#oops it's mostly just a bird
stresslitzia · 1 year
Rhapsody!! :D
Song rolled: Bad Luck Charm - Jeff Williams Themes: Shame, despair, the yearning to do what's right. Characters: Meteion (Final Fantasy XIV), Sora (Kingdom Hearts) Setting: One who's beyond used to destroying everything she touches returns to an old mission, and meets the one person who can mend everything that can be broken. Length: ~1.1k words
Pain is your reward for being near me Fate won't be your friend when I'm around Blame me for the tragedies that follow Grave, the situations that surround
The silence of the rift was deafening. Were it not for her sisters' constant chittering from the other Stars, Meteion felt she'd have long since succumbed to the selfsame despair as the rest of them. That world that intrigued her the most, that network of Stars in the furthest corner of the Sea of Stars, couldn't be much further now.
Wings to soar the Heavens, she reminded herself. Hermes gave me wings to soar the Heavens. Hermes wanted to know what distant Stars thought of being. The azure bird paused in her flight, turning to face the Star she'd come from. Why did she still yearn for her creator's approval? Hermes was long gone. And yet… "I have to do this for Hermes," she told herself- out loud, so she could hear something that wasn't just an echo in her own mind. "Such is… my purpose." And with that, she turned back to the network of distant Stars, pressing on with the intent of at least seeing what was there.
Clusters of Stars like this only formed when one was destroyed. Admittedly, she hadn't been too hopeful about the cluster as a result- but one of her sisters had mentioned seeing Starships traveling among the cluster. If a large enough Star could shatter into several smaller Stars, then perhaps it truly was worth a look. Perhaps it was akin to the Source and its Shards. Perhaps some traumatic event had shattered the Star, leaving it to merely exist with clones of itself…
The Sundering did not leave physical debris, she reminded herself, slowing her flight upon entering the cluster's range. There were so many options… so many Stars. It was hard to believe they were connected, once- but they were too close together to not have been. And each of the Stars, as she approached, gave off such a strong aura… She paused at each one, checking what the ambient emotions would be, before finally deciding to simply dive into one. The Star she chose had turned her blue feathers silver on approach- a sign that the ambient emotion was fear. Or perhaps anxiety. But it was not sorrow, or despair, so it was already better than many others she and her sisters had visited. The forests here seemed to stretch on forever in one direction, with a castle near the sea in the other.
"Individual self suspended," the bird spoke, fluttering down to the trees of the forest. "Connection with shared consciousness stable. Starbird number one hundred thirty-seven has made contact with the anomalous Star cluster. One Star within has been visited. Locals have yet to be seen. There is a castle, a lush forest, and a healthy sea." She paused, checking the leaves on the branch she now stood upon. "There is an anxious aura, but the Star seems stable. There is no immediate risk. We will reconnect ere we depart. …Suspending connection to shared consciousess. Individual self restored."
Meteion shook herself quickly to remove the stardust from her feathers before setting off through the forest, seeking out signs of life. Sure, the woods were lush- there were definitely animals here. But she needed to speak to someone sapient. Someone like… There! There, near the rock! She swooped down, hovering beside the person she'd found. A boy, about the same age as her keeper's youngest companions, dressed in black and red with short, spiky hair. He seemed to have companions who were prone to advancing without him, and when they disappeared into the brush, she chirped to get his attention.
"Greetings and salutations!" She chirped, earning a startled response from her target. Before he could speak up, she continued. "Do not be alarmed. I mean you no harm. I wish only to hear your words, share your feelings, and know your thoughts."
As though on instinct, the boy held a hand out to the mysterious, talking bird- and she landed with a grateful sigh, before tilting her head at him.
"May we please be friends?"
There was a moment of silence. It was less deafening than the silence of the Sea of Stars, but Meteion couldn't help but believe she hadn't been understood. That is, until she closed her eyes to transmit her message again, only to suddenly lose her balance as she was lifted a bit higher.
"What are you?" The boy asked, observing the silken silver feathers of the bird he held. "And why do you want to know so much about me?"
Meteion rose from his hand, moving instead to perch on his shoulder, where she would not be flipped around like a butterfly knife. "I am… Starbird one hundred thirty-seven… One of several thousand. Collectively known as the Meteia. You may call me Meteion. I was created on a distant Star known as Etheirys, and my purpose is to ascertain the meaning of existence. …To that end, I have caused Calamities, all inadvertent. My new keeper entrusted the goal of visiting distant Stars to me, such that I would cause no further harm while maintaining my original goal. This Star is an anomaly, part of a cluster that should not exist. …I seek to learn more of it."
It was only after her speech that Meteion noticed the look of sheer confusion in her companion's eyes. "…In short. I seek knowledge of where I am. All that you know- and your name, if you would be so kind."
"Oh! My name's Sora," the boy replied, practically beaming- glowing, even. "As for where you are… You're in the Kingdom of Corona. Or at least, the woods near it. …What do you mean, 'a cluster that shouldn't exist'?"
Meteion perked up, realizing she could finally actually explain the Stars to someone. This boy- this Sora- had crossed the Rift, too. He held an aura of hope and the scent of stardust. Just as she did. As such, she let herself spiral, sharing as many things as she could, answering every question, and accumulating as much knowledge as she could about the cluster. With her goal no longer requiring her to pose existential questions, it was much easier to prevent the conversation from becoming sorrowful. Over time, her plumage shifted from silver to a striking leaf-green. The color of friendship, not anxiety. And a color she had never been before.
"…But I'm not the one you want to ask about most of these things," Sora added, once the conversation had gone for so long that the duo had made their way to the shore of a pond. "I have friends who would know more. Maybe you'd like to meet them?" "Oh, yes, please!" Meteion replied, fluttering her wings excitedly. "There are plenty of me to go around. I can stay here and carry out my mission as normal." "Then you can join us. Visit more of the cluster you're interested in, and-" "And actually help?" "Yeah."
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account-name · 2 years
idk if i'll end up with anything nice enough to post but i am finally out of art block for now and am working on redesigning my designs of the trio
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elizaleclerc · 4 months
Hello, I love your writing, can I request Charles Leclerc x singer!reader where they already knew each other back when they were teenagers but the reader moves to LA to pursue her career so they kinda feel off cuz of the long distance, so years later Charles decides to surprise her at one of her concerts and tries to shoot his shoot after all those years they end up together and it's all fluffy and cute.
Sorry if this doesn't make sense english is not my first language, thank you <3
love this!!! tysm <3
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birds of a feather ✿
charles leclerc x reader
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summary: fem singer!reader reignites an old teenage love with famous driver charles leclerc
songs: birds of a feather by b.eilish, the 1 by t.swift
author’s note: mostly cute and fluffy but had to add a bit of angst oops! inspo from billie’s new album obv bc that’s all i’m listening to rn. also some google translate involved so oops again if it’s wrong :)
word count: 4k
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In the luxurious city of Monaco, you and Charles were cruising along the winding roads late at night, a favored pastime for the two of you. The cool breeze tousled your hair as the windows were rolled down, filling the car with the scent of saltwater and adventure. You stole a glance at Charles in the driver's seat, his face adorned with that familiar boyish grin, his eyes sparkling just as they did on the day you met him.
The car zoomed down the winding road, its expensive engine purring like a contented cat. Despite its luxurious interior, Charles had no qualms about letting you put your feet up on the dash. The scarlet sky painted with streaks of orange and pink was the perfect backdrop for this drive at sunset.
One thing different about this drive at sunset was that one of your own songs was playing on the radio. At only 19 years old, your song “Birds of a Feather” was reaching the top of the charts worldwide. At any chance he got, Charles would blast it at full volume whenever the two of you were together. It only made sense considering the song was about him.
You and Charles had been inseparable since childhood, a bond that felt unbreakable and essential to your very existence. Over the years, you both had your fair share of romantic partners, but it seemed like none of them could compare to the connection you shared. Despite any ups and downs in your own love lives, you and Charles always found your way back to each other, like two ships anchored together in the stormy sea of life.
Of course, there were fleeting moments when you wondered if there could be something more between you and Charles. The thought would cross your mind as his hand brushed yours or when he made you laugh until your sides ached. But those thoughts remained just that - fleeting and unspoken. You both cherished your friendship too much to risk changing its dynamic.
But deep down, underneath layers of familiarity and comfort, there was a quiet longing that neither of you acknowledged. A shared understanding that there was something more between you than just being best friends. And although it was left unsaid, it was an unspoken truth that added a layer of depth to your friendship.
The bass of the song throbbed through the car, drowning out Charles' words as he spoke to you. You strained to hear him over the music, but all you could see were his lips moving in time with the beat. "What?!" you shouted comically with a grin, and he reached for the volume knob to turn it down.
"I said, it's only a matter of time before you're touring worldwide," he repeated with a small smile. You shook your head in amusement. Charles always had grand visions for your music career, dreaming of reaching the stars and achieving the highest goals even when you couldn't imagine them yourself.
“You’re only saying that to be nice,” you playfully bantered with him, knowing deep down he truly believed in your talent.
A wistful smile crossed his face as he replied, “I’m serious. Before you know it, you’ll be in L.A., living your dream and making music for the world.” His words had a bittersweet edge to them, causing your own smile to falter. There was truth in his statement - Charles had just signed with Ferrari and would soon be the busiest he's ever been in his career as a Formula One driver. You were endlessly proud of him and all that he had accomplished. It feels like just yesterday when you both were just kids with big dreams, but now here you are, actually making strides towards achieving those dreams. Even with a hit song on the radio and promising opportunities ahead, you still felt like you were ages behind in becoming someone big in the music industry. And the thought of possibly leaving your best friend behind as you pursued your dreams weighed heavily on your heart.
He noticed the solemn expression on your face, his eyes full of understanding and affection. "Ah, come on," he said gently, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "You know I mean that in a good way." His voice was warm and sincere."L.A. is a hotbed for the music industry right now," he continued, his excitement palpable. "And haven't you always talked about wanting to go to the States?"
You nodded slowly, unable to contain a small smile at the thought. "Yeah, but...I can't even imagine us being apart for so long," you admitted with a hint of sadness. "We've never been separated for more than a week. And even then, you were blowing up my phone every day." You couldn't help but laugh at the memory.
His own laughter rang out, contagious and genuine. "So now you know that when you're in the U.S., you won't have to worry about us not talking," he reassured you. "Clearly, I can't get enough of you." His words made your heart swell with love and comfort. Despite any ridiculous or anxious thoughts that may cross your mind, you were always reminded that the bond between you two could stretch thousands of miles.
About a week later, you had hired a manager with the help of your parents and were looking at record labels to sign with. Your social media pages were blowing up with new fans anticipating and begging for new music. It was a rightful step for a singer who had just had a song blow up, to make more music.
After many phone calls and contracts, you decided on the best deal to sign with the record label you had always wanted. With a location in Los Angeles, Sony Music Entertainment was your new employer. 
As the days passed, the familiar childhood bedroom in Monaco slowly transformed into a maze of boxes and packing materials. The bittersweet scent of nostalgia clung to the air as you said goodbye to the people and places that had shaped you. It was early February, just before the newest Formula One season started, but Charles seemed to be swallowed up by his work, juggling the responsibilities of being their rookie driver. In those fleeting moments between racing events, he squeezed in time for you, knowing that soon you would both be consumed by your separate paths. On the last night together, you took a nostalgic drive around town, savoring every street corner and landmark. As the sun dipped below the horizon, you returned to your house - now empty and cold without all of your belongings. The silence hung heavy in the air as you sat side by side, cherishing these final moments together.
You both sat on your bed as you rested your head on his shoulder and asked, “How did this even happen?” 
“Your talent will always drive you towards success, how could it not happen?” He replied and it made your eyes water. You weren’t sure how you were going to adjust with your time apart. You’ll miss his advice and little jokes. You’ll miss your late night drives around Monaco with him, taking in the cool air.
As he turned to face you, his piercing eyes caught the glistening trails of tears streaming down your cheeks. His own expression shifted from concern to sadness as he took in the sight of your heartbroken state. With a heavy sigh, he reached out to gently wipe away a stray tear from your cheek and murmured, "Please don't cry." Your eyes met his with a solemn understanding, but your bottom lip began to quiver despite your efforts.
You couldn't help but notice the glimmer of tears in his own eyes, which only made your own tears flow even more freely. Together, you both sat on the edge of your bed, gripping each other's hands tightly as you cried until it became almost comical at just how much emotion was pouring out of both of you. In between sobs, he managed to let out a small laugh and said, "It's not even an actual goodbye, I'll see you again soon.”
You couldn't help but laugh along with him through your tears. "I know," you replied with a watery smile. "I'll see you before I know it.”
But as the night wore on and the hour grew late, the reality of tomorrow morning's early flight to L.A. began to sink in. Despite wanting to hold onto this moment for as long as possible, you both knew it was time to say goodbye. You stood up and shared one final embrace, his arms enveloping you in a tight hug while yours rested around his neck. The warmth of his body and the familiar scent of his cologne brought a sense of comfort amidst the pain of parting ways.
“Tu vas me manquer mon amour,” he whispered by your ear, which made you squeeze him tighter. 
“Tu vas me manquer davantage, Char.” You replied with a raspy voice, your cheeks still wet with tears. He blew you a kiss before walking out the door.
~ 5 years later ~
The electric energy of Los Angeles, California pulsed through the air as you walked towards the venue on the opening night of your highly anticipated second tour. Fresh off the massive success of your second album, fans from all over the world were eagerly awaiting your performance tonight. You could already hear their screams and see their signs, some bearing your name since the very beginning of your career. Your first tour had been small, just a few cities in the U.S., but now with your skyrocketing fame, this tour would take you to stages across the globe. The thought of performing for thousands of people in different countries sent a thrill through your veins. As you approached the entrance, excitement and nerves intertwined within you, ready to take on this new chapter in your music career.
As you nervously waited backstage, dressed in a stunning white gown for your highly anticipated opening night in Los Angeles, your mind couldn't help but wander to a familiar name: Charles. The two of you had been inseparable during your first year in L.A., constantly talking and supporting each other's dreams. But as time went on, his calls and texts became less frequent until they eventually stopped altogether. You found yourself relying on social media to keep up with him and were happy to see that he had found success with Ferrari, but also couldn't shake the feeling of hurt and confusion as to why he had suddenly disappeared from your life. You debated reaching out to congratulate him on his wins, but deep down, you knew it wouldn't make a difference.
The next years after that became hard, and you struggled to make genuine connections with anyone in the industry. You found that often other artists wanted to use you for their fame or publicity. But you had found one genuine person, your boyfriend. The two of you dated for two years, but two weeks before the opening night of your world tour, he broke things off. You were devastated, as he had become someone you loved dearly and could trust with your whole being. His reason was that he realized he couldn’t handle your level of fame and that it was becoming too much for him to handle. 
So here you were, backstage, reminiscing on your career up until this point. Your mind ran over the setlist a thousand times. “Birds of a Feather” hadn’t made the cut for this tour, and you stopped performing it all together once Charles had stopped communicating with you. You weren’t sure why he was on your mind so much for your opening night. 
As you stepped out onto the stage, a wave of excited nerves washed over you. But with each step and movement, your confidence grew until it radiated off of you like a second skin. The bright lights illuminated your white dress, making it glow against the dark backdrop. You knew this dress well, having spent hours upon hours rehearsing in it, mastering every twirl and flick of the sleeves. And now, as you sang and danced flawlessly, you felt like a true star. Every note was hit perfectly, every movement graceful and deliberate. It was as if you were born to be on that stage, commanding the attention of everyone in the audience. The familiar click of a metronome and the muffled directions from backstage played in your in-ears, guiding you through the performance like a well-oiled machine. You had become a masterful performer, honing your craft to perfection.
You wished you could remember every moment of this night as you went through the setlist. You performed “the 1”, a song from your most recent album. Fans speculated it was about the recent split with your boyfriend, but really in your mind you knew it was about Charles. Your fans mostly were unaware of Charles and the old friendship the two of you had. He rarely talked about you in the media, and you were never asked about him, even though the two of you were individually growing more famous by the day.
As the final song ended, you returned backstage, the sweat dripping down your face and your body heaving with exhaustion. This tour was more physically demanding than your last one, with intricate dance routines and high-energy performances. But it was all worth it as you heard the crowd's roar of approval after each song and saw their hands in the air, singing along to every lyric. The adrenaline rush and satisfaction of a flawless opening night kept you going despite the fatigue setting in.
You got a flood of compliments from your team and the crew backstage as you felt the dewy feeling of sweat on your forehead cool down. Your manager came up to and wrapped you in a big hug, congratulating you and updating you on the next steps for the tour.
“I know you don’t typically meet people after shows, but there’s actually a visitor here for you. He was pretty persistent.” She told you as you stood outside your dressing room. 
“Who is it?” You asked tiredly, not wishing for long interactions with people after the show. You were worn out, and typically napped or slept through the night after a long show. 
“He said his name is Charles Leclerc. Went on about how you guys were childhood friends. He showed his ID and credentials so we allowed it.” Your manager explained everything and as she was speaking your face became flushed. Charles was here, in L.A? And your management had allowed him to meet with you. You were partly in shock and partly frustrated with how easily he was able to persuade your team.
“Well…where is he?” You asked, and your manager pointed to your dressing room door. “He’s in my dressing room?” You questioned in a surprised voice, lowering your voice in case he could hear you.  
“We weren’t sure where else he could’ve waited. He made it seem like he needed to have a serious talk with you.” She explained further and you put your head in your hands. You couldn’t believe the words that had come out of her mouth, and thought that maybe she was joking. You thought that you’d open up your dressing room door and it would be empty, earning a loud laugh from her and a “Got you!”
As you slowly opened your door, still clad in your flowing white dress, your heart caught in your throat as you saw Charles sitting on the plush brown leather couch. The air was thick with surprise and a tinge of nervousness, evidenced by Charles' fidgeting hands rubbing against his pants. You could barely breathe as you managed to utter a breathless greeting, "Hi."
He stood up abruptly, his body language tense and unsure. “Hi,” he replied.
The silence hung between you like a heavy curtain as you asked, "What...um...what are you doing here?" Your fingers instinctively ran through your slightly tangled hair as you waited for his response, feeling both overwhelmed and curious about this unexpected visit.
As he stood before you, he seemed to struggle with his words, his voice catching and pausing as if trying to contain an overwhelming emotion. You gazed at him in awe, taking in every detail of his changed appearance. The dimple in his cheek still deepened when he spoke, the same crystal eyes sparkled with unreadable emotions. But now his shoulders were broader, defined muscles rippling beneath his shirt, and his neck had thickened with strength. It was clear that time had passed, but it had only enhanced his features instead of diminishing them. "I," he finally managed to say, his gaze never leaving yours, "I came here to apologize." You couldn't believe he was standing in front of you after so long. And in this moment, all you could think about was how much you missed him and how different things could have been if he had stayed.
“Apologize?” You repeated, awaiting further clarification. 
“I’ve missed you terribly.” He began to pour out, finally getting a grip on his words, “Every day we haven’t been together has haunted me. You’ve plagued my dreams, my every waking thought.” He took a swallow, “I see you online, doing amazing things, and I just feel this guilt that I’m not there with you.”
You could hardly believe the words he was saying. You felt the same, you missed him every morning you woke and every night you went to sleep. Yet you felt a tinge of resentment. He could have been there, he could have responded to your dozens of calls and texts. 
“I’m sorry, mon chérie.” He finished his speech.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and your eyes watered with emotion, your face contorted with hurt. Your voice came out breathless as you spoke, "Char, why didn't you call?" Your heart ached with longing and you couldn't understand why he hadn't taken action to bridge the distance between you. The unspoken desire between you was almost tangible, making the current situation even more painful for both of you.
“My ex-girlfriend, once we got together she saw how often we communicated and told me that I couldn’t talk to you anymore. And I thought I loved her so much that I was willing to do whatever it took. But…it turns out…” He paused, looking you in the eyes. 
“What?” You questioned, waiting for him to spit it out. 
“It turns out as the years went on, that I just loved you.” He said as he stepped closer. 
“You don’t mean that,” You denied shaking your head, a single tear running down your cheek. 
“But I do,” he grabbed your hand, “I think I’ve always loved you.”
You broke out into a grin while tears still fell, and wrapped your arms around him, burying your head into his chest. “What took you so long?” 
“I’m sorry mon amour, I guess I was just too stupid to actually do anything. But I love you, I love you so much.” His arms wrapped around your waist, kissing the top of your head. 
You pulled back and placed your hands on his face, admiring his mature features. He took his thumbs to wipe off the tears on your face. “I love you too,” You told him and he grinned. “Will you finally kiss me?” 
His lips met yours in a gentle, yet passionate, kiss. As your heart raced and butterflies fluttered in your stomach, you couldn't help but smile as his lips moved against yours. It was your first kiss with the love of your life, a moment that you would never forget.
You had always known deep down that he was the one for you, but you had spent so long convincing yourself that a friendship was all it could ever be. But now, as you felt the warmth of his embrace and the intensity of his kiss, you realized that the love of your life could also be your best friend - the person who knows and understands you better than anyone else in the world. And in that moment, you were grateful for every step that had led you to this perfect moment with him.
Charles had to return to his Formula One season, but the two of you called every day. He made it to shows on your tour when he could, and when you traveled to France to play your home show, he was there for every minute of it. 
The crowd knew that this show was special, and fans had picked up on the new romance between you and Charles. Everyone was loving it, and older fans finally put the pieces together on the connection the two of you had. So for your home show, you played “Birds of a Feather” for everyone as a surprise, with Charles in attendance. The song had only changed meaning slightly, as you sang it with more love towards him than you’ve ever had before. Headlines were soon filled with your name along with his.
As the next year rolled around and January came, the two of you were inseparable at award shows, him proudly by your side for every one of your achievements. His smile lit up the room and his hand always found yours in the sea of people. Even when you won your first Grammy, he was there in all of your acceptance speeches, his eyes sparkling with pride.
As the year went on and you took a break from touring, you joined him on the road during his racing season. The roar of engines and smell of burning rubber filled your senses as you watched him race with skill and determination. The paddock quickly became like a second home to you, with fans flocking to meet the both of you. The Ferrari team welcomed you with open arms, treating you like family. It was a dream come true to be able to share this passion with him, and you couldn't imagine a better way to spend your time off.
Charles never dulled your shine; in fact, he basked in its radiance. He was not intimidated by your fame, but rather, he reveled in it. As you both shared stories about past relationships, Charles' understanding became apparent. He may have been known for different reasons, but he knew the highs and lows that came with celebrity status. Together, you formed an unbreakable bond of understanding and support. Life had become akin to heaven with Charles by your side, a constant source of love and grounding amidst the chaos of fame.
Together, you moved into a luxurious apartment in the heart of Monaco. The spacious living room had been transformed into your personal music studio, with instruments and recording equipment scattered about in organized chaos. The walls were adorned with posters from your past tours and handwritten lyrics. Charles stood by the window, looking out at the stunning view of the city below, while you strummed your guitar on the plush couch. The sense of security and stability he brought to your life was palpable - his presence assuring you that he would always be there, no matter where your music took you. As you played him your latest compositions, his fingers effortlessly danced across the keys of the piano, adding depth and richness to the melodies. Together, you created magic in that space - harmonizing not just in music but also in life.
As you laid in bed one night, your head rested on the pillow turned towards him, you caught him staring at you. You grinned, “What?” 
“Nothing, I’ve just never seen someone more beautiful before in my life.” He told you in a low voice, smirking at you. You rolled your eyes playfully, knowing you should’ve expected him to shower you with compliments. 
You placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, “Je t’aime chéri.” 
You both settled into bed, cuddled up next to each other. He kissed your temple, “Je t’aimerai toujours plus.”     
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violet-yimlat · 9 months
I hate to pull this card but
Pulls out a deck of cards from various sources and draws the tarot card, The Tower.
Oops. Wrong card.
Draws the Cards Against Humanity card reading “A hummingbird drinking nectar out of my urethra”.
I do hate to pull that card too but it wasn’t what I was looking for- ah! Here it is!
Draws a card reading “If this post can get 5000 notes within the next week I will continue writing my terrible, stupid book”.
Btw part two is in the reblogs of this post.
Preview under the cut.
You might have heard the urban legend. It goes like this; someone is walking along a street. They’re always pretty much alone, perhaps with the exception of maybe a pet dog, a conveniently non-verbal companion, when they hear sounds of a pretty intense struggle in an alley. So they go to check it out, but nobody is ever there.
Although sometimes, there’s a little pool of blood or a few feathers.
Mostly this is dismissed as a hallucination, or birds fighting, but the amount of blood and the size of the feathers makes it hard to believe.
And the voices. Most people report hearing arguing. But wherever in the world the story takes place, nobody can understand the language spoken by the fighters. The reports are fairly consistent. The language is described as “mellifluous” and “ethereal”, and there are always multiple people speaking it. Or at least shouting in it, but it is generally agreed upon that they are angry.
But there is always another voice, speaking a different, but still incomprehensible, language. He, for in the stories it’s always a he, sounds defiant and cocky, speaking in a harsher, less musical tongue, unless, of course, you count black metal. Some especially astute listeners have picked up words and sentences used by the lone, defiant individual and the angry group, coming to the conclusion that they seem to be speaking different dialects of the same language.
And another thing; birds don’t generally use weapons. One witness said that they heard what sounded like a fencing match or duel before they turned the corner.
There are so many witnesses that they should probably make a discord server.
Now we come to the theories. We have the rational explanation as mentioned previously; birds.
We have the “Time travelling fight club” theory.
We have the “That one alien spaceship where they keep having to get out because that one alien speaking another dialect keeps picking fights and they always threaten to maroon him on Earth but they never do” theory.
There’s the “Mothman vs other Mothman” theory and the “Crazy global cult who’s leader travels from place to place to perform blood sacrifices” theory, and let’s not forget the “Magical mutant cock-fighting ring gone wrong” theory, but one theory stands above all the rest.
The most well known, and probably the most ridiculous, theory is the “Demon repeatedly getting jumped by angels” theory.
But it’s all just a conspiracy theory. An urban legend. A joke.
Until the day Amelia Butler found the devil bleeding out in an alley.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐑𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 [Part 1: Goldrush]
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There's always a certain sense of childish sadness in a man consumed by rage and anger- because in a man like him, those feelings are simply born from the pain of the past, and the crushing fear of what the future might yet make him face.
Tags/Warnings: Mafia!Tiger!Jungkook, Deer!Reader, mentioned abuse, mentions of underground fights, graphic descriptions of violence, a gun oh no, Jungkook in a suit, it's pretty dark read at your own risk, there is like a hint of fluff?, just let me cook I promise it'll be worth it, do not read this if you're easily triggered/upset by dark and violent themes please thank you
Length: 6.5k Words (oh boy look at the size of that thing)
There is no taglist for this fic.
A/N: Haha remember when I said it'll be 3k words per chapter? well I lied oops
-> Masterlist
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Jungkook met you after his first fight for the Golden House.
Humming a tune you'd almost danced through the kitchen- though you were mostly focused on helping the other maids and cooks prepare the food for the higher up's currently invited for dinner at the estate. He remembers he'd scared you- probably due to his rather beat up face, none of it having been treated most of the time, just so he could scar up and look tough on the outside.
It had worked- somewhat. Though his hybrid genes had made it rather difficult to hurt him enough to permanently scar- all of them eventually fading, needing to be remade, night after night.
The look of fear in your eyes had been something he got used to- or maybe he simply didn't notice it after a while, maybe it became normal to see you in a constant state of fight or flight. He never saw you rest, only saw you work- but when you were away from the Boss and only amongst yourself or him, you had a certain sense of lightness to yourself. Like a feather, as cliché as it sounds.
If it wasn't for your hybrid features, Jungkook would've sworn you were more of a bird than a deer- put in a cage, fear used against yourself to lock you in and to the Golden House forever. Just like he himself was shackled up, bought and owned by the highest man just so he could have some amusement watching the tiger hybrid fight in the ring.
He was a toy to him. Just like you. Just like any other hybrid at the Golden House.
Sometimes, when no one was paying much attention, you'd visit Jungkook in his room. You'd clean his wounds, and most of all- you'd talk to him like an equal. You'd tell him of dreams you had at night, of thoughts you'd come up with during your chores, or with fantasies you had about the world outside the walls of the estate. And he'd listen to all of it, quietly, your voice soothing his wounds more than any medication ever could.
Maybe your fear towards him didn't just become normal to him, so he didn't notice it. Maybe it disappeared, slowly, and that's why it left your gaze. You didn't fear him. Didn't see him as an enemy. And maybe that's what really changed.
It was winter when he found out about the consequences to your actions.
He'd spotted you outside in the snow, white flakes falling steadily onto your head and clothes, feet naked and red from the cold. It was punishment- for caring for him, doing something you weren't told to. You'd hidden it, kept it a secret so he probably wouldn't feel bad- but the true nature of it was more selfish than that. "I don't want you to stop talking to me." You'd said when he'd confronted you about it. "I don't want you to ignore me like everyone else does." You'd cried. He hadn't even spoken much to you at all, and yet the few words he'd gifted to you were more than you had ever received before.
And so he had to compromise, and instead tried harder not to get injured in the ring, so no one would notice when you'd help him heal.
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He knows that you saw the signs when his mind had started to slip. When his anger grew, and his sanity took a backseat inside his head.
Especially when the Head of the estate had decided it would be a delight to make you watch Jungkook fighting in the ring every time he had to as a way of trying to make you stop your foolish actions of helping the fighting hybrid- to show you how cruel and brutal the otherwise quiet and reserved tiger could really be, as he'd dislocate limbs and break bones night after night with a certain sense of bloodthirst in his gaze, eyes no longer kind but cold. How he'd bite and scratch with pure intent to hurt and end the fight in his favor, no matter the outcome for his opponent.
Jungkook knows that your view on him changed back then, even if you did not tell him that. He could feel it, in the way your hands would begin to tremble before touching him, or how you'd suddenly no longer reach out to him.
Gone was your attachment to him, murdered was any emotional connection you'd been creating.
At the end of the day, you had been nothing but a puppet to the head of the Golden House, nothing but a doll fed with orders because no matter what, you'd do it if it meant you'd survive another day. You would've probably even killed him if it had been asked of you- even though he wouldn't have let you.
You wouldn't have stood a chance against him.
The kiss you'd shared had been more than questionable, and he does feel bad about the circumstances back then.
He knew that it could've gotten you killed if anybody had ever caught you both, and he also knows that if it wasn't for his own initiative, you would've never made that step either. But he loved you, he loved you so much it hurt, and he hated being hurt because it was a constant for him he could never escape.
Everything he did, every situation he found himself in, every waking moment had been nothing but pain in one way or another. Nothing could soothe that ache in his body, could somehow make that burn in his bones feel a little lighter.
Nothing but your touch.
You cared. Even though he knew that you feared him, you still cared. And he hated it.
Why didn't you push him away, make him angry at you so he could have a solid reason to just get rid of you? The only reason he continued to endure wasn't so he could survive- he never gave a fuck about survival, none at all. But the heartbreak in your eyes, the fact that you'd be alone, the memory of you crying so bitterly about being ignored and put aside was continuously making him pull himself back up whenever knocked down, to win the fight and come back to the Golden House-
where you'd wait for him, soft hands on his skin relieving his rage just for a moment. Giving him a second to breathe. Where you'd kiss his wounds, and lift all the weight off of him for just a second.
And then you betrayed him.
"Thats a train ticket! I got it from Chun, she said it'll take you to busan." You'd told him, panic in your eyes as you'd pushed the slightly torn canvas bag filled with clothes and other necessities further into his arms. "After your fight tonight, there will be a dog hybrid named Min Yoongi in the locker room. He'll take you to the station.!" You said.
"And you?" He asks, dreading the answer he'd inevitably get.
"I'll be your insurance." You'd smiled.
"He'll take all his anger out on you-" He'd worried, and you'd nodded, and never looked so brave.
"I know." You'd told him. "But you'll live- and that's enough for me."
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"Flake has been replaced with Dohyun. The people aren't very happy with it, but he'll make them accept the change soon enough." Namjoon offers, setting some papers down in front of Jungkook, who looks like he might be asleep- face resting on his hand, arm perched up with his elbow on the armrest of his chair.
"Hm, they're never happy when a hybrid's on top." He mumbles lowly, eyes not opening. "I assume Flake didn't go… voluntarily." He asks.
"No." Namjoon responds. "Was executed on his balcony."
"Classy. I like it." Jungkook chuckles, eyes slowly opening as he takes in a deep breath. "Hm, I'm hungry-" He starts, looking at his watch on his wrist. "-let's hope Hideo doesn't piss me off tonight, or I might just have to swap him too." He growls, slowly getting up to prepare for the dinner he has to attend with the human gangleader.
Jungkook had the chance to get out. He's been given the chance after all, by the only person he's ever really considered he 'loved'- and yet his thirst for blood wouldn't let him go. The need for revenge was way too big inside him to be just satisfied with living his own life away from his past- but he couldn't.
They took everything he ever had away from him. They took you away from him. And he'd never forgive that.
So he began to convince Yoongi to join him in his plans, took the first few pillars out to make the fundamentals of the underground gang life crumble. He shook up the entire game, and began to 'swap out' human leaders with hybrids from his own rows- a gang he'd build up himself, consisting of almost exclusively hybrids of all kinds. He knows he's not doing any good with the way he's doing things- but he doesn't care.
If he can't change the game, he'll become the best player instead.
And currently, he's definitely on the road to take the seat as the king.
"Jungkook!" The rather eccentric man stands up, opens his arms for the hybrid who does not attempt to return the gesture or accept the invitation at all. "My favorite big cat, come take a seat!" He laughs it off, sits down with Jungkook, who keeps his face stoic and expressionless. "Can we have some chairs here please? I'd hate for your friends to stay standing while we eat-" He tries, but Jungkook shakes his head.
"No need. I'd rather have them pay at attention." Jungkook responds, and Hideo laughs in front of him.
"Always so on edge. Never change my boy!" He jokes, before the food is being placed on the table. "So. I heard you let Flake tumble down his balcony like a dramatic movie-climax." He chuckles, cutting into his steak. Jungkook nods, begins to eat as well, but keeps his eyes on the man in front of him. "Quite the spectacle. Made the higher up's a little nervous." He tells him.
"Good." Jungkook simply answers, and Hideo laughs.
Hideo is one of the only few human leaders left in his original spot- mainly because the man is rather interested in surviving, and keeping his head in one piece. He's smart, albeit a little bit unhinged- sometimes even causing Jungkook himself to feel uneasy around the man. He's a wildcard, and does what he wants whenever he wants, only follows rules if they're in his favor.
So Jungkook is wary of him, and doesn't trust that man as far as the bridge of his own nose.
"They say his minions aren't too happy with your new choice." The man mumbles, shrugging his shoulders however, clearly unbothered. "But they just don't like the change. What you should worry about however, is the money you're loosing." He says, making Jungkook's eyes sharpen.
"What money are you talking about?" He asks, finishing up his plate.
"The money you're not aware of." Hideo chuckles. "Flake had two daughters, and rumor has it they both emptied their bank accounts a few days before you struck and pushed Rapunzel down her tower." The man informs him, licking his knife while looking at Jungkook, who tries hard to make nothing visible on his face. He knows exactly what the man is trying to tell him.
Somehow, those daughters knew Jungkook would attack. Which in turns, means someone told them.
Which hints at a snitch.
"Sakata is currently finding them as we speak, so no worries about that." Hideo suggests, finishing his meal as he wipes his mouth with a napkin. "The only thing you should do, would be to.. sniff out who needs to go, so to speak." He says, grinning at Yoongi, who pins his ears back in irritation at the joke. Jungkook leans back, tilts his head once, before he stands up.
"I want to know the whereabouts of those two daughters the moment you have them." Jungkook says dryly. "Do not kill them. I want to.. talk to them personally." He orders, and Hideo laughs, nodding with his hands clapping once.
"Of course! Oh and-" The human man grins, and it tells Jungkook that the man has something to say that will definitely cause problems. "-I heard my dear Chisoo left you a present at your estate?" He says, catching Jungkook off guard for a second, as the tiger hybrid looks to his side towards Namjoon, who shares an equally confused gaze. "Oh, you've not seen it yet? Hm, it does explain his good mood, doesn't it?" Hideo asks one of his guards who doesn't react. "Ah, I really liked that guy. Don't be too harsh on the boy, yeah? He doesn't know how to.. read a room, you know? His jokes can be terrible." He laughs.
Jungkook slowly leaves, but as soon as he sits inside the back of his car, he's growling out orders. "Call Chisoo right now." He demands Namjoon, who already dials the number. "If he doesn't answer we'll pay him a visit right now." He says, waiting for the speaker system of his car to reveal the voice of the man.
"Jungkook! What's up my guy?" The young voice chimes out.
"Cut the shit. What did you do?" Jungkook demands, and Chisoo just laughs on the other end.
"Oh you've not seen it yet? I thought you'd like it!" He says, clearly eating. "Saw the poor thing and remembered something I heard from a former guard of the Golden House." He chuckles, and Jungkook's blood runs cold. "Look man, I have some urgent business right now. If you don't want it, you can just get rid of it- I won't judge." He laughs, before he hangs up the phone.
"Tell Seokjin to check the premises before we drive back." Yoongi informs him from the driver's seat, instructing Namjoon who calls the man right away.
"Seokjin." Jungkook says as the phone is picked up. "What the fuck did Chisoo bring?" He demands to know, and grows increasingly uneasy when the answer isn't what he hoped he'd get.
"I.. you should just not worry about it. It was probably meant to just anger you." He tells the tiger hybrid, not specifying things. "I've already dealt with.. it, just-"
"That's not your decision to make." Jungkook growls. "I'm on my way back right now, and I want whatever it is in my office before I'm back at the estate. Am I making myself clear?" He demands.
"..yes." Seokjin simply complies, though with great hesitation.
Because he knows, the moment Jungkook knows what it is, there will be nothing capable of calming Jungkook down.
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One, two, three.
You're counting each tick of the clock standing on the table in the office, waiting for something to happen. That's all you've been instructed to do- the man earlier having escorted you here, and just told you to 'wait', and nothing else. So you do just that, naked feet on the soft carpet, intricate details on the fabric almost hypnotizing you. It's already a lot warmer in here than in your room at the Golden House- and the man who brought you here had given you his jacket too, probably because he thought you were shaking from the cold.
Which you did- but you also tend to shiver from fear, mostly due to your hybrid instincts.
Just.. in here, you don't really feel scared. It smells familiar in here, like something you forgot existed- almost like a childhood memory, far away but reawakened right in this moment. It soothes your worries and slows down your thoughts tremendously.
ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six.
You can hear faint noises now, ears turning towards the door behind you, though your body otherwise doesn't move. you don't dare to, since the handcuffs around your wrists might make a noise, and no one told you if you were allowed to move anyways. So you just stay still, even when you can hear someone argue in front of the door, angrily, upset. The voice is familiar, again- but you don't recall a face to it whatsoever.
One hundred.
The door opens, people walk in. Your face stays lowered, you don't even dare to swallow the saliva in your mouth. "Why the fuck did he send me a hybrid?!" Someone growls, and it makes your throat clog up, angry tone causing your muscles to tremble once more. "Fuck. And why is she not-" He starts, before he stops right next to you, frozen in place almost like you are- though due to different reasons.
"Jungkook-" Someone sighs, when Jungkook next to you talks again, but in a truly bone-chilling tone.
It's so low, and steady, that it makes everyone wordlessly follow the command.
"Out." He says. "Everyone, out, right fucking now." He growls, and both Namjoon and Yoongi leave, though the dog hybrid hesitates a little- shocked as well by the sight of you, most likely.
Once the door closes, it quiets down. All you can really hear is the way the man called Jungkook walks around, paces for a good while, clearly in distress. You're not sure why you're causing him to be like this- maybe he doesn't know if he wants to kill you or not. Or he's fighting primal urges to hunt you down as a predator hybrid. It could be a lot of things.
You lost track of the ticking. You can't hear it properly with Jungkook moving around like that.
"Don't- stop doing that.!" He suddenly says, and you notice yourself panicking. What are you doing right now? You're not moving, you're not looking at him, and neither have you said anything- though that's out of the question anyways. What are you doing that you need to stop? You're barely even breathing- maybe that's it? It's an odd request, and you doubt you can properly follow it for long, but if he wants you to do that-
"Stop being scared!" He suddenly roars at you, hands on your shoulders making you whimper out of pure instinct, as you watch his chest rise and fall rapidly. "Don't-.. I'm not.." He stammers, before he takes a deep breath, seems to control himself as his hands leave your shoulders, instead push themselves into the pockets of his slacks. "Look at me." He demands, and you do just that.
His hair is fairly long, growing over his ears, curly and a deep black. There's two round tiger ears between his wild hair, one of them a little torn, but the scar seems long healed. His eyes are piercing, watching you intently as if he's searching for something with desperation, jawline sharp but his face has a certain roundness to it.
It doesn't distract you from the danger he radiates, tail swaying impatiently behind him. He's a tiger, in every way- large shoulders and powerful muscles unable to be hidden even underneath the suit he wears.
But there's a certain shift in his posture and most of all his gaze as he seems to realize something about you.
"Who am I." He asks, or more so orders you to answer. You begin to panic once more. How are you supposed to answer that? "Who. Am. I." He repeats slower, and you open your mouth to say something-
though no coherent word leaves your lips, only barely a noise that even sounds like it hurts, and it makes your eyes sting.
Jungkook seems to grow angry again. Is he upset that you can't answer? Will he kill you now, because you're unable to give him a proper response?
"Do-" He looks absolutely devastated, and for some reason, it makes you sad. "Do you know who I am?" he quietly asks, bracing himself for the answer he might receive.
Though nothing could prepare him for the pain he feels in his entire body when you quietly shake your head, confirming his worst fears.
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You've not only forgotten him- but everything else too, it seems like, according to Namjoon, who'd been trying to sort you out since Jungkook left you in his office, unable to really have you close like that any longer. His friend had tried it all, and had also let someone with medical knowledge have a look at you- which also gave an explanation about why you just won't talk.
You can't. It's not clear what exactly must've happened, but there's a definite injury there that won't let you make any sound without pain.
It's now pretty obvious to him that you must've gotten caught giving him a way out- and you probably paid the consequences for it too. Whatever happened caused you to forget most of your past, and no one can be sure if it's permanent, or just temporary. What is clear however is that you're completely hollow. There's no trace of a personality in anything you do, no personal preferences towards anything, no interest, not even very noticeable emotions.
It's not surprising to him- and maybe that's what pains him the most.
"So if you don't tell her what to do, she will just do nothing at all?" Jungkook asks as he looks through some documents to distract himself. The more he thinks about you, the darker the possible punishments that you most likely received become in his head- mind forcing scene after scene of you into his brain.
"Won't even sleep if no one tells her to. She was awake the whole night because no one told her when to sleep I guess." Namjoon says, arms crossed. "It's hard to tell what she's thinking considering she doesn't talk." Namjoon sighs defeated, while Jungkook stares at the papers for a moment.
You used to talk a lot, back when he was still used for underground fighting, and you were nothing but a maid for the gangleader. He remembers you humming random songs while dressing his wounds- something you told him was to mostly distract yourself from not crying in front of him.
"I'll fight better next time." He'd told you while you carefully placed the large plaster onto one of the scratches that's still bleeding. "So you won't have to cry."
"I want every bit of info as to where she came from before Chisoo got his hands on her." He tells Yoongi who's been sitting in the corner.
"I believe Chisoo bought her straight from the Golden House. Overheard him talk to one of the guests." Yoongi responds, and Jungkook nods.
"Good." He smirks, standing up, and bracing his hands on the table with a dangerous glimmer in his eyes. "I've got some unfinished business with them anyways." He says. The Golden House was no longer a place of fear for him- because just like you, Jungkook isn't who he used to be.
"You're going to start a war over a hybrid friend you made years ago?" Namjoon worries. "Jungkook.." he sighs, but the Tiger hybrid doesn't back down.
Because you're not just a friend.
You were his Savior, the only soft thing he's ever had in his life.
"No. I'm not just starting a war-" Jungkook growls like the predator he is. "I'm getting my revenge."
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Yoongi watches over you like a guard dog, just like Jungkook had told him to.
You'd overheard the tall tiger hybrid give those instructions to Yoongi just before he left in his car, and now you're left standing in the hallway where someone last told you to wait. "Come. You need to eat." The dog hybrid mumbles, walking a step before he checks if you follow. You do.
Of course you do.
You'd jump out the fucking window if someone told you to do so.
Before you were taken in by the Golden House, you'd actually roamed the streets with the dog hybrid together. You'd slept in a storage unit his past owner had rented before he died, a small place of shelter you eventually shared with Yoongi before you met Yuan Shun, the past head of the Golden House. You'd been way too naive back then. Told Yoongi you'd finally found a home to go to, finally found work to pay him back all his kindness.
You didn't know what you'd get yourself into. Not before Shun had forced you to get the small tattoo on your wrist that would forever bind you to him no matter if he died or lived. Every member of the Golden House had to get it one way or another- there was no way around it.
It was burned into everyone's wrist, whether they wanted it or not.
And once you're in, there is no out.
"Jungkook won't harm you." Yoongi says as he pulls out a bowl of something prepared, before he puts it into the microwave to heat it up. "He's just.. he can be a bit.." the dog hybrid sighs, shaking his head a little, unsure how to phrase it properly. Jungkook has his own problems, and it's pretty obvious to everyone around him that he's not the sanest of people any longer. No one can blame him for cracking a few braincells after what's happened to him, that's true- but that doesn't mean that he's a monster.
He's just scarred by his past, and haunted by his potential future.
You want to ask Yoongi what your connection to the tiger hybrid is. You really do- but you also feel like it's none of your business. If anything, you're simply waiting for orders, for a job you'll be working as from now on, a task you'll be given in this new place. The dynamic of things here is confusing to you, how everyone seems to walk freely, no one ever standing in one place waiting to be needed. You even saw someone laughing in one of the hallways.
It's eerie. You don't like it here.
"Eat." Yoongi says, before he holds your wrist, one of his ears twitching in irritation when he notices it's the one with the fine lined burn mark of the Golden House. "- when it's cooled down a little, of course." He sighs, and you nod after a moment, staring at the bowl of pasta.
Waiting. Counting the ticking from the clock in the kitchen.
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"I don't give a flying fuck-" Jungkook growls, knee connecting with the man's jaw once more before he pushes the chair back, gripping his face to force him to look at him. "-about your so-called loyalty." He finishes his sentence. "The only reason I'm not breaking your jaw yet is because I need you to be able to talk." He threatens, before he steps back, and wipes his hand on a tissue.
"I'm not talking. Daeho will-" He starts, when Jungkook slowly and carefully loads a black gun in his hand, pulling the magazine back to ready it in his hands.
"Daeho will what?" Jungkook almost sings. "Kill you?" He asks with feigned innocence in his tone, while he walks forward, and points the nuzzle of the gun straight at the man's kneecap. "How nice. But you see, I'm not Daeho." The tiger tells him, tilting his head a little.
"And I'm not nice."
A shot rings through the small room, followed by agonized screaming, and the gun reloading in Jungkook's hands. "Now, I'll try again. Why did Daeho sell her to Chisoo?" He asks, and the man takes a few deep breaths.
"He wanted to fuck with you." He grits out from between his teeth. "He knew it would piss you off. He technically wanted to send you a tape- you know what kind." He says, and Jungkook's blood boils up again. Of course he knows what kind of actions that sick man would have forced you to do, what exactly he'd make Jungkook watch. "But he thought-.." The man needs to catch himself a little. "He thought it'd make more sense to give her to you instead. Alive."
"Why?" Jungkook asks.
"Because you'd lose your fucking- whatever the fuck you're doing!" He groans. "You'd turn soft. Maybe even break at the sight of her all fucked up like she is now." He explains. "That's why he messed her up before you got her." he says, clearly sweating now from his body trying to keep up with the rapid bloodloss.
Jungkook is silent, before he unloads the gun, clicks the safety in place, and puts it back into it's holster on his belt, turning to leave the room. "Wait- wait, what about me-!"
"You can bleed out right here like the pig you are."
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Nothing will ever return to what it once was.
Mostly, because whatever was, isn't any better than what is now. The blood staining Jungkook's hands is still the same consistency as back in the fighting ring, it still washes down the drain the same way as it did before. There's nothing new to the way his knuckles hurt from the force of the punches he'd delivered to the man, and yet, there's a new sting in his chest that just won't leave.
Before you came here, he had at least a way of pacifying his worries about you. Before, he'd been able to just convince himself that you probably got yourself killed for him- that you'd been set free after all, finally escaping your cage once and for all.
The fact that you did not, and instead just went from one cage to the next, makes him nauseous. He doesn't even want to know what you had to endure throughout the years you'd been apart. Now you're just a shell- a plastic lifeless version of what you once were, nothing of your soul remaining inside of you. Could he even consider you 'you' any longer? Or were you now someone else?
Are you someone at all?
"Where is she?" Jungkook asks Seokjin, who'd brought him a plate of dinner into his office.
"She's eating with Yoongi downstairs in the kitchen." He tells his boss and friend, who's currently looking outside the window facing the balcony. "What do we do with her?"
I don't know, is what Jungkook's only answer can be. Because he surely doesn't- he's unsure if actually killing you would be a more generous thing to do than letting you simply waste away in the state that you're in right now. What you are, in this moment, can't be called 'alive'. There's nothing living behind those eyes, nothing but fear.
But he also knows that he'd never be able to put the gun to your head and shoot.
"Can I give a suggestion?" Jin asks after a moment of silence, and Jungkook turns his head, nodding. "What if you turn this whole 'joke' around?"
"What do you mean?" Jungkook asks, body now moving as well to face his older friend.
"Right now, her presence is doing exactly what it's supposed to." The cat hybrid says. "She's making you lose focus, makes you act without thinking. That's what they want."
"I'm not killing her." Jungkook defends.
"I'm not asking you to." Seokjin says, walking closer. "But think about it. What about her is making you feel like this the most?" He urges.
The fear you have. The fact you forgot him. The terror in your eyes. The emptiness you represent.
"Jungkook, you told me once that back then, she was the only thing keeping you sane in that place." The man says, white ears twitching between his hair. "And she can become just that once again."
"Have you seen her?" Jungkook growls.
"Have you?" Jin challenges. "You're in a place of power here. You call the shots, this-" He gestures around. "-all of this is yours. You offer us protection, a home, a place to let our guard down for once. You're not who you were before. You turned your life around- and you can do it again, but this time, it'll be her's." He says, and suddenly, Jungkook understands what his friend is trying to tell him.
This is his place. His territory. He's in charge. He's in control.
Nothing will ever return to what it once was.
Because he'll be the change it needs to turn this twisted joke around.
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"Remember, he's nothing to be scared of." Yoongi tells you, before he opens the door, and gently pushes you inside by your lower back- before he leaves you alone with the tiger hybrid in the room, no longer wearing his jacket, only dressed in a casually unbuttoned black shirt and slacks.
Even his gun is on the table. You could take it at any moment, shoot him, no problem. You know how to shoot a gun. Is he that stupid?
Probably not. There has to be a reason for his actions- you don't think he got to his position by being reckless.
He moves slowly, a lot more confident and most of all relaxed than when you last saw him- the person he is right in this moment a stark contrast to who he'd been when he first saw you. It makes you suspicious, unsure, because if he houses so many different versions of himself inside his body, how could you ever know who the real one is?
"The rules in this house, and under my hand, are simple." He says, voice surprisingly calm as he speaks. "Loyalty." He states, looks at you- and from the fact alone that he doesn't seem to mind, you guess that Yoongi was right when he said that you were allowed to do that. "As long as you don't betray me, I will offer you a safe place, and protection."
That doesn't make sense to you.
If that was true, that would mean that he'd just take in random people just because they don't snitch on him- what the hell would he even get out of that? Inside the Golden House, there were already rumors about him. That he's possessed by the drive to 'change the game' and put hybrids up on top, an odd way to live since apparently he'd escaped this entire circus years prior. Why would he willingly return to it?
Even worse, play the game he barely managed to get out of?
He sits down on the edge of his bed, and only now do you realize where exactly you might be right now. And it confuses you even more. He's letting you into his personal rooms?
"Come here." He says, and your legs move without any of your control. Like a puppet on a string you're pulled towards him, unable to really go against any orders told to you, like you're mind controlled. The moment you stand in front of him, he reaches out his hand- and you're torn by the possible choice given to you. But if he reaches out, you're supposed to take the hand, right?
Instead, you put your own in his, not making a decision at all.
Control is a scary thing. You don't want it.
He looks at your wrist as he turns your hand over, thumb running over the signature branding you have on your skin, burned in scar never fading. It's when you can spot something on the hand that holds yours, between all the ink and color he's placed underneath the skin. A scar, achingly similar to your own.
Your eyes find his- but he's not looking at you.
So he's from the same place as you once were. Is that why he smells so familiar? Did you forget him? Or did you never know him at all, and simply caught traces of him during your time at the Golden House?
Who is he?
"From now on, you're mine." He tells you, and you soak up that info like a sponge. "You belong here, and nowhere else." He says, and you nod to make sure he knows that you understand. There's a small moment where he simply looks at you, before he nods as well, and lets go of your hand. "Can you write?" He asks, and you eagerly nod, finally expecting a task from him. You'll be useful, you'll have something to do- you won't just have to stand around and wait for something that never happens. "Good. That gives me at least some way you can talk to me, I guess." He mumbles to himself as he gets up and walks past you, to dig around in a small drawer of a desk close by. "I want you to talk. If not with your voice-" He offers a small, palm sized notebook to you, a pen clipped to it's side. "-then with this."
You take the booklet with a nod, opening it to write something down. He expects a thank you- but that's not what he gets.
'What is my purpose here?' you've written, and he sighs to himself.
"Heal." He says, making you look at him confused. You're already starting to show a lot more emotions he notices, and it calms him down quite a bit, because that means that even though you may have forgotten him, you're at least slowly adapting to the overall environment you're now in. You move to write something again, before you hold out the booklet.
'There has to be a job for me.' you write, and he tilts his head at you, arms crossed, veins clear under his forearms, exposed since he'd rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.
"And I just told you what it is." He responds, face expressionless, but eyes glimmering with something almost mischievous. "Your job is to heal, adjust, and adapt to the way I run things." He tells you. "But if you want a.. job, I can try and arrange something for you." He huffs, dissatisfied, but still caving in.
You show him the opened page again, something added to the bottom.
'Thank you' is written there.
He just nods, and knocks on his door to give Namjoon the sign to take you to your room so you can sleep- and leave him by himself for a moment, as he watches the calm night-sky from his window, world steadily moving on while he doesn't know what's to come for him.
Even if Seokjin is right, there is no guarantee that this whole thing won't just backfire horribly. And there's still the looming threat of someone amongst his people who's currently the biggest danger to the house of cards Jungkook had barely built up over the years until now. If that person just so much as pushes one more card, it might all come falling down-
and this time, he'll take you with him.
If he dies, you can't survive.
Because if you do, you'll probably face a fate he doesn't even want to imagine.
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wondersinwaynemanor · 8 months
Dick finding excuses just to get hugs from his sister and brothers.
Dick groans loudly: Ow, Ow.
when Jason looks up at him from across the couch in the Manor library, Dick closes his eyes
Jason chuckles because he catches this: What's wrong, Dickface?
Dick opens his one eye, pouting at Jason: I already told you I broke my arm, Wiing.
which is true, but his arm has gotten better already. nevertheless, he continues his drama.
Jason: Want me to get you anything for the arm?
Dick opens both of his eyes now, grinning like an idiot: If we sit beside each other, I'm sure I'll feel better.
Jason: You are such a boy scout, Goldie.
Jason stands up with the book on his hand and sits beside Dick which is still far for Dick's liking.
Dick scoots closer to Jason, their arms hitting. after a few seconds, Dick leans even closer and glances at the book that Jason is reading, purposely nudging Jason's arm.
Dick: Watcha reading, Little Wing?
Jason scoffs but he smiles: I know what you're doing, Dick.
Dick: Which is?
Jason: Sheesh, Dickie. If you want a hug, just let me know.
Dick: You're so smart, Little Wing!
Dick wraps his good arm around Jason, trying his very best, with his one arm and with Jason's large frame.
Jason rolls his eyes as he wraps both of his large arms around Dick, carefully avoiding his broken arm.
Dick ends up sleeping with his head on Jason's shoulder. Jason continues to read until Dick would wake up to avoid disturbing his older brother's rest.
Does Dick need to keep pulling out the broken arm strategy? Yes.
Dick: Ow. Ow. *pretends to sniffle and looks at Tim who is at the batcomputer typing something*
Tim turns his chair around: Hey. That arm really hurting, huh?
Dick pouts: Very much so, Timmy. I can't even scratch my back.
Tim takes a sip from his coffee mug before walking to Dick: I got it.
Dick bites his lips to avoid from smiling. This dork doesn't even need his younger brother to scratch his back, but he's so extra.
Tim reaches for Dick's back and before he knows it, Dick is leaning forward and puts his chin on the top of Tim's head.
Dick: Thank you, Baby Bird.
Tim smiles because he knows what Dick is doing. Tim wraps his arms fully around Dick's waist, giving a warm hug to his older brother. Dick hugs back.
Tim: Like I said, I got you, Dick.
Dick: You always do.
Dick peers at the entrance of the dancing room in the Manor, where Cass is currently practicing her routine for her ballet presentation next week.
when Cass is done with a routine, Dick is grinning widely and clapping loudly.
Dick: Wow! Well done, Cass.
Cass bashfully smiles and motions for Dick to come in.
Dick: Are you done practicing for today?
Cass nods.
Dick: Are you tired already? Maybe you can teach me a few steps.
Cass raises her brow : You dance?
Dick: As long as it's with you.
Cass nods enthusiastically and she teaches Dick a few of the ballet moves, the simple ones, which are mostly twirling and such. And how is Dick an acrobat when he keeps falling on his butt? Was he doing this on purpose?
Cass laughs and offers an arm to Dick. Dick takes it and wraps his arm on Cass's back when he stands up.
Dick: Guess I'm clumsy on the dance floor.
Dick doesn't take his arm off Cass by the time they arrive at the door of her bedroom. Cass looks at Dick's arm and then at his face. Cass knows.
before entering her room, she hugs Dick and Dick automatically complies by tightly hugging back.
they were at the movie room, watching The Lion King when Damian received a text from Dick, who was just here a few minutes ago beside him. and the text was just a hug emoji? Damian wonders why the random text from his older brother.
after a few minutes, Dick re enters the movie room with popcorn and cookies and soda.
Damian: Why the random text, Richard?
Dick has the audacity to act oblivious: Huh? *he sits down beside his brother and offers the other container of popcorn* Oops, must be a wrong sent, Dami.
Damian leaves it be. Damian is already aware that Dick always pulls him close whenever they get to hang out, but he senses that the message was for him.
by the time the movie credits are rolling, Damian hugs his older brother because he knows. Dick is taken by surprise, but his heart is warm because he felt like hugging Damian tonight. if he's being honest, it's always.
Damian: Thank you for the movie, Richard.
Dick tightens his arms around his brother's little form: Thank you, Dami.
Damian: And I know the message was intended for me.
Dick laughs and pretends he doesn't know what his little brother is talking about.
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atzjieun · 24 days
be ok
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summary | the boys find out about jieun’s break up 
circa | may 2023
contains | 2.4k words, mostly fluff, bits of angst, non-serious murder plotting
notes | and just like that, 2ji are over 🫣
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Laboured breaths filled the room as the music came to a close, all nine members of ATEEZ freezing in their ending poses. They remained still for a few moments, holding their poses before everyone broke from position in sync. A few of the members immediately slumped to the floor, Wooyoung letting out a dramatic yell as he dropped to his knees out of exhaustion. 
“Let’s take a break,” Yunho suggested, chuckling at his member’s antics. Gratefully, some of the members moved to grab their water bottles while others opted to stay where they laid. 
All the members were excited for their upcoming comeback. Although they loved every one of their releases, there was something special about this album that told them it would be successful. Despite how busy their schedules had become, which would only grow more packed as their comeback date approached, the eagerness to meet fans again with new music was what kept the energy up. 
This comeback was especially important to Jieun, one of the few times when the youngest was able to have a large role in creating the choreography for their title track. She’d assisted in small sections of choreography before, but Jieun had been working tirelessly with their choreographers for months for this comeback, and her excitement was evident in the way she performed. 
That day, however, the usual excitement from the youngest member seemed to be absent. Jieun had always been one of the least talkative members, but she’d been quieter than usual that day and her mood didn’t seem to lift as practice went on. 
Even then, Jieun sat off to the side alone with her water bottle, blankly staring off into the distance. A few of the members had been observing the girl for the past few minutes, concern evident in their expressions.
“Jieunie?” Yunho was the first one to speak up as he approached the girl, kneeling down in front of her. She flinched, blinking rapidly as she looked up at him with wide eyes.
“Sorry- what?” 
A sympathetic smile appeared on the boy’s face as he reached over, gently ruffling her hair. 
“Everything ok, baby bird?” he asked. Jieun blinked at him blankly. “It just seems like something’s on your mind.”
She gave a small shrug, remaining quiet as her gaze slowly lowered to the ground. At that point, the other members had taken note of the situation, still occupied by their own activities but keeping an ear on the conversation. 
A minute passed with nothing but silence from the girl, though a small sigh eventually escaped her lips. 
“Me and Jisung broke up yesterday.” 
All eyes immediately turned to Jieun as they stared at her in shock. Yeosang was the first to move, walking over to the girl and taking a seat beside her, the concern evident in his expression. Without saying anything, he reached over and placed his hand on hers. She smiled gratefully before Mingi’s shocked voice broke the silence.
“You guys broke up?” he asked, dumbfounded. Jieun pressed her lips together as she nodded. 
“Alright, guys,” Wooyoung said as he jumped to his feet, clasping his hands together. “I’m going to go kill someone. Who wants to come with me?” 
“I’ll help!” Yunho immediately volunteered, raising his hand. “I could hide a body.” 
“I will too,” Jongho added. 
Wooyoung nodded toward the younger boy. “That’s good, we’ll need your grip strength for when we rip-” He cut himself off as Seonghwa sent a pointed look in his direction. “Oops, I meant, uh…” 
Rolling his eyes, the oldest ignored him and turned his attention to Jieun.
“Are you ok, Jieunie?” he asked, eyebrows raising slightly. Jieun immediately nodded, waving it off with a tight-lipped smile.  
“No yeah, don’t worry,” she said. “It’s…fine. I’ll get over it.” 
Her response only elicited more concerned looks from her members, though they remained quiet as none of them were sure how to comfort the girl. Although they were all aware of the likelihood of the two breaking up, it had never been more than a passing thought. From their perspectives, Jieun’s relationship had been going well, though it had never really been something they pressed her on. Maybe they should have, their hearts twisting at the idea of Jieun going through everything on her own. 
“Really guys, it’s fine,” Jieun said as she looked around, noticing the concern in her members' gazes. “Besides…I kinda saw it coming.” 
Their expressions morphed into curiosity as they watched her, though remained silent so the girl could collect her thoughts. Subconsciously, Jieun squeezed Yeosang’s hand just a bit tighter. 
“Everything was great in the beginning, but now that I think about it, I think that’s just because it was all new and exciting, you know? Like, puppy love.” She let out a single, humourless laugh. “But then we both got busy, couldn’t see each other as much, and we weren’t talking as much as we used to either. Even when we texted, they’d be hours in between and sometimes we’d go days without talking. So yesterday, when he asked if I could meet up to talk, I kinda already knew what was going to happen.” 
It was a little past midnight, the sun long gone and replaced with the glow of the moon. The night sky was clear, stars shining so brightly that Jieun almost forgot the reason why she had driven out to the park in the first place.
She gripped the steering wheel as she stared out into the darkness, knowing that Jisung was out there waiting for her, but she couldn’t move. Jieun knew what would happen when she walked out of that car, and a part of her wasn’t ready for what was to come. 
Her mind went back to the last time she and Jisung had spoken before he’d asked to meet like this, a short, awkward conversation after coincidentally meeting out on the streets. She would have blamed the ice between them on how they were hiding their relationship from the public, if not for the fact that many of their recent interactions had gone the same way, even when it was just the two of them. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d heard him laugh. 
Before she knew it, Jieun had unbuckled her seatbelt and pushed open the car door. She hugged her sweater close to her body as she stepped out into the parking lot and closed the door behind her. Maybe it was from the slight breeze hitting her skin, but she felt numb, her limbs moving on autopilot as she made her way down to the all-too-familiar riverside. 
As she drew closer, she could see a small figure huddled on the grass, back turned to her and staring out at the river ahead. After a moment of hesitation, Jieun stopped beside the figure and took a seat beside him. She remained quiet, following his gaze out to the water and watching each little ripple that passed. 
She wasn’t sure how long the two sat there, the silence saying more than they had in weeks. The last time they’d been there, Jieun had rested her head on his shoulder as they gazed up at the stars and pointed out constellations. They’d sat there for hours, enjoying each other’s company even as they sat in silence. 
Months later, there they were once more, though the silence this time brought them anything but comfort.  
“Jisung.” Jieun’s voice came as a low whisper, her gaze remaining straight ahead. The boy didn’t reply or make any noise in response, but she knew he was listening. “What are we doing?” 
His head lowered, almost in shame, as he took in a deep breath. 
“I don’t know,” came his reply, voice thick with emotion. “But I don’t think this is going to work.” 
Jieun closed her eyes, taking in a shaky breath as she nodded. Despite the fact that he was sitting right beside her, it felt as though he was growing further with every passing second, and she could do nothing but hug her knees to her chest. She continued staring out at the water, unable to even look in the direction of the boy she’d once spent all her time with. 
Jisung did the same, resting his arms on his knees as he mindlessly stared straight, trying to ignore the deafening silence. A part of him wished she’d disagree with him, tried to prove him wrong, but Jieun had always been one to go along without arguing. There was no changing that, not when it was something they both knew had to be done. 
“I…I should probably get going soon,” Jieun whispered. “I have schedules in a couple of hours.” 
Jisung ignored the ache in his chest as he nodded at her, managing a small “ok” as she brought herself to her feet. She turned, about to walk away when he spoke up again. “Wait, Jieun.” 
“Yeah?” She looked in his direction, the two finally making eye contact for the first time that night. The familiar warmth they’d once held for each other had long since dissipated, and Jieun found her chest hurting the longer she held his gaze. 
“Um. Can I, uh, have my sweater back?” 
Her eyebrows raised slightly as she looked down, only then noticing the sweater she’d mindlessly grabbed on her way out. He’d never come over to her dorm before, so there weren’t many things Jieun possessed that belonged to Jisung, and she was good at giving back his clothes anyways. That sweater was the only piece of clothing she had left that belonged to him. 
“Oh, yeah, of course.” Jieun quickly pulled the sweater off, leaving her in just her t-shirt and sweatpants. She stopped herself from shivering as the cold air hit her bare skin, handing the sweater back to him. “Here.” 
“Thanks,” he replied, giving a small smile that she missed as she stared at the ground. 
Jieun nodded, looking over her shoulder at her car parked a bit further uphill. A quiet sigh escaped her lips as she hugged her arms, fully turning away from him. 
“Goodbye, Jisung.” 
He nodded once more, remaining where he sat on the grass with his sweater in hand. He didn’t look back even as she began walking away. 
“Goodbye, Jieun.” 
She took a couple steps forward before stopping in her tracks, remaining frozen in place for a moment before slowly looking over her shoulder to where Jisung sat faced away from her. Her gaze lingered on the boy for a few more seconds in hopes that he’d turn back, that he’d stop her before she got too far. She waited minutes, hoping he’d stop her from leaving, but he never did. Taking a deep breath, she waited one more moment before slowly starting the journey back to her car, leaving Jisung to sit alone in the silence. 
Jieun was broken out of her thoughts as something wet hit her hand. She glanced down, noticing the single droplet of water on her skin before reaching up to her cheek, only then realizing the stray tear that had fallen. 
“Sorry,” she said with a small laugh, using her sleeve to wipe her face. “It’ll be alright. It was long overdue anyways.” Had she looked up, Jieun would’ve seen the softened expressions on her members faces as they watched their youngest member, but her head remained tilted, eyes fixated on the hem of her sleeve. 
Yunho scooted over as Hongjoong moved to kneel down in front of the girl. He studied her features for a moment before slowly reaching out and placing a hand on her knee. 
“Eun-ah, it’s ok to be sad about it,” he spoke softly. “Something nice in your life came to an end. It’s ok if it hurts.” 
She gave a small nod, eyes fixated on his hand. “It’s weird,” she admitted, chuckling slightly. “I think things fell apart a while ago, but we were just putting off what needed to happen, which was partly why we stopped talking as much. Now that we actually broke up, I don’t really feel anything?” A small frown made its way onto her face as she shrugged. “It still hurts, but I’m not, like, extremely upset about it. Maybe I’m just a heartless person.” 
Although the last part had been a half-joke, some of the members frowned at the girl. When she glanced up, she was surprised to see their expressions a mix of concern and anger. 
“Don’t say that, Eun-ah,” San scolded, his voice serious. “Everyone reacts to things differently.” 
Wooyoung nodded in agreement. “You don’t have to be fully sobbing and screaming to be upset about something.” 
“Besides, from what it sounds like, you had a long time to process everything,” Jongho pointed out. 
Her head slowly lowered as she took in a deep breath. She could feel Yeosang’s thumb rubbing gentle circles on the back of her hand, keeping her focused on the present moment instead of allowing her mind to go back to the events of the night before. 
“If you want, we can end practice early,” Hongjoong suggested. “You deserve the break, Jieunie.” 
Jieun shook her head as she waved him off. “It’s ok, we don’t have to,” she said. “Besides, our comeback is so soon. We shouldn’t stop just because of me. I’m fine, I promise.” She glanced up at the leader, and upon noticing the lingering concern in his gaze, Jieun gave a reassuring nod. 
She could tell that he wasn’t fully convinced, but Hongjoong let out a small sigh and nodded as he brought himself to his feet. He extended an arm out to the girl, which she took with a smile as he helped her up. 
Yunho stood up with him, ruffling Jieun’s hair as he walked past. “Alright, let’s run it again from the beginning.” Despite the clear exhaustion in the atmosphere, everyone quickly moved into their spots as Yunho walked over to the computer to start up the song. 
Jieun smiled to herself as they started dancing, allowing herself to be lost in the music, her limbs feeling lighter as the song progressed. Although she didn’t notice, the other members would occasionally glance in her direction, their own smiles growing as they watched the girl dance with the passion and energy they’d become so accustomed to and had recently missed. 
Even if it was only for a little bit, Jieun was happy and excited again, and that was enough for them.
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taglist: @teezingsiyeon @moonkyeom
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breadbrobin · 3 months
the bet
part one.
cedric diggory x reader — harry potter
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[fem!best friend reader]
summary: you could turn down many things. good, romantic advances, friendship. but you could never turn down a good bet
warnings: quite a lot of swearing, betting/gambling, GOD they’re so in love it’s stupid, minor character death (sort of???), i think i’m a comedian (i’m not), switched from an x oc story so might have a few mistakes oops
word count: 1.1k
(this is the x reader version of this story! i figured i might as well put it out there. why not, ig? anyway this story is kinda old now but i love it sm it’s so silly and fun so enjoy!!)
(i’ll be posting part two and three anyway but lmk if you want them!)
part two
part three
The Inciting Incident
It all started when Lizzie Crawford entered the bathroom.
“God, Liz, do you ever knock?” You asked, mostly unfazed. You were used to her friend bursting in unannounced almost every time you were showering.
“No,” Lizzie said, perching on the edge of the closed toilet and picking at her chipped nail polish. “Now, I have a proposition for you.”
You poked your head around the opaque shower curtain. “Oh?”
She hummed absently, running her hand through her hair. “So you know how Diggory’s spending some of the summer with you, and then you don’t live that far away so you’ll probably be in each other’s pockets all break?”
“Uh… yes? Obviously, I know that? Why does that matter?”
“Well, I’ll bet you twenty galleons that you’ll get some action with him over the holidays.”
You turned the shower off and peeked around the shower curtain at your friend. “Come again?”
“I bet you twenty galleons that you’ll get some with Diggory over the holidays.”
“He’s my friend.”
“And? Do we have a deal?”
You paused, considering your options. On one hand, you knew you didn’t have feelings for Cedric. On the other, it felt wrong to take a bet like that. Finally, your lack of moral compass won. “Fine. We have a deal.”
“Great! I can’t wait to be twenty galleons richer.”
“Yeah,” you laughed, turning the shower on again and letting the water run through your hair. “Keep dreaming, Liz.”
“What are the conditions?” Camilla Maquez asked, leaning across the table at dinner.
“Conditions?” you asked, buttering a bread roll and handing it to her.
“Yeah, like, what constitutes as ‘getting some’,” she used quotation marks. “Because you two are so affectionate anyway, so Liz, you need to specify.”
You rolled your eyes and pulled a face at your friend.
“No, she’s right,” Lizzie cut in. “Kissing? That counts.”
“Only lips though right?” you clarified.
“Yes, babes. Holding hands romantically counts. Gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes.” she hummed in thought. “Hugs with romantic context.”
Camilla snorted into her bread. When the other two shot her a confused look, she raised her hands. “It’s funny because they do all of this anyway.”
“Not romantically,” you pointed out.
“Mhm,” she smirked.
“Piss off.”
“Anyway,” Lizzie continued. “Legs. Anything to do with legs. Touching your leg with his hand or leg or anything romantically.”
“Mm, that’s sexy stuff,” Camilla mocked.
“Like I said, piss off.”
“Obviously sex.”
“Which you probably won’t do, but I need to keep my options open here.” she rectified.
“I have a bet myself,” Camilla spoke up again.
You sighed. “Yes?”
“Not with you.” she waved you off. “Five galleons says Diggory makes the first move.”
“That is not fair. We all know Y/N’s a pussy.”
Lizzie laughed. “Just speaking the truth, hun. Oh! Pet names, but like, meaningfully, counts.”
“Are you taking my action, Liz?” Camilla implored, sticking her hand out.
She shook her head. “I guess so. You better prove me doubly right, Y/N!”
“Not planning on it,” you sang quietly, returning to your dinner.
The Cow Situation
Before you knew it, the school year was over.
You woke up around midday, that first day back, and stared at the ceiling, relishing in the silence that surrounded you. The birds chirped outside you window and a thin ray of sunlight peeked through the tan curtains, leaving a golden line across your body and room.
With a sigh, you rolled out of bed and rubbed her eyes. Your hair was a tangled mess around the back of your head, but you simply pulled it into a loose bun and headed downstairs.
A note sat on the kitchen counter.
Taken the dog for a walk, be back around 1:30. Hopefully you’ll be up by then…
Love, Mum
You smiled softly and put two pieces of bread in the toaster.
You leaned against the counter and stared out into the yard. A few chickens pecked and scratched the dusty ground and a pair of cows grazed in the field behind them. A small girl sat on the trampoline, not bouncing.
You frowned as you opened the door and walked over, scaring a chicken out of her way.
“Hey, Little C,” you called. “What’s up?”
Cordelia Ridge, your nine year old sister looked over her shoulder and looked back. “Hi.”
Your smile fell from your face and you climbed up onto the trampoline beside her. “Uh oh. What’s going on, Cords?”
“Mummy says Diedre is sick,” she pointed at the black and white cow.
“Sweetie, Diedre’s always getting sick.” you sighed. “Shoddiest immune system I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen you.” you poked her side, enticing a giggle out of the girl.
“So she’s gonna be okay?”
“Of course. It’s Diedre. She’s always pulled through before. Why not now?”
They were holding a funeral for Diedre the cow.
Cordelia was absolutely beside herself. You stood behind her, a hand on her shoulder, the other hand holding a bouquet of long grasses, hand picked and arranged by Cordelia that morning.
It was a dry day, and the sun was shining, and Cordelia was glaring up at it like it was personally offending her.
“Don’t look at the sun, Little C. You’ll go blind,” you chided, pulling your sunglasses off and slipping them on your sister’s face.
“Maybe I want to,” she sniffed. “Maybe I deserve it.”
Your face contorted in confusion. “What?”
“I should have realised sooner,” she wept. “I should have given her the love she deserved.”
You stared down at your younger sister, whose bottom lip was wobbling precariously. You crouched down and tucked her wispy hair behind her ear. “Listen to me, Cordelia. There was nothing you could’ve done. The animal doctor said that it was just time for her to go. Like Grandma.”
That apparently did not help.
The floodgates opened and the sunglasses fell off. Cordelia planted her face in your shoulder and wailed.
As the young girl cried, your eyes caught onto two tall figures walking towards the family.
Your mum smiled softly at you before walking over to the people.
The larger of the two hugged her and she led them over to you and Cordelia.
You saw it was Cedric and waved slightly.
He raised his brows at the crying girl you held before crouching down beside her and tapping Cordelia’s shoulder.
“Hey, Dells.” he said quietly, making her sobs quieten and her head turn towards him. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
She sniffled once, then twice, and detached herself from you. You breathed a sigh of relief, believing the worst to be over, when the nine-year-old launched herself onto Cedric, crying into his black shirt.
He shot you a small smile, reaching out and patting your knee gently as he comforted her sobbing sister.
Your stomach lurched.
That should have been your first sign.
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whoops-im-obsessed · 1 month
Everything I remember from mischief movie night last night!!
Last night (13/8/24) was 'In-Tents Love' a rom-com set in a summer camp for troubled youths featuring a Parisian anime scene. Because.. of course.
Henry Lewis Oscar!! Bro was having so much fun with this, he was just grinning at his castmates the whole time
Cast was Shields, Josh, Niall, Bryony, Susan and Ellie!
Started with someone suggesting Hull as a location which got a round of applause and Henry Lewis to say 'we never should have written that fucking line'
Whole cast were very scared by the anime suggestion
The movie started with a song which started with Niall singing 'IM TROUBLED' and everyone sung about what they'd done to end up here and that there's gonna be troubleeee for me! And troubleeee for you!
Shout out to the late comers in the front row who got pointed at and told there would be trouble for them
Niall (Bobby) hugs things so hard they die
Bryony (Mary Sue) sets stuff on fire and lives alone in a tent
Josh (Tommy) I actually don't remember
Susan (Sue?? Was referred mostly to as mystery girl) seemed to be there for no reason
And Ellie (token Penelope) stole 1000 bees
Shields (Richard) was in charge of the camp
After the song Bobby and Tommy had a conversation and it was implied that they would be the love interests until it was revealed that Bobby killed Tommy's dog by hugging it too hard, still were potential love interests until Bobby said 'how's dad?' And Oscar had to call a pause and yell 'THEYRE BROTHERS'
The other characters are getting to know each other by the river, Mary Sue sets a fire and Mystery girl (who maybe had a name by now idk) doesn't know what it is and kept touching it (fire admirably played by Niall and the blue cloth)
Its revealed that Penelope has a crush on Tommy! The others tell her she needs to go for it. She decides she's gonna give him a dead bee.
It is revealed in this scene that mystery girl is here for a reason and its actually because she has loads of underage sex
Cue Josh joined quickly by Shields and Niall chanting 'sex~' while doing a camp little dance
Cut to a directors (Josh) interview where he was asked why he decided to have 3 grown men chanting sex in the back of this scene and he said he went to an all boys boarding school and that's just what they did there. He was promptly arrested.
The girls sing a song about the birds and the bees which turned into a sing along chorus where we all had to go 'what about beeees? What about beeees? What about bees? And Birds!'
Bobby and Tommy are about to have a breakthrough and say they love eachother when Penelope goes along and interrupts the brotherly bonding by giving Tommy a dead bee on a piece of string as a ring. He is disgusted and then into it and they go on a date.
Bobby is heartbroken bc he has a crush on Penelope and Richard gives him some advice - you miss all the shots you don't take. During this they were playing basketball and Richard was very good and didn't let anyone else have a turn. When Bobby did have a turn he missed.
It turns out Richard read Bobby's diary to learn about his crush and the Parisian anime scene is him trying to find it - cue Shields doing dramatic moves and a strong French accent trying to find 'La Diary!!!' When he found it, it granted him 'POWER'
The bee was apparently 'Einstein's bee' and when asked to explain, the director said he sneezed on the keyboard and kept it in, he was then asked where the bodies were.
The next scene started with Tommy doing an odd ballet dance which Oscar promptly paused
Tommy and Penelope were on their date on a boat, during the set up for this scene Bryony whacked Ellie in the head with a walking stick (oops)
Penelope only knows how to row in circles
The two talk and Penelope is too eager, telling Tommy she loves him, he doesn't like this and jumps off the boat and swims away. Penelope gets stuck going in circles.
Cut to Bobby and Mary Sue having a nice chat, they decide to be friends and sing a song about how amazing it is to be friends! This is interrupted by Tommy who asks Mary Sue on a date and Bobby is broken hearted a second time
Neither Josh nor Susan remembered Mary Sue's name and tried several ways to get around it, interrupted by Oscar, until they ended up saying she had 'Marie energy'
Mary Sue and Tommy go on a fishing date where Mary Sue throws rocks into the river to kill the fish. Tommy says how much he likes her and She doesn't like it and runs away.
Penelope is distraught and goes to Richard for advice, she's upset that everyone is pairing off and she doesn't have anyone. There's an interlude where Richard is met by Lord Gerald who runs all of the summer camps and wanted to check up on him. It seems there may be something there until the police arrive questioning Richard's intentions - Oscar interrupts this so it doesn't descend into madness and the scene continues with Gerald repeating Richard's name several times, as up until this point he didn't have one.
When Gerald leaves, Penelope is upset because Richard was supposed to be giving her advice! He gives her the same advice as he gave Bobby and its a sweet scene until she eats the bee and spits it back out. She takes a shot with the basketball and also misses.
The girls meet up by the river again and agree that boys are bad. The mystery girl introduces the concept of lesbianism and Mary Sue has a bit of a realisation - this looks like it might turn into another song until Bobby interrupts to say Tommy is hanging off the balcony
Tommy is upset and claims the balcony is his safe space - everyone agrees this is not a very safe space actually.
They try to calm him down and Bobby eventually tells Tommy he loves him, they get Tommy down and they have a hug, which doesn't kill anything this time.
Its revealed that Richard has actually been reading everyone's diaries and was trying to get them all to have sex the whole time. He learns about the concept of familial love and decides to turn himself in
The kids decide they aren't gonna go back to their horrible home lives and that they're just gonna stay at camp actually, they learn they can choose their own family and its very sweet
It ends with a song about the birds and the bees again, which goes 'the birds and the bees, the bees and the bees! What ever you please at summer camp!'
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centipedelightning · 2 years
headcanons about what kind of hobbies i think some of the skeles have. this post includes undertale and underfell sans and papyrus. i want to smooch these guys so bad y’all.
| Undertale & Underfell || fluff |
Hobbies: you are here | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4
words: 1045
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Canonically it’s trombone, and he knows how to sew
He started learning how to sew pretty young (out of necessity) so he’s really good now. He made papyrus’s costume after all! He’s actually a pretty skilled seamstress and super super good at making barely visible, perfectly blended alterations to clothing. He’d be better at mending if he cared to, but he isn’t bad.
The trombone was probably in whatever the underground equivalent of his second year of high school.
Yes he was and still is a band kid sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️
Other than in game canon, I see him doing origami. He found a box set of books (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) at the dump in great condition and decided to take it up.
He used to make a bunch of little characters and animals for babybones Papyrus to play with.
He makes so many paper stars. Like two of those really big mason jar fulls with a third actively being filled.
It became a bit of a coping mechanism to be able to pick up scraps of paper and make little things quickly and mindlessly. Not to mention the chance to make a wish
More than once he may or may not have used torn slips of blueprints and schematics for projects…. Oops
He’s so babygirl girliepop
He loves puzzles but that’s already covered by playing the game and this is not written to rehash the canon
So instead I will tell you about the million and one crafts he does (no I won't)
He so so crafty and creative so technically he does a lot of different things, but I see him loving making decor items. Stuff like rock painting and recycled garden decor. Yk those bottle cap flowers for your garden? Stuff like that.
His front garden is so cute because of all the stuff he put in it.
The rocks he paints are just random local forest and river stones. The paints are all natural and watershed safe. Ecological awareness queen.
He mostly does those dot patterns when and places them all around the garden and pathways. Sometimes he’ll do little faces or bugs to mix it up
He’s such a Zumba girl you have no clue. He loves the fun danciness of it while still being a good workout. He’s very 90s fashion-wise so you know he’s in those brightly colored body suits.
He lovesss putting together and painting model figures. Kinda like dnd minis but I see him being more into put it together yourself robot sets (like Gundams or whatever they’re called)
Y’all he’s so down bad for sexy robots you can’t tell me he wouldn’t love Gundams. Just look at how he acts towards his action figures AND METTATON HIMSELF. He’s so tragic and so real tbh.
He’s my artsy babygirl.
If you’ve read my headcanon post about him you’ll know.
He’s not very good, but he does do landscape paintings every now and then. Those times are more when he randomly decides to take a walk around a local park or something. He’s more interested in studying other artists’ work than doing it himself.
Onto an actual hobby: Whittling!
He discovered the hobby kinda on his own in the underground. Whenever he was forced to show up to his sentry station and couldn’t find a way to run off, he’d pick up sticks and cut them down to nothing with a pocket knife. Over time he started carving little shapes and figures into the sticks. He’d usually just make simple bone attacks or snow poffs. Sometimes if he found a bigger branch, he’d make replicas of some of the other royal guards or random machines.
Topside he makes so many animals. Like so many. His favorite things to make are birds. He has so many different types of whittled birds all over his room. There’s boxes in his closet overflowing with finished and half finished bird carvings. They’re also in the windows and you can see them walking past their house.
If he’s feeling fancy he’ll pull out the woodstain and give them a little depth to make the species more obvious.
He makes other animals too of course, but they’re usually gifts. He makes a bunch of forest animals for Frisk (their favorites are rabbits and deer).
He made an MTT carving Once when Edge was going through it and was increasingly stressed for like a month straight. Red is a bit of a hater so jacking anything MTT was like pulling teeth. You gotta do what you gotta do for the happiness of your siblings I'm afraid.
A lot of people see him working as a mechanic and I agree, but that’s his career and jobs can’t be hobbies so I’m not gonna go into depth.
Ok consider for a second: (silk) flower arranging
For one, I headcanon him working as a professional makeup artist on the surface so its not completely left field,
For two, I’m right and you know it.
He does it as casually as you can imagine Edge being casual. Mostly dining table centerpieces and hallways vases. He does silk flowers for places he doesn’t check as often (like hallways) but since he’s classy he dumps the extra G for the fancy fake flowers.
The real flowers are in foyers and on tables. He even takes the occasional flower arranging class in different disciplines to be able to have the skill to arrange any flower in any style.
Edge is such a granny so I think weaving would be reasonable too.
Originally he started out darning his clothes so they would last a few more months, but since he got topside he does a lot of more artsy woven pieces on those small lap sized looms.
He’s not too picky about the actual design; they’re usually classy and fancy and a bit pretentious like him but he’s not actually all that picky about it. He mostly makes scarves and wall hangs that he sells at the local farmers market and craft fairs.
All his friends do have specially designed and stunningly made scarves that he spent hours laboring away on. He gets to critical levels of happiness when he sees them wearing his hard work.
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biasbuck · 3 months
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
Happy Fraturday everyone (oops, I'm late!) Back again with another round of the fic I've been reading this week. You can find previous rec lists here.
A reminder I'm here for all buddie/bucktommy/buddietommy configurations, and I'm always on the lookout for more henren fic to read, so please send author and story recs my way! (Feel free to self rec!!!)
15 June 2024
looking for shelter from the cold and the pain by @itsactuallycorrine is a post-7x10 summer fic, from Christopher's perspective. In which after communication is cut off and Chris is in Texas, both Eddie and Buck continue to send emails to keep in touch, and he reads them even if he doesn't respond. They get increasingly more confessional in tone. I really loved how Chris' understanding of them both as people and the revelations they share help him find peace, without glossing over the difficulties and pain caused. Hints of Buddie (and background Bucktommy break up) but mostly about realising parents make mistakes and growing up. A really lovely Chris voice. (Once you've read this one, go read this never would've happened in a catholic high school in which Chris comes home from an inclusive sex ed class with questions. Hilarious and sweet!)
your wings will find you heaven by elizabethgee a post-7x09 and 10 Buck vs Captain Gerrard fic (with Bucktommy) heed the tagged warnings on this one, it's dark and potentially triggering, but taken very seriously. Tommy is nervous when he hears that Gerrard is interim Captain. Buck thinks he can handle it. But things take a difficult turn, and Gerrard's ability to pinpoint and press on a perceived weak spot like caring for others means Buck's put in a horrible position. Cathartic and ultimately triumphant, I just want to give Buck a damn hug for being so brave.
like a bird stealing bread out from under your nose by @cal-daisies-and-briars 'If you’d asked Eddie back in May what rock bottom looked like, it was his son leaving him. That felt like it; everything ruined so entirely that there was no way to ruin it further. There’s always more to lose.' An Eddie Diaz breakdown fic, in which he self destructs and monumentally fucks up with Buck as well, but puts in the work to try and fix it. I particularly enjoyed the focus on Eddie reclaiming the joy in personal hobbies in this one, giving himself space and permission to be his own person.
odd man out by  @messyhairdiaz is an eddietommy focused buddietommy fic! Hooray! In which Eddie's self doubt makes him question whether it's all too good to be true and the triad relationship they've stumbled into is working for Tommy, so Buck convinces them both to go on a solo date. I really loved the communication and negotiation of this, and the lovely dynamic that they're working towards. Plus it's just delightfully flirty. Bless you poly fic, I'm smooching you on the mouth.
Got Your Six by @sonofatoasterwaffle oh god...oh my god. The buddietommy voyeurism BDSM fic. Literally the hottest version of Tommy? He plays them all like a symphony. 'After Buck has a bad experience with a dom, Eddie decides that if Buck wants to scene, he’ll do it with Eddie there to chaperone or not at all. Tommy decides he's cool with that if it means he gets to be the meat in their weird, codependent BDSM sandwich.' Just *chefs kiss* Eddie's down bad and Buck is the sweetest little sub in this, give him directions and show him off!
all the vices i can't give up by @theweewooshow is a smutty Bucktommy phone sexting fic, with an alternative getting together scenario (aka they're unapologetically horny about it.) Buck accidentally sends Tommy a picture of himself with water dripping down his chest, Tommy takes the bait. Things escalate! Lots of fun and very hot.
seeing you with him just don't feel right (you're giving me a heart attack) by @bellabrady based on THAT Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode - in which Buck and Eddie kill Captain Gerrard in the most hilarious way possible. The firefam banter in this is just absolute top notch. Glorious and so so funny. It's what he deserves.
Special Occasions by @pop-me Henren smut and feelings! 'After Buck comes out in S7E6, Hen and Karen reflect on their own first queer loves and intense, romantic sex ensues.' OP's tags promise romantic fisting and well howdy do they deliver! Love when Hen and Karen are celebrated as sexy as hell.
this is it ( the thing everyone's looking for) by diabolicaldean the latest in a collection of Henren one shots, this one is a sweet gentle fluffy piece that celebrate the Wilson family, with the soft place to land that Mara deserves. God I hope season 8 cuts them a break!!
a miserable pile of secrets by @glorious-spoon a post 7x09 fic, in which Buck and Eddie argue, and Hen lends Eddie and ear and gives some tough love. I really appreciated how much this lent into the messy thorny nature of fucking up and fixing things, and owning your mistakes. Hen's perspective is really well drawn.
Okay I'll stop here because it's getting long, but see you all next week!
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emmebearpaw · 1 month
…. Oops I’m back with a whole second post/probably soon to be thread because the windglider one was getting very long and now I’m talking about Tengus and Gliders together. Putting in a read more for length.
This post is in response to reblog from @canonical-transformation and asks from @followfire and @beingatoaster
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Chapter 1) How the hell does a Tengu Work?
ok that might seem like a strange place to start but I think it’s important to start off with the fact that Tengu wing anatomy is wack as hell. Typically I am the sort of person who likes to do research while thinking about my silly silly headcanons. I have learned a lot about old fabric skinned aircraft and have an appreciation for early heavier than air gliders now because of the (Wikipedia) research I’ve done to think about gliders in genshin. So I figured we’ll look up animals with 4 wings and figure out how they would fly and okay yup, early birds and flying insects. Do any of them have shorter front wings and larger back wings? No? No they are all either larger front or equal size? Excellent. Sounds great. It does seem to be a design feature used in certain types of military jets and missiles to uh… help with turning? I don’t 100% know. It’s called Canard configuration. It’s specifically for fixed wing aircraft and not… birds….
ok so I don’t actually know the motion a tengu’s wings would probably be making. It’s not like we ever get to see them fly in game. Hell, we barely get to see Sara’s wings because the game magically puts them away so they don’t have to animate them except in her idle. This is stupid and we are going to pretend she can’t put her wings away in her inventory and simply just keeps them folded a majority of the time. Anyways enough about Sara for now (don’t worry man. We’ll be back), it’s time for assumption #1: tengus fly in a mostly horizontal position and flap their wings in a rhythm similar to dragonflies (front and back set flap with off timing), but with more elbow in it like a bird. There is a flapping motion, the wings work independently of one another, and a tengu can not hover or fly backwards.
Assumption 2: the larger bottom set is likely responsible for most of the lift. The smaller top set is likely responsible for steering? Especially sharper turns and maneuvers? I don’t 100% know. I really feel like they should be reversed so I can take inspiration from proto-birds like micro raptor but instead we have that. So we are going to work with it.
assumption 3: the human form isn’t really meant to sustain flight? But we know they can fly, and it’s described as flight and not as gliding in lore, and thus they must be able to, for some amount of time, generate enough lift to gain elevation. In order to help reach that goal, a few other things I presume about tengus are that they have extra musculature in and around their wings to support them, they have bones that are more hollow than the average human, both to reduce weight and to store oxygen so that anaerobic metabolism is delayed and thus lactic acid production, allowing tengus to perform athletic feats for longer without exhaustion than an equivalent human, and that their builds tend towards lean and muscular without excessive weight. Sara is a decent example of a tengu build I think! Sort of lanky and isn’t muscular like Itto, where it’s very obvious, but she is muscular and very strong.
those assumptions are going to form the backbone of what a theoretical prosthetic glider may need to accomplish. It needs to be able to move independently from the other wing on the same side, and flap! Either to provide lift or to help steer. Now, let’s get onto
Chapter 2: Construction of a Second Wing.
I say as if there would be one construction. Because. You know. It’s a mobility aid. There would be varying levels of need and thus varying types made so let’s go through them in rough order of least involved to most involved. Anyways I’m still not an engineer so uh fuck.
but first we have to start with the common elements. While I tend to think normal gliders for people without wings are unframed devices, I firmly believe that tengu wing prosthetics (which I’m going to call second wings I guess. I made up that name for the chapter title but do like it) are articulated framed constructions. Realistically I think bamboo would grow in Inazuma despite it not being there in game because trees can’t appear in two regions if they don’t have fruit, but, I think bamboo frames are the most common material due to its lightness.
I was originally going to draw pictures depicting the framing but it’s too late and I’m comfy cozy in bed, because past midnight is the only time I write insanely long tumblr posts. Diagrams may be added later but please use your imagination for now.
ideally I think the frame would follow the leading edge of the wing, acting almost as a second skeleton in order to minimize motions the wing is incapable of, and to provide a way to attach these things to the body harness. Realistically a frame on just one side of the wing may be impractical, and if that is the case then the wing is probably fully surrounded by a light bamboo frame. This probably depends on the needs of the user.
My general thought on the design of these would be a wing by wing approach. The trailing edge of the wings are not sewn close all the way, allowing the user to slide their wing in from the bottom before closing it with snaps, buttons, knots, etc. The wing would then be connected at the… shoulder I guess? The back? By an attachment to a harness. This prevents the wing cover from loosening or moving mid flight and secures the wooden framing against the skeletal structure. The idea would then be that a user could flap their wing normally, but with a larger impact than their wing could usually provide. The wing by wing nature of this general design allows for users to only have 1/4 wings be a second wing, or as many as they need in whichever combo. A more permanent harness attachment would likely be used in those who need both wings in a pair or both pairs, though the single wing approach may also be more practical for those with mobility issues in their wings. Basically, if the problem is lift generation, you can retrofit a wing over top and have a new wing! User cases: those with problems to wing shape (caused by injury or congenital) that hampers flight potential. Tengu with any other problem that does not limit range of motion below what one would typically need to fly with. See chapter 3 for more detail, because I do have a reason why this is the version I have thought about the most.
But speaking of those with mobility problems. What about people who can’t move their wings to the extent needed to fly typically. This is a much harder problem to solve with a second wing obviously, but I have had a few thoughts. To begin, these ones are definitely probably closer in framing to a full frame, because the frame will likely have to act as a brace. This is also the time to tell you I’m not a physical therapist. Anyways I don’t know how to solve this problem but there are a few options
A) the glider acts more like a brace and solid wing. The tengu’s wing(s) is still inside but does not bend, and is likely supported by more internal straps to fasten their wings tighter to the bamboo framing . This likely limits the ability to fly as flapping would not be an option. Though in individuals with upper wing injuries that limit mobility, I really do thing external control with strings controlled by arms or other body parts may be an option for sharp steering that is hard to do by body position alone.
B) Single wing injuries may be able to have rigging of some sort to have the motion of the opposite wing move the injured wing. This would likely be better if the injured wing was tucked away somewhere else and a new wooden boned wing was created.
use cases: those with atrophied ring muscles (though they may be able to move to previous one over time. Those with injuries limiting range of motion.
The last category is for those missing parts of or entire wings. These prosthetics would be the most intense, and would involve not only rigging wings to be able to flap and move via strings or whatever but also a different attachment system custom made to the user’s body. This… I don’t have enough engineering knowledge to imagine this I’m gonna be honest.
Chapter 3: hey why have you even thought about this and how does it pertain to characters (you can stop I’m just oc rambling. But also Kujou Sara)
So I’m gonna be honest and say I have a genshin OC who is a tengu. She is learning to make second wings because her nephew (who is like her little brother!) is a half tengu, and thus his wings are too small and aren’t growing primary feathers at quite the rate to support flight. She thinks that flight is one of the essential qualities that makes a tengu a tengu and not just a human with wings. She thinks he should get to be a tengu, and is thus making prosthetics from scratch even though she is very much not educated to do so.
This would eventually also lead her to talking with Kujou Sara. Thinking about Kujou Sara is a large part of why I have the oc, and also why I basically made her to be a foil to Sara. I don’t think Sara can fly, due to combination atrophy from not using them since I doubt Takayuki would let her go flying really, and injury (from falling off a mountain and whatever else she may have accumulated). Now. I don’t think Sara would like the concept of a mobility aid but also, like, I think it would be good for her to get her feet off the ground and to not have anything bad happen. Kujou Sara should have nice things and maybe one of those things can be talking to someone more immersed in the culture you are disconnected from and discovering things about it. And getting a second opinion on the things that mark you as obviously non human despite your effort to be one.
Anyways make your ocs to explore all the things in a game the game won’t cover, such as: long term ramifications of that war they just had, Yokai culture and self identification of the label, Kujou Sara having screen time and development and even some good things happening to her, Tengu, and wind gliders.
anyways that’s it for tonight my brain is starting to melt. Maybe more if I can think of more later.
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joltning · 1 month
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@fishfingersalad it’s almost 2am but i can’t sleep and ts probably only going to be seen by like 5 people anyway so let it rip
this au started out as a self indulgent pocket sized au that I ignore as all my aus do…..then I couldn’t sleep and started imagining things im good at that. it started as an au I could do ship focus on and well I love lore I guess. despite all this the main story still focuses on my blorbos. maybe I will make a storyline for the main cast, if I can imagine things again
one day, all across (abridged) America (this is why I made that carolina/puerto rico/dc post btw), 50 children, each for 1 state, pop up at the same time, with varying ages, mostly tween years but with some variation up and down. while some are humanoid creatures, others are completely monstrous and lack sentience. however, they all share one common factor: a tag identifying what state they came from. The majority of the sentient ones assume this is their name, and that’s why they run with it.
conspiracy theorists and cryptid fans nationwide take notice of a bunch of shit happening overnight and develop “The 50” list. depending on if it’s commonly agreed upon what monster you are and if it’s commonly agreed upon what state you’re from, you’ll be ranked higher or lower on the list, with, of course, the highest ranking being the most sought after and hidden. Most of the higher tiered creatures are humanoid; it’s easier to blend in if you don’t look out of place
i forgot to mention Btw it’s like. myths and legends and shit too. i mentioned york being the pied Piper I also think the implication that the pied Piper is a monster is funny. also only one monster per person and
ofc my blorbos…….Everyone run now!!!! Ohio has just moved to a new city yay go girl But her coworkers are fucked up!!! There’s this bitch Sherry that she may or may not have a crush on and like her two little friends who absolutely know that. but Watch out there’s a freaky green man It’s Georgia her old friend Georgia. they were their first freelancer friends but geo Loves making deals for souls slash servitude slash their power slash take over the world slash he doesn’t know what souls are and neither do I. but they gotta be normal and not fight in the office.!!! And fight outside of a Walmart at 2 instead. he’s kinda bad at it though which is why only Ohio cares.
anywya Sherry keeps running into Ohio and Georgia fighting and you know Ohio’s kind of like. well if you see her when she’s not masking you’ll probably go insane huh. so Ohio has to keep wiping her memories and Sherry’s getting CRAZY deja vu.
this is so stressful Good thing Ohio’s got her trusty friends Iowa and Idaho!!! They’re causing chaos somewhere else but she’s always texting them and video chatting. hopefully they can meet up again soon!!
Utah is a paranormal investigator and currently georgia’s only the only person who’s currently made a deal with him. he’s made past deals but Ohio scared them off by ‘Do Not Be Afraid’ing them. it’s either that or they have to get killed lest the green fuck get too powerful and Ohio would rather not do that thanks. utah doesn’t even get anything in return he just wants to know wtf is going on tbh. Georgia stays at his apartment because he’s a squatter I guess
well That’s too bad I guess I can’t share any more because they’re just plotpoints. hey do you wanna know what the other freelancers are
Ohio: Angel (duh. So low because when she spawned she was literally in the middle of a bunch of people and blinded them with her corporeal form)
Georgia: Demon (the devil but literally this time. manages to be a little higher due to being able to teleport short distances. Stayed a little too close to home base, though.)
Iowa: Harpy (kept flying in the air like a dumbass everyone fucking saw him. denialists claim it to be a big bird. and they’re right.)
Idaho: Werewolf (he didn’t know until a full moon came out. oops.)
Carolina: Siren (keeps the bad singing voice.)
York: pied piper….
Wash: Shapeshifter
Florida: Alien (when he came on the fated day he rode in on a meteor instead of plopping in, breaking off the state from the rest of the US. its highly debated on whether or not the meteor itself was the creature.)
Maine: Bigfoot (but he shaves his whole body every day so he just looks like a big guy)
Connie: Kitsune
Wyoming: Fairy (despite being obvious, no one fuckinh lives in wyoming so he just flew far away immediately. fucks up the rankings of others by being spotted far away from his state.)
North: The Sandman (Both spawned across from eachother at the 2 state’s borders. They immediately declared eachother twins.)
South: Mare/Dream Eater (Their high ranking is very dependent on the confusion on which twin is which, since they work together to sleep and then feast.)
Tex: Ghost
you may see here I did not include Utah Did I forget No No No (kinda) I have an idea for what he is but i don’t intent to reveal it ever really. idk how id incorporate that. jsut know I searched really hard to find a creature that wasn’t a ghost that disrupted electromagnetic fields so that every time he went ghost hunting the machines would go off causing him to assert there was a ghost there. but no alas I did not find that
ok tahts it I think. for now. maybe. if you have any ideas for this background fucks wise or rnbs wise I would like them. for meThanks goodnight im gonna pass blout Out Out
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sweetshelluvaau · 9 months
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Finally, I finished him!
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So here he is, the King of Lust himself, Asmodeus! I wanted to take a break from the main cast plus hyperfixation came into play so if I didn't draw Ozzie my brain would have exploded so here we are. I'm putting this under read more because there's a lot of ranting before I get to the notes on the redesign plus pictures to address my points:
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To be honest: I don't mind Ozzie's design/outfit in the show. It isn't horrible by any means and there was a time where I could say I even liked it. But when Oops dropped and seeing him without the suit happened, disappointment sunk in.
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Are you telling me this man, is a beefcake under that compression suit? The embodiment of lust is jacked and his outfit doesn't show that!?
Seriously Viv, where's the beef?
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And while I did say that I did at one time like his design, I never found it really 'sexy' (his voice on the other hand...) and after seeing his beautiful chest all I can do is cry about it.
Also: what is it with Viviziepop and top hats? It's if half of her male cast wears them. It'd make sense for some characters, notability sinners who died in their era that they were popular but it makes no sense for other characters. In this case, I just think Ozzie looks better without one.
Ahem, yeah okay, right, soooo notes:
I noticed one of his earlier looks before the final design he had a longer, thicker and fluffier neck and kinda sad they didn't keep that being it worked with the rooster motif he's suppose to have. I decided to incorporate it back into my design just because I can. Plus, ya know it's fluffy:
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I also decided to give him bird feet/chicken legs and make him a bit thicker thighs because excuse me he's part rooster have you seen the meat on those things?!
Because my obsession with his chest, I decided that the outfits should show it off more because, um...chest. Also: FLUFF. idk why I just really wanted to make him fluffy.
The outfit on the right was the one I drew first but I felt it was lacking the regal feel I wanted to go with being he is one of the Deadly Sins and I wanted to show that (along with his chest and fluff but shh). I decided to keep it as a secondary, causal outfit on days off when all you want to just lay on the couch and chill/cuddle with your boyfriend. (likely gonna get rid of the neckless being I mostly just added it because I thought it was funny. If you know, you know.)
After going back at it a second time I decided to go for a burlesque style (Not sure if I nailed it or not) considering his club sorta had that theme going for it and while I'm more than likely going to revisit and change a few things later on, I overall love how the outfit came out.
And of course, a crown. I may get rid of the fire/flaming top in later drawings but I thought it was cool at the time.
I may still revisit the design to maybe add a bit more bull, goat and possible dragon to his design outside of the heads but I think I may save that for when I cerate his full demon form where I'll have those features stand out more. Likely won't have him have his tiny form in my au, no matter how cute it is.
not really a design note persay but kinda want to mention it because it bothers me: I drew/inked and colored both of these at different times which is why the anatomy and coloring is so different from each other. I'm still playing around with clip studio paint tho I think the shading style on the right is the one I'm gonna go with for now on.
As for character/lore notes: I really don't like how it feels as if Ozzie (along with some other characters) was defanged in season two plus how they made him, a deadly sin, not feeling all too threating. Granted, Ozzie being nice isn't the problem (being nice doesn't necessarily mean you're a good person plus I do like that the sins do have some virtues like believing in consent being ya know, complexity and what not suppose to be full on evil) and I even have him being one of the nicer Sins in my AU but still can have his dickish moments and hell, he and Fizz are gonna drag your corpse with the amount of roasting they're dishing you about your sex life because god they were so much fun when both them had more bite. Please bring back my chaotic asshole jester gremlin and his rooster boyfriend tag teaming about how much you suck in bed and just being a general nuisances to society plzthx. (plus ya know, Fizz is a Jester his job is roasting people. Not to say he can't have some kindhearted moments. His friendship with Blitzo gives me life and I love the moment with the deaf kid even if you have to question why a kid is doing at a 18+ event to begin with but that's a whole other can of worms.)
While I'm not going with the circus theme that Viv claims she's going for with each Deadly Sin being based off a circus act (which is a fun idea in theory tbh if that idea expanded on outside of a poorly done aesthetic), I kind of like the idea of a magician motif for Ozzie due to his use of fire plus one of his infernal correspondences happens to be illusions, which we kinda saw him do in Ozzie's. I thought it was a cool touch, regardless if that was intentional or not.
Also, apparently it's canon that Fizzarolli is his first romantic relationship and idk that kinda bothers me. Asmodeus is over thousand years old and in biblical lore he's been in a few relationship (plus what happened in the Book of Tobit with Sarah). Why not play around with that? In my AU, he's been in at least two (Lilith and Mammon respectfully, and I'll talk about that at a later time) before but they were all failed relationships, which soured his view on love for a long time until he fell for Fizz. I also headcanon Ozzie being/use to being a bit of a hopeless romantic, as much as he tries to hide it (poorly).
Hey, I drew some half decent hands for once.
Anyways, yeah, here's my version of Ozzie. Next up with be either Stolas (which is less of an rewrite and more of a damn overhaul because holy shit I really had enough of this guy in canon) or perhaps Beelzebub being I got some ideas for her too.
Made with Clip Studio Paint and Photoshop CS6 for final touches. Okay to reblog, Feedback is encourage.
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Jose's connected to Yaldabaoth somehow and here's why I think so. Because I think about this occasionally and it's fun
I haven't played P5R in years so it's totally possible I'm missing stuff/misremembering things oops. I'm gonna try and keep things brief
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Yaldabaoth has somewhat-vague bird imagery. Okay yeah it's feathers because he's an angel, but also his face markings make it look like he has a beak. He's a bird.
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Jose's "hair" looks like an egg shell. Birds hatch from eggs. I rest my case.
The more serious connection though... Yaldabaoth is very mechanical and robotic, a quick look at Jose and it's obvious that he isn't human either. His "hair" looks metal, or at the very least isn't real hair. His ears too (and maybe his nose but it may just be shading) look like they're a separate piece attached to his head. These two have similar colour schemes too, mostly silver/white with some gold. Even the placement of their colours is similar? Most of Yaldy's body is bright silver, with darker metal underneath. Jose is wearing a white coat with dark grey under that. Yaldabaoth has gold around his neck, Jose has his gold-ish goggles around his neck.
Jose never leaves Mementos, so it's reasonable to assume that he was born there. It can be argued that Yaldabaoth was either also born there, or his creation lead to Mementos also being created, either interpretation works. It can be assumed, then, that Yaldy can manipulate Mementos however he pleases. Jose can do the same, but on a much smaller scale. This is odd, why can Jose manipulate the palace of the masses??? If he was related to the very treasure of Mementos, then it would make sense.
This is were my memory is foggy, but during the third semester, I'm fairly certain Jose is upset by new Mementos. It seems like he prefers Yaldy's Mementos, and now that he's not around, it upsets him. This is probably a huge stretch, but I'll explain later why I think it's Yaldabaoth's absence that's upsetting to Jose.
Obviously these two are really really different. Yaldabaoth is malicious and controlling, while Jose is very sweet and is very curious about humans. Yaldabaoth is controlling because it's what humanity yearns for. Humanity unconsciously caused Yaldy to manifest, now he is his own entity who, even though he says he is only doing what humanity wants, he could probably do whatever he wanted. He has free will, he can speak, think, etc. So that brings me to the question:
What is Jose?
I think it's super fun to take all of this and interpret Jose as being a part of Yaldabaoth that is much much nicer. His own curiosities and intrigue of humanity manifesting into a small robotic child who's in awe of mankind. Jose appears more human than Yaldabaoth because of his desire to learn more about them. Jose doesn't like new Mementos because part of him is gone, the area is now unfamiliar and hostile towards him.
It's possible that I'm looking wayyyy too far into the parallels, but it's a fun thought nonetheless! I don't think the person Jose talks about is Yaldabaoth (though that would be fun if it was), mostly because he describes him as being "harsh but nice". Yaldy's definitely harsh, but he isn't nice. At all. I don't see him having a soft spot for Jose either, if he knew of his presence he'd probably be really annoyed, but that's me speculating
I may have missed some things, or misremembered something entirely. Regardless, there are my thoughts, shout out to the maybe four other Yaldy fans, here are more of my crumbs for you
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pyode-luar-ke · 2 years
I love your blurb on taxidermy and yautja!
I actually make jewelry out of bones. I wear a skunks jawbone all the time as a necklace. (It is just a jawbone I put a hole in and ran a chain through.... Its like my least impressive work)
I also have a bracelet make from a rattlesnakes spine. Unfortunately I did kill the snake myself but in my defense it was in my house and I couldn't release it without the fear of it coming back in and catching me unaware.
I have a few skulls I've collected from roadkill, mostly raccoons, a squirrel and a deer.
Sometimes more than the skull will be salvagable and i need figure out something to do with it. I usually just end up putting them in a jar and calling it decor, but I will occasionally pick out a nice one to wrap in wire, maybe even add gems to it and make it into a bracelet.
Anyways my point is; How do you think a yautja would respond to a preice of jewelry like this as a gift. Maybe an adornment to their armor or a band for their locks. (From their significant other or pre-relationship)
vanitas | gn!yautja x gn!reader
A/N: i'm so glad that memento mori resonated with you! 😍 and idk all of your boneworks sound really cool, i'd kill to have a jawbone necklace! my collection includes a cat's vertebrae, a bison horn, a fox tail, and rabbit pelt. tho i mostly collect bird feathers and gems 😅 i desperately want a skull tho!! like a deer or something 😭😭
also, idk if anyone's like... noticed... but i created my own blaring plot hole in my yautja lore bc in carnation i mention multiple times that reader is gifted and decorated with small bones and small skulls, but in memento mori i so clearly state the yautja only collect skulls/spines and all else is “lesser” and destroyed 💀💀 oops... anyway...
summary: of wolf skulls, tradition, and feeling something deeper.
word count: 1,261
content: 18+, gn!reader, gn!yautja, pre-relationship, yautja pov, gifts, cultural differences, light hearted not-so-unrequited love, misunderstandings (but in a good way lol)
Coming to Earth has become a regular occurrence, and they don’t really know why.
They no longer hunt oomans— Too loud, no honor— But they do not stop coming to Earth.
They find you too intriguing to leave alone. You indulge them almost as much as the kv’var. You are strange and soft like all other oomans, but you are also different and unique.
Something draws them to you. Perhaps it is because you have th’syra as well. They have not encountered many oomans— outside of the medical profession, that is— who own and display skulls. You also keep other parts: feathers, exoskeletons, lesser bones, gems of the Earth, and furs and pelts. They are not sure why you do that, so they do not dwell on it.
So they focus on your th’syra.
“Did your hunt bring you honor?” The click, and you must not have been expecting them to speak, as you jump in surprise. Your fear scent spikes. They chitter in disgruntlement— You have known them for weeks, and yet you are still afraid. Oomans. So scared all the time.
“Um... Not really? I guess?” You reply, the sickly scent of fear fading into discomfort. They whicker, shaking their head and tossing their tresses over their shoulders. The metal bands clink against their awu’asa. They are taken aback. Oomans truly are dense.
“Your hunt. Kv’var. You bear trophies.” They point to a th’syra hanging on the wall above the fireplace in front of them. A deer. Easy prey animal, not much challenge. Though they thought that maybe for you, because you are an ooman, that the kv’var would be considered a challenge. Relativity, really. They apparently thought wrong.
“Oh! I didn’t hunt the deer.” You chirp, and they whip their head around to stare at you. You admit to stealing the kill of another and brandishing a stolen trophy as yours? And you are proud of it? They have truly underestimated you— Bad Blood ooman. 
Then you have the audacity to bare your teeth at them. Fangless and blunt, sure, but it is a threat to them nonetheless. They growl, rising to their full height to intimidate you back. Before they even need to consider their ki’cti-pa, your mouth closes, weird lips hiding your teeth. Your fear scent spikes strong and ugly again. Good. Silly ooman.
“Hey! Easy! All I’m saying is that I found roadkill and took the skull!” You snap, and they tilt their head, clicking in intrigue. You take from carcasses and harvest th’syra? 
Maybe you are not Bad Blood after all... They do not know. Perhaps they’ll ask an Elder for clarification.
“Speaking of...” They watch as you grow sheepish, heat rising beneath the skin of your face. You meet their gaze, strange white eyes wide, but before they can read you, you hastily look away. When you pause at the doorway, you gesture at them, “Wait here.”
Usually when you address them your gaze locks with theirs. This time, however, a bashfulness has consumed you and before they can question it, you disappear into the hallway. They flex their mandibles, confused. You are acting strange— Well, stranger than usual, because you are already a strange ooman.
They perk up when they hear your footsteps grow near, and you round the corner with something in your hands. It is wrapped in fabric, 
“I made this for you.” You say, your voice quiet and face hot. They whicker and lumber over, thoroughly captivated now. An item of your making for them? This is an unexpected development. They did not realize that you desired them. They suppose they’ll have to give you a gift in turn. It is a mating tradition, after all.
Though it is still unclear whether you simply desire them for the next mating season or as a lifemate, but that’ll be a question they ask later. Oddly, the thought of a Yautja and ooman pair doesn’t bother them.
When you hand them the wrapped gift, the chitter and click as they unravel the fabric from the object. Smooth white greets them, then the hollow eye sockets, and then the th’syra unveils itself in full. They recognize it as the skull of a wolf— A good prey. Can almost overpower a Yautja if they are with their pack. 
You have also decorated it. The wolf th’syra is adorned with gems. Each tooth has gold leaf and a semi-precious jewel on its center. It is unlike anything they’ve ever seen. They realize they have been silent, and that you have been speaking.
“... And I guess it just fits your energy? I don’t know, you can also attach it to your armor, I guess—” Your ooman mouth is rambling, so they growl and you silence it. Your eyes are wide and hopeful, and they realize that they like when you look like that. Hopeful. They purr.
And keep purring. Your ooman eyes go wider and your face hotter.
They approach you, purring and clicking, and they feel so content and honored with your gift. You shyly look away again, so they use one hand to draw your eyes back to theirs. Your pulse is like fluttering wings. Your skin is hot.
“This gift pleases me.” They rumble, leaning in to brush their mandibles against the crown of your head. Your breath catches in your throat as their tusks dance along your hairline, playing with the strands. One of your hands presses itself flat against their chest, just above their awu’asa. They purr louder, marveling at the soft touch.
You are so small and nice. Your scent is no longer yellow with fear. Instead, you smell sweet like naxa from Yautja Prime. They would like to smell you more.
When they pull away, you look as though you’ve been enchanted. Your wide eyes are hazy and your pink tongue runs over your odd, fleshy lips. You meet their stare, and there is no fear. They preen.
“I’m glad you like it.” Your voice is hoarse like you haven’t used it for a hundred years. Their purrs start to slow, before fading completely. It takes everything in them to prevent themselves from going further than what would be acceptable. They must leave and return with a mating gift for you, lest they act dishonorably and become a Bad Blood.
“I will give you one in turn.” They dip their head, full of conviction. Before you can speak again, they abruptly turn and leave your home— Wolf skull in hand.
Their ship is in the clearing just past the forest line behind your house, as it always is. As they ready their ship for take off via their gauntlet, planets suitable for collecting good, challenging th’syra run through their mind.
What type would you like? They consider your collection of easy prey— Earthen, herbivorous animals. Too easy. Not enough honor. They consider your gift to them— A wolf, its skull now carefully and strongly secured to their awu’asa. It’s gold teeth and gems gleam.
The perfect planet comes to mind, a temperate one not unlike Earth that is home to a frightful beast that is akin to an Earthen wolf. They think you will like its set of two eye sockets and double rows of sharp fangs. If they are able to kill one cleanly enough, they believe you’ll also like its purple pelt. 
They decide they will visit Earth even more often. The clan ship does not call them back often, and they are expected to be hunting anyways.
Besides, they also have a gift to give.
yautja translations
awu’asa → armor ki’cti-pa → double-bladed wrist knives kv’var → hunt/s naxa → a sweet fruit from Yautja Prime ooman / oomani-di → human / human female th’syra → skull/s
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