#okay i'm gonna stop ranting now but i just want to say
coolprettyleo · 13 hours
i need to forget - gabe perreault au ☆
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wc: 1.1k
tw: depression, mommy issues, daddy issues, mean summer.
gabe perreault x oc
summer walked through campus looking like like a train wreck.
the always put-together girl was now seen only pale and with under-eye bags.
she had been going through a lot and the feeling of helplessness was the number one feeling in her mind.
her parent's marriage was falling apart, and every day, she woke up to calls from her father ranting about her mother.
she wouldn't wish this feeling on her worst enemy.
her mother had always been lonely. with her father traveling for work she always found herself a 'companion' as she would call it, in other words, she was committing the act of adultery.
she had been doing it since summer's eighth-grade year, or that's when she finally got caught.
her father always forgave her, but it looked like her mother had finally burnt out her father to the stem.
summer felt completely helpless, and the stress of trying to keep her family together was on her shoulders, even if it was across the country.
she shook off the thought as she entered the library and spotted the boy she was least looking forward to see right now; gabe perreault.
the boy knew how to get on her nerves like a leech, and it always resulted in the two bickering for no end. usually, she liked to be back, but with everything going on, she was not looking forward to it; at all.
"your late," he said as a matter of factly
"sorry, I woke up late," she mumbled as she sat next to him.
gabe observed the girl, noticing the bag under her eyes and the burnt-out look she carried, far from the usual persona summer held.
"are you okay," he mumbled, as if he didn't want anyone to hear that he cared.
"don't act like you care, perreault. let's just get this done so we can both go on with our days," she said moodily.
"there she is" he said grinning as she rolled her eyes and began her part of the assignment.
the two teens had been working for about half an hour before they were pulled out of concentration from the buzzing coming from summer's phone.
she declined it before it kept buzzing,
"are you gonna answer that" he asked not being able to concentrate with the buzzing.
"nope" she said as it finally stopped buzzing, before it began to buzz again.
"i can't concentrate"
"it's not my fault you have the attention span of a bee," she sassed as he bit his tongue. gabe could see she wasn't well, and he wasn't an asshole. he wasn't going to annoy her today, but she seemed to be making that challenge quite hard for him.
"what, you're afraid your boyfriend will be mad you're studying with me" he smirked with a bit of a spark in his eyes.
he had seen her with a guy last weekend and they seemed awfully close.
"just shut up. please" she huffed as she shut off her phone.
gabe decided to drop it once again as they got to work.
"i'm going to head out. you just need to fill out the last slide of the portfolio and turn it in" she told him as she stood up.
"we still have another hour,"
"correction, you have another hour, I'm done," she said, crossing her arms and walking out.
leaving gabe to shake his head and watch her walk out.
"she was overly mean today" he mumbed to himself as he began to pack his own things. he'd be damn if he was going to stay in that library alone.
he turned the corner to hear a voice arguing on the phone; as he neared, he heard it was summer's voice, and although he didn't mean to eavesdrop, he still did.
"i don't see why you can't just stop seeing him," she said to whoever was on the phone
"It's lust, Mom," he heard her say with a voice that was raw with emotion.
she was arguing with her mom?
"please don't do this, please," he heard her beg before he watched her lower her phone from her ear. her mom must have hung up.
she let out a choked sob as she leaned back onto the wall. Summer could care less that she was in public; her mom was leaving her dad, claiming she finally learned was 'love' is.
gabe watched her for a moment, fighting with his thoughts on whether or not he should announce his presence.
"summer?" he said acting like he had just arrived.
the girl's head whipped up to see the last person she wanted to see her like this standing in front of her. She wiped her tears and rolled her eyes before trying to rush past him.
"you didn't see anything, perreault"
"are you alright," he said blocking her
"move" she told him
"please, gabe," she said beggingly.
"you don't have to tell me what's wrong, just let me take you to get some food or something, I doubt you've eaten today," he said seriously.
summer did not expect him to say that. she was honestly expecting him to start mocking her and call her a spoilt princess.
"if I go, you won't tell anyone you saw me having a mental breakdown outside the library?" she said sniffingly.
"I wasn't going to tell anyone anyways" he told her.
she observed him, looking for any hint of jokingness, but he looked wholeheartedly genuine. she could use some food, but with gabe?
she decided against the alarms that were going through her head and agreed to join him.
"sorry i've been mean to you, i've just been going through a lot and it's not your fault at all, i'm sorry" she mumbled as they started walking towards the closest ihop.
"it's fine, i kind of got you weren't up to play today" he chuckled
"you call what we do playing," she said with a raised eyebrow
"well, I'm playing most of the time, but then you go deep, and I actually get mad," he said, smiling, seeing as he was finally pulling a smile out of the girl.
"im sorry it's just really funny when i piss you off" she laughed
"why," he said throwing his arms up
"same reason you do" she smirked as he playfully rolled his eyes
the two walked into the closest IHOP, not knowing the relationship that was beginning to blossom.
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lyxchen · 2 years
I absolutely Hate how fast streaming services give up on a show when it doesn't do That well, even though there are still a Lot of people who watch and adore that show
#this is mostly about the wilds right now#because it's not gonna get a season three#and i don't know if that is the reason but i head it's because season two didn't do that well when it came out#and like#that's so Annoying!!#even if a show doesn't get the best and most streams... that doesn't mean it's a bad show that shouldn't be renewed!!!#stop cancelling shows just because they don't do as well as stranger things#stranger things is not the standart#also this is no hate on stranger things i actually love that show#but stranger things has such a big fanbase and get's so much hype#and you can't just compare every show you make to that#because like this all we ever get it a bunch of amazing shows with a great plot and interesting characters that get canceled after one or#two seasons and that have an unfinished story#good shows should get the chance to tell the whole story#they sould not have to suddenly stop when there is still so much to do and see and learn#and i get that there are probably shows that are genuinely bad and that get No steams at all#but god damn it if riverdale can get seven fucking seasons then why can't the wilds get at least three???#and why do both julie and the phantoms and the society have only ONE season when they deserved So much more???#just because your show doesn't break a streaming record immediately after release doesn't mean it's a bad show!!!!#okay i'm gonna stop ranting now but i just want to say#they gave the wilds season two like two months#it was released in may 2022 and now it's canceled#like it didn't do that well immediately after release so i guess it's just not worth it anymore /sarc#okay that's it rip to all those good shows that streaming services gave up on :(#julie and the phantoms#the wilds#the society#*standard lol#lea's random thoughts#*heard
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astaraels · 2 months
why do people think Yevgeny wasn't Mickey's son? in 3x06 there was clearly no condom used (not that Terry probably would have let Svetlana stop to get one), but there's no reason to think she wasn't using condoms with her regular clients. it's not Svetlana's fault that she was a tool used to rape Mickey—the sole blame for everything that happens in that entire situation belongs to Terry Milkovich and him alone—so why does it feel like it's just another way for people to shit on Svetlana for something that wasn't in her control? it's not as though she'd asked to get pregnant in the first place...
#stop giving svetlana shit just because terry was one of her clients—between him and sasha do you really think she had a chance to say no?#her attitude towards mickey is s4 is very easy to understand when you think about the fact that a) she's his age or maybe a year older#b) she is a person who knows she has to take what life gives her and make the best of bad situations#c) her entire future rests (so she thinks) on her and mickey making their marriage work and he was absorbed in ian (which the audience gets#but svet has no context for) and thus her feeling threatened is very understandable because mickey also won't stand up to his father#so yeah of course svet is gonna see terry as the one person who will put things the way they're supposed to be#but! it's after mickey comes out and he and ian fight everyone in the bar that she realizes mickey could be an ally to her#and she extends a hand in friendship because they're both stuck in this situation and yeah of course she wants him to stop being stupid#about yev—as she puts it “baby did not choose this either” which leads me to think she understands mickey's situation a little better now#but yev looks so much like mickey and has those big blue eyes of his (also evidence for baby mickey being blond)#I get that the whole child from rape thing isn't fun for mickey to have to deal with but women have to go through it all the time—like Svet#okay rant over I'm sorry I'm just...it puts a bad taste in my mouth whenever I see it in fic or meta that yev can't *possibly* be mickey's#mickey milkovich#svetlana yevgenivna#yevgeny milkovich#shameless
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bonesrbleaching · 2 months
had the most braindead repetitive conversation/argument with my parents. buzz cuts are too masculine but if you dye a design on it it become effeminate which is bad because then you look weak and if youre weak then society falls apart (all societies ever that have fallen apart for any reason are actually because of feminine men) and we start sacrificing babies. and also all mental illness is invented because only 4 people had anxiety in the 90s and covid was made up so that we would all become gay and trans and then the government can control us better and be joe biden's little sex slaves. and also i need to keep my hair long because my father finds it attractive. what
#lolaa.txt#what do i even tag this with . my mother wouldn't let me leave and i kept asking for sources and she kept saying 'i'm your mother!!!'#'i wouldnt lie to you!'#okay. say that to someone maybe who doesnt know you lie to them all the time.#its tiring going around in circles with her.my father is better because at least he admits when he doesnt have a reason for feeling some wa#also what got me. she said 'do you own research if you want!! but im right!!!'#yeahh not seeing anything about anything you just said. i think you made that up.#i have a theory that my mother secretly hates herself because she believes all women are weak and must serve strong men#and my father has so so much trauma and anxiety that he cant be that strong man#so now she feels like shes betraying her very biology when she has to step up.#and also because i am stronger than her now and my hair is long and far far denser than hers and i have a younger face#that she feels that im wasting my precious femininity that she could be using. does that make sense.#shes so miserable trapped in her idea of what makes a man and a woman what they are. once you stop caring about what makes someone somethin#you dont have to worry about anyone else.#im queer because i dont really feel that connection to biological and social ideas of gender that my parents seem to#never really have#im not gonna theorize 'ohh shed be happier nonbinary' or stuff like that because it is up to you and you alone to define who you are#if you spend your whole life trying to fit a box for the sake of fitting the box#then when would you have any space for self discovery#youve invented personality traits to go along with your box. now you can never ever change or grow as a person. congrats#and you know what? one day she will die. and that will be the end of that.#and i will live and i will probably shave my head a thousand times. and come up with new names#and new ways to be a better person that makes me feel happy#and i will dress like a boy because its all made up anyways. who cares.#and if you care? that much about what im wearing or how i look?#then thats your problem and i wont be responsible to maintain your happiness.#SORRY RANT OVER.#im just so flabbergasted. what a sad life someone can lead poisoned by jealously and reactive rhetoric.#tw homophobia#tw transphobes
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matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
Vox x Reader Headcanons: Fiancé Edition
Fiancé!Vox x gn!Reader
A/N: This little thingy would have both an SFW and NSFW portion, mostly because I'm a depraved little shit and I am downbad for a 7ft bipedal television with issues-
Now first off, y'all probably would've been dating a long long while before this mans would pop the question.
I feel like he'd know that he wants to marry you, but he's so unsure of it plus he's concerned about how that would affect you in all of it.
Like, oh great if this gets out suddenly you've got one of the biggest targets on your back because you're the technology overlord's fiance and soon to be wife/husband.
As if you hadn't already when you both started dating-
Vox is a perfectionist so I'd imagine he would try so so hard to get everything completely flawless for his proposal.
But nothing goes his way that day, none, nada, zilch-
That's just his luck, totally not because it got screwed over by a certain radio demon for shits and giggles.
But he ends up asking you anyway, though a bit indirectly because it slips during his irritated rant.
"I can't believe they managed to spill wine all over me back there! All over one of my best suits as well!"
"Hun, we could always send your suit to the professional cleaners. It's okay! We can always just go someplace else next time too-"
"No! That- ugh! I had all these plans today and they were just ruined! I wanted everything to be absolutely perfect for when I was going to propose to you-"
"You were gonna what-"
Vox immediately shut up once he realized his screwup then.
So much for keeping it a surprise!
That's kind of how you ended up with a diamond ring on your finger that night.
And that's how Vox ended that really stressful day with an extremely satisfying night.
He ditched work the next day and just spent it being all over you.
Yes he admires the ring on your hand from time to time, this man just stares.
You can betcho ass that ring is expensive as fuck too.
Like as if this man didn't kiss your hands enough, that new accessory marking a new chapter of your afterlives just makes him do it more.
He's actually kinda housewife material if you squint-
This man can cook and clean, and as a bonus he's filthy stinkin RICH.
Bro I need me one of these holy shit-
If he wasn't clingy enough before, oh boy get ready for this.
He will always have an appendage on you at all times, a hand on your lower back, your hip, in your hand-
Or he'd just have you in his lap while he worked on stuff in his office.
Also, Vox being possessive as all hell if someone so much as just stared at you too long-
Please that goes straight up to 1000% when you agreed to wear that ring.
You guys planning to get hitched doesn't stay secret for too long though.
With Valentino and Velvette sticking their noses in Vox's business as a daily pastime anyhow-
Hence why a lot of sinners started shipping you two.
And oh goodness the ship wars.
Sometimes Vox wishes the internet wasn't really connected to his brain-
The magazines went wild with that one too-
Cuz imagine, the richest and the pride ring's probably most esteemed bachelor-
Aside from Lucifer probably, Vox's marketing and PR team are insanely good at their jobs-
Was now off the market and due to get hitched with you.
I'd imagine even if Vox doesn't post anything on social media, you or Vel would-
Literally like those married couples on TikTok or something with a whole bunch of cute shit.
You can best believe the most cracked out shit happens while you're both engaged though.
"Oh this is Vox, he's my ex-boyfriend."
"... You have got to stop saying that. I'm their fiancé."
You did not stop saying that.
Actually you wouldn't stop saying that even when his title upgraded to husband.
Not that Vox cares, your shenanigans were what caused him to gravitate towards you in the first place.
And until now they're what keep your relationship fun and interesting.
"Hey hubby, ooooh~ you're looking like the hottest thing in all of the pride ring despite having just rolled out of bed."
"Hahaha, good morning to you too doll."
It doesn't register what you called him at first until he's had his coffee and then it clicks.
You play it off attempting to be coy until he replays the video of you greeting and calling him that on his face.
His. Face.
Sneaky little shit that's what-
He doesn't really respond to any other petname now, you've dug your grave.
"What? What?? What do you want???"
"Can you peel this orange for me?"
"Really? That's it? Why don't you peel it yourself?"
"Because it tastes better when you do it?"
He does it eventually, hell if he's in a particularly good mood he'll even feed you.
That's always kind of how it goes when you ask him for things.
If it's something you want/can buy though?
You're already in possession of his credit card, just get whatever tf you want HAHAHAHA-
He's still a busy bastard though so it's not really much different from how it's like when you guys were dating-
But he genuinely tries to balance his work a little better to spend more time with you.
This man is such a workaholic though you end up having to drag his ass out of his office to rest anyway.
Again, nothing new from when you were just dating.
You guys jokingly throw around your soon to be marital titles in private.
Vox kind of feels like a kid in a candy store when you do, just giddy and excited for what's to come.
Not to mention he now has a partner in crime when he riffs on Alastor!
He'd be over the MOON if you just joined his chaos.
The radio demon probably wouldn't give a shit, he's just built different like that-
You both get so comfortable that you almost forget that you have a wedding to plan and set a date for.
Until Velvette asks about it and you're both just: "Oh. Right."
Your fiancé's schedule is so fucking packed though it was nearly impossible to.
This guy was going to work himself to death before you could tie the knot lmao-
But eventually you both got a date and venue settled, so that was one step closer.
Okay so like, I know sinners can't actually copulate unless you're Lucifer but that's besides the point-
And Vox isn't really a family man at all-
But boy oh boy if he didn't have it before-
This man would have an insane breeding kink after you both got engaged.
This man wants to see you stuffed.
Literally doesn't matter if you're riding him or he's just impaling you on his cock-
This guy just wants to fill you up so bad.
I'd also think that you guys would be screwing around a lot more often after he popped the question-
Something about emotions constantly running high and dopamine being one hell of a drug.
I think Vox is a switch, so I'd also imagine he'd be more inclined to let you dom him every now and then.
Or when he just wants to be a bratty little shit please go ahead and tame him, he likes it.
You can kind of get away with more stuff when you're both engaged.
Like tease him a whole ton and he just bites hook, line and sinker.
It's already gotten to the point where the power in the tower would die often enough that Velvette herself has gone through some crazy lengths to cockblock her colleague.
Speaking of, Vox would probably use you as a stress reliever after work if you let him-
Like he will just fuck you stupid until all you say is his name because this guy is addicted to hearing it.
Or he'd let you fuck him stupid until he's so far into sub space he forgets about his shitty day.
Cuz if it's rough, it's rough with you two.
But on the gentler side-
It's just as addicting and if not probably a little worse.
Though you would probably be the one taking initiative/domming whenever you both have gentle rounds.
I'm all for Vox being able to switch some of his parts cuz he wanted to/can.
So y'all have fucking choices when it comes to wrecking this idiot.
Like a multiple choice exam, literally shotgun the fuck outta those answers like you deteriorate his mental.
And consequently the entire city's power grid.
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angelicsoka · 4 months
IDIOT, l. hughes
word count | 788 words
pairings | luke hughes x fem!best friend!reader, platonic!jack hughes x reader, mentions of unnamed ex boyfriend x reader
summary | in which luke’s best friend is left broken hearted and with a family dinner she has no date to, so he decides to step up and help.
warnings | not proofread. no use of “y/n”. reader was cheated on. lowercase intended. this is a work of fiction, i am by no means saying this is how they act in real life.
a/n | heres one of two of the valentines blurbs i'm gonna post today because i had a sudden urge of inspiration to write (but not for the fics i've already started lmao)
she stormed up the stairs of luke and jack’s apartment complex, tears of frustration welling in her eyes. she felt like an idiot, she should’ve known there was something off with him. that he was spending a little too much time with her. she knocked hurriedly on their door, waiting anxiously for them to answer. after what felt like a century, luke opened the door.
“hey–” he was cut off by her pushing through into the apartment, the tears already starting to fall. “what's wrong?”
“he fucking cheated! that asshole was fucking cheating on me and i didn’t even realize! i feel so fucking stupid.” she cried, wiping angrily at her tears. luke saw red, already grabbing for his keys. “don’t, luke, it isn't worth it. plus, i already broke his nose.” jack, who had paused his game to listen in, whistled.
“damn, girl. remind me not to get on your bad side.” jack commented, dropping the smile when luke glared at him. “sorry.”
“now, i have this stupid family dinner and my parents are expecting me to bring a date! how am i supposed to tell them he cheated on me and on fucking valentines day of all days?” she ranted, the tears still flowing.
“hey, it's all gonna be okay. you just need to breathe.” she took a seat at their island, messily wiping her tears. she took a couple of deep breathes, her anxiety still heightened.
“fuck, i really don’t wanna go tonight.” she groaned, accepting the tissue luke offered her. “and if i cancel, they're gonna ask a shit ton of questions and i can’t deal with that right now.”
“i could go with you.” luke spoke, causing both her and jack to whip their heads towards him. “what?”
“you would do that?” she question, her eyes brightening. “because you don’t have to! i can cancel.”
“no, i want to. i promise.” her face held a beaming smile as she threw her arms around him.
“thank you, lukey! okay, be ready by 7, i'll pick you up! and wear a suit ‘cause we’re going to mario’s.” she seemed genuinely happy as she ran out of the apartment.
“somebody’s in love!” jack sang, laughing when luke smacked his shoulder.
the car was silent, beside the radio that was playing. her fingers tapped against the steering wheel, avoiding looking to her best friend. “what did you tell your parents?” luke asked, looking to her.
“just that i was bringing a guy i wanted them to meet. i left it kind of vague.” luke nodded, looking back out the window. “thanks again, lu. i really appreciate it.”
“of course, anytime.” she smiled, the car falling quiet once more. “you know he’s idiot for cheating on you, right? i mean who would want to cheat on a girl like you.” her cheeks flushed red, a small smile etched on her face. he mumbled something she couldn’t quite pick up, her eyebrows furrowing.
“what was that, lu?”
“i wouldn’t do that.” she almost slammed on the brakes, stunned by his statement. she looked to him, his eyes already trained on her.
“what are you saying?” she asked, the car coming to a stop at a red light. luke rubbed his eyes, clearly nervous. “luke.” she continued to keep her eyes trained on the road, turning into the parking lot of the restaurant. 
“look, you’re my best friend, and i know you are still upset. and i understand if you don’t feel the same. but i–” he stopped, breathing in slowly. “i think i’m in love with you. and seeing you upset over some idiot who can’t see that he just lost the best girl he could’ve ever had, pissed me off. and honestly, i’m glad, because you deserve better.” she felt her heart beating out of her chest, the feelings she had spent years pushing down now resurfacing.
“listen, i understand if you don’t feel the same but–” he was cut off when she placed her hand on his cheek, pulling him in for a kiss. it took a moment, but he slowly eased into it, his hand resting on her neck. “i take it, you feel the same?”
“you’re an idiot.” she giggled, placing a short, gentle kiss on his lips. “of course, i feel the same. but we take this slow, okay?”
“deal.” he leaned in to kiss her once more only to be stopped by her placing a finger on his lips.
“we’re gonna be late.” he pouted, earning a laughing, ‘ok, one more, and then we go in. no more, no less.” he pecked her lips before getting out and opening her door for her. “such the gentleman.”
“gotta make up for lost time.”
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Last cbf soap thought (for now 😉)
Seeing each other dressed up for the first time. Maybe to a date, wedding, etc.
My thought is like in the movies when this is the first time the friends are seeing each other in a more than friends way 😍🥰 it generally sparks Jealousy, lust, and just kick starts the feels!!!
oh man yesss. Where they both realize "wait...i might be in love with my best friend."
Johnny doesn't knock when he enters your house. He's there so often he has a spare key so it's like he lives there anyway. You wouldn't know he was there if he hadn't called out to you because you were in the bathroom putting the finishing touches of your makeup on your face.
"Was thinking we could-what's going on?" His eyebrows knitted together as he takes in your face.
"I'm going on a date!" You beam at him but he doesn't smile back, in fact his face pulls into a scowl.
"A date?"
Jealousy immediately began to fester. A date? Like an actual date that might end up with a kiss on your lips that wasn't from him?
Your eyebrows knit together from his tone and you give him a look.
"Yeah? Matt asked me to dinner." You explained and his scowl grew worse.
"Matt?" He exclaimed. "He used to cheat off you in bio."
"I don't know what that has to do with anything."
It didn't have relevance but he was hoping that maybe it would deter you from the date. He was trying to come up with something bad about Matt to get you to not go on a date with him. What if you found out you really like him and then suddenly started dating him?
There was no way Johnny was going to stop being friends with you just because of Matt.
"He was dating one of The Mean Girls a couple months ago." He tried but you shrugged as you pushed past him to go to your room.
It was glaring red flag, he knew you knew that but for some reason you were being stubborn. Is he really going to be that much more fun that Johnny? He really doubted that...
"It's one date." You called out to him from behind your closed door as you got dressed. "And like a real date too."
Johnny huffed and crossed his arms. Were none of the outings you both had together enough? He could argue that they were dates...but you didn't see him like that and he wouldn't say that to you.
You opened the door and his face softened.
"How do I look?" You asked, hopeful for his answer but for a moment he couldn't think.
Fucking beautiful. Stunning. Like you deserve the world and everything good in it. There were no words to describe it other than the feeling of warmth.
Johnny was far too deep in love to answer you truthfully.
"If I said ugly would you stay?" He said seriously and you rolled your eyes.
"What if I wanted to hang out with you tonight?"
"We can after my date!"
Johnny went to protest but you began to push him down the stairs and towards the backdoor. He fought against you but you were adamant that he leave to the point that he almost felt a little hurt you were kicking him out of your house.
"Just go home! I'll text you when I get back and then we can do whatever you want." You told him, struggling to push him towards the door and scoffed.
"As if I'm gonna let him bring you back home. What if he asks to come inside?"
Johnny spent the next three hours sulking in his room at home. Between checking for your messages and ranting to himself about how stupid it was that you were going on a date with someone else, he was starting to worry why it was taking so long.
What the hell was going on?
"That's it." He huffed and called you, not caring if he would be interrupting your date.
Oh no. He knew that tone. You've been crying.
"What happened?" He's already rushing to get back to your house as soon as possible.
"He didn't show."
Bastard. The next time Johnny sees him...it didn't matter. He just wanted to be with you right now and comfort you instead of think of the asshole who stood you up.
"I'll be there."
Before long Johnny was walking up to your bedroom. He knew where to find you, hidden underneath the covers of your bed clutching your bunny for comfort.
He didn't hesitate to lift the covers and crawl in with you. To anyone else this would look romantic but for you and Johnny this was just second nature. Both of you lost count of how many times you accidentally and purposefully shared a bed together.
When he found you in the dark, he pulled you close to his chest and gave you a firm squeeze.
"I'm sorry." He whispered and you let out a shaky breath.
"Thanks for coming back." You sniffled and he tightened his hold on you.
"Always, bonnie."
The two for you stayed silent for a while, just basking in the comfort of each other. Johnny couldn't feel happy that you date didn't go as planned even if he had been against it, not when you were so upset about it not happening at all.
Instead, he wanted to make you happier than Matt ever could.
"You wanna go get food somewhere?" He offered, pulling the blankets off yours heads. "Can eat in the car or I'll take you to a fancy restaurant."
You rolled over to look at him. Your eyes were bloodshot and puffy as you stared at him with uncertainty while he gave you a soft smile.
It's not like it was the first time you two had ever eaten dinner together, but something about this felt different. Something about the way he was looking at you made your heart flutter and those pushed down feelings from when he kissed you last year came back.
Why would you ever want to go on a date with someone else when you loved Johnny?
"I'm a mess."
"I think you look pretty."
You scoffed and he chuckled, pulling you into his chest again. You buried your face in it, letting a few more tears fall before you took a deep breath.
"I don't care where we go."
You're just happy it's with him.
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wynnyfryd · 3 months
Trailer park Steve AU pt 56
part 1 | part 55 | ao3
"Steve, honey," Claudia calls from the living room, where he can hear her shuffling around to get her things ready for work — the rustle of a jacket, the clink of keys against her thermos. "Do you need anything before you go?"
"I'm fine, Ma!" Steve answers.
And he is. He is fine. It’s been three weeks, and Steve is fine! He has a date tonight with a girl he doesn’t care about, and he's gonna cheer on Lucas at the championship game, and the other day at work he got a fifty cent per hour raise. And sure, his nightmares are worse than ever and his head aches all the time, and he’s had some weirdly persistent sinus infection or some shit going on, but he only teared up once this week while jerking off to thoughts of Eddie, so.
All in all, not bad.
He shoves a plain bagel in his mouth and rushes to leave the house; passes Claudia on the way out, who's now rapping her knuckles impatiently against Dustin’s door and asking, “Dusty, what’s going on in there? You’re gonna be late!" to which Dustin replies with a panicked shriek: “DON’T COME IN, I’M NAKED!”
Jesus Christ. "Deafen my other ear, why don't you?" Steve mutters under his breath.
He throws Ma a parting wave and heads out to pick up Robin so he can take her to school before his shift starts. She looks nicer than usual, and she won’t stop reapplying her mascara, and by the time Object of My Desire starts playing on the radio Steve is practically begging her to just suck it up and end this will-they-won’t-they thing with Vickie because it’s been months of obvious flirting and Robin still won’t make a move.
“I listen to you, and now look at me!” he argues, as if the handful of pointless dates he’s used to distract himself from Eddie are anything to look at. “Boom. Back in business.“
“Mm,” she objects, a little ‘you’re so full of shit’ frown on her face. “Not the same thing.”
Don’t say it, you bitch, don’t even—
“You ask out a girl and she says no…”
Oh, thank fuck. Steve sags in relief and licks the corner of his mouth as he listens to her rant, grateful that she’s just working the small town homophobia angle and very graciously not pointing out how half-hearted and sad his attempts to move on with his life have been. It’s a small mercy he repays by rambling about girls and boobies and girls who definitely like boobies until she scowls so hard at him that she smudges her mascara and has to apply another coat.
Dustin calls the store some time around lunch. Asks if Steve wants to sub in for Lucas at tonight’s Hellfire campaign, which, first of all, fuck you — he’s been helping Lucas practice for months now, he’s not about to miss this game — and secondly:
“What, to hang out with you and Eddie the Freak Munson?” he asks, idly playing with a slinky. “Uh, yeah. I’ll pass.”
"You can’t just call him names because you’re pissed at him! That’s not cool!”
Steve rolls his eyes and tugs the slinky so hard it flops off the counter’s edge.
“Look,” Dustin says, his voice dipping into that low and slow and trustworthy thing that makes Steve want to snap the kid’s non-existent collarbones. “I know you won’t tell me what happened, but whatever it was, he’s sorry, okay? He’s really, really sorry. And he asks me about you, like, every day; if I didn’t know any better I’d swear he was in love with you or something.” Steve chokes on his own spit, and Dustin just keeps going; steps right over Steve’s corpse to continue his impassioned plea. “Besides, friends forgive each other! Right, Steve?”
Goddammit. Steve really regrets saying those exact words in that exact order the last time Lucas and Dustin had a fight. “Man, you can’t just use my own brotherly advice against me.”
“I can, and I will.” Wow. What a little shit. “Seriously, dude, come on! How many times do I have to pass on his apology messages before you just talk to him?”
How many times? How many times?
Steve doesn’t know.
He just knows he’s not ready; knows that as soon as he talks to Eddie, it’ll make it all real. It’ll be over for good. Whatever words they exchange next will get etched into the headstone of the thing they briefly had. He opens his mouth to say something, to try and make sense of the vortex in his head, but all he gets for the effort is a fresh migraine coming on.
He’s saved from answering by the doorbell’s chime. “I got some customers,” he says over Dustin's squawk of protest. “Gotta call you back, bye.”
part 57
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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amalthiaph · 1 month
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I took an interest in The Bad Batch around the tailend of S2. It's not news to Tumblr that I almost slept on this show. And I cannot thank Caleb Dume enough for being the reason why I pressed the play button for this one. While I haven't been around for most of its active run, and I wish I had been, the last year has been among the best months of my life.
This show challenged my morals, and taught me lessons that I will forever take with me.
Tech taught me to embrace and take pride in who I am. I now think that I am not something that needs to be cured. I needed to be understood and accepted. He taught me that we deserved to be loved and be allowed to live the way we want to (as long as we are not causing harm to ourselves or to others).
Hunter taught me that at the end of the day, we're all still humans. We make mistakes. We fail. But we can learn from them, and we can strive to be better. And I should also take care of my hair bec I cannot accept that a man in a galactic war have better hair than me (Okay, did you honestly think I'm gonna be serious this entire essay?)
Crosshair taught me that at the end of the day, we really are still humans. Sometimes, we make choices that not everyone will understand or agree to. Sometimes, we don't even understand our own choices. But we can learn from them, and we can strive to be better. And that I should also go to therapy bec istg my hand shakes like hell I always need to rely on a pen stabilizer when doing my artworks.
Wrecker taught me that in this world where we can be anything, always choose to be kind. He is a great man who would always be there for everyone, and I hope that one day, I can be that person too. He is afraid of heights, but he climbs and go on high places anyway. Like him, I should also start conquering my fears. Dear Wrecker, I did try conquering my fear of heights last March 9 but I can't. I will try again.
Echo taught me to always fight for the greater good. Almost two years ago, me and a group of people campaigned for a great tomorrow. With pink flags and pink balloons, we worked on our little thing I like to call our rebellion. Sadly, we lost. At times, I am thinking of just giving up bec that's democracy and I cannot go against the people's decision, but characters like Echo and the rest of Rogue One taught me that nothing should ever stop me for fighting for the people's rights and that my love for my fellow citizens should always come first before hatred.
And lastly, Omega taught me to be curious, or more likely to not be ashamed for being curious. Learn about the world. Learn about lots of things. We never know when we need it. While I could say be good at strategy and win 30 grand on card games, nahhh, I'm not that smart.
I also learned to reevalutate myself as an artist. This show taught me integrity. I had ranted about this lately but these characters challenged me in terms of art. I knew that the creators aren't best at proper representation. While I could draw them as they are in the show, I choose to stand for what is right, and represent them as properly as my skills could. In the more technical side, I became good at drawing armors. And this little Actors AU Draw Series taught me to be responsible; I tried my very best to create and post them on time. This increased my productivity.
But enough about me.
There's something I realized two nights ago; we, the fandom, are Bad Batchers ourselves. We can consider ourselves a family, but not one of us is the same and we're all interesting, and capable in our own unique ways. We can have our own opinion and stand about something and still coexist. Like our favorite charactera, we embrace and celebrate our differences.
This show may end. No more Bad Batch Eves, no more cryptic tweets that cause us to hyperventilate, no more Bad Batch Wednesdays but it will live on, through us.
I know there will be a day where we decrease in number, one by one, little by little, but still, the show will live on through our actions, our opinions, our choices we make after May 1, 2024 because I know that all of us were changed in some ways by these characters and this show.
To the crew, your cryptic tweets caused me sleepless nights, but thank you so, so much. It is through your hardwork that we had this wonderful show. Thank you for making every second of the past year so worthwhile and enjoyable for me and for everyone.
However this show will end, whether happy or sad, I am glad it happened. However short my time was with them, I am happy I had been here. However short my time with everyone in the fandom was or if some of you leave one day, still, thank you so much for being part of my life; I am so happy I met all of you.
To Clone Force 99, thank you. I've never loved anything like this before. May the Force be with you.
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deadghosy · 4 months
"Have you always been so damn ugly?"
"Hahaha...Fuck you."
Warning: bit of a small oc.
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YOU SIGHED LAYING on your bed tired like always as your counterpart, Neno is beside you purring. His black shadowy body hold you as you face the ceiling. It's not like you are a depressed person who has no social energy battery and stay in your room not wanting to talk to people. Of course you totally aren't like that...
You heard a static noise outside your door, you narrow your eyes seeing a red glow outside your door. "What the fuck..." you say to yourself seeing the glow. Neno opens his white glowing eyes as he lets go of your body and moves swiftly to the door. It seems like he know who it is as you get off your bed and open the door.  And there he is, the radio demon who smiles down at you.
"Why hello my shadowy fellow/madam!" He says entering your room as you tried to protest him entering. "Well this won't do!" He pulls open your curtain windows to let the light in. Neno hisses going into your shadow as your eyebags show. Alastor smiles that shit eating grin as he sits on your bed. "Well? Why don't you sit down my dear friend, we got things to discuss!" You just stand there side eyeing him.
"Have you always been so damn ugly?" Is what you said that came into your mind.
"Hahaha...Fuck you." Alastor says staring at you waving got you to sit with him.
No way in hell are you talking to the radio demon.
AND HERE YOU are ranting about how shitty your morning went about how you felt like shit and how you felt no motivation or feelings at all. Alastor just stares and nod with a smile listening to you. You don't even know why you are actually venting to him about. Sometimes with yourself, you have these weird feelings where you can't feel anything but you aren't depressed. You just can't understand some things really.
Alastor stops you from going into deep context as he smiles thinking of something. "Why don't we go for a walk my dear friend!" He says enthusiastic. You just stare at him with a blank stare...."I'm not your frie-" Alastor snaps his fingers as he has you in an outfit that seems a bit old timey. Kinda seems off the way you dressed back in the 2000's but you liked the color palette it has.
Your hair looked better as you smile looking at Neno who gave you a thumbs up with Alastor and his own shadow counterpart. "Okay! Not bad old man." "I am not an old man" he says with a slight twitch in his eye. "Whatever man" you say chuckling softly at him. Next thing you know you go picked up onto alastor's shoulder with a blank confused face as he takes you out your room.
"Now let's go on an adventure. Can't let you rot in your room like some kind of corpse dear!"
YOU "WALKED" around pentagram city still on alastor's shoulder as he hums a tune while you just sat there in his shoulder like a little kid leaving sea world/ Disney world with their father.
"Where are we even going Alastor...."
"Somewhere~" he said in a song tune way.
You just sighed as he wasn't even giving you a straight answer. You felt a "bling" in your pocket. That must be your hell phone. You looked at it to see the contact, "BIG BOSS🔥" calling you. You answer him hearing a bunch of quacks and tools hitting the ground.
"Heyyyyy....ducklinggg" you heard Lucifer says awkwardly. "Hello. Sir." You said flatly. Lucifer's silly smile faltered hearing your flat tone as he sighs.
"Listen I'm sorry I didn't order you right the things for you. I was busy." You heard another quack and a squeak.
"Busy making a doll house for your ducks?"
".....low blow but I can send you your favorite pastry!" He says excitedly on his end of the phone.
You stayed quiet this time but smile showing your sharp teeth, "sure man. I'll forgive you." "FANTASTIC! I'll see you in 2 hours!"
"Wait wh-" and the phone hang up.
Why the hell he said he was gonna order them to you, but come in person...
NOW YOU WERE confused even more as you reach a part of town you didn't even know. Alastor smiles as you see demons with black eyes like those were cartoons you use to watch back then. But the town seems lovely and lively as you see a person giving out cotton candy.
Your eyes light up, catching the taller male's attention as he smirks turning his walking direction to the cotton candy stand.
"Hello mister, I would like one cotton candy for the little lady/fellow on my beloved shoulder." Alastor said as you felt embarrassed by how some people watched you as you fidget with your fingers. The man nods with a sharp teethed smile and gave Alastor, who gives you your cotton candy.
You smile awkwardly taking the cotton candy from Alastor and ate it. You gotta admit it was tasty as fuck! The candy melted on your tongue and your eyes lit up like shimmering glitter in a summer sun. Alastor smile softly at you and turns to building while you eat. As Alastor enters you heard a ladies voice.
"Yeah, and I would eat my husband too!"
You turn to see a lady who is wearing an old timey fit and she is very tall, slender-built demon with pale gray skin, and a wide mouth full of sharp light pink teeth, black-colored lips and dusty-pink cheeks. Her eyes are pitch-black.
You always liked to look at people sometimes to observe, it's a weird habit of yours at times but you must admit this lady was beautiful.
"Oh Rosie dear!"
"Alastor hon!" The lady says cheery as she walks to Alastor and you. You hopped off of Alastor landing on Neno who held his hand for you to softly get on the ground. The two overlords hug as you finally noticed who she was. She was the one Alastor told you about sometimes.
"Oh and who is this cutie! Aw I could just eat you up!"
"Please don't." You said with an awkward smile as she pinches your cheek like a granny.
She chuckles putting a hand to her face, "oh don't worry, Alastor told me all about you and how such a dearie you are to him at times."
You raised a brow at that. "Really?" You looked at Alastor who seems to be ignoring your gaze as you just scrunched your face up in confusion.
"Why yes! You're the [animal/shadow] demon he was talking about!" She says as she cups her hands in your. Neno watches as he swirls around your body and playful nibbles on Rosie who chuckles. "And this much be your pet!" "Counter part actually.." Rosie had a surprised look as she looks into Neno's eyes which is pure white, opposite from Rosie's own eyes.
"Well isn't that swell..."
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(I'm tired so I can't finish the part where you get to hang out with Lucifer again. My head ache and me being drowsy as shit isn't helping. Hope you enjoyed this)
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sylveon-and-velveon · 4 months
Oh God can we please see what the slashers would do if you played 'Hopelessly Devoted To You' from Grease? Just in time for Valentines Day 🥺🥺🥺
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! For couples and singles {like me lol}
OMG yes! I loved watching Grease as a kid!! AFTER MAKING THIS: Should say somehow half of these became "love language" responses- I follow you, hol' up
This will include: Michael Myers {OG & RZ}, Brahms Heelshire, Jason Voorhees, Billy Lenz, Freddy Krueger, Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Harry Warden, Tiffany Valentine
Feel free to request any shitpost writing prompt ideas you can think of in my asks, I love silly non-serious ideas XD We besties if you give me Cupcakke remixes-
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OG Michael Myers
It's giving lovesick, it's giving obsessed, it's giving "I'm not leaving you"
Well for Michael anyway-
He'd probably take the song a little too seriously, and think you're never gonna ever leave him.
He's never been the best at romance
Blame where he was "raised" for over a decade-
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RZ Michael Myers
Just as much in the "never been good with romance" department
But hey, the music isn't loud and obnoxious so he doesn't mind as much to the music you're playing
Especially since it's not as vulgar like.... last time you played music around him
You music player lives to see another day!!
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Brahms Heelshire
He sees it as a love language, that you're using music to properly show your love for him without feeling uncomfortable throughout it all
Yep, that's my new headcannon now. His love language is through music. Especially with pianos
He hears you playing that? Oh his heart is MELTING right then there!! He's gonna be giving you cuddles for DAYS after hearing that
Someone make this love language canon please-
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Jason Voorhees
Imagine if his mom used to listen to this song?
Bringing him memories. Bittersweet ones probably
Unless you headcannon his mom's still alive, then just sweet
Unless you have a sad headcannon about his mom then you fucked either way mate TvT
But anyway, it brings him memories and he's enjoying the music with you
I kinda went on a Pamela rant there- XD
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Billy Lenz
A little confused but he got the spirit
He ain't understanding a lot of it until he hears iconic line from the song
Then he running over to you and is NEVER letting you go
But he still confused
But he trying TvT
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Freddy Kreuger
Okay.... here me out:
Yeah the dude will be ridiculous with goofy ass music
But with romantic related songs?
So you know how he has one hand that isn't covered with the glove?
And no, you're not getting anymore context to my thought process-
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Stu Macher & Billy Loomis
Short and sweet, they'd both love it
Billy's calm about it, while Stu is just like a big doggy. Oh- he is SO happy!!
Billy ain't gonna stop him, it's a good song. And it makes the both of you happy
What's to complain?
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Thomas Hewitt
Takes him a few seconds to understand the implications of this song but when he does he's gonna give you a big ass hug
Bone crushing? Probably-
It's Thomas, he'd probably accidently do it-
But he still loves you
Even if he accidently puts you in a wheelchair
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Bubba Sawyer
Yeah you gotta explain the song, poor guy highly wouldn't understand the meaning
Or he would... but BARELY-
You gotta explain what the song's about, when he finally does understand he's gonna be so in love with you.
And the song
Like a little confession song... weird choice for a confession song. But you do you-
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Harry Warden
A little old fashioned but he understands the song is romantic-esc
He'd vibe to song, bounce his head along to the beat a little
Tap his feet to beat as well, maybe change back and forth between the two
He's never watched the movie before but now the song makes him want to watch the movie
Specifically with you ^^
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Tiffany Valentine
She's watched the movie, but she doesn't wanna admit it
But the second, THE SECOND, she hears you playing that song
Ohhhhhhhhhhh you two are singing that song together with no shame
It's her guilty pleasure song, but knowing that you listen to this song now makes her more confident!
Hell yeah!!!
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starryylies · 4 months
Hi !!! Idk if you've done this already but can you do my angel boy Gaz and Ghost with a girl who love scary movies ??? I feel like they'd totally have the mentality of "I gotta comfort her when she's scared" but Gaz specifically flinches and I think Si would like "brace" if that makes sense like wincing his eyes. I dunno if you've done something like that but your emo story reminded me of me and it made me so happy I'm a metalhead and I was gonna ask for more but it was already in there and that just mad emy day ilysm already okay bye -🫀
Simon n Gaz watching a horror movie with s/o
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HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Again so sorry (I’m sorry for saying sorry sm) but like Omg I love this cuz I love horror smmmm!!! Insidious,suspiria,Bwp, conjuring you name it I love them omgggg.
So thank you so much for the awesome ask and I hope you enjoy it 🩷🩷🩷
Also I used the movies sinister and lights out for the references :))
♰ he thought watching the movie sinister will be fun cuz he thought he could protect you from the jumpscares
♰ he needs to be protected from the damn movie tho (okay this movie is fucked up tho and it’s totally normal to be scared)
♰in the beginning he thought it will be some poorly made movie with shit ass jumpscares but boy was he wrong
♰ when the scene of the family hanging themselves comes on he was taken aback and he lets out an audible wince shutting his eyes
♰ he genuinely finds the movie scary and gory, cannot help but find himself wince and shut his eyes whenever he thinks there will be a jumpscare
♰ as the movie progressed and the other tapes were revealed he just couldn’t take it anymore, his limit broke off when the mowing scene came
♰ but you seemed to be enjoying the movie, anticipating what the next scene will reveal
♰ he shut the tv before he could see further, it was too much for him
♰ “fuckin hell love this movie is a fuckin nightmare” he groans
♰ “noo It’s a well made film :( plus I enjoy a good scare ya know”
♰ god how could you be so chill with it, he can’t tell if he should admire you or keep his distance
♰dw he admires you :)
♰ keeps on ranting about how he’d never do such a stupid fucking thing
♰ says Ellison was a stupid fuckin idiot for getting his family there and curses him for the rest of the day
♰ asks you your opinion on the movie and who you think is recording the tapes
♰ ends up going on the net to see how the movie ends cuz he can’t let it go
♰when he finds out the ending he has an ‘aha’ moment.
♰ tries watching the movie again but ends up stopping in the beginning itself cuz he can’t handle it.
♰ probably doesn’t want kids after this movie
♰ Awh this poor guy just wanted to watch a scary movie with you to hold you when you’re scared but it kinda ends up being the opposite
♰ you both decide on watching lights out (I wanted to pick hereditary or mother but too much cuz I’m writing this at 3am)
♰ see lights out is a Pretty chill film but Diana is creepy as hell and sadly gaz became a victim to Diana’s jumpscares
♰ when she killed the dad gaz visibly flinched like on the edge of the sofa hoping the dad would survive
♰ but boom the bitch killed him :/
♰ felt really bad for the brother (Martin)
♰sympathised with him a lot by saying he’s a good kid and that he’s really strong.
♰ surprised on how you’re not getting scared or anything
♰ thinks that you have watched this film before
♰ gaz got shit scared during the scene where Rebecca and her boyfriend came and Diana creeped around them
♰ the end made him tear up just a lil :(
♰ you ended up comforting him holding him close cuz he felt bad about their mom
♰ thinks it’s adorable how you give lil facts about the movie from time to time though.
♰ cursed Diana for the rest of the day,
♰ if you take any medications, don’t worry you’ll never miss them now cuz gaz will make sure you eat yours on time
♰ keeps the bathroom and living room lights on that night
♰ will search for movies like lights out
♰ will never watch them though
♰ is proud that he got closer to you tho
♰ will definitely hold you the entirety of the movie
♰ will never have a horror movie date again tho
♰ but will watch a horror movie with you if you ask him cuz how can he say no to you :))
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starsval · 7 months
remus lupin x f!reader
summary: liking remus lupin isn't easy, especially when all he does is give you missed signals
word count: 3k
warnings: kissing, reader drinks alcohol, talking about sleeping with someone(?
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I was doing fine till you crashed in my headspace And took over my mind I was sorta cool till you made me a headcase And now I'm always Getting over it, getting over you, I don't even know you Hit me with that smile Way to rip my heart out my ribcage, ooh-ooh
"so i think i'll just do it lat-" you don't finish, distracted by a certain tall boy, with honey eyes and scarred face. who just walked in.
"what happened?" lily asks, worried by your sudden change.
"i hate him" you declare, maybe for the fifth time that day.
"you don't" marlene adds, focusing on her nails.
"yeah you don't" lily agrees, turning to wave at remus.
"okay maybe i don't" you keep talking so they can't interrupt you "but i am getting over him" you announce "i can't live like this, like, i don't even remember what i was talking about 'cause he just crashed into my headspace, and now i can only think about him, and his hair, and his hands and his sweaters…"
lily talks, intervening before you can go on your daily rant about remus lupin.
"i thought you said you hated him and were getting over him?" she smiles, chuckling when you groan.
marlene also smiles, but she loudly laughs when you put your head in your hands. remus just smiled at you.
"he's gonna rip my heart out my ribcage"
Only hit me now, we were texting late When you called me up just to see my face And I can't, I can't seem to figure you out Are you with that girl back in your home town? If we never kissed, does it even count? I still can't get you out of my mouth Way to touch me, babe, way to ask a {lady?} Overthink, overcomplicate Won't you let me stay in this fake heartbreak? I'm a real headcase
you know you should be sleeping instead of texting remus. you are aware of that, but it's hard to sleep when all he's doing is giving you mixed signals. it's hard to sleep when all you're doing is thinking about him. it's hard to sleep when he asks if he can come over. and it's even harder to say no to him.
"why did you want to come over?" you ask him as he walks in, closing the door behind him.
"just wanted to see your face" he stands in front of you, ignoring the way you frown at his words, touching your cheek.
"can i be honest with you?" he smirks.
"of course" he takes a step closer to you.
"i don't think i'll ever figure you out" you rest your forehead against his chest, feeling the vibrations as he chuckles.
ᨳ  ׂ   𓈒  ⠀🌙 ㅤׂ  ✽   ੭
"i don't get it, he comes over, spends the night and then he's making out with this girl from his hometown" you pout at your ceiling, marlene and lily next to you.
"we don't get it either" lily assures.
"maybe it's because we never kissed, maybe it doesn't count"
"i don't think remus is like that" marlene says, giving you a chocolate.
"i hate how i can't stop talking about him" you sigh, closing your eyes "in my defense, he gives really good hugs"
"maybe you're just over thinking?" lily asks, taking a chocolate from marlene.
"let me stay in this fake heartbreak please"
Honey, if you want, I could give you my weekends All you gotta do Is tell me this is true, tell me I am your weakness Just give me something I don't know how this started Is this what modern art is? You left and took my heart with
"are you free this weekend?" remus finds you as you're walking to class, getting the books from your hands to hold them for you.
"i don't know" you do know, marlene wants you to go to this party with her "why?"
"are you coming to the party?" he asks, smiling at you.
"i don't know yet" you lie, marlene would kill you if you didn't go.
"okay, i'll see you there then" he gives you your books back.
"what?" you frown.
"i'm inviting you, so you have to go" he then turns around and leaves, probably to his class.
ᨳ  ׂ   𓈒  ⠀🌙 ㅤׂ  ✽   ੭
you see remus right when you enter, but lily quickly drags you to were marlene is waiting, so you don't see him again until an hour later. when you've already had some drinks.
"hi" he pats the spot next to him on the couch, and you sit, staring at your cup "how are you?"
"can i ask you something?" you say, ignoring him.
"sure" he puts an arm around your shoulder.
"will you please tell me that this is true? tell me i am your weakness?" you stare at him.
"are you drunk?" he take the hand that's holding your cup and puts it close to his face, smelling it "you are drunk" he confirms as he gets up, pulling you up with him.
he takes your hand in his, and walks to lily and marlene, that are talking with james and sirius.
"i'm taking her to her room" he tells the girls.
"why?" sirius asks, but one glance at you is enough, it's obvious that you're drunk.
"okay, we'll go check on her later" lily says, taking the cup from your hand as you pass next to her, following remus.
you're already in a corridor when you talk again.
"please just give me something" you say, staring at the back of his hand
"you have to sleep" he mutters, ignoring you until you reach your room.
you fall on your bed, staring at the ceiling.
"i don't know how this started" you tell him, knowing that he knows what you're talking about. you're talking about your weird relationship. you are friends, but you flirt, you stay up talking to each other, you get jealous when the other is on a date with someone. but you aren't dating. "but i hate it, i hate you"
he only smiles, knowing that you don't mean it. he sits next to you, stroking your hair, waiting until you fall asleep.
then he leaves, taking your heart with him.
And it hit me now, we were texting late Then you called me up just to see my face And I can't, can't seem to figure you out (You out), ooh-ooh Are you with that girl back in your home town? If we never kissed, does it even count? I still can't get you out of my mouth (My mouth)
you hear your name being called just as you get up to get another drink. when you turn, you see sirius walking to you.
"remus is asking for you" he says, taking your hand and dragging you with him. you hadn't seen or talked to him since that party last week.
"what?" you ask, but before he can answer, you're standing in front of a very drunk remus, whose eyes light up when he sees you.
"hi" he giggles, taking the hand sirius is holding, to hold it himself.
"hi" you reply, frowning at james, who's watching everything with a smirk "why don't you go to sleep?"
you think remus is not going to agree, but he quickly gets up.
"with you? of course" he starts walking to the door, and you can only look back at james and sirius as they laugh.
"what? remus, no, i didn't mean-" you try to talk, but he ignores you, looking back only to grin.
once you reach his room, he quickly takes off his shoes and lies on the bed, staring at you with his arms open.
"remus" you say, not getting closer to him.
"yes?" he smiles at you, and if you weren't tipsy you'd notice the sparks in your eyes are because of you.
"i'm trying to, but you are just standing there" he sounds genuine about it, just the same way he looks genuinely sad when you take a step towards the door.
he doesn't say anything, so you assume he's just going to give up. but before you can reach the door, you feel his hand on your wrist. and before you can say something, you're on the bed next to him, with his arms around you.
"remus?" you try to move, but his grip doesn't get any weaker, even when he's half asleep.
he hums in response, his face in your neck.
"let me go"
he doesn't reply, but you feel his smile against your skin.
"i want to go back to the party" you try again, even if it's not entirely true.
"liar" he mutters, and his arms tighten around you.
"you like being here with me" he replies, and then he finally falls asleep.
And I can't seem to figure you out Oh, I can't seem to figure you out (You out)
you wake up to a flashlight, and when you open your eyes, there's a really drunk sirius holding a camera, with a really drunk james suppressing a laugh next to him.
"what time is it?" you ask, peeling remus' arm from around you.
"like 4 am" sirius replies, taking another picture of remus, this time without flash.
"tell remus i said goodbye" you say, walking to the door, although you doubt they'll remember.
the second time you wake up, it's already bright up. and when you get to the Great Hall, you see remus staring at you.
"why is he glaring at you?" marlene asks, frowning when remus gets up.
"i don't know" you lie, but before lily can say anything, remus is already behind you.
"you weren't there when i woke up" he says it like an accusation, and before you can reply, marlene is already talking.
"what!?" she practically spits her tea "you slept with him?"
"no" you say.
"yes" he says.
"not in the way you think!" you clarify.
"why did you sleep with him?" lily asks, and you can see the smirk she's hiding.
"i didn't-"
"you did" before remus can say anything else, you get up and grab his arm, dragging him out of the Great Hall to talk.
"you weren't there when i woke up" he repeats.
"you wanted me to be there?" you frown, because the signals he has given you definitely didn't say that.
"yes" he doesn't change his expression.
"i find that hard to believe"
"why?" he scoffs.
"really? why?" you don't know if you should ignore him or just laugh in his face.
"yes, why?"
"you act all lovely on me one day and then you are with someone else, forgive me if i don't believe that you want me around"
"i forgive you" this time you're the one who scoffs, turning around and walking again in the Great Hall, not caring if he follows you.
marlene and lily decide not to ask about it.
Are you with that girl back in your home town? If we never kissed, does it even count? I still can't get you out of my mouth (My mouth) Way to touch me, babe, way to ask a lady? Overthink, overcomplicate Won't you let me stay in this fake heartbreak? I'm the real headcase
"really? again?" peter questions as remus sits in the couch again. they're in the middle of a party and remus just left with that girl from his hometown.
"did she see me?" remus looks around, looking for you.
"i think she was too busy talking with evan" james informs him, grinning when lily approaches them.
"have you seen the idiots i call for friends?" she asks, shoving sirius out of the way to sit on the couch next to james.
"one was with dorcas and the other one just left with evan" peter replies.
"wait, it was real? she left with evan?" remus frowns, and even pouts when lily laughs at him.
"what? you think she's gonna wait for you? babe, she's getting bored of you" she tells him, suddenly turning around when you and marlene approach her.
you sit on the couch in front of her, where sirius went after lily had pushed him. he puts an arm around both of you.
"so, i heard that you're both in love with some slytherins" you both glare at him, and he laughs at remus' expression.
after talking for a while, and you ignoring remus all the time, you three get up and leave. but before you can reach the hallway, remus takes your arm.
"can we talk?"
"we're talking right now" you smile. he glares.
before he can reply, marlene shoves both of you out of the door and to a corner of the hallway.
"talk" and then she leaves with lily.
"why were you with evan?" he asks.
"we were talking"
"like we" he points to both of you "talk?"
"i don't know remus, how do we talk? how are you any different than evan?"
"he doesn't like you" you chuckle.
"and you do?"
"i do"
"i don't believe you" you start to walk away, but he grabs your arm and turns you around, settling his hands on your waist.
"let me help you believe"
"what?" you notice the way he looks at your lips.
"i can't get you out of my mouth, ask peter, i'm sure he hates me because all i ever do is talk about you. you're the only one who makes me overthink. i'm literally wondering if i'm too tall right now"
his face gets closer to yours as he talks.
"and i know that we never kissed, but even if it doesn't count, i'd prefer to stay on this fake heartbreak, just because it'd be because of you"
you can't handle it anymore, so you just kiss him, you grab his face and kiss him. you kiss him to shut him up, that's what you tell yourself.
when you pull away, he's grinning.
"that was just so you shut up" you tell him, but your hands don't leave his face, instead, they go to the back of his neck.
"i meant it" you try to pull away, but his grip on your waist tightens, and one of his hands to the back of your neck.
"i'm gonna start talking again so you might need to shut me up again" he smirks.
you comply, happily.
I'm the real headcase I'm the real headcase Mm Yeah, I'm the real headcase
when you enter the great hall the next morning, remus walking in with you, your friends and his are sitting together.
so when you go sit with them, the stares you get are inevitable.
"so?" james starts, smirking.
"what?" you ask, already feeling the headache you're gonna get from this.
"did you sleep together?" marlene abruptly asks after a moment of silence.
"marlene!" you say.
"yes" remus says.
"remus!" you say again, hitting his arm.
"what? it's true!" he frowns.
"it's not" you say, sitting and focusing on your food.
"it is" everyone agrees, and you can't do anything but ignore them.
ᨳ  ׂ   𓈒  ⠀🌙 ㅤׂ  ✽   ੭
the next few weeks, you spend your days with remus, still not sure if you're dating or not, but neither of you care.
right now you're laying on his bed, reading a book, well, at least trying to, because remus is making it really hard. he's basically lying on top of you, stroking your hair and giving small pecks to your neck.
"can i ask you something?" he says after a while, lifting his head to look at you, but you focus on the book.
"sure" your eyes don't leave the book until you have no other choice, because certain someone just snatches it from your hand.
"do you want to be my girlfriend?" you freeze at his words, staring at him.
"i know it's not the best way of asking, i mean, you deserve something fancy, like chocolates or flowers, but i couldn't wait to ask you" he stares back at you, his eyes softer than ever. and all you can do is lean in and kiss him.
it's a sweet kiss, soft and short, and you think that it's enough as an answer, but you still reply.
"i'd love to" he kisses you again, and the book is long forgotten as his other hand goes to your waist, and the one in your hair goes to the back of your neck.
ᨳ  ׂ   𓈒  ⠀🌙 ㅤׂ  ✽   ੭
you walk into the gryffindor common room holding hands, and sit next to all of your friends, who look at you, suspiciously.
"what's happening?" sirius asks, pointing at your hands.
"what?" remus replies, and when you let go of his hand to pick up your book, his hand goes to your tight instead.
"why is your hand on my best friend's tight?" lily talks, frowning.
"i can't put my hand on my girlfriend's tight?" remus makes sure to emphasise the word girlfriend, and you're almost sure everyone stops breathing.
"what" marlene breaks the silence, "since when?"
"like two weeks ago" you mutter, still reading your book.
this time, the reactions come almost immediately.
"what!" mary screams.
"and you didn't tell us?" lily looks offended.
"we have to throw a party to celebrate!" james and sirius say at the same time, high fiving after that.
"when's the wedding?" marlene asks.
"next year" remus replies, and that makes you look away from your book.
"what!?" all of you ask, except remus.
"since when?!" lily frowns at you.
"i don't know!" you look at remus.
"we're already engaged" he says.
"what!?" you all say again, and he just rolls his eyes.
"we aren't engaged" you clarify.
"she's just in denial" remus tells everyone.
"you haven't asked!" lily frowns at that.
"you'd say yes!?" she asks.
everyone stops everything and looks at you, slowly getting more flustered, and at remus, who's grinning like he hasn't before.
"what if we get married next week?" he asks.
"no!" lily replies before you can.
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jaeyunluvr · 4 months
love you, unconditionally (part 1)
synopsis best friends jake and sunghoon comfort reader who can't get over her ex. sunghoon is in love with the reader. pt.2
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'hey guys, you busy? can you both come over?' that one text was all it took for jaeyun and sunghoon to rush to your apartment with all the comfort they had in the world, to offer it to you. they were your best friends ever since you knew life. they sensed you weren't okay. and you weren't the one to ask help for little struggles. they were your moral support and the only people you trusted with all your heart. they cried with you in your sorrow, they laughed with you in your joy, they fought your difficulties like it were their own nemesis. and you did the same to them. it's said to be two peas in a pod, but you three have managed to accommodate another one.
"y/n?" jaeyun knocked your door softly, his tone laced with concern as him and sunghoon waited patiently for you to open the door.
there were tears dripping down your chin and your eyes red with all the sobbing. you frantically wiped your tears, not wanting to worry your friends much, even thought it would be obvious by just looking at your face that you have been crying for a long time. you dragged yourself to the main door of your little apartment, and paused.
now all of sudden you didn't feel like facing them. you felt pathetic for crying over a guy that left you long ago, that you left long ago, both on good terms. just this one fact that your heart never stopped loving him despite everything that he did wrong to you (which you would never point out), despite being warned and despite being hurt more than once.
well now that you've called them here, you had to face them. so you opened the door and found both of them panting lightly, faces filled with absolute worry.
you looked them in the eye, and suddenly you felt thankful for having them, all the emotions came rushing through your veins once again as tears started brimming in your eyes. your lips turned into a pout and you started crying badly again.
jaeyun sighed with concern and held you by the shoulders and brought you inside, as sunghoon closed the door. jaeyun bent a little to look at your face and seeing you cry hurt him so bad. he was an emotional guy, he couldn't handle to see his best friend cry like that, so he wrapped his arms around your figure, dropping his head to the crook of your neck as he engulfed you into the warmest hug ever. sunghoon wrapped his arm around jaeyun's shoulders as he patted your head in order to give you comfort.
after a little bit of crying, three of you gathered on the couch, both of them sitting on your either side, all ready to listen to you rant.
you didn't say a word. you didn't know what to say. being honest even you questioned yourself. why does it hurt this much? why were you crying now? why can't you move on? why were you not ready to let anyone else love you?
sunghoon cleared his throat and proceeded to start a conversation.
"we know the reason you're crying right now. but why did it trigger you all of sudden, y/n?" his tone was sweet, like it was made of honey. he spoke very carefully knowing you were fully sensitive right now and every word could they said could effect you.
"i don't know hoon. i don't know what triggered me but... this feeling i have for him. i don't how to erase it. i'm not even ready to let him go, even if everything is in my head. it's like i'm gonna leave a piece of me with him, a very precious part of me." your voice started wavering, and a lump formed in your throat once again.
jaeyun grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours, with his other hand on top of yours. and you continued to speak, inhaling sharply.
"i don't think i can ever love somebody like i love him, even if he doesn't love me back, even if he has hurt me. i can never say anything to him and i just cannot bring myself to blame him. my love for him, it's unconditional. even now, if he came back to me after all this time, i would still run into his arms like nothing ever happened."
jaeyun sighed, "y/n that's not-"
"i know. i know that's not how it's supposed to be. i know i have to let him go, i need to move on. i know i would find somebody who would treat me better than him. rationally, i understand all these things. but it's quite difficult to push my heart out of this mess. i have tried so many different ways, i just can't. i don't think loving someone like i love him will be possible to anyone else. i would literally do anything for him."
sunghoon didn't know what to say, because he understood every word you said. he related to each and every word. he loved you unconditionally too, he was not ready to let you go too, he would literally do anything for you too. he didn't know the solution, just as you didn't. it hurt him to see you speak of another man like this, but there was nothing he could do, because he knew what exactly you felt.
he sensed you might start crying again, because you cried every time you had to speak your heavy heart out like this.
"i'll go get something for you to eat, we just rushed here so we didn't have time to grab something on the way." sunghoon spoke as he got up and walked to your front door, carefully shutting it close behind him.
jaeyun was not having this. he couldn't see both of his best friends hurt like this, not when there was a way.
"y/n. it's been what? 7 months since you broke up with your ex. you have to move on because we know for a fact that he isn't coming back. and we know for a fact that he can never give you back the love that you gave him all this time. see you have to get yourself together and do it yourself. nobody can get into your head and change things for you. even if you have to force yourself, you have to forget him, it's for the good. only you, can change these depressing days you have, these uncertain emotions that you feel. only you can help yourself."
you nodded as you listened to him. he was right.
"how long will you continue to be like this? all this time, you've never put yourself and your well being first. now it's high time you do that. because again, in the end only you can make yourself happy. and uhh i don't know if this is the right piece of advice but, give sunghoon a chance."
you raised your brow at him. what the hell was he saying?
"sunghoon likes you. you know it too. like hell he loves you. do you know why he doesn't get jealous or angry when you talk about your ex in front of him? because he knows. he knows how it is like to love someone when they don't love you back the same way. he knows how it is like to love someone unconditionally. he's trying to accept the truth that you won't even love him back the same. he's wrong. if you think the same, then you're wrong too. you're just not giving yourself a chance. and that asshole is just suppressing his feelings without even trying."
everything he said was right. you were not willing to let your ex go. you were not willing to give yourself a chance. you unknowingly let yourself get stuck in time, where nothing was going good for you. you realised what jaeyun meant when he said 'it is only you who can repair yourself.'
you knew sunghoon liked you. but you didn't know it was this bad. he never showed it to you of course. but listening to what jaeyun had to say, you have to reconsider your thoughts. you had to let him go. you had to move forward, you had to put yourself first.
just then a door click sound was heard, as sunghoon walked in with lots of food and drinks in his hands. he smiled at you both as he proudly walked in, kicking the door close with his foot. jaeyun being the excited pup he is, realized it was time to flip the mood over and rushed to check the food out.
"there is no way you brought us THIS much ramyeon, hoon." jaeyun gasped dramatically, not even trying to hide his happiness at the amount of food. he rushed to the kitchen bringing out the ramyeon pot as he started boiling the water.
sunghoon walked to you with a little smile, as he noticed you seemed a little better than when they walked in through that door of your apartment.
"you feeling better?" he asked as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, looking down at you oh so lovingly.
it hurt him a lot, seeing you like this. he knows he can treat you better than anyone else on this planet. he knows what you deserve. you deserve the world and he's so ready to place in the palm of your hand. but it were your feelings that mattered. no matter what he does, there is no point if you didn't love him back the same way.
he's had sleepless nights and restless days because of this fact. but before he loved you, he was your best friend. he would always be there for you, even if it meant he had to erase the love he had for you.
you nodded as you looked up at him with your lips curving into a smile. he gently pulled you into a hug as you wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your head into his chest.
sunghoon couldn't hold back at the sight of you finding comfort in him, and left a warm little kiss on the top of your head, ruffling your hair as he pulled away from the hug.
he smiled at you again as he held your hand, dragging you to the kitched to join jaeyun, as they proceeded to make your day better.
maybe, just maybe, giving sunghoon a chance was not a bad idea.
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mammonsrockstargf · 20 days
Hiiii! I’m the anon that asked for the 2 MC’s I also just happened to be an extremely nosy and drama loving person. >:) Soo….with that said may I request from headcaons for the brothers when the 2 MC’s get into a massive argument? Insults are said, fists are thrown, and to make it even harder to pick the right side, both sides are equally understandable. (Let’s just say that this takes place after all the pacts are obtained) Thank you if you decide to do this!!! :3
The brothers' reaction to two MCs getting in a big fight.
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I think Lucifer would act as a sort of mediator in a situation like this. He's the oldest brother, and although he can be prideful, he's used to forcing his brothers to work out their issues. His office door will always be open if one of you feel the need to talk, however, he's not the type to coddle you. If you go to Lucifer with your problems, you can expect to get solutions.
"I'm upset that they did this," "Well, have you talked to them about it?" "No, but–" "Ah, no buts. Go talk to them, and then come back to me."
Mammon is distraught. His two favourite humans are fighting? He doesn't want to choose which one of you he has to hang out with; he wants to hang out with both of you at the same time. Please, and thank you very much! I honestly think he would be more affected by your argument than you are. Expect that you'll have to cuddle him and assure him that you still love him, and no, it's not your fault that we're fighting Mams. Stop worrying. Divorced child, right here, fellas.
"You sure it's not because of me?" "Mams, I've told you like six hundred times at this point." "Yeah, but you're sure, right?"
Leviathan doesn't like fighting. He also doesn't like confrontation and he kind of stinks at giving advice upright. However, if you shape it up to be a Reddit AITA post, then he'll give great advice. Levi is the one you go to when you need distractions. He'll sit beside you in silence and play video games for hours, but you'll have to make a schedule for when each of you visit him because he is not dealing with you two fighting over who gets to hang out with him.
"They are just so frustrating, it makes me want to–" "Hey, this is a war-free zone, no angry ranting." "AITA for making my friend–"
Satan can feel the energy in the house, and I like to think he gets kind of high off it. Especially if fists are thrown, he gets all giddy and has to restrain himself. Human emotions are just so intoxicating. He tries his best to keep his distance because he doesn't want to make things any worse. I would stay clear of this guy until things get resolved, just to be safe.
"Ugh, I just wanna punch them in the face!" "Hihihi, ah, no, that wouldn't be good, don't do that."
Asmodeus, aka the biggest gossiper on earth? He needs to hear both of your sides of the story immediately, but because you're his humans and not just some irrelevant randos, I think he would actually be kind of reasonable. He'll hear each of you out separately, and especially if both sides are valid, he'll validate you and might even gasp for dramatic effect. Eventually, he gets sick of it, though, he misses self-care nights, and it's not as fun when you're only two people. He needs both of his humans together. He'll start pestering you to talk it out, and he won't relent until you do. He's definitely not above locking the two of you in a room together if he needs to.
"Asmo, let us out!" "Not until you talk about it! I'm gonna go on a date now, don't kill each other before I get back, m'kay?"
Beelzebub thinks the solution is a tub of ice cream and a really big spoon. He'll let you sit for hours, patiently listening until you've got it all out, but he'll be snacking the whole time through it. He's also the type to keep insisting that you hear the other person out. Family is important, okay? And you're all family now, so you gotta stick together.
"And then they said that I was selfish and–" "You gonna finish that tub of ice cream?" "Uh, no, I'm done." "Okay, I'll take it then. You were saying?"
Belphegor does not care. You're very welcome to come have naps, and he's a little annoyed that he can't nap with you both, but honestly, he can't be bothered with all that. Go talk to Beel about it, please. If you get sad about it, while with him, he'll just hold you till you feel better.
"Are you crying again?" "No, I'm not..." "Come here, don't cry, please."
Overall, I think all of the brothers would get pretty tired of it eventually; it might be called House of Lamentation, but that doesn't mean they like it to be so gloomy all of the time. Expect yourselves to be locked in a room or trapped in a video game until you resolve whatever problems you have going on.
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Hi lovie, I'm sorry that this took a while, I hope you like it nevertheless! I'm happy that you think I'm cool enough to come back and request a second time. <3
Dividers by @/cafekitsune
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unclewaynemunson · 9 months
'I don't even know anymore why I wanted to do this in the first place! What if I'm terrible at kissing, Nance? I've never kissed anyone, I have no idea how to do it! And Vickie had a boyfriend, a boyfriend who was in college, she must've gotten tons of practice, she'll definitely know what she's doing! She's gonna want to kiss me tomorrow, I'm sure! And it's not like I don't want to kiss her, I do, but what if I mess up? Or what if I'm spectacularly, irredeemably bad at it? What do I do? She'd never wanna see me again and I'd have to move states because she'll tell everyone how bad I am at kissing and nobody's ever gonna wanna date me again and –'
'Please stop talking,' Nancy finally says. This rant has been going on for over two minutes and she can't take any more of it. 'Sit down. Take a breath. You'll be fine.'
Robin does exactly what she says, flopping down on the edge of Nancy's bed while finally breathing again for what feels like the first time ever since the two of them walked into Nancy's room earlier.
'First of all, Vickie is clearly crazy about you, so it'll be very hard to mess this one up.' Nancy tries to ignore the uncomfortable feeling in her stomach when she says those words. All she wants to be is supportive of Robin, it doesn't make sense that she feels like smashing things every time she envisions her friend finding happiness with Vickie. She should be better than this.
'And second,' she continues, 'Nobody is irredeemably bad at kissing. That's not a thing. I'm sure you'll do great.'
'You can't know that!' Robin sputters. 'I might be the first person ever! Somebody's got to be!'
'Want me to teach you?'
'Wha- What?'
At least Robin is quiet now, but man, one look at her face tells Nancy that this was a terrible idea. There's no going back now, though.
'Me and Barb used to practice kissing all the time,' she says, trying to go for casual with a little shrug of her shoulders - no need for Robin to know that that's not exactly true.
Robin is still staring at her like she's just sprouted a second head.
'Nance,' is all she says, her voice all weak and quiet.
And something in the way she sounds is making Nancy forget entirely that this was a bad idea. It speeds up her heartbeat and makes her want nothing more than to be the one who gets to teach Robin how to kiss. That's what friends are for, right?
Nancy goes to sit down right next to Robin, their legs touching.
'We don't have to,' she says, giving Robin an easy out. 'I just thought it could ease your mind, knowing you won't mess up with Vickie.'
'You'd be okay with – kissing a lesbian?'
Nancy shrugs again, trying to feign the confidence she certainly doesn't feel in this moment. 'Yeah, why not?'
'Okay. Alright. Let's do this,' Robin says, sounding like she's gearing up for a big soccer match instead of practicing kissing. 'Teach me everything you know, master.' It sounds just a little bit jeering and she wiggles her eyebrows as she says it, and somehow, that makes Nancy oddly nervous.
Nancy swallows. It's definitely a bad idea. But then why does it feel like an undoubtedly good idea?
'Okay,' she starts to explain, 'It's all about patience. About build-up. If you were about to go on a date with a guy, my advice would be to wait. Always wait until he leans in, that's how it's supposed to go, right? But I guess with two girls, you'd both be waiting forever, so that'd be useless.'
'So... Don't wait?'
'See how it goes,' Nancy advises. 'If she's giving you a certain look... You go for it. Lean in. Slowly, you're gonna want to take your time, remember the build-up.' She starts leaning towards Robin, but Robin immediately leans back.
'Wait, wait, wait,' she blurts out. 'What do you mean by “look?” How do I know if she's giving me a “look”?' There's something bordering on panic in her eyes and Nancy automatically grabs her hand to calm her down.
'You'll recognize it when it's there, I promise,' she says. 'It's something like... Like she's expecting something from you. Something like this.' She widens her eyes a little bit and tilts her head upwards, closer to Robin's.
'Oh,' Robin breathes out. 'Yeah, I – I guess I'll recognize that. That's –' She clears her throat. 'So then I lean in?'
'Yes,' Nancy mumbles. 'You lean in, but not all the way, you gotta give her the opportunity to reciprocate. So you start leaning in, you wait until she does the same, and then you'll kiss her. And if she starts leaning in, you lean towards her, and then wait for her to cross the rest of the distance.'
'That's a lot of rules.'
'It's easier than it sounds. I swear. C'mon, lean in.'
Robin swallows visibly, and Nancy realizes that she never let go of Robin's hand when the place where their palms are touching is getting sweaty. It doesn't bother her enough to pull her hand back, though.
Before she starts leaning in, Robin licks her lips - and suddenly Nancy can't see anything else than that: she's wearing magenta colored lipstick and her tongue looks pink and soft, and the weird thought comes to Nancy that she wouldn't mind finding out what it feels like to have that tongue exploring her mouth. But before she can stop to unravel that thought, Robin leans a few inches closer and Nancy brings her focus back to the task at hand.
'Close your eyes,' she whispers as she answers by leaning into Robin's space, too.
Robin abruptly pulls back. 'Then how can I see if you're leaning back in?!'
Nancy can't stop a giggle escaping from her throat; Robin pulls her hand out of Nancy's to give her a painful jab between her ribs.
'Don't laugh at me!'
'Wait, no, I wasn't laughing at you!' Nancy rushes to say. 'I'm sorry. I won't laugh. It's just- you were kinda cute about it.'
The words leave her mouth before Nancy's brain can catch up. For a moment, she wonders if this is how Robin feels all the time around Vickie, blurting out things she doesn't want to say but can't seem to stop herself from doing.
'Okay.' Robin takes a deep breath, the rosy color fading from her cheeks again. 'Let's try again, then.'
'Just – close your eyes as soon as you see me leaning, alright?'
'Alright.' She nods. 'Here we go.' She shuffles on the bed, then catches Nancy by surprise when she rests a hand on Nancy's knee.
'I lean in,' she says softly before she starts doing just that.
'You don't have to announce it,' Nancy points out with a smile.
'Okay, alright.' Robin makes a dorky gesture like she zips up her mouth and clears her throat again. Then, she leans towards Nancy... Nancy lets herself be pulled towards Robin as if there's a magnet between their mouths... She watches Robin's eyes fall shut and follows her example...
And suddenly, Robin's lips are on hers. They're soft; it all feels much softer than when she'd kiss Steve or Jonathan...
It only takes a few seconds until Nancy pulls back. She gives Robin an encouraging smile.
'That's great,' she establishes. She somehow still feels the heat of Robin's mouth against her own, like a phantom touch lingering on her skin, something she can't quite shrug off. 'Perfect first kiss. You have nothing to worry about.'
'That's all?' Robin asks; it sounds confused.
'Oh no, this was just the beginning,' Nancy explains. 'Like I said, it's all about the build-up. For the first kiss, this is it. Then, if it's as good as this one, you'll both want more. So you'll give each other a smile and make sure your lips find each other again. You don't need all the steps of leaning in, you already know you want to kiss each other at this point – unless one of you takes a step back after you stop the first kiss, then you know that no second kiss is gonna follow.'
'So if I like it, don't take a step back.'
Nancy nods. 'Don't take a step back. Don't let go of the points where you're touching her.'
Robin's fingers twitch against Nancy's knee. It's very distracting, but Nancy tries her best to stay focused. She has a lesson to teach, after all.
'Okay. And then?'
'You both lean back in. And you...' Nancy pauses to think of a good way to describe it. 'You explore,' she settles on saying. 'You feel out each other's lips, and from there, you basically just go with what feels right. Get your tongues involved at some point – but not too much.' She adds that last part strictly. 'It should be... delicate. You start out soft, alright? Only when it starts to take longer, you can get more heated, take some more risks. Then you just feel out how she responds and you adjust to that.'
Robin is frowning, now. 'That sounds very complicated,' she remarks.
'Let's just try and see how it goes,' says Nancy in a reassuring voice.
They start from the top with Nancy's expectant gaze and taking their turns leaning in. Then, Robin's lips are against Nancy's again, just as soft as the first time.
When she pulls back, her eyes wander over Nancy's face like she's searching for something. It's a bit stilted, the way she's waiting for Nancy's body language to tell her if there's gonna be a second kiss.
'Should I go on?' Robin asks softly.
Nancy has to suppress another giggle while she nods.
'You don't have to ask that,' she whispers in the second it takes Robin to lean in again.
'Sorry,' Robin whispers back right before she presses her lips against Nancy's another time.
This time, her touch is firmer. Nancy can feel all kinds of little things, like the muscles built by years of playing trumpet and the way her breath ghosts against Nancy's cheek when she breathes out. She can taste the peppermints they'd been sharing earlier.
The bed creaks when one of them – Nancy doesn't even know who – shifts, and suddenly their bodies are pressed closer together, Robin's arms around her back and her own hands divided between Robin's shoulders and her waist. She can feel the shape of Robin's upper body where it's pressed against her own, so much softer than what she's used to feeling when kissing a boy, and she notices how they've unconsciously aligned their breathing. Their tongues find each other, gently, almost shy, and it oddly tastes like wanting more. It turns out Robin knows exactly how to suck on Nancy's lower lip just right, how to make heat course through her veins and get her hungry for –
Robin pulls back – and simultaneously pulls Nancy right back to earth. Her cheeks are bright red again and the look in her eyes is unsure.
'Was that okay?'
Nancy has to take a few seconds to blink, catch her breath and return to reality. The reality where they're friends, not lovers. The reality where they're two girls, practicing something that's not about them at all. The reality where she's helping Robin prepare for a date with Vickie, and very much not kissing her senseless or letting her explore every single inch of her mouth and possibly her body while sparks fly between them and every touch of Robin's fingers is setting Nancy on fire.
She nods.
'Yeah,' she manages to say. 'Yeah, that was – that was really good, Robin. Seriously, you're a total natural. If this isn't gonna blow Vickie's socks right off...'
Robin smiles. She gently bumps her shoulder against Nancy's. 'Thanks, Nance,' she says. 'I gotta admit: you've been a pretty okay teacher.'
Robin's lipstick has faded and there's a slight smudge of magenta in the corner of her mouth. Her hair is disheveled, just like the collar of her blouse, where Nancy apparently grabbed her without even noticing...
I did that, is the only feverish thought left in Nancy's brain. I made her look like that.
Read part 2 here
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