#What do you think is “Gotham Aesthetic”
dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
If you’re still doing these asks, do you mind maybe adding a part 5 to Passion for Fashion?
I would love to see how Danny and Red Robin’s impromptu date goes and Constantine’s reaction to all this.
And poor Killer Croc is so confused and uncomfortable around the twins, oh and not to forget Dan’s inner turmoil over losing a love interest because his body no longer matches his mental and spiritual age😂
I’d also love to see the reactions of the rest of the Batfam to Tim going on a date and their reaction to Dan’s flirting with Croc.
Your request came in after I had already written most of Part 5, but I hope I can include most of what you asked for in it and make it up with another Part of the Au for you.
Danny strutted down the runway, fighting to keep his gaze straight ahead as various flashes from cameras went off.
He mentally went through his checklist of proper catwalk tips that he watched the other day—or, more accurately, Dan forced him to watch from some free video website—ensuring his hands were relaxed, long strides were made, and his shoulders were firm but not stiff.
This was the contest's second round, with Tim Drake proposing the "Gotham Aesthetic" as the theme and challenge. Apparently, the teenage CEO spent most of his childhood taking photos of the city and wanted others to appreciate the architecture of the aged town.
There was no kidnapping attempt this time, and the contest was back on schedule. However, there was a delay because some of the models had dropped out after they were nearly sold (Dan called them cowards, but Danny personally thought they were wise to do so). Hence, fashion designers had to scramble for someone new or forfeit their position in the contest, allowing some eliminated to take their place.
It took nearly four weeks to confirm that the same designers were staying but would need to remake or adjust their outfits. Thankfully, Wayne Amature Fashion Show was more than willing to offer them time.
Dan had already made Danny's outfit but figured he would remake it anyway. Once completed, new designs were crafted, adjusted, and flung into an idea box. He created so many it was as if Dan were a man possessed (Pun intended).
Danny needed to figure out how much fabric he was going through, but sometimes, he had to remind the other to sleep, eat, and shower. It seemed the other kept forgetting he was human now and needed to do these things for his health and Danny's poor nose.
Dan also seemed obsessed with exploring new parts of Gotham just to take pictures of buildings to get "inspiration." Danny went with him as he had nothing better to do, and the pair made an unlikely duo.
Both got stares in the streets—Danny for strutting around Gotham wearing some of Dan's regretted challenge outfits in an effort to learn to catwalk in them and Dan for dressing as close to the homeless as he could. For all that Dan could make amazing pieces of fashion, the man only filled his own closet with mismatched joggers and pajamas.
Danny had to force him back to change at one point since Dan had intended to walk around in a bathrobe- with shorts and stained short sleeves underneath it. He drew the line on bathrobes.
It was so embarrassing to be gawked at all the time that Danny could not help but wish Dan would try just a little. This was somewhat worse than when he was alone because at least then he knew it was just how stupid and awkward he looked in the outfits.
Now, he just felt subconscious about trying too hard compared to Dan.
"Relax, kid," The other scoffed, snapping a picture of the Brown Bridge. "By the time you're my age, you honestly stop caring about what other people think, so long as you like how you look."
"Can't you at least comb your hair?"
"I forgot how to do that."
Danny snaps his head in his direction, blinking owlishly "What?"
Dan shrugs. "My hair was fire for a literal decade, brat. How was I supposed to comb it?"
"Oh," Danny supposes, that makes sense. After all, Dan was more ghost than human at that point, driven mad by his grief and a colossal monster. He sort of forgot that. "Do you want me to show you how?"
"Ew. No. Too much work. Humans are so high maintenance." Dan rolled his eyes and shifted his tone into a mocking one. Comb your hair, change your clothes, take a bath."
"You smell like shit, Dan."
"You look like shit!"
"We have the same face!"
"It's better on me!"
Their public arguments also attract lots of stares. Danny would feel embarrassed by them if he wasn't so busy bickering with Dan as they moved about.
Ultimately, Dan had made his outfits formal steampunk during the break. Danny wished he had stayed with the Dark Academia idea because he felt he was walking around in a costume instead of clothes.
Dan told him that it felt too basic to go with Dark Academia since, now that he saw more of Gotham, he thought it better represent the city as a whole instead of the elites of Gotham. Danny debated with him until he agreed to make two of the four outfits- meant to represent all four seasons of Gotham's beauty or something stupid like that- to be dark academia.
Danny nears the end of the runway, stopping right before the judges to strike his pose. His eyes never leave the center decorative flower in the far back, but he makes sure to slowly turn his head as if he is gazing at the crowd.
There are gasps as he pulls off his tophat in a twirl to hide the way he presses the button on his hip. At once, his pants and sleeves light up in the gentle glow of the Brown Bridge's famous historic lampost show. It's no brighter than his ghost glow, but it makes him look like a vision, especially when he puts the hat back on with a mysterious curl of his lips.
Danny practiced that move for weeks—even when it made him cringe—and he is happy to have pulled it off successfully as he twists around and struts away. The Brown Bridge only lights its lanterns in the winter, so this hits a true Gotham native here for the seasonal challenge portion.
With his superhearing, he manages to catch Tim Drake-Wayne's dreamy sigh. Danny fights the urge to fist bump. If they impressed the special judge so much, then they just guaranteed their spot in the next round.
Each round meant they were closer to completing the mission. Since it's been practically impossible to find Batman—even when the man was running around dressed like a giant bat—this was their best bet.
Once he's backstage, he rushes to Dan's area, already ripping off most of his outfit for the last piece. Spring dark academia vaguely reminded him of rich school uniforms, but at least they didn't have ridiculous amounts of belts and metal on them.
Dan already has the outfit set out and quickly helps him change. He adjusts the vest and collar for Danny, glancing angrily at the model walking up the line. "Come on, we only have a few minutes before the last two models finish their walk for the Winter portion."
Danny nods, throwing on the gargoyle ear cuffs, only to pause when he sees a strange card on Dan's station. He pushes aside the black rings to grab a tiny green card with a giant question mark. "What's this?"
"Some guy saw my work and wanted to commission him a suit. Apparently, he was tired of how no one could style the question marks." Dan answered, distracted while reapplying some powder to Danny's face.
"A question mark? Why?"
"It's his gimmick or something. I didn't bother to ask for too many details. He will be going to our house soon to get his measurements done," Dan says, twisting Danny's face with his chin to make sure everything looks good. Danny lets him, blindly slipping on his rings and bracelets. "Thought it be a fun little side project."
"How did he hear about you?"
"You remember how you took those boxes of clothes to the job search office to give to people? Apparently, one of his employees' younger brothers borrowed a suit for his prom, and he thought the photos were nice." Dan shrugs. Then he glances in alarm at the stage hand who signals for them. "Never mind that. It's almost our turn again. Get out there!"
Danny scurries away, but not before he sees a beautiful redhead woman in green- was that leaves and vines???- stride over to Dan as the clone puts away his makeup.
She gestures with a business card, and Dan blinks as she talks once before he eagerly takes out his design journal. She must be a performer asking Dan for a new forest design or something.
Danny wonders why Gotham has so many people with oddly specific gimmicks.
He turns his head away to stride back into the catwalk, head held high as he does so. Danny makes the mistake of locking eyes with one of the judges- Tim Drake-Wayne is gawking at him like the people of the street do- and he snaps his gaze away, fighting to keep his composure.
He thinks he does well since Team Fenton snatches first place in this round. Drake-Wayne catches him at the after-party, praising his final outfit so much that Danny offers to give it to him, knowing Dan wouldn't mind.
Drake-Wayne goes red, early agreeing, but since they are so different in size—the CEO's waist is slightly leaner but with far more muscular forearms—Danny tells him to come by his house that weekend to have Dan resize it for him.
It should be fine since the Question Mark man and Leaf Lady will also be there that day for their own measurements.
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deadsetobsessions · 4 months
Hi! Party Planner! Danny has struck again.
Danny clambered onto the top of the building, eyes fixed onto the dimming Gotham City sky line. Electric blue eyes froze in concentration as his targets grappled into view. he quickly scaled the last rungs of the fire escape ladder to stumble onto the roof. Danny waved his arms, and his targets, catching sight of him mere moments later, began swinging towards him. Danny adjusted his bag strap.
“Hello, concerned citizen, what do you need assistance with?”
Danny faltered. Who the fuck was wearing Batman’s cowl?
Robin (with a sword) scowled at Batman before turning his attention back to Danny.
“Uh. Right,” Danny muttered, giving ‘Batman’ the most obvious and glaring side eye he could. Regardless, if the little Robin did not protest this Batman’s presence… it was good enough for him. “I’m a party planner.”
Robin spoke before Batman could. “And what of it?”
“The… uh, League of Evil or something, wait,” Danny fumbled while opening the bag and pulling out some papers. “Ah, Legion of Doom. Them.”
Little Robin and fake-Batman perked up. Fake-Batman tensed visibly. Danny grumbled. “Anyways, they’re contacting me- by they, I mean Lex Luthor- to see if I could plan a party in… God, why are Gotham’s names for shit so depressing?”
“Get on with it.” Little Robin snapped. Danny was reminded of Dani instantly and let it slide.
“Ah, right, they want me to plan a party in “Slaughter Swamp” on the seventh of next month. So… keep an eye on that, okay?” Danny asked Robin.
“Are you supposed to be telling us this?” Fake-Batman asked.
Danny shrugged, running a hand through his hair, practiced fingers brushing aside that little white streak of hair he got from the portal.
Little Robin’s gaze snapped up to his hair.
“It’s fine. They haven’t had me sign an NDA yet.” And, well, the devil is in the details but Danny is the devil.
“I’ll handle it.” Fake-Batman promised. Danny threw him a skeptical look.
“Uh-huh. Right.” He turned back to sword Robin, who looked torn between the supposed slight towards Batman and pride at Danny’s apparent trust in his abilities. “Look, here’s the stuff I have on them- copied them- and good luck and all that.”
He handed the file and some data in a usb stick to Robin, dipping away as soon as he could. He had a party to plan, and matching Luthor’s purple-gold aesthetic to Cheeta’s yellow and black spotted material wasn’t going to get done by themselves.
“Even the civilians outside of Gotham could tell you’re not Batman.” Damian scoffed as he watched their party planner slip back into his apartment.
“Hey, I thought I did pretty well!”
“I do not claim to know what hallucinogens you’ve inhaled, but do not come near me. I don’t want your stupidity to catch everyone else unawares.”
“Get it together, Kryptonian. We still have half the night to patrol.”
Damian swung off, mind whirling along side Kent’s little hamster wheels for a brain. He’ll have to inform father. And Timothy. Red Robin had a grudge to settle with Scarecrow and will aid in Damian’s plot to obtain sugar gliders in exchange for the information. Yes.
Clark, thinking his Batman acting was bad: :(
Danny, has never met Batman: this can’t be Batman, he’s being midwestern polite
Also, I just want to say that the Flash has Georgia State patrol energy.
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robintherobiner · 4 months
What would the Wayne Family and the Bat Family post tiktok
Bruce: videos of him buying new outfits with the material girl sound over it because, according to one post, 'his kids said it was funny and he liked seeing them smile'. on his official account though (the wayne enterprises one) his 'social media manager' posts clips from interviews and soundbites.
Batman: does not have a tiktok.
Dick: posts videos of him either doing gymnastics or of him hanging out with his siblings. Most of the time he is throwing up a peace sign and then Tim and Damian are wrestling in the background and he captions it something along the lines of 'brothers drawing blood in Blud!'
Nightwing: posts videos of short self defense tips/poses, regularly collabs with Red Hood. (not that Jason knows this, Dick just sets up a camera and then goes and bothers his brother until he tries to punch him so he can teach people to block)
Barbara: Posts videos talking about accessibility (both whats available and what should be put in place). if one of the wayne's annoy her, she also will post a compilation of them doing something silly like tripping over thin air or being caught using a hairbrush as a microphone)
Oracle: posts clips of people doing non violent crimes (faces blurred out ofc) with the caption "the eye in the sky sees you, dumbass." because why would you try ack a car on a street with three non-hidden cameras
Jason: doesn't post. anymore. does have an account from when he was a teenager where it's just him doing sped up acting videos to sounds. he has tried to log in to take it down but Bruce changed the password. Brucie regularly comments on different videos like "my baby was such a star... rip sweetie 🕊️🕊️🕊️" and its Jason lip-syncing to fucking Justin Bieber or something
Red Hood: posts videos shitting on Batman. the comments were full of people saying "daddy issues" or "i wanna be a dealer just so you can shoot me babygirl" so he turned them off. sometimes someone (tim) turns them back on and Jason gets bombarded with "BRO IS SERVING CUNT"
Cassandra: posts videos of her doing ballet, or of her showing off her strength. Not on purpose though, she thinks its fun to post videos of her teasing her brothers and the comments are like "WHY DID SHE JUST PICK UP DICK GRAYSON WITHOUT EVEN BREAKING A SWEAT WHAT"
Orphan: has a shared account with Batgirl, but she doesn't post on it, just sort of stands in the background as Steph makes funny videos.
Stephanie: enjoys posting videos pretending to be dating both Tim and Cass because she thinks its funny when the internet call her a gold digger and cheater. Bernard (after going public with Tim) occasionally fuels the fire by commenting "lmao get ur bag girl" under a video of her dragging Tim to a resturant
Batgirl: posts videos of her making fun of rogues, and on her shared account with Cass, just joins in on trends but obviously mixing it to fit her (aka: "when Batman lectures you for breaking a criminals leg but your literally just a teenage girl")
Timothy: like Bruce, he has two accounts. One is professional, with him promoting Wayne Enterprises products or whatever. Second one is full of him doing wild shit like skateboarding down the manor stairs or him trying to confuse Bruce with cringey slang. his most popular video though, is of him using the Nepo Baby sound by Fox SZN
Red Robin: posts slideshows of pictures of Gotham. All very aesthetic ones, of good architecture and people laughing together and shit. His bio is "showing you guy why I do what I do." His account is very artsy fartsy but he also was the first batfamily member to get verified
Duke: doesn't post, just likes videos.
Signal: posts videos of him trying to scare the other vigilantes, cuz, yknow, he can go invisible. tell me you wouldn't do that either if you could be invisible. exactly, you can't. He also makes videos about how hard it is to be a teen vigilante.
Damian: videos of his pets doing tricks. also regularly stitches Tim's videos and just deadass insults him. Tim always comments on his stitches with just a singular emoji because he found out it pisses Damian off more when he doesn't have a big reaction
Robin: posts about resources for gothamites. also has a shared account with Superboy (Jon) where they try and sneak up on both Superman and Batman. They have yet to succeed on either one.
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animeredhead101 · 3 months
Danny Gets Adopted DP x DC Crossover
Run to the Belfry by JollieRancher :
Danny is running from the GIW and lands in Gotham. The only warning he got before things went wrong were the words "Run to the belfry" on a sticky note. He doesn't know what a belfry is, but running is his only way to avoid capture. When a superpowered teen passes out in Batmans arms, Bruce decides to take him home. Word Count: 11,900
Gotham is Haunted by ArtemisMoore :
A kid is running around with jet black hair and impossibly blue eyes. Prime adoption bait for Bruce Wayne. But that's not why he has slowly gotten the attention of the members of the family. Homeless, skittish, disheveled, and quick to help the kid seems to be hiding from something - or somebody. He's scared and they want to know why. But other than his appearance and the name 'Danny' nothing is known about the kid.
At the same time they're dealing with 'Danny' a new Meta appeared in Gotham, a ghost with snow white hair and toxic green eyes named 'Phantom'. He's tired, sad, and just wants to go home. But something is preventing him from leaving. Something... or someone.
What are the two kids running from? Are they connected?
Will the bats find out before either kid ends up in serious trouble?
Word Count: 16,266
Grave Promises by Blueseabird2 :
Danny Fenton had nowhere to go and no one he could turn to without putting them in danger. Except, perhaps, the hero who'd cared for, respected, and trained Danny for all too short a time. Dick Grayson had never told anyone he'd once been trapped in the Ghost Zone. He'd also never forgotten the promise he'd made sure to get from Danny Phantom. Jason didn’t know what was going on but he was really very pissed that there was another kid with a y-shaped scar on their chest and eyes that feel like frozen reflections of home. Thankfully, there were suddenly several new targets for his rage and Dick seemed rather more inclined to join Jason than stop him. Word Count: 53,882
But I will hold on hope, and I won't let you choke by ghostly_frogly :
After the destruction of his hometown and being hunted by the GIW at the age of 14 Danny didn’t know what to do. He debated going to the Ghost Zone and living the rest of his life and afterlife there when he encountered a group of ninjas. The details of how and why are still lost to him but in the moment he fought. He fought and let out as much anger, frustration, and sorrow as possible. His eyes turned green and his fists were shaking and bruised from the fight.
Surprisingly, or maybe not with the life he lives, this isn’t the last time the ninjas come after him. He fights more and more off until he meets the man sending the ninjas his way. He is offered training by a man named Ra’s Al Ghul. Danny jumps at the chance, thinking how he could finally run away from his problems or fully die trying.
Danny runs away from everything he's ever known when it is all taken from him. Seeing no better option he joins a cult-like group of assassins. What could go wrong?
Word Count: 6,521
Prankster for Hire by thatshrubbery :
Danny thought he was pretty good at this whole harmless haunting thing. Really, it felt like he was doing good deeds through his pranking. Pull a few pranks on customers, drive up sales for the coffee shop as the rumor mill (correctly) begins claiming the place is haunted. Perfect symbiotic relationship. When Danny can't pass up the opportunity to continuously prank a certain regular, he finds himself being hired as an elite prankster the likes of which Gotham’s vigilantes have never seen. Steph is in love with the new coffee shop in town. The aesthetic? To die for. The vibes? Immaculate. The glitter markers? Genius. So, when a certain straw-stealing halfa steals one straw too many, she takes it upon herself to assemble her own first-class squad of Ghostbusters to handle the problem Batman style and bring one (1) prankster into the fold. Word Count: 46,702
Contractual Obligations by Calix, Tathartiel :
Danny is doing his kingly duties when a demon breaks into a meeting demanding the king’s soul. Now Danny has only a few months to find his birth father and nullify this soul contract or else he becomes a slave to the demon on his 16th birthday.
Word Count: 114,383
It Takes Three Days to Get Adopted by corkinavoid :
Danny is just doing Jazz a favor. Pretty simple favor, actually, check out the haunted house her boyfriend's family lives in. And of course, being the responsible sister, she has already made all the arrangements, so all he has to do is just show up, walk in, look around, maybe kick some ghost butt out, maybe deal with some shades or possessed artifacts. Easy. Wait, isn't this the Wayne manor? No, it's okay. Not every rich person has a weird secret basement, he'll be fine. What are the chances of another billionaire deciding to adopt him on sight? (Damn it, Jazz! You knew, didn't you?!) Just another Danny adoption fic, yes. Word Count: 50,143
Scrawny kid and the Batmobile by PickleofwhichisFickle64 :
Danny on the run from the GIW, stuck as a 10 year old, winds up in Gotham. He spots the Batmobile and decides to add a new feature to it. Dick Grayson is confused as to why a small child is elbow deep in the engine of the Batmobile.
Word Count: 7,185
Knight of the Boyking by Milaley :
There is a child hiding behind him. A glowing, powerful and possibly ghostly child with a flaming crown hovering above their head but a child, nonetheless. Older than Damian but younger than Tim. They are clutching onto the fabric of his batman cape with one shaking hand, making themselves as small as possible, trembling with fear. There are two guns pointed at Batman by a pair of muscular men wearing white suits and dark sunglasses. These two things are connected. An injured Danny runs to Batman for protection and in turn, makes the Dark Knight's life a lot more complicated. Word Count: 49,196
It may feel like an ending (but the battle's just begun) by NotSoStarCrossed :
He can't believe this is how he’s meeting his bio mother. It was never something he thought he’d have to do alone. — Lois could no longer push her baby into the someday. He had burst, rather abruptly, into the now. OR Lois had a kid she gave up for adoption and Danny can't seem to stop running. OR Danny's on the run after his friends and family were killed by the GIW. After escaping from Vlad he runs to the only place no one will look for him, the home of his birth mother Lois Lane. Word Count: 13,160
Alien Boys by Zylev :
With Amity Park destroyed, Danny falls through a portal that sends him to another Earth. The Justice League assume he’s an alien and treat him as such—but Danny might be more of an alien than he would’ve thought. Based on: This Word Count: 84,756
We Could Be Home by MyNameIsJag :
Danny has been deaged, he is hungry and very angry. Given his tiny body and fluctuating powers, there's not much he can do about that. He has questions that need answers, why is he here, where is his family, what is going on? Also why is everyone so weird? Danny gets thrown into Omegaverse DC, coming from somewhere were that is a fanfiction category, it's a bit of a culture shock. Poor Danny has so navigate this world with new rules he doesn't know or understand. Find a way home, maybe find out what happen to the him from this universe, and try not to get attached. The Batfam are just excited for the new pup in the family. Word Count: 13,385
Ghost King in Gotham (On Temporary Hiatus) by GDogDfeld124 :
Danny Fenton moves into Gotham to get away from the GiW and his parents. Luckily for him he got a scholarship to Gotham University and could move in without trouble. Everything goes haywire when one day while doing his homework he gets summoned. _____________ Planning for this one to be a long one. Trying not to make this crack. Word Count: 74,968
r/AITA for not wanting to clean the BASEMENT? by SaturdayNightFrights :
Danny doesn’t have many people to turn to about the minor issues in his life. So he does what any normal teenager in today’s time does: makes a post on Reddit.
Word Count: 17,091
Found Family by EvaDragon :
Danny Phantom is rescued from GIW by Batman and Superman, panics and runs from the heroes mid-flight back to the Watch Tower. He is then found by Bruce Wayne in Gotham. Bruce convinces the still injured Danny to convalesce at Wayne Manor. After spending time in Wayne Manor, Danny's core overrides his brain, and Danny spills his deepest secrets. Damian, to everyone's surprise, is the first to approach Bruce about adopting Danny, and is also the first to try to convince his siblings about the adoption. Damian's siblings are very much onboard with this plan, as most of them were at the Watch Tower when Danny was rescued. Now they just have to convince Danny that being in a family of multibillionaire vigilantes isn't all that bad. Word Count: 11,375
Experiment 666- project failure by Daemonshadowfox :
Let it never be said, Batman does have a heart. However, taking home the creature brings new issues to the house. Alfred is happy however, he has a new grandchild to take care of and the rest of the Bat-Clan is happy to have someone new to play with. Enjoy the chaos that happens when Danny joins the Bat-Clan.
Word Count: 18,215
Going Broody by bloggerspam :
When a suddenly de-aged Danny meets Black Canary in the middle of a battle, he accidentally ghost-wails at her...except all it does is push her back a couple feet. ....And make her think he's the cutest Lil' Canary in the world. Word Count: 19,866
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amomentsescape · 8 months
Bro, I love your writing so much and it’s so cool to see some new Gotham stuff pop up on my feed s🥹❤️❤️🥹❤️🥹 if it’s alright, could I please have some fluffy and slightly suggestive headcanons of some Gotham boys, including but not limited to the J squad, with a punk or alt s/o? If you don’t want to do anything suggestive, tho, I totally understand
Please and thank you in advance if you decide to do this ❤️
J Squad + Oswald, Victor, & Bruce with Punk! Reader
Includes: Jerome, Jonathan, Jervis, Oswald, Victor, Bruce
A/N: I hope you enjoy! I wasn't able to make every character suggestive, but I tried my best to make the HC's fit your request!
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Jerome Valeska
He loves your aesthetic
Has asked you time and time again to help him get dressed before a heist
Thinks your outfits would not only look badass while murdering people, but they would also help you blend in at night
"Practical and sexy, doll"
Loves when you place your tall, leather combat boot on his leg, asking him sweetly to help you lace it up
He likes to trace his fingers along your leg at this, sometimes going a little too high which earns him a swift smack to the hand
He just lets out a chuckle at this
"I'll get you back later..."
If you're out and about and he notices people looking at you, he immediately helps you embrace it
Will twirl you around in the middle of the street and place a big kiss to your lips
Whispers in your ear how gorgeous and sexy you are whenever he gets the chance
If he's out on a heist and he sees something he thinks you'll like, he'll take it
Even if it steers him off his current mission a bit
Starts having you paint his nails religiously as "good luck"
But in reality, he just likes how his pretty fingertips look wrapped around your neck
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Jonathan Crane
This sweet boy is in awe of you
Your edgy looks, your interests, everything
He's never been introduced into this genre before, but you've opened a whole new world for him
Absolutely falls in love with the music you listen to
He just connects to it so well
He also adores being a dress up doll for you
Want to try out a new makeup look on him? Go for it.
You want to see what he'd look like in an edgier outfit? He's ready.
You want to dye his hair a crazy, experimental color? Let's do it!
Seeing him dressed similar to you empowers him in a way
He's used to being hidden in the background, so you pulling him away from that insecurity is like a completely different life to him
Gets extra touchy when you have chokers on
Will softly give you little kisses just above and below the accessory
He's ashamed of it, but he lets his eyes wander for just a little too long when you get all dressed up
He tries to hide it but will turn into a huge blushing and stuttering mess if you catch him in the act
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Jervis Tetch
He's definitely intrigued by you
He's used to his world being full of chaotic color and fantasy
But you have this certain edge and uniqueness about you that he hasn't come across before
They say opposites attract for a reason
He feels like you balance him out
You actually help him feel his emotions and openly discuss the things floating around in his head
But of course, being opposites still come with a few disagreements
He finds your taste in music and makeup a little... much
His taste is a little softer and more elegant, but he's not one to judge what you enjoy
He's just tried listening to a couple of your favorite songs and found them scary
He's also not very knowledgeable in this particular genre
So if you bring up something, he'll simply look at you like you've grown a third head
But besides that, he's overall supportive on whatever you want to wear or do
Loves when you both get dressed up together for a night out
It gives him a deep sense of thrill when people look at you both while out
You two may have opposite styles, but your aesthetics are similar in the fact that they don't "fit in" with the public eye
And Jervis honestly loves that
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Oswald Cobblepot
You caught Oswald's eye almost immediately when he first encountered you
Something about the way you held yourself drew him in
And when he got to know you?
He was so interested
He wanted to learn more about your clothing choices, the music and art styles you liked, what made you interested in the aesthetic, etc.
He might not share the same exact passion for the things you do, but he will always be very respectful on supporting your interests
He also just finds your look to be super attractive
He doesn't mean to, but he finds himself becoming a little more submissive around you
He's used to throwing out orders and making decisions in his normal day-to-day life
But coming home to you immediately allows him let go of those reigns
You just tell him what to do, and he'll do it
You've accidentally gotten him to whimper a couple times just by complimenting him or giving him words of praise
When you kiss him, you can feel his whole body fall into you
He literally turns into Jello
But he's still an emotional man too, so give him lots of love and attention, and he'll be fully content
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Victor Zsasz
Well, obviously he adores how you look
I mean, he wouldn't consider his own look to be punk, but he's aware that he's taken inspiration from the genre in the past
Honestly thinks you two make a badass duo
Even the Zsaszettes admire you whenever you're around
He also likes how easy it is to spot you in a crowd
Not that he stalks you while he's out "working" or anything
He loves your normal outfits of course, but if you wear anything that shows a little skin?
Oh boy, does that dark gleam shine in his eye
He just about sinks his teeth into you (literally)
Victor is known to keep his cool no matter what, but you are able to tell when he really likes a particular outfit that day
A hand on your lower back, a lingering glance, and a teasing smile are all signs
But he also will not hesitate to pinch your butt at the most random times too, public or not
Makes you hold his weapons sometimes because he thinks they make you look even edgier
He also has a thing for any piercings you have too
He's not sure what it is, but he's fascinated with how the cool metal sinks into your skin
He'll play with them too if you let him
He's careful not to hurt you
Unless that's what you want, of course...
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Bruce Wayne
He honestly doesn't really think anything of it or notice it much
Which isn't a bad thing by any means
Bruce doesn't judge based on looks, so however you decide to present yourself is just who you are in his eyes
But he also cares a lot about your interests
He'll happily sit beside you and listen to your music, shop with you for new clothes, and come with you for your latest piercing or tattoo
You name it, he's there
If it means a lot to you, then it means a lot to him
But he does think it's pretty cool to have such a badass partner
Has helped you dye your hair a handful of times
He kind of gets a slight thrill from knowing that he's the only one that gets to see all sides to you
People may see you one way when you're out in public, but he also gets to see you when you're at home sleeping in his bed or cuddled up on his couch watching some crazy show he's never heard of
He just likes knowing that he gets all of you
He finds it pretty romantic
Really likes any leather pieces you own
You may have persuaded him to buy a couple jackets based on ones that you already had in your closet
But he especially loves the leather on you
Becomes a bit touchier when you have it on, tracing his hands along the material
He thinks it looks great on you and will definitely let his gaze linger a little longer than usual
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synergysilhouette · 2 months
"Batman: Caped Crusader" review
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Binge-watched this show, and I wanted to be one of many people to share my thoughts on this--plus I was spurred on by getting a wish of mine granted from the show. Make sure to check out the show if you can!
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The animation is beautiful--I know this is a weird comparison, but soemthing about the animation reminds me of 2010s Scooby Doo animated films, and I kind of adore that.
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The voice acting was...fine--I can't tell if it was poor performances or poor direction; Hamish's Bruce Wayne sounds too raspy/rugged some of the time, like he's still playing Batman, and many of the other actors felt like they were just reading lines rather than performing lines, not enough emotion. IDK if they're more used to live-action work, but voice-acting is a different ballgame, since your voice is all you have to convey the character. A lot of performances fell flat for me, but it wasn't 100% unbearable, just underwhelming. I have some people I'd recommend instead (both familiar to the role and otherwise), but I don't wanna start anything.
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LOVED Harley (but not her costume)--Jamie Chung had one of the better performances in the group, and I really LOVED the angle they did for Harley; I feel like the media often flanderizes her as the goofy crazy chick, so seeing her actually utilize her psychology skills (like I've been asking for!) is so satisfying. That said, the outfit has GOT TO GO. Gold and black is gorgeous, but it ples in comparison to her black and red look. And a weird nit-pick; when I first saw the stills, I was under the impression she was wearing a carnival-esque mask rather than face paint, and I find that idea a lot creepier. I wish we'd gotten more of Harley's antics--and even seeing her get close to Bruce in the way she did with Barbara and Renee--before revealing her as a big bad to the public. And I appreciate that she isn't 100% evil; she is doing what she believes is a noble cause, just doing it in an illegal and unethical way. I needed a backstory!
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Not enough Batman--Maybe it's just me, but it definitely felt like there were some episodes where Bruce and Batman were supporting characters and more focus was on the GCPD. While I don't mind it too much, I enjoy superhero shows for the superheroes, not the heroes; this is why I had a love/hate relationship with "Gotham."
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Batman (and Bruce) isn't quite likeable enough--In earlier incarnations, Batman was more kind and caring before becoming more emotionally closed off with time, but here he's that way from the get-go. Not to mention that Bruce Wayne puts on a facade around everyone, even people he trusts (he probably did that anyway; I can't remember), and his session with Harleen really frustrated me because I don't expect his walls to come down immediately, I don't expect them to be this high this early. I wanted him to be a bit warmer and transparent, rather than curt and cold like he's usually seen in the show. I feel like this is an issue often seen in comics, too; people prioritize Batman's "coolness" and thus push his feelings to the wayside.
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Using underrated and familiar villains--I'm sure the real experts are gonna chew me out for this one, but as someone who got into comics in the 2010s and didn't catch up on the acclaimed 90s series, it was fun to see villains I loved and villains I didn't know; one of the best things a popular property can do is use underrated characters, since it helps the show feel original and fresh (thus why "Teen Titans" is so enjoyable; the whole franchise is underrated).
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Too modern for the 1940s--I can't put my fingers on it exactly, but the vibes feel too modern; I assume the 1940s was for aesthetics, but since everything else feels updated (from the way people talk to Harley and Renee seemingly being open about their feelings for each other), I don't think it was a wise choice to have it both ways. I see no reason not to have it in modern-day, but I suppose you'd have to get more creative with technology.
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Barbara and the Robins--First off, I should've gambled with someone that Jason would be a redhead; I'd have made SO MUCH money. Secondly, I'm not crazy about how all four kids are orphans; If I recall correctly, both Carrie and Stephanie's parents were alive when they joined the Batfamily. In any case, I'm confused on why Barbara is significantly older than them when they're all supposed to be within the same age bracket (I think; someone has told me otherwise since posting this, so I could be wrong). Not to mention, a part of me worries that because of the quartet's young ages and Barbara getting so much screentime as a lawyer, we won't get any of them as Robins or Batgirls unless something drastic happens, and/or we get a time jump.
Overall, I think my biggest gripes are the voice acting and how Batman/Bruce Wayne is written. That said, I enjoyed the show overall. IDK why HBO Max dropped it. Hopefully season 2 will introduce Poison Ivy, Catman, Tim Drake, Ghostmaker, and Gardener, since the finale already showed us a certain someone who IS coming to Gotham.
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Bring Me Home: Chapter 2 Part 4
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
In this segment, Sam and Tucker join the chaos!
First, Previous
1.3k words
As they walked to the burger joint, Danny would point out areas of damage and talk about the fight that caused it. Tim kept track of every comment and was already trying to think of methods to minimize it in the future.
His friends were eating the stories up. Bart especially had way too much fun asking about Danny’s crazy rogues. Skulker was his current favorite. “He wants your pelt?”
“I know, right? He’s so extra.” Then Danny pointed up ahead. “We’re almost there. You can see the building from here. And those two people are my friends.” Danny waved a hand in the air and two teens, one dressed all in black and the other in yellow, waved back.
Danny sped up and soon it was Tim’s turn to give introductions. “Hi! You must be Sam and Tucker. I’ve heard so much about you guys from Danny. These are my friends, Conner, Bart, and Cassie.”
Sam shook his hand. “From Gotham, right? I love the vibes there. What I wouldn’t do for a single good gargoyle in Amity.”
Tim laughed. “I think that’s the first time anyone’s ever said that to me. Most people try and say they’re sorry for me growing up there. As if Gotham isn’t my home.”
Tucker elbowed her. “That’s our resident goth for you. I’m the tech guy. I’d go just for a chance to check out Wayne Enterprises. The stuff they produce”—he held his hands to his chest—“I’d be in heaven.”
Conner grinned. “Well I’m sure Tim could pull a few strings to get you a tour, what with being Bruce Wayne’s foster kid and all.”
“Kon!” hissed Tim even as Tucker’s eyes lit up.
“Bruce Wayne is your foster dad? You must always get the newest tech. Can I see your phone? At least check out the specs? What I’ve heard of it is to die for! Wait, Danny, is that the phone you were working on? Is she as beautiful as they say?”
Danny groaned and rushed to slap a hand over Tucker’s mouth. “Licking my hand isn’t gonna work, Tuck! Quit gushing at my friend. Tim is interested in an ectobattery, so we’ll stop by your place before returning to my home to grab some for everyone. Then you can at least see the hardware. But you won’t be looking at the software. Capiche?”
Tim glared at Conner as Danny let go of Tucker’s mouth.
“Fine.” Tucker pouted even as he aquiesed.
Sam rolled her eyes. “Quit your fanboying, Tucker. It’s embarrassing.” Then she greeted everyone else. To Conner, she said, “Cool look. Are you actually punk or just taking the aesthetic?”
Conner’s eyes were wide and he looked over to Tim who just shrugged at him. “I— um, I don’t know. What does it mean to be actually punk?”
Sam grinned and opened her mouth, but before she could start talking, Tucker interrupted. “Let’s go in and order. I want my meat and you can continue this conversation inside.”
“Boys!" Sam threw her hands up in the air. "If you ate something besides meat, you’d have more stamina to keep up!”
Tim bit his lip to hold back a laugh. They really were just like Danny said.
Danny groaned. “Sam! Tuck! It’s fine. Lets go in and place our orders. Then you can lecture Conner all about counterculturalism and punk values.”
Conner looked between them all. “Wait, why am I getting a lecture?”
Tucker shook his head. “Dude, you’re the one who asked Sam about what makes someone punk. You’re not getting out of this one.”
Danny made a noise of agreement. “But don’t worry, Sam makes her lectures interesting at least. Enjoy being radicalized!”
Tim put his arm around Conner. “Let me know if you need to get out of it.”
As they made their way inside, Tucker moved so he was walking next to Cassie. “So, Cassie, right? Where are you from?” His voice was pitched low.
Wow, so Tucker really was as bad at flirting as Danny always said.
Cassie realized something was up, and her tone was wary as she answered, “Um, Gateway City. You ever been?”
Tim looked over his shoulder and raised and eyebrow at her, silently asking if she wanted him to intervene. She shook her head slightly and twitched a finger towards Bart who was on her other side.
“Hey!” called an unfamiliar voice. “Watch it, Fentina!”
Tim turned forward just in time to catch Danny who’d been shoved backwards by a boy as big as Conner.
“Really?” asked Danny. He squeezed Tim’s hand as he got his balance back. “What was that for?”
Tim took a step forward and made a show of sizing the boy up. “You must be Dash. Danny’s told me a lot about you.”
Dash sneered at him. “And who are you? Some other nerd?”
Conner stood taller at his side and he felt Cassie and Bart take up positions just behind him. Cassie was the one to snort and quip, “Nerd? What decade are you from? The eighties wants its insult back. Or was that a seventies thing?”
Tucker snickered. “Yeah, Dash. Nerds rule the world right now.”
“Well you don’t rule high school,” said Dash, crossing his arms.
An equally large Asian boy took position next to him. “Yeah, we’re in charge for now. So move it.”
Danny bristled next to him. “I wasn’t even in your way!”
Tim cleared his throat. “Dash Baxter, right? Oldest child of Zachary and Alice Baxter. Dog named Poo—” Danny slammed a hand over Tim’s mouth and he glared at his friend.
“Oh my god, Secrets! What have you done? I swear to god, if you keep going…”
Behind them, he heard Bart laugh and say, “And that’s Bingo for me!”
“Well, damn,” replied Conner. “And I was so close.” If he wasn’t so pissed off at Dash, he would’ve rolled his eyes at their antics. He was so not at risk of going evil.
Dash was staring at all of them, mouth open. “Who are you?”
So Tim spoke into the hand over his mouth as he glared back at Danny. “He deserves it.”
“Nope, don’t care.” To Dash, Danny said, “This is a friend of mine. He and his friends are visiting from out of town.”
But of course things couldn’t just be left at that. Tucker spoke up to add, “He’s Tim Drake. His foster dad is Bruce Wayne.”
Danny turned his glare on his friend. “Tucker,” he hissed.
“What?” the boy shot back. “It’s true!”
Dash snorted. “Right. I’m just supposed to believe you’re friends with a kid of the Bruce Wayne.”
“You don’t have to believe anything,” retorted Danny. “Just let us go order our food in peace. I’m just trying to have a fun evening with my friends.”
Dash glared at him again, but his eyes flicked to the rest of them, lingering especially long on Conner. “You’ll regret lying to us, losers. Come on, Kwan. I need a shower after touching the twink.”
Tim twisted out of Danny’s hand. “What the fuck did you just call him?”
But the two boys didn’t turn around as they stopped out of the restaurant and Danny gripped his bicep and Conner put a restraining arm around his shoulders.
“It’s fine, Tim,” said Danny. “You know they’re always like that.”
“Say the word, Polaris, and I’ll do it.”
But Danny just shook his head and started pulling him towards the counter. “Let’s just order our food and sit down so Sam can give Conner her lecture on what punk is.”
Tim clenched his teeth, but allowed himself to be pulled to the counter where they ordered an obscene amount of food thanks to the appetite of four metas. He insisted on using B’s card to pay for everyone.
This scene was a ton of fun to write. And Tim gets to meet Danny's bullies in person for the first time. He has several years of pent up frustration from the stories Danny shared.
Tag List Part 1
@gremlin-bot, @bonebrokebuddy, @britcision, @lady-time-lord-, @welcometosasakiworld, @akikkobara, @phoenixdemonqueen, @dolfay, @skulld3mort-1fan, @we-ezer, @markus209, @sjrose1216, @onyxlightdragon, @dragonsrequiem, @jesus-camp-the-sequel, @spidey29phangirl, @kyrianclawraith, @evilminji, @introvert-even-on-the-internet, @emergentpanda-blog, @lexdamo, @v-inari, @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit, @longlivethefallen, @undead-essence, @xye-chan, @liandrin, @seraphinedemort, @kisatamao, @schalensitzbucket, @caelestisdreamer, @runfromthemedic, @nutcase8691, @channajen, @tonicmii, @ambiguouslyominous, @vythika96, @addie-lover-of-stories, @ironicvixen, @violetfox2, @pickleking8, @mysticalcomputerdetective, @ark12, @mygood-bitch99, @squirrel-wolf, @satisfactionbroughtmeback, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @automaticsoulharmony, @d4ydr34min9, @revnantdpxdclover, @midigeria, @raginblastocyst, @feral-bunny31, @lunaria618, @ghostreblogging, @ace-aro-as-shit, @job-ross-the-second
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apocalypse-shuffle · 1 year
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“Long Overdue: Epilogue” (Dick Grayson & Batmom!Reader), (Jason Todd & Batmom!Reader) and (background Bruce Wayne x Batmom!Reader)
| Reader was with Bruce in the past but grew distant after Jason’s death. No one tells her when he comes back from the dead until Bruce is forced to bring her in on a raid when they’re overwhelmed. -Jason and Batmom!Reader reunion.
| SFW, canon typical action/violence, cursing?, mentions of grief, past death of a child
| This is like half fanon half UTRH/Batman:Hush. I’m really just fucking around with canon rn. Also the pictures used are just for aesthetics and have no contextual meaning to the story. (pic source: Gotham Knights video game)
| 2k+ words
| parts: one, spurt, two, three, four, five, six/six point five, seven. (series masterlist)
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You walk out of the weapons cache lighter than how you walked into it and head directly for your eldest.
“Dick what the hell?”
Said man, halfway through what looks like calf stretches, sits up and throws a slight frown your way.
“What? What’d I do?”
And bless him but he’s actually thinking it over. Eyes sliding to the side and lips pursing and everything. Racking his brain over what mess he forgot to get himself out of this time.
Somewhere behind you Jason starts laughing at Dick so when he passes by you flick him on the arm. The drama queen then makes a whole show of blowing you off with a half assed ‘ow’. Your eyes meet the dark depths of the cave ceiling for a second as you beg for strength before they lock on Dick once more.
From there all you have to do is purse your lips and raise a brow for him to catch on. His arms fling into the air.
“He said he’d ‘take care of it’, and I haven’t seen you since then. Fuck me for thinking he actually did it! And he only felt the need to tell me three nights ago so it’s not like you’re the only one.”
Your shoulders start to shake and you move closer until you can nudge him. His arms drop and he huffs.
“Easy, little D, I’m just teasing. Don’t beat yourself up over that man’s horrible communication skills, okay?”
“Don’t worry, I won’t be,” he says.
You do catch the nasty look he throws the cave entrance with despite what he’s said, and the easy tone he’s said it with, however.
“Actually,” Jason pipes up, helmet back on and voice once again skewed. “I’m still hung up on your shit communication skills. Nightfall? Since when has that been a thing?”
He jabs a finger in your direction while pacing around to Dick’s other side. Dick doesn’t do anything but follow the younger’s antics with his eyes.
You laugh, shrugging, and lean back on the cave wall beside the desk. You're still within spitting distance of the boys but you can’t bring yourself to travel any further.
“I’ve been in the game longer than Bruce has, but mostly under an independent contractor. It wasn’t till I came to Gotham that I changed my suit and started calling myself Nightfall; that gimmicky shit is contagious after all.”
“Immensely goddamn contagious,” Jason mutters darkly. He throws a glare Dick’s way that translates pretty perfectly even with the helmet to get him to knock off the staring, but you get the feeling the older only looks away because grilling you is a more pressing matter.
In the next moment Dick snaps his fingers, “You know what I still don’t get? How come we never found out? I mean you didn’t tell me until I was in Blud already.”
That question you can’t shrug away as easily. A grimace crosses your face and Jason makes an intrigued ‘ohh’ sound that honestly makes you want to flip him off. How are you being cajoled by your children right now?
“Well…” you kiss your teeth. “I was in love.”
The “Gross,” Jason lets out is instantaneous as he holds a hand up - it's a flawless reminder that 19 is not yet fully grown. “Pretend I didn’t ask.”
You roll your eyes. “It’s not that damn bad. It’s just that when we first got Dick Bruce thought it’d be best if he had a greater sense of normalcy out of the cape, and I agreed; one vigilante guardian was enough. Then we just kept that same dynamic when we got you,” you gesture to Jason and he tilts his head.
“I’m still not seeing how that relates to the completely unnecessary ‘in love’ comment you made earlier.”
“Jason,” you scold. “I’m getting there, goddamn.”
Dick poorly muffles a laugh and you give him a hard look before rolling your shoulders.
“Back in the day, before Bruce stopped acting like we were a unit and more like I was a casualty of war in the waiting-” you take a deep breath and cross your arms, closing your eyes against the white lights of the cave.
You can hear the way they falter, likely glancing to one another to figure out what to do before they each take a step forward.
“You don’t have to-” Dick starts.
“Forget it-” Jason’s saying at the same time, their voices overlapping, and you shake your head.
“It’s fine,” you say. You blink your eyes open; both men have stilled but they’re balancing forward like they think you’re gonna drop. You huff. “Point is, there was a time where he could’ve convinced me of anything. He used to look at me like I hung the fucking moon just to provide people free light to see, you know? So at a certain time I chose not to tell you two because I didn’t want to challenge the perception of me that you had gotten from Bruce. That’s why you didn’t know, I didn’t want you to think I was as bad as the people you were fighting every night; the people who took away your parents from you. Dick running off was what made me finally spill, but you died years before I would’ve been ready to tell you, Jay.”
Jason clears his throat, “Uh. That why you and hi- Bruce separated?”
“Not really,” you sigh, shaking your head. “It wasn’t Bruce before…it was Bruce after. After you died we didn’t just bounce back…so eventually things between us soured. I loved him but expecting someone to put up with you constantly pushing them away isn’t fair,” you shrug. “How Bruce saw me stopped mattering as much after that.”
Dick nods, lining up what you’ve said to his own memory of the aftermath and coming up with a corresponding connection.
“Yeah, you and Bruce argued for hours after you met Tim that first time…and then some more when Stephanie became Robin. Hell, even by the time I’d gotten back earthside you and Bruce were down right frosty when you were next to each other even though you were trying to hide it from us.”
“Yeah,” you grunt. “That’s all we tend to do now: stay mad.”
Staring off into the distance Dick nods and Jason catches your eye, or maybe the other way round. His gaze on you is heavy all the same.
Whatever expression he is looking at you with is impossible to place with the helmet on but he is definitely watching you. Uncannily nearly all his mentees had Bruce’s tendency to look at things, and by extension people, like they were puzzles to solve. Which came with the added bonus of the recipient of said stare being able to feel it. Feel the weight of being dissected and picked apart as if it was a physical thing.
Most buck under that level of analysis. Wholly used to the originator of that stare though you continue on as usual. If he wasn’t going to ask then you had nothing to say.
After it becomes clear you won’t be coughing anything more up Jason backs off, pushing the conversation towards lighter material until Dick and him are carrying the back and forth together. They play off of each other in stunted stops and starts, and barely concealed hostility on Jason’s part, but their awkward attempts at light hearted banter still get your mind out of the gutter you’d landed in.
Ten minutes of forced jokes and almost insults later and Jason starts giving less than subtle hints at wanting to head out. After that it doesn’t take long before he comes over, and he doesn’t reach out to you but he does softly knock your shoulders together.
“See you later, Ma,” he says for your ears alone.
“Goodbye Jason,” you respond even though you’d rather never have him leave your side again.
You watch him go and are drastically reminded that your eyes have been incessantly brimming with tears this whole time when a few slip down your face with little prompting.
A few more beads follow the path of the others after you catch sight of the truly cracked look on Alfred’s face when Jason comes up to him before there’s an arm slinging across your shoulders and Dick’s urging you into a hug.
You take it. You raised some good kids, you’ll give yourself that much. Even if there were some major fuck ups along the way.
“It’s kinda surreal, isn’t it?”
“Oh absolutely,” you croak. “I like it though.”
Dick shrugs, “Yeah. It wouldn’t really be us if things got too predictable anyway.”
He waits a beat and then, “So who’s updating Babs?”
“Let me guess,” you deadpan, “he told you two at the same time?”
“Pretty much. Which that, combined with everything that happened with Steph and The Birds, and having to break all this to Cass means her fuse is waaay shorter than usual.”
“Not it,” you proclaim.
Dick’s mouth drops open, his gaze snapping to you.
“What? That’s not fair.”
“Says who? I’m not cleaning up after Bruce anymore than I already am, and she’s your friend, Dick.”
“It’s still unfair,” he grumbles. He brushes it off quickly though. “So….I heard you and Cass ran into each other a few days ago.”
“Yeah. Last Sunday.” You side eye him. “Right after you almost started a grease fire in your new apartment.”
Dick holds his hand to his chest, tone barely upset enough to sound like true hurt. “Don’t look at me like that, I can cook.”
You nod slowly, “I know you can cook,” then shake your head in the same manner. “But you cannot fry.”
“It’s not my fault the oil fights back. I get enough shit in my nightly life. I don't need it when I’m at home on top of that.”
He smiles but the way it doesn’t reach his eyes churns your stomach.
“Maybe pan frying just isn’t for you,” you murmur but your hand goes up to touch his arm. “How’re you feeling?”
Dick shrugs. Gaze locking somewhere over your shoulder.
“As good as I can be,” you give him a sideways look and he forces a chuckle, rocking back from your touch. “Seriously I’m fine. Please don’t stress out about me. Are you okay?”
“Uh huh,” you grunt before pushing him towards the benches on the other side of the cave. “Sure. I’m fine. Now come on, let’s go sit.”
“Nope. Move before you pass out or some shit.”
“Ah,” he gasps, grinning weakly. “You said a bad word.”
“Dick,” you curb the urge to roll your eyes.
- - -
Whatever conversation Jason’s just had with Alfred doesn’t seem to have left him any more tense than he already was, which is good. You and Dick stop mid sentence to watch him walk off from your new position on the floor.
You with a foam roller and your first child dramatically cringing every time you go over the area just above the hole in his calf. Part of it you’re sure is him trying to cheer you up but the other you're certain are actual expressions of pain because he went out on a literal bullet wound even though you’d told him to stay his ass home.
“I don’t know why he’s under the impression that I can’t shoot without killing someone but he’s wrong,” Jason’s saying. He pats the occupied holster at his thigh while making his way towards the vehicle pathway. “Anyway, I’m gonna get outta here. The later I see you Bats the better.”
“Except for you, Ma! I’ll call you tomorrow!” He yells over his shoulder, running his fingers over the handle of the bike closest to him.
“You’d better,” you yell back. You’d be happy to reinstate another child that would lament the drama in their lives to you on your call list.
“Uh oh,” Dick says under his breath.
You turn to look over at him for barely a second, brows raised and mouth partially open, when the sound of a motorcycle revving answers your unasked question for you.
Looking back at the bikes shows Jason’s already peeling out of the cave with a yell of: “I’ll leave this somewhere you can find!”
You blink after him, not sure if you want to laugh or not.
“That’s not good,” Dick murmurs. When you turn to him he’s grimacing and seeing your expression he nods to the now empty spot. “That was Tim’s bike.”
“Oh.” For the first time since finding out the implications of Jason being Red Hood really hit you. Your lips purse. If he’d really been at that confrontation Tim came out of with a (mild according to him) slit throat during the Hush debacle, and been the one to infiltrate Titans Tower and lay Tim out a few weeks back you had a situation. “Oh lorde.”
“Yeah,” Dick gets up in one swift motion, hands on the roller. “We can’t have regular family problems. Nope.”
Unfortunately he’s right. A sigh falls past your lips. Either way, that was one down. You stand, addressing Dick while he’s putting the foam back.
“Excitement aside, before you head back to New York you want to come help me make dinner?” You incline your head. “Tim can come too.”
He smiles at you. You know he understands you not wanting to get too close to the teen but appreciates you including him in stuff anyway.
“Yeah, Mom, I’d love to. Just let me get my stuff and I’ll call him.”
Dick leaves and you settle in to wait just as the Batmobile comes rumbling into the Cave. You cut your eyes at the vehicle but otherwise don’t acknowledge as Bruce gets out of it, heading immediately to change.
Alfred comes up to your side a breath later. The two of you nod in greeting.
“Sorry for taking the kids from you.”
“That’s quite alright, Mistress Y/n,” His voice drops to a whisper. “Between the two of us I believe Master Timothy may resort to camping in the woods behind the estate if he’s stuck here a moment longer. I’ll gladly allow you to take them both. You go deal with yours and I’ll deal with mine.”
“Have fun,” you croon lightly. The butler gives you a wry look in response. You shrug. “Oh, and if you wouldn’t mind could you tell Bruce to meet me at the Wayne Plot?”
A nod from the old butler.
“Is there a specific time you would like for me to convey as well?”
“He’ll know,” you say simply.
Alfred gives a curt nod.
“Certainly then. Farewell, my dear.” Alfred arches a brow at Dick as he comes back with a duffle swung over his shoulder. “And do try to express upon Master Richard the necessity of wearing his winter gear this year.”
“Alfred,” the man huffs.
You laugh and flick said man in the side. “I don’t think I’ll have to. He should have learned his damned lesson with that two week cold.”
“And I really did,” he bats your hand away and then speeds off. “I'll be upstairs.”
“Bye!” You laugh after him.
This was something you could work with. Putting time into your relationships with your boys and Tim. Solid plan. You say your farewells to Alfred and then follow after your eldest. Your gripes with Bruce could wait, you had dinner to make and two boys to feed.
NOTES: I don’t know how severe the implications of a two week cold are but whatever. Hope you enjoyed!!
Thank you all for embarking on this journey with me, this is the first long form series I’ve actually finished so I’m very excited to cap it off!!
Anyway, long overdue is done but I will also write extras to this series at some other time in the future (if you’d like to be tagged in those then tell me).✌🏾
And yes I did my best not to have to write Tim or Cass yet, I can barely write Dick as is. Also let’s just assume Reader had the decency to actually inform Dick about Jason’s death and as such he wasn’t forced to dig for that information himself behind Bruce’s back.
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it. this is a sideblog tho so I won’t respond.
Tagged: @aarinisreading, @niphredil-14, @mxtokko, @calsjack, @brunnetteiwik, @trashpenguin
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nxtaliaistyping · 4 days
I also think that the Riddler would like a dumb reader that strokes his ego/praises him.
The Riddler + dumbification
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Authors note: I love the way you think anon, I’ve been in such a riddler mood lately, I think it’s cause I’m replaying Arkham knight and I love hearing him degrade me
18+ nsfw, degradation, gn reader, facefucking
Sure, he loves to be intellectually challenged and stimulated. To be distracted from the endless dimwits of the Gotham City population, and perhaps on occasion you can provide that for him.
But he can't deny, dumbing you down does have its appeal. It strokes his ego to have a pretty thing like you looking up at him with nothing behind your eyes but sheer adoration. To know that he's the center of your whole world, your whole existence.
"I would explain what I was up to today, but i'd hate to fry that empty mind of yours." he explains, condescension dripping from his tone.
He has you on your knees, while he manspreads on the sofa so you can rest your cheek on his green pant leg. A gloved hand idly strokes your cheek, and he smirks at how you gaze up at him with wide eyes.
"You happy down there?" he asks, tapping your cheek when you just nod.
"Mhm, so good. Love being down here."
"And why is that darling?" he asks, adjusting himself as he prepares for your answer.
He hums as you praise him, and he basks in your pathetic whimpers of glorification. You tell him how handsome you think he is, but it isn't enough. Gripping your jaw tightly, he speaks.
"Yes yes, my aesthetic qualities are second to none. But do you really think that's all I want to hear?"
He can see the cogs attempting to turn in your brain, and he laughs coldly at you. But you quickly start to explain,
"You're the smartest man in Gotham."
At that utterance, his smirk widens. "Oh? Please, tell me more."
But you can't keep up with his request when he has his cock down your throat, moving you up and down by your hair. Your glassy eyes just make you more lovely to him, demonstrating just how much you're debasing yourself.
"That's it, not a thought in that head is there?" he groans out, the sloppy sounds of your saliva coating him being music to his ears. "Just concentrate on doing a good job, it's not like you have any other purpose."
You choke around him, not that it makes him slow down, before he cums down your throat with a loud moan, forcing you to swallow every bit of his load.
The look on your face when you pull off...if only Edward could take a picture, how submissive and empty headed you seem. Perhaps next time.
But he gets you on his lap, drawing an orgasm out of you from his skilled fingers before he gets hard again. This time, he bends you over and slides into you effortlessly, his cock filling you up completely.
“Fuck, go dumb for me.” He demands you, fucking you roughly as he uses you. Pulling your hair, he looks at you as your head tilts back. “Look at you, mind completely gone. But that’s okay, isn’t it doll? Yeah it is…I’ll do the thinking for us both, you just keep being dumb and pliable for me.”
There’s not much you can do apart from whine loudly, clenching around him as your eyes almost cross. He squishes your cheeks together as you do, and if you could see yourself your embarrassment would be overwhelming. But you can’t, you can’t see anything apart from him. Always him.
“Take it. Take what I give you.”
Clumsily pleasuring you at the same time, he draws another orgasm out of you, making you gasp and moan relentlessly as your body twitches. But Edward isn’t done yet, so he keeps pounding away into your tight hole, completely using you.
When he cums for a second time, he grunts and buries himself to the hilt inside you. He stays like that for a while, catching his breath and swimming in the sensation of your submission and debauchery. Pulling out, he presses two fingers inside of you to keep his seed from spilling out.
“Keep it inside. It’s a gift from a superior intellect, you’d do well to be grateful.”
At you dazed nod, he grins and pats your cheek with his other hand. Rendering you stupid was always his favourite.
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gilverrwrites · 3 months
I love your sugar daddy Oz fics…would you ever consider doing sugar daddy Roman?
I’m on my knees for those mobster bastards.
AN: I don't really know what my plan for this was, I don't know what's wrong with me, I just would let this man do atrocious things to me and then say thank you, Daddy, when he's done, anyway I hope you have some padding on your knees and that you enjoy whatever this mess is lmao. F!Reader/Black Mask, ≈450 word blurb CWs: Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby dynamic, objectification, bimbo/dumbification, mild misogyny, mild gunplay, implied paypigging, swearing, brief dirty talk, name calling: bitch
18+ MDNI
Sugar Daddy Roman calls you his baby, but you're not really. What you are is his perfect little doll.
Sugar Daddy Roman keeps to preened and pampered. He's scheduled and paid up for your hair, nails, and wax, every six weeks for the rest of your life. He takes you shopping often, so he can parade you through the streets of Gotham, so he can watch you trying on every teeny tiny dress, or big shiny necklaces that takes his fancy, so he always has the perfect outfit ready for you every morning, ones that matches his tie or chains. Dressing you up like his own personal Barbie.
Sugar Daddy Roman expects you not to speak unless spoken to, especially around his business associates. You're like an accessory, a status symbol, akin to a luxury car or a gold Rolex; an object.
Just sit still and look pretty, while he has you sat on his lap, tapping his leg to build heat in your core, or when he pulls up your skirt and slips himself, nice and slow into your warm and wet hole. No underwear, that would just slow him down, you're a possession, after all, one that's made for aesthetics and ease. That's it, turn your brain off while Sugar Daddy Roman and his men focus on getting some work done, you don't need to help, don't need to think, the only things that should matter to you are doing what you're told, what your daddy tells you to do.
When you're not around, Sugar Daddy Roman texts you incessantly. He knows your rules, and the cost associated with each message, so he double, and triples each deposit to your bank, hoping he’ll get a faster response. He sends you pictures of his tip, poking out of the waistband of his trousers, of his bulge pressed up against that barrel of the same gun he likes to have you suck on when you mouth-off at him.
When you send back risque pictures of your glossy lips and low-cut dresses paid for by his money, Sugar Daddy Roman loses it, replying with videos of his gloved hand shoved deep into his boxers, jerking himself furiously. The sound of his panting and cursing fills your speakers, “Nasty fuckin’ tease, can't wait to get you home baby, daddy’s got some serious fuckin’ plans lined up for his good little bitch.”
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kindlingkeen · 20 days
I'm curious, what is your favorite (hero/anti hero/vigilant/villain/civilian/no one knows) Jason design? (Helmet, hood, that one that looks like a pill, werebeast, ninja: bucket edition, ninja: league of assassins edition, father, Robin, etc)
If there's not one that's your favorite, do you have a top 5 of our favorite Eevee?
Oooo, nice ask, anon. I love a good prompt that lets me use visual aids, A++.
This is a topic I have strong feelings on, both from an aesthetic preference standpoint and a practicality of armor and weapons perspective, so this might stray a little into hot topic territory...
To start with, I’m actually pretty partial to the original look. You know, this guy:
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Give me a smooth featureless helmet, a biker jacket, and some tactical jeggings any day. It’s classic.
That said, my favorite look is probably actually from RHatO. I think the design it’s pretty similar between the New 52 and Rebirth, but the art is better in Rebirth.
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Source: Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) Vol 1
I love the thigh holsters and the greaves. My major beef with this look is the three-quarter sleeves and the bared forearms. Like, come on, Jason is mainly a close-quarters combat fighter who favors knives. There is no power on earth that could convince me that he shouldn’t be rocking a sick pair of vambraces.
Task Force Z isn’t ... terrible. I loath the crowbars as a weapon of choice (🤮👎). But I like the streamlined, hyper-jointed, plate-armor look that realistically provides protection for melee fighting while still letting him flip around. Not really a fan of the hood look here though (are we just blatantly ripping off Iron Man now?).
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Source: Task Force Z #8
I detest, likely deeply and passionately detest, the muzzle and cropped hoodie vest get-up. And, omg, the red ribbons on his arms, don’t even get me started. Like what the fuck even is that? It’s ridiculous. My problem with this look is partially that the aesthetics and impracticality don’t appeal to me, but also that it’s so over the top it makes Jason feel like a caricature of himself.
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Source: Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War #1 (2023)
Possibly the only thing worse than the muzzle/ribbons get-up is the pill head Jason design. It’s just so godawful I’m not going to feature it here.
I’m honestly not even sure what to say about this one. The boots are fine, I guess. 🤦‍♀️
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Source: Batman 148 (2024)
When it comes to Robin, I don’t have a particular favorite. I adore cute as button Jaybin in his little collared yellow cape (although I wish the artists would give him some kneepads at least).
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Source: Robin 80th Anniversary
But I also equally like a more armored, badass Robin look for Jason.
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Source: RHatO Rebirth Vol 1 (2016)
I think that about covers it, anon. Thanks for the fun ask! 💙
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fenricken · 6 months
You Keep Slipping From My Grasp 4/7
Ship: Spirit Halloween
The rain fell heavily, washing the blood on the ground away as he stepped toward the woman. She was hunched over, sobbing, clutching her dead son to her chest. She glanced up at him as he approached, mouthing silent prayers.
“What happened here?” he asked, carefully ignoring the dead bodies around.
“They came… for a box my family has guarded for a long time. They killed my husband and my son, and they’ve taken my Catherine… They’ll torture her to make her speak its secrets. Please! Please, help her!”
She reached out a hand to him, imploringly. He crouched down to take it.
“I will.”
Danny stood before Clockwork, adjusting his new cowboy hat. Maddie and Jack stood behind Clockwork tinkering on the Fenton Omega Siphoner, and arguing over the aesthetics of the machine.
“I have already sent Dani out to help the Justice League locate Batman’s cape. Hopefully we should receive word on her success soon.” Clockwork began, “In the meantime, we do still need someone to make sure Batman doesn’t rush forward too quickly, lest he build up too much energy before we can stop him. Are you ready?”
“Always ready for bat-sitting duty. I’d hope he’s doing something  a bit calmer this time, but I suppose there’s no chance of that happening.” Danny responded, pointing to his hat.
Clockwork just gave his usual cryptic smile before opening a portal for Danny to step through.
“Roooooobin. Rooooooooobin.”
Tim whirled around, searching for the source of the noise.
“Oooh, new fit?” Poltergeist asked, stepping out of the shadows. “Ugly cowl, but I like the rest of it.”
Tim lowered his bo staff at her, readying himself for whatever chaotic ‘game’ she tried to rope him into this time.
“Your city’s on fire. You bats trying out some new defense mechanism or something? Like, you think no rogue would want to take over Gotham if it’s a pile of rubble and ash?” She turned in a circle, surveying the chaos Gotham was under.
“What do you want, Poltergeist?”
“Well, so like, Batman’s stuck in time, right? And-”
“How do you know that?!” Red Robin cut in. He had been struggling to convince everyone that Batman was still alive ever since he found those paintings on the walls of the Batcave. Suddenly, here was Poltergeist who seemed to know something about it, but he couldn’t trust her. She was unpredictable, and running into her could mean leaving with anything as benign yet uncomfortable as soaked socks or as irritating and hindering as being cursed to only speak dead languages for the next 3 days.
And things only got worse if she was tagging along with Klarion. Fortunately, he wasn’t in sight, so it's unlikely he was here with her.
“What do you want?”
She smiled slightly at him. “Oh! I want to get Batman back where he belongs before he dies or explodes everything.”
Explodes everything?
“I mean, Gotham’s got a grumpy quota and since you’re his mini-me I figured you’d start trying to take it on and that’d be so boring.” She raised her pointer fingers to the side of her head, imitating Batman’s cowl and adopted a nasally voice. “I don’t have time to play, Poltergeist. Gotham needs me. I have to go stalk Penguin, and then I need to go brood on my favorite gargoyle.”
“So you want to help me find Batman so that I will… be able to play with you?”
“Well, that, but also if he makes his way to the present day on his own, he’ll have built up enough of something called Omega Energy to make all of reality go ka-blooey, and I actually really like this universe. Top 10, easily.”
Tim held up his hand to stop the oncoming ramble while he compartmentalized.
First, Poltergeist knew Bruce was lost in the time stream and seemed to want to help.
Second, Bruce was making his way back to the present, and by doing so was becoming a living bomb
Third, Poltergeist is a multiversal being???
That last one can probably be ignored for now.
“If I were to let you help me find Batman, where do you suggest we start? I’ve been tracking down artifacts I think he’s left behind  to try and convince the Justice League to help us-”
“Psh. Justice League Shmustice League. My dad and my Nana and Pops are already working on it. We just need to find the cape he was sent back in time with for them. Besides, I can probably convince Wonder Woman to help us get the Justice Dorks to help out once we get the cape if we really need to.”
“My grandparents are building a thingy-thing to suck all the Omega Energy out of Batman so he’s not a bomb. My dad’s hanging out with him to keep him from dying or something, and we’re supposed to find his cape so we can safely yoink him out of the time stream.”
“I didn’t know you had parents??? What do they do while you’re here breaking things???”
Poltergeist shrugged “King things I guess. And I only have a dad.”
“King things???”
She rolled her eyes, “Anyway, Dad said he last saw Batman’s cape in the Batcave.”
“You didn’t answer my question, and I’m not taking you to the Batcave.”
Poltergeist landed on her feet, and stared at him with wide eyes. He stared back, caught in her gaze for what felt like an eternity, as he felt invisible fingers trickle up his spine. Whispers started low in his ears, building to a crescendo. It was getting too much to bear, until he broke eye contact and looked away. All of a sudden, it stopped. Tim heaved a big sigh.
“I’m… kinda fighting with the current Batman, so we’ll have to sneak in.”
She punched both arms into the air, “YES!”
Tim turned, flicking his cape and walking off, not waiting to see if she’d follow.
“Poltergeist, when this is over you are going to be answering my questions.”
He heard her blow a raspberry at his back, but kept walking.
He followed their trail easily enough, the rain trailing after him. As he reached his destination, men came out to fight him, readying pistols, but he made short work of them easily enough.
With his memory having returned in bits and pieces, it had been easy to fashion metal into bat shapes aerodynamic enough to hit true when thrown, and it was these he’d used to disarm the men.
These memories were useful. The ones of children with blurry faces less so, haunting him as they stayed just out of his complete grasp. A constant reminder of how lost and alone he was.
He steadily made his way to the headquarters, where he figured they were keeping Catherine. He whirled around, sensing someone approaching from behind. It was the man with white hair, again.
“Seems you’ve got this well enough in hand, but I hope you don’t mind if I’d tag along all the same.”
The white haired man smiled slightly. “Will you not believe that I just want to help you?”
He stared, unblinking and quiet. Memories from before had proven this a good method to get more information.
His target stared back, also quiet and unblinking. It wasn’t long before he started shifting, and not much longer before he finally spoke again. Under his breath, almost too quiet to hear, he muttered “Just like Dani, I swear…”
Louder, the man said, “I’ve not known you to be the kind of man to ever be on the wrong side of a cause. Whatever you’re up to, I just want to help.”
He squinted at the man, trying to find any evidence of a lie, but the man just appeared open and honest.
“No guns,” he says, before turning back around and leading the white haired man on towards the headquarters.
As they got closer, they noticed two men standing guard. He deployed smoke bombs to cover their approach, sneaking closer with his companion close behind. They were spotted, but the smoke did its work, scaring the two guards and allowing him and his companion to disappear from view again.
“How you gonna tell me there’s no such things as ghosts now???” One of them whimpered, apparently to his white-haired friend’s delight, as he broke out in giggles.
As the smoke continued to grow, he and his friend snuck around the two, tricking them into fighting each other.
He broke through into the offices in the back. They were unfortunately empty.
“Already gone!” He said, slamming a hand on the desk. His companion stood at the window.
“Not long though, look!”
When he spotted their carriage speeding away through the window, he knew he had to act quickly. He launched himself out of the window, and onto the tarp covering the wagon.
An explosion sounded behind him, but he focused on the task ahead of him. His friend always seemed to find his way back, so he’d have to trust he’d do it again.
The ensuing fight was nothing pretty, little more than mad scrambling as he fought to hold his balance, dodge bullets, and wrestle the men actually in the cart so he could get away with the Catherine and her family’s box.
Looking ahead, he saw they were quickly approaching the dock, and a man who was walking down it. Thinking quickly, he swung his body-weight around, tipping the wagon over and sending everyone sprawling. 
The man who had been at the dock had acted quickly, grabbing the young woman and holding her protectively behind him. He stood up, adding to the obstacles that stood protecting Catherine from her kidnappers. Only 3 men remained. From the snippets he heard as two of them fought, he figures the two fighting must’ve been the masterminds behind the plot and the third still in the distance was a gun-for-hire. Taking out his weapons of choice, he quickly dispatched the two men.
Catherine tugged on his cloak. He turned to face her, seeing that she had opened up the box, and was showing him what was inside.
It was Jack Valor’s journal.
He wanted to reach out–to see what Jack had added since they parted, but the gun-for-hire had caught up to them by then.
“My employers may have been dealt with, but I still have a reputation to uphold. Draw.”
He stood up straight, reaching for more of his weapon of choice. Over the shoulder of the gun-for-hire, he saw another man approaching quickly, white-haired. His friend.
A loud bang echoed, and he felt pain in his side. He stumbled, too close to the edge of the dock, and as he fell over he heard one last cry of ‘BAT–’.
And everything went dark.
Shit. Shit. SHIT.
As if Batman stumbling towards the present through who-knows-when wasn’t bad enough, now he’s SHOT???
Danny quickly ripped a portal back to Clockwork’s lair.
“Please tell me you’ve almost got the machine ready.” Danny said after confirming his parents were in the room.
“Almost! Just one problem, sweetie…” His mom said, looking over at her husband so he’d finish.
“Batman needs to die. Or at least be very close to death!” Jack said, ending with a laugh.
“Basically, we can get this machine to suck out the Omega Energy, but it’s tightly bonded with Batman’s life energy, so it’s extremely risky unless we can find a way to diminish his life energy.”
Danny groaned, putting his face in his hands. “It’s just one thing after another! He’s just been shot. Would that bring him close enough?”
His dad tilted his head back and forth, considering. “Likely not, unless he was in a pretty bad way. In any case, we asked Sam and Tucker to take a look into it!”
“We’ve already found something, actually.” Sam said, having entered the room. Tucker followed behind her.
“There’s an herb that I was able to locate, which should slow his heart down to extreme levels, to the point his heartbeat would be pretty undetectable. Only problem is that his heart would have to be jump-started afterward by a great shock.”
“Clockwork let me take a closer look at his monitors into Batman’s original time and place, and I was able to determine that they have defibrillator technology that can administer an electrical shock needed to get his heart pumping again, as well as adrenaline injections in case we’d need the extra boost.” Tucker continued.
Maddie clapped her hands together. “Excellent! If we can get the Justice League to set up the anchor point on the Watchtower, we can pull Batman to that point and perform everything there! It’d probably work best to do it in his original time as well, to avoid any potential effects that could crop up from being in the wrong time when we remove the Omega Energy and try to stabilize his system.”
“Great, some good news.” Danny said, tension leaving his body. He turned to Clockwork, who had been quiet thus far. “How’s Dani’s work coming along? Will we be ready to proceed soon?”
“Dani and Red Robin have recovered Batman’s cape, and have moved it to the Watchtower. I believe Dani was able to recruit Wonder Woman’s help into getting the rest of the Justice League in line to receive Batman.”
“Red Robin! Did you seriously bring Poltergeist into the cave??? What were you thinking?”
Before Tim could reply, Poltergeist raised a hand to point at Dick-as-Batman.
“AAH! It’s the cops! Run!”
Poltergeist placed her hand on Tim’s shoulder, pulling him and the cape through the ceiling of the batcave and up in the open air of Gotham. As Tim caught sight of Wayne Manor his head whipped towards Poltergeist, hoping she wouldn’t make any connections.
She was staring at him, lips pressed together, looking a bit like a frog.
He was quiet, waiting for her to say something.
She blew a breath of air out, letting her lips buzz.
“Listen, you keep my secret, and I won’t tell anyone Batman’s secret id is some rich fruitloop.”
“...What secret?”
She pivoted them somewhere Southeast.
“That sometimes I can be responsible. Let’s go see Wonder Woman.”
It's definitely been longer than I had planned since the last update, rip.
Not going to lie, this is like my second ever fic and I definitely thought it'd be a bit easier to get back into the habit of writing. Thought I was making it easier on my self by strongly sticking to the plot of an existing story, but I think that's been an obstacle in and of itself.
Always a little worried that the language is a bit stuffy or things aren't being clear.
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zahri-melitor · 4 months
Spoilery thoughts on Batman #148:
This story was pretty clearly drafted to be a 5 or 6 issue story, probably originally resolving in #150 as bringing the family together is a nice round number issue sort of event. My best guess is that the Nakano and Vandal Savage plot and some more of the back ups around the captured villains got cut to the bone to speed things up after Zdarsky was told #150 was needed for Absolute Power (and #149 is apparently doing the epilogue to set up for whatever goes on in Absolute Power). There’s a couple of really clear “and we just skipped 3-4 pages” sort of moments in the shape of the script for this issue (and in hindsight in #147) that if it had been allowed even an extra issue the story would have more space to breathe.
And despite that revised pagecount, Zdarsky still manages to deliver the moments he wanted to bring for Dick, Babs, Jason, Tim and Damian, so I’m impressed by that. Cass unfortunately did get relegated, but if I’m being objective about this, DC’s still waffling over whether Current Cass is adopted or not, and Zdarsky was already juggling a big list of characters (plus part of the point of having a big cast is that you don’t HAVE to focus on all the cast).
I did like how much space Zdarsky still found for the Damian-Tim-ZEA Robin plot. That did NOT resolve the way I predicted from the costume’s first hints in the background (I was totally on team ‘Tim puts on the costume sacrificially to try to get through to ZEA Bruce thinking he can handle this, and gets brainwashed’), but it was satisfying in terms of acknowledging Tim and Damian’s relationship (it was giving me Gates of Gotham vibes, which are the best Tim and Damian working together vibes), there was more discussion of the different elements both bring to the role of Robin and what’s good and bad about each, and how ZEA Robin doesn’t understand what makes you Robin. It was a pretty balanced fight scene. Tim gives Damian an assist, Damian gives Tim an assist, Tim’s a bit too overconfident and pays for it, Damian was a bit petulant about having to sit part of it out (though being tied up is like, PURE Robin aesthetic).
As far as the costumes go for the Robins Fight scene: honestly, switching Tim into a darker costume that was black and green with red accents complemented Damian’s black and grey with red accents aesthetic well, and contrasted with the ZEA costume being so bright red and yellow (which is playing off the original red, yellow and purple ZEA suit). Jimenez also gave everyone a different mask shape, which also helped distinguish everyone when you have three ‘Robins’ appearing in the same fight. All the Bat redesigns at the moment are leaning into darker palettes, and I appreciated the choice to go back to green as Tim’s ‘colour’, rather than red, given: his pre-2006 history used to use green quite often as his distinguishing colour; he can share it with Babs (team green for the computer nerds!); it’s not a colour they’ve particularly focused on for Damian for ages; and it gets him out from under having to share colour palette with Jason, given Jason can’t keep a costume consistent for a year.
It’s fine. It’s not my favourite Robin design I’ve ever seen, it’s not the worst Robin design I’ve ever seen (even on Tim), and it made the fight a lot clearer to follow.
I really liked that Barbara’s contribution was Oracle based and it made her inclusion make sense. I cackled at Dick getting to punch Daniel Captio (I was having serious echoes of the Cave argument in Bruce Wayne: Murderer/Fugitive, and from Tim’s delighted face for that punch I think Tim was too).
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In terms of Jason, having him volunteer to take on the Lazarus-linked part of the plot and tell Bruce “let us have control of our own decisions” IS the resolution and apology for the mind alteration plot (which I am still pretty sure was a Rosenberg driven decision, not a Zdarsky one, in Gotham War), and look. That’s the sort of resolution you get a lot for comics plots. They’re cool. It was never going to end up as a big song and dance.
I like that the resolution pulled everything back to Failsafe. Good way to round off 2 years on the title. Nice extended story arc, with shout outs all the way back to #125.
I did have to laugh at Nakano calling Cass, Steph and Duke ‘child soldiers’ though. Those are all actual adults, sir! Even Duke’s supposed to be 18+ now.
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superiorgoobus · 2 years
Batfam as shit my friends say/do
Tim: if I was running on ice, I'd wear grippy socks
Jason: yeah it would make sense that you have grippy socks
Tim: .... fuck you
Jason: *trying to send a text* goddamn I can't type shit, my fingers are so cold
Steph: sounds like a you problem bud
Jason: it's gonna be a you problem when I throw your ass in a snowbank
Dick: haha that looks like a dildo
Duke: must you say that about every cylindrical rubber object you see?
Dick: yes.
Steph: hey, did I mention I hate that guy?
Cass: only fifteen times today.
Tim, sleep deprived: it would appear as though I have holes in my pants.
Damian: tt. those are ripped jeans. You bought them that way.
Dick: that guys phone is really long... and thin... just like a penis...
Duke: I am going to end you.
Harper: *at a Gotham knights game* IM BLIND! IM DEAF! I WANNA BE A REF!
Jason: I still can't fucking type...
Steph: you know what that is?
Jason: if you say-
Steph: that's a you problem bud
Jason: every time you say that it makes me more and more pissed off.
Steph: if it makes you feel better, I once said that to a guy who said if I broke up with him he's kill himself. I also told him I didn't give a shit if he died.
Jason: that is hilarious.
Bruce: dear god I don't want to go outside.
Clark: we're at a hockey game. You had to go outside to get here.
Bruce: well I don't want to do it again.
Steph: I can't believe it's -25 out, and some people showed up to class wearing just sweatshirt and jeans. This is Gotham University, no one thinks you're cool, just a dumbass.
Tim: *starts an argument with Kon over yikyak despite the fact they're sitting on the same couch*
Steph: so then my girlfriend at the time said-
Tim: you know, I probably wouldn't have hooked up with you if I knew you were a lesbian.
Steph: ... I'm not a lesbian. I'm bisexual.
Tim: oh.
Damian: where is my knife... I can't find my knife...
Dick: you know scissors would be way more affective for what you're trying to do, right?
Damian: yes but for aesthetic purposes I want to use a knife.
Tim: *mixing an alcoholic drink with blue in it*
Bernard: damn, Tim trynna kill with windex over here
Dick: I can't believe no one told me there was a new season of Letterkenny out!!!
Jason: hey guess what?
Dick: what
Jason: there's a new season of letterkenny out
Dick: fuck you
Steph: hey, zip tie my hands so I can try to get out.
Cass: no, why would I-
Harper: oh fuck yeah
Steph: *cuts her hand trying to escape the zip ties* oh, dude, look! Now I look cool!
Cass: *is wearing a sport bra while exercising*
Steph: Cass!!! Stop being naked every time I see you!!
Cass: ???
Tim: *sends Bernard a Snapchat using the peach emoji filter*
Bernard: oh my god... the booty emoji...
Kate: *has a sign on her office wall that says "all things are possible through sarcasm and profanity." *
Tim: *snaps Steph a picture of a drink with an ingredient he's allergic to in it* the urge to drink this to see if it kills me it outrageous
Jason: would you like a cake pop?
Damian: a cake... a what?
Jason: a cake pop?
Damian: what on earth is a cake pop?
Jason: DICK NEVER BOUGHT YOU A CAKEPOP? We are resolving this problem today. Get in the Batmobile, we're going to Starbucks and buying you a dozen cake pops.
Damian: you still haven't told me what a cake pop is.
Jason: imagine a lollipop, but cake. And spherical.
Damian: spherical cake?
Jason: yes, spherical cake.
Damian: ... how...
Jason: get your ass in the car and I'll show you how.
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devine-fem · 5 months
Damian lovers (and by extension of this ask,damijon lovers) don't explore the fact that Damian was extremely cultured for the majority of his life before coming to live with Bruce. Like that 10 yr old is experiencing culture shock!! Ofc he's gonna act out and disobey authority figures he doesn't even know
Yes he had rules and obligations as an Al ghul,but he traveled and saw so much of the world that most,if none of the robins never got a chance to see at their ages... Then he's expected to be by his Father's side in order to learn and grow.. NOT TO SAY HE HASN'T!!! but to be stuck in such a gloomy place like Gotham when he grew up in such a beautiful island surrounded by the very flora and flauna that the Al Ghuls strive to protect...
The damijon part is where Damian shows Jon how other parts other than the Western world work,showing him all the wonderful cultures and history he's seen throughout his life before him,before his father. How integral this is to his identity as an Al Ghul and now he wants his closest person to be able to experience it with him... Jon showed him how to adapt to western culture when they were kids and now Damian shows him what the world has always looked like to him,how hard it was to let go of his cultured past when coming to America
I don’t talk about the culture shock because I admit to not knowing a whole lot of how culture shock works to be honest. Like I know if I took me as I am now and dropped me into China I’d be extremely confused and lost as to how things functioned around me but to survive I’d have to pick up on it and Damian’s a smart kid I think it wouldn’t be too bad for him…?
I think Damian functions entirely differently from a normal person no matter where he is, lol, like what Damian al ghul has experienced and isn’t common for any child… ever… so is it culture shock as much as it is… constantly perpetual states of shock?
His whole character is him relearning everything. Or maybe, I am misinterpreting it? Is culture shock a bad thing? or is it just an interesting concept?
Is it a trauma?
I’ll take it as an interesting concept for now and just discuss the damijon part of it because that’s what I’m good at.
Do you realize that Jon has grown up on a farm his whole childhood? LOL. Do you realize that Jon Kent would be fascinated by an ice dispenser??
Could you imagine the awe and ooing he’d do going to Nanda Parbat? The Himalay? He’d be so out of it LMAO. Oh, that would make for such a cute interaction of Damian showing him around his culture and him knowing nothing, it’d also be so damn romantic.
Even then the aesthetic would be gorgeous, that’s why I love Damian Al ghul, imagine Damian Al Ghul taking his superman to his beautiful private chambers to indulge in romantics for a while? just so cute.
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yournewlodger · 4 days
I think the self-built criminal empire "drag yourself up by the bootstraps" ification of Oswald Cobblepot is indicative of a larger problem with Batman that refuses to address that hey, maybe billionaire politicians who hoard all the wealth with a refusal to relate to or in any way help the less fortunate, are bad maybe. Like of course the Penguin is a self-made criminal immigrant mob boss, because these days you can only be a Batman villain if you are 1.) Mentally Ill or 2.) An Immigrant. And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with characters being immigrants. Before you say "how dare you piss on the poor" please understand I'm talking about intent when you see these characters always presented as villains.
And I'm all for reimagining characters for the modern lens, and I fully understand the inherent problematic nature of a character like The Penguin, and maybe I will be Bobo the Fool when The Penguin (the show) comes out, but I think reframing the Penguin as something out of The Godfather severely misses the point. Not only because never more have I wanted superhero media to critique billionaire criminal politicians running for public office (historically, the Penguin's whole bit), but because we don't need the Penguin to be something out of The Godfather. We have someone for that already. And clearly they know that. Because his name is Carmine Falcone.
I think that this notion that the only crime in Gotham City has to be drugs, prostitution, human trafficking, and domestic terrorism severely misunderstands the inherent whimsical nature of superheroes, and historically the Penguin. I mean we are circlejerking into infinity a self-hatred in superhero media. His name isn't even Oswald Cobblepot anymore. When's the last time the Penguin had an umbrella?
And here's the thing. I like Gotham (2014 - 2019). I do. But that universe at least understood that the Penguin is aesthetically ridiculous. Try as they may to present him as a threat, but he will always be a guy who calls himself Penguin.
I do think this problem started with Batman Returns. I'm not here explicitly to critique that version of the Penguin, but I do think it's where we began to lose the plot. Because once again the Penguin is presented as an underdog, a minority, an outcast. And again I ask you to think about intent when the Penguin is a villain and Batman is not. But that movie had Max Shreck to balance it out. What do we have now?
They are so, so allergic to presenting the rich as villains, because they'd be calling themselves out. Because calling the Penguin what he is, a cartoonish portrayal of a wealthy Gilded Age capitalist who preys on the less fortunate to further and further elevate his own wealth, doesn't align with their messaging, which is "billionaires are so awesome, and more importantly, infallible." The Penguin is meant to be an antithesis to Bruce Wayne, who is also generationally wealthy, but most importantly a philanthropist. Bruce Wayne is supposed to be someone who dedicates all he has to making Gotham City a better place, which also includes helping reform Gotham’s villains. But these days we see a man who more and more seems less like a hero, and more like a Penguin. Because if Bruce Wayne cared about Gotham City, really cared, beating every one of his villains to a pulp, just shy of his "no kill" quota, would be less of his focus. I mean how does a man with near unlimited resources allow institutions like Arkham Asylum to exist, let alone send his bad guys there?
And yeah, I know. The answer is the Batman mythos has turned it into The Good Place. His world is too complicated to do any real good. And yes, I know, it mirrors our world too. But why is it that the people who are pointing out that corruption, these We Live In A Society types, the villains? Why are they always the one presented as "insane" for pointing out what's right in front of them? And when's the last time Bruce Wayne did charity work, anyway? Tell me, who are we supposed to be rooting for in the end?
Anyway, the summary is this: The Penguin isn't a Capitalist anymore. The Penguin isn't even a Cobblepot anymore. Who is he? Because he isn't the Fine Feathered Fink I know. And we all know why. And personally, I'm sick of it.
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