#or 'i'm working on my third radio show' and you're like you WHAT? you had other ones?? 10/10 love this for them
wishful-thinking64 · 1 month
Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss Rewrite Ideas #02
Hello! Hello! I've come to bring rewrite ideas for both shows once again! People seemed to like the first one and I like coming up with story ideas with and for practically everyone so here are seven more rewrite ideas for Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss! ______
#01.) Have Alastor's magic sigils be radio symbols over Vodou symbols as it not only makes way more sense with Alastor being the Radio Demon but to not play into a harmful stereotype about a real life religion.
#02.) On the topic of religion, don't be afraid to add a few more religious figures from the Bible or the Torah! As long as you're being mindful about the material you're pulling from, I really don't see this as much of an issue. People make their own spin on angels, demons, Jesus, and God all the time! But for once, this is where Viv gets cold feet even though she already has Adam & Eve there but not their two main children? Or the reason behind why their parents and everything else exists?? Seriously Viv??? #03.) In any case, if you do add the first two siblings then I suggest having Cain possibly work at the Hotel as some kind of repentance considering he's both the first real Sinner and for the fact that he feels guilt over killing his little brother. #04.) Alright, now for some ideas for Helluva Boss! I feel like we've all grown tired of seeing the, "Two people arranged in a loveless marriage," trope with how often it's been appearing and HB is no stranger to this trope and tries to use it as a way to rectify Stolas' affair with Blitzo.
I mentioned this in my third One Hell of an Unpopular Opinion series but if you want to stick loosely to HB's canon then you'd probably be better off with making Stella a surrogate mother as we still haven't seen her interact with Octavia and there was no real point in having Stolas marry Stella if all he needed to do was secure an heir. Besides I'm pretty sure that's what Paimon did in order to get Stolas as we see no signs that he had a mom growing up with how he was raised by a butler. On the contrary, should you wish to keep Stella as Stolas' wife, I'd recommend going the path not taken. By which I mean, have Stella and Stolas marry because, at one point, they did genuinely love each other but over the years that love dwindled and eventually faded out. Even though they'd be better off parting ways they choose to stay together as Great Horned Owls (the owl that the actual Stolas from the actual Ars Goetia seems to be based off of) and Snow Geese (I refuse to believe she's a swan especially since her brother has ice powers and lives in an ice castle) typically mate for life. From here, I'd have Octavia not be born out of the "necessity" of an heir but rather as a last ditch effort to see if their relationship can be rekindled as many couples in real life think that having a child or children will "fix" their relationship. #05.) Sorry for getting somewhat depressing with that last bit. To make up for it, write a fun chapter about I.M.P. having fun by rewriting Episode #05 of Season #01, The Harvest Moon Festival! A lot of people like The Harvest Moon Festival as it is though the majority agrees that it should've been a Millie centric episode. So have her be the reason they go to the Harvest Moon Festival over Stolas, show her competing in the Pain Games, and have her stand up for her husband due to having enough of her family constantly shit talking him. Overall, have Millie excel at being the bad ass girlboss that HB makes her out to be! #06.) Give Octavia some type of found family or friend group. Have her attend a prestigious private school (I doubt Stella will have her daughter attend a regular public high school) and have her become friends with the school's outcasts. The reason this group could be outcasts is because they actually earned their right to be there by getting good grades while most of the students are probably the offspring of Hell's high ranking officials. But seriously, this girl needs (and deserves) a support system STAT! #07.) Properly explain what it takes to get a soul into Heaven. I don't care if you explain this via The Ten Commandments, trusting that Jesus died for humanity's sins, or by using another set of rules from a different religion that isn't Christianity just be certain that your explanation is clear and concise and makes sense for what you have already pre-established for your rewrite. Don't do what the HH series did by saying, "Yeah, we don't know," because that is genuinely how you lose an audience. You can't have the ENTIRE premise of the show being about wanting Sinners to get into Heaven when HEAVEN doesn't even know what gets a soul there in the first place! ______ Well, those are all of the ideas I've got for now! See ya guys!
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katy-l-wood · 1 year
Delete your Threads account. You know what Meta as a company has done, you know the kind of person Mark Zuckerberg is. You've lived through Gamergate, the elections, covid, the fucking lot of it, and yet you're still willingly making an account on Threads. How can you possibly justify that?
Second ask: Scratch that, I hadn't read your most recent posts. Sorry for being so rude.
Third ask: "Still going to keep an eye on it" For what exactly? For it not to be as bad as it is? For it to get even worse before you decide it is wrong? You know who Mark Zuckerberg is. You know what Facebook is. Be up front: you don't actually care or stand for anything, you're only afraid of losing business. Have some dignity.
So you decided to be rude as fuck, "apologize," and then come back and be more rude?
I was incredibly clear in that post of why I am going to keep an eye on Threads, despite the concerns: Twitter was a valuable source of live news, especially during natural disasters, and Threads is the first potentially viable replacement for that. IDK if you actually follow me, but if you do you'll know I do a lot of work around natural disaster communication. Twitter was invaluable as a communication source during natural disasters. Full stop. It is not up for debate. But hey, if you want a source with more authority than a random tumblr blog, here, have a nice shiny research paper:
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Mind you, that was written in 2010 and the importance of Twitter as a communications tool during natural disasters has only increased since then. There is no other tool out there, no other website--news or otherwise, that can provide such granular, specific updates when shit hits the fan as Twitter did. The only better, quicker source of information I have found during natural disasters is listening to actual radio chatter from the departments involved in whatever problem, and that can be very tricky to do if you don't know where to look or have the right equipment. There is no other site where I can go specifically follow so many of my local fire departments, my local emergency services, my local National Weather System stations, and get live pushed updates from them every single time they post.
When Twitter DDOSed itself last week and put a limit on the amount of tweets people could view and forced people to be logged in to view anything at all, the effect was immediate and BAD. People suddenly couldn't view things like missing person alerts, or weather alerts. I had people messaging me because they were trying to check the National Weather System autoalerts for their area on Twitter due to being caught in a sudden storm, but they couldn't get on to check.
Love it or hate it, Twitter had an immense amount of value and it got that value--at least in the case of natural disaster communication--because the stubborn ass government decided it was big enough to be trusted with official lines of information. Very, very few other social media sites have ever had that trust from the government. Look at how they banned TikTok on all government devices. But they DO trust Facebook, and Instagram, and Meta. Which means their chances of trusting Threads and migrating over there when Twitter finally takes its last breath are ASTRONOMICALLY higher than expecting them to go anywhere else.
We can debate the privacy and moral issues of the Metaverse and those involved until the cows come home, but it does not change the fact that if my mountain is on fire I'm gonna get information about where that fire is from wherever the fuck I can. I'm not going to wait around for it to maybe show up in a "live" updates news article from CNN from some reporter half a continent away in New York who doesn't know anything about where I live and gets the roads wrong because they just don't know. I'm going to go to the website full of my neighbors and local firefighters and see what's happening right that second.
Do we need to fix the privacy and moral issues? Yes. But we can't throw the baby out with the bathwater either. Not using Threads or any other Meta product isn't the answer here. Using them with extreme caution and only for very specific needs, for the time being, is. Long term, we need to be focusing on privacy based legislation that would finally put these companies in their place. But until then, again, I'm going to keep following my local fire departments wherever they go.
P.S.: If you're going to keep the shitty attitude, fuck right off and unfollow+block. You're not wanted here.
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yuly · 1 year
↬ Traffic Stop ↫
Aaron Hotchner (Police Officer AU) x female reader 
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Summary: a traffic stop ignites something unexpected in Officer Hotchner 
Warnings: unsafe driving practices! minor curse words, use of km/h because I’m Canadian, fluff, hurt/comfort
A/N: I could not get this idea out of my head for a week straight, hope you enjoy♡
Pic credit: @maschotch​
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
You are driving home after your third 12-hour night shift in a row, feeling mentally and physically drained. Although the sun is far too bright, you find yourself fighting to stay awake and turn up the radio in an earnest effort to not fall asleep behind the wheel. You're daydreaming of a bubble bath and soft pyjamas when you notice flashing lights in your rearview mirror.
There's a cop car behind you, signalling for you to pull over. You wince at your dash as you realize you were going nearly 20km/h above the speed limit. 
Shit, shit, shit
This is your first time getting pulled over and you panic as you realize you’re way too exhausted to mentally cope with this level of stress right now. As you pull over, you silently pray that the ticket won’t cost you all that you've earned over the past 3 nights. 
The police officer approaches your car with steady steps as you roll down your window, counting backwards from 10 in your head.
“Good morning ma’am, do you have any idea why I pulled you over today?” he is tall, with an authoritative voice.
When you look up at him, the morning sun kisses your face, he can see the tired lines and bags around your eyes, but you look stunning regardless. He doesn’t show it, but he’s instantly taken aback by your beauty.
“Good morning officer, no I-I’m not sure. Sorry.”
You're starting to lose it on the inside. Why did you just lie? Of course you know why he pulled you over, what the hell were you thinking? 
He sighs slowly, and you feel your stomach sink, thinking it's a wrap for you and that he is totally over your bullshit. Little do you know that he’s sighing out of annoyance with himself for being so distracted by your looks.
“Ma’am, you were driving well above the speed limit. May I see your license and registration?”
“Yes, of course.”
Your mind is racing.  
Calm down Y/N, you know what he's asking you, you have both in the glove box, you can do this, you are an adult for God’s sake.
You hand over the documents and avoid meeting his eyes. 
“Thank you, Ma’am.”
Your mind is scrambled from exhaustion and momentary stress but you still have the capacity to register how good-looking the cop is. Despite the situation, something about his aura was pleasant, and now that he left your side, you feel uneasy. You shrug it off as a side effect of the stress you're under.
“Alright Ma’am, seeing as you have no previous offences, I will let you off with a warning this time.”
His gaze is firm but not unkind as he hands you back your documents
“Oh! Thank you, officer, thank you,” you exhale a breath you didn't realize you had been holding in.
“Are you coming from work? You seem tired.” he glances over to your hospital badge on the passenger seat.
You feel your face flush, slightly embarrassed.
“Yes sir, I'm coming off a night shift.”
He hums in understanding, “alright, well please drive safe and maintain the rules of the road for the rest of your trip home.”
“Yes sir, thank you.”
You smile graciously at him and he simply nods in response. Once you're sure he’s at his car your bounce in your seat out of joy, relief washing over you like a tidal wave.
As he walks towards his patrol car, Hotch can feel the dread in his stomach, he knows that your smile will haunt him for days to come. He finds himself on the side of the road for a solid 10 minutes, lost in thought, your eyes, your smile, your voice all swarming his mind. His radio comes on and he's pulled back to the dull reality of life without you. 
The months following the traffic stop are especially difficult for Hotch. He knows your first and last name, the make and model of your car, your license plate, your home address, and that you work in a hospital. Given his profession, he has the means to easily locate you at any moment, but he would never cross that line. Aaron Hotchner is an upstanding officer with firm morals, he has never been one to bend the rules or turn a blind eye, especially not for his own benefit. 
He knows the chances of running into you again are slim to none, yet he finds himself volunteering to patrol that same road for weeks on end. 
He has come to treasure that early morning interaction with you, every word branded in his memory, as he continues to hold onto the fleeting hope of ever being in your presence again.
Nearly six months later, he finds himself attending a wedding with an old friend of his. There is something in the air that night, he could sense it as soon as he stepped through the entrance, an aura of serenity and contentment, eerily similar to the feeling he got when you rolled down your window that morning, many months ago. He thinks nothing of it.
As he sits in his assigned seat, he can’t help but observe the couples around him as they sit side by side, enjoying each other’s presence. He can’t help but think of you, how are you? What could you be doing at this very moment? He hopes you are safe and happy. As he drinks the champagne in front of him, Hotch lets himself imagine a perfect world, one where he gets to have you by his side and enjoy a simple life.
He’s lost in thought when he hears Rossi mumbling near him, and he realizes his friend has been talking to him this entire time. Hotch nods and Rossi gets up, presumably to go to the dance floor. As he absent-mindedly gazes on, his eyes land on someone in particular and he nearly chokes on air.
You are standing only a few feet away, wearing a blush-coloured dress made of velvety material, your hair is beautifully done, and your makeup soft and dewy. You are a vision. At some point in his realization that it was truly you standing right there, Hotch stood from his seat, mesmerized by your beauty, he gathers his guts to approach you when an older man comes to your side to place a soft kiss to your forehead. 
His heart shatters and anger pulses through his veins. It's a cruel joke the universe is playing on him, allowing him to catch a glimpse of you for the second time, only to snatch the dream away in the worst possible manner. He abruptly leaves the table, no longer in the mood to be semi-social. 
About twenty minutes later, you excuse yourself from the table to visit the bathroom, afterwards, you make a quick detour to the entrance of the villa to catch a few minutes of fresh air. The property is breathtaking and the evening air is crisp. As you stand before the grandiose garden, admiring the beauty of the flowers and shrubs, you notice a lone man standing off to your right.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to intrude, just catching some fresh air,” you decide to politely announce your presence now to avoid any awkwardness later. 
He slowly turns to you, his heart clenching at the sound of your sweet voice.
“Oh! I think I know you from somewhere…..” you frown and pout softly as you try to place this gorgeous man. The champagne from earlier is doing you no favours.
He chuckles at your adorable expression, “I’m flattered you remember me from such a short interaction, ma’am.”
“Oh!” you squeak. Shit. He’s the cop that let you off with a warning. You suddenly feel under a microscope and straighten your posture. He notices your slight change in demeanour and smiles warmly.
“Easy, I’m off the clock, and besides, you are a law-abiding citizen, aren’t you?” he teases.
You smile shyly, “yes sir” you respond in a soft, friendly tone.
“You can call me Aaron,” he stretches out a friendly hand for you to shake
“I’m Y/N.” as you smile at him he can feel his heart clenching once more. 
His mind is telling him not to go any further, pursuing this while knowing you are unavailable to him would be futile and painful. But Hotch is a helpless romantic at heart, he is physically unable to walk away from you. The two of you fall into easy conversation. At first, it's mostly him teasing you about your driving, he then inquires about your job and your well-being. He is momentarily stunned when you return his questions and the eager expression that accompanies it. 
Loud cheering from inside the wedding brings you back to reality. 
"Oh! I should get back to the party, it was so nice seeing you, Aaron."
Hearing you use his name stirs something in him that he would be ashamed to admit. 
"Likewise," he smiles, showing off his dimples.
As you walk inside, he feels the familiar feeling of dread return to his gut. What was he supposed to do with himself now?
You stop dead in your tracks and turn back to him with an inquisitive look.
"Look I-I know you came here with someone but I won't be able to live with myself if I don't at least say something." 
There is suddenly something very different about the officer, a look and a tone that seems foreign coming from him. You smile softly as you realize he is being shy and vulnerable in this moment.
"I have not stopped thinking about you since the traffic stop. I can't get you out of my head. I almost can't believe I got to see you again tonight, and the thought of not seeing you again is too much to bear..."
Aaron has never been great with emotions, voicing them out is certainly not his greatest strength. He feels silly and pathetic standing here talking about his feelings. He was raised in a generation that taught boys to be ‘men’, to toughen up and bite it down, always.
"Oh, Aaron," you sigh and look up at him dreamily. "You are so sweet and such a perfect gentleman. I am flattered to have taken up so much space in your mind. If it helps, the man I was with is my uncle, I'm- I'm not seeing anybody right now." You add the last part rather sheepishly and shift your eyes to the ground near his shoes.
Aaron can feel his lungs inflate once again, as he smiles up at the sky, filled with gratitude, "yes, yes Y/N, that helps a lot." 
He reaches out for your hand and gestures towards the wedding.
"May I have this dance, Ma'am?" 
"Yes sir"
As he graces the dance floor with you, Aaron can’t help but think that the stars have aligned for this magical moment to be his reality. He worries about going to sleep tonight, afraid he might wake up to find it was all a dream. But for now, he loses himself in this beautiful moment with you, cherishing you and your smile.
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blingblong55 · 10 months
Masquerade -Call of Duty
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This is a collection of quotes from a radio show called 'Dangerously Yours' from Ep titled 'Masquerade'. (none of these quotes or ideas of how the story develops are mine.)
---- GN!Reader, enemy!Reader, enemy!COD character, enemies to lovers? ----
You are a spy for your country, you were sent to kill the target so you made him/her fall in love and you also fell into your own trap. Neither of you can be with the other for if you are, you'll both get killed. So, you tell him/her what your plans were and he/she tells you they knew all along. You are in denial of your feelings for him/her and in the end, you end up killing him/her. His/her last words were, 'I love you R/N." And as his/her people asked if he/she needed help, all they said was basically no, that they want you to find your own path in life and that with hope, someday, you would believe that they were truly in love with you which is very much true.
This next part is of the characters in COD that I think would be the ones playing Rudolph Estefan and you of course play Catherine. These quotes are taken from the comment section...and from what i listened to as I wrote them down
[Italic for the COD character]
(Vladimir Makarov)
“Look, [R/N], a shooting star! Did you wish?”
“Oh, I didn’t have time.”
“Then there is something you wish for.”
“What did you wish?”
“I was wishing that… we were two other people. Two people who need not say goodbye.”
“Perhaps it can be that way.”
(Valeria Garza)
[Orange is a third character]
“Oh, I wish you wouldn’t go to see that woman/man tonight, [ma'am]-“
“how could I stay away? Elvear, for the first time in my life, I am completely, head-over-heels in love!”
“but countess Garza-“
“I know what you’re thinking, ‘I have a mission to perform and I have no right to fall in love', but… things don’t always work out the way we’d like to have them work out, hey Elvear?”
“oh, I don’t know what’s to come of all this, sir.”
“no, Elvear, neither do I. Neither do I, but perhaps we shall find out tonight.”
(Alejandro Vargas) "[R/N], I offer you the three things most dear to me, my heart, my country and my dreams."
"You are too generous."
"[R/N], you must listen to me. Since that first hour we met, I've been completely yours. There's never been anyone else for me, there never will."
"Oh please, please don't say anymore. There are worlds between us, worlds that can't be crossed with words."----
(Alex Keller)
"I'm going to tell you something [R/N], something that will put my life in your hands."
"your life..."
"It would mean my life were the news to get to certain circles yes."
"Then don't tell me, how do you know you can trust me?"
"I love you...and I believe you love me."
(John Price)
“you may as well take my heart, [R/N], it’s already full of you. You walked into it the day we met.”
“You’re a fool, John Price.”
“but isn’t any man who falls in love?”
(Simon 'Ghost' Riley)
"Do you know what you are to me? You are something to believe in again. You're a type of person that had ceased to exist for me. A fine honest woman/man."
(Rodolfo Parra)
“Oh, my darling, you’re such a child. take your foolish little dream in your heart and go, please go!”
“what is it, what’s wrong my dear?”
“you know nothing about me- you’ve known me only three weeks!”
“three weeks…? [R/N], I’ve known you all my life.”
“all your life.”
“it’s true! I’ve seen you in a thousand plays, and read you in as many books. when I’ve heard beautiful music I’ve thought, ‘[She’d/He'd] like that.’ I’ve looked at flowers and known that one day I’d give them to you-“
“Oh, stop, stop! you must listen to me. I am not that woman/man! Perhaps I was once, but I am not now! You see… you were wrong. you can’t trust me.”
(Logan Walker)
"I had Elvear look you up the day you arrived."
"And it...it didn't make any difference?"
"It didn't make any difference. You see, I trust you. You came here to betray me and to betray my country, that is your mission countess/count [R/N]. And yet I'm so sure of your love that I will trust you with my life and what is far more valuable the life of my country."
(John 'Soap' MacTavish)
“if I betray you…I betray myself. If I betray him, I betray my country. My country is very dear to me.”
“dearer than I?”
“no…no, not dearer than you.”
(John Price)
“You’re very clever, aren’t you? I can read you like a book now. You thought I was young, and easily swayed, that you could make me love you, and I would throw over my country—my duty for you—!”
“That's not the way to look at it, [R/N].”
“You weren’t so wise after all! Because you’ve lost you hear me?! Lost! You’ve guessed wrong in our little duel of wits! You forgot how close hate is to love!”
“You don’t know what you’re saying [R/N].”
“You never loved me—! You knew that I loved you, and you used that!”
“[R/N] stop talking like a child—we’re playing for countries now!”
“Yes we are, aren’t we!”
(Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick)
“This is a gun in my hand, Kyle…I’d advise you to be careful what you say.”
“Well, rather melodramatic, aren’t you? tell me, will I be the seventh notch on the gun or the eighth? haha. do you mind if I smoke?”
“I always smoke at the theatre. somehow it enhances the performance.”
“You can do anything you please, Kyle, but you have very little time to do it in.”
(Keegan P. Russ)
“…You mean you’re actually going to kill me...?”
“I mean just that.”
“Well…go ahead.”
“…I’ll do this my own way…Look…you already know my purpose in being here. Now you will either give me my information, or I will kill you. You have until 9 o’clock.”
“You won’t do it. You can’t pull the trigger. You can’t pull it because you love me. It takes a very brave and a very cold woman/man to do that [R/N], I don’t think you can…Isn’t that true? Isn’t that why you’re waiting…?”
“That's not true!”
(Simon 'Ghost' Riley)
“Or is it that you want to watch your victim? You want my heart to constrict with agony, my hands to shake! You want me to plead for my life so you can make a generous gesture and spare me…Sorry [R/N], I don’t seem to be in the mood for prayers tonight.”
“You don’t think I’ll do it? That's why you’re so brave…You don’t think I’ll do it…You wouldn’t be so brave otherwise…! You’re a coward at heart! You lied to me, you deceived me—“
“You lied to me…you deceived me!”
“You tried to deceive me.”
“I’m tired of listening to you!”
“You gave me your heart, you know. You’d like me to hand it back, whole again, but I won’t. You’ll live a long time yet, [R/N], an eternity without me. You will look into the faces of passers-by, hoping for something that will, for an instant, bring me back to you. You will find moonlit nights strangely empty because when you call my name through them there will be no answer. Always your heart will be aching for me and your mind will give you the doubtful consolation that you did a brave thing.”
“you dare to talk of bravery.”
“what else do we have to talk about, [R/N]? For me, there will never be another woman/man but you. But for my heart, there is another love that must come before you, my country.”
“you’re so still… your face is like ice. what are you thinking, [R/N]?”
“…what does anything you can say matter? You betrayed me with words. What good are words… when your heart is breaking? if I fail now, I should deserve to die. You tricked me into loving you.”
“Aren’t you forgetting that you came here for the same purpose?”
“I couldn’t have betrayed you, I tried to tell you- you said you already knew. I was as honest as I knew how to be.”
“Do you think I wanted to love you, knowing where you came from and what your mission was? Don’t you suppose that every hour we were together I was thinking, ‘[She’s/He's] just pretending’?”
“I wasn’t! I loved you!”
“and I loved you so much I let you pretend! Because you brought something to my days I couldn’t stand the thought of losing. Listen to your heart [R/N]. Feel it pounding.”
(All of the COD characters...for sure)
“Your time is up.”
“Then, my last words, I love you, [R/N].”
“You’re determined to die with a lie on your lips?!”
“I…love you, [R/N]…”
“Oh, god.”
(All of the COD characters...for sure)
“Tell her/him the truth? Tell her the truth so that she/he will watch the stars through tears instead of following the one cold star that is her/his destiny? No, no, Elvear, let her/him think I never loved her/him. One day, she/he will follow a flag to the same fate as mine. We must…leave her/him the strength for that hour.”
A/N: Anyway...hope you liked it?
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babyangelsky · 6 months
BL Challenge 2k24 ✨Day 8✨
Hello and welcome to @negrowhat's 15 Day BL Challenge! Full challenge can be found here.
The Trope You Hate Except When It's "This Series": Forced Separation with a Time Skip Cherry on Top
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♡ gif by @radishayuan from this set
Except when it's My Only 12%
This show. This show is the source of the majority of my beef with New Siwaj and yet, I love it beyond words. I really do. It's the third BL I ever watched and it has a special place in my heart. I don't know what the hell P'New puts in his shows that makes them hit like nothing else. I have to be in a very specific mood to rewatch this show but when I get into that mood, I have to rewatch it because nothing else will do.
Now let me just say, I truly and incandescently hate the forced separation trope, but it's so much worse when there's a time skip added in. When it's done poorly, it's usually because the writers wanted to throw in a last second conflict before the end of the show (usually in episode fucking 11) just so they can resolve it in five minutes in the finale. I hate it and it needs to die.
Even when it's not done poorly (because it's rarely done well) it's usually still frustrating and devastating. Like what did I personally do to deserve this? Someone is always going to study abroad or getting transferred abroad or making a deal with someone's disapproving parents or moving to the U.S. and going radio silent for FIVE YEARS GAO SHI DE WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON Y—
But! My Only 12% is the only show I've seen where the separation and time skip don't only work, but are necessary. I just really wish it had been done better.
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♡ gif by @loveisactivated from this set
As heartbreaking as Cake and Eiw's separation was—and fuck, it was brutal—I do really feel like it needed to happen. Eiw's entire universe revolved around Cake and his entire sense of self was tied to Cake. Eiw needed to grow and I don't think he would've been able to do so nearly as well if Cake and the comfort zone he provided were there for him to fall back on. Cake's absence didn't only give him the space to become a more self-possessed person, it forced him to become one, even if initially it was for Cake's sake.
Which is why I'm so sad we got to see so little of that separation, and therein lies my beef with New; if the show hadn't turned into an anti-smoking PSA and had everyone crying for the last two episodes, there would've been enough time for both the separation and for Cake and Eiw's relationship to develop after they got together.
Cake wasn't gone for even one entire episode! Yes the time skip needed to be condensed, but the four years they spent apart were an important part of the story! There needed to be more time dedicated to them. If they'd spent just one more episode with Cake and Eiw separated, we could've seen more of their development.
I wanted to see my sweet boy Eiw grow up and become more confident and make new friends and adjust to university. (I also wanted more of him and Title but that's purely selfish because I'm a Title Tanatorn girly and I can't believe I didn't get to see them kiss even once) I wanted to see Cake really coming to terms with the fact that he was always in love with Eiw and with his sexuality. I wanted to see him miss Eiw the way we saw Eiw miss him.
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♡ gif by @loveisactivated from this set
Their reunion would've ultimately hit that much harder and been that much sweeter if only we had been given a chance to really sit with their separation.
Not to mention that because the pacing was done the way it was and because we got the ending that we got, we only had like five minutes of Cake and Eiw's boyfriend era before everyone started crying! THAT IS CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR, NEW!
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♡ gif by @krystaljungs from this set
Look at them! We deserved to see more of this! We deserved more of them just being happy and disgustingly in love! After all that pain and pining you're only going to give me five minutes of happiness?! You're going to hurt my queer feelings for half a show with the sweetest childhood friends to lovers arc I've ever seen and then drop the ball and not make it up to me?! NEW WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON Y—
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pearl-kite · 5 months
I have been TAGGED (by the wonderful @evilbunnyking thank you muah <3) to share 5 songs I really like, so! Let's Get to It (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
Ultimate favorite #1: Under Pressure by Queen. Do I need to link it? Y'all know it.
You know how sometimes it's hard to pin down a favorite something-or-other? Not song, this is hands-down my favorite. Ever. Always. I was a full-ass adult in my 20s before I realized that when it says Queen and David Bowie it meant David Bowie is actually singing in it I was ASHAMED how i I even whaaaat Fun fact: the CD I grew up with that had this on it has a slightly different edit than the regular one, so any time I hear it on spotify or the radio I go a little crazy because it's off.
The rest are going under a cut because I'm linking in youtube videos so you don't have to go anywhere or interrupt any current playlist you've got going <3
#2 Currently on Repeat: Can't stop listening to Matt Maeson's Problems
I don't regularly use the repeat button, actually, I'll just hit back at the end as many times as I feel like, but I've done it, I've put this on actual repeat. I've also been alternating a bit with his Sanctified as well, idk what it is but both of them are an infection right now.
#3 A long-term favorite: Paranoid by Sfven
Found it ages ago and it really jived with Gale; if it shuffles through I'll give it a good listen or four. Not sure why the video looks like it was made in the early 90s. Honestly a little off-putting to me but the audio is what matters, okay.
#4 A LONG-long-term favorite: Jewel's Amen
Oh man. I fucking love this song. Top 5 probably. My dad had this CD and I kind of made it mine. Then lost it. So I bought a replacement. And lost that one. And third time's the charm I still have the replacement's replacement. I think. Somewhere. She ended up being the first concert I went to, a small little acoustic one in the local Shriners' center.
But just. The feel of it, the imagery, I still want to draw something for it that really connects with me for it but it's just uakygfkfausdgf I can't :C
#5 (Sort of) Local Plug: I Hope You Know by Supaman ft. Ashley Hall
Supaman regularly visits the first school I worked at, and so many of the students there look up to him for good reason. He's a good guy, he fancy danced at the Macy's Parade, and he makes music that relies heavily on blending rap with traditional instruments and vocals. If I remember correctly, some of his videos show him dancing, if you're interested. I like this one in particular because Hall's vocals are so pleasant, I love multilingual songs, and they sampled a western meadowlark and you cannot go wrong with western meadowlark noises. I hadn't actually seen this video version before and it's very sweet 🥺
Honorable mention musicians/groups that I don't see mentioned often but deer lord this kind of got out of hand already: Run River North Forrest Day Isador Magic Bronson The Hush Sound
Do NOT under any circumstance assume there's a theme or common element across any of these.
I suppose I'm supposed to tag people, so hmmmmm @glassbearclock @taelonsamada @andr0leda @inedibleobject @fooltofancy @elemenepee And uhhhhh anyone else. I have some new mutuals and I am not brave enough to be the first person to tag in this relationship, and I also don't want to just tag EVERYONE so there are still people to pass it along to, so if you don't see your name here pretend it is (if you want)
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aterriblethought · 1 year
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First of all I want to apologize for the radio silence lately. We had almost finished wrapping up chapter 12 of Hitsuji when my daughter was born in March. If I get a free moment that's not spent with her it's usually spent eating or sleeping, just pure survival mode. My computer's been gathering dust. She's sleeping on me right now actually.
Anyway, I haven't been paying attention but it seems Tokyopop has released the first two English volumes of Acid Town digitally with the third volume coming next week. There are also paperback editions on the way, which is great news and a little wild to me that I might eventually see it on a bookshelf in the US.
If you're at all suspicious about the quick turnaround of these volumes, I think you're right. I posted some pictures here comparing pages from the original scanlator's work to the official English version. Here are my thoughts:
I've been typesetting for scanlations for years now and I've come a long way and still have a lot to learn, but to this day I continue to use rules and such that I learned from the original scanlators for Acid Town. Honestly the typesetting for both the scanlation and the official version are not fantastic, but the official version feels especially slapdash. It's not that big a deal to me that the SFX aren't replaced but it does show a preference for speed over quality. The upper right panel of Tetsu where the text is not centered is especially egregious to me and shows a carelessness not only on the typesetter's part but also whoever QC'd the page, if anyone did. There are also wildly different text sizes between the two neighboring bubbles. The original scanlation I have an issue with in the sense that too much text is squeezed into the bubbles and comes too close to the bubble edges... sometimes this is hard to avoid but it's almost every bubble. When typesetting I'm always thinking about how best to center the text and break up words for readability. The official version succeeds a little better there and is less overwhelming to look at.
I've always had an issue with the liberal and often incorrect translations from the original scanlation, but I have to admit when put side by side like this, the official version is missing a lot of character in the dialogue. I'd love to compare against the Japanese text but I'm nap trapped and my Japanese volumes are in another room, so maybe later, LOL.
I still need to buy the full volume but I am curious about the translations for names, really curious. So far everything looks about the same but they shorten Hyoudou to Hyodo... that's kind of normal when transliterating long vowel sounds in Japanese to English, but I always prefer the spelling that matches what you'd actually see written in Japanese, which is an o with a u. If you were to spell Hyoudou in Japanese without the u's it would be wrong. I'm mostly wondering how they translated the Chinese names though (Wang, Heilong, etc. Spelt Wan and Heiron in Japanese katakana, but the katakana is only intended to help read the Chinese characters and shouldn't be the basis of the English transliteration).
I'll come back with more thoughts once I get a moment to purchase the full volumes, but I would also love to hear others' thoughts if you've had a chance to read the new editions.
Chapter 13 of Hitsuji is also in progress and the translation for chapter 53 of Acid Town is done, but I'm a little uncertain what will become of that now that the official licensed volumes are out. I might come back to this later.
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tempest-toss · 3 months
The Call - Betrayal, Tower, Mines, oh my!
Thorn wanted to help Della, they really did. However their aim when it came to kicking could use some work. They tried to aim for Chip to kick him, but missed, their foot colliding with Della, causing both her and Chip to fall down. The snap of Della's spine as it collided with the railing was sharp and it rang through the air, followed by her screams. Chip could be seen taking her away, eager to feast on the prone prey. Thorn grimaced before stepping back into the radio tower and closing the trapdoor, latching the deadbolt shut.
"Put your hands where I can see them and explain yourself!" Thorn did so and turned. The ranger held what seemed like a flare gun at Thorn.
"My name is Thorn Thomas, and I'm a camper down the way, there's been an attack and we need to radio some help." The ranger didn't budge, not seeming to buy their story.
"not lying" came a soft voice from the shadows. Thorn turned and smiled as he recognized who stepped out of the dark of the room: Silky Cooper, the Geocacher from camp. She had visible scratches and bruises along her body, no doubt from weaving through chaos to reach safety. The ranger pocketed her flare gun before adjusting her hat.
"Name's Aspen Vadim. Your friend here spooked the shit out of me but also said the same thing you did. I didn't believe her but if you're also saying it's true, then well shoot, as a ranger I must call for help," the ranger spoke as they sat down at their seat and turned on the short-hand radio. "This is Ranger Vadim, requesting aid to the River Stigz campsite, there's been an animal attack, people are in critical danger and we need help!"
The radio lit up, showing that the call had been received. "This is Ranger Johnson, copy t--" The radio spoke before it went static. Ranger Vadim was about to complain when a loud screech of metal could be heard. Then the radio satellite came careening through the window. As Aspen stood back up a werewolf landed on the tower's balcony, leering inside. The werewolf had a streak of silver in its fur.
"Sable?" Both Thorn and Silky asked, both recognizing the archaeologist's hair streak present in the beast in front of them. Ranger Vadim wasted no time in gawking to pull out her flare gun and fire directly in the lycan's face. A growl was heard as well as scampering of claws as the flare landed on the balcony.
A few moments passed as the three caught their breaths. Then Silky began to look nervous.
"Danger. Below!" She whispered urgently. Her warning came too late, as the loud sound of a cut loose cable could be heard.
"Shit. They're cutting through the support cables!" Aspen shouted as a second and third cable went. The wind pushing the loosened radio tower as the floor went from flat to slanted. Thorn grabbed the trapdoor handle with one hand and Silky with the other as the tower quickly went horizontal as everything began to slide, some of the sudden removal of electrical appliances sparking some flames inside.
With a scream Aspen slipped and fell onto the glass window, nearby where the satellite went through. The glass splintered from the force. A printer came loose from it's cord and went through the glass on the other side of Aspen; without support on either side, the glass they were on gave way, and they hit the railing, gripping it for dear life.
"I can't hold on!" Aspen shouted as they lost grip in one hand. The radio came loose and collided with their other hand. They fell with a yell as they met a loud and wet impact on a rock below, the blood splatter barely visible from the height of the survivors.
"Push!" Silky warned as Thorn could see shapes bound out of sight on the ground. Thorn realized what they were doing as their angles shifted further: The werewolves were pushing on the tower! The tower groaned as it tipped further and further until the metal support at the bottom finally snapped loudly and the tower went zooming into the ground, where it began to slowly but surely shift lower and lower..
The cheers of the werewolves were swiftly drowned out by them howling into the night.
After a few hours Thorn came to. They tried to move and groaned in pain. They touched their forehead. Slight bleeding. They turned to see the tower, on fire, hanging upside down. As they stood up the tower fell all the way down with a loud crash. Thorn looked around to see where they were. They saw rocks, lanterns, torches, and track.
"Did we fall into a mine?" Thorn asked themself before looking around for Silky, and finding no one. They still had their backpack on them... did Silky carry them to safety with all that weight?
Thorn's radio lit up again. "--. --- / .-.. . ..-. -" It said before turning off. Thorn sighed and grabbed a torch off the wall before continuing down the mines, seeing no alternate path.
Soon Thorn came across two paths. The left had claw scratches around the entrance, but the right had voices that could be heard faintly. Thorn reckoned they only had enough torchlight for a trip through one.
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ratbastarddotfuck · 2 years
So today an all ages drag event at the pride center in my city (Melbourne Aus) was cancelled due to threats from nazi groups like the proud boys. The community had been gearing up to counterprotest and drown them out, but at the end of the day the risk was deemed not worth it to all those queer kids and the event was cancelled.
This is fucking horrifying to me on a very personal level. This is the third such incident that I've been aware of in my city in recent months - the first was an event that I was a vendor at, a youth pride at a library, where fash protested at the doors. The second was across the road from my house, at a festival that just happened to include a drag performance, where nazis showed up and screamed from the sidelines. This third time, the event was cancelled before the threat could become tangible, and it was directed at our actual community pride center.
That community center is my home. I am there every single month as a vendor at the long-established queer markets. I am going to be there even more, soon, to join the queer community radio and broadcast station as a volunteer and podcaster. People I love are there every day. My community is there every day. The people who work there are all community members. They're people who survived the aids crisis. They're 40 year old trans women. They're 20 year old queers getting involved in activism for the first time. They are people I know, and people I don't know but consider my family anyway. I feel so much at home when I'm in this space, surrounded by my people.
All of these people, all the years of community resources that have been built for us, all of this is under incredible threat right now. Not just in my city. The rise of facism is trying to strangle us out. We can not let this happen.
What can I do?
- Get connected to your local queer community. This will be more relevant for big city areas, but don't discount the power of rural queer groups! Go on Facebook (yes, Facebook) and search for "[city] [trans/queer/bi/etc]" and see what pops up. For example I am in Melbourne trans fam, Melbourne bi network, melbourne aces+, Australian nonbinary community etc groups. Many of these groups will have discord servers as well. Connect. Converse. Make friends and find out what is happening around you. This is the one thing Facebook is great for. Go to events, follow local artists, stay connected. You will hear about it if something like this is going down. You will be given ways to help.
- Learn self defence. I cannot stress enough that you should try to learn at least a few self defence techniques in times like this, especially if you are visibly trans/queer.
- Do not go looking for a fight. If you're going to an event where there is risk, don't try to antagonise nazis. Stay away, travel in groups, and stay aware. Don't let them ruin your fun, but don't lose track of your surroundings. Stay safe.
These are just the things that I can think of right now. The most important thing is staying connected and knowing what's happening in the community around you. We need to protect ourselves by protecting each other, and we need to stand firm. Our family is hurting. We need to protect it.
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vinnie-w · 2 years
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【 Gravity Falls x Reader 】
➥ MASTERLIST ┃ CH 01 ┃ CH. 02 ┃ CH. 03
➥ TITLE: The Legend of The Gobblewonker
➥ PRONOUNS: You/Yours, They/Them
➥ POV: Third
➥ SUMMARY: It's family fun day and Stan has decided to take you all out for fishing, but you end up having a strange encounter instead!
➥ NOTES: unrelated to the story but I hate dancing, so much. -10/22/22
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"Go, Sir Syrup!" Mabel cheered, 
"Go, Mountie Man!" Dipper cheered, the twins holding up maple syrups over their mouths. They both kept cheering when someone poked their neck, causing them to drop the bottles and have a coughing fit. 
"(Name) dear, don't do that. You're gonna kill them .." Elise said, not looking up from the stove. You had just woken up and walked in on them starting the syrup race and decided to ruin their silly cute race. You smiled sleepily at Dipper and Mabel,
"Sorry, couldn't resist, hehe" You giggled, obviously still tired. They both shoved your shoulders making you laugh more. 
"Hey! No roughhousin' in the kitchen!" Grunkle Stan scolded from outside the kitchen. You sit next to Mabel and slam your head on the table, still tired, and Mabel decides to braid your messy hair. Dipper decides to read the newspaper next to him, waiting for breakfast.
"Ho ho, no way! Hey Mabel, (Name), check this out." He said, showing them the page he was reading.
"Human-sized hamster balls? I'm human-sized!" Mabel gasps, you look up to read the newspaper too and instead see an expensive brand of oil paints on sale on the bottom page.
"Oh crap, oil paint on sale? That's awesome!" You cheered, excitedly sitting up.
"No, non guys. This." Dipper said, pointing to the ad above the oil paint sale. It was an ad about a monster photo contest. "We see weirder stuff than that everyday! We didn't get any photos of those gnomes, did we?" Dipper asked,
"Nope, just memories. And this beard hair." Mabel said, holding up beard hair,
"Gross, why haven't you thrown that out?" You asked, leaning away from her as she holds it closer to Dipper. She shrugs and makes an 'I dunno' sound, sitting back down with the beard hair in her pocket. 
"Good morning, knuckleheads. You three know what day it is?" Grunkle Stan asked, walking in.
"Um... Happy anniversary?" " .. Happy 'niversary??" You and Dipper hesitated, 
"Mazel tov!" Mabel yelled, Stan hits Dipper and you with a newspaper,
"It's Family Fun Day, genius! We're cuttin' off work and having one of those, y'know, bonding-type deals." He said while checking if the milk had gone bad.
"Grunkle Stan, is this gonna be anything like our last family bonding day?" Dipper questioned,
Dipper, Mabel and you were all sat at the table helping Stan make counterfeit money.
"You call that Ben Franklin? He looks like a woman!" He said, police sirens started blaring and the flashing blue and red light.
"Uh oh."
"The county jail was so cold." Mabel shuddered, you nod in agreement. A large plate of pancakes was suddenly slammed on to the table cause all four of you to flinch. 
"And guess who had to get your butts out of jail?" Elise sneered, Stan nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
"Said I was sorry, 'lise .." He muttered, embarrassed.  "All right, maybe I haven't been the best summer caretaker. But I swear, today we're gonna have some real family fun. Now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car?" Grunkle Stan asked, wrapping his arms around Dipper and Mabel.
"Yay!" The three of you cheered, "Wait, what?" Dipper muttered.
━━┃ ? ┃━━
Grunkle Stan was driving his car with you in the passenger and the twins in the back, blindfolded. Elise, unfortunately, couldn't come. Something about the 'darn raccoon den'. Stan leans down to adjust the radio and the tires screech.
"Gramps if we die, I will hurt you in the afterlife." You threatened, clinging to the leather chair and car door, feeling yourself get more and more dizzy.
"Whoa whoa! Blindfolds never lead to anything good." Dipper mumbled, 
"Wow! I feel like all my other senses are heightened. I can see with my fingers!" Mabel said, touching Dipper's face, making him laugh. The car jumps and you bump into the doors. You mutter censored curses, curling even more into your seat.
"Whoa! Grunkle Stan, are you wearing a blindfold?" Dipper asked,
"Ha ha. Nah, but with these cataracts I might as well be." Grunkle Stan waved him off then leaning in and squinting. "What is that, a woodpecker?" Then he drives through a wooden guardrail, making you three scream.
Grunkle Stan helped you out, letting you lean on the front of the car (with several branches and sticks caught in the grill) with Mabel and Dipper at your side while he throws away the barf-filled paper bag into the nearest trash can. 
"Yeesh, good thing I didn't throw that away .." He mumbled, "Okay, okay. Open 'em up!" You take your blindfolds off, rubbing your eyes to help adjust to the brightness. 
"Ta-da! It's fishin' season!" Stan grinned, 
"Fishing?" Mabel asked,
"Oh great, another reason for barfing." You grumbled, crossing your arms.
"What're you playin' at, old man?" Dipper interrogated,
"You're gonna love it! The whole town's here!" Stan said, gesturing to the townsfolks in the water.
"Here, fishy fishies! Get into the pan!" Lazy Susan said, waving her pan at the water.
"Say cheese!" Toby Determined said, taking a photo of a man with a large fish. The flash of the camera causing the poor man to fall backwards into the lake.
"Uh, is this good?" Marcus asked his dad, Manly Dan, holding up his fishing pole.
"NO!" Many Dan yelled, taking his son's pole and breaking it in half. "I'll show you how a real man fishes!" He then grabs a fish straight out of the water, laughing, and he throws it on the boat and proceeds to punch it repeatedly with his sons cheering him on. 
"Get 'em! Get 'em!" Tyler chants, his boat moving towards their boat.
You watch him beat up the poor defenseless fish with a grimace. Sure you were violent but never towards defenseless animals, except cockroaches and mosquitos. Big emphasis on mosquitos.
"That's some quality family bonding!" Stan said, 
"Grunkle Stan, why do you wanna bond with us all of a sudden?" Dipper asked, 
"Come on, this is gonna be great! I've never had fishing buddies before. The guys from the lodge won't go with me: they don't "like" or "trust" me." Grunkle Stan explained,
"I think he actually wants to fish with us." Mabel muttered to both of you,
"Hey, I know what'll cheer you sad sacks up." Grunkle Stan said, slapping hats on the twins and you, "Pow! Pines family fishing hats! That's-that's hand stitching, you know." You take off your hats and see your names stitched on, the 'L' on Mabel's hat slips peels off and a letter in your name was stitched on backwards.
"It's just gonna be you, me, and those goofy hats on a boat for ten hours!" Grunkle Stan said, excited.
"Ten hours?" Dipper gaped,
"I brought the joke book!" Grunkle Stan said, holding up a 1001 Yuk 'Em Ups book. 
"No! NO!" Dipper screamed,
"Great, motion sickness, sea sick and now a migraine?" You grumbled again, slouching.
"Stand up straight, kid." Grunkle Stan warned, you sigh and fix yourself.
"There has to be a way out of this." Mabel said,
"I SEEN IT! I SEEN IT AGAIN!" Someone yells, you turn towards the voice and saw an old man running from the docks, crashing and overturning various things. "The Gravity Falls Gobblewonker! Come quick before it scrabdoodles away!" Old Man McGucket shouts in the middle of a crowd, dancing frantically.
"Awww... He's doing a happy jig!" Mabel said, 
"NOOO! It's a jig of great danger!" He yells to Mabel, you gently pull her behind you. Another man with a cap and hair covering his eyes comes out and sprays the older man with a spray bottle,
"Hey, hey! Now what did I tell you about scaring my customers? This is your last warning, Dad!" Tate McGucket warned,
"But I got proof this time, by gummity!" McGucket yelled, leading everyone to the dock. Mabel and Dipper holds your hands as you follow the old man.
"BEHOLD! It's the Gobble-dy-wonker what done did it! It had a long neck like a gee-raffe! And wrinkly skin like...like this gentleman right here!" Old Man McGucket points to Stan who was picking his ear. "It chewed me boat to smitheroons, and shim-shammed over to Scuttlebutt Island! YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME!" He was practically begging to his son. 
"Attention all units! We got ourselves a crazy old man!" Sheriff Blubbs snickered, everyone but the Pines and the ranger point and laugh at McGucket. Tate shakes his head in shame.
"Aww, donkey spottie! Aw, banjo polish!" McGucket said, walking off.
"Well, that happened. Now let's untie this boat and get out on that lake!" Stan said, stepping into his rowboat and starts untying it from the dock.
"Guys, did you hear what that old dude said?" Dipper asked,
"Aww, donkey spittle!" "Aw, banjo polish!" Mabel and you mimicked,
"The other thing. About the monster. If we can snag a photo of it, we can split the $2000 between the three of us!" Dipper said, you take your phone out to use the calculator.
"that's $666.. " You gasped, 
"Imagine what you can do with six. Hundred. Dollars!" Dipper beamed as Mabel drifted off into her imagination.
Mabel, inside the human sized hamster ball, stands pridefully in front of a hamster in a smaller hamster ball.
"Not so high and mighty anymore!" Mabel boasted, 
"Aww... " The hamster, surprisingly, said. Mabel laughs and crashes through the wall. She rolls out onto the street and meets Xyler and Craz.
"Hey, boys! You can look, but ya can't touch." She flirted, the traffic light goes green and she scurries down the street, squeaking.
Xyler and Craz stared at her in awe then at each other, "Awesome!" They yell.
"Mabel! Mabel?" Dipper called out while snapping his fingers.
"Dipper, I am one million percent on board with this!" Mabel said, 
"I'm also looking forward to be working with you two on this Monster hunt." You said, the twins looked at you then at each other.
"Why are you, so formal?" Mabel asked,
"I-I'm not good with casualties .." You mumble, rubbing your arm. They shrug and Dipper runs up to Grunkle Stan.
"Grunkle Stan! Change of plans: we're taking that boat to Scuttlebutt Island and we're gonna find that Gobblewonker!" Dipper ordered,
"Monster hunt! Monster hunt!" You three chanted,
"Monster hunt!" McGucket chimed in, you three stop chanting and stare at him.
"Monster... Eh... I'll go." He mumbled and left. A loud honk was heard a bigger boat arrived at the dock.
"You dudes say somethin' about a monster hunt?" Soos asked,
"Soos!" Mabel cheered,
"Wassup, hambone!" Soos greeted, fist bumping with Mabel and making explosion noises. "Dude, you could totally use my boat for your hunt. It's got a steering wheel, chairs; normal boat stuff." Soos offered,
"All right, all right, let's think this through." Stan butted in, "Ya kids could go waste your time on some epic monster-finding adventure, or you could spend the day learning how to tie knots and skewer worms with your Great Uncle Stan!" The three of you look at Soos in his boat as he does the robot dance. You look back at Stan in his leaky old boat; he sniffs his left armpit. You then look at Scuttlebutt Island and grin at each other. 
"So, whaddya say?" Stan confidently asked when Soos' boat drives away with you three on it.
"We made the right choice!" Mabel cheered,
"Ingrates! Aw, who needs 'em? I got a whole box of creepy fishing lures to keep me company." Stan said, looking at the lure with flies buzzing around them. He cringes in disgust and closes the box.
Meanwhile, S.S. Cool Dude was headed for Scuttlebutt island. Dipper stands on the stern of the boat, with one foor on the guardrail. He adjusts the visor of his cup. 
"Hoist the anchor!" He ordered and Soos pulls up a cinderblock anchor.
"Raise the flag!" He ordered again, Mabel holds up a beach towel instead.
"We're gonna find that Gobblewonker!" She yelled,
"Do any of you dudes have sunscreen?" Soos asked,
"And we're going back for sunscreen!" You yell, Mabel and Soos cheer with him turning the boat back. Underwater, a strange shape swims by.
After fetching the much needed sunscreen, you're back on track to Scuttlebutt Island
"Alright. If we wanna win this contest, we've gotta do it right! Think. What's the number one problem with monster hunts?" Dipper asked, 
"You're a side character and you die within the first five minutes of the movie. Dude, am I a side character!? Do y'ever think about stuff like that?" Soos panics,
"No, no, no. Camera trouble! Say bigfoot shows up. Soos, be Bigfoot?" Dipper asked, Soos strikes a Bigfoot pose.
"There he is! Bigfoot!" Dipper said, in mock acting voice and he pats his life vest "Uh-oh, no camera! Oh, wait, here's one! Aw, no film! You see? You see what I'm, doing here?" He asked, you all nod in understanding.
"That's why I bought seventeen disposable cameras!" He said, revealing cameras as he lists off their locations "Two on my ankle, three in my jacket, four for each of you, three extras in this bag, and one... under my hat! There's no way we're gonna miss this. Okay everybody, let's test our cameras out!"
Soos takes a picture of himself, the flash startling him. "Aw, dude!" He yells, throwing the camera overboard.
"You see? This is exactly why you need backup cameras. We still have sixteen!" Dipper said proudly, a seagull then starts flying over Mabel's head causing her to panic and throw a camera at it. "Fifteen! Okay, guys, I repeat; don't lose your cameras!" Dipper panicked,
"Wait, lose the cameras?" Soos asked,
"DON'T!" Dipper immediately answered
"Dude, I just threw two away." Soos points at the two cameras floating on the water. You went over to take a picture for memories but tripped on a loose board and dropped the camera you were holding into the water.
"Uh.. Sorry." You said, sheepishly turning to them.
"Twelve! All right! We still have twelve camera—" He accidentally crushes another with his fist "Eleven. We have eleven cameras."
"So what's the plan? Throw more cameras overboard or what?" Mabel asked, about to drop her cameras into the water.
"NO! No. Okay. You'll be lookout, Soos can work the steering wheel, (Name) can help navigate with Soos, and I'll be captain." Dipper said,
"What? Why do you get to be captain? What about Mabel, huh? Ma-bel! Ma-bel! Ma-bel! Ma-bel!" She chants,
"I'm not sure that's a good idea." Dipper hesitated,
"What about co-captain?" Mabel asked,
"There's no such thing as co-captain." Dipper shot down
"Aw, whoops." Mabel tosses a camera into the water.
"Okay, fine! You can be co-captain." Dipper finally surrendered,
"Can I be associate co-captain?" Soos asked,
"As co-captain, I authorize that request." Mabel said,
"Can I be associate associate co-captain?" You asked,
"Well as first co-captain, I authorize your request, (Name)." Dipper said, you clap you hands in excitement.
"Now, our number one order of business is to lure the monster out with this." He said, gesturing at a barrel of Fish Food.
"Permission to taste some?" Soos asked,
"Granted." Dipper said "Permission co-granted." Mabel said,
"Dude?" Soos asked, turning to you.
"U-Uh, P-Permission associate associate co-granted!" You stuttered, another thing to stay awake about tonight.
"Permission associate co-granted." Soos said as he licks some, than gags and wipes his tongue, coughing. "Dude, I don't know what I expected that to taste like!" He said with you three laughing.
"Oh, Soos..." Dipper sighed,
Stan watches you four from afar, "Traitors! Ah, I'll find my own fishing buddies!" He said, looking around and sees a couple sitting in a boat up ahead. "Ah! There's my new pals!" He said, starting the engine
Reginald turned away from Rosanna, looking at a ring in a box; he takes a breath "Now that we're alone, Rosanna, there's a burning question which my heart longs to ask of you." He said,
"Oh, Reginald!" Rosanna tears up, when Stan pulls his boat up to theirs.
"Hey! Wanna hear a joke?" Stan asked the couple, they only stared at him. "Here goes. My ex-wife still misses me...but her aim is gettin' better! Her aim is gettin' better! Y'see, it's-it's funny because marriage is terrible." He explains then the couple row their boat away. "What?"
As you arrive at Scuttlebutt Island, there's fog everywhere. Soos is at the back of the boat shoveling fish food. Dipper, Mabel and you are at the front. You were looking through some binoculars Dipper is trying to see through the fog while Mabel is playing ventriloquist with a pelican.
"Hey! How's it going?" She asked the pelican,
"It's going awesome! Bow bow buh bow bow!" Mabel voiced the pelican,
"Mabel, leave that thing alone." Dipper said, 
"Aw, I don't mind none!" Pelican said,
"Hey, look, I'm drinking water!" Mabel said, drinking water "Twinkle, twinkle little..." She chokes on water and coughs, and the pelican flies away). 
"Aren't you supposed to be doing lookout and not (Name)?" Dipper asked,
"Look out!" Mabel yells and throws a volley ball at Dipper, hitting him on the arm. Dipper holds his arm and shivers. "Heh, heh. But seriously, I'm on it." She said, moving next to you. She shakes your arm lightly, you turn to her and she makes grabby hands. You gesture to your binoculars and she nods. You hand her the binoculars with a smile and step back from your spot, looking out into the ocean instead. The boat jolts to a stop, signaling that you've arrived at the island.
"See? We're here! I'm a lookout genius!" Mabel said, handing the binoculars back to you. "Hamster ball, here we come!" The team then disembarks and ventures into the foggy woods. Dipper and you lead the group, Dipper carrying a lantern and you carrying a flashlight. They soon come to a large sign nailed to a tree that says 'Scuttlebutt Island'. Soos and Mabel stop in front of the sign.
"Dude, check it out." Soos said, covering the 'Scuttle' part of the sign. "Butt Island." 
"Soos, you rapscallion! Hey! Why aren't you two laughing? Are you scared?" Mabel teased, you weren't paying attention though. Your shoulders were tense and you were checking the area for anything or anyone dangerous, especially after the giant gnome fiasco.
"AH!" You squealed as Mabel tackled you from behind, you fall on your stomach with Mabel on top of you, laughing her heart out.
"Hah! Oh my gosh! You scream like a whistle!" Mabel laughed, getting up. While everyone was laughing, you sat up, embarrassed about your high-pitched scream. 
"S-Shut up! I was zoning out!" You were as red as a tomato, picking up the flashlight before it rolled further into the fog. The trio stopped laughing as they heard a growling noise in the distance. 
"Dude, did you guys hear that?" Soos asked, 
"What was that? Was it your stomach?" Mabel asked him,
"Nah, my stomach normally sounds like whale noises." He said, Mabel and you leaned in to listen to Soos' stomach, which DOES make whale noises.
"Wow! So majestic." "Fascinating .." You both awe, Dipper gasps at a possum taking his lantern and running away.
"Our lantern! Aww! I can't see anything!" He yelled, turning towards you guys and flinches at the light. It was you pointing the flashlight towards him.
"Duuude, I dunno, man. Maybe this, uh... Maybe this isn't worth it." Soos hesitated, 
"Not worth it? Guys. Imagine what would happen if we got that picture!" He said, imagining what would happen if he did get that picture.
In Dipper imagination, he's dressed like Indiana Jones being interviewed on a talk show.
"Tonight we're here with adventure seeker Dipper Pines, who bravely photographed the elusive Gobblewonker! Tell me, Dipper; what's the sevret to your success?" Charlie, the host, asked Dipper.
"Well, I run away from nothing." Dipper answered, dumping coffee into his mouth; an embarrassing picture of Grunkle Stan appears on screen. "Nothing, except for when I ran away from my annoying Grunkle Stan, who I ditched in order to pursue that lake monster." He explained.
"How right you were to do so. He looked like a real piece of work. I don't often do this, but I feel the need to give you an award!" Charlie said, handing Dipper a medal and they get their picture taken. Panning over to (Name) who was painting the wall with the new oil paints when Mabel suddenly crashes through the wall in a hamster ball.
"CHARLIE! WHY WON'T YOU INTERVIEW ME?!" She shouts, and you three run as Mabel chases after Charlie, screaming like a maniac.
"I'm in!" Dipper smiled,
"Me too!" Mabel said and they both run off in excitement.
"Shoot! Guys, wait up!" You call out, "Kuya, tara." You let slip, signaling for Soos, who looked scared, to follow.
"All right, dudes. I'm comin'!" He yells and you both chase after them. You finally catch up to them, seeing them waiting patiently for you both.
"Don't do that, double dorks. 'ma's gonna kill me if I lose either of you." You scold, ruffling their hairs and they laugh.
"You sure it's just that? Or are you gonna miss us?~" Mabel teased and Dipper laughs. You rolled your eyes, amused.
"Yeah sure, whatever makes you idjot's happy." You teased back, Dipper raised his brow.
"Id-jots? You mean idiots?" He asked, 
"Idiot, id-jot. What's the difference?" You shrugged, Dipper shrugged as well and you walk in peace for a bit. Soos then starts to beatbox with Mabel rapping.
"My name is Mabel! It rhymes with table! It also rhymes with... glabel! It also rhymes with... Shmabel!" She sang, you laugh.
"There's also fable, stable, indistinguishable, unfashionable, uncontrollable, impressionable.. Those are just the first few words that popped up." You suggest, 
"Woah! You've got a big vocab there, cous'." Mabel said,
"Yeah, dude. You should help Mabel write this down." Soos said suddenly the growling noise from earlier can be heard; a flock of bird flies overhead, away from the sound. 
"This is it! This is it!" Dipper beamed, him and Mabel punching each other excitedly as they walk towards the sound. Soos grabs two large sticks and hands one to you, just in case. Walking through the fog, you stop the group when you spot a monster silhouette. Grabbing Dipper's arm and Soos grabs Mabel's, you duck behind a log nearby.
"Everyone: Get your camera's ready!" Dipper said, you turn on your camera. "Ready? GO!" Dipper yells. Soos yells and jumps over the log, holding his camera in front of him as he runs toward the silhouette, snapping photos at random. You three follow after him, but as you get closer, you discover the silhouette was the remains of a wrecked boat with beavers living on it. They were all communicating and hugging each other, you snapped a few quick photos of the beavers.
"But... but what was that noise, then? I heard a monster noise!" Dipper asked, clearly upset. The 'monster noise' sounds again. You turn to the noise and it turned out to be a beaver chewing on and sometimes activating a rusty old chainsaw.
"Sweet! Beaver with a chainsaw." Soos said, taking two pictures of it. "I'll give you the other one afterwards, dude." He said, you smiled gratefully at him. 
"Maybe that old guy was crazy after all." Dipper muttered, 
"He did use the word 'scrapdoodle'." Mabel muttered,
"Also donkey spittle, banjo polish, that and... " You faltered once you noticed they were staring at you. "I'll, uh. S-Sorry, I'll go with Soos." You stammered, feeling your face grow hot in embarrassment and run to Soos who pats your head to comfort you.
"Look, when you're threadin' the line--lot of people don't know this--but you wanna use a barrel knot." He then whispers, "That's a secret from one fishing buddy to another! Hehe." He explains to some poor kid on another boat.
"Uh, I, uh, who are you, exactly?" The poor boy nervously asked,
"Just call me your GRUNKLE STAN-"
"Sir, SIR, SIR! Why are you talking to our son? If you don't leave right now, I'm calling the police!" The boy's mother shouts, pulling her son away from Stan.
"Ha, ha, you see, the thing about that is.. " He said, nervously. Starting his motor and speeds away.
"Go bother your own kids!" The mother yelled.
"Ooh, yeah! Work it! Work it! Nice! Nice! Gimme another one of these! Yeah, I like that one." Soos compliments the beaver he was taking pictures of, as it was posing on a stump. 
You sat next to the twins, bored. Another beaver made it's way towards you, tilting it's head curiously and sniffs you. You turn to it, tilting your head at it as well. You held out your hand to pet it, it sniffs your hand and happily places it's head underneath it, letting you pet his head. The beaver crawled it's way into your lap and making itself at home. "Cutie.. " You mutter, continuing to pet it's head.
You hear Mabel scream and immediately carry the beaver, seeing the Gobblewonker's silhouette swimming away. "No way!" You gasp, running next to Dipper.
"This is it!" Dipper squeals, taking a picture. You grab his arm and gently pull him back. "Wh- Come on guys! This is our chance!" He said, Mabel and Soos back up and you continue to tug at his arm. "What's wrong with you guys?" Dipper asked.
"Dipper.. ?" "Dude...?" Mabel and Soos mutter, and you finally had enough and yank Dipper back, making him drop his camera.
"Wh- (Name)! Come on, It's not that hard, all right? All you gotta do is point, and shoot. Like this!" Dipper said, aiming his camera at the Gobblewonker and realizes it's right in front of him. The beast roars causing Dipper to drop his camera and the beaver climbs on your head and you pull Dipper away, running.
"Run!" Soos yells, the Gobblewonker pushes a tree over which falls and almost hits Dipper and Mabel, but Dipper lunges and Mabel and they roll out of the way, you slow down and grab the twins, helping them up. You continue to run and dodge falling trees and eventually catch up with Soos. 
"Get back to the boat! HURRY!" Soos shouts, the Gobblewonker snaps at Mabel who hops onto Soos's back. Dipper trips and drops another camera but you catch him, carrying him like this;
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(I didn't know how to describe it so have a picture 😭)
"The picture!" Dipper yelled, 
"Dude, if it makes you feel any better, (Name) and I got tons of pictures of those beavers, dude!" Soos attempts to comfort him.
"We almost wasted a roll or two of film on them actually!" You added,
"WHY WOULD THAT MAKE ME FEEL BETTER?!" Dipper shouts back.
You finally arrived at the boat, the beaver still with you surprisingly. Soos lifts the twins off the boat and you help him push the boat back into the water. The twins help you up and you pull Soos up together and he runs towards the helm. "Let's get outta here, dudes!" He yells and drives the boat away backwards.
"Alright! This is it!" Dipper said, trying to take a picture "Cracked lens?! Soos! Get a photo!" He yelled only to see Soos throwing cameras at the monster. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Dipper shouts, 
"Oh! I still got one left! Don't worry, dude!" Soos answered, throwing a camera at Dipper but misses hitting the wall and breaking it instead. 
"(Name)! Do you have any cameras left?!" Dipper pleads. 
"Yeah but they're kind of filled with pictures of beavers! Sorry!" you apologized, checking all of your cameras for any space left. Dipper only sighs in disappointment. 
As Stan was struggling to tie a knot, a few yards away were Schmipper and Schmabel's boat.
"Can you pwease tell me mo'e funny stories, Pop Pop?" He asked his grandpa,
"Anything for my fishing buddies!" Pop pop laughs and pats his grandchildren on their heads, Stan growls at the sight.
"Pop pop? I just weewized dat... I wuv you." Schmipper admitted,
"Aw, come on! Boo! Boo!" Stan yells,
"Hey, now! What's the big idea?" Pop Pop confronts,
"Maybe he has no one who wuvs him, Pop Pop." Schmipper suggested,
"Yeah, well, I.. I... " Stan stammered when the S.S. Cool Dude drives past him and soaks him. He throws his hat to the ground in frustration, then sits down and sighs.
"SOOS! BEAVERS!" Dipper yells, the boat crashes into the old, broken boat and beavers fly everywhere, biting the boat and the crew.
"Ah, beavers! Oh, no!" Soos cried, there were beavers biting Dipper's hat, Mabel shakes a beaver off of her arm, you were trying to pull off your new beaver friend who was attacking another beaver that scratched you in the face, and another lunges at Soos, who stumbles away from the wheel. Mabel run to steer the boat while you chased after Soos, trying to help him out. Dipper throws the remaining beavers on board at the Gobblewonker.
"KUYA! Quit running!" You yelled, Soos stops running and yells,
"Sorry dude! It helps with the pain." He apologized, you pull the beaver that was latched onto his face while he held onto the railing of the boat. Once you pulled it off you threw it off the boat with the beaver landing on another fisher's boat. They stared at each other before the beaver attacks the fisher while he screams in pain. The boat drives through a place with people fishing, who are overturned by the Gobblewonker behind them. 
"Headlock!" Manly Dan said, headlocking a fish. His sons cheer him on when the boat is overturned by the wave from the Gobblewonker. Fish start raining down on them.
"The fishes! They seek revenge! Swim, boys! Swim!" Manly Dan shouts as the family frantically swims back to shore.
Back at the S.S. Cool Dude. The Gobblewonker swipes at the boat and manages to knock the control cabin off.
"Aah! Look out!" Mabel warned, 
"Easy... Easy... " The man said as he and another man transport a glass sheet by boat when the S.S. Cool Dude drives through it.
"My glass!" The other man cried.
"WHERE DO I GO!?" Mabel shouts, looking at the dead-end ahead. Dipper looks around and flips through the pages.
"Um... uh... GO INTO THE FALLS! I think there might be a cave behind there!" Dipper said, 
"MIGHT BE!?" You and Mabel yell back at him as you all scream. The boat goes through the waterfall and crashes into a cave behind, sending them into the dirt. Standing up, you see the Gobblewonker swim in and grab the twins' arms and back up only for it to get stuck in the cave entrance.
"It's stuck!" Mabel said,
"Haha! Yeah! Wait... It's stuck?" Dipper realized and searches for an extra camera, frantically. You lift Dipper's hat to reveal another camera, he laughs and takes several shots of the beast.
"Did'ja get a good one?" Mabel asked, 
"THEY'RE ALL GOOD ONES!" Dipper laughed, hugging you and Mabel.
"WOO! HAMSTER BALL!" Mabel and you cheered with Dipper. The Gobblewonker, still roaring, gets hit by a rock. It's head falls down with an electric noise.
"What the.. ?" Dipper blurted, walking up to the Gobblewonker and touches it's side. "Huh?" You quickly follow him as he steps on the Gobblewonker and knocks on it. It makes a hollow metalic sound.
"The hell?" You mutter, Dipper tries to climb the Gobblewonker and you push him up, climbing after him.
"Careful, dudes!" Soos warned,
"We got it, Soos!" You shout back as you climb over the Gobblewonker, Dipper then pops up from the other side.
"Hey, guys! Come check this out!" He calls out to them. You four discover a handle and turn it, causing steam to come out. You pull the trapdoor causing more steam to come out and find Old Man McGucket insde, controlling the machine.
"Work the bellows and the... Eh? Aww, banjo polish!" He curses, 
"Wha- Yo- You?! You made this? W-w-why?" Dipper questioned,
"Well, I... I, uh... I just wanted attention." McGucket cried,
"I still don't understand." Dipper said,
"Well, first I just hootenannied up a biochanical brain wave generator and then I learned to operate a stick-shift with ma beard!" McGucket explained,
"That's really cool and gross but like, why?" You asked,
"Well, when you get to be an old fella like ne, nobody pays any attention to you anymore." He answered, remembering to the time when he was outside his son's window with a baseball and gloves. His son, inside his office, closing his blinds. "My own son hasn't visited me in months! So I figured maybe I'd catch his fancy with a fifteen ton aquatic robot!" He laughs like a maniac, then sighs. "In, retrospect, it seems a bit contrived. You just don't know the length us old-timers go through for a little quality time with our family." McGucket finished explaining. You take off the hat Stan gave you and sigh,
"Dude, I guess the real lake monster here is you two. Heh." Soos said, the twins and you stare at him. "Sorry, that just like--boom--just popped into my head there."
"So, did you ever talk to your son about how you felt?" Mabel asked,
"No, sir, I got to work straight on the robut!" McGucket answered as a projector shows blueprints for the Gobblewonker on the trapdoor, "I made lots of robuts in my day!" He pushes button and projectors shows a newspaper with a robot pterodactyl breathing fire on a town and the word 'chaos', "Like when my wife left me and I created a homicidal pterodactyl-tron-" He pushed the button again and projectors shows a picture of a man, "-Or when my pal didn't come to my retirement party." he pushed the button again and projector shows another newspaper with a large robot terrorizing a town and the word 'disaster', "And I constructed an eighty ton SHAME BOT THAT EXPLODED THE ENTIRE DOWNTOWN AREA!" He laughs like a maniac, "Well, time to get back to work on my death ray!" McGucket finishes as he ducks into the Gobblewonker and construction noises can be heard from inside. "Any of you kids got a screwdriver?" He asked but proceeds to get ignored.
"Well, so much for the photo contest." Dipper sighed, taking out his last camera.
"You still have one roll of film left." Mabel points out,
"What do you you guys wanna do with it?" You asked, the twins look at you then at each other then the camera.
Stan with a defeated look, sighs as he drives his boat back to the shore. "Hey! Over here!" Dipper calls out as you drive by on the incredibly beat-up S.S. Cool Dude and both boats stop. Dipper takes a photo of Stan.
"What the-- Kids? I thought you two were off playing 'Spin the Bottle' with Soos" Stan said, you grimace at the thought.
"Well, we spent all day truing to find a 'legendary' dinosaur." Dipper started,
"But we realized, the only dinosaur we wanna hang out with is right here." Mabel said,
"Even if you're a big grump with some lame old jokes." You joked, earning an elbow jab from the smiling twins.
"Save your sympathy! I've been having a great time withoutcha'! Makin' friends, talkin' to my reflection-- I had a run-in with the lake police! Guess I gotta wear this ankle bracelet now, so that's fun." Grunkle Stan explained, 
"There's... Lake police..?" You asked, no one answered you.
"So... I guess there isn't room in that boat for three more?" Dipper asked, Stan glares you three. The twins put their hats on while you turned the hat around, showing your poorly stitched name. 
Stans expression softens as he asks, "You knuckleheads ever seen me thread a hook with my eyes closed?" 
"Five bucks says you can't do it!" Dipper bets,
"You're on!" Stan challenged as Dipper climbs into the Stan'o'war.
"Five more bucks says you can't do it with your eyes closed, plus me singing at the top of my lungs!" Mabel adds,
"Another five if you can do it in under 30 seconds!" You chimed in, Mabel climbing in with Soos and you following after.
"I like those odds!" Stan said, "Whoa! What happened to your shirt? And what's with the beaver?" He asked the shirtless Soos and you, completely forgetting about the beaver that's been hanging onto the back of your shirt.
"Huh, forgot you were there." You said, pulling the beaver off and carrying it instead.
"Long story, dude." Soos replied,
"Well, good thing we have several hours to explain everything!" You said, nudging Soos.
"All right, everybody get together. Say fishing!" Dipper said, a camera in his hands.
"Fishing!" You, Stan and Mabel said, Soos steps into the picture but only his belly shows.
"Dude, am I in the frame?" He asked.
Dipper takes pictures of the entire thing like Mabel covering Stan's eyes, you behind them with the beaver on your lap and phone in hand with a stopwatch, as Stan peeks and tries to thread a hook; Stan reading jokes while Mabel and Soos laugh, you obviously holding in your laugh with a hand covering with your mouth and your Beaver friend on your lap, munching a wooden plank; Stan and Mabel stealing fish from Smabel and her grandfather; The twins, you and Stan driving away from the lake police. As Stan drives the boat, the boat shakes.
"Whoa!" Mabel yelped,
"What was that?" Dipper asked, Mabel shrugs and they lean back into their seats. Stan drives back to shore and you all get off,
"Uh, kid. The beaver." Stan points out, you look down at the beaver in your arms, happily snuggling into you.
"But-" You tried to reason,
"Kid, it's a wild animal and known for eating wood, which the shack is made of." He states, you frown and look back at the beaver who is staring at you curiously. You sigh, and walk back to water and gently drop it in.
"Sorry little guy, you can't come with." You apologized, petting it's head. As you stand up, it bites on your pant leg and pulls you back.
"Oh no no no no no no." You panic, trying to push it back as gently as you can. "Come on, little guy! You can't do this!" You cry, everyone at the car watches with a grimace before Stan has enough and runs up to you.
"Okay, you know what? SCRAM!" Grunkle Stan shouts at the beaver scaring it and it quickly swims away. You wave goodbye at it's retreating figure, sighing, and walk to the car. Everyone looks at each other sadly and they get in, as you waited for Stan to start the car, you heard the trunk open and shut with Stan just coming in.
The sun just set and the drive was quiet. Mabel and Dipper were asleep in the back and Stan dropped Soos off at his place. You were staring out the window. Stan glances at you then back at the road, "Uh, heh. Crazy day, right?" He asked, nervously. You only replied with a hum and a shrug, too tired to talk.
You arrived back at the Shack, was outside and led the sleepy twins back into the house. You went to help Stan out with carrying the fishing stuff back when he handed you a paper bag. "Here, looked like you were pretty upset back there." He said, you raise a brow at him and opened the bag.
"What?" You muttered, pulling out a stuffed beaver. 
"There was a gift shop nearby and you looked really bummed out." He explained, carrying the fishing stuff back to the house. 
You run up to him, hugging the plush. "T-Thanks, I, uh.. I really appreciate it." You grinned, Stan rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, it's whatever. Didn't want'cha cryin' about it to your 'ma." He teased, you laugh and look back at the plushie with a wide smile. Stan glances at you and sees you stroking the plush with your thumb and hug it again. You greet Elise with a hug and run upstairs to get ready for bed. Elise shuts the door for Stan as he drops the stuff next to the coffee table and drapes himself over the couch.
"Say, where'd (Name) get the toy from?" Elise teased with a smile, leaning on the couch.
"Don't talk about it." Stan groans.
━━┃ ? ┃━━
A/N: Surprise! You guys have motion sickness AND a small bonding time with your Grandpa Stan! You guys were also supposed to get easily sea sick but I completely forgot because of all the action 0(-(
WC: 6638 😭
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theyanderespecialist · 7 months
Dance with me darling (Yandere Alastor x Michelle (Me The Yandere Specialist) (Valentine gift)
[Made by my partners as another gift for Valentine's Day FLUFF (on tumblr) @mamamaries THEY ARE BAE THE BEST LOVE MUFFIN] 
Alastor hummed as he sat in the radio station. It was Valentine's Day, and the radio host was working late. He'd already called to let his girlfriend Michelle know.
He was sure she was exactly where she normally would be when he was late. Curled up on their couch with the blanket his mother had crocheted for her, drinking some hot tea, and listening to the radio frequency that his show happened to be on. Ah, how many nights he'd come home from a particularly demanding day to see her asleep listening to it.
He'd planned an incredibly romantic dinner for her, taking her out, treating her, and just indulging in her presence. Instead, his coworker would be late, and he had to stay until they came in.
Michelle wasn't new to Alastor being late, but she knew he would be here in a heartbeat if he could. While he enjoyed his job, he didn't enjoy being apart from her. He made this incredibly clear when after a long day, he would come crawling to her, and wrapping her in his arms from behind, just happy to hold her, even if she was in the middle of something. Sometimes he would simply just pick her up and bring her to their room so that he could cuddle into her. Of course- that was their little secret.
And she was doing exactly what he thought she would. She was waiting patiently for the jazz song playing to finish, waiting to hear his voice. Oh his voice..sometimes, that little transatlantic voice he used would slip, and that little Cajun accent he had would slip out, even when he tried so desperately to hide it. Michelle never understood why he would, she adored it. But that was his story to tell.
"Well, it's a very special night today, but I'm sure you already knew that. I hope everyone is holding their lovers close, whispering sweet nothings to them, and being there if they can be. I myself, have a darling at home, I have a feeling she's listening right now." She could hear the smirk in his voice, even from over the radio.
Alastor took a quiet breath. This was worth it, and it would be worth it when he did it at home to see her reaction in person~
He leaned into the microphone, changing the track to one of her favourite songs. "When I hear this song, I think of my perfect little darling, the light of my life..mawn ange~" he purred out as Michelle who'd been smiling shyly up until that point stopped. Her face went a deep red as she covered her face.
"When ah get home mawn ange, we're gonna dance together to our song." He said, turning on the tune as it came through the speakers. He smiled before his coworker came in- and without even greeting them, he shot up and left.
When he got home, he could see Michelle still on the couch, her face red and just looking at the radio in shock and then at Alastor. First off, he used his accent, on air, to talk about her. Second, he remembered their song. Third off, he wanted to dance, meaning he wanted her to touch him back.
Alastor liked touching her, and he liked when she touched him, but he was finicky about when she could touch him back. This was a pretty big deal. Also- he was soaking wet from the heavy rain outside.
She noticed the flowers in his hand, her favourite flowers..and a little stuffed animal. He probably stood outside for the flowers, hence why he was so wet, and his coat was keeping the stuffed animal dry. Michelle could feel her heart swell as her face got redder.
"Mawn ange, ya look so cute like dat~" he said as he walked over, leaning down to kiss her. "Come on, up ya get." He said as she took his hands when he offered them. "Al- you're gonna get me wet." "shh.." he pressed his forehead against hers as his fingers slotted between hers, his other hand on her waist. "Let me hold mawn Cher..~" He kissed her forehead as their song came back on, and he lead her around the room, both just enjoying each others presence, taking comfort as the old radio played in the background and the rain beat against the roof. 
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
I'm not sure where this expectation of the Go 2 press tour which I see from you and some other fans is coming. Did someone say something? I mean, there definitely should be some PR action, a couple of interviews, maybe the cast appearance at a screening or something, but nothing near the promotion of the 1 season, not a 'press tour'. No one promotes 2nd seasons even half as much as 1 seasons. As a rule. Unless there's a very specific decision to do so. So I would tame expectations imo.
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I mean...good grief, Anon. It just poured for the entire weekend where I live, and yet it feels like your message is doing a far more thorough job of raining on my metaphorical parade.
So, let's break a few things down here. First, my personal philosophy is and always will be "Hope for the best, expect the worst." That is not to say that, in the case of GO 2 promotion, I expect the absolute worst, because I don't...but I am also more than adept at keeping my expectations in check thanks to many, many years of experience with disappointment.
With that in mind, you are correct, no one has said anything specifically or formally about the GO 2 press tour or what it might/will entail. Most of us have been working off of the idea--the hope, even--that because season 1 had a press tour, then logically, so should season 2. (Especially because, as I've previously mentioned, the show does still need to bring in new viewers to ensure that there will be a third season.)
As of right now, however, it looks like the only potential impediment to a press tour--or at least Neil being involved with one--is the looming Writers' Strike (well, not-so-looming, since it now seems to be actually happening). So the effects that could have on promoting GO 2/what sorts of appearances the cast and crew will make are unknown for now, and remain to be seen.
But I still feel like you're missing the larger point here, Anon. The thing that has so many of us excited isn't the breadth or level of promotion, but rather that Michael and David will be together during whatever promotion does happen. The majority of the things I mentioned in this poll were listed as mere possibilities...but the one that seems most probable (and that received the most votes, as it were) was Michael and David flirting with each other. I've also received DMs from people who, as much as they are eagerly anticipating the show, care even more about seeing Michael and David together again--playful, relaxed, and most of all, happy.
So does that mean a press tour as extensive as the first season? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe Michael and David will only get to do a handful of interviews or appearances together, but it's the substance of those that makes all the difference. It's that we can all watch Michael and David on TV, or Youtube, or listen to them on the radio, and for even the briefest of moments, feel a sense of respite from what is happening in the world. It's that even when there is so much misery and hate and unkindness running rampant, there is still something that can bring such happiness. Something to look forward to, even just for a little while. And that's what I'm optimistic about, and will continue to be optimistic about here on my blog.
Again, you may be entirely right, Anon, and the GO 2 press tour could turn out to be nothing more than Michael and David doing a ribbon-cutting at a Tesco in Milton Keynes...but I'd still want to watch it because I know no matter what happens, Michael and David will enjoy every second of it as long as they are together.
And I think that's still something worth hoping for.
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ishipgenfics · 2 years
The Glow Cloud, Explained
Well, I was going to try to catch up from where I was but this arc seems really cool so I'm just jumping it. I know who Lubelle is from Tumblr posts, so let's go!
First thought: Oh my god Cecil's voice is so pretty. How did it get even prettier? How. How is this possible.
Second thought: 'After I finish my radio show of course.' Dork. I love him so much.
Third thought: It's odd to have Cecil pointing out that things are weird, but I guess Night Vale is a little more aware of their weirdness since the Huntokar thing. Not explaining of it, no, that's just this lady, but aware.
Fourth thought: Oh my god her voice. She sounds so... condescending. Like, yes, I know what it is best for you, I know the right thing. I know the answer, just go sit in the corner and listen. I've had teachers like her and hated them, they don't listen. That is a perfect voice. I love it, and I hate it.
Fifth thought: Until there is not an ounce of poetry left. Yup. That's a very good line. Unravel everything until there's nothing left of it but string and despair. I kind of get it, I like answers too, but this is... bad. And wrong. Scientists don't act like this. This isn't how science works. If Night Vale is different, you expand your understanding. You don't try to force everything to be the way you think it should be.
Sixth thought: Cecil. Calm down about the lanes.
Seventh thought: My Carlos's science is so interesting to me. It's the way that people look at science, without any of the substance. Beakers and numbers, yes, but what is he actually finding out? And that kind of science, in Night Vale, is safe. (Plus Carlos probably does do actual investigations. We know Cecil is unreliable at time.)
Eight thought: Poor Cecil. I just want to give him a hug, he sounds so scared. He's the Voice of Night Vale. This town is part of him. It is the place where everyone he loves lives. If Lubelle takes all those people away... what is NIght Vale?
Tenth thought: It isn't going to work. I've seen the writing on the wall I've heard her mutterings I know it isn't going to work. I'm so sorry. Cecil, Glow Cloud, everyone. I am so sorry.
And now, dear readers, I take you to the weather.
Special Weather Thought 1: Wow, this fits the situation really well. They don't all do this, I'm pretty sure. I've listened to a couple. Maybe I should listen to the weather more.
And we're back!
Eleventh thought: You're just going to write it off as collective hysteria? Sure. Okay. Very scientific, Lubelle. I'd like to see some sources for all this, if you don't mind. Because from what I can tell, mass hysteria can be used as an explanation for LITERALLY ANYTHING. And if the dead animals really are being picked up by dust devils, then why are there so many dust devils around NIght Vale?
I am going to kill you with your own damn logic, Lucelle. You can't keep doing this to my town.
Twelth Thought: No, NO no no no no no no PLEASE. You can't-- but you can. You can do it forever, and it's wrong, and I won't forget. It's the Glow Cloud, and it was real, and it was alive, and you killed it and you are wrong. You are wrong, Lucelle. I am a scientist and I will not forget.
Thirteenth Thought: We are all temporary arrangement of water Lucelle. We are all made of carbon and water and molecules and I know your death date and I am knocking on your door. I will fix this, Cecil. I promise.
Fourteenth Thought: All Hail. All Hail. All Hail.
Fifteenth Though: That child must never return Cecil. We cannot lose it too. It must stay safe and away from Night Vale, until I find a way to fix this.
Sixteenth Thought: Your voice is beautiful, Cecil, and I love you beyond words. Words can be twisted, their meaning and beauty stripped from them. I will not love you in words, Cecil.
Seventeenth Thought: Lucelle, I will fight you with everything I have in me. I will save this town, my town, from you. You may be a scientist, but I am The Scientist. I will stop you. For Cecil. For Night Vale. This I swear.
From the Notes of the Journal of Carlos the Scientist, recorded in full by a representative of the Vague Yet Menacing Government Agency.
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neokyanyoa · 2 years
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"Hey, is this a bad time to call in?" "Assuming that you'd know well enough to refrain from bugging me at this hour of the day for anything short of the Almighty's twin sister showing up in the sky, this works fine. What do you need?" "Dude, the traffic out here is insane, even the Van-net's down. I've never seen anything like this, had to rig my radio just to get this through to you. Can't get a straight answer from anyone, and you're the guy who knows about this kind of stuff, what's going on?" "Oh, yeah, that. Should've gave you heads up earlier." "Pardon?" "Yeah, my guy mentioned the other day, the foundries finally decided to get together and crack down on those crappy third-party pieces of crap that've been flooding the market since forever. Legal processes finally went through, all pooled together to seize and scrap 'em, and got the transport fleet to match. Judging by what I can see out my window right now, they might've underestimated how many of these things there are in relation to their ability to get rid of em. That's.. yep, that's about five hundred-odd freighters, taking multiple trips, to the half dozen major reprocessing plants in the City. Surprised nobody saw this coming, hah." "It's.. It's not funny, I've got an op to get to right now, the computer's not even got a number for when I'm clear to enter the airspace, and it's cause the foundries decided they had to deal with those scam bootlegs today?" "Ayep."
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saffronjades · 5 months
Crimson Cheeks: A Diary of Embarrassing Events
Chapter 2 - "Pull Over!"
Friday is carpool day!
Tina's gym is just around the corner from work, so she always drops by at about 8:40am. The drive is only 15 minutes, with a maximum ~2 minute walk from her gym to the office.
I still hadn't told her about the mortifying situation at book club from the day prior. *Should I tell her myself and just put up with the laughter?* I wondered to myself, *or do I let her find out from Susan or whoever else she talks to at book club?*
I contemplated this as I got myself a drink of water from my kitchen. My throat had been strangely dry all morning.
As I finished the water, I checked the time. 8:38 - Still a couple of minutes until Tina was supposed to arrive. My throat still feeling dry, I got myself a second drink. I drank it as fast as I could, and looked again. 8:39.
*Why is my throat so dry?*
I poured a third drink of water, and began to drink this one a little slower. Feeling a familiar sensation, I thought about going for a quick wee. My consideration was interrupted from the horn of Tina's car outside.
I got my bag and headed to the front door.
"10 seconds?? How the fuck do you accidentally fart for 10 seconds???"
Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have told her. But I have to admit, her laugh is infectious. Even I began to laugh.
"Don't make me laugh I need to pee," I spoke between the shakes of my body laughing.
"And I'm trying to drive!" Tina teased.
"Look," I calmed myself down, cautious of my bladder, "I don't know how it happened. It just did. It was horrifying."
"You are an odd one, Eleanor." Tina glanced at me from the side, smiling. A genuinely warming smile.
"I know," I squirmed a little in my seat.
I already knew what Tina was about to say.
"Gonna fart again?"
"No, I just really need to pee."
"We'll be there in..." Tina glanced at the digital clock in the car's radio, "10 minutes. I can drop you off outside the office so you don't have to walk."
"Thank you, I really need it."
The seatbelt dug slightly into my bladder, and my denim jeans' button did the same. I tried to find a position to fix the uncomfortable feeling but I just couldn't.
The more I fixated on the feeling, the more it grew. I could physically feel my bladder filling up. I tried telling myself that it was in my head, but it was no use - It was a feedback loop of thoughts to reality.
I tried to distract myself by chatting. "I thought I saw a tall figure the other day."
"A what?"
I realised how silly I sounded, but continued with a slight chuckle, which did not help my bladder. "I don't know. Thought I saw something down the street from my house. Looked like a tall lady, but it was gone when I blinked."
Tina stayed silent for a second, with a puzzled look on her face. "I don't know what you're on, girl."
I smiled, "At times, neither do I."
The tingling of my bladder grew. I kept an eye on the clock. 6 more minutes.
*I can hold it.*
*I can hold it.*
*I don't think I can hold it.*
"Pull over, please."
"We're in --"
"Pull over!" I interrupted Tina.
"There's nowhere around for you to pee! We're on a busy street with houses! Let me just get to some trees or a shop or public toilet or anything."
Tina was right. Even if I got out there, there was nowhere to pee.
"Okay," I closed my eyes, "I think I can hold it."
I felt a tiny, tiny drop escape me. I tightened my legs. I knew it wasn't enough to show, I just had to hold the rest.
I bobbed up and down in my seat, side to side, just keeping my body moving. My legs were as tight together as I could possibly get them, and the muscles in my lower abdomen squeezed hard.
Suddenly, I knew what was about to happen.
I opened my eyes. I saw trees at the end of the road, with enough covering for me to feel private.
"Here! Stop here! Let me out, this will --"
I stopped speaking. Stopped moving. It was too late.
Despite my best efforts, I felt the gripping sensation in my bladder let go. The initial feeling was a gentle, comforting warmth, spreading across the sensitive area around my crotch. It moved towards my upper thighs, gradually seeping around my legs. It claimed more territory as I sat there, helplessly feeling myself involuntarily giving in to a primal urge. I had lost to a basic bodily function.
It extended its reach towards my backside, creeping through the crevice in the most ungrateful way. The distinct, moist heat had spread across both of my buttcheeks. I felt my muscles loosen further, allowing the flow to strengthen. I glanced down, seeing the bright blue of the denim get overtaken by an unmistakable circle of dark blue. The circle grew into more of an oval as it stopped spreading sideways, continuing further down my legs. I tried to clench my muscles, to put a stop to this embarrassing extravaganza, but it was to no avail. Like a broken tap, the gentle pattering began. The denim had soaked in too much, allowing liquid to spill out onto the car seat and floor.
"Eleanor --" Tina, usually chatty, could not find the words to say.
I finally got control of my bladder, once it was already basically empty. The gentle plip-plip-plip continued, as the overflowing fabric of the car seat continued to release my pee to floor, one drop at a time. As fast as my thighs had warmed up, my face did the same, showing the red cheeks of embarrassment. The rest of my face was pale.
I moved slightly, with a huge *squelch*. I didn't speak, or look at Tina. I stared forward.
"Do you want to go home?"
I nodded. "Yes, please."
The first 5 minutes were silent. I think Tina may have been weighing up how to approach this best - Knowing her, she probably wanted to tease me slightly. Honestly, it would have helped take the edge off a little.
Instead, the first thing she said was a story of her own.
"I peed myself in this car once."
I smiled. "Yeah, I remember you telling me."
"Stuck in traffic for 40 minutes. How was I supposed to hold it?" She laughed.
"And then you got pulled over," I remembered how much we had laughed when she told this story originally.
"Yeah, trying to get home fast. I bet all the officer could smell was piss when I rolled the window down."
We both cracked up with laughter.
I thought for a moment. "I just feel like I have a curse recently, you know?"
Tina looked gestured a hand towards me, wiggling all of her fingers. "Ooooo, Eleanor's got a curse!"
"I'm not crazy, okay!" I laughed, "I just mean, I keep having all these things recently. The burping, the farting, the peeing myself just now."
"Yeah you'll probably shit yourself next," Tina changed her tone to a normal one, pretending to take me seriously.
"Oh, Tina, shut up!"
"Hey, you can't tell me to shut up! You just pissed in my car, you're the one who has to make that up to me!" She switched back to her jokey self.
I laughed at this sentiment. "I suppose that's true."
I looked out the window.
*A curse,* I thought to myself.
*Even if that were possible, why would I be cursed?*
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fvrsaeken · 10 months
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NEW MUSIC FRIDAY — JULY 7, 2022: judith grimes has released her third studio album, the second under her label freebird records, a division of Campbell Worldwide Media. Throughout the week, Judith had been in New York City, visiting radio stations and being featured on various late night shows including The Late Show with Stephen Colbert where she performed marjorie live for the first time and Late Night with Seth Meyers.
During her interview with Seth Meyers, Judith talked about how this album really helped her solidify her sound as an artist. "It was nice actually, after spending so long kind of hiding away making all of these things happen, all while grieving the loss of my girlfriend Hannah and grappling with almost losing my brother, everything fell into place. In the thickest part of my grief I wrote the second half of delicate and actually most of afterglow, almost like I could make the grief lighter by writing." Seth then asked about her lead single for the album. "So you chose... not only did you write a song for your mother named marjorie, but you made it the lead single. Why did you change her name?" Judith took a moment before responding. "I didn't get a lot of time with my mom, she and my dad divorced when I five and she died when I was seven. But whenever I went to write the song, I just... for some reason having a song named after her felt too hard to write, but having it be written for her was easier if that makes sense. Kind of like how I wrote dorothea from my best friend Gracie's perspective about a friend who gets famous and moves away, I wasn't going to have it named after myself. It's easier once you remove a small portion of the personal aspect." She explained. "No I get it, you take out the part that makes it almost too unbearable to do, and you make it a little easier to swallow." Seth agreed. "Yeah exactly! And who knows maybe someone lost a loved one named marjorie so they can relate to the song."
The next night, while on The Late Show, before her performance, Judith sat down with Stephen and began with: "Okay, so because you were with Seth Meyers last night I won't ask you specifically about marjorie, which by the way we are all very excited to see you perform." He paused as the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. "I will say, this is one of your first performances in quite some time. Was this a personal choice or did it just not work scheduling wise?" He'd asked. "Thank you for that amazing fanfare by the way, gonna keep that moment in my back pocket forever. But um, it was kind of both. My first album came out and then life was kind of just like: "surprise, we're gonna actually throw you the largest amount of curveballs." so that kind of derailed any plans I had to perform." She explained. "Around then, you also... kind of famously went public with calling out Interscope Records for how they treated your brother, what was going through your head that day?" Now this question did make Judith visibly uncomfortable prompting Colbert to add: "Whatever you're comfortable with sharing of course, I know this is probably a still healing wound for you and your family." Judith gave a grateful smile before continuing: "The main thing going through my head was: I'm about to ruin a career I just started, but at least I'm going to go out on my own terms. Up until that day that I almost lost my brother, I had tried so hard to get his team to notice something was wrong, I tried to get him to notice but it's hard when you're barely seventeen and no one really wants to take you seriously. No one around him saw what was happening, or if they did see then they didn't care and I didn't want other artists, especially young artists like my brother go through that. I wanted them to know what happened, and family before fame every time." Which was met with some awww's and cheers from the crowd.
On the morning of Friday July 7, Judith sat down with Michael Strahan on Good Morning America to promote her album. "Congratulations! I can't believe it, this is your third album and you... you just turned twenty is that right?" He asked her. Judith laughed and nodded along before saying: "That's true I just turned twenty last month. It's been a wild ride." Michael agreed with her saying: "I can only imagine, you and your brother both have had very busy teen years, and in your brother's case early twenties. I'm sure that you've had this question but with both of you being famous, what does your dad think about it all?" Judith paused for a second. "Oooh I don't think I've actually had this question before, maybe Carl has but I mean I'd hope that he's just happy that his kids are doing something they love. You know we get to do really cool things for him, my brother and I. He gets to travel with us and see the world, although I'm pretty sure he's seen New York City more than anywhere else." She paused her answer to wave to her dad who waved back earnestly. "I didn't know he was here with you! I guess that makes sense, okay so let's ask him, Rick how do you feel about your kids being famous? What do you think of it all?" Once the PA had made their way to Rick with a microphone, the father of two answered: "I mean I really am so proud of both of them. They worked hard to get where they are, overcome more than their fair share. To be able to watch them both grow and flourish in their own ways in the same industry is incredible." The answer moved Judith to tears as she was seen grabbing Kleenex once the camera cut back to her. "We definitely couldn't have done it without all of his support, and I think Carl would be okay with me saying that for both of us."
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