#okay goodnight i adore this film
nicollekidman · 2 years
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this is IT
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harfanfare · 8 months
If that's okay could i request it for Epel?
How to win the heart of Epel Felmier?
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a/n: Thank you for requesting~~ Dear Readers, while I am not a native English speaker, I wrote this ff in the English-pronounciation (?) mindset that “Epel” and “Apple” sound very similar. If it’s not all that similar, may Reader be too obsessed with apples to have that selective hearing when it comes to Epel’s name or let’s blame it on the Harveston’s dialect, haha
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Be a zealous apple lover.
You envy this boy’s name.
“Apple”? What a majestic word to be named after. The first time you’ve heard a woman calling someone like that, you remember stilling in place and whooping your head at a ten-year-old boy who yelled that he was coming.
And he… doesn’t look like an apple. Maybe you weren’t expecting a walking apple, nor a boy with red hair dressed in all browns, carrying a big basket of apples (and of course, eating one in the other hand) like a character created for a show whose audience is a tad younger than you, but none of the apples you know turn purple.
Never have you imagined someone with such a beautiful name would move so wobbly in snow, the sledge he dragged behind definitely too heavy.
The realization of how unfitting this name was makes you lose a grip on the basket of fabric you got from one of your new neighbours. Well, everyone here is “new” if you just came into this little village just three days ago.
That boy notices you. He must have heard the news because a flash of recognition paints itself on his face. You didn’t return a shy smile at the staring, even if you wanted to. You remember your cheeks prickling from the freezing wind when you bolted home as the apple boy looked like he wanted to say something.
“He doesn’t look like an apple,” you argue with your mother that night, as she kisses your temple goodnight.
“Maybe not. But I would have loved you two to be friends…” Your mother stops in her words as you roll your eyes at her and pout with all your might. She suppresses a laugh that you would take to your heart. “…But, maybe I should be glad he doesn’t resemble an apple at all? You would have fallen head over heels in love with him if he did.”
Yeah, your mother doesn’t need to look so happy as you grew agitated.
“I wouldn’t!” You protest loudly and bury yourself deeper into bed sheets even if your face grows hotter. Maybe of the embarrassment, maybe of the fury, but surely not because of the boy. “I would never fall in love with a boy like him. And I don’t want you to talk about this to anyone!”
You remember your mother’s eyes twinkling with utter amusement. “Yes, yes, all right.”
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2. Challenge Apple to a sled race.
Maybe it’s the fault of far too many action films being aired on TV, yet the idea of being able to win anything a fight was stuck in your head.
Some limited part of your brain thought that, hm, Apple might just give up his name to you if you won in this town’s most famous activity: the Harveston’s Sled Race. It seemed only appropriate for you to pick something the boy must know, even if you had only got your first sledge barely two weeks ago.
“Ya… want my name?” Apple blinks as you grow irate when you repeat your offer once again. You remember rolling your eyes ostentatiously at him, and Apple huffing loudly at you. “What does it even mean, duh?”
He crosses his arms and glared at you. He has the advantage of being just a little bit taller than you, but thankfully, his The-Great-Seven-Better-Bless-Her grandmother never ceases to dress him in fluffy, puffy clothes, always in pastel colours; the cute pompom on top of his beanie and shawl in the adorable pink shade made him much less imposing.
“Whoever wins in this sledge race will be called Apple,” you repeat. Apple squints his eyes at you. “I like this name so much, you have no idea. Please give it up to me.”
You have no idea why his face slowly turned red. If you knew better, you would have used this opportunity to tease him, but little you didn’t want to mock a newly met boy, even if you just threw down a gauntlet for his name.
“It’s a normal name….” He mutters, and before you can protest, he draws his eyes to you, somehow redeeming you speechless. “…But I’ll challenge you if that’s what you wanna do.”
Huh. You weren’t expecting him to agree so easily.
…Nor were you expecting him to glide on the snow with his sledge. He looked frail enough to not care about things like rides and thought that it would give you the advantage. It did not. Apple flew or used magic, or illusions because he rode so fast the snow beneath him barely left a trace.
That was some cool skill, even if you hated how awed you were.
It seems like you challenged the wrong boy because this one wins with ease.
“Sorry,” he says with flushed cheeks, and his deep breaths create little warm clouds in freezing air. He lays on the snow, and his fringe sticks to his forehead. He has won, and it was a tough victory yet a well-earned one. “I will still be the only Epel in this town.” He shifts his gaze on you. “So. What’s your name?”
Well, he is a (treacherous) winner. You give your name to him.
He smiles slightly, he repeats it slowly and goes quiet. You look over to see him open his eyes from reverie and bright lights dance in his eyes.
“It’s nice. I think it suits you well.”
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3. Have some baking skills.
“Epel, dear. We’ll be having our little neighbour helping us this year’s festival, so please show how responsible can you be and teach [Name] how to prepare apples for the pies.”
Ugh. If only Grandma Marja wasn’t so kind, you would have been protesting more.
Apple looks at you and you frown slightly as he sighs at your sight.
“You again?”
And because Grandma Marja already left, you feel free to announce your displeasure with the situation as well. Sadly, there are no other kids your age in this village, so you are probably bound to accompany him for the rest of your whole life here as he’s your only peer.
Apple hands you an apron, before ordering you to wash your hands. Because the kitchen island is too occupied with other dishes and too high for any of you without a stool, you take a seat next to a coffee table that was impractically set between the salon and kitchen, leaving just enough space to create a narrow route from one room to another.
“Have you ever baked an apple pie before?” He asks and you shake your head. His brows furrow slightly as he thinks whether you will be a help here at all. “So, it will be a long day…”
He better not write you off before you can even start.
You cross your arms. “Test me first, complain later... if ever.”
“I’m not complaining. But we have a knife and a peeler. Oh, and it hurts if you get cut. You should take it slowly and be careful,” he adds and hops to the other room to grab a basket full of apples. He lays it between you two.
Apple doesn’t let you use a knife.
“I am older than you,” he says and takes an apple from you to cut it into even pieces. You don’t notice the skill he has to make careful cuts precise and clean, as you glare at him.
The few-month gap in your age isn’t enough to stop you from insisting that you can do more complicated things than just peeling apples. That’s some arduous work, especially when the peeler doesn’t cooperate and the thin fruit’s skin gets stuck between the blades.
So, Apple, who couldn’t contain that last annoyed sigh, finally lends you a knife. He instructs you, but after several times that you tell him you know what are you doing, he hesitantly goes back to his work. You could feel a worried gaze at you nonetheless, and at one time you looked over your shoulder to see him staring at you.
And that’s when the knife slips from your hands.
You don’t scream, but a gasp and a sudden flinch gives you away.
“Aaaand that’s what I was saying,” he immediately drops the apple he was taking care of, and stands next to you, scrutinizing the cut. It’s not bigger than a paper cut, yet it’s a bit deeper and stings as much. You quickly hide your hands from him. “Go take your hand under the cold water. I will get some bandages.”
He gets some. He then orders you—” I am the older one here and I was right before, so I am in charge between us two,” as you were told—to sit on the sofa as he carefully wraps one bandage around your finger. The gesture it’s almost cute from him, but it doesn’t lift your foul mood at all.
“I made more trouble than I’ve helped,” you say quietly. Epel looks at you, a bit surprised.
“You sayin’ that this little cut is making you quit?” And now he has that stupid smile on his lips that makes your blood not boil, but warm up at least five degrees. “Awh, poor thing.”
You get up in a hurry.
“…I didn’t say that.”
“Then don’t give up like that,” he chastises you, but he can’t hide a (still very stupid) smile when you pass him to get to the kitchen counter. “But be more careful from now. No one wants to eat a bloody apple pie.”
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4. Get into NRC and survive a shock.
Over the years, you’ve become friends, close enough to plan to go to college together, if the opportunity arises. It did.
The perfect way to celebrate getting into NRC is with a soft drink, sparkling soda and a big plate of snacks. Although you bought chips for the occasion, your and Apple’s parents prepared a pile of homemade goodies and they couldn’t compare to those store-bought.
Your can clinks against Apple’s and you take a sip.
“It’s not like I ever thought of Night Raven Collage rejecting the best candidates ever,” Apple says with a sigh. Only today you can notice how stiff he was before; although he’d been playing it cool, he was tense all the time. “But that’s one burden off your chest.”
You nod in agreement and look at the acceptance papers once again. When a time will come, carriages with Gates will come for you two… And that’s a thrilling thought.
“This document looks so official,” you say. “What a pretty paper. It looks so elegant.”
Apple empties his can and briefly glances at you.
“Nothin’ special about it…”
And because you want to see the comparison (maybe there are hidden hints where you might be allocated to by the Dark Mirror?), you take his document. The first thing that crosses your mind, is that there is something wrong with his name.
“Wait,” you shriek loudly, and Apple shudders from surprise. He would chastise you for screaming so loud if you didn’t look so worried. “They spelled your name wrong!”
“Huh?” Apple feels a pang of horror, the same you feel when you tap your pockets in search of your phone. As if he found it, once he reads the top of the document again, he relaxes. His lips form into a thin line: he thinks you are pranking him. “No way. Everything is correct.”
“No, look here. Your name, Apple!”
“It’s… Correct.”
“E- P- E- L. And your name is A- P- P- L- E, no?”
“…What?” Epel, not Apple, looks surprised but not as surprised as you. “You thought my name was ‘Apple’ for all those years?!”
You bite your lip to not question it. Is it not? Your cheeks burn from embarrassment, and your heart feels heavy as if you have just betrayed your best friend. It never crossed your mind to have him write down his name, and there wasn’t a reason for him to do so: in this small town there is no school, neither are there the tests you need to sign.
“…I’m sorry.” You stutter, and Epel brushes the crumbs off from his blouse and gets up.
“Goodbye,” he says, making his way towards the door. He doesn’t seem that upset over the whole thing, as much as confused. Tomorrow everything will return to normality, but Epel will have a top-tier teasing material for years. “That’s too many revelations for today.”
“Wait, Epel!”
“Go to ya Apple boy.”
“No!! I said I’m sorry!”
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5. Get sorted into any dorm but Pomefiore.
“Stop laughing.”
“I can’t…! Ha…”
You take a big breath to calm yourself down, but once you look up at Epel and his grimace, it’s impossible to not burst out laughing so loud and so breath-taking you drop to the floor. Epel nudges you. You might be in his room, yet he knows if he’ll be too loud, someone will come to shush you two.
And maybe they will punish him, but Epel isn’t familiar with Pomefiore’s customs, so he doesn’t know what to expect.
“How come you got sorted into another dorm, while we are practically the same?” Epel mumbles, lying down on his bed. The sheets are heavy yet comfortable, luxurious like the whole room. It feels like a museum here, where each item is more valuable than your life and you need permission to rearrange the interior.
To Epel, Pomefiore is the worst dorm. He remembers you teasing him about getting sorted to Pomefiore, but neither of you thought it would come true. It’s too stiff, too restrictive and cares too much about appearances. Epel’s heart feels heavy at the thought of the next four years here.
“Maybe Dark Mirror doesn’t sort the dorm judging by the alikeness of two last brain cells but the shape and colour of the soul,” you nudge him back, waking him up from his reverie.
“Or maybe it didn’t get any input of brain cells from you.”
“Well, your desire to be the prettiest boy in the town got to it, so I think it functions well.”
You chuckle at the dead glare he throws you.
Epel finally sighs.
“…I would like to change the dorms.”
“I don't know whether the Dark Mirror accepts complaints,” you tease him. The gloom is abruptly replaced by irritation, and that’s nice. An angry Epel is better than a devastated Epel. “But if you ever want to escape for a while, you are welcome in my room. We can have a sleepover whenever you want.”
“…Thank you.”
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
5.5. Sorted into Pomefiore exception.
“You ain’t elegant at all, though.”
“It seems like my elegance bleaks in comparison to yours, pretty boy.”
“You are blind.”
Epel tries to push you away, but you sidestep while giggling. He glares at you, and thankfully, his eyes don’t seem that sad. When he returned to his seat after getting sorted to Pomefiore, he looked bewildered, as if he suddenly wasn’t in the NRC he dreamed of but some other, less-dreamlike school.
You remember him blinking back tears, but maybe not from sadness—thankfully, Epel doesn’t pity himself—but melancholy, as if he just lost something he didn’t even have. Maybe also fury and confusion.
“It will be fun to stay here together,” you prompt, and Epel sighs but a trace of a smile appears on his lips. Thank Great Sevens for the little lights that brighten the azure tones in his eyes.
“Guess I’m stuck being your neighbour forever.”
“It can’t be that bad.”
“Of course not. You already know how great friend I can be.”
“…I guess you’re right,” he sticks out his tongue. Vil will have a lot of work if he wants to make him a fine gentleman. Well. You will take any version of Epel, even the pettiest and most teasing one, so it’s Vil’s burden to bear. “Kind of.”
You pout at him, but a quiet smile breaks your coolness. “So petty.
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6. Listen to your manly man complain about Vil.
After several weeks in NRC, you could tell Epel still hasn’t gotten used to Pomefiore, and especially its leader.
“I can’t handle him pointing out each… well, everything!” He hides his face in his hands and sluggishly rubs his eyes; he looks tired enough even if Pomefiore must have those eight hours of sleep every night mandatory. “He would find wrongdoings in the way I breathe.”
“I would too. You don’t breathe as much through your nose as you think you do. That’s so very unhealthy, Epel. Your skin will be ruined in the next week of running.”
Epel throws you a warning look as if you had hit the nail with your talk. “Stop or I will strangle you with a pillow in your sleep. I already have Ace on my list.”
You chuckle at a threat, and Epel rolls his eyes. “How dramatic.”
“I have enough drama in my life,” he continues, and you can feel from his tone that he either suppresses the sigh. No apathy or fury anymore, though. Pomefiore must be slowly growing on him, and you take it as a good sign. “My two upperclassmen are going to be a death of me. I don’t know how could I end up in Pomefiore. This kind of lifestyle doesn’t suit me.”
“You complain about them a lot, but, in reality, you look up to him, no?” You tease. “Even you can say the beauty he possesses is influential and somewhat powerful.”
“He might look majestically but it doesn’t make him any less annoying. Now, let’s stop talking about him.”
“Why not? I might become Vil Schoenheit’s fan.”
He clasps his hands on your mouth, so you have to fully focus on his glaring.
“You can’t. You are my fan.”
You pout but after he takes his hands off you, a lopsided smile cracks your lips. “I guess you’re right.”
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7. Argue, duh.
That’s a hobby of you two, although a risky one. It always leaves a weight on your heart, because you cannot not care for Epel. While jokes and sarcasm are never intended to hurt any of you, and you can almost always distance yourself from teasing comments, his every word is precious to you.
“Don’t be a killjoy,” would make you roll your eyes if Epel didn’t look so serious. Your smile falters, and something in your stomach twists. You know this conversation was going to end in an argument even before he glowered at you.
“Hey, don’t say it like that,” you stutter the words, placing a hand on his arm. It would come as a reassuring gesture, yet Epel made an effort to move a seat away, and your arm fell aimlessly, sadly. “I am just worried about our grades. That have. Uh. Dropped marginally.”
You stare at your shoes because listening to your best friend being displeased with you so greatly is heartbreaking.
“We have the whole weekend ahead of us to study,” he argued. “Be serious. You don’t want me to go, because you weren’t invited, isn’t that so?”
You sigh. You’ve never expected to be invited to each of their meetings: they are Epel’s friends, and you have yours.
While you knew Ace and Deuce were delightful company, you always thought Epel would choose you over them, even if you suggested something as unentertaining as studying because you would do the same.
You were wrong, after all. Maybe that’s the difference of willpower between a just-a-friends mindset and having a crush on him. Do you really have a crush on him, though? Or maybe you’ve expected too much from a childhood friendship.
“Well, no. I mean, I would love to be invited, but—”
“We don’t need to hang out together every time we have a spare afternoon,” he said, and while it was a true statement, it hurt. If you weren’t able to somehow steel your nerves, you would know you wouldn’t be able to bear the prickling in your eyes. Epel’s next suggestion comes as a whisper. “Sometimes… We should take a break from each other, ya know? And I need to figure, uh, something out.”
The news shocks you so much, that you don’t notice how he visibly abstains from lifting a hand to his chest.
Well. You always knew you were a hopeless romantic.
“Breaks from each other, huh…”
You take in the phrase in silence. Epel takes this chance as an opportunity to gather his things and pack them.
“…I’ll be leaving. Good luck studying or whatever.”
“…Alright. Have—” fun, you wanted to say, but the door shut and Epel left you alone.
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8. Go through the silent treatment phase.
After a week of awkward conversations, Epel has forgotten about that talk. The pain in your chest dulled and you were growing indifferent as if you were watching a show—your life—that started to bore you, not engaging you at all.
You stared blankly at the screen of your phone.
— today —
Epel: Hey
Epel: are u free todya?? you’ve been so absent last weeks >:((
Epel: Grim and prefect invited us for gaming night
Epel: dont ya DARE do skip it again
— seen: now —
…Yeah. You feel nothing, maybe only a little sad at the memory when you felt so vivid and happy when you got a message from Epel.
“No, sorry, I am busy with studying lol,” you type, and while you know that excuse will wear out in the next few days, for as much as you’ve been using it for the last week to avoid hanging out with Epel, your (ex-?) best friend starts to type something. He will protest and argue and try to convince you, but you don’t want to talk today. “Maybe next time.”
So you turn off your phone, sinking deeper into the pillows on your bed.
You don’t have the energy to confront Epel right now.
And that’s it.
You fell into a slumber deep enough to not hear the hesitant-turned-frantic knocking to your room.
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9. Let Epel hear the advice of unreliable gurus of love.
They are really unreliable, look messy, and they judge you. The worst kind of people to go for (love?) advice, but Epel assures himself that he needs honesty, not a pat on his back or a shoulder to cry on. He also is out of other options.
Moreover, he would like to cry nowhere near Ace, who would obviously mock him. Even now it’s hard to have a heart-to-heart conversation when he and Deuce chomp on some type of dessert and some awfully happy music from videogame plays in the back of the room. “So? What did you do?”
“Ace,” Deuce is kind enough to elbow Ace in the stomach when Epel’s stoic expression falters.
His shoulders drop. “No, he… He is kinda right.”
Ace throws a winning smile but moves too far away from Deuce to have him punch him for the cheekiness. “’ Kinda’?”
“…Totally right,” Epel finally admits. “[Name] has been avoiding me and I have no idea what should I do,” He throws his arms on the table, and almost hides his face in the palms of his hands. Instead, he moves away the strands of his unruly hair. “Ugh. Why I am even asking you guys to help me? You’re even worse at this kind of thing.”
“Speak for yourself. And Deuce,” Ace cuts him off. And before Deuce can do anything else than glare at him, Ace shifts closer to Epel and throws an arm over his shoulder so he has to hunch. “Epel, question: what is “this kind of thing”. You mean… as in friendships or dating?”
Deuce looks shocked, even so more than Epel. “Dating?!”
“Why are you even so shocked?” Ace asks him, furrowing his eyebrows. When Deuce starts to ponder over his words, he rolls his eyes. “[Name] probably have had a crush on this imbecile”— he points his fork at Epel—” for damn years now, if I had to guess”.
“Thank you for the dramatic echo effect again, Deuce,” Ace snarls and finally focuses on Epel. Too distracted with a bickering between his friends, his spirits lift up a little. “And you, Epel. Pull yourself together. Do you want to sever the relationship? Do nothing. Do you want to be friends? Apologize to [Name] and try to patch the bond. Do you want to be in a relationship? …Welp, figure out that for yourself.”
“Amazing advice, Ace,” Deuce claps his hands theatrically.
He sticks out his tongue and winks. “You could never give a better one.”
Epel gets up from his seat.
“Thanks, you two. I… will do something.”
“Good luck,” Ace waves at him as Epel makes his way over to the door. “If it works out, you owe us a free drink. Especially me.”
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10. Have Epel fight for your love!!
It’s hard to find someone when the person knows your schedule and actively tries to avoid you. Choosing more roundabout corridors and sacrificing your wallet to have most of your meals in Monstro Longue instead of the cafeteria are only some of the things you did to avoid encountering Epel.
But he didn’t give up, and maybe his tenacity is what makes you oblige Epel once he finds you.
You don’t question him when he grabs your hand and asks you to skip the last lesson with him that feels almost unimportant as his intertwined fingers warm yours. You don’t comment on how his grip is stronger than usual and how he doesn’t let it go when your hands begin to sweat.
But as you leave the main building of NRC, the curiosity gets the better of you.
“Where are we heading to?”
Epel looks over his shoulder to blink at you. “I…,” he stammers, as confused enough to leave you wondering what is your final destination. Or what was your final destination, Epel seems to have forgotten whatever plan he had in mind. “I guess it can be here.”
He ushers you into one of the side alleys, a bit distanced from the main street and sits you down on a bench. You eye him curiously as he slowly lifts his hands to your face—and that is the first time he let go of your hand—and cupped your cheeks.
“Let me be clear. I- really like you,” he said loudly, gazing into your eyes. “And I know I… overreacted earlier. I’m sorry. I don’t want you to avoid me.”
You breathe out slowly. The heat from the “I really like you” moment prickles and makes your face hotter. It doesn’t help that Epel doesn’t shift his gaze from you nor that he has his hands firmly on your cheekbones as he awaits your answer.
“I’m… sorry. I shouldn’t have been getting between you and your friends.”
Epel eyes you, bewildered. “Why are you focusing on that part?”
“Ah. Maybe… I will phrase it differently,” He hesitates and his tone wavers, but he says the words without a stutter, as if he’s been practising them in front of the mirror, effectively. “I love you.”
“And I- I want to be friends even if you don’t feel the same.” He rushes with an explanation when you don’t answer as your mind goes blank. “Because. I don’t want you to… avoid me anymore. A-actually, you don’t have to rush with your answer. Just, decide, someday, in the near future, haha? I will wait.”
He glances at you and you know he won’t be able to bear long without hearing your answer. As he rushes past you, you think you heard a hushed whisper.
“Dear Sevens, I said it…!”
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rvblos · 8 months
Oi, como vai?
I've been thinking, what do you think of an Esteban imagining? The reader is Matias' sister, so Esteban already knows her and has a crush on her. Then one day Matias calls his sister and her friends to spend a few days at the beach. There Esteban avoids the reader for days, and the reader calls him to talk (at sunset), and Esteban ends up declaring himself… Then the boys catch them kissing and make jokes.
Thanks for your attention, I hope you have a great day! <3
hi! thank you for your request, i hope its what you imagined:)
summary: after spending several days filming, the boys decide to spend a few days at the beach house of mati and her sister (reader) and after ignoring her for a while esteban decides to declare himself.
tw: none
words count: 1.5 k
author’s note: i looooved writing this one and i changed it a little bit (i hope its not a problem) so i hope you enjoy it!
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“i need to go quickly to the grocery store, do you want to come?” she took her purse and was finally ready to go out.
after the endless days of filming, which hadn't finished yet, the boys had finally gotten a few days off. since matias and her had a small house near the sea they decided to spend them there, moving away from the mountains to spend some time at the seaside.
the first few days had passed well, between swimming in the sea and playing cards on the porch of the house, which directly overlooked the ocean. they were all having fun, leaving room in their minds for more than just the movie.
only one thing was a little strange: esteban hadn't spoken to her the entire time. he answered in monosyllables and almost ignored her. the two of them had always had a good relationship, a classic friendship, made up of jokes and laughter.
but also of fleeting glances and particular touches. like that time she was a little tipsy after a night out with the rest of the cast and esteban had offered to take her home. arriving at the entrance of the building they looked at each other for a moment that seemed like an eternity, before he gave her a quick kiss on her cheek, her hand in his, wishing her a goodnight and walking away from where he had come. it was a normal friendship, right?
maybe not, since from that moment on she developed a little crush on him. nothing special, she just stayed up the night thinking over and over again about him and about that moment that left her so speechless. she constantly thought about what he might be doing at that moment, who he was with and where.
but it was just a friendship.
and after that night, he’d been ignoring her for days, she no longer recognized him. what happened to the esteban she adored?
“i can't, i have to help pipe fix up some things” he replied from the couch, without looking up from the book he was reading. it was obviously an excuse for not being with her, but why?
“okay, i’ll se you later then” she took her keys and got out. she couldn't really understand why he was behaving like this, he didn't even look at her and acted as if she didn't exist. she felt hurt. but she decided not to think about that. after all she was at her house, with her friends. she would still have fun, with or without esteban.
they decided to spend that afternoon on the beach, like the other days. after lunch they all quickly went down towards the sea. she could hear the laughter of agustin and matias behind her and when she turned she saw them pushing each other to compete to see who could get to the beach first, rushing in the sand.
suddenly matias darted past her, hitting her shoulder and making her drop her bag. “matias!” she shouted at him from behind, but he was now far away. she turned towards her sister to smile at her, as if to apologize to her. but everything that was in the bag was scattered on the sand. she huffed and decided to ignore her brother and bent down to pick up what had fallen.
she saw esteban arriving in the distance and thought about asking him for help, but then she thought about it for a moment and decided that she too would have made it without him. however, when he approached to help her, she had already finished and ran away to join the others, leaving him alone.
so they spent another afternoon at the seaside, relaxing. the boys all spent their time in the water, laughing like crazy. they were a really nice group, and they loved each other dearly and were always ready to support each other.
when the sun began to set, creating a golden mirror on the sea, matias and the others began to walk towards home, to prepare dinner for the evening. she decided to stay on the beach for a little longer, to watch the sunset and think about what she would have done to stop that awkward situation between her and esteban.
“be safe, y/n” matias said to her in a brotherly tone. she rolled her eyes in response and watched them going home, getting smaller and smaller, until she couldn’t see them at all.
now she was all alone, finally.
the were the funniest to be around but after three days living with them she couldn’t take it anymore. they were messy and loud, at every hour of the day. and she just wished she could, for once, wake up without fran blasting raggaeton in her ears. or without having to tidy all of pipe’s clothes. or without having to find matias sleeping on the couch, still drunk from the previous night.
but they were fine, they were having fun.
except for her, she just wished that esteban would talk to her, even to tell her the stupidest of things. she wanted to hear his voice, look into his eyes, watch how his mouth moved as he spoke, his freckles and his smile.
she wished they could go back to being friends again, even if it meant that there could be nothing between them.
she was so absorbed in her thoughts that when someone sat down next to her, she didn't notice at all. she was looking at the sun which was growing smaller and smaller behind the sea.
“what are you thinking about?” as soon as she heard the voice, she suddenly turned towards her interlocutor. esteban was sitting next to her, his hands hugging his knees and his head resting on them, while he looked in her direction. she could tell that he had just taken a shower, because his hair was still wet and blowing in the cool sunset wind and his freckles were shining because of the gloden light. he looked peaceful.
“oh, just…things” she answered embarrassed, she wasn’t sure what to do. she had been waiting for that moment for ages, and now she was completely speechless in front of him, even though she had a lot to say.
he nodded in response, to let her know that he understood what she meant. so she wasn't the only one to have noticed that something had changed between them. or maybe…
“look…” he began, and that word echoed in her head, like a distant voice. "i’m sorry. i'm sorry for being such an asshole, for not talking to you, for ignoring you." those words got out of his mouth like a rush. he was struggling to find the right words to make her understand how sorry he was, because he was torturing his hands, not knowing what to do with them, where to put them.
“i didn't know how to behave. with matias and the others then... well, i'm really sorry" he continued, finishing with a sigh. he turned to her, who had already been looking at him since he started speaking. their eyes met and for a moment they stood still looking at each other. how many things they would’ve liked to say...
"the truth is that..." he hesitated for a moment before continuing, narrowing his eyes thinking carefully about the words to use. she felt completely stunned by what esteban had just told her. she couldn't believe that he had come of his own free will to talk to her, and to apologize for his behavior. she no longer knew what to think. that boy was truly mysterious. she could almost see the complicated reasoning esteban was doing at that moment, struggling to find the words to use.
at that point the boy no longer knew what to say to show her that he regretted his behavior and that he wanted to make it up to her. so in the end, turning to her, taking her face in his hands, he gently placed his lips on hers. this was the last thing that she expected him to do and so at the beginning she stiffened up, not because she didn’t like what he was doing, but because it was all too immediate.
but after she lets her lips relax against his, letting their kiss become more intense. she could feel their lips moving in harmony, and when esteban put his hand behind her neck, to bring her even closer to him and his body, she couldn't do anything but let herself go to his touch.
when they broke away from the kiss, she was blushing a lot and she seemed to feel very hot. the esteban effect. but they weren't ready to break that contact, not yet. their hands met and their fingers intertwined almost immediately. she finally had that answer to that question that kept up at night. he felt the same way about her.
finally she spoke again "promise me you won't tell anyone, please, if matias finds out..." but a loud laughter interrupted her before she could finish.
they turned immediately, and behind them found the rest of the boys crouching behind a garden hedge, spying on them. agustin was screaming “cmon kuku!” and hearing him, made esteban blush even harder. he placed a hand on his face, stroking it and sighing, the other one still intertwined with hers.
but there she was, with esteban and her best friends. all she could do was laugh and let herself go and enjoy the moment.
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wreckedandpolemic · 1 month
Girlie going away for a little trip with Charli, so Matty is looking after baba for four whole days!!!
And it’s just him looking after them and letting them sleep in Matty and Girlies shared bed when they get fussy 😭😭😭😭
i’m not even lying i felt myself well up reading this it’s so CUTE… you have a sweet little family breakfast (matty cooks, obvs) then you kiss your babies and your husband goodbye and hop into charli’s car. vera’s lower lip is already trembling, ever the mama’s girl, and if she cries, fiona cries. and if the twins cry, alanis pitches a fit for attention, and that’s a headache matty would rather nip in the bud lol.
right, my girls, he says, scooping vera up before she can cry. what do you girls get up to when dada’s not home, hmm? alanis cocks her head, and he can literally see her scheming, the expression so reminiscent of you that he almost laughs. mummy lets us have chocolate for dinner and stay up past bedtime, she says, smiling like butter wouldn’t melt even as she shoots vera a death glare when she opens her mouth. fiona agrees emphatically and he laughs.
matty shakes his head fondly, still idly bouncing vera in his arms. her thumb is in her mouth and she tucks her head into his shoulder, his heart melting as she cuddles in close. i don’t know about chocolate for dinner, but i’ll see what i can do about bedtime, okay? how’s that sound, baba? she considers it deeply, and then nods. d’you wanna build a fort in the lounge? watch some films? and he makes it so sweet and soft and cosy, all your expensive throw pillows and blankets spread out on the floor, string lights wrapped around the chairs propping up the sheets, and despite his bad back and dodgy knee, matty gets on the floor with them, climbs into the fort and lets them crawl over him to get comfy before he starts the movie. he snaps a couple of pictures to send to you of the girls all cuddled up together around him, all smiling faces and curly little heads, and it’s so adorable that you almost want to turn around and go home and snuggle your husband and daughters on the living room floor.
matty ends up with a spread of picky bits for lunch/dinner, popcorn and crisps and frozen pizza galore, and he does let them stay up past bedtime, carrying them carefully up to bed once they pass out in the lounge. of course, he has to deal with three grumpy five- and seven-year-olds who haven’t yet figured out how to sleep in at seven a.m. the next morning (after getting off the phone with you at two teehee) and regrets everything. still, he’s determined to muscle through and maintain his status as a fun dad through the weekend, so he drags himself out of bed and makes them smiley-face pancakes to start the day.
alanis is sulky, fiona sullen and vera withdrawn, and matty’s like you know you could just go back to bed? there’s no law that says you have to wake dada up by pulling on his hair and jumping on the bed at silly o’clock in the morning? but of course, there’s no reasoning with them, so he tries a different tactic, bundling them back into the fort and spinning a slow, soft record until they fall asleep. his sweet, energetic girls are back when they wake up, and fiona pads into the kitchen to find him and excitedly asks to play tea parties. he obliges happily, indulging in their fantasy game with gleeful yes-ands.
it’s only a few minutes after matty’s settled down to sleep himself that vera shuffles into your room. what is it, baba? it’s a school night, you need to get good rest, he murmurs, frowning when he hears her quiet little sniffle. i miss mummy, she says, i want her to kiss me goodnight or i can’t sleep.
oh, sweetheart. mummy’s still on holiday with auntie charli, but she’ll be back before you know it, promise. he lifts her from the floor and pulls her into bed with him, kisses the top of her head and brushes away her tears. i miss her too, baba. come here, darling, just go to sleep, you’ll be okay. she tucks herself into matty’s chest, eyes fluttering closed, and his heart swells.
and ugh i could go on and on and onnnn this is the cutest fucking thing in the world oh this dilf why is he not fathering my children right neow…
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153 for Cranberry. Damn!
We are picking up in the middle of some horniness tbh so apologies.
“Yeah,” Eddie shrugs. “Well…” 
He trails off awkwardly. 
“Uh, I’ve never done it with another guy,” Buck offers. 
Eddie smiles a little uncomfortably. “Well, um… That didn’t seem to affect your, uh, skill level.”
Buck grins. “Well, good.”
Eddie swallows. “I, uh… I need to clean myself up.” 
“Same here,” Buck admits.
He feels a little wave of anxiety. Like Eddie is going to end the call and run away from him. That things will be awkward between them. 
“But, there’s no reason why…” Eddie starts. “Uh, I mean, there’s no reason why we couldn’t do that again sometime?” 
Oh, well that’s the opposite of running away. 
“I’d like that,” Buck replies eagerly. 
“Good,” Eddie smiles. “Goodnight, Buck.”
Buck’s chest flutters. 
“Goodnight, Eddie.” 
Time moves by a little easier after that. On all fronts, things just seem a bit better. 
Training with Cranberry goes well. As it turns out, from the list of tricks she needs to get the first title - Novice - her service dog training has already accomplished most of it. And she only needs to be able to do any ten, so it’s kind of a steal. 
She already knows how to fetch an object from ten feet away and bring it back to him, bring her leash when specifically asked, hold an object in her mouth for three seconds, lay down on a hand signal, and boop a targeted object with her nose. That’s five. Then, her other skills allow for some of the other tricks on the list with no additional training. She hops into a large cardboard box and sits on command with no fuss. That’s six. She hops onto a low table - a substitute for a platform - and sits on command easily. That’s seven. She can target a raised platform - the table again - with just her two front paws. That’s eight. She can follow a series of “sit” and “down” commands in rapid succession, leading to what is adorably called a ‘puppy push-up.’ That’s nine. Only one to teach.
After watching a quick video involving a treat lure, Buck and Chris spend half an hour teaching Cranberry a ‘spin’ command. By the end of it, she’s twisting in a tight circle on command for a piece of freeze dried beef liver. That’s ten. They film and submit after a single day of effort. 
“That was easy!” Chris, the enthusiastic cameraman to Buck’s dog handler, announces once it’s all done. 
“The next ones will be tougher, I think,” Buck says. “Cran just already has a lot of training.”
“Bring it on!” Chris exclaims confidently. 
It’s not just Cranberry’s training endeavors that make life that much better, either. Things have shifted significantly with him and Eddie, too. Not only has the phone sex continued - in the fleeting times when Eddie gets the chance, which are rare - but they pretty much just kind of exist on the phone together, now. When Eddie isn’t working, that is. It’s probably annoying as all hell for Hen and Chim, but Buck can’t bring himself to stop. They spend hours on Facetime almost every day, whether it be while Buck is cooking for himself and Chris, playing some sort of virtual game in the evenings, or talking just the two of them before bed. They talk about anything and everything. They talk about things they never would have before. They talk until one of them - usually Buck - falls asleep. It’s not unusual for Buck to wake up in the morning to a dead or dying phone battery. 
Things suddenly feel simultaneously less crowded and less lonely, all at once. Like a routine is building and forming and becoming normal, even if nothing about these circumstances are normal at all. Even if he’d be much happier if things with Eddie weren’t happening via his iPhone. He’s finding things to look forward to and ways to be happy here, too. 
“You’re both really doing okay?” Eddie asks the night Buck and Chris filmed Cranberry’s video submission. “You’re not just trying to spare my feelings?” 
“No, I’m not,” Buck promises. “I won’t lie, it got rough for a bit there. But we are adjusting to the new normal, or whatever.” 
Eddie sighs. “I don’t want me not being there to be the new normal.” 
“That’s not what I’m saying,” Buck replies quickly. “Just, the lack of space. Everything online. Nowhere to go. That’s all.” 
“I know.” Eddie replies. “Thank you, again. I’ll never be able to thank you enough.” 
“I’m thinking a nice six pack of that expensive craft pale ale I like will do,” Buck winks. 
“Deal. Minute I’m home.” Eddie promises. 
“You may stop thanking me when you come home to your child hyper fixating on dog training,” Buck says. “He’ll want one of his own even more.”
“Oh, well not to worry. He’s claimed yours. His teacher emailed to tell me that Chris wrote a lovely little story for English class about his dog, Cranberry.” 
Buck’s heart feels sort of gooey at that thought.
“I want to read that!” He complains. “Why didn’t he show it to me?”
“Probably because he knows she’s not really his dog.” 
“No way,” Buck waves a dismissive hand. “She’s totally his dog, too. I mean, he’s not her handler like I am. But when it comes to, like, loving her? Yeah, she’s his.”
Eddie smiles. He looks at Buck, but doesn’t say anything. 
“What?” Buck asks.
“Nothing,” Eddie assures him. “He’s pretty lucky, I guess.”
“Yeah, well… So am I. I could have ridden this whole thing out alone.” Buck reminds him. 
“Yeah, then who would have filmed your dog tricks?” Eddie teases.
“Exactly! Where’s the fun in that?”
Things take another downhill turn one day when training for Cranberry’s next trick title. Her Novice submission passed. She is officially Tweed River’s Vodka Cranberry TKN. So she has more letters behind her name than Buck. He tries not to think about that one too hard. 
Like with Novice, Cranberry’s service dog training comes in handy for the list of Intermediate tricks. Again, she just needs ten. Because of her training, they are easily able to get her to carry a basket, balance a treat on her nose, fetch something from twenty feet away and deliver it to hand, lay and put her head down on command, presh a doorbell button, and open both a door and a drawer with a pull tab. That’s seven. They’re quickly able to get her to jump up and lean two paws against Buck’s arms for eight. Which leaves catching something midair and hide and seek for their ninth and tenth. 
They focus on catching first. It should be easy. She catches balls midair all the time during games of fetch. The problem is that it’s never on command or on purpose. It just depends on the way the throw goes and Cranberry’s coordination that day. It isn’t an exact behavior, the way she can reliably fetch and retrieve the ball more generally.
They’re practicing in the backyard. The best way they’ve found to get her to catch midair is to throw the ball high and short, giving her time to track and leap for it without having to cover any distance. Christopher is the one throwing. Laughing as he manages to lob the ball higher and higher, watching Cranberry launch her lithe, muscular body. She snaps at the ball like an alligator, tail wagging proudly each time she catches it. Buck is a little nervous at how much air she’s getting, and how vertical her body is stretching.
“She’s good at this!” Chris exclaims. 
“She is,” Buck agrees. “Hey, don’t throw it so high every time, though. I don’t want her to hurt herself.”
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slayingqueenchal · 2 years
Interview(ed) | timothee chalamet x y/n
A remake of my first ever fanfic Interview. | Timothee chalamet x Reader (y/n) I'm a bit better at writing, comparing to my past self, this is full of fluff fluff fluffy, and I'm using second person perspective instead of first person perspective,and timmy describes you in french and it's like confessing! But I'll stfu rn, enjoy! (There's an ending to this not like the first one)
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"Yes, how are you, y/n, Timothee! I am john" The interviewer said to you and timothee.
"Good good! " Said timothee, and you nodded with him. "Amazing, now, I'm going to ask you questions for both dune part 1&2, is that alright?" John ask and both of you nodded.
"So, timothee, how did you get the role of Paul atreides? " John asks while flipping his card.
"It was like every other auditions, it's a tough one, I was really lucky that I got the role" He explained, his hands were moving as he was speaking.
"Great, what about you, y/n" John asks. "It was my cousin, who made me audition for the role of alia atreides, she was nine, she's a, a really smart person, to the degree that she understood dune" You told John.
"Why haven't you told me this?! This is literally the cutest thing ever, Y/n" Timothee groaned.
John flipped another card. "You can choose to not answer this one, just tell me, but the fans are curious about you twos dating rumours, is that true? " He asks.
"That's fine" Said timothee, you told John "we're very platonic.. Too, platonic, sometimes" With a fake chuckle.
You always had feelings since you first met timothee. It's like, love at first sight.
"Oo, that's cool! Up to the next question! " He flips his card, "Can each of you tell me, who was the most funniest, adorable, relatable, nicest co-star in the whole film, say it at the same time! ".
"Okay.. Timmy, one" You said.
"Two" Timothee said.
"Three! " You said. You pointed at him, saying "you!". But, he had done the same thing to, he said you were the most fun from the whole dune film.
"Aww" John said. You realized that, you were blushing hard.
"Up to the final, special question, many fans have asked this, timothee, can you describe y/n kn french? " John asks.
"elle est belle, ma personne préférée dans le film, peut-être ma personne préférée dans le monde entier" Timothee says with a lot of emotions.
(she's beautiful, my favorite person in the film, maybe my favorite person in the whole world)
"elle est vraiment attentionnée, avec beaucoup de monde et je ne pouvais pas m'empêcher d'être jalouse" Timothee says.
(she's really caring, with a lot of people and I couldn't help but to be jealous)
"Je pense que j'ai des sentiments pour elle, mon amour"
(I think I have feeling for her, love)
"et je sais qu'il y aura un gars ou une fille française qui traduira ça, mais priez Dieu qu'elle ne le sache pas. c'est une belle, géniale, gentille personne et honnêtement je ne la mérite pas du tout mais c'est trop tard maintenant, je suis déjà tombé amoureux d'elle" He says
(and I know there's going to be a French guy or girl who is going to translate this, but, pray to God that she wouldn't know. she's a beautiful, great, nice person and I honestly don't deserve her, at all but it's too late now, I've already fallen for her)
"And I believe that's it, I guess" He says.
"That was great! I personally don't understand but, maybe there will be someone who will explain, well I'm ending soon so, thankyou so much for answering all of the questions! Goodnight and bye! " John says enthusiastically. Not you though, you and timothee looks like a dead zombie answering questions since seven in the morning to ten pm.
"Well, that's all guys, pack your stuff and you can go, goodnight! " Says the producer.
"Alright" You both said.
"Timmy! Goodnight" You said, waving at him. "Night, y/n" Timothee responses.
You walked down to your car in silence with your body guards, and got home safely.
You went upstairs, get cleaned up, and went for a good night sleep.
Everything was alright until a thousand notifications blew up on your phone.
"What the hell" You groaned, taking your phone. Though your eyes were blurry, you can still see.
Everyone one was tagging you all across the media.
"Oh my gosh, I'm French, and if you haven't watched the dune interview with buzzfeed, you're missing out! " The girl says and plays the audio.
'elle est belle, ma personne préférée dans le film, peut-être ma personne préférée dans le monde entier' the blurry audio says
"Timothee is saying how y/n is the best person in the world and later he says that he couldn't help but be jealous of people around her who she's nice with,OH MY GOSH, he says he thinks he has feelings for her, and that he doesn't deserve her but he has already fallen in love. Oh my gosh y'all" Says the girl.
You sat there for a second, trying to process what's going on.
Timothee, liking you back? Sounds like a daydream.
You opened your messages app to found timothee's was filled by apologizes, confession, and him saying sorry for a hundred times.
You wrote 'timmy, you don't need to say sorry, in fact, I love you too'. No, that's corny you changed it up a bit "timmy, you don't need to say sorry, in fact, I have feelings for you too".
You sent it with your eyes closed. Turning off the phone.
"Y/n, I have.. It's like love at first sight and since you've told me this, would you like, go out with me, I know I'm a sucker for asking this in chat but pleasee" The notification rings.
Well, you replied and, guess someone's going on a date.
This was really rushed I'm sorry
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austeenbootler · 3 months
Love is the warmest color
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pairing: austin x oc (sienna)
wc: 3k
tw: hospital, broken bones, blood mention, argument?… i think that’s it 🙃
summary: austin falling in love with his new pa 🤭
It was easy to see that Austin was absolutely head over heels for his new pa. who wouldn’t though? Sienna was absolutely gorgeous. Hypnotizing light hazel doe eyes, gorgeous, long curly brown hair. The softest looking skin and the plumpest lips. And being from Australia she had the accent but on her it was beyond sexy.
Austin nearly collapsed seeing Sienna for the first time. But when he found out she was his pa he had to take a thirty minute break in his trailer. To make matters worse, when he woke up she was on his couch with water and a bagel, somehow just how he liked it, smothered in strawberry cream cheese and chocolate fudge.
When Sienna noticed he was awake she hopped up and brought the food over to him. A huge smile showing a perfect set of bright teeth and he nearly passed out again.
“how are you feeling mr. butler. You looked a little pale back there.” He groaned and blushed knowing she saw him like that. “I-im good n-now. tha-thank you.”
He internally sighed. He must sound so stupid stuttering so much. “Good. well after you eat and get your strength back up you’re due to a meeting at about 6:30.” He nodded and sat up. “A-alright. Thank you again sienna.”
She smiled softly. “No problem mr. Butler.” She got up to leave but stopped when he grabbed her wrist gently.
“Are you going to be at the meeting?” Part of him wants her but another part doesn’t, knowing he wouldn’t be able to focus on a damn thing if she was. “No. It's for the cast only. I’ll be with the other pa’s waiting for y’all to finish up.” He had to bite his lip to keep from frowning. He gave a small nod and let her go. When she left he quickly ate a bagel and went to the meeting. Though it was like she was there anyway… he couldn’t focus, his thoughts filled with her.
He'd have to get the notes from Olivia later. For now he just trudged out to his trailer. He had his headphones in and his head down as he walked. Not noticing his pa and ran right into her. She yelped softly but before she fell Austin caught her and got her steady again.
“Shit, sorry about that sienna.” She sighed and looked at the spilled coffee. “It's alright. I guess I have to get baz a new coffee.” He frowned, not hearing the sarcasm. “I thought ya were my PA?” She let out a breathy chuckle.
“I am … that was yours. I was joking.” Austin chuckled softly, cheeks red.
“Oh… well then it's alright, doll. I need to actually sleep. I'm off my game.” “Well… I mean filming doesn't start till next week. Just take some time to relax before being thrown into the fire yea?”
“hmm… How do you reckon I do that?” “Karate?” This has Austin bursting into laughter. “Well someones an Elvis fan.” “Just only my whole life.” She pulled down her shirt to expose a little tcb tattoo below her clavicle. “Woah holy shit!” She giggled and Austin felt his heart speed up.
“Yea i heard a mouthful from my mother.”
“Well if it’s any consolation I absolutely love it.” That had her blushing. “Well thank you mr butler.” “Listen. You don’t have to call me mr. butler. Austin is fine.” She nodded obediently. “Alright austin. Let me go get your coffee.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Doll… I told you I didn't want coffee. It's like seven pm.” She clapped her hands together. “Right! okay…”
She blushed as he took her hand. And if it was clammy and shaky, Austin was grateful she didn't point it out.
They stared at each other for a few seconds. "Well do you need anything?" "No doll. You get home and get some rest." She nodded, a soft smile gracing her lips.
"Goodnight mr-austin." He smirked. "Goodnight doll."
From that point on Austin practically started following her around like a lost puppy. And luckily for him she found it adorable. Though she would always tease him.
"You know, I'm the one supposed to be following you around."
She was the first pa there so she was getting everyone coffee and breakfast. And of course he had paid for hers.
"Y-yea I know b-but…” He scratched the back of his head and blushed, not knowing what else to say. She found his little nervous stutter quite adorable and found his new elvis accent even sexier.
About two weeks later they were getting serious with filming and Austin was getting serious with her. She was his girl and he made it known. Everywhere you found Austin, she was right by his side in his lap. They had to get him a new and sturdier chair since it snapped the first time she was on his lap. They were both found dying of laughter on the floor.
It was then that they both realized that they wanted to be together. But Austin being the old time gentleman he was, he wanted to be all romantic and classy.
So that night he planned everything out. Literally everything. He even had his sister help him with everything. He made dinner reservations at one of the most expensive restaurants he could find in memphis.
All night he panicked about what her reaction would be. Would she reject him? Although it was clear she liked him... What if she was just being nice? He did see her being nice to the others. Even hugging and holding hands... His thoughts ran rapidly with the negative thoughts and he wasn't able to get any sleep. And when his alarm went off he nearly cried. Now not only was he anxious. He was anxious and exhausted.
As he dragged himself out of bed and into fresh clothes his mind was filled with thoughts of her. It was really the only thing keeping him going. On the way to the set he stopped by the store and picked up some flowers and her favorite snacks.
Before he went to his trailer he dropped the items off at her little desk area. When he arrived at his trailer he saw his coffee and a small breakfast and he swore he felt a few tears roll down his cheeks. "What's wrong, Aus?"
He gasped loudly, whipping around to see her. He didn't even hear her enter. "Jesus Christ baby!"
She chuckled softly as she got closer. Though she frowned immediately seeing his appearance. "Austin, did you sleep at all?" He knew he couldn't lie to her. Not only that but she would know anyways. So he shook his head, leaning into her touch as she caressed his cheek.
"Why not love?" "Just a bit anxious." She sat him down on the couch, taking a seat next to him. She also grabbed his food and started feeding him little pieces. Smiling at his blush.
“I'm not gonna have the big star sleepy and hungry. What type of pa would I be?" "You’d still be amazing in my eyes baby" She rolled her eyes jokingly and kissed his head. "Now wouldn't that be a bit biased Butler? So what happened last night?"
Austin sighed softly before cuddling into her lap. This was also a new thing. Since filming had been getting more serious and stressful, his breaks were either him taking short naps with her or her force feeding him when he hadn't all day. “I'll tell you later alright?"
She nodded and started playing with his hair. Her nails felt like heaven as she scratched his scalp lightly.
“I might fall'sleep if you keep doing that."
"Good. You have some time, Mr. I need to arrive an hour early.”
He chuckled sleepily and hummed. He was falling asleep and fast. And When he did actually fall asleep, she texted baz to hold off another thirty minutes so he could have all the rest possible. Luckily the director agreed.
Unfortunately that time seemed to go by way too quick and she hesitantly shook Austin awake. He sat up with a soft gasp. and when he saw the time he nearly fell off the little couch.
"Oh my god! Why'd you let me sleep so long?! I'm late!!"
"Relax baby. I got you extra time. You’re right on time. I promise. And at that he relaxed a little. "You... how?"
"It's hard to say no to me." Austin couldn’t agree more. "That is true." He then shoved some shoes on his feet and kissed the top of her head and nearly groaned.
"God, your hair smells so good." “Thank you, love. It's vanilla and coconut." He smiled and nodded, holding his hand out for her to take. She got up after putting her own shoes on and took his hand. They quickly made their way to costumes. she sat on the little couch as Austin, baz and costume talked.
Today they were filming a super cute scene at graceland. So they had Austin in a white polo, crème pants and some wool type jacket. He absolutely looked incredible. It was one of those moments where he really looked like elvis. She chuckled as he turned around all dramatically, like always. "What'd’ya think doll?" She smiled widely. "Gorgeous Mr. Presley" He absolutely beamed at that.
"Head to makeup aus." "Yes sir, thank you" The costume designer nodded and austin took siennas hand and they headed off to makeup. She took a seat there and watched Austin get his face beat to match Elvis'. Truthfully it didn't need much, maybe just some spray tan and he really looked like the king. "On set in ten minutes." Another crew member called out to everyone. Austin sighed before taking her hand and leading her out to set.
Since they were filming outside there was a huge tent for everyone who wasn't in the scene. It had fans and water since it was a bit warmer. As she sat in his chair she took in the set. Graceland of course, a long line of some of the prettiest cars she's ever seen and of course the rowdy boys... some friends, cousins and a few extras. This was one of the more chill laid back scenes. It was just Elvis being the little boy he was and playing football with his friends. The scene was Elvis and the boys hopping over the fence and grandma dodger throwing the football. It reminded her of her own brothers and how they'd roughhouse in their own front yard and she couldn't stop smiling.
Though they were on about take five when she became a bit uninterested and started playing with her phone. It seemed everyone else was doing other things too. That was until baz yelled out the loudest cut she's ever heard But what really got her attention was austin's pained cry. When she looked up, Austin was holding onto his leg, crying. She gasped softly and was up in seconds running to him, crouching next to him.
"Baby hey what happened?" "T-think i broke it. Fuck!"
She frowned as the tears fell down his cheeks. "Here, let go of it. let me see." When he slowly and hesitantly removed his hand everyone let out a loud gasp. His ankle was already swelling and bruised, but the worst part was his bone was nearly protruding. "Oh holy shit..." Austin started crying again. "Sienna!" She grimaced and held him, realizing she probably wasn’t helping his fears. "I'm sorry Aussie... I'm so sorry.”
She moved out the way as paramedics wheeled over a gurney. “Come on, let's get ya to the hospital." He nodded and let the paramedics help him onto a stretcher and into the ambulance, one of them helping you in. Once he was strapped in you held his hand tight, kissing it every once in a while.
After the ride to the hospital which seemed like it took forever, they finally made it and Sienna was left in the waiting room as they took Austin back. She sighed softly and ran her hands through her hair. She knew this could be bad…not only for Austin outside of his career but the movie as well. But before her thoughts could spiral she felt hands on her shoulder and back and she sighed as she saw baz and olivia. Sienna smiled softly and wiped her eyes. “He's gonna be okay, love.” She could only nod, not really trusting her voice right now.
After a few long hours in the waiting room… waiting, worrying and more waiting Austin's name was called and she immediately jumped up. but she didn’t miss his judging eyes. “Is there any family here?” sienna scuffed and held up her hand showing off a ring. “Yes, I am his family. Now what’s going on with him, doctor?” His face turned to one of disgust and his eyes went to Baz and Olivia. “Well we took him for x- rays and unfortunately we found his ankle broken in three different places. Or trimalleolar fractures. We then went ahead with the surgery and he is now in a brace.” “Can we go see him?” “He's in room 240.”
When the three of them got to his room, Baz and Olivia let Sienna in first with the promise of coming back later. she nodded and thanked them before heading inside his room. she felt her lip wobble as she got a closer look. she slowly sat next to him and placed a hand on his thigh. “my baby…i’m so sorry.”
she startled a bit when she felt his hand squeeze hers. “It's not your fault, baby.” she smiled softly and got closer. “Hey baby. how are you feeling?” Austin gave her a soft smile. “I’m so doped up on pain killers I can't feel a damn thing.” Sienna chuckled and kissed his head. “Good for you baby.” “enna… how bad is it? Is the movie done for?” Sienna sighed as she squeezed his hand. “That's a baz question baby…”
Austin laid back on the pillows with a heavy sigh. From that answer he knew he was done for a good while… movie… career wise. They sat in silence for a while. Austin, staring at the blank wall, sienna laid her head on his thigh caressing his hand. “Sienna?” She sat up giving him her full attention. “When I get out, can I take you on a date? a proper date?” She chuckled. “baby you’re gonna be on bed rest for a while. I’m not sure you're gonna even want to go out.” He knew she was right as he was already getting sleepy. “Okay how about after I shower which is desperately needed, you come over to my apartment and we have dinner?” “I would love that baby. Now rest I can see how tired you are.” He nodded and held her hand as he slept.
The next morning Austin was finally discharged. A nurse helped him into a wheelchair and wheeled him out to Sienna's car who was waiting out front. She helped the nurse get Austin into the front seat, placing his crutches in the back. After thanking the nurse they left. “I never asked. Why choose pink for your cast?” Austin chuckled and scratched his neck nervously. “Because I know it’s your favorite color…” She gasped dramatically. “Austin, I despise pink.” His eyes widened and he turned to her. He honestly looked close to tears. Sienna cooed. “Baby hey relax I’m joking. I love pink.” Austin pouted, crossing his arms. “Not nice to tease the cripple.” Sienna chuckled and caressed his cheek. “I'm sorry, my love.”
About twenty minutes later they arrived at Austin's apartment. “Let me help you love.” She got out of the car and grabbed his crutches. “Alright nice and easy yea?” She slowly got him out of the car before handing him his crutches. As Austin hobbled up to his door he sighed as he heard the clicking of a camera. “mother fuckers…” Sienna just got him inside. “That’s gonna be every cover.” He carefully sat on his couch and stared up at her sadly. “I know honey… I know. I’m so sorry. Now are you okay to bathe on your own?” Austin nodded. “I’m not a child…” Sienna’s eyebrows furrowed and she crossed her arms. “Austin I just don’t want you to hurt yourself when I’m not here.” “I’m fine! It’s not like im paralyzed.” Sienna scuffed. “Fine Austin!” She grabbed her keys and stomped out and sped off to his trailer.
He sighed and just watched her speed off. Austin growled and angrily threw a pillow at the wall. “Always gotta fuck something up Butler!” After a few minutes of feeling sorry for himself, he slowly pulled himself up and hobbled to the tub running a bath. It was then that he understood Sienna's concern. Getting in proved to be a lot more difficult than he thought. He definitely regretted getting snappy at her and driving her away. As he slowly lowered himself in the tub he started planning their dinner. He just hoped she would still come. Even if she didn’t… He would understand.
As he looked at all the stuff he would need to cook he knew he couldn’t complete it. So instead he called Baz to bring some dinner. God bless him, he brought the most extravagant meal he could find. “Baz… you didn’t have to do this.” “Oh yes I did. Now you wanna tell me why I heard Sienna crying in your trailer?” Austin’s eyes widened. “You did?” Baz nodded and Austin sighed. “I may have snapped at her when she was just trying to help and care for me…” baz sighed. “Austin…” “I know I know… imma fix it.” Baz nodded and patted his shoulder before leaving.
After Austin got the food plated and the wine chilled he texted sienna.
aus: Hey… I’m sorry. Do you still want to come over for dinner?
After about thirty minutes without an answer. He sadly put the food in the fridge and hobbled off to his room.
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sag3-th3-mag3 · 11 months
Okay, so I’m here to present a little theory of mine (and a little from others but that’s okay)
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Y’know how this is basically showing them as little action figures? Yeah they’re adorable, I want one!
But this could imply a lot of lore and shit. They’re being sold, in a market, as action figures. What if the theory that this whole entire thing is a tv show? They’re just being filmed and streamed to live TVs for other’s entertainment. They made these little action figures as merchandise for the fans/viewers of this show.
As someone on Twitter pointed out, Sofia said something about how they’re all in a television experiment. They’re all just being filmed and streamed for entertainment for people to see. To watch. All with realistic actions and such, everything is natural and not scripted. It can also explore more out of lore moments
Anyway it’s like 12 am, goodnight
Edit: wow I was kinda far off, that’s so wholesome
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liliesonpandora · 1 year
hiii!! I love your fanfics, especially your jeytiri ones! I wanted to know if you can make one where they're on a date, kinda like in the date night scene in twow but more romantic! I hope that makes sense!! ❤😅
Hiii! Thank you so much for your support! I thought it would be cool to write about what a date night would be like after they left the forest. I love this concept art of them walking on the beach. If only we got to see that in the film😭 Sorry this one took me so long, but I hope you enjoy reading it! ☺️🫶🏼
Under the Stars With You
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Jake and Neytiri had just finishing kissing all their kids goodnight, wishing that they slept as soundly as they could.
“You tired, baby?” Jake asked his wife in a hushed tone.
She shook her head in response. “Let’s go for a walk on the beach,” he said while taking her hand and motioning his head towards the entrance of their home. That sounded amazing to Neytiri, she longed for some time alone with her husband. But she was hesitant… turning back to look at her children. There was a part of her that didn’t want to leave them alone in a strange new place, regardless if she knew they were safe.
“It’s okay mom, we’ll be fine.” They both turned towards Neteyam’s bed, surprised to see that he was still awake.
“If Tuk wakes up, I’ll put her back to bed,” he whispered.
Neytiri walked over to his hammock and caressed his cheek. “I thought you were sleeping my love.”
He smiled up at her. “Not yet, but I’m getting there. You guys go ahead and relax, you deserve it.”
“My darling son, how did you become so sweet?” she beamed in adoration and he blushed.
Jake walked over and placed a hand on Neteyam’s head. “I know we can count on you, Teyam. If you need anything at all, just call for me. We wont be too long.”
“Got it. Goodnight, guys.”
“Goodnight, we love you!” Neytiri cried.
“Love you too!” He replied before pulling his blanket up.
Jake and Neytiri walked hand in hand out of the marui and towards the beach illuminated by the moonlight.
Jake spoke first. “Can you believe how beautiful it is here?”
Neytiri gave him an annoyed look, and stayed silent.
“You just don’t want me to be upset about being here.”
“Okay, you got me.”
“It is very beautiful,” she admitted after a moment of silence and Jake smiled. They entered the shallow ocean and watched as the water lit up of bioluminescence with each step they took.
“How’ve you been, sweetheart?”
“I’ve been okay, but it’s difficult if I am being honest. I am a good swimmer back home, but this is something new.”
“Ahh my wife is used to being the best at everything she does.”
Neytiri laughed at this and Jake was happy to see her smiling.
“I am just glad the kids are adjusting here. I was really worried for them. They already have a difficult time back home feeling like they do not belong.”
Jake took a moment to think and then spoke. He suddenly felt sorry and grateful and appreciative all at once.
“Hm?” she said while looking down and kicking the water with her feet.
“Thank you.”
She looked up at him now. “For what, my beloved?”
“For always having faith in me, and for trusting me to take care of us. I know you did not agree with me.”
She sighed deeply and then spoke. “Yes, running is not who I am. It is not the Na’vi way. We stand and fight, face our problems.”
“But you allowed us to move anyway.”
“Yes, as much as I am loyal to my beliefs and my people… I was so scared to lose them Jake.” She stopped walking now and he followed, locking eyes with her while she continued. “Sometimes change is okay, necessary even. But the real reason I decided to come here is because I could not say for sure that they would be safe at home. I thought to myself, ‘what if he is right about this?’ And I could not bring myself to take the chance not knowing.”
“Neytiri, I promise I will do everything in my power to protect this family.”
“I know you will. But you won’t have to do it alone, we will face everything together.”
“I love you.”
“I know,” she replied with a playful smile.
“More than you know,” he said seriously.
“And I love you.”
Jake grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in close, bringing a hand up to her cheek. He let his thumb graze the supple skin of her lower lip and she leaned in before he had the chance to do it himself. She brushed the tip of her nose against his, and stopped just short of his lips. All they could hear was the crashing of the waves on the shore and the sound of their breathing in sync. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he closed the gab between their mouths with urgency. Their lips intertwined with a softness, soon turning into hunger.
Her hand reached up to grab the hair at the nape of his neck, sending tingles all down his spine. His hands left her waist and cupped her ass, squeezing with just enough strength to please her. But careful not to leave a mark that would last long. They had made that mistake too many times in the past. She teased his tongue with the tip of hers and he took her lower lip between his teeth, causing her to let out a low moan that drove him crazy.
His hands slid down to grip her thighs next, lifting her onto him. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist and their bodies pressed tightly together, heat radiating off of them. Without breaking the kiss, Jake walked up the beach so they were further from the shore. One hand gripped her back and the other held her thigh so she wouldn’t slip. Gently bending down to his knees, he laid her on her back and rested his body between her legs.
Once he finally broke the kiss, her eyes took a second longer to flutter open. He could see how much she wanted him and it pained him to stop. “Keep going,” she whispered into his mouth.
“Baby if I keep going, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop tonight. But just say the word and I’ll give you whatever you want.”
She placed another gentle kiss on his lips, exasperated by the exchange. “No, you’re right, we told Neteyam we wouldn’t be long.”
“You sure?” He asked while peppering light kisses from her jawline down to her collarbone.
“You make it so hard to say no to you. But yes, let’s just stay here for a bit longer and look at the stars before we head back.”
“Okay, my love.”
They settled more comfortably on the sand, and Neytiri laid her head on Jake’s chest. She could feel his heart beating slightly faster than usual. “My marine, are you nervous?”
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“You drive me crazy. My heart still skips a beat around you.”
“Skxawng. Charm is your best skill.”
Jake chuckled in response, always amused when she called him that. It reminded him of when they were younger.
“Speaking of the kids, have you seen Lo’ak and Tsireya these days?” He asked.
“Who has not seen them would be the better question. I think it’s cute, I don’t think Lo’ak was interested in anyone back home.”
“This kid…of all the girls, he had to go for the chief’s daughter. They already hesitated accepting us, and I’m not prepared for the conversation about those two.”
“Hmm our youngest son reminds me of a certain someone who also thought he could have the daughter of Olo’eyktan.”
“Yeah and if I’m remembering correctly, that daughter wanted to have me as well.” A smirk came across Neytiri’s face.
Jake turned to her. “Tell me something.”
“When did you first feel that you were falling in love with me?”
“Ma Jake, how many times have you asked me this question?”
“I just love hearing the answer.”
“I fell in love with you in the sky. Well, that’s when I think I was sure about it. When we were flying ikran together, I felt bonded with you in a way I’ve never felt with anyone. You were so fearless and free and fun. Even you failed time and time again. I didn’t need the spirits to tell me your heart was strong and pure. And when you smiled, I loved your…” Neytiri struggled to remember the word in English. So she placed her index finger on Jake’s cheek and waited for him to realize what she meant.
“Dimples.” He said with a smile, finishing the sentence for her.
“Dimples. You have the most pretty dimples,” she continued. “Okay, now you must tell me.”
“I was taken by you the very first time I saw you. I thought you were incredible… strong and confident and beautiful. And after that, I always wanted speak to you. Everyday I woke up and longed for when I would see you again. And I knew that when I earned my place among the people, that I wanted to be yours forever. You showed me what love is. I was just hoping and praying that I could be worthy of you.”
A tear rolled down Neytiri’s cheek. She didn’t even realize she was crying. Jake wiped the tear from her face. “Our family is together and we are safe, and we’ll always be together.”
All she could do was smile at him and nod, more tears flowing. Jake placed a kiss on each of her eyelids. “Why’re you crying, my love?”
“I’m just happy.”
Neytiri was unsure what the future would bring for her family. But she was certain of this very moment and the love they felt for each other.
“Come, lets go back now. I think I can sleep peacefully tonight,” she told him. He smiled at her with endless love before taking her hand to walk back to their new home, joining their children in a restful sleep.
Hiii just want to add that although I don’t personally agree with Jake’s decision to relocate his family, I feel like it’s realistic that he had a conversation similar to this one with Neytiri. Like thanking her for trusting him and agreeing to go despite her differing opinions. I think their relationship has compromise, trust, and faith.
Also important to note that neither of them can predict the future, and the characters have flaws and make mistakes. One of Jake’s flaws is his dedication to his human ways despite how long he has been Na’vi. Sometimes it aids him and helps the People, and sometimes it hinders him. It is my hope that Jake will begin to value Neytiti more as a decision maker and realizes that he is not always right about what’s best.
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freshwater--mermaid · 10 months
People You’d Like to Know Better” Tag Game
Tagged by @lenkagamine133 <3
Heyyy I didn't know these fun tag games still existed! The sleep aids got me loopy so this was perfect timing.
I'm so much more into familial and friendship dynamics, but I'll go through my newest fandoms and pick three.
Wyll and Karlach: These two are my favorites from Baldur's Gate 3, and together they're unstoppable. I love and adore them both and the fact that I can't romance them at the same time makes me cry.
Earth and Monty: look okay I wasn't into it at first but they keep being cute and it's grown on me a lot. Very wholesome and fluffy, we need more ships like this honestly, very open and healthy.
Snow White and Merida: hey look I threw in a curveball! I couldn't think of any more so I picked a femslash ship I adore. Merida and Snow are just too cute together, I love them so much! I need to draw them more.
Last Film:
Last new film I saw? The Barbie movie lol I loved it, very fun.
Currently Watching:
Nothing. I am about to collapse into sleep.
Currently Reading:
Again nothing. I've been writing recently and I tend to stop reading when I write. Yes it's frustrating.
Currently Consuming:
SODA (string of emojies I'm too tired to lok up)
Currently Craving:
sleeep it's almost 2AM where I'm at. idk why I take my sleep aid and then fight it for hours whats wrong with me
I'm going into my notifications and picking at random, no pressure! Goodnight.
@shrinkthisviolet @noomichi @okapimykapi2
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frodispatch · 2 years
The It miniseries being forced to have to censor its gay by having Eddie come out as a “virgin” and then having Richie make some repressed little I-grew-up-in-the-50s-and-must-boast-my-heterosexuality comment but still going super hard and:
Having Richie and Eddie almost leave Derry in one car. Together.
Have Richie literally take Eddie’s body out of the sewers (he’s alive-coded, I’ll prove it another time, I’m too tired rn) and Mike say at the end that Richie’s working with some guy “who everyone would say looks a lot like Eddie Kaspbrak.”
Have Sonia Kaspbrak further queer-code Eddie by forcing him “not to shower with the other boys” in case he gets sick. (This part was set in the 50s but the film came out in 1990 so it’s very easy to tie that to AIDS)
Having some “coworker” who seems boyfriend-coded pick angry little spaghetti-head up from Sonia’s to drive him to the train station and then just wait there as it pulls away like a lover watching his partner leave to go to his death
Make Eds the cutest little thing you’ve ever seen in your life. (Okay that’s not really GAY but he’s just so adorable)
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Baby ⬆️
And of course, while the five remaining/able losers are down in the sewers as adults having Reddie mirrored with Benverly, the canon couple, in almost every shot.
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(With Bill in the front as the leader because his ponytail gives him power I guess. At least he’s not bald like in the book. What the hell was the point of making him bald Stephen King. I don’t even care about bill to begin with, don’t make him worse!)
And then there’s whatever Bill and Mike got going on. Just fruity my boys…
✨ 🍉 🍎 �� ✨
Plus a bit of villain queering (with the “kiss me fat boy” scene, it’s Tim Curry, literal Dr. Frank N Furter, they knew what they were doing), which I don’t think I have to explain why that can be harmful.
Also they give Eddie, our main queer-coded blond-haired beauty a very fun fashion sense. He’s got a color palate and some fun sweatervests. He also gets to make fun of Richie’s strange shirt-thing. I wish he got to make fun of the mustache, like, Harry Andersen was great but that mustache was so ugly.
Anyway, goodnight Tumblr. I am deep into my many It-thoughts again.
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
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I’m just tired || Tom holland
Paring: Dad!Tom
Warnings: Tired reader, Angst kinda
Summary: You and Tom have a daughter who is  2 years old. Tom has been away filming and at night you have been getting no sleep, due to your daughter going sleep too late. One day Harry comes over, to see you looking very tired. He offers to help, however you say that your fine. The story carries on from there ;)
(I know it’s kinda like my ‘I’m sorry mummy’ one but people really liked it so here’s another)
Tom and I have a daughter who is now 2 years old turning 3 soon. Her name is Scarlett and she can be a very adorable, nice girl at some times. However she can have her days where she wants to throw tantrums everywhere and scream and cry all the time. It can be very stressful at times because Tom isn't always here. I know he can't help it due to filming, but I miss him a lot. I don't tell him how stressed and tired i've been lately as he's busy filming in America.
Yeah I know I should ask for help from his parents or brothers, however I wanna try be a good mum to Scarlett and try do it on my own. My best friend, Y/B/F/N, even told me that I need a break and I should ask for help, but I simply can't.
Lately Scarlett has been going bed so late around 1-3am. Her bed time routine has been so bad, so i've been up so late recently. Normally she has a good routine but whenever Tom goes she just messes around as I am what they call the 'soft parent'. I try be the mean one but I feel too bad when I try tell her off.
"Scarlett you need to go sleep, your uncle Harry is coming over tomorrow" I lay her back down. The time was currently 2:45am and she just wasn't going sleep.
"No. I want the phone" She huffs.
"You can watch something on my phone tomorrow-we'll today when you wake up" I place her back in her small bed.
"NOOOO" She runs out the room, so I chase after her. "I DONT WANNA GO BED" She screams and cries throwing some of her toys.
"Stop please bubs. Just go sleep" I was absolutely exhausted at this point. I only had 2 hours sleep last night and I know tonight will be the same.
(Btw she's still young so her words won't be clear so that's why they look like they are spelt wrong)
"Daddy would lwt me stay awke" she stood up crossing her arms.
"No he wouldn't"
"Yes daddy would!" she stomps her foot.
I lost it at this point, "WELL YOUR DADDY ISN'T HERE, I AM! SO YOU DO AS YOUR MUM SAYS AND GO TO BED!!" I shouted, then she runs up the stairs crying. Honestly after I said that I felt bad so so bad. This is why I am the soft parent because I never shout at her but she always listen to Tom. It's like she hates me and me only.
Walking up the stairs, I open her room door to see her crying under her covers. Slowly going over to her, I try pull the covers but she holds them tight. "I'm so sorry princess" I whisper.
"Go away pwease" her little voice choked.
"okay. Goodnight" I whisper walking out the room, crying on the way to mine and Toms shared one.
That night I cried all night long, I must've only got like 1 hour sleep. I woke up early in the morning as well , around 7am. The house needed to be cleaned and I had a lot of things to do. Harry was coming over at 1pm.
"Scarlett come down here, your uncle Harry will be here any minute now" I tiredly shout from the living room. Then I heard loud footsteps running down the stairs. Scarlett still hasn't spoken to me since last night but I understand.
About 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door, so I stood up opening it. Harry stood there with a big smile on his face.
"Hi y/n- oh wow are you okay?" His smile fades as he looks at my face.
"Yeah I'm fine" I shut the door behind him, giving him a side hug.
"You sure? You have big bags under your eyes. Are you even sleeping?" He takes his shoes off.
"Yes just had a rough night that's all" I lied sitting back down on the sofa.
"Uncle Harry!" Scarlett yelled jumping into Harry's arms.
"Heyy Scarlett! wow your getting bigger" He holds her on his hip. I can't lie I was trying so bad not to fall asleep. My arm was on the side with my cheek resting in my palm of my hand.
"Y/N you look really tired. I can take scarlett for a bit. Let you get some r-"
I cut him off, "No it's fine. I'm okay. Anyways how's everyone?...."
A couple hours has past, Harry already left. We just talked about random things and he played with Scarlett. He did keep offering to help, however I denied it. I needed to be independent and do this on my own.
Walking into Scarlett room I smile saying, "Bath time"
"I dwnt want a bawth" She says still playing with her toys.
"Come on smelly. You can bring some of your toys with you" I smile picking her up.
"I wanna play stop!" she starts kicking.
"Scarlett, what's up with this behaviour. Your normally a good girl" It was true, normally she's really good but recently she's been so bad. Maybe it was because she misses her dad, I wasn't sure.
She grabs the bathroom door, I shout "Let go!" I lock the bathroom door after so she couldn't get out.
"AHHHHHH" she screams laying on the floor.
After what felt like hours, she finally went into the bath. It must've been around 9p.m when she got out. She even started a fight when getting out the bath because she didn't want to brush her teeth. Scarlett was now laying on my bed crying with her head in the pillow.
That was until my phone rang and the picture with the contact of 'Tom❤️' came up. He normally FaceTimes whenever he can, even though it's hard with the timings.
"oh look daddy's calling" that's when her head shot up, wiping her tears she grabs my phone answering it.
"Hi ba-oh hey princess" he smiles into the phone. I could just about see him, looking cute as ever. It still hurt. I really miss him and I need him :(
"hi daddy" she smiles whilst sniffing. It makes me sad to know that she's so happy when she speaks to her dad and not me. I wouldn't say Im jealous, well I kinda am. But the feeling of your daughter hating you......makes you feeling like shit.
"What's the matter bubs?" he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Nwthing. Just hwr" Scarlett showed the camera quickly to me then back to herself.
Wow she just called me 'her'. I thought wiping a tear that fell, making sure they don't see.
"Scarlett she's your mummy, don't say 'her'-"
"Well shwe been mean. She keeps shouting at mw and she's being not fair!" she whines to him.
"Pass the phone to mummy please bubs" He says and she listens. See what I mean she listens to him but not me.
What am I doing so wrong?
I pick up the phone showing my face with a fake smile. "Hi darling" he smiles.
"Hi Tommy, how's filming?" I ask.
"Good, good. How's everything at home?"
"Everything's great." I lied again and Scarlett just glares at me.
"You sure? Harry called me today saying you looked tired. Which I can see by the bags under your eyes"
"Well Harry was wrong. I'm fine, I just had a rough night"
"Daddy when are you coming home?" Scarlett takes the phone with tears falling down her face.
"very soon scar don't cry though bubs" he says.
"Okay daddy"
"Well be good for mummy yeah?"
"Yeah. Goodnightw daddy" She smiles.
"Goodnight princess" He blows a kiss into the phone, then waiting for the phone to be passed back to me but I pressed to end the call. I know I should've spoken to him, told him that i'm tired and I need help. But Tom would probably try give me a lecture of how I should go to his families house.
Tom then sent a message:
Tom❤️- I thought we were gonna talk. You okay, love? xxx
Y/N - yeah just tired
Tom❤️- Oh okay. We'll get some sleep I love you Goodnight xxx
Y/N- Night love you xx
Little did you know Tom was on his way back. He would probably arrive around 2am-3 but he was coming back to surprise you and Scarlett.  
Yep, for the fourth night in a row Scarlett doesn't want to go sleep. I've been placing her in her bed, I've tried laying with her, however she just won't go sleep without putting up a fight.
"Do you want me to read a book?" I hold a book in my hands showing her it.
She slaps it out of my hands so it hits my face, "No! I'm not twired" She gets up from her bed.
Grabbing her arm softly, I pull her back down on the bed. "Your staying here until you fall asleep"
"No! No,NOOOO!" she runs down the stairs into the front room. This time I chased after her full of anger as I was tired.
"SCARLETT NO TV BED NOW" Grabbing the controller out of her hands.
"IM NOT TIRED!" She screams and cries.
"YOUR THE WORSTW MUMMY EWVER THATS WHY!" she throws one of her toys at the wall.
wow. That hurts.
Before I could say anything else back, the door opened and shut. There stood Tom, with his suitcase and a worried expression. His hair was messy, with a curl falling down his face and after 3months of not seeing him he felt like a ghost. You hadn't seen him in ages.
"hey, hey why's my two favourite girls fighting for at this time" he throws his bag on the floor, then flinging his shoes off.
"D-daddy" Scarlett cried running into her dads arms. Him crouching down and picking her up.
"I'm here bubs. Ahh you got so much bigger since I last saw you. Now why you both shouting" He puts her down, looking at me. I was still crying, tears freely falling down my cheeks.
"I hate mummy!" Scarlett quickly says, causing my heart to break. Tom gave me a sympathetic look before turning to our daughter.
"Scarlett you don't mean that-"
"It's fine. Honestly. I do try Scar. But don't worry your dad is here. So he can put you to bed" I fake smile walking away.
"Darling-" Tom tried to call for me but I had already got into the bedroom slamming the door behind me.
Toms POV
"YOUR THE WORSTW MUMMY EWVER THATS WHY!" I heard Scarlett cry before I entered the house.
As I opened the door, it went silent. There stood my two girls, both crying and angry. Scarlett was sitting on the floor, whilst y/n was standing a bit away from her.
"hey, hey why's my two favourite girls fighting for at this time" I throw my bag on the floor, then fling my shoes off.
"D-daddy" Scarlett cried running into my arms. I then crouch down and pick her up.
"I'm here bubs. Ahh you got so much bigger since I last saw you. Now why you both shouting" I put her down, looking at y/n. Tears were streaming down her face, with bags under her eyes. She looked exhausted but still so beautiful.
"I hate mummy!" Scarlett quickly say, I  gave y/n a sympathetic look before turning to our daughter. I knew y/n must feel heart broke right now and upset.
"Scarlett you don't mean that-" I go to say but get cut off by y/n. "It's fine. Honestly. I do try Scar. But don't worry your dad is here. So he can put you to bed" she fakes smiles walking away.
"Darling-" I tried to call for me but she had already got into the bedroom slamming the door behind her.
"Scarlett you don't say them things. Mummy is probably really upset now. You don't hate mummy do you really?" I kneel down to her holding her tiny hands.
"No. But she was being mean" she cries.
"Mummy is tired. She normally lets you off when you do naughty things, you have to learn sometimes. It's nearly 4am and you should be in bed. You have to listen to mummy when she tells you things okay?" I moved a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Okay" she smiles.
"Come on let's get you to bed" I pick her up.
Ive been laying in my bed for a few minutes now and as I was about to fall asleep I heard the bedroom door open and close shut. My back was turned towards it but I knew it was Tom.
I heard the draws open, which meant that he was getting changed most likely in joggers. He doesn't wear a shirt to bed anyways so that's all he would else wear. The bed then dipped behind me and the covers were pulled up over us. His arm went around my waist pulling me closer to his body. Then his face was snuggled in the back of my neck.
"Darling" he whispered, kissing the back of my neck.
"mhm" is all I said back.
"she's asleep now" he says, I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck, which gave me shivers down my spine.
"Well done" I sniffle. I know it was kinda rude but when I'm really tired I can get like that.
It was silent for a few minutes until he broke it by saying "sorry"
This made me turn around to face him, "It's not your fault Tommy. I should be saying sorry to you. I didn't tell you that she was being like this, she must just miss you. Ever since you left she acted like a brat some days. These past 4 days she's been going bed around this time and i've gotten no sleep at all" I cry.
"Shhh. Come here" He pulls me into his chest.
"I'm just tired" I whispered.
"I know, I know. We will talk about this in the morning okay? Right now you need sleep and so do I. Tomorrow we can go on a date, i'll drop Scarlett off to my mums and we can do something fun whatever you want" he kisses my forehead.
"Thanks babe" I kiss him softly on his lips.
And what he said we did, we went on a cute little date and chilled in watching movies. The next day we picked up Scarlett, she did apologise realising that what she did was wrong. Then we all went to get some ice cream together, as one happy family.
Please send some requests message me!!
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ignoremeimnothere · 2 years
Pity Party For One
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Editors Note: HELLO, I am new to Tumblr and after silently reading gorgeous stories for a month or two now I finally got the taste for wanting to write again. I am not great, it is a skill I am desperate to improve so to help me with this, if you have a request don't hesitate to give me a go. I'm a pretty dark person so nothing is off limits apart from smut (I am physically incapable of writing it) but practically nothing else. I think my two main people to write for currently are Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans but am open to other characters they've worked with if I know enough about that person. I guess we'll have to see how this goes. Anyways, enjoy this godawful drabble, feedback WELCOME.
It was currently 3 AM. Most of the city was asleep, apart from you, sat on the rooftop basking in the peace. You had barely slept for weeks now. Your brain is way too busy to let you rest, and when you did you were plagued with the wildest dreams. This had become your little night time ritual, when you were sure the rest of the hotel were asleep you would sneak onto the communal rooftop only accessible to those on the top floor (your current co-workers) and think, cry or write your feelings out. 
Life is weird right now. Big changes happen regularly and it’s hard to keep up. Your last project took a year to film, a drama where your co-star was Chris Evans. It was your first big film and over the period, a lot of drama happened in your family life too, causing you to find a family within the cast and crew who you adored. The film wrapped months ago, the idea of press eased your worries a bit, knowing you had some more time to be with some familiar faces but that would soon come to an end and you couldn't settle the anxiety storming your mind. 
Tonight was particularly bad, you’d been spiralling all day and itching to get to this part of your day. You had nothing lined up after this job and that nothingness was worrying as it usually triggered a big bout of depression. This cycle was something you were overly aware of, try as you might to avoid it, it’s not always the easiest to have continual work as an actress, things take a long time. Most relish in the breaks they get, not you. 
Attempts to be silent were ruined by your sniffling, your shoulders jumping as you choked on a sob. You were extremely emotional tonight, tears appearing ever since you bid goodnight to Chris, your neighbour. You were aware he could appear anytime but he hadn’t previously, you knew he slept like a log. But you had to have some composure while here as the patio doors connecting the bedroom to the outdoors were surprisingly thin in Paris. 
You lean back, doing whatever breathing exercises that come to mind and focus on the sleeping city below you. Being awake in the middle of the night was always the weirdest and most freeing feeling. The only noise is an occasional car rev, drunken calls of ‘bonne nuit’ and mopeds running around. You take it in, it’s always lovely being in Europe. Eventually your breathing calms, accepting your emotions you just look on with tears pooling down your cheeks. 
You jump a mile, arms instinctively wiping your face as you wait for him to walk into your sight. Chris picks your legs up and sits in front of you on the bench, propping them back down but keeping hold of them. 
‘Hey’ He smiles sympathetically, one arm over your bare legs, the other lightly grabbing your forearm. 
‘Hey’ You barely muster a whisper, your throat scratched from your pity party. 
‘Are you okay?’ 
‘I’m good’ You force a smile, meeting his eyes. 
‘She says with tears down her face’ 
‘I’m an actress, it’s just drama’ You work on clearing your face, soaked sleeves rubbing over your sore cheeks and tucking your hair behind your ears. 
He shakes his head disapprovingly. Another silence fills the air. The sadness radiates affecting him too. 
‘What's wrong stink?’ The affectionate name opens your flood gates. 
‘Just overthinking, as usual’ You hate seeing him sad. ‘I’ll be fine I’m just having a minute’ 
His face told you that he didn't believe you at all. ‘It’s not like I’m next door for when you need me’ 
You scoffed. ‘Chris I’m a grown woman, I can deal with myself. Anyway the tours almost up, you’ll be free of me soon’ 
‘Doesn’t mean I wont be here for where you need me’
‘Doesn't mean you’ll still be next door’. 
Chris huffed. He turns back to the city, thinking of what to say next. 
You didn't want to put him in this position, being comforted wasn't a comfortable experience for you ironically. You adored Chris and cringed at the idea of bringing his mood down to match yours, he shouldn't even be awake. To escape the situation you decided it was time to call it a night. 
‘Let’s get back to bed, we need our beauty sleep for the cameras’ You meant it as a joke but you were too exhausted to say it in a comical way. Instead climbing off Chris you make your way to your room. You turn to wish him a good night for the second time that evening only to bump into his chest. Silently, he gently ushers you forward, closing the patio doors behind him. 
You decide you’re too tired to protest, instead you climb into bed waiting to be joined before making yourself comfortable. You end up getting spooned by Chris, as your breathing starts to slow you hear him softly speak.
‘Whatever it is, it’ll pass. He kissed your head while you let out a sigh. ‘You’ll be okay’. 
You begin to cry again, Chris just holds you and that's how you fall asleep.
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kireimarkeu · 4 years
To You; l.dh
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+another repost! did not make any changes to this work :) p.s this is one of my fav fics i have written :)
summary; bored in quarantine, your boyfriend decides to film himself telling you how much he loves you.
3k words
this was like… ½ edited LMFAO so there might,,, be mistakes…??? this was so tiring to make omfg, enjoy!! lol 
also i mixed the name donghyuck and haechan bc i couldn’t choose one lmfao ok!!! bye gn enjoy!! :)))))))
warnings: there’s a word f*t in it
+Day 1 3:34PM
Haechan adjusted the camera, making sure he could be seen. Once he was sure the camera was reflecting him properly, he leaned back against his gaming chair. 
“Um,” your boyfriend started, looking everywhere but the camera. “This is awkward,” he says, looking back at the camera.
“I started this, since we won’t be able to see each other for a month- because of quarantine,” he explains, “I honestly have no idea what I’m doing right now,” he laughs. 
After a few minutes of pure silence, your boyfriend opened his mouth to continue speaking, “I just feel like— I never really show much love to you?” 
There were times where your boyfriend would purposely avoid saying ‘I love you’ or avoid holding your hands whenever the both of you were outside. Honestly, you didn’t really mind, knowing Donghyuck was never the type to show affection. 
“It’s hard,” he says truthfully, “The boys knows how much I love you, and it sucks that I don’t know how to show you— or tell you, that I love you.”
Haechan bit his lips nervously, “and, I think this video is- or will prove that I love you?”
He wasn’t sure if he was even making sense at this point. 
Your boyfriend groaned, throwing his head back, covering his face with his hands. After a while, he looked back at the camera, “you know what, babe? Just watch the whole thing, okay?”
+Day 4 11:47PM
“Hi,” he smiles, letting out a huff, “this is kinda late, I spent the whole night playing games,” he says guiltily, playing with his fingers, looking away from the camera.
He knows that you didn’t like it when he would stay up until ungodly hours just to play games with his friends. You hated how he would put his health aside just to play games. 
He brings his hands up to brush his wet hair. 
“Uh,” he sighs out loud, pouting. “I feel bad for staying up late last night, so I’m going to spend the whole night with you today,” he laughs. 
Another moment of silence pass. 
“I don’t know what to say,” he whines. 
He sat there in silence, staring at the ground, figuring out on what to say. Should he tell you about his day?
“Well, I woke up at 5PM today,” he tells you, “I ate dinner with my family— mom cooked chicken today!” he says happily, “Then, I went to call you for a bit because I missed you a little too much,” he pouts. 
He scratched his head, “then I showered and now this-“ he says, pointing to the camera. 
“Um, it has been 4 days and I miss you too much,” he says truthfully, “facetiming isn’t working, I think I’m going crazy,” he laughs. 
+Day 5 7:38PM
He was talking halfway, talking about how much he admires you when his phone started ringing. 
“Oh?” he turns around to grab his phone from his bed. A smile formed on his face when he saw you facetiming him. 
He turned to the camera to show his screen, “Baby, you’re calling me,” he giggles before quickly answering to your facetime. 
“Channie~” you whine cutely when your boyfriend answered your facetime, “what are you doing, hyuckie?”
Usually, your boyfriend would complain whenever you would speak in a cute voice, but he secretly likes it. He secretly likes being babied. 
He looks at the camera that was recording the both of you. 
“Nothing,” he lies, “why did you call me, loser?”
You huff, raising your arms so he could see you laying on the bed. “I’m bored, hyuckie~ entertain me~”
He leans back on his chair, “wanna play games with me?”
Your face beam at his words, “Okay! I’ll get my X-Box ready now.”
Your boyfriend was the one who bought for you the X-Box. Well, it was an old version, but you loved it, nonetheless. It wasn’t like you played daily— you only played with boyfriend. 
“I’ll call you in 5, baby,” he tells you, already walking over to turn on the tv. 
“Kay, bye-bye, love you, Hyuckie,” you say in a baby voice, bringing your phone closer to press your lips on the camera. 
Donghyuck scrunched his nose in disgust, “yeah, yeah,” he says before ending the call. 
He quickly grab the camera that was still recording, he moved the camera closer to press a kiss, “I love you too, y/n.”
+Day 7 3:01PM
“Do you remember when you gave me the teddy bear— Oh my gosh, I feel like a youtuber,” he cackles. He shook his head, focusing back to what he was saying. 
“So, do you remember when you gave me the teddy bear?” he asks, “wait,” he says, standing up to grab the tiny teddy bear that was sitting on his bed. 
You had bought him the bear during your 200th day with him. Donghyuck didn’t really give the reaction you wanted. 
“Do you not like it?” you had asked him, disappointment laced in your voice. You didn’t dare look at him, upset with yourself that you had bought something that he didn’t like. 
“No, no!” he quickly replied, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to pull you into his chest, the other holding the tiny bear. “I love it,” he says. 
You knew it was a lie. He didn’t seem to like it. 
“I love it,” he says, “I know I didn’t show like I did at that time, but I need it with me every time I go to bed.” 
He scratches his head, regretting his actions that has had happened months ago. 
“No one has ever bought me a bear before,” he explains, “and when you bought it for me, it just felt— I felt, I felt happy? I felt fulfilled? Do you know what I mean?” 
“I really wanted to tell you that I loved your present, especially when you had bought me another present a few days later,”
‘it was to make up for the previous present’ was your reason. 
It broke his heart when you said that while handing him a couple bracelet. He wanted to tell you how much he loved your gift, but it was so hard for him. 
“I hated myself for not being able to tell you the truth, it’s hard—and it still is,” he sighs, “I hope by doing this, I can assure you that I love you..?” 
+Day 10 9:34PM
He was in the middle of filming himself when his mother comes in. 
“Donghyuck-ah, what are you doing? Do you want some fruits?” his mother asks, looking at his son, not noticing the camera perched on the dressing table. 
Instead of answering his mother’s question, he grabs the camera to film his mother. 
“Eomma, say hello to y/n,” Donghyuck says. 
His mother raised her eyebrows in surprised, “hello my dear y/n~ how are you?”
Your boyfriend giggle from behind the camera, “tell her how much you miss her,”
“I think I miss you more than Donghyuck does,” she jokes. “What is this for, Donghyuck-ah?”
Haechan placed the camera back on the dressing table, turning to look at his mum.
“I’m making a video for y/n until quarantine is over,” he explains as his mother walks in, wrapping her arm around her son’s shoulder. 
His mother’s heart warmed at his son’s words. 
“You’re growing up way too fast, our Donghyuck~” she cooed, pulling your boyfriend’s cheeks as he whined in pain. 
You would also pinch his cheeks almost every time the both of you are together. Whenever you had Donghyuck’s cheeks between your fingers, he would whine, pulling away from your grip.
“Eomma! I want strawberries!” he shouts after his mother left his room. 
He turns his attention back to the camera, “Anyways—”
+Day 17 2:35AM
“I really like your eyes,” Haechan confesses dreamily, “your eyes are the colour of shit,” he jokes, “but they’re so shiny, baby,”
The first time he realizes he’s in love with your glimmering eyes was when he brought you out on a date to star gaze. You were staring at the sky, a smile plastered on your face, amazed at how beautiful the sky was. 
When you noticed your boyfriend staring at you, you turned to face him. Your eyes captured his heart. How could someone have such bright eyes?
“Oh! And when you smile, you make my heart beat like crazy!” he chuckles. 
The first thing that caught Hyuck’s eyes when he had a crush on you was your bright smile. He believes that was the main reason that he fell for you. How you would always have a beaming smile plastered on your face everywhere you go. 
He thinks it’s adorable. 
The small dimples that was on the side of your lips whenever you smile. 
And your adorable little laugh he adores so much. 
Or the little birthmark you had on the corner of your mouth. 
After talking about you for a while, he let out a satisfied sigh, “I’m so whip for you, you know?”
After 17 days of making videos for you, it started becoming easier for him to show his love for you. 
“Everything you do makes me go crazy, do you realise that?” he asks you, “do you realize that everything you do makes me happy? No, you don’t have to do anything, your presence makes me melt.”
He laughs at how he was flirting, “you’re probably laughing too,”
His laughter died down, letting out a tired sigh, “well, it’s late and I’m going to go to bed before you nag at me some more,”
He let out a yawn, “goodnight y/n, I love you so much, you don’t know how happy you make me,”
+Day 20 2:56PM
This time, it was different. 
He was filming himself at McDonalds drive-thru. 
“Guess who’s this for?” he asks the camera, his gaze on the road. “Yes, you.”
He turns to look at the camera for a second before paying attention on the road, “you didn’t ask me to get you anything but I wanted to get something for you,” he explains. 
He was lying, this was just an excuse to see you, even for a second. Even if it’s 6 feet apart. Even if there was a glass between the both of you. 
“I think you know the reason why I’m buying this for you,” he says, referring to the food. “To make you fat! You’re right, y/n,” he jokes. 
That was also a lie. You tend to eat less whenever you’re stressed. 
After he found out that you had a project, he knew how stress you would be, and decided to get food, making sure you eat healthily. 
Your boyfriend would never fail to remind you how much he loves your body. No matter shape or size. He has always made sure you feel loved with who you are. 
“I think you know the real reason why I’m coming over,” he adds. When he reaches a red light, he turns to look at the camera with a pout, “I can’t help it, I miss you too much, y/n,” he says in a baby voice. 
He grimaces at his actions, shaking his head disapprovingly, “I am never doing that ever again.”
A few minutes later, he reached your house. He had texted you to that he was waiting for you outside. 
It took you a while to come out, but when you did, you had one of his hoodies over your body. 
He loves it when you wear his clothes, it makes him feel all giddy. 
‘One day, I’m going to wear all of your clothes’ he would say whenever you steal his clothes. 
You walked over to his car, “what the hell are you doing here, dummy,” you ask him, maintaining the distance. 
He grabbed the bag of food from the passenger’s seat and passed it to you from the window of his car. 
“Brought you food, you unappreciative bitch,” he tells you while you walk up to grab the food from him. 
You open the bag to see your favourite food, “my favourite food, too?!” you squeal, “Haechan best boyfie~”
He rolls his eyes, “yeah, yeah, go and finish your project,”
You nodded, the smile not leaving your face. 
“I’ll facetime you later?” he asks. 
“At 11,” you confirmed. 
He nods, signalling for you to go back in. You blow a kiss to your boyfriend before turning around to go back in. 
He quickly fishes out his camera, filming you walking back in your house. 
“Look at my baby all happy because I brought her food,” he says, “enjoy your food, pretty,”
+Day23 6:07PM
“Day 23,” he breathes out. “I didn’t expect it to go by so fast,” he blurts out. 
He puffs his cheeks out, “I don’t want to stop making videos for you, but you would just make fun of me for being soft,”
He had started growing content on making videos for you every day. 
“But at the same time, I can finally see you after a month, babe!” he says happily. “I can finally hold you in my arms, we can kiss until the world ends, we can also do it,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows. 
Well, he can’t lie he did miss doing it with you. 
He sighs, “anyway, when we can finally get together, we can watch movies, then come back to my place and we can cuddle!”
He missed that. 
Personally, Donghyuck preferred going over to your place but you preferred going to his place because he had games and a huge bed, and it was just comfortable. 
“Ahh,” he groan, “I miss you like crazy! I think I have to end this video early because I wanna facetime you right now,”
He grabs his phone on the table to call you. 
“Okay, bye babe, I love you, I’m going to talk to you now!”
+Day 25 4:03AM
“Hi,” donghyuck greet the camera. 
Anyone could realise he wasn’t in the best mood. 
It took Donghyuck a while to start talking, “we had a fight earlier today,” he says, his voice lace with disappointment and… hurt?
You had texted him just an hour ago, ranting about your homework. When Donghyuck replied to you a minute later, you got angry at him because he was staying up again at ungodly hours. 
He didn’t understand why you were so angry because you were awake at the same timing as he is. 
“I’m going to give you space, because it’s what you need right now,” he says. “I hope you know I still love you no matter what,”
He bit his lip hesitantly, “I know you don’t like it when I stay up with the boys, but I don’t like you staying up to finish your work either, baby”
He closes his eyes shut for a moment, taking a deep breath. “I hope you don’t get too stressed over school, eat healthily, and make sure you rest from time to time, babygirl,”
He lets out another sigh before reaching for the camera, “I love you,”
+Day 28 7:36PM
 Haechan purses his lips, staring at the camera, “today is a bad day,” he starts. 
Today he had woke up a little earlier than normal after talking it out with you a few days ago. He decided to get up early and help his mom with cooking, which only resulted him in getting scolded by his mother for making a mess. 
After that, he decided to play games with his friends, however despite playing for 5 hours straight, he didn’t get a single win. 
Now, he has tried to contact you, but you have not replied to him. Probably busy with school. 
He let out a huff, “take a break y/n,” he whines, “focus on me too~”
Letting out a pout he shakes his head, “kidding babe, get those A’s!”
“Well, now I don’t really have anything to do so I’m going to facetime you again, bye babe!”
+Day 30 10:18AM
“Hyuckie!” you call out, running to your boyfriend. When you reached him, you threw your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, making him stumble back a few steps as he grabs on your waist. 
You hid your face in his neck, breathing in his scent. He smells so good.
“You’re not going to let go of me until I say so,” you mumble, tightening your grip around his neck.
He chuckles at you, “I won’t let go of you until you say so,” 
Donghyuck was satisfied with having his arms wrapped around your waist, his face covered in your hair. 
After a few moments of the both of you just holding each other, you finally pull away from your boyfriend. 
“Y/n,” he says, making you hum.
“Wait,” you stop him, making him stare at you with wide eyes as he froze on the spot. 
“Can you kiss me first?” you ask. His eyes soften at your request. Your fingers trace his bottom lips, “I miss your pretty lips.”
He smiles at your words and nodded. Pulling you closer by your waist, he pressed his lips against yours. Your hands rest on his chest while you both share a needy kiss. 
After a few minutes, you pull away, breathless with crimson red cheeks.
Haechan raised his eyebrows as he resumed, “I made something for you,”
You gasped, “what is it?”
He fishes out a CD player. The CD held videos of him explaining how much he loves and appreciates you throughout the whole month. 
He passes you the gift. 
“Watch this at home?” he tells you. 
You grab the CD from his grip, “okay? What is this all about?”
“Just promise me you’ll watch it at home?” he asks again, staring down at you. 
“I will! I will!” 
After making videos of himself for 29 days straight, Donghyuck have concluded that he was so utterly in love with you. He was so in love with you that he didn’t know how to express how much he adores you.
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dc418writes · 3 years
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Welcome to the Family: It's Thanksgiving and with both your families happy and celebrating under one roof, what more perfect time than this to propose?
Paternal Instincts: You and Chris bring your baby girl home from the hospital
And the Award Goes to...: Running into your celebrity crush at your first award show
Goodbyes: Chris tells your daughter the story of how you met
Lost and Found: Playing with your son doesn't go as expected
Peek-a-Boo: Your son meets a new friend on a flight
Bedtime: Chris' first time alone taking care of your kids
Even: You decide to get back at your husband for scaring you
Between the Lines: You're performing on SNL with your ex as the host, whom you might not be completely over.
Forbidden Words: Chris should really watch his language
Save Room for Us: You and your daughter quarantine with your lifelong best friend, who has something he's always wanted to tell you
While Mom's Away: Chris sends you an adorable video of your daughter while you're away
Our Song: Your daughter has a special song for her father (continuation of While Mom's Away)
Not It: An eight-legged visitor makes things right again
Nothing on You: Chris needs a bit of reassurance after your best guy friend, and ex-crush, comes to town
Small Mishaps: Your daughter's new game doesn't quite agree with Chris
Of All the Aversions: Chris' favorite drink is making it difficult for you to keep your pregnancy hidden
Sick Day: Your son plays hooky with his softie of a dad
From the Heart: Your last minute trip to the grocery store goes better than you thought (college!Chris AU)
Always Be Mine: Chris is caught off guard when his daughter denies his Valentine
There You Are: Chris takes care of you after you show up drunk at his hotel door
Cry Baby: You're being a bit of a sore loser, and Chris thinks it's the cutest thing
Inside Jokes: Chris makes sure you don't spend New Years alone
One of Those Days: All you want to do is get home after the tough day you've had at work
It All Makes Sense: You're Christmas surprise for your boyfriend makes some things clear
Goodnight & Go: You're left to stay with Chris when your heater goes out (handyman!Chris AU)
POV: You get Chris to help out with your Grammy performance (continuation of "Between the Lines")
Warm Welcome: Chris finally comes home from filming, where he can finally meet his son
Extra Help: Your godson doesn't like the idea of his teacher dating his favorite aunt (teacher!Chris AU)
Safety Net: You think it's time to end your "friend's with benefits" relationship with Chris, but you're afraid to tell him the real reason (collegeQB!Chris AU)
Perfect: Chris has pretty much been absent your whole pregnancy because of his new project. He hopes his surprise will make things better (builder!Chris AU)
It's You: Chris has some news that he's sure you won't take well (college!Chris AU)
That Was Unexpected: A prank leads to a confession in a situation only Chris would find himself in
Doesn't Matter: You're not really looking forward to attending this banquet with your husband and his rude colleagues (senator!Chris AU)
Mixed Signals: A misunderstanding causes a bit of embarrassment (college!Chris AU)
Too Smart: Your son seems to be ready for his first haircut
I Got You, Always: An unexpected surprise changes your plans (sequel to Safety Net, collegeQB!Chris AU)
You Again (part 1) (part 2) (part 3): You're paired with your ex-childhood best friend for a school project. This is bound to be a disaster...right? (college!Chris AU) (ongoing)
Penny for Your Thoughts (part 1) (part 2): Chris' night of sulking leads to the greatest thing to ever happen to him (QB!Chris AU) (ongoing)
River Series: Collection of stories (usually for the Holidays) centering on you, your husband, and son, River
Nothing to Fear: It's Halloween! Of course for family movie night you have to watch something spooky. You just hope your son will be okay
Grown Up: You're spending Thanksgiving in your hometown, and River feels left out being the only small child there
One Wish: River shows Chris his Christmas list, which includes something neither of you expected
Or Not?: Chris and River's surprise for you has an unexpected effect
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sevmch · 3 years
hq boys as dads calling you while you're away bc your child wouldn't stop crying
characters: kuroo tetsuro, bokuto koutarou
warning(s): none, just fluff. kuroo is v father material aahh!!
a/n: this was sitting on my drafts for a while now. other characters coming soon 👀
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kuroo tetsuro
you were overseas for two days to attend a convention that your job required which meant leaving kuroo and your child
kuroo was admittedly and without a doubt, a really good father so when he told you not to worry about them, you left without any worries at all
kuroo knew everything - how to prepare milk and baby food, changing diapers, how to get them to sleep, how to stop their tantrums, basically everything
still you bugged him all the way to the airport to call if something were to happen or if he needed help with anything such as locating the diaper and milk powder
afterall, he was rarely on baby duty since his job required more of his time compared to yours but he has never failed to provide you and his son the time and affection
the first day went by smoothly and without a problem, that is until the next day. your son just wouldn't stop crying so he had to call you to calm him down
no matter what kuroo did, your son just wouldn't stop crying even when he was cradling him gently in his arms and rubbing his back. their child has been crying for almost an hour now, only getting louder and stronger despite his best efforts to calmly shush him or lull him to sleep.
the morning went by pretty fine; kuroo fed, bathed, and played with their son - even changed the diapers twice. their son seemed to be in a pretty good mood throughout the morning but apparently, babies get mood swings too, and that's when the crying started.
kuroo tried basically everything from trying to get their son to drink milk, to giving the pacifier, and humming baby songs he could think of but all his attempts failed. their son wasn't bored nor hungry and was definitely not sleepy so it was starting to worry kuroo.
"hey bud, you're scaring me now," kuroo cooed, softly pressing the back of his hand against their son's forehead but the temperature was fine. kuroo knew all the baby stuff without sweat, even the signals of what they needed but this was entirely different. it was only when then their son pointed to the picture of the three of you framed on the wall that kuroo got his answer. pressing a soft kiss against his son's temple, he whispered softly, "i know bud, i miss mommy too."
kuroo grabbed his phone from the couch and called you, chuckling when you instantly answered on the first ring with a hint of worry in your voice. "tetsu, what's wrong? are you both okay? should i get on the next flight?"
"relax kitten, we're fine. we just miss you."
"awe, i miss both my boys too."
"mama's on the phone bud." kuroo switched to loud speaker, smiling widely at their son who looked at him with wide, doe eyes upon hearing your voice. the crying eventually died down as you kept speaking through the phone with your cute, tiny baby voice until your son fell asleep in his arms.
"is he asleep?" you asked.
"yep. hey, you should use that baby voice often. it's cute," he teased, grinning ear to ear.
"shut up."
the rest of the afternoon was spent at a mall near the airport, buying toys and new clothes and stopping by for ice cream before waiting for you at the terminal.
"look bud, there's mommy!" kuroo crouched to level with their son, pointing at your figure from a distance. their son's eyes lit up when spotting you, giggling and reaching out his other hand that kuroo wasn't holding.
"awe, it's my two favorite boys! i missed you both so much!" you said sweetly, dropping your bags to hug your son.
"i missed you so much, love." you hugged kuroo tightly when he stood up only for him to hug you tighter, peppering kisses on your cheeks.
"missed you more, kitten," he said softly, pressing a light kiss to your lips before carrying your son. you really had nothing to worry about.
bokuto kotarou
you were a little bit worried about leaving bokuto and your child even if it was just for a couple of hours. you had to visit your parents in kyoto and dropby for groceries on the way home
it's not that you didn't trust him, you were just not quite sure if the house would be exactly the same as when you left knowing how bokuto and your child loved to play A LOT
you considered calling akaashi to babysit the two lmao
bokuto matched your child's energy so while you're incharge of all the serious baby duties, bokuto was incharge of playing and goofing around with your child while you rested
really, your child got their hyperactiveness from bo
you were also the one who dealt with the tantrums while bo assisted, so when bo was left to deal with your son's tantrum alone, he panicked and was about to cry himself because your son was crying and it made him sad :(
you left the house around 6 am after preparing breakfast for your husband and son as well as the other things that bokuto will need for the day. althought bokuto spent a lot of time with your child, it didn't always include the serious baby duties so you knew for sure if you hadn't displayed the diapers and vitamins on the counter in advance, he'd be flipping the house upside down searching for them.
you also left a note on the fridge that consisted of all the instructions and reminders to serve as a guide. you trusted bokuto, of course, but you really just didn't want to come home to a mess.
bokuto's arms snaked around your waist and squeezed you lightly in his hug, nuzzling his face at the crook of your neck. "can't you just take us with you?"
"i'd love to kou, but our son just recovered from a fever so it's best if he stays home for now."
he nodded, visibly frowning. you cupped his cheek to get him to look at you. "kou, baby, i'll be back before you know it."
bokuto pouted, looking at you with puppy dog eyes and it took everything in you not to cancel your plans. "call me if there's a problem, okay?" you kissed him goodbye and left.
with the note you left him, bokuto had no troubles throughout the morning routine even during bathtime. he would send you pictures and videos from time to time so you wouldn't have to worry, also because he loved sharing things with you.
bokuto loved playing with your son, loved seeing the adorable smile and hearing the soft giggles during their playtime even if it meant having to crawl on the carpet with his son on his back like a horse.
bokuto was filming him walking around with a huge smile on his face, "come to dada, little guy." your son just recently learned how to walk on their own so their steps were still unstable and wobbly and this resulted to your son tripping on his own feet.
bokuto could shit his pants right now, quickly fumbling to his now crying son to comfort him.
"hey little guy, it's okay you're good, dada's here now." he's whispering comforting words while gently rubbing on their back but the cries only got worse, the tears streaming down the little guy's face nonstop and this made bokuto's heart sink, feeling his own tears pool in his eyes. "shh i'm sorry, i'm sorry... you're okay, i gotchu."
his hands hesitantly reached out hug your son, so fragile it scared bokuto. he was calling you now and thank god you answered right away.
"he won't stop crying and i don't know what to do, can you come home now please? i think i just made our son hate me."
you sighed, "he doesn't hate you, kou. can you tell me what happened?"
"i was taking a video of him while he walked around but then he tripped and i swear i was watching over him! he won't stop crying, oh god i'm gonna cry too."
"did he hit his head? is he seriously hurt anywhere?"
"no," bokuto mumbled and you sighed in relief.
"okay that's good. it'll be fine babe, kids fall sometimes, okay? especially at this stage where they're learning how to walk. just carry him around for a while and he'll eventually ca-"
"what if i drop him?! should i ask akaashi to come over??" he pressed the phone between his ear and shoulder, gently and carefully lifting his son from the ground, pressing him close to his chest despite being nervous.
"you won't drop him kou, i'll punch you if you do, and no, do not call keiji. you got this, babe, you're his dad and he needs you not his uncle."
it took a while to convince bokuto that he was going to be find and to get off the phone so he can start comforting your son. bokuto did as you said, cradling him in his arms while he walked around the house and pointing to the pictures on the wall until your son finally calmed down. the only problem was that his son would start crying again whenever he attempted to bring him down, tiny hands clinging around his neck and onto his shirt.
you arrived home around 8 pm, announcing your arrival only to be met with silence at the door.
your eyes softened as soon as you found him asleep on the couch with your son on top of his chest, his strong arms wrapped securely around the tiny human being. you quietly kneel beside the couch, stroking bokuto's hair which slowly woke him up.
"i'm home." you smiled.
bokuto brought a finger to his lips and you pressed your lips together, taking your son away from his arms so you can tuck him in for the night.
"i'm sooo tired," bokuto whined, resting his head on top of your chest and cuddling close to you as soon as you joined him in bed. "it's my turn to be baby."
you snorted, bokuto's soft snores filling the quiet room in just a few seconds. "goodnight baby."
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reblogs & feedbacks r appreciated<3
2021 (c) sevmch | do not copy or repost.
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