his choice.  
“Sniper specialist” 
“98% accuracy rate”
“trained in 6 fighting styles” 
“Distinguished Graduate Award and Clements Award winner” 
“Works under special requirements” 
He squints down at the last line, fighting the bouncing of the truck over the rough terrain to read clearly, special requirements. Ghost huffs a frustrated breath at the lack of further explanation and hands the papers to Soap next to him. 
“Do you know what the special requirements are?” He grumbles, eyeing Soap’s hunched shoulders. They had just gotten the call to clear a residency that would hopefully contain the information on the next run and they would be heading straight in with a newbie. No one was happy. 
Soap shuffles through the papers, barely taking the time to skim the words before he’s shoving them behind him to Price in the back seat. 
“Why the fuck would I know? Do I look like the coordinator?” Ghost raises an eyebrow at the attitude but decides to let it go. He knows from experience that poking would get him nowhere. 
Ghost turns his head to Price in hopes of a clearer answer but he just shakes his head and hands the papers back. 
“You’re missing a few pages there Ghost.” Price says closing his eyes and resting against the seat. Soap, suddenly done with the conversation rolls his eyes and turns to watch the sparse rolling landscape out the window.
“This is the entire file, I opened it on the way here.” Ghost retorts, looking down to flip through the paperwork. It takes him a moment to see it but when he does his hands freeze. Signaled by the sudden stop, Price sits up and looks over the seat to read the page in Ghost’s hand. 
“Oh shit”  
 Somehow both of them had missed the single line at the bottom of the first page,
“Missions completed: 0″
 Realization slowly dawns on him, this recruit has absolutely no field experience. When the coordinator said fresh off the grill he meant it. Ghost turns to relay his newfound information to Soap but snaps his mouth shut at the sight of his pissy expression. 
This new realization leaves a pit in Ghost’s stomach. He hadn’t signed up for training, the recruit couldn't be over 25, a vast difference compared to their already existing team. He’d asked for their best sniper, not a child.   
   The van’s wheels grind to a halt in front of the small outpost building and Soap slams the door open, eager to get the process over with. As if on cue the doors open wide to reveal the coordinator and their new recruit. Ghost balks, through the shimmering heat he can make out two shapes, one being the coordinator and the other he assumes is the recruit. The top of her helmet is level with his shoulder pad and with the rifle being half her height, she looks more like a child than a soldier.
“You’ve got to be fuckin’ kiddin’ me. Jesus Fuckin’ Christ that's a child!” Although he wasn’t quick enough to stop him, Price still gives Soap a hard shove to the shoulder. Soap turns around in his seat ready to hit back but Ghost grabs his fist and levels him with a glare. Even with Soap’s strong accent muddying his tone, the words ring clear past the approaching pair. The recruit stands tall though, power-walking through the sand and stopping in front of the open sliding door. 
If it wasn’t for the giant rifle and other military paraphernalia strapped to her chest Ghost would assume he was back at a countryside bar in Kentucky. Her golden blonde hair has been weaved into a thick braid hanging halfway down her chest, framing her freckled face in soft layers and shining in the mid-day sun. The recruit’s blue eyes shone with a wild flare that left Ghost shifting in his seat. Upon noticing a slight gap between her front teeth he feels the corner of his mouth twitch upwards, only to frown at the lack of southern drawl when she finally speaks. 
“I go by Flash, and for your information, my 20th birthday was this summer and I’m probably a better shot than all of you. Now that’s out of the way, are we ready to go gentleman?” 
The entire team freezes in shock at the new and unexpected information. Ghost chokes on his next breath of air and his dignity is saved by Soap’s sudden yell.
“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN 20?” Flash’s façade falters for just a second at the brute yell before Price is shoving past Soap to get out of the car and stand in front of the pair, blocking them from view. 
Price and the coordinator exchange a few short words before Ghost clears his throat and interrupts.
★ Flash
   Flash had been warned about joining Task Force 141, as soon as the news was announced whispers floated around the academy, leaving Flash the center of attention. She was stopped nearly every day to be questioned about the lone wolf Lieutenant Ghost and despite her constant pressing that she had not met any of them, let alone the one known most for his evasiveness, the pestering continued. Flash was tired of being a show pony. She had an itch that needed to be scratched and it wouldn’t happen through obstacle courses and teaching. She needed to be out on the field and she was prepared to do whatever she needed to do to prove herself. What she hadn't prepared for was outright denial.
Everyone’s attention shifts to Lieutenant Ghost, and the man in front of her winces before speaking.
“Ghost it is not up for debate she’s already signed on.”
“Well, fuckin’ take her off then Price!” The loud Scottish man yells again. 
 After an awkward pause, the coordinator shifts on his feet and directs his attention to Captain Price, 
“Captain this decision is final, paperwork has already been filed, and the academy has handed her off.” He clears his throat before speaking “And if I may, Flash has the highest scores of all time on nearly every leaderboard back at the academy, she’s no beginner.” Flash feels a swell of pride and makes a note to thank him later. 
“It’s not happening” Lieutenant Ghost’s voice is cold and has Flash’s newfound pride deflating. So much for making new friends. 
Captain Price sighs before turning to speak directly to Lieutenant Ghost,
“Ghost it seems like we don’t have much choice. Soap move to the back, Flash can take your spot.” He heaves a sigh and Flash can see him bracing himself for a backlash but its not from who she expected. 
“This is utter dog shit, I’m not working with a child!” Soap drops his head into his hands before heaving himself out of his seat and into the back. Flash’s smirk falters when she realizes who she’ll be placed next to but she takes a breath and steps into the van, ignoring Captain Price’s outstretched hand. 
Captain Price shoves himself next to Soap and the coordinator gives them one last salute before pulling the door shut.
   It’s a tight squeeze in the van, the third seat of the second row has been ripped out and replaced with a few precariously balanced boxes, leaving her pressed up against the side of the Lieutenant. Although the sweltering day had given her a rosy complexion the heat of his body made her face flush an even deeper shade of pink. 
They bump along the road for a bit before it dawns on Flash that she’s on the way to her first mission. She can’t help the grin that slowly makes its way across her face.
“What’s that shit eating grin for?” Soap grumbles from the back seat obviously still sore from being forced into the back. Flash cant help the giggles that force their way up when she spots him glaring at her through the rearview mirror.
“Nothing.” She replies with a simple shrug and drops her gaze down to her lap, still smiling. Ghost’s rigid posture doesn’t relax but when he looks down at her she can almost see a glint of humor in his blue eyes. She stares back, “What?”
“Nothing.” He mimics. 
Maybe this won’t be so bad after all. 
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