#omg am i elitist
oifaaa · 2 years
not to sound elitist but like when people talk about pit madness like it’s canon i always question whether they actually like jason or if they just want a “bad boy”
I think they like Jason they just want a more palatable clear cut good version of him - saying he was possessed by the lazarus pit provides a easy out even tho it makes no sense and quite frankly takes alot away from Jason's character imo - all of Jason's actions are his own there's no mythical goop whispering at him to do fucked up things - I especially hate it when people use it as a Jason wouldn't actually hurt tim if he was in his right mind like I think the titans tower fight is stupid and don't acknowledge it but I still don't deny that Jason would still not hesitate to hurt tim bc hes willing to hurt people around Bruce to mess with him and that's fucked up but its just how Jason is - alot of people use it though bc it is just easy it's easier then actually writing a Jason who's unhinged and genuinely wants to harm certain bats it's easier to sympathise with and its a easier way to end a story with everyone now a happy family
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awkwardosthe3rd · 5 months
I love that animation of the tiger and fox ocs that you have for DnD! What are the two characters names? I wanna learn everything I can about them omg :0
Awe, thank you kindly!! ;; I will do my best to answer, pardon if any of this is confusing, I am a bit sleepy- /// Big ramble ahead, for I cherish this opportunity The tiger is actually not one, but based on a fishing cat, though I can see how the very broad face can be a bit confusing! Otherwise I have also drawn the fox with an actual tiger fella, but he is not the one featured in the animation. <:
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The cat, lovingly going by the name of Vodnik, belongs to my friend, as far as I understand (given his backstory is partly kept secret from me) he is a retired pirate, now fisher, whose a bit grumpy toward the world and wizards (Because they are elitist?). Additionally big ol' communist, tho the pirate part may have already suggested that.
Adding this lovely height chart done by @rema-rin to show the characters, with her wizard being the lanky blue nerd to the right.
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The fox, named Mishka, is my lil thief, accursed fey of sorts who eats shiny things, because she has some form of pocket dimension in her gullet. The DM very charitably granted me this infinite vault, knowing that my character would never let go of a single object that goes into it, so at this point they could have a dragons treasure in there and still refuse to spare a single copper coin. If its shiny, it goes down the hatch.
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The two met up in the wilderness, because she wanted to eat the scales off of the fish that Vodnik caught. Because Mishka is so short, she was originally mistaken as a lost child, but no, she is just an adult discount fey in her late 20s that will crawl on all fours and chew on toxic metals with no second thought behind it, because her brain is made for consumption, not for the laws of nature. Vodnik remains as grumpy as ever, but has seemingly grown somewhat empathetic toward Mishka, supporting her little "fill the void with tiny shiny things" without quite knowing the full extent of it. He's been a big Mishka apologist. She would eat the stars if nobody stopped her, she got huge klepto itches for anything reflective enough to catch her attention.
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And for reference, the animation in question for those who looked thru this and were wondering:
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mallgothchloe97 · 2 months
Poser: omg you know goth is literally for everyone right?
Me: umm…yeah?
Poser: so that means goth conservatives can exist.
Me: what?! No! You know you can’t be goth and conservative right? It’s not a thing.
Poser: but you just said goth is for everyone!
Me: I did. Goth is for everyone who is POC, Gay, Trans, non binary, AMAB, AFAB, etc.
Poser: but what about the goth conservatives?!
Me: well you see those people are not real Goths, they are just poser cosplayers who want attention because they are bored. Conservatism goes against the spirit of goth like I said before. It’s like saying “I’m punk and conservative,” when punk is literally very anti conservative and capitalism.
It makes zero sense to be conservative and alternative.
Poser: *clown derp* BUT TIMES HAVE CHANGED!
Me: yeah but the rules of goth have not.
Poser: but I thought there were no rules to being goth?!
Me: well no there’s not when it comes to what you wear since goth is a music based subculture so looks don’t matter but when it comes to politics yes there are rules and the rules are you can’t be conservative.
Me: I’m not gatekeeping I am just speaking facts. Plus the goth subculture is already turning into a bastardized fashion show so yeah I am gatekeeping so fuck off and get the fuck out of my face Stacy!
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izzyspussy · 7 months
see they're legally able to do the ya-yas from the old song in the new song because when blackhands split up they did it quick and extremely painful but were pretending to do it quick and painless and so their legal proceedings with regards to who owns the music they made together were pretty lazy and legally inadvisable and they just split it 50/50 like everything else bada boom bada bing we DON'T want to think about this AT ALL just GET IT DONE lawyers!! bye!!! and they didn't even say okay this specific half of songs etc they just had an arrangement of like 50% ownership each of the copyrights or whatever (idk how any of this works or if this is even possible just go with it)
anyway so then when the new song with izzy's new band comes out where he uses the ya-yas from the old song that ed wrote about him, and the new song is very obviously about ed and is not flattering, and it's a whole thing, stede and ed's new fans are like omg you should so totally sue that guy, and it gets so much traction on social media and in music/entertainment journalism and shit that izzy and his band think this is For Sure happening, like they Are going to get sued, and so they're like covertly preparing to countersuit but not that covertly and so that gets out and then ed is like omg he's going to SUE me?? </3 but of course at the same time both ed and izzy are like I Deserve This. I Deserve For Him To Sue Me For My Own Music Because It's His Too And I Am A Monster. And I Deserve To Be Defamed Also. Because I Am A Monster.
and then they do in fact sue each other due to the media pressure and the fact that they are both so certain the other one is going to sue them anyway so they might as well sue too even though in fact actually neither of them ever had any plans to sue the other one first, and they go to court about it and it gets dragged out horribly and it's a whole circus, and izzy gets supremely villainized and loses half of the half of the fans that he "poached" by being talented and emotionally genuine in his covers and new music and people start saying he probably didn't even write any of it and the covers were just a gimmick and none of that stuff is probably true about ed and ed is an innocent victim in all this, even tho ed like publicly admits on the record that he cheated on izzy and maybe he even tries to admit that he hit izzy but stede convinces him not to put that on record just in case izzy decides to use that to for further legal action even though ed is like ?? if he was going to surely he would have already? and meanwhile stede is realizing he's maybe been very biased about this and actually izzy isn't a bad guy and maybe he's the bad guy here actually (because of course he can't conceive of ed being the bad guy, and he CERTAINLY cannot conceive of their being no bad guy and/or they're all bad guys and/or they're all good guys and sometimes good guys can do really bad shit to each other).
anyway so meanwhile, ed's new music on stede's label has been not exactly shitty because the music is reasonably interesting in sound but the lyrics are really boring and trite and ed's heart just clearly isn't really in it and he's like careening toward pop easy listening, which not to be a music elitist or anything i do like pop easy listening, but it is kind of a downfall from the progressive industrial he was making with izzy (and fang and ivan) in the pre-stede band. and like he does want to be making pop he wants that bouncy bubblegum flavor, but he can't bear to be genuine with it and reveal himself in any way and it shows. his fans are mostly people who love the idea of what he's trying to do more than what he's actually giving. (and also he knows that and pretends he's into it, that his name and his whole vibe is Enough, but also he resents those fans for not holding him to real standards and he hates himself - i mean for a whole host of reasons, but also for not meeting the potential of his vision out of, lbr, cowardice).
anyway so the suit goes thru, ed wins the rights to all their old music and also a lump sum for defamation, and technically he sued izzy's new band as a whole for this but izzy pays the damages entirely himself. and like to be fair he's rich af from the old band even tho now he doesn't have royalties from the hard work he put in anymore, so like he's not bankrupted by this but he is cut down from who-gives-a-fuck to having a monthly budget, and it also breaks up the new band mostly just because he's like i'm a clear financial liability (even tho there's really nothing else left to take legally speaking) and if you keep me on your lineup you're going to literally get murdered and die, and so he's back anonymously writing backing music for solo vocalists where he gets very little creative freedom and no credit and he hates it but he hates it less than a 9 to 5 so it is what it is. but jim and everybody still tries to hang out with him as friends and they mess around a little in the garage because they like him and they miss him and they want him to be okay and to be around him and play with him. and they leave their shit behind in his garage because none of them have really Made It yet and he's the only one with a garage to leave it in.
and so then stede has his whole crisis because he broke up ed and izzy's relationship and their band and he seduced ed to his fucking vanity label and ed's new music sucks and he thinks that's his fault and now ed and izzy aren't even friends and the wikipedia page is a blood bath and ed doesn't even know technically stede is only separated from mary not divorced and it's only a matter of time before he finds out and is he really just having a midlife crisis like everyone says? and he hurt all these people in the process? exactly like the worthless no-talent rich asshole that makes his problems everyone else's problems that izzy (among Many Others) said he was? so he cuts and runs and dismantles the label and disappears into the night inasmuch as a modern day stunt music producer can and goes back to mary and the kids and she lets him stay even tho they are legally separated and she's within her rights to kick him out, and this gets on the news cycle of course. and stede didn't leave a note or anything, so once again ed only has whatever rumors are going around to go on for why this happened.
so obviously he goes nuts. he blew up his whole life for stede and because stede made him believe he could switch genres if he wanted to and he could be good at it even though it's so different from what's expected from him with his tattoos and his piercings and his leather daddy vibes and his weird anti-vocals that simply Don't Fit the pop scene, and then he did bad and everyone hates him (not true, but it's ed) and izzy hates him (again, not true) and he absolutely thinks that destroying izzy's career and taking his music away is Worse than beating him up and cheating on him (izzy does not agree; but to be fair what he thinks the Worst ed did to him is not hitting him, not being unfaithful, and not taking away his work - all of those izzy thinks he at least is in part responsible for himself, no, what he thinks is the Worst ed ever did to him is simply. to break his heart. that's worse than anything else). anyway so ed is back on his Since You Are So Convinced That I Am Your[ Monster] I Will Be It shit, if you can really say he ever got off it in the first place (debatable).
so he turns up drunk at izzy's house and they fucking get back together. and then ed pressures izzy into inviting now-jim's band over to play and he'll watch, and he nitpicks at absolutely everything and tears them the fuck apart. but also he's still drunk and like kind of visibly crying and being pathetic even while he's being incredibly mean to them, and also he's a fucking legend surely he can't just be talking? right? some of this has to be good advice? so they keep coming back and playing in izzy's garage and getting torn down by ed. and izzy keeps trying to defend them, and ed just completely fucking ignores him, until they leave and then he's all over izzy and izzy tries to pretend to himself that this is good and it's what he wants and he wanted ed back he wanted stede gone he just wanted to be with ed this is what he wants. this is good. but they're both even more miserable than they were immediately pre-stede, and eventually izzy has to admit to himself he's actually more miserable than he was when ed was actively cheating on him which is fucked isn't it. so he tries to gently bring this up with ed - er... as 'gently' as izzy hands can fucking do anything - and ask if ed really wants to make this work or if he's just torturing them, tells him that he still loves him, the whole deal, and ed throws something at him and threatens that if he doesn't shut up he'll beat him up again, and izzy takes that as a non-answer instead of the very clear answer that it is because he's the second messiest bitch alive. and he goes to bed with ed and lets him do whatever he wants and ed cries on him and it sucks so fucking bad. and then in the morning ed is pissed as fuck that izzy didn't break up with him and condemn him and beat him up and sue and kill him or whatever, so he goes into the garage while izzy is in his dinky little second-bedroom studio recording some stupid background track he doesn't care about and he goes absolutely psycho ham and he destroys jim's and everyone's equipment to smithereens.
and izzy calls fang because he doesn't know what else to do but obviously he's not going to call the cops on the love of his life, you know, so fang shows up with ivan and ed gets a good wallop on ivan and gives him a concussion, and maybe a broken piece of equipment gets horrifically embedded in izzy's leg, but the three of them manage to get ed out of the garage and out of the house and fang gets him in one of those suffocating headlocks until he's on the verge of passing out which is basically "calmed down" or the closest to it you can get in this situation and then points him in a direction and tells him to fuck off (and then later they try to keep it quiet what exactly happened, even tho like..... what excuse can you make lol?), but not before all of jim's and everyone's instrumence and stuff is fucking trashed. and izzy has never felt more guilty for anything in his fucking life. he's certain that he's going to be tackled and killed (and he'll deserve it, just like he deserved everything else). but! this is finally the last straw for him and he tells ed - over email aslkks - that they're done For Real This Time.
izzy tries to pay the gang back for their shit but they won't take his money, but then that also means they're pretty much shit out of luck at least for a while because they're all like baristas and bartenders and shit and they can't just drop thousands on new equipment whenever they want. no more band. except they still have whatever shit izzy had in that bedroom studio and whatever shit they weren't using and was at their own houses, like frenchie's actual fucking lute. and izzy tries to give them his recording stuff, and he had an acoustic and an electric guitar up there too, and they're like okay fine but actually sike we're going to use your recording room too and since it's your room you have to be there and we don't have a guitar player anyway so there. so they start making music together again and it's fucking weird ass genre-bending shit because izzy still prefers to write in a very prog-industrial style, and jim still sings like a punk, but frenchie's on lute now instead of bass so like ?? hm. and they're well and truly a garage band now just fucking doing whatever they can do with what they've got and putting it up on soundcloud or whatever the fuck, no label, pay what you want, etc. but they're sensational again like izzy's instagram covers were because everyone's like what in the god damn fuck even is this and why does it legitimately fuck.
meanwhile, ed goes on his hermit journey of the soul or whatever, and comes out somewhat better on the other side, and he tries to re-start up the old band with fang and ivan but they're not interested, so he has to go on another hermit journey of the soul and come out a little bit more better on the other side of that one, and he decides okay you know what fuck it i'll start my OWN label. like i said he's a god damn legend so even with all the crazy shit about him being kind of legit dangerous and like beating up his partner and destroying all their shit, he still has reputation capital, and he manages to get some pretty sweet producers like spanish jackie to join up with him and get it together. he even pulls bonny and read out of retirement.
and like... he doesn't hate it. he feels like he's really making a difference, and tbh he does actually love going out to open mics and shit to find talent that's his favorite part. he loves meeting new people with new sounds and actually helping them flourish and do what they really want, and his label is wildly diverse because of it. he's doing really good work in more than one way. but it's not what he wanted. he wants to make pop music. he wants to be a popstar with an industrial rock background who has tattoos and piercings and wears leather and is an anti-vocalist. and he fucking wants to be loved for it. he knows he's doing good and he genuinely sees the value in it, but he fucking wants it for himself. not that he didn't get it with the old band doing the old thing, but still... he's so jealous of the new guard doing al this cool weird shit and getting celebrated for it when he didn't get to. but the workload of being head producer on this label is too much for him to be doing other shit too, and his hermit journey of the soul actually really did do him a lot of good (as well as, uh, his therapist lol) so even tho he frequently gets the urge he doesn't abandon everyone and try to do his own thing willy nilly. agonies.
until of course eventually stede makes his way all the way through his own journey of the soul (distinctly not hermitic) and comes back onto the scene. he's finally full divorced from mary, and they split their assets pretty evenly too, although you know more thoughtfully than ed and izzy did lmao, so he's distinctly less rich now but he still has all that rich guy investment know how or whatever, and he still wants to make music (he wanted to be a musician and he's like got a higher education in it and shit, but he just cannot fucking carry a tune tragically). anyway, so he and ed make up and they decide to take the relationship slow, but they go full speed on business and ed signs over the label to stede to manage. and finally ed gets to go back to being a star, and this time he's actually doing what he fucking meant to do when he signed with stede's original label. he actually makes really good, genre boundary pushing pop music that is fun to listen to but also artistically interesting and made with authentic heart. and he becomes just as sensational for his musical creativity and emotionally poignant lyrics as izzy.
and then stede goes ever so slightly rogue, partially out of guilt but also partially because like... he really thinks they're legitimately a good fit, he starts trying to woo izzy's new-new band to sign with him.
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urwendii · 10 months
sometimes i think about that post, the one that says reblog if you're ok with people drawing art for your fics and to the amount of fic writers tagging this with a combination of 'ultimate dream' and 'yes please omg'. And i am here to tell you that in most case it's not as impossible a dream as you believe.
but how many of you are actually talking with fanartists in your fandom?
granted some aren't interested but on my part, even if there are some part that is promptly personal preferences in what i choose to draw, there's no gatekeeping in with whom I want to interact.
(obviously if you come to us armed with only fast greed or a one-way relationship then yeah, don't bother.)
i have come to draw for people after knowing them or out of spontaneity simply because I really liked their work, but it is never because of some elitist selection.
Idk, it seems to me that if this is something you really want, there's a relationship to build there and beyond potential partnership, there's also the wholesome sense of community. most of you already have friendships with others writers, why not with fandom artists too?
it just slightly baffled me on many of you think it's an utopia while some of us are out here more than happy to forge bonds ;)
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coldcrashpictures · 1 year
I could not have been more delighted while rewatching the Godzilla video to hear you mention a tumblr account and then discover that you’re still active on it. Unsure how I never noticed the link before. Sorry for the aggressive streams of likes and reblogs
I would just like to say thank you for everything you do. Your videos always leave me with a rekindled hope and joy for media and society as a whole. I love the validation of “sometimes this media is not the most well-beloved or critically acclaimed but I love it and here’s why” because it cuts right through elitist claims about film-making. Sometimes a good film or tv show is good just because you had a good time watching it and that’s enough. At the same time, I adore the deeper social and thematic analyses you talk about because they’re obviously well thought out and insightful but also because they reaffirm the meaning and intent behind overlooked pieces of media (Overlooked perhaps not in viewership but in terms of people not wanting to talk about effect and intent of story beyond ooh cheesy action film or dinosaur sit-com). I feel slightly less crazy for having complex thoughts about otherwise straightforward or surface level media and it means a lot that your channel affirms—intentionally or not—the inherent complexity of good storytelling. It’s a great reminder that films don’t have to be heavy-handed messageTM films to have a deeper goal and the best thematic achievements are made on the level of individual well-written stories and not just abstract metaphors. I don’t know if any of that makes sense and I’m so sorry if that sounds in any way reductive or incorrect about what you’re doing (in which case, ignore me; you’re accomplishing what you’re aiming for and I’m talking informed nonsense). Idk, your videos just feel like the best non-elitist but thoroughly passionate dive into media and it just makes me excited about the art of storytelling again. I am so rooting for you as a writer and director and person-who-makes-the-media-that-we-love-and-learn-from and the film/tv industry is better for having you invested in it. The hope and passion I get from your videos in statistically significant in my life
Basically this is just a really long thank you. Hopefully it’s also an affirmation that you’re doing great and meaningful things, both in the YouTube axis we get to see and in the work we don’t yet i.e. scripts. You have already succeeded in making media that has changed lives and impacted people and we’re all looking forward to your future work without expectation but with excitement
OMG I don't even know what to say... I'm so glad you like my work so much!!! It literally feels like I'm just grasping in the dark sometimes, so it's so great to hear from someone who thinks so much of it!
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meddow · 4 months
rules! list 5 topics you can talk about for at least an hour without any preparation. tag others to find out their topics.
Thank you @emonydeborah for tagging me.
International environmental law – the history, the politics, the important declarations such as Stockholm and Rio, and the various treaty regimes and framework conventions such as the UNFCCC, CBD etc and how it all works and the many, many, many (omg so many) problems with IEL. It’s one of my academic focuses.
Antarctica – another academic focus, but a bit more multi-disciplinary. I can talk about the history, give overviews of some of the important science taking place on the continent, the environment and biodiversity, go into a lot of detail about the Antarctic Treaty System, about Antarctic bases and camping on the continent.
Vegan food and cooking – I’ve been vegan for over half a decade (started for environmental reasons - many of the animal cruelty arguments for veganism I agree with, but not all of them), and I have lots and lots of thoughts and tips on eating vegan, for example, I have never once soaked a cashew nut or purchased agave syrup. A lot of vegan influences and recipes really do a disservice by making it sound complicated, expensive and elitist.
Mountain climbing disasters – something of a lifelong hyper-fixation which I keep returning too. I just love reading books about things going wrong on high peaks. Anyway, I can rattle on about various disasters for ages, and will probably get into the whole commercialisation of Everest problem before I'm done.
Star Trek – I mentioned this to my flatmate and this was the something she suggested. I am known for being able to go on and on about Star Trek, but that’s just cos SNW is my current fandom and so many of my friends and colleagues know nothing about Star Trek at all, so I’m often providing an education. It’s hilarious though since I haven’t watched much TOS or TNG since I was a kid, so my knowledge of the two most famous shows comes from very hazy memories, the occasional bit of selective rewatching and tumblr osmosis.
I've lost track of who had done this one and not, so let me know if you want me to tag you.
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I want extensive Scongo lore, I realize that I probably won't understand much bc I'm not intumately familiar with classic who or EU stuff, but Scongo sounds too iconic
Omg you're in for a wild ride and I am the perfect person to ask. This post probably won't be 100% complete tho bc its 6am and I am omw to work but I'll include some sources so you can become a real Scongler (Scongo scholar, not a real term I just made that up)
So Scongo (the best villain) is a fake, made up Dr Who character that was made up by the members of the TARDISposting Facebook group in 2017. The image is admin Joe Brennans friend Lenny but his face is made all weird:
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The gig was basically to troll people of the main Dr Who Facebook group, many of which were elitist and kept calling people who didn't know every single classic who episode "fake fans", by claiming they are fake fans for not knowing about the iconic 60s villain Scongo.
Similar to tumblrs new Goncharov meme, TARDISposters were making up fake stories to go along with this fake villain to more successfully gaslight normal fans into thinking he is real. Quick side note in case you are wondering why hes called Scongo. It's just a silly name that they came up with that sounds Dr Whoey, it's not deep.
Sometime, I don't know when, they also made up Scongos brother/lover (no doubt a reference to the master, who writers tried to make the doctor's brother some time) the Wibbler, using a different picture of Lenny and a different effect on his face:
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Now therere few iconic details about Scongo that no Scongo fan should be ignorant about, like his powerful Bongos, for example.
During Scongos Genesis (referring to both the creation period of Scongo as well as the iconic 80s episode) people were making fan art and shit, and the TARDISposting admins even recorded an audio drama called the Age of Scongo.
Another iconic thing to be aware about is the amount of Doctor Wbo actors who were asked to say Scongo is the best villain at cons, of which Colin Baker was the most enthusiastic imo. You can see all of the actors up to 2020 in Joes Scongo Video, which is a good resource to just watch entirely too.
Around spring 2018, I believe, TARDISposters got tired of the joke and it kinda faded and lay dormant for a while.
Fast forward to 2020, Scongo is suddenly back again. Many new memes are coming out (you gotta understand that lot of Scongo stuff is tied to the kinds of memes that were also going on in TARDISposting at the time, which is why someone asked Salad Man from The Woman Who Fell To Earth to say Scongo is the best villain, for example), there was even talks of an Age of Scongo sequel, which would turn out to be kinda hard since one of the admins who played i think Nardole in the first part? got kicked for being a weird pervert who sends gross messages to female members (something that got memed endlessly as well at his expense and was pretty funny).
Me, a member of Facebook and TARDISposting since just after the Scongo meme died and who was aware of him for a long time by then, I was thrilled by this and immediately introduced Scongo to my Discord server "looms".
This would be the start of the best era for the then only about 3 months old looms Discord server, as well as a pretty funny era for TARDISposting, with a few big problems for them which are also pretty funny to me.
So lets start with the new stuff on the Facebook side of things. A Scongo redbubble shop was opened, including breathtaking Scongle merch such as a bedsheet and a coffe to-go cup. There was also a TARDISposting Discord without rules that got, iirc, immediately spammed with scat porn so that rules were instated and memes were made about the ban of said material. Joe Brennan even joined the looms discord and is still there but hasn't written since 2020.
Simultaniously looms was taking the idea of Scongo and going crazy with it. We thought it unacceptable that the AO3 tag for Scongo was empty so we filled it. We made our own contributions to the Scongoverse which TARDISposting doesn't even know about, using a member of the server and turning them into Chad, a being of ant-time (as a parody of Zagreus, a real Dr Who character and being of anti-time) and the CEO of Chad Books, the publisher of Longbooby (Lungbarrow). There's a lot of silly stuff connected to this, lots of lore in the confines of the looms discord and it was a big time for looms social media but this is about Scongo, not looms.
There are 2 things that resulted from looms' contribution that you need to know about. The first is the Scongo era coming to Tumblr, something which we back then called the Scongo Renaissance. The second is the downfall of the TARDISposting Facebook group.
See, 2020 was a big year for transphobia, especially in Britain. TARDISposting was handling it as well as they could, kicking all the tories for example, which lead to a knock off tory TARDISposting and it's all very funny and pathetic. But this destableized TARDISposting. The critical hit would be served by my good bestie @factkinparadoxx posting the following meme:
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It immediately sparked discussions, a lot of people reported one another leading finally to the banning of TARDISposting and Joe Brennan for terrorism (? Yeah.)
I personally was asleep through the whole ordeal, waking to only this post at the top of my facebook timeline and a broken link to the TARDISposting group, as it was no longer there. Here's a message from the admin to Clem that I found while looking for the meme that killed TARDISposting just now:
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So following the death of TARDISposting a new group was made and there were some Scongo memes but after it died a lot of people didn't find the new group and after a while I stopped using Facebook so I can't give you any updates on Scongle Facebook.
The recent Goncharov meme, however, is opening a door to what I'd like to describe as the Scongo Enlightenment, a perfect time for Scongo to make a comeback on tumblr.
If you would like to know more about Scongo you may consult the Scongo page on TARDISposting wiki or the only archived version of TARDISposting before the disaster that i could find rn. There is also probably a live and active TARDISposting on Facebook right now if you look for it. But don't feel like you need to know any Scongo "canon" to participate. Just make shit up.
Any other true Sconglers can reblog this with additions or iconic Scongo memes that I didn't care to look for atm. Sconge on.
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Personal, fandom related, schadenfreude, being petty I'm not going to deny it.
Have to say, even if I am a very killjoy self-proclaimed book elitist who rarely ventures into divergent works myself and refuses to engage with anything show related, there is something mildly therapeutic about seeing so many (in my opinion) completely canon-divorced takes about the squid prince.
Because whenever I see them, I just try to ignore them or I block the user if I realise we are incompatible, but when I do that I remember a few particular characters of the 2016 squid prince corner who would not have the maturity to do that themselves, so they'd write long extensive texts countering against lighthearted posts that simply stated stuff like "[REDACTED] is trans" or "[REDACTED] is autistic" or "I don't like how they made [REDACTED] white" or "[REDACTED] is bi!" or "[REDACTED] and person I ship with [REDACTED] would have cried together while watching titanic", most of the time adding some colourful insults, or bringing up personal trauma in a very weaponised way, or accusing you of belonging to the woke agenda and other types of controversial movements/s.
And those people would not survive today's fandom.
And I'm very happy about that because I don't think they behaved correctly. That behaviour simply isn't accepted anymore. They would get called out if they randomly jumped into a post where he is described as dark skinned and bisexual to list all the women he has slept with and how he is 100% straight! Men can have threesomes with other men and still be straight! And you only say he is bisexual because he is sometimes more feminine and he is not dark skinned either, even if he was described as "dark" when we first met him OMG, DIDN'T YOU IDIOTS THINK THEY MEANT HIS HAIR?! DON'T YOU KNOW HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE HOT?!
There is still wank, drama, vague posts and all that, but if someone did that in today's fandom I'm pretty sure they would either turn into laughing stock and/or get blocked, and I don't feel bad about it.
And I know I am being petty, I'm very aware I'm being petty, but I've been petty for a majority of my life, I became valedictorian purely motivated by pettiness, and I'm not going to start caring about being petty now. I was called "wetback" and told to "go back to the plantation" because of a statement like those I quoted at the beginning that wasn't even tagged. So yeah, even if I often get frustrated at certain popular interpretations of the squid prince and the situations and characters surrounding him, I do feel that this development is still for the better.
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yeyinde · 1 year
As a long-time Batman enthusiast, I have never been excited for an Oswald Cobblepot fanfic, but here we are. Why? Because your writing is just that beautiful, and hits my soul perfectly every single time, so I support your rights and wrongs. And I'll probably turn into a Penguin simp after the masterpiece you throw at us. Magic writing brain.
Ahhhhh!!! I can't help but to be drawn to his particular type of character - scheming, smarter than anyone else in the room, undermined by everyone too (and mocked by those around him), and just so massively imposing? Like, Penguin has always been drawn and portrayed as being short, but Colin is tall. I think this aspect of Oz is kinda like?? It for me?? He's so tall and broad and big. I think meeting someone like him irl would be so intimidating because he's towering over you, and filling the entire space in your eyeline?? Like, sorry???
(Selina. I get it. But if Oz was standing there in front of me, saying, "don't you know why I feel about you by now?" Morals are gone. I am moralless heathen. Screw justice and Gotham. I am the Queen of an eventual Mafia Kingpin. That's my man, and I'm gonna stick beside him. I am on my knees the moment the words "I'd do anything for you, honey," are outta his scarred up mouth.)
Plus!!!!! Omg!!! A total sweetheart, too? I bought the scriptbook and in almost all of his scenes (even the deleted one), there's this flash of vulnerability and then anger when he's wronged, and yeah. YEAH.
This turned into a character analysis - sorry!!! But yeah!! I'm in my "gonna suck the soul outta the Penguin and also I wish I wasn't such a comic book elitist because the Batman 2022 is litro everything I've ever wanted in a DC Batman movie and I wish I wasn't so stupid and smug because I could have experienced the utter brilliance of Matt Reeves in theatre like god intended" era.
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koishua · 2 years
quotev recs!! the weight of it - Merle @thatmerlethere , don't die - Pearl @lovelylullaby , Anomalous & casualties - Shiroh @shiiroo , Just A Dose Of Luck & It's A Pain To Be A Prince - @lavenoor, empty promises - @wackey, villainess's redemption log - @rizevp, wrong number - @randomsomeonepassingby, the (false) protaganist - (author is anonymous), illicit - @zazasec, changing plotlines - @kikyo851, obstinate elitists - @misosoup, deadly roommate - @sparrow53, graveyard orbit - anya @grassjelly
omg omg thank you!! i'll check them out one by one whenever i am in need of fics!!
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thegreatgaygay · 2 years
what was the lovecraft post from yesterday in reference to, if anything? (i'm asking just out of curiosity as a [sort of] lovecraft fan)
it was in reference to the kid who came up to me after class on monday. i had mentioned that i have read a lot of lovecraft bc we were read poe. i said in class, to head off any comments, "i know what the cat was named, he was a bad guy" and stuff like that. so then this kid starts in on something about "oh he was young he named the cat" and "everyone was really racist back then" and i am honestly am not sure what he was trying to say in thend because i started talking over him because he had his facts wrong. i am so so sick of the cat thing being brought up every time i mention lovecraft. i know about the fucking cat. i am absolutely a lovecraft elitist-i've been reading him for years, i have read almost all of his stuff, i know i know i know. (except for the randolph carter shit and the dream quest of unknown kadath because no one wants to read hp lovecraft's self insert fiction. also i think i didn't make it through the transition of juan romero.) i hate it when people are like "oooohh have you read the air conditioning one". yes i have read the air conditioning one you aren't funny. and yes i am aware that he was a terrible guy. i know i know i know. the horror of fucking red hook is a disgusting piece of writing. doens't mean i am not going to consume the work and doesn't mean i'm not allowed to discuss it. literally hp lovecraft saw a person of color and was like oh my god they are the real monster omg guys im shitting myself. i am aware. i am not dumb. i know more then you. i would love to ask the people who say that stuff to me with this shit eating grin on their face to name 4 hp lovecraft stories because i know they couldn't and they just get a kick out of telling me stuff i already know. there's something about allistic people and their bullshit in there idk what though. tl;dr i know more about lovecraft then the idiots in my english class and i would like to be left alone
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gaykarstaagforever · 5 months
If Google had billed ChatGPT as "SmartSearch," like "omg dude, it is just search that vacuums up everything and then glues it together with super-math to provide YOU with better answers" (like they are doing with Gemini now), people would have loved it and used it. "Can't find the image you want? SmartSearch can make you one, based on its massive database of web images!" People would have peed themselves. TIME Magazine would have done a cover like "Has Search Become AI?" and interviewed a bunch of people at WIRED they are married to, between 24 pages of vodka ads.
Artists would still be mad and scream theft and demand payment. But we would call them old elitist spoil-sports who don't understand how the Internet works, duh, like we do every time Bryan Adams sues to get his existence removed from the web because we won't all send him $20.
This would be exactly the same product we have now, based on exactly the same stealing and Sam Altman lying and begging for money from people with no sense of reality. But you and I would love it, because it would just be "SmartSearch," a free tool for the world's smol children.
Of course, if they did that, your boss wouldn't think to try and immediately replace you with it. Branding it as AI (which it is, but not in the way most of us define that) was ENTIRELY a marketing thing to sell it to rich stupid goblins. Because that was the goal, to build a tool with free stealing and then sell it at an inflated price, as if it was smart enough to do everything.
They still don't care right now about the backlash, because it hasn't hurt them financially yet. Altman is still arguing with a straight face (ha!) that theft should be legal when he does it, do you even KNOW who his dad is?? Only actual legislation will stop this, and like any Conservative politicians are going to vote to regulate the thing their goons are currently using to generate propaganda.
But I am amused by the idea that if they had just calmed the fuck down for like a year and did a more nuanced, manipulative rollout, most of us would sell our souls to it and not even think about it. Like we do with everything else Google does to us.
Marketing is always the key. And the one constant with Google is that their marketing always fucking sucks.
Remember Stadia? Have you ever seen one of their Corporate Cloud Services ads, that is stock footage of people enjoying phones while a guy tells you absolutely nothing for 2 minutes?
At least the people who do IBM's crap ads go to the trouble of a consistent visual style. I mean, everyone still hates those and they're pointless because no one rents servers because of a video ad. But they're still better than anything Google will ever do.
Ironic, because all of Google's money comes from ad hosting and targeting. But I guess that isn't the same as actual marketing.
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1d1195 · 8 months
Omg you’re a math girlie!?! Ngl that’s so ICONIC!! And no I simply cannot :( I have one main research class, which is taught by that hot professor HAHA but in that class we have to replicate studies in order to see because there’s like a huge replication crisis in psychology research or whatever lol and I think my group chose something about a dogs and humans idk!? And the other class is not a research class but our main project for the class is researching a sex myth and like provide evidence and stuff. It’s a human sexuality class so yeah definitely can’t use the same for both lol
And DONT BE SORRY!!!! I love knowing what ppl have to say! And you’re absolutely right about asking for help/going to office hours! Literally I have had TAs say going to their office hours is like their highlight!
And omg Sam I literally was in shock from how hot he was! Like I’ve never had a hot professor before like yes I’ve had cute TAs or whatever BUT HE IS JUST SO 😵‍💫 and he’s a biker and came in an all black outfit and my mind was going INSANE!! And he’s so sweet and kinda just gives off “nerd” vibes in the cutest/hottest way possible 😵‍💫But he’s like MARRIED BAHAH but yeah honestly such a win for me because that class is 3 hours sooooooo I will definitely not be complaining about lecture lol but I will sure share my delusions with you🤪
And 2 book already!? Omg that’s such a WIN!!! What were your thoughts!?
And you know I’ll do ready to read part 5 whenever it’s ready!!!-💜
Oh I am a STEM lady through and through. Everyone on tumblr, in the past, has been shocked about this given my “good” writing and whatnot. But my heart belongs to Pythagoras and Newton. That’s FASCINATING to me about the replication. I teach a section of AP statistics and we have a chat about why replication is so vital to a good study/experiment so it really paints a different picture when I think about stuff I read.
Omg group project?!?! 🙃🔫 I HATE group work. I always end up doing the most because I’m a psychopathic control freak. Also I think every group project I’ve ever been in is composed of me and the three dumbest people they accepted my year of college. I know it’s harsh and sounds super elitist of me but it’s MIND BOGGLING. I’m here to get a good grade. Ugh it seems this is my trigger 😂😂😂
He sounds like the stuff of daydreams 😍 I bet you’ll learn a lot in that class. Lord knows I would probably recite every word he spoke. You’ll be riveted! 😏😭 can’t wait to hear more about him!
I actually read book number three today 🙈🙈🙈 Christina Lauren again. Roomies. The male lead had an Irish accent so I was SCREWED. Gave me an idea for my own writing 🙃 but I literally couldn’t put it down! I bought myself a habit tracker so I am trying to do be my best self in 2024. Gonna be 30 sooner rather than later so no time like the present 🤢
Part 5 will be here soon!!!
P.S. sorry for the overuse of emojis. I’m hella millennial and I find them extremely helpful in expressing my emotions.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 10 months
When i check out a YouTube channel i havent tried before, and they start talking about "we're not like the MAINSTREAM MEDIA because we have a DIVERSITY of political opinions", why does that set off my dog whistle alarms? I feel like most times i hear that, it turns out they're an outlet that allows for bigotted, elitist classist views. And then i went to look up this particular channel's Wikipedia. Yes, it was founded by a guy with tenture as a film critic. I started watching this particular vid of his because he had quotes from insider sources who work at Disney. But i also remember how he's been making several distasteful statements in recent years. Probably safer to add this channel to my list of YouTube channels to avoid.
I swear, it's always safer to stick to YouTubers who are queer or are a constantly vocal ally to non dominant social groups. Otherwise, I'll just be listening along and then hear something jarringly...distasteful...🤢 First time, it's "did i hear what i thought i just heard?" Second time, "isn't that a dog whistle used by bigots?" Third time, "omg I don't think they're using it ironically! I need to get out of here! Omg i just wanted to listen to a video essay about superheroes!"
The only healthy/productive "diverse opinions" are an INCLUSIVE diversity in perspectives of cultures that does NOT tolerate bigotry. Like that old saying: the irony of tolerance is to be intolerant of intolerance. Yeah, the world is shades of grey, not absolutes, and that's how to stamp out bigotry. So when i hear a channel imply that they might tolerate perspectives that actively disdain and try to take away people's human rights---just because they're different from the "norm" (white cishet Christian male)---for the sake of "a diversity of opinions"? Then it's time to run far away from that YouTube channel.
EDIT 8:52 AM 12/6/2023: After the whole James Somerton thing, it's become clear to me that simply being queer isn't a reliable signal for a safe YouTuber. My general rule has always been to evaluate YouTubers by how much empathy they have for all people. Do they catch themselves to ensure they always speak with inclusivity? Do they give their opposition the benefit of the doubt? Do they show a general concern for all groups, even the ones they aren't a part of? After the vlogbrothers showed how it's done, I usually watch for the same type of vibe. I didn't think Somerton passed; actually I thought he spoke with a lot of passive-aggressive hostility in his tone. But a lot of the information he gave was good, so I pushed through my discomfort with his tone. But I should have listened to my instincts. Now my only consolation is that it's ok for me to like most of what Somerton said in his vids, because most of those words WEREN'T HIS. They were stolen from much better authors, activists, documentarians, and video essayists. So I don't have to feel bad that I liked those ideas. I just have to watch them from their actual sources instead. I'm so glad hbomberguy made a playlist of recommended video essayists.
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llycaons · 1 year
ep37: a-qing just can't catch a break
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the way his face just lights up when he has the opportunity to do something helpful...I mean I kind of get it but also. kid. get a hobby besides being a teacher's pet PLEASE
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ohh neat. wwx talked a lot in the book about commoner's solutions to problems without cultivator involvement. it would have been nice to see a more pointed critique of the highly specialized and often impractical and elitist education the rich sect kids get
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I love this shot. so mysterious and eerie! and he is so handsome <3
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it makes me so mad that wwx is joking about a-qing's looks, not so much because I care about him being a dick and scaring the kids on purpose, but because it's a shitty and narrow-minded way to view a young person who is clearly suffering some kind of horrible...death? every single junior includes some comment on her beauty or looks and it's so annoying. she's more than that! she deserves more!
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wwx scolding jl for emulating jc and sounding like a brat (or maybe more accurately to wwx's complaints, a little bitch) is weirdly satisfying to me. no he thinks the way jc raised jl sucks, actually, and he's trying to fix jl's attitude. here jl goes along with wwx's prank and then yells at him afterwards, even though he himself played along. a bit different from the jc situation sin he's a child, but I imagine wwx got irritated when he was younger a lot when jc would go along with his schemes and them turn around and complain about him as if he didn't particupate
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STOP WEARING HIS FACE! YOU SICK FUCK. it's so bizarre to see xxc in black that I didn't even recognize him this time around. with the eyes hidden, it's a bit harder to tell
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when I was reading swbts this weekend, she mentions that nobody actually follows all the precepts, because it's impractical and absurd. but there were some really obvious ones like 'don't murder' and it's nice to see that the lan precepts include some good things in there besides the well-criticized 'don't laugh without a cause' and such. also, lwj is the only person following every single one anyway and that doesn't have anything to do with whether he's a good person or whether he thinks wwx is a good person, either. they're really not connected and his character development is realizing that
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aww, they're all offering their blood up. this little scene where wwx asked if anyone has blank talismans and commenting on their cultivation level was also explained further in the books - strong cultivators can write their own, but still-learning kids need to bring talismans that have already been written
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wwx's face here is so sad. he admired sl and xxc so much and wanted to emulate them, and to see them come to an end like this...must be devastating. as if he hadn't already lost so much
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ALSO the idea that would-be lovers turned on each other and tried to kill each other. I imagine that would be very difficult for wwx given his own history with lwj
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ssc's actor did so well. that smile is all xy
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help why did he say it like that
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oh damn that's jgy
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xy interacting with wwx is so funny to me honestly. like a huge fanboy. his greatest psychosexual obsession is with xxc but he definitely has a thing for wwx too I know he wants to be topped or something
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classic line. we love not dehumanizing our autistic undead friend 👍
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oh and this is also funny. wwx like 'are you bullying me since I'm still recovering?' (implying he IS recovering and could still rebuild a core 👀 and xy being like 'yep! as you recall I am a delinquent and I am acting like it!' and wwx being like 'no fair. MAN'
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omg and as soon as lwj appears and xy is like 'hehe we meet again' and lwj just refuses to answer, summons xxc's sword, and delivers THIS devastating line. love it. no bullshit. no tolerance
I feel like xy recognizes lwj as objectively handsome but he's not really into him
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his two-bladed sword is so sick too bad he's evil
I don't really think about villains in terms of whether they're 'redeemable' or not and I don't like to think of people as ontologically evil but man I don't think xy was ever going to be anything besides what he was. it did suck that he was mutilated as a child, and it must have been difficult growing up on the streets, but the glee with which he talks about mass murder makes me think he would have kind of taken any excuse to go wild and murder a ton of people. 'oh he just needed love and understand' well he got it! and he used it to trick the person who loved him into murdering more people and then he tortured and murdered their teenage ward/friend. I can appreciate a reading where he's more harmless and just funny in his destructiveness, but I will never be able to swallow AUs where he's genuinely a good person. loving murder is just too much a part of him!
there's also a line where the juniors make wwx say that lwj is good at stuff and he seems very taken aback to be asked, which is weird bc aren't they at least traveling companions? maybe he was confused at being asked to give an account with authority since he knows the kids still think he's a random jin exile who's known lwj for like. a few weeks max. man I don't like that moment, it seems really forced and awkward even if wwx is still in his 'I don't quite understand why lwj is doing this or how long it'll last' era. which also seems weird given them moments they've already shared and the comfort wwx has in stating with lwj? man, maybe it's easier if he doesn't have to think about it or explain it to other people. I GUESS
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god this sucks....that's his last connection to his mama
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A QING!!!!!!!!
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wwx comforting her is so. he's been such a dick to the kids this episode so it's nice to remember what a kind person he is when it really counts. and a-qing hasn't felt human touch in a very long time
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and when he says he'll do empathy, it's jl who objects! one of those 'aw, he really does care' moments
personal highlights:
while this wasn't as horribly dull and poorly done as the last third-party character focused plot (I seriously spent a lot of 34 thinking 'oh god, cql is bad after all), it didn't offer a lot in terms of special moments or humor. a solid 5/10. mediocre. let's see
wwx talking about folk remedies
the kids offering their blood. because they love him
wwx calling xy a drama queen
wwx seeing sl and xxc's bodies and realizing what state they're in. that shit hurted
"you don't deserve this sword' TELL HIM HANGUANG-JUN
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