#oh you have bad legs? well i have it worse because i worked hard today
hotchsreader · 6 months
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For the Rest of My Life
Words: 1.5k
Reader has an anxiety attack at work, and Hotch helps her through it. Very soft Hotch.
You knew today was going to be a hard day. You woke up, hair caked to your forehead and your legs felt like jelly, like you were not meant to be walking on them. As you sat up, your entire room spun around and it took more than a couple minutes to ground yourself. You knew what to do in times like this, you had your useful skills learned over the years tucked away in the folder in your brain, but today it felt like the cabinet holding them was locked.
You walked into the bullpen, eyes foggy and head down. Usually, you greeted everyone with a happy and hopeful smile, but today that felt too hard. The muscles in your face felt like they would snap if you tried even to talk. Derek looked up at you, and over at Emily trying to gauge the problem, but Emily just shook her head no and let you sit at your desk, forget about all that was going on in your brain, and throw yourself into the reports that were due. You sat there for a few hours, with no one bothering you and your focused workspace. It was very easy when everything felt like this to throw yourself into work or a project because it makes the mind stay busy. It’s when you have nothing to do that everything feels like it's going to come crashing down around you. It’s when you have nothing to do that it creeps up to the surface and begins to slip out, mostly without your control.
You were so focused you didn't hear the familiar sound of steps creep up behind you until an arm was placed gently on your shoulder.
“Hey, I know what you’re doing, and I would like to see you in my office ASAP,” Hotch said to you, he leaned down to say it in your ear so no one else could hear. He knew that allowing everyone to hear what he said would make this all worse on your end.
You didn’t think twice, you got up from your workspace, pushed the chair in behind you, and followed closely behind him. You realized as you walked behind him how tall he was, and how well fitted his suits always are. You start to wonder where he buys them before you realize how far your mind has wandered in the minute it takes to get to his office.
“Have a seat, and tell me what's on your mind.” He sits in his chair and motions for you to sit down in the chair across from him. You feel the tears slip out before you even hit the chair. You knew this would happen at some point today, but Hotch actually taking the time to pay attention to you, to realize something was wrong enough to come out of his office and grab you, made the tears sting just a little bit more.
“Oh no, sweetheart what is going on?” He immediately jumped up and rushed around his desk to you the minute he saw the tears falling from your eyes.
“It's just… it's just a hard day for me is all.” You sniffled and tried to wipe your tears but he brushed your hand aside and wiped them for you. He placed his hand on your knee as he bent down beside you, looking up into your eyes.
“Is it your anxiety?” He asked, you could tell his voice was laced with concern. He would do anything to protect you, but it is hard to protect a person from their own mind. No matter how much he had tried to.
Your palms had started to become clammy, and you were shaking. The entire time you were trying to throw yourself into your work you had ignored what was going on inside your brain. In hindsight, that was a bad idea because now every little thing that happened alongside your anxiety was fighting its way out. You started to cry a little harder, your shoulder bobbing up and down as the sobs tormented you.
“What can I do honey? I’ll do whatever you need me to do.” Hotch was speaking in a soft, gentle tone. This was not the first time he had helped you through an anxiety attack. The second night you spent with him you realized you had forgotten to submit a report on the case you all had handled that week and started to panic. He calmed you down then by reassuring you that he was in charge of when they were due, and he absolutely believed you that it had been done you had just forgotten to submit it. You have never been one to turn something in late, even at work. The only thing about now, this was the first time you had an anxiety attack at work, and you have no idea why it was happening.
“Just stay with me, hold me.” Hotch grabs you, lifts you up, and takes you over to the couch in his office. He sits you down and runs over to his desk where he grabs tissues. He sits down in front of you on his knees, takes the tissue, wipes your eyes, under your eyes, and gives you a new one to blow your nose with. After you do this, he takes them all to the trashcan, returns to you sits down, and guides you where your head is on his lap and he is stroking your hair. He knows that laying down and having your hair stroked is one way to easily ground you, so you can return back to your normal state and are able to function again.
You clear your throat and ask, “How did you know something was up?”
He lets out a small laugh, “When you walked in. You didn’t look at anyone, you didn’t wave, and you didn’t even lift your head up to check if I was in my office like you always do. I let you have a little while, hoping you’d be able to pull yourself out of the trance you were in, but once I realized you couldn’t, I intervened.”
You shift, rolling yourself over, so you can get a solid look at the man. His forehead is creased, meaning he’s worried about you, and his hand hasn’t moved from your hair. He uses his other hand to rub your cheeks with his thumb and he hums your favorite song.
“Do you know what caused this anxiety attack?” He looks down at you with a half smile as you smile back at him, letting him know everything is getting easier. The pounding in your chest has started to ease up, but you can still feel your heart rate is pretty fast. If you got up now, you’d probably either pass out or your eyes would go blurry for a minute, preventing you from moving.
“Honestly, no. I woke up and felt very groggy and focusing to even get myself out of bed was tough. I haven’t had one of these episodes in a while, so I thought if I just worked through it, I could ignore it enough that it’d go away.” You now, roll your eyes at the thought. You had been dealing with anxiety since you were eleven years old. You had dealt with these types of episodes before, you had to face it head-on or it would just get worse. You learned your lesson this time.
“You could’ve just come to my office. You know I am always here for you. Always. I would have helped you get through this. You didn’t have to let it build up this badly.” He jokingly waved a finger in your face to symbolize you had been bad. This brought a hearty chuckle out of you, which in turn made him smile. Seeing Hotch smile could cure most things for you. He was a great man, a great dad, and a great boyfriend. He would do anything if it meant that you would be okay. You had just thought this one wouldn’t be as bad.
“I know, it’s just embarrassing to have to deal with this. I wish, I just wish I could be normal.” You let out a heavy sigh, as he looks at you.
“Hey, if having anxiety makes you not normal, what does having nightmares related to the things I’ve been through make me? We all have our demons, and we all have things that make us different from the people around us. There is absolutely no such thing as normal. Who you are, and I mean this, and everything about you makes you perfect to me. Anxiety included.” He says, completely serious.
You look up at him, sit yourself up, and place a soft kiss on his lips. He returns it, grabbing the back of your head to emphasize how much he means it.
“I wouldn’t have made it through this without you, Aaron Hotchner.” You smile, your mouth inches from his. He kisses you again, and bites your lower lip. You laugh.
“I wouldn’t have made it through a lot without you, if this is the way I can repay all you’ve done for me, I’ll do it for the rest of my life.”
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sunnydayroleplay · 1 year
Jack taking care of an injured reader that's still trying to work despite being injured.
Aw, I have so many ideas for this one ^^ But, we’re gonna keep it simple.
I personally also work a lot despite me being heavily injured, I just go practically insane when things aren’t clean or finished, so well- This just gonna be me being a slight hypocrite for a bit.
Contents Inside: Injuried/Sick Reader, Workaholic Reader, Jack ( g e n t l y ) body slamming you to your bed, etc, etc..
18- DNI, though this is a relatively SFW post, the game it is based off of is not. This is an 18+ community. It is for your own safety, and you interacting not only jeopardizes that, it jeopardizes mine, and the creators of the games. For SFW + 18- safe content, check out my art page instead. @feralhalfnhalfcreamer
You weren’t the best with taking care of yourself.
Whether that be with school, days and nights without taking a break or sleeping because of homework and studying..
Taking late or double shifts…
Paying the bills, doing taxes, cleaning up the house.
You constantly worked on everything and everyone that you didn’t have enough energy for yourself.
Jack did his best to help around, but you felt bad that he did so much, so you just told him off. That it was fine.
He wasn’t at ALL okay with the fact that you were practically killing yourself like this.
And the final straw was today.
About a few days ago, you sustained a really bad blow to your knee whilst moving some heavy boxes and things around your house.
Though Jack told you that he didn’t mind carrying things to help, you said you were good on your own.
As soon as he heard that loud “thud” he ran from the other room to make sure you were okay.
You tried your hardest to convince him that you didn’t need to get it checked out, but after hours of him pleading, you gave in.
Your doctor said to lay off it, and that you shouldn’t walk unless needed, and to ice + elevate it frequently to help the bruising and pain.
Or in other words, if you kept working while on it, of course it would get worse.
And unfortunately this wasn’t a first time of any body part getting worse for you.
As soon as you got home, Jack babied you, made sure that you did everything the doctor said.
He gave you a bath, and you got into something comfortable.
“Jack, I still have to do-“
“No! You are resting! You never catch a break! I don’t want your knee to get worse.”
“Well, there’s BEEN worse! I’ll be okay, please let me handle it.”
“No, no, and no!! You barely sleep, you need to take care of yourself, you don’t need to do so much.”
You sighed and just reluctantly followed his words. You didn’t have the energy to start an argument about this again, and your knee fucking killed you.
A few hours passed, and you just couldn’t take it.
There was things that needed to get done, and you needed them DONE.
Painfully, you got up from your bed, and slowly walked out of the room, clutching anything in reach as a temporary replacement to your lack of a leg.
Fortunately for Jack, you weren’t quiet about it.
Concerned for the sudden noises coming from your door, he came in to check on you.
“Sunshiiine?~ You okay in there?”
He knocks on the door twice.
“Ye-Yeah! Yeah! I’m okay, just- dropped my phone.”
“Oh! Do you need me to get it for you?”
“NO!- No, no, I’m okay!”
“Sunspot, what’s going on?”
“I’m coming in.”
With that, he opens the door to find you sneaking out slowly, staring right into his eyes.
“I thought I told you to rest? You’re only gonna get more hurt, and then you won’t be able to do anything. And I don’t want that for you.”
He smiles softly, pressing a gloved hand to your cheek.
“Sunshine, I love you and everything you do. You’re a hard worker, and you’re dedicated. But you need to take a break everynow and then. It’s really affecting your health.”
Dropping his hand, he picks you off your feet to bring you to bed.
“What if it wasn’t just your knee next time? I don’t want it getting to that. Just.. promise me you’ll take a break?”
You nod your head softly, caressing your cheek against his arm as if you were a tiny kitty rubbing its body against your legs.
He smiled as he laid your body back into your bed, joining you right after.
He pressed a few kisses to your forehead and one to your lips as he played with your hair, slowly lulling you to slumber.
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agerebatman · 3 months
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ficlet • Regressor Harvey Dent, Caregiver Victor Fries
So I ended up writing the one with the least votes because it was already halfway done, lol. I prommy I have a Harley and Ivy one in the works though! For now, enjoy my fave rare team up.
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It was a bad day in Arkham asylum. Not that any day was particularly good, but this day was one of the worst. February 2nd. 2/2. The day Harvey Dent’s life changed forever. Harvey was not a person you wanted to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. He was grouchy, quick tempered, and loud about it. Today he was in rare form.
“Does anyone in this god-forsaken place know how to make real food?!” He yelled, and the sea of inmates expertly parted as he threw his food across the room. They were unperturbed, as most of them had been here for at least three 2/2s.
“Harvey, please, control yourself,” Penguin sighed from across the table. 
Harvey’s fiery glare found its mark on the bird, who shriveled under it. The Riddler was quick to come to his defense.
“What is shorter than a yard stick but holds grown adults hostage?”
“Not in the mood, Eddie.”
“A toddler. Now, will you stop acting like one?”
A loud crash rang through the cafeteria as Harvey tackled Ed to the ground.
“This is what happens when you antagonize him!” Oswald chided over the tussle.
“I wasn’t antagonizing anyone - guard!”
A hulking guard picked Harvey up by the back of his uniform.
“Dent got in another fight,” he said to his radio, “take him to the cold wing?”
“Affirmative,” crackled through the speaker.
Harvey was dragged out of the cafeteria and through the dusty corridors of Arkham. Harvey knew very well where he was going. The floor he was being dragged across became colder and colder as they traveled. Soon enough, Harvey could see his breath. Clang. He was thrown into a cell, much like his own, but about 50 degrees colder. In it was a heavy blanket - and nothing else.
“You rat bastard! Get me outta here this instant!” Two Face growled as the door was closed.
He kicked and yelled until his voice was horse and his legs were sore. Next door, there was a rustling.
“Harvey…” A rumbling voice called. 
“Rise and shine, Jack Frost, you’ve got company.”
Harvey could hear the deep sigh from the cell next to him. 
“Dent. Another fight?”
“Yeah. The pleasure of your company is the next best thing to solitary confinement.”
A dark chuckle.
“What was it about this time?” Victor asked.
“Pff,” Harvey scoffed, “Eddie accused me of acting like a toddler.”
Victor barked out a laugh.
“What's so funny?” Harvey snapped.
“Well, you do have a certain boyish temperament.”
“You callin’ me a kid?”
“Generously. It would be more accurate to say Edward was right, for once.”
Harvey growled.
“See? Just another one of your temper tantrums.”
“Why I oughta - you don’t know nothin’ about- I- I-”
Harvey sighed.
Victor heard him slump down against the wall, defeated.
“I really am a kid, aren’t I?”
The rough voice had disappeared, replaced by a smoother one, small and confused. Something had switched. Big Bad Harv had retreated.
“... there are worse things to be,” Victor offered.
Harvey hummed in agreement, shrugging.
“I have a proposal for you,”
“A break out?” Two face made a brief return,
“Not tonight,” Victor chuckled.
“An experiment,” Victor said. Harvey perked up in intrigue.
“Let’s see if Edward’s hypothesis holds any water.”
Harvey slumped again, scoffing.
“No need to taunt me, Fries. It’s not like I could feel any worse.”
“That is my point,”
“Care to enlighten me?”
“You’ve… had a long, hard day Harvey.”
“You said it.”
“I think, perhaps… you’re tired.”
Harvey said nothing.
“You just need to get some rest, that’s all.”
“...alright, I’ll buy that for a dollar. What do you want me to do?”
“Take that blanket, make sure you’re wrapped up.”
“I’m already there, trust me.”
“Now lay down.”
Victor could hear the shuffling. 
“Now, just… relax. Close your eyes.”
There was a moment of silence, barely a minute.
“This isn’t working for me, Victor.”
“I have another idea.”
“I’ll take whatever you’ve got, doc,” Harvey’s voice was weak.
Victor sighed.
“Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Clara.”
He expected a laugh, honestly. A jeer. A snarl. But nothing came. Just silence - contemplative, listening, silence.
“She had a mysterious uncle, who came baring gifts…”
Victor continued his story, the Nutcracker. As he recounted it, he pictured his wife on the stage. She always made a lovely Sugar Plum Fairy. Harvey, for once, didn’t talk but listened. Victor could hear his steady breath, slowing down until it was calm. He finished his story, and looked at Harvey’s reflection in the glass cell across the way. He lay sleeping, wrapped in the blanket.
“Good boy, Harvey. Sweet dreams.”
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diosama27 · 2 years
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Warning: Minors do not interact
Asta pov
As I call yn's mom, I walk through the road leading to her house.
"Oh! What is it Asta san? I'm sorry to tell you that I'm at work and you can't speak to yn if you call me, try calling her" she said enthusiastically assuring full support for our relationship, "No, mam I just wanted to have a talk with yn, so I was heading home, if y'all are not home then I guess I should go back" I said embarrassed because I wanted to speak to yn and make things clear.
We are engaged and it was because I initiated it, I actually met her in a library few months ago she was soo beautiful that I was not able to concentrate on anything, I simply couldn't take my eyes off her and then I kinda met her few more times it was some unnatural coincidence and I wasn't able to forget her and move on.
Everytime I try to move on knowing I am not good enough for her I would literally see her in front of me, I wasn't able to explain the feelings what I felt when I saw her, it was painfully pleasurable cause I knew she was too good to be mine but after some point I knew she was the one for me.
So yeah now we are engaged and she's my fiancee even if I'm happy about this I  don't think she's fine with it. I think she wants some time to consider this relationship, I'm ready to wait for her for however long it takes, her "yes" is more important to me.
"Well you can just swing by and wait for her she would be back soon today" yn's mom said with a beautiful smile similar to yn and handed me the keys when I met her.
I was a little nervous to stay in their house like even if I'm their family yn needs some time to adjust to these drastic changes in her life I never thought she would even consider this marriage but as it's come to this I think that we should just give it a try.
As I open the door I hear soft moans from inside the house, I couldn't process how I could hear moans from a house which was locked and opened just now, was there someone in the house? Is it a burglar? Are they armed? Wait what about the moans then?
It was from yn's room as I went close to the room I could hear the moans clearly. It was yn she was moaning. She was totally covered with her blanket facing towards the door she was feeling herself. I could see her hands move under the blanket.
She was biting onto the hem of her shirt with her eyes squeezed shut holding her phone in her left hand while doing the deed with her right hand.
She moaned onto her shirt. I barely controlled my urge to barge in on her and fuck her soo bad that she won't walk for days.
But I stood up against this humongous urge of mine to mess her up and fuck her senseless and I couldn't believe myself for it. She slowly opened her eyes they met with mine, this silence was one of the most awkward moment in my life I just stood there watching my fiancee masturbate while having a hard on, oh shit could my life get any worse.
I was soo embarrassed when our eyes meet but she was just so hot that I couldn't take my eyes of off her after seeing me she got up so fast trying to cover her now exposed big bosoms under her sports bra and her cute pudgy tummy with her shirt. She threw her pillow as it hit right in my face making me loose my balance and fall. I'm a strong man but the site which I witnessed made my legs weak, the woman is just sooo hot. I get up from the floor as I see her plumpy self walking towards me yelling at me. It all fell on deaf ears as I was unable to get her picture of my mind, she's just beautiful, just marvelous " lord this girl will drive me crazy".
Yn pov
Today I got off work early and since I had a hell of a week I just wanted a personal me time to relieve the work stress and to get back in track again for the next week of hell. So as I open the door I get inside and lock the door with my keys cos my mom has the other one so even if I fall asleep she could get in.
I get comfortable in my bed and start feeling myself, all the back pain, the headaches, the muscle cramps, I could feel them all and yet I still had the energy to do what I am doing. It was such a heavenly feeling when the waves of pleasure hit me it was such a blissful moment. Only for it to be ruined when my eyes came in contact with the person that I least expect to see me pleasuring myself.
He just stood there in front of the door mouth agaped watching me with those lust filled unholy sinful eyes while his pants tightened around his crotch leaving me more wet than I am now, this whole situation made me embarrassed but my anger took over and I knocked him out with my pillow.
"Why are you here? How did you even get in? Don't you have the basic manners to knock the door before you come in? Uh??" I questioned but his smug smile grew bigger as he came close to me. I was stuttering at this point.
"I thought you were not interested in this babe but now I know what you want and don't worry this will be our little secret sweetheart" he said as he winked at me and went downstairs when he saw the door open to reveal my mom with groceries in her hand, he leaves me there stunned as he goes and helps my mom with his muscular build and puppy act.
When he leaves he greets my mom and hugs me saying "I'm sure I could do better than that darling. You will be over the moon and be begging for more"
You couldn't believe he said that with your mom in here but you were too abashed to face your mom and ran upstairs with her telling you to be careful on the stairs as you flopped yourself on to the bed. Those words just repeated in your head.
"Asshole" you mumbled to yourself as steam released through your ears
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luckyshotwrites · 1 year
Ch. 83 // Your turn again, Claudia! // Day 57 (Bonus Chapter)
Contents (Warnings): Claudia gets the chance to host another game! (slight angst, vore mentions, craving, character and monster info as always). Read full chapter on A03
Wordcount: 3,300 +
Song I correlate to this Chapter: Under the Influence (Violin) - Joey Sunny
Side note: This chapter will be in the usual format again, Lynette first person and everyone else third person. I apologize for the confusion!
(Nov. 21st, Monday)
Being 5 feet tall is so much better than 4 inches tall. I thought, poking at my scrambled eggs.
It may have been the sporadic thoughts bouncing around my head, but sticking my fork into a clump of eggs was hard. It felt like I was trying to stab into a grape.
The coffee makers hum from across the bar called my attention. I peered up to see Wicks waiting for his cup of coffee. He leaned on the fridge beside the counter the machine rested on. He slumped his head on the side of the glass fridge door. 
He got home so late. He got home at 5 in the morning.
Thus, I refused to start training today because of his exhausted state.
And he didn't tell me why he was out so late. "Has work been well?" I asked, finally getting the eggs with my...I realized I had a spoon and not a fork. That explains why I couldn't stab them. 
My whole body shot up. I felt like I was back on the steak, and Lev poked my leg with the fork. You know, spoons are better anyway. 
"It's been work. Good days and bad, some more stressful than others." Wicks flipped around. His coffee mug is in his right hand. "I'm glad I can do something good." 
He yawned.
The bags under your eyes look so much worse. He asked me a question after—I might have looked disgruntled by his answer. 
"Are you worried about last night? You know I've been out for days at a time before."
I quickly swallowed the second spoonful and countered him, "That was BEFORE I knew what you did!"
Wicks's hazel hue whipped at me. Uh oh. I imagined the green light telling him it was okay to sass me pop over my head.
He calmly put down his coffee, slid it further away, then faced me and slammed his palms onto the counter.
"OH, YOU CAN WORRY ABOUT ME," He bought his hands into his army green t-shirt then flipped his hand up to me, "BUT when I tell you how ridiculous that BET to be tiny was with YOUR coworkers, I'M THE BAD GUY!" Wicks grunted out, "YOU WERE EVEN STAYING AT THEIR HOUSES!"
I got up from my stool and shook my head, "I didn't call you the bad guy, Wicks!" I refused to answer to anything else that he said. Lev didn't give me a choice. 
Wicks slid his mug back in front of him and picked it up. 
He dropped his voice, "You see what I mean though."
"Yeah..." I sighed, "But you can't compare your work to mine. I work at a pizzeria with some jerky coworkers. You work problems head on, right?" I put more eggs in my mouth.
Wicks narrowed his eyes with disgust, "It's not a competition of whether I have it worse, Lentils." He lifted his mug to his face, "You also can't summarize your coworkers as normal jerks either."
I saw his lack of hesitation to drink the his coffee.
I lurched forward to try and touch his hand or cup. "Wicks, you didn't even-"
He took a sip, cried out, and put his cup back down. He held his mouth shut.
"You just made it! It's going to be hot, Wicks!"
Wicks lifted his hand slightly, "I was too busy being frustrated with you. You distracted me."
"Sorry," I apologized. 
I expected to see Wicks's eyes glow and for him to use reversal magic. It never happened. "Are you going to heal it?"
Wicks glanced up and stuck his tongue out, showing its lack of redness, then pulled it back. "Magus's bodies normally heal themselves." He smiled with relief, "Good thing too. I'm terrible with assistance magic."
"It's not what I focused on with my training. Dad had me learn more offensive magic." He touched the rim of his cup with his finger, "I've got plenty of time to learn it anyway." 
I finished up my eggs and felt a cramp of jealousy. I wish I could use magic too.
It was slow. 
He found himself working at the registers with Lynette because Claudia was also working today. Other than that, he'd be in the back, and Lev would be out doing the odd jobs.
Alexander watched her out of the corner of his eye. She was nearest to the pizza pick-up station. 
His body twitched anytime she moved a little closer, cleaning, fidgeting, whatever the case. He held back his reflex to grab her. 
How long has it been? He asked himself the terrible question. He knew he shouldn't think like that when his victory wasn't even secured. 
He grumbled, "If only Drake didn't distract my ass."
Lynette flinched, "First thing you say in the last hour, and it's about that." 
He rolled his eyes and pressed up his rectangular lenses. "You'd be pissed too if you missed an opportunity, right?"
"Not to eat someone," Lynette muttered, momentarily meeting his gaze. Alexander knew he shouldn't have, and he felt relieved seeing her turn her head away. "I also remember what you did on my first day after the wedding."
Alexander shut his eyes. He distinctly remembered it, too. They lazily reopened, and Alexander stared toward the main entrance. He couldn't let himself see her nervousness. 
"Yeah, and how many times have you manipulated my ass to win, Shrimp." He wore a slight smirk. 
"And how many times have you proposed unfair games!"
"Like you aren't doing the same," Alexander retorted—he found his eyes trailing back to her. "I hope you know that even though you and Claudia decided on something together, you aren't winning today."
Alexander had turned to look at Lynette upon saying that. And the dark blue-haired bastard pinched his cheek, "Outsmarting them requires you to be smart, Wendie~." 
The glass-clad male's hand went up to grab Lev's wrist. He barely missed as the drakin spun with the pizza and laughed. 
Lev fake gasped as he put the pizza away, "That's not proper language for the counter," the playful hook stabbed into Alexander's lip. It curled up.
He was ready to wrestle Lev onto the floor. 
Lev continued, this time speaking to Lynette. "He looks a little more balked than usual. He didn't get you yesterday, did he?" 
"No and-"
The drakin's finger came out and went to touch her lips, shushing her. "I know. He won't get you today either, right?~"
Lynette stumbled back from Lev. Her back was to Alexander.
Alexander tuned out of their conversation and focused downward. 
Each of Lev's steps made her retreat closer to him. 
As saliva pooled inside his mouth, he sealed his lips tightly. And to keep himself from drowning, he swallowed.
His core yearned for a meal. His body knew he'd enjoy her.
His arms were jerked upward when she bumped into his chest. His instincts nearly consumed him as he held her upper arms. Seeing Lev and Zilla, who had just walked inside, watchful and waiting, he let go.
He bit his own lip until it bled to regain control over himself. 
"Lev, don't work on getting Wendie fired." Zilla's bright smile was as mocking as Lev's. "I don't want one less meal option during lunch." 
"He has more self-control than that, I'm sure." Lev chuckled unapologetically.  
Smug asshole. You did that on purpose. 
Once everything got settled again and the two left, Lynette and him resumed their positions at the counter. She spoke first, "sorry for bumping into you."
Alexander saw a customer coming inside. He rolled his shoulders and replied, "Next time, pay attention to your surroundings."  
He regretted saying what he did, because it spurred a grotesque memory. One that at least kept his attention off Lynette. 
I left the counter before Alexander. I don't even know what Claudia has planned for today. We talked about what we'd do after the holidays on Saturday. There's no guarantee it'll go well, anyway. I have to tell Claudia no, even if Alexander won't eat me for the weekend if I win. 
I removed my badge and scanned out, ready to return to the breakrooms. 
If she can't perform much magic, I wonder what she'll be doing instead. 
She mentioned she's not supposed to use a lot of magic. 
I put my badge into my pocket with my phone. I should be more positive, but Lev is here, and Xander's still mad from yesterday.
"Lynette," Zilla's melodonic and soft voice tenderly pulled at my ear. When my head twisted back to see her, she slung an arm over my shoulders. Zilla leaned on me as she scanned out. 
"Hi, Zilla." You want to do some kind of deal, don't you?
"How was your vacation? I feel like we haven't talked much since our girl day." She pulled out her black scrunchy. It allowed her choppy, grayish-white locks to puffy out and free. The rosey scent touched my nose, and her hair partially brushed my face.
"It's been good..." She tugged me with her. "How about yours? What did you do?"
Her violet left me and went ahead to the glass sliding door. It opened for us. "Mine was as good as it could be with Zane." She didn't describe what they did.
Her voice echoed in the room that had all the table and chairs removed from the center. "None of the boys are here yet, Claudia?"
"Nope," she said. Claudia sat on the floor, playing with a large coin. It didn't have a picture on either side just the ridges around it's gold shimmer.
I felt the desperation flood my eyes, "This isn't a coin toss, is it?" 
Claudia slapped her hands onto the coin to catch it from rolling away. "No, no! We're gonna fight!"
Zilla pulled her arm away from me, "Do you think that'd be a good idea, Claudia?"
I hated to admit it. "Yeah, Claudia, I don't think I could overpower any of you."
Her head teetered to Zilla, then me, and she giggled, "That's why you get the coin first!" She slid the coin to my feet. Claudia then lifted her hat and out tumbled a roll of used gray duct table.
"You're going to tape it to me?!"
"So it's a little harder to steal from you," Claudia said. Why do you say that like it shouldn't even be a question!?
Zilla muffled her laugh and picked up the coin, "Claudia, we'd simply rip it from her." `
"Or take the whole package," Lev said from a distance behind me. I never hear him come in.
"I don't want to be tossed around again." My shoulders slumped.
"Tossed around?" Claudia eagerly bounced up. "What do you mean?
Zilla handed the coin back to me. It felt lighter. Then she went on to explain the game Drake posed on his day a while back. They all had to carry me through rooms and touch me with a wall while carrying me to win.
Claudia seemed fascinated by the idea and decided to do something similar. As long as Lynette was within fifteen feet of the coin, it counted as her win if one of them made it into the tape circles on the ground, linked to the coin. There were five in total all across the room.
Zilla had already made her first move, but she wanted to keep the attention on her like normal without fully revealing what she had done.  
"Regarding bets today, since I'll be playing," her combat boots reverberated with each step. She confidently stood before the two taller males. "I've decided if I win, I want you both to give yourselves to me willingly."
Their faces flare, amused her. Alexander's face was consistently honest, so his face openly showed it's disgust. While Lev excelled at hiding it. Nonetheless, it still showed subtle perturbation for a moment.
Alexander looked at another table, "whatever."
While, in typical Lev fashion, he wanted to push her to give up first. "And if I win, Zilla, you'll willingly give yourself to me."
The thought stewed in her stomach. I know how you treat your prey. She didn't have to look at the redhead again to confirm it.
She combatted his stance by mimicking its opposing force, "I'll take that wager, Lev.~" Zilla even copied his tune. 
He leaned closer with his yellow heat burning in his eyes. Zilla matched his closeness. Their faces were inches apart.
Zilla could see the excitement sprouting from him. It was always apparent with his teeth. Sharp enough to bite if you wanted to.  
Besides her distaste for the bet, she had to admit that the games they played were rather fun. His dedication and attention to detail impressed her. 
Let's see how quick you catch on then, Lev. 
Claudia shouted to get their attention and Lev pulled back first. 
Claudia pushed the coin about the size of Lynette's head to her.
"I don't want to get thrown across the room."
Claudia laughed, "that'd be funny."
"You better not toss her around; she's fragile as hell."
All humans are.
"I'm not that fragile," Lynette gripped the coin. 
Lev couldn't resist. "Wanna test that, Lynette? I'd love to have you over again.~" He watched her create more distance between them. You make it so easy. 
"What did you do to her?" Alexander, who was only half paying attention prior, was pulled in.
Wouldn't you like to know. Lev thought before letting the words roll off his tongue, "something that you clearly haven't had the chance to indulge in yet.~" Lev purposefully selected what he said to spur even further confusion.
Alexander furrowed his brow together like two rhinoceros beetles clashing horns, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" 
Lev didn't answer. Instead, he keenly listened to Claudia's rules, wanting to find a way around them. 
"No fighting each other with magic, and no monster forms. Lynette will start in the middle of the room; we each start at our own circle."
She gestured around the room; all the tables were moved to the far edges of the breakroom so they weren't inconvenient.  
Hmm. We'll all end up bolting for Lynette first. Getting the coin from Claudia will be far more difficult than Zilla.
"I'm going to get smashed to a pulp," Lynette told Claudia. Zilla joined in on the teasing, and Lev took the opportunity to speak to Alexander. Aw, you don't look enthralled by the idea.
Lev slowly leaned over and whispered, "Do you want to work together?"
His eyes squinted like someone took off his glasses. "Huh?"
"You know this isn't a good idea. Lynette's very fragile." Lev said. And she's your responsibility. "So, why don't we team up. I get the coin, and you hold Lynette back. That way, in the end, you get to eat her, and I get to eat Zilla." 
"Holding her without eating her will be a pain in the ass," Alexander commented.
That's not a no, is it?~
"You know, out of the both of us, I'm definitely better at avoiding things. It would be easy for Claudia and or Zilla to get you." Lev said. 
He could feel Alexander's consideration. I'm grateful you think logically. 
"Fine, but if I grab her don't any waste time." 
I'd bet three minutes at most before he'd just eat her. Lev thought, containing his chuckle. He couldn't break that already loose trust Alexander placed in him. 
Not that long after they got to their stations. Lynette would be heading for the circle ahead of her that didn't house anyone. The two most advantageous at the time were Lev and Zilla. Across from one another, waiting for their chance to move.
Zilla's too cocky. Her, Lynette, and Claudia are most likely in a deal right now.
Lev thought more about Claudia. She's always the one that leaves me curious. She does things on whims.
The buzzer that was Claudia's phone and they all ran. Lev was a bit faster, his objective was to get her to stop running, which he did when he was able to grab one of her arms and sling her back by it. Her back landed in his arm, and he dipped her with a grin.
"Got something for me?~" His vocals sang. He went to snatch the coin from her hands while she panicked to keep herself from falling from his hold.
Claudia sprang at him next, using her "wings". One snatched at Lev. He let Lynette go. The other caught Lynette and helped her up.
Lev maneuvered the "wings" and checked the distance between him and Lynette.
He counted his steps, making sure he wouldn't back into anything. He also kept a firm track of Zilla. Or he assumed so. He figured she did some type of spatial magic to get close enough to him.
She threw herself at the coin, he threw himself back at the risk of Claudia. Dodging Zilla, however the fae took her opportunity and her arm swung back into Lev. It struck his side, though not with much force sent him into Zilla. They were flung back toward another circle while the coin laid at the center of the room.
"You're awfully heavy in your human case!" Zilla commented pushing him off.
Lev flipped up from the ground and teased Claudia. "Your arms are technically part of your monster form Claudia, you broke your own rules."
The fae shook her head, "they-" she couldn't argue with him. And tossed the coin to the other side, near where Alexander held Lynette.
Zilla got a slight headstart. It only spurred Lev further, he raced out, desperately trying to catch up. They couldn't use the circle that the coin was near, Lynette was most likely fifteen feet away.
Zilla got it, she threw a chair to Lev to hit his legs. He jumped over it and lunged at her. She threw herself out of the way. Lev twisted his body before he landed, hit the side of his body into the wall, and used his elemental, wind magic to propel himself at her. He cut it off, obeying Claudia's "not using magic to hurt anyone" rule, and crashed into Zilla again.
He struck her side this time from behind. It threw her off balance and near another circle. She had let go of the ring, Lev caught it in mid-air and tried to step inside.
Zilla twisted herself on the ground and slammed her leg into Lev's, he fell, luckily into a table to catch himself. He still had the coin.
Zilla had gotten up, and that was when Lev heard Alexander yell. It destroyed their whole fight, because it was then Lev realized the coin felt light.
He didn't expect it to be easy. Mostly because everyone would be struggling to get to the center at Lynette. Lev had it first, then Claudia, and the fighting continued. Lynette wanted to focus on staying her distance. That was when he got behind her and scooped her up. 
She immediately yelped and glanced back the best she could. Her legs flailed, and he kept her arms restrained at her sides.
It was hard to keep her restrained without making a move. "Quit IT." 
"Why are you picking me up!? Put me down, I don't have the coin!"
Alexander's stomach rumbled. The word, down, overwhelmed his thoughts. He gulped, swallowing the overabundance of saliva. 
"Why did you have to use that phrase," he groaned in annoyance.
She didn't stop fighting him. "Because not everyone thinks like you guys do!"
Fuck. "And not everyone smells so damn appetizing." There was a persistent whine coming from his stomach. Alexander's body was fighting him too. This reminds me of that damn cube. 
He tried to keep track of the others, "We're gonna win anyway."
"We..." She felt his grip tightened—he kept it light enough not to crush her. "You guys are working together!" 
Alexander's eyes flared with their bright blue light; his size was itching to change. "How many times have you worked with-" He saw Zilla get knocked back. He dropped Lynette, and lurched in her direction. That was when he viewed the faint magic text coming from her. 
He concentrated on it, and he realized Zilla used illusion magic to hide the real coin that she had duct taped to her shirt. 
"SHE'S USING ILLUSION MAGIC!" Alexander shouted, but the game was already over. Zilla stepped into one of the circles. 
Claudia laughed, "OH, that's why it felt different!"
Lev waved the coin he currently held. It vanished once Zilla released the illusion. 
She knew if she didn't keep fighting with them, we'd pick up on her. Alexander eyed Lynette. She got away from him. It made him want to pursue her. 
Lev spoke, "Zilla, your bet was to be able to eat Wendie and me willingly, right?"
Zilla tossed the coin back to Claudia and approached them, "Correct."
"Perfect," Lev said. 
He snapped his head back. Lev's intentions met Lynette's; she wanted to create run from him, but he grabbed her wrist and dragged her into a hug. "Then I will gladly let you eat me after I have my snack~."
You fucker. "You didn't win the bet, Lev." Alexander missed his opportunity once again.
Lev firmly held her, "Unlike our other deals, we usually make bets on who gets her. Zilla's bet never specified Lynette being "safe"."
He then whispered something to Lynette after and she went crazy. 
"This is so cheap!" 
"Aw, come on, we're a team; we should all work together. Shouldn't we?" Lev's case burst first. Now holding Lynette with a singular hand. Alexander didn't want to watch Lev enjoy her.
It didn't seem Zilla was interested either, so she beckoned Alexander to follow her to the next breakroom. 
Why do I keep making these stupid bets? I should just eat her. Alexander thought to himself.
He eyed Zilla from behind; whether bad or not, her lack of scent still bothered him. 
"I don't trust Lev very much. He might give the excuse that he already ate, so he can't be eaten."
They went through the glass door together, "asshole." 
Zilla's chuckled as she turned around to look at Alexander better. "You could have fought with him like Claudia is now." Zilla pointed behind him. He turned to see Claudia was swinging about, supposedly on Lev.  
"I'm not going to fucking play tug of war with someone who has the tensile strength of a tissue."
He didn't look back again. He felt Zilla's case break and he could feel her clawed hands inching at his back.
Every muscle in his body clenched, he wanted to fight it or run from her. Her hand, smooth and firm, wrapped around him like he was a doll. She brought him up and made him face her. She didn't look too different in her naga form, at least her upper half didn't.
She smiled, showing off her fangs. "Can't you at least try to look happy, Wendie?"
Alexander being brought to her plump lips still growled out, "I hope you choke."
It made her laugh before she opened her fanged mouth wide to eat him.
Hey, you, thank you so much for reading. I'm glad I put out a story that people can enjoy! I hope you continue to enjoy it as WE have a LOT more to go! YOU BETTER KEEP PROSPERING! (Nonnegotiable, as always~).
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What I’d do for a Livable Income (Synopsis/Chapter - List)
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thatgirlonstage · 1 year
for prompt uhhhhhhhhhhhh chained
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I reread Green Witch Arc to figure out how to spin the lore for this and god I love Sieglinde Sullivan. I hope she and her guard dog boyfriend take over England while Ciel is busy with reaper nonsense.
Under the cut bc it's longish
Her memories of the time before she was selected as the Green Mermaid are faint, but she remembers the transformation in vivid detail, which means she remembers her first meeting with Wolf vividly. She remembers her first sight of him, descending into the magic circle with the glowing silver held in his hands. The tight mask of stoicism on his face that fractured, just slightly, when his gaze met hers. The wobbly brave smile she gave him, and the reflexive twitch of a smile he almost gave her in return. His hands—unpracticed, rough, but arduously gentle even then—as they wound the chains around her legs for the first time. The flare of magic reflected in his eyes as the transformation took hold, making her the Green Mermaid, chaining her for the rest of her life to the pool at the center of the village, their hope, their protector, their sacrifice.
Ever since, he has been her tall and gentle butler. Officially, his duty is to bring her meals, provide her materials to work on her formulas, and attend to the upkeep of the pool. He does so much more than that, though: sits beside her pool and talks with her, brings her toys and books and won’t tell her about the outside world but will tell her secret funny stories about the women of the village. He holds her after the monthly ceremony, when she has run dry of tears for the attendants of the Green Mermaid to collect but she’s still heaving with quiet, shivering sobs, and he frantically kisses her hair and tells her it will be alright and she did well and she’s so brave and the village will stay safe because of her efforts. He pulls her onto the edge of the pool once a week and with gentle, gentle hands he cleans the criss-cross silver chains that spiral up her emerald tail, using a cloth of the softest cotton to wipe the scales underneath.
He brings her dinner tonight—trout from the nearby river, always fish since she became the Green Mermaid, it’s the only thing she wants or can stomach—and sits by the edge of the pool as he always does. She chatters at him as she eats, telling him about the squirrel she’d spent the day watching build a nest in the crook of the ash tree, about Hilde stopping by, about the magic formulas she’d scribbled on, though without much success today. He is quiet as she eats, his eyebrows drawing further and further into a frown until she finally stops, setting down her plate and leaning up onto his knee.
“Wolf,” she says, “what’s wrong?” He startles, looking down at her, and brushes a hand over her hair. He visibly forces his brow to smooth out, though he doesn’t manage a smile.
“It’s the ceremony tomorrow,” he says. Sieglinde feels her face fall, a little, but she squeezes his thigh reassuringly.
“I know,” she says. She puts her brave smile on her face.
“I’ll be fine, Wolf, you know I will. I always am.”
"I—” He moves his hand over to cover hers, takes it, and squeezes so hard it hurts. “My Lady, I want nothing so much as I want to protect you.”
“Oh, Wolf.” She leans her full weight into his leg, squeezing his hand back. “You do protect me. I know you hate seeing me hurting, but the ceremony protects everyone in the village. I’m proud to have given up my legs for my sisters. And it’s really not so bad! It’s not like they’re torturing me.” Her eyes dart reflexively to the lines of thin, pale scars over her skin. A little blood and tears really wasn’t so bad. It wasn’t like plenty of women didn’t have far worse times once a month. She presses her cheek against Wolf’s thigh. “Don’t be upset, Wolf. It hurts more when you’re sad.”
He goes stiff beneath her. Abruptly, she finds her face being tilted upwards by his hand on her chin. She gasps a little, at the surprise of it, and finds her face close enough to Wolf’s to feel the heat of his breath on her nose.
“Lady,” he says, “I can’t stand this any more. No, I won’t stand this anymore. This village—the Green Mermaid—all of it is a lie.”
“What?” she asks, blank with confusion.
“They’re just using you.” His voice is low and rushed, almost too soft to hear, too loud as it bounces and carries over the water. “Mermaid tears are a powerful source of magic, and you were the most magical child they’ve seen in decades. Your intuition and power are both unmatched. They wanted a way to capture it and keep it for themselves.”
Sieglinde reels back from him, tail thrashing in the water. “What are you saying?” she asks, voice cracking. “What do you mean?”
“This village—the pool—the story of the Green Mermaid—the myth about the Green Mermaid’s binding keeping the village safe—they’ve done it before, but it’s all a lie. It’s a way to hoard a child’s magic, to drain them of it and keep the child’s magic for themselves. There’s no protection. I can’t stand it anymore, Lady Sieglinde, I can’t let them keep you here as a prisoner.”
“But—” Something heavy and hot and nameless is roiling in Sieglinde’s stomach. Fear, disbelief, horror, betrayal, possibly all of them at once, too big and too painful to hold. “That doesn’t make any sense,” she hears herself say, distant and small. Wolf reaches for her. She lets him take her hand again.
“I know,” he says. “I know. But please, Lady, I— I care about you too much to let this go on. Will you trust me?”
She looks up into his eyes. The answer waits for her there, as easy and simple as every meal and day they’ve shared by her pool. She grips his hand and surges up until her lips meet his. He makes a noise of surprise, his lips parting in shock, and she opens her mouth in reply. They both almost fall, unbalanced by her tail and the water and his unpreparedness, but his hands catch her and pull her into his lap. She twines her arms around his neck. He makes a helpless sort of noise and pulls her closer to him in response as she kisses him harder. He tastes like pine needles and dirt, like the land she’s so long left behind. She pulls her mouth free, sitting on his lap, water streaming off her tail into the pond.
“Of course I trust you, Wolf. More than anyone.”
His eyes are bright and his lips are redder than she’s ever seen. Wordlessly, he reaches down, seizes the delicate chain in his hands, and breaks it.
The surge of magic is immense and searing. Sieglinde bites on her own hand to keep from screaming. She feels like she is unraveling, feels like something tight and constricting that had been there so long she had ceased to notice it bursts around her chest. She breathes in and oxygen feels golden and heady. She can see magic breaking and reforming and breaking and reforming in every molecule of air. She can hear every sound of the forest. A fire of pain splits her tail.
When she comes back to herself, she is gathered into Wolf’s arms, naked, with pale, thin legs she hardly remembers having. The chains are a dull heap on the ground. Wolf presses a kisses to her forehead.
“Come, Lady,” he says. “Let me bring you to the outside world.”
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marcusoseman99 · 6 months
Songs of the isle Pt 11
Apollo: can I have one night where I just sleep.....kill me.
*Apollo gets out of bed and grabs a long wooden sword that is resting by the door, as he gets out of the bed you can see he is in the shirt from the intro that is now bagger and wore out with the jogging trousers that he was wearing when he was with Vick, he walks through halls until he reaches the fire pit room then leaves the fortress, within the walls of the outer part of the fortress is training dummies, pull up bars made of wood and a collection of rocks of varying sizes*
Apollo: if I am awake at least I can do something useful, and if I am lucky maybe It will tire me out enough so I can get some sleep.
*Apollo walks up to the dummies and stabs the sword into the ground infront of one of them then walks over to one of the another dummies and takes up a spear and shield, he walks back from the them still facing the dummies then places the weapons down slowly before rubbing some of the mud from the ground into his hands while he closes his eyes.
He takes a deep breath then as soon as the breath is finished he picks up his weapons and shield in front of him while his other hand holds the spear like you would hold a shopping bang by the handles then slowly lowers his stance before thrusting his spear into the dummy.
He throws up his shield to block the phantom attacks from the opponent his mind has mustered up to challenge and poke through Apollos stances, foot work and his every being. He pivots his feet while his hips twist giving him more power with every strike, he releases a breath that sounds like a steam train whistle his whole body acting like a faithfully constructed machine that has been made for one purpose and it is excelling at it.
The scene cuts to Apollo with a sword and shield with the other dummy his motions more fluid but still his lower body is sending power to every strike, he eventually throws the shield toward his straw opponent then charges it hitting his new unmovable adversary from head to legs with strikes, that mixed with offensive and defensive aspects till Apollo falls to the ground covered in sweat and mud.
The sun rises as Reegan approaches Apollo, he lowers himself to Apollos level*
Reegan: Thought i was the one that doesnt sleep?
Apollo: fuck up.... i got couple hours maybe hard to tell.
Reegan: You know I can’t stop you but take one day to rest up that cut is probably gotten worse because of this training.
*Apollo lifts his shirt to show that that cut has already become a scar and even then, it is fading*
Reegan: We both know werewolves don’t heal that fast
Apollo: Drop it.... i am just lucky or sometihng
Reegan: You release how dumb you sound, right?
Apollo: I just dont want to think about.
*Apollo stands up and is about to go inside but Reegan stops calls to him*
Reegan: Are you going on a patrol?
Apollo: Yeah....you gonna try and stop me?
Reegan: I can’t.
*Reegan hands Apollo a blue plastic bag, Apollo takes it and looks inside it has his hoodie and a couple of snacks*
Apollo: Thanks, Reegan
Reegan: we are running out of supplies can you talk to Herms soon?
Apollo: Yeah sure.
Reegan: Hey.... are you ok?
Apollo: Yeah just tired.
*Apollo weakly smiles*
Reegan: Shit you are bad at lying.
Apollo: I know but ill live.... trust me.
Reegan: That does not help.
Apollo: yeah......I know.
*Apollo starts to walk into the forest then the scene returns to Vick still looking through the grimoire then his Papa knocks at his floor door*
Papa: You coming down for breakfast, Vick?
Vick: Of course be down after I shower.
Papa: Ok, son.
*Vick looks down at the grimoire*
Vick: today I am going to get some answers from that wolf....man well boy....thing?
*Vick runs downstairs his hair still soaked, he grabs a piece of toast and goes to leave the house*
Papa: Hey, son what’s the rush
*Vick turns to Papa and Debbie sitting at the dining table*
Vick: Oh sorry I just really want to go back to the forest.
Papa: You like it in there?
Vick: Yeah it I don’t know its fun...... I guess.
Debbie: well be careful.....Vick don’t want you getting a cold this time.
*Vicks eyes light up as soon as his name exits his grandmother’s mouth then he gleefully leaves the house Papa turns to Debbie*
Papa: Glad you could see reason.
*Papa leaves the dining room while Debbie sits sheepishly in her chair poking at her cereal*
*Vick walks into the tree line of the forest then knees down and takes out his compass and places it on the ground before taking out a cheese cutting knife, He places it next to the compass then with his final journey to his pockets he pulls out a folded piece of paper he unfolds it and starts to read from it*
Vick: blood yeah device for locating bla bla bla......ah ok drip your blood onto the instrument of choice then think of the place or person you wish to locate simple enough.
*Vick pricks his finger with the cheese knife and bleeds a little on the compass then pulls open the paper again*
Vick: ok find my thought.......blood as payment. 
*The Compass starts to spin around in circles stopping a few times before it stops suddenly set in one place*
Vick: Mmmh Witchcraft is really handy.
*Vick starts to walk further into the woods fixating on the compass*
Vick: finding Apollo will be a piece of cake now.  
6 months later
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tim-writes-a-lot · 8 months
Oh No! Nalfeshnee!
The hapless bard walked slowly through the forest, a mighty plastic long sword gripped tightly in his sweaty hands. Hey, what did you expect? He usually just carried the weapon for show.
Why was he so nervous? This hero thing can't be so hard, thought the bard-turned-sellsword. Besides, how bad could a Nalfeshnee be? Such a garbled name must come from a fairly weak creature.
But this beast had attacked a small group of travelers on the nearby trail. So when the cute barmaid at the ale house had twirled a finger in her hair and tilted her head just so, he couldn't help but say yes to whatever she asked. In this case it was to go take care of whatever had tormented and apparently even killed several unfortunate wanderers. Besides, after two weeks of performing at this bar he needed something new to bring a bit of excitement to his life.
After a half hour of walking back and forth from the trail and through the forest all that he had found so far was boredom. This Nalfeshnee thing must have seen him coming and became scared and ran off. He aimlessly stepped into a forest clearing for the fourth time already today.
Maybe I'll work on my new song a bit more while I waste my time...
"I woke up one fine mornin'
And what did I see?
That cute little barmaid
Was sleepin' with me.
I had courted her with poems
I flirted and she laughed
I sang her a sweet tune
And then made a slick pass
Took her back to my place
She was a ball of fire in bed
Made my mind go a reelin'
She gave the best...HOLY SHIT!"
He was not sure if he sang the words "holy shit." He was dead certain that it wasn't the lyric he had intended to sing. He was also sure it didn't matter much right now. He was also pretty sure he now knew what a Nalfeshnee looked like. Especially since it stood snarling before him. He was not sure at all whether he had soiled his pants, but the odds that it had actually happened were currently running down his leg.
What stood before him was best described as a cross between an ogre and a wild boar but with wings that seemed way-too-small to be useful on its back. It was drooling worse than the seamstress he had taken to bed a few months back in the village of Charcoal Cross. It was also much uglier than the local he assumed was not fully human that he had slept with while passing through the town of Mossy Oak three weeks ago. In other words, even a bard with such questionable standards would not have slept with a Nalfeshnee. It was just gross. Oh, and very angry, we can not forget the angry part.
He held up his plastic sword, which strangely enough, looked like a large butter knife. The demon standing before him almost looked happy to see the bard try to defend himself. It swung a powerful clawed hand and shattered the blade instantly, sending bits of white plastic flying everywhere. A hoofed leg then kicked the helpless pretend-sellsword to the ground. Was it laughing at him or does this freaking thing just sound like this when it breathes?
What the bard thought were his final thoughts began running through his head. Why did he let the cute barmaid talk him into such a quest? Well, because she was a lot better looking than the people that usually enjoyed his talents as he skipped from town to town bringing laughter, catchy rhymes and really way-out-of-key singing. Maybe she was not all that she seemed, could it have been a spell, or some potion? He should have suspected as much, no one that pretty usually talked to him, not even after his best performances. His next thought was that maybe he should have stuck with what he was good at, or at least halfway decent at... or maybe just acceptable at... but you know what he means, right? Fighting an angry Nalfeshnee wasn't exactly in his upper skill set, entertaining townsfolk that were rarely sober, that was more in his comfort zone.
He looked up and watched the beast open its pointy-sharp-toothed jaws wide and swing its clawed hand back for another swipe. The air around him seemed to begin crackling. A bright flash caused him to close his eyes. He thought: Is this what happens when you die? But he then heard a sound from the Nalfeshnee that was more one of surprise than crazed anger.
He opened his eyes to see the beast writhing in pain, then out of the corner of the bard's eye he saw her. She was glorious. Dark flowing hair that seemed to twinkle as if it was made of strings of black opals. Soft dark skin, how was it glowing? Was she glowing? Is this an angel, come to save me? Her ears were pointed and jutting through the black opal hair on either side of her head. Her flowing outfit concealed much of her form, but the stunned bard knew he would never see anything more beautiful in his entire life. How much of that life was left, he wasn't sure of. He let his eyes close again as the sounds of a very one-sided battle ripped through the forest clearing.
Minutes later? Hours later? Lifetimes later? He didn't know, he just felt a soft hand on his cheek and heard a voice. He slowly opened his eyes and saw her leaning over him. He croaked out a few words “My angel, my savior...”
“Oh, shut up, you silly fool, I'm no angel, you should see me in a library.” She seemed to laugh at some sort of inside joke before speaking to him again. “Consider yourself lucky I could not only hear, but could also smell that foul wretched beast from the nearby trail. Otherwise you may have become that demon's lunch.”
He kept staring at his savior and mumbling “Angel, you are... saved me... thank... the goddess Meilikki herself has protected me... so beautiful...you are...”
“Goddess may be right, but the name is Zelpha. And you are crazy, and most-likely have a concussion, not to mention various other bruises and lacerations. I will get my mount and get you to a village for care and rest. Please don't play the hero again. The next time you may not be so lucky.”
The banged-up bard continued to babble about the pretty dark angel elf that lit up the sky with fire. Finally, after about the twentieth time he thanked her and said she was beautiful, she glanced around quickly to make sure no one was watching and then cast a Silence spell on the deranged adventurer. “That's much better,” she said and went about the business of getting this half broken man to a village.
He woke up in a soft bed at the inn of the next village along the trail. He had been dreaming of fireballs and pretty elves and foul smelling demons. He opened his eyes for the first time in three days only to be disappointed. The old motherly face of the inn keeper glanced back. Oh how he wanted to see another face, a prettier face... a... “Glad to see you finally awake, good Sir. The lady that dropped you off left a few coins and dealt me a good bit of persuasion to see to your recovery. Rest up, lad, you are safe now.”
Several weeks later he found himself in a country pub, performing and entertaining and bringing laughs to the townsfolk. Had he learned a lesson? I would say so. He sung his latest song to the sparse crowd. Laughter, at his own expense, but hey, it was a living, which is much better than a dying!
“One fine spring day
I ventured into the woods
It was time to be a hero
To deliver the goods
But a demon arrived
Put me in a fear-filled trance
Broke my favorite sword
And made me piss my pants
But a goddess came along
Cast spell after spell
Knocked out the demon
And sent him back to hell
She was glorious and pretty
Saving my soul and my life
I just wish I could thank her
And sing this song to her some night!”
As applause and laughter rose from the crowd, he spied at the back of the pub a figure so out of place he could not miss it. It was her... she still looked like she was glowing to him, but he also noticed she was laughing. She was laughing!
By the time he got to the back of the pub she was gone. At least he felt like, in his own strange way, he was finally able to thank her, even if it was with a silly song.
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Sunday 2nd July 9:50pm
hiya folks, god my emotions have been so all over the place recently, I was mainly sobbing yesterday evening but today I was laughing pretty hard. What?
I tried a new coping mechanism yesterday, I recorded myself offloading what's on my mind onto a voice recording during my mental breakdown, it felt so weird to say it out loud and it wan't the same as thinking it to myself in my head if that makes sense but I think it might have helped a bit. they say a problem shared is a problem halved so I guess I just shared it to the void / the unfortunate future me who stumbles across it whilst trying to find a birdsong recording...
I watched Asteroid City in the cinema with my friend this evening, god I just loved the visuals but I'm still processing the storyline, you know sometimes it feels like Wes Anderson tries so hard to make his stories/dialogue deep that is ends up being superficial, also the fact that the whole 'point' of the film was slightly lost with the fact that it was a play, I don't think it was as successful as he though his movie pitch was.
Barbenheimer is approaching and both trailers were played in the correct order, Oppenheimer and then Barbie that is, I'm really SUPER exited for both films, its just a bit unfortunate they are both out on the same day... oh well. I think people forget that just because they come out on the same day doesn't mean you have to watch them on the same day, they will have more than one showing!
I also had my ballet exam this morning, my pirouettes were on fleek but there were some bits where I forgot the right direction or used the wrong leg EVEN WHEN I KNEW THE RIGHT ONE, I guess I just mess up under pressure sometimes, I'm hoping to continue at uni though so I don't feel as though this is a point where I should be the best because I will improve more after this final exam. I do feel a bit embarrassed about it but I mean I can't change it now, I could have always worked more on it but then I would have had to sacrifice some work from elsewhere and do worse on that, or at lease that's how I want to think about it.
Maybe this is a little too personal but I met someone new recently, who was really really really nice, kind and bubbly so I don't want you getting there wrong impression, but she said I should get checked out for ADHD, I don't know I guess I just hadn't considered my symptoms were actually related to that, I though it was just anxiety and dyslexia but the more I look into it the more similarities I see. I'm considering seeing a professional but I'm pretty bad at going to people about these things, I've pin pointed that its definitely because I'm scared they will diminish how I feel, mostly because its happened before at my previous school (and they were disproved later). But still, I don't know if a diagnosis would even help?
I'm so grateful to my best friend at the moment, maybe when I die they will find this account and read through all these posts and when they do, my darling best friend you have been so good to me and I hope I can repay you in however you need. So much love B
anyway, its late and I want to get up in good time to write an essay tomorrow, all the best xxx
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holycrimin · 2 years
Please.. I need you.
Rise!Donnie x reader
Summary: you wanted, no, needed him. And he didn't need you back. After the failed confession, he started to ignore you. And you decide to confront him.
Warnings: mild swearing, angst, don's kinda mean at first, might be ooc?, idk how to deal with my emotions so some of the scenes may be deemed as cringey or awkward, amatuer writer
No beta we die like men/this has no been proof-read, i just skimmed it
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Alright. Today was the day. Today was the day you confessed to him. You've thought of every possibility that might happen, whether that be him saying yes or rejecting you. You thought you were ready, you had to have been ready, right?
"Hey! You ready?" April called out, the other three brothers peeking in aswell. "Yeah just– just a little... nervous, is all."
"Pbbt! Don't worry about it, i'm sure everything's going to be finee!" Leo said, patting you on the back. "Yeah! Like leo said, it's going to be fine." "And if anything happens, like.. you two getting together! Call us up!" Mikey exclaimed, although getting smacked by Raph, uttering a small 'ack!'
You chuckle, "Well, here goes nothing." You walk out of the room, which you just now realized was leo's, and start heading for donnie's lab.
Out of the room, you run into leo once again. "Hey, if he ever gives you a hard time, i'll be here for you, okay?" He pats your back, genuinity in his voice. 'Huh.. a little out of character, but he means well, right?' You nod at him with a small smile and he went on his way, getting the hint.
The walk to his lab felt longer than usual, your heart pounding and your legs also shaking. You can do this, they believe in you, you have to believe in yourself too.
You peek through his door, trying to see what he was doing. You couldn't really tell what he was doing, with his back turned and all.
"Y/n, I know you're there, I can literally see you." You jump a little. Right, he had cameras. Or maybe you were just that bad at sneaking and stuff. Nevertheless, you walk in. "Give me a minute, i'm working on something." He said, waving you off. He looks to be tinkering with something.
"Y.. yeah, about that. Could I... Could i talk to you for a minute?" You could feel your face heating up, 'c'mon, you can do this!' You say, trying to hype yourself up for the confession internally. "Yeah yeah, uh.. just give me a second, anndd...." he makes some small adjustments. "Alright, now.. what did you wanna say? Make it quick, though, it's a little unstable." He looks at you, putting his goggles on his head.
Oh god, here come the second thoughts. Maybe you shouldn't go through this after all... No, no you already made it this far. You can't turn back now.
"Uh.. you just gunna.. stand there?" Oh, right. "Right! Right.."
"Okay, so.." You gulp, fiddling with your fingers. "You know how... we've been friends for a while now?" "..yeah?" He seems confused, maybe a little suspicious. "Well.. uh...I– Shit, I don't know how to say this..." you scratched to back of your neck, looking at the ground.
"The thing is..." you clench your fist, donnie seeming the get the hint a little but still hearing you out just to make sure. "The.. The thing is that... I like you, Don. Alot."
"Like alot, alot. Might even say i've fallen for you. Hard. I..." You struggled to find the words, "I really do like you. I have for a while now. And– and I didn't want to tell you because you're one of the best people that's ever entered my life, I wasn't ready to give that up because of how i felt." You could feeling your cheeks burning through your skin.
"I can't go a day without thinking about you. I love how you're passionate about what you do, I love... everything about you." As you looked up, he had a bewildered expression on his face.
"And... I was wondering if you felt the same?" You could feel your anxiety welling up.
"....You're kidding, right?" He asked, looking at you with a humorous expression. You were silent, you didn't know how to respond. God, this was worse than just being outright rejected.
He sees your expression, "Oh.. you weren't joking huh." You braced yourself for the worse, "Y/n, listen. I'm flattered, I am! but... I just uh.. don't.."
"I... don't feel the same, Y/n." He rubbed the nape of his neck, feeling awkward.
Well. This.. this is very awkward. And in an attempt to ease it, he suddenly spoke. "Anyways.. I better get back to this! I.. uh.. gotta.. fix the.. Firing.. Pin..?" He quickly gets back to whatever the hell he was doing before, very obviously ignoring you.
"...I.. Alright. I'll see you around i guess." You dashed out of there as quickly as possible, tears almost bursting through. Donnie, on the other hand, was having a crisis. What does this mean for the both of you?
He sat there tinkering for a moment. Does he..? No, no he doesn't. But why did it hurt so much? For the both of you..? He saw the pain in your eyes when he rejected you. Maybe... maybe he should go apologiz– No no, that'll only make things more complicated. He'll do it tomorrow.
For now, he'll focus on work.
You were in the living room, and you were inconsolable. 'This.. isn't fair.' You thought. Of course it wasn't, it was one-sided love for god's sake. It just hurt so much. But you can't blame him. It's not like you can force him to love you.
You just need someone right now. Someone that wasn't Donnie.
April went home because she forgot to study for the test on friday, Splinter is off to who knows where, not like he could help anyway.. and the other two are nowhere to be found. Then, you remembered.
You knock on the doorframe, "Who's theree!~" he slightly yelled. You open the curtains, tears running down your face and hair messed up. "Oh. I'm.. guessing it didn't work..?" His voice was softer, putting the comic book down. You nod your head, about to burst into tears once again.
"Hey, hey.. come on, talk to me. What happened?" He asks, putting his hand behind your back. "I-I.. It didn't exactly.. go well." You say, falling back onto his mattress. "He didn't feel the same way. Which I guess is fine.. I can't force him to. But still... it hurt like a bi‐"
"Wait wait wait, he told you he doesn't like you??" He cuts you off, "Yeah? Why?" "Uh- ahem! Nothing nothing, continue." He smiled, moving on.
Time flew by so quickly, that by then you both had diverted from the original topic to instead talking about comics and personal interests. Thank god for that.
Of course, you had to go home. You said your goodbyes to leo. You contemplated saying goodbye to donnie, but in the end you couldn't say goodbye.
After you left, he decided to visit Donnie. He went in the lab without knocking, being 'stealthy' about it. Well, his definition of stealthy. "Oh dear brother of minee!~" Donnie audibly sighs, "Ugh, what do you want, 'nardo?"
"Oh nothing, I just heard from Y/n that you really messed up, man." Donnie stopped tinkering. "..What did they say?" "Just how you practically hurt their feelings so much they went to me, instead of you for comfort?" He said, checking his nails.
He stopped, "They went to you? What did they say?"
"Donnie, donnie, it doesn't matter. What matters, is that you apologize to them! A simple "i'm sorry", should do the trick." He said. "I can't just do that! It'll make everything more awkward! What am I even supposed to say?!"
"Dunno, bro, you rejected them. Not my fault." Leo said, trying to get a rise out of him.
Donnie suddenly stood up, "Well what was i supposed to do?! They-They came to me with this... this... stupidly cut- i mean.. stupid love confession!" "Oh my god, you dense-! Don't you realise you like them back?!" He was speechless. "Excuse me? What are you talking about?! I.. I don't..." "Suree, like you don't get jealous when they talk to the others." He nonchalantly said.
"Anywho, I should be going now. Me and Mikey are gonna go skateboarding! By the way, you should really apologize to them. They looked... heartbroken." As Leo exited the room, Donnie was left stunned.
No.. he couldn't possibly be. Jealous? Him? Tsk, as if.
Donnie laid awake in his room, thinking about what you said, and what Leo said.. 'The... the thing is.. I like you Don. Alot.' 'Oh my god, you dense-! Don't you realise you like them back?!' Damn it, why... why were you like this? It hurt so much to see you hurting. Why...
He saw how you poured your heart out. Was he too harsh? He didn't want to think about it. He still wanted you around. He still cared about you.
And– and Leo... was he right? Did he really... like you?
Well, who cares. He's thinking about this too deeply, you probably moved on already.
He shouldn't talk to you. He doesn't deserve to be around you. Not even when it hurts him. It's for your, and his own good.
A week went by. Of course, you still talked to the other three and April, but.. Donnie avoided you. Alot. Even when you tried to talk to him, rekindle your friendship, but he wouldn't budge. It definitely frustrated you, but you felt it wasn't in your place to say anything.
You were hurt. Very, very hurt. You tried moving on, but every time you tried to talk to him, he gave you the cold shoulder.
'Come on, i just want some closure..' you internally sighed. Was he embarrassed or something? You're so confused..
You know what, you should confront him. Walking around, you were wondering if you should check his room, or his lab first. You ultimately decided on his lab, since that's where he usually resides.
"Hey Y/n, where ya goin'? Aren't you gonna come with us? Me and the guys are gunna get some pizza." Asked raph, pointing to the surface. "Hm? Oh uh.. no thanks. I've gotta go do something else." You politely decline his offer. "You sure? We can get some since uh.." he rubbed his neck awkwardly. "No, it's fine." You flashed a small smile. "Eh, suit yourself. Hey guys! Wait up!" He ran after them. Well, let's just hope they save you some later.
Right now, your attention is fully on Donnie. Just confront him, and you can move on. This... isn't going to be easy, but it's worth a shot. You walk into his lab, and were sure enough, he was there. Slaving away into whatever project he decided to start once more.
You take a quiet, but deep breath. You clear your throat, "Don, mind telling me why you've been avoiding me?" You said, walking further into the room. He stopped what he was doing, taking off his goggles and putting it on his head. "I don't know what you're talking about." He seemed.. normal? What the hell?
But there's still something different. He doesn't seem like himself. "You don't think i haven't noticed? Every time i try to talk to you, you always have an excuse." You take a step forward. "What else could you possibly be doing at three in the afternoon?" He stands up, looking down on the floor. "I- I just have some things i need to do, is all.."
"That's—!.. Don, come on, please.." you begged, "Let's just get this over with. It's hard enough trying to move on." He stayed silent, an apathetic expression on his face. Were you too pushy or something? You continuously try to get him to talk to you but he wouldn't budge.
There was silence.
All there was, was silence. None of you said a word. He keeps working on.. whatever, trying to ignore you completely. He doesn't hate you, does he..?
"Did.. did i ruin this...? Did i.. did i ruin us?" He flinched, expression softening. He quickly dropped his tools. "I.. I-I..."
You stare at him once more, a spiteful look in your eye, before deciding to leave the lab. "I really did love you, donatello. But even if you didn't, we could've atleast tried to stay friends." You've had enough of his antics. The guilt was washing over him, enough that he couldn't think straight.
Your eyes filling with tears. He did that.. to you. Your cheeks were puffing up, and your eyes were turning red. He caused this. He just wanted to apologise over and over again. To hold you in his arms.
'No.. No don't go.. please..' he reached out his hand.
He wanted to show you how much he loved you. How, it's not too late, we can still...
Wait... Does he....? A moment of realisation washed over him.
He wanted you. He needed you.
Leo was right.
Without thinking, he grabbed your wrist. "Don, wha-" you were cut off by a sudden kiss. It was short, but god, was it sweet. Your face was practically as red as raph's bandana.
"Sorry! Sorry, I know I should've asked first, I-.." he cuts himself off.
You were speechless... what in the..? "I.. I'm so sorry, Y/n. Hah.. god, you have no idea how much it hurt to avoid you." He looked into your eyes.
"Wh-wha.." he grabbed on to you, face dropping to the crook of your neck. "I'm sorry, god, i'm so sorry.." flustered, you whisper, "Don." You thought Leo was out of character, but this?
He looked up at you, "haha... you had me thinking you hated me for a second." You say, cupping his face. "I could never! I would never." You smile, kissing him on the forehead.
He chuckles, "does this mean you forgive me?" "Hm... say you love me first, then we'll talk." You grin. He wore a flustered look, "Huh-?! Oh you cheeky little..!"
You look at him with a shit-eating grin, although he eventually did give in, his face flushed a dark green. "Fine," he gave you another kiss, a longer one, gentle and soft. As sweet as honey. "I love you."
You flashed a beaming smile, "I love you too, Don."
Author's note: I edited this fic (after like a few months) a little because im just now rereading it and oh my god some lines are either cringe, or not something the character would say at all, so hope you enjoy the edited version! Not much was changed lol
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chvnnie · 2 years
Okay so I love Changbins muscles like so fucking much to a point where it is a problem maybe. I drool over them hoping that that one day I could be crushed my then. So I was wondering what if Changbin no we about the reader being obsessed about his muscles.
i’ve had such bad changbin rot this past week. like omg-
it’s hard to hide how obsessed you are - but who can blame you? changbin worked so hard on his body, it would almost be rude of you not to stare, not to drool-
it was only a matter of time before he realized what his muscles did to you. it didn’t take long, in fact it was only a few times of changbin speaking and you zoning out that he realized you were staring at him (specifically his arms).
changbin’s shirts got tighter, his pants a little more snug than they used to be, and honestly you were losing your mind. was he getting bigger, stronger? no - well, maybe a bit. he was just using his tighter fitting clothes to his advantage, and to your downfall.
one morning, changbin asked you to put a necklace on for him. “i can’t get it latched.” he claimed while sporting a wicked smile that you couldn’t even see - his black shirt hugged his biceps so nicely that you lost all train of thought.
“um, sure. yeah.” you mumbled, not 100% sure what exactly you were agreeing to.
he sat on the bed, strong hands grabbing your waist and pulling you into his lap. bodies flushed together, he put the chain in your hand, silently giving you the go ahead. while working on latching it, his arms wrapped around your waist, muscles flexing as he held onto you. it was hard to miss the way you pressed you quivering lips together, or the way your eyes kept fluttering to the hem of his shirt sleeves. he had you right where he wanted you.
“done.” you said quickly, trying to move out of his lap to let your head clear.
oh, if only it was that easy.
he kept an iron grip on your hips, keeping you in place and making it impossible to even think about moving. “not so fast, sweetheart. don’t ya want to sit with me a bit?”
“no. i mean yes, but-“ the wee bit of self control you had flew out the window as you started to rub his arms. chuckles bubbled in his throat, giddy over how easy it is to make you putty in his hands. “-don’t you have work today?”
changbin shrugged before lifting you slightly, moving so his back was against the headboard. “i can be late.”
it wasn’t long before he had your back against his chest, legs spread out by his legs. your head was thrown back against his shoulder, eyes rolling back from the teasing strokes of the vibrator he controlled - lowest setting, up and down, tip lingering just a hair where it felt the best before moving it away. you squirmed too much when he played there for too long.
but squirming wasn’t much of an issue, not when he could flex the arm wrapped around your throat and get you under control. oh, how pretty you looked in his chokehold, hands flying up and digging your nails into the flesh of his forearm. he hissed at the stinging sensation, the urge to make you fall apart increasing the deep you dug.
“yeah? feel good?”
you could barely keep your eyes open, the juxtaposition of the grip on your throat and soft strokes between your legs making you dizzy. your mouth gapped open, whiny moans falling free as his teasing just got worse.
changbin’s chuckle was loving, even the way his nose nuzzles just above your ear, little kisses grounding you - or were they to throw you off? because when he spoke, his words were the opposite.
“dumb little baby, already too broken to speak?” his words are condescending, laced with a confidence that made your thighs ache. “what a pity. especially because-“ he flexed his arms, a cry leaving your lips as he restricted a bit more of your air supply.
“we’re not even closed to finished.”
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iluvcvnnie · 3 years
L’s assistant
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summary: late night at the office turns into something steamy
warnings: fingering, eating out, nipple play, slight degredation, cursing, just lots of smut (very nsfw)
dni if under 16!!!
pairing: L lawliet x fem!reader
wc: 1k+
a/n: this was like the first smut i wrote but im reposting some of my old works on here so sorry if it’s bad lmao (i was user @cozybrvaun)
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Working with L started off completely innocent and professional. You informed him about his meetings. Brought him his favorite cakes and coffee when he requested you too. Always minded your business and never conversed in a conversation with him while he was working.
It wasn’t until one night you had stayed at the office later than usual. L had requested you stay with him while he was solving a particular case. Watari was out of town on vacation so he could not cater to L’s needs on a daily basis. Which was one of the reasons he decided to hire you. You were just a temporary assistant but the money was good so you took the job.
You were completely dazed in your thoughts, bored as always. All you did was cater to his needs and do simple tasks. Other than that you always found yourself spinning in your chair prompting your legs up on your desk. And you were dreading the outfit you chose to wear today.
You figured why not look somewhat nice today, since it was friday and you were planning on going out with a few of your friends. But those plans were cancelled as soon as L asked you to stay. You were a little irritated but at least you were still getting paid. You decided to go on your phone to pass the time.
It wasn’t until you heard what sounded like glass, fall onto the floor and break. The sound echoed all throughout the building. You quickly got up and ran straight to L’s office. You were so out of breath by the time you got there. “Is everything all right?” Your right hand laid on your chest as you stood there trying to catch your breath.
“Yes I’m fine, but do you mind getting me a new cup? I accidentally dropped this one.”
“Uh sure!, I’ll be right on it.”
“Do you need me to clean up these broken pieces sir?”
“Please refer to me as L, and yes please clean up these pieces but quietly. I cannot be disturb, this case has been super hard for me to crack so I need full concentration.”
You nodded your head and quickly ran off into the kitchen to grab the broom and dust tray. You quietly walked back to where the broken glass pieces laid. You crouched down on the ground and immediately started sweeping up the pieces with the mini broom in your hand. As you sweeped up the mess you discreetly began looking at L’s computer screen.
You were curious about what he was working on. Your eyes then began to shift over to his hands typing on the keyboard. His fingers were long but his hands looked extremely soft. They smoothly bounced off of the keys in an up and down motion. You watched as he pursed his soft plump lips together while he tried to think. Your eyes moved to his legs which are displayed wide open.
Oh how I wanna sit on them… wait what am I thinking i’m at work.
You tried to distract yourself from your lewd thoughts but it only got worse when L took a sip of his coffee. The liquid began to drip from his lip to chin. He didn’t realize it until you finally spoke.
“Um L, you have a little something on your chin.”
He looked at you with a blank expression.
“Well are you gonna just stand there or help me clean it off.”
You were a little dumbfounded from his tone of voice and from the fact that he could literally clean his own face. But you are his assistant so it is your job to help him.
What you didn’t know was that L had taken an interest in you too. No it wasn’t when you first got the job. You were genuinely good at what you do. It was the way you presented yourself. You are confident and smart. Which made him so attracted to you.
His mood was a little off tonight because of you. That outfit you chose to wear made the bulge in his pants grow by the hour. The short pencil skirt that would casually rise every time you walked by him. The way your hips swayed back and forth showcasing your ass. Oh how badly he wanted you to sit on his face… Wait what am I thinking, this isn’t right. He almost couldn’t control himself when you bent down to clean up the mess he purposefully made in order to see you again. Your pretty face and soft lips he wanted to feel.
He couldn’t tell if you were teasing him or not when you adjusted your shirt that showed more of your breast. They looked like they might have fallen out of the shirt you chose to wear if you didn’t stand up in time. L felt his face constantly heating up.
You grabbed the white napkin on his desk and slowly started to wipe the liquid off his chin. The eye contact between you and L was tense and made your face heat up. Your eyes then moved to his lips back up to his face. By the time you looked back up, you noticed his eyes gazing at your lips.
You licked your lips and went in for a heated kiss. L didn’t say a word, he only deepened the kiss between you too. You felt him grab your ass to help you sit on his lap while he was laid out in his chair. You started to dry hump his legs rocking back and forth. The kisses were sloppy but slow. You felt L fondle your ass which caused you to let out a breathy moan. “Fuck” L had said under his breath.
You broke the kiss and began planting more kisses on his neck. They were soft and warm making L’s cock twitch in his pants. You decided to tease him a little more but lightly nibbling his neck and ears. This made L lose it.
“Shirt off.” You froze for a second then obeyed. You slowly began unbuttoning your blouse which revealed your blacked laced bra. You then unclipped your bra causing your breasts to be fully exposed.
L began placing sloppy kisses all over you. He held your waist as he began kissing your stomach. He planted kisses all over you moving up your body each time. He eventually reached your breast and immediately latched his mouth onto your right nipple while his left hand fondled your other breast. This made you let out elicit moans and your back began to arch. L swirled his tongue around and around your nipple.
He bobbed his head up and down in a fast motion. You felt your core heating up. You wanted no, needed him inside of you. And L felt the same way. After L was done with your breasts he let out a pop noise when his mouth detached from your nipple. “Sir, we need to stop- this is unprofessional-” Your breaths became more uneven as you felt L’s large hands on your thighs. Inching up your skirt every time you speak.
“Would you like me to stop?” His hand moved up closer and closer to your clothed area. You shook your head.
You felt his pointer and middle finger rub your clothed area back and forth. Making you clench your thighs.
“Fuck your already so wet for your me.” Your leg began to close out of reflex but L’s hands began to spread your legs apart. He grabbed your waist again placing you closer to him. He was facing your breast.
He began kissing your breast again then using his two fingers to pull your underwear down. You got chills from your spine filling the cool air on your soaking cunt. L unlatched his lips from your breast and began eating you out. His tongue explored your cunt in so many ways. You applied pressure to his back with your nails.
“Please remove your nails from my back.” His voice was muffled due to him being underneath your skirt.
L continued licking in between your folds then back to your thighs. Over and over again. You felt your high coming closer and closer. L licked up all of your juices one more time until you finally came all over his face.
“Fuck you’re such a mess.” L lifted his head from your skirt while you handed him the napkin on his desk to clean up his face.
L cut you off by cupping your cheek then placing his lips onto yours. The kiss was slow but warm. All of your thoughts were gone at this moment.
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Summary: Title: curvy slut destroyed by big jock dick
Pairings: Ryan Ackerman x “Curvy”!Reader
Warnings: minors dni, smut, personal trainer porn, hole in pants porn, filming, porn star
(A/N: omg what if you guys don’t get the joke. Oh well. We’ll see. Not proofread. ALSO I decided to change it to Colin halfway through. Realized I felt nothing and then changed it back so if you see any Colin’s mind your business ☺️ Thanks for reading. Like follow and reblog with a comment 💜✌🏾)
»»——————————- ♡ —————-————-««
““Is everything okay?”
You’d been trying so hard to get it in with Ryan. You were so happy that it was finally happening. Everyone was obsessed with him and all the girls you knew that got him were very happy afterwards.
Today you were in your leggings getting ready for everything. As you’d been getting ready to leave you’d noticed something. A hole.
“Um, I kind of have a problem,” you said through the door.
“What’s up?”
“I grabbed the wrong leggings and there’s a hole.”
“Ah, shit,” he said. “And you don’t have another pair. “No. I mean I guess I can workout in my jeans.”
“Nah that’ll be uncomfortable,” he said. “You won’t be able to stretch.”
You groaned and took a deep breath as you looked down. Well it’s not like he could see it unless you were gapped open. From the way you were standing it was pretty well hidden.
You opened the door and poked your head out. Seeing him on the other side with a smile as soon as he saw you. “And there she is,” he said. “You okay?”
As you attempted to calm your nerves, you nodded. You could do this. It was no big deal. He probably wouldn’t even see anything. “Yeah. I think we’re good.”
“Yeah? What about your pants?”
“Just… keep your eyes up here, Mister,” you said using your pointer finger to circle up your face.
Ryan chuckled. “Of course. You’re the boss.”
The both of you got to work and it really wasn’t that bad at first. He was really good hyping you up first of all. Which is why you loved working out with him and only him. His energy felt so contagious.
Then he had you do squats which is when you started to feel a little self-conscious. “I dunno, Ryan what if it shows too much.”
“You’ll be fine. Promise.”
So far things were going pretty normal until he grabbed your hips. Having to stand behind you to get you into the right position. Way too close.
“See you come down like this,” he said as he helped him. Moving his hips with you. His crotch lined up with your ass. “That’s it. Just like that, that’s my girl,” he said as he went down with you again. The affirmation made you falter but he was right there to grab the weight. Steadying you as soon as he could. “Damn, you good?”
You nodded not sure what the hell you were even supposed to say after s moment like that.
“Alright, how about we take 5. Do some stretches. Then see what we can do next.”
See now this was the embarrassing part. You tried to keep your legs closed as you followed him, but you hadn’t realized how open you had to be to do this in the first place.
And Ryan certainly noticed that you weren’t doing exactly everything just like he’d shown you. “No, you’re supposed to do it like this,” he said grabbing your thigh and moving you into the correct position. Leaving you spread open, pussy clearly visible.
“Hey!” You protested trying to move his hand away.
“I know, I know, but you have to get this right,” he said spreading it until you could feel the stretch in your thigh. “Feeling’ it yet?”
You nodded and then he went to sit behind you so he could help with your other leg. Once again way too close.
“There we go. That’s my girl,” he said into your ear making you tingle.
“Um, Ryan?”
“Yeah?” He asked as his hands tracked a little higher so he could make you go deeper into positions. “Ow!”
“Shit, sorry,” he said releasing you. “Don’t wanna push you too hard.”
You were feeling a little self conscious because you were pretty sure that all that stretching had made an already bad situation even worse. Then he had you bend over with your ass up in the air. Fuck he could certainly see it now.
“Ry- Ryan, I do- don’t th-think,” you stuttered out as he grabbed your hands from behind you. He’d placed a throw pillow down so you could rest your forehead on it as he helped stretch out your back.
Then he pushed your hips up. Making your ass go straight in the air. “Wait,” he chuckled, “that’s right. I forgot about the hole.” He laughed as he leaned forward to touch it. Hitting you right against your slit.
“Shit, sorry.” He laughed then did it again. “Wait! You bad girl! You’re not wearing panties.”
“Hey!” You protested again. He stopped but then he went back to pressing against you.
“Here. Just,” he put his hands on your hips again moving his crotch right there. “Right, there. Feel that?”
Oh you certainly did. His middle flexing against you as he pulled you into him. Could feel him getting hard against you in his sweats. Goddamn. If he wasn’t holding you up, you know you would have dropped to the floor.
“Shit,” he said pulling back. “Damn you made a mess on me.”
Your face heated up and you were gonna say something when he put his hand back into the crotch of your pants. Making you jump when he once again poked at your pussy lips. Rubbing up and down your slit.
“Jesus Christ, you always get like this when we work out?”
“No,” you whimpered.
“I dunno,” he said in a sing song voice. “Pussy’s wet like you’ve been thinking about it.” You clenched onto nothing as you let out a breathy moan. “That’s better. I see the way you look at me. I know you gotta crush on me.”
His finger dipped in and then out really quickly then stopped to pull the fabric apart even further. “Fuck. Gotta cute pussy. Did you plan this? Knew I wasn’t gonna be able to keep my hands to myself. Thought I’d at least ask you if you wanted a smoothie. Maybe even take you on a date.” Fuck he was so good at this ugh.
Finally he started to push his fingers in. Making your hips lift. Your breathing all hard. “Fuck.”
“Yeah you want that, huh.”
“Uh huh,” you moaned.
That was when he stood up. Pulling himself out of his sweats. He was already pretty hard and had a very nice cock to match his pretty face. You turned so you were right in front of him. Licking your lips before stopping to remove your sports bra.
“Go ahead, Baby,” he said putting his hand on your chin. “Suck my dick.”
You nodded and then quickly got to work. Licking and sucked him up. Getting it all nice and wet. Trying your best to slobber all over it.
“There we go,” he groaned as he thrusted his hips up to your mouth. “There you go. Doing so damn good. Here let me see you slurp all of that up.”
He put his hand on the back of your head as you pushed down into him. He kept whispering to you how good you were doing.
Before you knew it he was sitting on the couch as you road him with your back facing him. He helped you move up and down on top of him with his hands gripping your hips. You were
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you moaned.
“That’s right, Baby. Take this dick.”
From there he finally helped you remove your pants before sliding into you again from behind. Moaning as he fucking you a little harder. Making you arch your back and hold your ass at a certain angle.
“Fuck. That feels good,” you moaned.
He chuckled. “Yeah?”
You moaned and then shuddered as you started cumming. “Holy fuck, yeah!” You cried scrunching you your face. “Yes, ugh, yes, Ryan!”
“Fuck, gonna make me fucking cum.” You breathed.
“Damn already?” He asked.
“Uh huh,” you whined as your hips slammed back onto him. “Holy shit!”
“Ah, fuck,” he groaned. “Fuck I’m gonna cum too.”
“Do you wanna slow down?” You asked
“No, no fuck keep going that feels fucking good for me too.” He groaned. “Shit, girl. You have such a tight pussy. Fuck I’m gonna, here,” he groaned as he pulled out so he could sit back. Grabbing you so he could hurry up and turn you around. Aiming his cock right for your lips. Giving you the hint to open your mouth.
As soon as you started bobbing up and down filled your mouth up. Making you swallow the heavy loud. Your eyes looking straight at him as you took him into your throat for the last time as his abs had twitched so he had to pull you off.”
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kageyuji · 4 years
accidentally grabbing his crush’s ass
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⤷ kuroo, bokuto, iwaizumi, akaashi, kageyama ; gn!reader
tags: the title of these hcs lol, vague sexual innuendos(?), kuroo’s is kind of friends to ass-grabbing if you squint
notes: i did hcs like this a while back if these feel familiar, plagiarism isn’t sexy <3 although reblogs are highly appreciated
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kenma was not a good wingman. at all.
but he tried his best </3
which was why he had invited both you and kuroo to hang out with him, the three of you were friends after all
kenma had planned on “accidentally” locking you two in a room together
what kenma hadn’t planned on was kuroo embarrassing himself before kenma even had the chance to put his plan in action
kuroo was crouched on the floor trying to fix kenma’s gaming system (god knows why it chose today to eat the game card)
he was completely unaware you were standing behind him and, somehow, in his peripheral he had assumed you were kenma’s desk chair
reaching behind himself to grab the chair and pull it over so he could sit in it, his eyes and one hand were still occupied
the other hand was now on your ass
it doesn’t register in his mind at first, he just knows that whatever he’s grabbing it isn’t the chair he thought
he literally turns his head slowly and when he looks at you hes like 😃
“ahah whoops”
“i’m so sorry, i was reaching for the chair”
“kuroo your hand is still on my ass”
he takes his hand away and then apologizes again but there is no hope for him, not when he is red to the tips of his ears
not to mention kenma, who is snickering a few feet away from the cataclysm that just unfolded infront of him
bokuto koutarou: king of not paying attention to what he is doing
especially not around you, he’s so focused on being perfect to impress you that he often ends up ignoring the minor things — the things that make you realize just how clumsy but sweet he actually is
you’d went to watch him at practice, who were you to turn him down when he said you were welcome to come?
plus, the entire team knew about his crush (it was hard not to with how much he talked about you) and they wanted to meet the person who always made their captain so starstuck and giddy
his eyes were focused on the volleyball court; he couldn’t look at you, he was putting on a serious act in hopes that you’d like him
that’s why when he reached behind himself for a volleyball he accidentally grabbed your ass
immediately realizes what he’s done, turns around and starts apologizing
he gets all pouty as well. he thinks you won’t like him now, even worse he thinks he’s offended you and now you hate him
“i didn’t mean- y/n, i swear i was grabbing a ball, i would never- :(((“
please tell him it’s ok he looks so sad
hajime iwaizumi: king of not paying attention to what he’s doing part 2
it’s not that he’s inherently oblivious to everything, he just. notices what needs to be noticed and passes over everything else
but he hadn’t heard you walk into the gym, hadn’t seen you sit on the bench in front of him when he knelt down beside his gym bag
oikawa knew you were there, so of course he smiled and loudly called “iwa-chan!”
iwaizumi, of course, went to stand up and grabbed at the bench to help himself
the bench he didn’t realize you were sitting on
so when he grabbed your waist, he also was pulling you to him. unintentionally, of course, but he was doing it nonetheless
which ended up with you falling (or rather, being dragged) off the bench and into iwa’s lap
both of you have to take a moment to process what just happened
eventually you both come to the realization that you’re sitting between his legs with his hands still somewhat on your hips and somewhat on your ass
he doesn’t want to push you off of him, but you’re currently still trying to process the situation and not moving
so he takes his hands from under your ass and slips away from behind you
“i uhm... i’m sorry, y/n. i didn’t see you, i thought i was grabbing the bench-”
“it’s alright iwa! accidents happen.”
he’ll never admit that he’s blushing. oikawa, makki, and mattsun laughing does not help the red tint in his cheeks though
bless his heart omg,,,, anyways SHDBSJDB
bokuto is a good wing man!! or at least he thinks he is 😀
but he had successfully talked you into coming to practice with him and akaashi
there wasn’t much convincing to do though, considering you had had a crush on akaashi for ages and would jump at any opportunity to be around him
but nevertheless, akaashi was setting for bokuto as always. the bin of volleyballs he always had was right beside him
...except it was on the opposite side he was used to, being that bokuto had insisted it be moved so you could stand near akaashi
he reached behind himself for a ball, but accidentally grabbing your ass instead
he realizes his mistake as soon as hes made it
even though he takes his hand back and is already stumbling out an apology, he has to turn and look at you because oh my god he did not just do that,,, oh no he did
eventually he manages to sting enough words together that it sounds something like an apology — he is sorry, he’s just far too embarrassed by what just happened to form a proper sentence
“it’s ok! don’t worry, things happen. i know you didn’t mean it” and suddenly akaashi knows that hes in deep
“uhm- yeah, sorry again. maybe you can just hand me the balls from now on ok?”
either kageyama was going to kill hinata or hinata was going to kill him, he didn’t mind which came first
hinata had invited both of you to a restaurant with him, and then ditched just as soon as you and kageyama had both arrived
of course, to you it was just bad timing. to kageyama however, he knew this was hinata’s attempt to get you to closer
kageyama tobio, who had no clue how to talk to his crush, was going to sit in a restaurant alone with you
much to his surprise though, he found himself enjoying your company. you were much kinder and easier to talk to than he had imagined in his mind, that much was clear
but of course he had to mess up. and of course it was in the most (though unintentional) perverted way
he reached to hold the door open for the people behind you whenever you were leaving but had miscalculated where you were walking
meaning he had his hand rested on your ass instead of the door
he jerks his hand back like a man scalded almost as soon as it happens
he’s stuttering and mumbling out an apology as well. it’s barely coherent, but you were laughing too hard anyways
please stop laughing he wants nothing more than to crawl into a hole and never have to face you again
“kags! it’s ok, seriously. it’s more funny than weird i promise. take me out again and we’ll call it even, alright?”
kageyama.exe has stopped working
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© kageyuji 2021. do not copy, modify, or otherwise plagiarize in any way.
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mikey180 · 2 years
Khun Aguero Agnes x reader
Type- fluff
Just in time
"Mommy! Mommy!" Your little ones yelled, running at you as fast a there little legs could carry them. "Look Mommy, look! We found a picture of you and dad!" Handing you the picture they found. "Now you know you're not supposed to be in the attic." You scolded the twins before taking the frame.
"Oh, I've been looking for this ever since we settled down. Where was it?" You asked. "I don't know" he said before looking at the dark hard wood floor. "He went into the box with all of daddy's old sharp stuff!" Your little girl confessed. "Don't throw your brother under the bus like that darling." The sudden voice startling you and the kids.
"It's time for bed." He huffs as he picks her up. "Oo, oo! Can Mommy tell us a bed time story first? Pretty please daddy?" Humming he looks at you as if questioning if you'd like to. "Of course, how about the first time me and your father met?" The kids seem to light up with excitement and rush to sit on the couch as Aguero groans.
"You should have listened to me, blue turtle!"
"Rak, come on. Mr.Khun only got hurt because-"
"Just let him have it."
"God they're so annoying" you muttered under you breath. "Eh, I know some other regulars that are so much worse." The blonde next to you spoke with slight annoyance laced in his voice before taking a sip of his coffee. "If I ever visit here after I become a ranker remind me not to except a job offer, I feel bad for you." He chuckles at your comment, but it comes to a stop with your next question. "What was your name again?"
"Did you really forget already? Mhm, you meant it when you said you were terrible with names, well I guess it can't be helped. It's Hansung Yu, try to remember it this time." You did feel kinda bad forgetting so soon, but then- "Now remind me of yours." Sarcasm dripped from every word of that sentence. "You did that on purpose!" You accusing the man seemed to only entertain him more. Chuckling to himself "How are you going to got so offended for something you've done to me, what? seven times?" Huffing you stood up, purposely knocking his coffee out of his hand and into his lap.
Smiling as you walked away knowing you got the last laugh, you heard Lero-ro over the speakers. "Alright, regulars if I could have your attention please, I would like to go over what the next test will require, the rules, and most importantly the main point. The test will be taken in the woods on the east end of the floor tomorrow at five am sharp." Everyone groaned including you. Clearing his throat to collect your attention back to him again he continued "The main goal is to get two spherical crystals in two hours. Some of you will start off with a yellow sphere while the others will start with pink sphere. You need one of each color so you will need to take from another team, but you and your team will have to partner up with another team."
The day of the exam
BEEP!! BEEP!! BEEP!! "Ugh. . . WHY?!"
When you reach the testing area you are greeted with a surprise, your team is late. You sigh, knowing that you can only sit and wait for them to show up. As you start reading you notice a brunette coming up to you "Hey, I'm Bam. Do you have a team that you've partnered up with yet?"
"Mhm, no. We were planning on picking when we got here, but they're late so we probably don't have many good choices left."
"Yeah, a lot of teams decided who they were going with last night. We had the same plan you did, but that's not working out very well. Do you want to team up with us?" He asked pointing at the rest of his team. "Sure, we might as well. I'll meet you at the entrance?" Nodding he walks off while you go to message the rest of your team that you found who'd you be partners with and you were very displeased with the response - 'WAIT! THAT'S TODAY?!'
'yes are you an IDIOT?!' huffing you see that the line in is getting short so you decide to get in the back. When you get to the front you are asked who you are teaming up with. You can only describe him and his teammates since you already forgot his name. The guard nods seemingly knowing who you are talking about and hands you a yellow sphere. When you enter the gates the brunette immediately snatches your wrist and starts running east.
"Sorry, but Mr.Khun wants to get this over and done with, also Rak is very Impatient."
"ARE YOU INSANE?!" you ask Rak "You ran off and got a pink one by yourself? This Close To The Deadline?!"
"Hey, please calm down. We only have a half an hour left, we need to find Mr.Khun." Bam pleads with you "ugh, fine." You sigh signaling defeat. You were tired and all of the other teams were not worth attacking since they all had the same sphere you did. "Thank you. Now Rak if you go south, I'll go west, and you go north. We should have a good chance at finding him if we do that." Nodding you race off, you know that you are short on time, but you have a good feeling that you'll find him.
By now you have run so far you are starting to feel tired, you legs are shaking, but you have to find him. You suddenly start to hear the shinsu river that borders the testing area, you start to come to a stop thinking that there was no way he would have gone any further, but something tells you to keep going. You see the river, then you see him.
"KHUN!! Hey we've been looking for you!" Startled by you sudden outburst he looks at you shocked, then quickly regains his composure and gives you an icy glare. "Now. . .why aren't you with Bam?" Was he crazy? Of course you'd go looking for him, you pause your train of thought to check how much time you had left. "There's seven minutes left and you think we wouldn't come looking for you?" You question as you walk towards him. "Are you an idiot? I thought you were supposed to be the SMART ONE!!"
With those words you get inches away from his face. Stepping back he starts to form a response, but that is quickly cut short as he falls into the strong river of shinsu. The substance takes him away so fast you almost have no time to respond. Almost. You know there's a waterfall that marks the end of the area and it was coming up very fast, you had to do something. Running after him at full speed you started to hear the shinsu dropping. Not only that you could see it.
Lunging at him you were only close enough to grab his blue ponytail. His hair was soft, to soft. It slipped wright out of your hand, but he turned to face you, and you could see the look of fear in his eyes as he grabbed your wrist. You used what strength you had left to pull him out of the water. He collapsed into you tired and wet before hastily pulling away. He looked away from you and muttered under his breath a broken "Thank you."
"And that kids is how I met your father!" You exclaimed, beaming at your children. " Wow Mommy you really get there in the last minute!" Their blue eyes shining brighter than there freshly washed hair.
Aguero got up from where he was sitting, a content look playing at his face. He hugs you from behind and kisses the crown of your head before sighing and saying in a reminiscing voice "Yes, she was just in time."
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
Frodo and Sam, 1, 8, 13?
1. “How I think they met”
Oh. Oh honey, sit down and get comfy, ‘cause I have THOUGHTS. One of these days I’m gonna turn this into a comic, but in the meantime, here’s the gist of it:
We know from the book that Sam had never left the Hobbiton area prior to the Quest. He’d definitely never gone all the way to Buckland. So chances are good that Frodo and Sam never met until Bilbo adopted Frodo and brought him to live at Bag End. At that point, Frodo was 21 and Sam was 9. If you accept the prevailing headcanon that hobbits age at roughly half the speed that humans do, that puts Frodo at about 10 or 11 in “human years” and Sam at about 4 or 5.
So picture this, if you will. It’s Frodo’s first day at Bag End. He’s extremely nervous, and even quieter than normal, and after helping Bilbo get all his luggage unloaded off the cart and into his new room—his room!!—he spends the late morning wandering around the halls and memorizing everything, taking it all in with wide eyes, because he’s still trying to adjust and get himself oriented and a part of him still isn’t sure this is a real and permanent arrangement.
Bilbo suggests they eat their elevensies out in the garden, since it’s such a lovely day and they could use some fresh air, and Frodo mutely agrees. It’s in the garden that they meet old Hamfast Gamgee; it’s his day off today, but he came by to say hello and introduce himself and welcome the new young master of Bag End. Frodo thanks him politely but shyly, half hiding behind his uncle, and Bilbo says many more numerous and courteous words on Frodo’s behalf.
And then, poking out from behind Hamfast’s leg, is a little head of curly hair and two wide, curious eyes.
“Oh!” cries Bilbo, thankfully voicing Frodo’s thoughts for him as he stares. “Well, who is this?”
Hamfast laughs. “Oh, don’t ye mind him, Mister Bilbo. This here’s my youngest, Sam. He heard where I was going and wanted to come along, it seems, though he didn’t count on meeting new faces. Always my shadow, this one, when I’m not working. Seems he’d follow me nearly to the end of the earth, if you take my meaning.”
The entire time Hamfast has been talking, Frodo and Sam have been staring at each other. Frodo isn’t a stranger to other children—heaven knows there are enough of them making a ruckus around Brandy Hall—but this is a child that Frodo has never seen before, and it isn’t a relative, and he doesn’t know what to do with him. Worse, it’s the child of someone that Uncle Bilbo seems to consider a friend, and he doesn’t want to make a bad impression if he’s really going to be staying here for the foreseeable future.
Eventually, Frodo manages to muster a small smile and a tiny wave and a voiceless “hello”. Sam immediately plants his face in the back of his father’s pant leg, too shy to respond, but by and by he peeps out again, and—seeing that Frodo is still there, looking friendly but a little lost—smiles at him.
And then they both proceed to play Tag on the lawn and argue over the right name for it (it’s called Tig in Brandy Hall and Frodo insists that that’s the correct name but Sam stubbornly argues that it’s called Catch) and share the crumpets that Frodo was going to have with his elevensies and the rest is history :-D
8. “Who I think is the ‘crazier’ one”
It’s Sam. Frodo is thoughtful and bookish and deliberate and doesn’t do anything without a great deal of consideration and thought, but Sam is nothing if not a great roiling ball of EmotionsTM, and he is the first to snap or fly off the handle if provoked. He can check his impulses for as long as need be (see: the thing with Gollum) but he will also be very quick to fulfill those impulses the split second he gets the opportunity (see: the time he throttled Gollum so hard it broke the walking stick). Look at Sam Gamgee who ran headlong into a tower full of orcs to save his master—alone, with no backup!—and tell me who’s the crazier one.
13. “What I think would happen if they had never met”
Middle Earth is destroyed.
No, I’m serious, this is basically canon. If Frodo and Sam had never met, then Sam doesn’t come along with him in the Fellowship. If Sam doesn’t come along in the Fellowship, there is no one with the good sense left to follow Frodo into Mordor after the Fellowship breaks.
If no one goes with Frodo into Mordor, then there is no one to save him from Shelob after she poisons him, which means Frodo gets strung up in a web somewhere and gets all his juices sucked dry until Gollum probably takes the Ring from his shriveled corpse. After that, it would only be a matter of time before Gollum puts on the Ring, broadcasting his location to all of Mordor, and five minutes and one search party later: congratulations, the Enemy has the Ring, Middle Earth is now a hellish nuclear wasteland, and anyone who’s not dead yet definitely wishes they were (especially Gollum).
Frodo and Sam’s friendship is what saved Middle Earth and I’m pretty sure that was Tolkien’s entire point.
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