#only because leo and me is involved
imagionationstation · 5 months
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kakiastro · 10 months
Jupiter + the type of husband you will have
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Hey yall! It literally took me a couple of weeks to make this post because I believe I’m experiencing burnout 😫 I think I’m going to take a mini break😅anyway, I hope you had a an amazing holiday!! Today I’m going to be talking about the traits and type of husband you will have based on your Jupiter.
Jupiter traditionally rules the husband. For those who are seeking a husband or husband-like partner, Jupiter is the planet to look at.
Look at your:
1. Jupiter sign
2. Jupiter degree
3. Jupiter house placement
4. Jupiter aspects
Also look at your Jupiter persona chart for deeper details as well!
Jupiter sign and house breakdowns:
- may love to wear athletic brand outfits, have tattoos, prominent forehead, may have bangs or hair just cover their forehead, thick eyebrows, strong sex appeal to them
-their bold and confident
-may work in military, law enforcement, medical field dealing with lab work(blood draws, blood disease researcher), entrepreneurship and being the boss, welding or anything dealing with metals, butcher, working in a gun store.
-could be athletic or loves the gym
-loud or outgoing
-may lack impatience and tend to be impulsive
-always on the go, they have to always be doing something
-loves hot or spicy food
-may love debates and may come off as argumentative
-risk takers, they make quick decisions based on impulse. This can can either back fire or work in their favor LoL
Taurus/ 2h
-may have Venusian look to them so curly hair, smooth skin, very pretty. They may look like they can be a model, they look good on camera. Might have a mole, birth mark or a tattoo on their neck, something about their neck stands out. They’ll have an attractive voice
-money matters such as dealing with money by working in a bank. Working in the culinary industry so owning/working in a restaurant, working for a company that deals with food. Working in real estate or in the housing industry, working the arts such as fashion, painting.
-may be stubborn and like to take their time in doing things
-loves going out to eat especially to their favorite restaurants. If food is involved, they’re going!
-very sensual, loves to wear good smelling fragrances, dressing nice. These are the type of husbands that loves to buy flowers for you just because.
-loves physical touch such as holding hands, cuddling, arm around the shoulder types.
-very charming, may have a lot of friends but only a few close ones.
-loves passion and romance
-listening to lots of music
- you may meet them through a close friend, siblings, someone close to your neighborhood, library, school, they can be a former or current classmate
- they may have a unique laugh that catches your attention, may have smile that appears mischievous, may wear glasses for reading or prescriptions, messy hair do
-loves to talk as long as it’s airy and fun
-speaking of fun, they’re down for whatever, very outgoing person.
-may have lots of friends or know lots of people
-loves to read or write books or blogs
-may have a prominent chest, moon face that’s round or crescent shape, pouty lips, big round watery eyes. They may be wearing comfy clothing
-can come from a close knit family or they are family oriented. Can be close to his mom or has motherly figures in their life.
-may prefer to be at home
-may be proud of their ancestral roots and would want that displayed in there home
-loves home cooked meals
-very private person
-Leo energy has a strong aura, they give A list celebrity energy so you may noticed them right away due to that, something about there hair may stand out to you. Likes dressing and looking good
-have a lighthearted warmness to them like their ruler the Sun
-may be well known, not necessarily famous (although they could be) but they have a lot of friends or they’re known for something.
-really artistic and love the arts such as theater, entertainment, dancing. They could also work in these fields
-may be intuned into there inner child, not necessarily childish but they know how to have fun
-may love children. Work with children or children is apart of their lives.
-may be overly dramatic about certain situations in their life
-may work in the medical field or is interested in medical stuff
-daily routines are important! These are the type of husbands who have a scheduled routine everyday lol
-may be workaholics, work is important to these hubbies. Now work doesn’t always have to mean their career/job either, working around the house, doing a project, fixing a car. They’re always doing some type of work!😅
-just like Gemini, virgoes love to read as well. The difference is Virgo loves to read things that has lots of detail. They need to know the who and why while Gemini just need the overall story and they can fill in the details themselves lol
-can be critical and judgy, mostly of themselves though, they can project on others if they’re not self aware.
-health is important to them! They may read up on different dietary recipes that can improve help.
-they either love animals to a fault or run away from them. There’s no in-between 😆
-could be managers or have a lot of co-workers as friends
-very elegant and put together. May wear cologne or nice smelling body wash
-very charming indidvial, know how to swoon you
-don’t ask them where they want to go eat because they don’t know😫it’s best to just remember their favorite food and go from there Lol
-may be business oriented or wants to own a business
-partnership is very important to them. Libra is a people person so close relationships are ideal
-doesn’t like unfairness at all. If you’ve been mistreated, they are the type to defend you if they feel like you’re being treated unfairly. They’re very much social justice warriors
-having some sort of balance in there life is key!
- may also like fashion things
-family may also be important
-intesnse stare. You may feel intimidated by them at first but really are sweethearts when you get to know them
-there really private people, they don’t trust others easily at all. Once you have their trust then then you have there heart forever
-power dynamics with friends, family, lover may be themes
-they have sexual appeal
-they may have strong jealous tendencies. If they are self aware and put in the work to address these feelings then they are fine not if their the crazy jealous type, that’s not good and leave
-money may also be a theme, shared finances
-loves the color black
-may work in mortuary science, funerals, graveyard, taxidermist, finances, psychology, therapy, detective, forensics
-may be from a different culture, city or country from you
-may work in overseas, as a judge, historian, in a church, as a pilot/airline employee , cruise ship, writer, professor
-loves traveling, may have a lot of knowledge on different cultural backgrounds
-religious or is interested in religion. They could study theology
-these people love adventures, no matter how big or small it is the adventure is. Going to target can be an adventure because they’ll make it one 😅
-love reading books especially books that educational or something that broadens their minds to different ideals and ethics
-May have some good lucking legs 🦵. They may have a history of doing track or love running/jogging
-there may be an age gap and it doesn’t have to be a huge one. Maybe a few years older. They can also be very mature or has a lot of life experience for someone their age.
-very ambitious, they don’t climb ladders, they climb mountains and will make it to the top every time
-respect and status is important to them. It doesn’t always mean fame status but status in a “I just want people to look up to me in a respectful way.” They may be managers or bosses, they can just carry that energy as well
-they may look put together, clean clothes that matches, hair groomed. They just look like they have their life together even if it’s currently a mess😅
-they have a jawline that was crafted by the Gods 🤌🏾
-family is important to them as well! Building a solid foundation that can be passed on to the next generation is a huge thing for them. They may be the patriarch of the family
-very close with their grandparents especially grandma. If their still alive and well, You’ll probably meet their granny before their parents
-may have started off as acquaintances, then really good friends, not thinking much about dating until feelings starts to develope
-yall could of met while on a dating app.
-this is a cute, adorable, quirky, and weird husband. They may have different interest than you but that’s what you love about them!
-these partners are the type who will give you your space if you need it, they’ll actually encourage it!
-they may know lots of people and you’ll meet lots of new people through them.
-rules? What’s that? Lol they don’t mind breaking a few if they feel the need too. These people definitely live their life by the beat of their own drum.
-may be involved with humanitarian work, tech, science, astrology
-your connection my feel “divine” or like this person was handpicked for you specifically. There’s a spiritual connection between you two. You may dream a lot about each other.
-may also be from an unknown or foreign culture or country.
-water related things may be a theme such as the beach/swimming in the ocean, taking a cruise, kayaking, yacht, traveling to a water based city like Venice, Italy
-spiritually discussions can be part of your relationship
-creativify such as singing, writing songs or filming could be careers. Also being a healer like a spiritual teacher
-you may worship the ground they walk on and put them on a pedestal. Just try to make sure you don’t wear colored glasses and see them for who they are right now and not who you want them to be
-telepathic connection
Any married people here? Does some of this describe your hubby?
I’m not married yet but when I do, I’ll reblog this and let yall know 🫡
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flanaganfilm · 11 months
Hi, I'm a big fan of your work. Sorry if this is a dumb question, why kill the kitties? I notice it a lot in horror in general, and it completely takes me out of the story and just makes me feel bad for the cat. I feel like I'm missing something.
Not a dumb question at all - and I knew I'd be getting some of this the moment we decided to include Poe's The Black Cat in TFOTHOU. The comments sections of the world are full of accusations that I hate cats and/or hands, and - well - neither is true. I've admittedly gotten a little flippant with my humor in the past when people have brought this up. My knee-jerk reaction is always to say something along the lines of "well, Websters defines 'horror' as..." But honestly, as far as I'm concerned, it's just not a thing.
A brief history of cats in my work:
HUSH - Maddie's beloved cat, "Bitch," escapes the danger of a home invader completely unharmed and is alive and well at the end of the movie. The last shot of the movie is Maddie lovingly petting the cat on the porch.
THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE - Yes, a malnourished stray kitten dies within Hill House, only to be horrifically reanimated. This was done to show the horrors of Hill House, serve as a warning to the family, and foreshadow the deaths of several human beings (who would meet more horrible fates) later. Hill House is an evil place, and it killed and collected all sorts of living things... there are dead humans aplenty, and also phantom dogs, which Stephen and the kids hear several times and see in episode six. I'd argue that Hill House is an equal-opportunity horror show.
DOCTOR SLEEP - Azzie the cat is a great friend to Dan Torrance. Azzie also has a "shine" of her own, and can sense when patients at the hospice are going to die, and goes into their rooms to comfort them. Azzie is never once in any danger throughout the film and, we presume, lives a long and happy life.
MIDNIGHT MASS - All of the residents of Crockett Island, which include 157 people, a huge population of stray cats, and at least one particularly sweet dog, do not fare so well in this show. But nothing against the cats - everybody dies. The arrival of a certain evil creature marks doom for literally every living thing on the island (except for two people). And yep, it started with the cats, because they were plentiful and would not alert anyone to its presence. We see its lair full of dead rats, birds, and raccoons as well, all eaten while the creature was in hiding.
THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER - we adapted The Black Cat, written by Edgar Allan Poe. If you're familiar with the Poe story, you know that it involves the horrible death of a cat, which then seems to get revenge from beyond the grave. This is Edgar Allan Poe's story - we did not write it. HOWEVER, we decided to make a huge change to Poe's story. At the end of our retelling, we reveal that Pluto the cat is alive and well (and still wearing the Gucci collar), and that the supposed violence against the cat existed entirely in the person's mind. Pluto 2 - the terrifying, supernatural replacement that stalked Leo - is not real either. It is just Verna, taking another form (hence the injury to VERNA'S eye). So in this show, not a single animal is harmed AT ALL. We did that on purpose. We decided to change Poe's classic story so that the cat lived. We went out of our way to do that. I truly don't have anything against cats. I do tell horror stories... but that's about it! I hope it doesn't make it more difficult to enjoy the story, and thank you for watching.
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11cupids-tarot11 · 10 days
SHORT! What does your Future Spouse want to tell you at this moment?
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1 -> 2
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3 -> 4
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Cupid's Master-List
Cupid's Services
Kofi Tips- Buy me a Strawberry Boba Latte! I love you guys ♡
On-Sale Items: 18+ Channeled Love Letter from your Future Spouse.
PayPal and Cash app payments only!
Cash tag- minnieplant3
Paypal- janellec03
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Pile 1- Ten of Wands, and Ace of Wands.
Messages: "I know that we have a soul connection."
"I sabotaged our connection because it was too intense."
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Hi pile 1's! I want to say I feel heavy self sabotage energy from your person, I intended to only pull two tarot cards and four Oracle cards but your person insisted on just two Oracle cards and no more , nothing else would pop out and if it did, it fell to the floor which meant I should put it back. My cat also interrupted my readings twice pouncing and trying to play with my cards lol. Your person feels kind of reluctant. I feel a bit of silence on their end, like maybe if you tried reading pac's recently on your future spouse but found nothing resonated as it usually does, it's so hard to explain but I feel like your person is purposely blocking their energy from you maybe. Take what resonates!! If it doesn't, let it fly 🕊️
So your person's been working hard and they want you to know that, maybe that's why their energy has been so dull lately? Like I feel like if you know your person's energy you definitely picked up on this, or maybe you're just now realizing but your person wants you to know it isn't on purpose, they have a hectic life right now, I feel like they've been running around crazy, staying at work extra hours, rushing to meet deadlines. This person is working hard, but they truly believe it's best for the right now, they know it'll pay off soon!
This person has gotten a burst of energy recently, they feel very motivated right now to something, they're busy pursuing their dreams finally, but I get the feeling this is something that just happened for them recently, they got an idea or something and now they're following through with it! They could be a very creative person, they could make art, or music, something in the creative field.
Red could be significant? This person has Fire in their charts, could be a Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.
♡ Love you!!
-Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
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Pile 2- Six of Wands, and Four of Cups.
Messages: "I want to hold you."
"I let people manipulate me into ghosting you."
"I want to kiss you."
"I'm scared you will reject me."
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Hi my pile 2! I kept saying "your person" instead of future spouse so it kind of makes me feel like a few of you know of this person and have been involved before, but have gone through some sort of separation as of now.
So I feel like recently your future spouse has gone through a period of triumph. They've accomplished something very important to them, I almost feel like your person was overwhelmed and they could be a bit of a perfectionist, but they're so happy they feel like they can finally get a goods night sleep, have more time in their schedule now, whatever it might be I feel like this accomplishment is opening doors for them to many great things.
With the four of cups I'm getting your person has many opportunities being thrown at them right now, career wise but I also feel like in their love life as well. They've removed themselves before they can make a decision, though. They've been sitting on this discussion, but I feel like they've finally made one. I feel like it has something to do with you, crazy enough. Your Oracle cards give me the vibe that this person could be in your circle and they miss you like crazy, something happened between you two that pushed you apart though, it could've been another person but your future spouse has finally made up their mind, they know the kind of relationship they want to pursue with you now, they're giving some of those cups back? Like they don't care for every opportunity they see at the moment, they know what they want, career wise, romantic wise, I feel like they're very stable right now, so if it's not worth it they're not going to pursue it.
♡Love you!!
-Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
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Pile 3- Five of Cups in Reverse, and The Wheel of Fortune.
Messages: “I let people manipulate me into ghosting you.”
“I’m afraid of commitment.”
“I regret what I did to you.”
“I’m on my way to you.”
“I need you.”
“I want to reach out to you but I don’t know how.”
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Hi pile 3! So I feel like this person is dying to reach out to you crazy enough, you could've recently stopped seeing this person because of some drama between your social group maybe. I feel like this person could've been listening to their friends too much about the relationship instead of keeping it between the two of you to talk it out like they should've, something along the lines of that. This person wants you to know they've been thinking about you like crazy, they miss you.
Your future spouse wants you to know they're going through a moment of lots of heavy emotions, they regret something they've done in the past. They feel very torn over this and they feel like they can't heal from it until they approach it head on, so that's what they're doing. They're taking the appropriate steps to fix whatever weighing on their heart, they want peace and to find closure more than anything I hear, they see what they've done is wrong and they've learned so much from this lesson.
I feel like this person is hoping for the wheel of fortune to take it's course. I think this person is confused, doesn't know what to do so they're hoping that the universe will help out. I feel like this person is wishing for you, they're trying to manifest bumping into you randomly, they really want a moment of your time but they're just so unsure how.
♡ Love you!!
-Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
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Pile 4- Seven of Cups, and Ace of Cups.
Messages: "I don't want to be toxic anymore."
"I want to hold you."
"I fantasize about you."
"I've been working on myself and I'm not the same as I was before."
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Hi pile 4! Last but not least!!
I feel like this person has been working a lot on their shadow side, they've taken a deeper look at themselves and there's something about not liking what they've seen so they decided to do something about. I'm seeing this person like a new plant that's been planted, watered and fed and now it's growing, only your person did this all themselves lol.
So I feel like right now your person is being faced with a lot of things right now, maybe it's too many work assignments or they're trying to complete so many things at once, they're just very overcrowded and it's time for them to take a step back, it might not be good for them to overwhelm themselves with so much right now and I think your person is aware of this and that's why they're telling you obviously lol.
I feel with the Ace of Cups this person wants to offer you something real, they want a very good relationship with you but also a friendship. This person doesn't want me to go on about how much love they want to give to you but the Ace of Cups and their Oracle cards make me feel like it's a lot. I feel like as soon as things cool down in this person's life there's potential you two could meet now that this person is open and available for a relationship. I feel like your person isn't gonna beat around the bush, they're gonna come in super romantic and ready to be with you, your very first conversation could be planning your first date lol.
♡Love you!!
-Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
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astroismypassion · 7 months
Astrology observations 🌷🌷🌷
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Credit goes to @astroismypassion
🌷 I noticed there is often a correlation or that aspects are revealing so to say. An opposition or a square between planets might indicate that you didn’t do something. Conjunction indicates you came very close to almost doing it, but then it not happening. And sextile/trine revealing that you in fact did that. For example: someone who has Sun conjunct Mercury could came very close to dating (Sun) someone in elementary, high school (Mercury), but it actually never fully came to fruition since it’s a conjunction. Another example would be: Venus square Jupiter, you likely weren’t in a committed partnership (Venus) during your college/university years (Jupiter), because it’s a square. However, you might have been if you have a sextile or a trine.
🌷 Taurus Jupiter and Venus Jupiter aspect natives often have their own little philosophy, rules and outlook on partnerships and they are willing to make very few compromises. They behave much like an Aquarius Venus or Aquarius Jupiter honestly. They have their own set view on how the their partnership should be.
🌷 With Mercury in the 8th house Synastry, the Mercury person can label you (the 8th house person) with something you don’t agree with or even you don’t agree about the label of the connection itself. For example, Mercury person wants 8th house person to be their best friend, but 8th house doesn’t want that, because they already have a best friend. Or Mercury person might suggest friend with benefits, but 8th house want a committed partnership. Usually the view on the nature of the connection is different.
🌷 I noticed Leo Lilith, Lilith at a Leo degree (5, 17, 29) attract such distant, detached, aloof people. Those that are very Uranian/Saturnian with them. These people rarely receive the level of attention they would desire in a romantic partnership from their partner. They also often go for Aquarius/Capricorn Sun or those with Sun Saturn or Sun Uranus, Moon Saturn, Moon Uranus aspects.
🌷 Venus square Jupiter native is often too stereotypically described as promiscuous, lacking standards, lacking self-worth, self-esteem when discussing their approach towards partnerships. They feel “out of luck” of finding a suitable partner to commit to. So someone of them hold onto their partner out of fear. They think it’s hard for them to come across a partner. So if they break up, they could stay single for 6, 7 years or even more.
🌷 I noticed Aries Moon men are really thirsted after, mainly due to great sex appeal. One great example would be French actor Alain Delon, who both women and men found him attractive.
🌷 Taurus Suns, especially those who have Taurus Venus as well, often feel disappointed and let down by the todays, modern dating. They feel not only there is a lack of growing stability within a connection, but also lack of responsibility. Really this word is more connected with Taurus than Capricorn, especially when it comes to partnerships. Taurus Sun always teaches their partner the importance of responsibility and stability, so this is how they teach their partner to mature more in life.
🌷In 8th house Synastry there is always friendly competition, like “oh you’re trying to outperform me?😁”, because you want the other person to prove themselves to you and make an effort. But there is also this element of joking involved. You could often say something truthful, but then follow it by “I’m just kidding”, but there is stil an air of “unless you want to👀”.
🌷Venus square Jupiter native has a lot of friends in their friend circle that are single or unwilling to commit to a long-term partnership.
🌷 I noticed if you have for example Aries over the 5th house, probably the person you often end up having a crush on is a Fire sign! If you have Venus in the 5th it’s often an Earth sign. If you have Mercury could be an Air sign or an Earth sign.
🌷A lot of Aries, Scorpio Moon women consciously decide with time and age to only have female friends. Due to some “fake male friends” in the past, they do it as a form of protecting themselves from disappointment. Otherwise, these women have quite a few male acquaintances, even likely having more male than female friends.
🌷I feel like some Libra Juno or Juno in the 7th house people end up having this mentality of “don’t let your boyfriend stop you from finding your husband”. Because it’s kind of true for them more so than others. They could actually meet their future spouse and being friends with them when being in a partnership with someone else.
🌷 Libra Juno is hating on the same people with your spouse.
🌷 Leo Juno cannot be in a partnership where there is lack of affection, physical touch.
🌷 You might think that Mars in the 7th house in Synastry is all so romantic, great chemistry and romantic affection. Yet, I noticed it more in charts of really good friends even. Another thing to be said here is that both people have their own set view on what is “fair” in the connection and how balance looks like. So it’s actually not that easy to get along, because both have different definition and view on how they should go about fairness, balance in the connection, so often times it results in unbalanced situations. In Composite charts Mars in the 7th house often manifests similarly.
🌷 Aries Moon women and men care in the younger years less about love, being in a partnership and more about money and financial stability. They want enough money to support themselves more than they want love. However, when they achieve that financial stability they start thinking more about family, partnerships etc. later on.
🌷 Composite charts are literally so telling! If you have Composite Scorpio over the 10th house, you and your person could really respect and admire Scorpio Suns. You could both find Leo Suns attractive if you have Composite Leo over the 7th house. If you have Composite Capricorn over the 12th house, when together you both love to listen to Capricorn Sun musicians.
🌷 No one talks how Virgo Venus, Venus in the 6th house doesn’t get taken seriously enough in relation to partnership. People could love spending time with the native, hanging out, but often get friendzoned or that the other person want things more casual. It’s like people think Virgo Venus/Venus in the 6th house don’t have “serious feelings” for someone.
🌷I noticed usually people with Lilith in the 10th, 11th house or Aquarius/Capricorn Lilith, even Saturn Lilith aspects often come from a family where there was an age gap in partnerships throughout many family generations. Like there is at least 5, 6, 7 years difference between their father and mother, grandfather and grandmother etc.
🌷Virgo Mars people have the fanciest hands. They put on jewellery, always hand cream, well kept nails, always perfect manicure, some really see their hands and fingers as a canvas, hence hand tattoos. They just scream “rich hands”. One example would be Hailey Bieber, who is more and more known for fancy hand gestures and perfect hands. Even men here with this placement could have well kept hands, fingers and nails.
🌷Gemini Sun and Mercury in the 5th house love pampering themselves before a trip or they get their nails, hair done, they love looking good on trips.
Credit @astroismypassion
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uyuforu · 5 months
MC Persona Chart Observations I: Celebrities Edition
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The MC in Astrology, meaning Medium Coeli, is one of the 4 main points (ASC, IC, DSC, MC) in a Chart. It is the also the 10H. The MC/ 10H is a point that represents the career, the job area of the native. It is also about the reputation. In order to know more about this matter, we can look at it in the Natal Chart, but also the MC Persona Chart. This is what the study will be about in this post, taking celebrities MC PC as examples.
All pictures were found on Pinterest
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These observations only apply to MC Persona Chart
ᯓ★ Keanu Reeves has his 5H ruler (Jupiter) in his 10H, meaning his career indeed involved a lot of creativity, and 5H is also the house of comedy, theater and acting, which makes even more sense.
ᯓ★ Having Jupiter in Leo/ in the 5H/ Ruler of the 5H could be a sign of being an actor.
ᯓ★ Selena Gomez has a stellium in her 1H, and she is very well known for her beauty and face.
ᯓ★ Justin Bieber has his Mercury in his 3H and his 3H' Ruler is Mercury! His sun is also at a Gemini degree.
ᯓ★ Having Leo rising or rising 29° means being extremely well known at your work. People see you and directly know who you are. (Keanu Reeves, Justin Bieber)
ᯓ★ Saturn 8H could express you will struggle a lot mentally because of your career. Justin Bieber has it, AND it's in Pisces, which explains why he had addictions.
ᯓ★ Having Sun at 5°, 17° or 29° always indicate having fame in your career. (Choi Wooshik, Hailey Bieber, Lee Minho, Gong Yoo)
ᯓ★ Juno, Groom/Briede could indicate what your spouse does as a job. Hailey Bieber has Groom 3H and Justin is a singer. Justin has Briede 2H and Hailey is a business woman.
ᯓ★ Mars in Leo/5H could be another indicator of being an Actor (Selena Gomez, Henry Cavill, Timothée Chalamet, Gong Yoo)
ᯓ★ Part of Fortune 11H could be a sign of blowing up on social media and it can be part of the fame or recognition.
ᯓ★ Uranus 5H could be a sign of having a sudden fame after some years. Pedro Pascal has that and became famous before turning 40 years old.
ᯓ★ Harry Styles has MC Mercury ruled, and his Mercury is in 9H. He was known worldwide ever since he started in One Direction and is a singer.
ᯓ★ Your MC's ruler in your 5H could indicate becoming famous. (Jungkook, Jack Harlow)
ᯓ★ Jungkook also has his Part of Fortune 5H, and people call him the Golden Maknae, because he shines whatever he does (maknae= youngest)
ᯓ★ MC ruler in Aquarius/11H could indicate being an influencer or just very famous for your online presence (Hailey Bieber, Kylie Jenner)
ᯓ★ Kim Jennie from BLACKPINK has her Sun conjunct Mercury in 8H, she is a rapper.
ᯓ★ Her 8H Ruler is also Mercury.
ᯓ★ Vertex in your MC PC could indicate what make a major turn in your career.
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ᯓ★ Kim Jennie has Vertex Leo 7H and she signed a contract with YG Entertainment, a big idols agency.
ᯓ★ Harry Styles has Vertex Gemini 8H conjunct Mars and he became a singer by singing in X Factor, a television music competition show.
ᯓ★ Pedro Pascal has Vertex Capricorn and gained fame and success in his acting career later in his life. It can also mean you were meant to change your job field and make a real impact. Sabrina Carpenter has the same thing, and recently gained more appreciation for her music, later than some people.
ᯓ★ Vertex 6H could mean your hard work is what make your career take another turn. (Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez)
ᯓ★ Mercury 1H could mean people talk a lot about how you look, your face, your body, etc in your career. (Selena Gomez)
ᯓ★ Charles Leclerc has Saturn in his 10H, and Saturn is a planet that represents the car. Charles is a F1 Pilot.
ᯓ★ Kylie Jenner MC ruler is Jupiter and she has it in 12H. This house is all about the illusions and it can be about what is not real. She participates in her family's reality TV Show. Reality TV Shows are known for pretending to show "reality" while it's in fact just for entertaining purposes.
ᯓ★ Kylie also has her Sun in Libra, and she also got famous for her make up brand.
ᯓ★ Your 7H ruler in MC PC could represent what your business is about if you have one. Selena Gomez & Hailey Bieber both have their 7H in Venus signs and both of their Venus are in 1H. They both have a make up business.
ᯓ★ Sun 2H/8H could mean you got famous for your money, or your family's money.
ᯓ★ Rising sign will always say how you look during your career.
ᯓ★ Jennie has Capricorn rising, and she is known for having a "resting b*tch face" or just looking distant and cold when posing.
ᯓ★ Harry Styles has Scorpio Rising, he is known for changing his style multiple times during his career, and he is also "daring" with his style and looks.
ᯓ★ Leo Rising could mean the way you look at work will become iconic. Some of your looks will perhaps stay in "history" meaning one of your look could become so famous people can dress as you for halloween and people know who they are dressing as. (Justin Bieber, Sabrina Carpenter, Keanu Reeves)
ᯓ★ Sun conjunct Mercury will always be the n°1 indicator of being in the music industry. Sooo many singers/ rappers/ musician have this placement.
ᯓ★ Cancer rising people can be treated like babies during their career (Jungkook, Charles Leclerc). People just adore you and will find excuses for you despite anything you do.
ᯓ★ Sun in Pisces or 12H can make you hide from your career for sometimes. It can mean people don't need to see you for you to do your job. Or at some point you will not show yourself anymore in your career.
ᯓ★ Neptune 1H/ 8H can mean people are obsessed with you.
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ilk-insolence · 10 months
Raph Is A Great Strategist
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Numerous times in the show Raph has shown to have a preference for straightforwardly punching his problems away rather than think up a more complex solution. Like how his immediate fix to getting Mayhem out of the mirror in Mystic Library was to punch everything in the bathroom but the mirror. However, when Raph understands the situation requires more in depth strategy, he’s shown to be an incredibly capable tactician.
(long post ahead!)
In nearly all the plot heavy episodes like Shadow of Evil, Many Unhappy Returns, and the season finales, Raph gets moments where he’s highlighted for his strategic thinking. In Insane in the Mama Train, he’s the one who figures out which eyeball-button goes to the front car with the dark armor, because “‘it was the only button [the Foot Clan] didn’t want me to press!’” [21:05]. He’s also the one who came up with the scheme to defeat all the (known) combatants in the train, with Leo specifically attributing Raph as the deviser during their mind meld [19:46]. In Many Unhappy Returns, after spending a single night waylaying the Shredder, Raph formulated a plan using all the tricks the team learned, seamlessly transitioning the mystic collar Leo acquired into it [19:53], to defeating the Shredder. Additionally, he’s repeatedly called for a retreat during fights, like in Shadow of Evil, Shreddy or Not (Finale pt 2), and the movie, when he can tactically recognize that a battle couldn’t be won. Each time, the show/movie implied that that was the right call, for the family to lose the fight but win the war.
And it’s not just that Raph is good at strategy when he’s pushed to be more serious; the show characterizes him as passionate about creating plans, he enjoys doing it. Literally in the first episode, Mystic Mayhem, after the turtles’ initial plan failed of getting Splinter out of the living room to touch his Do-Not-Touch Cabinet, Raph immediately started devising a new plan that involved “ten chickens [and] a gallon of rubber cement” [9:35]. It was convoluted, sure, and they didn’t end up using it, but it was inventive and the opposite of reluctant. This is also shown in Bug Busters, where Raph planned out dousing Mikey in honey to attract the oozequitoes [2:52]; Snow Day, with the idea to freeze Ghost Bear like in Jupiter Jim Pluto Vacation 4; and Raph’s Ride-Along (and also Bad Hair Day), where Mind Raph created multiple schemes to get the criminals arrested. The show wouldn’t have made Raph be so creative with his plans if they were trying to characterize him as someone who didn’t like strategizing.
So does why Raph do stupid shit sometimes where he doesn’t think things through at all? Well, even though Raph is good at strategy and enjoys doing it, it’s clear his immediate impulse is still “punch the problem in the face”. In fact, all the turtle boys contain the fascinating dichotomy of being incredibly smart in some areas, and the dumbest teenagers alive in others. Just look at Donnie. It’s also how Raph is a loving protective older brother, and the guy who shoved Leo into a wall so hard he disappeared in one frame for shits and giggles (The Mutant Menace x). None of this means that Raph is bad at strategy though.
tldr: Yeah, Raph has a lot of dumb and, frankly, insane moments in the show, but he’s still an incredible tactician who’s plans consistently saved his family and sometimes the world. He's a great strategist.
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astrologythingzzz · 6 months
Astrology observations Nr. 5
Hello everyone! Here are some observations, please don't take them too seriously as they are my observations and not facts! 💞 I hope you have fun reading them. 🩷
Princess Diana was a libra rising. I am not going to discuss this in any way, but she screams libra rising. She was one of the most influential people when it comes to fashion, even people calling her the most influential fashion icon of all time.
Her grace, charm and sweetness, her love of dancing, her need for a stable and loving home (moon in the 4th house). Her cold and unstable childhood and the divorce of her parents that traumatized her for life (Capricorn IC, Saturn in the 4th house).
Sun in the 5th house folks love being photographed. They really love standing in front of a camera, doing lots and lots of photo shoots. They love portraying themselves and they love being the Center of attention. They're not shy or insecure about loving the spotlight.
Sun trine Ascendant need the admiration and approval of others. It makes a persons chart even more extroverted, they need attention like the air they breathe. For me, they are too braggy, almost snobbish because of their achievements. They are not the ones to be quiet about their life's, they will rub just anything under your nose if it makes them look good.
I can with almost 100% certainty spot a Cancer Moon. They have this half moon face, not as squishy and loveable like cancer risings have it. Their faces are more boney, more serious and almost hard. They do have big teeth though and big and wide smiles. They are always smiling on photographs.
Venus in Sagittarius will put money aside to travel the world, especially with a loved one or their significant other. They have no problem being away for longer for example to do a trip around the world for months.
Sister signs do have a magnetic effect on each other. I always see Leo's and Aquarius' in friendships, and also a lot of Scorpio and Taurus friendships. The sister sign doesn't have to be only the sun, but also involves the other planets and the moon.
Fixed signs attract each other a LOT! Especially Aquarius & Scorpio, Aquarius & Leo, Taurus & Scorpio, Taurus & Leo, Leo & Scorpio. It's like a moth to a flame, they need each others stability and fixed signs are more alike than most people think.
Libra Venus is the sweetest lover you could ever wish for. They'll buy you your favorite treats, always have flowers around for you and will always make sure you're alright and well fed. 🥺
Even though I am a Gemini Moon myself, I cannot stand other Gemini moons. They are somewhat self centered with a self-confidence that is absolutely not justified. They are the ones who are convinced they are the epitome of wisdom and knowledge. And Geminis are not the ones to do a lot of research, so most of their statements and opinions are false or not 100% correct. And it bothers me so much! 🙄
Anyway, that's all I have in mind! Hope you have a wonderful day, please read them carefully and with a bit of humor! Until soon, bye! 🩷
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northopalshore · 1 month
🌸 Composite chart observations: romantic relationships 🪼 ♡ 🪼
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In this post, I will be writing down some observations I made in composite charts between romantic partnerships. ***Contains mentions of s*x***
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Aquarius (8° scorpio) rising/uranus in 1st house
Both of you are very comfortable with each other in the sense that you have found your best friend as well as a lover! People will often think you aren't a couple or even each other's type but what they don't know is that you love each other more than anyone/anything else in the world. You might surprise a lot of people, perhaps you come from starkly different backgrounds but somehow, you are together! You both will feel understood in the relationship. It gives me that 'us against the world type' type of vibe.
note: if you have aquarius rising & uranus in the 1st house together, then you may as well act very touchy, close or romantic in public because uranus in aquarius is like rebelling the rebel so to speak. You will not act like the sign you have in the 1st house if you have uranus there i.e changing the norm of how it usually is. Aquarius here becomes softer, emotional & clingy .
9th house stellium
The focus of your relationship is learning & growth. Both of you expand each other's horizons in the relationship. Your relationship could open many doors in your life. You may come from different countries, and are constantly sharing your thoughts, perspectives and philosophies with your person. You will love to talk & have debates in your relationship. You will love to travel together, your relationship could involve you having to travel a lot. You will both teach each other many new things. You could also act like teachers to the world/be actual teachers.
Part of fortune in the 8th house
You will most likely be together for a very long time i.e get married! You will both help each other heal from past trauma or fears. This is a very healing relationship. You might also receive a lot of wealth together. You will transform each other in this relationship. Whoever you were before this person will completely change after being in this relationship.
Pluto conjunct ascendant
Your entire identity will change in this relationship. You will never be the same person you once were. You could seem like a very intense, obsessive, possessive & s*xual couple.
Moon (29° leo) in 5th house
Both of you will have a lot of fun in the relationship. A lot of romance, spontaneous dates, creativity will prosper. You may feel like kids in love, a youthful romance. You could also focus a lot of your energy & feelings towards art. Perhaps you'll collaborate on something? Children could also be involved, both of you will love the idea of having kids together. S*x can be very playful and emotional. You will feel very connected to eachother during the act. You could also.. prefer to not use protection.
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Fama in 1st/7th house
You could be a very popular couple, people will notice you more when you are together. People will know you as "Your person's partner". People will look up to your relationship and how you act together.
10th house stellium
A lot of your focus can go to your career in your relationship. You could very much work with your partner. You will be a very popular couple. Your relationship is very public. It could borderline a work relationship too. A power couple.
Neptune conjunct ascendant
You could very much prefer to keep your relationship private. You will both deliberately make efforts to keep the things that happen within your relationship just between each other.
Groom sextile MC
The relationship might benefit the husband/man in their career. Their work plays an important role in your relationship. They could be very career oriented/ have a public presence. They could also be very prideful of your relationship. Your relationship will boost their reputation in a way.
Briede in 4th house
The wife/woman may be a stay at home wife. They could focus a lot of their energy into homemaking, taking care of children, cooking etc.
Boda trine sun
If they are married, they had a very public wedding. Their wedding may be very well-known within their family i.e standing out from the rest of their family's previous marriages. Iconic wedding. They will both see each other as marriage material.
Boda trine moon
Their wedding may have been very memorable to them as well as their family members. There could have been a lot of crying during the ceremony. Both parties felt very connected to each other.
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Boda in 1st house
They may have/will marry quite quickly. Both of you couldn't wait to get married, either that or you had to get married quickly i.e to catch a certain date you like/brings prosperity. The wedding might have been quick too maybe a little rushed or the actual event is very short.
ex: In vietnam, you have to see a sort of pyschic that will tell you lucky dates to get married on. Sometimes it's just 1-2 weeks from when you visit them!
Chiron (12° pisces) in 10th house
You might get a lot of backlash for your relationship. People may dislike seeing you together. Your career will both suffer, or you'll suffer because of your career. People could hate your relationship. Your career will cause a lot of problems in the relationship. Perhaps it will cause you to be separated often i.e one person working in another country/state.
Jupiter(15° gemini) sextile uranus in 10th house
You could be a very popular couple. You may have a big presence on social media. You could experience sudden fame in the relationship. People just love talking about you and your partner. You could be seen as a friendly, unconventional couple. People think your relationship stands out. Maybe you'll find yourself talking about your relationship more than you initially expected.
Pisces 2nd house/2nd house ruler in 12th house
Money may come up as an issue in the relationship. Not necessarily in a bad way could just mean you both idealise money a lot, you could have unrealistic perceptions around wealth, beauty, food and luxury. You could spend a lot of money traveling, it makes sense if you are from different countries too, having to use money on long-distance travels a lot. Perhaps you could earn money through selling a fantasy, an image, an ideal or dealing with mental health issues. This makes me think of a couple that owns a getaway resort in the countryside, does reflexology or work as therapists. You could also be actors, artists or directors if it aspects the 5th house or has leo degrees. You could also sell/ spend money on weed, narcotics or alcohol lol.
Neptune in 12th house
You both may be very religious/spiritual together. You both could have sensed each other's presence waaaay before you met. Could have seen each other in dreams. You could learn more about spiritually, and strengthen your psychic talents/interests. You will be very connected to each other's spiritual side. You could also feel like you can't be separated from this person. Could be a karmic soulmate/relationship. Your relationship might also prove to be confusing at times. They might have misunderstandings around each other. Open communication is very important if you have this in a composite chart with someone.
Union (26° taurus) retrograde in Sagittarius 11th house
You may have met online before meeting physically. There could have been a time gap between the time you initially see/meet each other vs first face to face meeting. This is because you could come from different countries. Taurus makes me think that you were both at home when you first interacted/were introduced. But it could also be at a mall or restaurant or any beauty related event. You can check your union persona chart or my post about it here for more information. You could also meet face to face with them at their home/ a restaurant/a beauty event later.
Eros in leo/leo° 7th house
You could be very freaky together if you know what I mean. S*x is very hot, animalistic even. It's also very romantic, both of you know/want to pleasure each other and only each other. You can both be very possessive of eachother. You could also have a breeding kink lmao. You both want people to know that only you can give your partner this type of pleasure.
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Venus conjunct mars
This is a very passionate relationship. S*x, love, and intimacy are highlighted. You could feel like your partner is a great lover. Great s*x. You could feel feverish, or obsessed with each other. You might share a lot of kinks or favourite positions. You both can feel like the other person does it exactly like you wanted.
Venus conjunct Juno
The other person might fit the description of your future spouse & how you meet completely. This might as well be your future spouse! Both parties feel like they are made for eachother romantically. Both might feel like they've met the one!
Venus conjunct MC
Your romance/relationship is very public. People that work with you will all know about your relationship. This is also a power couple placement to me.
Mars (19° libra) in Scorpio
You both work very well together. Both of your energies are on par. You are very possessive of your partnership. Definitely are intense and loove getting down and dirty. Can be very obsessed with eachother's presence.
Sun (4° cancer) in Scorpio
You are both very connected to eachother spiritually, physically and emotionally. Both of you will be very focused on how your partner feels, always making sure they are loved and protected. You are also seen as very private with eachother. Keeping the things that happen in the home between the two of you.
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***disclaimer: entertainment & educational content only, reader discretion is advised***
Thank you for reading⁠ ♡
Meant to be used in romantic relationships only, please do not use on unconsenting individuals (celebrities, one sided crushes) Delulu is not the solulu!!
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Hi! I don't remember if there was such a question / answer but what kind of foreplay does each members ateez have before sex, how will everything begin and what could be the reason / atmosphere for this?)
I finally have the time to answer this question IN detail because a few members are similar to each other and others are quite different.
Disclaimer: This analysis is for delusional purposes only and is entirely theoretical and based on astrology.
Ateez Members And Foreplay:
Kim Hongjoong:
His Scorpio Venus/Virgo Mars means he LOVES foreplay and he has high stamina so he likes to take his time and show you his love.
The Scorpio stellium means his FEELINGS have such a huge impact on how everything begins, there will be times where he's desperate and just yearns for your touch.
'I can't hold back tonight angel, I need you right now'
And there will be times where he's in the mood to tease and taunt, edging you with his fingers and tongue, enjoying your brow sweat and thighs tighten- the power he would feel.
'Uh-uh, if you keep talking to me like that- then neither of us will be happy tonight'.
Park Seonghwa:
Aquarius Venus/Aries Mars = what is foreplay?
Seonghwa's sex drive is THROUGH THE ROOF (one of the highest in the group) and so he's just ready to go all the time and in any place.
You're on the couch watching Netflix and a sex scene comes on?
He'll bend you over the couch and take you right there and then.
You're wearing his favourite pair of stockings and heels?
He will fuck you in those pair of heels, regardless of whether you're in public or in the privacy of your own home.
So foreplay most of the time will be hasty because the end game is you.
Jeong Yunho:
Soft, sweet...until he's bored.
Yunho and his Taurus Venus/Scorpio Mars- like Hongjoong has a fluctuating sex drive and it would depend on the energy of the moment.
If you're in a CNC scene (which I have mentioned is a strong kink of Yunho) then foreplay will involve picking you up, pinning you down, holding your body to him and using you as he pleases.
'Just let me have you now princess and I'll take care of you later'
But- if he's in a playful and light-hearted mood...then foreplay will just be cute kisses, soft hands down your body, light teasing and muffled giggles.
'What? I just love kissing you princess, your moans and giggles are so cute, I could listen to them all day'.
Kang Yeosang:
Yeosang's Leo Venus and Libra Mars indicates a high sex drive but slow momentum so his form of foreplay could be such a tiny action at first- a kiss on your cheek...brushing your hair away from your face.
And then the more eager he becomes, the more dominant his actions become and he'll pull you on top of him, groping your arse and voice deepening, his grip tightening.
His Libra Mars indicates cowgirl or any position where you're on top is what he loves- not because he's submissive but because he loves seeing your tits bounce in his face and sweat beading down your neck.
'My precious doll, you're such a cute angel for me, you're beautiful, you're gorgeous...I don't know what else to say'...
Choi San:
San and his Leo Venus/Scorpio Mars means there is no reason for him to have sex, if he gets an urge or you have an urge- then that's enough for him to get hot and heavy and crave you under him.
With his Gemini Moon however...BANTER!!! If you're in a public area..he might just whisper in your ear or send you a sneaky text message so you're all pent-up and needy when you're alone with him.
'I was just talking to someone else and all I could think about was how much I wanted to rip that dress off and bury my head between your legs.'
Song Mingi:
Is the type to wait for you to make the first move but would hint and give off little whines and whimpers when he's feeling needy.
Imagine him rolling his hips against yours when he's spooning you in the dead of night or pulling your body towards him and holding him against you with his large, broad hands.
His Virgo Venus in retrograde makes him prone to anxiety and over-thinking in times of intimacy and he has a Cancer Mercury so imagine less degradation and more mewling.
'You feel so good baby ple-eeease...can I? I won't be long...you're just so warm and soft and I'll do all the work, I just want to feel you right now'
Jung Wooyoung:
Have you met Wooyoung? His Sagittarius Sun and Scorpio Mercury means he'd be so matter of fact with foreplay- it could come across as crude and shocking at times because he would be so matter of fact.
He would be nestled against you on the couch and gently rubbing your back as you're watching Netflix, his hands becoming more suggestive and grabby.
'I'm boooored- let's fuck right now, I'll even eat you out first because I want something fun to do'.
Choi Jongho:
Jongho is always difficult for me to explore in a verbal manner because I feel a lot of his communication and preference would be non-verbal and based on pure intuition.
His observant behaviour would easily notice your slumped demeanour if you've had a hard day at work or life is a struggle right now.
Would carry you bridal style to the bedroom and gaze at you lovingly, his touches soft and sweet, his treatment of you as light as a feather.
'Honey, let me help you forget about your day, just let go for me and I'll make it all better for you'.
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Taglist: @scuzmunkie @marievllr-abg @umbralhelwolf @starsareseen @lino-jagiyaa @mischiefsmind @mrcarrots @junieshohoho @partywithgyu @whatsk-poppinhomies @craxy-person @hologramhoneymoon @gyuhanniescarat @staytinyinmybpack @necessiteez @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @berryberrytan @sensitiveandhungry @laylasbunbunny @bangchanbabygirlx @i-love-ateez @anyamaris @krishastumblernow @hexheathen @michel-angelhoe @northerngalxy @youre-alittle-taste-of-hell @starillusion13 @justaaveragereader @ddeonghwassimp @escapetheshark @ja3hwa @jus2passtime @shroomoth @marykpoppin @leomggg
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riordanness · 1 year
pick up lines - [p.jackson]
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pairing: percy jackson x reader
wordcount: 1.4K
warnings: none
I hated waking up.
Not that sleeping was particularly amazing, being a demigod and all, but waking up really sucked. I'd been resting peacefully (not), when I was rudely shaken from my sleep by the breakfast bell.
Unfortunately, I had never been an early riser, so most mornings, there was a mad rush, involving a lot of mess, losing everything I needed, and desperately trying, (and failing) to clean up my cabin before inspection, which was right after breakfast.
I was generally the one who had the messiest cabin during inspection.
I finally was dressed in jeans and an orange Camp Half-Blood shirt, with my h/c hair pulled away from my face. Then, I ran to the dining pavilion.
I was a daughter of Demeter, the plant goddess. Yeah, I'm sure most of you are thinking: Oh, wow, plants... But seriously, it's kinda cool. I do have some pretty sweet powers. I can grow any plants from practically nothing, control plants and stuff, and sense things in the earth. I can even use plants to travel instantly from one place to another, by just hopping through the trees, or seeds, or flowers, or weeds, or . . . whatever.
I slipped into my seat next to Katie Gardner, my elder sister. She was the counsellor for Cabin Demeter. Katie was super nice, but she was always busy at the moment, mostly hanging out with her new boyfriend, Travis Stoll, Son of Hermes.
"You slept in again," Katie whispered to me, trying, and failing epically, to hide her laughter. "We thought it was best not to try and wake you."
That was probably smart. If someone woke me up, they'd most likely leave that situation with a black eye and seeds growing in their skin. I can be fairly lethal when I want to be.
"I stated up too late again last night," I said back, my voice also low. I didn't like when other kids were listening in on my conversations, especially those Hermes kids.
"Doing what?" Katie smirked, like she knew something I didn't.
"Um..." What was I doing? Hanging out with my best friend of course. Who also happened to be the cutest and most popular guy at camp. The only current Son of Posiedon. Percy Jackson.
"I was with Percy, at the beach. We were finding lost starfish and chucking them back in the water..." My voice faltered. I wasn't good at lying. 'At the beach' was accurate. We'd been laying on a picnic blanket, watching the stars, and just talking about everything and anything, for hours. We did that almost every night. It was the best feeling in the world, just being with him.
"Uh huh." Katie turned back to her food. "He likes you, y/n, I'm sure of it. Just as much as you like him, I bet."
"Katie!" I hissed, my face beet red, but the words pleased me. I'd had a crush on Percy Jackson since the first day he arrived at Camp Half-Blood, tired and bruised and scratched from fighting the Minotaur. He'd limped into camp, stole my heart, and became the coolest guy at camp within a month.
And yes, I was in love with him. We'd been best friends for years, and we hung out all the time. How could I possibly not fall for him, with his stupid trouble-maker grin, his dark, messy hair, his sparkling sea-green baby-seal eyes, and his voice. He was, at least in my eyes, perfect.
Later, I was practicing my sword-fighting in the arena, hacking arms and legs and heads off the stuffed straw dummies. I'd never been the best fighter, but I felt like I was getting the hang of my sword.
"Are you a child of Hermes?" a joking voice rang out from behind me. I spun around, and came face to face with one of the Hephestus kids. Leo Valdez, maybe?
I blew my hair out of my face, breathing hard. "Um, no? Demeter, actually. Why?"
The boy, Leo, cracked a grin. "Because you stole my heart."
I blinked, not sure what to say. I never really spoke to any of the kids from Hephestus cabin, especially not this one.
"Uh, okay... thanks, I guess?"
Leo grinned again, then ran off without saying anything else. Okay... that was pretty weird.
I decided to go for a walk, to cool down and to stretch my legs a bit, so I headed for the basketball courts, where a bunch of kids were playing a really aggressive game.
I plopped down on the grass a few meters back from the courts, and watched the game. It looked like Ares and Apollo (a strange match), against Athena, Dionysus, and a couple other kids, like Jason Grace, Nico Di Angelo, and Percy.
I found myself watching Percy more than the other players, but snapped my eyes away from him once I realised. I didn't want anyone seeing me staring at my best friend.
After a while, the players called for a break, and Jason Grace approached me. "Oh, hey (Y/N)," he smiled at me, sitting beside me and taking a swig of water from a drink bottle.
"Hey," I said back. Again, I was surprised at why Jason was talking to me. He didn't usually. Demeter kids were looked over quite a bit, and Jason was one of the big shots - a child of Zeus. Of course, Percy was a son of Posiedon, and he talked to me, but that was different. I'd known Percy for years, even before we came here at twelve years old. I'd know him since he was seven.
"Are you a child of Hades?" Jason asked suddenly.
I frowned at him. "No. Demeter, actually. Why does everyone keep-?"
I was cut off by Jason grinning and saying: "Because I'm dying to call you mine."
I swallowed. "Um..."
Jason got up and walked away, heading back to his game. I was totally confused, so I stood up, brushed off my jean shorts, and decided to go to the strawberry fields, where I usually spent most of my time, among the plants. Plants always calmed me down, and this random guys telling me pick-up lines were a little stressful. I wasn't the kind of girl who normally got guys, anyway.
After a few minutes of walking up and down the strawberry aisles, I ran into Nico di Angelo. Nico wasn't usually the sort of person you ran into in the strawberry fields, so I was surprised.
"Oh, hi, Nico," I said cheerily, waving at him. Nico and I were actually pretty good friends, so I was glad to see him. We got along surprisingly well, considering our parents' rivalry. You know, the whole Persephone getting kidnapped thing.
"Are you a child of Hephestus?" Nico stammered, blushing with embarrassment.
At this point, I was utterly confused.
"No!" I said, frowning. "I'm a daughter of Demeter, and I know you know that, Nico. And why does everyone keep trying these stupid pick-up lines on me? Besides... you like guys, don't you?"
"Well, um..." Nico shrugged and ran off, leaving me in a state of helpless confusion.
I sank to my knees in the soft grass, picking at it with my fingers. "What's happening with me today?" I wondered aloud.
"Hey, are you Aphrodite?" a familiar voice asked. "Because you're divinely gorgeous."
I glanced up, meeting the sea-green eyes of my best friend. "Percy?" I asked. "You too? What's-?"
Percy stopped me, sitting down cross-legged beside me. "Hey, I've- I've liked you for ages, but I never told you because I was scared you'd not feel the same and so we'd lose our awesome friendship, but the guys found out and so they were trying to make me jealous enough to admit me feelings today, by trying out pick-up lines on you, so, well, I- I decided that I should just tell you.”
I sucked in a breath. "Oh my gods," I managed. "You stupid son of Posiedon."
"What?" Percy chuckled nervously.
"Are you a child of the Sea God?" I asked softly. "Because I'm drowning in your beautiful eyes."
Gathering all my courage, I leaned forward and pressed my mouth against Percy's, feeling him smile against my lips, and I couldn't have wished for anything more.
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faeryarchives · 8 months
i'm not jealous !! (savanaclaw x gn!reader)
requested by anon: Heyy, saw the req is open again 👀 Can i req headcanons of savannaclaw with gn s/o where s/o gives all of their attention to another person rather than their own boyfriend (accidentally or not on purpose, maybe 'cause that person needs something important and s/o helps them). Thanks 💓 note: this is very overdue 😭 recent fics: savanaclaw with a furina-like female reader & octavinelle with a fischl like female reader! & you feel like home & let me kiss you
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* ˚ ✦ leona kingscholar
"you're leaving already?" "mmm! since the vdc is coming up, vil asked me to help in managing the team. i will try to make it up to you okay, leo?" "hmp, suit yourself."
leona is not a clingy type of guy but he for sure wants to have most of his time either sleeping or being with you (yes he is clingy)
he is too used to the fact that you would find your way to bother him everyday + it feels empty without you by his side
so when you start to hang out more around the vdc group instead of him- this man will be very very petty 😭
not because you were busy no leona knows how much you want to help other people but what takes the cake is the fact that you started cancelling out your plans
"i'm sorry love, can we take a rain check? things are kinda hectic here right now" "... oh my god, are we supposed to go out today? sorry leo, i promise i will make it up to you."
the moment you try to make it up, he will tun the other way, his tail aggressively thumping on the floor while leona will look you dead in the eyes menacingly
"finally have some time for me now?" "leo-" *cue his tail thrashing*
at first he will try to look unmoved by your apologies and the only thing you can do is talk to his tail
he finally give in after receiving home made food with meat and being his pillow for a while but never do that again 🤬🤬🤬
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* ˚ ✦ ruggie bucchi
i dare to say he is the most vocal out of the three
because what do you mean you can't come to your date because something about someone happened 🤬 that is not your responsibility young one 🫵
ruggie won't move if something will not benefit him but with you involved this hyena will run
"wow welcome back, did you have fun?" "uhuh, come here you hyena your face is not fooling anyone."
ruggie's approach would be in a teasing way
but it is a facade to not show his jealousy too much because you were supposed to spend your time together 😔and a guy like ruggie values his time especially with you
"why don't you spend time with them again?" "...ruggie, are you jealous?" "what like it's supposed to be a secret?"
while he is the most vocal one - he is the one who will also give you silent treatment when you start to cancel on your plans
you were supposed to do things together are you replacing him now!
"i'm not one to share what is mine. especially when it's you."
after wrapping things with your friend's problem - expect this hyena to be attached to you to the bone and give him some donuts when you are at it
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* ˚ ✦ jack howl
this man will be dejected for the entire time to the point that people are pointing out how his ears droop
unlike the other two, jack would try to convince himself that it's normal for you to pay attention to other things
at first jack would try to help you out because you are also friends after all but unfortunately it's not the field he can offer his help so all he can do is to reassure you that he's fine
"jack are you sure?" "it's alright. they need your help right?"
but to be honest he needs your help too 😭 he already reassured you right? but why does he feel so jealous whenever you come back to hang out only to talk about your friend whom you had helped out
"jack, you look a little sick - are you okay?" "well... it's because you keep talking and spending more time with them." "huh?" "why don't you just go hang out with them instead? i'm sure they'll keep you better company, right?"
after that - as much as jack doesn't want to avoid you, he just can't help it + he can't look at you in the eye after suddenly blaming you
technically both of you are at fault but shouldn't your relationship be built on trust
when you finally confront him, all your problems are clarified and just lack communication with each other
it may take some time for jack to fully acknowledge that feeling and become more open about it but one thing that he knows for sure that he trusts you
"i'm sorry for saying such things that day."
"you're so cute, you know that? don't worry jack, i love being with you."
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fyuuura · 3 months
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UNDERCOVER | jake peralta
summary: jake peralta goes undercover to infiltrate a famous mob and he meets you, the niece of the boss who loves cops.
world count: 3.9k
notes: this is my first one shot and first writing since making this account. my obsession with jake peralta is crazy.
It was no secret that a recently fired police officer was just introduced to the Ianucci crime family. When your father announced it to you, you immediately got up from laying on the couch. It was hard to believe since your family had hated cops since the beginning of time. Although you were apart of the Ianucci family, you weren't involved in whatever business they were apart of due to your mother wanting an normal life. They were still family and as long as no one mentioned business, they could live in harmony.
You were indifferent in your opinion about cops. Many were snobs, but the few that cared for their community were the ones you could respect. Though, you did have to admit that you love a man in uniform and seeing your extended family being apart of the mob, only made the whole uniform more appealing. You weren't close to much of your extended family, only the girls who weren't much involved with the business either.
"Who let him in?" You curiously asked.
"Your uncle Leo. Apparently he got fired from the police force and bought everybody drinks. He made a big scene." He chuckled.
"Mmm. How old is he?" You excitedly inquired, leaning forward in anticipation for the answer. You were a single woman in her twenties, you needed answers.
"Yeah absolutely not." Your father said in his thick Brooklyn accent. "He's an ex-cop, and we all know how cops are. A bunch of playboys I tell you. They are no good."
"As if the Ianucci family is much better." You shook your head, and changed the television channel.
"We aren't. I'll admit that, but we do have loyalty. You never know what these cops will throw at you. If or when the Ianucci family falls, I guarantee it'll be because my brothers or cousins stupidity."
"You think they'll get arrested." You asked.
"Oh honey, they may be my family, but if they get caught, they know what they did. Plus, it'll serve them right for crashing my tenth birthday party and turning it into a mess." Your father shook his head, still holding a grudge over decades old fights.
You and your father arrived to the family party and he immediately went off to go dance with his cousins while you went to go find a waiter with some food. You didn't really know what to do in some parties, you often drifted through the crowds and mingled with the people, but you always found your way back to the bar.
You sat at the bar, wine glass in one hand and your hand bag in the other. It was peaceful until you notice a guy sitting down right next to you, ordering a drink. You've never seen him before, but you hoped he wasn't an extended family member. He had a rather nice face, a kind, unsuspecting smile, and a fit body. You smiled as he grabbed the drink from the bartender. 'Just my type.'
It was like he sensed you looking as he turned to face you. He smiled once he saw you were staring at him, but you didn't turn away. No, you needed to know who he was. "Hey."
"Why hello there. What's your name?" He replied back, his voice just as charming as him.
"[Name] Ianucci." It was like he was hooked onto the words that slipped out of your mouth. His eyes were mesmerizing. "I haven't seen you around before."
"It's my first party. Leo invited me. I'm Jake Peralta." He held out his hand for her to shake, but she froze. He watched as her eyes widened, her lips parted, and her eyebrows raised.
"The ex-cop!" She gasped then quickly put a hand over her mouth since she said that too loud. No wonder she was so attracted to him, she could spot a man in uniform even if he wasn't in it.
He laughed, "Yes, the ex-cop. Not my proudest moment, but I'm glad I'm no longer one. God, was it the worst possible profession I could've chosen."
"Really? Why do you say that?" She inquired.
"It's filled with a bunch of idiotic snobs and they fired me without good reason so good riddens to them." Jake said as if he didn't love his job and the people he works with. However, he had to play the role perfectly if he didn't want to get found out. Before he went undercover, he was informed about most members of the Ianucci family. Mostly the major characters involved with the mob, as well as their children and extended family. He remembered hearing about [Name] Ianucci, your father left the way of life long ago, but the family still kept in touch. Jake didn't have much information about you. You were the boss's niece but you didn't like to associate yourself with their beliefs. Due to this, you became a small outsider.
"I think being a cop is cool. I used to watch so many movies and if I didn't hate running as much as I do now, I think I would've became one."
"An Ianucci being a cop? I thought you guys hate my kind- wait that sounds off."
"We'll they do cause of you know what, but something about holding a gun and posing like a Charlie's angel seems so cool." You imitated the famous pose as you faked a gun with your hands and Jake shook his head chuckling.
"Hey, if you were on my team then I would've begged for my job back." He admitted and you raised a brow before taking a sip of your drink. Then he immediately paused, realizing what he said. Changing the topic was his best course of action, "So what do you do for work? Do you do the same as them?"
"Oh no. I dont associate myself with what they do, my side of the family decided to pursue other sorts of careers. I'm a first grade teacher."
"Sweet, so like you teach kids and get to play with them. Is it hard?" He tried to sound suave, leaning back in his chair. He was secretly happy to know that the pretty girl didn't do mob activities because that would've clashed with his morals and mission.
"I mean, being a teacher is always difficult, but it's a new experience everyday and I get to build bonds with the children of our future. I wouldn't have it any other way." She fondly smiled as she recalled her job. Jake noticed the ways were eyes softened and lit up. Her body language changed and got more relaxed as she shared her life. "But enough about me, I want to learn more about-"
Before she could finish, she heard the familar voice of an uncle interupt her. "Yo Peralta, come here and sing with us."
The two looked at the group of middle aged to old men, obviously wasted and drunk and having a jolly good time. Jake didn't want to end the conversation with you, but at the same time, he couldn't miss this opportunity to get close with the Ianucci family. You made eye contact once again and you nodded, ushering him to go hang out with your other family.
"We'll continue this conversation next time!" You said and he nodded, smiling and confirming that this won't be the last time you two meet as he shimmied towards the men. You shook your head as you watched him so effortlessly earn the affections of your uncles. He looked so carefree as he partied.
"Oh my was he hot." You whispered, smiling to yourself like an idiot after the interaction, and calling the bartender to serve you one more drink. So what if he was an ex-cop, it couldn't possibly be that bad.
You and Jake Peralta saw each other a few more times after that. Your aunt gave him a small part time job at their restaurant/cafe. He made the coffee, which you ordered every morning, and the sandwiches. You watched as he charmed you aunt and the customers and you fell into his trap as well as he used every morning he could with you there to talk to you. A joke a day keeps the doctor away, as Jake would say as you laughed at almost every one of his jokes
"Hey hey hey, [name]." Jake greeted as you sat right across from him. He started hanging out quite frequently at your distant uncle's restaurant which was right by your house. Jake was one step ahead of you and already had your favorite coffee order ready. "Another long day of entertaining the little devils."
"Once again, they are seven and most are little angels but thank you for the drink." You took a sip before your eyes landed on his hair. His entire appearance has changed a lot since you met him. His hair grew longer and he started to slick it back using gel. He wasn't wearing the button up shirts anymore, and instead switched to tracksuits even when you said it wasn't his best look. "Your hair looks a lot better now that you've grown it out."
"What can I say? Just call me the next Brad Pitt." He flipped his imaginary long hair and smiled as he watched your smile.
"Absolutely not, but I appluad your effort." You smiled as his face fell into a pout. It was the mornings like this that made you excited to wake up and get ready. Ever since Jake started to hang around, you've been waking up a tad bit earlier to spend extra time getting ready and sleeping a tad bit later due to the uncontrollable smile on your face.
"Why do you even like being a teacher? All I can imagine are those little children gluing crayons onto their fingernails and eating it." He started playing with his fingers to try and model what he thinks the kids would look like.
"First of all, never do that again because it is not cute."
"Hey! Everything I do is cute." Jake got offended while you just stared at him as if he was an alien. It didn't last long because you can never get over his pouty face that makes him look like a sad dog.
"Second of all, I just love being around kids. When I was a child, my parents were almost never around until I got older. When my dad left the family business and pursued another career, it took up most of his time and my mom lives overseas. Teachers were the ones that filled in that parental role and I wanted to be just like them." When you finished your little backstory, Jake was staring at you which made you look down in embarrassment, "Sorry for the rant, I-"
"No, dont apologize, I get it." His voice seemed softer, softer than the voice he uses to tease you with, softer than the voice he uses to flirt with you, softer than the manly voice he uses around your uncles; it felt real. "My parents weren't really there either so I spent my childhood alone watching 'Die Hard'."
"I love that movie. I used to watch that too since my dad has it on the DVDs" You shared a comforting look.
"God, you just get more perfect don't you." He quickly spoke as he melted, your hands were quickly grasped in his. That was new. Maybe you should mention 'Die Hard' again if this was going to be his reaction.
"Looks like we're more alike than we think." You smiled, looking at your intertwined hands. He either didn't let go because there was no going back or he liked the feeling.
"You can add both being late because I am never on time and you are about to be tardy young lady."
Panic filled your eyes and you hastly got up from your seat, taking your bag and coffee, and pushed in your chair, "Bye bye!"
"Bye" Jake said in a sing songy voice as he waved and watched you entire your car before driving off.
You both shared a sandwich that was cut in half as the streets filled with people walking to work or to get their morning drink or breakfast.
"So, are you going to the wedding tomorrow?" His tone seemed a bit different. You couldn't quite place your finger on it, but lately hes been a bit more fidgety. Maybe the wedding makes him feel lonely and he was about to ask you?
"Oh, I wish I could, but I don't really like those two getting married so I'd rather not waste my time." You shamelessly admitted and he looked almost relieved.
"How about your dad?"
"He doesn't like them either and he left on a business trip last night and wont return until next week." You told him, "Why do you ask?"
"Just wondering since it seems like a big event." His eyes widened as he emphasized the word big. "But there's no need for you to come anyways if you don't like them-"
"Did you want me to come?" You tilted your head as he stumbled for the right answer. You were honestly hoping that he would finally ask you out and you wouldn't have to be carefully searching through the restaurant windows to see if he was there.
"Oh no. Noooo. Not at all. You really shouldn't come." He was way too dismissive and offensive and it came out way harsher than he expected.
"Oh." You simply said and you could definitely feel your heart being cracked right open from embarrassment of ever thinking he was going to ask you out. It's not like you were daydreaming during work or right before bed of him asking you, but a simple no would be sufficed.
"I didn't mean it like that!" Jake saw the way the corners of her lips turned slightly down and wanted to punch himself for not choosing his words carefully. It's been two months since he started this undercover mission. The first four were spent learning the Ianucci family and how they operated. Now that he has successfully infiltrated the family, it was time for the hardest part. Breaking the connections he had formed. At first, he thought it would be a piece of pie. The only thing he shouldn't do is actually care about these people. That shouldn't have been hard since they were all criminals... Most were criminals at least. He was never supposed to keep talking to you, that wasn't the plan. He should have never asked why you wanted to be a cop, he should've never asked why kids made you so happy, and he should've never talked to you to begin with, but he did, and now he has to face the consequences of his actions.
Although you weren't involved with the business, they were still your blood-related family. They invited you and your dad to the parties and gave you discounts in the stores that they owned. Sure, you didn't like or associate yourself with most of them, but Jake knew you still cared for them because they were family and he didn't know how he could ever face you again for what he'll be doing at the wedding.
"I mean I'd love to have you as my partner to the wedding, but I wouldn't want to make you be somewhere you don't want to be. Especially since we all know that the groom is a dirty cheat and the bride is the definition of a mean girl." He rambled and you agreed with the last part since you watched him up with most of the drama. "But, that's not to say that I wouldn't want to go with you because you know- it's you, and-"
"Okay Peralta. Slow down. Down forget to breath." You used slow down movements with your hands, bringing it up and down slowly to make him stop rambling.
Jake stopped his rant and took a deep, deep breath.
"I get it, you don't need to defend yourself so much."
"Let me restate. [Name] Ianucci, I would be honored to be your partner or whatever gathering you want, except the wedding. That is if you'd still want me to after the wedding-"
"Of course I would!" She interrupted him, a gummy smile slapped across her face and Jake soon matched it with his own after she joyfully agrtowards. couldn't even act nonchalant like you'd imagined you would if he ever asked. You were so overwhelmed with joy that you totally missed the part where he said 'if you'd still want me after the wedding.' It was a simple sentence that you overlooked any double meaning towards. "Ehem, I mean cool.
"Cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool." Jake leaned back in his chair, taking a sip of his iced drink as a goofy smile etched across his face. However, despite how happy he should've been in that moment, it was soon crushed by the overwhelming feeling of guilt as you excused yourself to go to work.
Shock wasn't enough to describe what you felt as you watched the news. Short videos and photos played across the screen as the news reporter reported on New York's latest arrests and there you found partially blurred photos of extended family and the wedding venue that you didn't attend. It didn't feel real as you saw the police arrest people you've seen at family gatherings. Someone must have snitched and you have a feeling that you know exactly who.
Jake Peralta. It started to make sense. He practically told you to not attend the wedding, but you were too caught up to understand why. Had you attended the wedding without his heads up, you would've been another person in those handcuffs.
You felt betrayed, but also protected. He had asked for you and your father's whereabouts before the entire thing happened. Was this his way of keeping you safe? Did he actually have feelings or did he just want to use you to learn more about the family and you gave it to him?
Scenes flashed throughout your mind as your reminded of all the times he asked odd questions and all the times you spilled to him the secrets. You began to form a headache as your reality came crashing down.
Your father had predicted the fall to happen somewhat like this. It was your Uncle's stupidity to let in an ex-cop and now look at where that landed them. You wouldn't say that you were sad, you anticipated the day where karma would take its place for all the victims of their business; you just never would have guessed that you fell in love with the person who caused that downfall.
Love, what a silly feeling to feel towards someone who you were sure abandoned you. Would he even fulfill his promise to take you on a date after this entire wedding? Should you be mad at him for doing his job and lying to you about his identity? What was real and what was fake?
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Who was it? Who could be knocking at your door at 10 in the night. Could it be the cops coming to arrest you for not outing your family? You quietly snuck to the door, scared to see the person who lurks behind it. It was a polite knock, not a police-y at all. Maybe it was a friend or cousin. You slowly opened the door, and peeked your head to see who it was.
"Jake Peralta?" You said his full name in suprise.
"[Name], please can we talk." He looked like desperate as he towered over you, his arm on the frame of the door, and the other on the door knob.
"I don't know if that's a good idea, Jake." You were wary and didn't know how to feel. Evergtbing was happening all at once and you felt lost, but you needed answers.
"Please, give me a chance to explain everything." He pleaded with desperate eyes. "I know you're probably confused and upset, but let me explain and you can ask questions."
"Come in." You stepped aside and let him into your home for the very first time. It wasn't the scenario you imagined but it was a something. You walked over to the living room but neither one of you felt like this was a conversation to be had sitting down.
"It was you wasn't it? The one who sold them out?"
"Yes. It was." He admitted, "I'm still a cop."
"So you were just undercover the whole time?"
"Yes, I approached your uncle at the bar and it went from there. I can't say much- actually I already am, but, you weren't supposed to be apart of it."
"Stop right there, Peralta. Just give me a moment." You took a deep breath and when you thought you were ready to speak, your mouth held you back. A few more sighs later and you were ready with your next quest, "When we were talking? Did you approach me to just get more information?"
"Well, no. I thought you were cute so I sat down next to you at the bar. That wasn't the higher ups telling me to do it, that was my free will." Jake cracked an awkward smile, but saw on her face that that was not the tone. "I was already informed that you and you father have no part in the business so you weren't really on my radar. When we started talking, sure you did give me the latest gossip, but I wanted to talk to you. Like for realsies."
"So when you told me that you grew up alone-"
"That was all true. Everything I told you about myself was true, except for the whole undercover cool secret spy thing. You have every right to be mad-"
"I'm not mad." You told him and Jake's eyebrows shot up.
"You're not?"
"You were just doing your job and I can respect you for protecting your city, like batman." You sighed, regretting references batman in this serious conversation. "Most of my family there don't like me and do terrible stuff anyways. We were only relates by blood, besides, you did tell me not to go."
"I didn't want you to see the aftermath of everything. You had no part in anything and-
"But wouldn't I still get in trouble for not reporting it? I mean, I knew what kind of people they were but I didnt say anything." Jake stayed silent and she continued, "Why protect me? There are others in there that had no part too. Why me?"
"Because..." he trailed off, feeling his heart start to race as you looked at him to continue, "Because, your special to me. I really really like you, [Name]. I like the way you talk, the way speak about your students, the way you smile, the way your eyes softened when you talk about things you love. The way you put up with my childish antics and act like you don't like it but smile just seconds later. You never judge when I'm talking and I like you so much that I feel like I'm about to burst. I would rather you hate me than me not be in your life at all. I know I lied but I am serious about you and when this is all over, I want to fulfill the promise I made to you. I am in love with you."
I am in love with you. That's all you needed to make your decision. Your hands found it's way to the sides of his face and your lips found it's way to his. He immediately wrapped his hands around your waist, one resting one the small of your back and the other resting on your hip, stabling the both of you admist your passion. You moved your right hand into his hair that was already ruffled and messed up as he was running and finding his way to your apartment. He kissed you as if he was been yearning for the touch of a woman for centuries. It was so gentle but so passionate that you could feel your face getting hotter and heart beating faster. You both pulled each other as close as possible and he leaned forward to try and deeply feel you even closer. When you finally did break the kiss, he stared down at you with half lidded eyes, drunken on love and the sight you.
You grabbed his chin and softly brought it closer, "I love you too. The way that you joke around, the way that you smile, the way you talk, the stupid smile on your face when you talk about 'Die Hard' or the stories you had when you were a cop. I love all of it. I love you." You whispered and he rested his head on your shoulder, overwhelming happy that he didn't ruin one of the best things in his life.
"So, it's after the wedding technically. How about that date-" He started as you just melted into his chest.
"Just shush and enjoy this moment. We'll figure out everything later. Let's go to my room." You grabbed his hand and led him to your room, "While I have your attention though, you need to drop these tracksuits because I love a man in uniform."
"Already on it." He smirked as you closed and locked the door. You, [Name] Ianucci, dating and being with a cop whose absolutely hated by your family. What's the worse that could happen?
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niphredil-14 · 8 months
hey so the rottmnt boys tend to think their appearance would be an issue in attracting someone to them. So how do you think they would deal with a s/o who one day unprompted, the boys are just doing normal things, is like “It’s frustrating how everything you do is so attractive to me” and s/o hides face in pillow and makes a groaning noise, like they can’t contain themselves, but are trying too. S/o ends up giving their boys a massive smooch once they get themselves out of their pillow confinement?
thanks so much for sending this in! I've been dying to get some more tmnt requests! I don't write for Mikey unless I'm feeling super inspired specifically for him, so sorry about that. Hope you enjoy!
Leonardo: He may be the self proclaimed "face-man," but we all know that he deals with quite a bit of insecurity. Growing up watching movies with attractive people who look nothing like you can be discouraging, as can having to live in the sewers your whole life because the humans in the above-ground-world would see you as a hideous monster. While dating you, he never once took you for granted, because he knew how fortunate he was to have you. I don't think he would ever intentionally tell you about his insecurities, but it wouldn't be hard to figure out. So when you tell him that, and get so frustrated at your own lack of control over yourself and your emotions, it flusters him. He'd be so grateful that you shoved your face into the pillow because that meant that you wouldn't be able to tell just how flustered he was. He would try to cooly play it off as if it meant nothing to him, but the breathy tone to his voice, and the slight shake of it as he spoke gave it away.
"Well what did you expect? You didn't seriously think that you could be immune to my charm, did you?"
Raphael: I think that Raphael would be a bit more open about his emotions and insecurities with you, not completely, or all the time, but he would most certainly be better at communicating with you when he struggles than Leo would. He most likely told you when the two of you began dating that he was surprised that someone as attractive as you would ever want to go out with a big, scary mutant like him. It would probably take quite some time for your affirmations to sink in and become believable for him, he would appreciate your compliments, but it wouldn't be until much later in the relationship that he would be able to genuinely believe that you thought he was handsome. He might become more accustomed to your compliments, and I doubt that he would ever outright deny them, but I think it would be a while for him to stop doubting, if ever. But whenever you complimented him, especially out of the blue or unprompted, he would become so, so, so soft. His eyes would get all big, a smile as bright as the sun would be exposed by his lips stretching back against his beak, and a slow, steady thump, thump, thump would be heard from his heavy tail banging against the nearest surface.
"You're just too sweet, Doll."
Probably the most insecure out of all the brothers. Though it was all out of love, his brothers (especially Leo) teased him a lot growing up, and he had spent a good amount of time feeling inferior to theme in any way that didn't involve brains. He had been keenly aware of the fact that they would most likely all never find love, but he had convinced himself that even if by some miracle his brothers were able to, that he would never have the privilege. He wasn't big and strong like Raph, or confident and outgoing like Leo, or as friendly and cute as Mikey. He was a cold, introverted man who only knew how to navigate his tech. So when he got into a relationship, as happy as he was, he was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. He was convinced that it was all just a moment's lapse of judgement on their part, and that soon they would realize their mistake, and leave him behind. Because of that mindset, he had endeavored to savor every single moment he spent with his partner, he lavished them with every gift he could think of, and made sure that, even though he wasn't overly affectionate by nature, that they never forgot, even for a second, how much they meant to him, even if he was convinced that he cared for them much more than they could ever care for a monster such as himself. He would never admit these insecurities to them, he did not want them to feel obligated to reassure him, he didn't want to bring them down, but it was clear to them with the look of pure shock and disbelief that he let slip whenever they complimented him, and so they continued to, in hopes that they could crack through his walls, and convince him that they loved him just as much as he loved them. And every time they looked his way, no matter how long they were together, or would be together, it would feel like a gift from the highest of deities, a blessing for their most loving devotee. He may never fully stop viewing himself as a "monster," but it was okay, so long as he was theirs.
"If Ceres was graced with the gift of the Sun's praise, my dear, it would not feel a googolth of what I do when you so much as gaze in my direction."
(can you tell who's my favorite lol) REQUESTS ARE OPEN
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leclerc-s · 3 months
karma - part eight
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a very special guest here at imola 🐾🐶 baby leo meeting auntie lily and auntie kika for the first time 📸 - francesca.cgomes
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liked by natalia_leclerc, sukiwaterhouse, bensantos_ruiz and others
redbullracing pre-race vs post race at imola (charles' version)
tagged: charles_leclerc
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sukiwaterhouse it was a slip of the finger lechair charles_leclerc 🫵 caught lacking in 4k!!!
maxverstappen1 where's my version??
redbullracing slow your bulls mr. verstappen, it's coming charles_leclerc you just can't compete with my pretty face. maxverstappen1 they're using you for likes klootzak redbullracing what can we say, the italians love charles leclerc charles_leclerc WOW!! I'M TELLING KIMI! redbullracing boss-man said, 'i don't care. stop bothering me.'
user1 they way the stands were decked in ferrari red but they were chanting and screaming for charles will forever be engraved in my brain
user2 as an italian myself, we may not support red bull but we will 100% throw hands for charles user3 amen sister
user4 the italians once again proven that they will never not be normal about charles leclerc.
olliebearman to quote arthur, 'he's on that king shit’ ❤︎ by redbullracing, natalia_leclerc, sebastianvettel and other
user5 not seb liking that 😂 user6 that's his surrogate son. he'll support when he can.
landonorris i think this might be the first time i've stood on the italian podium and they've cheered so loud for a non-ferrari driver
georgerussell63 haven't you heard? he's their princess diana. alex_albon the italians are feral for charles leclerc charles_leclerc what can i say, i'm just that likeable. carlossainz55 that's debatable landonorris no, please don't do this. i can't be involved in this. natalia_leclerc I KNOW YOUR JOBLESS ASS ISN'T TALKING BITCH!! sukiwaterhouse only i can bully charles! bensantos_ruiz so now that you've lost your seat this is the tactic you're going to use? very mature carlos. carlossainz55 when your brother-in-law can stop hiding behind your 'father' and his little guard dog, i'll be mature. bensantos_ruiz i know the man who constantly hides behind his father and family name isn't fucking talking. it would just be a shame if someone (me) spilled all the gossip on your family, like that pr girlfriend of yours. i know you also didn't insinuate my sister was a bitch, when you're the biggest one of them all.
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natalia leclerc added four people
natalia leclerc welcome my children
natalia leclerc + charles
oscar piastri-leclerc oh so he was serious about the adoption thing?
ollie bearman-leclerc they never joke about anything. i told them i didn't want to stay in my hotel for the monaco grand prix weekend and suddenly i'm staying the week with them. charles leclerc you said, 'the bed is going to fuck up my back. it sucks.' charles leclerc and so like the responsible parents we are, we invited you to stay with us.
logan sargeant-leclerc oscar picked the most unserious couple to be his grid parents.
natalia leclerc you're apart of this too florida boy
logan sargeant-leclerc i have grid parents now?? what about jenson??
ollie bearman-leclerc this also means you've gained grid grandpas (nat's dad and a secret second one iykyk) and grid uncles (nat's brother, enzo, and arthur) charles leclerc jenson doesn't count because he's not on the grid anymore. he's like your adopted dad.
ollie bearman-leclerc like seb is with you?
charles leclerc OLIVER!
natalia leclerc no, no, let him speak!! he's right, even my dad think so too!!
oscar piastri-leclerc yeah, even logan and i know that charles
logan sargeant-leclerc this is like oscar denying that mark is his grid dad, or does that not count because mark's not on the grid?
ollie bearman-leclerc see, oscar can't even deny that, we ALL know it's true. ollie bearman-leclerc we've been over this logan, mark is his adopted dad. like jenson is with you. duh.
charles leclerc sebastian is not my grid dad
natalia leclerc charlie, you do not want to start this argument
charles leclerc NAME ONE TIME!!
ollie bearman-leclerc yesterday when sebastian reminded you to have breakfast because you ALWAYS forget natalia leclerc today when sebastian came over with lunch because we didn't have any groceries. natalia leclerc which, for the record we did, but you told me, 'no amour, stay in bed. we can cuddle and order in food.' oscar piastri-leclerc during bahrain when you complained how thirsty you were and seb handed you like three water bottles. logan sargeant-leclerc in australia when you said in an interview that you could go for some tim-tams after the race and seb came back with like 5 packages. oscar piastri-leclerc SEBASTIAN WAS THE ONE WHO STOLE MY TIM-TAMS? FOR CHARLES?
natalia leclerc shall we continue??
charles leclerc non, i get your point.
logan sargeant-leclerc next time make sure we don't have receipts.
oscar piastri-leclerc your other grid parent is lewis, no i will not elaborate.
ollie bearman-leclerc i will. i saw the tweets. kimi giggled when people said he was the brocedes divorce child. so technically you have a half-brother charles leclerc ollie, what on earth are you going on about now?
natalia leclerc obviously the f1 family tree? that we helped start after suki started the rumor that we had a secret child aka oscar
oscar piastri-leclerc so why the heck was i not adopted sooner? i was already being called your child charles leclerc that's because nat kept talking about you to suki and riley when you two met back in 2020.
logan sargeant-leclerc so by association edward cullen knows who oscar is?
ollie bearman-leclerc oh my god, that is so not fair
oscar piastri-leclerc i can't believe you guys care so much about twilight
natalia leclerc it's peak cinema oscar!!
oscar piastri-leclerc that's debatable ollie bearman-leclerc it is not! name another movie soundtrack that hits like crack just like twilight does
charles leclerc were you even born when the first twilight movie came out?
ollie bearman-leclerc i was 3 but that doesn't matter charles! logan sargeant-leclerc i just googled it, and i would've been a month away from turning 8. so how the fuck do you know the release date off the top of your head oliver? ollie bearman-leclerc that's not important logan!
natalia leclerc i will not stand for this twilight slander oscar. i'm calling a movie night. and we're watching twilight
oscar piastri-leclerc can't we watch harry potter instead? i prefer that over twilight.
charles leclerc ME TOO!!
ollie bearman-leclerc this is why suki hates you charles... and nothing will ever top the twilight soundtrack
logan sargeant-leclerc dare i say the hunger games?
ollie bearman-leclerc OH MY GOD! HOW COULD I FORGET??
natalia leclerc and now he's going to talk about how gale should've died instead of finnick for the next 45 minutes. sam had the riveting experience of through a ollie yap session about the hunger games.
logan sargeant-leclerc he's not wrong!! charles leclerc what??
ollie bearman-leclerc FATHER HASN'T SEEN THE HUNGER GAMES??
ollie bearman-leclerc this is embarrassing, we can no longer be related.
natalia leclerc booo 🍅🍅!!!
oscar piastri-leclerc something tells me charles lives in a harry potter bubble
natalia leclerc you'd be correct. he was OBSESSED growing up.
charles leclerc lies. i was not obsessed.
logan sargeant-leclerc based on the fact that i can google you and harry potter and find multiple videos of you talking about harry potter and multiple pictures of you in harry potter costumes or poses. i would say, yes, you were obsessed.
natalia leclerc does george still have the picture??
charles leclerc DO NOT SPEAK OF THAT PICTURE!!
ollie bearman-leclerc well no the curiosity is killing me, what is this picture we are speaking of?
charles leclerc mon cœur, please don't do this. natalia leclerc ollie it's the greatest picture ever. i swear you'll love it. i just have to convince george to send it to me. oscar piastri-leclerc i, too, am now curious as to what this picture even is logan sargeant-leclerc my curiosity has also been peaked.
charles leclerc i've been betrayed by my own wife and kids
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liam lawson changed ollie bearman's name to ollie bearman-leclerc
ollie bearman-leclerc IJBOL!!!
sebastian vettel what the heck do those letters even mean?
liam lawson laughing my ass off and i just bust out laughing
sebastian vettel kids these days will be the death of me.
max verstappen leo is making me proud.
charles leclerc you're just mad that the admins love me more than you.
daniel ricciardo that's because one of you loves media and the other doesn't.
natalia leclerc i don't even know why leo even bit charles.
arthur leclerc ah, this reminds me of the time charles threatened to bite nat's ex-boyfriend.
charles leclerc literally shut up?
yuki tsunoda like father like son
ollie bearman-leclerc i would never bite someone yuki!
ollie bearman-leclerc my brothers logan and oscar would also never do this. i think.
max verstappen you were serious about that?!
charles leclerc of course, they are my sons.
natalia leclerc congrats seb, you're a grandpa of 4!
ollie bearman-leclerc and step-dad of 1 if we count kimi!
ollie bearman-leclerc antonelli not our team principle.
sebastian vettel i really don't want to know
daniel ricciardo trust me, as someone who went down the f1 twitter rabbit hole, you really don't want to know.
liam lawson don't worry seb, we'll ask george to make a presentation so you can understand.
sebastian vettel please don't.
ollie bearman-leclerc too late grandpa.
kimi räikkönen HA!
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natalia leclerc added 5+ people
natalia leclerc welcome people. i'm pregnant. goodbye.
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mark webber why the hell am i here? and how did she get my number?
oscar piastri-leclerc jeez i wonder who could've possibly given her your number.
ben santos-ruiz please tell me charles already knew and this isn't how he found out.
max verstappen based on the way he looks i'm going to say no.
ollie bearman-leclerc I'M GOING TO BE A BROTHER?!
mark webber who's going to tell him? santiago ruiz don't you fucking dare webber. sebastian vettel leave him alone mark.
jenson button congrats?? i'm so confused.
charles leclerc WHERE IS MY WIFE??
oscar piastri-leclerc depends do i get to pass you into turn one tomorrow?? charles leclerc OSCAR JACK PIASTRI-LECLERC!! WHERE IS MY WIFE?
jenson button oh my god. this is the most drama i've been involved in recent years. i love this
ollie bearman-leclerc that's a lie because according to twitter you hate danica patrick. jenson button hate is such a strong word, it's more like dispise.
oscar piastri-leclerc i, hypothetically, saw her run past mclaren and into the mercedes garage.
charles leclerc LEWIS!
lewis hamilton i'm not a snitch.
max verstappen we are now down a driver. i repeat we are down a driver. he just disappeared.
oscar piastri-leclerc maybe i can win tomorrow now.
charles leclerc i hope carlos rams into you tomorrow logan sargeant-leclerc that's not very live, laugh, love of you charles. ollie bearman-leclerc 😧😧
jenson button wait, did she just find out that's she's pregnant?
natalia leclerc well, leo bit charles the other day which i was telling pascale, suki, and riley about and then i started talking about how i was really craving some stroopwafels and my plans to sneak into max's drivers room to steal some, which is weird.
mark webber why is that weird? santiago ruiz she hates stroopwafels... max verstappen which i think is blasphemy, but whatever.
natalia leclerc THEN! i started talking about how emotional i've been lately and how i hate the way fish smells, which is a bummer because i love eating fish.
charles leclerc WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?
natalia leclerc AND! according to suki, who just had a baby a few months ago, i was experiencing pregnancy symptoms, so we sent someone out to get a couple pregnancy tests, i took them, and voila!
logan sargeant-leclerc as apart of my mission of dethroning leo as the favorite child, i come to report she is with lily in alex's driver room, carmen is also with them.
benjamin santos-ruiz natalia, i swear to god if you move from where you're at
natalia leclerc 🫡 staying put, got it.
santiago ruiz i swear i did a better job at raising them.
sebastian vettel we know, they just met charles and went off the walls.
charles leclerc THIS ISN'T MY FAULT.
lewis hamilton kill me now.
ollie bearman no can do grandpa
lewis hamilton i don't think i like you very much bearman. ollie bearman 😧😧
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liked by natalia_leclerc, logansargeant, olliebearman and others
redbullracing people of the internet, we present to you, your 2024 monaco grand prix winner. CHARLES LECLERC DOES IT!! oh, and did we mention it was a leclerc double podium?
tagged: charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, oscarpiastri
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bensantos_ruiz before someone, the sainz family, says that my dad hates charles or something, please let it be known that my dad hasn't stopped crying since charles won.
maxverstappen1 favoritism, yet again.
redbullracing listen sir, you've got multiple wins in monaco charles_leclerc yeah max, let me shine! maxverstappen1 no ❤️ people will accuse me of going soft. oscarpiastri this coming from the man who cried last night when he realized charles was going to win monaco? liamlawson40 i can't defend you anymore max. danielricciardo YOU WERE THE FIRST ONE TO MAKE FUN OF HIM!!! liamlawson40 eh potato, potahto!
sukiwaterhouse i guess i'm proud of you or whatever
natalia_leclerc you literally cried with me. charles_leclerc admit it, you actually like me! sukiwaterhouse you're growing on me like mold charles_leclerc i'll take it!!
fernandoalo_oficial felicitaciones charles!!
user7 and i guess this is all the conformation we needed to know fernando was team charles and not team carlos user8 please, this old man has been on charles side since he said, 'it is frustrating to give your everything to a team only for you to get nothing in return.' user9 fernando was a lecfosi confirmed.
natalia_leclerc words don't even begin to describe how proud i am of you 💙
charles_leclerc je t'aime tellement 💙💙 bensantos_ruiz believe me, he's well aware. the fact that he kissed you with tears running down your face and snot on your nose amazes me. natalia_leclerc the snot part is not fucking true! oscarpiastri slander on mother will not be tolerated olliebearman dishonor on you! dishonor on your cow! logansargeant what they said! bensantos_ruiz oh my god
mrsamclaflin congrats charles!
charles_leclerc thank you sam! olliebearman JUSTICE FOR FINNICK! logansargeant ollie no!
user12 s*inz family found screaming in a ditch somewhere. ♥ by ben_santosruiz, natalia_leclerc, olliebearman and others
user13 the family that likes shady comments stays together user12 currently screaming because they liked my comment but also so true bestie.
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natalia_leclerc, bensantos_ruiz, and olliebearman posted new stories
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post monaco win duties ❣️ mon amour is a monaco grand prix winner brother is going to regret this tomorrow so much 😂 enjoy it charlie, you only win monaco for the first time once this is not appropriate behavior to have in front of your children!
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¡leclerc-s speaks! i actually don’t know what i’m doing with this story but i’m having so much fun with it either way. the plot of the fic was lost long ago. fun fact: originally i was going to go with a post monaco pregnancy but that was too corny so i decided, what if she just finds out on quali day instead to add to the humor. logan, oscar, and pato are my pookies and i will find a way to include them in any story.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Falling In Love With Leo Valdez
summary : title speaks for itself. reader is a daughter of Poseidon. timeline is from the lost hero to mark of Athena.
word count : 0.7k
type : imagines
pairing/s involved : Leo Valdez x Reader, Brother! Percy Jackson x Reader
warning/s : dealing with a loved one's disappearance, depression, and coping
here is my masterlist!
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Percy is the amazing older brother anyone could ever ask for. He made sure that you were thoroughly trained and well-oriented on what it means to be a demigod.
The only downside? He is extremely protective, especially when someone is romantically interested in you.
"PERCY!" You see the camper who flirted with you earlier got knocked off of his canoe and almost drowned in the lake.
"What? It wasn't me."
But his face says otherwise. He can be insufferable.
You love him dearly anyway.
So when he vanished that summer, you are a mess. Chiron had to monitor your every move because you might try to find Percy on your own.
Annabeth told you she received a word of where he is and assured you that everything will be okay. Instead she brought back three strangers with her.
One particularly caught your attention with his elf-like features and scrawny build. You found him... cute.
As expected, Leo flirted with you right away. How could he not? You are hot! 😍
"Hey there, cutie. Are you a goddess?"
"No. My name is (Y/N)."
"Leo Valdez but you can call me anything you want-"
"How about dead?" Annabeth cuts him off, giving him an icy glare. That was enough to shut him up.
Leo uses all of his time to be with you. He is so in love, it's almost sickening.
At first, it's just harmless flirting.
Then he notices the little things— you don't eat that much, easily space out in conversations, lethargic, and has always a forlorn look on your beautiful face.
You, on the other hand, have repressed your emotions to look 'strong'. Annabeth tries to be there for you but she is suffering too.
That's why you bawled your eyes out when Leo asks you about Percy one night.
After that, he swears to you that he will be there to help you cope and look for your brother as well.
He lessens the flirting, shifting to jokes and funny stories that make you laugh.
Disobeying the rules in the dining pavilion, he eats his meals with you on the Cabin 3 table.
You're the first person he brings in Bunker 9, letting you use the place for your own leisure. You often nap there.
Despite the instant attraction, trust gradually grows between you and Leo.
You weren't some silly crush anymore but someone Leo can confide in, and he to you.
Those who observe see that you are becoming lively again. Your smile is no longer forced, you're now eating well, and looking forward to training and games.
The moment you realize Leo wasn't just a friend was because of some jerks who think you were out of his league.
"Come on, man. She wouldn't date you."
You quickly walked up to them and kissed him in front of everyone.
To say Leo is surprised is an understatement. He almost blew up right then and there. That was his first kiss.
You had to pull him to your cabin to confess properly. Let's just say Leo had more than his first kiss that night. 👀
You two aren't officially dating yet, probably because of the war that's about to come.
However, you act like you do— displaying affections, acts of service, and most importantly, keeping each other alive.
There were no need to exchange I love yous, actions were more than enough. Though, Leo loves saying that to you whenever he can.
Annabeth knows Percy will likely kill Leo but if he makes you happy then why not?
Flashforward to Camp Jupiter, you walk to Reyna with Jason and the others. By the distance, you see Percy running towards you with his hands reaching out.
He engulfs you in a hug that you're sure will break your ribs.
"How come my little sister got smaller?"
"Shut up."
You both feel the heavy weight of worry on your shoulders disappear, Percy tigtening his hug on you if that was possible.
Even with the danger looming over all of your heads, you felt safe and content in Percy's arms. Everything seems perfect.
Now, there's only one problem...
How can you tell Percy that you're in love with Leo without the chances of drowning him to death?
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