#oh yea and then there's manager meeting :) ha ha ha ha ha
radiance1 · 2 months
"Old fuck!" Said Dan as he kicked down the wall to Vlad's office. Vlad only let out a sigh, apologizing for the noise and then ending the meeting right then and there. He glanced over at Dan and wrinkled his nose in distaste. "Do you truly have no concept of a door?"
"It's more fun this way," He mentioned offhandedly as he stomped his way over the Vlad's desk and slammed his hands down on it. "Do something for me!"
Vlad, silently, moured the loss of another table and those three glorious months of peace. He looked Dan in the eyes and raised an eyebrow. "And what, exactly, do you want me to do for you?"
"So you know Superman-"
Dan reared back like he'd been slapped. "The fuck!? You didn't even hear me out yet!"
"I don't need to." Vlad calmly sipped at his tea that wasn't there a second ago, and then let out another sigh. "And do stop screaming obscenities at me, it is horribly low-class and you're better than that."
"You're only saying that because I'm a fusion of you." Dan pointed out with a deadpan expression. Vlad snorted. "Obviously."
"Hear me out and I'll think about it."
Vlad sighed again, crunching away at a cookie -seriously where is he getting all of this??- before waving a hand in Dan's direction that basically said "Go on."
"Alright so Superman, you know the guy and you most certainly know his weakness." He swipped a cookie, then continued at Vlad's nod. "Kryptonite, nasty stuff yea. You know who uses Kryptonite the most out of basically everyone?"
"Lex Luthor."
"Lex fucking Luthor."
Vlad placed his teacup onto the desk, threading his fingers together and resting his chin on them as he stared the fusion down. "You know, if you wanted me to... complicate, his gathering of Kryptonite. You could have just led with that."
"Would it have worked?" Dan genuinely asked.
"I would have thought it over a bit more before my refusal." Vlad answered and Dan growled. "Just accept already you old-timer."
"Now, now. If I didn't know any better, I would think that you were perhaps, worried about the Man of Steel himself?" At that, Vlad's eyes turned red as a playful smirk graced his lips.
Dan's eyes narrowed as he lifted a finger towards Vlad acusingly. "Don't you dare try your mind control bullshit on me."
Vlad chuckled. "Oh I would not dream of it, I was merely..." Vlad's eyes shined with mirth as he deliberately paused. "Stating an assumption."
Dan hissed, translating his sheer annoyance through ghost speak while Vlad respond back with a purr. More than throuoghly pleased.
Usually, it was the other way around.
"You can go to hell with your assumptions." He leaned over the desk, destroying it even further as he his claws dug into it. "Either you deal with him or I'll do it myself."
Vlad stared him down for a good few moments, the room falling silent as they stared each other down. Vlad sighed. "Fine, I don't need your little temper tantrum leaving me with such a giant mess to clean up." He tapped a button under his desk -mercifully safe from the destruction- and waved Dan away. "Now if you will excuse yourself, I have a few calls to make, a desk to replace, you know the works."
Dan nodded and over to the giant hole in the wall before pausing. He reached out with ghost speak, sending out a violent threat through intent if he did not follow through.
Vlad simply responded with nonchalance, exasperation, and even a bit of annoyance.
A few weeks later
Lex Luthor is livid.
Someone has been buying up all of the Kryptonite before he could get to it, which should be impossible in itself. But no, then they proceeded to mess with the shipments he managed to get his hands on, interrupt deals to acquire them and even outright destroyed a few.
He has his own stockpile for emergencies, yes. But it's very noticeably dwindling.
Meanwhile with Vlad
"Now what exactly am I supposed to do with all of this?" Vlad asked himself, staring at the large pit of Kryptonite capable of filling multiple warehouses.
Honestly, it was utterly useless to him.
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suguruplsr · 8 months
Showing them how flexible you are !
✰ ✰ ✰ all you need to do is let your pretty body take his cock , no matter much he stretches you !
જ⁀➴ w / satoru , suguru , toji
,, fem! reader , folding , hand stand , public sex , quickie , choking , manhandling , dumbification , lemme know if i missed smth !
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✰ Satoru
“t-toruuu we need to teach!” you whimper at the feeling of satoru sliding in your cunny. you two were tucked in some random closet, one of your legs raised all the way up onto his shoulder while he held you against the wall. both of you were sweaty, rushed hands trying to find each others bodies before you lose yourselves, “t-they won’t notice if we’re quick, kay’ sweetie?” satoru stutters, slumping his head in your neck and giving you all of his weight, making you stretch completely to all of him. “b-but you’re makin’ a mess” you cry, and you couldn’t help it, his cock was practically snapping in you with precision that has your mind turning into mush. and you were sure you could hear the dripping juices from your cunt onto the floor. “c’mon baby, t-they won’t know it’s us. heh. worryin’ too much~” satoru grins, pressing firmly onto you to give a particularly harsh thrust that makes you forget what you were saying.
✰ Suguru
“this hurts su…” you huff out, your hands holding your legs all the way back, folding yourself in half while suguru towered over you, his cock pushed into you to the hilt. “didn’t you tell one of your friends you wanted me to fold you? j-just makin’ a dream come true sweetheart.” suguru laughs breathlessly, watching how your face contorts so cutely when he slides his girth out your cunt, “you weren’t even supposed to hear that!” your voice comes out in a whine, your nails digging into the plus of your thighs from how he began to pound into you, the sounds of your flesh meeting was so lewd. “eh? oh well, it’s happening now ain’t it? fuckin’ feels good too.” suguru leans down, sloppily kissing you and eating up all of your moans like it was nothing. one of his hands move up to your neck, grasping it tightly. it was so hazy, each plunge of his cock already had your eyes rolling but now you were completely shuddering under him. suguru smirks at your form, his cock is twitching inside you and he’s sure he’s going to try this again from how thick his load is going to be, “oh look at you pretty girl, so adorable. takin’ me like a champ..”
✰ Toji
this was down right perverse. all because toji deemed himself too tall to reach your pussy, so you had to reach him. you were in a handstand position on the couch, well not really from how your arms were losing their balance on the cushions and how toji held you up with his large arms around your thighs, cock slicking in and out your wet hole and occasionally slapping your ass when you squirmed too much. “you alright down there?” toji chuckles, responding to your muffled whines with a swift thrust of his length, “can’t— uh, do it anymore!” you manage to get out, your hands and arms were shaking, and his languid thrusts weren’t helping any much. you almost wanted to cry because you knew he didn’t intend to just fuck you, he liked seeing you writhe trying to keep up with his perverted ideas. “but you said you would. ‘i can take it all toji!’ ain’t that what you said?” toji mocks you, slowly rolling his hips at the sound of your sobs, “b-but s’too—“ “i hope my pretty girl isn’t complainin’ to me bout somethin’ she clearly said she could do..” he cuts you off with a sharp thrust, his grip on you tightening and holding you up when you almost fall, but that only makes the tip of his cock rub against your cervix. you whine in the couch as he keeps making fun of you, edging you on with little lazy thrusts. yea, he always gets what he wants.
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victoryverse · 5 months
crying screaming begging the lord himself for this-
imagine simon has a wife, he been had a wife, a military so and so who ranks wayyyyy above him -
she visits the base and everyone’s treating her with the utmost respect and formality until she passes simon who js,, casually offers her a cigarette, like ???? as if she’s not super massive important formal person number one ?
i’m here for the shock and awe,, everyone just being so completely caught off guard by them
“wh whahbwhh wh?????!!!!???”
“oh yea that’s my wife btw”
y/n riley
i really liked this idea anon >.< thank you for sending this!!! hope you like this <33
. . .
Simon Ghost Riley, the infamous and elusive member of Task Force 141, had always been a mystery to his team. He was a man of few words, a deadly sniper with a dark past, and someone who could disappear without a trace. But what his team didn't know was that behind the tough exterior, Simon had a soft spot for one special person - his wife, Y/n.
Y/n was a high-ranking military officer, a woman who had worked her way up the ranks with her intelligence, bravery, and unwavering dedication to her country. She and Simon had met during a classified mission, and it was love at first sight. Despite their dangerous jobs and the constant threat of danger, they had managed to build a strong and loving relationship.
But their love was a secret, known only to a select few in the military. So when Y/n decided to surprise Simon by visiting him at the base, the reactions of his teammates were nothing short of comical.
As she walked through the base, every soldier and officer stood at attention, saluting her as she passed by. Even Captain Price, known for his stoic demeanor, couldn't help but gape at the sight of her. But it was Simon's reaction that was the most surprising.
As Y/n approached him, Simon casually took out a cigarette and offered her one. The other soldiers were stunned, their mouths hanging open in disbelief. Did Ghost just offer a cigarette to a high-ranking officer? But Y/n just smiled and took the cigarette, her eyes never leaving Simon's.
The team was in shock as Simon and Y/n walked hand in hand, laughing and talking as if they were the only ones in the base. Even Soap, who had always been the closest to Simon, couldn't believe his eyes.
'Wh-what is going on here?' he stuttered, looking at his teammates for an explanation.
'I have no idea,' replied Konig, equally confused.
But as Simon and Y/n approached them, they all snapped back to attention, saluting Y/n as she stood by Simon's side.
'Boys, this is my wife, Y/n,' Simon said with a proud smile.
The team couldn't believe their ears. Simon Ghost Riley, the man of mystery, had a wife? And not just any wife, but a high-ranking military officer?
Y/n greeted them all with a warm smile, introducing herself and making them feel at ease. As they all sat down to chat, they couldn't help but ask about their relationship.
'How did you guys meet?' asked Soap, still in shock.
Simon and Y/n shared a look before Simon spoke up. 'We met during a mission in Afghanistan. Y/n was part of a team sent to assist us, and let's just say, she caught my eye.'
The team was in awe of their love story, and as they listened to them talk and laugh, they realized that Simon was a completely different person when he was with Y/n. He was happy, carefree, and even cracked a few jokes.
As the day went on, the team got to know Y/n better and realized that she was not just a high-ranking officer but also a kind, down-to-earth person. And as they saw the love and affection between Simon and Y/n, they couldn't help but feel happy for them.
From that day on, Y/n became a regular visitor at the base, and the team welcomed her with open arms. She brought a new light to their lives, and they were grateful to have her as part of their family.
And as for Simon, he had found his true partner in life, someone who understood and accepted him for who he was. He knew that with Y/n by his side, he could face any mission and come back home to her.
Their love story may have started amid chaos, but it had blossomed into a beautiful and unbreakable bond. And for Simon Ghost Riley, there was nothing more valuable than the love of his life, his wife Y/n.
. . .
tags: @ilovehobi101
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violet-butterflies · 10 months
❥︎ yandere! CEO headcanons
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❥︎ Warnings ! ☞︎︎︎ stalking, obsessiveness, lovesickness, overprotectiveness ( female yandere! oc x gn reader )
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☞︎︎︎ yandere! CEO who is at the peak of her career! She's got money, the looks, and a thriving fashion brand but no lover :(
☞︎︎︎ yandere! CEO who hires you as her new secretary! Amazed at your amazing work ethics that never fails to disappoint her.
☞︎︎︎ yandere! CEO who realizes that you work too hard. Jeez, she just gave you that report assignment last night and you've already finished it?! And you even managed to perfectly schedule the next two months' worth of meetings and appointments? Do you even sleep?!
☞︎︎︎ yandere! CEO who slowly falls in love with you. You were simply so simple and cute that she can read you like a book! Not only that, it's always so cute to see you get flustered when she gets a tad bit too close to you!
☞︎︎︎ yandere! CEO who begins to ask you to personally model for the clothes she designs. Oh, that dress? Yea, It's made to your size because I want you to try it! That suit? No matter if you wear it and I'll see if it needs anything. Oh, that lingerie? PLEASE do wear it! For research purposes of course... takes a quick picture
☞︎︎︎ yandere! CEO who wants to keep you as her personal little model! She just simply doesn't get how everything she makes just fits you so well! You might as well keep all the clothes she makes and make sure you wear them all the time! Why wear any other brand when you practically have a personal fashion designer!
☞︎︎︎ yandere! CEO who can't help but feel mortified at how boring your life is. Do you really just go to work and home? She has never seen you go out to do any errands! Even your wardrobe only consists of old t-shirts for inside the house and work clothes! She feels bad taking some of your clothes since you don't have many to begin with...
☞︎︎︎ yandere! CEO who dedicates her whole life to making your life so much easier. Every month she'll make sure to always give you a hefty bonus. Any coworkers that made you sigh or are a minor inconvenience in your life? They all can say goodbye to their careers!
☞︎︎︎ yandere! CEO who just can't get enough of you even after she clocks out of work. When you two were off on a business trip, she hires a few people to put some hidden cameras everywhere around your tiny apartment. No, it's not stalking silly! She's only making sure that she can provide you with everything you'd need! If you need anything, she'll happen to give you that exact thing the next day!
☞︎︎︎ "y/n I just so happen to have a spare laptop that I don't need! Oh, your laptop broke yesterday? Wow, what a coincidence! You can use this one!"
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angsthology · 4 months
“YOU CAN’T DISAPPOINT A PICTURE” — or an alt title: roo vs. jenson to roo and jenson
from the freezing act and disappearing act to no choice not to act (do i know what i meant? absolutely not.)
a/n yarg hey this is set on 2022 and the rest of 2023, after the events of the great (coming not so soon but im workin on it)
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it was her first points. her first points... ever in formula one. she was on… a different kind of high. nothing was going to ruin that moment for her. nothing except one.
as of right now, she was not noticing anything else besides the man in front of her—and even that was debatable.
this time, it was her turn to be catatonic.
daniel, who was one of the blokes lucky enough to witness what was currently happening in front of him could not help but laugh, well, he was putting his entire life into not laughing. but, well, it was hard not to.
he’s—no one, has ever seen her like this before.
she was usually so… either kept to herself or an absolute menace. there was really no in-between. but one for sure thing she always is was functional, even is the function is cracked up to a hundred or zero. so to see her malfunctioning was way funny for daniel.
daniel, still giving his entire life not to laugh, answers the question for her, “of course, she will! right, kid?”
at that, her blubbering stopped and her attention was fixed on the australian—that had betrayed her.
her mind was still reeling in—half present and half out of it, “i—yea—huh?” she looked towards daniel for… anything.
he didn’t respond with anything else and pulled on her race suit that was now unzipped and collecting around her waist down, her top half showing off the crimson-red fireproofs she wore underneath.
her mind was going faster than an rb19 and the next thing she knew she was sitting in the middle of a very fine world champion she was so ready to risk everything for and… and daniel ricciardo.
she was so in her own world, she failed to notice the former calling out her name.
oh my god, he knows my name, she thought.
she cleared her throat, posture changing feigning ‘professionalism’, “what was that?”
“congratulations on scoring your first points today!”
she blinked. she knew what he said. she was just… processing.
truly, she didn’t know how or why it happened or even what had happened at all but she somehow ended up in a finger guns position pointing at her long-time celebrity crush.
she stayed at the end position for quite a while. besides the sound of the track and every other surroundings, it was quiet. jenson was too stunned to speak; roo was berating herself in her head absolutely throwing every curse word in her head—if anyone were to read her mind right now, they would start crying from all the screams and cries of her own stupidity. daniel—now, daniel on the other hand; was having the time of his life. the dam had broken and he was now clutching his stomach besides the girl laughing his ass off.
his—very loud, very distracting—laugh paused her inner turmoil at herself and directed all towards him. her eyes were void of any emotions and her entire look was unpredictable. she narrowed her eyes at the australian before quickly fisting her hand out to hit the man right where he was clutching it, making him grunt in shock and eventually drop to the ground groaning—his laugh somehow still straining behind.
still in pain, from both his laughter and the hit, daniel managed between discomfort, “oh—you’re good, man, you’re good.”
her eyes were still trained down to the rolling australian, giving him her deadliest-calmest glare later on slowly look up to meet jenson’s; completely freezing in her spot once more with eyes wider than max’s winning gap as if his stare was one of medusa’s.
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later on, she found herself in the haas—they stopped trying to get rid of her eventually—hospitality with mick sitting on one of the chairs and herself pacing around the room talking his ear off.
“i hate daniel! i hate him! i told him a million times! i never wanted to meet jenson in person! i just wanted a picture! i hate him so much!” she whined, stomping around the room dramatically.
eventually she sat herself down next to mick. not knowing how else to respond, he extended his hand and giving her a few pats on the shoulder.
“you know, he’s probably was very happy to see you too.” he tries.
he raised both his hands in surrender.
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it was an interesting sight to see: britney spears walking and talking with snoopy in the paddocks.
“i just think he’s neat, you know.” she explained with a shrug.
the older man chuckled with a shake of his head, “you do know you’re talking about a cartoon dog, right?”
she gasped, “rude. he is the cartoon dog.” with a hand over her heart, she then continues, “he’s more than that! he’s a pilot, an icon, and most importantly; a best friend.” she paused, remembering a detail she forgot to mention, “—to woodstock. i don’t care about charlie brown, that kid’s an idiot.”
nico made a contemplating face, “you’re so mean to him why—”
she was about to reply until she was cut off by a british accent that made her entire blood run cold and paralyze her nerves, eyes widening slightly—position permanently cemented to the ground where her body jerked to a stop.
“oh, hey, jense!” he greeted back, turning his attention and entire body away to face the blonde getting closer.
to her dismay, he waved the world champion over.
(what is that—what the hell?! I’M SWEATING BULLETS LIKE A FUCKING WATERFALL.)
he was getting closer.
(FUCK!—what do i do?)
“yeah, i was just here talking to—” nico said as jenson was in easier earshot, his hands already motioning to his side. just as he turned around the moment the brit arrived by his side, he was met with dust. besides that, no other evidence showed there was once a girl in an alfa romeo racing suit next to him. “wha—kid?” he looked around, “where’d she go?”
jenson frowned slightly, “ah. sorry about that, mate. most likely my fault.”
nico turned to him confused, “what?”
he shrugged sadly, “i don’t know. that kid is like allergic to me i think—never got any chance to properly talk to her.”
again nico put his thinking face on and after a good few conversations with himself in his head, his face cracked up with a smile.
he slapped jenson’s back and rest his hand there—shocking him in the process—“believe me, she doesn’t.”
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end of 2023
she. was. done.
this year was definitely not her year and she was glad it was over.
during their final debrief mick was her pillar; she was on her last set of batteries and was about to shut down, the entire time she had her head resting on his shoulder half-asleep. he didn’t complain, thankfully—surprisingly none of her team either.
after they declared dismissed, she was so ready to be hauled—by who, she didn’t really know. but man she wished—back to her bed—did not matter which one but whichever the closest was—and pass out until the next season starts.
unfortunately, it was not that easy yet for her.
the only people left in the room was her, porsche’s team principal, his assistant, her head engineer, and... mikey.
now that she really thinks about it, she doesn’t really know what it is mikey does.
“you look rough.” the man started. “not wearing any makeup today?” he asked genuinely. he knew how much makeup therapy usually improves her mood, which is why it made sense to him seeing her so—gone.
“i am wearing makeup.”
he motioned for her to take a seat, and so she did.
the air was… unreadable. usually it’s pretty light with them, they loved her and she loves them. maybe it was the lack of mick in the room?
she was so tired, she didn’t care for the thick silence in the room, opting to just break it herself.
“am i getting sacked? are you going to make me burn my own contract?”
she was getting dangerous. tired roo means her defense systems are losing charge—if she was a drinker, this would be a glimpse of her in an honest drunk state.
no one really stopped her so her mouth just kept moving, “i mean, i wouldn’t be surprised after the year i had i was kinda shit—i’d be pretty sad, though. i love you guys. i love you,” she looked at her engineer, “i love you,” she looked to her personal trainer, “i love you,” to her team principal. and last but not least, “and i love you.” she looked slightly up at her team principal’s assistant that stood behind him.
“oh good grief, when the hell is he getting here?” the man in the middle whispered under his breath as he rubbed his forehead, in the background the driver still mindlessly listing all the people she loves.
“and i love that guy who always has chocolate for me—oh wait that’s mick again.”
“just got a text from jackie says they’re close.” whispered back mikey.
as if on cue, right after mikey locked his phone, the door opens—thankfully—stopping roo’s listing, catching all of their attentions.
she was still yapping when she turned to the door but came to an abrupt stop when she sees the person who walks in.
the man waved.
“oh no, it’s jenson button.” she says flatly—at this point it was like she was drugged with truth serum; her words held no emotions or feelings whatsoever, but everyone was sure it was all genuine.
she was about to turn back to her team when with no warnings, no wind, no signs, she was hit with a tsunami—not even joking. the moment her head turned her face was splashed with a bucket of cold water.
so. so. cold.
oh that definitely woke her up.
as if she hadn’t had enough thrown at her, a towel was draped over her head before she can finishing cursing out her team. (one, to dry her up and two, to shut her up.)
emerging from under her towel, she looked towards the three culprits’, eyes going from jenson button at the front of the room and back to them, “in front of jenson button?!” she scolded in a whisper.
“it humanizes you,” explained her team principal shortly.
she quieted. sucked in a breath and stare at him flatly, “die.”
mateo—her team principal—was unfazed by it, opting to ignore her comment instead and continue with the business they had originally set up for.
“now that you’re awake,” he started.
“whatever.” she rolled her eyes.
ignoring her, mateo continues, “i’m going to put this in simple words you’ll understand.”
“why do you hate me?”
“i know you don’t like to talk about… whatever the hell this year was, but one thing for sure, we—” he motioned towards himself, mikey, and olivia (her head engineer), “—decided it’d be good for you to have a manager.”
she stayed silent, blinking her thoughts in until she found her words;
“and he is… your best candidate?” she asked stiffly motioning to the british driver that she’s sure can kill her with a stare.
mateo looked anywhere but anyone, slightly dodging the question. he shrugged, “well.”
“seriously?!” commented the world champion. he rolled his eyes and made way to sit on the chair next to hers, slightly making the hair on her arms rise. “look, kid, i know it’s probably going to be hard for you to even be in the same room with me—but i promise, i would not be doing this if i weren’t sure of you. you are one of the best talents i’ve seen in my life and i think i could help you reach a lot more good things.”
she took in his words and she’d be lying if hearing all those things coming out of his mouth didn’t give her a type of sensation—butterflies in her stomach, warmness in her heart, and the burning tears building behind her eyes—and a surge of courageous in her veins.
she smiled, “no, i think you’re right. and, i mean, i’m in the same room as you right now and i’m all fine.”
after that, papers were signed and deals were made, and to her; the rest was history.
(including all her previously embarrassing moments.)
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princess (mick) HSAZGFKJSDGS YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE i js died oh my god what did i do
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te1enoviyuh 🎵 Simple Minds • Don't You (Forget About Me)
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liked by f1porsche, atticusingh, and 4,476,928 others
tagged: jensonbutton
te1enoviyuh mischief not managed zzz
see all 487 comments.
buttoncunt JENSON????? kid r u even alive still
dunphyrrari did u fall asleep typing the caption
te1enoviyuh dunphyrrari okay thats funny u deserve a notice
dunphyrrari te1enoviyuh I WON
f1porsche Watch out (the rest of) 2024 they’re coming for you. 😉
selvnika i thought *i* was your manager...
te1enoviyuh selvnika if anything IM your manager. your around the clock arounf the world babysitter
sargeantist selvnika now hold on... back tf UP. WDYM MANAGER??
disneyprincemuke im just here for the ride tbh
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mateo sighs at his phone, his employee no better than before she had management.
“do you ever regret this? ‘cause i do. —kinda.” commented the unlucky woman known as her pr manager (jackie.)
“who thought this was a good idea, again?”
being the self-aware king himself; mikey immediately choked on his water and quickly made his escape.
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anyone noticed a cameo? not proofread | taglist; @treehouse-mouse @disneyprincemuke @yansbolobao @leilanixx @judespoision @vellicora @bborra @woozarts crossed out means i cant tag u
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b0r3dtod3ath · 11 months
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"Cause I <3 you, you’re the one that I adore :)"
Formula 1 masterlist
Word count: 1.4k
Summary: Assistant!reader x rdr!seb. Based on this request. Set during the 2012 season.
A/N: I know a few people wanted me to write this trope so here it is :) Also this fic is loosely inspired by BBM baby by Lana Del Rey.
“Yea, I still don’t understand why I need an assistant” Well this sentence certainly didn’t calm your anxiety as you were sitting on a chair, staring at the door. You were supposed to meet your boss, well not really a boss but a person you were supposed to help. He wasn’t just a random person, he was Sebastian Vettel, two-time world champion in Formula 1. You were a fan of this sport so when an opportunity for you to work in that field appeared, you took it without thinking twice. Maybe you weren’t one of the most important employees on the paddock nonetheless you still got to travel the world and be a part of every race week. “Sebastian, you were late for the last three meetings. I can’t be looking after you all the time.” a female voice said. You recognized it - it was Sebastian’s press officer. She was a lovely lady. You got to meet her because she was the one recruiting you. “So you are really getting me a babysitter?” huffed the driver. The door in front of you opened causing you to jump from your seat and put on a smile. “Hi! Nice to see you again! Come on in!” said the lady. As you walked in a tall, blonde boy sat up and introduced himself “Sebastian Vettel. You can call me Seb. Nice to meet you.” The eye contact made your cheeks heat up a little “Y/N Y/L/N, pleasure working with you”. As you sat down you heard Sebastian whisper a quiet “It sure is” under his nose.
You came up with the idea of a maximum of 10-minute long meetings after breakfast during the race weekend. They were meant for you to give Seb a quick overview for the day - what is he doing at what time. You were sitting at the hotel’s restaurant, waiting for him to show up, you didn’t expect him to show up on time but he barely managed to. “Hi, sorry. I hope you didn’t wait long” he said as he sat opposite to you. “Good morning, I’m fine, you are on time actually” you greeted him with a smile, chuckling at his messy bed hair. “So today you are supposed to first meet your physiotherapist and then” you were interrupted by sniffling. Probably a morning runny nose. You grabbed your small purse and handed a tissue to the man. “Thank you” he said, surprised that you noticed. “So then you have a first practice session at 1PM and..” - you quickly went over what was planned for the day “Alright, any questions? If you really want to move some meetings then let me know and I will try to figure out something. I’m leaving this paper for you to know what’s going on and I think that’s it.” you handed him a post-it note with everything neatly written. Cute writing he thought as he looked at it "There's also my number if you need something and I happen not to be around”. Oh yea, he was definitely gonna use this one. 
After a few races, you started developing a more casual relationship - it could even be called a friendship. The chemistry never left working hours. You didn’t understand why but it bothered you. Well, you noticed some signals - butterflies in your stomach appearing when you two held eye contact for more than a second, your heart skipping a beat when you accidentally touch or the heat rising to your cheeks every time he calls you by your nickname. You were a walking symptom of having a crush and yet you denied it. “I’m working for him, of course, we have to be nice to each other! He’s like that to every female reporter, a cheeky little bastard.” or “It’s his job to treat me nice.” you used to tell your friend on a phone, whispering as if Sebastian was to hear you. Little did you know, he has in fact changed his behavior towards women once you appeared in his life, he started being less flirty and reckless but not in terms of you. He would never tell you to do anything for him because it felt weird to him. At first, you were looking after him like he was a child - checking in if he was hungry or if he needed water. He never complained about being looked after because he found it comforting. He felt like you were truly caring for him, a feeling that he hadn’t felt in years due to his lifestyle. 
You would never call him unless he was late. Sebastian was in his hotel room, sprawled out on the bed, head with messy blonde hair buried in pillows. His peaceful sleep was interrupted by the sound of his ringtone. “Huh?” his eyes still closed “Seb, you were supposed to text me when you wake up so you won’t be late again. Please tell me you got up” your voice was a sound he wished to wake up for the rest of his life “Mrrh Dreaming? An angel called me?” he said half awake completely ignoring your tone “Great, amazing even. Vettel, wake up. I’m gonna come to your room in 10 minutes and please cooperate”. Even though you were the same age you sometimes felt like you were babysitting him. Sebastian obeyed you and got dressed. He liked to annoy you a bit but he would be cautious not to cause you too much trouble. You knocked on his door not expecting him to be ready. To your surprise, you were greeted by a fully dressed Sebastian holding his toothbrush. He gestured to you to come in. You have never been to his hotel room so it a bit personal. You stood in the middle of the room not knowing what to do. Your eyes wandered around the room which looked more neat than you expected - no clothes laying around and only his phone and a half-empty water bottle on his nightstand but the bed looked like a mess and you couldn’t judge him, after all he did wake up less than ten minutes before. The bathroom door was opened so you were able to observe him brushing his teeth. It was a thing he did everyday (even more than once!) yet it felt almost intimate. “Okay, let’s go” he said with a big smile once he finished and held the door for you. You were heading for a team meeting that you were also a part of. Your role there was to take notes that were handed to the driver later. Sebastian couldn’t take his eyes off you, sitting next to him as you wrote something important that he didn’t even hear. He loved to watch you in this state where you were so focused you barely paid attention to anything else. He loved the way you would tuck your hair behind your ear or play with a pen anytime there was something not worth writing down discussed. When the meeting was over you handed him the paper, he didn’t even look at it but the thing that caught his attention was your dress. It wasn’t revealing or stereotypically sexy - little flowers on a navy background, short sleeves and knee length just suited your personality in his mind. “Nice dress” he said, catching you off guard as you were saying your goodbyes. This weekend Sebastian finished P1 getting closer and closer to his next world champion title.
Next weekend was the last weekend before the summer break. Even though you had lost your hope in terms of your emotions towards Sebastian there was a little part of you that still wished that he would make some kind of a move. It was Saturday night, you had already showered and got yourself ready to bed. You heard a notification and looked at the screen of your phone. “I’m outside your door. Wanna talk to you. XOXO, Seb :)”. He himself didn’t know why he ended the text like that. He was just nervous and high on adrenaline. The message was followed by three gentle knocks on your door. You let Sebastian in and before you could say anything he grabbed your hands and said “I, I I think I love you. For the past few months you had been my sunshine. You make me happier. I adore everything about you, every single little detail. Please make me an even happier man and let me take you out for dinner. And wear that dress you wore last week."
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hyuckswoman · 3 months
« i’m so stupid to have believed you when you said you would only take a minute  to get ready » your friend hanbin says
the both of you were currently heading towards the gymnasium, actually going to see the basketball match instead of changing your plans last minute like the both of you usually do 
« what can I say? a lady must take her time upon preparing herself » you answer slightly shoving your friend as yes, technically he did have every right to complain but he had been doing so for the past half an hour. 
« lady my ass, you still look just as ugly » your friend says as you gasp and before you could even respond, somebody had beat you to it 
« y/n is not ugly how dare you say that » your friend jaemin (whom you had not seen) accompanied by his 5 friends greeted you 
« yea listen to jaemin i am not ugly » you retorted as hanbin just rolled his eyes and sighed
« what brings you here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at a game before » jisung asks, curious and lowkey surprised to see you in an athletic vicinity (the man did not think of you as highly athletic you presume)
« some guy tried to ask her out and since she wasn’t down he also asked me to go to the game with her so we’re here now » hanbin replies all too nonchalantly, you’re low key appalled at the twisted version of the events your friend is telling. 
« that is quite literally not what happened, the guy you see over there just told me i should come to the game and invite hanbin too » you reply clarifying 
« sooo, it’s exactly as hanbin described it » mark said. 
you couldn’t have your man think that he has any competition when it comes to you (not that he cares anyway, this is very much a one sided relationship and you know it). but still, upon seeing the five other men nod you truly start to wonder if all of them are just collectively stupid because they’re men or if you’re the one that’s being dense 
« OH! you’ll get to meet chenle, he’s been wanting to meet you for awhile- speak of the devil there he is! » your friend jaemin starts then waves at a man that is currently running towards all of you 
« you guys actually came -» chenle starts before being cut off by hyuck « yea we did » . while all of the guys sigh and shake their heads you’re snickering as that is 100% a joke you could’ve made yourself, and meeting eyes with your friend hanbin that’s giving you a look that screams ‘this is a joke you could’ve made’ gives you all the reassurance you would need. 
the loud noises erupting from the stadium managed to drown out the voices of the friend group in front of you. it isn’t until you hear your name being said that you realize not only where you are but who you’re with 
« it’s good to meet you, i was feeling left out as i was the only one who hadn’t met you yet. I wish i could speak more but i need to go back to stretch a bit before the match, talk to you after? » chenle asks, to which you only nod before he scurries back to his team
that’s right, chenle IS a basketball player of course his friends would be there.. 
« cmon guys, let’s go sit » jeno hurries all of you as he wants to get good seats before ‘the fangirls arrive’ (you secretly thank god the man doesn’t know about your little mark obsession seeing how he feels towards the basketball groupies)
« dude what if during the game a basketball comes flying to your head and your man catches it going like ‘you alright’ tryna rizz you up just like the meme you posted on twitter yesterday » hanbin whispers, still all too loudly for your liking tho 
« i beg of you to shut the fuck up the man is quite literally three people away from you » you whisper back slightly pinching his arm as he winces in pain.
 you can’t have mark know about your delusions. ever. 
and even though the seating system (hanbin, you, jaemin, jisung, mark, haechan and jeno) would make it difficult for mark to hear the whispers you share about him you don’t want to take any chances. you are practically surrounded by his friends after all. 
and two hours later the match was done, chenle’s team winning of course and you were heading out when the guys stopped both you and hanbin 
« we’re going to celebrate, not sure how yet but you guys wanna join? » jeno asks and hanbin agrees without even caring if you wanted to join them or not. when confronting him the only thing he replied was «what? we’ll probably get free food or drinks outta this, you should thank me ». the audacity of a bitch. 
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25. the game
previous chapter masterlist next chapter
notes: i'm back with another (written chapter) hope you guys don't mind the written bits cause there are more coming lol (also sorry to user @jising-jisang-jisung i really tried to make mark say it but i couldn't so.. sorry)
also to the anon that requested the jaehyun or huyk fic i am working on that i'm sorry to be so slow i'll try to publish it asap!
as always, requests/reaction/anything are open and appreciated!! hope you guys have/had a lovely day!
taglist (open): @imsiriuslyreal @iscocohere @simpforarmihn @replayenthusiast @lovm4rk @youreintheclubb @polarisjisung @sour-chaos @jising-jisang-jisung @aerivrs @multifandomania @tiddygang2020 @roseangelxfuma @skepvids @morkiee @yangasm @artstaeh @pussyslayerhd @bacons-thighs @bugcattie @leefullsun @jkslvsnella @alethea-moon @marvelahsobx @haechansbbg
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I love Shakespeare, and I love Hamlet, compound that with the fact that they had Aziraphale and Crowley at the Globe Theater while they were playing Hamlet put me over the moon.
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What I find most amusing, is that both Michael Sheen and David Tennant have both played the part of the Danish prince.
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So we have our favorite angel and demon, meeting at the Globe because of their new "arrangement" to do miracles or temptations that are just plain and simple, a pain in the ass to do, but management wants them to do anyway.
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They also discuss the fact that if either one of their sides knew about the "arrangement" it would be abysmal for them. We know what eventually happens to Crowley later on in the future, when he saves Elspeth from attempting to take her life.
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I think the one thing that is key with this part of their history, is how much concern Aziraphale has started to show for Crowley. Even though he denies ever knowing Crowley, he is nonetheless worried about his wellbeing. These are the early stages of their relationship, with Aziraphale voicing his distress at the possibility of Crowley being destroyed if caught by his superiors.
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During their conversation, Hamlet is playing on stage, and Aziraphale loves this play. Unfortunately, it's not that popular and it concerns him very much. They then have their coin toss to see who get to do the good and bad thing in Edinburgh.
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Poor Aziraphale loses that toss and get stuck having to go there. At this point, Aziphale hears Shakespeare bemoan the fact that no likes Hamlet. This is where Aziraphale gives Crowley the, what has been called, his "heart eyes" looks. I call it the, "oh please my dear, can you do this for me?" look and Crowley just can't say no to him.
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It doesn't even take him a second to agree to his angel's request, so much for putting up a fight. He never has a chance, Crowley already has it bad and doesn't even know it.
I will say, that to me, Crowley fell in love first with Aziraphale. The debate is, when, at Eden or during Job minisode? We can debate that forever, but in the end, he is already in love.
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I adore how happy it makes Aziraphale, when his demon capitulates to his wishes. Look at him, he is beaming with happiness, how can anyone not love him.
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Crowley makes it like, yea, whatever, but you can't tell me he wasn't smiling as he walked away, knowing that he made his angel happy.
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Anyway, I love this whole minisode as I said earlier. It is adorable in their interactions over one of my favorite plays. Plus, Elizabethan Crowley is just gorgeous!
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leclsrc · 9 months
yayyy ok thot time
can’t stop thinking ab charles and choking. like guiding his hand to your neck while you’re making out and he’s tentative at first, just resting it there and squeezing slightly, but later that night you do it again while he’s fucking you and you beg him to choke you and he gives in… and he realizesthe way your moans come out with his hand around your neck is sooooo pretty
oh def.... nsfw under the cut!
he tries to hide that he likes it too but it’s hard. it starts out innocently enough too… you’re squirming on his lap because someoneee insisted he could squeeze in a quickie before a meeting and he has to keep you still somehow, so he anchors a hand by your jaw, just close enough that your breath hitches and you freeze a little and he notices. but the meeting happens eventually and he makes up for it later, already smiling and lifting you up to hear you squeal after he budges the hotel room door open.
it’s even harder for him to hide how much he loves watching you struggle to take all of him, which always happens when you haven’t been fucked in a while. it’s thick and stretches you out, and when he’s finally buried all the way in you it always feels like he’s in your stomach, all the way in there. your brows are screwed together, you’re nodding, yea baby i’m good, i’m good, and god you’re precious. you tip your head backward and find his sweaty hand somewhere, guiding it up, up, up—
charles, you whine. his hand flexes where it rests at the base of your throat. you’re extra needy, bucking your hips upward to get more of him, charles. so spaced out you can barely even ask. he’s worked up just watching you go crazy for it, leaning down to bite at your neck. 
what is it? he tests, thrusting into you. a tear rolls down your cheek and he swipes it off with his thumb. tell me, baby.
charles, is all you manage.
want my hand there? he grunts, watches you nod, a pretty whine escaping your swollen lips. ask, baby—ask and i’ll give it to you. you end up asking and asking and charles would sooner die than fail to give and give and give.
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lenoraslament · 3 months
Infatuated (Tom Riddle X y/N Reader)
Part of @thatdammchickennugget Hogmarch challenge. Prompt 5 “amortentia” and “is that why you did that? Back there?
2.8k words Comedy/Angst/Obsessive Romance/Toxic Love
For all my fellow delulus
You have been Tom’s friend for years, waiting patiently for him to notice you. Completely obsessed over him. Finally at a party you spill all your secrets...
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His letters are long elegant strokes, you lick your lips as his fingers move across the page. His dark brows are knitted together over his perfect eyes. The way his lips purse in concentration, makes the breath in your lungs hitch.
Unwittingly you put your thumbnail in your mouth, gnawing softly as you try to resist the urge to launch yourself across the study table and beg him to touch you.
Your eyes are still studying his hands as they write in his notebook. You consider what they may feel like wrapped around your hair, your throat. A thumb dragging across your lips or nestled between your thighs softly stroking your-
“Quite alright Y/N?” his voice is calm, soft so unlike the raging heat inside of you.
“Yes. Quite Riddle” you say with a flustered smile as you quickly snap back to. You turn the page of the potions textbook in front of you.
You dare not meet his gaze, instead you return to the mask you’ve kept around him. Uninterested, bored even. That’s how you managed the rarity of his company.
Most girls threw themselves at him willingly, eagerly. Flirting, sending him love notes, even daring to be forward enough to ask him out. Fools.
He laughed in their face, raising his eyebrow and shaking his head. The attractive outliers would end up in his bed, being politely swept under the rug in the morning.
You however, have outlasted all of them. You, his study partner, his constant companion, his friend. You knew a measured man like Tom Riddle needed to be approached with careful grace and finesse.
Years you had laid in wait. Waiting for him to notice you across the library table, sitting at his side in the great hall. Pining for any crumb of attention he tossed your way, never enough to keep you fed. Only making you hungrier.
Small moments gave you hope. Fingers brushing over passed books, genuine smiles through laughter, once he stopped down to tie your shoe when your hands were full. His finger brushed your ankle, he looked up at you with a grin as you held in a scream.
Now you sit with him at the library, closer than any other conquest has ever gotten. Breathing his air, pretending to listen to him talk about potions theory this week when you’re really trying to count the flecks of green in his eyes.
Regulus, Enzo and Theo approach the table. Your mouth tightens at the intrusion, they give you an amused glance before turning to Tom.
They invite him to a party tomorrow night in the Slytherin common room, he gives a noncommittal answer. They banter back and forth. No one seems to remember that you’re also sitting there.
They laugh and talk about the party from two weekends ago. You watch boiling jealous rage brewing underneath your calm, stoic face.
Especially when Tom mentions a certain blonde Ravenclaw who he hooked up with. You glide your tongue over your teeth as you press your quill into the page indenting down so harshly, the paper splits.
Enzo, one of the kinder boys of the bunch, extends an invitation.
“Oh yea Y/N, if you want to come…you’re welcome to…” he says in such a polite tone, you almost roll your eyes.
You also give a soft “maybe”, your eyes quickly flicking over Tom’s face trying to read his expression. Does he want you there? Should you go? You try not to stare to long as you dig for some sort of sign in his face. But there is nothing.
Disappointed at his flat affect, you sigh. Too loudly. Fuck. He looks up at you.
“You should come” Tom says with a gentle smile.
“I might” you say as you stare at the textbook instead of him, absolutely mortified at your own behavior.
Theo, Enzo and Regulus leave whispering to each other out of earshot.
“Holy shit why did you invite Y/N!?”
“She’s Tom’s friend”
“More like Tom’s pet. She follows him around like she’s on a leash and she is fucking WEIRD”
They break into laughter, unbeknownst to you. You’re too enthralled in your study session.
“Please?!” You lurch over Pansy’s vanity, her eyes are unsympathetic. She takes an appraising look at your jeans and raggedy sweater.
“No.” She says bluntly,”you’re not used to wearing nice things, you’re going to ruin it.”
You groan and continue to plead your case.
“But I don’t have anything to wear”
She continues to stare at you unimpressed.
“It’s my first party!” You whine and she smirks.
“Why would you think I care?”
She had a fair point. You were hardly even cordial with her much less friendly.
“I’ll do your potions homework. For a week. Two weeks!” You say slamming your hand on her desk desperately.
She sighs loudly and stands up quickly. Her hand plunges into the closet where she retrieves a little black dress. She throws it in your face.
“Three weeks. One stain and I will Crucio you.” She snaps as she sits back down fixing her eyeliner.
The hot singe of your curling iron bit your finger and you suck on the sear mark. Damnit. You were near close to giving up but you looked in the mirror.
You looked…good. You managed to do a decent smoky eye with some lip gloss. You only had three curls left to make after burning your hand about a dozen times. Pansy’s dress fit you like a dream. The only thing that ruined your look was your low conservative heels. They were all you had. You really weren’t much of a going out sort of girl.
You make your way to the common room, the fingers of green neon light are reaching into the hall. The music vibrates under your feet, as you enter the common room you swear you’re transported into another planet.
Your classmates are spilled out all over the common room. Taking shots, laughing loudly, swaying to the music, bodies pressing closely together. You feel like you recognize everyone and no one.
Suddenly you’re overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people and activity. You feel small and alone. Am I experiencing ego death? You wonder but then a familiar voice makes jump.
“Well if it isn’t my big brother’s little stalker.” Mattheo’s voice crept up on you, your eyes widened as you looked around him to make sure that Tom wasn’t nearby.
“Quiet Mattheo” you snap as he gives you a wicked grin.
“You never come to parties,” he says ignoring your ourburst,”You look pretty hot….hoping to play interference?” He teases as your cheeks burn.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you lie,”I come to parties all the time”.
“Mhm”he grins watching your face.
“Oh look there’s Tom now” he says gesturing with his chin. You flip around quickly surveying the crowd.
Mattheo bursts into laughter,”You are so easy to fuck with”.
You turn back to him and smack his arm as he dies of laughter.
“Come on crazy,” he says with a chuckle,”let’s get you a drink so you can mellow out”.
He tugs your arm through the crowd and you reluctantly follow.
He hands you some punch that is actually delicious. You quickly finish your first cup and then two more. Anxiously sipping as Mattheo talks to you, not that you’re listening at all. Back and forth your eyes begin to hurt from squinting into the dimness of the party; hunting for Tom. You’ve never been this drunk before and you can feel your edges dissolving.
Finally you spot him, some girl a grade below you leans on wall. His forearm is pressed above her head as he leans over her, flirting. His hand brushes some hair out of her face. You’re not used to seeing him like this. Your stomach smolders in pain, for a moment you worry you’re having a heart attack. You can feel it splitting in your chest.
Mattheo’s hand presses into the small of your back, it’s the first sensation to register outside of the despair. You gasp and he gives you a funny look handing you your fourth cup of punch. You don’t even taste it, only tip your head back chugging while Mattheo stares at you in disbelief.
“You okay Y/N?” He leans over to you but you slap the empty cup against his chest handing it to him wordlessly. He takes it and tries in vain to stop you as you start walking towards where Tom and that usurper are standing.
“Hiii,” you say loudly as they both look at you, Tom with surprise and amusement. Her with horror and disgust.
“Hey Y/N, wow look at you…” Tom says raising his eyebrows , “Are you having fun?”
“Sooo much fun,” you slur batting your eyelashes. An awkward silence that you don’t pick up on ensues. You only grin dizzily” Tom. Can I talk to you?”
The girl looks perturbed at your intrusion, but Tom leans and whispers something in her ear making her smile.
He leads you to a corner of the party, the music dulled just enough so you don’t have to yell. The room spins a little but you focus on his eyes, his gorgeous eyes. Then his mouth and jaw. You sigh as the room spins again and it hits you all of a sudden that you’re talking. You’ve been talking this whole time. Your words collide, you have no idea what you have been rambling about. Tom nods patiently at you.
“So any way, I think that’s why we should be together” you finish knowing in your heart you must have made perfect sense. Because Tom Riddle is smiling.
His eyes are unreadable but his mouth is a grin.
That’s answer enough for you. You launch yourself forward, pressing your lips onto his. You can taste the fire whiskey on his mouth and you let out a soft moan as he catches you. Ten seconds of pure heaven before his hands on your shoulder pull you back gently.
He leads you to a chair and sits you down, stooping so he can meet you eye level.
“Wait here okay?” He asks his voice garbled. You nod with a slovenly smile
“Okay...I love you!” You yell after him loudly and he only chuckles and disappears.
To your dismay, it’s Mattheo who comes over to you a few minutes later.
“Alright cuckoo bird, time for bed” he says balancing a cigarette in his mouth as he pulls you up. His hands snakes around your waist.
“Where’s Tom?” You whine as he helps you out of the party. Your feet tripping over your heels.
“He wanted me to make sure you go to bed,” he mumbles as he tries to steady you.
“Awww he really cares,” you sigh dreamily. Mattheo rolls his eyes and leads you to your dorm. Halfway there he gives up on you balancing and throws you over his shoulder. Mattheo unlocks your door as he hums in agreement to your psycho babbles about his brother. He drops you on the bed and unbuckles the straps of your heels as you barely sit up sleepily.
“You okay?” He asks but you only curl onto your bed falling asleep. He sighs and turns the light off leaving back to the party.
No. No. NO! You sit up, stupid party dress still on. Your head pounding. No hangover can come close to the whirlwind of shame that pushed your head back into the pillow. You wanted to cry but nothing would come out but a muffled scream.
“Shut up!” you hear your roommates complain as you pulled the blanket over your head.
You wait an hour but the world refuses to crumble around you. So you reluctantly sit up and go shower. You finally cry in there.
Everything is ruined.
Could you play it off?
No. Stupid girl. You literally told him you loved him. You sob into your hand. Oh the inhumanity.
You dress and comb your wet hair. You can’t even make eye contact with the mirror.
As if you hadn’t suffered enough, you bump into a very freshly showered Mattheo in the hall outside of the bathroooms. He’s only wearing a towel around his waist, when he sees you his grin is devilish.
“There’s the little lush,”he said putting his tongue between his teeth.
You scrunch your nose at him,”Oh go put some clothes on. No one wants to see that.”
He may have water dripping from his curls, cascading down his impressively cut chest and abs, but you hate him. For the simple fact that he is not Tom.
“Oh am I happy to see you,” he teased leaning on the wall next to you,”so tell me, when you shamelessly admitted your love to Tom last night. Did you show him his name scribbled all over your notebook? Or did you wear the sweater you knitted out of his hair?”.
Your face crumpled into rage,”oh screw you Mattheo”.
You sigh when you wonder how bad it was, you don’t remember every thing you said. Although Mattheo is only joking, you know you do have a notebook with “y/n riddle <3” written on it from third year.
Mattheo bites his lip as he suppresses a chuckle,”Well, if you’re ready to go plan your wedding; he’s sitting in the common room right now”.
It takes 64 steps to walk from the bathroom to the common room. You know this because you have doubled back twice trying to build up the courage to finally see Tom. You can hear his quiet words muddled by the loud laughter of Enzo and Theo. Suddenly you feel a someone nudge you.
Regulus and now dressed Mattheo walk past you. Mattheo tosses you a wink as he speaks up.
“Hey look who I found!” He says loudly as he walks in the common room. You hiss for him to shut up as you follow him in.
Your face is already burning as you feel all their eyes fall on you. Okay….none of their eyes fall on you. Especially not Tom’s, his are pinned to Theo and Enzo who are discussing something intensely.
“Did you hear? What happened last night? So fucking crazy man” Theo says to Regulus and Mattheo.
Regulus sits on the arm of a chair,”nah what?”
“Someone handed out amortentia candies!” Enzo said laughing.
“Huh..really?” Mattheo said suspiciously. He looked over to you with an evil grin,”speaking of love…”
You cut him off, “Armortentia candies really?!” You say a little too loudly.
Enzo’s smile turns into a smirk,”Oh yea…chocolates. They were a rogue batch, it intensified love for the first person you saw”.
You don’t know what to say, your mouth hangs open and then shuts.
Tom turned towards you with a look of shocked realization,”Is that why you did that? Back there…”
You stand slack jawed, the idea rippling through your mind like heavens gate opening.
Tom only raises his brow at your silence,”at the party?”
“Yes!” you say eagerly feeling the weight of the world lifting off of your shoulders.
“I did have some chocolates at the party,”You continue and ignore Mattheo chewing on his tongue in the corner, squinting his eyes at you suspiciously.
You take a couple step towards where Tom stood next to Theo,” I must have um, yes and you were the first person…I saw ” you said trying not to blather on as the pieces of your lie came together.
He gives you a curious glance as if trying to read your expression.
You sheepishly shrug,”Gosh I am so humiliated”.
Is he falling for it? You can’t tell, your eyes peer into his searching.
Tom only put a friendly hand on your shoulder, “Forget about it” he said gently.
You nodded with a grateful smile,”Thanks Tom”.
“I was going to the library, care to join?” He asked removing his hand leaving you wanting as usual.
“Yes…let me get my books from my room,” you say. What luck. You can’t believe how close you were to ruining every thing. Fate itself must have made those Amortentia chocolates.
What you didn’t know is that Tom was watching you as you walked away. He knows perfectly well you didn’t eat any amortentia chocolates because there never were any. He started the rumor last night before he left the party.
Tom quite enjoys the little game you’ve been playing. He realized early on just how in love you were with him. At the same time he realized you couldn’t recognize when someone was using legilimency on you.
He loved to listen to the infatuated rantings in your head as he sat in the library with you, your mouth twitching as you lusted over him. The cute smile you would get as you strategized on the ways you could get him to notice you.
He remembers the day he bent down to tie your shoe, having to hide his own smile as he listened to the nuclear meltdown you had in your head as he purposefully grazed your ankle. It was so fun.
One day, he supposed, he would finally make a move on you. Sometimes it was hard to resist, as he listened to all the dirty thoughts spewing in your brain in the middle of class Iike his own personalized erotica. Last night at the party you finally snapped so he had to come up with the perfect excuse for your silly behavior. It wasn’t time for that yet.
Yes, one day he would finally take advantage of the crazy crush you’ve harbored for years. But not any time soon. He was too busy enjoying your quiet devotion, your obsession. No, Tom was not near ready to let that go.
(Hehehee I never intended this to be more than a TMR one shot but I’m getting interested in exploring Mattheo’s relationship with Y/N in this fic 👀 any interest?)
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ilwonuu · 4 months
Hi. Can I please request a jeno and noona/older woman - wherein he surprises her how good he is in bed. Overstimulation/dom jeno is hot too. 😊
um YES. this man is ROTTING MY BRAIN SO BAD. I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH!!! thank you for ur request!!!! i hope you enjoy😇😇
ˑ  𖥻 ִ ۫  ּshow me. l.jeno
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summary- the boy you’ve been seeing surprises you with a couple things when you come over to his house for the first time.
warnings- kinda quick paced (as always), unprotected sex, creampie(duh), overstimulation, fingering, mirror sex, multiple orgasms, kissing, dom!jeno sub!reader, dirty talk (mostly jeno), pet names (baby, pretty, love) jeno is called baby , cum eating, lmk if i missed something
authors note- sorry if the age gap wasnt what you wanted i kinda just did something random so lmk if you want me to change it anon!! 💖happy hoeing (i need him)
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you and jeno have been dating for a few months now. you meeting him through one of your mutual work friends. he was a little bit younger than you. your friend mark always joking about you being a cougar.
jeno was being 22 and you being 29… you don’t mind jenos age because he has always acted mature. he was a responsible man for his age. you really liked him. he had invited you over to sleep at his house since you both are free from work that day.
you have never been to jeno’s apartment. you two always agreeing to spend time at your house. you were excited to see his house for the first time. getting ready to go excitedly.
you quickly make your way over to the address he gave you after getting ready. making your way to his apartment door knocking slightly. he opens his door shortly smiling as soon as he saw you. “hi beautiful.” he says pulling you into his apartment. “hi baby.” you smile at him as you look around at his space.
“damn! it’s nice in here.” you laugh slightly feeling him pull you close to him. “thank you love.” he smiles at you before grabbing your jacket and bag from you. “i cleaned before you got here. i was making sure it was perfect for you.” he sets your things down pulling you towards his room. “okay this is my room. you want to watch something?” he sits down on his bed, you slowly joining him after. “yea baby we can watch something.” he pulls you closer to cuddle into him. “or we could do something else.” he says with a innocent face. “and what is that?” he face shifted into a smirk so quickly.
“i can make you feel good.” he pulls your legs over his lap. “oh really?” he nods quickly. “if you’d let me.” he smiles at you. “yea…show me.” he kisses your lips quickly pulling your pants down. he runs his fingers over your clothed pussy slowly. he grabs you to shift you both so you are now facing the mirror on the wall from the bed.
“gonna watch me finger this sweet pussy okay?” he pulls you into a rough kiss. “yes-“ you nod quickly at him through the mirror. he rips your panties off ,you never breaking eye contact with him in the mirror. “look at you baby. responding so well?” he smirks at you and your sub state.
you don’t understand how he got you to submit to him so quickly. you’re used to being in control during sex but seeing jeno like this was so-
he interrupts your thoughts as he slides two fingers inside of you. “so fucking wet hm? listen to that. my fingers are sliding right fucking in.” he laughs at you playfully. moving your head so you can see his movements in the mirror better.
“look at you squirming under my touch.” he fucks his fingers deeper into you. watching you in the mirror. “fucking look at me y/n.” he moves your head again so you making eye contact with him in the mirror. “jen- fuck fuck.” he curls his fingers slowly adding another as soon as you try to talk.
“yea? what’s wrong?” he asks mockingly. him not breaking eye contact with you. “feels so f-fucking good.” you manage you moan out.
“yea? you gonna cum pretty?” his thumb immediately going to your clit after his words. “jeno- oh fuck im gonna cum.” you start to wiggle out of his arms. he holds you tightly in place moving his fingers faster. “look at you. you are so fucking gorgeous.” he whispers into your ear. he keeps fucking you with his fingers.
you see stars cumming hard onto his fingers. “yea baby. you are so fucking sexy.” he milks your cum out of your pussy slowly. “you see yourself? so dirty for me.” he smirks at you through the mirror.
“jeno- oh my god.” you gasp feeling his fingers start to fuck into you again. “you can cum again right? let me fuck you with my fingers again before i fuck you on my cock huh?” he looks at you for a response.
you are unable to form a sentence with the pace of this finger. “jen- fuck.” is all you manage to get it out. you moaning at his sweaty body. you’re watching his focused expression on you in the mirror. “you gonna cum already? you’re clenching so tight on my fingers.” he says into your neck while watching your legs try to shut to fight the pleasure.
“keep your legs fucking open.” he grabs your thighs with his other hand forcing your legs open. allowing his fingers to go deeper. “fucking creaming all over. fucking filthy.” he spits at you. you’re moaning uncontrollably at this point. he looks so sexy through your hazy eyes. he hasn’t taken his eyes off you once.
“jeno im c-cumming!” you legs shaking under his grip. “cum for me pretty.” you’re cumming all over his fingers. he murmurs into your neck kissing it softly as his fucks you through your high on his fingers. he watches you with sweetly.
he slowly pulls his fingers out of your cunt. bringing them up to your lips. “suck baby.” he orders you with a stern voice. you open your mouth for his fingers feeling them slowly being pushed into your mouth. “good hm? taste so good always.”
you are shocked at jeno’s behavior. not seeing this side of him until recently. you liked it a lot. maybe too much because you’re already begging jeno to fuck you already. “fuck me please jeno.” you squirm in his arms causing him to laugh at your pathetic state.
“okay. ill give you what you want since you did so well.” his breath against your skin making you shiver. he lifts you up easily turning you over onto your knees. “you’re so wet my love.” he leans into your ear. “keep these legs open okay?” he demands. you nod quickly.
you hear him shifting behind you. he takes off his shirt quickly. pulling off his pants and boxers immediately after. “condom or?” you shake your head no. “please no condom just fuck me jeno please!“ he smirks at you. he rubs his dick gently over your folds teasingly. “so fucking wet hm pretty?” he slides his tip in just to immediately take it out. “f-fuck jeno.” you hear a deep groan come from him as he shifts again behind you causing you to look behind you confused. “just let me have a little taste.” his head moving in between your legs. you feel him lick a thick stripe up your slit. you push your ass back into his tongue.
he sucks on your clit roughly. then he suddenly pulls away. “i need to be inside you right now fuck.” he moves back up to line his dick up with your pussy. he pushes his dick in quickly. immediately fucking you into the mattress. “so fucking t-tight.” his hips already speeding up. “je-jeno fuck.” you feel him grab your hair pulling you back against his chest. him now fucking you at a deeper angle. “so fucking good.” you moan out. “yea baby? haven’t been fucked this good before?” he suddenly remembers the mirror turning you to look at yourself in the mirror.
“look at this. my dirty girl.” you try to keep your eyes open. “gonna cum inside this perfect cunt hm?” he grips your hip tightly watching you closely in the mirror. “jen-i can’t too much-“ you say through tears. jeno is fucking you so good you are sobbing at this point. “i know you can take it.” he smiles at you innocently. you moan in response. “you are so fucking sexy im gonna cum.” he moans into your neck.
“im cumming jeno!” you see his pleasured face causing you to immediately cum. “f-fuckk baby.” you watch him fuck his cum into you slowly. your cum mixing with his inside you. it slowly oozing out of your pussy when he pulls out. your knees finally giving up on you. “oh my god.” you breathe out looking back at your boyfriend. “you okay?” he laughs quietly. you nod in response. “i haven’t came that hard before.” you laugh closing your legs. “yea? im glad it was good baby.” he smiles at you.
“give me a kiss.” he lays next to you suddenly giving you a quick kiss. “you have any more surprises?” he nods his head. “what really jeno?” you chuckle at his expression. “we’re gonna go to dinner so get ready!” he says slightly shouting it. “if i can walk.” you add. “ill help you baby.” he smiles kissing your head before getting up with you to get ready for the sudden dinner.
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theanimekid · 1 year
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Steamy Sensation
Samuel seo x Fem reader
Summary: Your boss has been wanting you since you came into his building, when he finally heard that your now single. He makes his first move.
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Warnings🖤: Smut, 18+, begging, teasing, impact kink, praise, kink shower sex, size kink, spanking, rough sex, dirty talk, choking/ breathplay, degradation, dacryphilia, a bit of cheating?
A/n: I put my mind into something and I took it.
You didn’t know... you couldn’t have known... that the events that had this situation... would have come to this.
it was just another day at the One MCN, you walked in almost late because you were having the time of your life with your best friend. You stumbled your way into your office and shutterbug the door. Breathing the sigh of relief, you felt your body sinking into your feet. Another second and my ass would’ve been done for.
You adjusted your bodycon knee high long sleeve black silk dress. With the v-neck collar showing off your bare chest, you sat down on your chair with the file of finished paperwork in front of you. Looks like someone managed to finish them on my behalf, you thought as a small smile spread from cheek to cheek. As you skimmed through the first file with your working glasses on. The knock on the door can be heard from your ears, you raised your heard to meet one of your coworkers leaning on the door with two cups of coffee in hand. “ I did some of the files for you, if that’s alright,” he said with a smile as he walked over to your desk and placed the coffee on it. You thanked him for being a lifesaver, as you grabbed the coffee, And drank from the cup with two of your hands. The small fingers grazing the rim of the cup when you placed back on your desk, your eyes never leaving s you stared at the brown substance. The male coworker noticed your actions, feeling rather curious of what the secretary is thinking about. He placed his hand on your shoulder, “is everything okay?” He asked. You woke from your trance, looking back at him.
“ Oh-um yes, yes I’m fine... Just thinking...”
“about him?”
You sighed again. “ Yea... I am.” “Hey, you shouldn’t not be with a guy like him, he’ll just make your life as miserable than the last.” He spoke with visible concern, your boyfriend has been sleeping around with other women for the past two years. Straight. And every time the two of you argued, he’ll try to pathetically apologized and say that he’ll change. And being the innocent and responsible person, you poorly forgave him. But it wasn’t the last time you ever see him again. Because recently, he still thinks that you and him are still together, even after you the two of you broke up. You thought that going’s to the club with your friends would ease the the scary feeling, but somehow it finds a way back to you like a spider crawling up the drain. You turned your attention to the glass wall staring at the city. “ I know but... I still think he’s out there. Waiting.” The loud cough drew you both towards their boss standing tall and unpleased. “You were supposed to be in my office 10 minutes ago, y/n.” You quickly rose from your seat and bowed, and your co worker did the same. “Yes sir, sorry sir.” You said as you grabbed the paperwork and walked towards your door, Samuel held the door open as you walked past him, he turned to see his employee smile nervously. Your boss followed behind you to his office, the elevator door closed shut behind you as he was the last to exit. He went over his large chair and held out his hand for today’s paperwork. You appear, and placed the files in his hand, and in return, he gave you a new file to look over. As the usual, you sat on the couch looking over the file with your legs crossed. You were the only one that enter his office since one, you are his secretary.
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Your boss was on the phone, scheduling yet another meeting for you and him to plan, you looked through today’s numbers with the streamers, (that have not been held against their will), has sky rocked once again. You readjusted your glass as you highlighted the last sentence. You paced the file on his desk before heading to the elevator. “ y/n, are you available tonight?” He asked suddenly. You stopped at the elevator door and turned shyly, “ Um.. what?”. He chuckled, your boss stood up from his chair and walked in front of his desk and leaned on it, giving you his signature normal glance. “ I asked you, are you free for tonight?” He tone the same, firm and so damn sexy. “ Is there’s a reason you asked me that sir?” You questioned back as you felt your face tensed up, a small tint on your cheeks as you adjusted one of your big braids. “ I... want to discuss our next meeting in two weeks by now.” You felt your whole went silent and you grumbled. Damn it, it was too good to be true. You thought but you didn’t want to show it. You politely shook your head no. He hummed, “ good, if you did it would be a problem,” “Excuse me?” “ uh... nothing. You can take your leave now, and by the way, you do know you can address me by my first name.” He interrupted. You blinked twice before shaking your head. “Oh, right si- I mean Samuel,” You stuttered as you pressed the elevator button and it closed. The last thing you saw was your boss staring back at you with a tiny smile on his face.
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It was already night time since the last time you looked at your window. The city glow like the stars in the night, you stretched in your chair, mumbling under your breath as you rises from you seat. You stepped out of your office and stares at the clock a you walked past, it’s almost 9, you sighed. You ever the security guard good night before seeing the rain drops fall on the street. You facepalmed to yourself, “ Can this day get any worse?” You mumbled to yourself as the rain got heavier. The lightning flashed before your eyes scaring you, backing up from the front door, you felt what you think that was a large wall was only your boss in one of his expensive suits. And the umbrella in one hand, “ for someone’s who was even my secretary, check the weather.” You sighed annoyingly, “ and even my boss, should loosen up once in a while.” You replied back. Watching the rain for another second, he took you by the hand as the umbrella opened and covered the heavy raindrops, it startled you at first, seeing your boss... acting like a gentleman. You never did try to read his thoughts, that’s because he’s impossible to read, let alone, impossible to have a conversation with. The engine turned as the car drove off, you sat in the front seat as Samuel as his hands on the wheel, the veins poking out of his knuckles, you couldn’t help but stare at them. So meaty and huge, he’ll possibly wrap his hand around your throat and you’ll wear it like a necklace. Makes you wonder, if his fingers are like that then what about the...
The car screeched as you looked ahead of you, your face now turning horrified as you saw the man in front of the car, your ex carrying a knife in his hand. The black hoodie covered his head. He felt your expression without even looking at you, “ Wait, here” he said before getting out of the car and walking slowly to your ex, you couldn’t tell what they were talking about but then your ex threw the first strike, Samuel dodged it and have him a mean right hook to the face. You stared at them, the skin fading off his body? No it’s makeup some kind, hiding the inked tattoo on his knuckles, his hair was messy and off to the side of his face. Making him even more attractive. This weird feeling was introduced between your thighs as they were rubbing together on their own. Your breathing hitched, your face feels flushed, that was weirdly sexy?! In a good way?
He went backwards towards his car before tossing the body off of the street. He closed the door and continued driving. He turned his gaze to see your blushed face looking down at the floor, he smiled teasingly. “Everything alight, princess?” You nodded without looking at him. Too embarrassed to say anything. He turned off the engine, and prepare to leave his car, “ Come on, were here.”
“Here? But this is...”
“Yes, it’s my apartment. You’ll be staying with me till he cools off.”
“ So.. the whole business date...”
“ rescheduled for next weekend.”
He rescheduled it. But how... did he know about...
“Come now, or else you’ll get drenched.” He offered as he opened the car door and held out his hand. You accepted as he lead you into his home.
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Something felt... off about this. You didn’t noticed it until now, how your boss was acting... different around you. The warm sting of he shower sparkling across the body, the skin shining in the bathroom light. Your eyes are closed as a soft thin of smoke came from your mouth as you sighed, you wrapped your arms around your bare chest. Your thighs clenched, rubbing the plump skin. So drowned in your thoughts, you shake off the scene that happened earlier, the markings on his hands, the veins prodding out of his palms, his chest. You imagined in your lushest dreams, his entire body covered in tattoos from head to toe, his fingers digging into your pussy, you screaming out his name, his cock thick as a tree trunk, stretching you out inch by inch, pounding you til you were numb. This happened for weeks if not monthly. But you buried those thoughts during work, i’ll not only make you unprofessional, but also a pervert. But, this time those lewd dreams came back quietly. “samuel... sam... please... t-touch me, sir” You mumbled as you reached your thin fingers into your entrance, massaging the rosebud, you whimper as your climax is at your peak.
Something pulled you by the arm and slammed you against the shower wall. You gasped, the man stood in front of you, his eyes were looking back at you like prey, his display of black ink that covered his body in suits is out in the open. The raindrop like shower spilled on his hair and onto his body, A breath of hot smoke came out of his mouth as he sighed. “I always wondered if virgin girls like you are not as innocent as they say,” he chuckled as his body caged you against the shower wall. “ Turns out, I was right.” He drove two fingers into your wet core, reacting a breathless whimper, his fingers explored every inch of your pussy, stretching. He slowly pulled out and slammed it back in, your eyes closed as your head tilted back. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. “How long have thought about this.. have you thought about me?” He said.
“ F-for months.” You replied as your body was reaching it’s climax, he groaned as felt your cunt clenching around his fingers when he speed up his tempo. Seo half- heartedly laughed, such a needy little whore you are. He looked down to see the mess and on his hand, the slick spread across his fingers as you came. He took the slick substance and licked his fingers cleaned, tasting you. He hummed at the mere thought of breaking his little secretary till you think of no one else but him... no one.
Seo hiked up your legs and wrapped them around his shoulders, his face hovering above your entrance, you felt his hot breath needing at your core. You can’t take this... you need him. “ You smell like a innocent virgin...” He drove his nose in your wet heat, he licked your essence off your pussy, “ But you taste like a slut, i bet your little ex never made you feel this way before, hadn’t he?” You shook your head, he dove his tongue into your pussy, tasting every corner of your wet heat, the sound of your moans echoed, your body felt hot, the steam flowed out of your mouth. His iron grip on your thighs held you in place. It’s too much... the feeling your climax.
He can feel you’re thighs clenched around his face, he gave a slap on your inner thigh, you squeaked, He stared at you with his dark hues of list in his eyes and his voice demanded, “ Come on my face or you won’t get to cum at all.” You scream, your fluids spasms on his face as you came, the intense orgasm has you melting. Seo suck off as much as can. Slurping your filthy cunt, he still remained eye contact watching you withering, submerging into pleasure. He stood up and kissed you deeply and passionately, tasting yourself in his mouth. You pulled away, letting yourself breathe, Samuel wrapped your legs around his waist.
“I wanted you since the day you walked into my office,” he admitted, with a wicked smile on his face. He took his free hand and grabbed the cockhead, slowly grazing a tree your wet folds, “ I wanted to pound that pretty pussy til it can only fit me.” he grunted ass push ed the tip into you. Pulling out sweet choked out moans, each inch felt like he was splitting you in half. “N-N-no it’s too much, y-you won’t fit.” He shushed your whines, “it’s okay, just a little more.” you nodded hesitantly, leaning you’re head on the back of the wall, Seo buried his face intonations the crook of your neck as his cock continued to stretch your insides, the feeling of being split into the woods. It only a matter of moments till he bottomed out. Your mouth gaped to the feeling of his entire manhood plunged inside of you. He started to move, bringing he cannot ice out and slamming it back in, the sound flesh against flesh, your loud screams and moans mirrored the bathroom. Bouncing against wall, a string of curses and shallow grunts can be heard from him and end of his thrusts upped the tempo. Your body felt ruined against him, limping, his iron hand came to hugged your chin and force to look at him while he completely destroyed your insides. You felt a unfamiliar coil in your tummy. “Nhnn-mm- Sam-uel, f-f-fuck i’m gonna c-cum, gonna-.”
“Cum for me, my little cocksleeve, show me how you much want this dick.” You moaned, arching your back forward his chest and he took one of the breast and feasted like it was a last meal. HmYour slick coated husband hard member as he continues to thrust into your poor abused pussy. His voice was a mixture of grunts and groans vocalizing. His thrusts starts to lose their rhythm. It won’t ben long till he comes into your cunt. Your body is so tired, why isn’t he tapping out?
Samuel thrusted like there was no tomorrow, til he emptied himself into you. Filling every last inch into your pussy. The rainfall of the shower filled the silence between the two of you. He kissed herb ire marks on your tender skin. Your body ached, bruised, and fucked out of existence. The weight of your eyes felt heavily on you. The shower stopped and he carried you out of the shower. Your head cuddle fat his neck, sighing as slumber is soon to take you. Samuel sighed, “ And who said we were done? We still have another round to make you mine.”
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coconutdays · 2 years
Computer Science major! Eren
s. part two! to this original post
w. fem! reader , eren jeager! x reader , fluff! smut! ( im a degenerate i know) im not a full on smut writer its just for the plot T^T
Computer Science major! Eren whose half lidded eyes grow wide and almost spits out his boba when you ask, "is this a date?" on your walk to the art exhibit.
"if...you want it to be." he side eyes you nervously
your mood shifts for a quick second and Eren panics at the change when you say, "doesn't really seem like you want it to be one with a response like that."
Computer Science major! Eren who almost drops his drink to quickly defend himself, "it's a date! it's a date!"
"that's more like it." you nod, cheeks puffing when you take a sip from your boba
Computer Science major! Eren who scrunches his nose in distate when you comment, "to be honest you always intimidated me cause you look like you hate everyone."
"yea the whole zero hours of sleep and always having your airpods in." you giggle
coincidentally he looks even more tired when he raises a finger to say, "okay i get like three hours of sleep."
"which is still bad." you tut, lightly shoving him to make a point
Computer Science major! Eren who shrugs, "i don't mind it. coffee exists."
"so do statistically shorter life spans."
"okay maybe getting like five now sounds nice."
Computer Science major! Eren who trips on his feet when you ask him to take pictures of you with certain paintings you liked. you looked painfully beautiful posing and smiling for him, and he instantly asks you for your number after the fourth painting
"and could you send the pictures i took to me." he adds quietly
"oh. okay." you blush, averting your gaze.
Computer Science major! Eren who you've noticed has tried his best to not touch you the entirety of this date and the observation has you swooning.
Computer Science major! Eren who somehow manages to nick pointer finger on the broken glass on his phone in a rush to take a picture of a cool car that was passing by on the way to drop you off to your dorm.
Computer Science major! Eren who's insisting he doesn't need a bandage when you try rushing him into your dorm at the sight of his very bloody finger.
"no i don't wanna make you uncomfortable in there. it's fine. besides, your rooma-"
"she's out of town at a tennis meet. now let's go inside, you're bleeding like crazy." you drag him inside, noting that the building is hotter than usual and a paper on the common room bulletin board says that the A.C. is getting fixed tomorrow morning.
Computer Science major! Eren who's now sitting on your bed, watching as you take out a first aid kit out from under your bed.
"fuck, it's really hot in here." he says, a rustle of clothes being heard as you get back up and-
Computer Science major! Eren who took his hoodie off and apparently seems to have a centipede tattoo wrapping around his right arm, dissappearing into his short sleeve.
"i didn't know you had a tattoo." you say softly, trying to mask your flushed state at the sight of it while you rummage through the first aid kit for rubbing alcohol and a bandage.
"i got it last year." he says while you take his hand in yours to wipe down his finger.
Computer Science major! Eren who hisses an 'ow' at the sting of the rubbing alcohol and eyes you fondly when you murmur a 'sorry'
Computer Science major! Eren who notes you're basically standing in between his legs, your cleavage right smack in front of his face as you concentrate on placing his bandage on right.
Computer Science major! Eren who touches you without a thought by placing the hand of his tattoo clad arm on your back while you play his nurse.
"you really need to get more sleep." you breathe as you stand up straight and try to avoid his gaze.
"you have sex eyes, like the high on sativa sex eyes." you say in a scold, crumpling the used first aid supplies in your hands.
"you don't like it?"
the shift in his energy becomes quite noticeable and it makes you try to bully him.
"what happened to how emberassed you were when you said good girl?" you squint your eyes at him
Computer Science major! Eren whose cheeks flush at the mention of his mistake earlier during day but nonetheless his eyes are still hazy as he looks up at you.
"it slipped my mouth by accident" he rasps, "and i didn't know if you were into me or not."
you lovingly placed your arms around his shoulders, hooking them behind his neck, "well, now you know so you won't be emberassed when it slips out next time."
"next time?" he raises up his eyebrows in interest
"oh i shouldn't say something like that if we're not official." you comment at the realization that a next time isn't set in stone yet.
Computer Science major! Eren who now has both of his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him.
"wanna make it?"
"HUH. but we just met like last week!"
Computer Science major! Eren who cocks his head to the side in a 'really?' way
"doesn't mean i haven't been crushing on you since the semester began." he deadpans, undereyes growing prominent. it was true. and you as well had been crushing on him since the semester began.
"oh." you trail off, feeling your skin grow hot
"i think talking stages are stupid." he shrugs from below you, "if you wanna be exclusive with me just be my girlfriend. so what do you say?"
Computer Science major! Eren whose dumb fucking eyes make you squirm in place as you nod an almost shy 'yes.'
Computer Science major! Eren who gives you a handsomely stupid toothy smile in return.
"great. now i have a reason to chase away Kirstein from you."
"what!? the guy who sits behind you in class?!"
"we're friends, but he thinks you're hot. pisses me off."
you giggle, "and you don't think i am?"
Computer Science major! Eren who pulls you closer to him, "of course i fucking do dumbass."
"you're a mean boyfriend."
Computer Science major! Eren who relishes in the term coming out of your mouth for him, leaning closer to you, "yeah?"
"yeah." you nod
"i can show you mean." he grins, yanking your legs up and placing you on his lap.
Computer Science major! Eren who licks his lips when you try to distract him from the tension adamantly, "i haven't even kissed you yet so i don't know what you mean!"
Computer Science major! Eren who nuzzles his head into your neck, near your ear and breathing, "let me kiss you then."
"eren, i can feel your hard on." you point out nervously
"nothing new." he murmurs, "don't worry about it, i'll do something about it when i get to my place."
"or i could." you trail off
Computer Science major! Eren who starts kissing your neck as he a mutters, " 's all yours to play with then pretty girl, just let me play with you."
Computer Science major! Eren who groans when you guide his hand under your skirt and start unbuckling his belt, letting out a 'fuck' when he feels your hands on his dick to pull him out.
"you're really big." you sigh, squirming when you feel him drag teasing fingers along your panties.
"that's the point." he trails across your jaw, "you'll look cuter with it stuffing your pussy."
Computer Science major! Eren who smiles cockily at the whimper you let out, but it falls apart the moment you spit onto his cock and start thumbing at his tip.
Computer Science major! Eren whose lips are now less than a molecule of air close to yours, begging, "let me kiss you while i play with your pussy baby."
Computer Science major! Eren who rubs your slick all over your slit the moment you needily push your lips onto his, struggling to maintain your composure as you start stroking him.
Computer Science major! Eren who's panting at your touch in unison with you as you whine and moan with his fingers plunging in and out of you.
"im-im close!" you start shaking, unable to keep moving your hands along his girth at the immensily intensifying feeling in your stomach.
"already?" he comments condescendingly, taking the time to lean back and view your fucked out face.
"mhm! mhm!"
Computer Science major! Eren who uses his other hand to rub your clit while the other keeps hitting the one spot that has you grabbing at his shirt harshly.
"come on baby. cum for me."
"look at me. let me see your face when you cum so i can fuck my hand to it later."
Computer Science major! Eren who kisses you through your orgasm, lazily rubbing your clit as you come down from the high and marveling in the sight of you like this.
"i didn't make you cum." you breathe, feeling bad and reaching a hand out to touch him
" 's fine." he moves your hand away and tucks himself back into his pants, "just think of it as something you'll have to repay later."
"you sure ?"
"yeah. don't worry i'll get you back for it."
"oh." you blush
Computer Science major! Eren who's now hugging you close to him, staring at you when it suddenly looks like you've remembered something.
you look at the clock and start panicking, "oh my god it's so late."
"what's wrong about that?"
"you can't go home that late. i'm sorry. you can sleep here if you want."
Computer Science major! Eren who had plans to relieve himself when he got back home doesn't deny your offer, but does ask to use your shower.
"just let me use the shower cutie, i'm gonna go crazy with this hard on." he groans painfully as he stands up
Computer Science major! Eren who comes back from his shower, grateful he chose to wear sweatpants this morning, and lets you bandage his finger again since it got wet in the shower.
Computer Science major! Eren who complies when you say you want to watch ratatouille and is now hugging you as you both watch a very skilled rat make french cuisine.
"wanna be partners for the poly sci group presentation?"
"oh! yea!"
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theeoriginals · 1 year
soft touches
summary: after a rough night, joel miller proves that he is soft in his own way
pairing: joel miller x f!reader (no use of y/n)
a/n: absolutely no one asked for this but here i am, pining over a man that's old enough to be my father. also yea i think we all saw the joel/tess scene in the first episode and went a little insane
warnings: mentions of violence, tlou spoilers (i guess ?), i have not played the game so this is purely based off of the show. angst, but mostly just yearning and soft thoughts mentions of tess, but this kind of exists outside of canon so it doesn't really matter
It was supposed to just be a simple trade, but lately, everyone in the QZ has been on edge. It's not all that surprising that they try to ambush her, but after living this life for so long, she's never unprepared.
Even with her over preparedness, she doesn't manage to get out of the fight scrape-free, and she almost dreads going home for a second before she sucks it up and begins the trek through the abandoned buildings and dank alleyways. It's dark now, luckily, and it had rained until the sun went down, so her boots are practically caked in mud when she finally reaches her building.
Like every time she makes it back safely, in mostly one piece, she spares a silent thanks to whoever's listening that kept her from getting busted by a FEDRA agent. For the most part, they knew who she was because of Joel, and they left her alone in fear of him cutting their supply off, but there was always a straggler that wanted to prove a point. Even after 20 years of this, FEDRA agents still tried to pull ridiculous power plays.
She uses the edge of a stair to scrape a majority of the mud off of her boots before she stomps her way up to the old apartment, announcing her presence to the man most likely waiting up for her.
There's little fanfare when she opens the door and forces her boots off her feet, and the dim light provided by the lanterns and candles cast shadows over her face until she stands upright.
Unconciously, a smile pulls at her lips when she sees the familiar face sitting before her, and she sees the barest hints of relief on his face up until he sees the dried blood on the corner of her mouth, and the bruise already forming beneath her eye.
He barely lets her get his name out before he's in front of her, hands gently turning her face to examine the extent of the damage. "What happened?"
She sighs, attempting to shake him off. "Joel, I'm fine,"
"You don't look fine,"
"Oh, thank you," She huffs. "You really know how to flatter a girl."
Joel gives her a deadpan look, entirely unamused at her sarcasm. Heaving another sigh, she brings a hand to cover his where it lays on the curve of her jaw. "Tell me what happened."
"I went to go meet the guy like I told you, and he tried to get away with everything. I guess he thought I was just some messenger, so he tried to rough me up. Obviously it didn't work, because I'm fine."
"And him?"
"Well, I don't think he'll be leaving that building without some help."
A distant gleam of humor glimmers in Joel's honey-colored eyes, but his relief of her wellbeing takes over whatever pride he may feel at her handling the situation with what was most likely a show of explosive violence.
Gesturing to one of two chairs at the lopsided kitchen table, he pushes her towards it and she takes a seat, eyes watching as he grabs the bottle of whiskey off the top of the fridge and an old rag that would probably have to be thrown out soon.
He pulls up the other chair in front of her and she scoots forward so her knees slot in between his legs, and Joel mutters something unintelligible as he douses the rag in the whiskey and lifts it to her split lip.
"Might hurt," Is all the warning she gets before he swipes it along the skin and she jerks at the initial touch, eventually settling and letting the faint stinging become a faint sensation in the back of her mind.
When he moves on from her lip, swiping across the dried blood from a scrape on her cheekbone, she looks at him with exhaustion suddenly setting into her bones.
"I got the ration cards, by the way,"
He stops briefly, eyes flicking down to her mouth before he looks back up into her eyes. "What?"
"I didn't let him get away with the ration cards like he tried," She supplies, seeing the words process in his mind.
Joel blinks slowly, pulling away from her slightly before he shakes off whatever thoughts had been running through his mind. "Stubborn girl,"
A smile pulls at her lips and closes her left eye, letting him poke and prod at the swelling with minimal wincing. "It worked out in our favor, though, huh? We'll be eating good for a week straight, baby,"
Joel huffs out a breath, giving her an exasperated look as he finally sets the rag down on the table. "You're lucky it wasn't more than one guy."
"Right, 'cause I'm obviously on my deathbed. I'm a frail, weak little girl who can't fight or–"
"Alright, smartass," He covers her mouth with his hand, cutting her off with a stern look she dutifully ignores. "Next time I'm coming with you."
Pushing his hand off her mouth, she rolls her eyes. "I doubt there will be a next time. Most people don't do business after you break a chair over their back, but you know what? We can certainly try."
"You broke a chair–"
"Who did what isn't important," She stands from the chair, shucking her jacket off as she walks back towards the bed. "What is important is I'm home now, and it's my turn to keep watch, so–"
"Go lay down."
She pauses, jacket sleeves still stuck halfway down her arms as she turns to look at him. "What?"
He points to the old mattress, giving her a look like she was crazy for thinking she would be doing anything else. "Bed."
"Right... but you heard me just now, when I said it was my night to watch the radio?"
He nods slowly, still looking at her like she was stupid. He had a way of doing that, a look that she sometimes thought was just for her, because it wasn't like the other times he looked at people like they were stupid. This one at least had some warmth behind it, but then again, she always thought Joel was warm. Tess had called her delusional more than once, but everyone was a little delusional in their own way, especially in the world they lived in now.
"Yeah," He shrugs, still watching her. "But that was before you came back here looking like you got your ass beat. So now you're going to sleep, and I'll keep watch."
And– he'd kind of just insulted her again, but there was unwavering concern and fondness in his words, so she knew it was useless to try and argue. He was stubborn at the best of times, and completely unbearable at the worst, and she knew that Joel Miller was a man used to getting his way, one way or another.
So, she shrugs her jacket off the rest of the way and practically falls into the bed, her exhaustion catching up with her with the sudden permission to sleep.
Minutes pass in silence as her eyes grow heavier, and in the last moments of consciousness, she hears the creaking floorboards shift under his boots as he walks over to her.
A calloused palm rests on her cheek and she hums lowly, unable to keep her eyes open as she leans into the touch. "Joel,"
"Go to sleep, honey." His voice is low and gravelly, and it's the last thing she hears as she slips into the escape of the dreaming world.
The last thing she feels is the press of his lips on her forehead, and she has the fleeting thought that yes, she may be a little delusional when it came to Joel, but she wasn't that far out of reach with her thoughts. Not when he treated her like she was this soft, breakable thing that deserved nothing but soft touches.
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alcoholfreenayeon · 8 months
What about some Jihyo x actor fem!reader fluff please! Maybe there’s been rumors that the two have been seeing each other for a while after meeting at an event. Pictures of the two taken from a far hanging out and eating at restaurants. Then the reader is in an upcoming major film and one of the premieres is in Seoul and Twice is invited to attend. Just some cute stuff like the two making small gestures like eye contact and smiling at each other across the red carpet or being seen taking photobooth pictures at the after party. Please and thank you hehe :)
AN: sorry for the long wait anon. Hope you like this!
Jihyo x Actor Fem!Reader
Caught in the Act
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It’s always a good day when you are on a date with your lovely girlfriend especially when she’s none other than Park Jihyo herself. Add to that the pleasant weather and the good food that’s about to be served, life doesn’t get much better than this really.
So, how’s your day been darling?, “Jihyo interrupts your thoughts, her cute smile sparking with curiosity.
“Well, you know the initial reaction to the movie as been much better than expected from the critics so I think this might be it, my introduction to the world.” You couldn’t help but feel extremely proud. This was your potential breakthrough after all. You hear your phone go off a few times but ignore it and continue, “Then there’s the premier coming up in a few days and as you would have found out yesterday, Twice are invited!”.
Jihyo smiles sweetly and proudly as she listens to you be so happy. “Yea I got the invitations yesterday, why didn’t you tell me about that before!, she pouts.
“I wanted to surprise you”, you tease, glancing at your phone again as another bunch of notifications pop off.
“Ah well it was a very pleasant surprise!” Jihyo almost squealed. “I’m so happy for you”. She paused for a moment as your notifications went crazy yet again. “Ooohhh, the premier hasn’t even happened and miss y/n has become such a busy star already.” She teased with a wink.
“Ugh I’m so sorry about this”, you say sincerely deciding to check what the issue is, “I don’t know why……oh….no…..”, you mild annoyance slowly turns to dread as you look through your notifications. You’ve been tagged in social media posts, your manager has been messaging you, media agencies have been messaging you, fans have been messaging you with the only common denominator being some pictures. Pictures of you and Jihyo from yesterday, last month and other times when the two of you met recently. Your eyes scanning the same words in all of the messages
Your hands start to shake as you realize the ramifications this could potentially have. Suddenly the relaxing atmosphere of the restaurant felt very tense, the glass walls made you feel exposed and the other people here made you nervous. You felt absolutely terrified, your personal life, your career and your girlfriend’s career were all at stake here. As scared as you were right now, it was important to begin damage control as soon as possible. You look at Jihyo who was resting her head in her hand glancing at you seriously while using her phone presumably waiting for you to be done. She probably knows by now as well since she’d likely have been contacted as well.
Taking a deep breath, you grab her hand and quickly drag her, away from the windows, away from the people to the closest secluded area you could find…which happened to be the bathroom. Pushing Jihyo inside, your close the door, wait a few seconds and peek out to see if anyone saw you two come here.
“We need to hurry, someone might come in”,
You nod in agreement and sigh in relief to see no activity you turn back to Jihyo only to see that she has lifted up her top, her breasts exposed and was in the process of pulling down her pants, her cheeks slightly red and her face full of excitement.
“What the HELL are you doing????”, you ask in astonishment.
“What do you think love”, Jihyo flirts squeezing her tits together with a wink.
“Jeez! That’s not why I brought you here!”, you reply, your cheeks flushing. “Put your clothes back on! Someone might walk in!”
“Ahhn what’s going on with you”, Jihyo protests, feeling confused and a bit disappointed.
“They found out.”, you say grimly. “I’ve been getting a lot of messages and there’s pictures circulating and everyone is talking about a potential scandal and-”
“Whoa whoa, calm down. What are you talking about? People found out?”
“I don’t know how? I’ve been receiving so many messages and….didn’t you see it?”
“I keep my notifications off….”
You show her what you’ve found out and Jihyo looks worried now.
“Im surprised, I thought we were quite careful. Maybe we got a bit sloppy recently but for now…..Ok, I think we go back home for now, talk with our companies and then see if we need to address this publicly”, Jihyo says seriously.
You take a deep breath and nod. You let Jihyo leave first and wait about 10 minutes before you go back as well. You didn’t have the courage to check your phone again and were fearing the worst.
On your way back, you called your manager to ask what was going to happen and were a bit relieved to find out that all mostly speculation but the fact that two of five pictures had captured Jihyo and your face cleanly and it was obvious that it was the two of you. Your manager informs you that as of now it would be viable to keep quiet and then the company can say the two of you are friends hanging out, but this stance could change depending on the reaction of the general public. It was too soon to gauge the true reaction of the people right now and it would take a few more hours to assess the situation more accurately.
You spent the next few hours watching some Netflix, trying to distract yourself from the drama till you got further news from the agency. It wasn’t very effective though since your thoughts kept drifting back to it. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity you got a call from your manager, no, it’s Jihyo. You take a deep breath and answer the call,
“did you see it?”, she asks with a hint of excitement in her voice.
“what? See what?”, you question back, confused.
“Open your socials, see what everyone has been saying”
You do as she says and immediately come across a barrage of negative threads about the two of you which only reaffirms your fears but as you keep scrolling through you are completely surprised to find out that despite the initial outrage the fans and public are actually overwhelming supportive of you and Jihyo.
“I never thought Y/N had rizz like that to pull Jihyo!”
“Jihyo is so real for going for Y/N”
“Just based off the photos I can tell these two are so cute together”  
You didn’t know how to react now. People were seeming for rooting for you both but what does it really mean you and Jihyo got away with it? That there wouldn’t be any real consequences? It seems too good to be true.
“Hellooo are you still there Y/n?”
You were so relieved that you had completely forgotten you were on a call with Jihyo. “Y-yeah, I’m still here.”
“Everyone from my side thinks that everything will be more or less alright since people aren’t very angry about it.”
Hearing Jihyo say those words meant a lot and you felt a lot less tense now and were a bit more relaxed. “That’s so good to hear. I still haven’t heard anything from my side, so I hope they tell me the same soon.”
By the next morning your agency had assured you that everything was fine and there would be no major problems. With only two days left for the premiere, time seemed to fly by. Mostly due to how hectic and busy things had been for you but also partly because you were quite nervous about it all.
Finally, the day of the premiere arrived, the whole morning was nerve wrecking, you just kept thinking of all the ways that things could go wrong. Thankfully you managed to get it under control as the day went on until it was actually time for the premiere. When you arrived at the red carpet the first thing that you noticed was the sheer number of people present. Were they all there for you? That seemed entirely insane to you, maybe your driver messed up and now you were at the wrong place and now you were going to get embarrassed when you end up missing your own premiere. However, as soon as you got out of the car, you were absolutely hounded by the crowd of people. They seemed to be speaking in sync, but you couldn’t make out a single word with all the noise. After the initial excitement wore out you could finally make out some of the questions and began to answer them.
Just as you were beginning to get comfortable, the crowd goes wild again as someone else arrives at the carpet. As the car door opens, time seems to slow down and steps out Jihyo looking absolutely gorgeous, her hair perfect, her smile making you feel weak even if it wasn’t directed at you. She greets the crowd as the rest of Twice step out. You were still mesmerized when you snapped out of it realizing that a lot of eyes were still on you. Your cheeks began to flush a bit as you tried to act like it was nothing. Some people in the crowd seemed to have caught on and you could hear a few ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’. Pretending like you didn’t hear them, you decided to move on.
As the rest of the cast turns up, time seems to fly by and before you know it, it’s time to watch the premiere. Everything was going well, in fact every time you appeared in a scene a certain section of the crowd a few rows behind you seemed to cheer loudly. Only when the interval began, and the lights turned on did you realize the loud section of fans were sitting near Jihyo. You didn’t really know how to feel about this. It was kinda sweet maybe-
Your thoughts were interrupted as she made her way towards you flashing you a quick smile before heading to the snack bar. Even though you were quite relaxed on the outside, that small smile from Jihyo made you feel really warm and fuzzy on the inside. You followed her to the snack bar, greeting some fans along the way before stopping next to her. The two of you looked at each other for a moment, smiled and then turned away ordering snacks.
Of course, you wanted to kiss her, but this was NOT the place for that despite the fans seemingly egging the two of you to do something. Coincidentally you both ended up walking back together which caused some whooping from the crowd causing both of you to blush a little while making your way back to the seats.
The rest of the premiere went quite smoothly, and the people absolutely loved it, and you couldn’t be prouder of your work. You ended up taking pictures with each fan in the premiere. While you were about to exit, you were pulled in by Jihyo who told you to keep quiet and that she wanted you to follow her out the back.
“I want you all to myself for some time now”, Jihyo says endearingly. You have no complains, in fact this was exactly what you wanted as well. While the rest of Twice and the movie cast were a bit confused at the disappearances of their members, both groups were busy enough to not put two and two together.
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ugly-pickle · 4 months
Good morning, Pickle. My second request for the day. Please kindly consider this angsty Gorou request: Gorou can only watch as you exchange nuptial cups with Heizou. He know he has no right to stop the wedding, not when he was the one who broke up with you to woo Kokomi, only to find out later that she was only using him to get her parents off her back about her being single.
Please also kindly take as long as you need with this request; I have no qualms in waiting. Furthermore, by no means feel obligated to prioritize this request over your other requests.
regret ☆ gorou
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CHARACTERS: gorou x reader
SYNOPSIS: gorou dumps you for kokomi (っ- ‸ - ς)
GENRE: angst 🦢
W/C: 0.8k
T/W: cussing, breaking up, cheating (if there’s any i missed let me know!)
A/N: bro i hate exams (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ ) my next one will also probably take eons to complete….
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you touch the now red mark on your face. it stings, but the ache in your heart is worse. “never talk about kokomi like that again,” gorou says with a stern tone. “tch, YOUR kokomi? i have never seen her look at you for more than 2 seconds outside of a meeting.” youre now pissed off due to gorou’s stupidity, but you cant help but feel a bit jealous, well, kokomi did just steal your lover’s heart with just a snap of her fingers.
gorou’s tail looks stiff, you notice that he does that when hes uncomfortable or angry, you take note of this. you might regret what youre going to say, but a river cannot stop flowing just because of a small inconvenience. you shall see where the future takes you. “if i upset you that much then i’ll leave. goodbye gorou,” you want to cry but your dignity tells you not to; you grab your wallet and head out the door.
before you completely close the door, you can hear a whimper, and it’s not yours.
it’s sunny outside, youre not sure if you should be grateful that theres no rain to make you feel worse, or if you should feel bad that the rest of inazuma is having a great time without you. although, no matter how clear the day was, you still manage to bump into someone.
“y/n? oh my archons, it is you! how have you been?” says the mysterious voice. “heizou?” tears are finally dripping down.
you slightly grip the cups in your hands, youre so excited that youre scared that the sake might spill. the moment slips by like a flash and youre already taking your last sip. you look up to see your husband, hes grinning ear to ear and so are you.
heizou looks so lovely when hes happy, but now you can see all of his emotions, whether if hes happy, sad, jealous, angry, disgusted, confused, you can see all of it and only you.
you look into the crowd, all of your friends and family are there, heizou’s side as well. theyre happy for you.
thats when you see gorou.
beside him was Sangonomiya Kokomi, Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island, what a mouthful, not to mention how bitter the title tasted in your mouth. gorou’s tail was stiff, you wonder why; his eyes were also glistening, such pretty eyes shouldnt cry….
nononono, youre literally having your wedding ceremony right now, what are you thinking?…
your wedding ceremony has ended, you and heizou are now officially married.
gorou’s perspective:
“gorou? are you okay?” kokomi asks, “u-uhm yea, im fine,” gorou stutters a bit. what if he was the one up there with you. what if he was up there exchanging nuptial cups with you.
“hey kokomi?” gorou asks, “yes gorou?” kokomi responds, “im gonna get some fresh air, i’ll be right back,” kokomi nods her head, gorou presses a kiss on her forehead then exits.
he feels guilty. he kissed kokomi while thinking about you, no, he thought about you every waking second and you even appeared in his dreams. a few tears roll down his eyes. is he happy for you or jealous of heizou? all of these emotions swirling around him, and he cant tell which one hes feeling.
he feels a hand in his shoulder. he jumps, hes a bit startled, it’s you…
you look so lovely, the fabric, the design, the jewels, and just the everything made you look heavenly. he picks up a scent that he always longed for, it was yours, he just never realized it.
“were you crying gorou?…” he feels more tears coming up, did he miss you that much?
“congratulations y/n, uhm… we ended on a bad note, look i just wanna say that ‘m sorry.” a small smile appears on your face, “apology accepted, that was the past, lets focus on the present,” you gently squeeze gorou’s hand. “lets catch up some other time, yea?” you said, “y-yea,” and with that you disappeared. he feels empty.
“there you are!” kokomi’s voice rings through his ears. “m-my love!” gorou says, becoming stiff again, “look gorou, we need to talk,” her words feel stiff, uncomfortable even. “of course! anything! what do you need to talk about?” gorou asks.
“…lets split up gorou.”
“eh?” hes dumbfounded. “lets break up,” nonono this cant be happening, “why?… i thought you were happy, were you not?” gorou’s life was already falling apart, this was just the breaking point. “look, gorou, i have strict parents that expect me to produce… offspring, i would like to label this event ‘traumatic’ so they’ll stop bothering me for the time being. my condolences.”
why bother anymore?
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NOTE FOR SAILORSTAR9: i literally had no idea what nuptial cups were before this (´∇`'')
TAGLIST: @sailorstar9
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