#optimize working capital
finprestigeconsult · 9 months
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
What Mutual Aid can look like
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If you grow up in modern society, there is a good chance you will only ever associate anarchism with violence and rebellion. This ignores though the core principle of anarchism. Like one of the things, that anarchism is build around: Mutual Aid.
And guess what: That kinda is something that human society for the longest time has been build around. (See also what I wrote a few weeks ago about gift societies before money was a thing.)
Mutual Aid is just, what it sounds like: Helping each other in ways we can help. Which can mean a lot of different things, because different people have different abilities to help.
You know, one of the things I liked about the early pandemic with the lockdown and what not was, that people rediscovered Mutual Aid, because a lot of people did not only need it, but also had the time to do it.
And what we really need to learn is, that Mutual Aid does not mean that everyone does exactly the same for each other (in terms of workload). Because some people just have more capacities than other people. And that is okay.
Too often Mutual Aid when discussed in media kinda only focuses on financial aid. And do not get me wrong: Helping someone to cover essencial costs is absolutely 100% a form of Mutual Aid. But... This is still very much caught within the capitalist thinking. And it can be so much more. So... Let me talk what else Mutual Aid can be:
Cooking for each other/for your neighboors. Maybe you have this old guy in the neighboorhood who just cannot properly cook for himself, because he just cannot stand for long enough to do it. Or maybe there is this single mom with two kids who works long hours and just does not have the energy to properly cook afterwards. And you might be cooking either way. So maybe you can cook for them, too?
Something we saw in the pandemic a lot: Going grocery shopping for your friends or neighbours. People were unable to go shopping because they themselves got infected with COVID or were immuno compromised? Folks went shopping for them. Why not keep it up? Covid is not over. Also, that old lady downstairs might have issues carrying her own groceries.
Repairing all sorts of things for other people. Be it their broken computer, their broken bike or car, or be it fixing that hole in their clothing. You have the skills to fix it? Why not fix it for them then, instead of forcing them to either buy new stuff or have it fixed for a ton of money.
Or one thing my roommate will always do for me: Cut my hair. That, too, is mutual aid. I need that hair cut. She will do it for me. That, too, is mutual aid.
Or if you are skilled in sowing, maybe actually sew clothes for people who cannot afford proper ones (aka clothing that is not gonna fall apart after a year)? That, too, is mutual aid.
And there is this friend who needs to go somewhere but does not have a car and the place is not easily reachable with other modes of transportation? Yeah, driving them is another form of Mutual Aid.
I could go on and on about this, babysitting, petsitting, helping someone clean, borrowing tools and so on... I think you get the idea, though. Mutual aid is... surprisingly easy. And most people already give it out on a pretty regular basis.
Because, again: People are actually pretty darn decent. We usually do things for each other because doing things for each other actually feels kinda good.
So... yeah. Maybe think about that. And think about how great society would be if more people were doing this.
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skeletonpandas · 6 months
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creepyjirachi · 9 days
okay hear me out. i know i love science and i’m very good at chemistry and physics. but what if i became a fucking accountant
#IM SERIOUS…….#like i’ve been doing research about what career path to tailor my degree towards when i go back to school#and it seems like chemistry careers outside of phd research and academia just. barely exist in the US anymore#they’ve been largely outsourced or are extremely geographically limited. or it’s pure bench work that barely pays better than retail#and i’m like. knowing what i know now about my health i just cannot go into academia. i cant. it would take up 100% of my life#and as much as i think i could be smart enough i just like don’t. want to give up on hobbies or having a personal life.#i’m a slow reader/writer. i cant be writing all those papers and making all of those curriculums. it would be all i ever did#and i don’t want to constantly move across the country in pursuit of unicorn chem/bio jobs that would actually interest me#i need to be near my family or a few very close friends on case of a medical emergency#and as for accounting like. look at my hobbies. i love optimizing dragon capitalism on FR. i love making charts and solving puzzles#i don’t mind menial tasks. i need a job with consistent hours that i can leave at the office. bc otherwise i can get too wound up#accountants are in demand everywhere and the pay is actually proportional to the amount of schooling required#depending on the company you work for the work/life balance can be pretty reasonable apparently#i’m good at math enjoy solving problems and have job experience recruiting clients and solving their unique problems#it’s not as spiritually fulfilling as astrobiology but like does it have to be? if i could have a stable and healthy life with people i love#idfk man
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clay-pidgeon · 7 months
my most developed oc is ginger . she was supposed to be a side character so virtue could have a little buddy but instead it grabbed the narrative adjusted it to be on her and he immediately just did an elaborate mime routine
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bookpdf · 11 months
my opinion on social media (& things in general) is that they should never change and stay permanent constants in my life forever and ever. unless there's room for improvement in which case they should change immediately.
and unfortunately no one agrees on whether there's "room for improvement" and how the improvement should be done.
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viraj125 · 29 days
Financial Planning and Analysis in Different Organizations
FP&A establishes key performance indicators (KPIs) and enables continuous monitoring of progress against growth targets. By consistently measuring and analyzing these metrics, FP&A enables businesses to identify areas that require course correction, ensuring that growth strategies remain on track and adaptable to changing market conditions. FP&A insights aids in strategic financial management, ensuring that growth initiatives for businesses are not only financially viable but also aligned with their long-term vision and goals.
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postnuclearwar · 4 months
Companies during late stage capitalism: We've cut corners and costs with all of our products, and we're passing on the consequences of such actions onto you! The customer! :)
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labec99 · 6 months
First world problem of the day:
why is it such an uphill battle to get things delivered to an apartment
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specifically ordered something (at a higher price point) because it had one day delivery, just for the delivery company to be like hey couldn't drop it, we'll get back to you in 2 days about it. Even though I specifically left the front gate open for easy drop off at the mailboxes and they didn't call me about access before just not delivering.
So the thing I need for this weekend (and am driving out of town for tomorrow night) may or may not actually be here in time. So spending the extra money was worthless, and that's the annoying part. Don't call it one day delivery and then not gather the information needed to deliver it properly.
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philearning · 1 year
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Unlock the Secrets of Effective Working Capital Management!
"Working Capital Management: Strategies and Techniques" by Bhattacharya is your ultimate guide to mastering the intricacies of finance, production, and marketing perspectives on working capital. With fresh insights on technological progress and innovations, this Fourth Edition is a must-read for finance students and seasoned professionals. Dive in and optimize your financial strategy!
Buy from our website http://social.phindia.com/g519RwuB get 30% off using code PHI60Anniversary. The book can be bought from Amazon, Flipkart, Google Books and Kindle.
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foxgirlintestines · 8 months
I think it's really funny that the whole meme of Palworld is making unethical sweatshops to put cute little creatures in to work them to death, but doing so in game is so incredibly inefficient because they will stop doing work under those conditions and their simple ai will accidentally go on strike and force the player to build ways for them to relax and be happy in order for them to work well again.
Replacing the overworked pals isn't really a good option either. Breeding them is expensive (you need cake which takes a lot of workload and ingredients), good workers take high quality spheres to capture which needs more resources (catch rates are low for good pals). There are drugs to make them better workers and not complain, but once again it's more expensive to make drugs than it is to just give them breaks and good working conditions. Also, because of raids, you need your Pals in good condition to defend your base and weak recently caught/bred pals will just get wiped out. In the end, the optimal way to run your base is by making sure everyone is happy and healthy.
Just find it pretty funny that despite how edgy the "pokemon with guns and capitalism" game is that in the end it always boils down to love and care get things done way better than cruel slave labor.
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starplanes · 7 months
A (5 star) review of Bury Your Gays, by @drchucktingle!
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I read this book in one sitting. I did not plan to read this book in one sitting, but I could not put it down, accepting that my lunch break was now an extended reading break. Bury Your Gays was just that good.
It starts simple. Screenwriter Misha has been told by his exec that the season finale of his show must out, then kill the two leads. He needs to bury his gays because the board has determined it's where the money is. Misha says no. Then starts getting stalked by his (definitely fictional, right?) characters from other shows. Either Misha developed some incredible supernatural powers in that meeting, or something more sinister is at work…
Bury Your Gays illustrates why queer people should be allowed to tell the stories they want to tell, instead of being made to use queerbating, tragic tropes, or fake relentless optimism in the name of corporate Pride. It's a story about the queer struggle to find oneself in a world that makes it so, so hard. There's a lot of love for the queer community poured into this book, and oh does it shines. I especially adored the ace rep - and the concept of ace rep as a plot point. I shall not explain further. However, I am more scared than ever of the corporatization of Pride.
Bury Your Gays also criticizes capitalism's monetization of tragedy and exploitation of workers. It explores what happens when ethics are ignored in the name of an ever-growing profit margin, to the point where the bottom line becomes a near-sentient thing. It leans into the horrors of AI and data-mining by combining the two and going all the way with it. Chuck Tingle has acknowledged all my fears of black box algorithms and also made them ten times worse. Truly a feat! I will be sleeping with my router off!
It's a masterpiece of horror, both visceral and psychological. Since the main character is a horror writer, the story is very genre aware. There's a lot of fun to be had in the tale of "writer being followed by the monsters he wrote," and certainly no small amount of terror. It gets gory here and there, with plenty of suspense in between. Hints are laid out for the reader, enough where I was occasionally able to predict what was coming just a page or two before it landed. My jaw dropped multiple times! The writing is descriptive enough to pull you right in (and gross you out!), and it's paced near-perfectly. There's all these little moments sprinkled in that elevate the whole story, from fun references of other work to subtle clues you'll only catch on a reread.
This book will be living in my head rent-free from now on. It's about so many things and yet has interwoven them all perfectly. Fans of classic horror movies will love this story. Those of us fed up with AI generated trash will love it. Anyone who joined a WGA picket line will love it. Asexuals fed up with lack of representation will love it. People who watched multiple seasons of Supernatural will love it. Is that you? Go pick up Bury Your Gays. Be scared, be sad, be angry. But also validated, loved, and joyful.
TLDR: Read this book when it comes out on July 9!
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mesetacadre · 12 days
(sorry in advance for the more personal ask, you're the most intelligent person i know of when it comes to these things)
genuinely, how are we supposed to find the strength to go on? it feels like capitalism has won. only a few decades ago my country was openly and proudly socialist, and now we're nothing but an american military base with an economy. everything's been privatised, the unions are broken, the people are starving, and we keep voting for more of this! people are gleefully begging for yet more exploitation! sometimes it feels there's not a drop of class consciousness to be found in the entire country, and that it's pointless to even hope for change. how can i stay sane?
The class struggle is not a team sport which either side can win or lose. It is a historical and economic process, one that's inevitable. As long as capitalism exists, there will be a social majority of workers it must exploit, alienation will still happen, and a portion of these workers will be aware of this fact. The class struggle is also a long process, one that, most of the time, is imperceptible to the individual in physical and time scale. Only sometimes, it accelerates to dizzying speeds and the conditions necessary for taking power are met. We can talk about victories and defeats, but we can't lose sight of the fact that those "only" are points in time, momentaneous advances or retreats in the process that is the class struggle, but they never mean the paralization of this process.
We can only really talk about the bourgeoisie taking power and creating the first properly capitalist states in the late 18th century and early 19th, but the bourgeoisie had lead or taken part in attempts at or glimpes of revolution as far back as the early 16th century. The bourgeoisie never really had an unifying theory of the class struggle, most were never really fully conscious of it. But they still eventually took power, once the development of the national economies advanced so far that it forced the replacement of the feudal mode of production, the bourgeois revolutions became inevitable. Marx and Engels only ever saw one real attempt at the proletariat taking power, in the Paris Commune of 1871, but it only ever lasted a few months. They both were long dead when the first actually (relatively) long-lasting instance of the proletariat in power broke the oppressor classes' veneer of invincibility.
When Marxists talk of inevitability it is not in a conspiratorial manner, or an expression of satisfied optimism, we never mean that "one day the capitalists will get what's coming to them", in a vague way. We mean that, only if communists continue to work towards the revolutionary organization of our class, is a complete overthrow of capitalism inevitable. We should all do an exercise is historical perspective when it comes to analyzing progress, take the Marx and Engels example from the previous paragraph, they never got to see an effective application of their theories. Class consciousness will fluctuate continuously, it always has. The bolshevik party in 1913 had nothing to do with the party that lead the October Revolution, and 8 years after the defeat of the 1905 revolution, I bet many felt like their work was hopeless. My point is that, while the borders of the Communist Party may shrink, grow, or even disappear, and while we might be savagely oppressed, no system of oppression has ever lasted forever.
When it comes to revolutions, there are objective and subjective conditions. The objective we can never control; it's the stability of capitalism, the characteristics of its suprastructure, if there is a crisis or not. The subjective is what's under our control; our own work as communists, the state of the revolutionary party, the degree of influence of communists at the core of the working class. These two sets of conditions interact with one another, with the objective conditions influencing the possibility of development of the subjective conditions much more than the reverse. What makes you hopeless is in part the objective conditions. Capitalism is quite stable right now (though not as much as it ever seems), and, for now, we can't do much about it, because the subjective conditions, the other part of your homelessness, are also very delayed. But these we do have control over, at first very little, but as they improve, the control we have over them also increases. Essentially, friend, all we can do is prepare our class, do our best to gain more workers to our cause, bit by bit, so that once capitalism shows one of its cracks, we can be ready to pry those cracks open and bust the whole system. The Russian soldiers in WW1 were already discontent when the bolsheviks began to agitate up to the trenches, Mao's guerrillas grew to an army taking advantage of the deep fragmentation China suffered throughout the first half of the century, etc.
Once again, class struggle is not a straight line that we move in two directions. It is a complex space. The overthrow of the USSR was a very profound blow to revolutionary organizations all around the world, of course, but the state of communism in general in 1995 was still in a much better position than it was merely 90 years prior. Every defeat also sharpens the tactics and strategies we use. Eastern Europe (where I assume you're from) did use to be socialist, and those worker's states were overthrown. But you are still in a better position than a communist in the interwar period, facing borderline fascistic dictatorship and a future of Nazi-Fascist occupation. They did not have any precedent or much practical experience to learn from, but you do. Every day that we delay work, even in the most hopeless of contexts, is a day more that our grandchildren will have to bear in capitalism, and a day more they're deprived of true freedom and self-government
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princessoflalaland · 3 months
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The Empress’ Harem
You are the sole ruler of your empire, assuming the throne after the passing of your mother. You were a mere cub thrown in the den of unforgiving ravenous lions, but your strong, dutiful nature would provide you with the capabilities to prove those who doubted you wrong. You work diligently to uphold peace between the neighboring realms and within your own kingdom. In honor of your coronation, the strongest clans and most influential families of your nation present you with their finest men as tribute to your assuming the throne.
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Gojo Satoru
The Gojo clan presented you with their finest (and cockiest) man to date. He was born with the infamous Six Eyes, eyes so blue they rival the sky in splendor, that are said to bestow fortune upon the one he makes his bride. Satoru had always known a life of luxury, so he believed he would acclimate well into life in the palace. He is a tall, toned man with the confidence of a stallion, a man that you believed would perform well in intimacy. And gods, were you right.
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Geto Suguru
Geto Suguru comes from a well-off family located in the empire’s capital. He is well-rounded in combat, and is prepared to die for the throne without question. Suguru was encouraged by his parents to use his talents on behalf of you and his country. Initially, he was going to enroll in the Royal Guard, but he caught your eye before he could and you believed he’d be of greater use in your harem. He was raised alongside Satoru of the Gojo clan, having also shared some rather intimate moments himself with him. So he was elated to find his childhood friend within the walls of your harem estate. His large build, impressive physique, and deft tongue provided you with pleasure beyond comprehension.
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Nanami Kento
The esteemed, reclusive Nanami family bestowed upon you their only son as tribute of you becoming empress. A stoic man who follows every instruction given to him, he quickly became your favorite. He was considered rather jaded by his family and they feared he wouldn't be to your liking. But when time came for intimacy, he was more than transparent and enthusiastic than he led you on to believe with his demeanor. His baritone of a voice filled your ears as every inch of his immaculate build met your smaller one. He read you like a book, and knew, without your asking him, exactly what needed to be done to optimize your pleasure.
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Zenin Toji
Toji was your first consort. He was the one who was appointed by his clan as the most suitable man for you. At the time, it'd felt like he was being merely discarded by his so-called "people" when they'd presented him to you. And honestly, he couldn't have been more grateful to finally be rid of them. He was standoffish upon arrival, not one to quickly open up to anyone. As your first true man, he eased you through your deflowering; a painful process given his overwhelming size. He was a gentle giant, rough hands learned every curve of your frame, his lips reassured every inch of you, speaking you through it all with his low gruff voice.
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Kamo Choso
Kamo Choso came from a complex, dysfunctional home. His brothers, that he loved dearly, lived in separate homes than him. He sought them out, and when he finally reunited with those he could locate, he ran with them under the promise of giving all of them a better life. What Choso was not prepared for was that better life coming in the form of being one of the empress' consorts. He'd battle gods to the death if it meant he could protect them, so he was more than prepared to do as the throne demanded of him, even if he was inexperienced. You quickly learned the true ecstasy the voracity a virgin cock could bring.
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Now, bow your heads. You're in the presence of royalty.
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books-and-omens · 1 year
Okay okay, so I really want to talk about S2 Crowley.
I’ve been thinking about who Crowley is in the book and who he is in the show, and the gap is significant. (@tbutchaziraphale has fantastic meta over here which I think is spot on.)
Book!Crowley is an optimist, yes? I mean, we’re outright told this:
“Because, underneath it all, Crowley was an optimist. If there was one rock-hard certainty that had sustained him through the bad times—he thought briefly of the fourteenth century—then it was utter surety that he would come out on top; that the universe would look after him.”
Honestly, what a thing for a fallen angel to believe! And to me, it’s powerful, yes, but it never quite answers the question: where is he getting that certainty?
Tv!Crowley, in the meantime, is emphatically not this. He’s never been an optimist, not even in S1—although in S1, it might have been easier to look at A & C and consider them essentially similar to their book selves if a little out of sync.
In S1, Crowley gives the whole “don’t test them to destruction” speech. He cares about humanity deeply, even if he won’t admit it. He will try to stop the Apocalypse.
And there is still a moment when he feels helpless. When he has no innate optimism to carry him through, no deep belief in the universe looking after him or anyone. When his instincts tell him to run, and he tries to follow them. When he despairs. Aziraphale pulls him back out of that despair; they make a stand together. As we know, it works.
But the thing is, the thing is. I find tv!Crowley’s lack of optimism so very relatable.
I find despair so very relatable, too.
We live in an age of deep anxiety. (Climate change, anyone? Just for starters! The promise and wonder of the Moon landing and the end of the Cold War are far in the past; day to day, we deal with the effects of capitalism, of reactionism, of continued exclusionism. It’s far too easy to feel helpless.)
So in S2, Crowley is very much the same character as he was in S1, except we see it even clearer.
He is not an optimist. He wants to run; he wants to escape when faced with Gabriel’s arrival; he wants to protect Aziraphale and himself, and believes that the best—perhaps only—way to do that is by them retreating as far away from the problem as they can.
In Heaven, Crowley finds out about The Second Coming. His need to escape and to keep his angel safe become overwhelming. But he doesn’t tell Aziraphale about the Second Coming, does he? And his repeated offer to run away together doesn't even make sense to Aziraphale. (Not that Aziraphale would want to run if he knew. Quite the opposite, in fact, which Crowley must know.)
Anyway, Crowley already knows that the clock is ticking. Aziraphale is about to find it out. (Do you notice how often, in the last fifteen minutes of S2, we hear nothing in the background but the ticking of a clock?)
And just—the despair, the desire to retreat and escape when you are faced with overwhelming odds, with a fundamentally broken system, are so relatable.
And yet escape has never been the answer.
I hope, of course, that this is what we’ll see in S3 if there is a S3. Crowley deciding, emphatically, that running away is not the answer. 
We didn't get there yet. We were dropped out of the story at the darkest point.
But I think being at this point is precisely what makes Crowley’s confession at the end of S2 transcendent.
Because it’s the same conflict, isn’t it, except on a personal scale. Despair in the face of overwhelming odds, followed by the decision to not give up.
Crowley, who’d been ready to confess, sees what is likely to happen. He sees the way the deck is stacked against him, sees that he is unlikely to get through. He feels the coming loss. 
And then he does it anyway. 
He confesses anyway. He says what he has set out to say, gasping and clawing for every word. He does it at the point when everything appears lost.
And no, we don’t see the effects of it, not yet. We don’t see what he has launched, the hook that sank into Aziraphale, the change it has wrought in Crowley himself.
But his bravery won’t be lost.
We live in a dark timeline. I maintain that this is precisely what makes this story so compelling.
Be brave. Do the difficult thing anyway. Do it anyway. Do it anyway.
Even in the face of overwhelming odds. Especially in the face of overwhelming odds. While not being an optimist in the slightest.
This is what hope is.
This is what we have to do.
(And to all of us who’d lost a comfort story: I’m so sorry. I, too, am still grieving for it. I know, I know.
Emphatically: all is not lost.)
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holetalia · 1 month
Have you ever hit your limit? Have you ever flown so close to the sun for so long you almost forgot your wings weren't real? That they could melt?
America, characterized in youth by his rugged tenacity, taking the underdog mentality of doing anything for a chance to win all the way to the top with himself, is scared of his limit. He's never hit it. He's won every battle he's waged and all the other ones the world had (key word lol) picked against him. Challenges are fun, even if they blow up in his face, because they can eventually be overcome. It's the mentality of a winner, of being number one. His optimism and confidence are owed to the fact that they've really never failed him, since he's never failed himself.
I think this is best demonstrated in world stars ch. 527, as Russia pretty much says the same thing. The transition from America crying to England to Russia is not only a good joke to breakup the escalation but reinforces that what bothers America most is his inability to punch everything away. It becomes a source of fear. Ghosts, his own faults, the dark, etc. Failure scares the perfectionist who's always won.
(using @/withnofreetime 's translation of the last two pages of ch. 527)
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tfw your coworker is a "genius perfectionist" who's a wolf in sheep's clothing because he'd rather lie than admit weakness (considering he just lied about not having debt)
While they're supposed to be more human here than their normal personifications, America's line of "that's not my story" makes sense both here and in normal canon. Technically, he has, at one point, known and dealt with and worked under people stronger than himself. Endurance isn't strength and strength isn't always the best leverage when you lack in other ways materially (the assets, the tech, the capital) or in pure collective manpower. However I think it says something that a more mortal interpretation of these characters is quick to focus on America's now very human limitations.
If all you have is tenacity, then you gotta have some tactics. What does it mean to win? Well, we can assume in part it's about Total Control. Even if you're losing the material battle, or the intellectual war, you can "win" in the social narrative and thus maintaining your reputation by staying unflappably confident. Bulldozing works in terms of clout, and if power/winning/control is about other people, so long as you have clout, you can do whatever you want forever and ever.
So if you're used to maintaining your narrative, maintaining your social clout - all of which revolve around a sense of "total control" (which incidentally is also an aspect of Being Entertained, something America frequently seeks out) - being hit while you're down is probably the best way to get one over on America. And watch him fall into the ocean under the weight of his own melted metal.
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