#ok i get it her accent can be annoying be sometimes
Sonam Kapoor is a good actor why do people hate her
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hisonlyreid-er · 1 month
School Girl Crush Pt 2
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Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5| A new BAU member appears and Spencer sees her as a little threat to his status of boy genius. Being unable to get comfortable with each other causes some issues within the team. Will they be able to move past it and work together?
Spencer Reid x FemBau!OC Warnings: canonical violence, guns, knife, angst if you squint, 1 singular swear word
Since joining the BAU, we've been working case to case. As we worked, I grew closer to the team, getting more accustom to their individual personalities and dynamics. I had now been living here for two and a half months.
I sat on my couch, phone to my ear as I listened to the voice on the other end. "Are you sure you're doing ok Lyn?" Rolling my eyes, I stood from the couch. "Mum. I'm fine. Everything is going really well." Keeping my phone between my ear and shoulder, I begun to clean up the dishes I left in the kitchen from last night. "I'm just worried." My eye checked the clock, noting my need to get ready for work. "I know you are but you don't need to be. I can protect myself and I trust my team members." I hear her sigh through the phone. "Ok. I have to go and I'm guessing you do too." A little smile formed at her reluctant tone. "Yeah I do. I have to be at work in like an hour." I took hold of the phone again having finished cleaning. "You need to call me sooner next time. And make sure to talk to your brother, he misses you." "Yes mum. I have to go. Bye, love you." I had to start getting ready for work. "Bye hon, love you too." The call cut off and I was glad. Of course I love my mum but sometimes she was so overbearing. For the last hour she had talked my ear off about some random drama about Sharon's affair and a wheelie bin mix-up. Then she told me about how dangerous the US was and proceeded to lecture me about my choices. Not even being on a different continent could stop my mums annoying habits.
5:21. Shit. It was a 15 minute drive to headquarters. I needed to get a move on.
5:58. Perfect. I liked to be punctual. However, because of my need for punctuality, I had run around my apartment like a crazy woman, tripping over my discarded possessions. I mentally swore to myself about the mess I left everything in. In my rush, I hadn't had time to deal with my hair. The ginger frizz was extremely unprofessional and I noticed when I caught sight of myself in a window. I stood in the lift, wrestling the waves into a messy ponytail. It would do. Just to make sure I was prepared, I flicked through my bag to ensure I had everything I needed.
As I walked towards my desk I spotted Morgan. A little detour wouldn't hurt. I pivoted and headed towards the kitchen. "Mornin'." He looked a little shocked at my sudden appearance. "Oh, hey Colesta." He was pouring himself a mug of coffee. "Want some?" I turned my nose up and I shook my head. "Oh right, I forgot. You only like a cuppa tea." The stereotypical British accent was so bad. I shot him a dirty look but reached for the kettle because I in fact did want a cup of tea. Stupid stereotypes. "You're here early." I didn't look up as I spoke, checking I had my keys. Forever paranoid. "Unlike some of you, I'm normal and like sleep but, I have some paperwork left from the last case that I want to finish before the next one." His explanation made sense. "We have a case?" I hadn't gotten the usual call so it must be fairly recent. "Yeah, I ran into Hotch on my way in. Sacramento." I had never been there. It felt strange being excited to visit new places when the reason we are there in the first place is so horrible.
"Better got on that paperwork mate. You're running out of time." A little laugh and he was gone. I took my mug and finished making my tea. A few more people had trickled in. On the way to my desk I passed by Prentiss and greeted her but she was never a morning person. Dr Reid wasn't here yet but he usually arrived at 6:15 considering the train times. Rossi was probably in his office, mulling over something or other. Settling into my seat, I retrieved everything from my bag, folders, files, pens. I had just started to go over my report for the last case a final time, being meticulous. My phone vibrated in my pocket with a message. I prayed to everything holy that it wasn't my mum sending me another article about a shooting in a state a 6 hour drive away. Luckily, the name on the screen wasn't my mum, it was Garcia. Come here right now and tell me everything about your date!!!!! Then there was an obnoxious amount of emojis. Deciding it was best not to defy her wishes, I grab my mug and start to journey to her little cave. On my way out I ran into Dr Reid who was just arriving. "Morning Dr Reid." I didn't stop. The chances were that he wouldn't acknowledge me so I tried not to dwell on it when I recieved no response.
Garcia sat me down and made me spill every detail of last night. "He was nice..." The look she gave me could have killed. "That can't be it. Where did you go? What did you wear? What did he look like? How did he act? You have to tell me everything Colesta." She pointed a threatening finger in my direction. "He took me to that Italian restaurant, the one with the massive pizzas. I wore that red top with a pair of black trousers, you picked my outfit." That reminded her. "Oops, yeah, sorry." Her hands prompted me to continue. "He was blonde. He's what I think a surfer dude looks like. Yeah. He was nice but that was it. His name was Tom and he was just kind of shallow. Maybe my standards are too high but he just wasn't anything I was looking for." I leant back in the chair, sipping my tea. "Why not? What're you looking for?" I thought for a moment. I had only known her for 2 months but Penelope was my closest friend here. "A gentleman, someone who opens a door for me, offers me his jacket. And he knows that I can open my own door but he wants to do it for me, y'know? He needs to be kind, considerate and has to understand that looks aren't everything." I sighed a little as I stared at the wall behind her head. "Understandable. Some men are trash. I can look through some data bases if you want, find you a boyfriend that way." I laughed, properly, for the first time in a while. "While I appreciate to offer, that's not entirely necessary Garcia. I'm not that bothered by dating right now." My phone pinged as I finished talking. Roundtable, 30 minutes. I hoped Garcia would let me leave. I went to stand up but she grabbed me and stopped me from getting up. "You've got 30 minutes. I'm not done with you yet Colesta." Dread settled in my stomach.
As I walked into the room, Penelope was bounding behind me, elated with everything I'd told her. "What's got you so happy baby girl?" I slumped into my chair, opening the folder on the table in front of me. "I've just got all the details about Colestas date last night." That drew some surprised looks. Agent Hotchner wasn't in the room yet so there was no one to save me from this. "You forgot to mention that, mate." I glare at Morgan as he mocks me. If this was one of my friends back home I would've flipped them off but I wasn't back home and this was a colleague. I just turned my attention to the case file. A nudge hit me in the side. I looked at Prentiss. "A date, huh? How was it?" Yeah, I wasn't getting out of this. "He wasn't great, kinda shallow." I prayed that was it. It wasn't. A barrage of questions ensued. I should never have told Garcia about my date. As I look around the table I see Dr Reid looking frustrated by the conversation and the lack of concentration on the case at hand. Like an angel descending from heaven, Agent Hotchner walked into the room. I was utterly mortified as he rose an eyebrow, hearing the discussion at hand. He caught my eye and I practically pleaded with him. "We have a case. You can talk about Agent Colestas love life in your own time." Now that wasn't quite what I was hoping for but it worked well enough.
This case was one of the tougher ones, having us stay in Sacramento for 4 days already. We were all exhausted, struggling to accurately profile this guy. The clock was ticking as a new body could show up at any time.
It was 1 in the morning and I hadn't left the precinct yet, my brain firing at 100 mph as I try to piece together anything I could. My back ached from the plastic chairs and my horrendous posture. Dr Reid was stood by the whiteboard in the room. We never really spoke much, more like tolerated each others presence. I tried to get to know him when I first joined the team but I was met with a brick wall. It was a little saddening at first but I got over it, Garcia told me he didn't warm up to people easily and we'd get there eventually. I wanted to believe her but sometimes it just felt pointless.
"What if we profiled this wrong? Maybe he's not a sadist. He shows no empathy for his victims, humiliating them right up until he kills them. And every after they're dead, he humiliates them by staging them publicly. It's more likely that we are dealing with a narcissist." I was mainly thinking out loud but my ramblings brought Dr Reids attention to me. I couldn't stop the hint of pride I felt as he seemed to consider my idea. "That would explain the methods of disposal. But I think we need to focus on victimology." This was the longest time we'd spoken in the last 2 months I'd been a member of the team.
I stood from my chair, walking over to the board with the photos of the victims. There was nothing obviously similar about them. Each woman had a different hair colour, was a different race, had different eye colours and had no noticeable overlaps in any other aspect of their lives. Pattern recognition was one of my strong points so this was so frustrating. I just stared at the pictures, hoping that I would have an epiphany. Dr Reid had moved to examine some of the folders again, even though he knew them off by heart. Stupid eidetic memory. It was always a little surprising how high IQs can effect people differently. Dr Reid had an IQ of 187 and he could read 20,000 words per minute and could remember everything due to his eidetic memory. I, on the other hand, had an IQ of 174 and while I couldn't do anything near what Dr Reid could, I excelled in the more emotional, mental side of things. During my time with the NCA, I was the lead interrogator in the unit because of my ability to get into their head and use it to get the answers we seeked. Some people in the past had just called me straight up manipulative but it was part of the job and I was pretty good at it. It cause some issues when it came to dating, I was constantly worried about profiling my date and scaring them off.
Dating. My eyes grew wide as a spark flickered in my mind. "Were all the victims single?" I asked the human computer. He thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Victim 3 was married." I looked at the pictures from Victim 3's autopsy. No ring. That's pretty common among married victims, the unsub removes it, keeps it as a trophy but that wasn't the case here. "There's no line." Dr Reid looked up, confused. "What?" Everything was being pieced together in my head. "It's sunny here, right. She had tan lines from the straps of her clothing but not one on her hand. She hasn't been wearing her wedding ring." I hadn't even finished my sentence before I grabbed my phone, calling Garcia. "My amazing brain is at your service." Her sunny attitude lifted my mood a little. "Hey Garcia. Can you check Maria Gardener? Check bills, withdrawals, spending. Anything that might show issues in her marriage." I hear the clacking of keys as I spoke. "Any examples to guide me?" I tapped my fingers against my thigh, a habit I needed to break. "Lots of hotel stays, excessive spending. Maybe she even hired a lawyer recently." Dr Reid was flicking through the files as I spoke, clearly understanding my train of thought. "Bingo! Mrs. Gardener has had 5 lengthy hotel stays in the past 3 months. And a nice cherry on top, there's a receipt from a local pawn shop for an engagement ring. Safe to say that marriage was pretty much gone." That was it. "Garcia, I am so in love with you it's not even funny." I hung up the phone and started my hunt. There had to be the connection. I looked at the victims clothes. They were all from different social classes but each one of them seemed to be dressed nicely. "They were going on a date with the unsub." The final piece fell into place. "But we found nothing online to show the victims going out to meet someone, no mentions as a date." Silly Dr Reid. "The unsub is playing on what most women want. A meet-cute. He's bumping into them in a coffee shop or another place they frequent. They exchange numbers, he uses a burner phone and a fake name, but he tells them he'll pick them up at 7. No online exchanges as he plays it old school."
The rest of the team were out trying to find a coffee shop open at the time. None of us were planning to sleep tonight. My first call was the Agent Hotchner. He picked up on the 2nd ring. "Hotchner." He was about to have his socks blown off. "It's Colesta. We've figured out how he's finding his victims." I couldn't help the little smile I had. "Let me patch Morgan in." I pulled the phone form my ear and dialed Morgan. "Morgan." Why does everyone answer the phone like that? "We know how the unsub is finding his victims." I was itching to explain. "Ok, you're on speaker. I've got Prentiss and JJ here." Any bit of exhaustion had been wiped from my body. I explained everything I'd pieced together. The rest of the team added other ideas, everyone agreeing that it made sense. The call ended and I dropped into the chair next to me. "How did you figure that out?" Dr Reid questioned, as he continued to flick through the various sheets of paper adorning the table. "I was just thinking about that date I had, got the cogs turning." I was a little shameful as his gaze turned to me. "That's a bit unprofessional." My cheeks burnt red. His whispered comment. There goes any progress I hoped we had made.
We had found him. Michel Ines. 32 years old. The vest was tight against my chest, creating a sense of security. My gun was raised as we circled the building. There was a missing woman that we suspected to be inside. Our main goal was getting her out safely. I was paired up with Morgan. His fist banged on the door. "Michel Ines. This is the FBI, come out with your hands up." Morgans voice boomed but there was no response. We didn't expect him to give up easily. We exchanged a look before he kicked the door in. I moved into the dark house first. The rest of the team was spread out around the building. Morgan and I moved together, clearing the house as we went. A muffled thud could be heard beneath us. We knew what to do. Locating the stairs was easy. I took in a deep breath as we began our descent into the basement. I went first, taking each step slowly. Why did is always end up in a basement?
The damp, dark of the basement was suffocating as I took the finally few steps. Morgan was still near the top of the stairs. She was alive. I could hear muffled cries echoing through the empty space. "Michel Ines. FBI, come out with your hands up." It was worth a shot but nothing. The cries erupt again at the sound of my voice. I take a step into the darkness, towards the noise. My mouth opens to call out to the woman. The words died in my mouth as someone tackles me, my gun flying out of my hand. A grunt erupts from me as my side hits the hard concrete. Morgans footsteps as close. The cool metal of a knife hits my face. With all my strength, I push back, trying to keep as much distance between me and the blade meant for my head. A quick pain blooms on my cheek but I don't let it distract me. The surprise of the attack and the size of this man meant I couldn't do much but fend him off. Luckily, Morgan appeared just in time, dragging the unsub off me and works on getting his weapon off him. The desperate cries are back and I'm on my feet instantly. I knew Morgan could deal with him, my focus was on Lucy Williams, the missing woman being kept in the basement.
As I round the corner, I see her. She's tied to a chair in the middle of the room. A blindfold covers her eyes and a gag is in place to keep her quiet. Kneeling down in front of her, I took hold of the blindfold. She thrashed in the chair, clearly terrified. The second the fabric is off, I hold my hands up. "Lucy. I'm with the FBI and we're here to get you out." She frantically nodded at me, telling me she understood. I pulled the gag from her mouth, watching as she took deep breaths through her sobs. I block out her thank you's as I moved to untie her. Bruises scattered her skin. With my pocket knife, I sawed through the rope. It dropped away from her. I had to stop her from jumping up from the seat. All signs of struggling had stopped. "Colesta. I'm taking him up. You got her?" I started my check over of Lucy, making sure she could walk. "Yeah, I got her. Is my gun out there?" I realised I had lost sight of it when the unsub tackled me. "Its out here." He sounded further away as he left the basement. I'd grab it on the way out. The woman seemed a little bruised but mostly ok. I let her stand up from the chair. She seemed a little shaky on her feet so I slid my arm behind her back, keeping her tucked into my side as I guided us towards the stairs. The light from upstairs came into view. I spotted my gun on the floor and stopped to pick it up, returning it to my holster.
With a steady pace, I led Lucy out of the basement. I got her out of that house. As we emerged on the porch, the paramedics had just pulled up. She's taken from me and led towards the ambulance. "Thank you." I heard her whisper as she accepts the help. I see Morgan closing the door on the unsub, preparing him to be locked up for a long time. Relief engulfs me as I realise the case is finally over, we've locked away another murderer. Agent Hotchner approached me, his ever stoic look on his face. "Agent Colesta." I start to loosen the straps on my vest. "Agent Hotchner." I give a small smile to my boss. Morgan appeared next to me. I didn't even notice him walking over. "You took quite the hit there Colesta. You good?" Agent Hotchner looked over at me. "Go see EMS." The order rattled me a little. I was absolutely fine. Annoyance bubbled as he didn't waver, his stare commanding. "I'm fine." I pulled at my vest, a twinge of pain appearing in my side. My face must have shown it. "Go see EMS. That's an order Colesta." I huff but follow commands, walking over to the nearest ambulance.
I was vaguely aware of a stinging on my left cheek. Oh yeah. The knife. Clearly I didn't have an eidetic memory. The paramedic got me to sit on the edge of the open door as he cleaned my face. He was just about to give me the all clear when Morgan walked past. "Gotta check her side man, don't let her fool you." I shot him a dirty look as the paramedic turned back to me. With his help, I got my vest off and I realised that I might be a little hurt. Stretching up caused pain to flare up my side. I lift the hem of my blouse, revealing my side. A bruise was already forming and took up most of the skin. The next few minutes were quite painful as he checked for any breaks. Thankfully, nothing was broken but I would be bruised for a while.
We gathered all our belongings, preparing to go home. I received a clap on the bac from Prentiss, kind words from JJ and a very, very brief side hug from Rossi. I was actually proud of myself. I was. Until I happened to glance over to Dr Reid. There was an almost disgusted look on his face as he looked at me. My heart sank. "That's a bit unprofessional." That rung in my mind on the jet, on the drive home, sat in my empty apartment, working at my desk. His words didn't leave my head for weeks, leaving me in a constant state of uncertainty. Goddamn Dr Reid.
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halfmoondaze · 2 years
hiiii can you please right an angsty imagine where jack has a gf who is super talkative and rambles a lot and she’s super self conscious about because everyone in her life has complained about it and told her she’s annoying and what not so being called annoying by anyone is just super hurtful to her. maybe jack has a bad day or something and reader is trying to talk to him and starts rambling and he gets snaps and call her annoying and she just starts crying and goes and locks herself in their bedroom. jack apologizes and she says she forgives him but she’s not being her usual self and isn’t talking as much so jack has to find a way to prove to her that he really didn’t mean it and loves her talking
I Didn't Mean To
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Growing up, you were always shy and reserved, but after a while you would found yourself more comfortable with being yourself and you would show a side of you that was the complete opposite of that; which was very talkative to the point of just rambling all the time. It was something you very self-conscious about because in the past, family members and ‘friends’ have made you feel incredibly embarrassed about it, so because of that it was a side to you; you always tried to hide.  
Because of this, it always took you a while to open up and make friends, and that was no different when you first met Jack. 
You were introduced to Jack for the time at a party you were attending to with your best friend, whose father was a renowned music producer. You were awkwardly standing next to Y/F/N as she was surrounded by group of people as she lead the conversation, when someone bumped into you. 
“Sorry about that” he said. 
You quickly catched on to his Kentucky accent and looked up to see Jack Harlow smiling apologetically at you. 
“Oh its ok” you said lookind down embarrassed while playing with your hair. 
“Hey” he said. 
“I don’t I haven’t seen you before” 
“You haven’t. I came here with Y/F/N” 
He smiled. 
“I’m Jack” he said reaching out for your hand.
“Y/N” you said extending your hand giving him a handshake. 
“I guess this isn’t really your scene?” 
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.
“Is it that obvious?” 
“I’m pretty sure I was the only one who noticed” 
You were quickly interrupted by the DJ increasing the volume of the song to the point it became hard to hear each other. 
Jack then turned to you with an apologetic smile and motion the two of you to go somewhere else quieter. 
You nodded and followed him. 
That’s how you ended up talking for what felt like hours with Jack in the house backyard. There was something about him that made you feel at ease but you couldn’t make out what it was. 
“Sorry, I ramble a lot” you said with a nervous laugh  after you end up talking about a topic you felt really passionate aboiut.
“I think it’s cute” 
After he noticed you were a bit off, he turned to you. 
“You ok?” 
“Yeah, sorry I’m just a bit tired. I should get back home” 
“I can take you home if you want, besides by the look of it I think Y/F/N is having the time of her life” 
You turned to see her singing at the top of her longs and dancing with everyone to the song. 
You laughed. 
“Yeah, I guess so” 
When he pulled up to your drive way he turn to you and smiled softly. 
“I had a great time, and would like to see you again if that’s alright” 
“Yeah, I’d like that” 
After that, you went on your first date together. He took you to a lowkey diner and you spend all the time just laughing out loud at his jokes and just getting to know each other. Maybe it was the fact that it was just the two of you, but you found yourself growing rapidly comfortable with showing more about your talkative personality and he seemed to be very happy and enthusiastic about you showing that side of yourself to him. And even though you would sometimes apologize about it, he would be quick to reassure you that it was alright. 
That night when he took you back home, he kissed you for the first time. It was magical and sweet. 
Not long after, you started dating and it was like a dream. Until it wasn’t.
You would spend almost all your time staying over at Jack’s. 
One night, he came back from the studio evidently stressed out. 
“Hey, how was the studio session?” you put your book down and turned to him. 
“It was alright” he said in a way like he was trying to convince himself of that as he walked through the door. 
“You seem stressed” you said as he sat at the other end of the couch. 
“It’s nothing” 
“Are you sure everything is ok? You can tell me”
The truth was that Jack was the most stressed out he's ever been. Today while attending his recording studio session for his album, they realized a lot of the recordings the day before, which were about like 14 hours’ worth of recordings were somehow destroyed. And they spend most of the day trying to recover it. But ultimately, they decided to just call it a day and continue tomorrow and see how they can fix it. 
As Y/N started rambling about ways he could distress himself, he could feel himself becoming increasingly more and more stressed out and he didn’t think he was going to be able to contain himself. 
His face softened when he saw you silently crying as he realized what he had just done. 
“Babe, I didn’t mean that, I-”
Before he could say anything else, you walked past him and locked yourself in your shared bedroom. 
He followed you behind but didn’t managed to go past the door before you locked it. 
He let out a sigh. 
“Babe, please open the door I’m sorry” 
No answer. 
“I shouldn’t have snap at you…please open the door” 
No answer. 
At the other side of the door, you were laying in the bed crying your eyes out recalling the argument in your head over and over.
Up to this point, he was one of the few people in your life who had never made you feel self-conscious about your talkative nature until now.
Before you knew it, you had fallen asleep. 
It was sometime around 3 am when you woke up from your sleep. Then the silent sense of content disappeared as soon as you recalled the events from a few hours ago. 
Even though you felt really hurt, you still wanted to talk to him. So, you stepped out of the bed and opened the door, and to your surprise you found Jack asleep on the floor Infront of the bedroom door. 
You kneeled beside him and gently woke him up.
“Y/N. I’m so sorry, I-”
“I know. I forgive you. Do you want to come back to bed?”
He just nodded. 
The next day, Jack woke up to find your side of the bed empty. 
As he walked down the stairs he made his way to the kitchen, to find you making breakfast. 
“Good morning beautiful” he said wrapping his arms around you and kissing your cheek. 
You immediately went tense, and he noticed so he let go of his embrace. 
“Everything ok?” 
“Everything’s fine Jack” you said not looking at him. “Help yourself if you want” 
Before he could say anything, you walked to the bedroom. 
As went to grab himself some water, he started going through everything that he could’ve possibly done to make you so upset, and that’s when it hit him.
“Fuck” he said to himself as he recalled the horrible things, he told you last night. 
And even though he had already apologized, he knew that wasn’t enough. He immediately dropped everything he was doing and walked upstairs to the bedroom.
“What?” you said dryly upon seeing him while you put your hair in a ponytail.
“I’ve been really stressed out about the album and Ive been taking it out on you. Last night you were just trying to make me feel better and I just snapped at you. And you didn’t deserve any of that and I’m trully sorry” 
“You really hurt me you know that?” 
“I know”
You could feel you’re the tears threatening to fall down. 
“I guess I felt really comfortable with showing that side of me when I’m with you….the talkative side. And…..I was already kind of self-conscious about it, but last night……I just felt so hurt. Is that-” your lip quivered. “Is that how everyone else sees me, as annoying?”
“No, no, no” he said wrapping his arms around you. “You’re the most intelligent and interesting person I know. Like the fact you think of me everything you think about something you find interesting, makes me feel so honored. And I hate myself for making you feel insecure about it or doubt yourself. I was being an asshole and I promise it would never happen again” 
You nodded. 
“Don’t let anyone make you feel less of a person for being yourself. Not even me” he said wiping away your tears. 
You smiled at him. 
“I love you” he said. 
“I love you too”  
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cecilebutcher · 8 months
Twst characters headcanons
Just some headcanons for the twst boys. This time for heartslabyul.
This is just my headcanons and opinion!!
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British, and has an accent.
I darkened his eye color and gave him some beauty marks.
Has scars from the overbolt.
Demi-sexual. Not in a relationship.
Loves anything containing strawberries.
Has a heart hair pin that cater gave him.
^^he uses it to tie up his hair when he’s studying.
His favorite type of music is classic.
Really into mystery novels.
Also mystery games.
And mystery shows.
Basically love’s mystery and stuff like that.
When he’s feeling stressed he’ll go and hang out with the hedgehogs. Sometimes the flamingos as well.
His favorite housewarden to be around is Kalim.
After that is Vil.
While he hates Floyd’s guts, he still cares for his annoying classmate.
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Also British. But his accent is less notable.
Gave him one brown eye one gold + some beauty marks.
Cater painted his nails for him.
Unlabeled. Dating Cater
Hums whenever he bakes.
His favorite thing to bake is cheesecake.
Cater makes him braid his hair.
Used to French braid his little sisters hair.
Speaking of sister, his siblings send him good morning and good night texts all the time.
Though usually they aren’t even in the morning or night.
Him and Rook study together from time to time.
He also helps the ADeuce duo when they’re having trouble.
Heartlabyul mom.
Goes on hikes with Jade a lot of the time.
Loves hearing Cater play the guitar.
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Scottish(don’t ask) but with no accent.
Since Cater is generally fucking perfect. I only gave him a bit of eye circles.
Also ✨freckles✨.
Bisexual. Dating Trey. Used to have the biggest crush on Vil that ever existed. 
Ok that crush might still be there.
But it’s very tiny, barely exists
Also dated Idia for like, a week.
His lock screen is of Trey baking.
Has a camera that he takes with him when going to new places.
Really fucking good at editing.
Plays the guitar, bass and ukulele.
Has a nice singing voice.
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Filipino. Again, no accent.
Speaks Filipino when he’s seriously angry.
Gave him some of scars from the overbolts.
I also gave him ✨freckles✨ and an earring.
Bisexual. Dating Deuce.
Tells his older brother almost anything.
Has two of the chillest parents ever.
Only Deuce has met his parents in person, But Riddle talked to them once on the phone.
When they got told ace almost got expelled on his first day they were like “yup, sounds about right”!
Always has playing cards on him.
His U.M is gonna have something to do with playing cards.
Is a lot smarter then he lets on
Is an average C+ and B- student.
Used to be an average A and B+ student but stopped trying when he entered nrc.
Can play the flute.
Knows how to drive but doesn’t have a license.
Little spoon.
Loves forehead and hand kisses.
Has a nice singing voice.
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Half Latino half British.
Tons of scars from both overbolts and fights.
Homosexual/gay. Dating Ace.
Goes to the gym regularly with Sebek and Jack.
Has a small pocket knife.
Has both ADHD and Dyslexia.
Knows how to play the ukulele.
Sticks a bit of his tongue out when too focused.
Isn’t that good at cooking, But likes helping out in the kitchen.
Tons of piercings, and I mean TONS.
Has a small tattoo in his lower back (regrets getting it)
Had a small spade tattoo on his arm.
Likes having his hair played with/ run through.
Suddenly switches to Spanish when stressed.
Used to have a dog when he was a kid.
Has one friend that he knew from kindergarten that was in a gang with him.
^^ they still talk and Deuce considers him one of his closest friends.
Has three cousins and is close with all of them
One of said cousins goes to nrc
Favorite fruit is blueberry
Least favorite are bananas
Allergic to strawberries
Is surprisingly good at baking and cooking
When starting school he’d call his mom everyday, now he only calls her thrice a week.
His mom knows everyone’s names and looks because he keeps talking about them.
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Remember these are my headcanons and opinions. Yours can differ and disagree with them.
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ishtates · 3 months
Teutates Taranis Headcanons !!!
( She / They / It )
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- was once human, died from being shot to death by the DDD on her way to visit Nacha. The mass shooting happened because she accidentally stumbled upon a hoard of dopplegangers and thus termination began. What brought her back was mutation from the blood and gases of the Doppleganger corpses as well as vengance.
- as a human, she had a giant scar on her forehead from a fight, she later got a tattoo over it, it is the only tattoo Teutates has that she had prior to dying. The rest of the tattoos simply grew on their own
- She doesn't usually go to the human world to annihilate things, usually other realms, but she does occasionally resurface if a human attempted to call for and commission her or if she simply felt like it
- it's very accident prone, like, VERY. Has accidentally broken utensils, cups, chairs, tables, Windows, it's own bones, other people's bones.. thus, when off work, it tries to be BEYOND careful, knowing it can slip up very easily
- ^^ it has actually cried over breaking things before because usually it genuinely didn't mean to and it upsets it that it can't control it very well
- in 1955: was pretty cold to the doorman, not liking that they worked for the DDD. It also just wasn't very fond of humans in general, but would never outwardly insult them.
In 2024: far nicer and more kind. Will ask the doorman if they're ok and will at least attempt to smile at them sometimes, they're one of the few humans Teutates can trust
- her brother is Ah Puch, he suffered a similar fate ( but that's for another post ). She's quite protective of him and understands why he tends to cling to her often, though that doesn't mean the ol sibling banter doesn't occur, she will sometimes tease him becsuse she can
- of the 4 nightmares that were once human, Teutates is the one with the poorest memory of her past, only remembering stuff because Ah Puch, the one who remembers most, told her, and she trusts him ( and he's right ). Naturally, Ah Puch doesn't have all the answers
- pretty 50/50 relationship with Yog. She hates him because he's annoying, pretentious, a drama queen, and hogs Ishtar, but she sometimes can find a friend in him through shared opinions, hobbies, and a mutual care for Ishtar ( Teutates and Ishtar being together and Yog being Ishtar's best friend ). Think of it like Jian Hao and Vincent
- They actually don't like singing and can't play any instrument besides the ukulele. They don't have much confidence in their singing voice, and they picked up the ukulele because it helps them relax and reminds them of Ishtar
- Lesbian. I think that's obvious
- They present however they wish, the only clothing item they refuse to wear is any type of dress, skirts are only an exception if they're gothic
- STRONG croatian accent. Think of Frost Queen Cookie but if she mostly spoke croatian all her life
- obv they were born in 1914 ( they are 41. Eternally ) so they only knew themself as Yugoslavian. Nowadays they go back n forth between Croatian and Yugoslavian
- they don't remember their original birthday besides the year, so the DDD assigned them a new one: March 3rd. They don't like doing anything big for their birthday, they prefer just having a small party with their neighbors
- Yeah they're not very social. In their human life they were more energetic but that didn't and still doesn't equate to social, but they have a lot of confidence and assertiveness, they won't take your shit
- it annihilates through lightning, weapons, and mind powers, though not using weapons does tend to make it more tired.
- actually has quite the mischievous and wicked side, enjoying watching those she even finds mildly annoying get hurt, and her insults can HURT as she cackles at your misery
- you hurt Ishtar you are catching these hands ✨
- doesn't feel toooo close to most of the neighbors but likes most of them in some way. She does wish the neighbors would stop assuming she's just scary and mean, though
- really doesn't gaf if you call her a dude, mayyybe she'll correct you but usually she'll just ignore it
- it enjoys listening to music, will usually lay there and let its thoughts run as music plays in thr background
- it's hard to explain, but it's simultaneously low and high energy. Can absolutely chase someone down for miles and can do parkour, but is often also quite tired and sleepy
- she got with Ishtar on Valentine's day of 1957, she was the one to confess and managed to get her some spider lily flowers
- is the very loving, sweet, but also very protective and chaotic GF. Loves putting Ishtar in a shopping cart and running around, but also likes to just cuddle
- doesn't matter that he's 32, she basically treats Ah Puch like her son sometimes
- she's actually an artist ! She enjoys to draw and paint a lot :]
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angeliczelda444 · 11 months
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Hi there!! Long time no post!! Ok so, I've been wanting to get better at art and drawing for quite sometime. I'm finally getting serious about it as well. Now, I'm a beginner so go easy on me lol. But, I made an OC for Tears of the Kingdom!! Her name is Iyana and she is the daughter of Rauru and Sonia. She has most of Sonia's features especially her smile, nose, ears, skin color and is of the Hylian race. However, she has inherited Rauru's long white hair and his beautiful blue eyes. Iyana also has Zonai ears shaped like Hylian ears and has horns on her head as well as her dads. Her dress is inspired by her father's outfit but it has many blue accents to it. Also, she wears a crown just like her mothers. But the gem in the middle is blue. The reason is very wholesome. I like to think that she chose the color blue for her crowns gem is to not only match her eyes but to also make herself feel like she has a third eye just like her father Rauru does. She's also the age of the 19 as well.
She also inherited Rauru's light powers as well. Her personality? She has a huge heart for her people and has a free spirit. She loves to engage with adventure and isn't afraid to stand up for what's right and isn't afraid to back down from a challenge. She also has the ability to use her light powers to heal people from sickness and injury.
Her relationship with Sonia, her mother is very wholesome despite them being different. With Iyanas free spirit Sonia can often worry about her daughters safety when she goes off in different areas in Hyrule without any other assistance. Iyana can get annoyed for her parents looking out for her but she still loves them and does what's best for her kingdom. Her and Sonia love to pick Sundelions when they have free time from their duties. They would use these flowers as medicine and even make each other flower crowns with the extra ones they pick. Sonia would also sing Iyana many lullabies especially when she was very little.
Her Relationship with Rauru? Daddy's girl. All the way. Although he does worry for her safety when she takes on huge task and adventures on her own, he also is the one who encourages it. So many playful moments between these two and one of Iyanas favorite ways to bond with her father on their free time is anything that can spark adventure. Especially when they can screw around with Zonai devices since Rauru has that advantage. Even since she was little, she would not only snuggle with her dad but she would also use his hair as a blanket since it's very soft. Rauru also teaches her many lessons on how to become a good leader for her people and has taught her to control her light powers.
In this fanfic I'm writing about Iyana, she went off on a pilgrimage before the events of Zelda arriving in Hyrule. She wants to learn how to harness her powers without her father's help so she could get stronger in defending her people before the time comes for her to inherit the throne. However, when she finds out that Sonia dies due to the events of Ganondorf, tragedy strikes within her. She's in a different kingdom outside of Hyrule when she finds this out from a messenger and she then frantically does her best to come home to help her Rauru. But it was too late. When she gets home after facing many obstacles in her way, her father had died along with Mineru, her aunt dying and never getting to meet Zelda since she turned into a dragon. This traumatizes Iyana. Causing her to be in serious grief knowing that her saying goodbye to her parents before she left would be the last time she would see them ever. With this, she inherits the throne and 5 years after the calamity Ganon is born.
Iyana.......is the Zelda of Ancient Hero's time. She joins forces with AH Link as the new queen of Hyrule along with 4 champions of her time. She even falls in love with the Ancient Hero. At first, all of this was just hitting hard on her. She's still herself but trauma has made her a bit more anxious and unsure if she could stop the Calamity. AH Link, however, helps her through this. With his kind heart and compassion, Iyana was head over heals with him and after the events of calamity Ganon she made him her king and ruled Hyrule.
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ikeromantic · 1 year
Congrats on the Ikesen 1k event! Can i request Shingen + Secret + 👹
Ok so, this one hit me like a truck. Or a train xD My brain picked it up and ran with it. A sort of fairytale AU. So, here we go! Approx. 3000 words of Shingen, secrets, and oni.
Mai arrived at the village just before sunset. She was bone tired and dusty from travel. All she wanted at this point was a bath and a soft futon. Hopefully this place had an inn, or some kind people to rent her a room for the night. 
The street was strangely empty, too quiet even for the small collection of wood houses. There was no one out and about, so she tried knocking on a few doors. No one answered. She saw no lanterns lit and no smoke from cook fires. The only signs of life came from the castle set just above the village on a low rise. Strains of music drifted from the heights, which meant there must be someone there.
Lords were a tricky lot, she knew. Some would not deign to notice her presence, and their servants would let her sleep in the barn or a shed. Some would chase her off and threaten her. Others wanted payment for a room in something other than gold. But sometimes they were welcoming too. Asking for news from her travels and offering food and a place to stay in exchange for nothing but stories.
She trudged down the street to the castle gate. “Hello?” 
As with the rest of the town, there was no answer. Mai pushed the gate open. It was heavy and she had to put her whole body into it. The gate swung open with a rusty squeal, and a shout of pained surprise.
Mai stumbled back from the gate as an annoyed looking man moved into view. He was dressed in fine clothes, accented with red. His warm brown eyes were narrowed with anger, and he was holding his elbow. “Hi?”
“You know, you could show a little patience, ya damn boar woman! Shoving the door open on me instead of waiting for me.” He gave her a severe frown. “Anyway, what do you want?”
“Umm. Sorry about that. I thought no one was coming.” She cleared her throat. “Anyway, I need to find a place to rest tonight. It will be dark soon so . . .”
The man shook his head. “You can’t stay here. You should just keep walking until you’re well clear of the village.”
“Why is that?” Mai tilted her head. 
Another voice answered her, this one melodic and sorrowful. “Because this place is cursed.” A man stepped into view behind the first. He was opposite in every way. His skin was pale as porcelain, and his hair hung over his shoulder in a braid of shining dark silk. Pale eyes shone like the moon as his petal soft lips turned up in a melancholy smile. 
Mai almost didn’t notice the biwa in his hand, she was so busy staring at his beauty. 
“Ugh, you did it again, Yoshimoto. She’s about to start drooling.” The man with brown eyes named the beauty behind him with distaste. 
“I am not! I don’t drool!” She snapped. 
The beauty laughed. “Yukimura, stop being so rude. And let this lady in. I do not think she has time to clear the town before it gets dark so she will be no safer out there than in here.”
Yukimura stepped out of her way and motioned her inside. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” He glared at Mai as if this was her fault. “I guess we should take her to see Lord Takeda. He’ll decide what’s best for her.”
Yoshimoto nodded. “Come along, lovely traveler. What is your name?”
“I’m Mai. And you are Yoshimoto?”
He chuckled. “Yes. And my rude companion is Yukimura.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what happened here? Everyone is gone. It’s like a zombie apocalypse. Minus the zombies, I hope.” Mai smiled nervously.
It was Yukimura that answered. “Didn’t you hear what he said before or are you deaf as well as clumsy? The place is cursed. A mad oni rages here on new moon nights and devours maidens. So everybody that could, left.”
“It . . . devours maidens?”
“Yeah, but only pretty ones so you got nothing to worry about, probably.”Yukimura smirked. 
Mai felt the urgent and sudden desire to slap him, but she restrained herself. 
Yoshimoto tutted. “That is not true, Yuki. The demon devours any woman. Old or young, maiden or matron. Though if it did hunt only the beauties, I fear you would be at the top of the menu, dear Mai.”
She blushed. “Erm, ok. So . . . is it a new moon?”
Yoshimoto nodded gravely. “But perhaps Lord Takeda will have an idea of how to keep you safe. It would be a shame to lose you on the same night we met, hm?”
They brought her to a large audience chamber. It was once sumptuously appointed, but everything was now in disrepair. A layer of dust coated the decorations, the rugs were sun-faded and worn, and the light of the setting sun gleamed in through gaps between the boards of the walls.
Mai’s eyes were drawn to the lord of this place as soon as he entered. He too had the look of faded beauty. A wide-shouldered man with grey eyes like storm-clouds and lips that were made for wickedness. 
He smiled as he saw her, a flicker of life warming his expression. “What angel has graced us with her presence? Am I dreaming or has heaven sent me a blessing?”
“Umm, I’m Mai. And . . . umm . . . and . . .”
Yukimura snorted. “Seriously? First she drools all over Yoshimoto and now she gets all speechless in front of you?”
“I’m going to guess you didn’t get such a reaction,” Shingen chuckled. “Don’t be jealous, Yuki. I’m sure you will grow into your looks one day.”
“H-hey!” Yukimura turned bright red. “You’re supposed to be on my side!”
Mai couldn’t help but giggle. 
The sound drew Lord Takeda’s eyes back to her. There was a fevered light in them, a bright heat that illuminated them like the sun behind the clouds. “Your laugh is music to my ears. It has been too long since we had anything here to smile about. So tell me, beauty, why do you grace the halls of this cursed home?”
“Lord Takeda . . . I am traveling to Sakai and I stopped here for the night. I was hoping to find an inn or rent a room. But Yukimura and Yoshimoto said, well -” she paused, unsure what to say. An oni seemed like a fanciful thing. A fairytale. 
“Call me Shingen,” he said into the silence. “We will have you stay here tonight.”
“But the oni,” Yukimura began to protest.
Shingen shook his head. “It will be fine. I will personally ensure she is safe.”
Yoshimoto frowned but nodded. “As you say.”
He closed the distance between them and took her hand. “I will let nothing touch you, my angel. Come with me.”
“L-lord Takeda -”
“R-right. Shingen. Thank you for letting me stay. You don’t need to worry about me though. I can defend myself. So if you’ll just point the way?” Mai didn’t want any special favors from this honey-tongued guy. She wasn’t sure whether or not there was a literal demon to worry about, but she knew all the dangers inherent in being around hot guys with big swords. 
He smiled at her. It was the kind of smile that had promises behind it. “It’s no trouble, gorgeous. If anything, it is I that should thank you for giving me this moment to view your beauty and a chance to prove myself worthy of it.”
“Umm. Right. Ok.” Mai felt heat creep into her cheeks. Thankfully, it seemed they reached their destination. A room at the end of the hall. 
Shingen kissed the back of her hand. His lips were warm and soft and sent a shock of pleasure up her arm. “I must leave you now. It is almost dark. Just . . . close your door and lock it. Do not open it, no matter what you hear or see.”
He pushed her gently into the room and shut the door. 
“Wait! Hey!” Mai reached to open it back up but his voice stopped her.
“Lock the door, angel.” There was something in his tone, some deep sadness as if he were on the edge of tears. 
Mai did as he asked. Once the lock slid into place, she heard his footsteps recede. Alone in the room, she set down her pack and checked the knife strapped to her arm. She wasn’t sure what to do with herself. It seemed a bath was out of the question, along with a warm meal. 
The room had a futon rolled up in one corner. She unfurled it and shook the dust out. It looked thick and soft, at least. There was a small shelf too, with some porcelain dishes and a lantern. A wall scroll hung above the shelf, depicting the town below in better times. And there was one large window that looked out on an overgrown garden. 
Even in its desolation, the garden was beautiful. Vining flowers grew up over the benches and crawled along the walls toward the window. Bushes grew in unrestrained tangles, blossoms pushing through the greenery in profusion. It was like a verdant, floral jungle. Mai decided she would look at it in the morning. Assuming she could. She swallowed her fear and went to sit down on the futon.
Everything would be fine. Oni weren’t real, so she would just need to be alert for the real problem. Maybe bandits? Or some disease that affected women more than men? A yawn disrupted her train of thoughts. Anxiety and exhaustion fought over her, leaving her limbs feeling heavy and thick and her heart beating fast and thready. 
Mai laid down on the futon. It was soft and smelled like lavender. Exhaustion started to win out and her eyes fluttered closed. 
Only to fly open at the sound of some creature in pain, howling in the night. 
“Come on, Mai. It’s not a demon. Just, like, a big dog or something. A bear maybe. A hurt bear.” She closed her eyes forcefully but the sound came again. 
She sat up and drew the slim blade from its sheath. “Ok. Ok. It’s nothing to be scared of. Probably that Yuki guy trying to scare me.” Mai sat there in the dark, nerves jangling.
The howling faded and for a moment, there was blessed silence. Then came the sound of cracking wood. Like trees being uprooted. Walls being torn down. She felt the walls shiver with the force of whatever violence took place beyond her sight. 
Mai stood and went to the door. She pressed her ear to it, listening. There was shouting in the distance, but she couldn’t make out the words. An animalistic growl and another crash, this one close enough to shiver the walls of her room. 
Then, she heard it. A soft sound just under the cacophony. “Mai,” it whispered. “Mai. Come out, Mai.” 
The voice froze her where she stood. “Umm. Hello?”
“Open the door,” the whisper came again. 
She moved back from it, fear prickling her skin. “Nope! I’m good! You can go away now!” 
Something huge slammed into her door. The wood creaked and bulged in protest. The assault came again and again. With each attack, the door looked closer to collapse but somehow held. And then it didn’t. With a shower of splinters, the wood gave way. 
Mai leapt back and ran for the open window. She crawled out of it and dropped down into the overgrown garden. 
A huge, horrid face leered out at her from her room. Gleaming white fangs, swollen red lips, horns jutting from a tangle of brown hair. “Come back Mai! Where are you going? Don’t run! I only want to eat you!”
She ran. It was never a good idea to run in the dark with a bare blade in hand, but falling and stabbing herself seemed like a better fate than whatever that monster had in store. Mai dodged around a vine covered bench and crouched behind a giant camellia bush. 
The oni crashed after her, tearing plants from the ground and smashing whatever stood in his way. “Mai!” His voice echoed through the garden. 
He sounded close. She held her breath and tried to make herself small. With luck, he’d pass by. And if he did spot her, she had plenty of room to run. Mai’s hand tightened on the hilt of her dagger. Just go away, she thought. 
“I can’t just go away. You smell so delicious little Mai.” The oni’s hot breath ghosted against her cheek as he spoke. 
She turned her head to see that he’d somehow crept up behind her and now crouched there, so close that she could not run. Mai screamed.
The oni grabbed her. His smile was wide and hungry. “It’s been so long,” he crooned. “So long. I have had nothing to hunt. Nothing to eat!”
“That sounds like a ‘you’ problem!” Mai kicked at him, trying to wriggle loose. She was so frightened that she shook like a leaf despite her vocal defiance. 
He brought her close, so close that she could see the beads of spittle on his long, sharp teeth. “I wonder if you taste as sweet as you sound.” His jaw creaked as he opened it wider.
Mai flailed, panic consuming her. The knife she still gripped slashed the oni’s face and then lodged in his shoulder. 
The oni howled and let go. It grabbed the hilt of her dagger and jerked the blade free. Blood as black as night oozed from the wound. “What have you done,” he cried. Something flickered in his eyes, a familiar grey like the overcast sky. He fell to his knees, gasping. “You’ve killed me.”
Mai wanted to run, she really did. But something held her there, just out of the oni’s reach. She watched as he slumped from his knees to the ground. His breathing grew more and more labored until finally, it stopped. 
Though she knew it was a bad idea, Mai crept carefully forward. She reached out and poked the oni. It did not move, just lay there in the spreading pool of black blood. Even though it was a monster and would have eaten her, she felt bad for stabbing it. She’d never killed anything before, much less a demon. Her chest felt heavy with conflicting emotions.
There was elation at surviving, but guilt too. And a certain curiosity. Oni were real, and that by itself was a surprise. She tentatively grabbed the oni’s shoulder, and rolled him over so that she could see his face. In death, the expression he wore was peaceful. And there was a certain nobility to it, as if perhaps, he was not all bad. 
“Sorry about this,” she told him. “You didn’t leave me much choice but . . . still. I wish we’d both parted ways alive.” She pushed back a strand of his brown hair. Did oni have families? Friends? Would anyone miss him? Or was he just a monster? “I hope you’re at peace now, anyway.” She gently closed his eyes and then, impulsively, pressed a kiss to his cooling forehead. 
As her lips brushed his skin, something began to change. She felt the oni’s limbs tremble. Mai yelped, and leapt away. It wasn’t dead! Her knife lay in the pool of black blood beside the beast, and she cursed herself for not picking it up first. 
The oni’s skin began to shift and bubble, paling in the dim starlight from the red of demon-flesh to a mortal color. And its face melted in on itself, the tusks shrinking, the horns melding with its head. 
Mai watched in horror, afraid to move, afraid to even breathe. But her fear turned to awe as the oni became the lord. “Shingen?”
His eyes fluttered open. “Mai?” 
She wasn’t sure what to do. Run? Fight? “You were the oni?”
He nodded tiredly. “I was. But you’ve broken the curse. I can feel it. The absence of it.” Shingen favored her with a smile that could woo a thousand maidens. “You really are an angel. No. You’re a goddess. A divine beauty with a soul as pure as light.” 
“Heh. I don’t know about that. I stabbed you. Not exactly angel material.” She took a tentative step closer. “Are you . . . ok?”
Shingen sat up and rubbed his torn clothes. “The wound healed. It would have anyway. The oni has been stabbed and shot and burned and cut in two. I always wake at sunrise, whole. It has been my secret shame for years. I am the lord when the sun is up, and a beast on the nights of the new moon.”
“But it’s not sunrise.” 
He took her hand and kissed it. “No. It isn’t. Because you broke my curse. You saw something good in that evil creature. And you gave me your blessing.”
“All I did was kiss your forehead.” She blushed, feeling foolish and also a little proud. How many seamstresses could say they broke a curse?
Shingen looked at her with his silvered gaze, a slow smile spread across his lips. “Would you grant me another kiss, then? Just to be sure?”
“I-if you think -” That was as far as she got before his warm lips closed over hers, with a kiss as sweet as summer melons. A slow, blossoming kiss that took her breath away and made her heart race. 
When he broke the kiss, she took a moment to get herself under control. “Whoa. I - I think you’re cured now.”
Shingen’s heated gaze held her shy one. “Are you sure, my goddess? Perhaps you should stay and treat me with your blessings for another month. Just until the next new moon passes. Just in case.” His thumb stroked her knuckles, a lovers caress. “I may need your medicine every day to keep me safe.”
“I - I think you’re exaggerating.” She knew he was. Probably. But there was no part of her that protested the idea of kissing this man every day for the next month. Maybe more than once a day. Maybe more than kissing. Mai cleared her throat. “I can see staying for awhile. Just to be certain. But - but that doesn’t mean you can just go kissing me whenever you want. I like to get to know a guy first!”
“Then let’s spend this month getting to know each other very well.” His reply was almost a purr. 
Mai wondered if the oni was really the more dangerous version of Shingen. Because this one promised to eat her up too, with those stormy grey eyes and that sensual mouth. But the way she was feeling, she wasn’t sure she would mind it much.
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salicaceaes · 3 months
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hi everyone ! i'm sigh and it's been a long time since i've rped on tumblr but i'm hoping it hasn't changed too much sdlkf please find more info abt willow and myself below!
—— welcome to infinite entertainment! it's WILLOW WOO, who is the MAIN DANCER of BRAVEHEART. i’ve heard whispers that the 25 year old is pretty ZEALOUS but lowkey IMPULSIVE. also, doesn’t she remind you of GAHYEON?
she was born in anaheim, ca
when she was sixteen, a very embarrassing video of her at disneyland went viral of her singing and dancing along with the paint the night parade, this caused vibe productions to reach out to her and ask her to audition as they had a temporary office in los angeles
she passed her audition due to twisted luck, her father was a tiger dad and kind of delusional. he had her join acting, singing and dancing classes at a young age on the chance she would get scouted by a talent agency due to her looks. at first she thought it was annoying and unnecessary but soon realized sometimes you have to be delulu!
she became a trainee at vibe productions and bid her parents farewell as she moved to south korea on her own. her main focus was korean classes since she was at a beginner level and spoke with an american accent — the one thing her dad didn't consider was the talent agency being from his homeland
trained for less then a year before she was added to the braveheart lineup (possible plot for someone who she took the braveheart spot from or maybe a member wanted someone they trained a long time with to join them instead!) as their main dancer and lead vocalist
when braveheart started out she got some flack for not being exceptionally fluent in korean, the meaner netizens didn't bother learning her name and would just refer to her as gyopo in the comments
luckily this didn't bother her much and she often asked her groupmates for help
known for her duality on and off stage, often breaking into a smile at the middle of her ending fairy poses. she would often go viral with valentines seeing how many seconds she can last before breaking
on god she'll do every dance challenge asked
she never poses normally for her photocards, she'll always have something in her hand or a cute filter on her face
known for being chronically online and referencing popular tweets valentines make about the group
she actually has a fan account where she posts hd photos of her popular photocards cause she feels bad that some of them go for so much, however in her bio she says she's just really good at photoshop
for fun she sometimes she joins chat rooms for braveheart and talks bad about herself or acts like an akgae for one of her members
loves chatting with valentines and will always go live to talk with them, she'll even play online games with some of them when her schedule allows
however, lately she doesn't have as much time to talk with valentines due to their latest comeback and she's been signed to a blockbuster
speaking of, her solo projects so far have been:
1 film (side character)
3 tv series (2 minor roles, 1 major role)
solo album [ME]
untitled blockbuster
this is all i have so far, i'll have an official page set up eventually and will def be adding more as i plot with people!
please like this post if you'd like to plot and i'll hyu! i also have discord if you'd rather message there!
about sigh:
i'm 21+ and currently in mst but i live pst!
this is my first idol rp so i'll be taking inspo from a lot of your pages and such i hope that's ok!
i see the beautiful, long paras y'all are having and i have to be honest, i'm a short para girlie but i'll try my best to match lengths!
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zetathelata · 4 months
SLW&SH Characters ( 126 - 145 )
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Fact about my characters:
IIuvia is the character who broke rain's wing like arm. She has an friend named toki.
Leza is a plant cat furry. Also her wool like fur changes depending on what season it is. She doesn't talk at all, she prefers not to talk about it. Leza also has a brother named Mistletoe.
Della is rain's girlfriend. She spends time with leza even through leza doesn't say anything. She gets annoyed by Mistletoe, IIuvia, and mostly sunflower.
Mistletoe is Leza's brother. He has roommates named toki, sunflower, and the bug twins. He painted his claws. He also got his eye ripped out by the war. Della and Snowclaw is very annoyed of Mistletoe for some reason.
Toki is just an grumpy boi in his roommates apartment room. He spends most of his time on his phone.
Jota's bunny girlfriend named Ruta. When jota is walking on the ground, she grabs her out of nowhere.
Sunflower roommates are Mistletoe, Toki, and the bug twins. He sometimes paints, just like how Jean Pierre draws. He got his half of his legs ripped off by a non-star person in the war, when he was a kid.
Raven had a girlfriend named olive. He is very dramatic about hot things touching him, except his girlfriend.
Olive's boyfriend is raven. She likes to tease him with fire or other hot burning things to scare him for fun. Whatever you touch her hands or "hair," they burn you. But they won't burn if you wear clothes, then you're fine, but you'll feel warm. When olive and raven see jota, they treat her like their child. Even though jota has a human family.
Roja is Verde's sister, they like sweets very much, using their ladybug defense on random people for no reason, and lastly if they feel like it. Roja and Verde fuse together into a yellow ladybug.
Verde is Roja's sister. I was inspired by Asavt's Scisstape, so I added a purple tape band on Roja and a green band on Verde. Roja and Verde are known as the bug twins. They are roommates of sunflower, toki, and Mistletoe.
Titan is best friends with Willow and Colin. And they are way bigger than willow and colin.
Time was created by silhouette, so he can forgive the light star for attacking the sunlight warriors. He made time to be friends with the light star. But he disappeared because Nikki took him to star town ( which is located in star dreams ). Time is surprisingly ok with this. Even though he might never see the light star again. Tempo and him might be distant cousins ( Time is a clone of Tempo technically ). He is based of a bird and has a dripping halo just like amber.
Jota's last girlfriend is here! Out of the 6 girlfriends that jota hangs out with the most is lily, they hang out like as friends and love partners. What she likes to do shop for clothes ( both stores and mall ). And if jota bumps into lily, then she'll get all flirty with her until lily manages to trick jota to go to her place. Also she's taller than jota, so jota has tall girlfriends ( except mothy ).
Sunrise and Darla are lovers, ( they might get married, also that's the same for Sky and Arctic ). Sunrise is a abandoned robot that got possessed by the light star spirit, now she hates humans and is waiting for the robots to take over humanity.
Zeo likes to float and dash very fast, but when she spins around an electric pole for anything electric related that run around. Her body covers up in electricity and if you touch her, you will be hit with 999 bolts of electricity. That's enough bolts to give a star soul an small crack. Also she's based of a otamatone.
Darla is a drone girl who also got abandoned by humans, they didn't like her breaking up, so she doesn't really mind a light star spirit helping her function. She likes being with sunrise.
Nova, Mia, and Hearty hang out beatz most of the time. Nova is a zombie cat. She only wears the goggle for her one eye is because it keeps falling out, she can kinda see through it. This is the first time I ever drew organs.
Cherrybomb has a Mexican accent. She hangs out with beatz, Nova, and jota whatever they have karaokes nights. When Cherrybomb and jota are alone together they do Mexican dances, and then she starts kissing jota on the lips until her face is red. Cherrybomb knows what dirty desires jota wants her to do.
Venus hates talking about her past, so she's spends most of her time protecting Silvermoon.
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hotchfiles · 4 months
Ok so something I’ve always wanted to say is that a lot of members of the team are randomly mean to each other, sometimes with reason and sometimes without, but why do people hyper focus on it when they’re mean to Reid? Being mean is obviously not something that should be normalized but like it happens, you know? From everyone to everyone and sometimes people just gotta accept that it’s ok to be mean to someone (not ok as in it should happen, but ok as in it’s something that does happen, like don’t get too hung up over it, you know?) like chill sometimes a person is mean and sometimes it’s not even really personal but you don’t have to take out your torches and pitchforks because Reid is on the receiving end. Thank you.
That's one of the points I feel where people not only infantilize him but also project themselves too much on him.
Derek isn't mean to Spencer, that's how he shows his affection, they bicker like an old couple, everyone on the team appreciates Spencer even if he's annoying sometimes.
AGAIN. BEING ANNOYING IS NOT A CRIME. FINDING SOMEONE ANNOYING IS NOT A CRIME. We neurodivergent yappers are annoying sometimes, that is FINE. And Spencer KNOWS THAT, you can see sometimes he does it on purpose to annoy them, like when he speaks about the traffic reports and he notices how much it pisses Derek off he keeps talking about it to tease him.
The only two that get on my nerves about it sometimes is JJ, not because she finds him annoying or because she cuts him off, but because she supposedly is in love with him and how can you be in love with someone that you never ONCE showed interest in what he says. Like, never once. It's literally a joke to the point Rossi and Derek imitate his speech patterns and topics to get her to fall asleep. So that annoys me.
The stop being you scene used to annoy me A LOT because that specific line is hurtful as fuck to neurodivergent because it's all we really think about. But then I stopped focusing on Spencer, who, by the way, did not take offense in this, and noticed how DISTRAUGHT JJ is, she's talking about the guilt she has been carrying because she lost her baby and she doesn't even have a word for what she's feeling.
THE SEAVER SCENE ANNOYS ME TOO I DON'T FUCKING CARE, SHE'S ANNOYING, HER ACCENT IS ANNOYING AND HER BACKSTORY CAME OUT OF A GODDAMN FANFIC ANYWAY but it annoys me because she JUST GOT THERE, you know? We tease friends, not a coworker you just met. But honestly I just took notice of this part on my last rewatch, before that I just disliked her accent and her backstory. I also do not like the fact she was brought into the series because they wanted a younger female to bring audience but that's not her fault. (I do like her during the Lauren extravaganza)
ANYWAY ALSO. LIKE YOU SAID, THEY ARE ALL MEAN TO EACH OTHER AT SOME POINT. Hotch, Spencer, Emily, JJ, Rossi AND DEREK are awful to Garcia at one point or another, Garcia yells at Hotch, Spencer is a bitch to Emily during his addict arc, Derek and Hotch do not hold back when they are frustrated with each other. So, I mean, you know? It's family, things get heated. And Spencer doesn't even get much heated shit thrown at him, at all times it's just light banter.
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hufflepuffhabs · 2 years
Barça Players as Harry Potter Characters
Sooo I seem to have too much time on my hands (or rather o much proficiency in procrastination) and simultanly too much opinions on this. Do let me know any other opinions, some are literally not based on anything. And obvs no hate to any!
Xavi - Remus Lupin
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Was already here in his youth and was very popular then. Now he is back to teach the next generation of wizards.
Marc-André ter Stegen - Minerva McGonagall
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A true hero! Also he is kinda cate-like. This is one of my favorites, so congrats!
Iñaki Peña - Neville Longbottom
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Loveable guy, but does not get the chance to prove himself until later on.
Héctor Bellerín - Luna Lovegood
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They are kinda there for the magic, but they also care about other stuff. People may find them a bit strange, but in truth they have their priorities set. Very magical vibe in general.
Ronald Araujo - Ginny Weasley
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This is one is ambitious in every aspect of life. Talented, but also a bit weird.
Andreas Christensen - Viktor Krum
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Both come from the north. And they have a very ambivalent vibe, like probably a good guy, but the facade is kind harsh.
Marcos Alonso - Bill Weasley
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One of the older Weasley siblings. Not such a trouble maker as some of the others, but still part of the gang.
Jordi Alba - Rubeus Hagrid
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Just a cuddly guy with a sweet personality, but can get fiesty if need be.
Jules Kounde - Lee Jordan
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They have the same hair. Plus he seems like someone who would be a Gryffindor.
Eric García - Hermione Granger
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Smartest person in the group, does not care about others opinion and is willing to risk it all for their closed-ones (including cursing and threatening). Also nearly died once. We love this one!
Sergio Busquets - Sirius Black
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Part of the old popular group. Leader for the young ones, but in difference to Remus, he is more the cool uncle than the responsible one. Also can be kind annoying in a good way.
Pedri - Harry Potter
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Do I have to say more? He is the magician, people put all pressure on him. And the hair is kinda similar sometimes. Also grew up differently than most (one being from the Canary islands, the other, well being from under the stairs). Both very family-oriented.
Franck Kessie - Garrick Ollivander
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This has absolutely no logical, only vibes.
Sergi Roberto - Charlie Weasley
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The Weasley family is just everywhere. So this one had to be included. Is not talked about much, but still liked by most.
Frenkie de Jong - Fleur Delacour
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The have so much in common: Very blond hair, very cute accent, same initials. Good at what they do, but kinda slept-on.
Gavi - Hedwig
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Ok, I know this is very random. But hear me out: Hedwig is cute, Gavi is cute; Hedwig is protective of her people, Gavi is protective of his people; Hedwig is small, Gavi is small; enough said.
Ousmané Dembélé - Ron Weasley
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Sorta part of the main cast, but not the superstar. Also sometimes a bit problematic.
Robert Lewandowski - James Potter
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An older, very good guy. He seems cool, but we do not know as much about him. Superstar, but not future.
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Ansu Fati - George Weasley
The first of the Weasley twins. Very funny, very loveable. Loves the others and is happy to be a part of this.
Ferran Torres - Fred Weasley
The other Weasley twin. Also funny, and sorta more the centre of attention, whether on purpose or not. I love this one, but he faces more adversity than necessary.
Raphinha - Oliver Wood
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Good at sports. Looks good. But not really that memorable.
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highness-fangs · 1 year
what are your headcanons for the listeners
Ok I'll try:)))
Pen edition
•fangs actually knew they were going to be captured when they did, thus the calm conversion with sasha
•when BB was locked when they got into a fight over the porkchop, they had the worst panic attack of their life and wished they choose the bullet, but when they were trying to clam down all they thought about was Eve, it worked
•Scales really like their wings, bit they don't like the attention they get when they show them
•BB had a bike that was destroyed when they got captured, fangs got them a new one when they found out, BB almost cried
•fangs spent most their time before getting sent to earth (i really should check my lore info,but yk what i mean ) painting, they have a room where they paint and another where they store their paintings on top of their house-qualified room in the castle
•fangs visits their dead uncle's grave alot
•fangs genuinely didn't tell sasha about who they actually are just because it never came in a conversation
•BB was forced to be a vegetarian since they were young, and after that the taste of meat would always make them throw up so they sticked to it
•the reason why scales was in a low point in their life when they were abducted, is that injury they got in their leg that forbided them from dancing, dancing means alot to them
•^scales had very under-developed vocal cords before everything, so they resorted to dancing to express their feelings
•BB smokes, alot, so does Eve, their version of chilling at night is getting high, eve becomes all mushy and cuddly, BB gets really hungry, so imagine BB in the kitchen with eve koala Hugging them
•despite reading old books in their mystery nights, fangs really enjoys new-ish books, the ones people talk about in instagram and tiktok
•speaking of Instagram and tiktok, fangs can not use them,yes they have the newest phones, but no,they barely know how to call using it , it was until BB explained it to them that they were able to snoop around
•after being done with the process, fangs and BB killed sasha's ex, no one knows about it expect scales, whose cool with it and wishes they were there
•fangs can't cook, but they bake, their quick microwave cakes are to die for
•BB worked as a bartender for sometime, you wanna a cool drink? Ask them
•scales knows how to tattoo, never actually took it as a job, but it's in their back pocket
•fangs has a french accent, it used to annoy BB
•BB got a city accent
•BB was turned by an ex of theirs after they broke up, thinking they killed BB they ran away, that didn't last since BB had them for dinner that night
•The reason why sasha was shocked to see fangs body count is because it was 864 people
•all the 864 were killed for fun
•BB's body count is around 20-40
•most of them were out of their control
•the reason why BB excelles in the determination team is their bartending job, it kinda depends on aim to make an interesting show, and to shoot someone down it also depends on aim, so a win win if you ask them
•the self control BB has to not kill harriet the moment they see her in impressive
Okokokoko im starting to run of ideas, fun fact: i don't know how to do hcs, because my characters depend more on situations and events then on personality treats, so this is my first time doing them, tell me how i did?
I also decided to focus on the main 6 here hopefully I'll dig deeper, because i really like princy and frosty but since i love them i don't know shit about them, so asking me to make hc is kinda good 💀
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quarktrinity · 10 months
quark watches star trek season 2 episode 12
wow what a conveniently expository conversation theyre having just after beaming down
no chekov dont enter the spooky building
holy shit a dead dude
yep that dude sure is dead
holy shit alive people
weirdly loud and intense music
obviously old people think theyre in their late 20s. uh oh
old guy: "elaine was so beautiful. so beautiful." kirk: :T
yes kirk we get it ur into blondes
"old friend" ok so shes his ex. how many exes does this dude have
"when my husband died" so shes single. alright
i think i realized why i find so many of the Kirk Romances boring and annoying and only some of them fun and interesting. most of them are entirely on the basis of "shes blonde and hot and likes him because hes blonde and hot," and all the interesting ones actually establish chemistry and tension and its not just showing that theyre attracted to each other, its showing WHY. and then the boring ones just assume u understand why kirk wants to bang this blonde chick of the week. i actually dont. shes boring, show me why he wants her
obviously plot relevant comet mentioned off-handedly by spock as having not been investigated
kirk having memory troubles methinks
it seems the whole crew is becoming Old
topless kirk <3 thaaaanks <3333
kirks definitely having memory troubles
kirks tummy is so good
kirk has Body Pains
mccoy has gray hairs. theyre all entering their dilf eras
mckirk sexual tension
kirk has arthritis. lmao
they tried to make kirk look like hes balding by just slicking back his hair. he looks kinda goofy
mccoy looks ancient
mccoys southern accent is coming out
whoever wrote this episode thinks aging is horrifying
off-screen lady is off-screen
ok blonde doctor lady is starting to get interesting. my favorite part of this is that kirk points out that she talks like spock. interesting of u to say abt a lady ur hot for kirk.
blonde doctor lady is into dilf kirk. aight
honestly they didnt make kirk very dilfy :/ they shouldnt have slicked his hair back like that, it looks silly
kirk calls out that blonde doctor lady is into older men
alright this is a good love interest. im cool with this
chekov is grumpy
kirks memory troubles are starting to become problematic
kirks napping <3
woah so crazy how the comet was plot relevant
kirk you gotta go take another nap or something
weird tinfoil dildo
spock says Its Too Cold
commodore guy says kirk is getting too stupid to be captain
"this isnt gonna hurt a bit" "thats what you said the last time!" "did it hurt?" "yes!"
dead lady
kirk is obviously insecure
spock were in crisis i think its fine if kirk repeats himself sometimes for a bit. give him time to fix this
mccoys napping <3
kirk is canonically 34
kirk is grounded
kirks being funny <3
kirk does make a good point that theyre wasting time they could spend fixing this problem
commodore dude immediately makes dumb decisions
kirk as a rambling old man is fun to watch
hes acting like a jilted lover with spock. i love this show
the camera is still obsessed with kirks ass
hahahaha this show thinks radiation poisoning can be treated
commodore dude forgot about the space cold war
kirk is once again in restraints
"it could cure or kill" so itll obviously work
kirk has no fear of death
camera is weirdly focused on kirks crotch
yes lets zoom on his crotch while he writhes on the bed in pain. i couldnt make this shit up if i tried
commodore dude doesnt know shit about the space cold war
kirk is Fine now. damn i almost forgot how sexy he is
kirk is so good at captaining
the romulans should know that kirk would never blow up his ship. dont they even watch star trek
mcspock banter
"well, gentlemen, all in all, an experience well remember in our old age- /stops, reaches for his back with a surprised and thoughtful expression, then adjusts so it looks like hes just holding his hand on his hip/ ...which wont be for some while, i hope" youre 34 kirk it happens
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dragonthusiast · 2 years
Nightstar Character Introductions
This post will be a compilation of all the major characters from my NaNo WIP called Break the Day. If someone new shows up and worms their way into these books, I’ll update this post.
(The portraits are made in Artbreeder, I might try to draw them properly later.)
For a story/worldbuilding/whatever compilation click here for that post.
Fennrin (formerly Tyr-Syrenten)
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Age: 26
Sexuality: Gay
Power: Creates and controls shadows
Fennrin comes from a somewhat wealthy family, but because of his powers, eventually his parents decide to disown him so he can’t tarnish their good family name. Having lived 9 years in poverty alone, Fenn is very guarded and scared of letting people close, not speaking more than he needs to and often keeps his expression and voice neutral, not letting anyone know what he’s feeling or thinking. 
Ainreth Tyr-Naralyn
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Age: 30
Sexuality: Gay
Power: Controls light
Ainreth is a powerful general with the nickname the Daybreaker. He is naturally outgoing and positive, but since the death of his childhood friend on the battlefield, he’s been using that as a mask to hide the pain and guilt he’s been feeling over it, exaggerating his smiles while also putting on a selfish jackass persona because it makes it easy to keep people away from him. His biggest fear is someone he cares about getting hurt again, and so he’s not very happy that Fennrin is making him want to give caring a chance once more.
Petre Mar-Harion
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Age: 22
Gender identity and sexuality: Nonbinary, panromantic asexual
Power: Can control/grow mushrooms. They love mushrooms ok
Petre is from a family that has roots in both Lys-Akkaria and Orinovo, feeling a connection to both cultures even though they are currently at war and sometimes feeling like a bit of an outcast for it. Despite their young age, they are Ainreth’s second-in-command, largerly because they possess the unique ability to tolerate Ain for more than ten minutes.
Yarima Anarova
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Age: 28
Sexuality: Bisexual
Soundsmith (or is she?) - can control sound
Yarima is a mysterious figure on a mission to find and fight Ainreth. While she is easily recognizable as being from Orinovo by her thick accent, not much else is known about her or what she wants with Ainreth. But one thing is for sure - she can defeat him far too easily.
Enlin Fer-Tyrosen
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Age: 24
Sexuality: Lesbian
Enlin is a soldier serving in Ainreth’s regiment, and she’s also Petre’s best friend. Enlin is a very cheerful person, though she does have a tendency to get anxious and overthink, and due to her optimistic, cheery disposition is usually seen as annoying by her fellow soldiers.
Denir Anarov
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Age: 26
Sexuality: Gay
Yarima’s younger brother, Denir is the crown prince of Orinovo after his sister’s escape from the country, but due to his absolute inability to be a ruthless dictator, both having too much empathy and not being nearly as smart as his sister (as well as being gay, which the homophobic Orinovo does not appreciate), the queen doesn’t actually want him to take over after she dies, and is ready to cast him aside any moment she finds a more worthy candidate.
Neven Oretski
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Age: 31
Sexuality: Bisexual
Neven is the de facto main general in the Orinovan army, and a fanatic servant of the Orinovan queen. Having witnessed Ainreth burning hundreds of Neven’s fellow soldiers to death in an instant during the faithful battle ten years prior, Neven has decided to put himself through the same experimentation that Yarima had been forced into, gaining control over fire and wind from it in an effort to help his country defeat Lys-Akkaria and Ainreth, who he sees as his main rival. Neven has a shameful secret, though—he’s very much in love and secretly dating the prince of Orinovo.
Daryan Varilik
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Age: 142
Sexuality: Bisexual
Power: can control/grow plants
Daryan is the High Herald of Lys-Akkaria, the de facto ruler and representative of the country, though his power is limited by his fellow 3 rulers, the courtiers. Very dilf-y.
Taglist: @missdrarrydawn @morganwriteblr @drarrywords​ @midore-fuse903​
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ahaaaoootblooded · 1 year
ok liveblogging or whatever smash rewatch (ep 3 only) while smashed. you get it right ywwwwwwahoooooo
megan hilty i'd do anything for you by the way
seriously why do they make derek so stupid i never understand that no way he listens to karen and he's like yeah she has a better marilyn you're joking right now
derek's accent dayummmmm
the sudden cuts in the first few episodes are hilariously bad why didn't they keep it man the awkward silences were gold
this website i'm watching it one is slow as hell
gonna kms if this buffering website makes me skip over a scene that has tom in it i will never forgive it
omg bruno mars music mention listen to silk sonic guysss please
ughh michael no way derek watched this-- actually no you know what with his shit taste i can absolutely believe he looked at michael and was like yeah i need this guy in my musical. the hell
ugh i forgot his last name is swift of all things
his eyes are so fucking blue
forgot how weird it is to me sometimes when cborles hair is flat-ish and not fluffy. not to say i hate tom's hair like sometimes i love when it dose the bouncy thing but i like the fluffy hair more
mikeyy swift has a wife and kids michaelll you stupid cunt. and you too julia YOU BACKSTABBING BITCH
omg it's the kid whos annoying from community
i don't get ellis' charcter. like i can't get mad at him it's just confusing to me
julia i literally don't like you.
misster and mrs smith merely the folks next sdoor
strawberry ran out man plum tastes like shit
hey in my fucking country 200 dollars a week is a lot karen
omg derekkkkk. you're accent is so lovely
GANDA NIYONG DALAWA DIBA like not as a ship i feel nothing pero seperately like you're both gorgeous to me
ok i take back feeling nothing toward ellis i'm pissed he took julia's note book but also naiinisan ako kay julia so i can't be entirely angry at him yan nga lang kasi
what the hell am i watching
tf why are you showing us michael and his family and friends and kids that just makes me more angry about him and julia and the whole thing. frank deserved better 2023
so funnaaaay this affair was totally avoidable you empty headed fucks
suck my dick don't ask about her family and don't entertain his quesitons you guys are both stupoid
omg eileen and alcohol i haven't reached it yet but i am looking forward to that bartender dilf guy
those earrings look like shit
mahal kaya ng 50 dollars dito limang libo yan dito ah
oh hes angry!!!! angry face
stfu julia you know nothing about goodf decisions
ok not gonna lie she looks decent with this outfit for once
i truly genuinesly don't give a shit about this rivalry going on between julia and ellis. seriously
idk ellis actor giving cunt. like by that i mean he's being a cunt and i mean that in a good way
hadc to answer a time pressure survery in the middle of watching i am so sorry to the students receiving my paper its[' probably fucked up and wrong in grammar and answers soo sorry
what the hell is this country song. listen it's not that i don't like country i like some but this is just sad
i'km not american or rednecked (whatever that means i still don't get it actually) so i have no fjcking ida what shes one about right now
love you ivy lynnnnnn i mean you're mean to kayn but i'dstill treat you right personally
stove my ass derek i'dve brought her home the second she asked girl
boyl an eig that accent tho
wish he had a lrgit duet with megan hilty
sorry to debra messing but i would've actually died if he did the right regrtets but wiht megan hilty
Tom you're so pretty i love you tom tommm tomtomtomotomtmmm
toms eyes rolling to the back ofhis head iilwlmm gonna die
bruh i would never. fuck yo guys i'm would never cheat on frank brin d'arcy james chemistry teacher singer. never ever ever
https://www.tumblr.com/ahaaaoootblooded/712838762060775424/have-you-listened-to-brian-darcy-james-singing?source=share guys listen to that thanks its the right regrest by brian darcy hames
karens generally meh to me but that's real i'd kill to be a chorus oerson on broadway even once that'd killl\
i don't understand what the ywant me to feel like karen like seriously\
so funny to me when we never ever see thiese friends of karen ever so funny man
ok i hate michaerl but not gonna lie mr and mrs smith is ok actully. not groundbreaking but it'sgood to me
lol the joe dimagio outfit i don't know what joe actually looks like btw but so hilarious to me in the polay
julia you're so annoying
omg he knows hes watching that recording knowing things
love you megannnn love your voice
so 2011 ivy what are you wearing
ok thats okk
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my friends and i made this for school and got away with it.. how?
Background: children hatch out of eggs instead of being born because they're born over 6 feet tall unless they are a midget. Nobody is between the heights of 3 ft and 6 ft. They live in London in an alternate universe, hence why the people are so abnormal in height and lay eggs.
Setting: A small apartment in alt. London. 
Barnaby Heffley- 6’3 blue eyes and  short brown hair. He wears a black shirt with a brown leather jacket. Bleached blue jeans with little tears in it.His shoes are Nike Air Monarch 4 (his family descends from the Heffley family) short tempered. 
Chloe Heffley- 6’7 woman(her family descends from a group of massive female warriors who succumbed to laziness long ago. The genes remained) who also has blue eyes and happens to be a ginger. She tends to lose herself to emotions quickly.
Prue/Breya/Clemmie Heffley-  2 feet tall, has blonde hair, and Clemmie is the main body, and ate Prue and Breya in the womb. Their ghosts take over Clemmie’s mind and body sometimes, and the parents have just accepted that. Prue is very kind, Breya is very angry and mean all the time, and Clemmie has a strong southern accent.
Barnaby: [enters bedroom and sees soon to be ex-wife crying] [concerned and annoyed] right.. Whas all dis then?
Chloe: [weakly peeks over her shoulder at her soon to be ex-husband] luv… oi don’t know ‘ow long oi can keep doin dis… Our struggle is gettin to the kids…
Barnaby: I know luv.. I’ve been needing to talk to you about this for a while now.. [looks down in disappointment and pinches the bridge of nose]
Chloe: [stands up shakily, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she turns to face him] Barnaby……. Moi teahs ahe as tuhbulen’ as a ragin queen………….. Oi’m afrai’ , so afrai’ that your tempah will get to Prue, Breya and Clemmie.
Barnaby: YOU KNOW IM TRYING TO-… you know im trying to keep myself under control init. It’s bit hahd 
Chloe: WEWLL AT LEASHTTTTTTT OI DON’ LET MOI ANGAH GE’ TO THE FAMIWLY, BAH-NAH-BEE!!! Oi sweah, youw definition uv TROYIN ISN’ ENOUGH! You can’t even satisfoi moi needs anymowe…..
Chloe: [gasps cutely, placing her petite hands over her heart defensively as she begins to sweat] B-BARNABY. HOW COULD YOU ACCUSE ME UV SUCH A FING. 
Clemmie: [knocks on door] mothur plurse let meh een.
Barnaby: speak of the batty boy.
Chloe: [sighs] Clemmie, dahling, we can’t allow you to entah the room roight now. Mummy and Dahddy are havin a little chin-wag.
Breya: NO I WANT TO BE INSIDE NOW >:(     (idkman *Prue and Clemmie take the wheel* i guess lol)
 Prue/Clemmie: Okayyyyyyy
Chloe: All of you! All three of you, out! [swiftly turns to Barnaby, whispering] help me get the kids out. Now. They do NOT need to be brought into our dispute.
Barnaby: Kids! Out! [motions hands towards the door, pushing them out] go, go, go, go. *sigh*
[whispering] I think we need to.. Take a break.. You clearly don’t want to be with me if you had an affair with a MIDGET smh. You need to check yo self befoe you wrek yoself 
Chloe: [sighs, putting her ear to the door, mumbling to herself] good, they’re gone. [turns back to Barnaby] Barnaby, you just don’t treat me right anymore! You can’t satisfy my wants, let alone my needs! Hell, you can hardly provide for the children anymore! That “midget” treats me way better than YOUUUU ever could! He tells me I’m the fairest of the fair! And you? Why, you’re nothing more than a LECHEROUS PIG! You don’t truly LOVE me anymore, do you? 
Baraby: [looks down at the ground] i- … 
Chloe: “I” what, Barnaby. “I” what? Have you nothing to say for yourself? 
Barnaby: I dont. … I dont love you anymore. 
Chloe: [tears up a little, but blinks away the tears, sniffling harshly] That’s all I needed to hear. This has gone on too long. [turns her back to him]
Barnaby: ok.. Who gets the kids? 
Chloe: They are, quite literally, a package deal. They must decide on their own who they want to stay with.
(chainsaw noises in distance, actually right behind the door)
Barnaby: what the actual hewll is that..?
Chloe: [gasps in surprise]
(one foot of the bottom of the door has fallen)
(raggedy 1 foot tall possessed-by-two-ghosts child children trespasses)
(Clemmie takes over body)
Clemmie: What in tarnation??? Where am I???
(Prue takes the wheel)
Prue: Moemmy, dadday doesnt love you anymore????
Chloe: [the woman was too stunned to speak.]
Barnaby: Great, now our little tussle is getting to ALL of them! They’re switching up on us like CRAZY!!
Chloe: Oh good heavens. We should have an exorcist sooner. The ghosts of our fallen children have yet to rest peacefully, and now they’re tormenting poor Clemmie!
Clemmie: (autotune southern screaming)
Chloe: Barnaby. We’ll save the paperwork for later. Call GO- nevermind. He’s not enough, contact the queen. We must save Clemmie, but mark my words, Barnaby, we are THROUGH.
Barnaby: ok fine, but we mustn’t waste any tiome.
lmk if you want more of this ;-;
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