#or at least not like you're a teenager šŸ˜‚
dreamingofimpalas Ā· 5 months
I absoluely love the fact that somehow I'm now supposedly a spy
A spy (you heard me read it correctly)
For something I wasn't even initially a part of until someone opened their mouth and made me a part of it
Like you have no idea how funny that is to me šŸ˜‚
A portion of the Loki fandom officially lost it and I'm all here for it but
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celibibratty Ā· 7 months
sean is kinda lame, the dude is called a punk, but the motherfucker don't listen to not even ONE! punk/rock song, sean you're lamešŸ˜’
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asunflowerana Ā· 1 month
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summary: usual grocery day with your husband
with: bokuto koutaro, oikawa tooru, sakusa kyoomi and osamu miya.
n/a: brought this one from my old blog, one of my favorites. I'm thinking about making a part 2 with more hq boys, I personally enjoy imagining them dealing with grocery with me šŸ˜‚. hope you guys enjoy!
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āŠ› bokuto koutaro
a child inside a full-grow 190cm male body, that's what he is. The fact that he still pouts whenever you remind him that "no, you can't get inside the cart baby, you won't fit" proves the point. But besides his childish mood, he can turn your time shopping a lot funnier.
he does cart races, searches for lower prices like hunting a treasure, throw his hands in the air when he finds his favorite snacks and cackles at every single brand with a silly name. He's a total dork, but his excitement is so endearing that you cannot help but absorb it. It's actually sweet, the way he lightly takes a domestic duty. He's also helpful, willingly carrying the bags to the car, and storing the groceries later at home.
he yearns to stay close to you, so even if his both hands are grabbing the cart handle, at least some arm-brushing will happen. He'll feel pretty lost if you both need to part ways through the market, but it's cute how he beams when you guys find each other later.
favorite section: breakfast food section (he's addicted to cereal), and meat section.
what you usually hear from him: "babe, can we buy this?"
āŠ› oikawa tooru
if there's something Tooru doesn't look forward to, is grocery day. He even tried to wipe it off the fridge calendar a few times before, but you're too good to be fooled. "the Santos already ordered by delivery, why can't we do the same?" and he always uses the neighbor's card to try to convince you, whining like his teenager version would.
but one way or another, you always get him to go. If he's in a bad mood, he'll probably sulk in the beginning, lazily riding the cart while sighing every two minutes 'cause this is a total "waste of time". But as the shopping proceeds, he gets used to it, even forgetting what he was so grumpy about when a product catches his attention. With some subtle kisses and a small treat, you can even get a smile out of him.Ā 
He likes to wrap his arm around your back or keep you close by the waist. Not having you there with him it's the worst thing it could happen, so he needs to make sure you stay by his side (also because he simply likes holding you).
favorite section: checkouts (not a surprise), and cosmetics section (he can spend a good amount of time selecting body products).
what you usually hear from him: "are we done?"; "baby, I need your help. This one, or this one?".
āŠ› sakusa kiyoomi
He's the one looking forward to this day. He gets uneasy when things run out in the house, so going shopping is almost necessary for his peace of mind. What he doesn't look forward to, though, is dealing with people at the supermarket. Most precisely, the lines, but let's not talk about it to not ruin the mood.
he's very selective, taking whatever time he has to inspect and be sure of the products, in case it isn't a common choice of yours. He appreciates being aware of what you are consuming, not only for being an athlete but because he cares about your health. He likes to share what he's been learning from the team's nutritionist, but he is not a dictator: if you want to treat yourself to some tasty sweets or snacks, he won't get in the way. He'll even join the party.
He'll offer his arm for you to wrap your own, or hold hands. He's grateful to have your company, so he'll cherish it as much as he can. He's also very protective if the place or the lines are too crowned, keeping you by his side and holding you close with his arm.
favorite section: cleaning products (you have no idea how relieved he gets when he goes there).
what you usually hear from him: "I know you want it. Go ahead, put in the cart"; "tsc, they always put the gloves way back there"; "these stupid lines. Again."
āŠ› osamu miya
The king of groceries. He's used to doing this two, or three times a week, and it never gets boring. The experience has made him smarter about where and when it is best to buy, plus he has a good eye when it comes to product quality and price. So yeah, you have almost nothing to worry about when Osamu Miya is your grocery partner. Almost.
He's very chill and helpful while shopping, but you better keep a good eye on the cart: it'll get filled to the brim in one minute. When Osamu likes something, he makes a point of buying as much as he can. Once, he filled almost three entire carts, and half of one was just from rice bags. Someone might think you have a whole volleyball team as a family with the amount of food he wants to take home.
Hands on your back, shoulder, waist, any free space he has to keep you close to him ā€“ and he'll keep it there the whole time. Touch is one of his love languages, so there's no way he won't keep in contact with you.
favorite section: fruit and vegetables section, and bakery section (he loves the smell of fresh ingredients).
what you usually hear from him: "sweetheart, just one more. It'll be the last, I promise"; "hope Tsum doesn't visit us today"
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Ā© asunflowerana 2024 ā€” all rights reserved.
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dcxdpdabbles Ā· 4 months
If youā€™re still doing these asks, do you mind maybe adding a part 5 to Passion for Fashion?
I would love to see how Danny and Red Robinā€™s impromptu date goes and Constantineā€™s reaction to all this.
And poor Killer Croc is so confused and uncomfortable around the twins, oh and not to forget Danā€™s inner turmoil over losing a love interest because his body no longer matches his mental and spiritual agešŸ˜‚
Iā€™d also love to see the reactions of the rest of the Batfam to Tim going on a date and their reaction to Danā€™s flirting with Croc.
Your request came in after I had already written most of Part 5, but I hope I can include most of what you asked for in it and make it up with another Part of the Au for you.
Danny strutted down the runway, fighting to keep his gaze straight ahead as various flashes from cameras went off.
He mentally went through his checklist of proper catwalk tips that he watched the other dayā€”or, more accurately, Dan forced him to watch from some free video websiteā€”ensuring his hands were relaxed, long strides were made, and his shoulders were firm but not stiff.
This was the contest's second round, with Tim Drake proposing the "Gotham Aesthetic" as the theme and challenge. Apparently, the teenage CEO spent most of his childhood taking photos of the city and wanted others to appreciate the architecture of the aged town.
There was no kidnapping attempt this time, and the contest was back on schedule. However, there was a delay because some of the models had dropped out after they were nearly sold (Dan called them cowards, but Danny personally thought they were wise to do so). Hence, fashion designers had to scramble for someone new or forfeit their position in the contest, allowing some eliminated to take their place.
It took nearly four weeks to confirm that the same designers were staying but would need to remake or adjust their outfits. Thankfully, Wayne Amature Fashion Show was more than willing to offer them time.
Dan had already made Danny's outfit but figured he would remake it anyway. Once completed, new designs were crafted, adjusted, and flung into an idea box. He created so many it was as if Dan were a man possessed (Pun intended).
Danny needed to figure out how much fabric he was going through, but sometimes, he had to remind the other to sleep, eat, and shower. It seemed the other kept forgetting he was human now and needed to do these things for his health and Danny's poor nose.
Dan also seemed obsessed with exploring new parts of Gotham just to take pictures of buildings to get "inspiration." Danny went with him as he had nothing better to do, and the pair made an unlikely duo.
Both got stares in the streetsā€”Danny for strutting around Gotham wearing some of Dan's regretted challenge outfits in an effort to learn to catwalk in them and Dan for dressing as close to the homeless as he could. For all that Dan could make amazing pieces of fashion, the man only filled his own closet with mismatched joggers and pajamas.
Danny had to force him back to change at one point since Dan had intended to walk around in a bathrobe- with shorts and stained short sleeves underneath it. He drew the line on bathrobes.
It was so embarrassing to be gawked at all the time that Danny could not help but wish Dan would try just a little. This was somewhat worse than when he was alone because at least then he knew it was just how stupid and awkward he looked in the outfits.
Now, he just felt subconscious about trying too hard compared to Dan.
"Relax, kid," The other scoffed, snapping a picture of the Brown Bridge. "By the time you're my age, you honestly stop caring about what other people think, so long as you like how you look."
"Can't you at least comb your hair?"
"I forgot how to do that."
Danny snaps his head in his direction, blinking owlishly "What?"
Dan shrugs. "My hair was fire for a literal decade, brat. How was I supposed to comb it?"
"Oh," Danny supposes, that makes sense. After all, Dan was more ghost than human at that point, driven mad by his grief and a colossal monster. He sort of forgot that. "Do you want me to show you how?"
"Ew. No. Too much work. Humans are so high maintenance." Dan rolled his eyes and shifted his tone into a mocking one. Comb your hair, change your clothes, take a bath."
"You smell like shit, Dan."
"You look like shit!"
"We have the same face!"
"It's better on me!"
Their public arguments also attract lots of stares. Danny would feel embarrassed by them if he wasn't so busy bickering with Dan as they moved about.
Ultimately, Dan had made his outfits formal steampunk during the break. Danny wished he had stayed with the Dark Academia idea because he felt he was walking around in a costume instead of clothes.
Dan told him that it felt too basic to go with Dark Academia since, now that he saw more of Gotham, he thought it better represent the city as a whole instead of the elites of Gotham. Danny debated with him until he agreed to make two of the four outfits- meant to represent all four seasons of Gotham's beauty or something stupid like that- to be dark academia.
Danny nears the end of the runway, stopping right before the judges to strike his pose. His eyes never leave the center decorative flower in the far back, but he makes sure to slowly turn his head as if he is gazing at the crowd.
There are gasps as he pulls off his tophat in a twirl to hide the way he presses the button on his hip. At once, his pants and sleeves light up in the gentle glow of the Brown Bridge's famous historic lampost show. It's no brighter than his ghost glow, but it makes him look like a vision, especially when he puts the hat back on with a mysterious curl of his lips.
Danny practiced that move for weeksā€”even when it made him cringeā€”and he is happy to have pulled it off successfully as he twists around and struts away. The Brown Bridge only lights its lanterns in the winter, so this hits a true Gotham native here for the seasonal challenge portion.
With his superhearing, he manages to catch Tim Drake-Wayne's dreamy sigh. Danny fights the urge to fist bump. If they impressed the special judge so much, then they just guaranteed their spot in the next round.
Each round meant they were closer to completing the mission. Since it's been practically impossible to find Batmanā€”even when the man was running around dressed like a giant batā€”this was their best bet.
Once he's backstage, he rushes to Dan's area, already ripping off most of his outfit for the last piece. Spring dark academia vaguely reminded him of rich school uniforms, but at least they didn't have ridiculous amounts of belts and metal on them.
Dan already has the outfit set out and quickly helps him change. He adjusts the vest and collar for Danny, glancing angrily at the model walking up the line. "Come on, we only have a few minutes before the last two models finish their walk for the Winter portion."
Danny nods, throwing on the gargoyle ear cuffs, only to pause when he sees a strange card on Dan's station. He pushes aside the black rings to grab a tiny green card with a giant question mark. "What's this?"
"Some guy saw my work and wanted to commission him a suit. Apparently, he was tired of how no one could style the question marks." Dan answered, distracted while reapplying some powder to Danny's face.
"A question mark? Why?"
"It's his gimmick or something. I didn't bother to ask for too many details. He will be going to our house soon to get his measurements done," Dan says, twisting Danny's face with his chin to make sure everything looks good. Danny lets him, blindly slipping on his rings and bracelets. "Thought it be a fun little side project."
"How did he hear about you?"
"You remember how you took those boxes of clothes to the job search office to give to people? Apparently, one of his employees' younger brothers borrowed a suit for his prom, and he thought the photos were nice." Dan shrugs. Then he glances in alarm at the stage hand who signals for them. "Never mind that. It's almost our turn again. Get out there!"
Danny scurries away, but not before he sees a beautiful redhead woman in green- was that leaves and vines???- stride over to Dan as the clone puts away his makeup.
She gestures with a business card, and Dan blinks as she talks once before he eagerly takes out his design journal. She must be a performer asking Dan for a new forest design or something.
Danny wonders why Gotham has so many people with oddly specific gimmicks.
He turns his head away to stride back into the catwalk, head held high as he does so. Danny makes the mistake of locking eyes with one of the judges- Tim Drake-Wayne is gawking at him like the people of the street do- and he snaps his gaze away, fighting to keep his composure.
He thinks he does well since Team Fenton snatches first place in this round. Drake-Wayne catches him at the after-party, praising his final outfit so much that Danny offers to give it to him, knowing Dan wouldn't mind.
Drake-Wayne goes red, early agreeing, but since they are so different in sizeā€”the CEO's waist is slightly leaner but with far more muscular forearmsā€”Danny tells him to come by his house that weekend to have Dan resize it for him.
It should be fine since the Question Mark man and Leaf Lady will also be there that day for their own measurements.
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sissylittlefeather Ā· 28 days
Fools Rush In (where angels fear to tread)
A/N: I don't know what's up with me and elevators right now, but here's a one-shot I hatched after a conversation with @atleastpleasetelephone about what I'd do if I met Elvis in an elevator. This is obviously the fantasy version šŸ˜‚
Thanks to @ccab for helping me with this one. It was a little rough at times!
Warnings: 18+ SMUT minors DNI, cussing, kissing, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, someone has a glass of wine
Word count: ~3k
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You work at the hotel, so you're no stranger to this elevator. You ride in it all the time to take things up to guests when they ask for them. Thats kind of been your job since you started here three months ago: fetch-things-for-guests-girl. You're supposed to just be working the front desk but for some reason anytime anyone needs anything, it falls on you to run it up to them. You've run up toothbrushes and newspapers and even trays of room service. That's really not supposed to be your job but you're not sure you can say no when they ask. That's probably why you keep ending up on the elevator.
Today, you brought a guest a sewing kit. He was a nice older gentleman and he asked if you could help him with a button on his shirt. Again, not a thing that's part of your job description but you did it anyway. He even tried to give you a dollar for helping. A sweet gesture, but you assured him it was unnecessary.
Now you're on the elevator headed down. Or at least, you were supposed to be headed down but for some reason the elevator starts rising towards the penthouse. You don't think much about it, not sure which rich or famous person is up there right now. You look at your shoes and notice the toe of the left one is scuffed. You're trying to figure out how that might've happened when the elevator dings and the doors slide open. It takes you a second to look up. But when you do, your heart stops and you do a double take.
Elvis Presley.
And he's alone.
He gives you a small smile and steps into the elevator with you. You can't stop yourself from whispering.
"It's you..." He gives you a sideways look and smiles.
"It's me." You look up at the ceiling and try to politely ignore him, assuming he doesn't need another person fawning over him. That would probably get old fast. You look at the buttons. 30 floors. That's a long time to ride in silence.
"Wouldja push the L for me, honey?" You're rattled out of your deep thought by his smooth baritone. It dawns on you that you're standing in front of the only set of buttons.
"Oh. Yeah, sure." You gently press the lobby button with your finger and look at him sheepishly.
"Thank you." The doors finally slide closed and the elevator begins its descent. You've fantasized about something like this happening for as long as you can remember. He's been your favorite singer since you saw him on Ed Sullivan as a teenager. You're not a kid anymore, though, and you know he's been playing Vegas for about a year now. He's a regular here at the hotel, but he hasn't been here since you've been here. You must've had your head buried in the sand to not know he was here right now.
You chance a quick glance in his direction, trying not to make it obvious that you're looking at him. He's absolutely stunning and it's like you can feel him in the tiny room with you, alive in a way that other people aren't.
"You're staring, sweetheart." He says, just above a whisper. You snap your mouth shut and look away panicked. Your heart rate is through the roof and you can't believe he caught you looking at him. But it's so hard to look away from him knowing he's right there.
"I'm sorry." You whisper it quietly and he chuckles.
"It's okay. Happens all the time." You feel him turn to look at you, but you will yourself to keep your eyes forward. "Besides, I don't mind when pretty girls stare at me."
Your head whips around and your mouth opens again. Did he just call you pretty? Now you're looking directly into his face and he's so breathtaking that you feel like you might pass out.
"You always this speechless or is it me?" He smirks mischievously. You've never been known to be quiet. It's him. You still can't find your voice to answer him, though. His smirk falls and he turns back to the doors, sighing bitterly. "Sometimes it would be nice to not have this effect."
You look at the buttons: you're passing the 19th floor. Still so many to go and goddamnit why can't you talk?!
"Sometimes I wish I'd just stayed a truck driver so I could have normal conversations with pretty girls on elevators."
He did it again. He called you pretty. You have to find your voice. You've got about 16 floors before he walks out of your life forever.
"You probably wouldn't be staying in the penthouse of this hotel then." Good God. What on earth made you say that?! You finally find your voice and that's what comes out?!
He chuckles and looks back at you.
"That's the damn truth, honey. I guess I should be thankful for what I have."
"I should be thankful for the opportunity to talk to you like this, but I can't seem to make words. Nobody's perfect." You finally lift your eyes to meet his and he gives a little snort-laugh.
"No, nobody's perfect. Except angels. And I'm not so sure you ain't one." Now it's your turn to laugh.
"Me? Let me assure you, I'm as human as they come."
"Good. Me too." You stare at each other in silence for a bit, both of you taking in the other. "You work at the front desk?"
"I do. I'm the errand girl." You cringe again. He doesn't need to know that.
"Yeah, you forget your comb or need a set of nail clippers, I'm your girl." It's like your mouth has disconnected from your brain and is working all on its own.
More silence. The elevator is playing a song you recognize and you hum along to try to soothe the awkwardness. To your utter shock, he hums with you. When you pick up the higher harmony, your voices blend and it gives you goosebumps. He doesn't tell you that it gives him goosebumps too.
"Hey listen, I-" He's cut off when the elevator reaches its destination and the doors slide open.
"EP, we thought we'd lost you!" One of his bodyguards hollers and they hustle him off the elevator. He turns to look at you one last time and you wave awkwardly. He smiles and lets himself be whisked away. You put your palm on your forehead as the doors slide closed again.
A wave?! Seriously?!
Then you realize you were supposed to get off in the lobby too and kick yourself for your idiocy.
The next day, you come in to work like usual and the hotel is abuzz with the fact that Elvis is back and playing shows. Thats why you didn't know he was there yesterday: he'd just gotten in. You think back to your encounter with him and try not to cry. He called you pretty twice and what did you do? Acted like a complete fool.
Your shift ends at 4:30 and you're just about to pack up and leave when there's a call down to the front desk. Your coworker picks it up and talks to whoever is on the line. At one point, he looks at you strangely. You're not listening to the conversation, but the way he looks at you makes you nervous. Finally, he hangs up.
"I need you to make one last run."
"Mark, I'm almost off the clock. You can't handle it?"
"They specifically asked for 'errand girl'. That has to be you." You sigh deeply and put your purse back under the desk.
"What is it and where?"
"A comb and some nail clippers to the penthouse." You look up quickly.
"Wait, really?"
"Yep. That's what the guy said." Your heart skips a beat and you stand there staring at Mark. "You better go..."
You nod and gather the two things from the place where you keep all the supplies. Then, you make your way to the elevator. Your stomach is in knots the whole way up. It has to be him asking for you, right?
Elvis paces the floor in the living room of his penthouse suite. He's only been awake for an hour or so, but he's been thinking about you since he got off the elevator last night. When he told Joe to call down and ask for you, Joe looked at him like he'd lost his mind. But he has to see you at least one more time to make sure what he's feeling isn't real. He had half a conversation with you. Why can't he get you out of his head?
The doors slide open and he takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself. You step out of the elevator and look around cautiously.
"Come on in, honey." He smiles awkwardly and you almost giggle. You never dreamed he was capable of awkwardness.
"I brought your things." For some reason, it's a little easier to talk to him this time. He laughs.
"Oh, right. Thank you." He walks to you and takes the comb and nail clippers from you and sets them on the table. "Can I get you something to drink?"
"Sure! White wine?" You try to smile as he walks to the bar and fixes you a glass of wine. "Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday."
"What do you mean?"
"You probably get tired of people being all starstruck." He hands you the glass and shrugs.
"I'm used to it."
"Doesn't make it right. Can we just start over? I'm y/n." You hold your hand out for him to shake and he takes it and kisses the back of it gently.
"I appreciate the gesture, honey, but we don't need to start over. I'm Elvis. It's nice to meet you." You giggle softly and pull your hand back.
"See you can't do stuff like that!"
"Like what?" His eyes twinkle with mirth.
"Be all charming and cute like that."
"You think I'm cute?" You roll your eyes.
"You have to know you're cute. This isn't breaking news."
"I still like to hear you say it." There's a moment where he's looking down at you and it feels like he wants to kiss you. And he does, he really really does, but he's nervous all of a sudden. He clears his throat and sits down on the couch, spreading his legs wide. He pats the cushion next to himself. "Come sit with me."
You walk over and perch on the edge of the couch by him, sipping your wine and trying to think of something to say that won't sound dumb.
"Are you glad to be back in Vegas?" You wince. You did not succeed.
"Yes and no. I love performing for people. It's my favorite thing. Gets a little lonesome here, though." He's not sure why he's telling you this, but he just feels comfortable talking to you.
"Your... your wife doesn't come with you?" He shakes his head.
"No, she doesn't. And she's not really... I mean..."
"She's not good company?" He sighs.
"No, not really."
"Hmm." You're not eager to be the other woman, but he seems so desperately lonely that it's hard to imagine leaving him here.
"Enough about that. You wanna come to my show tonight?"
"Elvis, it's been sold out for months."
"I'm Elvis Presley. If I want you there, they'll build a table for you." He shrugs nonchalantly, but you can tell it matters if you say yes.
"I'd love to see it." He looks at you with his eyes sparkling.
"Of course. I've loved you since 1956. Why wouldn't I want to see you perform?" He raises his eyebrows and you wish you'd kept that part to yourself.
"That long?" You nod sheepishly. He sits up and puts his hand on your cheek. "You're somethin' else, sweetheart. You sure you're not an angel?" A soft laugh falls from your lips and you take a sip from your glass.
"Not an angel. Just a fan." He shakes his head.
"No. Not just a fan." Without warning, he pulls your face to his and presses his lips against yours. Fireworks explode inside you and it feels like you might die with the sensation of his soft lips. After a few seconds, he pulls back, sets your wine glass on the table, and presses his forehead to yours. "You're about the prettiest thing I've ever seen. And you seem to understand me in ways I didn't think possible. I'm pretty sure you're my angel."
You look deeply into his eyes and it's like your souls touch. All of a sudden he's a part of you and the idea of being without him breaks you.
"Elvis, I..."
"I know, honey." He dives back into kissing you, parting his lips to slide his tongue into your mouth. His hand grips your hip and he pulls you onto his lap, straddling his thighs. He mumbles against your lips. "Can I make love to you?"
"Yes... oh God, yes." You moan into his mouth as he lifts you and carries you into the bedroom. He lays you on the bed gently and hovers over you, rolling his hips forward to meet yours.
"My beautiful angel. I want to give you everything."
"Everything I am is yours, Elvis. Please..." He groans and runs his hands over your body, stopping to memorize the gentle curves of you. You lean into his touch, desperate to feel him on your skin. In a shockingly small amount of time, he has you both stripped naked, his body pressed against yours in a feverish frenzy of passion. His hands make hot trails over your flesh, followed quickly by his lips pressing desperate kisses to you. You've never experienced anything like this: the unbridled need for connection and sultry heat as it possesses you.
When he presses his tongue into you, it's like you've been waiting for him your whole life. Your body trembles with need and he moves his tongue on your clit with such fervor that you'd swear he's trying to devour you whole. But the ecstatic pleasure that rushes through you causes you to arch into him, begging for more. He obliges, sliding two of his long fingers into your pussy to tickle and tease you on the inside. You whimper and cry out, desperate for the release that's building in your hips.
"Elvis... god..." You moan, overcome with desire. He licks and finger-fucks you harder than you've ever experienced and you dance on the edge of an explosive orgasm.
"Cum for me, angel." He whispers into you, obsessively chasing your pleasure. It doesn't take long for you to do what he tells you, leaping over the edge into oblivion as your climax overtakes you, spilling out onto his hand as you shudder and pulse and scream his name.
"Elvis! Fuck!" He licks you through it, coaxing more ecstasy out of you as you cum harder than you ever have. When he feels your clit soften and your body relax, he pulls back, lips and chin glistening, and crawls up your body.
His cock aches to be inside you, to feel you wrapped around him and connected to him in an undeniable way. He kisses your neck and shoulder and cheek until he finally lands back at your mouth. You position him at your entrance and roll your hips forward, begging him to fill you.
"Such an eager little pussy. You want me to fuck you, angel?" He whispers it in your ear and you swear you could cum just from his voice.
"Y-yes..." He thrusts forward, his cock pushing into you halfway. You yelp and he stops to give you time to adjust to the size of him. As your pussy relaxes around him, he presses deeper until his hips meet yours and his dick is fully inside you.
"How does it feel?" You whimper and sweat.
"S-so good. Don't stop."
"Oh, my angel, I'm won't stop. Not until I know you're fully satisfied." He groans as he begins to pump into you with more speed and intensity. Your breasts bounce and he bends down to kiss you as his cock pounds you, over and over again. He fucks you like this for a while before he pulls out and rolls you over on your stomach. You moan as he pushes into you from behind, pressing his lips to your back and shoulders repeatedly.
The overwhelming sensation of being filled and fucked from behind threatens to push you into another orgasm. He slides his hand between you and the mattress to reach your clit and run over and around it with his fingertips. The orgasm crashes into you like a freight train as you scream into the mattress and cum on his dick.
"That's it, angel... I'm so close." Your pussy squeezes him and he grunts, no longer able to hold back. His cock throbs and fills you with his release in the aftershocks of your own climax. He whispers in your ear as his body jerks into you. "Yes, honey, yes..."
For a bit, he lays there with his head on your shoulder, the sweat dripping off of his hair onto your back. Then, he pulls out and rolls you over, collapsing on your chest and breathing heavily.
You run your fingers through his hair and hum again. He closes his eyes and soaks in the intimacy of being this close with you. The heavy weight of loneliness that's usually in his chest has dissipated and it feels in this moment like he'll never be lonely again. He looks up at you from where he's settled between your breasts.
"Stay with me."
"Tonight after the show?"
"Forever." It's crazy to consider. You've known each other less than 24 hours. But you hear the word as it exits your lips.
The End
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andreafmn Ā· 1 year
Speak | Chapter 10
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Word Count:Ā 3.5K Story Description:Ā Bella Swan was a disaster when Edward had left. Deciding she needed a little help, Charlie Swan receives with open arms his younger daughter (Y/N) Swan. She helps Bella during her depression and becomes inseparable from her long-lost friend Jacob. What she didnā€™t expect was falling for a hotheaded short-tempered silver wolf. Chapter:Ā 10/? Warnings: emotional and mental abuse A/N: can't believe I finished this on schedule! the story everyone is obsessed with for some reason just got updatedšŸ˜‚šŸ¤ My content will always be free, but if youā€™re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my postsĀ to support me and my love of writing orĀ buy me a coffee TikTokĀ ā€¢Ā InstagramĀ ā€¢Ā BusinessĀ |Ā MASTERLIST If youā€™d like to be tagged in this orĀ any other story:Ā click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post!Ā  Taglists for Twilight get filled quick and Tumblr only lets me tag up to a certain point. Notifications are your best bet.
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Chapter 10
"Do you want to stay over tonight?" Jacob suddenly asked as the pair made their way to his truck. "It's already so late and I don't wanna make the drive back to Forks right now."
"Uh, sure, that sounds great," she said, trying to contain her excitement. A surge of happiness took over her as she witnessed Jake trying. He was trying to keep them together, at least that's what it looked like to her. "I'll just let dad know."
"Yeah, sure."
After she had settled on the center of the seat, Jacob helped his father into the truck, stepping out to say goodbye to his friends.
"I'll let you know that there won't be any funny business under my roof, (Y/N)," Billy smiled teasingly. "Though I am glad that Jacob is seemingly trying to turn over a new leaf this new year."
"I promise we'll do nothing but sleep, Billy," she chuckled. "And I also hope this is a new start for Jake and me. That everything that happened stays in the past and we can just give it our all in this relationship."
"If it is meant to be, (Y/N), the universe will find a way," he said as mystically as he always spoke. "You deserve happiness, my child."
"People keep saying that," she responded, her eyes growing far more interested in the skin of her fingers. "Does no one think that Jake can make me happy?"
"That's not what I'm saying, (Y/N)," he smiled, his hand falling on top of the one she was picking. "All I am saying is that if the love and happiness that you deserve is with Jacob, then the universe will allow it."
"And if not?"
"Then, your paths will always align."
"Then let's hope that what's written on the stars is in our favor." And as she said that she didn't know if she was wishing that to convince him or to convince herself.
The three of them rode back to the Black residence in a comfortable silence. The sounds of the woods and the whistling of the wind filled their quiet. She wondered what they said. If they whispered words of encouragement or if they taunted her downfall. She wanted to believe it was the former, because the latter would wreck her.
"Well, you two. I trust that you will behave yourselves since you're under my roof," Billy told them, eyeing the teenagers suspiciously. "And don't start getting used to these sleepovers. This is only because it's already two in the morning and we are all tired."
"Dad," Jacob grumbled. "Just go to bed already."
"Ooh, never thought I'd be shooed away in my own home," the man chuckled. "But I will leave you two. Not because you told me so, but because I am tired. Good night, kids."
"Night, dad."
"Good night, Billy."
Billy rolled away to his bedroom, turning in for the night. He left the couple standing in the living room, a heavy and tense air blowing between them. They had yet to acknowledge everything that had happened between them, much less finally putting it to rest.
"Uh, I'll get you some clothes and you can shower first if you want," Jacob mumbled as he walked into his room before coming out with a folded t-shirt and some sweatpants. "Might be a bit big on you, but it's better than nothing. There're extra towels under the sink."
"Sure," she smiled. "Thanks."
There was still remnant awkwardness between them as they tried to waltz around unspoken words. She locked herself in the bathroom, finally allowing herself to breathe. Fresh start is what she told herself. Over and over again she told herself that they were having a fresh start. As she showered and cleaned away Paul's touch and the thought of him, she had to believe it.
Jacob was who she had always wanted. The boy she had grown up with, the one she had never forgotten. Still, her mind wondered what would have happened if Paul had been the one she had met first. If he had been the boy that was in her mind for the almost sixteen years she had been alive. Maybe she would have been standing in his bathroom instead of Jake's. Maybe she would have been wearing his oversized t-shirt.
"Hey," Jacob called softly from the living room as she opened the bathroom door. "Come here."
(Y/N) walked down the hallway to where he was, a smile stretching on her face as she was met with what Jake had done while she showered.
He had pushed aside the wooden coffee table that lived between the sofas and placed in its stead plush blankets and pillows, a pair of hot chocolate mugs in front of the fireplace. His long, wet hair was plaited back, and he had changed into pajamas. And he was waiting for her.
"What's all this?" (Y/N) smiled.
"I think it's about time we put things to rest already, (Y/N)," he said, patting the pace in front of him. "I don't like fighting with you."
"I don't like it either," she sighed contentedly as she sank into the warmth of his body, his arms wrapping around her. "I like things when they're like this. When we're together and happy."
"I know, and I want it to be like this all the time. But it can't be when I hear you're running around with Paul," he reminded her. His tone was soft, but his words were as snipping as a snake's bite. "I just can't stand the guy and it's embarrassing when it happens in front of the town."
"Jake, I..."
"Don't worry, baby, that's all in the past. As long as you promise not to see him again, (Y/N). I don't want you to fall into his trap."
(Y/N) couldn't remain quiet for long. She knew it would only work to anger him. But how could she promise something she didn't want to do? Something that her gut told her was wrong. "Of course," she lied. "I promise. Paul is a thing from the past."
"That's what I like to hear," he smiled before he turned her head to kiss her. "We need to focus more on us. Focus on our relationship."
"I would love that," she beamed. "I want this to work, Jake. I wantĀ usĀ to work."
"Then let's," he smirked.
Jake attached his mouth to her neck, nipping at a spot that took her breath away. His hand held her head back, gripping her jaw. He took in her scent, the warmth of her skin, the sounds from her mouth. All as he imagined...
"Stop, Jake," she said, her voice treading between a moan and a chuckle. "Your dad is literally down the hall."
"He's a heavy sleeper," he chuckled against her skin. "He'll never know."
"No, Jake." She separated from him; a playful grin splayed on her mouth as she turned to face him. "Not here. Not now."
"Ugh, fine," he groaned, falling on his back. "Then, I guess we'll just sleep."
"Yes," she mused, crawling over his body and planting a soft kiss on his lips. "But together."
Jacob wrapped his arms around her and chuckled, positioning both of them comfortably on a blanket and draping another over them. Her body curled into his, his arms wrapped around her waist as he spooned her.
"We'll have to talk about taking things to the next level," he said against her ear, his breath tickling her skin. "I think it might cement everything between us."
"And I think you need to take a breather, Jacob," she chuckled. "We just got to a good place. Let's take things as they go."
"Ugh, fine," he muttered jokingly. "Then, let's just go to sleep."
"Alright, Jake. Good night."
"Night, (Y/N)."
If every night after was like this one, maybe it was the universe's way of telling her that Jake was the one. Laying there, wrapped in his arms, she could let herself believe that the tides were changing. That at the end of the day, Jacob would choose her. Maybe, just maybe.
"I can't believe she went home with him," Paul groaned, punching a nearby tree. The way the bark splintered helped ease his anger for a second, but the burning pain inside his chest remained. "I don't know what else I can do to make her understand what a shitty guy he is."
"You know there is," Jared teased. "You could always tell her how you feel and why."
Paul's stoic stare was clear even in the darkness of the night. He knew Jared was right. The more he pursued her without telling her the reason why, the harder it would be to explain his behavior. "You know I can't, dude," he grumbled. "I don't wanna put her in the middle of all of this bull."
"It's not that bad, man," the boy offered. "Look at me and Kim. She knows and nothing has happened to her."
"Yeah, she also liked you before you were a shapeshifting freak," he joked. "And look at Emily. She's forever scarred because didn't have a grasp on what was happening."
"Come on, you know that was an exception, Paul. What happened to her was a very unfortunate accident. But an accident, nonetheless. There's really no reason for you to be running from (Y/N)."
"Look how much shit happened to Bella in so little time, Jared. And it all started when she found out the truth about the Cullens," Paul said. "I don't know what I would do if I made (Y/N) go through any of that because of what I am."
"So you're gonna continue brooding and make our lives miserable? Just tell her, man. Maybe she'll fall in love with you and turn that frown upside down."
Paul picked up a stick and threw it at Jared's head, laughing as the other boy tried to duck but failed to; the piece of wood bouncing off his forehead. "You'll have to put up with me for a lot longer then," he laughed, swallowing the sadness that threatened to overtake him. "I just don't think I have it in me to do that to her. She deserves to be safe and happy."
"Even if it's with Jacob?"
"Unfortunately, that decision is hers to make," he sighed. "I just wish she didn't have to get hurt in the process."
Jared remained quiet for a second. He stared as his pack brother paced before him, his mind too quiet aside for the sporadic image of (Y/N). But even if he didn't say it, he could feel Paul's sadness. He could feel the tug in his chest that called him to go to her. He had felt it too. Every time Kim had to go to a family dinner or visit family out of state, he felt like someone had taken his heart off his chest and sent it away.
But (Y/N) was so close. All he had to do was have one tough conversation and he could soften the grasp of the claws that covered his heart. "What are you so afraid of, Paul?" Jared finally said. "I know you say you don't want to hurt her and all that, but there's something else. Isn't there?"
Paul stared at his friend, wondering if he was that transparent. "I've never been a, uh, a relationship guy. Haven't had the best role models," he confessed. "I guess I think that if I let myself get close to her, I won't be able to handle when she inevitably goes. Because at the end of the day, everyone leaves."
"Not everyone, Paul. We're still here."
"Because you have to be," he shrugged. "If you had the chance to go, you would take it. And don't try denying it."
"Come on, man. You're my friend. More than that, you're my brother," Jared reassured. "But, sure, if I had the chance to leave the rez one day, I would take it. But that doesn't mean I would leave my friends behind. Much less, family."
"Jared, we wouldn't have even spoken to each other had it not been because of the shift. I'm not that delusional to think otherwise."
"Regardless of how or why it happened, life brought us together, Paul. And whether you like it or not, you're my brother now," the boy smiled, draping his arm over Paul's shoulders. "Now, you need to let that girl prove that she would stick by you as well. And it starts by having that difficult conversation you're so scared to have. She's desperate for a reason, dude. All you have to do is tell her."
"She's going to think I'm crazy, J. That I'm making up stories to get her away from Jake," Paul whined. "Why would she believe that there are shapeshifting wolves roaming around the reservation protecting humans from threats? And what if she goes to her sister with the story? Then Bella will know about vampires and shapeshifters, and it'll just add more shit on top of the mess we're dealing with."
"How about you stop overthinking yourself into the ground and finally grow some balls?" Jared teased. "Don't think of what might happen and live in the moment. I know last year's Paul would've had the courage to ask her out. Jacob or no Jacob."
"I technically already asked her out once, and it ended up with me, by myself, in the diner," he reminded his friend, red flooding his cheeks as he recalled the embarrassing moment. "This is not just about inviting the prettiest girl in school to the prom. This is about telling someone that everything they had believed is not real. It's telling her that it doesn't matter what she might have wanted, that something out in the universe decided that we are bonded for life. It's telling a girl like her that she's stuck with a guy like me."
"Man, I can't keep trying to convince you that you are a good guy," Jared sighed. "I'm not saying you're the gods' gift to mankind. Certainly not theĀ youĀ from a year ago. But you're not that guy anymore. You're not even the same guy from six months ago. So, it's time to pick yourself up and do what you have to do. Stop moping about this and do something."
(Y/N) woke up with warm arms wrapped around her and a pang in her chest she didn't understand. She was supposed to feel happy. She was supposed to wake up that New Year's Day with an overwhelming amount of joy and the sense that things were finally on the right path. Instead, there was an aching void in her heart that was trying to eat at her insides.
It was the same void that had started festering since that fateful night at the bonfire. The one that seemed to calm whenever the fluke was around. The one that called out his name and she had let go on deaf ears.
That pang filled her with guilt. As she lay in Jacob's arms, she felt guilty that her head was thinking of another guy. And it was a guy she barely knew. A boy that she had no business thinking about, much less dreaming about.
But she couldn't help it. She couldn't forget the softness of his hands against her skin, the brightness of his smile as he looked at her, the glimmer in his eyes when he listened to her. She couldn't get him out of her head.
And as if by divine intervention, the very constant thought appeared in Jacob's window. He knocked softly, motioning for her to go outside. (Y/N) couldn't believe he was there, much less that Jacob had yet to wake up. But what was harder to fathom was the fact that she was tiptoeing to the front door dragging a blanket with her.
"What are you doing here, Paul?" (Y/N) said as she closed the door behind her, wrapping the fabric tighter around her body. "If Jacob sees you here, he'll kill you."
"I thought I was supposed to be playing nice with him," he grinned teasingly. "What if I was here to extend a truce?"
"It wouldn't have mattered because he made me promise him that I wouldn't see you again," she whispered. "So, imagine what he will do if he sees you here right now."
"And did you?"
"What? Did I what?"
"Did you promise him, (Y/N)?" Paul asked sadly. "Is this your way of telling me that you're cutting ties with me?"
"No, of course not," she quickly replied. "I mean, I did promise him. But I never intended to keep it. I would just find a way to keep you two separate."
"So, what? I'd just be your dirty little secret?" he replied, anger clear in his tone. "Yeah, no, thanks. I'd rather take my chances with other friendships."
"What did you want me to say, Paul? Did you want me to tell my jealous boyfriend that I wanted to maintain a friendship with the one guy he seems to despise more than anything?" (Y/N) spoke through gritted teeth. "Would you have wanted me to tell Jake that I wanted to spend time with a guy he was close to dragging into the middle of town and beating the living daylights out of him? Sure, that would have ended great for me."
"Why would you wanna be with a guy like that, (Y/N)? If you're that afraid of his reaction over something as small as a friendship, what do you think will happen if something bigger happens?"
"He only reacts that way with you, and I don't get why," she sighed. "And I wanna be with him because I... because... because I..."
"Why, (Y/N)? Tell me!"
"Because I love him, Paul," she cried, shame cracking her voice. "I've been waiting for this chance for the better part of my life. I've been in love with him for as long as I've known what it was. And he wants me back, Paul. He wantsĀ me. And I'm not giving up at the first sign of hardship. So, if you really want to be my friend then you're gonna have to live with that."
"What if I don't?" Paul grumbled, his voice low and hurt. He got closer to her. So close she could feel how warm his body was, even through the blanket. "What if I can't stand around and watch as he mistreats you? Someone that loves you would never treat you like that."
"Don't make this harder than it already is, Paul," she whispered, warm tears falling down her cheeks. "For some reason I want you in my life. But I won't screw up what I just started with Jacob for a friend."
"I just don't wanna see you like this," he said, wiping away the tears with the pad of his thumbs. "You deserve to be happy, but not when it has rules and regulations like this. You should be allowed to still be yourself when you're in a relationship."
"Listen, (Y/N)," he sighed. "I can't tell you what to do, nor would I want to. But I can't just watch in the sidelines as he treats you like shit when you deserve someone that will worship the ground you walk on."
"What are you saying, Paul?" (Y/N) croaked. "Are you saying you won't be my friend if I stay with Jacob?"
"(Y/N), I'm saying that I won't keep quiet if he keeps mistreating you."
"He doesn't," she said, but she knew it wasn't convincing. She didn't even believe it herself. "He just... he's just passionate, I guess."
"Then can you promise me something?" Paul sighed, his eyes glossing with tears. "If he ever ā€“and I mean everā€”gets physical with you, even as much as lifts his hand at you, you will tell me. The second it happens, you call me."
"I don't think it'll come to that," she forced a smile. "He would never put his hands on me."
"Just, please, (Y/N). Promise me and don't lie to me."
"Alright," she said, looking straight into the brown of his eyes. "I promise, Paul."
"I'll make sure you're always safe," he promised. His hand had not fallen from her face, his thumb caressing over her cheekbone. "No one is going to hurt you, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) had no idea why, but she believed every word he said. So, she promised. And, unlike with Jacob, she intended to keep it.
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slexenskee Ā· 7 months
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šŸ‘€ New surprise acoustic album coming up in a chapter near you~
I think we all know what spurred this surprise acoustic album this time šŸ˜‚
Disenchanted - MCR, Regular | Acoustic
Stay Together For the Kids - Blink 182, Regular | Acoustic
Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls, Regular | Acoustic
How's It Going To Be - 3EB, Regular | Acoustic
All These Things That I've Done - The Killers, Regular | Acoustic
I chose these songs mostly on the regular versions, but some of them have pretty great acoustic versions ngl. I really like that Stay Together For the Kids and Disenchanted renditions, which I think use the real ripped vocals over acoustic instrumentals. And I actually prefer the Boyce Avenue version of Iris than the actual acoustic version from GGD. But for How's It Going To Be and All These Things I've Done, I really adore the originals, even if they lend themselves well to acoustic versions.
Also yes instead of talking about his feelings in a mature and calm manner, Gojo instead runs off and makes an album about it instead šŸ˜‚ tbf using art as an outlet is actually a very healthy thing to do, but so is talking to your partner about your internal struggles.
But I find it very in character of him to struggle to put his own feelings into words, or rather, to express them outwardly and actually speak and vocalize them to others in a normal way, and turn to music instead. Unlike Hawks - who is more of an action guy and even in his POVs shows how he feels through his actions rather than introspective monologues - Gojo's actually your classic Tortured Poet (see what I did there lol) who has a lot of Thoughtsā„¢, even if he's horrible about expressing them and regularly ignores them. So in his own way, he's trying to communicate a lot through this album - to the whole world, but also to Hawks specifically.
Tbh this album is probably Gojo's most 'personal', or at the very least, as personal as you can get when you never wrote the songs to begin with lol. But idk, my millennial is showing here but there was always something so personal to making mixtape CDs for yourself or for others. You might not have wrote them, but it says a lot that you chose them to define yourself, you know?? Anyway I digress, moral of the story this is actually Gojo reaching out in his own way. And tbh, it's kind of a summary of his life too. A lot of times I pick songs for this fic mainly just because I like the way they sound, with no real meaning to them, and that's canon too as Gojo picks his songs for the Vibesā„¢, but for this album noooope.
Disenchanted - Going to be crowned as the quintessential 'Dabi' song. Literally all about being a disenfranchised and disenchanted youth who sings away his angst and the chorus is 'If I'm so wrong, how can you listen all night long?' This is basically the summary of how sad teenage Dabi felt and why he turned to both music and villainy
Stay Together For The Kids - So on the nose it's not even funny, but I adore that guitar riff in the beginning. And while Gojo's parents didn't divorce in either of his lives, I still feel this resonating with him because of the way his youth was ruined by the adults who were supposed to love and care about him, in both lives. And yes, when the Endeavor reveal drops people are going to be questioning this song.
Iris - Yes, this is his pining song. First for Suguru, but then takes on a new meaning with Hawks. Yes, it turns all the Sixwings fans into a sobbing mess every time. Really though more than being a love song about either Suguru or Hawks, this is hi trying to convey his own feelings with lines like 'yeah you bleed just to know you're alive'/'when everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am'
How's It Going To Be - Known to Sixwings fans as the 'breakup/makeup' song. Like yeah it's about Sixwings breaking up, but it's also Ru-kun shouting to the world that he wants to get Hawks back. It becomes infamous for it. When No Scrubs finally goes on their massive Taylor Swift Era's-esque tour he'll play this and Iris back to back and have the whole stadium bawling. Ngl this is my favorite 3EB song, so it had to go in this fic somewhere. I love how it starts mainly soft and acoustic and at the climax the full band kicks in and Stephan Jenkins just starts belting 'I wanna get myself back into you, the soft dive of oblivion'
All These Things That I've Done - If Disenchanted is Dabi looking back on his life/past and all the anger and sadness he sees there, then the final track on the album is about coming to terms with himself and trying to accept who he is, and look towards the future. Huge theme for he next arcs/final fic in this series. I actually always thought the line was 'these changes ain't changing me, the gold-hearted boy I used to be'... but it's actually cold-hearted, which kinda totally changes my narrative for this song so I'm pretending it's gold-hearted šŸ˜‚
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How would every skeleton react to their S/o suddenly making a deep, ugly, long burp and then just going ā€œoopsā€ in a soft, light voicešŸ˜‚?
(Sorry if thereā€™s any misspelling.)
Undertale Sans - He just says that's why he loves you before also burping, and giggling. Papyrus begs for someone to adopt him from the kitchen, desperate. You feel bad for him.
Undertale Papyrus - He doesn't look up from his plate to not embarrass you further. But it's quite obvious he heard that. He has his big silly googly eyes right now. At least he's nice enough to not mention what just happened.
Underswap Sans - Blue stares at you in shock. He didn't know you could do that. Well, he knew humans could make pretty disgusting noises, but this one is at the top of his tier list. He's going to have nightmares of this. If someone as sweet as you can make that noise, what else can you do? It's scary.
Underswap Papyrus - He's so surprised he spits all the water he was drinking in your face. As you flush in embarrassment, he turns crimson. And then he just blips in the air. You find him later hiding in the trash can outside, just screaming.
Underfell Sans - You call that a burp? You try to tell him he doesn't need to show it off to you, but he still does it. He burps with a crazy amount of reverb, very proud of himself. He's not going to apologize for this one though. At least you don't have to be embarrassed.
Underfell Papyrus - He stares at you in pure horror. He knew his brother could do that, but you??? He never expected to be so betrayed in his life. How could you do that to him? He thought you were like those anime princesses he saw in Alphys' anime: only badass, not shockingly dirty. He can't eat anymore and runs to his room like an angry teenager. You're so confused about what just happened.
Horrortale Sans - That's fine. Burping means your belly is full and that's really fine for him. He just purrs and headbutts you to reassure you. As long as you're not starving, he doesn't mind.
Horrortale Papyrus - He gasps, shocked, then screams "MANNERS PLEASE" before returning to his plate. He can't believe you just did that. At least you apologized, thankfully, or otherwise, he would have lectured you for twenty minutes.
Swapfell Sans - All you can hear is a little "dear lord" as he goes back to his plate. Nox is way too polite to tell you what he thinks of this. But his face, full of disgust, speaks a hell lot for him. He actually hates this. So much.
Swapfell Papyrus - Rus applaudes with two hands. See? He told you he would end up inspiring you. You said you could never be like him, and here you are, burping with all your soul like you own the place. He's a proud parent. You're not sure about that. But wait... You owned the place actually???
Fellswap Gold Sans - Eating stop. Wine slowly puts down his fork, then dramatically lifts his head to meet your eyes, with the most disappointed stare you have ever seen him do. You feel ashamed and can't even stand his eyes. He has that power over people. He's judging you in silence, but his silence is LOUD.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He giggles at your antic, before blushing furiously, thinking maybe you're embarrassed and actually don't want him to laugh at you. And of course, now he's spiraling, wondering if he messed up so bad you are going to throw him outside and ask him to never talk to him and... You kiss him on the cheek. Oh. That's fine then.
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steddieas-shegoes Ā· 1 year
If you're still accepting requests:
Steve has an embarrassing secret (regularly wet the bed as a teenager or something equally embarrassing) and Eddie and the kids find out and they make a few too many jokes about it, upsetting Steve. Eddie wises up and apologises and comforts Steve, and eventually gets the kids to apologise as well.
I hope it's okay I went a slightly different route for the embarrassing thing, but it just seemed like it fit more with me making Steddie happenšŸ˜‚ I also included Robin because I fully believe she was the first and only person to know about it since he was a child and she's super overprotective of him because of it. - Mickala ā¤ļø
Eddie watched as Robin knocked Steveā€™s shoulder, effectively waking him up from the very brief doze heā€™d managed to slip into.
He wouldnā€™t think much of it except for the fact that itā€™s happened three times tonight.
If Steveā€™s that tired, she should just let him sleep. Itā€™s his house, after all.
But she doesnā€™t.
No one else seems to notice, which is alarming on its own.
For a bunch of kids used to having to be observant about shit, they sure do seem oblivious to this. Maybe because they feel safe here? Maybe because they just assume Robin and Steve are weird?
When it happens a fifth time, Eddie calls them out.
ā€œWhy donā€™t you let the man sleep, Robbie?ā€
The kids all turn to look at him, then at Robin, who looks at them like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
ā€œI just know he doesnā€™t wanna sleep yet,ā€ she shrugged, clearly lying.
ā€œOh, cā€™mon. You would have given up by now if that was all,ā€ Eddie pushed.
ā€œItā€™s nothing, Eddie. Drop it,ā€ Steve said, more serious than the situation could have possibly called for.
ā€œIs it nightmares? Because you know we all get them sometimes,ā€ Lucas asked.
ā€œNope.ā€ Steve slapped his thighs as he starts to get up. ā€œAnyone need a drink?ā€
ā€œIs it embarrassing?ā€ Eddie asked, finally realizing why Steve and Robin may be trying to avoid it.
ā€œNope,ā€ Robin said.
Steve remained silent.
ā€œWhat is it? You snore really loud? You talk in your sleep?ā€ Mike asked, finally appearing to be interested in the conversation.
ā€œI suck my thumb! There! You happy now?ā€ Steve was bright red, and looked just irritated enough that Eddie considered not making a joke.
ā€œWait, likeā€¦when babies do it?ā€ Max asked.
ā€œDo you have pacifiers, too?ā€ Mike asked around a loud laugh.
Everyone giggled except for Robin, who was watching Steve with worried eyes.
ā€œThat explains why you always pretended to be super cold at sleepovers. You were hiding that you were sucking your thumb!ā€ Dustin put together.
ā€œDoesnā€™t that fuck up your teeth? Did you pay to have them fixed?ā€ Eddie asked.
Part of him was genuinely curious, part of him was teasing.
But he watched as Steveā€™s face did something new, something he never wanted to see it do again.
He looked hurt, but more than that, he looked scared.
Why would he look scared of them?
Before he could say anything to get the kids to stop, Steve was walking away and Robin was getting up to follow him, sending them all a glare.
But the kids didnā€™t seem to notice, or at least didnā€™t think it was as serious as it was.
Eddie stood up and put his hands on his hips, not thinking about how much he must look like Steve in that moment.
ā€œWe fucked up. Itā€™s okay to tease friends sometimes about stuff, but clearly Steve is really self-conscious about this and isnā€™t okay with it. When he gets back, youā€™re all gonna apologize. If you donā€™t, you leave. Iā€™m gonna go check on him,ā€ Eddie sighed.
The kids were silent as Eddie walked to the staircase and up the stairs.
As he got closer to Steveā€™s room, he could hear him crying and Robin talking quietly to him. He couldnā€™t quite hear what she was saying, but he knew she was trying to reassure him.
Eddie knocked once on the door, hoping theyā€™d let him in, hoping theyā€™d realize that he wasnā€™t coming to hurt Steve anymore than he already had.
Robin opened the door, shielding Steve from view.
ā€œWhat?ā€ she asked him, trying to hide the sounds of Steve sniffling on his bed.
ā€œI just wanted to apologize. Iā€™ll leave after if he doesnā€™t wanna talk,ā€ Eddie said quietly. He knew the kids were probably listening downstairs and he didnā€™t think they needed to be a part of this conversation.
ā€œI donā€™t think he wants to see any of you yet,ā€ Robin said, somewhat apologetically, like she knew Eddie meant it, but also wanted to protect her platonic soulmate.
ā€œItā€™s fine, Robs,ā€ Steve said from the bed, his voice completely broken.
Robin moved out of the way and let Eddie through, and when he looked at Steve curled up in bed, his heart broke.
Steve was always the strong one, always appeared confident even when the kids teased him about how much he cared about his hair or his lack of a date or his misuse of words.
Eddie had always loved that about him; That he could face anything with the confidence of a person who had never lost.
But this was different, and clearly heā€™d been so secretive about it for a reason.
ā€œCan I sit with you for a second, Stevie?ā€ Eddie asked, hoping Steve understood that he could say no if he wanted to. The last thing he wanted to do was pressure him into hearing an apology he wasnā€™t ready for.
Steve nodded, sniffling again as tears continued to fall from his eyes.
God, they really fucked up.
Eddie sat on the bed, watching as Robin left the room, silently having a conversation with Steve before closing the door behind her.
ā€œIā€™m really sorry about the teasing. We should have realized that you didnā€™t want to make a big deal about it and stopped. No one actually thinks less of you because of something you canā€™t help, okay? Especially not me. Iā€™m the last one to judge considering I still sleep with a stuffed animal every night,ā€ Eddie admitted.
Steve lifted his head and looked at Eddie, lifting his hand to wipe at his nose.
It shouldnā€™t be as cute as it is, but Eddieā€™s already admitted to himself that he thinks everything Steve does is adorable.
ā€œYou do?ā€ Steve asked.
ā€œYep. And, to make it even more embarrassing, I didnā€™t even have it since birth or anything. Wayne got it for me when I moved in with him when I was 10. He knew I was having trouble sleeping and thought it would help.ā€
ā€œDid it?ā€
ā€œYep. I donā€™t always cuddle with him, but heā€™s always in my bed,ā€ Eddie gave him a small smile.
ā€œDoes anyone know?ā€ Steve rested his head back down on the pillow, closing his eyes.
ā€œJust Wayne and you,ā€ Eddie said, looking down at his lap.
ā€œThanks for telling me.ā€
Eddie looked over at Steve, who still had tears dripping from his eyes, though much slower.
Eddie reached out and used his thumb to slowly wipe them away.
Steve closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath.
ā€œIs Robin the only one who knows?ā€ Eddie whispered, not wanting to interrupt the moment, but wanting to know a bit more.
ā€œOther than my parents and Tommy, yeah. But I think Tommy thought it stopped by the time we got to high school. But um, my parents never liked it much. And I guess when it didnā€™t stop when I was in elementary school, they decided to try to make it stop. I remember them making me wear gloves, and soaking it in vinegar, and my mom even sprayed hairspray on it at one point to try to get me to stop, but it still happened. My dad refused to even talk about it once I hit middle school. And then they stopped coming home so I guess they figured it was my problem to deal with. Tommy pretended not to notice, which I guess is better than teasing me about it.ā€ Steve sighed. ā€œAnd then I fell asleep at Robinā€™s after Starcourt and it happened and she asked me about it. So now, she makes sure I donā€™t fall asleep in front of anyone so no one else finds out.ā€
Eddie nodded along, hating Steveā€™s parents even more, and somehow hating Tommy slightly less for at least not making Steve feel bad about it.
ā€œItā€™s just a comfort thing, yeah? You donā€™t do it consciously.ā€
ā€œYeah. Robin said itā€™s something about oral fixation, which sounds dirty and Iā€™ve told her a million times-ā€
Eddie smirked as he leaned in to kiss Steve on the lips.
It took Steve a moment to start kissing him back, but when he did, he let out a small sigh against Eddieā€™s lips and placed his hands in Eddieā€™s hair.
ā€œGotta say, I didnā€™t really think sucking my thumb in my sleep was a turn on,ā€ Steve whispered against Eddieā€™s lips when they parted, resting their foreheads against each other.
ā€œLiterally everything you do is a turn on for me. But besides that, I just wanted to kiss you. That okay?ā€
ā€œYeah. Uh. Itā€™s great. Is that something youā€™d wanna do again orā€¦?ā€
Eddie leaned in to kiss him again instead of answering.
A knock on the door interrupted them, but Eddie didnā€™t move off the bed, just placed his hand on Steveā€™s hand by his head.
ā€œYeah?ā€ he called to whoever was knocking.
ā€œCan we come in?ā€ Dustin asked through the door.
Eddie looked to Steve, who looked unsure.
ā€œYou donā€™t have to let them in, but I think they want to apologize,ā€ Eddie whispered.
ā€œCome in!ā€ Steve called, though he didnā€™t move or try to make Eddie move his hand.
He seemed to want, maybe even need, the comforting touch.
The kids all piled into the room, all of them looking like theyā€™d been through another round of Upside Down shenanigans.
ā€œWe just wanted to say weā€™re sorry about the teasing. El told us about how she started sucking her thumb when she first started living with Hopper because of all the changes and how hard it was to stop. We didnā€™t mean to take it that far and hurt your feelings.ā€
Will must have been the one chosen to speak for all of them, but they all added in their own apologies quietly when he finished.
ā€œThanks guys. Itā€™s okay. I know itā€™s weird so I get it,ā€ Steve said, still sounding too sad for Eddieā€™s taste.
ā€œHey, no. We all have weird things. It doesnā€™t give anyone a free pass to push boundaries,ā€ Eddie said, giving the kids a look.
ā€œEddieā€™s right,ā€ Dustin said. ā€œI know what itā€™s like to be made fun of for stuff you canā€™t control and it sucks, even when itā€™s people you know donā€™t actually mean any harm. Weā€™re really sorry.ā€
ā€œItā€™s alright, guys. Thanks for saying youā€™re sorry. Is it okay if we have movie night tomorrow instead, though?ā€
The kids all agreed quickly, and Robin appeared by the door to tell them to call their rides and get the hell out.
She shot Eddie a look that said heā€™d be getting a very specific type of talk the next time she saw him, but she didnā€™t say anything as she kissed the top of Steveā€™s head and said her goodbyes.
ā€œYou donā€™t have to stay. Iā€™m alright,ā€ Steve said to Eddie, who was already slipping his shoes off so he could get comfy in bed with Steve.
ā€œIā€™ll leave if you want me to, but I think Iā€™d really like to stay.ā€
Steve watched as Eddie walked over to the lamp in the corner and shut it off. It was still early, barely past dinner time, but he was exhausted from the roller coaster of emotions and not sleeping very well the night before.
ā€œYou can stay. But. Well, you know. Itā€™s gonna happen,ā€ Steve was blushing, but Eddie wasnā€™t gonna let him be embarrassed about it.
ā€œI know. Doesnā€™t bother me if it doesnā€™t bother you,ā€ Eddie shrugged.
Eddie got in bed, pulling the comforter and sheets over him, and nestling against Steveā€™s back, wrapping his arms around his chest and tugging him close.
He felt Steve relax completely against him and he couldnā€™t help but smile against his shoulder, letting his lips linger there in a soft kiss.
It didnā€™t take long for Steve to fall asleep, Eddie could tell when he did from the way his breath started puffing out slower, his grip on Eddieā€™s arm going slack.
He soaked in the moment, let himself think about being here, holding Steve in his arms, kissing him.
And then he felt Steveā€™s hand that was laced with his lift up, and Eddieā€™s thumb was in Steveā€™s mouth before he could do anything to stop it.
He wouldnā€™t have stopped it anyway.
If this was what Steve needed, he would be here every night.
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imagineanime2022 Ā· 11 months
League Of Villains W/ An S/O W/ Talking Cat
Spinner X Reader, Tomura Shigaraki X Reader, Mr Compress X Reader, Dabi X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: I got a question remember the show ā€œSabrina secrets of a teenage witchā€ how would the league of villains (Spinner, Shigaraki, Mr. Compress, and the others) react if they had a S/O whoā€™s quirk is ā€˜witchā€™ and they have a pet talking cat named Salem? Like one day, the league was hanging out somewhere and then S/Oā€™s talking cat Salem shows up to says ā€œhiā€ and the others freak out and S/O just laughed šŸ˜‚
šŸ¦Ž Spinner knew that you had a cat, he had seen him around your apartment, he never really came near you but that never really bothered Spinner. šŸ¦Ž I donā€™t think that Spinner has any strong feelings towards animals, he doesnā€™t swing one way or the other. šŸ¦Ž You had never mentioned that there was anything different about your cat and he gave Spinner no reason to think that he was different. šŸ¦Ž You had actually completely forgot that you hadnā€™t told him until he came over one day, he could hear you talking in the kitchen.
Shuicki had come over after a particularly challenging mission from Shigaraki, he heard you in the kitchen first ā€œyou know you donā€™t have to sit there and wait, Iā€™ll give you the food right?ā€ You asked and he smiled, knowing that you were talking to your cat. ā€œI can never be sure with you.ā€ A voice answered, that made him stop for only a second before continue on his path to the kitchen, when you were in view he became even more confused, he could hear someone else but there was no evidence of anyone else in the house. ā€œOh Shu hey, I didnā€™t hear you come in.ā€ You smiled. ā€œWho were you talking to?ā€ He asked. ā€œMe, Genius.ā€ The same voice spoke again and Spinner turned to see the cat sitting on the counter. ā€œWho was that?ā€ Spinner asked and you looked at him for a second before you burst out laughing. ā€œMe.ā€ He watched as your cat's mouth moved, he didnā€™t even know why he was surprised, there were animals with quirks but he still stared wide eyed as you continued to laugh. ā€œItā€™s really not that funny!ā€ Both of them finally said at the same time as they turned to look at you. ā€œJust give me my food!ā€ (YC/N) ordered before disappearing from the room, when you used your quirk to have the food appear next to his bed. ā€œI would thank you but I had to ask you three times.ā€ ā€œItā€™s not like I forgot you're just impatient.ā€ You called out to wherever he was in the house but the only answer you received was silence. ā€œYou never told me he could talk.ā€ Spinner finally said. ā€œYeah thatā€™s now occurring to me.ā€ You nodded as you gestured for him to come over ā€œyou didnā€™t say that you were coming over, something happened?ā€ ā€œNothing, just tired.ā€ He answered, dropping his head to your shoulder. ā€œWell then letā€™s eat and then you can rest up.ā€ You suggested, your arms coming up to wrap around him. ā€œYeah and you can explain why your cat talks.ā€ He mumbled. ā€œYeah sure.ā€ You answered
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Tomura Shigaraki
āœ‹ Tomura does not care for the little furry creature that you brought with you at first, you were what he wanted but if he had to deal with the cat then he would. āœ‹ As the bar started to fill up with other villains he noticed that the cat stayed closer to him when you werenā€™t around. āœ‹ You had told me that the car was special when he asked if it had to come with you but it had yet to show him. āœ‹ He actually decided to ask you one night why he was special and why he stuck around him like glue.
You were laying on his bed playing with his hair as he sat on the floor in front of you playing a new game that was out, he could hear the cat purring ā€œwhatā€™s so special about him anyway?ā€ Shigaraki asked. ā€œHe was my only friend before I met you, you remember that people used to hate me right?ā€ You asked. ā€œMm.ā€ He grunted as he glanced at the cat at the end of the bed, he could at least be thankful for that. ā€œFine but what does he stick around me for?ā€ ā€œHe sticks around you because none of those other busy bodies bother him when heā€™s with you.ā€ The voice that answered him was not yours and you felt him tense. ā€œTomu calm down, thatā€™s just (Y/C/N).ā€ You said. ā€œTalking?ā€ He asked. ā€œYes.ā€ You answered completely seriously. ā€œSo when I asked what makes him special you didnā€™t think to mention that he could talk.ā€ Shigaraki said as you giggled. ā€œWhat are you laughing at?ā€ Shigaraki asked. ā€œNothing.ā€ You answered leaning over and pressing a kiss to his temple ā€œyou know even through all of that you still didnā€™t lose.ā€ ā€œIā€™ve seen better.ā€ (Y/C/N) chimed in. ā€œYou know just because you can talk doesnā€™t mean that you should.ā€ You reminded him ā€œand if you donā€™t stop talking Iā€™m going to throw you right out of this room to those busy bodies that you love so much.ā€ ā€œYou wouldnā€™t dare.ā€ He mumbled, Shigaraki watched you both as you argued. ā€œIf heā€™s so special he can start earning his keep, bet he could get info much easier than we can.ā€ Shigaraki said, you smirked. ā€œLooks like youā€™ve bagged yourself a new job.ā€ You turned back to Shigaraki after that quiet settling over the room again as you continued to play with his hair. ā€œYouā€™re both mean.ā€ (Y/C/N) said before lowering his head to go to sleep.
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Mr. Compress
šŸ”® Compress loved your cat, from the moment he saw him, they were fast friends but he had never heard him talk. šŸ”® Compress would always share with him or make off handed comments about how pretty he was, he has thought about making the little feline part of his act as well. šŸ”® You never told him because you thought that he was so cute with you little cat, you didnā€™t want to ruin it. šŸ”® One day however (Y/C/N) decided to answer him but you didnā€™t know that all you heard was the scream that echoed through the apartment.
ā€œWhat!? What happened!?ā€ You asked. ā€œThe cat!ā€ Atsuhiro answered, pointing at the cat across the room and you looked at him raising an eyebrow. ā€œWhat did you do?ā€ You asked. ā€œI answered his question.ā€ He answered. ā€œYou- Wait! Really?ā€ You asked, you started laughing as soon as you finished the question and he narrowed his eyes. ā€œI know you donā€™t believe me but it happened!ā€ He said and you tried to calm yourself as you answered. ā€œNo I believe you, he talks all the time.ā€ You answered. ā€œWhat did you say to him?ā€ ā€œI just said how great it would be if he could talk.ā€ Atsuhiro answered. ā€œAnd then I said that I could.ā€ (Y/C/N) said and Atsuhiro screamed again and you doubled over. ā€œNo you really have to stop doing that, my sides hurt.ā€ You said reaching out for something to stablise yourself as you ended up sliding to the floor instead, taking deep breaths. ā€œAlrightā€¦ (Y/C/N) has always talked from the day that I adopted him to now, thatā€™s normal for us, so normal that it seems I forgot to mention it.ā€ ā€œYou are the worst partner.ā€ (Y/C/N) scolded you as he walked over to Atsuhiro ā€œIā€™m sorry for scaring you.ā€ ā€œAww heā€™s so polite.ā€ Atsuhiro gushed and you raised an eyebrow. ā€œMaybe to you.ā€ You grumbled. ā€œHeā€™s nice to me.ā€ (Y/C/N) answered and your eyes widened and he padded out of the room to find his bed. ā€œI think you stole my cat.ā€ You explained. ā€œDonā€™t be silly, my love, he's our cat now.ā€ Atsuhiro said and you rolled your eyes as he pulled you up, pressing a kiss to your lips before dragging you back to whatever you were doing before.
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šŸ”„ Dabi was indifferent to your feline friend as long as he didnā€™t get in his way, if they crossed paths however it ended up being a stand off until one of them decided it wasnā€™t worth it. šŸ”„ For obvious reasons he didnā€™t know that the cat could talk but he did know that there was something going on with the cat. šŸ”„ They constantly competed for your attention, whether that was Dabi lifting your cat off of you or (Y/C/N) pretending to get hurt so youā€™ll fuss over him for a little while. šŸ”„ There was only one thing that they had in common and that was that they wanted you safe.
Dabi was already at your apartment when you came home, you walked in silently sighed as you dropped everything that you were holding and walking towards the sofa where Dabi was sitting, you climbed on him so you were straddling him ā€œwhatā€™s going on Doll? Who do I need to kill?ā€ ā€œNo one.ā€ You mumbled. ā€œSheā€™s lying.ā€ The voice startled Dabi into a defensive position, his arm wrapping around you tightly and pulling you into his other hand coming up to burn anyone close enough to harm you, but the only thing that he could find was the stupid cat. ā€œDabi relax.ā€ You mumbled ā€œitā€™s just the cat.ā€ ā€œI know thatā€™s the cat but someone said something, you bring anyone back?ā€ He asked. ā€œNo, the talking was the cat.ā€ You answered and he raised an eyebrow as his eyes moved to the cat. ā€œWhat?ā€ (Y/C/N) asked. ā€œOkay so not only is the kitten annoying it can talk too?ā€ He asked. ā€œIā€™m a cat not a kitten.ā€ (Y/C/N) argued. ā€œUh huh.ā€ Dabi grunted as he adjusted you when he felt you laughing against his shoulder. ā€œWhat are you laughing about?ā€ ā€œYou two are funny.ā€ You answered ā€œmade my day better.ā€ ā€œReally?ā€ Dabi asked. ā€œWell heā€™s not the worst cat around.ā€ ā€œMmm, well I guess you're not the worst mate she could have taken.ā€ (Y/C/N) answered. ā€œYeah, will you give us some time then?ā€ Dabi asked. ā€œI want my food in an hour or Iā€™ll be back.ā€ He muttered before disappearing. Dabi pulled you back to look at him properly. ā€œYour okay?ā€ He asked. ā€œYeah, just a long day.ā€ You answered and he nodded. ā€œWell weā€™ve got an hour, any idea what we can do with that time?ā€ He asked. ā€œI assume you have some ideas.ā€ You said and he smirked as he leaned forward. ā€œA few.ā€ He answered.
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Request Here!!
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catgirlxox Ā· 3 months
thoughts on ester and ben? i didnt really like her and ben when i first watched omniverse but i brushed it off as me being petty cause i only really cared about benrook lol, idk why but to me it seemed like ben wasnt really that into her and was just going along. however, i see people (mostly on reddit) say she was perfect for ben and im just like, uhm- did i miss something? i do kinda feel bad for her cause i think ben should have at least made it clear he didnt want to commit to her from the get go but idk, i skipped every other scene she was in LOL
oh thank fuck someone else said it.
I HEAR THIS SHIT EVERYWHEREEE šŸ™„ LMAO like I get it, she's considered the better option because she's not insulting him every other second, trying to use him for something, guilt tripping him over choosing to do his job instead of giving her attention 24/7, she has alien powers and therefore fits into the fighting crime aspect of the series. I understand that. But...in that case, it's like a band aid solution? They just didn't repeat the problems the "bad" love interests had, and by process of elimination, sheā€™s the better option out of a bunch of debatably bad options.
But besides checking all those boxes, it's kind of a boring pairing. I think that's the real thing here that wrote them into a corner and contributed to kicking her out in favor of Kai the drama starting bitch with an attitude who tries to "challenge" Ben and create some kind of fucked up chemistry. It does give them something to make a plot from.
Ben 10 isn't and never was a romance focused show, so I don't think we need to expect an amazingly crafted romance plotline from it. And if people are content with a satisfactory romance, they can be. But again, if you want MY opinion, it's boring.
No wonder it seemed like Ben wasn't really into her šŸ˜‚
To be fair, I have made a (less petty) point here that I do still agree with - they're teenagers. Dating around and things not working out isn't uncommon, unrealistic or unreasonable. Yeah, the romantic subplots could have been planned out better, but the argument can be made that the teenage years are for that kind of exploration.
But also actually you know what fuck that I put together a new tag for my petty posts about the bitches cause it's my blog and I get to bitch about whatever I want. You're welcome? haha
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rottenpumpkin13 Ā· 1 year
sephiroth and genesis may be professional SOLDIERs but i love to headcanon that them getting into a verbal spat would be so funny bc the both of them would just sound like teenage girls having a roasting match in a school cafeteria šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it would be something like this scene from flavor of love: https://youtu.be/mug0ic1UaFQ
meanwhile angeal is JUST. SO. DONE. zack is just recording the whole thing while cackling and the other SOLDIERs are just like:
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Sephiroth: take this *hands a confused cadet!Cloud his drink* you know why you took my sword? because you feel threatened
Genesis: I didn't take it!
Sephiroth: you know, I may not be the warmest person but at least I'm not two-faced like you.
Genesis: you're just jealous because everyone that knows me tells me I remind them of BeyoncƩ.
*Collective screaming, Zack and Cloud sink to the floor laughing, Angeal has ascended*
Sephiroth, 200% done: BeyoncƩ sweetie, I'm so sorry.
Sephiroth: BeyoncƩ? BeyoncƩ? BeyoncƩ? You know who you really look like?
Genesis: Why don't you shoveā€”
Sephiroth: You look like dollar store Gackt.
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rae-raewrites Ā· 1 year
Hi! First off I love you're writing your very talented! And second how do you think the riddlers would react to finding out they have a teenage daughter they never knew about (how inherited there smarts and sass)and something happened to the mom so they have nowhere to go so they track him down.
Oh geez itā€™s dad angst timešŸ˜‚ this is just a bunch of boys dealing with the younger versions of themselves. Also sorry this took so long anon!
The riddlers finding out they have a teenage daughter
Warning:mentions of death
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It was out of pure annoyance when he actually answers the phone after 13 missed calls from Jonathan crane.
So when Jon casually invites him over saying he needs talk to him heā€™s even more miffed. And then he finds this kid having tea with the dr, who the hell was she-?
ā€œAh Edward so nice of you to join us,this wonderful young lady has been trying to find some way to reach you.ā€
The her in question was a rather well put together 16 year old girl who was like a mirror of his younger years. She certainly had his eyes. Eleanor,her name was Eleanor
Heā€™s not stupid and he puts two together quite easily.
Mom gone to cancer,the youngster was left in Gotham to survive on her own with only the understanding that he was her father. Her mother had apparently kept his tie from the fateful evening.
Apart of him him tells himself to just not bother with her,the other stronger side tells him not to be his father
Things are tense at first with moving in. Heā€™s never really shared a space before with anyone so heā€™s avoidant at first. Not thinking sheā€™s going to be much help with his projects
He is completely surprised when he finds out she knows her way around electronics
But then he realizes the kid has his photographic memory. And his sassā€¦ā€¦
ā€œWhen was the last time you took a shower?ā€ ā€œPlease explain to me a how a shower will improve any of my plans.ā€ ā€œSimple: youā€™ll stop me from dying from gross sewer dad smell.ā€
It irritates the hell out of him but when she startā€™s jabbing at the other rouges heā€™s a proud man.
They bond over getting work done,so much time lost yet there making up for it real quick
She created a rather wacky Rubikā€™s cube that left Batman puzzled for at least two days
Of course he got a kick out of taunting the dork knight while also genuinely being proud of his daughter
Itā€™s hard to get used to hearing the word ā€œdadā€ in relation to him but itā€™s a title he ā€œhumblyā€ accepts in the end
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He received a knock on his door one extremely sunny morning
Gina found him after his ā€œreformationā€ and partnership with wacko toys was announced to the public. It wasnā€™t hard tracking down a man in the spotlight
Edward is of course absolutely stunned by the realization.
To his understanding the girl from metropolis knew the basics of his criminal career. The off traps and puzzles were something well known outside of the city.
He feels out of obligation to take her in,I mean heā€™s a villain but not a monster. Kid gets say down with some hot coco
Of course when he is brought back to Arkham the poor kid is quick to go and visit him and calm him down as well as work on a way to get him out
Heā€™s rather surprised when he get broken out by jervis and Jonathan and they have him a letter from his prodigy with little xoxoā€™s and detailed escape plans
When he does get home he pretty much is dead set on teaching her everything he possibly can,how he got the virtual reality set up to work,his more simple traps
Of course just like her dear old dad sheā€™s quick to design some of her own.
ā€œA nothing machine that actually does somethingā€¦ā€¦. Out of the box but I adore the ingenuity.ā€ ā€œAt least itā€™s more safe than the vr incidentā€
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It was another day of Eddie not being able to figure something out using the box method,unfortunately sticking two nuclear bombs and a tricycle and an old Macintosh in the box just wasnā€™t cutting it that day.
Cue Tuesday getting a phone call from Miss autumn at the behest of scarecrow
ā€œHey Eddie do you have any kids you forgot to tell me about?? ā€œNoā€¦.why?ā€ ā€œOh geezā€
Heā€™s basically the surprised pikachu face meme when he meets Tina,kid was smart enough to get the drug king pin of Gotham to listen to her.
She looks so much like him!!
Of course heā€™s still skeptical! I mean any kid can just say there his! (But still!)
That completely disappears when the kid creates her own gizmos that rival her fathers
Of course rivaling his intellect means also rivaling his ability sass and make fun of everyone else
ā€œA toaster with a tv screen?ā€ ā€œI know,I know not my best work.ā€ ā€œWell duh coulda thrown it in Gotham harbor and it would be more useful.ā€
Of course him and her quickly put their collective mind brains together and craft some rather complex new plans
Tuesday is totally chill with her around especially considering sheā€™s able to chill him out when heā€™s suffering from writers block
Really Edward just got another child on top of already having miss Tuesday. He loves his two daughters from their two different origins
Zero year
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Moira visited his cell at Arkham shortly after his defeat at zero year
He was already not in the mood for visitors until the determined teen calls him an idiot in a lime colored pimp suit
Hey! He doesnā€™t need some red headed brat coming in to his cell like she owns the place!
Oh waitā€¦ā€¦.
Letā€™s just say that he smartens up real quick to whatā€™s going on.
Initially wants to tell the kid to bug off,heā€™s got a criminal career to succeed in but sheā€™s quick to point out he doesnā€™t have anything right now
So they come to an agreement: get him outta there and heā€™ll maybe let her crash with him for awhile
So color him surprised when she gets him out safe with minimal bruising
Hell sheā€™s pretty damm smart he has to admit,she certainly didnā€™t get it from her mother
He does ask eventually what became of his ex,a car crash left the poor kid with barely much. He was kinda her best and only option go figure
Heā€™s snarky with the kid for awhile,of course sheā€™s very quick to throw it right back at him
But they quickly start to getting together quite well especially when they DO get into a fight and quickly realize how stupid it was to begin with
I mean cā€™mon,kid could probably rule Gotham in less than a week. Sheā€™s not someone he wants to scorn
Sheā€™s a pretty smart kid he guesses (he totally loves her heā€™s just got an ego)
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pianapplez Ā· 7 months
Hello there šŸ‘‹šŸ‘€,
So I just found your blog and had a lot of fun scrolling through all the pjo show critšŸ˜‚ I couldn't help but notice that one tag you left on a post where you said you had some beef with Annabeth's portrayal in the books šŸ‘€ Would you mind elaborating on that if you're comfortable with itšŸ™ˆ? Because I absolutely share that sentiment, but it's sooo veeeery rare that I see other people express anything like it... I've found that trying to be a part of the fandom can be pretty alienating most of the time, if you're not exactly the biggest most devoted Percabeth shipper...šŸ˜… And often any criticism leveled at Annabeth just gets you a smack with the "internalized-misogyny" hammer... it's even worse in the tv show now due to... obvious reasons...
Again just if you're comfortable with answering of coursešŸ™ˆ There is a reason I stayed on anon after all...šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚
Really glad you asked because i finally get to ramble about this heheheh (going forward, know that i skimmed over The Last Olympian to have a clearer sense of what I meant because that's the book where Rick fumbles her character more than the others)
i'm gonna try to make as much sense as possible but short answer would be, she's underdeveloped. Long answer:
She really got on my nerves in the last two books, with the whole Rachel debacle and then the Battle of New York. I can't really remember a single moment in those books where she and Percy aren't bickering or having heated discussions, which really made me question their friendship status. Of course, it's not like friends can't fight and it obviously builds up the (romantic) tension between them, but it got unbearable at one point.
I understand she's a teenager in an incredibly stressful situation that didn't even get to have a normal upbringing- she grew up way too fast (run away at 7, head counselor at 12) while also not really maturing, which is not a problem for a character, if it is handled properly. Given the fact that I am writing this, Riordan did not.
On the surface, my biggest beef is that Annabeth is not exactly held accountable for her actions (ie. treating Rachel a bit like shit and going off on Percy for a bunch of stuff.) I know Percy is to blame a bit here: as far as we know, in TLO he basically cuts the greek world out of his life as much as he can as a coping mechanism. And while yes, he never apologizes either, he doesn't give her nearly half the hard time she gives him: always either giving him the cold shoulder (there must be at least one example of this in the entire series but i cant be bothered to look it up sorry) or starting an argument only to then storm off (see the "you're a coward, Percy Jackson!" scene, which is not the fairest example since she was confronting Percy about ignoring camp but also was a bit too harsh about it) (especially after finally reading the prophecy and being under the impression that he was absolutely going to die when he turned 16 lmao) or just straight up storming off (see, Annabeth reacting when Rachel shows up for the first time during the battle of new york). While most of these feel, at least to some degree, fairly justified given how the entire situation does an absolute number on her emotions, she comes off a bit brattish and like she's trying to rile Percy up, especially when it comes to Rachel, which in the context of a battle that could mean the destruction of the world.... Well, it reads as a bit childish to me, and i wouldn't exactly have that much of a problem with it if it was dealt with in some way (a two-way apology would be nice).
After that first impression, i realized that Annabeth is barely ever anything else other than a plot device (when relating to Luke) or a love interest (when relating to Percy). This might be because the books are on Percy's POV. Hell, on the third book he's even conflicted when Annabeth is considering joining the Hunters of Artemis, aka, when making a choice for herself would mean he loses her (which is fine and dandy but it feels like Percy is more upset about her choosing her own path rather than being sad about not seeing her as often); we really only get a few glimpses of her, as in, actually her when she's on her own.
Obviously it's impossible to talk about Annabeth without touching on percabeth, which also is, in my opinion, what hinders Annabeth's character the most. On paper they sound great. The guy whose fatal flaw is loyalty falls in love with a girl whose been let down by people over and over, and she decides to never give up on the boy whose always had people give up on him (can't find one of the million posts that talks about this right now but it always goes something like that) And yeah, the bickering is really well written! But that's literally as far as it ever goes: they don't ever seem to have fun together, because 8 times out of 10 the bickering ends up being passive aggressive, and mostly done by Annabeth. My biggest gripe about percabeth is that their friendship seems to be based off... shared trauma. Literally. Other than going on quests together we are given no examples of them hanging out, nor a reason why they would want to spend time together in the first place, not even a shared hobby. Yes, in the fourth book they had a movie "date" planned but of course they didn't even get to it, and surprise surprise, they had a minor discussion, and surprise surprise, Annabeth was passive aggressive again. It's hard to picture them having fun together when even the author doesn't write in any scenes in which they get along smoothly (and before you say anything, a scene in which they get along where neither of them is about to die, and they're not talking about previous adventures. Gets a bit hard then, doesn't it?) It's even harder to picture them as a couple when the moment she gets upset about something, she starts coming off as emotionally manipulative (see, again, literally any conversation with Rachel or about Rachel)
To be fair, the books are relatively short and don't allow many "filler" chapters, if you will; there's always something happening to keep the main plot or a minor plot point moving forward, but it's not like there is no room to develop the characters' relationships, especially when we're talking about the main char and what is essentially his endgame. As an example we have Percy and Clarisse, or Percy and Beckendorf. Their interactions are brief but still hold so much weight.
Worst of all, Annabeth could be one hell of a character; what's most interesting of all is how being a daughter of Athena she is still incredibly emotionally driven, which is displayed very clearly with her fatal flaw being pride: her telling the Sphynx that her questions were too easy was not smart nor strategic: it was completely impulsive. I seriously think she wasn't far from being the best character in the series had she been given more time.
I guess i have as much beef with Annabeth as i have with Rick for doing her dirty. I really could sum this up with: while her emotions are justified, she acts upon them quite poorly. And this is what i mean when i say she's underdeveloped, because it would've been nice to see her come to her senses a bit.
Would love to read anyone's opinions on her character though, feel free to comment, even (or especially) if you don't agree with me!
#pjo crit#anti percabeth#annabeth chase#percy jackson#tbotl#pjo tlo#the last olympian#percy jackson and the olympians#congrats anon on being my first ask!!!#sorry if it's too long or rambly i just have so many thoughts about her.#i dont hate her i dont even dislike her im just conflicted about her. sad that half of her conflict was being jealous over a boy#like yeah i guess said boy was the first real friend she ever had but also rick wrote it in a very ā€œgirls fighting over boyā€ kind of way#didn't really write it to make it seem like annabeth's reasons were anything more than just a hormonal teen acting out. there were no layer#sometimes i feel like im being unfair to annabeth and that maybe her being emotional and mean sometimes is her character and#she's actually written well and i just don't like her? but then i think over it and im not ready to give rick that kind of credit lmao#i truly believe he wrote her beef with rachel to entertain middle graders without really thinking twice about it#annabeth adds to the drama with her passive aggressive comments but at what cost.... maybe im reading too much into it idk#maybe i just find boy drama annoying..#but making it so that rachel is bound to maidenhood was such a lazy way to get rid of her as a romantic interest#the way rick butchered her character and any char dev for any of them in the tv show by rushing so many things... god. that's another story#if there are any typos i'll edit them later but my eyes are dry af right now and its late jdsjdfh anyway i hope my takes were interesting?#maybe i don't have that much beef with annabeth herself but the fact that percabeth is seen as the best endgame couple when i don't see it
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chuuyrr Ā· 2 years
I canā€™t wait for my heart to be broken again šŸ˜‚ How about scarlet witch! teenager fushiguro! reader repeating Gojoā€™s history. Having a best friend whose also a special grade sorcerer who meant a lot to her only to got down the same path Geto went down. Just imagine how heartbroken Gojo would be for her šŸ˜­
do you get deja vu? ā€” scarlet witch! fushiguro! reader repeating adoptive dad! gojo satoru's history
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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ā•°āž¤ CW(s): major spoilers for jujutsu kaisen (gojo's past arc), fluff to angst, mentions of scarlet witch's powers
ā•°āž¤ PAIRING(s): platonic! jujutsu kaisen x reader
ā•°āž¤ SYNOPSIS: as you became a jujutsu tech sorcerer, you eventually found someone who's a special grade just like you and you two became best friends despite a rocky start. however, history repeats itself for the strongest ones.
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growing up under the care of gojo satoru, whom you deemed your father, you had always admired him and wished to be like him. however, becoming as powerful as him after mastering the blessingā€”no, curse you'd been bestowed with, your chaos magic, made you realize what gojo felt like with the limitless technique and six eyes, and it was loneliness.
unlike your older brother megumi and his friends, you are frequently summoned for much more dangerous and complicated jujutsu-related missions that necessitate your near god-like abilities, and you had only yourself. you had no friends, no teammates like megumi who had yuuji and nobara.
gojo wasn't always available to help you or anyone else because he had his own matters with jujutsu tech. the other jujutsu sorcerer students were unable to join you because they do not compare to you.
you were the strongest, and you were finally using your abilities to help and save people, as well as exorcise curses, but you were still lonely. it didn't fill the black hole inside your chest.
and then he showed up when you least expected it. maybe fate, or whatever god there is, had finally heard your prayers.
you walked down the campus grounds, past the tori gates, as you slipped on and adjusted your black fingerless gloves. you were summoned yet again. you sighed to yourself as you entered one of the faculty rooms where prinicipal yaga and gojo were.
"yaga-sensei, dad," you greeted both of them with a smile as you stepped inside the room.
"[name]," yaga nodded his head curtly at you with a small smile painting his lips.
"kikufuku! you're just in time!" gojo exclaimed, walking up to you to embrace you, "i know you've just finished your classes, but this is urgent."
you nodded, thinking it was another special grade mission to complete when you felt something so intenseā€”a special grade cursed energy in the atmosphere. your eyes widened with a red glow emanating from your eyes instantly. you snapped your head towards the door that had slid open and lifted your hands, fingers already brimming with red psionics.
you held your breath. it was a young man your age. he had long dark yet messy hair tied in a half-up, half-do hairstyle, grey eyes, lashes resembling megumi and gojo, and a mole just below his lips. your gaze softened as you realized he was wearing the jujutsu tech uniform, which was nearly identical to yuuta's except for another dark-blue jacket that was oversized and hung over his shoulders.
"[name], this is hatsuki shinya. starting today, you'll be working together with him."
things quickly escalated. they introduced you to him after introducing him to you, and you two were given a mission as simple as that. so there you were in the car with him, being escorted by ijichi to the location of the mission.
"well, this is the place," you said as you entered the abandoned building, shinya trailing behind you, "the people should still be alive."
"how can you tell? are you a psychic, fushiguro?" snorted shinya, biting back a grin.
"i'm much more than a psychic, hatsuki" you retorted, rolling your eyes at his remark before lifting your hand and gently twisting it, allowing your red psionics to emanate from your fingertips as you provided light in the darkness, "and for your information, i can sense people. i'm sensitive to auras and energies of all kinds."
"huh, so you turn red too," shinya whistled, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of your red psionics.
"what do you mean by that?" you raised a brow.
"you'll see, fushiguro," shinya shrugged his shoulders, winking at you.
"whatever, hatsuki," you sighed deeply.
as you and shinya got to the bottom of the mission, you discovered how this idiot can be pretty arrogant, blunt, and confident in his fighting, so much so that he nearly thrashed the building with his technique as you two faced the special grade curse and the other curses that were inside the abandoned building that had already morphed due to the curse's innate domain, and truth be told, he does turn red like you too in a way. his technique allowed him to defy gravity.
you two ended up arguing about it because you and shinya were never going to get the people out of here alive at this rate, and he kept getting in your way in some way. you already despised him and were about to complain to gojo about shinya when you were injured as a result of a miscalculation.
as you found the people who were trapped inside the building, you and shinya were playing offense and defense against the special grade curse. you were so intent on protecting the people, who were already nearly drained from the curse that had been feeding off their energy, that you were caught off guard, but to your surprise, shinya saved you right on cue before you could be harmed further.
you were already hurling and coughing blood as a sharp tendril pierced you while you shielded the people behind you with your red psionics.
"hatsuki.." you muttered in disbelief, your glowing red eyes widening as shinya arrived with the speed of a demon and immediately used his own technique to paralyze the curse by increasing its mass and density with his touch.
"idiot! think about your life too, will ya'?!" scolded shinya, sprinting towards you to help you in sitting up as you clutched the large gash inflicted on you, "shit, you're bleeding too.."
"i-i'm fine, hatsuki," you managed to speak, coughing up blood as you painfully clutched your open wound with your hands, "t-their lives are more important than mine."
"that's not fucking true! they're not even jujutsu sorcerers, and you're the one bleeding!" shinya exclaimed, grabbing your shoulder and pressing his hand against your wound.
"i said i'm fine.. it's okay hatsuki," you shook your head, twitching your fingers, using your red psionics to patch and sow yourself at a molecular level.
"y-you can do that?" shinya's eyes widened in amazement before he smirked, "hmph, you're just full of surprises, [name]."
your eyes widened next, "you called me [name]."
"don't sweat it," shinya said as he helped you get back on your feet, "we still have a curse to exorcise."
you sighed, only to yelp and stroke your forehead when he flicked his fingers across your forehead and bumped it with his palm, "hey! what the hell?!"
shinya muttered, clearing his throat, "i'm killing you if you die, [name]," as he patted your head, your eyes widened and a faint blush spread across your cheek.
"no one can get rid of me that easily, shinya," you eventually smirked as you patted his shoulder, "and besides, those people may not be jujutsu sorcerers, but that doesn't make their lives any less valuable when compared to ours."
shinya's hard gaze softened as he considered your words, and even more so when you addressed him by his first name rather than his surname, as he did to you.
as you two faced the special grade curse, your [color] eyes glowed red with power as a similar red glow surrounded his body, with his eyes turning red like yours as well. with both of your abilities combined, you two exorcised the curse, including the lower grade ones, and rescued the people and had them brought to a hospital.
it didn't take long for you to become acquainted with shinya after that. indeed, you two instantly clicked mission after mission. you also learned about his cursed technique, solemnity. his technique enables him to control gravity and create black holes that absorb everything.
you also discovered that, despite his cockiness and arrogance, this idiot had a soft side. even if you and shinya frequently argued because of your opposing beliefs and ideals in life, there was always this unspoken trust between the two of you that you and shinya are capable of leaving each other's life in the other's hands without a second thought or doubt.
and you didn't feel so lonely with shinya as your partner and best friend. you weren't just the strongest one by yourself, you now also shared that title with him. but he was still a bit of a jerk.
"oi, idiot, watch where you're going!" scoffed shinya, grabbing you by the back of your jacket as you nearly tripped upon entering the room.
"shut up!" you retorted, only to have shinya flick and bump your forehead with his fingers and palm, causing you to yelp with him laughing at your reaction, "hey!"
gojo was about to intervene in your and your best friend's bickering when shinya brushed your forehead with his hand, only to pat your head with you and him laughing together this time.
he felt a wave of dƩjƠ vu wash over him for a brief moment. gojo had witnessed a similar scene before. your current relationship with this special grade sorcerer brought back memories of him being second year here at jujutsu tech.
"satoru, how are [name] and shinya doing together?" yaga trotted towards gojo, standing right beside him as the two of you practiced your abilities against each other in the grounds after you and shinya returned from a mission.
"kikufuku's doing just fine with hatsuki," gojo explained, "their partnership had significantly improved, but those two still bicker from time to time. in fact, kikufuku's gotten closer with that.. that boy," gojo's cheeks puffed up after.
you and shinya almost always do everything together since then. shinya came over frequently at home because he doesn't have a family and dorm life at jujutsu tech can be pretty boring. you and shinya would eat food, watch shows, go on missions and late night talks and walks, look out for each other, fight each other, and repeat, and as gojo would have it, you were the sun and shinya was the moon.
but there was one thing: history repeats itself in such a clever disguise that we don't notice the resemblance until the damage is done. the tragedy comes first, followed by the fall.
as you faced shinya, who no longer resembled your best friend or partner, tears filled the brim of your glowing red eyes. you remembering his hair being always tied down but he had let it fall loose on his shoulders right now, as he faced you with red glowing eyes you recognize.
"shin.. please.. i'll fix this, we'll fix this.." your lips trembled as tears rolled down your face.
"fix this? then bring mahiru back for me, [name]," shinya's eyes hardened into a glare, his body now glowing red menacingly as your surroundings began to tremble and shake from his solemnity, "you're the scarlet witch, aren't you? if you truly are my friend, you'd do it. necromancy should be a piece of cake for you!"
you and shinya had been tasked with guarding and escorting mahiru. in fact, mahiru resembled an uncle or a father figure to him in some ways. he was, however, killed by the same non-jujutsu sorcerers who had previously attempted to harm you and steal your chaos magic.
you've always known about shinya's dislike for non-jujutsu sorcerers, but with everything that happened, his dislike turned into complete hatred, and he couldn't take it lightly any longer.
"that's not how it works, and i can't bring back someone whose soul has already left this world, shinya!" you exclaimed, fists clenched, shaking your head, "please just listen to me, shin! i promise i'll protect you from the higher-ups!"
"no, you listen to me fushiguro [name]!" raged shinya, "you and i both know that mahiru wouldn't have died if it hadn't been for those non-jujutsu sorcerers. those fucking monkeys killed him, and they were the same ones who tried to steal your powers. yet here you are, still insisting on saving and protecting everyone! of all people, you would choose to side with them!"
as a pin drop silence filled the icy cold atmosphere, the two of you stared at each other.
"you changed my life from the moment we met, fushiguro [name], and i'm grateful,"
shinya trotted towards you, just enough for him to cup your face in his larger hands, which were now cold and no longer warm to the touch as he spoke to you calmly this time.
"but i have already made up my mind."
as shinya caught your tear with his thumb, he pulled away from you and turned his back on you, as you stood there, frozen as a statue, struggling to lift your hands and use your chaos magic to stop him, but your heart and mind were in conflict, rendering you powerless.
"kill me if you have to, [nickname], i won't stop you; in fact, i want to see you try,"
shinya gave you one last look, smiling with his eyes closed, before his expression changed to something dreadful and grimmer. just like that, shinya had slipped through your fingers.
you returned to jujutsu tech, a complete mess as you made your way to your adoptive father, gojo. gojo rushed up to you, embracing you and frantically asking you questions as you sobbed, your emotions amplifying your chaos magic and causing a tremor to shake the entire area.
"kikufuku? kikufuku! what's the matter? hey, now, it's okay." gojo cupped your face, "[name]?"
"i couldn't stop shinya.. i-i just couldn't hurt him.." you said as you looked up at gojo, the whimpers and sniffles combined with your sad expression breaking his heart to pieces.
"i-i'm so sorry.. i know the higher-ups will b-blame me for not stopping him, b-but i really tried.. d-dad.." gojo's eyes widened as you continued to cry your heart and eyes out.
"kikufuku, it's okay.. shh.." gojo shook his head and hushed your crying as he drew you back into his embrace, rubbing shapes on your back and holding you tightly as he remembered the same heartbreak scene from his youth, "shh.."
"he was my best friend.."
you truly resembled your father in the end, not only as the strongest, but also by losing your best friend in the same way he did. he had seen this scene before, and he didn't like the ending.
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[ author's notes ! one order of heartbreak coming right up !! tysm for requesting. tbh i found myself getting sad (and simping for shinya lmao) while writing this. also, the way i managed to create a character in a short span of time ??? just damn. i freaking surprised myself with that too. but yeah, anyway, i hope you liked it, anon ;) happy crying !! ]
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sublimecatgalaxy Ā· 8 months
I had a nasty migraine all afternoon (not even sure what triggered it) so I was literally walking around the house in sunglasses because of my photosensitivity šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Anyways I was wondering if you could do a little fic of Steve/Eddie or both being nice to their girl because she is having a migraine?
That would be really nice. Thanks LizzyšŸ’• can I call you that? Or do you not like that nickname?
Hi! You can call me Lizzie for sure, I do go by that sometimes and I don't mind if you call me that :)
I certainly can write this for you. I sympathize completely, I understand what it's like to suffer from migraines, I get the regularly and actually get botox injections in my face to prevent them from worsening! It's crazy but it works.
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"Hey lovely, I'm sorry I'm late. I got caught up at a club meeting and couldn't get out any sooner-" Eddie stops in his tracks at the sight on me on the floor, curled up just beside our cat Nelson, with a blanket over my eyes, just allowing enough light in that I can see him. He stops and tilts his head at me and before he goes to speak again, I put my finger in the air and shake my head.
"Shhh..." I mumble, rubbing my temples with a sigh, sitting up as my head throbs and he winces for me, realizing that I'm evidently in pain. He makes his way over to me and kneels down beside me, pushing the blanket aside, revealing me to the light and I hiss, instinctively shoving his hand away.
"What's going on?" He asks, caressing my cheek gently, kind, dark eyes looking at me intently as if he can pinpoint what's hurting me and stop it immediately just with his will and want.
"I can't hear you right now, I can't do it." I mutter out but the words don't sound completely right as they come out of my mouth. Eddie smiles with a bit of confusion behind his eyes and I huff, seeing that he doesn't understand what I mean.
"What do you mean?"
"I can't listen to you right now, the words hurt my brain." I stutter out and he sighs, nodding his head with a bit of acknowledgement and he frowns- no- he pouts, with a pitied look in his eyes.
"Oh, you're not telling me to shut up," he nods before whispering, dropping his volume down tenfold, "you have a migraine."
"It's ass." He laughs a little too loud and I stop almost immediately in my tracks with a wince and he apologizes under his breath for his volume and moves so he can pull me into his arms, whispering into my ear.
"I imagine, it typically is."
"Can you get me the usual?" I ask as a tear slips down my cheek and he's quick to wipe it away. I imagine his heart his aching for me like it typically does, his empathy completely taking over his whole body as he worries for me and cares for me until he's tired and yawning.
"Icepack, meds and a heated blanket?" He double checks and I nod, allowing him to help me up and off of the floor, at least to put me onto the bed so I can be more comfortable than I have the last few hours that he was gone. "You should've called the school and told someone to come and get me, I would've come straight home." I shake my head with a small laugh, the first sign of happiness that I've been able to express all day.
"Last time you did that Dustin hunted me down and wanted to kill me for you missing Hellfire. The last thing I need is a teenager on my ass."
"I mean-" He goes to argue but after thinking about it for a moment, he pauses and lets out a small snort at the thought of the last time Dustin was really angry with him for missing Hellfire for my birthday. "No, I completely understand." He holds his finger up for a moment, signaling that he'll be back and he rushes out of the room to grab the things that I so desperately need.
When he comes back, I immediately plug in the heated blanket, settling down on the bed as he gets my medicine ready and he hands me a bottle of water that I know he wants me to drink more than I want to, especially with my nausea.
"Thank you." I mutter, closing my eyes as he shuts the blinds and for the first time today, I can imagine this horrible headache passing and me surviving.
"Need anything else?" He asks, sitting down beside me on the bed and I'm quick to grab him by the front of the shirt, giving the fabric a bit of a tug as I smile up at him.
"You." I coo and he's quick to lay down beside me, slipping under the blanket and I immediately curl into his side with a happy hum, allowing his warmth to engulf me.
"You got it."
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