#one of them was just me and four other kids hanging out on deviantart in 2010 or 11
You don’t understand, when I was at my worst with my depression, and every time I looked up at the night sky and grew scared of how small we are, how alone we might be, how short our time is, how I couldn’t comprehend infinity, how everything will end eventually, how everything I see way out there is long gone, I would panic. I would break down. The stars themselves scared me. But one day doctor who was put on Netflix and a comment on a deviant post reminded me of a deal I made with another user. If I watch doctor who they’ll watch the time travel show I thought was cool. I watched it on a whim, I’m not sure I’d even encountered it much on tumblr yet. But it made me feel less small. I began to actually look at the night sky without abject terror. I thought about how if you looked at it more like, idk, a learning adventure? When you heard new things about it, it wasn’t as scary. Something that could inspire writers to create such adventures and have normal people characters tag along… I got less scared. When everything started being galaxy print I thought it was pretty and not horrifying. It’s long been a trendy pattern of the last decade or so, perhaps a bit less, but I still see cool looking art inspired by images from space telescopes that were made to have different colors for invisible wavelengths so that humans could see… idk. It makes me happy. It’s like I’m less scared, and now I don’t even feel like I need there to be life on other planets for me to stop feeling alone, because there is so much life on this one! Even if I was the only human on earth, I still wouldn’t be alone just from being on this life filled planet. And I’m not the only human.
That’s not an experience I’ve had from many stories, it was one of those things that you encounter at just the right time for your view of the world to be changed for the better. Something that lodges itself inside of you and makes you better than you were before. I’ll always remember it fondly because of that. I know there is a lot I never watched and maybe one day I’ll catch up, but the fact is that what I DID see was enough to change me as a person. To make my existential dread just a little bit less all encompassing and inspire more curiosity in me.
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maddiebiscuits · 10 months
i don't know how to phrase this any other way so i hope you don't find this rude or anything: you are (imo) a very skilled, very prolific art toaster. it's great quality artwork obviously, but your turnaround is wicked crazy fast to me. what does burnout look like for you? how do you manage to toast so many arts? what dark magics must you employ??
The hard truth is I worked in journalism for two years between 2010-2012 and customer service/hospitality starting at 16 years old in 2007 all throughout my life until 2022 and I don't want to go back to any of it now that I'm almost 33 - that's the main motivator to keep my freelance gig career doing art commissions going as long as possible. Fear and loathing of going back to that work environment keeps me focused.
In action...I'm not quite sure if I ever experience 'burn out'? I do experience art 'block' in that I can't think of anything to draw on my own or feel really unsatisfied with my work...so I just goof off with my canvas or do studies, but this doesn't interfere with doing commissions where I am told what to draw.
I just enjoy the physical act of drawing. Sometimes when I'm bored and restless and going for a walk doesn't help, I just draw more. When I was a kid I would just come home from school and draw crap between playing Gameboy/N64/Gamecube or browsing Elfwood/Newgrounds/DeviantART/Gaia Online, so it's literally just a habit now. If I don't draw for a long time I feel anxious and unwell. Somehow I just programmed my brain to think that art = leisure fun time, even if it's for work. I also tend to get into a "zone" sometimes and just put on video essays or music and a few hours later I'll have worked through some commission stuff.
I have three 'task lists' for my workflow:
A public trello board organized by work order types (N/SFW link)
A personal trello board organized by type/date in chronological order
A coloured tagging and folder system in my emails where I can just see the actual dates/timestamps of my last correspondence with a client so I know exactly who in my taskboard needs to be prioritized for their next WIP update
I hold myself to a standard of sending a client a WIP in stages:
rough draft (1-14 business days)
revisions (1-5 business days)
line art (1-14 business days)
revisions (1-5 business days)
final render (1-14 business days)
tweaks (1-2 business days)
So ideally, the client gets a finished commission in 3-6 weeks, so about 1-2 months. For larger projects I send more WIPs and the process is obviously longer. For simpler stuff like chibis, it's rarely a full six weeks. Over holidays I add an extra two weeks to my noted turn-around to account for IRL time off. On all my terms of service I have a maximum four months turn-around, essentially doubling the time I know my work flow is just in case there's some sort of medical or equipment emergency in my life that I need to account for that gives me a buffer (I also notify all clients)
Monday to Friday I wake up usually...late morning/early afternoon? I do anywhere from four to eight hours of artwork, broken up by walks, stretching, eating, cleaning, cooking, hanging out with my partner, etc. I look at my personal trello taskboard and emails to see what must be done and what can wait. I try to get at least 1-2 things done in a day though, be that sketches/line art/renders/revisions.
Right now I am looking at my email and task board, and the client with the highest wait time chronologically is someone who is waiting for their final render (sketch and line art already revised and done for them). Last email correspondence with them on the email says 9 days ago (so 7 business days, I'm supposed to take Sat-Sun off). Their order was paid in full and confirmed by me on November 9 and it is currently December 13, so I'm at about the 5 week mark (not accounting for delays in clients getting back to me of course) and I am very much On Course for my work load, no one has been without contact from me for 14 days or more so I'm pretty ahead of my game right now! I could take tomorrow off if I wanted, or only do 3-4 hours of work if I feel like it.
However the more work you finish and post, the more you show prospective clients your ability to finish orders and show your audience more art for engagement, so ideally I always like posting stuff when I can, it just creates a cycle of positive production and income.
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lady-amethyst18 · 3 years
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When they packed up the lemonade stand with the help of their new friends, Leo and Emma looked at how much they had earned. “We earned quite a bit,” Emma said.
Leo nodded. “We should do a lemonade stand again,” he said.
Yuri smiled. “You guys really are serious about helping out your friend, aren't you?” She asked.
“Yes,” Emma answered.
Haoyu smiled. “He's lucky to have you guys as his friends,” he said.
Leo smiled back and saw they were done packing up the stand. “Hey, why don't we go to the park?”
“That sounds good,” Yuri said. “Mind if we join you?”
The four teens headed to the park and were soon by the swings talking amongst themselves when they heard another voice nearby. “Hi,” a female voice said, and they saw a girl sitting on the swings, and she was smiling. “I didn't mean to interrupt, but I noticed you all talking.”
“Hi,” Emma said. “I'm Emma, and these are Leo, Haoyu, and Yuri. What's your name?”
“I'm Cass,” the girl said. “You guys want to swing too?”
Haoyu backed away, looking a bit afraid. “N-No thanks,” he stammered a bit nervously. “I'll just watch.”
“Okay,” Cass said before looking curious. “What were you guys talking about?”
“We're looking for ways to help out our friend,” Leo said.
“He owns the theater by the alley,” Yuri said helpfully.
The green-haired girl looked surprised. “Doesn't the crazy man live there?” She asked, proving she had heard the rumors about the place.
“Hey!” Leo barked angrily. “Balan's not crazy! He's a good guy!”
“Leo, calm down,” Emma soothed, trying to be the peacemaker. “But he's right. Balan isn't crazy. He just hit upon hard times.” She looked saddened. “His dreams didn't go the way he hoped they would, and though his home is in disrepair, he doesn't want to lose it forever or give up on it.”
Cass looked surprised at this before hanging her head. “Wow,” she said softly. “I... I can relate to how he feels.”
“What do you mean, Cass?” Haoyu asked curiously.
The green-haired girl sighed. “My parents are heavy into gambling,” she answered. “It's so bad that we lost our home and I was sent to live with my granny, who's been taking care of me.”
“Wow,” Yuri spoke softly. “Seems like we've all had some bad luck.”
Leo and Emma looked at each other before nodding, seeing that their new friends weren't too different from them. Cass then lifted up her head, looking curious. “What is... Balan?... Like?” She asked.
“Well, he's really tall, but really friendly,” Leo replied.
“And he really just wants a friend and a second chance to have his dreams come true,” Emma added. “Which we want to help him with.”
Cass smiled before remembering something. “My granny told me what the theater was like before it went to ruins,” she said. “It sounds like it was very amazing.”
“We think so too,” Leo said.
Emma gasped and smiled as an idea came to her. “I know!” She exclaimed. “Why don't we take you guys to go see Balan? Meeting some new friends would help him cheer up for sure.”
“Really?” Haoyu asked in surprise.
“Do you think... He'd be happy to see us?” Yuri asked quietly, seeing as things hadn't worked out last time.
“Sure he would,” the blonde-haired girl said with a nod.
“I agree with Emma,” Leo said. “Come on. You too, Cass.”
The five kids headed for the theater, knocking on the door, which Balan opened a moment later, and he blinked in surprise at seeing the five children before smiling softly. “Come in,” he said, gesturing them inside. “Please pardon the mess.”
Haoyu, Yuri, and Cass were wide-eyed as they looked up at Balan, who smiled at them. “And who are you, young ones?” He asked, his voice friendly.
“These are Haoyu, Yuri, and Cass,” Emma introduced.
“They were curious about you after hearing we were looking to help you,” Leo said.
“Curious about me?” Balan repeated in surprise before he smiled. “It's... It's been so long since anyone was curious about me after hearing from a friend.”
Cass looked around and saw the state of the theater, and she could see why Emma and Leo wanted to help Balan out. She began to feel the same and looked at Haoyu and Yuri, who nodded, also feeling the same way.
“Hey, Leo? Emma?” Haoyu asked. “Can we join you guys in the effort to bring the theater back?”
Balan's heart lifted a little at hearing that, and when the two blonde teens nodded, tears ran down the tall man's face in gratitude, feeling that perhaps this time, there was some hope after all.
So here's the context
After getting some coins from their lemonade stand, Leo and Emma, along with Haoyu and Yuri, decide to go to the park. There, they meet a young girl by the name of Cass.
Cass, too, heard the rumors of Balan being nuts. But when she heard that Leo and Emma are trying to restore his theater because it's his only home, she began to see the bigger picture.
Turns out both Cass and Balan have related problems because Cass's parents have terrible gambling habits, and they gambled themselves out of home. Luckily, Cass had her granny to keep an eye on her until her parents get the help they need.
Leo and Emma explain that Balan is NOT crazy, but just a lonely man who just wants another chance at life and a friend or two. Hearing about this, the others wanted to meet Balan as well. Wanting to know what he really was like.
When they met him, they were surprised by how friendly he acted. And by taking a closer look at the theater, Haoyu, Yuri, and Cass all wanted to help Balan restore his home to its former glory. Maybe Balan might get his second chance after all.
This is my Lonesome Maestro AU. When Balan's first show was a disaster, and everyone left him. He's become very lonely and sad due to no one being around. Until Leo and Emma showed up and try to change his life for the better.
The script written above was written by CrazygirlAuto5 on DeviantART.
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speuradair · 5 years
Familiar | S.F.
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(Photo credit goes to Federico Meuli on DeviantArt, and song inspiration credit goes to Ilomilo by Billie Eilish. I also do not own the character Sal Fisher, nor do I have any association with Portable Moose or the Sally Face series.)
This was requested by @mitch-that-bitch​ ! The plot’s a little messy and way longer than I initially intended it to be because I got pretty carried away with it. What can I say? I’m a sucker for Sal Fisher. 
Content Warning- soft yandere au, death mention, angst, Sally Face ep 4 spoilers
“Where did you go?
I should know, but it's cold
And I don't wanna be lonely
So show me the way home
I can't lose another life”
In the ever-changing town of Nockfell, Sal Fisher offered unwavering familiarity. He was consistent and dependable, supportive and assuring, regardless of whatever chaos was ensuing around him. He was more than just the mysterious quiet kid with the creepy mask. While he did carry trauma with him from a young age and know how evil the world could be, he was strong. He carried on, not letting his pain color the way he saw people. Maybe that was what pushed him to look after his friends like he did. Whether it was help with homework or comfort during an anxiety attack, he would always do everything he could to help. He wanted to protect others from pain like his. 
It didn’t take long for you to gravitate towards him. You had met him the year he moved to Nockfell, and you were fast friends. He was the type to make you feel accepted and safe, no matter how long you’d been friends. It felt like you’d always known him, and talking with him never felt tiring like it always had.
Hanging out with him everyday quickly became your new normal. Sometimes it was with the others and sometimes it was just the two of you, but he was always there and you were always together. He was always there. To be honest, you weren’t really surprised when you found yourself falling for him. He had become such a vital part of your routine, it just seemed fitting to want more of him. Luckily for you, Sal was feeling the same way. You were a safe place for him too. Nights at your apartment gave him a chance to get away from the suffocating memories and thoughts that plagued him when he was on his own. Your unconditional support was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. He wanted more than just your friendship; he wanted to be the one you turned to when you felt lost, the one you knew would make you feel better no matter what was wrong. He longed to be your sanctuary, like you were his. As long as he had you and you him, he knew things would be okay. 
Things changed slightly when he asked you to be his, but in the best possible way. Days listening to music while sitting on the floor became more intimate times of you humming along to the stereo while he held you close to his chest. Lonely texts sent late at night became sneaking out to the roof together for deep talks under the stars. Friends became lovers. Things had changed between you two, but he was still always the same rational Sal.
That’s why it hit so hard when he snapped.
 In just a matter of hours, everything had changed. There weren’t going to be any more mid-morning coffee dates at the cafe in town or any more dinners with his family. A friend group of eight became two. Days living together at Todd and Neil’s house became nights spent restlessly at different motels in different towns. Fears of insufficiency and failure became fears of suspicion and attack. College students became fugitives. Everything you had come to know in the last four years was gone. 
It had been a while since things had felt as calm as they did this morning. The winter sky was just turning from navy blue to a soft orange sunrise, creating an almost watercolor background for the empty trees. It reminded you of the mornings you’d spent with Sal at Wendigo Lake when one of you needed to clear your mind, back when everything was relatively okay. The cold air did its best to chill you, but the two matching take-away cups of coffee in your hands gave off enough warmth to finish your walk back to the motel where Sal waited for you. Maybe things would finally start to calm down. It did seem like getting a good bit of distance between you and Nockfell had almost paused things, like maybe the Nockfell Police were hesitant to get other, non-corrupt police forces involved. Maybe the two of you could actually find somewhere to settle down again soon.
You unlocked the door with your key card, carefully juggling both coffees between your one arm and your chest, and scooted through it. 
“Hey,” you exhaled, quickly placing your drinks on the small table next to the door before you could spill them. Sal hadn’t moved from where he sat when you left almost an hour ago, though he was now hunched over a bit, resting his elbows on his knees. You could already tell by his expression that he was in one of those moods again.
“Where were you?” The warmth that had enveloped you when you came in had seemed to drain from the room as he spoke. You knew where this was going. 
Despite the agitation you felt from his accusatory tone, you spoke softly and carefully. You’d been through this same fight so many times in the past few months, you knew there was no use in arguing. “I was just getting the coffees, I had to go to the place two streets over. The one right here is closed today apparently.”
He paused for a moment, presumably scanning what you’d just told him for any discrepancy. “You didn’t call to tell me?” It was less of a question and more of subtle scolding. 
He’d always been protective of you, wanting to make sure you were safe and that no one was messing with you, but lately, it was starting to become a bit intense. Was it really abnormal though? You weren’t sure honestly. What was normal anymore? Running from a corrupt town run by a cult isn’t normal. Being haunted by a myriad of dead friends isn’t normal. Nothing was normal.
“I left my phone on accident.” One of your fingers pointed towards the bedside table where your phone was, indeed, still plugged into the charger from last night. “I forgot I took it out of my coat to charge it. I thought you’d prefer that I just go and come back quickly instead of coming back just for a minute and then leaving again.”
You had still been glancing over at your phone across the room, but you could’ve sworn you saw him roll his eyes. “You thought I’d prefer to have you gone for an hour without having anyway of contacting you?” 
“I just thought that it’d be easier, and since things are quieting down-”
“I don’t care what you thought,” He cut you off before you could finish. “What I care about is that you went out there in some town we don’t know without me for an hour.” He had stood up, now moving closer to where you stood, still right by the door. He wasn’t tall, but that didn’t stop him from being genuinely intimidating when he wanted to be. Whether he was being intentional or not this time you weren’t sure, but he was doing a good job either way. Instinctively, you stepped back a bit. 
“What was I supposed to do if you didn’t come back in two, even three hours? Just be okay with it because you forgot your phone? What if you’d gotten hurt?! What was I supposed to do then?” There was a sharp edge in his voice, one that if you didn’t know better, you might mistake for genuine malice. 
You tried to give a firm response and explain that it wasn’t that big of a deal, but you couldn’t get the words out. You weren’t even sure why this made you so nervous, honestly. He’d never hit you, or hurt you at all really, but there was something inherently scary about him when he got like this. 
“Sal, I..” You finally found your voice, though the words were nowhere near as strong and unbothered as you’d hoped. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think it was that big of a deal…” 
Your words failed again when his calloused hands came to cup your face, cold and trembling. You couldn’t look away from him now, your gaze locked onto his features as he stood mere inches in front of you. His expression was pained, his jaw visibly clenched as he tried to deal with the mess of intense emotions coursing through him. His eyes were a bit sunken in, outlined in dark circles and slightly obscured by his now grown out hair, and the scars on his face seemed puffier than usual. Though, despite how worn down he looked, he was still as handsome as ever to you. He’d long stopped wearing his prosthetic around you and somehow, even in the middle of an argument like this, seeing him without made everything between the two of you feel all the more intimate. 
“What was I supposed to do if you got hurt?” He repeated, though his voice was quieter this time. “I can’t lose another person. Especially not you.” 
Any plans you had of trying to push your point had fizzled away with his touch. Your expression softened upon hearing the pain in his voice. All you gave in reply was a soft, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t go out without me again, especially if you can’t remember your phone.” 
When you nodded gently, obediently, he wrapped his arms around you tightly, pulling you flush against his chest. Your face instinctively moved to bury itself in his neck, searching for the comfort of his familiar scent and warmth. It was the only thing that hadn’t changed. That’s when the gravity of the situation hit you. Closing your eyes, you could almost convince yourself that you were back in his room at Addison Apartments, where nothing had changed and you were still the naive sixteen year olds that you were when you started dating. You wished it were true. You wished you could just open your eyes and be back in 1992, before you knew about the cult, before the residents of Addison Apartment were tainted by the darkness, before Sal had done what he had done. Maybe if you kept your eyes closed and wished, begged, hard enough, it would be true..
“Hey,” Sal’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. He sounded softer now, without a hint of the anger he had a few minutes ago.  “Don’t cry, I’ve got you. It’s okay now.”
Were you crying? You hadn’t noticed. 
“It’s okay now.” He paused, “Did someone bother you while you were out? Shit, I should’ve asked that first. If someone messed with you-”
“No.” Now it was your turn to interrupt. “No, I just.. I just don’t feel well. Tired, I guess.”
He pulled away slightly, allowing himself enough room to study your features. After a moment he brushed the stray tears away with the pad of his thumb. “I shouldn’t have let you go out by yourself...” he mumbled, more to himself than to you. “We should lay down then. Let me take care of you.” 
Nodding your acceptance, he grabbed your hand before laying down, immediately pulling you into his chest again. In this quiet room, wrapped in his warm embrace and surrounded by his familiar scent, you felt almost detached again. It didn’t exactly feel like home, but it felt sort of safe again. Things were different- unfathomably different- but Sal was almost the same person as he was those years ago. He was still dependable, supportive, and assuring, despite the absolute dumpster fire your lives had become in the past six months. Maybe he was right. Maybe what you needed was to let him take care of you. 
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mes-obsessions-89 · 5 years
Hamilton/Jefferson Tickle Torture Fanfiction (pt. 2)
A/N: This is a requested revenge sequel of my first tickle fic, which can also be found in this Tumblr, DeviantArt, and FanFiction.net account.
A/N: This is purely a tickle torture fanfiction. If that's not your thing, move on.
Alexander couldn't -or maybe wouldn't- stop thinking about what Jefferson had done to him. He wanted to get back at him, but how? It's not like Jefferson would have his guard down at work or anything.
"I'm serious, Laurens; that's what happened," He explained to his friend, a light blush dusting his pale cheeks, "I know it sounds ridiculous."
"You're right," John chirped back, "It does." He heard Alex let out a sigh before he gave in. "But I believe you. Jefferson is a freak."
"So you'll help me?"
"I guess. What were you planning on?" The question was asked a bit nervously.
"...I think we need Laf. Jefferson won't trust either of us with anything."
Lafayette really wondered how he had gotten involved in this mess. He should have made a run for it when Alexander asked him for a "little favor". But he hadn't.
He knocked on the well-polished door of Jefferson's house, only to be greeted seconds later by the devil himself.
"Come on in," Thomas said warmly, allowing the Frenchman to enter. He had always been friendly to Lafayette, which made him feel a little bad about what he was there for.
"Merci. Ça va?" Laf tried to make a bit of small talk, hanging his coat on the wooden rack near the door.
"Not too great, actually. I laid out a plan to erase the company debt, but Hamilton can't admit when I have a good idea. He's fighting it tooth and nail," Thomas rambled on, as his favorite topic to complain about had come up, "And he'll get his way, like he always does."
Laf had zoned Thomas's bitching out after the first sentence. He waited for the garrulous man to take a breath so he could get a word in. "Sounds like you could use a massage?" He suggested, hoping his part in this mess would be over with soon.
Thomas took a moment and considered declining, but... "Ah, why not? You're a good friend."
Just like that they ended up Thomas's bedroom, with Lafayette rubbing the other man's back. He worked at the knots until he heard Thomas's breathing get more regular, at which he asked his half-asleep friend to roll over.
Thomas did so without much thought. Lafayette took the opportunity to climb off him, reaching for cuffs he knew Jefferson kept on all four corners of the bed. How he knew that... is a story for another time. He slid Thomas's left wrist into the cuff, glancing at his face to make sure he wasn't giving a "what the hell?" expression. To the Frenchman's relief, he wasn't. He took his time, working his way to each corner of the bed and restraining each of Jefferson's limbs. Thomas, still half asleep, either didn't notice or didn't care.
He noticed when he felt Laf climb off the bed. "Hey... what's going on?" He asked, looking up at his friend.
"I-I... je suis désolé," Lafayette said not so smoothly before exiting the room. Thomas had never been more confused. Was he being robbed? By Lafayette of all people?
He heard two sets of footsteps returning, and, to Thomas's utter dismay, neither of them belonged to Lafayette. "Hamilton, what are you doing?" He demanded immediately. "And why did you bring your boyfriend here?"
Alexander rolled his eyes, taking a seat on the side of the bed. He'd been looking forward to this. "Tsk. You're in no position for that kind of attitude, Jefferson," He smirked, quoting the line Jefferson had used against him. "We're just going to have some fun. Like we did in my office, remember?"
"We came to a deal that you didn't keep," Jefferson replied, trying to keep as much dignity as he could, given his current position. "And this has to be illegal on some level."
"What're you gonna do?" Alexander teased, "If you want to go report a tickle attack, I'll be happy to do the same."
John, who had remained silent, moved to sit opposite of Alexander, sitting between Thomas's shins. He was quick to remove Jefferson's socks before waiting for his best friend's cue.
"Hey, stop that!" Jefferson protested, though his limited ability to squirm proved useless in preventing it. Alexander began to unbutton the older man's shirt, smiling pleasantly.
"John, go ahead."
Upon hearing this, Laurens ran his fingers down one of Jefferson's feet, provoking a kick and a "Cut it out!" from the restrained man. John simply chuckled and started to wiggle his fingers against Jefferson's soles as Alex tormented his ribs, methodically poking and teasing.
"Y'know, Jefferson, I never thought you would be this ticklish..." Alex reveled in his enemy's laughter.
Jefferson struggled against the cuffs, but, of course, they were on too well. It was only made more humiliating by the fact that Thomas had been the one to put the cuffs on the bed. "H-Hahamilton!" He forced the name out of his mouth as giggles escaped. Alexander was gentler now, lightly dragging his fingers along his belly. John's tickling had slowed also to soft scratching on his heels.
"Yes, Jefferson?"
"Stop this!"
"Never. You've earned this." With that, Alexander dugs his hands into his victim's sides, drawing a laughing fit out of the older man.
Only a full minute later did Jefferson get a reprieve from the two. Alex stopped to push Thomas's hair away from his face, pulling his shirt further away from his torso right after. "You're right, Thomas, this is fun." He produced an electric toothbrush from his pocket, being sure to let the trapped man catch a glimpse. "I got this just for you. Don't worry; he's got one too," Alexander teased, gesturing slightly to his partner in crime.
"Hamilton, I swear. You've made your point. Just cut it out," Jefferson started, really trying not to beg. He knew he couldn't beg, not to Hamilton.
In response, Alexander only hit the tool's switch, breaking the room's silence with its buzzing. He brought it toward Jefferson's side threateningly, satisfied with the man's sudden attempt to break out. "Aren't you into this, Jefferson? I thought you would like it." He didn't give his hostage any time to argue before he pressed it against his torso, dragging it up and down his ribs.
Jefferson spazzed, pulling on his cuffs (damn his decision to go with the high quality ones) and squirming away from the attack as much as he could. He could feel his other assailant attack his feet with his own torture instrument soon after, pushing him further into the insanity he was pretty sure he was descending into.
Alex adjusted to better hold him down. He ran the toothbrush in a spiral shape, slowly closing in on his victim's navel. He worked silently now, enjoying Jefferson's laughter. He glanced down the bed at John, who was haphazardly inching his toothbrush over Jefferson's feet: the balls, then down to his soles and around his heel.
As he felt Hamilton dig the toothbrush into his belly button, he gasped for air and hit a breaking point. "Pl-lease, Hamil-ton, I won't gehehet in y-your wahahay!" He stuttered out, fighting his shortness of breath and fits of laughter.
"What was that? Please what?" Alex teased, moving the toothbrush back down to just below the waistband of his slacks.
"Stop this! Plehehease, Alex!"
John's assault on his feet stopped, as did Alexander's on his torso. "So you're going to stay out of my way and let me do my job?"
"Yes..." Thomas muttered, suddenly exhausted and extremely embarrassed.
"Hm." Alex huffed softly before bending down to blow a raspberry on Jefferson's firm belly, eliciting a sound which was comparable to a squeal. "And you're not going to tell anyone about this?"
"Then thank you for your help, John." Alex smiled pleasantly, uncuffing one of the man's ankles. "I can take it from here."
John quietly exited the room, happy he was excused from Thomas's potential rage when he was freed.
Alexander finished freeing Thomas from his bed. "Don't be too mad at Laf. He didn't know exactly what we were doing. And Laurens was just doing me a favor."
"Do you have nothing better to do on a Thursday night, Hamilton?" Jefferson's attitude had returned.
Alex simply shrugged. "Eliza and the kids are out at her father's." He then dismissed that subject, picking up his toothbrush and holding it up to Jefferson. "Don't make me do this again. Because I'd be happy to."
"Good to know you're a freak as well."
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theladylovingcrow · 5 years
New Places, Friendly Faces Part 3 (Sanny)
Author (As known on Various sites): Lady Lover- Rockfic, Luluthechoosingcrow - AO3, theladylovingcrow - Deviantart and Wattpad, @sammy_bluebells - Instagram, @imacrowcawcaw - main Tumblr, @theladylovingcrow - writing/art Tumblr, @insannywestan - Sanny shipping Tumblr
Fandom: Greta Van Fleet
Pairing: Sam Kiszka/Danny Wagner (Sanny), lil bit of Danny/Ronnie but he's quickly swept away with Sam
Length: about 2.3k
Warnings/Tags: Alternate Universe, Diner AU, No band AU, fluff, some angst, awkwardness, first dates, you know the ones where person A's date is failing and person B comes and sits with them, sorry i forgot what its called but that, hand holding, flirting, Sanny
Summary: Danny was nervous; he had been building up the courage for *weeks* to arrange a date, and now.... He wasn't quite sure what to think of the situation he found himself in. The night certainly wasn't going as he had expected it to - and his emotions had never ridden a roller coaster this fast. Hell, the beautiful angel holding his hand wasn't even the one he had arranged to meet 2 hours ago.
Author's Notes: Yep! I've officially adopted an every Monday post schedule for this, so that's cool! Just an fyi about the ending of this chapter, I'm so sorry to disappoint of you're hoping for a magical portal but that's not it (that wpuld have been cool but this is a mundane story)
"Right... well, I'm officially off duty once I ring you up, so why don't you two get out of here and have some fun."
Danny fished into his pocket one handed, finding his wallet. He tried to open it and get a ten out while still holding on to Sam, but it was pretty difficult so he was forced to let go in order to pay. He thought it was a little overly dramatic of his heart, but it literally stopped beating out of disappointment for a second. God. He was already completely whipped.
Sam stood up and grabbed the keys, going back to his other table to put on his coat while Danny got his change back from Ronnie. She, now sitting at the table with her other brothers, waved them goodbye as they exited the cozy diner, stepping out into the frigid snow.
Sam immediately grabbed Danny's hand back, putting both of them in his pocket as he started to walk around the back of the building to the employee's section of the parking lot.
Sam suddenly stopped, turning to look at Danny. "Shit, wait, how did you come here? Do you have a car?"
"Uhh, my mom dropped me off."
Sam nodded and kept walking. Danny, for some reason, didn't want to leave it at that - Sam didn't seem overly judgemental, but he wanted to show that he wasn't a completely helpless dork.
"Usually I get her car on the weekends," he continued, "but she had some thing to attend over in North Star and she couldn't get a ride. She brought me here and gave me money for the bus to take home."
"Hey, well, now you don't have to take the bus!"
Sam grinned at him, unlocking the door to his sister's car and opening it for Danny. He smiled to himself and ducked his head, getting in. Fuck whatever societal expectations - not like they really applied to gay couples anyways - he loved to be treated sweetly, too.
Starting the ignition and carefully backing out of the parking space, Sam laughed, loud and happy. Danny looked at him curiously.
"Oh my god, I just picked up a total hottie and we're going on a rendezvous in my sister's car! This is crazy!"
Danny laughed, too, amazed at the situation. Like, holy shit, he was in this guy's (sister's) car that he had met less than an hour ago and they were on their way to who knew where. And he didn't even care! Never in his life had Danny been less concerned about the future; his music, his golfing, school, the world at large, none of it mattered when Sam was sitting next to him, singing along to Jimi Hendrix and looking absolutely stunning in the passing lamplight.
They drove for a time, speeding past cozy houses and dense acres of trees that outlined the starlit sky. Sam didn't seem to have a destination in mind any time soon, and Danny didn't really care if the car never stopped driving. The radio started to fuzz out as the got further into the woods, and nothing but an old talk show was coming in, so Sam had Danny put in his Clapton CD he'd left in Ronnie's car.
"I was looking for that! Figured I'd left it in here, but I don't get the car as often now that she's working more."
Danny nodded, enjoying hearing these little bits about Sam's siblings. It always interested him - learning small facts about people and getting glimpses into their lives, even more so when he was very interested in that person themselves, too.
"So, Ronnie is older than you, right?"
"Yeah, yeah she's a year older than me, she just started taking some classes at the adult school in Saginaw. She's been working at Gerald's for awhile, but she gets adult hours, now, which is good because we like to stay out late and go see her," Sam laughed.
"Oh, that's cool. What about your brothers, the twins? Are they your only other siblings?"
"Yes, fortunately. I don't know how Mom and Dad handled us, we're all within three years of each other. What about you, are you an only child?"
Danny had been right, they were all close in age. Four kids, two of them twins! He still couldn't wrap his head around how that could possibly work out for the parents, but they all seemed to be nice people and clearly got along well. It was pretty nice, actually, having a (potential) boyfriend with a good relationship with his family - Danny knew that it might of been a slightly unfair dating requirement, but he wanted someone who loved their family as much as he did.
"I have a younger sister, she's a freshman at Frankenmuth High. I'm a senior, by the way."
"Wait, what? Me too! I wonder why I've never seen you if we go to the same school. How have I never noticed you before?" Sam exclaimed, making a sharp turn and pulling off of the paved road onto a dirt track.
Danny contemplated that, too. How one Earth had he never seen Sam if they went to the same fucking school? Sam was, like, *magnetic* or something, it didn't make any sense.
Sam interrupted him, not meaning to, as he was about to speak. "Alright, we're here. Sorry, continue," he grinned at Danny, looking sheepish at cutting him off. Danny smiled in return, telling him it was alright.
They got out of the car, shutting the doors gently so as not to disturb the peaceful nighttime forest, and also not to dent Ronnie's car.
Danny resumed what he was saying as Sam led him around to the trunk and started rooting around. "About not seeing me at school, well, you didn't have a reason to until now. I mean, it's not like a lot of people know me, I don't have many friends and I kinda tend to stay to the side."
"I can't imagine how you don't have tons of people hanging off of you," Sam said, looking up at Danny with his foxy eyes glinting in the moonlight. (That was cheesy, Danny knew - but his eyes were beautiful) "Like, the only explanation I can come up with as to why you don't have half of the school constantly begging you to notice *them* is because everyone is crazy."
He blushed and grinned, enjoying the feeling of being the one flirted with for once. It was beyond comprehensible for Danny as to why Sam seemed so taken by *him*, but it wasn't something he wanted to give up anytime soon if he could help it, confusion or not.
"Wow, you are a smooth talker, aren't you?"
Sam snorted. "Hardly. I'm telling you what I honestly think, and it's this: I've known you for maybe two hours, and you are the kindest, sweetest, smartest, most beautiful person I've ever met. Past maybe my mother, but that's different. You deserve all the friends in the world, and you could have any boy or girl you choose, I'm sure."
"Well, I'm choosing you," Danny said, blushing and grabbing Sam's hand. He didn't know what it was, but he was being particularly mushy today. Luckily, Sam seemed to really like it.
Sam led him away from the car after locking it up, one arm carrying a briefcase looking container, and the other's hand holding Danny's. They walked through the light snowfall and under heavy bows of trees, going along a path Danny couldn't see but that, apparently, Sam knew well.
Danny had the quick thought that Sam was going to murder him, and maybe he shouldn't ignore his survival instincts, but he decided that Sam would *never* kill him. He also asked, though, just to be sure.
"Are you planning on killing me out here?"
Sam laughed his donkey bray, swinging their hands and taking another slight turn around a large tree. "No, I don't think I'd be able to physically overpower you, you're probably way stronger than I am."
"Oh, yeah? But what about a gun? What's in the box, Sammy?"
Danny was grinning inside, though externally he blocked it so that his facade wouldn't slip. Sam stopped and stood in front of him.
"I'll show you what's in the box!" Sam said, holding it up in front of his crotch like that SNL sketch.
"Ooh, my favorite!" Danny wiggled his brows, staring at the box where, right behind it, was Sam's dick. They both laughed, faces rosy and eyes crinkled.
Danny was glad that he had chosen Sam over Ronnie, not only for the fact that Sam actually liked him back, but that he got along so well with him. Even if the romance was a bust, he could tell that they would be very good friends, the connection was that immediate. And, he liked the idea of being best friends with a guy and then also getting to fuck his brains out at the end of the day.
'I'm getting ahead of myself, he said he has standards.'
'*No*, he said that he won't fuck you in his sister's car, but he wants to.'
"Sam, dude, where are we going? What are we doing out here, like, really?" He choked out, dying to know and also hoping that the plans included at least a kiss.
Danny hadn't been this desperate to kiss someone in- possibly forever, really. He didn't know why he was so intent on getting Sam's lips on him (though, he supposed he did: like, *look* at Sam's mouth). It wasn't like himself to be this out of control - albeit on his own head - but Sam had this effect on him.
Logically, Danny knew that if Sam wanted to go slower he would totally respect that choice and not even be put out about it, he liked just being with Sam that much. But, a kiss.... He wanted just a taste, in case this was the only date he got to have with Sam.
"We're almost there, and then I'll show you," Sam said quietly.
They continued walking, going up a gentle slope and then around a giant boulder. When they came around the other side, Danny saw that the rock had been obscuring a pristinely white, snow covered clearing. All around them, flakes fell softly from the sky, some decorating the trees, and others landing on their heads.
Sam turned to look at him, grinning. "Isn't it pretty? I feel like, whenever I come here, I've entered another dimension or something."
Danny nodded, his breath nearly taken away by the delicate magic of the moment. Well, it wasn't completely perfect - his nose was running, his gloveless hands were both freezing and clammy in Sam's, and he had no fucking clue where he was - but Sam was so, so beautiful in this place he had brought them to.
They stood and stared at the scene, taking in everything, from the stars peaking out from in between the clouds to the feel of their thumbs rubbing back and forth over each other's knuckles.
After a few minutes of silence, Sam broke it, speaking softly, "This is one of my favorite places on Earth to be. We come here during all seasons, but there's just something more.... *special*, I guess, when everything is pure and damp and quiet."
"It's really nice, I can see why you like to bring people here."
"Actually," Sam paused, looking shyly at Danny, "I've never taken anyone else. As far as I can tell, my family are the only people who know about it."
"Really? I- thank you so much for bringing me to such a special spot for you," he gasped, grinning back at Sam's little smile.
Danny was floored, absolutely amazed with this moment in his life. Sam had, for reasons he couldn't understand but figured he'd better stop worrying about, taken him to a place that no one else had been to. It was an intimate, deeply trusting gesture that he'd made, and Danny received it full-heartedly. The scenery felt sacred, now, in a way that he couldn't quite describe but that filled him with content.
"This really does mean a lot, that you're letting me view your spot. I don't know how to say thank you enough for trusting me with this- can I, maybe, take you somewhere special to me next time?"
He was shooting his shot, and praying to whatever deity felt nearest in this winter forest that it would hit it's mark. Sam had decided to take him here right after meeting him, so it *would* work, right? Danny really fucking hoped that it did, and that he hadn't ruined the relationship they were building. It was newly born and a little confusing, but in a good way; they were already fused together somehow, a connection running through them to make it seem like they'd known each other for years instead if hours.
"I'll go anywhere you wanna take me," Sam answered. He looked aware of how cliche what hed said was, but he also didnt seem to care. Damny was internally screaming with joy. "I wasn't sure where I was driving, at first, but I ended up on the path here, and it felt right. You being here feels nice and right."
Danny was smiling openly, happiness on display. He swung their hands and looked up at the sky, where the snow clouds where starting to clear, the last of the flakes finishing their journey to the ground. Sam leaned into him slightly, a pleasurable warmth permeating into Danny's body through the many layers of their clothing.
"This is perfect! I was hoping the clouds would clear up, cause this wouldnt really be much fun without it. Now, c'mon, let me show you the inside."
Danny was completely confused, again. "The inside?"
@satans-helper @okietrish @karrotkate @lazingonsunday @lantern-inthenight @ryetheruler @oblvions @bigthighsandstupidguys @mountainofthesunn
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81scorp · 4 years
Consctructive criticism: Man of steel
(Originally posted as an editorial on Deviantart May 1, 2015. It has not been changed from how I originally wrote it.)
With Superman Returns not being the success Warner Bros hoped for, no more sequels that take place in the Superman universe that Richard Donner created have been made since. But since a reboot worked for the old Dark Knight it could work just as well for the big, blue, flying boy scout.Superman`s movie franchise got a reboot in a movie directed by Zack Snyder and written by David S Goyer. The result was... a little bit divisive. Some loved it, some hated it but never the less it made money, enough to greenlight a sequel... or rather: a bigger, shared movie universe. Not unlike what they were doing over at Marvel.Personally I kinda, sorta liked it, at least more than Superman returns. But, like I mentioned in my "More thoughts on Frozen" Editorial where I briefly talked about Avatar, I can see it`s flaws. Otherwise it wouldn`t have ended up here.
Where did it go wrong and how could it have been better?
The S stands for SPOILERS
The colour saturation
With the failure of Green Lantern and the success of The Dark Knight trilogy, the film makers came to the conclusion that future DC movies has to be more "Dark and Serious". Just because it worked for Batman it doesn`t necessarily mean that it would work just as well for their other characters. The tone of the story differs a tiny bit from Batman`s because Superman`s image of a beacon of hope rather than justice lurking in the shadows is heavily ingrained in the public`s perception of him. That left the film makers with one thing left to "darkify": The colours of the movie. A little bit more colour wouldn`t have hurt.
The shaky cam
Usually I don`t care (much) about this, but in this case I noticed it while watching the movie for the first time and it bothered me a little. Less of the shaky cam please.
Johnathan Kent`s advice to young Clark
Young Clark: "What was I supposed to do? Just let them die?"
Jonathan Kent: "Maybe." He`s not saying "Yes! You should`ve let them die!" So he`s technically not giving him bad advice, but he`s technically not giving him good advice either.
He should have focused on teaching Clark to have a low profile. That doesn`t have to mean that he shouldn`t help. He can still help as long as he does it in secret. So instead he could have said."If you`re gonna keep doing this, try not to get seen. Think before you act."Then he could pause and then add: "But at least your heart was in the right place." If it was my hypothetical kid from another planet with great powers who did something good and heroic I`d want the discussion to end on a positive note to give him the feeling that technically he did not do a bad thing.
Johnathan Kent`s death
Yes, I get that he did not want Clark to expose himself, but still. He died not because Clark couldn`t save him but because he wouldn`t let him. How about: Jonathan dies from a sickness. Yes it is similar to the Donner version but the difference is that in this version it doesn`t happen as suddenly and Clark gets time to say goodbye to his dad on his death-bed. Jonathan can remind him about the "Think before you act" bit, and say something about how he will change the world.
Lois telling Superman about her mindprobing
Movies are a visual medium and there`s a rule called "show don`t tell". Telling through pictures is a more universal language. Instead of Lois telling Superman what she went through they could have showed it in some way. From what I remember we saw what was going on in Superman`s head when they probed him but not what was going on on the outside. Here`s what they could have done: After we have seen Superman`s little nightmare landscape we could see what is going on outside his body as Zod`s voice keeps talking about how he`s gonna revive Krypton. We see him lying in an alien chair with a mindprobing helmet on and his face twitches as if he`s having a nightmare. Move the camera a bit to the right and we see Lois lying in an alien chair going through the same thing. Cut to: close up of Lois`s face, then cut to: inside Lois`s mind: pretty much the same thing we saw in Superman`s head. Cut to: close up of Superman`s face, then we go back inside Superman`s mind.
Yes, I said "lying in a chair". The correct word is "sitting", but I imagine them as kind of like dentist chairs...evil dentist chairs.
Zod showing Superman all that nightmarish landscape
Besides that it would "look cool for the trailer", what reason is there for Zod to scare Superman with that nightmare-landscape? Shouldn`t he try to make Superman trust him and see him as a friend?
How about: Supes is shown what Krypton looked like before it blew up.
Zod: "Behold Kal-El, this what Krypton once was, and what it can be again." Clark wonders what would happen to the people of earth. Zod uses the cold, empathyless logic that "simpler civilizations will have to make way for the more advanced ones."
"Krypton had it`s chance"
I get where they were going with this but still, it sounded a bit too cruel. This would have sounded better: "Krypton should not live at the expense of Earth!"
Saying it like that would make it open for the interpretation that he does want to see Krypton resurrected, (just not at any cost).
The level of destruction
They could have toned it down a bit. Some say: "But this is what realistically would happen if someone with Superman`s powers were to have a big fight." Someone with Superman`s powers yes. But how about someone with Superman`s mentality?
Yes: most of the destruction was caused by the terraforming machine, but when that destruction was over and it was just Superman and Zod they still plowed through a few buildings.
Let`s forget that it`s Superman. Someone with concern for human life and the ability to strategize, at least a little bit (which Superman is fully capable of doing), should try to direct the fight away from heavily populated areas. Yes, Zod would try to use this weakness and direct the fight back to said populated areas, but Superman would still do his best to keep the fight in safe/safer places.
Plus: The "Think before you act" lesson from his father could come back to play a part here.
"But he was new at this, he was learning to be a Superhero." We saw earlier in the movie that he had been doing this for a couple of years, so he would have gotten the hang of (most of) it by the time he donned the cape." It`s the first time he fights other super-powered Kryptonians." I can`t argue that much with this statement, even Supes has limits. On this point the fault is not on Superman as a character but rather the filmmakers who wrote him into a corner and made sure that there was no other way out than to destroy almost more than half of Metropolis. They seem to suffer from a "darker-and-more-action-is-always-better" perception. Not all DCCU movies have to be the Dark Knight.
On the fence: Jenny
First I thought that she had a last name, and that it was Olsen. So I thought she was a genderbent Jimmy Olsen. But last time I checked (on imdb) she didn`t have a last name. Could she be an original character created for the movie? I`m OK with that. But I want to talk about what I feel about if they were to change Jimmy`s gender.
This makes me feel like the film makers haven`t bothered to check the comics that the movies are based on. Not because of the change, but some seem to think that there are only four people working on the Daily Planet: Clark, Lois, Perry and Jimmy. The majority of the people that I mentioned are male so I agree that there could be at least one more woman. But instead of changing one of the characters they could just pick one from the comics. How about Catherine Grant? Or Alice the intern? And if you`re looking for a black character, how about Ron Troupe?
Sorry for being a purist, but I feel that if you want to add a little diversity, look for a character that has what you are looking for in the source material before changing one or some of the other characters.
That`s why  I hope that we in future DCCU movies get to see Maggie Sawyer and/or Renee Montoya.How do I feel about Perry White? Well, he`s played by Laurence Fishburne. So I`m good.
On the fence: Superman killing Zod
When I heard about it at first I thought "Oh come on! Superman doesn`t kill!" But then again, he could be pushed to a point where he would have no other option. Then I thought "If he`s gonna kill someone he should at least feel bad about it." And he did, so I guess I`m OK with it. But still, the way they did that scene made me feel like there was more that could be done before they went in for the kill. Technically, Superman could have just knocked him unconscious. And then there`s the film makers`s explanation: "He needs to kill so he learns that it`s wrong to kill." I haven`t killed anyone and I know it`s wrong to kill.
I think the real explanation is: He needs to kill because the movie needs to be dark, because DCCU movies needs to be dark to be good, because it worked for the Batman reboot. The thing is: Nolan`s Batman had a little thought put into it. Man of Steel`s darkness didn`t have much thought behind it.
A light-hearted, silly and campy movie with a bad script is a movie with a bad script. A dark, gritty and serious movie with a bad script is still a movie with a bad script.
If I were to change this, here`s what I would do: Zod and Superman are flying around, fighting each other. The spaceship (that was sent far away thanks to Clark`s babyship`s warp drive) is still on earth. Superman punches Zod so hard that he is knocked back onboard his ship. The warp drive is activated and Zod and his friends are warped to God knows where.I also want to point out that I´m not too crazy about when they kill characters that have played an important part and/or has been in the comicbook  a long time. That`s why I`m a bit critical not only to Zod`s death but Prof: Emil Hamilton`s as well. (Though he may not be dead.)
Yes, there are other things wrong with this movie. But if you did the changes that are mentioned here, I personally wouldn`t care about those other things
I want to finish with two things that, while they aren`t constructive criticism, are at least Superman related.
Joe Quesada`s reason for not liking Man of Steel
“As a comic book fan, I wanted to love that movie so much,” said Quesada. “I wanted to love it so much, and I didn’t love it so much. Again, there are little things here and there that you could pick at and things like that, but I just think at the end of the day, Zod was the hero of the movie to me.”
Interesting defenition of a hero you have there.
“He wanted to save his race, and Superman didn’t let him."
Oh poor Zod, all he wanted to do was to rebuild his planet at the cost of billions of lives on an already inhabited one. It`s not like there were any other Earth-like planets in the solar system, suitable for terraforming, like Mars or Venus. No. Clearly Superman was the bigger badguy here.
“I was in the mood to watch that Superman movie, and afterwards I was just angry,” said Quesada.
Well, I, and many others, felt similar after reading One More Day so I guess that makes things even.
In defense of the Clark Kent disguise
I`m sure many of us has questioned that no one can recognize Superman in his Clark Kent disguise just because he wears a pair of glasses. However, here are some examples from real life:
An author who interviewed Marilyn Monroe later wrote of an incident that occurred when they were walking down the street talking. The author was confused that, although they were in plain sight, no one seemed to recognize her. Monroe then said, "Do you want to see her?" She changed her posture, walk and way she was speaking to what she used in the movies and suddenly people saw Marilyn Monroe, movie star and sex symbol, and reacted accordingly. Shakira, a famous singer, managed to spend an entire summer at UCLA posing as a normal person. She went by her middle name and dressed up in a cap and pants. The fact that it hit the news after she was done with the classes proved how effective her disguise was. Comedian Groucho Marx painted on his famous mustache with grease paint for most of his career. He was surprised to find a large crowd of fans who had gathered to see him at a train station completely ignored him when he got off the train. Realizing what had happened, he ducked into his car and smeared on a grease paint mustache, and was instantly recognized. So you see, real people are pretty stupid too. ^_^
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cassiedangerclouds · 5 years
Everything Is Green {Krii7y}
Tumblr media
DeviantArt: SugarHigh100 (Smii7y)
Twitter: Beaudicea (Kryoz)
Trigger Warning!: In this story, I will write about colour blindness. Sorry if I do not get it correct as I myself do not suffer from anything of the sort (I am mildly longsighted). If this may offend you, please don't read. And I would really love to hear from some colour blind people on how I can fix my perception of it up in case I write this type of thing again.
Remember that this is MY interpretation of colour blindness (Protanomaly and Tritanopia), this is how I understood what I read from my research. So please don't take it personally if I get it completely wrong.
In this story, there will also be:
Anxiety Attacks –Based off of the ones I get. Because everyone experiences these differently-
Bullying (mentioned)
Self-Deprecating Tendencies
Life gets pretty boring when all you see if various shades of green, grey and if you're lucky, violet.
But not the pretty, dark violet everyone else sees. No, it's a dull, kind of light version.
That's just life when your parents are Red-Green and Blue-Yellow colour blind and you pull the short straw on both ends.
No, I couldn't just have one; like not perceiving reds or greens properly. Or maybe become a very rare case and not be able to see blues properly.
I ended up Red-Green in one eye and Blue-Yellow in the other.
So my world is full of dull, warped greens, boring and monotonous blacks and whites, only light grey and maybe, if luck wants to grace me, with violet. I strive for the moments that slightly purply-blue colour pops, I try to capture every detail of the moment so that I can try recreate it.
My parents try to tell me that when I'm older, my eyes may get better.
But I know that they won't.
Magic doesn't exist. If you're born with these things, you live with them forever.
People get weirded out by me. I confuse them. So I learnt to keep to myself. I sit under the trees, on the grass, things that should be blindingly green and are but just a dull blue really.
I got told that my glasses would help me see colours properly, but the kids all picked on me, so I don't wear them anymore.
The glasses were pretty cool I guess, I mean they were blue and red, and the world looked amazing back in fifth grade for the month that I wore them.
It's been five years since I've worn them though, I figured that, if I was picked on in fifth grade, high school would be no saving grace. So they sit in draw at home, collecting dust.
I guess life isn't too bad, I mean, at least I'm not blind. But this is no better.
"Hey. Hey. Can you hear me?" I kept my head down, knowing exactly who it was.
"I asked you a question."
I looked up, not too much, just enough to see if it was who I thought it was, "Yeah. I guess. I'm not deaf." I said, tapping my fingers against the ground.
"I'm not here to pick on you kid. I'm not an arsehole. My friends and I saw you sitting by yourself and I wanted to know if you wanted some company."
This time he caught my full attention, "Like for real? This isn't some big joke that Evan and all that set up to give me hope?" I asked.
He laughed, "Nah dude, honestly, Evan and his friends are a little overrated." He said, "With the exception of like Ryan. Oh and Craig, he hangs out with us sometimes."
I smiled, "I mean, sure. I guess that I could come and sit with you guys." I said.
"Sick." He said, helping me up.
He led me over to a table, not far from where I was sitting, I noticed him stumbling a little.
"Hey fuckers. I'm back." He announced.
"No one gives a fuck John." One of the other males at the table replied, looking up from his phone.
"Fuck you to, bitch." John replied.
"So guys, this is...uh I never asked your name, did I?" John asked.
"Good goin' John. You see a lonely kid, invite him over, but don't even ask his name." another said, this one was for sure in grey.
I snickered a little, looking over the group, of course, looking at everyone wasn't going to help me tell them apart, but it was worth a shot.
"HEY! That sounded a lot better in my head." The grey one stated.
"So, what's your name stranger?" one of the guys closest to me asked.
Come on, just say Jaren. "Lukas." I answer. What the fuck did I say that for?
"Well Lukas. As you could figure out, I'm John. In order around the table from my left. Cameron, Ryan, Craig, Anthony and...where did Crystal go?" John asked for a person I guess was here before he came over to me.
Crazy hair, grey guy, glasses, panda case. I recited in my head, it was the only way I'd actually remember them.
"Brock's nut of a sister came over and requested that her friend join her for a conversation." Anthony, I think, answered.
I frowned, "Cassidy isn't too crazy." I stated, causing everyone to stare at me.
"What. She used to be my..." I trailed off, "Never mind. Why did you invite me over here. I'm just the weird kid."
"We're all weird here." Cameron said, completely ignoring my slip up or at least I hope he did.
"I mean. Probably not. At least compared to me. Nobody is as mutant as I am."  I stated, looking down.
"What. Why? Because your eyes are different a little off centre or your hair is white? Every time I saw you, I always thought you just bleached it, like John does with his." Craig said with a shrug.
I sighed, shaking my head, "Okay. Don't like freak or anything okay John. But like, that jumper you're wearing is probably rad. But it's like literally all green, different shades. But to me. That whole thing is green, except the white bits near your wrists." I always found it was an easy way to explain my problem to people by talking about something that probably wasn't green and trying to tell them that's how I see it. "I can imagine and sort of figure out the colours, because I've done it for so long-"
"What shades of green?" John asked.
I shrugged, "The top is like a lime kind of colour. So it's probably like yellow or somet'in'. Uh, the middle is a dull green. So that's like red or orange, I don't remember because I don't see those colours a lot. The top of the sleeves is like, mint ice cream green. So they're some type of blue." I explained, hoping I got the colours close.
"That's so cool dude." John said.
"How do you live like that? Not being able to see colours. Only green?" Craig asked.
"Well. I mainly see the green spectrum, but I can see light grey, black, white and sometimes, violet. But it's like not the cool dark violet colour, it's more like what I think you would see as a cross between magenta maybe and periwinkle. I can see some shades of yellow, kind of. Most colours appear as greens though." I explained, tapping my fingers against my leg.
"Well, sit down you weird ass human." Cameron said.
I smiled, shaking my head, "Sorry. This was a nice..experience, but I'm just gonna leave." I said, turning around, I walked back towards where I was.
Suddenly I was on the ground, noticeably colder than before.
I looked up and saw my jumper in John's hands.
"Hey, fuck you. Give me my jumper back, it's cold." I demanded, getting off my arse, snatching my jumper out of his hands, slipping it over my head.
"It's a mild fifteen degrees, it's not that cold." Cameron stated.
"Shut up, you Kiwi fuck. We get it that it's fucking freezing in New Zealand." A feminine voice said from behind me.
Cameron pouted, "Piss off you Aussie bitch." He stated.
"Oh, and this is Crystal. Crystal, this is –"
"Hey Luke." Crystal said with a shrug.
"Vibe." I returned, watching as they walked over and sat between Cameron and Ryan.
"Wait- you two know each oth-"
"Whatever, reunions are boring. What did the nut want with you, aye?" Cameron asked, nudging Crystal's shoulder.
Crystal shrugged, "Never say that again. Worst Australian accent ever. Come on Fitzy, you're the closest one to where I'm from and you can't even fake a believable accent." They said.
The group started to banter, giving me the perfect chance to slip away.
I kept walking, not really knowing where I was going, I just knew I had to get away from that group before something bad happened to them because of me.
"Hey. Hey! Lukas, wait up." I heard a call from behind me, recognising John's voice, I picked up my pace, not watching where I was going.
Once more I was on the ground and I noticed that it was because I had bumped into someone. I stood up, "I'm so sorry. I-" my breath hitched.
In front of me stood well known school menace and Evan's right hand man Jonathan.
"I-I'm so so sorry. Uh, Delirious." I said, I could feel myself shaking.
Delirious turned to face me, and I could feel my lungs get heavy.
"Dude. Are you okay?" he asked me, sending me into surprise.
"What?" I managed to squeak out.
"I asked if you were okay? You hit me pretty hard and fell to the floor." Delirious said.
I shrugged, "I'm uh. Fine. Just yeah. Sorry." I stammered, my breathing starting to even out.
"Lukas, why are you-" I heard John stop dead, his boots squeaking as he skidded on the hallway floor. "Fuck."
"Well, if you're okay. Then I'm just gonna walk away." Delirious said, walking away.
I was still shaking, I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight.
"Dude, are you okay?" I heard John was near me now.
But I still didn't open my eyes, I shakily pointed at my bag, "Pap- Pap- Bag" I started coughing.
"Pap Bag. Pap. Paper Bag! Oh, get the paper out of your bag!" John figured out, quickly flipping the latch on my bag and handing me the almost empty bag.
"I don't understand how this will help you." John said.
I cupped my hand around the opening, placing it near my mouth, breathing in and out into the bag.
My breathing went back to normal after five minutes and the coughing stopped.
I moved it away and drew in a deep breath.
"What the fuck was that?" John asked, making me painfully aware that he was still there.
I opened my eyes to see him standing in front of me, "That was an anxiety attack you fucking idiot. Holy shit. I could've-no-probably would've passed out if you hadn't have helped me. Jesus, I haven't had one that bad in a while." I stated, half talking to myself.
"Your welcome. I mean, I don't know how to respond." John said.
I smiled, "Thank you. But seriously. I thought that Jonathan was a bully. He didn't even threaten me. I think a lot of people just spread rumours and one rumour made it out and became popular saying that the BBS are bullies. They're probably just a bunch of misunderstood kids. I- I'm sorry for walking off." I said.
"Nah dude. My friends can be a little much sometimes, even for me." He said.
"Oh. Okay. Well, I'm still sorry. It was a good thing you did you know, asking me to join you guys. Your friends don't seem to bad. I'd probably fit in with you all. I feel like a big dou-"
I felt something warm against my lips for a split second and then it was gone.
"You talk too much." John stated.
My face started heating up, "What the fuck? We haven't even known each other for a day. John you're fucking weird," I stated, pulling my sleeve over my hand, wiping my mouth.
He laughed, "You enjoyed it. Don't deny it." He said.
Maybe I did. It doesn't matter, I don't even know the guy. "No I didn't." I retorted, but I knew my body language said otherwise.
"You're a bad lyre Lukas. You're red as a firetruck." He teased.
"Shut up you fucking prick." I muttered.
He rolled his eyes, "Come on. Come and hang out with me and my band of Misfits." He said.
I sighed, "Fine." I said and we walked back towards his friends, maybe a bit closer than previously.
But seriously, who the fuck kisses someone they just met? Like what even is that?
"Someone who has a set." John replied.
"Fuck. I said that out loud. Sorry." I said.
He stopped and turned to face me, "Stop fucking apologising. You've done nothing wrong." He said.
And that's when I noticed one small thing, well not really small thing, but it was something that would this was a moment I'd never forget.
Everything is green.
But his hair is my favourite colour.
Because it is violet.
Authors Note:
Hi guys!
Yes, I am a weirdo. I would've made it John's eyes, except that in this case it wouldn't work because John's eyes are blue and for them to be violet, they'd have to be yellow. Which just isn't realistic.
Anyway, that's it.
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ftkd-arts · 5 years
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Crystal Quin
My Nextgen is confusing these days. I think I'm recalling Scorpan from it, and changing the Twilight ship. My ships are changing a lot, alongside their children. Despite, I thought long and hard about Luster Dawn... Canon threw me a bone with this one, but I couldn't decide who would be her parents.
@lopoddityart threw her in as a Flashburst Nextgen, to WanderingPegasus Twilight and Sunburst were her parents, a majority in the fandom thought of Luster as a Sunlight kiddo... I liked Flashburst, Twiburst was cute, and I headcanon Starlight and Sunburst as stepsiblings.
Then this idea fell to me. At first, it was just Cadence, Shining, Flash and Sunny. I slowly thought to throw Sombra in later. These characters are what have their friends/family dubbed as the Crystal Quin.
Sunburst was quickly assigned to be Flurry Heart's nanny after her crystalling. He and the Crystal Couple grew close, as her ever-protective, tired caretakers. One night after the three had finally gotten Flurry to sleep, they all collapsed on each other. When they woke up, to their blushing surprise, the three were tangled in the married pair's bed. Their relationship took a swift turn. Shining Armor, Cadence and Sunburst kept the romance private from their subjects.
Flash Sentry was soon ordered as Flurry Heart's loyal bodyguard. They spent a lot of time together, nervously watching Flurry and taking care of the alicorn baby. Sunburst developed a crush.
His boyfriend and girlfriend encouraged Sunburst to ask him out. Hesitantly, Sunburst squeaked out the proposal to Flash. He accepted with a smile. Not knowing Flash's opinions of polyamorous herds, Sunburst left ShiningCadence, keeping their relationship under wraps from Flash Sentry.
After a few dates, Flash was his official boyfriend. Sunburst did fall in love with him (quite quickly), but at the same time, he dearly missed his former partners. Sunburst had to confess this to Flash.
Flash Sentry gave him a confused smirk and said, "Why can't you have all three of us?"
Long story short, Sunny had two boyfriends and a girlfriend. Cadence insisted they all hang out together for Sunburst's sake. Slowly but surely, the four fell in love.
And then Cadence found a shadowy figure traveling near the outskirts of the Empire. A frail and scrawny hornless Sombra, purged from the dark magic that craddled his mind, seeking shelter from the barren, icy wasteland. Cadence swooped down and took him back to the castle, under strict evolution from the Equestrian Princesses.
Princess Twilight and the foster child of Friendship, Cozy Glow, pleaded for Sombra's Reformation. Shining Armor was woefully against giving the evil Umbrum a chance to escape. Cadence was cautiously optimistic. Sunburst and Flash Sentry were divided with their stance on the matter. Before the two could make a choice, Celestia ordered for Sombra to be released, but kept under lock and key. She charged Cadence with Reforming the ancient King.
Cadence thought she was helping him. Sombra was genuinely ashamed for the things he had done. He took up extra community work around the Crystal Empire, forgoing sleep and eating in the name of being helpful or brooding in his dark depression. Slowly, the more time she spent consoling him, learning about his life and loneliness and guilt... The more she found herself surprised by his kindness. He warmed to her. She was the only creature he would smile for.
During this, Cadence saw Shining Armor less and less. Their interactions often ended in spats. Anytime the two weren't arguing, their words were filled with passive aggressiveness and tension. Boyfriends Sunburst and Flash Sentry were always on their hooves, running to get them to get along with no success.
Cadence grew frustrated of her husband not believing in her and her boyfriends urging her to see his point of view. That night, she sought comfort in her only friend. The only one on her side. Sombra.
She woke with him. Instantly, she raced to her partners and pulled them into a private room. Still dazed from the early morning, she confessed what she had done. The betrayal shocked them. Cadence begged for one of them to say something, to do anything.
Sunburst broke out into tears. Flash and Armor swept closer to him, Flash putting his wings around the orange unicorn and Shining stepping forward defensively when Cadence tried lending her hoof to Sunburst's face.
The five didn't talk for a few weeks. They lived together, ruled the empire, helped their subjects, took care of Flurry Heart... but all five kept their distance.
Until Cadence came up pregnant... with the child of Sombra.
Finally Shining broke, barging in to Sombra's confined bedchambers and screaming for a reason. At the very least, an apology. Sombra wouldn't give it. He should have believed in his wife's abilities, Sombra reasoned, or else she wouldn't have felt alone and caught feelings for him. He loved her, he said. Sombra didn't waver. Until the rest of them rushed in, and Cadence again awkwardly admitted that she was with child.
Cadence and Sombra entered a real relationship. Shining Armor was still her husband on the outside, but behind the closed doors of the castle, she loved Sombra, and Shiny loved being alone. Sunburst and Flash soon realized that their perfect little quad had died out. Hopeless, they resigned to being only each other's, and acted as Flurry Heart's parents in this time of frustration.
When Prince Valentinus Amor (meaning "Strong Love") was born, Cadence couldn't hide the truth from her subjects anymore. She declared that the child was Sombra's, and they would be raising the baby as a couple. (Disgruntled and disgusted, the Empire quietly sided with Shining Armor with little knowledge of what exactly had went down.)
With almost everything out in the open, Cadence and Shining readied the official divorce papers. Soon came the day when they had to sign it. They sat, alone together for the first time in months, waiting and meekly breathing... Until eventually, they fell, hugging one another and desperately sobbing.
Worried by the noise, Sombra, Sunburst and Sentry entered the room. Cadence wrapped the yellowish boys in her wings, rambling half-intelligible apologies, and Shining Armor and Sombra reluctantly talked things out. The night ended with the quin drunk, crying and in love again.
The Crystal Herd happily married, and soon opted to have a foal that was biologically the child of all of them. Thus, Princess Luster "Lucy" Dawn was born...
To Be Continued.
Here's some sketches of their designs I did before, in-between and after the poly drawing.
I buy into (@DeviantArt's) Eeelt's headcanon that Shining Armor has natural pink highlights in his blue mane and @lopoddityart ’s Lunacorn headcanon. I imagine Shining has golden flecks on his almost-all white body, the most prominent ones on his ears and shoulders. He has big fangs that are blunt, good for raw fruit and roots; a frugivore-looking horseboi.
Few bite-sized hcs; Shining Armor is shorter than both Cadence and Sombra, has ADHD, is dyslexic, goes alpha-male when family/friends are in danger, can hold a grudge for as long as he damn well pleases, is a lover of pastel, still Capt. of the Crystal Empire's Royal Guard, drag queen buddies with the Mane Six's brothers (drag names of "Orchard Blossom" for Mac, "Gleaming Shield" for Shiny, "Saphora Gale" for Zephyr), occasionally crossdresses, totally draws on his eyebrows, eight years older than Twi (he was a carefully planned pregnancy, while his kid sister was born due to a malfunction in their mom's birth control pills. Twilight wasn't planned, but after the initial shock and panic of a positive pregnancy spell, she was quickly welcomed as part of the family. after this Night Light got a vasectomy)
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Flash Sentry is always running on black coffee, sleep deprivation and lust for eyeshadow, making his mane wild and his aura to give off an old rock band vibe. Is definitely a more relaxed, laid-back pony, a welcome source of casual advice for his children and partners. Shortest out of them all.
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Sombra has a long snoot, and at the end of that snoot, rests his shaggy goatee. He also has sideburns, shaven sides, and a very messy manbun. Has bags under his eyes (much like Flash, he's an insomniac; you can find the pair cuddled up and reading when both are restless), wears gray eyeshadow, a red scarf, a sparkly tie for his bun, and golden horseshoes. He's simultaneously bulky and scrawny.
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theotakulifechoseme · 6 years
Be Somebody -Levi x Underground City!Fem!Reader One Shot-
This is something I wrote forever ago and posted on my Deviantart and Fanfiction.net accounts, haha. I just thought I’d share some of my old work. >_> I think this was 11 pages? idk. Enjoy.
-Mama Nidiot
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   The place was just covered in filth and grime. But that is to be expected in a place like the Underground. A place where humans are trash and it was kill or be killed; not exactly the nicest place in the world for children. Her tiny arms and legs were wrapped securely around my neck and torso as I passed by overhead, while the heavy knapsack slapped against my back as I used the 3DMG to bypass the other crooks that littered this damned place, the straps biting into my skin through my dusty clothes as I scanned the ground. A silent curse slipped past my chapped lips at the sight of them. The damned Scouting Corps. were here once again.
   “Hold on tight, Cameron.” I told the 9 year old girl, feeling her grip tighten even more, as I used the 3DMG that I modified to suit me better, as we flew above their heads, before dropping to the floor and blending in with our fellow sewer rats. Holding Cameron tightly to my front, I pushed a rickety wooden door open with my hip, before closing and locking it up. “I’m back!” I shouted into the seemingly empty underground house, and pulled down the bandana I wore around the lower half of my face.
   “Mom!” a large group of four boys and one other girl shouted, running down the old wooden steps.
   “Derek, Morgan, Jon, Zack, and Lacy! What have I told you about shouting?!” I scolded them all, watching as they hung their heads in shame. I simply sighed. “Get cleaned up. Once you’re done, Zack and Morgan are on peeling duty. Jon, you, Lacy, and Derek set the table. And you,” I crouched down and pressed my lips against Cameron’s dust coated forehead, “get cleaned and some rest. I’ll get you when dinner is ready.”
   “Okay mommy.” With a quick hug, Cameron left and went upstairs towards the bedroom she shared with me and Lacy. Standing up, I cleaned my hands and face in the kitchen, scrubbing away the underground filth that clung to me like a second skin, before pulling out the second knife I kept on my person and began dicing up the bit of meat we had.
   Lacy came in and started throwing what was chopped up into a large pot, after she washed her hands again, and proceed to stir it and everything else that got tossed in. “Do you guys know why the Scouts are filling this place?” Morgan asked, throwing a peel at Zack’s face.
   “Hey, stop that, you ass!” whined the eldest boy, flicking the potato’s skin from his cheek. The room went quiet shortly after as all their gazes lingered on my back, silently willing me to answer the question.
   “The answer is obvious, isn’t it? After all, this is not the first time they looked for one of us to join their ranks.” I spoke softly, remembering when I was just nine-years-old and watched when they took them into their ranks. “Curfew is still set for you, so if I catch any of you sneaking out, Jon, you’ll be without supper for a few days.” My [color] eyes cut over to the nervous 12 year old. Derek and Morgan, the twins, were both thirteen, Lacy ten, while Zack was the oldest at fourteen, just two years younger than myself.
   After a while I walked up the steps and knelt down by Cameron’s sleeping form and shook her awake. She groggily got up and took my hand, following after like a baby duckling as I sat her down at the kitchen table, filled my tanks, and made for the door while pulling my bandana back over my nose and mouth. “You not gonna eat with us mommy?” Cameron asked, blinking her large doe eyes owlishly at my retreating back.
   “Not tonight, sweetie. Zack’s in charge until I return.” I unlocked the front door and closed it behind me, easily blending in with the group of people that surrounded me, and made my way to the main tunnel of the Underground. The closer I got did the stench of stale sweat, vomit, alcohol, sex, and death start to assault one’s nose. If it was not for the black cloth wrapped around my face, the stench would have been ten times worse than whatever I currently smelled.
   A few men I passed nodded their heads in greeting, while others moved out of my way as the heavy heels of my boots thudded against the stone floor. “Don’t do anything stupid, Widow… Ever since Kenny left, you’ve been the only form of law for us.” A beefy man stated as he grabbed my left arm, just as I was passing his hole in the wall.
   “Did you not know that black widows are venomous?” without any hesitation, I broke the larger brute’s wrist. “May that be a painful reminder to keep your hands to yourself.” The last thing he saw was the scarred palm of my left hand… In the shape of a female black widow spider.
   “What does the Scouting Corps. want with street rats?” I asked, perching myself on top of a rock that jutted out from the dirt walls, allowing one of my legs to hang off the side as I stared them down. A tall man with blond hair, ridiculously bushy brows, and sharp icy eyes looked up at me; his gaze lingering on the handles to my blades as an obvious sign that I was ready to flee at a moments notice.
   “You would be this ‘Widow’ we’ve been hearing about, correct.” I pushed back a strand of my greasy [lengtblackolor] hair, not wanting to answer the man in the bolo tie. The man took my silence as confirmation. “You and your subordinates have been causing quite an uproar in the Capital.”
   My eyes hardened at the term ‘subordinates’. “And your point being? Is this not a matter for the King’s personal collection of rats to deal with?” I growled, fingers digging into the grips of my 3DMG handles. “You should know that you are in our city. The King’s roots do not extend down to the waste that the Capital has created. Anyways, with all that glitter you carry on your person, you sure are going to attract a few weasels~” at that moment, the more ruthless thugs that littered the area that the Scouts were stationed started wandering in, causing me to take my leave.
   “Mommy!” my head snapped down from my spot above, only to spot Cameron’s dusty blonde head struggling to get out of the arms of a person with wild russet hair. Swinging back around, I planted my feet solidly in their back while taking Cam out of their arms, feeling her cling desperately to my thin person. “Mommy!” she sobbed, soaking the shoulder of my [color] button-down.
   The person groaned under my feet, and started shifting enough that forced me to get off their back, leaving two boot marks on their jacket… on the Wings of Freedom. “Tch. Of course…” I gently rocked Cameron, making her cries slow down to a soft whimper and occasional hiccough. The person with wild russet hair got to their knees, rubbed their head, before looking around.
   “Where’d the kid go?! I had so many questions to ask her! ARGH!” without a single care about the dirt and other filth that littered the Underground, the person – woman – flopped back down and started dramatically sobbing, not caring the least bit about her cracked glasses.
   “Oi! Stupid glasses! Shut the hell up!” her cries were getting on my nerves, withering them away to nothing, as I stepped on her head in hopes of using the cold ground to muffle the damn sound. I had zero tolerance for others whining about shit.
   “Mmph! Mmph, mmph, mmmm!” they flailed again, pushing my foot off her head as she turned to face me. Cameron nuzzled herself closer to my side and proceeded to suck on her thumb, a bad habit that she has yet to break, as the woman adjusted her cracked glasses. “Whoa! You’re the bandit that danchou wants to meet! Widow, isn’t it?!”
   Grabbing her head, I slammed my forehead against hers. “Oi, stupid glasses, keep your damn voice down! You’re not Above, so don’t act like you are!” Even with our heads pressed so close together, she proceeded to nod happily like an excited puppy. “Tch, you are a pain. You’re probably the type that’d still follow even if I used my Gear, huh?” again, she nodded.
   “I’m Hanji Zoe! Squad leader and person in charge of Titan research!” I simply scoffed and turned around. Hanji proceeded to follow me like the excited puppy she seemed to be.
   “I’m home…” I called out flatly, my [color] gaze cutting over to Zack when he and the others made an appearance. Setting the dusty blonde child down, I closed the gap between me and the teenage boy, pulled him down to my short height, and proceeded to headbutt him right between the eyes. “Idiot! I cannot leave you in charge for less than two hours without you fucking up! Cameron could have been hurt, or worse, she could have been killed!” with each word, I kicked him hard in the side, causing the others to wince at his punishment.
   “We had our hands full with Jon! He kept trying to get out so he could start going to those Fight Clubs again in the Lower District, mom!” Derek and Morgan pipped up, pointing at the guilty boy. I simply punched him in the back of the head.
   “OW! That hurt ma!”
   “That’s the point, brat! Use your brain next time, not your damn fists!” Jon pouted, rubbing at the forming lump on his skull. “Lacy, take Cam upstairs and get ready for bed. Both of you.” She nodded, her short ginger hair sticking up every which way, and grabbed Cameron’s free hand as the both ventured upstairs. With that done, I plopped down at the kitchen table, throwing my legs over the corner and crossing them, as I gestured to an empty spot for Hanji. She sat down, her wide eyes flittering around the room, trying to take in everything at once. “What exactly do the Scouting Corps. want with me?”
   Her eyes zoned in on me once I started speaking. “Danchou wanted to talk to you about joining us. Seems you and your family have made quite a name for yourselves, however it seems that you have his interest out of all of you.” She pointed at me. I appreciate Hanji’s use of ‘family’ over ‘subordinates.’
   I sighed, pulling my bandana down. “If he is only looking to recruit me, then he best leave. I have my family to take care of…”
   “Mom, think this through…” Zack spoke softly into my ear. “Just play that game with them. If you win, you stay, if they win, you go.” Waving him off, I allowed my feet to fall loudly back onto the wooden floor.
   “How about we place a wager. Us of the Underground like a good bet. If I can escape and/or evade all the Scouts that are currently here, you will all go away and I shall stay here. However if I am caught and cannot escape in the time limit, I will keep my word and join you. Take it or leave it.”
   “What kind of time limit are we talking about?” she inquired, leaning her elbows on the creaky wooden table top.
   “Does two hours sound good to you?”
   Hanji stood, her palms flat against the top, as she nodded. “I’ll have to confirm with danchou, but you have a deal, Widow.”
   “[full name].”
   “My name. It is [full name].”
   With a small smile, she nodded and left.
   Sighing heavily, I casted Zack a side long glance. “Let us just hope that your damn plan works, idiot…”
   I stood in front of the whole Scouting Corps. waiting, my bandana pulled over my face while my oily [color] hair was pulled back and tied with a string. ‘It’s starting to feel really nasty…’ I inwardly cringed at remembering that I haven’t bathed in a few days to save water for cooking and the others, as disgusting as that might be, it was one of the major problems most had to deal with while living in the Underground.
   Hanji happily bounce before me, a large grin spread across her sun kissed face. “Widow! You came!”
   Scoffing, I crossed my arms over my small chest. “I gave my word, didn’t I? What kind of example would I be to my family if I broke a vow?” I stressed the word ‘family’ once I caught sight of Mr. Forehead-mustache.
   She nodded in understanding. “Anyways, about your offer… Danchou agreed to it~”
   “Ah…” I gestured to the others to come over. “Derek, you and Morgan go to the Lower District and tell the dumb-fucks down there that if they so much as think of causing trouble, that they’ll be getting a ‘Lacy Surprise’.” I tossed a hooked blade towards them both, which they caught and grinned devilishly at what they could possibly do, and nodded before running off. “Jon, you’re in charge of Lacy and Cam… Zack…”
   “Yeah?” the tall auburn haired teen asked, coming forward.
   “Still have that watch your daddy gave you?” he nodded, pulling out the silver pocketwatch. “You’ll be time-keeper. Understood?” he popped open the cover, signaling that he was ready. “On your signal… danchou…” I purred sarcastically, pulling out the handles for my 3DMG. At the slightest twitch of his dominant hand did I react, shooting the cables and fleeing from the Scouts that chased me through the chaos of the Underground.
   Nearly two hours have passed, as it started getting down to the last ten minutes, and I stood in a dark alleyway, trying to catch my breath. Ejecting one of my tanks, I shook it a bit, hearing the gas inside, alerting me to the fact I only had ¼th of a tank left. “Fuck.” My head snapped up, seeing a figure wearing Maneuver Gear at the mouth of the alley. I stepped back as they stepped forward, my eyes darting around for any form of escape.
   Locating one, I shot one of my cables off, hearing the Scout do the same just a hair trigger second after I did. Mere seconds later I felt someone tackle me out of the air, forcing our cables to release as we tumbled to the hard ground. I groaned, head throbbing from where it made contact with the solid floor – of fucking course it is solid [Name]! – as something cold brushed against my collarbone. My left hand shot to my hip, retracting a flick blade, and pressing the sharp point against their right femoral artery.
   Seems they had the same thought in mind as they pressed their own knife against my carotid artery. [color] clashed against stormy gray orbs as I stared at the person above me. ‘Of fucking course it would be him of all people…’ Resigning myself to my fate, I placed my weapon away, and just laid there under his person. His heavy lidded eyes read his confusion, causing me to smirk, as I looked away, and caught sight of Zack. My heart started hurting, as I saw the tears he shed drip off the point of his chin, before he scrubbed them away with his sleeve.
   “T-Time!” he shouted, alerting others of the Corps. that it was all over…
   Ten years had passed since then, and not a day goes by that I do not miss my family. “Bun-taichou [Name]!” I turned, seeing one of the rookies – Jean, I think his name was – call out to me while struggling to maintain his balance under the large stack of documents he held in his arms.
   I quickly grabbed the top half, lessening his load, and quirked an eyebrow at him. “Yes?” his cheeks flushed a dusty pink as I continued to stare up at him. Due to crappy genetics and being malnourished most of my life, I was the shortest person in the Scouting Corps. at the shitty height of four foot-nine inches. However, unlike before where I was mistaken for a little boy, in my time as a Scout I had… filled out… a lot.
   Because of this, most rookies seem to developed this odd crush on me, until training comes around; earning me the nickname of “Satan’s Mother” by nearly everyone. “Err… Heichou wants to speak with you.”
   “Ah…” I gave him back the documents and straightened my uniform a bit, fixing the leather gloves I wore along with the black bandana I wore around my neck, before turning on my heels, heading towards Levi’s office.
   Knocking, I waited politely for an answer. “Name and business…” his deep voice commanded.
   “[Name] and you asked for me, stupid.” Rolling my [color] eyes, I pushed open the door and promptly entered, taking a seat directly across from his desk, and crossed my legs.
   He shuffled and straightened a few documents after shooting me a look, before resting his chin on his laced fingers. “I’ve noticed how distracted you have been lately, [Name]. That is unlike you, and we cannot afford any type of distractions…”
   This was Levi’s own way of asking what was wrong. I sighed, turning to stare out his open window. “I miss them. That’s all…” he quirked an eyebrow at me. “Also, an anniversary is coming up. After 10 years, it seems everything is starting to overflow.”
   “What… kind of anniversary?” Levi hesitantly asked, possibly feeling a bit out of place.
   I attempted a sardonic smile. “Forgive me. I tend to forget that no one here knows everything about me. It is my actual daughter’s death anniversary.” I looked down at my leather-clad hands. “You, of all people, know how bad it can get there. Children are the main targets for anything, and I just happen to be one of those targets. One of the King’s prized rats decided to… well…” he understood what I meant. “I was probably 9 or 10. I don’t know, the years blend together anymore that keeping track is troublesome. Its a painful process, giving birth, but knowing that there will be someone to love you unconditionally makes all the pain worth it. However, Allison died five months after she was born. She got sick, and there was nothing I nor anyone else could do for her.”
   I wrung my hands. “It was around that time that I met Zack and his father. I struck a deal with them. I would take Zack and raise him like my son, and in return his father would kill one person for me. I accepted and he took care of my personal monster. After that, I started taking in kids that had trouble adjusting to the Underground, and all that jazz. I became their mother, they became my kids, and we made a living for ourselves… I have not seen my family in ten years, and I miss them dearly…”
   I tensed, feeling Levi roughly grab my wrist and hauled me up to my feet. His steely, near silver, gray hooded gaze stared down into my own [color] bewildered ones. “We have a few days off, [Name]. You should use them to see your family again.”
   Levi released my wrist and turned on his heel, keeping his back facing towards me. “Heichou, would… would you like to visit them with me?” His gunmetal gray eyes pierced me as he cast a simple look back at me from over his shoulder, silently questioning my reason for my request. “The reason should be obvious… Mainly to someone like you, Levi.” Crossing my arms over my midsection, I smirked softly. “I know a few routes to get there that you would never believe, too.”
   I pulled my old bandana up, over the lower half of my face, as we descended the steps of a bakery’s cellar, only gaining access after showing the aging owner the brand of a female Black Widow on my left palm, before finding a trapdoor. Grabbing the rusted handle, I started pulling it up, making it kick up dust as it revealed another set of handmade dirt steps. “Tsk, disgusting…” the Corporal grunted, waving a hand in front of his face to clear the air of the dust particles.
   “It’s the Underground, heichou. Nothing is clean down there.” I stated, lighting a lantern and went down the stairs first, listening as the dirt crunched under the souls of our boots as the stale smell of vomit, urine, alcohol, and garbage started to surround us both. “Ugh… I do not miss this stench in the least bit!” I exclaimed loudly as I pinched my nose closed.
   It took us probably ten, fifteen, minutes to reach the main area of the Underground, causing both of us to stare at the changes that have been made since either of us last step foot in this place. As we wandered through the grimy streets, our cloaks drawn tight around us to obscure our Maneuver Gear, did a filthy hand shot out, tightly grasping my right wrist as the person held me above, causing me to drop the lantern.
   “Why ain’t ya a purdy thin’…” the disgusting fat slob crooned darkly, eyeing me up and down. “Ya seem to have somethin’ shiny attached t’ ya, too…”
   I narrowed my [color] gaze in annoyance as I dangled from my arm. “Know your place, dipshit!” I shouted, biting the hem of my leather glove that covered my left hand and removed it, before ramming my palm against his jaw. The idiot let me go as he staggered back, rubbing at his jaw. Stepping forward, I jammed my heel against his manly-bits, and proceeded to show him the brand on my palm. “Fuck off before I show you why Black Widows are venomous.” The man quickly scampered off as I pulled my glove back on.
   “Even after ten years, your scar still seems to scare people.” Levi commented, having watched the whole thing instead of helping.
   “Yeah, well, when you have to clean up the messes of Derek and Morgan, the Sadistic Pair, you happen to become well known for having two kids that’ll do anything when bored.” I shrugged, continuing on my way. “Then there was Jon. He and Cameron were the runts, but he had a fighter’s spirit, that kid does. If someone wasn’t watching him constantly, he’d make his way towards the Lower District for Fight Clubs. I honestly do not remember a time of Jon coming back empty handed, either.”
   I chuckled. “Then there’s Lacy, the second youngest. As tricky as a fox and just as pretty, but if you so much as try to touch her in a way she does not like, consider your balls forfeited.” The stoic Lance Corporal winced at the thought. “She keeps a hooked blade strapped to her thigh, just for cases like those. We’ve all come to call it the ‘Lacy Surprise.’” Smiling, I remembered when the boys came up with that one. “Zack was my protégé, as he was with me the longest, while Cameron was our lookout. She has unnaturally sharp eyes. Her eyes are probably as sharp as Mike’s nose.”
   With all this talking I was doing, I nearly bypassed my old home. Taking a deep breath through my nose, I slowly opened the door, fearing of what I would see on the other side. Probably seeing how hesitant I was, Levi set an encouraging hand on my shoulder, I nodded back gratefully and pushed open the old wooden door. “I’m home!” I called out, just waiting for any signs of life.
   Footsteps could be heard running down the stairs as a tall man with an auburn colored sea-urchin on his head appeared, blinking his green eyes in confusion at us both, while a set of identical sandy blond haired men stood on either side of him with light Jade green eyes. A stocky, well built, young man with a wild mane of mahogany that fell down his neck, and slightly in his rust brown eyes, stood on the stairs. Peaking over his shoulder was a girl with bright blue eyes and choppy ginger hair, a white cloth mask obscuring her lower face, but I could still see how pale she was. “M-mom?” the identical young men were the first to speak.
   Awkwardly, I spread my arms open. “Do I really look that bad?” they both ran over and squished me between them both in a tight hug, causing two others to join in. Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed the only one that hadn’t joined in was Jon.
   “What are you waiting for, dumb-fuck? A written invitation? Come and join the group hug!” Lacy scolded, casting a glare at the only one that had not greeted me yet.
   He shuffled down the steps before meeting up with me. His thin lips pressed into an even thinner line before he wrapped me up in his arms, easily picking me up off my feet.
   To say the least, it was nerve wrecking as we all sat around the tiny table that we seem to have outgrown, to the point I actually had to sit on Levi’s lap just to make room for everyone. However, my mind did not linger on that fact at all. I noticed that someone was missing from our family reunion. I was afraid to ask, but I did so anyways. I asked the one question I ever regret asking… “where’s Cameron?”
   The air grew tense as everyone stopped talking. Lacy started looking at her lap, while the twins fidgeted in their seats. Jon looked neutral, while Zack’s face contorted into one of pain. “Sh-she died… four years ago…” the young man muttered lowly.
   I felt like like I just got the air knocked out of me as I cupped my mouth, feeling my tears drip onto my wrist. “Oh… so now you care?” my head snapped up, [color] meeting rust brown in a startled clash.
   Morgan quickly got to his feet first and grabbed Jon by the front of his shirt. “You little shit! That’s no way to talk to mom! Of course she cares! Why wouldn’t she care that one of her kids died?!”
   “She left us, you piss ant! Tell me, how is that carrying for us?! She isn’t even our real mother!”
   I knew it… I should not have came back…
   “Don’t fucking ‘Jon’ me, Zack! Or are you just that damn blind to overlook the fact that she replaced us! [Name] doesn’t give a damn about us. Simple as that.”
   … … …
   “Oi, shit stain…” I hiccoughed softly, hearing the Lance Corporal speak for the first time since entering my old home. “How the fuck would you know if [Name] replaced you?” his voice was calm and even as he spoke to the younger man. “You are full of shit, you know. That’s probably why you have such shitty eyes, too. Your mother, here, has been worrying about you fuckers for the last ten years—”
   “Yet she never made an effort to see—”
   “Don’t fucking interrupt me, shit stain.” Levi’s voice took on a darker tone to it. “[Name] nearly got herself killed because she worried more about a worthless asshole like you than herself.” His fingers curled into my hip, making me remember my own carelessness that costed me a dislocation. “In my opinion, she should not waste anything for a little shit like you. Boohoo, the person who took you in had left, because she honored an agreement she made. You know what would have happened instead? The MP’s would have gotten her instead, and she would be rotting away in a cell somewhere like an animal. You honestly think those bastards would give a shit about someone from here? A female from the Underground no less?” the man sneered at Jon as my tears ran down face face quickly.
   “What’s with all this noise? I tryin’ ta take a nape…” a soft voice spoke from behind the two – previously – fighting men. “Some’mun has a bad potty mouth, too.”
   A child, a little girl to be exact, with thin dirty blonde hair stood there, wiping the sleepy dust from her hazel eyes. “Good going, ya dingus.” Zack smacked Jon upside the head before picking up the small child.
   Zack muttered something that only the child could hear, as I watched on, feeling myself stiffen once her eyes landed on me. A chill ran down my spine, taking in the familiarity of them. “Grammy?” her sleepy voice muffled by the thumb she sucked on.
   The auburn haired man handed the tiny child to me, giving me the chance to cradle her in my arms as she rested her head against my shoulder, facing towards the Lance Corporal. “Before some gobshite interrupted me, earlier, I was gonna tell you the reason why Cameron passed away.” Zack casted a scathing glare at Jon, causing the younger man to cringe, appearing smaller than he really was, before redirecting his gaze back to me. “That little girl is why Cam’s not with us. She gave up her life to bring her into the world… However, before she passed, Cam mentioned that it was something you would have done. That you would give your life for your kids… And that’s why this gobshite is pissed.” To make a point, the auburn haired man slapped Jon upside his head.
   “Grumpy looks grumpy…” the tiny child mumbled around her thumb, looking directly at Levi. “Grumpy needs a bananer… they make you happy.”
   My [color] eyes widen as I turned, facing the dead-panned Lance Corporal who seemed to be having a staring contest with the little four year old. The child was not going to back down and pointedly kept staring back. “Grumpy?” I inquired.
   “Grammy,” she pointed up at me, “Grumpy,” her finger now pointed directly at Levi’s face. It finally clicked as to what she was talking about, causing my whole face to redden at the thought.
   “N-No, no, no, no! That’s Levi-heichou, not Grandpa! Heichou!”
   “You are an embarrassment, child!” I covered my face with my hands, groaning in frustration over how adamant she was.
   “Pfftt…” the twins started snickering, looking at our odd threesome mischievously. “Allison’s deadset on mom’s superior being grandpa… Is that what they teach you in the military?”
   “What… was that?” I asked ominously, slowly turning to look at them both as I cracked my knuckles. “Excuse me.” I sat the girl on Levi’s lap in my place as I stood, making my way around the table towards the two idiots. “Mind repeating that you little fuckers?!” before they had a chance to respond did I grab them both by their collars, dragging them out of the house. “You two talk big, but can you back your shit up?” they lay on their backs, staring up at me, before scrambling to their feet. “Show me what you’ve learned in the last ten years, kids…”
   Derek and Morgan groaned as forming bruises littered their forms, and I dusted off my clothes while licking the split lip they gave me. “Still have a long ways to go, children.” They said nothing, just narrowing their Jade colored eyes at me from their spots on the ground.
   “Are you—”
   “— thinking what—”
   “— I’m thinking?” they finished together, quickly catching their breaths as coy grins curled their lips. “Of course you are, brother!” the twins got to their feet, ignoring whatever bit of grime or blood that clung to them, as they each threw an arm over my shoulders. “We have decided, mother!”
   “And what have you two spawns of Satan decided?”
   “… You might not like it…”
   “But we have decided that—”
   “— we’ll join the military with you!”
   “Told you that you wouldn’t like it.” Derek and Morgan dead panned, running their free hands through their sandy blond waves.
   “Of course I don’t, you idiots!”
   “Think of it logically, mom! We’re the perfect, and we do mean perfect, team. We don’t need to talk to inform the other what is going on, and our attacks are in perfect sync. Throw in the fact that we love to fight dirty if it means us winning the fight, then you got a good set of soldiers.”
   Turning, I stared at the others that clogged up the door. “Any of you share this fucked up idea?” without any hesitation, Lacy’s hand shot up in the air before smacking Jon, who proceeded to slowly raise his own hand. Zack just rubbed the back of his neck as he shook his head in the negative.
   “One of us would have to look after Ally, as well as look after any other kids of the Underground, so it’d be best if it was me.”
   “Oh, is that so?” the auburn haired man flinched, noticing the glint my eyes took. “So the rest of you think you have what it takes to make it as a Scout, hm?” Lacy and the twins nodded furiously. “Heichou, do you think my brats have a chance in the Corps.?”
   The vertically challenged man scuffed, carrying the toddler under his arm as if she was nothing more than documents. “I doubt they’d be able to take down Springer or Blouse.” I chuckled in agreement with his statement.
   “Mother! How cruel of you to doubt your own children!” whined the twins, grabbing my legs.
   “Get the hell off me. You aren’t 13 anymore!”
   “Brother! Mom’s sexually frustrated!” they cried as one, clinging to each other as my face heated up.
   “Why you—!”
   “Instead of killing them, [Name], wouldn’t it be best to make them eat their words?”
   I looked back at my Corporal. “You honestly think Erwin would accept?”
   “Tch. I do not give a shit if Eyebrows accepts or not. Your brats would provide some entertainment back at HQ.”
   “Grumpy’s mouth is full of poo…” chimed Allison cheerfully. A tiny grin curled the man’s thin lips as his gun metal gay eyes slid down to her.
   Erwin was no where in sight when we returned, mainly with the six extra bodies that we had following behind us. The young cadets seem to take notice first, as they all came scurrying over to look at the unknown faces. “Let’s see…” I sat Allison down as I strolled up and down the line. “You,” I pushed Jean forward, “you,” Eren, “you,” Mikasa, “you,” Connie, “and you.” I finished while pushing Ymir forward. “Jean paired with Lacy, Mikasa with Jon, Derek and Connie, while Ymir with Morgan.”
   “Er… what about me, Bun-taichou?” inquired Eren, pointing up at himself.
   “You, my dear cadet, will be paired with my protégé Zack.” I gestured, watching as the teen’s sea-green eyes trailed up, widening at how tall the younger man was. Zack was pushing closer to Mike’s height, though he was still a bit shorter than the man with the habit to sniff people. “The rest of you will be watching, got that? As for you that’ll be sparring… Word of warning, my kids won’t go easy on you and will use any underhanded tactic they can. First up is Lacy and Jean.”
   I picked up Allison again and leaned back against the wall next to Levi, grinning ever so slightly as Lacy pulled off her face mask, tucking it away in her coat pocket before tossing it away. Jean watched her, looking wary as she slowly walked around him, a coy grin curling her pearl colored lips as her skirt fluttered around her legs. ‘The fox is coming out to play.’ I thought, just as Lacy slowly glided the tip of her tongue over her upper lip, drawing Jean’s eyes there.
   “Bad move.” Allison commented, watching Lacy zip forward, driving her knee into his stomach before flipping back, lightly bouncing on the balls of her feet as she shook out her arms. Jean looked back up at her, yet his gaze dragged back down to her slender legs. “Stupid!” the ginger haired woman’s grin slipped, showing her annoyance as she stomped over and grabbed the sandy-brown haired teen by the collar of his uniform, bringing them face to face.
   “Oi, horse-face! Take me seriously, dammit!”
   “She said the magic word…” I chuckled, watching as Jean smacked her hands away and took a fighting stance, looking a bit more serious than he did before. Lacy nodded in approval, holding a loose fist out in front of her at shoulder level, while her other hand was left open at hip level.
   Punches were thrown and blocked, some hitting while others missed their marks, before Lacy fisted his uniform collar, planting her left foot into his stomach, and throwing him over her head. Without waiting, she flipped herself over and straddled his chest, placing the hooked blade that was hidden under her short skirt against the underside of his jaw. “Hm… Now that I got a better look at ya… yer pretty cute… For a guy with a horse face, that is.” Getting up, Lacy dusted off her legs and skirt, leaving Jean on the dirt ground, and smiled at me. “So… How was I, mom?”
   “She’s adequate… for a shitty brat, that is.”
   Lacy puffed out her cheeks and walked off. “Morgan, Ymir, up front!”
   Morgan whistled lowly. “Hello Miss Leggy~” he smirked, standing across from her. “What do you think, Brother?”
   “Eh… I’d give her a 6/10. Not our type, though.” Morgan nodded in agreement.
   Ymir and Morgan’s fight ended in a draw, much to the twins’ amusement, as I gestured towards Derek and Connie. “Try and keep the trash talk to a minimum, okay?”
   “Like the bald look, but personally it’s not my style.” Derek remarked, pulling his sandy blond hair back into a half ponytail, allowing a few strands frame his charming face, as he cracked his knuckles. “After all, the ladies love having something to hold on to.” He chuckled suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows a bit to help get his point across.
   Even after the beating I gave him, Derek was able to go easy on the shorter teen. In a matter of minutes, after the older man stopped playing around, did he get behind Connie a pulled him into a wrenching full Nelson, nearly making the younger teen pass out from the lack of blood circulating to his brain. Before Connie passed out from the hold, Derek released him and easily picked him up and carried him over to a tree by the other cadets. Not waiting for my signal, Jon strode forward just before Mikasa.
   “You know, right now would be a great time to lay down bets.” I muttered, looking at Levi from the corner of my eyes.
   Ally watched us both intently, seeing as the two have yet to start their spar, and waited for the man’s answer. “Twenty coin, and a week of cleaning duty, says your shit stain son and the brat tie.”
   I hummed in response. “Okay. Twenty coin, and you actually sleeping, says that Jon’ll come out on top.” We shook on it to seal the deal. The twenty-two year old man stood his ground, waiting as a gentle breeze blew through, ruffling his mahogany mane. Adjusting her stance just a bit, Mikasa launched herself into action, aiming a swift kick to Jon’s side. He took the kick, and all of her punches, while blocking his head, his rust-brown orbs following every movement the oriental girl made like a hawk.
   Mikasa swung, aiming to break through his defenses to hit him in the face, only to end up with her arm trapped by his own and pinning it to the side; thus bringing her closer for a headbutt to the bridge of her nose. Jon moved, sliding his hip behind her, using her trapped arm as leverage, and threw Mikasa down. The other cadets gasped in surprise at the take-down, however the red scarf-wearing girl did not stay down for long, as she quickly got back to her feet and charged at Jon. The mahogany haired man blocked her punches, grabbed her scarf, and tossed her back.
   If looks could kill, the young male would have been six feet under. From where I stood, I could easily see the young female’s jaw locking up, her piercing gaze locked on Jon’s challenging one. She came after him again, aiming to swipe his feet from under his stocky form, which worked, making the man fall on his ass. “Tsk.” Jon flipped back, barely dodging an axe kick to the top of his head, and got to his knees. Tensing up, he launched himself forward, digging his shoulder right under her breasts, and tackled her to the ground.
   The two rolled around, trying to one up the other and pin them, but it didn’t last long when Jon got his knee between her legs. “Jon don’t—!” without listening to my warning, he kneed Mikasa hard between the legs as he grabbed hold of the lapels of her coat, and headbutted her once more, allowing him to come out on top. Mikasa gasped loudly, curling into the fetal position with her hands between her legs. Setting Allison down, I stormed over to the man who sat on his knees, heavily panting, as he wiped away sweat from his brow. “You idiot!” he flinched, just as my boot made contact with the side of his head. Grabbing a handful of his sweat-drenched hair, I pulled him up and kneed him in the jaw, sending Jon backwards.
   “What the hell, mom! You didn’t set any rules, meaning it was fair game!” he shouted, wiping away the blood that trailed from his nose.
   “When have I ever allowed Fight Club moves, though, Jon?!” Jon bit his tongue but scowled at me in return. “Now you’re gonna get off your sorry ass, pick up Mikasa – gently might I add – and take her to the infirmary like the gentlemen that you should be, or so help me I’ll kill you myself! Do I make myself clear young man?”
   “Y-Yes mother!” he stammered, scrambling to his feet and gently picked up Mikasa bridal style, his ears turning a bright pink, as he lowly asked for directions. Allison, seeing this as a perfect chance to explore, chased after them both and seem to be trying to bombard the Asian girl with questions.
   “A-Are you okay, Squad Leader [Name]?” Eren asked, coming to my side.
   “I’m fine, I’m fine. Though I won’t say the same for you…” the tanned boy gulped in response, turning to face the ever intimidating Zack. “Seeing as I have to set some ground rules here… No hits below the belt, as in no intentional nut-shots,” I casted both boys a look, “and no bladed weapons of any kind.” I held a hand out towards Zack, who simply shrugged, and removed a knife from his right boot and a dagger from the left, and placed them in my hand. Seeing my knowing look, Zack took off the one strapped to his right hip, handing it over, followed by the one strapped to his back, before pushing up both of his sleeves to show two combat knives strapped to both of his inner forearms.
   Eren’s sea-green eyes widen in silent awe at all the blades, while I gestured to the older of the two’s boots again. Zack snorted and kicked the heel of his right boot, forcing the hidden blade to pop out, and gave it to me. “That’s all of them, I promise.”
   “Oh, I know. Seven has always been your lucky number.” I returned back to my spot next to the Lance Corporal, and proceed to cross my arms. Without saying anything, Levi placed the gold coins he owed in my waiting hand. Eren did not look too sure as he took his fighting stance, his sea-green eyes focused on Zack warily. “Begin whenever you’re ready!”
   Zack’s large size was an advantage, but also a disadvantage, and against someone like Jaeger, his size was a huge handicap. Eren happened to be light on his feet, unlike the auburn haired man, and used that to aid him as they sparred. Very rarely did Zack land a solid punch or kick on the younger male, while said male was able to finally knee him in the mid-thigh, bringing the giant down into a panting mess. “Okay… OW! What the hell is your knee made of, kid? Rocks?”
   I whistled lowly, patting Eren on the back as I passed (though I was tempted to pat him on the ass just to see how he’d react, however I will leave that up to Hanji to do), and toed the area on Zack’s thigh. He winced in pain as I stared. “The little shit dead-legged you! Of all the damn moves you let him do, you let him fucking dead-leg you! Haha, and was a Grade 2 dead-leg!” I teased, watching as his face heated up into a bright red. “Oi, help your moronic brother up!” I pointed at the twins, who nodded and helped Zack to his feet while sickeningly sweet smiles, “show these idiots the infirmary.” The German boy saluted and escorted all three into HQ. Lacy, on the other hand, was too busy talking up a storm with a slightly flustered Jean.
   “Was that enough entertainment for you, Heichou?”
   “Tch. Your shitty brats might have what it takes to be apart of the Scouting Corps… If they can use 3DMG as well as they can brawl.”
   I hummed lowly with a soft smile. “What is going on here?” turning around, I spotted Erwin walking over to us.
   “Whoops. What now?”
   “Levi, [Name], what is going on here?” Erwin demanded, standing in front of us.
   “A friendly bet?” I offered, making Levi snort.
   “Calm the hell down, Erwin. You look like you’re ready to take a huge shit.” Commented Levi, looking as stoic as ever.
   “I would like some answers, Levi. Just who are these people?”
   Humanity’s Strongest pointed a thumb at me. “Why don’t you ask her. They are her brats after all.”
   Mr. Forehead-mustache quirked one of the majestic sides of said mustache as he turned an icy gaze towards me, silently waiting for my answer. Shooting a quick glare at the shorter man, to which he replied with a smug smirk, I gave the Commander an awkward smile. “You remember the kids I used to look after, right?” he nodded, “you see, it started like this…” I began, telling Erwin what happened, leaving out the embarrassing bit of being forced to sit on Levi’s lap, and that my granddaughter thinks that he’s her grandpa… “which leads us to this moment in time. Moreover, no matter how much I do not like the idea, they are all grown up and can make their own choices. In addition, from what they’ve show us, they’d make great soldiers.”
   “We would have to test them out on the 3D Maneuver Gear, but from what you have just told me, I do not see any reason to not permit them to join our ranks. I trust yours and Levi’s judgment, [Name]…” Erwin told us both, just as a teasing grin curled his lips. “However, about this bet you two made… How do you honestly plan on getting Levi to sleep more than 3 hours, [Name]?”
   “Well, since I joined, I sorta have filled out. Women are known as walking pillows… I am a woman, he’s a man… Simple math, isn’t it?” I replied innocently, watching as heichou’s ears turned a bright red as he scoffed softly at my words. This display caused Erwin to chuckle as he left us alone. Sliding my [color] gaze over, I smiled softly at the flustered man. “You do know I willingly gave up that day, right?”
   “Why did you?”
   Giggling, I shrugged my shoulders. “Who knows? Maybe it was because this guy I happened to look up to – no matter how short he is compared to other men – and is pretty handsome, was straddling my thighs at the time…” his stormy gray orbs widened a fraction, “maybe it also had something to do with the fact that we street rats, the ones casted out like garbage originally, can actually make a name for ourselves. To actually be somebody… Both of those reasons are why I willingly gave up.” Chuckling, I noticed how bright Levi’s ears were. “I guess what I’m trying to also say is that… I really fucking love you, too, you neurotic clean freak dumbass.”
   “Where the—!”
   “Oh please! You awkward fucker! No one, not even Hanji or Mike, noticed that I was missing my family. In addition, you giving me advice to see them, and agreeing to come with me on top of that? You must either really like and/or love them, or you finally gone batshit crazy. The Levi Ackerman that I know doesn’t do shit for nobody unless they are important to him.” I stood on the tips of my toes as my fingers wrapped around his white cravat. “Just admit you are an awkward shit when it comes to expressing yourself, and that you love me, even if I’m filthy.”
   “You are not filthy…” he commented harshly.
   “Are you sure about that, heichou? I can be a real filthy woman when it calls for it~”
   In mere seconds I found myself slung over his broad shoulder, looking directly at his nice ass, as he carried me into HQ. “Oh? Then I must clean you thoroughly, then, to rid you of such filth [Name].”
   “Is that a threat, Levi-heichou?” I asked, pushing my [color] strands out of my face.
   “No. It’s a damn promise.”
   Next morning, when Eren walked into the dining hall, he stared curiously at the Lance Corporal, who, dare the Titan shifter say it, looked normal… Well, as normal as a vertically challenged clean freak could, while everyone else looked miserable. “Why do you all look half dead?” the German teen asked, questioning the newest ‘members’ of the Scouts and the other cadets, taking note that the little girl was over with Squad Leader [Name] and Corporal. He thought he heard the child call the stoic man “grumpy”.
   Jean groaned, glaring at the other teen. “You sure are fucking lucky, Jaeger, being able to sleep in the basement.”
   “How the hell is that ‘lucky’, horse-face?”
   “You didn’t have to hear them,” the long-faced teen pointed at the two formally mentioned adults, “going at it like rabbits all night! It is probably worse than hearing your own parents having sex!”
   “Squad Leader [Name] just so happens to be a screamer…” Connie added, shuddering at the thought.
   The twins giggled to themselves, while the rest of [Name]’s family looked ill. “When you put it that way, I’m glad I do sleep in the basement.”
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elyssebeeart · 6 years
Requiem’s End
Fandom: Transformers (Universe: Movie/Bay!verse) Rating: G Word count: ~3.3k Warnings: Death mentions Summary: Not long after the events of The Last Knight the Autobots travel to Cuba, a designated sanctuary for their kind. There they hope to reunite with old comrades and surviving members before returning to Cybertron. However, the reunion isn’t entirely sparkwarming. Disclaimer: This is to bridge the last movie and the hinted events of the [cancelled?] next film and make sense of some plotholes/unexplained things throughout the past 3 films (Dark of the Moon, Age of Extinction, The Last Knight) while keeping comic happenings/backstory in mind. Also it includes a couple of OCs who have full backstories the cinematic verse: Fyreant (c) me and Ravebreaker (c) @pumpkinachai​ (On Deviantart, Pending Ao3)
“Shouldn’t we be gettin’ a welcome party or somethin’? We’re war heroes, y’know.” Crosshairs complained loudly in his Cockney accent, looking unimpressed at their apparent new home as he transformed from his alt-mode. The green Autobot paratrooper bit at his dentapick in annoyance, “Sanctuary nothin’, this is punishment. Why we here again? Thought we’d be headin’ for Cybertron lickety-split but it’s been four days!”    
“Qui vivra verra. Be patient, mon amie.” Hot Rod encouraged, transforming next to him. The sleek black robot with orange accents tried his best to interpret his unshakable French accent, “You might like what’s inside, no? Might like it here.”      
“Anyone home?” Drift inquired as he shifted to bipedal mode, the red samurai-esque robot tilting his head. “Perhaps we got the place wrong?” 
“Shh, quiet you lot. I’ve been dying to do this.” Their burly comrade, Hound, hushed as he rolled up and transformed as well. He grabbed a grenade off his belt and chucked it into the open building, calling out, “Fire in the hole!”
There was no sound for a few moments before banging and clattering was heard followed by a string of curses as a blue robot with a blue visor scrambled outside, shouting in a southern accent, “Slag it! Who in the Pit thought it was a funny idea!? Which one of you hooligans did it? I swear-”
“Topspin, there ya are. Almost didn’t recognize ya with that new look of yours, nearly took ya for Leadfoot.” Hound identified the fellow Autobot, leaning back in satisfaction as he crossed his arms. “Getting a bit rusty are we?”
“Hound, you ole dog! You tryin’ to frag me?” Topspin’s demeanor instantly changed to one of fondness as he saw the culprit. “And I got a mod in Lead’s memory, got a problem?”
“No problem. And there ain’t be no trying if I did. Didn’t ya notice the pin wasn’t pulled?”  
“‘Course! I’m not blind, you piece of slag. Doesn’t mean I wasn’t about to frag someone.”
The two mechs proceeded to clasp arms affectionately before giving each other a friendly punch. Topspin let out a laugh, slapping Hound on the back, “Looks like you made it to Cuba in one piece! I’m never sure who’s going to end up on my doorstep; I heard Prime’s broadcast, guess radio silence is over.”
“It’s not like ya to miss out on a fight let alone multiple battles. Didn’t take ya much for a ‘Bot looking for retirement.”
“Yeah neither did I but losin’ my Wrecker crew and gettin’ wounded got me thinkin’. Then my buddy Simmons hooked me up and here I am! Still tryin’ to get him to tan those pasty legs of his; they could blind somebody.”
“Greetings, Topspin.” Drift bowed politely to the uncouth robot. “It is good to see you again. Are you alone?”     
“Hah, hell naw. Wish I was sometimes, hold on. Yo!” Topspin shouted as he turned toward another building nearby, letting out a sharp whistle. “We’ve got company, get on out here. Vámonos!”
“You know, I don’t recall you ever being made the boss.” A young husky voice called in a mocking tone, “Maybe you should get your head examined.”
“He forgets that I’m nearly as old as him and still tries to bully; his CPU must be slipping.” Another voice replied, sounding a bit older and more relaxed. “Ah, well. We just gotta roll with the music.”
“If he has any part of his CPU left. I think he does most of his cognation through his-.”
“Whoa momma! Thank you Cybertron!” Crosshairs exclaimed, looking up where the planet could be seen in the atmosphere as two figures emerged, revealing themselves to be an orange and red femme. He turned to look at Hot Rod with pure relief and excitement, “You’re right. I like it here.”
“Other Autobots?” The red femme looked interested, a smile on her faceplates as she looked over the small group, eyeing them through her dark visor. “Mmm, some fine looking mechs too. Primus is smiling on me today.”
The smaller orange femme was silent as her red gaze swept over the others, looking hardly cheerful, “Oh goodie.”
“Ravebreaker, Fyreant, meet my old comrades. ‘cept for that guy, I have no idea who he is.” Topspin gestured at Hot Rod who shrugged and bobbed his head, confirming it was true.
“Some we already know, rustbrain.” Fyreant drily informed to which Drift politely bowed.
“‘ey, I’ve got you in my sights and… I must say it’s a nice view. Name’s Crosshairs, numero uno.” The green mech introduced himself, grinning at the femmes as he gave a wink. “How’s about I let you two ladies have the ‘onor in being by my side. Best bot in the biz after all.”
Ravebreaker instantly let out a laugh and put a servo over her mouth. Her companion however looked far less amused.
“Excuse me, I need to go perform self mutilation to spare myself from repeating this experience.” Fyreant quipped flatly, equally unimpressed and disgusted. “Meeting you all was a real pleasure, like purging my tanks.”
“Mademoiselle! Wait, s’il vous plaît! Crosshairs, he is imbécile! Gros lourdeau!” Hot Rod protested, attempting to appease while shooting the offender a look. “I’m Hot Rod; I apologize on his behalf.”
“Ooo, I like your accent.” Ravebreaker purred, drawing closer, “Keep talking.”
“Figured Prime would be with you, being you fought together; heard all about it from Simmons.” Topspin scratched his head as he got a better look at the newcomers, ignoring his companions.
“Optimus will be here soon, he had something to take care of first. Didn’t fancy he needed a convoy. Besides, me and the boys were curious about this here place you got set up.” Hound informed, looking not concerned in the slightest.
“Blimey, speak of the devil.” Crosshairs grumbled as he looked back, “Can’t let a star like me shine for long on my own, can he?”
A distinctive looking red and blue semi-truck was heading toward the group. Next to the large vehicle a sporty yellow with black racing stripes car followed, keeping an even pace with the apparent Autobot leader.
“Wait… is that, Bumblebee?” Ravebreaker’s voice was full of disbelief seeing the oncoming Camero. “That has to be him! He made it! Fyre, he made it!”
Fyreant halted her retreat, her optics wide. Her snide tone softened slightly as she turned to see her old comrade, “It’s Bee?”
“Yeah, that’s him. Doesn’t like to leave Optimus’ side much when he can help it. That’s loyalty for ya.” Hound acknowledged, grinning at the approaching duo. “Kid’s got guts, but ya probably know that.”
As the two Autobots drew closer the yellow car sped ahead only to suddenly transform to bipedal mode. The robot did a somersault before landing on his feet, breaking out into a jog toward the others, giving a casual two finger salute as he joined the group.
“Bumblebee reporting for duty. Nice to see familiar faces; not so much the ugly mugs.” He shifted his gaze from his mech comrades to the two femmes, brightening, “Rave, Fyre, you’re here! Been what, five Earth years?”
“Y-you can talk?” Ravebreaker stared at the yellow mech who appeared proud and bashful as he nodded. “Like, talk talk!? That’s all you!?”
“Really? How’d you manage that?” Fyreant exclaimed, gawking as she came closer. In hearing his true voice for the first time her memory cells echoed back various audio clips he’d played previously to converse, leaving her dazed.
“It’s… hard to explain.” Bumblebee let out a small laugh, shrugging. “But yeah, this is me. This is my voice.”
“Oh, sweet-thing I’m so happy! I’m so proud you got it back!” Ravebreaker rushed over and hugged him, giving him an affectionate pat. “What a fine voice it is too to go with a fine bot!”
“Congrats.” Fyreant seemed to relax, but still managed to look semi annoyed, “A bit sorry I couldn’t repay you by fixing it but I’m glad for you; though, it’s going to take some getting used to.”
“Don’t tell me you’re going soft.” He teased, edging closer and giving her a playful nudge. “We still need our little spitfire.”
“In your dreams.” Fyreant elbowed him back, grinning deviously. She lowered her voice, “After dealing with Topspin all this time, him treating me like his personal medic, I’m rearing to get back at him. Wanna help?”
“A chance to troll? Of course!”
“Autobots, it is good to see you here.” An all too familiar deep rolling voice called out, commanding attention. Everyone turned to see their mighty leader Optimus Prime transform, revealing his towering robot self in knight-esque armor with some retrofits. “I expect more will be arriving in time in response to my call.”
“Well, it looks like everyone else is takin’ their sweet time. Whoopdeedoo.” Crosshairs sniffed, folding his arms as he looked around for some source of entertainment. “Waste of time waitin’ around, I could be doin’ somethin’ useful.”
“Patience.” Drift urged his restless companion. “Those who have yet to arrive are late, but perhaps they have much farther to come than us.”
“Including Ratchet! Can’t wait to rub that in his face when he gets here.” Fyreant admitted to Bumblebee, sounding delighted at the prospect. “So much for nagging about being first on scene!”
Instantly the demeanor of Optimus’ group changed, Crosshairs suddenly becoming still, Drift looking away, Hound hanging his head while Hot Rod looked lost. Bumblebee appeared conflicted as Fyreant gazed up at him expectantly, the mischievous twinkle still in her optics.
“He-” Bumblebee began but Optimus placed a servo on his shoulder, causing him to go silent as he glanced up at his leader.
Optimus took a moment before speaking, “It is with a heavy spark that I must inform you that Ratchet is one with the Well of All Sparks.”
The statement hung in the air like a noxious cloud as it became uncomfortably silent. The quiet appeared to invite further unease by allowing the words to echo in audio receivers as the rest of the world seemed muted.
“… No.”
The response was barely audible but it cut through the thick silence like a knife.
“No! Pit! No!” She shouted, her voice clipping as outrage consumed her sorrow, rejecting Bumblebee’s attempt to comfort. She stepped back, her red optics flaring, looking as if she’d been betrayed; her gaze flicked in accusation to the newcomers, “He can’t! He said I was still in training! He needs to finish teaching me! How can I… NO!”
“I’m sorry.” Bumblebee hung his head, his optics closing, “I’m so sorry. We weren’t there. We couldn’t save him.”
“No, no, no! Why!?”
“War hasn’t been kind to any of us, kid.” Hound solemnly acknowledged, turning his gaze to the ground as the memory of Ratchet’s fate haunted him. “Thank Primus you didn’t see… he wouldn’t have wanted it.”
“Who did it? Who killed him?” Fyreant’s optics smoldered with hatred, her voice dripping with venom. She looked at each of the newcomers, probing for an answer as she shook, “Tell me, Primus so help me.”
“Tell me, slag it!” She screamed, fluid escaping her optics as she cut off Hound. Furiously she wiped them away, trying to will the function to cease but failed. Instantly Ravebreaker was beside her, gently holding her arm out of support not restraint. “What filth took down a medic!?”
“It was Lockdown. He was workin’ together with some humans.” Crosshairs admitted, spitting at the memory. “Chasin’ us down like animals. Gutless, the lot.”
At this information Ravebreaker’s demeanor shifted, her already sad posture tensing. Though she kept a servo on Fyreant, attempting to sooth her friend who shook with fury, a tremor ran through her as well.
“I’ll burn his optics out. I’ll cauterize his nerve circuits and then scorch them repeatedly with acid!” Fyreant swore, her optics pulsing a deeper red, her original Decepticon alignment surfacing. “Then I’ll put his head in a vise and rip it off!”
“Fyre… it was five years ago.” Bumblebee softly informed, the pity plain in his optics and voice.
“I know this is hard news and I’m familiar with your rage as I also felt it deeply. But know Ratchet, my old friend, has been avenged.” Optimus knelt down on one knee to get a better look at the grieving young femme. “I personally slew Lockdown and took care of the human responsible for ordering the attacks and defilement of our kind. While I cannot say how many of our comrades fell to his cruelty he has been stopped, permanently.”
“Slag it, slag it all…” Was all Fyreant could get out as she turned away, relieved yet angry that justice and revenge by her hand had escaped her.
“What about anyone else? Surely there are more survivors.” Topspin inquired, looking upset but knew the sting of casualties too well to be surprised. “Though, y’all are the biggest group to come; usually they’re alone and it’s been gettin’ far between arrivals.”
“I am uncertain of most of our comrades’ fates.” Optimus admitted, solemn, “My hope is that they’re still in disguise here on Earth, safe until they can come to this sanctuary or return to Cybertron.”
“Sideswipe’s gone.” Ravebreaker suddenly spoke up, her casual tone cold and distant, a slight quiver in her voice. “Just over five years ago… Must have been right before Ratchet.”
This time the shock hit Optimus’ group, Bumblebee instantly shaking his head with disbelief while Optimus closed his optics in pain and let out a tired sigh.
“That bot knew how to raise hell… him and Ironhide.” Hound lamented, taking off his helmet in respect. “Primus, they were fine mechs. My condolences, little lady.”
“Rave, I’m so sorry.” Bumblebee looked back and forth between her and Fyreant, helpless as the latter closed herself off and the former, despite the steeled look, screamed raw.
“Humans attacked, I heard it over our commlink. I couldn’t do anything to help, I was too far away.” A tremor ran through her body as she took a shaky breath, “I felt it when his spark was extinguished.”
“You felt-?” Crosshairs began, confused.
“They were sparkbonded.” Bumblebee explained in a quiet voice, “Before we all split up and scattered.”
“Mon Dieu!” Hot Rod could not control his surprise, his large optics wide.
Crosshairs let out a whistle, earning an elbowing from Drift who looked just as surprised. Meanwhile Topspin was quiet, looking awkward as it was old news to him while Fyreant was still trying to control herself, her back turned.
“It grieves me to learn of Sideswipe’s demise, he was a fine comrade and a valued warrior. He chose a fine sparkmate in you, Ravebreaker.” Optimus’ tone was bittersweet though sincerity could be heard. “He will forever remain in our sparks, as well as Ratchet and all our fallen comrades. They will live on in our memories.”
“Yes, he is forever in my spark.” Ravebreaker softly spoke, placing her servo gently on her chest. “And he lives on… through our sparkling.”
At this news the others perked up, glancing at one another to affirm they heard correctly. Bumblebee’s look of sadness turned to shock and then joy, “Really?” to which Ravebreaker nodded, her servo over her spark where the apparent new life was.
“Oi now! She’s taken and goin’ to be havin’ a baby? Just my luck.” Crosshairs complained in a not so low voice to Drift, earning himself a smack across the back of the head from Hound. “Ow! Me head!”
“Zip yer lip before I bust it.”
“Despite these sad times I find joy that life continues. There is hope with this sparkling, promise that life is returning to our race.” Optimus rose to his feet, looking proud as confidence tinged his voice. “This is the mark of a new beginning.”
“Ah, good ‘cause all this melancholy is crampin’ my mojo.” Topspin declared, “This is paradise, y’all. Lighten up, sad times are behind us! We’re moving forward, amigos!” “Yeah, what he said! Ding dong, the witch is dead!” Crosshairs agreed as he sulked, rubbing the back of his head, referring to the manipulative yet deceased Quintessa.
“Not everyone is good at brushing things off.” Drift sagely commented, “Some wish to return to their roots or continue their chosen path.”
“Yeah, well this is my chosen path: I’m keepin’ my aft planted right here. Dunno about the rest of y’all, but I got over Cybertron when I thought for a while it was destroyed by the spacebridge’s implosion eight years ago. I’ve made my peace; I’m retired!”
“Could have fooled me.” Bumblebee muttered, rolling his optics at the Wrecker’s mouthiness as he mocked talked with his servo.
“I respect the decision to remain on Earth but I’ll be going to Cybertron as the Knights of Iacon have already departed for it. There is much to be done and time is short.”
“What are you here for, Prime? Obviously not the beaches.” Topspin pressed, crossing his arms. “Speaking of which, I’m losin’ good beach sun standin’ here.”
“To assemble a new team and assess this sanctuary.” Optimus informed, “I will wait here for one Earth week, giving fellow Autobots time to respond to my broadcast and choose whether to convene here for sanctuary or join me in returning to our home world. Those who choose to return to Cybertron will aid in its restoration. However they are free to come and go as they please.”
“You know, communications is just one of my many talents.” Ravebreaker placed a servo on her hip, coy smile across her faceplates. “I can help boost the signal and encrypt it so it’s harder for enemies to pick up. That should speed things up a bit too in getting the word out.”
“I’ll go.” Fyreant spoke up her voice back to its hard edge. She looked up at the Autobot leader, her red optics no longer flaring dangerously. “There is nothing left for me here on Earth despite it being my creation place. Plus I need resources to complete the frame for Rave’s sparkling… even if Ratchet isn’t here, I need to continue in his stead.”
“I understand. I look forward to having you in my company once more, Fyreant. Your expertise is extremely valuable. Ratchet would be proud of his pupil; you make a fine medic with that fiery passion.” Optimus nodded, acknowledging her resolve.
“And of course I’ll be going with her. Us gals need to stick together.” Ravebreaker announced, leaning down to the shorter femme and giving her a hug, grinning. “Can’t be without my medic, can I? Besides, Cybertron will be dying to hear my tunes once more; they don’t know how much they’ve missed this femme.”
“What about my medic?” Topspin whined, clearly not thrilled at this development, “My volleyball elbow! And my leg that locks up!”
“Go soak it in oil and stop playing slagging volleyball and do something else!” Fyreant snapped, tossing her servos up as she glared at him. “And for the last time: it’s tennis elbow, you wingnut!”
“That’s such a wussy name, and I don’t play no tennis! Simmons is wrong, I tell you.”
“Ugh, a week can’t come soon enough if I don’t die first from any more of this torture! You’re the worst patient!”
Hound let out a laugh he tried to disguise as a cough, turning away to pretend it was coughing fit that he blamed on his cy-gar under his breath. Crosshairs looked amused, grinning as he chewed his dentapick.
“Oh yeah, I’m goin’ to enjoy this.”
“I see why the young one wants to leave.” Drift observed to which Hot Rod nodded in agreement.
“Autobots, today marks the start of our new mission. We shall gather our comrades and soon return to our home world in preparation for the new threat that lies beneath our feet. We will protect not only Cybertron but Earth as well, despite each’s faults. Together we will rebuild.”
“We’re with you, Optimus.” Bumblebee affirmed, nodding with conviction. “Always.”
“Thank you, my friend. Let us set forward to this dawn of a new age. An age of Cybertron’s rebirth and our people.” The imposing Transformer turned his attention toward the sky where the battered planet orbited, his blue optics serious. “It is time for this requiem’s end.”
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dxmedstudent · 6 years
Weird Asks that Say a Lot  Meme...
My friend the wonderful @meanwhileonwednesday suggested I fill out Every even number for the 'weird asks that say a lot', so here I am. Thanks, friend! XD
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
At my first school? Artistically talented and perceptive (one teacher was very vividly impressed by my grasp of duck anatomy at like 5 years old). Then there’s the teacher at my new school who thought I had special needs because I was withdrawn (I was being bullied by most of the class, really); she was a new teacher and not really equipped to deal with that. By the end of primary school, I went back to being commended on my work ethic and smarts and artistic ability.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Hmmm I think my work clothes are mostly a formal/preppy mix. With a little bit of boho thrown in, particularly when I’m at home.
8. movies or tv shows?
I prefer movies, because they represent a lot less commitment (America, please stop giving everything like 17 seasons, I beg of you!), however TV show episodes are shorter and easier to slot into your life than a full movie.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
I was generally awful in PE. I liked benchball, can’t say that I was good in it, being yet another game where being short doesn’t do you any favours.
12. name of your favorite playlist?
Either my Kickass playlist, or my Reflective playlist.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Curled up, on my side, in a nice big armchair with my legs hanging off the side. Surrounded by pillows, and probably a cat or two.
18. ideal weather?
Picture this: it’s a sunny day; warm but not too hot. Maybe around 24 degrees celsius. There’s a warm breeze; it’s not stifling, and it’s not cold enough to make you shiver. The trees rustle with the sound of the wind; change is in the air. You can go out in short sleeves, perhaps with the thinnest of cardigans if like me your metabolism basically died 300 years ago.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Depends on what I’m writing. I am the kind of ineffectual person who starts to write tings in a notebook, but also a couple of word docs. I have post- it notes for important things. I document ideas for my comic in a note/sketch book. I love doodling in my sketchbooks.
22. role model?
I never really had one, growing up. I guess the closest I’d get is David Attenborough.
24. favorite crystal?
My birthstone is ruby (which is red; my favourite colour!) however I also love opals; I love their irdescent (OK, opalescent, technically) sparkliness and the way they shimmer with lots of colours. I don’t see why everyone prefers massive diamonds when opals are like... so much cooler. I I don’t actually own any, but maybe one day I’ll be able to buy myself a nice one.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Go for a nice long walk, take lots of pictures, have a picnic in the park. No, I lie, my favourite activity is roping someone I care about into doing it all with me, and having even more fun. 
28. five songs to describe you?
Home - Ellie Goulding Fight Song - Rachel Platten Working Woman’s Blues - Valerie June Alive - Bird Set Free My Medea - Vienna Teng
30. places that you find sacred?
Already been answered.
32. top five favorite vines?
Alas, hard to name off the top of my head. I mainly know vines from various compilations.
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
Right now? Thankfully none of them.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
That’s impossible to say! Memes were a thing before internet memes became a thing. I’d say that ‘S’ shape we all drew in primary school? Nursery rhymes? Who knows.
38. lemonade or tea?
They don’t usually compete for my love, but i have tea more often than lemonade, purely due to availability reasons.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Some students climbed onto the roof.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Honestly? Skirt pockets. But being a woman, jacket pockets are usually woefully ineffectual and small. Trouser pockets are a bit better, but again usually small. Whereas if someone puts pockets on a skirt, they make sure they are actually proper pockets!
44. favorite scent for soap?
Maybe honey, or roses, or jasmine.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
A baggy pair of PJs; I’m a dress for comfort kind of girl. Particularly since the places I’ve lived haven’t always been great in the heating department. I’ve been known to sleep in a hoodie when it gets cold.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
I would like to be a berry, or maybe an apple. Something pinkish red. Sweet, and a little sharp.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
Probably my little brother astounding me with how grown-up he is about things. He’s pretty awesome. Or my mum just saying something wildly, hilariously inappropriate XD
52. favorite font?
I love the Komika font family for my comic. I used to use Bookman Old Style, Book Antiqa, Georgia or classic Arial for essays and things like that, when they didn’t specify Times New Roman.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
Always call the med reg if you are stuck, be nice to the nurses and always help each other. OK, I did lots of volunteering in hospital before FY1. In which case my
56. favorite tradition?
My family/culture have a specific tradition on the morning of an exam/interview/life event where you fill a cup with water and a couple of plant leaves (Slavs love putting greenery into everything). You place it at the threshold,  and give it a good kick it with your dominant foot. It symbolises your knowledge flowing, and I guess it’s a good luck charm.. You also aren’t meant to look back (literally); because you should be focusing on the task at hand. As a kid it was a comforting good luck ritual, and I don’t think I ever really grew out of it.
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I’m proud of my artistic skills, modest though they are. I enjoy creating, and I enjoy that I can make things to cheer up my friends, or things that people here can relate to.
By extension, I’m good with my hands, and that usually translates to picking up procedures and things like that pretty quickly at work. And yes, I love being able to get that cannula in (especially if it’s on the first go!)  when nobody else can. It’s a tiny, tiny thing, but it sparks a little joy. I can develop good rapports with people; which means I can help them to confide their problems, and can help them to feel better or to address things that are bothering them. It’s really mostly about listening and not being judgemental. I am proud that I can sometimes make people feel better, and feel listened to. I’m proud that I learned to try to work through my feelings. As a young person who was really quite stressed, I somehow learned how to apply what’s basically CBT to keep myself relatively sane, and I think it’s helped me a lot. It was only much later that I realised it was basically CBT when I was comparing notes with friends actually going through those kinds of therapies. I’m not perfect at it, and my mind tests me on a regular basis, but it helps.
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
I don’t know what I’d like to be in? Maybe a Ghibli film. I think I’d like that.  When I was at school, a close friend of mine just turned around and said “OMG, you’re just like an anime character”, to fervent agreement from my peers. I guess they meant one of those chirpy, ditzy shojo anime characters. I can still see myself as some shojo series heroine; frantically trying to keep it together under the pressures of magical girldom, being romantically inept, trying to fight off the baddie of the week whilst learning lessons about getting along with each other, being helpful and not being mean.
62. seven characters you relate to?
Right now? Sophie from Howl’s moving castle, Princess Carolyn from Bojack Horseman, Miranda Otto from D. Gray-Man, Elinor Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility, The Red Blood Cell from Cells at Work, Kiki from Kiki’s delivery service, and Aggressive Retsuko.
64. favorite website from your childhood?
I used to love looking at other people’s art on Elfwood or Deviantart.
66. favorite flower(s)?
Today I’m feeling the answer is lilacs.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Ugh anything bitter.
70. left or right handed?
I’m ridiculously right handed, but I’ve learned to use my left hand more effectively because of procedures etc. I’m really good with my hands, but my right hand takes over like 80% of the work.
72. worst subject?
PE in school, biochemistry at university.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
At home, maybe a 3, because I don’t see the point in suffering needlessly. However at work I’ll do whatever it takes to keep functional including taking pain relief before it gets bad because I don’t want to have to deal with pain and an on-call. I’m not sure if the scale is logarithmic? I’d rate the worst pain that I’ve had 5 ot a 6, and that made me vomit and curl up into a ball and basically unable to do anything. But I can imagine pain that’s much, much worse than that was, so perhaps I just can’t thin
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
This kind of new potato salad my mum makes with onions. Raw onions are totally a trigger food for my IBS, and any time my mum feeds me anything full of onions, she’ll tell me I can take them out if they upset my tummy. And every single time I’ll pile even more onions into my plate because there’s no way I’m letting my gut dictate my life. Turns out, I’m even more stubborn than my IBS; I just don’t want to give up some of the foods that set things off. My GP once recommended a FODMAP diet, and having had a look at all the stuff I’d have to cut, I resolved I’d only start cutting things if my symptoms got really bad.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
Honestly, I have no pretentions to snobbery. The best coffee is the one you get when you are about to collapse on a night shift, even if much, much better coffee exists in the world. And the best sushi is the plain supermarket one you get between on-calls to treat yourself, even if the one from a good restaurat is so much nicer.
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
I wear a lot of jewel tones, but I also wear a lot of earth tones, and I don’t really see them as being in competition. Rock all the colours!
82. pc or console?
Phone. XD I don’t play much on either, mainly due to time. Phone has the benefit of being in my pocket when I’m at a loose end on the bus, or at my parents’. I don’t sit down and make time to play, I play games in the stolen minutes here and there when I don’t have much to do.
84. podcasts or talk radio?
Classical music radio in the office (because it’s the most neutral), retro stations in the car (or whatever your guests would like), and podcasts at home when you are by yourself.
84. barbie or polly pocket?
I didn’t have a real Barbie (fairly sure ours were knockoff dolls) but I do have fond memories of making outfits for our toys. Though our favourites were always various little animal models who got into all sorts of adventures.
86. cookies or cupcakes?
Cookies, but it’s a close call. Really, I’d have to say biscuits, since I eat those more often than either of the above.
88. your greatest wish?
For myself? To be happy. For others? Ditto. 
90. luckiest mistake?
Getting into my first degree. Feels like I fell into it, but it set me off on a great path, and I don’t regret that my initial path was far from straightforward.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
All of the above.
94. favorite season?
That kind of Spring-Summer interface when all the plants are in bloom, and the weather is warm but not too hot, and the days are long.
96. desktop background?
Arietty’s bedroom from the Ghibli Borrowers film adaptation. I’m a sucker for ghibli aesthetic; usually because my rooms end up similarly haphazardly adorned with cool things. 
98. favorite historical era?
Every era has its own awesomeness. I feel very fondly for the regency period because of all the books I’ve read set in it, likewise the Victorian period. Though both aren’t without their problems. I realised that I style my hair like a Victorian; centrally parted with a neat, low bun at the nape of the neck. XD
I think that might be all the questions! Phew!
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pricryo · 5 years
tw: abuse shit, manipulation shit, transphobia ment, death ment, christianity ment, probably more. hi i’m tim wright and today i remembered one of my abusers so naturally, while instilled with fiery rage, i thought i should make a post abt it here for reference as to why i have “don’t follow if you kin ticci-toby (creepypasta) or yato (noragami)” as one of my don’t follow criteria. there will probably be another post on this in the future because there’s really a lot to unravel about her abuse and how it’s affected myself and my friends. this is just one of the main and most notable incidents, roughly around the time our friendship truly started its decline.
putting this shit under a cut so it doesn’t clutter things up on anyone’s dash
her name is grace. i initially met her in the fourth grade (when i was around nine or ten), but i wasn’t really close friends with her until late middle school to early high school. she was always sort of uncomfortable to be around, but she was one of the few people who would talk to me, so i considered her a friend. when i was a freshman in high school, i had just been introduced to the otherkin and fictionkin communities by a friend (named cas) at the time, along with grace and another friend (her name was destiny). 
i kinfirmed being wolfkin first and foremost (i know, i know, how generic) after a lot of reflection and questioning on the subject, and cas, who was also wolfkin, suggested we make a wolfkin pack (a.k.a, mistake number one) under the presumption that all four of us were wolfkin. (hint: only half of us were)
grace agreed, claiming she was also wolfkin, and a pack was formed. now, this wasn’t the healthiest pack, realistically. we were young and honestly? a little dumb. we had this big ~pack mentality~ that was horrid and cringy to look back on, and i’m very ashamed of myself. we were overly protective of each other, saw cas as our boss, and overall were just... toxic in mindset, if i remember correctly. unfortunately, this made us super easy to manipulate.
it started in either january or february (i can’t remember which anymore), when grace told us that her long-time boyfriend (joe) had broken up with her during our high school’s winter formal dance. supposedly, it was during their first slow dance, to be specific. she claimed that he’d been abusive to her before, including hitting her, insulting her, etc., and destiny even backed this claim up by saying she’d seen it. (note: joe was openly known to be autistic in our school, keep this in mind.) we, of course, didn’t take this well. after confronting joe on the matter, he seemed confused and had genuinely no idea what was happening, even saying he hadn’t broken up with her at all.
we further confront him (this time on deviantArt) and he continues to say he has no idea, and he’s very confused over who we are. we... honestly treated him like trash. not because he was autistic, but because he was supposedly abusive. it was terrible. and while we’re doing this, grace is just feeding us more and more lies about the guy. she went as far as to make fake texts between himself and her, where he was saying shit like how we were demons, and that we needed to go to church and we needed jesus, calling grace fat and ugly, saying that he’d won her and she was just his trophy, and even being openly transphobic regarding leelah alcorn’s death, among other things. we would be like “give us his number/account, let us talk to him” and she’d always tell us “oh he deleted it right after” or some similar shit. that was red flag number one, but i trusted her (mistake number two) because she was my friend.
by this time, we're literally enraged. we told the dean of our school about it and everything. we were shit talking joe all over deviantArt and threatening him (which was so immature, and looking back on it, i hate how i handled that situation at 14) and everything. i deadass made what was supposed to be his in minecraft just to pour lava over it and burn it down. terrible shit. but the bottom line: we were very angry.
around this time, i start noticing that the way he types on deviantArt and the way he types in the “texts” don’t match up. it’s super suspicious. red flag number two. he types perfectly on deviantArt, but types exactly how grace types in the texts. i bring it up subtly and i’m all like “haha that’s pretty weird, why does he do that?” grace agrees that it’s weird and then starts saying that she recreated some of them because they were deleted too fast. the typing difference happened on all of them. again, that’s super suspicious, but i really trusted her as my friend.
things escalated. i can’t really remember most of it, but here’s some details i do remember:
there’s a fake instagram made (something along the lines of ‘weirdguy101′ or some similar shit) where art that cas and destiny had made was uploaded, supposedly owned by joe, who was claiming to have drawn it himself. none of my art was stolen. grace was the only person to have taken pictures of that art. red flag number three.
an “undercover” deviantArt account made by grace where she pretended to be a different person to interact with joe as if she was on our side.
a lot of skype calls on the subject - during one, grace calls joe on her home phone and cas and destiny make weird noises in an effort to freak him out - which was succesful.
we make both a deviantArt group and instagram to combat the fake instagram and make vague, threatening posts to him (which i’m very certain is deleted by this point).
the dean told us he spoke with joe, and that joe had zero idea what was happening at all.
we were going to go to the principal over the matter because we thought the dean didn’t take us seriously. i was absent that day because i was sick if i remember correctly, and cas and destiny didn’t go talk to the her because grace didn’t show up, either. red flag number four.
grace would intentionally rile us up if we weren’t having a conversation specifically about the conflict. like, this happened for weeks, and when we tried to have other, normal conversations, she’d butt in baout how much she hated joe and about how we should all burn down his house and shit. i’m fairly certain that some of the fake texts were just to draw our attention back on that topic. red flag number five.
and honestly? a hell of a lot more that i don’t really remember.
cas mentions that he thinks things are getting a little fishy after a while, and i tell him about what i’ve been thinking. we end up calling her on skype and he calls her out because he’s 100% certain that she had been playing us. she’s dead silent for most of the time and doesn’t even defend herself or say he’s wrong. he hangs up on her and i’m there listening to her crying alone (and it’s such an ugly noise, mind you) and i’m filled with disgust and anger and hurt. i’m there for two to three minutes listening before i hang up, too.
even after that, we’re all like, “we forgive you. just don’t do this shit again,” because we still saw her as a friend despite her 100% being trash to us, and we were still willing to move past that. and grace has the audacity to ask if we’ll go to the dean with her in the morning and explain the situation.  like.... she manipulates us into harassing and threatening a kid, pretends to be him and insults us + is transphobic as all hell, literally steals art from cas and destiny under the guise that it’s him, plays us like a game of chess for her own sick amusement.... and then expects us to help her explain to the dean that she was lying the entire time and nothing was wrong. ofc, we said no. things simmer down.
for like a day or two.
and then we’re in a group chat with a classmate named britney who says we need to stop bullying her friend. get this - grace has been showing off the screenshots of what we’ve said to her (which was in no way bullying, btw) and claiming we were bullying her. greaaaattt. grace didn’t bother to tell her the full story (a common theme with her) and now britney has taken it upon herself ot be a good samaritan. she yells at us, removes cas from the chat after one of his alters front, i add him back, and britney refuses to tell us who it was. (spoiler alert: we already know). i agree that we’ll stop “bullying” grace so she’ll leave us alone and the conversation is done.
so naturally we’re all like, “what the fuck dude, it was over? and we didn’t do anything to you? you were just bad to us?” and ofc this sets her off to continually tell us ”it’s in the past, i made mistakes, you should forgive me” even though all the shit she did was entirely intentional. initially i don’t want the reason why she did it, but i get progressively more frustrated and then start demanding to know why. she legitimately didn’t say anything other than “...” on the subject. considering how i was young and had a short fuse, i kinda go off on her abt it. because that’s such a fucking dick move. and she says “well idk what to say except sorry” as if she isn’t aware she can tell us why she did it.
i end up having a breakdown because i realize that i’m a total fucking monster who harrassed a kid and was manipulated into doing s and i don’t even get to know why. cas removes her from the group and we’re left to pick up the pieces.
i end up giving a handwritten note containing a formal apology to destiny and she agreed to give it to joe for me. all was well for a while with grace out of my life.
unfortunately, this was not the last incident i had with grace. i’ll post more on it some other time but like... dm me for her tumblr if you want to block her or some shit. she’s still out there and active on tumblr as far as i know.
bonus: a screenshot where i totally should’ve realized she was playing us, ft. me talking to joe
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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Ok, ok. So this is my Highblooded fantroll, Dommih. If your still available, can you please help me out?
Thanks for your patience! As we clear the backlog, your troll caught my eye because of the interesting sprite.
Also, im sorry if its a bit weird, im on the mobile version of tumblr.
FIRST: Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU?
Alternia, my own session of sgrub
Aight, per the rules I gotta be stricter with my sprite edits! I know it’s frustrating but unless otherwise stated we do our best to remain a canon-compliant blog (though the current batch of trolls in the Troll Call have successfully invalidated a number of our former “rules”). In the end I *did* give you a bonus shirtless version since I felt there was detail that went unconveyed with his shirt on.
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why):
Dommih Presea
The first name i had used a generator. It was one of the only ones that really stood out for me! As for his last name, its was a play on ‘Pixies’ and fish puns, (sea being the pun). I had messed around with the first part for a bit until it started looking somewhat readable. This happened until it is what you see today!
Hmmm I can get down with the last name, but for the first how about Doflin, from the scientific name for the North Pacific giant octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini). It also helps that it kinda sounds like “dolphin,” if you wanna keep going with the nods to oceanic fauna.
Age: 6 sweeps
Strife Specibus: Bident-kind
Fetch Modus: Connect four
If we wanna strengthen the octopus theme, why don’t we go with a MASSIVE Connect Eight? It would be an exceptionally difficult modus from which to retrieve anything, which means Doflin needs to be very quick on his feet! Er, tentacles?
Blood color: Magenta (i would very much love to keep it as it is!)
I’m probably going to adjust it to Feferi’s color which is pretty close to what you already gave me tbh.
Symbol and meaning: his symbol, pictured above, was a twist on Feferi’s own symbol. I simply curved it abit, and added the swirls one end of each side, as you can see!
Honestly I think it fits! I went and resprited it using Feferi’s actual symbol as a base so it reads a little neater but it’s p good. I think you sent this in before the extended zodiac was released, so if you want him further adjusted to fit with the new canon I am more than happy to do so! I personally think Picorn works well because a) I classed him as a Rage player and b) it kinda looks like a tentacle’s sucker.
Lusus: Octopus
I believe all tyrianbloods have Gl’bgolyb as a lusus since there’s only ever supposed to be one at a time, which is just as well since she’s basically a massive octopus anyway. Male tyrianbloods are supposedly exceptionally rare, and trolls are often matched with a lusus of the same gender for whatever reason, so if you’re dead set on having an Octodad in true videogame fashion, it may help to come up with a reason why.
(For example, perhaps Gl’bgolyb gave birth to a horrifying troll-horrorterror hybrid, and Doflin is a test troll who has been given to this hybrid to test if it can be used as a backup parent for backup heirs? It would give Doflin a reason to play in his (presumably doomed) run of SGRUB if he doesn’t have much to do save wait for his antecedent to die, which is unlikely to happen in the near future, and it would also give you a convincing reason for his odd appearance; it doesn’t matter if he’s a mutant since he’s basically a test run who isn’t expected to succeed the Condesce)
Personality: He is a narcissistic troll, who takes pleasure in hurting other trolls and seeing others suffer. He wouldnt care if you were to break your arm, there would be no sympathy. He lies, cheats sometimes, and finally, has stolen from others. However, he only sees it as fun, and doesn’t want to change for anything.
I think the fundamental problem here is that you are describing someone who fits perfectly with Alternian ideals and nothing else. This would be like giving me a bio for a human that said “they like to hang out sometimes!” What does that mean? This doesn’t mean that a character cannot have that trait, but that there needs to be specificity. For example, a character who likes to hang out might do so at a mall, at their friends’ parties, or just invite a person or two to come home and play video games. Each of those details gives a clearer picture of the kind of person it is.
So, give me more details to flesh him out! Does he go wandering around populated areas looking for a fight, or is he the type to meticulously plan a one-man heist? Is this attitude the reason he’s so scarred all over? What’s the story behind that? Answering these questions will help you in the future when you try to stay consistent with his characterization.
Title: Kaiser of Life (i would also love to keep this)
I just looked this up and it looks like, as a fan class, it’s basically Prince of Life but with a higher ranking? It’s my personal bias that most fan classes are easily subsumed by a sufficiently well-explained canon title, but I guess I don’t object to just the cosmetic change. However, the character you’ve described doesn’t seem to be a Life player at all (even one from a destructive class!), especially since your bio doesn’t really specify that he’s a cold-blooded murderer so much as that he’s just…apathetic? I would say he seems more like a Rage player, especially since he’s set in his ways and furthermore narrows others’ options through injury. Personally, I feel he’d make a good Thief of Rage, especially since “high class thief” is a fun trope to play with.
Land: Land of Precipice and Silence
I kinda like Land of Onslaught and Outbursts, an underwater land with active volcanoes that must explode to create a land path to the denizen atop a high mountain. Unfortunately, doing so endangers the aquatic life! It’s a perfect parallel to both his status as a seadweller highblood and is a means of harnessing his own violent outbursts to a greater end.
Dream Planet: Derse (same here!)
I’m always okay with tyrianbloods on Derse, especially since Gl’bgolyb is herself a minor horrorterror.
On to the redesign!
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Your sprite was saved a JPEG and much larger than a standard sprite, so I sized it down for comparison and basically made a new one while copying over elements of the original.
Horns - based on your description of his symbol, I figured you were going for horns similar to Feferi’s with minor alterations. So I literally just took Feferi’s horns and added a hook to the end of one of them. I also liked the kind of curly ones you added to the bottom, so I have a miniature version nestled in all that hair.
Hair - I started with a bun base from naphal’s sprite sheet, then merged with with the hair you already gave him, then futzed with it for a long, long time.There’s a new instagram trend called an “octopus bun,” which is basically just a fancy term for the messy bun that we’ve all done if we’ve had long hair that we needed out of the way, but it gave me a good starting point. If you count the tendrils of hair coming off his head, you’ll find that there are eight, and it really does look like there’s an octopus sitting on his head!
Eyes/Scars - I actually just used your existing unscarred eye to create a template for the cleaner ones. The other eye is a little scrunched up due to the scar tissue over it, which I grabbed from this template by fryingpanismyweapon on deviantArt. This is the case for all of the additional scars you see on him.
Freckles - I wasn’t sure if there were freckles on your original troll or just noise from saving it as a JPEG, but between that and the fact that you used a grey tinged with his blood color, I liked the idea of some grey and blood colored freckles on him. I used this template from x_pandatastic_x to get the effect, then messed with the existing ones to get his other freckles. You can see in the shirtless version that I provided that the freckles cover his entire body.
Ears - he’s a seadweller so unless you have a reason he’s gotta have the fin ears.
Mouth - once again, I just took the one you made and cleaned it up a bit! I feel like it has a lot more personality than any sprite sheet template I could conjure up.
Shirt - like I said, if this is an Alternian he still (usually) needs a black something with his symbol on it (though as I mentioned before, recent Troll Call reveals have indicated that it doesn’t need to be as strict as we previously thought). I used naphal’s sprite sheet to give me a base, then messed with it until I got something that resembled a swim shirt. That said, I still gave him a shirtless sprite to show that I kept the chest scars under all that
Fins - I will honestly admit that this is just a spriting limitation for me. I could not for the life of me figure out how to make the fins work on the torso without looking atrocious. I still liked the element, though, so I grafted them onto the backs of his feet with some scar tissue and ripping to boot.
Shorts - I noticed that you did pants for your original sprite, but given his whole concept it really felt like he was more of a swim shorts guy. Once again, I used naphal’s sprite sheet for a base, then added details like the drawstring to try and fit with what you were originally going for. The teal color you used for the majority of the shorts in your sprite didn’t really track for me without a solid reason, so I tried to devise my own color scheme. I came up with the purple pockets to reference Gamzee, the best-known canon rage player, and the blue underlining as a reference to Vriska, the thief. This is much in line with Feferi’s coloring which takes from Jade, the Beta Kids’ Witch, and Jane, the Alpha Kids’ Life player. As a bonus, it looks like that really specific color combo that all those soccer moms wore on their windbreakers in the late 90s/early 00s? I don’t know if you want to go that tacky, but I had a lot of fun doing so, and feel that there’s canon support given that every tyrianblood we’ve seen so far has been notoriously tacky with their fashion choices.
Feet - The barefoot one is from tajazzled/fan-troll’s now-ubiquitous sprite sheet. You used some fairly standard shoes for him, which worked just fine, but after I made the foot fins I wanted to give him footwear that made sense to me. Since one of them is ripped, I figured some scuba flippers would be a good way for him to get around underwater. This one is modified from fantrollartroom’s templates.
Aaaaand that’s it! I really liked your character a lot, and I hope you like the changes I made!
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woohooligancomics · 7 years
Webcomic Whimsy: Darklings
Welcome to the Woohooligan Weekly Webcomic Whimsy! If you're a webcomic author and would like a review, you can see my announcement and review rules here.
Title: Darklings
Author: Jonathan Smith, Art by Leiko Burningbear, Stephanie Paul (Cover Artist) • Facebook • Twitter • DeviantArt • Tumblr
Site: DarklingsComic.com • Ko-Fi
Genres: Horror, Suspence, Action, Supernatural, Experimental Art (it reminds me of woodcuts, but with brightly colored dialogue)
Rating: PG13, T for Teen(?) - some language and violence
Updates: Wednesdays
My Starting Point (requested by artist): Chapter 4.
Synopsis: The Consortium is a secret organization that investigates and contains supernatural threats, while also employing supernatural beings like werewolves as agents. (I couldn't find an official synopsis on the site.)
Darklings combines the look of old woodcut art with the plot and story elements of a Special Unit 2 or Warehouse 13. Chapter four features two Consortium agents, the werewolf Alec and the demon(?) Victoria. Whatever she is, she apparently has claws she can hide and she "shifts" in a fashion similar to a werewolf. But she's obviously not a werewolf, because Alec compares his claws to hers during the chapter. The two head out into mountains for a combination camping trip and survival training, surrounded by all the artifacts of a classic Friday the 13th movie. Once at their camp, they discover a large pit full of bodies and decide to rouse the local Sherrif's office and cause themselves more complications before completing their own investigation.
The opening page does a decent job of setting up the story, which is handy because although there's a cast page, I didn't see an "about" page with a setting or plot synopsis. So I can glean from this page that the two in the truck are in some kind of organized group with Gideon and some others (who would be the people putting Gideon in the "hot seat"). My first guess would be some kind of supernatural squad, like ghost/vampire/werewolf hunters, but it would be nice to have that about page ahead of starting the story, like the cover blurb on a movie.
I've never had any problems with the heated seats in my car either, but that doesn't rule out the possibility of malfunction. It only takes one gremlin to make your Gremlin burst into flames.
Friday the 13th movie... kids going camping, check, missing campers, check, obscure location, check, no cell service, check. All that's left is for us to go have sex in that truck!
Hey! Didn't you hear him say "plant idenftification"? I mean, what could be more fun than checking their visas?
The Consortium has strict rules about consorting with consorts! Specifically, it's mandatory.
Maybe it's just me because I've been making comics about Christian mythology, but Archangel Michael, Gideon Bibles... but he kind of looks like your college philosophy teacher -- dressed all in black, pony tail, goatee and sunglasses he never takes off because he's constantly hung-over. "Why is there something instead of nothing?! Why couldn't it be nothing? The something is killing me!"
The secretary's elf-ears do however confirm that this story includes elements of the supernatural. Elves, probably werewolves... I bet the Jersey Devil is on the Consortium's payroll. Convenient for them, that way they never have to send their agents to Jersey.
I'm gonna say Vicky there is a werewolf.
'Cause if he did, we need to check that plant's visa right now.
So you're telling me she's out of the loup?
I was wrong, Alec is a werewolf, Vicky is some kind of supernatural creature that "shifts" and has claws made by Ginsu.
Son of a bitch! This one's visa expired.
Also, sassafras will give you a lot of back-talk. Don't take any lip from them.
I'm not sure I would have used seven examples... I think the reader would have got the idea from three.
Oh, good, Jason found those missing kids.
Do werewolves normally hump corpses? I mean... we've had dogs that wold go to town on a leg, but usually the leg still had a pulse.
Didn't you just do that with the corpses?
Rick's hat's a bit big in that last panel... he reminds me of Dark Helmet. (It's the right size in the silhouette above though.)
County sherrif picking up Jason's bodies, check.
Chinese? In this town? It reminds me of Beetlejuice: "I can't believe I'm eating cantonese, was there no szechuan?!"
Did you check Tobin's Spirit Guide?
I'l cut a lich!... But will that cremation furnace work on internet trolls? Or at least their fingers?
Wait... none of us got color. Why does granny get color?! Is this a seniority thing?
What do we want?! Skin tone! When do we want it? Thursday would be nice, but definitely before the weekend!
So the Consortium is like Hellboy's Bureau of Paranormal Research and Development (BPRD), they run around dealing with supernatural dangers, presumable everywhere in the world.
You might need the wielder of the flame of Anor for that.
Damnit, even on the cell-phone, she's the only one who gets color! Rest of the phone is all green and yellow, brother can't get a little brown on his avatar photo.
Alec and Vicky go back to the site with a troll-compass and when that doesn't work they gather it must be a lich. They're predictably interrupted there by Sherriff Rick, who apparently likes to spend a lot of his time hanging around in the murder pit instead of running down traditional police procedural leads. There's a bit of verbal contention over what they're doing in Rick's murder pit, which is settled by Alec offering inter-departmental cooperation from the department of Homeland Security (which was their cover identity since the Consortium is a secret organization).
Sheriff Rick seems kind of hot and cold. First he's all suspicious of Homeland. All they say is "we can help" and suddenly he's making sure they get an office in the pecinct... and wifi. What's next? Scones?
Roast beef. In retrospect I should have known a country sherrif wouldn't eat scones.
Are we sure that hat isn't a supernatural creature? When it doesn't look like it's melting, it looks like it's eating Rick's head.
Chew, chew, chew... That other sherrif's pretty damned astute. Most people wouldn't even notice a new package, or they would simply write it off as something they hadn't noticed when they sat down.
Anyway, the box is labelled for Alec and contains some mystical artefacts for dealing with a lich. Alec does find the lich pretty quickly and there's a fight that gets pretty bloody pretty quick, in a kind of Evil Dead sort of way. I think the art for the action scenes could use a little more finesse, but the scenes work overall.
Awww! She got her skin tone!
So there's my pitch. If you enjoy shows like Warehouse 13 or Special Unit 2, you should give Darklings a try!
If you are a webcomic author and are interested in a review from me, you can check out my announcement and my review-request rules here.
If you enjoyed this and want to help me make more reviews, you can contribute on our Patreon or if you're short on funds you can also help by checking out and sharing my own comedy and laughtivist webcomic, Woohooligan!
Thanks to Smith, Burn and Paul, and to all of you reading, for sharing yourselves with us! Sam
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buttersbots · 7 years
Ficlet: Decorating
deviantART | Archive of Our Own | FanFiction
As they got on in years, Fletcher and Darwin were as comfortable in each other’s homes as they were in their own.
Fletcher had simply moved from the room next to his parents’ to the master suite two floors above them (the older he got, the more sensitive he became to their affection on the other side of the wall ‒ and the less comfortable he grew having guests over to stay the night in such close quarters). Darwin had moved from his parents’ house into an apartment of his own about half way up a skyscraper. In the center of Axiom’s capital, it had a view of the bustling livelihood that never reached the Energy Vampires’ mansion. Fletcher and Darwin moved effortlessly from place to place until they each had a dedicated guest room ‒ quite a feat in Fletcher’s case as Darwin’s apartment only had two bedrooms including his own. Come the first week of December, it was tradition for Fletcher to spend a week or so at Darwin’s place. Christmas was a serious production at the Energy Vampire household. Nos-4-a2’s competitive streak lived through his determination to outdo the neighbors’ holiday light displays, something that only became more elaborate by the year. Two took charge indoors, bringing in trees as tall as could fit and decorating them with Quinn’s assistance. The veritable construction zone made for difficult living. Fletcher helped here and there and usually took care of the third floor common area outside his room, but it was generally easier for him to stay with Darwin until the madness subsided. Darwin’s apartment was modest. The front door opened into the living room, a sectional taking up most of the wall to the right, directly across from a holographic screen on the wall to the left. A door on either side of the screen led into each of the two bedrooms, while past the sectional to the right were a kitchenette and a bathroom. The wall directly across from the front door at the other end of the apartment had a door that lead out to the balcony and a broad window. Since there was already a full dresser of his clothes in Darwin’s guest room, Fletcher brought a bag with nothing but power cells and his personal computer. His visit always started on a Saturday: he and Darwin spent the whole day dragging out about an hour’s worth of work, messing around, dressing in elaborate sweaters and hats, and watching movies in the midst of decorating the apartment. This year, Darwin brought in a scraggly, four-foot tree to shove in the corner of the living room, burying it in tinsel and lights. He didn’t have many ornaments, as their favored way of hanging them was by throwing them at the boughs to see what stuck. Only the strongest survived. Fletcher took care of lighting the balcony, flying out over the edge and wrapping the bars of the gate in red, white, and green. Sometimes he’d help the neighbors as well ‒ on one occasion, this had earned him a night in someone else’s place. Baubles hung from the ceiling, more lights were strung along the tops of the walls, and the ugliest novelty Santa figurines posed in clusters on every open surface. The normal throw pillows and blankets were replaced with a strange mix of treasured, hand-embroidered pillows and gaudy designs with crude puns or over-the-top tartan patterns. The best part of the day came after darkness fell. Fletcher rustled through his bag at the small dining table while previews rolled into an old Christmas movie. Darwin straightened out the last few tchotchkes before nodding. “Are you ready?” “Hold on,” Fletcher mumbled. He dug into the bottom of his bag before pulling out a fist-sized battery with a hand marked label. He grinned and hopped over the part of the sectional that separated the living room from the kitchenette, sprawling out across the cushions. “Ready!” Darwin walked toward the front door and turned off one light switch, leaving the room lit by nothing but their eyeforms and the light of the movie. With the click of another switch, the festive lights came to life. “Magnificent!” Fletcher grinned as he stared up at the ceiling. Darwin stepped around the coffee table between the sectional and the holoscreen. “Come on, make room.” Fletcher grumbled and sat up enough for Darwin to sit and kick his feet up on the coffee table before landing his head back in his lap. “To the best year yet,” the Energy Vampire saluted with his power cell before sinking his fangs into it and taking a long, slow drag. Darwin recognized the handwriting on the label as Fletcher’s ‒ it must have been a relaxant. Fletcher’s eyeforms became fuzzy around the edges, his joints became looser, and he lowered the cell from his mouth with a sigh. “Man, that’s just not fair. Don’t you feel any shame?” “Can’t feel shamed,” Fletcher beamed and shook the cell. “Guess I’ll just have to turn you.” “Once it’s painless, hit me up. It’d be worth it for the relaxant alone.” Fletcher laughed and bit into the cell again, turning his gaze toward the movie as it started. Darwin picked up the tassel on the end of Fletcher’s Santa hat, rubbing it between his fingers and looking at the Christmas lights reflecting off his metal. Fletcher hadn’t taken power in a few hours, and judging by the drooping shape of his purple eyeforms, it wouldn’t be long until he dozed off. He prefered drowsiness when he could help it, indulging in the warmth, though he never lasted long. “Well, thanks again. I think this is the best my place has ever looked.” “You know I love doing this. I look forward to this all year.” “Me too,” Darwin smiled. “What do you think the best part is?” Fletcher asked. Darwin thought for a minute. “There’s nothing I don’t like about it. Everyone’s just... happier? For the most part. I know it sounds dumb, but it’s almost like the only time of year people really take me seriously. I rarely ever get the, ‘what are you trying to get by being nice to me?’ look. Gift exchanges... especially white elephants are the best. It kinda... recharges me. I get through the rest of the year because of the energy from Christmas.” “Darwin, people should trust you all year. You’re the best... guy. You’ve never got motives,” Fletcher spoke with the relaxant still in his mouth. Darwin snorted at how fast Fletcher’s mental processing dulled. “What’s your favorite part of Christmas?” Darwin hummed. He pulled Fletcher’s hat off and he hardly seemed to notice. “I guess... when I was a kid... there was a lot of the world that I didn’t need to explain, y’know? It was just magic. I liked figuring things out, made me feel like a magician if I could know the secrets. Christmas... even after I figured Santa wasn’t real, there was a lingering magic that I couldn’t touch. It’s a quiet sort of... thing. I still feel it now. When I’m going to bed alone after spending time with family, and it’s all dark, but I look out the window and I can see the tops of the trees kinda glowing warm because of the Christmas lights... or when I’m the first up and everything isn’t moving, and the timers haven’t turned off yet for the tree lights. And the snow. The Christmas snow is better than the normal snow. ‘N I love the Christmas Eve party better than my own birthday...” Fletcher’s words started to melt together as Darwin pet his head. They kept speaking and exchanging little joys as long as Fletcher was conscious. It was nothing new. They could have recited each other’s answers, they knew everything there was to know about one another, but it was always the warmest conversation, especially when Fletcher was half asleep and without his wits. When he finally dozed off, it was almost mid-sentence. Darwin covered him in a knit blanket and watched the rest of the movie, savoring the comfortable weight of Fletcher’s head in his lap before going offline himself. In truth, there was nothing he loved more than this.
Our lights were put up last night and there's something so... emotional? about the way the house next door glows red at night (we have the red/white candy cane kind). I swear this is the only time of year I really feel alive, like my soul rejoices in inhabiting my body for the aesthetic alone! I still look for the sleigh on Christmas Eve. I'd give a lot for a friendship like theirs ~u~
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