#oliver morales
dcxdpdabbles · 5 months
Based on this post here https://www.tumblr.com/ourrechte-blog/740959709140484096
Danny and the latest incarnation of the Demons ends up in Star City. They're doing ninja stuff as a way to get resources and find a way home. Green Arrow overhears mentions of "Great One" and "Demon's Head" and maybe Dani is there and gets called dahlia and it's misheard as Talia
Ollie: Batman, come over here and get your de-aged villains
Bruce: What makes you so sure they're mine?
Ollie: They're ninjas and their leader, who kicked my ass, is referred to as "Great One" so yes, I'm sure these are the League of Assassins under an alias. Or clones
Ra's finds this entire thing hilarious. Damian, not so much
Oliver is not having a good time. He noticed some shady activity going down in his city's underbelly and decided to investigate. Star City wasn't as crime-infested as Gotham, but it wasn't sunshine and rainbows either.
It was far better hidden, but corruption ran amok in his home, so he had to run around to get things fair. He noticed the ninjas only after a while of them being in town. At first, they seemed focused on gaining territory.
They moved from the poorest neighborhoods to the richest, slowly beating out the top dogs. It seemed the leader had the same mentality of prison- beat the toughest person on his first day and become the new number one. Usually, that wouldn't work with such solid and old operations, but somehow, the ninjas were doing it.
They cut off resources. It causes discord in the lackey's ranks. Pulled funding from who knows where. And Blackmailed the rest into submission.
It was a hostile takeover. A plague on the control of the criminal empires station in Star City.
And there was nothing Oliver could do to stop them. He felt like a fumbling medic during a pandemic. Too many areas were affected before he could arrive, and too many loose ends were tied before he could gather enough information to know what they were trying to accomplish.
He contacted the Justice League when it became clear that it was too much for his team to handle. They sent over Dinah Lace and Gregory Sanders (Much to the joy of his bi-heart), who helped him trace the pathway the ninjas were taking, but ultimately, they were unable to catch up.
"It's like chasing ghosts," Gregory complains, his red bandana moving with his mouth. His eyes are scanning the towering buildings, fiddling with his guns. "I see them for only a second, and they are much faster than any of my bullets."
"It doesn't help that one of them is a meta with a similar power to mine," Dinah agrees. She was the closest to the taller figure, attempting to use her Canary Cry to capture him. Imagine her surprise when the figure turned and returned a cry of its own, easily overpowering Dinah's and flinging her away. "We might need a Speedster"
"And a Bat," Olver sighs. "They're far too slippery. A Bat should be able to devise a plan that might work for them. My tactical strategies are falling short."
"How painful was that for you to admit?" Dinah asks with a smirk.
"I'm choking on my blood," He deadpans, causing her to laugh. At once, Olover's heart launches in his chest. She has the loveliest laugh. He throws her a smile that he knows is disgustingly gooey, and her eyes crinkle with the gentleness she reserves for him.
"I overheard them speaking for a bit before one of them heard my guns click," Gregory says, eyeing the two of them like he knows they are flirting but won't point it out. He's a spoilsport. "One of them identified the other. Does the name Talia mean anything to ya'll?"
Crude. Whatever good mood Olvier was in for making Dinah smile is crushed with sudden dread.
"Yeah, it does. Especially if it was anywhere near the words "Demon Head" or "Great One," He wearily. At Gregory's nod, he covers his eyes with one hand, feeling a headache build behind his right eye. It's a familiar headache. It usually pops up whenever Bruce Wayne's love life is mentioned.
"I'll call the Big Bad Bat. He'll get her to stop or kiss her. Whatever works. " Oliver sighs, even heavier than before.
"Why?" Gregory asks mystified
"That's Bat's ex."
There is a very long pause before Gregory's guns click again. A rigid set to his shoulders and rage appear in his eyes. "The young girl is Batman's ex? Good to know."
"Young girl? No, Talia is about my age." Dinah cuts in. "Are you sure she answered to Talia?"
The safety is switched back on as Gregory relaxes."Yes. She appeared to be twelve years old or so, with white hair and green eyes. Does that match Batman's honey?"
"Not even close. I mean, the green eyes, sure, but the rest is wrong." Oliver hums. "So we aren't dealing with Bat's girl, which is good for us. The League of Assassins is a pain. Also very dangerous."
Vigilante's eyes widen at the mention of the ninja group's name. "I heard of the organization but was unaware of the members. Is this Talia important in it?"
"She's the big boss's daughter," Dinah confirms. "Also, one of the bloodthirsty and cruelest members."
"That's not very nice," a young voice cuts in, startling the heroes. They leap away from the roof edge, watching a boy with glowing white hair flout over it, crossed-armed. "My daughter is a goddam delight."
"Ra's," Olver shutters. Yes, he looks younger and glowing, but Oliver would never forget that monster's face. He appeared often in his nightmares about the island.
The boy tilted his head. "You know me."
Oliver pulled the string of his bow, training the arrow on the figure; beside him, Gregory had his guns up and ready while Dinah had planted her feet in her preferred combat position. "I never forget a face."
"There is a version of me here," the boy hums, implying so many things that make the three heroes uneasy. "Maybe I wasted time gathering resources when I should have gone looking for the other Fentons."
"What do you mean by that?" Dinah demands, but the boy is already looking away and snapping his fingers.
"Guys! There are other Fentons here!"
Five figures fly up from over a building. Two are glowing, and three are wearing bulky power suits. Oliver's breath catches in his throat. Younger versions of the Demons. The same assisans whose abilities build Ra's empire and are the only ones to control them- the reason he is known as the Demon Head.
"That's great, Danny!" A girl with orange hair cries. She's inside the power suit, and Oliver knows her by her codename. Claw.
"Maybe we can have your dad make us some fudge." A dark-skinned boy licks his lips. He also appropriates a power suit but seems far more decked out for support. Makes sense, seeing as he obviously Scales.
"Let's go. The faster we get home, the faster I can make Vlad by me an island." A glowing teen rolls his eyes. His flaming hair does nothing to take away the fact he is Fang.
"Which way?" the little girl, Talia, asks, making a small circle in the air.
"I saw we find destruction and follow that. It's bound to lead us to them. We can cause chaos on the way." The last girl offers. She points the hand of her supersuit to the west with a nasty grin. It's Shadow. "Can't be worse than the Black Plague incident."
"How was I supposed to know the rats were dangerous!" Ra scoffs, face red in embarrassment. Which would have been amusing if he didn't just admit he caused thousands of lives to end. Oliver really does not like the implications one bit.
"Everyone. Don't you read any history books?"
"I don't need no books to tell me. I was there!"
Oliver thinks they are distracted enough to risk taking a shot. His bowstring snaps into place as his arrow flies towards the closest one. Claw's reaction time is as fast as he remembers because she had already shot the arrow out of the sky before it could go anywhere near Talia. The foam meant to hold her in place burst, covering the six from view.
Gegory's bullets hit it seconds after, burying deep within the hardened foam. The sharpshooter springs to the right, looking for a better target, but it's in vain.
When the foam falls, everyone behind it is gone, and Oliver is reminded that they face ninjas. Gregory lowers his weapon with a frustrated click of his tongue.
What in the world was going on! They were all de-age and somehow powered up. None of this was good.
"We need to call Batman," Dinah says in the silence. "This may be out of our league even with them turned into children."
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
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#welcome to your first pride month as a member of the into multiple genders squad my loves
for Anonymous
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
I swear fake superhero dudesbros would scream,hurl,cry and then explode if i told them as someone who's read for a wide variety of comic book characters and has specifically read everything Red Hood is in and is working on the same for the Spiderverse comics,that since Superman was made by jewish men to reflect the jewish experience and has jewish-coding as a result and BATMAN is also jewish for the same reason and Wonder Woman was created out of William Mourton Martson's love and respect for his bisexual girlfriends/wives,being a minority is not only not a bad trait in a superhero BUT A REQUIREMENT FOR BEING A REAL ONE BASED OFF COMICS HISTORY.Did you know Green Arrow is a socialist despite being a white cishet blonde guy also.And that Green Lantern is implied to be transfem on at least one occasion.And that there's multiple girl Robins and even more Batgirls of color and a black Robin who's more of a real superhero than Danny F*nton or whoever the fuck could ever be.And-
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lnbeep-art · 7 months
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Put a vampire and a flower nymph/dryad together and apparently the relationship works out (somehow).
Characters from a new RP story with @amayagt! Saber (the vampire) is my boy, while Olive (green gal) is friend's. The two meet on a reality dating show. They don't get together on the show, but sometime after it! They have to be better friends first before they start letting their walls down, mainly Saber. 🙏
Olive actually catfishes the show, too, because Dryads can use their roots to power "wooden" dolls. The dolls themselves look pretty lifelike and still feel real, and Olive's doll in particular takes on a human appearance. But, in part, it's also one of the reasons why Saber uses that as a petname for her.
The story is in its infancy state, so I don't have much more about it yet... 👉👈 Will probably post more pics of them under the tag "The Dollhouse"!
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inkingthingsintotrees · 3 months
so, like, the bitter middle-class character is showing up more and people are not registering it?
I recently watched a video essay how Saltburn mostly falls short due to its inability to actually properly criticize class, and it got me thinking about the whole kerfuffle that happened with D20 fans about Fantasy High: Junior Year and specifically Kipperlily CopperKettle. Then, I finally got into Yellow Face by R.F. Kuang and saw the same character archetype in the narrator.
When I say the 'bitter middle-class' character I mean the type of character that is not extrodinary by any standards and blames any possible external factors for what they view as a 'failing'. Here's what I mean in narrative context: Oliver covets the type of social life and charisma Felix has and fixates on the wealth that Felix comes from as the source(Saltburn), Kipperlily thinks Riz's dad dying is an unfair advantage actually its pretty fair to assume she thinks all the heinous shit the Bad Kids had to deal with regularly were unfair advantages that gained them prestige they didn't earn through 'hard work' like she did(Fantasy High/D20), Juniper Hayward blames diversity and diverse stories as a whole as to why she has found no success as a white author in publishing compared to her 'friend' Athena who has found massive success through her writing (Yellow Face).
The three of them are meant to be wrong in the end because they were lashing out at those a flawed system chose to champion. But there's some block on really digesting these characters as being part of the 'bitter middle-class' and I can't tell if it's cuz so many people who consume this media are from the middle class or cuz people can't look deeper than the surface when it comes to the media that they consume.
In the case of Saltburn I can only assume that it was because Fennel doesn't know how to write anything that's particularly class-conscious and tried to dress the movie up at the very end like a thriller eat the rich film. The ending of the film really hurts it in the end, and I have trouble believing that it was properly workshopped to actually fit with the rest of the story. I have seen so many people take Oliver's final monologue and run with it, though. Either people use the closing monologue to condemn the way the film fails at being a class commentary, or they explain away the shortcoming with the argument of the film is that it is an upper-class horror story about the middle and lower class. But neither interpretation really acknowledges that Oliver as a character lied for attention both from Felix and his family but Oliver's parents as well (sure some of what they say is likely true but there is a good chance a decent amount of the information he feeds his parents is not the truth). Oliver spends 3/4 of the movie bitter about being mediocre in comparison to those around him at Oxford. Through his own perspective, he is putting in work that his peers can omit because of their wealth and Oliver's inability to be significant socially amplifies that bitterness. To Oliver there is only two ways to be 'interesting' at Oxford and that's to be rich and cultured or poor and traumatized.
Kipperlilly Copperkettle is real interesting just from a solid fandom perspective for me. So many fucking D20ers complained about the lack of redemption of any of the Rat Grinders but especially Kippers despite the fact that she's the one with the foulest mindset. Girl, you cannot be complaining about how people with dead parents get a leg up in life and expect any sort of sympathy. She's probably the best demonstration of this character archetype (would you call it archetype?) simply because Kipperlilly is just so deeply out of touch with reality. She's mad that the way she specifically approached adventuring doesn't get rewarded in the type of world that she's in and on top of that there is nothing else to make her standout amongst the crowd of other decent adventurers. Except Copperkettle Fourdogs is also one of those middle-of-the-road kids that's incredibly upset that none of their work will ever be recognized because it simply does not hold a candle to what other people are doing. I think this is why she got the amount of sympathy that she did from certain parts of the fandom too, a lot of y'all saw yourselves in her huh? Because it is a flawed system to be like: if you show up and do the work then you'll be acknowledged, and then turn around and require more because now everybody's done the work so who really deserves it now? But the way Kippers handled that by lashing out at some of the most traumatized kids in school not even about shit that happened while they were at school and being menaces but rather something that happened way before the Bad Kids were even a party is insane and out of touch. And sure you sort of see the work being put in by Jawbone to change that mindset but Kipperlilly doesn't care. She willingly accepts the rage in order to better dominate this group of kids she believes coasted into saving the world several times.
I forgot where I was going with this outside of : There is more than just eat the rich and wrongfully outraged rich people narratives when it comes to class, and I feel like this ignoring of a whole like a subgenre of narratives involving the bitterness surrounding what society deems worthy of interest.
Jesus Christ this is long I commend you if you got this far and didn't think I sounded like a total idiot because I definitly think that I sound like one at this point
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lovebeatriceplz · 2 months
Stalker! Peter Parker who’s nights always start out as patrolling the city, until you come out for your nightly walk.
Stalker! Peter Parker who justifies his actions with the excuse that he’s protecting you. Who knows what could happen to you on these streets? Remember that one time you almost got mugged? What would have happened if he wasn’t there?.
Stalker! Peter Parker who singles you out in group photos. He’ll crop it and gift you a photo with just you while keeping one for himself.
Stalker! Peter Parker who hides his stuff around your room anytime he comes over, that way he can come back for them, and spend more time with you (“how did that get there?” Type shit😭)
Stalker! Peter Parker who can’t help but eavesdrop on your conversations, the plans you make , a childhood memory you share with your friends. He’s always listening, even if you don’t know he’s there.
Stalker! Peter Parker who relishes in the fact that you’re pretty forgetful, and he’s perceived as trustworthy. So when he slips up it’s quickly fixed.
“I saw something like that at olive gardens I think” you point out. “Oh yeah? That’s where you’re going tonight right?”. A look of surprise flashes across your face “how’d you know that?”. His heart skips a beat “oh- I - um y-you told me, yeah you told me about it a few days ago”.
“Did I?” He nods quickly “mhmm!”. You did not remember telling Peter that, but you couldn’t remember not telling him either.
Stalker! Peter Parker who knows all your secrets, and wishes he could share his. Sometimes when he’s perched on a building, you spot him, getting all exited and tugging the arm of the person next to you, his heart sinks a little. How he wishes that he could pull off the mask and tell you it’s him, it’s Peter.
Stalker! Peter Parker who listens to recordings of your voice when he feels overwhelmed or lonely, which would actually be sorta sweet if you had knowledge of it.
Stalker! Peter Parker who is actually not that slick or smart when it comes to you. So in his eyes, you’re either aware of what’s going on but you don’t care, or you’re the densest person on the planet. He’s fine with any of the latter, as long as he’s close to you.
Stalker! Peter Parker who copies your mannerisms and vocabulary, which isn’t that odd, friends do that. It’s just, he does things, mirror things that you don’t do in front of anyone, like that way have to put on music before cooking, or the way you talk to your plants before watering them. Maybe it’s coincidence, or maybe it’s fate and Peter Parker is actually your lover from a past life and you guys are like totally soulmates and you should go out with him.
(Plot twist Peter Parker actually made this)
Where I post from btw:
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swiftiesbuddie · 5 months
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I know people are focusing on the “I love him either way” part of this, but the “makes a lot of issues about himself” part stuck out to me.
Because a few times over the course of the show, it’s been said that Buck makes things about himself when they’re not. Like with Eddie and the fighting ring or with Red.
I had heard before about how neurodivergent people often relate their own stories to a conversation as a way to make connections and better understand things. This is Anecdotal Conversation. Autistic people and people with ADHD can do this.
I feel like this is what Buck did with Red. But with the fighting, he more so put all the blame and responsibility for it on himself. Which is also something that people with ADHD do.
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(I’ve also seen @maygranted say that people with OCD can tend to catastrophise situations and put responsibility on themselves which definitely sounds like something Buck does)
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son1c · 10 months
I just. I love Fibula and Femur because they fit the "you came back different" shtick so well. Not wrong, but different. Femur recognizes that Fibula is very different from the brother she remembers, and she both loves it for him and hates how his past still seems to be weighing him down. She loves that he's finally getting to cast aside the burdens the world placed on him and do what he wants for once, even if it makes him seem very far from the quiet brother she once knew. But she also hates how he's being manipulated by Eggman, how his gratitude for being brought back to life is being twisted against him in a similar way to how his good and helpful nature was twisted against him before he died. She just wants to see him happy, no matter how much he's changed.
(Thank you for giving me brainrot over your blorbos, because I always need more loved ones dealing with one of them getting brought back to life plots.)
LITERALLY LITERALLY!!! she JUST wants him to be HAPPY!!!!!
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chemdoodles · 2 years
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5. Pumpkin Patch. Cooper and Whit from Cattle Stop by Kit Oliver.
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gods-graveyard · 6 months
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I am ashamed of myself. But I gotta give the people what they want (me im the people, and I think im HILARIOUS)
ANYWAYS- Slytherin Harry gets to put his new Christmas gifts to use and grows closer to figuring out who tf Nicholas Flamel is If you're just stumbling upon this my fic is-
Slytherin Harry (Morally ambigious) (w/ Blaise, Theo, Daphne, Neville)
Morally good Snape + Percy (and others)
Percy x Oliver x Marcus (only canon couple rn)
Alternative future for Marauders + Skittles
Dumblebitch + Moldy villains
More emphasis on wizarding WORLD (diversity BITCH)
(All tags are accurate, some just arent canon "revealed" yet)
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sammygender · 4 months
‘how can you SAY dean is a bad person or brother he’s the most loving person ever’ and??? the two can coexist
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“It means I have some humanity left”
*immediately shoots the dude THROUGH THE PALM*
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My favorites of 2023
I wanted to make little wrap up of 2023, so here are my favorite movies and performances from 2023
Top Five Favorite movies
#5 The Hunger Games: The Ballad Of Songbirds and Snake - dir. Francis Lawrence
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I am a YA/dystopian boy through and through. I thought this was a very faithful adaptation and very visually stunning. The performances were all great and I just really liked it. However, I had my problems with the book itself and I felt the movie didn't do a great job truly villainizing Snow (I found him too likable until like the end of the film) All in all though a fun watch.
#4 Saltburn- Dir. Emerald Fennell
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If there's one thing I'm gonna do on this account, It's support a boy's wrongs. This movie has so many visual details and story details, it truly blows my mind. The soundtrack? Banger after banger. I'd never heard Murder on The Dance Floor before this movie but now I want to dance around a mansion to it. The cast? I mean just look at them. I do think occasionally this movie occasionally felt like it was just being shocking for shocking's sake and I got a little tired of it.
#3 Spiderman: Across The Spider-Verse- Dir. Kemp Powers, Justin K. Thompson, and Joaquim Dos Santos
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I love art. There's no other way to say it. I am in love with creativity. The amount of details that are in this movie are so utterly mind blowing that every time I read about a new one, I feel like I have to rewatch this movie. The first Spider-verse film is an absolute masterpiece and this movie was not about to disappoint it. From the voice performances to the bleeding-water color, to animating on every other frame, this movie just had me floored. I hope it wins an Oscar for best animated feature or I'm throwing shit. I do want the second part before I fully judge the story but so far I think this is one of the best superhero stories in a while
#2 Barbie- Dir Greta Gerwig
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I have never cried harder to a Nikki Minaj song. But actually, this movie made me fall in love with the simple act of being alive. It's a movie about a doll and yet its about enjoying life and growing up and how everything's so messy and it's so beautiful and we're so beautiful and I just. I get it. I get why Barbie wanted to be a human. We are all so fascinating. The ending montage alone is enough to make anyone with a heart cry. I hope that one day everyone is as in love with the world around them as this movie made me.
#1 Asteroid City- Dir. Wes Anderson
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If you don't know the I'm Wes Anderson's number 1 fan, I'm doing something wrong. Truth be told, I didn't get this movie at first. I left the theater knowing that there was some deeper meaning but...what? So I thought about it for two weeks and then it hit me. There is no clear answer. There's no clear answer because the actors can't find a clear answer. There's no clear answer because the in-universe playwright didn't write one and maybe Anderson himself didn't write one. The movie has clear themes of grief and love and identity but at the end of the day what you choose to make of it is all up to you. There's also a lot to be said about how the play is existential and about uncertainty in the future and I think that's another reason I liked Asteroid City. I'm always so worried about the future. It terrifies me. But what can I do. And with that I once again realized that Wes Anderson was truly genius, and I don't think I'll ever see a film quite like Asteroid City again.
Favorite performances from each film
#5 Rachel Zegler as Lucy Gray Baird
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I never got the hatred for Rachel Zegler. She was absolutely phenomenal in the 2021 West Side Story and she ate up Lucy Gray Baird. I just felt through the screen that Rachel understood her role so well. She played Lucy to all her vulnerability and strength and goddamn I am in love with her voice!! The old therebefore gave me absolute chills.
#4 Allison Oliver as Venetia Catton
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being complete honest she's who I wanted to be in like middle school. Allison Oliver managed to play her as both such a free spirit and then to haunted on such the drop of the dime. From her subtle emotions to her snapping at Oliver in the bathtub she had me eating out of the palm of her hand. She would've loved Tumblr.
#3 Shameik Moore as Miles Morales
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He had me laughing, crying, cheering and getting goosebumps the whole time. The absolute power Shameik Moore gives Miles is truly what tie the whole movie together. I feel like his performance often gets overshadowed for some of the bigger names in the cast and I truly find that shame. He gives Miles such a powerful and realistic portrayal that I admire it so deeply. From "Nah, I'mma do my own thing." to his conversations with Gwen to arguments with his parents, Shameik Moore makes Miles feel like a teenager who's trying to figure out who he is and a superhero saving a multiverse from collapsing
#2 Margot Robbie as Barbie
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I'm fucking sick of only hearing Ryan Goslings name mentioned when we talk about the BARBIE movie! It is Margot's movie!! SHE ATE THAT SHIT UP!! She managed to so subtly bring in the changes of barbie being only a doll to being a real person. She provides so much of the movies comedy too. Her laying down crying had me wheezing not gonna lie. But she also shows us that how strong Barbie is and how she's so multi-faceted.She is truly someone little girls should see and be inspired by. Margot truly brought Barbie to life in all the ways that the audience and the script needed. She had me laughing, crying and smiling so goddamn wide the whole film. Here's to you, Margot.
#1 Jason Schwartzman as Augie Steenback/Jones Hall
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It was the year of Schwartzman and nowhere was the proved more than in Asteroid City. Here we see, Jason Schwartzman playing and actor playing a single dad war photographer. Schwartzman manages to play all these layers so well, letting them blend together through on intense common factor: grief. Jones' grief bleeds into Augie in such a fascinating way that you might not even realize at first. It's so subtle and yet, it complete makes the performance. When we see Jones on his own a few times, though Jason Schwartzman manages to make him feel like a completely different man than Augie. The entire scene from Jones walking offstage to us being returned to 'Asteroid City' is truly some of my favorite acting of the year. Even through subtle expressions, we can truly see everything that Jones is experiencing. It's just such a sight to watch and it blows me away.
Some honorable film and performance mentions
Oppenheimer- Dir Christopher Nolan. Good film but a little too long if you ask me. Sorry!
Fav performance- Emily Blunt as Kitty Oppenheimer. She might not have been in a lot of the film but she stuck with me
Renfeild- Dir Chris McKay. Sorry I like fun camp! sue me!
Fav performance- Nic Cage as Dracula. I'm sorry Nic Cage is just so goddamn funny
Poison- Dir. Wes Anderson. Maybe the real snake was the Benedict Cumberbatch we met along the way.
Fav performance- Dev Patel as Woods. Wes please cast Dev Patel in a longer on of your films he ate this up.
Five Nights at Freddy's- Dir. Emma Tammi. I wanted to like it more but it felt like 3 different films until the last 20 minuets
fav performance- Matthew Lilard as William Afton. I want Stu Macher back after this.
The Swan- Dir. Wes Anderson. (Last time I mention Wes in this post I swear.) Hey Wesley! Quick question! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?? Thank youuuu!
Fav performance- Rupert Friend as Narrator/Peter Watson. Yeah he was the only guy speaking and he carried! The one moment where he breaks the stoic delivery and truly pleads for them to not kill the swan? Wow.
Gaurdians of The Galaxy Vol 3- Dir James Gunn. I have never cried over cgi this hard in my life!
Bradley Cooper as Rocket. Just hearing him scream sob almost had me open mouth sobbing in public.
Scream 6- Dir. Matt Bettinelli-olpin, Tyler Gillet. Starting to get real pissed at radiosilence.
fav performance- Jasmin Savoy-Brown as Mindy Meeks-Martin. She's so funny, I love her.
If y'all want I also have a favorite tv shows of 2023 post
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mazojo · 10 months
I want to thank dark academia based media for changing my life for the worse
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Odd Squad | s1e35a: “Now You Don’t See Me” | s2e34: “Who Is Agent Otis?”
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