#ok third time has to be the charm
mjsidd · 2 months
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when I’m in a soapshipping competition and my opponent is myself
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faking-god · 1 year
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i will look back on my life at awkward things that happened and instead of cringing at them, i will think "this would happen to harry wouldnt it" and end up making stuff like this
image description in alt text
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cornfieldsrambles · 8 months
omg ok SO
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Meet the Lords in Black. Charming, aren't they?
Yes, Wiggly does indeed have four brothers who all do different things, so I'll cover them one by one, in order of introduction (since we've already met each of them in Nightmare Time at least once). BTW Nightmare Time has a fuckton of lore in it that I won't go into here, so even though I am about to spoil significant parts of it for you, I do recommend watching it, it's really good and if there's enough interest they might make a third one!
(Also you might notice they're all in doll form in this picture. This is how we knew them up until NPMD introduced us to what I call their Tumblr sexyman forms. Which are rad as hell by the way.)
So you already know Wiggly. That little green fucker, Wiggog Y'Wrath, the Capitalist Cthulu who does uwu-speak and starts a cult by invading people's minds. This will become a bit of a reoccurring theme with these guys. He's also the only one to successfully start an apocalypse, and the only one to have attempted to birth himself into our reality. (Or is he? We'll get to that...) He does seem to have some kind of dominion over the other LiB, as whenever all five of them show up there's always emphasis placed on him, like in NPMD where he does most of the talking while his siblings occasionally butt in.
Now for Bliklotep. Blinky seems to have slightly lower-scale ambitions than Wiggly, but don't let that fool you. Eyeball Boi is still incredibly dangerous. He runs an amusement park, WatcherWorld, deep within the Hatchetfield Witchwood. But it's not for the amusement of the patrons. Oh no. It's for Blinky's own amusement. Once you step inside, every insecurity, every shred of potential conflict will be ripped to the forefront, turning people against each other to the point of trying to kill each other until he's fully infected their minds. It's implied that, if not all, but a significant chunk of the workers at WatcherWorld were once patrons before having their minds taken over by Blinky. He's also implied to be the thing in Trail To Oregon that Jack Bauer sees during his venom-induced hallucination, as Blinky is referred to as "The Watcher With 1,000 Eyes", which is exactly what JB says he sees? Making Blinky the only LiB to induce a Starkid crossover. My headcanon is that the Dikrats founded Hatchetfield. But regardless.
Next up on the roster is Tinky. T'noy Karaxis, the Time Bastard. You may be wondering about that one line in NPMD where he recognised Pete as a Spankoffski, and said he "could have the whole set in his toybox". Has Tinky gone after Pete's relatives?
Well. Um. You know Ted, right? Yeah, his name is Spankoffski. He's Pete's big brother. We actually got the surname reveal before the brother reveal, lol. And that's not the only reveal we got about Ted. Our boy Teddy Bear has this whole entire tragic backstory and it turns out he gets fucked over in literally every timeline! Isn't that fun?
So, to summarise an entire episode: Tinky makes travel fuckery happen, Ted wants to go back in time to fix his life, accidentally goes back to before the time machine was created and gets stuck in the past, literally. Tinky is watching and laughing at the whole thing, then shows up to blow Ted's brain to smithereens with his weird little magic box, the Bastard's Box, where he stores all the people he toys with. Anyway Ted eventually catches up with the present by aging, except now no one knows who he is, he's... actually I won't spoil that. But once he dies he ends up eternally trapped and tortured in the Bastard's Box. Yaaay.
Fast forward to Nightmare Time 2 and we get introduced to Nibbly, in possibly the most unexpected way imaginable. He's revealed to have been behind a whole episode literally right at the end of said episode, and even though it was kind of foreshadowed, it hits you like a freight train in the best way. Remember when I said Wiggly was the only one who tried to birth himself into reality? That was kind of a lie. Nibblenephim can sort of do that anyway. Every year, he can possess a bunch of carcasses and create a living form to walk the earth for one night. He also has a cult of followers who provide him with the carcasses, as well as a sacrifice to feed on. There's a little more to it, specifically with how the sacrifice is chosen, but again, I'm trying to spoil as little as possible. Go watch Nightmare Time. Nibbly also seems to have a "pig" motif, and his theme song, The Nibbly Ditty, is a banger, easily my favourite of the three LiB theme songs we've heard so far.
And finally, we are introduced to Pokotho, in the very last episode of NMT2.
Except no. We were formally introduced to Pokey there, yes, but we've seen his apocalypse already. Long before NPMD, before Nightmare Time, even before Black Friday.
Yeah, remember me saying that Wiggly was the only one to successfully start an apocalypse? That was also a lie! Pokey already did that, and he did it without ever showing his masked face. Remember The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals? The blue spores that came down in a meteor and turned everyone into singing zombies? That was Pokey's doing! That's his blue spores! That's his apocalypse!
This also provides an explanation for why blowing up the meteor didn't work. Emma and Hidgens were right about the hivemind thing, but wrong about the location of the central brain. It wasn't the meteor - the meteor was just the vessel which carried the spores to Earth. The central brain was sitting safely up in the Black and White, laughing as Paul blew himself to smithereens. The central brain was Pokey, the Singular Voice, the most uncompromising of his brothers. The one who hates every voice that is not his own, hence the hivemind and making all of his zombies speak in HIS voice.
Anyway in NMT2 he's happily collecting musical zombies by taking on a human form and infiltrating a fighting ring of superpowered children until he has enough to kickstart another apocalypse. (Don't question it, we're almost done). He also calls himself Otho, not Pokey, making him the only LiB to have two different abbreviations of his name. Hannah is also there (remember her? Lex's little sister?) and she is like incredibly important to this whole thing, she has a super powerful mind, but that's a whole other thing.
But I did mention Hannah for a reason. Because you said "Wiggly's SIBLINGS". And while the Lords in Black are always referred to as brothers, they do have one more sibling. A sister. A Queen in White. And her name is Webby.
Yep, Hannah's imaginary friend isn't imaginary, who could have guessed? She's benevolent, always trying her best to combat her brothers' antics, but given that there's one of her and five of them, this is a bit of an uphill battle. Webby doesn't have a full name that we know of, nor does she have a doll. We don't know much about her. And she may not be all-powerful - but then again, neither are her brothers.
Infodump concluded. Hope this helps, it was very fun to write.
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rosyblooom · 3 months
chicken shop date | cl16 smau
pairing: charles leclerc x fem youtuber!reader
summary: y/n hosts a popular youtube channel where she invites various celebrities to have a 'chicken shop date'. in this upcoming episode, she welcomes famous formula 1 driver, charles leclerc.
a/n: all my love to amelia, i love her vids🫶🫶 also, pls lmk what u think :)
creds to @classiclitfreak for proofreading! thank uu!! :)
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▯
21st of March, 2024
yourusername posted to her story!
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[ caption: red 4 🏎️🏎️🏎️ ]
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[ caption: chicken shop date out on saturday!!! xx ]
[ tagged: charles_leclerc ]
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yourusername posted to her story!
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[ caption: aussie aussie aussie 🦘 ]
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbfusername, landonorris and 137,923 others
yourusername i love you australia xx
view all 4,831 comments
yourbfusername third pic 👀👀
yourusername 🤫 username that's suspicious...
username flying across the globe for a chicken shop date??? oh this is serious guys
username nah she's just rich lol username i'll be sad if they're just playing in our faces
username y/n becoming a ferrari girl was NOT on my bingo cards😀
charles_leclerc ❤️
yourusername 🥰🥰 username so the plot thickens username love u charlie🫶🫶
username y/n don't play with me rn. are you dating charles or nah
(liked by author)
username girl it's been 84 years we are tired of the games😭 username 'liked by author' WHAT DOES THIS MEAN
landonorris here for mclaren i'm hoping
yourusername i- sure! username oooh it's the lying for me miss
22nd of March, 2024
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liked by username, username, username, and 8,239 others
f1gossipofficial After arriving in Australia last night and posting a picture hugging who fans believe to be Charles Leclerc, Y/N L/N made her F1 debut this morning during the practice sessions.
She and Charles appeared to be very close, only further fuelling the dating rumours that have been circulating the internet for the past month. As of yet, however, neither of the pair has confirmed nor denied the ongoing rumours.
view all 273 comments
username bruh how hard is a "we're dating/we're not dating."😑
username lmao are you ok?? they don't owe us anything
username Y/N as an f1 wag???? OH HOW I USED TO PRAY FOR THESE TIMES
username aw she's so pretty
username a chicken shop date episode with charles is dropping tmrw so i think it's all pretend
username oh yeahhhh I almost forgot username but travelling all across the world for that seems a little excessive? she's literally already super successful ygm username pretending for over 4 weeks is nasty work😫
username did anyone see the way he looks at her though????😍
23rd of March, 2024
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yourusername posted to her story!
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[ caption: this is more like it 😌 ]
[ tagged: charles_leclerc ]
charles_leclerc posted to his story!
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[ caption: Lucky charm secured ❤️ ]
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbfusername, landonorris and 277,004 others
yourusername chicken shop date with @charles_leclerc OUT NOW!! hope it's an uncomfortable watch xx
view all 4,992 comments
username 10/10 awkwardness, I had to pause multiple times. truly hated it, keep posting more!
yourusername thank u thank u. will do🫡 username loool Y/N ilysm
username u and me both😭😭 username idc if it's delusional i'm just gonna pretend they are🥰🥰 username ignorance is bliss babe✨😌
yourbfusername wait you guys are lowkey cute🧐
yourusername *highkey username OMG IS THIS A CONFIRMATION??? WE WONNNN username just fell to my knees in tesco pls don't be joking Y/N😭
charles_leclerc Avez-vous déjà pratiqué votre français ? (have you even been practising your french?)
yourusername oui oui 😌 username she's actually got it lmaoo who would've thought💀
username LMAO Y/N not "what are we?" why are you like this💀💀
username that's so real of her tbh
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2:35 ───ㅇ───────── 7:55
The YouTube video begins with a series of clips showing Y/N and Charles laughing, with intermittent shots of Y/N looking directly at the screen. The familiar tune of Y/N's 'chicken shop date' videos begins as stop-motion hearts flutter across the screen, transitioning smoothly to a scene featuring two dolls seated in a miniature chicken shop date setting, seamlessly leading into the main content of the video.
"Charles Leclerc," Y/N warmly greets, resting her elbows on the table. "Welcome to our date."
Charles responds with a smile, settling back in his seat and gesturing around. "Y/N Y/LN, thank you. I'm very happy to be on our first date... here... with all these cameras," he remarks jokingly.
Y/N narrows her eyes slightly, briefly glancing around before refocusing on Charles with a hum. "I'm not sure what you're implying. This location is a solid 10 out of 10," she says, gesturing to their surroundings. "Besides, do you see the chicken?" she adds, plucking a single fry from her meal box and waving it in the air, awaiting his response.
"You mean the fry?" Charles chuckles, pointing. "That's not chicken."
Y/N takes a bite of the fry, pausing to swallow before clearing her throat. "I'm aware," she says with a dramatic tilt of her head and a tight-lipped smile. "I just grabbed it because I fancied a fry." 
"But anyway," she continues, circling back to the initial question, "do... you... see... the... chicken?" Sensing his hesitation, she places her hands firmly on the table. "Look at me. It's a simple yes or no, Charles."
"Well, actually, it's yes or yes," she corrects herself with two affirmative nods, before redirecting her attention back to him.
Charles responds with a smile, though his expression betrays his confusion, evident in the different angles of his raised eyebrows. "Yes, I see it, Y/N."
"And do you taste it?" Y/N asks slowly.
"I haven't yet..."
"So, what are you waiting for?" she claps her hands together, motioning towards the untouched box of food in front of him. "Don't be shy now."
Charles chuckles as he sits up in his chair and leans forward, rummaging through the food before pulling out a chicken nugget. As he dips the piece in some ketchup, his eyes meet Y/N's once more, her wide-eyed nod urging him on.
"Go on."
"Okay, okay," he says, taking a bite. "Mmm," he nods, almost as if someone were holding a gun to his head, compelling him to do so.
"Oh," Y/N purses her lips and shakes her head, "I don't like it when people make noises while eating."
"Uh," Charles swallows and chuckles, "sorry?"
Y/N shrugs. "It's okay, I forgive you."
"Anyway," she inhales deeply, "what do you think? That's some good chicken, right?"
"Yeah, actually, it is really good," Charles nods as he speaks.
Suddenly, the video cuts to a staff member in chicken shop attire standing behind the counter, wearing a smile while staring at the camera, unmoving.
Then, the video returns to Charles and Y/N.
As Charles takes another bite of his chicken nugget, Y/N casually asks, "Do you think our children will like chicken?"
Coughing sounds interrupt as Charles drops his chicken into the box, knocking his fist against his chest until the sound clears. His voice croaks as he speaks, his brows furrowing, "Our children? We're talking about children already?"
Y/N's composure cracks slightly as she chuckles, clearly amused by his reaction, and observes him reaching for a glass of water, taking large gulps. However, she quickly regains control, shrugging nonchalantly before continuing, "Well, yeah. I don't know about you, but I date for marriage—I want a little family of my own someday. Don't you?"
Charles rubs his eyebrows and places the glass back on the table. "Yes, I do want to have a family one day. But this feels like it's moving very fast, don't you think?"
Y/N shakes her head. "Not at all. To be honest, I want one boy and one girl. What about you?"
At Y/N's continued forwardness, Charles releases a laugh, visibly bewildered, before scratching at his beard in deep thought. Propping up his elbows on the table, he finally responds, "I think I want a boy."
"—And a girl," Y/N interjects, smiling expectantly.
Charles blurts out a laugh, clearly taken aback, before nodding. "Yeah, a girl too. I don't really mind."
"Great, so we're on the same page then."
The video cuts off again, this time to the entrance of the chicken shop, slowly panning into the empty and bright interior with multiple tables and chairs. The camera stops on the large menu, featuring pictures of chicken and fries, lingering for a few moments before cutting back to Charles and Y/N. 
However, this time Y/N is holding a piece of paper in front of her.
"So, I hear you're French?" Y/N glances up at Charles, noticing the grimace on his face. Quickly realising her mistake, she corrects herself, "Oh, hold on, no wait, don't kill me please. You speak French, but you're from Monaco—you don't claim France at all."
Charles laughs and nods in agreement. "Correct. I am Monegasque. Those are separate countries, yes."
Y/N purses her lips, her eyes flickering from side to side. "I know, I literally just said that." Clicking her tongue, she exhales a long breath and continues, "Anyway, what a coincidence. I'm actually trying to learn French."
Something flashes in Charles' eyes as he suddenly leans forward in his chair, his expression filled with keen interest. "Oh wow, tu l'es ? Comment vas-tu ?" (translation: "Oh wow, you are? How are you?")
Y/N freezes, her mouth parted slightly in a half-smile. For a moment, she just stares, clearly startled, before scratching the back of her neck and humming deep in thought. "Oh, okay, straight into the deep end, huh?" she chuckles and then blurts out, "Oui, oui?"
Charles tosses his head back, laughing, while Y/N folds her hands together, waiting expressionless for his laughter to subside. When he finally regains his composure, his eyes back on Y/N, she says, "Great, thanks."
"I'm sorry," Charles waves his hand in the air, "I just thought you'd know the basics already. My mistake."
Y/N narrows her gaze at him for a few moments before taking a deep breath. "Well, that's what I've got you here for." Clearing her throat, she tilts her gaze down at the paper and asks, "Let's start easy, shall we? I'm going to give you a few sentences in French, and you translate them back to me in English."
Charles furrows his brows. "Wouldn't it make more sense the other way around?"
"What can I say, I'm special," she shrugs, "I actually learn better this way."
"Ah, of course you are."
"Alright. Je t'aime."
"I love you," says Charles.
Y/N places her hand across her chest. "Aw, Charles. Dropping the L-bomb already, are we?"
Charles drags his teeth across his lower lip while shaking his head. "Next one, please."
“Veux-tu m'épouser?" (translation: "Will you marry me?")
Charles tilts his head sideways, an amused expression spreading across his face. “Seriously?”
Y/N clicks her tongue and shakes her head. “No, that doesn’t quite sound right. I think you might need to brush up on your French, Charles, because I’m pretty sure ‘Veux-tu m'épouser’ does not mean ‘seriously.’”
Exhaling a long breath, she rotates in her seat and straightens up. “Don’t worry though, I’ll give you another chance.”
Charles rolls his eyes playfully before releasing a whistle. Rubbing his hands together, he begins, “Will you marry me. That’s what it mea—”
“Charles!” Y/N's jaw drops as she interrupts him. “Well, I’m a hot commodity, you know? But I want to know, how would our marriage work? I mean, how long are you planning on racing, anyway?”
Charles smiles, slumping into his seat as he reaches for a fry and tosses it into his mouth. “I’m not sure, to be honest. I love racing and I want to be a world champion, so we’ll just have to see how long that takes.”
“You want to be a world champion, yet you extended your contract with Ferrari?” Y/N's brows furrow inquisitively. “That’s an interesting choice.”
A couple of chuckles escape Charles as he runs his hand up and down his neck, his gaze fixed on the half-empty box of food before him. After a moment's pause, he replies with a casual shrug, “They're like family to me. And honestly, when I see myself winning, it’s always with the Ferrari team by my side.”
“Fair enough,” Y/N exhales, her eyes widening as she claps her hands together. “I suppose I'll have to stock up on red outfits.”
Noticing Charles’ puzzled expression, Y/N theatrically rolls her eyes before explaining, “For our next date, silly. I’ll be your lucky charm, and then you can finally start winning and have a real shot at the World Championship.”
“Wow, how nice of you, Y/N,” Charles responds with a lazy smile. “Merci.”
“Oooh,” Y/N points at him, nodding in satisfaction, “I know that one. You’re welcome…”
“…Boyfriend?” she asks, narrowing her eyes at him. “What—what are we?”
He ponders for a moment, swaying slightly from side to side, then relents, “Okay, sure… girlfriend.”
The video cuts to the outro, displaying various polaroids of Y/N flashing by, accompanied by a text reading, ‘If you enjoyed the video, please don’t forget to like and subscribe for more! xx’.
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24th of March, 2024
yourusername posted to her story!
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[ caption: early day😴😴 ]
[ tagged: charles_leclerc ]
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liked by username, username, username and 4,723 others
f1gossipofficial Y/N L/N and Charles Leclerc have been spotted entering the Paddock together. Numerous sources have also confirmed seeing them exchange a few kisses.
As always, wishing the drivers all the best for today's race!
view all 269 comments
username oh we're so on
username the world is healing
username who would've thought being awkward is how to pull charles leclerc💀
username ig this means we all have a chance username lmaooo i need u to be so fr
username ugh I don't see the hype?? that video made me so uncomfortable, she's such a weirdo
username nobody cares bruh
username mhm iktr😌 we love to see it
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liked by yourusername, carlossaiz55, username and 324,076 others
f1 Carlando back on the podium together! Congrats to Carlos Sainz, Lando Norris and Charles Leclerc on their wins! Huge accomplishments!
#F1 #Formula1 #AusGP
view all 248 comments
username aw they all deserved it I'm so happy for them😭🫶
username carlos the man that you are❤️
yourusername 🥳👏
username seeing Y/N become an actual f1 girl🤧 username please treat charles well for us🥹
username lfg 💪
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liked by yourbfusername, charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc and 263,014 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername as the french say 'soo la voo' or whatever xxx
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charles_leclerc close enough🤣
yourusername je t'aime ❤️ username OMGG??????? AHHH KICKING MY FEET🥰 username wow we've literally gone full circle🤧 username he fell first she fell harder tease🥹
username girl shut up
yourbfusername lool cuties <33
yourusername bby 🫶
username is- is this what it feels like to win?😭❤️❤️
7:35 ───────────ㅇ─ 7:55
hope u enjoyed! thoughts are appreciated! <3
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vauxxy · 5 months
luke castellan x daughter of hades reader
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★ relationship headcanons!!
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ABOUT - cute little relationship headcanons for luke and his child of hades gf <3
WARNINGS - a little bit of nsfw at the end 💋
A/N - not my fav lol… it’s ok i think it’s kinda cute
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luke castellan is the ultimate gentleman. he’s sweet, thoughtful, caring, all that stuff.
he always makes an effort to include you in everything because he knows how hard it is for you to make friends and such. he’s always inviting you to hang out with him and his friends, or taking you out to chaperone his cabin with him.
he’s your knight in shining armour. before you and luke even became friends, he was looking out for you. always saying hello, inviting you to spar with him, things like that.
luke castellan makes sure his girlfriend is comfortable in every situation. he knows you’re shy, so he tries his best to soothe your nerves whenever you’re talking in a big group of people. he’ll wrap his arm around your back and gently hold your waist, or he’ll kiss your cheek or shoulder- hoping it’ll soothe you. and it usually does, but it mostly flusters you.
he tries to spend as much time alone with you as possible. this means a lot of whisking you away to the hades cabin, because it’s completely empty.
you spend hours just talking and laying in your bed, playing with his hair as you two joke around about stupid shit.
he kinda feels superior to everyone else because he gets to know you more than anyone ever could. other than him and a few of your friends, everyone thinks you’re shy and timid. and sure, you are those things, but you’re also loving and hilarious and so so so witty.
luke castellan’s favourite thing about you is your sharp tongue. you’re funny, and dark, which makes for some really funny comments. the first time you make a joke around him, he couldn’t stop laughing. it was shocking hearing such morbid jokes some from such a shy mouth.
you are not one for PDA. you think that making out in public is weird and gross. he agrees… to an extent.
obviously, you’re not jamming your faces together ever minute of everyday, but luke is very needy.
he’s so overly touch starved and extremely obsessed with you, that if he’s around you he has to be able to be close with you to some extent.
this means holding hands, or pressing his shoulder against yours, playing with your hair, fiddling with your fingers, etc…
just small things like that.
when you’re alone, he’s a lot more touchy. and you love it- you’re as touched starved at him, you’re just better at hiding it.
luke loves to just hold you. he loves to just wrap his arms around you and bury his face in your neck, leaving little kisses all along your skin.
he loves watching you squirm and turn red when he caresses the sides of your hips. he honestly loves everything you do.
luke is extremely respectful of you and your boundaries. he’s also extremely needy. these two things can be true at the same time.
he started spending nights in your bed at the hades cabin using the excuse ‘it smells bad and is always so loud!! y/n you’ve gotta help me!!’
obviously you give in, because you love luke and love sleeping next to him. who cares if it’s against the rules?
but after the third night of just sleeping next to each other, you start noticing just how desperate he is for you.
the way he clings onto your body for dear life, how he falls asleep only after you start playing with his hair.
it’s charming really.
semi-nsfw ahead ‼️
your only issue with luke sleeping in your bed is the way he makes sure his hips stay far away from your body. sure, he’s being respectful, he’s a teenage boy- he can’t control it. but you kinda wish he didn’t sometimes.
you’ve tried talking about it with him, but you get to shy. it’s hard for you.
i mean, how on earth do you tell your boyfriend that you know he’s constantly hard for you? and that you also wish he’d tell you? and maybe that you also wish he’d go further than just the occasional boob groping or thigh rubbing?
lol so you don’t. you don’t say a word. instead, you turn around and wrap your leg around his body as you’re laying down, halfway through a sleepy conversation. you cling to his form, rubbing your hands over his back.
you hear him let out a quiet groan, looking down at you like you’re evil as he purses his lips.
“what’s wrong, luke?” you ask innocently, ignoring his clothed length fully twitching against your thigh.
he rolls his eyes and just starts kissing your forehead and cheeks, wrapping his body around yours as he tries to hold himself back a little.
“we’ve been dating for like… over a month.” you whisper, running your fingers through luke’s hair as he rests his head on your chest.
he nods slowly, which sends shivers down your spine. the feeling of his hair tickling your skin never fails to make you flustered.
“if you wanna go further you can ask.” you say quietly.
5 minutes later and you’re under him as your hands grasp onto your bedsheets, now covered in hickeys.
he’s gentle and thoughtful, always asking if it’s okay to continue or not.
he goes slow, leaving kisses all over your body as he watches you squirm and giggle quietly.
he’s sweet and caring and you love the way he makes you feel, and you love watching him go absolutely crazy over your touch.
you probably couldn’t ask for a more attentive and respectful boyfriend. he’s so polite and kind and caring- he makes you feel like you’re a princess.
being a child of hades has made it hard for people to get to know you- the real you. but luke never found it hard to know you past your name. he loves you more than life itself.
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juleswritesstuff · 1 month
Am I the only one who thinks most of the Marauders and the Slytherin Skittles would have the biggest praise kink in history ?
warnings: smut
Just a little thought I had today. Let me know if you want a part two with the reader and the boys' roles reversed, I'll be more than happy to comply 😉
James would have one because of his constant need to be perfect, to be what he thinks the others need him to be: the perfect son, the perfect friend, the perfect student. But he always has doubts ‘am I enough ?’, ‘am I doing enough ?', ‘will they like me ’, ‘what if they don’t ? what if they hate me ?’ He needs to be reassured that he is. He is enough, he is more than enough. 
I feel like it would be more prominent while he is intimate with you. He is mostly afraid of not living up to the expectation he thinks you have of him. So you make sure he knows that he makes you literally touch the sky.
‘That was the best match i’ve ever watched ! Merlin, you were brilliant on that broom James’ after Gryffindor wins the last match of the year.
‘What do you mean ‘stupid’ ? They’re your glasses baby, they help you see. And you look really hot wearing them in my opinion’ after he overhears someone talking about another person and saying they look stupid with that specific pair of glasses.
‘Like that, baby. You’re doing so good’ while he is covering your neck with kisses and gentle bites.
‘Yes, yes, fuck, right there Jamie’ after a particularly deep and strong thrust leaves you breathless.
‘You look so good between my legs, love’ while he is eating you out messily and hungrily and so, so perfectly.
‘No one feels as good as you. No one could ever make me feel the way you do, James’ while he is still inside of you, catching his breath and looking at you with devotion.
‘Are you sure it was ok ?’
‘James, it was more than ok. My legs are shaking baby, that's a sign that it was pretty damn amazing’
‘Are you serious ?’
‘Apart from the very lame joke I am sure you’re thinking about, yes, I am. Actually, why don’t I show you how serious I really am ?’
‘What do you mean, baby?’
‘I mean that you’re gonna fuck me again and i’ll show you how much I always crave your lips, then a third time and i’ll make sure the entire castle hears how you can make me cry with just your tongue, then a fourth because that perfect dick of yours needs to be fucking worshipped, and, finally, a fifth to show you that you fuck me so good that not a single coherent thought processes in my head when you're taking me apart on your cock, Jamie’ 
Remus would have one because he has hated himself his whole life. He feels like a monster, like he doesn’t deserve all the love he is surrounded by, like all the good things people say about him are just lies. And he knows the truth, he knows he is nothing but an horrid creature and that he doesn’t deserve to be loved. Except that it isn’t the truth, and you tell him everyday.
With him I feel like it would be more out of the bedroom, and outside of sex, but not exclusively.
‘You’re really good at that spell Remus, mind showing me how it’s done ?’ after he gets a rather difficult charm right at the first try.
‘You look very hot today, Rem. Well, you look hot everyday actually’ which makes him blush from head to toes.
‘You’re the best, you know ? You really are’ after he explains a difficult concept that nobody else got, but him.
‘Holy hell, right there Remus. You feel way too good’ while he eases in and out of you with a steady rhythm, knocking the air out of your lungs.
‘You take such good care of me’ while he is going down on you, slowly, sensually and with a glint of hunger in his eyes, knowing exactly what to do to make you fall apart.
‘I love you, you know that right ?’
‘Yes, darling. You tell me everyday’ 
‘Well, that’s not enough. From now on, I'll tell you twice a day’
‘But why ?’
‘Because it’s true' and then you give him the sweetest kiss.
Sirius would have one because he has been told his whole life that he wasn’t enough. That he needed to be better, to do better, to be a better heir for the Noble House of Black, to be a better son, to be a better brother. He was told that he was worthless, that his parents had no use in having a son like him. He was a disappointment, a shame to the family. For them he didn’t exist anymore.
But for you he was the most perfect person to ever walk on earth. Your brightest star.
He would love it both inside and outside the bedroom. I feel like he would also ask you to tell him something that makes him feel good, especially when he is having a bad day. He has no problem being praised in public, but he becomes especially vulnerable when you’re intimate because he can finally let go.
‘Tell me what did I do to have the best boyfriend ever ?’ After he brings you flowers one day because he told you they reminded them of you.
‘It’s ok Sirius, you’ll get it eventually. You’re one of the best students, you just need a bit more time which is totally fine’ after the tenth time he tries to get one of the most difficult spells right, only for it to go wrong.
‘You’re worth it Sirius. You’re worth every single good thing that happens to you, never doubt that’ after he breaks down reading one of his mothers older letters, full of foul words directed at him.
‘You’re such a good boy, aren’t you ?’ after he listens to you so well, kissing every inch of your body.
‘Fuck, you should see yourself baby. You look so good, so perfect for me’ while you’re on his lap, riding him slowly to savor that sultry fucked out expression on his face that makes you go feral.
‘You’re so sweet, Sirius, do you know that ? So fucking sweet’ after you bob your head on his length, swirling your tongue around his head to suck gently as his taste coats your mouth.
‘Was I good ?’
‘You’re always good, Sirius. More than’
‘Are you sure ?’
‘Do you want me to describe in detail how good you are at splitting me open in every position known to man ? Because I can do that if you want. Might take three whole days though, a week if you want me to talk about that sinful tongue of yours, too’
‘I think we have enough time’ and then you both start laughing.
Regulus would have one because he’s been second his whole life. Second for his brother, second for his parents before Sirius left , sometimes he feels second even for his friends. He thinks no one cares deeply about him, he’s just there as a rebound. He’s never been anyone’s first choice, and he thinks he never will be.
You make sure he knows that not only he would be your first choice in every lifetime, but that he would also be the only choice for you, no one else would or could ever compare. He is the center of your universe after all.
I feel like he would blush like crazy and pretend he is annoyed by your words when you’re in public and you praise him even for the simplest thing, but his eyes would also warm up a little, just for a second, before going back to his blank and rather stoic expression. He would be a mess in the bedroom though, when he can finally let go and he allows himself to feel good about the sweet words that leave your lips.
‘You have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen’ after he catches you staring at him for a moment too long.
‘Your poems are literally art, Regulus. I can’t believe you can write like this, you know this is pure talent, right ?’ after he shows you his poems for the first time and you nearly cry because more than half of them are dedicated to you.
‘You were so good up there, Reggie. And the way you caught the Snitch ? Fucking incredible. You are incredible’ after Slytherin wins one of the biggest matches of the season thanks to Regulus catching the Snitch one minute from the end.
‘You feel so good, love. Stretching me out so well’ after his cock slides inside of you perfectly, filling you up so nicely.
‘Eyes on me, Regulus. They’re so gorgeous, I want them focused me while I make you cum, ok ? Be good and keep them open’ as you stroke his length up and down, feeling the velvety soft skin on your palm as you give his head a gentle suck, tasting him on your tongue.
‘You’re so pretty when you’re all fucked out, Reggie. You feel so good taking me like this’ while you’re riding him and he looks at you with hazy eyes, lust and pure bliss fogging his brain’
‘I’m yours Regulus. I’m undoubtedly, irrevocably and utterly yours’
‘Promise me’
‘I promise, I’m not going anywhere. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me forever, actually’
‘Mmh, it’s gonna be hard, but I’ll survive I guess’ while you’re still joined, one body and one soul as you kiss him slowly and sweetly, his tone sarcastic but betrayed by the smile that's progressively growing on his lips.
Barty would have one because his father never gave him his attention. He was never enough for him, never a good son, never a good student, never good. He was constantly ignored, and the few times his father acknowledged him was to tell him that he was a lost cause, a disgrace, a shame. He was just a stupid boy, too reckless, too careless, too unhinged, too much, and, at the same time, never enough. But it wasn’t like that. He was a bit impulsive, and sometimes he went a little bonkers, but he was a good person, and there were people who cared about him and his well being. You always made sure he knew that. He was your priority.
I have a feeling that he would be completely unashamed of being praised in public exactly like he is praised in the bedroom. Probably not in front of the whole school, but he wouldn't really care if people eavesdropped, his crooked grin widening when he notices their horrified faces. It is  their fault, they could mind their own damn business.
‘Yes, Barty, you’ve been a good boy’ after he asks you if he has been good after getting an O in Potions.
‘Baby, we’re in public, I can’t just scream about how good you fuck me. There are people eating, for Merlin’s sake’ after he sees a guy talking to you before sitting at the table in the Great Hall. He asks you if you could tell him that he is the only one who could make you come with just his skilled fingers.
‘Don’t think like that ever again, Barty. You are not a lost cause, you aren't. You deserve good things, you deserve the best things, sweetie. You deserve to be loved, and I do. I love you so much Barty, don’t ever think you are not important to me because you are. You mean the world to me’ after he receives a letter from his father asking how a cretin like him was able to find someone who could love him. If he hadn’t begged you to stop after calming down a little you would’ve been in Azkaban with a murder charge by now.
‘Fuck, I love when you do that. Feels amazing, baby’ after he trails a path of kisses down your chest only to focus on the tender flesh of your nipple as he sucks gently, and grazes it with his teeth, teasing you.
‘Harder, baby. I know you like it like this’ while his thrusts become more erratic, stronger and deeper and you can hardly think.
‘You’re cock is perfect, Barty. Fills my mouth so nicely’ while you’re sucking him off, his tip hits your throat and you swallow as the loudest moan leaves his mouth.
‘I told Mulciber that no one can make you scream as loud as I do’
‘You did what ?! Barty !’
‘What ? Is it not true ?’
‘I- of course it’s true, but why did you have to tell him ?’
‘He was being rather cocky about the fact that he could make you scream like, and I quote ‘a bitch’. Then he started using other very disrespectful words to describe you baby, and at that point I had to punch him right in the face, because no one has to even dare to talk about you like that. He is actually lucky my Sectumsempra is not perfect yet, or he would’ve ended way worse. And then I added that little detail. I probably shouldn’t have done it, but I was furious. Do you want me to obliviate him ? I can do that if you want’
‘It’s fine, he needs some salt rubbed on his wounds’
‘Are you sure ?’
‘Yes, baby. And it’s nothing new, I'm sure the entire dorm hears me when you’re fucking me, I can't help it. Now come on my knight in bloody knuckles, let’s go to Madame Pomfrey to get those bruises checked’ you kiss him lightly before heading to the infirmary.
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skycowboys · 1 year
Hey!!! You made a "how to draw wings" sheet, but— how on Earth do you draw horse!?!? The bane of every artists existence
Yeahhh horses are hard. They have lots of little nuances on top of complex anatomy and weird ass shapes (literally and figuratively). Drawing them requires lots and lots of practice. And this is like...entire art book levels of subject matter but here are a few tricks that I've picked up over time -
Key body shapes - shoulder, barrel, hip
I won't go too far into this one because Ken Hultgren does a much better job in his book The Art of Animal Drawing. But TL;DR - a horse's body has three main masses - the shoulder, the barrel, and the hip. Each one is tricky to draw on it's own since they're all weird shapes, but it's helpful to me to break a horse body down into simpler terms.
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Key muscle masses
When I draw horses, I like to emphasis curves vs straights. Horses have that built in naturally as their body is often either "pure muscle" or "pure bone". There's some really nice details at the intersections of body parts, like at the front elbow and behind the ears along the neck (aka the "poll") where there's highly definable muscle groups that can help with visual clarity.
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Fun fact, young horses grow hip-first. The horse in the photo above is 8 years old. That same horse at 4 years is below. Cracks me up how much taller his hip was at the time.
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Ok so the muscles on the front legs combined with the shoulder mass is a fave combo of mine. The shoulder mass itself is something that I've found that is particularly horse-ish. For me, it's a pretty big visual signifier - almost more important than the neck. You can show a lot of tension/action in the body with the shoulder depending how you simplify it. Horses use their shoulders A LOT (too much if you ask any dressage rider or reiner), so emphasizing the shoulder can make a horse more expressive.
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Legs. Oh heavens, the legs.
Yeah ok so again, Hultgren goes into fantastic detail on legs and hooves (I still follow how he simplifies hooves to this day my gosh that guy is a genius), but I often break them down like this for quick sketching. Are horse's legs realistically this emphasized? No, but I like the visual language; believable but expressive. This can apply to any size/shape from arabians to drafts.
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And finally...
A few head details -
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Overall horses have SO many variables. The fun part about that is that they're highly customizable and able to be endlessly stylized. The tough part is that they're hard to draw strictly because of all of the little things to keep track of to make sure the horse reads as "horse".
And so because third time's the charm, Ken Hultgren's Art of Animal Drawing really is one of the best I've seen for breaking down, simplifying, and applying horse anatomy to active drawings.
But most of all, the more you draw horses the easier they'll be.
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jj-one · 3 months
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this is smut, do not interact if under 18
pairing: sports au, football jock!boyfriend!han jisung x cheerleader!fem!reader genre/tags: smut, fluff, light angst (if you squint), reader is so in love with jisung it makes everyone sick, reader is a virgin, oral (f. receiving), fingering, piv, protected sex, use of pet names (baby, princess, etc.), typical nervousness of first time sex, cherry popping, multiple orgasms, spitting, dirty talk words: 5.1k
**old repost from my deleted blog
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Feelings of melancholy plagued your heart this morning. You miss him. You want to touch him, talk to him, breathe the same air as him. Your boyfriend Han was your world. He hasn’t replied to your usual ‘good morning’ text yet and the waiting game was slowly eating you up. You have to get ready for cheer practice since tomorrow is game day but you were hoping that your boyfriend could walk you to the gymnasium. You dread going to practice sometimes but Han would always find a way to lift your spirits and make your mood instantly better.
“You need to give him some space y/n.. you know he’s busy, we can just walk together it’ll be fine!” Karina attempts to snap you into a reality check.
She was your roommate and also on your cheer team, she’s been one of your closest friends since you transferred to this school a few months ago.
“But he always walks with me! I’ll just wait for him to reply, what if he texts me while we’re walking there and then he-“
“Jesus Christ y/n, you should hear yourself talk the way you go on and on about this boy! Don’t you think you’re a little too obsessed?” Karina retorts, “Let’s get a move on, we don’t need to be late to practice for the third time in a row!”
Grabbing your arm in the process, Karina heads out the door with you to get going. You wanted to whine and complain some more but you decided to let it go since you don’t want to annoy your friend with anymore talk of your boyfriend. You could talk about him all day long, you never get sick of being around him, he’s just always so busy with football and other things that it’s hard to see him sometimes. Since the gym you were practicing at was near the football field, you’d hope to eventually run into him later.
Your boyfriend did ultimately text you back but not until your cheer practice was over. You kept messing up the routine and Mrs. Park, your coach was getting irritated by your lack of coordination.
“Y/n, what’s with you today?! I know you can do way better than this!” She snaps in front of everyone, your whole team was looking at you and the embarrassment fully sunk in.
You didn’t have much to say other than a simple “I’m sorry” and “I’ll try harder”, it was your fault that you let your inner thoughts cloud your ability of performing. You gave yourself a couple minutes to recuperate and stretch to join the team again, you couldn’t let them down since the stunt you had to do needed to be executed perfectly.
After cheer practice you read the texts Han sent you:
‘Heyyy babe, so sorry for the late reply :( I’ve been practicing all morning and didn’t get a chance to check my phone!’
‘I just finished, wanna meet in a bit? I’m with Chan and Changbin rn’
You were now grinning ear to ear from his reply, you’ve been waiting all day to see him. It didn’t take long for you to respond back to him enthusiastically.
‘Yes! Where are you??’
‘Still on the field but at the bleachers, meet me there’
‘Ok, coming now!!’
‘See you in a few ;)’
With almost lightning speed you make a dash for the locker rooms and changed out of your cheer clothes to go find your boyfriend. Karina wanted to tag along since she secretly has a crush on Changbin but doesn’t quite want to admit it just yet. Making your way to the football field, you see some figures in the distance sitting on the bleachers; presuming to be your boyfriend and his two friends. You picked up your pace practically sprinting at this point to go hug your boyfriend who was still in mid-conversation with Chan and Changbin. You didn’t even acknowledge or say hi to either of them, only focusing on the man in front of you now. You’ve been craving to see him all day and finally being able to hug him made the sadness you felt this morning dissipate.
“How’s my pretty princess feeling today?” Han says, still having you wrapped tight in a bear hug. His fingers stroked your hair as he felt you against him, words couldn’t describe how happy you were in this moment.
“I’m okay now that I’m with you!” You exclaim, nuzzling your chin into his broad shoulder.
Everytime he hugged or held you, it felt like the warmest place you could be. Nothing compared to his embrace, it electrified you in so many ways that couldn’t be spoken into words.
“Ugh! Could you guys get a damn room already? I’m sick of seeing you act all lovey dovey, makes me depressed that I’m still single!” Changbin teases the both of you. You know he was only joking but it made you want to be even more of a nuisance.
“Then turn around and look the other way, we’re not going anywhere!” Han fires back, now bringing his face towards you to kiss him. He plants his lips on yours and gives you a soft kiss, delighting you with the taste of his minty flavored chapstick.
“Mmm… that flavor tastes good Hannie, could kiss your lips all day!” You go back in for another kiss, completely forgetting that Chan, Changbin, and Karina were right there watching this whole thing go down.
“Alright, enough!” Chan interrupts you and your boyfriends almost near make-out sesh with a reminder of previous plans. “Are we still going back to my place for movie night? I didn’t buy popcorn and snacks for no reason!”
“Ah shit, I totally forgot about movie night…” Han face palms from the lack of remembrance.
“Can I join?!” You chime in, hoping that Chan will allow you in the group so you can spend more time with Han.
“Could I come too?” Karina asks, sitting next to Chan trying her best not to make eye contact with Changbin.
“Yeah sure, the more the merrier I guess!” He shrugs his shoulders.
You were glad Chan let the both of you come along since you didn’t know him that well, you only talked to him on a few different occasions but each time he seemed pretty chill. He was the football quarterback and was loved by pretty much the entire university, he was practically the leader of the football team and looked after everyone. Your boyfriend was also a very popular guy and was well-liked by all his pupils, he was a really good defense and took his athletic skills seriously. You were so proud of your boyfriend and everything that he’s accomplished so far.
“Alright, let’s get going shall we? My dorms not that far from here, should only be a 10 minute walk!” Chan says while standing up.
Everyone gets up from the bleachers to start heading in the direction of the dorms and Han takes your hand in his.
“You cold babe?” Han asks while walking, he sees you shivering a bit from the sudden cool breeze of the wind.
You were wearing a short sleeve t-shirt which probably wasn’t the best idea but you were rushing this morning. You simply nod your head to his ask, you could feel the goosebumps rising on your delicate skin.
“Don’t worry, here you go darling.” Han quickly takes the letterman varsity jacket off his body to bring onto yours. The jacket weighs you down a bit and it was completely drowning you but you didn’t care.
“You look so adorable in my jacket babe, always look so cute wearing my things.” He compliments you while holding your hand tighter.
You could smell Han’s scent on the fabric, everything about him felt like home to you. You’ve been dating for 4 months now, you transferred to this new university thinking you wouldn’t make any friends at all. As soon as you became a cheerleader Han noticed you straight away, he asked a few of the girls about you but you were new so they didn’t know much. He wanted to get to know you more so he went in to shoot his shot and ended up being successful, now you’re both dating and are essentially the school’s power couple. The most popular jock dating the new pretty cheerleader was the perfect recipe to get everyone around the school talking.
“We’re here guys!” Chan says while coming to a stop in front of the dormitory.
He opens the door to lead the way for you all and Han has his arms wrapped behind you plastering small kisses to your cheek. You giggle as you walk inside to see more people sitting on the couch. It was some more members from the football team who joined for movie night but you and Han weren’t actually planning to watch movies with the rest of them.
“Let’s go somewhere else, yeah?” Han whispers in your ear, his voice sending a chill down your spine.
You agree to his ask and Han tells everyone that you’ll both be back before the movie starts getting good. Chan couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the fact you both casually go into his room, he adds one last piece of advice, “make sure to use protection guys!”
Han doesn’t comment back at that, only reacting with a chuckle and heading towards the bedroom.
Chan’s room was your typical early twenties, frat-boy style living quarters. Clothes spread all on the floor, a couple posters adorned the walls, and the bed was unmade with a few textbooks on top. It was everything you’d imagine it would be, nothing in the slightest bit romantic.
“Wow, what a lovely choice to make our grand escape!” You said sarcastically, looking around at the tornado of a room it was.
“Hey, mine is way worse and you don’t even complain!” Han retorts, throwing the textbooks off the bed.
“That’s because I clean your room every time I come over!”
You sat on the bed with Han beside you, he snaked his arm over to wrap you into another tight hug. You feel the hardness of his chest against you and the sounds of his heartbeat produced butterflies in your stomach. You’ve been waiting to be alone with your boyfriend all day and now that the time has come you can’t keep your lips off him. You brought your face closer to his and sealed his lips to yours, his short brown locks tickled your forehead in the process.
You’ve been thinking about the next big step in your relationship— sex. Sex was what built the foundation of (most) relationships, it only proved how much you love your partner deeply. You wanted to give Han your everything, you’ve never wanted to do something more in your life. As you slowly break away from the kiss, you make sincere eye contact with your boyfriend, his eyes shown nothing but endearment for you.
“So I’ve been thinking about stuff lately…” you trailed your eyes away for a second, not feeling so confident in yourself anymore.
“Thinking about what?” He asks attentively, his eyes were still glued onto you, you could feel the intensity of his stare.
You had either two options: tell him how you really feel and what you actually want or you can save this for another time. You went with the latter and chose to keep it to yourself.
“Never mind… I’ll tell you later maybe, or another time.”
This doesn’t sit too well with Han. He likes when you’re open with him, honesty has always been a huge thing for him and when you act reclusive towards him he gets worried.
“No babe, just tell me. I promise I won’t judge you— I never do! I just want you to feel comfortable and be able to share anything with me.” His hand rubbed your thigh gently which made you feel more at ease and much calmer.
“I think I’m ready to take the next step with you.”
“Next step?” Han replies with confusion, “You mean as in like getting married? I think we’re a bit too young for that right no-“
“No Ji, I meant like I’m ready to have sex!” You finally admit, the look on his face became utterly priceless.
“Oh— really? What made you decide that?” He wonders curiously.
He knew for a long time that he was ready to have sex with you but just never mentioned it until you gave him the green light. He’s never pressured you into doing anything you didn’t want to do, make-out sessions with him would get super hot and heavy sometimes but that still didn’t stop him from not pushing your boundaries. He knew you were a virgin and that it would take time for you to make a decision as the relationship progresses.
“I just love you so fucking much Ji, I wanna give you my whole body, want you to be my first.” You bring your hand to his, moving it to your breasts for him to feel you.
His hand squeezes your boob gently, causing you to gasp at the light action. He cups his whole hand around it and juggles it in his palm, smiling at your beauty.
“You have the most perfect tits.” Han says in almost a whisper, still admiring your presence.
Both of his hands now playing with your boobs as he massages them through your t-shirt, you couldn’t help but go back and kiss his soft lips. The kiss grew more passionate as time went on, you couldn’t stop kissing those precious lips of his, you wanted your face attached to his 24/7. You got on top of him now, tangling your fingers through his luscious hair whilst your tongues glide against each other. He removed one of his hands from your breast to go grab your ass, squeezing your left cheek firmly.
“Lay on your back princess” Han says, instructing you as you lye back down on the bed. You aren’t sure what he has in mind but it can’t be anything innocent.
“What do you want to do to me?” You ask, pressing your thighs together to feel something.
“I want to make you feel really good…” He continues in a sultry tone, “I’m going to make you feel so amazing baby.”
His mouth goes back onto yours, kissing almost roughly this time. Something was taking over your boyfriend and it was turning you on incredibly. He plastered a few more wet kisses to your chin and neck, leaving trails of his glistening saliva all over you. Not a doubt was going through your mind, just undying love and devotion to your boyfriend.
“I love you so much y/n, you know that?” Han says reassuringly, you know he loves you but hearing it still made your heart flutter every time.
“I love you so much Hannie!” You probably loved him more than yourself at this point.
His hands roamed your half naked body once he rid you of your t-shirt and sports bra. His soft, tender touch was enough to drive you crazy and he’s barely done anything yet. You held your breath as his fingers danced across your skin, your brain was completely fuzzy and only filled with desire. You tugged at the end of his shirt so he could take it off and he obliged, pulling it from the top and lifting it over his head. You get a full clear view of body, that beautiful body of his, you wonder how a man can be shaped so gracefully. He had the most broad shoulders, chiselled abs and muscles, but his waist was so pretty and tiny. It didn’t make sense how one could be built such a way but he was perfect, his physique truly mesmerized you.
You go in to feel his muscles, his biceps were absolutely to die for, every time he flexed you swear you could hear your kitty purring down there. He was just so hot, you needed to taste each and every inch of him.
“Want you so bad…” you trace the lines of body, fully enamored by your gorgeous boyfriend.
“I’m all yours babe.”
Han lazily brung his hand to the waistband of your pants, fumbling with the button to take them off but was struggling a bit.
“Here, let me help you.” You guide him in the right direction and he successfully unbuttons them.
Once your pants are off he slides your underwear down past your knees, his face lights up at the sight beneath him. You were nervous but didn’t want to tell him that incase he stops, feeling a lump in your throat now forming.
“Let me know if you want me to stop at anytime.” You loved that he was always making sure you were 100% okay with everything he did.
You nod and let him continue doing his thing, he captures his lips with yours one more time before a hand creeps up your inner thigh. His fingers lightly brush your folds and you shudder from the sensitivity. He smirks into the kiss as he presses a single digit against it, gathering your slick nicely.
“Your pussy feels so wet, I can’t wait to be inside you darling.” Han says after parting from the kiss.
His finger glides between your wet folds, feeling your warm juices gush onto him. He makes a V shape with his fingers to spread you open now, getting a better look at your heat. He licks his lips at the sight, wanting nothing more than to get a taste of you. He inches his head closer to your core and spits on it, watching the saliva run down as he licks a long, slow stripe to your cunt.
His mouth becomes suctioned to your clit as he runs his tongue all over it, slobbering against you whilst holding your hips in place.
“Fuck! So good, so good, so good…” you couldn’t stop moaning, the pleasure was just hitting you all at once.
Your eyes were about to roll to the back of your head and your legs were shaking from Han’s insane pussy eating skills. You felt your chest cave in from all the intense pleasure and just when you thought it couldn’t get any better than this, you were in for hell of a treat. One of his digits entered you, now fingerfucking you. You elicit another moan for him as his tongue picks up a quicker pace, his tongue flicks your nub viciously. His finger slips in and out slowly and adds another digit to make you gasp louder. The feeling of your boyfriend stretching you out for him was amazing, you felt your release coming by the second.
“I- I feel weird Ji..” you try to explain how you feel right now but you just can’t describe it. It felt as though you had to pee but you know you didn’t actually need to.
“It’s okay princess, it’s normal. Trust me, just let go. I promise you’ll feel so much better after baby.” He stopped what he was doing for a moment to encourage you.
His words made you instantly let go, you whimpered from the feeling of his mouth on your clit again. You rocked your hips forward to grind against him while he ate you out, playing with his hair and slightly pulling it once you felt yourself cumming. Your hips shook rapidly around him, his eye contact never broke off with you and it made you lose your mind. You mumble under your breath, trying your best to contain your orgasm but everything came crashing down violently. Han could taste your sweet essence on his tongue as he lapped up all your juices, not letting any of you go to waste. He kept himself buried between your shaky legs and pulled his fingers out, leaving you with an empty feeling.
“You ready for my cock babe?” He finally lifts his head up from your dripping cunt, his face fully soaked from the action he just performed.
“Yes, need you so bad Ji.. want you to pop my cherry.”
You looked at him with the most seductive eyes, he bit down his lip at what you just said. You know exactly how to make him feel the most special, he was special to you though, this whole moment meant everything to you.
“I’ll be gentle with you princess, I’ll try and make this as painless as possible for you.” He kisses your forehead and captures your lips in his.
He gets up momentarily to go find a condom in one of Chan’s drawers and quickly comes back. He undoes his pants to pull them off along with his boxers, opening the wrapper with his teeth and pulling the condom out to slide it on.
“I don’t usually like condoms,” Han explains “but since this is our first time I don’t want to scare you.”
You giggle at that comment, you don’t know the first thing about sex and all of this is so new to you. You’re just glad you have an experienced boyfriend that can help make this easier for you, it made you feel a lot less awkward.
“I guess I’ll have to get on birth control soon then?” You were willing to do anything for him at this point.
“It’s your body y/n, I’m not going to tell you what to do. You make your own choices.”
It was sweet how even right now he’s only thinking about how you feel, he really does care so much about you. Han repositioned himself to be between your legs again, his cock was now pressed along your folds. He gives you another kiss before asking one last time,
“You ready to do this?”
“Yes! Please hurry, I’m getting impatient!” You whine, wanting to finally feel what it’s like to take dick.
“Okay, okay, I’m just making sure you really want to do this!”
He rubs his cock against you, sliding it up and down to collect more of your wetness. You bite down on your lip, waiting for the real moment to transpire. His hand rests on the end of his cock, guiding it to your entrance, he prods your hole gently. A rush of pain inflicts your body from the feeling of just the tip stretching you, you could only close your eyes at the sensation.
“Let me know if I’m hurting you at all.” Han continues pushing himself in.
The more he inched inside you, the more painful it became. It felt as though your whole body was on fire, everything felt so strange to you. You endured the pain in hopes of it becoming better soon, you didn’t want to worry your boyfriend. You feel the size of his cock growing in you, the constant throbbing was making you dizzy. You held onto him tightly, not wanting to let ever go of him. You clench around him as he attempts to fully fit his entire cock but you wince at only half of him inside you.
“Fuck, you alright baby? Did I hurt you?” He studies you with concern, stopping immediately to gauge your body language.
“You’re so fucking tight, even though you’re soaking wet I can still barely fit my cock inside.”
Your face turns red as a tomato, you don’t know what to say and you’re getting too flustered.
“Awe, is my little princess feeling nervous? I told you it’s okay, I’ll be here with you every step of the way, I got you.”
He holds your hand in his, tentatively caressing the inside of your palm, he brings your hand up to kiss it and gave you a warm smile. He continues sliding more of his cock in and is eventually able to get most of himself settled. Your mouth is wide open once he begins slowly thrusting in you. The pain was starting to go away now, just slightly. You focus on the feeling of his length in you, you try to relax your muscles the best way you could. You feel so full, so stuffed, his cock fully immersed in your sweet cunt.
“You feel so good around me princess, just wanna fuck your tight pussy all night long..” he groans while picking up his pace, the discomfort comes back to you now, you wriggle around to make the burning sensation go away.
“Is it supposed to feel like this Ji?” You croak, trying your best to be good for him.
You know that Han would never judge you but you still felt insecure about your performance in the bedroom.
“It’s only going to hurt for a little bit, just keep thinking about me darling, think only thoughts of me.”
You can feel a knot in your stomach form now, his cock slamming into you deeply was making you see stars. You gnaw at his neck to bite down softly, you couldn’t hold in your emotions anymore. The pain was now fully gone again, the intense pleasure washing over you like a tsunami. You kept your eyes tightly shut to feel all of him, focusing on what he told you when he said to think only thoughts of him.
“Your cock feels good Ji, I love how feel inside me!” You cry out to him, arching your back against the bed.
You’ve never felt anything like this before, it all felt too good to be real. He increases his rhythm as he thrusts into you, fucking into your little virgin cunt harder. Your pussy twitches around his cock, you feel that need to pee like when he was eating you out.
“I- I think I’m gonna… cumming…” you could barely get a coherent sentence out. All you could do was continue digging your nails in his back and moan out his name.
“You gonna cum for me princess? Do it. Want us to cum together for our first time.” Han throws his head back as he keeps fucking you. He was bucking his hips in a sloppier motion now, indicating that he was getting close like you. It only took a few more pumps of his cock to get you to form a large ‘O’ with your mouth, your jaw stayed locked in place. Your walls contract around his thick cock and you gasped for air as you lose your breath.
“Ah, fuck y/n!” Han almost says with a growl, his chest feels heavy as he releases his load into the condom.
He continues thrusting slowly into you while gently massaging your breasts. You let go and feel your second orgasm approach, feeling waves of ecstasy throughout your whole body. You were both heavily panting, staring at each other with nothing but complete passion. Han collapses onto you, his sticky and sweaty body rested on yours. His cock was still buried in your cunt, you didn’t want this moment to ever be over.
“So how would you rate your first time?” Han asks while propping his head up, “on a scale of 1 to 10?”
“I’d say a 100/10, I’ll remember this day forever.”
You snuggle up against him, completely forgetting that you had your first time with Han in Chan’s bedroom.
“Well… maybe it could’ve been better if we did this in our rooms.”
“I agree, but hey there’s always next time!” Han finally pulls out of you and notices tiny droplets of blood on the condom.
“Oh my god babe, I popped your cherry!”
You were shocked that even happened since you didn’t feel anything inside you tearing, guess it was a myth that you could feel your cherry pop. Han looked so stoked by this discovery and you wish you could engrain the look on his face in your brain. You just giggle at his actions and give him another chaste kiss, cuddling with him and forgetting the rest of the world around you.
“I think we should head back out soon, they’re probably thinking what the hell we’ve been doing in here for so long.” Han gets up from the bed to go and put his clothes back on.
“I hope we weren’t too loud!” You say, grabbing your clothes to get changed too.
“If they heard us don’t worry about it, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. They’ll probably congratulate me by how much noise you were making!”
You blush once again by what he said, you can’t believe you just lost your virginity, you don’t feel any different physically but you feel way closer to your boyfriend than ever before. You felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have such a loving, healthy, and supportive relationship. Han Jisung really was the light of your life.
Coming out of Chan’s room felt the walk of shame. You couldn’t face any of his friends or Karina in the living room, they all instantly turned their heads to face you. Changbin started clapping loudly and everyone else followed suit after, you knew this was going to be embarrassing but this just felt like pure torture.
“Congratulations bro! It was about time you finally both got some!” Han’s friend/teammate Minho shouts.
Your biggest fear came true, everyone heard absolutely everything.
“Did you guys really have to fuck in my bed though? I just washed those sheets last week!” Chan exclaimed, giving him the evil eye.
“Hey, I don’t kiss and tell! Whatever happened in that room stays in that room.” Han brings his hand to his lips to make it look like he sealed them.
All the guys keep teasing him and you couldn’t stop blushing, maybe you should’ve waited to have sex in one of your dorms since Chan will probably never let him live this one down.
“You missed the movie anyway, might as well just leave and go for round 2!” Chan jokes.
“That actually doesn’t seem like a bad idea… thanks. Let’s go y/n!” Han links your arm around his and speed walks out the door.
Now that you were no longer a virgin, it didn’t feel all that odd to you as you thought it would be. It actually felt nice knowing you lost it to someone you love so much, someone you care so deeply out. It may not have been in the most romantic atmosphere which you’ve always pictured losing your virginity in a much better setting. However, you’ll cherish this special day with Han because even if it wasn’t the ideal scenery you had in mind, it was still a reminder that you had such a strong, beautiful connection with your lover.
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joedirtymadre · 23 days
You sighed as you stared off at the two figures in front of you. You weren’t the one to be jealous, envious, or clingy… but it’s impossible to not feel any of those things when the most beautiful empress in the world is feeding your boyfriend strawberries.
“If I were you I would go up to him and drag him to the back of the ship and knock some sense into him,” Nami huffed as she joined you in watching the two. You watched as Hancock giggled whenever Luffy licked his lips after eating another one of her juicy strawberries. “Should I?” You asked, half-jokingly. “It is disrespectful of Luffy to be so close to another woman when he already has one,” Robin joined in. “Definitely, but isn’t Hancock worse for being so lovey dovey towards him, knowing that you two are dating,” Nami pointed out.
“About that…” you trailed off. The two ladies stared at you in confusion. “I don’t think Luffy has introduced me to her,” you sighed again. “What?!” Nami yelled. “Well I imagine, since he hasn’t once called me over to meet her,” you pointed out. “No, we gotta stop this now,” Nami stared at the two. “Most definitely,” Robin added. “How?” You asked. “Leave that to us,” Nami winked.
“Nami I don’t think this’ll work, plus I don’t feel too comfortable with this…” you said nervously. “It’ll be fine!” she reassured you. You sat awkwardly with Zoro who surprisingly accepted the plan. “You’re actually ok with this Zoro?” You asked. “Well I have to just eat strawberries with you right? Doesn’t sound too hard, besides the she-devil said she’d drop 100,000 from my loan,” he grumbled the last part. “Ahh…” you sweat dropped. You weren’t too sure about Nami’s plan, feeding strawberries to Zoro near Luffy and Hancock in hopes that Luffy gets jealous and comes over?? “Luffy never gets jealous though,” you shook your head. “Any guy can get jealous,” Zoro said. “Yeah?” You asked. “Yeah, now feed me a strawberry woman,” he said as he leaned forward.
You smiled and popped a strawberry into his mouth. You glanced over, hoping for Luffy to notice you two, but with no luck. “He didn’t notice…” you said softly. “That’s because we have to up the antics,” Zoro smirked. “Huh?” You asked. “Toss a strawberry to me,” he said. “Ok…” you said slowly and tossed a strawberry up in the air. Watching Zoro completely miss it, “What was that?” You laughed. “I wasn’t ready… again!” he barked. “Ok, ok, ready?” you asked. The swordsman nodded and prepared himself. You tossed another strawberry in the air and watched Zoro completely miss the fruit again. “Nice catch!” You laughed. “It’s because you don’t toss it right!” he glared.
“No, you’re just bad at this. Watch me,” you said as you prepared yourself. Zoro softly tossed a strawberry in the air and you quickly caught it. “Beginner’s luck,” Zoro frowned as he crossed his arms. “Sounds like someone is mad they can’t catch a strawberry,” you teased. “No I have it this time, try me,” he said determinedly. “Ok…” you chuckled. You once again tossed a strawberry in the air and he finally caught it.
“Let’s go! You did it!” You cheered. “Third time’s a charm!” Zoro smirked. You both hi-fived over your small strawberry victory, but that soon ended when you noticed a shadow casting over you.
You looked back and noticed Luffy, “Oh hi Luffy, did you see Zoro catch that straw-“ but you were cut off by your captain picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. “H-Hold on! Wait!” You protested as you squirmed but it was no use. “Luffy? Where are you going?” You watched Hancock try to follow you, but Luffy locked her out of your bedroom.
You were tossed onto the bed, seeing your boyfriend extremely frustrated. “Luffy?” You asked. “What were you doing with Zoro?” He huffed. “Eating strawberries,” you responded. “I didn’t like that,” he bluntly said as he sat beside you. “Well I didn’t like Hancock feeding you strawberries either,” you grumbled. “Hancock? She’s just a friend,” he said.
“Didn’t look like it,” you sighed. “Well I can say the same for you and Zoro!” He replied. “I only tossed strawberries into his mouth, but… you’re right… I asked Zoro to try and help me… make you jealous. so you’d stop focusing so much on… Hancock,” you said softly. “Make me jealous?” He asked. “Well, I got jealous or… scared, she’s the most beautiful woman in the sea and she’s obviously in love with you. What if you decide that she’s better than me… and leave me,” you explained.
You felt him wrap an arm around your shoulders and pull you into a hug. “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “No it’s fine… I should’ve talked to you instead of making a silly plan. I wasn’t thinking…” you trailed off. “It’s ok, it’s my fault too. I told her you were my girlfriend and then she began acting weird. I thought it was because we haven’t seen each other in a while, so she was being extra nice… I guess that made you mad, huh?” He frowned. “A bit,” you replied.
“Well… I'm glad you told me,” he said. “I like seeing you get jealous,” he grinned. “Yeah? It was kind of funny seeing you get so upset about me and Zoro too,” you smiled. “Yeah… don’t do that again, please?” He asked as he loosened his hug to look at you. “Ok, but you need to go out there and show that empress we’re dating,” you laughed. “Definitely, now come on. Let’s get out of here,” he smiled as he stood up and held out his hand. You quickly take it and follow him out the door.
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hyewka · 1 year
I was reading soobin's only voice live translations and when he read the comments, one of them said "come on soobin don't be shy, it's okay come closer to the microphone" and he answered saying "um no, if I come closer I might sound like a pervert so I'll pass" and i was like 😩😩
I find it very interesting the way he has said the word pervert referring to himself before, not just in that live, he knows HE KNOWS HE IS ONE
Ok that's all lol I'm not that good on expressing my feelings in English bc it's not my first language but i tried😩
btw good night!! hope u are okay 🥰
- 🦇 anon
warnings; perv!soobin, panty stealing, masturbation, breeding kink because...duh LOL, mentions of hentai, humping a body pillow, not proofread
a/n; he has no filter lol but soobin as a perv is sooo real might as well be a headcanon 😂
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soobin who often kept to himself, his shy reserved nature not doing much but push people away from his circle. he's okay with it, came to terms with the fact that it was hard for him to reach out to others over the bare minimum, and therefore he'll naturally stay a loner.
so when you first tried getting close to him, starting small talk just because you sat by him, he expected the usual. most people gave up trying after his third unintentional curt response but you... didn't. not in the bombarding questions way but more like the next day, the same good morning, with a genuine chirpy tone. like you actually had a good morning.
you were the total opposite of soobin, it was proven time and time again- he brought black coffee to lectures, you always always brought caramel frappes- soobin was undoubtedly awkward, and then it felt like being charming came easily to you, like you were genetically coded to have people swarm around you like a bee with a flower's nectar. soobin being no exception.
soobin who found that a good morning from you seemed to always assure him a good mood. not long before he succumbed to finally asking for your number, which you happily, though a little caught off guard, provided him with. who knew that he would've been the first to make an advancement?
you got close very quickly- to you, soobin was a sweet guy who just had such a pure image, the freshness of his personality was endearing, so you liked being around him.
all intentions were pure, or at least that was what soobin chose to believe at first. the first time he thought of you as more than a friend was when you begged him to go to the frat party on thursday, oh just how fun it'd be to get trashed- all your reasons were unconvincing, but you were unrelenting, so he ended up going, meeting you at the kitchen where you texted him to find you. through what felt like a million sweaty drunks he had to maneuver, he finally found you.
soobin whose relieved instinct is to shout out your name over the music quickly die down, instead, your name coming out as a small whisper by the last syllable, his eyes honed on your dress, horny bunny can't help but look down at your cleavage, cupped and full in your bodycon, gulping at the way they looked so plush. it got even worse when you spotted him, excitedly waving him over to you- then worse when as much as he tried tuning into your ranting, people eventually crowded the kitchen, meaning you had to get closer, and closer, and then finally, he couldn't help his eyes trailing down.
poor boy who ends up sporting a boner, so anxious as he begs you to let him go home, you worriedly thinking he got too overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people, so you usher him to go, patting his back as you tell him to call you when he gets home.
he never ends up doing that, too ashamed that the moment he got home, he had his back pressed his door, too impatient, bunny's dick so hard it's painful, frantic pace on his shaft as he heaves, shut eyes picturing your cleavage once more, then the slight bounce he caught when you walked over to get another drink, oh what he'd do to see them bare, just a little peek seeing you undress-- his hand already soiled with his warm seed,, the fastest he came.
he hoped that this was a one time thing, how awkward would it be talking to you if he jerked off to you every now and then? yeah, he swore the reason he got so worked up that day was because of the drinks he had.
you often stuck to a specific wardrobe anyway so he wasn't counting on this happening again.
soobin who's right for the first few weeks, until he casually checks his feed, seeing that you posted a picture on instagram-- you had a sinister red lipstick, low cut black top, seated in a dining area, posing with the prettiest smile.. and oh god, he's reaching down his pants again, hands so hesitant and slow as they finally hold his dick, phone on the other hand, swiping left for the last slide-- a selfie.
all of a sudden, he's quick, pulling out his swollen dick in a swift motion, heavy breathing as he stared down at the picture, jerking off like crazy, your tits practically out on display-- who could blame him? pervy soobin who ends up spurting his slimy cum all over his phone screen, a strained final exhale, finally feeling the guilt pool in his chest.
soobin who now replaces the content that gets him off, often of anime girls dumbly bouncing on cock, getting their tummys filled with cum, over and over again-- dirty sight that he gives up just for an innocent selfie you took with soobin a few hours ago at the usual frozen yogurt place you hung at.
soobin who's under the protection of his sheets, his room pitch black as he bites down painfully on his lip, frantic breathing, jerking his poor dick to overstimulation at the picture on his phone screen-- it didn't even have to be of your cleavage anymore, just your face did it for him, eyes with a flutter rolling to the back of his head just at the thought of fucking your mouth.
pervy soobin who convinces himself that this was normal, he's sure tons of guys with female friends have done this, he wasn't weird. it was in his nature, right?
soobin who finally gets invited over at your flat because you were tired of always going out, preferring to stay in this time with some pizza. all is well, no pervy thoughts seeping into his rotten brain, until he asks to go to the bathroom.
"oh! you'll find it, it's like to the left-- right of you. it'll be to the right of you." you had your black frames, similar to soobin's, blanket over your legs with a pizza slice on your hand-- he knew you weren't going to abandon the comfort to show him around.
"don't take too long!" he hears you shout behind him, and he huffs out a laugh. you always seemed to get him smiling, for whatever reason.
soobin who mistakes the laundry room for the bathroom, opening it to spot the washing machine, and almost closing the door before he sees through the creak of the door the basket full of clothes. your clothes.
pervy soobin whose feet are still, staring at the abundance of clothes. his dick twitching in his pants, thinking of whether a pair of your underwear was buried in there, but then he immediately slaps himself out of it, shutting the door with a large bang. so flustered as he quickly tries to find the bathroom.
soobin who swears he has morals, who swears he'd never do it, he'll keep his dirty thoughts of you under his blankets at home, without having to raise suspicion.
he doesn't hold onto his set of morals for too long, too far gone at the thought of how you'd smell, how he'd feel to have your panties wrapped around his dick as he did his daily jerk off-- once those thoughts were in, his hands were less controlled.
when you told him that you might be late getting ready, he suggested to wait for you at your living room. which you naively didn't think of much, saying why not.
he didn't have ulterior motives, he swears. it doesn't matter, he ends up in front of your bedroom door, where you were changing, obviously locked, so his eyes trail to the sinful room.
he slowly turns the door's knob as to not cause any sound, seeing that the basket full of your clothes was still there. it's like treasure, dirty boy who's like a thief, anxiously rummaging through the basket, and finally, his hands grip onto a pink lace-- your underwear. there's a few, but he decides he can do with just one, you wouldn't know if he only took one.
hurriedly, he crumbles it in his big hands, getting up from his knees as he quickly stuffs it into his pockets. it's okay, it's just a one time thing.
his hands are sweaty when he gets home, the entire time he was hanging out with you, his hands stuffed in his pockets, holding onto your underwear in case you somehow spot it, or it falls out- both unlikely situations. but this was his first time doing this, the anxiety building up to the brim.
soobin who lives out his fantasy, the irony of him thanking god for such a sinful wish- he had hoped the laundry basket were dirty clothes waiting to be put in the machine.
the pair he picked up was in fact unwashed, just a deep sniff and he smelled you, such a scent that immediately makes him grow a boner, legs spread apart on his couch as he continues taking a whiff, moaning out your name, palming his dick over his sweats, too impatient to fully get it out, so needy, tears brimming at the shame the closer he gets to cumming, finally stuffing your underwear into his mouth in attempt to drown out his moans, but he still ends up saying your name through the restriction of your underwear, muffles as he chants your name the more he chases his high, his drool staining your cute panties, oh how dirty he was when he finally soils his pants at a flash of you on your knees, just for him.
perv!soobin who uses the pair of your underwear all night, masturbating like a sex crazed addict, spilling his seed all over them, dried cum under yet another load, then another...then another.
soobin who humps his anime girl body pillow, your underwear stained with his cum stuffed in his mouth, eyes rolling back at the imagination of having you under him, stretching you out, slamming his dick into you, with each thrust, your breasts bouncing up and down, so lewd, your mouth hung open dumbly, spit all over, begging him to give you his seed-- oh, how soobin dreams, "you wanna have my babies? y/n you wanna carry my babies? h-hah, g-gonna breed you-- gonna- gonna cum!"
hips getting more unrelenting against his poor pillow, with a final cry muffled in your underwear, thinking of spurting his load deep in your tummy, "fuckkk.." he groans, filling you up so well, the image of his seed seeping out your pussy when he pulls out gets soobin's hips to grind against his pillow just a little more before he finally gives out, so exhausted for going so long, your underwear still loosely in his mouth, drenched with his spit, as he flutters his tear stained lashes shut.
soobin who deep washes your panties, so guilty the next day, trying to scrub off with his hands the scent of his cum, but with all fail, he ends up trashing it. he won't do this again, he can't, he'll never.
2nd a/n: ok. wow. i really am in my soobin thought dump lol beomgyu's position getting threatened 😭 i might actually do a version for all members im so into this whole perv thing
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boxofbonesfic · 1 year
omg i would love a dark!Peter or a Ransom prompt 👀 it can just be an idea, or a specific scene or scenario, whatever strikes your fancy 💖
Ok! Ransom x plus size reader: college au, fwb. Ransom doesn't want to be seen with her cause she's fat and she's cool with it cause she's literally just here for the d while she gets her degree right? Ransom's an ass but that dick is bomb and no feelings are involved so perfect. But then Ransom gets addicted to the p and wants her all to himself, still on the dl tho. His changing feelings don't come out till she meets someone and breaks it off with Ransom. Reader doesn't think anything of it but Ransom COMPLETELY loses his mind and starts stalking her, blowing up her phone, etc. Not caring if everyone knows now. Reader is CONFUSED and MIFFED!
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Title: Breaking
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Plus Size!Reader
Word Count: 5,374
Summary: Ransom wasn’t eager to stake any sort of claim on you—until someone else does it first.
Warnings: College AU, Stalking, Kidnapping, Darkfic, Plus Size Reader, Manipulation, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, MINORS DNI!
A/N: thank you so much for this lovely prompt! i really hope you enjoy this little ficlet. ❤️ divider by @firefly-graphics
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Ransom had found it kind of funny at first, when you’d stopped responding to his rather crassly worded “U up?” texts. It wasn’t until the third text in half as many weeks had gone completely unanswered that he’d tried calling instead—and found you had blocked him completely. 
That wasn’t like you. Not like Ransom had taken time to really know you, but ghosting just didn’t seem like it belonged in your playbook.
“The number you have dialed cannot be reached at this time. Please contact your service provider if you believe you have reached this message in error.”
It had taken a little finesse, Ransom laying the charm rather thickly on your friend in his business management class, the one whose name he could never remember. 
“She has a boyfriend,” she’d said, twisting a lock of her hair around her finger with a nervous giggle. “But I’m, um, single.”
Which brings him to now.
You weren’t the sort of girl he usually took out on dates, and, looking back on it, you’d picked it up rather quickly. Your requests to meet at parties or the bars his frat brothers regularly visited were answered with vague no’s. Or, more often than not, ignored outright until you stopped sending them. It wasn’t your fault—he had a reputation to think about. Though tonight, ironically, his reputation is the furthest thing from his mind. 
What is on his mind, is you. 
Ransom’s lip curls as he watches Isaac drape an arm across your shoulders, squeeing affectionately. He doesn’t know him well—they haven’t spoken much beyond the idle chit-chat around the keg. It turns his stomach, the thought that he’d finally realized just how much you meant to him, only to have this—this boy-scout steal you from right under his nose. Out from his fucking bed. 
Ransom isn’t used to coming in second place. It’s never happened before, losing something he actually wants. Isaac seems happy to be next to you, not embarrassed or hiding behind baseball caps and wide sunglasses. Not like Ransom. He’s angry—at you, a little, but mostly at himself. It’s not hard to recall how you felt underneath him, all soft skin, soft curves, and fuck. He hates himself for not savoring that last time more, for not knowing it was going to be the last time. 
This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. Ransom Drysdale didn’t get dumped—he was the one who did the dumping. And, he, thinks with no small amount of derision as he watches you from across the bar, I didn’t get dumped. We were never together. You can’t break up if you’re not together. The thought rings hollow even in his own head as he nurses his fifth beer of the night. It feels stupid-no, superficial, now; the way he’d only drop by your dorm-room after midnight, showing up without calling or texting and knowing full well that you would let him in. 
But not anymore. 
You’re too far away for him to hear it, but when you laugh, you tilt your head back, attempting to cover your wide grin with one hand. Pretty, he thins to himself, taking another long swallow from the bottle. Fuck how had he not noticed how pretty you are when you laugh, before? Had he just never seen it? Now that it occurs to him, Ransom’s hard pressed to find a memory that isn’t just sweaty skin, and hungry words growled into the curls at the nape of your neck.  
Those were his favorite nights, the ones he spent digging his fingers into the softness of your hips while he sank in to the hilt—Ransom shudders. Even through the condoms you insisted he wear, the memory of your slick, tight heat is enough to send a hot, jealous pulse through his veins. 
“We’re not together,” you’d said, crossing your arms stoutly as you stared up at him. “Condom or nothing.”
Probably doesn’t make Isaac wear a fucking condom. He takes another bitter swallow. He doesn’t know what’s worse, the thought of you fucking that Leave it To Beaver reject, or you fucking him raw. Both make him see red. 
“Right, Ransom?” Someone claps him on the shoulder, and Ransom nods wordlessly. He isn’t paying attention, not to them, not with you here. You lean over to say something to your friend, the same mousy one who’d volunteered herself in your place. Ransom scoffs into his beer. 
“Three fucking weeks.” He mumbles, draining the bottle before placing it down almost too hard on the bar-top. “How’s it get serious in three fucking weeks?” He waves at the bartender, signaling for another. 
“Ran, we’re heading out.” Theo jerks his head towards the door. “There’s a party at Jude’s place. Hella girls.” He waggles his eyebrows. “Drunk ones.” 
Ransom shrugs bad-naturedly, grimacing. “I’m going to stay here,” he says evasively, casting another sour look at you as his lip curls. “I don’t feel like pulling your head out of the toilet tonight.” 
“Whatever, man.” Theo rolls his eyes, squaring his shoulders. He follows Ransom’s eye across the bar, and smirks. “Just because you’re not getting your dick wet with your porky little sidepiece anymore doesn’t mean the rest of us have to stay here and mope with you all weekend.” 
Maybe it’s the alcohol warming his gut, but Ransom’s up before he’s really got a chance to think about it, his hands on Theo’s shoulders as he shoves him backwards, hard. The other man stumbles backward, and Ransom squares his shoulders. 
“Don’t fucking talk about her like that.”
“What, now you care, all of a sudden?” Theo scoffs. “Dude you wouldn’t even let her come in through the front door—” 
Ransom doesn’t know when exactly he grabbed a handful of Theo’s thin hair, holding his head still while he drives a frenzied fist into his former friend’s face as everyone watches. He comes to as he rears his fist back again, the sound of his name distant in his ears, like it was spoken through glass. 
“Ransom!” Your confused face in the crowd is all he can see—which is why Theo’s sucker punch catches him off guard. It makes his ears ring as stars explode in his right eye. The world tilts as Ransom stumbles, and the television static in his ears is replaced by yelling. The warm wet trickle from his nose is blood, staining the tips of his fingers red as he holds his face. Theo’s not doing much better, blood pouring from his nose, and an ugly, swollen bruise coming to bear on the right side of his face. 
“Fuck you,” Theo mumbles, drawing the back of his sleeve across his bloody lip. “Fucking asshole.” He storms out, a few of their frat brothers trailing behind him as he goes. 
“Are you fucking serious?” The bartender throws down the towel in his hands, before smacking them against the bar-top. “I’ve fucking told you guys about bringing that bullshit in here—”
“I was just leaving,” Ransom snaps, shoving his hands into his pockets. He hates that he can feel your eyes on him too; watchful, judging. Theo’s gone by the time Ransom makes his way outside. It’s almost winter break, and the icy night air feels good against the hot, painful throbbing in his cheek. 
“Ransom.” He turns, scowling at you over his shoulder. “What the fuck was that?” He shrugs miserably. 
“It didn’t look like nothing.”
“What do you fucking care?” The venom on his tongue flows easily, likely aided by the liquid courage currently sloshing around in his gut. “You blocked me. You have a boyfriend.” He doesn’t know what he’s expecting from this confrontation, but your distinct lack of a reaction feels like more of a slap in the face than anything else. You blink at him, one eyebrow quirked as if in question. 
“Yeah, I did.” Why does it hurt? Ransom’s rejected hundreds of girls—some as he was fucking pulling out of them, so why does this feel like a fucking knife in his back? “I figured you wouldn’t care much, Ransom, considering.” He hates this, hates how he’s the angry one and you’re calm—the roles should be reversed. They would be, if not for that niggling, irritating feeling that you should be his, just his. He doesn’t want to admit that you’re right, that you’ve got him pegged dead to fucking rights.
“How would you know?”
“You don’t sneak girls you like in through the basement entrance.” You retort smoothly. You’ve had a lifetime of this, of learning to live in your body, of learning to weather other people’s reactions to it—it’s Ransom that’s unfamiliar with rejection, unsure of how to handle the fact that the “r-train” isn’t enough to keep you coming back for more despite his treatment. 
“But I do. I do like you.” He says, running a hand through his hair. “Don’t do this. It doesn’t have to be a thing. We can just, we can go back to how it was before.” This time, you do react, your face screwing up as you regard him first with disbelief and then anger. 
“Why would I give up being in a relationship with someone who actually likes me, who is willing to be seen with me in public places and with his friends— you know what? I don’t need this.” You mutter, pinching the bridge of your nose. “This is what I fucking get for trying to make sure you’re okay. Silly me. I thought we were mature, here.” You gesture between the two of you before another dry laugh bubbles out from between your lips. 
“Have a good night, Ransom.”
No, no, don’t leave! The desperate thought makes his throat tight. You can’t leave me. He stumbles exaggeratedly as you watch, falling against the bus stop with a groan. The plan lays itself out before him neatly like lines on a map. 
“God fucking dammit—Ransom!” You huff irritatedly. He leans against the pole, counting the seconds until you come over to check on him. You do, and he moans pitifully. “Can you walk?” 
“No,” he hiccoughs, swaying cartoonishly as you try to help him stand. “Ju-hic-just go. I’ll be fine.” You blow an exasperated breath out as you straighten him up. She doesn’t talk to her parents. He licks his lips as you pull out your phone, holding it up to your ear as you wait for someone to answer on the other end. She told me that when we were smoking, that one time. 
“I obviously can’t. How did you get here?” You say, holding your hand over the mouthpiece as you scowl up at him. 
“Theo d-drove.” The house is only a ten minute drive from here. Fifteen, tops.
“Yeah, I’m just going to head back to campus. No, I’m gonna take an uber. Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow, Isaac.” The little smile that curls at the corners of your lips makes him sick. “Yeah, you too.” Ransom leans on you heavily, and you don’t seem to notice when he presses his face into your hair, inhaling the scent of your shampoo with relish. Fucking Isaac.
“I’ll get the uber,” he says, slurring the words deliberately as he fumbles with his own phone. “M’sorry, Princess.” He taps the screen clumsily, selecting Home instead of Dorm, before hastily stowing it back in his pocket.
“Don’t call me that.” You snap sharply. You try—and fail—to stand Ransom on his own two feet. Instead he hangs over you, draped over your shoulders with his chin resting on the top of your head.
“Why?” The question comes out petulantly. “You used to like it.” 
The familiar feel of your body pressed against his is sweet in a way Ransom hadn’t anticipated. The attic’s secure. Quiet. 
When the car pulls up, Ransom allows you to wrangle him into the back seat, where he sprawls across your lap when you sit down beside him. You don’t say anything to the driver beyond a mumbled hello, which suits him just fine. Ransom plays up the drunk act, asking the driver a nonsensical question that makes you whisper at him to be quite. 
“Sorry. Just trying to get him home.” You reply, pushing uselessly at his head as he settles into your lap. Soft. He can’t help but run a reverent hand across your jean clad thigh. Love how soft she is.
You’re so distracted trying to keep him from getting comfortable that you don’t notice the cab is heading away from the dorm until the driver turns down the private road. 
“Wait—wait, I think you made a wrong turn somewhere,” you say, leaning forward to talk to the driver. He shakes his head enthusiastically, and points at his phone’s GPS. 
“No, I followed the directions,” he protests, and Ransom hides his snicker in a groan. “This is the address.” 
You lean back with a dissatisfied sigh, and look down at Ransom. 
“Let me see your phone.” He unlocks it and hands it over, his face a mask of innocence. You notice the mistake immediately, leaning forward again. “Could you turn around and take us back to Harvard campus, please—”
“This trip was already way out of my route,” the driver grouses, frowning at the two of you in the mirror. “And I don’t think he’ll make another trip. Looks like he’s about to puke any second.” 
“He’s fine.” 
Ransom retches, and watches as the cabby’s face twists angrily. 
“He’s not! I’m sorry, I’m done for the night. Maybe someone else will be able to pick you up.”
The finality in his voice makes Ransom giddy, and he clutches his stomach, gagging. He’s never thrown up—he’s not a fucking freshman lightweight, he’s a fucking Sigma for chrissakes—but he’s willing to let the two of you believe he might. You bite your lip, teeth sinking into its pillow softness as you try to undo what Ransom’s done. 
“M’sorry. Didn’ mean to put in the wrong hic place.”
You nod stiffly. “I know. I guess… Well, this place has plenty of couches, right?” There’s little humor in your joke, but Ransom makes sure to laugh a little anyway, nodding. 
“My grandfather won’t mind if you sleep in one of the guest rooms. Promise, Princess.” 
“Ransom, don’t—”
“We’re here.” The driver cuts in as the car pulls to a stop in front of the house. “Sounds like you guys have it all figured out.” 
As expected, the only people home are his grandfather, along with a few odd members of the staff. They’re easy enough to convince, Fran and Marta ferrying him upstairs to his room while he mumbles incoherently. You help too, tugging the blanket up over him after pulling off his shoes with a grunt. It feels nice, having you care for him like this, your soft hands on his face. 
It feels right. 
“I’ll get the guest room set up for you upstairs,” Fran says on her way out. “I’ve got a t-shirt around here somewhere.” Ransom doesn’t catch your answer, but that doesn’t matter much, not when he knows where you’ll be. It’s strange, how he’s impatient now, here at the home stretch, but he is. The smell of you, the taste, the feel, it’s all he can think about now that he’s so close.
It won’t be easy keeping you, he knows that, but nothing good comes without a challenge, right? And with the right motivation, Ransom knows he can make you fall in line. The house quiets around him, and distantly, he hears the sound of first Fran’s car, and then Marta’s. He forces himself to wait a few minutes more, and when he emerges out into the still air of the hallway, he smiles. 
The door to the guest room is ever so slightly ajar, and Ransom slides inside. You sit up sharply, and for a moment only sound between you is the quiet settling of the house. 
“What are you doing?”
“I came to check on you.” He can’t see your face in the dark, but he can see the shape of you, silhouetted in the pale beam of light streaming in from the tiny window above the bed. 
“I’m fine.” The words are stiff. “You should go to bed.” 
He doesn’t. Instead, Ransom turns and closes the door securely behind him, slipping the key into his pocket. The sound is deafening in the quiet, and he knows you hear it too. 
“Have you texted Isaac, yet?” He asks, cocking his head. The room is small, shaped oddly by the sloping roof, and Ransom himself takes up the bulk of it standing in front of the door. You seem to shrink a little in response, and your hesitation answers the question truthfully, before you’ve even spoken. 
“Y-yes. You should go to—” The way your hand strays under the pillow to feel for your phone tells him the opposite. Ransom licks his lips. 
“Have you fucked him yet, Princess?”
Your gasp is audible. 
“Don’t—don’t call me that. Ransom go to bed. You’re drunk.”
“Have you fucked him?” He repeats it, dropping to his knees on the bed.
“Get out!” You make for the door too late, and Ransom grabs you, wrapping an arm securely around your waist as he breathes a relieved sigh into your bare shoulder. Your frustrated struggle turns panicked at the sound of metal clacking against metal. “No, Ransom no—” The handcuffs he produces from his pocket aren’t the padded ones he’s used with you before—these are the real deal, and he clamps them tightly around your left wrist, looping it around the bed-frame before capturing your right. You’re writhing and fighting, but it’s easy to ignore the pain as he locks his arms tight, waiting for you to tire yourself out. 
You’re wearing just a t-shirt, and Ransom palms the heavy weight of your tits through the soft cotton with a soft groan.
“So you haven’t fucked him.” 
You open your mouth to scream, and Ransom laughs. 
“Nearest person is two floors down, Princess,” he breathes, a low,  satisfied hum rumbling in his chest as he draws his fingers through your messy hair, before tangling his fingers in it to tug your head back. His teeth scrape at your throat. “You can scream if you want to,” he mumbles against your pulse. “You know I like it when you’re loud.” 
“Ransom, stop. You’re—”
“Drunk?” He answers smartly, before shaking his head. He cups your face with one sure hand, stroking your lip with the pad of his thumb. “I know you feel bad, Princess. You let me fuck that juicy cunt so quick, you thought you needed to make him work for it.” This close he can see your face, can see the guilt you quickly try to bury because he’s right. The answer is there, written in the way you turn your head away from him, trying to hide your face in shadow. Ransom doesn’t let you, squeezing your cheeks between his fingers as he forces you to stay still, to look him in the eye. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” You spit hoarsely, and Ransom laughs. “You’re fucking drunk and-and—get off me!” You shrill, bucking against him uselessly. If he’s drunk, that’s what he’s drunk on; the heady sensation of knowing the truth with absolute certainty. 
“I know exactly what I’m talking about.” He sneers, pressing you down into the mattress. The smell of your skin is intoxicating, like orange blossoms and fucking sunshine. “Fuck, Princess, I missed this.” It’s almost reverent, the way he slides his hands down over your hips, slowly working a knee between your stubborn thighs. Your borrowed t-shirt rolls up as Ransom spreads your legs, grinning at the sight of white lace between them.
He draws a finger over the curve of your cunt before cupping it. 
“Why’d you block me, Sweetheart?” He asks, tracing the shape of your puffy lips through the cotton. 
“You didn’t want me!” You hiss through clenched teeth. Ransom clucks his tongue at you, shaking his head, before delivering a stinging slap to your cunt. You feel it through the cotton, of course, whining and writhing underneath him as you cry out. “You’re fucking crazy—” The palm of his hand cracks sharply against you again, and it cuts your complaint short as the words disappear in a pained gasp. 
“Be honest with me, Princess.” He says, grinning as you try to wriggle away from him.
“You wouldn’t even be seen with me!” Your voice cracks. “It’s not fair, Ransom!”
“You want me to stake a claim, Sweetheart? I can do that,” Ransom breathes, pushing the shirt up over your breasts, groaning at the sight of your puffy nipples. He draws his thumb across one, watching, enraptured, as the flesh pebbles underneath his touch. He trails sloppy, heated kisses up the side of your throat, nipping at the skin until you whimper. He mouths at your skin, sucking at the purpling bruise until he pulls away, satisfied. 
“We can think of a more permanent solution later.” He leans back with a satisfied sigh. It feels good to mark you, to watch the bruises spread like ink on your pretty skin. 
“Please, Ransom, just go!” You sob, the chain rattling against the bed-frame as you try unsuccessfully to loose yourself from your restraints. “We-we’ll just pretend it never happened!” You nod at him, like you’re trying to encourage him to do the same, your wide eyes fever bright. “It’ll be just like before—”
“Why would I want that?” He asks, reaching down to tug your panties tight, pulling the fabric tautly through the lips of your pussy like dental floss. “I don’t think you’re really grasping the situation, Princess, so let me spell it out for you.” Ransom spreads your legs wider as you stare up at him with fearful eyes. 
“I don’t want things how they were before.” He snarls. “Things are different now, Sweetheart. You made them different.” Ransom slips his fingers underneath the elastic of your panties, and begins tugging them own your thighs, ignoring your whimpered pleas to wait and stop. You kick at him, a frenzied wail working its way out of your throat. True to his word, he ignores it, sliding down your body until he’s faced with the slick patch between your thighs. 
“Ransom—” His name is a hoarse wail as he attaches his lips to your cunt, his tongue seeking out your traitorously swelling clit. He grins against you, dragging his tongue noisily through your folds, moaning. This is perfection, he muses dimly, lapping at you as you whine. You can’t deny how good it feels, not when he can see the evidence glistening on your quaking thighs, taste it on his tongue. You’re gasping, those precious little choking noises filling his ears as you try to swallow down the sound of your pleasure.  
“Can’t fucking get over how good you taste, Princess,” he mumbles, reveling in your yelp as he sucks harshly on your swollen bud, spreading you wide with his fingers. You shake, your body jackknifing as you murmur nonsensically. He’s always loved that flavor—like fresh peaches, why do you taste like fucking peaches—
“F-Fuck you!” He doesn’t let you cum, though, pulling away to flick softly at your clit with his thumb. He draws the back of his hand across his mouth, wiping away the evidence of your body’s betrayal with a sly smile. A hoarse little whimper escapes you, and Ransom clucks his tongue, before reaching down to palm himself through his sweats. His cock his hard, so hard it almost hurts, thick drops of precum gathering at the reddened tip. He reaches for his phone with the other hand, the shutter noise clicking as he snaps a few pictures of your tear-stained face. 
“N-no, no—!” You voice your displeasure with a whine as Ransom pans the camera down your body, like he’s trying to map it out for posterity’s sake. “No pictures, please, please!” Your wild, watery eyes are frantic as you plead with him. “Please don’t, Ran, please don’t send those—” A hot pulse shoots through his body at your desperation, and his cock throbs. 
“A minute ago you were just telling me to go fuck myself.” He quirks an eyebrow at you over the top of the phone. “So which is it?”
“Please don’t send those.” You swallow thickly, the sound audible. “Please.”
He has no intention of sending them anywhere—except maybe to Isaac with your face cropped out, of course. But he smiles lasciviously anyway, blue eyes narrowing. Ransom runs his tongue across his lips, still tasting you on them.
“Let’s make a little deal, then.” He tugs his sweats down, and the fat, veiny length of his cock springs out. Ransom hisses softly as he spreads a sticky drop of precum across his tip with his thumb. “You’re going to end it with Isaac.” You open your mouth to complain, but Ransom forges ahead, ignoring you. “We’ll be exclusive, you and me, Princess.” He forces your thighs open a little wider. “Just like you want.” Ransom’s practically giddy with the thrill of it as your full lips begin to tremble and fresh tears track down your cheeks.
“I—I don’t want you!” You gasp, your attempts to buck him off only succeeding in wedging him further between your frantically kicking legs. Ransom clucks his tongue at you. 
“I don’t know about that, Princess,” he says, slapping a hand against your swollen cunt, cupping it roughly. You squeal as he draws a finger through your slick, still throbbing folds. 
“Not sure if you’ve ever been wetter.” Ransom presses your thighs to your chest. He asks, licking his lips. “It’s all up to you, of course.” Ransom lies so easily it doesn’t even really occur to him that he’s doing it. 
“You tell me to go, I’ll go. But I can’t say what’ll happen to that footage.” He shrugs. He’s got no intention of leaving this room, not really, but he doesn’t mind pretending. “But if you were my girl, I might be able to swing deleting it. After all, what would I need it for? Got the real thing all to myself.” He dips the tip of a thick finger into your entrance. “Get it, Princess? No more scholarship. No more shitty dorm-room. I’ll take care of you.”
You’re so easy to read like this, your guard down and your desperation front and center. He can see you weighing the options, trying to parse out the best win for yourself in this devil’s bargain. He can see you testing the weight of your future against the events of this evening, and coming up far short. Ransom’s not stupid—and neither are you. You know what happens to girls like you when these things make their way into campus chatrooms and local reddit pages. 
“You’ll really delete them?” You ask meekly, your mouth trembling. “You won’t… you won’t show these to anyone?” Ransom grins wider, drawing an X across his heart with the tip of his index finger. 
“Cross my heart.” Ransom steadies one hand against your hip, his fingers sinking into the soft curve of it as he aligns himself with your entrance. His eyes roll as the head of his cock meets your cunt with a lewd, wet squelch. He’s getting impatient—after all, it’s been more than two weeks since the last time he’s been inside you, and his cock twitches hard against you at the thought. 
“I’m sorry Princess, you’ll need to speak up.” Ransom leans down over you, his hard eyes locked on yours. “Again.” 
“I said fine!” Your quiet voice is strained. “Fine. I’ll—I’ll break up with Isaac—”  Ransom kisses you, swallowing the rest of your words eagerly. He gorges himself on your mouth, sucking your tongue fiercely before pulling away to worry at your lower lip with his teeth until it’s swollen and red. 
“Oh Princess.” He breathes. “You don’t know how happy I am to hear that.”  He watches with dark glee when your eyes go wide as he begins to press into you, the head of his cock forcing you open. “No condom this time, but that’s alright, isn’t it?”
“M’right here,” he breathes, his hips jerking as your slick, puffy cunt sucks at his tip. “Fuck.” Ransom watches your eyes roll as you sink your teeth into your lower lip.  “I know you missed it too, Sweetheart,” Ransom grits the words out through his teeth as he sinks in, his toes curling as your wet heat envelops him inch by precious inch. “You can admit it.” 
The warm euphoria that spreads down his spine as he bottoms out draws another curse from his lips. You feel like fucking slick velvet inside, your walls clamping down on the girth of his cock like a wet fist. It’s hypnotic, pulling out only to thrust home again, his ears barely registering the groan of the bed-frame beneath you. The space between his temples is buzzing—your compliance, the feel of you around him, the knowledge that he’d won—Ransom’s delirious with it. 
What’s even better is he can see it, plain on your face how much you’re enjoying it—how much you hate yourself for it. It makes every mumbled curse, every moan he wrenches from your unwilling throat all the sweeter. Ransom clucks his tongue at you as he leans down to capture your lips again. They’re pillow soft and swollen from his teeth. 
“It’s my fault.” Ransom drives his cock into you, groaning. “I was stupid, Princess, I know. But I know what I need, now,” he says, hooking an arm beneath your thigh, lifting it so he can sink in even deeper. “Just you.” The shameful little wail that escapes your throat as you clamp down around him is almost enough to make him cum with you, cursing and crying as you do. He hangs on by the last fraying thread of his self control. 
“Shit, shit, shit—”
“See?” He laughs, rolling his hips into yours with heavy strokes. “You need me, too.” 
God, he loves seeing you like this, loves being the one to break you apart—loves knowing he’ll be the only one. It’s that thought that does it, aided by the miserable way you mewl his name as you cum again. His hands are tight on your hips, sinking into the heavy curve of them as he growls your name roughly in your ear. For a moment he’s lost in it; his forehead resting against yours as you milk him. 
He stays inside you for a few luxurious minutes, basking in the feel of your cunt before pulling out. Ransom slaps his still hard cock against your oversensitive clit and you whine, your hips jerking. He can’t help but admire the mess he’s made, dragging his tip through your slick, sticky folds. 
You watch him with red-rimmed eyes, your brows furrowing as he rises from the bed, pulling his sweats back up over his hips. He doesn’t reach for the keys, but instead slides his hand underneath your pillow to remove your phone. 
“Ransom let me out, now.” Your voice is high, panicked. “You promised—”
“To delete the pictures.” He finishes, nodding. As you sputter, he removes his own phone from his pocket, and faces the screen towards you as he selects the pictures and videos from the photo album, and there’s a swooshing sound from the phone’s speakers as they disappear. “And I’ve deleted them.” Frantically, you rattle the handcuff chains against the bed-frame, trying desperately to dislodge them as Ransom sighs. 
“You’re just going to hurt yourself.” You keep trying anyway, ignoring him your terrified sobs grow louder. 
“Let me go! You fucking promised, Ransom, don’t leave me here—”
He cocks his head at you. 
“Why would I leave you?” He asks, slipping both your phones into his pocket as he stands, stretching. “Winter break’s just starting,” Ransom says with a smile. “And I can’t think of a better way to spend it.” 
the end
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Thank you for reading! Please check out my masterlist for other, similar works, and follow my library blog, @box-of-bones-library for updates. ❤️
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targaryenluvs · 6 months
ok hear me out w this dark!finnick idea; post-74th everlark, snow’s trying to do damage control and tells finnick to date another victor, and finnick’s hesitance to date his former mentee— means ofc she’s picked :( it’s not like finnick would ever put on a show to get her purposefully picked, he’s totally a good mentor and he’s defiantly never thought of ruining her, but, might as well make the most of it
alternatively omg image finnick living through the rebel’s victory— but the aftermath of the takeover meant a lot of the ppl involved in the games (no matter how small apart they played) get to executed,, including the little capitol girl who was (barely) part of his team n helped him get ready (or mb his district escort, or just like a stylist idk). helpful, helpful finnick steps up n tells her he can totally help her but it’s going to involve her losing her capital ties n taking up his name (plus they really have to sell it, so good knows how far they’d have to go, but he’s always so willing n helpful)
these aren’t requests or anything, i haven’t slept in 30 hours and I watched like my nth finnick edit whilst procrastinating prepping for my applied physics final
first of all i know i always sleep at wild times but THIRTY HOURS?? BABY GO TO SLEEP!!!
second of all, i wish you the best on your physics final ❤️
third of all your mind works wonders!!
can you imagine him seeing her again for the first time after she’s picked?? imagine nervous finnick for the first time 😭
“just our luck huh? two idiots make fools of the capitol and we end up on damage control!” your voice was as always sweet and pretty. finnick wanted to bottle it up all for himself.
“who would’ve thought?” finnick smiled, the charm may have been turned on but god was he a mess inside.
“you look good finn, grown. how’ve you been?”
i’ve been patiently waiting for the next time i see you. he wondered if that would scare you off so he smiled instead, “waiting for my lovely mentor to show and she’s here now so great.” you giggled as your touched his bicep, and his pants felt tighter, god you were adorable. you may be older than him but he has grown, and now he towers over you, dwarfs you in comparison and he adores it.
“you look stunning per usual.” you grinned and took your dress in, a gorgeous baby blue dress, with tiny straps on each side and a slit on the right side. your neck looked oddly markable to finnick but he’d refrain for now. “and you look handsome, when’d that happen?” you teased him before pinching his cheek.
you still thought of him as the same little boy from four. he could tell, but he wasn’t a boy anymore and he’d show you that.
“who knows. now, we have people to see.” he linked his arm with yours as the two of you made your way from the foyer and into the den of the capitol, hungry eyes and touchy hands pounced at the opportunity to feel the capitols darling and diamond.
he would snap every hand if he could, you were his, even if you didn’t know it yet.
“yes. i’ll do it, i don’t want to- no i can’t die.” you were crying now and finnick felt bad, but you’d just agreed to marry him so he couldn’t care less.
“no tears honey, you get to live.” his voice was sweet and comforting, looking up at him you felt happy. you watched him grow up, you helped him through it and now he was helping you, you couldn’t help but feel grateful.
“thank you finnick really, you don’t have to do this.” he shook his head and wiped away your tears, “you’ve been by my side for so long it’s the least i could do y/n.” your teary eyes should’ve made him feel bad but the idea of your marriage had his own heart racing. and as you hugged him he felt his worries melt away.
you were locked in for life.
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siempre-bucky · 2 years
lemons and iron
Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie didn't realize how badly he craved your touch until you cleaned him up after a fight with Jason Carver.
warnings: mentions of wounds, cuts, blood
wc: 1.6k
a/n: thank you for requesting, anon! I hope you liked it!!!
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It was the third time you aggressively placed your pointer finger on your book, a low rumble escaped your throat as you found your place in the middle of the page. Sure, it was your fault that you chose to read during lunch. You looked up at your friends, reading the same book with less frustration written on their delicate features. The cause of the frustration and lack of focus? Eddie Munson and Jason Carver.  
They always managed to turn the crowded cafeteria into their own western standoff. Some comment leads to Eddie hopping on tables which leads to a bitter exchange of words from Jason while Eddie laughs at him. You kept your eyes trained on your book, knowing that if you looked up at him you wouldn’t be able to look away. 
Safe to say you had a crush on the guy you shared most of your classes with. Eddie was always kind to you, like when he sat beside you in English he always made sure to give you the handout that didn’t look completely eaten by the printer. He stepped aside when he saw you coming into class so you could enter first, sticking his arm out and a charming smile adorning his lips. He cracked jokes and always laughed at your quips. It made you feel fuzzy just sitting there thinking about him. 
The sound of the table moving and the thud of shoes hitting the ground made you finally look at the scene unfolding. Jason and Eddie stood there, eyes locked in a bitter battle and their spines straight as blades. Eddie’s hands fell casually to his side while Jason’s fists balled angrily. “Shit,” you muttered under your breath. 
Jason said something inaudible to the crowd growing around them, then stepped forward and jammed two of his fingers into Eddie’s collarbone. Eddie chuckled, “Alright, that’s enough, big boy,” he scoffed as he turned away to leave. Jason scowled and shoved him again. 
You don’t know how it happened, as if a confident spirit overtook your body, you didn’t realize you jumped out of your seat and quickly walked over. You stood in between them, “Jason that’s enough,” you shouted. 
“This has nothing to do with you,” he seethed, his opened hand pressing to your chest and shoving you to the cold floor. Eddie’s expression didn’t change until he heard the smack of your head hitting the floor. His ring-clad hand balled up, punching Jason square in the cheek. 
The world around you was spinning, the sounds of fists colliding with faces, and the cheers from students egging them on became static-like. After the dizziness subsided, you slowly stood up and gripped Eddie by the back of his denim vest while a teacher restrained the basketball star. “Are you ok?” Eddie asked, turning to you. Your heart sank at the sight of his bloody face, his lower lip cut with the crimson fluid dribbling down his chin. Then you looked at Jason, small holes littered his face from Eddie’s rings, he looked worse in comparison.
“I’m fine,” you whispered with a small nod, “We need to get you to the nurse.” 
Eddie let you walk with him to the nurse's office, the pain in his face making him walk slower than normal but you didn’t mind. You matched his speed, looking up every once in a while to check if the bleeding stopped; it didn't. Once you reached the light-colored oak door, you saw the white piece of paper taped to it with ‘back in 15’ written in red Sharpie. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” you groaned. 
“Look. I’m all good, sweetheart. No need to worry about me, kay?” Eddie told you, regretting smiling down in your direction after his lip resplit open.
You shook your head and grabbed onto the sleeve of his well-worn Metallica shirt, once again dragging him down the hall. You always kept a small first aid kit in your backpack, just in case of emergencies. The emergencies in your mind typically included paper cuts, ceramics class incidents, and gym class, but never did you think you’d have to use its contents on your crush. 
You nearly threw him into the empty girl's bathroom even after his continuous protests. He hopped up onto the sink, letting his long legs dangle while you placed your bag on the ground and dug through it trying to locate the box. 
After placing the white box on the edge of the sink, you dragged your hands along his own and slipped off the bloody rings. 
Eddie’s body stiffened as he felt your hands on him. Watching diligently as your graceful hands slid off the rings one by one, letting them fall into the sink with loud clinks against the porcelain. Your fingers felt so soft as you traced along the digits, he could smell the faint scent of your lemon hand cream mixed with the iron of his blood. He didn’t want to admit it to himself, but when you put it on during class he’d imagine what it would be like to have your hands on him.  
They were everything he hoped they would be. Soft, delicate, careful, perfection. He looked down at you, your face solemn as you wiped around his knuckles with a wet paper towel. “Does it hurt?” you asked gently, grabbing a small roll of gauze. 
“No, not anymore,” he answered simply. He pressed his lips together in a tight line, afraid he might blurt out how much he was enjoying this. Even though it stung every time you touched it, he didn’t mind as long as it was you touching him. 
“I-I uh have to clean your face,” you informed him nervously. 
Eddie nodded and leaned forward ever so slightly in anticipation. You grabbed another paper towel and hesitantly held his chin in your hand. A wave of warmth rushed through him, goosebumps spreading out on his pale skin. Naturally, he leaned into your touch, his chin relaxing into the palm of your hand. 
Your other hand worked on his split lip, avoiding the cut as you swiped away the dried blood. Eddie Munson had freckles, you noted. They were sparse, barely there, and kissed on rather than dusted. You were envious of the angel that got to place them on his skin while Eddie was envious of every person who’s gotten to feel your soothing touch. You let your finger linger on his swollen lip while you folded the paper towel and wiped it under his nose. 
“Fuck,” he hissed, jolting backward as you bumped his nose. His brown eyes instantly filled with tears, his hand wrapping around your wrist. Your eyebrows knitted together, a string of apologies flooding from your lips and your other hand pulling away from his chin 
“Jesus Christ,” you whined, “I am so sorry, Eddie.” 
He exhaled deeply and released you while he blinked away the tears. “It’s ok, princess,” he winced, “You didn’t mean to… keep going.” Keep touching me. 
Eddie closed his eyes as he felt your soft hands on his face once more. He wasn’t used to someone touching him so delicately, even the nurses he had over the years weren’t as nice as you. He typically got a scolding from the school nurse after one of his lunchroom fights and a band-aid shoved roughly onto his cut. 
But you? He craved your delicate touch. He never thought he’d be able to experience a touch like this, he never felt worthy of such intimacy, certainly not by a girl he fancied.  
You leaned in a little closer while you placed ill-tasting ointment on the small cuts he gained. “Don’t taste it,” you giggled as his tongue poked out to touch his cut. In your laughter, you placed your hand on his knee. 
Eddie noticed right away as the shockwaves went up his thigh. “I was tempted,” he chuckled as he opened his eyes, his hand finding yours. You flinched but didn’t pull away, allowing him to wrap his hand around yours. 
“Eddie,” you whispered, leaving in closer. 
“Yes?” He leaned in, closing more of the distance. 
His lips were right there, bruised yet still beautiful. Your eyes flickered to the bridge of his nose, “I need to put a band-aid on your nose.” 
Eddie blushed and rescinded his hand from yours. He nodded nervously and dipped his head low. You rummaged through your bandaids until you found the one most fitting. You placed a black band-aid on his nose and put your hands on the sides of his face, lifting his blushing face to make sure you covered all the cuts. “Do I look ok?” he smirked, his own hands snaking up your forearms. 
“Perfect,” you grinned, nodding along to your statement. 
You stood there in silence after he got off the sink, his hands refusing to let you go. “Your hands are soft,” he commented, making you smile. 
“I-it’s this lemon stuff I use. I got it at the mall and my friends said it would help the dryness during winter, and they actually do get reall-'' you stopped your nervous rant as he started to laugh. 
“I know,” he said, his thumbs running along your wrist. 
Your fingers began to twitch lightly against his skin. Then it hit you—he was enjoying this. The pads of your fingers pressed harder into his skin, pulling his face closer to yours. “Can I?” you whispered. 
He nodded eagerly. You pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, your lips were even softer than the hands that bandaged him. “You missed,” he teased. 
Eddie felt your lips spread into a smile. “I’ll kiss you properly when your lip heals,” you tell him lightheartedly, lifting up on your tiptoes while you brought his head lower and kissed his forehead, your nose scrunching from his bangs tickling your nose. 
“Let me hold your hand instead?” he asked, raising one of his eyebrows. 
You nodded eagerly and pulled away, letting him take your hand in his. 
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weebsinstash · 5 months
Ok so I kept procrastinating but I finally finished Masquerade earlier today and just. Oh my fucking god, kicking my feet, twirling my hair around a finger, giggling ,rewinding, smiling like a GOON, I have THOUGHTS
--Val's red coat is his WINGS and they're glorious. And not to mention he wears that like, slutty open chested black v neck underneath where he's lowkey showing off his nipples too, the slut. The gold heart belt buckle and the matching gold accented accessories too. Ugh. You can't say he doesn't dress up, and I really liked getting to see the full reveal of his body so to speak, the way his violet arms become black fingers, also is he, is he wearing like gold manicured claw cap things sometimes, why is he such a diva, he's so extra
--the Addict music video WASN'T just being artistic, Valentino's smoke CAN become physical actual chains and bondage and oh my gooddddddd I'm using this knowledge for EVIL purposes.
Boom! Sudden third eye opening moment, but remember that post I made about "Val who starts dragging you around on a leash because he's too much taller than you to keep leading you by the hand" ? His lower set of arms could totally hold onto you BUT I can totally see him using these chains all the time now, to drag you around and just restrain you and shit. Ugh. Just. Him having you completely immobilized and helpless and shaking like a chihuahua as he can run his fingers along you and whatever else he wants, listening to you gadp and squirm
-- ok I know the whole point of the poison music video was showing the horrible shit Angel is made to do and how he's dehumanized but like.... obviously, from.. a fetish perspective... you know what I think 😩❤️
Like you can't just show me a shot of Valentino having Angel in his arms and he's got all four arms wrapped around him in like almost an embrace, kissing, KISSING while they fuck. maybe I'm so shy but that's so... intimate, like, ok fuck my ass i guess, that's like sex, whatever, but kissing me on the MOUTH, let alone with tongue? you might as well be looking into my soul or something dofnofjfjg, not to mention Val biting his neck while they do it like you CAN'T me all of that and expect me to be normal!!!
--platonic yandere Husker with an alcoholic Reader though. He forces you into these weird little therapy sessions when yeah he still serves you drinks but he cuts you off when you're fucking plastered, like he enables you until you're having TOO much, amd by that point you're yammering with your loose lips and answering ALL His questions. Siiiiigh I can see him seeing how you're down on your luck and burying your worries and sorrows at the bottom of a bottle , getting so drunk you can barely sit up straight, and he starts getting protective of you, secretly following you to bars when you won't just get drunk at the hotel, making sure your drink doesn't get spiked, having to kick some ass to protect you and drag you home more than once
--i was such a fool. If Valentino is such a, quite frankly, perverted fucking idiot that he LICKS CHARLIE, fucking CHARLIE MORNINGSTAR upon first meeting her, he ABSOLUTELY does creepy shit to his darling day ONE. He CLEARLY has ZERO impulse control: he drinks, he smokes, he forces himself onto other people, he throws things when he loses his temper. He uses his power to be a bully and seeking unrestrained self gratification
--this is completely unrelated to everything else here but Zestial is hot in that like, antiquated charming eldritch evil kind of way. He seems like the sort of creature you could encounter deep within an enchanted woods, you're freshly dead and wind up in a bad part of Pentagram City and this TOWERING gentleman says some shit like "turn back child, there is no safety for you here". He's. He's sexy in that Neflix Castlevania Dracula way where there's an appeal in his age and his wisdom and his composure and just his full-on aesthetic and such. Like bro it's so easy to miss it but he's the oldest of the Overlords and he bowed in respect to Carmilla for what she did. He's chivalrous and loyal and just 👀 got my eye on him...
--bro watching Val manipulate Angel to get Charlie to leave fucking HURT and I've thought about Reader being in that exact scenario SO many times! Valentino is manipulating Angel to control you, and he's manipulating YOU to control Angel. Sure, he'll have Angel make you cry and chase you off so you don't get emotional and interfere with a shoot, or so that you don't sabotage whatever manipulated state he has Angel under at the time, but when you're off on your own drinking and crying and sobbing and feeling oh so horrible and pitiful, then Val is sibling up to you, cooing about, oh how MEAN Angel was to you, he didn't have to be so harsh to someone so sweet--
Could you imagine the fucking. Tiered angst and manipulation of Angel hurting Reader because Val pressured him to, and then Reader going off and getting drunk and being self destructive, and then at your emotional weakest Val is popping in to strike some kind of deal with you or fuck you or whatever, and then Angel blames himself, and here's Valentino, "that wouldn't have happened if you just did what you were told :3c" and Angel is even further under his control because now he's terrified he might "fuck up" and get you really hurt
--siiiiiiiigh imagine like drinking with Angel and you've been down there for like two months and you're idly chit chatting and, something something, you offhandedly mention something like "god fuck Val had me so fucking wasted I could barely sign my employee contract" CUE ANGEL IMMEDIATELY DROPPING WHATEVERS IN HIS HAND AND SHAKING YOU, "what do you MEAN you signed something??? You're just waiting tables, what did you SIGN???" And it turns out Val whipped out like ONE OF THE B I G "types" of contracts for you. God I really want some elaboration on how those contracts work and how Val or any Overlord strikes deals and even gains powers because it's very clear not everyone had the same level of abilities, and also lowkey the power scaling in Hazbin is kinda busted like not to be a dweeb but you've got people running around basically having Quirks
--ALSO THIS IS SO DUMB BUT I HAVE A COMPLAINT SIR. Valentino straight up says "no one watches porn for the dialogue" EXTREMELY INCORRECT BUZZER NOISE. When you've watched enough porn or at the very least you're hunting for a specific fetish, dialogue can be Duper important. You can see 20 different actors do the same scene BUT have a specific pair who, maybe used a specific line that stood out to you and made it unique and made it worth watching. You know for a long while there I was writing smut and feeling like I was doing the same descriptions over and over again and it kind of burnt me out and turned me off and that's when I tried to shift towards more emotional and environmental and thematic sorts of stuff
Listen all I'm saying is I have been ENAMORED like straight up with the idea of Reader becoming the fourth V because you become close to all the Vs and you have your own talents and they all like you and shit. You're able to pitch product ideas to Vox, even help him if you're a programmer or a coder or something, Valentino.... maybe you have magic hammer space pockets and can run him errands or you cook drugs or you're like a sexy bodyguard for him or, he just likes getting drunk and doing drugs with you, and Velvette is that #Bitch who you gossip with who likes to design new shit for you and bounce ideas off of you from time to time. Like the gradual slide of "oh we're all hanging out and they think I'm actually kind of cool," to "oh they keep inviting me to hang out. I feel special. I'm one of the cool kids. Maybe I even have fun powers and they encourage me to be mean and evil and its fun" to then "oh you're straight up shoving new clothes in my face and you keep using this one specific V nickname for me instead of my real name and I stg I don't have personal space anymore and I'm always being crowded by at least one of you literally 24/7"
God just. God. Just. GOD I AM SO WELL FED. I saw what Viv was selling and I got in line and I've finally gotten my food and it is FILLING, my craving for controlling obsessive possessive douchebags is sooooo sated right now 😩❤️
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gunwoos · 11 months
kim gun-woo relationship headcanons (sfw + nsfw)
a/n: warning these r random and disorganized 😭 also haven't written anything fanfic like in ages so sorry if these aren't the best!
he's such a gentleman/romantic
i feel like getting into a relationship with him, you're either childhood friends with him or u guys become friends when the whole smile capital stuff starts and u slowly realize ur feelings for each other.
even tho he's shy i honestly see him confessing his feelings for u unless ur the one to do it first.
he's very timid/shy especially for the first few weeks u guys are dating
he's just so nervous and really likes u and doesn't wanna mess anything up
when he opens up and gets 100% used to the relationship stuff it's amazing tho
i don't think he'd be super into pda like he'd definitely hold ur hand, sling an arm around u, and hug u in public, maybe even give u a quick kiss but anything more than that he's saving for when ur alone
his love language is definitely a mix of gift giving and physical touch (maybe acts of service too i can't decide)
gives the best hugs. he's so tall and sweet and his MUSCLES. will hug u from behind while ur doing stuff too and put his chin on your head/shoulder
he LOVES having u at his matches, especially if it's a tournament. you're like his good luck charm (he's good regardless of whether or not ur there but it's sweet ok)
or if he's just having a normal practice or training session he loves having u there to watch and support him
we all know he's an early riser and likes to workout / go for runs in the morning. he always invites u to go and if u actually agree he's over the moon
even if u barely participate or give up partway through he's just so happy ur there with him
loves when u wear his clothes. especially if u guys live together he's got that mindset of "my things r yours too"
he loves seeing u in his jackets, shirts, sweaters etc. especially if ur shorter/smaller than him he finds it's so cute
also if u guys r out and u forget to wear a jacket he won't even hesitate to give u his. like u go to mention that it's kinda chilly out and he already has his jacket off and is putting it over ur shoulders
his mom absolutely loves u. we all know he's a mommas boy so he's just so happy seeing u guys interact and get along so well
i see him being very traditional. pays for ur meals if u go out to eat, opens doors for u, my mind is blank thinking of other examples but he's just so sweet and such a gentleman
woojin third wheels u guys all the time. geonwoo is his bestfriend and he lowkey sulks when u guys hangout without him
i feel like unless u were already friends with woojin before u started dating geonwoo he'd give u a hard time at first. he's all like "i was here first 😒"
but eventually he warms up to u and u guys would be besties
u and woojin probably bicker a lot (playfully) and geonwoo just loves that u guys get along well enough to joke with each other. he just kinda watches u bicker back and forth like "😊" and doesn't interfere unless one of u brings him into it
he's definitely protective but just in a way that he wants to keep u safe, he's very secure and he knows he's strong and that he can protect u if he needs to
he also knows that u can handle urself tho, especially if ur a boxer like him
this man is cuddly. any cuddling position is perfect to him like he'll be big spoon, little spoon, whatever but i feel like he'd especially love just falling asleep with his head on your chest
idk if he'd be into pet names but i think he'd call u "babe, baby, honey, sweetie" or some kinda nickname based off of your name
nsfw under ⬇️
this man can be TIMID especially for the first few months of ur relationship when u guys do stuff. like believe me he wants to just as much as u do but he would never wanna make u uncomfortable so he waits for u to initiate stuff for a little while
checks on u like every 2 minutes and before doing anything "is this ok?" "are u sure?" "can i __?"
i feel like he's definitely very traditional or "vanilla" in bed, i don't see him being kinky or liking it rough or anything like that but if ur into that kinda stuff he'd probably be open to experimenting
such a giver. don't get me wrong he loves receiving, but u would definitely have to initiate it he'll never ask u to
as i said before this man is a giver. he gives and gives and gives
this man would happily die between your thighs. i'm telling u he's obsessed with eating u out. he doesn't care abt his pleasure as much, he just wants u to feel good
this man just goes straight in too. he's like "can i?" and as soon as u say yes he's slinging ur legs over his shoulders and diving in
he's so good at it too like. he makes it his goal in life to know what u like and what u dislike and that includes in the bedroom. he makes mental notes in his head of everything and the reactions u have to stuff so he can improve for later
if u do give him head, he's total putty in ur hands. anything u do and the fact that it's you doing this to him just makes it 10x better. he makes sure to return the favour after
lowkey has a praise kink, giving and receiving. when u tell him how good he's doing he just melts he loves it
is big on eye contact. he likes how intimate it is and the non-verbal reassurance from it
likes holding hands or having your hands in his hair
he whimpers. i don't think he'd be very vocal but when he realizes u like it when he is he tries to be a bit more open and do it more
loves kissing u during it and just peppering kisses all over u. i don't think he'd leave hickeys unless u asked him to tho
this man has stamina. we all know he's super athletic so he's prepared to go for as many rounds as u feel up to
he's also very gentle. he's strong and knows his own strength and would never wanna hurt u or be rough with u
he's just so sweet i cant even
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vixensbrainrotts · 5 months
Could u write one for baji where he has sort of a black cat gf? Like they're dynamic is: "staring into someone's soul" gf and "stares too just bc his gf is staring" bf
Opia - Keisuke Baji
Content: FLUFF
Warnings: a fight (relationship, external) mentioned, not proof read
Tropes: Black cat! reader, (kind of golden retriever! Baji), established relationship
Summary: You observe everyone maybe just a bit too closely for most people's liking, but Kei really doesn't mind.
Vixens two cents: I don’t really write for Baji but I’ll take the challenge, sorry if he feels a little out of character! Thank you for requesting and let me know how this is! If you find yourself enjoying this, please please please feel free to request something cause ASKS ARE OPEN!!! yeah, alright, now enjoy some fluff!
"OPIA" - verb, emotive
" The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can be simultaneously invasive and vulnerable. " --
Baji knew you had a staring problem, he knew before he started dating you. Alone your dead-looking eyes was one factor in the equation, but since you had a distinctively bad case of „resting Bitch-face“, all scores were multiplied by ten. He was used for your glossy eyes to be staring dead at people, things, sometimes nothing even, just sorta dissociating out into space. At first he was a little confused, concerned even that maybe you weren’t getting enough sleep, or eating right, but upon asking you he found out that it really just was the way you were.
He thinks back to how he confessed to you: spilling some ill-rehearsed, grammatically poor lines of poetry he had smushed together over the past week after he found out you liked literature. You looked him dead in the eye the whole time, watching him fumble with his big hands and stumble over his words over and over again, because fuck the way your eyes were piercing his soul made him nervous, but your deadpan face didn’t move a bit until he finished with an embarrassing account of „Yeah so basically i was hoping you and I could maybe go out some time?“.
Then, your lips curled up into a small, sweet smile and you looked down at your desk and the letter and the little charm he presented you with. „Ok.“ was all you said, hands reaching up to the charm and securing it around your key-chain and looking back at him inquisitively. „Wanna ditch and go now?“ You actually isn’t give a damn, and he thinks that its one of the most attractive things about you.
And just like that, your first date was spent in a little cafe you suggested because „it has a great view onto the main-street“. So, over a creme-cake and a macchiatos you spent hours just people watching, which Keisuke came to find out was one of your favorite activities. When you first told him, he almost slumped together in his seat because who the fuck watches people for fun? But after you started pointing out little things to him; like the way that man was wearing two different shoes, or the way that that couple over there is passing for the third time already, he starts to see why you find it so interesting.
Soon enough after figuring out that you really didn’t mean any harm to the people you were staring at, Baji often caught himself turning to look at what caught your attention too. To his surprise, it often payed off, you had an eye for interesting, pretty, kooky things, so he made it a habit to look at whatever fell into your line of sight for too long.
This time, it was whilst the two of you were supposed to be studying at your place. Both of you were sort of failing the current Math topic, and with an upcoming test, you had decided to invite him over to yours to tackle the topic together. However, after around 45 minutes of hardcore struggling, you had lost a good bit of will and now chose to spend your time looking out of your window. Baji had noticed that the hypnotic rhythm of your pen scratching the square paper had stopped, so he turned to at you, half-expecting you to have fallen asleep.
When however he found your gaze fixed on something outside, his interest was piqued almost instantly. He found himself tracing your line of sight to see what you were seeing. Scanning the area outside your building, his eyes immediately found the hook.
There was a couple standing just outside your window, in the shelter of the bus stop that stood across the street. There was lots of articulation and hand motion going on, the man swinging his arms wildly as the woman tousled her hair and stomped her feet in retribution.
"They're arguing." Keisuke states into the comfortable silence between you two, but the words don't disrupt the atmosphere. A few moments pass in which you both watch them shout at one another, the woman now furiously pointing her finger all over the place, the man slapping a hand across his face almost comically.
"They have been for a while." you say back, head still resting on your folded arms, eyes trained on the scene.
"I wonder what it's about." Keisuke pondered, listening to the rhythmic in and out of your breathing, accompanied by the occasional crackling of a scented candle that sat on your windowsill.
A few more paces passed before you answered him. "I think its about a missed date." Kei hums in response, eyebrows furrowing as he glances to you. "How are you so sure?"
"Hmpf." You huff and shrug, the movement making your shoulders pop. "Just got a feeling about it... And look at the way she's moving her hands, pointing to something on her phone- looks like a serious thing, but not serious enough for something extreme like cheating."
He listened intently to your voice, but he didn't turn back to the scene, choosing instead to scan your body closely. The way your hair fell, the stretch of the shirt's fabric over the expanse of your back, the way your jewellery glimmered lowly.
Keisuke folded his arms akin to yours and lowered his head to rest right next to yours, finally getting a good look at your face. "That wouldn't happen to us, no?" he whispered to you.
Finally, you looked at him with those piercing eyes, and despite all the times he's looked into them, a shiver still ran down his spine and he felt his cheeks tinge with warmth. Your face was as blank as your eyes, but still you shook your head.
"Never." you whisper back to him, turning your head to lay on your arms like Baji's did. Kei felt a smile tug at his lips at how serious you sounded. "Good." he replied, voice still hushed as he came in closer to you, nuzzling both your noses together before giving you a tiny, soft peck on the corner of your lips.
When he pulled away and lay on his arms again, he saw your eyelids flutter to a content close and watched as your straight lips curled into a small, happy smile as you breathed deeply and allowed yourself to relax next to him.
Keisuke watched your breathing even out for a while longer, the gentle rise and fall of your ribcage, the occasional sleepy sigh and the sometimes rapid fluttering of your lashes as you seemingly drifted into sleep.
Kei allowed himself a bit of peace too, satisfied with how you've adapted a regular breathing pattern, and closed his eyes, intently listening to match the pace of his breath to yours. Right then and there Baji decided that perhaps people watching really is something wonderful when you're watching someone you love.
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