#okay good night my loves I hold you all in my heart so dearly I hope you know
ghostboyjules · 1 year
@burnt-scone tagged me!! thank you beloved!!
Rules: Tag 10 (or less) people you want to get to know better
relationship status: physically single but I'm in love with so many people and only one them knows, I think, so. idk what to call that? complicated?
favourite colour: black, aesthetically, but I also really really enjoy phthalo green
song stuck in my head: I Am My Own Muse - FOB. I am. so obsessed with this song. the way I've been blasting it on my way home from work the past two days..
three favourite foods:  pizza.. brownies... sushi rice.
last song I listened to: Jumper - Third Eye Blind
dream trip: aahh there's so many things i wanna see and do... aahhh uuuhh... okay imma just say I wanna go to Canada. I wanna see the snow and be in the mountains and see the sights.. it looks so absolutely gorgeous.. I'd just really like to go hang out up there and chill for a while.
last thing(s) i googled: coltsfoot!! Tussilago farfara. it's a plant!
I'm gonna tag: @n3bulas-and-satelites @thatboysgotwoah @mothmanns @balasha7sanbardo @queen-eevee @rooftopwreck @howlittleweare @softest-punk @queerofthedagger
if you've already been tagged, sowwy, this is me just saying hi then 🥰 hi ily I hope you are having a wonderful day or night, wherever you are 💕✨
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hellishjoel · 4 months
1.4k / pairing: jackson!joel miller x f!reader
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summary: Joel’s long hair is a testament to a long life in Jackson, Wyoming. He hasn’t had time to get it cut since the birth of his daughter. 
warnings/information:  joel’s long hair appreciation post!!!!!, fluff, established relationship, a little swearing, soft!joel, girl dad!joel, jackson!joel, mother f!reader, ellie and joel are just fine okay!!, obvious maria appreciation, reader doesn’t have a physical appearance but has given birth
A/N: this is super short and I wrote it in 24 hours - you all know why we’re here, we saw that new picture of long haired joel miller and yadayadayada now we’re here! graphics by @saradika-graphics
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There’s a new baby in Jackson. 
One more teeny tiny resident. The population sign must be repainted to acknowledge its three hundred and fifth resident. 
And she’s your little girl. 
She’s not just perfect, she’s the center of your universe. Wrapped in a freshly hand-washed baby pink blanket, a testament to the hours of labor in Jackson’s makeshift delivery room. Joel held your hand throughout. 
This was his second child, but his first with you. The flood of emotions was overwhelming, and you promised to stand by him, even if you could never truly understand the pain tangled with newfound joy. 
But you should have seen the way his eyes softened at the first sight of her. Everything changed, for the both of you. His once-buried fatherly instincts took over, walking with the delivery nurse from your bed to the small cleaning station. He couldn’t let her out of his sight.
Already so protective and wound around her little finger from the moment she took her first breath and wailed her first cry. 
Scream it, little one, tell the world you’re here and that you’re ours. You are already so loved with your big glowing eyes and round cheeks, your small hands curled into your chest, and you kick your tiny little feet. Stomp, roar, live. 
You’re born into the most dangerous time in history, but your parents are here to protect you. The moment your baby girl was born, you and Joel were reborn. 
One month old, and nothing has changed. Except for your and Joel’s sleep schedules. Tommy gave Joel temporary leave from patrol duties, which Joel did not protest. He found it impossible some days to leave the house for food and supplies. 
Ellie was helpful. Despite no blood relation, she and Joel shared many qualities. She didn’t let you lift a finger if she could help it. She had moved into the garage a few months back. After all, she was a teenager who loved having space.
“You sure you don’t just wanna move back inside the house, Ellie?” She was here more often than not, and her company and help were dearly appreciated.
“And wake up to a crying baby twelve times in the middle of the night? I love you guys, but no thanks,” she teased as you playfully rolled your eyes. 
“That’s fair. But the offer still stands.”
Ellie shrugs nonchalantly and lands beside you on the couch, laying her head on your shoulder as you both stare lovingly down at the baby sleeping soundly in your arms. 
“I know, but you should make my old room the baby’s new one. Besides, Joel just set up my stereo, and I blast that thing non-stop. No baby is gonna like that.” 
“Oh, trust me, we know.” You whisper as you kiss the top of her head, your cheek nudging against her brunette tresses tied back into a ponytail.
Ellie cooks some sort of monstrosity in the kitchen upon Joel’s return from Tommy and Maria’s. He holds piles of Maria’s hand-sewn diapers and onesies. She was a God send, a woman you consider a Jill of all trades. 
Oh, Maria. She always desired that Jackson would not fall into turmoil like most of the country had surely found its way to. In her eyes, Jackson would remain a thriving and welcoming community to those who were good of heart. 
That woman worked to the bone to ensure that Jackson’s residents were safe and happy. Living here was like living in a snow globe, safe from the outside world and protected from danger. 
As the de facto leader of the Jackson settlement, she wore many hats. From trading and supplies to security and community welfare, Maria made it her mission to ensure that all new families found their new home in Jackson to be an inviting one—a safe haven from their old lives and here to start anew. 
“Maria bartered for new cotton,” Joel whispers as he enters the living room, quiet so as not to stir the baby. 
“She did?” You ask softly, sitting up slightly as you feel his hand cup your cheek from above, tilting your head back so he can give you a proper kiss. 
“Yeah, she was gonna try and find somethin’ alternative to cotton for the diapers, but they set her up with some scavenged materials and clothing to make lots of diapers out of. Plus, gave her some stuff to cultivate it here. Y’know, be self-sufficient.” 
“Wow,” you mutter tiredly, rubbing at your eyes as your daughter begins to twitch in your arms. “I think she hears her daddy’s voice.” 
Joel cooes softly, quick to drop the items off on the kitchen counter with haphazard abandon. He grunts quietly as his knees scream for rest until he sits beside you on the couch with open palms. You delicately hand him the baby, and his eyes twinkle at the sight of her. He was adorably cute when he baby-babbled, though he swears he never does. 
“Hi sweet wittle girl, pretty pwincess, did you have a good day with mommy?” 
It takes you this long to realize how much his hair has grown out. Your fingers softly weave into the greying curls, twirling one around your finger before you let it fall into its natural waves. 
“It’s so long, baby,” you whisper like honey.
He lets out a quiet chuckle and absentmindedly leans into your touch. “I’know. Haven’t had time to get it cut,” he turns his attention back to the little girl swaddled in his arms, “and I think I know who’s been keepin’ me so damn busy.” 
You hum and gently clutch the curls at the nape of his neck, truly in awe of how long they were. You’ve never seen him let it get this long. As Joel would say, this is Tommy long. But was there really a look he couldn’t pull off?
“I, uh, I don’t want you to cut it.” Your words come off shy and sweet, making him melt as he slowly turns to look at you with a raised brow. 
“Is that so?” His southern twang rolls freely off his tongue. 
“Mhm, you look so handsome. I think I would cry if you got rid of that thick mane of yours.” 
He chuckles again, a low and sultry one. “Alright. I’ll keep puttin’ up with it.”
“Mmm, please do. It’s sorta doin’ somethin’ for me.” 
Joel pauses and watches as the aging sunlight shines over your face. He takes your hand in his large calloused one and squeezes, circling his thumb along your wrist. “You’ve given me a life I sometimes don’t feel like I deserve. A happy one. I don’t think there’s a way I can ever say thank you or I love you enough for how my life has turned out. Without you, I might be dead.”
“Oh, Joel,” you whisper as you rest your forehead against his own, both of your eyes falling closed. “You are deserving of every moment of happiness in this life. You make my life worth living. You saved us.” 
Joel lets out a wet chuckle, kissing the tip of your nose before meeting your lips delicately. 
In this light, the amber glow of the sun setting just beyond the walls outside, he’s so handsome. It truly makes your heart skip a beat. After all these years of pain, loss, and suffering, Joel is happy. It’s all you’ve ever wanted to make him. 
During the first few weeks in this new and unfamiliar settlement, Joel would shoot up in the middle of the night, upset that he had fallen asleep. He hadn’t slept in a home with four solid walls in so long, none of you had. You remember the first night he slept soundly, snoring like a madman and nuzzling into his pillow. He was safe. There were no clickers in waiting, no scavengers to fend off. His people were protected. He could breathe. 
Never did you once think that at the ends of the world, there would be room for you to feel like this. Reborn. It led you to Joel and Ellie and continued with your baby girl. Your lives are getting a second chance. 
You didn’t know how long it would stay like this because nothing was forever. But you would wake up tomorrow morning and run a hand through Joel’s hair, through the pretty curls that tickled his neck, and the opportunity for it to keep growing would be another sign that your lives weren’t ending. They were only just beginning.
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Day 1 — Soulmates ₊˚✧ ゚
Submission for @goldengroovy's @olnfweek2024
MC: Micha
Long ass ramble under the cut 😂
Okayokayokay SO-
I love soulmate au's. I cannot tell you how many fics I've read or how many prompts I've played with or media I've consumed or how many bullshit ideas I've come up with in my own head for them, I CANNOT.
It's just - hhhhhhhhhhhh- Soulmate au's and Time Travel au's are just the shit that gets me out of bed some days 😩💖my world weary soul drinks that shit like medicine, okay?
That all being said, it's probably a little ambiguous which au I picked to some, so let me explain: There are two au's I'm mashing up here really, both are from fics I've read back in the day. One being a Clack fic and the other a Thilbo one 🤷‍♂️kind of calling myself out here but w/e, they were good fics.
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The Thilbo one is easier to explain - the concept is "Heartsong" which is, literally what it says on the tin. You find out who your soulmate is the first time you hear them sing (and no, that does not mean everyone is just a naturally good singer - they can be ass at music but, the point is, when you hear them their song is the perfect song for you and your heart knows that). There's a lot of little nuances to this one - things like you hearing your heartsong when you dream so you always know the moment you find them. Also people who have quiet dreams because their heartsong died, sometimes before ever even meeting them. etc etc. The heartsong also seems to expand, in some respect, to instruments (as Thorin plays his harp one night and Bilbo starts to hum without thinking about it because it sounds wonderful to him and that's how Thorin finds out).
Overall, it's a very soft and sweet concept to me and as someone who has a deep love of music, it's also one of my very favourites.
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The Clack one is a little less easy to explain? I think. Maybe because it's nuances are so round about but I'll do my best. The concept for this one is "I Only See Colour When I'm With You" - anyone who knows how Clack fics usually go knows where this is probably headed 😂 and I am sorry to have hurt you but, overall, the idea is: You live in a noir-esqu world where everything is black and white. This only changes when you find your soulmate, of course, who brings the world into full saturation and lets you see colour for - possibly - the first time in your life (I say possibly because I genuinely can't remember if you start out colourblind or if it's an age cap thing).
Unfortunately, for as much as I adore this concept, it's been a long damn time since I read the fic and I don't even know if it still exists somewhere. So I can't actually recall if it was a 'you have to touch them' or 'you have to hear them' thing but the fic takes place with Zack on the cliff right before Midgar where he holds Cloud and looks at the sky - so I'm willing to bet it's a touch thing.
I also really loved this fic because it was the first one I'd read that brought in the concept of multiple soulmates to me - As Cloud later sits with Aerith and sees the colour he couldn't see with Zack, meanwhile Aerith only sees black and white, because she was only able to see colour with Zack (who was never able to see colour with her, because he needed Cloud for that).
Essentially, they all needed each other to see the world in colour. As a polyam person who didn't quite realise I was poly back then, it was a very comforting (and now dearly cherished) fic.
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Anyways! Now that you have the background on the two concepts, you can kind of get what I'm going for with this piece.
Tamarack, Micha and Qiu are all soulmates in a fuzzy, desaturated world (I'm sorry, I'm not cruel enough to but them in complete greyscale LOL) and the way you find your soulmate is by hearing them sing and, when they do, your world is suddenly vivid and bright and beautiful. Suddenly, you can see things as they were meant to be seen and it's a permanent change (unlike the Clack fic) but things are always clearest and brightest when your soulmate speaks or sings 💖
I get a real kick out of the idea that Micha's known for fucking months that Tamarack is his soulmate (if not years) because he's always listening to her play but never says jack shit about it because he's emotionally constipated that way 😂Though genuinely, it's probably because he just doesn't think he's her soulmate and he's a bit against finding out he's right honestly.
Joke is on him, he's Qiu's and Tamaracks soulmate! And he couldn't have picked a better moment to grow a pair an take the risk 🥰
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milkywaydrabbles · 1 year
21 from kinktober list with alucard 👀 I can see him and fem reader trying to seduce trevor and sypha into their bed… perhaps greta can join too 😏
A/N: This was such a daunting request I didn't know if I'd be able to do it or not tbh but IT'S HERE!!! This is a little bit of a monster but I hope you like it, I put blood sweat and tears into this req for you MWUAH
Threesome or Moresome x Alucard, Trevor, Sypha
“Honey, just think about it.”
“This is embarrassing, absolutely not.”
“Adrian, you don’t think I didn’t see how you used to look at them? Before really being with me?” 
That stopped him in his tracks.
Alucard thought he was so good and hiding his face, his glances, his pout whenever he saw how the two doted on each other. But he wore his heart on his sleeve, and you could see right through him.
“I love you, dearly, and I know you love me.” You sighed into his hair, pressing a kiss to his temple. “But if you want this, I’ll indulge. I’ll even bring it up first, if you’d like.” You reassured, feeling his arms tighten around you. “I don’t want you to feel like you’re not enough for me, darling..” You held his chin, moving it to make him look up at you, eyes full of love and affection. “I know I’m enough for you, my love. But let yourself enjoy this. If they say no, well that’s that. But what if they say yes?”
Alucard groaned, blush covering his face. 
“Fine. We’ll ask.”
“You know, you really outdo yourself with dinner every time, really, but the wine is still outmatched.” Sypha slaps a hand on Trevor’s chest, looking over as if to say ‘what?’ while you cackled a laugh, and Alucard sighed, fingers pinching at the bridge of his nose. He can’t believe he’s actually fantasized about this. “Dinner is delicious as usual.” Sypha interjected, the four of you now lounging in the grand living room. The castle was quite gorgeous, after all this time of you and Alucard both working at it to become a home once again. They still didn’t know how you of all people stuck around with him. (Well, Sypha understood, mostly Trevor being a dick.) You fought valiantly by their side, holding your own as a witch in their midsts. They were sure you’d go on your own to continue fighting the masses. Instead, you stayed--and built a life with Alucard. Hell, you even called him Adrian. (It warmed his heart that his name would still be remembered.) 
“Thank you, Sypha, as for the wine, you should really be thanking Adrian, Belmont. He knows how to source a good red.” You winked over at him, seeing his pale skin turn ablaze with crimson. “Ah, right, thank you Adrian.” You knew Trevor was simply teasing, but it gave you a glimpse of hope when the brunette winked at your lover the same way you did. His stomach flipped, palms sweating as he steeled himself for you to bring up probably the most embarrassing request he could imagine. 
Even more embarrassing when he was caught with makeshift dolls of the couple in his kitchen.
“Actually, Trevor, Sypha. We have...a proposal. For the two of you.” the Speaker’s interest piqued, cocking a brow.  You looked over to Alucard, taking his hand in yours and rubbing soothing circles into his palm. “Alright? Out with it already.” Belmont was impatient as always. You glanced at him once more, making sure he was still okay with the interest. And when you saw him nod, you continued.
“We’d like to sleep with you, both.”
You could hear a pin fall with how the silence cut through the air of the castle. You looked perfectly calm, smiling at the couple across from you that couldn’t quite believe what they were hearing. In reality you were scared to death. You didn’t want to be the one to bring it up, but Alucard had whispered his desires to you in the comfort of your bed, after taking you over and over again one night. How were you ever supposed to say no to him? Besides, it’s not like you hadn’t thought of it yourself after he brought it up. 
Sypha was the first to break the silence, tapping on Trevor’s jaw to have him close his fucking mouth. “Ah--” She cleared her throat, before starting again. “That was ah, quite the joke you two!” She nervously laughed, hoping you’d eventually crack your facade. You didn’t. “Not a joke Sypha, right Adrian?” You looked over at your lover, whose face was still flushed. “We’ve ah....discussed, inviting you to our bed before, if you were comfortable.” Trevor snorted a laugh. “Always knew you wanted me--the muscles usually do it.” He flexed an arm, now it was your turn to slap at him, before laying your hand a bit too close to his crotch, released Alucard’s hand and mirroring on Sypha’s lap. “You can take your time to think about it, you can say no right now...but the offer is there.” The two looked at each other, hearts racing as they took you up on your offer.
The four of you sat on your shared bed, large enough to comfortably fit you all. The two were hesitant, you can tell, which meant you would have to lead the way until everyone was comfortable. You gently held onto Sypha’s hand, pulling her towards you close enough to caress her face with your other hand. “Tell me to stop if you ever feel uncomfortable..” You whispered, watching her glance down at your lips with parted mouth, nodding once before meeting you in a soft kiss. You heard a faint gasp, not sure which male it’s coming from. You ignore it either way, angling her face towards you to deepen the kiss, hand on her face moving to run your fingers through her hair, gripping the back of her head. “Fuck.” Trevor’s deep voice rumbled through you, feeling his breath tickle at your neck. He kissed your skin, hands slowly exploring your body from behind as you continued with Sypha, biting at her lip asking for permission to go further. The speaker opened her mouth, letting you explore her mouth with your tongue, licking at her teeth and tongue. She gasped when feeling a new presence behind her, Alucard’s hands grasping at her chest through her clothes, fangs scraping at her neck. You detached yourself from her to take in the sight before you: Alucard kissing and suckling bites into Sypha’s neck, her hand reaching back to grip at his blonde tresses, mouth hanging open and already panting. 
It made you so wet looking at them. You kissed the other side of her neck while Trevor started groping you, hands moving up and down your body, even rubbing at your clothed pussy for a moment before moving back up. You moaned, looking up at Sypha and Alucard sharing a heated kiss, his hand covering her throat. You were pulled back. “I don’t know how I feel about him kissing my wife like that..” The Belmont mumbled, and with a snicker you turned to look at him, both hands running through his silky hair. “Then why don’t you kiss his wife like that?” You challenge, immediately being pressed closer to him with a moan. Your shared kiss with Trevor wasn’t as soft, not like a woman’s touch--it was all tongue and teeth, his hands gripping at you and moving to take your clothes off as quickly as possible. You couldn’t help but giggle, looking back to see Alucard doing the same to Sypha. You shared a look with him, making sure you were both still on the same page. A hand shot out,gripping at your jaw and turning your head. “Look at me, beautiful. Wanna be in on the fun.” Fuck. You understood why your sweet and charming husband looked at Belmont with lust in his eyes. You palmed at his crotch, Trevor hissing into your mouth and bucking into your hand. “Take these off, Trevor..” You mumbled against his lips, feeling entirely too exposed in comparison to him. Throwing caution to the wind Trevor discarded his clothes quickly, latching himself back onto you. You trailed your kisses down his body, across his strong chest, chiseled abs, making sure to lick over all the scars that littered his body on the way down. You gave special treatment around his adonis belt, licking his happy trail along the way. “Fuck, Alucard you never said your wife was insatiable.” He joked, though his laughter came out shakier than he intended it to. 
“Same could be said to you.” He mumbled against Sypha’s skin, who was writhing underneath him already. He was kissing and biting at her hips, trailing his tongue and fangs to the inside of her thighs, exposed cunt near his face. Sypha leaned up on her forearms, watching his every move with baited breath, letting out soft whimpers each time he bit down on a particularly sensitive spot on her thighs. She wanted to complain, wanted to beg him to stop teasing her the way she would have with Trevor--but when he peaked up through his long lashes and those beautiful hues looked at her, well, she couldn’t help but let him continue at an excruciatingly slow pace. One of his hands trailed up her body, groping and pinching at her tit and nipple, pulling the hard bud here and there in between. Sypha moaned, opening her legs up more for him and bucking up, in hopes he would move faster to where she wanted it. He clicked his tongue once, before licking a stripe up her pussy. “So impatient..” He whispered against her, other arm wrapping around underneath her thigh and pulling her flush against his face, lapping up her juices as she squirmed above him. “Oh, fuck.” Sypha fell against the bed, both hands tugging at Alucard’s hair as he moved to fuck her on his tongue. No matter how eloquent the man seemed, Alucard ate pussy like a man starved. And he had been wanting her for so long, lusting after the couple from the moment they met. He wouldn’t let her go dissatisfied. 
Trevor couldn’t help but look at the sight before him: his friend going down on his wife that was writhing in pleasure underneath him. He wanted to feel a pang of jealousy, really he did, but he was so turned on it made his dick jump. He heard you giggle underneath him, licking from the tip of his cock down to his balls. A hand slowly pumped him as he bit back a moan, swallowing hard as you continued to tease and kiss at his dick. “They look good, don’t they?” You commented on the couple next to you, mouthing at the length before engulfing his cock into your mouth, sucking and spitting it. Trevor shuddered a breath, bucking his hips deeper into your mouth accidentally, letting out a small moan when he saw how good you took him in your mouth. Trevor was a bit girthier than Alucard, but what he lacked in thickness he made up for in length. You were fortunately very used to being face fucked, taking Trevor’s length was easy for you, if only just a tad shorter. He pet your hair, grabbing at the roots and letting you set a pace, leaning over and smacking your ass for good measure. You moaned around him, stuttering and gagging around him from the sudden slap. 
You felt a delicate hand slip two fingers into your soaking cunt, causing you to moan again around the brunette. Behind you was Sypha, slowly fucking her fingers into your wet heat. Her head was spinning with how good Alucard was eating her, but having your pussy right in her face was driving her mad. She wanted a taste, even if just from licking the juices off her fingers. Alucard noticed, releasing the grip he had on her just enough for her to reposition herself underneath you, grabbing at your hips and begging you to sit on her face. “Beautiful pussy..” you heard her whisper, bringing a heat to your face. Sypha was sloppy, still so new to eating cunt but her desire to make you feel good was so overwhelming she couldn’t help but keep licking at you. She was a quick learner, feeling your hole clench around her tongue whenever she licked up a certain way, your hips pressing down harder into her face when she sucked your clit. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you rutted against her face, feeling Trevor take control of her head and fucking into your throat. 
Alucard brought Sypha up to her first orgasm, pushing two fingers into her heat and curling up--hitting that squishy spot that had her creaming on his face. She moaned into your pussy, causing you to hump at her face using her to get to your high. It wasn’t long until you were there, sucking harsh on your nub when you came. “You girls look so good when you cum.” Trevor laughed breathlessly, pulling you off his cock to let you catch your breath. Alucard chuckled, removing the last of his clothes and kneeling. “I’d have to agree with you Belmont, they’re gorgeous aren’t they.” The compliments had you preening, turning around stradling Spyha, rubbing your body on hers as you tasted yourself on her tongue, before looking up at your husband with a salacious smile. “I want a taste~” You cooed, pulling him down for a kiss and licking into his mouth with a moan. “Taste so good on his tongue, Sypha.” Her body shuddered, a light blush dusting her skin. Alucard looked over at Trevor, slowly pumping his cock as he eyed both yours and Sypha’s pussy on display for him. “Do you want a taste, Belmont?” Alucard was treading lightly, still unsure if Trevor would reciprocate. “Fuck, come here you stupid vampire.” Without a second thought, Trevor grabbed the back of Alucard’s neck and smashed his lips against him, biting and licking his lips, tongues circling each other in a fight to dominate the other. Alucard whimpered, letting Trevor take the lead as he licked into his mouth, the blonde’s nails clawing down Trevor’s chest and grabbing a hold of his hard cock. The vampire hunter hissed, pulling back to look at the way Alucard stroked him, huffing as Alucard traveled south to suck him off. Trevor moaned, head being thrown back as the other male sucked him off with enthusiasm. Alucard bobbed his head, tongue sticking out from his mouth and slurped the spit that was dribbling from his mouth. 
You moved to get underneath Alucard, enough to be able to take his cock into your mouth. He was incredibly hard, leaking precum over the sheets as he continued to ignore his own pleasure for everyone elses’. So selfless. You lapped up the stickiness from the head, and trailing down to his balls, taking one into your mouth and laving your tongue over it, while your hand jerked at his enlarged cock. He stuttered on Trevor’s cock, causing him to release him with a pop and take hold with his hand, flicking his wrist and keeping a pleasurable pressure on him. “Ah fuck, darling, so good for me.” He groaned, gripping the roots at the crown of your head, pulling you up to shove you down onto his cock. You gagged, regaining your composure as you continued to choke around him, nosing his pubes with each thrust he gave you. Alucard continued giving Trevor attention, wrapping his pretty lips against his dick again, nails clawing at his thighs with each thrust Trevor decided to meet with his bobbing. 
Sypha moved up to kiss Trevor, tongue licking at his mouth, gripping his broad shoulders as they made out. He dipped two fingers into her wet cunt, pistoning them in and out of her sloppy pussy. “Fuck, they’re better than I thought they’d be.” Trevor all but moaned into her mouth, and she nodded in agreement, fucking herself down on his thick fingers. Trevor pulled Alucard off his cock, the dhampir’s eyes glassing over with lust, pulling him up for a quick kiss before whispering against him: “I want to fuck your wife.”
You and Sypha moved in tandem, face down ass up towards Trevor, practically presenting your dripping cunts to him while the two of you moved to lick and suck Alucard’s cock and balls. It was nearly overwhelming ,feeling the love of his life share his dick with his friend, exchanging kisses and spit with each other. He almost forgot why he was in this position in the first place before hearing you squeal. Trevor pushed into your tight heat, pussy greedily sucking him in with each thrust. “Fuck! Pussy so good.” He growled, grabbing a hold of your hips and slamming himself into you. Alucard saw your eyes roll to the back of your head, slowly becoming cockdrunk off Trevor’s dick. It made his dick twitch in Sypha’s mouth, a glob of precum oozing out onto her tongue. Your mouth lolled open, tongue hanging as you drooled onto the sheets below you. You couldn’t form any words, just babbling away at how good Trevor was making you feel. Trevor pulled out, only to shove himself into Sypha turning her to mush the same way. You’d both give Alucard head, turning messy and sloppy each time Trevor would take turns with the two of you. Then Trevor surprised the dhampir the most.
“You want a turn, pretty boy?”
“Trevor you fuck him so good.” You gasped, rubbing your pussy along Sypha’s, fingers in her mouth making her a mess underneath you. On the side of you was Alucard already crying at the feeling of his tight hole being pummeled by the Belmont. He was so full, cock feeling so much better than he could have ever imagined. Alucard reached for you, grabbing at your free hand. You held his hand, looking over to your husband with your eyes hazy, cunt sopping wet against the speaker’s. “Look at you honey, so fucking handsome.” You heard him moan, tip wet with his arousal. Sypha’s muffled voice was warped around your fingers, letting up enough to let her speak. “Wanna ride him, please.” Her eyes were pleading, and who were you to deny her?
She scrambled from below you, hovering over his cock and lining herself up, Trevor slowing down enough to let her slowly fill herself up with Alucard’s cock. She clawed at his chest, feeling so full and having him so deep was making her pant. Trevor sped up once again, wrapping a hand around Sypha to tease and grope her tits. He kissed at her back and shoulders, biting every now and again with pleasure. Alucard was dizzy, pleasure completely overwhelming him, but he knew something was still missing-you were still missing. With hazy eyes he looked at you, not even giving you a moment before he pulled you onto his face and ate you like a man starved. You cried out, feeling his tongue to deep curling into your cunt as you rode him. Each moan he let out vibrated against your pussy, pushing you closer to the edge. Sypha was just about as far along as you were, bouncing on Alucard’s dick with fervor. You reached down to rub at her swollen clit, occasionally pinching the bundle of nerves. She cried out, trembling and clenching on Alucard, riding her orgasm on his cock until she tapped: climbing off him to catch her breath. Alucard was losing his mind, so close to cumming. You could feel his desperation in the way he ate you out. Leaning down you took his cock into your mouth, taste Sypha’s cum on his length. Alucard held out as long as he could, waiting to feel you clench around his tongue and tasting your cum, gushing out over his tongue and face, before moaning and bucking into your tongue releasing his sticky fluids into your mouth and deep down your throat. Trevor took all the sights in, dick twitching inside Alucard before he pulled out, pulling Sypha down and jerking onto her tongue. “Share with our pretty boy, beautiful.” He panted, having Sypha crawling up to Alucard’s mouth and sharing Trevor’s cum with him after you moved away. 
The four of you collapsed onto the large bed, nothing but pants and huffs heard in the air, thick with the scent of sex. “So...this is what you two freaks get up to?” Trevor teased, feeling a pillow lunged at him muffling his face. 
“I liked it better when you didn’t talk, Belmont.”
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bloodypeachblog · 7 months
Vox x F!Reader NSFW drabbles/headcanons/fic
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I woke up at 5:30 AM this morning and this popped into my head. I had to write it down and post it. It's 7 am now. With that, I'm going back to sleep. Pink text is you, blue text is Vox. Enjoy!
Taglist: @omniuravity @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered @neonvehk and anyone who loves Vox and/or Hazbin Hotel!
Imagine you're in a poly-friends-with-benefits thing with Vox and Val.
You guys fuck on the regular and you all have a great time.
But deep down, afterwards, you don't feel that satisfied.
Your body was satisfied, but not your heart.
You cared about both of them dearly, hell, even loved them.
But you knew that they would never feel the same.
Of course they wouldn't.
One night, after sex, you guys lay there in bed.
You laid between the two men, Val has his back to you on one side, and Vox was laying on his back on the other.
You just lay there, thinking.
Val broke your heart just a few moments ago and it hurt you more than you thought.
It wasn't an out of the blue thing, it wouldn't even bat an eyelash if every party felt it was nothing but sexual.
But it still hurt.
Once you all finished, there was a moment where you and Val looked into each others eyes.
You were hoping that he'd feel some sort of connection between you two, that there was something more than sex there.
But that wasn't the case. He just turned his back to you, not even saying a word other than 'night'.
You didn't expect it to hit you that hard, but as you laid there, your eyes held heartbreak and loneliness, like you would do anything for someone to hold you and love you.
You feel tears in your empty eyes and struggle not to cry.
You hear Vox, breaking your train of thought. You turn to him and a tear drips down your cheek.
This causes his expression to change, turning towards you with a slightly worried gaze.
"Hey, what's wrong? You alright?"
You immediately wipe your tears away and laugh.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Guess the sex was that good, eh?"
Vox wasn't buying it.
He got on top of you and pinned you to the bed, his expression a stern one.
"Don't give me that bullshit. You're not okay. What's going on? Tell me."
There was no sweeping this under the rug. No forgetting it. He needed to know.
You can start feeling tears building up again and you say, "you promise not to laugh?"
"I won't laugh. Just tell me."
As you talked, tears started to well up and drip down your face as you spoke normally.
"Well, we fuck all the time, and it's great. But I always wanted something...more..you know? But you guys are so big and important, I don't even feel like I deserve to be here right now. I know it's stupid to expect anything like that from you guys. I mean, besides, who in their right mind would ever care about me, or even love me, right?"
You fake laughed as you said that last sentence, but he felt that pain like a plate of glass shattering in his heart and soul.
Oh, that hit home.
He knew exactly how you felt.
He may have been an overlord, but even he felt impostor's syndrome over it.
He'd never show it, but deep down, he felt like he didn't deserve to be as powerful as he was, to have everything he has.
That's why he made an agreement with Velvette and Valentino and formed the Vees, so he could feel important, like he was a part of something.
Everything seemed fine, but he felt so scared..
He felt it was just a matter of time until everything fell apart.
He knew neither of them would be there for him when things went bad. They wouldn't care about him, not one bit.
There was even one small, tiny shimmer of hope that he and Val could be something more, that there would be at least one person who genuinely cared, but he knew it'd never happen.
So hearing you say the words he was thinking and seeing the same look in your eyes was like looking into a mirror.
He gently cupped your cheeks and looked at you softly and only said two words.
"I would."
Before you could properly register what he just said, he leaned in and kissed you on the lips.
You were confused, but then you notice how he was kissing you.
This wasn't a lust-filled, makeout session to get you guys aroused and ready to go.
This was soft, tender, comforting. Like a warm blanket wrapped around you on a cold winter's night.
Then you realized what he said.
He would care for you and love you, not just that...he did.
You feel a few tears drip down your cheek as you closed your eyes and kissed him back.
You wrap your arms around Vox as the kiss continued. Your heart swelled and you could feel your body heat up once more.
Same went with Vox. As he shifted the kiss down to your neck and collarbone, he could feel himself getting hard again.
Everything felt so good, but this was much deeper, much more intense.
It wasn't too long until Vox slid himself inside you and started to thrust.
You moan as he lovingly thrust deep into you.
This wasn't him being quick just to get off; this was slow, no rush whatsoever.
It was like time had stopped just for you two to savor this moment.
The sound of Vox's soft groans and moans in your ear as he thrusted into you made your body heat up even more.
If you guys were louder, you probably would've woken Val up, but he was deep asleep, not hearing a thing.
Hell, he wouldnt care anyway, just thinking you two couldn't wait for him and decided to go together. No big deal.
Vox made sure to hit that deep spot in you, not chasing his own desires and instead trying to get you to cum as many times possible before he did.
But after a few hours (it felt like a few minutes with you two), you both could feel your climaxes building up, ready to explode.
Soon, Vox's thrusts became faster and slower, wanting to cum so badly but wanted you to cum first.
Luckily, he didn't have to wait long.
Through the moans and the pants, it wasn't long until he hit that spot one final time and made you see stars.
As you came, Vox did something that you never expected.
He came inside you.
As you both came, he kept himself inside and let his cum fill you up.
Him and Val never did that before. They'd always pull out and let their cum land on your body and face while you came on nothing.
But this? This was a clear message to you, a declaration of love, he was wordlessly saying 'this is how much you mean to me. This is for you and only you. This is how much I love you.'
A tear escaped your eye at that realization.
Soon, you both lost your highs and collapsed on each other, Vox sliding to lay on his side, facing you.
He pulled you close and held you, like if he let go, you'd disappear and this moment wouldn't have ever happened.
You held him, your arms wrapping around him and your head resting on his chest.
You could hear his circuits buzzing, his heart beating. That was all for you.
The joy you felt was indescribable.
"I love you." You let those words fall out of your mouth without any hesitation.
You started to drift off, but you kept yourself awake to hear his response.
He gently rubbed your back and said softly, "I love you too.."
With that, you could finally doze off, knowing someone genuinely loved you as much as you loved them.
Vox fell asleep knowing that no matter what happened, even if he lost everything, he'd still have you, and he'd be okay.
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heaartzzforcupidzz · 3 months
Heyyy I was wondering if I could request something?? You don't have to do it but I wondering if you could do a Catnap and Dogday x reader who acts very motherly to everyone? It can be smut or not, you can decide. But I'd really appreciate it if you did my request. Thanksss :3
“Kitty Catty.”
Relationship(s): catnap x bunny!mother!reader x Dogday
Warning(s): fluff, suggestive
You were basically everyone’s mother. They all adored you when you were created. You were created for the purpose of acting like a caring mother to the poor orphans. You did your job so well that even the other critters considered you their mom except Catnap and Dogday. They saw you as.. well, we will talk about that, later, hm?
There was a storm that night and instead of sleeping in your warm cozy bed, you had laid in the middle of the floor with a blanket because Kickin’ oddly enough was afraid of all the thunder and lightning. you didn’t complain though. you hummed a tune until you were sure, he was out like a light.
For another instance, if Bubba had become stressed that he couldn’t answer a problem, you would gently ease his mind with questions he could answer and then help him figure out the one he couldn’t by himself. Afterwards, you’d tell him how proud you were of him.
Lastly, it’s how when Bobby felt alone and that nobody really reciprocated how she loved. You’d try to match her love or even top it. She loved you the most for it. You never made her feel like a problem. You even looked at her like she was everything to you and she loved you dearly for it.
Dogday and Catnap loved that about you. You were sweet, caring, and made sure others were okay before you tried to even look after yourself. That last part was good and bad to them but nevertheless, it still made you so special in everyone’s hearts.
“Wake up, Kitty Catty,” one of the kids said as he poked the side of Catnaps fur. Catnap just opened his eyes and stared. Trying to determine if he’d use his gas or not. This was the second time this kids, Timothy, he believed has walked away from the group to mess with him.
Catnap stood tall. Timothy instantly became fearful, his heart thumping loudly. Soon enough, here you came and ushered Timothy out of Catnaps ‘hiding’ place. you then turned, a nervous smile on your plush lips. “Im sorry, Kitty-“ something he has grown a liking to ever since you called him that your first meet. “He’s just playful and can be a bit eccentric at times.”
Catnap only stared at you. He nodded before he walked away. Strange? he usually put up more of a fight with the others.. why was he so different towards you? you didn’t care too much though as you heard a child cry. your feet moved quicker than your mind and soon, you were holding the crying child up to your chest.
“Charlie? what’s wrong, my dear?” you said, sweetly as you softly rubbed circles on her stomach as she looked up at you. She sniffed and told you she had fell and the other kids began to laugh at her. you sighed, before you pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Mm, did you tell them that wasn’t very nice?” You asked. Charlotte otherwise known as Charlie shook her head. “Well, maybe you should.. and if it doesn’t stop, tell them that mama is coming for them.” You said, before putting her down and watching her smile.
“Thanks, mama.” She said before she ran off with the other children. You hadn’t noticed Dogday standing behind you with Timothy. Timothy had been telling Dogday all about how Catnap had frightened him.
“That was amazing.” Dogday said, breaking the silence. you were abit frightened but turning around and seeing Dogday, you smiled. “Oh hello!” You greeted. That’s how you and Dogdays friendship began.
You had already knew Catnap and he sat with you sometimes and just watched the ‘stars’ with you. You weren’t expecting for both of them to confess to you a year or maybe even two later. But you weren’t complaining.
They both accepted the fact that you loved them both equally and that they’d have to learn to share. Which they did. It worked good for all three parties and you became an actual mother to your own litter soon enough.
They made you the happiest mother in the world.
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nivea-ah · 2 months
I had started mha out of boredom back when the pandemic had just started (it's been four years!) and soon grew to be obsessed with it, but due to the never-ending woes of growing older and weaker (I hate you exams), I stopped reading the manga a year or two ago.
I would still visit the mha tag on tumblr and read what other's had to say about it but never really continued reading or watching it. Many said the writing was horrible and the random was even worse. They said the plot was too stretched out and repetitive and it's genuinely a very bad manga. I didn't believe it but I didn't really have a base to fight back on (in my head of course because I have better things to do than fight online) because I stopped reading the manga. But, today, I can finally say that I have caught up with the manga AND IT'S THE BEST ENDING YOU CAN EVER EXPECT OUT OF A SERIES.
The final war was of the perfect length, not too short to just be a quarrel, not too long to be tedious. There were developments and setbacks that made it even more exciting. All plot points were tied up nice and tight so that no side story was left incomplete. Everything was done wonderfully.
What I liked even more was that even with the ending of the war, we still got a lot of chapters on the mundane life of class 2-A and saw how they were holding up. Everything's going smoothly (maybe) and Shinsou's joined their class! Yay! We even got a wonderful scene between Izuku and Ochako which I so dearly loved <3 While I don't ship them, they most certainly are cute together <33
Finally, I shall talk about said 'toxic fandom'. MHA for a VERY long time has been called a toxic fandom because 'ew you ppl ship deku with any guy he's straight >:(' Okay. If you think he's straight, good for you <3 I, personally, like to think of him as bi because that helps me sleep well at night and I quite like my 8 hours of sleep. Sure, there are people who are crazy but there are crazy people EVERYWHERE in EVERY FANDOM. JJK is a good example. But it still remains a wonderful piece of literature because it is!! So, I think people should really move on from this 'MHA is hated a lot so I should too' because the wonderful story and the just as wonderful ending proved that it is truly an amazing series that will live in my heart for years to come because it is the only manga that made me feel so much, cry so much and enjoy so much. And with that, thank you for reading <3
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hoaxriot · 1 year
Sirius x reader where the marauders are ignoring him after the prank on Snape and the reader comforts him.
pairings. sirius black x reader
synopsis. after sirius did the prank he can’t find comfort from anyone but you.
notes. thank you for requesting this, i hope you like it🫶🏻!
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the marauders was a tight knit group of friends, of course on top of the other friends they had but just them no one could come between them— except their own. sirius didn’t mean for it to happen the way it did but it was the biggest betrayal remus has ever encountered so it split the group up or really sirius being not apart of it.
everyone stopped talking to him, he deserved it but he beat himself up for it, he couldn’t sleep in the dorm and he couldn’t even feel okay sleeping in your dorm since all the girls were on remus’ side.
he was currently sat watching the fire on the couch in the common room, thinking of millions of things. maybe he was who his parents said he was, maybe being around all these kind people made him forget who he actually was, maybe— his thoughts were cut short when he felt someone touch his shoulder from behind him.
he jumped a bit turning around to see you in your pajamas with a cardigan tugged around your torso. he softened as he met your eyes but his shoulders were still stiff, his mind was still yelling at him. it got worse when you started to make your way around the couch seeing how upset he was, he watched as you gently sit down beside him and grab his hand softly.
he didn’t lock his fingers the way you did.
you don’t deserve her. you don’t deserve her. you don’t deserve her. he repeatedly said to himself in his head. he doesn’t deserve anyone, so he let go of your hand causing you lips to curve down a little.
“sirius?” you said lightly, he didn’t move he just stared at the fire.
“i don’t deserve you, i don’t.. i don’t deserve anything from you.” he spoke, you could tell he was already getting choked up but you didn’t move letting him get his emotions out.
“i did something horrible to- to someone you has done everything for me, remus has done everything good for me from the moment i sat down next to james on the train. he didn’t judge me for my last name or my family. for anything. a-and i did everything wrong to him in one single night. everyone hates me, yo— you should hate me, i need someone else to hate me and tell me how horrible i am. everyone is so quiet around me or they look at me oddly. i need someone to tell me— i need someone to tell me how wrong i am, how i am exactly like who my mother told me i am.” he ranted, sirius started to cry leaning over to hold his head in his hands, pulling at his long locks.
“sirius,” you put your hand on his back but he moved away, this time you didn’t pull away. you grabbed his hand from his head grabbing his face gently so he could look at you but he moved his face again.
“sirius. yes, you did something wrong. and yes, remus has every right to be mad and yes everyone is entitled to be upset— especially remus, you know that,” you spoke, you couldn’t lie to him but you loved sirius dearly so lying won’t work.
“but you are nothing like what your mom told you or who she forced you to be, nothing. you will never be that. you have the sweetest heart and people do things that they shouldn’t do. you have to learn and know what you did wrong for you to forgive yourself. you have got to stop sitting down here all night and beating yourself up, not sleeping, drinking when your mind gets to heavy, going to class late. you can’t do that.” he shakes his head as he listens, why are you being so sweet?
“no! you don’t understand. i am not who everyone thinks i am, this is who i am.” sirius looks at you eyes full of tears, you shook your head as you felt the sting in your eyes as tears started to form, he was so deep in head he was convincing himself that he was a horrible person because of this.
“no, sirius. this is not who you are!” you slightly raised your voice, he looked up at you listening to you for the first time, actually listening . “you did something wrong, yes. okay? but your whole word is not ending, you are not falling to the wrong side because of this. sirius, remus needs time. you have to give yourself time. you’re moving to fast, you’re listening to every single thought that pops into your mind. you can’t do that.” you talk, he listens. as you finish he lets out a sob shaking his head multiple times.
he easily falls into your body making you fall back onto the couch, half his body is off of you so it doesn’t hurt.
“why don’t you hate me like everyone else does?” he speaks into your collarbone where his head lays, you feel his breath on your free skin.
“one bad thing doesn’t defy who you are.” you speak softly as you bring one hand to his hair. he begins to sob again.
the prank that sirius did was wrong but you loved sirius, you also loved remus and sirius knew that so he pushed you away. he ignored you, you let him but as he went into a hole you couldn’t anymore. you saw him sleep on the couch (more of him staring off into nothing.) you noticed the way he come into class looking messy, the bottles beside the couch in the morning.
he needed someone to tell him what he needed to hear, you gave him his space because sirius is hard headed when it comes to his emotions. he shuts everyone out when he comes home from a bad break at his home, he doesn’t mean to. it’s just what he grew up with. he never had anyone, he always comforted his younger brother not being able to bare regulus with more. so he did it all by himself.
so that’s why you came down tonight knowing he was going to be there awake— thinking.
you let sirius cry as you held him, another night sirius black cried himself to sleep after the prank but he had someone for once. he let his emotions out in front of someone, he let someone help him.
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slasherwife · 2 years
Hiya! (Don’t know if requests are open but if not just ignore-)
how would the slashers react to their s/o who goes in and out of the hospital because of health problems?
Hope you Have a good day/night and stay safe! ^^
hiya my darling i especially love you and this is an adorbs ask 🥺 thank u for sending this in!! and sorry for the extreme delay 🥹💞
i decided to include brahmsy because i miss him dearly 🥹💗
Slashers with an s/o who’s in and out of the hospital
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summary you and your slasher husband must make time for your hospital checkups and whatnot. how does this impact the relationship and mental health of both of you?😇💕
warnings fluffff🥺🌷
thomas is the one to carrying you to the hospital if it came to it. every single time. he just loves you so much 😭💞 he can’t let you be in danger. he is the first one at your side every single time you are in need of help with your health.
he will be a mother hen. anything that hoyt requests you do, he will be at your side making sure you are safe and protected, whatever it is. unless luda is there to help, he will be at your side diligently to make sure his love is doing okay and that they don’t need help🥺🌷
he is insanely protective. thomas is like a protective force field around you, literally nothing can harm you while he is your beloved protector 🥺💞 tommy notices when hoyt purposefully gives you difficult tasks he knows you won’t be able to do, and since then, tommy has made it his personal goal to make hoyt afraid of messing with you. and boy, he can be terrifying🥲
when the time comes where you need to be on the way back to the hospital, tommy is pushing through everyone in his way to get to you. 🥺🫶 you are his heart, his baby, his beloved one. he is your sole protector and he will see to it that you get the proper care you need. don’t worry y/n, thomas is here to keep you safe.
he doesn’t mind doctors. just make his sweetheart healthy and there won’t be a problem🤗💗
jason is a little passive when it comes to medical stuff. i mean, he lived off the bare minimum after the lake incident, and then became undead so~~😂💞 but once he realizes the love of his life, the flower on his mountain, needs this medical care, he will do everything in his power to get them to it🌷
jason is very very understanding. 💕you had explained to jason that you are often in and out of the hospital for whatever reason. this might result in you disappearing for a few hours, to a few days at a time, but there was nothing you could do about it. 🥺 in those soft and expressive eyes of his, you could read, “i would wait forever for you.” 🌷💕
when you return, expect the softest princess treatment. jason has made the bed for you, lavished with new soft blankets and pillows. he has your favorite stuffed animals, and once you’re snuggled in, he gives your stuffies kisses before tucking them with you, and then giving you forehead kisses, and making a “shh~~” sound while stroking your hair😭🌷💗
he likes carrying you everywhere😭🥺 or at least holding your hand softly as he walks places. i think it’s a very soft manifestation of his possessiveness, and fear of losing you. he carry’s you like a baby, or like a baby koala, on your walks through the forest🥺💗 or if he needs to go somewhere and you want to go with him, he won’t hesitate on wrapping you in your favorite blanket and taking you with him💕🌷
with jason, you will be treated like the softest lil mushroom baby princess to ever grace earth🥺💞 unless you don’t want to be, at least let him tuck you in and hold your hand softly whenever you’re with him 🌷he’s just scared to lose you.
michael absolutely cannot stand doctors. as we all know, michael has not had very nice interactions with them growing up! in fact one could argue they ruined his life😭he definitely does not want that for you, but he understands that this is the best way for you to stay healthy💕🫶
michael’s trust issues causes him to stalk you your entire stay at the hospital. whether that be days or a few hours. it’s definitely not for distrust of you, but for the doctors he despises. he knows if they were to even slip up once, they would be in an inescapable world of hell from him🥺💕that’s his parter they’re putting needles in, one mishap and they are all dead😩
in a way, he becomes your doctor too, ironically. if you have specific medicine you need to take, you best BELIEVE michael’s going to be standing with your meds in hand outside your door, AS SOON as you wake up 😭💗he watches as you eat, drink, monitors your caffeine intake, hides, trashes, burns any food he seems unhealthy for you. he’s hyper fixated on your well-being even though it’s not obvious.
you honestly will not notice it, but he’s hyper fixated on keeping you alive. he has stayed up all night, multiple nights, to watch how much sleep you’re getting😖💞he makes sure your water is filled up enough to his liking, your portions are ample, and every single prescribed pill (if you are prescribed medication) is downed at the exact time it’s supposed to be consumed😇
you will not notice at all how protective michael is over you. when he doesn’t approve of one of your doctors (for whatever reason) they are gone, and another will come in. he pulls the strings, and he makes it seem so effortless. all for you, all for his love, his darling one🌷💞
he cries every time you leave. “don’t leave me~~” he sobs. but in a way he isn’t crying for himself, and somehow you know too. 🌷💕he knows you’ll always come back, it’s why he loves you so so dearly. but what if you are too sick to come home one day? what if you die in the hospital, alone, and he’s left alone forever without you? 😭
he notices that you are tired and weak after your hospital visits. brahms certainly is selfish but when he loves someone as much as he loves you, he will go to ends of the earth to please you and earn your praise🥹💗he will make you your favorite snacks, and bring you his favorite toys or read something from his poetry book 🥹💞 it’s his way of showing you he cares!
g-d forbid anything happen at the house. brahms isn’t good at remembering when you need to take any medication or any special instructions for yourself given by the doctor❤️‍🩹😖what if one day you forget and you pass out or something? he is so anxious because if this and tries his best to make sure you are looking healthy every day. he can’t ever lose you y/n!🥲💗
you will receive a very clingy boi once you arrive back home😖💗 once you step back into the heelshire mansion, expect a rumbling and brahms stepping out from the walls, encasing you into his warm arms mumbling incoherent speech, his grip tight on your hips and waist. he missed you so much 🥺🌷
brahms will be very sad every time you leave to go to the hospital, but he must come to terms with the fact that it must happen. he struggles with severe abandonment issues every since his parents and greta left him, but he will learn that you will always return to him🌷
bo sinclair
he will certainly not make a very big deal about it. and he will absolutely not relay any of your medical information to lester or vincent. you want to know anything about y/n? fuck off. it’s none of their business. he won’t like talking or hearing about your mortality or health, it makes him overthink and anxious and he doesn’t like feeling that way at all :(
generally, bo is extra gentle with you and extra angry with his potentially hazardous brothers. when you are feeling particularly sick, he’s speaking in hushed cooes while stroking your cheek🥺💕if you’re on the couch he makes sure both brothers know not to make any loud noises. he will tease you for being a couch potato while literally wrapping you in blankets and spoon feeding you apple sauce😭 he loves it when you visit him in the garage, talking to you is like a drug to him 🥺💞
bo goes extra lengths to make sure everything is in order. when the time comes around to make a trip to the hospital, bo is loading up the truck with necessities and blankets and whatever else you want. he has vincent help him sometimes. and he doesn’t want you to question a thing 🥹💗 of course he’s doing this for you, baby girl. sweet thing, just get in the front seat and let him take control. 🌷
he sits with you and holds your hand or thigh in the waiting room. when the doctor comes around he sits up and shakes the doctors hand like a suburban dad before they take you back to do screenings and go over your symptoms and medications😭💗bo stays in the waiting room with his knuckles brushing over his chin, and watching the clock.
surprisingly, bo is extremely good at taking care of you. it mostly comes from him taking care of vincent and lester all those years. he is absolutely terrified at the possibility of losing you to any sickness you may have, but masks it with teasing words and his overprotective tendencies😭💗
vincent sinclair
he is very scared of being incompetent at taking care of you. he might go to bo for advice, and will feel guilty for not going with you to the hospital when the time comes😞🌷. he gets bo to get you a car to use when you need to leave for your appointments, and will not eat and barely sleep while you are away.
he gets some sort of communication between you two so you can update him when you are away at the hospital😊 this way he can know when things are going well, and get better idea of when you will be home. this helps his distress and separation anxiety a lot🤗💝
when you return home, you are going straight to your room. you aren’t even inside the house yet and vincent’s warm arms are wrapped around you, his hard chest against your back, his face in the crook of your neck breathing you in. you are finally home🌷 vincent takes your hand gently and leads you into your guys’s shared room, cuddling with you in the bed running his artist hands up and down your body.
he makes you little trinkets to bring with you to the hospital. he thinks of it as him being with you in a way, and sees it as protection 😇💕this also calms his separation anxiety in a way, and it gives him an excuse to spoil you in endless gifts, for his goddess muse 😩💞
since i think bo would generally leave y’all alone, vincent would be an excellent caretaker and really takes on the role of a mental support system. the texting is a huge help to both of you, if you are having anxiety at the hospital, vincent is right there to calm your nerves 😇💕don’t worry dear one, your darling husband vincent will always be by your side 🌷
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milliesfishes · 1 month
Okay, throwing my hat into the kidnapping fic ring (there's a sentence I never thought I'd say... and probably got me put on some list somewhere) with a twist, where, in an attempt to get Billy to turn himself in, some lawmen arrest the reader, exploiting some legal loophole. And Billy comes to break her out?
୨ৎ⋆𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓳𝓪𝓲𝓵୨ৎ⋆ 𝓯𝓮𝓶 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓭
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The law had never been fair, despite its reputation.
You knew this better than you knew the back of your hand, better than you knew the names of every constellation freckling the sky above. Both you and Billy knew it. But what good was knowing anything you couldn't change? Sitting here now in a darkened cell, cool of the concrete beneath your thighs breaking through the skirt of your dress, you put your head in your hands. How had it all come to this?
It had been a day free of anything out of the ordinary, which was welcome. Being with a man like Billy meant embracing the mundane, growing to love it as dearly as you did him. A day like this was wrought in simple pleasures. The sun on your face as you rode into town. A ladybug that landed on your wrist, allowing you do make a quick wish before it flew away.
Meandering about in the market, you daydreamed happily about Billy coming home later that night. You'd make him something he'd be excited to eat, listen as he told you about his day. And at the end of the night, you would let him kiss you all over, lingering in certain spots as you whispered how much you loved him.
Standing on tiptoes to peer across the square, you spotted a fruit stand, lighting up. Peaches were fresh in season, and your mouth was practically watering at the sight of them. Billy would love to have such a sweet treat when he came home. You began to head in that direction, visions of peach pie and fresh cut slivers dancing through your head.
Just as they were within reach, someone grabbed your arm. Your bag was pulled roughly from your grasp, and a low voice announced that you were under arrest.
A sharp bolt of shock tore through you, eyes widening as you looked up at the men who detained you, the glint of their badges nearly blinding you. In a tone shakier than your hands, you asked, "Under what charges?"
"Cavorting with an outlaw," one growled, binding your hands with the cool metal of handcuffs. Heart beating in your ears, you stumbled forward as they pushed you, breathing heavy, tears stinging your eyes.
"I haven't done anything wrong," you protested tearfully, trying to struggle out of their hold. "Please-"
A silent glare put an end to your struggling, and they escorted you forcefully to the jail, shoving you into a cell without so much as a word. Mind racing, you scrambled for any kind of out. Any sort of solution would present itself to you soon, you were certain.
But your head was drier than the desert, empty except for the single, obvious thought that you were utterly alone. Here in the prison cell, completely shrouded from hope, there was no clear outcome. Why had they chosen now to arrest you, if what you were doing was such a crime? So many times had you been seen out with Billy, one of his arms looped around your waist, nosing a kiss into your hair. Where had the warrant for your arrest been then?
With nothing else to do in sight, you sunk your eyes into your knees, tears falling fast and steady. Everything was tipping precariously, leaning down a chasm of many things terrible. You saw a future of this, of never again seeing another person without bars between you.
It was an awful experience- imagining such things. They only pushed you further over the edge into tears. It felt as though you would never dry up, your eyes producing fresh twin rivers the second you thought it was over. You were despondent, inconsolable. Nothing within your reach could comfort you now.
When the sky grew dark, you scarcely noticed, too lost in your tears to focus on much else. Moonbeams split through the crude window, almost taunting you. To you the sky was freedom, and you didn't have any of that right now. Everything you'd wanted for your future was cracked and shattered, dangled in front of you before being snatched away. It was cruel, the way everything changed in the blink of an eye.
Closing your eyes, you tried to find a reason to sleep. It wasn't like you were going to be able to do anything else. But your tired body refused to slip under the waves of unconsciousness, stubbornly floating above them. You opened your eyes in frustration, staring into blackness. The horror of your situation hit you once more, and a fresh wave of tears soaked your cheeks. How had Billy reacted when he came home to an empty house? Did he know what had happened?
For his sake, you hoped he didn't.
Footsteps sounded nearby and you did not lift your head. There was hardly a point. It was likely another deputy there to tell you you'd be relocated in the morning. Preparing yourself for the inevitable, you sat up, smoothing your hands over your hair and leaning your head against the wall with a quiet thud.
The steps stopped, and you inhaled softly, ready for words that would inflict another torrent of tears. But the voice that spoke instead was familiar. "Sweetheart."
Your head snapped up, eyes widening when you noticed Billy there, clenching the bars as he stared at you through the darkness. Springing to your feet, you ran to him, nearly hiccupping with relief, your tears starting up for an entirely different reason. Billy grasped your face through the bars, thumbs swiping away any tears that came their way. "Oh my baby. What've they done to you?" Billy searched your eyes, seemingly checking for any sign of injury.
"I'm okay," you choked, holding his wrists. "Billy-"
"Shh, shh, sweet girl," he hushed, stroking your cheek, eyes running over your figure in a concerned way. "I'm gonna getcha out of here. Hold on-" He seemed to remember something, letting go of your face and reaching into his pocket for his knife. Bending at the lock, he fiddled with it for a moment before you heard a click, and the door swung open creakily. You flinched at the noise, sure someone would come after you, but no footsteps echoed.
Billy reached a hand into the cell, beckoning to you. "C'mon darlin'."
His hand was the symbol of freedom you had been waiting for- the candle in the darkness you sorely needed. In the pale moonlight, Billy looked every bit the knight in shining armor you had dreamt of since you were a little girl. Oh, here he was, ready to sweep you off your feet and spirit you away to a happy ending.
Stepping forward, you took his outstretched hand, letting him pull you away. The instant you were out of the cell, he slid an arm under your knees, whispering, "One set 'f footsteps is less suspicious."
You buried your face in his neck, clinging tight to him as he carried your tired body down the hallway, careful so his boots hardly made a sound. In his pursuit of the doorway, he managed a kiss to your hair, comforting you as he charted the course to your decided liberty. It was a precious thing he held in his hands.
The night air was a rush, and he tightened his arms around you, doing his best to shield your shivering body from the cold. Clarity cut your being as a sort of realization enhanced your self vision. Had this been a trap? Had they arrested you to lure him into the shadows of the jail, so he would not be able to exit?
When you opened your mouth to ask, he cut you off before you so much as said a word. "Took care of the guards already, baby. Don't worry 'bout a thing."
How had he known? Had someone told him you were incarcerated? Or had word of mouth done the trick? You didn't know, and at the present moment it was hardly important. The blue of your world an hour before was painted back into vibrancy because of Billy's rescue.
Hoisting you upon the horse, Billy climbed on behind you, tugging you snug against his chest. The utter warmth of him heated your back, and you leaned against him, smiling when he nudged a kiss into your temple. "I've gotcha sweet girl. Forever 'n ever."
Riding off into the distance with your outlaw holding you tight, you felt more secure than you had in ages. Billy protected you like a dragon guarded his treasure, and you knew his habit would increase tenfold in wake of this event.
But it was hardly to be minded. When you were finally between the sheets again as you'd dreamt of in the daylight, swaddled in his arms and covered in his kisses, he drenched you in apologies, promising this would never, ever happen again.
"We're gonna go far away from here, sweet thing," Billy murmured, softly pressing his lips to your nose. "Just you 'n me. We're gonna be okay."
Sleepily disarmed by the dart of his love, you nodded, burying your head in his chest once more. Because your Billy had never uttered something so steadfast that he didn't intend to keep.
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lovelyflowers-world · 9 months
Remember Me
Angsty angst angst
Tw: mentions of death
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Remember me
A girl of only the age of four sat on a man's lap while he brushed her hair and sang her a small tune it's only safe to assume it was her father as things seemed happy and calm. Well they say there's calm before a storm
Though I have to say goodbye
As the man stood with the girls in his arms to set her back into bed she didn't know this would be the last time she'd ever see her sweet father. He laid her oh so gently onto her bed pulling the covers just under her chin he stroked her hair and kissed her head
"You know I'll always love you dearly my little flame"
The girl nodded her head with a big smile on her face she loved her father more than there was stars in the sky and nothing could have changed that
"I love you too!"
The man smiled sadly at his daughter knowing this would be the last he'd ever see her it pained the man to leave his princess all alone to not be able to see her grow to a beautiful young woman but it whats done is done.
"Good night my little flame I'll see you again soon"
The girl giggled at her fathers choice of words and wished him a good night and as the man shut her door he was brought to tears he was never an emotional man but this hurt him deep to his core knowing he'll never hold his dear flame close to his heart ever again
Don't let it make you cry
The next morning when the small girl couldn't find her dad and saw her mother looking at her in pity it clicked in her head that she'd never see her dearest father again
"daddy's gone..?"
Her voice crack and big eyes filled with tears brought her mother to her knees to hug her only daughter oh so tight
"(Y/n) I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!"
For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart
That was twelve years ago that little girl is now sixteen and a counselor at camp half blood one would think she despised her father but she could never blame him he was a god after all he wasn't going to stick around forever. Plus she had a pretty cool brother thanks to him
"(Y/n) get in your own bed!!"
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart
As (Y/n) laid on the floor quietly singing the song her father sang to her when she was small she sighed and looked out the window watching as everyone walked around happily conversing with one another a few passed waving to her and she gladly waved back.
Remember me
One would think the girl was happy with her life she had everything she could ever need but it seemed the lack of a father seemed to eat her alive she looked back into her cabin and sighed sadly
"Do you ever think of me dad?..probably not"
She got up and walked out with the biggest smile on her face and went to sword training.
Each time you hear a sad guitar
Now we see our protagonist alongside Percy Jackson and Nico di angelo fighting off a monster. The protagonist giving it her all to make sure her companions get out alive even if it cost her life. As she looked to check on her brother's state she felt a sharp pain in her gut and she looked down she saw the red seeping out her shirt. Just then her brother and Percy seemed to be celebrating their success.
They looked over in time to see her fall to her knees the pain becoming unbearable
Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be
They run to her side pleading her to hold on a bit longer that they'd find a way to help her. They couldn't lose her not now when they've done their hardest when they were almost home. Tears were shed and she laughed and cupped her brothers cheek
"it's alright..I'll be with dad now I'll be okay.."
Just then a figure appeared over them towering and as they looked up he slowly took the girl out of the boys arms and held her close humming her a oh so familiar tune holding her head to his chest he nodded to the two boys and walked away
Until you're in my arms again
"It's time to go home now little flame"
The girl smiled and closed her eyes
"Okay daddy.."
And with that she took her final breaths
Remember me
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
heyyyyyyyy do you all still love me?
I love you guys <3
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Cigarette Smoke And A Vibrator Remote - Sam Kiszka
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A/N: Yeah, okay… this might be my favorite Sam fic i’ve EVER written. This one goes out to whoever wrote me all those requests a while back for Sam 🫶🏻 I can’t find any of them now, but I just want you to know, whoever you all are that sent them, that I love you dearly for all the requests.
WARNINGS: Sam being absolutely diabolical and cocky af. Toys (remote controlled vibrator), TEASING, edging, shotgunning , hair pulling, overstimulation, unprotected sex. Did I mention teasing? This contains 18+ content! Minors please DNI!
“Look at you… a fucking gem,” Sam stood behind you and ran his hands down your sides, staring ahead at your reflection in the full body mirror.
A crimson blush tinted your cheeks, feeling hot from his words and his burning gaze.
“Mm… I should let you pick my dresses more often.” You whispered, running your own hands down the deep, royal purple, material.
It hugged your body in a delectable way. The cut at the neck was low, but not too low and the length of the dress stopped about mid thigh. It was incredibly classy, yet still sexy.
You turned around to face Sam, giving him a purposely slow once-over.
He matched you perfectly with a button up in the exact same purple, with a pair of nice, but simple black pants.
“You forgot something, Sammy…” You met his eyes, running your hands up his arms until they reached the collar of his shirt.
He hummed. “And what could I possibly have forgotten, doll?”
Wordlessly, your fingers found the first button of his shirt, undoing it. You did two more the same way, leaving only a couple still fastened at the bottom.
“That’s better.” You lended a cheeky grin, thoroughly enjoying the palpable tension you had just created. “Much, much better.”
“Uh huh, I bet it is, but…” Sam reached into his back pocket, swiftly pulling out a little box. “I also almost forgot something.”
You eyed the box skeptically, obviously unaware that he had gotten you anything else. “Sammy, what is-“
He opened up the box, holding it out for you to get a good look at.
“Samuel… Francis…” You eyed the little vibrator inside in utter shock and your stomach was suddenly twisting with nerves. “No way in hell.”
Sam tilted his head back. “Why not?!” He all but cackled, knowing good and well why you didn’t want to wear it.
Or claimed you didn’t…
“Because you’re fucking evil and merciless,” This drew a genuine, rather proud laugh out of Sam.
“And you’re the one who’s got the remote!”
“Come on,” he sang. “I’ll go easy on you, baby. Promise.” He threw his free hand over his heart.
You shot him an unconvinced look and he huffed, trying to fight back another giggle.
“Okay… I’ll at least go easy for a little while.”
“See?!” You pointed a single finger at him in an accusatory fashion.
As your point had pretty much just been proven.
He tossed the box down onto the bed behind him and pulled you closer to him. “Come on, doll. Be real. I know you really want to try it…”
You turned your face away from his, fighting with yourself to not give in to him.
“You’d love for me to have this much control over you all night.” His lips pressed against your jaw, sneaking their way to your ear.
“Go ahead and try to tell me you don’t want that. I won’t believe you. Listen…” he paused for a moment. “-you’re breathing all heavy. You like it. I bet this pretty cunt is dripping at the idea already.”
The urge to smack him in the mouth was almost too overwhelming.
“I’m not.” You tried to will your voice to sound firm, but Sam still wasn’t buying it.
Truthfully, you weren’t buying it, either. You absolutely wanted to go out, vibrator secretly tucked between your legs, while Sam had the remote hidden under the nice restaurant’s table.
“Oh, yeah? So if I see for myself right now, you won’t be wet at all?” Sam peered down at you, raising one of his eyebrows.
Truthfully, you were most likely already dripping onto your panties - you could feel it and Sam already knew that. He would be an idiot to believe otherwise and he was far from stupid.
“Tell me the truth, mama. I would hate to have to keep you here and punish you for lying to me…” Sam’s voice dropped even lower, threatening to steal the air from your lungs and the strength to hold your weight, right out from your knees.
“Fuck you,” You muttered with a whiny edge. “Give me the damn box.”
A triumphant smile and low chuckle was all the response Sam gave you; another word and you probably would have actually smacked him.
He handed you the small box, turning you towards the bathroom with a gentle shove.
You closed the door and stared down at the little vibrator, extremely curious as to how much power the little thing even had.
“Guess i’m about to find out..” you mumbled, not even close to loud enough for Sam to hear.
You took the vibrator out, letting out a shuddering breath as you realized it was meant to be inserted and rest right on your gspot.
Slipping out of your heels, you pulled down your panties and carefully began inserting the vibrator.
Once it was in and felt comfortable, You quickly put your heels back on and left the bathroom to return to Sammy.
“Feels a little weird, huh?” Sam asked in amusement, taking notice of the way you were walking.
You ignored his question entirely, asking a question of your own. “Sam… How high does this thing go…?”
His eyes instantly darkened. “You wanna find out before we leave?”
“No.” You were certain that if you tested it now, you would scramble to the bathroom to take it out.
“Let’s just go before I change my mind.”
You were out of the bedroom door in a blink, leaving Sam to play catch up as you made your way down the stairs.
“Dare I say you’re really just eager to get there?” Sam teased breathlessly, slowing his quick strides once he reached the front door.
You turned your back to him and grabbed your bag and coat down from the wall, hoping the blush on your cheeks would be gone by the time you turned back around to face him.
Just as you were about to pull your coat on, a low buzz whirled to life between your legs, causing your knees to buckle.
“S-Sam??” You whipped around to face him on wobbly legs.
“Mhm?” He stayed leaned against the wall with his phone in hand, smirking evilly at you.
His thumb ghosted just above his screen, like he was just waiting to play around with it.
“Cut… Cut it out. We haven’t even left yet,” You scolded him, clenching your thighs together. “I said wait.”
His thumb swiped the screen and your eyes widened in panic, but the vibrations stopped.
Sam pushed himself away from the wall and snatched his keys from the small table by the door, winking as he sauntered by to open the front door for you.
“Just wanted to make sure it works.”
Letting Sam convince you to wear the vibrator out in public with him controlling it, probably wasn’t one of you best choices.
The only thing you’d gotten out of it was hours of countless teasing after you’d made the bold decision to purposely provoke him, until you finally broke and begged him to bring you back home.
“Sam.” You forced out through gritted teeth, gripping the booth below you.
You were doing everything in your power to hold back the stream of moans, trying to rip their way out of you.
“What?” He smirked at you from across the table.
“Take. Me. Home.” You demanded, just barely above a whisper. “Please.”
“How are you so demanding and polite at the same time?” Sam snickered, pulling his wallet from his pocket to pay.
Sam waved down the waitress and she immediately started making her way over to your table.
“Sammy!” You whisper-yelled in a scolding tone. “Sam, I’m-“
He just flashed a sly, toothy grin in your direction.
As she approached your table, you turned your head away from her, trying to regulate your breathing and rapid heartbeat as another orgasm started to build up inside you.
“Y/N,” Sam called for your attention, gradually dulling the vibrations inside you to a stop. “Can you walk? Or should I carry you out of her-“
You were up and out of your booth before Sam was even finished talking. Your legs were carrying you towards the door in a blink, leaving Sam to play catch up behind you.”
As you scrambled out of Sam’s car and up to the front door, Sam was hot on your heels.
“Don’t know why you rushed up here.” Sam chuckled. You were almost sick of hearing that cocky sound come out of him. “I have the keys.”
“If you don’t open this god damn door, Samuel.” You spoke through gritted teeth.
Sam pushed the key in the door, flipping the deadbolt. “Someone’s eager.”
He barely had his key out of the door, before you were shoving passed him and kicking your heels off in the entry way.
“We’re not going upstairs yet.” Sam said and you stopped in your tracks as you reached the stairs.
“Come with me.”
You reluctantly walked back to him and took his outstretched hand and he lead you towards the door to your back porch.
“But. Samm-“
“Quiet down.” Sam’s finger pressed against your lips and he opened the door, somewhat gently pushing you out first. “I wanna smoke and you’re gonna sit right out here on my lap, so I can make sure you’re a good girl.”
A very audible whine escaped your lips as you watched Sam sit down on the bench by the window.
He pulled his phone from one pocket and his cigarettes and lighter from the other, then, patted his lap for you to sit.
“Sammy, you always smoke after sex.” You argued, sounding much like a child not getting their way.
He reached a hand out, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into his lap himself.
“Your point?” Sam cocked an eyebrow once you were straddled over his legs. “Tonight I wanna smoke first. You’ve stressed me out, being such a bad girl all night.”
“You’ve been teasing me all night. What did you expect??” You watched him pull a cigarette out of the little box, while you half bickered with him.
“Light it.” Sam commanded and placed it between his lips, completely ignoring what you had just said.
He held up the lighter and you snatched it out of his fingers, flicking it until the little spark of fire lit up the space between you in a soft orange glow.
Holding the cigarette to his mouth with one hand as he waited for it to light, Sam unlocked his phone with his other while you were somewhat distracted.
He clicked on the app linked to your vibrator and as soon as his cigarette was lit, he took a drag out of it and proceeded to slide his thumb over the screen.
“Sam, no- fuck no, please,” you pleaded, trying to reach for his phone.
“Huh-uh, bratty girl. You need to learn how to behave.” Sam taunted, holding his phone just out of your reach. “You can’t have everything you want, just whenever you want it.”
“But you- you always give i-it to me.” You were a whiny, stuttering mess in his lap.
“Sam- Sammy please, if you… if you keep it on, I’m gonna cum- i’m-“
“You’re absolutely not.” Sam laughed at you breathlessly, blowing the smoke from his mouth.
“You’re so… fucking horrible…” You pant, squirming for any sort of friction as the vibrations died.
“And yet I can feel you leaving a wet spot on my pants.” Sam teased. “You love this and you know it.”
“I would love it more if you would let me cum. Please, please, please!” You sounded so desperate and pathetic even to your own ears. “PLEASE, Sam?”
He took another pull from his cigarette, nonchalantly playing around with the vibrations on his phone; taking the vibrations all over the place. From high to low, back to high again just to shut them off entirely and then all the way back up to the highest setting.
“S-Sa- Fuck, oh fuck-“ You rolled your hips against his thigh, gaining some extra friction against your clit.
“Such a pretty girl I have in my lap.” He smiled up at you, watching as your head lulled back and your mouth gaped. “Kiss me.”
You brought your head back down, watching Sam take another drag of his cigarette.
You knew exactly what he was about to do.
Holding the smoke in his mouth, he leaned up and met your lips just so, blowing the smoke from his mouth to yours.
He pulled away just enough to let you blow it out, before reattaching his lips to yours for a true, heated kiss.
It went on as long as you could go, but after a minute or so, you were pulling away with a choked cry.
Sam was well acquainted with that particular sound.
“Oh, does my pretty baby doll want to cum?” He cooed, pretending as though he cared. “That’s just too bad.”
You cried out loudly yet again, not even caring if anyone was outside to possibly hear you. It was getting late anyway.
“If you…” You tried to gather yourself, fed up with his teasing, even though you earned yourself this torment. “If you won’t get me off, I’ll go do it myself.”
Sam let out a genuine laugh, amused by the absolute tantrum you were throwing.
A little endeared, too, knowing you wanted him so badly.
This only irritated you further.
You got off his lap and immediately went to the door.
You stood there goring back at him for a moment, thinking he would just cave and get up to follow you.
“Well…?” Sam smirked. “You gonna go get yourself off, then?”
With a groan, you jerked the door open and stormed back inside your shared house.
However, instead of going up to your bedroom, you made your way into the kitchen.
You weren’t actually going to get yourself off. You wanted Sam too bad to do that.
Your mind wandered off and replayed the last few hours in your head.
Maybe… Definitely… you were being a bit spoiled.
Just then, you could hear the sound of the back door closing. And after a few moments, Sam’s footsteps could be heard going up the stairs.
He was looking for you.
After a minute or two, his footsteps were heard coming back down the stairs, after having been met with an empty bedroom.
“Y/N?” He called calmly into the quiet house.
You turned on your heel, opening a cabinet to retrieve a glass and closing the door rather loudly as your response to Sam.
Sam was in the doorway of the kitchen within seconds, body leaned against the doorframe much too cooly.
“I’ll go do it myself!” He mocked your little outburst from just minutes ago.
“Shut up.” You snapped in a hushed tone, turning to the sink to fill your glass with cold water.
“What? You mean to tell me you threw that whole fit and didn’t run upstairs to finish yourself off?” Sam loaded his tone down with faux shock.
You just ignored him, lightly rolling your eyes and lifting your glass up to your mouth, slamming the water that was in it.
Sam shook his head and pushed himself away from the doorframe. He made his way over to you, slowly taking the now empty glass from your hand.
You stepped around him, leaning against the island with crossed arms.
He placed it down on the counter, letting out an amused huff by your actions.
“Are you done throwing your little tantrum now? Hmm?” Sam turned around and took barely even a whole step. His hands grabbing the edge of the counter on either side your body, trapping you in place.
You looked away from him.
He lifted one of his hands, nudging your chin with the knuckle of his finger. “C’mon…”
You jerked your face away from his touch, only to be met with his whole hand securing itself around your throat.
“Look at me, Y/N.” Sam demanded, low and serious.
You finally turned to face him and met his dark, still lust filled eyes.
He leaned down swiping his tongue along your bottom lip, pulling away the second you chased after his lips.
“You ready to get your way, you spoiled girl?”
You nodded slowly, your body surrendering to him without leaving you much of a choice.
Sam lowered his head back down, letting his lips ghost over yours. “Is that what I’ve created?” He whispered against your lips. “A spoiled girl who throws tantrums until she gets her way?”
“I… No…?” You couldn’t even lie or defend your end, you knew it was the truth.
“Y/N.” Sam gave you an incredulous look. “Admit it. You’re a spoiled girl.”
You shot him almost the exact same look he was giving you.
“Say it, Y/N.” Sam repeated himself.
“I’m… I’m a spoiled girl.” You forced yourself to say.
“Yeah, you are.” Sam finally captured your lips with his, smiling when you whimpered into his mouth.
You pulled away for air for just a second, then, hooked your arm around his neck to pull him down even closer than before.
Hoping to soften him up, you began sucking and biting at the spot just beneath his ear. You repeated the same actions as you worked your way down, leaving a pretty trail of darkening marks on his neck.
You pulled away to examine what considered beautiful little pieces of art, but then Sam’s voice - low and breathy, was floating through your ears again.
“Don’t be shy. Put some more,” Sam encouraged breathlessly. “Put some more, doll.”
You reattached your lips to his neck without a second thought.
A soft groan sent vibrations through Sam’s chest and neck and you smiled against his skin.
“Don’t get too giddy. I’m still the one in control here, doll face.” Sam let you leave a few more marks, before pulling you away.
“You want me to make you feel good now?”
You nodded, practically ready to cry at the idea of finally getting what you wanted so badly all evening.
“Turn around.” Sam commanded, guiding you with two hands firmly on your hips. “And you might wanna hold onto the counter.”
“Hush.” He cut you off, dropping to his knees behind you.
A gasp of shock fell from your lips, as felt Sam gather up the back of your dress at the hem and push it up over your ass, holding it there with one of his hands.
He hooked his other hand into your panties, working then down your legs. “Step out of these, will you, doll?”
You lifted one leg up at a time and as soon as they were off completely, Sam shoved them into his back pocket before returning his attention back to you.
“God, you’re fucking dripping.” Sam practically groaned. “Have you been like this all night? Hmm?” he taunted.
“Sam, please.” You begged, staring down at your hands that were gripping the cold, marble counter top. “That’s enough teasing.”
“Didn’t I say hush?” Sam’s hand connected roughly with your outer thigh, sending the chilling sound of the smack all throughout the kitchen. “I didn’t say it just for shits and giggles. I’m gonna make you feel good on my time and you’re gonna be patient.”
As much as you wanted to argue with him, or begging him to the point where he would question your sanity a little, you so desperately needed an orgasm at the mercy of his mouth or fingers. Or both.
“Be my good, spoiled girl… M’gonna make you cum all pretty and messy. Right here - just as soon as I’m ready.”
Sam reached back and pulled his phone out of his back pocket. He unlocked it, going straight to that god forsaken app linked to the vibrator still tucked inside your dripping cunt.
“I want you dripping all over this fucking floor.”
Sliding his thumb over the screen, the vibrator whirled to life and you faintly heard the soft clatter of Sam sitting his phone on the floor beside him.
You fought to swallow down the whimper that wanted to escape you already. And you had succeeded… Until Sam hiked one of your legs onto his shoulder, positioning himself between your legs.
His tongue suddenly licked from your entrance, up to your clit and there was no holding back the sound that ripped it’s way out of you.
You clenched around the toy inside you, legs already trembling around Sam’s head as you struggled to stay standing. He let your dress drop back down, using both hands as extra support to hold you up.
“Oh, fuck- oh fuck,” You moaned, barely able to keep yourself quiet anymore, even though you were trying your best to.
Sam just hummed against you, flicking his tongue against your clit at a speed that had your head spinning.
You released the countertop as the rest of your body started to shake and you laid your upper body over the counter, unable to hold yourself up any longer.
“Oh my god…” You rolled your hips, grinding your center into Sam’s tongue.
The vibrations inside you stayed steady; that in combination with Sam’s tongue licking at your clit was mind numbing.
Sam pulled away for a split second. “Tell me how it all feels, Y/N. I wanna hear you say it yourself.”
You tried to sound as coherent as possible. “Feels- it feels so good, i-“
“What feels good?” He pried, reattaching his lips to your clit and sucking it into his mouth, emphasizing his question.
“Oh, god- fuck-“ You cried out. your legs starting to tremble around Sam’s head. “Your mouth Sammy- Your mouth and the- and the toy.”
That burning feeling that Sam had gotten you far too acquainted with over the last few hours returned, making your belly burn and tingle, as if there was actually a fire melting you from the inside out.
You almost didn’t want to tell him you were getting close, in fear of having it ripped away once again.
“Mm- keep going, Sam,” Your whimpers were like music to his ears - Though somewhat muffled by your thighs, he still found all your pretty noises utterly addictive.
“S’good! Please, please, please, keep going…”
The closer you got, the slower the movements of Sammy’s tongue became.
You were mere seconds away from falling over the edge, when he came to a completely stop and another orgasm was ripped right out of your grasp.
“Samuel!” You seethed, on the verge of fully bursting into tears.
You were quite literally dancing on the line of hysteria.
“That was just to prove how spoiled you are. Such a little whore for me.” Sam said lowly, picking up his phone and shutting off the vibratory inside you as he rose to his feet.
He gathered your dress back up and bunched it up in one hand again at your lower back. His fingers tangled into your hair, pulling you up to meet with his chest.
Sam’s lips, dampened with your wetness, ghosted the shell of your ear. “For my mouth...” His hand abandoned your hair, coming around to the front of your body and snaking down to your clit.
He just barely let his middle finger touch it. “…My fingers…”
And finally, he pressed his hips against you, his cock pushing into your lower back.
“My cock…” It came out a bit more breathy. You weren’t exactly the only one incredibly worked up. “And I always just give it all to you. Whenever you want.”
A breathy whimper fluttered out of you as you attempted to roll your hips into Sam’s finger still ghosting over your clit, taunting you.
“I know you wanna give it to me, Sammy. Please.”
“I do.” He nodded, despite the fact that you couldn’t see him. “But-“
You cut him off almost immediately. “Samuel Francis, I won’t stay shoved up against this counter all night.”
“Oh, you won’t?” Sam pressed two fingers into your clit, rubbing lazy circles into it.
“N-no.” Of course your voice would betray you.
“I think you’re bluffing to get your way.” Sam practically growled into your ear.
His fingers traveled further down, slipping inside you just enough to tug the little -but powerful- vibrator out of your fluttering cunt.
“Open my phone.” He commanded, bringing the vibrator right up to rest over your clit.
With shaking hands, you picking his phone up off the counter and unlocked it.
“Mhm. Good girl,” he pressed the toy harder against you. “Now to to the app linked with this toy and turn it on.”
A ragged, burning, breath tore it’s way out of your lungs at his command.
You felt his hand release your dress and you heard the sound of his zipper being undone.
“Turn. It on.” Sam hissed. “Don’t make me say it again, doll baby.”
You slid your trembling thumb over the screen and the vibrator whirled to life against you, sending you doubling back down onto the cold counter.
Sam maneuvered his pants and boxers down with one hand, stroking himself a few times before carefully lining himself up at your entrance.
“Tell me to give it to you like the greedy girl you are.” Sam purred, just barely sinking his tip inside you.
“Give it- give it to me. I need it.” You rushed out, pushing back into him in hopes to sink him deeper. “I’m tired of waiting.”
“Yeah, that’s my spoiled, baby.” In one swift thrust, Sam was filling you up completely.
After only a few slow thrusts, Sam was already dragging you towards the edge.
“Off.” Sam grunted, keeping his slow, agonizing, pace. “Turn it off.”
You had half the mind to whip around and slap him, but given your current position, your only option was words.
More stuttered. fucked out, words… That would likely have little effect on him.
“What-? What the fuck! No, I’m not turning it off.” Of course, you didn’t exactly think over the consequences of your defiance.
Sam was the one holding the toy after all.
“Okay.” Sam bit, removing the buzzing toy from your clit himself. “Listen to you. You think your demanding ass really deserve to cum?”
You let your constant stream of whimpers be his answer, fumbling with his phone to shut off the vibe like he had asked.
“Good girl. Thank you.” Sam hummed, deepening his thrusts again.
One of Sam’s hands gripped your hip, his other bringing the vibe back to your clit, making you jump.
“Sensitive little thing. I bet this pretty clit is just aching, isn’t it?”
“Fu- yes,” you choked out through your desperate moans.
“Turn it back on.” Sam gripped your hip tighter, trying to hold you still when your hips jerked against the dizzying buzz.
The vibrations were almost too much for you anymore. Sam had edged you so many times now, that it was starting to turn into a sick combination of pain and pleasure.
“I want you to ask me like a good girl to cum.” Sam told you, quickening the pace of his hips. His cock hit that sweet spot inside you, that only he could reach. “Be sweet to me and I just might let you.”
Your head was spinning and not a single coherent thought was left hardly.
All you could think of was the orgasm Sam was steering you right towards, hoping he wasn’t going to rip it away from you again.
“I can’t- i… fuck, Sammy,” You dropped his phone against the counter, panting and moaning his name and whatever swears that first came to mind.
“You better figure it out, princess.” Sam warned, groaning rather loudly as you fluttered around him. “Ask me nicely to make you cum. All sweet and pretty.”
“, Sammy, please. I’m begging, I’m begging, I’m begging-“ The words flew out of your mouth so fast, they were barely even understandable. “Please. Please, let me cum, baby. Please!”
“Turn the vibrator up a little.” Sam ordered, voice much softer than before. “Wanna see how hard you can cum for me, princess.”
You picked his phone back up, unlocking it once again and dragging your finger up the screen.
“Oh, my fucking- god, Sam!” You cried out, reaching down and grabbing Sam’s wrist.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to pry the vibrator away, or press it harder against your swollen bundle of nerves.
“Go ahead and cum for me,” Sam angled his hips just so, relentlessly pounding into the spot he knew would send you spiraling. “Make a mess all over my cock, spoiled girl.”
Your jaw fell slack and your eyes squeezed shut. Your body froze and all your previous noises fell silent, as if your body was short circuiting from the immense pleasure cursing through your body.
A glass-breaking sound erupted from your lungs suddenly as your high took over.
Even Sam was a bit stunned by the sudden outburst; he had never heard a sound quite like that come out of you.
Yet, it still served to drag him even closer to his own high.
“Come on, princess. Come on,” Sam coaxed, trying to keep his pace despite how much your hips were writhing. “I got you. Just let it all go... Give it to me.”
That white hot coil in your belly exploded abruptly, making your eyes roll back and squeeze shut.
Your body couldn’t even move anymore. All your muscles tensed up, unwilling to relax until your orgasm passed.
Sam was mere seconds behind you. The feeling of you clenching around him - basically trapping him inside you as you continued to flutter around him, was his final straw.
He spilled inside of you, too caught up in his own high to even realize a soaking combination of you both covering you both.
As you both came down, Sam pulled the vibe away and carefully leaned over you to grab his phone and turn it off.
“Fuck me…” Sam muttered breathlessly, slightly gasping to refill his lungs with air. “I think… fuck-“
You heard him, but your brain was too clouded to even fully comprehend what he was trying to say.
“Baby, did you… Did…?” He gently lifted your dress up, eyes immediately noticing the stream of juices running down not only your thigh, but his own also. Wet splotches scattered over the thin, black material of his pants that he didn’t even take all the way off.
You took a couple deep breaths, taking in the way your body felt as though it was buzzing. The fogginess of your brain, the wetness coating your legs… the marble against your skin that was once cool to the touch, but had been warmed beneath your blazing skin.
“Did I… did i what?” You asked slowly as you turned around to face him.
“Baby, I think I made you squirt...” Sam said in complete astonishment. “Holy fuck… i… holy fuck.”
The softest giggle fluttered out of you at Sam’s state of shock.
“That was… wow. My body feels so weird, but good.”
“I think I just need to take these off.” Sam huffed a soft laugh, bending down to remove his pants and boxers the rest of the way. “And I need to get you cleaned up, too.”
He tossed his clothes over his shoulder and then picked you up in his arms, carrying you up the stairs and to your bedroom.
“Get undressed, doll.” Sam ordered gently. “Gonna run you a bath.”
“Us.” You corrected him and he stopped in the doorway of the bathroom.
“You’re gonna run us a bath.”
“Is his your way of getting round two out of me?” Sam questioned seriously, making his way into the bathroom. “Cause it’s working!”
“You’re out of your mind, Samuel!” You yelled back, practically becoming lightheaded at the thought of having another orgasm.
You heard Sam turn on the water as you began prying your dress off your body, finally ridding yourself of it with an exhausted huff, just as Sam walked back into your bedroom.
“I make you squirt one time and now you’re down for the count?” Sam teased. “Yeah, we’re gonna have to work on that.”
“I am not down for the count!” You protested.
“Oh?” Sam stalked towards your slowly, almost taunting you. “Then come here.”
“Okay, okay!” You out your hands out in front of your bare body. “Wait wait wait!”
Sam lunged at you, grabbing you and pulling you right into his body.
He wrapping both arms around you, pressing a few quick kisses to the side of your face.
“Maybe another day, babe. I’ve put you through enough tonight.”
“More than enough.” You faked an annoyed tone.
“Shut up. You loved all of it.” Sam rolled his eyes, carefully walking the two of you a few steps backwards towards the bathroom before he let go of you.
“Now come on, spoiled girl, before you keep distracting me and the bathtub overflows.”
@jake-kiszkas-smirk @theweightofjake @shutupdevvie @belovedsamuel @gardensgatedaisy @ageofbarbarians @positivegvfthings @gretasmokerising @doodle417 @jordierama @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @asparrowofthedawn @greta-van-chaos @skankforjakekiszka @sarakay-gvf @teddiie @colorstreammind @ofburningskies
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thotsforvillainrights · 7 months
Hii having a weird time mentally rn. May I request Tomura, Spinner, and Setsuno's reaction to reader suddenly tearing up while cuddling just because they feel so loved? That's all they've ever wanted and they're just so happy to be with their partner
(Hey Anon, although I don't know what you're personally going through, I sincerely hope it gets better for you. I'm also going through a little mentally as well. Hope this post helps to at least take your mind off things for a bit. Much love)
~Tomura/Spinner/Setsuno SO tearing up during cuddles~
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-If you're quiet about it then he likely doesn't notice you're tearing up at first. If you're VERY quiet about it then you can go a very long time until he at least begins to notice the moisture from your tears seeping through the fabric of his old grey sleeping shirt. He probably jolts out of his stupor and looks down to see the wet spot on the fabric. He squints and then turns his attention on you. The jig is up when he asks "why the hell you crying" in a fully concerned, raspy voice. You admit to him it's because you feel so loved when he's with you. Also that you feel warm and safe in his arms and you love him so dearly. He rolls his eyes at the sentiment and water works but his heart denies him as it's beating out of his chest at the idea of being so loved by one person. "Shut up and go to bed" sounds gruff but you understand exactly what he feels about you when he kisses your forehead so gently and begins stroking your upper back until you drift off to sleep in his arms. Had you been more tired then you might not have caught his quiet whispering back: "I love you too."
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-Spinner is probably holding you while playing on his phone and hoping you get some rest. You're a night owl lately so he's been worried about you not getting enough sleep and not feeling fully like yourself. His heart drops when he feels your grip tighten on his chest and he looks down to see teary e/c eyes looking back up at him. "Y/N what's up with you???" His panic will only intensify by the second if you don't speak up here soon. "Nothing Shuichi, it's just...well I'm thankful for you and the love you give me is all I've ever wanted." Great, now he has no idea what to say that could live up to that! Finally after taking some time to think about it, he's come up with a response to your words. He smiles softly and pulls you closer into the warmth of his clothed chest. You inhale the faint scent of the new soap he'd been fond of, and you listen carefully at his quiet voice. "Y/N, I love you so much more than you can ever imagine you know. It's a little crazy for me to even think someone accepts me the way that you do...that someone loves me the way you do. If I started to express now just how much you mean to me then I wouldn't be done until many years from now. More directly to say, I'd be dead before I could touch the tip of the iceberg about how much you mean to me. Y/N, you're my everything."
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-As soon as he hears the slightest sniffle, he jolts up and turns on the bedside lamp to get a good look at you. "Oh, oh no. Y/N are you okay?" You smile sheepishly and sniffle once more, reaching up to run your watery eyes. He beats you to it and gently swipes away the tears that ran down your cheeks. "Don't do that, you're starting to make me cry too." He says softly and you laugh. "Sorry Toya. It's just that I was thinking real hard about how I'm just so happy to be with you. I mean, you make me beyond happy and I love you so much." You're words weigh heavy on him and before he knows it, his eyes are now teary too. "Awww shit, now you've gone and done it." He sniffles and pulls you into a tight hug. "I love you so much Y/N. It drives me crazy sometimes haha!" You return the hug and smile widely into his chest while he begins to rock the two of you. After a while of rocking, you both slowly find yourselves settling once more into the plush comfort of your bedding. Drifting off and dreaming of each other as lovers often do.
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ladyjang09 · 3 months
Addicted to You | Lovely Runner fanfic
Synopsis: Wondering why Ryu Sun Jae is being a gentleman to Im Sol? Insisting on taking her home when she obviously wants to spend the night on his apartment. Well, this might be the reason.
Sun Jae couldn't get enough of Sol. He wanted to be intimate all the time, a hunger that seemed insatiable. Sol, on the other hand, felt differently. She loved Sun Jae dearly, but her body couldn’t keep up with his constant desire.
But since they did it the first time, boy, he didn’t stop! Each night, Sun Jae's need for her seemed to grow, consuming them both. I did say I love his attention, she thought, but I didn’t ask for it every single night! I didn’t think we would do it every day after that. And it’s always more than one session too! We even had sex all day during the weekend because he had no scheduled work.
Finally, one night, Sol had had enough. "Sun Jae-ah, we’re not having sex tonight," she said firmly.
His face fell. "May I ask why? Am I not good enough? I’ll promise you, Sol-ah, I’ll get better."
"No, no. You are amazing, but my body can’t handle it every day. I can’t get enough sleep…and my back hurts so much that I can’t move until noon!"
Sun Jae looked genuinely concerned. "What if we just do it once? And join me to the gym to build up your stamina and endurance?"
"That’s not the point!" Sol replied, exasperated.
"I understand," he said softly. "I won’t ask you for sex anymore."
Huh? It didn’t have to go that far! He’s so extreme! Sol thought, feeling a pang of guilt.
"I don’t want you to be physically overwhelmed," he continued. "So, I won’t do it unless you want to."
"Hey! Wait…I love making love with you. But since we started, we’ve been doing it several times a day. And it’s hard on my body. I’m just saying, sometimes we need to take a break."
Sun Jae nodded, his expression softening. "Okay, I respect you. Sorry, Sol-ah, for being too much when it comes to you. Whenever you are ready, love."
Sol smiled, relieved. She pulled him close, grateful for his understanding. "Thank you, Sun Jae-ah. I love you."
"I love you too, Sol-ah," he whispered back, holding her gently.
As the weeks passed, Sol noticed that Sun Jae was keeping his promise. He didn’t initiate sex anymore, respecting her need for rest and recovery. However, as time went on, Sol found herself missing their intimate moments. It had been a month since they last made love, and she began to feel a longing that was hard to ignore. He doesn’t even kiss her!
The day Sun Jae invited her to work on her script at his apartment, a flicker of hope ignited in Sol. She’d been fighting the urge to ditch her project and simply spend time with him. His surprised visit in the café and their trip to the library spoke volumes of his sweetness, albeit distracting her from her work.
With a sighed of satisfaction, Sol closed her laptop and stretched. Finishing the script had brought a sense of accomplishment, but it was quickly overshadowed by a familiar pang of longing. She glanced toward the living room sofa, expecting to find Sun Jae lounging there, but to her disappointment, it was empty.
Curious, Sol wandered through the apartment and found him in his music room, headphones on, completely engrossed in the song he was listening to. The sight of him, lost in his world of music, made her heart race. She bit her lip, wrestling with the urge to make the first move, to tell him how she felt. But each time she opened her mouth to speak, her courage faltered, and the words slipped away.
Sun Jae found solace in his music room, headphones on, deeply immersed in the soothing rhythm of Sonaki, his song dedicated to his Im Sol. He knew Sol was in the other room, finishing her script, and despite his best efforts to keep a safe distance from her, he couldn’t help but think about her. She was a constant presence in his mind, a magnetic force he struggled to resist.
Lost in the melody, he didn’t hear her approach until she knocked on the table. He felt a gentle tug on his sleeve and turned to see Sol standing there, a mixture of pride and something more in her eyes.
“Why, are you done?” he said with a smile, pulling off his headphones.
“Yes,” she replied with a nod, her voice filled with accomplishment.
“See, you could finish it today because you were focused.”
“You’re right,” Sol smiled sweetly. “I thought I had to stay up all night.”
Sun Jae smiled at her intently. His gaze drifted to her lips, his heart quickening. He fought the urge to close the distance between them, to kiss her like he wanted to for so long. She closed her eyes, and leaned in slightly, her lips puckering in anticipation.
Sol heart thumped, finally, he’s going to kiss her! I knew it. It’s finally happening.
For a moment, he hesitated, battling his desires, but then he brushed her lips with his thumb, wiping away a crumb from the bread she had eaten earlier.
“I guess you liked the bread,” he said playfully, dusting the crumbs off his fingers.
"Huh?” She said, covering her mouth in embarrassment.
“Let’s go. I’ll drop you off.”
Sun Jae saw the disappointment flash in her eyes, and it pained him. He wanted to tell her to stay, to spend the night with him, but he held back, keeping his promise to her to abstain from his sexual desires.
Let’s go? Already? she whined silently and stomping her foot.
Sol’s heart sank. She didn’t want to go home; she wanted to stay, to spend the night with him. Why does he act like that after clinging to me all day? she murmured, pouting.
“Did you get all your stuff?” Sun Jae inquired. Seriously? You want me to go home? She just answered with a sigh. It’s late? Omo! It’s only 11 PM. Does he think we’re 19- years old? Desperation gnawed at her, and she hatched a plan to buy herself more time.
With deliberate clumsiness, Sol knocked over her bag, sending its contents scattering across the floor. Lipstick, keys, and notebooks spilled out in all directions.
“Gosh, my goodness. Everything fell out.” She knelt down, slowly gathering her belongings, hoping that the delay would give her the courage to speak her mind.
Sun Jae, ever the gentleman, excused himself to fetch his car keys, leaving Sol alone in the room. She watched him leave and then sighed, frustration bubbling up inside her.
“He intends to drop me off even when the world ends. I’m done with work though. I can stay longer,” she whined in frustration.
As Sun Jae retrieved his keys, he felt a pang of regret. Was he pushing her away out of respect? Did she want to stay as much as he wanted her to? When he returned, he was determined to find out. Just then, his phone vibrated with a call from Baek In- Hyuk. He had completely forgotten about the band’s get- together.
As Sol picked up the last of her scattered items, she had made a decision. When Sun Jae returned, she would tell him. She would find the courage to say what she had been holding back for so long.
“How about leaving tomorrow after sleeping here tonight?” She heard Sun Jae said on her back, her heart beats faster with excitement.
Finally! I knew it! She tucked her loose hair on her ear. “Okay. If you insist. I’ll spend the night here.” she replied sweetly and turn to face him.
To her horror, Sun Jae was talking on the phone. “Yah! What do you mean you’ll come here tomorrow after getting some sleep? Everyone’s here. Come at once” she heard the other person shouted on the phone.
Sun Jae’s eyes widened in surprise, then a slow, understanding smile spread across his face. He dropped the call and looked at her intently.
In that moment, everything clicked into place. Her reluctance to leave, the way she had clumsily dropped her bag, the hopeful look in her eyes— all signs pointed to the same thing he had been too cautious to acknowledge. Sol didn’t want to leave. She wanted to stay, just as he wanted her to.
I’ll spend the night here. Sol’s voice ringing on his head. Sun Jae struggled to catch his friend’s words, then abandoned the effort and ended the call. Whatever. That could wait. His brain felt like mush, incapable of coherent thought.
I’ll spend the night here. Sun Jae fixed his expression. Okay, play it cool, Sun Jae-ah. Don’t make a fool of yourself.
“I- I think I misunderstood,” Sol stammered. She spun on her heel, a clear escape route in mind. “I’ll just get a taxi!”
Not a chance! With three long strides, he overtakes her. He slammed his hands on the wall of his foyer to trapped her and block her escape.
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moonknightshifts13 · 11 months
Fell Out of Love? (Part Two)
Pre-Marriage Steven Grant + Jake Lockley + Marc Spector x gender-neutral reader (Angst)
note: here's part two to my previous story teehee. very sad- maybe lol. Thank you sm for 50 likes so far in total! I'm very thankful and I hope you guys continue to support me! love you lots and I hope you enjoy this one! (also, the point of view switches a lot from first person to third person so I apologize for it!)
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It’s been a few harsh months since Jake announced that Steven didn’t want to get married to me. I never questioned him after the sudden outburst…although I did have many questions. I went by the flat once I knew they wouldn’t be home. I’ve been wanting to text Steven and ask if he meant it- but he did, didn’t he? Why would Jake lie to me about something that serious? He wouldn’t lie to me about it. He knows that Steven and I love each other dearly. 
I’m on my way to a small cafe shop after getting out of work a bit later than usual. Upon arriving, I notice that there is a long line and I still stand in it. A couple of minutes pass by and the line moves up more quickly. Eventually, it’s my turn and I order my latte. I pay and I go to the side to wait for my order to be called. My order is eventually called and I go for it until I hear the barista say someone’s name.
“Order for Steven Grant!”
I hear his name and I freeze in my steps, too scared to look behind me. I’m holding onto my latte and before I know it, I hear his voice.
“Yes, that’s me- um thank you. Oh, excuse m-”
Steven’s sentence is cut short as he sees me just frozen there. I make eye contact and I realize something. It’s not Steven, but Marc imitating Steven. I just stare at him and he stares at me, both of us realizing that we’re literally just..there. I blink and I quickly look down as I exit the cafe. I hear footsteps behind me and my name being called out. 
“Y/N wait-”
Marc says softly and my body involuntarily stops. I feel my breath quickening and I’m scared. What’s he going to say? Is he going to want me back? Is he going to tell me about the new girl he’s in love wit-
Marc says softly and more faintly now. I turn around and I look at Marc. Oh, my precious Marc. My precious Jake….my precious Steven. I just stare at Marc, and I don’t say anything. My mind still going crazy as I finally see my fiancé- well ex-fiancé in front of me after all these months. Marc looks at me with soft eyes and he reaches a hand out to me, but I move back a bit. 
I say sternly and this catches Marc off guard. 
“Why? Why wasn’t I good enough for Steven? For Jake- for you? Just…just tell me why and I won’t bother you again”
I say faintly and scared, not wanting to know the true answer. Marc just stares at me, not knowing what to say because what can he say? He wasn’t the one who ended things. It was Jake and Jake did it to protect his brothers…in some way. Marc didn’t want to end things with them. Marc and Steven were in love- they are in love with them, how could they ever end things with them? They’re sweet, wonderful, kind, caring partner? They are the world to them. Marc stares at me and he just looks at me.
“You are good enough for us, y/n. I promise. We didn’t end things with you-”
Marc’s sentence is cut off as Jake takes over the body naturally but I don’t notice it at first. Jake grips his drink a bit tightly and stares at me. Marc yelling at Jake, demanding to know why Jake took over the body and what he was going to say. I finally recognize that it’s Jake in front of me and I open my mouth to say something but Jake speaks.
“Lose our number, okay? We found someone better. I’m sorry”
Jake says and I feel my heart break even more than it did the night ‘Steven’ proclaimed to end the marriage.
“Jake- you don’t mean that. What was Marc saying? Please-”
“It doesn’t matter, okay? We found someone better and we’re very happy, so- lose our number and stop bothering us.”
I feel myself get teary eyed and I just nod softly. I clench onto my latte, and I turn away from Jake, walking away from them. From us. Jake stares at me as I walk away, and he can hear Marc screaming at him. Another opportunity where things could’ve gotten fixed was not ultimately broken. Jake broke every chance they had to fix his mistake. Marc wouldn’t ever let this slide from Jake, now knowing that Jake was really the one to end things with Y/N. After all this time, Jake just wanted quiet and peace from a hectic life hence why he ended things with Y/N and Steven. It was to protect his brother’s heart but to also keep the peace between them all. Marc swore on his life that he would never front until the day that I came back or the day that Jake would apologize to me for everything. Jake knew that day wouldn’t come so he accepted the quiet in his mind. Oh, how the peace and quiet in his mind was slowly killing him as he accepted that he was finally alone…just not in the way that he wanted to be. His brothers long gone and now…you were gone too.
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lostparadise-mp3 · 1 year
KAEYA !!! — silly headcanons.
okay i haven't played the kaeya hangout yet BUT now that more people are on the same page as kaeya stans are, i want to talk about him again (this is just an excuse to project on kaeya and to add more headcanons about him).
note: i also haven't played cariberto. i am indeed behind on the story. not sure if it could have something to do with my hcs but just in case, i get a little anxious whenever i post anything. note 2: i already played cariberto, i've caught up with the story, but i get anxious about posting anything anyway.
silent lover that also wants to be loud about his love for you - he wants to do both !! and over time, he achieves that !!! hugs and kisses behind closed doors, whispering sweet nothings, stolen glances, tangled hands under the table, letters left on your bedside (modern au or not doesn't matter, he would leave notes or letters either way), that's his way of silently loving.
he's a passionate but soft lover. he wants to scream and announce the world his love for you, and he does, somehow, by telling his loved ones about his new special one. long chatty nights, whether at home or the city streets, whether at a park or sitting on the sidewalk, just... talking with you, listening to your voice, to your thoughts, and also, being heard and seen.
gift giving, words of affirmation, quality time, in that order. he's probably got it all five. i believe with all my heart that letters gather the holy trinity: gift giving, words of affirmation, and acts of service. i really think that, in a relationship with kaeya, he would love giving and receiving letters. he loves doing gifts, and he loves to tell you the sweetest of things. he wants to be close both physically and emotionally, even if the latter is hard to achieve for him- or both of you. it is something he yearns no matter how much he doesn't want to admit it.
maybe he can be a bit too cheesy. old fashioned lover boy, am i right? flowers for every ocassion: month-versary, birthdays, casual dates, “i saw this tiny one growing on the sidewalk and it reminded me of you” flowers, you name it. you should start drying the flowers he gives you if you haven't already. press them in a book, he will grin and slightly blush if he ever finds those.
the type to give you his jacket when it's too cold, the type to take your hands in his trying to warm them up, even though his hands are colder and now you're both laughing because of the freezed hands. hey, at least he made you laugh.
he may not be interested in long-term relationships (i am a strong believer that he is tho, btw) but he sure is interested in commitment. he may not be the first one to fall, but he sure falls harder- and if you are the one to fall harder... well, he will try to surpass that. he believes that relationships are 60-40 and each party works —and perhaps compete— to be that 60. i think he must have fooled around in his late teens and early twenties, but now that he's older he just wants a warm love, someone who can joke around with him and also hold his hand with care.
he prefers tea over coffee. it's a made up fact i choose to believe now. and maybe, just maybe, he likes to look “tough” by drinking coffee more often than tea. of course, nothing beats a good cup of wine after a nice meal.
he's an emotional drunk. he gets flashbacks of the things he would never talk about- things he would rather bury deeper in his memory, he stares with lost gaze while holding his drink at the tavern. he never cries not even once, but he seems so quiet and gloomy. he plays it as cool as he can, pretending to be the bubbly drunk, the playful one.
he longs for a family, and he knows he's found one he can hold close and dearly, but of course, he fears losing another family. he fears getting too close so he hides certain things of himself. he dreams of marriage, and maybe, if you want, adopting a child (definitely adoption because he also is afraid of sharing the blood of “the sinners”), altough he fears fatherhood as well. he fears fucking up and he fears not being able to be there for his child and most specially, he fears messing up things with you and the child you two wanted to raise together. so those are dreams, just dreams. good dreams, even.
now, getting more specific (i already said this in my first batch of kaeya headcanons lol), a demirose/demian icon. demisexual demiromantic. i think he went trough the “bi/pan to aroace” pipeline (shotout to my aroace siblings that went trough something like this !! hope you can relate), though his experience got a bit different. sure, boy's demirose, and he holds little to no preference on who he gets attracted to after that bond forms, so he doesn't put a label on that. i like to think he knows what being demirose means but he doesn't use that label a lot neither. he likes to chill, you know?
he falls slowly and has a hard time opening up even though he so much desires to do so.
ah, being demirose doesn't stop him from finding people pretty, of course. he has a thing for long hair, but if he sees a girl with short hair? he finds that very attractive too. so, long hair and strong arms. getting a bit more suggestive maybe by saying he would adore his partner's body no matter what it looks like. whether you're tall or short, slim or chubby, no muscle or a lot of muscle, hip dips or big thighs, crooked nose or crooked teeth, moles, scars... oh, sunshine, are you listing flaws or his favorite things? he would love to snuggle against you once he's warmed up to you. that means, cuddling sessions from time to time. take a nap with him, be the big spoon and he will try to hide his flushed cheeks. he doesn't like to admit it often, but his heart melts when he is held. so... hold him thight, hold him close, whisper an “i love you” and he will give you the dumbest of smiles, all head over heels for you.
another thing i wrote before is that, if you're shorter than him, he would like to tease you for that in subtle ways. he would stretch his back when walking beside you. he tends to slouch when nobody sees him, but at the sight of you he straightens up immediately, almost like someone's poking him to do so.
he is contradictory. he wants to be close, to be vulnerable, to be open and honest, but he fears being rejected, he is uncomfortable with intimacy and vulnerability, he shuts himself when he feels like he got too close to you. how will be get what he wishes if he's like this? he would cry at night for that, but tears are not so easy to come out.
on a more optimistic note, he's a picky eater. he loves sweet things, and may be the type to add too much sugar and milk into his coffee to the point where it barely tastes like actual coffee. he enjoys noelle's pancakes.
he either is tone-deaf of has the most angelic voice, there's no in between. i find it more endearing if he's tone-deaf, so he prefers to hum under his breath soft lullabies. in a mordern setting, he would enjoy ballads and romantic lyrics. jazz as well, maybe. he is not too picky about music (contrary to his picky tastebuds).
and he may not be the best dancer, he lacks flow, but he sure can dance a slow waltz with you in his kitchen at three am because you're staying over and (you) felt like having a midnight snack. not necessarily a slow waltz, maybe he just wants to be close to you and pretend to dance, whatever he is doing, but he seems confident so... he at least earns that.
random addition after leaving this soak in my drafts for a month, lol: he has a very light (is the word tame?) scoliosis and the corset thingy he wears has that purpose. now, i know it's totally wrong because a backbrace covers the whole torso but i'm being delusional and self-indulgent. i have a mild, not that annoying scoliosis that have never been treated and i choose to project. with that being said: he rubs his shoulders in any way he can before bed because they get thight from work and his goddamn back :( and he can't reach his shoulderblades even though he can feel a knot there. what a shame... if he only had a lover willing to massage his rock ass hard back for him.
i want to spread the “kaeya owns ‘i can't take my eyes off you' by frank sinatra” agenda. i have to say i was enlightened by this edit. truly wonderful.
oops, i think i got too carried away for just “some silly headcanons”, i honestly don't know if it's a good format to post these, but i like to write like this. anyway, live laugh love kaeya.
english is not my first language, if i made some kind of mistake with my wording lmk !!
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